Emeritus Professor etc.Emeritus Professor

Research Keyword

  • gear
  • active sensing
  • robot sensor
  • proximity sensor
  • robot hand
  • tactile
  • human interface
  • robotics
  • mechatronics

Field Of Study

  • Informatics, Intelligent robotics
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Measurement engineering
  • Informatics, Mechanics and mechatronics, mechatoronics
  • Informatics, Robotics and intelligent systems, mechatoronics


  • Aug. 2016 - Mar. 2020
    The University of Tokyo, Department of Creative Informatics, Project Researcher
  • Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2016
    The University of Electro-Communications, 知能機械工学専攻, Professor
  • Sep. 1997 - 31 Mar. 2001
    茨城大学工学部情報工学科, 教授
  • Jan. 1993 - Aug. 1997
    通産省工業技術院 生命工学工業技術研究所
  • Apr. 1976 - Dec. 1992
  • 01 Sep. 1985 - 31 Aug. 1986
    Stanford Univ., Visiting schlar

Educational Background

  • Mar. 1976
    The Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School, Division of Integrated Science and Engineering, 精密機械システム専攻
  • Mar. 1973
    The University of Electro-Communications, Faculty of Electro Communications, 機械工学科

Member History

  • 2016 - Present
    理事, 感覚代行研究会, Society
  • Apr. 2009 - Present
    評議員, 財団法人メカトロニクス技術高度化財団, Society
  • Aug. 2020 - Dec. 2020
    アドバイザリーボード委員長, 令和2年度特許出願技術動向調査 ―触覚センシング― (特許庁), Government
  • Aug. 2006 - Mar. 2008
    主査, 計測自動制御学会・システムインテグレーション部門触覚部会, Society
  • Aug. 2000 - Mar. 2003
    委員長, 日本規格協会歯車精度標準化委員会, Society
  • Jan. 1996 - Jan. 1998
    理事, 日本ロボット学会, Society


  • Oct. 2020
    The Robotics Society of Japan
    Excellent Research and Technology Award, Keisuke Koyama;Makoto Shimojo;Taku Seno;Masatoshi Ishikawa
  • May 2020
    小型・低摩擦アクチュエータMagLinkage の開発とハンド応用
    ROBOMECH表彰(学術研究分野), 小山佳祐;下条誠;妹尾拓;石川正俊
  • Jun. 2019
    ROBMEC表彰, 小山佳祐;下条誠;妹尾拓;石川正俊
    Japan society, Japan
  • Sep. 2016
    論文賞, 小山佳祐;鈴木陽介;明愛国;下条誠
  • Aug. 2016
    IEEE ROBIO(International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics)
    Development of A Small Quadruped Robot with Bi-articular Muscle-tendon Complex
    Best Paper in Biomimetics Award of IEEE ROBIO 2015, SHIMOJO MAKOTOEiki Kazama;Ryuki Sato;Ichiro Miyamoto;Aiguo Ming;Makoto Shimojo
  • Dec. 2015
    Japan society, Japan
  • Aug. 2015
    IEEE ICIA(International Conference on Information and Automation) 2015
    Best Paper, 明愛国;佐藤圭吾;知能機械工学専攻博士前期課程修了;佐藤隆紀;知能機械工学専攻博士前期;風間英気;知能機械工学専攻博士前期;宮本一郎;知能機械工学専攻博士前期課程修了;下条誠
    International society
  • Jan. 2015
    IEEE sensors council
    Most Cited from All Time by April 2014, Shimojo, M;Namiki, A;Ishikawa, M;Makino, R;Mabuchi, K
    International academic award, United States
  • Dec. 2014
    SI2014優秀講演賞, 小山佳祐;鈴木陽介;明愛国;下条誠
    Japan society
  • Sep. 2014
    Official journal
  • Jul. 2014
    IEEE sensors council
    25 MOST ACCESSED PAPER in April 2014, Shimojo, M;Namiki, A;Ishikawa, M;Makino, R;Mabuchi, K
    International academic award, United States
  • Dec. 2013
    FA財団平成24・25年度「論文賞」, 鈴木健治;鈴木陽介;長谷川浩章;明愛国;石川正俊;下条誠
    Publisher, Japan
  • Aug. 2013
    IEEE ICIA(International Conference on Information and Automation) & ICAL(International Conference on Automation and Logistics)
    Best Conference Paper of ICAL 2013
  • Jul. 2012
    IEEE Sensors Council
    25 MOST ACCESSED ARTICLES – JUNE 2012(IEEE Sensors Council)
  • May 2012
    IEEE Sensors Council
    25 MOST ACCESSED ARTICLES – APRIL 2012(IEEE Sensors Council )
  • Dec. 2011
  • Oct. 2010
    ICAM2010 Best Paper Nomination Finalist
  • Sep. 2010
    IEEE ICMA2010 Best Paper Nomination Finalist
  • Aug. 2010
  • Mar. 2010
    論文賞 ファナックFAロボット財団
  • Mar. 2010
  • Sep. 2009
  • Sep. 2009
  • Dec. 2008
  • Oct. 2007
    The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Award, Best Paper Finalist in IROS2007
  • Sep. 2003
    Excellent Paper Award (6th Japan-France Congress on Mechatronics & 4th Asia-EuropeCongresson Mechatronics)
  • May 2003
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 ROBOMEC表彰
  • 1997
    Best paper award (IEEE Int. Workshop on Robot and Human Communication)
  • 1996
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 業績賞
  • 1994
  • 1990
  • 1984
  • 1982


  • Development of Knee Joint Mechanism with Variable Transmission and Joint Stop for Bipedal Robot Inspired by Human Structure
    Kimitake Ueki; Ryuki Sato; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo; Moncef Hammadi; Jean-Yves Choley
    2020 21st International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), IEEE, 09 Dec. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • High-speed Hitting Grasping with Magripper, a Highly Backdrivable Gripper using Magnetic Gear and Plastic Deformation Control
    Satoshi Tanaka; Keisuke Koyama; Taku Senoo; Makoto Shimojo; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 9137-9143, Oct. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tele-grasping by Multi-finger Hand with Proximity Sensors and Arm
    Risa Ichimura; Hiroyuki Kajimoto; Makoto Shimojo; Aiguo Ming
    JRSJ, 38, 8, 737-745, Oct. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Integrated control of a multiple-degree-of-freedom hand and arm using a reactive architecture based on high-speed proximity sensing
    Keisuke Koyama; Makoto Shimojo; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    The International Journal of Robotics Research, 38, 14, 1717-1750, Sep. 2019, Peer-reviwed,
    Scientific journal, English
  • High-Speed Ring Insertion by Dynamic Observable Contact Hand
    Yukihisa Karako; Shinji Kawakami; Keisuke Koyama; Makoto Shimojo; Taku Senoo; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE, 2744-2750, May 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • 生物模倣型ソフト水中ロボットの研究開発 —駆動システムを内蔵した立体魚型ロボットの開発—
    谷口 貴耶; 西村 冬威; Moncef Hammadi; Jean-Yves Choley; 明 愛国; 下条 誠
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 55, 4, 252-259, Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • High-Speed, Small-Deformation Catching of Soft Objects Based on Active Vision and Proximity Sensing
    Keisuke Koyama; Kenichi Murakami; Taku Senoo; Makoto Shimojo; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 4, 2, 578-585, Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal
  • Dynamic Intelligent Systems Based on High-Speed Vision.
    Taku Senoo; Yuji Yamakawa; Shouren Huang; Keisuke Koyama; Makoto Shimojo; Yoshihiro Watanabe; Leo Miyashita; Masahiro Hirano; Tomohiro Sueishi; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    J. Robotics Mechatronics, 31, 1, 45-56, 2019, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • High-Speed High-Precision Proximity Sensor for Detection of Tilt, Distance, and Contact
    Koyama, K; Shimojo, M; Senoo, T; Ishikawa, M
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2850975, 3, 4, 3224-3231, Oct. 2018, Peer-reviwed, Open Access DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2850975
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of a Sensor Network System with High Sampling Rate Based on Highly Accurate Simultaneous Synchronization of Clock and Data Acquisition and Experimental Verification †.
    Yuji Yamakawa; Yutaro Matsui; Akihito Noda; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    Micromachines, 9, 7, 1-15, 27 Jun. 2018, Peer-reviwed, True, In this paper, we develop a new sensor network system with a high sampling rate (over 500 Hz) based on the simultaneous synchronization of clock and data acquisition for integrating the data obtained from various sensors. Hence, we also propose a method for the synchronization of clock and data acquisition in the sensor network system. In the proposed scheme, multiple sensor nodes including PCs are connected via Ethernet for data communication and for clock synchronization. The timing of the data acquisition of each sensor is locally controlled based on the PC's clock locally provided in the node, and the clocks are globally synchronized over the network. We construct three types of high-speed sensor network systems using the proposed method: the first one is composed of a high-speed tactile sensor node and a high-speed vision node; the second one is composed of a high-speed tactile sensor node and three acceleration sensor nodes; and the last one is composed of a high-speed tactile sensor node, two acceleration sensor nodes, and a gyro sensor node. Through experiments, we verify that the timing error between the sensor nodes for data acquisition is less than 15 μs, which is significantly smaller than the time interval of 2 ms or a shorter sampling time (less than 2 ms). We also confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method and it is expected that the system can be applied to various applications.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Robotic Grasping Using Proximity Sensors for Detecting both Target Object and Support Surface
    Sasaki, Koichi; Koyama, Keisuke; Ming, Aiguo; Shimojo, Makoto; Plateaux, Regis; Choley, Jean-Yves
    2018 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS), IEEE, 2925-2932, 2018, Peer-reviwed, The robustness of the positioning and posturing of robot hands relative to target object and support surface is an important issue for autonomous grasping. For example, to perform a grasping action such as picking up thin objects from a table top, the position and posture of the hand must be controlled to keep adequate relative posture and distance to the support surface besides those between the hand and the target object. Because slight errors in the posture and position are enough to cause grasping failure, the positioning and posturing of the hand must be precise enough, specially when the hand is close to the target object and support surface. To improve the robustness of robotic grasping, in this paper we present a method by grasping control based on the relative posture and position between hand and support surface besides those between hand and target object, using proximity sensors. Proximity sensors are newly installed on fingernails besides on the fingertips. As the fingernail sensor, an integration of Time-of-Flight (TOF) sensor and photo-reflector is designed to realize long range detection, as well as with precise and high-speed detection regardless of the reflectance of support surfaces when approaching the support surface. By the sensors, the hand can approach the object and support surface coarsely first, and then can be controlled fast and precisely to realize adequate grasping motion along the support surface but without contact with the support face. The method has been implemented to a manipulator system, and successful grasping experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of High-Performance Soft Robotic Fish by Numerical Coupling Analysis
    Zhao, Wenjing; Ming, Aiguo; Shimojo, Makoto
    APPLIED BIONICS AND BIOMECHANICS, HINDAWI LTD, 2018, Peer-reviwed, To design a soft robotic fish with high performance by a biomimetic method, we are developing a soft robotic fish using piezoelectric fiber composite (PFC) as a flexible actuator. Compared with the conventional rigid robotic fish, the design and control of a soft robotic fish are difficult due to large deformation of flexible structure and complicated coupling dynamics with fluid. That is why the design and control method of soft robotic fish have not been established and they motivate us to make a further study by considering the interaction between flexible structure and surrounding fluid. In this paper, acoustic fluid-structural coupling analysis is applied to consider the fluid effect and predict the dynamic responses of soft robotic fish in the fluid. Basic governing equations of soft robotic fish in the fluid are firstly described. The numerical coupling analysis is then carried out based on different structural parameters of soft robotic fish. Through the numerical analysis, a new soft robotic fish is finally designed, and experimental evaluation is performed. It is confirmed that the larger swimming velocity and better fishlike swimming performance are obtained from the new soft robotic fish. The new soft robotic fish is developed successfully for high performance.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of a Non-contact Sensor Mounted on Robot's Soles Which Can Stabilize Bipedal Walk
    Arita Hikaru; Yoneda Masayoshi; Suzuki Yosuke; Shimojo Makoto; Ming Aiguo
    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, The Robotics Society of Japan, 35, 9, 669-680, Sep. 2017, Peer-reviwed, For bipedal robots walking on uneven terrain, lack of information about a terrain may cause serious reduction of the stability. To solve the problem, the purpose of this paper is to develop a sensor which can be mounted on robot's soles and propose methods which can increase the stability of bipedal walk with the sensor. The sensor should detect information including relative posture and relative distance between the sole of the swing leg and the floor, when the robot execute the walk by ZMP-based control. In this paper, the sensor has been designed based on Net-Structure Proximity Sensor (NSPS) and a prototype has been developed. The developed sensor is with thin structure, light weight, less wirings (four wires only) and fast response (<1[ms]). Experimental results show that the sensor can output necessary relative posture and positon between the sole and the floor for walk control. Besides, the sensor has been mounted to the soles of a hobby robot and its feasibility is shown by controlling robot so that its sole can land on a tilted floor with maximum contacting area to improve the stability.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Planning of Knotting Based on Manipulation Skills with Consideration of Robot Mechanism/ Motion and Its Realization by a Robot Hand System
    Yuji Yamakawa; Akio Namiki; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    SYMMETRY-BASEL, MDPI, 9, 9, 1-25, Sep. 2017, Peer-reviwed, This paper demonstrates the relationship between the production process of a knot and manipulation skills. First, we define the description (rope intersections, grasp type and fixation positions) of a knot. Second, we clarify the characteristics of the manipulation skills from the viewpoint of the knot description. Next, in order to obtain the production process of the knot, we propose an analysis method based on the structure of the knot and the characteristics of the manipulation skills. Using the proposed analysis method, we analyzed eight kinds of knots, formed with a single rope, two ropes or a single rope and an object. Finally, in order to validate the production process obtained by the proposed analysis method, we show experimental results of an overhand knot and a half hitch produced by using a robot hand system.
    Scientific journal, English
  • ネット状近接覚センサを用いた非接触手探り動作による未知物体把持の研究
    鈴木 陽介; 瀬戸川 将夫; 明 愛国; 下条 誠
    日本ロボット学会誌, 35, 2, 135-142, Feb. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Robotic Grasping Using Proximity Sensors for Detecting both Target Object and Surrounding Environment
    SASAKI Koichi; KOYAMA Keisuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, 2P1-B11, 2017,

    Grasping thin objects on the table is difficult because a slight angular error of the robot hand causes grasping failure. Besides, unintended contact with surface of the table causes not only grasping failure but also malfunction of the robot hand. Therefore, In the grasping, posture adaptation between hand and environment is important for successful grasping. In this paper we present a grasping method for thin object using finger pad and nail proximity sensor which can detect both object and surrounding environment. Because the nail proximity sensor is consisted of photo reflector and TOF proximity sensor, angular and distance error between the hand and the surrounding environment can be detected and corrected during approach to the object. As an experimental result, we show that the proposed method has robustness for environment and can grasp thin object on the table even if angular error exists.

  • Presentation of the Object Plane Information to Operator for Teleoperation Robot Hand with Proximity Sensors
    ICHIMURA Risa; KOYAMA Keisuke; SHIMOJO Makoto; MING Aiguo
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, 2P1-B10, 2017,

    We verified the effectiveness of presentation method of the object plane information by electrotactile stimulation based on proximity sensor outputs. The proximity sensor is able to obtain distance and posture information between the sensor and the object at the area near the object, and mounted on a robot fingertip. If the proximity information is transmitted to the operator, it is useful for the operator to grasp the object in teleoperation robot. Especially, we focused on posture presentation in this paper, by which operator can make the robot fingertip confront the object. The experiment all results show the possibility that the proposed method enables the operator to adjust the grasping posture.

