Emeritus Professor etc.Emeritus Professor


  • Doctor of Engineering, Tokyo University

Research Keyword

  • Fundamental theory of information processing in genera
  • マルチメディア検索
  • 乱数
  • データ構造
  • アルゴリズム
  • 情報工学基礎理論一般

Field Of Study

  • Informatics, Computational science

Educational Background

  • Mar. 1970
    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, 計数工学専攻
  • Mar. 1967
    The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, 計数工学科


  • Keyword Search over Hybrid XML-Relational Databases
    Liru Zhang; T. Ohmori; M. Hoshi
    Abstract od SICE Annual Conf. 2008, 1A04-5, Aug. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Web 構造分析を目的とした多次元データマイニング機構の効率化
    栗原大輔; 大森 匡; 星 守
    日本データベース学会論文誌, 7, 1, 25-30, Jun. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A New Feature for Musical Genre Classification of MPEG-4 Twin VQ Audio Data
    M. Kobayakawa; T. Morita; M. Hoshi; T. Ohmori
    日本データベース学会論文誌, 7, 1, 227-232, Jun. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Cover Ratio of Absolute Neighbor (Towards an Index Structure for Efficient Retrieval)
    Onishi, K; Hoshi, M
    Lcture Notes in Computer Science, No. 4921, pp. 70 – 80, 2008.02, 4921, 70-80, Feb. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 構図に基づく類似画像検索のための類似度、
    山本敦; 小早川倫広; 星守; 大森匡
    情報処理学会論文誌:データベース、Vol. 48, N0., 48, SIG 14(TOD 35), 82-90, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 多次元データマイニングによるWebアーカイブの構造解析の評価
    林 和弘; 大森匡; 星守
    日本データベース学会Letters, 6, 1, 141-144, Jun. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 多構造データベース演算を用いたログデータ分析の試み
    涌波信弥; 大森匡; 星守
    日本データベース学会Letters, 日本データベース学会, 6, 1, 137-140, Jun. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A New Data Cube for Integrating Data Mining and OLAP
    Ohmori, T; Naruse, M; Hoshi, M
    Proc. of ICDE Workshops Apr. 2007, 896-903, Apr. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • mm-GNAT: index structure for arbitrary Lp norm
    Onishi, K; Kobayakawa, M; Hoshi, M
    Proc. of ICDE Workshops Apr. 2007, Page(s):117-126, Apr. 2007
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Partial Retrieval of Music Data with Different Bit Rate using MPEG-4 TwinVQ Audio Compression
    Kobayakawa, M; Hoshi
    Proc. of ICDE Workshops Apr. 2007, 103-112, Apr. 2007
    International conference proceedings, English
  • N-OPS: 系列データベースにおける連続系列パターンの探索算法
    大森 匡; 李 光治; 七海嘉仁; 星 守
    電子情報通信学会論文誌D、、2006年7月、, J89D, 07, 1465-1480, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Mining Web Structures Using Multi-Dimensional Data Mining Model
    Y. Yamashita; T. Ohmori; M. Hosh
    Proc. of ICDE Workshops Apr. 2006:, 39-44, Apr. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optimal Region for Binary Search Tree, Rotation and Polytope
    K. Onishi; M. Hoshi
    Proc. the 5-th international symposium, IS0RA'05, D-3, Aug. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Method for extracting a musical unit to phrase music data in the compressed domain of TwinVQ audio compression
    M. Nakanishi; M. Kobayakawa; M. Hoshi; T. Ohmori
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, WedPmOR5-2, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 任意のLP距離による検索を可能とする距離変換規則
    木村; 大西; 小早川; 星; 大森
    情報処理学会論文誌:データベース, 46, SIG8 (TOD26), 93-105, Jun. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 多次元的なログデータマイニングを実現するデータキューブ機構の提案
    成瀬正英; 大森 匡; 星 守
    DBSJ Letters, 46, 1, 85-88, Apr. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • ストレージシステムにおけるデータ一 貫性を保証したアーカイブ取得方式
    出口; 大森
    電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J88-D-I, 3, 698-714, Mar. 2005, Peer-reviwed, 現在, データストレージに関するメタデータをデータベース管理システム(DBMS)にて一元管理し, データストレージを利用する際にこのDBMSを通してデータアクセスを行うようなデータ共有管理システムが注目されている.本論文では, このような環境におけるデータ一貫性を保証したアーカイブ手法に関して議論する.このような環境において既存のアーカイブ手法によってデータ一貫性を保証するためには, システム全体を停止してダンプを行うか, データとメタデータの操作に対するログを取り続けることが必要とされる.しかし, ログをとり続ける手法では, ストレージに関するログ量が膨大になりアーカイブには適していない.本論文では, スナップショットの前後一定区間に限ってログを保持するようにログを縮約してアーカイブ・リストアを行う体系を提案し, その原理と手続きを述べる.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A method for retrieving music data with different bit rates using MPEG-4 TwinVQ audio compression
