Norihiro KOIZUMI

Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems EngineeringAssociate Professor
Cluster II (Emerging Multi-interdisciplinary Engineering)Associate Professor
Center for Neuroscience and Biomedical EngineeringAssociate Professor
  • Profile:
    1998-1999 Facial action recognizing system for behavior media.
    1999-2004 Construction methodology for a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System (RUDS).
    2004- Construction methodology for a Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System (NIUTS).
    2005- Construction methodology for Post Operative Pericardial Adhesion Evaluation System using Cardioechography.
    2007- A Study on Medical DigITalization by IT and robot technology (Me-DigIT).
    2009- A study on ultrasound visceral fat measurement.
    2012- A non-invasive ultrasound pain evaluation and thrapeutic system.


  • 博士(工学), 東京大学

Research Keyword

  • 医療支援システム
  • 技能のデジタル化
  • 技能の技術化
  • 強力集束超音波(High Intensity Focused Ultrasound:HIFU)
  • 超音波診断・治療ロボット
  • 遠隔超音波診断システム(RUDS)
  • 非侵襲超音波癒着評価システム
  • 非侵襲痛み評価・治療統合システム
  • 非侵襲超音波診断・治療統合システム(NIUTS)
  • Technologizing and Digitizing of Medical Skills
  • Medical DigITalization (Me-DigIT)
  • Me-DigIT Effect

Field Of Study

  • Informatics, Mechanics and mechatronics
  • Informatics, Robotics and intelligent systems


  • 01 Oct. 2015
    The University of Electro-Communications, Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, Associate Professor
  • 15 Nov. 2007 - 30 Sep. 2015
    東京大学, 大学院工学系研究科, Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
  • 01 Oct. 2004 - 14 Nov. 2007
    東京大学, 大学院工学系研究科, Assistant Professor
  • 01 Apr. 2004 - 30 Sep. 2004
    独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所, 人間福祉医工学研究部門, 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
  • 15 Oct. 2003 - 31 Mar. 2004
    東京大学, 21世紀COEプログラム「機械システムイノベーション」, リサーチアシスタント(RA)
  • 01 Apr. 2003 - 14 Oct. 2003
    特許庁, 特許審査第二部(福祉・サービス機器), 非常勤職員 特許審査調査員(国際・新技術担当)

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2004
    東京大学, 大学院工学系研究科, 産業機械工学専攻, Japan
  • Apr. 1997 - Mar. 1999
    東京大学, 工学部, 機械情報工学科, Japan
  • Apr. 1995 - Mar. 1997
    東京大学, 教養学部, 理科I類
  • Mar. 1994

Member History

  • Apr. 2023 - Present
    研究専門委員会委員, 日本ロボット学会, Society
  • Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2024
    第32回日本コンピュータ外科学会大会 プログラム委員, 日本コンピュータ外科学会, Society
  • 01 Oct. 2021
    評議員, 日本コンピュータ外科学会, Society
  • 01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2021
    Program committee, Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery 2020(ACCAS2020), Society
  • 01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2021
    Program committee, Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery 2020(ACCAS2020), Society
  • 01 Jul. 2018 - 30 Jun. 2020
    特別研究員等審査会専門委員、卓越研究員候補者専攻委員会書面審査員及び国際事業委員会書面審査員、書面評価員, 独立行政法人 日本学術振興会, Society
  • 01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2020
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会関連賞選考小委員会委員, 日本ロボット学会
  • 2018 - 2020
    A-STEP機能検証フェーズ専​門委員, 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)
  • 2012 - 2020
    審査委員候補, 日本学術振興会, Society
  • 01 Nov. 2019
    世話人会委員, 日本超音波治療研究会, Society
  • 2019 - 2019
    実行委員, 日本音響学会2019年春季研究発表会実行委員会
  • 2018 - 2018
    実行委員, 日本機械学会関東支部 第24期総会・講演会, Society
  • 23 May 2017
    International Union委員, 日本機械学会
  • 2017 - 2017
    ポスター発表審査委員, 2017年度 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, Society
  • 2017 - 2017
    プログラム委員および実行委員, 第60回 自動制御連合講演会, Society
  • 01 Apr. 2016
    広報委員, 精密工学会 広報委員会, Society
  • 2016 - 2016
    ポスター発表審査委員, 2016年度 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, Society
  • 2015 - 2015
    プログラム委員, 2015年度 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, Society
  • 2015 - 2015
    ポスター審査委員, 第15回東京大学生命科学シンポジウム(BIOUT), Society
  • 2015 - 2015
    実行委員, 2015年度 第21回日本コンピュータ外科学会大会, Society
  • 2014 - 2014
    ポスター発表審査委員, 2014年度 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, Society
  • 2013 - 2013
    実行委員, 2013年度 第21回日本コンピュータ外科学会大会, Society
  • 2013 - 2013
    Local Organizing Committee, CIRP Conference on BioManufacturing (BioM) 2013, Society
  • 2013 - 2013
    プログラム委員, 2013年度 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, Society
  • 2010 - 2010
    Executive Committee, International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA) 2010, Society
  • 2008 - 2008
    Local Organizing Committee, Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (MIAR) 2008, Society


  • Mar. 2024
    肝腫瘍RFA・HIFU 治療を対象とした磁気センサを必要としない超音波治療効果判定支援システム
    三浦賞, 笠置 陸(指導学生の受賞)
  • Mar. 2024
    Visual SLAMと深層学習を援⽤した超⾳波画像による臓器の三次元モデル構築
    優秀学生賞, 石川智大(指導学生の受賞)
  • Mar. 2023
    三浦賞, 藤林 巧(指導学生の受賞)
  • Mar. 2023
    三浦賞, 松山桃子(指導学生の受賞)
  • Dec. 2020
    日本超音波医学会, 小林賢人, 佐々木雄大, 江浦史生, 小林賢大, 渡部祐介, 周 家□, 大塚 研秀, 西山 悠, 小泉 憲裕, 沼田 和司, 超音波診断・治療用ロボティック・ベッドの開発, 93-奨-泌-1, 日本超音波医学会第93回学術集会抄録, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics, Vol. 47 Supplement, pp.S173(2020).
    第21回日本超音波医学会奨励賞(受賞者の共同演者), 小林賢人;佐々木雄大;江浦史生;小林賢大;渡部祐介;周 家□;大塚 研秀;西山 悠;小泉 憲裕;沼田 和司
    Japan society, Japan
  • Mar. 2020
    第25回ロボティクスシンポジア学生奨励賞(受賞者の共同演者), 五十嵐立樹;冨田恭平;西山悠;小泉憲裕
    Japan society
  • Sep. 2019
    HIFUを用いた前立腺癌Focal Therapyにおける超音波ガイド下温度モニタリングの有用性
    第7回泌尿器画像診断・治療技術研究会(JSURT2019)Best Presentation Award 最優秀賞(受賞者の共同演者)
    Japan society
  • Feb. 2019
    TOA株式会社開発室研究奨励賞受賞, 大塚研秀;近藤亮祐;冨田恭平;西山悠;小木曽公尚;饗庭絵里子;小泉憲裕
  • Jan. 2019
    古野電気株式会社技術研究所所長賞, 近藤 亮祐;今泉 飛翔;西山 悠;小泉 憲裕
  • Nov. 2018
    Deep Neural Network を用いた前立腺多種画像統合の自動化に関する方法
    第17回日本超音波治療研究会(JSTU2018)ベストポスター賞, 五十嵐立樹;小泉憲裕;西山 悠;冨田恭平;重成佑香;小路 直
    Japan society
  • Nov. 2018
    第17回日本超音波治療研究会(JSTU2018)学生研究奨励賞受賞, 重成佑香;小泉憲裕;西山 悠;冨田恭平;五十嵐立樹;小路 直
    Japan society
  • Nov. 2018
    第17回日本超音波治療研究会(JSTU2018)最優秀演題賞受賞, 冨田恭平;小泉憲裕;重成佑香;五十嵐立樹;西山 悠;小路 直
    Japan society
  • May 2015
    日本設計工学会, 日本設計工学会誌「設計工学」に掲載された論文以外の記事のうち、読者に多大な感銘を与えたものの著者を表彰します.
    2014年度 日本設計工学会 The Most Interesting Readings賞, 小泉憲裕;月原弘之;光石 衛
  • May 2009
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Robotics and Mechatronics Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Certificate of Merit for Best Presentation
  • Jun. 2006
    2006年度 精密工学会春季大会 ベストプレゼンテーション賞


  • 肝矢状断面の超音波画像における肝裏面のROIを使用した凹凸自動判定
    藤井 樹; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 松本 直樹; 石川 智大; 奥崎 功大; 笠置 陸; 梅津 菜央; 稲葉 大樹; 小川 眞広
    Corresponding, 日本超音波医学会 第36回 関東甲信越地方会学術集会予稿集, 147-147, Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
  • 前立腺生検支援のための断面探索システムに関する研究
    唐木田 楽; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 佐々木 夏穂; 小路 直
    Corresponding, 日本超音波医学会 第36回 関東甲信越地方会学術集会予稿集, 134-134, Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
  • 超音波画像と深層学習を用いた下大静脈径の自動計測システム
    梅津 菜央、小泉 憲裕、西山 悠、野呂 悠紀、笠置 陸、月原 弘之、沼田 和司
    日本超音波医学会 第36回 関東甲信越地方会学術集会予稿集, 132-132, Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
  • 低侵襲肝臓腫瘍治療効果判定プロセスにおける血管形状を用いた超音波画像の撮影位置推定
    笠置 陸; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 梅津 菜央; 是澤 興; 野呂 悠紀; 唐木田 楽
    Corresponding, 日本超音波医学会 第36回 関東甲信越地方会学術集会予稿集, 132-132, Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
  • 超音波診断の自動化に向けた効率的な臓器探索手法に関する研究
    髙橋 昇汰; 小泉 憲裕; 奥崎 功大; 葭仲 潔; 津村 遼介
    Corresponding, 第42回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集, 1I2-06-1I2-06, Sep. 2024
  • ロボットを用いた完全自動肋弓下走査による胆嚢超音波画像の撮影
    奥崎 功大; 小泉 憲裕; 髙橋 昇汰; 葭仲 潔; 津村 遼介
    Corresponding, 第42回 日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集, 1I2-05-1I2-05, Sep. 2024
  • Automatic measurement system for the diameter of the inferior vena cava using deep learning
    Haruki Noro; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Nao Umetsu; Hiroyuki Tsukihara
    Corresponding, Proc. of 20th Asian Conference on Computer-Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2024), 206-207, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Robotic fully-automated subcostal arch scanning for bladder ultrasound imaging
    Koudai Okuzaki; Norihiro Koizumi; Shota Takahashi; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Ryosuke Tsumura
    Corresponding, Proc. of 20th Asian Conference on Computer-Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2024), 173-174, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Research on Efficient Organ Search Methods for Automated Ultrasound Diagnosis
    Shota Takahashi; Norihiro Koizumi; Koudai Okuzaki; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Ryosuke Tsumura
    Corresponding, Proc. of 20th Asian Conference on Computer-Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2024), 171-172, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Automatically classification of the rough or smooth surface of the liver using ultrasound images of the sagittal section of the liver
    Itsuki Fujii; Norihiro Koizumi; Matsumoto Naoki; Ishikawa Tomohiro; Koudai Okuzaki; Riku Kasagi; Haruki Noro; Yu Nishiyama; Masahiro Ogawa
    Corresponding, Proc. of 20th Asian Conference on Computer-Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2024), 163-164, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Estimation of liver ultrasound image captured position by blood vessel geometry
    Riku Kasagi; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Kou Koresawa; Nao Umetsu; Itsuki Fujii; Haruki Noro; Kazashi Numata; Ryosuke Tsumura
    Corresponding, Proc. of 20th Asian Conference on Computer-Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2024), 32-33, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Inferior Vena Cava Diameter Measurement System Using Ultrasound and Deep Learning
    Nao Umetsu; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Haruki Noro; Riku Kasagi; Hiroyuki Tsukihara
    Proc. of 20th Asian Conference on Computer-Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2024), 30-31, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Co-Section Search System for Prostate Cancer Navigation
    Gaku Karakida; Norihiro Koizumi; Kaho Sasaki; Anju Mukasa; Riku Kasagi; Sunao Shoji
    Corresponding, Proc. of 20th Asian Conference on Computer-Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2024), 18-19, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Real-Time Ultrasound Image Evaluation using Deep-Learning for Automatic Ultrasound Diagnosi
    Kou Koresawa; Jiayi Zhou; Riku Kasagi; Kazushi Numata; Yu Nishiyama; Norihiro Koizumi
    Corresponding, Proc. of 20th Asian Conference on Computer-Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2024), 16-17, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of an Artificial Intelligence Assisted Preoperative Diagnosis System for Ovarian Tumors
    Daiki Inaba; Norihiro Koizumi; Annju Mukasa; Atsushi Kunishima; Goto Mayuko; Muramatsu Reina; Hashimoto Mizuki; Yoshiki Ikeda; Hiroaki Kajiyama
    Corresponding, Proc. of 20th Asian Conference on Computer-Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2024), 14-15, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Artificial Intelligence Assisted Preoperative Diagnosis Support System for Ovarian Tumors
    D. Inaba; N. Koizumi; Y. Nishiyama; K. Atsushi; Y. Ikeda
    Corresponding, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), 19, 1, S16-S17, Jun. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Development of a 3D model-based liver tumor treatment efficacy evaluation system without the external tracking device
    R. Kasagi; N. Koizumi; Y. Nishiyama; T. Ishikawa; I. Fujii; N. Umetsu; K. Numata; R. Tsumura
    Corresponding, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 19, 1, S48-S49, Jun. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Classification of the surface and back surface unevenness of the liver using ultrasound images of the sagittal section of the liver
    I. Fujii; N. Koizumi; Y. Nishiyama; M. Ogawa; M. Naoki; R. Kasagi; N. Umetsu; T. Ishikawa
    Corresponding, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 19, 1, S15-S16, Jun. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Automatic Inferior Vena Cava Diameter Measurement System Using Ultrasound and Deep Learning
    N. Umetsu; N. Koizumi; Y. Nishiyama; T. Ishikawa; H. Noro; R. Kasagi; I. Fujii; H. Tsukihara; N. Matsumoto; M. Ogawa
    Corresponding, International Journal of CARS (IJCARS), 19, 1, S16-S17, Jun. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • 3D モデルに基づく磁気センサを必要としない肝腫瘍超音波治療効果判定システムの構築
    笠置 陸; 小泉憲裕; 西山 悠; 梅津菜央; 藤井 樹; 沼田和司; 松本直樹; 小川眞広; 小路 直; 津村遼介
    Corresponding, 超音波医学, 51, S736-S736, May 2024, Peer-reviwed
    Research society
  • 肝矢状断面の超音波画像を用いた肝表面・裏面の凹凸分類
    藤井 樹; 小泉憲裕; 西山 悠; 松本直樹; 石川智大; 奥崎功大; 笠置 陸; 梅津菜央; 稲葉大樹; 小川眞広
    Corresponding, 超音波医学, 51, S675-S675, May 2024, Peer-reviwed
    Research society
  • 超音波ロボットによる下大静脈径の自動計測システム
    梅津菜央; 小泉憲裕; 西山悠; 石川智大; 野呂悠紀; 佐野元康; 奥崎功大; 笠置陸; 唐木田楽; 月原弘之; 松本直樹; 小川眞広
    Corresponding, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2P2-H10, May 2024
  • 肝腫瘍RFA・HIFU治療を対象とした磁気センサを必要としない超音波治療効果判定支援システム
    笠置陸; 小泉憲裕; 西山悠; 石川智大; 梅津菜央; 唐木田楽; 藤井樹; 是澤興; 高橋昇汰; 沼田和司; 津村遼介; 小路直
    Corresponding, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2P2-H9, May 2024
    Research society
  • 前立腺癌のナビゲーションにおける同一断面探索システムの開発
    唐木田楽; 小泉憲裕; 西山悠; 武笠杏樹; 佐々木夏穂; 笠置陸; 石川智大; 梅津菜央; 小路直
    Corresponding, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2P2-H8, May 2024
    Research society
  • ぜひ知っておきたい医療のデジタル化(医デジ化)―医療・バイオはあたらしいデジタルだ!―
    Lead, Rad Fan, 21, 14, 34-36, Nov. 2023, Invited
  • Current status and future outlook of ultrasound treatment for prostate cancer
    Sunao Shoji; Jun Naruse; Kazuya Oda; Satoshi Kuroda; Tatsuya Umemoto; Nobuyuki Nakajima; Masanori Hasegawa; Anju Mukasa; Norihiro Koizumi; Akira Miyajima
    Journal of Medical Ultrasonics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 03 Oct. 2023, Peer-reviwed, Abstract

