takeuchi tomoyoshi
Emeritus Professor etc. | Emeritus Professor |
Research Activity Information
- Monitoring of Depth-Integrated Heat Content of the Ocean by Using Inverted Echosounders
Tomoyoshi Takeuchi and Keisuke Taira
Proc. of Fourth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics(Rome), 523-528, Sep. 1998, Null - 音響による海洋の積分含熱量測定のためのモデル係数の評価
海洋音響学会講演論文集, 77-78, 1998, Null - Monitoring of Volume and Heat Transports of the Kuroshio over the Izu Ridge by an Acoustic Transceiver Array
Tomoyoshi Takeuchi and Keisuke Taira
Proc. of the Fourth International Scientiffic Symposium(Okinawa), 32-42, Feb. 1998, Null - PID制御器を用いた三慣性ベンチマーク問題の解法
計測自動制御学会論文集, 35, 2, 238-243, 1999, Null - 共振機械系に対する次数2の制御器の設計法
電気学会論文誌D, 118-D, 9, 1000-1007, 1998, Null