内田 雅文
機械知能システム学専攻 | 教授 |
Ⅱ類(融合系) | 教授 |
- 2014年12月01日 - 2016年11月
幹事, 電気学会 診断・監視技術の共通基盤に関する協同研究委員会, 学協会 - 2015年05月29日 - 2016年10月31日
委員, ICEE2016論文委員会, 学協会 - 2014年04月
1号委員, 電気学会 計測技術委員会, 学協会 - 2014年04月01日
委員, 電気学会 基礎・材料・共通部門編修委員会 - 2010年12月 - 2012年11月
幹事, 電気学会 診断・監視と周辺技術に関する協同研究委員会, 学協会 - 2002年02月 - 2008年03月
1号委員, 電気学会 計測技術委員会, 学協会 - 2004年04月 - 2007年03月
幹事, 電子情報通信学会 MEとバイオサイバネティックス研究専門委員会, 学協会
- Overload Countermeasure for Wiggle Joints of Fish-type Balloon Robot by Using Optimization Method
Yuta Isoai; Masafumi Uchida
責任著者, The Twenty-Ninth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2024 (AROB 29th 2024), 掲載ページ OS16-1, 出版日 2024年01月25日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - 時間軸状態制御形を用いたバルーンロボットの軌道生成
堀雄貴; 内田雅文
電気学会論文誌C, 電気学会, 142巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 1041-1047, 出版日 2022年09月06日, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Trajectory generation for balloon robot using time‑state control form extended to three dimensions space
Yusuke Kataoka; Masafumi Uchida
Artif Life and Robotics, Springer, 27巻, 掲載ページ 507-512, 出版日 2022年03月26日, 査読付, In this study, we extend this control
law to three dimensions space by analyzing the relationship between the pitch angle of the balloon robot and the propulsive
characteristics of the pectoral fin motion. We analyze the relationship between the pitch angle of the balloon robot and the
propulsive characteristics of the pectoral fins and derive the output of translational velocity and turning angular velocity
by changing the motion of the pectoral fins in various ways. Based on the results, we simulate the trajectory of the aircraft.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Control System Using Time-State Control Form for Balloon Robot
Hiroki Miyamae; Katsuki Hori; Masafumi Uchida
IEEJ Tran. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2021 IEEJ. Published by Wiley Periodicals LLC., 16巻, 掲載ページ 412-418, 出版日 2021年01月26日, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Evaluation of handwriting task difficulty based on detrended fluctuation analysis
Keisuke Tanaka; Masafumi Uchida
Artif Life and Robotics, Springer, 26巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 169-175, 出版日 2021年01月09日, 査読付, In this paper, we discussed the relationship between the handwriting task difficulties and handwriting elements using local scaling indices based on the detrended fluctuation analysis.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Evaluation of task difficulty based on fluctuation characteristics in writing task
Keisuke Tanaka; Ken Arai; Masafumi Uchida
Artif Life and Robotics, Springer, 25巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 17-23, 出版日 2020年02月, 査読付, We investigate and analyze the fluctuation characteristics in the handwriting process of three Kanji characters
using this index. Moreover, we examine the relationship among the six handwriting time elements defined in the handwriting
process, the handwriting difficulty of the three Kanji characters, and the timescale.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Constructing a control system using a time-state control form for a fish-type balloon robot
Hiroki Miyamae; Masafumi Uchida
Artif Life and Robotics, Springer, 25巻, 掲載ページ 316-321, 出版日 2019年12月05日, 査読付, First, we converted the FBR
motion model into a time–state control form using a time state and a state control unit. Second, we constructed a feedback
control system that stabilized the state control unit. Third, we measured the propulsion characteristics of the FBR using the
pectoral fin motion, which is necessary for controlling the FBR’s motion using the time–state control form and for analyzing
the measurement results. In addition, we varied the pectoral fin motion to simulate how the FBR’s propulsion and turning
angular velocities become similar. Finally, based on the measurement results, we constructed and executed a simulated
control system.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Fluctuation Analysis of Repetitive Writing Motion by Using DFA
Masafumi Uchida
Proc. 25th Int. Conf. on Noise and Fluctuations ICNF 2019, 掲載ページ 112-115, 出版日 2019年06月18日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Control of Fish type Balloon Robot using time-state control form
Hiroki Miyamae; Masafumi Uchida
The 24th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 24th 2019), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS14-1, 出版日 2019年01月24日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Time series analysis of body sway caused by several matrix‑shaped tactile stimuli on body trunk
Masaki Terada; Masafumi Uchida
Artif Life and Robotics, Springer, 24巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 270-277, 出版日 2018年09月20日, 査読付, Postural control is an essential function of the human body that uses several senses and information from the body as input, processes the input and then provides output to the muscles for control. In this study, we examine a method wherein several matrix-shaped tactile stimuli (MSTS) located on the skin of the trunk are used to away subjects’ bodies. To clarify the relationship between body sway and the MSTS, the subjects were tracked using a high-speed camera, a foot pressure distribution measuring instrument, and two acceleration sensors. Owing to the nature of using human subjects, the resulting data had high variance; therefore, each trial data set exhibits different features. The effects of each MSTS on body sway and the dynamics of body sway are discussed and evaluated here. Additionally, we propose a single trial analysis method based on the clustering based Gaussian mixture model and smoothing filtering.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Fluctuation Analysis of Synchronous Repetitive Handwriting
Ryo Kumagai; Masafumi Uchida
Book of Abstracts UPoN2018, 掲載ページ 130-131, 出版日 2018年07月09日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Non-contact measurement of respiratory cycles using a microphone array
Masayuki Miwa; Masafumi Uchida
Artificial Life and Robotics, Springer Tokyo, 23巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 255-260, 出版日 2018年06月01日, 査読付, Previously proposed methods of respiration measurement have relied on thermistors or strain gauges, which must contact the body throughout the measurement, causing potential discomfort. Here, we develop a non-contact system that measures respiratory cycles by detecting the exhalation sounds using an array of microphones. Several respiratory-sound signals were recorded by the microphone array, and the respiratory signal was separated from the raw measurement data by the independent component analysis method. Respiratory analysis by the proposed method was compared with that of the previously validated thermistor method. Similar measurements were obtained by both methods, confirming that the proposed method eases the discomfort of users without compromising the measurement performance.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Non-contact measurement of eyeblink by using Doppler sensor
Amir Maleki; Masafumi Uchida
Artificial Life and Robotics, Springer Tokyo, 23巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 279-285, 出版日 2018年06月01日, 査読付, In this report, we introduce an experimental method for eyeblink measurement by utilizing Doppler effect phenomena. In the cognitive science literature, eyeblink has been proposed as a complex phenomenon and acts as a representative of higher nervous processes. We developed an experimental setup in which the measurement of the eyeblink was conducted using a Doppler sensor accompanied by an accelerometer and an EOG (electrooculography) recording. From our experimental results, we found that the Doppler frequency related to blinking contains a dominant frequency at 2 Hz. Finally, we showed that when blinking is accompanied with head and body movements, eyeblink signal is separable by deploying the principal component analysis (PCA).
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Time Series Analysis of Body Sway Caused by Several Matrix-shaped Tactile Stimuli on Body Trunk
Masaki Terada; Masafumi Uchida
The 23th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 23th 2018), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS17-1, 出版日 2018年01月18日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Gait Analysis Based on Transfer Entropy Method for Gait Stabilization
Kenkou Komaki; Hiroshi Kamoshita; Masafumi Uchida
The 23th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 23th 2018), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS17-2, 出版日 2018年01月18日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Detrended fluctuation analysis of repetitive handwriting
Ryo Kumagai; Masafumi Uchida
2017 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, ICNF 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 掲載ページ 350-353, 出版日 2017年07月19日, 査読付, Although there is a tendency that the opportunity to write by hand is decreasing, handwriting is still one of the everyday activities of our lives. In this study, the experimental system that limits the writing speed of a subject was set up. The aim was to measure the fluctuation time series of a time element obtained from the measurement performed using detrended fluctuation analysis. The result confirmed the local self-similarity and that it covers multiple timescales.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Propulsion modeling of caudal fin driving system on balloon fish robot
Masato Haga; Masafumi Uchida
Artificial Life and Robotics, Springer Tokyo, 22巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 10-16, 出版日 2017年03月01日, 査読付, Recently, biomimetic robots combining the characteristics of fish robots and airship robots have been studied. In this work, we consider balloon fish robots (BFR). This paper presents our understanding of the BFR motion obtained through simulations and experimental results. The simulation of the BFR motion is based on a traveling-wave equation, defined as the product of a sine wave and quadratic curve. In this study, we derived an equation of motion for BFR and conducted an experiment to measure the thrust force. By solving the equation of motion with the Runge–Kutta method, we are able to calculate theoretical values for the propulsion velocity of BFR. We validate the simulation by comparing theoretical and experimental propulsion speed values. As a future task, we will measure BFR thrust at more parameters.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Noncontact measurement of a respiratory cycle using a microphone array
Masayuki Miwa; Masafumi Uchida
The 22th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 22th 2017), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS17-3, 出版日 2017年01月19日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Non-contact measurement of eyeblink by using Doppler sensor
Amir Maleki; Masafumi Uchida
The 22th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 22th 2017), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS17-4, 出版日 2017年01月19日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Single trial analysis of body sway caused by several matrix-shaped tactile stimuli on body trunk
Masaki Terada; Masafumi Uchida
Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag, 713巻, 掲載ページ 566-574, 出版日 2017年, 査読付, Postural control is an essential function of the human body. Basically, postural control uses several senses and information from the body as input. After processing the input, the body provides output to the muscles for control. In this report, we examine a method wherein the body is caused to sway in a specific direction using several matrix-shaped tactile stimuli (MSTS) that are located on the skin of the trunk. To clarify the relationship between body sway and the MSTS, we measure the sway caused by the MSTS using a high-speed camera, a stabilometer, and two acceleration sensors. However, each subject’s data exhibits individual differences, and therefore, each trial data exhibits a different feature. We discuss the effects of each MSTS on body sway and evaluate the dynamics of body sway. We then propose a single trial analysis method based on the clustering method and a mixtures of Gaussian.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Propulsion modeling of caudal fin driving system on Balloon Fish Robot
Masato Haga; Masafumi Uchida
The 21th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 21th 2016), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS18-1, 出版日 2016年01月22日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Evaluation of body sway using tactile stimuli on the body trunk
Ryo Hasegawa; Amir Maleki; Masafumi Uchida
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 136巻, 8号, 掲載ページ 1135-1141, 出版日 2016年, 査読付, In this paper, we examine a technique wherein the production of body sway in a desired direction was considered using a vibro-tactile stimulator. Creating body sway in a specific direction to assist in postural control is necessary. Therefore, we aim to introduce a device that creates spatio-temporal tactile stimulation pattern by altering the interval times between vibrations. We measure body sway caused by each stimulation using a high-speed camera, stabilometer, and acceleration sensor. We then analyze the effects of each stimulation on body sway using an EM algorithm to estimate parameters of a contaminated normal distribution model. Consequently, this paper shows specific body sway for each stimulation, which suggests the optimal time duration and interval of stimulation for a specific direction.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Control of Body Sway Using Tactile Stimuli on the Body Trunk
Ryo Hasegawa; Amir Maleki; Masafumi Uchida
The International Conference on Electronics and Software Science (ICESS2015), 掲載ページ 223-228, 出版日 2015年07月20日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Analysis of Fluctuation in Repeated Handwriting Based on Psychophysiological Factors
Amir Maleki; Yuki Oshima; Akio Nozawa; Tota Mizuno; Masafumi Uchida
7th International Conference on Unsolved Problems on Noise, 掲載ページ P.21-P.21, 出版日 2015年07月13日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Control of balloon fish robot based on traveling wave equation
Kazuma Hashimoto; Masafumi Uchida
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Wiley-Liss Inc., 98巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 51-59, 出版日 2015年06月01日, Fish have excellent swimming ability underwater. Airship robots capable of performing low-speed, low-altitude flight with low energy have been investigated. Airship robots that perform "swimming in the air" in a manner similar to aquatic organisms by combining these features have been investigated and developed. The BFR (Balloon Fish Robot) is one such of type of robot. This paper deals with the simulated motion of the BFR and parameter optimization for the propulsion efficiency of an aquatic organism-like airship robot propelled by traveling waves. The controlling expression of the BFR is written as a traveling-wave equation. The equations of motion are defined by means of the controlling expression and the drag force. Comparative simulation and experimental investigation of the forward air speed of the BFR were used to evaluate its validity. The highest propulsion efficiency parameter was investigated by calculating using the experimental air speed, the maximum amplitude of the tail fin, and the traveling-wave frequency.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - A Consideration of Fluctuation Features in Repetitive Handwriting
Yuki Oshima; Akio Nozawa; Tota Mizuno; Masafumi Uchida
The 20th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 20th 2015), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS16-5, 出版日 2015年01月23日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Control of balloon fish robot
Masato Haga; Masafumi Uchida
UEC & KMUTT Workshop 2014 for Control Applications, -巻, -号, 出版日 2014年05月13日, 招待
研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等), 英語 - Evaluation of mental work-load with facial thermogram
Shunsuke Kawazura; Naoaki Itakura; Kazuyuki Mito; Masafumi Uchida; Tota Mizuno
UEC & KMUTT Workshop 2014 for Control Applications, -巻, -号, 出版日 2014年05月13日, 招待
研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等), 英語 - Analysis of Biological Signal by Using Multilayer Neural Network
Tadayuki Murata; Masafumi Uchida
The 19th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2014 (AROB 19th `14), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS17-1, 出版日 2014年01月23日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Control of Body-Sway Using a Tactile Device
Kunio Horiba; Masafumi Uchida
The 19th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2014 (AROB 19th `14), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS16-1, 出版日 2014年01月23日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Control of Body-Sway Using a Tactile Device
Kunio Horiba; Masafumi Uchida
The 19th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2014 (AROB 19th `14), 19巻, 4号, 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS16-1-369, 出版日 2014年01月23日, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Measurement of autonomic nervous system activity on photographing
Masashi Koike; Masafumi Uchida; Akio Nozawa
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 134巻, 10号, 掲載ページ 1531-1536, 出版日 2014年, 査読付, The aim of this research was development of emotion still camera. Emotion still camera is used to record the image of KANSEI of the photographer at the moment of shooting a photograph. Physiological and psychological measurements of the photographer were performed at the moment of the photography. Three situations where photographer generally took a photograph were defined. The three situations had the time factor, the spatial factor and the psychological factor. Blink and peripheral skin temperature (PST) and heart rate (HR) and pupil diameter were measured with camera operation. KANSEI was evaluated by the physiological - psychological indices. There was more the number of blinks in the time factor than general number of blinks. The average of PST in the time factor fell in comparison with the usual PST of the photographer. The average of HR in the time factor was increased in comparison with others. It was thought that the result was caused by the sympathicotonia of photographer strained by the time factor.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 鼻部皮膚温を用いた点滅視覚刺激に伴う不快感定量評価の試み
内田雅文; 水野統太
IEEJ Trans. EIS, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 134巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 15-292, 出版日 2014年, 査読付, Due to the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the steady-state visual-evoked potential, the flickering frequency of a steady-state visual-evoked potential-based brain-computer interface is typically lower than 20 Hz. However, a visual flicker with a flashing frequency below the critical flicker-fusion frequency often makes subjects feel edgy and causes visual discomfort. This study aims to quantitatively evaluate the relationship between user's visual discomfort and the nasal skin temperature (NST). NST is calculated using the thermal image of the human face. The correlations between the physiological index (NST) and the psychophysical index (based on responses on the visual analogue scale (VAS)) were both considered. The results of VAS are a psychometric response index, which can be used in questionnaires. This study presents a novel technique based on the nasal skin temperature to measure user's visual discomfort. A change in temperature was studied in accordance with the usual method. The results were similar to the known symptoms, which are related to optical sensitivity. Moreover, the frequency characteristics of NST were studied. As a result, the relationship between user's visual discomfort and frequency characteristics of NST dynamics is very strong under 0.01Hz. © 2014 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - 進行波方程式に基づくバルーン魚ロボットの制御
橋本和磨; 内田雅文
IEEJ Trans. EIS, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 134巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 433-440, 出版日 2014年, 査読付, A fish has excellent swimming ability in underwater. An airship robot capable of performing a low-speed, low-altitude flying low energy has been researched. Aquatic organism type airship robot "swimming in the air" combines these features have been researched and developed. BFR (Balloon Fish Robot) is one of this type robots. This paper is concerned with the simulation motion of BFR and parameter optimization for the propulsion efficiency of the aquatic organism type airship robot propelled by Traveling Wave. The controlling expression of BFR is written by Traveling-Wave Equation. And the equation of motion is defined through the controlling expression and drag force. The comparative experiments on forward air speed of the BFR of simulation and experiment evaluated the validity. The highest propulsion efficiency parameter is investigated by calculating using the experimental air speed and the maximum amplitude of the tail fin and Traveling-Wave frequency. ©2014 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Estimation of the autonomic nerve activity with facial thermogram
Shunsuke Kawazura; Naoaki Itakura; Kazuyuki Mito; Masahumi Uchida; Tota Mizuno; Akio Naza; HIrotoshi Asano
2014 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING/ELECTRONICS, COMPUTER, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ECTI-CON), IEEE, -巻, -号, 掲載ページ 107-107, 出版日 2014年, 査読付, In this study, a technique designed to estimate of the autonomic nerve activity with a facial thermogram has been conducted a research and development. Workers feel more mental work-load (: MWL) by advanced information society. Preventing human errors and health hazards with MWL is important. Research activities about MWL, there is the method using thermogram. Thermogram can be taken by non-contact thermometer easily such as a thermography. It can take in the shop floor or life log. But the method needs to measures time-series data at all process of experiment. In addition, if a subject is out of focus of thrmography, it is difficult to estimate MWL. Therefore, measurement environment is limited. In this study, new method are proposed to estimate of the autonomic nerve activity with facial thermogram. If new method with facial thermogram can estimate MWL to high quality, it can use in various situation. Thermograms was taken when a subject solved the issue of a mental arithmetic calculation. And the proposed method has been analyzed by thermograms. As a result of this experiment, proposed method is more sensitive than past technique.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Evaluation of Balloon Fish Robot Based on Traveling Wave Equation
Masato Haga; Masafumi Uchida
2014 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING/ELECTRONICS, COMPUTER, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ECTI-CON), IEEE, -巻, -号, 掲載ページ 43-43, 出版日 2014年, 査読付, Recent airship robots have been made with parts similar to aquatic animal organs in order to combine the excellent swimming abilities that fish demonstrate in water with the low energy consumption that airship robots require when flying at low speeds and altitudes. One such robot is the Balloon Fish Robot (BFR).
