International Education CenterAssociate Professor
  • Profile:
    1995- Growth mechanism of metal thin films.
    2000-2005 Sample preparation of TEM.


  • 工学修士, 横浜国立大学, Mar. 1988
  • Ph.D. in Engineering, Yokohama National University, Mar. 1995

Research Keyword

  • 金属薄膜初期成長過程の漸近的性質

Field Of Study

  • Nanotechnology/Materials, Thin-film surfaces and interfaces
  • Nanotechnology/Materials, Nanostructure physics


  • 01 Apr. 2021
    国際教育センター, 准教授
  • 01 Feb. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2021
    国際教育センター, 講師
  • 01 Apr. 2010 - 31 Jan. 2017
    国際交流センター, 講師
  • Aug. 1996 - 31 Mar. 2010
    Faculty of electro-communications, The Univ. of Electoro-Comm., Assistant professor

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1988 - Aug. 1991
    Yokohama National University, Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 博士後期課程
  • Apr. 1986 - Mar. 1988
    Yokohama National University, Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 博士前期課程
  • Apr. 1982 - Mar. 1986
    Tokai University, Faculty of Engineering, 応用物理学科
  • 01 Apr. 1979 - 31 Mar. 1982


  • Scaling analysis for submonolayer growth of point islands based on Widom scaling law
    Hisashi NAKAI
    Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications, 34, 1, 23-31, 01 Feb. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Scaling form of capture-zone distribution in four-dimensional growth of point island
    Hisashi NAKAI
    Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications, 32, 1, 47-53, 01 Feb. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Spatial dimension dependence for the average capture number in submonolayer growth of point islands
    Hisashi NAKAI
    電気通信大学紀要, 31, 1, 97-103, 01 Feb. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Scaling theory for submonolayer growth of point Islands based on the minimal model
    Hisashi NAKAI
    Bulletin of The University of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications, 30, 1, 300107, 01 Feb. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Asymptotic analysis for cumulative local size for one-dimensional submonolayer growth
    Hisashi NAKAI
    Bulletin of The University of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications, 29, 1, 290105-290105, 01 Feb. 2017, Peer-reviwed, By dimensional analysis, it is confirmed that a cumulative local size xy for one-dimentional irreversible submonolayergrowth of point islands [J. G. Amar and M. N. Popescu, Surf. Sci. 419, 239 (2001)] is expressed bya function of scaled gap length Y and dimensionless deposition time R1/3θ, where R is the ratio of the monomerdiffusion rate to the deposition rate and θ is coverage. Using asymptotic analysis for xy as the limit R Ishow that xy/sav I = 1/B ∫ 1 ϕY uα tanh (YBu−α) du, where B is a certain monotonically decreasing function ofthe variable R1/3θ, α is dynamical exponent of nucleation length and sav is average size. At both of the numericalresult of xy/sav and the approximate analytical evaluation for the integral I with Taylor expansion in YB for theintegrand, correction term for Y Y−3( or limit of xy/sav as is shown to be proportional to (R1/3θ)−3/4,and the analytical evaluation is in good agreement with the numerical result in R1/3θ 400. Finally, I findanother evaluation for I with the expansion in α to improve the deviation in 100 R1/3θ < 400.
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Information Processing Exercises Designed for Undergraduate International Students at the University of Electro-Communications
    NAKAI Hisashi
    The Tama Bulletin of International Student Education, 電気通信大学国際交流推進センター ; 2006-, 10, 10, 31-35, Mar. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    Research society, Japanese
  • Power Series Expansion and Analysis for Logarithm of q-Shifted Factorial
    NAKAI, Hisashi
    Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications, 28, 1, 1-9, 02 Feb. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Numerical Solutions and Error Estimation for the Gap length in One-dimensional Submonolayer Film Growth
    NAKAI, Hisashi
    Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications, 電気通信大学, 27, 1, 37-43, 27 Feb. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Numerical solutions and an error estimation formula for gap ys between an island with size s and another island in one-dimensional submonolayer growth are presented. The origin of the error is assumed to be the numerical integral computation included in an equation for the ys. In order to evaluate the error for YM, which is the numerical approximation of ys, numerical integrations in the equation of ys are calculated with composite trapezoidal rule using 1/2M, M and 2M of number of equal divided interval. As a result, the error of the gap for M = 213 of the divided number is a onethird for the difference Ys M/2 Ys M . Similarly, the error for the numerical solution of the island size distribution Ns M is the 1/4.2 of Ns M/2 Ns M and was less than 7 × 10--9. My size-distribution result is compared to both the results of literature on the kinetic Monte-Carlo simulation and the rate equation.
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Exercises in introductory physics for international freshmen at UEC
    NAKAI Hisashi
    The Tama Bulletin of International Student Education, 電気通信大学国際交流推進センター, 8, 8, 51-55, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    Research society, Japanese
  • Preparatory Engineering Related Education of Japan-Korea Joint Government Scholarship Program for the Students in Science and Engineering Departments at UEC Tokyo
    NAKAI Hisashi; HAMANO Tetze
    The Tama Bulletin of International Student Education, 電気通信大学国際交流推進センター, 8, 8, 57-61, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    Research society, Japanese
  • A Report on the Preparatory Engineering Education for International Undergraduate Students in UEC
    lKOYAMA Naoto; OKUYAMA Naoki; NAKAI Hisashi
    多摩留学生教育研究論集, Tokyo Gakugei University, 5, 71-74, Mar. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Synthesis of Fe2W by low pressure laser spraying
    Y Isshiki; J Shi; H Nakai; M Hashimoto
    SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 151, 325-328, Mar. 2002, Peer-reviwed, Fe2W is the Laves type intermetallic compound with hexagonal crystal structure and is known to be a type of hard alloy. The low-pressure laser spraying (LPLS) method was applied to synthesize Fe2W clad layers on a mild steel substrate. Structure and atomic composition of surface clad layers were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, respectively. When the substrate was exposed to a laser energy density of 36 W/mm(2), the tungsten concentration of clad layers was estimated to be 20 wt.% at maximum with a microhardness of 240 Hv. The rnicrohardness remarkably increased with heat treatment at 973 K in vacuum, suggesting that the Fe2W phase was formed with heat treatment. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Microstructure, microhardness, composition, and corrosive properties of stainless steel 304 II. Low-pressure laser spraying with silicon
    Y Isshiki; J Shi; H Nakai; M Hashimoto
    APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, SPRINGER VERLAG, 70, 6, 651-656, Jun. 2000, Clad layers of silicon on a SUS 304 substrate were obtained by low-pressure laser spraying (LPLS) to investigate their microstructure, microhardness, composition, and corrosive properties. When an impinged energy density was adjusted to be 32 to 95 W mm(-2), the silicon concentration of the surface of clad layers was estimated as 5 to 8 wt.%. For as-prepared layers, their crystal structure was a single phase of alpha-ferrite with no distinct corrosion resistance, because partially segregated Si atoms along the grain boundaries and inside the grains were selectively dissolved in the etching process. After solution-annealing for 2 h, the corrosion resistance was greatly improved in hydrochloric acid solution.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Epitaxial growth structure and physical properties of Fe film biased dc-plasma sputter deposited on MgO(001)
    CC Chen; JP Yang; H Nakai; M Hashimoto
    JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 18, 3, 819-822, May 2000, One hundred-nm-thick Fe film has been deposited on MgO(001) substrate at 250 degrees C by biased de-plasma sputtering at 2.9 kV in Ar gas. A dc bias voltage V-s between 0 and -160 V was applied to the substrate during deposition. Reflection high energy electron diffraction, x-ray diffraction, cross sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) and high resolution XTEM were used to investigate the structure of the films. Electrical resistivity at room temperature was measured by four-point probe method. Saturation magnetization of the films at room temperature was measured using a vibration sample magnetometer. As a result, when V-s = -140 V the Fe film could be epitaxially grown with Fe(001)[110]//MgO(001)[100] while the film retained a polycrystalline structure when V-s was higher or lower than -140 V. The minimum electrical resistivity and the maximum saturation magnetization were achieved at V-s = -140 V consistent with the result of the growth structure. In conclusion, when V-s = - 140V the Fe film can be epitaxially grown with the lower defect density under the bombardment of energetic Ar particles accelerated by V-s to increase the mobility of Fe adatoms and to resputter impurity species during the film formation. (C) 2000 American Vacuum Society. [S0734-2101(00)02903-1].