    Michihiro Kobayakawa; Mamoru Hoshi; Kensuke Onishi
    Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, MM 2005, 459-462, 2005, Peer-reviwed, The present paper describes a method for indexing a piece of music using the TwinVQ (Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization) audio compression (MPEG-4 audio standard). First, we present a framework for indexing a piece of music based on the autocorrelation coefficients computed in the encoding step of TwinVQ audio compression. Second, we propose a new music feature that is robust with respect to bit rate based on the fact that the i-th autocorrelation coefficient with bit rate B1 of a piece of music computed in the encoding step of TwinVQ audio compression can approximate the j-th autocorrelation coeffi-cient with bit rate B2 of the piece of music where i = [B1/B2j], and on the wavelet transform. Finally, we perform retrieval experiments on 1,023 pieces of polyphonic music with bit rate (8 kbps, 12 kbps, 16 kbps, 20 kbps, 24 kbps, 28 kbps, 32 kbps, 36 kbps, 40 kbps, and 44 kbps). The experimental results indicate that the proposed music feature for indexing has excellent retrieval performance for queries of various bit rates. Copyright © 2005 ACM.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • On source conversion using arithmetic codes
    H. Morita; M. Hoshi; K. Kobayashi
    Proc. of Workshop on Concepts in Information Theory, 13-15, Oct. 2004
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Trees and Tableaux
    K. Kobayashi; H. Morita; M. Hoshi
    Proc. of Workshop on Concepts in Information Theory, 53-54, Oct. 2004
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Interval Algorithm, Arithmetic Coding, and Shift Operator
    M. Hoshi; H. Morita; K. Kobayashi; Italy
    Proc. of Workshop on Concepts in Information Theory, 39-42, Oct. 2004
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A New Method for Extracting a Period of Beat of Music in Compressed Domain of Twin VQ Audio Compression
    M. Kobayakawa; T. Okunaru; K. Onishi; M. Hoshi; Dec
    Proc. of ICICS-PCM 2003, 3A1.2, Dec. 2003, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 問合せ分布を考慮したR木における領域分割方式
    大森 匡; 佐藤龍生; 星 守
    電子情報通信学会論文誌, J86-D-I, 10, 746 -- 761, 2003, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A Novel Datacube Model Supporting Interactive Web-log Mining
    T. Ohmori; Y. Tsutatani; M. Hoshi
    Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Cyber Worlds, 419 -- 427, Nov. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Revertible Distribution Converter with Finite Precision Arithmetic
    H. Morita; M. Hoshi; K. Kobayashi
    Proc. 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 404, Jul. 2002
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Survey on Coding of Trees
    K. Kobayashi; H. Morita; M. Hoshi
    Proc. the 2nd Asian-European Workshop on Information Theory, Jun. 2002
    International conference proceedings, English
  • ``問い合わせ分布を考慮したR木における領域分割法''
    佐藤龍生; 大森匡,星守
    第13回 DEWS (データ工学ワークショップ) '01論文集 7A-5 (CD-ROM出版), 電子情報通信学会, Mar. 2001
  • ``高次元データベースにおける距離結合演算を用いたクラスタ検出方式''
    古立智之; 大森匡; 星守
    第13回 DEWS01論文集 6A-3 (CD-ROM出版), 電子情報通信学会, Mar. 2001
  • Dimension Reduction Method:preprocessing for interactive association rule mining with itemconstraints
    S.G.Janosh; T.Ohmori; M.Hoshi
    第13回 DEWS'01論文集 4A-4(CD-ROM出版), 電子情報通信学会, 4A-4, Mar. 2001
  • Interval algorithm for homophonic coding
    M Hoshi; TS Han
