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- Survival probability of a truncated radial oscillator subject to periodic kicks
S Tanabe; S Watanabe; F Saif; M Matsuzawa
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 65, 3, 033420-1-033420-7, Mar. 2002, Peer-reviwed, Classical and quantum survival probabilities are compared for a truncated radial oscillator undergoing impulsive interactions with periodic laser pulses represented here as kicks. The system is truncated in the sense that the harmonic potential is made valid only within a finite range; the rest of the space is treated as a perfect absorber. Exploring extended values of the parameters of this model [Phys. Rev. A 63, 052721 (2001)], we supplement discussions on classical and quantum features near resonances. The classical system proves to be quasi-integrable and preserves phase-space area despite the momentum transfered by the kicks, exhibiting simple yet rich phase-space features. A geometrical argument reveals quantum-classical correspondence in the locations of minima in the paired survival probabilities while the "ionization'' rates differ due to quantum tunneling.
Scientific journal, English - Hyperspherical calculation of double ionization of He generated by fast proton and antiproton impact
Toru Morishita; Yuichi Musha; Shinichi Watanabe; Michio Matsuzawa
The Fifth Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics (2-5 Oct.2002,Nara Japan),Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts Book of Abstracts, 150-151, 2002
International conference proceedings, English - Figure-Eight Solution of the Three-Body Problem in the Hyperspherical Coordinates
Takeshi Sasajima; Toru Morishita; Shinichi Watanabe; Michio; Matsuzawa
The Fifth Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics (2-5 Oct.2002,Nara Japan),Scientific program and Book of Abstracts, 198-199, 2002
International conference proceedings, English - Hyperspherical adiabatic treatment of atomic Bose-Einstein condensation
Daisuke Kushibe; Masaki Mutou; Shinichi Watanabe; Michio Matsuzawa
The Fifth Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics(2-5 Oct. 2002),Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts, 200-201, 2002
International conference proceedings, English - Numerical simulation of quantized vortices in 2-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensates
Masaki Mutou; Toru Morishita; Daisuke Kushibe; Shinichi Watanabe; Michio Matsuzawa
The Fifth Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics(2-5 Oct.2002,Nara Japan),Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts, 202-203, 2002
International conference proceedings, English - Two-channel Siegert Pseudo-State Metod:Case of Square-Well Potential
Koudai Toyoda; Shinichi Watanabe; Michio Matsuzawa
The Fifth Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics(2-5 Oct.2002,Nara Japan),Scintific Program and Book of Abstracts, 208-209, 2002
International conference proceedings, English - Interaction potentials between He atom and diatomic molecular ion
M.Hananoe; K.Ohtsiki; T.Morishita; S.Watanabe; M.Matsuzawa
The Fifth Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics(2-5 Oct. 2002,Nara Japan),Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts, 222-223, 2002
International conference proceedings, English - Hyperspherical L2-integrable basis method for energetic proton and anti-proton impact autoionization
T. Morishita; K. Hino; T. Edamura; D. Kato; S. Watanabe; M. Matsuzawa
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 34, 15, L475-L484, Aug. 2001, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 周期的半サイクルパルスキックによる調和振動子の励起
田名部誠一; 渡邊信一; 松澤通生
日本物理学会56回大会(中央大学多摩), 28pZF-12, Mar. 2001
Japanese - 中空多価イオンの崩壊過程:K―X線発光とカスケード遷移
高橋 淳; 大槻一雅; 松澤通生
日本物理学会56回大会(中央大学多摩), 30pZF-15, Mar. 2001
Japanese - 「新奇な量子状態の粒子間相関」課題番号 10440120
平成10年度―平成12年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B-2)研究成果報告書, 1-79, Mar. 2001
Japanese - Hyperspherical L2-integrable basis method for energetic proton and anti-proton impact autoionization
Toru Morishita; Ken-ichi Hino; Tetsuya Edamura; Daiji Kato; Shinichi Watanabe; Michio Matsuzawa
J.Phys. B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys., 34, L475-L484, 2001
English - Truncated Radial Oscillator subject to Periodic Kicks
Seiichi Tanabe; Shinichi Watanabe; Michio Matsuzawa