  • Compliance Control with Vector Decomposer Using One-Dimensional Pressure Sensor for Robotic Hand
    Yu, Dacheng; Yu, Zhangguo; Chen, Xuechao; Huang, Qiang; Shi, Yongliang; Zhu, Min; Zhang, Weimin; Ming, Aiguo; Shimojo, Makoto
    2017 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC), IEEE, 445-450, 2017, Peer-reviwed, Compliance control using tactile sensor for robotic hands have been one of the major research topics. Most researchers use a variety of multi-dimensional force sensors with compliance control. In this paper, we replace traditional multi-dimensional force/torque sensor with one-dimensional pressure sensor. In order to achieve the effect of multi-dimensional sensor, we also propose a vector decomposer to calculate the three-axes position error vector from one-dimensional position signal and make it works in position based impedance control. Finally, the performance of the vector decompose algorithm and compliance grasping are verified in simulation and experiment.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Design and control of robot legs with bi-articular muscle-tendon complex.
    Ryuki Sato; Eiki Kazama; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo; Fei Meng; Huaxin Liu; Xuxiao Fan; Xuechao Chen; Zhangguo Yu; Qiang Huang
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), IEEE, 2605-2610, 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • ネット状近接覚センサを用いた非接触手探り動作による未知物体把持の研究
    鈴木陽介; 瀬戸川将夫; 明愛国; 下条誠
    日本ロボット学会誌, 35, 2, 49-56, 2016, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Dynamic information space based on high-speed sensor technology
    Masatoshi Ishikawa; Hiroyuki Shinoda; Yoshihiro Watanabe; Idaku Ishii; Yutaka Sakaguchi; Makoto Shimojo; Yutaka Nakajima; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Takashi Komuro; Hiromasa Oku
    Human-Harmonized Information Technology, Volume 1: Vertical Impact, Springer Japan, 97-136, 01 Jan. 2016, Peer-reviwed, The purpose of this research is to realize a dynamic information space harmonizing human perception system, recognition system, and motor system. Toward this purpose, our key technology is high-speed sensor technology and display technology focusing on vision and haptic sense which performs at the order of kHz. Based on these technologies, our information space can obtain the dynamics of humans and objects in perfect condition and displays information at high speed. As subsystems for our goal, we have newly developed four important elemental technologies including high-speed 3D vision toward insensible dynamics sensing, high-speed resistor network proximity sensor array for detecting nearby object, noncontact low-latency haptic feedback, and high-speed display of visual information for information sharing and operation in real space. Also, in order to achieve the coordinated interaction between individual humans and this information space, we have conducted the research about the human perceptual and motor functions for coordinated interaction with high-speed information environment. In addition, we have developed various application systems based on the concept of dynamic information space by integrating the subsystems.
    In book, English
  • Integrated Control of a Multi-fingered Hand and Arm using Proximity Sensors on the Fingertips
    Keisuke Koyama; Yosuke Suzuki; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, 4282-4288, 2016, Peer-reviwed, In this study, we propose integrated control of a robotic hand and arm using only proximity sensing from the fingertips. An integrated control scheme for the fingers and for the arm enables quick control of the position and posture of the arm by placing the fingertips adjacent to the surface of an object to be grasped. The arm control scheme enables adjustments based on errors in hand position and posture that would be impossible to achieve by finger motions alone, thus allowing the fingers to grasp an object in a laterally symmetric grasp. This can prevent grasp failures such as a finger pushing the object out of the hand or knocking the object over. Proposed control of the arm and hand allowed correction of position errors on the order of several centimeters. For example, an object on a workbench that is in an uncertain positional relation with the robot, with an inexpensive optical sensor such as a Kinect, which only provides coarse image data, would be sufficient for grasping an object.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a Flexible Tail for Legged Robot
    Ryuki Sato; Shun Hashimoto; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION, IEEE, 683-688, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Some creatures can realize dynamic locomotions with a slender body by utilizing the dynamic effect by moving their whole body besides their legs. For example, some mammals moving by hopping with two legs at high speed and high efficiency have a tail as long as their body length. Their tails are composed of multi-joint and are exible. The dynamic effect by swinging their exible tails is useful for fast running and high jumping. In this paper, we develop a exible tail mechanism for two-legged robot inspired by the exibility of the animal tail. This tail is comprised of 6 linkages in series and the linkages are connected with elastic passive joints. First, the elasticity of tail joints and the motion of the tail base joint are designed by jumping simulations. To evaluate the effectiveness of the exible tail mechanism, jumping experiments have been conducted using the prototype of the two-legged robot with the exible tail as well as rigid tail. The results of these experiments show that the legged robot realized higher jumps with using the effect of swinging its exible tail.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Integration of High-speed Visual and Tactile Sensors with Synchronization in a Sensor Network System
    Yuji Yamakawa; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo; Akihito Noda
    2016 IEEE SENSORS, IEEE, 1-3, 2016, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we propose a data acquisition synchronization scheme for integrating 500-fps class high-speed networked visual and tactile sensors systems. In the proposed scheme, multiple sensor nodes including PCs are connected via Ethernet for data communication and for clock synchronization. The clocks of the PCs are synchronized over the network using Precision Time Protocol (PTP) with negligible errors of around a few microseconds. The trigger of each sensor is locally controlled based on the PC's clock locally provided in the node, and the clocks are globally synchronized over the network. An experimental system comprising a high-speed vision system, a high-speed tactile sensor, and two PCs was constructed, and the experimental results showed that the timing error between the sensor nodes for data acquisition was less than 15 microseconds, which is significantly smaller than the time interval of 2 milliseconds.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of A Flexible Coupled Spine Mechanism For A Small Quadruped Robot
    Ryosuke Kawasaki; Ryuki Sato; Eiki Kazama; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS (ROBIO), IEEE, 71-76, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Quadruped animals realize dynamic motions such as fast running and high and long jumping with the utilization of the flexibility of their bodies. It is known that the motions of their front and rear legs couple with the flexion and extension of their spine when running or jumping. In recent years, quadruped robots inspired by cats and cheetahs have been developed. In our group, a small quadruped robot has been developed with leg mechanisms which consist of spring and damper systems inspired by bi-articular muscle-tendon complexes of animals. The robot is able to perform various motions such as walking, running and jumping. In this paper, flexibility features as in animal bodies are to be introduced to make the robot run fast and jump long (or high) by coupling the motions of their spine and legs. In our design, the flexion and extension of the spine are realized by a spine joint with a torsion spring, and the coupling to the front and rear legs has been realized by cables. Driving the scapula or hip joints causes flexion of the spine and stores the elastic energy in the spring. The extension of the spine with the spring assists in driving the scapula or hip joints. As a result, in the jump experiment, the robot with a flexible spine can realize longer jump distance than that by a robot with a rigid spine.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Net-Structure Proximity Sensor: High-Speed and Free-Form Sensor With Analog Computing Circuit
    Hiroaki Hasegawa; Yosuke Suzuki; Aiguo Ming; Keisuke Koyama; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 20, 6, 3232-3241, Dec. 2015, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a proximity sensing system, which has advantages of wide sensing area and rapid response. For the rapid and safe behavior of robots, high-speed detection of nearby and noncontact objects is important because of shorter time-to-contact. Here, we propose net-structure proximity sensor (NSPS), which covers large sensing area and fulfills 1-ms response time. NSPS is an array of infrared reflective proximity sensor elements integrated by a resistor network circuitry. Executing analog computation on the electrical circuitry, the sensing system outputs a few of meaningful signals, from the reaction distribution of all the elements. The signals mean the center position and approximate distance to the object. This sensor requires only six external wires regardless of the number of detecting elements. In this paper, we first show that various sizes of NSPS are easily configured by only using standard electronic parts. Next, we prototype NSPS with 25 elements in 5 x 5 matrix, and verify the output characteristics by experiments. At last, we discuss the availability of NSPS for robot hand systems and human-machine interface systems.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 指先に光学式近接覚センサを備えた多指ハンドによる同時接触での把持 (物体表面の反射率推定とセンサ出力の補正)
    小山佳祐; 鈴木陽介; 明愛国; 下条誠
    日本機械学会論文集, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 82, 833, 15-25, Dec. 2015, Peer-reviwed, In grasping of a robot hand, a contact timing of each finger has a influence on grasp success. In order to eliminate the gap and grasp an object quickly, proximity sensing from the robot surface is effective way. The sensor detects the object posture and distance in a several tens of millimeters from the robot surface. It enables that the robot adjusts postures and distance between the object and fingertips along the object surface. In this paper, we demonstrate a quick grasp with contacting each finger simultaneously by proximity sensors on fingertips. In order to realize the grasp by optical proximity sensors, we introduce our reflectance estimation of the object surface and calibration of the sensor output. This approach uses only the proximity sensor output and a relative moving distance of the fingertip. It is unnecessary to add extra equipment or sensor for estimation and calibration. It is possible to achieve the grasp regardless of the reflectance of the object surface. In the experiment, we confirmed that the approach can be applied to surface with different reflection characteristics (iron plate, aluminum plate, paper: cylinder and plane ), and the hand can grasp a object with various reflectance surfaces (31.9∼76.1%) quickly with contacting each fingertip within 0.056s.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 圧電繊維複合材料を用いた生物模倣型ソフト水中ロボットの研究開発 ― 立体魚型ソフト水中ロボットの開発 ―
    西村冬威; 明 愛国; 下条 誠; Jean-Yves Choley; Moncef Hammadi
    日本ロボット学会誌, 33, 7, 44-50, Sep. 2015, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 圧電繊維複合材料を用いた生物模倣型ソフト水中ロボットの研究開発-立体魚型ソフト水中ロボットの開発ー
    西村冬威; 明愛国; 下条誠
    日本ロボット学会誌, 日本ロボット学会, 33, 7, 524-530, 01 Sep. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Mimetic soft underwater robots using PFC are being developed by author's group. High speed and efficiency motions have been realized by the developed robots up to now. However, the robots are with simple shape of flat plate. To realize stream-line shape and embedding electric components inside the robots, it is necessary to prepare interior space inside the robots. For this purpose, this paper proposed basic structure, and the design approach for 3-dimensional fish-like soft underwater robots. And we confirmed the validity for propulsion performance improvement by experiments using developed prototype designed by the proposed method.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 指先に近接覚センサを備えたロボットハンドによるプリグラスプ制御
    小山佳祐; 鈴木陽介; 明愛国; 下条誠
    日本ロボット学会誌, 日本ロボット学会, 33, 9, 712-722, Sep. 2015, Peer-reviwed, 論文賞
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Super-Low-Latency Telemanipulation Using High-Speed Vision and High-Speed Multifingered Robot Hand
    Yugo Katsuki; Yuji Yamakawa; Yoshihiro Watanabe; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, IEEE Computer Society, 02-05-, 45-46, 02 Mar. 2015, Peer-reviwed, We developed a super-low-latency telemanipulation system using a high-speed vision system and a high-speed robot hand with a high-speed tactile sensor. This system does not require users to wear sensors. Also, since it has latency lower than the sampling rate of visual recognition by humans, the latency is not recognizable by humans. Low-latency telemanipulation systems are needed to perform tasks that require high speed, such as catching falling objects or fast-moving objects. We evaluated the latency of our telemanipulation system and successfully demonstrated catching of falling objects using our system, in contrast to a conventional vision system operating at 30 fps, which failed the task.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • High-speed Sensing of Softness during Grasping Process by Robot Hand Equipped with Tactile Sensor
    Yugo Katsuki; Yuji Yamakawa; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2015 IEEE SENSORS, IEEE, 1693-1696, 2015, Peer-reviwed, We developed a high-speed telemanipulation system using a high-speed vision system and a high-speed robot hand equipped with a high-speed tactile sensor. This system does not require users to wear sensors. Also, since it has a latency lower than the sampling rate of human visual recognition, the latency is not recognizable by humans. Low-latency telemanipulation systems are needed to perform tasks that require high speed, such as catching falling objects or fast-moving objects. In a telemanipulation system, sensory (visual and tactile) feedback for the user is important to operate the system efficiently. In particular this paper focuses on the measurement of the softness characteristics of the object to be manipulated. We propose a new method of distinguishing target objects at high-speed based on softness information using a high-speed robot hand equipped with a high-speed tactile sensor.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of A Small Quadruped Robot with Bi-articular Muscle-tendon Complex
    Eiki Kazama; Ryuki Sato; Ichiro Miyamoto; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS (ROBIO), IEEE, 1059-1064, 2015, Peer-reviwed, Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators are used as actuators of robots. They have large capabilities of instantaneous output, but with problems of increase in size and mass, and difficulty for precise control. In contrast, electromagnetic motors have better controllability, lower cost, and smaller size. However, in order to actuate robots, they are usually used with reducers which have high reduction ratio, and it is difficult to realize creature-like dynamic motions such as fast running and high jumping, due to low backdrivability of joints. To solve the problem, we have developed leg mechanisms, which consist of a spring and a damper inspired by bi-articular muscle-tendon complex of animals. The final target is to develop a quadruped robot which can walk, run fast and jump highly like a cat. A cat mainly uses its hind legs in jumping and front legs in landing. It implies that the hind legs play an important role in jumping, and that the front legs do in landing. For this reason, it is necessary to design different leg structures for front and hind legs. In this paper, we develop a new front leg mechanism suitable to a hind leg mechanism which was already made by our group, and make a small quadruped robot. As the result of experiments for dynamic motions, stable running trot at a speed of 3.5 kilometers per hour and forward jumping of 1 body length per jump have been realized by the robot.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Grasping Strategy for Moving Object using Net-Structure Proximity Sensor and Vision Sensor
    Yosuke Suzuki; Keisuke Koyama; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 1403-1409, 2015, Peer-reviwed, This study presents a robot-hand-arm system with high robustness and responsiveness by using a "Net-Structure Proximity Sensor." The sensor, which we have developed and specially designed for a robot hand, directly detects an object being to be grasped and outputs analog voltage signals according to the position/posture error between the robot hand and the object. It has been confirmed that the robot hand is able to quickly adjust to and grasp an unknown object by applying a feed-back control method based on the sensor signals. This paper focuses on the integration of the proximity-based feedback control to a commonly-used vision-based control. These sensors work in complementary manner: a vision sensor is available for planning an approaching path of a robot hand by detecting large area, and a Net-Structure Proximity Sensor enables the robot hand to adjust the approaching error before grasping and to improve the certainty of the grasping. Two objective velocities are derived independently by the sensors. By adding the velocities with considering the reliability of the sensor information, the robot hand becomes to be able to perform approaching and adjustment to the target object simultaneously. Experimental results showed that the robot hand grasped a moving object with high success rate even in conditions where it was difficult to predict the trajectory of the object accurately.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Leg Mechanism Using a Knee Joint with Continuously Variable Reduction Ratio Adaptive to Load
    Takuma Uchida; Ryuki Sato; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION, IEEE, 1199-1203, 2015, Peer-reviwed, The realization of human-like dynamic motions by bipedal robots is still a challenge. One reason for this is that joints of bipedal robots are actuated with low backdrivability. In this paper, to improve backdrivability of the joints in a bipedal robot, a new mechanism of knee joint with continuously variable reduction ratio adaptive to load is proposed and a control method is also proposed according to the characteristic of the mechanism. A prototype of the bipedal robot using the designed knee joint with continuously variable reduction ratio adaptive to load has been developed. The effectiveness of the mechanism is shown by experimental results using the prototype.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Robot Leg Composed of Parallel Linkage and Elastic Spring for Dynamic Locomotion
    Aiguo Ming; Keigo Sato; Ryuki Sato; Eiki Kazama; Ichiro Miyamoto; Makoto Shimojo
    2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND AUTOMATION, IEEE, 38-43, 2015, Peer-reviwed, Musculoskeletal structures in many animals are flexible, which are very important to achieve dynamic locomotion such as running and jumping. For this reason, in recent research of robotics, elastic element is introduced in robot structure in order to improve dynamic performance of robots. In this paper, we propose a robot leg composed of parallel linkage and elastic tension spring. A prototype of the leg has been developed and it is evaluated by jumping simulations and experiments. As results of the experiments, higher and more efficient jumping is realized by the proposed leg comparing to the leg without elastic spring.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Robot Legs Inspired by Bi-articular Muscle-tendon Complex of Cats
    Ryuki Sato; Ichiro Miyamoto; Keigo Sato; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2015 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS), IEEE, 1552-1557, 2015, Peer-reviwed, Within the limbs of typical animals, there exist bi-articular muscles crossing two joints. It is known that the bi-articular muscles of the felid play an important role in the locomotion. Also the muscle-tendon complex, composed of the gastrocnemius muscle and the Achilles' tendon that cross the knee joint and the ankle joint contributes much to the movements such as running and jumping particularly. Besides, because the muscle-tendon complex has the function for absorbing shocking, it is utilized for soft landing from high places. To achieve high performance for jumping and landing motion like cats, we are developing robot legs inspired by the bi-articular muscle-tendon complex of cats. The leg consists of hip, knee and ankle joints. For the knee and ankle joints, a four-bar linkage mechanism with one elastic linkage, in which the knee joint is driven by an electric rotary motor and the ankle joint is passive, is applied. By this mechanism, basic functions of the bi-articular muscle-tendon complex of felids like cats can be realized and the performance for jumping and landing can be improved. In this paper, the new leg mechanism is described. Moreover, a prototype of a pair of the hind legs of the quadruped robot using the new mechanism has been developed. The results of jumping and landing experiments are shown to validate the effectiveness of the mechanism.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Grasping Control Based on Time-To-Contact Method for a Robot Hand Equipped with Proximity Sensors on Fingertips
    Keisuke Koyama; Yosuke Suzuki; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    Last, 2015 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS), IEEE, 504-510, 2015, Peer-reviwed, Quick motion and soft touch control are important for autonomous grasping. To perform a grasping action, a hand must adjust its fingertips to match the object shape. It is also necessary to reduce the fingertip velocity on contact with the object. We propose a method of fingertip velocity control for fast approach and slow contact using proximity sensors installed on fingertips. The proposed control reduces the fingertip velocity at contact, decreasing the change of impulse force and thus making it appropriate for grasping soft or fragile objects. The proposed control uses time-to-contact (TTC), which is converted from sensor output. It is known that many animals, including humans, use TTC for collision avoidance. TTC represents the remaining time until collision considering the rate change of a control variable. We carried out grasping tests on various common objects using TTC. Experimental results show that the proposed control realizes fingertip alignment perpendicular to unknown shapes and surface objects and lowers the velocity at contact.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Soft Robotic Fish Using Piezoelectric Fiber Composite
    Wenjing Zhao; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo; Yohei Inoue; Hiroshi Maekawa
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 26, 5, 638-648, May 2014, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of a Sea Snake-like Underwater Robot
    Aiguo Ming; Takahiro Ichikawa; Wenjing Zhao; Makoto Shimojo
    2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS IEEE-ROBIO 2014, IEEE, 761-766, 2014, Peer-reviwed, Developing soft fish robots by biomimetic approach is a useful way to achieve high efficiency, high performance and fish-like motions. Comparing to the conventional rigid fish robots, the design and control of soft fish robots are difficult, because the coupling between the flexible structure and fluid should be considered. But the coupling problem is very difficult to be solved due to large deformation and complicated dynamics. This is main reason why the design method for soft fish robots has not been established while many trial developments of soft fish robots have been done up to now. It motivates us to realize the design and control of soft fish robots based on the analytical simulation, by considering the coupling between flexible structure and fluid. In this paper, development of a sea snake-like underwater robot using piezoelectric fiber composite is described. First, the propulsion mechanism of sea snakes is discussed to provide hints for design and control of soft sea snake-like underwater robots. Next, a sea snake-like underwater robot is designed based on the modal analysis of the robots structure in the fluid and a prototype is made. Finally, the performance of the prototype is investigated by experiments.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dynamic Analysis and Optimization of Soft Robotic Fish Using Fluid-Structural Coupling Method
    Wenjing Zhao; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, 1474-1479, 2014, Peer-reviwed, Aiming to design a soft robotic fish with more natural, more flexible and high-performance movements through biomimetic method, we are developing a soft robotic fish with body/caudal fin (BCF) propulsion by using piezoelectric fiber composite (PFC) as actuator. Compared with conventional rigid robotic fish, the design and control of the soft robotic fish are difficult and hard to reveal its dynamic performances due to the large deformation of flexible structure and complicated coupling dynamics with fluid. That's why the design and control method of the soft robotic fish has not been established, and we need to study it by considering the interaction between flexible structure and fluid. In this paper, fluid-structural coupling analysis based on acoustics method is applied to consider the fluid effect and predict the dynamic responses of soft robotic fish using PFC in fluid. Basic driving and governing equations of soft robotic fish in the fluid are firstly described. Then the numerical acoustics coupling analysis is performed. The calculated results are congruent well with experiments on dynamic responses. Finally, based on this coupling method, a new prototype of soft robotic fish is proposed by optimization for improvement.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a Novel Leg Mechanism in the Shape of Backward Convex with a Mechanical Joint Stop for bipedal robot
    Aiguo Ming; Toshinori Tahata; Kimitake Ueki; Makoto Shimojo
    2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION (IEEE ICMA 2014), IEEE, 107-112, 2014, Peer-reviwed, The realization of natural, fast and versatile motions for bipedal robots is still a challenge topic. As one approach to enhance the performance of bipedal robots, actuation with high backdrivability, high power-to-weight ratio as well as high torque is necessary. In this paper, a novel mechanism of leg in the shape of backward convex with a mechanical joint stop is proposed to reduce the necessary torque by the actuator in knee joint and then to improve the actuation capability of knee joint and reduce the consuming energy by the actuator while by a light structure. The design method including simulation for the mechanism is described. A prototype of the leg robot has been developed and the basic feasibility of the mechanism is shown by experimental results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of an Entertainment Robot System using Kinect
    Aiguo Ming; Kazuya Enomoto; Mizuki Shinozaki; Ryuki Sato; Makoto Shimojo
    2014 10TH FRANCE-JAPAN/ 8TH EUROPE-ASIA CONGRESS ON MECATRONICS (MECATRONICS), IEEE, 127-132, 2014, Peer-reviwed, As one of home services by a mobile manipulator system, we are aiming at the realization of the assist for elderly people. The purpose of this work is to develop a robot system that provides mental support for elderly people as one part of the home services. We have developed a rock-paper-scissors-Atchimuitehoi gaming system as entertainment robot system by using Kinect v2 as human robot interface. In this paper, the configuration of the developed system is described. And the basic algorithms for recognition of human action as well as voice are proposed and implemented. Finally the feasibility of the system is shown by the experimental results using the developed prototype.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • ロボットハンドの構造・運動を考慮した操りスキルの統合に基づく結び目の生成計画
    山川雄司; 並木明夫; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    日本ロボット学会誌, The Robotics Society of Japan, 31, 3, 283-291, Mar. 2013, Peer-reviwed, This paper demonstrates the relationship between the production process of a knot and robot hand skills. First, we define the descriptions (rope intersection and fixed position) of a knot. Next, the characteristics of the robot hand skills are clarified from viewpoint of the description of the knot. Then, in order to obtain the production process of knot, we propose an analysis method based on the structure of knot and the characteristics of the robot hand skills. And, we analyze various knots using the proposed analysis method. Finally, in order to validate the production process obtained by the proposed analysis method, an experimental result of half hitch is shown by using a high-speed multifingered hand system.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Mechanism of linear load-sensitive continuously variable transmission with spherical driving unit
    Kenjiro Tadakuma; Riichiro Tadakuma; Kazuki Terada; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 25, 6, 1079-1087, 2013, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a linear load-sensitive continuously variable transmission (CVT) with a spherical driving unit. This CVTmechanismconsists of a spherical drive, drive axis, motor housing, fixed bracket, and a linear sliding plate. It continuously changes the reduction ratio by changing the inclination angle of the active rotational axis. Additionally, this linear mechanism ensures load-sensitive functioning by changing the inclination of the active rotational axis in response to the load. We have developed a linear load-sensitive CVT and confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Performance Improvement for Posture Estimation using a 3D Range Camera for Standing-Up Motion Assist Robot
    Aiguo Ming; Kazuya Ogura; Makoto Shimojo
    2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND AUTOMATION (ICIA), IEEE, 350-355, 2013, Peer-reviwed, As one of the home services by a mobile manipulator system, we are aiming at the realization of the motion assist for elderly people. The purpose of the work is to realize safe assist by real time feedback control based on the fused information from a high speed tactile sensor and a 3D range camera. The algorithm for posture estimation of human using a 3D range camera and initial experimental results have been reported in our previous paper. This paper describes the improvement on the estimation method to realize stable and accurate detection. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the improved method for posture estimation for standing-up motion.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Basic study of touchless human interface using net structure proximity sensors
    Ichiro Miyamoto; Yosuke Suzuki; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 25, 3, 553-558, 2013, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we examine the touchless human interface using proximity sensors array. Touchless human interfaces, including Microsoft's Kinect, are being studied intensively. We have developed Registor Network-Structure Proximity Sensor featuring a highspeed response, touchless operation, and freely determined arrangement. It is thought that intuitive input is possible by using a human interface with highspeed response proximity sensors. We simulated interface sensor output and examined the possibility to distinguish gestures performed using sensors in experiments.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Fundamental Analysis for Design and Control of Soft Fish Robots using Piezoelectric Fiber Composite
    Aiguo Ming; Kazunori Hashimoto; Wenjing Zhao; Makoto Shimojo
    2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION (ICMA), IEEE, 219-224, 2013, Peer-reviwed, Developing fish robots by biomimetic approach is a useful way to achieve more efficient, high-performance and fish-like motions. And it is very important to make the fish robots as soft as fishes. For this purpose, we are developing soft fish robots using flexible piezoelectric fiber composite (PFC) as actuators together with soft body structure. Comparing to the conventional rigid fish robot, the design and control of soft fish robots are difficult, because the coupling between the flexible continuum and fluid should be considered, which is very difficult to be solved due to large deformation and complicated dynamics. This is main reason why the design method for soft fish robots has not been established while many trial developments of soft fish robots have been done up to now. It motivates us to challenge the design and control problem of soft fish robots based on the analytical simulation with considering the coupling between flexible structure and fluid. In this paper, fundamental analysis for the design and control of soft fish robots using PFC is described. First, modeling of driving from input voltage of PFC to the displacement output of robot in the air is established and improved by comparing experimental results with simulation results. Next the method for structural design of fish robot is performed by modal analysis in the fluid. Finally, a new design of fish robot by the method is shown.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Experimental discussion of occurrence of high-frequency component on slip sensor output using pressure conductive rubber
    Yosuke Suzuki; Seiichi Teshigawara; Mitsuhiro Chiba; Takumi Shimada; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 25, 2, 316-323, 2013, Peer-reviwed, We have presented a slip sensor that uses pressure-conductive rubber to detect initial slip, but have not revealed the principle of high-frequency wave occurrence that is used by this detection. The wave-occurrence principle should be clarified in optimized slip sensor design, especially the properties of pressure-conductive rubber and the detector shape and for reducing individual differences in detection characteristics of the slip sensor. This paper discusses the wave-occurrence principle through a series of experiments and shows that localized fixing and peeling between pressure-conductive rubber and electrodes in the slip sensor configuration have important relation to the principle.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Robust robotic grasping using IR Net-Structure Proximity Sensor to handle objects with unknown position and attitude
    Sha Ye; Kenji Suzuki; Yosuke Suzuki; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    Last, Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3271-3278, 2013, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we focus on unknown parameters such as the position and attitude of the object, and describe a short-range, high-speed and noncontact sensing method for obtaining the position and attitude of the object using IR Net-Structure Proximity Sensor ('IR-NSPS') which complements the dead region of sensory information between visual and tactile sensing. To be more precise, we propose two effective control methods which are pre-shaping and object positioning using IR-NSPS for robust grasping by adjusting the gripper configuration in response to attitude error of up to ±45 deg and the position error of up to ±80 mm of the unknown object. The methods therefore can significantly increase the speed and effectiveness of grasping objects without requiring a specific approach that depends on a vision sensor. Furthermore, to demonstrate the advantages of pre-shaping and object positioning, object grasping experiments were performed using these two operations to grasp objects placed randomly on a tabletop. © 2013 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Hemispherical Net-structure Proximity Sensor Detecting Azimuth and Elevation for Guide Dog Robot
    Hikaru Arita; Yosuke Suzuki; Hironori Ogawa; Kazuteru Tobita; Makoto Shimojo
    2013 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS), IEEE, 653-658, 2013, Peer-reviwed, We have developed a net-structure proximity sensor that detects the azimuth and elevation to a nearby object. This information can be used by robots to avoid obstacles or to respond to human behavior. We propose detection principles where the azimuth is detected by arranging two one-dimensional net-structure proximity sensors along orthogonal axes, and the elevation is detected by arranging two one-dimensional net-structure proximity sensors in a stacked ring. We also experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of these detection principles. The experimental result shows the sensor can detect azimuth at all peripheral angles and elevation from side to top up.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Pre-shaping for various objects by the robot hand equipped with resistor network structure proximity sensors
    Keisuke Koyama; Hiroaki Hasegawa; Yosuke Suzuki; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    Last, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 4027-4033, 2013, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we demonstrate a preliminary motion before grasping by a robot hand, for adjusting the object-fingertip distance and 2-axis postures simultaneously, using a Resistor Network Structure Proximity sensor (RNSP sensor). Through this motion (called 'pre-shaping') and the grasping of an object, the surface of each fingertip is brought into contact with the object surface so that in the next stage grasping can be undertaken. In the next stage, a force can be applied from the fingertips onto the object surface directly. The pre-shaping enhances the reliability of the feedback control for the after-contact tactile sensors. To realize the pre-shaping, we use fingertips equipped with RNSP sensors, which can detect the distance between the fingertip and the object, to determine the relative position between fingertips and an object. The RNSP sensor has a fast response (<
    1 [ms]) and simple connectivity (only 6 wires), and can be mounted easily. Additionally, a characteristics of the RNSP sensor output can be designed by the arrangement of the sensor elements. To perform the pre-shaping by simple sensor feedback control based on the configuration between the fingertip and object, we designed the RNSP sensor so that it had the appropriate characteristics for the pre-shaping. © 2013 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Leg Mechanism Using a Knee Joint with Variable Reduction Ratio Adaptive to Load
    Aiguo Ming; Syunpei Nozawa; Ryuki Sato; Zhangguo Yu; Makoto Shimojo
    2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS (ROBIO), IEEE, 1574-1579, 2013, Peer-reviwed, The realization of natural, fast and versatile motions for bipedal robots is still a challenge. As one approach to enhance the performance of bipedal robots, actuation with high backdrivability, high power-to-weight ratio as well as high torque is required. In this paper, a new mechanism of knee joint with variable reduction ratio adaptive to load is proposed to improve the capability of actuation while in light structure. The design method including simulation for the mechanism is described. A prototype of the leg robot has been developed and the basic feasibility of the mechanism is shown by experimental results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Basic study of touchless human interface using net structure proximity sensors
    Ichiro Miyamoto; Yosuke Suzuki; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 25, 3, 553-558, 2013, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we examine the touchless human interface using proximity sensors array. Touchless human interfaces, including Microsoft's Kinect, are being studied intensively. We have developed Registor Network-Structure Proximity Sensor featuring a highspeed response, touchless operation, and freely determined arrangement. It is thought that intuitive input is possible by using a human interface with highspeed response proximity sensors. We simulated interface sensor output and examined the possibility to distinguish gestures performed using sensors in experiments.
    Scientific journal, English
  • ロボットハンド指先に付与したネット状近接覚センサ情報に基づく把持姿勢の決定
    鈴木健治; 鈴木陽介; 長谷川浩章; 明愛国; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 48, 4, 232ー240, May 2012, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Motion planning of a golf swing robot
    Chunquan Xu; Zhizhen Yang; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    MECHATRONICS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 22, 1, 13-23, Feb. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We report our studies of a new motion planning method for a two-link golf swing robot. We introduce two fundamental properties of manipulator dynamics: the time-reversal symmetry property and the pendulum property. The former is used to reverse the rest-to-point pre-impact swing (backswing and downswing) into a symmetric point-to-rest swing in time, and the latter is used to design a proportional-derivative plus gravity, joint and coupling torque compensation control algorithm to plan the reversed pre-impact swing and the point-to-rest follow-through swing. By using this method, accurate impact position and hitting speed control of the golf swing and low computational cost are achieved. The introduced properties hold true for general multi-revolute-joint planar manipulators and the proposed motion planning algorithm can be implemented on them too. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Precision Improvement of Gear Measuring Machine (1st report):- Influence of the measuring force -
    Taguchi Tetsuya; Shintake Jun; Ming Aiguo; Shimojo Makoto
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2012, 931-932, 2012, The high precision gears are strongly required for advanced motion and power transmission, and high precision gear measuring machine (GMM) has been developed recently. The establishment of the traceability system has been needed, and the charactristic improvement of the detector has been needed. In this paper, the deviation factor in case of measuring a simple form artifact is analyzed, the control method which makes measuring force constant is proposed in order to reduce the influence, and the effectiveness is confirmed by experimental results.
  • High speed and high sensitivity slip sensor for dexterous grasping
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Takahiro Tsutsumi; Yosuke Suzuki; Makoto Shimojo
    Last, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 24, 2, 298-310, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Slip-detecting tactile sensors are essential if robot hands are ever to achieve the gripping motions of human hands. In our previous research, we developed a flexible, thin, and lightweight slip sensor that exploits resistance changes in pressure conductive rubber. However, using this sensor, it was difficult to distinguish between object slip and changes in normal force. Therefore, in this research, we investigate a method of identifying object slip by analyzing the frequency components of the output signal from the sensor. As a result, we find that high-frequency components of several kilohertz or more are included in the complex voltage signal immediately before object slip. Therefore, using this high-frequency component, we develop a simple structure sensor that distinguishes between both contact and a state of immediately before slip with high sensitivity. Moreover, we design a slip sensor for a robot hand and examine the effects of noise by manipulation. Finally, we describe an experiment involving the adjustment of the gripping force of a robot hand.
    Scientific journal, English
  • A Unified Framework for Virtual Passive Bipedal Gait Generation
    C. Xu; A. Ming; M. Shimojo
    2012 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, 3141-3146, 2012, Peer-reviwed, It is well known a fine tuned unpowered biped machine can passively walk down a gentle slope. The in-depth understanding of the passivity is helpful to design more efficient bipedal gaits. In this paper, we investigate the principle mechanism of passive dynamic walking and propose a unified framework for virtual passive bipedal gait generation. The framework shows the physical system's kinetic energy varies inversely proportional to the imitated virtual system's potential energy. Based on this property we propose a kinetic energy tracking control law to realize virtual passive dynamic walking on any slopes in any virtual gravity fields. Numerical simulations are given to support our proposal.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of flapping robots using piezoelectric fiber composites - Improvement of flapping mechanism inspired from insects with indirect flight muscle
    Aiguo Ming; Natchapon Luekiatphaisan; Makoto Shimojo
    2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2012, 1880-1885, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Recently, many challenges are being made toward the realization of flight motions like insects, birds and so on. The purpose of this work is to develop flapping robots using a new type of piezoelectric material, that is, piezoelectric fiber composites. By using the composites, actuating as well as energy-harvesting fibers and sensing fibers can be embedded in the structure and it makes flapping robots with compact and light structure. This paper proposes a new flapping mechanism for the flapping robots using piezoelectric fiber composites to improve the performance of the robot developed in our previous work, which is inspired from insects with indirect flight muscle. A prototype of flapping robot using the new flapping mechanism has been made and experimental results show the improvement of the performance. © 2012 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Structural Design and Dynamic Analysis of Robotic Fish with Piezoelectric Fiber Composite
    Wenjing Zhao; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo; Jun Shintake
    MECATRONICS REM 2012, IEEE, 161-168, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Robotic fishes using artificial muscle as actuators have been described recently. The purpose of this work is to develop a flexible robotic fish using the piezoelectric fiber composite (PFC). To achieve the good flexibility and mobility of the robotic fish, we proposed a simple and compact structure. The load simulation method of piezoelectric actuator was employed to improve the fish's movement performance and swimming efficiency. By the analysis of the driving characteristics of the PFC, the robot structure with symmetrical distribution was designed based on the caudal fin propulsion mode. This structure was verified reasonable in the theoretical and simulation method. The dynamic characteristics of this underwater robot were both analyzed through the experiments and numerical analysis of Finite Element Method (FEM). The calculated results were congruent well with the experiment measurements of the prototype. Relatively high swimming speed was achieved during the experimental tests for a prototype. This indicated the numerical methods can be applied in the structural optimization and dynamic analysis of the robotic fish. More information will be available for the fluid-structure interaction analysis in future.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Posture Estimation using a 3D Range Camera for Standing-Up Motion Assist Robot
    Natsumi Tsukada; Kazuya Ogura; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2012 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS (ROBIO 2012), IEEE, 968-973, 2012, Peer-reviwed, As one of the home services by a mobile manipulator system, we are aiming at the realization of the motion assist for elderly people. The purpose of the work is to realize a safe assist by real time feedback control based on the information from a high speed tactile sensor and a 3D range camera. This paper describes the posture estimation of human using a 3D range camera. A method for posture estimation from the 3D range data is proposed. The method is implemented and experimental results show the availability of the 3D range camera for posture estimation.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Posture Estimation using a 3D Range Camera for Standing-Up Motion Assist Robot
    Natsumi Tsukada; Kazuya Ogura; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2012 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS (ROBIO 2012), IEEE, 350-355, 2012, Peer-reviwed, As one of the home services by a mobile manipulator system, we are aiming at the realization of the motion assist for elderly people. The purpose of the work is to realize a safe assist by real time feedback control based on the information from a high speed tactile sensor and a 3D range camera. This paper describes the posture estimation of human using a 3D range camera. A method for posture estimation from the 3D range data is proposed. The method is implemented and experimental results show the availability of the 3D range camera for posture estimation.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Small-sized and Lightweight Slip Detection Sensor System for Prosthetic Hand
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Satoru Shimizu; Daisuke Yamagishi; Yosuke Suzuki; Hiroshi Yokoi; Makoto Shimojo
    15th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2011), Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 全方位検出・高速応答可能なネット状近接覚センサの開発
    寺田一貴; 鈴木陽介; 長谷川浩章; 曽根聡史; 明愛国; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    日本ロボット学会誌, 29, 8, 683-693, Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 全方向包み込み式なじみグリッパ機構“Omni-Gripper”の研究 ― Hot-Ice現象を活用した液・固相変化式 把持メカニズム ―
    多田隈建二郎; 田中大貴; 寺田一貴; 大石千種; 長谷川浩章; 勅使河原誠一; 明愛国; 下条誠; 高山俊男; 小俣透; 東森充; 金子真
    第16回 ロボティクスシンポジア, 14 Mar. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Research society, Japanese
  • 超高精度歯車測定機の開発-直接駆動方式実験機の試作とその基本性能確認-
    田口哲也; 明愛国; 下条誠; 金森哉吏; 梶谷誠; 竹田龍平
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 77, 3, 327-332, Mar. 2011, Peer-reviwed, The quality of gears is classified according to deviations measured by a gear measuring machine by ISO 1328-1, and recently a system to evaluate gear measuring machines is to be established with the requirements of high precision gears. The purpose of our research is to develop an ultrahigh precision gear measuring machine with small uncertainty of measured values and repeatability less than 1 micro meter. To reduce the transmission errors caused by the mechanism in conventional gear measuring machines, the experimental instrument consisting of two direct drive axes, linear axis and rotary axis, has been developed and its performance has been verified by authors. The mechanism, control and fundamental performance of the experimental instrument are described in this paper.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Development of high precision gear measuring machine
