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- Profile:
1. Spectroscopy of molecules (unstable molecules, free radicals, molecular ions)
2. GaAs semiconductor processing (studied by 2nd harmonic generation)
3. Atomic physics (spectroscopy of highly charged ions)
4. Nano-processing using highly charged ions.
Researcher Information
Research Activity Information
- Guiding and blocking of highly charged ions through a single glass capillary
R. Nakayama; M. Tona; N. Nakamura; H. Watanabe; N. Yoshiyasu; C. Yamada; A. Yamazaki; S. Ohtani; M. Sakurai
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 267, 14, 2381-2384, Jul. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Highly charged ions produced in an electron beam ion trap, I(q+), q = 10-50, were transmitted through a tapered glass capillary having diameter of 50 mu m at the end. We found that for a particular beam current, there exists an optimum tilting angle of the capillary in which a steady output of ions is observed, while for smaller angles, the ion counts first rise, then gradually decay on a time scale of minutes. In the case of steady transmission, the charge state distribution is found to be slightly towards the lower side. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Growth of single-crystal SiO2 clusters on Si(001) surface
Tetsuo Tanemura; Seiichi Sato; Manisha Kundu; Chikashi Yamada; Yoshitada Murata
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 105, 7, 074310-1--7, Apr. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Crystalline SiO2 clusters of nearly square shape were fabricated from amorphous silicon deposited on a clean Si(001) surface, where the deposited silicon was oxidized in the presence of atomic hydrogen and annealed in an O-2 atmosphere. The side of these clusters was aligned along the (110) and (1 (1) over bar0) azimuths of the Si(001) substrate. The crystallinity of the clusters was verified by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction and low-energy electron diffraction. The crystal structure of SiO2 clusters was estimated to be beta-tridymite, whose (10 (1) over bar0) and (0001) axes were parallel to the (110) axes of the substrate Si(001). When the Si(001) surface without deposited amorphous silicon was oxidized by the method described above, single-crystal SiO2 clusters were also prepared. However, the shape, the size, and the number density of the clusters were different from those of the clusters made from the amorphous silicon. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3103331]
Scientific journal, English - Fluorescence of an organic-dye thin film by interaction with individual slow highly charged ions
Masahide Tona; Takashi Abe; Hirofumi Watanabe; Jian Sun; Nobuyuki Nakamura; Chikashi Yamada; Masahiro Kotani; Shunsuke Ohtani
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 77, 5, 052902 1-5, May 2008, Peer-reviwed, Fluorescence of an organic-dye thin film induced by the impact of individual slow iodine highly charged ions (HCIs) has been investigated for a wide range of charge states q from 30 (V-like ion) to 52 (H-like ion). Combined analysis of emission yields of the visible and x-ray photons reveal that L Auger electrons emitted in the neutralization process of the HCI play an important role in the electronic excitation of the target. It is also noted that, contrary to the energy dissipation of L Auger electrons, x rays carry away a large fraction of the potential energy of a HCI with higher q than the Ne-like ion.
Scientific journal, English - Fluorescence of an organic-dye thin film by interaction with individual slow highly charged ions
Masahide Tona; Takashi Abe; Hirofumi Watanabe; Jian Sun; Nobuyuki Nakamura; Chikashi Yamada; Masahiro Kotani; Shunsuke Ohtani
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 77, 5, 052902-1--3, May 2008, Peer-reviwed, Fluorescence of an organic-dye thin film induced by the impact of individual slow iodine highly charged ions (HCIs) has been investigated for a wide range of charge states q from 30 (V-like ion) to 52 (H-like ion). Combined analysis of emission yields of the visible and x-ray photons reveal that L Auger electrons emitted in the neutralization process of the HCI play an important role in the electronic excitation of the target. It is also noted that, contrary to the energy dissipation of L Auger electrons, x rays carry away a large fraction of the potential energy of a HCI with higher q than the Ne-like ion.
Scientific journal, English - Electronic interaction of individual slow highly charged ions with TiO2(110)
Masahide Tona; Yuso Fujita; Chikashi Yamada; Shunsuke Ohtani
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 77, 15, 155427-1--4, Apr. 2008, Peer-reviwed, A TiO2(110) surface was bombarded with slow iodine highly charged ions (HCIs), Iq+, having a wide range of charge states from Ni-like I25+ to He-like I51+. A scanning tunneling microscopic observation revealed that nanometer-sized hillock or crater structures were created by individual HCI impacts and the size of the structures increased with q. In time-of-flight secondary-ion mass spectrometry, a strong q dependence of the secondary-ion yield of O+, Y(O+) was observed; Y(O+) exceeded Y(Ti+) for q similar to 35. We discuss that these secondary effects are the results of the strong coupling of HCIs with electrons in the valence band of the target.
Scientific journal, English - K and L x-ray emission from hollow atoms produced in the interaction of slow H-like (I(52+)) and bare, (I(53+)) ions with different target materials
Jian Sun; Hirofumi Watanabe; Masahide Tona; Tsutomu Watanabe; Nobuyuki Nakamura; Chikashi Yamada; Shunsuke Ohtani
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 77, 3, 032901, 1-5, Mar. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Through the coincidence measurement of x rays with secondary electrons, x-ray spectra, and their yields have been measured in the interaction of H-like and bare highly charged ions (I(52+) and I(53+)) with different target materials (Be, C, Cu, and W). K x-ray yields are independent of the material, where the K vacancies are almost filled through K x-ray emission. L x-ray yields are affected by the electronic state of the targets and the interacting projectiles, because the states involved in the electron capture depend on the level structure of the projectile and the target and the possible number of electrons captured by the highly charged ions is different depending on the number of electrons in the target states (2n(2)) which are resonant transferred to the projectile states in the dynamics of below-surface neutralization and deexcitation.
Scientific journal, English - Growth of ionization balance from F-like to bare ions of heavy atoms in an electron beam ion trap
Jian Sun; Nobuyuki Nakamura; Masahide Tona; Chikashi Yamada; Hirofumi Watanabe; Shunsuke Ohtani; Yunqing Fu
Plasma and Fusion Research, vol 3. 052-1--6 (2008), The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, 3, 052-1--6-52, 2008, Peer-reviwed, Ionization balance from F-like to bare ions of In and I is investigated as a function of trapping time by measuring extracted ions from an electron beam ion trap, the Tokyo-EBIT. The present experiment is the first clear demonstration of the temporal behavior of the very highly charged ions that have been produced in the EBIT. The growth rate of extracted H-like ions is compared with that of the intensity of the x-ray emission resulting from radiative recombination into the K-shell of H-like ions. The absolute number density of trapped ions was estimated from the intensity of the x-ray emission.