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 47, 3, 1021-1031, Mar. 2001, It is shown that the idea of the successive refinement of interval partitions, which plays the key role in the interval algorithm for random number generation by Han and Hoshi, is also applicable to the homophonic coding. An interval algorithm for homophonic coding is introduced which produces an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) sequence with probability p, Lower and upper bounds for the expected codeword length are given. Based on this, an interval algorithm for fixed-to-variable homophonic coding is established, The expected codeword length per source letter converges to H(X) / H(p) in probability as the block length tends to infinity, where H(X) is the entropy rate of the source X. The algorithm is asymptotically optimal. An algorithm for fixed-to-fixed homophonic coding is also established. The decoding error probability tends to zero as the block length tends to infinity. Homophonic coding with cost is generally considered. The expected cost of the codeword per source letter converges to (c) over bar (X) / H (p) in probability as the block length tends to infinity, where (c) over bar denotes the verage cost of a source letter. The main contribution of this paper can be regarded as a novel application of Elias' coding technique to homophonic coding. Intrinsic relations among these algorithms, the interval algorithm for random number generation and the arithmetic code are also discussed.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 検索確率をもつ二分探索木の探索長の最適値を与える領域分割の生成
    大西 建輔; 星 守
    情報処理学会アルゴリズム研究会研究報告 2001-AL-76,東京大学, 東京, 65^72, 2001
  • 最適二分探索木を与える領域と回転操作, 及び三角形分割
    大西 建輔; 星 守
    情報処理学会アルゴリズム研究会研究報告 2001-AL-80, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 2001, 93, 67-74, 2001, For a given probabilistic distribution, a binary search tree with optimal path length among all trees is called optimal tree. Knuth showed that such a tree is computed in the time of square of the number of nodes of binary search tree. In our previous paper, we showed algorithms that the parametric space of discrete probabilistic distribution is divided into regions corresponding with binary search tree. In this paper, we investigate that any binary search tree can become optimal tree and which two optimal regions are adjacent. Some conditions related with single rotation is showed.
  • ウェーブレット分解係数の階層的相関関係を用いたテクスチャ類似画像検索
    小早川 倫広; 星 守; 大森 匡
    情報処理学会論文誌・データベース, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 42, SIG 1(TOD 8), 12-20, 2001, In this paper we propose a robust texture image retrieval using hierarchical relations between the decomposed subimages obtained by wavelet transform. Key idea is to describe texture information in terms of the hierarchical correlations between the wavelet coefficients of the adjacent level. Firstly, we express the pyramidal structure of wavelet coefficients by associating the nodes of a complete quad tree with the wavelet coefficients. Secondly, we define a hierarchical dissimilarity vector between a parent node and his child, to express a hierarchical relation between them. Thirdly, to describe a relation among child nodes, we compute a covariance matrix of the dissimilarity vectors. We associate the covariance matrix with the parent node. We define the texture vector by the diagonal of elements of the covariance matrix. And then define the texture feature vector of level l by the pair of the mean and the standard deviation of texture vectors of level l. Finally, by applying the discriminant analysis to the set of the texture feature vectors, we make an effective index of the database. For retrieving similar images, we use the k-nearest neighbor search in the index space. The similarity between two images is defined by the Euclidean distance between the corresponding feature vectors of the images. To evaluate the performance of the retrieval, we made experiments on "Cloth Collections" consisting of 51 textile patterns with 10 different resolutions (image size is 1024 x 1024 pixels). The experiments showed that the performance of retrieval is good and that the proposed method is robust with respect to resolution.
