Ohsuga Akihiko
Emeritus Professor etc. | Emeritus Professor |
Center for Industrial and Governmental Relations | Project/Specially Appointed Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Apr. 2022 - Present
The University of Electro-Communications, Center for Industrial and Governmental Relations, センター長 - Apr. 2020 - Present
The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering Division of Collaborative Education, 部長 - Apr. 2016 - Present
The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering Department of Informatics, 教授 - Apr. 2012 - Present
国立情報学研究所, 客員教授(兼任) - Apr. 2007 - Present
Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications, Professor - Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2023
The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, School of Informatics and Engineering, 副学域長 - Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2023
The University of Electro-Communications, 教育研究評議会, 評議員 - Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2021
The University of Electro-Communications, Center for Industrial and Governmental Relations, 副センター長 - Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2021
The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Information Systems, 研究科長 - Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2016
The University of Electro-Communications, 教育研究評議会, 評議員 - 01 Apr. 2006 - 31 Mar. 2007
Corporate Software Engineering Center, TOSHIBA Corporation - 01 Dec. 2003 - 31 Mar. 2007
Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications, Visiting Professor - 01 Apr. 2002 - 31 Mar. 2007
大阪大学大学院 工学研究科, 非常勤講師(兼任) - 01 Apr. 1981 - 31 Mar. 2005
Corporate R&D Center, TOSHIBA Corporation - 01 Apr. 2002 - 30 Nov. 2003
Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications, Visiting Associate Professor - 01 Apr. 1985 - 01 Jan. 1989
Institute for New Generation Computer Technology
Educational Background
Member History
- Jun. 2020 - Present
評議員, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Society - Jun. 2015 - Present
監事, NPO法人トップエスイー教育センター, Others - Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2021
情報システム技術委員会委員, 電気学会, Society - 01 Jun. 2017 - 31 May 2019
監事, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Society - 01 Jun. 2015 - 31 May 2017
監事, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Society - Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
専門評価委員, 総務省 戦略的情報通信研究開発推進事業(SCOPE) - Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2013
専門委員, 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費委員会 - Jun. 2011 - May 2013
理事, 人工知能学会, Society - Apr. 2013
代議員, 人工知能学会, Society - Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2013
委員, 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構(JST)先端計測分析技術・機器開発推進委員会 - Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2012
Japan Chapter Chair, IEEE Computer Society, Society - May 2011 - Mar. 2012
評価委員, 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構(JST)先端計測技術評価委員会 - Dec. 2009 - Nov. 2011
専門委員, 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費委員会 - May 2009 - May 2011
人工知能と知識処理研究専門委員会委員長, 電子情報通信学会, Society - May 2009 - Mar. 2011
評価委員, 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構(JST)先端計測技術評価委員会 - Jan. 2009 - Dec. 2010
IEEE Japan Chapter Secretary, Society - May 2005 - May 2009
人工知能と知識処理研究専門委員会副委員長, 電子情報通信学会, Society - Jan. 2007 - Dec. 2008
IEEE Japan Chapter Vice Chair, Society - Apr. 2003 - Apr. 2007
理事, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Society - Apr. 1996 - Mar. 2000
ソフトウェア工学研究会連絡委員, 情報処理学会, Society - Jun. 1994 - May 1998
論文誌編集委員会委員(Sグループ主査), 情報処理学会, Society - Apr. 1991 - Mar. 1995
関数プログラミング研究会幹事, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Society - Apr. 1990 - Mar. 1991
ソフトウェア基礎論研究会連絡委員, 情報処理学会, Society
Research Activity Information
- Sep. 2023
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter JAWS Young Researcher Award, 赤塚哲丸 (折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦) - Sep. 2023
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS2023) 奨励賞, 徐江林;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦 - Sep. 2023
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS2023) 優秀賞, 赤塚哲丸;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦 - Mar. 2023
第15回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2023) 学生プレゼンテーション賞, 南智仁;(清雄一;田原康;大須賀昭彦) - Jan. 2023
情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル/JIP特選論文, 櫻庭秀次;依田みなみ;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Official journal - Dec. 2022
電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会 研究奨励賞, 大石慶一朗;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2022
Towards scalable model checking of reflective systems via labeled transition systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
情報処理学会 SE研究会 卓越研究賞, 鄭顕志;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Official journal - Sep. 2022
SMASH22 (Symposium on Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization 2022) Summer Symposium 奨励賞, 羽田拓朗;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Mar. 2022
人工知能学会 セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会 第1回学生向け!ナレッジグラフ推論チャレンジ2021 敢闘賞, 菅井理紗;神宮司祐哉;竹井拓実;山本愛海 - Feb. 2022
SMASH22 (Symposium on Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization 2022) Winter Symposium 準優秀賞, 石禾里帆;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦 - Feb. 2022
電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会 研究奨励賞, 星雄輝;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦 - Dec. 2021
電子情報通信学会シニア会員 認定, 大須賀昭彦 - Sep. 2021
第32回コンシューマ・デバイス&システム(CDS)研究会 優秀発表賞, 長野岳彦;小口琢夫;吉岡信和;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2021
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
SMASH21 (Symposium on Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization 2021) Summer Symposium 奨励賞, 徳島大河;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2021
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
SMASH21 (Symposium on Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization 2021) Summer Symposium 奨励賞, 星雄輝;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Jun. 2021
Codewords Detection in Microblogs Focusing on Differences in Word Use Between Two Corpora, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE)
JP生きがい振興財団警察研究論文奨励賞, 羽田拓朗;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦 - Sep. 2020
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
SMASH20 (Symposium on Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization 2020) Summer Symposium 学生奨励賞, 千葉智樹;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2020
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
SMASH20 (Symposium on Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization 2020) Summer Symposium ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 千葉智樹;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2020
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
SMASH20 (Symposium on Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization 2020) Summer Symposium 学生奨励賞, 塚越雄登;江上周作;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2020
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
SMASH20 (Symposium on Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization 2020) Summer Symposium ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 塚越雄登;江上周作;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Oct. 2019
Linked Dataを用いた俯瞰的な多肢選択式問題自動生成手法の提案
情報処理学会論 文誌ジャーナル/JIP特選論文, 奥原史佳;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Official journal - Jun. 2019
ISS活動功労賞, 大須賀昭彦
Others - Feb. 2019
マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会 (MACC) 最優秀発表賞, 塚越雄登;川村隆浩;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Jan. 2019
優秀教員賞, 大須賀昭彦 - Dec. 2018
人工知能と知識処理研究会 研究奨励賞, 今井翔太;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2018
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
第17回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2018 (JAWS2018) 学生奨励賞, 神畠正稔;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2018
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
Linked Dataを用いたカリキュラムベースの多肢選択式問題自動生成手法の提案
第17回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2018 (JAWS2018) 学生奨励賞, 奥原史佳;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Mar. 2018
Differential Private Data Collection and Analysis Based on Randomized Multiple Dummies for Untrusted Mobile Crowdsensing, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol.12, No.4, pp.926-939
電気通信普及財団賞テレコムシステム技術賞(奨励賞), 清雄一;大須賀昭彦
Publisher - Feb. 2018
マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会 (MACC) 最優秀発表賞, 加藤秀紀;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2017
日本ソフトウェア科学会第34回大会 優秀発表賞, 江上周作;川村隆浩;古崎晃司;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Jun. 2017
情報処理学会フェロー 認定, 大須賀昭彦 - Jun. 2017
2016年度 情報処理学会論文賞, 清雄一;竹之内隆夫;大須賀昭彦
Official journal - Jun. 2017
情報処理学会フェロー, 大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Dec. 2016
シンスライシングを用いたWEB アプリのための設定ファイル参照ミス検知手法の試作と評価
ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE2016) 貢献賞(ショートペーパー部門), 依田みなみ;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2016
2016年 トビタテ!留学JAPAN日本代表プログラム 第2回留学成果報告会 優良賞, 依田みなみ - Sep. 2016
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
家庭におけるペット-ロボットインタラクション □ロボットの世話行動による犬の行動変化の調査□
第15回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS2016) 優良論文賞, 鈴木もとこ;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2016
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
第15回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS2016) 優秀発表賞, 関井祐介;折原良平;小島圭介;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2016
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
第15回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS2016) 奨励論文賞, 鈴木翔太;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2016
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
Linked Dataによる楽曲特徴量の収集・分析基盤の構築
第15回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS2016) 優秀発表賞, 上原有里;川村隆浩;江上周作;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2016
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
家庭におけるペット-ロボットインタラクション □ロボットの世話行動による犬の行動変化の調査□
第15回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS2016) 優秀発表賞, 鈴木もとこ;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2016
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
第15回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS2016) 優秀発表賞, 佐藤挙斗;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Sep. 2016
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
第15回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS2016) 優良論文賞, 関井祐介;折原良平;小島圭介;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Jul. 2016
家庭におけるペット□ロボットインタラクション □ロボットは犬の世話をすることができるのか□
マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイル(DICOMO2016)シンポジウム優秀プレゼンテーション賞, 鈴木もとこ;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Mar. 2016
電子情報通信学会論文誌 学生論文特集秀逸論文, 本田耕三;平山秀昭;中川博之;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Official journal - Mar. 2016
Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2015 データセット部門 最優秀賞, 江上周作;川村隆浩;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Publisher - Nov. 2015
10th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA2015) Best Paper Award, 長野岳彦;芹沢一;吉岡信和;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
International society - Oct. 2015
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
Twitterにおけるミスコミュニケーションの解消に向けて -ユーザの期待する反応に応じたツイート分類-
第14回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2015 (JAWS2015) 奨励賞, 植田智明;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Oct. 2015
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
第14回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2015 (JAWS2015) 奨励賞, 樋口尚吾;折原良平;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Oct. 2015
情報処理学会論 文誌ジャーナル/JIP特選論文, 清雄一;竹之内隆夫;大須賀昭彦
Official journal - Jun. 2015
人工知能学会功労賞, 大須賀昭彦
Japan society - May 2015
The 3rd International Conference on Internet Services Technology and Information Engineering (ISTIE2015)Best Paper Award, 川村隆浩;大須賀昭彦
International society - Nov. 2014
The 4th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2014) Best Poster Award, 横尾亮平;川村隆浩;清雄一;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
International society - Jun. 2014
人工知能学会研究会優秀賞, 川村 隆浩;長野 伸一;大須賀 昭彦
Official journal - Nov. 2013
Query Answering using User Feedback and Context Gathering for Web of Data
The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFCOMP2013) Best Paper Award, 川村隆浩;大須賀昭彦
International society - Nov. 2013
The 3rd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference JIST2013) Best Poster & Demo Award, 田代和浩;川村隆浩;清雄一;中川博之;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
International society - Mar. 2013
Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2012 アプリケーション部門審査員特別賞(音声アシスタント賞), 川村隆浩;大須賀昭彦
Publisher - Mar. 2013
情報処理学会 第179回ソフトウェア工学研究会 学生研究賞, 吉田豊;中川博之;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Oct. 2012
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
CRFを用いたメディア情報の抽出とLinked Data化 □ソーシャルメディアとマスメディアの比較事例□
第11回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2012 (JAWS2012) 学生優秀論文賞, 越川兼地;川村隆浩;中川博之;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Mar. 2012
Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2011 アプリケーション部門審査員特別賞(モバイル賞), 川村隆浩;大須賀昭彦
Publisher - Nov. 2011
International Conference on Network Technologies Communications (NTC 2011) Best Student Paper Award, 浜本一知;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
International society - Oct. 2010
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
第9回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010(JAWS10)学生奨励賞, 田中俊行;グェンミンティ;中川博之;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Oct. 2010
日本ソフトウェア科学会,電子情報通信学会,情報処理学会,人工知能学会,IEEE CS
第9回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010(JAWS10)ベストポスター賞, 三代謙仁、川村隆浩, 中川博之、田原康之、大須賀昭彦
Japan society - Oct. 2009
情報処理学会、日本ソフトウェア科学会、電子情報通信学会、人工知能学会 共催
第8回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2009(JAWS09)優秀論文賞, 西村一彦;中川博之;中山健;田原康之;大須賀昭彦
Japan society - May 1987
1986年度 情報処理学会論文賞, 本位田真一;内平直志;大須賀昭彦;粕谷利明
Official journal
- Toward a Pattern-Based Comprehensive Framework Using Process Mining for RBAC Conformance Checks
Duc-Hieu Nguyen; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 06 Jan. 2025
Scientific journal - YODA: Middleware for Improving Setup and Preprocessing in Static Analysis of IoT Firmware
Minami YODA; Shigeo NAKAMURA; Yutaka MATSUNO; Yuichi SEI; Yasuyuki TAHARA; Akihiko OHSUGA
2024 16th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), IEEE, 117, 1-8, 06 Jul. 2024
International conference proceedings - The Proposal of Countermeasures for DeepFake Voices on Social Media Considering Waveform and Text Embedding
Yuta Yanagi; Ryohei Orihara; Yasuyuki Tahara; Yuichi Sei; Tanel Alumäe; Akihiko Ohsuga
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing, 8, 2, 15-31, Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, with international co-author(s)
Scientific journal - Minimizing Noise in Location Privacy Protection Through Equipment Error Consideration
Riho Isawa; Yuicih Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems, 15, 3, 285-296, Mar. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal - Algorithm to Satisfy l-diversity by Combining Dummy Records and Grouping
Keiichiro Oishi; Yuichi Sei; Andrew J; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Security and Privacy, Feb. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, with international co-author(s)
Scientific journal - 少数サンプルから多様なゲームステージを生成するGANの学習手法の提案
高田宗一郎; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, 情報処理学会論文誌, 65, 1, 掲載決定, Jan. 2024, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - StyleMapを用いた事前学習済みStyleGANによる画像編集
本田爽; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, 情報処理学会論文誌, 65, 1, 掲載決定, Jan. 2024, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - セマンティックセグメンテーションを利用したGANInversion による背景画像の編集手法の提案
石幡柊介; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, 情報処理学会論文誌, 65, 1, 掲載決定, Jan. 2024, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - サッカーにおけるポジショニングの修正を行う遺伝的アルゴリズムモデルの提案
神宮司祐哉; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, 情報処理学会論文誌, 65, 1, 掲載決定, Jan. 2024, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Estimation of Unmasked Face Images Based on Voice and 3DMM
Tetsumaru Akatsuka; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 25th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AJCAI2023), 2024, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A Scalable Middleware for IoT Vulnerability Detection
Minami Yoda; Shigeo Nakamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 26th IEEE/ACIS International Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD2023-Winter, Dec. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Data-driven OCL Invariant Patterns-based Process Model Exploration for Process Mining
Duc-Hieu Nguyen; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 26th IEEE/ACIS International Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD2023-Winter, Dec. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A Middleware to Improve Analysis Coverage in IoT Vulnerability Detection
Minami Yoda; Shigeo Nakamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS2023), Nov. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Federated Learning Algorithm Handling Missing Attributes
Keiichiro Oishi; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS2023), Nov. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Data Collection and Analysis with Many Missing Values
Yuichi Sei; J. Andrew Onesimu; Hiroshi Okumura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20, 3, 2158-2173, May 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Data collection of biomedical data and sensing information in smart rooms
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Data in Brief, Elsevier BV, 47, 108922-108922, Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents a new dataset, including behavioral, bio-metric, and environmental data, obtained from 23 subjects each spending 1 week to 2 months in smart rooms in Tokyo, Japan. The approximate duration of the experiment is 2 years. This dataset includes personal data, such as the use of home appliances, heartbeat rate, sleep status, temperature, and illumination. Although there are many datasets that pub-lish these data individually, datasets that publish them all at once, tied to individual pseudo IDs, are valuable. The num-ber of days for which data were obtained was 488, the num-ber of records was 18,418,359, and the total size of the ob-tained data was 2.76 GB. This dataset can be used for ma-chine learning and analysis for tips on getting a good night's sleep, for example. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.
Scientific journal, English - Towards Scalable Model Checking of Reflective Systems via Labeled Transition Systems
Kenji Tei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 49, 3, 1299-1322, 01 Mar. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - A k-Anonymization Method for Social Network Data with Link Prediction
Risa Sugai; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 493-500, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Rumor Detection in Tweets Using Graph Convolutional Networks
Takumi Takei; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 397-404, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - GAN Inversion with Editable StyleMap
So Honda; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 389-396, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Diverse Level Generation for Tile-Based Video Game using Generative Adversarial Networks from Few Samples
Soichiro Takata; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 326-333, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Proposal of a Signal Control Method Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Pedestrian Traffic Flow
Akimasa Murata; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 319-325, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Background Image Editing with HyperStyle and Semantic Segmentation
Syuusuke Ishihata; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 293-300, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Predicting Visual Importance of Mobile UI Using Semantic Segmentation
Ami Yamamoto; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 260-266, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Generation of Facial Images Reflecting Speaker Attributes and Emotions Based on Voice Input
Kotaro Koseki; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 99-105, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Detection of Compound-Type Dark Jargons Using Similar Words
Takuro Hada; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 427-437, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 送信ドメイン認証を用いた送信者レピュテーションの構築手法とフィードバックループの提案
櫻庭秀次; 依田みなみ; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, 情報処理学会論文誌, 情報処理学会, 64, 1, 13-23, Jan. 2023, Peer-reviwed, 迷惑メール対策を目的として,送信ドメイン認証技術を用いた送信者レピュテーションの構築手法とフィードバックループについて提案する.送信者レピュテーションは,メールの送信元情報を用いて受け取りを判断するための情報であるが,その中で受け取るべき正規のメール送信元を収集することは簡単ではない.本論文では,転送メールの送信サーバが正規のメール送信元と考え,転送メールをメール受信時に送信ドメイン認証の結果を用いて判断する手法を示す.この転送メールの判断手法には課題が残っており,メール転送時に送信元情報を書き換える転送メールについては判断できない.本論文では,送信ドメイン認証の結果を用いて,メール転送時に送信元情報を書き換える転送メールについても判断できる手法を追加した,送信者レピュテーションの構築手法について示す.また送信者レピュテーションは,正規のメール送信元から送信される迷惑メールに対応できないという課題がある.この課題を改善するためには,迷惑メールの受信側からメールの送信元へ通知を行うフィードバックループが有効である.本論文では,通知の信頼性を向上させるために送信ドメイン認証を利用する手法を示す.送信者レピュテーションの構築手法の有効性を評価するために,実際のメールサービスでの受信記録情報を用いて適用し,より多くの受け取るべきメールを判定できることを示した.これらの手法により,迷惑メール対策において必要なメールがより確実に届き,送信者レピュテーションを悪用する正規のメールサーバの不正利用を改善することが可能となる.
We propose a sender reputation construction method and feedback loop using sender authentication technology for the purpose of preventing unsolicited emails. Sender reputation is information for judging receipt by using the sender information of mail, but it is not easy to collect the legitimate mail sender to be received in it. In this paper, the sender of the forwarded email is considered to be the legitimate email sender. We show a method to judge forwarded mail by using the result of sender authentication when receiving mail. There are still issues with this method of determining forwarded mail, and it is not possible to judge forwarded mail that rewrites the sender information when forwarding mail. In this paper, we show a method of constructing sender reputation by adding a method that can judge forwarded mail that rewrites the sender information at the time of mail forwarding by using the result of sender authentication. In addition, sender reputation has the problem that it cannot handle unsolicited emails sent from legitimate email sources. In order to improve this problem, a feedback loop that notifies the sender of the email from the receiver of the junk email is effective. In this paper, we show a method that uses sender authentication to improve the reliability of notifications. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the sender reputation construction method, we applied it using the reception record information of the actual mail service, and showed that more mails to be received can be determined. With these methods, it is possible to more reliably receive the emails necessary for anti-spam measures, and to improve the unauthorized use of legitimate mail servers that abuse sender reputation.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Local Differential Privacy for Person-to-Person Interactions
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 3, 304-312, Dec. 2022, Peer-reviwed, Currently, many global organizations collect personal data for marketing, recommendation system improvement, and other purposes. Some organizations collect personal data securely based on a technique known as epsilon-local differential privacy (LDP). Under LDP, a privacy budget is allocated to each user in advance. Each time the user's data are collected, the user's privacy budget is consumed, and their privacy is protected by ensuring that the remaining privacy budget is greater than or equal to zero. Existing research and organizations assume that each individual's data are completely unrelated to other individuals' data. However, this assumption does not hold in a situation where interaction data between users are collected from them. In this case, each user's privacy is not sufficiently protected because the privacy budget is actually overspent. In this study, the issue of local differential privacy for person-to-person interactions is clarified. We propose a mechanism that satisfies LDP in a person-to-person interaction scenario. Mathematical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed mechanism can maintain high data utility while ensuring LDP compared to existing methods.
Scientific journal, English - Machine Learning Model Generation With Copula-Based Synthetic Dataset for Local Differentially Private Numerical Data
Yuichi Sei; J. Andrew Onesimu; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 10, 101656-101671, Dec. 2022, Peer-reviwed, With the development of IoT technology, personal data are being collected in many places. These data can be used to create new services, but consideration must be given to the individual's privacy. We can safely collect personal data while adding noise by applying differential privacy. However, because such data are very noisy, the accuracy of machine learning trained by the data greatly decreased. In this study, our objective is to build a highly accurate machine learning model using these data. We focus on the decision tree machine learning algorithm, and, instead of applying it as is, we use a preprocessing technique wherein pseudodata are generated using a copula while removing the effect of noise added by differential privacy. In detail, the proposed novel protocol consists of three steps: generating a covariance matrix from the differentially private numerical data, generating a discrete cumulative distribution function from differentially private numerical data, and generating copula-based numerical samples. Simulation results using synthetic and real datasets verify the utility of the proposed method not only for the decision tree algorithm but also for other machine learning algorithms such as deep neural networks. This method will help create machine learning models, such as recommendation systems, using differential privacy data.
Scientific journal, English - False Event Message Detection Robust to Burst Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 3, 1630-1642, Sep. 2022, Peer-reviwed, A sensor device can be used to detect target events at low cost. Moreover, there is a significant risk of sensor nodes being compromised or captured within large wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The transmission of valid event messages to users by a WSN can be hindered by network congestion due to false event messages in a compromised node. Several methods are available for detecting false event messages. However, they rely on long bits of authentication codes and hence do not provide a fundamental solution to prevent network congestion. In the proposed method, various hashing vectors, which are spaceefficient data structures that can determine whether the given data are an element of a set, are created based on the correct combination of authentication codes and placed in each node in advance. An event message contains an XOR of the authentication codes, and each node verifies it based on its hashing vector. If a node is acquired illegally, the information of the hashing vector and the XOR information of the authentication codes assigned to the correct event message is compromised, so we propose an algorithm to update the information securely. Compared to existing research, the number of hops required to detect a false event message increases by only about one hop, but the amount of traffic that a malicious node can generate can be reduced by about 60% or more. In other words, the proposed method effectively reduces the amount of traffic an attacker can generate with false event messages, which also reduces the overall network congestion.
Scientific journal, English - Proposal of Middleware to Support the Development of IoT Firmware Analysis Tools
Minami Yoda; Shuji Sakuraba; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE2022), Springer, JCKBSE2022, 3-14, Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Detection of Plaintext Log1i n Information in Firmware
Minami Yoda; Shuji Sakuraba; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2022), IEEE, ICCE-TW2022, 523-524, Jul. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Re-identification in Differentially Private Incomplete Datasets
Yuichi Sei; Hiroshi Okumura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE}), 3, 62-72, May 2022, Peer-reviwed, Efforts to counter COVID-19 reaffirmed the importance of rich medical, behavioral, and sociological data. To make data available to many researchers who can conduct statistical analyses and machine learning, personally identifiable information must be excluded to protect individual privacy. It is essential to remove explicit identifiers, sample population data, and apply differential privacy, the de facto standard privacy metric. Despite the general belief that the risk of re-identification is insignificant when these techniques are applied, this study shows that even after applying these techniques, the risk of being re-identified is highly significant for some data. This study proposes in detail an algorithm for estimating the number of people in a population who have certain attribute values based on incomplete, differentially private databases. If the estimated number is one, the probability that only one person with that attribute value is present in the population is high, which means that there is a high probability of re-identification. Therefore, this study concludes that the re-identification risk must be evaluated even after applying state-of-the-art techniques to protect privacy.
Scientific journal, English - 組込みシステム向け障害解析環境の効率改善
長野岳彦; 小口琢夫; 吉岡信和; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, 情報処理学会論文誌コンシューマ・デバイス&システム, 12, 2, May 2022, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Step-by-Step Acquisition of Cooperative Behavior in Soccer Task
Takashi Abe; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT), ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY PUBLISHING, 13, 2, 147-154, Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed, In this research, soccer task is investigated among the numerous tasks of deep reinforcement learning. The soccer task requires cooperative behavior. However, it is difficult for the agents to acquire the behavior, because a reward is sparsely given. Moreover, the behaviors of the allies and opponents must be considered by the agents. In addition, in the soccer task, if the agents attempt to acquire high-level cooperative behavior from low-level movements, such as ball kicking, a huge amount of time will be needed to learn a model. In this research, we conduct experiments in which reward shaping and curriculum learning are incorporated into deep reinforcement learning. This enables the agents to efficiently acquire cooperative behavior from low-level movements in a soccer task. The findings of this research indicate that reward shaping and curriculum learning with a designer's domain knowledge positively influence the agent's attempt to acquire cooperative behavior from low-level movements.
Scientific journal, English - Versatile Automatic Piano Reduction Generation System by Deep Learning
Yuki Hoshi; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC2022), ICARC2022, 67-71, Feb. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Prosody Transfer from a Small Amount of Voice using Fine Tuning
Taiga Tokushima; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC2022), ICARC2022, 37-42, Feb. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - コーパス間の類似語の差異に着目したマイクロブログにおける隠語検出
羽田拓朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, 電気学会論文誌C, 142, 2, 177-189, Feb. 2022, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Detecting Vicious Cycles in Urban Problem Knowledge Graph using Inference Rules
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Kouji Kozaki; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, MIT PRESS, 4, 1, 88-111, Feb. 2022, Peer-reviwed, Urban areas have many problems, including homelessness, graffiti, and littering. These problems are influenced by various factors and are linked to each other; thus, an understanding of the problem structure is required in order to detect and solve the root problems that generate vicious cycles. Moreover, before implementing action plans to solve these problems, local governments need to estimate cost-effectiveness when the plans are carried out. Therefore, this paper proposed constructing an urban problem knowledge graph that would include urban problems' causality and the related cost information in budget sheets. In addition, this paper proposed a method for detecting vicious cycles of urban problems using SPARQL queries with inference rules from the knowledge graph. Finally, several root problems that led to vicious cycles were detected. Urban-problem experts evaluated the extracted causal relations.
Scientific journal, English - Private True Data Mining: Differential Privacy Featuring Errors to Manage Internet-of-Things Data
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 10, 8738-8757, Jan. 2022, Peer-reviwed, Available data may differ from true data in many cases due to sensing errors, especially for the Internet of Things (IoT). Although privacy-preserving data mining has been widely studied during the last decade, little attention has been paid to data values containing errors. Differential privacy, which is the de facto standard privacy metric, can be achieved by adding noise to a target value that must be protected. However, if the target value already contains errors, there is no reason to add extra noise. In this paper, a novel privacy model called true-value-based differential privacy (TDP) is proposed. This model applies traditional differential privacy to the "true value" unknown by the data owner or anonymizer but not to the "measured value" containing errors. Based on TDP, the amount of noise added by differential privacy techniques can be reduced by approximately 20% by our solution. As a result, the error of generated histograms can be reduced by 40.4% and 29.6% on average according to mean square error and Jensen-Shannon divergence, respectively. We validate this result on synthetic and five real data sets. Moreover, we proved that the privacy protection level does not decrease as long as the measurement error is not overestimated.
Scientific journal, English - Detecting Hardcoded Login Information from User Input
Minami Yoda; Shuji Sakuraba; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 40th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE2022), IEEE, ICCE2022, 104-105, Jan. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - キャンパスオントロジーに基づく異種データ間の相関検出
塚越雄登; 江上周作; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, 電気学会論文誌C, 141, 11, 1222-1233, Nov. 2021, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Sender Reputation Construction method using Sender Authentication
Shuji Sakuraba; Minami Yoda; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 1st IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Computer Application (ICDSCA2021), ICDSCA2021, 369-373, Oct. 2021, Peer-reviwed, Spam is not just annoying, it is a serious problem that causes security problems. Mail filters are effective and widely used as anti-spam measures. However, spam senders are also becoming more sophisticated in their content and transmission methods, and countermeasures are becoming more difficult. In addition, if the mail filter makes a false judgment, there is also the problem that the necessary mail will not be delivered. In this paper, we propose a method for constructing sender reputation using sender authentication technologies. The sender of the forwarded mail is used as a method to determine the legitimate mail server. To determine the sender of the forwarded mail, use the authentication result of SPF and DKIM authentication. In addition, we propose a method using DKIM's block list as a countermeasure against forwarded spam. We used these methods to validate the sender reputation using the mails we actually received.
International conference proceedings, English - Improvement of Legitimate Mail Server Detection Method using Sender Authentication
Shuji Sakuraba; Minami Yoda; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Proc. 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA2021), IEEE, SERA2021, 10-14, Jun. 2021, Peer-reviwed, Anti-spam measures include methods for determining unsolicited email from the email content and methods for using sender information. If it can be determined from the sender's IP address of sender information and the sender's domain name whether the email should be received, it is possible to reduce the processing of the spam filter by the email content that has a high processing load for the determination. This study uses sender authentication technology to identify the sender of forwarded email. We consider that the sender of this forwarded email is the legitimate email sender to receive, and propose to use these as an allow list. In this paper, we propose a method to further improve the method we proposed and reduce misjudgment of the allow list. We verified that this new method is effective by using the log information of the emails actually received.
International conference proceedings, English - A Countermeasure Method Using Poisonous Data Against Poisoning Attacks on IoT Machine Learning
Tomoki Chiba; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC), WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 15, 2, 215-240, Jun. 2021, Peer-reviwed, In the modern world, several areas of our lives can be improved, in the form of diverse additional dimensions, in terms of quality, by machine learning. When building machine learning models, open data are often used. Although this trend is on the rise, the monetary losses since the attacks on machine learning models are also rising. Preparation is, thus, believed to be indispensable in terms of embarking upon machine learning. In this field of endeavor, machine learning models may be compromised in various ways, including poisoning attacks. Assaults of this nature involve the incorporation of injurious data into the training data rendering the models to be substantively less accurate. The circumstances of every individual case will determine the degree to which the impairment due to such intrusions can lead to extensive disruption. A modus operandi is proffered in this research as a safeguard for machine learning models in the face of the poisoning menace, envisaging a milieu in which machine learning models make use of data that emanate from numerous sources. The information in question will be presented as training data, and the diversity of sources will constitute a barrier to poisoning attacks in such circumstances. Every source is evaluated separately, with the weight of each data component assessed in terms of its ability to affect the precision of the machine learning model. An appraisal is also conducted on the basis of the theoretical effect of the use of corrupt data as from each source. The extent to which the subgroup of data in question can undermine overall accuracy depends on the estimated data removal rate associated with each of the sources described above. The exclusion of such isolated data based on this figure ensures that the standard data will not be tainted. To evaluate the efficacy of our suggested preventive measure, we evaluated it in comparison with the well-known standard techniques to assess the degree to which the model was providing accurate conclusions in the wake of the change. It was demonstrated during this test that when the innovative mode of appraisal was applied, in circumstances in which 17% of the training data are corrupt, the degree of precision offered by the model is 89%, in contrast to the figure of 83% acquired through the traditional technique. The corrective technique suggested by us thus boosted the resilience of the model against harmful intrusion.
Scientific journal, English - 送信ドメイン認証を用いた送信者レピュテーション構築手法の提案
櫻庭秀次; 依田みなみ; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, 情報処理学会論文誌, [出版社不明], 62, 5, 1173-1183, May 2021, Peer-reviwed, 迷惑メール対策には,メール内容から迷惑メールを判定する手法と送信者情報を用いる手法があげられる.送信者情報の送信元IPアドレスや送信者のドメイン名から受け取るべきメールかを判断できれば,判定のための処理負荷の高いメール内容によるメールフィルタの処理を軽減させることができる.本論文では,送信ドメイン認証技術を利用することで転送メールの送信元を特定し,メール転送元が受け取るべき送信元であることを示し,メール転送元を含めた正規メール送信元を収集することで許可リストを構築する手法を提案する.この手法を含めた,送信者レピュテーションの構築手法を提案し,実際に受信したメールの記録を利用して送信者レピュテーションを構築し,適用することで送信者レピュテーションの構築手法の有効性を示す.