Scientific journal, English - Production and Extraction of Highly Charged Ions from the Tokyo EBIT
Yunqing FU; Jian SUN; Makoto SAKURAI; Nobuyuki NAKAMURA; Masahide TONA; Hirofumi WATANABE; Chikashi YAMADA; Nobuo YOSHIYASU; Shunsuke OHTANI
Plasma and Fusion Research: Rapid Communications Volume 2, 028 (2007), The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, 2, 028-1~3, Jun. 2007, In the course of an experimental study on collisional processes of highly charged ions (HCIs), we developed a procedure to produce and extract HCIs with a very high charge-state for various kinds of heavy elements at the Tokyo EBIT (Electron Beam Ion Trap). The charge-state spectra of the extracted HCIs for some elements were measured using dierent EBIT operation conditions.
Scientific journal, English - X-ray emission in collisions of highly charged I, Pr, Ho, and Bi ions with a W surface
H. Watanabe; J. Sun; M. Tona; N. Nakamura; M. Sakurai; C. Yamada; N. Yoshiyasu; S. Ohtani
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 75, 6, 062901-1--5, Jun. 2007, Peer-reviwed, X-ray emission yields, which are defined as the total number of emitted x-ray photons per incident ion, and dissipated fractions of potential energies through x-ray emission have been measured for slow highly charged ions of I, Pr, Ho, and Bi colliding with a W surface. A larger amount of potential energy was consumed for the x-ray emission with increasing the atomic number and the charge state. The present measurements show that x-ray emission is one of the main decay channels of hollow atoms produced in collisions of very highly charged ions of heavy elements.
Scientific journal, English - Potential sputtering from a Si surface by very highly charged ion impact
Masahide Tona; Hirofumi Watanabe; Satoshi Takahashi; Nobuyuki Nakamura; Nobuo Yoshiyasu; Makoto Sakurai; Chikashi Yamada; Shunsuke Ohtani
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 258, 1, 163-166, May 2007, Peer-reviwed, We have observed radiation effect in collision of slow highly charged ions with the following target materials; a SiO2 thin film, a Si(111)-(7 x 7) surface and a hydrogen terminated Si(111)-(1 x 1) surface. Secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning tunneling microscopy revealed some features due to "potential sputtering"; (a) strong dependence of secondary particle emission on the surface condition, (b) high yield of positive ion emission including cluster fragments and (c) creation of nanometer sized surface structure. The mechanism for the potential sputtering is briefly discussed, based on the "Coulomb explosion" model. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Nano-scale surface modification of materials with slow, highly charged ion beams
M. Sakurai; M. Tona; S. Takahashi; H. Watanabe; N. Nakamura; N. Yoshiyasu; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani; H. A. Sakaue; Y. KawaSe; K. Mitsumori; T. Terui; S. Mashiko
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 257, 297-300, Apr. 2007, Peer-reviwed, Some results on surface modification of Si and graphite with highly charged ions (HCIs) are presented. Modified surfaces were observed using scanning tunneling microscopy. Crater-like structure with a diameter in nm region is formed on a Si(111)-(7 x 7) surface by the incidence of a single HCI. The protrusion structure is formed on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surface on the other hand, and the structure becomes an active site for molecular adsorption. A new, intense HCI source and an experimental apparatus are under development in order to process and observe aligned nanostructures created by the impact of collimated HCI beam. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Nanofabrication on a Si surface by slow highly charged ion impact
Masahide Tona; Hirofumi Watanabe; Satoshi Takahashi; Nobuyuki Nakamura; Nobuo Yoshiyasu; Makoto Sakurai; Toshifumi Terui; Shinro Mashiko; Chikashi Yamada; Shunsuke Ohtani
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 256, 1, 543-546, Mar. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We have observed surface chemical reactions which occur at the impact sites on a Si(111)-(7 x 7) surface and a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface bombarded by highly charged ions (HCIs) by using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Crater structures are formed on the Si(111)-(7 x 7) surface by single I50+-impacts. STM-observation for the early step of oxidation on the surface suggests that the impact site is so active that dangling bonds created by HCI impacts are immediately quenched by reaction with residual gas molecules. We show also the selective adsorption of organic molecules at a HCI-induced impact site on the HOPG surface. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Nano-crater formation on a Si(111)-(7 x 7) surface by slow highly charged ion-impact
Masahide Tona; Hirofumi Watanabe; Satoshi Takahashi; Nobuyuki Nakamura; Nobuo Yoshiyasu; Makoto Sakurai; Toshifumi Terui; Shinro Mashiko; Chikashi Yamada; Shunsuke Ohtani
SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 601, 3, 723-727, Feb. 2007, Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF/SIMS), we observed radiation effects on a Si(111)-(7 x 7) surface in the collision of a single highly charged ion (HCI) with a charge state q up to q = 50. The STM observation with atomic resolution revealed that a nanometer sized crater-like structure was created by a single HCI impact, where the size increased rapidly with q. The secondary ion yields also increased with q in which multiply charged Si ions (Sin+) were clearly observed in higher q HCI-collisions. The sputtering mechanism is briefly discussed, based on the so-called Coulomb explosion model. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Injection of refractory metals into EBIT using a Knudsen cell
C. Yamada; K. Nagata; N. Nakamura; S. Ohtani; S. Takahashi; H. Tobiyama; M. Tona; H. Watanabe; N. Yoshiyasu; M. Sakurai; A. P. Kavanagh; F. J. Currell
HCI 2006: 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE PHYSICS OF HIGHLY CHARGED IONS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 58, 403-+, 2007, Peer-reviwed, A new method for injection of metallic elements into an electron-beam ion trap (EBIT) is described. Injection of metallic elements into an EBIT has so far been mainly achieved by MEVVA (metal vapor vacuum arc) ion sources. However, continuous injection, as is the case of rare gases, is sometimes desirable, especially for stable extraction of highly charged ions. In the course of DR (dielectronic recombination) study, we have developed a method of such a stable injection of metallic elements. This method is applicable to any metallic elements or metallic compounds that have vapor pressures of similar to 0.1 Pa at a temperature lower than 1900 degrees C. We have employed this method for the extraction of highly charged ions of Bi, Er, Fe, Ho and W.