  • 内容に基づく画像と楽曲の検索
    星 守; 小早川 倫広
    日本ファジィ学会誌, 13, 5, 2001
    Kensuke Onishi; Michihiro Kobayakawa; Mamoru Hoshi; Tadashi Ohmori
    409-412, 2001
    Research society, English
  • 問い合わせ分布に応じたR木の一括生成における領域分割方式
    佐藤; 大森,星
    情報処理学会第61回全国大会 4U-9, Oct. 2000
  • ``Integration of Web InformationSources by Mobile Users: Navigational Style of Integration andSystem Architecture''
    W.Sae-Tung; T.Ohmori; M.Hoshi
    In Int. Conf. Advanced Database andInformation Systems 2000 (ADBIS-DASFAA 2000, Proceedings ofChallenges),matfyz press, ACM Moscow chapter, Czech, 150-160, Sep. 2000
  • Coding of Ordered Trees
    Kingo Kobayashi; Hiroyoshi Morita; Mamoru Hoshi
    Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Inform. Theory(ISIT2000), 15, Jun. 2000
  • On Rate of Source Conversion by Concatenationg Code/Parse Trees
    Hiroyoshi Morita; Kingo Kobayashi; Mamoru Hoshi
    Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Inform. Theory(ISIT2000), 456, Jun. 2000
  • An integration system of Web Information Sources for mobile users
    W Sae-Tung; T Ohmori; M Hoshi
    2000 INTERNATIONAL DATABASE ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS SYMPOSIUM - PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 250-253, 2000, Today, there are many Web Information Sources (WIS) suitable for mobile users. How/When to intergrate such Web contents (which may be location-dependent contents into a new simpler WIS for mobile users will became a problem, because different mobile users need different integration. A possible solution is to allow each individual mobile user to directly define, on his PDA, which pair of WISs should be integrated in what ways. Thereafter, system-side servers should materialise a definition tissued from ct user's browser) as a nem WIS. For this purpose, this Paper introduces a new style of integration called navigational integration of WISs, and then shortly describes a system architecture .
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The Bernoulli Splitting Process with Biased Probabilities
    Kingo Kobayashi; Mamoru Hoshi; Hiroyoshi Morita
    Proc. of 23rd Symp. on Inform. Theory and its App., 343-345, 2000
  • TwinVQに基づいたビットレートに依存しない音楽検索のための特徴量
    大西 建輔; 小早川 倫広; 星 守; 大森 匡
    信技報 DSP2000-99,豊橋技科大学, 豊橋, 71-77, 2000
  • 幾何情報を用いた 3次元物体検索のための特徴量抽出
    江本 雄治; 小早川 倫広; 大西 建輔; 星 守; 大森 匡
    人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム, 情報処理学会,立命館大学, 京都, 情報処理学会, 155-162, 2000
  • Robust Texture Image Retrieval using Hierarchical Correlation of Wavelet Coefficients
    Michihiro Kobayakawa; Mamoru Hoshi; Tadashi Ohmori
    Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,Barcelona, 3, 395-400, 2000
  • ビットレートの異なるTwinVQオーディオデータの類似検索のための特徴量
    墳崎 英明; 小早川 倫広; 大西 建輔; 星 守; 大森 匡
    情報処理学会第59回全国大会講演論文集, 63-64(3), 2000
  • A Feature independent of bit rate for TwinVQ Audio Retrieval
    Kensuke Onishi; Michihiro Kobayakawa; Mamoru Hoshi; Tadashi Ohmori
    信学技報, DSP2000-99, 71-77, 2000
  • On Rate of Source Conversion by Coding/Parsing Trees
    H. Morita; Kobayashi; M. Hoshi
    Proc. of the 22nd Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications(SITA99),Yuzawa, Japan, Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 665-668, Dec. 1999
  • 類似画像検索におけるウェーブレット変換を用いた自然な質問画像の生成方法
    星 守
    科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C2)研究成果報告書, Nov. 1999
  • マスク集合を用いた制御つき相関性ルール発見問題の高速化
    大森 匡; 深尾豊史; 星 守
    電子情報通信学会データ工学研究会資料, DE98-17, Oct. 1999
  • Navigational Intergration of Antonomous Web Information Sources by Mobile Users.
