Emeritus Professor etc.Emeritus Professor


  • 工学博士, 東京工業大学
  • 工学修士, 愛媛大学

Field Of Study

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Machine materials and mechanics

Educational Background

  • 1970
    Ehime University, 工学研究科, 機械工学専攻, Japan
  • 1970
    Ehime University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  • 1967
    Ehime University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Japan
  • 1967
    Ehime University, Faculty of Engineering

Member History

  • 1995 - 2002
    評議員, 日本材料学会, Society, 日本材料学会
  • 2001
    会長, 日本材料試験技術協会, Society, 日本材料試験技術協会
  • 1999 - 2000
    理事, 日本材料学会, Society, 日本材料学会
  • 1997 - 2000
    副会長, 日本材料試験技術協会, Society, 日本材料試験技術協会
  • 2000
    関東支部長, 日本材料学会, Society, 日本材料学会
  • 1996
    関東支部常議員会幹事委員, 日本材料学会, Society, 日本材料学会
  • 1994
    常任理事, 日本材料試験技術協会, Society, 日本材料試験技術協会
  • 1994
    疲労部門委員会組織構造分科会主査, 日本材料学会, Society, 日本材料学会


  • 2000
  • 1994
  • 1986


  • 平成14年度受託研究報告書"原子力機器用構造材の高サイクル疲労評価研究"(最終報告書)
    Mar. 2003, 日本溶接協会原子力研究委員会GCF小委員会, pp.172-226, 369-410, 600-659
  • 破壊事故と強度設計の考え方
    Mar. 2003, 琉球大学工学部特別講演会講演資料, 1-8
  • 強度信頼性工学
    Mar. 2003, 琉球大学工学部機械工学科集中講義講義資料, 1-18
  • 三次元織物構造SiC/SiC複合材料の疲労挙動
    Mar. 2003, 日本学術振興会将来加工技術第136委員会合同研究会会議資料, 24-28
  • The Improvement of High Cycle Fatigue Properties of AC4CH Alloy with Shot Peening Treatment
    MASAKI Kiyotaka; OCHI Yasuo; MATSUMURA Takashi
    Rotating bending fatigue tests on shot-peening treatment (SP-treated) AC4CH aluminum alloy were carried out in order to investigate the effect of SP treatment on the high cycle fatigue properties. As the comparing fatigue property of the SP-treated material with fatigue properties of non-peened material, HIP-treated material and semi-liquid die casting (SL) material, the following conclusions were obtained. (1) Although the fatigue property of SP-treated material is most excellent in all materials, they are a few differences as compared with HIP-treated material and SL material. (2) The fatigue strength at 107 cycles of AC4CH alloy is governed by the existence of cast defects near the surface. If the cast defects do not exist there, the fatigue strength at 107 cycles of AC4CH alloy is as practically equal as HIP-treated materials and SL materials. (3) The fatigue life property of AC4CH alloys is significantly affected by fatigue crack initiation behavior. The reason why the SP-treated material has longer fatigue life than other material ones is that it has no cast defects near the surface by the effect of SP treatment. Moreover, the miniaturization of microstructure near the surface by SP treatment affect on fatigue life since generation of the slip in crystal grain, which cause the surface fatigue crack initiation, is prevented., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Feb. 2003, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 69, 678, 390-395, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002370320, AN0018742X
  • 金属疲労の基礎(その1:疲労研究の歴史,社会的ニーズおよび疲労の基礎事項)
    Jan. 2003, 材料試験技術(日本材料試験技術協会誌), 48, 1, 2-8
  • 新年のご挨拶
    Jan. 2003, 材料試験技術(日本材料試験技術協会誌), 48, 1, 1
  • 高強度鋼の超長寿命域疲労特性に及ぼす熱処理,介在物の影響
    Jan. 2003, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第61回組織構造分科会・第135回材料強度確率モデル研究会 合同研究会講演資料集, 67-72
  • 金属材料の超長寿命域における疲労特性
    Jan. 2003, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第61回組織構造分科会・第135回材料強度確率モデル研究会 合同研究会講演資料集, 1-8
  • 3次元チラノ繊維強化SiC基複合材料の疲労挙動に及ぼす周波数の影響
    朱 世杰; 金子 洋平; 越智 保雄; 小笠原 俊夫; 石川 隆司
    Dec. 2002, 材料(日本材料学会), 51, 12, 1400-1404, 0514-5163
  • 高強度鋼の超長寿命疲労特性に及ぼす介在物の影響
    Nov. 2002, 日本材料学会第26回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 137-140
  • 直交三次元構造強化SiC/SiC複合材料の室温及び高温における疲労特性
    Nov. 2002, 日本材料学会第26回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 113-116
  • Al2O3/A6061合金MMCの中高温疲労特性と疲労き裂進展特性
    Nov. 2002, 日本材料学会第26回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 105-108
  • Ti-Ni形状記憶合金の負荷・除荷サイクルに伴う超弾性挙動と疲労特性
    Nov. 2002, 日本材料学会第26回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 89-92
  • 直交三次元構造強化SiC/SiC複合材料の高温強度および疲労特性
    Nov. 2002, 日本材料学会関東支部第四回シナジー研究会資料, 1-4
  • 金属材料の超長寿命域における疲労研究の現状
    Oct. 2002, 日本溶接協会原子力委員会GCF小委員会講演資料, 1-22
  • 窒化けい素球軸受の転がり疲労における剥離の破壊力学的検討
    Oct. 2002, 日本機械学会平成14年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, No.02-05, 749-750
  • High Temperature Fatiuge Behavior of an Orthogonal 3-D Woven SiC/SiC Composite
    Oct. 2002, Proc. of the 3rd Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 1, pp.13-14, Yamaguchi, Japan
  • Rolling Fatigue of Silicon Nitride Bearing
    Oct. 2002, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf on Advanced Materials Development and Performance (AMDP2002), CD-ROM, No.4-11, pp.1-6, Daegu, Korea
  • Effect of Alumina Short Fiber Volume on High Cycle Fatigue Property in Al2O3/A6061 Aluminum Alloy Composites
    Oct. 2002, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf on Advanced Materials Development and Performance (AMDP2002), CD-ROM, No.5-4, pp.1-6, Daegu, Korea
  • High Temperature Fatiuge Behavior of an Orthogonal 3-D Woven SiC/SiC Composite
    Oct. 2002, Proc. of the 3rd Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 1, pp.13-14, Yamaguchi, Japan
  • Rolling Fatigue of Silicon Nitride Bearing
    Oct. 2002, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf on Advanced Materials Development and Performance (AMDP2002), CD-ROM, No.4-11, pp.1-6, Daegu, Korea
  • Effect of Alumina Short Fiber Volume on High Cycle Fatigue Property in Al2O3/A6061 Aluminum Alloy Composites
    Oct. 2002, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf on Advanced Materials Development and Performance (AMDP2002), CD-ROM, No.5-4, pp.1-6, Daegu, Korea
  • チラノ繊維/Si-Ti-C-O基複合材料の高温クリープ特性
    Sep. 2002, 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集, No.02-01, Vol.I,355-356
  • 高強度鋼のフレッティング疲労特性に及ぼすブリッジパッド接触端部の影響
    Sep. 2002, 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集, No.02-01, Vol.II,487-488
  • 腐食ピットを施したSUS316NG材の高サイクル疲労強度評価
    Sep. 2002, 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集, No.02-01, Vol.II,395-396
  • SP処理ADI材の高サイクル疲労における内部起点破壊に関する研究
    Sep. 2002, 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集, No.02-01, Vol.II,383-384
  • 高強度鋼の長寿命疲労特性に及ぼす焼戻し温度の影響
    Sep. 2002, 日本機械学会2002年度年次大会講演論文集, No.02-01, Vol.II,361-362
  • セラミックスの小球衝突損傷に及ぼす小球材質の影響
    Sep. 2002, 第46回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会講演論文集, 101-102
  • High Cycle Fatigue Property of Austenitic Stainless Steel with Artificial Surface Defect
    MASAKI Kiyotaka; OCHI Yasuo; MATSUMURA Takashi
    日本機械学会, Aug. 2002, 日本機械学会M&Mレイクサイドサマーシンポジウム講演論文集, 2002, No.02-21, 83-85, Japanese, 110002498996, AA11902194
  • High-Cycle Rotating Bending Fatigue Property in Very Long-Life Regime of High Strength Steels
    Aug. 2002, Fatigue Fract. Engng. Mater. Struct., 25, 8/9, 823-830, 8756-758X, 80015554277
  • High-Cycle Rotating Bending Fatigue Property in Very Long-Life Regime of High Strength Steels
    Aug. 2002, Fatigue Fract. Engng. Mater. Struct., 25, 8/9, 823-830, 8756-758X, 80015554277
  • 高強度鋼SNCM439の共同研究経過ならびに長寿命特性に及ぼす焼戻し温度の影響
    Jun. 2002, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第59回組織構造分科会資料, 1-13
  • High- and Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of a SiC Fiber Reinforced SiC Matrix Composite
    Jun. 2002, Proc. of the 8th International Fatigue Congress (Fatigue2002), Vol.3, 5/, pp.1973-1980, Stockholm, Sweden
  • High Cycle Fatigue Strength and Fatigue Crack Characteristics in Sem-Liquid Die Casting Alminium Alloy
    Jun. 2002, Proc. of the 8th International Fatigue Congress (Fatigue2002), Vol.4, 5/, pp.2657-2664, Stockholm, Sweden
  • High- and Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of a SiC Fiber Reinforced SiC Matrix Composite
    Jun. 2002, Proc. of the 8th International Fatigue Congress (Fatigue2002), Vol.3, 5/, pp.1973-1980, Stockholm, Sweden
  • High Cycle Fatigue Strength and Fatigue Crack Characteristics in Sem-Liquid Die Casting Alminium Alloy
    Jun. 2002, Proc. of the 8th International Fatigue Congress (Fatigue2002), Vol.4, 5/, pp.2657-2664, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Ti-50.63at%Ni形状記憶合金の残留M相分率による超弾性挙動の評価
    佐久間 俊雄; 山田 誠; 岩田 宇一; 細木 真保; 越智 保雄
    日本材料学会, May 2002, 日本材料学会第51期学術講演会講演論文集, 51, 415-416, Japanese, 110004471641, AA11881527
  • 直交三次元構造強化SiC/SiC複合材料の疲労特性
    五明 隆; 越智 保雄; 朱 世杰; 小笠原 俊夫; 石川 隆司
    日本材料学会, May 2002, 日本材料学会第51期学術講演会講演論文集, 51, 269-270, Japanese, 110004471568, AA11881527
  • Al2O3/A6061合金MMCの中高温疲労特性におよぼす短繊維体積含有率の影響
    May 2002, 日本材料学会第51期学術講演会講演論文集, 77-78
  • 平成13年度受託研究報告書"原子力機器用構造材の高サイクル疲労評価研究"
    Mar. 2002, 日本溶接協会原子力研究委員会GCF小委員会
  • Tensile creep behavior and thermal stability of orthogonal three-dimensional woven Tyranno (TM) ZMI fiber/silicon-titanium-carbon-oxygen matrix composites
    T Ogasawara; T Ishikawa; Y Ohsawa; Y Ochi; SJ Zhu
    This article presents experimental results for tensile creep behavior of orthogonal three-dimensional woven Tyranno(TM) ZMI fiber/Si-Ti-C-O ceramic matrix composites at 1300degrees-1450degreesC in air. The composite contained Tyranno ZMI (56% silicon, 1% zirconium, 34% carbon, and 9% oxygen) fibers with a BN coating layer to improve interface properties, and it exhibited excellent tensile properties at elevated temperature in air. For creep stresses between 60 and 140 MPa, the creep rate decreased continuously with time, with no apparent steady-state regime observed at 1300degrees-1450degreesC. Under the test conditions, the microstructure of the Tyranno ZMI fiber and Si-Ti-C-O matrix was unstable, resulting in weight loss and SiC grain growth. As a result, the viscosity of the fiber and matrix increased, because increased viscosity caused a creep rate that continuously decreased, which made steady-state creep impossible under these conditions., AMER CERAMIC SOC, Feb. 2002, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 85, 2, 393-400, English, 0002-7820, WOS:000173859800016
  • Tensile creep behavior and thermal stability of orthogonal three-dimensional woven Tyranno (TM) ZMI fiber/silicon-titanium-carbon-oxygen matrix composites
    T Ogasawara; T Ishikawa; Y Ohsawa; Y Ochi; SJ Zhu
    This article presents experimental results for tensile creep behavior of orthogonal three-dimensional woven Tyranno(TM) ZMI fiber/Si-Ti-C-O ceramic matrix composites at 1300degrees-1450degreesC in air. The composite contained Tyranno ZMI (56% silicon, 1% zirconium, 34% carbon, and 9% oxygen) fibers with a BN coating layer to improve interface properties, and it exhibited excellent tensile properties at elevated temperature in air. For creep stresses between 60 and 140 MPa, the creep rate decreased continuously with time, with no apparent steady-state regime observed at 1300degrees-1450degreesC. Under the test conditions, the microstructure of the Tyranno ZMI fiber and Si-Ti-C-O matrix was unstable, resulting in weight loss and SiC grain growth. As a result, the viscosity of the fiber and matrix increased, because increased viscosity caused a creep rate that continuously decreased, which made steady-state creep impossible under these conditions., AMER CERAMIC SOC, Feb. 2002, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 85, 2, 393-400, English, 0002-7820, WOS:000173859800016
  • Al2O3/A6061合金の中高温における疲労特性に及ぼす短繊維体積含有率の影響
    Jan. 2002, 軽金属学会第3回アルミニウム合金の強度研究部会講演資料, 1-8
  • 表面改質材の疲労強度特性
    Jan. 2002, 日本材料学会関東支部「技術と学術の交流フォーラム-企業のニーズと学会のシーズを探る-」資料集, 43-47
  • アルミナ短繊維強化アルミニウム基複合材料の高サイクル疲労特性に及ぼす短繊維含有率の影響
    Jan. 2002, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第58回組織構造分科会資料, 1-8
  • Influence of Residual Stress on Super-Long Life Fatigue Properties of High Strenth Steel SCNM439
    Dec. 2001, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Fracture (ICF10), p.628, Hawaii, USA
  • Study on Superlong Life Fatigue in High Strength Steels
    Dec. 2001, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Fracture (ICF10), p.541, Hawaii, USA
  • Effect of Shot-Peening Treatment on Very Long Life Fatigue Property in Ductile Cast Iron
    Dec. 2001, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Symp. on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design 2001), 1, pp.444-449, Tokyo, Japan
  • Estimation of High Cycle Fatigue Limit of Hard Shot Peened Austenitic Stainless Steel
    Dec. 2001, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Fracture (ICF10), p.588, Hawaii, USA
  • Influence of Residual Stress on Super-Long Life Fatigue Properties of High Strenth Steel SCNM439
    Dec. 2001, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Fracture (ICF10), p.628, Hawaii, USA
  • Study on Superlong Life Fatigue in High Strength Steels
    Dec. 2001, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Fracture (ICF10), p.541, Hawaii, USA
  • Estimation of High Cycle Fatigue Limit of Hard Shot Peened Austenitic Stainless Steel
    Dec. 2001, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Fracture (ICF10), p.588, Hawaii, USA
  • 直交三次元繊維織物チラノ繊維強化セラミックス基複合材料のクリープ特性
    Nov. 2001, 日本材料学会関東支部第2回シナジー研究会資料, 1-2
  • Effect of Cyclic Loading on the Monotonic Tensile Behavior of a 3-D Woven Si-Ti-C-O fiber / Si-Ti-C-O Matrix Composite
    Nov. 2001, Proc. of the Japan Inter. SAMPE Symp., pp.971-974, Tokyo, Japan
  • High Temperature Creep Deformation and thermal stability of 3-D Woven Tyranno ZMI fiber / Si-Ti-C-O Matrix Composite
    Nov. 2001, Proc. of the Japan Inter. SAMPE Symp., pp.573-576, Tokyo, Japan
  • 窒化硅素軸受の転がり疲労強度に関する研究
    Nov. 2001, 日本機械学会第9回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集, 01-26, 417-418
  • 高強度鋼のフレッティング疲労強度に及ぼす接触片形状の影響
    Nov. 2001, 日本機械学会第9回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集, 01-26, 206-207
  • Effect of Cyclic Loading on the Monotonic Tensile Behavior of a 3-D Woven Si-Ti-C-O fiber / Si-Ti-C-O Matrix Composite
    Nov. 2001, Proc. of the Japan Inter. SAMPE Symp., pp.971-974, Tokyo, Japan
  • High Temperature Creep Deformation and thermal stability of 3-D Woven Tyranno ZMI fiber / Si-Ti-C-O Matrix Composite
    Nov. 2001, Proc. of the Japan Inter. SAMPE Symp., pp.573-576, Tokyo, Japan
  • Study on Detection and Quantitative Evaluation of Fatigue Cracks Using Surface SH Waves
    Oct. 2001, Proc. of APCFS & ATEM'01, 1, pp.204-209, Sendai, Japan
  • Effect of Grain Size on the Strength Characteristics of the Thin Sheets of SUS304 Stainless Steels
    Oct. 2001, Proc. of APCFS & ATEM'01, 2, pp.868-872, Sendai, Japan
  • Initiation and Propagation Behavior of High Cycle Fatigue Cracks on HSP-Treated Type 316L Steel
    Oct. 2001, Proc. of APCFS & ATEM'01, 1, pp.422-427, Sendai, Japan
  • Study on Detection and Quantitative Evaluation of Fatigue Cracks Using Surface SH Waves
    Oct. 2001, Proc. of APCFS & ATEM'01, 1, pp.204-209, Sendai, Japan
  • Effect of Grain Size on the Strength Characteristics of the Thin Sheets of SUS304 Stainless Steels
    Oct. 2001, Proc. of APCFS & ATEM'01, 2, pp.868-872, Sendai, Japan
  • Initiation and Propagation Behavior of High Cycle Fatigue Cracks on HSP-Treated Type 316L Steel
    Oct. 2001, Proc. of APCFS & ATEM'01, 1, pp.422-427, Sendai, Japan
  • ショットピーニング処理による球状黒鉛鋳鉄の高サイクル疲労特性工場と残留応力分布
    Sep. 2001, 日本機械学会東海支部岐阜地区講演会講演論文集, 013-2, 24-25
  • Study on Detection and Quantitative Evaluation of Fatigue Cracks Using Surface SH Waves
    TOHMYOH Hironori; OCHI Yasuo; MATSUMURA Takashi
    The surface SH waves technique has been used to evaluate the fatigue cracks at the surface of mild steel specimens. By adjusting incident angle of SH wave transducer, surface SH waves passing through the surface region of materials are received. In this study, the diffraction of surface SH waves received by double-probe technique was used. Firstly, the specimens introduced surface slit were inspected. With the results that the amplitude decreased and the propagation time increased with the slit depth. Secondly, the shapes of the fatigue cracks, which initiated at a small drill hole by rotating-bending fatigue, were evaluated with the difference between the propagation time of the inspected plate with crack. Obtained results showed that the evaluated values of crack length and crack depth were good agreement with the measured values. Furthermore, this technique was applied to evaluating the crack growth behavior., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Sep. 2001, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 67, 661, 1508-1513, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002369958, AN0018742X