Atomic Collision Research in Japan, 27, 95-97, 2001, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Siegert-pseudostate representation of quantal time-evolution: A harmonic oscillator kicked by periodic pulses
S.Tanabe; S.Watanabe; N.Sato; M.Matsuzawa; S; Yoshida; C.Reinhold; J.Burgdoerfer
Phys.Rev.A, 63, 052721-1-052721-11, 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Exploring the separability of the three-body Coulomb problemin hyperspherical elliptic coordinates
Oleg I.Tolstikhin; Michio Matsuzawa
Phys.Rev.A, 63, 0627051-1-0627051-23, 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Hyperspherical elliptic harmonics and their relation to the Heun equation
O.I.Tolstikhin; M.Matsuzawa
Phys.Rev.A, 63, 032510-1-032510-8, 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Quasi-separability of Coulomb three body systems and hyperspherical elliptic quantum numbers
Michio Matsuzawa
(Invited talk)4 th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics(Taipei, 13-18 October 2000)Book of Abstracts, 117, Oct. 2000
English - Time Propagation: Masking method v.s. Siegert expansion method
田名部誠一; 渡邊信一; 松澤通生
原子衝突研究協会第5回研究会(岡崎コンフェレンスセンター)講演概要集, 106-107, Aug. 2000
English - 長寿命反陽子ベリリウム原子の可能性
王 冬; 大槻一雅; 松澤通生
原子衝突研究協会第25回研究会(岡崎), Aug. 2000
Japanese - 中空原子の理論的考察
高橋 淳; 大槻一雅; 渡辺信一; 松澤通生
原子衝突研究協会第25回研究会(岡崎), Aug. 2000
Japanese - Influence of short-range interaction on the ionization threshold
N. Miyashita; S. Watanabe; M. Matsuzawa; J. Macek
Phys. Rev. A, 61, 014901-1-014901-2, 2000
English - Report on the XXI International Conference of the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions 1999
Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Comments on Modern Physics, 2 PartD, 157-163, 2000
English - Possibility of long-lived antiprotonic beryllium atom
D.Wang; K.Ohtsuki; M.Matsuzawa
Atomic Collision Research in Japan-Progress Report, 26, 26, 34-35, 2000
English - Hyperspherical L^2^ basis set approach to proton-impact autoionization
K.Hino; T.Morishita; S.Watanbe; Michio Matsuzawa
Atomic Collision Research in Japan-Progress Report, 26, 26, 41-43, 2000
English - Quantum time-propagation using siegert pseudostates The case of a periodically kicked harmonic oscillator
S.Tanbe; S.Watanabe; M.Matsuzawa
Atomic Collision Research in Japan-Progress Report, 26, 26, 88-90, 2000
English - Hyperspherical Approach to Three-electron Atomic systems
T Morishita; M Matsuzawa
ITAMP workshop, "Fragmentation and Recombination in Novel 3- and 4-body systems"November 4-6, 1999 (The Institute for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Harvard Physics Department, USA), Nov. 1999
English - Depletion of harmonic oscillator states by periodic kicks
N. Sato; S. Watanabe; M. Matsuzawa; S. Yoshida; C.O.Reinhold; J. Burgdoerfer
21 st International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions(Sendai,Japan July22-27,1999).Abstracts of Contributed Papers,eds. Y. Itikawa, K. Okuno, H. Tanaka, A. Yagishita and M. Matsuzawa, 158, Jul. 1999
English - Quantum effects and the role of the potential ridge in ionization threshold law
N. Miyashita; D. Kato; S. Watanabe; M. Matsuzawa; J. Macek
21 st International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions(Sendai,Japan July22-27,1999).Abstracts of Contributed Papers,eds. Y. Itikawa, K. Okuno, H. Tanaka, A. Yagishita and M. Matsuzawa, 247, Jul. 1999
English - Low energy collision between antiproton and atomic hydrogen
K. Ohtsuki; Y. Ishida; M. Matsuzawa; M. Shinada
21 st International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions(Sendai,Japan July22-27,1999).Abstracts of Contributed Papers,eds. Y. Itikawa, K. Okuno, H. Tanaka, A. Yagishita and M. Matsuzawa, 438, Jul. 1999
English - イオン化状態におけるポテンシアルの形状と量子効果
宮下尚之; 加藤大治; 渡邉信一; 松澤通生
日本物理学会54回年会(広島, 1999年3月28日-3月31日)講演概要集, 29p-ZC-7, Mar. 1999
Japanese - 反陽子と水素原子の低エネルギー衝突
大槻一雅; 石田佳寛; 松澤通生; 品田正樹
日本物理学会54回年会(広島, 1999年3月28日-3月31日)講演概要集, 29p-ZC-8, Mar. 1999
Japanese - Depletion of quantum states induced by periodic half-cycle pulses or kicks
佐藤直樹; 渡邉信一; 松澤通生; S. Yoshida; C. O. Reinhold; J. Burgdoerfer
日本物理学会54回年会(広島, 1999年3月28日-3月31日)講演概要集, 29p-ZC-9, Mar. 1999
English - The Physics of Electronic Atomic Collisions
Y. Itikawa; K. Okuno; H. Tanaka; A. Yagishita; M. Matsuzawa
XXI International Conference Sendai, Japan 1999, AIP Conference Series Proceedings 500(AIP press,New York,2000), 1-728, 1999
English - 超球座標法における原子系BECの行列要素の評価
