Department of InformaticsAssociate Professor
Cluster I (Informatics and Computer Engineering)Associate Professor


  • 博士(工学), 東京大学
  • Ph.D(Engineering), The University of Tokyo

Research Keyword

  • Oral training
  • Haptics
  • Oral haptics
  • Augmented Human
  • Augmented Sports
  • Superhuman Sports
  • Entertainment
  • Human Interface
  • Augmented Reality
  • Virtual Reality


  • 01 Apr. 2016
    Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Associate Professor
  • 01 Dec. 2008 - 31 Mar. 2016
    Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications, Associate Professor
  • 20 Aug. 2015 - 20 Mar. 2016
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab, Visiting Associate Professor
  • 01 Apr. 2003 - 30 Nov. 2008
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(ex: National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan), Researcher
  • 01 Apr. 2003 - 30 Nov. 2008
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(ex: National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan), Researcher

Educational Background

  • Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2003
    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies

Member History

  • Apr. 2024 - Present
    評議員, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, Society
  • Jan. 2022 - Present
    幹事, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会人間拡張研究委員会, Society
  • Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2024
    総務担当理事, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, Society
  • Jul. 2016 - Dec. 2021
    幹事, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会超人スポーツ研究委員会, Society
  • Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2020
    評議員, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, Society
  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2019
    企画担当理事・総務担当理事兼任, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, Society
  • 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2016
  • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
    論文委員, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, Society
  • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
    企画委員, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, Society
  • 2015 - 2016
    理事(アカデミー担当), 超人スポーツ協会, Others
  • Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014
    企画委員, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, Society
  • 2014
    超人スポーツ委員会幹事, 超人スポーツ協会, Others
  • Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2012
    企画委員, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, Society
  • Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2010
    企画委員, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, Society


  • Mar. 2024
    インタラクティブ発表賞(PC推薦), 青木原磨;櫻井 翔;広田光一;野鳴 琢也
  • Aug. 2022
    Proposal of a Virtual Reality Dynamism Augmentation Method for Sports Spectating
    Best Paper, Clara Hertzog;Sho Sakurai;Koichi Hirota;Takuya Nojima
    International society
  • Nov. 2019
    SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Emerging Technologies
    International society
  • Mar. 2014
    5th Augmented Human
    Honorable Mention
    International society
  • Oct. 2013
    Digital Contents Expo Innovative Technologies
  • Nov. 2012
    Silver Creative Showcase Award
  • 2010
    WISS 2010
  • 2003
    Digital Avionics Conference
    Best Paper Award
    United States
  • 2001
    日本VR学会 学術奨励賞受賞


