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- Profile:
Passive circuit for millimeter wave communication system
Aperture antenna for micrwave communication system
Antennas for mobile communication base station and vehicular station
Mobile Comunication system
Indoor positioning
Human interface
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Field Of Study
Educational Background
Research Activity Information
- Radiation Distribution Measurements in Fukushima Prefecture
Nobuo Nakajima
IEICE TRANS. COMMUN.,VOL.E97-B, No.9, Sept. 2014, 電子情報通信学会, E97-B, 9, 2014, Peer-reviwed, Invited, 東日本大震災において原発から放出された放射線物質の強度を測定するために定点および移動型観測装置を試作・設置した。装置の構成と測定結果について述べている。
Scientific journal, English - Reliable Wristwatch-Type Pulse Sensor which Excludes Noise Caused by the Movement of Human Body
Toshinori Kagawa; Nobuo Nakajima
IEICE, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J96-D, 3, 743-752, Mar. 2013, Peer-reviwed, 健康状態のモニタリングとして脈波計測は広く行われており,在宅医療向け等に脈波や脈拍を計測するウェアラブル機器が種々開発されている.しかし,使用者に装着のストレスを感じさせずに安定して脈波計測することはいまだ困難である.そこで本研究では装着時違和感のない腕時計型の光電脈波センサにおいて,高感度化,並びに体動(歩行動作・キーボード操作などの生活行動)に起因したノイズによる測定誤差を除去する手法の検討を行った.体動の影響に対しては,検出された脈波スペクトル振幅の平均値をもとにノイズの発生を検出してその時間の測定値を除くことにより,計測精度の低下を防ぐアルゴリズムを考案した.また,複数の光電脈波センサをアレー状に配置して最も脈波検出出力が高いセンサを選択することで,検出感度を向上させ,安定な脈波検出を可能にした.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Robust Wrist-Type Multiple Photo-Interrupter Pulse Sensor
Toshinori Kagawa; Nobuo Nakajima
1, 1, Jun. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Performance Analysis on Base Station Cooperation in Multiantenna Cellular System
T. taniguchi; Y. Karasawa; N. Natajima
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E94-A, 11, 2254-2262, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - ユビキタスネットワークにおける位置依存サービスのための高精度位置推定システムの提案と検証
服部 聖彦; 中村恭平; 中嶋信生; 藤井哲也; 門洋一; 張兵; 高玉圭樹
電子情報通信学会論文誌B, J94-B, 10, 1341-1350, Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Improvement of the Hybrid Location Estimation System Using 2D Marker and WiFi –How to Decide the Radio Strength of Virtual Base Station-
K.Hattori; K. Nakamura; N.Nakajima; T. Fujii; Y. Kado; Z. Bing; K. Takadama
Proc. of IPIN2011, 2, 1, Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Accurate Spot Positioning Technology for Indoor Hybrid Navigation
N. Nakajima; T. Hazukawa; K. Nishida; K. Hattori
Proc. of IPIN2011, 2, 1, Sep. 2011, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Simple Design Method of MIMO Multiuser Downlink System Based on Block-Diagonalization
T. taniguchi; Y. Karasawa; N. Natajima
International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications, 1, 1, 223-235, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Wideband low-profile printed inverted-L antenna in mobile phones for portable terminals
W.Ni; N.Nakajima
IEICE Trans. Communications, E93-B, 9, 2451-2454, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Proposal of highly accurate position estimation system using movement history of wireless terminals and wireless communications
K.Hattori; N.Nakajima; K.Takadama
SICE Annual Conference 2010, 2783-2787, Aug. 2010
International conference proceedings, English - Learning Multiple Band-Pass Filters for Sleep Stage Estimation: Towards Care Support for Aged Persons
Keiki Takadama; Kazuyuki Hirose; Hiroyasu Matsushima; Kiyohiko Hattori; Nobuo Nakajima
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E93B, 4, 811-818, Apr. 2010, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes the sleep stage estimation method that can provide an a;:curate estimation tiff each person without connecting any devices to human's body In particular, our method learns the appropriate multiple band-pass filters to extract the specific wave pattern of heartbeat. which Is required to estimate the sleep stage For an accurate estimation. this paper employs Learning Classifier System (LCS) as the data-mining techniques and extends it to estimate the sleep maize Extensive experiments on five subjects in mixed health confirm the following implications (1) the proposed method can provide more accurate sleep Stage estimation than the conventional method. and (2) the sleep sine estimation calculated by the proposed method is robust regardless of the physical condition of the subject