  • Al2O3/A6061合金の疲労き裂特性に及ぼすアルミナ短繊維体積含有率の影響
    Aug. 2001, 日本機械学会2001年度年次大会講演論文集, No.01-1, Vol.I,181-182
  • 高炭素クロム鋼の超高サイクル疲労における疲労き裂進展挙動に関する研究
    Aug. 2001, 日本機械学会2001年度年次大会講演論文集, No.01-1, Vol.I,169-170
  • 定温負荷・除荷サイクルにおけるTi-Ni形状記憶合金コイルの機能特性
    Aug. 2001, 日本機械学会2001年度年次大会講演論文集, No.01-1, Vol.I,85-86
  • SiC/SiC複合材料の低サイクル疲労挙動
    Aug. 2001, 日本機械学会平成13年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 01-16, 301-302
  • ショットピーニング処理によるAC4CH材の高サイクル疲労特性改善
    Aug. 2001, 日本機械学会平成13年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 01-16, 259-260
  • ショットピーニング処理ADI材の長寿命域高サイクル疲労特性
    Aug. 2001, 日本機械学会平成13年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 01-16, 251-252
  • 小球衝突によるセラミックスの表面損傷及び強度低下に関する研究
    Aug. 2001, 日本機械学会平成13年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 01-16, 93-94
  • High Cycle Rotating Bearing Fatigue Property in Very Long Life Regime of High Strength Steels
    Jul. 2001, Pro. of the Int. Conf. on Fatigue in the Very High Cycle Regime, 1, pp.81-88, Vienna, Austria
  • アルミニウム合金の疲労き裂進展解析
    古川 勝明; 越智 保雄
    材料試験技術研究会, Jul. 2001, 材料試験技術(日本材料試験技術協会誌), 46, 3, 154-159, Japanese, 0285-2470, 40004381786, AN0033237X
  • High Cycle Rotating Bearing Fatigue Property in Very Long Life Regime of High Strength Steels
    Jul. 2001, Pro. of the Int. Conf. on Fatigue in the Very High Cycle Regime, 1, pp.81-88, Vienna, Austria
  • TiNi形状記憶合金コイルばねの熱・ひずみサイクル特性
    Jun. 2001, 日本材料学会関東支部第1回シナジー研究会資料, 1-4
  • 改質処理によるアルミニウム鋳造合金の疲労強度向上
    Jun. 2001, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第56回組織構造分科会資料, 1-13
  • ショットピーニング処理球状黒鉛鋳鉄の長寿命高サイクル疲労特性
    Jun. 2001, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第56回組織構造分科会資料, 1-16
  • 三次元織物構造SiC/SiC複合材料の引張強度に及ぼす負荷速度の影響
    Jun. 2001, 日本複合材料学会2001年度研究発表会予稿集, 109-110
  • TiN形状記憶合金コイルばねの熱サイクル疲労特性
    Jun. 2001, 日本実験力学会第1回研究発表講演会講演論文集, 249-252
  • マイクロテスティングによるSUS304極薄板材の機械的特性評価
    Jun. 2001, 日本実験力学会第1回研究発表講演会講演論文集, 25-28
  • 小球衝突損傷によるセラミックスの強度低下に及ぼす衝突角度の影響
    Jun. 2001, 日本実験力学会第1回研究発表講演会講演論文集, 13-16
  • アルミニウム合金の動的変形と強度
    May 2001, (社)軽金属学会研究会報告書, 40, 50-60
  • Effect of Contact Pat Geometry on Fretting Fatigue Behavior of High Strength Steel
    May 2001, Abstracts of the 3rd Inter. Symp. on Fretting Fatigue, 1, p.54, Nagaoka, Japan
  • 三次元チラノ繊維強化SiC基複合材料の高温クリープおよび酸化挙動
    大澤 裕高; 朱 世杰; 小笠原 俊夫; 石川 隆司; 越智 保雄
    日本材料学会, May 2001, 日本材料学会第50期学術講演会講演論文集, 50, 159-160, Japanese, 110002287128, AA11881527
  • WJP処理によるSUS304鋼の表面改質と高サイクル疲労特性改善
    政木 清孝; 斉藤 雅人; 越智 保雄; 松村 隆; 平野 克彦; 榎本 邦夫
    日本材料学会, May 2001, 日本材料学会第50期学術講演会講演論文集, 50, 3-4, Japanese, 110002286972, AA11881527
  • Influence of Residual Stress on Super-Long Life Fatigue Properties of High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel
    May 2001, Material Science Research International Special Technical Publication-1, 47-52
  • Effect of Shot-Peening Treatment on High Cycle Fatigue Property of Ductile Cast Iron
    May 2001, Int. J. of Fatigue, 23, 5, 441-448, 0142-1123, 80012204329
  • Effect of Contact Pat Geometry on Fretting Fatigue Behavior of High Strength Steel
    May 2001, Abstracts of the 3rd Inter. Symp. on Fretting Fatigue, 1, p.54, Nagaoka, Japan
  • Influence of Residual Stress on Super-Long Life Fatigue Properties of High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel
    May 2001, Material Science Research International Special Technical Publication-1, 47-52
  • Effect of Shot-Peening Treatment on High Cycle Fatigue Property of Ductile Cast Iron
    May 2001, Int. J. of Fatigue, 23, 5, 441-448, 0142-1123, 80012204329
  • 「非鉄金属系材料データベースの整備」-(1) 非鉄系新素材の知的基盤整備(非鉄00-8-1)〔別冊〕- "第3章形状記憶合金のデータベース整備"
    Mar. 2001, 平成11年度材料関連知的基礎整備受託成果報告書,(財)大阪科学技術センター付属ニューマティリアルセンター, 182-202
  • 原子力機器用構造材の高サイクル疲労評価研究
    Mar. 2001, 平成12年度受託研究報告書,日本溶接協会原子力研究委員会GCF 小委員会
  • 形状記憶合金による低熱源発電に関する基礎的研究(熱・機械繰返し特性と長寿命化)
    Mar. 2001, 平成11年度〜12年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(c)(2))研究成果報告書, 1-100
  • アルミニウム鋳造合金の疲労特性における改質処理効果
    Feb. 2001, 日本材料学会北陸信越支部特別講演会「疲労信頼性向上と設計法」講演資料, 1-5
  • アルミニウム合金の疲労き裂進展解析
    2001, 材料試験技術(日本材料試験技術協会誌), 46, 3, 154-159
  • Effects of shot peening treatment on very long life fatigue property in ductile cast irons
    Y. Ochi; T. Hosoya; K. Masaki; T. Matsumura; T. Sekino
    Rotating bending fatigue tests that covered very long life region (up to over 108), were carried out on specimens of three kinds of ductile cast iron (austempered one, ADI, pearlitic one, PDI and ferrite pearlitic one, FPDI) with shot peening (SP) treatment. Influences of the SP treatment on fracture morphology and fatigue property were investigated. It is expected that the SP treatment results not only the high level work hardening and the high level compressive residual stress in the surface layer of the specimens, but also the decrease in casting defects in near surface. Then, they lead a considerable improvement of fatigue strength. Therefore, initial distribution of the hardness in the surface layer of the SP treated specimens was measured. Furthermore, in the PDI-SP and the FPDI-SP materials, it was observed that the sites of the fatigue crack initiation were transferred from the surface to subsurface in the longer life regions, but in the ADI-SP material, the fatigue crack initiation site in whole region of fatigue life was the subsurface. And the S-N diagrams did not show fatigue limit over 107 cycles. So differences in fatigue fracture morphology in the shorter and the longer region of fatigue life were discussed from detailed observation of crack initiation sites with afield emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM)., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2001, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, 1, 444-449, English, 84963652909
  • TiNi系形状記憶合金の疲労特性に及ぼす影響因子
    Dec. 2000, 日本機械学会材料力学部門委員会P-SC326,第3回形状記憶合金の加工製造技術と機能性発現に関する調査研究分科会資料, 1-7
  • Fatigue Behavior of Al18B4O33 Framework Reinforced Al Matrix Composites at High Temperatures
    Dec. 2000, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials(THERMEC'2000),Las Vegas, USA, 1, 145
  • Influence of Environment on Creep Behavior of SiC Fiber Reinforced SiC Matrix Composite
    Dec. 2000, Abstract Volume of the Fourth Japan-China Joint Conf. on Composite,Tsukuba, Japan, 1, 163-164
  • Fatigue Behavior of Al18B4O33 Framework Reinforced Al Matrix Composites at High Temperatures
    Dec. 2000, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials(THERMEC'2000),Las Vegas, USA, 1, 145
  • Influence of Environment on Creep Behavior of SiC Fiber Reinforced SiC Matrix Composite
    Dec. 2000, Abstract Volume of the Fourth Japan-China Joint Conf. on Composite,Tsukuba, Japan, 1, 163-164
  • 三次元チラノ繊維強化SiC基複合材料の疲労挙動に及ぼす周波数の影響
    Nov. 2000, 日本材料学会第25回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 276-279
  • 高強度鋼の超長寿命特性に及ぼす残留応力の影響
    Nov. 2000, 日本材料学会第25回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 219-222
  • 高強度鋼SNCM439の超高サイクル疲労(組織構造分科会共同研究中間報告)
    Nov. 2000, 日本材料学会第25回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 183-186
  • 高炭素クロム鋼の超高サイクル疲労特性に関する研究
    Nov. 2000, 日本材料学会関東支部第9回機能材料工学研究会資料, 1-2
  • オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼へのショットピーニング処理とその疲労特性
    Nov. 2000, 日本学術会議第4回構造物の安全性・信頼性に関する国内シンポジウム(JCOSSAR2000)論文集, 4, 135-140
  • 鋳造アルミニウム合金の高サイクル疲労特性(改質処理による強度特性向上)
    Oct. 2000, 軽金属学会平成12年度秋季大会技術懇談会「アルミニウム合金の動的変形と強度」資料集, 32-39
  • High temperature deformation and damage mechanism of 3-D woven Tyranno ZMI fiber/Si-Ti-C-O matrix composite
    Ohsawa Yutaka; Zhu Shijie; Ogasawara Toshio; Ishikawa Takashi; Ochi Yasuo
    The present work investigated the monotonic tension and the tensile creep behaviors of an orthogonal 3-D woven Si-Zr-C-O (Tyranno^ ZMI) fiber/ Si-Ti-C-O matrix composite (CMC) in air at 1573-1723K. The tensile stress-strain curve showed transition from a linear to a nonlinear behavior at a stress of 60MPa at elevated temperatures. As results of the creep test. no apparent steady state creep was recognized. The transient creep behavior of the CMC was interpreted by a simple experimental law. Although a lot of transverse cracks in 90° fiber bundles were observed in all of the specimens. transverse cracks density did not affect considerably the transient creep rate., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Oct. 2000, Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD, 2000, 00-19, 559-560, Japanese, 110002487756, AA11902139
  • セラミックスの小球衝突損傷に及ぼす衝突角度の影響
    Oct. 2000, 日本機械学会平成12年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 00-19, 547-548
  • 小球衝突損傷によるセラミックスの強度低下に及ぼす板厚の影響
    Oct. 2000, 日本機械学会平成12年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 00-19, 545-546
  • ウォータージェットピーニング処理によるSUS304の高サイクル疲労特性改善
    Oct. 2000, 日本機械学会平成12年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 00-19, 465-166
  • Ti-Ni 系形状記憶合金の機能劣化特性
    Oct. 2000, 日本機械学会平成12年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 00-19, 377-378
  • SP処理球状黒鉛鋳鉄のき裂特性と破面観察に関する研究
    Oct. 2000, 日本機械学会平成12年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 00-19, 121-122
  • ショットピーニング処理球状黒鉛鋳鉄の高サイクル疲労特性と残留応力分布
    Oct. 2000, 日本材料学会第132回X線材料強度部門委員会研究討論会資料, 27-28
  • 小球衝突によるセラミックスの強度低下に関する研究
    Sep. 2000, 第44回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会講演論文集, 103-104
  • Effect of oxidation on creep resistance of SiC/SiC composites
    Sep. 2000, The third Oxford-Kobe Materials Seminar: Metal and Ceramic Composites,Kobe, Japan, 1, 228
  • Long Life Fatigue Properties of Ferrite-Pearlitic Ductile Cast Iron with Shot-Peening Treatment
    Sep. 2000, CD-ROM of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13), San Sebastian, Spain, 3C.97, 1-6
  • Long Life Fatigue Properties of Ferrite-Pearlitic Ductile Cast Iron with Shot-Peening Treatment
    Sep. 2000, Abstracts Volume of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13),San Sebastian, Spain, 194
  • Effect of Cu Content on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Properties and Total Available Strain Energy of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloy
    Sep. 2000, CD-ROM of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13), San Sebastian, Spain, 11A.290, 1-7
  • Effect of Cu Content on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Properties and Total Available Strain Energy of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloy
    Sep. 2000, Abstracts Volume ot the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13),San Sebastian, Spain, 209
  • 半凝固鋳造アルミニウム合金の高サイクル疲労強度と疲労き裂特性
    越智保雄; 畠山敦; 松村隆; 柴田良一
    Sep. 2000, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 66, 649, 1703-1709, 0387-5008
  • Effect of Cold Working Ratio on Thermo-Mechanical Cyclic Behavior and Fatigue Life of Ti-41.7at%Ni-8.5%Cu Shape Memory Alloy
    Sep. 2000, CD-ROM of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13), San Sebastian, Spain, 11A.289, 1-8
  • Effect of Cold Working Ratio on Thermo-Mechanical Cyclic Behavior and Fatigue Life of Ti-41.7at%Ni-8.5%Cu Shape Memory Alloy
    Sep. 2000, Abstracts Volume of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13), San Sebastian, Spain, 55
  • Effect of oxidation on creep resistance of SiC/SiC composites
    Sep. 2000, The third Oxford-Kobe Materials Seminar: Metal and Ceramic Composites,Kobe, Japan, 1, 228
  • Long Life Fatigue Properties of Ferrite-Pearlitic Ductile Cast Iron with Shot-Peening Treatment
    Sep. 2000, CD-ROM of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13), San Sebastian, Spain, 3C.97, 1-6
  • Long Life Fatigue Properties of Ferrite-Pearlitic Ductile Cast Iron with Shot-Peening Treatment
    Sep. 2000, Abstracts Volume of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13),San Sebastian, Spain, 194
  • Effect of Cu Content on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Properties and Total Available Strain Energy of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloy
    Sep. 2000, CD-ROM of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13), San Sebastian, Spain, 11A.290, 1-7
  • Effect of Cu Content on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Properties and Total Available Strain Energy of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloy
    Sep. 2000, Abstracts Volume ot the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13),San Sebastian, Spain, 209
  • Effect of Cold Working Ratio on Thermo-Mechanical Cyclic Behavior and Fatigue Life of Ti-41.7at%Ni-8.5%Cu Shape Memory Alloy
    Sep. 2000, CD-ROM of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13), San Sebastian, Spain, 11A.289, 1-8
  • Effect of Cold Working Ratio on Thermo-Mechanical Cyclic Behavior and Fatigue Life of Ti-41.7at%Ni-8.5%Cu Shape Memory Alloy
    Sep. 2000, Abstracts Volume of the 13th European Conference on Fracture(ECF 13), San Sebastian, Spain, 55
  • Al2O3/A6061合金の疲労き裂特性に及ぼすアルミナ短繊維体積含有率の影響
    Aug. 2000, 日本機械学会2001年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅰ, 01-1, 181-182
  • 高炭素クロム鋼の超高サイクル疲労における疲労き裂進展挙動に関する研究
    Aug. 2000, 日本機械学会2001年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅰ, 01-1, 169-170
  • 低温負荷・除荷サイクルにおけるTi-Ni形状記憶合金コイルの機能特性
    Aug. 2000, 日本機械学会2001年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅰ, 01-1, 85-86
  • Ti-Ni-Cu形状記憶合金の疲労寿命に与える加工率の影響
    Aug. 2000, 日本機械学会2000年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 00-1, 331-332
  • 表面SH波による疲労き裂進展挙動の非破壊評価
    Aug. 2000, 日本機械学会2000年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 00-1, 225-226
  • 高炭素クロム鋼の超長寿命疲労特性に及ぼす残留応力の影響
    Aug. 2000, 日本機械学会2000年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 00-1, 153-154
  • HSP 処理SUS316L 鋼の表面粗さ改善の効果
    Aug. 2000, 日本機械学会2000年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 00-1, 21-22
  • 接触片形状がフレッティング疲労強度に及ぼす影響(ブリッジパッド脚高さの影響)
    Aug. 2000, 日本機械学会2000年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅰ, 00-1, 525-526
  • Ti-Ni-Cu形状記憶合金の熱力学的サイクル,超弾性条件下における繰返し挙動
    Jul. 2000, 日本材料学会関東支部第8回機能材料工学研究会資料, 1-2
  • 高炭素クロム軸受鋼の広寿命域における特徴的回転曲げ疲労特性に関する実験的検証
    酒井 達雄; 武田 光弘; 塩澤 和章; 越智 保雄; 中島 正貴; 中村 孝; 小熊 規泰
    Jul. 2000, 材料(日本材料学会), 49, 7, 779-785, 0514-5163
  • Effect of environment on creep behavior of SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix composites
    Jun. 2000, Proc. of the 10th Iketani International Conference on Materials Research Toward the 21st Century,Karuizawa, Japan, 1, 313-314
  • Evaluation of Fatigue Properties on Shot-peening Treated Ductile Cast Irons
    Jun. 2000, Pro. of the SEM IX Int. Congress on Experimental Mechanics(SEX IX),Florida, USA, 1, 42-45
  • Effect of environment on creep behavior of SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix composites
    Jun. 2000, Proc. of the 10th Iketani International Conference on Materials Research Toward the 21st Century,Karuizawa, Japan, 1, 313-314
  • Creep deformation and fracture of SiC/SiC composites, Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures
    May 2000, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 755-762
  • 三次元織物チラノ繊維強化Si-Ti-C-O 基セラミックス複合材料の高温クリープ挙動
    May 2000, 日本複合材料学会2000年度研究発表講演会予稿集, 59-60
  • チラノ繊維/SiC複合材料の引張および疲労特性に関する研究
    May 2000, 日本複合材料学会2000年度研究発表講演会予稿集, 57-58
  • 高強度鋼SNCM439 の超長寿命疲労特性と表面残留応力
    松村 隆; 越智 保雄
    日本材料学会, May 2000, 日本材料学会第49期学術講演会講演論文集, 49, 407-408, Japanese, 110002286930, AA11881527
  • アルミ合金の疲労き裂進展解析
    May 2000, 日本材料学会第49期学術講演会講演論文集, 189-200
  • 衝撃荷重を受けるねじ締結体の軸力挙動
    May 2000, 日本材料学会第49期学術講演会講演論文集, 89-90
  • ウィスカー骨格構造のセラミックス多孔体強化アルミニウム基複合材料の高温疲労特性
    May 2000, 日本材料学会第49期学術講演会講演論文集, 25-26
  • Creep deformation and fracture of SiC/SiC composites, Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures
    May 2000, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 755-762
  • 熱・力学的繰返し条件下におけるTi-Ni-Cu形状記憶合金の疲労寿命
    佐久間 俊雄; 岩田 宇一; 高久 啓; 仮屋 房亮; 越智 保雄; 松村 隆
    Apr. 2000, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 66, 644, 748-754, 0387-5008
  • "日本機械学会研究協力部門RC157表面改質による機能発現に関する調査研究分科会研究報告書
    Mar. 2000, 日本機械学会, 76-85
  • "構造部品の製造と損傷・破壊に関する調査"受託研究報告書
    Mar. 2000, (社)日本高圧力技術協会, 212-220
  • 熱力学的繰返し条件下におけるTi-Ni-Cu 形状記憶合金の変形挙動に及ぼす加工率の影響
    Mar. 2000, 日本機械学会関東支部第6期総会講演会講演論文集, 000-1, 11-12
  • "高強度鋼の超高サイクル疲労強度評価"共同研究WGの計画および経過状況
    Mar. 2000, 日本高圧力技術協会第3回構造部品の製造と損傷・破壊に関する研究会資料, 1-9
  • 鋳造アルミニウム合金の高サイクル疲労特性(HIP処理,半凝固鋳造及びショットピーニング処理の影響)