  • Proposal of a Contact Detection System using Microphones for a Chambara-based Augmented Sports
    Yusaku MAEDA; Sho SAKURAI; Koichi HIROTA; Takuya NOJIMA
    Last, Proceedings of AsiaHaptics 2024, Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Development and Application of a Simplified Bite Force Measuring Device
    Tatsuma Aoki; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, 17th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Jun. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • RGB/深度カメラを応用した非装着型咀嚼運動分析システムの構築と応用
    小山夏実; 谷内佑起; 野嶋琢也; 大川周治; 藤澤政紀; 岡本和彦
    日本咀嚼学会雑誌, 33, 2, 69-82, Nov. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal
  • Investigation of Tactual Sensation of Periodontal Ligament by using Electrical Stimulation
    Shiori Iwahama; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, IEEE World Haptics Conference, WIP E2a.7, Jul. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Fundamental Study of Method for Generating Tactile Sensation in Periodontal Ligament by Electrical Stimulation
    Shiori Iwahama; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, Smell, Taste, and Temperature Interfaces(CHI2023 Workshop), Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    Symposium, English
  • Research on the Emotions Expressed by the Posture of Kemo-mimi
    Ryota Shijo; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, VRST '22: 28th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Article No.2, 29 Nov. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Proposal of a Virtual Reality Dynamism Augmentation Method for Sports Spectating
    Clara Hertzog; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, ICVRSA, N/A, Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 獣耳の感情表現能力を用いた感情表現インターフェースの検討
    四條亮太; 櫻井 翔; 広田光一; 野嶋琢也
    Last, ヒューマンインターフェース学会論文誌, 23, 4, 419-430, Nov. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A Study on the Integration Method of Sports Practice and Video Games.
    Sakuto Hoshi; Kazutaka Kurihara; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, HCII, 443-450, Jul. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Grutio: System for Reproducing Swallowing Sensation Using Neck-Skin Movement
    Izumi Mizoguchi; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 9, 105297-105307, Jul. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • スケーラビリティの高い形状インタフェースによるKinetic Clothesの開発
    大久保賢; 山村美紀; 薛馬各; 林卓人; 野嶋琢也; 内山博子
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 26, 2, Jun. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Developing the Thrower Detection System for Seamless Player-Ball Interaction in Augmented Dodgeball
    Kadri Rebane; David Hoernmark; Ryota Shijo; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 26, 2, Jun. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Augmenting Team Games With a Ball to Promote Cooperative Play
    Kadri Rebane; Yo Inoue; David Hörnmark; Ryota Shijo; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, Augmented Human Research, Springer, 6, Article No. 7, 07 Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Ambre: Augmented Metaphor Based Representation System for Electricity
    Shoki Kishida; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, Adjunct Publication of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, ACM, 20 Oct. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Toward Augmented Reality Displays for Sports Spectators: A Preliminary Study
    Clara Hertzog; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, The 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, 49, 1, Jun. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Licker: A Tongue Robot for Representing Realistic Tongue Motions
    Ryota Shijo; Mizuki Nagano; Izumi Mizoguchi; Takahiro Ando; Kanji Tamura; Keigo Hiki; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Emerging Technologies, ACM, 17 Nov. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Augmented Dodgeball AR Viewer for Spectators
    Shota Azuma; Clara Hertzog; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    Last, ICAT-EGVE, I-39, 11 Sep. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Method for Modifying Haptic Feedback by Displaying Onomatopoeia
    Izumi Mizoguchi; Takuya Nojima
    Last, World Haptics Conference, WP1P.05, 09 Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Towards making kinetic garments based on conductive fabric and smart hair
    Takuto Hayashi; Masaru Ohkubo; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC,, 89-90, 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • オーラルフレイル予防のための口腔トレーニング
    大岡貴史; 野嶋琢也
    情報処理, 情報処理学会, 60, 4, 329-332, 2019, Invited
    Research society, Japanese
  • Augmented Dodgeball with Double Layered Balancing
    Kadri Rebane; David Hornmark; Ryota Shijo; Tim Schewe; Takuya Nojima
    2019 26TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL REALITY AND 3D USER INTERFACES (VR), IEEE, NA, 1347-1348, 2019, Peer-reviwed, Playing is most fun when the end result remains unsure until the last minutes of the game. In team games, this means that both teams have comparable skill levels. When playing for fun, this can be hard to accomplish. Instead, game balancing can be used. We introduce a double layer balancing system for dodgeball. Augmented Dodgeball uses a virtual layer to balance differences in the physical world. In the virtual layer, players can choose their character they wish to play in the game. This contributes in more collaboration and teamwork during the play. In addition, we introduce individual parameters to each player based on their self-assessed skill level. These changes will not be introduced to the players. This allows for a more seamless balancing between player's physical skills without publically labeling the players based on their skill levels.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Augmented Dodgeball
    Kadri Rebane; Ryota Shijo; Tim Schewe; Jingyi Jiang; Takuya Nojima
    Proceedings of the First Superhuman Sports Design Challenge: First International Symposium on Amplifying Capabilities and Competing in Mixed Realities, Article No.5, Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Designing Augmented Sports: Merging Physical Sports and Virtual World Game Concept
    Takuya Nojima; Kadri Rebane; Ryota Shijo; Tim Schewe; Shota Azuma; Yo Inoue; Takahiro Kai; Naoki Endo; Yohei Yanase
    Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interaction, Visualization, and Analytics., Springer, 10904, 07 Jun. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • SmartFiber: Reconfigurable Shape Changing Interface
    Masaru Ohkubo; Takuya Nojima
    AUGMENTED HUMAN 2018: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH AUGMENTED HUMAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, Article No. 42, 2018, Peer-reviwed, As a way to augment shape and movement of a tangible object, we propose an actuator interface called "SmartFiber". Different from our previous work, SmartHair[7], this interface integrates an actuation and information network. The SmartFiber is composed of a silicon tube and two kinds of wires: (1) a pair of shape memory alloy wires and (2) copper wires. These copper wires contain a signal bus, which comprises an information network of shape changing interfaces. Within the network, actuators bend, shrink and rotate according to a control signal on the bus. By connecting to a power supply and sensor-integrated connectors, the user can compose a physically augmented object that has additional shape and movement. This system contributes to composing an augmented interface, which is a material-controllable extension of an object. The chain and mesh of the interface enable reconfiguration of the tangible object's functions by attaching new shapes and movements above its surface. In this paper we present a summary of the concept and the current prototype.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Squachu: A training game to improve oral function via a non-contact tongue-mouth-motion detection system
    Takahiro Ando; Ayano Masaki; Qing Liu; Takafumi Ooka; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    AVI'18: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED VISUAL INTERFACES, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, Article No.26, 2018, Peer-reviwed, Impaired articulation, chewing, or swallowing can have a strong impact on Quality of Life. These behaviors can be affected by decreased oral muscle function caused by aging and/or certain medical conditions. Aspiration pneumonitis is a major cause of death among elderly people, and is triggered by impaired swallowing, mainly due to decreased oral muscle strength. To reduce the risk of aspiration pneumonitis, elderly people are often advised to exercise and train their oral muscles. Unfortunately, such training tends to be monotonous and it is often difficult for trainees to detect the effects of the training, i.e., improved oral function. To address this issue, we developed an oral muscle training game called Squachu. Squachu is composed of a non-contact tongue-mouth-motion detection system and a game engine. As motion is tracked using a depth camera, players play the game via mouth and tongue motion and do not have to wear any specialized equipment. Thus, the game is hygienic and easily accessible for daily play.Players tend to assume the game score as a rough indicator of their oral function. Scores can be improved by frequent play of Squachu. Here, we describe the results of a month-long user test. We asked eight participants, aged 74-96, to play Squachu daily. After one month, we found improvements in three out of seven diagnostic criteria for the deterioration of oral function. We also found that some participants became more interested in voluntary game play, as they checked and compared their game scores with others.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • スポーツ競技中のプレイヤ観客間相互コミュニケーション拡張に関する研究
    皆川 太志; 野嶋 琢也
    情報処理学会論文誌, 59, 11, 2018, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Gill plus Man: Breathing Through Gills Experience System
    Izumi Mizoguchi; Takahiro Ando; Mizuki Nagano; Ryota Shijo; Sho Sakurai; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    SA'18: SIGGRAPH ASIA 2018 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, NA, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We propose the gill-breathing simulation system Gill+Man. The system presents the sense of breathing through gills like a fish. The Gill+Man system comprises three devices, namely a breath-sensing device, swallowing sense presenting device, and gill sense presenting device. These devices use simple stimulation and combine to produce the sense of having gills.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Insights of the augmented dodgeball game design and play test
    Kadri Rebane; Takahiro Kai; Naoki Endo; Tomonari Imai; Takuya Nojima; Yohei Yanase
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery, Article No. 12, 16 Mar. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Modern technology enables us to create novel devices and provide exciting new user experiences. In today's world where few people get engaged to physical activities regularly and in the amounts recommended by the doctors, it is important to find ways to encourage more active lifestyles. As fun, enjoyment and social aspects of the activity have a great impact on the decision on whether to exercise or not, it is wise to unite the two fields of technology and sports. Augmented Dodgeball was designed to enrich the experience of playing dodgeball and make it more attractive to participants. Specifically we focused on designing a physical game that players with different skill levels and physiology could enjoy playing together. For balancing between the players, virtual parameters that the players are aware of are used. In this paper we describe the game design and the development of the Dodgeball Game simulator as well as the observations and results from the play test.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • KKse: Safety Education System of the Child in the Kitchen Knife Cooking
    Shiho Saito; Koichi Hirota; Takuya Nojima
    2017 IEEE VIRTUAL REALITY (VR), IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 321-322, 2017, Peer-reviwed, The Kitchen Knife Safety Educator (KKse) is a safety education system designed to teach children how to correctly use cooking knives. Cooking is important for children to learn about what they eat. In addition, that is also important for daily communication between children and their parents. However, it is dangerous for young children to handle cooking knives. Because of this danger, parents often try to keep their young children away from the kitchen. Our proposed system will contribute to not only improving children's cooking skills, but also improving communication between parents and children. The system composed of a virtual knife with haptic feedback function, a touch/force sensitive virtual food and a two-dimensional force sensitive cutting board. This system was developed to teach a fundamental cutting method, the "thrusting cut". This paper describes the detail of the system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Pseudo-haptic feedback on softness induced by squeezing action
    Shin-ichiro Yabe; Hiroaki Kishino; Takashi Kimura; Takuya Nojima
    2017 IEEE WORLD HAPTICS CONFERENCE (WHC), IEEE, P2.72, 557-562, 2017, Peer-reviwed, The pseudo-haptic feedback is a method to represent illusion of haptic sensation, induced by non-haptic stimuli, such as vision and acoustics. This is a prospective method that enables us to develop haptic display without using any actuators. That considered to be a benefit for composing a small, light weighted haptic display. However quantitative control of haptic representation is often difficult because the method uses illusion. In this research, we propose a novel method to induce illusion of haptic sensation on softness, by using a pressure sensor integrated smartphone and squeezing action. In this paper, a prototype system to induce the pseudohaptic phenomenon is described. Then, two experiments were conducted. The first experiment was conducted to confirm that the device has enough capability to induce the pseudo-haptic phenomenon. The second experiment was for qualitative analyzation of the relationship between the visual stimulus and the induced pseudo-haptic feeling on softness.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Design Proposal of Space Clothes that Supports Lives in the Future Space Tourism Era