Anti-spam measures include methods for determining unsolicited mail from the mail content and methods for using sender information. If it can be determined from the sender's IP address of sender information and the sender's domain name whether the email should be received, it is possible to reduce the processing of the email filter by the email content that has a high processing load for the determination. In this research, we identify senders of forwarded emails by using sender domain authentication technology, show that the senders should receive the emails, and collect the legitimate email senders including mail forwarders. We propose a method to build a permission list in. We propose a sender reputation construction method that includes this method, construct the sender reputation using the records of the actually received emails, and show the effectiveness of the sender reputation construction method.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Codeword Detection, Focusing on Differences in Similar Words Between Two Corpora of Microblogs
Takuro Hada; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), International Association for Educators and Researchers (IAER), 5, 2, 90-102, Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed, Recently, the use of microblogs in drug trafficking has surged and become a social problem. A common method applied by cyber patrols to repress crimes, such as drug trafficking, involves searching for crime-related keywords. However, criminals who post crime-inducing messages maximally exploit “codewords” rather than keywords, such as enjo kosai, marijuana, and methamphetamine, to camouflage their criminal intentions. Research suggests that these codewords change once they gain popularity; thus, effective codeword detection requires significant effort to keep track of the latest codewords. In this study, we focused on the appearance of codewords and those likely to be included in incriminating posts to detect codewords with a high likelihood of inclusion in incriminating posts. We proposed new methods for detecting codewords based on differences in word usage and conducted experiments on concealed-word detection to evaluate the effectiveness of the method. The results showed that the proposed method could detect concealed words other than those in the initial list and to a better degree than the baseline methods. These findings demonstrated the ability of the proposed method to rapidly and automatically detect codewords that change over time and blog posts that instigate crimes, thereby potentially reducing the burden of continuous codeword surveillance.
Scientific journal, English - Count Estimation with A Low-Accuracy Machine Learning Model
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE}), 8, 8, 7079-7088, Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed, Many Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems use machine learning techniques, such as deep neural networks. IoT systems can predict attributes, such as age, sex, car speed, human walking speed, and types of animals, using machine learning techniques. Although the functionality of machine learning is undeniable, the prediction accuracy is not always high. When a machine learning model is used to recognize several objects in an object counting system, the estimated count will have a significant error because of the accumulation of the recognition error of each object. In this study, a count estimation method that uses a confusion matrix generated in the training phase was proposed. The proposed method consists of an iterative Bayesian technique with the confusion matrix for count estimation and mitigating over-iterations technique for reducing estimated errors. The proposed method can be used even for a low-accuracy machine learning model. Experiments with synthetic and real data sets were conducted to demonstrate the functionality of the proposed method. The estimation errors of the proposed method were reduced by 64.3% in average compared to the baseline method in the experiments.
Scientific journal, English - Acquisition of Cooperative Behavior in a Soccer Task Using Reward Shaping
Takashi Abe; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. International Conference on Innovation in Artificial Intelligence (ICIAI2021), ACM, ICIAI2021, 145-150, Mar. 2021, Peer-reviwed, In this research, soccer task is investigated among the numerous tasks of deep reinforcement learning. The soccer task requires cooperative behavior. However, it is difficult for the agents to acquire the behavior, because a reward is sparsely given. Moreover, the behaviors of the allies and opponents must be considered by the agents. In addition, in the soccer task, if the agents attempt to acquire high-level cooperative behavior from low-level movements, such as ball kicking, a huge amount of time will be needed to learn a model. In this research, we conduct experiments in which reward shaping is incorporated into deep reinforcement learning. This enables the agents to efficiently acquire cooperative behavior from low-level movements in a soccer task. The findings of this research indicate that reward shaping with a designer's domain knowledge positively influences the agent's attempt to acquire cooperative behavior from low-level movements.
International conference proceedings, English - Privacy-Preserving Chi-Squared Test of Independence for Small Samples
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
BioData Mining, BMC, 14, 6, 1-25, Jan. 2021, Peer-reviwed, BackgroundThe importance of privacy protection in analyses of personal data, such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS), has grown in recent years. GWAS focuses on identifying single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with certain diseases such as cancer and diabetes, and the chi-squared (chi (2)) hypothesis test of independence can be utilized for this identification. However, recent studies have shown that publishing the results of chi (2) tests of SNPs or personal data could lead to privacy violations. Several studies have proposed anonymization methods for chi (2) testing with epsilon -differential privacy, which is the cryptographic community's de facto privacy metric. However, existing methods can only be applied to 2x2 or 2x3 contingency tables, otherwise their accuracy is low for small numbers of samples. It is difficult to collect numerous high-sensitive samples in many cases such as COVID-19 analysis in its early propagation stage.ResultsWe propose a novel anonymization method (RandChiDist), which anonymizes chi (2) testing for small samples. We prove that RandChiDist satisfies differential privacy. We also experimentally evaluate its analysis using synthetic datasets and real two genomic datasets. RandChiDist achieved the least number of Type II errors among existing and baseline methods that can control the ratio of Type I errors.ConclusionsWe propose a new differentially private method, named RandChiDist, for anonymizing chi (2) values for an IxJ contingency table with a small number of samples. The experimental results show that RandChiDist outperforms existing methods for small numbers of samples.
Scientific journal, English - Computed Tomography Image Reconstruction using Stacked U-Net
Satoru Mizusawa; Yuichi Sei; Ryohei Orihara; Akihiko Ohsugaa
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Elsevier BV, 採録決定, 101920-101920, 2021, Peer-reviwed, Since the development of deep learning methods, many researchers have focused on image quality improvement using convolutional neural networks. They proved its effectivity in noise reduction, single-image super-resolution, and segmentation. In this study, we apply stacked U-Net, a deep learning method, for X-ray computed tomography image reconstruction to generate high-quality images in a short time with a small number of projections. It is not easy to create highly accurate models because medical images have few training images due to patients' privacy issues. Thus, we utilize various images from the ImageNet, a widely known visual database. Results show that a cross-sectional image with a peak signal-to-noise ratio of 27.93 db and a structural similarity of 0.886 is recovered for a 512 x 512 image using 360-degree rotation, 512 detectors, and 64 projections, with a processing time of 0.11 s on the GPU. Therefore, the proposed method has a shorter reconstruction time and better image quality than the existing methods.
Scientific journal, English - Detection of the Hardcoded Login Information from Socket and String Compare Symbols
Minami Yoda; Shuji Sakuraba; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), International Association for Educators and Researchers (IAER), 5, 1, 28-39., Jan. 2021, Peer-reviwed, Internet of Things (IoT) for smart homes enhances convenience; however, it also introduces the risk of the leakage of private data. TOP10 IoT of OWASP 2018 shows that the first vulnerability is ”Weak, easy to predict, or embedded passwords.” This problem poses a risk because a user can not fix, change, or detect a password if it is embedded in firmware because only the developer of the firmware can control an update. In this study, we propose a lightweight method to detect the hardcoded username and password in IoT devices using a static analysis called Socket Search and String Search to protect from first vulnerability from 2018 OWASP TOP 10 for the IoT device. The hardcoded login information can be obtained by comparing the user input with strcmp or strncmp. Previous studies analyzed the symbols of strcmp or strncmp to detect the hardcoded login information. However, those studies required a lot of time because of the usage of complicated algorithms such as symbolic execution. To develop a lightweight algorithm, we focus on a network function, such as the socket symbol in firmware, because the IoT device is compromised when it is invaded by someone via the Internet. We propose two methods to detect the hardcoded login information: string search and socket search. In string search, the algorithm finds a function that uses the strcmp or strncmp symbol. In socket search, the algorithm finds a function that is referenced by the socket symbol. In this experiment, we measured the ability of our proposed method by searching six firmware in the real world that has a backdoor. We ran three methods: string search, socket search, and whole search to compare the two methods. As a result, all methods found login information from five of six firmware and one unexpected password. Our method reduces the analysis time. The whole search generally takes 38 mins to complete, but our methods finish the search in 4-6 min.
Scientific journal, English - Special Section on Software Agent and Its Applications FOREWORD
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga; Naoki Fukuta; Katsuhide Fujita; Nobukazu Yoshioka; Tsunenori Mine; Tadachika Ozono; Yuko Sakurai
English - Ontology-Based Correlation Detection among Heterogeneous Data Sets: A Case Study of University Campus Issues
Yuto Tsukagoshi; Shusaku Egami; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE2020), IEEE, AIKE2020, 25-32, Dec. 2020, Peer-reviwed, For data-driven decision making, it is essential to build a data infrastructure that accumulates various data types. In such organizations as universities, industries, and government bodies, the integration of heterogeneous data and cross-sectional analysis have been an issue as these various data are distributed and stored in different contexts. Knowledge Graphs with a graphical structure that can flexibly change the schema are suitable for such heterogeneous data integration. In this study, we focused on a university campus as an example of a small organization and propose an ontology that enables the cross-sectional analysis of various data. In particular, we semantically interlinked the dimensions in the data model to enable the extraction of data across multiple domains from various perspectives. Then, the unstructured data collected were accumulated as knowledge Graphs based on the proposed ontology to build a data infrastructure. In addition, we found several correlations that could help in solving university campus issues and improving university management using the developed ontology-based data infrastructure.
International conference proceedings, English - A Defense Method against Poisoning Attacks on IoT Machine Learning Using Poisonous Data
Tomoki Chiba; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE2020), IEEE, AIKE2020, 84-91, Dec. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Machine learning is a technology with the potential to enrich our lives in many ways. It is expected to be used in various situations. However, the value of attacks on machine learning models is also increasing. Therefore, it is considered to be dangerous to use machine learning without proper planning. Poisoning attacks are one of the attacks that can be launched against machine learning models. Poisoning attacks reduce the accuracy of machine learning models by mixing training data with data created with malicious intent to attack the models. Depending on the scenario, the damage caused by poisoning attacks may lead to large-scale accidents. In this study, we propose a method to protect machine learning models from poisoning attacks. In this paper, we assume an environment in which data obtained from multiple sources is used as training data for machine learning models and present a method suitable for defending against poisoning attacks in such an environment. The proposed method computes the influence of the data obtained from each source on the accuracy of the machine learning model to understand how good each source is. The impact of replacing the data from each source with poisonous data is also calculated. Based on the results of these calculations, the proposed method determines the data removal rate for each data source, which represents the confidence level for determining the degree of harmfulness of the data. The proposed method prevents poisonous data from being mixed with the normal data by removing it according to the removal rate. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we compared existing methods with the proposed method based on the accuracy of the model after applying the proposed defensive measure. In this experiment, under the condition that the training data contains 17% of poisonous data, the accuracy of the defended model of the proposed method is 89%, which is higher than 83% obtained using the existing method. This shows that the proposed method improved the performance of the model against poisoning attacks.
International conference proceedings, English - Stack performance improvement of stacked U-Net
Satoru Mizusawa; Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 9th IEEE Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC2020), ITAIC2020, 2055-2060, Dec. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Detection of the Hardcoded Login Information from Socket Symbols
Minami Yoda; Shuji Sakuraba; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE2020), IEEE, iCCECE2020, 33-38, Aug. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Internet of Things (IoT) for smart homes enhances the convenience of our life; however, it also introduces the risk of leakage of privacy data in the house. A user wants to protect their privacy data from leakage. However, the analysis of IoT devices requires technical knowledge; therefore, it is challenging for the users to detect any vulnerability by themselves. In this study, we propose a lightweight method to detect the hardcoded username and password in IoT devices using static analysis. This method can detect the 1st vulnerability from 2018 OWASP TOP 10 for the IoT device. The hardcoded login information can be obtained by comparing the user input with strcmp or strncmp. Thus, previous studies analyzed the symbols of strcmp or strncmp to detect the hardcoded login information. However, these studies require time because of the usage of complicated algorithms such as symbolic execution. To develop a lightweight algorithm, we focus on a network function, such as the socket symbol in firmware, because the IoT device is compromised when it is invaded by someone via the Internet. We propose two methods to detect the hardcoded login information, i.e., string search and socket search. In string searching, it finds a function that uses strcmp or strncmp symbol. In socket searching, it finds a function that is referenced by socket symbol. In the experiment, we measured the ability of our method by searching six firmware in the real world that has a backdoor. we ran three methods: string search, socket search, and whole search to compare two methods. As a result, all methods found login information from four of six firmware. Our method reduces an analysis time that when the whole search takes 38mins to complete, our methods finish 4-6min.
International conference proceedings, English - Proposal of Knowledge Graph and Completion Method for Solving Social Issues: An Attempt to Improve the Bicycle Parking Environment in the University
Yuto Tsukagoshi; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEE Japan), 140, 8, 905-915, 01 Aug. 2020
Scientific journal - 社会課題解決に向けたナレッジグラフと欠損推定手法の提案 ~学内駐輪環境改善の試み~
塚越雄登; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電気学会論文誌C, 140, 8, 905-915, Aug. 2020, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 位置情報とタイムスタンプの有用性を調整可能な移動軌跡匿名化手法
千葉智樹; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電気学会論文誌C, 140, 8, 956-963, Aug. 2020, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Codewords Detection in Microblogs Focusing on Differences in How Words are Used Between Two Corpora
Takuro Hada; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE2020), IEEE, iCCECE2020, 103-108, Aug. 2020, Peer-reviwed, In recent years, drug trafficking using microblogs has risen and become a social problem. A common method of cyber patrols for cracking down on crimes, such as drug trafficking, involves searching for crime-related keywords. However, criminals who post crime-inducing messages make maximum use of "codewords" rather than keywords, such as enjo kosai, marijuana, and methamphetamine, to camouflage their criminal intentions. Research suggests that these codewords change once they become popular; therefore, searching for a specific word requires significant effort to keep track of the latest codewords. In this study, we focused on the appearance of codewords and those likely to be included in incriminating posts with aim to detect codewords with the high likelihood of inclusion in incriminating posts. We proposed new methods for detecting codewords based on differences in word usage and conducted experiments on concealed-word detection in order to evaluate method effectiveness. The results showed that the proposed method was capable of detecting concealed words other than those in the initial list and to better degree relative to baseline methods. These findings demonstrated the ability of the proposed method to rapidly and automatically detect codewords that change over time and blog posts that induce crimes, thereby potentially reducing the burden of continuous monitoring of codewords.
International conference proceedings, English - Semantic Diversity: Privacy Considering Distance Between Values of Sensitive Attribute
Keiichiro Oishi; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Computers & Security, Elsevier BV, 94, 101823, 1-18, Jul. 2020, Peer-reviwed, A database that contains personal information and is collected by crowdsensing can be used for various purposes. Therefore, database holders may want to share their databases with other organizations. However, since a database contains information about individuals, database recipients must take privacy concerns into consideration. One of the mainstream privacy protection indicators, l-diversity, guarantees that the probability of identifying a sensitive attribute value of an individual in a database is less than 1/l. However, when there are several semantically similar values in the sensitive attribute, there is a possibility that actual diversity is not satisfied, even if anonymization is performed to satisfy l-diversity. For example, an attacker may know that candidates of Alice's disease are a set of HIV-1(M), HIV-1(N), and HIV-2 if the anonymized database satisfies 3-diversity. In this case, the attacker can conclude that Alice has HIV, although the detailed type remains unknown. In this research, to solve how actual diversity cannot be taken into consideration with existing l-diversity, we proposed a novel privacy indicator, (l, d)-semantic diversity, and an algorithm that anonymizes a database to satisfy (l, d)-semantic diversity. We also proposed an analysis algorithm that is suitable for the proposed anonymizing algorithm because the output of the anonymizing algorithm is difficult to understand. Our proposed algorithms were experimentally evaluated using synthetic and real datasets. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Fake News Detection with Generated Comments for News Articles
Yuta Yanagi; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES2020), IEEE, INES2020, 85-90, Jul. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Recently, fake news is shared via social networks and makes wrong rumors more diffusible. This problem is serious because the wrong rumor sometimes make social damage by deceived people. Fact-checking is a solution to measure the credibility of news articles. However the process usually takes a long time and it is hard to make it before their diffusion. Automatic detection of fake news is a popular researching topic. It is confirmed that considering not only articles but also social contexts(i.e. likes, retweets, replies, comments) supports to spot fake news correctly. However, the social contexts are naturally unavailable when an article comes out, making early fake news detection by means of the social context useless. We propose a fake news detector with the ability to generate fake social contexts, aiming to detect fake news in the early stage of its diffusion where few social contexts are available. The fake context generation is based on a fake news generator model. This model is trained to generate comments using a dataset which consists of news articles and their social contexts. In addition, we also trained a classify model. This used news articles, real-posted comments, and generated comments. To measure our detector' s effectiveness, we examined the performance of the generated comments for articles with real comments and generated ones by the classifying model. As a result, we conclude that considering a generated comment help detect more fake news than considering real comments only. It suggests that our proposed detector will be effective to spot fake news on social networks.
International conference proceedings, English - Why Do Users Choose a Hotel over Others? Review Analysis Using Interpretation Method of Machine Learning Models
Takayuki Onogawa; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA2020), IEEE, ICBDA2020, 354-362, May 2020, Peer-reviwed, To date, existing research has attempted to extract user opinions relating to products and services by differentiating the products and services through their characteristics. However, it is difficult to obtain the characteristics of similar products and services in these studies. So-called competitive products and services are actually quite similar, though they might vary in their strengths and weaknesses across competitors. These advantages and disadvantages are essential for users when selecting products and services. On the other hand, in recent years, researchers have interpreted the output of machine learning models so that humans can understand the reason of the output. LIME and SP-LIME are typical approaches used in the literature. In this paper, we propose a new method using LIME and SP-LIME to compare the characteristics of the services of three competing hotels and investigate appropriate parameters for our method. We try to extract descriptive words for each competitor from review texts, taking a Japanese business hotel market and global game console market as examples.
International conference proceedings, English - Differentially Private Mobile Crowd Sensing Considering Sensing Errors
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Sensors, MDPI AG, 20, 10, 2785, 1-25, May 2020, Peer-reviwed, An increasingly popular class of software known as participatory sensing, or mobile crowdsensing, is a means of collecting people’s surrounding information via mobile sensing devices. To avoid potential undesired side effects of this data analysis method, such as privacy violations, considerable research has been conducted over the last decade to develop participatory sensing that looks to preserve privacy while analyzing participants’ surrounding information. To protect privacy, each participant perturbs the sensed data in his or her device, then the perturbed data is reported to the data collector. The data collector estimates the true data distribution from the reported data. As long as the data contains no sensing errors, current methods can accurately evaluate the data distribution. However, there has so far been little analysis of data that contains sensing errors. A more precise analysis that maintains privacy levels can only be achieved when a variety of sensing errors are considered.
Scientific journal, English - Recommendation based on Emotional Preference
Nguyen Hoang Son; Masaaki Goto; Yu Takahata; Akihiko Ohsuga; Tetsuo Tanaka; Kazunori Matsumoto
Proc, IEEE Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech), IEEE, LifeTech2020, 295-296, Mar. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Estimating the Concentration of Students from Time Series Images
Nguyen Hoang Son; Yu Takahata; Masaaki Goto; Tetsuo Tanaka; Akihiko Ohsuga; Kazunori Matsumoto
Proc. 35th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA2020), EasyChair, CATA2020, 224-229, Mar. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Hair Shading Style Transfer for Manga with cGAN
Masashi Aizawa; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 12th International Coneference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2020), SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, ICAART2020, 587-594, Feb. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Coloring line drawings is an important process in creating artwork. In coloring, a shading style is where an artist's style is the most noticeable. Artists spend a great deal of time and effort creating art. It is thus difficult for beginners to draw specific shading styles, and even experienced people have a hard time trying to draw many different styles. Features of a shading styles appear prominently in the hair region of human characters. In many cases, hair is drawn using a combination of the base color, the highlights, and the shadows. In this study, we propose a method for transferring the shading style used on hair in one drawing to another drawing. This method uses a single reference image for training and does not need a large data set. This paper describes the framework, transfer results, and discussions. The transfer results show the following: when transferring the shading style to the line drawing by the same artist, the method can detect the hair region relatively well, and the transfer result is indistinguishable from the transfer target in some shading styles. In addition, the evaluation results show that our method has higher scores than an existing automatic colorizing service.
International conference proceedings, English - Adaptation Plan Policy in Traffic Routing for Priority Vehicle
Krishna Priawan Hardinda; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC2020), IEEE, ICAIIC2020, 113-118, Feb. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Model smoothing using virtual adversarial training for speech emotion estimation using spontaneity
Toyoaki Kuwahara; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 12th International Coneference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2020), SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, ICAART2020, 60-64, Feb. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Speech-based emotion estimation increases accuracy through the development of deep learning. However, most emotion estimation using deep learning requires supervised learning, and it is difficult to obtain large datasets used for training. In addition, if the training data environment and the actual data environment are significantly different, the problem is that the accuracy of emotion estimation is reduced. Therefore, in this study, to solve these problems, we propose a emotion estimation model using virtual adversarial training (VAT), a semi-supervised learning method that improves the robustness of the model. Furthermore, research on the spontaneity of speech has progressed year by year, and recent studies have shown that the accuracy of emotion classification is improved when spontaneity is taken into account. We would like to investigate the effect of the spontaneity in a cross-language situation. First, VAT hyperparameters were first set by a preliminary experiment using a single corpus. Next, the robustness of the model generated by the evaluation experiment by the cross corpus was shown. Finally, we evaluate the accuracy of emotion estimation by considering spontaneity and showed improvement in the accuracy of the model using VAT by considering spontaneity.
International conference proceedings, English - Generating Cooking Recipes from Cooking Videos Using Deep Learning Considering Previous Process with Video Encoding
Tatsuki Fujii; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 3rd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems (APPIS2020), ACM, APPIS2020, 21-5, Jan. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Knowledge Graph of University Campus Issues and Application of Completion Methods
Yuto Tsukagoshi; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings of 21st ACM International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2019), ACM, 304-312, Dec. 2019, Peer-reviwed, (accepted)
International conference proceedings, English - Proposal of Grade Training Method for Quality Improvement in Microtask Crowdsourcing
Masayuki Ashikawa; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Web Intelligence Journal, IOS Press, 17, 4, 313-326, Dec. 2019, Peer-reviwed, Current crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk provide an attractive solution for processing numerous tasks at a low cost. The number of workers who process crowdsourcing tasks is increasing along with the expansion of domains in which crowdsourcing is utilized. However, there is insufficient support for crowdsourcing workers, such as education and improvement of their work environment. This problem may be due to crowdsourcing workers being numerous and unspecified, which also makes them easy to employ and terminate. Poor worker management could lead to declining quality of worker records and unjustified worker termination. In this study, we propose a grade-based training method for workers. Our training method utilizes probabilistic networks to estimate correlations between tasks based on worker records for 18.5 million tasks, then allocates pre-learning tasks to workers to raise the accuracy of target tasks according to task correlations. In an experiment, the method automatically allocated 31 pre-learning task categories for 9 target task categories, and after pre-learning task training, we confirmed that target task accuracy increased by 7.8 points on average. This result was comparatively higher than those for pre-learning tasks allocated using other methods, such as decision trees. We therefore confirmed that task correlations can be estimated from a large number of worker records, and that these are useful for grade-based training of low-quality workers.
Scientific journal, English - Linked Dataを用いた俯瞰的な多肢選択式問題自動生成手法の提案
奥原史佳; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 60, 10, 1738-1756, Oct. 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Self-Adaptation for Heterogeneous Client-Server Online Games
Satoru Yamagata; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Studies in Computational Intelligence (outstanding papers at 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science), Springer, 65-79, Aug. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Mis.Config: Finding Misreferred Configuration Bugs In Web Application Using Thin Slicing
Minami Yoda; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Studies in Computational Intelligence (outstanding papers at 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science), Springer, 47-64, Aug. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Do You Like Sclera? Sclera-region Detection and Colorization for Anime Character Line Drawings
Masashi Aizawa; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Ryohei Orihara; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing (IJNDC), ATLANTIS PRESS, 7, 3, 113-120, Aug. 2019, Peer-reviwed, Colorizing line drawings requires special skill, experience, and knowledge. Artists also spend a great deal of time and effort creating art. Given this background, research on automated line drawing colorization was recently conducted. However, the existing approaches present multiple problems, one of which is the inconsistency of the whites of the eyes (sclera) between line drawings and the results of colorizing. In particular, in line drawings, a person's skin and sclera are often expressed in white. Hence, there are cases in which existing colorization methods cannot predict the boundary correctly. In this study, we propose automated colorization methods that use machine learning to segment sclera regions in grayscale line drawings. To improve the accuracy of previous automated colorization approaches, we implemented sclera-region detection and an automated colorizing approach on grayscale line drawings of people. In addition, we evaluated the colorization results created by our methods through a user study. Statistics show that our methods are somewhat superior to industrial application, but many of our respondents perceived little difference between the methods. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
Scientific journal, English - “Never fry carrots without chopping” Generating Cooking Recipes from Cooking Videos Using Deep Learning Considering Previous Process
Tatsuki Fujii; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Ryohei Orihara; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing (IJNDC), 7, 3, 107-112, Aug. 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Anonymization of Sensitive Quasi-Identifiers for l-diversity and t-closeness
Yuichi Sei; Hiroshi Okumura; Takao Takenouchi; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE, 16, 4, 580-593, Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed, A number of studies on privacy-preserving data mining have been proposed. Most of them assume that they can separate quasi-identifiers (QIDs) from sensitive attributes. For instance, they assume that address, job, and age are QIDs but are not sensitive attributes and that a disease name is a sensitive attribute but is not a QID. However, all of these attributes can have features that are both sensitive attributes and QIDs in practice. In this paper, we refer to these attributes as sensitive QIDs and we propose novel privacy models, namely, (l1, ... , lq)-diversity and (t1, ... , tq)-closeness, and a method that can treat sensitive QIDs. Our method is composed of two algorithms: An anonymization algorithm and a reconstruction algorithm. The anonymization algorithm, which is conducted by data holders, is simple but effective, whereas the reconstruction algorithm, which is conducted by data analyzers, can be conducted according to each data analyzer's objective. Our proposed method was experimentally evaluated using real data sets.
Scientific journal, English - A Method for Goal Model Repair Based on Process Mining
Hiroki Horita; Hideaki Hirayama; Takeo Hayase; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 20th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2019), IEEE, SNPD2019, 121-126, Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed, In order to keep up with a changing business environment, organizations need to understand their current business processes and business goals. The business process model and the goal model are complementary elements and are effective means for describing the present state of the organization. There are various methods to repair these models, but in order to analyze the current state of the organization, it is necessary to analyze not only these conceptual models but also logs of organizational daily operations. Although process mining is an effective means, there is no established technique for repairing both goal models and business process models according to logs. In this paper, we propose a pattern-based method to repair goal models dealing with the repair of business process models. By doing so, it is possible to analyze the current situation of business processes and business goals while maintaining the relationship between the goal model and the business process model. We represented the effectiveness of our method by carrying out a case study.
International conference proceedings, English - Trajectory Anonymization: Balancing Usefulness about Position Information and Timestamp
Tomoki Chiba; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 10th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security (NTMS2019), IEEE, NTMS2019, 1-6, Jun. 2019, Peer-reviwed, Movement trajectories can provide useful information for all fields. However, they may have high privacy parameters, sharing trajectory data with other operators without anonymization carries the risk of linking movement trajectories to individuals. Therefore, it is necessary to consider applying privacy protection to trajectory data. Anonymization indicators, such as k-anonymity are generally adopted for anonymization of trajectory data. Some studies modify position information to achieve anonymity. This modification sometimes produces inaccuracies in data sets. In this study, to reduce the modification distance of the position, we propose an algorithm that allows the mismatch of time when the position information is acquired within a certain range. Further, we define indicators that represent distortions of position and time information. As a result of comparing the proposed method and the existing method, the usefulness of the proposed method is shown.
International conference proceedings, English - Construction of Urban Problem LOD using Crowdsourcing
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Journal of Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 3, 1, 71-86, May 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Multi-task Deep Reinforcement Learning with Evolutionary Algorithm and Policy Gradients Method in 3D Control Tasks
Shota Imai; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Ryohei Orihara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering (BCD2019), Springer, BCD2019, 100-105, May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - “Never fry carrots without cutting.” Cooking Recipe Generation from Videos Using Deep Learning Considering Previous Process
Tatsuki Fujii; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Ryohei Orihara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering (BCD2019), IEEE, BCD2019, 124-129, May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Do You Like the Sclera?: Sclera-Region Detection in Line Drawings for Automated Colorization
Masashi Aizawa; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Ryohei Orihara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering (BCD2019), IEEE, BCD2019, 118-123, May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Transforming the Emotion in Speech using a Generative Adversarial Network
Kenji Yasuda; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2019), SciTePress, ICAART2019, 427-434, Feb. 2019, Peer-reviwed, In recent years, natural and highly accurate outputs in domain transfer tasks have been achieved by deep learning techniques. Especially, the advent of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) has enabled the transfer of objects between unspecified domains. Voice conversion is a popular example of speech domain transfer, which can be paraphrased as domain transfer of speakers. However, most of the voice conversion studies have focused only on transforming the identities of speakers. Understanding other nuances in the voice is necessary for natural speech synthesis. To resolve this issue, we transform the emotions in speech by the most promising GAN model, CycleGAN. In particular, we investigate the usefulness of speech with low emotional intensity as training data. Such speeches are found to be useful when the training data contained multiple speakers.
International conference proceedings, English - New indicator for centrality measurements in passing-network analysis of soccer
Masatoshi Kanbata; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2019), SciTePress, ICAART2019, 616-623, Feb. 2019, Peer-reviwed, A number of fields including business, science, and sports, make use of data analytics. The evaluation of players and teams affect how tactics, training, and scouting are conducted in soccer teams. Data such as the number of shots and goals in match results are often used to evaluate players and teams. However, this is not enough to fully understand the potential of the players and teams. In this paper, we describe a new analysis method using passing-distribution data from soccer games. To evaluate the performance of players and teams, we applied graph mining. We also used an index called centrality, which evaluates individual contributions with an organization. In this research, we propose a new centrality model to improve existing conventional models. In the calculating the centrality of a given player pair, we consider not only the shortest sequence of passing but also longer ones. In this research, we verified the significance of these indicators by applying the data of UEFA EURO 2008, 2012, and 2016. As a result, we found our method to be more consistent with game results than conventional methods.
International conference proceedings, English - Generation of Multiple Choice Questions Including Panoramic Information Using Linked Data
Fumika Okuhara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2019), SciTePress, ICAART2019, 110-120, Feb. 2019, Peer-reviwed, In recent years, just about all subjects require students to learn panoramic information. Because the need exists for cross-curriculum learning aimed at relating subject areas, it is useful for multiple-choice questions to include panoramic information for learners. A question including panoramic information refers to content that includes transverse related information and makes respondents grasp the whole knowledge. However, it is costly to manually generate and collect appropriate multiple-choice questions for questioners and learners. Therefore, in this research, we propose a method for the automatic generation of multiple-choice questions including panoramic information using Linked Data. Linked Data is graphical data that can link structured data, and it is used as a technology for data integration and utilization. Some attempts have been made to use Linked Data as a resource for creating teaching material, and the possibility of using Semantic Web technology in education has been verified. In this paper, we aim to realize a system for automatically generating two types of multiple-choice questions by implementing an approach to generating questions and choices. An evaluation method for the generation of questions and choices involves setting indicators for each evaluation item, such as validity and the degree of the inclusion of panoramic information.
International conference proceedings, English - Multi-task Deep Reinforcement Learning with Evolutionary Algorithm and Policy Gradients Method in 3D Control Tasks.