    Scientific journal, English
  • Microstructure, microhardness, composition, and corrosive properties of stainless steel 304 - I. Laser surface alloying with silicon by beam-oscillating method
    Y Isshiki; J Shi; H Nakai; M Hashimoto
    APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, SPRINGER VERLAG, 70, 4, 395-402, Apr. 2000, Laser surface alloying (LSA) with silicon was conducted on austenitic stainless steel 304, Silicon slurry composed of silicon particle of 5 mu m in average diameter was made and a uniform layer was supplied on the substrate stainless steel. The surface was melted with beam-oscillated carbon dioxide laser and then LSA lavers of 0.4-1.2 mm in thickness were obtained. When an impinged energy density was adjusted to be equal to or lower than 100 W mm(-2) LSA layers retained rapidly solidified microstructure with dispersed cracks. In these samples, Fe3Si was detected and the concentration of Si in LSA layer was estimated to be 10.5 wt. % maximum. When the energy density was equal to or greater than 147 W mm(-2), cellular grained structure with no crack was formed. No iron silicate was observed and alpha iron content in LSA layers increased, Si concentration within LSA layers was estimated to be 5 to 9 wt. % on average. Crack-free as-deposited samples exhibited no distinct corrosion resistance, The segregation of Si was confirmed along the grain boundaries and inside the grains. The microstructure of these samples changed with solution-annealing and the corrosion resistance was fairly improved with the time period of solution-annealing.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Si(001)およびSiO_x_基板上のCuSi_x_真空蒸着薄膜の電気特性と構造
    松原裕人; 楊 季平; 牧原健二; 史 蹟; 中井日佐司
    第47回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集Ⅱ, 599, Mar. 2000
  • 分子線蒸着法によるSi(111)面上のCu薄膜初期成長過程Ⅱ
    水島博昭; 史 蹟; 中井日佐司; 橋本 満
    第61回応用物理学会講演予稿集Ⅱ, 488, 2000
  • GaAs(001),Si(001)およびSiO_2_基板上のCu,Cu-13%Si真空蒸着薄膜の電気特性と構造
    楊 季平; 松原裕人; 牧原健二; 史 蹟; 中井日佐司; 橋本 満
    第60回応用物理学会学術講演会予稿集Ⅱ,甲南大学, 497, Sep. 1999
  • 分子線蒸着法によるSi(111)面上でのCu薄膜初期成長過程(2)
    小中敏寛; 中井日佐司; 橋本 満
    第59回応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集2, 530, Sep. 1998
  • Intial growth process of Permalloy films epitaxially grown on MgO(001)by dc biased plasma sputtering
    石野正樹; 楊 季平; 史 蹟; 中井日佐司; 橋本 満
    第59回応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集2, 536, Sep. 1998
  • Growth structure of nickel films on GaAs(001) by dc-biased plasma-sputter-deposition
    JP Yang; K Makihara; H Nakai; M Hashimoto; A Barna; PB Barna
    THIN SOLID FILMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 319, 1-2, 115-119, Apr. 1998, Peer-reviwed, Ni films 200 nm thick are deposited on GaAs(001) substrates at 280 degrees C by d.c. plasma sputtering at 2.5 kV in pure Ar gas. A d.c. bias voltage V-s from 0 to - 180 V is applied to the substrate during deposition. The effect of V-s on the film growth is investigated by measuring TCR from 150 to 300 K, and resistance at 300 K, also by AES, XTEM, and RHEED observations. Minimum resistance and maximum TCR are observed at V-s between - 80 and - 100 V. The Ni film is polycrystalline with a [001] texture, while an As2Ni thin layer is grown penetrating into the GaAs substrate with As2Ni[111]\\GaAs[111] and As2Ni[011]\\GaAs[011]. The Ni film, composing of uniformly grown grains, is obtained with a higher value of TCR at V-s= - 80 V. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science S.A.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Electrical property on copper thin film with chromium under-layer
    H Nakai; K Fudaba; K Shinzawa; M Hashimoto
    THIN SOLID FILMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 317, 1-2, 202-205, Apr. 1998, Peer-reviwed, Temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of as-deposited and annealed atomic beam-deposited polycrystalline copper films of 20 nm with chromium under-layer on SiOx substrate layers was measured. The copper resistivity for various chromium thicknesses was in situ measured during copper deposition. The TCR of the as-deposited films decreases with the chromium thickness to reach a minimum value at about 5 nm. The minimum TCR value for the annealed copper films exists at the chromium thickness equal to about 1 nm. When chromium thickness is less than 2 nm the annealing markedly decreases the TCR of the copper film. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Microhardness, microstructure and composition behavior of stainless steel 304 laser surface alloyed with silicon