International conference proceedings, English - Production and extraction of highly charged ions from Tokyo EBIT
Yunqing Fu; Jian Sun; Makoto Sakurai; Nobuyuki Nakamura; Masahide Tona; Hirofumi Watanabe; Chikashi Yamada; Nobuo Yoshiyasu; Shunsuke Ohtani
Plasma and Fusion Research, The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, 2, 028 1-3, 2007, Peer-reviwed, In the course of an experimental study on collisional processes of highly charged ions (HCIs), we developed a procedure to produce and extract HCIs with a very high charge-state for various kinds of heavy elements at the Tokyo EBIT (Electron Beam Ion Trap). The charge-state spectra of the extracted HCIs for some elements were measured using dierent EBIT operation conditions.
Scientific journal, English - Dissipation of potential energy through x-ray emission in slow highly charged ion-surface collisions
H. Watanabe; S. Takahashi; M. Tona; N. Yoshiyasu; N. Nakamura; M. Sakurai; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 74, 4, 042901-1-4, Oct. 2006, Peer-reviwed, X-ray emission yields from highly charged iodine ions incident on a hydrogen terminated silicon surface were measured. It was found that the K shell vacancies were filled through x-ray transitions with the probability of approximately 100%, while only about 20% of L shell vacancies were filled through x-ray transitions and almost all the M shell vacancies were filled nonradiatively. Dissipation of the potential energy E-p of an incident ion through x-ray emissions increases gradually with the number of L shell vacancies and amounts to 10% of E-p for the He-like I51+ ion. 30 to 40 % of E-p for I52+ and I53+ with K shell vacancies was measured to be dissipated mainly by K x-ray emissions.
Scientific journal, English - Injection of metallic elements into an electron-beam ion trap using a Knudsen cell
C Yamada; K Nagata; N Nakamura; S Ohtani; S Takahashi; T Tobiyama; M Tona; H Watanabe; N Yoshiyasu; M Sakurai; AP Kavanagh; FJ Currell
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 77, 6, 066110-1-2, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed, A method of injecting metallic elements into an electron-beam ion trap (EBIT) is described. The method is advantageous over the conventional coaxial and pulsed injection methods in two ways: (a) complicated switching of injection and extraction beams can be avoided when extracting beams of highly charged ions from the EBIT and (b) a beam of stable intensity can be achieved. This method may be applicable to any metallic elements or metallic compounds that have vapor pressures of similar to 0.1 Pa at a temperature lower than 1900 degrees C. We have employed this method for the extraction of highly charged ions of Bi, Er, Fe, and Ho. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - Demonstrative experiment for single-ion implantation technique using highly charged ions
Nobuo Yoshiyasu; Satoshi Takahashi; Masa-aki Shibata; Hiroshi Shimizu; Kazuo Nagata; Mobuyuki Nakamura; Masahide Tona; Makoto Sakurai; Chikashi Yamada; Shunsuke Ohtani
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 45, 2A, 995-997, Feb. 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Some characteristics in the interaction of slow highly charged Iq+ ions with a Si(111) 1 x 1-H surface
M Tona; K Nagata; S Takahashi; N Nakamura; N Yoshiyasu; M Sakurai; C Yamada; S Ohtani
SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 600, 1, 124-132, Jan. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We have observed secondary particles and photons emitted from hydrogen terminated Si(111) 1 x 1 surfaces in the interactions with highly charged ions (HCIs) of iodine having a wide range of charge state, q, from I17+ up to I53+, fully stripped iodine ion. A TOF-SIMS (time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry) apparatus has been used to investigate secondary emissions where protons are dominant signals in the TOF spectra. Measured yields of H+ and H-2(+) show strong q-dependences, proportional to q(3.4) and q(5), respectively. For Si+, while the yield remains constant for q < similar to 25, it begins increasing with q(1.4) at higher q (similar to 25). The mechanism of secondary emissions is briefly discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Surface modification on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by slow highly charged ions
Y Baba; K Nagata; S Takahashi; N Nakamura; N Yoshiyasu; M Sakurai; C Yamada; S Ohtani; M Tona
SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 599, 1-3, 248-254, Dec. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We have investigated surface modification by highly charged ions (HCIs) on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surfaces with Raman spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. The xenon-HCIs having various charges up to 48+ were incident on HOPG samples with an identical collision velocity (5 x 10(5) m/s). In Raman spectra, disorder induced peaks (D peak) appeared around 1355 cm(-1) in addition to narrower, persistent peaks (G peak) at 1580 cm(-1) which are characteristic of unirradiated HOPG. The intensity ratio of the D peak to the G peak is much larger than that of HOPG irradiated with singly charged ions (SCIs) at the same fluence. By the annealing treatment, the intensity of the D peak decreased as small as practically unobservable. In the microscopic observation, on the other hand, protrusion nanostructures induced by HCI impacts did not disappear completely although their volume decreased drastically. From such relaxation dynamics, it is made clear that not only point and dimmer vacancies which is created in common with SCI irradiation, but also "cluster vacancies" are formed at the surface and subsurface. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - DIET in highly charged ion interaction with silicon surfaces
S Takahashi; K Nagata; M Tona; M Sakurai; N Nakamura; C Yamada; S Ohtani
SURFACE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 593, 1-3, 318-323, Nov. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We have observed mass spectra of desorbed ions from a clean and a hydrogen terminated silicon surfaces by the impact of highly charged ions (Xeq+, q = 26, 34, 44 and 50). The released ions mainly consist of proton for both surfaces, and the quantum yield of proton desorption for hydrogen terminated surface exceeds unity. It is seemed that charge state dependence of ion yield roughly follows q(5) rule reported by Kuroki et al. in the experiments for lower charge states. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Toward over unity proton sputtering yields from a hydrogen-terminated Si(111) 1x1 surface irradiated by slow highly charged Xe ions
S Takahashi; M Tona; K Nagata; N Nakamura; N Yoshiyasu; C Yamada; S Ohtani; M Sakurai
