President and Members of the Board of DirectorsPresident
Office for Research ManagementPresident
Researcher Information


  • The University of Electro-Communications Graduate School of Information Systems, Department of Information System Science, Graduate School of Information Systems Department of Information Systems Science, Professor

Member History

  • 2001
    編集委員, 日本ファジィ学会, Society, 日本ファジィ学会
  • 1996 - 1998
    誌編集委員, 情報処理学会, Society, 情報処理学会
  • 1997
    理事・監事, 日本ファジィ学会, Society, 日本ファジィ学会
Research Activity Information


  • フォント生成による感情表現支援システムのための文字形状と感情・感性の関係分析
    Oct. 2001, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2001論文集, 611-614, 10027937959
  • 3次元スケッチシステムのための人間の描画特性の分析
    Oct. 2001, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2001論文集, 1163-166
  • User Interface with Seamless Cooperation of Multi-dimensional Media and Application to Design Work
    Aug. 2001, 2001 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME-2001), 485-488
  • User Interface with Seamless Cooperation of Multi-dimensional Media and Application to Design Work
    Aug. 2001, 2001 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME-2001), 485-488
  • バリアフリーカーにおける人間中心型運転支援システムの構成法
    Jul. 2001, 電気学会論文誌C, 121-C, 7, 1227-1236
  • Adaptive Information Presentation based on Estimation of Human Multimodal Cognitive Load,International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress -
    Jul. 2001, IFSA'01, 2429-2929
  • Adaptive Information Presentation based on Estimation of Human Multimodal Cognitive Load,International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress -
    Jul. 2001, IFSA'01, 2429-2929
  • Effects of Collaborative Symbol Emergence in Multi-layered NN with Reinforcement Learning
    May 2001, Int'l Conf. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 151-156
  • Effects of Collaborative Symbol Emergence in Multi-layered NN with Reinforcement Learning
    May 2001, Int'l Conf. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 151-156
  • Natural Hand Writing in Unstable 3D space with Artificial Surface
    Apr. 2001, "CHI-2001,Extended Abstracts", 353-354
  • Natural Hand Writing in Unstable 3D space with Artificial Surface
    Apr. 2001, "CHI-2001,Extended Abstracts", 353-354
  • 適応的情報提示システムのための認知負荷状態推定モデル―モデルの 仮説検証のための基礎的検討―
    Mar. 2001, 映像情報メディア学会技術報告 HIR2001-31, 25, 29, 7-11
  • ダイナミックかつインタラクティブなデジタル情報におけるアノテーションシステムの実装と評価
    Mar. 2001, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 HIP2000-55, 1-8
  • 顔動画像からの表情認識における距離情報利用の検討
    Mar. 2001, 日本感性工学会第6回あいまいと感性研究部会研究発表会論文集, 43-49
  • マルチモーダル入力と形式モデルのDPマッチングによる戸惑い検出システムの試作
    2001, 情報処理学会論文誌
  • 完全特徴量の統合による顔の向きの実時間推定
    2001, ファジィ学会誌
  • 度ユーザインタフェースの研究動向と創造性への影響
    Jan. 2001, 教育システム情報学会, 17, 4, 588-600
  • Detection of user's bewilderedness by multi-modal user Behavior and formal model
    S Tano; Y Tatsuda
    Although the information technology has made a rapid progress, the fact is the more the system has functions, the more users are bewildered by the systems. In this paper, we propose the model-based system architecture to detect the user's bewilderedness by using the multi-modal data such as the eye movement, arm movement, button operation and so on. The models include the machine model and the human model. The machine is modeled by MVC-model that can represent the function and the appearance (GUI) of the machine independently. The typical behaviors are automatically deduced and represented by the multi-modal data with priority. By the multi-modal DP matching, the actual user's behavior are matched against the typical behaviors continuously and categorized into six matching pattern. According to the categories of the matching, the bewilderedness is easily detected and the proper guidance can be given., C S R E A PRESS, 2001, IC-AI'2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOLS I-III, 574-580, English, WOS:000173960400092
  • Detection of user's bewilderedness by multi-modal user Behavior and formal model
    S Tano; Y Tatsuda
    Although the information technology has made a rapid progress, the fact is the more the system has functions, the more users are bewildered by the systems. In this paper, we propose the model-based system architecture to detect the user's bewilderedness by using the multi-modal data such as the eye movement, arm movement, button operation and so on. The models include the machine model and the human model. The machine is modeled by MVC-model that can represent the function and the appearance (GUI) of the machine independently. The typical behaviors are automatically deduced and represented by the multi-modal data with priority. By the multi-modal DP matching, the actual user's behavior are matched against the typical behaviors continuously and categorized into six matching pattern. According to the categories of the matching, the bewilderedness is easily detected and the proper guidance can be given., C S R E A PRESS, 2001, IC-AI'2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOLS I-III, 574-580, English, WOS:000173960400092