This paper is concerned with, motion simulation and parameter optimization for the BFR's propulsion efficiency, when propelled by traveling wave. Controlling expression of the BFR is based on the traveling wave equation; the equation of motion is defined through controlling and drag force equations. Comparative experiments of the BFR's forward air speed in simulation and practice were implemented to evaluate the validity of simulation. Parameters of the maximum propulsion efficiency were investigated by measuring experimental air speed, maximum frequency of the tail fin, and traveling wave.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - バルーン魚ロボットによる周回遊泳の自律制御
奥寺洋次; 橋本和磨; 山中崇弘; 内田雅文
ブイヤント航空, 40巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 69-74, 出版日 2013年03月
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - EMG Analysis and Evaluation of Body-Sway Evoked by Tactile Stimuli
Kunio Horiba; Ali Mokhtari; Tota Mizuno; Masafumi Uchida
2013 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING/ELECTRONICS, COMPUTER, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ECTI-CON), IEEE, 掲載ページ Paper ID: 1605, 出版日 2013年, 査読付, Tactile sense as one of the five regular senses of human body has always been considered as an efficient substitution for the other senses of body such as sight and hearing. For example, a tactile interface system is able to transfer an essential set of information by using the tactile sense instead of visual or hearing sense. Today we can see the various applications of this substitution in different interface and interactive display systems that are helping people specially the physically challenged ones to perform many of their daily tasks despite of a loss in one of their sensory organs [1]. The concept of tactile apparent movement recognition that have boon considered in this research is normally a subjective sense of human body. The term apparent movement refers to the illusory perception of a movement on skin that is created by the discrete stimulations of a number of points on skin of a part of body that are appropriately separated in space and time and can be controlled by different parameters. These parameters have been studied particularly in this research. Applying the tactile apparent movement to an individually defined engineering system, a quantitative evaluation study becomes necessary and possible. In previous studies, finding the body-sway (testing arm of an experiment subject) caused by the tactile apparent movement in a fixed experimental condition became possible. However, characteristic of the body-sway that appeared in the experiment was not thoroughly investigated. In this study, investigating the body-sway caused by tactile apparent movement in a fixed experimental condition was aimed. Therefore, we focused on 3 group of information; the biological information, the body-sway and the information that resulted from the comparison between the apparent movement recognized trials and the non-recognized trials. The EMG data recorded under particular tactile stimuli was analyzed by performing the time-to-frequency transform tools as the short-time Fourier transform (STFT). The findings of this research will be conducive to optimize the performance of the systems that are using the tactile apparent movement.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - 反復的な運筆過程における精神作業負荷の評価
内田雅文; 松谷麻美; 野澤昭雄
IEEJ Trans. FM, 132巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 878-885, 出版日 2012年10月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - EMG Data Analysis Accompanied by Tactile Stimuli movement
Ali Mokhtari; Masafumi Uchida
IWMST2012, International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2012, PROCEEDINGS, 掲載ページ ID: 19, pp.266-371, 出版日 2012年08月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Evaluation of mental workload on repetitive handwriting process
Masafumi Uchida; Asami Matsutani; Akio Nozawa
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 132巻, 10号, 掲載ページ 878-885, 出版日 2012年, 査読付, Today is the information society and handwriting is reconsidered and adopted for various systems, for example, authentication systems and input systems. In this paper, MWL (Mental Work Load) and iterative process of stroke based on the characteristics of human rhythm perception and the relationship between them was examined. Specifically, the period of ISI draw stroke and some continuous synchronous repetitive auditory stimuli (complex tasks such as synchronous tapping and drawing and stroke) in a process set out by using various and repetitive stroke times such as SE, IWI, IE, WE and SWE was examined. In addition, in order to propose a new experimental system, the parameters that reflect the structure of the process related to the stroke mechanism during the repetitive SWE process were identified. Finally in order to pay a further attention to the consumed resources, the dynamics of SWE, MWL and the related physiological, psychological and performance indicators were compared. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - EMG Analysis Accompanied by Tactile Apparent Movement
Ali Mokhtari; Masafumi Uchida
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS (AROB 17TH '12), ALIFE ROBOTICS CO, LTD, 掲載ページ 596-599, 出版日 2012年, 査読付, Tactile apparent movement recognition is normally considered as a subjective sense of human. Applying the tactile apparent movement to an engineering system, a quantitative evaluation study becomes necessary. In previous studies, finding the body-sway caused by the tactile apparent movement in a fixed experimental condition became possible. However, characteristic of the body-sway was not thoroughly investigated. In this study, investigating the body-sway caused by tactile apparent movement in a fixed experimental condition was aimed. Therefore, we focused on biological information, the body-sway and the comparison between the apparent movement recognized trials and the non-recognized trials. The findings of this research will be conducive to optimize the performance of the systems that are using the tactile apparent movement.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - EMG Analysis Accompanied by Tactile Apparent Movement
Ali Mokhtari; Masafumi Uchida
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS (AROB 17TH '12), ALIFE ROBOTICS CO, LTD, 17巻, 3-4号, 掲載ページ 596-599, 出版日 2012年, 査読付, Tactile apparent movement recognition is normally considered as a subjective sense of human. Applying the tactile apparent movement to an engineering system, a quantitative evaluation study becomes necessary. In previous studies, finding the body-sway caused by the tactile apparent movement in a fixed experimental condition became possible. However, characteristic of the body-sway was not thoroughly investigated. In this study, investigating the body-sway caused by tactile apparent movement in a fixed experimental condition was aimed. Therefore, we focused on biological information, the body-sway and the comparison between the apparent movement recognized trials and the non-recognized trials. The findings of this research will be conducive to optimize the performance of the systems that are using the tactile apparent movement.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - バルーン魚ロボットの飛行速度制御
佐藤邦彦; 内田雅文
ブイヤント航空, 39巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 33-37, 出版日 2011年09月
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 自己再構成ロボットにおけるモジュールの外部環境センシング
後藤智次; 内田雅文; 小野垣仁
IEEJ Trans. FM, 131巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 239-245, 出版日 2011年04月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - リズム知覚に基づく運筆解析
齋藤和哉; 内田雅文; 野澤昭雄
IEEJ Trans. FM, 131巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 304-305, 出版日 2011年04月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - External environment sensing by a module on self-reconfiguration robot
Tomotsugu Goto; Masafumi Uchida; Hitoshi Onogaki
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 131巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 2-245, 出版日 2011年, 査読付, In the situation in which a robot and a human work together by collaborating with each other, a robot and a human share one working environment, and each interferes in each other. The boundary of each complex dynamic occupation area changes in the connection movement which is the component of collaborative works at this time. The main restraint condition which relates to the robustness of that connection movement is each physical charactristics, that is, the embodiment. A robot body is variability though the embodiment of a human is almost fixed. Therefore, the safe and the robust connection movement is brought when a robot has the robot body which is well suitable for the embodiment of a human. A purpose for this research is that the colaboration works between the self-reconfiguration robot and a human is realized. To achieve this purpose, sensing function of external environment on a module was examined. A module is a component of the self-reconfiguration robot. A robot body vibrates when a module actuates an arm actively. This vibration is observed by using some acceleration sensors. Measured datas reflects a difference of objects that it touches a robot body. In this paper, the sensing technique of external environment which identifies this difference by using the neural network is proposed. © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Analysis of handwriting based on rhythm perception
Kazuya Saito; Masafumi Uchida; Akio Nozawa
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 131巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 304-305, 出版日 2011年, 査読付, Humanity fluctuation was reported in some fields. In handwriting process, fluctuation appears on handwriting-velocity. In this report, we focused attention on human rhythm perception and analyzed fluctuation in handwriting process. As a result, 1/f noise related to rhythm perception and features may caused by Kahneman's capacity model were measured on handwriting process. © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 仮現運動認知に伴う身体動揺の相互情報量解析
茂木兼一; 内田雅文
IEEJ Trans. EIS, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 131巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 127-133, 出版日 2011年01月, 査読付, In this research, we examined a tactile sense for sensory substitution in people who have lost a certain sense. We considered use of apparent movement to communicate something via a tactile sense. It is necessary to measure a tactile apparent movement objectively and quantitatively because of an apparent movement is normally a subjective sense. This paper proposes the technique which measure the body sway accompanied by the recognition of a tactile apparent movement more securely. We examined the sway of body part by using EMGs around a shoulder, 3 axes acceleration data of the forearm, tracking data based on CCD camera of the upper part, and center of gravity sways of a person's body. By assuming a causal relationship between the sway of body part and EMGs, as an input and an output of the information channel, the transition probabilities and the averaged mutual information were obtained for 4 normal subjects. Moreover, relationship between a tactile apparent movement and tactile stimuli was investigated by the multiple comparison test. As a result, relevance with the body sway accompanied by the recognition of a tactile apparent movement and EMGs was evaluated quantitatively.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Quantitative Evaluation of Body-sway Caused by Tactile Apparent Movement
Kennichi Mogi; Masafumi Uchida
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS (AROB 16TH '11), ALIFE ROBOTICS CORP LTD, 掲載ページ 70-73, 出版日 2011年, 査読付, The recognition of tactile apparent movement is normally a subjective sense. However, when applying tactile apparent movement to an engineering system, quantitative evaluation is necessary. In a previous study, we examined the body-sway caused by tactile apparent movement under fixed experimental conditions; however, the body-sway characteristics were not fully investigated. In this study, we investigated the body-sway caused by tactile apparent movement under fixed experimental conditions. We focused on biological information and body-sway, and compared cases where the apparent motion was recognized and not recognized. Our findings will help to improve the performance of systems that use tactile apparent movement.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Air speed control of airship-type fish robot
Kunihiko Sato; Masafumi Uchida
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS (AROB 16TH '11), ALIFE ROBOTICS CORP LTD, 掲載ページ 58-61, 出版日 2011年, 査読付, This paper deals with progress in the motion performance and control of a Balloon Fish Robot (BFR). The BFR is a fish-type airship robot that derives its propulsion from vibrations of two joints. The BFR is moved in three-dimensional space by an actuator. We consider the thrust of the BFR and measured it with a force sensor. The purpose of this research is to construct an equation of motion for the BFR and to control its air speed.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Quantitative Evaluation of Body-sway Caused by Tactile Apparent Movement
Kennichi Mogi; Masafumi Uchida
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS (AROB 16TH '11), ALIFE ROBOTICS CORP LTD, 16巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 70-73, 出版日 2011年, 査読付, The recognition of tactile apparent movement is normally a subjective sense. However, when applying tactile apparent movement to an engineering system, quantitative evaluation is necessary. In a previous study, we examined the body-sway caused by tactile apparent movement under fixed experimental conditions; however, the body-sway characteristics were not fully investigated. In this study, we investigated the body-sway caused by tactile apparent movement under fixed experimental conditions. We focused on biological information and body-sway, and compared cases where the apparent motion was recognized and not recognized. Our findings will help to improve the performance of systems that use tactile apparent movement.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - 触刺激で構成された方位情報の補正システム
朴永鎰; 内田雅文
IEEJ Trans. FM, 130巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 601-606, 出版日 2010年06月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Investigation of voluntary movements in auditory stimulated conditions by integrative measurement
Kazuya Saito; Young-il Park; Masafumi Uchida
The Fifteenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2010 (AROB 15th `10), 掲載ページ CD-ROM OS1-3, 出版日 2010年02月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - A calibration system of direction information composed of tactile stimuli
Young-Il Park; Masafumi Uchida
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 130巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 12-606, 出版日 2010年, 査読付, In this research, we are aiming at the development of the tactile display that information presentation is expressed with phantom sensation and apparent movement by few tactile elements. And new personal identification, which system constitutes tactile sense information using tactile stimuli and based on the cardinal trait of the tactile sense, is proposed. Tactile stimuli is composed of the stimuli by electricity. The identification system that makes direction information expressed by tactile stimuli an attestation key is examined. Therefore, it is necessary to interpret the information that the user is reproduced direction information when composed of the tactile stimuli is made an identification key, and to recognize as an identification key. In this paper, we did the direction answer experiment for confirmation. As the result, the average of transmission accuracy of 21 subjects became about 38.8°. Based on this result, the correction processing was performed with using the BP type neural network. In case of 4 direction, 3 direction, and 2 direction are input, the calibration processing is examined. © 2010 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Swing analysis of body-parts motion accompanied by apparent movement
Young-il Park; Masafumi Uchida
Artificial Life and Robotics, 15巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 491-495, 出版日 2010年, 査読付, In this research, we examined the tactile sense for sensory substitution in people who have lost one sense. We considered the use of apparent movement to communicate something via the tactile sense. It is necessary to measure the apparent movement objectively and quantitatively because apparent movement is normally a subjective thing. We extracted swing motion, a vital reaction characteristic accompanied by apparent movement, by using electromyography (EMG). We presented individual stimuli and performed a t-test with a combination of the stimuli presented. From the t-test results, the difference in the vital reaction characteristic for each combination of stimuli presented was not small. The result presented here was obtained using only one subject, and therefore it will be necessary to increase the number of subjects in future. © 2010 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB).