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 87, 6, 063111-063111-3, Aug. 2005, Peer-reviwed, The emission of sputtered ions from a hydrogen-terminated Si(111) 1x1 surface has been measured for impact of slow (v < 0.25v(Bohr)) highly charged Xe ions. Proton sputtering yields increase strongly with projectile charge q (q(gamma);gamma similar to 4) and reach to the value greater than one for Xeq+ impact (q >= 44). Yields of Si+ remain constant (similar to 0.1) for lower q (14 <= q <= 29) but increase with q for higher q region which shows that the apparent Coulomb explosion-like potential sputtering might set in and enhances the sputtering yield drastically over q=29. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - In and ex situ optical spectroscopy of HCI-bombarded solid surfaces
M Tona; Y Baba; S Takahashi; K Nagata; N Nakamura; N Yoshiyasu; C Yamada; S Ohtani
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 235, 443-447, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We have observed Raman scattering from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surfaces after irradiation with highly charged ions (HCIs) as ex situ spectroscopy. HCIs having various potential energies from 5 keV for Ar16+ to 99 keV for Xe50+ were normally incident onto HOPG surfaces with the same collision velocities (5 x 10(5) m/s). In all spectra at fluence of 1 x 10(11) ions/cm(2), disorder induced peaks (D peak) appeared around 1580 cm(-1) in addition to narrower peaks (G peak) which were also observed unirradiated HOPG at 1358 cm(-1). Relative intensities of the D peak with respect to the G peak increase gradually as increasing potential energies of the HCIs. This shows obviously the effect of potential energy deposition on structural deformation of HOPG. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Observation of surface modification and secondary particle emission in HCI-surface interaction
S Takahashi; M Tona; K Nagata; N Yoshiyasu; N Nakamura; M Sakurai; C Yamada; S Ohtani
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 235, 456-459, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We have observed secondary particle emission in collision of HCI with Si and HOPG surfaces. For HOPG, we have measured the number of secondary electrons and the number of dot structures on the surface as the imprint of the incidence by STM. The single ion impact is surely observable with almost 100% efficiency by detecting an event of the secondary electron emission. For hydrogen terminated Si(1 1 1), H+, H-2(+), H-3(+), C+ and Si+ ions have been detected. The proton sputtering yield, which depends on the charge of HCI, has been examined. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Secondary ion emission from solid surfaces irradiated with highly charged ions
M Tona; K Nagata; S Takahashi; N Nakamura; N Yoshiyasu; M Sakurai; C Yamada; S Ohtani
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 232, 249-253, May 2005, Peer-reviwed, We have observed positive secondary ion mass spectra from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and hydrogen terminated Si (Si-H) surfaces irradiated with highly charged ions (HCIs). In the spectra from HOPG irradiated by HCIs of Xeq+, carbon clusters up to C-5(+) were observed in addition to hydrogenated carbon cluster peaks. On the other hand, in the spectra from the Si(1 1 1)-H, peaks of H+ and H-2(+) were detected dominantly with weak signals for C+ and Si+. Strong dependence of peak intensities of these spectra on q were also observed. It is shown that sputtering phenomena are closely related to deposition of potential energy of HCIs onto the surfaces and the HCI-probe can be applied to the high sensitivity surface analysis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Double-charge-transfer spectroscopy of O-2(2+): Band analyses of low-lying repulsive states
O Furuhashi; T Kinugawa; T Hirayama; T Koizumi; C Yamada; S Ohtani
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 70, 5, 052501, Nov. 2004, Peer-reviwed, The double-charge-transfer (DCT) spectrum of O-2(2+) has been recorded at 140 meV resolution using 1.5 keV H+ projectiles. Electronic bands of the low-lying triplet states, namely A (3)Sigma(u)(+), W (3)Delta(u), B (3)Pi(g), and B-' (3)Sigma(u)(-), have been resolved. Assuming that the observed bands directly reflect the Franck-Condon (FC) profiles, potential-energy curves of the A (3)Sigma(u)(+), W (3)Delta(u), and B-' (3)Sigma(u)(-) states within the FC region are determined based on the reflection approximation. For a quantitative check of the results, complete active space self-consistent-field and multireference configuration-interaction calculations have been performed to predict the potential-energy curves and the FC profiles. The calculated energy curves agree well with the experimentally derived ones. The theoretical FC profiles reproduced well the band shapes observed by both present DCT and previous Doppler-free kinetic-energy release methods. However, our results cast doubt on the previous assignment of luminescence to the O-2(2+) B (3)Pi(g)-->A (3)Sigma(u)(+) transition and the observed bound level of the A (3)Sigma(u)(+) state by the previous threshold photoelectron coincidence experiment.
Scientific journal, English - Dielectronic Reecombination in He-like and H-like Krypton Ions
Chikashi Yamada; Tohru Kinugawa; Satoshi Takahashi; Shunsuke Ohtani; Brian E. O'Rourke; Fred J. Currell
Th096, Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Analysis of resonance transitions in x-ray spectra of electron interaction with highly charged ions
Li Yue-Ming; Kato Daiji; Tong Xiao-Min; Watanabe Tsutomu; O'Rourke Brian; Kuramoto Hideharu; Nakamura Nobuyuki; Yamada Chikashi; Ohtani Shunsuke
J. Plasma Fusion Res. 79, 52-60 (2003)., The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, 79, 1, 52-60, 2003, Peer-reviwed, In electron interactions with highly charged Fe ions, the X-ray spectra were theoretically analysed and compared with the experimental results at the Tokyo EBIT. In the present analysis, cross sections for dielectronic recombination, resonance excitation, resonance recombination, and direct excitation were calculated by use of the distorted wave method. Simulated spectra were obtained by convoluting the calculated cross sections with the experimental beam energy resolution and X-ray detector resolution, which are in close agreement with the experimental observations. Based on our calculations including polarization effects, we estimate the charge state balance: He-like Fe24+ (74%), Li-like Fe23+ (18%), and Be-like Fe22+ (8%), and the ion density in the trap to be 6.5−8.5 × 108 cm-3. The present calculations were also compared with the previous high-resolution measurements of the KLL resonances in He-like Fe ions.
