名取 晃子
名誉教授・その他関係者 | 名誉教授 |
- The anisotropy of ac conductivity and dielectric constant of anisotropic conductor-insulator composites
Yuichi Hazama; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, SPRINGER, 45巻, 11号, 掲載ページ 2843-2851, 出版日 2010年06月, 査読付, We study the complex ac admittance tensor (ac conductivity and dielectric constant) of anisotropic conductor-insulator composite materials, based on anisotropic two-dimensional RC-networks consisting of randomly placed conductors and capacitors with different conductor existence (bond occupation) probabilities in two directions. We calculate numerically each component of the complex ac admittance tensor by applying a transfer matrix method and reveal the effect of the anisotropy of the bond occupation probability on the frequency characteristics of the ac admittance tensor. It is found that the dual relation holds for each diagonal component of the complex admittance tensor of the anisotropic two-dimensional RC-network. For the effective conductance in the metallic region, the anisotropy depends not only on the anisotropy of the bond occupation probability, but also on the frequency omega. We derive the analytical relation between the anisotropy of the conductance and the anisotropy of the bond occupation probability, at both the dc limit and omega RC = 1. The calculated results on the ac admittance are compared with the effective medium theory and how the accuracy of the theory is related with the microscopic current path is clarified.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Control mechanism of friction by dynamic actuation of nanometer-sized contacts
Hiroyuki Iizuka; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 80巻, 15号, 掲載ページ 155449-1-8, 出版日 2009年10月, 査読付, We studied both the mechanism and the condition of dynamic superlubricity actuated in a dynamic way for the atomic contact of a friction force microscope, using dynamical simulation of the Tomlinson model. The superlubricity was achieved by ac modulation of the normal force acting between two contacting bodies at well-defined frequencies corresponding to normal resonances of the combined system [A. Socoliuc et al., Science 313, 207 (2006)]. The time-averaged friction force depends crucially on the modulation amplitude and the superlubricity occurs above the critical amplitude. The effect on the superlubricity of the corrugation amplitude of surface potential, sliding velocity, a damping coefficient, and temperature are clarified. The superlubricity at zero temperature can be induced by transit of the tip via the "turning point," the top position of the surface potential without elastic deformation, and it is allowed at low-sliding velocities in the under-damped case. The superlubricity at a room temperature can be actuated efficiently with a much smaller critical amplitude than that at zero temperature and it can be achieved at sufficiently low-sliding velocities in both the underdamped and the overdamped cases, assisted by thermally activated hopping of the tip.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Ballistic thermal conductance of electrons in graphene ribbons
Eiji Watanabe; Sho Yamaguchi; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 80巻, 8号, 掲載ページ 085404-1-6, 出版日 2009年08月, 査読付, We investigate the ballistic thermal conductance of electrons in gated graphene ribbons with width above 20 nm and clarify both the temperature and the Fermi-level dependences. In the intrinsic graphene ribbons, the normalized thermal conductance by the quantum conductance, kappa(0), increases monotonically with temperature. In the gated graphene ribbons, the normalized thermal conductance increases steplikely as the Fermi level increases but it has nonmonotonic temperature dependence when the Fermi level is a little larger than the bottom of the subband. The value of the step height changes from 4 kappa(0) to 2 kappa(0) with increasing temperature. The ballistic electron thermal conductance per unit width of graphene ribbons is smaller than those of corresponding single-walled nanotubes and a graphene sheet and it approaches at 100 K that of a graphene sheet above the ribbon width of about 80 and 50 nm for zigzag ribbons and armchair ribbons, respectively.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Anisotropic half-metallic ground state of Mn atomic wire on GaAs(110)
Motoi Hirayama; Akiko Natori; Jun Nakamura
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, 27巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 2062-2065, 出版日 2009年07月, 査読付, The authors have investigated magnetic properties of Ga-substituted Mn atomic wires on the GaAs(110) surface, using first-principles calculations based on the spin-density functional theory. The Mn atomic wires are assumed to align in the << 110 >>- and << 001 >>-directions. The << 110 >>-oriented wire is more stable than the << 001 >>-oriented one and has the ferromagnetic ground state with the magnetic moment of 4.0 mu(B) per Mn atom. The band structure has a large dispersion along the wire and exhibits a half-metallic state. The ferromagnetic character of the Mn wire results from the double exchange interaction through the p-d hybridization between the Mn-3d and the GaAs surface states.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - In-plane strain effects on dielectric properties of the HfO2 thin film
Sadakazu Wakui; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, 27巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 2020-2023, 出版日 2009年07月, 査読付, We have studied the dielectric properties of the cubic HfO2 thin film using first-principles ground-state calculations in external electric fields. We have evaluated the optical and the static dielectric constants for the cubic (c-) and the strained c-HfO2(001) films. The hydrogen termination of the surface suppresses the dielectric constant near the surface. The spatial variation of the local dielectric constant inside the film is very small. The static dielectric constant becomes larger with increasing lateral lattice constant and smaller if the constraint of the cubic symmetry is relaxed and two oxygen atoms in a unit cell becomes unequivalent. These results indicate that the change in dielectric constant can be attributed to the increase of the tetragonality in the film.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Structural and electronic properties of the planar C-skeleton polymers
Jun Nakamura; Nariaki Arimura; Motoi Hirayama; Akiko Natori
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 94巻, 22号, 掲載ページ 223107-1-3, 出版日 2009年06月, 査読付, Atomic arrangements and electronic properties of two-dimensional C-based compounds having the diamondlike skeletons terminated with hydrogen atoms and/or hydroxyl groups, named graphane (poly-C2H2) and planar polymethanol (poly-C2OH2), have been investigated using first-principles calculations within the density functional theory. These planar polymers have direct gaps of 3.32 eV (only with hydrogen terminators) and 1.88 eV (with hydrogen and OH terminators), while crystalline diamond has an indirect band gap. The optical dipole transition between band edges, especially for the planar polymethanol, can be allowed.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Band-bending effects on scanning tunneling microscope images of subsurface dopants: First-principles calculations
Motoi Hirayama; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 105巻, 8号, 掲載ページ -, 出版日 2009年04月, Tip-induced band-bending (TIBB) effects on scanning tunneling microscope (STM) images have been investigated. The TIBB has an extremal value where the surface space charge layer turns from the inversion region to the depletion one with increasing dopant concentration at a fixed sample bias. Unignorable TIBB remains even for the usual degenerate semiconductor with a dopant concentration such as 10(18) cm(-3) for Si. The STM images for H-terminated Si(111) surfaces with dopants substituted at the subsurface have been simulated using first-principles calculations within the density functional theory. The subsurface dopants on the STM images become distinguishable more obviously in consideration of the TIBB effect, specifically for acceptors in the occupied state images and for donors in the empty state. As a result, the TIBB effect improves agreement between the experimental and the theoretical sample biases at which the dopant's feature can be observed clearly.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Negative donors in bulk Si and Si/SiO2 quantum wells in a magnetic field
Jun-ichi Inoue; Tomo Chiba; Akiko Natori; Jun Nakamura