    Tetsuya Taguchi; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation, 1, 3-4, 181-189, 2011, Peer-reviwed, The high precision gears are strongly required for advanced motion and power transmission. And the improved evaluation technology for the precision gears is becoming indispensable. Moreover, the reliability of the measured value became important when the accuracy of the gear becomes high, and the establishment of the traceability system has been needed. For the establishment of the traceability system, the higher precision gear measuring machine (GMM) with lower uncertainty is expected to contribute to improve gear calibration uncertainty. For the purpose, a new concept of the high precision GMM was proposed from analysing the problems of the conventional GMM. A prototype of the high precision GMM using the direct drive mechanism has been developed. And the high measurement capability of the developed GMM was verified by the evaluation method using the standard deviation of the measured form deviation. © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Stand-Up Motion Support By A Mobile Manipulator System with High Speed Tactile Sensors
    Zhaoxian Xie; Manabu Yamashiro; Hisashi Yamaguchii; Masahito Tsukano; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    International Journal of Information Acquisition, 8, 3, 181-195, 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Robot hand whose fingertip covered with net-shape proximity sensor: Moving object tracking using proximity sensing
    Hiroaki Hasegawa; Yosuke Suzuki; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    Last, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, 23, 3, 328-337, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Occlusion in several millimeters from an object to be grasped made it difficult for a vision-sensor-based approach to detect relative positioning between this object and robot fingers joint grasping. The proximity sensor we proposed detects the object at a near range very effectively. We developed a thin proximity sensor sheet to cover the 3 fingers of a robot hand. Integrating sensors and hand control, we implemented an objecttracking controller. Using proximity sensory signals, the controller coordinates wrist positioning based on palm proximity sensors and grasping from fingertip sensors, enabling us to track and capture moving objects.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Highly Sensitive Sensor for Detection of Initial Slip and Its Application in a Multi-fingered Robot Hand
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Takahiro Tsutsumi; Satoru Shimizu; Yosuke Suzuki; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, 1097-1102, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Tactile sensors for slip detection are essential for implementing human-like gripping in a robot hand. In previous studies, we proposed flexible, thin and lightweight slip detection sensors utilizing the characteristics of pressure-sensitive conductive rubber. This was achieved by using the high-frequency vibration component generated in the process of slipping of the gripped object in order to distinguish between slipping of the object and changes in the normal force. In this paper, we design a slip detection sensor for a multi-fingered robot hand and examine the influence of noise caused by the operation of such a hand. Finally, we describe an experiment focusing on the adjustment of the gripping force of a multi-fingered robot hand equipped with the developed sensors.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • "Omni-Paddle": Amphibious Spherical Rotary Paddle Mechanism
    Kenjiro Tadakuma; Riichiro Tadakuma; Ming Aigo; Makoto Shimojo; Mitsuru Higashimori; Makoto Kaneko
    2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, 5056-5062, 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a combination mechanism of a wheeground a paddle to realize an effective movement on the border of ground and water. For the conventional mobile mechanisms on water or on ground the combination of the mechanism to the body of the robot separately, and each one can be the interruption to the other in each field. In this research, we propose a hybrid mechanism of a wheeground a paddle as drive mechanism itself to realize an effective movement on the border such as a coast with debris after a disaster like a seismic sea wave or a tanker grounding accident. A prototype robot has been built and basic experiments on its motion have been conducted.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Motion planning for a dynamically-coupled hyper-dynamic manipulator by reinforcement learning
    Masahiro Wada; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2011 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2011, 1822-1827, 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a new motion planning method for a hyper-dynamic robot which aims at realizing the motion control skills exhibited by professional golfers by a dexterous robot. The robot has similar distribution of actuators' capability to that of human, which is compact but requires dynamically-coupled driving for high speed motion. For such a robot with strong coupling and nonlinearity, to realize a motion including multi-boundary conditions, motion planning is very difficult. As a new method for the motion planning, the motion planning method using reinforcement learning is proposed in this paper. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed motion planning method. © 2011 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The Mechanism of the Linear Load-Sensitive Continuously Variable Transmission with the Spherical Driving Unit
    Kenjiro Tadakuma; Riichiro Tadakuma; Kazuki Terada; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo; Mitsuru Higashimori; Makoto Kaneko
    2011 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE, 4048-4053, 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes linear load-sensitive continuously variable transmission with the spherical driving unit. This CVT mechanism consists of spherical drive, drive axis, motor housing, fixed bracket and linear sliding plate. It changes the reduction ratio continuously by inclination angle of active rotational axis. Additionally, this linear mechanism has a load-sensitive function by changing inclination of active rotational axis in response to the load. We have developed a linear load-sensitive continuously variable transmission and confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Omni-Directional and Fast-Responsive Net-Structure Proximity Sensor
    Kazuki Terada; Yosuke Suzuki; Hiroaki Hasegawa; Satoshi Sone; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2011 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE, 954-1961, 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents a proximity sensor for recognizing an object in 360 degrees all around with response time only 1[ms]. The sensor applies an unique design of analog net-structure circuit, which enables all-face mounting on various peripheries and fast-response/simplification of information processing. Thus, the sensor is especially available for avoiding sudden contact with rapidly approaching objects for mobile robots, robot arms, robot hands, and other robotic systems. In this paper, the structure and the detecting principle of the sensor are firstly described, then, its detection property is tested by experiments. The result shows that the sensor recognizes the angle of the nearby object with accuracy of 3[deg]. Furthermore, as practical use of the sensor, a large size model is produced for a mobile robot to achieve omni-directional sensing. By using the application model, two detection methods are discussed on situations where the number or the positions of the nearby objects differs.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Novel Propulsion Method of Flexible Underwater Robots
    Jun Shintake; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2011 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE, 4735-4740, 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper aims at mobility enhancement of flexible underwater robots. For this purpose, a novel propulsion method utilizing both static and dynamic deformation of a flexible planar structure is proposed. By actuating the planar structure in two dimensions, various propulsive motions can be generated and the realization of various robotic movements can be expected. Two prototypes of such kind of robots with square and circular shape driven by two pieces of piezoelectric fiber composites has been developed. As the experimental results, the movements with multiple DOFs, holonomic and non-holonomic movements have been realized by the robots. The motion mechanism for the movements are discussed by simulation results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a soft underwater robot mimicking cow-nosed ray
    Wenjing Zhao; Takuma Osaka; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2011, 1724-1729, 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper aims at design and enhancement of the performance for soft biomimetic cow-nosed ray based on piezoelectric fiber composite. Macro fiber composite (MFC), a typical piezoelectric fiber composite is used. A new structure of the soft robotic fish is proposed through structural optimization based on the bionics and structural dynamics analysis with the Finite Element Method (FEM). According to this structure, the track of the flapping motion for pectoral fins is described by the simulation analysis. Meantime, experiment of the prototype is presented. The displacement results of the track for pectoral fin in simulation and experiment are compared during a normal period. The simulation results march the experimental results well. Finally, the track of pectoral fin and speed performance of the soft robotic fish in the water is described. The speed can reach 200mm/s when 10Hz rectangular input signal is used. © 2011 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A New Leg Mechanism for Humanoid Robot
    Akira Maruyama; Chunquan Xu; Naoki Kajiwara; Chigusa Ohishi; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, 389-394, Nov. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 近接・触・すべり覚を統合したインテリジェントロボットハンドの開発
    溝口善智; 多田隈建二郎; 長谷川浩章; 明愛国; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 46, 10, 632-640, Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Development of a Wearable Sensory Prosthetic Device for Patients with Peripheral Neural Disturbances.
    Kunihiko Mabuchi; Hirotaka Niiro; Masanari Kunimoto; Takafumi Suzuki; Makoto Shimojo
    Proceedings of 10th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation and 15th Annual Conference of the International FES Society, 309-311, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of A Mobile Manipulator System With RFID-Based Sensor Fusion For Home Service: A Case Study on Mobile Manipulation of Chairs
    Zhaoxian Xie; Manabu Yamashiro; Hisashi Yamaguchi; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    International Journal of Information Acquisition, Vol. 7, No.1, 1-13, Jun. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • A High-Speed Mesh of Tactile Sensors Fitting Arbitrary Surfaces
    Makoto Shimojo; Takuma Araki; Aigou Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 10, 4, 822-830, Apr. 2010, Peer-reviwed, A tactile sensor is developed with the aim of covering a robot's entire structure, while reducing wiring requirement and ensuring high-speed response. The sensor detects the center point of load distribution on 2-D surfaces as well as the overall load. There are only four signal wires from the sensor. The sensor response time is nearly constant (within 1 ms) regardless of the number of detection elements, their placements or sensor areas. In this paper, the principles behind the operation of this sensor and the results of experiments using the sensor are described.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 水陸境界上移動体のための球状回転パドル機構“Omni-Paddle”の開発
    多田隈建二郎; 光田裕一; 多田隈理一郎; 曽根聡史; 明愛国; 下条誠; 東森充; 金子真
    第15回 ロボティクスシンポジア, 15 Mar. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    Research society, Japanese
  • Development of Underwater Robots using Piezoelectric Fiber Composite : Diversification of Propulsion Movement by Single Fin Structure
    Shintake Jun; Ming Aiguo; Shimojo Makoto
    The Abstracts of the international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, 124-128, 2010, Fish type underwater robots have a lot of possibilities such as good mobility and high efficiency. Most of the fish type robots developed up to now have complicated mechanisms with complicated motion control. It results in that the structure and the movement of robots are different from those of fishes. The purpose of our work is to develop creaturelike flexible underwater robots by using piezoelectric fiber composite. Compared with conventional artificial muscular underwater robots, powerful underwater robots with a very simple structure can be composed by the piezoelectric fiber composite. This paper describes the development of a flexible underwater robot with pectoral fin propulsion like ray and mode shape propulsion of structural vibration, which can generate various movements.
  • Development of Flexible Underwater Robots with Caudal Fin Propulsion
    Jun Shintake; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    IEEE/RSJ 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2010), IEEE, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Fish type underwater robots has a lot of possibilities such as good mobility and high efficiency. Most of the fish type robots developed up to now have complicated mechanisms with complicated motion control. It results in that the structure and the movement of robots are different from that of fishes. The purpose of our work is to develop creature-like flexible underwater robots by using piezoelectric fiber composite. Compared with conventional artificial muscular underwater robots, powerful underwater robots with a very simple structure can be composed. This paper describes the development of a flexible underwater robot with caudal fin propulsion, which can generate large propulsive force and move at high speed. Besides, by utilizing the large propulsive force, pitch and roll motions are realized by attaching two pectoral fins to the robot.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Intelligent Robot Hand using Proximity, Contact and Slip sensing
    Hiroaki Hasegawa; Yoshitomo Mizoguchi; Kenjiro Tadakuma; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, 777-784, 2010, Peer-reviwed, To achieve the skillful task like the human, many researchers have been working on robot hand. An interaction with vision and tactile information are indispensable for realization of skillful tasks. In the existing research, the method using a camera to get the vision information is often found. But, in the boundary area of a non-contact phase and a contact phase, there are problem that lack of sensor information because the influence of occlusion comes up to surface. We devise to introduce the proximity sensor in this area. And we call the robot hand which is equipped with proximity, tactile and slip sensor "intelligent robot hand".
    In this research, we show the constitution example of the intelligent robot hand and propose the method to realize Pick&Place as concrete task.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • High Sensitivity Initial Slip Sensor for Dexterous Grasp
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Kenjiro Tadakuma; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, 4867-4872, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Slip-detecting tactile sensors are essential for achieving human-like gripping motion with a robot hand. In previous research, we developed a flexible, thin and lightweight slip sensor that exploits the characteristics of pressure conductive rubber. However, using this sensor, it was difficult to distinguish between object slip and a change in the normal force. Therefore, in the present research, we investigated a method for identifying object slip by analyzing the frequency components of the output signal from the sensor. As a result, we found that high-frequency components of 1 kHz or more are included in the complex voltage signal generated by object slip. Therefore, by using this high-frequency component, we developed a simple sensor that distinguished between both contact and initial slip with high sensitivity.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Human assist by a mobile manipulator with high speed tactile sensor
    Hisashi Yamaguchi; Zhaoxian Xie; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA 2010, 765-770, 2010, Peer-reviwed, As one of the home services by a mobile manipulator system, we are aiming at the realization of the motion assist for elderly people. The purpose of the work is to realize a safe assist by real time feedback control based on the information from a high speed tactile sensor for detecting the force and its center between the assisted people and robot arm. This paper introduces the design of the tactile sensor as well as initial experimental results to show the feasibility of the proposed system and the control methods about basic movement necessary for stand-up movement support according to the tactile information. ©2010 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Directly Manipulable Tactile Graphic System with Audio Support Function
    Shigenobu Shimada; Haruka Murase; Suguru Yamamoto; Yusuke Uchida; Makoto Shimojo; Yutaka Shimizu
    COMPUTERS HELPING PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, PROCEEDINGS, PT 2, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 6180, 451-+, 2010, Peer-reviwed, A basic device combining a tactile graphic display function and a touch position sensing function is proposed. The trial device consists of two major components, a tactile graphic display and a force sensor. The force sensor measures a center of gravity generated by touch action on the display surface and a PC estimates the point based on the data. The fundamental function for achieving the interactive communication is to detect the location where user is touching a tangible surface. By applying this functions, the click and scroll function by an empty hand are realized. In addition, an audio-tactile graphic system which can be used mainly to overcome tactile cognitive limitation is implemented as an application of the system. Moreover, the area of tactile display is expanded for the purpose of improvement userability. Following this, we propose the tactile scrollbar where the users can recognize their position of plane space. The validity of the developed tactile graphic system has been confirmed through subjective experiments.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of flapping robots using piezoelectric fiber composites - Development of driving module inspired by insects with indirect flight muscle
    Yuichi Fukushima; Kentaro Minagawa; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2010, 77-82, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Recently, flapping robots are noticed by many researchers, and many challenges are being made toward the realization of flight motions like insects, birds and so on. The purpose of this work is to develop flapping robots using a new type of piezoelectric material, that is, piezoelectric fiber composites. By using the composites, actuating as well as energy-harvesting fibers and sensing fibers can be embedded in the structure and it makes flapping robots with compact and light structure. This paper proposes a new driving mechanism for the flapping robots using piezoelectric fiber composites. The driving mechanism is inspired from insects with indirect flight muscle. A prototype of flapping robot using the new driving mechanism has been designed and experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed mechanism. © 2010 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Mechanical Design of the Wheel-Leg Hybrid Mobile Robot to Realize a Large Wheel Diameter
    Kenjiro Tadakuma; Riichiro Tadakuma; Akira Maruyama; Eric Rohmer; Keiji Nagatani; Kazuya Yoshida; Aigo Ming; Makoto Shimojo; Mitsuru Higashimori; Makoto Kaneko
    IEEE/RSJ 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2010), IEEE, 3358-3365, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, a new category of the wheel-leg hybrid robot is presented. The proposed mechanism can compose large wheel diameter compared with the previous hybrid robot to realize a greater ability to climb obstacles. A prototype model of one Wheel-Leg module of the proposed robot mechanism has been developed to illustrate the concept. Actual design and mode changing experiment with a test mechanical module is also presented. Basic movement tests and a test of the basic properties of the rotational fingertip are also shown. The Basic configurations of wheel-leg retractable is considered well. The integrated mode is also described.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Connected Tracked Robot with Offset Joint Mechanism for Multiple Configurations
    Kenjiro Tadakuma; Chigusa Ohishi; Akira Maruyama; Riichiro Tadakuma; Keiji Nagatani; Kazuya Yoshida; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    IEEE/RSJ 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2010), IEEE, 3366-3371, 2010, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes various configurations of two connected unit crawlers. By changing the relative position of the two connected vehicle units, the overall robot comprising such a mechanism can automatically adapt to surface obstacles on the field, including complicated structures such as disaster-generated debris.
    In addition, we analyzed the effect of axis arrangements in order to simplify the realization of the switching function so as to achieve the four basic configurations.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Flapping Robots using Piezoelectric Fiber Composites - Performance Enhancement by Unique Structure and Drive Control
    Kentaro Minagawa; Yuichi Fukushima; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    IEEE/RSJ 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2010), IEEE, 1624-1629, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Recently, flapping robots are noticed by many researchers, and the realization of flight motion like insects, birds and so on has many challenges. The purpose of this work is to develop flapping robots using a new type of piezoelectric material, that is, piezoelectric fiber composites. By using the composites, actuating as well as energy harvesting and sensing fibers can be embedded into the wing as part of the structure, which makes the robot flap while remaining compact and light. This paper describes the performance enhancement of the flapping robots capable of flapping and feathering motions using piezoelectric fiber composites. A unique mechanism with different stiffness for up-stroke and down-stroke and a new drive control using saturated sine wave are proposed in this paper. By introducing the mechanism and drive control, the performance about lift and thrust force has been improved remarkably.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • High Sensitivity Slip Sensor Using Pressure Conductive Rubber for Dexterous Grasp and Manipulation
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Satoru Shimizu; Takahiro Tsutsumi; Yosuke Suzuki; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    2010 IEEE SENSORS, IEEE, 570-574, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Slip-detecting tactile sensors are essential for achieving human-like gripping motion with a robot hand. In previous research, we developed a flexible, thin and lightweight slip sensor that exploits a resistance change of the pressure conductive rubber. This sensor distinguishes between both contact and initial slip by using a complicated resistance change just before slippage of object is generated. In this study, we evaluate the stability of the output in the case of differing initial normal forces and changing surface properties of an object. Finally, we describe an experiment on adjustment of the gripping force by a multi-fingered robot hand.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Motion planning for vertical jumping by a small humanoid with structural joint stops
    Yuichi Hasegawa; Chigusa Ohishi; Masato Fukumori; Chunquan Xu; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2010, 691-696, 2010, Peer-reviwed, To realize hyper dynamic manipulations such as jumping, authors propose the utilization of dynamically-coupled driving and joint stop mechanisms in a small commercial humanoid. To realize difficult dynamic actions such as vertical jumping by utilizing joint stop mechanisms, the motion planning for jumping has been performed based on a model with joint stop mechanisms into the legs. The modeling, motion planning method and simulation results are shown in this paper. © 2010 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 高速多指ハンドと高速視触覚フィードバックを用いた柔軟紐の結び操作
    山川雄司; 並木明夫; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    JRSJ, The Robotics Society of Japan, 27, 9, 1016-1024, Nov. 2009, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a new strategy for making knots with a high-speed multifingered robot hand with tactile sensors and visual sensor. The strategy is divided into three skills: loop production, rope permutation, and rope pulling. Through these three skills, a knot can be made with a single multifingered robot hand. In loop production, the wrist joint angle control is proposed by using visual feedback with high-speed visual sensor. In addition, the dynamics of the rope permutation are analyzed, and an effective tactile feedback control method is proposed based on the analysis. Finally, experimental results are shown using one high-speed multifingered hand with tactile and visual sensors.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Motion Control of a Golf Swing Robot
    Chunquan Xu; Aiguo Ming; Takeharu Nagaoka; Makoto Shimojo
    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, SPRINGER, 56, 3, 277-299, Oct. 2009, Peer-reviwed, In this paper we discuss our simulation and empirical study of a golf swing motion controller for a two-link golf swing robot. We distinguish two variants of the whole golf swing termed as hitting problem and stopping problem. For the hitting problem arising from backswing and downswing, we map the task into the output of a target dynamic system-a harmonic oscillator-under energy control. For the stopping problem that arises from follow-through, we propose a Proportional plus Gravity and Coupling Torque Compensation (PGCTC) feedback controller. Preliminary simulation study shows the proposed controllers solve the hitting problem and the stopping problem respectively. The controllers are implemented on a physical robot. Experimental results indicate the robot is able to perform desired golf swing-backswing, downswing, and follow-through. We also give a preliminary analysis on the proposed method to understand its merits and weaknesses.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 択走査方式を用いた省配線・分布型触覚センサ
    西野高明; 下条誠; 石川正俊
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 45, 8, 391-397, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed, 論文賞
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 形態可変機能を有する2車体連結クローラ
    大石千種; 多田隈建二郎; 多田隈理一郎; 永谷圭司; 吉田和哉; 明愛国; 下条誠
    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 ROBOMEC2009, 1A2-G18, May 2009, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • High Speed and High Sensitivity Slip Sensor Utilizing Characteristics of Conductive Rubber–Relationship Between Shear Deformation of Conductive Rubber and Resistance Change–
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Kenjiro Tadakuma; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    Last, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 21, 2, 200-208, Apr. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • 横方向への移動を特徴とする円形断面クローラロボットの開発 第2報: 円弧状地形および軟弱地での基本走行試験
    多田隈建二郎; 多田隈理一郎; 永谷圭司; 吉田和哉; 明愛国; 下条誠
    第14回 ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, Mar. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    Research society, Japanese
  • Armadillo-Inspired Wheel-Leg Retractable Module
    Kenjiro Tadakuma; Riichiro Tadakuma; Akira Maruyama; Eric Rohmer; Keiji Nagatani; Kazuya Yoshida; Aiguo Ming; Shimojo Makoto; Mitsuru Higashimori; Makoto Kaneko
    2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS (ROBIO 2009), VOLS 1-4, IEEE, 610-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, a new category of wheel-leg hybrid robot inspired by retracting configuration of the armadillo is presented. The proposed mechanism can compose large wheel diameter compared with the previous hybrid robot to realize high ability to climb obstacles. A prototype model of one Wheel-Leg module of the proposed robot mechanism has been developed to illustrate the concept. Actual design and mode changing experiment with a test mechanical module is also presented. Basic movement tests and the test to see the basic property of the rotational fingertip are also shown.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Basic Running Test of the Cylindrical Tracked Vehicle with Sideways Mobility
    Kenjiro Tadakuma; Riichiro Tadakuma; Keiji Nagatani; Kazuya Yoshida; Aigo Mingi; Makoto Shimojo; Karl Iagnemma
    2009 IEEE-RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE, 1679-1684, 2009, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, the basic running performance of the cylindrical tracked vehicle with sideways mobility is presented. The crawler mechanism is of circular cross-section and has active rolling axes at the center of the circles. Conventional crawler mechanisms can support massive loads, but cannot produce sideways motion. Additionally, previous crawler edges sink undesirably on soft ground, particularly when the vehicle body is subject to a sideways tilt. The proposed design solves these drawbacks by adopting a circular cross-section crawler. A prototype. Basic motion experiments with confirm the novel properties of this mechanism: sideways motion and robustness against edge-sink.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of an Active Flapping Wing using Piezoelectric Fiber Composites
    Aiguo Ming; Yawen Huang; Yuichi Fukushima; Makoto Shimojo
    2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS, VOLS 1-4, IEEE, 2144-2149, 2009, Peer-reviwed, Recently, flapping robots are noticed by many researchers, and many challenges are being made toward the realization of flight motions like insects, birds and so on. The purpose of this work is to develop napping robots using a new type of piezoelectric material, that is, piezoelectric fiber composites. By using the composites, actuating fibers and sensing fibers can be embedded into a wing as part of the structure and it makes flapping robots with compact and light structure. A prototype of flapping robot capable of flapping and feathering motions has been developed. The design and driving method of the robot as well as experimental results about thrust and lift force are shown in this paper.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of High-Sensitivity Slip Sensor Using Special Characteristics of Pressure Conductive Rubber
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Kenjiro Tadakuma; Aiguo Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    Last, ICRA: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 1311-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, Even with the eyes closed, humans are able to grip an object with minimal force without such information as the coefficient of friction or the weight. Tactile sensors capable of detecting slippage are necessary for this gripping action to be realized in a robot hand. Heretofore, many slip sensors were developed and produced, but there was not a slip sensor of simple structure practical for installation on fingertips of a robot hand. Therefore, we propose a low-profile/lightweight slip sensor of simple structure. The special properties of pressure conductive rubber are utilized as a detection device in this sensor. In this paper, we discuss the results of trial manufacture and of slip detection property testing of this sensor. Moreover, we will report the results of slip prevention experiments by this prototype slip sensor, and indicate that the pressure conductive rubber is promising as a material of slip sensor.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Motion Planning for a Golf Swing Robot Based on Reverse Time Symmetry and PGCTC Control
    C. Xu; A. Ming; M. Shimojo
    ICRA: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 69-74, 2009, Peer-reviwed, A new golf swing robot performing high-speed golf swings has been developed by the authors. This paper deals with the motion planning problem of the golf swing. At first, the reverse time symmetry and single pendulum inherences in manipulator dynamics are introduced. Then, by utilizing the first inherence, the Rest-to-Point motion planning problem for the backswing and downswing is transformed into a reverse time symmetric Point-to-Rest motion planning problem. Finally, based on the second inherence, a Proportional plus Gravity and Coupling Torque Compensation (PGCTC) control scheme is developed to solve both the reverse time symmetric Point-to-Rest motion planning problem for the backswing and downswing and the forward time Point-to-Rest problem for the follow-through. Simulation shows the effect of the proposed method.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Skillful Manipulation Based on High-speed Sensory-Motor Fusion
    Taku Senoo; Yuji Yamakawa; Satoru Mizusawa; Akio Namiki; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    ICRA: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 4252-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, This video introduces the demonstration of skillful manipulation using a high-speed robot system. The system consists of visual and tactile sensors at a rate of 1 kHz and a high-speed hand-arm manipulator. The high-speed sensory-motor fusion improves not just the speed of existing robot manipulations, but robotic skills by introducing the features peculiar to high-speed motion. Based on such a concept, new variations of skillful manipulation were achieved.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Underwater Robots using Piezoelectric Fiber Composite
    Aiguo Ming; Seokyong Park; Yoshinori Nagata; Makoto Shimojo
    ICRA: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 3435-3440, 2009, Peer-reviwed, Underwater robot using piezoelectric fiber composite with the merits of being soft and capable of large displacement, is proposed in this paper. By pasting the thin and flexible composite on to a structure, meandering motion observed in underwater creatures such as fish can be realized by generating propagation wave for propulsive force. Hence, a compact, effective and powerful robot capable of underwater movement can be realized. This paper describes the mechanism design and control method of the robot using piezoelectric fiber composite based on the principle of underwater creatures and shows the feasibility of the proposal by the experimental results of two developed prototypes.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • One-handed Knotting of a Linear Flexible Object based on Reconfigurable Skill Synthesis Strategy
    Yuji Yamakawa; Akio Namiki; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    RECONFIGURABLE MECHANISMS AND ROBOTS, KC EDIZIONI, 478-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, This paper illustrates the relationship between a knotting process and knotting skills for a multifingered hand. To determine the appropriate skills required for knotting, we analyzed the knotting motion performed by a human hand. The knotting process is divided into four handling skills. In addition, this paper proposes a new strategy for making knots with a multifingered hand. The strategy consists of several basic skills, and various knots can be achieved by reconfigurable synthesis of skills. Finally, we show experimental results of an overhand knot and a half hitch.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Home Service by a Mobile Manipulator System -Mobile Manipulation of Chairs-
    Manabu Yamashiro; Zhaoxian Xie; Hisashi Yamaguchi; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION AND LOGISTICS ( ICAL 2009), VOLS 1-3, IEEE, 295-300, 2009, Peer-reviwed, A mobile manipulator system as a versatile platform for home service has been developed by authors. The mobile system has two features. One is the efficient and easy recognition of environment and objects about geometrical, physical and additional information by a sensor fusion system consisting of RFID, camera and laser range sensor. The other is such geometrical, physical and additional information-based mobile manipulation for various objects. In this paper, mobile manipulation of various chairs for home service is described. The methods for recognition and mobile manipulation are proposed and experimental results are given to show the feasibility of the proposed methods.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Cooperative Control of Two Mobile Manipulators Transporting Objects on the Slope
    Chao Tang; Chunquan Xu; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-7, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 2805-2810, 2009, Peer-reviwed, This paper reports our recent results on the motion control of cooperative transportation by two mobile manipulators following a reference trajectory on the slope. We propose a cooperative control algorithm which is divided into two steps. In the first step, the mobile manipulators regulate their postures to keep themselves away from falling using their redundant Degree-Of-Freedom. If the robots still cannot keep stable, then in the second step, both robots adjust their forces acting on the transported object to avoid falling. Simulation results are given to validate the proposed method.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development for an Interactive Communication Display for Blind Computer Users
    Shigenobu Shimada; Suguru Yamamoto; Yusuke Uchida; Masami Shinohara; Yutaka Shimizu; Makoto Shimojo
    RO-MAN 2009: THE 18TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ROBOT AND HUMAN INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, 18, 306-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, This study is the development of the interface for visually handicapped persons using the knowledge of the robotics field. A basic device combining a tactile graphic display function and a touch position/force direction sensing function is proposed. The trial device consists of two major components, a tactile graphic display and a 6-axis force/torque sensor. The force sensor measures six dynamic values generated by touch action on the display surface and a PC estimates the point based on the data. The fundamental function for achieving the interactive communication is to detect the location where user is touching a tangible surface. By applying this functions, the click and scroll function by an empty hand are realized. In addition, an audio tactile graphic system which can be used mainly to overcome tactile cognitive limitation is implemented as an application of the system. The validity of the developed tactile graphic system has been confirmed through subjective experiments.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • High Sensitivity Slip Sensor Using Pressure Conductive Rubber
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Satoru Shimizu; Kenjiro Tadakuma; Ming Aiguo; Makoto Shimojo; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    2009 IEEE SENSORS, VOLS 1-3, IEEE, 988-988, 2009, Peer-reviwed, Slip detecting tactile sensors are essential to achieve a human-like gripping motion with a robot hand. In previous researches, we have proposed flexible, thin and lightweight slip sensor utilizing characteristics of pressure conductive rubber. However, It was hard for this sensor to distinguish between the object slip and the normal force change. Therefore, we consider the separative method using high frequency elements generated by object slipping. In this paper, we design the information processing method and developed the sensor detecting both contact and initial slip in high sensitivity and a simple composition.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Throwable Tetrahedral Robot with Transformation Capability
    Kenjiro Tadakuma; Riichiro Tadakuma; Keiji Nagatani; Kazuya Yoshida; Ming Aigo; Makoto Shimojo; Karl Iagnemma
    2009 IEEE-RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE, 2801-2808, 2009, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, a tetrahedral mobile robot with central axis for transformation to the flat vehicle is presented. The throwable robot with the function of going into narrow spaces when its in the flat-vehicle mode is explained in detail. A prototype has been developed to illustrate the concept. Motion experiments confirm the novel properties of this mechanism: mode changing function and omnidirectional motion. Basic Motion experiments, with a test vehicle are also presented. Keywords: Search and Rescue, Throwable, Tetrahedral Shaped, Omni-Ball, Transformation, Mechanical Design
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Motion Planning for a High-speed Manipulator with Mechanical Joint Stops based on Target Dynamics and PCH System
    S. Sakai; C. Xu; A. Ming; M. Shimojo
    2009 IEEE-RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE, 279-284, 2009, Peer-reviwed, This paper reports a motion planning scheme for a high performance robot aiming to realize the motion control skills exhibited by professional golfers. The robot has a dexterous mechanism with similar distribution of actuators' capability and a pair of mechanical joint stops like human beings. The proposed motion planning method combines target dynamics together with port-controlled Hamiltonian (PCH) system theory resulting in an energy controller which not only takes the mechanical joint stops into account but also realizes torque compensation from a high-power actuator to a low-power actuator. Simulation and experimental results prove the proposed method can generate the golf swings with specified hitting speed and finish position for our specially designed robot.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • オプタコンの機械特性と人間の触覚特性との適合度に関する研究
    島田茂伸; 篠原正美; 安彦成泰; 下条誠
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, vol J91-D no.5,pp.1296-1304, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J91-D, 5, 1296-1304, May 2008, Peer-reviwed, 視覚障害者へ文字や図形情報を触覚によって伝達する機器にオプタコンーIIがある.これは圧電素子駆動による触知ピンアレーで構城される触覚提示部と,指先大のカメラを用いた撮像部からなる.触覚提示部はコンパクトな筐体に触知ピンが高密度に100本配置され,それぞれのピンを230Hzの高振動数で駆動できることから,触覚機序の解明を目的とした神経生理分野の実験機にも使用される.触覚機序を扱う分野では,触覚が生起する仕組みは皮膚の変形量であることが知られているが,指と接触下にある触知ピンの変位は未計測であり,挙動が明らかにされていない.したがって,触知ピンが皮膚へ与える変位は不明となり,基礎となる資料が不足している.そこで,本研究では指と接触下にある触知ピンをレーザ変位計によって計測を行い,触知ピンが指に与える変位を定量的に評価する.また,得られた資料と神経生理の知見であるヒトの振動検出しきい曲線との対比から,オプタコン-IIの情報伝達の仕組みを再考する.本研究の知見は神経生理学の分野で触覚提示装置として広く用いられているオプタコン-IIの機械的な基礎資料を与え,新たな触覚情報伝達装置設計の基盤となるものである.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • インタラクティブ型触覚グラフィックディスプレイのユーザインタフェース向上とその応用
    山本卓; 内田優典; 島田茂伸; 篠原正美; 下条誠; 清水豊
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 13, 1, 49-58, Apr. 2008, Peer-reviwed, An interactive tactile graphic display which acts by touch force has been developed as a trial. The trial model showed four usability problems through several usability experiments. Thus we re-designed three operation rules and developed a new image resampling algorithm to solve the problems. As the result, all problems shown in the previous system were solved. Furthermore a strategy of user interface design for interactive tactile graphic displays was shown through the development. In addition, an audio-tactile graphic system which can be used mainly to overcome tactile cognitive limitation was implemented as an application of the system.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The Denelopment of the plantar Pressure Sensor Shoes for Gait Analysis
    M. Hirasawa; H. Okada; M. Shimojo
    J. of Probotics and Mechatronics, 20, 3, 289-295, Apr. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Grasping force control of multi-fingered robot hand based on slip detection using tactile sensor
    Daisuke Gunji; Yoshitorno Mizoguchi; Seiichi Teshigawara; Aiguo Ming; Akio Namiki; Masatoshi Ishikawaand; Makoto Shimojo
    2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-9, IEEE, 2605-2610, 2008, Peer-reviwed, To achieve a human like grasping with a multi-fingered robot hand, the grasping force should be controlled without using information from the grasped object such as its weight and friction coefficient. In this study, we propose a method for detecting the slip of a grasped object using the force output of Center of Pressure (CoP) tactile sensors. CoP sensors can measure the center position of a distributed load and the total load applied on the surface of the sensor, within 1 ms. These sensors are arranged on the fingers of the robot hand, and their effectiveness as slip detecting sensors is confirmed in tests of slip detection during grasping. Finally, we propose a method for controlling grasping force to resist tangential force applied to the grasped object using a feedback control system with the CoP sensor force output.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Grasping Force Control of Multi-fingered Robot Hand based on Slip Detection Using Tactile Sensor
    Daisuke Gunji; Yoshitomo Mizoguchi; Seiichi Teshigawara; Aiguo Ming; Akio Namiki; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 858-863, 2008, Peer-reviwed, To achieve a human like grasping with a multi-fingered robot hand, the grasping force should be controlled without using information from the grasped object such as its weight and friction coefficient. In this study, we propose a method for detecting the slip of a grasped object using the force output of Center of Pressure (CoP) tactile sensors. CoP sensors can measure the center position of a distributed load and the total load applied on the surface of the sensor, within 1 ms. These sensors are arranged on the fingers of the robot hand, and their effectiveness as slip detecting sensors is confirmed in tests of slip detection during grasping. Finally, we propose a method for controlling grasping force to resist tangential force applied to the grasped object using a feedback control system with the CoP sensor force output.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Home Service by a Mobile Manipulator System - System Configuration and Basic Experiments
    Aiguo Ming; Zhaoxian Xie; Takuya Yoshida; Manabu Yamashiro; Chao Tang; Makoto Shimojo
    2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-4, IEEE, 464-469, 2008, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a mobile manipulator system as a versatile platform for home service. Two key technologies are addressed in the paper. One is the efficient and easy recognition of environment about geometrical, physical and additional information by a sensor fusion system consisting of RFID, stereo camera and laser range sensor. The other is such geometrical, physical and additional information-based manipulation including mobile manipulation for the heavy objects cannot be handled up by the mobile manipulator. The system configuration is described and basic experiments show its effectiveness.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Underwater Robot using Macro Fiber Composite
    Yoshinori Nagata; Seokyong Park; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2008 IEEE/ASME INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED INTELLIGENT MECHATRONICS, VOLS 1-3, IEEE, 955-960, 2008, Peer-reviwed, We developed several underwater robots by using Macro Fiber Composite(MFC), a new type of piezo-electric actuator with the merits of being soft and capable of large displacement, developed by NASA recently. MFC is made by processing PZT into a fiber-like state, hence yielding better flexibility, and structural actuation is possible by pasting it to thin structures since it is covered by polyimide film. Utilizing MFC's characteristics of being thin and flexible, meandering motion observed in underwater creatures such as fish is possible by generating progressive waves for propulsive force. Hence, a space-saving, effective mechanism capable of underwater movement can be achieved. Furthermore, in addition to forward locomotion, whirling motion and locomotion direction switching by using multiple MFCs actuators has been realized also.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • New Design for a Dynamic Tactile Graphic System for Blind Computer Users
    Shigenobu Shimada; Suguru Yamamoto; Yusuke Uchida; Masami Shinohara; Yutaka Shimizu; Makoto Shimojo
    2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 1415-+, 2008, Peer-reviwed, An interactive tactile graphic display which acts by touch force has been developed as a trial. The trial model showed four usability problems through several usability experiments. Thus we re-designed three operation rules and developed a new image resampling algorithm to solve the problems. As the result, all problems shown in the previous system were solved. Furthermore a strategy of user interface design for interactive tactile graphic displays was shown through the development. In addition, an audio-tactile graphic system which can be used mainly to overcome tactile cognitive limitation was implemented as an application of the system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Net-Structure Tactile Sensor Covering Freeform Surface with Reduced Wiring
    Makoto Shimojo; Takuma Araki; Masahiro Teranishi; Aigou Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 868-+, 2008, A tactile sensor is developed with the aim of covering a robot's entire structure, while reducing wiring requirement and ensuring high-speed response. There are only 4 signal wires from the sensor. The sensor response time is nearly constant (within 1ms) regardless of the number of detection elements, their placements or sensor areas. In this paper, the principles behind the operation of this sensor and the results of experiments using the sensor are described.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Study of High Speed and High Sensitivity Slip Sensor Characteristic of conductive material
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 864-+, 2008, Peer-reviwed, Slip detecting tactile sensors are essential to achieving a human-like gripping motion with a robot hand. Up until now, we have developed flexible, thin and lightweight center of pressure (CoP) sensor. The sensor, constructed of pressure conductive rubber sandwiched between two sheets of conductive film, is able to detect the center position of the load distribution and the total load. Recently, detection of initial slip has been shown to be possible. However the detection principles are unclear. Therefore, we carried out verification experiments of the slip detection properties of CoP sensor and the detection principle. In the results, we found a change in electrical conductivity produced with a shear deformation of the pressure conductive rubber. In this paper, we will discuss the slip detection properties of CoP sensor and detection principle. We will also apply these principle to describe the structure of high speed/high sensitivity slip sensor.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of High Speed and High Sensitivity Slip Sensor