Scientific journal, English - Thomson scattering system at the Tokyo electron beam ion trap
Hideharu Kuramoto; Tohru Kinugawa; Hirofumi Watanabe; Chikashi Yamada; Shunsuke Ohtani; Ichihiro Yamada; Frederick John Currell
Review of Scientific Instruments, 73, 1, 42, Jan. 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Double charge transfer spectroscopy of acetylene dication C2H22+ at vibrational resolution
O Furuhashi; T Kinugawa; S Masuda; C Yamada; S Ohtani
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 342, 5-6, 625-630, Jul. 2001, We have observed a vibrational progression of C2H22+ with double charge transfer (DCT) spectroscopy. From an exploratory calculation, the progression is assigned to the symmetric C-C stretching mode of the lowest singlet (1)Delta (g) state with linear geometry. The observed structure is well reproduced with the theoretical Franck-Condon (FC) factors obtained from the potential curves of the (1)A(g) and first-excited (1)Sigma (+)(g) states along the normal C-C stretching coordinate. Multi-reference CI calculations reveal a predominant contribution of the (1)Delta (g) state. These results suggest that the DCT process can probe dicationic states of polyatomic molecules like acetylene with resort to the FC principle. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Visible/UV Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Atomic Ions using Tokyo EBIT
C. Yamada; H. Watanabe; T. Fukami; D. Kato; S. Ohtani
Spectroscopy In the 21st Century, The Graduate Univ. for Adv. Studies, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, 1, 1, 1, Mar. 2001, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Coincidence Measurements of Electrons and Ions Emitted from a Surface Induced by Slow Highly Charged
H. Shimizu; S. Ohtani; C. Yamada
56th JPS Annual Meeting, Chuo Univ., Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2001
English - Double Charge Transfer Spectroscopy of C2H2^++^
T. Kinugawa; O. Furuhashi; S. Masuda; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
56th JPS Annual Meeting, Chuo Univ., Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2001
English - Double charge transfer spectroscopy for N-2(2+) and CO2+ at vibrational resolution
O Furuhashi; T Kinugawa; S Masuda; C Yamada; S Ohtani
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 337, 1-3, 97-102, Mar. 2001, Doubly charged molecular ions (dications) of N-2 and CO have been studied using a double charge transfer (DCT) spectrometer capable of resolving vibrational levels. The vibrational structures of low-lying singlet states are observed in the translational energy spectra of H- ions produced by double electron capture collisions of Hi projectiles. The observed spectra are well reproduced using the theoretical Franck-Condon (FC) profiles calculated from the best available ab initio potential curves. This suggests that the DCT process obeys the FC principle, i.e., the vertical transition from a neutral molecule to the corresponding dication. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Double charge transfer spectroscopy for N-2(2+) and CO2+ at vibrational resolution
O Furuhashi; T Kinugawa; S Masuda; C Yamada; S Ohtani
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 337, 1-3, 97-102, Mar. 2001, Peer-reviwed, Doubly charged molecular ions (dications) of N-2 and CO have been studied using a double charge transfer (DCT) spectrometer capable of resolving vibrational levels. The vibrational structures of low-lying singlet states are observed in the translational energy spectra of H- ions produced by double electron capture collisions of Hi projectiles. The observed spectra are well reproduced using the theoretical Franck-Condon (FC) profiles calculated from the best available ab initio potential curves. This suggests that the DCT process obeys the FC principle, i.e., the vertical transition from a neutral molecule to the corresponding dication. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Highly Charged Ion-Surface Interaction using Tokyo-EBIT
C. Yamada; H. Shimizu; D. Kato; X.-M. Tong; S. Ohtani
The International Symposium on Surface Science 2001, Furano, Hokkaido, Japan, Jan. 2001
International conference proceedings, English - The Magnetic Dipole Transitions In the Titanium-like Ions
H. Watanabe; D. Crosby; F. J. Currell; T. Fukami; D. Kato; S. Ohtani; J. D. Silver; C. Yamada
Physical Review A, 63, 042513, 2001
Scientific journal, English - Energy structure of hollow atoms or ions in the bulk of metallic materials
X.-M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; H. Shimizu; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
Physical Review A, 63, 052505, 2001
English - Magnetic Dipole Transitions in Titaniumlike Ions
H. Watanabe; D. Crosby; F.J. Currell; T. Fukami; D. Kato; S. Ohtani; J.D. Silver; C. Yamada
Phys. Rev. A63, 042513-1-6, 2001
English - Density functional theory with optimized effective potential - an application to hollow atoms or ions in the bulk of metallic materials
X.-M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; H. Shimizu; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
4th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2000
English - Fine-structure in 3d^4^ states of highly charged Ti-like ions
D. Kato; X.-M. Tong; H. Watanabe; T. Fukami; T. Kinugawa; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani; T. Watanabe
4th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2000
International conference proceedings, English - Recent results at the Tokyo-EBIT
N. Nakamura; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
8th Asian Pacific Physics Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 2000
International conference proceedings, English - Visible spectrum of highly charged ions for plasma diagnosis