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 79巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 035206-1-8, 出版日 2009年01月, 査読付, The spin-singlet ground states of a D- ion in bulk Si and Si/SiO2 quantum wells have been investigated in the presence of a magnetic field, using a diffusion quantum Monte Carlo method. By neglecting the central-cell correction, the negative donor state can be assigned by the valley indexes of two trapped electrons. In the bulk Si, the ground-state energies of negative donors of both the intervalley and intravalley configurations split into two levels in a magnetic field along the z axis and the lowest-energy state becomes the intervalley configuration of the two electrons in the valleys with their longitudinal axes perpendicular to the magnetic field. The magnetic field increases the binding energy of a negative donor and the strongest enhancement is attained for the intravalley configuration of the two electrons in the valley with the longitudinal axis parallel to the magnetic field. In the quantum well with the interface within the x-y plane, the quantum confinement effect changes the lowest-energy state of a negative donor from the intervalley configuration in the bulk to the intravalley configuration for which the binding energy is increased most strongly by the magnetic field perpendicular to the well interface. The central-cell correction on the binding energy of a D- ion in a quantum well is also discussed.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Size effects in friction of multiatomic sliding contacts
Masanori Igarashi; Akiko Natori; Jun Nakamura
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 78巻, 16号, 掲載ページ 165427-1-10, 出版日 2008年10月, 査読付, We studied the multiatomic contact effect of a friction force microscope at a finite temperature using the dynamical simulation of the Frenkel-Kontrova-Tomlinson model with a finite contact size. The friction force depends crucially on both the lattice mismatch between the tip of a friction force microscope and the sample surface and the strength of the lateral coupling between atoms in the tips. In the case of strong coupling, the friction force depends strongly on both the lattice mismatch and the tip size: there exists a magic size at which the friction force is reduced dramatically due to suppression of the effective corrugation of the surface potential to drag the tip. In the case of weak coupling, a decrease of the friction force with increasing temperature is enhanced as the tip size increases, irrespective of the lattice mismatch. This is caused by the enhanced thermal fluctuation for the multiatomic contact. The correlation among atoms in the multiatomic contact is also discussed.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Atomic scale dielectric constant near the SiO2/Si(001) interface
Sadakazu Wakui; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, 26巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 1579-1584, 出版日 2008年07月, 査読付, The authors evaluated the local dielectric constant for the ultrathin beta-quartz (0001) films and the ideal quartz/Si(001) interface and studied the effect of oxygen vacancy on the local dielectric constant, using first-principles calculations in external electric fields. The optical dielectric constant in the SiO2 film is increased slightly around the oxygen vacancy, while the static dielectric constant is increased remarkably. These enhancements are caused by introduction of Si+3 state by the oxygen vacancy. For the ideal quartz/Si(001) interface, both the optical and the static dielectric constants change abruptly from each bulk value to another one. The oxygen vacancy located just at the interface layer changes the interface Si+2 state into Si+1 state and increases both the optical and the static dielectric constant in the adjacent Si region. (C) 2008 American Vacuum Society.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Semiconducting nature of the oxygen-adsorbed graphene sheet
Jun Ito; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 103巻, 11号, 掲載ページ 113712, 1-5, 出版日 2008年06月, Structural and electronic properties for oxygen-adsorbed graphene sheets have been explored using first-principles total-energy calculations within the local density functional theory. A finite energy gap emerges for the oxygen-adsorbed graphene and its value increases with the ratio of O/C, as manifested by experiments. Further, adsorption energy and migration barrier for oxygen atoms on the graphene sheet have been investigated. The results show that isolated oxygen atoms are highly mobile and incline to condense on the graphene sheet. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Nagative donors in multivalley semiconductors
J. Inoue; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
Phys. Rev. B, 77巻, 掲載ページ 125213-1 - 125213-5, 出版日 2008年
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Structural bistability of the oxygen-adsorbed graphene sheet
J. Nakamura; J. Ito; A. Natori
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH INTERNATIONAL VACUUM CONGRESS/13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SURFACE SCIENCE/INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 100巻, 掲載ページ 052019-052022, 出版日 2008年, 査読付, Structural and electronic properties for oxygen-adsorbed graphene sheets have been explored using first-principles total-energy calculations within the local spin density functional theory. It has been found that the structural bistability appears with regard to the oxygen adsorption. This bistability corresponds to the formation of epoxy group or ether group, where the ether group phase is more stable than the epoxy group one. Further, the relative stability for the one-side adsorption model to the both-sides one is explored; oxygen atoms prefer to adsorb on both sides of the graphene sheet, while the one-side adsorption structure becomes metastable.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Ballistic thermal conductance of a graphene sheet
Koichi Saito; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 76巻, 11号, 掲載ページ 115409-1 - 115409-4, 出版日 2007年09月, 査読付, We derive a formula to calculate the ballistic thermal conductance of a two-dimensional system directly from the dispersion relations of phonons and electrons. We apply the method to a graphene and investigate both the temperature and the Fermi energy dependences of the ballistic thermal conductance. The ballistic thermal conductance per unit length of a graphene becomes isotropic from the threefold rotational symmetry. In the intrinsic graphene where the Fermi energy crosses the Dirac point, the thermal conductance of electrons increases in proportion to T-2 with temperature, while the phonon conductance increases in proportion to T-1.5 due to the quadratic dispersion relation of the out-of-plane acoustic mode and prevails over the electron-derived conductance irrespective of temperature. As the Fermi energy is moved from the Dirac point for the gated graphenes, the thermal conductance of electrons increases monotonically and the temperature dependence changes from a T-2 dependence in the intrinsic graphene to a T-linear one at low temperatures. The electron thermal conductance of the gated graphenes dominates over the phonon contribution at low temperatures.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Simulations of scanning Tunneling Microscopy for B-/P-doped Si(111) surfaces
Motoi Hirayama; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, INST PURE APPLIED PHYSICS, 46巻, 8B号, 掲載ページ 5643-5646, 出版日 2007年08月, We have investigated scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) for hydrogen-terminated Si(I 11) surfaces that have substitutional dopants in the subsurface region, using first-principles calculations within the density functional theory. The STM image for the occupied state indicates protrusion around a subsurface B atom and depression around a subsurface P atom. For the STM image of the unoccupied state, protrusions and depressions are interchanged. These dopant features on the STM image can be explained by the change in electrostatic potential around a dopant ion. The most stable depth of the substitutional B or P atom in H-terminated Si(I 11) surfaces is determined to be the second atomic layer from the topmost Si layer. The effect of a dangling bond created by the desorption of H atoms on the STM image of the subsurface dopant has also been studied.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Dielectric properties of the interface between Si and SiO2
Sadakazu Wakui; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS, 46巻, 5B号, 掲載ページ 3261-3264, 出版日 2007年05月, 査読付, We studied the electronic structure and dielectric properties of a SiO(2()quartz)-(1100)/Si(001) interface, using first-principles ground-state calculations in a finite electric field. We evaluated the optical and the static dielectric constants for the stable SiO2/Si(001) interface model. Both the optical and the static dielectric constants change abruptly in the vicinity of the SiO2/ Si interface, while the energy gap changes gradually on the SiO2 side. These results indicate that the profile of the dielectric constant is determined by the local polarization which directly reflects the local atomic arrangement.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Mechanism of velocity saturation of atomic friction force and the dynamic superlubricity at torsional resonance
M.Igarashi; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 46巻, 掲載ページ 5591-5594, 出版日 2007年
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Nano-scale profile of the dielectric constant near the Si/oxide interface: A first-principles approach
J. Nakamura; S. Wakui; S. Eguchi; R. Yanai; A. Natori
ECS Transactions, 11巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 173-182, 出版日 2007年, 査読付, Spatial variation in dielectric constants near the Si/SiO2 interfaces has been revealed using the first-principles ground-states calculations in external electrostatic fields. It has been shown that both the optical and the static