    Seiichi Teshigawara; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    Last, 2008 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 47-52, 2008, Peer-reviwed, Slip detecting tactile sensors is essential to achieving a human-like gripping motion with a robot hand. Up until now, we have developed flexible, thin and lightweight center of pressure (CoP) sensor. The sensor, constructed of pressure conductive rubber sandwiched between two sheets of conductive film, is able to detect the center position of the load distribution and the total load. Recently, detection of initial slip has been shown to be possible. However the detection principles are unclear. Therefore, we carried out verification experiments of the slip detection properties of the CoP sensor and the detection principle. In the results, we found a change in electrical conductivity produced with a shear deformation of the pressure conductive rubber. In this paper, we will discuss the slip detection properties of the CoP sensor and detection principle.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Knotting Manipulation of a Flexible Rope by a Multifingered Hand System based on Skill Synthesis
    Yuji Yamakawa; Akio Namiki; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2008 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 2691-+, 2008, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we examine the relationship between a knotting process and the individual skills of which a robot hand is capable. To determine the necessary hand skills required for knotting, we first analyzed the knotting action performed by a human subject We identified loop production, rope permutation, and rope pulling skills. To take account of handling of the two ends of the rope, we added a rope moving skill. We determined the characteristics of these skills using an intersection-based description. The knotting process was examined based on the analysis of knots and the characteristics of the robot hand skills. Finally, we show experimental results of an overhand knot and a half hitch performed using a highspeed multifingered hand system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 等電位法に基づく分布型オーバサンプリングA-D変換を用いた触覚センサ
    岩下貴司; 下条誠; 石川正俊
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 C, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J90-C, 10, 683-692, Oct. 2007, Peer-reviwed, ロボットに代表される自動制御機器の安全性確保,あるいはコミュニケーションの手段として,触覚センサヘの要求が高まっている.しかし,これまでに開発された触覚センサは,設置面積・コスト・生産性などに欠点を抱えており,応用範囲が限られていた.この問題を克服するために,圧力分布の検出・A-D変換・信号処理・伝送などの機能を単一のLSIに集積する手法を提案する.本論文では,このようなシステムLSIの要である,圧力分布の検出とA-D変換を行う回路について述べる.集積回路化にあたり,既存の検出回路である等電位法を詳細に解析したところ,いくつかの問題点が明らかになった.これらの解決法として,等電位法とオーバサンプリングA-D変換の機能を融合した回路を提案した.これを実装したチップを用いて圧力分布の測定を行った結果,提案した回路が正常に動作することを確認した.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Motion generation for hyper dynamic manipulation
    C. Xu; A. Ming; T. Maruyama; M. Shimojo
    MECHATRONICS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 17, 8, 405-416, Oct. 2007, Peer-reviwed, Basic concept about how to realize hyper dynamic manipulation by a robot has been given by the authors in previous works. Based on the analysis results of human hyper dynamic manipulation, two key issues concerning the realization of hyper dynamic manipulation by an anthropomorphic mechanism, namely, utilization of dynamically coupled driving and structural joint stops, have been emphasized. Therefore, unlike that for conventional manipulators, our approach is to design and control a hyper dynamic manipulator based on the utilization of dynamically coupled driving and structural joint stops. Motion generation based on this approach is critical to the utilization of dynamically coupled driving and joint stops, and presents great difficulties. In this paper, a new method for motion generation is proposed, and its superior numerical stability achieved with high accuracy is shown by simulation results. Many meaningful and interesting results for the hyper dynamic manipulation for a two-joint manipulator are obtained in simulation. Moreover, the hyper dynamic manipulation is realized successfully by a prototype of a golf swing robot, designed based on the concept presented in this paper. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 触覚センサによる滑り検出に基づく多指ハンドの把持力制御
    郡司大輔; 荒木拓真; 並木明夫; 明愛国; 下条誠
    日本ロボット学会誌 Vol.25 No.6 pp.970-978 , 2007., The Robotics Society of Japan, 25, 6, 970-978, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed, To achieve a human like grasping by the multi-fingered robot hand, grasping force should be controlled without information of the grasping object such as the weight and the friction coefficient. In this study, we propose a method for detecting the slip of grasping object by force output of the Center of Pressure (CoP) tactile sensor. CoP sensor can measure center position of distributed load and total load which is applied on the surface of the sensor within 1 [ms] . This sensor is arranged on finger of the robot hand, and the effectiveness as slip detecting sensor is confirmed by experiment of slip detection on grasping. Finally, we propose a method for controlling grasping force resist the tangential force added to the grasping object by feedback control system of the CoP sensor force output.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Navigation system for mobile robot based on simultaneous-firing sonar ring
    Xie Zhao-xian; Huang Da-gui; Ming Ai-guo; Li Zhi-jun; Shimojo, M
    Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China vol.36 Issue: 2 Pages: 309-11, 321 Published: April 2007, 36, 2, 309-311, Apr. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Motion control of a manipulator with mechanical joint stops
    Yuichi Kamata; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS, VOLS 1-5, IEEE, 1451-1456, 2007, Peer-reviwed, A new golf swing robot to simulate human's motion has been developed by !authors. As a characteristic of the robot, joint stops limiting range of!movement at wrist joint give strong force of constraint and contribute largely to the acceleration of a golf club. However, how to control a manipulator with joint stops for high speed motions is a problem to be solved. In this paper, a new model of joint stop with considering visco-elastic characteristics and contact force is established and the model is used for motion control. And as a method for contact control of joint stop, reflex control is introduce and applied to the process of following swing process. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A net-structure tactile sensor covering free-form surface and ensuring high-speed response
    Makoto Shimojo; Takuma Araki; Seiichi Teshigawara; Aigou Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    2007 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-9, IEEE, 676-+, 2007, Peer-reviwed, A tactile sensor is developed with the aim of covering a robot's entire structure, while reducing wiring requirement and ensuring high-speed response. The sensor detects the center point of load distribution on 2-dimensional surfaces as well as the overall load. There are only 4 signal wires from the sensor. The sensor response time is nearly constant (within 1ms) regardless of the number of detection elements, their placements or sensor areas. In this paper, the principles behind the operation of this sensor and the results of experiments using the sensor are described. Further, a developed tactile element composed of pressure-sensitive materials and chip-resistors is described.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • One-handed knotting of a flexible rope with a high-speed multifingered hand having tactile sensors
    Yuji Yamakawa; Akio Namiki; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2007 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-9, IEEE, 709-+, 2007, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a new strategy for making knots with a high-speed multifingered robot hand having tactile sensors. The strategy is divided into three skills: loop production, rope permutation, and rope pulling. Through these three skills, a knot can be made with a single multifingered robot hand. The dynamics of the rope permutation are analyzed in order to improve the success rate, and an effective tactile feedback control method is proposed based on the analysis. Finally, experimental results are shown.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Design for high dynamic performance robot based on dynamically coupled driving and joint stops
    C. Xu; A. Ming; K. Mak; M. Shimojo
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION, ACTA PRESS, 22, 4, 281-293, 2007, Peer-reviwed, A new design approach is proposed for high dynamic performance robots, such as robots performing high-speed dynamic motions. This method is based on the utilization of dynamically coupled driving and joint stops. In the method, the dynamic performance index (DPI) formulated by the desired maximum motion specifications and the boundary conditions on initial/final configurations are combined to form a design index (DI) first. Then a dexterous mechanism consisting of very light actuators and links is initially designed under an assumption of utilizing dynamically coupled driving and joint stops. By increasing the load capabilities of the actuators step by step, an iterative process of searching for the solution of DI=0 with minimal torque needs is implemented to validate and improve the initial design. This process yields a robot that is lighter than conventional robots and capable of performing dynamic motions more efficiently by utilizing dynamically coupled driving and joint stops. Based on the method, a two-link golf swing robot performing high-speed swings is designed. Simulation results indicate the method can reduce the needs for the torque and power as compared with conventional design methods. The experiment clearly illustrates the merits of the method.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of a Xero Moment Point Sensor for a Walking Robot
    Makoto Shimojo; Takuma Araki; Takaaki Nishino; Aigou Ming; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    Proceedings of Asia International Symposium on Mechatrnoics (AISM2006), A1-06, Dec. 2006
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The development of a violin musician robot
    H. Kuwabara; H. Seki; Y. Sasada; M. Aiguo; M. Shimojo
    IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robos and systems, 2006., CD-ROM, Oct. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A new golf swing robot to simulate human skill - Learning control based on direct dynamics model using recurrent ANN
    Aiguo Ming; Shinya Furukawa; Teppei Teshima; Makoto Shimojo; Makoto Kajitani
    MECHATRONICS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 16, 7, 443-449, Sep. 2006, Peer-reviwed, The motion control skill in human hyper dynamic motions, especially in ultra high speed motions, is being investigated by the authors toward a realization of hyper dynamic manipulation by robots. As a case study, a new golf swing robot, consisting of an actuated joint and a passive joint with a mechanical stopper, has been developed by us. To improve the accuracy of the motion, learning control using ANN is introduced to shadow swing motion and the swing motion of hitting a ball, and its effectiveness has been shown by experiments. Since the model used in the method depends on the swing conditions, it is difficult to adapt the same model to all conditions. To improve the versatility of the learning control method, a recurrent ANN as a model with versatility is adopted to derive the model of direct dynamics of such strongly coupled, non-linear, non-holonomic and hybrid system. And a control method based on learning and motion generation by using the model is proposed and implemented to the golf swing robot prototype. In this paper, the method for adopting the recurrent ANN and implementing the learning control is described, and experimental results are shown. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • A new golf swing robot to simulate human skill-Learning control based on direct dynamics model using recurrent ANN
    Aiguo Ming; Shinya Furukawa; Teppei Teshima; Makoto Shimojo; Makoto Kajitani
    Mechatronics, 16, 7, 443-449, Sep. 2006, Peer-reviwed, The motion control skill in human hyper dynamic motions, especially in ultra high speed motions, is being investigated by the authors toward a realization of hyper dynamic manipulation by robots. As a case study, a new golf swing robot, consisting of an actuated joint and a passive joint with a mechanical stopper, has been developed by us. To improve the accuracy of the motion, learning control using ANN is introduced to shadow swing motion and the swing motion of hitting a ball, and its effectiveness has been shown by experiments. Since the model used in the method depends on the swing conditions, it is difficult to adapt the same model to all conditions. To improve the versatility of the learning control method, a recurrent ANN as a model with versatility is adopted to derive the model of direct dynamics of such strongly coupled, non-linear, non-holonomic and hybrid system. And a control method based on learning and motion generation by using the model is proposed and implemented to the golf swing robot prototype. In this paper, the method for adopting the recurrent ANN and implementing the learning control is described, and experimental results are shown. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of a Nonholonomic Mobile Manipulator with Hybrid Joints
    Aiguo Ming; Zhaoxian Xie; Sheng Miao; Zhijun Li; Makoto Shimojo
    Proceedings of The 2006 International Symposium on Advanced ICT (AICT2006), 353-362, Aug. 2006
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of 2-DOF hptics device drivendirectly by shaft motor
    Hironori Ogawa; Makoto Shimojo
    J.of Robotics and Mechatronics, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18, 4, 392-400, Aug. 2006, Peer-reviwed, Human beings acquire such object information as surface conditions, hardness, temperature, and smoothness by cutaneous sense to enable skillful operation. Material texture and other tactile sensations greatly affect our tactile erceptions, such as the feeling of use and comfort or discomfort. In this study, we developed a new haptic device having a structure involving direct drive by shaft motors and capable of horizontal and vertical direct drive at a time. This device will enable the presentation of texture with higher reality. This paper introduces the basic structure and features of the haptic device. And elemental presentation experiments were described.
    Scientific journal, English
  • A ZMP sensor for a biped robot
    M. Shimojo; T. Araki; Aigou Ming; M. Ishikawa
    Last, Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006. ICRA 2006., IEEE, 1200-1205, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Intelligent compliant force/motion control of nonholonomic mobile manipulator working on the nonrigid surface
    Zhijun Li; Jiangong Gu; Aiguo Ming; Chunquan Xu; Makoto Shimojo
    NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS, SPRINGER, 15, 3-4, 204-216, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed, The task under consideration is to control a mobile manipulator for the class of nonrigid constrained motion. The working surface is deformable. The geometric and physical model of the surface is unknown and all contact force is nonlinear and difficult to model. To accomplish a task of this kind, we propose a force/motion fuzzy controller based on the philosophy of the parallel approach in two decoupled subspaces. In one subspace, we control the constant contact force normal to the surface and estimate the end-effector tool's deformable depth of the surface; in the other, we keep the end-effector's constant velocity parallel to the tangential plane of the surface and suppress the tangential force of the surface deformation. The nonholonomic mobile base is utilized to avoid the singularity. Stability is established and conditions for the control parameters are derived. Performance of the proposed controller is verified through computer simulations compared with the model-based control.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 材質感呈示システムに関する研究 -触覚による布地材質感の呈示-
    小川博教; 下条誠
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol., No.2, pp.353-361, 2006., J89-D, 2, 353-361, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Motion control of ultra high-speed manipulator with flexible link based on dynamically coupled driving
    Tomoari Maruyama; Chunquan Xu; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    J. Robotics and Mechatronics, 18, 5, 598-607, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Study on Smart Hyper-Dynamic Manipulation
    Aiguo Ming; Chunquan Xu; Makoto Shimojo
    Proceedings of The International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology, 244-249, May 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 点字触読時の接触力測定方法の確立とその応用 -接触力と点字触読速度の関係-
    渡辺哲也; 大内進; 金子健; 山口俊光; 島田茂伸; 下条誠
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, J90-D, 3, 693-705, Mar. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Development of a compact and fast-response haptics display system
    Makoto Shimojo; Toni Niki
    Systems and Computers in Japan, 37, 2, 46-55, Feb. 2006, Peer-reviwed, The importance of tactile/force presentation schemes as part of human-computer interfacing has been extensively discussed in recent years. In these schemes it is important that the presentation of force be smooth, which requires that the tactile/force presentation have good high-frequency response. To address this need, in this research we took special care to ensure that our presentation equipment could respond rapidly at frequencies up to 1 kHz, with backdrivability of the force from the effector to the actuator stage. We first constructed a simple realization of our haptic display, and then converted it to a smaller-scale and lighter-weight version. The basis of the display presentation was tactile sensitivity in response to finger movements. To achieve this, our apparatus uses magnetic position sensors and angle sensors to detect the finger movements. Based on these finger movements, the apparatus makes changes in the tactile presentation information that correspond to the contact. In a typical presentation experiment for which a fast response was especially necessary, we studied the possibility of using the sensation of vibrations generated by contact to present the feel of various kinds of wood. In addition, we performed a surface roughness presentation experiment in which display operators traced a virtual wall and were made to distinguish five kinds of surface roughness. In this paper, we summarize our assessment of the characteristics and functioning of our apparatus. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
    Scientific journal, English
  • ゴルフスイングロボットの実打運動制御
    逸見昌伸; MING Aiguo; U Chunquan; 下条誠
    日本機械学会論文集 C, 72, 714, 553-560, Feb. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A gait support system for human locomotion without restriction of the lower extremities: Preliminary mechanism and control design
    Takayuki Hoshino; Masanori Tomono; Takafumi Suzuki; Shimojo Makoto; Kunihiko Mabuchi
    2006 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-15, IEEE, 4568-4571, 2006, Peer-reviwed, A motion support system is important for improving the quality of life for people with inadequate muscle power for walking or standing. Such a system must maintain coordination between the movement of the living body and that of the motion support system with respect to timing and power. We have developed a preliminary assistance device for human locomotion that does not restrict movement of the user's lower extremities. To determine the appropriate timing and applied force for this assistance device, we have use two types control mode; (1) surface EMG signals from the lower limb in preliminary controller. Each assistance leg has a three-axis magnetic sensor near lower end which tracks a magnet attached to each ankle of the user's legs. This sensor attracted to a magnet attached to the human ankle in the leg swing phase. The mechanical leg supports the user's weight when the leg is in the standing phase.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Motion control of golf swing robot based on dynamically-coupled driving
    Tomoari Maruyama; Chunquan Xu; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2005 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS, IEEE, 77-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, A new golf swing robot to simulate human's motion has been developed by authors. The basic design concept of the robot is to realize high speed swing motion while by a smart structure, just like human. By the concept, the robot consists of a shoulder joint with powerful direct-drive motor and a wrist joint with small direct-drive motor. And for the reason, swing motion at high speed should be realized by a skill of motion control, so called dynamically-coupled driving, to compensate the lack of driving capability in the wrist joint. This paper deals with the motion control of the robot. First, a new model of golf swing robot with considering the flexibility of golf club is established and all parameters are identified by experiments. According to the new model, trajectories for different criteria are generated and implemented to the robot. Experimental results show high accuracy of the motion control.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Motion control of nonholonomic mobile underactuated manipulator
    Zhijun Li; Aiguo Ming; Ning Xi; Makoto Shimojo
    2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), VOLS 1-10, IEEE, 3512-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, Motion control is investigated for a nonholonomic mobile manipulator using hybrid joints, which could be switched to either active (actuated) or passive (underactuated) mode. The mobile platform is driven with two independent wheels and the arm has hybrid joints in the horizontal plane. The dynamic constraints are shown to be a first-order nonholonomic for the mobile base and a second-order nonholonomic for the link when one of hybrid joints is underactuated. Two Different motion control methods for mobile underactuated manipulator with one passive joint are proposed. Simulation and experimental studies show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dynamic performance enhancement design of robot based on dynamically-coupled driving and joint stop
    Chunquan Xu; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2006 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS, AUTOMATION AND MECHATRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, 659-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, A new design method based on the utilization of dynamically-coupled driving and joint stops is proposed for high dynamic performance robots, such as the robot performing highspeed dynamic motions. In the method, the desired dynamic performance and the boundary conditions of the dynamic motion are combined to be a design index (DI) first. Then the robot is initially designed by selecting light actuators and links under an assumption of utilizing dynamically-coupled driving and joint stops. By increasing the actuator capabilities step by step, an iterative process of minimizing DI is implemented to yield a robot that is lighter than conventional robots and capable of performing dynamic motions more efficiently by utilizing dynamically-coupled driving and joint stops. Based on the method, a two-link golf swing robot performing high-speed swings is designed. Simulation results indicate the method can reduce the needs for the torque and power as compared with conventional design methods. The experiment illustrates the dynamically-coupled driving and the joint stops can be used.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An approach for direct manipulation by tactile modality for blind computer users: Development of the second trial production
    Shigenobu Shimada; Masami Shinohara; Yutaka Shimizu; Makoto Shimojo
    COMPUTERS HELPING PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 4061, 1039-1046, 2006, Peer-reviwed, A basic device combining a tactile display function and a touch position sensing function is proposed. The trial device consists of two major components, a tactile graphic display and a six-axis force/torque sensor. The force sensor measures six dynamic values generated by touch action on the display surface and a PC estimates the touch position based on the data. Since the defects of the first trial production are the weakness of the touch surface, an assembly error, and the measurement error of six-axis force/torque sensor, they are solved in the second trial production. The effect of a contact force on the estimated position are examined respectively by a vertical component and a horizontal component. It is shown from the above experimental results that the second trial production is practically sufficient estimated position accuracy.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of a measuring system of contact force during Braille reading using an optical 6-axis force sensor
    T. Watanabe; S. Oouchi; T. Yamaguchi; M. Shimojo; S. Shimada
    2006 28TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOLS 1-15, IEEE, CD-ROM,, 3455-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, A system with an optical 6-axis force sensor was developed to measure contact force during braille reading. In using this system, we encountered two problems. One is a variability of output values depending on the contact point This was solved by using two transformation techniques. The other is that subjects read braille in a different manner from the usual. We compared two manners of braille reading, one-handed vs two-handed, and found a small reduction in reading speed. Using this system, we collected data from four braille readers and quantitatively showed more minute contact force trajectories than those in earlier studies.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Motion control of golf swing robot based on target dynamics
    Chunquan Xu; Takeharu Nagaoka; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    2006 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-12, IEEE, 2545-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, A new golf swing robot performing high-speed golf swings has been developed by the authors. This paper deals with the motion planning problem of the golf swing. A target dynamics based control scheme is proposed. This control scheme maps the robot to a harmonic oscillator (target dynamical system). Based on the target system, energy control is adopted to realize a specified hitting speed at a specified impact position in the swing. After the swing passed through the impact position, PD control and PD plus gravity, joint torque and coupling torque compensation control are adopted to smoothly slow down and stop the swing at a specified finish position. Simulation and experimental results show the effect of the proposed method.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dynamic pen spinning using a high-speed multifingered hand with high-speed tactile sensor
    Tatsuya Ishihara; Akio Namiki; Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    2006 6TH IEEE-RAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMANOID ROBOTS, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, CD-ROM, 258-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We propose a tactile feedback system in real time using a high-speed multifingered robot hand and high-speed tactile sensor. The system is respectively capable of high-speed finger motion up to 180 deg per 0.1 s and high-speed tactile feedback with a sampling rate higher than 1 kHz. In this paper, we describe dynamic pen spinning as an example of a skillful manipulation task using a high-speed multifingered hand equipped with tactile sensors. The paper describes the tactile feedback control strategies and experimental results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Regarding the Accuracy in Horizontal Force Component of Tactile GUI Devic
    Shigenobu Shimada; Masami Shinohara; Yutaka Shimizu; Makoto Shimojo
    Proce. of the First International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST2005), 437-441, Nov. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A rotary encoder based on magneto-optical storage
    K Tobita; T Ohira; M Kajitani; C Kanamori; M Shimojo; A Ming
    IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 10, 1, 87-97, Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed, A new kind of the rotary encoder based on the magneto-optical (MO) storage is proposed. Using the MO methods, a small high-precision high-response rotary encoder can be realized. High precision is achieved by a two-stage process in which the code disk is firstly written using the direct transfer recording, and then rewritten using the corrections based on the measured errors. The systems for writing to, reading from, and evaluating the MO encoder are developed, with the optimal MO encoder reading and writing parameters determined experimentally. A trial MO encoder with a resolution of 9000 pulses/revolutions is created directly from a reference encoder, delivering an accuracy of approximately 2.8 in. The maximum resolution and response frequencies achieved are 18000 p/r and 400 kHz. After the corrected transfer recording, accuracies of 1.3 in at a resolution of 2250 p/r and 1.7 in at 9000 p/r are achieved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Evaluating the uncertainty of geometrical measurement of helical gears with a gear measuring machine with the Monte Carlo method
    Hideyuki Tanaka; Makoto Shimojo; Takashi Sato
    Proceedings of the 20th Annual ASPE Meeting, ASPE 2005, 2005
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Collision-tolerant control for hybrid joint based arm of nonholonomic mobile manipulator in human-robot symbiotic environments
    ZJ Li; AG Ming; N Xi; ZX Xie; JG Gu; M. Shimojo
    2005 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), VOLS 1-4, IEEE, 4037-4043, 2005, Peer-reviwed, a human-symbiotic safe mobile manipulator with nonholonomic constraint is described to realize human safety, impact force absorbing and task fulfillment. The robot consists of an arm covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or expected collision with human, the arising impulse force is attenuated effectively by the physical model formed with the hybrid joint and the soft material. Owing to the displacement movement of the link when the joint is passive, a recovery control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to maintain its desired task position after the collision. Simulation and experiment results confirm that the proposed physical model is suitable for robot working in the human-robot symbiotic environment and the control method are useful for robot's task fulfillment.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A new motion control method for golf swing robot hitting a ball
    A Ming; M Henmi; C Xu; M Shimojo
    2005 IEEE/ASME INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED INTELLIGENT MECHATRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, 1517-1522, 2005, Peer-reviwed, A new golf swing robot to simulate human motion has been developed. This paper deals with motion control of the robot for hitting a ball. For the case, it becomes important to control the motion of the robot after the impact, to avoid breaking a club. In this paper, a method for controlling the robot adaptable to various impact conditions is proposed. The motion state of the robot is estimated first by an extended Kalman filter, and a new reference trajectory is generated on-line according to the estimated state. The method has been implemented to the robot successfully.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of hybrid joints for the compliant arm of human-symbiotic mobile manipulator
    Z Li; A Ming; N Xi; J Gu; M Shimojo
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION, ACTA PRESS, 20, 4, 260-270, 2005, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs impact force, and provides task fulfillment. The robot is composed of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force attenuation property has been verified through collision experiments in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated. Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is useful for robot's task fulfillment.
    Scientific journal, English
  • A tactile sensor sheet using pressure conductive rubber with electrical-wires stitched method
    M Shimojo; A Namiki; M Ishikawa; R Makino; K Mabuchi
    Corresponding, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 4, 5, 589-596, Oct. 2004, Peer-reviwed, A new type of tactile sensor using pressure-conductive rubber with stitched electrical wires is presented. The sensor is thin and flexible and can cover three-dimensional objects. Since the sensor adopts a single-layer composite structure, the sensor is durable with respect to external force. In order to verify the effectiveness of this tactile sensor, we performed an experiment in which a four-fingered robot hand equipped with tactile sensors grasped sphere and column. The sensor structure, electrical circuit, and characteristics are described. The sensor control system and experimental results are also described.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of 3-D Coordinate Measuring System Using Laser Plane Scanners
    Chisato Kanamori; Makoto Kajitani; Aiguo Ming; Makoto Shimojo
    Proceedings of First Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics(AISM2004), 553-558, Sep. 2004
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Learning Control of a Golf Swing Robot Based on Direct Dynamics Model Using Recurrent ANN
    Aiguo Ming; Shinya Furukawa; Teppei Teshima; Makoto Shimojo; Makoto Kajitani
    Proc. of the First Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics(AISM 2004), CD-ROM, Sep. 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Acquisition of reaction force distributions for a walking humanoid robot
    Kinoshita G; Oota C; Osumi H; Shimojo, M
    2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 4, 3859-3864, Sep. 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Mobile manipulator collision control with hybrid joints in human-robot symbiotic environments
    Zhijun Li; Aiguo Ming; Ning Xi; Shimojo, M; Kajitani, M
    2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS, 1, 154-161, Sep. 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 高速応答が可能な可搬型ハプティクスディスプレイの開発
    下条誠; 仁木亨
    電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J87-D-II, 5, 1133-1141, May 2004, Peer-reviwed, 触力覚提示方式の重要性は,ヒューマンインタフェース技術との関連において近年広く認識されるようになってきた.触力覚提示では,高周波数帯域までの応答性と,かつ滑らかな力提示が重要となる.このため,本提示装置では1kHz程度の周波数域までの応答性と,効果器側からアクチュエータヘの力のバックドライバビリティを重視し,シンプルな構造によりその実現を図り,かつ小型・軽量化を行った.また提示は手指の触運動に応じて触感覚を提示する.このため,磁気位置センサと角度センサにより手指動作を計測し,手指動作による接触状態に応じた触覚提示情報の更新を行った.提示実験として,高速応答が特に必要とされる,接触時振動感覚を例に取り,接触対象物の材質感の提示可能性を検討した.また,表面状態提示として凹凸情報を貼り付けた仮想壁を操作者がなぞり,5種類の表面状態を判別させる実験を行った.本論文では,開発した装置の特性と機能を検証した結果について報告する.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A research for advanced Magnet-optical encorder (3rd report)-Upgrade of MO encorder with Multi-Track Pickup-
    Konishi Tetsuya; Kajitani Makoto; Shimojo Makoto; Kanamori Chisato; Tobita Kazuteru; Ikeda Shunichi
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2004A, 583-583, 2004, 本研究では,光磁気記録方式を用いたロータリエンコーダ(MOエンコーダ)の高分解能化とアブソリュート化を目的として,複数の目盛記録トラックを同時に再生することが可能となるマルチトラックピックアップMOエンコーダ(MTP)の開発を行ってきた.本報では,基礎実験と光学系シミュレーションの結果に基づくMTPの設計と試作,MTPの性能を確認するために行った実験の結果について報告する.
  • An approach for direct manipulation by tactile modality for blind computer users: Principle and practice of detecting information generated by touch action
    M. Shimojo; M Shinohara; M Tanii; Y Shimizu
    COMPUTERS HELPING PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 3118, 753-760, 2004, Peer-reviwed, A basic device combining a tactile display function and a touch position/force direction sensing function is proposed. The trial device consists of two major components, a tactile graphic display and a 6-axis force/torque sensor. The force sensor measures six dynamic values generated by touch action on the display surface and a PC estimates the point based on the data and a simple dynamic principle. Preliminary investigation indicated the validity of this device and its promising capability for HC using tactile modality.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optimal trajectory generation for manipulator with strong nonlinear constraints and multiple boundary conditions
    CQ Xu; AG Ming; M Shimojo
    IEEE ROBIO 2004: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, IEEE, 192-197, 2004, Peer-reviwed, Up to now, the research work about optimal trajectory generation mainly focuses on such motion planning with boundary conditions of specified initial and final configurations. Multiple boundary conditions are seldom taken into account. This paper explores the motion planning method for hyper dynamic manipulation with multiple boundary conditions of initial, final and middle configurations and strong nonlinear constraints derived from active torque limitation and joint stop, and B-spline based optimal torque trajectory generation method is proposed by authors. By transforming the torque limitation constraints into a series of linear limitations for the coefficients of B-spline, and by using SQP optimization algorithm, optimal solutions are obtained with high convergence. Numerical experiments show the proposed method has superior numerical stability and high optimization accuracy in dealing with the optimal motion planning problem with strong nonlinear constraints and multiple boundary conditions.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Simultaneously-firing sonar ring based high-speed navigation for nonholonomic mobile robots in unstructured environments
    ZX Xie; ZJ Li; Y Sugiura; AG Ming; M Shimojo
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2004 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION, IEEE, 650-655, 2004, Peer-reviwed, A sensing system using sonar ring for mobile robot capable of rapid detection and avoidance of obstacles has been developed and a prototype of the sensing system with 24 sonar sensors is fabricated. A composite method of firing all ultrasonic sensors simultaneously with the scanning rate up to 66Hz of panoramic detection and Dynamic Window Approach (DWA) is utilized to achieve high-speed-navigation in the narrower, cluttered, dynamic, unstructured environments. The experimental results show that a rapid navigation of mobile robot in the unstructured environment becomes possible.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a mixed signal LSI for tactile data processing
    A Iwashita; M. Shimojo
    2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN & CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 5, 4408-4413, 2004, Peer-reviwed, A tactile sensor which can cover the entire body of a robot is needed to construct a robot that coexists with humans. In this study, Pressure Conductive Rubber and a matrix of electrodes are used to build a two-dimensional force sensor array. The large amount of wiring causes problems in these sensor arrays. We are trying to develop at? LSI which can detect the force distribution on the sensor and compress it to reduce the number of wires. The goal of this study is to detect signals from a 64 x 64 sensor array and convert it into an 8-bit digital signal at 1-ms intervals. In this paper, the detection circuit in particular is discussed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a motion support system by using an electromyogram - Signal processing of an electromyogram to estimate the biomechanical characteristics of joints
    T Hoshino; M Tomono; R Furusawa; T Suzuki; M. Shimojo; K Mabuchi
    2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN & CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, 5, 4432-4437, 2004, Peer-reviwed, A motion support system is very important for improving the quality of life for the people who have inadequate muscle power for walking or standing. One of the most important aspects of the development of such systems is how to keep coordination between the movement of the living body and that of the motion support system with respect to timing and power. In this study, we tried to develop an algorithm that would be capable of solving this problem by measuring the torque and the viscosity of the movements of the living body from a surface electromyogram (EMG), and varying the torque and viscosity of the support system in proportion to those of the living body. The results demonstrated that the torque of the joint of the living boas, coincided very well with the estimated value calculated from integrated surface EMG and it was possible to support the subject's motion such that he could perform smooth motions while exerting with a small amount of power.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of tactile sensors using liquid type pressure sensitive material
    Makoto SHIMOJO
    1st IEEE Technical Exhibition Based Conference on Robotics and Automation, CD-ROM, 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of the geometrical uncertainty of helix deviation measurements using the Monte Carlo simulation
    Hideyuki Tanaka; Makoto Shimojo; Shimojo; Takashi Sato
    Proceedings of the First Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics(AISM 2004), CD-ROM, 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Trajectory Planning and Control of a Mobile Manipulator with Active/Passive Switching Joints for Partial Constrained Tasks
    Aiguo Ming; Tetsuo Jinnai; Zhijun Li; Ting Zou; Makoto Shimojo; Makoto Kajitani
    Proceedings of 2nd Japan-China Workshop on Multidisciplinary Researches in Engineering, 76-81, Nov. 2003
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Magneto-optical rotary encoder with a multiple reading pickup,FM1-1
    Kazuteru TOBITA; Satoki KAWAMOTO; Makoto KAJITANI; Chisato KANAMORI Aiguo MING; Makoto SHIMOJO
    2nd Japan-China Workshop on Multidisciplinary Research in Engineering, CD-ROM, Nov. 2003, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a High Precision Mounting Robotic System -Positioning experiments by Optical Fiber Sensor
    Kazuteru Tobita; Satoki Kawamoto; Kajitani; Makoto; Chisato Kanamori; Makoto Shimojo; Aiguo Ming
    Proceedings of 6th Japan-France Congress on Mechatronics & 4th Asia-Europe Congress on Mechatronics, 157-162, Sep. 2003
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A research for advanced Magnet-optical encorder (1st report) -Upgrade of MO encorder with multi spot pickup-
    Konishi Tetsuya; Tobita Kazuteru; Ikeda Shunichi; Kajitani Makoto; Kanamori Chisato; Shimojo Makoto; Kawamoto Satoki
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2003A, 535-535, 2003, 本研究では,光磁気記録方式を用いた高精度なロータリエンコーダ(MOエンコーダ)の開発を目的として,複数の目盛の再生信号を加算平均化し,誤差のランダム成分を軽減するマルチスポットピックアップMOエンコーダ(MSP)を試作してきた.
  • A research for advanced Magnet-optical encorder (2nd report)-An investigation of Multi-Track Playback method-
    Ikeda Shunichi; Tobita Kazuteru; Konishi Tetsuya; Kajitani Makoto; Kanamori Chisato; Shimojo Makoto; Kawamoto Satoki
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2003A, 536-536, 2003, 各種メカトロニクス機器の回転制御に広く用いられているロータリエンコーダには,高精度かつ低コスト,高分解能,高速応答,そして小型化が望まれている.本研究ではこれらの要求を満たす新しいエンコーダとして光磁気記録技術を応用したロータリエンコーダを開発している.本報では,複数トラックの同時再生に関する基礎的な実験を行い,その結果から得られた高分解能化やアブソリュート化のための指針を報告する.
  • Development of a system for experiencing tactile sensation from a robot hand by electrically stimulating sensory nerve fiber
    M Shimojo; T Suzuki; A Namiki; T Saito; M Kunimoto; R Makino; H Ogawa; M Ishikawa; K Mabuchi
    2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, CD-ROM, 1264-1270, 2003, Research attempting to merge human and mechanical systems through a nervous system is one of the most dynamic fields in interface technology. Recently, artificial cochlear and retinal nerves were connected via a nervous system. However, there has been no report concerning the replacement of human tactile sensation by artificial sensors connected to the tactile sensory nerve system. The present study reports the development of a system which enables the touch strength applied to a robot hand to be sensed and applied to the hand of a human operator via the microstimulation method. The operator controls the grasping action of a robot hand equipped with tactile sensors at a remote location via a network. The contact information between an object and the robot hand is transmitted via the network, and the tactile sensory nerve of the operator is stimulated by a microelectrode. The force applied to the robot hand can be sensed as a applied force to the hand of the human operator. Applications of the proposed system include the presentation of tactile perception in remote manipulation. In addition, the proposed system is an effective method for transmitting sensation from artificial limbs. The present paper describes the experimental system and results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a system for experiencing tactile sensation from a robot hand by electrically stimulating sensory nerve fiber
    M. Shimojo; T Suzuki; A Namiki; T Saito; M Kunimoto; R Makino; H Ogawa; M Ishikawa; K Mabuchi
    2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, CD-ROM, 1264-1270, 2003, Peer-reviwed, Research attempting to merge human and mechanical systems through a nervous system is one of the most dynamic fields in interface technology. Recently, artificial cochlear and retinal nerves were connected via a nervous system. However, there has been no report concerning the replacement of human tactile sensation by artificial sensors connected to the tactile sensory nerve system. The present study reports the development of a system which enables the touch strength applied to a robot hand to be sensed and applied to the hand of a human operator via the microstimulation method. The operator controls the grasping action of a robot hand equipped with tactile sensors at a remote location via a network. The contact information between an object and the robot hand is transmitted via the network, and the tactile sensory nerve of the operator is stimulated by a microelectrode. The force applied to the robot hand can be sensed as a applied force to the hand of the human operator. Applications of the proposed system include the presentation of tactile perception in remote manipulation. In addition, the proposed system is an effective method for transmitting sensation from artificial limbs. The present paper describes the experimental system and results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a hyper dynamic manipulator utilizing joint stops
    A Ming; N Harada; M Shimojo; M Kajitani
    IROS 2003: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2003 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-4, IEEE, 3, 2084-2089, 2003, Peer-reviwed, Usually there exist joint stops in a manipulator due to the mechanical structure of joints. In conventional manipulators, a collision between an arm and the strutural joint stop is avoided by barriers from both software and electronic hardware. Comparing to these conventional manipulators, human utilizes structural joint stops usefully in many manipulations, especially in hyper dynamic manipulations such as golf swing. A basic concept and general method to utilize the structural joint stop in a manipulator, aiming at improving the dynamic capability of the manipulator in a large extent by simple and smart structure have been given in our previous work. To show the feasibility of the proposal, a hyper dynamic manipulator utilizing joint stops has been fabricated and fundamental experiments(see video) have been carried out. Experimental results have shown the important role of the joint stop, to realize an efficient hyper dyamnic manipulation while in a smart structure. This paper describes the developed prototype and experimental results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dynamic sensing experiments of reaction force distributions on the sole of a walking humanoid robot
    G Kinoshita; T Kimura; M Shimojo
    IROS 2003: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2003 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-4, IEEE, 2, 1413-1418, 2003, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes methods for sensing the reaction forces acting on the foot and on the sole of a humanoid robot during walking.
    A force sensor is described, which utilizes sensors at each of four corners of the foot to measure the center of pressure during walking.
    A tactile sensor was also constructed from pressure conductive rubber sandwiched between upper and lower electrode arrays positioned at right angles to each other. This sensor provides information about the force distributions acting on the sole of the foot.
    Results are presented of measurements of the force distributions acting on the sole of the foot during walking of a humanoid robot on a flat surface and over thin objects on the floor.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Mechanism design and control of dynamically-coupled driving based manipulator
    AG Ming; CQ Xu; T Maruyama; M Shimojo; M Kajitani
    2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS, INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 1, 1-6, 2003, Peer-reviwed, Usually the dynamic capability of conventional manipulators is limited by heavy structure. Different from those manipulators, human can do many hyper dynamic manipulations while in a smart structure by utilizing dynamically-coupled driving between body and arms. Aiming at improving the dynamic capability of a manipulator in a large extent, a basic concept and general method on the mechanism design and control of the manipulator is proposed, just to simulate the action of human utilizing the dynamically-coupled driving. Furthermore, using joint stop in a manipulator will enhance the effect of dynamically-coupled driving. To show the feasibility of the proposal, a hyper dynamic manipulator has been fabricated and fundamental experiments have been carried out. Experimental results have shown the important role of the dynamically-coupled driving to realize an efficient hyper dynamic manipulation while in a smart structure. This paper describes the developed prototype and experimental results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Sheet-Type Sensor Using Pressure-Conductive Rubber with Electrical-Wire Stitches Method
    M. Shimojo; R. Makino; A. Namiki; M. Ishikawa; T. Suzuki; K. Mabuchi
    The first IEEE international conference on sensors, CD-ROM, Oct. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 触覚のセンシングとディスプレイ
    電気学会論文誌 E, 電気学会, 122, 10, 465-468, Oct. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Development of a system for experiencing tactile sensation from a robot hand by electrical stimulating sensory nerve fiber