C. Yamada; H. Watanabe; D. Kato; T. Kinugawa; S. Ohtani; D. Crosby; J. D. Silver
Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Lillafured, Miskolc, Hungary, Aug. 2000
English - Spectroscopic studies of highly charged ions with the Tokyo EBIT
N. Nakamura; S. Ohtani; K. Okazaki; D. Kato; C. Yamada; H. Watanabe
25th Annual Meeting of Atomic Collision Research Association, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan, Aug. 2000
English - Systematic study on multi-electron atomic structures along isoelectronic sequences with highly charged ions
D. Kato; X.-M. Tong; N. Nakamura; H. Watanabe; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani; T. Watanabe
25th Annual Meeting of Atomic Collision Research Association, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan, Aug. 2000
English - Studies on interactions between highly charged ions and surfaces using Tokyo-EBIT
H. Shimizu; S. Ohtani; M. Sakurai; T. Hirayama; C. Yamada
25th Annual Meeting of Atomic Collision Research Association, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan, Aug. 2000
English - Beam diagnostics by Thomson scattering with the Tokyo-EBIT
H. Kuramoto; I. Yamada; T. Kinugawa; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
10th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Univ. of California-Berkeley, USA, Jul. 2000
English - Systematic study of visible transitions in Ti-like high Z ions
H. Watanabe; D. Kato; T. Kinugawa; S. Ohtani; C. Yamada
10th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Univ. of California-Berkeley, USA, Jul. 2000
English - Energy Structure of Hollow Atomic Ion in the Bulk of Metallic Materials
X. -M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; H. Shimizu; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
The 17th International Conference on Atomic Physics(ICAP),Firenze, Italy, Jun. 2000
English - Characteristics of the beam line at the Tokyo electron beam ion tarap
H. Shimizu; F. J. Currell; S. Ohtani; E. J. Sokell; C. Yamada; T. Hiroyama; M. Sakurai
Rev. Sic. Instrum. 71 (2000.2.1), 681-683, Feb. 2000
English - Injection of various metallic elements into an electron beam ion trap: Tecniquis needed for systematic investigations of isoelectronic sequences,
N. Nakamura; T. Kinugawa; H. Shimizu; H. Watanabe; S. Ito; S. Ohtani; C. Yamada; M. Sakurai; M.R. Tarbutt; J. D. Silver
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71 (2000.2.1), 684-686, Feb. 2000
English - High Energy Operation of the Tokyo-electron Beam Ion Trap/Present Status
Hideharu Kuramoto; Hiroshi Shimizu; Nobuyuli Nakamura; Frederic J. Currell; Daiji Kato; Tohru Kinugawa; Xiao M. Tong; Hirofumi Watanabe; Tsunemitsu Fukami; Yueming Li; Shunsuke Ohtani; Emma J. Sokell; Chikashi Yamada; Takato Hirayama; Kenji Motohashi; Seiji Tsurubuchi; Kiyohiko Okazaki; Makoto Sakurai; Michael R. Tarbutt; Joshua Silver
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 71, 2, 687-689, Feb. 2000, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Visible spectroscopy of Ti-like highly charged ions;
H. Watanabe; T. Fukami; D. Kato; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
ISAS Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Space"Spectroscopy and Collision of Highly Charged Ions"Proceedings, 4-7, 2000
English - Intermediate coupling for 3d^4^electronic states of titaniumlike highly charged ions;
D. Kato; H. Watanabe; T. Kinugawa; T. Fukami; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani; K. Okazaki
ISAS Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Space"Spectroscopy and Collision of Highly Charged Ions"Proceedings, 8-11, 2000
English - Highly charged ion-surface interaction using Tokyo-EBIT
C. Yamada; H. Shimizu; S. Watarai; S. Itho; D. Kato; X; M. Tong; S. Ohtani
ISAS Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Space "Spectroscopy and Collision of Highly Charged Ions"Proceedings, 12-15, 2000
English - Studies on atomic property change as functions of Z along Ne-like and Ti-like sequences
D. Kato; X.-M. Tong; N. Nakamura; H. Watanabe; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani; T. Watanabe
Atomic Collision Research in Japan - Progress Report, 26, 117-119, 2000
English - Electronic energies of hollow atoms in the collision of highly charged ions on metallic surface
X.-M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; H. Shimizu; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
Atomic Collision Research in Japan - Progress Report, 26, 120-122, 2000
English - Recent results with the Tokyo-EBIT
H. Watanabe; F. J. Currell; T. Fukami; T. Hirayama; S. Ito; D. Kato; T. Kinugawa; H. Kuramoto; Y. Li; T. Nakahara; N. Nakamura; S. Masuda; N. Miura; K. Motohash
Atomic Collision Research in Japan - Progress Report, 26, 123-125, 2000
English - The Microwave Spectrum of the CESIUM Monoxide CsO Radical
Chikashi Yamada; Eizi Hirota
J. Chem. Phys. 111 (1999.12.1), 9587-9593, Dec. 1999
English - Electron-ion interaction and spectroscopy of highly charged ions studied using Tokyo EBIT
F. J. Currell; D. Kato; N. Nakamura; S. Ohtani; E. J. Sokell; H. Watanabe; C. Yamada
Physica Scripta, T80 (1999.8.1), 154-157, Aug. 1999
English - M1-transitions of Ti-like highly charged ions
D Kato; C Yamada; T Fukami; Ikuta, I; H Watanabe; K Okazaki; S Tsurubuchi; K Motohashi; S Ohtani