dielectric constants change abruptly in the vicinity of the SiO2/Si interfaces, while the energy gap changes gradually on SiO2 side. These results indicate that the profile of dielectric constant is determined by the local polarization which directly reflects the local atomic arrangement. Dielectric properties of isolated ultra-thin Si(111), SiO2, and La2O3(0001) films have also been investigated. Both the optical and the static dielectric constants of oxide films hardly depend on the film thickness and the spatial variation of the local dielectric constant is also very small as contrasted to the semiconducting Si film. ©The Electrochemical Society.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - First-principles evaluations of dielectric constants for ultra-thin semiconducting films
Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 600巻, 18号, 掲載ページ 4332-4336, 出版日 2006年09月, We have explored dielectric properties of ultra-thin 2H(wurtzite)-SiC(0001) and 3C(zinc-blende)-SiC(111) films using the density functional first-principles calculations. When the thickness of the film increases, the optical dielectric constants evaluated at the center of the films approach values near to their experimental bulk dielectric constants at a thickness of only five bi-layers: 7.3 and 6.9 for 2H- and 3C-SiC, respectively. Furthermore, we have revealed that the optical dielectric constant for the SiC film is reduced distinctly at the first few bi-layers at the ((111) over bar) or (000 (1) over bar) surface, but not for (111) or (0001). Such a polarity dependence is due to the difference in work function between the surfaces. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - ac conductivity and dielectric constant of conductor-insulator composites
Tan Benny Murtanto; Satoshi Natori; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 74巻, 11号, 掲載ページ 115206, 1-7, 出版日 2006年09月, 査読付, We study the complex admittance (ac conductivity and dielectric constant) of conductor-insulator composite material, based on a two-dimensional square network consisting of randomly placed conductors and capacitors. We derived some exact analytical relations between the complex admittances of high and low frequencies and of complementary conductor concentrations. We calculate the complex admittance by applying a transfer-matrix method to a square network and study the dependence on both the frequency and the conductor concentration. The numerical results are compared with an effective-medium theory, and the range of applicability and limitation of the effective-medium theory are clarified.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Charge correlation and spin coupling in double quantum dots: A quantum diffusion Monte Carlo study
Hyuga Masu; Taichi Yamada; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 74巻, 7号, 掲載ページ 75312, 1-8, 出版日 2006年08月, 査読付, We study both the spin and the charge correlations between two electrons in vertically coupled quantum dots with a finite well width, using a diffusion quantum Monte Carlo method. We clarify the mechanism of their dependence on both a barrier thickness and a magnetic field, on the basis of the Hubbard model analysis. When the barrier thickness increases, two-electron occupation probability in the same dot is suppressed drastically by enhanced charge correlation relative to the electron transfer effect, and the magnitude of the antiferromagnetic spin coupling decreases in two stages from a strong coupling region to a weak coupling region. Both the antiferromagnetic spin coupling constant and the two-electron occupation probability in the same dot are suppressed by magnetic field, being caused by enhanced intradot Coulomb interaction. In the case of weak lateral confinement, transition of the ground state can also be induced by a magnetic field and it accompanies changes of the spin coupling between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic couplings.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - First-principles calculations of dielectric constants for ultrathin Sio(2) films
Sadakazu Wakui; Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, 24巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 1992-1996, 出版日 2006年07月, 査読付, We studied the dielectric properties of ultrathin SiO2 films using two methods, internal field method and dipole moment method, based on first-principles calculations of the ground state in a finite electric field. We evaluated the optical and static dielectric constants, epsilon(infinity) and epsilon(0), of H-terminated beta-quartz (0001) films through calculations without and with the lattice relaxation in the electric field applied, respectively. The calculated values of E. and so with these two methods are in good agreement with each other, and they reproduce well the experimental values. Both the optical and static dielectric constants hardly depend on the film thickness, and the spatial variation of the local dielectric constant is also very small. These results indicate that both the surface effect and the quantum confinement effect are small for the ultrathin H-terminated beta-quartz (0001) films. (c) 2006 American Vacuum Society.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Dielectric discontinuity at structural boundaries in Si
Jun Nakamura; Akiko Natori
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 89巻, 5号, 掲載ページ 053118, 出版日 2006年07月, 査読付, The authors have explored optical dielectric constants, epsilon(infinity), of ultrathin 3C(diamond)-Si(111) and 2H(wurtzite)-Si(0001) films using first-principles calculations in finite external electric fields. epsilon(infinity) evaluated at the innermost region of the films approach values near their bulk dielectric constants at a thickness of only eight bilayers: 12.8 (3C) and 13.4 (2H). Furthermore, the authors have revealed that the spatial variation of epsilon(infinity) near the stacking fault corresponding to the twin boundary for3C-Si and that at the heteroboundary between 3C- and 2H-Si changes abruptly at the boundary for both cases. Such a locality in the variation of epsilon(infinity) originates from the local atomic arrangement at the boundary.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Dielectric properties of hydrogen-terminated Si(111) ultrathin films
J Nakamura; S Ishihara; A Natori; T Shimizu; K Natori
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 99巻, 5号, 掲載ページ 054309-1-054309-5, 出版日 2006年03月, 査読付, Dielectric properties of Si(111) ultrathin films have been investigated using first-principles ground-states calculations in external electrostatic fields. With increasing thickness of Si(111) ultrathin films, the optical dielectric constant evaluated at the center of the slab converges to the experimental bulk dielectric constant at a thickness of only eight bilayers, while the energy gap of the slab is still larger than that of bulk Si. The converged theoretical dielectric constant for bulk Si is only 6.2% higher than the experimental one. Furthermore, spatial variations of the dielectric constant have also been evaluated using the position-dependent macroscopic field given by a clear-cut definition. The results show that the dielectric constant is reduced distinctly at the first few bilayers from the surface, which stems from the penetration of depolarized charges induced at the surface. Such an effective reduction of the depolarization field near the surface is one of the reasons for the decrease in optical dielectric constant for the ultrathin films.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Structural stabilities and electronic properties for planar Si compounds
M. Hirayama; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
e-Journal of Surf. Sci. and Nanotechnology, 4巻, 掲載ページ 1-6, 出版日 2006年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Charge correlation and spin coupling in double quabtum dots
H.Masu; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
Proceed. of 28th Int. Conf. on the Physics and Semiconductors, 掲載ページ in press, 出版日 2006年, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Dielectric discontinuity at a twin boundary in Si(111)
J. Nakamura; A. Natori
Proc. of 28th ICPS, 掲載ページ -, 出版日 2006年
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Double-slip mechanism in atomic-scale friction: Tomlinson model at finite temperatures
J Nakamura; S Wakunami; A Natori
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 72巻, 23号, 掲載ページ 235415-1-235415-6, 出版日 2005年12月, 査読付, We studied the atomic scale friction mechanism of a friction force microscope (FFM) by means of the dynamical simulation in the Tomlinson model at a finite temperature. Stick-slip motion of a tip atom is the intrinsic energy dissipation mechanism at low scanning velocities of a support point of FFM and the frictional behavior is classified into three modes. The single slips occur in a high friction mode but double slips occur in a low friction mode, while mixed slips of single and double occur in an intermediate friction mode. In the intermediate friction mode, the friction force shows irregular sawtooth behavior as the support point is moved. We clarify the appearance condition of these three friction modes and each dependence of the average friction force on both temperatures and the sliding velocities.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Electronic and magnetic properties of BNC ribbons