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Man-machine interface for modular robot systems
Tomotsugu Goto; Masafumi Uchida; Hirotoshi Asano; Akio Nozawa; Hitoshi Onogaki; Tota Mizuno; Hideto Ide; Syuichi Yokoyama
Artificial Life and Robotics, 14巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 209-212, 出版日 2009年11月, 査読付, A modular robot is composed of multiple modules, each comprising a sensor, an actuator, and a control system. Each module accumulates information about its own sensor, actuator, and connections to other modules, as well as communication information between adjoining modules. The user obtains this information via an interface, and can thus recognize the state of the robot and issue commands. However, when the number of modules becomes large, the amount of information sent from the modules becomes too much for the user to deal with effectively. Naturally, it also becomes more difficult for the user to issue commands to the modular robot as the number of modules increases. In this study, we developed an interface to present, in a simple manner, information aggregated in a certain module from other modules, and we examined its effectiveness in a modular robot composed of these modules. © 2009 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB).
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Autonomous reconfiguration of robot shape by using Q-learning
Satoshi Shiba; Masafumi Uchida; Akio Nozawa; Hirotoshi Asano; Hitoshi Onogaki; Tota Mizuno; Hideto Ide; Syuichi Yokoyama
Artificial Life and Robotics, 14巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 213-218, 出版日 2009年11月, 査読付, A modular robot can be built with a shape and function that matches the working environment. We developed a four-arm modular robot system which can be configured in a planar structure. A learning mechanism is incorporated in each module constituting the robot. We aim to control the overall shape of the robot by an accumulation of the autonomous actions resulting from the individual learning functions. Considering that the overall shape of a modular robot depends on the learning conditions in each module, this control method can be treated as a dispersion control learning method. The learning object is cooperative motion between adjacent modules. The learning process proceeds based on Q-learning by trial and error. We confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed technique by computer simulation. © 2009 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB).
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Integrative Measurement of Biological Information During Voluntary Movement
Kazuya Saito; Young-il Park; Masafumi Uchida
ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, 掲載ページ CD-ROM, 2C12-3, 出版日 2009年08月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Characterization of Preference for Viscosity and Fragrance of Cosmetic Emulsions by Autonomous Nervous System Activity
Akio Nozawa; Masafumi Uchida
ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, 掲載ページ CD-ROM, 2C12-4-2136, 出版日 2009年08月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Analysis of Surface EMG with Apparent Movement of Tactile Sense
Young-il Park; Masafumi Uchida
ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, 掲載ページ CD-ROM, 2C12-6, 出版日 2009年08月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - 触覚の仮現運動認知時における皮膚表面筋電位の特徴抽出
川原幸司; 朴永鎰; 内田雅文
IEEJ Trans. SM, 129巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 187-188, 出版日 2009年06月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Training and Oblivion Characteristics of Modulated Vibration Stimulus
Tota Mizuno; Akio Nozawa; Masafumi Uchida; Hideto Ide
ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN, SCRIPTA TECHNICA-JOHN WILEY & SONS, 91巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 27-33, 出版日 2009年04月, 査読付, The purpose of this study is tactile presentation of figure information by means of modulated vibration based on a short-cycle component T(s)(-1) (40 to 1000 Hz) and a long-cycle component T(l)(-1) (2 to 40 Hz). An effective method for training of the modulated vibration stimulus is proposed and the experimental results on the training and oblivion characteristics of figure discrimination are presented. A training method that integrates tactile and visual stimuli is found to be effective, and it is shown that the association with the frequency change of the long-cycle component is retained in memory longer than that of the short-cycle component. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electron Comm Jpn, 91(4): 27-33, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/ecj.10078
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - 本質的安全性のためのロボット体自己再構成プランニング
内田雅文; 野澤昭雄; 浅野裕俊; 小野垣仁; 水野統太; 朴永鎰; 井出英人; 横山修一
IEEJ Trans. EIS, 129巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 653-662, 出版日 2009年04月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Basics study about cooperation movement of human and agent with entrainment
Saito Masamazu; Asano Hirotoshi; Uchida Masafumi; Ide Hideto
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB 14th'09, 掲載ページ 484-487, 出版日 2009年, In the environment like the medical treatment, welfare, the construction field, and the home, the use of the ag ent is examined. It is necessary to be able to work cooperatively with human is problems of the agent in that. Then, in this study it pays attention to the phenomenon that is called an entrainment. It is the phenomenon that the rhythm of a certain person and the partner of the communication synchronizes. It sets it as the purpose of this study to perform basic examination for applying an entrainment, in order to realize cooperation operation of man and a agent. Since many of man's rhythms are expressed by the non-linear oscillator, we simulated limit cycle oscillators which are one of the non-linear oscillators of two that caused the interaction each other as a basic examination for the achievement. Consequently, entrainment of the limit cycle oscillator with which rhythms differ has been checked in a certain condition. Thereby, a possibility that cooperation movement could be gained was suggested. ©ISAROB 2009.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Group behavior of agents with an emotional model
Satoru Hiroshige; Hirotoshi Asano; Masafumi Uchida; Hideto Ide
Artificial Life and Robotics, 14巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 67-70, 出版日 2009年, 査読付, Recently, there has been much interest in the study of the formation of groups of agents that cause interactions between agents and invent new functions. We gave some agents an action rule based on the interactions of human feelings by using a circumplex model. It had been decided that the parameters of feelings in this model should have only two axes. In this report, eight basic action dimensions and pure feelings on four corresponding axes were given to agents as a model of feelings and actions based on the multiple factor analysis theory of R. Plutchik, and the behavioral characteristics of the group of agents were examined. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2009.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Basic study about cooperative movement between a human and an agent with entrainment
Masagkazu Saito; Hirotoshi Asano; Masafumi Uchida; Hideto Ide
Artificial Life and Robotics, 14巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 76-79, 出版日 2009年, 査読付, The use of an agent in the environment, as in medical treatment, welfare, the construction field, and the home, is examined. It is necessary for the agent to be able to work cooperatively with a human, and that may be a problem. Therefore, this study pays attention to the phenomenon that is called entrainment. This is the phenomenon where the rhythm of a certain person and the partner in the communication is synchronized. The purpose of this study is to perform a basic examination into applying an entrainment in order to realize cooperation in operations between a human and an agent. Since many human rhythms are expressed by a nonlinear oscillator, we simulated limited cycle oscillators, which are one of two nonlinear oscillators that cause interactions between agents, as the basic examination for this achievement. Consequently, entrainment of limited cycle oscillators with rhythms which differ has been checked in certain conditions. As a result, the possibility that cooperative movement could be gained was suggested. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2009.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Basic examination concerning multiagent cooperation with entrainment
Hirotoshi Asano; Hiroaki Suzuki; Masafumi Uchida; Hideto Ide
Artificial Life and Robotics, 14巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 71-75, 出版日 2009年, 査読付, The study of a multiagent system generating a new function was carried out. A coordinate solution, such as the multiagent system, is effective for complicated problems. Therefore, it is necessary for agents to behave systematically while building cooperative relations with each other. We pay attention to an entrainment phenomenon which can be seen in life phenomena, such as cardiac muscle cells or the emission of light by a firefly, as an element to promote organized behavior between agents. We suggest a new system model unlike conventional systems. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2009.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Self-reconfiguration planning of robot embodiment for inherent safe performance
Masafumi Uchida; Akio Nozawa; Hirotoshi Asano; Hitoshi Onogaki; Tota Mizuno; Young-Il Park; HIdeto Ide; Shuichi Yokoyama
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 129巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 11-662, 出版日 2009年, 査読付, In the situation in which a robot and a human work together by collaborating with each other, a robot and a human share one working environment, and each interferes in each other. In other ward, it is impossible to avoid the physical contact and the interaction of force between a robot and a human. The boundary of each complex dynamic occupation area changes in the connection movement which is the component of collaborative works at this time. The main restraint condition which relates to the robustness of that connection movement is each physical charactristics, that is, the embodiment. A robot body is variability though the embodiment of a human is almost fixed. Therefore, the safe and the robust connection movement is brought when a robot has the robot body which is well suitable for the embodiment of a human. A purpose for this research is that the colaboration works between the self-reconfiguration robot and a human is realized. To achieve this purpose, a self-reconfiguration algorithm based on some indexes to evaluate a robot body in the macroscopic point of view was examined on a modular robot system of the 2-D lattice structure. In this paper, it investigated effect specially that the object of learning of each individual was limited to the cooperative behavior between the adjoining modules toward the macroscopic evaluation index. © 2009 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Characteristic extraction of EMG with recognition of tactile apparent movement