Shota Imai; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Ryohei Orihara; Akihiko Ohsuga
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data(BCD), IEEE, 100-105, 2019
International conference proceedings - Predicting Urban Problems: A Comparison of Graph-based and Image-based Methods
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 8th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2018), CEUR-WS.org, JIST2018, 114-117, Nov. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 東芝クラウドソーシングの構築と活用
芦川将之; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会デジタルプラクティス, 9, 4(通巻36号), 採録決定, Oct. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - サッカーPK戦におけるゲーム理論上の最適戦略とプロの戦略との差異に関する考察
小泉昂也; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J101-D, 9, 1363-1371, Sep. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - パーチェス法を用いたエージェントシミュレーションによる金融機関の合併に関するシステミックリスクへの影響分析
加藤秀紀; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J101-D, 9, 1343-1353, Sep. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Anonymization and Analysis of Horizontally and Vertically Divided User Profile Databases with Multiple Sensitive Attributes
Yuki Ina; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 13th IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI2018), IEEE, SOLI2018, 262-267, Aug. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Text Classification and Transfer Learning based on Character-level Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Minato Sato; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Agents and Artificial Intelligence (Revised selected papers from ICAART 2017), Springer, 10839, 60-81, Jun. 2018, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Temporal (one-dimensional) Convolutional Neural Network (Temporal CNN, ConvNet) is an emergent technology for text understanding. The input for the ConvNets could be either a sequence of words or a sequence of characters. In the latter case there are no needs for natural language processing. Past studies showed that the character-level ConvNets worked well for text classification in English and romanized Chinese corpus. In this article we apply the character-level ConvNets to Japanese corpus. We confirmed that meaningful representations are extracted by the ConvNets in English corpus and Japanese corpus. We attempt to reuse the meaningful representations that are learned in the ConvNets from a large-scale dataset in the form of transfer learning. As for the application to the news categorization and the sentiment analysis tasks in Japanese corpus, the ConvNets outperformed N-gram-based classifiers. In addition, our ConvNets transfer learning frameworks worked well for a task which is similar to one used for pre-training.
International conference proceedings, English - An Optimizing Placement of Passing Places in Mountainous Areas with Evolutionary Computing
Kazuhiro Amano; Munehiro Maeda; Yasuhiro Nakamura; Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE2018), ICCCBE2018, 393-400, Jun. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 1.5車線的道路における待避区間の最適配置に向けた遺伝的アルゴリズム及び多目的最適化の適用
天野和洋; 前田宗宏; 中村泰広; 清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
土木学会論文集F3(土木情報学), 73, 2, I_109-I_117, Mar. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 決定木学習を利用したビジネスプロセス実行ログ検証のための論理式の生成
堀田大貴; 平山秀昭; 早瀬健夫; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J101-D, 3, 530-538, Mar. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Urban Problem LOD for Understanding the Problem Structure and Detecting Vicious Cycles
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Kouji Kozaki; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 12th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2018), IEEE Computer Society, ICSC2018, 186-193, Feb. 2018, Peer-reviwed, Urban problems, such as littering, graffiti, and homelessness have various causes and are linked to each other; thus, understanding of the problem structure is required for detecting and solving root problems that generate vicious cycles of the problems. Moreover, in order to implement the action plans for solving these problems, local governments need to estimate the cost-effectiveness of the plans. Therefore, this paper proposes constructing Urban Problem Linked Open Data (UPLOD) that include urban problems' causality and the related cost information of their budget sheets. We first design an RDF schema that represents the urban problems' causality and then we extend the schema to include budget information based on RDF Data Cube Vocabulary. Next, we instantiate actual causes and effects using crowdsourcing supporting with natural language processing based techniques. In addition, we complement the UPLOD by inferring with Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) rules. Finally, we detect several root problems that lead to the cycle of the problems using SPARQL queries and then confirm the results with evidence manually extracted from articles of local governments.
International conference proceedings, English - Temporal and spatial expansion of urban LOD for solving illegally parked bicycles in Tokyo
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication, Engineers, IEICE, E101D, 1, 116-129, 01 Jan. 2018, Peer-reviwed, The illegal parking of bicycles is a serious urban problem in Tokyo. The purpose of this study was to sustainably build Linked Open Data (LOD) to assist in solving the problem of illegally parked bicycles (IPBs) by raising social awareness, in cooperation with the Office for Youth Affairs and Public Safety of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Tokyo Bureau). We first extracted information on the problem factors and designed LOD schema for IPBs. Then we collected pieces of data from the Social Networking Service (SNS) and the websites of municipalities to build the illegally parked bicycle LOD (IPBLOD) with more than 200,000 triples. We then estimated the temporal missing data in the LOD based on the causal relations from the problem factors and estimated spatial missing data based on geospatial features. As a result, the number of IPBs can be inferred with about 70% accuracy, and places where bicycles might be illegally parked are estimated with about 31% accuracy. Then we published the complemented LOD and a Web application to visualize the distribution of IPBs in the city. Finally, we applied IPBLOD to large social activity in order to raise social awareness of the IPB issues and to remove IPBs, in cooperation with the Tokyo Bureau.
International conference proceedings, English - Do Professional Football Players Follow the Optimal Strategies in Penalty Shootout?
Takaya Koizumi; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2018), SciTePress, ICAART2018, 454-461, Jan. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Factors Affecting Accuracy in Image Translation based on Generative Adversarial Network
Fumiya Yamashita; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2018), SciTePress, ICAART2018, 446-453, Jan. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Agent-based Simulation Model Embedded Accounting’s Purchase Method; Analysis on the Systemic Risk of Mergers and Acquisitions between Financial Institutions
Hidenori kato; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2018), SciTePress, ICAART2018, 168-175, Jan. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Location Anonymization With Considering Errors and Existence Probability
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 47, 12, 3207-3218, Dec. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Mobile devices that can sense their location using GPS or Wi-Fi have become extremely popular. However, many users hesitate to provide their accurate location information to unreliable third parties if it means that their identities or sensitive attribute values will be disclosed by doing so. Many approaches for anonymization, such as k-anonymity, have been proposed to tackle this issue. Existing studies for k-anonymity usually anonymize each user's location so that the anonymized area contains k or more users. Existing studies, however, do not consider location errors and the probability that each user actually exists at the anonymized area. As a result, a specific user might be identified by untrusted third parties. We propose novel privacy and utility metrics that can treat the location and an efficient algorithm to anonymize the information associated with users' locations. This is the first work that anonymizes location while considering location errors and the probability that each user is actually present at the anonymized area. By means of simulations, we have proven that our proposed method can reduce the risk of the user's attributes being identified while maintaining the utility of the anonymized data.
Scientific journal, English - 家庭におけるペット-ロボットインタラクション ~ロボットのふるまいに対する犬の行動調査~
鈴木もとこ; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 58, 11, 1799-1807, Nov. 2017, Peer-reviwed, 今後ロボットが家庭に普及するために,人間とペットとロボットの3者が良い関係を築くことが大切である.我々は人とのインタラクションを目的に作られたロボットがペットと家庭で共生するために,ロボットにペットが好む行動をさせ,ペットがロボットをより好むようにすることを目標とする.本研究では,犬の世話行動をするロボットに注目した.世話行動をするケアロボットと世話行動をしないノンケアロボットの2台を用意し,ロボットが世話行動を行った後に犬がどちらのロボットをより好むか調査した.具体的には,ロボットが行う犬の世話行動は,飼い主へのアンケート結果をもとに餌やりとボール遊びの2種類とした.結果,犬は餌やりの世話行動をするケアロボットをノンケアロボットよりも有意に好むことが分かった.一方でボール遊びの世話行動については,ロボットとボール遊びをする犬としない犬の2群に分けられ,ボール遊びをする犬はボール遊びの世話行動をするケアロボットをノンケアロボットより有意に好むことが明らかになった.この知見は今後,家庭におけるロボットのペットに対する関わり方の指針となることが期待される.It is important for human beings, pets and robots to establish a good relationship in order for robots become popular to homes in the future. We are supposed to coexist between humans and robots that were made for human interaction at home. Then, let the robot take actions preferred by the pet and aim to make the robot more preferably by the pet. In this research, we focused on robots that take care of dogs. We used two robots that take care actions robot and non-care action robot, and surveyed which robot the dog likes more preferably after the robot takes care action. Specifically, the behavior of robot was two types of feeding and ball play based on the questionnaire result of the owner. As a result, it became clear that the dog significantly prefers the care robot which takes care of bait feeding than the non-care robot. On the other hand, as for the behavior of taking care of the ball play, it is divided into two groups: a dog which play ball with a robot, a dog which does not play ball with a robot. It became clear that dogs playing balls significantly prefer care robots to take care of ball playing than non-care robots. It is expected that this finding will be a guide for how robots are involved in pets at home.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Proposal of l-Diversity Algorithm Considering Distance between Sensitive Attribute Values
Keiichiro Oishi; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2017), IEEE, IEEE SSCI2017, 1-8, Nov. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Consideration of privacy is crucial when sharing a database that contains personal information with other organizations. Many organizations have utilized personal information while realizing the importance of personal privacy protection by anonymizing personal information according to existing indicators, such as k-anonymity. A database with personal information is defined as satisfying l-diversity when a specific record group that has the same combination of quasi-identifiers (QIDs) holds at least l kinds of sensitive attribute value. By satisfying l-diversity, the identification probability of the individual's sensitive attribute value becomes less than 1/l, and it can be said that privacy is protected. The l-diversity has been widely studied in the area of privacy-preserving data mining. However, if a database containing certain personal information holds similar sensitive attribute values, there is a possibility that de facto diversity is not satisfied, even if anonymization is performed to satisfy l-diversity. In this research, we propose (l, d)-semantic diversity that is able to consider more actual diversity to solve the problem of not being able to satisfy de facto diversity with the existing indicator. The (l, d)-semantic diversity considers the similarity of sensitive attribute values by adding distances, d, defined using categorization. We also propose an anonymization algorithm and analysis algorithm suitable for the proposal indicator, and we conduct evaluation experiments.
International conference proceedings, English - Linked urban open data including social problems’ causality and their costs
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Kouji Kozaki; Akihiko Ohsuga
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, 10675, 334-349, Nov. 2017, Peer-reviwed, There are various urban problems, such as suburban crime, dead shopping street, and littering. However, various factors are socially intertwined
thus, structural management of the related data is required for visualizing and solving such problems. Moreover, in order to implement the action plans, local governments first need to grasp the cost-effectiveness. Therefore, this paper aims to construct Linked Open Data (LOD) that include causal relations of urban problems and the related cost information in the budget. We first designed a data schema that represents the urban problems’ causality and extended the schema to include budget information based on QB4OLAP. Next, we semi-automatically enriched instances according to the schema using natural language processing and crowdsourcing. Finally, as use cases of the resulting LOD, we provided example queries to extract the relationships between several problems and the particular cost information. We found several causes that lead to the vicious circle of urban problems and for the solutions of those problems, we suggest to a local government which actions should be addressed.
International conference proceedings, English - User participatory construction of open hazard data for preventing bicycle accidents
Ryohei Kozu; Takahiro Kawamura; Shusaku Egami; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, 10675, 289-303, Nov. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Recently, bicycle-related accidents, e.g., collision accidents at intersection increase and account for approximately 20% of all traffic accidents in Japan
thus, it is regarded as one of the serious social problems. However, the Traffic Accident Occurrence Map released by the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department is currently based on accident information records, and thus there are a number of near-miss events, which are overlooked in the map but will be useful for preventing the possible accidents. Therefore, we detect locations with high possibility of bicycle accidents using user participatory sensing and offer them drivers and government officials as Open Hazard Data (OHD) to prevent future bicycle accident. This paper uses smartphone sensors to obtain data for acceleration, location, and handle rotation information. Then, by classifying those data with convolutional neural networks, it was confirmed that the locations, where sudden braking occurred can be detected with an accuracy of 80%. In addition, we defined an RDF model for OHD that is currently publicly available. In future, we plan to develop applications using OHD, e.g., notifying alerts when users are approaching locations where near-miss events have occurred.
International conference proceedings, English - Designing and Publishing Illegally Parked Bicycle LOD
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Journal of Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 1, 2, 77-93, Sep. 2017, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Construction of Linked Urban Problem Data with Causal Relations using Crowdsourcing
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Kouji Kozaki; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2017), IEEE Computer Society, IIAI-AAI2017, 814-819, Jul. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Municipalities in Japan have various urban problems such as traffic accidents, illegally parked bicycles, and noise pollution. However, using these data to solve urban problems is difficult, as these data are not structurally managed. Hence, we aim to construct the Linked Data infrastructure that will facilitate the solving of urban problems. In this paper, we propose a method for semi-automatic construction of Linked Data with the causality of urban problems, based on Web pages and open government data. Specifically, we extracted causal relations using natural language processing and crowdsourcing. As a result, Linked Data with causal relations of noise pollution, illegally parked bicycles, and traffic accidents was constructed.
International conference proceedings, English - Privacy-Preserving Chi-Squared Testing for Genome SNP Databases
Yuichi Sei; Hiroshi Okumura; Akihiko Ohsuga
in Proc. 39th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC2017), IEEE, EMBC2017, 3884-3889, Jul. 2017, Peer-reviwed, In recent years, the importance of privacy protection in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has been increasing. GWAS focuses on identifying single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with certain diseases such as cancer and diabetes, and Chi-squared testing can be used for this. However, recent studies reported that publishing the p-value or the corresponding chi-squared value of analyzed SNPs can cause privacy leakage. Several studies have been proposed for the anonymization of the chi-squared value with differential privacy, which is a de facto privacy metric in the cryptographic community. However, they can be applied to only small contingency tables; otherwise, they lose a lot of useful information. We propose novel anonymization methods: Rand-Chi and RandChiDist, and these methods are experimentally evaluated using real data sets.
International conference proceedings, English - 1.5車線的道路整備における待避区間の最適配置に向けた評価手法の検討
天野和洋; 前田宗宏; 中村泰広; 清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学), 73, 2, 124-134, Jun. 2017, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - クラウドソーシングワーカーの段階的育成方法の提案
芦川将之; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, 32, 3, B-G81_1-13, May 2017, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Formal Verification of Dynamic Evolution Processes of UML Models Using Aspects
Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. 12th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS2017), IEEE Computer Society, SEAMS2017, 152-162, May 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Differential Private Data Collection and Analysis Based on Randomized Multiple Dummies for Untrusted Mobile Crowdsensing
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 12, 4, 926-939, Apr. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Mobile crowdsensing, which collects environmental information from mobile phone users, is growing in popularity. These data can be used by companies for marketing surveys or decision making. However, collecting sensing data from other users may violate their privacy. Moreover, the data aggregator and/ or the participants of crowdsensing may be untrusted entities. Recent studies have proposed randomized response schemes for anonymized data collection. This kind of data collection can analyze the sensing data of users statistically without precise information about other users' sensing results. However, traditional randomized response schemes and their extensions require a large number of samples to achieve proper estimation. In this paper, we propose a new anonymized data-collection scheme that can estimate data distributions more accurately. Using simulations with synthetic and real datasets, we prove that our proposed method can reduce the mean squared error and the JS divergence by more than 85% as compared with other existing studies.
Scientific journal, English - Fast Many-to-One Voice Conversion using Autoencoders
Yusuke Sekii; Ryohei Orihara; Keisuke Kojima; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
ICAART: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOL 2, SCITEPRESS, ICAART2017, Vol2, 164-174, Feb. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Most of voice conversion (VC) methods were dealing with a one-to-one VC issue and there were few studies that tackled many-to-one / many-to-many cases. It is difficult to prepare the training data for an application with the methods because they require a lot of parallel data. Furthermore, the length of time required to convert a speech by Deep Neural Network (DNN) gets longer than pre-DNN methods because the DNN-based methods use complicated networks. In this study, we propose a VC method using autoencoders in order to reduce the amount of the training data and to shorten the converting time. In the method, higher-order features are extracted from acoustic features of source speakers by an autoencoder trained with source speakers' data. Then they are converted to higher-order features of a target speaker by DNN. The converted higher-order features are restored to the acoustic features by an autoencoder trained with data drawn from the target speaker. In the evaluation experiment, the proposed method outperforms the conventional VC methods that use Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) and DNNs in both one-to-one conversion and many-to-one conversion with a small training set in terms of the conversion accuracy and the converting time.
International conference proceedings, English - Japanese Text Classification by Character-level Deep ConvNets and Transfer Learning
Minato Sato; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
ICAART: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOL 2, SCITEPRESS, ICAART2017, Vol2, 175-184, Feb. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Temporal (one-dimensional) Convolutional Neural Network ( Temporal CNN, ConvNet) is an emergent technology for text understanding. The input for the ConvNets could be either a sequence of words or a sequence of characters. In the latter case there are no needs for natural language processing that depends on a language such as morphological analysis. Past studies showed that the character-level ConvNets worked well for news category classification and sentiment analysis / classification tasks in English and romanized Chinese text corpus. In this article we apply the character-level ConvNets to Japanese text understanding. We also attempt to reuse meaningful representations that are learned in the ConvNets from a large-scale dataset in the form of transfer learning, inspired by its success in the field of image recognition. As for the application to the news category classification and the sentiment analysis and classification tasks in Japanese text corpus, the ConvNets outperformed N-gram-based classifiers. In addition, our ConvNets transfer learning frameworks worked well for a task which is similar to one used for pre-training.
International conference proceedings, English - Sarcasm Detection Method to Improve Review Analysis
Shota Suzuki; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
ICAART: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOL 2, SCITEPRESS, ICAART2017, Vol2, 519-526, Feb. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Currently, classifying sarcastic sentences into positive and negative sentiments has been a difficult problem and an important task. The sarcastic sentences could indicate negative meaning by using positive expressions, or positive meaning by using negative expressions. Sarcasm is a special kind of sentiment that comprise of words which mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult or wit someone, to show irritation, or to be funny. Therefore, determining sarcasm is an important task in order to correctly classify the sentence. In this paper, we propose an approach to detect sarcasm. First, we apply dependency parsing to amazon review data. After that, we classify phrases in the sentence into the proposed phrase based on the sequence of part-of-speech as proposed by Bharti et al. After being classified into either one of the phrase types, it is determined whether each phrase is positive or negative. If the emotions of the situation phrases and the sentiment phrases are different, the sentence is determined to be a "sarcasm". Using the above method, the experimental result shows the effectiveness of our method as compared with the the existing research.
International conference proceedings, English - An Observation of Behavioral Changes of Indoor Dogs in Response to Caring Behavior by Humanoid Robots Can Dogs and Robots Be Companions?
Motoko Suzuki; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
ICAART: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOL 2, SCITEPRESS, ICAART2017, Vol2, 481-488, Feb. 2017, Peer-reviwed, The aim of our research is to build good relationships between pets and robots at home. We aim to promote of positive interaction between pets and robots. Recently, robots have been become popular with the general populace. There is a lot of research in human-robot interaction. We pay attention to pets that live in houses with humans. It is required for pets to like robots for positive interactions between pets and robots to exist. In this paper, we examine that 1) a robot can take care of dog, and 2) dogs and robots can be companion by caring behavior of robots toward dogs. In our experiment, we used two robots. One of the robots takes care of a dog, while the other does not. We observed which robot the dog chooses to interact with and had seventeen dogs participate in this study. We performed this statistical test to judge whether the dogs treated the robots with any significant differences.
International conference proceedings, English - Semantics-Based News Delivering Service
Ryohei Yokoo; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Journal of Semantic Computing, 10th Anniversary Special Issue, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 10, 4, 445-459, Dec. 2016, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a semantic computing application for a news delivering service collects and recommends news articles which user feels interested in based on semantic relations between terms in the articles. We define interested articles as the ones that users have curiosity and serendipity. The semantic relations between terms are represented by graphs of Linked Data. We first create News Articles Linked Data, which are news articles for recommendation to users and User's preferences Linked Data created from the users' preferred articles. Then, common subgraphs between two graphs are searched for the recommendation of news articles. The experiment showed that the curiosity score is 3.30 (min:0, max:4), and the serendipity score is 2.93 in our approach, but a baseline method indicated the curiosity score: 3.03 and the serendipity score: 2.79. Thus, we confirmed that our approach is more effective than the baseline method. In the future, we will deploy our semantic technology to practical use for automatically delivering information selected from a vast amount of news sources.
Scientific journal, English - Privacy-Preserving Publication of Deep Neural Networks
Yuichi Sei; Hiroshi Okumura; Akihiko Ohsuga
PROCEEDINGS OF 2016 IEEE 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS; IEEE 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART CITY; IEEE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS (HPCC/SMARTCITY/DSS), IEEE, DSS2016, 1418-1425, Dec. 2016, Peer-reviwed, An organization that has a lot of personal data can create a deep neural network (DNN), which predicts sensitive attribute values such as the salary and diseases of people based on other attribute values such as age and hobbies. Moreover, by putting this data on the Cloud and providing the functionality of the DNN to other organizations, they can obtain new knowledge and can subsequently create new services. However, because such DNNs are generated from sensitive attribute values, we cannot share them freely without the explicit consent of the persons whose data are used for the DNNs. On the other hand, in recent years, epsilon-differential privacy has emerged as the de facto privacy metric. Many researchers use epsilon-differential privacy for privacy-preserving data mining such as correlation analysis and association rule analysis. In this paper, we modify epsilon-differential privacy for machine learning, and we propose three approaches for creating privacy-preserved DNNs based on the modified epsilon-differential privacy. Our proposed approaches are experimentally evaluated using a real data set, and we show that our approaches can protect personal attribute values while maintaining the accuracy of the DNNs.
International conference proceedings, English - Estimation of Spatial Missing Data for Expanding Urban LOD.
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Workshop and Poster Proceedings of the 6th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference co-located with the 6th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2016), CEUR-WS.org, 82-85, Nov. 2016
International conference proceedings - Linked Data Collection and Analysis Platform of Audio Features
Yuri Uehara; Takahiro Kawamura; Shusaku Egami; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings of Poster & Demo Track in the 6th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2016), CEUR-WS.org, 78-81, Nov. 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings - 放置自転車問題解決に向けた循環型LOD構築システムの提案
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌30周年記念論文, 31, 6, AI30-K_1-12, Nov. 2016, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Estimation of spatio-temporal missing data for expanding urban LOD
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, 10055, 152-167, Nov. 2016, Peer-reviwed, The illegal parking of bicycles has been an urban problem in Tokyo and other urban areas. We have sustainably built a Linked Open Data (LOD) relating to the illegal parking of bicycles (IPBLOD) to support the problem solving by raising social awareness. Also, we have estimated and complemented the temporally missing data to enrich the IPBLOD, which consisted of intermittent social-sensor data. However, there are also spatial missing data where a bicycle might be illegally parked, and it is necessary to estimate those data in order to expand the areas. Thus, we propose and evaluate a method for estimating spatially missing data. Specifically, we find stagnation points using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and we filter the stagnation points based on popularity stakes that are calculated using Linked Data. As a result, a significant difference in between the baseline and our approach was represented using the chi-square test.
International conference proceedings, English - Linked data collection and analysis platform for music information retrieval
Yuri Uehara; Takahiro Kawamura; Shusaku Egami; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, 10055, 127-135, Nov. 2016, Peer-reviwed, There has been extensive research on music information retrieval (MIR), such as signal processing, pattern mining, and information retrieval. In such studies, audio features extracted from music are commonly used, but there is no open platform for data collection and analysis of audio features. Therefore, we build the platform for the data collection and analysis for MIR research. On the platform, we represent the music data with Linked Data, which are in a format suitable for computer processing, and also link data fragments to each other. By adopting the Linked Data, the music data will become easier to publish and share, and there is an advantage that complex music analysis will be facilitated. In this paper, we first investigate the frequency of the audio features used in previous studies on MIR for designing the Linked Data schema. Then, we build a platform, that automatically extracts the audio features and music metadata from YouTube URIs designated by users, and adds them to our Linked Data DB. Finally, the sample queries for music analysis and the current record of music registrations in the DB are presented.
International conference proceedings, English - Development of Web Service for Japanese Text Triplification
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
NEW GENERATION COMPUTING, SPRINGER, 34, 4, 307-322, Oct. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Linked Open Data (LOD) is recently attracting attention as a vast amount of distributed knowledge base on the Web. Thus, semi-structured data such as tables and hierarchical data in several domains have been triplified to the LOD. Moreover, triplification of unstructured data such as text and sensor data is actively studied in the research area. We thus developed a Web API for extracting triples from natural sentences, which is useful for the promotion of the LOD. In this paper, we first describe the service specification, its technical background, and the evaluation of the current extraction accuracy, and then introduce several use cases of the service. Although this service adopts a novel combination of a method using ontology-based rules and a machine learning method using Conditional Random Field based on a probability distribution, the main contributions are in the practical aspect, that is, mashup of several natural language processing (NLP) techniques for the text triplification, and its deployment as a public Web API, so that non-experts of NLP can easily use it.
Scientific journal, English - Building Urban LOD for Solving Illegally Parked Bicycles in Tokyo
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
SEMANTIC WEB - ISWC 2016, PT II, SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG, 9982, 291-307, Oct. 2016, Peer-reviwed, The illegal parking of bicycles is an urban problem in Tokyo and other urban areas. The purpose of this study was to sustainably build Linked Open Data (LOD) for the illegally parked bicycles and to support the problem solving by raising social awareness, in cooperation with the Bureau of General Affairs of Tokyo. We first extracted information on the problem factors and designed LOD schema for illegally parked bicycles. Then we collected pieces of data from Social Networking Service (SNS) and websites of municipalities to build the illegally parked bicycle LOD (IPBLOD) with more than 200,000 triples. We then estimated the missing data in the LOD based on the causal relations from the problem factors. As a result, the number of illegally parked bicycles can be inferred with 70.9% accuracy. Finally, we published the complemented LOD and a Web application to visualize the distribution of illegally parked bicycles in the city. We hope this raises social attention on this issue.
International conference proceedings, English - A solution to visualize open urban data for illegally parked bicycles
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, 9860, 129-141, Sep. 2016, Peer-reviwed, The illegal parking of bicycles is becoming an urban problem in Japan and other countries. We believe the data publication of such urban problems on the Web as Open Data will contribute to solving the problems. However, Open Data sets available for the illegally parked bicycles are coarse and in various formats, and then it is difficult to develop information services using the data. In this study, we thus build an ecosystem that generates Open Urban Data in Link Data format by socially collecting the data, complementing the missing data, and then visualizing the data to facilitate and raise social awareness of the problem. In our experiment, 747 pieces of information on the illegally parked bicycles in Tokyo were collected, and then we estimated the unknown number of the illegally parked bicycles with 64.3% accuracy. Then, we published the data as the Open Data, and also a web application, which visualizes the distribution of the illegally parked bicycles on a map.
International conference proceedings, English - Sake selection support application for countryside tourism
Teruyuki Iijima; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, 9860, 19-30, Sep. 2016, Peer-reviwed, For the upcoming Tokyo Olympic Paralympic Games in 2020, the number of foreign tourists coming to Japan is expected to rise. However, there has been a problem with tourists becoming less likely to visit places outside of the urban areas. In order to solve this issue, a commitment has been made by the government to use “Sake Brewery Tour” to draw tourists to less populated areas. The purpose of this study is to find a way to encourage foreign interest to sake and sake brewers, and participant in “Sake Brewery Tours”. We developed an application for the foreign tourists who are not much interested in sake. The approach of the study involved the presentation of sake selection in connection with wines, which have surprising similarities to the sakes, and encourage the tourists access sake brewer sites. 20 test users used the application, and the average screen residence time was 55 (sec) including the sake brewer sites, which was longer than the application for comparison, which shows the sake information alone. Therefore, we confirmed that the users come to have an interest in sake and sake brewers by showing the surprising connections with wine.
International conference proceedings, English - Quality improvement by worker filtering and development in crowdsourcing
Masayuki Ashikawa; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Web Intelligence, IOS Press, 14, 3, 229-244, Aug. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Current crowdsourcing platforms provide an attractive solution for processing of high-volume tasks at low cost. However, problems of quality control remain a major concern. In the present work, we developed a private crowdsourcing system (PCSS) running in an intranetwork, which allows us to devise quality control methods.We introduce four worker selection methods and a grade-based training method. The four worker selection methods consist of preprocessing filtering, real-time filtering, post-processing filtering, and guess-processing filtering. In addition to a basic approach involving initial training or the use of gold-standard data, these methods include a novel approach, utilizing collaborative filtering techniques. We collected a large amount of vocabulary data for natural language processing (NLP), such as voice recognition and text to speech using PCSS. The quality control methods increased accuracy 32.4 points in collecting vocabulary tasks. We also implemented the grade-based training method to avoid claims of unfair dismissal and shrinkage of the market of crowdsourcing caused by excluding workers. This training method uses Bayesian networks to calculate correlations between tasks based on workers' records, and then allocates learning tasks to the workers to raise the results of target tasks according to the correlations. In an experiment, the method automatically allocated learning tasks for target tasks, and after the training of the workers, we confirmed that the workers raised the accuracy of target task 10.77 points on average. Therefore, by combining the filtering methods and the training method, task requesters in microtask crowdsourcing can obtain higher-quality results without dismissing valuable workers.
Scientific journal, English - Process Mining Approach Based on Partial Structures of Event Logs and Decision Tree Learning
Hiroki Horita; Hideaki Hirayama; Takeo Hayase; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
PROCEEDINGS 2016 5TH IIAI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED APPLIED INFORMATICS IIAI-AAI 2016, IEEE, IIAI-AAI2016, 113-118, Jul. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Process mining techniques are able to improve processes by extracting knowledge from event logs commonly available in today 's information systems. In the area, it is important to verify whether business goals can be satisfied. LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) verification is an important means for checking the goals automatically and exhaustively. However, writing formal language like LTL is difficult, and the properties by which the user's intentions are not reflected sufficiently have bad influence on the verification results. Therefore, it is needed to help writing correct LTL formula for users who do not have sufficient domain knowledge and knowledge of mathematical logic. We propose an approach for goal achievement prediction based on decision tree learning. It is conducted focusing on partial structures represented as event order relations of each trace. The proposed technique is evaluated on a phone repair process log.
International conference proceedings, English - Business Process Verification and Restructuring LTL Formula Based on Machine Learning Approach
Hiroki Horita; Hideaki Hirayama; Takeo Hayase; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG, 656, 89-102, Jun. 2016, Peer-reviwed, It is important to deal with rapidly changing environments (regulations, customer behavior change, and process improvement etc.) to keep achieving business goals. Therefore, verification for business process in various phases are needed to make sure of goal achievements. LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) verification is an important method for checking a specific property to be satisfied with business processes, but correctly writing formal language like LTL is difficult. Lacks of domain knowledge and knowledge of mathematical logics have bad influence on writing LTL formulas. In this paper, we use LTL verification and prediction based on decision tree learning for verification of specific properties. Furthermore, we helps writing properly LTL formula for representing the correct desirable property using decision tree constrction. We conducted a case study for evaluations.
International conference proceedings, English - Schema Design of Illegally Parked Bicycles LOD
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
PROCEEDINGS 2016 5TH IIAI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED APPLIED INFORMATICS IIAI-AAI 2016, IEEE, IIAI-AAI2016, 692-697, Jun. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Illegally parked bicycles are a social problem in Japan and other countries. Illegally parked bicycles obstruct vehicles, cause road accidents, encourage thefts, and disfigure streets. In order to solve the challenge posed by illegally parked bicycles, we realized that it is necessary to collect and republish the data as reusable format. Therefore, we collected the number of illegally parked bicycles, location information, time, and factors. Then, we integrated and republished these data as Linked Open Data (LOD) on the Web. In this paper, we described a schema design of illegally parked bicycles LOD and a methodology of designing LOD schema. Furthermore, we collected data from SNS and website of municipality, and built the LOD of 21,898 triples.
International conference proceedings, English - Goal achievement analysis based on LTL checking and decision tree for improvements of PAIS
Hiroki Horita; Hideaki Hirayama; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Association for Computing Machinery, 04-08-, 1214-1216, 04 Apr. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Process aware information system (PAIS) is important in the recent business environment. Developments of PAIS need to consider contexts about technical and business elements. They are needed to develop PAIS effectively (e.g. monitoring environment and constructing adequate business process). Process mining is an important method for analyzing a business environment and utilizing PAIS development and improvement. LTL checking is an important method for checking a specific property to be satisfied with business processes, but correctly writing formal language like LTL is difficult. In this paper, we use LTL checking and prediction based on decision-tree learning for checking goal achievement, false detection and oversight detection. It helps writing properly LTL formula for representing the correct goal property. We conducted a case study using a real life log of traffic fine management process in Italy.