J Nakamura; T Nitta; A Natori
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 72巻, 20号, 掲載ページ 205429-1 - 205429-5, 出版日 2005年11月, 査読付, Both electronic and magnetic properties have been studied for hexagonally bonded honeycomb ribbons consisting of B, N, and C atoms, with zigzag edges terminated by H atoms. We have used first-principles total-energy electronic-structure calculations within the local spin-density functional theory. The energy gap of BN ribbons is dominated by the edge states and it decreases monotonically with increasing ribbon width. For metallic BNC ribbons with different zigzag edges, C and BN or NB, the ground state becomes ferrimagnetic; this originates from the coexistence of the border state and the edge state.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Structural stability of Si(001) and Ge(001) in external electric fields
J Nakamura; A Natori
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS, 44巻, 7B号, 掲載ページ 5413-5416, 出版日 2005年07月, 査読付, The effects of external electrostatic fields normal to surfaces, Ex,, on the structural stability of Si(001) and Ge(001) have been investigated using first-principles total energy calculations. It has been shown that the c(4 x 2) surface is more stable than the p(2 x 2) surface for both Si(001) and Ge(001) even with a finite electric field whose strength is typical of STM, experiments. On the other hand, it has been revealed that the energy barrier for dimer flipping, E-B, shows different dependences between the Si(001)- and Ge(001)-(2 x 1) surfaces: EB at Si(001) changes in proportion to E-ext, but hardly does at Ge(001). Such a difference is explained by the difference in the rehybridization of buckled dimers between the reconstructed surfaces of Si(001) and Ge(001), which originates from the difference in the s-p separation of valence orbitals between Si and Ge.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Energy barrier for dimer flipping at the Si(001)-(2x1) surface in external electric fields
J Nakamura; A Natori
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 71巻, 11号, 掲載ページ 113303-1-113303-4, 出版日 2005年03月, 査読付, Effects of external electrostatic fields, E-ext, on a barrier in energy for dimer flipping, E-B, at the Si(001)-(2x1) surface have been investigated using first-principle total energy calculations. It has been revealed that E-B changes in proportion to E-ext. This finding suggests that we can turn on and off the flip-flop motions by alternating the polarity of the field with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) at low temperatures, which is consistent with the recent experimental results. It has also been shown that the c(4x2) surface is more stable than the p(2x2) even in electric fields typical of STM experiments.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - 半導体超薄膜の誘電特性
中村淳; 名取晃子
表面科学, The Surface Science Society of Japan, 26巻, 7号, 掲載ページ 392-397, 出版日 2005年, 査読付, We have explored dielectric properties of ultra-thin Si(111) films using two different evaluation methods based on the first-principles calculations, the internal field (IF) method and the dipole moment (DM) method. As the thickness of the film increases, the dielectric constant evaluated at the innermost region of the film approaches a value near to the experimental bulk dielectric constant at a thickness of only 8 bi-layers. The theoretical value of the electronic dielectric constant for the Si(111) film is 12.85, which is only 6.2% higher than the experimental one. Furthermore, we have shown that the IF method is applicable to microscopic analysis of dielectric properties. The spatial variation in dielectric constant near the surface reveals that depolarized charges at the surface penetrate into the film up to the thickness of 3 bi-layers, resulting in an effective reduction of the dielectric constant near the surface. We have also discussed a microscopic picture of polarization on atomic scale.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Ga-As dimer structure for the GaAs(001)-c(4x4) surface
A Ohtake; J Nakamura; N Koguchi; A Natori
SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 566巻, 掲載ページ 58-62, 出版日 2004年09月, 査読付, We studied the atomic structure of the As-stabilized GaAs(001)-c(4 x 4) surface using scanning tunneling microscopy, reflection high-energy electron diffraction, reflectance difference spectroscopy, and first-principles calculations. The structure model consisting of three Ga-As dimers per c(4 x 4) unit cell explains well the experimental data. The three Ga-As dimers in the c(4 x 4) unit cells are usually aligned in the same orientation, which was found to be energetically stable. We also discuss the possible change to the symmetric As-As dimer structure under more As-rich condition. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Atomic scale friction of nanoscale clusters
K Ohno; T Nitta; J Nakamura; A Natori
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, 22巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 2026-2029, 出版日 2004年07月, 査読付, We study both the activation energy for diffusion and dynamics of nanoscale clusters of a Frenkel-Kontrova chain subject to the microscopic friction, in connection with atomic friction phenomena. We clarify the atomistic mechanism for the presence of a magic size for diffusion and show how the magic size effects appear in the friction. When a cluster is pulled by a constant driving force, the critical force strength of depinning depends crucially on the cluster size, and it is smallest at the magic size. When a cluster is pulled by a spring at a constant velocity below the critical value, clusters show a stick-and-slip motion, and the maximum force of a spring also becomes smallest at the magic size. (C) 2004 American Vacuum Society.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Kinetics in surface reconstructions on GaAs(001)
A Ohtake; P Kocan; J Nakamura; A Natori; N Koguchi
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 92巻, 23号, 掲載ページ 236105-1-236105-4, 出版日 2004年06月, 査読付, We have successfully controlled the surface structures of GaAs(001) by changing incident As-molecular species. Under As-4 fluxes, the c(4x4) reconstruction with Ga-As dimers [c(4x4)alpha structure] is obtained, but the formation of three As-As dimer structures [c(4x4)beta structure] is kinetically limited. On the other hand, the structure change from the (2x4), through c(4x4)alpha, to c(4x4)beta phases is observed under As-2 fluxes. We found that the c(4x4)alpha structure is energetically metastable and provides a kinetic pathway for the structure change between the (2x4) and c(4x4)beta phases under As-2 fluxes.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Band discontinuity at ultrathin SiO2/Si(001) interfaces
M. Watarai; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
Phys. Rev. B, 69巻, 掲載ページ 035312-1-035312-6, 出版日 2004年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Surface electromigration of in-covered Si high-index surfaces
K Sakamoto; Y Matsubayashi; M Shimada; T Yamada; A Natori; H Yasunaga
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 212巻, 掲載ページ 249-254, 出版日 2003年05月, 査読付, To clarify the role of facet in electromigration on the vicinal Si(0 0 1), we investigated in this study surface mass transport of In on Si high-index (1 0 3) and vicinal (0 0 1) surfaces, using scanning Auger microscope, low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and atomic force microscope (AFM). In parallel with (1 0 3), we also investigated similarly the most stable high-index (1 1 3) of Si for reference. Specimens with a large area of these surfaces were prepared from Si(0 0 1) wafer by cutting, grinding and polishing. No surface electromigration of In on Si(1 0 3) surface was observed at any temperature, while In overlayer exhibited a typical Stranski-Krastanov mode of growth. This fact strongly suggests that In adatoms move around over the intermediate layer, but there is no driving force of electromigration on them. The electromigration on the vicinal Si(0 0 1) depended upon the off-angle. It was most enhanced with the off-angle of around 4degrees. Based upon these results a model is proposed to explain the puzzling electromigration of In on vicinal Si(0 0 1). We found out that In on Si(1 1 3) exhibited a normal surface electromigration towards cathode. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Dynamics of c(4 x 2) phase-transition in Si(100) surfaces
A Natori; M Osanai; J Nakamura; H Yasunaga
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 212巻, 掲載ページ 705-710, 出版日 2003年05月, 査読付, The Si(1 0 0) surfaces exhibit an order-disorder phase-transition at the critical temperature T-c from the 2 x 1 structure of apparently symmetric dimers to the c(4 x 2) structure of buckled dimers. We study the flip-flop dynamics of buckled dimers in the vicinity of T-c, using the kinetic Monte Carlo simulation based on the Ising spin model Hamiltonian. Phasons, thermally excited phase defects on alternately buckled dimer rows, play an essential role on both the phase-transition and the flip-flop dynamics of buckled dimers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Structural stability of the Ge/Si(113)-2x2 surface