    Radical prostatectomy and radiation therapy are the standard treatment options for localized prostate cancer (PC). However, radical prostatectomy may cause the deterioration of urinary and sexual function, and radiation-induced hemorrhagic cystitis and severe rectal bleeding are risk factors for fatal conditions in patients after radiation therapy. With the recent development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the localization of clinically significant PC (csPC) and treatment modalities, “focal therapy”, which cures csPC while preserving anatomical structures related to urinary and sexual functions, has become a minimally invasive treatment for localized PC. Based on the clinical results of transrectal high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for localized PC in the whole gland and focal therapy, HIFU is considered an attractive treatment option for focal therapy. Recently, the short-term clinical results of transurethral high-intensity directional ultrasound (HIDU) have been reported. With the resolution of some issues, HIDU may be commonly used for PC treatment similar to HIFU. Because HIFU and HIDU have limitations regarding the treatment of patients with large prostate calcifications and large prostate volumes, the proper use of these modalities will enable the treatment of any target area in the prostate. To establish a standard treatment strategy for localized PC, pair-matched and historically controlled studies are required to verify the oncological and functional outcomes of ultrasound treatment for patients with localized PC.
    Scientific journal
  • Rib region detection for scanning path planning for fully automated robotic abdominal ultrasonography.
    Koudai Okuzaki; Norihiro Koizumi; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Yu Nishiyama; Jiayi Zhou; Ryosuke Tsumura
    International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 03 Oct. 2023, True, PURPOSE: Scanning path planning is an essential technology for fully automated ultrasound (US) robotics. During biliary scanning, the subcostal boundary is critical body surface landmarks for scanning path planning but are often invisible, depending on the individual. This study developed a method of estimating the rib region for scanning path planning toward fully automated robotic US systems. METHODS: We proposed a method for determining the rib region using RGB-D images and respiratory variation. We hypothesized that detecting the rib region would be possible based on changes in body surface position due to breathing. We generated a depth difference image by finding the difference between the depth image taken at the resting inspiratory position and the depth image taken at the maximum inspiratory position, which clearly shows the rib region. The boundary position of the subcostal was then determined by applying training using the YOLOv5 object detection model to this depth difference image. RESULTS: In the experiments with healthy subjects, the proposed method of rib detection using the depth difference image marked an intersection over union (IoU) of 0.951 and average confidence of 0.77. The average error between the ground truth and predicted positions was 16.5 mm in 3D space. The results were superior to rib detection using only the RGB image. CONCLUSION: The proposed depth difference imaging method, which measures respiratory variation, was able to accurately estimate the rib region without contact and physician intervention. It will be useful for planning the scan path during the biliary imaging.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Image Search Strategy via Visual Servoing for Robotic Kidney Ultrasound Imaging.
    Takumi Fujibayashi; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Jiayi Zhou; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Ryosuke Tsumura
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 35, 5, 1281-1289, Oct. 2023
    Scientific journal
  • Construction of organ rotation estimation system using deep learning
    M. Sano; N. Koizumi; Y. Nishiyama; J. Zhou; T. Fujibayashi; M. Matsuyama; M. Yamada; T. Ishikawa, A; Katsuragi; S. Monma
    Corresponding, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), 18, 1, Jun. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Automatic measurement system for the diameter of the inferior vena cava using deep neural network
    H. Noro; N. Koizumi; Y. Nishiyama; J. ZHOU; T. Ishikawa; R. Tsumura; K. Yoshinaka; H. Tsukihara; N.Matsumoto; R. Masuzaki; M. Ogawa; K. Numata
    Corresponding, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), 18, 1, Jun. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Rib born detection of scan path planning for fully-automated ultrasound robotic system
    K. Okuzaki; N. Koizumi; K. Yoshinaka; J. Zhou; T. Fujibayashi; R. Tsumura
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), 18, 1, Jun. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Study on method of organ section retention and tracking through deep learning in automated diagnostic and therapeutic robotics
    Takumi Fujibayashi; Norihiro Koizumi Yu Nishiyama; Yusuke Watanabe; Jiayi Zhou; Momoko Matsuyama; Miyu Yamada; Ryosuke Tsumura; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; N. Matsumoto; H. Tsukihara; K. Numata
    Corresponding, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), Jun. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal
  • 超音波画像処理と位置情報を融合した新技術展開 深層学習に基づくロボティック超音波診断支援システムの開発
    Zhou Jiayi; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 津村 遼介; 葭仲 潔; 松本 直樹; 小川 眞広; 沼田 和司
    超音波医学, (公社)日本超音波医学会, 50, Suppl., S507-S507, Apr. 2023
  • Development of a VS Ultrasound Diagnostic System With Image Evaluation Functions
    Jiayi Zhou; Norihiro Koizumi; Nishiyama; Ryosuke Tsumura; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Naoki Matsumoto
    Proc. 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022), IEEE, 2022, 1, 1-2, 19 Oct. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Study on the Same Cross-Sectional Tracking Method Using AEMADP++ Based on YOLACT++ for Automated Diagnostic and Therapeutic Robots
    Takumi Fujibayashi; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Ryosuke Tsumura; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Hiroyuki Tsukihara
    Proc. 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022), IEEE, 2022, 1, 1-2, 19 Oct. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An Avoiding Overlap Method Between Acoustic Shadow and Organ for Automated Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment
    Momoko Matsuyama; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Ryosuke Tsumura; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Kazushi Numata
    Proc. 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022), IEEE, 2022, 1, 1-2, 19 Oct. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An Automatic Judgment Method of Swelling or Atrophy of Organs for Ultrasound Diagnosis
    Miyu Yamada; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Ryosuke Tsumura; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naoki Matsumoto
    Proc. 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022), IEEE, 2022, 1, 1-2, 19 Oct. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A VS ultrasound diagnostic system with kidney image evaluation functions
    Naoki Matsumoto; Masahiro Ogawa; Hideyo Miyazaki; Kazushi Numata; Hidetoshi Nagaoka; Toshiyuki Iwai; Hideyuki Iijima
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), Springer, 2022, 1, 1-20, 05 Oct. 2022, Peer-reviwed, True, PURPOSE: An inevitable feature of ultrasound-based diagnoses is that the quality of the ultrasound images produced depends directly on the skill of the physician operating the probe. This is because physicians have to constantly adjust the probe position to obtain a cross section of the target organ, which is constantly shifting due to patient respiratory motions. Therefore, we developed an ultrasound diagnostic robot that works in cooperation with a visual servo system based on deep learning that will help alleviate the burdens imposed on physicians. METHODS: Our newly developed robotic ultrasound diagnostic system consists of three robots: an organ tracking robot (OTR), a robotic bed, and a robotic supporting arm. Additionally, we used different image processing methods (YOLOv5s and BiSeNet V2) to detect the target kidney location, as well as to evaluate the appropriateness of the obtained ultrasound images (ResNet 50). Ultimately, the image processing results are transmitted to the OTR for use as motion commands. RESULTS: In our experiments, the highest effective tracking rate (0.749) was obtained by YOLOv5s with Kalman filtering, while the effective tracking rate was improved by about 37% in comparison with cases without such filtering. Additionally, the appropriateness probability of the ultrasound images obtained during the tracking process was also the highest and most stable. The second highest tracking efficiency value (0.694) was obtained by BiSeNet V2 with Kalman filtering and was a 75% improvement over the case without such filtering. CONCLUSION: While the most efficient tracking achieved is based on the combination of YOLOv5s and Kalman filtering, the combination of BiSeNet V2 and Kalman filtering was capable of detecting the kidney center of gravity closer to the kidney's actual motion state. Furthermore, this model could also measure the cross-sectional area, maximum diameter, and other detailed information of the target kidney, which meant it is more practical for use in actual diagnoses.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of a system to imitation the motion trajectory of a probe using Visual SLAM for an automated ultrasound diagnostic robot
    Monma Sho; Koizumi Norihiro; Nishiyama Yu; Ishikawa Tomohiro; Jiayi Zhou; Watanabe Yusuke; Fujibayashi Takumi; Matsuyama Momoko; Yamada Miyu; Tsumura Ryosuke; Yoshinaka Kiyoshi; Matsumoto Naoki; Ogawa Masahiro; Tsukihara Hiroyuki; Numata Kazushi
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, 1P1-M02, Jun. 2022, The purpose of this study is to estimate the motion trajectory of an ultrasound probe using Visual SLAM technology,and to reproduce a doctor's probe scanning using a bed-type robotic ultrasound diagnosis system (RUDS). We investigated a method to mimic the motion trajectory of the RUDS probe by using SLAM technology.The proposed method was able to perform the imitation motion,but the error became larger as the distance from the origin increased.
  • Proposal of an Automatic Probe Manipulation Model Considering Acoustic Shadow in Ultrasound Diagnosis
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, 1P1-M11, Jun. 2022, In ultrasound therapy, a clear ultrasound image is necessary to determine the exact irradiation position. However, there is a concern that the accuracy of irradiation may be degraded due to the black noise caused by the reflection of sound waves on hard tissues such as ribs and stones. In this study, we aim to automate ultrasound probe manipulation to support monitoring of ultrasound diagnosis. The acoustic shadow and the target organ in the ultrasound image are detected by deep learning, and the control model avoids overlapping imaging in real time based on the overlapping area information of the two. This makes it possible to monitor the treatment target without any acoustic shadows.
  • Detection of Organs and Identification of Missing Diagnostic Images Using Deep Learning for Assessment of Diagnostic Image Adequacy
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, 1P1-M12, Jun. 2022, The purpose of this study was to evaluate the appropriateness of diagnostic images for automated ultrasound operations. Therefore, two experiments were conducted. The first is to detect the target organ using deep learning. The second is to identify missing parts in the diagnostic images. In the first experiment of organ detection, the IoU and Dice coefficient were 0.947 and 0.972, respectively, indicating high accuracy.In the second experiment to identify the missing parts of the image, the percentage of correct answers for the missing parts on the right side of m was 75.3%, while the percentage of correct answers for the missing parts on the left side was 99.1%.
  • Construction of a 3D Model of Kidney Using Visual SLAM and Deep Learning with Robotic Ultrasound
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, 1P1-L04, Jun. 2022, Ultrasonography is less invasive and safer than MRI or CT. However, image acquisition is dependent on the skill of the probe operator, and it is difficult for an untrained examiner to understand the three-dimensional structure of the organ. For the above reason, we use a robot to acquire ultrasound images and estimate the position of the probe using Visual SLAM. The obtained images are segmented and combined with position information to construct a three-dimensional model of the organ. In this study, the right kidney of the phantom was used as the target, and the results of position estimation and segmentation accuracy were high. The model of the right kidney was constructed based on these results.
  • Development of an Intraoperative Cancer Localization Navigation System to Support Complete Resection of Prostate Cancer
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, 1P1-L12, Jun. 2022, In this study, we investigated the segmentation and registration methods to develop an intraoperative cancer localization navigation system to support complete resection of prostate cancer. segmentation using YOLACT++ was very accurate in the prostate. YOLACT++ was able to segment the prostate with very high accuracy, and it was also able to obtain sufficient accuracy for the outline of the tumor near the capsule of prostate. Therefore, we evaluated the effectiveness of YOLACT++ for cancer localization prediction. For registration, we compared the accuracy of affine transformation and projection transformation, and evaluated that affine transformation was effective. In the future, we will examine the accuracy of nonlinear registration methods such as the B-spline method and registration methods between different modalities.
  • 診断画像適正度の評価のための深層学習を用いた臓器検出と診断画像欠損部の同定
    桂木 嵐; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 山田 望結; 藤林 巧; 沼田 和司; 月原 弘之; 増崎 亮太; 松本 直樹; 小川 眞広
    超音波医学, (公社)日本超音波医学会, 49, Suppl., S581-S581, Apr. 2022
  • 動的輪郭モデルを用いた深層学習による2次元量音波診断画像からの3次元移動量推定
    矢ヶ崎 詞穂; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 齋藤 僚介; 小川 眞広; 松本 直樹; 沼田 和司
    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌, (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会, 23, 4, 221-221, Nov. 2021
  • Evaluation of Ultrasonic Fibrosis Diagnostic System Using Convolutional Network for Ordinal Regression
    Ryosuke Saito; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Tsubasa Imaizumi; Kenta Kusahara; Shiho Yagasaki; Naoki Matsumoto; Ryota Masuzaki; Toshimi Takahashi; Masahiro Ogawa
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), Springer Nature, 2021, 1, 1-7, 21 Sep. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Parametric identification of prostate shape using the superellipses and its correlation with pathology
    Y. Onodera; N. Koizumi; Y. Shigenari; R. Igarashi; Y. Nishiyama; S. Shoji
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), 16, S1, S66-S67, 04 Jun. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • 人工知能を用いた肝線維化の超音波診断システムの開発
    齋藤 僚介; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 今泉 飛翔; 草原 健太; 矢ヶ崎 詩穂; 小川 眞広; 松本 直樹
    超音波医学, (公社)日本超音波医学会, 48, Suppl., S652-S652, Apr. 2021
  • 深層学習を用いた2次元超音波画像からの3次元移動量推定
    矢ヶ崎 詞穂; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 近藤 亮祐; 草原 健太; 齋藤 僚介; 小川 眞広; 松本 直樹; 沼田 和司
    超音波医学, (公社)日本超音波医学会, 48, Suppl., S653-S653, Apr. 2021
  • Correlation between alterations in blood flow of malignant lymphomas after induction chemotherapies and clinical outcomes: a pilot study utilising contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for early interim evaluation of lymphoma treatment
    Mariko Kumagawa; Naoki Matsumoto; Katsuhiko Miura; Masahiro Ogawa; Hiromichi Takahashi; Yoshihiro Hatta; Ryosuke Kondo; Norihiro Koizumi; Masami Takei; Mitsuhiko Moriyama
    Clinical Radiology, Elsevier Ltd., 2021, 1, 1-9, 07 Mar. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • The value of hepatobiliary phase in EOB-MRI in predicting hypervascularization outcome of non-hypervascular hypointense lesions in high-risk patients for hepatocellular carcinoma
    Feiqian Wang; Kazushi Numata; Makoto Chuma; Hiromi Nihonmatsu; Satoshi Moriya; Akito Nozaki; Katsuaki Ogushi; Hiroyuki Fukuda; Masahiro Okada; Litao Ruan; Wen Luo; Norihiro Koizumi; Masayuki Nakano; Masako Otani; Yoshiaki Inayama; Shin Maeda
    Abdominal Radiology, Springer Science+Business Media, 2021, 1, 1-13, 03 Jan. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • A novel complementation method of an acoustic shadow region utilizing a convolutional neural network for ultrasound-guided therapy
    Momoko Matsuyama; Norihiro Koizumi; Akihide Otsuka; Kento Kobayashi; Shiho Yagasaki; Yusuke Watanabe; Jiayi Zhou; Yu Nishiyama; Naoki Matsumoto; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Kazushi Numata
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), Springer Nature, 2021, 1, 1-18, 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • CNNを用いた高速な超音波画像上の臓器検出手法の比較・検証
    五十嵐立樹; 冨田恭平; 小泉憲裕; 西山悠
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 56, 12, 560-569, 19 Dec. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A contact state adjustment method to enhance organ motion compensation performance for a bed-type ultrasound diagnostic and therapeutic robot
    Kento Kobayashi; Yusuke Watanabe; Jiayi Zhou; Takumi Fujibayashi; Momoko Matsuyama; Miyu Yamada; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Hideyuki Iijima; Norihiro Koizumi
    Proc. of 16th Annual Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery (ACCAS2020), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, 1, 31-32, 27 Nov. 2020, Peer-reviwed, It is difficult to perform proper ultrasound diagnosis when the respiratory organs are moving, so it is necessary for the patient to stop breathing. However, stopping breathing puts a burden on the patient, so it is necessary to acquire a still image while breathing, that is, even when the organ is moving. We developed a bed-type ultrasound robot and used template matching for tracking and load cell for measuring the contact force. The subject of the tracking experiment was a phantom that imitated the abdominal organ, and the contact force was measured using the phantom. Tracking accuracy was higher at a bed speed of 1.4 cm/s on the back when the contact was sufficient on the abdomen. As for the contact force, a value of 3.0 to 4.9 N was measured on the back.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Ultrasound Robot for Automatic Acquisition of Ultrasound Images
    Ryosuke Saito; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Tsubasa Imaizumi; Kenta Kusahara; Shiho Yagasaki; Masahiro Ogawa; Naoki Matsumoto
    Proc. of 16th Annual Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery (ACCAS2020), 2020, 1, 29-30, 27 Nov. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Study on automatic aquisition of diagnostic images by ultrasound diagnostic robot
    Yusuke Watanabe; Norihiro Koizumi; Yudai Sasaki; Kento Kobayashi; Takahiro Kobayashi; Zhou Jiayi; Yu Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Kazushi Numata; Hideyuki Iijima; Toshiyuki Iwai; Hidetoshi Nagaoka
    Proc. of 16th Annual Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery (ACCAS2020), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, 1, 27-28, 27 Nov. 2020, Peer-reviwed, The purpose of this study is to develop a novel algorithm that can automatically acquire an ultrasound image using the newly developed bed-type ultrasound diagnostic robot. We confirmed the effectiveness of our novel proposed method by comparing tracking accuracy with the conventional template matching method and simulated a basic algorithm for controlling the robot. As a result, it was confirmed that the accuracy for detecting the target is dramatically enhanced so as to obtain the target ultrasound image successfully.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Ultrasound Robot for Automatic Acquisition of Ultrasound Images
    Jiayi Zhou; Kento Kobayashi; Yusuke Watanabe; Takumi Fujibayashi; Momoko Matsuyama; Miyu Yamada; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Yu Nishiyama; Norihiro Koizumi
    Proc. of 16th Annual Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery (ACCAS2020), 2020, 1, 33-34, 27 Nov. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 順序回帰畳み込みネットワークを用いた非アルコール性脂肪肝炎における肝線維化診断
    齋藤 僚介; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 今泉 飛翔; 草原 健太; 矢ヶ崎 詞穂; 小川 眞広; 松本 直樹
    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌, (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会, 22, 4, 281-281, Nov. 2020
  • 深層学習を用いた超音波プローブの位置推定における光学式データの活用の検討
    矢ヶ崎 詞穂; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 近藤 亮祐; 草原 健太; 五十嵐 立樹; 齋藤 僚介; 沼田 和司; 小川 眞広; 松本 直樹
    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌, (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会, 22, 4, 303-303, Nov. 2020
  • 人工知能を用いた非アルコール性脂肪肝炎(NASH)の超音波診断システムの開発
    齋藤 僚介; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 今泉 飛翔; 草原 健太; 矢ヶ崎 詩穂; 小川 眞広; 松本 直樹
    超音波医学, (公社)日本超音波医学会, 47, Suppl., S541-S541, Nov. 2020
  • 深層学習を用いた超音波画像上の肝血管腫と血管の分類手法
    草原 健太; 小泉 憲裕; 今泉 飛翔; 西山 悠; 齋藤 僚介; 矢ヶ崎 詞穂; 松本 直樹; 小川 眞広
    超音波医学, (公社)日本超音波医学会, 47, Suppl., S542-S542, Nov. 2020
  • 超音波ガイド下ラジオ波焼灼療法支援システムにおける腫瘍追従手法に関する研究
    矢ヶ崎 詞穂; 小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 近藤 亮祐; 今泉 飛翔; 草原 健太; 齋藤 僚介; 沼田 和司; 小川 眞広; 松本 直樹
    超音波医学, (公社)日本超音波医学会, 47, Suppl., S542-S542, Nov. 2020
  • 超音波医工学を核とする医工融合人材の養成
    小泉 憲裕; 西山 悠; 月原 弘之; 宮嵜 英世; 小路 直; 沼田 和司; 松本 直樹; 小川 眞広
    超音波医学, (公社)日本超音波医学会, 47, Suppl., S565-S565, Nov. 2020
  • Estimating 3-dimensional liver motion using deep learning and 2-dimensional ultrasound images
    Shiho Yagasaki; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Ryosuke Kondo; Tsubasa Imaizumi; Naoki Matsumoto; Masahiro Ogawa; Kazushi Numata
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), Springer Nature, 2020, 10, 1-7, 03 Oct. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Intraprocedurally EOB-MRI/US fusion imaging focusing on hepatobiliary phase findings can help to reduce the recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency ablation
    Feiqian Wang; Kazushi Numata; Hiromi Nihonmatsu; Makoto Chuma; Satoshi Moriya; Akito Nozaki; Katsuaki Ogushi; Hiroyuki Fukuda; Litao Ruan; Masahiro Okada; Wen Luo; Norihiro Koizumi; Masayuki Nakano; Masako Otani; Yoshiaki Inayama; Shin Maeda
    International Journal of Hyperthermia (IJH), 37, 1, 1149-1158, 30 Sep. 2020, Peer-reviwed, True, BACKGROUND & AIMS: To explore the ability of gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid magnetic resonance imaging (EOB-MRI)/ultrasound (US) fusion imaging (FI) to improve the prognosis of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) by ablating the characteristic findings of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in hepatobiliary phase (HBP) imaging. METHODS: We retrospectively recruited 115 solitary HCC lesions with size of (15.9 ± 4.6) mm. They were all treated by RFA and preoperative EOB-MRI. According to the modalities guiding RFA performance, the lesions were grouped into contrast enhanced US (CEUS)/US guidance group and EOB-MRI/US FI guidance group. For the latter group, the ablation scope was set to cover the HBP findings (peritumoral hypointensity and irregular protruding margin). The presence of HBP findings, the modalities guided RFA, the recurrence rate were observed. RESULTS: After an average follow-up of 377 days, local tumor progression (LTP) and intrahepatic distant recurrence (IDR) were 14.8% and 38.4%, respectively. The lesions having HBP findings exhibited a higher recurrence rate (73.7%) than the lesions without HBP findings (42.9%) (p = 0.002) and a low overall recurrence-free curve using the Kaplan-Meier method (p = 0.038). Using EOB-MRI/US FI as guidance, there was no difference in the recurrence rate between the groups with and without HBP findings (p = 0.799). In lesions with HBP findings, RFA guided by EOB-MRI/US FI (53.8%) produced a lower recurrence rate than CEUS/US (84.0%) (p = 0.045). CONCLUSIONS: The intraprocedurally application of EOB-MRI/US FI to determine ablation scope according to HBP findings is feasible and beneficial for prognosis of RFA.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of bed type ultrasound diagnosis and therapeutic robot
    小林賢人; 佐々木雄大; 江浦史生; 近藤亮裕; 冨田恭平; 小林賢大; 渡辺祐介; 大塚研秀; 月原弘之; 松本直樹; 沼田和司; 永岡秀敏; 岩井敏行; 飯島秀幸; 小泉憲裕
    第25回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, IEEE, 2020, 1, 179-182, 16 Mar. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    Symposium, Japanese
  • Lesion tracking method using CNN for non-invasive ultrasound theranostic system
    五十嵐立樹; 冨田恭平; 小泉憲裕; 西山悠
    第25回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, IEEE, 2020, 1, 9-12, 15 Mar. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    Symposium, Japanese
  • Use of intra-procedural fusion imaging combining contrast-enhanced ultrasound using a perflubutane-based contrast agent and auto sweep three-dimensional ultrasound for guiding radiofrequency ablation and evaluating its efficacy ...
    Katsuyuki Sanga; Kazushi Numata; Hiromi Nihonmatsu; Katsuaki Ogushi; Hiroyuki Fukuda; Makoto Chuma; Hiroshi Hashimoto; Norihiro Koizumi; Shin Maeda
    International Journal of Hyperthermia (IJH), Taylor & Francis, 37, 1, 202-211, 18 Feb. 2020, Peer-reviwed, True, Purpose: This study evaluated the usefulness of intraprocedural contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)/ultrasound (US) fusion imaging using a perflubutane-based contrast agent combined with preprocedural auto sweep three-dimensional US to obtain volume data for guidance and evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of radiofrequency ablation (RFA).Methods: This uncontrolled clinical trial included 50 hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) with a mean diameter of 15.3 mm that had been treated by RFA. The efficacy of RFA was evaluated by CEUS/US fusion imaging during the procedure. If the ablation was deemed to be inadequate, further ablation was performed until adequate ablation was achieved. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) or contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CEMRI) was performed a month after RFA, and the images obtained using each modality were reviewed to evaluate the efficacy of RFA.Results: Thirty-three of the 50 lesions were evaluated by CEUS/US fusion imaging as having been adequately ablated after the first RFA procedure. The ablation was evaluated as inadequate in the remaining 17 lesions, for which additional ablation was performed. Ninety-eight (49/50) of all HCCs were evaluated as having been eventually adequately ablated on intraprocedural CEUS/US fusion imaging. The concordance rate for evaluations between intraprocedural CEUS/US fusion imaging and CECT/CEMRI performed 1 month after RFA was 88% (44/50). The kappa value for agreement between the two methods of evaluation was 0.792.Conclusion: Intraprocedural fusion imaging combining CEUS and auto sweep three-dimensional US appears to be a useful modality for RFA guidance and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of RFA in patients with HCC.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Automatic Diagnosis by Compact Portable Ultrasound Robot : State Estimation of Internal Organs with Steady-State Kalman Filter
    Yudai Sasaki; Fumio Eura; Kento Kobayashi; Ryosuke Kondo; Kyohei Tomita; Yu Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Naoki Matsumoto; Norihiro Koizumi
    Proc. of 2019 IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies Conference (HI-POCT), IEEE, 1, 1, 29-32, 20 Jan. 2020, Peer-reviwed, In recent years, research has been very active on the development of artificial intelligence, robot technology, and support for proper image acquisition in ultrasound diagnosis. A conventional problem using robot technology is that robots themselves are large and complicated mechanisms. If a robot is large, there is a restriction where it can be used; that is, a certain amount of space is necessary. In consideration of these constraints, in this research, we developed a compact medical robot holding an ultrasound probe that can easily perform at-home diagnosis that compensates for organ movement.When the robot automatically diagnoses organs, it is necessary to scan organs with the ultrasound probe over the same cross-section always aligned with the center of the organ. Based on the present research, in order to compensate for the movement of the phantom with movement of the ultrasound probe in the ultrasound images, the movement of the phantom in the ultrasound images is analyzed. As a method, Kalman filter model with linear Gaussian noise is applied to position observations obtained by template matching, and system noise and observation noise are estimated in object state estimation. We also constructed a steady-state Kalman filter with asymptotic stability using solutions from the Riccati equation. Furthermore, verification experiments were carried out with the model on dataset acquired in previous research, and the position and velocity of the phantom were analyzed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Sagittal alignment in an MR-TRUS fusion biopsy using only the prostate contour in the axial image
    Riki Igarashi; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Kyohei Tomita; Yuka Shigenari; Sunao Shoji
    ROBOMECH Journal, Springer, 7, 1, 1-7, 15 Jan. 2020, Peer-reviwed, PurposeThis paper examines the feasibility of automated alignment in sagittal direction in MR-TRUS fusion biopsy of the prostate by comparing the prostate contour in axial images between different modalities. In the treatment of prostate cancer, an important factor affecting the prognosis of patients is focal therapy of cancer within the prostate. Therefore, MR-TRUS fusion biopsy of the prostate is attracting attention as one of the most effective localization techniques. Because the accuracy of this biopsy is highly dependent on the doctor performing it, automation should reduce variability in diagnostic performance.MethodThe MR image is scaled to the same scale as the TRUS image, and the contours of the prostate on the MR and TRUS images are compared in polar coordinates. In addition, this method makes it possible to perform a robust comparison against deformation by comparing specific angle ranges. It is also possible to improve the accuracy of error calculation by accumulating contour data.ResultThe axial image selected by the proposed method using the prostate contour obtained from the doctor-labeled segmentation image has an error of about 4 mm in the sagittal direction on average compared to the axial image selected by the doctor did. Furthermore, using the inaccurate prostate contours obtained by performing segmentation with U-Net only slightly reduced the accuracy. In addition, it was found that alignment accuracy is improved by using the angler weight.ConclusionIt has been shown that sagittal alignment can be performed with some degree of accuracy using only axial images. Also, the angular weight values used indicate that when comparing axial images, it may be an important factor in determining the same axial cross section to compare the parts that deform due to probe pressure.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of vertical axis rotation mechanism of bed type ultrasonic robot and estimation method of posture of moving organ
    KOBAYASHI Takahiro; SASAKI Yudai; KOBAYASHI Kento; WATANABE Yusuke; ZHOU Kai; NISHIYAMA Yu; KOIZUMI Norihiro; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki; NUMATA Kazushi; IIJIMA Hideyuki; IWAI Toshiyuki; NAGAOKA Hidetoshi
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, 2A1-E12, 2020, In this research, we developed a mechanism that has vertical axis rotation in the tip of a bed-type ultrasound robot that can follow three-dimensional movement of abdominal organs with higher accuracy, which is impossible with a conventional bed-type ultrasound robot. As a preparation stage for position and orientation tracking, a new method for estimating the organ angle from acquired ultrasound images alone is newly proposed. From the experimental results, an appropriate angle could be estimated from the acquired data. As future work, it is required to perform an experiment to follow the organ in the vertical axis rotation with the developed mechanism and the proposed algorithm.
  • An Automated Ultrasound Diagnosis System for Liver Fibrosis in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Using Deep Learning
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, 2A1-E15, 2020, Liver fibrosis is important information for diagnosing the prognosis of fatty liver. Diagnosis of the degree of fibrosis by ultrasound is non-invasive and cost-effective. However, it is difficult to evaluate the effect of fat on interpretation and mild fibrosis. In this report, we propose a novel method utilizing deep learning to improve the accuracy and automation of ultrasound diagnosis of liver fibrosis for NASH. This is a novel system that extracts the parenchyma of liver by U-Net, and then performs classification using the network that considers the order of the fibrosis level. The experimental results showed that the extraction of parenchymal liver achieved a Dice coefficient of 0.929, demonstrating the effectiveness of the method using U-Net. As for the classification, the accuracy rate was improved to 0.639 than that of the conventional method.
  • Estimation of Organ State utilizing Deep Learning Tiny-YOLOv3 and Fixed Lag Smoothing Motion Filter
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, 2A1-E02, 2020, In this research, we proposed a robotic motion control framework that can detect kidney in real-time by utilizing deep learning, and evaluate the accuracy of automatically acquiring and maintaining ultrasound diagnostic images of kidney. Furthermore, we performed object detection experiments using a model that was generated by a kidney phantom, estimated the state of renal phantom motion.

