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- Nanofiber Quantum Photonics
K. P. Nayak; M. Sadgrove; R. Yalla; F. L. Kien; K. Hakuta
Journal of Optics, Institute of Physics, 20, 073001-1-073001-52, 2018, Invited
Scientific journal, English - Hybrid System of an Optical Nanofibre and a Quantum Dot Operated at Cryogenic Temperatures
K. M. Shafi; W. Luo; R. Yalla; K. Iida; E. Tsutsumi; A. Miyanaga; K. Hakuta
Scientific Reports, Nature, 8, 13494-1-13494-9, 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Fabrication of a centimeter-long cavity on a nanofiber for cavity quantum electrodynamics
Jameesh Keloth; K. P. Nayak; K. Hakuta
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 42, 5, 1003-1006, Mar. 2017, Peer-reviwed, We report the fabrication of a 1.2 cm long cavity directly on a nanofiber using femtosecond laser ablation. The cavity modes with finesse values in the range of 200-400 can enable the " strong-coupling" regime of cavity QED, with high cooperativity of 10-20, for a single atom trapped 200 nm away from the fiber surface [Phys. Rev. A 80, 053826 (2009)]. Such cavity modes can still maintain the transmission between 40%-60%, suggesting a one-pass intracavity transmission of 99.53%. Other cavity modes, which can enable cooperativity in the range of 3-10, show transmission over 60%-85% and are suitable for fiber-based singlephoton sources and quantum nonlinear optics in the " Purcell" regime. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Fabrication of 1-D Photonic Crystal Cavity on a Nanofiber Using Femtosecond Laser-induced Ablation
Kali Prasanna Nayak; Jameesh Keloth; Kohzo Hakuta
JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS, JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS, 120, 120, e55136, Feb. 2017, Peer-reviwed, We present a protocol for fabricating 1-D Photonic Crystal (PhC) cavities on subwavelength-diameter tapered optical fibers, optical nanofibers, using femtosecond laser-induced ablation. We show that thousands of periodic nano-craters are fabricated on an optical nanofiber by irradiating with just a single femtosecond laser pulse. For a typical sample, periodic nano-craters with a period of 350 nm and with diameter gradually varying from 50 - 250 nm over a length of 1 mm are fabricated on a nanofiber with diameter around 450 - 550 nm. A key aspect of such a nanofabrication is that the nanofiber itself acts as a cylindrical lens and focuses the femtosecond laser beam on its shadow surface. Moreover, the single-shot fabrication makes it immune to mechanical instabilities and other fabrication imperfections. Such periodic nano-craters on nanofiber, act as a 1-D PhC and enable strong and broadband reflection while maintaining the high transmission out of the stopband. We also present a method to control the profile of the nano-crater array to fabricate apodized and defect-induced PhC cavities on the nanofiber. The strong confinement of the field, both transverse and longitudinal, in the nanofiber-based PhC cavities and the efficient integration to the fiber networks, may open new possibilities for nanophotonic applications and quantum information science.
Scientific journal, English - ナノ光ファイバー
白田耕藏; 飯田秀得
NEW GLASS, ニューガラスフォーラム, 31, 2, 15-17, Jul. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - フォトニック結晶なの光ファイバー
光アライアンス, 日本工業出版株式会社, 27, 5, 20-24, May 2016, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - フォトニック結晶ナノ光ファイバ
光アライアンス, 27, 5, 20-24, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - ナノ光ファイバー
白田耕藏; 飯田秀徳
New Glass, 31, 2, 15-17, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - Diameter measurement of optical nanofibers using a composite photonic crystal cavity
Jameesh Keloth; Mark Sadgrove; Ramachandrarao Yalla; Kohzo Hakuta
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 40, 17, 4122-4125, Sep. 2015, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate a method for making precise measurements of the diameter of a tapered optical fiber with a sub-wavelength diameter waist (an optical nanofiber). The essence of the method is to create a composite photonic crystal cavity by mounting a defect-mode grating on an optical nanofiber. The resultant cavity has a resonance wavelength that is sensitive to the nanofiber's diameter, allowing the diameter to be inferred from optical measurements. This method offers a precise, nondestructive, and in situ way to characterize the nanofiber diameter. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Optica Nanofiber for Manipulating Single Photons
K. Hakuta
Micro optics News, Japan Society of Applied Physics, 33, 7-12, Jul. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - Photon field in the presence of a nanofiber
Makoto Morinaga; Ramachandrarao Yalla; Kohzo Hakuta
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 54, 7, 072001-1-072001-6, Jul. 2015, Peer-reviwed, The presence of a nanofiber modifies the photon field near the nanofiber. The emission of photons into a certain direction can be enhanced by placing a nanofiber near the photon emitter. We discuss the modification of the photon field by the presence of a nanofiber and evaluate the effect of emission enhancement for a realistic experimental scheme. (C) 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Scientific journal, English - Optical nanofiber for manipulating single atoms and photons
Kohl Hakuta
Butsuri, Physical Society of Japan, 70, 1, 36-44, 15 Jan. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics on a Nanofiber Using a Composite Photonic Crystal Cavity
Ramachandrarao Yalla; Mark Sadgrove; Kali P. Nayak; Kohzo Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 113, 14, 143601-1-143601-5, Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate cavity QED conditions in the Purcell regime for single quantum emitters on the surface of an optical nanofiber. The cavity is formed by combining an optical nanofiber and a nanofabricated grating to create a composite photonic crystal cavity. By using this technique, significant enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate into the nanofiber guided modes is observed for single quantum dots. Our results pave the way for enhanced on-fiber light-matter interfaces with clear applications to quantum networks.
Scientific journal, English - Optical nanofiber-based photonic crystal cavity
K. P. Nayak; Pengfei Zhang; K. Hakuta
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 39, 2, 232-235, Jan. 2014, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate the fabrication of photonic crystal (PhC) cavities on optical nanofibers using femtosecond laser ablation. PhC cavities with cavity lengths varying from 0.54 to 3.43 mm are fabricated by controlling the profile of the nanocrater array formed on the nanofiber. Such PhC cavities show high transmission of 87% for a finesse of 39. For higher finesse values from 150 to 500, the transmission can still be maintained at 20%-25%. Due to the strong confinement of the field and the efficient coupling to single-mode optical fibers, such nanofiber-based PhC cavities may become an interface between quantum and classical networks. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Photonic crystal nanofiber using an external grating
Mark Sadgrove; Ramachandrarao Yalla; Kali P. Nayak; Kohzo Hakuta
Optics Letters, 38, 14, 2542-2545, 15 Jul. 2013, Peer-reviwed, We implemented a photonic crystal nanofiber device by reversibly combining an optical nanofiber and a nanofabricated grating. Using the finite-difference time-domain method, we designed the system for minimal optical loss while tailoring the resonant wavelength and bandwidth of the device. Experimentally, we demonstrated that the combined system shows a strong photonic stop band in good agreement with numerical predictions. The resulting device may be used to realize strong light-matter coupling near the nanofiber surface. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Quantum dynamics of an atom orbiting around an optical nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta; D. Reitz; P. Schneeweiss; A. Rauschenbeutel
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, AIP, 87, 6, 063607-1-063607-4, 07 Jun. 2013, Peer-reviwed, We propose a platform for the investigation of quantum wave-packet dynamics, offering a complementary approach to existing theoretical models and experimental systems. It relies on laser-cooled neutral atoms which orbit around an optical nanofiber in an optical potential produced by a red-detuned guided light field. We show that the atomic center-of-mass motion exhibits genuine quantum effects like collapse and revival of the atomic wave packet. As distinctive advantages, our approach features a tunable dispersion relation as well as straightforward readout for the wave-packet dynamics and can be implemented using existing quantum optics techniques. © 2013 American Physical Society.
Scientific journal, English - Photonic crystal formation on optical nanofibers using femtosecond laser ablation technique
K. P. Nayak; K. Hakuta
Optics Express, 21, 2480-2490, 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Spectroscopy of near-surface atoms using an optical nanofiber
K. P. Nayak; Manoj Das; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 285, 23, 4698-4704, Oct. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We investigate the laser induced fluorescence spectra of laser-cooled Cesium atoms in the vicinity of a silica nanofiber by observing the fluorescence photons through the guided-modes. The observed excitation spectra of such near-surface atoms reveal drastic difference from free-space atom and show signatures of atom-surface bound states. We experimentally demonstrate that the spectrum lineshape and hence the loading into such surface bound states can be controlled by changing the surface conditions. The measured emission spectra, under the controlled surface conditions, further clarify the behavior of free- and bound-atoms. We discuss the possible roles of adsorption and desorption of atoms in controlling the surface conditions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Efficient Channeling of Fluorescence Photons from Single Quantum Dots into Guided Modes of Optical Nanofiber
Ramachandrarao Yalla; Fam Le Kien; M. Morinaga; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 109, 6, 063602, Aug. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally demonstrate the efficient channeling of fluorescence photons from single q dots on optical nanofiber into the guided modes by measuring the photon-count rates through the guided and radiation modes simultaneously. We obtain the maximum channeling efficiency to be 22.0(+/- 4.8)% at a fiber diameter of 350 nm for the emission wavelength of 780 nm. The results may open new possibilities in quantum information technologies for generating single photons into single-mode optical fibers.
Scientific journal, English - Manipulating single atoms and photons using optical nanofibers
Kohzo Hakuta; Kali Prasanna Nayak
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3, 1, 015005, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We discuss how optical nanofibers, subwavelength-diameter fibers, can open new perspectives in quantum optical technologies theoretically and experimentally. Discussions are mainly focused on the manipulation of spontaneous emission for atoms around the nanofiber. We show that photons from single quantum emitters can be efficiently channeled into guided modes of the nanofiber. Especially by fabricating a cavity structure of the nanofiber, the channeling efficiency can be improved to exceed 80% although the cavity finesse is moderate. We discuss also how to realize such a nanofiber cavity experimentally. © 2012 Vietnam Academy of Science &
Scientific journal, English - Nanofibers with Bragg gratings from equidistant holes
Fam Le Kien; K. P. Nayak; K. Hakuta
JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 59, 3, 274-286, 2012, Peer-reviwed, We study nanofibers with Bragg gratings from equidistant holes. We calculate analytically and numerically the reflection and transmission coefficients for a single grating and also for a cavity formed by two gratings. We show that the reflection and transmission coefficients of the gratings substantially depend on the number of holes, the hole length, the hole depth, the grating period, and the light wavelength. We find that the reflection and transmission coefficients of the gratings depend on the orientation of the polarization vector of light with respect to the holes. Such a dependence is a result of the fact that the cross-section of the gratings is not cylindrically symmetric.
Scientific journal, English - Fluorescence photon measurements from single quantum dots on an optical nanofiber
Ramachandrarao Yalla; K. P. Nayak; K. Hakuta
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 20, 3, 2932-2941, Jan. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally investigate the fluorescence photon emission characteristics for single q-dots by using optical nanofibers. We demonstrate that single q-dots can be deposited along an optical nanofiber systematically and reproducibly with a precision of 5 mu m. For single q-dots on an optical nanofiber, we measure the fluorescence photon numbers coupled into the nanofiber and the normalized photon correlations, by varying the excitation laser intensity. We estimate the fluorescence photon coupling efficiency into the nanofiber guided modes. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Deterministic generation of a pair of entangled guided photons from a single atom in a nanofiber cavity
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 84, 5, 053801, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We investigate the controlled production of entangled guided photons. The technique is based on a two-stage vacuum-stimulated Raman process with a single atom in a nanofiber cavity. We examine the dependences of the two-photon emission probability and the entanglement concurrence on various parameters of the system, such as the radial and axial positions of the atom, the intensities and durations of the pump pulses, the one- and two-photon detunings, the cavity finesse, and the separation time between the pump pulses. We find that, due to the confinement of the guided cavity field in the transverse plane of the fiber and in the space between the cavity mirrors, the probability of generation of a pair of entangled guided photon can be high even when the finesse of the nanofiber cavity is moderate.
Scientific journal, English - Cavity formation on an optical nanofiber using focused ion beam milling technique
K. P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; Y. Kawai; K. Hakuta; K. Nakajima; H. T. Miyazaki; Y. Sugimoto
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 19, 15, 14040-14050, Jul. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We present the experimental realization of nanofiber Bragg grating (NFBG) by drilling periodic nano-grooves on a subwavelength-diameter silica fiber using focused ion beam milling technique. Using such NFBG structures we have realized nanofiber cavity systems. The typical finesse of such nanofiber cavity is F similar to 20 - 120 and the on-resonance transmission is similar to 30 - 80%. Moreover the structural symmetry of such NFBGs results in polarization-selective modes in the nanofiber cavity. Due to the strong confinement of the field in the guided mode, such a nanofiber cavity can become a promising workbench for cavity QED. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Triggered generation of single guided photons from a single atom in a nanofiber cavity
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 83, 4, 043801, Apr. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We study the deterministic generation of single guided-mode photons from an atom in the vicinity of a nanofiber with two fiber-Bragg-grating (FBG) mirrors. The technique is based on a cavity-enhanced Raman scattering process involving an adiabatic passage. We take into account the scattering of the pump field from the fiber, the multilevel structure of the atom, and the surface-induced van der Waals potential in describing the photon generation process. We find that, due to the confinement of the cavity field in the transverse plane of the fiber and in the space between the FBG mirrors, the probability of the generation of a single guided-mode photon can be close to unity even when the finesse of the nanofiber cavity is moderate. We show the possibilities of saturation and power broadening in the behavior of the number of photons emitted into the nanofiber.
Scientific journal, English - Measurement of fluorescence emission spectrum of few strongly driven atoms using an optical nanofiber
Manoj Das; A. Shirasaki; K. P. Nayak; M. Morinaga; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 18, 16, 17154-17164, Aug. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We show that the fluorescence emission spectrum of few atoms can be measured by using an optical nanofiber combined with the optical heterodyne and photon correlation spectroscopy. The observed fluorescence spectrum of the atoms near the nanofiber shows negligible effects of the atom-surface interaction and agrees well with the Mollow triplet spectrum of free-space atoms at high excitation intensity. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Motion of an atom in a weakly driven fiber-Bragg-grating cavity: Force, friction, and diffusion
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 81, 6, 063808, Jun. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We study the translational motion of an atom in the vicinity of a weakly driven nanofiber with two fiber-Bragg-grating mirrors. We calculate numerically and analytically the force, the friction coefficients, and the momentum diffusion. We find that the spatial dependences of the force, the friction coefficients, and the momentum diffusion are very complicated due to the evanescent-wave nature of the atom-field coupling as well as the effect of the van der Waals potential. We show that the time development of the mean number of photons in the cavity closely follows the translational motion of the atom through the nodes and antinodes of the fiber-guided cavity standing-wave field even though the cavity finesse is moderate, the cavity is long, and the probe field is weak.