J. Nakamura; Z. Zhang; K. Sumitomo; H. Omi; A. Natori
Appl. Surf. Sci., 212/213巻, 掲載ページ 724-729, 出版日 2003年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Anisotropy in conductance of a quasi-one dimensional metallic surface state measured by a square micro-four-point probe method
T. Kanagawa; R. Hobara; I. Matsuda; T. Tanikawa; A. Natori; S. Hasegawa
Phys. Rev. Lett., 91巻, 掲載ページ 036805-1-036805-4, 出版日 2003年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - 極薄SiO2/Si界面のエネルギー障壁の第一原理計算
M. Watarai; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
表面科学, The Surface Science Society of Japan, 24巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 550-555, 出版日 2003年, 査読付, The energy barrier and penetration depth of a hole are studied for ultrathin SiO2/Si interfaces. Layer thickness dependence and injected carrier concentration dependence are calculated for the superlattice structure, by using a first-principles pseudo-potential approach based on the density-functional theory. A new method to evaluate the energy barrier is proposed, which is derived from calculation of both the energy band structure and behavior of the Bloch function. The energy barrier for a hole is reduced with a decrease in Si layer thickness by confinement effect and is reduced also with the monolayer thickness of SiO2. The energy barrier increases by electron injection and decreases by hole injection.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Electronic properties in nano-structures
A. Natori
The School on simulation and modeling physics, 出版日 2002年11月
英語 - Photoluminescence of charged magneto-excitons in InAs single quantum dots
A Natori; S Ohnuma; NH Quang
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 190巻, 1-4号, 掲載ページ 205-211, 出版日 2002年05月, 査読付, We calculated the photoluminescence spectra of charged magneto-excitons in single two-dimensional parabolic quantum dots, using an unrestricted Hartree-Fock method. The calculated luminescence spectra explain well the observed red shifts of transition energies of InAs/GaAs single quantum dot by additional electron capture in a dot. The magnetic-field-induced transition of the ground state configuration of trapped electrons causes drastic change in the photoluminescence spectra. The dependence of photoluminescence intensities of charged excitons on the excess energies of photogenerated carriers above the bulk GaAs energy gap is studied phenomenologically, by calculating the steady state electron population probability in a dot. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - In-phase step wandering on vicinal Si(111) surfaces
A Natori; N Suga
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 190巻, 1-4号, 掲載ページ 96-102, 出版日 2002年05月, 査読付, The step structure transition between a regular step and a bunched step on vicinal SiO(111) surfaces induced by DC is studied by the kinetic Monte Carlo simulation in a terrace-adatom-step-kink (TASK) model. In the TASK model, effective force due to DC is taken into account explicitly on the mass transport of Si adatoms. In the diffusion-limited regime corresponding to the experimental temperature range Pi, step bunching is induced by step-up force and in-phase wandering of a regular step is formed by step-down force. The in-phase wandering of a regular step is formed by nucleation growth mode and the amplitude of wandering grows with time in proportion to roott. The period of in-phase wandering decreases as the effective force increases, consistent with the recent experimental results. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Stuctural stabilityy of the Ge/Si(113)-2x2 surfaces
J. Nakamura; A. Natori; Z. Zhang; K. Sumitomo; H. Omi; T. Ogino
Proc. of 6-th Sympo. Atomic-scale Surface and Interface Dynamics, 14巻, 掲載ページ 51-54, 出版日 2002年
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Atomic structure of the Ge/Si(113)-(2x2) surface
Z. Zhang; K. Sumitomo; H. Omi; T. Ogino; A. Natori
Phys. Rev. Lett., 88巻, 掲載ページ 256101-1 - 256101-4, 出版日 2002年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Au-Si bonding on Si(111) surfaces
M. Murayama; T. Nakayama; A. Natori
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 社団法人応用物理学会, 40巻, 12号, 掲載ページ 6976-6979, 出版日 2002年, 査読付, To investigate the Au–Si bonding feature on Si(111) surfaces, surface energy calculations have been performed for $1 \times 1$- and $\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3}$-Au/Si(111) systems by the first-principles method in a local density approximation. It was found that the Au overlayer considerably stabilizes the Si(111) surface. By analyzing the changes in the surface energy and the charge density at various Au positions on the surface, it was shown that the large electronegativity of Au produces covalent-like Au–Si bonds by either terminating dangling bonds of surface Si or inducing the charge transfer from Si–Si to Au–Si bonds, both of which promote surface stabilization and determine the Au overlayer height on Si(111) surfaces.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - New structure model for the GaAs(001)-c(4x4) surfaces
A. Ohtake; J. Nakamura; S. Tokumoto; N. Koguchi; A. Natori
Phys. Rev. Lett., 89巻, 掲載ページ 206102-1-206102-4, 出版日 2002年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Strain effect on surface melting of Si(111)
A Natori; H Harada; NJ Wu; H Yasunaga
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 169巻, 掲載ページ 20-24, 出版日 2001年01月, We study the strain effect on the surface melting of Si(1 1 1) flat surfaces using Monte Carlo simulation and the empirical Tersoff-Dodson potential. The in-plane strain effect an the atomic structures and the atomic dynamics were investigated at a fixed temperature of 0.82T(m). Surface melting of Si(1 1 1) was induced by either compressive or tensile strain. As the strength of strain increases beyond the critical strength of about 1.5 and 2.5%, respectively, far compressive and tensile strain, the waiting time for surface melting decreases. In the lateral pair correlation function of the melting layers, only the nearest-neighbor correlation remains. Si atoms in the melting layers has a constant diffusion coefficient irrespective of the sign and strength of applied strain. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Charged magnetoexcitons in parabolic quantum dots II
A.Natori; S.Ohnuma; N.H.Quang
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40巻, 掲載ページ 1951-1954, 出版日 2001年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Surface electromigration of In on vicinal Si(001)
K Sakamoto; NJ Wu; A Natori; H Yasunaga
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 169巻, 掲載ページ 480-484, 出版日 2001年01月, Surface mass transport of In film on vicinal Si(0 0 1) has been systematically investigated by a scanning Auger electron microscopy (SAM), low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). It was observed that the temperature dependence of the mass transport shows the critical phenomenon. Above a critical temperature T-c, surface electromigration of the In film toward the cathode side dominated the surface mass transport on the vicinal Si(0 0 1) surface. The LEED and AFM observations revealed that the In film surface on the vicinal Si(0 0 I) consists of 3 x 4 terraces and (3 1 0) facets. The area ratio of the facet to the terrace exhibited abrupt an increase at T-c. It is believed that the change of the mass transport is related to the abrupt change of the area ratio of the facet to the terrace. Both the critical temperature T-c and the spread due to the surface electromigration of the In film depended on the configuration of the DC current direction and the step edge. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Surface electromigration of Au ultrathin film on MoS2
NJ Wu; S Shimizu; MT Hermie; K Sakamoto; A Natori; H Yasunaga
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 169巻, 掲載ページ 485-488, 出版日 2001年01月, The mass transport of Au ultrathin film on a semiconductor MoS2 was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning Auger microscopy (SAM). The surface electromigration of the Au film was found when a de current was passed through the MoS2 substrate. The Au ultrathin film on MoS2 grew in a typical Volmer-Weber (V-W) growth mode, The AFM measurements indicated that the distribution of the Au islands exhibited clearly a preferential lateral spread towards the cathode, that is, the surface electromigration took place. The direction of the surface electromigration on MoS2 is opposite to that of the Au electromigration on Si. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Electronic Structure of root 3 x root 3-Au/Si(111) surfaces
M.Murayama; T.Nakayama; A.Natori
Surf.Sci., 493巻, 掲載ページ 626-632, 出版日 2001年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Dimer buckling dynamics in the vicinity of missing dimers on Si(111) surfaces
M.Osanai; H.Yasunaga; A.Natori
Surf. Sci., 493巻, 掲載ページ 319-324, 出版日 2001年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Charged magnetoexcitons in parabolic quantum dots
NH Quang; S Ohnuma; A Natori