    SHIMOJO Makoto; OGAWA Hironori; MAKINO Ryota; SUZUKI Takafumi; NAMIKI Akio; SAITO Kei; KUNIMOTO Masaya; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; MABUCHI Kunihiko
    Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,annual conference, 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会, 7, 141-144, 18 Sep. 2002
  • Motion Control of a New Golf Swing Robot for Hitting a Ball
    A. Ming; T. Teshima; T. Takayama; M. Kajitani; M. Shimojo
    Proceedings of 4th International Conference on the Engineering of Sport, 456-462, Sep. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A sheet type tactile sensor using pressure conductive rubber with electrical-wires stitches method
    M. Shimojo; R. Makino; A. Namiki; M. Ishikawa; T. Suzuki; K. Mabuchi
    Proc. of IEEE Sensors 2002. First IEEE International Conference on Sensors, 2, 1637-1642, Jul. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Artificial Skin with Highly Tactile Density -Innovative Sensory-Motor Fusion Opens a New Robotic World(Tutorial)
    Makoto Shimojo
    2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2002
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a maintenance robot system for the road lighting equipment
    AG Ming; Y Ishikawa; N Hasegawa; K Shibasaki; Y Ye; M Kajitani; C Kanamori; M Shimojo; Y Aizawa
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD CHINA-JAPAN SYMPOSIUM ON MECHATRONICS, CHINESE INSTITUTE ELECTRONICS, 161-166, 2002, To realize the automization of maintenance work for the road lighting equipment, a robot system has been developed. It consists of an elevating unit and an exchanging unit including a newly designed illumination equipment. As the elevating unit, an autonomous elevating robot has been developed. By the exchanging mechanism with the new illumination unit, install and removal of the illumination unit can be done automatically just by the elevating motion of the robot. By integrating all units, an overall experiment for a sequence of task has been done and the feasibility of the developed system is confirmed by the results. In this paper, basic concept and configuration of the system are described. The detailed design and fabrication of each unit are given also.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A proposal for utilizing structural joint stop in a manipulator
    A Ming; M Kajitani; M Shimojo
    2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 4, 3649-3654, 2002, Peer-reviwed, Usually the revolute joint of a manipulator can't rotate all around, that is, in a range larger than 360 degree and it is limited by a mechanical element so called "joint stop". In conventional manipulators, a collision between an arm and the joint stop is avoided by barriers from both software and electronic hardware. Comparing to those conventional manipulators, human utilizes structural joint stop usefully in many manipulations, especially in hyper dynamic manipulations. In this paper, we propose a general utilization of structural joint stop in a manipulator to improve the capability of the manipulator in a large extent by simple modification of the structure of joint. This paper gives the basic idea for utilizing structural joint stop in a manipulator, expected effects of the proposal, the method how to utilize the joint stop and simulation results.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a rapid obstacle sensing system using sonar ring for mobile robot
    A Ming; K Kajihara; M Kajitani; M Shimojo
    2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 3, 3068-3073, 2002, Peer-reviwed, A sensing system using sonar ring for mobile robot capable of rapid detection and avoidance of obstacles has been developed. In the system, a method of firing all ultrasonic sensors. on a sonar ring simultaneously is used. And to eliminate error data due to crosstalks in the simultaneous firing, a filtering method based on pattern matching using neural network is used. To show the advantage of this method, a prototype of sensing system with 24 sonar sensors is fabricated. By installing the system to mobile robot, a scanning rate up to 50Hz of panoramic detection is achieved. The experimental results showed that a rapid navigation of mobile robot in a real environment becomes possible. This paper describes the basic concept, the method for sensing and avoidance of obstacles, configuration of the developed sensor system and experimental results of obstacle detection and avoidance.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A rotary encoder based on magneto-optical storage method
    K Tobita; T Ohira; M Kajitani; C Kanamori; A Ming; M. Shimojo; S Kawamoto
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD CHINA-JAPAN SYMPOSIUM ON MECHATRONICS, CHINESE INSTITUTE ELECTRONICS, 128-133, 2002, We propose a new kind of rotary encoder based on a magneto-optical storage method. By using this method, a rotary encoder with small size, high precision and response can be realized. High precision can be achieved with the ability for re-recording by using the transfer recording with error correction method. The method is as follows. Firstly, an initial recording is made directly from the reference encoder and angle position errors of MO encoder are measured. Correcting values to cancel errors are calculated based on Fourier analysis. Finally, MO encoder is re-recorded with the correcting values after erasing. The following issues are described: (1) A device for recording, playback and evaluation of MO encoder has been developed. (2) MO encoder made for trial purposes was recorded by 2250 p/r (pulses/revolution) directly from the referential encoder. Accuracy of about 2.5" and reproducibility of 0.079" were achieved. (3) As a result of experiments for transfer recording with error correction, an accuracy of 1.3" for 2250 p/r and 1.7" for 9000 p/r was achieved.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Innovative Sensory-Motor Fusion Opens a New Robotic World -Artificial Skin with Highly Tactile Density-
    Makoto SHIMOJO
    2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, CD-ROM, 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tactile Sensor using Pressure Conductive Rubber with Electrical-Wires stitches Method
    M. Shimojo; R. Ikeda; A. Namiki; M. Ishikawa; T. Suzuki; K. Mabuchi
    Proc. of 3rd European-Asian Congress on Mechatronics, CD-ROM, Oct. 2001, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • HMDの焦点調節補償機能に着目した仮想スポーツにおける捕球タイミングの評価
    川原慎太郎; 米倉達広; 下条誠; 岸義樹
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 5, 3, 1033-1040, Nov. 2000, In this paper, we proposed a new method of evaluating quantitative the influence to the depth perception was influenced by the contradiction between convergence and accommodation in stereoscopic displays.We suppose empirical application of stereoscopic displays, verify about influences when we catch the ball in the virtual world. To be concrete, we used stereoscopic display with accommodative compensation, and proposed a new method of evaluating quantitative the influence to the depth perception was influenced by the contradiction between convergence and accommodation in stereoscopic displays, from results of tasks supposed to catch the ball in the virtual world. We also conducted a subjective experiment, and report its results.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • An evaluation of depth perception in a virtual space
    Kawahara S; Sugihara T; Miyasato T; Shimojo M; Yonekura T
    Proc. of 7th International Display Workshops - IDW'00, pp., 2000., 1123-1126, Nov. 2000, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 仮想スポーツ動作を用いた奥行知覚の評価手法の提案
    川原慎太郎; 杉原敏昭; 宮里勉; 下条誠; 米倉達広
    3次元画像コンファレンス2000, 2000, Jul. 2000, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, Japanese
  • Sensation evoked by simultaneous electrical stimulation of two single mechanoreceptor units
    T. Suzuki; M. Kunimoto; M. Shimojo; T. Saito; M. Ishikawa; K. Mabuchi
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, 2, 844, 2000, In this study we examined the sensation evoked by the simultaneous electrical stimulation of two single mechanoreceptor units. Two tungsten microelectrodes were inserted percutaneously at two points on the forearm of awake human subjects into the median nerve and adjusted so that the activity of each single mechanoreceptor unit could be recorded. After identifying the types of units, the properties of the sensation evoked by simultaneous electrical stimulation were investigated by comparing them with those of the individual stimuli from the electrodes. To date, experiments have been done on the combination of two SAI units whose receptive fields did not overlap. For this combination, no "phantom sensation" was observed. The evoked sensation was the simple sum of those evoked by the individual stimuli. We are now experimenting with other combinations of units.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Relationship between intraneural electrical stimulation and evoked pressure sensation -Psychophysical quantification
    Takafumi Suzuki; Kunihiko Mabuchi; Masanari Kunimoto; Makoto Shimojo; Takashi Saito; Naoto Kakuta
    5th Annual Conf. of the Int. Functional Electrical Stimulation Society., 407-409, Jan. 2000, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Sensation evoked by simultaneous electrical stimulation of two single mechanoreceptor units
    T Suzuki; M Kunimoto; M Shimojo; T Saito; M Ishikawa; K Mabuchi
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 22ND ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOLS 1-4, IEEE, 22, 844-844, 2000, Peer-reviwed, In this study we examined the sensation evoked by the simultaneous electrical stimulation of two single mechanoreceptor units. Two tungsten microelectrodes were inserted percutaneously at two points on the forearm of awake human subjects into the median nerve and adjusted so that the activity of each single mechanoreceptor unit could be recorded, After identifying the types of units, the properties of the sensation evoked by simultaneous electrical stimulation were investigated by comparing them with those of the individual stimuli from the electrodes. To date, experiments have been done on the combination of two SAI units whose receptive fields did not overlap. For this combination, no "phantom sensation" was observed. The evoked sensation was the simple sum of those evoked by the individual stimuli. We are now experimenting with other combinations of units.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A development of simple haptic display
    T Niki; M Shimojo
    SMC 2000 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: 2000 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN & CYBERNETICS, VOL 1-5, IEEE, 2, 1001-1006, 2000, Peer-reviwed, Force and tactile feedback greatly enhance the interaction of virtual environment applications. A simple haptics display that has very high frequency response of the force feedback was developed. The simple haptics display present force feedback and also vibrotactile information.
    In the design over view, we propose the categorization of the object presentation data and these data format. We calculated some of these patterns, including tactile and temperature data.
    The frequency response of the haptics display was examined. Then the experiments of the vibrotactile presentation at contact with wood and aluminum were presented. And a method of the surface roughness presentation were also investigated.
    Results showed that the simple haptics display provide sufficient frequency response for presenting the vibrotactile information at contact and perciving a surface roughness of virtual objects.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Simple haptic display and object data design
    T Niki; M Shimojo
    2000 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2000), VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 2, 967-972, 2000, Peer-reviwed, Force and tactile feedback greatly enhance the interaction of virtual environment applications. A simple haptics display that has very high frequency response of the force feedback was developed. The simple haptics display present force feedback and also vibrotactile information.
    In the design over view, we propose the categorization of the object presentation data and these data format. We calculated some of these patterns, including tactile and temperature data.
    The frequency response of the haptics display was examined. Then the experiments of the vibrotactile presentation at contact with wood and aluminum were presented. rind a method of the surface roughness presentation was also investigated.
    Results showed that the simple haptics display provide sufficient frequency response for presenting the vibrotactile information at contact and perceiving a surface roughness of virtual objects.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Sensation evoked by simultaneous electrical stimulation of two single mechanoreceptor units
    T Suzuki; M Kunimoto; M. Shimojo; T Saito; M Ishikawa; K Mabuchi
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 22ND ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOLS 1-4, IEEE, 22, 844-844, 2000, In this study we examined the sensation evoked by the simultaneous electrical stimulation of two single mechanoreceptor units. Two tungsten microelectrodes were inserted percutaneously at two points on the forearm of awake human subjects into the median nerve and adjusted so that the activity of each single mechanoreceptor unit could be recorded, After identifying the types of units, the properties of the sensation evoked by simultaneous electrical stimulation were investigated by comparing them with those of the individual stimuli from the electrodes. To date, experiments have been done on the combination of two SAI units whose receptive fields did not overlap. For this combination, no "phantom sensation" was observed. The evoked sensation was the simple sum of those evoked by the individual stimuli. We are now experimenting with other combinations of units.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Human shape recognition performance for 3-D tactile display
    M Shimojo; M Shinohara; Y Fukui
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART A-SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 29, 6, 637-644, Nov. 1999, Peer-reviwed, The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between the pin-matrix density of a tactile display and the recognition performance of displayed three-dimensional (3-D) shapes. Three types of pin-matrix tactile display, that generate 3-D shapes, were used for the experiment. The pitch of pins was 2 mm, 3 mm, 5 mm for each. We assumed that surfaces, edges, and vertices were primitive 3-D shape information, so tested shapes were classified into these three categories. We assumed two types of finger touching mode. One, fingertip-only, allowed full use of spatial shape information given to the fingertip. Another, tracing, allowed tracing of the object. Recognition time and the classified error rate were measured. We obtained results on the relationship between pin pitch and recognition performance data. Regression curves for pin pitch and recognition time were plotted. And a significance test of recognition time versus pin pitch was done. Also error rate of identification versus pin pitch were described. In shape recognition time, there was a little difference between the two modes, and it was observed that recognition time was somewhat less influenced by pin pitch in tracing. In the rate of correct shape recognition, tracing exhibited better results than fingertip-only. For the spatial resolution of the 3-D tactile display, pin pitch of 2 mm or less Is necessary for fingertip-only, and 3 mm is sufficient for tracing. Our results provide basic knowledge for developing tactile presentation devices, as man-machine and other interface, especially in virtual reality technology.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of a System for Experiencing Tactile Sensations from an Artificial Arm by Electrically Stimulating Sensory Nerve Fiber, EMBEC99 part1,776 (1999)
    Takafumi Suzuki; Kunihiko Mabuchi; Masanari Kunimoto; Makoto Shimojo; Takashi Saito; Naoto Kakuta
    European Medical &Biological Eng.Conf., 776, Nov. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The Relationship between Stimulation Signals and Subjective Intensities and Areas, Proc. of 21st
    Takafumi Suzuki; Kunihiko Mabuchi; Haruyo Nishimura; Takashi Saito; Naoto Kakuta; Masanari Kunimoto; Makoto Shimojo
    International Conference of the IEEE EMBS (1999)., CD-ROM, Oct. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A system of interpreting somatic sensations for use with artificial hands and limbs
    K. Mabuchi; T. Suzuki; M. Kunimoto; M. Shimojo; N. Kakuta; T. Saito; H. Nishimura; M. Ishikawa
    Proc. of 21st International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, CD-ROM, Oct. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Possibility of Tool Grip Shape Evaluation using Grasping Force Distribution Measurement System
    S. SATO; S. SHIMIZU; M. Shimojo; K. SEKI
    HCI International '99, 21A, 138-139, Aug. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Relation ship between an Intraneural Electrical Stimulation Signal to a slowly Adapting Mechanoreceptor Unit and the Evoked Artificial Pressure Sensation Vol. 23, No.7, pp.671(1999)
    Kunihiko Mabuchi; Takafumi Suzuki; Masanari Kunimoto; Makoto Shimojo; Takashi Saito; Naoto Kakuta
    Artificial Organs,, 28, 7, 671, Jul. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Incorporating a Pressure-sensation Function into an Artificial Arm System, , Vol.23 No.7 pp.674 (1999)
    Takafumi Suzuki; Kunihiko Mabuchi; Masanari Kunimoto; Makoto Shimojo; Takashi Saito; Naoto Kakuta
    Artificial Organs, 23, 7, 674, Jul. 1999, Peer-reviwed
  • Electrical control of pressure sensations: The relationship between stimulation signals and subjective intensities and areas
    Takafumi Suzuki; Kunihiko Mabuchi; Haruyo Nishimura; Takashi Saito; Naoto Kakuta; Masaya Kunimoto; Makoto Shimojo; Masatoshi Ishikawa
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, IEEE, 1, 457, 1999, In order to understand the method of controlling the intensities and areas of pressure sensations evoked by the electrical stimulation of a sensory nerve, the relationship was studied between the stimulation signal (which is input intraneurally into a single mechanoreceptor unit) and the subjective intensities and areas of the evoked sensations. The subjective magnitude of the evoked sensation was found to intensify with an increase in the stimulus frequency.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 広範囲操作力対応型力覚インターフェース:6DFMシステム
    蔡 奕; 福井幸男; 山下樹里; 下条誠
    日本バーチャルリアリティー学会論文誌, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 3, 3, 65-74, Sep. 1998, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a new virtual manipulation environment with 6 DOF Cartesian manipulator for force feedback display. The manipulator is controlled by the force the operator puts on the lever, and it can present virtual surfaces of wide range of mechanical hardness, from very hard to very soft. With this system the operator can trace the smooth surface smoothly even under the control of several hundred cycle-time. We performed several experiments including virtual peg-in-hole experiments to verify the system's performance and effectiveness in constructing virtual environment applications.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 感圧導電性ゴムを用いた頭圧分布の計測
    棚橋ひとみ; 渋谷惇夫; 下条誠
    日本繊維製品消費科学会, 40, 9, 57-62, Sep. 1998, Peer-reviwed
  • Haptics Interface for Virtual Environment: 6DFM System
    Yi CAi; Juli Yamashita; Yukio Fukui; Makoto Shimojo
    7th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, 605-612, Sep. 1998, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Object Localization with Multiple Sensors
    S. Shenker; O. Khatib; M Shimojo
    Int. J. Robotics Research, MIT Press, 7, 6, 34-44, Jun. 1998, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • A Trial of Grip Type Evaluation by Applying of Grasping Force Distribution Measurement
    佐藤 滋; 下條 誠; 関 喜一; 清水 俊治
    JES Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, 39, 280-281, 16 May 1998
  • Presentation and Perceptio of Virtual Haptics Textures
    Yukio Fukui; Juli Yamashita; Yi Cai; Makoto Shimojo
    Report of Modeling the Evaluation Structure of KANSEI 1997, 163-167, Apr. 1998, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, English
  • Shape identification performance and pin-matrix density in a three-dimensional tactile display
    Makoto Shimojo; Masami Shinohara; Yukio Fukui
    Systems and Computers in Japan, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 29, 2, 1-8, 1998, Peer-reviwed, Tactile display devices use an array of pins mounted in the form of a matrix to present three-dimensional (3D) shapes to the user by raising and lowering the pins. With a denser matrix of mounted pins, it can be expected that shape identification will become easier and the time required for identification will also become shorter, but that problems of difficulty in fabrication will arise. It is necessary to consider such trade-offs in the development of such devices. This investigation conducted experiments to study the effect of pin pitch on shape identification as part of the fundamental investigation of this subject. The experiment used three tactile display devices with pin pitches of 2, 3, and 5 mm for geometrical shape identification, with response time and rate of misidentification taken as the performance data. Surfaces, edges, and vertices of 3D shapes were used as the shape primitives for displayed shapes and several of each type were selected for presentation. The results obtained revealed that performance has different relationships to pin pitch with different shape primitives. © 1998 Scripta Technica.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 3次元触覚ディスプレイにおける提示ピン配置密度と形状判別特性
    下条誠; 篠原正美; 福井幸男
    電子情報通信学会, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J80-D-II, 5, 1202-1208, May 1997, Peer-reviwed, ピンをマトリクス状に配置し, 各ピンの昇降によって3次元形状を提示する触覚提示装置では, そのピンの実装密度を高めるほど形状の判別が容易になり, 判別に要する時間も短くなることが予想される反面, 製作がより困難になるという問題があり, 機器開発にあたっては両者のトレードオフを考慮する必要がある. 本論文では, そのための基礎的検討の一環としてピン間距離が形状判別に及ぼす影響について実験と考察を行った. 実験は, ピン間距離2mm, 3mm, 5mmの3種類の触覚提示装置を用いた幾何学的形状判別実験を行い, パフォーマンスデータとして反応時間およぴ誤判別率を得た. 提示形状としては, 3次元形状の面, 辺, 角を形状プリミティブとし, それぞれについて各数種類の形を選び提示した. その結果, ピン間距離とパフォーマンスの関係が形状プリミティブによって異なることが明らかにされた. 本研究の成果は, 近年仮想現実感技術などのヒューマンインタフェースの分野で注目されている触覚提示装置を開発する場合の基礎的知見として有効と思われる.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Recognition by Inconsistent Information from Visual and Haptics Interface
    Y. Fukui; M Shimojo; J. Yamashita
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.9, No.3, pp.208-212 (1997), 9, 3-4, 208-212, Mar. 1997, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Human shape recognition performance for 3D tactile display
    Makoto Shimojo; Masami Shinohara; Yukio Fukui
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, 4, 3192-3197, 1997, The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between the pin-matrix density of a tactile display and the recognition performance of displayed 3-dimensional shapes. Three types of pin-matrix tactile display, that generate 3D shapes, were used for the experiment. The pitch of pins was 2 mm, 3 mm, 5 mm for each. We assumed that surfaces, edges, and vertices were primitive 3D shape information, so tested shapes were classified into these three categories. We assumed two types of finger touching mode. One, fingertip-only, allowed full use of spatial shape information given to the fingertip. Another, tracing, allowed tracing of the object. Recognition time and the classified error rate were measured. We obtained results on the relationship between pin pitch and recognition performance data. Regression curves for pin pitch and recognition time were plotted. And a significance test of recognition time vs pin pitch was done. Also error rate of identification vs pin pitch were described.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Measured Data of Hand Grasping
    SHIMOJO Makoto; SHIMIZU Shunji; SATO Shigeru; SEKI Yoshikazu
    Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan, The Visualization Society of Japan, 17, 65, 96-101_1, 1997
  • A Study on Force Feed-back Device Using 6 D.O.F. Cartesian Robot (Adaptive control method for human spatial movement)
    H. Yokoi; Y. Fukui; J. Yamashita; M. Shimojo
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 9, 1, 1-8, Jan. 1997, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • 6軸直交型ロボットを用いたフォースフィードバックデバイスに関する基礎研究
    横井浩史; 福井幸男; 山下樹里; 下条誠
    日本機械学会論文集(C編), Vol.63, No.605, pp.204-210 (1997), 63, 605, 204-210, Jan. 1997, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Mechanical filtering effect of elastic cover for tactile sensor
    Makoto Shimojo
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 13, 1, 128-132, 1997, Peer-reviwed, Tactile sensors are ordinarily covered with an elastic cover to protect the sensor from being damaged by shock or chemical contamination. The cover, however, greatly decreases the sensor's spatial resolution. This effect becomes serious in the fabrication of a high-spatial-resolution sensor, even if the cover is only 0.2 mm thick, when the sensor requires a spatial resolution of less than 1 mm. This paper analyzes the low-pass spatial filtering effect of the cover, calculates the filtering gain for different types of elastic cover materials using the finite-element method, and gives preliminary experimental results.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Shape identification performance and pin-matrix density in a 3 dimensional tactile display
    M Shimojo; M Shinohara; Y Fukui
    IEEE 1997 VIRTUAL REALITY ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, PROCEEDINGS, I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS, 180-187, 1997, Tactile display devices use an array of pins mounted in the form of a matrix to present three-dimensional shapes to the user by raising and lowering the pins. With a denser matrix of mounted pins, it can be expected that shape identification will become easier and the rime required for identification will also become shorter, but that problems of difficulty in fabrication will arise. It is necessary to; consider such trade-offs in the development of such devices. This study conducted experiments to study the effect of pin pitch on shape identification as part of the fundamental investigation of this subject. The experiment used three tactile display devices with pin pitches of 2 mm 3 mm and 5 mm for geometrical shape identification, with response time and rate of misidentification taken as the performance data. Surfaces, edges and vertices of three-dimensional shapes were used as the shape primitives for displayed shapes and several of each type were selected for presentation. The results obtained revealed that performance has different relationships to pin pitch with different shape primitives.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The relationship between human grip types and force distribution pattern in grasping
    S Shimizu; M. Shimojo; S Sato; Y Seki; A Takahashi; Y Inukai; M Yoshioka
    8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 1997 PROCEEDINGS - ICAR'97, I E E E, 299-304, 1997, Peer-reviwed, It is an important to analyzing a human grasping motions. In these classifications of grasping patterns depend for many parts on their personal definitions, and no unified view has not been reached at present. The measured quantities in grasping include the posture of the hand, and grasping force and its distribution. And few have been reported on classifications based on grasping force and ifs distribution.
    This paper first describes a Sensor Glove MKIII which measures grasping force and its distribution in human grasping motion. Then the grasping force measured when some objects were grasped using this sensor is shown together with the distribution of the force. Furthermore, the usefulness of this sensor was verified by applying the ''Contact Web'' technique to the grasping force and its distribution pattern and taking an example of the classification of grasping reported by Cutkosky. It follows fi om these facts that the Sensor Glove MKIII may be useful far the analysis of grasping patterns.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Differences of force distribution patterns on grip types in human grasping motions
    S Shimizu; M Shimojo; S Sato; Y Seki; A Takahashi; Y Inukai; M Yoshioka
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Improvement of hand-grasp measurement system
    Y Seki; S Sato; S Shimizu; M Shimojo; A Takahashi
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Human shape recognition performance for 3D tactile display
    M Shimojo; M Shinohara; Y Fukui
    SMC '97 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-5, I E E E, 3192-3197, 1997, Peer-reviwed, The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between the pin-matrix density of a tactile display and the recognition performance of displayed 3-dimensional shapes. Three types of pin-matrix tactile display, that generate 3D shapes, were used for the experiment. The pitch of pins was 2 mm, 3 mm, 5 mm for each. We assumed that surfaces, edges, and vertices were primitive 3D shape information, so tested shapes were classified into these three categories. We assumed two types of finger touching mode. One, fingertip-only, allowed full use of spatial shape information given to the fingertip. Another, tracing, allowed tracing of the object. Recognition time and the classified error rate were measured. We obtained results on the relationship between pin pitch and recognition performance data. Regression curves for pin pitch and recognition time were plotted. And a significance test of recognition time vs pin pitch was done. Also error rate of identification vs pin pitch were described.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Perceptual performances of force rendering methods
    Y Fukui; J Yamashita; M Shimojo
    SMC '97 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-5, I E E E, 1401-1405, 1997, Peer-reviwed, In virtual reality techniques, the force feedback method becomes important especially when manipulating shapes interactively. The present study used two methods of presenting haptic stimuli and compared their perceptual effects. One method involved generating undulations by spatially varying the positions where reaction forces were generated while keeping the directions of them constant, the other by spatially varying the directions of reaction forces while keeping the positions constant. The subjective intensities of undulations generated by the two methods were compared. The results indicated that the subjective intensities depend on their spatial frequencies. Then, two stimuli were superimposed 180 degrees out of phase to check if two stimuli generated by different methods offset each other. No offset was observed regardless of the spatial frequencies of the stimuli.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Measuring System for Human Hand Grasping Function
    Sato S; Shimojo M; Seki Y; Takahashi A; Shimizu S
    3rd France-Japan Congress & 1st Europe-Asia on Mechtronics, pp.221-226, 1996., 221-226, Oct. 1996, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tactile systems
    Masatoshi Ishikawa; Makoto Shimojo
    Handbook of Sensors and Actuators, 3, 165-176, 1996, Peer-reviwed, Several types of tactile sensors and tactile information processing are described. There are some research subjects such as intelligent sensors using parallel processing, tactile imaging with video signal for tactile image processing using image processor, and active sensing for expanding capabilities of tactile sensors. In this paper, basic concepts on those subjects and examples are shown. © 1996 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 人間感覚のセンシング技術
    電気学会論文誌, 116, 1, 20-23, Jan. 1996, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Human shape recognition performance and pin-matrix density in a 3 dimensional tactile display
    M. Shimojo; M Shinohara; Y Fukui
    RO-MAN '96 - 5TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ROBOT AND HUMAN COMMUNICATION, PROCEEDINGS, I E E E, 513-518, 1996, Peer-reviwed, The purpose of this paper is to provide the relationship between the pin-matrix density of a tactile display and the recognition performance of displayed 3-dimensional shapes. Three kinds of pin-matrix tactile displays, that generate 3D shapes, were used for the experiment. The pitch of pin was 5mm, 3mm, 2mm for each. As we assumed that surfaces, edges and vertices were the primitive information of the 3D shapes, tested shapes were classified into these three categories.
    The results obtained revealed that performance has different relationships to pin pitch with different shape primitives. The results of this study should be effective as fundamental knowledge to be used in developing tactile presentation devices, which have been receiving attention in recent years in the study of human interfaces, especially in the area of virtual reality technology.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Measuring system for grasping
    S Sato; M Shimojo; Y Seki; A Takahashi; S Shimizu
    RO-MAN '96 - 5TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ROBOT AND HUMAN COMMUNICATION, PROCEEDINGS, I E E E, 292-297, 1996, Peer-reviwed, A measuring system for grasping function is developed. The purposes of this system is to measure and analyze grasping function of human hands. In this report, the structure of this system is introduced Sensor Glove which is the main device of the system, developed by the authors to measure operation force distribution in hands is also explained in detail. Using this system, operation force distribution, joint angles of hands and fingers, wrist position and direction in the operation space and the view of the operation can be simultaneously measured and recorded in real time.
    The system is constructed with 5 subsystems, 1)Sensor Glove for operation force distribution, 2)Cyber Glove (by Virtual Technologies) for 18 joint angles in hand, 3)magnetic sensor to detect the wrist position and direction, 4)video equipment for the observation of the operation view and 5)personal computer to control the system.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The relation between human grip types and force distribution pattern in grasping
    S Shimizu; M Shimojo; S Sato; Y Seki; A Takahashi; Y Inukai; M Yoshioka
    RO-MAN '96 - 5TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ROBOT AND HUMAN COMMUNICATION, PROCEEDINGS, I E E E, 286-291, 1996, Peer-reviwed, It is an important to analyzing a human grasping motions. In these classifications of grasping patterns depend for many parts on their personal definitions, and no unified view has not been reached at present. The measured quantities in grasping include the posture of the hand, and grasping force and its distribution. And few have been reported on classifications based on grasping force and its distribution.
    This paper describes first a unique Sensor Glove ME;III, which we have developed to measure the grasping force and its distribution. Next, the Sensor Glove MKIII was used to classify grasping modes based on the distribution of grasping force. As a result, in ''prehensile grasp'' classified by Cutkosky, the difference in grasping patterns due to the object shapes used in the experiment could be measured as the difference in pressure distribution patterns. In addition, it was found that classification of grasping is possible using this sensor and the ''contact web'' method. Therefore, the possibility is made clear that the Sensor Glove MKIII would be useful for classification of grasping patterns.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 高柔軟性をもつ把持圧力分布センサの開発
    関 喜一; 下条誠; 佐藤 滋; 高橋 昭彦
    計測自動制御学会, Vol.31, No.9, pp.1528-1530 (1995), 31, 9, 1528-1530, Sep. 1995, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 3D-DDM:三次元B-Spline自由曲面の直接変形手法
    山下樹里; 福井幸男; 横井浩史; 下条誠
    電学論C, 電気学会, 115, 2, 253-260, Feb. 1995, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A system for simultaneous measuring grasping posture and pressure distribution
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a new hand-grasp measurement system
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of a new hand-grasp measurement system
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of 3D-input device using adaptive control
    H Yokoi; J Yamashita; Y Fukui; M Shimojo
    International conference proceedings, English
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, IEICE-INST ELECTRON INFO COMMUN ENG, E77D, 12, 1350-1354, Dec. 1994, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes the concept of Tool-Based Direct Deformation Method (TB-DDM) which supports networked CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems with virtual reality technologies. TB-DDM allows designers to sculpt free forms directly with tools; each tool has its deforming characteristics, such as, the area and the shape of deformation. TB-DDM's direct deformation interface is independent of form representations because the system automatically calculates appropriate deformation according to its form representation when a tool ''pushes'' a form. The deformation with TB-DDM is concisely described by the initial shape, types of tools, and their loci; the description enables cooperative CAD systems with narrow bandwidth network to share design process rapidly and to distribute computational load.
    Scientific journal, English
  • A virtual surface modeler for direct and regional free form manipulation
    Yamashita J; Yokoi H; Fukui Y; Shimojo M
    4th Int.Conf.artificial rearity and tele-existense, Vol.ICAT'94, pp.35-42. 1994., 35-42, Jul. 1994, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of 3D-Input Device for Virtual Surface Manipulation
    Yokoi H; Yamashita J; Fukui Y; shimojo M
    RO-MAN'94. 3rd IEEE Int. workshop on Robotics and Human Communication,, 134-139, Jul. 1994, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Recognition of Virtual Shape using Visual and Tactual Sense under Optical Illusion
    Fukui Y; Shimojo M
    RO-MAN'94, 3rd IEEE Int. workshop on Robotics and Human Communication, .294-298, Jul. 1994, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of the virtual shape manipulating system
    Yokoi H; Yamashita J; Fukui Y; Shimojo M
    4th Int.Conf. Artificial rearity and tele-existane, Vol.ICAT'94, 43-48, Jan. 1994, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 触覚センサにおける弾性体カバーの空間周波数フィルタリング効果
    日本機械学会論文集(C編), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 59, 567, 3458-3463, Nov. 1993, Peer-reviwed, Tactile sensors are normally covered with an elastic cover to protect the sensor from being destroyed by shock or chemical contamination. However the spatial resolution of the sensor with an elastic cover decreases, because the cover exhibits low-pass spatial filtering characteristics. This effect is serious when fabricating a high-spatial-resolution sensor which spatial resolution is under 1mm, even if the cover thickness 200μm. In this paper, this low-pass spatial filtering characteristic is analyzed and filter gain for various kind of elastic cover materials is calculated using the finite element method. Elementary experimental results are shown.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 感圧導電性ゴムの履歴特性
    日本機械学会論文集(C編), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 59, 564, 2464-2469, Aug. 1993, Pressure-conductive rubber has many excellent features such as high Flexibility, workability and ease in the fabrication of thin films. However this material shows hysteresis between pressure and resistance values. To date, this property has not been investigated in detail. In this paper, evaluation of pressure sensing characteristics of pressure-conductive rubber, including hysteresis, time response and creep effect, was carried out. A pressure loading instrument in which motion could be precisely controlled was constructed to test its characteristics experimentally. The hysteresis effect, that is caused by the stress-strain characteristics of the material, was experimentally clarified. An index for showing the degree of this hysteresis was proposed. As for the time response, a time lag of 0. 2 [ms] was observed. As for the creep effect, resistance of the rubber remained constant for a long time under constant loading.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 視覚と触覚の情報提示について
    福井幸男; 下条誠
    日本人間工学会誌, Vol.29, No.3, pp.141-146 (1993), 29, 3, 141-146, Mar. 1993, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Issues on Recognition of Shapes with Visual and/or Haptical Sensation
    FUKUI Yukio; AKAMATSU Motoyuki; SHIMOJO Makoto
    JRSJ, The Robotics Society of Japan, 10, 7, 893-897, 15 Nov. 1992
  • Development of Human Type Manipulator with tendon-driven System
    Wada M; Nishihara K; Shimojo M
    Proc.1st Japanese-French Congress of Mechatronics, 367-372, Oct. 1992, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 手指操作力分布計測装置の開発
    佐藤滋; 佐野吉雅; 菊池季比古; 下条誠
    人間工学会会誌, Vol.28, No.5, pp.251-267 (1992), 28, 564, 251-267, May 1992, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Difference in Recognition of Optical Illusion Using Virtual and Tactual Sense
    Y. Fukui; M. Shimojo
    J. Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.4, No.1, pp.58-62 (1992), 4, 12, 58-62, Jan. 1992, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Edge tracing of virtual shape using input device with force feedback
    Yukio Fukui; Makoto Shimojo
    Systems and Computers in Japan, 23, 5, 94-104, 1992, Peer-reviwed, In manipulating shapes displayed on a screen by means of a keyboard, mouse, or tablet, the operator can only confirm his/her operation visually through the eyes. This process can easily cause eye fatigue, resulting in low work efficiency. To improve this situation, a reaction force to the operator's hands should also be used to provide feedback from the operation. We have devised an input device based on this idea. Its main feature is a two‐dimensional force sensor mounted on the head of an XY recorder connected to a graphics computer. The XY recorder head with mounted sensor can be controlled by the computer to move in the direction in which the finger force is applied. Using this input device, we have done experiments on human sensitivity to virtual shapes through following their contours when force feedback is available. As a result, we have discovered that low or shallow hollows in the shape, which are barely detectable to the eyes only, appeared as feedback signals, such as a change of direction of the reaction force and the speed. This change makes it easier for the operator to recognize the features of the virtual shape. Through this experiment, we were able to confirm the validity of the concept of using an input device with a force feedback mechanism. Copyright © 1992 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
    Scientific journal, English
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 力覚をフィードバックする操作デバイスによる仮想形状のなぞり動作
    福井幸男; 下条誠
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-II, J74-D, 8, 1052-1059, Aug. 1991, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Tactile Imaging System for Body Pressure Distribution
    Kanaya K; Ishikawa M; Shimojo M
    IEA'91 Desinning for Every one" Taylor & Francis" , No.2, pp.1495-1497, 1991., 2, 1495-1497, Jul. 1991, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 高密度フレキシブル圧力分布イメージャ
    下条誠; 石川正俊
    日本機械学会誌論文集(C編), 57, 537, 1568-1574, May 1991, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 空間フィルタ形触覚センサを用いた能動センシング
    下条誠; 石川正俊
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 C-II, Vol.J74-C, No.5, pp.309-316 (1991), 電子情報通信学会エレクトロニクスソサイエティ, J74-C, 5, 309-316, May 1991
    Scientific journal, Japanese
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Visual and tactile characteristics of veirtual shape manipulation
    FUKUI Y.; Shimojo M.
    JES Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, 26, 300-301, 1990
  • Development of force distribution sensor on hand-finger system
    Sato S.; Kikuchi S.; Shimojo M.
    JES Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, 26, 110-111, 1990
  • Study on the design of electrodes for pressure sensor using pressure conductive rubber
    Sano Y.; Shimojo M.
    JES Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, 26, 108-109, 1990
  • Thin and Flexible Position Sensor
    M Shimojo; M. Ishikawa
    J. Robotics and Mechatronics, 2, 1, 38-41, Jan. 1990, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Tactile sensors and Active touch
    SHIMOJO Makoto; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi
    ITE Technical Report, The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 13, 28, 1-6, 1989
  • On Special Issue
    Shimojo Makoto
    JRSJ, The Robotics Society of Japan, 7, 5, 483-483, 1989
    S SHEKHAR; O KHATIB; M. Shimojo
    Scientific journal, English
  • ビデオ信号出力を持つ圧力分布センサと触覚パターン処理
    石川正俊; 下条誠
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 24, 7, 662-669, Jul. 1988, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Sensor Fusion and Object Localizatio
    Shenker S; Khatib O; Shimojo M
    IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, 1623-1628, Apr. 1986, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 薄型フレキシブル位置覚センサとその応用
    下条誠; 石川正俊
    計測自動制御学会論文集, Vol.21, No.11, pp.1250-1252 (1985), The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 21, 11, 1250-1252, Nov. 1985, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 感圧導電性ゴムと液晶を用いた圧力分布の表示方法
    下条誠; 石川正俊
    計測自動制御学会論文集, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 21, 2, 177-182, Feb. 1985, Peer-reviwed, In this paper the sensor which has a simple structure, flexibility and also has the function of displaying the pressure distribution is proposed, and measured results are shown.
    The sensor consists of four layers. First and third layers are patterned electrodes. Second layer is the pressure conductive rubber whose resistance varies with pressure. Last layer is the liquid crystal whose color varies with temperature.
    The theory of measurement is as follows: the distributed pressure(p) on the sensor causes a drop in the resistance (rp) of the pressure conductive rubber: as a voltage is applied between two patterned electrode layers. the electric current(i) passes through the rubber in proportion to the rp: then this electric current produces heat(q) and the temperature(θ) rises as the result. Consequently this changes the color of liquid crystal at the position. In a word, this sensor converts the intensity of pressure into the difference of temperature and displays it using liquid crystal. The following equations show these relations: θ∝q∝i2rp=v2/rp∝v2p∝p(ifrp∝p-1).
    However, the heat diffusion occuring in the rubber and the electrodes causes the measurement errors. Therefore the ways of preventing heat from diffusion are necessary. Hence these methods are proposed; (1) the electrodes are constructed of a lot of small square electrodes which are connected with narrow channels each other. In order to decide the sizes of the patterned electrode, the simulation is carried out. (2) the heat produced in the rubber is controlled by using a heat controller.
    This sensor is useful for the measuring the contact pressure between the soft materials, such as between human body and a seat.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
    Scientific journal, English
  • 安全帽の衝撃緩和特性
    下条誠; 伴菊夫
    日本機械学会論文集, Vol.49, No.443, pp.1181-1189 (1983), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 49, 443, 1181-1189, Jul. 1983, Peer-reviwed, 安全帽の衝撃緩和特性を(1)時間的緩和作用,(2)帽体でそらせる作用,(3)空間的緩和作用の三つの大別した。まず,(1)の作用を調べるため,安全帽の等価解析モデルを低温から高温にわたり実験で求めた。そして,人頭の衝撃・耐性モデルと組合せシミュレーションを行い,安全帽の特性がいかにあるべきかを解析した。次に,転倒した場合ひさしがあるために人頭におよぶ影響を調べるため,精密ダミーヘッドに安全帽を着用し実験を行い,その影響を検討した。
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A Tactile Semsor Using Pressure-Corductive Rubber
    IshikawaM; Shimojo M
    Proc.The 2nd Sensor Symp., 189-192, Dec. 1982, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 感圧導電性ゴムを用いた2次元分布荷重の中心位置の測定方法
    石川正俊; 下条誠
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 18, 7, 730-735, Jul. 1982, Peer-reviwed, 論文賞
    Scientific journal, Japanese
    ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; TAKEDA Tsunehiro; SHIMOJO Makoto; BAN Kikuo
    Biomechanisms, Society of Biomechanisms, 6, 145-154, 1982, A measurement system for the three-dimensional position using "SELSPOT" is shown, which has many advantages over the methods with photographs, movies, or other devices, with respect to its on-line measurement, easy operation, fast sampling, fast data processing, and high accuracy. This is important in view of the application that the display of the analyzed data is required soon after the measurement, such as the experiment of sports physiology and rehabilitation. The system is constructed with a measurement subsystem and an analyzing subsystem. The measurement subsystem is constructed with the dual two-dimensional measurement device which is named "SELSPOT", a communication and timing controller, microcomputer for the filing of the data, and external memory devices. The analyzing subsystem is constructed with the random scan type graphic display with the light pen and ten-keyboard for the interactive analysis, the line printer for the numerical data, and the x-y plotter for the hard copy of the screen. This paper proposes a precise method with which the three-dimensional position is calculated from the dual two-dimensional data. This method defines it as the generalized inverse of the characteristic equation on the camera and the detective device, or the middle point of the segment which determines the minimum length of the two principle rays. By the analysis of the detective device and the lens system, the three factors of the following measurement errors and the methods of their compensation is considered: the non-linearity of the position sensitive detector with the distance between the camera and the LED, the interference of the lightning in the experiment room, and the distortion of the lens. On the other hand, this paper also proposes a new method for camera setting which causes the least error in the calculated data. In the results, the worst accuracy is ±0.4% with error compensation, and ±2.0% without the compensation, respectively. In addition, as the software of the analyzing subsystem realizes the interactive processing and the sufficient function, the period for the display and analysis of the three-dimensional movement is shortened.
  • 感圧導電性ゴムを用いた圧力センサ
    石川 正俊; 下条 誠
    バイオメカニズム学会誌, バイオメカニズム学会, 6, 3, 46-51, 1982
  • 安全帽の衝撃緩和特性
    バイオメカニズム学会誌, バイオメカニズム学会, 5, 4, 6-11, Apr. 1981, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 感圧導電性ゴムを使用した重心測定
    下条 誠; 石川 正俊
    人間工学, Japan Ergonomics Society, 17, 154-155, 1981
  • イトペン入力作業における標的位置と成績
    斎藤一朗; 下条誠
    日本人間工学会誌, 15, 2, 65-71, Feb. 1979, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 標的作業解析装置
    下条誠; 斎藤一朗
    日本人間工学会誌, 15, 2, 59-63, Feb. 1979
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 自動歯車精度測定機に関する研究
    下条誠; 石川二郎; 梶谷誠; 長田秀治
    日本機械学会論文集, 43, 373, 3548-3555, Sep. 1977, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese


  • Research on robotics and mechatronics as well as robot hand and tactile sensing
    makoto shimojo
    Lead, ドクセルは日本語でパワーポイントやPDF、Wordファイルを共有できるサービスです, Docswell, Apr. 2022, ドクセル(Docswell)のスライド公開, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 令和2年度特許出願技術動向調査報告書「触覚センシング」


    本調査では、特許情報にもとづき、日本の産業が優位にある分野、あるいは日本が劣位にある分野等について分析を行っており、企業の研究開発戦略において大変有用な情報であると考えられます。また、企業のグローバル活動に伴う、世界規模での特許出願動向の基礎資料として、各国・機関における特許出願動向調査 -マクロ調査-も実施しています。

    今後の経営戦略や研究開発戦略を検討する際のご参考としてください。, Apr. 2021, Japanese, Technical report
  • Analysis of Transient Response and Asymptotic Stability of Pre-grasp Control using a Proximity Sensor
    小山佳祐; 下条誠; WAN Weiwei; 原田研介
    2020, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2020, 2424-3124, 202002240135816190
  • 触覚センサの研究開発動向とこれからの展開(1)~
    下条 誠
    Lead, Nov. 2019, センサイト, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine
  • これからの触覚技術
    下条 誠
    Jun. 2019, 日本ロボット学会誌, 37, 5, 385-390, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal
  • 小型・低摩擦アクチュエータ“MagLinkage“を用いた低衝撃・ノンストップ把持
    小山佳祐; 下条誠; 妹尾拓; 石川正俊
    2019, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 37th, 201902264593679218
  • 触覚機能を内包する高速・高精度近接覚センサ-第3報:Super tactile-based active touchによる薄板部品の高速・低反力挿入-
    小山佳祐; 下条誠; 妹尾拓; 石川正俊
    2019, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, 2424-3124, 201902245745866006
  • 小型・低摩擦アクチュエータMagLinkageの開発とハンド応用
    小山佳祐; 下条誠; 妹尾拓; 石川正俊
    2019, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, 2424-3124, 201902274897384110
  • 触覚機能を内包する高速・高精度近接覚センサ-第2報:柔軟物を潰さずに高速キャッチするための視覚・近接覚制御の提案-
    小山佳祐; 村上健一; 妹尾拓; 下条誠; 石川正俊
    2018, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 36th, 201802266953616693
  • 触覚機能を内包する高速・高精度近接覚センサ-第1報:センサモジュールの開発と接触判定の実現-
    小山佳祐; 下条誠; 妹尾拓; 石川正俊
    2018, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018, 2424-3124, 201802243780083441
  • Tactile/Proximity Sensing for Robot Manipulation
    SHIMOJO Makoto; KOYAMA Keisuke
    The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Oct. 2017, Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 56, 10, 758-763, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0453-4662, 130006172690, AN00072406
  • 触覚機能を内包する近接覚の提案
    小山佳祐; 下条誠; 石川正俊
    2017, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 35th, 201702237083595262
  • Development of a High-speed Visual and Tactile Sensors Network System
    山川 雄司; 野田 聡人; 石川 正俊; 下条 誠
    計測自動制御学会計測部門, 01 Sep. 2016, センシングフォーラム資料, 33, 119-122, Japanese, 40020949957, AA11461587
  • 1P2-N02 A Research of Teleoperation System for Manipulator Mounted Proximity Sensors : Verification of Haptic Feedback Method for Operator Based on Proximity Sensor Output
    SASAI Ryota; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    We propose haptic feedback methods based on proximity sensor output in teleoperation. Composed of four distance measurement sensors, the proximity sensors are mounted on the palm of the robot hand. When the palm of the robot hand faces an object, a plane of the object can be estimated. The operator Ls given a reaction force based on a model of virtual spring. The amplitude is determined by the distance to the estimated plane, and the direction is determined by the normal vector of the plane. In this paper, especially we propose three methods how the amplitude is determined by the distance, and we verify the differences of the operator perceiving the reaction force by each method., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 17 May 2015, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "1P2-N02(1)"-"1P2-N02(4)", Japanese, 110010055029, AA11902933
  • 1P2-N08 Modular robot hand composed of RC servo motors which follows unknown objects using fingertip proximity sensors
    HISAMATSU Kazuki; KOYAMA Keisuke; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose a modular robot hand composed of RC servo motors which follows unknown shapes of objects using fingertip proximity sensors. The fingertip proximity sensor has been proved to enable the finger to keep constant distance and run parallel to an object by sensor feedback. The feedback control is simple and robust, and so it can be operated even using microcomputers and RC servo motors. High expandability is one of advantages of RC servo motors. By making the most of its characteristics, the robot hand can be changed degree-of- freedom (DOF) easily. The robot hand will be a variously deformable robot hand according to various purposes., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 17 May 2015, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "1P2-N08(1)"-"1P2-N08(4)", Japanese, 110010055035, AA11902933
  • 1P2-N07 Teleoperation of Robot Hand Equipped with Proximity Sensor : Proposal of Integrated System of Operator Control and Autonomous Control
    ISHIZEKI Shunichi; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Generally, teleoperation of a robot hand with a monocular camera has problems of lack of depth information and the occlusion occur. The operator misrecognizes the position and posture of the object, and the robot hand cannot grasp the object. In the paper, to solve this problem, we use a proximity sensor, which we have developed, attached to the palm of the robot hand. The operator is able to recognize the position and posture of the object by using the proximity sensor. In addition, autonomy control based on the sensor enables to adjust the position and posture of the robot hand. We integrate operator control with autonomy control. The number of success of grasping the object increases and an operation burden decreases., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 17 May 2015, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "1P2-N07(1)"-"1P2-N07(4)", Japanese, 110010055034, AA11902933
  • 1P2-N09 Verification of Tactile and Proximity Sensor Outputs under Contact-state-transition for Manipulation
    OKABE Shingo; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    We have developed a non-contact sensor called "net-structure proximity sensor" and a contact sensor called "slip sensor. " Both sensors are mounted on fingertips of our robot hand for object manipulation. The net-structure proximity sensor detects position and posture of an object, not only in non-contact but also in contact. The slip sensor detects pressure and slippage between an object in contact. In this paper, we investigate the outputs of these sensors under contact-state-transition between fingertips and an object, such as rapidly touch and forced posture change., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 17 May 2015, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "1P2-N09(1)"-"1P2-N09(4)", Japanese, 110010055036, AA11902933
  • 2A2-W04 Construction of Center of Pressure (CoP) Tactile Sensor using Conductive Paste
    SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    This paper proposes a construction method for a Center of Pressure (CoP) tactile sensor using electrically-conductive paste and adhesion bond. The advantages are cost reduction and implement ability on various surface, because the conductive paste is able to draw electric circuits, for example, by pen-shaped tools, without using hot welding. A prototype sensor was implemented on a polypropylene sheet. It was confirmed that the sensor worked correctly and detected the position and amplitude of the applied force. This paper also discusses the noise reduction, an easier construction method, difference in materials of implementation surfaces, and the durability., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 17 May 2015, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "2A2-W04(1)"-"2A2-W04(3)", Japanese, 110010055677, AA11902933
  • 2A2-S10 Development of Modular Robot Using Helical Magnet for Binding and Transformation
    TSUTSUI Yuhei; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose a lattice modular robot which is able to perform both binding and transformation on 2D plane using helical magnets. A helical magnet has a cylindrical shape with helically-arranged magnetic poles on its surface. Modules have a square shape when viewed from the top. Helical magnets are arranged on each sides of square. Modules can bind each other by attraction of each of helical magnets. In addition, helical magnets work as a linear actuator by rotating it. This enables a module sliding transformation from its neighbor modules to further its adjacent modules. There are problems of existing modular robots that unable binding and unable transformation because of mechanical interference and lack of space. This proposed modular robot realizes various self-reconfigurations through overcoming those problems., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 17 May 2015, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "2A2-S10(1)"-"2A2-S10(4)", Japanese, 110010055646, AA11902933
  • 2A2-P10 Small Quadruped Robot with Bi-articular Muscle-Tendon Complex
    KAZAMA Eiki; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Electromagnetic motors are useful actuators for robots due to good controllability and low cost. But, usually electromagnetic motors together with reducers of high reduction ratio are used to actuate robots. It is difficult to realize creature-like dynamic motions such as fast running, high jumping, by the robots due to low backdrivability of joints. To solve the problem, a robot with leg mechanisms consisting of spring and damper inspired by bi-articular muscle-tendon complex of animals, has been developed. As the result of experiments for dynamic motion, trot running at a speed of 3.5 kilometers per hour and forward jump about 1 body length per jump have been realized by the robot., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 17 May 2015, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "2A2-P10(1)"-"2A2-P10(4)", Japanese, 110010055617, AA11902933
  • 1A1-L03 Non-touch Human Interface using Proximity Sensors : Free Form Implementation and Aerial Interaction for "Wearable Device"
    TOCHIGI Shiho; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    For 3D interaction of computer, many researchers often use vision sensor. However, some of them focus on the interface using proximity sensors. We also try to produce 3D interface using net-structure proximity sensors. This sensors use infrared radiation, and can get position and distance of object. Non-touch human interface that we developed can get user's motion, and identify multi-point in 3D. Net-structure proximity sensors can fit their form to various surfaces. We think this sensor's feature can use for "wearable devise". In this paper, we try to propose new interaction for wearable devise using net-structure proximity sensors. We design new net-structure proximity sensors to combine head mounted display., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 17 May 2015, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "1A1-L03(1)"-"1A1-L03(4)", Japanese, 110010052976, AA11902933
  • 2A2-L01 Non-touch Human Interface using Proximity Sensors : Modularized Structure and Individual Multi-point 3D Sensing(Virtual/Augmented Reality and Interfaces)
    TOCHIGI Shiho; ARITA Hikaru; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Recently, the devices called "3D interface", which get gesture including Kinect and Leap Motion, attract people. Most of them use vision sensors for detecting human motion. However, we try to produce a new 3D interface without vision sensor, focusing on the net-structure proximity sensor our lab developed by. In some previous studies, it was made known that the interface used this sensor can get not only gesture but also identify multi-point. In this paper, we developed a new non-touch human interface device by using modularized net-structure proximity sensor, and proposed new wiring technique. This device can get four points identified positions (four fingers) in wide area., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "2A2-L01(1)"-"2A2-L01(4)", Japanese, 110009966986, AA11902933
  • 3P2-R05 Object Grasping using Robot Hand with Proximity Feedback in Teleoperation(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (2))
    SASAI Ryota; KOYAMA Keisuke; SUZUKI Yosuke; SHIMOJO Makoto
    We have developed a proximity sensor that was specially designed for a fingertip of robot hand. We have realized a preparatory motion before grasping, for adjusting the object-fingertip distance and 2-axis postures simultaneously by using the sensor. We call this motion "pre-shaping". In this paper, we realize object grasping by introducing a proximity sensor into master slave system. So, we newly develop a proximity sensor that is specially designed for palm of robot hand. This sensor enables appropriate pre-shaping by adjusting 2-axis postures between palm of robot hand and object., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "3P2-R05(1)"-"3P2-R05(4)", Japanese, 110009967429, AA11902933
  • 3P2-S02 Intelligent Robot Hand by the Proximity Sensor Feedback Control : Analog feedback circuit for generating reflex actions(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (2))
    KOYAMA Keisuke; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we introduce an analog feedback system: constructed by several analog circuits and our proximity sensor, for generating a pre-shaping motion of a robot hand. The pre-shaping means adjustment of the fingertip-object distance and fingertip postures simultaneously. Through this motion, each fingertip surface contacts with object surface on target posture. So fingertip force can be applied to the object surface directly. Moreover, the pre-shaping advantages feedback control using tactile sensors after contact improving the reliability of the object grasping. By introducing the analog feedback system, it is possible to construct the system of the robot in a compact configuration as a whole., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "3P2-S02(1)"-"3P2-S02(4)", Japanese, 110009967432, AA11902933
  • 3P2-R06 A study on grasping of a moving object with a robot hand having proximity sensors(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (2))
    OKABE Shingo; KOYAMA Kiesuke; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    We have developed a non-contact sensor called "proximity sensor" that detects position and posture of an object in a short-range. The proximity sensors are mounted on a palm and fingertips of a robot hand. With the sensor on a palm, the palm center position and an object center position are matched. And with the sensor on a fingertip, the fingertip surface and an object surface face each other and keep constant distance. The combination of them realizes grasping a static object that has unknown shape by a robot hand. But we have not focused on grasping a moving object. In this paper, we focus on grasping a moving object. So we investigate grasping an moving object that moves unknown speed by the robot hand with the proximity sensors., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "3P2-R06(1)"-"3P2-R06(4)", Japanese, 110009967430, AA11902933
  • 1A1-W06 Development of Modular Robot System Generating Actions based on Photo-detection : Approach of chain action generation by propagating light(Robotic systems based on autonomous decentralized architecture)
    MOCHIZUKI Kohei; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose a modular robot system generating actions based on photo-detection. We particularly propose the chain action generation by propagating light. Many of the modules consist of non-identical modules, easily replaced and connected. We make up autonomous decentralized control system by generating motivations of the modules to transform local structure with LED and photo transistor. In the first, by communicating light between the electrically-independent modules, the modular robot acts meandering motion without microcomputer. Herewith, the modular robot is downsized, power saving, low-cost, excellent environment adaptability and under simple control. In the future, the modular robot will snake narrow and winding road by proximity sensor., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "1A1-W06(1)"-"1A1-W06(3)", Japanese, 110009966670, AA11902933
  • 1A1-W05 Rules for Autonomous Decentralized Modular Robot using Proximity Photoensor Information(Robotic systems based on autonomous decentralized architecture)
    YONEDA Masayoshi; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose an autonomous distributed control method for modular robots that operates based on only local communications. The robot's task is self-reconfiguration to mimic the shape of the nearby object detected by proximitysensors (mounted on the modules). Each module decides in only local communications the need for action and the direction of movement, and create meaningful operations for the system. We designed a two-dimensional lattice type modules of three-layer structure. Deformation mechanism uses a slide mechanism. The communication among neighboring modules uses the optical communication of the phototransistor and LED. The availability of the rule is demonstrated by simulations., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "1A1-W05(1)"-"1A1-W05(4)", Japanese, 110009966669, AA11902933
  • 1A1-S03 Performance enhancement of bipedal robots : Development of the knee joint with the combination of the joint stop and the cross link with variable reduction ratio(Walking Robot)
    UEKI Kimitake; TAHATA Toshinori; HAMMADI Moncef; MING Aiguo; CHOLEY Jean-Yves; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose a joint stop mechanism in addition to the cross link mechanism in our previous research. This mechanism consisting of the joint stop, torsional spring and spacer is introduced into the knee joint of our bipedal robot. The aim of this research is to address the reduction of power consumption in walking by the proposed mechanism. The function of joint stop mechanism is to temporarily fix the knee joint to a certain angle when performing extension walking. As a result, we succeeded to cut down energy consumption by assisting torques to actuators by the joint stop., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "1A1-S03(1)"-"1A1-S03(4)", Japanese, 110009966655, AA11902933
  • 2A2-L03 Development of human interface for input device that integrates tactile and proximity(Virtual/Augmented Reality and Interfaces)
    Maeda Takashi; ARITA Hikaru; SUZUKI Yosuke; Ming Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In previous study, we developed a CoP sensor with pressure conductive sensor and a net-structure proximity sensor with optical detection elements. CoP sensor is a contact sensor that detects the strength and the center position of the load. Net-like Proximity sensor is a sensor for acquiring distance and the center position of the object in non-contact with the reflected light of the object. Since the circuit configuration is very similar, integration of the these sensors is easy. In this paper, we develop an interface that can be input in both contact and non-contact. By integrating the non-contact interface and the contact interface, it is expected to expand the diversity of the operation., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "2A2-L03(1)"-"2A2-L03(3)", Japanese, 110009968932, AA11902933
  • 1P1-E05 Development of biomimetic soft underwater robots : Development of sea snake-like underwater robot(Underwater Robot and Mechatronics (2))
    ICHIKAWA Takahiro; ZHAO Wenjing; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Aimming to design a soft robotic fish for more flexible and efficient fish-like motion by biomimetic method, we are developing a snake-like robot with body undulating propulsion using the piezoelectric fiber composite (PFC) as soft actuator by mimicking the sea snake. Due to the large deformation of flexible structure and complicated dynamics with fluid, the design method for soft fish robots has not been established, and we need to study it by considering the coupling between them. In this paper, the sea snake-like robot using PFC is developed by the analytical simulation with considering the coupling between flexible structure and fluid. The efficient body undulating propulsion based on meandering motion is realized successfully from the prototype, and its swimming efficiency is similar to the real sea snake's., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 24 May 2014, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014, "1P1-E05(1)"-"1P1-E05(4)", Japanese, 110009968697, AA11902933
  • ネット状近接覚センサと視覚センサの統合による未知形状物体把持に関する研究
    瀬戸川将夫; 小山佳祐; 鈴木陽介; 明愛国; 下条誠
    2014, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 32nd, 201402221178113907
  • ネット状近接覚センサとビジョンセンサを統合したロボットハンドシステムによる把持戦略に関する研究
    鈴木陽介; 瀬戸川将夫; 小山佳祐; 明愛国; 下条誠
    2014, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 32nd, 201402261770428572
  • 人工の手の研究開発動向 (特集 人工の手)
    下条 誠
    Lead, 人間の手の工学的実現についてロボットハンドと義手の研究開発の歴史と現状について述べた.その工学的実現では,機能"Dexterity"と形態"Anthropomorphism"の2つの側面があり,その紹介を行う.ロボットハンドでは,1970年代の巧みな把持操作を行う多指ハンドから現在の先端的なハンドについて述べる.また義手については,市販されている義手から,現在米国で開発が進んでいる最新のハンド・アームシステムの研究開発について紹介する., バイオメカニズム学会, Jan. 2014, Journal of the Society of Biomechanisms, 38(1), pp.3-10, 2014, 38, 1, 3-10, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, 0285-0885, 130005145315, AN00334047
  • Acquisition System of Wide Region for Interactive Tactile Graphic Display
    SHIMADA Shigenobu; MURASE Haruka; SHIMOJO Makoto
    A basic device combining a tactile graphic display function and a touch position sensing function is proposed. The trial device consists of two major components, a tactile graphic display and a force sensor. The force sensor measures a center of gravity generated by touch action on the display surface and a PC estimates the point based on the data. The fundamental function for achieving the interactive communication is to detect the location where user is touching a tangible surface. By applying this functions, the click and scroll function by an empty hand are realized. In addition, an audio-tactile graphic system which can be used mainly to overcome tactile cognitive limitation is implemented as an application of the system. Moreover, the area of tactile display is expanded for the purpose of improvement usability. Following this, we propose the tactile scrollbar where the users can recognize their position of plane space. The validity of the developed tactile graphic system has been confirmed through subjective experiments., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 29 Aug. 2013, IEICE technical report. Welfare Information technology, 113, 195, 91-95, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110009805803, AA1155230X
  • 2A2-M07 Development of biomimetic soft underwater robots using piezoelectric fiber composites : Development of hollow trout-like underwater robot(Underwater Robot and Mechatronics)
    Mimetic soft underwater robots using piezoelectric fiber composites are being developed by us. High speed and efficiency motions have been realized by the robots up to now. However, the robots are with simple shape of flat plate. To realize stream-line shape and embed electric components inside the robots, it is necessary to prepare interior space inside the robots. This paper describes the trial to develop a trout-like underwater robot with interior space., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "2A2-M07(1)"-"2A2-M07(3)", Japanese, 110009963343, AA11902933
  • 2P1-A06 Performance enhancement of two-legged robots : Development of the knee joint using cross link mechanism with variable reduction ratio(Humanoid)
    UEKI Kimitake; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose a cross link mechanism with variable reduction ratio. This mechanism, which consists of the crossed links with different lengths, is used to drive a knee joint of two-legged robots. We can get variable reduction ratio by using it. We use the parameters that give high reduction ratio when a knee joint is flexed. Then this cross link mechanism can reduce static torque necessary for two-legged robot's flexion and extension. As a result, reduction ratio of the actuator is reduced, and the performance for motion is improved., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "2P1-A06(1)"-"2P1-A06(4)", Japanese, 110009963381, AA11902933
  • 2A1-A12 Development of High-Speed and High-Sensitivity Slip Sensor : Detecting Slip Position and Direction by Combining Net-Structure-Circurt(Tactile and Force Sensing (1))
    Cai Xiaodong; Suzuki Yosuke; Ming Aiguo; Shimojo Makoto
    In our research group, we are developing a High-Speed High-Sensitivity Slip Sensor composed of a piece of pressure sensitive conductive rubber. It's useful for griping object in most suitable force. As the next step, We focus our research on how to deliver object on suitable timing. We propose a method to determine the suitable timing witch detects slip direction by a Netted-Structure circuit. This paper reports that we succeed in detecting the slip position and direction by the Netted-Structure., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "2A1-A12(1)"-"2A1-A12(4)", Japanese, 110009963193, AA11902933
  • 2A1-B03 Constitution of Ultrasonic Net-structure Proximity Sensor(Tactile and Force Sensing (1))
    ARITA Hikaru; SUZUKI Yosuke; OGAWA Hironori; TOBITA Kazuteru; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In previous study, we developed a net-structure proximity sensor with optical detection elements and showed applications such as robot hand and human interface. However, the optical sensor cannot use in blurry vision and cannot detect a transparent object. We propose a new net-structure proximity sensor with ultrasonic detection elements. The sensor can resolve above problems and is applicable new detecting methods that utilize the ultrasonic waves. In this paper, we discuss demands to construct the ultrasonic net-structure proximity sensor. Secondly, we propose a constitution of the ultrasonic net-structure proximity sensor that fulfills the functions with ultrasonic elements., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "2A1-B03(1)"-"2A1-B03(4)", Japanese, 110009963198, AA11902933
  • 2A1-N08 Development of Modular Robot System Adaptively Transforming with Proximity Sensor(Robotic systems based on autonomous decentralized architecture)
    MOCHIZUKI Kohei; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose a modular robot system adaptively transforming a mechanical structure with applying proximity sensors. A proximity sensor is consist of LED and a photo transistor. The modular robot is composed of nonidentical modules, easily replaced and connected. We make up autonomous decentralized control system by generating motivations of the modules to transform local structure with using proximity sensor output. In the first,we form a shapechangeable plane by connecting modules which have servomotors and proximity sensors. A module can estimate the distance between the module and objects by its proximity sensor. By equalizing the distance among neighboring modules, the modular robot system transforms along the shape of objects., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "2A1-N08(1)"-"2A1-N08(4)", Japanese, 110009963250, AA11902933
  • 1A1-P14 Robot Legs with Bi-articular Muscles and Muscle-Tendon Complex(Walking Robot (1))
    MIYAMOTO Ichiro; NOZAWA Shunpei; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    The robot is performed by the motor drive. However, human force is generated using the muscle. The major difference between robot and human skeletal muscle is the presence of Bi-articular muscle. Bi-articular muscle ganged operation with two joint. As a result, human are highly movement possible like jumping and running. In this paper, we examine the effect of link similar to Bi-articular muscle of humans using the simulation., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "1A1-P14(1)"-"1A1-P14(4)", Japanese, 110009962860, AA11902933
  • 1A1-K07 Object Grasping using Robot Hand with Tactile and Proximity Integrated Fingertip Sensor : Investigation of using Proximity Sensor output in a contact state(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (1))
    KOYAMA Keisuke; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Various sensor can be introduced into the robot hand such as proximity sensor; detecting an object position in non-contact using reflection of an electric field or light. Introducing tactile and proximity sensor into robot hand, it can obtain great sensory ability compared with human. On the bases of this concept, we developed "Slip and Proximity Integrated Fingertip Sensor" which has Net-Structure Proximity Sensor and Slip Sensor. In this paper, we focus on Net-Structure Proximity Sensor output in a contact state. We discuss a possibility that object stiffness can be distinguished by Proximity Sensor output in a contact state., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "1A1-K07(1)"-"1A1-K07(4)", Japanese, 110009962846, AA11902933
  • 1A1-K08 Research on object grasping by the robot hand which integrated visual and proximity sensing : Investigation of visual information to apply proximity feedback(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (1))
    SETOGAWA Masao; KOYAMA Kiesuke; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    We have developed a sensor to detect position and posture of an object in a short-range, called a "proximity sensor". The proximity sensors are mounted on fingertips of a robot hand, and it is realized that the fingertip surface and an object surface face each other before contact in grasping process by the robot. We call such postural adjustment "preshaping". When grasping an object by a robot hand system with the combination of the proximity sensor and a visual sensor, the visual sensor has only to guide the robot hand so that the proximity sensor detects the object and pre-shaping is performed appropriately. In this paper, we investigate the information which the visual sensor should acquire to perform pre-shaping appropriately., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "1A1-K08(1)"-"1A1-K08(4)", Japanese, 110009962847, AA11902933
  • 2P1-B11 A Study on Home Services by a Mobile Manipulator : Posture Estimation of Standing-Up Motion using Kinect(Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics(3))
    SHINOZAKI Mizuki; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    As one of the home services by a mobile manipulator system, we are aiming at the realization of the motion assist for elderly people. The purpose of the work is to realize a safe assist by feedback control based on the information from a high speed tactile sensor and Kinect. This paper describes the skeleton data accuracy estimated by Kinect and the classification of standing-up motion phases using Kinect. A method for classification from Kinect skeleton data is proposed. The method is implemented and experimental results show the availability of Kinect for the classification., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 May 2013, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "2P1-B11(1)"-"2P1-B11(4)", Japanese, 110009964045, AA11902933
  • ネット状近接覚センサを搭載したロボットハンドによる指先同時接触のための距離推定手法
    小山佳祐; 鈴木陽介; 明愛国; 下条誠
    2013, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 31st, 201302298291519931
  • 近接覚を有するインテリジェントロボットハンドの研究
    鈴木陽介; 叶沙; 小山佳祐; 瀬戸川将夫; 明愛国; 下条誠
    2013, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 31st, 201302240271688259
  • 2A2-V01 Development of leg mechanism with Load-Sensitive Continuously Variable Transmission for knee joint(Walking Robot (2))
    NOZAWA Shunpei; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we introduce Load-Sensitive Continuously Variable Transmission used for knee joints of the two-legged robot. Among the joints of the two-legged robot, the variation of the torque necessary for the actuator is especially large in knee joint. In walking motion, two phases, swing phase and stance phase exist. In these two phases, the torque necessary for the knee joint actuators changes greatly. But reduction ratio of the actuators used for joints of the robot is generally constant. To solve the problem, we introduce a Load-Sensitive Continuously Variable Transmission in the knee joints, to adapt to the variation and then to achieve efficient walking motion., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27 May 2012, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2012, "2A2-V01(1)"-"2A2-V01(3)", Japanese, 110009909281, AA11902933
  • 2A2-G10 PTP Control of The Trunk Flexion Propulsion Type Underwater Robot(Underwater Robot and Mechatronics(1))
    KOMATSU Yusuke; OSAKA Takuma; HASHIMOTO Kazunori; ZHAO Wenjing; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Using piezo-electric fiber composite as actuators suitable for soft robotics, we have constructed a prototype trunk flexion prpulsion type underwater robot. Macro Fiber Composite is a new piezoelectric fiber composite material. In addition to the basic characteristics of a conventional piezoelectric material, it has excellent flexibility and impact resistance. In this paper, a control method to reach the target pose from the initial pose(PTP), is proposed and its effectiveness was verified by experiments., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27 May 2012, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2012, "2A2-G10(1)"-"2A2-G10(4)", Japanese, 110009908823, AA11902933
  • 2A2-K01 Posture Estimation Method using 3D Range Camera for Standing-Up Motion Assist Robot:Performance Enhancement by Improving the Estimation Method(Robot Vision(1))
    OGURA Kazuya; TSUKADA Natsumi; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Currently in many countries, the number of senior citizens who need help in daily life is increasing. We are developing a robotic system for assisting standing-up motions of the citizens from a chair by using a mobile manipulator. A standing-up posture estimation method has been proposed in our previous work, but the accuracy and processing time need to be improved. In this paper, we aim to improve the estimation performance to realize standing-up motion assist, by introducing the vote principle of Combinatorial Hough Transform (CHT) in LMedS Hough Transform. As the result, we confirmed the reduction of the estimated processing time by reducing wasted votes., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27 May 2012, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2012, "2A2-K01(1)"-"2A2-K01(3)", Japanese, 110009908857, AA11902933
  • 高速高感度型すべり覚センサの研究開発―荷重分布中心位置を用いたすべり方向の検出―
    勅使河原誠一; 鈴木陽介; MING Aiguo; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    13 Mar. 2012, ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, 17th, 122-127, Japanese, 1881-7300, 201302253573455894
  • 1P1-I03 Object Handling Using Robot Hand with Slip and Proximity Integrated Fingertip Sensor : Object Hand Passing and Release Task Between Human and Robot(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (3))
    KOYAMA Keisuke; MUKOYAMA Yu; YE Sha; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In object grasping using vision sensors, occlusion occurs when a robot hand approaches around several millimeters from a grasping object. One solution of this problem is to introduce proximity sensors which detect the object position and distance in the near range area. Furthermore, when the weight of the grasping object is unidentified, slip sensors are required to grasp the object. This research focuses on pre-shaping using (net-structure) proximity sensors and integration of proximity sensors and slip sensors, in object passing and release tasks between a human and a robot hand. The posture of the object which the human holds out is detected by the proximity sensing, and the contact between the human and the grasping object is detected by the slip sensing., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _1P1-I03_1-_1P1-I03_4, Japanese, 110009908391, AA11902933
  • 1P1-A05 The Development of Signal Processing System for High Speed Slip Detection Sensor : The Improvement of Slip Detection Accuracy(Tactile and Force Sensing(3))
    Cai Xiaodong; Teshigawara Seiichi; Suzuki Yosuke; Ming Aiguo; Shimojo Makoto
    In our research group, we are developing a signal processing system for a compact sized and high speed slip detective sensor.We found that it is difficult to tell initial slipping from shaped normal force charging with the traditional processing method by DWT(db2). But the raw signal of initial slipping is obviously different from the signal of a shaped normal force charging. So we differentiated the slip detection sensor's output to determine either the shaped normal force is charging or the tangential force is charging. As a result, we improved the accuracy of slip detection. I will report about that in this paper., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _1P1-A05_1-_1P1-A05_4, Japanese, 110009908319, AA11902933
  • 1A1-C02 Experimental Discussion of Occurrence of High-Frequency Component on Slip Sensor Output Using Pressure Conductive Rubber(Tactile and Force Sensing(1))
    SUZUKI Yosuke; TESHIGAWARA Seiichi; CHIBA Mitsuhiro; SHIMADA Takumi; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    We have presented the availability of our slip sensor using pressure conductive rubber for detecting initial slip, however, we have not revealed the principle of high-frequency wave occurrence which takes the detection method. Clarification of the principle is required for optimized design of the slip sensor, especially the property of the pressure conductive rubber and the shape of the detecting part, and for reduction of individual difference of detection characteristic of the slip sensor. This paper discusses the principle through a series of experiments and finally shows that localized fixing and peeling between pressure conductive rubber and electrodes in the slip sensor configuration has influence with the principle., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _1A1-C02_1-_1A1-C02_4, Japanese, 110009907233, AA11902933
  • 1A1-C01 Development of Omni-Directional Net-Structure Proximity Sensor : Detecting distance independent of reflectance, shape and attitude with difference sensor elements angle(Tactile and Force Sensing(1))
    KIN Akiumi; MUKOYAMA Yu; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose a method for measuring distance independent of reflectance, shape and attitude by optical reflective sensors. This method uses two sensor layers: one layer has the sensor elements mounted in straight direction and the other has in tilt direction. The two sensor layer outputs have difference due to optical path length. By calculating the proportion of two sensor outputs, we can reject effect of reflectance, shape and attitude of object. We apply to multistage ring sensor for evaluate the availability of this method. Then, we examine distance measuring property of sensor for different object by experiments., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _1A1-C01_1-_1A1-C01_4, Japanese, 110009907232, AA11902933
  • 1A1-B02 Information Processing System from Infrared Proximity Array : Edge Detection Method with Lateral Inhibition(Tactile and Force Sensing(1))
    KOUTA Naoto; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Lateral inhibition mechanism in human vision and tactile has effect on the edge enhancement. This mechanism is the structuring of a network so that neurons inhibit some of their neighbors. An analog circuit emulated this neuron network achieve the High-speed response. In this paper, we propose an edge detection method for an infrared proximity array with the lateral inhibition. In our approach, we first apply the photocurrent distribution obtained from that sensor to the lateral inhibition model. We then detect edge points from an edge enhancement: lateral inhibition output using zero-cross detection. Simulation and Experiments of our algorithms using that sensor are performed and favorable results are obtained., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _1A1-B02_1-_1A1-B02_4, Japanese, 110009907222, AA11902933
  • 1A1-B01 Optical Proximity Sensor Detecting Azimuth and Elevation Angle(Tactile and Force Sensing(1))
    ARITA Hikaru; SUZUKI Yosuke; OGAWA Hironori; TOBITA Kazuteru; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we develop a net-structured proximity sensor which detects azimuth angle and elevation angle to an adjacent object without contact. The information is available for various robots to avoid an approach obstacle or to follow with human behavior. First, we propose detection principle of azimuth angle and detection principle of elevation angle. Detection of azimuth angle is realized by arranging two one-dimension net-structured proximity sensor in orthogonalized axes. Detection of elevation angle is realized by arranging two one-dimension net-structured proximity sensor in double-decker ring. Then, we show availability of detection principles by the experiments with the sensor which is constructed based on proposing principles., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _1A1-B01_1-_1A1-B01_4, Japanese, 110009907221, AA11902933
  • 1A1-L01 Object Grasping Corresponding to Position, Posture and Movement of Object with Proximity Sensing(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy(1))
    YE Sha; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    The purpose of this paper is to consider the strategy of grasping a moving object robustly using the Net Structure Proximity Sensor which has fast response (1 ms) and detects the object position and distance in near field. In general, a temporary lack of sensory information due to occlusion occurs when using vision sensor to grasp object. In this strategy, we integrate the object following motion and the pre-shaping motion corresponding to the object posture together to grasp the object which moves randomly without any concern for occlusion using the proximity sensor. Specifically, the example of following the object from heights of 50mm makes it clear that it is possible to follow the object in maximum 30m/s in speculation., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _1A1-L01_1-_1A1-L01_4, Japanese, 110009907323, AA11902933
  • 2P1-P02 Proposal for a method of multi-point position measurement by use of photo array and infrared LED(VR and Interface)
    MORI Asumi; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose the multi-point position measurement using a photo array and infrared LED which can be applied to three-dimensional user interface. In recent years, the digital terminal which manages and operates information is tended to multiply functions. Thus, the handleability of its interface decline relatively, and it is necessary to become skilled in operation. Accordingly, a touch panel which enables sensuous operation became widely used. These lead to the situation where user cannot make full use of function and the digital divide. Because an input and an output of a touch panel are seamless, the operation with the gesture input realizes a direct and intuitive interaction and improves the operability of digital terminal. An improvement in the handleability by an intuitive operation depended on the flexibility of the interface. Therefore, an improvement of the handleability is expected by expanding an input range from two-dimensions to three-dimensions., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _2P1-P02_1-_2P1-P02_2, Japanese, 110009909434, AA11902933
  • 2P1-P03 Basic Study of Touchless Human Interface using Net Structure Proximity Sensors(VR and Interface)
    MIYAMOTO Ichiro; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we examined the availability of the touchless human interface using net structure proximity sensors. Recently, touchless human interface including kinect at Microsoft is studied actively. We were developing net structure proximity sensors with the feature High-speed response, touchless, and freely arrangement in the past. It is thought that an intuitive input is attained by using human interface of High-speed response proximity sensors. We considered the sensor output of the interface use using simulation, and examined that possibility distinction of gesture performed using sensor made as an experiment., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _2P1-P03_1-_2P1-P03_3, Japanese, 110009909435, AA11902933
  • すべり覚センサのための高速情報処理システム
    勅使河原誠一; 知場充洋; 鈴木陽介; MING Aiguo; 下条誠
    10 Sep. 2011, 日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2011, ROMBUNNO.S153011, Japanese, 201202269317418945
  • 動的な障害物回避を可能とするネット状近接覚センサ用いた全方向自律移動ロボット
    曽根聡史; 長谷川浩章; 鈴木陽介; 多田隈建二郎; 下条誠
    07 Sep. 2011, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 29th, ROMBUNNO.1I2-6, Japanese, 201102227645197326
  • ネット状近接覚センサのみを用いたロボットハンドによる物体探索と把持
    叶沙; 鈴木健治; 向山由宇; 鈴木陽介; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    07 Sep. 2011, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 29th, ROMBUNNO.3E2-1, Japanese, 201102225899168986
  • 10μsの応答を実現するフォトダイオード型ネット状近接覚センサ
    長谷川浩章; 鈴木陽介; 明愛国; 下条誠
    07 Sep. 2011, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 29th, ROMBUNNO.2L2-1, Japanese, 201102272762408430
  • 2P1-O16 Study for a mounting technique for experiencing sensory sensation to prosthetic hand by electrical stimulating sensory nerve fiber(Tactile and Force Sensing(2))
    Niiro H.; Araki N.; Kunimoto M.; Hoashi Y.; Suzuki T.; Fukayama O.; Mabuchi K.; Shimojo M.
    This paper presents a mounting technique for experiencing sensory sensation to prosthetic hand with which patients lost the extremities by disturbances will be able to replace the extremities and feel somatic sensation as if they were touching an object with their healthy hand. The system consists of myoelectric prosthetic hand by surface electromyography signal and flexible pressure sensors which cover the finger of prosthetic hand and micro-electrical stimulation of the sensory nerve fibers was used in order to evoke somatic sensations. The results show that the system worked satisfactorily, and it is demonstrated that the system will be able to compensate sensory function of the patients with sensory neuropathy and have possibilities for replace the extremities, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 26 May 2011, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2011, "2P1-O16(1)"-"2P1-O16(2)", Japanese, 110009711568, AA11902933
  • 触覚センシング&コントロール技術の開発
    公益社団法人 精密工学会, Mar. 2011, 精密工学会誌, 77, 3, 278-279, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction other, 0912-0289, 130004745197
  • 1A1-J02 Posture detection of object using fingertip of robot hand for grasping covered with Net Structure Proximity Sensor(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy)
    SUZUKI Kenji; YE Sha; HASEGAWA Hiroaki; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    The objective of this research is to detect posture of an object using the Net Structure Proximity Sensor applied to the fingertip of robot hand for reliable grasping. In object grasping and object sensing, occlusion occurs when using the vision sensor around several millimeters from grasping object. The solution of this problem is to introduce the proximity sensor which detects the object position and distance in near range area. The posture detection uses the sensor position output which takes zero not being affected by the distance whenever the surface of object and the surface of the sensor are parallel position. This detection technique is introduced to manage the object grasping successfully in adjusting the robot hand posture in two axes to appropriate grasping position., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011, 0, _1A1-J02_1-_1A1-J02_4, Japanese, 110009690609, AA11902933
  • 2A2-O03 High-Speed Signal Processing System for Slip Sensor : Examination of High-Speed Filtering(Tactile and Force Sensing (1))
    Teshigawara Seiichi; Akimoto Naoya; Shimizu Satoru; Suzuki Yosuke; Ming Aiguo; Ishikawa Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    Slip detecting tactile sensors are essential to achieving a human-like gripping motion with a robot hand. Up until now, we have proposed flexible, thin and lightweight slip sensor utilizing characteristics of pressure conductive rubber. This sensor can distinguish between condition of the object slip and the normal force change using a frequency component. In previous research, it was considered that the separation of these conditions was very difficult, but we managed to achieve it. We had suggested the separate algorithm by using Discrete Wavelet Transform signal processing. In this paper, we will discuss about the filtering method in the algorithm., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011, 0, _2A2-O03_1-_2A2-O03_3, Japanese, 110009692336, AA11902933
  • 2A2-O04 High-Speed and High-Sensitiveity Sensor for Slip Detection : Examination of Slip Detection Mechanism(Tactile and Force Sensing (1))
    Teshigawara Seiichi; Morita Ryuho; Shimizu Satoru; Suzuki Yosuke; Ming Aiguo; Ishikawa Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    Slip detecting tactile sensors are essential to achieving a human-like gripping motion with a robot hand. Up until now, we have proposed flexible, thin and lightweight slip sensor utilizing characteristics of pressure conductive rubber. When an object slides on the surface of our slip sensor, the complex output change occurs. By using this output change, this sensor can distinguish between the object slip and the normal force change. But, the mechanism of the complex voltage change is unclear. So, in this paper, we will observe the slip surface of an acrylic plate and the rubber with a high-speed camera. And, we report on the sensor output and the relation to the sensor output and the state of rubber., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011, 0, _2A2-O04_1-_2A2-O04_4, Japanese, 110009692337, AA11902933
  • 2A2-P05 Information Processing using Distributed Proximity Sensor(Tactile and Force Sensing (1))
    KOUTA Naoto; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we developed a proximity sensor which detects an adjacent object. The sensor consists of reflection photosensor array and multiplexer scanning detection elements. We carried out experiments with varying the distance between the sensor and an object in order to examine the charastic of the sensor against distance change. We tried to estimate the shape of an object and indicated the possibility. We applied information processing to the voltage distribution for useful information such as image processing methods and statistical processing methods. We can estimate distance independent the reflective characteristic of an object between the sensor and the object by using coefficient of variation., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011, 0, _2A2-P05_1-_2A2-P05_4, Japanese, 110009692354, AA11902933
  • 2P1-O01 A optimized design method of resistance for Net Structure Proximity Sensor(Tactile and Force Sensing(2))
    MORI Asumi; TERADA Kazuki; SUZUKI Yosuke; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose a design method of resistance for Net Structure Proximity Sensor (NSPS). Generally, vision sensors and tactile sensors are used for the external world measurement. A vision sensor has the problem of occlusion and a tactile sensor cannot detect until coming in contact. Therefore, we have developed NSPS that detects the intermediate area of vision and tactile area. NSPS can detect within 1ms the center position of the approaching object and the distance to the object without contact. This sensor is composed of resistor networks connected by phototransistor. The performance of NSPS is determined by the resistance in the networks. However, there was no practical design method of the resisters because of the network circuit. Accordingly, we describe a method for designing easily arbitrary dynamic range and faster measurement speed and confirm the validity of the proposed method., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011, 0, _2P1-O01_1-_2P1-O01_4, Japanese, 110009711553, AA11902933
  • 2P1-O15 A Study on Effective Optical Elements Placement of Infrared Reflective Photosensor Array(Tactile and Force Sensing(2))
    MUKOYAMA Yu; SUZUKI Yosuke; HASEGAWA Hiroaki; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we considered an assessment function for effective optical elements placement of the Mesh of proximity sensor and searched a simulation result which maximizes the assessment function. Output characteristic of this sensor depends on relative placement of the optical elements. Since the placement has large amount of freedom, designing of the sensor which meets desired specification is difficult even using the optical simulator. Thus we proposed the simulator-supported method for effective element placement using Genetic Algorithm, and attempted to improve the sensor output characteristic over applying this method to the sensor design. In this article, we applied this method to the fingertip sensor which has unidirectional curvature, and confirmed the effect., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011, 0, _2P1-O15_1-_2P1-O15_4, Japanese, 110009711567, AA11902933
  • 1P1-I08 Development of omni-directional mobile robot using omni-directional net structure proximity sensor(Wheeled Robot/Tracked Vehicle)
    SONE Satoshi; TERADA Kazuki; HASEGAWA Hiroaki; SUZUKI Yosuke; TADAKUMA Kenjiro; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose an omni-directional mobile robot that can assist to transport a baggage in the crowded situations. It is necessary to possess a high-speed and wide-ranging environments recognition and high motion mechanisms so that the robot may work more effectively, for instance under situations such as airports and the hospitals. So, we developed the robot which has omni-directional net proximity sensor, which can detect the center position of current distribution and relative distance from an object to the sensor within 1 ms, and it has also omni-directional driving mechanism using Omni-Ball which consists of two hemispherical wheels. In addition, the performance of the prototype robot system is verified through experiments., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011, 0, _1P1-I08_1-_1P1-I08_4, Japanese, 110009691941, AA11902933
  • 触覚・近接覚・すべり覚の開発とロボットハンドへの応用
    下条 誠
    Jan. 2011, 日本機械学会誌「メカトップ関東」, 114, 1112, 9-9, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal
  • 0735 Tactile Pin Display and Information Accessibility
    Shimada Shignobu; Shimojo Makoto; Shimizu Yutaka
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 08 Jan. 2010, バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 2009, 22, 307-307, Japanese, 110008064685, AA11903175
  • 2A1-D13 Wearable sensory prosthetic system for patients with sensory disturbance : generation of somatic sensation and its enhancement using microstimulation method
    Niiro Hirotaka; Kunimoto Masanari; Suzuki Takafumi; Mabuchi Kunihiko; Shimojo Makoto
    In this study, we attempted to develop a prototype of a wearable sensory prosthetic system with which patients suffering from peripheral sensory disturbance will be able to feel somatic sensations as if they were touching an object with their healthy and intact hand. The system consists of finger sacs and palm patch equipped with flexible pressure sensors, and micro-electrical stimulation of the sensory nerve fibers was used in order to evoke somatic sensations. The results showed that the system worked satisfactorily, and it is demonstrated that the system will be able to compensate or even enhance sensory function of the patients with sensory neuropathy., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, "2A1-D13(1)"-"2A1-D13(2)", Japanese, 110008741743, AA11902933
  • 1A2-B28 Experimental Examination of Double Joint Mechanism Composition for Connected Two Units Crawlers to Realize Multiple Configurations
    OHISHI Chigusa; TADAKUMA Kenjiro; MARUYAMA Akira; NAGATANI Keiji; YOSHIDA Kazuya; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    This paper describes various configurations of two connected unit crawlers. By changing the relative position of the two connected vehicle units, the overall robot comprising such a mechanism can automatically adapt to surface obstacles on the field, including complicated structures such as disaster-generated debris. We examined the drive system for the roll axis of the joint mechanism that achieved four configurations. Moreover, we developed test model and experimented basic performances., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, "1A2-B28(1)"-"1A2-B28(4)", Japanese, 110008741326, AA11902933
  • 2A2-C22 Robot hand whose fingertip covered with Net-Shape Proximity Sensor : Moving object tracking using protimity sensing
    HASEGAWA Hiroshi; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Because of occlusion, around several millimeters from grasping object, it was difficult for the method based on vision sensor to detect relative position between grasping object and the fingers of robot hand. To solve this problem, proximity sensor which detects the object in near range is very effective. In this research, we developed thin proximity sensor sheet and covered each finger of three-fingered robot hand with it. Then integrating these sensors and hand control system, we implemented object tracking controller. Using proximity sensory signals, this controller coordinates wrist position based on palm proximity sensors, and grasping posture from fingertip sensors. Therefore we realized tracking and capturing motion of moving objects., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, "2A2-C22(1)"-"2A2-C22(4)", Japanese, 110008741927, AA11902933
  • 1A1-G06 Proposal of leg mechanism that enables sharing the drive torque between two joints
    MARUYAMA Akira; KAJIWARA Naoki; OHISHI Chigusa; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In the design of the leg mechanism of the conventional humanoid robot, the actuator and the reducer in each joint are selected individually to be larger than the maximum static torque exerted on the joint. For the case of humanoid, some joint, e.g. knee joint, bears large static torque due to the configuration and needs a reducer with large gear ratio. It results in heavier joint and lower mobility. To solve the problem, a leg mechanism with drive torque sharing spring and joint stop is proposed in this paper. The concept, design and simulation results are described., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, "1A1-G06(1)"-"1A1-G06(4)", Japanese, 110008741253, AA11902933
  • 1A1-D02 High Sensitivity Slip Sensor utilizing Characteristics of Pressure Conductive Rubber : A Study about Kind of Pressure Conductive Rubber and Covering Material
    SHIMIZU Satoru; TESHIGAWARA Seiichi; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    By the recent research, we found that the electrical resistance change occurs because of the shear deformation of pressure conductive rubber. Therefore, we expect that can detect the object slippage by measuring the electrical resistance change of pressure conductive rubber when the object slips on the rubber. In this paper, we examine the difference of the output by an internal particle of pressure conductive rubber and hardness and the covering material., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, "1A1-D02(1)"-"1A1-D02(4)", Japanese, 110008741162, AA11902933
  • 1A1-D03 A study on 3-dimensional element placement of Mesh of Proximity Sensor : Photoelectric Proximity Sensor Simulation using Ray-Tracing
    FUJIMURA Tatsunori; MUKOYAMA Yu; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    The external world measurement sensor is useful so that the robot may evade the collision of man and the obstacle. However, a vision sensor has the problem of occlusion and a tactile sensor cannot be detected until coming in contact. Then, a proximity sensor that can detect the approach of the object is useful to interpolate the intermediate area of these vision and tactile area. We Study on the Mesh of Proximity Sensor that can be fitted on the free-form surface. In this paper, we simulated the sensor output by the ray-tracing method to examine the influence by having changed the arrangement of the light-emitting parts and light-receiving parts., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, "1A1-D03(1)"-"1A1-D03(4)", Japanese, 110008741163, AA11902933
  • 1A1-C16 Development of Center of Contact Area Sensor
    SONE Satoshi; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this paper, we propose the sensor capable of detecting the total contact area and the center of it and the characteristics of sensor are verified by trial product of the sensors. In previous studies, various walking measurement devices which is using pressure conductive element were developed, but they had several problems such as wires, responsivity, non-linearity and so on. So using we developed net structure tactile sensor, these problems were able to solve, but non-linearity problem that remains to be solved. And instead of pressure conductive rubber which have inferior repeatability, on/off switches which is quantitative and element use net structure sensor. Therefore the sensor charasteristics output is digitally and simplistically. Additionaly using switch is "double action switch" which is used in digtal camera the sensor get richer tactile information., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, "1A1-C16(1)"-"1A1-C16(3)", Japanese, 110008741146, AA11902933