  • New Paradaigm toward Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing,Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
    Dec. 2000, Physica-Verlag, 59, 173-197
  • 力覚フィードバックを用いた3Dスケッチシステム
    Dec. 2000, 画像ラボ,12月号, 19-23
  • Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing
    Dec. 2000, ISBN:3-7908-1339-7, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg
  • Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Intelligent rocessing by Symbol Emergence
    Dec. 2000, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence,, 4, 6, 1-7
  • Role of Pattern, Symbol and Language in Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing
    Dec. 2000, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, 59
  • New Paradaigm toward Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing,Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
    Dec. 2000, Physica-Verlag, 59, 173-197
  • Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing
    Dec. 2000, ISBN:3-7908-1339-7, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg
  • Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Intelligent rocessing by Symbol Emergence
    Dec. 2000, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence,, 4, 6, 1-7
  • Role of Pattern, Symbol and Language in Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing
    Dec. 2000, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, 59
  • Application and Evaluation of Fusion of Symbolic and Computational Processing
    Oct. 2000, SEAL, 2965-2970
  • Creation of Explanatory Sentences for a Series of Pictures by Analyzing Their Relation
    Oct. 2000, IECON-2000, 1900-1905
  • Basic System Architecture for Adaptive Information Presentation in High Cognitive-Load Environment
    Oct. 2000, IECON-2000, 515-520
  • Application and Evaluation of Fusion of Symbolic and Computational Processing
    Oct. 2000, SEAL, 2965-2970
  • Creation of Explanatory Sentences for a Series of Pictures by Analyzing Their Relation
    Oct. 2000, IECON-2000, 1900-1905
  • Basic System Architecture for Adaptive Information Presentation in High Cognitive-Load Environment
    Oct. 2000, IECON-2000, 515-520
  • ファジィとソフトコンピューティングハンドブック,11.4節「パターン・記号統合とモデリング」,27.12節「次世代ヒューマンインタフェースの展望」
    Sep. 2000, 共立出版, 283-289,734-737
  • 適応的情報提示のためのユーザ認知負荷状態推定モデル
    Sep. 2000, ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム2000, 499-502
  • 紙へのスケッチとコンピュータを用いた描画における創造性への影響
    Sep. 2000, ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム2000, 219-222
  • デジタル情報におけるアノテーションシステムの分析と提案
    Sep. 2000, ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム2000, 129-132
  • 2D画像と3D画像をシームレスに用いるデザイン支援環境の開発
    Jun. 2000, IPA次世代デジタル応用基盤技術開発事業論文集, 189-196, 10006407986
  • Human Vehicle-Computer Suported Welfare Low Speed Vehicle-
    May 2000, AFSS'2000, 1077-1077
  • Human Vehicle-Computer Suported Welfare Low Speed Vehicle-
    May 2000, AFSS'2000, 1077-1077
  • 高認知負荷状況下における適応的情報提示方法に関する研究
    Mar. 2000, 映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 24, 26, 1-6
  • 3次元空間におけるスケッチのための自然なインターフェースの実装と評価
    Mar. 2000, 信学技報 HIP99-80, 31-36
  • 散在する液晶一体型タブレットのためのユーザインターフェースの実装と評価
    Mar. 2000, 信学技報 HIP99-79, 23-30
  • 力覚フィードバックを用いた3次元手書きスケッチシステムの実現方法
    Mar. 2000, 3D映像, 14, 1, 2-5
  • Performance of information recommendation agent based on reinforcement learning in society
    Jan. 2000, Proceedings of the fifth international symposium on artificial life and robotics(AROB 5th 2000), 1, 92-95, 10006088292
  • Efficient learning by symbol emergence in multi-layered network and agent collaboration
    S Tano; D Futamura; Y Uemura
    Two simple models, Model-A and Model-B, are described as the first step toward fusing computational and symbolic processing. Model-B is an extension of the Model-A. Each of them consists of two layers. The lower layer is a neural network in which Q-learning is simulated. The inputs are the state variables, and the outputs are the Q-values for each action. It is tuned to update and store the Q-table. The upper layer watches the activity in the lower layer to identify the group of nodes that are activated when some action in the lower layer obtains a high reward from the environment. In this way, new symbols emerge that are embedded in the lower layer to speed up the learning. Model-B is extended so as to learn more complex concepts quickly. When an important concept is learned, the corresponding symbol is generalized and embedded in a different place at a lower level. Simulation demonstrated that symbol emergence and the forced application of these symbols in Q-learning greatly improves the performance of player; playing a simple football game. This approach is a first step towards "Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing"., IEEE, 2000, NINTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS (FUZZ-IEEE 2000), VOLS 1 AND 2, 1056-1061, English, WOS:000088355300192