    Y Isshiki; H Nakai; M Hashimoto
    TRENDS AND NEW APPLICATIONS OF THIN FILMS, TRANSTEC PUBLICATIONS LTD, 287-2, 263-266, 1998, Laser surface alloying (LSA) of SUS 304 with silicon was investigated When the impinged energy density was adjusted to be 100 Wmm(-2), the LSA layer retained the rapidly solidified microstructure with cracks dispersing within the layer. At energy densities greater than 147 Wmm(-2), it retained the granular structure with no crack Its microhardness increased nearly in proportion to Si content.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Phase change during the initial of Ni30Fe70(Invar) films on MgO(001) by DC-biased plasma-sputter-deposition
    JP Yang; K Makihara; H Nakai; J Shi; M Hashimoto; A Barna; PB Barna
    TRENDS AND NEW APPLICATIONS OF THIN FILMS, TRANSTEC PUBLICATIONS LTD, 287-2, 347-350, 1998, Ni100-xFex films were deposited on Mg0(001) substrates at 250 degrees C by dc plasma sputtering of the Ni30Fe70(Invar) target at 2.5kV in pure Ar gas A de bias voltage Vs from 0 to -180V was applied to the substrate during deposition The film thickness was controlled by changing the sputtering time t from 30sec to 5min The initial growth structure and composition of the films were investigated by XPS and plan-view-TEM The resistance R and its temperature coefficient TCR (150K to 300K) were measured as a function of t and of Vs.
    The Ni100-xFex films where x ranges from 69+/-3 to 71+/-3 weakly dependent on Vs can be prepared The films are initially grown in a BCC structure with NiFe(001) \\MgO(001) and NiFe[110]\\MgO[100] when t is 30sec, As t reaches 1min, the FCC phase appears in the films. When t increases beyond 2 min, the films retain mainly the FCC-NiFe structure with NiFe(001)\\MgO(001) and NiFe[100] \\ Mg[100]. The films are not electrically continuous unless t reaches 2 min, 1 min, and 30 sec at Vs=0V, -120 V and -180 V, respectively, R decreases with an increase in t and in Vs, while TCR changes consistently with the change of R.
    Scientific journal, English
    DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA LAUSANNE, 4, 7, 903-907, May 1995, Recently we proposed a model for diamond nucleation by means of the substrate bias pretreatment method. In order to verify the effectiveness of this model, the nucleation process was directly observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The Si (100) substrate was treated with methane (concentration 40%) and biased at -100 V; then a cross-section of this sample was observed using TEM. The growth of tree-like non-crystalline carbon from convex parts of the substrate with diamond micrograins within them was observed. After the etching of this substrate with hydrogen plasma for 5 min, the diamond component increased. Furthermore, when this substrate was treated with methane (concentration 0.5%) for 5 min to allow the growth of diamond, 5-10 nm diamond crystals with a clearly defined shape grew.
    The results of evaluation of the nucleation process on the basis of this TEM observation were not contradictory to the conclusions drawn using our previous model.
    Scientific journal, English
    THIN SOLID FILMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA LAUSANNE, 259, 1, 32-37, Apr. 1995, Peer-reviwed, Electron microscopy is used to study the growth kinetics of antimony layers molecular-beam-deposited on SiOx at a temperature T-s from 123 to 198 K, with a constant incident rate of Sb-4 molecules of 8 x 10(12) cm(-2) s(-1) under a pressure of less than 6 x 10(-7) Pa. The dependence of the island density, the fractional surface coverage and the size distribution on the deposition time is analyzed as a function of T-s in terms of Zinsmeister's theory. The following observations are made: (1) desorption is the dominant process of antimony admolecules at T-s studied; (2) the collision factor of a mobile admolecule with a stationary aggregate of admolecules depends on the size of the aggregate; (3) the adsorption energy E(a) of an admolecule to the substrate and its diffusion energy E(d) on the substrate are consistently determined from three different measurements of the island density, the fractional surface coverage and the size distribution, to confirm Zinsmeister's theory.
    Scientific journal, English
    Scientific journal, English