    M. Ohkubo; M. Xue; M. Yamamura; J. Kanebako; L. Ishigami; S. Yamaguchi; T. Nojima; H. Uchiyama; N. Yamazaki
    Advances in Science and Technology, 100, 59-63, 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • TABIs:Tape-based Actuator Balance-support Intelligent Shoes
    Izumi Mizoguchi; Takuya Nojima
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Come alive! Augmented Mobile Interaction with Smart Hair
    Masaru Ohkubo; Shuhei Umezu; Takuya Nojima
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH AUGMENTED HUMAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (AUGMENTED HUMAN 2016), ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, Article No. 32, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Many research and products have augmented mobile interaction by integrating shape changing interface to overcome limited interaction space. However, most of these control systems tend to be complex and hard to configure due to the mechanical limitations of the actuators. Furthermore there are a few studies about using a shape changing I/O integrated interface with mobile technology. Therefore, we introduce a way to augment interaction on mobile phones with shape changing interface called "Smart Hair". The "Smart Hair" is a sensor integrated actuator that curves its shape according to the intensity of light. This simple system enables the users to implement physical interaction that is synchronized with the mobile phone. Different from previous works of the research, we developed the input method for mobile use. This study describes the development of the shape changing interface on mobile phones and discusses the practical use of the developed interface. As an application example, we developed physical body of smart phone which behaves as if it is an interactive robot. In addition, we evaluated how people perceive the motion of the interface. The result showed that the behavior of the actuator could evoke subtle emotion to the users.This paper consists of three parts. First the augmentation methods are described. Then the applications are evaluated by the users and finally the possibilities and limitations of the study are discussed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a Toolkit for Creating Kinetic Garments Based on Smart Hair Technology
    Mage Xue; Masaru Ohkubo; Miki Yamamura; Hiroko Uchiyama; Takuya Nojima; Yael Friedman
    SUI'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 SYMPOSIUM ON SPATIAL USER INTERACTION, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 177-177, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Although there are many kinetic garment artworks and studies (ex [3]), installing kinetic elements into garments is often difficult for people in the field of textile. The reason for this issue comes from the complexity of kinetic elements to be handled by such people. Thus, simple technology is required to enable those people to create new kinetic garment easily. In this project, we propose a simple toolkit that enables installing kinetic function to textiles. This toolkit is composed of Smart Hair(s), a fine, light weighted bending actuator, and an Arduino based microcomputer. The basic design of the proposed toolkit will be described. Furthermore, we held a workshop in cooperation with students who major in fashion and textile to investigate the effect of this toolkit.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • SITA:非装着型舌運動計測システムの開発
    柳 青; 宮内将斗; 木村 尭; 野嶋 琢也
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 21, 2, 235-241, 2016, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • スカッチュ:口腔筋トレーニング支援を目的とするシリアスゲームの開発
    正木絢乃; 柳 青; 宮内将斗; 木村 尭; 野嶋 琢也
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 21, 2, 243-250, 2016, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Design Proposal of Space Clothes that Supports Lives in the Future Space Tourism Era
    CIMTEC 2016, L-4:L05, 2016, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Fashion & Textile for Augmenting Human in Space
    Takuya Nojima; Miki Yamamura; Junichi Kanebako; Lisako Ishigami; Hiroko Uchiyama; Naoko Yamazaki
    Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, ?, 10 Jul. 2015, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Augmented dodgeball: An approach to designing augmented sports
    Takuya Nojima; Ngoc Phuong; Takahiro Kai; Toshiki Sato; Hideki Koike
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 11, 137-140, 09 Mar. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Copyright 2015 ACM. Ubiquitous computing offers enhanced interactive, human-centric experiences including sporting and fitness-based applications. To enhance this experience further, we consider augmenting dodgeball by adding digital elements to a traditional ball game. To achieve this, an understanding of the game mechanics with participating movable bodies, is required. This paper discusses the design process of a ball-player-centric interface that uses live data acquisition during gameplay for augmented dodgeball, which is presented as an application of augmented sports. Initial prototype testing shows that player detection can be achieved using a low-energy wireless sensor based network such as that used with fitness sensors, and a ball with an embedded sensor together with proximity tagging.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Bio-Collar: A wearable optic-kinetic display for awareness of bio-status
    Takuya Nojima; Miki Yamamura; Junichi Kanebako; Lisako Ishigami; Mage Xue; Hiroko Uchiyama; Naoko Yamazaki
    Proceedings of the Augmented Human International Conference, 187-188, 2015, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Breathing clothes: Artworks using the hairlytop interface
    Masaru Ohkubo; Miki Yamamura; Hiroko Uchiyama; Takuya Nojima
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery, 2014-, Article 39, 11 Nov. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Breathing clothes are media artworks formed as an application of the hairlytop interface. The hairlytop interface is an assembly of fine, soft and deformable actuators. Each actuator is composed of a shape memory alloy (SMA) and drive circuits. Various types of sensors can be connected to the driving circuits. The actuators can then deform in reaction to surrounding stimuli, including light, sound, and human activity. The high flexibility of this configuration and its unique motion enables us to compose various interface types, such as furry decorated interfaces and new deformable textiles. In this paper, we describe in detail several types of clothes composed of this unique fabric combined with the hairlytop interface. The clothes act based on the wearer's breathing action, which acts as an indicator of the emotional state of the wearer.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Listen to your Heart: Novel Ways of using Respiration and Heartbeat as Inconspicuous Input Modalities
    Masato Miyauchi; Johannes Schöning; Takuya Nojima
    Inconspicuous Interaction 2014: Workshop on Inconspicuous Interaction at ACM CHI, N/A, 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Special issue on Haptic Contents(Haptic Contents)
    Nojima Takuya; Saga Satoshi; Yano Hiroaki
    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 19, 4, 437-437, 2014
  • PhotoelasticBall: A touch detectable ball using photoelasticity
    Kei Nitta; Toshiki Sato; Hideki Koike; Takuya Nojima
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Article No.16, 2014, Peer-reviwed, Balls are a key equipment for sports and entertainments such as juggling, etc. Then, much research has been conducted for developing balls of the next generation to enhance ball related entertainments. Such balls have plenty of special effects such as sound and light, but have limited input method. Those effects are often controlled through ball's native motion by using accelerometers, etc. However, as increasing the variety of special functions of such balls, the appropriate input method should be required. In this research, we developed a force vector sensor sheet unit that can be implemented on the surface of the ball. In this paper, we report the detail of the sensory system and its experimental results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • TAMA: Development of trajectory changeable ball for future entertainment
    Tomoya Ohta; Shumpei Yamakawa; Takashi Ichikawa; Takuya Nojima
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery, Article No.50, 2014, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we propose a ball interface "TAMA" (Trajectory chAnging, Motion bAll
    "tama" means a ball in Japanese) that can change its own trajectory dynamically. Conventionally, it is impossible to go against the laws of physics. However, if the trajectory of the balls can be changed during flight, that virtually means balls can fly against physical laws. This should enhance the pleasure of ball-related games such as baseball, basketball, juggling, etc. In this research, we used the force of compressed gas from within the ball itself to change the ball trajectory. Previously, we developed the ball prototype equipped with a gas-jet unit. However, the primal prototype was too heavy to use in amusement. Additionally, there was no control of the timing of the jet and it was wired for power supply. In this paper, we introduce the latest prototype of TAMA, which trims the weight and adds new functionality. We discuss the feasibility of this system through experimentation in changing the ball's trajectory during downward flight.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The hairlytop interface as a basic tool for active interface
    Shuhei Umezu; Yoshiharu Ooide; Masaru Ohkubo; Takuya Nojima
    Adjunct proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, 95-96, 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The Effect of Visually-Induced Pseudo-Haptic on Softness
    Shin-ichirou Yabe; Takashi Kimura; Hiroaki Kishino; Takuya Nojima
    Proceedings of ICAT-EGVE 2014, TBD-+2, 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Hairlytop interface: an interactive surface display comprised of hair-like soft actuators
    Takuya Nojima; Yoshiharu Ooide; Hiroki Kawaguchi
    2013 WORLD HAPTICS CONFERENCE (WHC), IEEE, 431-435, 2013, Peer-reviwed, There has been much research on interactive surface displays, which are displays that can change the geometric state of their surfaces actively. Most of these displays consist of multiple haptic units, which are composed of pins that actively move up and down. The envelope of these pins mimics the surface shape of an arbitrary object. However, it is difficult to improve the spatial resolution of such displays and to enlarge the display area because of the physical complexity. In this research, we propose the hairlytop interface, which is a collection of hair-like soft actuators composed of shape memory alloy. The proposed interface is capable of improving spatial resolution and can be used in developing larger surface displays. This paper details the hairlytop interface and discusses assumed applications.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A tongue training system for children with Down syndrome
    Masato Miyauchi; Takashi Kimura; Takuya Nojima
    UIST 2013 - Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 373-376, 2013, Peer-reviwed, Children with Down syndrome have a variety of symptoms including speech and swallowing disorders. To improve these symptoms, tongue training is thought to be beneficial. However, inducing children with Down syndrome to do such training is not easy because tongue training can be an unpleasant experience for children. In addition, with no supporting technology for such training, teachers and families around such children must make efforts to induce them to undergo the training. In this research, we develop an interactive tongue training system especially for children with Down syndrome using SITA (Simple Interface for Tongue motion Acquisition) system. In this paper, we describe in detail our preliminary evaluations of SITA, and present the results of user tests. Copyright © 2013 ACM.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An assembly of soft actuators for an organic user interface
    Yoshiharu Ooide; Hiroki Kawaguchi; Takuya Nojima
    UIST 2013 Adjunct - Adjunct Publication of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 87-88, 2013, Peer-reviwed, An organic user interface (OUI) is a kind of interface that is based on natural human-human and human-physical object interaction models. In such situations, hair and fur play important roles in establishing smooth and natural communication. Animals and birds use their hair, fur and feathers to express their emotions, and groom each other when forming closer relationships. Therefore, hair and fur are potential materials for development of the ideal OUI. In this research, we propose the hairlytop interface, which is a collection of hair-like units composed of shape memory alloys, for use as an OUI. The proposed interface is capable of improving its spatial resolution and can be used to develop a hair surface on any electrical device shape. © 2013 Authors.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An interface composed of a collection of "smart hairs"
    Masaru Ohkubo; Yoshiharu Ooide; Takuya Nojima
