Emeritus Professor etc.Emeritus Professor


  • 文学修士

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Literature - Japanese

Educational Background

  • Mar. 1987
    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Humanities, 英語英文学専攻
  • Mar. 1980
    The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Literature, 英語英文学科


  • On Taka Poems by HONGO Sumie
    奥 浩昭
    電気通信大学紀要第31巻第1号, 電気通信大学, 31, 1, 1-13, Feb. 2019, Peer-reviwed, 無名の歌人の短歌の質の高さと、京都文化のひとつである西陣及び京都を詠んだことの意義を示した。
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Arabic as a Jewish Language -- A Note on Similarities between Modern Hebrew and Modern Standard Arabic
    電気通信大学紀要 第21号 第1・2合併号, 21, 1.2, 113-115, Jan. 2009
    Research institution, English
  • A Note on the Foregrounding of Noun Phrases as a Literary Style --- Based onthe Prose by SAITO Mokichi, a celebrated Tanka poet, and TAKENISHI Hiroko, a novelist, literary critic and essayist
    OKU Hiroaki
    電気通信大学紀要, 電気通信大学, 第20巻, 第1・2合併, 39-43, Dec. 2007, This paper suggests the possibility that some uses of nouns and other expressions in a prose work by SAITO Mokichi, a celebrated Tanka poet, might have influenced the literary style of the prose of TAKENISHI Hiroki, a distinguished novelist, literary critic and essayist. Among the typical examples is:kodai nihonngo no yushu (= excellence of the ancient Japanese lanuguage) (M.SAITO) uta no dodo (= magnificence of the song) (H.TAKENISHI) The above suggestion comes from two observations:1) The foregrounding of nouns shown above has seldom been used by most writers.2) TAKENISHI wrote several times that she has been influenced by SAITO's analysis of ancient Japanese poems and by his literary style.
    Research institution, Japanese
  • 文体としての《名詞立て》ーー竹西寛子氏の散文を手がかりにーー
    電気通信大学紀要第19巻第1・2合併号, 第19巻, 第1・2合併号, 97-106, Jan. 2007
    Research institution, Japanese
  • ヘブライ語聖書の言葉遊び(pun)と現代英語(日本語)訳聖書(シンポジウム「西暦2000年-英語聖書にミレニアム・メスを入れる」)
    奥 浩昭
    日本英文学会中部支部大会のシンポジウム発表(2000年10月22日、於愛知教育大学), Oct. 2000
  • 誰がヨセフを売ったのか…『創世紀』37章28節についてのノート…
    奥 浩昭
    ε´λευθερια-, 3, 83-85, Mar. 1999
  • 『リーダーズ英和辞典』(第2版)
    奥 浩昭
    分担執筆, Feb. 1999
  • A Study on the Style of the Greek Bibles -with Special Reference to prepositions 'και'and'dε'(1)
    ελευθερια…(Eleutheria), 2, 36-49, 1998
  • A Stylistic Approach to a Prophetic Book of 'Amos' in the Hebrew Bible
    (]J0682[)λευθερια┣D4-┫D4(Eleutheria), 1, 81-88, 1997
  • Fronted Noun Phrases in the Authorozed Version
    11th Meetig, Modern English Association, 1994
  • Difference in Sentence Structure Between the Old Testament and the New Testament in the Authorized Version of the Bible
    Department of Foreign Languages, Nagoya Institute of Technology, 12, 49-67, 1992
    Research institution, English
  • Emphatic Expressions in Biblical Hebrew and 'do' in the Authorized Version (1)
    Litteratura, Department of Foreign Languages, Nagoya Institute of Technology, 13, 19-32, 1992
    Research institution, English
  • Emphatic Expressions in Biblical Hebrew and 'do' in the Authorized Version
    Studies in Modern English, Modern English Association, 9, 89-90, 1992
  • Differences in the Rendering of Genesis Between Tyndale's Bible and the Authorized Version of the Bible
    Bulletin of Nagoya Institute of Technology, 43, 75-82, 1991
    Research institution, English
  • A Note on the AV Rendering of the Hebrew Old Testament (1) Esther
    Litteratura 11, Department of Foreign Languages, Nagoya Institute of Technology, 11, 95-113, 1990
    Research institution, English
  • Classification of Resultative Construction into Two Types
    Oku Hiroaki
    Memoirs of the Faculty of General Education, Kumamoto University, Series of Foreign Languages and Literature, Kumamoto University, 24, 24, 151-170, 1989
    Research institution, English
  • A Syntactic and a Semantic Approach to Reflexive Pronouns and their Problems
    Oku Hiroaki
    Memoirs of the Faculty of General Education, Kumamoto University, Series of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Kumamoto University, 23, 23, 31-47, 1988
    Research institution, English
  • A Note on Resultative Predicates
    The English Literary Society, Kumamoto University, 1988
  • One Aspect of Reflexives
    Tokyo University English Linguistic Association, Linguistic Research, 4, 154-166, 1986
    Research institution, English
  • On Accusative and Infinitives
    Tokyo University English Linguistics Association, Linguistic Research, 3, 89-104, 1985
    Research institution, English