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 62巻, 19号, 掲載ページ 12955-12962, 出版日 2000年11月, We study a charged exciton in two-dimensional parabolic quantum dots containing N (0 less than or equal to N less than or equal to 12) electrons in a magnetic field by using an unrestricted Hartree-Fock method, in both strong and weak confinement regimes for electrons and holes. In the case of strong confinement, our results on absorption intensities and shifts in energies of interband transitions compare well with recent experiments by Warburton er al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 5282 (1997)]. In the weal; confinement regime, the calculated absorption spectra show new features reflecting the transition of the many-electron ground state, both in the absence and in the presence of external magnetic fields. The dependence of the intensity and the energy shift of transitions on the electron occupation and on magnetic fields is studied. The fine structure of interband absorption spectra due to both magnetic fields and the asymmetry between electrons and holes and the effects of polarization of lights are predicted, which can be detected in experiments on single dots.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Ordering dynamics of anisotropic missing dimer clusters on Si(001) surfaces
T Kawabe; A Natori
SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 462巻, 1-3号, 掲載ページ 181-186, 出版日 2000年08月, Two types of anisotropic missing dimer cluster have been observed on (2 x 1) Si(001) surfaces: a missing dimer line parallel to the dimer direction and a missing dimer row parallel to the dimer row. The appearance condition of each type of cluster and their formation dynamics were studied using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of the lattice gas model of missing dimers with interaction calculated by the Stillinger-Weber potential. A missing dimer row cluster exerts on a single missing dimer in the same dimer row an attractive interaction in the non-rebonded side and a repulsive interaction in the rebonded side. The dominant types of cluster formed by annealing of random missing dimers changes with increasing missing dimer concentrations from missing dimer line clusters to missing dimer row clusters. As the annealing temperature increases the average size of missing dimer line clusters reduces, while that of missing dimer row clusters increases. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Electronic structures and the charge transfer of Au overlayer on Si(111)surfaces
M.Murayama; T.Nakayama; A.Natori
Appl. Surf. Sci., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 159巻, 掲載ページ 45-49, 出版日 2000年06月, Electronic structures of 1 x 1-Au/Si(111) systems have been calculated by the ab initio pseudopotential method in a local density approximation. Au and top-layer Si produce the bonding and a large charge transfer is seen from Si to Au. Comparing the results with and without on-top Si layer, it is shown that which Si layers release the charge depends on the number of surface Si dangling bonds. The relation between the charge transfer and the change of bond strength has also been clarified. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Novel transition mechanism of surface electromigration induced step structure on vicinal Si(111) surfaces
N.Suga; J.Kinpara; Nan-Jian Wu; H.Yasunaga; A.Natori
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 39巻, 掲載ページ 4412-4416, 出版日 2000年
英語 - Frustrated nanodomains on O/Cu(100)
Y.Ishimaru; Nan-Jian Wu; H.Yasunaga; A.Natori
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 39巻, 掲載ページ 4417-4420, 出版日 2000年
英語 - Surface melting of vicinal Si(111)surfaces
A. Natori; H. Harada
Surf. Sci., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 438巻, 1-3号, 掲載ページ 162-172, 出版日 1999年09月, We study the surface melting of vicinal Si(111) surfaces by means of the Monte Carlo simulation using empirical Tersoff-Dodson potential. The dependence of the atomic structures and the atomic dynamics on the temperature, the adatom coverage and the vicinal angle were calculated. Surface melting occurred on Si(111) vicinal surfaces without Si adatom coverage, while surface melting on flat Si(111) surfaces occurred only with Si adatoms higher than the critical coverage. The melting behavior on vicinal surfaces was guile different, with or without Si adatom coverage. Without Si adatom coverage, surface melting started from the upper terraces of step edges after a finite annealing time. With Si adatom coverage, the melting evolved homogeneously from the top layer in proportion to the annealing time. As the vicinal angle increases, the critical temperature of surface melting lowers. In the lateral distribution function of the melting layers, only the nearest-neighbor correlation is kept and the farther distance correlation is lost. Si atoms in the melting layers move about along the surface with a diffusion coefficient irrespective of the adatom coverage. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Stability of anisotropic missing dimer clusters on Si(001) surfaces
A. Natori; T. Kawabe
Surf. Sci., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 433巻, 掲載ページ 600-604, 出版日 1999年08月, Two kinds of anisotropic structures of missing dimer clusters have been observed on (2 x 1) Si(001) surfaces: one is elongated along the dimer direction (missing dimer line) and the other along the dimer row direction (missing dimer row). The cohesive energy of missing dimer clusters was calculated as a function of the number, m, of missing dimers in a cluster, using Stillinger-Weber inter-atomic potential. The cohesive energy became positive in the range of nt 2 2 for missing dimer line (MDL) clusters, while that of missing dimer row (MDR) clusters became positive in the range of m greater than or equal to 3 but exceeded the cohesive energy of MDL clusters. MDL clusters are stabilized by alignment along the dimer direction of rebonded bonds, and the cohesive energy increases linearly with m. MDR clusters are stabilized by formation of alternate rebonded bonds along the dimer row direction, relaxing the strain energy caused by rebonded bonds. The cohesive energy of MDR clusters increases oscillating with In and the cohesive energy of a cluster in a size of 2n became smaller than that of (2n - 1). The growth of odd-numbered MDR clusters is endothermic but the growth of even-numbered clusters is exothermic. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Magnetic-Field Induced Transitions of Many-Electron States in Quantum Dots
A. Natori; D. Nakamura
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 38巻, 掲載ページ 380-383, 出版日 1999年
英語 - Decay process of a crater/hillock and step structure transformation
A Natori; M Murayama; D Matsumoto; H Yasunaga
SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 409巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 160-170, 出版日 1998年07月, Both the decay process of a crater or a hillock on Si(111) and the step bunching formation accompanying the decay of a periodic array of craters or hillocks on vicinal Si(111) are investigated by using the lattice gas model. We considered two elementary atomic processes, hopping with the Schwoebel effect and evaporation, and carried out the time dependent Monte Carlo simulation. The decay process of a crater or a hillock is caused by the difference of the equilibrium adatom concentrations between at the crater or the hillock edge and at the nearest step edge. The size of a crater or a hillock decreases approximately linearly with time for both kinetics of the diffusion limited and the capture limited. For a periodic array of craters or hillocks on a vicinal surface, the step bunching is formed at the upper side of craters or the lower side of hillocks with the decay of craters or hillocks, in the diffusion-limited kinetics. The evaporation of adatoms accelerates the growth rate of the step bunching and extends the bottom width of craters, reducing the step bunching width. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Interface atomic structures in alkali halides heteroepitaxy
A Natori; K Toda; A Tanaka; H Yasunaga
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 130巻, 掲載ページ 616-622, 出版日 1998年06月, The heteroepitaxy of KBr on a KCl(001) surface with a small misfit of 4.3% and KCl on a NaCl(001) surface with a large misfit of 11.7% are studied. The interplay between a lattice mismatch and a growth mode, and the atomic-scale mechanism of the misfit accommodation are investigated. The stable atomic configurations were calculated by minimizing the total interaction energy between the ions. For both systems, a layer growth mode is energetically more favorable than an island growth mode. For KBr/KCl(001), the pseudomorphic strained layer structure with the lateral lattice constant of a KCl substrate is more stable up to the critical thickness of 4 monolayers than the commensurate layer structure with KCl(001). For KCl/NaCl(001), the pseudomorphic strained layer structure is energetically unfavorable at all the coverages, and the grown film takes the commensurate layer structure at 1 monolayer. At 2 and 3 monolayers, the stacking fault structure with a fourfold periodicity of a substrate was investigated, and the novel structure was proposed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Magnetic field effects on anisotropic quantum dots