Koji Kawahara; Young-Il Park; Masafumi Uchida
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 129巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 187-188, 出版日 2009年, 査読付, In this report, we examined the relevance of the human physical oscillation and the recognition of the tactile apparent movement. EMGs caused by the human physical oscillation were measured in our research. Moreover, EMGs were analyzed by applying the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) and cluster analysis. As a consequence of comparing these analysis outputs with results of psychophysical experiment, the relevance of the human physical oscillation and the recognition of the tactile apparent movement was suggested. © 2009 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Recent topics in instrumentation and measurement
Kazuo Tanabe; Masanobu Hirose; Akihito Otani; Ken Mochizuki; Masafumi Uchida
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 129巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 70-74, 出版日 2009年, 査読付, Instrumentation and measurement play a vital role in research and development in the science and engineering fields. Recently, the goals of instrumentation and measurement have expanded to meet not only the industrial and science requirements but also the needs in all fields of social life, such as medicine and welfare, the environment, and disaster and security. In this article, the state of TC-IM (Technical Committee of Instrumentation and Measurement of IEEJ) activities and technical topics in the instrumentation and measurement field are reported, mainly referring to over seventy papers presented at the IM Technical Meeting. © 2009 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - A Tactile Display Using Phantom Sensation with Apparent Movement Together
Shintaro Ueda; Masafumi Uchida; Akio Nozawa; Hideto Ide
ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN, SCRIPTA TECHNICA-JOHN WILEY & SONS, 91巻, 12号, 掲載ページ 29-38, 出版日 2008年12月, 査読付, When two and more stimuli are arranged in the space, all illusion such as phantom sensation and apparent movement appear in the sense of touch. The foundation research to build a system for presenting two-dimensional information by using phantom sensation and apparent movement is done in this research. When apparent movement is used, information in the direction can be expressed between two elements of tactile stimulus in two-dimensional vector information In this report, the authors propose the technique of information expression using three elements for tactile stimulus that the apparent movement is Used With file phantom sensation together. By this technique, two-dimensional vector information call be expressed by three elements of tactile stimulus. (C) 2009 Wiley periodicals, Inc. Electron Comm Jpn, 91(12): 29-38, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/ecj.10000
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - ニューラルネットワークによる触刺激提示情報の改善方法
朴永鎰; 内田雅文
IEEJ Trans. EIS, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 128巻, 12号, 掲載ページ 1861-1862, 出版日 2008年12月, 査読付, In this research, it aims at the development of the tactile display that information presentation is expressed with phantom sensation and apparent movement by few tactile elements. In this report, we suggest technical method to improve performance for the information presentation by the calibration using neural network. In the results which we performed calibration using suggested method, the effect of the calibration of 40% on the average was achieved for 19 subjects.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - A Tactile Display by Using Phantom Sensation with an Apparent Movement Based on Electro-stimulation
Young-il Park; Masafumi Uchida
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 掲載ページ P-131 CD-ROM, 出版日 2008年07月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Improvement method of tactile stimuli information presentation by neural networks
Young-Il Park; Tota Mizuno; Masafumi Uchida
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 128巻, 12号, 掲載ページ 1861-1862, 出版日 2008年, 査読付, In this research, it aims at the development of the tactile display that information presentation is expressed with phantom sensation and apparent movement by few tactile elements. In this report, we suggest technical method to improve performance for the information presentation by the calibration using neural network. In the results which we performed calibration using suggested method, the effect of the calibration of 40% on the average was achieved for 19 subjects. © 2008 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - A tactile display using phantom sensation with apparent movement together
Shintaro Ueda; Masafumi Uchida; Akio Nozawa; Hideto Ide
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part II: Electronics (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi), 91巻, 12号, 掲載ページ 29-38, 出版日 2008年, 査読付, When two and more stimuli are arranged in the space, an illusion such as phantom sensation and apparent movement appear in the sense of touch. The foundation research to build a system for presenting two-dimensional information by using phantom sensation and apparent movement is done in this research. When apparent movement is used, information in the direction can be expressed between two elements of tactile stimulus in two-dimensional vector information. In this report, the authors propose the technique of information expression using three elements for tactile stimulus that the apparent movement is used with the phantom sensation together. By this technique, two-dimensional vector information can be expressed by three elements of tactile stimulus. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Toward clarification of the handwriting process and its applications
Y.Kimura; K.Odaka; M.Uchida
Proceedings of ISBPE / 22nd BPES, 掲載ページ 187-190, 出版日 2008年01月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Integrative Measurement System of Handwriting Process
M.Nishizawa; M.Uchida; K.Odaka; Y.Kimura
Proceedings of ISBPE / 22nd BPES, 掲載ページ 191-194, 出版日 2008年01月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Writer Individuality in Handwritten Hiragana Characters
Kazumi Odaka; Yoshimasa Kimura; Masafumi Uchida
Proceedings of ISBPE / 22nd BPES, 掲載ページ 195-198, 出版日 2008年01月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Writing Speed Dependency of Information in Handwriting Process
Y.Shiozaki; Y.Yamauchi; Y.Kimura; K.Odaka; M.Uchida
Proceedings of ISBPE / 22nd BPES, 掲載ページ 199-202, 出版日 2008年01月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Handwriting Characteristics Affected by Writing Speed
Y.Yamauchi; Y.Shiozaki; Y.Kimura; K.Odaka; M.Uchida
Proceedings of ISBPE / 22nd BPES, 掲載ページ 203-206, 出版日 2008年01月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Transformation caused by external stimulations during the handwriting process
Hong Chen; Masafumi Uchida; Kazumi Odaka; Yoshimasa Kimura
Proceedings of ISBPE / 22nd BPES, 掲載ページ 207-208, 出版日 2008年01月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Characteristic extraction of EMG with the apparent movement
Young-il Park; Koji Kawahara; Masafumi Uchida
2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 掲載ページ 2611-+, 出版日 2008年, 査読付, In this research, we pay attention to a tactile sense as substitution for sense organs when human lost a certain sense. Therefore we think that is effective to use an apparent movement to communicate by a tactile sense about something. It is necessary to measure it objective and. quantitative on using apparent movement because the apparent movement is a subjective thing. It extracts a characteristic of vital reaction with the apparent movement by EMG, this paper. We divide it into every each presentation stimulation and perform t-test by a combination of the presentation stimulation. As a result, we understood the thing that was not a little different in a t-test result by a combination of each presentation stimulation. We were able to get the result that resembled a psychological measurement when we did cluster analysis of a result of this t-test. Because this result is a result from one subject, it will be necessary to increase subjects in future.
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - System of personal identification by using tactile stimuli
Young-Il Park; Masafumi Uchida
Artificial Life and Robotics, 13巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 209-213, 出版日 2008年, 査読付, This paper proposes a personal identification system that uses tactile stimuli. Recently, scientists have been conducting research in biometrics using biomedical information. However, there is the problem that biomedical information is unchangeable. For example, if a thief steals another user's biomedical information, that person has no information to register. Due to the problems of sight information and unchangeable biomedical information, we propose a solution that uses the sense of tactile stimuli. Tactile information is difficult to steal and relies on human memory, which is unchangeable. This paper proposes a system that uses a pattern formed by a tactile stimuli time series instead of a password number as the identification key. We also discuss the results of an identification experiment and a memory property experiment. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2008.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - 触刺激を用いた個人識別システム
朴永鎰; 内田雅文
IEEJ Trans. EIS, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 127巻, 10号, 掲載ページ 1811-1812, 出版日 2007年10月, 査読付, In present, personal identfication system have been used to input identification-numbers and passwords by keyboards and touch panels. When a user enters their identification-numbers and passwords an observer could easily see the user's secret details. In this report, new personal identification, which system constitutes tactile sense information using tactile stimuli and based on the cardinal trait of the tactile sense, is proposed.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 飛行船型魚ロボットシステムの開発
大澤嘉代子; 朴永鎰; 内田雅文
ブイヤント航空, 35巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 78-81, 出版日 2007年07月
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Personal Identification System Based on Tactile Stimuli
Young-il Park; Masafumi Uchida
Proc. of The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2007, 掲載ページ ICEE-523, CD-ROM, 出版日 2007年07月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Phantom sensationと仮現運動を併用した触覚ディスプレイ