  • A Report on English Education Using Electrial Equipment in the Language Self-Study Room
    TARUI Takeshi; OKU Hiroaki; MIZUTANI Takao; NAKAZATO Masaki; YAMAGUCHI Akio; KAJIKAWA Tatsuyoshi
    01 Feb. 2011, 電気通信大学紀要第23巻第1号、83-88 (2011.2), 23, 1, 83-88, Japanese, Report research institution
  • 言語教育のための計算機・教室環境の構築ーー2009年度の整備についての報告ーー
    水谷孝男; 山口昭男; 中里正喜; 梶川竜義; 奥浩昭; 樽井武
    電気通信大学, 01 Feb. 2011, 電気通信大学紀要, 23, 1, 83-88, Japanese, Report research institution
  • A Note on Some Concise Expressions in English -- Toward Effective Use of the English Lanuguage
    OKU Hiroaki
    This is a note or sketch on some concise English expressions useful for the learner of the language. The author refers to the following four expressions:1) We talked him into going alone. (= talked with him and succeeded in getting him to go)2) He moved very slowly, inching his way up the steep sides. (= moving his way inch by inch)3) He is one of university-paid personnel. (= paid by the university)4) He is a former president of the company and expects to be treated accordingly. (= in agreement with the fact)"A concise expression" is defined as:Given two expressions A and B, where the two expressions share the same cognitive meaning, the expression A is more concise than the expression B when the former is composed of fewer words than the latter."University-paid" in 3), for example, is paraphrased by "paid by the university, and the former expression is more concise than the latter. The Japanese counterparts of the underlined phrases above are less concise. "Inching his way" in 2), for example, is put into Japanese: ippo ippo (= inch by inch) susumu (=make one's way). Utilizing the productive expressions mentioned above, the learner of English is expected to use more effective, English-like expressions., 電気通信大学, 01 Feb. 2011, 電気通信大学紀要, 23, 1, 79-81, English, Report research institution, 0915-0935, 120006315601
  • A Note on Some Concise Expressions in English--Toward effective use of the English language
    OKU Hiroaki
    電気通信大学, 01 Feb. 2011, 電気通信大学紀要, 23, 1, 79-81, Japanese, Report research institution

Books and other publications

  • Word Order in Genesis of the Hebrew Bible and the Authorized Version
    English, Kenkyusha Essays in Linguistics and Philology Presented to Professor Kinsuke Hasegawa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, 1995
  • Auxiliary 'Do' in Genesis of the Authorized Version
    English, Eichosha Auxiliary Do, 1994
  • Emphatic Expressions in Biblical Hebrew and Affirmative do in the Authorized Version
    English, Eichosha Aspects of Modern English, 1993


  • Academic Written English Ⅰ.Ⅱ
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Academic Written English Ⅰ.Ⅱ
  • Academic Spoken English Ⅱ
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Academic Spoken English Ⅱ
  • Academic Written English Ⅰ・Ⅱ
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Academic Written English Ⅰ・Ⅱ

Affiliated academic society

  • 近代英語協会
  • 日本英語学会