Scientific journal, English - Effect of an atom on a quantum guided field in a weakly driven fiber-Bragg-grating cavity
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 81, 2, 023812, Feb. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We study the interaction of an atom with a quantum guided field in a weakly driven fiber-Bragg-grating (FBG) cavity. We present an effective Hamiltonian and derive the density-matrix equations for the combined atom-cavity system. We calculate the mean photon number, the second-order photon correlation function, and the atomic excited-state population. We show that due to the confinement of the guided cavity field in the fiber cross-section plane and in the space between the FBG mirrors, the presence of the atom in the FBG cavity can significantly affect the mean photon number and the photon statistics even though the cavity finesse is moderate, the cavity is long, and the probe field is weak.
Scientific journal, English - Microtraps for atoms outside a fiber illuminated perpendicular to its axis: Numerical results
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 80, 1, 013415 (6 pages), Jul. 2009, Peer-reviwed, We show theoretically that a vacuum-clad silica-core fiber can focus a perpendicularly incident light onto one or several lines parallel to the fiber axis. We demonstrate numerically that such a focusing action of the fiber can be used to trap and to guide atoms along the fiber with a red-or a blue-detuned incident light.
Scientific journal, English - Intracavity electromagnetically induced transparency in atoms around a nanofiber with a pair of Bragg grating mirrors
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 79, 4, 043813 (9 pages), Apr. 2009, Peer-reviwed, We study intracavity electromagnetically induced transparency in atoms around a nanofiber with a pair of Bragg grating mirrors. We calculate the transmission of the composite cavity-fiber-atom system and the time development of the guided probe light field. We derive analytical approximate expressions for the output probe field and its group delay. We show that the group delay of the guided light substantially depends on the input pulse length, the mirror reflectivity, the atomic number density, and the coupling field intensity. We demonstrate that the group delay of the guided light can be significantly enhanced by the presence of the fiber-Bragg-grating cavity even when the finesse of the cavity is moderate.
Scientific journal, English - Antibunching and bunching of photons in resonance fluorescence from a few atoms into guided modes of an optical nanofiber
K. P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; M. Morinaga; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 79, 2, 021801(R) (4 pages), Feb. 2009, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally investigate the photon correlations in resonance fluorescence from a few atoms into the guided modes of the nanofiber. We show that, when the photons are emitted in the same direction, the photon correlation varies from antibunching to bunching with increasing atom number and, when the photons are emitted in the opposite directions, the photon correlation is always antibunchinglike regardless of the number of atoms. The effect of excitation geometry on the photon correlations is also discussed.
Scientific journal, English - Slowing down of a guided light field along a nanofiber in a cold atomic gas
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 79, 1, 013818 (12pages), Jan. 2009, Peer-reviwed, We develop a systematic formalism to study the propagation of a guided probe light field along a nanofiber embedded in a cold atomic gas. We derive a general axial propagation equation for the amplitude of the photon flux of the guided light, which allows us to take into account the complexity of the guided-field vector structure and the evanescent-wave nature of the guided-field transverse profile. We use our formalism to explore the possibility of slowing down of the guided light via the process of electromagnetically induced transparency. We show that, despite the effects of the spatially varying detuning, caused by the van der Waals potential, and the spatially varying atom-field coupling, caused by the evanescent-wave nature of the guided mode in the transverse plane, the group velocity of the guided light can be substantially reduced due to the steep dispersion of the atomic gas in the condition of electromagnetically induced transparency.
Scientific journal, English - Cavity-enhanced channeling of emission from an atom into a nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 79, 4, 043813, 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Second-Order Correlations of Fluorescence from an Atomic Gas into a Nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; K. P. Nayak; K. Hakuta
Communications in Physics, 19, 35-48, 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Effect of the orientation of a weak magnetic field on the radiative decay of a cesium atom near a nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 78, 6, 063803 (6 pages), Dec. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We study the radiative decay of a cesium atom near a nanofiber in the presence of a weak magnetic field. We show that the direction of the magnetic field relative to the fiber axis plays an important role in deciding the radiative decay from the atom. We find that the decay rates for the different magnetic sublevels of the atom are spread in a wider range in the orthogonal configuration than those in the coaxial configuration. We also show that the cross decay coefficients depend substantially on the orientation of the magnetic field relative to the fiber axis.
Scientific journal, English - Single atoms on an optical nanofibre
K. P. Nayak; K. Hakuta
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 10, 053003 ((9 pages), May 2008, Peer-reviwed, We show that single atoms can be detected using a sub-wavelength-diameter silica-fibre, an optical nanofibre, and the fact that single photons spontaneously emitted from the atoms can be readily guided into a single-mode optical fibre. Moreover, we find that single atoms around the nanofibre reveal a very prominent spectral feature, that is, the excitation spectrum splits into two peaks with a very small separation, smaller than the natural linewidth.
Scientific journal, English - Position distribution of cold thermal atoms in the vicinity of a dielectric surface
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 77, 4, 042903 (6 pages)., Apr. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We calculate the position distribution of an ensemble of cold thermal atoms in the vicinity of a dielectric surface. We find that the profile of the position distribution exhibits spatial oscillations resulting from the quantum nature of the atomic center-of-mass motion and the interference between the incident and reflected matter waves. When the temperature of the atoms is in the nanokelvin range, the position distribution density becomes negligible in a broad spatial region due to the combined action of the classical acceleration of the atoms, the interference between the incident and reflected waves, and the quantum reflection of the atoms from the slope of the surface-induced potential.
Scientific journal, English - Correlations between photons emitted by multiatom fluorescence into a nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 77, 3, 033826, Mar. 2008, We develop a systematic formalism to calculate the correlation functions of fluorescence from a multiatom system into guided modes of a nanofiber. We find that, in the case of a linear array of N atoms, the first- and second-order correlation functions may contain the terms of up to the second and fourth orders of N, respectively. We show the possibility of fiber-mediated superfluorescence in the case where the spacing of the atoms in a linear array is an integer multiple of the wavelength of the resonant guided modes. We also study the case of atoms with random positions. We find that the correlation functions have, in general, different behaviors depending on whether the photons are emitted in the same or opposite directions.
Scientific journal, English - Single atoms on an optical nanofiber: a novel work system for slow light
K. Hakuta
Proceedings of SPIE: Advances in Slow and Fast Light, 6904, 690406 (5 pages), Jan. 2008, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Cooperative enhancement of channeling of emission from atoms into a nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 77, 1, 013801, Jan. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We show the possibility of directional guided superradiance from a linear array of distant atoms separated by one or several wavelengths in a line parallel to the axis of a nanofiber. We find that the rate and efficiency of channeling of emission from the atoms into the fiber are cooperatively enhanced by the guided modes.
Scientific journal, English - Single atoms on an Optical Nanofiber
K. P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Quantum-Atom Optics Downunder 2007, QThB3, Dec. 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Efficient Probing Of Few Atom Fluorescence through the Guided Mode of an Optical Nanofiber
K. P. Nayak; P. N. Melentiev; M. Morinaga; Fam Le Kien; V. I. Balykin; K. Hakuta
CLEO Pacific-Rim 2007, WG1-1, Aug. 2007
International conference proceedings, English - Optical nanofiber for manipulating and probing single atom fluorescence
K. P. Nayak; P. N. Melentiev; M. Morinaga; Fam Le Kien; V. I. Balykin; K. Hakuta
CLEO/Europe - IQEC 2007, IA2-2, Jun. 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Efficient channeling of cesium fluorescence into guided modes of a nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; S. Dutta Gupta; V. I. Balykin; K. Hakuta
CLEO/Europe - IQEC 2007, IA2-3, Jun. 2007
International conference proceedings, English - Phonon-mediated decay of an atom in a surface-induced potential
Fam Le Kien; S. Dutta Gupta; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 75, 6, 062904, Jun. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We study phonon-mediated transitions between translational levels of an atom in a surface-induced potential. We present a general master equation governing the dynamics of the translational states of the atom. In the framework of the Debye model, we derive compact expressions for the rates for both upward and downward transitions. Numerical calculations for the transition rates are performed for a deep silica-induced potential allowing for a large number of bound levels as well as free states of a cesium atom. The total absorption rate is shown to be determined mainly by the bound-to-bound transitions for deep bound levels and by bound-to-free transitions for shallow bound levels. Moreover, the phonon emission and absorption processes can be orders of magnitude larger for deep bound levels as compared to the shallow bound ones. We also study various types of transitions from free states. We show that, for thermal atomic cesium with a temperature in the range from 100 mu K to 400 mu K in the vicinity of a silica surface with a temperature of 300 K, the adsorption (free-to-bound decay) rate is about two times larger than the heating (free-to-free upward decay) rate, while the cooling (free-to-free downward decay) rate is negligible.
Scientific journal, English - Optical nanofiber as an efficient tool for manipulating and probing atomic fluorescence
K. P. Nayak; P. N. Melentiev; M. Morinaga; Fam Le Kien; V. I. Balykin; K. Hakuta
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 15, 9, 5431-5438, Apr. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally demonstrate efficient coupling of atomic fluorescence to the guided mode of a subwavelength-diameter silica fiber, an optical nanofiber. We show that fluorescence of a very small number of atoms, around the nanofiber can be readily observed through a single-mode optical fiber. We also show that such a technique enables us to probe the van der Waals interaction between atoms and surface with high precision by observing the fluorescence excitation spectrum through the nanofiber. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Optical excitation spectrum of an atom in a surface-induced potential
Fam Le Kien; S. Dutta Gupta; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 75, 3, 032508, Mar. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We study the optical excitation spectrum of an atom in the vicinity of a dielectric surface. We calculate the rate of the total scattering as well as the rate of the scattering into the evanescent modes. With a proper assessment of the limitations, we demonstrate the portability of the flat-surface results to an experimental situation with a nanofiber. The effect of the surface-induced potential on the excitation spectrum for free-to-bound transitions is shown to be weak. On the contrary, the effect for bound-to-bound transitions is significant leading to a large excitation linewidth, a substantial negative shift of the peak position, and a strong long tail on the negative side and a small short tail on the positive side of the field frequency detuning.
Scientific journal, English - Spontaneous radiative decay of translational levels of an atom near a dielectric surface
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 75, 1, 013423, Jan. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We study spontaneous radiative decay of translational levels of an atom in the vicinity of a semi-infinite dielectric. We systematically derive the microscopic dynamical equations for the spontaneous decay process. We calculate analytically and numerically the radiative linewidths and the spontaneous transition rates for the translational levels. The roles of the interference between the emitted and reflected fields and of the transmission into the evanescent modes are clearly identified. Our numerical calculations for the silica-cesium interaction show that the radiative linewidths of the bound excited levels with large enough but not too large vibrational quantum numbers are moderately enhanced by the emission into the evanescent modes and those for the deep bound levels are substantially reduced by the surface-induced redshift of the transition frequency.
Scientific journal, English - Light-induced force and torque on an atom outside a nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; V. I. Balykin; K. Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 74, 3, 033412, Sep. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We study the action of the force and torque induced by a guided light field on a cesium atom outside a nanofiber. We demonstrate that the evanescent light field in a circular fundamental guided mode can force the atom to rotate around the nanofiber for a macroscopic time. We find that, due to the action of the torque, the angular momentum of the atom increases with time.
Scientific journal, English - Scattering of an evanescent light field by a single cesium atom near a nanofiber
F Le Kien; Balykin, VI; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 73, 1, 013819, Jan. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We investigate the scattering of an evanescent light field by a single cesium atom outside a nanofiber. We show that the confinement of the field, the presence of the longitudinal field component and the tangential Poynting vector component, the enhancement of spontaneous emission, and the degeneracy of the atomic ground state substantially affect the scattering process. We find that, in the close vicinity of the fiber surface, the transmittance of the field in the stationary regime can be substantially reduced to 48% due to scattering into radiation modes (with the efficiency as high as 44%) and backward guided modes (with the efficiency as high as 8%).
Scientific journal, English - Angular momentum of light in an optical nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; V. I. Balykin; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 79, 5, 053823, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Nanofiber-mediated radiative transfer between two distant atoms
F Le Kien; SD Gupta; KP Nayak; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 72, 6, 063815, Dec. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We study spontaneous emission from a pair of two-level atoms near a nanofiber. We demonstrate a substantial radiative exchange between distant atoms mediated by the guided modes of the nanofiber. The exchange is shown to lead to increased and decreased lifetimes of the subradiant and superradiant states, respectively. Our analysis is based on the full quantization of both the radiation and guided modes of the fiber in the framework of the Heisenberg-Langevin theory and the master equation formalism.
Scientific journal, English - Spontaneous emission of cesium atom near a subwavelength-diameter fiber
Fam Le Kien; S. Dutta Gupta; V. I. Balykin; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 72, 9, 032509, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - State-insensitive trapping and guiding of cesium atoms using a two-color evanescent field around a subwavelength-diameter fiber
F Le Kien; Balykin, VI; K Hakuta
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, PHYSICAL SOC JAPAN, 74, 3, 910-917, Mar. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We calculate the optical potentials, i.e., the light shifts, of the ground and excited states of atomic cesium in a two-color evanescent field around a subwavelength-diameter fiber. We show that the light shifts of the 6S(1/2) <-> 6P(3/2) transitions can be minimized by tuning one trapping light to around 934.5 nm in wavelength (central red-detuned magic wavelength) and the other light to around 685.5 nm in wavelength (central blue-detuned magic wavelength). The simultaneous use of the red- and blue-detuned magic wavelengths allows state-insensitive two-color trapping and guiding of cesium atoms along the thin fiber. Our results can be used to efficiently load a two-color dipole trap by cesium atoms from a magneto-optical trap and to perform continuous observations.
Scientific journal, English - Manipulating Light with Quantum Coherence in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Photonics and Applications, 36-42, Mar. 2005
International conference proceedings, English - Quantum Materials for Optics
K. Hakuta
JSPS-PRISM-TAMU Symposium on Quantum Materials Science, Feb. 2005
International conference proceedings, English - Nonlinear frequency conversion by Raman coherence prepared in solid hydrogen film
GJ Lee; K Hara; M Katsuragawa; K Hakuta
JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR OPTICAL PHYSICS & MATERIALS, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 13, 3-4, 433-437, Dec. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We investigated the Raman coherence characteristics in the solid hydrogen film deposited on a sapphire substrate. By using Raman coherence prepared with two single-frequency pulsed lasers, we generated the multiorder coherent Raman sidebands in solid hydrogen film. High-order Raman sidebands were obtained under strong pumping conditions (greater than or equal to 230 MW/cm(2)). The generated anti-Stokes(AS)-Raman sidebands extended from ultraviolet (292 nm for AS5 band) to visible (565 nm for AS1 band) region. The multiorder Raman sideband generation is thought to be due to the parametric coupling of pump and coupling lasers. The frequency conversion efficiency shows the maximum (14%) at the pumping intensity of 360 MW/cm(2). From the experiment that makes the multimode probe beam beat with the prepared Raman coherence, we found that the prepared Raman coherence replicates the probe beam to its Raman sidebands.