International conference proceedings, English - ゴール指向洗練パターン駆動によるユースケースモデリング
本田耕三; 平山秀昭; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J99-D, 3, 238-254, Mar. 2016, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Privacy Preservation for Participatory Sensing Applications
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEEE 30TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED INFORMATION NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS IEEE AINA 2016, IEEE, AINA2016, 653-660, Mar. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Participatory sensing, which collects environmental information from mobile phone users, is growing in popularity. The collected information can be used for national policy or decision-making for companies. However, sensing users may violate their privacy. Recent studies have proposed negative surveys which can analyze the attributes of users statistically without precise information about each user's information. The traditional negative surveys need a lot of samples for proper estimation. These days, several types of negative surveys are used that can estimate the distribution of user attributes with a high degree of accuracy. However, privacy levels of these methods are relatively low. Moreover, existing studies assume that the privacy levels of all users are the same. In this paper, we propose a new negative survey that can estimate data distributions with more precision and can be used in a situation where the privacy levels are different based on each user's demand. By simulations of a synthetic and a real data set, we prove that our proposed method can estimate more precisely than existing methods.
International conference proceedings, English - 組込み向け進化型ソフトウェアの効率的な拡張性強化手法
佐々木隆益; 吉岡信和; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 57, 2, 730-744, Feb. 2016, Peer-reviwed, 市場ニーズの変化速度に対応した製品開発プロセスとしてアジャイル開発プロセスのようなライトウェイトな開発プロセスが台頭してきている.アジャイルも含め,このような進化型ソフトウェアは,継続的にリファクタリングを施しながらの機能開発を行う.特に組込みシステムでは,関連するハードウェアの個別進化に対しても,システムとしての対応が必要であり,拡張性や可変性の設計がなされていないと,製品リリースが進むにつれ,メンテナンス性の悪化を引き起こしやすくなる.本稿では継続的に発生する将来の機能追加において,システムの拡張性を強化する情報の提供を目的とし,ソースコードから,自動的に拡張性の構造を抽出し,拡張性を強化すべき箇所を特定,強化方法を提示する手法を提案する.さらに継続的に機能追加された実際の製品コードに対し,提案手法を適用した結果,提案手法の有効性を確認することができた.Light weight development processes like Agile have emerged in response to rapidly changing market requirements. However software evolution processes including Agile are inadequate for software in embedded systems, as software undergoes frequent refactoring, targeting only immediate requirements. As a result maintainability decreases because the system is not designed to respond to changes in the associated hardware. In this paper, we propose a method for improving of extensibility. We also propose a technique for detecting and suggesting extensible design pattern automatically. Our approach is based on analyses of the call graph and the inheritance structure of source code to identify a layer structure that is specific to embedded software. These techniques provide us with objective and quantitative information about extensibility. We applied the proposal method to an actual product's code continuously and could verify an improvement in system's extensibility.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Proposal of eco-cycle for solving illegally parked bicycles using linked open data
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 31, 6, 1-12, 2016, The purpose of this study is to develop Linked Open Data (LOD) for social problems sustainably, and to support social problem solving by raising social awareness for the problems. In this paper, we focus on illegally parked bicycles as an example. First, we extracted information on the problem factors and designed LOD schema of the illegally parked bicycles. Then, we collected pieces of data from SNS and websites of municipalities, and built the illegally parked bicycles LOD. We also estimated missing data in the LOD using Bayesian Networks. As a result, we estimated the unknown number of the illegally parked bicycles with 72.6% accuracy. Finally, we published the enriched LOD, and then visualizes the distribution of the illegally parked bicycles on a map. We hope this leads to raise social attention on this issue.
Scientific journal, Japanese - TEXT2LOD ~テキスト情報のLOD化に向けたWeb APIの開発~
川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 31, 1, Jan. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Linked Open Data (LOD) is recently attracting attention as a vast amount of distributed knowledge base on the Web.Thus, semi-structured data such as tables and hierarchical data in several domains have been triplified to the LOD.In the research area, however, triplification of unstructured data such as text and sensor data is actively studied as the next target.Therefore, we developed a Web API for mainly extracting triples from text data, which is useful for the triplification of text data.We defined two steps for the text triplication.The first step is the extraction of phrases, which correspond to triple <subject, verb, object>, location and time from a natural language sentence, and the second one is a conversion of the extracted phrases to the existing (or new) resources and properties in the LOD. In this paper, we first describe the service specification corresponding to the first step, technical background, and evaluation of the current extraction accuracy, then finally introduce some use cases of the service. Although this service adopts a novel combination of a restrictive method using ontology-based rules and an example-based machine learning method using conditional random field, based on probability distribution, the main cotribution of the service is in practical aspect, that is, mash-up of several natural language processing techniques as a text triplification service, and deployment as a Web API freely available for public use so that non-expert easily use it.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Iterative Improvement of Human Pose Classification Using Guide Ontology
Kazuhiro Tashiro; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E99D, 1, 236-247, Jan. 2016, Peer-reviwed, The objective of this paper is to recognize and classify the poses of idols in still images on the web. The poses found in Japanese idol photos are often complicated and their classification is highly challenging. Although advances in computer vision research have made huge contributions to image recognition, it is not enough to estimate human poses accurately. We thus propose a method that refines result of human pose estimation by Pose Guide Ontology (PGO) and a set of energy functions. PGO, which we introduce in this paper, contains useful background knowledge, such as semantic hierarchies and constraints related to the positional relationship between body parts. Energy functions compute the right positions of body parts based on knowledge of the human body. Through experiments, we also refine PGO iteratively for further improvement of classification accuracy. We demonstrate pose classification into 8 classes on a dataset containing 400 idol images on the web. Result of experiments shows the efficiency of PGO and the energy functions; the F-measure of classification is 15% higher than the non-refined results. In addition to this, we confirm the validity of the energy functions.
Scientific journal, English - Estimation of Interpersonal Relationships in Movies
Yuta Ohwatari; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E99D, 1, 128-137, Jan. 2016, Peer-reviwed, In many movies, social conditions and awareness of the issues of the times are depicted in any form. Even if fantasy and science fiction are works far from reality, the character relationship does mirror the real world. Therefore, we try to understand social conditions of the real world by analyzing the movie. As a way to analyze the movies, we propose a method of estimating interpersonal relationships of the characters, using a machine learning technique called Markov Logic Network (MLN) from movie script databases on the Web. The MLN is a probabilistic logic network that can describe the relationships between characters, which are not necessarily satisfied on every line. In experiments, we confirmed that our proposed method can estimate favors between the characters in a movie with F-measure of 58.7%. Finally, by comparing the relationships with social indicators, we discussed the relevance of the movies to the real world.
Scientific journal, English - Sake Selection Support Application for Countryside Tourism
Teruyuki Iijima; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. CompleXity: Technology for Complex Urban Systems in the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS2016), Springer, HICSS, 19-30, Jan. 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Visualization of Open Urban Data for Illegally Parked Bicycles
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. CompleXity: Technology for Complex Urban Systems in the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS2016), HICSS, Jan. 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Activity Recognition for Dogs Based on Time-series Data Analysis
Tatsuya Kiyohara; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Agents and Artificial Intelligence (Selected revised papers from ICAART 2015), Springer, 9494, 163-184, Dec. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world, and more than 10 million dogs are bred annually in Japan now [4]. Recently, primitive commercial services have been started that record dogs' activities and report them to their owners. Although it is expected that an owner would like to know the dog's activity in greater detail, a method proposed in a previous study has failed to recognize some of the key actions. The demand for their identification is highlighted in responses to our questionnaire. In this paper, we show a method to recognize the actions of the dog by attaching only one off-the-shelf acceleration sensor to the neck of the dog. We apply DTW-D which is the state-of-the-art time series data search technique for activity recognition. Application of DTW-D to activity recognition of an animal is unprecedented according to our knowledge, and thus is the main contribution of this study. As a result, we were able to recognize eleven different activities with 75.1% classification F-measure. We also evaluate the method taking account of real-world use cases.
International conference proceedings, English - Deployment of Private Crowdsourcing System with Quality Control Methods
Masayuki Ashikawe; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB INTELLIGENCE AND INTELLIGENT AGENT TECHNOLOGY (WI-IAT), VOL 1, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, WI2015, 9-16, Dec. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Current crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk provide an attractive solution for processing of high-volume tasks at low cost. However, problems of quality control remain a major concern. In the present work, we developed a private crowdsourcing system(PCSS) running in a intranetwork, that allow us to devise for quality control methods. For quality control, we introduce four worker selection methods: preprocessing filtering, real-time filtering, post-processing filtering, and guess processing filtering. In addition to a basic approach involving initial training or the use of gold standard data, these methods include a novel approach, utilizing collaborative filtering techniques. Furthermore, we collected a large amount of vocabulary data for natural language processing, such as voice recognition and text to speech using PCSS. The quality control methods increased accuracy by 32.4% in collecting vocabulary task. Then, we got 138 thousand vocabulary data. We found that PCSS is a practical system to collect data, and used for three years since 2011.
International conference proceedings, English - 安心できるプライバシ指標の調査
清雄一; 稲葉緑; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 56, 12, 2230-2243, Dec. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Towards the Elimination of the Miscommunication Between Users in Twitter
Tomoaki Ueda; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
AI 2015: ADVANCES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 9457, 589-595, Dec. 2015, Peer-reviwed, In recent years, a Twitter response from another user who does not share the intentions and expectations of the original poster may cause discomfort and stress, which is a social phenomenon known as SNS fatigue. For example, a user may receive answers that are different from her/his expectation after the user posts a question on the timeline. In the background of such responses there is a miscommunication between users. In order to resolve the problem, it is important to know what the original poster expected as responses to her/his tweet. In this paper, we propose a classification method of tweets according to the response that users expect, and experimentally evaluate it. As a result, we have shown that tweets which the poster does not expect any replies can be classified with 76.2 % of the average precision.
International conference proceedings, English - Decision Making Strategy Based on Time Series Data of Voting Behavior
Shogo Higuchi; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
AI 2015: ADVANCES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 9457, 229-241, Dec. 2015, Peer-reviwed, In gambling such as horse racing, we are sometimes able to peep peculiar voting behavior by a punter with the advantageous information closely related to the results. The punter is often referred as an insider. In this study, our goal is to propose a reasonable investment strategy by peeping insiders' decision-making based on the time series odds data in horse racing events held by JRA. We have found the conditions that the rate of return is more than 642 % for races whose winner's prize money is 20 million yens or more. That suggests the possibility of Knowledge Peeping.
International conference proceedings, English - Transformation of KAOS Goal Models to BPMN Models Using Refinement Patterns
HORITA Hiroki; HONDA Kozo; HIRAYAMA Hideaki; SEI Yuichi; NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki; TAHARA Yasuyuki; OHSUGA Akihiko
Computer Software, Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, 32, 4, 4_141-4_160, Nov. 2015, In the software development, modeling business process is important. In constructing business process model appropriately, stakeholder's requirements should be reflected in the model. Therefore, in this research, we propose transformation approach from goal models using refinement pattern to business process models. It is denoted that rules of transformation and algorithm. Using our approach supports constructing business process models by specifying stakeholder's requirements formally using refinement patterns. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach through applying our approach for a number of cases and using model-checking techniques.
Japanese - リファインメントパターンを利用したKAOSゴールモデルからBPMNモデルへの変換
堀田大貴; 本田耕三; 平山秀昭; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
日本ソフトウェア科学会コンピュータソフトウェア, 32, 4, 141-160, Nov. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Performance Exploring Using Model Checking A Case study of Hard Disk Drive Cache Function
Takehiko Nagano; Kazuyoshi Serizawa; Nobukazu Yoshioka; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 10th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA2015), ICSEA2015, Nov. 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - An Approach to Construct Semantic Networks with Confidence Scores Based on Data Analysis - Case Study in Osaka Wholesale Market
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
2015 IEEE 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOOLS WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ICTAI 2015), IEEE, ICTAI2015, 302-309, Nov. 2015, Peer-reviwed, In recent years, several large-scale knowledge bases (KBs) have been constructed, such as YAGO, DBpedia, and Google Knowledge Graph. Although automatic extraction techniques that extract facts and rules from the Web is necessary for constructing such large-scale KBs, incorporation of noisy, unreliable knowledge cannot be unavoidable. Thus, Google Knowledge Vault assigns extracted knowledge with confidence scores based on consistency with the existing KBs. In this paper, we propose a new approach for associating confidence scores with knowledge based on a large amount of raw data for domains, where there is no existing KB. We first construct knowledge in a specific domain as a semantic network, and then design a probabilistic network, that corresponds to the semantic network. To associate the confidence scores with the semantic network, we train the probabilistic network with a large amount of open data, provided by the Osaka central wholesale market in Japan. We also confirm the validity of the confidence scores with the accuracy of reasoning on the probabilistic network. A semantic network associated with confidence scores, that is, a weighted labeled graph is advantageous not only for reducing the noisy, unreliable knowledge with low confidence, but also for making retrieval results ranking on the KB. In the future, probabilistic reasoning on semantic networks may also be possible.
International conference proceedings, English - Semantic Graph Application to Call Center for Entity-Relation Search
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
ADVANCED SCIENCE LETTERS, AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS, 21, 10, 3092-3098, Oct. 2015, Peer-reviwed, The number of inquiries to call centers regarding product malfunctions has been increasing in recent years, and thus manufacturers are struggling with their responses. The Consumer Affairs Agency in Japan stated that the initial response to an inquiry is especially important, since flaming directed toward the company may immediately occur on the Web, and may greatly affect the reputation and sales of the product if the response is inappropriate. However, when a call center accepts the first inquiry, an operator cannot determine whether the malfunction is due to a problem of a model or to a user's way of using the product. Therefore, we have developed a system to automatically determine if the inquiry content is the tip of an iceberg by graph-matching the inquiry content to a semantic network, which represents the reputation information of a product on social media. Moreover, by tracing causal links in the network, the system also determines if the inquiry is connecting to users' dissatisfaction and discontent, and then notifies the inquiry to a quality control section with high priority to prevent flaming. In this paper, we first present our approach for converting social media information to the network, and show that an experiment achieved 94% accuracy. We also explain the matching between the inquiry content and Linked Data and its accuracy, and a method of extracting the causal link to the users' complaints.
International conference proceedings, English - クラウド上の安全で高速なキーワード検索アルゴリズムの提案
清雄一; 竹之内隆夫; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 56, 10, 1977-1987, Oct. 2015, Peer-reviwed, データを外部のストレージ事業者に預けることが多くなっているが,プライバシや機密情報管理の観点から問題が生じる場合がある.データおよびその索引を暗号化する手法が有効であるが,検索等,データ処理の効率性を低下させることは避けたい.このような課題に対し,Bloom Filterというデータ構造を用いる情報管理エージェントが提案されている.しかし,安全性を担保するためには,検索速度が悪化するという問題がある.これは検索時にクラウド上のデータ数に比例した回数だけハッシュ値を計算する必要が生じるためである.提案手法では,Bloom Filterを利用し,ハッシュ値の計算のみではなく,素数によるMOD演算を併用することで,これまでと同レベルの安全性を保持したうえで検索速度を向上させる.793万ドキュメントを利用したシミュレーション評価により,従来約30.2秒必要だった検索が0.7秒程度でできることを示す.Although cloud storage services are becoming popular these days, the cloud service provider may violate users' privacy. We can use encryption techniques, but the performance of data processing such as searching should not be degraded. Existing studies use a data structure named Bloom Filter to deal with this challenge. However, it takes relatively a long time to search data by a keyword in their techniques. This is because they need to calculate hash values as many as the number of data. We propose a novel technique which uses not only hash values but also MOD operation by a prime number. Our goal is to increase the performance of searching data while maintaining a security level. By conducting experiments with 789K real data, we show that our technique can search data within 0.7 seconds whereas existing studies need 30.2 seconds.
Scientific journal, Japanese - A Method for Efficient Extensibility Improvements in Embedded Software Evolution
Takanori Sasaki; Nobukazu Yoshioka; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 7th International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE2015), ICSTE2015, 12, 1375-1388, Sep. 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - (1l, ...,1q)-diversity for Anonymizing Sensitive Quasi-Identifiers
Yuichi Sei; Takao Takenouchi; Akihiko Ohsuga
2015 IEEE TRUSTCOM/BIGDATASE/ISPA, VOL 1, IEEE, TrustCom2015, 596-603, Aug. 2015, Peer-reviwed, A lot of studies of privacy-preserving data mining have been proposed. Most of them assume that they can separate quasi-identifiers (QIDs) from sensitive attributes. For instance, they assume that address, job, and age are QIDs but not sensitive attributes, and that a disease name is a sensitive attribute but not a QID. However, all of these attributes can have features that are both sensitive attributes and QIDs depending on the persons in practice. In this paper, we refer to these attributes as sensitive QIDs, and we propose a novel privacy definition (l1,..., lq)diversity and a method that can treat sensitive QIDs. Our method is composed of two algorithms: an anonymization algorithm and a reconstruction algorithm. The anonymization algorithm, which is conducted by data holders, is simple but effective, whereas the reconstruction algorithm, which is conducted by data users, can be conducted according to each data user's objective. Our proposed method is experimentally evaluated using real datasets.
International conference proceedings, English - Towards Goal-Oriented Conformance Checking
Hiroki Horita; Hideaki Hirayama; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), KSI Research Inc. and Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, 2015, 722-724, Jul. 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Mesh-based Combination and Expansion Type Cache Management Method for Spatio-Temporal Data
Hideaki Hirayama; Kenji Tei; Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイルシンポジウム (DICOMO2015), 1276-1283, Jul. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Symposium, Japanese - News Curation Service using Semantic Graph Matching
Ryohei Yokoo; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO2015), SEMAPRO2015, Jul. 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - An algorithm for privacy-preserving location data collection by probabilistic dummy generation
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 135, 6, 660-670, 01 Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Mobile devices, which can sense their locations by GPS or Wi-Fi, have become popular these days, and we can collect and analyze location information of many users to examine traffic flow, conduct marketing analysis, and so on. However, several users hesitate to provide their accurate location information. Therefore, researches which anonymize user's location information on their devices and send the anonymized information to the data collection server have been proposed. These researches can protect user's privacy and let the data collection server to estimate the distribution of users' locations by a statistical way. However, they need many users to help with the data collection. In our proposed method each user sends several dummy locations to the data collection server and the server can estimate the location distribution with high accuracy. By mathematical analysis and simulations, we prove our proposed method can reduce the estimated errors by approximately from 85% to 99%.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 意外性のあるレシピを推薦するエージェントの提案
池尻恭介; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J98-D, 6, 971-981, Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 語句間の意味的リレーションに基づくキュレーションエージェント
横尾亮平; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J98-D, 6, 982-991, Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - BOMエージェントの実現に向けたLODの構築
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 藤井章博; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J98-D, 6, 992-1004, Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 確率的ダミー生成による統計的な位置情報収集のためのプライバシ保護手法の提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
電気学会論文誌C, 135, 6, 660-670, Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - センシティブ属性値のランダムな追加によるl-多様性アルゴリズムの提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 56, 5, May 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Semantic Graph Application to Call Center for Entity-Relation Search
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 3rd International Conference on Internet Services Technology and Information Engineering (ISTIE 2015), ISTIE2015, 1-7, May 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Estimation of causal relationship between multiple time-series data and events case study of plant growth
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Advanced Science Letters, American Scientific Publishers, 21, 3, 537-540, 01 Mar. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Issues involving estimation of the causal relationship between multiple time-series data and events to be observed, are common to a wide range of recent environmental and social problems, such as smart cities, marketing and healthcare. One of such problems is demand for predicting and controlling plant growth by adjusting environmental conditions in plant factories for crop production plans. We thus introduce a Markov Logic Network (MLN) to prediction of plant growth, combining probability and logic to model complicated and uncertain phenomena. Using the actual cultivation records of a vegetable at several locations, we trained MLN, and tried to estimate the day of harvest in the experiment. The result showed that the average prediction error is better than the previous research in agricultural field.
Scientific journal, English - Linked Data統合に向けたLiteral値マッチング手法の提案
川村隆浩; 長野伸一; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, 30, 2, 440-448, Mar. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Estimation of Character Diagram from Open-Movie Databases for Cultural Understanding
Yuta Ohwatari; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
2015 IEEE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SEMANTIC COMPUTING (ICSC), IEEE, ICSC2015, 208-215, Feb. 2015, Peer-reviwed, In many movies, cultures, social conditions, and awareness of the issues of the times are depicted in any form. Even if fantasy and SF are works far from reality, the stories do mirror the real world. Therefore, we assumed to be able to understand social conditions and cultures of the real world by analyzing the movie. As a way to analyze the film, we decided to estimate the interpersonal relationships between the characters in the movies. In this paper, we propose a method of estimating interpersonal relationships of the characters using Markov Logic Network from movie script databases on the Web. Markov Logic Network is a probabilistic logic network that can describe the relationships between characters, which are not necessarily satisfied on every occasion. In experiments, we confirmed that our proposed method can estimate favors between the characters in a movie with a precision of 64.2%. Finally, by comparing the estimated relationships with social indicators, we discussed the relevance of the movie to the real world.
International conference proceedings, English - Analysis of flaming and its applications in CGM
Yuki Iwasaki; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 30, 1, 152-160, 06 Jan. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Nowadays, anybody can easily express their opinion publicly through Consumer Generated Media. Because of this, a phenomenon of flooding criticism on the Internet, called flaming, frequently occurs. Although there are strong demands for flaming management, a service to reduce damage caused by a flaming after one occurs, it is very difficult to properly do so in practice. We are trying to keep the flaming from happening. It is necessary to identify the situation and the remark which are likely to cause flaming for our goal. Concretely, we propose methods to identify a potential tweet which will be a likely candidate of a flaming on Twitter, considering public opinion among Twitter users. Among three categories of flamings, our main focus is Struggles between Conflicting Values (SBCV), which is defined as a remark that forces one’s own opinion about a topic on others. Forecasting of this type of flamings is potentially desired since most of its victims are celebrities, who need to care one’s own social images. We proceed with a working hypothesis: a SBCV is caused by a gap between the polarity of the remark and that of public opinion. First, we have visualized the process how a remark gets flamed when its content is far from public opinion, by means of our original parameter daily polarity (dp). Second, we have built a highly accurate flaming prediction model with decision tree learning, using cumulative dp as an attribute along with parameters available from Twitter APIs. The experimental result suggests that the hypothesis is correct.
Scientific journal, Japanese - CGMにおける炎上の分析とその応用
岩崎 祐貴; 折原 良平; 清 雄一; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, (株) オーム社, 30, 1, 1-9, Jan. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - CGMにおける炎上の分析とそ応用
岩崎祐貴; 折原良平; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, 30, 1, 152-160, Jan. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Activity Recognition for Dogs Using Off-the-Shelf Accelerometer
Tatsuya Kiyohara; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2015), SciTePress, ICAART2015, 100-110, Jan. 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Prediction of Plant Growth using Markov Logic Network
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 2014 International Symposium on Green Computing and Information Technology (Green IT-14), 6th FTRA International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA2014), CSA2014, Dec. 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Estimation of Character Diagram from Open Movie Database using Markov Logic Network
Yuta Ohwatari; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
4th Joint International Semantic Technology (JIST), CEUR-WS.org, 124-127, Nov. 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Building of Industrial Parts LOD for EDI - A Case Study
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiro Fujii; Akihiko Ohsuga
SEMANTIC TECHNOLOGY (JIST 2014), SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 8943, 146-161, Nov. 2014, Peer-reviwed, A wide variety of mechanical parts are used as products in the area of manufacturing. The code systems of product information are necessary for realizing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) of business-to-business. However, each code systems are designed and maintained by different industry associations. Thus, we built an industrial parts Linked Open Data (LOD), which we called "N-ken LOD" based on a screw product code system (N-ken Code) maintained by Osaka fasteners cooperative association (Daibyokyo). In this paper, we first describe building of N-ken LOD, then how we linked it to external datasets like DBpedia, and built product supplier relations in order to support the EDI.
International conference proceedings, English - Speech Synthesis Data Collection for Visually Impaired Person
Masayuki Ashikawa; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. HCOMP 2014 Workshop on Volunteer-Based Crowdsourcing in Science (Citizen+X), HCOMP2014, Nov. 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Question-Answering for Agricultural Open Data
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
TRANSACTIONS ON LARGE-SCALE DATA- AND KNOWLEDGE-CENTERED SYSTEMS XVI, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 8960, 15-28, Oct. 2014, Peer-reviwed, In the agricultural sector, the improvement of productivity and quality with respect to such attributes as safety, security and taste has been required in recent years. We aim to contribute to such improvement through the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In this paper, we first propose a model of agricultural knowledge by Linked Open Data (LOD) with a view to establishing an open standard for agricultural data, allowing flexible schemas based on ontology alignment. We also present a semi-automatic mechanism that we developed to extract agricultural knowledge from the Web, which involves a bootstrapping method and dependency parsing, and confirmed a certain degree of accuracy. Moreover, we present a voice-controlled question-answering system that we developed for the LOD using triplification of query sentences and graph pattern matching of the triples. Finally, we confirm through a use case that users can obtain the necessary knowledge for several problems encountered in the agricultural workplace.
International conference proceedings, English - Deployment of Semantic Analysis to Call Center
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2014), ISWC2014, Oct. 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Question-Answering for Agricultural Open Data
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 8960, 15-28, Oct. 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Development and evaluation of quality control methods in a microtask crowdsourcing platform
Masayuki Ashikawa; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 29, 6, 503-515, 17 Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Open Crowdsourcing platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk provide an attractive solution for process of high volume tasks with low costs. However problems of quality control is still of major interest. In this paper, we design a private crowdsourcing system, where we can devise methods for the quality control. For the quality control, we introduce four worker selection methods, each of which we call preprocessing filtering, real-time filtering, post processing filtering, and guess processing filtering. These methods include a novel approach, which utilizes a collaborative filtering technique in addition to a basic approach of initial training or gold standard data. For an use case, we have built a very large dictionary, which is necessary for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech. We show how the system yields high quality results for some difficult tasks of word extraction, part-of-speech tagging, and pronunciation prediction to build a large dictionary.
Scientific journal, English - 洗練パターンによるゴール指向ユースケースモデリング
本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - Towards Software Evolution for Embedded Systems Based on MAPE Loop Encapsulation
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Takumitsu Kudo; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
2014 IEEE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SELF-ADAPTIVE AND SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS (SASO), IEEE, SASO2014, 203-204, Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Software evolution is an essential activity that adapts existing software to changes in requirements. Because of recent rapid requirements changes, systems are strongly required to evolve even if the target systems are embedded systems, whose implementation code is generally hard to be changed. This paper discusses the feasibility of applying self-adaptation mechanism for software evolution. We use the MAPE loop mechanism to evolve embedded systems without changing code inside the existing systems. This paper also reports preliminary results that we experimentally evolved a cleaning robot by following our approach. Our demonstrations show a part of additional behaviors as the results of software evolution that makes the cleaning robot possible to move obstacles. We also discuss the future directions of software evolution for embedded systems with the self-adaptive mechanism.
International conference proceedings, English - マイクロタスク型における精度向上手法を導入した専用クラウドソーシングプラットフォームの構築
芦川将之; 川村隆浩; 池田朋男; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, 29, 6, 503-515, Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 多次元属性のための匿名データ収集アルゴリズムの提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 55, 9, 2120-2133, Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Software development PBL focusing on communication using Scrum
Satoru Kizaki; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
2014 IIAI 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED APPLIED INFORMATICS (IIAI-AAI 2014), IEEE, 662-669, Aug. 2014, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we improved the PBL (Project-Based Learning) environment aiming at the collaborative-software development education by industry-university cooperation. In the fiscal year 2011, the agile technique adopted as the software development process, and the small-scale project was fried. However, there were problems like the shortage of communication between members, the customers and difference of a member's technical capabilities and the burden was placed to the individual. In the fiscal year 2012/2013, in order to solve these problems, the development process "Scrum" was adopted. We analyzed the result of projects. In the result, Scrum was being able to perform problem solving in which the member's diversity was harnessed. It could carry out improved relations as the team by the positive participation in customer's projects. And, it could build the communication base by "making the place team". Therefore, we understood using Scrum for success of projects.
International conference proceedings, English - Human Pose Guide Ontologyを用いた静止画像内人物のポーズ分類
田代和浩; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
日本ソフトウェア科学会コンピュータソフトウェア, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 ; 1984-, 31, 3, 58-69, Aug. 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 希少性と一般性に基づいた意外性のある食材の抽出
池尻恭介; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
日本ソフトウェア科学会コンピュータソフトウェア, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 ; 1984-, 31, 3, 70-78, Aug. 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Literal Node Matching Based on Image Features toward Linked Data Integration
Takahiro Kawamura; Shinichi Nagano; Akihiko Ohsuga
ACTIVE MEDIA TECHNOLOGY, AMT 2014, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 8610, 174-+, Aug. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Linked Open Data (LOD) has a graph structure in which nodes are represented by Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), and thus LOD sets are connected and searched through different domains. In fact, however, 5% of the values are literal (string without URI) even in DBpedia, which is a de facto hub of LOD. Since the literal becomes a terminal node, and we need to rely on regular expression matching, we cannot trace the links in the LOD graphs during searches. Therefore, this paper proposes a method of identifying and aggregating literal nodes that have the same meaning in order to facilitate cross-domain search through links in LOD. The novelty of our method is that part of the LOD graph structure is regarded as a block image, and then image features of LOD are extracted. In experiments, we created about 30,000 literal pairs from a Japanese music category of DBpedia Japanese and Freebase, and confirmed that the proposed method correctly determines literal identity with F-measure of 99%.
International conference proceedings, English - Randomized Addition of Sensitive Attributes for l-diversity
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
2014 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY (SECRYPT), IEEE, SECRYPT2014, 350-360, Aug. 2014, Peer-reviwed, When a data holder wants to share databases that contain personal attributes, individual privacy needs to be considered. Existing anonymization techniques, such as l-diversity, remove identifiers and generalize quasiidentifiers (QIDs) from the database to ensure that adversaries cannot specify each individual's sensitive attributes. Usually, the database is anonymized based on one-size-fits-all measures. Therefore, it is possible that several QIDs that a data user focuses on are all generalized, and the anonymized database has no value for the user. Moreover, if a database does not satisfy the eligibility requirement, we cannot anonymize it by existing methods. In this paper, we propose a new technique for l-diversity, which keeps QIDs unchanged and randomizes sensitive attributes of each individual so that data users can analyze it based on QIDs they focus on and does not require the eligibility requirement. Through mathematical analysis and simulations, we will prove that our proposed method for l-diversity can result in a better tradeoff between privacy and utility of the
International conference proceedings, English - Surprising Ingredient Extraction based on Rarity and Generality
Kyosuke Ikejiri; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
JSSST Journal Compupter Software, Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - User participatory approach to question answering service for LOD - Accuracy improvement by user feedback and automatic context registration
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 29, 4, 375-385, Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Open data is drawing attention for the creation of innovative services in recent years. For promoting a greater number of consumer services on the web, a search function that can reveal what kinds of data are available would be helpful. However, if we assume that the open data is described in a triple language like Resource Description Framework (RDF) in future, full-text search is not suitable for data fragments, and a formal query language is difficult for ordinary users. Therefore, we propose a question answering service based on Linked Open Data. As the problems of using the open data as a knowledge source, we then focus on mapping of question sentence to data schema, and data acquisition. And we propose improvement of accuracy based on user feedback and acquisition of new data by user context information. We also present 'Flower Voice' which is an application of the service for assisting with fieldwork and confirm the effectiveness.
Scientific journal, Japanese - A MAPE Loop Control Pattern for Heterogeneous Client/Server Online Games
Satoru Yamagata; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, 742-743, Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Image-inspired Approach of Literal Node Identification in Linked Open Data
Kawamura,T; Nagano,S; Ohsuga,A
Proc. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA2014), CITSA2014, Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - LODを対象としたユーザ参加型質問応答サービスの開発 ~ユーザフィードバックによる精度向上とコンテキスト自動登録手法の評価~
川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, 29, 4, 375-385, Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Refinement of Ontology-constrained Human Pose Classification
Kazuhiro Tashiro; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SEMANTIC COMPUTING (ICSC), IEEE, ICSC2014, 60-67, Jun. 2014, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we propose an image classification method that recognizes several poses of idol photographs. The proposed method takes unannotated idol photos as input, and classifies them according to their poses based on spatial layouts of the idol in the photos. Our method has two phases; the first one is to estimate the spatial layout of ten body parts (head, torso, upper and lower arms and legs) using Eichner's Stickman Pose Estimation. The second one is to classify the poses of the idols using Bayesian Network classifiers. In order to improve accuracy of the classification, we introduce Pose Guide Ontology (PGO). PGO contains useful background knowledge, such as semantic hierarchies and constraints related to the positional relationship between the body parts. The location information of body parts is amended by PGO. We also propose iterative procedures for making further refinements of PGO. Finally, we evaluated our method on a dataset consisting of 400 images in 8 poses, and the final results indicated that F-measure of the classification has become 15% higher than non-amended results.