    Feb. 2000, 軽金属学会第13回アルミニウム合金の動的強度研究部会資料, 1-10
  • ハードショットピーニング(HSP)処理SUS316L鋼の高サイクル疲労における内部き裂発生・進展挙動
    Feb. 2000, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 66, 642, 320-325
  • Evaluation of fatigue properties on shot-peening treated ductile cast irons
    Y Ochi; T Sekino; T Matsumura; K Masaki
    Rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out on specimens of two kinds of ductile cast iron (ferrite-pearlitic one, FPDI and pearlitic one, PDI) with shot-peening (SP) treatment, and influences of the SP treatment on fracture morphologies and fatigue properties were investigated from view points of crack behaviors and residual stress changes. It is expected that the SP treatment results not only the high level of work-hardening and the high level compressive residual stress on the surface layer of the specimens, but also the decrease in casting defects in near surface, then, they lead a considerable improvement of fatigue strength. Therefore, initial distribution of the residual stress in the surface layer of the SP treated specimens was measured, then, the changes in residual stress were investigated during cyclic stressing. Furthermore, differences in fatigue fracture morphologies in the short and the long regions of fatigue life were discussed from detailed observations of crack initiation site with a scanning electron microscopy (SEM)., SOC EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS INC, 2000, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEM IX INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 1, 42-45, English, 1046-672X, WOS:000176203100012
  • An immune system model for the generation of self-tolerance and memory
    2000, Artif. Life Robotics, 4, 1, 46-51, 1433-5298, 80011825728
  • オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼における加工誘起マルテンサイト量の各種定量法の検討
    政木 清孝; 越智 保雄; 松村 隆
    材料試験技術研究会, Jan. 2000, 材料試験技術(日本材料試験技術協会誌), 45, 1, 314-319, Japanese, 0285-2470, 40004381730, AN0033237X
  • Evaluation of residual strength in ceramics due to sphere impact
    T Matsumura; Y Ochi; K Ohgushi; S Irimajiri
    In order to elucidate mechanisms of surface damage and to establish methods for evaluating strength degradation in ceramics subjected to dynamic contact with solid particles, Al2O3 sphere impact tests were carried out for Al2O3+TiC specimens. A gas-gun-type apparatus was used for these tests. The residual strengths of the surface damaged specimens were measured by four-pint flexural tests. Damage analysis and residual strength evaluation were conducted. For the case of elastic damage or cone crack, the residual strength could be evaluated using indentation analysis, up to low speed range, in which the specimen was not ruptured by impact., SOC EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS INC, 2000, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEM IX INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 1, 707-710, English, 1046-672X, WOS:000176203100190
  • An immune system model for the generation of self-tolerance and memory
    2000, Artif. Life Robotics, 4, 1, 46-51, 1433-5298, 80011825728
  • Evaluation of residual strength in ceramics due to sphere impact
    T Matsumura; Y Ochi; K Ohgushi; S Irimajiri
    In order to elucidate mechanisms of surface damage and to establish methods for evaluating strength degradation in ceramics subjected to dynamic contact with solid particles, Al2O3 sphere impact tests were carried out for Al2O3+TiC specimens. A gas-gun-type apparatus was used for these tests. The residual strengths of the surface damaged specimens were measured by four-pint flexural tests. Damage analysis and residual strength evaluation were conducted. For the case of elastic damage or cone crack, the residual strength could be evaluated using indentation analysis, up to low speed range, in which the specimen was not ruptured by impact., SOC EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS INC, 2000, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEM IX INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 1, 707-710, English, 1046-672X, WOS:000176203100190
  • Initiation and Propagation Behavior of Small Fatigue Crack in HIP-Treated Aluminum Alloy: AC4CH, Small Fatigue Cracks: Mechanics, Mechanism and Application
    Dec. 1999, Editors by K. S. Ravichandran, R. O. Ritchie, Y. Murakami,(Proc. of the 3rd Eng. Found. Int. Conf., Hawaii, USA, 1998. 12), Elsevier., 215-222
  • Initiation and Propagation Behavior of Small Fatigue Crack in HIP-Treated Aluminum Alloy: AC4CH, Small Fatigue Cracks: Mechanics, Mechanism and Application
    Dec. 1999, Editors by K. S. Ravichandran, R. O. Ritchie, Y. Murakami,(Proc. of the 3rd Eng. Found. Int. Conf., Hawaii, USA, 1998. 12), Elsevier., 215-222
  • 高炭素クロム軸受鋼の広寿命域にわたる回転曲げ確率疲労特性について
    Nov. 1999, 日本材料学会第17回材料・構造信頼性シンポジウム講演会講演論文集, 21-26
  • Super-Long Life Fatigue Properties and X-ray Residual Stress Measurement of High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel
    Nov. 1999, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. On Advanced Materials Development and Performance(AMDP '99),Tokushima, Japan, 1, 107-112
  • Effect of Cu Contents and Heating Temperatures on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Properties of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloys
    Nov. 1999, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(AMDP'99),Tokushima, Japan, 1, 58-63
  • Creep Deformation and Fracture of SiC/SiC Composite
    Nov. 1999, Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structure(CFEMS-8),Tsukuba, Japan, 1, 755-762
  • Super-Long Life Fatigue Properties and X-ray Residual Stress Measurement of High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel
    Nov. 1999, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. On Advanced Materials Development and Performance(AMDP '99),Tokushima, Japan, 1, 107-112
  • Effect of Cu Contents and Heating Temperatures on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Properties of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloys
    Nov. 1999, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(AMDP'99),Tokushima, Japan, 1, 58-63
  • Creep Deformation and Fracture of SiC/SiC Composite
    Nov. 1999, Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structure(CFEMS-8),Tsukuba, Japan, 1, 755-762
  • 表面SH波による疲労き裂の非破壊評価
    Oct. 1999, 日本材料学会関東支部第7回機能材料工学研究会資料, 1-2
  • 半凝固鋳造アルミニウム合金の高サイクル疲労強度と疲労き裂特性
    Oct. 1999, 日本機械学会平成11年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 99-16, 587-588
  • HSP処理SUS316Lの高サイクル疲労におけるき裂進展挙動
    Oct. 1999, 日本機械学会平成11年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, 99-16, 563-564
  • Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature on Cyclic Behaviors of Ti-Ni and Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloys
    Oct. 1999, Proc. of the 6th Japan Int. SAMPE Symp.,Tokyo, Japan, 1, 403-406
  • Cyclic Behaviors of Ti-Ni and Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloys under Thermo-Mechanical and Superelastic Cycles
    Oct. 1999, Proc. of the 6th Japan Int. SAMPE Symp., Tokyo, Japan, 1, 399-402
  • ショットピーニング処理フェライト・パーライト球状黒鉛鋳鉄の長寿命域高サイクル疲労特性
    越智保雄; 関野健; 岡崎尚平; 松村隆
    Oct. 1999, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 65, 638, 2086-2091, 0387-5008
  • HSP処理SUS316Lの残留応力分布および硬さ分布を用いた高サイクル疲労限定推定
    Oct. 1999, 材料(日本材料学会), 48, 10, 1124-1129
  • Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature on Cyclic Behaviors of Ti-Ni and Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloys
    Oct. 1999, Proc. of the 6th Japan Int. SAMPE Symp.,Tokyo, Japan, 1, 403-406
  • Cyclic Behaviors of Ti-Ni and Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloys under Thermo-Mechanical and Superelastic Cycles
    Oct. 1999, Proc. of the 6th Japan Int. SAMPE Symp., Tokyo, Japan, 1, 399-402
  • Effect of Cu Content on Fatigue Properties of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloys,
    Sep. 1999, Proc. of Int. Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering and Material Behaviour(ECM '99),Urumqi, China, 448-452
  • Creep Behaviour of SiC/SiC Composites
    Sep. 1999, Proc. of Int. Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering and Material Behaviour(ECM '99), Urumqi, China, 116-121
  • Effect of Cu Content on Fatigue Properties of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloys,
    Sep. 1999, Proc. of Int. Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering and Material Behaviour(ECM '99),Urumqi, China, 448-452
  • Creep Behaviour of SiC/SiC Composites
    Sep. 1999, Proc. of Int. Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering and Material Behaviour(ECM '99), Urumqi, China, 116-121
  • フレッティング疲労ラウンドロビン試験結果報告書(Phase-1)
    Aug. 1999, 日本機械学会機械材料・材料加工部門フレッティング損傷に関する研究会, 21-31
  • HSP処理SUS316Lの疲労き裂発生・進展形態のFEM解析
    Jul. 1999, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第12回表面改質材強度評価研究会資料, 1-5
  • 小球衝突によるセラミックスの強度低下に関する研究(Al2O3+TiC平板へのAl2O3球衝突)
    Jul. 1999, 日本機械学会1999年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 99-1, 369-370
  • 回折SH超音波による疲労き裂の非破壊評価
    Jul. 1999, 日本機械学会1999年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 99-1, 337-338
  • ハイニカロン繊維強化SiC複合材料の疲労特性に関するその場観察
    Jul. 1999, 日本機械学会1999年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 99-1, 329-330
  • HSP処理SUS316の高サイクル疲労特性と加工誘起マルテンサイト
    Jul. 1999, 日本機械学会1999年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 99-1, 77-78
  • 半凝固鋳造アルミニウム合金の高サイクル疲労強度と疲労き裂特性
    Jul. 1999, 日本機械学会1999年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 99-1, 75-76
  • ショットピーニング処理PDI材の高サイクル疲労特性
    Jul. 1999, 日本機械学会1999年度年次大会講演論文集, Ⅲ, 99-1, 73-74
  • 鋳鉄の通電摩耗特性に及ぼすりんの影響
    Jul. 1999, 日本機械学会1999年度年次大会講演論文集, I, 99-1, 275-276
  • Ni-Cr-Mo鋼におけるフレッティング疲労強度および疲労き裂発生・進展挙動
    Jul. 1999, 日本機械学会1999年度年次大会講演論文集, I, 99-1, 251-252
  • 小球衝突によるセラミックスの強度低下に関する研究(Al2O3+TiCの平板へのAl2O3球衝突)
    Jul. 1999, 日本材料学会関東支部第6回機能材料工学研究会資料, 1-2
  • Evaluation of Creep Behaviour of SiC/SiC Composites
    Jul. 1999, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '99 (ATEM '99),Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan, 2, 472-477
  • Experimental Study on Waveform Modulation of Diffracted SH Ultrasonic Waves for Materials Properties,
    Jul. 1999, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '99(ATEM '99), Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan, 1, 240-245
  • 回析表面SH超音波を用いた表面改質材の疲労損傷評価
    Jul. 1999, 材料試験技術(日本材料試験技術協会誌), 44, 3, 164-172
  • Evaluation of Creep Behaviour of SiC/SiC Composites
    Jul. 1999, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '99 (ATEM '99),Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan, 2, 472-477
  • Experimental Study on Waveform Modulation of Diffracted SH Ultrasonic Waves for Materials Properties,
    Jul. 1999, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '99(ATEM '99), Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan, 1, 240-245
  • Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth in SiC Fiber Reinforced SiC Composites at Room and High Temperatures
    Jun. 1999, Proc. of the Proc. of 7th Int. Fatigue Congress(Fatigue '99) Beijing, China, 3, 4/, 1491-1496
  • The Effect of Hard Shot-Peening on High Cycle Fatigue Properties of SUS316L Steel
    Jun. 1999, Proc. of the 7th Int. Fatigue Congress(Fatigue '99), Beijing, China, 2, 4/, 1219-1224
  • 高炭素クロム鋼SUJ2の超高サイクル疲労
    May 1999, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第51回組織構造分科会資料, 1-7
  • HSP処理SUS304材の高サイクル疲労特性および疲労限度推定
    May 1999, 日本材料学会第48期学術講演会講演論文集, 205-206
  • 高炭素クロム鋼の超長寿命疲労特性とX線残留応力測定
    May 1999, 日本材料学会第48期学術講演会講演論文集, 183-184
  • 信頼性フォーラム「金属材料の超長寿命域における疲労信頼性について」:金属材料の超長寿命疲労特性に関する研究動向と今後の課題
    May 1999, 日本材料学会第48期学術講演会講演論文集, 1-5
  • オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼に対するハードショットピーニング処理の影響とX線回析測定
    Apr. 1999, 日本機械学会材料力学部門第6回実験力学先端技術研究会資料, 1-14
  • 大容量・低熱源利用発電システムを目指した形状記憶合金の熱・機械繰返し特性評価
    Mar. 1999, 平成9〜10年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(2))研究成果報告書, 1-83
  • The Effect of Hard Shot-Peening on High Cycle Fatigue Properties of SUS 316L Steel : Evaluation of Surface Roughness Effects Using the Annealing Method
    MASAKI Kiyotaka; TOHMYOH Hironori; OCHI Yasuo; MATSUMURA Takashi
    Hard shot-peening (HSP) treatment was very successful for the improvement of the high cycle fatigue strength of SUS 316 L steel. However, the surface roughness by the HSP treatment was one of the dropping factors on the fatigue strength. In order to separate surface roughness effects from effects of compressive residual stress and strain hardening by the HSP treatment, the HSP-treated SUS 316 L was annealed in the vacuum to remove residual stress and recrystallization in hardened layer. The rotating bending fatigue tests for the annealed specimen were carried out under water cooling condition. The fatigue limit of annealed SUS 316 L was about 60 MPa lower than that of non-peened specimen which was about 200 MPa. To simulate the actual surface roughness, fatigue tests for the single notch specimens and small drilled holes specimens were carried out. As a result, the surface roughness effects by the HSP treatment were not consistent with the √(area) parameter model. The effects were explained by considering the stress concentration factor., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Feb. 1999, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 65, 630, 334-339, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002374884, AN0018742X
  • Effect of Cu content on cyclic behaviors and fatigue lives of Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory alloys
    T Sakuma; U Iwata; H Takaku; Y Ochi; S Miyazaki
    In this paper, the cyclic behaviors and the fatigue lives of Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory alloys are investigated experimentally. And, the effect of copper content on the cyclic behaviors and the fatigue lives is discussed. Results show that the transformation temperatures vary with Cu content, and that the variations of temperature hysteresis with cycles are about 5 K for each Cu content. The recovery stress increases with the increase in Cu content and the stress hysteresis decreases with increasing Cu content. But, the Cu content has little effect on stress hysteresis after dozens of cycles. It is also mentioned that the fatigue lives with pseudoelastic and thermomechanical cycles vary with Cu content and are shorter than those of Ti-Ni binary alloy., CHINA HIGHER EDUCATION PRESS BEIJING, 1999, FATIGUE '99: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FATIGUE CONGRESS, VOLS 1-4, 3, 4/, 1551-1556, English, WOS:000166896200236
  • Fatigue crack initiation and growth in SiC fiber reinforced SiC composites at room and high temperatures
    SJ Zhu; M Mizuno; Y Kagawa; Y Ochi
    Fatigue crack initiation and growth of SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix composite have been studied by in situ observation. Cracks initiate at the corners of large pores during loading in smooth specimens. The balance between the fiber bridging in the wake of propagating crack tip and the breakage of bridged fibers by the degradation of interfaces maintains a steady state cyclic crack propagation. Crack propagation rate gradually decreases with time after the maximum load being applied. The hysteresis loops were analysed to evaluate the degradation of elastic modulus and sliding resistance of interfaces between fibers and the matrix during fatigue. The effects of matrix and fibers were studied by comparing Hi-Nicalon (TM) /SiC with those of Standard SiC/SiC and Enhanced SiC/SiC composites. The fatigue resistance of Hi-Nicalon (TM) /SiC was similar to that of Enhanced SiC/SiC but much better than the Standard SiC/SiC at 1300 degreesC in air., CHINA HIGHER EDUCATION PRESS BEIJING, 1999, FATIGUE '99: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FATIGUE CONGRESS, VOLS 1-4, 3, 4/, 1491-1496, English, WOS:000166896200226
  • The effects of hard shot-peening on high cycle fatigue properties of SUS316L steel
    K Masaki; Y Ochi; T Matsumura