    W. Sae; Tung; T. Ohmori; M. Hoshi
    Proc. IEEE 7th Pan-Pacific Rim Conf. Communications,(PACRIM99),IEEE, Aug. 1999
  • Integration of Web Information Sources by Moblile Users
    W. Sae. Tung; T. Ohmori; M. Hoshi
    第11回データ工学ワークショップ '99,4T-4,電子情報通信学会, Mar. 1999
  • Integration of Web Information Sources for Mobile Users(1)-system architecture
    W. Sae. Tung; J. Ge; T. Ohmori; M. Hoshi
    情報58全国大会3T8, Mar. 1999
  • Integration of Web Information Sources For Mobile Users(2)-document applications
    J. Ge; W. Sae-Tung; T. Ohmori; M. Hoshi
    情報58全国大会3T9, Mar. 1999
  • 制御つき相関ルール発見問題における次元削減戦略の適用
    深尾豊史; 大森 匡; 星 守
    電子情報通信学会春季総合大会D-4-12, Mar. 1999
  • Interval Algorithm for Homophonic Coding and for Random Number Generation
    M. Hoshi; T. S. Han
    Proceedings of Memorial Workshop for the 50th Aniversary of the Shannon Theory, Kofu, Japan, Jan. 22-24, 5-8, Jan. 1999
  • Information Theoretic Aspects on Coding of Trees
    K. Kobayashi; H. Morita; M. Hoshi
    Proceedings of Memorial Workshop for the 50th Aniversary of the Shannon Theory, Kofu, Japan, Jan. 22-24, 43-45, Jan. 1999
  • Interval algorithms for homophonic coding
    Mamoru Hoshi; Te Sun Han
    Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Information Theory and Communications Workshop, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 88-90, 1999, The authors show that the idea of the successive refinement of interval partitions, which plays the key role in the interval algorithm for random number generation, is also directly applicable to homophonic coding. They propose an efficient and very simple algorithm for homophonic coding which produces an i.i.d. sequence with probability p. The lower and upper bounds for the expected length of the code generated by the algorithm are given. An interval algorithm for fixed-to-variable block homophonic coding which is asymptotically optimal is given. They also give an algorithm for fixed-to-fixed block homophonic coding and show that the decoding error probability tends to zero as the block length tends to infinity. Homophonic coding with cost is also discussed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • "Interactive Image Retrieval Based on Wavelet Transform"
    Michihiro Kobayakawa; Mamoru Hoshi; Tadashi Ohmori
    Proceedings of SCI '99 and ISAS '99, Orland, Florida, 6, 76-85, 1999
  • "ウェーブレット変換を用いたテクスチャ検索のための質問画像の生成法"
    平方雅隆; 小早川倫広; 星 守; 大森 匡
    情報処理学会第59回全国大会,, 163-164(3), 1999
  • ビットレートの異なるTninVQオーディオデータの類似曲検索のための特徴量"
    境崎英明; 小早川倫広; 大西建輔; 星 守; 大森 匡
    情報処理学会第59回全国大会, 53-54(3), 1999
  • "画像内容に基づく類似画像検索システム"
    小早川倫広; 星 守
    bit(共立出版), 31, 10, 23-34, 1999
  • "ウェーブレット変換に基づく対話的類似画像検索システム"
    小早川倫広; 星 守
    bit(共立出版), 31, 12, 30-41, 1999
  • ウェーブレット変換を用いた対話的類似画像検索と民俗資料データベースへの適用