International conference proceedings, English - ソフトウェア再利用に向けた共通ゴール判別手法の提案
中村祐貴; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
日本ソフトウェア科学会コンピュータソフトウェア, 31, 2, 67-83, May 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 誤差を考慮した位置匿名化手法の提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J97-D, 5, 964-974, May 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Randomized Responseを用いた柔軟な匿名データ収集
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J97-D, 5, 953-963, May 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - ユビキタスコンピューティングにおけるl-エントロピーを満たす匿名データ収集
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J97-D, 4, 793-806, Apr. 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Music recommender adapting implicit context using 'renso' relation among Linked Data
Mian Wang; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Journal of Information Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan, 22, 2, 279-288, Apr. 2014, Peer-reviwed, The existing music recommendation systems rely on user's contexts or content analysis to satisfy the users' music playing needs. They achieved a certain degree of success and inspired future researches to get more progress. However, a cold start problem and the limitation to the similar music have been pointed out. Therefore, this paper proposes a unique recommendation method using a 'renso' alignment among Linked Data, aiming to realize the music recommendation agent in smartphone. We first collect data from Last.fm, Yahoo! Local, Twitter and LyricWiki, and create a large scale of Linked Open Data (LOD), then create the 'renso' relation on the LOD and select the music according to the context. Finally, we confirmed an evaluation result demonstrating its accuracy and serendipity. © 2014 Information Processing Society of Japan.
Scientific journal, English - Identification of Flaming and Its Applications in CGM: Case Studies toward Ultimate Prevention
Yuki Iwasaki; Ryohei Orihara; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2014), SciTePress, ICAART2014, 639-644, Mar. 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Surprising Recipe Extraction Based on Rarity and Generality of Ingredients
Kyosuke Ikejiri; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2014), SciTePress, ICAART2014, 428-436, Mar. 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Evaluation of Flexibility to Changes Focusing on the Variable Structures in Legacy Software
Takanori Sasaki; Nobukazu Yoshioka; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, JCKBSE 2014, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 466, 252-269, 2014, Peer-reviwed, Light weight development processes like Agile have emerged in response to rapidly changing market requirements. However such processes are inadequate for software in embedded systems. As embedded software undergoes frequent refactoring, targeting only immediate requirements. As a result maintainability decreases because the system is not designed to respond to changes in the associated hardware. In this paper, we propose a method for detection of variation points and variability mechanisms. We also propose a technique for evaluation of flexibility to changes. Our approach is based on analyses of the call graph and the inheritance structure of source code to identify a layer structure that is specific to embedded software. These techniques provide us with objective and quantitative information about costs of adding functionality. We applied the proposal method to an actual product's code before and after the refactoring and could verify an improvement in system's variability.
International conference proceedings, English - Locating Malicious Agents in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
PRIMA 2014: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 8861, 206-221, 2014, Peer-reviwed, A compromised node in wireless sensor networks can be used to create false messages by generating them on their own or by fabricating legitimate messages received from other nodes. Our goal is to locate the compromised nodes that create false messages. Existing studies can only be used in situations where sensor nodes do not move. However, it is possible that nodes move because of wind or other factors in real situations. We improve existing studies for detecting compromised nodes in mobile wireless sensor networks. In the proposed method, an agent exists on each node and it appends its ID and a k-bit code to an event message and the sink detects a compromised node by a statistical method. Our method can be used in static and dynamic environments. Simulations we conducted prove the effectiveness of our method.
International conference proceedings, English - メディア情報の Linked Data 化と活用事例の提案
川村隆浩; 越川兼地; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J96-D, 12, 2987-2999, Dec. 2013, Peer-reviwed, 昨今,インターネットの普及などから様々な情報源(ソーシャルメディア・マスメディア)に容易にアクセスし,多様な意見・考え方に触れることが可能になった.同時に,ソーシャルメディアにおけるデマの拡散や,マスメディアにおける偏向報道・情報操作の疑いなど,ユーザ自身が情報の信頼性について自ら判断することが求められてきている.そこで我々は,一般ユーザがメディア情報を多角的な観点から比較することを支援するため,ユーザに代わってソーシャル,マス両メディアから特定の話題に関する情報を抽出,見える化し,特定の観点に基づく比較ポイントを提示するエージェントシステムを目指している.本論文では,Conditional Random Fieldsと事象抽出のためのヒューリスティクスを用いて,Twitter上のツイート,マスメディアのニュース記事等から13の属性情報をもつ事象情報を抽出し,それらをLinked Data化する手法を提案し,精度評価を行った.また,事例を通して多様性,希少性,偏在性,因果関係の四つの観点に沿って比較ポイントを抽出することで有用性を確認した.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Twitter からの呟かれなかった行動の推測手法の提案 ~災害時の帰宅行動に関する事例検討~
グエンミンテイ; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J96-D, 12, 2970-2978, Dec. 2013, Peer-reviwed, 本論文は,実世界での人々の行動を分析し,状況に応じた適切な情報提示などへ役立てることを目的に,Twitterなどソーシャルメディアから行動ネットワークを構築する研究の一環である.ソーシャルメディアからの行動抽出にあたっては,さまざまな理由から呟かれなかった行動が数多く存在し,結果として行動ネットワークがスパースになってしまうという問題が存在する.そこで,行動の性質とユーザのゴールを考慮した行動ベース協調フィルタリング手法を提案し,欠損行動の推測を試みる.また,協調フィルタリングによる頻度の原理の副作用としての低頻度だが価値のある情報が埋もれてしまう問題に対して,人が成功している人や行動にどのように影響を受けるか,を単純にモデル化し,一定の重み付けを行う方法を提案する.そして,東日本大震災発生時のtweet 337,958件を対象に評価実験を行った結果,提案手法を用いることで行動ネットワーク内の欠損行動ノードを一定程度,補完できることを確認した.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Context-Aware Music Recommendation with Serendipity Using Semantic Relations
Mian Wang; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
SEMANTIC TECHNOLOGY, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 8388, 17-32, Nov. 2013, Peer-reviwed, A goal for the creation and improvement of music recommendation is to retrieve users' preferences and select the music adapting to the preferences. Although the existing researches achieved a certain degree of success and inspired future researches to get more progress, problem of the cold start recommendation and the limitation to the similar music have been pointed out. Hence we incorporate concept of serendipity using 'renso' alignments over Linked Data to satisfy the users' music playing needs. We first collect music-related data from Last. fm, Yahoo! Local, Twitter and LyricWiki, and then create the 'renso' relation on the Music Linked Data. Our system proposes a way of finding suitable but novel music according to the users' contexts. Finally, preliminary experiments confirm balance of accuracy and serendipity of the music recommendation.
International conference proceedings, English - テンプレートを用いた法的要求抽出のための支援ツールの実装と評価
吉田豊; 本田耕三; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Nov. 2013, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - Query Answering using User Feedback and Context Gathering for Semantic Diversity and Data Acquisition of Web of Data
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFOCOMP2013), INFOCOMP2013, Nov. 2013, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Context-aware Music Recommendation with Serendipity Using Semantic Relations
Mian Wang; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. The 3rd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2013), JIST2013, 1-16, Nov. 2013, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Classification of Idol Photography Based on Pose Guide Ontology
Kazuhiro Tashiro; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. Joint International Semantic Technology (JIST) conference (poster), PD4, Oct. 2013, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Development of Question Answering System for Agricultural Open Data
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications (ACOMP2013), ACOMP2013, Oct. 2013, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A Context-Based Music Recommendation System Using 'renso' Relation among Linked Data
Mian Wang; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Sep. 2013
Research society, Japanese - 動的ソフトウェア進化へのエージェント技術の活用
中川博之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
Sep. 2013
Research society, Japanese - 食材の希少性に基づいた意外性のあるレシピの抽出エージェント
池尻恭介; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Sep. 2013, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - Human Pose Guide Ontology を用いたアイドル画像のポーズ分類エージェント
田代和浩; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Sep. 2013, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - False Event Detection for Rare Events in Wireless Sensor Networks
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. of 6th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE2013), ICACTE2013, Aug. 2013, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Need Only One Bit: Light-weight Packet Marking for Detecting Compromised Nodes in WSNs
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 7th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE2013), SECUREWARE2013, 134-143, Aug. 2013, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A Goal Model Elaboration for Localizing Changes in Software Evolution
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2013), IEEE Computer Society, RE2013, 155-164, Jul. 2013, Peer-reviwed, Software evolution is an essential activity that adapts existing software to changes in requirements. Localizing the impact of changes is one of the most efficient strategies for successful evolution. We exploit requirements descriptions in order to extract loosely coupled components and localize changes for evolution. We define a process of elaboration for the goal model that extracts a set of control loops from the requirements descriptions as components that constitute extensible systems. We regard control loops to be independent components that prevent the impact of a change from spreading outside them. To support the elaboration, we introduce two patterns: one to extract control loops from the goal model and another to detect possible conflicts between control loops. We experimentally evaluated our approach in two types of software development and the results demonstrate that our elaboration technique helps us to analyze the impact of changes in the source code and prevent the complexity of the code from increasing.
International conference proceedings, English - Flower Voice: Virtual Assistant for Open Data
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology, 4, 2, 37-47, Apr. 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - GAを用いた適合度関数と相場変化に着目したシステムトレード
新井佑弥; 折原良平; 中川博之; 清雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Mar. 2013
Research society, Japanese - タグクラスタ多様化による未知性を考慮した推薦手法の提案
藤原誠; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J96-D, 3, 531-542, Mar. 2013, Peer-reviwed, 近年推薦システムの研究において,その有用性は予測精度(適合率,再現率)の高さとされていたが,既存の推薦方法では,ユーザは予測精度の高さだけでは満足しないということが報告されている.したがって,今後の推薦システムの課題として,未知性や意外性といった予測精度以外の新たな観点が重要とされている.こうした課題を踏まえ,本論文では推薦リストの未知性という観点に着目し,ユーザの嗜好に合致するが,まだ知らないコンテンツの発見を促す推薦手法を提案する.多面的に付与されたタグの話題単位で推薦リストを多様化することにより,予測精度を維持しつつ,未知性を向上させる.評価実験の結果,推薦リストの約6割に嗜好に合致し,かつ知らないコンテンツが含まれ,未知性の高い推薦が実現できていることを確認した.
Scientific journal, Japanese - ユーザ存在の特定を困難にした分散匿名化の提案 ~2診療機関のレセプトデータを用いた有効性の評価~
竹之内隆夫; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J96-D, 3, 596-610, Mar. 2013, Peer-reviwed, 複数機関が保持するユーザのパーソナル情報を結合・分析し,新たな知見を得ることが期待されている.例えば,医学研究のために複数医療機関が保持する医療情報を結合・分析することが期待されている.一方,パーソナル情報は個人のプライバシーに関する情報であるため,他の機関へ全開示した結合はできない.また,結合したパーソナル情報の組合せからユーザが特定されるおそれもある.そのため,パーソナル情報が含まれたテーブルを必要最小限の関示にとどめながら結合し,個人が特定されない形に加工した結合匿名テーブルを生成・開示する分散匿名化手法が注目されている.しかし既存手法では,双方の機関のユーザ集合が一致しない場合に,ユーザのパーソナル情報がその機関に保持されているか否かというユーザ存在が他方の機関に漏えいする問題があった.そこで本論文では,ユーザ存在を隠ぺいしつつ結合匿名テーブルを生成・開示する分散匿名化手法を提案する.そして,提案手法の計算量・通信量の評価と実際のレセプトデータを用いた有効性評価を行い,ユーザ存在を隠ぺいしながらも相対誤差15%以下でデータ分析な結合匿名テーブルが生成可能であることを確かめた.
Research institution, Japanese - Proposal of Distributed Scheduling Heuristics using Mediation Agent
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, David Publishing Company, 7, 2, 381-392, Feb. 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Toward information sharing of natural disaster: Proposal of timeline action network
The-Minh Nguyen; Takahiro Kawamura; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag, 358, 145-157, 2013, Peer-reviwed, In emergency situations such as earthquake, typhoon, it is important to share people's actions in real-time. Therefore, in this paper, we first design a timeline action network based on Web Ontology Language (OWL) in order to represent these actions in real-time. We then use our previous work to automatically collect data for the action network from Twitter. Finally, we propose a novel action-based collaborative filtering, which predicts missing activity data, in order to complement this timeline action network. Moreover, with a combination of collaborative filtering and natural language processing (NLP), our method can deal with minority actions such as successful actions. Based on evaluation of tweets which related to the massive Tohoku earthquake, we indicated that our timeline action network can share useful action patterns in real-time. Not only earthquake disaster, our research can also be applied to other disasters and business models, such as typhoon, travel, marketing, etc. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.
International conference proceedings, English - Flower voice: Virtual assistant using LOD
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Capture: "Knowledge Capture in the Age of Massive Web Data", K-CAP 2013, ACM, K-CAP2013, 125-128, 2013, Peer-reviwed, Recently, urban greening and agriculture have been receiving increased attention, but the cultivation of greenery is not a simple matter in a restricted space. Therefore, we propose Flower Voice, a voice assistant for smartphones that answers questions users will be faced on site, and provides a mechanism for registering the work. The system uses Linked Open Data as a knowledge source, and features improvement of accuracy based on user feedback and acquisition of new data by user participation. This paper presents Plant LOD and an architecture of the system, and then evaluates the improvement of the accuracy. Copyright 2013 ACM.
International conference proceedings, English - Designing loss-aware fitness function for ga-based algorithmic trading
Yuya Arai; Ryohei Orihara; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer Verlag, 489, 107-114, 2013, Peer-reviwed, In these days, an algorithmic trading in stock or foreign exchange (henceforth forex) market is in fashion, and needs for automatically performing stable asset management are growing. Machine learning techniques are increasingly used to construct trading rules of the algorithmic trading, as researches on the algorithmic trading advance. Our study aims to build an automatic trading agent, and in this paper, we concentrate in designing a module which determines trading rules by machine learning. We use Genetic Algorithm (henceforth GA), and we build trading rules by learning parameters of technical indices. Our contribution in this paper is that we propose new fitness functions in GA, in order to make them robuster to change of market trends. Although profits were used as a fitness function in the previous study, we propose the fitness functions which pay more attention to not making a loss than to gaining profits. As a result of our experiment using real TSE(Tokyo Stock Exchange) data for eight years, the proposed method has outperformed the previous method in terms of gained profits. © 2013 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Scientific journal, English - False event detection for mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings - 2013 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, EISIC 2013, IEEE, EISIC2013, 52-59, 2013, Peer-reviwed, In large-scale sensor networks, adversaries may capture and compromise several of the sensors. Compromised nodes can be used by adversaries to generate many false messages which waste the batteries of sensor nodes and the bandwidth of the sensor network. Many works aim to detect a false event in-network even if many nodes are compromised. Certain existing methods can achieve this, but, they cannot be used in a situation where the location of the sink changes. We propose a new method that resiliently detects false messages, even when there are a large number of compromised nodes and that can handle situations where the location of the sink changes. By preloading a legitimate combination of keys (LCK) on sensor nodes before deployment, the nodes can detect false events created from false combinations of keys. Our mathematical analysis and the simulations we conducted prove the effectiveness of our method. © 2013 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - Towards semi-automatic identification of functional requirements in legal texts for public administration
Yutaka Yoshida; Kozo Honda; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, 259, 175-184, 2013, Peer-reviwed, There is a need for the development of systems that are compliant with laws in public administration, because their administrative activities are based on laws. When new laws are made or existing laws are amended, however, civil servants need to develop or modify the systems in the short time before the laws are issued. Related work in requirements elicitation from the legal texts includes approaches using ontology but there are difficulties in building an ontology for practical use. In this paper we propose pre-defined templates with the expression of functional requirements to identify legal texts, including their functional requirements, and a support tool consisting of two functions, one for automatic summary creation from complicated legal texts and one for the suggestion of the legal texts, including their functional requirements. We have also applied this approach to Japanese laws and have evaluated its accuracy. Our research revealed that using this approach can identify functional requirements with high accuracy. © 2013 The authors and IOS Press.
International conference proceedings, English - Extraction and Estimation of Human Activity from Twitter for Information Sharing in Disaster
The-Minh Nguyen; Takahiro Kawamura; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Special Issue on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, 8, 11, 707-715, 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - ゴールモデルの構造に基づいた共通ゴール判別手法の提案
中村祐貴; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Dec. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - クラウド上での事業者間データ連携のための分散型パーソナル情報保護エージェント
竹之内隆夫; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 情報処理学会, 53, 11, 2432-2444, Nov. 2012, Peer-reviwed, 近年,いくつかのサービス事業者はクラウド上でサービスを提供し,パーソナル情報を収集して自社のビジネスに利用している.今後これらのパーソナル情報は単一の事業者内での利用にとどまらず,様々な事業者のパーソナル情報と組み合わせて利用され,新たなサービスが創出されることが期待される.しかし,パーソナル情報が組み合わさることによってユーザの特定が可能になり,他人に知られたくない情報が特定のユーザに紐付いてしまう恐れがある.またクラウド上のパーソナル情報は,サービス事業者のポリシによって保護されているため,他事業者へすべて開示することによる結合はできない.そこで,各事業者に配備されたエージェントが,パーソナル情報を必要最小限の開示にとどめながら結合し,ユーザが特定されない形に加工する分散匿名化プロトコルが注目されている.しかし既存のプロトコルでは,事業者間でユーザ集合が一致しない場合に,ユーザが自事業者に存在するか否かというユーザ存在が他事業者に漏洩してしまうという問題がある.そこで,本論文ではユーザ存在を隠蔽した分散匿名化プロトコルを行うパーソナル情報保護エージェントを提案する.また,提案するエージェントが実行するプロトコルを特定の条件下で評価し,ユーザ存在を隠蔽しながらも一定の情報の精度を保てることを示す.Recently, service providers are starting applications on the cloud platform, which collect vast amount of user's personal information for their business. It is expected that personal information stored by different service providers are federated and combined to make a new service. However, there is a risk that a specific user record can be identified by the combined personal information, and the user's sensitive information is revealed. Also, it is not allowed to disclose all personal information collected by the service provider to other service providers on the cloud platform because of the security issue. Thus, several researches have investigated distributed anonymization protocol, which is an agent protocol to combine the personal information stored by multiple data holders and sanitize them to ensure anonymity policy with the minimum disclosure. However, when a set of the users is not unique between the service providers, there is a problem of revealing a presence of each service provider. This paper introduces a new agent protocol of distributed anonymization which hides the presence of individual in each database. Our evaluation results show that the proposed protocol can anonymize them according to the policy of hiding the presence and the anonymity without too much information loss.
Scientific journal, Japanese - フォークソノミーとソーシャルアノテーションを用いた動画共有サービス利用支援の試み
石野克徳; 折原良平; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 53, 11, 2494-2506, Nov. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 服飾オントロジーを用いたECサイトにおけるユーザデザイン嗜好の推定と評価
全泰賢; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 53, 11, 2485-2493, Nov. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - CRFを用いたメディア情報の抽出とLinked Data化 ~ソーシャルメディアとマスメディアの比較事例~
越川兼地; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2012, Peer-reviwed, 学生優秀論文賞受賞: 越川兼地
Research society, Japanese - Twitter上のフォロー関係を用いた信頼性の高い未知コンテンツの推薦
折笠裕樹; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - GAを用いたシステムトレードにおける損失に着目した適合度関数の設定
新井佑弥; 折原良平; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - UAVとUGVの協調動作による障害物撤去に向けて
仲村滋夫; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - ゴール指向要求記述の整形に基づいたソフトウェアシステム進化手法
中川博之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 53, 10, 2328-2344, Oct. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Evaluation of Flexibility to Changes Focusing on the Variable Structures in Legacy Software
Takanori Sasaki; Nobukazu Yoshioka; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. of JCKBSE 2014, 2012, 171-180, Aug. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Privacy Protection by Anonymizing Based on Status of Provider and Community
Kazutomo Hamamoto; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
GSTF Journal on Computing, 2, 1, 169-176, Apr. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Dynamic Reconfiguration in Selfadaptive Systems Considering Nonfunctional Properties
Hisayuki Horikoshi; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. the 27th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2012), ACM, SAC2012, 1601-1607, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Methods for Privacy Protection Considering Status of Service Provider and User Community
Kazutomo Hamamoto; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
INFORMATION SECURITY TECHNOLOGY FOR APPLICATIONS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 7161, 98-113, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Protecting personal privacy is going to be a prime concern for the deployment of ubiquitous computing systems in the real world. That becomes serious especially when a user receives user centric services from a service provider by offering personal information, because the service can be of a higher quality if the user provides more personal information despite the increase of privacy violation risk. Therefore, this paper proposes a privacy protection method that realizes avoidance of unwanted information disclosure by controlling disclosable attributes according to the results from monitoring two elements: user background information of the provider and user community status. The monitoring is done before disclosing individual attributes corresponding to the privacy policy (i.e., the required anonymity level) by each user. The validity of the proposed methods was confirmed by a desk model.
International conference proceedings, English - A Framework for Validating Task Assignment in Multiagent Systems Using Requirements Importance
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Nobukazu Yoshioka; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 7057, 443-+, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Multi-agent systems (MASs) are one of the effective approaches for dealing with the recent increase in software complexity and their autonomy. In the MAS research community, there has recently been increasing interest in the adoption of requirements engineering techniques to bridge the gap between the system requirements and the system design. One of the most important tasks based on the requirements description in the MAS design activity is the extraction of roles, which are the fundamental components of multi-agent systems, from it. It is also important to comprehend the relative degree of responsibility of the individual roles. The comprehension helps the developer decide the system architecture and discuss the performance and stability of the system. We introduce the concept of importance as a quantitative metric and an evaluation framework for the extraction of a suitable role set for the system and the task assignment to these roles. The importance is propagated from the requirements to the roles through their assigned tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through a case study and show that our metric and evaluation framework help not only to identify the importance of each role, but also to determine the system architecture.
The-Minh Nguyen; Takahiro Kawamura; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
ICAART: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOL 1, SCITEPRESS, ICAART2012, 100-108, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Since there is 87% of chance of an approximately 8.0-magnitude earthquake occurring in the Tokai region of Japan within the next 30 years; we are trying to help computers to recommend suitable action patterns for the victims if this massive earthquake happens. For example, the computer will recommend "what should do to go to a safe place", "how to come back home", etc. To realize this goal, it is necessary to have a collective intelligence of action patterns, which relate to the earthquake. It is also important to let the computers make a recommendation in time, especially in this kind of emergency situation. This means these action patterns should to be collected in real-time. Additionally, to help the computers understand the meaning of these action patterns, we should build the collective intelligence based on web ontology language (OWL). However, the manual construction of the collective intelligence will take a large cost, and it is difficult in the emergency situation. Therefore, in this paper, we first design a time series action network. We then introduce a novel approach, which can automatically collects the action patterns from Twitter for the action network in realtime. Finally, we propose a novel action-based collaborative filtering, which predicts missing activity data, to complement this action network
International conference proceedings, English - Goal-oriented approach to creating class diagrams with OCL constraints
Sombat Chanvilai; Kozo Honda; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM, SAC2012, 1051-1056, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Consistency between various phases of the software development process is an important aspect in software engineering. Without this aspect, software products may not satisfy users' needs. The cause of the inconsistency is that users' requirements may not be sufficiently reflected in software products. We consider this situation as a gap between the requirements and the products. We focus on the early phases of the software development, because we need to deal with the problem before the inconsistency in the early phases affects the later phases. KAOS has been attracting attentions and UML has been widely adopted, in the early phases, for requirements analysis and design respectively. However, the requirements analysis phase and the design phase are often practiced separately which may cause a gap between them. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach, to reduce the gap between the requirement analysis phase and the design phase, by generating UML class diagram and OCL constraints from the KAOS model. We propose transformation rules between operation models and class diagrams and rules for producing OCL constraints from the KAOS model. In addition, we carried out a case study to confirm the validity of this approach. © 2012 ACM.
International conference proceedings, English - Green-thumb camera: LOD application for field IT
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer, 7295, LNCS7295, 575-589, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Home gardens and green interiors have recently been receiving increased attention owing to the rise of environmental consciousness and growing interest in macrobiotics. However, because the cultivation of greenery in a restricted urban space is not necessarily a simple matter, overgrowth or extinction may occur. In regard to both interior and exterior greenery, it is important to achieve an aesthetic balance between the greenery and the surroundings, but it is difficult for amateurs to imagine the future form of the mature greenery. Therefore, we propose an Android application, Green-Thumb Camera, to query a plant from LOD cloud to fit environmental conditions based on sensor information on a smartphone, and overlay its grown form in the space using AR. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
International conference proceedings, English - Distributed Data Federation without Disclosure of User Existence
Takao Takenouchi; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
DATA AND APPLICATIONS SECURITY AND PRIVACY XXVI, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 7371, LNCS7371, 282-297, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Service providers collect user's personal information relevant to their businesses. Personal information stored by different service providers is expected to be combined to make new services. However, specific user records risk being identified from the combined personal information, and the user's sensitive information may be revealed. Also, personal information collected by a service provider must not be disclosed to other service providers because of security issues. Thus, several researchers have been investigating distributed anonymization protocols, which combine the personal information stored by the providers and sanitize it to ensure an anonymity policy with minimum disclosure. However, when providers have different sets of the users, there is a problem that the existence of users in either service provider may be revealed. This paper introduces a new notion, delta-max-site-presence, which indicates the probability of the existence of users being revealed in a distributed environment and a new distributed anonymization protocol for hiding the existence of users. Our evaluation results show that the proposed protocol can anonymize users in accordance with the policy of hiding their existence and user anonymity without too much information loss.
International conference proceedings, English - Goal-Oriented Robustness Analysis
Kozo Honda; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, IOS PRESS, 240, 171-180, 2012, Peer-reviwed, In the upstream software development processes, from requirements definition to design, one of the most important tasks is to make the requirements completely satisfied in the design process, therefore actually realizing the required system. Thus, a seamless connection between the requirements model and the design model is very effective to completely realize user requirements. KAOS [1] is one of the typical methodologies of Goal-oriented requirements engineering [2]. It elicits and builds up the requirements systematically and exhaustively. ICONIX process [3] designs a system using UML diagrams. In the ICONIX process, requirements are reviewed using use case models, and then designed with class and sequence diagrams to realize the use cases through robustness diagrams. Based on these methodologies, this paper presents an approach to transfer as much information as possible from KAOS requirements models to preliminary design of system behaviors in ICONIX. Our approach allows the use case models and robustness diagrams to reflect the requirements of the KAOS model with the refinement patterns. We also conducted a case study where flight reservations in an international airline were modeled for the requirements definition and the preliminary design. We could find every requirements defined by the KAOS model in the use case models and the robustness diagrams. Our approach was confirmed to be feasible through this case study.
International conference proceedings, English - Hiding of user presence for privacy preserving data mining
Takao Takenouchi; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings of the 2012 IIAI International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAIAAI 2012, IEEE Computer Society, ESKM2012, 133-138, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Recently, it has been expected to realize privacy preserving data mining in order to acquire valuable knowledge from the combined information sources of several service providers. Therefore researches have been conducted on a distributed anonymization method, which combines the personal information and anonymize it to prevent identifying specific user records. However, in those researches, when sets of the users in the providers are not the same, there is a problem that users' presence in either provider may be revealed. Thus, this paper proposes a new indicator which represents the probability of the presence of users being revealed and introduces a modified distributed anonymization method to satisfy the proposed indicator. Also, we use U.S. census data for evaluation and calculate the relative error of its anonymized data. The results show that it is almost 10-25% in specific cases. © 2012 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - Towards dynamic evolution of self-Adaptive systems based on dynamic updating of control loops
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, SASO, IEEE Computer Society, SASO2012, 59-68, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Self-Adaptive systems, which enable runtime adaptation, are promising ways of dealing with environmental changes, including system intrusions or faults. Such software systems must modify themselves to better fit their environment. One of the main approaches to constructing such systems is to introduce multiple control loops. Software evolution is an essential activity for expanding this adaptation capability, and dynamic evolution has been envisaged as a way of systems adapting themselves at runtime. In this paper, we establish a development process to deal with dynamic evolution. We devise a goal model compiler to generate models for designing dynamic evolutions and a programming framework that supports dynamic deployment of control loops. We experimentally applied our approach to a system and discuss how our compiler and framework support dynamic evolution of self-Adaptive systems. © 2012 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - Support for video hosting service users using folksonomy and social annotation
Katsunori Ishino; Ryohei Orihara; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2012, IEEE Computer Society, WI2012, 472-479, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Recently, the video hosting is one of the most popular services on the Web. The service user can search movies by title, tag, date, and so on. However, the user can hardly obtain information on a particular scene of a movie. Thus, it is very difficult to determine whether a movie contains interesting scenes or not. This research aims to provide information in order to help a user to choose a movie. Concretely, this paper proposes a method for labeling scenes in a movie using a video hosting service called "Nico Nico Douga". The proposed method extracts important scenes in a movie from "Nico Nico Douga" based on the statistics of social annotations attached to them. Also, using the characteristics of folksonomy the authors extract feature words for labeling. Moreover, in order to take advantage of the feature words, the authors estimate their semantic categories. We use the attached comments themselves to label the important scenes. In order to select the comments, the authors take into account the importance of the feature words with semantic categories in a scene. Finally, the authors carry out experiments to evaluate the proposed method and to discuss future works. © 2012 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - Self-supervised capturing of users' activities from weblogs
The-Minh Nguyen; Takahiro Kawamura; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 6, 1, 61-76, Jan. 2012, Peer-reviwed, The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all basic attributes namely actor, action, object, time and location which belong to an activity from Japanese weblogs. Sentences retrieved from weblogs are often diversified, complex, syntactically wrong, have emoticons and new words. There are some works that have tried to extract users' activities in sentences retrieved from web and weblogs. However, these works have several limitations, such as inability of extracting infrequent activities, high setup cost, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, necessary of preparing a list of object and action. To resolve these problems, we propose a novel approach that treats the activity extraction as a sequence labelling problem, and automatically makes its own training data. This approach can extract infrequent activities, and has advantages such as scalability, and unnecessary any hand-tagged data. Since it does not require to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes, with high recall. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Scientific journal, English - Toward an ecosystem of LOD in the field: LOD content generation and its consuming service
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer, 7650, 2, 98-113, 2012, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes to apply semantic technologies in a new domain, Field research. It is said that if raw data is openly available on the Web, it will be used by other people to do wonderful things. But, it would be better to show a use case together with that data, especially in the dawn of LOD. Therefore, we are proceeding with both of LOD content generation and its application for a specific domain. The application addresses an issue of information retrieval in the field, and the mechanism of LOD generation from the Web might be applied to the other domain. Firstly, we demonstrate the use of our mobile application, which searches a plant fitting the environmental conditions obtained by the smartphone's sensors. Then, we introduce our approach of the LOD generation, and present an evaluation showing its practical effectiveness. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
International conference proceedings, English - 作曲特徴を用いた作曲支援システムの実現に向けて
金子裕司; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Dec. 2011
Research society, Japanese - モデル検査のためのオブジェクト制約言語を用いた外部環境モデルの構築のための考察
吉池弘樹; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - 非機能特性を考慮した自己適応システムの動的再構成手法の提案
堀越永幸; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - Support for Generating UML Class Diagrams and OCL Constraints from KAOS Model
Sombat Chanvilai; Kozo Honda; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - 評判分析システムのための教師あり学習を用いた意見抽出
田中俊行; グェンミンティ; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J94-D, 11, 1751-1761, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, インターネットの普及に伴い,Web上には商品やサービス(対象物)に対する多くの評判情報が蓄積されている.しかし,誰でも発信できるが故に,情報は膨大となり,それら全てに目を通すことは利用者にとって多大な負担となる.そのような背景から,レビューから意見を自動的に抽出する研究が盛んに行われており,意見を<対象物,評価視点(属性),評価値>の三つ組と捉え抽出する研究も行われている.しかしながら多くの研究は,評価視点や評価値の抽出に辞書を用いており,ジャンルごとに必要となる辞書の構築のためのコストは小さいとはいえない.また,単に辞書を用いてマッチングを行っただけでは,精度が上がらないのが現状である.そこで本論文では,教師あり学習を用いて,レビューサイトから意見を抽出する手法を提案する.提案手法は,従来の手法のように大規模な辞書をあらかじめ用意する必要がないため,コストを大幅に抑えることが可能である.実験の結果,辞書をあらかじめ用意しない既存手法と比較して,最大で適合率は約26%,再現率は約47%向上した.また,既存研究では個別の辞書を必要とするような他ジャンルに対して本手法を適用した結果,ほぼ変わらない精度で抽出することができ,他ジャンルへの適用の可能性を示すことができた.