    In order to separate surface roughness effects from effects of compressive residual stress and strain hardening by the hard shot-peening (HSP) on the fatigue properties of Type316L austenitic stainless steel, rotating bending fatigue tests after annealing were carried out. As results the surface roughness effects were explained by considering the stress concentration factor, alpha, and the fatigue strength reduction factor, beta. The alpha of the HSP annealed specimen was similar to one of the single notch specimen whose depth was the point height of irregularities Rz of the HSP specimen., CHINA HIGHER EDUCATION PRESS BEIJING, 1999, FATIGUE '99: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FATIGUE CONGRESS, VOLS 1-4, 2, 4/, 1219-1224, English, WOS:000166896200183
  • Experimental evidence of duplex S-N characteristic's in wide life region for high strength steels
    T Sakai; M Takeda; K Shiozawa; Y Ochi; M Nakajima; T Nakamura; N Oguma
    High strength steels and surface hardened steels indicate characteristic fatigue behavior such that S-N curve tends to come down again in the long life region of N>10(7). From a viewpoint of safety design of machines and structures, it is important to clarify such a characteristic S-N property of each component material. In this study, gigacycle fatigue tests were systematically performed by means of same type of six testing machines and same type of specimens of high carbon chromium steel for the use of bearing. Experimental data thus obtained were pooled altogether and a duplex S-N property in wide life region was confirmed., CHINA HIGHER EDUCATION PRESS BEIJING, 1999, FATIGUE '99: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FATIGUE CONGRESS, VOLS 1-4, 1, 4/, 573-578, English, WOS:000166896200081
  • An immune system model for generation of self-tolerance and memory
    1999, 第9回数理生物学シンポジウム,JAMB Newsletter, 29, 45
  • HIP処理及び半凝固鋳造アルミニウム合金の高サイクル疲労特性
    Jan. 1999, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第50回組織構造分科会資料, 1-12
  • Effect of Cu content on cyclic behaviors and fatigue lives of Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory alloys
    T Sakuma; U Iwata; H Takaku; Y Ochi; S Miyazaki
    In this paper, the cyclic behaviors and the fatigue lives of Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory alloys are investigated experimentally. And, the effect of copper content on the cyclic behaviors and the fatigue lives is discussed. Results show that the transformation temperatures vary with Cu content, and that the variations of temperature hysteresis with cycles are about 5 K for each Cu content. The recovery stress increases with the increase in Cu content and the stress hysteresis decreases with increasing Cu content. But, the Cu content has little effect on stress hysteresis after dozens of cycles. It is also mentioned that the fatigue lives with pseudoelastic and thermomechanical cycles vary with Cu content and are shorter than those of Ti-Ni binary alloy., CHINA HIGHER EDUCATION PRESS BEIJING, 1999, FATIGUE '99: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FATIGUE CONGRESS, VOLS 1-4, 3, 4/, 1551-1556, English, WOS:000166896200236
  • Experimental evidence of duplex S-N characteristic's in wide life region for high strength steels
    T Sakai; M Takeda; K Shiozawa; Y Ochi; M Nakajima; T Nakamura; N Oguma
    High strength steels and surface hardened steels indicate characteristic fatigue behavior such that S-N curve tends to come down again in the long life region of N>10(7). From a viewpoint of safety design of machines and structures, it is important to clarify such a characteristic S-N property of each component material. In this study, gigacycle fatigue tests were systematically performed by means of same type of six testing machines and same type of specimens of high carbon chromium steel for the use of bearing. Experimental data thus obtained were pooled altogether and a duplex S-N property in wide life region was confirmed., CHINA HIGHER EDUCATION PRESS BEIJING, 1999, FATIGUE '99: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FATIGUE CONGRESS, VOLS 1-4, 1, 4/, 573-578, English, WOS:000166896200081
  • An immune system model for generation of self-tolerance and memory
    1999, 第9回数理生物学シンポジウム,JAMB Newsletter, 29, 45
  • 高炭素クロム軸受鋼の超長寿命確率疲労特性に関するラウンドロビンテストに中間報告
    Dec. 1998, 日本材料学会第16回材料・構造信頼性シンポジウム講演会講演論文集, 90-95
  • Initiation and Propagation Behaviors of Small Fatigue Cracks in HIP-Treated Aluminum Alloy AC4CH
    Dec. 1998, Abstracts of Int. Conf. on Small Fatigue Cracks-Mechanics and Mecanisms, 26
  • Initiation and Propagation Behaviors of Small Fatigue Cracks in HIP-Treated Aluminum Alloy AC4CH
    Dec. 1998, Abstracts of Int. Conf. on Small Fatigue Cracks-Mechanics and Mecanisms, 26
  • Ni-Cr-Mo鋼のフレッティング疲労強度とその損傷評価
    Nov. 1998, 日本機械学会平成10年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, A, 98-5, 269-270
  • ハードショットピーニング(HSP)処理SUS316L材の高サイクル疲労における内部き裂発生(FEM応力解析による考察)
    Nov. 1998, 日本機械学会平成10年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, A, 98-5, 263-264
  • DI材の疲労強度・き裂発生特性に及ぼすHIPおよびショットピーニング処理の影響
    Nov. 1998, 日本機械学会平成10年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, A, 98-5, 257-261
  • Ti-Ni-Cu形状記憶合金の機械的特性および疲労寿命に及ぼすCu添加量の影響
    Nov. 1998, 日本機械学会平成9年材料力学部門講演会講演論文集, A, 98-5, 87-88
  • SiCウイスカー強力窒化けい素の室温および高温疲労強度
    Oct. 1998, 日本材料学会第24回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 258-261
  • 小球衝突によるセラミックスの表面損傷と残留強度に関する研究
    Oct. 1998, 日本材料学会第24回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 230-233
  • HSP処理SUS316Lの残留応力分布および硬さ分布を用いた高サイクル疲労強度推定
    Oct. 1998, 日本材料学会第24回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 129-132
  • 高強度金属材料の広寿命域における二重S-N特性に関する確率モデルの構成
    Oct. 1998, 日本材料学会第24回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 65-68
  • 高強度金属材料の広寿命域における二重S-N特性に関する実験的研究
    Oct. 1998, 日本材料学会第24回疲労シンポジウム講演論文集, 61-64
  • ショットピーニング処理FPDIの長寿命域および短寿命域の疲労破壊形態
    Oct. 1998, 日本材料学会第24回疲労シンポジウム講演論文, 55-58
  • TiNiCu形状記憶合金の繰返し変形特性に及ぼすCu添加量および熱処理温度の影響
    Oct. 1998, 日本機械学会第76期全国大会講演論文集, 1, 98-3, 229-230
  • SiC/SiC複合材料のクリープ強度評価
    Oct. 1998, 日本機械学会第76期全国大会講演論文集, 1, 98-3, 130-104
  • パーライト鋼およびベイナイト鋼と中炭素鋼接触材とのフレッティング疲労強度特性
    越智 保雄; 舘野 文吾; 黒木 俊哉
    Oct. 1998, 材料(日本材料学会), 47, 10, 1065-1070, 0514-5163
  • Improvement of Fatigue Strenghh and Fracture Surface Morphology of Hard Shot-Peened Type 316L Steel
    Sep. 1998, Proc. of the 12th Conf. on Franture(ECF12), 1, 127-132
  • Effects of Matrix-Sturtures on Low Cycle Fatigue Properties in Ductile Cast Irons
    Sep. 1998, Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Low Cycle Fatigue and Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Materials(ICF-4), 1, 339-334
  • Fatigue properties of hard shot-peened SUS316L - Behaviors of hardness distribution, residual stress distribution and fatigue cracks during the fatigue process
    K Masaki; Y Ochi; A Ishii
    The rotating bending fatigue properties of normal shot-peened (SP) and hard shot-peened (HSP) 316L austenitic stainless steels were investigated from the viewpoints of the changes of hardness distribution and compressive residual stress distribution during the high-cycle fatigue test. The investigation of the crack growth behavior was also carried out using a replication technique. It was found that the fatigue strength was improved by shot-peening treatments, and the fatigue crack propagation mechanisms were clarified in the SP and HSP specimens. The fatigue crack growth behavior in the SP and HSP specimens was completely different from that of the non-peened specimens. The differences were caused by the change of the hardness distributions and the residual stress distributions during the fatigue test., SOC MATERIALS SCIENCE, JAPAN, Sep. 1998, MATERIALS SCIENCE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 4, 3, 200-205, English, 1341-1683, WOS:000175669600011
  • Crack propagation properties on hip-treated cast aluminum alloys
    M Kubota; Y Ochi; A Ishii; R Shibata
    Fatigue crack propagation tests with compact type (CT) specimens were carried out using three kinds of cast aluminum alloys designated AC4CH, AC1B and AC7A, which were subjected to hot isostatic pressing (HIP) treatment to reduce microshrinkage. Although the MP-treated AC4CH showed a significant improvement of high-cycle fatigue strength under a rotating bending load, the crack propagation rate was the highest and the crack propagation threshold was the lowest among the materials included with a conventionally produced AC4CH. Since AC4CH has a eutectic microstructure, and since many fine eutectic. silicon particles exist, fatigue cracks propagate easily along the eutectic part of the microstructure. The difference in crack propagation behavior represented by da/dN-DeltaK relationship was well evaluated in terms of DeltaK(eff). Microshrinkage was found to cause a considerable rough fracture surface and secondary cracks, and appeared to conduce the crack closure., SOC MATERIALS SCIENCE, JAPAN, Sep. 1998, MATERIALS SCIENCE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 4, 3, 193-199, English, 1341-1683, WOS:000175669600010
  • Improvement of Fatigue Strenghh and Fracture Surface Morphology of Hard Shot-Peened Type 316L Steel
    Sep. 1998, Proc. of the 12th Conf. on Franture(ECF12), 1, 127-132
  • Effects of Matrix-Sturtures on Low Cycle Fatigue Properties in Ductile Cast Irons
    Sep. 1998, Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Low Cycle Fatigue and Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Materials(ICF-4), 1, 339-334
  • Fatigue properties of hard shot-peened SUS316L - Behaviors of hardness distribution, residual stress distribution and fatigue cracks during the fatigue process
    K Masaki; Y Ochi; A Ishii
    The rotating bending fatigue properties of normal shot-peened (SP) and hard shot-peened (HSP) 316L austenitic stainless steels were investigated from the viewpoints of the changes of hardness distribution and compressive residual stress distribution during the high-cycle fatigue test. The investigation of the crack growth behavior was also carried out using a replication technique. It was found that the fatigue strength was improved by shot-peening treatments, and the fatigue crack propagation mechanisms were clarified in the SP and HSP specimens. The fatigue crack growth behavior in the SP and HSP specimens was completely different from that of the non-peened specimens. The differences were caused by the change of the hardness distributions and the residual stress distributions during the fatigue test., SOC MATERIALS SCIENCE, JAPAN, Sep. 1998, MATERIALS SCIENCE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 4, 3, 200-205, English, 1341-1683, WOS:000175669600011
  • Crack propagation properties on hip-treated cast aluminum alloys
    M Kubota; Y Ochi; A Ishii; R Shibata
    Fatigue crack propagation tests with compact type (CT) specimens were carried out using three kinds of cast aluminum alloys designated AC4CH, AC1B and AC7A, which were subjected to hot isostatic pressing (HIP) treatment to reduce microshrinkage. Although the MP-treated AC4CH showed a significant improvement of high-cycle fatigue strength under a rotating bending load, the crack propagation rate was the highest and the crack propagation threshold was the lowest among the materials included with a conventionally produced AC4CH. Since AC4CH has a eutectic microstructure, and since many fine eutectic. silicon particles exist, fatigue cracks propagate easily along the eutectic part of the microstructure. The difference in crack propagation behavior represented by da/dN-DeltaK relationship was well evaluated in terms of DeltaK(eff). Microshrinkage was found to cause a considerable rough fracture surface and secondary cracks, and appeared to conduce the crack closure., SOC MATERIALS SCIENCE, JAPAN, Sep. 1998, MATERIALS SCIENCE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 4, 3, 193-199, English, 1341-1683, WOS:000175669600010
  • 表面SH超音波による表面改質材の疲労損傷評価
    Jul. 1998, 第49回組織構造分科会合同分科会資料, 1-6
  • ショットピーニング処理FPDI材の高サイクル疲労特性
    Jul. 1998, 日本材料学会疲労部門委員会第9回表面改質材の強度評価分科会・第49回組織構造分科会合同分科会資料, 1-6
  • レール鋼と継目板材のフレッティング疲労特性
    Jul. 1998, 日本材料学会第241回疲労部門委員会資料集, 7-19
  • 小球衝突によるセラミックスの表面損傷と残留強度の評価(Al2O3+TiCへのAl2O3球の衝突-弾性応答を仮定した場合)
    May 1998, 日本材料学会第47期学術講演会講演論文集, 319-320
  • 表面SH超音波による表面改質材の材料損傷評価
    May 1998, 日本材料学会第47期学術講演会講演論文集, 205-206
  • Real Time Corrosion Inspection of Steel Tube Inner Wall
    TSUSHIMA Takeo; ISHII Akira; OCHI Yasuo; MASAOKA Norio; MATSUSUE Hiroo
    In order to maintain the safety of steel tubes which have been used externally as structural members in buildings and large scale structures for a long period, the inner walls of the tubes are often investigated by inspectors. In the present study, to reduce this visual inspection, they have paid attention to the color of the rust which appears in the corroded wall, and have tried to detect corroded regions by using color image processing. Namely, the input RGB color images are transformed to color sensitive space L*a*b*, and three parameters, lightness, chroma, and hue angle are calculated and investigated around the corroded region. Moreover, they have developed this method to be able to inspect the video tape observing corroded regions in real time by using a commercial high speed image processing board., The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, May 1998, Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, 64, 5, 705-709, Japanese, 0912-0289, 110001372450, AN1003250X
  • Fatigue life of TiNiCu shape memory alloy under thermo-mechanical conditions
    T Sakuma; U Iwata; N Kariya; Y Ochi
    In this paper, the fatigue lives of Ti-41.7at%Ni-8.5at%Cu alloy are investigated experimentally. Experiments are carried out by repeating the combination of the thermal cycles and the loading-unloading cycles under various heating temperatures and the constant cooling temperature. Result shows that the fatigue lives are related to the dispersion strain energy obtained by the amount of decrease of recovery strain energy per cycle., A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, 1998, EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2, 1121-1126, English, WOS:000076427000172
  • Evaluation of fatigue damage by surface SH wave in carbon steel
    Y Nagashima; Y Ochi; T Matsumura
    The majority of the accidents for machines and structures is the cause of the fatigue fracture, so many investigations on the nondestructive inspection have been carried out about the fatigue fracture. As one of the methods, the investigation by using a diffracted surface SH ultrasonic wave (a horizontally shear wave) technique have been started recently. In the present study, the received wave forms during the fatigue process with rotating bending tests of low carbon steel have been measured by using a diffracted surface SH wave technique under three kinds of stress amplitude and two kinds of ultrasonic probe. It was found that changing of the wave area and of the propagation time of the received wave forms depend on number cycles of fatigue, a stress amplitude, fatigue properties and the kind of probe. From these results, the fatigue damage was evaluated in the subsurface of low carbon steel., A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, 1998, EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2, 1047-1052, English, WOS:000076427000160
  • Fatigue life of TiNiCu shape memory alloy under thermo-mechanical conditions
    T Sakuma; U Iwata; N Kariya; Y Ochi
    In this paper, the fatigue lives of Ti-41.7at%Ni-8.5at%Cu alloy are investigated experimentally. Experiments are carried out by repeating the combination of the thermal cycles and the loading-unloading cycles under various heating temperatures and the constant cooling temperature. Result shows that the fatigue lives are related to the dispersion strain energy obtained by the amount of decrease of recovery strain energy per cycle., A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, 1998, EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2, 1121-1126, English, WOS:000076427000172
  • Evaluation of fatigue damage by surface SH wave in carbon steel
    Y Nagashima; Y Ochi; T Matsumura