    SMI 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Workshop on Smart Material Interfaces: Another Step to a Material Future, Co-located with ICMI 2013, Association for Computing Machinery, 23-26, 2013, Peer-reviwed, The smart hair is the basic component of the hairlytop interface, which is a visual/haptic interface patterned with smart hair. The hair is composed of shape memory alloy(s), drive circuit(s), and light sensor(s) capable of controlling their bending. The bending of each smart hair is controlled through the intensity of light from below. The high flexibility in its configuration and unique motion enables us to construct various types of interface. In this paper, we describe details about several prototypes of the hairlytop interface. In addition, we also report experimental results from an evaluation of the accuracy in flex-control of the smart hairs. Copyright © 2013 ACM.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Studies of Vection Field II: a method for generating smooth motion pattern
    Hiromi Yoshikawa; Taku Hachisu; Shogo Fukushima; Masahiro Furukawa; Hiroyuki Kajimoto; Takuya Nojima
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKING CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED VISUAL INTERFACES, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 705-708, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Along public pathways, visual signs and audio cues are used by pedestrians to guide them into forming smoother pedestrian flows. However, often ignored or neglected, these signals require greater pedestrian attentiveness and appropriate conscious effort. To solve this problem, we have proposed the concept of "vection field". This is a field of optical flow that cues movement according to a pedestrian's motion. Visual stimulus within this optical flow leads pedestrians innately in specific directions without requiring direct interventions. We have implemented such a field by covering the ground with a lenticular lens screen; in this setup, neither power supply nor position tracking of pedestrians is necessary. An experimental result from our previous study shows that a vection field can direct pedestrians to one side. However, the quality of the optical flow such as image clarity and smoothness of motion was unsatisfactory in that it could cause a reduction in leading inducement. In this paper, we describe in detail a new display method involving a lenticular lens screen that yields an improvement in the quality of the vection field and ultimately pedestrian optical flow. Experiments showed improvements over previous attempts.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Pseudo-haptic feedback on softness induced by grasping motion
    Takashi Kimura; Takuya Nojima
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7283, 2, 202-205, 2012, Peer-reviwed, In most of the research on pseudo-haptic feedback, subjects' hands are on the desk and the visual image is provided from a monitor placed in front of them. The setup easily induces sensory conflicts for pseudo-haptic feedback between visual and haptic perception. However, subjects rarely see simultaneously their hand in motion and in a visual display. We report here our preliminary study on pseudo-haptic feedback related to tactile perception of softness. In the study, subjects hold a hand-held display with pressure sensors. A virtual object shown on the display screen changes shape according to pressures from the subject's squeezing of the device. In this configuration, subjects are able to see their hand and the visual display at same time. We also describe the preliminary experimental results confirming the feasibility of our system and its applicability in investigating haptic pseudo-haptic. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Proposal for MMG-based Hand Gesture Recognition
    Shumpei Yamakawa; Takuya Nojima
    ADJUNCT PROCEEDINGS OF THE 25TH ANNUAL ACM SYMPOSIUM ON USER INTERFACE SOFTWARE AND TECHNOLOGY, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 89-90, 2012, Peer-reviwed, We propose a novel hand-gesture recognition method based on mechanomyograms (MMGs). Skeletal muscles generate sounds specific to their activity. By recording and analyzing these sounds, MMGs provide means to evaluate the activity. Previous research revealed that specific motions produce specific sounds enabling human motion to be classified based on MMGs. In that research, microphones and accelerometers are often used to record muscle sounds. However, environmental conditions such as noise and human motion itself easily overwhelm such sensors. In this paper, we propose to use piezoelectric-based sensing of MMGs to improve robustness from environmental conditions. The preliminary evaluation shows this method is capable of classifying several hand gestures correctly with high accuracy under certain situations.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a Non-contact Tongue-motion Acquisition System
    M. Masato; K. Takashi; N. Takuya
    ADJUNCT PROCEEDINGS OF THE 25TH ANNUAL ACM SYMPOSIUM ON USER INTERFACE SOFTWARE AND TECHNOLOGY, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 75-76, 2012, Peer-reviwed, We present a new tongue detection system called SITA, which comprises only a Kinect device and conventional laptop computer. In contrast with other tongue-based devices, the SITA system does not require the subject to wear a device. This avoids the issue of oral hygiene and removes the risk of swallowing a device inserted in the mouth. In this paper, we introduce the SITA system and an application. To evaluate the system, a user test was conducted. The results indicate that the system could detect the tongue position in real time. Moreover, there are possibilities of training the tongue with this system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • STRAVIGATION: A vibrotactile mobile navigation for exploration-like sightseeing
    Hiroki Kawaguchi; Takuya Nojima
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7624, 517-520, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Exploration-like sightseeing is wandering around an unfamiliar place, and is a way of seeing sights and enjoying novel experiences that are not mentioned in guidebooks However, the fear of getting lost prevents tourists from engaging in exploration-like sightseeing Current navigation devices are capable of providing effective routes to specific places, which is not compatible for this mode of sightseeing This is because tourists tend to focus on the recommended route displayed on the device and follow it faithfully This prevents tourists from seeing surrounding sights Here, we propose a new navigation method called stravigation Stravigation is a vibrotactile mobile navigation for the tourist to be able to enjoy exploration-like sightseeing We describe its basic concept and the results of evaluation experiments These results show that stravigation is capable of guiding tourists to specific places correctly without the need to watch navigation devices Furthermore, the results also show that stravigation enhances the sense of delight while wandering © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • HOJI HOJI: The hole-type interactive device for entertainment
    Yuta Suzuki; Yusaku Okada; Hiroki Kawaguchi; Takashi Kimura; Yoichi Takahashi; Kodai Horita; Takuya Nojima; Hideki Koike
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7624 LNCS, 561-564, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Holes often excite our curiosity and eventually people will want to look inside them In this research, focusing the attention on this hole exploration and corresponding actions as an element of interactive entertainment, we developed a hole-type device named HOJI*HOJI HOJI*HOJI is equipped with a hole that can recognize finger position through the use of pressure sensors Force feedback is also implemented within the device for realizing interaction between the 'hole' and the user's finger For proof of concept, an interactive game application was made for HOJI*HOJI and was exhibited at 2 events to confirm whether this 'hole' can attract people's curiosity © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Ego-motion analysis using average image data intensity
    Kojiro Kato; Kris M. Kitani; Takuya Nojima
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2, 2011, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we present a new method to perform ego-motion analysis using intensity averaging of image data. The method can estimate general motions from two sequential images on pixel plane by calculating cross correlations. With distance information between camera and objects, this method also enables estimates of camera motion. This method is sufficiently robust even for out of focus image and the calculational overhead is quite low because it uses a simple averaging method. In the future, this method could be used to measure fast motions such as human head tracking, or robot movement. We present a detailed description of the proposed method, and experimental results demonstrating its basic capability. With these results, we verify that our proposed system can detect camera motion even with blurred images. Furthermore, we confirm that it can operate at up to 714 FPS in calculating one dimensional translation motion. Copyright 2011 ACM.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A simplified vibrotactile navigation system for sightseeing
    Yuji Tamiya; Takuya Nojima
    ISVRI 2011 - IEEE International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations 2011, Proceedings, 1, 33-36, 2011, Peer-reviwed, We propose a new sightseeing support system that allows users to focus on environmental information at tourist sites. The main aim of our project is to enable users to recognize the physical positional relation between their current position and their destination. The user moves our device in a 360-degree circle around his body to perceive direction and distance to the destination through the sense of touch. When pointed towards the destination, our system enables the user to estimate arrival time through simple information provided by the device. Furthermore, because the system does not hinder the user's vision or hearing, from the aspect of sightseeing and safety, our approach advances tourism. In this paper, we evaluate an information presentation method that uses vibration to provide the direction and distance to the destination. We also show the results of a navigation experiment using our system. © 2011 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Shoe-shaped I/O interface
    Hideaki Higuchi; Takuya Nojima
    UIST 2010 - 23rd ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Adjunct Proceedings, 423-424, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In this research, we propose a shoe-shaped I/O interface. The benefits to users of wearable devices are significantly reduced if they are aware of them. Wearable devices should have the ability to be worn without requiring any attention from the user. However, previous wearable systems required users to be careful and be aware of wearing or carrying them. To solve this problem, we propose a shoe-shaped I/O interface. By wearing the shoes throughout the day, users soon cease to be conscious of them. Electromechanical devices are potentially easy to install in shoes. This report describes the concept of a shoe-shaped I/O interface, the development of a prototype system, and possible applications.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of the motion-controllable ball
    Takashi Ichikawa; Takuya Nojima
    UIST 2010 - 23rd ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Adjunct Proceedings, 425-426, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In this report, we propose a novel ball type interactive interface device. Balls are one of the most important pieces of equipment used for entertainment and sports. Their motion guides a player's response in terms of, for example, a feint or similar movement. Many kinds of breaking ball throws have been developed for various sports(e.g. baseball). However, acquiring the skill to appropriately react to these breaking balls is often hard to achieve and requires long-term training. Many researchers focus on the ball itself and have developed interactive balls with visual and acoustic feedbacks. However, these balls do not have the ability for motion control. In this paper, we introduce a ball-type motion control interface device. It is composed of a ball and an air-pressure tank to change its vector using gas ejection. We conducted an experiment that measures the ball's flight path while subjected to gas ejection and the results showed the prototype system had enough power to change the ball's vector.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Flight experiment of pilot display for search-and-rescue helicopter
    Kohei Funabik; Hiroka Tsuda; Tomoko Iijima; Takuya Nojima; Kazuho Tawada; Takashi Yoshida
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7326, 732607-732607-10, 2009, Peer-reviwed, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), together with Shimadzu Corporation and NEC, has initiated a research project named SAVERH (Situation Awareness and Visual Enhancer for Rescue Helicopter) that aims at inventing method of presenting suitable pilot information to support helicopter search and rescue missions. As the initial stage of this research, a series of flight experiments was conducted to investigate the feasibility of operations enhanced by an E/SVS (Enhanced/Synthetic Vision System) and to clarify system issues. An integrated system comprising an HMD (Helmet Mounted Display) and a FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) sensor were installed in a JAXA research helicopter, and Tunnel-in-the-Sky symbology and a Synthetic Terrain image combined with the FLIR image were presented on the HMD and/or on a Head Down Display (HDD). Through a total of 17 flights including night flights, the potential capability of the system was demonstrated while many issues for further investigation were identified. © 2009 SPIE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The Sleighing Simulator 2.0
    Takuya NOJIMA; Yoshihiko SAIGA; Yu Okano; Hiroyuki KAJIMOTO
    SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technologies, Article, 20, 2009, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluating an objective method for motion cueing fidelity