Scientific journal, Japanese - センチメント分析とトピック抽出によるマイクロブログからの評判傾向抽出
橋本和幸; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J94-D, 11, 1762-1772, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, 近年,政策やサービスなどの評判を調査するためにアンケート形式による調査が増加しているが,回収率が低落傾向にあることや,人的コストが増加するなどの問題が生じている.一方,Web上にはユーザの意見を含む評価情報が多数存在している.そこで本研究では,評判傾向予測システムの構築を目的として評判傾向の時間的変化とその原因をマイクロブログから抽出する評判傾向抽出エージェントの実現を目指す.特に本論文では,評判傾向の抽出と評判傾向が変化した原因の抽出に注力する.評価情報の感情を抽出するセンチメント分析に着目し,回帰式から評判傾向の変化点を抽出した後に,変化点におけるトピックをチャンキングにより抽出する手法を提案する.本手法は,従来の評価判定法であるp/n判定にセンチメント分析を組み合わせることで,p/n判定単体よりも人手による調査と相関の高い時系列変化を抽出できる点が特徴であり,政治及びテレビドラマに関するコンテンツを対象に実際の支持率,視聴率に対する評価実験を実施した結果,政治(自由度調整済決定係数R'^2(p/n判定単体:0.22,提案手法:0.60)),テレビドラマ(自由度調整済決定係数R'^2(p/n判定単体:0.26,提案手法:0.56))ともに相関の高い時系列変化を抽出できることが確認できた.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 閲覧中のニュース記事に対するブログ記事から主張を抽出して提示するシステムの提案
佐藤大輔; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J94-D, 11, 1773-1782, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, 本論文では,閲覧中のWeb上のニュース記事に対する意見を個人のブログから収集し,その本文中の主張部分を抽出して提示するシステムの提案を行う.現在ニュースサイトにコメント欄が用意されているところは少なく,検索エンジンを用いても個人の意見のみを収集するのは容易ではない.そこで個人の意見を述べやすい場であるブログに着目してニュース記事に関連した意見を集め,主張を抽出する.本研究では主張とは意見の中で筆者が強く述べている主観的な部分を指す.開発中の主張提示システムの中で,本論文では主張抽出に焦点を当てる.主張抽出には人手により主張であるとされた文章から形態素解析を利用して特徴的な抽出ルールを設定した.本システムによりユーザはニュースサイトを閲覧すると同時に意見の多角的な見方が可能になり,より深い洞察が得られるようになる.評価実験において人手による正解との適合率を求めたところ70.0%となった.
Scientific journal, Japanese - インタラクション・シーケンスに着目した商品検索目的抽出エージェントの開発
川村隆浩; ワコラ; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J94-D, 11, 1783-1790, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, e-Commerceの急速な発展を背景に,Web検索結果への検索連動型広告(スポンサーリンクなど)が広告配信手段として注目されている.しかし,ユーザの検索意図と異なる広告の配信は,長期的に見てユーザの不快感を招き,逆効果となるリスクがある.そこで,ユーザの検索行動から検索の目的を推測し,適切な情報を提供することが重要となってきている.これまでも検索結果に対するユーザのブラウザ側の操作(インタラクション)に注目した研究は行われているが,一連のインタラクションの前後関係を考慮した研究は行われていない.そこで,本研究では商品検索結果に対するユーザのインタラクションシーケンスに着目し,検索の目的を購入目的か,情報収集目的かに分類するエージェントを提案する.実験により,先行手法と提案手法を組み合わせることにより,商品検索目的の抽出精度を10%以上向上できることを確認した.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 携帯端末上での拡張現実を用いた植物推薦エージェントGreen-Thumb Phoneの開発
三代謙仁; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J94-D, 11, 1791-1799, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, 近年,食や環境への意識の高まりから野菜作りやインテリアグリーンに関心が集まっている.しかし,都市の限られた環境で緑を育てるのは容易ではなく,その環境に適した植物を選択するには専門的な知識が必要ということもあり,不用意に繁茂させたり,逆に枯らしてしまうケースも多い.また,インテリア/エクステリアとしては周辺環境との調和が気になるが,成長時の生い茂った姿を想像するのは素人には難しい.そこで本論文では,携帯電話のセンサを用いて,植裁スペースの環境(日照,温度,気温等)に適した植物を推薦するエージェントシステムの開発について述べる.また,本システムでは,推薦した植物の成長した姿を3DCGで表示するという拡張現実手法を用いて,周辺の景観とマッチするかどうかを視覚的に確認することもできる.これにより,植物や園芸に関する特別な知識がなくとも,環境に適しており,かつ周辺の景観との調和のとれた植物を選ぶことが可能となる.今回の実験では約70%の精度で適した植物を推薦できることを確認できた.
Scientific journal, Japanese - コンテンツ投稿型SNSにおける未知性と意外性を考慮した推薦エージェントの提案
住元宗一朗; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J94-D, 11, 1800-1811, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, 近年増加したコンテンツ投稿型SNSでは日々膨大にコンテンツが増え続けるため,嗜好には合っているもののユーザが見逃してしまうようなコンテンツは少なくない.また,多くの推薦技術では精度を重視するあまり,その推薦結果に面白みがないという課題がある.本論文では,主に音楽,イラスト,詩等の創作者向けであるコンテンツ投稿型SNSにおける未知性,意外性を考慮した推薦手法について述べる.未知性に関しては,質の高いコンテンツを投稿する投稿者(有力投稿者)に注目し,コンテンツの質を確保しつつもロングテールのテール部分に属する,ユーザがまだ知らないコンテンツを推薦する.意外性に関しては,多くのコンテンツ投稿型SNSで利用されているFolksonomyを利用する.以上の二つの推薦部からなる推薦エージェントを提案し,イラスト投稿型SNSであるPixivの実データを用い,未知性,意外性に関する評価実験を実施した.その結果,推薦リストの6割に未知性,意外性のあるコンテンツが含まれ,本研究の有効性が確かめられた.
Scientific journal, Japanese - ユーザ背景情報およびコミューニティ状況を考慮した匿名度制御によるプライバシ保護エージェントの提案
浜本一知; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J94-D, 11, 1812-1824, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, ライフログなどの個人情報を提供し,プロバイダより情報推薦などの個人サービスを受ける場合,多くの個人情報を提供することで更に品質の高い個人サービスを受けることができる反面,情報の漏えいや流用などによるプライバシ侵害の危険性も増える.そこで本論文では,ユーザごとに設定する希望匿名度に対応する属性を開示する前に,匿名度に影響を及ぼす二つの要素,(1)プロバイダのユーザ背景情報,(2)コミュニティの状況,をチェックし匿名度に反映させることで開示属性を調整し,結果,無用な情報開示を避けることを特徴とするプライバシ保護エージェントを提案する.(1),(2)それぞれにおいて,課題を分析し,解決への提案手法について述べ,(1)は事例モデルによる実験的机上検証,(2)は歩行者モデルを用いたコミュニティを想定し机上検証により,提案手法の妥当性と有効性を確認した.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Privacy Protection by Anonymizing Based on Status of Provider and Community
Kazutomo Hamamoto; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 2nd Annual International Conference on Information Technology Security (ITS2011), ITS2011, 65-71, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - フォークソノミーとソーシャルアノテーションを用いた動画シーンへのラベリング
石野克徳; 折原良平; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - 服飾系ECサイトにおける商品閲覧履歴に基づいたデザイン嗜好の推定と商品検索システムの提案
全 泰賢; 川村 隆浩; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - 震災時の効率的な避難のための行動推薦エージェントReady for 87%の提案(1)~避難計画オントロジーの設計~
ミヤマエ イワナガ; イサベル シズ; グェン ミン テイ; 川村 隆浩; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - 震災時の効率的な避難のための行動推薦エージェントReady for 87%の提案(2)~時系列避難行動ネットワークの構築~
グェン ミン テイ; 越川 兼地; 川村 隆浩; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - 震災時の効率的な避難のための行動推薦エージェントReady for 87%の提案(3)~行動ネットワークを用いた避難行動の推薦~
伊藤 雅博; グェン ミン テイ; 川村 隆浩; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - Green-Thumb Phone: Development of AR-based Plant Recommendation Service on Smart Phone
Takahiro Kawamura; Norihito Mishiro; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications (ACOMP2011), ACOMP2011, Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Methods for Privacy Protection Considering Status of Service Provider and User Community
Kazutomo Hamamoto; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. The 16th Nordic Conference in Secure IT Systems (NordSec2011), Springer, NordSec2011, 197-211, Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Visual-K: A Prototype for a Visualization Tool Modeling Goal-Oriented RE Methodology KAOS
Yoko Girier; Kozo Honda; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. the 2nd International Conference on Measurement and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2011), ICMCE2011, 315-326, Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Visual-K:ゴール指向要求分析手法KAOSのモデリング可視化支援ツールの試作
ジリエ陽子; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
May 2011
Research society, Japanese - Proposal of Distributed Scheduling Heuristics using Mediation Agent
Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. the 2nd International Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES 2011), ATES2011, May 2011, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Automatic extraction and evaluation of human activity using conditional random fields and self-supervised learning
Nguyen Minh; Kawamura Takahiro; Nakagawa Hiroyuki; Tahara Yasuyuki; Ohsuga Akihiko
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 26, 1, 166-178, 2011, In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. Given a small corpus sample as input, it automatically makes its own training data and a feature model. Based on the feature model, it automatically extracts all of the attributes and the transition between the activities in each sentence retrieved from the Web corpus. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. Since it is unnecessary to fix the number of elements in a tuple, this approach can extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities by making only a single pass. Additionally, by converting to simpler sentences, the approach can deal with complex sentences retrieved from the Web. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.9%, attributes: over 90%, transition: 87.5%).
Scientific journal, Japanese - An architecture with planning for autonomic systems
Kazuhiko Nishimura; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 26, 1, 107-115, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Autonomic systems aim to reduce the configuration, operational, and maintenance tasks of large distributed applications. In order to implement autonomic systems, several approaches, such as Self-managed system and Autonomic Computing, have been proposed. This paper describes an architectural approach for autonomic systems, which is based on a three-layered model. In the uppermost layer, the planning function, which is an important part of this model, has to efficiently make an effective sequence of operational services to satisfy goals. In this paper, we propose an automated planning algorithm using hierarchy planning technique. Our planner composes the sequence of operational services in the most abstract space, and then it successively embodies the detail of them. The critical values, which determine the abstract space, are automatically discovered from the knowledge of operational services. We also present the experimental results to show the effectiveness of our method.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Development of ontology building service ONTOMO: Evaluation of ontology recommendation agent using proper noun extraction
Takahiro Kawamura; I. Shin; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 26, 1, 116-126, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Ontology-enabled services are rapidly increasing in the Web. However, those are sort of "lighter" ontologies compared with ontologies used in design and diagnosis. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables internet users to take part in building those ontologies. ONTOMO is designed not for ontology experts, but for general users of the light-weight ontology. So we focused on easy-use, no installation, and cooperative work environment. Also, it has an agent function which recommends instances and properties belong to ontology classes to boost the users' input. In the recommendation agent, we built our own proper noun extraction mechanism based on bootstrapping. Furthermore, ONTOMO provides a ontology-based blog search as a sample application to motivate the users' ontology building. After the ONTOMO overview, we present the instance and property recommendation agent with experimental evaluation.
Scientific journal, Japanese - An implementation framework for self-adaptive systems based on agent behaviors description
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 26, 1, 1-12, 2011, Peer-reviwed, The complexity of current software systems requires the ability to adapt at run-time, and the development of self-adaptive systems is one of the recent challenges for realizing dynamic adaptation. In this paper, we focus on the adaptation based on the components connection as a fundamental adaptation, and present our implementation framework for constructing self-adaptive systems on the basis of an agent platform. We reinforce the agent platform by adding some application program interface for behavior cooperation and its autonomic activation, and connect the behaviors with components in self-adaptive systems. We also introduce an implementation guideline: a way to identify the responsibilities for control loops and implementation patterns for these responsibilities. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and guideline through the results from our implementation experiments and show how they can be used to construct self-adaptive systems by using agent platforms.
Scientific journal, Japanese - ビヘイビア記述に基づく自己適応システム実装フレームワークの提案
中川博之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
人工知能学会論文誌, 26, 1, 1-12, Jan. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 条件付確率場と自己教師あり学習を用いた行動属性の自動抽出と評価
グェンミンティ; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, 26, 1, 166-178, Jan. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 自律システム実現に向けたアーキテクチャの構築
西村一彦; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, 26, 1, 107-115, Jan. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - オントロジー構築サービスONTOMOの開発 -固有名詞抽出によるインスタンスとプロパティ自動推薦エージェントの評価-
川村隆浩; 沈偉; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, 26, 1, 116-126, Jan. 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Gocc: A configuration compiler for self-adaptive systems using goal-oriented requirements description
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering, ACM, ICSE2011, 40-49, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Self-adaptive systems have recently attracted attention because of their ability to cope with changing environments, including system intrusions or faults. Such software must modify itself to better fit its environment, and one of the approaches by which we expect this capability to be achieved is the introduction of multiple control loops to assess the situation and to determine whether a change in behaviors or configurations is necessary and how to implement the change. Development of such systems with multiple control loops complicates the task of identifying components, and could be greatly aided by appropriate tool support. In this paper, we propose an architectural compiler for self-adaptive systems, which generates architectural configurations from the goal-oriented requirements descriptions. We also present a framework for generating such configurations with this compiler and a pattern in the requirements description. We evaluate the framework experimentally and show that it helps to generate suitable configurations that have high performance, and that the compiler scales well to large input models. © 2011 ACM.
International conference proceedings, English - Building earthquake semantic network by mining human activity from Twitter
The-Minh Nguyen; Kenji Koshikawa; Takahiro Kawamura; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2011, IEEE Computer Society, GrC2011, 496-501, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Since there is 87% of chance of an approximately 8.0 Richter earthquake occurring in the Tokai region of Japan in next 30 years
we are trying to help computers to recommend the most suitable action patterns for the victims if this massive disaster happens. For example, the computer will recommend "what should do to go to a safe place", "how to come back home", etc. To realize this goal, it is necessary to have a collective intelligence of action patterns, which relate to the earthquake. Additionally, to help the computers understand the meaning of these action patterns, we should build the collective intelligence based on OWL (Web Ontology Language). However, the manual construction of the collective intelligence will take a large cost. Therefore, in this paper, we firstly design an earthquake semantic network. Secondly, we propose a novel approach, which can automatically collects the action patterns from Twitter for the semantic network. © 2011 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - Building an earthquake evacuation ontology from twitter
Isabel Shizu Miyamae Iwanaga; The-Minh Nguyen; Takahiro Kawamura; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2011, IEEE Computer Society, GrC2011, 306-311, 2011, Peer-reviwed, During the massive Tohoku earthquake, while landlines and mobile phone lines got stuck, Twitter were used to exchange information about evacuation. On 11 March, the number of tweets from Japan dramatically increased to about 33 million, 1.8 times higher than the average figure. However, since texts on Twitter are unstructured data, are more complex than other text media, it is difficult to find a suitable evacuation center. Not only information in Twitter, people but also need to combine other information such as map information, shop information to find the suitable evacuation center. Since it takes much time to do these tasks, these manual processing are not suitable in the emergency status. Therefore, we need an approach to help computers to understand the meaning of evacuation, and to provide the most suitable evacuation center based on earthquake victims' behaviors in real-time. In this paper, we firstly design an earthquake evacuation ontology. Secondly, we indicate that by using this ontology, computers can provide the most suitable evacuation center based on earthquake victims' behaviors in real-time. © 2011 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - ケーススタディ:KAOS/UMLモデリング
本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Nov. 2010, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - 教師あり学習を用いたレビューサイトからの意見抽出
田中俊行; グェンミンティ; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed, 学生奨励賞受賞: 田中俊行
Research society, Japanese - 閲覧中のニュース記事に対するブログの主張を提示するシステムの提案
佐藤大輔; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - マイクロブログを用いた評判傾向抽出法の提案
橋本和幸; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - ONTOMO: Web Service for Ontology Building - Evaluation of Ontology Recommendation using Named Entity Extraction
Takahiro Kawamura; I Shin; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. IADIS International Conference WWW/INTERNET 2010 (ICWI 2010), 101-111, Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 大規模組織におけるソフトウェアプロセス改善活動の適用評価 ~10年間の実践に基づく考察~
小笠原秀人; 藤巻昇; 艸薙匠; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
情報処理学会論文誌, 情報処理学会, 51, 9, 1805-1815, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - プロセス間競合を考慮した自己適応システムの形式仕様構築
中川博之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 情報処理学会, 51, 9, 1751-1764, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Towards Effective Use of Requirements Description in Self-adaptive System Development
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2010 (IWMST2010), IWMST2010, 100-105, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A Knowledge-Based System for Software Specification
Kazuhiko Nishimura; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 9th Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE'10), JCKBSE2010, Aug. 2010, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Rewriting Logic Model of Compositional Abstraction of Aspect-Oriented Software
Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages Workshop 2010, FOAL2010, Mar. 2010, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Human Activity Mining Using Conditional Radom Fields and Self-Supervised Learning
Nguyen Minh The; Takahiro Kawamura; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Ken Nakayama; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
INTELLIGENT INFORMATION AND DATABASE SYSTEMS, PT I, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 5990, 140-149, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.9%, attributes: over 90%, transition: 87.5%).
International conference proceedings, English - Cooperative Behaviors Description for Self-* Systems Implementation
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
ADVANCES IN PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF AGENTS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 70, 69-+, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Agent platforms have recently attracted attention for use as a basis for self-* systems development because it provides a mechanism for autonomous functionalities. From among these platforms, JADE allows developers to describe concurrent behaviors on it, and this can be a foundation of constructing the multi-processes on self-* systems. This paper shows an overview of our approach for implementing highly collaborative behaviors by introducing a component style behavior model and its life cycle on the basis of the agent platform.
Nguyen Minh The; Takahiro Kawamura; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
ICSOFT 2010: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE AND DATA TECHNOLOGIES, VOL 1, SCITEPRESS, 285-292, 2010, Peer-reviwed, The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all basic attributes namely actor, action, object, time and location which belong to an activity, and the relationships (transition and cause) between activities in each sentence retrieved from Japanese CGM (consumer generated media). Previous work had some limitations, such as high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, insufficient consideration of interdependency among attributes, and inability of extracting causes between activities. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and automatically makes its own training data. This approach has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and unnecessary hand-tagged data. Since it is unnecessary to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes and relationships between activities by making only a single pass over its corpus. Additionally, by converting to simpler sentences, removing stop words, utilizing html tags, google map api, and wikipedia, the proposed approach can deal with complex sentences retrieved from Japanese CGM.
International conference proceedings, English - Automatic mining of human activity attributes from weblogs
Nguyen Minh The; Takahiro Kawamura; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proceedings - 9th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2010, IEEE Computer Society, 633-638, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we define an activity by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all attributes in each sentence retrieved from Japanese weblogs. Previous work had some limitations, such as high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration of interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. This approach treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any hand-tagged data. Since it is unnecessary to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes by making only a single pass over its corpus. Additionally, by converting to simpler sentences, the proposed approach can deal with complex sentences retrieved from Japanese weblogs. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.87%, attributes: over 90%). © 2010 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - NicoScene: Video Scene Search by Keywords Based on Social Annotation
Yasuyuki Tahara; Atsushi Tago; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga
ACTIVE MEDIA TECHNOLOGY, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 6335, 461-474, 2010, Peer-reviwed, As there are increasing needs to view a huge number of videos on the Web in short time, the video summary technology is actively investigated. However, there exists trade-offs of costs and precision of summaries. In this paper, we propose a system called NicoScene to search desirable scenes from the videos provided in a video hosting service called Nico Nico Douga. We use the feature of the service in which we can attach comments to videos and treat the comments as social annotation. By some experiments, we demonstrate the advantages of NicoScene in particular the search precisions.
International conference proceedings, English - Self-supervised Mining of Human Activity from CGM
Nguyen Minh The; Takahiro Kawamura; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ACQUISITION FOR SMART SYSTEMS AND SERVICES, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 6232, 61-72, 2010, Peer-reviwed, The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all basic attributes namely actor, action, object, time and location which belong to an activity, and the transition between activities in each sentence retrieved from Japanese CGM (consumer generated media). Previous work had some limitations, such as high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration of interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper Proposes a novel approach that treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and automatically makes its own training data. This approach has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and unnecessary hand-tagged data. Since it is unnecessary to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes and transitions between activities by making only a single pass over its corpus.
International conference proceedings, English - Capturing Users' Buying Activity at Akihabara Electric Town from Twitter
The-Minh Nguyen; Takahiro Kawamura; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
COMPUTATIONAL COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS, PT II, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 6422, 163-171, 2010, Peer-reviwed, The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically capture users' buying activity at Akihabara electric town in each sentence retrieved from twitter. Sentences retrieved from twitter are often diversified, complex, syntactically wrong, have ernoticons and new words. There are some works that have tried to extract users' activities in sentences retrieved from weblogs and twitter. However, these works have some limitations, such as inability of extracting infrequent activities, high setup cost, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, necessary of preparing a list of object, action and syntax patterns. To resolve these problems, we propose a novel approach that treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and automatically makes its own training data. This approach can extract infrequent activities, and has advantages such as scalability, unnecessary any hand-tagged data.
International conference proceedings, English - サービス合成時におけるプライバシ保護手法
浜本一知; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2009
Research society, Japanese - ニコシーン: ソーシャルアノテーションとキーワード群に基づく動画シーン検索
多胡厚津史; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2009, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - 自己適応型セキュリティアーキテクチャの提案
田原康之; 中川博之; 中山健; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2009, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - ゴール指向要求分析を用いたself-adaptiveシステムの構築
中川博之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 情報処理学会, 50, 10, 2500-2513, Oct. 2009, Peer-reviwed
Takahiro Kawamura; Nguyen Minh The; Akihiko Ohsuga
ICSOFT 2009: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE AND DATA TECHNOLOGIES, VOL 2, INSTICC-INST SYST TECHNOLOGIES INFORMATION CONTROL & COMMUNICATION, 346-352, 2009, Peer-reviwed, Recently, context-dependent recommendation services for smart phone users have been publicly available, which provide any of useful information related to the users' current situation. These services are based on a technique called Human Activity Mining. However, a method collecting every event all the day, which is seen in some projects on ubiquitous computing has some problems. Therefore, this paper proposes an approach to build human Activity Correlation Map using ontologies from users' behavior logs on weblogs. Then, we show its efficiency through a preliminary evaluation.
International conference proceedings, English - A context sharing message broker architecture to enhance interoperability in changeable environments
Junichi Yamamoto; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Ken Nakayama; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
3rd International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services, and Technologies, UBICOMM 2009, UBICOMM2009, 31-39, 2009, Peer-reviwed, With the growing number of mobile devices connected to the network, demand for appropriate services according to the situational contexts of users is increasing. However, building such context-aware applications is costly because both the environments of users in the real world and available services on the network are dynamically changing. In this paper, we propose a Context Sharing Message Broker Architecture which supports applications in changeable environments which cooperate with each other. The message broker provides a common context model which applications can share. A context model works not only as a common interface to the real world context, but also as a common interface to the applications which share the context model. Applications only access the context model, and they do not directly communicate with each other. This approach has three advantages
this architecture reduces the complexity of distributed context-aware systems
the architecture keeps applications independent from each other
applications can maintain their common context model cooperatively. These advantages enable applications to cooperate, and yet keep applications independent from each other. © 2009 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - ONTOMO: Development of Ontology Building Service Evaluation of Instance Recommendation Using Proper Noun Extraction
I. Shin; Takahiro Kawamura; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Ken Nakayama; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
PRINCIPLES OF PRACTICE IN MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 5925, 143-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, In the research area of web technologies, ontologies are recently widely used. By using ontologies, We can share common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents and enable reuse of domain knowledge. However. the difficulties in building ontologies have been pointed out and its costs are raising problems currently. To build an ontology, we must determine the domain that the ontology will cover, and define taxonomy, properties, instances of the ontology. It is very difficult and time consuming to build them without any tools. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables Internet users to take part in building ontologies as a part of collective intelligence. In particular, we present an instance recommendation mechanism based on the editing history of multiple users together with experimental evaluations.
International conference proceedings, English - KAOSモデルを利用したself-adaptive システムの構築
中川博之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
Nov. 2008, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - コンポーネントモデルを用いたJADE ビヘイビア実装手法の提案
中川博之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
Oct. 2008, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - 階層プランニングによるWebサービスの自動合成
西村一彦; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Sep. 2008, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - Jaws Activities and Their Contribution to Agent Research
Tetsuo Kinoshita; Makoto Yokoo; Tsunenori Mine; Yasuhiko Kitamura; Toshiharu Sugawara; Takao Terano; Toramatsu Shintani; Akihiko Ohsuga
Computer Software, 25, 4, 3-10, 2008, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Mobile navigation system for the elderly - Preliminary experiment and evaluation
Takahiro Kawamura; Keisuke Umezu; Akihiko Ohsuga
UBIQUITOUS INTELLIGENCE AND COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 5061, 578-590, 2008, Peer-reviwed, The aging of society is emerging as a global problem. Participation of elderly people in social activities is highly desirable in several perspectives of the society. Thus, we propose a mobile service that supports elderly people wishing to go out and promotes their participation in social activities. This system collects information on the existence of nearby barriers and provides timely information to users via a mobile phone equipped with GPS. The nearby barriers include not only permanent barriers such as stairs, but also temporary ones such as crowds and parked bicycles. Further, we propose functionality that selects and informs barrier information suitable for each user. This paper illustrates the public experiment that we conducted in Tokyo, and confirms the accuracy of the information filtering.
International conference proceedings, English - Constructing Self-adaptive Systems Using a KAOS Model
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
SASOW 2008: SECOND IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SELF-ADAPTIVE AND SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS WORKSHOPS, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 132-+, 2008, Peer-reviwed, Self-adaptive systems have recently attracted attention as flexible software because they can change their own behaviors to react to changes in their environments. Such systems have also attracted attention in the field of pervasive computing. This paper describes our approach to developing self-adaptive systems utilizing a requirements model to build the system architecture. This paper also discusses the implementation style we used using the acquired architecture model, and our evaluation of the feasibility of our development process through a case study.
International conference proceedings, English - Interoperability of mobile agents for ubiquitous applications
Tetsuo Hasegawa; Kenta Cho; Akihiko Ohsuga; Fumihiro Kumeno; Shin Nakajima; Shinichi Honiden
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, SCRIPTA TECHNICA-JOHN WILEY & SONS, 161, 4, 49-59, Dec. 2007, Peer-reviwed, A mobile agent is an important platform for applications for the coining ubiquitous society. Many different kinds of mobile agent platforms have been developed. However, agents from one agent platform are generally not able to migrate into another agent platform. As a solution to this problem, we propose an interoperability concept using an incarnation agent. The concept realizes logical mobility within different kinds of agent platforms. The incarnation agent extracts an agent's procedures and status, compiling them into agent platform independent format and then re-compiling them to target agent platform format, thus enabling the process to continue. The incarnation agent also has autonomy for interoperability. It manages complex migration for interoperability, so agent's procedure can be described in simple mobile model. Moreover, the incarnation agent modifies agent's procedures as applicable to facilities of target agent platform. This paper also reports an interoperability middle-ware and its examination. The middle-ware is a foundation of realizing the Incarnation Agent, and the response time and network traffic overheads by the interoperability rniddle-ware has been measured.
Scientific journal, English - Formal Specification Generator for KAOS
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. of the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE2007), Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 知的移動エージェントによる低消費電力なワイヤレスセンサネットワークアプリケーションの構築
長健太; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J90-D, 9, 2365-2377, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed, 多数の小型センサを組み合わせてシステムを実現するワイヤレスセンサネットワーク(WSN)アプリケーションがビルオートメーションやスマートホームなどの様々な分野に広がりつつある.それらのアプリケーションでは複数種類のセンサを組み合わせ,様々なサービスが実現される.我々はそのようなマルチパーパスWSNアプリケーションの実現にWSN上で動作する小型知的移動エージェントを用いた.複数のエージェントをロケーション,パーパスに応じて配置する方式を,センサから得られる環境の状況変化に応じてエージェントが動的に変化させることで,アプリケーションの応答性能を満たしかつ低消費電力な動作が実現できる.また本方式を用いることによる消費電力の削減効果を,エージェント動作のシミュレーションによって評価した.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Development of knowledge-filtering agent along with user context in ubiquitous environment
Takao Takenouchi; Naoyuki Okamoto; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga; Mamoru Maekawa
Systems and Computers in Japan, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 38, 8, 11-19, Aug. 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 知的移動エージェントによるマルチパーパスワイヤレスセンサネットワークアプリケーション
長健太; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 47, 12, 3165-3178, Dec. 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems based on KAOS Modeling
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2006), May 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Cooperation technology for various kinds of robots
Tetsuo Hasegawa; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga; Miwako Doi
Proc. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2006), Workshop on Network Robot System Toward intelligent robotic systems integrated with environments, ICRA2006, May 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ubiquitous Metadata Scouter - Ontology brings blogs outside
Takahiro Kawamura; Shinichi Nagano; Masumi Inaba; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga
SEMANTIC WEB - ASWC 2006, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 4185, 752-761, 2006, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we introduce a service where ontology summarizes blogs to get useful in the real stores. In ubiquitous computing environment, it would be desired for users to bind their real world situation and useful information on the Internet. However, the current typical device for ubiquitous computing like a cellular phone has a small display, limited operations, and narrow-band network. Therefore, semantics use to extract only the necessary information and services is for the ubiquitous computing. Ubiquitous Metadata Scouter is for the user to scan products barcodes by cameras of cellular phones. It gets the corresponding metadata to the product from the Internet, and collect the related blogs. Then, it analyzes the contents of each blog referring ontologies, and indicates the total reputation. Also, it shows other related products which are much talked about. This paper illustrates each function of this service and our public experiment at the real consumer electronics store and book store in Tokyo since March 2006. It would provide an instant benefit as a semantics usecase in the ubiquitous computing.
Scientific journal, English - Implementation of telematics services with context-aware agent framework
Kenta Cho; Yuzo Okamoto; Tomohiro Yamasaki; Masayuki Okamoto; Masanori Hattori; Akihiko Ohsuga
UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 4239, 98-110, 2006, Peer-reviwed, With the development of a car-mounted navigation system and an in-car network, improved information services for creating drive plans automatically have been realized. We propose a method of developing telematics services through combination of a context-aware agent framework and a planner that provides the predicted feature situation to the framework and creates drive plans composed of POIs (Points Of Interest) proposed by the framework.
Scientific journal, English - Network Robot Collaboration Technology for Service Appliances
Miwako Doi; Kouji Ueno; Takahiro Kawamura; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, URAmI2005, Nov. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - エージェントフレームワークを用いたコンテクストアウェアなテレマティクスサービスの構築
長健太; 岡本雄三; 山崎智弘; 岡本昌之; 服部正典; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J88-D-I, 9, 1448-1458, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed, 車載機の機能向上及び車中で利用可能な通信ネットワークが整備されたことに伴い, 車載機を利用した高度な情報サービス, 特にカーナビを用いたドライブプランの推薦, 自動生成が実現されつつある. 我々は, ユーザの嗜好や状況の入力に反応してコンテンツの提供を行う, コンテクストアウェアアプリケーション構築のためのエージェントフレームワークと, 予測したユーザの将来の状況をエージェントフレームワークに入力し, そこから得られるコンテンツをもとにユーザに提供する情報を生成するプラナーを組み合わせたアーキテクチャにより, 車載機に適したコンテクストアウェアなテレマティクスサービスを構築する手法を提案した.