    The majority of the accidents for machines and structures is the cause of the fatigue fracture, so many investigations on the nondestructive inspection have been carried out about the fatigue fracture. As one of the methods, the investigation by using a diffracted surface SH ultrasonic wave (a horizontally shear wave) technique have been started recently. In the present study, the received wave forms during the fatigue process with rotating bending tests of low carbon steel have been measured by using a diffracted surface SH wave technique under three kinds of stress amplitude and two kinds of ultrasonic probe. It was found that changing of the wave area and of the propagation time of the received wave forms depend on number cycles of fatigue, a stress amplitude, fatigue properties and the kind of probe. From these results, the fatigue damage was evaluated in the subsurface of low carbon steel., A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, 1998, EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2, 1047-1052, English, WOS:000076427000160
  • 材料強度の確率モデル(14),第2章金属材料における種々の破壊現象と確率モデル-(2)疲労破壊
    1997, 機械の研究, 49, 8, 895-902
  • Evaluation of High Cycle Fatigue Strength and Residual Stress. Distribution of Hard Shot-peened Svs3/6L Steel
    1997, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics'97(ATEM'97), I, 469-474
  • High Cycle Fatigue Propenties and Fatigue Lite Distribution of HIP-treated FDI Materials(Effects of Upper and Lower Locations in Casting Y-Block)
    1997, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanics'97(ICM&M'97), I, 627-632
  • Evaluation of Oxidized Damage and Flexural Strength of CVD-SiC coated C/C Composite at Elevated Temperature
    1997, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials Development and Perforomance., I, 274-279
  • 工業用内視鏡による鋼管内面の腐食検出の自動化
    1997, 日本機械学会論文集(C編), 63, 610(C), 1969-1974
  • Automation of Arc Welding for Large-Scale Structures by Visual Sensor (Reliable Detection of Weld Lines)
    ISHII Akira; TSUSHIMA Takeo; OCHI Yasuo; SUZUKI Kazuhiro; MASAOKA Norio
    In the automation of arc welding using visual sensors, it is necessary to precisely detect the weld line. However, for large scale structures, such as the steel tube transmission towers examined in the present study, it is not easy to maintain the reliability of weld line detection. Therefore, assuming that welding data among structural parts, including positions and directions of their contact points and lines, can be easily obtained from CAD data, and utilizing the fact that the current torch position is known all the time, we have proposed image processing algorithms to reliably detect only the welding area with a specified direction, and to precisely detect the welding line for torch position control. The proposed algorithms have been applied to a test piece placed on an experimental system, and continuous tracking along the welding line by measuring the welding gap has been presented., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 63, 609, 1582-1587, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002385063, AN00187463
  • セラミックスの室温・高温曲げ強度特性と破壊起点形態の関係
    越智 保雄; 原口 光司; 石井 明; 佐々木 茂美
    1997, 材料, 46, 3, 276-281, 0514-5163, 110002293259
  • Fretting Fatigue Properties in Rail Steel and Fish Plate Materials (Effects of Contact Pressure and Relative Slip Amplitude)
    OCHI Yasuo; HAYASHI Hirooki; TATENO Bungo; ISHII Akira; URASHIMA Chikayuki
    The fretting fatigue of rail steel with fish plate were examined using the clamping contact double bridge pads system. In order to investigate the effects of contact pressure and relative silp amplitude on fretting fatigue strength, the fretting fatigue tests were carried out at three contact pressures and with three pad lengths. The fretting fatigue strength decreased with increasing contact pressure for all stresses and with increasing pad length at higher stresses. Interrupted fretting fatigue tests were carried out in order to investigate the fretting damage. The ratio of the crack initiation life due to the effect of fretting damage to the whole fatigue life was less than 60%, and the effect was influenced by the relative slip amplitude., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 63, 607, 453-458, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002374043, AN0018742X
  • C/C複合材料の高温における酸化損傷と曲げ強度
    1997, 材料試験技術, 42, 1, 69-76
  • Evaluation of High Cycle Fatigue Strength and Residual Stress. Distribution of Hard Shot-peened Svs3/6L Steel
    1997, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics'97(ATEM'97), I, 469-474
  • High Cycle Fatigue Propenties and Fatigue Lite Distribution of HIP-treated FDI Materials(Effects of Upper and Lower Locations in Casting Y-Block)
    1997, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanics'97(ICM&M'97), I, 627-632
  • Evaluation of Oxidized Damage and Flexural Strength of CVD-SiC coated C/C Composite at Elevated Temperature
    1997, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials Development and Perforomance., I, 274-279
  • Automation of Corrosion Inspection of a Steel Tube Inner Wall using an Industrial Endoscope
    ISHI Akira; OCHI Yasuo; FUJIKAWA Yoshiyuki; TSUSHIMA Takeo; MASAOKA Norio; MATSUSUE Hiroo
    In order to maintain the safety of steel tubes which have been used externally as structural members in buildings and large scale structures for a long period, the inner walls of the tubes are often investigated by inspectors using industrial endoscopes. In the present study, to reduce the necessity of visual inspection, we have focused on the color of the rust which appears in the corroded wall, and have tried to detect corroded regions using color image processing. Namely, the input RGB color images are transformed to color sensitive space L^*a^*b^*, and three parameters, lightness, chroma, and hue angle are calculated and investigated around the corroded region. Moreover, we have developed this method to facilitate inspection of the video tape of the corroded regions in real time using a commercial high speed image processing board., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997, Trans. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 63, 610(C), 1969-1974, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110006475222, AN00187463
  • Automation of Arc Welding for Large-Scale Structures by Visual Sensor(Reliable Defection of Weld Lines)
    Akira ISHII; Takeo TSUSHIMA; Yasuo OCHI; Kazuhiro SUZUKI; Norio MASAOKA
    1997, Trans. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 63, 609, 1582-1587, 0387-5024, 10003491287
  • Flexural strength properties and fracture site morphology of fine ceramics at room and elevated temperatures
    Yasuo Ochi; Kohji Haraguchi; Akira Ishii; Shigemi Sasaki
    Four-point bending tests were conducted on smooth and Vickers indentation notched specimens of Al2O3 and Si3N4 ceramics at room and elevated temperatures. The effects of surface polishing and grinding on the flexural strength of the smooth specimens of Al2O3 ceramics were studied at room temperature at first. And the detailed observation of fracture surface of the smooth specimens by a scanning electron microscope was carried out in order to specify the defect morphology as the fracture site and to study the relation between defect size and flexural strength at room and elevated temperatures. The fracture toughness evaluation by the indentation strength (IS) method was also studied on two kinds of ceramics at room and elevated temperatures for the Vickers indentation notched specimens under different load conditions. Then, by introducing the assumed equivalent crack length, the general evaluation of the relation between strength and crack size (defect size) for the smooth and notched specimens of two kind of ceramics were tried at room and elevated temperatures under the conditions of this study., Society of Materials Science Japan, 1997, Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 46, 3, 276-281, Japanese, 0514-5163, 0031094285
  • Fretting Fatigue Properties in Rail Steel and Fish Prate Materials(Effects of Contact Pressure and Relative Slip Amplitude)
    OCHI Yasuo; HAYASHI Hirooki; TATENO Bungo; ISHII Akira; URASHIMA Chikayuki
    The fretting fatigue of rail steel with fish plate were examined using the clamping contact double bridge pads system. In order to investigate the effects of contact pressure and relative silp amplitude on fretting fatigue strength, the fretting fatigue tests were carried out at three contact pressures and with three pad lengths. The fretting fatigue strength decreased with increasing contact pressure for all stresses and with increasing pad length at higher stresses. Interrupted fretting fatigue tests were carried out in order to investigate the fretting damage. The ratio of the crack initiation life due to the effect of fretting damage to the whole fatigue life was less than 60%, and the effect was influenced by the relative slip amplitude., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997, Trans. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 63, 607, 453-458, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002374043, AN0018742X
  • Oxidation Damage and Bending Strength Properties of C/C Composites at Elevatel Temperature
    1997, J. of Material Testing Research Association of Japan, 42, 1, 69-76
  • Precise weld line detection on a large-scale structure
    A Ishii; H Yoshida; K Suzuki; Y Ochi
    In the automation of are welding with visual sensors, it is necessary to precisely detect the weld line. However, for large scale structures such as a steel tube transmission tower shown in the present study, it is not easy to keep reliability of the weld line detection. The proposed method utilizes two important features in the welding of large-scale structure. They are based on the use of CAD/CAM data and the torch control. The proposed method is applied to detect straight and are weld lines in some practical images. The results are satisfactory and successful in precisely detecting weld lines and weld tacks., IEEE, 1996, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1996 IEEE IECON - 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, CONTROL, AND INSTRUMENTATION, VOLS 1-3, I, 725-730, English, 1553-572X, WOS:A1996BG90S00127
  • High Cycle Fatigue Properties of HIP-Treated FDI Materials
    1996, Proc. of Asian-Pacific Conf. for Fracture and Strength '96(ApCFS'96), I, 881-886
  • Flexural Strength and Fracture Evaluation of Fine Ceramics at Elevated Temperature
    1996, Post Cont. Proc. of the VIII Int. Congr. on Experimental Mechanics. (SEM-VIII), I, 103-110
  • Effects of contact pressure and slip amplitude on fretting fatigue properties of rail steel with fish plate
    Y Ochi; H Hayshi; B Tateno; A Ishii; T Kuroki
  • Improvement of High Cycle Fatigue Strength by Hot Isostatic Pressing on Ferritic Ductile Cast Iron
    KUBOTA Masanobu; OCHI Yasuo; ISHII Akira; HATTORI Takasi
    Cast defects such as microshrinkage reduce the for fatigue strength and reliabilty of ductile cast iron even though full attention is given for production of the test piece, and so HIP (hot isostatic pressing) is applied to FDI (ferritic ductile cast iron) in order to reduce microshrinkage. After that, rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out. HIP did not change the properties of graphite drains such as mean diameter, nodularity and nodule count. However microshrinkage in the HIP-FDI was completely suppressed. The reduction effect of cast defects by HIP treatment was shown by density measurement and the mesults of close observations of the fracture surface and the crack initiation site. The fatigue strength was improved at the whole region of fatigue life and the fatigue limit was about 1.32 times that of the material subjected to heat treatment with HIP., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 62, 604, 2681-2686, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002372954, AN0018742X
  • レーザ顕微鏡による疲労破面の観察と高さ画像の改善
    石井 明; 越智 保雄
    材料試験技術研究会, 1996, 材料試験技術, 41, 4, 334-339, Japanese, 0285-2470, 40004381635, AN0033237X
  • HIP処理AC4CHの高サイクル疲労における微小き裂の発生・進展挙動の徴視的観察
    1996, 材料試験技術, 41, 1, 42-47
  • Precise weld line detection on a large-scale structure
    A Ishii; H Yoshida; K Suzuki; Y Ochi
    In the automation of are welding with visual sensors, it is necessary to precisely detect the weld line. However, for large scale structures such as a steel tube transmission tower shown in the present study, it is not easy to keep reliability of the weld line detection. The proposed method utilizes two important features in the welding of large-scale structure. They are based on the use of CAD/CAM data and the torch control. The proposed method is applied to detect straight and are weld lines in some practical images. The results are satisfactory and successful in precisely detecting weld lines and weld tacks., IEEE, 1996, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1996 IEEE IECON - 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, CONTROL, AND INSTRUMENTATION, VOLS 1-3, I, 725-730, English, 1553-572X, WOS:A1996BG90S00127
  • High Cycle Fatigue Properties of HIP-Treated FDI Materials
    1996, Proc. of Asian-Pacific Conf. for Fracture and Strength '96(ApCFS'96), I, 881-886
  • Flexural Strength and Fracture Evaluation of Fine Ceramics at Elevated Temperature
    1996, Post Cont. Proc. of the VIII Int. Congr. on Experimental Mechanics. (SEM-VIII), I, 103-110
  • Effects of contact pressure and slip amplitude on fretting fatigue properties of rail steel with fish plate
    Y Ochi; H Hayshi; B Tateno; A Ishii; T Kuroki
  • Improvement of High Cycle Fatigue Strength by Hot Isostatic Pressing on Ferritic Ductile Cast Iron
    Masanobu KUBOTA; Yasuo OCHI; Akira ISHII; Takasi HATTORI
    Cast defects such as microshrinkage reduce the for fatigue strength and reliabilty of ductile cast iron even though full attention is given for production of the test piece, and so HIP (hot isostatic pressing) is applied to FDI (ferritic ductile cast iron) in order to reduce microshrinkage. After that, rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out. HIP did not change the properties of graphite drains such as mean diameter, nodularity and nodule count. However microshrinkage in the HIP-FDI was completely suppressed. The reduction effect of cast defects by HIP treatment was shown by density measurement and the mesults of close observations of the fracture surface and the crack initiation site. The fatigue strength was improved at the whole region of fatigue life and the fatigue limit was about 1.32 times that of the material subjected to heat treatment with HIP., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996, Trans. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 62, 604, 2681-2686, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002372954, AN0018742X
  • Observation of Fatigue Fracture Surface by Laser Microscope and Improvement of Surface Profile
    1996, J. of Material Testing Research Association of Japan, 41, 4, 334-339
  • Microscopic Observation of Initiation and Propagation Behavior of Small Crack on HIP-treated AC4CH in High Cycle Fatigue
    1996, J. of Material Testing Research Association of Japan, 41, 1, 42-47
  • Improvement of High Cycle Fatigue Strength in Aduanced Casting Aluminum Alloy by HIP Treatment
    1995, Proc. of Int. Symp. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics(ATEM'95), 1, 171-176
  • High-Precision Weld Line Detection on Large-Scale Structure
    1995, Proc. of Europe-Asia Workshop on Mechatronics, 1, 31-36
  • Improvement of High Cycle Fatigue Properties by HIP Treatment for Cast Alminum Alloys
    KUBOTA Masanobu; OCHI Yasuo; ISHII Akira; SHIBATA Ryoichi
    Rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out on three kinds of cast aluminum alloys after hot isostatic pressing (HIP) treatment. The HIP treatment was carried out to reduce cast defects and porosity of cast aluminum alloys. Efficacy of HIP treatment varied from material to material, but in the material which treatment was most effective, namely AC4CH, the fatigue strength was markedly improved. In the HIP-treated AC4CH, the fatigue crack initiation site was not a cast defect but a part of the specimen surface with a high density of eutectic silicon particles. Comparing the HIP-treated AC4CH with conventional AC4CH, crack propagation behavior was the same for both, but crack initiation life was longer for the former than the latter. Fatigue life was successfully evaluated considering lives of both crack initiation and crack propagation. Here, the crack initiation life was defined as involving scatter immediately after crack initiation, and the crack propagation life was expressed in one relation for the HIP-treated materials and the conventional material., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1995, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 61, 591, 2342-2348, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002372509, AN0018742X