    The novelty of our method is the framework of the combination of the deep learning tiny-YOLOv3 model and filtering considering the influence of speckle noise in an ultrasound image. In our method, the filtering is determined to incorporate the center position of where the object is detected, and two types of filters are adopted.
  • Comparison and Validation of Fast Organ Detection Methods on Ultrasound Images Using CNN
    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 56, 12, 560-569, 2020, We are developing a system to treat kidney, liver and other organs, as well as stones and cancer in these organs using high-power focused ultrasound (HIFU) while tracking lesions that move by breathing and body movements. The system estimates organ movement by analyzing ultrasound images obtained from the probe and compensates for this movement with robotic control. In recent years, various medical image analysis methods using deep learning have been proposed and studied, but they have not been fully explored as methods to detect specific organs using robotic systems. In this paper, we compared and validated the performance of Faster R-CNN, which is commonly used for object detection, and the proposed methods, Regression Network (RegNet) and Segmentation In Regression Network (SegInRegNet), the proposed method based on the problems of Faster R-CNN, in a kidney detection task. And then, we show that 1) there are some problems with Faster R-CNN as a kidney detection method operating on a robotic system and that 2) proposed method performs better than Faster R-CNN in terms of detection speed and accuracy.
  • Method of Medical DigITalization (Me-DigIT) and Its Effects and Social Impacts
    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 85, 9, 749-752, 05 Sep. 2019
  • Development of Compact Portable Ultrasound Robot for Home Healthcare
    Yudai Sasaki; Fumio Eura; Kento Kobayashi; Ryosuke Kondo; Kyohei Tomita; Yu Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Naoki Matumoto; Norihiro Koizumi
    The Journal of Engineering(JoE), The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2019, 14, 495-499, 08 Jan. 2019, Peer-reviwed, Robotic medical ultrasound can support diagnostics and alleviate fatigues. However, state-of-the-art ultrasound devices are too large and complex for home healthcare. Moreover, organs move in accordance with respiration. This movement changes the ultrasound image pattern and it is difficult for the operator to diagnose easily and accurately. To cope with these problems, the authors newly developed a compact portable ultrasound diagnostic robot for home healthcare, which compensate the organ motion. It can support those who find it difficult to visit a hospital for temporal, spatial, or physical reasons. A robust template matching method to servo the target was applied. Specifically, this robot moves to the target, whose position is detected by finding and identifying the image position of the target in the real-time input images. The authors also applied a multi-threading algorithm with two threads to enhance the real-time performance. One is for image processing with template matching. Another is for robot control to servo the target. Experimental results show that their proposed robot and algorithms can be suppressed to 25.2% motion in pk-to-pk for the periodic phantom organ motion (period of 3 s and of pk-to-pk 40 mm).
    Scientific journal, English
  • Matching axial images of magnetic resonance imaging and transrectal ultrasound based on deep learning
    Igarashi Riki; Koizumi Norihiro; Nishiyama Yu; Tomita Kyohei; Shigenari Yuka; Shoji Sunao
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019, 1A1-B09, 2019, This paper examines the feasibility of automated alignment in prostate targeted biopsy by comparing the prostate contour between different modalities. The prostate targeted biopsy that is attracting attention in the treatment of prostate cancer largely depends on the doctor who operates surgery, so it can be expected to reduce the variation in the diagnostic performance by automation. In the proposed method, segmentation is performed using deep learning, and the same prostate cross section between different modalities is estimated from the similarity obtained by comparing prostate contours of different modalities obtained by segmentation. In this method it was possible to estimate close to expert judgment with accuracy of 69.4%. Furthermore, by considering the deformity of the prostate gland and calculating the similarity for each angle, we achieved an estimate close to the judgment of experts with higher accuracy of 83.3%.
  • Deep learning based 3-dimensional liver motion estimation using 2-dimensional ultrasound images
    Tsubasa Imaizumi; Ryosukc Kondo; Kenta Kusahara; Yu Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Naoki Matsumoto; Kazushi Numata; Norihiro Koizumi
    2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CYBORG AND BIONIC SYSTEMS (CBS), IEEE, 184-190, 2019, Purpose: Radiofrequency ablation therapy support system aims to display the true tumor position by tracking the tumor during the treatment. This sys-tem utilizes 2-dimensional ultrasound images. As a major cause of the tracking error, the tumor moves in the direction which is perpendicular to the scan plane of the ultra-sound image. Methods: To cope with this, in the proposed method, the six-axis movement amount is estimated from two 2-dimensional ultrasound images by a convolution neural network. In addition, we tried to improve the processing speed by using multitask learning. The liver moves differently from other tissues in the ultra-sound linage. In particular, in order to improve the accuracy, a heatmap as a result of segmentation estimation of the liver region was utilized for estimating the amount of movement. By this method, we could estimate the amount of movement in the direction which is perpendicular to the ultrasound image plane so as to track the organ motion more precisely and robustly. We conducted an experiment to confirm the estimating performance of the amount of probe movement relative to the liver phantom, and evaluated estimation accuracy and measured processing speed. Results: The number of the used image sets w as 9,506 for the learning and 1,337 for the evaluation. Conclusion: The experimental results show the effectiveness of our novel method. This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Deep learning based 3-dimensional liver motion estimation using 2-dimensional ultrasound images.
    Tsubasa Imaizumi; Ryosuke Kondo; Kenta Kusahara; Yu Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Naoki Matsumoto; Kazushi Numata; Norihiro Koizumi
    2019 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems(CBS), IEEE, 184-190, 2019
    International conference proceedings
  • Method for Extracting Acoustic Shadows to Construct an Organ Composite Model in Ultrasound Images
    OTSUKA Akihide; KOIZUMI Norihiro; HOSOI Izumu; NISHIYAMA Yu; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, 1A1-F06, 2018, Ultrasound has a lot of advantages in observing diseased organ areas compared with other imaging diagnostic modalities. Nevertheless, the presence of acoustic shadows in ultrasound images can impede observation of the diseased area, and although the ultrasound probe can be moved to scan for obtaining ultrasound images that avoid the bones, this limits the current imaging field of view and viewpoint which is favorable to observe the affected area. To cope with these problems, we have designed a conceptual model with the aim of expanding the imaging range for organ diseased areas by compositing the images to complement areas with acoustic shadows. In this report, we propose a method for extracting the composited acoustic shadow element from the ultrasound images of kidneys on the basis of the principles of ultrasound image generation and qualities of bone-generated acoustic shadows. Experimental results show our proposed method extracts acoustic shadows with high accuracy.
  • Automatic fascia extraction and classification for measurement of muscle layer thickness
    IMAIZUMI Tsubasa; KOIZUMI Norihiro; NISHIYAMA Yu; KONDO Ryosuke
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, 1A1-F05, 2018, In this report, we proposed a method of classification of fascia and other tissue using Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) in ultrasound images. The muscle layer can be determined by detecting the fascia. The decline of muscle and bone density due to aging is increased the likelihood of injury. So it is considered a serious problem. To cope with this problem, we proposed a method of automatic fascia classification to visualize muscle thickness. Our method use SVM based on the texture analysis of ultrasound images. Our method achieves about 90% Accuracy and Recall by considering that the fascia is a continuous tissue. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed automatic fascia extraction method.
  • Method for Shape Extraction and Modeling of Prostate Contours by Using Superellipses
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, 1A1-G01, 2018, In this report we propose a novel method for shape extraction and modeling of MRI prostate contours. Transperineal targeted biopsy with real-time fusion image of multiparametric magnetic resonance image and transrectal ultrasound image have a problem that the diagnostic ability is uneven in accordance with the skill of the medical professionals. To cope with these problems, we propose a method, which is not affected by diagnostic ability, to extract prostate contour utilizing deformable superellipse models. The characteristic of oue method is to implement the region division function for the deformable superellips models to enhance the expressiveness to handle the left and right asymmetry of the prostate contours. Experimental results show our proposing method is effectiveness.
  • Automatic fascia extraction and classification for measurement of muscle layer thickness
    Tsubasa Imaizumi; Norihiro Koizumi; Ryosuke Kondo; Yu Nishiyama; Naoki Matsumoto
    2018 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS (UR), IEEE, 493-496, 2018, In this report, we proposed a method of discriminating of fascia using Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) in ultrasound images. In modern society, aging is progressing due to medical development. Along with that, the decline of muscle due to aging is regarded as a serious problem. To cope with this problem, we proposed a method of automatic fascia classification to visualize muscle thickness. Our method use SVM based on the texture of ultrasound images. In addition to this method, our method achieves about 90% Accuracy and Recall by considering that the fascia is a continuous tissue. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed automatic fascia extraction method.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Method for Extracting Acoustic Shadows to Construct an Organ Composite Model in Ultrasound Images
    Akihide Otsuka; Norihiro Koizumi; Izumu Hosoi; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Yu Nishiyama
    2018 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS (UR), IEEE, 719-722, 2018, Ultrasound has a lot of advantages for observing diseased organ areas compared to other diagnostic imaging modalities. However, the presence of acoustic shadows in ultrasound images can impede the observation of the diseased area. Although the ultrasound probe can be oriented so that e.g. bones are avoided, this restricts the imaging field of view as well as favorable viewpoints for the affected area. To cope with these problems, we have designed a conceptual model with the aim of expanding the imaging range for diseased organ areas by assembling the images to complement areas with acoustic shadows. In this report, we propose a method for extracting a composed acoustic shadow element from ultrasound images of kidneys on the basis of ultrasound image generation and properties of bone-generated acoustic shadows. Experimental results show that our proposed method can locate and extract acoustic shadows with high accuracy.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Out-of-Plane Motion Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network for US-guided Radiofrequency Ablation Therapy
    Kondo Ryosuke; Koizumi Norihiro; Nishiyama Yu; Matsumoto Naoki; Numata Kazushi
    2018 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS (UR), IEEE, 729-731, 2018, Radiofrequency ablation therapy support system aims to display the true tumor position by tracking the tumor at the time of treatment. As a major cause of the error, the tumor moves in the direction which is perpendicular to the scan plane of the ultrasound image. Therefore, in the proposed method, the six-axis movement amount is estimated from two ultrasound images by a convolution neural network. By this method, we estimated the amount of movement in the direction perpendicular to the ultrasound image plane and aimed at tracking more accurately. We conducted an experiment to estimate the probe movement amount with respect to the liver phantom and confirmed the certain effectiveness of this method.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Out-of-Plane Motion Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network for US-guided Radiofrequency Ablation Therapy.
    Ryosuke Kondo; Norihiro Koizumi; Yu Nishiyama; Naoki Matsumoto; Kazushi Numata
    15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots(UR), IEEE, 729-731, 2018
    International conference proceedings
  • Method for Extracting Acoustic Shadows to Construct an Organ Composite Model in Ultrasound Images.
    Akihide Otsuka; Norihiro Koizumi; Izumu Hosoi; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Yu Nishiyama
    15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots(UR), IEEE, 719-722, 2018
    International conference proceedings
  • Automatic fascia extraction and classification for measurement of muscle layer thickness.
    Tsubasa Imaizumi; Norihiro Koizumi; Ryosuke Kondo; Yu Nishiyama; Naoki Matsumoto
    15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots(UR), IEEE, 493-496, 2018
    International conference proceedings
  • A new device for fiducial registration of image-guided navigation system for liver RFA
    Nobutaka Doba; Hiroyuki Fukuda; Kazushi Numata; Yoshiteru Hao; Kouji Hara; Akito Nozaki; Masaaki Kondo; Makoto Chuma; Katsuaki Tanaka; Shigeo Takebayashi; Norihiro Koizumi; Akira Kobayashi; Junichi Tokuda; Shin Maeda
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Springer Verlag, 13, 1, 115-124, 01 Jan. 2018, Peer-reviwed, Purpose: Radiofrequency ablation for liver tumors (liver RFA) is widely performed under ultrasound guidance. However, discriminating between the tumor and the needle is often difficult because of cavitation caused by RFA-induced coagulation. An unclear ultrasound image can lead to complications and tumor residue. Therefore, image-guided navigation systems based on fiducial registration have been developed. Fiducial points are usually set on a patient’s skin. But the use of internal fiducial points can improve the accuracy of navigation. In this study, a new device is introduced to use internal fiducial points using 2D US. Methods: 3D Slicer as the navigation software, Polaris Vicra as the position sensor, and two target tumors in a 3D abdominal phantom as puncture targets were used. Also, a new device that makes it possible to obtain tracking coordinates in the body was invented. First, two-dimensional reslice images from the CT images using 3D Slicer were built. A virtual needle was displayed on the two-dimensional reslice image, reflecting the movement of the actual needle after fiducial registration. A phantom experiment using three sets of fiducial point configurations: one conventional case using only surface points, and two cases in which the center of the target tumor was selected as a fiducial point was performed. For each configuration, one surgeon punctured each target tumor ten times under guidance from the 3D Slicer display. Finally, a statistical analysis examining the puncture error was performed. Results: The puncture error for each target tumor decreased significantly when the center of the target tumor was included as one of the fiducial points, compared with when only surface points were used. Conclusion: This study introduces a new device to use internal fiducial points and suggests that the accuracy of image-guided navigation systems for liver RFA can be improved by using the new device.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Ultrasound image based visual servoing for moving target ablation by high intensity focused ultrasound
    Joonho Seo; Norihiro Koizumi; Mamoru Mitsuishi; Naohiko Sugita
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER ASSISTED SURGERY, WILEY, 13, 4, 1-7, Dec. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Background Although high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a promising technology for tumor treatment, a moving abdominal target is still a challenge in current HIFU systems. In particular, respiratory-induced organ motion can reduce the treatment efficiency and negatively influence the treatment result. In this research, we present: (1) a methodology for integration of ultrasound (US) image based visual servoing in a HIFU system; and (2) the experimental results obtained using the developed system.
    Materials and methods In the visual servoing system, target motion is monitored by biplane US imaging and tracked in real time (40 Hz) by registration with a preoperative 3D model. The distance between the target and the current HIFU focal position is calculated in every US frame and a three-axis robot physically compensates for differences. Because simultaneous HIFU irradiation disturbs US target imaging, a sophisticated interlacing strategy was constructed.
    Results In the experiments, respiratory-induced organ motion was simulated in a water tank with a linear actuator and kidney-shaped phantom model. Motion compensation with HIFU irradiation was applied to the moving phantom model. Based on the experimental results, visual servoing exhibited a motion compensation accuracy of 1.7 mm (RMS) on average. Moreover, the integrated system could make a spherical HIFU-ablated lesion in the desired position of the respiratory-moving phantom model.
    Conclusions We have demonstrated the feasibility of our US image based visual servoing technique in a HIFU system for moving target treatment.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of portable ultrasound guided physiological motion compensation device
    Fumio Eura; Rika Aizawa; Ryosuke Kondo; Kyohei Tomita; Yu Nishiyama; Norihiro Koizumi
    Proc. of 2017 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS 2017), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1, 1A1-J04, 17 Oct. 2017, Peer-reviwed,

    An obtained image by ultrasound diagnostic device depends on the skill of the operator. In addition, it is difficult to observe the image due to the organ motions and deformations in accordance with the breathing and pulsation. For this research, we have developed the physiological motion compensation device to track and follow the moving and deformable organ so as to observe the affected area, which is incorporated in the organ, precisely as if it were still regardless of the skill of the operator.