上田真太郎; 内田雅文; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
IEEJ Trans. FM, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 127巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 277-284, 出版日 2007年06月, 査読付, When two and more stimuli are arranged in the space, an illusion such as the phantom sensation and the apparent movement appear in the sense of touch. The foundation research to build a system of presenting two-dimensional information by using the phantom sensation and the apparent movement is done by this research. When the apparent movement is used, information in the direction can be expressed between 2 elements of tactile stimulus in two-dimensional vector information. In this report, we propose the technique of informatrion expression in 3 elements of tactile stimulus that the apparent movement is used with the phantom sensation together. By this technique, two-dimensional vector information can be expressed by 3 elements of tactile stimulus.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 変調振動刺激に対する学習および忘却特性
水野統太; 野澤昭雄; 内田雅文; 井出英人
IEEJ Trans. EIS, 127巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 299-304, 出版日 2007年03月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Training and oblivion characteristics of modulated vibration stimulus
Tota Mizuno; Akio Nozawa; Masafumi Uchida; Hideto Ide
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 127巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 299-304, 出版日 2007年, 査読付, The purpose of this study is presentation of the figure information in tactile sense using the modulated vibration which is generated from the short cycle component Ts -1 (40-1000Hz) and the long cycle component Tl -1(2-40Hz). In this paper, we proposed the efficient training method of the modulated vibration stimulus and examined the training and oblivion characteristics about figure discrimination. As a result, it was suggested that the training method integrated tactile stimulus and visual stimulus is efficient method, and understood that the frequency change in the long cycle component is vibration sense maintained longer than the short cycle component.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 事象関連脳電位に基づく変調振動によるベクトル刺激と点刺激の弁別閾特性
水野統太; 野澤昭雄; 内田雅文; 井出英人
IEEJ Trans. EIS, 126巻, 10号, 掲載ページ 1261-1262, 出版日 2006年10月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 鼻部熱画像を用いた伝達情報理解度の推定法
野澤昭雄; 内田雅文; 井出英人
IEEJ Trans. FM, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 126巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 909-914, 出版日 2006年09月, 査読付, The information understanding in communication is supposed to be concerned with the emotion. The purpose of this study is to estimate the information understanding through the nasal skin thermogram which reflects the human emotion. The local fractal dimension analysis was applied to the nasal skin thermogram. Based on the relationship among the local fractal dimension and the subjective understanding measured in English listening tests, the information understanding has been estimated by the linear multiple regression. As a result, the estimated understanding has been obviously classified in two groups according to the difficulty of the test. Additionally, we have shown that the local fractal dimension of the nasal skin thermogram is the individual independent factor for the infomation understanding estimation.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Evaluation of Driver`s Physio-psychological State by Facial Skin Thermal Image
Akio Nozawa; Tota Mizuno; Hisaya Tanaka; Masafumi Uchida; Hideto Ide
Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2006, Innovation and Convergence in Electrical Engineering & Technology, 掲載ページ PS3-EC-07, CD-ROM, 出版日 2006年07月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Indentification of Individuals by Using Stimulation Stimuli
Young-il Park; Masafumi Uchida
Proceedings of The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2006, Innovation and Convergence in Electrical Engineering & Technology, 掲載ページ PS3-EC-10, CD-ROM, 出版日 2006年07月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Discrimination threshold of tactile sense to point stimulation and vector stimulation in modulated vibration by ERP
Tota Mizuno; Akio Nozawa; Masafumi Uchida; Hideto Ide
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 126巻, 10号, 掲載ページ 1261-1262, 出版日 2006年, 査読付, In this paper, we research what kind of influence with the discrimination threshold in frequency area Ts -1 vs. Tl -1 by using segment which had an aim as simple line drawing figure in other words, vector stimulation. As a result, it has been suggested that the modulated vibration discrimination doesn't depend variation of vibration frequency.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Identification and States Estimation of Walker by Walking Image of Front View
Akio Nozawa; Tota Mizuno; Masafumi Uchida; Hisaya Tanaka; Hideto Ide
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,, 18巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 59-66, 出版日 2006年01月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - The single-trial analysis of P300 and the difference threshold of modulated vibration
Reiko Ohira; Masahumi Uchida; Akio Nozawa; Hideto Ide
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 126巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 478-483, 出版日 2006年, 査読付, This study reports the estimation of different-threshold (DT) when humans recognize various modulated vibrations using their tactile sensor. The modulated vibration consists of two frequency components. A psychological or the event related potential (ERP) measurement was used to estimate DT. ERP appears in an electro-encephalogram (EEG) when a human recognizes the information emitted by an external stimulus, and this study detects P300, which is a component of ERP. This paper proposes a single-trial analysis that uses the T-test, which deviates from the conventional method for detecting P300 called the averaged EEG method. Finally, the proposed method estimates DT. As a result, the effectiveness of the proposed method is assured by estimating DTs on five subjects.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Estimation of frequency differential Limen to modulated vibratory stimuli
Naoko Mori; Masafumi Uchida; Akio Nozawa; Hideto Ide
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 126巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 464-469, 出版日 2006年, 査読付, The purpose of this research is to clarify characteristics of the frequency differential Urnen to modulated vibratory stimuli. In this study, each frequency differential limen to 15 kinds of standard stimuli is determined by psychophysical measurement. In the measurement, comparison stimuli were introduced in all four directions of the standard stimulus, and the approximation model is generated based on the measured frequency differential limen. As a result, it was confirmed that the frequency differential limen increases with an increase in the frequency. In addition, the estimation of a frequency differential limen to an arbitrary standard stimulus in the frequency area was attempted for the approximation model.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Constant positional control by GA of an airship-type robot propelled by pectoral fin movement
Tadashi Goto; Masafumi Uchida
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 126巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 511-512, 出版日 2006年, 査読付, We report herein the constant positional control by GA of an airship-type robot propelled by pectoral fin movement.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - ERPを用いた変調振動刺激に対する弁別反応の効率的な評価
野澤昭雄; 森那緒子; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 井出英人
感性工学研究論文集 感性工学013, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 6巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 85-88, 出版日 2005年12月, 査読付, The purpose of this study is the development of the device which presents the information by modulated vibration on the tactile sense. However, there has been no study that tried to the evaluation of cognition to the modulated vibration on the tactile sense. In this paper, the effectivevaluation method of the vital reaction on the discrimination task of the modulated vibration stimuli was proposed, which based on both the Event Related Potential as a physiological index and psychophysical quantity. As a result, the proposed method was effective for quantitatively evaluation on discrimination of modulated vibration, and the efficiency of the evaluation work was improved approximately 50%.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 鼻部皮膚温度画像の局所フラクタル次元解析による主観的理解度の推定
野澤昭雄; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 井出英人
感性工学研究論文集 感性工学012, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 5巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 17-22, 出版日 2005年12月, 査読付, The purpose of this study is to estimate the information understanding level through the nasal skin thermal image which reflects the human emotion. The information understanding in communication is supposed to be concerned with the emotion. The local fractal dimension analysis was applied to the nasal skin thermal image. Based on the relationship among the local fractal dimension and the subjective understanding measured in English listening tests, the information understanding level has been estimated by the neural network. As a result, the estimated understanding level has been obviously classified in two groups according to the difficulty of the test.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 検定技法を用いたERPの単一試行解析と変調振動刺激の弁別評価
内田雅文; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
IEEJ Trans. EIS, 125巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 407-412, 出版日 2005年03月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Single Trial Analysis of ERP Using Test Technique and Difference Evaluation of Modulated Vibratory Stimuli
Masafumi Uchida; Akio Nozawa; Hideto Ide
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 125巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 407-412, 出版日 2005年, 査読付, The purpose of this study is to develop the tactile display which consists of a single vibrator by using the modulated vibration. To achieve this purpose, we must evaluate the stimulus difference of the tactile in the modulated vibratory stimuli. In this study, the stimulus difference has been estimated by detecting the P300 wave in the averaged waveform of the ERP. However, it is indispensable to evaluate the stimulus difference efficiently to make the differential limen in the frequency region to express the modulated vibration clear. In this paper, the single trial analysis on the ERP that the significant difference of the EEG before and after the stimulus presentation is evaluated by the test technique is proposed. © 2005, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - 味覚刺激に伴う快-不快情動によるおいしさの定量的評価