Scientific journal, English - Experimental study on the capacity of compact MIMO antennas for portable terminals
W. Ni; N. Nakajima
Wireless Personal Communications, 1, 1, 1, 2010, Peer-reviwed
W. Ni; N. Nakajima; S. Zhang
JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS, VSP BV, 24, 7, 921-930, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, a broadband compact folded monopole antenna is proposed for mobile applications. The antenna is a simple structure of a folded rectangular patch with a slit, which occupies only a small space of 7 x 12 x 4 mm(3) (0.054 lambda(L) x 0.092 lambda(L) x 0.031 lambda(L) at lower frequency edge of 2.3 GHz) on the top of no-ground portion of the substrate. The proposed antenna achieves a 10-dB impedance bandwidth of 49.2% ranging from 2.3 GHz to 3.8 GHz, which can cover the 2.4 GHz WLAN (2.4-2.4835 GHz) and WiMAX (2.3-2.4/2.495-2.69/3.4-3.6 GHz) operational bands. The low profile structure and broadband operation make the antenna a promising candidate for applications in mobile phones.
Scientific journal, English - Small printed inverted-L monopole antenna for WiMAX wideband operation
W. Ni; N. Nakajima
IET Microwaves, X, X, X, 2010, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Compact and high performance MIMO ceramic antenna for portable terminals
W. Ni; N. Nakajima
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 23, 10, 1345–1355, Oct. 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Inter-Channel Cancellation in Wireless Mesh Network
Wadhah H.Al-Mandhari; Nobuo Nakajima
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS, 8, 8, 765-774, Aug. 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 不審行動検知による万引き防止の一提案
大野宏; 中嶋信生; 佐藤洋一; 小林貴訓; 杉村大輔; 加納梢
日本セキュリティマネジメント学会誌, 23, May 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Performance Enhancement with Active Route Time-Out parameter
Wadhah H.Al-Mandhari; Koichi Gyoda; Nobuo Nakajima
Scientific journal, English - 不審行動検知による犯罪抑止の検討――万引きの分析と防止策――
大野宏; 中嶋信生; 加納梢
日本セキュリティマネジメント学会誌, 日本セキュリティ・マネジメント学会, 22, 2, 3-15, Sep. 2008, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Cellular / Wireless LAN Repeater System by Wireless Optical Link with Optical Power Supply
N. Nakajima; N. Yokota
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS, 7, 8, 882-891, Aug. 2008, Peer-reviwed
Nobuo Nakajima
ISMICT'07, TS-9, Dec. 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - The Correlation of Diversity/MIMO Antenna for Portable Terminals
W. Yadum; N.Nakajima
WCMC, 7, 8, 995-1002, Oct. 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Optical Technologies for Future Mobile Communications
Nobuo Nakajima
AICT07, Sep. 2007
International conference proceedings, English - Cross Polarized MIMO Antenna Performance with Phantom
W. Yadum; N.Nakajima
WSEAS Trans. On Communications, 6, 1, 66-72, Jan. 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Research and developments of software-defined radio technologies in Japan
N Nakajima; R Kohno; S Kubota
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 39, 8, 146-155, Aug. 2001, Peer-reviwed, Software-defined radio technologies are attractive for future mobile communication systems because of reconfigurable and multimode operation capabilities. The reconfigurable feature is useful for enhancing functions of equipment without replacing hardware. Multimode operation is essential for future wireless terminals because a number of wireless communication standards will still coexist. Recently, research efforts on SDR have become very active in Japan, and various kinds of SDR prototypes have been developed. This article introduces the trends of Japanese wireless communication systems and the role of SDR technologies for the future wireless systems. R&D activities for the SDR in the field of academia and industry are also presented including examples of SDR prototypes.