Scientific journal, English - Atom trap and waveguide using a two-color evanescent light field around a subwavelength-diameter optical fiber
F Le Kien; Balykin, VI; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 70, 6, 063403, Dec. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We suggest using a two-color evanescent light field around a subwavelength-diameter fiber to trap and guide atoms. The optical fiber carries a red-detuned light and a blue-detuned light, with both modes far from resonance. When both input light fields are circularly polarized, a set of trapping minima of the total potential in the transverse plane is formed as a ring around the fiber. This design allows confinement of atoms to a cylindrical shell around the fiber. When one or both of the input light fields are linearly polarized, the total potential has two local minimum points in the transverse plane. This design allows confinement of atoms to two straight lines parallel to the fiber axis. Due to the small thickness of the fiber, we can use far-off-resonance fields with substantially differing evanescent decay lengths to produce a net potential with a large depth, a large coherence time, and a large trap lifetime. For example, a 0.2-mum-radius silica fiber carrying 30 mW of 1.06-mum-wavelength light and 29 mW of 700-nm-wavelength light, both fields circularly polarized at the input, gives for cesium atoms a trap depth of 2.9 mK, a coherence time of 32 ms, and a recoil-heating-limited trap lifetime of 541 s.
Scientific journal, English - Field intensity distributions and polarization orientations in a vacuum-clad subwavelength-diameter optical fiber
F Le Kien; JQ Liang; K Hakuta; Balykin, VI
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 242, 4-6, 445-455, Dec. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We study the properties of the field in the fundamental mode HE11 of a vacuum-clad subwavelength-diameter optical fiber using the exact solutions of Maxwell's equations. We obtain simple analytical expressions for the total intensity of the electric field. We discuss the origin of the deviations of the exact fundamental mode HE11 from the approximate mode LP01. We show that the thin thickness of the fiber and the high contrast between the refractive indices of the silica core and the vacuum-clad substantially modify the intensity distributions and the polarization properties of the field and its components, especially in the vicinity of the fiber surface. One of the promising applications of the field around the subwavelength-diameter fiber is trapping and guiding of atoms by the optical force of the evanescent field. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Atom Trap and Waveguide Using a Two-Color Evanescent Field Around a Subwavelength-Diameter Optical Fiber
Fam Le Kien; V. I. Balykin; J. Q. Liang; M. Morinaga; K. Hakuta
The Ninth Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Oct. 2004
International conference proceedings, English - Observation of multiorder coherent Raman sidebands in solid hydrogen film
GJ Lee; K Hara; M Katsuragawa; K Hakuta
JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, KOREAN PHYSICAL SOC, 45, 1, 75-79, Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We investigated the Raman coherence characteristics of a solid hydrogen film deposited on a sapphire substrate held at 5.3 K. Using Raman coherence prepared with two single-frequency pulsed lasers, we generated the multiorder coherent Raman sidebands in solid hydrogen film. The highorder Raman sidebands were obtained under strong pumping intensities (greater than or equal to 230 MW/cm(2)). The generated anti-Stokes(AS)-Raman sidebands extend from the ultraviolet (292 nm for the AS5 band) to the visible (565 nm for the AS1 band) region. The multiorder Raman sideband generation is found to be due to the parametric coupling of pump and coupling lasers. The frequency conversion efficiency from pumping beams to the first AS-Raman sideband shows a maximum (14 %) at a pumping intensity of 360 MW/cm(2). From an experiment that makes the multimode probe beam beat with the prepared Raman coherence, we found that the prepared Raman coherence replicates the probe beam to its Raman sidebands.
Scientific journal, English - Atom trapping and guiding with a subwavelength-diameter optical fiber
Balykin, VI; K Hakuta; F Le Kien; JQ Liang; M Morinaga
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 70, 1, 011401(R), Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We suggest using an evanescent wave around a thin fiber to trap atoms. We show that the gradient force of a red-detuned evanescent-wave field in the fundamental mode of a silica fiber can balance the centrifugal force when the fiber diameter is about two times smaller than the wavelength of the light and the component of the angular momentum of the atoms along the fiber axis is in an appropriate range. As an example, the system should be realizable for cesium atoms at a temperature of less than 0.29 mK using a silica fiber with a radius of 0.2 mum and a 1.3-mum-wavelength light with a power of about 27 mW.
Scientific journal, English - Application of a Thin Silica Fiber to Quantum Optics: Atom Trapping and Guiding with a Subwavelength Diameter Optical Fiber
K. Hakuta
The 2004 IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting, Jun. 2004
International conference proceedings, English - Atoms Spinning Around an Optical Fiber: Bound States and Guiding
V. I. Balykin; Fam Le Kien; J. Q. Liang; M. Morinaga; K. Hakuta
International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2004), May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Comb generation of collinear Raman sidebands by three correlated coherent molecular oscillations
M. Katsuragawa; Y. Ono; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2004), Apr. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Manipulating the retrieval of stored light pulses
AK Patnaik; FL Kien; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 69, 3, 035803, Mar. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We consider storage and retrieval of light based on electromagnetically induced transparency in an atomic medium using nonadiabatic switching of a control field. We derive various conditions for writing (and reading) the light information to (and from) the atomic coherence. We obtain an analytical solution for the retrieval of the stored pulse that is in excellent agreement with the full numerical results. We identify the origin of distortion at the output and derive a condition to correct the distortions by manipulating the retrieval process.
Scientific journal, English - Resonantly enhanced four-wave mixing in a modified double-lambda scheme: Effect of the decay of the upper level
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 69, 043811, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Multiorder coherent Raman scattering of a quantum probe field
F Le Kien; AK Patnaik; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 68, 6, 063803, Dec. 2003, Peer-reviwed, We study the multiorder coherent Raman scattering of a quantum probe field in a far-off-resonance medium with a prepared coherence. Under the conditions of negligible dispersion and limited bandwidth, we derive a Bessel-function solution for the sideband field operators. We analytically and numerically calculate various quantum statistical characteristics of the sideband fields. We show that the multiorder coherent Raman process can replicate the statistical properties of a single-mode quantum probe field into a broad comb of generated Raman sidebands. We also study the mixing and modulation of photon statistical properties in the case of two-mode input. We show that the prepared Raman coherence and the medium length can be used as control parameters to switch a sideband field from one type of photon statistics to another type, or from a nonsqueezed state to a squeezed state and vice versa. We demonstrate that an even or odd coherent state of the quantum probe field can produce a multipartite entangled coherent state. We show that the concurrence reaches its maximal value at an optimal medium length that is determined by the magnitude of the Raman coherence and the orders of the Raman sidebands.
Scientific journal, English - Engineering the dispersion of a fibre mode via molecular coherence
AK Patnaik; JQ Liang; K Hakuta
JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 50, 15-17, 2595-2604, Oct. 2003, Peer-reviwed, Propagation of a fibre mode inside a thin optical fibre surrounded by a molecular solid of ortho-H-2 doped in a matrix of para-H-2 crystal is considered. The evanescent fields of the fibre modes interact with the molecular solid which behaves as an electromagnetically induced transparency medium. It is shown that the dispersion behaviour and hence the group velocity of a weak (probe) field fibre mode can be manipulated by coherently controlling the dispersion of the surrounding medium via another strong (control) evanescent field of the thin fibre, using a low density crystal surrounding the fibre. For a set of experimental parameters of the medium, fibre and fields, the group velocity of the fibre mode could be drastically reduced to about a few hundreds of ms(-1).
Scientific journal, English - Stimulated Raman scattering in vapor-deposited solid hydrogen film
GJ Lee; K Hara; M Katsuragawa; K Hakuta
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS, 42, 10, 6450-6453, Oct. 2003, Peer-reviwed, The solid para-hydrogen film was prepared by depositing the para-hydrogen vapor onto a sapphire substrate. From the stimulated Raman scattering experiment using two ns-lasers whose laser-frequency difference is equal to the fundamental vibrational transition of the solid para-hydrogen, we observed the collinear generation of Raman sidebands. The high-order Raman sidebands were obtained under the strong pumping intensity ( :greater than or equal to230MW/cm(2)). The generated five anti-Stokes(AS)Raman sidebands extend from ultraviolet (292 nm for AS 5 band) to visible (565 nm for AS I band) region. Also, we found that the first AS-Raman signal shows weak rotational components as well as a strong vibrational line. From the experiment that makes the multimode probe beam beat with the prepared Raman coherence, we found that the prepared Raman coherence replicates the probe beam to its Raman sidebands. The frequency conversion efficiency from the probe beam to the first AS-Raman sideband rises to the maximum (4.7 %) at 284 MW/cm(2), and then falls with the increase of the pumping intensity. This is thought to be due to the fact that some molecules in the first vibrational level incline to go to the higher vibrational level under the higher pumping intensity. For the strong pumping intensity (290MW/cm(2)), four anti-Stokes and one Stokes Raman sidebands of the probe, beam were generated.
Scientific journal, English - Quantum Nonlinear Optics with Solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Japan/US Seminar on Quantum Correlation and Coherence, Sep. 2003
International conference proceedings, English - Quantum Statistical Properties of High-Order Coherent Raman Scattering
Fam Le Kien; A. K. Patnaik; K. Hakuta
Japan/US Seminar on Quantum Correlation and Coherence, Sep. 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Manipulation of optical responses using quantum coherence in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
CREST & QNN International Workshop, Jul. 2003
International conference proceedings, English - Temperature dependence of the Raman shift and Raman width of solid parahydrogen: Effect of vibron-phonon scattering
F Le Kien; A Koreeda; K Kuroda; M Suzuki; K Hakuta
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS, 42, 6A, 3483-3489, Jun. 2003, Peer-reviwed, We present a model for vibron-phonon scattering in molecular crystals. A general kinetic equation for the vibrons is derived. We use this equation to calculate the frequency shift and dephasing rate of the vibrons as functions of temperature. We find good agreement between the calculated results and the experimental observations for the Raman shift and Raman width of the C fundamental vibrational Raman transition of solid parahydrogen.
Scientific journal, English - Frequency modulation and Pulse Compression by Coherent Multimode Molecular Motion
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta; A. V. Sokolov
Physical Review A, 67, 5, 033808, May 2003, Peer-reviwed
English - Slow Light Produced by Far-Off-Resonance Stimulated Raman Scattering
Fam Le Kien; J. Q. Liang; K. Hakuta
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 9, 93, Feb. 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Quantum coherence in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
33rd Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics, Jan. 2003, Peer-reviwed
English - High Resolution Coherent Raman Spectroscopy of Vibron in Solid Prahydrogen
K. Kuroda; A. Koreeda; S. Takayanagi; M. Suzuki; K. Hakuta
Physical Review B, 67, 184303, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Parametric beating of a quantum probe field with a prepared Raman coherence
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 67, 033803, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Slow light propagation in a thin optical fiber via electromagnetically induced transparency
AK Patnaik; JQ Liang; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 66, 6, 063808, Dec. 2002, Peer-reviwed, We propose a configuration that utilizes electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) to tailor a fiber mode propagating inside a thin optical fiber and coherently control its dispersion properties to drastically reduce the group velocity of the fiber mode. The key to this proposal is that the evanescent field of the thin fiber strongly couples with the surrounding active medium, so that the EIT condition is met by the medium. We show how the properties of the fiber mode are modified due to the EIT medium, both numerically and analytically. We demonstrate that the group velocity of the modified fiber mode can be drastically reduced (approximate to44 m/sec) using the coherently prepared orthohydrogen doped in a matrix of parahydrogen crystal as the EIT medium.
Scientific journal, English - 量子固体と非線形光学:新しい光学過程の開拓
戦略的基礎研究推進事業シンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象, Oct. 2002
Japanese - Pulse compression by parametric beating with a prepared Raman coherence
FL Kien; K Hakuta; AV Sokolov
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 66, 2, 023813, Aug. 2002, Peer-reviwed, We present a general analysis for the interaction of a probe-laser radiation with a coherently prepared molecular Raman medium. We describe a general formalism that includes dispersive effects, such as group velocity and group-velocity dispersion (GVD). When dispersion is negligible, the analysis is especially simple and insightful. We show that molecular oscillations result in a modulated instantaneous susceptibility of the medium. The effect of the time-varying susceptibility on a probe-laser pulse is twofold: the output frequency becomes modulated because of the time-varying phase velocity, and the pulse shape becomes deformed because of the time-varying group velocity. We identify two mechanisms for pulse compression: (1) Frequency chirping with subsequent pulse compression by normal linear GVD (possibly in the same medium) and (2) Compression due to the time-varying group velocity. We analyze various aspects of pulse compression in the coherent Raman medium and derive conservation relations for this process. When we consider a probe-laser pulse that is much shorter than the molecular oscillation period, we observe frequency chirping, compression, or stretching of this pulse, depending on its relative timing with respect to the molecular oscillations. Based on our analysis, we propose a method for selective compression or frequency conversion of single ultrashort pulses.
Scientific journal, English - High Resolution Coherent Raman Spectroscopy of Vibron in Solid Parahydrogen
A. Koreeda; K. Kuroda; M. Suzuki; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
The 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, (Hiroshima, Japan)., Aug. 2002, Peer-reviwed
English - Slow Light in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
International Workshop on Slow Light (Santa Barbara, California, U. S. A.), Jul. 2002, Peer-reviwed
English - Liquid hydrogen droplet as an ultrahigh-Q optical cavity
S. Uetake; K. Hakuta
SOLS Proceedings, 1-5, Jul. 2002, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High Resolution Spectroscopy of Solid Hydrogen: Towards the New Perspectives in Optical Physics
K. Hakuta
International Conference on Quantum Electronics(Moscow, Russia), Jun. 2002, Peer-reviwed
English - 固体水素の量子コヒーレンスと非線形光学
理研シンポジウム、第4回コヒーレント科学 -凝縮系のコヒーレンス-, Apr. 2002, Peer-reviwed
Japanese - Two-dimensional model for femtosecond pulse conversion and compression using high-order stimulated Raman scattering in solid hydrogen
NH Shon; F Le Kien; K Hakuta; AV Sokolov
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 65, 3, 033809, Mar. 2002, Peer-reviwed, We present a numerical model for the interaction of a femtosecond probe pulse with a Raman medium excited by two nanosecond laser pulses in solid hydrogen. The model consists of a solution of a system of Bloch equations (for the medium state) and of the two-dimensional wave equation (for the field propagation). It is shown that by optimizing the tilt angle between the two driving pulses and the interaction length, the power of the probe pulse can be converted either into a quasicontinuous broadband spectrum or into a selected high-order sideband. The first situation can be used for generation of subfemtosecond pulses. The second situation can be used for the wavelength conversion of a femtosecond probe pulse from the infrared to the ultraviolet region. Due to the transfer of energy from the driving pulses, the energy conversion efficiency of these processes (with respect to the probe pulse) can be larger than unity.