    Toshimasa Hagiwara; Sunjoo K. Advani; Kohei Funabiki; Kaoru Wakairo; Koji Muraoka; Takuya Nojima
    AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, 2008, The relationship between the motion fidelity of a flight simulator and pilot handling quality was investigated through a series of pilot-in-the-loop simulations. The phase margin of the aircraft-pilot system during a high gain tracking task was measured while varying the gain and filtering parameters of the motion cueing algorithm, and then compared with Advani-Hosman's criterion of motion fidelity. Although the results of the simulation are limited to only two axes of the six degrees of freedom, and limited by some hardware limitations, the results partially support the suitability of the criterion of quantifying and qualifying flight simulator motion cueing system. © 2008 by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A study on a flight display using Retro-reflective projection technology and a propeller
    Takuya Nojima; Hiroyuki Kajimoto
    Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2721-2726, 2008, Peer-reviwed, The head up display (HUD) is becoming increasingly common in the aerospace field because it has many benefits such as enabling operations in poor visibility and improving flight safety. The HUD is a kind of augmented reality display that enables a pilot to observe the scene outside the cockpit while simultaneously viewing an artificial image of flight information. However, the HUD is too expensive and heavy for light airplanes. In this paper, we propose a new method to combine real and artificial images using Retro-reflective Projection Technology and rotating objects, and we apply the method to an airplane with a single propeller to compose a simple HUD. In this report, we also describe the developed system and preliminary experimental results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluating Motion Cueing Fidelity of JAXA Flight Simulator
    Toshimasa Hagiwara; Sunjoo K. Advani; Kohei Funabiki; Kaoru Wakairo; Koji Muraoka; Takuya Nojima
    AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, AIAA 2008-6542, 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Study on a Flight Display using Retro-reflective Projection Technology and a Propeller
    Nojima Takuya; Kajimoto Hiroyuki
    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 13, 2, 217-225, 2008, Peer-reviwed, The head up display (HUD) is becoming increasingly common in the aerospace field because it has many benefits such as enabling operations in poor visibility and improving flight safety. The HUD is a kind of augmented reality display that enables a pilot to observe the scene outside the cockpit while simultaneously viewing an artificial image of flight information. However, the HUD is too expensive and heavy for light airplanes. In this paper, we propose a new method to compose a simple HUD using Retro-reflective Projection Technology and a propeller. In this report, we also describe the developed system and preliminary experimental results.
  • A study on flight information display methods through tactile sensation of pilots
    NOJIMA Takuya; FUNABIKI Kohei
    ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌, ヒューマンインタフェース学会, 9, 2, 1-8, 25 Feb. 2007, Peer-reviwed
  • Conflict and separation symbols in CDTI for small aircraft operation
    Kohei Funabiki; Tomoko Iijima; Takuya Nojima
    ICAS-Secretariat - 25th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2006, 7, 4452-4459, 2007, This paper describes a simulation study of CDTI symbologies designed for trajectorybased operations of small aircraft. Although presenting a pilot with traffic information enhances situation awareness and enables self-separation, it may increase workload and affect other tasks. A series of pilot-in-the-loop flight simulations was carried out to investigate the relationship between traffic awareness and workload. Two types of separation symbology were devised and compared in manually flown tasks with selfsequencing and self-separation. The results show that although the newly introduced symbologies were accepted by the pilots, they did not reduce pilot interactions with the CDTI - on the contrary, pilots tended to pay more attention to the CDTI, sometimes resulting in degraded flight path tracking performance.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Summary of NOCTARN research project
    Kohei Funabiki; Tomoko Iijima; Takuya Nojima
    ICAS-Secretariat - 25th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2006, 7, 4177-4185, 2007, This paper gives an outline of NOCTARN research activity that aimed at developing and demonstrating a trajectory-based air traffic management and operation system for small aircraft. This research focused on developing technologies to generate and share 4D flight trajectories among aircraft and between air and ground, and to use this information to enable high-density operations and for noise abatement while maintaining pilot workload at the same level as conventional operation. A pilot display, ATC console and data link system have been developed during the course of this research, and a flight experiment involving multiple aircraft was accomplished in the final stage, demonstrating the concept's feasibility.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The peripheral display for augmented reality of self-motion
    Takuya Nojima; Yoshihiko Saiga; Yu Okano; Yuki Hashimoto; Hiroyuki Kajimoto
    17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL REALITY AND TELEXISTENCE, ICAT 2007, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 308-+, 2007, Peer-reviwed, It is known that peripheral vision strongly contributes to the sense of self-motion, and that users of visual displays with a narrow field of view often find it hard to experience such sensations fully. In this research, we propose a peripheral display that augments the feeling of self-motion. This consists of simple displays that stimulate the user's peripheral area of vision. By changing the stimulus on the peripheral display, the system should be able to increase or reduce the user's sense of self-motion. In this report, we describe a prototype of the display system and the result of its evaluation.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Cockpit display using tactile sensation
    T Nojima; K Funabiki
    World Haptics Conference: First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virutual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Proceedings, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 501-502, 2005, Peer-reviwed, A new cockpit display system using tactile information was proposed. A 6x4 pin-array-type tactile display device was mounted on an aircraft control stick, and provides a pilot with altitude tracking cue. Results of preliminary pilot-in-the-loop simulation demonstrated that this system could support a pilot in maintaining an assigned altitude with only partial reference to altitude and/or vertical speed instrument indications.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A comparative study of bank angle indication in a synthetic vision system
    Tomoko Shinkawa; Tomoko Iijima; Takuya Nojima; Kohei Funabiki
    AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings, 1, 4.D.3.1-4.D.3.11, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Pilots flying with synthetic vision systems with integrated attitude indicators sometimes report degraded attitude awareness. It is suspected that the opposite motions of the projected flight path and bank pointer can reduce a pilot's attitude awareness, and even provide a false cue. A variety of bank angle indicators were compared by pilot-in-the-loop simulations to evaluate their compatibility with a synthetic vision system display. During the simulations, pilots were required to maintain a demand bank angle while diverting from or returning to a demand flight path that was indicated by a "tunnel-in-the-sky". The results revealed that a certain type of bank indication, which has not been used so commonly, gave the best attitude awareness among the candidate indicators. ©2005 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Flight Demonstration of a New Operational Concept using TDMA Data Link System
    Takuya NOJIMA; Kohei FUNABIKI
    proceedings of 24th International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences, 2004-7.11.R, 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • CDTI design in a trajectory-based operations concept for small aircraft
    Kohei FUNABIKI; Tomoko IIJIMA; Takuya NOJIMA
    proceedings of 23rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1, 44.B.1- 4.1-9, 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Pilot workload assessment method in a new CNS/ATM environment
    T Iijima; K Funabiki; T Nojima
    2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN & CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 3, 2699-2706, 2004, Peer-reviwed, This paper discusses a pilot workload assessment and analysis method used in the development of NOCTARN (New Operational Concept using Three-dimensional Adaptable Route Navigation), a concept based on three-dimensional flight trajectories shared between aircraft and air traffic control (ATC) via digital data link and negotiated using Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC). The method, named NAL-WLI, is a subjective mental workload assessment technique based on a modified NASA-TLX (Task Load Index) that focuses on enabling the identification of factors contributing to workload and Providing feedback to the NOCTARN environment system design using a scoring method that is easy for pilots. To validate the NAL-WLI method and identify factors contributing to workload in NOCTARN operations, the method was applied to piloted flight experiments using a research airplane and helicopter. Results from NAL-WLI identified factors contributing to workload and the causes of individual differences and provided information for improving the NOCTARN system design.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of a trajectory-based operations concept for small aircraft: airborne aspect
    Kohei FUNABIKI; Tomoko IIJIMA; Takuya NOJIMA
    proceedings of 22nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 12.C.5.1-12.C.5.11, 2003, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Beings - Haptic artwork with SmartTool -
    渡邊淳司; 板垣貴裕; 野嶋琢也; 稲見昌彦; 舘暲
    芸術科学会論文誌, The Society for Art and Science, 2, 4, 116-122, 2003, Peer-reviwed, What we can see is what we can touch. Though we unconsciously approach visible things, is it natural action? Which is the essential feature of existence, what we can touch or see ? In our art work visible and invisible lilliputs are muddling. We can see the visible lilliputs, but can not touch them. We can not see the invisible lilliputs but can touch them. They are living in the area where modalities of human senses are partly separated. Theme of this art work is "existence" of each modalities.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The SmartTool: A system for augmented reality of haptics
    T Nojima; D Sekiguchi; M Inami; S Tachi
    IEEE VIRTUAL REALITY 2002, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 67-72, 2002, Peer-reviwed, Previous research on augmented reality has been mainly focused on augmentation of visual or acoustic information. However, humans can receive information not only through vision and acoustics, but also through haptics. Haptic sensation is very intuitive, and some researchers are focusing on making use of haptics in augmented reality systems. While most previous research on haptics is based on static data, such as that generated from CAD, CT, and so on, these systems have difficulty responding to a changing real environment in real time. In this paper, we propose a new concept for the augmented reality of haptics, the SmartTool. The SmartTool responds to the real environment by using real time sensor(s) and a haptic display. The sensor(s) on the SmartTool measure the real environment then send its that information through haptic sensation. Furthermore, we will describe the prototype system we have developed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Proposal for a Real-time Task Supporting System in the Real Environment through Force Feedback
    NOJIMA Takuya; SEKIGUCHI Dairoku; INAMI Masahiko; TACHI Susumu
    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 7, 2, 193-199, 2002, Peer-reviwed, The previous researches on augmented reality have been mainly focused on augmentation of visual or acoustic information. However, the human could get information not only through vision and acoustics, but also through haptics. The haptic sensation is very intuitive hence some researchers are focus on using haptic sensation in an augmented reality system. In these researches, the haptic sensation is generated based on static data such as generated from CAD, CT, etc. However, these systems are hard to respond to changing real environment in a real time. In this paper, we propose a new concept for the augmented reality of haptics, the SmartTool. The SmartTool could respond to the real environment by using real time sensors and a haptic display. The sensors on the SmartTool measure the real environment then send us that information through our haptic sensation. Furthermore, we will describe about the prototype system we have developed.
  • 力覚のオーグメンテッドリアリティを用いた手術支援システムの研究
    野嶋琢也; 稲見昌彦; 苗村潔; 川俣貴一; 伊関洋, 舘暲
    日本VR医学会論文誌, 1, 1, 78-82, 2002, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • An interface for touching the interface
    Takuya NOJIMA; Masahiko INAMI; Ichiro KAWABUCHI; Taro MAEDA; Kunihiko MABUCHI; Susumu TACHI
    Conference Abstracts and Applications of SIGGRAPH 2001, 125, 2001, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Applying an 'encounter-type' haptic display to telexistence
    Takuya NOJIMA; Masahiko INAMI; Taro MAEDA; Susumu TACHI
    9th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT), 68-72, Dec. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English