    International conference proceedings, English
  • A study for tracking focal lesions in non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system
    Kyohei Tomita; Norihiro Koizumi; Atsushi Kayasuga; Yu Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Hideyo Miyazaki; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, URAI 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 589-591, 25 Jul. 2017, Peer-reviwed, In recent years, HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) therapy, which is one of the non-invasive therapies utilizing focused ultrasound, have attracted a great attention as a novel treatment method for a focal lesion, such as a tumor and a stone. However, the focal lesion moves in accordance with respiration, which may cause the damage for the surrounding normal tissues. To cope with this problem, we have developed a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system (NIUTS). In this report, we propose a novel tracking method, which is implemented in NIUTS, based on 'Partial Active Shape Model' to enhance the servo performance for the focal lesion. Experimental results shows the effectiveness of the proposed servo method concerning the precision and robustness for a kidney phantom.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An automatic templates selection method for ultrasound guided tumor tracking
    Ryosuke Kondo; Norihiro Koizumi; Kyohei Tomita; Yu Nishiyama; Hidenori Sakanashi; Hiroyuki Fukuda; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Kazushi Numata; Mamoru Mitusishi; Yoichiro Matsumoto
    2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, URAI 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 587-588, 25 Jul. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Invited, In this report, we propose a novel robust tumor tracking method for ultrasound guided RFA (radiofrequency ablation) treatments. Organ deformations seriously deteriorate the tracking performance. To cope with this problem, we propose a novel motion tracking method using dynamic templates. Our method achieves stable tracking by selecting templates automatically based on the texture features of ultrasound diagnostic images. On the other hand, the conventional method is unstable due to the variation to select templates manually. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposing motion tracking method concerning the robustness and accuracy.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An automatic templates selection method for ultrasound guided tumor tracking
    Kyohei Tomita; Norihiro Koizumi; Atsushi Kayasuga; Yu Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Hideyo Miyazaki; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Proc. of 2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2017), IEEE, 589-591, 28 Jun. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 肝線維化の定量化を目的とするテクスチャ解析を用いたアーチファクトの分類手法
    源田 達也; 小泉 憲裕; 大塚 研秀; 近藤 亮祐; 冨田 恭平; 西山 悠; 坂無 英徳; 熊川 まり子; 松本 直樹; 小川 眞広
    超音波医学, (公社)日本超音波医学会, 44, Suppl., S457-S457, Apr. 2017
  • Servoing performance enhancement via a respiratory organ motion prediction model for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system
    Tatsuya Fujii; Norihiro Koizumi; Atsushi Kayasuga; Dongjun Lee; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Hiroyuki Fukuda; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Takashi Azuma; Hideyo Miyazaki; Naohiko Sugita; Kazushi Numata; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 29, 2, 434-446, 01 Apr. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Invited, High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is potentially useful for treating stones and/or tumors. With respect to HIFU therapy, it is difficult to focus HIFU on the focal lesion due to respiratory organ motion, and this increases the risk of damaging the surrounding healthy tissues around the target focal lesion. Thus, this study proposes a method to cope with the fore-mentioned problem involving tracking and following the respiratory organ motion via a visual feedback and a prediction model for respiratory organ motion to realize highly accurate servoing performance for focal lesions. The prediction model is continuously updated based on the latest organ motion data. The results indicate that respiratory kidney motion of two healthy subjects is successfully tracked and followed with an accuracy of 0.88 mm by the proposed method and the constructed system.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of automated sample preparation system for epigenetic analysis in life sciences
    Miki Y.; Kobayashi M.; wada youichiro; Ihara S.; Ohashi K.; Katou D.; Tuchiya M.; koizumi norihiro; kogiso kiminao; nishiyama yu; Tozawa H.
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, The Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 60, 979-986, 2017
  • 超音波画像における音響シャドウを除去した臓器合成モデルの構築法
    細井 泉澄; 小泉 憲裕; 栢菅 篤; 冨田 恭平; 西山 悠; 月原 弘之; 福田 浩之; 葭中 潔; 斎藤 季; 宮崎 英世; 杉田 直彦; 沼田 和司; 本間 之夫; 松本 洋一郎; 光石 衛
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 公益社団法人 精密工学会, 2017, 233-234, 2017, 肋骨存在下の超音波診断においては、肋骨等によって生じる音響シャドウのために、医療専門家が本当に確認したい方向からの診断画像を得ることができないという大きな問題がある。上記を踏まえて本報では、肋骨存在下の腎臓の超音波診断を対象に、臓器の輪郭情報を手がかりに複数枚の臓器画像を合成することで、音響シャドウの影響を除去した超音波診断画像を再構築する手法を世界で初めて開発したので、これについて報告する。
  • Development project of next generation type biological monitoring device using affected part following ultrasonic probed
    Eura Fumio
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, The Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 60, 992-996, 2017
  • Me-DigIT core technologies to accelerate digitization for the medical and biological field
    Koizumi Norihiro; Nishiyama Yu; Kogiso Kiminao; Wada Yoichiro
    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, The Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 60, 987-988, 2017
  • A robust and precise focal lesion servo method for non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, 1P1-I05, 2017,

    In recent years, HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) therapy, which is one of the non-invasive therapies utilizing focused ultrasound, have attracted a great attention as a novel treatment method for a focal lesion, such as a tumor and a stone. However, the focal lesion moves in accordance with respiration, which may cause the damage for the surrounding normal tissues. To cope with this problem, we have developed a noninvasive ultrasound theragnostic system (NIUTS). In this report, we proposed a novel tracking method, which is implemented in NIUTS, based on "Partial Active Shape Model" to enhance the servo performance for the focal lesion. Experimental results shows the effectiveness of the proposed servo method concerning the precision and robustness for a kidney phantom.

  • An ultrasound guided tracking method for a tumor utilizing HLAC based dynamic template matching
    KONDO Ryosuke; KOIZUMI Norihiro; TOMITA Kyohei; NISHIYAMA Yu; FUKUDA Hiroyuki; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki; NUMATA Kazushi; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, 1A1-L04, 2017,

    In this report we propose a novel robust tumor tracking method for ultrasound guided RFA treatments. RFA (radiofrequency ablation) treatments have a serious problem to hide a tumor to be treated due to the hyperechoic region, which is generated by vapors during RFA. Moreover, organ deformations seriously deteriorate the tracking performance. To cope with these problems, we propose a novel method to track a tumor in ultrasound diagnostic image. Templates, which is used to track the tumor, are generated dynamically by HLAC(Higher order Local Auto Correlation) -based subspace method. Our method achieves stable tracking by selecting templates automatically based on the texture features of ultrasound diagnostic images, while the conventional method is unstable due to the variation to select templates manually. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposing motion tracking method concerning the robustness and accuracy.

  • Acoustic-shadow-free organ composition image medical ultradound
    HOSOI Izumu; Koizumi Norihiro; TOMITA Kyohei; NISHIYAMA You; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki; MIYAZAKI Hideyo; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, 1A1-J05, 2017,

    Acoustic shadows, which are generated by rib bones, make it difficult to obtain proper diagnostic images from the proper viewpoints for medical professionals. To cope with this, we combined separate parts of organ images together by utilizing the contours of the kidney. The contours are extracted by the algorithms which are Snake and Partial Active Shape Model. And we constructed the organ composition model that removes the acoustic shadow. It is confirmed that the composition model could be generated properly by the proposed method.