Scientific journal, English - Stimulated Raman scattering of a high-Q liquid hydrogen droplet in ultraviolet region
S. Uetake; R. S; D. Sihombing; K. Hakuta
Optics Letters, 27, 421, Mar. 2002, Peer-reviwed
Research society, English - Efficient frequency conversion of incoherent fluorescent light
M Katsuragawa; JQ Liang; FL Kien; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 65, 2, 025801, Feb. 2002, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate efficient replication of an incoherent fluorescent light with the 1770-cm(-1) broad bandwidth into its Raman sidebands with frequency spacing of 4150 cm(-1) in a thin hydrogen crystal. We achieve a high conversion efficiency of 22% per sideband using a sufficiently large Raman coherence prepared by two collinearly propagating ns laser fields.
Scientific journal, English - Slow light produced by stimulated Raman scattering in solid hydrogen
J. Q. Liang; M. Katsuragawa; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 65, 031801(R), Feb. 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Quantum Coherence in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
International Workshop on Quantum Dots for Quantum Computing and Classical Size Effect Circuits,(Kochi, Japan), Jan. 2002, Peer-reviwed
English - Solid Hydrogen: Promising Work Medium for Subfemtosecond Optical Pulses
K. Hakuta
32nd Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics (Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A.), Jan. 2002, Peer-reviwed
English - Coherent manipulation of group velocity of light in an optical fiber
A. K. Patnaik; J. Q. Liang; K. Hakuta
to be published in Proceedings of Photonics 2002., 2002, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Generation of subfemtosecond pulses by beating a fs pulse with a Raman coherence adiabatically prepared in solid hydrogen
Fam Le Kien; Nguyen Hong Shon; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 64, 051803(R), Oct. 2001, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Measurement of the energy decay rate for the first vibrational-excited-state in solid parahydrogen
JZ Li; M Suzuki; M Katsuragawa; K Hakuta
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 115, 2, 930-932, Jul. 2001, Peer-reviwed, Energy decay rate of the first vibrational excited state for solid parahydrogen is measured from 4.8 K to 12 K. Measurements are carried out using the transient optothermal lensing spectroscopy with the vibrational excitations via the stimulated Raman scattering. The decay rate is measured to be 2.3x10(4) s(-1) at 4.8 K, and it increases to 6.1x10(4) s(-1) by raising the temperature to 12 K. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - Slow light in a far-off-resonance Raman medium
J. Q. Liang; M. Katsuragawa; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001, (Makuhari, Chiba, Japan), Jul. 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Subfemtosecond pulse generation using large Raman coherence in solid hydrogen
Nguyen Hong Shon; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001, (Makuhari, Chiba, Japan), Jul. 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Solid Hydrogen: Novel Work Medium in Optical Physics
K. Hakuta
CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001, (Makuhari, Chiba, Japan), Jul. 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Solid Hydrogen Nonlinear Optics: Possibility to Generate a Single Subfemtosecond Optical Pulse
K. Hakuta
Jackson Hole Workshop on Quantum Optics (Jackson, Wyoming, U. S. A.), Jul. 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Slow light produced by stimulated Raman scattering in solid hydrogen
J. Q. Liang; M. Katsuragawa; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS2001), (Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.), May 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Molecular Coherence in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
APS, Annual Meeting of Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2001), (London, Ontario, Canada), May 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Parametric stimulated Raman scatteringn with solid hydrogen
M. Katsuragawa; J. Q. Liang; K. Hakuta
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 122, 359-365, Mar. 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Normal modes and propagation dynamics in a strongly coupled Raman medium
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 63, 023807(6), Feb. 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear optics with liquid hydrogen droplet
K. Hakuta
Photonics West, LASE 2001,(San Jose, California, U. S. A.),Invited., Jan. 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Slow light in a far-off-resonance Raman medium
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
31st Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics,(Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A.), Jan. 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Coherent Brillouin Spectroscopy in Solid Parahydrogen
K. Kuroda; J. Z. Li; M. Suzuki; M. Katsuragawa; K. Hakuta
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 125, 1-2, 39-48, 2001, Peer-reviwed, We applied coherent Brillouin spectroscopy to solid parahydrogen, and measured the Brillouin spectra of longitudinal acoustic modes at 5.6 K. It was found that the linewidth of these spectra is ∼ 1.5 MHz. From the observed Brillouin shift and the crystal orientation, the elastic stiffness was determined as C11 =0.355±0.016 GPa and C33 =0.432±0.022 GPa.
Scientific journal, English - Nonlinear optics with liquid hydrogen droplet
S. Uetake; K. Hakuta
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4270, 19-28, 2001, Peer-reviwed, Nonlinear optics in a liquid hydrogen droplet is discussed. We carry out the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) experiments using high-Q whispering gallery modes. We show that the liquid hydrogen droplet readily leads to high cavity Q-values exceeding 109 from ultraviolet to visible wavelength region. Using the high-Q liquid-hydrogen droplet, we demonstrate that, by pumping with an ultraviolet laser radiation, the SRS generates multiorder SRS sideband series through vibrational and rotational coherences covering whole ultraviolet-visible region from 200 nm to 900 nm, which may turn out as a super wideband optical comb generator. We also show that the SRS in the liquid hydrogen droplet proceeds for continuous operation with multiorder sidebands.
International conference proceedings, English - Large coherence as a local oscillator with a high frequency of 120 THz
M. Katsuragawa; J. Q. Liang; F. Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Technical Digest - Summaries of Papers Presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2001, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 27, 2001, Peer-reviwed, Summary form only given. The concept of electro-magnetically induced transparency (EIT) has been extended in various subjects, frequency conversion with maximal coherence, ultra-slow light, sub-femto second pulse generation, and so on. Recently we have shown that the concept of EIT is applicable for solid system using a quantum solid (solid hydrogen) and shown generation of collinear parametric Raman scattering. Here we extend our previous work to a more general parametric Raman sideband generation. We show a large coherence of stimulated Raman scattering process in solid parahydrogen with two pump lasers. We modulate various probe lights, and efficiently and replicate the nature of these probe lights.
International conference proceedings, English - Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy of Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy,(Taejon, Korea),Invited., Nov. 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - Solid Hydrogen as Nonlinear Optical Medium
K. Hakuta
US/Japan Seminar on Coherent Quantum Systems,(Newport, Rhode Island, U. S. A.),Invited., Sep. 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear Optics with Incoherent Light
M. Katsuragawa; J. Q. Liang; K. Hakuta
International Quantum Electronics Conference, IQEC 2000,(Nice, France),Invited., Sep. 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - Wideband Raman comb generation using a high-Q liquid hydrogen droplet
S. Uetake; R. S; D. Sihombing; T. Mouri; K. Hakuta
International Quantum Electronics Conference(IQEC2000),(Nice, France), Sep. 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - Sideband generation using strongly driven Raman coherence in solid hydrogen
JQ Liang; M Katsuragawa; F Le Kien; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 85, 12, 2474-2477, Sep. 2000, Peer-reviwed, Parametric Raman sideband generation is investigated using strongly driven Raman coherence in solid hydrogen. We show that the Raman coherence prepared with two coaxial single-mode lasers beats with multimode laser radiation with very broad bandwidth and efficiently replicates the broadband nature to the Raman sidebands without the restriction of phase matching. We demonstrate that this efficient replication occurs mainly on the negative side of Raman detuning, where the medium adiabatically follows the antiphased state.
Scientific journal, English - Stimulated Raman scattering with slow light
FL Kien; K Hakuta
CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, CANADIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING, NRC RESEARCH PRESS, 78, 5-6, 543-559, Jun. 2000, Peer-reviwed, We study the propagation dynamics of weak Raman sideband fields in a far-off-resonance Raman medium driven by a strong coupling field. We show that the interaction of the system with the strong field, under the conditions of high density, narrow Raman-transition width, and small two-photon detuning, results in a slow group velocity and a substantial enhancement of the injected anti-Stokes sideband field as well as an efficient generation of a Stokes sideband field. We find that the effective group velocity is the same for the two weak fields and is proportional to the field frequency difference instead of the frequency of the corresponding field. We also discuss the condition for exponential growth of the two sideband fields in the medium. We perform numerical calculations for solid hydrogen, a realistic system where the requirements for high density and small Raman width can be met. We demonstrate that the group velocity can be slowed down by several orders, and that the slow light plays a key role for the stimulated Raman scattering process in solid hydrogen.
Scientific journal, English - Wideband Raman comb generation using liquid hydrogen droplet
S. Uetake; R. S; D. Sihombing; T. Mouri; K. Hakuta
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference(QELS2000),(San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.), May 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - Sideband generation using strongly coupled Raman coherence in solid hydrogen
J. Q. Liang; M. Katsuragawa; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference(QELS2000),(San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.), May 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - Stimulated Raman scattering with slow light
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference(QELS2000),(San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.), May 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - Single-longitudinal-mode pulsed dye laser with coaxial end-pumping and self-seeding
JZ Li; M Katsuragawa; K Hakuta
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 7, 3, 275-276, May 2000, Peer-reviwed, We report a single-longitudinal-mode pulsed dye laser scheme in grazing incidence geometry. The points are to incorporate coaxial end-pumping and self-seeding into the conventional grazing incidence geometry termed the Littman scheme (Appl. Opt. 23 (1984) 4465). It is shown that the present scheme can considerably reduce the pump threshold and realize higher output power with better stability than the conventional Littman scheme.
Scientific journal, English - Spontaneous emission from an atom inside a dielectric sphere
F Le Kien; NH Quang; K Hakuta
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 178, 1-3, 151-164, May 2000, Peer-reviwed, A quantum mechanical treatment for the spontaneous emission from a two-level atom inside a dielectric sphere with a continuum of electric field modes is presented. The analytical expressions for the spontaneous emission rates obtained by Chew [J. Chem. Phys. 87 (1987) 1355] in a classical treatment for an oscillating dipole are shown to be contained in our theory. A delay-differential equation, which shows how multiple reflections off the dielectric sphere surface alter the emission of the atom in a multimode lossy cavity, is derived in a nonperturbative fashion. The numerical solution to this equation shows that vacuum-field Rabi oscillations in the case of a spherical cavity are rather strong as compared to the case of a planar Fabry-Perot cavity. The conditions for vacuum-Rabi oscillations and the enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate in the single-mode regime of a spherical cavity are discussed. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Raman gain measurement in solid parahydrogen
M Katsuragawa; K Hakuta
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 25, 3, 177-179, Feb. 2000, Peer-reviwed, We report a steady-state Raman gain measurement of the Q(1)(0) transition (v = 1 <-- 0, J = 0 <-- 0) in solid parahydrogen. We carry out measurements by pumping with a continuous-wave frequency-doubled YAG laser at 532 nm and observing the direct amplification of a probe-laser beam for the first Stokes transition at 683 nm. A large single-pass amplification coefficient of 2.3 +/- 0.2 is obtained at a pump intensity of 46 kW/cm(2), with an interaction length of 1 cm, giving a steady-state Raman gain coefficient of 18 +/- 3 cm/MW. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America. OCIS codes: 290.3700, 290.5910, 190.2640, 190.5650, 190.5890.
Scientific journal, English - Solid Hydrogen: Novel Nonlinear Optical Medium
K. Hakuta
TAMU Symposium on Quantum Control in Atoms, Molecules, Solids and Nuclei,(College Station, Texas, U.S.A.),Invited., Jan. 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - Novel Radiation Source Using Solid and Liquid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
30th Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics(Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A.),Invited., Jan. 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - Stimulated raman scattering of solid hydrogen in the strong-coupling regime
K Hakuta; M Katsuragawa; JZ Li; JQ Liang; M Suzuki
FRONTIERS OF LASER PHYSICS AND QUANTUM OPTICS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 261-267, 2000, Peer-reviwed, Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) processes are investigated in solid hydrogen in the strong-coupling regime. We show that multi-order SRS processes in solid hydrogen are governed by the anti-phased state coherence, and that the coherence reveals an extremely slow dephasing which may give a concrete basis on the strongly-coupled nonlinear optics using solid hydrogen.
International conference proceedings, English - Stimulated Raman scattering in liquid hydrogen droplet
S. Uetake; M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 61, 011803-011806R, 2000, Peer-reviwed
English - 光を制御する魅力的な場:固体水素(招待)
茅コンファレンス(福島),招待講演, 2000, Peer-reviwed
Japanese - Dark state coherence and stimulated Raman scattering in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
CLEO/Pacific Rim '99, (Seoul, Korea),Invited., Sep. 1999, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear Optics of Hydrogen in Condensed Phase"
K. Hakuta
International Conference on Laser Physics and Quantum Optics,(Shanghai, China),Invited., Aug. 1999, Peer-reviwed
English - Subfemtosecond pulse generation with molecular coherence control in stimulated Raman scattering
F Le Kien; JQ Liang; M Katsuragawa; K Ohtsuki; K Hakuta; AV Sokolov
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 60, 2, 1562-1571, Aug. 1999, Peer-reviwed, We study the generation of subfemtosecond pulses with the molecular coherence control in stimulated Raman scattering. We show analytically that the antiphased state temporally advances the higher frequencies with respect to the lower frequencies during a beating cycle. After some propagation distance, due to the dispersion and the difference between the antiphased and phased states in advancing high or low frequencies, the coherence is highest on the negative side of the detuning, when the two-photon Rabi frequency is about equal to the detuning. This asymmetry of the coherence magnitude with respect to the negative and positive sides of the Raman detuning is reflected in the behavior of the tuning characteristics of the high-order frequency components. When the Raman detuning is small, although the process is nonadiabatic, the subfemtosecond pulse generation may occur for both negative and positive sides of the detuning. [S1050-2947(99)00908-7].