    小早川 倫広; 星 守; 大森 匡
    情報処理学会論文誌, 40, 3, 899-911, 1999
  • ウェーブレット変換と高次局所自己相関特徴量を用いた対話的類似画像検索システム
    小早川 倫広; 平方 雅隆; 星 守; 大森 匡
    情報処理学会第58回全国大会講演論文集, 115-116(3), 1999
  • "マスク集合を用いた制約付き相関性ルール発見問題の高速化"
    大森匡; 深尾豊史; 星守
    電子情報通信学会データ工学研究会資料,DE98-17, Oct. 1998
  • Distribution Converter using Prefix Trees
    H.Morita; K.Kobayashi; M.Hoshi
    DIMACS Workshop on Codes and Trees:Algorithmic and Information Theoretic Approaces,Oct.5-7, Oct. 1998
  • An Infomation Integration Architecture for Mobile Users in WWW Environment
    W. Sae. Tung; T. Ohmori; M. Hoshi
    情報処理学会論文誌, 39, 4, 888-900, Apr. 1998
  • ウェーブレット変換を用いたテクスチャ領域分割と類似画像検索への応用
    小早川 倫広; 星 守; 大森 匡
    情報と数理研究会, 1998
  • Homophonic coding by the interval algorithm: Preliminary consideration
    M. Hoshi; T. S. Han
    DIMACS Workshop on Code and Trees, 1998.10, 1998
  • Interval algorithm for random number generation
    TS Han; M Hoshi
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 43, 2, 599-611, Mar. 1997, The problem of generating a random number with an arbitrary probability distribution by using a general biased M-coin is studied, An efficient and very simple algorithm based on the successive refinement of partitions of the unit interval [0, 1), which we call the interval algorithm, is proposed, A fairly tight evaluation on the efficiency is given, Generalizations of the interval algorithm to the following cases are investigated: 1) output sequence is independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.); 2) output sequence is Markov; 3) input sequence is Markov; 4) input sequence and output sequence are both subject to arbitrary stochastic processes.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Random number generation with cost by an interval algorithm
    M. Hoshi; T. S. Han
    Proc. of 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, June 29 - July 4, 1997,, 158, 1997
    International conference proceedings
  • Random number generation and arithmetic coding. The 5th Japan - Benelux Workshop on Coding and Information Theory, Feb.,3 - 4, 1996
    The 5th Japan - Benelux Workshop on Coding and Information Theory,, 1996
    International conference proceedings
  • Interval algorithm for random number generation, Abstracts of 1999 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Haifa, Israel, June 9 - 13, 1996
    T. S. Han; M. Hoshi
    Abstracts of 1996 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Haifa, Israel, June 9 - 13, p. 17, 1996
    International conference proceedings
  • On random number generation with costs.
    M. Hoshi; T. S. Han
    The 6th Japan - Benelux Workshop on Coding and Information Theory, Aug., 21 - 23, 1996, 1996
    International conference proceedings
  • On random number generation with costs.