PHYSICA SCRIPTA, ROYAL SWEDISH ACAD SCIENCES, T80B, 446-447, 1999, Ground-term fine-structure levels and their magnetic-dipole (M1) transition properties of Titanium-like ions are investigated theoretically through the atomic number Z = 37-103. An anomalous stability in wavelength of J = 3-2 Mi-transition reported by Feldman [J. Opt. Sec. Am. B 8, 3 (1991)] is explained in terms of a concept of the critical atomic number beyond which the relativistic nature dominates in the corresponding fine-structure. The Tokjo-EBIT facility [J. Phys. Sec. Jpn 65, 3186 (1996)] enabled us to observe the corresponding line in the visible range for Xe+32 and Ba+34 ions. The measured wavelengths are consistent with measurements by the NIST group [Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 1716 (1995)], however there remains a considerable discrepancy from present calculations.
Scientific journal, English - Visible Spectroscopy of Highly-Charged Ions Using Tokyo-EBIT(Electron Beam Ion Trap)
C. Yamada; H. Watanabe; D. Kato; T. Fukami; S. Ohtani
Okazaki COE Conference '99, 34, 1999
English - The Microwave Spectrum of the Rubidium Monoxide RbO Radical
Chikashi Yamada; Eizi Hirota
J. Chem. Phys. 110, 2853-2857, 1999
English - チタン様多価イオンの基底微細構造における磁気双極子遷移の系統的研究
加藤太治; 渡辺裕分; 深見恒光; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
日本物理学会講演概要集, 743, 1999
Japanese - チタン様多価イオンの可視分光測定
渡辺裕分; 山田千樫; 深見恒光; 加藤太治; 大谷俊介
日本物理学会講演概要集, 743, 1999
Japanese - Tokyo EBITにおけるトムソン散乱計測
倉本秀治; 絹川 亨; 山田一博; 山田千樫; 深見恒光; 大谷俊介
日本物理学会講演概要集, 748, 1999
Japanese - Tokyo EBITでの多価イオン・レーザー実験
絹川 亨; 倉本秀治; 山田千樫; フレッド・カレル; 大谷俊介
日本物理学会講演概要集, 290, 1999
Japanese - M1-transitions of Ti-like Highly Charged Ions
D. Kato; C. Yamada; T. Fukami; I. Ikuta; H. Watanabe; K. Okazaki; S. Tsurubuchi; K. Motohashi; S. Ohtani
The 9th International Conference on Physics of Hyghly Charged Ions, Bensheim, Germany, Sept.14, Sep. 1998
English - Laser experiments with the Tokyo-EBIT
H. Kuramoto; T. Kinugawa; D. Kato; C. Yamada; F. J. Currell; S. Ohtani
The 9th International Conference on Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Bensheim, Germany, Sept.14, Sep. 1998
English - Spectroscopic studies at the Tokyo electron beam ion trap
S. Ohtani; F. J. Currell; T. Fukami; T. Hirayama; D. Kato; H. Kuramoto; k. Motohashi; N. Nakamura; E. Nojikawa; K. Okazaki; M. Sakurai; H. Shimizu; E. J. Sokell
XVI International Conference on Atomic Physics, Windsor, Canada Aug.6, Aug. 1998
English - Electron Scattering Experiments at ILS, UEC
O. Furuhashi; T. Y. Suzuki; K. Kawamura; F. J. Currell; C. Yamada; T. Takayanagi; H. Suzuki; S. Ohtani
Atomic collision research in Japan, 24, 24, 31-32, 1998
English - Some Results from the Tokyo-EBIT in 1997-1998
S. Ohtani; J.Asada; F.J. Currell; A.Y.Faenove; T.Fukami; T.Hirayama; D.Kato; T.Kinugawa; H.Kuramoto; K.Motohashi; N.Nakamura; E.Nojikawa; K.Okazaki; T.A.Pikus
Atomic collision research in Japan, 24, 138-140, 1998
English - 2価分子イオンの寿命測定(]G0001[)
古橋 治; フレデリック・カレル; 鈴木 洋; 高柳俊暢; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
日本物理学会講演概要集, 875, 1998
Japanese - チタン様等電子系例における基底微細構造順位の特異な振る舞い
山田千樫; 加藤太治; 深見恒光; 生田 功; 渡辺裕文; 岡崎清比古; 鶴淵誠二; 本橋健次; 大谷俊介
原子衝突研究会第23回研究会講演概要集, 72-73, 1998
Japanese - 2価分子イオンの寿命測定
古橋 治; F. J. Currell; 鈴木 洋; 高柳俊暢; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
原子衝突研究会第23回研究会講演概要集, 74-76, 1998
Japanese - EBITにおけるトムソン散乱計測
倉本秀治; 絹川 亨; 山田千樫; 山田一博
原子衝突研究会第23回研究会講演概要集, 119, 1998
Japanese - Tokyo-EBITを用いた多価イオンの分光学的研究(]G0002[)
深見恒光; 岡崎清比古; 加藤太治; 中村信行; 本橋健次; 鶴淵誠二; 大谷俊介
原子衝突研究会第23回研究会講演概要集, 120-121, 1998
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Si(001)表面に成長したSiO2単結晶クラスター
種村徹雄; M. Kundu; 山田千樫; 村田好正
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第64回年次大会
Mar. 2009 - Guiding of very highly charged ions with a glass capillary
A. Yamazaki; R. Nakayama; M. Tona; N. Nakamura; H. Watanabe; N. Yoshiyasu; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani; M. SaKURAI
Public symposium, English, 14th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, 14th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Tokyo
Sep. 2008 - Diagnostics of the highly charged ion beam exxtracted from the Tokyo EBIT
T. Shimazaki; M. Tona; H. Watanabe; N. Nakamura; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
Public symposium, English, 14th Int. Conf. on the Phys. Highly Charged Ions, 14th Int. Conf. on the Phys. Highly Charged Ions, Tokyo
Sep. 2008 - X-ray emission in the interaction of slow H-like ions with a metal surface
J. Sun; H. Watanabe; M. Tona; T. Watanabe; N. Nakamura; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
Public symposium, English, 14th Int. Conf. on the Phys. of Highly Charged Ions, 14th Int. Conf. on the Phys. of Highly Charged Ions
Sep. 2008 - X-ray emission yields dependent on the target materials (II)
孫建; 渡辺裕文; 戸名正英; 吉保信雄; 中村信行; 櫻井誠; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会,第63回年次大会
Mar. 2008 - 高価数多価イオンビームのガラスキャピラリー通過実験
中山亮; 島崎隆宏; 孫建; 渡辺裕文; 戸名正英; 吉保信雄; 中村信行; 櫻井誠; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第62回年次大会
Sep. 2007 - x-ray emission yields dependent on the target materials
孫健; 阿部祟; 藤田祐祟; 高橋学士; 渡辺裕文; 戸名正英; 吉安信雄; 中村信行; 櫻井誠; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会2007春期大会
Mar. 2007 - 多価イオン衝突による酸化物表面からの二次粒子放出 I
藤田祐祟; 阿部祟; 戸名正英; 渡辺裕文; 高橋学士; 孫健; 櫻井誠; 吉安信雄; 中村信行; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会2006年秋期大会
Sep. 2006 - 多価イオン衝突による酸化物表面からの二次粒子放出 II
阿部祟; 藤田祐祟; 戸名正英; 渡辺裕文; 高橋学士; 孫健; 櫻井誠; 吉安信雄; 中村信行; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会2006年秋季大会
Sep. 2006 - The Z dependence of X-ray emission yield in highly charged ion-surface collision
孫健; 阿部祟; 藤田祐祟; 戸名正英; 渡辺裕文; 高橋学士; 櫻井誠; 吉安信雄; 中村信行; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, English, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会266年秋季大会
Sep. 2006 - 希ガス(Ar, Kr, Xe)の低エネルギー電子衝突における副殻励起
梅田直樹; 苑震生; 藤田祐崇; 宮崎優; 酒井康弘; 高柳俊暢; 鈴木洋; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第61回年次大会
Mar. 2006 - 多価イオンー表面衝突によって生成したナノ構造の観察
戸名正英; 渡辺裕文; 高橋学士; 吉安信雄; 中村信行; 櫻井誠; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第61回年次大会
Mar. 2006 - 多価イオンー表面衝突におけるX線収量
渡辺裕文; 高橋学士; 戸名正英; 吉安信雄; 中村信行; 櫻井誠; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第61回年次大会