Scientific journal, English - Future Mobile Communicatons in Japan
Wireless and Personal Communications, 17, 2-3, 209-224, Jun. 2001, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Adaptive Array Antenna for Mobile Communications
中嶋 信生
The Institute of Elecronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J84-B, 4, 666-679, Apr. 2001, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 「広帯域DS-CDMA移動通信方式の下り回線に瞬時SIRを一定とする送信電力制御を適用した場合のシステム容量と所要送信電力の解析-制御チャネルと通信チャネルを同時に考慮した場合-」
藤井 輝也; 今井 哲朗; 中嶋 信生
The Institute of Elecronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J84-B, 2, 188-204, Feb. 2001, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Development for 4th generation mobile communications
Nobuo Nakajima; Yasushi Yamao
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 1, 1, 3-12, Jan. 2001, Peer-reviwed, The great success of the i-mode service shows that data communication services are becoming accepted in the mobile communication world. Multimedia mobile communication services will be provided by 3rd generation IMT-2000 systems next year in Japan. Thus, the time has come to begin the research and development for 4th generation (4G) mobile communication systems. There exist many difficult issues for 4G systems, such as frequency resources, additional investment, higher speed wireless transmission technology and so on. Furthermore, a new concept must be discussed for 4G before solving these issues. This paper briefly presents current conditions of cellular systems and the development of IMT-2000 in Japan. The concept and problems of the 4G system are then described along with new technologies that will be useful in solving technical problems. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.
Scientific journal, English - The future generations of mobile communications based on broadband access technologies
S Ohmori; Y Yamao; N Nakajima
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 38, 12, 134-142, Dec. 2000, The forthcoming mobile communication systems are expected to provide a wide variety of services, from high-quality voice to high-definition videos, through high-data-rate wireless channels anywhere in the world. The high data rate requires broad frequency bands, and sufficient broadband can be achieved in higher frequency bands such as microwave, Ka-band, and millimeter-wave. Broadband wireless channels have to be connected to broadband fixed networks such as the Internet and local area networks. The future-generation systems will include not only cellular phones, but also many new types of communication systems such as broadband wireless access systems, millimeter-wave LANs, intelligent transport systems, and high altitude stratospheric platform station systems. Key to the future generations of mobile communications are multimedia communications, wireless access to broad-band fixed networks, and seamless roaming among different systems. This article discusses future-generation mobile communication systems.
Scientific journal, English - 「第4世代移動通信の展望 -無線システムを中心とした技術課題について-」
山尾,梅田; 大津,中嶋
信学論B, J83-B, 10, 1364-1373, Oct. 2000
Japanese - Challenges of Wireless Communications
F.Adachi; N.Nakajima
IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics Communiations, E83-A, 7, 1300-1307, Jul. 2000
English - "Beyond IMT-2000 to the fourth-generation mobile communications system"
APT (Tokyo), Jan. 2000
English - "Operators' Views on the Evolution of Wireless Communications"
Motorola Standardization Meeting (Chicago), Dec. 1999
English - "Expectations for future mobile communication systems"
MWE'99 (Tokyo), Dec. 1999
English - "The Market, NTT DoCoMo and the Future"
Ericsson VIP meeting (Tokyo), Sep. 1999
English - "R&D for Mobile Multimedia Communications after 2000"
NTT Seminar ( Washington), Jan. 1999
English - "NTT DoCoMo's R&D and Standardization Activities toward IMT-2000"
ICUPC'98 (Italy), Oct. 1998
English - "Mobile Communiation Trend Toward 21st Century"
ICCT (China), Oct. 1998
Books and other publications
- IC Guide Book 未来を創る半導体!