  • Evaluation of the Pain and Local Tenderness in Bone Metastasis treated with Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS)
    Hirofumi Namba; Motohiro Kawasaki; Tomonari Kato; Toshikazu Tani; Takahiro Ushida; Norihiro Koizumi
    PROCEEDINGS FROM THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND, AMER INST PHYSICS, 1821, 160007, 1-5, 2017, Peer-reviwed, It has been reported that MRgFUS has pain palliative effects on the local pain in patients with bone metastasis. In general, a severity of pain has been evaluated using only subjective method with numerical rating scale (NRS) or visual analogue scale (VAS). It is important to evaluate local pain-palliative effects of MRgFUS treatment with objective and quantitative method. The aim of this study is to investigate changes in the severity of local pain of bone metastasis before and after MRgFUS treatments, measuring pressure pain threshold (PPT) using pressure algometer, and pain intensity using electrical stimulation device (the Pain Vision system) at most painful site of bone metastasis. We have conducted MRgFUS for pain palliation of bone metastasis for 8 patients, and evaluated the local tenderness quantitatively for 8 patients, and evaluated local pain intensity for 7 patients. Before the treatments, PPTs were 106.3kPa [40.0-431.5] at metastatic site and 344.8 kPa [206.0-667.0] at normal control site, which showed a significant difference. The PPTs at metastatic site shows a significant increase from 106.3 kPa [40.0-431.5] at the baseline to 270.5 kPa [93.5-533.5] at 3 months after the treatment. The NRS score shows a significant decrease from 6.0 [4-8] at baseline to 1 [0-3] at 3 months after the treatment. Similarly, the pain intensity shows a significant decrease 245 [96.3-888.7] at baseline to 55.9 [2.8-292] at 3 months after the treatment. The results of our study illustrate the pain-relieving effects of MRgFUS for the treatment of painful bone metastasis. PPT might be a useful parameter not only for assessing a treatment's effect, but also for the decision of the painful area to treat with MRgFUS. Pain Vision seems to be useful for quantitative and objective evaluation of local pain of painful bone metastasis.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Construction of Kidney Phantom Model with Acoustic Shadow by Rib Bones and Respiratory Organ Motion
    Dongjun Lee; Norihiro Koizumi; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Takashi Azuma; Akira Nomiya; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    PROCEEDINGS FROM THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND, AMER INST PHYSICS, 1821, 150007, 1-5, 2017, Peer-reviwed, We have been studying the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System (NIUTS), which tracks and follows the affected area while irradiating High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). In this report, we propose a phantom model that includes rib bones and respiratory motion.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Research Article Novel and Simple Ultrasonographic Methods for Estimating the Abdominal Visceral Fat Area
    Takeharu Asano; Naoto Kubota; Norihiro Koizumi; Kazunori Itani; Tsuyoshi Mitake; Kazuhito Yuhashi; Hongen Liao; Mamoru Mitsuishi; Shigemi Takeishi; Toshiaki Takahashi; Shin Ohnishi; Shiro Sasaki; Ichiro Sakuma; Takashi Kadowaki
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY, HINDAWI LTD, 2017, 1-12, 2017, Peer-reviwed, Objectives. To evaluate the abdominal visceral fat area (VFA), we developed novel ultrasonographic (US) methods for estimating. Methods. 100 male volunteers were recruited, and their VFA was calculated by two novel US methods, the triangle method and the ellipse method. The VFA calculated by these methods was compared with the VFA calculated by CT. Results. Both the VFA calculated by the triangle method (r = 0 766, p < 0 001) and the ellipse method (r = 0 781, p < 0 001) showed a high correlation coefficient with the VFA calculated by CT. Also, the VFA calculated by our novel methods were significantly increased in subjects with one or more metabolic risk factors than in those without any risk factors. Furthermore, the correlation coefficients obtained using the two methods were enhanced by the addition of multiple regression analysis (with the triangle method, r = 0 8586, p < 0 001; with the ellipse method, r = 0 8642, p < 0 001). Conclusions. The VFA calculated by the triangle or ellipse method showed a high correlation coefficient with the VFA calculated by CT. These US methods are easy to use, they involve no radiation exposure, and the measurements can be conducted frequently. We hope that our simple methods would be widely adopted for the evaluation of VFA.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Respiratory Tracking System of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment Using FUS
    Hiroyuki Fukuda; Nobutaka Doba; Kazushi Numata; Ayako Takeda; Yoshiharu Hao; Akito Nozaki; Masaaki Kondo; Makoto Chuma; Shin Maeda; Tatsuya Fujii; Dongjun Lee; Norihiro Koizumi; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Mamoru Mitsuishi; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Katsuaki Tanaka
    Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound (JTU), 3, 1, 1-3, Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An extremely robust US based focal lesion servo system incorporating a servo recovery algorithm for a NIUTS
    Norihiro Koizumi; Takakazu Funamoto; Joonho Seo; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Hiroyuki Fukuda; Hideyo Miyazaki; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Takashi Azuma; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Kazushi Numata; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    2015 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS), IEEE, 1, 1, 2625-2632, 2015, Peer-reviwed, The authors have investigated a construction methodology for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system, called NIUTS, to track and follow moving body targets, such as tumors / stones located in moving organs (kidneys, livers, etc.), robustly and precisely, so as to compensate for nearly 90 percent of target motions in ultrasound images, while irradiating therapeutic ultrasound to focal lesions.
    In the present report, we propose a novel servo recovery algorithm for NIUTS. We confirm the effectiveness of the implemented servo recovery algorithm for a real human kidney, which, as far as we know, is the first successful report of semi-autonomous servo recovery systems for lost body targets. This robust servo recovery method could provide an indispensable tool for precise, safe, and efficient treatments of tumors and stones.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Norihiro Koizumi. Hiroyuki Tsukihara, Mamoru Mitsuishi
    設計工学会誌, 49, 6, 6-13, Jun. 2014, Invited
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • System Identification Method for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System Incorporating Mechanical Oscillation Part
    Norihiro Koizumi; Kouhei Oota; Dongjun Lee; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Akira Nomiya; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Takashi Azuma; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT), 8, 1, 110-119, Jan. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Invited, In this paper, we propose a method for identifying systems incorporating a mechanical oscillation part for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system(NIUTS). The NIUTS tracks and follows movement in an area requiring treatment (renal stones, in this study) by irradiating the area with high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Blur noise caused by oscillation of the mechanical system adversely affects the servo performance. To solve this problem and enhance the servo performance, it is first necessary to identify those parts of the NIUTS system that incorporate a mechanical oscillation part. Secondly, we implemented a mechanical oscillation suppression filter based on the abovementioned method for identifying the mechanical oscillation part.
    Scientific journal, English
  • A novel robust template matching method to track and follow body targets for NIUTS
    Norihiro Koizumi; Takakazu Funamoto; Joonho Seo; Dongjung Lee; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Akira Nomiya; Takashi Azuma; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, 1929-1936, 2014, Peer-reviwed, The authors have developed a bed-type noninvasive ultrasound theragnostic system (NIUTS) that compensates for movement by tracking and following the area to be treated by stereo ultrasound imaging while irradiating highintensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) onto the affected area. In this paper, we propose a novel robust template matching method to track and follow body targets, which include tumors and stones for the NIUTS. The proposed novel robust template matching method could be applied to a motion tracking of the real human kidney based on the ultrasound images, which is the first successful report as far as I know. This robust visual servoing method could be a great tool to treat the tumors and stones precisely and safely.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System (RUDS).
    Norihiro Koizumi; Takehiko Tsurumi; Takahiro Kato; Shin'ichi Warisawa; Mitsuru Nagoshi; Hiroyuki Hashizume; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    JRM, 26, 3, 396-397, 2014, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • A novel redundant motion control mechanism in accordance with medical diagnostic and therapeutic task functions for a NIUTS
    Norihiro Koizumi; Dongjun Lee; Joonho Seo; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Akira Nomiya; Takashi Azuma; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    2014 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2014), IEEE, 2009-2016, 2014, Peer-reviwed, The authors have developed a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system (NIUTS) with a focal lesion servo (FLS) function based on stereo ultrasound imaging in order to compensate for movement while irradiating high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) onto a focal lesion. In the present paper, we propose a redundant motion control mechanism of the HIFU focus, for therapeutics, that is independent of the ultrasound probes for diagnostics. Using the proposed redundant motion control mechanism, an arbitrary designated position in the focal lesion can be treated without altering the viewpoint of the ultrasound probes. The proposed mechanism enables (i) noise factors, which deteriorate the image quality (IQ) for FLS, to be reduced, thereby enhancing the FLS performance, and (ii) enables the destruction of a focal lesion (kidney stone) with a preoperatively designated locus that is moving due to respiration/heartbeat.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Automatic Distance Measurement of Abdominal Aorta for Ultrasonography-based Visceral Fat Estimation
    Junchen Wang; You Zhou; Norihiro Koizumi; Naoto Kubota; Takeharu Asano; Kuzuhito Yuhashi; Tsuyoshi Mitake; Kazunori Itani; Toshiaki Takahashi; Shigemi Takeishi; Shiro Sasaki; Takashi Kadowaki; Ichiro Sakuma; Hongen Liao
    2013 35TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBC), IEEE, 2013, 6486-6489, 2013, Peer-reviwed, Ultrasonography-based visceral fat estimation is a promising method to assess central obesity, which is associated with metabolic syndrome. The key to this method is to measure three types of distance in the ultrasound image. The most important one is the distance from the skin surface to the posterior wall of the abdominal aorta. We present a novel automatic measurement method to calculate this distance using 1D ultrasound signal processing. It is different from the conventional 2D image processing based methods which have high failure rate when the target is blurred or partially imaged. The proposed method identifies the waveforms of the aorta along a group of ultrasound scan lines and a rating mechanism is introduced to choose the best waveform for distance calculation. The robustness and accuracy of the method were evaluated by experiments based on clinical data.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Construction methodology for NIUTS - Bed servoing system for body targets -
    Norihiro Koizumi; Joonho Seo; Takakazu Funamoto; Yutaro Itagaki; Akira Nomiya; Akira Ishikawa; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 25, 6, 1088-1096, 2013, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Unwanted motion is a serious problem in enhancing servoing performance in an affected area, which incorporates stones/tumours in non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic systems (NIUTS). To solve this problem, we proposed a new method for restricting the motion of the affected area ventrodorsally in the region of interest (ROI) in ultrasound imaging. To do so, we introduce a bed mechanism for NIUTS. It is confirmed that a human kidney could be tracked and followed appropriately using the proposedmethod and the newly constructed bed system.
    Scientific journal, English
  • A mechanical system identification method for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System
    Norihiro Koizumi; Kohei Ota; Akira Nomiya; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Takashi Azuma; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Procedia CIRP, Elsevier B.V., 5, 315-320, 2013, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we propose a mechanical system identification method for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System (NIUTS). NIUTS tracks and follows the movement in an affected area (kidney stones, in the present study) by irradiating the area with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Blur noise caused by oscillation of the mechanical systems deteriorates the servoing performance. To enhance the servoing performance, it should be required to identify the mechanical system with mechanical oscillation part. © 2013 The Authors.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Construction Methodology for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System (4th report)
    Norihiro Koizumi; Yutaro Itagaki; Takakazu Funamoto; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Akira Nomiya; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    FIRST CIRP CONFERENCE ON BIOMANUFACTURING, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 5, 294-299, 2013, Peer-reviwed, We have developed a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system (NIUTS) that tracks and follows the movement of an affected area (kidney stone / tumor, in this study) while irradiating it with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In this paper, we propose a method to simplify extracting, tracking and following, monitoring the affected area by using a bed-type non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Professor Mamoru Mitsuishi and Professor Paulo Bartolo
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Technologizing and digitalizing of medical professional skills for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system
    Norihiro Koizumi; Deukhee Lee; Joonho Seo; Takakazu Funamoto; Naohiko Sugita; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Akira Nomiya; Akira Ishikawa; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    ASME/ISCIE 2012 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ISFA 2012, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 71-76, 2012, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Technologizing and digitalizingmedical professional skills for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system - Technologizing and digitalizing kidney stone extraction skills -
    Norihiro Koizumi; Deukhee Lee; Joonho Seo; Takakazu Funamoto; Akira Nomiya; Akira Ishikawa; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Yukio Homma; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 24, 2, 379-388, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Invited, We have been studying the technologizing and digitalizing skills of the medical professionals in the medical diagnostics and therapeutics. The concept of technologizing and digitalizing medical skills involves extracting functions in medical professional skills and reconstructing and implementing these extracted functions in the mechanisms, controllers, and image-processing algorithms of the medical support system. In this paper, we focus on the kidney stone extraction skills of medical professionals by utilizing robot vision technology, and discuss a methodology for technologizing and digitalizing medical diagnostic and therapeutic skills for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Visual servoing for a US-guided therapeutic HIFU system by coagulated lesion tracking: a phantom study
    Joonho Seo; Norihiro Koizumi; Takakazu Funamoto; Naohiko Sugita; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Akira Nomiya; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER ASSISTED SURGERY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 7, 2, 237-247, Jun. 2011, Peer-reviwed, Background Applying ultrasound (US)-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy for kidney tumours is currently very difficult, due to the unclearly observed tumour area and renal motion induced by human respiration. In this research, we propose new methods by which to track the indistinct tumour area and to compensate the respiratory tumour motion for US-guided HIFU treatment.
    Methods For tracking indistinct tumour areas, we detect the US speckle change created by HIFU irradiation. In other words, HIFU thermal ablation can coagulate tissue in the tumour area and an intraoperatively created coagulated lesion (CL) is used as a spatial landmark for US visual tracking. Specifically, the condensation algorithm was applied to robust and real-time CL speckle pattern tracking in the sequence of US images. Moreover, biplanar US imaging was used to locate the three-dimensional position of the CL, and a three-actuator system drives the end-effector to compensate for the motion. Finally, we tested the proposed method by using a newly devised phantom model that enables both visual tracking and a thermal response by HIFU irradiation.
    Results In the experiment, after generation of the CL in the phantom kidney, the end-effector successfully synchronized with the phantom motion, which was modelled by the captured motion data for the human kidney. The accuracy of the motion compensation was evaluated by the error between the end-effector and the respiratory motion, the RMS error of which was approximately 2 mm.
    Conclusion This research shows that a HIFU-induced CL provides a very good landmark for target motion tracking. By using the CL tracking method, target motion compensation can be realized in the US-guided robotic HIFU system. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Biplane US-guided real-time volumetric target pose estimation method for theragnostic HIFU system
    Joonho Seo; Norihiro Koizumi; Takakazu Funamoto; Naohiko Sugita; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Akira Nomiya; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 23, 3, 400-407, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Invited, This paper presents a real-time pose estimation method as a part of robotic HIFU treatment system for moving volumetric targets. For the acquired biplane US images, current pose of the preoperative model is calculated by iterative segmentation and registration. Seed contours for the segmentation in each iteration is provided by previously registered preoperative 3-D model. The segmented boundary points then update the pose of 3-D model. The boundary outlier-removal makes the algorithm robust against partially noisy boundaries as well as the spatial boundary points accelerates the algorithm to be calculated in real-time. By the phantom experiments, registration accuracy for a biplane US image data was evaluated, and the processing time was also investigated.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Robust Kidney Stone Tracking for a Non-invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System -Servoing Performance and Safety Enhancement-
    Norihiro Koizumi; Joonho Seo; Deukhee Lee; Takakazu Funamoto; Akira Nomiya; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, 2443-2450, 2011, Peer-reviwed, We propose a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system that tracks movement in an affected area (kidney stones, in the present study) by irradiating the area with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In the present paper, the concept behind a novel medical support system that integrates therapy and diagnostics (theragnostics) is illustrated. The required functions for the proposed system are discussed and an overview of the constructed system configuration is illustrated. The problems associated with kidney stone motion tracking by ultrasonography are described. In order to overcome these problems, we consider two approaches. The first approach is to minimize the servoing error so as to enhance both the efficiency of the therapy and the safety of the patient. The second approach is to reduce the effect of the servoing error. With respect to the first approach, we propose a robust detection method of the stone position based on shape information. With respect to the second approach, we propose a solution for controlling the HIFU irradiation power in accordance with the servoing error, primarily in order to enhance the safety of the patient.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Safety Enhancement for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System
    Norihiro Koizumi; Joonho Seo; Deukhee Lee; Akira Nomiya; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2010 (ICAM2010), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1, 1, 743-749, Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We propose a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system that tracks movement in an affected area (kidney stones, in this study) by irradiating it with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In this paper, the concept behind a novel medical support system that integrates therapy and diagnostics (theragnostics), is illustrated. The required functions for the proposed system are discussed and an overview of the constructed system configuration is illustrated. Problems of stone motion tracking by ultrasonography are described. To overcome with this problem, we should take 2 approaches. The first approach is to minimize the servoing error to enhance both the efficiency of the therapy and the safety of the patient. The second approach is to reduce the effect of the servoing error. Concerning the first approach, we showed 2 solutions. One is robust detection of the stone position by shape information. Another is the controller that compensates for periodic motion of the affected area. Concerning the second approach, we propse a solution to control HIFU irradiation power in accordance with the servoing error, mainly to enhance the safety of the patient.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A study on processing performance for non-invasive ultrasound therapy
    Yugo Suzuki; Norihiro Koizumi; Joonho Seo; Naohiko Sugita; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Akira Nomiya; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Proc. of 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2010), JPS-2664-nkoizumi, Jul. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Robot vision technology for technologizing and digitalization of medical diagnostic and therapeutic skills
    Norihiro Koizumi; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Shinichi Takamoto; Hiroyuki Hashizume; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Proc. of 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2010), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, JPS-2663-nkoizumi, Jul. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We have been studying the technologizing of skill of the medical doctor in the medical diagnosis and therapy. In this paper, we explain a robot vision technology for technologizing and digitalization of medical diagnostic and therapeutic skills.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Three-Dimensional Computer-Controlled Acoustic Pressure Scanning and Quantification of Focused Ultrasound
    Joonho Seo; Norihiro Koizumi; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohikoa Sugita; Akira Nomiya; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 57, 4, 883-891, Apr. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We propose an automated needle hydrophone-based scanning system to measure high-resolution 3-D acoustic pressure distributions generated by high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). The hardware consists of a host computer, subsystems for HIFU generation, and an oscilloscope to sample the pressure response from a sensor in a water tank. Software was developed to control the hardware subsystems, to search for the initial scan position, and to design the scanning path and volume. A preoperative scanning plan with three perpendicular planes is used to manipulate the position of the HIFU transducer and to automate the acquisition of the spatial acoustic pressure distribution. The post-processing process displays the scanning results, compensates time delays caused by continuous linear scans, and quantifies the focal region. A method to minimize the displacement error induced by the time delay improves the scanning speed of a conventional needle hydrophone-based scanning system. Moreover, a noise-robust, automatic-focus searching algorithm using Gaussian function fitting reduces the total number of iterations and prevents the initial scanning position search from diverging. Finally, the minimum-volume enclosing ellipsoid approximation is used to quantify the size and orientation of the 3-D focal region thresholded by the minimum pressure of interest for various input conditions and to test the reproducibility of the scanning system.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Integration of diagnostics and therapy by ultrasound and robot technology
    Norihiro Koizumi; Joonho Seo; Deukhee Lee; Akira Nomiya; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Yukio Homma; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    2010 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science: From Micro and Nano Scale Systems to Robotics and Mechatronics Systems, MHS 2010, Micro-Nano GCOE 2010, Bio-Manipulation 2010, 1, 1, 53-58, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We propose a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system that tracks movement in an affected area (kidney stones, in the present study) by irradiating the area with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In the present paper, the concept behind a novel medical support system that integrates therapy and diagnostics (theragnostics) is illustrated. The required functions for the proposed system are discussed and an overview of the constructed system configuration is illustrated. The problems associated with kidney stone motion tracking by ultrasonography are described. In order to overcome these problems, we consider two approaches. The first approach is to minimize the servoing error so as to enhance both the efficiency of the therapy and the safety of the patient. The second approach is to reduce the effect of the servoing error. With respect to the first approach, we propose two solutions. One is robust detection of the stone position based on shape information, and the other is a controller that compensates for periodic motion of the affected area. With respect to the second approach, we propose a solution for controlling the HIFU irradiation power in accordance with the servoing error, primarily in order to enhance the safety of the patient. ©2010 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Fast and Accurate Ultrasonography for Visceral Fat Measurement
    You Zhou; Norihiro Koizumi; Naoto Kubota; Takaharu Asano; Kazuhito Yuhashi; Takashi Mochizuki; Takashi Kadowaki; Ichiro Sakuma; Hongen Liao
    MEDICAL IMAGE COMPUTING AND COMPUTER-ASSISTED INTERVENTION - MICCAI 2010, PT II,, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 6362, 50-+, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Visceral fat area (VFA) has close relationship with hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and therefore serve as a reliable indicator of these diseases. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) enables precise quantification of the VFA and has been considered as the gold standard for VFA assessment. In this paper, we develope a novel method to quickly and accurately measure the VFA with ultrasonography (US). We evaluated the novel method on five volunteers and the diagnosis procedures lasted less than 30 seconds averagely. The simulation results by our method were compared with VFA estimated by abdominal CT. The correlation coefficient between them was 0.913 for men and 0.858 for women. And the mean deviation of between VFA by CT and by our method was 19.8 cm(2) for men and 13.3 cm(2) for women.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of computer controlled HIFU focal model scanning system