Scientific journal, English - Nonlinear Optics in Strong-Coupling Regime Using Solid/Liquid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
TAMU/ONR Summer Workshop on Quantum Optics, (Jackson Hole, Wyoming, U.S.A.),Invited., Jul. 1999, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear Optical Processes in Solid Hydrogen: New Perspectives in Quantum optics
K. Hakuta; M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki
International Conference on Low Temperature Chemistry, (Nagoya, Japan), Invited., 71-72, Jul. 1999, Peer-reviwed
English - Stimulated Raman Scattering in liquid hydrogen droplet
S. Uetake; M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki; K. Hakuta
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference(QELS99)(Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.), 194-195, May 1999, Peer-reviwed
English - Stimulated Raman Scattering in solid hydrogen based on adiabatic preparation of anti-phased state
M. Katsuragawa; J.Q. Liang; J.Z. Li; M. Suzuki; K. Hakuta
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference(QELS99) (Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.), 195-196, May 1999, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear optics in solid/liquid gydrogen
K. Hakuta
29th Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics,(Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A) Invited, Jan. 1999, Peer-reviwed
English - Production of coherence of a nonallowed transition in the stationary regime of a Raman scattering scheme
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Physical Review A, 59, 2458-2467, 1999
English - 固体水素の低周波固有モードの計測
黒田圭司; 佐藤 睦; 白田耕藏
レーザー学会研究会報告, RTM-98-59, 13-18, 1999, Peer-reviwed
Japanese - Nonlinear optics in solid gydrogen
K. Hakuta
Laser Physics 98,(Ashtarak, American) Invited , Oct. 1998, Peer-reviwed
English - "Solid Hydrogen: A New Perspective on Quantum Optics"
K. Hakuta
TAMU/ONR Summer Workshop on Quantum Optics,(Jackson Hole, Wyoming,U.S.A) Invited , Aug. 1998, Peer-reviwed
English - Stimulated Raman Scattering of Solid Hydrogen in the strong-coupling regime: measurement of the coherence decay time
M. Katsuragawa; J.Z. Li; M. Suzuki; K. Hakuta
International Qantum Electronics Conference(IQEC '98),(San Francisco, CA, U.S.A) Invited, 68, May 1998, Peer-reviwed
English - "Stimulates Raman Scattering of Solid hydrogen in the Strong-Coupling Regime: Measurement of the Coherence Decay"
M. Katsuragawa; J. ZL, Li; M. Suzuki; K. Hakuta
International Quantum Electronics Conference(IQEC '98),(San Francisco, California, U.S.A), May 1998
English - Solid hydrogen for nonlinear optics
M Suzuki; M Katsuragawa; RSD Sihombing; JZ Li; K Hakuta
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PLENUM PUBL CORP, 111, 3-4, 463-468, May 1998, Peer-reviwed, We recently developed a new method of preparing a parahydrogen crystal which is suitable for experiments on nonlinear optical processes. The crystal was grown slowly from pressurized liquid-phase in order to avoid internal stress from the thermal constriction, and was cooled down to 4.2 K. The obtained crystal was uncracked and perfectly transparent with a high damage threshold. To evaluate the quality, the vibrational coherence decay was measured using the time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) technique. The decay process showed a nonexponential behavior, with an asymptotic limit characterized by a single time constant of 2.6 mu s, which corresponds to a linewidth of less than 0.1 MHz. This decay time is extremely slow compared to the previously published work.
Scientific journal, English - Stimulated Raman scattering with strong-coupling in solid hydrogen
M Katsuragawa; M Suzuki; JQ Liang; JZ Li; RSD Sihombing; K Hakuta
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PLENUM PUBL CORP, 111, 3-4, 497-502, May 1998, Peer-reviwed, It is shown through stimulated Raman scattering in parahydrogen crystal that strongly coupled dressed states on the field-matter interacting system are established in the far off-resonant condition, and that the phase-matching for the parametric anti-Stokes generation process is realized without strict restriction of the medium refractive index dispersion.
Scientific journal, English - 注入同期半導体レーザーシステムの開発と評価
山下友勇; 植竹智; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
レーザー学会第249回研究会報告「レーザー計測」,大阪科学技術センター, RTM-98-17, 7-12, Mar. 1998, Peer-reviwed
Japanese - 波長可変単一縦モード紫外光の発生
岩永和也; R. S; D. Sihombing; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
レーザー学会第249回研究会報告「レーザー計測」,大阪科学技術センター, RTM-98-17, 13-18, Mar. 1998, Peer-reviwed
Japanese - 単一周波数Ti:A1203レーザーの開発と非線形光学への応用
岩崎康和; 梁佳旗; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
レーザー学会第249回研究会報告「レーザー計測」,大阪科学技術センター, RTM-98-17, 19-24, Mar. 1998, Peer-reviwed
Japanese - Nonlinear Optics in Solid Hydrogen
M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki; R. S; D. Shihombing; J. Z. Li; K. Hakuta
Laser and Particle Beams, 16, 641-648, Mar. 1998, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear optics in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
International Symposium on Laser Application to Muon Science, (Tsukuba, Japan.), Mar. 1998, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear optics in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
1998 Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics, (Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A.), Jan. 1998, Peer-reviwed
English - Stimulated Raman scattering in solid hydrogen : Measurement of coherence decay
J. Z. Li; M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki; K.Hakuta
Physical Review A, 58, R58-R60, 1998, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear Optics in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta; M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki; R. S; D. Sihombing; J.Z. Li
Proceedings of the international symposium on Laser Application to Muon Science, Eds. Y. Miyake, K. Shimomura and K. Nagamine, 115-121, 1998, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Dark-state coherence and stimulated Raman scattering in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta; M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Royal Society, 355, 1733, 2405-2408, 15 Dec. 1997, Peer-reviwed, We show through the experiments of stimulated Raman scattering in solid hydrogen that a strongly coupled dressed state, dark state, is spontaneously established as the eigenstate of the field-matter interacting system, and that in terms of the parametric anti-Stokes generation process the phase matching is self-induced as a consequence of the establishment of the dark state.
Scientific journal, English - Stimulated Raman Scattering with Strong-Coupling in Solid Hydrogen, Second International Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals
M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki; J. Q. Liang; J.Z. Li; R. S; D. Sihombing; K. Hakuta
Abstracts and Programme, Polanica-Zdroj, Poland, 2-3, Sep. 1997, Peer-reviwed
English - Solid Hydrogen for Nonlinear optics, Second International Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals
M. Suzuki; M. Katsuragawa; R. S; D. Sihombing; J.Z. Li; K. Hakuta
Abstracts and Programme, J-S19, Polanica-Zdroj, Poland, Sep. 1997, Peer-reviwed
English - Solid Hydrogen: New Possibility in Nonlinear/Quantum Optics
K. Hakuta
US/Japan Seminar on "Manipulation of Matter By Coherent Light", (Kusatsu, Japan). (Organizer of Japan Side), Sep. 1997, Peer-reviwed
English - Parametric Anti-Stokes Stimulated Raman Scattering under Strong-Coupling Condition
M. Katsuragawa; J. Q. Liang; J.Z. Li; M. Suzuki; K. Hakuta
CLEO/Pacific Rim '97, Technical Digest, ThM4, Makuhari, Japan, 225, Jul. 1997, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear generation of extreme-ultraviolet radiation in atomic hydrogen using electromagnetically induced transparency
GZ Zhang; DW Tokaryk; BP Stoicheff; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 56, 1, 813-819, Jul. 1997, Peer-reviwed, Sum-frequency generation enhanced by electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) has been extended to the production of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation in the range 97.3-92.6 nm from np-ls transitions (n = 4-8) in atomic hydrogen. Pulsed radiation Was generated by strong coupling of the np and 2s levels with laser radiation at Balmer wavelengths, and simultaneously (weaker) coupling of the 2s and Is levels by two-photon resonance with 243-nm laser radiation. Investigations were carried out over a range of laser intensities and products of interaction length and atomic density (NL). As the product NL increased, the XUV intensities were greatly enhanced by EIT, and at high NL values, the spectral distributions of some of the generated signals were found to be distorted by the presence of molecular hydrogen. Calculated profiles, modified to incorporate the effects of nearby molecular resonances, were shown to be in good agreement with the observed spectra.
Scientific journal, English - Self-induced phase matching in parametric anti-stokes stimulated Raman scattering
K Hakuta; M Suzuki; M Katsuragawa; JZ Li
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 79, 2, 209-212, Jul. 1997, Peer-reviwed, We show through the experiments of parametric anti-Stokes stimulated Raman scattering for solid hydrogen that the phase matching in a parametric process can be self-induced without the stringent restriction of the medium. We explain this self-induced phase matching as a consequence of strong coupling between radiation fields and medium spontaneously established through the stimulated Raman scattering process.
Scientific journal, English - Solid Hydrogen As Nonlinear Optical Medium
K. Hakuta
International Symposium om Molecular Spectroscopy, (Columbus, OH, U.S.A.), Jun. 1997, Peer-reviwed
English - 暗状態コヒーレンスと固体水素の誘導ラマン散乱
白田耕蔵; 桂川真幸; 鈴木勝
「レーザー,原子発振器の周波数制御と応用」シンポジウム,予稿集,電気通信大学, 64-65, Apr. 1997, Peer-reviwed
Japanese - 固体水素を用いた強結合非線形光学
桂川真幸; 鈴木勝; Jianzhao Li; 白田耕蔵
レーザー学会第235回研究会「レーザー計測」,市ヶ谷, RTM97-1, 1, Jan. 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Dark-state coherence and stimulated Raman scattering in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta; M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 355, 2405-2408, 1997, Peer-reviwed
English - Single-frequency injection-seeded pulsed Ti : Al2O3 laser
A. Ogino; M. Katsuragawa; K. Hakuta
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 36, 5112-5115, 1997, Peer-reviwed
English - Self-Induced Phase-Matching in Stimulated Raman Scattering Process for Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta; M. Suzuki; M. Katsuragawa
OSA/ILS Annual meeting 96, Post-Deadline Paper (Rochester, New York, U. S. A.), Oct. 1996, Peer-reviwed
English - Quantum interferences in resonant multiphoton-ionization processes for a strongly coupled atomic system
RSD Sihombing; M Katsuragawa; GZ Zhang; K Hakuta
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 54, 2, 1551-1555, Aug. 1996, Peer-reviwed, The resonant multiphoton-ionization (MPI) processes in a strongly coupled atomic system have been investigated theoretically and experimentally using atomic hydrogen as a test medium. The characteristics are described with a parameter NL: the product of atom density and interaction length. The MPI characteristics exhibit a single-atom behavior revealing an Autler-Townes doublet in the low-NL region. In the high-NL region, the Autler-Townes doubler is suppressed to almost zero. This phenomenon is shown to be due to destructive interference between the excitation channels to the strongly coupled upper states. It is also shown that a narrow Doppler-free MPI peak appears at the split center of the Autler-Townes doubler in the high-NL region as a consequence of the strong coupling and the propagation effect.
Scientific journal, English - Sum-frequency generation using strong-field coupling in atomic hydrogen: Effect of co-existing molecular hydrogen
M Katsuragawa; GZ Zhang; K Hakuta
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 129, 3-4, 212-216, Aug. 1996, Peer-reviwed, Sum-frequency generation using strong-field coupling is investigated in atomic hydrogen through electromagnetically induced phase-matching. Effects of co-existing molecular hydrogen are examined experimentally. Results are quantitatively compared with theoretical calculations, showing excellent agreement.
Scientific journal, English - Stimulated Raman Scattering in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta; M. Katsuragawa; R. S; D. Sihombing; T. Momose; M. Suzuki
XX International Quantum Electronics Conference, Technical Digest, FI5, Sydney, Australia, 266-267, Jul. 1996, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear Optics Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
K. Hakuta
International Conference on Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, and Applications,(Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A.), Jun. 1996, Peer-reviwed
English - 注入同期単一周波数Ti:Al2O3レーザーの開発
荻野篤; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
レーザー学会研究会(レーザー計測), Jan. 1996
Japanese - Quantum interference in nonlinear optical processes using strong-field coupling in atomic hydrogen
M Katsuragawa; GZ Zhang; RSD Sihombing; Y Ohta; K Hakuta
PROGRESS IN CRYSTAL GROWTH AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MATERIALS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 33, 1-3, 359-362, 1996, Peer-reviwed, We have systematically analyzed the sum-frequency generation and multiphoton-ionization process with strong-field coupling and quantum interference, using atomic hydrogen as a test medium. Experimental results have well confirmed the theoretical predictions.
Scientific journal, English - Nonlinear Optics Using Strong-Field Coupling and Induced Transparency in Atomic Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
International Symposium on Atomic Coherence and Inversionless Optical Amplification,(Changchun, China), Sep. 1995, Peer-reviwed
English - Control of Optical Responses With Strong-Coupling and Induced-Transparency
K. Hakuta; G.Z. Zhang; M. Katsuragawa; B.P. Stoicheff
Jackson Hole 95 Conference on "Quantum Coherence and Interference in Fundamental and Applied Physics",(Alta, Wyoming, U.S.A.)., Aug. 1995, Peer-reviwed
English - Nonlinear Optics Using Strong-coupling and Induced Transparency
K. Hakuta
Proceedings of International Symposium on Atomic Coherence and Inversionless Optical Amplification, 22-26, Aug. 1995, Peer-reviwed
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 52, 2, 1584-1593, Aug. 1995, Peer-reviwed, The sum-frequency generation process using strong-field coupling and quantum interference is described systematically using atomic hydrogen both in theory and experiment. It is shown that strong coupling at the 3p-2s transition creates destructive interference to reduce the linear susceptibility at the resonant 3p<--1s transition. Simultaneously, two-photon coupling of the 2s and 1s states produces constructive interference to resonantly enhance the nonlinear susceptibility for sum-frequency generation at the 3p-->1s (Lyman-beta) transition. Experimental results clearly demonstrate the theoretical predictions. When the Rabi frequency for the 3p-2s coupling exceeds the Doppler tail of the medium, the photoion signals on resonance are suppressed significantly because of induced transparency. The generated Lyman-beta radiation grows rapidly by a factor of 250 at an atom density of 10(15) cm(-3) and interaction length of 3.5 cm, resulting in a conversion efficiency of 2 X 10(-4).
Scientific journal, English - Time-Dependenct Effects in Nonlinear Generation of VUV Radiation with Induced-Transparency in Atomic Hydrogen
R. I. Thompson; B. P. Stoicheff; G. Z. Zhang; K. Hakuta
Applied Physics (B), 60, S129, 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 水素原子の非線形光学:超低温への拡張
レーザー学会研究会報告, RTM95, 4, 19, 1995, Peer-reviwed
QUANTUM OPTICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 6, 4, 349-358, Aug. 1994, Peer-reviwed, Four-wave mixing in atomic hydrogen with the generation of coherent Lyman-beta radiation at 102.6 nm was investigated experimentally and theoretically in the low density limit. We demonstrate that in this doubly-resonant system, the application of intense laser radiation to strongly couple the 2s and 3p levels causes transparency in the 3p <-- 1s transition, leading to reduced absorption of the generated Lyman-beta radiation, and to increased conversion efficiency.
LASER SPECTROSCOPY, AIP PRESS, 290, 279-280, 1994, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Atomic Hydrogen : Realization of High Convesion Efficiency for Nonlinear Optical Generation
G. Z. Zhang; M. Ohta; K. Hakuta
SPIE Proceedings, 2321, 20, 1994, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 水素原子を用いた水素原子Lyman-β光の発生
レーザー学会研究会報告, RTM94, 1, 1, 1994, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - Nonlinear Optical Generation Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Atomic Hydrogen
G. Z. Zhang; K. Hakuta; B. P. Stoicheff
Physical Review Letters, 71, 3099-3102, 1993, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 広帯域波長可変単一モードパルス色素レーザー
レーザー学会研究会報告, RTM93, 1, 1993
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 17, 14, 997-999, Jul. 1992, Peer-reviwed, We describe a scanning geometry for broadly tunable single-mode lasers that use a grazing-incidence grating as the dispersive element. This geometry is a generalized version of the Liu and Littman cavity [Opt. Lett. 6, 117 (1981)] but has much more flexibility in the configuration compared with theirs. Based on the present geometry, we have obtained a broad single-mode tuning range of 190 cm-1 for a pulsed dye laser.