  • 2A2-D08 Liquid-Solid State Changing Omnidirectional Gripper Mechanism with the Performance of the "Hot-Ice" Phenomenon
    TADAKUMA Kenjiro; OMATA Toru; HIGASHIMORI Mitsuru; KANEKO Makoto; TANAKA Hiroki; TERADA Kazuki; OISHI Chigusa; HASEGAWA Hiroaki; TESHIGAWARA Seiichi; Ming AIGO; SHIMOJO Makoto; TAKAYAMA Toshio
    This paper describes the morphing omnidirectional gripper which is able to grasp various objects with low melting point alloy, functional fluid, dilatancy fluid, and so on. The deformable part of the gripper changes its shape by covering all direction of objects and makes the contacting area higher. This time, we especially focus on the "Hot Ice" phenomena to realize higher grasping motion. The basic performance of fluid of CH3COONa has been observed., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2010, 0, _2A2-D08_1-_2A2-D08_4, Japanese, 110008741942, AA11902933
  • 2A2-C19 Paper Slip Control with Robot Hand and CoP Sensor
    MATSUZAKI Hiroshi; HAYASHI Hirokazu; NAMIKI Akio; Shimojo Makoto
    In this paper, we focus on control of slip of paper. The goal is the position control of a paper by recognizing slip information. For this purpose, we use high-speed multifingered hand with CoY (center of pressure) sensor. CoP sensor can output the center of pressure at contact position, and it can also output the vibration information caused by slip. By analyzing the information with Wavelet transform, the hand is controlled so that the paper is set to the desired position. The results of the experiment are shown., 一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2010, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2010, 0, _2A2-C19_1-_2A2-C19_4, Japanese, 2424-3124, 201002233287012940, 110008741924
  • 全方位ネット状近接覚センサによる複数物体検出手法
    寺田一貴; 長谷川浩章; 曽根聡史; 鈴木陽介; MING Aiguo; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    2010, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 28th, ROMBUNNO.3I3-7, Japanese, 201002242464396213
  • 高速・高感度型すべり覚センサの研究開発―多指ロボットハンドへの応用―
    勅使河原誠一; 堤隆弘; 清水智; 鈴木陽介; MING Aiguo; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    2010, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 28th, ROMBUNNO.2O1-5, Japanese, 201002208144526603
  • 1C1-2 Human Assist by a mobile manipulator with high speed tactile sensors and a 3D range camera : Basic method and system configuration
    YAMAGUCHI Hisashi; TSUKADA Natsumi; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    As one of the home services with a mobile manipulator system, we are aiming at the realization of the motion assist for older persons. The purpose of the work is to realize a safe assist by real time feedback control based on the information of sensor fusion from a three-dimensional camera for detecting the 3-dimensional coordinate and a high speed tactile sensor for detecting the load and its center. This paper introduces our basic method for assisting standing-up motion and system configuration, the design of tactile sensor as well as initial experimental results to show the feasibility of the proposed system., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 23 Sep. 2009, The JSME Symposium on Welfare Engineering, 2009, 10-13, Japanese, 110008009533, AA11901522
  • 2P1-K02 Net-Structure Proximity Sensor using Synchronous Detection for Obstacle Avoidance
    Teranishi Masahiro; Takahashi Yosuke; Tadakuma Kenjiro; Ming Aiguo; Ishikawa Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    The detection range of the net-structure proximity sensor became the long range by using synchronous detection. In addition, I attached this sensor to a manipulator and performed obstacle avoidance and showed the utility of the proximity sensor., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25 May 2009, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009, "2P1-K02(1)"-"2P1-K02(4)", Japanese, 110008698561, AA11902933
  • 2A2-J08 Development and evaluation of the fingertip of robot hand covered with network-form proximity sensor : Function of tracking relatively moving object
    HASEGAWA Hiroshi; MIZOGUCHI Yoshitomo; TADAKUMA Kenjiro; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    This paper describes the fingertip of robot hand covered with network-form proximity sensor that we developed. As background, because of occlusion, around several millimeters from grasping object it was difficult for the method based on vision sensor to detect relational position between grasping object and the fingers of robot hand. Therefore, introduction of proximity sensor which senses the distance of the object is very effective. In order to realize this sort of sensor, we analyzed and designed the net structure proximity sensor when using miniature reflective sensor. Then we manufactured the fingertip covered with thin proximity sensor sheet. It has been confirmed that this prototype can realize the basic performance required for grasping of robot hand., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25 May 2009, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009, "2A2-J08(1)"-"2A2-J08(3)", Japanese, 110008698377, AA11902933
  • 2A2-J04 Development of Intelligent Robot Hand : Achievement of Pick and Place
    MIZOGUCHI Yoshitomo; TSUTSUMI Takahiro; HASEGAWA Hiroyuki; MING Aiguo; TADAKUMA Kenjiro; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    To achieve a skillful operation like the human being by robot hand, an interaction with the vision and the tactile sense is indispensable. To consider the safe and certain grasping operation by the robot hand, we proposed use of proximity sensor which can detect the several tens of millimeters from finger-tip surface and tactile sensor. And we call such a robot hand an "intelligent robot hand" and develop this. This time, we propose the control method of internal force based on CoP(center of pressure) tactile sensor for the achievement of grasping by three fingers and confirmed utility of the proposal method by the experiments., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25 May 2009, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009, "2A2-J04(1)"-"2A2-J04(4)", Japanese, 110008698374, AA11902933
  • 2A2-K06 A Study on 3-dimensional placement of Proximity Sensor Network System : Photoelectric Proximity Sensor Simulation using Ray-Tracing
    FUJIMURA Tatsunori; ARITA Hiroyuki; TADAKUMA Kenjiro; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    The external world measurement sensor is useful so that the robot may evade the collision of man and the obstacle. However, a vision sensor has the problem of occlusion and a tactile sensor cannot be detected until coming in contact. Then, a proximity sensor that can detect the approach of the object is useful to interpolate the intermediate area of these vision and tactile area. We Study on the Proximity Sensor Network System that can be fitted on the free-form surface. In this paper, we simulated the sensor output by the ray-tracing method to examine the influence by having changed the arrangement of the light-emitting parts and light-receiving parts., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25 May 2009, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009, "2A2-K06(1)"-"2A2-K06(4)", Japanese, 110008698389, AA11902933
  • 2A1-B12 The Function of Foot Shape and Lower Limbs Joint with Human Gait
    HIRASAWA Masaki; KATANO Kodai; OKADA Hidetaka; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Humans are the only living things which make a erect bipedalism. We are evolving the lower extremity - below a pelvis and gained the more complicated and more sophisticated gait pattern. In this report, we separate Ground Reaction Force (GRF) from the foot shape and the ankle joint torque for gait. And we clarified that the effect of those., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25 May 2009, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009, "2A1-B12(1)"-"2A1-B12(2)", Japanese, 110008697827, AA11902933
  • 1P1-F18 A difference in sensory property of touch pattern in finger and palm with Tactile Image Pin Display
    Murase Haruka; Takeichi Ryuta; Shimizu Yutaka; Shimada Sigenobu; Shimojo Makoto
    The exhibition to a high tip of a finger the space resolution becomes important in a tactile display in the conventional investigation. However, we must touch the tactile display that we can cover at a time at a tip of a finger in a bigger area practically very small. This paper proposes sense of touch exhibition to the palm for sense of touch stimulation of the big size area that cannot cover only at the area of a tip of finger and think about a finger-tip in the pin display and a difference of the shape communication of the palm., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25 May 2009, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009, "1P1-F18(1)"-"1P1-F18(4)", Japanese, 110008697755, AA11902933
  • 多指ハンドの動作を考慮したスキル統合に基づく結び操作
    山川雄司; 並木明夫; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    2009, ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, 14th, 1881-7300, 200902277632618640
  • 2P1-K06 High Sensitivity Slip Sensor utilizing Characteristics of Pressure Conductive Rubber : High Frequency Components of Resistance Change
    Teshigawara Seiichi; Shimizu Satoru; Tadakuma Kenjiro; Ming Aiguo; Ishikawa Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    Slip detecting tactile sensors are essential to achieving a human-like gripping motion with a robot hand. Up until now, we have proposed flexible, thin and lightweight slip sensor utilizing characteristics of pressure conductive rubber. However, this sensor was difficult to distinguish between the object slip and the normal force change. So, we consider the separative method using high frequency components generated by object slip. In this paper, we will discuss about the high frequency components., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2009, 0, _2P1-K06_1-_2P1-K06_2, Japanese, 110008698565, AA11902933
  • 2P1-J13 High Sensitivity Slip Sensor utilizing Characteristics of Pressure Conductive Rubber : Relationship between Transformation and Resistance change
    SHIMIZU Satoru; WATANABE Hiroyuki; TESHIGAWARA Seiichi; TADAKUMA Kenjiro; MING Aiguo; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    By the recent research, we found that the electrical resistance change occurs when the transformation of not only the transformation of the normal direction but also the shear direction occurred to the pressure conductive rubber. In this paper, we verified the characteristic to the normal force and the tangential force about various pressure conductive rubbers., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2009, 0, _2P1-J13_1-_2P1-J13_4, Japanese, 110008698558, AA11902933
  • 2P1-E05 Linear Load-Sensitive Continuously Variable Transmission with the Spherical Driving Unit
    TERADA Kazuki; TADAKUMA Kenjiro; TADAKUMA Riichiro; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    This paper describes linear load-sensitive continuously variable transmission with the spherical driving unit. This CVT mechanism consists of spherical drive, drive axis, motor housing, fixed bracket and linear sliding plate. It changes the reduction ratio continuously by inclination angle of active rotational axis. Additionally, this linear mechanism has a load-sensitive function by changing inclination of active rotational axis in response to the load. We have developed a linear load-sensitive continuously variable transmission and confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2009, 0, _2P1-E05_1-_2P1-E05_4, Japanese, 110008698492, AA11902933
  • 2A2-B02 Morphing Omnidirectional Gripper: "Morphing Omni-Gripper" with Function of Phase-Change Grasping : The Methods to Make the Performance of the Grasping Speed Higher
    TADAKUMA Kenjiro; Shimojo MAKOTO; TADAKUMA Riichiro; TESHIGAWARA Seiichi; MIZOGUCHI Yoshitomo; HASEGAWA Hiroaki; TERADA Kazuki; TAKAYAMA Toshio; OMATA Toru; MINGI Aigo
    This paper describes the morphing omnidirectional gripper which is able to grasp various objects with low melting point alloy. The deformable part of the gripper changes its shape by covering all directionof objects and makes the contacting area higher. In order to keep the high grasping force, proposed gripper does not need any additional energy thanks to the solid state of the deformable part including low melting point alloy. The design of the actual prototype model with cooling mechanism is shown and built. In addition, the usage of functional fluids for the morphing part is proposed. The basic performance of the blended material of low melting point alloy and magnetic fluid has been observed., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2009, 0, _2A2-B02_1-_2A2-B02_2, Japanese, 110008698245, AA11902933
  • 総論:特集 「触覚技術展望」
    Lead, Jul. 2008, 計測と制御,vol.47, no.7, pp.548-553, 2008., 47, 7, 548-553, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction other
  • 2P1-I14 Development of Mobile Manipulator System for Home Service : Mobile Manipulation Using Stereo Camera and RFID
    Yamashiro Manabu; Yoshida Takashi; Xie Zhaoxian; Ming Aiguo; Shimojo Makoto
    A versatile system for home service using a mobile manipulator and multi-sensors is being developed by authors, to realize efficient mobile manipulations of various objects in the home by sensor fusion. This paper describes the configuration of the system and mobile manipulation of chairs by utilizing stereo camera and RFID., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "2P1-I14(1)"-"2P1-I14(2)", Japanese, 110008696611, AA11902933
  • 2A1-A07 Research and development of underwater robot utilizing PZT fiber composites : Development of the robots capable of progress and turning
    PARK Seokyong; FUKUSHIMA Yuichi; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Fish type underwater robots come into use in the fishery investigation field for the purpose of exploring the appearance in the near bottom of the sea, for the sake of oceanic development. Many of the fish type robots that have been developed up to now have complex mechanisms, are bulky, and need motors combined with cranks and advanced technique for motion control. This research aims to develop an underwater robot by using MFC (Macro Fiber Composite) which is a new type of flexible piezo-electric fiber composite with film structure. Compared with conventional artificial muscular underwater robots, MFC can be used by composing underwater robots with a very simple structure. Using MFC actuator, we developed the robots capable of progress and turning motion., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "2A1-A07(1)"-"2A1-A07(4)", Japanese, 110008696216, AA11902933
  • 1P1-J14 Analysis of Gait Mechanism in the Elderly
    HIRASAWA Masaki; OKADA Hidetaka; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Faint, slipping, stumbling and missing step, are enumerated as a factor of the fall for the elderly while walking. Moreover, a decay of the muscle function and a decrease in Range Of Motion (ROM) and the function of the ankle are thought indirect factors to fall. The relationship between these factors of fall and gait has mostly been clarified from the measurement of gait. However those results are only guesses by a statistical technique, not casual relation for each other. In this research, we clarify the role in gait of each joint and fall mechanism of the elderly, with the gait simulation used the solid body link model., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "1P1-J14(1)"-"1P1-J14(2)", Japanese, 110008696200, AA11902933
  • 1P1-I04 Research and development about the collision avoidance movement by using a net-shaped fusion type sensor of proximity and tactile which can coat the whole body of the robot.
    SHIBASAKI Yasunori; TSUTSUMI Takahiro; SHIMOJO Makoto; MING Aiguo
    The mesh structure fusion of tactile and proximity sensor is developed. The sensor can be attached to freeform surface and needs only six wires. The sensor can detect the center position of the object and total distance to the object and the center position of a distributed load and the total load of the distribution. In this paper, the structure of the sensor and the prototype of the sensor are described, and the sensor is made to be installed in the manipulator, and the collision evasion is achieved. And seamless detection operation is done by using tactile information and proximity information., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "1P1-I04(1)"-"1P1-I04(4)", Japanese, 110008696178, AA11902933
  • 1P1-F08 Development of flapping robot driven by piezoelectric fiber composites : Improvement of wing mechanism
    FUKUSHIMA Yuichi; PARK Seokyong; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    The purpose of the research is to develop flapping robots using piezoelectric fiber composites. By using the composites, actuating fibers and sensing fibers can be embedded into a wing as part of the structure and it makes flapping robots with compact and light structure. A prototype of flapping robot with flapping and feathering motions has been developed. The design and driving method of the robot as well as experimental results about thrust and lift are shown in this paper., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "1P1-F08(1)"-"1P1-F08(3)", Japanese, 110008696114, AA11902933
  • 1A1-H11 Development of High Speed and Sensitivity Slip Sensor : Method of Slip Detection using Pressure Conductive Rubber
    Teshigawara Seiichi; Nishinaga Tomohiro; Ishikawa Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    Slip detecting tactile sensors are essential to achieving a human-like gripping motion with a robot hand. Up until now, we have developed flexible, thin and lightweight center of pressure (CoP) sensor. The sensor, constructed of pressure conductive rubber sandwiched between two sheets of conductive film, is able to detect the center position of the load distribution and the total load. Recently, detection of initial slip has been shown to be possible. However the detection principles are unclear. In this paper, we will discuss the slip detection principle of CoP sensor and the properties., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "1A1-H11(1)"-"1A1-H11(2)", Japanese, 110008695960, AA11902933
  • 1A1-H15 High Function of Net Structure Proximity Sensor using Synchronous Ditection
    Teranishi Masahiro; Shibasaki Yasunori; Ming Aiguo; Ishikawa Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    The net structure proximity sensor capable of being attached to over robot entire body was developed. This sensor is effective as a sensor of the intermediate level of object detection. It is necessary to plan further high function to realize a robot by higher-speed exercise. This paper analyzes the effect of the sensor at far field., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "1A1-H15(1)"-"1A1-H15(2)", Japanese, 110008695964, AA11902933
  • 1A1-I01 Identificaton using Walking Position Sensor for Wide Range Gait
    KATANO Kodai; HIRASAWA Masaki; OKADA Hidetaka; SHIMOJO Makoto
    The biometrics is important technology provide security and service for individual. In the biometrics, the identification employs gait is studied varied method. Because it has the advantage of the measurement is transparent. But, not only to identification, practical application of study employs gait measurement is difficult. Because gait measurement systems have problems on measurement area, expensive cost, complicated structures, and so on. We made a walking position sensor, flat, less number of wire and can be broadened, for wide range gait. And we can work out some gait analysis factors from this sensor output. And so we try to identification using these factors., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "1A1-I01(1)"-"1A1-I01(4)", Japanese, 110008695974, AA11902933
  • 1A1-A23 Study on Golf Swing Robot : Motion Planning Based on a New Energy Control Method
    YAMADA Shinya; SAKAI Suguru; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    A golf swing robot which has a smart structure and enables high-speed swing based on dynamic coupling drive has been developed by authors. We have reported the feasibility of an energy control method to generate the golf swing trajectory from address position to impact position by adopting target dynamics. In this paper,we apply a new energy control method to generate the whole swing trajectory and show its effectiveness through experimental results., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "1A1-A23(1)"-"1A1-A23(4)", Japanese, 110008695813, AA11902933
  • 2P1-F13 Investigation on Jumping by a Small Humanoid
    OHISHI Chigusa; HASEGAWA Yuichi; XU Shunquan; MING Aigou; SHIMOJO Makoto
    To realize hyper dynamic manipulations such as jumping by a smart structure, authors have proposed the utilization of dynamically-coupled driving and joint stop mechanisms before. The purpose of this work is to apply the idea to humanoids to realize hyper dynamic manipulations. This paper investigates the possibility of jumping by a small commercial humanoid with newly introduced joint stop mechanisms. The motion planning for jumping has been performed with considering the capability of actuators in the humanoid and the possibility for jumping has been examined by simulation., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "2P1-F13(1)"-"2P1-F13(3)", Japanese, 110008696545, AA11902933
  • 1P1-I07 Development of Intelligent Robot Hand : Tactile-Rroximity Composition Sensor using CoP Sensor with Aperture
    Mizoguchi Yoshitomo; Ming Aiguo; Namiki Akio; Ishikawa Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    To achieve a human like grasping with a multi fingered robot hand, an interaction with vision and tactile information is indispensable. The method to use the camera for the vision information acquisition of the robot hand is common. The camera is effective globally but incorrect locally because of blind spot and the shadow of robot hand itself. Therefore it is thought that acquisition of approach and contact information to the object continually is very effective for grasping by introducing the proximity sensor which is sensing distance of several centimeter from an object. This time we pro..., 一般社団法人日本機械学会, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, 0, "1P1-I07(1)"-"1P1-I07(2)", Japanese, 2424-3124, 200902249957575609, 110008696181
  • 2P2-E12 Improvement of User Interface for Interactive Tactile Graphic Display and It's Application
    YAMAMOTO Suguru; UCHIDA Yusuke; FUJIMURA Tatsunori; SHIMADA Shigenobu; SHINOHARA Masami; SHIMOJO Makoto; SHIMIZU Yutaka
    An interactive tactile graphic display which acts by touch force has been developed as a trial. The trial model showed four usability problems through several usability experiments. Thus we re-designed three operation rules and developed a new image resampling algorithm to solve the problems. As the result, all problems shown in the previous system were solved. Furthermore a strategy of user interface design for interactive tactile graphic displays was shown through the development. In addition, an audio-tactile graphic system which can be used mainly to overcome tactile cognitive limitatio..., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "2P2-E12(1)"-"2P2-E12(4)", Japanese, 110008696735, AA11902933
  • 2P2-E13 A difference of the shape communication with Tactile Image Pin Display in finger and palm
    Takeichi Ryuta; Fujimura Tatunori; Shimada Sigefumi; Shimojo Makoto
    The exhibition to a high tip of a finger the space resolution becomes important in a tactile display in the conventional investigation. However, we must touch the tactile display that we can cover at a time at a tip of a finger in a bigger area practically very small. This paper proposes sense of touch exhibition to the palm for sense of touch stimulation of the big size area that cannot cover only at the area of a tip of finger and think about a finger-tip in the pin display and a difference of the shape communication of the palm., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 06 Jun. 2008, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008, "2P2-E13(1)"-"2P2-E13(4)", Japanese, 110008696736, AA11902933
  • 多指ハンドと視触覚フィードバックによる柔軟紐の高速マニピュレーション
    山川雄司; 並木明夫; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    2008, ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, 13th, 1881-7300, 200902273872192202
  • 高速多指ハンドを用いた棒状物体の回転制御
    並木明夫; 石原達也; 山川雄司; 石川正俊; 下条誠
    2008, ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, 13th, 1881-7300, 200902282146633690
  • 電気通信大学電気通信学部 知能機械工学科電気通信学研究科 知能機械工学専攻下条・明 研究室
    下条 誠; 明 愛国
    30 Sep. 2007, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 = Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 12, 3, 174-175, Japanese, 1342-6680, 10019957854, AA11461758
  • 二次元分布型触覚センサ
    化学工業社, Sep. 2007, ケミカルエンジニヤリング, 52, 9, 671-678, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction other, 0387-1037, 40015606805, AN00074423
  • 1A2-K03 The Research and Development of the Lower Extremity Measurement Suit : The Development of the In-Sole Sensor Shoes for Walking Estimation
    HIRASAWA Masaki; OKADA Hidetaka; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Humans are the only living things which make a erect bipedalism. They are evolving the leg extremity-below a pelvis, and gained the more complicated and more sophisticated walk system. In the depertment of the bio-mechanics or the rehabilitation, movement analysis instrument has been developed. But, almost of these are attended by the feeling of a constraint, or a measurement place will be limited. We makes the measurement suit which can survay operation of the leg, without giving a feeling of a restraint as much as possible as an experiment. And the in-sole sensor shoes, used for it, are developed., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 11 May 2007, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2007, "1A2-K03(1)"-"1A2-K03(4)", Japanese, 110008695137, AA11902933
  • 1A2-B08 Contact-Force Control using Multi-Finger Robot-Hand with Tactile Sensor : Multi-Point Contact Force Control with Tactile Feedback
    Mizoguchi Yoshitomo; Gunji Daisuke; Ming Aigou; Namiki Akio; Ishikawa Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    Handling behavior of human can be divided into Pinching and Grasping. In multi-fingered robot hand, wrapping grasp which permits the object to contact with the finger link other than the tip of finger, or palm is called Power grasp. The interaction with the tactile sensor is indispensable for the achievement of Power grasp to and unknown object with the multi-fingered robot hand. In this study, for the achievement of Power grasp operation which doesn't depend on the grasping object wit the multi-fingered robot hand, we propose a method for multi-point contact force control in inside of the ..., 一般社団法人日本機械学会, 11 May 2007, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2007, 0, "1A2-B08(1)"-"1A2-B08(4)", Japanese, 2424-3124, 200902289525886290, 110008695051
  • 2A1-E08 High-speed One handed Knotting of Flexible Rope using Tactile Feedback
    YAMAKAWA Yuji; NAMIKI Akio; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In this study, we propose a strategy of knotting using a high-speed multifingered robot hand and tactile sensors. The strategy is divided to three steps: a loop generation, a replacement of ropes, and a pulling of a rope. Through these three steps, a knotting is achieved by only one multifingered hand. And, in order to allow the continuous motion, we have added one step: "a shift of rope". The experimental results are shown using the multifingered hand with tactile sensors. Finally, we analyze a behavior of the replacement of rope to produce a high rate of success., 一般社団法人日本機械学会, 11 May 2007, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2007, 0, "2A1-E08(1)"-"2A1-E08(4)", Japanese, 2424-3124, 200902267972939836, 110008695387
  • Relationship among Braille Reading Speed, Contact Force, Tactile Movements and Attributes of the Braille Readers
    WATANABE Tetsuya; OOUCHI Susumu; KANEKO Takeshi; YAMAGUCHI Toshimitsu; SHIMADA Shigenobu; SHIMOJO Makoto
    We analyzed the relationship among braille reading speed, contact force, tactile movements, and attributes of thirty-two braille readers. As a result, we have found that braille reading speed is related to the age when braille was learned and the frequency of braille usage but not to tactile movements. Also, it was found that most of slower braille readers show a light contact force, whereas faster readers show a comparatively strong force that varies from person to person., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 16 Mar. 2007, IEICE technical report. Welfare Information technology, 106, 612, 67-72, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110006249179, AA1155230X
  • 近接覚から触覚までをシームレスにつなぐ汎触覚センサの開発
    2007, 日本機械学会ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 2007, 10021115564
  • 1A2-B09 Slip Detection with Tactile sensor : Clarification of mechanism and Influence of coating material
    Teshigawara Seiichi; Ishikawa Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    To prevent the robot from dropping the object, the tactile sensor which detects not only the contact position and force but also slip sense is necessary. In this study, it aims to detect a slip with the Center of Pressure (CoP) tactile sensor. This sensor can install in the robot hand, and has the feature of flexibility, thinly, and lightness. CoP tactile sensor can measure center position of distributed load and total load. In addition, we show that CoP tactile sensor can detect the tangential force and describe the influence of the coating material used for the sensor surface protection., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2007, 0, _1A2-B09_1-_1A2-B09_4, Japanese, 110008695052, AA11902933
  • Measurement of Contact Force during Braille Reading by using an Optical 6-Axis Force Sensor
    WATANABE Tetsuya; OOUCHI Susumu; KANEKO Takeshi; YAMAGUCHI Toshimitsu; SHIMOJO Makoto; SHIMADA Shigenobu
    The purpose of our study is to investigate the relation between contact force of fingers during braille reading and the reading skill measured by the reading speed. We had used two kinds of pressure measurement system; one of them contains a small-sized displacement sensor and the other pressure sensitive sheets. However, these systems presented low precision and instability. This time we introduced a 6-axis force sensor for high precision and stability. As the sensor supports the measuring plate at one point, variability of output values are observed depending on the contact point. This problem is solved by using two transformation techniques. Periodical calibrations over two months showed stability of output data. Then, we performed experiments with braille readers as subjects to measure contact force. The result is that faster reader showed stronger contact force whereas slower reader weaker force and even skilled readers' contact force fluctuates. These observations are utterly incompatible with the proposition by earlier researches. Our future work is to increase the number of subjects, especially inexperienced braille readers, to argue out this question., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 19 May 2006, IEICE technical report, 106, 57, 33-40, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110004758133, AA1155230X
  • Interactive Tactile Graphic Display
    篠原 正美; 下条 誠
    テクノタイムズ社, Apr. 2006, ディスプレイ, 12, 4, 47-53, Japanese, 1341-3961, 40019856724, AA11422144
  • インタラクティブな触図ディスプレイ
    篠原正美; 下条誠
    Apr. 2006, 月刊 ディスプレイ, 12, 4, 47-53, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other
  • Slip Detection Using CoP Tactile Sensor Arranged on Finger
    郡司大輔; 荒木拓真; 柴崎保則; MIMG Aigou; 下条誠
    2006, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 24th, 200902274093689024
  • 2P2-B01 Mesh Structure Tactile Sensor Capable of being Attached to Free-form Surface with a Few Wires
    ARAKI Takuma; GUNJI Daisuke; SHIMOJO Makoto
    The mesh structure tactile sensor is developed. The sensor can be attached to free-form surface and needs only four wires. The sensor can detect the center position of distributed load and total load of the distribution within 1 ms. In this paper, the theory of the sensor is shown and the characteristics of the sensor are verified by a trial product of the sensor., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2006, "2P2-B01(1)"-"2P2-B01(4)", Japanese, 110008694292, AA11902933
  • 2P2-B02 Slip Detection in Grasping Using Tactile Sensor
    GUNJI Daisuke; ARAKI Takuma; SHIBASAKI Yasunori; SHIMOJO Makoto
    In the Grasping control and handling the object with the robot hand, tactile sensor that can detect contact information of the object is expected. Detection of slipping is an important problem in the Grasping control. For more advanced grasping, real-time slip detection for controling grasping force is required. In this study, we apply the tactile sensor for measuring center position of distributed load to detect a slip., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2006, "2P2-B02(1)"-"2P2-B02(4)", Japanese, 110008694293, AA11902933
  • 1A1-E17 A Study on Golf Swing Robot : Motion Control Method based on Energy Control
    NAGAOKA Takeharu; XU Chunquan; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    A method combing target dynamics with energy control to generate golf swing trajectories is considered. The time cost of trajectory generation becomes very low by applying the method. A series of swing trajectories from address position to finish position with different boundary conditions and constraints are generated. Experiments are carried out by adopting the generated trajectories as reference inputs and PD control law. Experimental results confirmed the feasibility of the method., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2006, "1A1-E17(1)"-"1A1-E17(4)", Japanese, 110008693724, AA11902933
  • 1A1-E21 Research and development of violin performance robot
    KUWABARA Hiroki; SEKI Hirokazu; SASADA Yasuhiro; SHIMOJO Makoto
    We are studying the robot arm for playing a violin, which can play it like human. We develop a new bowing mechanism, and test the control method. We measured the condition for a pronunciation necessary for the performance violin., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2006, "1A1-E21(1)"-"1A1-E21(4)", Japanese, 110008693728, AA11902933
  • 1A1-E19 Study on Golf Swing Robot : Motion control with using visco-elastic joint stop
    KAMATA Yuichi; YAMAKWA Akihiro; MING Aiguo; SHIMOJO Makoto
    A golf swing robot based on dynamic coupling drive has been developed by authors, which enables high-speed swing while by a smart structure. In this paper, a new model of golf swing robot with considering the visco-elastic joint stop is established and used for motion control. The swing with using joint stop is realized successfully., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2006, "1A1-E19(1)"-"1A1-E19(2)", Japanese, 110008693726, AA11902933
  • 1A1-B39 High-speed grasp and manipulation of a pen-shaped object using a high-speed multifingered hand with high-speed tactile sensor
    Ishihara Tatsuya; NAMIKI Akio; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; Shimojo Makoto
    We propose a tactile feedback system in real time using a high-speed multifingered robot hand and high-speed tactile sensor. The hand and the sensor is respectively capable of high-speed finger motion up to 180 deg per 0.1 s and high-speed tactile feedback with a sampling rate higher than 1 kHz. We have achieved the pen spinning task using the two robot fingers. In this paper, we describe dynamic pen spinning as an example of a skillful manipulation task with the three robot fingers using the system. The paper describes the tactile feedback control strategies and experimental results., 一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2006, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2006, 0, "1A1-B39(1)"-"1A1-B39(4)", Japanese, 2424-3124, 200902255349728460, 110008693635
  • 1P1-D06 Development of Tactile GUI Device for Blind Computer User : Development of the Third Trial Device
    Shimada Shigenobu; Nagasawa Shun; Shinohara Masami; Shimizu Yutaka; Shimojo Makoto
    A basic device combining a tactile display function and a touch position/force direction sensing function is proposed. The first trial device consists of two major components, a tactile graphic display and a 6-axis force/torque sensor. The proposed device is substituted for the mouse function of a click and scrolling, and it provides a fundamental GUI operation. From the knowledge acquired from the first trial device, the new tactile input/output device which forcused on enlargement of tactile presentation area, the improvement in position detection accuracy, and improvement in easy-to-tran..., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2006, "1P1-D06(1)"-"1P1-D06(4)", Japanese, 110008693852, AA11902933
  • Relation between Speed and Pressure during Braille Reading : Measurement of Pressure of Fingers using a Surface Pressure Measurement System
    WATANABE Tetsuya; OOUCHI Susumu; KANEKO Takeshi; YAMAGUCHI Toshimitsu; SHIMOJO Makoto; SHIMADA Shigenobu
    The purpose of our study is to investigate the relation between contact pressure of fingers during braille reading and the reading skill measured by speed. For this purpose we have introduced a pressure measurement system using pressure sensitive conductive ink and performed experiments with braille readers as subjects. Reading speeds of five participants varied from 7.51 to 10.87. These speeds are very fast and it can be said that they were experienced and skillful readers. Contact pressures were measured while they were asked to read braille with a finger of their dominant hand. One subje..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 08 Dec. 2005, Technical report of IEICE. HIP, 105, 479, 69-74, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110003488657, AN10487237
  • Measurement of Pressure of Fingers during Braille Reading using a Surface Pressure Measurement System
    WATANABE Tetsuya; OOUCHI Susumu; KANEKO Takeshi; YAMAGUCHI Toshimitsu; SHIMOJO Makoto; SHIMADA Shigenobu
    The purpose of our study is to investigate the relation between the pressure and movement of fingers while reading braille and the reading skill measured with speed and correctness. For this purpose we have conducted literature review of braille reading, introduction of a pressure measurement system using pressure sensitive conductive rubber, and its preliminary use. Two braille readers participated in the test and read braille in two modes : one with their dominant finger and hand, the other with their both hands as they do in everyday life. One subject showed an average value of 80-90 gf ..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 07 Jul. 2005, IEICE technical report. Welfare Information technology, 105, 186, 51-56, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110003224477, AA1155230X
  • 2A1-N-108 ZMP detection of a biped robot by tactile sensor for measuring the center position of a two dimensional distributed load(Tactile and Force Sense 4,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Araki Takuma; Taniyasu Yuki; Shimojo Makoto
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 156-156, Japanese, 110006210423, AA11902933
  • 2A1-N-107 Tactile sensor for measuring the center position of a two dimensional distributed load : Sensor composition parameters and sensor characteristics(Tactile and Force Sense 4,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Shimojo Makoto; Taniyasu Yuki
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 156-156, Japanese, 110006210422, AA11902933
  • 2P1-N-103 Development of a Mixed Signal LSI for Tactile Data Processing(Tactile and Force Sense 5,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Iwashita Atsushi; Shimojo Makoto; Ishikawa Masatoshi
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 198-198, Japanese, 110006210590, AA11902933
  • 1P2-N-080 Development of 3-D Coordinate Measuring System Using Laser Plane Scanners(Three Dimension Measurement/Sensor Fusion 3,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    KANAMRI Chisato; KAJITANI Makoto; SHIMOJO Makoto; MING Aiguo
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 108-108, Japanese, 110006210230, AA11902933
  • 1A1-N-050 Study on Golf Swing Robot : Motion control with considering flexibility of golf club(New Control Theory and Motion Control 1,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Maruyama Tomoari; Kamata Yuichi; Xu Chunquan; Ming Aiguo; Shimojo Makoto
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 16-16, Japanese, 110006209867, AA11902933
  • 1A1-N-038 Development of the robot hand for playing a violin(Amusement and Entertainer Robot,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Seki Hirokazu; Saruta Masahiro; Kuwabara Hiroki; Shimojo Makoto
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 14-14, Japanese, 110006209857, AA11902933
  • 1A1-N-053 Study on Golf Swing Robot : Motion control method for hitting a ball(New Control Theory and Motion Control 1,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Henmi Masanobu; Sato Teppei; Xu Chun Quan; Ming Aiguo; Shimojo Makoto
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 17-17, Japanese, 110006209870, AA11902933
  • 1A1-S-025 Mechatronics Education Using Simple Inchworm Robot(Manufacturing Education and Mechatronics 1,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Shimada Shigenobu; Shimojo Makoto
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 36-36, Japanese, 110006209947, AA11902933
  • 1P1-N-041 The Development of Tactile GUI Device for Blind Computer Users : Error Factor and Correlation Method for Estimated Point by Horizontal Component(Haptic Interface 1,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Shimada Shigenobu; Shinohara Masami; Shimizu Yutaka; Shimojo Makoto
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Jun. 2005, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 56-56, Japanese, 110006210024, AA11902933
  • An Application of The Tactile Sensor Using A Method for Measuring Two Dimensional Pressure Distribution
    SHIMOJO Makoto; TANIYASU Yuki; NAMIKI Akio; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi
    An application of the tactile sensor using a method for measuring the center position of the two dimensional distributed load is proposed and the basic experimental results for its verification are shown. The sensor used in this method is constructed of pressure-conductive rubber, a pair of resistive material coated film. In this paper it is shown that this sensor can concurrently detect two available values that are the center position of the two dimensional distributed load on the surface of the sensor and total load of the distribution., 一般社団法人日本機械学会, 04 Sep. 2004, 年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting, 2004, 5, 301-302, Japanese, 110004063881, AA11461871
  • Study on Golf Swing Robot : Difference of swing trajectory with/without considering the limitation of joint motion range
    Maruyama T; Xu C; Ming A; Shimojo M; Kajitani M
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18 Jun. 2004, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2004, 109-109, Japanese, 110004069792, AA11902933
  • Study on Golf Swing Robot : Motion Control After Impact
    Henmi M; Ming A; Shimojo M; Kajitani M
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18 Jun. 2004, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2004, 109-109, Japanese, 110004069791, AA11902933
  • Development of a Motion Support System by Using Electromyogram : Signal Processing of Electromyogram to Estimatc Biomechanical Characteristics of Joints
    Hoshino T; Tomono M; Suzuki T; Shimojo M; Mabuchi K
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18 Jun. 2004, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2004, 79-79, Japanese, 110004069673, AA11902933
  • A Development of Mixed Signal LSI for Tactile Data Processing : Verification and Improvement of the Analog Circuit
    Iwashita A; Shimojo M
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18 Jun. 2004, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2004, 54-54, Japanese, 110004069579, AA11902933
  • Study on the texture presentation system : Cloth texture present using tactile information
    Ogawa H; Shimojo M
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18 Jun. 2004, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2004, 47-47, Japanese, 110004069551, AA11902933
  • Study on a Gait Support System with Reducing a Weight Bearing
    Tomono M; Hoshino T; Suzuki T; Mabuchi K; Shimojo M
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18 Jun. 2004, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2004, 43-43, Japanese, 110004069535, AA11902933
  • Acquisition of reaction forces acting on the foot of humanoid robot
    Kinoshita G; Oota C; Osumi H; Yamada M; Shimojyo M
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18 Jun. 2004, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2004, 54-54, Japanese, 110004069578, AA11902933
  • Development of the robot hand for playing the violin : Analysis of human motion playing the violin and required specifications of the robot hand
    Saruta M; Miyai T; Ming A; Kanamori C; Shimojo M
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18 Jun. 2004, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2004, 174-174, Japanese, 110004070047, AA11902933
  • The Tactile Sensor Using A Method for Measuring 2D Distributed Load
    下条誠; 谷保勇樹; 石川正俊; 並木明夫
    2004, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 22nd, 200902289947539525
  • A sutdy on material sensing device with piezoelectric bimorph actuator
    Abiko N; Kubo M; Shimojo M
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004, 日本機械学会ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会'04講演会論文集, 2004, 47-47, Japanese, 110004069550, AA11902933
  • Materials texture presentment system : Cloth texture presentment by tactile information
    OGAWA Hironori; SHIMOJO Makoto
    17 Sep. 2003, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集 = Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan annual conference, 8, 255-256, Japanese, 1342-4564, 10013959796, AA11429766
  • 光磁気式ロータリエンコーダに関する研究 (第20回センシングフォーラム 資料--センシング技術の新たな展開と融合) -- (セッション1B2 位置・長さ・形状計測(1))
    飛田 和輝; 下条 誠; 金森 哉吏
    〔計測自動制御学会〕, 16 Sep. 2003, センシングフォ-ラム資料, 20, 163-168, Japanese, 1343-7631, 40006223977, AA11461587
  • 光磁気式ロータリエンコーダに関する研究
    飛田和輝; 下条誠; 金森哉吏; 梶谷誠; 大平貴之; 河本聡紀
    16 Sep. 2003, センシングフォーラム資料, 20th, 163-168, Japanese, 200902235205873561
  • 超高精度歯車測定機の精度向上に関する研究--不確かさの要因となる機構的誤差の解明とシミュレーションを用いた不確かさ推定 (第8回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ講演論文集) -- (S7. ロボットとメカトロニクスの基礎)
    金森 哉吏; 韓 慧森; 下条 誠
    〔精密工学会〕, 21 Aug. 2003, 知能メカトロニクスワークショップ講演論文集, 8, 141-146, Japanese, 40005932514
  • A Study on Material Sensing Device with Vibrator Array : Material sensing device based on characteristic change caused by contacting object
    Abiko N.; Lim H. C.; Kanamori C.; Ming A.; Shimojo M.
    PZT型バイモルフは, 曲げにより電圧を生じることからアクチュエータのみならずセンサとして利用できるという報告がされている。今回, このセンサとしての特性を用いた材質のセンシングへの利用について研究を行った。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2003, 21-21, Japanese, 110002506020, AA11902933
  • 3D Form Tactile Sensor was Developed by using Liquid Pressure-conductive Rubber
    Shimojo M.; Kanamori K.; Ming A.; Kanamori C.; Ishikawa M.
    本報告では, 液状感圧ゴムに電極部を浸すディッピング手法により, 自由曲面上に感圧ゴム膜を作ることによって触覚センサを構築した例について報告する。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2003, 25-25, Japanese, 110002506041, AA11902933
  • Study on Golf Swing Robot : Whole swing experiments without using joint stop
    Maruyama T.; Ming A.; Shimojo M.; Kajitani M.
    本研究では, 干渉駆動を用いた高速動作を実現するゴルフスイングロボットを開発し, その機構と制御法の有効性を実証してきた。本報では手首関節にストッパ無しの場合フルスイング実験を行い, その結果を報告する。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, 日本機械学会ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会'03, 105-105, Japanese, 110002506491, AA11902933
  • Study on Golf Swing Robot : Improvement of Method of Learning Control
    Furukawa S.; Teshima T.; Ming A.; Shimojo M.; Kajitani M.
    本研究では干渉駆動を用いたゴルフスイングロボットを開発し, その有効性を実証してきた。本報では, 巡回型NNによる順動力学モデルを用いた学習制御方法とスイング実験的結果を報告する。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2003, 105-105, Japanese, 110002506490, AA11902933
  • An Application by Mobile Manipulator with Active/passive Switchable Joints : Drawing experiment of a curved surface
    Jinnai T.; Takemura R.; Zou T.; Satou M.; Ming A.; Shimojo M.; Kanamori C.
    本報では, 第2関節以外の全ての関節に能動/動切り替え機構を持つ5自由度垂直多関節型マニピュレータ部と2輪駆動の移動部を持つ移動マニピュレータの部分的拘束を受ける作業への応用を取り上げる。具体的には, 受動関節の角度に基づき状態を推定し, ある曲面内で描画作業を行うことを目的とする。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2003, 64-64, Japanese, 110002506256, AA11902933
  • Measurement of Reaction Force from Ground for a Walking Robot
    Oota C.; Kimura T.; Kinoshita G.; Shimojyo M.
    歩行ロボットの歩行時の床反力計測について計測結果について述べる。従来, これらの計測は足圧として2点から4点の力計測を行っていたが, これを分布的に計測する手法について報告する。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2003, 8-8, Japanese, 110002505948, AA11902933
  • 光磁気記録を応用したロータリエンコーダの開発(第9報) : 試作マルチスポットピックアップの評価
    飛田 和輝; 梶谷 誠; 金森 哉吏; 明 愛国; 下条 誠; 大平 貴之
    01 Oct. 2002, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2002, 2, 214-214, Japanese, 10009984298, AN1018673X
  • 線状レーザ光を用いた空間座標位置計測(第24報) : 基準円入力ツールの設置条件がパラメータ同定に及ぼす影響について(2)
    金森 哉吏; 梶谷 誠; 下条 誠; 明 愛国
    01 Oct. 2002, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2002, 2, 543-543, Japanese, 80015811008, AN1018673X
  • 超高精度歯車測定機の精度向上に関する研究:歯形誤差測定における測定誤差の原因解明
    久保田 禅; 下条 誠; 明 愛国; 金森 哉吏; 梶谷 誠; 竹田 龍平
    01 Mar. 2002, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2002, 1, 707-707, Japanese, 10008501446, AN1018673X
  • 線状レーザ光を用いた空間座標位置計測(第23報):キャリブレーションのための基準円入力作業の自動化
    金森 哉吏; 梶谷 誠; 下条 誠; 明 愛国
    01 Mar. 2002, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2002, 1, 701-701, Japanese, 10008501434, AN1018673X
  • 光磁気記録を応用したロータリエンコーダの開発(第8報):マルチスポットピックアップの試作
    中里 威晴; 飛田 和輝; 梶谷 誠; 金森 哉吏; 明 愛国; 下条 誠; 大平 貴之
    01 Mar. 2002, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2002, 1, 675-675, Japanese, 10008501364, AN1018673X
  • シート状触覚センサ(日本のロボット研究の歩み) 創立20周年記念DVD-ROM
    下条誠; 石川正俊
    Mar. 2002, 日本ロボット学会、Vol20.N0.2,2002., 20, 2, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other
  • 皮膚感覚センサの現状
    Lead, Mar. 2002, 静電気学会誌, 26, 3, 119-123, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction other
  • A study on the tactile displying method for high spatial resolution tactile presentation
    Shimojo M.; Abiko N.; Shinohara M.; Ming A.; Kanamori C.
    より高い空間解像度を有する触覚像の掲示方式の開発を目的とした研究である。触覚提示部としては, 視覚障害者用触覚提示装置として定評のあるOptaconeの振動周波数, 振幅を可変となるように改造したものを用い, 触覚パターンの提はニ特性の計測と人間の機械受容器特性との関係を考察した。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002, 日本機械学会ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会'02論文集, 111-111, Japanese, 110002505835, AA11902933
  • A high speed sensing and obstacle avoidance using sonar ring for mobile : Dealing with problems about high speed sensing and high speed avoidance
    Kajihara K.; Sato H.; Ming A.; Kanamori T.; Kajitani M.; Shimojo M.
    本研究では障害物の高速センシングを目的として複数ソナーの同時駆動方式を用いたセンシングシステムを開発し, 移動ロボットに適用してきた.これまでの研究で同時駆動によるクロストークの除去におおむね成功している.しかし高速センシングによる新たな問題がおこった.高速移動の際にリアルタイムで回避を行う必要があるという問題である.本報では, これらの問題をクリアするための新たな回避アルゴリズムと, それを実装した際の実験結果について報告する., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2002, 75-75, Japanese, 110002505418, AA11902933
  • Study on Golf Swing Robot : Fabrication of a New Wrist Joint and Swing Experiments
    Harada N.; Ming A.; Shimojo M.; Kajitani M.
    本研究では干渉駆動を用いた高速動作を実現するための機構と制御法を提案し, 今までにゴルフスイングロボットを開発し, その有効性を実証してきた。ロボットは駆動関節(等価肩関節)と非駆動関節(手首関節)の2自由度マニピュレータであった。本報では非駆動関節であった手首関節を駆動関節へと変更し, 手首関節に手首と同等な駆動力を持つDDモータ, 関節可動限界に相当する粘弾性ストッパを取り付ける改造を行った。この改造によりアドレスからフィニッシュまでを一連の動作としてスイングをを行い, その実験結果について報告する。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002, 日本機械学会ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会'02講演論文集, 20-20, Japanese, 110002504735, AA11902933
  • Development of CLIMBER (Clean Light Illumination Maintained by Elevating Robots) : Development of Exchanging System for Illumination Unit
    ye ye; Shibasaki Kohya; Ito Tadashi; Kajitani Makoto; Ming Aiguo; Shimojo Makoto; Kanamori Chisato; mima kazuhiro; Aizawa Yuji; Kobayashi Satoru
    本研究では, 道路照明設備のメンテナンス作業自動化のためにロボットシステムCLIMBERの開発と, それに伴う新規照明設備の開発を目的とする。本システムは昇降システムと一体型照明ユニット及びその交換システムからなる。これまでに, 昇降システムの開発と性能評価について報告している。本稿では, 自動化のための照明ユニット及び照明ユニット交換システムの設計, 試作と動作実験の結果について報告する。, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2002, 32-33, Japanese, 110002504887, AA11902933
  • 皮膚感覚の情報処理
    Lead, 2002, 計測自動制御学会, 41, 10, 723-727, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction other, 10015308010
  • 光磁気記録を応用したロータリエンコーダの開発(第7 報) : マルチスポットピックアップの検討
    中里 威春; 飛田 和輝; 梶谷 誠; 金森 哉吏; 明 愛国; 下条 誠; 大平 貴之
    01 Sep. 2001, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2001, 2, 551-551, Japanese, 10009889394, AN1018673X
  • 線状レーザ光を用いた空間座標位置計測(第22報) : 基準円入力ツールの設置条件がパラメータ同定に及ぼす影響について
    金森 哉吏; 梶谷 誠; 下条 誠; 明 愛国
    01 Sep. 2001, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2001, 2, 645-645, Japanese, 10009889677, AN1018673X
  • Screen reader using mouse with tactile display for blind
    ISHIDA Tomohiro; SHIMOJO Makoto; WATANABE Tetsuya
    18 Sep. 2000, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集 = Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan annual conference, 5, 477-478, Japanese, 1342-4564, 10013962514, AA11429766
  • A Study of Haptic Infromation Presentation Method for Simple Haptic Display
    NIKI Toru; SHIMOJO Makoto
    日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会, 18 Sep. 2000, Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,annual conference, 5, 315-318, Japanese, 1342-4564, 10013962181, AA11429766
  • High density type tactile display for presenting touch
    SHIMOJO Makoto; HAGIYA Kazuhiro; SHINOHARA Masami
    18 Sep. 2000, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集 = Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan annual conference, 5, 255-256, Japanese, 1342-4564, 10013962063, AA11429766
  • 909 Mouse with tactile display system for blind
    SHIMOJO Makoto; ISHIDA Tomohiro; WATANABE Tetsuya
    Mouse with tcatile display sytem for blind people to use GUI is developed. A screen reader was used for converting text information on the screen to voice. A tactile display was used for displaying graphical information on the screen. The tactile display which is installed in the mouse, has 8x8 pin matrix with 3mm pin pitch. It is planned to coat the surface of pin matrix by rubber to supplement the space resolution. The system and discussion of pin-matrix density were shown., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 08 Sep. 2000, 茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference, 2000, 257-258, Japanese, 110002511628, AN10554141
  • An Evaluation of Depth Perception in the Virtual World : Focus on Accommodative Compensation of Stereoscopic Display
    In this paper, we proposed a new method of evaluating quantitative the influence to the depth perception was influenced by the contradiction between convergence and accommodation in stereoscopic displays. We suppose empirical application of stereoscopic displays, verify about influences when we catch the ball in the virtual world. To be concrete, we used stereoscopic display with accommodative compensation, and proposed a new method of evaluating quantitative the influence to the depth perception was influenced by the contradiction between convergence and accommodation in stereoscopic displays, from results of tasks supposed to catch the ball in the virtual world. We also conducted a subjective experiment, and report its results., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 22 Mar. 2000, Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment, 99, 723, 31-36, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110003271051, AN10476092
  • 焦点調節機能を有するHMDを用いた仮想スポーツシステムの試作
    川原慎太郎; 米倉達広; 下条誠
    1999, 3次元画像コンファレンス講演論文集, 1999, 200902125213576940
  • 3次元触覚ディスプレイの空間分解能と形状判別特性--どの程度の分解可能が望ましいのかを探る
    下条 誠; 篠原 正美; 福井 幸男
    日本工業出版, Feb. 1998, 画像ラボ, 9, 2, 41-45, Japanese, 0915-6755, 40005023644, AN10164169
  • Observation of Grasping Type and Grasping Force Distribution
    SATO Shigeru; SHIMIZU Shunji; SHIMOJO Makoto; SEKI Yoshikazu
    16 May 1997, 日本人間工学会大会講演集, 38, 172-173, Japanese, 0549-4974, 10009531611, AA11995592
  • センサ-グロ-ブ--手に加わる圧力を測る
    下条 誠; 関 喜一
    高圧ガス保安協会, Jun. 1996, 高圧ガス, 33, 6, 468-471, Japanese, 0452-2311, 40001167694, AN00349918
  • Shape recognition performance depending on pin-matrix density for 3D tactile display
    SHIMOJO Makoto; SHINOHARA Masami; FUKUI Yukio
    The purpose of this paper is to provide the relationship between the pin-matrix density of a tactile display and the recognition performance of displayed 3-dimensional shapes. Three kinds of pin-matrix tactile displays, that generate 3D shapes, were used for the experiment. The pitch of pin was 5mm, 3mm, 2mm for each. As we assumed that surfaces, edges and vertices were the primitive information of the 3D shapes, tested shapes were classified into these three categories. As for the performance data, recognition time and classified error counts were measured. As the results, we obtained that the relationship between pin-matrix density and recognition performance data depend deeply on the primitives of 3D shapes., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 28 May 1996, Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment, 96, 82, 123-128, Japanese, 110003270602, AN10476092
  • 3次元触覚ディスプレイにおける提示ピン配置密度と形状判別特性
    1996, HumanInterface, N&R, 11, 313-318, 80008930731
  • 動き評価LSIを用いた高速無標点身体運動計測の試み
    高橋 昭彦; 下条 誠; 横井 孝志
    工業技術院生命工学工業技術研究所, Jun. 1995, 生命工学工業技術研究所研究報告, 3, 2, p1-6, Japanese, 0919-5351, 40005019989, AN10417424
  • Development of Sensor Grove MKII for measuring grasping pressure distribution.
    関喜一; 下条誠; 佐藤滋; 高橋昭彦
    1995, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 13th, 3, 200902151924201380
  • 18.ロボティクス・メカトロニクス : 18・4 ヒューマンロボットコミュニケーション (<特集>機械工学年鑑)
    下条 誠
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 05 Aug. 1994, 日本機械学會誌, 97, 909, 709-709, Japanese, 0021-4728, 110002477497, AN00187394
  • Specification of input device with visual and haptical feedback
    福井 幸男; 赤松 幹之; 下条 誠
    This paper reports specification to be considered for design of input device for artificial reality. Some variations of visual and haptical feedback conditions for the device are discussed with experimental results. Discrepancy between visual and haptical informations is left undiscussed for future investigation.This paper reports specification to be considered for design of input device for artificial reality. Some variations of visual and haptical feedback conditions for the device are discussed with experimental results. Discrepancy between visual and haptical informations is left undiscussed for future investigation., 11 May 1992, 情報処理学会研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI), 1992, 31, 53-56, Japanese, 170000032991, AA1221543X
  • Tracing algorithm of vitual shape using force - feedback
    福井 幸男; 下条誠
    設計段階において、曲面形状の形状評価を行いながら形状変更を行うためには、容易に面の形状が理解でき、変更も直ちに行える手段が望ましい。そこで、曲面上を手指でなぞって局所的な評価を行うことを最終目的とした基礎実験を行った。曲面の断面を想定すれば、まず平面内の曲線上をなぞることが基本であるから、平面内でのなぞりアルゴリズムを2通り開発した。反力を返すことができる装置をXYレコーダを利用して試作し、なぞり動作を行った。うねりのある形状を計算機上に定義し、その境界上をなぞる実験の結果、視覚で確認するときと同様な傾向の、うねりの周期に依ったうねり振幅の知覚限界が得られた。It is important for the designer to understand easily the shape of free-form surface at the design stage. The most easy way to understand the local characteristics of the shape is to trace the surface by his finger. As this tracing movement almost lie on a plane at a time, it is useful to develop 2-D tracing environment. We have developed two 2-D tracing algorithms, and have reformed a xy-recorder into an input device with force-feedback function. We have made some experiments of tracing virtual curves and obtained the characteristics of sensation by finger movement with force-feedback., 22 Feb. 1991, 情報処理学会研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 1991, 15, 1-8, Japanese, 170000034315, AN10100541
  • 1)触覚センサと触運動(テレビジョン電子装置研究会)
    下条 誠; 石川 正俊
    一般社団法人映像情報メディア学会, 20 Oct. 1989, テレビジョン学会誌, 43, 10, 1167-1167, Japanese, 0386-6831, 110003702013, AN00151466
  • Shape input method with tactile sensation
    福井 幸男; 下条 誠; 岸 義樹
    曲線を含む2次元形状を直接計算機に入力する方法は、描かれたものを光学的に読みとるかマウスやデジタイザーで座標点列として入力するのが一般的である。ところが、一旦入力した曲線を修正する場合を考えると、マウスやデジタイザーでは思うような修正が難しい。その原因の一つは、相対位置入力が困難なことである。すなわち、与えられた形状に対して、相対的な位置入力が求められている場合では、ディスプレイの像を目で追いながら手でそれに沿って動かすという、視覚と運動感覚の双方を併用しなければならないため困難さをともなうのである。一方たとえばろくろで回転体の断面を生成する場合のように、対象物体の弾塑性を利用して力を与えて微小変形させる場合は視覚は補助的な確認のためで、変形に直接関与していないので容易である。計算機に入力された形状を修正するときにはこの力のフィードバックが無いため、わずかな変位を入力するのが難しくなっている。本報告では、形状の入力はマウスと同じ様な感覚で行い、修正時にはあたかも弾塑性物体に触れて変形させるような力のフィードバックがある接触感覚を伴う入力方法について述べる。, 15 Mar. 1989, 全国大会講演論文集, 38, 726-727, Japanese, 110002874339, AN00349328
  • 対象物表面に設けた触覚センサによるフィ-ドバック制御
    佐藤 滋; 下条 誠; 石川 正俊
    工芸財団, 1986, 製品科学研究所研究報告, 105, p15-23, Japanese, 0389-9659, 40002069315, AN00129274
  • 薄型フレキシブル位置覚センサとその応用
    1985, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 21, 11, 114-116, 10011652551
  • セルスポット・床反力計による重心測定
    武田 常広; 石川 正俊; 増田 正; 下条 誠; 伴 菊夫
    Japan Ergonomics Society, 1981, 人間工学, 17, 0, 152-153, Japanese, 0549-4974, 130003869675