  • Roughness perception change by controlling the visual movement of a pen point.
    田中徳彦; 宇治土公雄介; 櫻井翔; 野嶋琢也; 広田光一
    2020, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM), 25th, 1349-5062, 202102232091203817
  • Construction of hand link model based on measurement
    広田光一; 田川和義; 小森優; 櫻井翔; 野嶋琢也
    2019, 電気学会研究会資料, PI-19-034-043, 201902293334822958
  • Special issue on Augmented Human and Sports
    Nojima Takuya; Sumi Kaoru; Kurita Yuichi
    THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 2017, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 22, 4, 445-445, Japanese, 1344-011X, 130006300536
  • Entertainment Computing Technology for Creating Rich Experience:3. Creating Novel Sports based on Augmented Human
    野嶋 琢也; 稲見 昌彦
    スポーツは人々を魅了するエンタテインメントであり,同時に肉体的健康の維持,コミュニケーション促進など,多くの有用な効果が期待される身体活動である.近年の科学技術の発達は,スポーツに対して大きな変化をもたらしつつある.本稿では,スポーツの定義,変遷を概説しつつ,人間の運動・認識能力を補綴・増強を目指す人間拡張工学(AH:Augmented Human)に特に着目し,同技術をコアとする新しいスポーツ創造の動きについて紹介する., 情報処理学会 ; 1960-, 15 Dec. 2016, 情報処理, 58, 1, 18-21, Japanese, 0447-8053, 40021041955, AN00116625
  • KKse : Interactive Kitchen Knife Safety Education System for Children
    齊藤 志保; 野嶋 琢也; 広田 光一; 櫻井 翔
    電子情報通信学会, 01 Dec. 2016, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 116, 340, 39-44, Japanese, 0913-5685, 40021060749, AN10012921
  • Pseudo-haptic feedback on stiffness induced by grasping motion
    木村 尭; 野嶋 琢也
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 12 Sep. 2012, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集, 17, 292-295, Japanese, 1349-5062, 40019620761
  • Objective evaluation method for motion cueing fidelity
    HAGIWARA Toshimasa; FUNABIKI Kohei; WAKAIRO Kaoru; MURAOKA Koji; NOJIMA Takuya
    The relationship between the motion fidelity and pilot handling quality was investigated through a series of pilot-in-the-loop simulations. The phase margin of the aircraft-pilot system during a high gain tracking task was measured while varying the gain and filtering parameters of the motion cueing algorithm. As a result, measuring the phase margin the handling quality of the flight simulator can be compared with the actual aircraft. In addition, pilot comment at the same motion system setup as the phase margin measurement was verified with the tendency of the phase margin fluctuation and it supported the adequacy of the method to use the phase margin for evaluating motion cueing fidelity., Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Mar. 2009, JAXA research and development report, 8, 1-16, Japanese, 1349-1113, 110007335564, AA1192675X
  • Research activity of JAXA for aviation technology and civil aircraft development program: research on flight control and cockpit
    舩引 浩平; 野嶋 琢也; 新川 智子
    日本航空宇宙学会, Feb. 2009, Aeronautical and space sciences Japan, 57, 661, 44-47, Japanese, 0021-4663, 40016486628, AN00189072
  • Information presentation method for pilot using virtual reality technology
    NOJIMA Takuya
    06 Nov. 2008, ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究報告集 : human interface, 10, 4, 23-24, Japanese, 1344-7270, 10024594520, AA11324462
  • Information presentation method for pilot using virtual reality technology
    NOJIMA Takuya
    It is said that the history of powered flight begin with the Wright Flyer. However, that was one of the dangerous vehicles at that time because of lack of knowledge about human performance in the sky. Since then, many efforts have been made for these hundred years to take over the problem. Then, airplanes become one of the safest vehicles. Many research fields such as aerodynamics, engine, material, etc. contributes for progress of flight safety. Above all, the information display technology and the flight simulation technology are the technology that directly affects the pilot themselves. In this lecture, the relationship between these technology and virtual reality, their history and the future will be talked., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 30 Oct. 2008, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 130, 106, 23-24, Japanese, 0919-6072, 110007098857, AA1221543X
  • A Study on Pilot Flight Display using pin-array-type Tactile Display
    NOJIMA Takuya; FUNABIKI Kohei
    When flying aircraft, it is required for pilots to watch outside and flight instruments inside carefully. However, it often becomes difficult because of high visual workload. The visual workload often increases during take off phase, landing phase of flight, or doing some kind of tasks such as hovering, etc.. Furthermore, the condition of weather and aircraft itself may also increase it. If the visual workload becomes too high, it becomes difficult for pilots to gather flight information appropriately. Therefore, such difficulties sometimes lead to accidents or incidents. For such situation, we have proposed using a Tactile Flight Display (TFD) for flight safety. A TFD is a kind of flight instrument using tactile display. It enables pilots to feel some kind of flight information through their tactile sensation. In this paper, we describe about two kinds of TFDs which we have developed. Both of them consist of pin-array-type tactile display devices. One of the developed TFD provides a pilot with flight vector cue, another TFD provides pitch angle cue. Then we report about the experimental result for evaluating the flight performance using those two types of TFDs., Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Feb. 2008, JAXA research and development report, 7, 1-10, Japanese, 1349-1113, 110007030361, AA1192675X
  • Advanced Aircraft Ground-Roll Model
    SHINKAWA Tomoko; FUNABIKI Kohei; NOJIMA Takuya; YAMAJI Takuro
    As a part of cooperative research program between Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry for future civil transport program, authors have been developing display and control system application for ground handling quality improvement. For the research and development on this application, a precise ground roll simulation model was required. Therefore a real-time- simulation model including rotation motion of tire that is based on NASA TR-64, was developed. Furthermore, validation of the model, a series of ground-roll and flight test using a research airplane was conducted. Retrieved data of tire rotation and aircraft motion shows good correlation with the data from simulation model., Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Feb. 2008, JAXA research and development report, 7, 1-13, Japanese, 1349-1113, 110007032450, AA1192675X
  • The study on the pilot assistance display using augmented reality of self-motion
    SAIGA Yoshihiko; OKANO Yu; HASHIMOTO Yuki; KAJIMOTO Hiroyuki; NOJIMA Takuya
    For pilots who fly the aircraft, the visual cue from outside of the window is as essential as the information from meters within the cockpit. However, it often becomes difficult for them to fly the aircraft without enough visual cues. For example, the hovering flight of helicopters at very high altitude or over the ocean. In our previous research, we propose a new augmented reality display system using optical flow to enhance the sense of self-motion to assist pilots to fly. Then we described the experimental result. In this report, we discuss the conditions to install the proposed system to the cockpit. Then we also report the result of preliminary evaluation., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 31 Jan. 2008, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 127, 11, 139-143, Japanese, 0919-6072, 110006688924, AA1221543X
  • A study on the display method to the peripheral view for augmentation of speed sensation
    OKANO Yu; SAIGA Yoshihiko; HASHIMOTO Yuki; NOJIMA Takuya; KAJIMOTO Hiroyuki
    Optical flow to the peripheral view is essential to human nature to sense their movement, especially for speed information, hi our previous research, we propose peripheral display system using optical flow for enhancement of speed sensation. In this report, we describe the effect of our experimental system for enhancement the speed sensation of running. Furthermore, we discuss about the conditions to be considered with to develop the peripheral display. Then report the result of preliminary evaluation., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 31 Jan. 2008, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 127, 11, 145-150, Japanese, 0919-6072, 110006688925, AA1221543X
  • Industrial Applications with Virtual Reality Technology
    NOJIMA Takuya; HOSHINO Hiroshi
    Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and intelligent informatics, 15 Aug. 2007, Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, 19, 4, 348-354, Japanese, 1347-7986, 110006401691, AA1181479X
  • 2110 Research on Traffic Display with 4D Trajectory Information
    Funabiki Kohei; Iijima Tomoko; Nojima Takuya
    A CDTI (Cockpit Display of Traffic Information) was developed for a trajectory-based operations concept for small aircraft. The CDTI presents not only the positions of other aircraft but also their trajectories, estimated CPA (Closest Point of Approach) in the case of a conflict, and other related information. Pilot acceptance of the CDTI was evaluated by flight simulation trials. Although traffic situational awareness was enhanced, the introduction of CDTI increased overall pilot workload., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2005, The Proceedings of the Transportation and Logistics Conference, 2005, 14, 239-240, Japanese, 110006189603, AA11901588
  • Development of Haptic aided surgery system using augmented reality
    NOJIMA Takuya; INAMI Masahiko; NAEMURA Kiyoshi; KAWAMATA Takakazu; ISEKI Hiroshi; TACHI Susumu
    30 Dec. 2002, Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS, 4, 3, 237-238, Japanese, 1344-9486, 10025681336, AA11908088
  • A study on augmented haptics (II) : SmartFinger
    INAMI Masahiko; MIKI Takeshi; NOJIMA Takuya; MAEDA Taro; TACHI Susumu
    The previous researches on augmented reality have been mainly focused on augmentation of visual information. However, the human could get information not only through vision and acoustics, but also through haptics. The haptic sensation is very intuitive hence some researchers are focus on using haptic sensation in an augmented reality system. In these researches, the haptic sensation is generated based on static data such as generated from CAD, CT, etc. However, these systems are hard to respond to changing real environment in a real time. In this paper, we propose a new concept for the augmented reality of haptics, SmartFinger. In this paper, we propose a nail-mounted augmented tactile display-SmartFinger., Human Interface Society, 24 Jan. 2002, Correspondences on Human Interface, 4, 1, 29-32, Japanese, 1344-7270, 10013395776, AA11324462
  • A study on augmented haptic : A SmartTool
    NOJIMA Takuya; SEKIGUCHI Dairoku; INAMI Masahiko; TACHI Susumu
    19 Sep. 2001, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集 = Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan annual conference, 6, 485-486, Japanese, 1342-4564, 10009538548, AA11429766
  • テレイグジスタンスへの遭遇型触覚提示デバイスの適用 (日本バーチャルリアリテイ学会第4回大会) -- (テレイグジスタンス)
    野嶋 琢也; 稲見 昌彦; 前田 太郎
    日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会, 29 Sep. 1999, 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会大会論文集, 4, 395-398, Japanese, 1342-4564, 40005144171, AA11429766