野澤昭雄; 内田雅文; 永峰康司; 井出英人
IEEJ Trans. EIS, 124巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 1795-1796, 出版日 2004年09月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 変調振動を用いた触覚ディスプレイの図形提示方法に関する基礎検討
毛塚修一; 野澤昭雄; 内田雅文; 井出英人
IEEJ Trans. EIS, 124巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 1916-1917, 出版日 2004年09月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Evaluation of Language Understanding by Local Fractal Dimension of Nasal Skin Thermogram
Akio Nozawa; Masafumi Uchida; Hisaya Tanaka; Hideto Ide
Conference Proc., 掲載ページ 3-2/837-842, 出版日 2004年07月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - Quantitative Evaluation of Deliciousness by Pleasant-Unpleasant Emotions on Gustatory Stimulus
Akio Nozawa; Koji Nagamine; Hideto Ide; Masafumi Uchida
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 124巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 1795-1796, 出版日 2004年, 査読付, Emergent emotions under gustatory stimuli was quantitatively evaluated with the facial skin thermogram. The nasal skin temperature was correlated with the subjective emotional status measured by the visual analogue scale. Transition to unpleasant status was inhibited with sweet gastatory stimulus. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - A Basic Study about Figure Presentation Method on Tactile Display Using the Modulated Vibration
Shuichi Kezuka; Akio Nozawa; Hideto Ide; Masafumi Uchida
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 124巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 1916-1917, 出版日 2004年, 査読付, The purpose of this study is presentation of the figure information in tactile sense using the modulated vibration which is generated from the high pass component fH(from 40Hz, to 1000Hz) and the low pass component fL(from 2Hz, to 40Hz). In this papar, we examined the discrimination of the modulated vibration which moved from base point to 8 kind of last point at the frequency area fH vs. fL. As a result, it is reported that we can find the most appropriate presentation method for this discrimination. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - Difference Evaluation to Modulated Vibration Stimuli by Using Single Trial Waveform of ERP
Uchida Masafumi; Akio Nozawa; Hideto Ide
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 124巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 73-78, 出版日 2004年, 査読付, In this study, we have proposed the technique that presents information to a tactile by using only one vibrator. The proposal of this study is a technique to present with multiplexing information by using modulated vibration. This modulated vibration consists with two frequency components. At this time, a certain modulated vibration is expressed as one point in the frequency region. As for achieving informational presentation which employed this region, we must make the differential limen characteristic in this region clear. In the previous report, we proposed the evaluation technique of the stimulus difference by using the ERP (event-related potential) which processed an average. However, there was a problem in the mesurement efficiency of the ERP to use an average waveform. In this paper, we propose the technique made to solve this problem. Our proposal is the technique which evaluates the stimulus difference by using the single trial waveform of the ERP. As a result of the experiment, we confirmed that it could get the evaluation which was equal to the psychophysical quantity by about 60% of the mesurement number of times at the case of the evaluation by using an average waveform of the ERP. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
研究論文(学術雑誌), 英語 - ERPの単一試行波形を用いた変調振動刺激に対する弁別評価
内田雅文; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
IEEJ Trans. EIS, 124-C巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 73-78, 出版日 2004年01月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - The Evaluation of Stimulus Differences for Information Presentation by Using Modulated Vibration
Masafumi UCHIDA; Akio NOZAWA; Hideto IDE
Conference Proc., 掲載ページ ICEE-060, 出版日 2003年07月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - 事象関連脳電位による変調振動刺激に対する認知評価
塩崎哲也; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌C, 電気学会, 122-C巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 1567-1572, 出版日 2002年09月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 単一のPZT振動子を用いた16種類の変調波振動による触覚ディスプレイ
内田雅文; 田中久弥; 井出英人; 横山修一
電気学会論文誌, 電気学会, 120-C巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 825-830, 出版日 2000年06月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - PZT振動子を用いた3次元位置情報呈示のための基礎特性
福田真樹; 内田雅文
電気学会論文誌, 119-C巻, 7号, 掲載ページ 915-916, 出版日 1999年07月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 筋電位を用いた手指動作ロボット
内田雅文; 井出英人; 横山修一
電気学会論文誌, 電気学会, 118-A巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 204-209, 出版日 1998年03月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 筋電位を用いた手指動作ロボット
和歌山大学システム情報学センター広報, 2巻, 掲載ページ 36-45, 出版日 1998年
研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要), 日本語 - 統計的手法による手話認識
山本洋介; 内田雅文; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 117-C巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 334-335, 出版日 1997年03月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - ライフゲイムを用いたロボットの協調行動
門馬亮夫; 内田雅文; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 117-C巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 336-337, 出版日 1997年03月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 動的環境における障害物領域予測法
内田雅文; 井出英人; 横山修一
電気学会論文誌, 電気学会, 117-C巻, 2号, 掲載ページ 198-204, 出版日 1997年02月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 顔面皮膚温による感情の評価
宮坂康敏; 内田雅文; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 117-C巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 101-102, 出版日 1997年01月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Tactile boardを用いた触覚刺激の誘発脳波の解析
井出英人; 内田雅文
青山インフォメーション・サイエンス, 青山学院大学, 24巻, 1号, 掲載ページ 3-10, 出版日 1996年
研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要), 日本語 - 指先の皮膚感覚の温度依存性とそのモデル
内田雅文; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 115-C巻, 10号, 掲載ページ 1128-1134, 出版日 1995年10月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 移動ロボットのための最短経路計画
電気学会論文誌, 115-C巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 1079-1085, 出版日 1995年09月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 利き手随意運動時における運動関連脳電位の特徴抽出
内田雅文; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 115-C巻, 8号, 掲載ページ 1014-1015, 出版日 1995年08月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - SPM法による経路計画と移動ロボットシステムへの応用
内田雅文; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 115-C巻, 6号, 掲載ページ 785-791, 出版日 1995年06月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 筋電によるロボットアームの制御
内田雅文; 井出英人; 横山修一
電気学会論文誌, 115-C巻, 3号, 掲載ページ 445-451, 出版日 1995年03月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Air-puffを用いた触覚刺激に伴う誘発脳波の解析
内田雅文; 松島昌輝; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 114-C巻, 11号, 掲載ページ 1328-1329, 出版日 1994年11月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - センサ・フュージョンを利用した視覚障害者のための文字認識訓練器
井出英人; 内田雅文; 横山修一
日本ロボット学会誌, 12巻, 5号, 掲載ページ 28-32, 出版日 1994年10月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - 手形状の認識と手話への応用
内田雅文; 石川潔; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 114-C巻, 10号, 掲載ページ 995-1000, 出版日 1994年10月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Fluency理論の事象関連電位解析への応用
枝元祐介; 内田雅文; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 114-C巻, 10号, 掲載ページ 1056-1057, 出版日 1994年10月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using Sensory Point Moving Method
Masafumi Uchida; Syuichi Yokoyama; Hideto Ide
2nd Asian Conference on Robotics and Its Application, 掲載ページ 548-553, 出版日 1994年10月
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - 自律型ロボットのためのSPM法による経路計画
内田雅文; 井出英人
電気学会論文誌, 114-C巻, 9号, 掲載ページ 964-965, 出版日 1994年09月, 査読付
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語 - 2次元動作解析によるゴルフスイングの測定
井出英人; 内田雅文
青山学院大学「論集」, 35巻, 35号, 掲載ページ 177-185, 出版日 1994年
研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要), 日本語 - 障害物回避問題におけるポテンシャル場の自律生成
横山修一; 内田雅文; 福島慶; 柿沼敏雄
日本ロボット学会誌, 10巻, 4号, 掲載ページ 510-519, 出版日 1992年08月, 査読付
研究論文(学術雑誌), 日本語 - Study of Avoiding Obstacles by Neural Networks
Syuichi Yokoyama; Kei Fukushima; Masafumi Uchida
1992 IEEE Int. Conf. Intelligent Control and Instrumentation, 412巻, 掲載ページ 412-417, 出版日 1992年02月
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 英語
- 触刺激に伴う身体動揺における空間的パターンの効果に関する研究 (MEとバイオサイバネティックス)
長谷川 諒; 水野 統太; 内田 雅文
日常生活において姿勢制御の果たす役割は大きく,姿勢制御機構に問題が生じた場合の補助は必要不可欠である.そこで,振動触覚刺激を用いて所望の方向へ身体を動揺させる方法について検討した.本研究では,被験者の腹部と背部に8個ずつ取り付けた振動子間にそれぞれの部位内及び部位間で時間差を与え,時間的空間的なパターンを作成する.体幹部に作成した触刺激を提示した際に生じる身体動揺をハイスピードカメラ,重心動揺計,加速度センサにより計測することで,それぞれのパターンが持つ効果について考察する., 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会, 出版日 2014年06月13日, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 114巻, 79号, 掲載ページ 27-32, 日本語, 0913-5685, 110009925332, AN1001320X - リズム知覚特性に基づく運筆制御
齊藤 和哉; 内田 雅文; 野澤 昭雄
電気学会, 出版日 2011年03月08日, 電気学会研究会資料. IIC, 産業計測制御研究会, 2011巻, 72号, 掲載ページ 17-20, 日本語, 10027976856, AN10074226 - 振動刺激によるナビゲーション情報の認知評価—Evaluation of cognition of navigated information evoked vibratory stimulus—MEとバイオサイバネティックス
水野 統太; 内田 雅文; 井出 英人
東京 : 電子情報通信学会, 出版日 2007年03月16日, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 106巻, 592号, 掲載ページ 41-44, 日本語, 0913-5685, 110006248385, AA1123312X - ERPの単一試行波形を用いた変調振動の弁別評価における一考察
森 那緒子; 内田 雅文; 野澤 昭雄; 井出 英人
出版日 2002年12月13日, 電気学会研究会資料. IM, 計測研究会, 2002巻, 78号, 掲載ページ 19-22, 日本語, 10024606977, AN00346727 - 動的環境における障害物領域予想法
横山 修一; 著者; 内田雅文; 井出英人; 横山修一
出版日 1997年, 電気学会論文誌, Vol.117-C巻, No.2号, 掲載ページ 192-197 - センサ・フュージョンを利用した視覚障害者のための文字認識訓練器
横山 修一; 著者; 井出英人; 内田雅文; 横山修一
In this investigation, we studied the utilty of electric or mechanical stimuli as visual substitutes. We used mechanical and electric stimuli to present characters and colors respectively. For the reduction of learning time and the increase of recognition rate, we devised an apparatus which is connected to a microcomputer and can present Japanese sentences, including Chinese characters, with a 10 × 10 array of 100 vibrators.Color recognition is achieved by using electrical stimuli. Electric stimuli were given with two Ag-AgCl electrodes attached to the root of middle finger. Long pulse (feels warm) stands for red, short pulse (feels cold) stands for blue and a sequence of 10 pulses per second (feels like twitter) stands for green. The current value was 200 μA.
In this investigation, we examined 25 subjects. The recognition rate was 100% for most three color (red, blue and green) ., The Robotics Society of Japan, 出版日 1992年, 日本ロボット学会誌, 12巻, 5号, 掲載ページ 672-676, 日本語, 0289-1824, 10006916705, AN00141189
- A Study on Acceleration Measurement of Upper Limb Tremor
ポスター発表, 英語, The ICEE Conference 2024, 査読付
発表日 2024年07月01日
開催期間 2024年06月30日- 2024年07月04日 - The Relationship between the Vibration of Apparent Motion in the Neck and Center of Pressure