    Joonho Seo; Norihiro Koizumi; Yugo Suzuki; Sugita Naohiko; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Akira Nomiya; Yukio Homma; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND, AMER INST PHYSICS, 1215, 400-+, 2010, Peer-reviwed, This research proposes an automated needle hydrophone-based scanning system to obtain two and three-dimensional acoustic pressure distribution of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). The preoperative scanning plan with three perpendicularly set planes automates the acquisition of spatial acoustic pressure distribution. In particular, methods to minimize the mechanical position error induced by the time delay and scan traversing are proposed to improve the scanning speed and preciseness of three-dimensional scanning. Moreover, the noise-robust and automatic focus searching algorithm using Gaussian curve fitting reduces a total number of iterations as well as prevents divergence of searching the initial scanning position. Finally, the MVEE (Minimum Volume Enclosing Ellipsoid) approximation is used to quantify the size and orientation of three-dimensional focal region thresholded by minimum POI (Pressure of Interest)
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Robot vision technology for technologizing and digitalization of medical diagnostic and therapeutic skills
    Norihiro Koizumi; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Shinichi Takamoto; Hiroyuki Hashizume; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT), 3, 5, 541-550, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Construction Methodology for a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System
    Norihiro Koizumi; Shin'ichi Warisawa; Mitsuru Nagoshi; Hiroyuki Hashizume; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 25, 3, 522-538, Jun. 2009, Peer-reviwed, In the present paper, we describe a method for constructing a remote ultrasound diagnostic system. Remote diagnosis can be realized using a communication network. We have developed a master-slave type remote medical system to diagnose shoulder diseases, such as dialysis-related amyloid arthropathy (DRAA), by ultrasonographic images. Proper positioning, orientation, and contact force between the ultrasound probe and the affected area of the patient are required in order to acquire proper diagnostic images. Safety and manipulability are also required when operating the remote medical system through a communication network. Therefore, the system has impedance control capability for positioning of the master and slave manipulators in order to convey the contact force and enhance manipulability. In addition, the system has continuous-path control capability for the orientation of the slave manipulator in order to realize smooth and accurate motion of the ultrasound probe, even if the sampling rate of the transmission of the orientation data of the master manipulator is not sufficient. The results of remote diagnostic experiments demonstrated that a healthcare professional could diagnose real patients through a communication network using the constructed system.
    Scientific journal, English
  • G1501-1-1 Development of acoustic pressure scanner for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System by HIFU
    SEO Joonho; KOIZUMI Norihiro; SUZUKI Yugo; NOMIYA Akira; YOSHIZAWA Shin; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, 131-132, 2009, We propose an automated needle hydrophone based scanning system to obtain high-resolution planar acoustic pressure distribution generated by high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). The preoperative scanning plan manipulates the position of HIFU transducer and automates the acquisition of spatial acoustic pressure distribution. In particular, a method to minimize the displacement error induced by the time delay improves the scanning speed problem of the conventional needle hydrophone based scan system. Moreover, the noise-robust and automatic focus searching algorithm using Gaussian curve fitting reduces a total number of iterations as well as prevents divergence of searching the initial scanning position.
  • A Control Framework for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System
    Norihiro Koizumi; Joonho Se; Yugo Suzuki; Deukhee Lee; Kohei Ota; Akira Nomiya; Shin Yoshizawa; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Naohiko Sugita; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Yukio Homma; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    2009 IEEE-RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE, 4511-4516, 2009, Peer-reviwed, The non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system, we propose, tracks and follows movement in an affected area -kidney stones here-, while High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is irradiated onto the area. In this paper, the concept of the novel medical support system, which integrates the therapy and diagnostics, is illustrated at first. Secondly, structuring the required functions for the proposed system is discussed. Third, the overview of the constructed system configuration is illustrated. Fourth, the problem of the stone motion tracking by ultrasonography is clarified. To cope with this problem, the respiratory motion of a human kidney is analyzed and a controller, by utilizing the quasi-periodical motion of the respiratory kidney motion, is proposed. Finally, the result of the servoing and HIFU irradiation experiments of the model stone, which moves based on the real human kidney motion data, is reported to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed controller and the constructed system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Continuous path controller for the remote ultrasound diagnostic system
    Norihiro Koizumi; Shin'ichi Warisawa; Hiroyuki Hashizume; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 13, 2, 206-218, Apr. 2008, Peer-reviwed, A master-slave type remote ultrasound diagnostic system has been developed. The impedance controller has; been implemented and reported for the positions of the master and slave manipulators to display and control the contact force between the ultrasound probe and the affected area. The present paper introduces an alternative orientation controller utilizing continuous path (CP) control in the remote ultrasound diagnostic system. The major contribution of the present paper is an introduction to the, velocity-control-based CP controller for the master-slave type remote medical system, which realizes the continuous motion of the slave manipulator without a reduction in the master motion tracking performance. It is difficult to communicate information for control at high sampling rates between the master and slave site because the communication network between the master and slave site (local area network, integrated services digital network, asymmetric digital subscriber line, etc.) is. limited. To cope with this problem, the CP controller was introduced to the orientation controller in special remote medical systems. The CP control realizes the continuous motion of the slave manipulator under the limited sampling rate of the orientation data transmitted by the master manipulator and high master motion tracking performance of the slave manipulator. This allows the slave manipulator safety to be improved and decreases the volume of the transmitted data. The experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the path control of the slave manipulator using the CP control in the master-slave manipulation system, compared with the conventional point-to-point control.
    Scientific journal, English
  • The feed-forward controller of the integrated system for non-invasive ultrasound diagnosis and treatment
    Norihiro Koizumi; Kohei Ota; Deukhee Lee; Shin Yoshizawa; Akira Ito; Yukio Kaneko; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM), Fuji Technology Press Ltd., 20, 1, 88-97, Jan. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    Scientific journal, English
  • Framework of the non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system
    Norihiro Koizumi; Deukhee Lee; Kohei Ota; Shin Yoshizawa; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    MEDICAL IMAGING AND AUGMENTED REALITY, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 5128, -, 231-240, 2008, The authors have developed an Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System to decrease the strain of patients and medical doctors. The system we propose tracks and follows movement in an affected area -kidney stones here-while Hi-h-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is irradiated onto the area. In this paper, a framework of the non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system is proposed and illustrated. Specifically, the concept of the system is proposed at first. Secondly, decomposing and reconstructing (structuring) of the functional requirements are discussed. Third, the constructed system, which is based on those structured functional requirements, is illustrated. Fourth, the result of the servoing experiments of the model stone is reported to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed construction methodology and constructed system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Study on the Construction Methodology of Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; WARISAWA Shin'ichi; NAGOSHI Mitsuru; HASHIZUME Hiroyuki; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, The Robotics Society of Japan, 25, 2, 267-279, 01 Mar. 2007, Remote diagnosis can be realized using communication network. We have been developed a master-slave type remote medical system for the diagnosis of the shoulder disease such as dialysis related amyloid arthropathy (DRAA) by ultrasonographic images. Proper position, orientation, and contact force between the ultrasound probe and the affected part of the patient should be required to acquire proper diagnostic images in the diagnosis. Safety and manipulability are also required to construct the remote medical system through the communication network. Then, it has impedance control capability for the master and slave manipulators' positions to display contact force and enhance manipulability. And it has Continuous Path control capability for the slave manipulator's orientation to realize the smooth and accurate motion of the ultrasound probe even if it is difficult to transmit control data at high sampling rate through the communication network. The results of the remote diagnostic experiments demonstrated that the healthcare professionals could perform the diagnosis for the real patients through the communication network using the constructed system.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 4341 A Study on Technologizing and Digitalization of Skills in Medical Ultrasound Diagnosis and Therapy
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; OTA Kohei; LEE Deukhee; YOSHIZAWA Shin; ITOH Akira; NAGOSHI Mitsuru; HASHIZUME Hiroyuki; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007, 535-536, 2007, We have been studying the technologizing of skill of the medical doctor in the medical diagnosis and therapy. In this paper, we propose a method of decomposing and reconstructing required functions in medical ultrasound diagnosis and therapy.
  • 4340 Real-time 3D tracking of kidney stones using ultrasound RF echo signals
    LEE Deukhee; KOIZUMI Norihiro; OTA Kohei; YOSHIZAWA Shin; ITOH Akira; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007, 533-534, 2007, For non-invasive 3D tracking of a target deep within a body, ultrasound-based visual servoing system is proposed. The ultrasound-based visual servoing system uses an ultrasound scanner for visual sensing. Two ultrasound probes equipped on the ultrasound scanner are located at the end-effector of a XYZ stage machine, and their scan planes parallel with XZ plane and YZ plane of the XYZ stage machine. The two sectional images of a target object in scan images of two ultrasound probes are registered as model images for pattern matching algorithm, respectively. 3D movement of the target object is sensed by pattern matching of the model images in input scan images. Displacement of the target between two successive frames decreases the accuracy of pattern matching. Therefore, scanning frame rate should be high enough to maintain the displacement of the target below threshold. Frame rate of ultrasound probes is adjustable through changing the view angle. Therefore, echo signals of ultrasound probes are used directly. Moreover, in order to save processing cost, image-based control method is used.
  • Development of a non-invasive ultrasound therapy system
    Mamoru Mitsuishi; Norihiro Koizumi; Kohei Ota; Deuk-Hee Lee; Shin Yoshizawa; Akira Ito; Yukio Kaneko; Yoichiro Matsumoto
    2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS, IEEE, 520-525, 2007, Peer-reviwed, The authors have developed the integrated system of the non-invasive ultrasound diagnosis and treatment in order to decrease the suffering of patients. The concept of the proposed system is to destroy tumors or stones in the body utilizing the High Intensity Focused ultrasound (HIFU) directly without injuring the healthy tissue of the patient. During the treatment, the system tracks and follows the affected part which moves owing to respiration, etc. In this paper, the servoing performance of the system is discussed and investigated at first. Secondly, the authors propose a feed-forward controller. It utilizes the periodical motion of the affected part by the respiration to enhance the servoing performance. Finally, the experimental results are reported to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed feed-forward controller.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Ultrasound-based visual servoing system for lithotripsy
    Deukhee Lee; Norihiro Koizumi; Kohei Ota; Shin Yoshizawa; Akira Ito; Yukio Kaneko; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    2007 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-9, IEEE, 883-888, 2007, Peer-reviwed, Recently, lithotripsy (kidney stone treatment) using HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) was developed by researchers in therapeutic ultrasound field. The lithotripsy crushes kidney stones powder, therefore, do not harm to the surrounding tissues of the kidney stones. However, it is necessary to continuously emit high intensity ultrasound waves on a target kidney stone during treatment. Therefore, HIM transducers should follow a target kidney stone which moves due to respiration and heartbeat.
    In this paper, ultrasound-based visual servoing system is described. Two ultrasound probes and a HIM transducer are mounted on the end effector of a xyz stage machine. The two ultrasound probes visually keep track of the target kidney stone within the body, and servo the xyz stage machine. The required techniques, such as conversion of a frame of radio frequency (RF) echo signals into an ultrasound bright mode image, visual tracking, pose estimation and control, are explained.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 遠隔超音波診断システムにおける機能分解と再構築-超音波診断における技能の技術化・デジタル化-
    小泉憲裕; 藤原一夫; 名越 充; 橋詰博行; 光石 衛
    日本遠隔医療学会誌 (JTTA2007特集号), 日本遠隔医療学会, 3, 2, 309-312, 2007, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Automatic control switching according to diagnostic tasks for a remote ultrasound diagnostic system
    Mamoru Mitsuishi; Hiroyuki Hashizume
    2006 1ST IEEE RAS-EMBS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ROBOTICS AND BIOMECHATRONICS, VOLS 1-3, IEEE, 1064-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, A waster-slave type remote ultrasound diagnostic system for "aging society" has been developed by the authors. The controller has a variable impedance control capability for the master and slave manipulators' positions. First, diagnostic tasks are classified in the remote ultrasound diagnosis.
    Then, a method to change virtual viscosity automatically according to diagnostic tasks are proposed in the paper.
    A remote ultrasound diagnostic experiment demonstrated that the medical doctor could perform diagnosis by switching controller automatically in accordance with the recognized diagnostic task.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Probe positioning support utilizing shoulder model for ultrasound diagnosis
    Norihiro Koizumi; Takehiko Tsurumi; Shin'ichi Warisawa; Mamoru Mitsuishi; Hiroyuki Hashizume
    2006 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-12, IEEE, 155-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We have been studying the technologizing of skill of the medical doctor in the medical diagnosis such as dialysis related amyloid arthropathy (DRAA) by ultrasonographic images. Proper position, orientation, and contact force between the ultrasound probe and the affected part of the patient are required to acquire the proper diagnostic image. In this paper, we propose a navigation system to support the medical doctor to realize proper position of the ultrasound probe by utilizing the constructed shoulder model based on the knowledge of the medical doctor and the analysis of the diagnosis.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Decomposing and reconstructing required functions to construct the remote ultrasound diagnostic system
    Norihiro Koizumi; Shin'ichi Warisawa; Mamoru Mitsuishi; Hiroyuki Hashizume
    2006 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS, AUTOMATION AND MECHATRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, 440-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, Remote diagnosis can be realized utilizing the communication network A master-slave type remote medical system has been developed for the diagnosis of the shoulder disease such as dialysis related amyloid arthropathy (DRAA) by ultrasonographic images. In this paper, we propose a method of decomposing and reconstructing required functions in the ultrasound diagnosis to construct the remote ultrasound diagnostic system. Proper position, orientation, and contact force between the ultrasound probe and the affected part of the patient are required to acquire proper diagnostic images in this diagnosis. Safety and manipulability are also required to construct the remote medical system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Continuous Path Controller of Slave Manipulator for Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; WARISAWA Shin'ichi; HASHIZUME Hiroyuki; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, The Robotics Society of Japan, 23, 5, 619-628, 15 Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed, A master-slave type remote ultrasound diagnostic system was developed. The controller has impedance control capability for the master and slave manipulators' positions to display the contact force between the ultrasound probe and the affected part of the patient. And it has Continuous Path (CP) control capability for the slave manipulator's orientation in the remote ultrasound diagnostic system. This paper presents the controller of the slave manipulator's orientation. The remote ultrasound diagnostic system is one of the remote medical systems through the communication network (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, etc.) . Therefore, it is difficult to communicate information for control at high sampling rate. To cope with this problem, CP controller is introduced to this remote medical system.
    CP control realizes smooth and accurate motion of the slave manipulator even if it is available to use a lower sampling rate of the transmitting orientation data of the master manipulator. As a result, it allows the slave manipulator to improve safety and decrease the volume of the transmitting data. The experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the path control of the slave manipulator during CP control in the master-slave manipulation system comparing with the conventional Point To Point (PTP) control.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Dynamic switching of a controller based on diagnostic tasks in remote ultrasound diagnostics
    Norihiro Koizumi; Shin'ichi Warisawa; Hiroyuki Hashizume; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM), 16, 2, 146-154, Mar. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    Scientific journal, English
  • 超音波遠隔医療診断システムの構築法に関する研究
    小泉憲裕, 1-201, 2004, Peer-reviwed
    Others, Japanese
  • Impedance controller of remote ultrasound diagnostic system
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; WARISAWA Shin'ichi; HASHIZUME Hiroyuki; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 69, 8, 1159-1164, 05 Aug. 2003, Peer-reviwed, A master-slave type remote ultrasound diagnostic system was developed. This paper presents its controller. The controller has impedance control capability for the master and slave manipulators' positions. To realize manipulation stability in remote ultrasound diagnostic system, a special motion control law is proposed. The impedance control allows master and slave manipulators to move according to the motion control law, and allows the medical doctor to feel feedback force. Manipulability changes according to the impedance parameters. This paper makes clear the relationship of impedance parameters with manipulability and response speed. Furthermore, the method to determine appropriate impedance parameters is proposed according to observation of diagnostic tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that a medical doctor can perform diagnosis successfully using the proposed system.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Impedance controller and its clinical use of the remote ultrasound diagnostic system
    N Koizumi; S Warisawa; H Hashizume; M Mitsuishi
    2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 676-683, 2003, Peer-reviwed, A master-slave type remote ultrasound diagnostic system was developed. This paper presents and evaluates its control strategy. There is only one impedance controller that is located in the master site or the slave site or the relay point in the conventional impedance controller. Therefore, the effect of the time lag in transmitting force and position data becomes large in the conventional system.
    Then we propose an impedance controller to cope with this problem. In the proposed system, the position controller for the slave manipulator is also constructed by means of a velocity-control-based impedance controller. This feature makes it possible to shorten the dead time taken by the slave manipulator to respond for the contact force input. This paper also reports the result of a clinical use of the remote ultrasound diagnostic system. The result of the experiments demonstrates that a medical doctor can diagnose patients as well as the conventional diagnosis.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System and Its Remote Experiment
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; TSUDA Taishi; WARISAWA Shin'ichi; HASHIZUME Hiroyuki; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 68, 11, 1425-1430, 05 Nov. 2002, Peer-reviwed, We have developed a master-slave type remote ultrasound diagnostic system in the "aged society". In this paper, the motion of the doctor while diagnosing is analyzed and according to the analysis, the specification of the system is decided. In the slave manipulator, it has 7 degree of freedom. 3 degree of freedom for position, 3 degree of freedom for orientation, and a redundant degree of freedom located in the tip of slave manipulator. Specifically, in the slave manipulator, high-rigidity was accomplished by adopting radius-guide ways to realize precise position and orientation of the probe and acquire the proper ultrasonography easily. And a redundant axis in the tip of the slave manipulator is implemented to trace the affected part keeping the contact force. In the master manipulator, a paralell link mechanism was implemented to lessen the volume of calculation by keeping the 3-axises force sensor horizontal. Then, we evaluated the safety of this system. In this paper, the results of the remote ultrasound diagnostic experiment between a multimedia cockpit with a medical doctor in Okayama prefecture and a consulting room with a patient in Tokyo prefecture are reported. Experimental results demonstrate that a medical doctor can perform remote ultrasound diagnosis properly.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Manipulability Enhancement by an Impedance Parameter Tuning for a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System.
    Norihiro Koizumi; Takahiro Kato; Shin'ichi Warisawa; Hiroyuki Hashizume; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Experimental Robotics VIII [ISER 2002, Sant'Angelo d'Ischia, Italy, 8-11 July 2002], Springer, 527-537, 2002, Peer-reviwed
  • Impedance controller for a remote ultrasound diagnostic system
    N Koizumi; S Warisawa; M Mitsuishi; H Hashizume
    2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 651-656, 2002, Peer-reviwed, A master-slave type remote ultrasound diagnostic system was developed. This paper presents its controller. The controller has impedance control capability for the master and slave manipulators' positions. And it has also continuous path(CP) control capability for the slave manipulator's orientation. The impedance control allows the master and slave manipulators to move according to the motion control law, and allows the medical doctor to feel feedback force. Manipulability changes according to the impedance parameters. This paper makes clear the relationship of impedance parameters with manipulability and response speed, and proposes a method to determine appropriate impedance parameters. Experimental results demonstrate that the medical doctor can perform diagnosis successfully using the proposed system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Continuous path controller of slave manipulator in remote ultrasound diagnostic system
    N Koizumi; S Warisawa; M Mitsuishi; H Hashizume
    2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 3368-3373, 2002, Peer-reviwed, A master-slave type remote ultrasound diagnostic system was developed. The controller has impedance control capability for the master and slave manipulators' positions. And it has a Continuous Path(CP) control capability for the slave manipulator's orientation. This paper presents the controller of the slave manipulator's orientation. The remote ultrasound diagnostic system is one of remote medical systems through communication network(LAN, ISDN, etc.). Therefore it is difficult to transfer information for control at high sampling rate. To cope with this problem, we introduce. CP controller to this remote medical system.
    CP control realizes a smooth and less vibrated motion of the slave manipulator even if it is available to use a lower sampling rate of transmitting orientation data of the master manipulator. As a result, it allows the slave manipulator to improve safety and to decrease the volume of transmitting data. The experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the path control of the slave manipulator during CP control in the master-slave manipulation system. And the experimental results also show that a medical doctor can perform diagnosis properly using the developed system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a remote ultrasound diagnostic system and the result of remote ultrasound diagnostic experiment
    Norihiro Koizumi; Shin'ichi Warisawa; Mamoru Mitsuishi; Hiroyuki Hashizume; Taishi Tsuda
    Proc. of 2002 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation (JUSFA2002), 1269-1274, 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Remote ultrasound diagnostic system
    M Mitsuishi; S Warisawa; T Tsuda; T Higuchi; N Koizumi; H Hashizume; K Fujiwara
    2001 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 1567-1574, 2001, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents a master-slave type remote ultrasound diagnostic system. In the system, the motion of the master manipulator is controlled by a medical doctor and is reproduced by a slave manipulator carrying an ultrasound probe. The contact force between the probe and a patient is fed back to the master manipulator. High-rigidity was achieved by adopting radius-guides in the slave manipulator. These allow precise position and orientation control of the ultrasound probe. In the master manipulator, a special mechanism keeps the orientation of the force sensor constant. The mechanism separates the functions determining the orientation and position of the probe. The control algorithm implements impedance control to reflect force, with the viscosity of the system varied depending on the measured force at the slave manipulator. Furthermore, a control strategy to enhance the safety of the system is proposed. Using the developed system, remote ultrasound diagnosis experiments through ISDN lines were successfully executed,
    International conference proceedings, English