A. Natori; Y. Sugimoto; M. Fujito
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36巻, 掲載ページ 3960-3963, 出版日 1997年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Capacitance of anisotropic quantum dpts
A. Natori; M. Fujito; H.Yasunaga
Superlattices and Microstructures, 22巻, 掲載ページ 137-142, 出版日 1997年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Many-electron ground states in anisotropic quantum dots
M.Fujito; A.Natori; H.Yasunaga
Physical Review B, 53巻, 15号, 掲載ページ 9952, 出版日 1996年
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Heteroepitaxy of KCl on KBr Substrates
A,Natori; A.Tanaka; H.Yasunaga
Thin Solid Films, 281-282巻, 掲載ページ 39, 出版日 1996年
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Atomic Structures of Ag on √3×√3 Ag/Si((]G0003[)) and on 7×7 Si((]G0003[))
A.Natori; M.Murayama; H.Yasunaga
Surface Science, 357-358巻, 掲載ページ 47, 出版日 1996年
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Atomic structure and atomic dynamics on "1×1" Si(111) at high temperatures
A.Natori; T.Suzuki; H.Yasunaga
Surf. Sci., 367巻, 掲載ページ 56, 出版日 1996年
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Step structure transformation induced by DC on vicinal Si(111)
A. Natori
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 33巻, 掲載ページ 3538-3544, 出版日 1994年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Surface diffusion on a stepped surfaces
A. Natori; R. W. Godby
Phys. Rev. B, 47巻, 掲載ページ 15816-15822, 出版日 1993年, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語
- Surface-electromigration-induced step structure transition on Si(111) vicinal surfaces
A. Natori
The step structure transition between a regular step and a bunched step on vicinal Si (111) surfaces induced by DC is studied by the kinetic Monte Carlo simulation in a terrace-adatom-step-kink (TASK) model of a vicinal surface. In the TASK model, effective force due to DC is taken into account explicitly on both diffusion process of Si adatoms and capture/emission process at a step edge. In the capture-limited regime, step bunching is induced by stepdown force and a regular step is formed by step-up force, corresponding to the experimental temperature range I. In the diffusion-limited regime, step bunching is induced by step-up force and in-phase wandering is induced on a regular step by step-down force, corresponding to the experimental temperature range II. The relation of the two regimes with "non-transparent" and "transparent" conditions at step edges is discussed., 日本結晶成長学会, 出版日 2002年, 日本結晶成長学会誌, 29巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 44-49, 英語, 査読付, 記事・総説・解説・論説等(その他), 0385-6275, 110002715521, AN00188386
- 表面物性工学ハンドブック
小間篤; 青野正和; 石橋幸治; 塚田捷; 常行真司; 長谷川修司; 八木克道; 吉信淳 編
日本語, 共著, 1.7.1 モンテカルロシミュレーション、14.4.1 表面エレクトロマイグレーション(理論)、14.4.3 エレクトロマイグレーションによるステップ再配列(理論), 丸善, 出版日 2007年 - 電子材料ハンドブック
木村忠正; 八百隆文; 奥村次徳; 豊田太郎
日本語, 共著, 1.4 固体の伝導寄稿, 朝倉書店, 出版日 2006年 - 「半導体大辞典」2.3 表面現象
日本語, 共著, 工業調査会, 出版日 2000年 - "Advances in the understanding of crystal growth mechanisms" Step structure of Si(111) vicinal surfaces
英語, 共著, North-Holland, 出版日 1997年 - 表面科学シリーズ2「表面における理論I」6-1節 モンテカルロ法
日本語, 共著, 丸善, 出版日 1995年 - 「結晶成長ハンドブック」5.1.3 テラスにおける表面拡散
日本語, 共著, 共立出版, 出版日 1995年 - "Metal-semiconductor interfaces" 2.2 Formation of metal-overlayer on semiconductors by surface electromigration
A.Natori; H.Yasunaga
英語, 共著, Ohmsha, 出版日 1995年 - 電子工学初歩シリーズ「半導体物性」
日本語, 培風館, 出版日 1995年 - 「電磁気学」第1章 静電界
日本語, 共著, 近代科学社, 出版日 1993年
- Half-metallic states of Mn atomic wires on GaAs(110)
M.Hirayama; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, Int. Sympo. on Surface Science and Nanotechnology
発表日 2008年11月 - First-principles evaluation of the polytype-dependence of the local dielectric constant for SiC
K.Sato; JY.Iwasaki; S.Wakui; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, Int. Sympo. on Surface Science and Nanotechnology
発表日 2008年11月 - Conductivity and dielectric constant of anisotropic CNT/polymer composites
Y.Hazama; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, Int. Sympo. on Surface Science and Nanotechnology
発表日 2008年11月 - Dielectric constant of the ultra-thin La2O3 (0001) film
R.Yanai; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, Int. Sympo. on Surface Science and Nanotechnology
発表日 2008年11月 - Structural stability and cohesive properties of the oxygen-adsorbed graphene
S.Eguchi; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, Int. Sympo. on Surface Science and Nanotechnology
発表日 2008年11月 - GaAs(110)表面上のGa置換Mn原子鎖のスピン状態と電子状態
平山基; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第28回表面科学学術講演会
発表日 2008年11月 - HfO2超薄膜の誘電特性
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第28回表面科学学術講演会
発表日 2008年11月 - カーボンナノチューブ分散媒質の異方的電気伝導特性
狭間裕一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第28回表面科学学術講演会
発表日 2008年11月 - Si(111)-(7x7)表面上の銀クラスター形成過程の計算機シミュレーション
千葉朋; 冷清水裕子; 泉水一鉱; 須藤彰三; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第28回表面科学学術講演会
発表日 2008年11月 - La2O3(0001)超薄膜の誘電特性
谷内良亮; 涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第28回表面科学学術講演会
発表日 2008年11月 - 酸素吸着グラフェンの積層構造の構造安定性と凝集性質
江口俊輔; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第28回表面科学学術講演会
発表日 2008年11月 - GaAs(110)表面上のGa置換Mn原子ワイヤの原子配置とスピン・電子状態
平山基; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第69回応用物理学会学術講演会
発表日 2008年09月 - HfO2超薄膜の局所誘電率プロファイル
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第69回応用物理学会学術講演会
発表日 2008年09月 - Si(111)-(7x7)表面上の銀クラスター形成過程の計算機シミュレーション
千葉朋; 冷清水裕子; 岩泉一鉱; 須藤彰三; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第69回応用物理学会学術講演会
発表日 2008年09月 - La2O3(0001)超薄膜の誘電特性
谷内良亮; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第69回応用物理学会学術講演会
発表日 2008年09月 - SiC結晶多形の誘電率:第一原理計算による積層構造依存性評価
佐藤耕平; 岩崎雄一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第69回応用物理学会学術講演会
発表日 2008年09月 - グラフェンリボンのバリスティック熱コンダクタンス
山口翔; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2008年秋季大会
発表日 2008年09月 - GaAs(110)表面上のGa置換MNワイヤの原子配置とスピン・電子状態
平山基; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2008年秋季大会
発表日 2008年09月 - 異方的な超微粒子分散媒質の高周波電気伝導特性
狭間裕一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2008年秋季大会
発表日 2008年09月 - 酸化グラフェン積層物質の構造安定性
江口俊輔; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2008年秋季大会
発表日 2008年09月 - ナノスケールSiO2/Si界面の局所誘電特性に及ぼす欠陥の影響
涌井貞一; 谷内良亮; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 特定領域研究「ポストスケール」第2回成果報告会
発表日 2008年08月 - SiO2/Si(001)界面におけるナノスケール誘電特性の第一原理計算
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 物理学会第63回年次大会
発表日 2008年03月 - SiO2薄膜中の欠陥近傍における局所誘電率の異常増大
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第55回応用物理学関係連合講演会
発表日 2008年03月 - ナノスケールSiO2/Si界面の電子状態と局所誘電特性に及ぼす欠陥の影響
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 特定領域研究「シリコンナノエレクトロニクスの新展開」第2回成果報告会
発表日 2008年03月 - 不純物ドープSi(111)表面のSTM像の第一原理計算:STM像の不純物原子種依存性
平山基; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会第63回年次大会
発表日 2008年03月 - 多谷半導体中のD^-基底状態:磁場効果
井上純一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会第63回年次大会
発表日 2008年03月 - ナノスケールの摩擦機構:ティップサイズ効果
五十嵐正典; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会第63回年次大会
発表日 2008年03月 - 不純物ドープSi(111)表面のSTM像の第一原理計算
平山基; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第55回応用物理学関係連合講演大会
発表日 2008年03月 - Dielectric properties of the interface between Si and SiO2
S. Wakui; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 35-th Conf. on the Physics and Semiconductor Interfaces
発表日 2008年01月 - Atomic-scale friction of nanometer-sized contacts
M.Igarashi; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 14th Int. Conf. on Solid Films and Surfaces
発表日 2008年 - Anomalous enhancement of the local dielectric constant near defects in SiO2
S.Wakui; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 14th Int. Conf. on Solid Films and Surfaces
発表日 2008年 - Polytype depndence on permittivity of SiC
J.Nakamura; Y.Iwasaki; S.Wakui; A.NAatori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 14th Int. Conf. on Solid Films and Surfaces
発表日 2008年 - First-principles calculation on STM images for subsurface dopants: tip-induced band-bending and dependence on dopant species
M.Hirayama; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 14th Int. Conf. on Solid Films and Surfaces
発表日 2008年 - ナノスケールSiO2/Si界面の電子状態と局所誘電特性に及ぼす欠陥の影響
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 特定領域研究「シリコンナノエレクトロニクスの新展開」第3回全体会議,特定領域研究「シリコンナノエレクトロニクスの新展開」第3回全体会議
発表日 2007年12月 - ナノスケールSiO2/Si界面の電子状態と局所誘電特性に及ぼす欠陥の影響
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 特定領域研究「シリコンナノエレクトロニクスの新展開」 第3回全体会議
発表日 2007年12月 - Si量子ドットの多電子基底状態
枡日向; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第27回表面科学講演大会,第27回表面科学講演大会
発表日 2007年11月 - Mechanism of velocity saturation and lateral resonance in atomic-scale sliding friction
M.Igarashi; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN+T 2007
発表日 2007年07月 - First-principles calculations on STM images for subsurface dopanats
M.Hirayama; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN+T 2007
発表日 2007年07月 - Structural bistability of the oxygen-adsorbed graphene sheet
J.Nakamura; J.Ito; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN+T 2007
発表日 2007年07月 - SiO2/Si(001)界面のナノスケール誘電特性
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, ゲートスタック研究会 -材料・プロセス・評価の物理-,ゲートスタック研究会 -材料・プロセス・評価の物理-
発表日 2007年02月 - ac conductivity and dielectric constant of conductor-insulator composites