Books and other publications

  • 口・鼻・耳の感覚メカニズムと応用技術
    Japanese, Joint work, 第3章第4節 深度センサーによる下・唇の動き計測システム, S&T出版, 27 Mar. 2018
  • Augmented Human
    Japanese, Joint work, 超人スポーツ, NTS, 17 Jan. 2018
  • Pervasive Haptics
    English, Joint work, Toward the haptic interaction in daily life, Springer Japan, Apr. 2016
  • ウエアラブル・エレクトロニクス -通信・入力・電源・センサから材料開発、応用事例、セキュリティまで
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint work, NTS, Jun. 2014
  • 触覚認識メカニズムと応用技術 -触覚センサ・触覚ディスプレイ-【増補版】
    Japanese, Joint work, S&T出版, 19 Mar. 2014
  • 『自動車を中心としたヘッドアップディスプレイの最新技術・市場動向と高機能化・将来展望』~投影先のWS・コンバイナ・各種光学ユニットの最適設計・視認性向上・自動車の要求~
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint work, アンドテック, 2014
  • ロボット情報学ハンドブック
    Japanese, Joint work, 第4.5節「VR応用」, ナノオプトニクスエナジー, Mar. 2010
  • まるまる!スーパーリアルビジョン
    Japanese, Joint work, 航空におけるAR研究の最新動向, 産業開発機構株式会社, Dec. 2009

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 人間拡張技術を用いたスポーツ創生
    Nominated symposium, バイオメカニズム学会大会, Invited
    07 Dec. 2024
    07 Dec. 2024- 08 Dec. 2024
  • 単一深度カメラを用いた下顎軌道計測システムの提案
    賈 志豪; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Oral presentation, 第29回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会
    11 Sep. 2024
    11 Sep. 2024- 13 Sep. 2024
  • 簡易型咬合力測定装置の開発とその応用に関する研究
    青木 辰磨; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Oral presentation, インタラクション
    08 Mar. 2024
    06 Mar. 2024- 08 Mar. 2024
  • 簡易型の咀嚼時の下顎軌道計測システムに関する提案
    贾 志豪; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Oral presentation, 第24回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会
    15 Dec. 2023
    14 Dec. 2023- 16 Dec. 2023
  • 歯根膜受容器への経皮電気刺激と生成される口腔感覚情報に関する調査
    金佑相; 岩濱汐里; 櫻井翔; 広田光一; 野嶋琢也
    Oral presentation, 第31回ハプティクス研究会
    16 Nov. 2023
    16 Nov. 2023- 17 Nov. 2023
  • VR面接における聴衆アバタに適用した画像エフェクトがユーザに与える心理的影響
    木村 洸太郎; 櫻井 翔; 野嶋 琢也; 広田 光一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会
    14 Sep. 2023
    12 Sep. 2023- 14 Sep. 2023
  • VRツイスターにおけるユーザ間の外見認識の相互不一致性が対人認知に及ぼす影響
    後藤 拓海; 櫻井 翔; 野嶋 琢也; 広田 光一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会
    14 Sep. 2023
    12 Sep. 2023- 14 Sep. 2023
  • 静止型VRにおける疑似身体感覚が疲労感に及ぼす影響の基礎検証
    坂中 真貴; 山田 祐輔; 櫻井 翔; 野嶋 琢也; 広田 光一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会
    14 Sep. 2023
    12 Sep. 2023- 14 Sep. 2023
  • 簡易型咬合力測定デバイスの開発とその応用に関する研究
    青木 辰磨; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会
    14 Sep. 2023
    12 Sep. 2023- 14 Sep. 2023
  • 歯根膜受容器の選択的刺激にむけた口腔感覚情報の調査
    金 佑相; 岩濱 汐里; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, Domestic conference
    14 Sep. 2023
    12 Sep. 2023- 14 Sep. 2023
  • アバタの外見から想起されるイメージと実際の能力の相違がユーザの心理・行動に与える影響
    永井 良雅; 櫻井 翔; 野嶋 琢也; 広田 光一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会
    12 Sep. 2023
    12 Sep. 2023- 14 Sep. 2023
  • マイクを利用した模擬刀と身体の接触判定システムの提案
    前田 裕作; 佐藤 神威; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会
    12 Sep. 2023
    12 Sep. 2023- 14 Sep. 2023
  • 融合身体を用いた運動における上下半身の各動作合成比率が行動戦略に与える影響
    大原 侑祐; 後藤 拓海; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会
    12 Sep. 2023
    12 Sep. 2023- 14 Sep. 2023
  • VRと人間拡張に関する研究者
    栗田雄一; 野嶋琢也; 善甫啓一
    Nominated symposium, Japanese, バーチャルリアリティと 人間拡張技術が拓く未来(人間拡張ワークショップ), Invited
    12 May 2023
    10 May 2023- 13 May 2023
  • 歯根膜由来の感覚情報と咀嚼の関係性解明にむけた予備調査
    岩濱 汐里; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Poster presentation, インタラクション
    09 Mar. 2023
    08 Mar. 2023- 10 Mar. 2023
  • 遠隔地のスポーツ観戦者同士の一体感醸成手法に関する提案
    樫村 侑樹; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第26回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, Domestic conference
    12 Sep. 2021
  • VR空間内における近接感覚の生成に関する研究
    松村 悠司; 櫻井 翔; 広田 光一; 野嶋 琢也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第26回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, Domestic conference
    12 Sep. 2021