Scientific journal, English - Second-Harmonic Generation with Reduced Absorption in Atomic Hydrogen
K. Hakuta; L. Marmet; B. P. Stoicheff
Laser Spectroscopy X, 301-306, Jun. 1992, Peer-reviwed
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 45, 7, 5152-5159, Apr. 1992, Peer-reviwed, Resonantly enhanced second-harmonic generation in atomic hydrogen was investigated near 121.6 nm. With the application of a dc electric field, it is shown that coupling of the 2s and 2p states produces resonantly enhanced nonlinear susceptibility and reduced absorption at the second-harmonic wavelength, resulting in an increased net efficiency of the second-harmonic-generation process.
Scientific journal, English - Second-Harmonic Generation in Atomic Hydrogen Induced by a Charge Separation Field
L. Marmet; K. Hakuta; B. P. Stoicheff
Journal of Optical Society of America, 9, 1038-1046, 1992, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Electric-Field Induced Second-Harmonic Generation with Reduced Absorption in Atomic Hydrogen
K. Hakuta; L. Marmet; B. P. Stoicheff
Physical Review Letters, 66, 596-599, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Second-Harmonic Generation at Lyman-α in Atomic Hydrogen
L. Marmet; K. Hakuta; B. P. Stoicheff
Optics Letters, 16, 261-263, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Formation of KrF excimer using a laser-induced harpooning reaction through two-photon pumping
K. Hakuta; K. Nakayama; M. Fujino; H. Takuma
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 29, L1019-1022, 1990, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Photoassociation of KrF Excimer at 248 nm
K. Hakuta; K. Nakayama; M. Fujino; H. Takuma
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 29, L1989-1993, 1988, Peer-reviwed
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 61, 6, 2113-2117, Mar. 1987, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Kinetic processes in Ar/Kr/F2 system interacting with Electron and laser beams
H. Takuma; K. Ueda; K. Hakuta; H. Nishioka
Laser in Atomic, Molecular, and Nuclear Physics, 183-200, 1987, Peer-reviwed
English - Novel F2 detector for the gas monitor of an excimer laser
K. Hakuta; N. Mukai; S. Miki; H. Takuma
Review of Scientific Instruments, 57, 2529-2539, 1986, Peer-reviwed
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 82, 8, 3580-3583, 1985, Peer-reviwed
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 78, 11, 6484-6489, 1983, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Infrared laser magnetic resonance spectroscopy of NO2 with a CO2 laser
K. Hakuta; H. Uehara
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 94, 126-136, 1982, Peer-reviwed
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 74, 11, 5995-5999, 1981, Peer-reviwed
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 74, 8, 4326-4329, 1981, Peer-reviwed
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 74, 2, 969-978, 1981, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Laser magnetic resonance spectra of C102 tuned by the avoidance of Zeeman level crossing, II
K. Hakuta; H. Uehara
Chemical Physics Letters, 63, 500-502, 1979, Peer-reviwed
English - Laser magnetic resonance spectra of C102 tuned by the avoidance of Zeeman level crossing, I
K. Hakuta; H. Uehara
Chemical Physics Letters, 63, 496-499, 1979, Peer-reviwed
English - Laser magnetic resonance for the v=1- 0 transition of SeO and NSe by a CO2 laser
H. Uehara; K. Hakuta
Free Radicals, (Association for Science Documents Information), 221-223, 1979, Peer-reviwed
English - Spectral intensities for LMR Zeeman tuned by the avoidance of level crossings
H. Uehara; K. Hakuta
Free Radicals, (Association for Science Documents Information), 218-220, 1979, Peer-reviwed
English - Laser Magnetic Resonance Spectra of ClO2 Tuned by the Avoidance of Zeeman Level Crossing
H. Uehara; K. Hakuta
Chemical Physics Letters, 58, 287-290, 1978, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Laser Magnetic Resonance for the V = 1 - 0 Transition of NO by CO Laser
K. Hakuta; H. Uehara
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 58, 316-322, 1975, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English
- 単一原子/光子を操作するナノ光ファイバー
We discuss a quantum optical technology using optical nanofibers. The key point of this technology is to strongly confine the mode density of the light field around an optical nanofiber, that is a sub-wavelength diameter silica fiber, and to open a novel route for manipulating single atoms and single photons. First, we discuss theoretically how various freedoms of atoms and photons can be manipulated with optical nanofibers. Examples include spontaneous emission manipulation, photon correlations, and few-atom spectroscopy. Next, we show experimentally by placing a few atoms on an optical nanofiber, how the spontaneous emission from the atoms on the nanofiber is efficiently channeled into the fiber-guided modes, how photon correlations evolve by varying the number of atoms, and how a few atoms on a nanofiber behave as an optically dense system. Furthermore, we show theoretically how the characteristics can be enhanced by incorporating photonic crystal structures on nanofibers. Recent progress on the experimental realization of photonic crystal nanofibers and spontaneous emission manipulation is also discussed., 日本物理学会, 10 Jan. 2015, 日本物理学会誌, 70, 1, 36-44, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0029-0181, 110009900506, AN00196952 - 原子の光応答操作の新しい展開:量子非線形光学
応用物理学会, 2008, 応用物理, 77, 2, 123-128, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0369-8009, 10021108321, AN00026679 - 電気通信大学の21世紀COEプログラム「コヒーレント光科学の展開」
電気通信大学, 2004, 電気通信大学紀要, 16, 2, 95-98, Japanese, Introduction other, 0915-0935, 40006212835, AN10016842 - 固体水素:光を制御する魅力的な場
Jun. 2001, 固体物理(トピックス), 36, 343, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 量子コヒーレンスによる光学応答の制御
レーザー場と強く相互作用するラマン型3準位系に典型的に現れる量子干渉効果を用いた光学過程を「量子コヒーレンスによる光学応答の制御」の立場から議論する.とりわけ,共鳴3準位系と遠共鳴系を対比させながら議論する.遠共鳴系の作業物質として固体水素を例示して議論する.最近のいくつかのトピックス:超低速光伝搬,極低光強度での非線形光学,最大コヒーレンスを用いるパラメトリック過程,パルス伝搬の固有状態,サブフェムト秒光パルス発生の可能性などについて議論する., The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Feb. 2001, 応用物理(総合報告), 70, 2, 138-148, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0369-8009, 130003594342 - 固体水素を用いた新しい光学過程
桂川眞幸; 百瀬孝昌; 鈴木 勝; 是枝聡肇; 白田耕藏
Feb. 2001, 光学(解説), 30, 2, 111-116, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 量子干渉効果を組み込んだ光学過程
K. Hakuta
量子干渉効果を光学過程に組み込むことにより生ずる新しい可能性について述べる.その中心的概念であるElectromagnetically lnduced Transparency (EIT) について解説する.EITとコヒーレントトラッピングの関係についても述べる.また,量子干渉効果を組み込んだ光学過程の例として反転分布のないレーザー過程・吸収ロスのない共鳴非線形光学過程・パルス光伝播過程とその固有モードについて最近の研究の状況を解説する., The Japan Society of Applied Physics, 1996, 応用物理, 65, 9, 919-925, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0369-8009, 130003430834 - 量子干渉効果による光学応答の制御
白田 耕藏; 桂川 眞幸
1995, 光学, 24, 545-550, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Development of Fiber-Inline Single Photon Generation System with Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta; N. Ishihara; A. Miyanaga; H. Suzuki
Invited oral presentation, English, IWPPI 2018, Invited, Suwa, Japan, International conference
17 Oct. 2018 - Optical nanofibers for fiber-inline quantum photonics
K. Hakuta; R. Yalla; K. M. Shafi
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2018, Invited, Hong Kong, International conference
01 Aug. 2018 - Cavity QED on an optical nanofiber
Kohzo Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The 27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS2018), Invited, Nottingham, UK, International conference
Jul. 2018 - Hybrid system of an optical nanofiber and a single quantum dot at cryogenic temperatures
Kohzo Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The 27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS2018), Invited, Nottingham, UK, International conference
Jul. 2018 - Optical Nanofiber technologies for Single Photon Generation
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, OFC2018, OSA, San Diego, U. S. A., International conference
12 Mar. 2018 - Quantum Photonics with Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Quantum and Nonlinear Optics (QNO2018), Invited, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malysia, International conference
04 Feb. 2018 - Investigation of Fano-type resonances in nanofiber based photonic crystal cavity
K. P. Nayak; J. Kelt; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, SPIE Photonic West – OPTO, Invited, SPIE, San Francisco, U. S. A., International conference
29 Jan. 2018 - Nanofiber Quantum Photonics
R. Yalla; K. P. Nayak; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Photonics Singapore (CLEO-PR2017), Invited, Photonics Singapore, Singapore, International conference
02 Aug. 2017 - Cavity QED on an Optical Nanofiber
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The 26th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop, Invited, LPHYS2017 Organizing committee, Kazan, Russia, International conference
Jul. 2017 - Cavity QED on an Optical Nanofiber
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Optical Nanofiber Applications, Invited, OIST, Okinawa, Japan, International conference
08 Jun. 2017 - Nanofiber Quantum Photonics
K. Hakuta; K. P. Nayak; R. Yalla
Invited oral presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West, Invited, San Francisco, USA, International conference
01 Feb. 2017 - Cavity QED on an Optical Nanofiber
Kohzo Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The 47th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE2017), Invited, Snowbird, Utah, USA, International conference
10 Jan. 2017 - Nanofiber Quantum Photonics
Kohzo Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The 9th International Conference on Photonics and Applications (ICPA-9), Invited, Ninh Binh, Vietnam, International conference
07 Nov. 2016 - Cavity QED on an Optical Nanofiber
Kohzo Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The 4th International Workshop on Optical Nanofiber Applications (ONNA 2016), Invited, Zhejiang University, china, Hangzhou, China, International conference
24 Oct. 2016 - Nanofiber Quantum Photonics
Kohzo Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, international Workshop on Photonics Polymer for Innovation (IWPPI), Invited, IWPPI Organization Committee, Nasu, Tochigi, Japan, International conference
12 Oct. 2016 - Nanofiber Quantum Photonics
K, Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics (FNP2016), Invited, Volga River, Russia, International conference
19 Jul. 2016 - Photonics Crystal Nanofibers and Their Applications
Kohzo Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 5th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials - 2016, Invited, Information Research Center of International Talent, Chongqing, China, International conference
07 Jun. 2016 - Nanofiber Quantum Photonics
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 5th World Congress of Advanced Materials (WCAM2016), Invited, Chongqing, China,, International conference
07 Jun. 2016 - Cavity QED on an optical nanofiber using micro/nano-photonic-crystal structures
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, The 4th International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications (WOMA2015), Invited, Organizing Committee, WOMA2015, Sapporo, Japan, International conference
Dec. 2015 - Optical nanofibers for quantum information application
K. P. Nayak; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The 8th IEEE/ International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT 2015), Invited, Organizing Committee, ICAIT2015, Hangzhou, China, International conference
Oct. 2015 - Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics on an Optical Nanofiber Using Photonic Crystal Structures
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, ONNA2015, Invited, Organizing Committee, ONNA2015, Okinawa, Japan, International conference
May 2015 - Quantum Photonics With Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 4th International Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics with Applications (CDAMOP2015), Invited, University of Delhi, Delhi, India, International conference
11 Mar. 2015 - Nanofiber Quantum Photonics
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2014), Invited, ACP Organizing Committee, Shanghai, China, International conference
13 Nov. 2014 - Optical Nanofiber Technologies for Quantum Photonics,
K. Hakuta; K. P. Nayak; M. Sadgrove; R. Yalla; S. Tomaru
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers, Invited, Yokohama, Japan, International conference
08 Oct. 2014 - Cavity QED on an Optical Nanofiber
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Seminar on Optical nanofibers and Applications, Invited, Royal Society, Buckinghamshire, England, International conference
01 Oct. 2014 - Cavity QED on an Optical Nanofiber
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 23rd International Laser Physics Workshop, Invited, Sofia, Bulgaria, International conference
14 Jul. 2014 - Quantum Photonics With Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Symposium on New Frontiers of Quantum Photonic Network, Invited, UEC / NICT, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan, International conference
06 Nov. 2013 - Quantum Photonics With Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Symposium on New Frontiers of Quantum Photonic Network, Invited, UEC Tokyo, NICT, International conference
Nov. 2013 - Nanofober Quantum Photonics
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, ONNA2013, Invited, OIST, Okinawa, International conference
Jun. 2013 - Nanofober Quantum Photonics
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Quantum Optics and New Materials, Invited, CSRC, Beijing, china, International conference
May 2013 - Manipulating Light Propagation using Optical-Nanofiber Cavity
K. P. Nayak; F. L. Kien; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Photonics West 2013, SPIE, San Francisco, USA, International conference
Feb. 2013 - Manipulating Light Propagation using Optical-Nanofiber Cavity
K. P. Nayak; F. L. Kien; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West 2013, Invited, SPIE, San Francisco, International conference
Feb. 2013 - Nanofiber Quantum Photonics: A Novel Route to Manipulate and Control Single Atoms and Photons
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Symposium on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Kolkata, India, International conference
Dec. 2012 - Optical-Nanofiber Quantum-Photonics
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Conference and Workshop on Nano Science and Technology, VAST, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, International conference
Nov. 2012 - Optical Nanofibers: A New Route for Manipulating and Controlling Single Atoms and Photons
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Conference and Workshop on Nano Science and Technology, QAU, Islamabad, Pakistan, International conference
Oct. 2012 - Progress of Optical-Nanofiber Quantum-Photonics
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 21st International Laser Physics Workshop, Calgary, Canada, International conference
Jul. 2012 - Öptical Nanofibers: New Route for Manipulating Single Photons
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Nanophotonics (ICNP2012),, Beijing, China, International conference
Jun. 2012 - ナノ光ファイバー量子フォトニクスの展開
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 物理学会年会, 日本物理学会
Mar. 2012 - Manipulation of Light Propagation Using Optical Nanofiber Cavities
K.P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Photonics West 2012, SPIE, San Francisco, U. S. A., International conference
Jan. 2012 - Manipulation of Light Propagation Using Optical Nanofiber Cavities
K.P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Photonics West 2012, SPIE, San Francisco, USA, International conference
Jan. 2012 - Optical Nanofibers: New Tool for Manipulating Atoms and Photons
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, 3rd International Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics, CDAMOP, Delhi, India, International conference
Dec. 2011 - Optical Nanofibers for Manipulating Single Photons
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Advanced Photonic Polymers, ICAPP Organizing Committee, Yokohama, Japan, International conference
Dec. 2011 - Spontaneous emission manipulation using optical nanofibers and optical nanofiber cavities
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 20th International Laser Physics Workshop, LPHYS Organizing Committee, International conference
Jul. 2011 - Optical nanofibers for probing atom-surface interactions
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, SNU Workshop on Quantum Optics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, International conference
May 2011 - Spontaneous emission manipulation using optical nanofibers and optical nanofiber cavities