Y.Koyama; T.B.Murtanto; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, Polytronic 2007,Polytronic 2007
発表日 2007年01月 - 第一原理計算によるSiO2/Si(001)界面のナノスケール誘電特性
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2007年春季大会,日本物理学会2007年春季大会
発表日 2007年 - 不純物ドープSi(111)表面のSTM像の第一原理計算
平山基; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2007年春季大会,日本物理学会2007年春季大会
発表日 2007年 - 酸素吸着グラフェンの構造双安定性の第一原理計算
伊藤潤; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2007年春季大会,日本物理学会2007年春季大会
発表日 2007年 - SiO2/Si(001)界面のナノスケール誘電特性
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会,第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会
発表日 2007年 - Si(111)水素終端表面近傍不純物のSTMシミュレーション:不純物種依存性と探針誘起バンドベンディング
平山基; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会,第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会
発表日 2007年 - グラフェンのバリスティック熱伝導特性
齋藤浩一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第62回年次大会
発表日 2007年 - Dielectric properties of the interface between Si and SiO2
S. Wakui; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 5th Int. Sympo. on Control of Semiconductor Interfaces
発表日 2007年 - ナノスケールSiO2/Si界面の電子状態と局所誘電特性に及ぼす欠陥の影響
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 特定領域研究「シリコンナノエレクトロニクスの新展開」第2回全体会議
発表日 2007年 - Dielectric discontinuity at a stacking fault in Si(111)
J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 33rd Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces (PCSI-33)
発表日 2006年12月 - Si(111)双晶境界近傍の局所的誘電率変化
中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会第61回年次大会
発表日 2006年03月 - 縦型2重量子ドットのスピン結合と磁場制御
枡日向; 山田太一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会第61回年次大会
発表日 2006年03月 - 第一原理計算による極薄膜Al/Si界面の検討:界面水素終端の影響
清水共; 名取研二; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第53回応用物理学関係連合講演会
発表日 2006年03月 - 2次元シリコン化合物の原子構造と電子状態
平山基; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会第60回年次大会
発表日 2006年03月 - First-principles evaluations of dielectric constants
J. Nakamura; S. Wakui; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, International Workshop on Nano CMOS
発表日 2006年01月 - First-principles calcualtion of dielectric constants for ultrathin SiO2 films
S. Wakui; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 33rd Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor interfaces (PCSI-33)
発表日 2006年01月 - Dielectric discontinuity at a twin boundarary in Si(111)
J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, ICPS-28
発表日 2006年 - Carge correlation and spin coupling in double quantum dots
H.Masu; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, ICPS-28
発表日 2006年 - Dielectric properties for ultra-thin films of the polytypes of SiC
J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 表面科学会,ISSS-4
発表日 2005年12月 - Controlling the spin coupling in double quantum dots
H. Masu; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 表面科学会,ISSS-4
発表日 2005年12月 - First-principles calculations of dielectric constants for ultrathin SiO2 films
S. Wakui; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 表面科学会,ISSS-4
発表日 2005年12月 - Electronic and magnetic properties of BNC ribbons
T. Nitta; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 表面科学会,4th International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology (ISSS-4)
発表日 2005年11月 - Atomic scale mechanism of friction
S. Wakunami; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 表面科学会,ISSS-4
発表日 2005年11月 - Structural stabilities and electronic properties of planar Si Compounds
M. Hirayama; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 表面科学会,ISSS-4
発表日 2005年11月 - First-principles calculations on adsorption and diffusion of oxygen atoms on graphen sheets
J. Ito; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 表面科学会,ISSS-4
発表日 2005年11月 - First-principles evaluations of dielectric constants for ultra-thin semiconducting films
J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 23rd European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-23)
発表日 2005年09月 - Friction mechanism in atomic-scale
S. Wakunami; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, ECOSS-23
発表日 2005年09月 - Ga- and As-rich Limit of surface reconstruction on GaAs(001)
A. Ohtake; P. Kocan; K. Seino; W. G. Schmidt; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, ECOSS-23
発表日 2005年09月 - グラフェンシートの酸素吸着と拡散の第一原理計算
伊藤潤; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2005年秋季大会
発表日 2005年09月 - SiC多形超薄膜の誘電特性
中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2005年秋季大会
発表日 2005年09月 - 原子レベルの摩擦機構
湧波信弥; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2005年秋季大会
発表日 2005年09月 - SiO2超薄膜の誘電特性
涌井貞一; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2005年秋季大会
発表日 2005年09月 - Spatial variation in dielectric constant at surfaces of hydrogen-terminated ultra-thin Si(111) films
J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 8th International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS-8)
発表日 2005年07月 - Electronic and magnetic properties of BNC ribbons
T. Nitta; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, ICSOS-8
発表日 2005年07月 - Two types of surface atomic structures for As-rich GaAs(001)-c(4x4)
A. Ohtake; P. KOcan; J. Nakamura; A. Natori; N. Koguchi
口頭発表(一般), 英語, ICSOS-8
発表日 2005年07月 - Friction in atomic scale
S. Wakunami; J. Nakamura; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 13th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techiniques (STM05)
発表日 2005年07月 - 第一原理計算を用いた誘電率評価方法の開発とその超薄膜への応用
中村淳; 涌井貞一; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, シンポジウム「来るべきナノCMOS時代に向けての挑戦とその課題」
発表日 2005年04月 - 第一原理計算による超薄膜Al/Si(001)界面の検討:Si面方位依存性
清水共; 名取研二; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第52回応用物理学関係連合講演会
発表日 2005年03月 - BNリボンの磁性II
新田敏浩; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会第60回年次大会
発表日 2005年03月 - Dielectric properties of ultra-thin SiC films
J. Nakamura; H. Ozawa; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 32rd Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces (PCSI-32)
発表日 2005年01月 - Structural stability for Si(001) and Ge(001) in external electric fields
J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, The 12th Int. Colloquim on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM-12)
発表日 2004年 - Energy barrier for dimer flipping at the Si(001)-2x1 surface in external electrostatic fields
J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 27th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICSPS-27)
発表日 2004年 - Dielectric properties of ultra-thin films
J.Nakamura; S.Ishihara; H.Ozawa; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, ICPS-27
発表日 2004年 - Atomic scale friction mechanism
S.Wakunami; J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 16th Int. Vacuum Congress (IVC-16)
発表日 2004年 - Energy barrier for dimer flipping at Si(001)-2x1 in external electric fields
J.Nakamura; A.Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, IVC-16
発表日 2004年 - Si/SiO2のバンドオフセットの第一原理計算
渡会雅敏; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第22回表面科学講演大会
発表日 2002年11月 - Electronic properties in nano-structures
A. Natori
その他, 英語, The School on simulation and modeling physics
発表日 2002年11月 - SiO2超薄膜のトンネル特性
渡会雅敏; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2002年秋季大会
発表日 2002年09月 - 2重量子ドットの多粒子状態
瀬下裕也; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2002年秋季大会
発表日 2002年09月 - Dynamics of c(4x2) phase-transition in Si(100) surafces
M. Osanai; A. Natori; J. Nakamura
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 11th Int. Conf. on Solid Films and Surfaces
発表日 2002年07月 - Structural stability of the Ge/Si(113)-2x2 surface
J. Nakamura; A. Natori; Z. Zhang; K. Sumitomo; H. Omi; T. Ogino
その他, 英語, 第5回成長表面・界面の動的挙動と原子スケールシミュレーション研究会
発表日 2002年03月 - Ge/Si(113)-2x2の再構成表面構造
住友弘二; Z. Zhang; 中村淳; 尾身博雄; 名取晃子; 荻野俊郎
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第49回応用物理学関係連合講演会
発表日 2002年03月 - 不均一表面層の2端子間2次元電流分布
名取晃子; 伊藤哲朗; 中村淳
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会第57回年次大会
発表日 2002年03月 - Si(100)面のダイマーバックリングダイナミクス
長内理尚; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会 第57回年次大会
発表日 2002年03月 - Si/SiO2のバンドオフセットの第一原理計算
渡会雅敏; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第8回「極薄シリコン酸化膜の形成・評価・信頼性」研究会
発表日 2002年 - 2重量子ドットのスピン結合制御
瀬下裕也; 中村淳; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会第58回年次大会
発表日 2002年 - Atomic structure of Ge/Si(113)-2x2 reconstruction
Z. Zhang; K. Sumitomo; J. Nakamura; H. Omi; A. Natori; T. Ogino
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 9-th Int. Colloq. Scanning Probe Microscopy and Asian SPM(4)
発表日 2001年12月 - Ge/Si(113)-2x2表面の構造安定性
中村淳; Z. Zhang; 住友弘二; 尾身博雄; 荻野俊郎; 名取晃子
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本物理学会2001年秋季大会
発表日 2001年09月 - Dimer buckling dynamics in the vicinity of missing dimers on Si(100) surfaces
M. Osanai; A. Natori
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 13-th Int. Conf. Crystal Growth/11-th Int. Conf. Vapor Growth and Epitaxy
発表日 2001年07月 - In-phase step wandering on vicinal Si(111) surfaces
A. Natori; N. Suga
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 8-th Int. Conf. Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces
発表日 2001年06月 - Photouminescence of charged magneto-excitons in InAs single quantum dots
A. Natori; S. Ohnuma; N. H. Quang
口頭発表(一般), 英語, 8-th Int. Conf. Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces
発表日 2001年06月