  • 人工知能およびロボット技術を援用した身体にやさしい革新的な超音波がん治療システムの確立
    カワイサウンド技術・音楽振興財団, 01 Jan. 2023, SOUND, 38, 1, 9-13, Japanese, Invited, Introduction other, False
  • Current status and futureprospective ofthe treatment for localized prostate cancer withhigh-intensity focusedultrasound
    Sunao Shoji; Norihiro Koizumi; Soichiro Yuzuriha; Satoshi Kuroda; Takahiro Ogawa; Mayura Nakano; Masayoshi Kawakami; Masahiro Nitta; Masanori Hasegawa; Akira Miyajima
    Springer Nature, 2021, Journal of Medical Ultrasonics, 2021, 1, English, Peer-reviwed, Introduction scientific journal
  • Medical and bio are new digitals – Realization of ultrasound diagnosis and treatment with ultra-high precision by Me-DigIT–
    Norihiro Koizumi; Joonho Seo; Deukhee Lee; Atsushi Kayasuga; Ryosuke Kondo; Kyohei Tomita; Izumu Hosoi; Yu Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Hideyo Miyazaki; Hiroyuki Fukuda; Kazushi Numata; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Takashi Azuma; Naohiko Sugita; Yukio Honma; Yoichiro Matsmoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    The expectation that intersections of various science and engineering technologies such as mathematics, information, control, artificial intelligence, and robot technology with medicine and biology have enormous potential is rapidly growing day by day. Bill Gates said, “If I were a student, I would learn biology,” and Nicolas Negroponte said, “Bio is new digitals.” It is a very clear phrase that predicts that biology will be reconstructed by the fusion of bio and IT technology. Here, the meaning of bio is intended to cover a wide range of bio including biotechnology. In this paper, we review medical digitization (Me-DigIT) in the field of medical ultrasound and core technologies for Me-DigIT., The Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine, 2018, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics, -, 2, 173-182, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 1346-1176, 1881-9311, 130006496705
  • 超音波による診断・治療統合技術-医デジ化(Me-DigIT)による医療技能/技術の再構築-
    Norihiro Koizumi; Hiroyuki Tsukihara; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    本稿では,医デジ化という,IT およびロボット技術を用いた医療支援システムの構築法にもとづいて超音波画像による患部抽出・追従・モニタリングシステムを開発,治療用集束超音波照射系と統合しようとする,現在進行中の非侵襲超音波診断・治療統合システムの開発プロジェクトについて概説した。, 電気評論社, 10 Sep. 2016, 電気評論, 101, 9, 12-16, Japanese, Invited, Introduction other, 0285-5860, 40020964054, AN00152651
  • Measurement of Visceral Fat Area Using by Ultrasonography
    Naoto Kubota; Toru Nakagawa; Norihiro Koizumi; Ichiro Sakuma; Takashi Kadowaki
    超音波を用いてCT-VFAと高い相関を示すVFA推定法の開発を行った。本手法では腹部エコー時に1枚静止画撮像を追加することで、VFAを推定し、ウエスト周囲径の計測では見逃されていた内臓脂肪型肥満を拾い上げることができた。また、健診データ解析の結果から、VFAは、加齢に伴い内臓脂肪が蓄積しやすくなることが確認できた。さらに、BMIごとの解析では、BMIが正常範囲内であってもVFA≧100cm2の症例が多く確認された。以上から超音波を使った簡便で安全なVFA計測は生活習慣病の予防につながると考えられた。, 日立製作所, 01 Sep. 2016, MEDIX, 65, Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 有痛性骨転移と関節症性慢性痛に対するMRガイド下集束超音波治療における局所の圧痛閾値の変化
    南場 寛文; 川崎 元敬; 泉 仁; 喜安 克仁; 武政 龍一; 池内 昌彦; 牛田 享宏; 小泉 憲裕
    (公社)日本整形外科学会, Aug. 2016, 日本整形外科学会雑誌, 90, 8, S1588-S1588, Japanese, 0021-5325, 2017040769
  • Focused Ultrasound and Lithotripsy
    Teiichiro Ikeda; Shin Yoshizawa; Norihiro Koizumi; Mamoru Mitsuishi; Yoichiro Matsumoto
    Shock wave lithotripsy has generally been a first choice for kidney stone removal. The shock wave lithotripter uses an order of microsecond pulse durations and up to a 100 MPa pressure spike triggered at approximately 0.5-2 Hz to fragment kidney stones through mechanical mechanisms. One important mechanism is cavitation. We proposed an alternative type of lithotripsy method that maximizes cavitation activity to disintegrate kidney stones using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Here we outline the method according to the previously published literature (Matsumoto et al., Dynamics of bubble cloud in focused ultrasound. Proceedings of the second international symposium on therapeutic ultrasound, pp 290-299, 2002; Ikeda et al., Ultrasound Med Biol 32: 1383-397, 2006; Yoshizawa et al., Med Biol Eng Comput 47: 851-860, 2009; Koizumi et al., A control framework for the non-invasive ultrasound the ragnostic system. Proceedings of 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS), pp 4511-4516, 2009; Koizumi et al., IEEE Trans Robot 25: 522-538, 2009). Cavitation activity is highly unpredictable; thus, a precise control system is needed. The proposed method comprises three steps of control in kidney stone treatment. The first step is control of localized high pressure fluctuation on the stone. The second step is monitoring of cavitation activity and giving feedback on the optimized ultrasound conditions. The third step is stone tracking and precise ultrasound focusing on the stone. For the high pressure control we designed a two-frequency wave (cavitation control (C-C) waveform); a high frequency ultrasound pulse (1-4 MHz) to create a cavitation cloud, and a low frequency trailing pulse (0.5 MHz) following the high frequency pulse to force the cloud into collapse. High speed photography showed cavitation collapse on a kidney stone and shock wave emission from the cloud. We also conducted in-vitro erosion tests of model and natural kidney stones. For the model stones, the erosion rate of the C-C waveform showed a distinct advantage with the combined high and low frequency waves over either wave alone. For optimization of the high frequency ultrasound intensity, we investigated the relationship between sub-harmonic emission from cavitation bubbles and stone erosion volume. For stone tracking we have also developed a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system (NIUTS) that compensates for kidney motion. Natural stones were eroded and most of the resulting fragments were less than 1 mm in diameter. The small fragments were small enough to pass through the urethra. The results demonstrate that, with the precise control of cavitation activity, focused ultrasound has the potential to be used to develop a less invasive and more controllable lithotripsy system., SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG, 2016, THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND, 880, 113-129, English, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction other, 0065-2598, WOS:000369481100008
  • 1A1-F09 A study on enhancement of servo ing performance of organ for non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system
    FUJII Tatsuya; KOIZUMI Norihiro; LEE Dongiun; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki; FUKUDA Hiroyuki; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; AZUMA Takashi; MIYAZAKI Hideyo; SUGITA Naohiko; NUMATA Kazushi; HONMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) has a potential for a treatment of stones or tumors. In HIFU therapy, respiratory organ motion makes it difficult to focus HIFU on an affected area, and increases the risk of damaging healthy tissues around the target. In this paper, we proposed the method for tracking a respiratory organ motion, in which we use a visual feedback and a prediction model of a respiratory organ motion, and realize high accurate robot position control. The prediction model is made from the most recent organ motion, and always updated. In the experiments, respiratory kidney motion of two subjects can be successfully tracked with an accuracy of 0.88 mm., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 17 May 2015, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "1A1-F09(1)"-"1A1-F09(3)", Japanese, 110010052926, AA11902933
  • 3A1-F02 A study on technologizing and digitalizing medical professional skills : Probe manipulation mechanisms to acquire ultrasound images avoiding effects of rib bones(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics (1))
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; ITAGAKI Yutaro; LEE Dongjun; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki; AZUMA Takashi; NOMIYA Akira; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    We have studied technologizing and digitalizing methodologies for medical professional skills based on the mechanism, control, and image processing technologies. In this paper, we analyzed the probe manipulation task between rib bones and propose probe manipulation mechanisms to acquire ultrasound images avoiding the effects of rib bones., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "3A1-F02(1)"-"3A1-F02(3)", Japanese, 110009967061, AA11902933
  • Construction of kidney phantom model with acoustic shadow by rib bones and respiratory organ motion
    27 Aug. 2013, Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS, 15, 2, 228-229, Japanese, 1344-9486, 10031194187, AA11908088
  • Noise factors and evaluation methods of Image Quality(IQ) for ultrasound based visual servoing
    27 Aug. 2013, Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS, 15, 2, 116-117, Japanese, 1344-9486, 10031194131, AA11908088
  • 有痛性骨転移に対するMRガイド下集束超音波治療後の疼痛と圧痛閾値の評価
    南場 寛文; 川崎 元敬; 加藤 友也; 谷 俊一; 牛田 享宏; 小泉 憲裕
    (公社)日本整形外科学会, Aug. 2013, 日本整形外科学会雑誌, 87, 8, S1616-S1616, Japanese, 0021-5325, 2014020551
  • 1A1-B13 Construction Methodology for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System based on Technologizing and Digitizing Medical Professional Skills : Redundant mechanism and controller implementation in accordance with the theragnostic task functions(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics (1))
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; ITAGAKI Yutaro; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki; NOMIYA Akira; AZUMA Takashi; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    We have been studying the technologizing and digitizing skills of the medical professionals in the medical theragnostics. The concept of the technologizing and digitizing skills is to extract functions in medical professional skills, reconstruct and implement these extracted functions in the mechanisms/controllers/image processing algorithms of the medical support system. In the present paper, we propose a redundant motion control mechanism in accordance with theragnostic functions for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system (NIUTS)., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "1A1-B13(1)"-"1A1-B13(4)", Japanese, 110009963670, AA11902933
  • 1A1-B12 Construction Methodology for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System (5^ report) : Enhancement of servoing performance for human kidney by controlling position and orientation of ultrasound probes(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics (1))
    ITAGAKI Yutaro; KOIZUMI Norihiro; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki; AZUMA Takashi; NOMIYA Akira; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    We have developed a bed-type non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system (NIUTS) that tracks and follows the movement of an affected area (kidney stone/tumor, in this study) by irradiating it with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In this paper, we propose a mechanism to control the position and orientation of the ultrasound probes aiming at enhancing the servoing performance of the affected area. Proper positions and orientations are required to acquire the proper ultrasound diagnostic images., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "1A1-B12(1)"-"1A1-B12(3)", Japanese, 110009962810, AA11902933
  • Construction Methodology for Medical Support System by Technologizing and Digitalizing Medical Professional Skills
    05 Oct. 2012, Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS, 14, 3, 176-177, Japanese, 1344-9486, 10031120286, AA11908088
  • 1P1-N05 Construction Methodology for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System (4^ report) : Bed-Type Servoing System for Body Targets(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics (1))
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; SEO Joonho; FUNAMOTO Takakazu; NOMIYA Akira; ISHIKAWA Akira; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    We propose a bed-type non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system that tracks movements of an affected area (kidney stone / tumor, in this study) by irradiating it with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In this paper, the concept behind a medical support system that integrates therapy and diagnostics (theragnostics), is illustrated. The required functions for the proposed system are discussed and an overview of the constructed system configuration is illustrated. Problems of extracting, tracking, monitoring the affected area by ultrasonography are described. To overcome with this problem, we propose a bed-type servoing system for body targets, which make it easy to set a proper ROI and acquire proper template model to track and follow the targets., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27 May 2012, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2012, "1P1-N05(1)"-"1P1-N05(4)", Japanese, 110009908440, AA11902933
  • 2A1-R06 Robustness Enhancement for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics(2))
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; FUNAMOTO Takakazu; SEO Joonho; NOMIYA Akira; ISHIKAWA Akira; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    We propose a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system that tracks and follows movement in an affected area (kidney, in this study) while irradiating it with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In this paper, a kidney motion model is proposed to estimate the kidney position for robust tracking and following of the target kidney. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed kidney motion model and the proposed algorithm for robust servoing of the target kidney., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27 May 2012, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2012, "2A1-R06(1)"-"2A1-R06(4)", Japanese, 110009908703, AA11902933
  • Ultrasound image based visual tracking of kidney by utilizing multi-templates
    22 Nov. 2011, Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS, 13, 3, 190-191, Japanese, 1344-9486, 10030199175, AA11908088
  • 2P1-A04 Robustness Enhancement of Motion Compensation for a Non-invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics)
    FUNAMOTO Takakazu; KOIZUMI Norihiro; Seo JOONHO; SUGITA Naohiko; NOMIYA Akira; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    We propose a robustness enhancement methodology of motion compensation for non-invasive HIFU theragnostic system. The methodology is a combination of US-based visual tracking and skin-motion tracking by optical sensor. In this paper, we report the kidney motion model, which estimates kidney position from the measured skin position moving during respirations. Before the treatment, skin position and kidney position are measured simultaneously. To measure skin position, external markers are attached on patient's abdomen, and tracked by camera. To measure motion of kidney, we apply template-matching scheme for the stream of US images. Therefore, the correlation between measured skin position and kidney position is computed. During treatment, kidney position is estimated from the measured skin position using the correlation., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 26 May 2011, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2011, "2P1-A04(1)"-"2P1-A04(2)", Japanese, 110009711417, AA11902933
  • 2P1-A05 Target motion compensation by hybrid tracking method in US-guided robotic HIFU system(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics)
    Seo Joonho; Koizumi Norihiro; Funamoto Takakazu; Sugita Naohiko; Yoshinaka Kiyoshi; Nomiya Akira; Homma Yukio; Matsumoto Yoichiro; Mitsuishi Mamoru
    In the present paper, we introduce the hybrid tracking method using preoperative and intraoperative patient data for non-invasive robotic HIFU system. For the initial target recognition for the unclear target area, we register the preoperative 3-D model to the 2.5-D biplane US images. Moreover, we create an intraoperative tracking landmark in the target area by HIFU thermal ablation. During the target motion, we detect the US speckle image change by the HIFU treatment. Specifically, the CONDENSATION algorithm was applied to a robust and real-time speckle pattern tracking in the sequence of US images. Moreover, biplane US imaging was used to locate the three-dimensional position of the US speckle change, and a three-actuator system drives the end-effector to compensate the motion. Experiment for the motion compensation was conducted with robotic US-guided HIFU system. In the experiment, kidney motion of the phantom model was simulated by the captured human kidney motion data. As a result, the accuracy of the motion compensation was approximately 1.5 mm., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 26 May 2011, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2011, "2P1-A05(1)"-"2P1-A05(3)", English, 110009711418, AA11902933
  • 2P1-A06 Construction Methodology for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System : Technologizing and Digitalization of the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Diagnostics and Therapy(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics)
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; SEO Joonho; Lee DEUKHEE; NOMIYA Akira; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; YOSHIZAWA Shin; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    We propose a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system that tracks movement in an affected area (kidney stones, in this study) by irradiating it with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In this paper, the concept behind a novel medical support system that integrates therapy and diagnostics (theragnostics), is illustrated. The required functions for the proposed system are discussed and an overview of the constructed system configuration is illustrated. Problems of stone motion extracting, tracking, monitoring by ultrasonography are described. To overcome with this problem, we should take 2 approaches. The first approach is to minimize the servoing error to enhance both the efficiency of the therapy and the safety of the patient. The second approach is to reduce the effect of the servoing error. Concerning the first approach, we propose 2 solutions. One is robust detection of the stone position by shape information. Another is the controller that compensates for periodic motion of the affected area. Concerning the second approach, we propse a solution to control HIFU irradiation power in accordance with the servoing error, mainly to enhance the safety of the patient., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 26 May 2011, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2011, "2P1-A06(1)"-"2P1-A06(4)", Japanese, 110009711419, AA11902933
  • 0818 Construction methodology of ultrasound diagnostic and therapeutic system by fusion of ultrasound and robot technology
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki; SEO Joonho; SUZUKI Yugo; NOMIYA Akira; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; HASHIZUME Hiroyuki; TAKAMOTO Shinichi; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 08 Jan. 2010, バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 2009, 22, 142-142, Japanese, 110008064522, AA11903175
  • 超音波技術を利用した内臓脂肪量評価システム
    小泉憲裕; LIAO Hongen; 窪田直人; 浅野岳晴; 湯橋一仁; 光石衛; 大西真; 望月剛; 佐久間一郎; 門脇孝
    2010, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2010, 201002279139997066
  • 2P1-G22 Development of Volume Target Recognition Method for Non-invasive Theragnostic system
    Seo Joonho; Koizumi Norihiro; Sugita Naohiko; Yoshinaka Kiyoshi; Nomiya Akira; Homma Yukio; Matsumoto Yoichiro; Mitsuishi Mamoru
    We present in this paper about a volumetric target tracking method by using intraoperative bi-plane US imaging and preoperative three-dimensional model. The algorithm composed of the step for boundary point extraction from US image and the step for registration of the preoperative model to the US images. In our registration method, these two steps ameliorate each other to decide the best position and orientation of the preoperative model in a few iterations. Phantom experiment was conducted to evaluate the registration algorithm over the iteration. In experiment, our method could register the preoperative model into the biplane intraoperative US image in about 30 iterations and with under 1 mm average error deviation. This method will be exploited in the future for the real-time tracking of our robotic theragnostic high intensity ultrasound (HIFU) system., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, "2P1-G22(1)"-"2P1-G22(2)", English, 110008742224, AA11902933
  • 2P1-G24 Construction Methodology for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System : 2^ report
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; SEO Joonho; DEUKHEE Lee; NOMIYA Akira; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; YOSHIZAWA Shin; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    We propose a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system that tracks movement in an affected area (kidney stones, in this study) by irradiating it with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In this paper, the concept behind a novel medical support system that integrates therapy and diagnostics (theragnostics), is illustrated. The required functions for the proposed system are discussed and an overview of the constructed system configuration is illustrated. Problems of stone motion tracking by ultrasonography are described. To overcome with this problem, we should take 2 approaches. The first approach is to minimize the servoing error to enhance both the efficiency of the therapy and the safety of the patient. The second approach is to reduce the effect of the servoing error. Concerning the first approach, we propose 2 solutions. One is robust detection of the stone position by shape information. Another is the controller that compensates for periodic motion of the affected area. Concerning the second approach, we propse a solution to control HIFU irradiation power in accordance with the servoing error, mainly to enhance the safety of the patient., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, "2P1-G24(1)"-"2P1-G24(4)", Japanese, 110008742226, AA11902933
  • 医工連携の実践 システム疾患生命科学による先端低侵襲診断治療機器の開発
    廖 洪恩; 佐久間 一郎; 松本 洋一郎; 光石 衛; 高橋 浩之; 高木 周; 中島 義和; 小林 英津子; 杉田 直彦; 竹内 伸太郎; 葭仲 潔; 小泉 憲裕; 藤田 薫; 大野 雅史; 島添 健次; 土肥 健純; 瀬戸 泰之; 清水 伸幸; 北川 丈二; 宮田 哲郎; 名川 弘一; 高山 修一; 浅野 武夫; 澤田 龍治; 中村 哲也; 中島 雅章; 福田 雅明; 植田 裕久
    (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会, Nov. 2009, 日本コンピュータ外科学会誌, 11, 3, 162-163, Japanese, 1344-9486, 2010115825
  • 2A1-M13 Identification of Stone Destruction Parameters for Non Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System
    SUZUKI Yugo; KOIZUMI Norihiro; Seo Joonho; NOMIYA Akira; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; SUGITA Naohiko; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    We propose non-invasive ultrasound therapeutic system using visual servoing technology based on real-time ultrasound image processing to compensate the motion of targeting organs. In this paper, we focus on the realization of the effective destruction of kidney stone, and classify the optimized crushing conditions. As a result, Its effectiveness can be validated by the stone tracking experiments conducted according to the optimized stone crushing conditions., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25 May 2009, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009, "2A1-M13(1)"-"2A1-M13(3)", Japanese, 110008698231, AA11902933
  • 2A1-M01 Ex vivo experiments with swine kidney by non invasive ultrasound theragonstic system
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; SEO Joonho; Suzuki YUGO; Lee DEUKHEE; NOMIYA Akira; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; SUGITA Naohiko; HOMMA Yukio; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The authors have developed a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system to decrease the strain of patients and medical doctors. The system we propose tracks and follows movement in an affected area -kidney stones here- while High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is irradiated onto the area. The visual servoing performance of the target could be difficult in accordance with the ultrasound image quality. Then in the present paper, we report the result of the ex vivo stone motion tracking experiment, while the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is irradiated onto the kidney stone to confirm the effectiveness and extract the problem of the constructed system., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25 May 2009, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009, "2A1-M01(1)"-"2A1-M01(2)", Japanese, 110008698219, AA11902933
  • 2A1-M12 A Study on Technologizing and Digitalization of Skills in Evaluation of the Post Operative Pericardial Adhesion using Cardioechography : Robust visual tracking by utilizing the periodical cardiac motion
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; TSUKIHARA Hiroyuki; TAKAMOTO Shinichi; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The authors have developed a method to technologize and digitalize the evaluation of the post operative pericardical adhesion, based on the ultrasound diagnostic technology, information technology, and robot technology. Among those, in the present paper, we propose a robust motion tracking method for the factor tissues by utilizing the quasi-periodical heart motion and propose a method to technologize and digitalize the evaluation of the post operative pericardial adhesion by utilizing the ECG signal., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25 May 2009, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009, "2A1-M12(1)"-"2A1-M12(2)", Japanese, 110008698230, AA11902933
  • 超音波診断における心臓癒着評価技能の技術化・デジタル化に関する研究(第2報)-ECG信号を利用した癒着評価のデジタル化-
    小泉憲裕; 月原弘之; 高本眞一; 光石衛
    2009, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2009, 200902229191420089
  • Construction Methodology for the Medical Support System by Utilizing Ultrasound Technology
    Norihiro Koizumi; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Nov. 2008, Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 74, 11, 1143-1146, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0912-0289, 77955405196
  • 1A1-C16 Real-time & Robust Tracking of Renal Stones on HIFU Lithotripsy
    LEE Deukhee; KOIZUMI Norihiro; OTA Kohei; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    This paper describes an ultrasound-based real-time target tracking method for a renal stone treatment system using high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), because the target stone moves due to respiration, heartbeat, and so on. Especially, target shape in ultrasound image is deteriorated by cavitation bubble and debris of the target stone during HIFU treatment. This makes difficult to track the target stone, and furthermore it may fail. Therefore, a blob tracking method using target dynamic model independent of shape information is proposed. Moreover, Hough transform method is modified with convex hull algorithm to enhance tracking accuracy. Consequently, robust and accurate target tracking is performed well uninfluenced by HIFU-induced noises., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "1A1-C16(1)"-"1A1-C16(4)", Japanese, 110008695852, AA11902933
  • 1A1-C11 Construction Methodology for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System
    KOIZUMI Norihiro; LEE Deukhee; OTA Kohei; OTA Ryuhei; YOSHIZAWA Shin; YOSHINAKA Kiyoshi; MATSUMOTO Yoichiro; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The authors have developed a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system to decrease the strain of patients and medical doctors. The system we propose tracks and follows movement in an affected area -kidney stones here- while High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is irradiated onto the area. In this paper, a framework of the non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system is proposed and illustrated. Specifically, the concept of the system is proposed at first. Secondly, decomposing and reconstructing (structuring) of the functional requirements are discussed. Third, the constructed system, which is based on those structured functional requirements, is illustrated. Fourth, the result of the servoing experiments of the model stone is reported to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed construction methodology and constructed system., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "1A1-C11(1)"-"1A1-C11(4)", Japanese, 110008695847, AA11902933
  • 超音波診断における心臓癒着評価技能の技術化・デジタル化に関する研究
    小泉憲裕; 月原弘之; 高本眞一; 光石衛
    2008, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2008, 200902281167398767
  • 超音波結石治療技術の開発―キャビテーション制御による結石破砕法の確立―
    松本洋一郎; 葭仲 潔; 小泉憲裕; 光石 衛
    日本工業出版, 2008, 超音波TECHNO, 20, 6, 35-41, Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine, 0916-2410, 40016355763, AN10068970
  • 非侵襲超音波診断・治療統合システムにおけるフィード・フォワード制御
    小泉憲裕; 太田耕平; LEE Deukhee; 吉澤晋; 伊藤陽; 松本洋一郎; 光石衛
    2007, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2007, 200902269124559120
  • 非侵襲超音波診断・治療統合システムのためのリアルタイム呼吸情報取得
    太田耕平; 小泉憲裕; LEE Deukhee; 吉澤晋; 伊藤陽; 松本洋一郎; 光石衛
    2007, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2007, 200902298418787911
  • "超音波医療診断における技能の技術化・デジタル化に関する研究,"
    小泉憲裕; 割澤伸一; 名越 充; 橋詰博行; 光石 衛
    日本工業出版, Jan. 2007, 超音波TECHNO, 19, 1, 14-19, Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine, 0916-2410, 40015269283, AN10068970
  • Development of an integrated system for non-invasive ultrasound diagnosis and treatment
    30 Dec. 2006, Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS, 8, 3, 386-387, Japanese, 1344-9486, 10021287542, AA11908088
  • The development of the integrated system for non invasive ultrasound diagnosis and treatment (2nd report)―The controller and experiment for servoing stone model in the bladder―
    小泉憲裕; 太田耕平; 吉澤晋; 伊藤陽; 中島義和; 割澤伸一; 松本洋一郎; 光石衛
    26 May 2006, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2006, 2A1-A17, Japanese, 200902206723828618
  • The development of the integrated system for non invasive ultrasound diagnosis and treatment (1st report)―The controller and experiment for servoing stone model in the bladder―
    太田耕平; 小泉憲裕; 吉澤晋; 伊藤陽; 中島義和; 割澤伸一; 松本洋一郎; 光石衛
    26 May 2006, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2006, 2A1-A18, Japanese, 200902284579769750
  • Design of Controller and its Servoing Performance of the Integrated System for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment
    小泉憲裕; 太田耕平; LEE Deukhee; 吉澤晋; 伊藤陽; 中島義和; 松本洋一郎; 光石衛
    2006, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 24th, 200902286260001267
  • A Method to Apply Hybrid Position/Force Control to Master Slave Typed Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System
    Koizumi Norihiro; Warisawa Shin'ichi; Hashizume Hiroyuki; Mitsuishi Mamoru
    Authors have been developed a master–slave type remote medical system for the diagnosis of the shoulder disease such as dialysis related amyloid arthropathy (DRAA) by ultrasonographic images. Proper position, orientation, and contact force between the ultrasound probe and the affected part of the patient should be made proper to acquire the proper diagnostic images in the diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a method to introduce and apply the hybrid position/force control to the master–slave typed remote ultrasound diagnostic system., The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2006, Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, 2006, 0, 667-668, Japanese, 200902240524268470, 130005027537
  • 2A1-N-125 Research on automatic suturing for a minimally invasive surgical robotic system(Medical and Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics 3,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    YOSHIZAWA Takashi; KOIZUMI Norihiro; WARISAWA Shin'ichi; MITSUISHI Mamoru
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 161-161, Japanese, 110006210440, AA11902933
  • A study on technologizing of skill in ultrasound medical diagnosis Decomposing and reconstructing required functions
    小泉憲裕; 割沢伸一; 橋詰博行; 光石衛
    09 Jun. 2005, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2005, 2P1-N-127, Japanese, 200902286354671690
  • Research on automatic suturing for a minimally invasive surgical robotic system
    吉沢尚志; 小泉憲裕; 割沢伸一; 光石衛
    09 Jun. 2005, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2005, 2A1-N-125, Japanese, 200902257717986078
  • A study on technologizing of skill in ultrasound medical diagnosis
    Koizumi Norihiro; Warisawa Shin'ichi; Hashizume Hiroyuki; Mitsuishi Mamoru
    Authors have been developed a master-slave type remote medical system for the diagnosis of the shoulder disease such as dialysis related amyloid arthropathy (DRAA) by ultrasonographic images. Proper position, orientation, and contact force between an ultrasound probe and the affected part of the patient should be made clear to acquire proper diagnostic images in the diagnosis. In this paper, we report experimental results to clarify the required contact force and precision of the orientation to acquire the proper diagnostic images aiming at technologizing of a skill in the ultrasound diagnosis., The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2005, Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, 2005, 0, 276-276, Japanese, 200902235189856406, 130004657442
  • 2P1-N-127 A study on technologizing of skill in ultrasound medical diagnosis (2nd report) : Decomposition and reconstruction of functional requirements(Medical and Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics 4,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2005, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2005, 0, 204-204, Japanese, 110006210613
  • Control System of a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System(4th Report)-Method and device for dynamic switching of control algorithm according to tasks-
    小泉憲裕; 割沢伸一; 光石衛; 橋詰博行
    20 Sep. 2003, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 21st, 1H29, Japanese, 200902251822897554
  • Automatic Controller Switching by Task Recognition in Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System
    Koizumi N.; Warisawa S.; Hashizume H.; Mitsuishi M.
    本研究では超音波診断を対象に遠隔医療システムを開発してきた。本稿では, 遠隔超音波医療診断における一連の診断タスクを明らかにする。次に, 各タスクの効率的な遂行という観点から, 診断タスクに応じて制御系を自動的にカスタマイズする手法を提案する。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2003, 0, 102-102, Japanese, 110002506473
  • Control System of a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System (3rd Report)-Manipulability enhancement by variable impedance control-
    小泉憲裕; 加藤孝宏; 割沢伸一; 光石衛; 橋詰博行
    12 Oct. 2002, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 20th, 1L33, Japanese, 200902157147443712
  • インピーダンス制御に基づいた遠隔超音波診断システムの制御系の構築(第2報) : プローブの押付け力入力に対するスレーブ動作の応答性
    小泉 憲裕; 割澤 伸一; 光石 衛; 橋詰 博行
    01 Oct. 2002, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2002, 2, 553-553, Japanese, 80015811018, AN1018673X
  • Real‐Time Motion Planning for a Slave Manipulator in Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System. 2nd report.
    小泉憲裕; 加藤孝宏; 割沢伸一; 橋詰博行; 光石衛
    07 Jun. 2002, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 2002, Pt.3, 2A1.B05(1)-2A1.B05(2), Japanese, 200902162736008361
  • Development of a Control System for a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System Based on Impedance Control (2nd Report)
    Koizumi Norihiro; Warisawa Shin'ich; Mitsuishi Mamoru; Hashizume Hiroyuki
    高齢化社会における医療支援システムの一つとして, 本研究では遠隔超音波診断システムを開発してきた. 本論文では, プローブの押付け力入力に対するスレーブ動作の応答性について考察する.従来のインピーダンス制御ではインピーダンス制御器は通常ひとつであり, マスタ側, スレーブ側あるいは中継地点に置かれる. そのため, 伝送時間遅れの影響が大きかった. 本システムでは, マスタおよびスレーブ側の双方が各々のインピーダンス制御器を有する制御系としている. このことにより,マスタおよびスレーブ側において各々が獲得できる最新の力情報を用いて各マニピュレータを制御することが可能となり, 従来のシステムより時間遅れの影響を低減することができる., The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2002, Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, 2002, 0, 645-645, Japanese, 200902121151915098, 130007002160
  • Practical Use of a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System
    遠隔超音波診断システムの実用化にむけて, 岡山大学医学部と約10km離れた民間の病院との間でISDN回線を用いて遠隔診断実験を行なったので報告する。本論文ではまず, 実験システムの構成について説明し, 遠隔診断システムにおける医師への視覚情報提示法, 診断手順や位置・姿勢方向などのマスタースレーブ間での統一などの診断環境整備法, 医師の熟練と診断時間や診断結果の推移について考察する。また, 実際の患者に対して遠隔診断実験を行なったのでその診断結果について通常のマニュアル診断結果と比較した結果についても報告する。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2002, 0, 63-63, Japanese, 110002505255
  • Local intelligence for a Slave Manipulator in Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System
    遠隔では時間遅れのため, 通常の診断と同様に, 医師が押しつけ力を微妙に調節しながら診断を行なうことは困難である。その解決案のひとつとしてスレーブ・マニピュレータにローカル・インテリジェンスを持たせる方法を提案する。患者と超音波プローブとの間の押しつけ力を一定に保つというタスクをスレーブ側で自律的に行なうことにより一定の押しつけ力で診断画像を保持したり, 患部をなぞることが容易になる。ISDN回線を用いて実際に専門医が行なった透析肩の遠隔診断実験についても述べる。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2002, 0, 63-63, Japanese, 110002505257
  • Control System of a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System(2nd Report)‐Master‐Slave System using Impedance and Countinuous Path Control.
    小泉憲裕; 割沢伸一; 光石衛; 橋詰博行
    18 Sep. 2001, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 19th, 743-744, Japanese, 200902118266952220
  • 遠隔超音波診断システムの制御系の構築 (第2報) インピーダンス制御およびCP制御を用いたマスタ・スレーブ・システム
    小泉憲裕; 割沢伸一; 光石衛; 橋詰博行
    18 Sep. 2001, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 19th, 198, Japanese, 200902119643639440
  • インピーダンス制御に基づいた遠隔超音波診断システムの制御系の構築 (第1報)
    小泉憲裕; 割沢伸一; 光石衛; 橋詰博行
    10 Sep. 2001, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2001, 329, Japanese, 200902111580623458
  • 遠隔超音波診断システムの操作性評価
    小泉憲裕; 割沢伸一; 光石衛
    05 Mar. 2001, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2001, 592, Japanese, 200902158862000514
  • 1A1-J3 Real-Time Motion Planning for a Slave Manipulator in Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System
    Koizumi N.; Warisawa S.; Mitsuishi M.; Hashizume H.
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2001, 0, 13-13, Japanese, 110002502241
  • Control System of a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System.
    小泉憲裕; 田中勝弥; 割沢伸一; 光石衛; 橋詰博行; 藤原一夫; 中島義雄
    12 Sep. 2000, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 18th, 437-438, Japanese, 200902144405919498