  • Performance of Information Recommendation Agent Based on Reinforcement Learning in Society
    Jan. 2000, International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB)-2000, 92-95
  • コンピュテーショナルインテリジェンスの新展開
    Dec. 1999, 日本ファジィ学会誌, 11, 6
  • パネル「あいまいさについて再考する」
    Dec. 1999, 日本ファジィ学会誌, 11, 6, 919-937
  • シンボル処理と記号的処理の融合と意義
    Nov. 1999, 電気学会産業システム情報化研究会資料, IIS-99-24, 7-13, 80010774124
  • 人間の知的で創造的な活動を支援・阻害する情報システムの分析
    Oct. 1999, 第15回ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム, 791-796, 10006407985
  • 散在する液晶一体型タブレットのためのユーザインターフェースの提案
    Oct. 1999, 第15回ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム, 17-22, 10006408010
  • 3次元空間におけるスケッチのための自然なインターフェースの設計
    Oct. 1999, 第15回ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム, 1-4
  • Symbol Emergence and its Forced Application in Q-learning toward Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing
    Oct. 1999, IEEE-SMC'99, 10, III, 827-832, 80011782301
  • Artistic Pattern Creating Support System by User's"Kansei" Estimation
    Oct. 1999, IEEE-SMC'99, VI, 236-240
  • デザイン描画を支援するユーザインタフェース
    Oct. 1999, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, J82-D-II, 10, 1693-1709
  • Symbol Emergence and its Forced Application in Q-learning toward Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing
    Oct. 1999, IEEE-SMC' 99, III, 827-832
  • Artistic Pattern Creating Support System by User's"Kansei" Estimation
    Oct. 1999, IEEE-SMC'99, VI, 236-240
  • 広域的強化学習による情報推薦における情報伝播過程の分析
    Sep. 1999, 電気学会電子・情報部門大会講演論文集, 331-332
  • User Adaptation of the Pen-based User Inter face by Reinforcement Learning
    Aug. 1999, HCI International 99, 233-237
  • User Adaptation of the Pen-based User Inter face by Reinforcement Learning
    Aug. 1999, HCI International 99, 233-237
  • 記号的:計算的手法を融合する基本方式の提案とシミュレーションによる評価
    Jun. 1999, 第15回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 471-474
  • 広域的強化学習によるデジタルTVの番組推薦法の提案と評価
    Jun. 1999, 第15回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 767-770
  • 記号的・計算的手法を融合する基本方式の提案とシミュレーションによる評価
    Jun. 1999, 第15回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 471-474
  • Q-Learning ニューラルネットワークにおけるシンボル発現手法の提案とシミュレーション
    Jun. 1999, 電気学会システム制御研究会資料, SC-99-26, 11-16
  • Risk Assessment
    May 1999, SETAC Europe 9th Annual Meeting
  • Risk Assessment
    May 1999, SETAC Europe 9th Annual Meeting
  • Deep Fusion of Symbolic and Computational Processing for Next Generation User Interface, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1566
    Apr. 1999, Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence Springer-Verlag, 117-132
  • Deep Fusion of Symbolic and Computational Processing for Next Generation User Interface, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1566
    Apr. 1999, Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence Springer-Verlag, 117-132
  • Application of Fuzzy Methodologies to Financial Fields
    Mar. 1999, FOREX, Cases and Generalizations, Soft Computing in Financail Engineering, Physica- Verlag, Heidelberg, 279-298
  • Application of Fuzzy Methodologies to Financial Fields
    Mar. 1999, FOREX, Cases and Generalizations, Soft Computing in Financail Engineering, Physica- Verlag, Heidelberg, 279-298
  • Fuzzay Set-based Multistage Associative Inference and Its Application to Kansei Design Support System, VJFUZZY '98
    Oct. 1998, Vietonam-Japan Bilateral Symposium fo Fuzzy Systems and Applications, 404-409
  • Fuzzay Set-based Multistage Associative Inference and Its Application to Kansei Design Support System, VJFUZZY '98
    Oct. 1998, Vietonam-Japan Bilateral Symposium fo Fuzzy Systems and Applications, 404-409
  • ユーザの感性推定によるデザイン描画支援システムの評価
    Sep. 1998, 第14回ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム, 665-672, 10000147793
  • ディジタルTV視聴者の選好推定技法の分析と提案
    Sep. 1998, 第14回ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム, 625-628, 10006088289
  • 実世界と仮想世界を融合した知的な会議室の分析とキーデバイスの提案
    Sep. 1998, 第14回ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム, 733-736
  • 顔画像における対称性の検出と不完全特徴量の導入による顔の向きの推定
    Aug. 1998, 日本ファジィ学会,第31回知的制御研究会資料, SIC98-1, 1, 1-4
  • 計算的処理と記号的処理の融合形態とパターン・シンボル・言語の役割
    Jun. 1998, 電気学会システム制御研究会資料, SC-98, 35, 29-35
  • ユーザの感性推定のためのファジィルール直接記憶型連想ネットを用いたデザイン描画の支援
    Jun. 1998, 第14回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 893-896, 10000144460
  • 記号的・計算的処理の分析と融合手法の提案
    Jun. 1998, 第14回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 179-180
  • Synergetic Effect by Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing
    May 1998, FUZZ-IEEE '98, 744-749
  • Synergetic Effect by Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing
    May 1998, FUZZ-IEEE '98, 744-749

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本ファジィ学会
  • 情報処理学会