Affiliated academic society

  • Apr. 2023 - Present
  • May 2019 - Present
  • Feb. 2014 - Present
  • Jun. 2008 - Present
  • 2006 - Present
  • 2001 - Present
  • 1999 - Present
    The Virtual Reality Society of Japan

Research Themes

  • 嚥下ロボットとシミュレーションによる食品窒息のメカニズム解明と新規予防戦略
    道脇 幸博; 野嶋 琢也; 井尻 敬; 橋本 卓弥; 関谷 秀樹; 大竹 義人
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 東邦大学, 基盤研究(B), 23K28478
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2027
  • 嚥下ロボットとシミュレーションによる食品窒息のメカニズム解明と新規予防戦略
    道脇 幸博; 野嶋 琢也; 井尻 敬; 橋本 卓弥; 関谷 秀樹; 大竹 義人
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 東邦大学, 基盤研究(B), 23H03790
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2027
  • 触力覚情報が咀嚼行動ならびに食事の主観に対すして果たす役割の解明
    野嶋 琢也; 大岡 貴史
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(B), 22H03629
    Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2025
  • Establishment of preventive program for choking with virtual reality technic and the improvement effect of feeding behavior
    大岡 貴史; 野嶋 琢也
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Meikai University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 22K10345
    Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2025
  • Analysis of Reality Distorted Spatio-Temporal Field to Improve Human Skill and Motivation
    Morishima Shigeo
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Waseda University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Previous state-of-the-art research topics in VR/AR are focusing mainly on expansion or distortion of 3D virtual space. There are rarely research topic about the control of the time scale in virtual information space. Not only 3D space but also time scale are modified subjectively natural in this research project and the influence of this Reality Distorted Spatio-Temporal Field to human activity or perception in physical world is accessed. Sports training and a language training are picked up as application examples and a concrete Reality Distorted Spatio-Temporal Field is designed and constructed. And the result of system evaluation shows the superiority that the sports or language training in our space-time distorted space brings effectively a feedback to trainees in physical world., 19H01129
    Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022

Industrial Property Rights

  • 口腔認識装置
    Patent right, 安藤 貴広, 正木 絢乃, 柳 青, 野嶋 琢也, 特願2020-009387, Date applied: 23 Jan. 2020, 特開2021-117049, Date announced: 10 Aug. 2021, 特許7414262, Date registered: 05 Jan. 2024, Date issued: 16 Jan. 2024
  • 舌装置
    Patent right, 四條 亮太, 日岐 桂吾, 野嶋 琢也, 溝口 泉, 長野 瑞生, 田村 莞爾, 安藤 貴広, 広田 光一, 特願2017-009603, Date applied: 23 Jan. 2017, 国立大学法人電気通信大学, 特開2018-117703, Date announced: 02 Aug. 2018, 特許第6849216号, Date registered: 08 Mar. 2021
  • 感覚提示装置
    Patent right, 溝口 泉, 日岐 桂吾, 野嶋 琢也, 四條 亮太, 長野 瑞生, 田村 莞爾, 安藤 貴広, 広田 光一, 特願2017-009414, Date applied: 23 Jan. 2017, 国立大学法人電気通信大学, 特開2018-117682, Date announced: 02 Aug. 2018, 特許第6837235号, Date registered: 12 Feb. 2021
  • 毛状で柔軟なユーザインタフェース
    Patent right, 野嶋 琢也, 大出 慶晴, 川口 紘樹, 特願2013-188893, Date applied: 11 Sep. 2013, 国立大学法人電気通信大学, 特開2014-075124, Date announced: 24 Apr. 2014, 特許第6218221号, Date registered: 06 Oct. 2017, Date issued: 06 Oct. 2017
  • 携帯端末セット、携帯端末用ジャケット、携帯端末、情報処理システム、およびプログラム
    Patent right, 木村 尭, 野嶋 琢也, 特願2012-130326, Date applied: 08 Jun. 2012, 国立大学法人電気通信大学, 特開2013-254398, Date announced: 19 Dec. 2013, 特許第5988141号, Date registered: 19 Aug. 2016
  • スマートツール
    Patent right, 野嶋 琢也, 関口 大陸, 稲見 昌彦, 満渕 邦彦, ▲たち▼ ▲すすむ▼, 特願2001-240127, Date applied: 08 Aug. 2001, 野嶋 琢也, 関口 大陸, 稲見 昌彦, 満渕 邦彦, ▲たち▼ ▲すすむ▼, 特開2003-048182, Date announced: 18 Feb. 2003, 特許第4660679号, Date registered: 14 Jan. 2011, Date issued: 14 Jan. 2011
  • 再帰性投影ヘッドアップディスプレイ
    Patent right, 野嶋 琢也, 梶本 裕之, 特願2008-095053, Date applied: 01 Apr. 2008, 独立行政法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構, 特開2009-251027, Date announced: 29 Oct. 2009
  • 移動感増強装置
    Patent right, 野嶋 琢也, 岡野 裕, 雑賀 慶彦, 梶本 裕之, 特願2007-241173, Date applied: 18 Sep. 2007, 国立大学法人 電気通信大学, 独立行政法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構, 特開2009-075145, Date announced: 09 Apr. 2009
  • 皮膚感覚操縦支援装置
    Patent right, 野嶋 琢也, 舩引 浩平, 特願2005-037082, Date applied: 15 Feb. 2005, 独立行政法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構, 特開2006-224691, Date announced: 31 Aug. 2006, 特許第4124367号, Date registered: 16 May 2008
  • 皮膚感覚操縦支援装置号
    Patent right, 野嶋琢也, 舩引浩平, -, 野嶋琢也, 舩引浩平, 4124367, Date issued: 16 May 2008
  • Smart-tool and method of generating haptic sensation thereof
    Patent right, Nojima Takuya, Sekiguchi Dairoku, Inami Masahiko, Mabuchi Kunihiko, Tachi Susumu, -, Nojima Takuya, Sekiguchi Dairoku, Inami Masahiko, Mabuchi Kunihiko, Tachi Susumu, 20030057973, Date announced: 27 Mar. 2003

Social Contribution Activities

  • 高校出張講義
    Lecturer, 都立南多摩高校, Visiting lecture
    23 Oct. 2024
  • 高校出張講義
    Lecturer, 県立栃木高校, Visiting lecture
    18 Mar. 2024
  • 高校出張講義
    Lecturer, 青陵高校, Visiting lecture
    18 Oct. 2023
  • 高校出張講義
    Lecturer, 都立文京高校, Visiting lecture
    21 Jun. 2023

Academic Contribution Activities

    Competition etc, Peer review, EUROGRAPHICS, VRSJ, Sep. 2023 - Present
  • U☆PoC
    Others, Planning etc, Jun. 2023 - Present
  • IVRC
    Others, Planning etc, May 2023 - Present
  • 人間拡張ワークショップ
    Competition etc, Planning etc, 11 May 2023 - 13 May 2023
  • IVRC
    Academic society etc, Others, Sep. 2022 - Nov. 2022
  • U☆PoC
    Competition etc, Others, Jun. 2022 - Nov. 2022