Scientific journal, Japanese - ユビキタス環境において動的なコンテクストに応じて知識情報をフィルタリングする推論エージェントの開発
竹之内隆夫; 岡本直之; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J88-D-I, 9, 1428-1437, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed, 近年, ユビキタスコンピューティングとセマンティックWebが注目されている. 今後はユビキタス環境においてもメタデータの利用が想定され, それを介し, 様々なものが膨大なセマンティックWebの意味ネットワークに接続されることになるだろう. 我々はこれをユビキタスセマンティクスと呼んでいる. ユビキタスセマンティクスにおいては膨大な知識が存在する一方で, 大半の知識は過渡的なものであると考えられる. またユーザのリアルタイムな要求を満たすためには, 有用な知識を効率良く取得して推論することが必要である. そこで我々はユビキタス環境において動的に変化するユーザのコンテクストに追従して, 必要な知識情報をフィルタリングすることで, ユーザへの即応性を実現する推論エージェントを提案する. また, アプリケーションとしてレシピ推薦システムを開発し, 有用性を検証する.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 放送番組に対してパブリックオピニオンメタデータを生成する視聴支援エージェントの開発
岡本直之; 竹之内隆夫; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J88-D-I, 9, 1477-1486, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed, 近年, 膨大に蓄積された映像コンテンツを包括的・系統的に整理し, 検索性・再利用性を向上させたいというニーズからマルチメディアコンテンツにメタデータを付加することが検討され, 記述方法も標準化が進められている. 一方, 大容量のハードディスクを搭載したディジタルレコーダの急激な普及によって, 一視聴者でも大量のコンテンツライブラリを構築することが可能になってきた. このような状況における映像コンテンツの検索には客観的記述をもとにした検索に加えて, 他視聴者の反応や盛上りといった主観的な情報を利用した検索も有用になってくると考えられる. 本研究ではこの主観的な情報の源として既存のネットコミュニティを利用し, ここで交わされる話題や盛上りをメタデータとして抽出する. これを視聴者側に配置した視聴支援エージェントが行い, 更にこのエージェントが視聴者にナビゲーションやユーザインタフェースを提供する. これによりメタデータを利用したナビゲーションに対する視聴者の自然な形でのフィードバックを評価・蓄積・他視聴者で共有することでメタデータを洗練化していく. 本論文ではパブリックオピニオンメタデータと呼ぶこれらメタデータの抽出と洗練の手法を説明し, 実放送番組に適用して評価した結果を報告する.
Scientific journal, Japanese - セマンティックWebサービスマッチメーカーの公開実験に基づく評価
川村隆浩; 長谷川哲夫; 大須賀昭彦; M. Paolucci; K. Sycara
人工知能学会論文誌, 20, 6, 426-436, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - ユビキタスアプリケーション向け移動エージェントの相互運用
長谷川哲夫; 長健太; 大須賀昭彦; 粂野文洋; 中島震; 本位田真一
電気学会論文誌C, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 125, 8, 1296-1304, Aug. 2005, Peer-reviwed, A mobile agent is a one of important platform for applications for coming ubiquitous world. Many different kinds of mobile agent platforms have been developed. However, agents from one agent platform are generally not able to migrate into another agent platform. As a solution to this problem, we propose an interoperability concept using an Incarnation agent. The concept realizes logical mobility within different kinds of agent platforms. The Incarnation agent extracts an agent's procedures and status, compiling them into agent platform independent format and then re-compiling them to target agent platform format, thus enabling the process to continue. The Incarnation agent also has autonomy for interoperability. It manages complex migration for interoperability, so agent's procedure can be described in simple mobile model. Moreover, the Incarnation Agent modifies agent's procedures as applicable to facilities of target agent platform. This paper also reports an interoperability middle-ware and its examination. The middle-ware is a foundation of realizing the Incarnation Agent, and the response time and network traffic overheads by the interoperability middle-ware has been measured.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Development of Ubiquitous and Multi-Robot Applications Using Mobile Script Technology
Kouji Ueno; Takahiro Kawamura; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Miwako Doi
Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA2005), Workshop on Network Robot Systems Toward intelligent robotic systems integrated with environments, ICRTA2005 Workshop, Apr. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Application of the μplangent intelligent mobile agent architecture for embedded systems to the inspection of power systems
Kenta Cho; Yutaka Irie; Akihiko Ohsuga; Katsuhiko Sekiguchi; Shinichi Honiden
Systems and Computers in Japan, 36, 4, 60-70, Apr. 2005, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents a patrol agent for power systems based on the μPlangent intelligent mobile architecture operating on embedded devices. μPlangent is an architecture featuring intelligent autonomous operation on embedded systems with poor resources. The patrol agent offers flexible operation such as acquisition of related data in case of a fault. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Scientific journal, English - ユビキタス情報システムのためのマルチエージェントフレームワーク: Mobeet
Nobukazu Yoshioka; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden,Mobeet
LNCS 3508, Springer-Verlag, 18-35, Mar. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - Web services lookup: A matchmaker experiment
Takahiro Kawamura; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Massimo Paolucci; Katia Sycara
IT Professional, 7, 2, 36-41, Mar. 2005, Peer-reviwed, The development of Matchmaker, a discovery mechanism that enhances Universal description, discovery, and integration (UDDI) search functionality through the use of semantic information is discussed. Matchmaker uses semantic information to help users discover the capabilities of each service in a web service repository. The Web Service Semantic Profile (WSSP) is used to encode semantic information with Web Services Description Languages (WSDL). The three levels of matching identified by Matchmaker which include Exact match, Plug-in match and Relaxed match are also elaborated.
Scientific journal, English - 分散システム開発におけるモデル検査への視覚的支援手法
田原康之; 吉岡信和; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 46, 2, 459-469, Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Public Experiment and Evaluation of Semantic Web Service Matchmaker
Takahiro Kawamura; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Massimo Paolucci; Katia Sycara
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 20, 426-436, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Experiment with public deployment of the semantic service matchmaker to a UDDI registry for a year is described in this paper. UDDI is a standard registry for Web Services, but, its search functionality has been limited to a keyword search. Therefore, we propose an enhancement of UDDI, called Matchmaker, that supports semantic service capability discovery. Since September 2003, we have deployed the Matchmaker in one of four official UDDI registries operated by NTT-Communications. In this paper, we first introduce the Matchmaker, and illustrate client tools which lower the threshold of use of semantics. Then, we evaluate this experiment by benchmarks in terms of its performance and functionality. Finally, we discuss user requirements obtained by two ways: questionnaire and observation of search behavior. keywords: semantic web, web services, service discovery. © 2005, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - PicoPlangent: An intelligent mobile agent system for ubiquitous computing
K Cho; H Hayashi; M Hattori; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
INTELLIGENT AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 3371, 43-56, 2005, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes an intelligent mobile agent named picoPlangent that we developed for use with portable devices. picoPlangent is designed with a component-based architecture. The agent functions are implemented by a set of small components, and the arrangement of these components can be easily changed within the limits of the available resources of each portable device. Agent actions are described into the goal tree that realizes the flexible actions of the agent on portable devices. The picoPlangent architecture is simple and easy to implement on various devices. We implemented picoPlangent using J2SE on PCs, GCC on PDAs (Palm devices) and J2ME on cellulax phones (iAppli/ezPlus).
Scientific journal, English - Ubiquitous service finder discovery of services semantically derived from metadata in ubiquitous computing
T Kawamura; K Ueno; S Nagano; T Hasegawa; A Ohsuga
SEMANTIC WEB - ISWC 2005, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 3729, 902-915, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Metadata have been already given to most of the data and objects in the real world, such as books, foods, digital contents like movie, electric devices, and so forth. Further, they can be accumulated electronically by barcodes and RFIDs, which is expected to spread explosively in 2005. On the other hand, web services are getting popular in the internet, and UPnP services and ECHONET are penetrating into the home network. In our project, we propose a new handheld application called Ubiquitous Service Finder, in which user can intuitively browse as icons the metadata around him/her in a cellular phone, then invoke the services semantically related to the metadata by simple drag and drop operation.
Scientific journal, English - Web Services User Agent supporting interactions between mobile users and service flows
T Kawamura; A Ohsuga; T Terasaki
International Conference on Pervasive Services 2005, Proceedings, IEEE, 381-389, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Web Services is already an infrastructure for practical e-Business. At the same time, mobile devices such as smart phones and PDAs are widely used by end- users these days. In this paper, we focus on interactions between Web Services and the mobile devices during execution of a service flow. Frequent interactions decrease the usability of the service flow for the mobile users, and increase the total processing time and data amount. Thus, we propose an user agent who executes the service flow instead of the users. We first illustrate how the agent is automatically created for the service flow, then evaluate it on the user interaction, the processing time and the data amount. Finally we discuss its applicability to a standard Web Services flow language, BPEL.
International conference proceedings, English - Ubiquitous service finder discovery of services semantically derived from metadata in ubiquitous computing
T Kawamura; K Ueno; S Nagano; T Hasegawa; A Ohsuga
SEMANTIC WEB - ISWC 2005, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 3729, 902-915, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Metadata have been already given to most of the data and objects in the real world, such as books, foods, digital contents like movie, electric devices, and so forth. Further, they can be accumulated electronically by barcodes and RFIDs, which is expected to spread explosively in 2005. On the other hand, web services are getting popular in the internet, and UPnP services and ECHONET are penetrating into the home network. In our project, we propose a new handheld application called Ubiquitous Service Finder, in which user can intuitively browse as icons the metadata around him/her in a cellular phone, then invoke the services semantically related to the metadata by simple drag and drop operation.
Scientific journal, English - Development of knowledge-filtering agent along with user context in ubiquitous environment
T Takenouchi; T Kawamura; A Ohsuga
EMBEDDED AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING - EUC 2005 WORKSHOPS, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 3823, 71-80, 2005, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we propose combination of Ubiquitous Computing and Semantic Web. Data and services will be annotated even in the ubiquitous devices, and should be connected to the web of the semantics near future. We call it Ubiquitous Semantics, where we would find huge amount of knowledge information, but also find most of them transitive along with user context. Therefore, in order for an agent to meet user's real-time query it is required to efficiently retrieve timely and useful piece of the knowledge from the Ubiquitous Semantics. Thus, this paper shows a knowledge-filtering agent, which quickly responds the query by dynamic classification of the necessary information along with the user context changing in the real world. Further, to evaluate our approach we validate the performance of an application: Recipe Recommendation Agent.
Scientific journal, English - A multiagent framework for pervasive computing: The mobeet framework
Nobukazu Yoshioka; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 149, 3, 49-64, 30 Nov. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Pervasive computing is becoming a more important issue for open distributed systems. It is, however, hard to design such distributed systems when the user uses many kinds of terminals and migrates with these. This paper has proposed a new framework for pervasive computing. The framework includes three kinds of agents: User Interface Agents, Programmable Agents, and Service Mediation Agents. We can easily design a flexible distributed system by collaborating these agents. We also evaluate the framework from the flexibility point of view. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Scientific journal, English - Corporation between Robots and Ubiquitous Devices with Network Script "Flipcast"
Kouji Ueno; Takahiro Kawamura; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Miwako Doi
Proc. 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2004), Workshop on Network Robot System Toward intelligent robotic systems integrated with environments (TWF2), IROS2004 TWF2, Sep. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Pigeon: a Specification Language for Mobile Agent Applications
Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'04), IEEE Computer Society, 3, 1356-1357, Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Mobeet: A Multi-Agent Framework for Ubiquitous Information Systems
Nobukazu Yoshioka; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. 6th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS), Springer, LNCS3508, 19-35, Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Context-aware agent platform in ubiquitous environments and its verification tests
Masanori Hattori; Kenta Cho; Akihiko Ohsuga; Masao Isshiki; Shinichi Honiden
Systems and Computers in Japan, 35, 7, 13-23, 30 Jun. 2004, Peer-reviwed, This paper deals with the "ubiquitous personal agent," which distinctively provides information services to the individual user depending on his/her personal contexts. This is made possible by recognition of user contexts in ubiquitous environments through an agent technology used to realize context-aware intelligent environments. This agent technology consists of a "context reasoning agent" and a "lightweight intelligent mobile agent." The former is used for automatic recognition of various kinds of data and events which can be collected through realization of ubiquitous environments and of user "contexts." The latter executes appropriate decentralization of a large variety of personalization-related processing activities between various devices and server systems existing in the ubiquitous environments. In this paper, the details of the agent technology used are discussed and its effectiveness is confirmed by evaluation in tests of agent service using home information appliances already available on the domestic market. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Scientific journal, English - 動的環境で動作するエージェントのための新HTNプラニングフレームワーク
林久志; 長健太; 大須賀昭彦
人工知能学会論文誌, 19, 4, 265-278, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - ユビキタス環境とWebサービスを仲介するミドルエージェントの開発
寺崎達也; 中井戸健至; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
人工知能学会論文誌, 19, 4, 343-350, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - パーベイシブコンピューティングのためのマルチエージェントフレームワーク: Mobeetフレームワーク
N. Yoshioka; A. Ohsuga; S. Honiden
Electrical Engineering in Japan,John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Vol.149, Issue 3, 49-64, Mar. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - セキュリティを考慮したモバイルエージェントシステム構築法
吉岡信和; 大須賀昭彦; 田原康之; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌掲載予定, Mar. 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - パターンを用いたセキュアなモバイルエージェントシステム設計法
吉岡信和; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 45, 3, 842-857, Mar. 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Development of middle agents mediating ubiquitous environment and web services
Tatsuya Terasaki; Takeshi Nakaido; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga; Mamoru Maekawa
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 19, 4, 343-350, 2004, Peer-reviwed, According to the widespread use of Web Services, composition of multiple services is becoming a main issue. BPEL was proposed as a Web Services workflow language in this context. Then, in many cases we need much interactions between a service requester and a BPEL process execution engine. However for the end user under the ubiquitous environment where the service is executed with a cellular phone or PDA, the interaction means simply a burden. The reason is: (1)it is hard to carry out the operation manually,(2)a network connection is unstable, (3)a connection charge is relatively high.In this paper, we propose middle agents between ubiquitous users and Web Services. The agents analyze BPEL, extract the interaction which the ubiquitous users would need, then produce action operators. It makes a plan in order to achieve a service request from the user. Here the planning agent can reduce operations of the user by collecting the necessary information at the beginning which will be inputted during the IP execution. We show the architecture of the agents and an example regarding ATM service, then evaluate the number of inputs, the performance, and the quantity of data transmitted on network. Finally, we consider adaptability of this approach to generic BPEL flow.
Scientific journal, Japanese - A new HTN planning framework for agents in dynamic environments
Hisashi Hayashi; Kenta Cho; Akihiko Ohsuga
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 19, 4, 265-278, 2004, Peer-reviwed, In a dynamic environment, even if an agent makes a plan to obtain a goal, the environment might change while the agent is executing the plan. In that case, the plan, which was initially valid when it was made, might later become invalid. Furthermore, in the process of replanning, it is necessary to take into account the side effects of actions already executed. Nowadays, HTN planning is becoming popular among agent researchersbecause its task decomposition algorithm is efficient and suitable for joint planning in multi-agent systems. However, the dynamic replanning algorithm of HTN planninghas not yet been established.In order to solve this problem, we have previously presented an agent life cyclethat integrates HTN planning, action execution, knowledge updates, and plan modification. In that agent life cycle, the plans are always kept valid according to the most recent knowledge and situation. However, when one plan does not workand the agent starts using an alternative plan, it sometimes undoes some actions thatdo not have to be undone. The source of this problem lies inthe need to have total-order plans.In other words, all the actions have to be sequentially orderedeven when the order is not important in some parts of the plan. This paper extends our previous agent life cycle and presents new ways to avoid unnecessary action cancellation. This enables the agent to handle partial-order plans and to make use of two kinds ofundoing actions: sequential undoing actions and concurrent undoing actions.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Dynamic invocation model of web services using subsumption relations
S Nagano; T Hasegawa; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, ICWS2004, 150-156, 2004, Peer-reviwed, Enterprise information systems are currently developed as Web-based applications in the service-oriented architecture style, which is implied by the stack of Web services standards. One of the most critical aspects in enterprise information systems is to maintain their continuous operation as long as possible. Conventional service invocation mechanism identifies Web services with similar signatures found by a service discovery as distinctively different ones, resulting in the suspension of a service requester and the modification of its invocation procedures. In this paper we propose a reasonable solution to realize runtime invocation of Web services, regarding structural similarities in service signatures as subsumption relations of XML scheme. Given Web services with subsumed signatures, this solution enables a service requester to invoke the Web services by translating the scheme types of the invocation parameters.
International conference proceedings, English - A new HTN planning framework for agents in dynamic environments
H Hayashi; K Cho; A Ohsuga
COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC IN MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 3259, 108-133, 2004, Peer-reviwed, In a dynamic environment, even if an agent makes a plan to obtain a goal, the environment might change while the agent is executing the plan. In that case, the plan, which was initially valid when it was made, might later become invalid. Furthermore, in the process of replanning, it is necessary to take into account the side effects of actions already executed. To solve this problem, we have previously presented an agent life cycle that interleaves HTN planning, action execution, knowledge updates, and plan modification. In that agent life cycle, the plans are always kept valid according to the most recent knowledge and situation. However, it deals with only total-order plans. This paper extends the agent life cycle so that the agent can handle partial-order plans.
Scientific journal, English - エージェントフレームワークを用いた車載端末向け情報提供システムの構築と評価
服部正典; 長健太; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一; 深澤良彰
情報処理学会論文誌, 44, 12, 3024-3037, Dec. 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - ユビキタスパーソナライズエージェントによる買物支援サービスの実証実験
服部正典; 大須賀昭彦; 関俊文; 一色正男; 本位田真一
電気学会論文誌C, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 123, 11, 2010-2019, Nov. 2003, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a "Ubiquitous Personalize Agent" and it's application: "Shopping assistance service" for ubiquitous environments. Ubiquitous personalize agent is realized based on context reasoning technology. It can determine contexts of users by referring a lot of data which can be retrieved from devices in ubiquitous environments. We also have had an experimental trial of this service. In this paper, we state the technology, service, and evaluation on the experimental trial.
Scientific journal, Japanese - パーベイシブ・コンピューティングのためのマルチエージェントフレームワーク: Mobeet Framework
吉岡信和; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
電気学会論文誌C, 123, 8, 1473-1485, Aug. 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - モバイルエージェントアプリケーションのための仕様記述言語 Pigeon
田原康之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J86-D-I, 8, 532-542, Aug. 2003, Peer-reviwed, モバイルエージェント技術が普及するにつれて,実適用にあたり,例えば開放型のネットワーク上を動き回るため動作の把握が困難であることや,セキュリテイの確保が従来のシステムに比べて難しいなど,多くの問題が浮かび上がってきている.このような問題を解決する手段として,形式仕様技術が注目されており,モバイルエージェント向けの仕様記述言語や,そのための理論的基盤となる計算モデルがいくつか提案されている.しかし,モバイルエージェントアプリケーションの仕様を効果的に記述・利用するためには,その記述言語にもカスタマイズ機能や高度な記述能力が要求されるが,従来の言語では対応していない.そこで本論文では,モバイルエージェントアプリケーションの仕様記述に必要な,カスタマイズ機能や高度な記述能力を実現した言語Pigeonを提案する.Pigeonは,仕様記述言語として,動作仕様と要求仕様の分離や,前者から後者の体系へのモデル化を変更可能とすることにより,カスタマイズ機能を実現する.また,リフレクション機能により,高度な記述能力を実現する.また本論文では,Pigeonを電子カタログアプリケーションに適用し,更に他の言語と比較することにより,Pigeonの評価を行う.
Scientific journal, Japanese - ユビキタス環境におけるContext-Awareなパーソナルエージェントの構築とその実証実験
服部正典; 長健太; 大須賀昭彦; 一色正男; 本位田真一
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J86-D-I, 8, 543-552, Aug. 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - A Goal Model Elaboration for Localizing Changes in Software Evolution
Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'13), Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed - パターンを利用したセキュアかつ効率的なモバイルエージェントアプリケーション開発
田原康之; 吉岡信和; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 44, 6, 1483-1497, Jun. 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Development of Agent-Based Electronic Catalog Retrieval System
Shinichi Nagano; Yasuyuki Tahara; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 2003 International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (IAWTIC'2003), IAWTIC2003, Feb. 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Interoperability for mobile agents by incarnation agents.
Tetsuo Hasegawa; Kenta Cho 0001; Fumihiro Kumeno; Shin Nakajima 0001; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
The Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems(AAMAS), ACM, 1006-1007, 2003
International conference proceedings - A Multi Agent Framework for Pervasive Computing: Mobeet Framework
Nobukazu Yoshioka; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 123, 8, 1473-1485, 2003, Peer-reviwed, Pervasive computing is becoming a more important issue for open distributed systems. It is, however, hard to design such distributed systems when the user uses many kinds of terminals and migrates with these. This paper has proposed a new framework for pervasive computing. The framework includes three kinds of agents: User Interface Agents, Programmable Agents and Service Mediation Agents. We can easily design a flexible distributed system by collaborating these agents. We also evaluate the framework from flexibility point of view. © 2003, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Context-aware agent platform in ubiquitous environments and its verification tests
M Hattori; K Cho; A Ohsuga; M Isshiki; S Honiden
PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PERVASIVE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS (PERCOM 2003), IEEE COMPUTER SOC, PerCom2003, 547-552, 2003, Peer-reviwed, This paper deals with "Ubiquitous personal agent" that distinctively provides information services to the individual user depending on his/her personal contexts. In this paper, details about this agent technology as well as its effectiveness are discussed. The latter has been confirmed by verification tests using home information appliances already available in the domestic market.
International conference proceedings, English - Planning mobile agent architecture for realizing mobile intelligence
M Hattori; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
PDPTA'03: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-4, C S R E A PRESS, PDPTA2003, 1026-1032, 2003, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a planning mobile agent architecture proposed for mobile and ubiquitous network environments. Mobile agents in this architecture have mobile, planning, and meta-level control functionality, which can make mobile agents intelligent. The architecture addresses the problems of open network environments and adapts to unreliable networks. Stationary agents maintain distributed knowledge that is provided to the mobile agents.
International conference proceedings, English - Planning mobile agent architecture for open network environment
Masanori Hattori; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Systems and Computers in Japan, 33, 12, 58-66, 15 Nov. 2002, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a planning mobile agent architecture proposed for open network environments such as the Internet. Mobile agents in this architecture have mobile, planning, and meta-level control functionality, and address the locality, variability, and diversity problems to which open network environments are subject.
Scientific journal, English - オープン分散システムのためのマルチエージェントフレームワークの評価
Nobukazu Yoshioka; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
IEICE TRANS. FUNDAMETALS, VOL.E85-A, NO.11, 2396-2406, Nov. 2002, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - Evaluation of a multi agent framework for open distributed systems
N Yoshioka; T Kawamura; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E85A, 11, 2396-2406, Nov. 2002, Peer-reviwed, Interoperability between different systems is becoming a more important issue for open distributed systems. In this paper, we investigate what kind of framework we need for constructing open distributed systems. Firstly, we enumerate the features and functions which the framework should have. We then evaluate a proposed multi-agent framework, Bee-gent, by using a typical example of open distributed systems. Lastly, we show clearly what is required for such a framework.
Scientific journal, English - Speculative computation and action execution in multi-agent systems
Hisashi Hayashi; Kenta Cho; Akihiko Ohsuga
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Roskilde University, 70, 5, 161-174, Oct. 2002, Peer-reviwed, In some multi-agent systems, when an agent cannot retrieve information from another agent, the agent makes an assumption and tentatively performs the computation. When the agent comes across a mistake in the preliminary assumption, the computation is modified. This kind of speculative computation is effective when the assumption is correct. However, once the agent executes an action, it is impossible to modify the computation in these systems. This paper shows how to integrate speculative computation and action execution through logic programming. © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
International conference proceedings, English - Pattern based Design for Secure and Safe Mobile Agent Systems
N. Yoshioka; Y. Tahara; S. Honiden; A. Ohsuga
Artificial and Computational Intelligence (ACI 2002), 365-117, Sep. 2002
English - Speculative Computation and Action Execution in Multi-Agent Systems
Hisashi Hayashi; Kenta Cho; Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. ICLP Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA), Roskilde University, CLIMA2002, 136-148, Aug. 2002, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - IPEditor開発ツールとMobile UNITY言語の適用によるモバイルエージェントセキュリティの実現
田原康之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 43, 6, 1582-1597, Jun. 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Propagation and radiation field characteristics of nanometer electromagnetic waves in X-ray dielectric waveguides with random media
Takahiro Kawamura; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Toshifumi Seki; Akihiko Ohsuga; ShiN'Ichi Honiden
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 139, 3, 53-61, May 2002, Peer-reviwed, X-rays in the nanometer electromagnetic region are useful for nanospace fabrication, information and high-energy transmission and control techniques of angstrom-size structures in biomedical sciences and technology. In this paper, the electromagnetic fields in X-ray gradient fiber with random refractive index media are studied. Statistical mode conversion of beam propagation, beam broadening, and beam center are investigated by the stochastic process theory of electromagnetic fields. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr. Eng. Jpn.
Scientific journal, English - 組み込み機器向け知的移動エージェントμPlangentを用いた電力系統巡視システム
長健太; 入江豊; 大須賀昭彦; 関口勝彦; 本位田真一
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J85-D-I, 5, 465-475, May 2002, Peer-reviwed, 本論文では,組込み機器上で動作する知的移動エージェントμPlangentを用いて実現した,電力系統の巡視エージェントについて述べる.μPlangentは,資源の少ない組込み機器上を移動し,知的な自律動作を行うことを特徴とするエージェントシステムであり,異常発見時の関連情報の取得などの柔軟な動作を,巡視エージェントにおいて実現している.
Scientific journal, Japanese - パターンを利用したセキュアかつ効率的なモバイルエージェントアプリケーション開発
田原康之; 吉岡信和; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会, 43-50, Mar. 2002, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - Development of Distributed Power Outage Scheduling System by Using Bee-gent
Takahiro Kawamura; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Toshibumi Seki; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Electrical Engineering in Japan, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 139, 3, 62-72, Mar. 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Mobile agents and logic programming
H Hayashi; K Cho; A Ohsuga
MOBILE AGENTS, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2535, 32-46, 2002, Peer-reviwed, In many mobile agent systems, it is normal for mobile agents to be uninformed about the environment of a computer until they actually arrive at the computer. If the environment of computers is updated frequently, it is even more difficult to execute actions as expected. This paper introduces a new procedure for mobile agents that work in such dynamic world. The new procedure smoothly integrates planning, action execution, knowledge updates, and plan modifications.
Scientific journal, English - 開放型分散環境におけるプランニングモバイルエージェントアーキテクチャの提案
服部正典; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J84-D-I, 8, 1169-1180, Aug. 2001, Peer-reviwed, 本論文では開放型分散環境におけるプランニングモバイルエージェントアーキテクチャの提案を行う. プランニングモバイルエージェントは, 開放型分散環境がもつ局所性, 可変性や多様性といった特性に起因する様々な問題点に対して有効に機能する柔軟なソフトウェアアーキテクチャを実現する.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Designing multi-agent systems based on pairwise agent interactions
T Kawamura; S Joseph; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E84D, 8, 968-980, Aug. 2001, Peer-reviwed, Systems comprised of multiple interacting mobile agents provide an alternate network computing paradigm that integrates remote data access, message exchange and migration; which up until now have largely been considered independently. On the surface distributed systems design could be helped by a complete specification of the different interaction patterns, however the number of possible designs in any large scale system undergoes a combinatorial explosion. As a consequence this paper focuses on basic one-to-one agent interactions, or paradigms, which can be used as building blocks; allowing larger system characteristics and performance to be understood in terms of their combination. This paper defines three basic agent paradigms and presents associated performance models. The paradigms are evaluated quantitatively in terms of network traffic, overall processing time and size of memory used, in the context of a distributed DB system developed using the Bee-gent Agent Framework. Comparison of the results and models illustrates the performance trade-off for each paradigm, which axe not represented in the models, and some implementation issues of agent frameworks. The paper ends with a case study of how to select an appropriate paradigm.
Scientific journal, English - パターンを使った安全で効率のよいモバイルエージェントアプリケーションの再利用
Yasuyuki Tahara; Nobukazu Yoshioka; Akihiko Ohsuga
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 26 , Issue 3, 78-85, Mar. 2001, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - Planning Mobile Agent Architecture for Open Network Environment
Masanori Hattori; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. Symposium on Software mobility and adaptive behavior (AISB'01), AISB2001, 73-80, Mar. 2001, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Security for mobile agents
Nobukazu Yoshioka; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer, 1957, 223-234, 2001, Peer-reviwed, In view of the proliferation and expansion of wide-area open networks such as the intranets and extra-nets, agent technology is attracting greater attention. However, as yet there is well-established and widely used method of developing safe and secure agent systems. In this paper, we propose a methodology that supports the step-by-step development of mobile agent systems while ensuring consideration of security issues. This approach results in a robust infrastructure for practical system development, and by supporting calculation of various costs allows efficiency and security tradeoffs to be objectively evaluated. © 2001 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
International conference proceedings, English - Behavior patterns for mobile agent systems from the development process viewpoint
Y Tahara; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AUTONOMOUS DECENTRALIZED SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, ISADS2001, 239-242, 2001, Peer-reviwed, As wide-area open networks like the Internet and intranets grow larger mobile agent technology is attracting more attention. Agents are units of software that can deal with environmental changes and the various requirements of open networks through features such as autonomy: mobility: intelligence, cooperation, and reactivity? However; since the usual development methods of the agent systems are not sufficiently investigated, the technology is not yet widespread. In the previous papers, we introduced behavior patterns for mobile agent systems and the development method The behavior patterns represent typical and recurring structures and behaviors of agents. The patterns are classified according to their appropriate architectural levels and the degree to which they depend on specific agent platforms. In this paper we evaluate the advantages of our method from the development process viewpoints. Our evaluation focuses on the development efficiency: the applicability, the extensibility and the understandability of our method.
International conference proceedings, English - Proposal of semantics-based Web service matchmaking
T Kawamura; T Hasegawa; A Ohsuga; J Yamamoto
ICCIMA 2001: FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, ICCIMA2001, 87-92, 2001, Peer-reviwed, Web services and Web applications are expected to grow rapidly in near future. Thus the demand for a search engine for Web services in the Internet will become increasingly significant. Nowadays there are extensive efforts underway to make such a mechanism like UDDI. The mechanism, however, has no matchmaking functionality to find services which match a given service interface. Therefore, we propose a method to find similarity among service interfaces. In this paper, we represent semantics of service interfaces in a logical format, and show the method to determine whether any pairs of services semantically match.
International conference proceedings, English - マルチエージェントフレームワークBee-gentを用いた電力停止計画向け分散スケジューリングシステムの開発
川村隆浩; 長谷川哲夫; 関俊文; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
電気学会論文誌C, 電気学会, 120, 12, 2003-2011, Dec. 2000, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Bee-gent: Bonding and Encapsulation Enhancement Agent Framework for Development of Distributed Systems
Takahiro Kawamura; Yasuyuki Tahara; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Systems and Computers in Japan, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 31, 13, 42-56, Dec. 2000, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - A Methodology for Safety of Mobile Agents
Nobukazu Yoshioka; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. International ICSC Symposium on Multi-Agents and Mobile Agents in Virtual Organizations and E-Commerce (MAMA'2000), International ICSC Congress Intelligent Systems & Applications (ISA'2000), ISA2000, Dec. 2000, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Agent Communication Language Patterns and Their Tool Support
Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. International ICSC Symposium on Multi-Agents and Proc. Mobile Agents in Virtual Organizations and E-Commerce (MAMA'2000), International ICSC Congress Intelligent Systems & Applications (ISA'2000) & Applications (ISA'2000), ISA2000, Dec. 2000, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Intelligent Mobile Agent System on the Internet
Shinichi Honiden
SSGRR 2000, International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet, Aug. 2000, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Safety and Security in Mobile Agent
Nobukazu Yoshioka; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-2000), Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE), W16, Springer, AOSE2000, LNCS1957, 223-234, Jun. 2000, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Autonomous adaptation by mobile agent and thesaurus
F Kumeno; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E83D, 4, 679-690, Apr. 2000, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes the architecture to implement an application in network environments, which adapts to unexpected change in the development phase. In this architecture, an application is expressed as an agent which consists of two layers: base level and meta level. The base level program is an application program and the meta level program is the program that controls the execution of the base level and changes the base level program. Virtual places are also provided in the network. They are used for the release of programs and information which agents retrieve to change their own base level program. An application (or an agent), when a change is required, moves from places to places far the retrieval of programs to adapt to the change. A program search strategy is introduced to adapt to changes by using distributed thesauri of released programs, which realizes an agent's program retrieval method in network environments.