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Micro-Cavities and Their Applications, WOMA Organizing Committee, Busan, Korea, International conference
May 2011 - Manipulation of Spontaneous Emission Using Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Quantum Optics and New Materials, Beijin Computational Science Research Center, Beijing, China, International conference
Jan. 2011 - Manipulating slow light propagation using optical nanofibers with low finesse cavity
K. P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West, SPIE, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., International conference
Jan. 2011 - Manipulation of Spontaneous Emission Using Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Quantum Optics and New Materials, Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing, China, International conference
Jan. 2011 - Manipulating Single Atoms and Photons Using Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, 6th International Conference on Phtonics and Applications, Vietnamese Academy of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam, International conference
Nov. 2010 - Optical Nanofiber Technology With Photonic Polymers: New Route For Single-Photon Generation
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Chitose International Forum on Photonic Science & Technology (CIF 11), CIF 11 organizing Committee, Chitose, Hokkaido, Japan, International conference
Oct. 2010 - Manipulating single-photon generation using optical nanofibers
K. Hakuta; Fam Le Kien; K. P. Nayak
Invited oral presentation, English, 5th Asia Pacific Conference in Quantum Information Science (APCQIS-5), APCQIS-5 Organizing Committee, Taiyuan, China, International conference
Aug. 2010 - Manipulating single-photon generation using optical nanofibers
K. Hakuta; Fam Le Kien; K. P. Nayak
Invited oral presentation, English, 19th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’10), LPHYS10 Organizing Committee, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, International conference
Jul. 2010 - Manipulating Quantum States of Light and Matter using an Optical Nanofiber
K. P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, OFC/NFOEC 2010, Optical Society of America, San Diego, USA, International conference
Mar. 2010 - Atoms on an Optical Nanofiber for Slow Light Propagation
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Photonics West, SPIE, San Francisco, USA, International conference
Jan. 2010 - Near-Field Quantum Optics Using Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (APNFO-7), Optical Society of Korea, Jeju Island, Korea, International conference
Nov. 2009 - Optical Nanofibers for Manipulating Atoms and Photons
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, International conference
Aug. 2009 - Manipulating and controlling atoms and photons using optical nanofibers
K. Hakuta; Fam Le Kien; K. P. Nayak
Invited oral presentation, English, 18th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’09), LPHYS Organizing Committee, Barcelona, Spain, International conference
Jul. 2009 - ナノ光ファイバーによる原子と光子の操作:原子/表面相互作用の新しいプローブ
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 2009年物理学会春季大会, 日本物理学会
Mar. 2009 - ナノ光ファイバー表面上の少数個の量子ドットの蛍光観測II
鍛治一平; 上本真輔; K.P. Nayak; 奥野剛史; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,2009年物理学会春季年会
Mar. 2009 - ナノ光ファイバー近接場中のセシウム原子のレーザー誘起蛍光スペクトルの観測
白崎昭生; Das Manoj; K.P. Nayak; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,2009年物理学会春季年会
Mar. 2009 - Investigation of near-surface atoms using an optical nanofiber
K.P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会
Mar. 2009 - Phonon-mediated decay of an atom in a surface-induced potential
Fam Le Kien; S. Dutta Gupta; K. Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会,2009年物理学会春季年会
Mar. 2009 - Manipulating Atoms and Photons Using Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, 39th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, PQE Organizing Committee, Sowbird, Utah, USA, International conference
Jan. 2009 - Optical Nanofibers for Manipulating Atoms and Photons
K. P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 39th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE2009), PQE 2009, Snowbird, Utah, USA, International conference
Jan. 2009 - Slowing down a guided light field along a nanofiber in a cold atomic gas
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 39th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE2009), PQE 2009, Snowbird, Utah, USA, International conference
Jan. 2009 - Single Atoms on an Optical Nanofiber
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Conference on Cold Atoms, IISER-Kolkata (India), Kolkata, India, International conference
Dec. 2008 - Manipulating and Controlling Atoms and Photons Using Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Photonics and Applications, VAST, Viet Nam, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, International conference
Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, IWPA 2008, VAST, Viet Nam, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, International conference
Sep. 2008 - Angular momentum of light in an optical nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; V.I. Balykin; K. Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会秋季講演会
Sep. 2008 - Antibunching and bunching in a few atoms resonance fluorescence measured through a nanofiber-II: Effect of excitation and observation geometries
K.P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; M. Morinaga; K. Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会
Sep. 2008 - ナノ光ファイバー近接場領域の少数個の量子ドットの蛍光観測
鍛治一平; K.P. Nayak; 森永実A; 奥野剛史; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,秋季講演会
Sep. 2008 - Manipulating and Controlling Atoms and Photons Using Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology (SICE Annual Conference 2008), SICE, Tokyo, Japan, International conference
Aug. 2008 - Manipulating Single Atoms and Single Photons Using Optical Nanofibers
K. Hakuta
Others, English, CUA Seminar, MIT/Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA)
Mar. 2008 - Correlations between photons emitted by multiatom fluorescence into a nanofiber
Fam Le Kien; Kohzo Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第63回年次大会
Mar. 2008 - Antibunching and bunching in a few atoms resonance fluorescence measured through a nanofiber
K.P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会
Mar. 2008 - Evanescent field absorption spectroscopy of a few atoms around an optical nanofiber - I
Manoj Das; K.P. Nayak; Fam Le Kien; K. Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会譜代63回年会
Mar. 2008 - Single Atoms on an Optical Nanofiber: A Novel Work System for Slowing and Freezing Light
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Photonics West 2008, SPIE, San Jose, USA, International conference
Jan. 2008 - ナノ光ファイバー上の1次元配列原子群による超放射制御(理論)
Fam Le Kien; K.P. Nayak; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第62回年次大会
Sep. 2007 - Single Atoms on an Optical Nanofiber I : Photon Correlation Measurements
Kali Prasanna Nayak; Kohzo Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第62回年次大会
Sep. 2007 - Optical Nanofibers for Manipulating Atoms and Photons
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, OSA Topical Meeting: Slow and Fast Light, Optical Society of America (OSA), Salt Lake City, USA, International conference
Jul. 2007 - ナノ光ファイバー:単一原子/光子を操作制御する新しい方法
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 原子・分子・光物理学(AMO)討論会, 原子・分子・光物理学(AMO)討論会組織委員会
Jun. 2007 - Optical Nanofibers for Manipulating Single Atoms and Single Photons
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Symposium on the Recent Progress in Optical Spectroscopy and Its Applications, Hong Kong University of Science and Yechnology, Hong Kong, International conference
May 2007 - Optical Nanofibers for Manipulating and Probing Single Atom Fluorescence
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 37th Winter Colloquium on Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, USA, International conference
Jan. 2007 - Optical Nanofibers for Manipulating and Probing Single Atom Fluorescence
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Conference on Photonics, OSA, SPIE, Hyderabad, India, International conference
Dec. 2006 - Quantum Manipulation of Atoms Using a Nanofibe
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Seminar on Progress and Excitement in AMO Physics, Tokyo, International conference
Jan. 2006 - 光応答の操作と制御:固体水素とナノファイバー
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 量子エレクトロニクス研究会冬季研究会, 応用物理学会量子エレクトロニクス研究会
Jan. 2006 - Manipulating Light with Quantum Coherence in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Photonics and Applications, Hanoi, Vietnam, International conference
Mar. 2005 - Quantum Materials for Optics
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, JSPS-PRISM-TAMU Symposium on Quantum Materials Science, Princeton, USA, International conference
Feb. 2005 - Atom Trap and Waveguide Using a Two-Color Evanescent Field Around a Subwavelength-Diameter Optical Fiber
Fam Le Kien; V. I. Balykin; J. Q. Liang; M. Morinaga; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The Ninth Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, International conference
Oct. 2004 - Application of a Thin Silica Fiber to Quantum Optics: Atom Trapping and Guiding with a Subwavelength Diameter Optical Fiber
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, The 2004 IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting, San Diego, USA, International conference
Jun. 2004 - Quantum Nonlinear Optics with Solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Japan/US Seminar on Quantum Correlation and Coherence, Yatsugatake, Japan, International conference
Sep. 2003 - Manipulation of optical responses using quantum coherence in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, CREST & QNN International Workshop, Awaji, Japan, International conference
Jul. 2003 - 固体水素EIT用OPOレーザーの開発
大島裕貴; 桜井武之; 梁佳旗; 桂川眞幸; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会大58回年会(仙台)
Mar. 2003 - 振動回転分子変調器の実現
桂川眞幸; 小野夢樹; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第58回年会(仙台)
Mar. 2003 - 振動及び回転コヒーレンスの同時断熱励起に基づく超広帯域ラマンサイドバンド光の発生
小野夢樹; 杉山陽亮; 横山恵太郎; 桂川眞幸; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第50回応用物理学関係連合講演会
Mar. 2003 - Quantum coherence in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 33rd Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics, International conference
Jan. 2003 - Coherent manipulation of group velocity of light in an optical fiber
A. K. Patnaik; J. Q. Liang; K. Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, Sixth International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics, and Photonics, (Photonics 2002), (Bombay, India).
Dec. 2002 - 量子固体と非線形光学:新しい光学過程の開拓
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 戦略的基礎研究推進事業シンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象
Oct. 2002 - 光ファイバー中の光パルス伝播のEITによる制御
A. K. Patnaik; 梁 佳旗; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2002年秋季大会,愛知
Sep. 2002 - 100THz 分子振動子の生成と超短パルス光発生への応用
桂川 眞幸; 小野 夢樹; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2002年秋季大会,愛知
Sep. 2002 - 最大コヒーレンスの生成と超短パルス光への応用Ⅰ
桂川 眞幸; 小野 夢樹; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第63回応用物理学会学術講演会,新潟
Sep. 2002 - 最大コヒーレンスの生成と超短パルス光への応用?
小野 夢樹; 桂川 眞幸; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第63回応用物理学会学術講演会,新潟
Sep. 2002 - Slow Light in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Slow Light (Santa Barbara, California, U. S. A.), International conference
Jul. 2002 - High Resolution Spectroscopy of Solid Hydrogen: Towards the New Perspectives in Optical Physics
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Quantum Electronics(Moscow, Russia), International conference
Jun. 2002 - 固体水素の量子コヒーレンスと非線形光学
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 理研シンポジウム、第4回コヒーレント科学 -凝縮系のコヒーレンス-, Domestic conference
Apr. 2002 - 固体水素の近接場非線形光学(2):テーパーファイバー中の光伝播
梁佳旗; 伊丹規彦; A. K. Patnaik; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会 第57回年次大会, 滋賀
Mar. 2002 - 固体水素中での超低速光パルス伝播
白田耕藏; 梁佳旗; Fam Le Kien; 桂川眞幸
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会 第57回年次大会, 滋賀
Mar. 2002 - 高いラマンコヒーレンスを用いた多次ラマンサイドバンド光系列の同軸発生
小野夢樹; 桂川眞幸; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第49回 応用物理学関係連合講演会,神奈川
Mar. 2002 - 単一周波数波長可変真空紫外パルスレーザー光の発生
富崎巧一郎; 桂川眞幸; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第49回 応用物理学関係連合講演会,神奈川
Mar. 2002 - フーリエリミットナノ秒パルスレーザー; サブMHz線幅パルスの発生
秋野陽介; 桂川眞幸; 白田耕臧
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第49回 応用物理学関係連合講演会,神奈川
Mar. 2002 - オルソ水素核スピンの制御と応用(I):制御用レーザーの開発
大嶋裕貴; 梁佳旗; A. K. Patnaik; 黒田圭司; 白田耕藏; M. E. Klein; K.-J. Boller
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会 第57回年次大会, 滋賀,日本物理学会 第57回年次大会, 滋賀
Mar. 2002 - Quantum Coherence in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Quantum Dots for Quantum Computing and Classical Size Effect Circuits,(Kochi, Japan), International conference
Jan. 2002 - Solid Hydrogen: Promising Work Medium for Subfemtosecond Optical Pulses
K. Hakuta
Keynote oral presentation, English, 32nd Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics (Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A.), International conference
Jan. 2002 - 固体水素の非線形光学
桂川眞幸; 梁佳旗; 鈴木勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CREST第5回シンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」,津田ホール(千駄ヶ谷)
Dec. 2001 - 周波数領域及び時間領域での固体水素Vibronの分光
黒田圭司; 桂川眞幸; 鈴木勝; Fam Le Kien; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CREST第5回シンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」,津田ホール(千駄ヶ谷)
Dec. 2001 - 高Q球状光共振器を用いた近接場非線形光学
梁佳旗; Anil K. Patnaik; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CREST第5回シンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」,津田ホール(千駄ヶ谷)
Dec. 2001 - 固体水素薄膜による超短光パルス発生の制御
Fam Le Kien; 桂川眞幸; 李健俊; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CREST第5回シンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」,津田ホール(千駄ヶ谷),CREST第5回シンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」,津田ホール(千駄ヶ谷)
Dec. 2001 - 高密度励起下におけるコヒーレントバイブロンの位相緩和
桂川 眞幸; Fam Le Kien; 鈴木 勝; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2001年秋季大会,17a-RF-6,徳島文理大学 徳島校
Sep. 2001 - 固体水素における第一振動励起状態のエネルギー緩和
J. Z. Li; 鈴木 勝; 桂川 眞幸; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2001年秋季大会,17a-RF-7,徳島文理大学 徳島校
Sep. 2001 - 固体水素非線形光学:サブフェムト秒光パルス発生の可能性
Nguyen Hong Shon; Fam Le Kien; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2001年秋季大会(徳島)
Sep. 2001 - Whispering-Gallery Mode の近接場による液/固体水素の非線形光学
梁 佳旗; 伊丹 規彦; 高澤 準; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2001年秋季大会(徳島)
Sep. 2001 - 固体水素非線形光学:サブフェムト秒光パルス発生の可能性
Nguyen Hong Shon; Fam Le Kien; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2001年秋季大会,徳島文理大学 徳島校
Sep. 2001 - Whispering-Gallery Mode の近接場による液/固体水素の非線形光学
梁 佳旗; 伊丹 規彦; 高澤 準; 白田 耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2001年秋季大会,徳島文理大学 徳島校
Sep. 2001 - Solid Hydrogen: Novel Work Medium in Optical Physics
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001, (Makuhari, Chiba, Japan), International conference
Jul. 2001 - Solid Hydrogen Nonlinear Optics: Possibility to Generate a Single Subfemtosecond Optical Pulse
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Jackson Hole Workshop on Quantum Optics (Jackson, Wyoming, U. S. A.), International conference
Jul. 2001 - Molecular Coherence in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, APS, Annual Meeting of Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2001), (London, Ontario, Canada), International conference
May 2001 - 単一周波数波長可変パルスチタンサファイアレーザー:超狭帯域線幅をもったフーリエトランスフォームリミットパルス
秋野陽介; 桂川眞幸; 梁 佳旗; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第48回応用物理学関係連合講演会,29a-V-2,明治大学(駿河台キャンパス)
Mar. 2001 - 125THz超高周波ローカルオシレーターとしてのラマンコヒーレンス
桂川眞幸; 梁 佳旗; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第48回応用物理学関係連合講演会,31p-YB-4,明治大学(駿河台キャンパス)
Mar. 2001 - 固体水素中に原子導入方法の開発
恵 秦; 是枝聡肇; 高沢 準; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第56回年次大会・春季大会(東京)
Mar. 2001 - 固体水素の非線形光学:サブフェムト秒光パルスの発生の検討
Guyen Hong Son; Fam Le Kien; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第56回年次大会・春季大会(東京)
Mar. 2001 - 固体水素中に生成された大きなラマンコヒーレンス:125THzの超高周波ローカルオシレーターとして
桂川眞幸; 梁佳旗; Fam Le Kien; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第56回年次大会・春季大会,27p-YN-4,中央大学(多摩キャンパス)
Mar. 2001 - 透明媒質中の低群速度光伝播
梁 佳旗; Fam Le Kien; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第56回年次大会・春季大会,27p-YN-5,中央大学(多摩キャンパス)
Mar. 2001 - 液体水素ドロップレットにおけるQ値の制限要因
植竹智; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第56回年次大会・春季大会(東京)
Mar. 2001 - Nonlinear optics with liquid hydrogen droplet
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Photonics West, LASE 2001,(San Jose, California, U. S. A.),Invited., International conference
Jan. 2001 - Parametric process using strongly driven Raman coherence in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 31st Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics,(Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A.),Invited.