  • 留学生向け物理学概論第二再履修支援
    Apr. 2024 - Present
    電気通信大学国際教育センター, 学域留学生で物理学概論第二(熱・電磁気)再履修者に対する学修支援。前期開講。, Others
  • 留学生向け物理学概論第一再履修支援
    Oct. 2023 - Present
    電気通信大学国際教育センター, 学域留学生で物理学概論第一(力学・波動)再履修者に対する学修支援。後期開講。, Others
  • Applied Physics Laboratory Ⅱ
    Oct. 2016 - Present
    The University of Electro-Communications, Undergraduate special subjects
  • Information Processing ExerciseII
    Oct. 2016 - Present
    The University of Electro-Communications, Undergraduate special subjects
  • Elementary Exercises in Physics II
    Oct. 2016 - Present
    The University of Electro-Communications, Undergraduate special subjects
  • Information Processing Exercise I
    Apr. 2016 - Present
    The University of Electro-Communications, Undergraduate special subjects
  • Science and Technology in Japan A
    Apr. 2016 - Present
    The University of Electro-Communications, Others
  • Elementary Exercises in Physics Ⅰ
    Apr. 2016 - Present
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Information Processing Exercise
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 情報処理演習第一
  • Science and Technology in Japan A
    The University of Electro-Communications