Books and other publications

  • 生き物と音の事典
    Japanese, Contributor, 第4部1章, xii, 441, 4p, 図版 [4] p, 朝倉書店, Nov. 2019, 9784254171679
  • 人工知能と社会 2025年の未来予想
    栗原 聡; 長井隆行; 小泉憲裕; 内海 彰; 坂本真樹; 久野美和子
    General book, Japanese, Joint work, オーム社, 15 Feb. 2018, 9784274221811
  • A Framework of the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System," Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    Norihiro Koizumi; Deukhee Lee; Kohei Ota; Shin Yoshizawa; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka; Yoichiro Matsumoto; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Textbook, English, Contributor, Springer, 2008
  • 小泉憲裕, “医療のためのロボット基礎技術”第3部1章2節,医療ナノテクノロジー ―最先端医学とナノテクの融合―, 片岡一則(監修), 医療ナノテクノロジー人材養成ユニット(編集),
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint editor, 杏林図書, 2007, 9784903453057
  • 小泉憲裕, “知財マネジメント,”第4部1章,医療ナノテクノロジー ―最先端医学とナノテクの融合―, 片岡一則(監修), 医療ナノテクノロジー人材養成ユニット(編集),
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint editor, 杏林図書, 2007, 9784903453057
  • Manipulability Enhancement by an Impedance Parameter Tuning for a Remote Ultrasound Diagnostic System
    Norihiro Koizumi; Takahiro Kato; Shin'ichi Warisawa; Hiroyuki Hashizume; Mamoru Mitsuishi
    Scholarly book, English, Contributor, Springer-Verlag, 2003, 9783540362685


  • 学域特別講義A(融合領域の最新動向B)
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering
  • 動力学
  • ナノ・マイクロ医療システム
  • メカノバイオエンジニアリング概論
  • Current Topics in Emerging Multi-interdisciplinary Engineering A
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 学域特別講義A(融合領域の最新動向B)
  • ロボット工学基礎
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • メカノデザイン
  • Advance Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Advance Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 基礎実験II(ロボ基礎)
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 基礎実験II(ロボ基礎)
  • メカノデザイン
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • メカノデザイン
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • ロボット工学基礎
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • ロボティックス
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • ロボティックス
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 動力学
  • Overview of Mechanobioengineering
    The University of Tokyo
  • メカノバイオエンジニアリング概論
  • ナノ・マイクロ医療システム
  • ナノ・マイクロ医療システム
  • Dynamics
    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • 動力学
  • Innovative Comprehensive Communications Design 2
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • イノベイティブ総合コミュニケーションデザイン 2
  • Innovative Comprehensive Communications Design 1
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • イノベイティブ総合コミュニケーションデザイン 1
  • Fundamentals of Robotics
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • ロボット工学基礎
  • Robotics
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • ロボティックス
  • エンジニアリングデザイン2
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • エンジニアリングデザイン2

Affiliated academic society

  • IEEE (Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society)
  • ASME
  • International Society for Computer Aided Surgery
  • 日本機械学会
  • 日本ロボット学会
  • 精密工学会

Research Themes

  • 医療のデジタル化を加速するロボティック超音波局在診断・局所治療基盤システムの構築
    小泉 憲裕
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(B), 24K00846
    Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2028
  • 暗号化制御系におけるセキュリティメトリクスの顕在化
    小木曽 公尚; 金子 修; 畑 秀明; 和田 洋一郎; 小泉 憲裕; 定本 知徳; 宮嵜 哲郎; 澤田 賢治; 猪俣 敦夫
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(B), 23K22779
    01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 暗号化制御系におけるセキュリティメトリクスの顕在化
    小木曽 公尚; 金子 修; 畑 秀明; 和田 洋一郎; 小泉 憲裕; 定本 知徳; 宮嵜 哲郎; 澤田 賢治; 猪俣 敦夫
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(B), 22H01509
    01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 人工知能援用による癌局在抽出・追従技術を活用した前立腺がん標的局所療法の確立
    小路 直
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 人工知能を援用した超音波医療診断・治療の超高精度化
    公益財団法人G-7奨学財団, 研究開発助成事業(バイオ・IT分野), Principal investigator
    Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2025
  • 救急救命のための循環血液量計測支援システムに関する研究
    公益財団法人JKA, JKA補助事業 個別研究, 個別研究, Principal investigator, 2024M-383
    Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2025
  • Construction of robotic ultrasound diagnostic and therapeutic platform system to accelerate and promote Medical DigITalization (Me-DigIT)
    Koizumi Norihiro
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2024
  • 人工知能およびロボット技術を援用した身体にやさしい革新的な超音波がん治療システムの確立
    一般財団法人カワイサウンド技術・音楽振興財団, 研究助成
    01 Jul. 2022 - 30 Jun. 2023
  • 医療技能のデジタル化で実現する卵巣腫瘍の革新的診断システムの開発
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2023
  • 医療診断・治療用超音波ガイド体動補償機能搭載型ロボティックベッドの開発
    Koizumi Norihiro
    令和2年度AMED橋渡し研究シーズA(慶應拠点), 研究助成
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • Dynamics analysis of musculoskeletal and organ systems during exercise by body-mounted robotic monitoring device
    Norihiro Koizumi
    Principal investigator
    28 Jun. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 短寿命α線医薬品製造工程における被ばくを抑制するロボティック精製・標識技術の開発
    Yoichiro Wada
    01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 医療技能の技術化・デジタル化で実現する超音波診断・治療統合システムの超高精度化
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 超音波プローブ走査による筋肉可視化・定量化システム
    科学技術振興機構, 研究成果最適展開支援, Principal investigator
    01 Sep. 2019 - 31 Aug. 2020
  • 痛みの発生機序の神経化学的解明及びこれに基づく変形性関節症・脊椎症の革新的強力集束超音波治療法の実現
    三菱財団, 自然科学研究助成
    01 Oct. 2018 - 30 Sep. 2019
  • 非侵襲の超音波診断・治療を支援するベッド型ロボットの開発
    埼玉県, 平成30年度 新技術・製品化開発費補助金事業
    22 Jun. 2018 - 28 Feb. 2019
  • Development of next generation biological monitoring device using focal lesion following ultrasound probes
    榎本雅之; 日本アッシュ株式会社
    埼玉県, 平成29年度 新技術・製品化開発費補助金事業
    13 Jun. 2017 - 28 Feb. 2018
  • 生体観察・モニタリング技術の開発
    平成28年度 文部科学省 JST研究成果展開事業 マッチングプランナープログラム(平成28年度企業ニーズ解決試験), 研究助成
    01 Jun. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • 集束超音波技術を応用した変形性関節症の低侵襲治療法の開発
    牛田 享宏
    01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • 人体に対して頑健かつ高精度に追従する非侵襲超音波医療診断・治療統合システムの構築
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • システム疾患生命科学による先端医療技術開発拠点
    門脇 孝
    文部科学省, 振興調整費 「先端融合領域イノベーション創出拠点の形成」プログラム
    Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2017
  • 非侵襲超音波痛み評価・治療統合システム
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
  • 生体に対して高精度かつ安全に動作する非侵襲超音波診断・治療統合システムの構築
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2015
  • 非侵襲超音波診断・治療統合システムの構築法に関する研究
    小野音響学研究助成基金, Principal investigator
    Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2014
  • 医療技能の技術化・デジタル化による非侵襲超音波診断・治療統合システムの構築
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2010 - 31 Mar. 2012
  • ユーザーインターフェース重視の腹腔鏡用細径多自由度鉗子の開発とNOTESへの展開
    岩中 督
    01 Apr. 2009 - 31 Mar. 2012
  • 結石を対象とする非侵襲性超音波診断・治療統合システムの開発
    野宮 明
    01 Apr. 2009 - 31 Mar. 2011
  • コンパクト型手術ロボットと最小侵襲手術とを統合する医用CAD/CAMシステム
    光石 衛
    01 Apr. 2006 - 31 Mar. 2011
  • 非侵襲超音波診断・治療統合システムの構築法に関する研究
    財団法人国際科学技術財団, 国際科学技術財団研究助成, Principal investigator
    Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2010
  • 医療ナノテクノロジー人材養成ユニット
    文部科学省, 振興調整費 「新興分野人材養成」プログラム
    Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2010
  • 医療診断・手術技能の技術化・デジタル化に関する研究
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2007 - 31 Mar. 2009
  • 遠隔診療システムの構築法に関する研究
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2004 - 30 Sep. 2004

Industrial Property Rights

  • 画像処理装置、測定システム、画像処理方法及びプログラム
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 津村遼介, 奥崎功大, PCT/JP2024/015256, Date applied: 17 Apr. 2024
  • 表示装置および表示方法
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 西山 悠, 武笠 杏樹, 小路 直, 特願2024-042591, Date applied: 18 Mar. 2024
  • コンピュータプログラム、学習モデル生成方法、画像処理装置及び画像処理方法
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 近藤亮祐, 今泉飛翔, 草原健太, 井芹健介, 特願2022-033763, Date applied: 04 Mar. 2022, 特許7361818, Date registered: 05 Oct. 2023
  • 測定装置、測定システム、測定方法及びプログラム
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 野呂悠紀, 石川智大, 月原弘之, 周 家禕, 西山悠, 松本直樹, 特願2023-073424, Date applied: 27 Apr. 2023, 国立大学法人電気通信大学, 学校法人日本大学
  • 画像処理装置、測定システム、画像処理方法及びプログラム
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 津村遼介, 奥崎 功大, 特願2023-72467, Date applied: 26 Apr. 2023, 国立大学法人電気通信大学,
  • シミュレーション装置、シミュレーション方法及びプログラム
    Patent right, 矢部幸保, 今井敏明, 小泉憲裕, 重成佑香, 小路直, 2020-177224, Date applied: 22 Oct. 2020, 特許7058425, Date issued: 14 Apr. 2022
  • 画像評価装置及びプログラム
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 西山 悠, 小林賢人, 周 家禕, 渡部祐介, 藤林 巧, 松山桃子, 山田望結, 五十嵐立樹, 草原健太, 矢ケ崎詞穂, 沼田和司, 月原弘之, 宮嵜英世, 松本直樹, 小川眞広, 特願2022-029940, Date applied: 28 Feb. 2022, The University of Electro-Communications
  • 生体内運動追跡装置、生体内運動追跡方法およびプログラム
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 西山 悠, 近藤亮祐, 冨田恭平, 江浦史生, 沼田和司, 特願2017-158071, Date applied: 18 Aug. 2017, 6829437, Date issued: 10 Feb. 2022
  • 超音波治療診断システム、超音波治療診断方法、プログラムおよび患部追従評価方法
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 大塚研秀, 西山 悠, 月原弘之, 宮嵜英世, 沼田和司, 2021-069893, Date applied: 16 Apr. 2021
  • 生体内運動追跡装置
    Patent right, 特願2017-040348, Date applied: 03 Mar. 2017, JP6489637, Date issued: 26 Jan. 2021
  • 生体内運動追跡装置
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 栢菅 篤, 冨田恭平, 細井泉澄, 西山 悠, 月原弘之, 宮嵜英世, 福田浩之, 沼田和司, 葭仲 潔, 東 隆, 杉田直彦, 本間之夫, 松本洋一郎, 光石 衛, US15/876233, Date applied: 22 Jan. 2018, US10,573,009B2, Date issued: 25 Feb. 2020
  • 生体内運動追跡装置、生体内運動追跡方法およびプログラム
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 西山 悠, 近藤亮祐, 冨田恭平, 江浦史生, 沼田和司, US15/867302, Date applied: 10 Jan. 2018, US10,535,159, Date issued: 14 Jan. 2020
  • 位置情報取得装置およびそれを備えたロボット制御装置
    Patent right, 井原茂男, 大田佳宏, 高村正志, 小泉憲裕, 冨田恭平, 近藤亮祐, 2017-216213, Date applied: 09 Nov. 2017, 2019-084645, Date announced: 06 Jun. 2019
  • 位置情報取得装置およびそれを備えたロボット制御装置
    Patent right, 井原茂男, 大田佳宏, 高村正志, 小泉憲裕, 冨田恭平, 近藤亮祐, PCT/JP2018/041109, Date applied: 11 Jun. 2018, WO2019-093299, Date announced: 16 May 2019
  • 超音波診断システム
    Patent right, 窪田直人, 小泉憲裕, 浅野岳晴, 湯橋一仁, 月原弘之, 王 君臣, 光石 衛, 藤原洋子, 射谷和徳, 三竹 毅, 佐久間一郎, 門脇 孝, 特願2015-083067, Date applied: 15 Apr. 2015, JP6518116, Date issued: 26 Apr. 2019
  • 生体内運動追跡装置
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 李 東俊, 藤井達也, 福田浩之, 月原弘之, 東 隆, 杉田直彦, 宮嵜英世, 本間之夫, 沼田和司, 松本洋一郎, 光石 衛, 特願2015-040453, Date applied: 02 Mar. 2015, JP6489637, Date issued: 08 Mar. 2019
  • 超音波診断システム
    Patent right, 窪田直人, 浅野岳晴, 小泉憲裕, 廖 洪恩, 湯橋一仁, 周 遊, 光石 衛, 大西 真, 射谷和徳, 三竹 毅, 佐久間一郎, 門脇 孝, PCT/JP2013/066915, Date applied: 23 Jul. 2013, ZL201380042374.3(中国), Date issued: 28 Dec. 2016
  • 生体内運動追跡装置
    Patent right, 小泉憲裕, 李 東俊, 藤井達也, 福田浩之, 月原弘之, 東 隆, 杉田直彦, 宮嵜英世, 本間之夫, 沼田和司, 松本洋一郎, 光石 衛, PCT/JP2015/075132, Date applied: 02 Sep. 2015
  • Ultrasonic Diagnostic System
    Patent right, 窪田直人, 小泉憲裕, 廖 洪恩, 浅野岳晴, 湯橋一仁, 光石 衛, 大西 真, 望月 剛, 佐久間一郎, 門脇 孝, PCT/JP2010/069976, Date applied: 10 Nov. 2010, WO2011/058986, Date announced: 19 May 2011, ZL201080050993.3(中国), Date issued: 29 Oct. 2014
  • 超音波診断システム
    Patent right, 窪田直人, 小泉憲裕, 廖 洪恩, 浅野岳晴, 湯橋一仁, 周 遊, 光石 衛, 大西 真, 射谷和徳, 三竹 毅, 佐久間一郎, 門脇 孝, 特願2012-176613, Date applied: 09 Aug. 2012, JP5368615, Date issued: 20 Sep. 2013,
  • 超音波治療システム
    Patent right, 佐久間一郎, 小泉憲裕, 廖 洪恩, 小林英津子, 冨田 誠, 藤原圭祐, 射谷和徳, 特願2012-017499, Date applied: 31 Jan. 2012, 特開2013-153998, Date announced: 15 Aug. 2013,
  • 生体内結石検出装置
    Patent right, 光石 衛, 小泉憲裕, 李 得熙, 松本洋一郎, 葭仲 潔, 杉田 直彦, 野宮 明, 特願2009-057362, Date applied: 11 Mar. 2009, 特開2010-207427, Date announced: 24 Sep. 2010, JP5311392, Date issued: 12 Jul. 2013,
  • 超音波癒着測定装置
    Patent right, 月原弘之, 小泉憲裕, 光石 衛, 小野 稔, 特願2011-027806, Date applied: 26 Jan. 2011, 月原弘之, 特開2012-152532, Date announced: 16 Aug. 2012,
  • 超音波診断システム
    Patent right, 窪田直人, 小泉憲裕, 廖 洪恩, 浅野岳晴, 湯橋一仁, 光石 衛, 大西 真, 望月 剛, 佐久間一郎, 門脇 孝, 特願2009-256886, Date applied: 10 Nov. 2009, 特開2011-101679, Date announced: 26 May 2011,
  • 超音波診断システム用プローブ保持器具
    Patent right, 窪田直人, 小泉憲裕, 廖 洪恩, 浅野岳晴, 湯橋一仁, 光石 衛, 大西 真, 望月 剛, 佐久間一郎, 門脇 孝, 特願2009-256887, Date applied: 10 Nov. 2009, 特開2011-101680, Date announced: 26 May 2011,

Media Coverage

  • 調布・電通大で「匠ガール」 女子中高生対象の夏休みラボ体験
    調布経済新聞, Paper
    13 Jun. 2023
  • 電通大など、画像診断支援にロボット 医師の負担軽減
    日経Tech Foresight
    16 Jan. 2023
  • 電気通信大学などが画像診断支援の自動化システム、臓器の動きに追従
    日経クロステック, Internet
    16 Jan. 2023
  • 超音波プローブ検査の半自動化へ前進、深層学習で取得画像を適正化する技術開発 電通大
    Med IT Tech
    15 Dec. 2022
  • 医デジ化で医療の質を担保
    01 Mar. 2022
  • 超音波ガイド下治療時に活用できる画像補完手法をAIで開発 電通大
    31 Jan. 2022
  • 小野測器は一時S高、TOAや電気通信大などと遠隔聴診システム開発へ
    Kabutan, Internet
    24 Jun. 2021
  • 小野測器が一時ストップ高、遠隔聴診システムを共同開発へ
    四季報オンライン, Internet
    24 Jun. 2021
  • TOAと小野測器が非接触の遠隔聴診研究 赤外線活用、電通大と産学連携
    電波新聞, Paper
    24 Jun. 2021
  • 小野測器---一時ストップ高、産学連携プログラムに採択
    REUTERS, Paper
    24 Jun. 2021
  • 小野測器が一時ストップ高、TOAなどと遠隔聴診システム開発へ
    朝日新聞, Paper
    24 Jun. 2021
  • TOA・小野測器・電通大など、非接触型ピンポイント遠隔聴診システムの開発に着手
    日本経済新聞, Paper
    24 Jun. 2021
  • 生きた臓器をブレさず撮影、電通大などが装置を開発
    日刊工業新聞, Paper
    20 Dec. 2019
  • 追跡!先端産業!!ロボティック医用超音波診断・治療システムの開発と『医デジ化(Me-DigIT)』の推進
    週間帝国ニュース埼玉県版, Paper
    18 Dec. 2019
  • まちづくり×ロボット コラボフェア開催
    週間帝国ニュース埼玉県版, Paper
    27 Mar. 2019
  • 体の動き追従 精度1mm 小型超音波診察ロボ 電通大など開発
    30 Aug. 2018
  • ロボットとITを生かした医療技術・世界観の共有
    Medtec Online, Internet
    27 Jun. 2017
  • 第41回超音波ドプラ・新技術研究会開催
    Rad Fan Online, Internet
    31 Mar. 2017
  • がん追跡し超音波照射 東大が高精度の治療装置開発
    18 May 2015
  • 結石治療、破片のこさず
    日経産業新聞, Paper
    11 Sep. 2009
  • 遠隔操作で超音波診断 岡山大、東大グループ ロボット開発
    山陽新聞, Paper
    16 Nov. 2001