Jan. 2001 - Parametric process using strongly driven Raman coherence in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 31st Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics,(Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A.),Invited., International conference
Jan. 2001 - 大きなコヒーレンスを用いた非線形光学
桂川眞幸; 梁 佳旗; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CRESTシンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」第4回シンポジウム,津田ホール(千駄ヶ谷)
Dec. 2000 - 強結合による低群速度光伝播とパラメトリック過程
梁 佳旗; Fam Le Kien; 桂川眞幸; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CRESTシンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」第4回シンポジウム,津田ホール(千駄ヶ谷)
Dec. 2000 - Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy of Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy,(Taejon, Korea),Invited., International conference
Nov. 2000 - Solid Hydrogen as Nonlinear Optical Medium
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, US/Japan Seminar on Coherent Quantum Systems,(Newport, Rhode Island, U. S. A.),Invited., International conference
Sep. 2000 - Nonlinear Optics with Incoherent Light
M. Katsuragawa; J. Q. Liang; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Quantum Electronics Conference, IQEC 2000,(Nice, France),Invited., International conference
Sep. 2000 - 固体水素に誘起された急峻な分散と低群速度光伝播
梁 佳旗; 桂川眞幸; Fam Le Kien; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第55回年会,22p-YK-5,新潟大学(五十嵐キャンパス)
Sep. 2000 - 固体水素の高分解能ブリルアン分光
黒田圭司; Li Jianzhao; 小池直樹; 桂川眞幸; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,春の分科会, 22a-F-4,関西大学(3月30日-4月2日.2000)
Mar. 2000 - インコヒーレント光によるパラメトリックビーティング
桂川眞幸; 梁佳旗; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,春の分科会,22a-F-5,関西大学(3月30日-4月2日.2000)
Mar. 2000 - Solid Hydrogen: Novel Nonlinear Optical Medium
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, TAMU Symposium on Quantum Control in Atoms, Molecules, Solids and Nuclei,(College Station, Texas, U.S.A.),Invited., International conference
Jan. 2000 - Novel Radiation Source Using Solid and Liquid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 30th Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics(Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A.),Invited., International conference
Jan. 2000 - 固体水素のコヒーレントラマン分光
高柳 進; 是枝肇聡; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏; 斎官清四郎
Oral presentation, Japanese, CRESTシンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」(東京)
2000 - 液体水素ドロプレットの誘導ラマン散乱
植竹 智; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CRESTシンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」(東京)
2000 - 光を制御する魅力的な場:固体水素(招待)
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 茅コンファレンス(福島),招待講演
2000 - 固体パラ水素におけるQ1(0)ラマン線の温度および密度依存性
是枝聡肇; 高柳 進; 鈴木 勝; 斎官清四郎; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第55回年次大会・秋季大会(新潟)
2000 - 液体水素ドロップレットのCW誘導ラマン散乱
植竹 智; 伊丹規彦; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第55回年次大会・秋季大会(新潟)
2000 - 強結合パラメトリック過程と量子クリスタル発振器
梁 佳旗; 桂川眞幸; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CRESTシンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」第3回シンポジウム,津田ホール(千駄ヶ谷), 12月21日-22日,1999
Dec. 1999 - 液体水素ドロプレットと超広帯域コムジェネレーション
植竹 智; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CRESTシンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」(東京, 12月21日-22日,1999)
Dec. 1999 - Nonlinear Optics with Slow Light: Extension to Transparent Medium
Fam Le Kien; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CRESTシンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」(東京, 12月21日-22日,1999)
Dec. 1999 - 線形/非線型ブリルアン分光による固体水素結晶の評価
黒田圭司; 是枝聡肇; Li Jian-Zhao; 桂川眞幸; 鈴木 勝; 斎官清四郎; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, CRESTシンポジウム「量子効果等の物理現象」第3回シンポジウム,津田ホール(千駄ヶ谷), 12月21日-22日,1999
Dec. 1999 - Dark state coherence and stimulated Raman scattering in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO/Pacific Rim '99, (Seoul, Korea),Invited., International conference
Sep. 1999 - 固体水素の誘導ラマン散乱-暗状態コヒーレンスによるサイドバンドの高効率発生-
梁 佳旗; 桂川眞幸; Li Jianzhao; Fam Le Kien; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,秋の分科会,24p-A-8,岩手大学(9月23日-26日,1999)
Sep. 1999 - 離調の大きなラマン3準位系における最大コヒーレンスの生成条件
Fam Le Kien; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会分科会(盛岡, 9月23日-26日,1999)
Sep. 1999 - 液体水素ドロプレットの誘導ラマン散乱Ⅱ
植竹 智; Fam Le Kien; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会分科会(盛岡, 9月23日-26日,1999)
Sep. 1999 - Nonlinear Optics of Hydrogen in Condensed Phase"
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Laser Physics and Quantum Optics,(Shanghai, China),Invited., International conference
Aug. 1999 - Nonlinear Optics in Strong-Coupling Regime Using Solid/Liquid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, TAMU/ONR Summer Workshop on Quantum Optics, (Jackson Hole, Wyoming, U.S.A.),Invited., International conference
Jul. 1999 - Nonlinear Optical Processes in Solid Hydrogen: New Perspectives in Quantum optics
K. Hakuta; M. Katsuragawa; M. Suzuki
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Low Temperature Chemistry, (Nagoya, Japan), Invited., International conference
Jul. 1999 - 三準位系のDressed Stateと固体水素の誘導ラマン散乱
梁佳旗; 桂川眞幸; K. L. Fam; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第54回年会,28a-ZD-2,広島大学(東広島キャンパス)
Mar. 1999 - 液体水素ドロプレットの誘導ラマン散乱Ⅱ
植竹智; 桂川真幸; 鈴木勝; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第54回年会,28a-ZE-10,広島大学(東広島キャンパス)
Mar. 1999 - Nonlinear optics in solid/liquid gydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 29th Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics,(Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A) Invited, International conference
Jan. 1999 - 固体水素の低周波モードの非線形光散乱分光
黒田圭司; 佐藤 睦; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会春季分科会(広島)
1999 - 固体水素の強結合誘導ラマン散乱
桂川真幸; Jianzhao Li; 梁佳旗; 鈴木勝; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 「量子効果等の物理現象」第2回シンポジウム,JAホール東京大手町
Dec. 1998 - 固体水素・液体水素ドロプレットの非線形光学
植竹智; 桂川真幸; 鈴木勝; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 「量子効果等の物理現象」第2回シンポジウム,JAホール東京大手町
Dec. 1998 - 非線形光学/分光のための波長可変単一周波数パルスレーザーシステム
桂川真幸; Jianzhao Li; 梁佳旗; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 「量子効果等の物理現象」第2回シンポジウム,JAホール東京大手町
Dec. 1998 - Nonlinear optics in solid gydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Laser Physics 98,(Ashtarak, American) Invited , International conference
Oct. 1998 - 最大コヒーレンス下での誘導ラマン散乱過程
桂川真幸; 梁佳旗; Jianzhao Li; 鈴木勝; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,秋の分科会,27p-YQ-5,琉球大学,沖縄国際大学
Sep. 1998 - "Solid Hydrogen: A New Perspective on Quantum Optics"
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, TAMU/ONR Summer Workshop on Quantum Optics,(Jackson Hole, Wyoming,U.S.A) Invited , International conference
Aug. 1998 - Stimulated Raman Scattering of Solid Hydrogen in the strong-coupling regime: measurement of the coherence decay time
M. Katsuragawa; J.Z. Li; M. Suzuki; K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Qantum Electronics Conference(IQEC '98),(San Francisco, CA, U.S.A) Invited, International conference
May 1998 - Nonlinear optics in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Symposium on Laser Application to Muon Science, (Tsukuba, Japan.), International conference
Mar. 1998 - 量子干渉効果と短波長光発生の可能性
Oral presentation, Japanese, 物理学会年会 量子エレクトロニクスシンポジウム「短波長コヒーレント光の新展開」
Mar. 1998 - 量子干渉効果と短波長光発生の可能性
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 物理学会年会 量子エレクトロニクスシンポジウム「短波長コヒーレント光の新展開」
Mar. 1998 - Nonlinear optics in solid hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, 1998 Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics, (Snowbird, Utah, U.S.A.), International conference
Jan. 1998 - 固体水素の強結合誘導ラマン散乱
桂川眞幸; 梁佳旗; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会年会(沖縄)
1998 - 固体水素の誘導ブルリアン散乱
佐藤 睦; 黒田圭司; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会年会(沖縄)
1998 - 液体水素ドロプレットの誘導ラマン散乱I
植竹 智; 桂川眞幸; 鈴木 勝; 白田耕藏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会年会(沖縄)
1998 - Dark-State Coherence and Stimulated Raman Scattering in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, OSA/ILS Meeting'97, (Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.), International conference
Oct. 1997 - Strongly-coupled Stimulated Raman Scattering in Solid Hydrogen with Injection-seeding of Laser Diode
Jianzhao Li; 桂川真幸; 末岡久義; 芹澤宏; 鈴木勝; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会,秋の分科会,7a-Q-10,神戸大学
Sep. 1997 - Solid Hydrogen: New Possibility in Nonlinear/Quantum Optics
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, US/Japan Seminar on "Manipulation of Matter By Coherent Light", (Kusatsu, Japan). (Organizer of Japan Side), International conference
Sep. 1997 - Solid Hydrogen As Nonlinear Optical Medium
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Symposium om Molecular Spectroscopy, (Columbus, OH, U.S.A.), International conference
Jun. 1997 - レーザー物理における固体水素の可能性
桂川真幸; 鈴木勝; Jianzhao Li; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー分光研究会,伊豆長岡温泉
Mar. 1997 - 大きな離調をもつ強結合三準位系の定式化
白田耕蔵; 桂川真幸; 鈴木勝
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第52回年会,29p-YA-12,名城大学
Mar. 1997 - 固体水素を用いた強結合非線形光学:コヒーレンスの評価
桂川真幸; 鈴木勝; Jianzhao Li; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第52回年会,29p-YA-11,名城大学
Mar. 1997 - Dark-State Coherence and Stimulated Raman Scattering in Solid Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, Discussion Meeting, Highlights in Quantum Optics, at The Royal Society, London, U. K. Invited Paper, International conference
Jan. 1997 - レーザー場による光学応答の制御:固体系への拡張
白田耕蔵; 桂川真幸; 鈴木勝
Oral presentation, Japanese, 文部省科学研究費重点領域研究,「輻射場と物質系の相互量子制御」高松
Oct. 1996 - 誘導ラマン散乱と強結合三準位系の物理
白田耕蔵; 桂川真幸; 鈴木勝; R.S.D.Sihombing; Jianzhao Li
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,秋の分科会
Sep. 1996 - 固体水素の非線形光学II:誘導ラマン散乱
桂川真幸; 鈴木勝; R.S.D.Sihombing; Jianzhao Li; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,秋の分科会
Sep. 1996 - Nonlinear Optics Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, and Applications,(Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A.), International conference
Jun. 1996 - 半導体レーザー注入同期パルスTi:Al2O3レーザーの開発
荻野篤; 岩崎康和; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会
Sep. 1995 - 水素原子の多光子イオン化過程に現れる量子干渉効果
R.S.D.Sihombing; 太田陽介; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会
Sep. 1995 - Nonlinear Optics Using Strong-Field Coupling and Induced Transparency in Atomic Hydrogen
K. Hakuta
Invited oral presentation, English, International Symposium on Atomic Coherence and Inversionless Optical Amplification,(Changchun, China), International conference
Sep. 1995 - Control of Optical Responses With Strong-Coupling and Induced-Transparency
K. Hakuta; G.Z. Zhang; M. Katsuragawa; B.P. Stoicheff
Invited oral presentation, English, Jackson Hole 95 Conference on "Quantum Coherence and Interference in Fundamental and Applied Physics",(Alta, Wyoming, U.S.A.)., International conference
Aug. 1995 - 水素原子の非線形光学:超低温への拡張
白田耕蔵; 桂川真幸; 張光志
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会研究会(レーザー計測),飯田橋
Apr. 1995 - 強結合Xe原子系の非線形光学
井辺大; R.S.D.Sihombing; 太田陽介; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会年会
Mar. 1995 - 半導体レーザー注入同期パルスTi:Al2O3レーザーの開発(II)
荻野篤; 山下友勇; 岩永和也; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第51回年会
Mar. 1995 - 水素原子の多光子イオン化過程に現れる量子干渉効果:線幅の起因
R.S.D.Sihombing; 桂川真幸; 白田耕蔵
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第51回年会
Mar. 1995 - 固体水素の非線形光学I:誘導ラマン散乱
白田耕蔵; 百瀬孝昌; 鈴木勝; 桂川真幸; R.S.D.Sihombing
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第51回年会
Mar. 1995