Books and other publications

  • Haptics - Tactile Feedback Technology Today and Tomorrow
    Makoto Shimojo
    Joint work, 第2章2節 (pp.15-75), 株式会社 情報機構, 23 Jun. 2023
  • 触覚認識メカニズムと応用技(増補版)
    下条誠; 前田隆司; 篠田裕之; 佐野明人
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Editor, 3章 触覚センサ, サイエンス&テクノロジー, 19 Mar. 2014, 9784907002374
  • 触覚認識メカニズムと応用技術
    下条誠; 前田隆司; 篠田裕之; 佐野明人
    Japanese, Editor, サイエンス&テクノロジー, Oct. 2010
  • 神経系との直接接続により随意運動及び感覚提示が可能な次世代人工肢システムの試作
    満渕, 邦彦; 石川, 正俊; 下条, 誠; 鈴木, 隆文; 古沢, 竜志; 竹内, 昌治; 久保山, 哲二; 國本, 雅也
    1冊, 満渕邦彦, 2009
  • センシング入門
    西原主計; 河原崎徳之; 下条誠; 吉留忠史
    Japanese, Joint work, 第3章 機械量のセンシング, vii, 229p, オーム社, 2007, 9784274203787
  • ロボット工学ハンドブック
    Japanese, Joint work, コロナ社, 2005
  • 人間感覚ハンドブック
    Japanese, Joint work, 朝倉書店, Oct. 2003
  • 計測工学ハンドブック
    Japanese, Joint work, 朝倉書店, Aug. 2003
  • 機械工学事典
    Japanese, Joint work, 触覚等, 日本機械学会, 1997
  • Intelligent Sensors Handbook of Sensors and Actuators 3
    M. Ishikawa; M. Shimojo
    English, Joint work, Elsevier Press,, 1996
  • 人工現実感の展開 (3.2節)
    下条誠; 福井幸男; 赤松幹之
    Japanese, Joint work, コロナ社, 1994
  • アドバンスド・センサハンドブック
    下条誠; 共同執筆
    Japanese, Joint work, 集積化位置センサ(7.2.2節), 培風館, 1994
  • マイクロマシン技術による製品小型化・知能化事典
    Japanese, Joint work, 位置センサ(1ー(7)節), 1992
  • 人間機能のバイオメカニズム
    下条誠; 伴菊夫
    Japanese, Joint work, 安全帽の衝撃緩和特性, バイオメカニズム学会, 1987
  • 心理学マニュアル
    Japanese, Joint work, 第11章観察法(人間の把持動作の観察法), 北大路書房, 1977

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • A Sheet-Type Sensor Using Pressure-Conductive Rubber with Electrical-Wire Stitches Method
    M. Shimojo; R. Makino; A. Namiki; M. Ishikawa; T. Suzuki; K. Mabuchi
    Invited oral presentation, English, The first IEEE international conference on sensors, International conference
    Oct. 2002
  • 液状感圧ゴムを用いた自由曲面型触覚センサの開発
    下条 誠; 金森克彦; 明愛国; 金森哉吏; 石川正俊
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回日本ロボット学会創立20周年記念学術講演会
    Oct. 2002
  • ロボットハンドからの触覚情報を人間の触覚神経経由により提示するシステムの開発
    下条誠; 牧野了太; 小川博教; 鈴木隆文; 並木明夫; 齋藤 敬; 國本雅也; 石川正俊; 満渕邦彦
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回日本ロボット学会創立20周年記念学術講演会
    Oct. 2002
  • 線状レーザ光を用いた空間座標位置計測(第24報)-基準円入力ツールの設置条件がパラメータ同定に及ぼす影響について(半径)-
    金森哉吏; 梶谷 誠; 下条 誠; 明 愛国
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2002年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集
    Oct. 2002
  • 光磁気記録を応用したロータリエンコーダの開発(第9報)-試作マルチスポットピックアップの評価-
    飛田和輝; 大平貴之; 梶谷 誠; 金森哉吏; 明 愛国; 下条 誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2002年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集
    Oct. 2002
  • 遠隔地ハンドからの触覚情報を人間の触覚神経系経由により提示するシステムの開発
    下条誠; 小川博教; 牧野了太; 鈴木隆文; 並木明夫; 斎藤敬; 石川正俊; 満渕邦彦; 國本雅也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第7回大会
    Sep. 2002
  • ロボットハンドからの触覚情報を人間の触覚神経経由により提示するシステムの開発
    下条誠; 牧野了太; 小川博教; 鈴木隆文; 並木明夫; 齋藤 敬; 國本雅也; 石川正俊; 満渕邦彦
    Oral presentation, Japanese, ヒューマンインターフェース学会,ヒューマンインターフェースシンポジウム2002論文集
    Sep. 2002
  • (Invited Paper):A Sheet-Type Sensor Using Pressure-Conductive Rubber with Electrical- Wire Stitches Method
    M. Shimojo; R. Makino; A. Namiki; M. Ishikawa; T. Suzuki; K. Mabuchi
    Invited oral presentation, English, The first IEEE international conference on sensors () (2002), International conference
    Jun. 2002
  • ロボットハンドからの接触感覚を触覚神経系経由により提示するシステムの開発
    下条誠; 牧野了太; 小川博教; 鈴木隆文; 並木明夫; 斎藤敬(東大; 石川正俊; 満渕邦彦
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'02(ROBOMEC02)
    Jun. 2002
  • 高空間分解能な触覚提示を目指した触覚提示方式の研究
    下条 誠; 安彦成泰; 篠原正美; 金森哉吏; 明 愛国
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'02(ROBOMEC02)
    Jun. 2002
  • A Sheet-Type Sensor Using Pressure-Conductive Rubber with Electrical-Wire Stitches Method
    M. Shimojo; R. Makino; A. Namiki; M. Ishikawa; T. Suzuki; K. Mabuchi
    Invited oral presentation, English, Proc. of IEEE Sensors 2002. First IEEE Int. Conf. on Sensors, IEEE, Orlando, FL, USA, International conference
    Jun. 2002
  • Artificial Skin with Highly Tactile Density -Innovative Sensory-Motor Fusion Opens a New Robotic World(Tutorial)
    Makoto Shimojo
    Others, English, 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
    May 2002
  • 超高精度歯車測定機の精度向上に関する研究 -歯形誤差測定における測定誤差の原因解明-, ,O81,pp.707(2002.3.28-30)
    久保田禅; 下条誠; 明愛国; 金森哉吏; 梶谷誠; 竹田龍平
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2002年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会論文集
    Mar. 2002
  • 線状レーザ光を用いた空間座標位置計測(第23報) -キャリブレーションのための基準円入力作業の自動化-
    金森哉吏; 梶谷誠; 下条誠; 明愛国
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2002年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会論文集,O74
    Mar. 2002
  • 光磁気記録を応用したロータリエンコーダの開発 (第8報) -マルチスポットピックアップの試作-
    中里威晴; 飛田和輝; 梶谷誠; 金森哉吏; 明愛国; 下条誠; 大平貴之
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2002年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会論文集,O19
    Mar. 2002
  • 光磁気記録方式を応用したロータリエンコーダに関する研究
    Others, Japanese, 博士論文
    Mar. 2002
  • Innovative Sensory-Motor Fusion Opens a New Robotic World -Artificial Skin with Highly Tactile Density-
    Invited oral presentation, English, 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, International conference
  • 線状レーザ光を用いた空間座標位置計測 (第22報) -基準円入力ツールの設置条件がパラメータ同定に及ぼす影響について-
    金森哉吏; 梶谷誠; 下条誠; 明愛国
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2002年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会論文集,N22
    Sep. 2001
  • 光磁気記録を応用したロータリエンコーダの開発 (第7報) -マルチスポットピックアップの検討-
    中里威晴; 飛田和輝; 梶谷誠; 金森哉吏; 明愛国; 下条誠; 大平貴之
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2001年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集, L34
    Sep. 2001
  • 自律移動ロボットによる搬送作業システムの開発 (屋外でのナビゲーション方法及び運用管理システムの開発
    堀井啓介; 松川宗太; 美馬一博; 金森哉吏; 明愛国; 梶谷誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'01講演論文集
    Jun. 2001
  • ゴルフスイングにおける人間の動的な運動制御技能の検討 (アドレスからインパクトまでの軌道生成)
    三田拓郎; 明愛国; 梶谷誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'01講演論文集
    Jun. 2001
  • 楽器演奏ロボットに関する研究 (合奏システムの開発)
    中西有美; 梶谷誠; 明愛国; 金森哉吏; 美馬一博
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'01講演論文集,(2001.6.8-10)
    Jun. 2001
  • ワイヤー縫込方式によるシート状触覚センサの試作
    下条誠; 池田立一; 並木明夫; 石川正俊; 満渕邦彦
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第17回日本ロボット学会学術講演会
    Sep. 1999
  • 視覚障害者用Tactile Displayの開発
    下条誠; 石田朋大; 渡辺哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第17回日本ロボット学会学術講演会
    Sep. 1999
  • 視覚障害者用Tactile Displayの開発
    下条誠; 石田朋大; 渡辺哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本VR学会第4回大会
    Sep. 1999
  • 高速応答性を目的とした簡易型ハプティクスディスプレイの開発
    仁木亨; 下条誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本VR学会第4回大会
    Sep. 1999
  • ワイヤー縫い込み方式によるシート状触覚センサ
    下条誠; 池田立一; 並木明夫; 石川正俊; 満渕邦彦
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会
    Jun. 1999
  • 視覚障害者用Voice&Tactile Displayの開発
    下条誠; 黄学忠; 森岡俊雄; 石田朋大; 渡辺哲也
    Oral presentation, English, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会
    Jun. 1999
  • 把持圧力分布からのグリップ形状評価の試み
    佐藤滋; 下条誠; 関喜一; 清水俊治
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会
    Sep. 1998
  • 把持圧力分布による握り形状評価の試み
    佐藤滋; 下条誠; 関喜一; 清水俊治
    Oral presentation, Japanese, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'98
    Jun. 1998


  • 計算機工学基礎
  • 電気回路
  • ロボット工学
  • 物理学II(熱力学,電磁気学)
  • 物理学I(力学,振動)
  • メカトロニクス応用
  • メカトロニクス

Affiliated academic society

  • 計測自動制御学会
  • 日本機械学会
  • 日本ロボット学会

Research Themes

  • Research and development of autonomous control hand using proximity sensor and its application to remote control under poor visual environment
    shimojo makoto
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), In actual grasping, cooperative action of hand and arm is necessary to grasp objects of various shapes, positions and postures. For this reason, we developed a hand / arm integrated control system in which the arm follows the object to be grasped and the hand autonomously traces the shape of the object.Since autonomous grasping is possible, even with a grasping operation by monocular camera image, it is possible to grasp by bringing the hand close to the object, so the reliability of the remote control has been improved. We also introduced a haptic feedback system that supports tasks under poor visibility by remote control. Moreover, by introducing simple vision, global information such as the position and attitude of the object can be acquired, and the application range of the grasping operation has expanded., 26240040
    01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • Approach of Tactile Map for Visually Impaired using Haptics Display
    shimada shigenobu; SHIMOJO Makoto; INO Shuichi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), The goals for this study are the concretization of a method for providing support for the capture/creation of nonlinguistic/spatial information (such as diagrams and images) that is difficult for the visually impaired to manage, and to help improve information accessibility via information devices for the visually impaired. The development of interactive tactile displays for the visually impaired is ongoing. Using these displays as base technology, we propose a new device that uses a haptic perception that combines a sense of touch and a sense of arm position as an sensory substitution pathway., 24680064
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • Human-machine mutual adaptation technologies that induc brain adaptation
    Yokoi Hiroshi; TAKAYAMA Sinichiro; IKOMA Katsunori; SHIMOJO Makoto; KATO Ryu
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), In this project, we studied the technologies to develop the myoelectric prosthetic hand to substitute one’s own hand by inducing the mutual adaptation between human and machine. A highly stretchable elastomer glove was developed by transcribing the texture of a human hand. Omnidirectional force sensors made of conductive silicon were embedded into the glove to introduce haptic function for sensory feedback. The interactive-tendon-driven mechanism was adopted in the design of robotic hand and arm to balance increasing their forces and functions with reducing their sizes and weights. To control a myoelectric prosthetic hand with electroencephalography (EEG) was also investigated in an experiment in which gaze points on the hand were identified from the P300 EEG response., 25249025
    01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2016
  • 高速センサー技術に基づく調和型ダイナミック情報環境の構築
    石川 正俊; 石井抱; 阪口豊; 下条誠; 篠田裕之; 山本裕紹; 小室孝; 下条 誠
    科学技術振興機構(JST), 戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST), Coinvestigator
    Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2015
  • Research and development of the tactile sensor architecture in which integrate tactile sense
    SHIMOJO makoto; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; YOKOI Hiroshi; MING Aiguo; SUZUKI Yousuke
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), In this research, the tactile sensor architecture which measures contact, slip and proximity information by the same analog circuit was developed. Thus, advanced features of the tactile sensor system mounted on robots and various mechanical system can be achieved. By this method, the solution of the wiring problem which connects many detection elements was proposed. And also by using an analog circuitry network, solution to the problem of the response delay accompanying the increase in a detection element was attained. Moreover, the slip sensor which can detect the slip just before beginning to slip was developed. The sensor is a high-speed response with a simple structure and thin light weight. In this research, the these-developed sensor was mounted to the robot hand and the autonomous vehicle, the verification experiment was conducted, and the availability was clarified in the experiment., 22240012
    01 Apr. 2010 - 31 Mar. 2014
  • A Study on Cybernetic Technology among Man and Machine
    YOKOI Hiroshi; SHIMOJO Makoto; IKOMA Katsunori; KATO Ryu
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), In this project, we had developed and studied the man machine interface technology to replace or rehabilitate human’s movement and sense by robot system. Myoelectric prosthetic hand (high-torque drive mechanism, soft tactile sensor and upper arm controlled by Brain), power assist system for rehabilitation (assist methods accommodated for the conditions of a patient, mechanism that is easy to fit on the human hand and thumb’s CM joint assist mechanism) and functional electrical stimulation devices(sensor feedback method by 2D Phantom sensation, exploring system of effectively the optimal stimulation method) are developed and ready to be tested in a daily environment., 22246033
    2010 - 2012
  • 神経インタフェース技術の確立による次世代義肢における感覚及び随意運動機能の実現
    満渕邦彦; 鎮西恒雄; 阿部裕輔; 松浦 弘幸; 石川 正俊; 藤正巖; 井街宏; 松本 博志; 柳田 康幸; 深津晋; 柴田 政廣; 鈴木隆文; 國本雅也; 下条誠; 渡邊卓; 松田甚一; 栗本育三郎; 磯山隆; 角田 直人; 並木明夫; 成瀬誠; 稲見 昌彦; 齋藤敬; Alain Goulet; 中坊 嘉弘; Alvaro Cassinelli; 稲葉俊哉; 大倉典子; 石垣 博行; 近藤 克哉
    厚生労働省(MHLW), 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(厚生科研費), Coinvestigator
    Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2011
  • 石川 正俊; 金子真; 下条誠; 並木明夫; 下条 誠
    科学技術振興機構(JST), 戦略的創造研究推進事業 発展研究(SORST), Coinvestigator
    Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2010
  • Exploiting Tactile Map for Visually Handicapped Based on Interactive Tactile Device
    SHIMADA Shigenobu; SHIMOJO Makoto
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), A basic device combining a tactile graphic display function and a touch position sensing function is proposed. The trial device consists of two major components, a tactile graphic display and a force sensor. The force sensor measures a center of gravity generated by touch action on the display surface and a PC estimates the point based on the data. The fundamental function for achieving the interactive communication is to detect the location where user is touching a tangible surface. By applying this functions, the click and scroll function by an empty hand are realized. In addition, an audio-tactile graphic system which can be used mainly to overcome tactile cognitive limitation is implemented as an application of the system. Moreover, the area of tactile display is expanded for the purpose of improvement usability. Following this, we propose the tactile scrollbar where the users can recognize their position of plane space. The validity of the developed tactile graphic system has been confirmed through subjective experiments., 20680031
    2008 - 2010
  • Research and development of the tactile sensor system in which connects from a proximity sense to a tactile sense seamlessly
    SHIMOJO Makoto; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; MING Aiguo; NAMIKI Akio; TADAKUMA Kenjiro
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 本研究は,基本動作原理が同じセンサで,近接覚から触覚までをシームレスにつながる触覚センサシステムの開発と,これらを用いた新たな制御システムの開発を行った.その特色・独創的な点としては,全て同じ動作原理であるため,ソフトウェアの統一が取りやすく,また単純なアナログ回路網で構成するため,高速応答性に優れ,拡張性が高く,構造が簡単なことから安価に供給できる.このような特徴を併せてもつセンサはこれまで実現されておらず,これからのロボット技術はもとより各種機械システムに装着する触覚センサシステムの共通的プラットホーム技術として利用できると考える., 19200015
    2007 - 2009
  • Assistive study for reception of non-verbal contents on the Web by severe visually impaired
    SHIMIZU Yutaka; SHIMOJO Makoto; NAGAOKA Hideji; SHINOHARA Masami; SHIMADA Shigenobu
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Reception of non-verbal contents such as the figures and images in the Web is difficult for severe visually impaired persons. This study aimed to realize an idea to transform non-verbal information to spatio-temporal tactile image. Furthermore, synthesized speech presents, in connection with a deep position on the tactile representation. Obtained results are as follows. 1. Design of Web algorithm Since endure the functions for the enlargement / reduction of tactile graphics in connection with same sound presentation, particular algorithm is needed. The Adobe Flash type of files is used to validate in the Web software. 2. Development of interactive tactile display Reliable active mechanism is needed to represent synthesized speech, when intend to know a deep position of the tactile graphic by haptic search. An interactive tactile display developed which is connected to the USB. In addition, touch point, touch scroll and touch zooming functions are implemented to the display for user interface. 3. Evaluation experiment Experiments performed to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed system. Severe visually impaired and blindfolded participants, recognized many guide maps and illustrations by use of the system. Thus usefulness for assistive device to the reception of non-verbal contents on the Web by severe visually impaired was explained., 18300192
    2006 - 2007
  • Manufacture of a next-generation artificial limb system with sensory function that can be driven voluntarily using a neuro-machine interface
    MABUCHI Kunihiko; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SHIMOJI Makoto; SUZUKI Takafumi; FURUSAWA Ryuji; TAKEUCHI Shoji
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Tokyo, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), We constructed a prototype of an artificial limb system with which subjects were able to feel somatic sensations exactly as if they were touching the object with their own hands and were also able to move the artificial arm voluntarily exactly as intended using needle EMG information. We used microelectrical stimulation of the sensory nerve fibers in order to evoke somatic sensations in the subjects and we attempted to control the movement of the hand and fingers of the artificial limb system using information of the motor nerve activities recorded from the concerned peripheral nerves. However, the performance of the sieve electrode which we developed was not yet sufficient for steadily recording motor nerve signals, we used needle EMG signals of the concerned muscles instead of motor nerve signals in order to control the movement of the artificial limb system. The experiment for evaluation was performed by a healthy subject in a master-slave format using a robot hand system with the shape of human hand; pressure or vibration stimuli detected by the sensor on the robot hand were transferred to a computer and the frequency of the electrical pulses for stimulating the sensory nerve fiber was determined. These electrical pulses were then output to the concerned sensory nerve fiber via a tungsten microelectrode. Needle EMG information was measured from the concerned muscles using the same tungsten micro-needle electrodes as were used with the sensory system and the grasping power and the positions of the finger joints were determined from the needle EMG information. The results showed that the system worked satisfactorily. Development of nerve electrodes that can measure activity of motor nerve fibers and can stimulate sensory nerve fibers with a sufficient number of channels remains an urgent demand for the creation of a system acceptable for clinical use., 17206022
    2005 - 2007
  • Development of a tactile sensor system and an integration of the sensor information with a vision chip
    SHIMOJO Makoto; TAKASE Kunikatsu; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), In this program, research and development of the tactile sensor which can be mounted on the curved surface, and can detect normal and tangential force, and can also solve the wiring problem were done. And also the tactile information processing chip which can perform local information processing was developed. Moreover, in order to make it the same interface system as the already developed vision chip, research and development in such a sensor integrated processing system was proposed. Results are shown below. (1)Since the developed sensing material is a liquid type, it can form thin pressure-sensitive rubber membrane also in the complicated form surface. It is possible to cover the whole body only using a robot's surface. (2)The sensor which can detect not only the normal force direction but also tangential force direction was developed, and, thereby, detection of the slip was attained. (3)In order to solve processing of tactile sense information, and many wiring problems, a LSI for tactile sense information processing was developed. (4)For the purpose of making the same the interface of a vision chip and a tactile sense chip, the research about an interface system with a tactile sense chip were proposed. As the results, the external world recognition by the contact situation of the robot body with a sensitive skin which covers a robot's whole body is attained. Moreover, the application to advanced robot control, such as grip control by detection of a slip and motion control by a contact condition, are expected., 16300052
    2004 - 2006
  • 感覚運動統合理論に基づく「手と脳」の工学的実現
    石川 正俊; 岩田穆; 金子真; 下条誠; 阪口豊; 石井抱
    科学技術振興機構(JST), 戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST)
    Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2005
  • Assistive tools of PC operation to back up severe visually impaired working
    SHIMIZU Yutaka; SAKAMOTO Kazuyoshi; SHIMOJO Makoto; NAGAOKA Hideji; SHINOHARA Masami
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Assistive tools for PC operation to back up visually impaired working, was studied. The following results were clarified. 1.Experiment performed to evaluate and estimate the human-computer system by severe visually impaired person. From the analytic model designed, the clarified drawback was that the graphic operation was serious bottle neck for the visually impaired persons in the GUI system. 2.An interactive tactile graphic device as mean of PC accessible system was introduced. Experiments by this system performed to examine possibility of the layout task which contains searching and moving figures. Result showed that participants made high skilled layout tasks with the cooperation of the screen reading device. 3.Fatigue accompanying with the introduced system examined. Participants evaluated mentally and physically that the system had not so severe defect to cause stress and fatigue. 4.A new tactile device was developed further to improve usability. Major characteristic of the device is that a position of tactile graphic surface responds directly by a force/torque sensor mounted in the device. Alternate function by the mouse such as the pointing and scrolling is realized easily. 5.In addition to the pointing and scrolling function, the drawing function was functioned to the device. Operation to figures by visually impaired participants improved, and further written figures by users made possible to store and retrieve from/to a PC. Since multimedia access diversified, the new device is promise to become an assistive tool to extend occupation for severe visually impaired persons., 15300196
    2003 - 2005
  • Study of haptics display and texture rendering method
    SHIMOJO Makoto
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The meaning of "Haptic Interface" is the interface method that achieves interactive communication with computer using force feedback and tactile sense of human, the importance of this method is recognized in an area of VR technology related, especially, information technologies, medical treatments, industry, sports, amusement, etc. In the haptic device development, the devices must be satisfied some important specifications : high responsibility security for systems, security for users, etc. Therefore conventional devices are usually larger, heavy, and expensive Otherwise, software compatibility between other devices is a hard problem. The needs of efficient management and sharing for haptic presentation information have been appeared. Then the platform or system that absorbs incompatibility of each haptic device, are proposed. Thus far, we have developed "simple haptic display", that has high sensitive, high output torque, and small sized shape. The purpose of the display is to present various haptic information with keeping portability. The haptic display do not only present force feedback but also vibrotactile information. And also a haptic presentation management framework for the display has been developed. In the design over view, we propose the categorization of the object presentation data and these data format. In this categorization, touch sense is classified into 4 types : surface, material characteristics, heat conduction, and shape dynamics features. We used some of these patterns, including tactile and temperature data. The frequency response of the haptic display was examined. Then the experiments of the vibrotactile presentation at contact with wood and aluminum were presented. And a method of the surface roughness presentation was also investigated. At the roughness presentation experiment, we prepared roughness data using pictures that are taken by digital camera and image processing techniques. Results showed that the simple haptic display provide sufficient frequency response for presenting the vibrotactile information at contact and perceiving a surface roughness of virtual objects. This system can provide more sufficient presentation by turning the roughness pattern parameters more finely., 11650260
    1999 - 2001
    MABUCHI Kunihiko; KUNIMOTO Masamari; SHIMOJO Makoto; ISHIKAWA Masatoshi; SUZUKI Takafumi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)., University of Tokyo, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)., The goal or this project was to develop an artificial arm system capable of sensing mechanical stimuli and then transferring these stimuli to the subject so that the subject experiences the stimuli as the corresponding somatic sensations. The technique we used consisted of electrically stimulating sensory nerve fibers, each of which innervates a single mechanoreceptor units, in accordance with the output of the sensors on the artificial arm. A tungsten microelectrode was inserted percutaneously into the median nerve, and fixed at a point where the activities of a single SA mechanoreceptor unit could be recorded. Electrical microstimulation was then performed with the same microelectrode using square-wave pulses of 250 μsec duration. The amplitude and the frequency of the stimulation pulses were altered in various ways, and qualitative and quantitative relationship between the properties of the micro-electrical stimulation and the intensities and areas of the evoked pressure sensations were studied. In this trials, the subjective intensities of the evoked pressure sensation were evaluated quantitatively by means of psychophysical methods (such as method of limits, method of adjustment, or up-and-down method. In order for this technique to be acceptable for actual clinical use, it is necessary to stimulate both a large number and various kinds of nerve fibers simultaneously. We investigated also how an evoked sensation and its projected area are affected when electrical stimulation is given simultaneously to multiple sensory nerve fibers each of which separately innervate different single mechanoreceptor unit. As a result, the subjective magnitude of the evoked pressure sensation was appeared to be related to a positive power of the frequency ; however, there was essentially no change in the amplitude of the electrical stimulation. The projected area was affected neither by the amplitude nor the frequency. With regard to simultaneous stimulation of multiple sensory nerve fibers, results so far indicated that the sensation evoked when two mechanoreceptor units underwent simultaneous electrical stimulation became a simple addition concerning the projected areas, kinds of sensation, and the magnitude, respectively, and no "non-linear" phenomena took place. According to these results, we developed a prototype of an artificial arm system using the same technique as stated above. A robot hand system (with the shape of a human hand) was used as an artificial arm system ; its fingers and palm was covered with a sheet of pressure-conductive rubber over the area corresponding to the projected area of the subject's hand (i.e. the area over which the single mechanoreceptor unit produces a sensation). Pressure was then applied to the pressure-conductive rubber ; a microcomputer used the output voltage of the pressure-conductive rubber to determine the frequency of the electrical pulses for stimulating the sensory nerve fiber, and these electrical pulses were then output to the sensory nerve fiber via the tungsten microelectrode. The subjective intensities of the sensations evoked by the stimulation were described by the subjects using a slide volume, etc. ; these subjective evaluations and their changes with respect to time were compared with the strengths of the stimuli applied to the pressure-conductive rubber of the robot hand. The system worked in a satisfactory manner, and the subjects could feel the pressure sensation at the corresponding area resulting from the pressure that was applied to the pressure conductive-rubber of the robot hand. There was also a good correlation between the pressure applied to the pressure-conductive rubber and the subjective intensities of the evoked sensations., 11555068
    1999 - 2000
  • Research on the measurement and evaluation technique integrated from the viewpoint of ecology to analyze nonlinear information processing in the human behavior
    WADA Mitsuo; SHIMOJO Makoto; YAMAGUCHI Akihiro; YOKOI Hiroshi; MIKAMI Sadayoshi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The mechanism of human sense and behavior is a highly complicated nonlinear information processing system that is obtained by adapting to the complex environment. There are various complex phenomena. e.g.. a transition between various behavior patterns, a competitive recognition of multiple meaning, and, chaotic dynamics in biological systems, etc. In order to understand such human information processing, a research of human system, as a complex adaptation system, becomes very important. The fundamental goal of our research is to construct a measurement system of human cognitive behavior and to integrate various levels of human activity from biological level to behavioral and cognitive level, In this research, we mainly focused on the following three subjects as bases of such study : 1. Analysis of biological nonlinear dynamics. 2. Self-organized information processing. 3. Interactive measurement of human behavior. 1) The extraction and characterization methods of biological internal dynamics were investigated. Here we developed a concept of dynamic real-time characterization of biological dynamics and applied to the analysis of human blood flow dynamics. 2) The adaptive learning method for multi neural agents system was investigated. For the pulse neural network, we developed the method of spatio-temporal self-organized learning and applied to a binding of sensory information. 3) We constructed the interactive system between human and computer agent. Here we investigated how the behavior of agent influences human mental state and understanding of the agent. Through these studies, we developed a basic framework to handle a non-explicit human information such as physiological or mental factor of human system., 08458083
    1996 - 1998

Industrial Property Rights

  • 歩行補助装置
    Patent right, 友納 昌則, 下条 誠, 星野 隆行, 特願2005-363361, Date applied: 16 Dec. 2005, 国立大学法人 電気通信大学, 特願2005-363361, Date issued: 20 May 2011
  • リング型センサ
    Patent right, 下条 誠, 寺田 一貴, 2009-203027, Date applied: 02 Sep. 2009, 国立大学法人電気通信大学, 2011-53115, Date announced: 07 Mar. 2011
  • 滑り検出装置及び方法
    Patent right, 下条 誠, 勅使河原, 2009-124463 (出願日2009.5.22),PCT/JP2010/058576, Date applied: 22 May 2009, 国立大学法人電気通信大学,イナバゴム株式会社, WO2010/134584A1, Date announced: 25 Nov. 2010
  • 二次元分布荷重中心位置検出センサおよび二次元分布荷重中心位置検出装置
    Patent right, 下条 誠, 12/097,211 (PCT/JP2006/322294), Date applied: 08 Nov. 2006, 国立大学法人 電気通信大学, (WO2007/069412), Date announced: 21 Jun. 2007, US7,784,362B2, Date issued: 31 Aug. 2010

Media Coverage

  • Proximity sensor-based High-speed Tracking and High-precision Depth Scanning
    IEEE SPECTRUM, Video Friday:Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos, Internet, U can’t touch this!
    Nov. 2020
  • Some impressive dexterity from a robot hand equipped with magnetic gears.
    IEEE Spectrum, Video Friday, Internet,
    Sep. 2019
  • High-speed, Small-deformation Catching of Soft Objects based on Active Vision and Proximity Sensing
    Other than myself, IEEE Spectrum, Video Friday, Internet, In this paper, we propose a combination of sensing and control modules for catching soft objects (i.e., a marshmallow and paper balloon) at a high speed with small deformation. A paper balloon and marshmallow are deformed by a small force and they have individual differences in terms of softness. Therefore, model-based, small-deformation catching is difficult. To realize small-deformation catching, we used high-speed sensor-based (vision and proximity) control modules without a deformation model of the soft objects. A high-speed vision-based controller adjusts the positions of the fingertips of a robot to some extent. As the distance to the object decreased, the fingertip positions were accurately controlled by the high-speed, high-precision proximity-based control. Furthermore, the fingertips were stopped by a proximity-based contact detection before the object surface was deformed. Virtual damping control was effective in catching an object whose surface can be easily deformed by a small impact force or vibration of the fingertips, such as a paper balloon.
    Mar. 2019
  • Integrated Control of a Multi-fingered Hand and Arm Using Proximity Sensors on the Fingertips
    IEEE Spectrum, Video Friday, Internet, In this study, we propose integrated control of a robotic hand and arm using only proximity sensing from the fingertips. An integrated control scheme for the fingers and for the arm enables quick control of the position and posture of the arm by placing the fingertips adjacent to the surface of an object to be grasped. The arm control scheme enables adjustments based on errors in hand position and posture that would be impossible to achieve by finger motions alone, thus allowing the fingers to grasp an object in a laterally symmetric grasp. This can prevent grasp failures such as a finger pushing the object out of the hand or knocking the object over. Proposed control of the arm and hand allowed correction of position errors on the order of several centimeters. For example, an object on a workbench that is in an uncertain positional relation with the robot, with an inexpensive optical sensor such as a Kinect, which only provides coarse image data, would be sufficient for grasping an object.​
    May 2016
  • Net-shaped proximity sensor
    Other than myself, DigInfo, Internet, Net-shaped proximity sensor, DigInfo 2009/12/23,
    Dec. 2009