Keisuke SAKUMA; Masafumi UCHIDA
ポスター発表, 英語, The ICEE Conference 2024, 査読付
発表日 2024年07月01日
開催期間 2024年06月30日- 2024年07月04日 - ピックアンドプレース動作の習熟度評価に関する一考察
赤嶺 理久; 内田 雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会、計測/知覚情報合同研究会
発表日 2023年12月08日
開催期間 2023年12月07日- 2023年12月08日 - バルーンロボットにおける関節部保護のためのトルク推定
石飛喬将; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会研究会資料(計測/知覚情報合同研究会), 電気学会, 国内会議
発表日 2021年12月16日 - 触刺激の歩容へ及ぼす影響に関する実験的検討
栗原 勇樹; 小牧 絢航; 内田 雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, IEEE主催2018年度第2回学生研究発表会, IEEE IM Society, Tokyo/Japan, 香川県, 国内会議
発表日 2018年12月20日 - バルーンロボットにおける関節部保護のためのトルク推定
石飛喬将; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会研究会資料、産業計測制御研究会, 電気学会, 大阪府・近畿大学, 国内会議
発表日 2018年07月05日 - 運筆動作におけるゆらぎに関する一考察
新井健; 熊谷亮; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会研究会資料、産業計測制御研究会, 電気学会, 大阪府・近畿大学, 国内会議
発表日 2018年07月05日 - スマートフォンを用いた歩行時のゆらぎ計測
新井健; 熊谷亮; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会研究会資料、計測研究会, 電気学会, 宮城県仙台市・東北大学, 国内会議
発表日 2017年12月22日 - 魚型バルーンロボットの胸鰭機構における推進特性の計測
宮前 宏樹; 内田 雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, IEEE主催2017年度第2回学生研究発表会, IEEE IM Society, 宮城県, 国内会議
発表日 2017年12月21日 - DFAを用いた反復的運筆動作のゆらぎ解析
熊谷亮; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会研究会資料、計測研究会, 電気学会, 広島県福山市・福山大学, 国内会議
発表日 2016年12月21日 - 振動刺激に伴う身体動揺の混合正規分布モデルによる特徴抽出
大豆生田卓也; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会研究会資料、計測研究会, 電気学会, 東京都, 国内会議
発表日 2016年10月14日 - 触刺激に伴う身体動揺の混合正規分布モデルに基づく時系列解析
寺田雅貴; 長谷川諒; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会研究会資料、産業計測制御研究会, 電気学会, 兵庫県, 国内会議
発表日 2016年06月23日 - 運筆作業を用いた精神的ストレスの評価
熊谷亮; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 信学技報 MBE2015-126, 電子情報通信学会, 東京都, 国内会議
発表日 2016年03月23日 - 体幹断面に直交座標系を定めた触覚ディスプレイ
寺田雅貴; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 信学技報 MBE2015-126, 電子情報通信学会, 東京都, 国内会議
発表日 2016年03月23日 - 心拍音傾聴時における聴覚刺激周期と精神的ストレスに関する一考察
三和正幸; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 信学技報 MBE2015-126, 電子情報通信学会, 東京都, 国内会議
発表日 2016年03月23日 - 振動刺激を用いた物体形状提示システム
寺田雅貴; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, IEEE主催2015年度第2回学生研究発表会, IEEE IM Society, 千葉県, 国内会議
発表日 2015年12月24日 - 拍動間隔の異なる心拍音傾聴時のストレス評価
三和正幸; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, IEEE主催2015年度第2回学生研究発表会, IEEE IM Society, 千葉県, 国内会議
発表日 2015年12月24日 - 運筆作業における精神作業負荷評価の試み
熊谷亮; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, IEEE主催2015年度第2回学生研究発表会, IEEE IM Society, 千葉県, 国内会議
発表日 2015年12月24日 - 振動刺激が身体動揺に及ぼす影響に関する一考察
大豆生田卓也; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 平成27年電気学会産業応用部門大会シンポジウム「診断・監視と周辺技術」, 電気学会, 大分県, 国内会議
発表日 2015年09月04日 - 触刺激に伴う身体動揺における空間的パターンの効果に関する研究
長谷川諒; 水野統太; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 信学技報 MBE2014-18, 電子情報通信学会, 北海道, 国内会議
発表日 2014年06月13日 - 反復的な手書き随意運動の動態解析
大島佑貴; 野澤昭雄; 水野統太; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2013年11月22日 - 反復的随意運動の動態特性と精神的ストレスに関する一考察
松谷麻美; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2012年12月 - 事象関連脳電位のSVM解析による嗜好評価
渥美広子; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2012年12月 - 多層ニューラルネットワークを用いた鼻部皮膚温の解析
村田忠之; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2012年11月 - 生体計測技術で、ヒトの暮らしを快適にする
その他, 日本語, 日本弁理士会関東支部研修会, 日本弁理士会関東支部
発表日 2012年10月 - ERPを用いたSVMによる触刺激の嗜好推定
渥美広子; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,産業計測制御研究会
発表日 2012年03月 - 体幹を貫く触覚仮現運動の知覚特性
鈴木潤也; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,産業計測制御研究会
発表日 2012年03月 - 研究紹介:生体計測技術でヒトの暮らしを快適にする
その他, 日本語, 第8回シンポジウム ナノ未来材料とコヒーレント光科学, 電気通信大学・東京農工大学
発表日 2011年12月 - 多層ニューラルネットワーク解析を用いた鼻部皮膚温の特徴抽出
大坪正; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,平成23年度電気学会産業応用部門大会
発表日 2011年09月 - リズム知覚に基づく運筆制御
齋藤和哉; 内田雅文; 野澤昭雄
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,産業計測制御研究会
発表日 2011年03月 - 事象関連脳電位を用いた触刺激の嗜好推定
渥美広子; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2010年12月 - 振動モータを用いた振動刺激生成システム
鈴木潤也; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2010年12月 - 視覚的驚愕刺激に対するヒト末梢血管抵抗の特徴抽出
大坪正; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2010年08月 - 仮現運動認知による身体動揺の相互情報量解析
茂木兼一; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, BPES 2010 第25回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集
発表日 2010年08月 - 触刺激に起因した手書き文字変形の計測
大坪正; 朴永鎰; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2009年12月 - 触覚の仮現運動認知に伴う身体動揺の計測
茂木兼一; 朴永鎰; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2009年12月 - 随意運動に伴う生体情報の統合的観測システム
齋藤和哉; 内田雅文; 小高和己
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2008年12月 - 風速トランスミッタを用いた飛行船型ロボットの推進性能の計測
佐藤邦彦; 内田雅文; 小野垣仁
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2008年12月 - 驚愕刺激による手書き文字の変形の定量的評価
陳宏; 内田雅文; 小高和己; 木村義政
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2007年12月 - 仮現運動に伴うEMGの特徴抽出
川原幸司; 朴永鎰; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2007年12月 - ERP計測を用いた振動刺激弁別の推定
西村憲人; 朴永鎰; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2007年12月 - 電気刺激による触覚情報の判別特性
朴永鎰; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2007年12月 - 電気刺激で構成された触刺激情報の判別特性
朴永鎰; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2007年09月 - 振動刺激によるナビゲーション情報の認知評価
水野統太; 内田雅文; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, IEICE Technical Report
発表日 2007年03月 - 触刺激を用いた個人識別システム
朴永鎰; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2006年10月 - 2点刺激に対するERPの多チャンネル解析
後藤智次; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2006年10月 - 表面筋電位多チャンネル計測による手書き文字の変形解析
西澤光之; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2006年10月 - Q学習を用いたReconfigurable Robotの身体性最適化に関する研究
末永知明; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本ロボット学会,第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会
発表日 2006年09月 - 触覚の仮現運動認知に関する光トポグラフィ法による評価
上田真太郎; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電子情報通信学会,MEとバイオサイバネティックス研究会
発表日 2006年01月 - 変調振動触覚ディスプレイの図形識別に関する学習・忘却特性
野口敦史; 毛塚修一; 野澤昭雄; 内田雅文; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2005年12月 - 2点刺激に伴うERPの単一試行解析
大平麗子; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2005年12月 - 文字手書き過程の統合的な計測システム
西澤光之; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,計測研究会
発表日 2005年12月 - 触覚の変調振動弁別に関する一考察
大平麗子; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電子情報通信学会,MEとバイオサイバネティックス研究会
発表日 2005年11月 - Phantom Sensationと仮現運動による触覚ディスプレイ
上田真太郎; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2005年10月 - 変調振動を用いた触覚ディスプレイ
上田真太郎; 内田雅文
シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(公募), 日本語, 日本生体医工学会誌"生体医工学"
発表日 2005年04月 - 顔面熱画像によるドライバーの覚醒水準評定の試み
田中久弥; 坂本涼; 三澤裕樹; 野澤昭雄; 内田雅文; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電子情報通信学会,Technical report of IEICE
発表日 2005年03月 - 飛行船型魚ロボットの胸びれ運動制御
後藤正志; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2004年12月 - 飛行船型魚ロボットの推進性能向上に関する一考察
朴永鎰; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2004年12月 - Reconfigurable Robotのためのモジュール間接続に関する基礎特性
末永知明; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2004年12月 - 心理物理計測による変調振動の弁別閾推定方法
森那緒子; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本エム・イー学会,生体医工学シンポジウム2004
発表日 2004年09月 - 単一試行解析によるP300の解析法と変調振動刺激に対するヒト触覚の周波数弁別閾の推定
大平麗子; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本エム・イー学会,生体医工学シンポジウム2004
発表日 2004年09月 - 提示時間が異なる機械的振動刺激の弁別の生理的評価法
田中久弥; 内田雅文; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 日本感性工学会,第6回日本感性工学会大会
発表日 2004年09月 - 事象関連脳電位に基づく変調振動刺激の弁別閾特性
堀田憲久; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,平成16年電子・情報・システム部門大会
発表日 2004年09月 - Phantom sensationと仮現運動を併用した触覚ディスプレイ
上田真一郎; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,Proceedings of 2004 Annual Conference of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan
発表日 2004年08月 - 動的制御を用いた2足歩行ロボットのための歩行計測
大谷仁; 横山修一; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2003年12月 - 心理物理計測による変調振動の周波数弁別閾推定
森那緒子; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2003年12月 - ERPを用いた変調振動の周波数弁別閾推定に関する一考察
大平麗子; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2003年12月 - 変調振動を用いた触覚ディスプレイの図形情報呈示に関する一考察
毛塚修一; 野澤昭雄; 内田雅文; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2003年12月 - 仮現運動を利用した触覚ディスプレイのための基礎特性
上田真太郎; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2003年12月 - 振動刺激における刺激呈示時間弁別特性
塩崎哲也; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2003年07月 - 2足歩行ロボット制御のための歩行計測
大谷仁; 横山修一; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会,研究会資料「計測研究会」
発表日 2003年07月 - 変調振動刺激に対する触性認知特性のERP計測
塩崎哲也; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第24回事象関連電位(ERP)研究会プログラム・抄録
発表日 2003年02月 - Qualitative Evaluation of the Tactile Sense by ERP
Tetsuya Shiozaki; Hisaya Tanaka; Akio Nozawa; Hideto Ide; Masafumi Uchida
その他, 英語, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.
発表日 2003年01月 - ERPの単一試行解析を用いた変調振動の弁別評価における一考察
森那緒子; 内田雅文; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 2002年12月 - 心理物理計測における順位法を用いた変調振動の周波数弁別閾特性
永峰康司; 内田雅文; 野澤昭雄; 田中久弥; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 2002年12月 - 変調振動における刺激呈示時間の弁別特性
塩崎哲也; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 2002年10月 - 単一試行解析による触性弁別の認知評価
森那緒子; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 2002年10月 - 倒立振子規範を用いた二足歩行ロボットの開発に関する一考察
大谷仁; 三友昌弘; 横山修一; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 平成14年電気学会産業応用部門大会
発表日 2002年08月 - 事象関連脳電位を用いた触性認知に関する定量評価法
塩崎哲也; 内田雅文; 野澤昭雄; 田中久弥; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 2002年07月 - ERPによる変調振動の触性弁別の定量評価と心理物理実験との比較考察
塩崎哲也; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 平成14年電気学会全国大会論文集
発表日 2002年03月 - Qualitative Evalution by ERP for Vibration Discrimination
Tetsuya Shiozaki; Hisaya Tanaka; Akio Nozawa; Hideto Ide; Masafumi Uchida
その他, 英語, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.
発表日 2002年03月 - 事象関連脳電位によるヒトの振動弁別の定量評価法
塩崎哲也; 内田雅文; 田中久弥; 野澤昭雄; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 2001年12月 - 変調波振動による情報提示のための基礎特性
内田雅文; 田中久弥; 井出英人; 横山修一
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 平成13年電気学会全国大会論文集
発表日 2001年03月 - 触刺激素子1素子による情報呈示装置
内田雅文; 田中久弥; 井出英人; 横山修一
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 1999年09月 - 歩行補助器における位置情報呈示のための触覚の基礎特性
内田雅文; 田中久弥; 井出英人
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 1999年08月 - 触覚による3次元位置情報の呈示様式の検討
福田真樹; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 1998年09月 - 指連続動作に伴う皮膚表面筋電位の特徴抽出
内田雅文; 井出英人; 横山修一
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集
発表日 1998年09月 - 超音波センサを用いた視覚支援システム
福田真樹; 内田雅文
口頭発表(一般), 日本語, 電気学会計測研究会資料
発表日 1998年05月
- 身体運動における「間[ma]」の構造化による運動学習支援技術の研究
内田 雅文
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(C), 22K12310
研究期間 2022年04月01日 - 2025年03月31日 - 身体動作の運動学習過程における学習進展の可視化技術の研究
研究期間 2017年04月01日 - 2021年03月31日 - 魚型バルーンロボットによる空間演出技術の研究
JST, 平成28年度マッチングプランナープログラム「企業ニーズ解決試験」, 魚型バルーンロボットは軽量な内骨格構造に柔軟なバルーンを装着し、プロペラ・回転系推進駆動に頼らず、小さな振動系推進駆動で空中を遊泳・回遊する巨大魚の動きを模したバルーンロボットであり、安全・安心が配慮されたシステムを採用する。屋内イベント会場等の上空において、空中を水族館に見立て、FBR複数体を同時に魚らしく自動遊泳・回遊させることによって空間演出するシステムを開発する。本研究開発課題では、それを実現するために、当該ロボット1体をPC制御された空間において自動遊泳させ、指定された演出プログラムに従う回遊動作によって空間演出し、回遊を終了後、所定の場所に着陸する制御機構の研究開発を実施する。
研究期間 2016年06月01日 - 2017年03月31日 - 触覚仮現運動を利用した触覚ディスプレイによる身体誘導の研究
研究期間 2013年 - 2016年