Nobuo Nakajima e
Japanese, Joint work, 2.2.2 ウェアラブルインタフェース, JEITA, Mar. 2012 - Towards Green ICT
R.Prasad; S.Ohmori; D. Simunic; N.Nakajima
English, Joint work, River Publisher, Jun. 2010 - 携帯電話はなぜつながるのか
中嶋信生; 有田武美; 樋口健一
Japanese, Joint work, 第1章 携帯電話とはなんだろう 第2章 携帯電話端末と無線基地局を無線でつなぐ 第4章 電波で高速にデータを送る, 日経BP社, Jul. 2007 - 新世代ワイヤレス技術
Nobuo Nakajima
Japanese, Editor, 丸善, Mar. 2004 - モバイル・グローバル通信
Mitsutoshi Hatori; Takeshi Hattori; Nobuo Nakajima
Japanese, Editor, コロナ社, Jun. 2001
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Pedestrian Positioning System Using Ultrasound Stride Detection
Nobuo Nakajima
Oral presentation, Japanese, 測位航法学会全国大会, 測位航法学会, 東京海洋大学, 超音波距離検出による高精度歩測装置とジャイロ、DGPSを組み合わせた高精度な歩行者測位装置の試作と実験結果について述べている。, Domestic conference
28 Apr. 2016 - Autonomous Pedestrian Positioning Using Ultrasound Sensor for Stride Measurement
Nobuo Nakajima
Oral presentation, English, IPIN2015, IPIN2015 Committee, Banff, Canada, 高精度歩行者測位について発表, International conference
13 Oct. 2015 - High-Accuracy Stride Estimation Using Ultrasound Sensors with a Correlation Coefficient
Nobuo Nakajima; Kiyohiko Hattori
Oral presentation, English, IPIN, IPIN, バンフ、カナダ, 歩行者測位のための超音波距離検出技術を適用した高精度な歩測装置とそれを用いた測位実験結果について述べている。, International conference
Oct. 2015 - Wireless Radiation Sensor Network for Fukushima
Nobuo Nakajima
Invited oral presentation, English, APCC2013, Invited, APCC, Indonesia, 福島県川内村において、原発から放出された放射能の測定を定点観測、移動観測した結果について述べた。, International conference
2013 - アンテナ指向性を利用した高精度スポット測位の検討、H24総全大, B-19-5
日浦拓哉; 中嶋信生
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合全国大会
Mar. 2012 - ZigBee による広域・高信頼センサーネットワークシステムの検討
小林 翔; 中嶋信生
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合全国大会
Mar. 2012 - アンテナ指向性を利用した高精度スポット測位の研究
日浦拓哉; 中嶋信生
Oral presentation, Japanese, 測位航法学会,GPS/GNSSシンポジウム
Oct. 2011 - 加速度脈波特徴量および時間情報を利用した加圧カフを用いない血圧計測の検討
加川; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,ソサエティ大会
Sep. 2011 - Efficient Indoor Multi-hop Network Repeater Layout Design
N.Nakajima; Sunil Thapa Magar
Oral presentation, Japanese, IEICE
Jun. 2011 - 短距離無線通信方式の応用に関する一考察
中嶋 信生
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 短距離無線通信研究会, 電子情報通信学会
Jun. 2011 - 透過型HMDを用いたテレイグジスタンスインタフェースの検討
M. Yahagi; T. Mori; N. Nakajima
Oral presentation, Japanese, IEICE
May 2011 - A Study on the Radio on Indoor Free Space Optical Network
三島英章; 中嶋信生
Oral presentation, Japanese, IEICE
Apr. 2011 - 歩行者用自律航法のための高精度絶対方位取得法の一考察
西田佳史; 中嶋信生
Oral presentation, Japanese, 測位航法学会,GPS/GNSSシンポジウム
2011 - Compact MIMO Antennas and their Performances
Invited oral presentation, English, Sino-Japan Future Mobile Communication Technologies Workshop, China, International conference
Aug. 2010 - 赤外線による人体検出無線ネットワークの検討
程; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H22総全大
Mar. 2010 - 五指によるウェアラブル型簡易かな入力デバイス
松本; 服部; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H22総全大