    M. Hoshi; T. S. Han
    The 6th Japan - Benelux Workshop on Coding and Information Theory, Aug., 21 - 23, 1996, 1996
    International conference proceedings
  • Page Usage in Quadtree Indexes, Page Usage in Quadtree Indexes
    M. Hoshi; P. Flajolet
    BIT, 32, pp. 348-402, 1992, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal
  • Predicting Nitrogen Oxide Concentration
    M. Hoshi; M. Taguri; T. Inoue
    Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology, 2, 679-734,, 1989
  • Arithmeitc Hash Functions,
    M. Hoshi; H. Sato; K. Kobayashi
    IEEE International symposium on Information Theory, 1988.6, 1988
    International conference proceedings
  • Automatic calculation of Partial Derivatives and Rounding Error Estimates with Applications to Large-scale Systems of Nonlinear Equations
    M. Iri; T. Tsuchiya; M. Hoshi
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 24, 365-392, 1988
  • Binary Search Networks: A New Method for Key Searching
    T. Yuba; M. Hoshi
    Information Processing Letters, 24, 10, 1987
  • Optimum sequence trees
    M. Miyakawa; T. Yuba; Y. Sugito; M. Hoshi
    SIAM J. COMPUT.,Vol.6, No.2, ,, 6, 2, 201-233, Jun. 1977
    Scientific journal

Books and other publications

  • データ構造
    星 守
    Japanese, Editor, 全体, 昭晃堂, Mar. 2002
  • 星、小野、吉田、入門数値計算、オーム社
    星; 小野; 吉田; 入門数値計算
    Japanese, Editor, オーム社, Feb. 1999
  • 情報処理技術の数学
    伊理; 韓; 佐藤; 星
    Japanese, Joint work, 共立出版, Sep. 1996
  • 現代応用数学
    伊理; 韓; 佐藤; 星
    Japanese, Joint work, 20-26章、28、29章, 日本放送出版協会, Mar. 1987
  • 大気環境のサーベイランス
    田栗; 井上
    Japanese, Joint work, 東大出版会, 1984

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 類似度のランクに基づくクラスタリング手法と類似建策への応用
    小久保侑紀; 小早川倫広; 星 守; 大森 匡
    Public symposium, Japanese, DEIM Forum 2009
    Mar. 2009
  • 領域分割に基づく類似画像検索のrunlength符号化による高速化、
    金城賀真; 小早川倫広; 星守; 大森匡
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第6回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2007), 2007.09
    Sep. 2007
  • 絶対近傍の被服率と点配置、
    大西 建輔; 星 守
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会研究会報告,アルゴリズム研究会,
    Mar. 2007
  • 多次元データマイニングを用いたWeb 空間の構造解析の評価
    林 和宏; 大森 匡; 山下由展; 星 守
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回 FIT,第5回 FIT
    Sep. 2006
  • 画像の領域分割に基づく類似が贈検索
    山本 敦; 小早川倫広; 星 守; 大森 匡
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会,AVM 研究会
    Mar. 2006
  • 多次元データマイニングを用いた Web 空間の構造解析
    山下由展; 大森 匡; 星 守
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,DEWS
    Mar. 2006
  • 任意のLp距離関数による検索が可能な索引構造
    大西建輔; 小早川倫広; 木村彰宏; 星 守; 大森 匡
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会,アルゴリズム研究会
    Nov. 2005
  • ストレージシステムにおけるデータ一 貫性を保証したアーカイブ取得方式
    出口; 大森
    Public symposium, Japanese, DEWS2004 , 電子情報通信学 会・DBSJ、2004年3月
    Mar. 2004
  • Interval Algorithms for Homophonic Coding
    M. Hoshi; T. S. Han
    Invited oral presentation, English, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Information Theory and Communications Workshop, Kruger National Park, South Africa, June 20-25,(invited), South Africa, International conference
    Jun. 1999
  • Homophonic coding by the interval algorithm: Preliminary consideration
    M. Hoshi; T. S. Han
    Invited oral presentation, English, DIMACS Workshop on Code and Trees, 1998.10, U.S.A, International conference
  • Interval algorithm for random number generation, Abstracts of 1999 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Haifa, Israel, June 9 - 13, 1996
    T. S. Han; M. Hoshi
    Invited oral presentation, Abstracts of 1996 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Haifa, Israel, June 9 - 13, Haifa, Israel, International conference

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本分類学会
  • 日本行動計量学会
  • 情報理論とその応用学会
  • 情報処理学会
  • 電子情報通信学会
  • IEEE
  • ACM