  • 構造用セラミックスの強度に及ぼす表面効果に関する研交
    1995, 日本材料強度学会誌, 29, 3, 71-89
  • Improvement of High Cycle Fatigue Strength in Aduanced Casting Aluminum Alloy by HIP Treatment
    1995, Proc. of Int. Symp. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics(ATEM'95), 1, 171-176
  • High-Precision Weld Line Detection on Large-Scale Structure
    1995, Proc. of Europe-Asia Workshop on Mechatronics, 1, 31-36
  • Improvement of High Cycle Fatigue Properties by HIP Treatment for Cast Aluminum Alleys
    KUBOTA Masanobu; OCHI Yasuo; ISHII Akira; SHIBATA Ryoichi
    Rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out on three kinds of cast aluminum alloys after hot isostatic pressing (HIP) treatment. The HIP treatment was carried out to reduce cast defects and porosity of cast aluminum alloys. Efficacy of HIP treatment varied from material to material, but in the material which treatment was most effective, namely AC4CH, the fatigue strength was markedly improved. In the HIP-treated AC4CH, the fatigue crack initiation site was not a cast defect but a part of the specimen surface with a high density of eutectic silicon particles. Comparing the HIP-treated AC4CH with conventional AC4CH, crack propagation behavior was the same for both, but crack initiation life was longer for the former than the latter. Fatigue life was successfully evaluated considering lives of both crack initiation and crack propagation. Here, the crack initiation life was defined as involving scatter immediately after crack initiation, and the crack propagation life was expressed in one relation for the HIP-treated materials and the conventional material., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1995, Trans. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 61, 591, 2342-2348, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002372509, AN0018742X
  • The effect of surface processing on the stregth of engineenry ceramics
    1995, J. of The Japanese Society for Ftrength and Fracture of Materials, 29, 3, 71-89
  • Recognition of Internal Weld Defects by Defect Model.
    Ishii Akira; Lachkhia Vakhtang; Ochi Yasuo; Akutsu Masayuki
    In order to improve the automation of defect inspection by careful examination by the naked eye, we consider that defects should be understood as special featured regions, and we present a new approach for detecting such defects. The approach uses "a defect model" for recognizing defects. The defect model is carefully constructed based on visual features of defects, including their sizes, shapes, and intensity or shade, and also the inspector's knowledge and experience. This approach is applied to detect internal weld defects which appear in X-ray radiographic films. On the basis of visual features and size distribution of observed defects in 107 films and the global feature of the weld zone, an efficient defect model is constructed geometrically and arithmetically. The results show success in detecting very small and fuzzy defects., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 60, 578, 2440-2445, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002372046, AN0018742X
  • Tribology of Mullite Ceramics at Elevated Temperatures
    SENDA Tetsuya; SARUTA Masahiko; OCHI Yasuo
    Friction and wear tests from room temperature to 1000'C were carried out for two kinds of munite ceram ics, and compared with those of alumina ceramics. Sam ples prepared from the natural raw materials (M-1) and the sol gel method (M-2) were used. The former contained considerable amount of impurities and they formed glassy phase in the grain boundaries whereas the latter was highly pure and dense ceramics. No sig nificant change in either coefficient of friction or wear Ioss was observed against temperature in the M-1 material. In the M-2 material, the coefficient of fric tion was almost constant up to 600℃ but slightly in creased above that temperature. The specific wear Ioss, defined as the wear volume divided by the load and the wear distance, slightly increased from room temperature to 600℃ and then significantly decreased above 800℃ A film like region formed by very fine grains, which was similar to the one previously ob served in the alumina wear surface, was observed in the surface worn at 1000℃ The observed microstruc ture suggests that the surface film may be derived due to the plastic deformation of grains by dynarnic recrystallization during sliding under the shear stress field at high temperatures. A certain correlation between the wear loss and the fracture toughness K_ was found although no correlation between the wear loss and hardness was found., The Ceramic Society of Japan, 1994, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 102, 6, 556,561-561, Japanese, 1882-1022, 110002290612, AN10040326
  • High-Precision Weld Line Detection Using Hough Transform
    Ishii Akira; Lachkhia Vakhtang; Ochi Yasuo
    In the automation of arc welding with visual sensors, it is necessary to precisely detect the weld line regardless of the fluctuation in the illumination and in the reflection state of the workpiece. However, it is not easy to minimize such fluctuations at the actual construction site, especially for large-scale structures. The Hough transform is very useful for detecting straight lines, but it requires huge computational power. The proposed method uses one marked feature in weld processing. That is, the current torch position is known during the weld process. Then, the Hough transform is modified to be able to detect a straight line passing through one point, and is applied to detect straight weld lines in some practical images. Regardless of low-contrast weld lines and other features including some markings and drilled holes, the results are satisfactory and successful in detecting only weld lines, their end points and weld tacks., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 60, 573, 1614-1618, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002378217, AN00187463
  • Effect of Microstructures on Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties and Surface Crack Propagation Behavior in Ductile Cast Irons.
    Ochi Yasuo; Ishii Akira; Sasaki Shigemi; Sakaguchi Yoshiyuki; Kubota Masanobu
    Total-strain controlled low-cycle fatigue tests were carried out at room temperature on three kinds of ductile cast iron (ferritic ductile iron ; FDI, pearlite-ferritic ductile iron ; P-FDI, and pearlitic ductile iron ; PDI) of round bar-type specimens with a small drilled notch. Fatigue deformation properties such as stress amplitude, plastic strain and cyclic stress-strain curve were measured, and the relationship between the strain amplitude and the fatigue life was investigated in the three cast irons. Propagation behavior of the surface fatigue crack initiated from the small notch was observed in detail at the surface. The fracture surface, the effects of graphite distribution and base microstructure on the crack growth behavior were investigated experimentally. The surface crack propagation rate da/dN was evaluated in the J integral range ΔJ, and the results for these cast irons were compared with the results for other metals., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 60, 571, 619-625, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002371808, AN0018742X
  • Recognition of Internal Weld Defects by Defect Model
    Akira Ishii; Vakhtang Lachkhia; Yasuo Ochi; Masayuki Akutsu
    In order to improve the automation of defect inspection by careful examination by the naked eye, we consider that defects should be understood as special featured regions, and we present a new approach for detecting such defects. The approach uses "a defect model" for recognizing defects. The defect model is carefully constructed based on visual features of defects, including their sizes, shapes, and intensity or shade, and also the inspector's knowledge and experience. This approach is applied to detect internal weld defects which appear in X-ray radiographic films. On the basis of visual features and size distribution of observed defects in 107 films and the global feature of the weld zone, an efficient defect model is constructed geometrically and arithmetically. The results show success in detecting very small and fuzzy defects., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994, Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers., 60, 578, 2440-2445, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002372046, AN0018742X
  • Tribology of Mullite Ceramics of Elevated Tenperature
    1994, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 102, 6, 556,561
  • High-Precision Weld Line Detection Using Hough Transformation
    Akira Ishii; Vakhtang Lachkhia; Yasuo Ochi
    1994, Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (C), 60, 573, 1614-1618, 0387-5024
  • Effect of Microstructure on Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties and Surface Crack Propagation Behabior in Ductile Cast Irons
    Yasuo Ochi; Akira Ishii; Shigemi Sasaki; Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi; Masanobu Kubota
    Total-strain controlled low-cycle fatigue tests were carried out at room temperature on three kinds of ductile cast iron (ferritic ductile iron ; FDI, pearlite-ferritic ductile iron ; P-FDI, and pearlitic ductile iron ; PDI) of round bar-type specimens with a small drilled notch. Fatigue deformation properties such as stress amplitude, plastic strain and cyclic stress-strain curve were measured, and the relationship between the strain amplitude and the fatigue life was investigated in the three cast irons. Propagation behavior of the surface fatigue crack initiated from the small notch was observed in detail at the surface. The fracture surface, the effects of graphite distribution and base microstructure on the crack growth behavior were investigated experimentally. The surface crack propagation rate da/dN was evaluated in the J integral range ΔJ, and the results for these cast irons were compared with the results for other metals., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994, Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (A), 60, 571, 619-625, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002371808, AN0018742X
  • Recognition of Small Surface Fatigue Crack Initiation and Crack Tip
    ISHII Akira; LACHIKHIA Vakhtang; OCHI Yasuo; AKITOMO Tsutomu
    A radiated projection method (RPM) has been applied to the detection of small surface fatigue cracks which initiate during a low cycle push-pull fatigue test.RPM is one object recognition algorithm which detects only specified objects by representing their features such as size,shape,and color or shade into the rediated frames geometrically.Observed images involve so many regions similar to the local part of the crack that it is difficult to detect small cracks by the simple thresholding method based on a certain intensity level at the crack,or by the edge detection method based on the intensity level change at the crack edge.The result is detected by RPM in order to measure its precise length.The result is also successful in detecting the crack tip position at the same place by visual inspection.Their algorithms are presented and the effective usage of RPM is discussed., The Society of Materials Science, Japan, 1993, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 42, 481, 1231-1237, Japanese, 0514-5163, 110002299042, AN00096175
  • Ti-6Al-4V合金における単一過大荷重下の低サイクル疲労表面き裂進展特性
    越智保雄; 石井明; 佐々木茂美; 大舘一郎
    1993, 材料, 42, 481, 1172-1178, 0514-5163, 110002299031
  • 微小欠陥検出のための画像処理アルゴリズム
    1993, 非破壊検査, 42, 4, 199-205
  • ホウイヒチタンセラミックスの高温摩擦摩耗試験
    1993, 日本セラミックス協会論文誌, 101, 4, 461-465
  • 材料評価における表面性状の自動判別-ニューラルネットワークを用いた分類-
    1993, 非破壊検査, 42, 3, 147-153
  • ニューラルネットワークによる金属の表面性状の自動認識
    1993, 材料試験技術, 38, 1, 47-54
  • Recognition of Small Surface Fatigue Crack Initiation and Crack Tip
    Akira ISHII; Vakhtang LACHKHIA; Yasuo OCHI; Tsutomu AKITOMO
    A radiated projection method (RPM) has been applied to the detection of small surface fatigue cracks which initiate during a low cycle push-pull fatigue test.RPM is one object recognition algorithm which detects only specified objects by representing their features such as size,shape,and color or shade into the rediated frames geometrically.Observed images involve so many regions similar to the local part of the crack that it is difficult to detect small cracks by the simple thresholding method based on a certain intensity level at the crack,or by the edge detection method based on the intensity level change at the crack edge.The result is detected by RPM in order to measure its precise length.The result is also successful in detecting the crack tip position at the same place by visual inspection.Their algorithms are presented and the effective usage of RPM is discussed., The Society of Materials Science, Japan, 1993, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 42, 481, 1231-1237, Japanese, 0514-5163, 110002299042, AN00096175
  • Crack Growth Behaviour of Low Cycle Fatigue under Single Over-Straining in Ti-6A1-4V Alloy
    Yasuo Ochi; Akira Ishii; Shigemi Sasaki; Ichiro Ohdachi
    In this study, the low cycle fatigue deformation properties and the surface crack propagation behaviour of α/β-rolled plates of Ti-6A1-4V alloy with conventionally annealed equiaxial microstructure were investigated under the constant strain amplitude and the single over-straining conditions, Two types of the single over-straining were performed
    that is, tension only (T waveform) and tension-compression (T-C waveform) over-straining, and the effects of the overstraining ratio λ on the cyclic deformation and the crack acceleration or the crack retardation behavior were also studied from the stand-point of the changes in crack opening displacement φ and tensile peak stress σpt. As the results, in the T waveform test in the range of λ≧1.62, the crack ratardation occurred when compared with the crack propagation of the constant amplitude test, and the retardation effect increased with the ratio λ. On the other hand, in the T-C waveform test, the crack propagation curve after over-straining was almost coincident with the curve of the constant amplitude test. It became clear that the retardation behaviour of surface crack propagation after the over-straing of the T waveform resulted from both of the changes in φ and σpt after the over-straining. The relation between the crack propagation rate da/dN and the J integral range δJ under the over-straining conditions was in good agreement with the da/dN and δJ relation of the constant strain amplitude test. © 1993, The Society of Materials Science, Japan. All rights reserved., 1993, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 42, 481, 1172-1178, English, 1880-7488, 85007655043
  • An Image Processing Algorithm for Small Defect Detection
    1993, Journal of the Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, 42, 4, 199-205
  • Friction and Wear Test of Titanium Boride Ceramics at Elevated Temperature
    1993, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 101, 4, 461-465
  • Automatic Classification of Surface Morphology on Material Evaluation - A Classification using a Neural Network -
    1993, Journal of the Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, 42, 3, 147-153
  • Recognition of Surface Morphology in Metal Using Neutal Network
    1993, Journal of Material Testing Research Association of Japan, 38, 1, 47-54
  • Initiation and Propagation Behavior of Surface Fatigue Crack in Pearlitic Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron.
    OCHI Yasuo; ISHII Akira; SASAKI Shigemi; KONISHI Yasutoshi
    Rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out on mainly pearlitic spheroidal graphite cast iron (pearlitic ductile iron, PDI) of smooth specimens at room temperature. Initiation and propagation behavior of surface microcracks was discussed by means of detailed successive observations of the surface and the fracture surface. The results were compared with the results of ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron (FDI) which had been reported by the authors. The surface crack initiation was governed mainly by microshrinkages existing just under the surface in both PDI and FDI materials. A low level of negative correlation between the crack initiation life Ni and the maximum stress intensity factor of defect front KImax by evaluating from the area of microshrinkage as the crack initiation site was found in both PDI and FDI, but the values and the variation of KImax in PDI were larger than those in FDI. Surface cracks propagated with the branching and the coalescence during the fatigue process, but the crack propagating path in the pearlite base was comparatively more linear than that of the ferrite base in FDI. It was found to exhibit a decrease in the crack propagation rate da/dN during the range of small cracks in the low stress level ; on the other hand, in the high stress level the da/dN was found to be a remarkable repetition of increase and decrease in the small crack region. This behavior of the da/dN in the small crack region was similar in both PDI and FDI., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 58, 547, 353-358, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002371051, AN0018742X
  • STM Image of Surface Films Produced at Elevated Temperature
    1992, JSME Interational Journal, Ser. I, 35, 4, 456-461
  • 球状黒鉛鋳鉄における表面疲労き裂の発生・進展寿令分布の確率特性
    1992, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 58, 550
  • Initiation and Propagation Behavior of Surface Fatigue Crack in Pearlific Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
    Yasuo OCHI; Akira ISHII; Shigemi SASAKI; Yasutoshi KONISHI
    Rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out on mainly pearlitic spheroidal graphite cast iron (pearlitic ductile iron, PDI) of smooth specimens at room temperature. Initiation and propagation behavior of surface microcracks was discussed by means of detailed successive observations of the surface and the fracture surface. The results were compared with the results of ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron (FDI) which had been reported by the authors. The surface crack initiation was governed mainly by microshrinkages existing just under the surface in both PDI and FDI materials. A low level of negative correlation between the crack initiation life Ni and the maximum stress intensity factor of defect front KImax by evaluating from the area of microshrinkage as the crack initiation site was found in both PDI and FDI, but the values and the variation of KImax in PDI were larger than those in FDI. Surface cracks propagated with the branching and the coalescence during the fatigue process, but the crack propagating path in the pearlite base was comparatively more linear than that of the ferrite base in FDI. It was found to exhibit a decrease in the crack propagation rate da/dN during the range of small cracks in the low stress level ; on the other hand, in the high stress level the da/dN was found to be a remarkable repetition of increase and decrease in the small crack region. This behavior of the da/dN in the small crack region was similar in both PDI and FDI., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992, Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (A), 58, 547, 353-358, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002371051, AN0018742X
  • STM Image of Surface Films Produced at Elevated Temperature
    1992, JSME Interational Journal, Ser. I, 35, 4, 456-461
  • Statistical Property of Initiation and Growth Life Distributions of Surface Fatigue Cracks in Spheroidal Cast Iron
    1992, 58, 550
  • Crack Detection in Alumina Ceramics Circuit Board by Slit Light
    1991, Trans. Japanese Society for Non-Destraction Inspection, Int. Journal., 3, 40-53
  • NiCrMoV鋳鋼における表面疲労き裂の発生・伝播のばらつき特性に及ぼす材料微視組織の影響
    石井 明; 越智 保雄; 佐々木 茂美; 中村 宏之
    1991, 材料, 40, 452, 568-574, 0514-5163, 110002298444
  • Initiation and Propagation Behaviors of Surface Fatigue Cracks and Their Statistical Properties in Ferrite-Base Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron.
    OCHI Yasuo; ISHII Akira; SASAKI Shigemi; KONISHI Yasutoshi
    Rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out on smooth specimens of ferrite-base spheroidal cast iron at room temperature. Initiation and growth behaviors of surface cracks as well as the statistical properties of lives of initiation and propagation were discussed by detailed observation of the specimen surface and fracture surface. Surface fatigue crack initiation was mainly governed by microshrinkage existing just under the surface. A negative correlation between the crack initiation life Ni and the square root of the projected area (√(area)) of the microshrinkage as the initiation sites was found, but the correlation factor between them was very low. Surface cracks propagated with a great deal of branching and coalescence during the fatigue process, and it was found to exhibit the remarkable repetition of increase and decrease in the crack prppagation rate da/dN during the range of small cracks. The distributions of the initiation life Ni, the propagation life Np and the fatigue life Nf in the main cracks which propagated to 2a=3000μm were well represented by a three-parameter Weibull distribution, and the dependence of the three parameters on the stress amplitude were discussed and compared with the results of other researchers and other findings of the authors., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 57, 539, 1488-1494, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002370638, AN0018742X
  • 走査トンネル顕微鏡による高温被膜の観察
    1991, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 57, 542
  • Crack Detection in Alumina Ceramics Circuit Board by Slit Light
    1991, Trans. Japanese Society for Non-Destraction Inspection, Int. Journal., 3, 40-53
  • Effect of Material Structure of Statistical Scatter of Surface Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate
    1991, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 40, 452, 568-574
  • Initiation and Propagation Behaviors of Surface Fatigue Cracks and Their Statistical Properties in Ferrite-Base Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
    Yasuo OCHI; Akira ISHII; Shigemi SASAKI; Yasutoshi KONISHI
    Rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out on smooth specimens of ferrite-base spheroidal cast iron at room temperature. Initiation and growth behaviors of surface cracks as well as the statistical properties of lives of initiation and propagation were discussed by detailed observation of the specimen surface and fracture surface. Surface fatigue crack initiation was mainly governed by microshrinkage existing just under the surface. A negative correlation between the crack initiation life Ni and the square root of the projected area (√(area)) of the microshrinkage as the initiation sites was found, but the correlation factor between them was very low. Surface cracks propagated with a great deal of branching and coalescence during the fatigue process, and it was found to exhibit the remarkable repetition of increase and decrease in the crack prppagation rate da/dN during the range of small cracks. The distributions of the initiation life Ni, the propagation life Np and the fatigue life Nf in the main cracks which propagated to 2a=3000μm were well represented by a three-parameter Weibull distribution, and the dependence of the three parameters on the stress amplitude were discussed and compared with the results of other researchers and other findings of the authors., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991, Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. (A), 57, 539, 1488-1494, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002370638, AN0018742X
  • STM Image of Surface Films Produced at Elevated Temperature
    1991, 57, 542
  • スリット光による透光性セラミックス材料のき裂欠陥の検出
    石井 明; 佐々木 茂美; 越智 保雄; 林 広佳
    1990, 材料, 39, 443, 1162-1166, 0514-5163, 110002297731
  • 炭化けい素セラミックスの曲ぎ強度と圧痕法による破壊靭性の評価
    佐々木 茂美; 越智 保雄; 石井 明; 河合 真; 倉員 温
    1990, 材料, 39, 442, 895-900, 0514-5163, 110002297681
  • Effects of Vickers indented load and microstructure of bending strength and fracture toughness in normal-sintered silicon carbide.
    OCHI Yasuo; ISHII Akira; SASAKI Shigemi K; KURAKAZU Sunao; KAWAI Makoto
    Vickers hardness, four-point bending tests and fracture toughness evaluation by means of two kinds of indentation methods (ISB and IF methods) were conducted on normal-sintered silicon carbide (SiC). To investigate the microstructure on the hardness, HV, the bending strength, σf, and the fracture toughness, KIC, three kinds of SiC materials (materials A, B and C) with different sintering temperatures were prepared. Material A, of lowest sintering temperature, had the smallest grain, lower density and higher porosity. On the other hand, material C, of highest sintering temperature, had abnormal grown grains, higher density and a lower porosity which were equal to material B. The HV decreased with increasing indentation load, P, for all three materials. The indentation shapes were comparatively clear, and on the fracture surface of materials A and B, four cracks initiated from the four vertices of the indentation as clear radial and median cracks. For material C, a part of the surface peeled off due to the effect of lateral cracks on the surface layer, and the fracture surface was not flat. The σf decreased with increasing P for all three materials. The σf of material C was smaller than those of the other materials for the smooth specimens, and the variation of the σf of material C was larger than the other materials for the smooth and precracked specimens in all cases. The KIC determined by the ISB method was smaller than that by the IF method in the same P condition, and the KIC by the IF method decreased with increasing P and was saturated in the range of P ≥ 10 N., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1990, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 56, 523, 523-493, Japanese, 0387-5008, 110002377939, AN0018742X
  • Detection of cracks in semi-translucent ceramics by slit light
    Akira Ishii; Shigemi K. Sasaki; Yasuo Ochi; Hiroyoshi Hayashi
    An experimental visual inspection technique using the slit light for the detection of cracks in/on alumina ceramics circuit boards has been presented. Since the alumina ceramics has a well light-diffusible property over all of visible wavelength range, it is difficult to detect cracks in the material by an ordinary inspection with the human eye or optical microscope observation with coaxial illumination. In the present technique, the surface of the specimen placed on a X-Y stage is illuminated from a proper direction by the slit light, which is adjusted to a small width with several condensing lenses, and the line image of the surface is sensed by a CCD line sensor camera through an object lens and inputted into the image device as intensity signal. The X-Y stage, which is driven by pulse motors with high accuracy, is used for the mechanical scanning for obtaining the two dimensional image of the surface. As for the results, under specific observing conditions, including the camera position relative to the slit light, the incident angle to the surface, and the width of the slit light, some characteristic intensity changes were found not only around the crack, but also on the edge of the board and of the installation holes for IC parts. The optimum condition for the detection of the crack was experimentally examined. In order to interpret these features, a simple model is proposed, and it is clarified that the light uniformly diffused into the specimen gives rise to the characteristic pattern due to the reflection at the crack surface. Finally, utilizing these characteristic patterns, one image processing algorithm, which detects only cracks in the ceramics board and has a possibility to process in high speed, is presented. © 1990, The Society of Materials Science, Japan. All rights reserved., 1990, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 39, 443, 1162-1166, English, 1880-7488, 0025474715
  • Evaluations of bending strength and fracture toughness by indentation method in silicon carbide ceramics
    Shigemi K. Sasaki; Yasuo Ochi; Akira Ishii; Makoto Kawai; Sunao Kurakazu
    Vickers hardness test, four-point bending test and fracture toughness evaluation by two kinds of indentation (ISB and IF methods) were conducted on reaction sintered and pressure-less sintered silicon carbide ceramics, SiC-R and SiC-PL. The dependences of hardness Hv, bending fracture strength σf and fracture toughness KIC, on the indented load P were investigated. The effects of loading rate and atomosphere on the σf were also studied. The Hv decreased with increasing P for two SiC materials. The indented shapes were clear comparatively and four cracks initiated from vertices of the indentation for SiC-PL. For SiC-R, however, a part of the indented surface peeled off by the effect of lateral cracks initiated near the surface layer, and the fracture surface was not flat. For the smooth specimens, the mean value of σf of SiC-PL was higher than that of SiC-R. For the specimens pre-cracked by Vickers indentation, σf decreased with increasing P for the both materials, and the mean value and the variation of σf for SiC-R was larger than those for SiC-PL. For SiC-R, the dependences of σf on the strain rate and atomosphere such as in water and in silicon oil were not observed in the present experiment conditions. The KIC by the ISB method and by the IF method were almost identical in the same P condition. The KIC by the IF method decreased with increasing P for SiC-PL, while the KIC increased with increasing P for SiC-R. This might be caused by peeling-off of the indented surface layer of SiC-R. © 1990, The Society of Materials Science, Japan. All rights reserved., 1990, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 39, 442, 895-900, English, 1880-7488, 0025452375
  • Effects of Vickers Indented Load and Microotrudure of Bending Strength and Fracture Toughness in Normal-Sintered Silicon Carbide
    1990, 56, 523
  • An Evaluation of the Fatigue Crack Growth and Fracture Toughness Characteristics of Rail Steels
    1988, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 29, 2
  • An Evaluation of the Fatigue Crack Growth and Fracture Toughness Characteristics of Rail Steels
    1988, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 29, 2
  • 表面疲労き裂の伝播経路測定への画像処理の応用
    1987, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 53, 493
  • 316ステンレス鋼の高温低サイクル疲労変形特性と転位構造の関係
    1987, 材料, 36, 402
  • An Application of Image Processing to Measuring Surface Fatigue Crack Propagation Path
    1987, 53, 493
  • Low Cycle Fatigue Deformation Properties 2nd Dislocation Structures of Type 316 Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperatures
    1987, 36, 402
  • An Experimental and Statistical Investigation of Surface Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth
    1985, Fatigue and Fracture of Engng. Materials and Structures, 8, 4
  • An Experimental and Statistical Investigation of Surface Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth
    1985, Fatigue and Fracture of Engng. Materials and Structures, 8, 4
  • 軟鋼疲労過程の塑性ひずみ幅変化の解析
    1982, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 48, 433
  • Dislocation Dynamical Analysis of Changes in Plastic Strain Range during Fatigue Process in Mild Steel.
    1982, 48, 433
  • 軟鋼疲労過程における転位構造変化と塑性ひずみ幅変化等との関係
    1981, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 47, 417
  • Relation between the Dislocation Structures and the Plastic Strain langes during Fatigue Process in Mild Steel.
    1981, 47, 417
  • Some Experimental Studies of Fatigue Slip Bands and Persistent Slip Bands during Fatigue Process
    1979, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 12, 4
  • Some Experimental Studies of Fatigue Slip Bands and Persistent Slip Bands during Fatigue Process
    1979, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 12, 4