Mar. 2006 - 電子ー多価イオン衝突における共鳴過程の観測II
飛山廣継; Anthony P. Kavanagh; 中村信行; 渡辺裕文; 坂上裕之; 加藤太治; FredJ. Currell; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第61回年次大会
Mar. 2006 - 電子ー多価イオン衝突における二電子性再結合と放射性再結合の緩衝効果の観測
飛山廣継; Anthony P. Kavanagh; 中村信行; 渡辺裕文; 坂上裕之; 加藤太治; FredJ. Currell; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,第61回年次大会
Mar. 2006 - Si(001)上における単結晶SiO2島の構造
種村徹雄; 佐藤井一; マニシャクンドゥ; 山田千樫; 村田好正
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第60回年次大会
Mar. 2005 - 多価イオン照射固体表面のラマン散乱2
馬場由香里; 高橋学士; 戸名正英; 永田一夫; 吉安信雄; 櫻井誠; 中村信行; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第60回年次大会
Mar. 2005 - 多価イオンにより改質された固体表面の電子エネルギー損失分光法による研究
永田一夫; 高橋学士; 戸名正英; 中村信行; 吉安信雄; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2004年秋季大会
Sep. 2004 - 多価イオン照射固体表面のラマン散乱
馬場由香里; 高橋学士; 戸名正英; 永田一夫; 吉安信雄; 中村信行; 櫻井誠; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2004年秋季大会
Sep. 2004 - 多価イオン照射によるシリコン表面の改質II
高橋学士; 戸名正英; 永田一夫; 吉安信雄; 中村信行; 櫻井誠; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2004年秋季大会
Sep. 2004 - 水素様多価イオンの二電子生再結合過程の測定
佐藤鏡文; Fred J. Currell; Anthony Kavanagh; 倉本秀治; Yu-Min Li; 中村信行; Brian OユRourke; 大谷俊介; 俵博之; Xiao-Ming Tong; 渡辺裕文; 山田千樫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2004年秋季大会
Sep. 2004 - 多価イオン照射によるシリコン表面の改質I
高橋学士; 戸名正英; 照井通文; 吉安信雄; 中村信行; 櫻井誠; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第59年次大会
2004 - 多価イオンと表面の相互作用
高橋学士; 吉安信雄; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Society for Atomic Collision Research
Aug. 2003 - Double Charge Transfer Spectroscopy of NO2+
Osamu Furuhashi; Tohru Kinugawa; Takato Hirayama; Tetsuo Koizumi; Chikashi Yamada; Shunsuke Ohtani
Public symposium, English, International Conference on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm
Jul. 2003 - Experiments Using Tokyo EBIT
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 27th Workshop of the Society for Atomic Collision Research
Aug. 2002 - チタン様多価イオンの可視分光測定Ⅱ
渡辺裕文; 山田千樫; 深見恒光; 加藤太治; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2000年春の分科会(2000.3.23),日本物理学会2000年春の分科会
Mar. 2000 - Intermediate Coupling領域でのチタン様多価イオン
加藤太治; 渡辺裕文; 山田千樫; 深見恒光; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会2000年春の分科会(2000.3.23),日本物理学会2000年春の分科会
Mar. 2000 - チタン様多価イオンの3d^4^&電子状態におけるIntermediate coupling
加藤太治; 渡辺裕文; 絹川 亨; 深見恒光; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介; 岡崎清比呂
Oral presentation, Japanese, 宇宙科学研究所宇宙空間原子力分子過程研究会「多価イオンの分光と衝突過程」(2000.1.6),宇宙科学研究所宇宙空間原子力分子過程研究会
Jan. 2000 - Tokyo-EBITによる多価イオン・固体表面相互作用の研究
清水 宏; 渡会慎一; 伊藤 智; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介; 加藤太治; Tong Xiao-Min
Oral presentation, Japanese, 宇宙科学研究所宇宙空間原子力分子過程研究会「多価イオンの分光と衝突過程」(2000.1.6),宇宙科学研究所宇宙空間原子力分子過程研究会
Jan. 2000 - チタン様多価イオンの可視分光測定
渡辺裕文; 深見恒光; 加藤太治; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 宇宙科学研究所宇宙空間原子力分子過程研究会「多価イオンの分光と衝突過程」(2000.1.6),宇宙科学研究所宇宙空間原子力分子過程研究会
Jan. 2000 - High energy operation of the Tokyo-electron beam ion trap
H. Kuramoto; N. Nakasmura; H. Watanabe; H. Shimizu; T. Kinugawa; F. I. Currell; E. J.Sokell; D. Kato; Y. Li; T. Fukami; C. Yamada; K. Okazaki; M. Sakarai; T. Hi
Oral presentation, English, Ⅷ International Conference on Ion Surces, Kyoto, Japan (1999.9.6)
Sep. 1999 - Injection of various metallic elements into an electron beam ion trap: Techniques needed for systematic investigations of isoelectronic sequences
N. Nakamura; S. Itoh; T. Kinugawa; S. Ohtani; K. Okazaki; M. Sakurai; H. Shimizu; H. Watanabe; C. Yamada
Oral presentation, English, Ⅷ International Conference on Ion Surces, Kyoto, Japan (1999.9.6)
Sep. 1999 - Characteristics of the Beam Line at the Tokyo Electron Beam Ion Trap
H. Shimizu; F. J. Currell; T. Hiroyama; S. Ohtani; S. Sakurai; E. J. Sokell; C. Yamada
Oral presentation, English, ⅧInternational Conference on Ion Surces, Kyoto, Japan (1999.9.6)
Sep. 1999 - Magnetic-Dipole Transitions between Ground-State Fine-Structure Levels of Ti-Like Highly Charged Ions
D. Kato; T. Fukami; S. Ohtani; H. Watanbe; C. Yamada
Public symposium, English, International Sminar on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Toki, Japan (1999.7.29), International Sminar on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Toki, Japan (1999.7.29)
Jul. 1999 - Thomson Scattering Measuremento with the Tokyo-EBIT
H. Kuramoto; T. Kinugawa; I. Yamada; C. Yamada; S. Ohtani
Public symposium, English, International Semner on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Toki, Japan (1999.7.29), International Semner on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Toki, Japan (1999.7.29)
Jul. 1999 - Spectroscopic study of Ti-like ion
H. Watanabe; C. Yamada; T. Fukami; D. Kato; S. Ohtani
Public symposium, English, International Semner on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Toki, Japan (1999.7.29), International Semner on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Toki, Japan (1999.7.29)
Jul. 1999 - Thomson Scattering System on the Tokyo-IBIT, XXI
H. Kuramoto; T. Kinugawa; I. Yamada; C. Yamada; H. Watanabe; T. Fukami; F. J. Currell; S. Ohtani
Oral presentation, English, International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Sendeai, Japan (1999.7.23)
Jul. 1999 - Visible Forbidden Transitions of Highly Charged Ions, XXI
D. Kato; T. Fukami; T. Kinugawa; S. Ohtani; H. Watanabe; C. Yamada
Oral presentation, English, International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and AtomicCollisions, Sendeai, Japan (1999.7.23)
Jul. 1999 - チタン様多価イオンの基底微細構造における磁気双極子遷移の系統的研究
加藤太治; 渡辺裕文; 深見恒光; 山田千樫; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第54回年会(広島大学,東広島市),日本物理学会54回年会
Mar. 1999 - Tokyo-EBITにおけるトムソン散乱計測
倉本秀治; 絹川 亨; 山田一博; 山田千樫; 深見恒光; 大谷俊介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第54回年会(広島大学,東広島市),日本物理学会第54回年会
Mar. 1999