Affiliated academic society

  • Aug. 1987 - Present

Research Themes

  • Development of on-line educational materials for fundamental subjects of engineering for non-native Japanese speaking students
    TAKEDA Yuko; SHIGA Mikio; NAKAI Hisashi; WATANABE Shigeyoshi; SUZUKI Masahisa
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The purpose of this study is the development of on-line educational materials of fundamental subjects of engineering for students who are non-native speakers of Japanese. This was pursued through the following investigations. 1. Investigation of vocabulary and expressions found in mathematics textbooks used in Japanese high schools. (1) Listing mathematical vocabulary and expressions found in the textbooks Differential, in Mathematics II, and Mathematics III. The complete list contains a total of 3367 vocabulary items, collocations, sentence patterns, and discourse patterns. (2) Translating the Japanese expressions in this list into Chinese and Korean. (3) Contrasting these translations in order to analyze differences among the three languages and difficulties for non-native speakers of Japanese. 2. Investigation of mathematic problem solving by Chinese students. Two studies were conducted : 1) a study of Japanese expressions found in the solutions of differential problems calculated by Chinese students and 2) a study of the relations among Japanese language ability, mathematical ability, and the understanding and solving of mathematic problems by Chinese students. In study 1), it was found that low Japanese proficiency students use only a "noun WA noun" structure and some basic conjunctions. It was also found that it is difficult for both low and high Japanese proficiency students to use Japanese expressions for naming and replacement in the absence of a model. In study 2), it was found that students with low Japanese proficiency but an adequate background in mathematics can solve mathematical problems written in Japanese. It was also found that Japanese proficiency equivalent to grade 2 of the Japanese proficiency test is necessary for solving such mathematical.problems., 17520344
    2005 - 2007
  • Preparation and Characterization of Nitride-base Magnetic nanocomposite films
    HASHIMOTO Mitsuru; NAKAI Hisashi; SHI J.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), In this work, the preparation and characterization of Co-Ti-N films have been conducted. First, we have disclosed the relation between the preparation condition and the structure of the Co-Ti-N films. Co-Ti-N films have been prepared by dc sputtering of Co-Ti complex target in Ar +N_2 gas mixture. For the films deposited at appropriate N_2 partial pressure, the reaction between Ti and N occurs to form TiN during post-deposition thermal anneal. As a result Co and Ti separate with each other, to form Co-TiN nano-composite. The sizes of Co and TiN grains in the longitude direction are about 10 nm in diameter. And fiber-like structure is developed along the normal direction of the film surface. Next the magnetic properties of the Co-TiN nanocomposite films have been investigated. It has been found Co-TiN nanocomposite films with their thickness less than 100 nm show similar magnetization behavior in both longitude and perpendicular directions. However, those films with their thickness above 100 nm show perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, I.e. perpendicular direction becomes the easy axis of magnetization. Furthermore, the dependence of magnetic properties on the thermal anneal condition and film structure have been investigated. The as-deposited films almost do not show ferromagnetic performance. When the films were annealed at 400 - 700℃, they show clearly ferromagnetic performance and the saturation magnetization increased with increasing anneal temperature. This is because that in the as-deposited state, Co atoms are bonded to Ti and N, upon thermal anneal at elevated temperature, N atoms preferentially react with Ti atoms, therefore, Co is separated. The magnetic properties of the Co-TiN films also depend strongly on the amount of N incorporated into the films. When N amount is too small, the phase separation can not fully proceed. On the other hand, when the N amount is too large, Co is also nitrided except Ti. Both cases will impair the saturation magnetization. Therefore it is important to control the N amount in the film. Beside the magnetic properties, we have found that the resistivity and hardness of Co-TiN nanocomposite films are very high compared with metal and alloy films. According to the result of this research work, we consider the Co-TiN-based nanocomposite films very promising as ultra-high density perpendicular magnetic recording media., 12650656
    2000 - 2001

Academic Contribution Activities

  • 大学・学部・学科/部会・教科(含む実験等)の教育プログラム等の改善・修正などへの関与
    Others, Planning etc, 01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Jul. 2024, 留学生向けネットワークポリシー講習(4月入学生) 4月入学院生・研究生の留学生対象ネットワークポリシー講習会の企画・実施。情報システム関連の手続・講習のために必要なwebclassへのアクセス方法、情報システム利用に関する誓約書の内容説明および提出、INFOSS受講登録を含む。また、受講登録方法や期限までに受講していない留学生に対するフォローアップ。


  • ネットワークポリシー研修
    10月上旬〜中旬にネットワークポリシー研修(対面、オンデマンド+ヘルプデスク)開催。研究生・院生である留学生対象。参加者8名(対面 8名、オンデマンド+ヘルプデスク 0 名)。
    Oct. 2024 - Oct. 2024
  • ネットワークポリシー研修
    4月上旬〜中旬にネットワークポリシー研修(対面、オンデマンド+ヘルプデスク)開催。研究生・院生である留学生対象。参加者16名(対面 16名、オンデマンド 0 名)。
    Apr. 2024 - Apr. 2024
  • 2023年度国費学部留学生大学進学説明会(大阪大学)
    Nov. 2023 - Nov. 2023