櫛部大介; 渡邊信一; 森下 亨; 松澤通生
日本物理学会春の分科会25aF12 日本物理学会, 55, 1第2分冊, 124, 1999
Japanese - Double ionization of helium by energetic charged-particle impact Sixth Europhyics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics
Y. Kawabata; K, Hino; S. Watanabe; M. Matsuzawa
Europhysics Conference(Siena, Italy, 14-18 July 1998), 4-81, Jul. 1998
English - 水素原子による反陽子の捕獲
石田佳寛; 大槻一雅; 松澤通生; 品田正樹
原子衝突研究協会,第23回研究会講演概要集, 50, 1998
Japanese - 水素原子による反陽子の捕獲過程
大槻一雅; 石田佳寛; 松澤通生; 品田正樹
日本物理学会講演概要集, 53, 2 第4分冊, 883, 1998
Japanese - PSS法をもちいた反陽子と水素原子の衝突
石田佳寛; 大槻一雅; 松澤通生; 品田正樹
宇宙空間原子分子過程研究会,エキゾチック粒子を含む原子分子過程報告書, 64-67, 1998
Japanese - 反陽子と水素原子の低エネルギー衝突
石田佳寛; 大槻一雅; 松澤通生; 品田正樹
日本物理学会講演概要集, 54, 1 第4分冊, 754, 1998
Japanese - Progress and Applications of the Hyperspherical Coordinate Method(共著)
Nuclear Instruments and Method in Physics Research B(NIM B), 124, 218, 1997
Scientific journal, English - Hyperspherical hierarchy of three-electron radial eucitations(共著)
Physical Review(Phys. Rev. A), 56, 5, 3559, 1997
English - Proton-antiproton Impact-Electron Emission Spectra of He : Comparison of theory with Experiment (共著)
Physical Review A, 53, 4, 2345, 1996
Scientific journal, English - Metastable States of Antiprotonic Helium in the Energy Range of the 2S and 2P states of Heluim Hyperspherical Analysis of the System(共著)
Physical Review A(Phys. Rev. A), 54, 5, R3705, 1996
Scientific journal, English - Hyperspherical Elliptic Coordinates and Three-Body Coulomb Problem (共著)
Physical Review Letters, 74, 18, 3573, 1995
Scientific journal, English - Hyperspherical Elliptic Coordinates : New Approximate Symmetry of Three-Body Corlomb Problem (共著)
The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions XIX Intrenational conference, AIP Conference Proceedings 360 AIP Press, 887, 1995
English - Ab initio Electron Emission Cross Section of Doubly Excited He Generated by Fast Proton and Anti-proton impact (共著)
Journal of Physics B, Atomic, Moleculear and Optical Physics, 27, 12, L287, 1994
Scientific journal, English - Double Electron Excitation of H- by Fast Proton and Anti proton Impact (共著)
Ken-ichi Hino; Mamoru Nagase; Hiroyuki Okamoto; Toru Morishita; Michio Matsuzawa; Mineo Kimura
Physical Reciew A, 49, 5, 3753, 1994, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Electron-energy Spectra of H- Doubly Excited States Resulting from Collisions of H- with He (共著)
Physical Reciew A, 50, 3, 2309, 1994
Scientific journal, English - Hyperspherical Approach to Double Electron Excitation of He by Fast Ion Impact IV Excitation to the (2l3l) and (3l3l) Manifolds by Multiply Charged Ion Impact (共著)
Physical Review A, 47, 6, 4784, 1993
Scientific journal, English - Very Narrow Doubly Excited 2(l, O)--n and 2(-1, O)on 1P0 State of Helium (共著)
Physical Review A, 48, 1, 841, 1993
Scientific journal, English - Enhancement of Narrow Resonances in Photoabsorption from the He atom in Metastable state (共著)
Journal of Physics B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physis, 26, 13, L337, 1993
Scientific journal, English - A Hyperapherical Close-Coupling Calculation of Photoionization of the He atom Li+ and C4+ ions I Below the N=2 threshold (共著)
Journal of Physics B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 26, 16, 2555, 1993
English - General Computational Method for Two-Electron Systems (共著)
Jian Zhi Tang; Shinichi Watanabe; Michio Matsuzawa
Physical Review A, 46, 5, 2437, Sep. 1992, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Evidence of an Excited Angular Correlation Mode in High-Lying He**(共著)
Jian-Zhi Tang; Shinichi Watanabe; Michio Matsuzawa; C.D.Lin
Physical Review Letters, 69, 11, 1633, Sep. 1992, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Electron Impact Excitation of atoms in High Lying Doubly Excied States : Correlation Effects in Collision Dynamics (共著)
Physical Review A, 38, 2, 670, 1988
Scientific journal, English - Thermal Collisions between High-Rydberg atoms and Rare-Gas Atoms
Journal of Physics B, Atomic and Molecular Physics, 12, 22, 3743, 1979
Scientific journal, English - Electron Transfer from Highly Excited Atoms to Moecules
Michio Matsuzawa
Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 32, 4, 1088, 1972
Scientific journal, English - Ionization of Long-lived Highly Excited atoms by collisions with Molecules
Michio Matsuzawa
Journal of Chemical Physics, 55, 6, 2685, 1971
Scientific journal, English