Books and other publications

  • Effect of Contact Pad Geometry on Fretting Fatigue Behavior of High Strength Steel, Fretting Fatigue
    Advances in the Basic Understranding and Applications, ASTM International, STP1425, Mar. 2003
  • Effect of Contact Pad Geometry on Fretting Fatigue Behavior of High Strength Steel, Fretting Fatigue
    Advances in the Basic Understranding and Applications, ASTM International, STP1425, Mar. 2003
  • アルミニウム合金の強度
    内田老鶴圃, Mar. 2001
  • フラクトグラフィーと破面解析写真集
    総合技術センター, Feb. 1998
  • 機械工学事典
    日本機械学会, Aug. 1997
  • (α+β)型チタン合金の組織,機械的性質と疲労強度
    日本材料学会疲労部門委員会, Dec. 1994
  • (α+β)型チタン合金の組織、静機械的性質と疲労強度
    (社)日本材料学会疲労部門委員会, 1994
  • Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Strength of (α+β) Titanium alloys
    Devision of Fatigue and Microstructure, Commitree of Fatigue, The Soci. of Materials Science, JAPAN., 1994

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本材料試験技術協会
  • 日本材料学会


  • (社)日本機械学会研究協力部会・RC130「高サイクル疲労に関する調査研究分科会」研究報告書
  • 繰返し数が107回を上回るデータを含むS-N曲線の文献調査結果データ集(日本機械学会、高サイクル疲労に関する調査研究分科会)
  • 高サイクル疲労研究の現状と疲労損傷防止法に関する調査報告書(日本機械学会,高サイクル疲労に関する調査研究分科会)
  • 機械の構造系試験への統計的手法の基礎(V) (材料試験技術,Vol.40,No.1,pp64-68)
  • The Basis of Statistical Method for Mechanical and Structural Testiny (V)
  • (講座)機械・構造系試験への統計的手法の基礎(IV)材料試験技術(第39巻、第1号pp83-90)
  • 画像技術応用材料試験研究部会研究成果報告書(日本材料試験技術協会)
  • (Lecture) The Basis of Statistical Method for Mechanical and Structural Testing (IV)
  • Reports of Scientific Research on Image Processing Technique Application for Material Testing (Material Testing Research Association of Japan)

Research Themes

  • 複合材料,機能材料の特性評価と応用に関する研究
  • 構造物・部材の破壊事例解析と損傷防止に関する研究
  • 先進構造材料の強度信頼性評価と設計への応用