Mar. 2010 - 無線タグによる入退室検出の一検討
工藤; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H22総全大
Mar. 2010 - 歩行者用自律航法のための高精度絶対方位取得法の研究
西田; 中嶋; 服部
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H22ソ 大
2010 - 2次元マーカを利用した仮想基地局と無線電波強度を併用した高 精度屋内測位手法の提案と評価
中村; 服部; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H22ソ大
2010 - ナビゲーションに特化した簡易表示メガネ形インタフェースの検 討
斉藤; 服部; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H22ソ大
2010 - アレーアンテナの指向性制御を利用した屋内位置検出の高精度 化
羽津川; 服部; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H21ソ大
Sep. 2009 - 到来波位相に基づく方位・距離推定法の検討
成相; 服部; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H21ソ大
Sep. 2009 - 簡易メガネ形インタフェース最適化の検討
斉藤; 服部; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H21ソ大
Sep. 2009 - 五指によるウェアラブル型簡易入力デバイスの開発
松本; 服部; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H21ソ大
Sep. 2009 - アドホック通信と2次元マーカを併用した屋内測位手法の提案と 評価
木村; 服部; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,H21ソ大
Sep. 2009 - 切替型フィーダ線着脱可能カプラの検討
遠藤; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合全国大会
Mar. 2008 - 赤外センサアレーによる人の行動検出システム
加納; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合全国大会
Mar. 2008 - Experiments on Performance of Compact MIMO Antennas
Wei Ni; Y. Wannipa; N. Nakajima
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合全国大会
Mar. 2008 - マンナビゲーションに向けた歩行距離推定法の検討
高塚; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合全国大会
Mar. 2008 - RFIDタグのATSへの応用
進藤; 佐々木; 市川; 杉本; 見目; 鈴木; 中嶋
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気学会第14回鉄道技術連合シンポジウム(J-RAIL),J-RAIL
Dec. 2007 - 近距離無線方式の屋内ネットワーク・測位応用
中嶋 信生
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, アドホックネットワーク研究会, 電子情報通信学会
Oct. 2007 - 将来の移動通信に向けたRoF技術と課題
中嶋 信生
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第1回MWP研究専門委員会集中討論会, 電子情報通信学会
Aug. 2007 - Radio on Fiber for Micro Cell Application
Nobuo Nakajima
Invited oral presentation, English, Seminar on Sino-Japan B3G Technology and Application, Dunfang, China, International conference
Jul. 2007 - 医療・介護におけるICT技術の利用動向
中嶋 信生
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 医療情報通信技術研究会(MICT), 電子情報通信学会
Jul. 2007 - 無線測位と自律航法による高精度/広域インドアナビゲーション
Nobuo Nakajima; Shun Tsuyuki; Minako Tan
Public symposium, Japanese, ワイヤレス・テクノロジー・パーク(WTP)2006, YRP研究開発推進協会、YRPアカデミア交流ネットワーク、独立行政法人情報通信研究機構(NICT), 横浜
Apr. 2006 - A Research on Precise Pedestrian-Navigation System Using Hybrid Positioning Technology
Shun Tsuyuki; Nobuo Nakajima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Mar. 2006 - Proposal of "" a knd of information exchanging system using ad hoc networks
Ling Zhongwei; Kouichi Gyoda; Nobuo Nakajima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Mar. 2006 - ROF Technologies Applied for Cellular and Wireless Systems
Nobuo Nakajima
Invited oral presentation, English, 2005 International Topical Meeting on MICROWAVE PHOTONICS, KICS, Seoul, International conference
Oct. 2005