Scientific journal, English - セーフティ・セキュリティを考慮したモバイルエージェントの開発法,オブジェクト指向シンポジウム2000
吉岡信和; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会, 33-40, Mar. 2000, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - Development of a distributed cooperative scheduling system based on negotiations between scheduling agents
Takahiro Kawamura; Naoki Kase; Dai Araki; Akihiko Osuga
Systems and Computers in Japan, Scripta Technica Inc, 31, 1, 92-101, 2000, Peer-reviwed, Using a single concentrated scheduling system in a large-scale manufacturing system is problematic. As a result, scheduling systems are being introduced in departmental units, which has resulted in having to repeat schedule adjustments between departments whenever there is a change in one department. Therefore, the authors propose a horizontal distributed scheduling system to create speed and localization in schedule adjustments which occur frequently between departments by introducing a multiagent model to perform negotiations between schedulers by using each department's scheduler as an agent. The negotiations between schedulers in this system are characterized by defining the negotiation protocol which controls the flow of the negotiations so as to maintain consistency between schedulers and by introducing a mechanism to enable simultaneous execution of multiple negotiations so as to create speed in schedule adjustments. In addition, the authors evaluated the application of this system to scheduling problems in a real multiple work job shop. They confirmed that speed was achieved through simultaneous implementation of multiple negotiations while at the same time consistency in schedules was maintained via negotiations between schedulers.
Scientific journal, English - A directory server for mobile agents interoperability
Y Beppu; S Nakajima; F Kumeno; K Cho; T Hasegawa; A Ohsuga
FOURTH INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING CONFERENCE - PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, EDOC2000, 144-148, 2000, Peer-reviwed, This paper reports a directory server in a distributed middleware for realizing the interoperability between a wide variety of mobile agent systems. The ODP trader, an ITU-T recommendation for directory service, is customized for the specific requirements. The key ideas are (1) to extend the managed information so that program codes can be members, and (2) to provide Proxy Offer for utilizing services located outside the directory. Performance measurement shows that Proxy Offer is more efficient than dynamic property of the ODP trader in the current application.
International conference proceedings, English - Rental application to rental service development of advanced ASP framework
T Kawamura; T Hasegawa; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
FOURTH INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING CONFERENCE - PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, EDOC2000, 58-64, 2000, Peer-reviwed, We propose a new concept called Rental Service. Recently, Rental Application has been applied as ASP (Application Service Provider). For the next step in advancing ASP, we would prefer to provide Service which creates new functions, coordinating and facilitating already-existing functions, provided by many applications in the network. In this paper, we firstly made a list of problems for adding such Service into the current ASP systems. Then, we developed a framework as a solution to the problems, in which the Service itself is regarded as an agent. Moreover, we introduced a practical system developed by the framework and finally examined its effectiveness for the above problems through that practical case.
International conference proceedings, English - Quantitative evaluation of pairwise interactions between agents
T Kawamura; S Joseph; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
AGENT SYSTEMS, MOBILE AGENTS AND APPLICATIONS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 1882, 192-205, 2000, Peer-reviwed, Systems comprised of multiple interacting mobile agents provide an alternate network computing paradigm that integrates remote data access, message exchange and migration; which up until now have largely been considered independently. This paper focuses on basic one-to-one agent interactions, or paradigms, which can be used as building blocks; allowing larger system characteristics and performance to be understood in terms of their combination. This paper defines three basic agent paradigms and presents associated performance models. The paradigms are evaluated quantitatively in terms of network traffic, overall processing time and size of memory used, in the context of a distributed DB system developed using the Bee-gent Agent Framework. Comparison of the results and models illustrates the performance trade-off for each paradigm, which are not represented in the models, and some implementation issues of agent frameworks.
Scientific journal, English - ビヘイビアパターンに基づくモバイルエージェントシステム開発手法
田原康之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 40, 12, 4319-4332, Dec. 1999, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - InfoMirror: Agent-based Information Assistance to Drivers
Naoki Kase; Masanori Hattori; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC99), ITSC1999, 734-739, Oct. 1999, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Bee-gent:移動型仲介エージェントによる既存システムの柔軟な活用を目的としたマルチエージェントフレームワーク
川村隆浩; 長谷川哲夫; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J82-D-I, 9, 1165-1180, Sep. 1999, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Agent System Development Method based on Agent Patterns
Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. 4th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS'99), IEEE Computer Society, ISADS1999, 261-263, Mar. 1999, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Agent-based Drivers' Information Assistance System
M Hattori; N Kase; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
NEW GENERATION COMPUTING, SPRINGER VERLAG, 17, 4, 359-367, 1999, Peer-reviwed, "Drivers' Information Assistance System (DIA system)" is an ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) application framework that provides agent-based information assistance to drivers through car navigation systems or on-board PCs.
DIA system enables flexible information retrieval over the Internet using intelligent mobile agent, and incorporates a high-speed event delivery facility that makes real-time information service possible. The goal of the system is to provide up to the minute information and services related to driver needs, such as parking lot vacancy information. Crucial to making this a practical operation is the agent-based ability to access the network while the vehicle is in motion.
Scientific journal, English - Bee-Gent: Bonding and Encapsulation Enhancement AGent framework for development of distributed systems
Takahiro Kawamura; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proceedings - 6th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC 1999, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., APSEC1999, 260-267, 1999, Peer-reviwed, Interoperability between different systems is becoming a more important issue as computer networks expand. In this paper, we propose Bee-Gent (Bonding and Encapsulation Enhancement AGent), a distributed system development-framework that aims to provide coordination between RDBMSs, legacy systems, software packages, and so forth. The Bee-Gent coordination mechanism is an integration of interaction protocols that explicitly describe the relationship of the elements of a distributed system. Our approach is to split interaction protocols into the flow for the overall problem solving sequence and the location dependent local flow. Further mobile mediation aGents coordinate the behavior of each element according to the flow of the problem solving sequence. We present an example of system development using Bee-Gent that demonstrates how maintenance becomes simpler in the face of modifying the distributed system components.
International conference proceedings, English - Application of algebraic specification to verify the design of safety logic in nuclear power plants
A Fukumoto; T Hayashi; A Ohsuga; S Honiden; N Mori
NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, AMER NUCLEAR SOCIETY, 124, 3, 255-264, Dec. 1998, Peer-reviwed, A formal verification method using an algebraic specification technique is proposed, and its effectiveness is studied. A computerized automatic verification system, which utilizes an algebraic specification to describe system requirements and to prove an inductive theorem based on a term-rewriting technique for verification, is built and evaluated through experimentally verifying the logic design of a digital reactor protection system in boiling water reactors. The results show that the proposed method can mathematically correctly verify the logic design in a limited time, thereby improving accuracy and reducing person-hours for the verification.
Scientific journal, English - Flage: A programming language for adaptive software
F Kumeno; A Ohsuga; S Honiden
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E81D, 12, 1394-1403, Dec. 1998, Peer-reviwed, We propose a programming language, Flage, for building software systems which dynamically adapt to changing local situations. In our language, we construct applications by agents; concurrent mobile objects with the metalevel architecture. Metalevel programming facilities realize a self-control of an agent's actions and an autonomous adaptation to changes. We also introduce another kind of program element called field. A field represents a local situation around agents. For example, one field represents a virtual place to get local information in a network environment and another represents a virtual place where agents do cooperative works. If an agent enters a field, it gets programs and shared information in the field. By moving field to field, an agent can change its program composition by itself and it adapts to changing local situations. In this paper, we describe the language specification of Flage, the implementation of the platform for Flage programming and show some program examples.
Scientific journal, English - スケジューリングエージェント間の調整交渉に基づく分散協調型スケジューリングシステムの開発
川村隆浩; 加瀬直樹; 荒木大; 大須賀昭彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J81-D-I, 5, 505-513, May 1998, Peer-reviwed, 大規模生産システムにおいて, 単一の集中型スケジューリングシステムの導入は困難である.そのため現状ではスケジューリングシステムは部門単位で導入されており, 1部門で変更があるたびに部門間のスケジュール調整を繰り返さなければならないことが問題となっている.そこで我々は各部門のスケジューラをエージェントと見立て, スケジューラ間で調整交渉を行うというマルチエージェントモデルを導入し, 頻発する部門間のスケジュール調整における即応性や局所性を実現する水平型分散スケジューリングシステムを提案する.本システムにおけるスケジューラ間の調整交渉は, スケジューラ間の整合性を維持するために交渉の流れを制御する交渉プロトコルを規定した点と, スケジュール調整における即応性を実現するために複数交渉の同時実行を可能とするメカニズムを導入した点に特徴がある.また, 現実の多工程ジョブショップスケジューリング問題への適用と評価を行い, スケジューラ間の交渉によってスケジュールの整合性が維持されると同時に, 複数の同時進行によって即応性が実現できていることを確認した.
Scientific journal, Japanese - PLANGENT: An approach to making mobile agents intelligent
Akihiko Ohsuga; Yasuo Nagai; Yutaka Irie; Masanori Hattori; Shinichi Honidin
IEEE Internet Computing, 1, 4, 50-57, Jul. 1997, Peer-reviwed, To be practical, mobile agents must be "intelligent." The Plangent system enables mobile agents to make a plan based on user input and adapt it according to information gathered from the network.
Scientific journal, English - オブジェクト指向におけるリフレクションの代数的意味論
田原康之; 粂野文洋; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 38, 4, 826-834, Apr. 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Plangent -- An Intelligent Multiagent System for Network Computing
Yasuyuki Tahara; Masanori Hattori; Akihiko Ohsuga; Yasuo Nagai; Yutaka Irie; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. 2nd International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS'96), ICMAS1996, Dec. 1996, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 協調アーキテクチャに基づくソフトウェア・モジュールの仕様記述モデル
来間啓伸; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 37, 6, 1171-1186, Jun. 1996, Peer-reviwed, Connected to a network, a large number of computers can communicate each other and behave as one system. In such a system, since every subsystem may change at any time, it is not possible to understand the state of whole system at a time. Such a system is a continuously changing one, whose components are required to adapt the change of their environments autonomously. In this paper, we present a specification model for cooperating modules. In this model, each module is specified by communicating agents, and the adaptation of module to the change of environment is represented by dynamical change of communications between agents. Meta-level structures are used to describe flexible change of communications. Here, a meta-level description does not change the description of agent, but changes the interpretation of it, then the behaviour of the agent is statically understood. This model provides a way to describe independent modules and their adaptation to environments, and statical analysis of their behaviour.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Metis-AS: A Term Rewriting Based System for Algebraic Specifications
Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. 10th Japan-Germany Forum on Information Technology, ICMAS1996, Apr. 1996, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Formal Semantics of Agent Evolution in the Language Flage
Yasuyuki Tahara; Fumihiro Kumeno; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. 3rd Workshop on Formal Models of Agents (ModelAge'96), ModelAge1996, 271-282, Jan. 1996, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - An algebraic semantics of reflective objects
Yasuyuki Tahara; Fumihiro Kumeno; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, 1049, 173-189, 1996, Peer-reviwed, Reflection or metalevel architecture has received attention in recent years, since this approach provides functional extension and dynamic adaptation of computer systems. In this paper, we propose a technique to introduce reflection into a kind of algebraic system called rewriting logic. Since rewriting logic can model concurrent object-oriented systems, our technique enables modeling of reflective object-oriented systems including metaobjects and metaobject protocols. A framework for developing denotational semantics is given based on a category-theoretic model. We present some problems for finishing our semantics which remain unsolved.
International conference proceedings, English - MENDELS ZONE: A parallel program development system based on formal specifications
Shinichi Honiden; Akihiko Ohsuga; Naoshi Uchihira
Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, 38, 3, 181-189, 1996, Peer-reviwed, MENDELS ZONE is a formal specification-based practical parallel program development system on an MIMD machine with 64 processors. It has been applied to the several practical applications: one such application is described in formal specifications totalling 3700 lines, and the corresponding parallel programs generated from these formal specifications totals 6200 lines. MENDELS ZONE has several key aspects. First, an algebraic specification is used for the functional part of parallel programs and a temporal logic specification is used for the synchronization part of the parallel programs. Second, Petri nets and data-flow diagrams are adopted for visualization. Third, MENDELS ZONE has the following unique features from a parallel programming viewpoint. (1) The confluence property of the complete term rewriting system ensures the quality of non-deterministic execution in parallel programs
(2) Serialization in parallel programming is specified using propositional temporal logic
(3) Parallel implementation of theorem provers contributes to practical use.
Scientific journal, English - Evolutional Agents: Field Oriented Programming Language, Flage
Fumihiro Kumeno; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'95), IEEE Computer Society, APSEC1995, 189-198, Dec. 1995, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Automatic Verification of Consistency between Diagrams for Process Control
Toru Uraoka; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. Second IFAC Workshop on Safety and Reliability in Emerging Control Technologies, IFAC1995, 121-126, Nov. 1995, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - An Agent Oriented Language Plangent
Yasuyuki Tahara; Akira Kagaya; Akihiko Ohsuga; Yasuo Nagai; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. 10th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA'95), Workshop 1, Objects, Scripts and the Web, OOPSLA Workshop 1995, Oct. 1995, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - COOAD - A CASE TOOL FOR OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 5, 3, 367-389, Sep. 1995, Peer-reviwed, Although many CASE tools for object-oriented methods (OO CASE tools) have been proposed, few, if any, can verify that the constructed analysis and design models actually match the requirements of the system being developed. In order to realize this kind of verification, we propose a software development method amalgamating OO CASE tools and algebraic specification techniques. We are developing an experimental system named COOAD (CASE tool for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design) in order to examine the effectiveness of our proposition. COOAD supports object-oriented analysis and design, verification of the analysis and design, and generation of code. In this paper, we propose the software development method, introduce COOAD, and illustrate the facilities of COOAD with an example.
Scientific journal, English - Formal Semantics of Agent Evolution in Language Flage
Yasuyuki Tahara; Fumihiro Kumeno; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. France-Japan Workshop Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computing (OBPDC'95), Springer, OBPDC, LNCS1107, 329-348, Jun. 1995, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 代数的仕様を用いたソフトウェア開発支援環境:Metis-AS
大須賀昭彦; 坂井公; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 36, 5, 1192-1202, May 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 代数仕様技術によるオブジェクト指向分析設計の検証支援
山本純一; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, 36, 5, 1070-1080, May 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 代数仕様によるプラント機器保護論理の記述と検証
浦岡徹; 大須賀昭彦; 林俊文
情報処理学会論文誌, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 36, 2, 435-442, Feb. 1995, Peer-reviwed, A plant protection control logic is a logical specification of a plant protection system which shuts down equipment in case of anomalous conditions. For a safety system like a plant protection system, formal verification is desirable. We have been studying formal specifications, in particular algebraic specification methods. The advantage of algebraic specification methods is the possibility of automatically proving inductive theorems. However, it is not clear how to apply algebraic specification methods to the verification. Therefore we propose a verification method for a plant protection control logic using algebraic specifications. The design is described as a function on abstract data types, and the requirements are described as a Boolean type equations. Using the theorem proving procedure, we can verify that the design satisfies the requirements. In addition to that, we have conducted an experiment whereby we have verified a plant protection control logic of a real plant based on the method. This paper reports the verification method and how to apply the method to real design.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Refutationally Complete Inference Rules for Inductive Theorem Proving based on Term Rewriting Techniques
Akihiko Ohsuga; Ko Sakai; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. Int. Sympo. on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1994 (FGCS'94), Workshop on Automated Theorem Proving, FGCS1994 Workshop, Dec. 1994, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Object-oriented Analysis and Design Support System using Algebraic Specification Techniques
Junichi Yamamoto; Akihiko Ohsuga; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'94), IEEE, APSEC1994, 388-397, Dec. 1994, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Metis-ASにおける代数的仕様の検証手続き
大須賀昭彦; 坂井公; 本位田真一
情報処理学会論文誌, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 34, 11, 2242-2250, Nov. 1993, Peer-reviwed, We describe an implementation of a verification procedure for algebraic specifications. This procedure proves theorems in the initial algebra defined by fiven specifications, From the theoretical point of view, it can be seen as an adaptation of inductive theorem proving to many-sorted algebra. We focus on the techniques to improve the efficiency of the procedure and consider several remedies to avoid nontermination.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Flage: An Agent-oriented Specification Language
Akihiko Ohsuga; Yasuyuki Tahara; Fumihiro Kumeno; Shinichi Honiden
Proc. Int. Workshop on New Models for Software Architecture (IMSA'93), IMSA1993, Nov. 1993, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 等式論理の帰納的定理を証明する手続き
大須賀昭彦; 坂井公; 本位田真一
電子情報通信学会論文誌, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J76-D-I, 3, 130-138, Mar. 1993, Peer-reviwed, 等式論理の始モデルにおいて成立する式を等式論理の帰納的定理と呼ぶ.本論文では,帰納的定理を証明するための推論規則を与える.この推論規則に基づく証明手続きは,潜在帰納法と呼ばれる証明方法の拡張とみることができるが,向きづけのできない公理や定理を一般的に扱うことができ,更には,公理系に対応する完備な項書換え系が有限の要素で表現できない場合でも手続きを適用できる点が,従来の方法と異なる.推論規則は,反ばく的な意味での完全性をもつ.つまり,定理が正しくないときには,証明手続きによって常に反証が得られる.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 代数的仕様と時制論理によるリアルタイムSAとオブジェクト指向設計の融合手法
本位田真一; 大須賀昭彦; 内平直志
情報処理学会論文誌, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 33, 2, 173-182, Feb. 1992, Peer-reviwed, 本論文では形式的仕様記述手法が実用に供せられるための種々の課題に対して以下の解決案を示しているまず 分析フェーズにはりアルタイムSA 設計フェーズにはオブジェクト指向設計を採用し さらにフェーズ間の流れをできる限り自然にすることを試みているその際に データや機能に関する記述には代数的仕様 同期やイベントの記述には時制論理を適用するまた 代数的仕様による記述内容の検証には 項書換え系を採用し 正しさの保証されたプログラムを生成するために時制論理の定理証明系を採用する以上の過程を経て 最後にAdaのタスクを生成する
Scientific journal, Japanese - Δ-extension of Algebraic Specification
Kazuki Yoshida; Akihiko Ohsuga; Morio Nagata; Shinichi Honiden
J. Inf. Process., 15, 2, 177-186, Feb. 1992, Peer-reviwed
LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, SPRINGER VERLAG, 572, LNCS572, 197-209, 1992, Peer-reviwed, A unifier is a substitution that makes two terms syntactically equal. In this paper, we discuss a more semantical unifier: an equational unifier, which is a substitution that makes two terms equal modulo a congruence relation. As a result we will give a general procedure that enumerates a complete set of equational unifiers for a given pair of terms under a given congruence.
Scientific journal, English - Inductive Theorem Proving based on Term Rewriting
Akihiko Ohsuga
Proc. 1st German-Japanese Workshop on Deduction, GJWD1991, Oct. 1991, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - An Integration Environment to Put Formal Specifications into Practical Use in Real-Time Systems
Shinichi Honiden; Akihiko Ohsuga; Naoshi Uchihira
Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD'91), IEEE Computer Society, IWSSD1991, 102-109, Oct. 1991, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - E単一化子の完全集合を求める推論規則
大須賀昭彦; 坂井公
コンピュータソフトウェア(日本ソフトウェア科学会論文誌), 8, 3, 33-54, May 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - On Paraphrasing-based Analogical Reasoning -As a Theoretical Base of the Abductions Support System-
Ryohei Orihara; Akihiko Ohsuga; Yoichi Kusui
Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT'90), Springer/Ohmsha, ALT1990, 134-148, Oct. 1990, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 代数的仕様記述と図式仕様記述の相補的役割について
古川忠始; 本位田真一; 大須賀昭彦; 津田淳一郎
情報処理学会論文誌, 31, 2, 182-193, Feb. 1989, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - An Efficient Implementation Method of Reduction and Narrowing
Akihiko Ohsuga; Ko Sakai
Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Unification (UNIF'88), UNIF1988, Jul. 1988, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 推論型システム記述言語MENDEL
本位田真一; 内平直志; 大須賀昭彦; 粕谷利明
情報処理学会論文誌, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 27, 2, 219-227, Feb. 1986, Peer-reviwed, 知識プログラミング・システムはオブジェクト指向や 知識ベースなどを統合化したマルチパラダイム型言語であるが その適用分野として 単にエキスパート・システムの記述以外に シミュレータ記述 ソフトウェア仕様記述などに有効性が見いだされている.ソフトウェアの部品検索 プロトタイピング・ツールおよび知識ベースの効率的な検索への適用を主たる目的として論理型プログラミング言語を基底とした 並列型オブジェクト指向言語である推論型システム記述言語MENDEL(MEta iNferential system DEscription Language)を開発した.MENDELは 分散協調型問題解決システムや知識主導型シミュレータの記述も可能とする知識プログラミング・システムを目指したものである.その特徴は (1)メタ推論機能 (2)オブジェクト間の並列性 (3)C言語とのリンク (4)時制論理の表現である.MENDELの実現に際しては 開発の容易性を高めるために中間言語としてProlog にモジュールの並列性などを付加したD-Prolog (Distributed Prolog)もあわせて開発した.MENDELの適用として ソフトウェア・プロトタイピング・ツールおよびエキスパート・システムについて示している.
Scientific journal, Japanese
- 大規模条件付き画像生成モデルを用いたテキストによる出力制御可能なアイコン線画彩色
宮内洸希; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2023, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS2023), 信学技報, 123, 190, 201-206, Summary national conference - 音声と3DMMに基づくマスクを除去した顔画像の推定
赤塚哲丸; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2023, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS2023), 信学技報, 123, 190, 187-193, Summary national conference - 複数データソースを統合したアニメーション作品のナレッジグラフに基づく作品推薦
齋藤悠貴; 江上周作; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2023, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS2023), 信学技報, 123, 190, 172-179, Summary national conference - 化粧品レビュー文の特徴自動スコアリングを用いたレビュー文付きアイテム推薦の研究
馬場菜摘; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2023, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS2023), 信学技報, 123, 190, 167-171, Summary national conference - 擬人化タスクにおけるカラーパレットを用いた条件付き画像生成手法の挙動分析
徐江林; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2023, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS2023), 信学技報, 123, 190, 101-108, Summary national conference - 測定機器の誤差を利用した効果的な位置情報プライバシ保護手法の提案
石禾里帆; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2023, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS2023), 信学技報, 123, 190, 77-82, Summary national conference - 述語の意味によるクラスタリングを用いたシーングラフ生成
太田 雅輝; 鵜飼 孝典; 江上 周作; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦; 福田 賢一郎
Aug. 2023, 第60回人工知能学会セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会, SIG-SWO-060-02, 1-6, Japanese, Summary national conference - 深層強化学習による人間の補助を行う格闘ゲームAIの作成
山本拓実; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2023, 第15回 データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum), 5b-1-3, 1-8 - 深層強化学習によるNetHack攻略に関する研究
大貫泰弘; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2023, 第15回 データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum), 5b-1-2, 1-8 - アニメキャラクターの顔画像から全身画像への画像翻訳手法の検討
斎藤健三郎; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2023, 第15回 データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum), 4a-8-2, 1-4 - 深層学習を用いたスポーツ画像学習モデルによるスポーツピクトグラムの認識手法の提案
佐野景飛; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2023, 第15回 データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum), 4a-2-1, 1-3 - アジャイル開発プロジェクトにおける新人育成をサポートするタスク推薦システムの提案
黒木春伸; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2023, 第15回 データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum), 3b-5-2, 1-8 - Twitterにおけるアイコン画像と攻撃ツイートの関連性
田中智大; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2023, 第15回 データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum), 1b-2-2, 1-4 - 深層強化学習を用いた文章の言い換えによる駄洒落生成モデルの提案
南智仁; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2023, 第15回 データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum), 1a-7-1, 1-9 - サッカーにおけるフィールドの位置推定モデルの提案
熊倉多香音; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2023, 第15回 データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum), 1a-5-3, 1-9 - MLB試合データを用いた失点予測と継投計画の最適化
境田晃大; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2023, 第15回 データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum), 1a-4-5, 1-4 - シーングラフ生成におけるロングテール問題解決に向けたデータサンプリング手法の検討
太田 雅輝; 鵜飼 孝典; 江上 周作; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦; 福田 賢一郎
Mar. 2023, 第59回セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会, 2023, SWO-059, 09, Japanese, Summary national conference - l-多様性を満たすためのグルーピングとダミー追加を組み合わせたアルゴリズム
大石慶一朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Dec. 2022, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報122, 322 AI2022-47, 80-86 - GANによるデータ拡張を用いた多様なステージ生成
高田 宗一郎; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Nov. 2022, 第27回 ゲームプログラミングワークショップ, 81-87, Peer-reviwed - リンク予測を用いたソーシャルネットワークデータのk-匿名化手法の検討
菅井 理紗; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, 第21回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 第4分冊, 155-156 - サッカーにおけるゴール,アシストの情報とPitch Controlを用いた危険度可視化モデルの検討
神宮司 祐哉; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, 第21回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 第3分冊, 481-482 - 深層学習を用いたモバイルUIの視覚的重要性予測手法の提案
山本 愛海; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, 第21回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 第3分冊, 389-390 - クロスモーダルな埋め込み空間の学習による音声を入力とした表情画像生成
小関 虎太朗; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, 第21回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 第3分冊, 259-260 - StyleMapを用いたGAN反転による画像編集と評価
本田 爽; 折原 良平; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, 第21回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 第3分冊, 225-228 - StyleCLIPとセマンティックセグメンテーションを利用した背景画像の編集についての検討
石幡 柊介; 折原 良平; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, 第21回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 第2分冊, 221-224 - 2DアクションゲームにおけるGANによる多様なステージ生成手法の検討
高田 宗一郎; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, 第21回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 第2分冊, 501-504 - 歩行者を加味した深層強化学習による信号制御手法の提案
村田 顕祐; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, 第21回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 第2分冊, 479-482 - 深層学習を用いたTwitter上のツイートに対するファクトチェック支援手法の提案
竹井 拓実; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, 第21回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 第2分冊, 339-340 - 類似語を利用した複合語型隠語の検出
羽田拓朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2022, SMASH22 Summer Symposium 信学技報, 122, 186, AI2022-28, 58-63 - ネコからアニメキャラクターへの 画像翻訳手法の検討
徐江林; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, SMASH22 Summer Symposium, 情報処理学会研究報告 Vol.2022-ICS-205, 7, 1-5 - 人の存在確率を考慮した位置情報プライバシ保護手法の提案
石禾里帆; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, SMASH22 Summer Symposium 信学技報, 情報処理学会研究報告 Vol.2022-ICS-205, 1, 1-8 - 業界の関係性を考慮したアニメ作品の特徴量の再抽出
齋藤悠貴; 大須賀昭彦; 田原康之; 清雄一
Feb. 2022, 情報処理学会研究報告,Vol.2022-ICS-205, 2, 1-4 - レシピフローグラフによる調理後食材の抽出を用いたレシピのカロリー推定の検討
匹田祐平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, SMASH22 Summer Symposium 信学技報, 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2022-ICS-205, 13, 1-6 - 空間的なスタイル転送を利用したアイコン線画彩色
宮内洸希; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, SMASH22 Summer Symposium 信学技報, 情報処理学会研究報告, Vol.2022-ICS-205, 6, 1-7 - レビューテキストとアイテムスコアを用いた項目別スコアによるアイテム推薦手法の提案
馬場菜摘; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, SMASH22 Winter Symposium, 情報処理学会研究報告 Vol.2022-ICS-205, 14, 1-3 - Beat Cat ~ 人の動きを転移して猫を操る手法の提案 ~
赤塚哲丸; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, No.382, AI2021-20, 47-52 - 着手予測に基づくトレーディングカードゲームAIの提案
大河内幸太郎; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, No.382, AI2021-25, 77-82 - 深層強化学習を用いたサッカータスクにおける組織的な守備の獲得
酒井佑旗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, No.382, AI2021-24, 71-76 - 人のプレイを元にした深層強化学習による格闘ゲームAIの生成
安藤拓人; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, AI2021-13, 7-12 - 深層学習による汎用性の高いピアノリダクション自動生成技術
星雄輝; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, 382, AI2021-19, 41-46 - ファインチューニングを利用した少量音声からの訛りに注目した韻律転送の試み
徳島大河; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2022, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, No.382, AI2021-12, 1-6 - xGとPitch Controlを用いた危険度可視化モデルの検討
神宮司祐哉; 大須賀昭彦; 田原康之; 清雄一
Last, Dec. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, 298, 52-57 - 歩行者を加味した深層強化学習による信号制御手法の提案
村田顕祐; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Dec. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, 298, 46-51 - 伝播情報を加味した機械学習によるTwitter上のウワサ判別手法の検討
竹井拓実; 清雄一; 大須賀昭彦; 田原康之
Last, Dec. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, 298, 29-34 - StyleMapを用いた事前学習済みStyleGANによる画像編集
本田爽; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Dec. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報Vol.121, 298, 24-28 - StyleCLIPを応用した背景画像の生成 ~ 自然言語による潜在空間の編集 ~
石幡柊介; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Dec. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, 298, 7-11 - 深層学習を用いた2Dアクションゲームにおけるクリアしやすいステージの生成手法の検討
高田宗一郎; 大須賀昭彦; 田原康之; 清雄一
Last, Dec. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.121, 298, 1-6 - 深層学習による汎用性を考慮したピアノリダクションの自動生成
星雄輝; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2021, SMASH21 Summer Symposium - ファインチューニングを利用した少量音声からの韻律転送の試み
徳島大河; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2021, SMASH21 Summer Symposium - 遮蔽影を考慮した顔画像の逆レンダリング手法の提案
本田爽; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 71-75, Peer-reviwed - 遮蔽の影を考慮した自動着色システムの提案
石幡柊介; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 65-70 - 深層強化学習によるぷよぷよAI
高田宗一郎; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 59-64 - 人流を考慮した深層強化学習による信号制御手法の提案
村田顕祐; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 53-58 - 微小表情を考慮した顔表情に基づく映像授業理解度の評価
小関虎太朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 36-41 - アニメキャラクター風イラストの全身画像生成手法の提案
小笠原渚; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 30-35 - 機械学習を用いた経営コンサルタントへの問合せデータの分析
小松碧乃; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 24-29 - サッカーの試合映像からボールの検出とラインの強調によりプレーの位置を推定するモデル
神宮司祐哉; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 13-17 - ツイートの感情を考慮した映像作品の重要シーン検出
佐波美佳; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 7-12 - 機械学習によるTwitter上のウワサ判別手法の考察
竹井拓実; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 379, 1-6 - サッカータスクの協調行動獲得におけるカリキュラム学習を用いた強化学習
阿部宇志; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 362, 79-84 - 学内情報のナレッジグラフの洗練による欠損推定の考察
塚越雄登; 江上周作; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 362, 85-90 - IoT環境における機械学習のポイズニング攻撃に対して有害データの除去優先度を考慮した防御手法
千葉智樹; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 362, 73-78 - コーパス間での単語の類似語の差異を利用した複合語型隠語の検出
羽田拓朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 362, 50-55 - 画像と感圧情報を用いた冷蔵庫管理システムの提案
中野芙美; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会, 信学技報 Vol.120, 362, 24-28 - フェイクニュースの早期自動検出に向けたニュース記事コメント生成モデルの提案
栁裕太; 折原良平; 田原康之; 清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2021, 第17回テキストアナリティクス・シンポジウム, 信学技報 Vol.120, 374, 43-48 - 冷蔵庫内配置を意識した食材管理システムの開発
中野 芙美; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2020, SMASH20 Summer Symposium, 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-200, 12, 1-3 - 深層強化学習を用いたサッカータスクにおける行動獲得に関する考察
阿部 宇志; 折原 良平; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2020, SMASH20 Summer Symposium, 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-200, 5, 1-5 - IoT環境における機械学習のポイズニング攻撃に対して攻撃を逆利用した防御手法
千葉 智樹; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2020, SMASH20 Summer Symposium, 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-200, 7, 1-8 - 次元間の関係に着目したドメインオントロジーに基づく異種データ間の関連性発見
塚越 雄登; 江上 周作; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2020, SMASH20 Summer Symposium, 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-200, 10, 1-8 - 記事コメント生成によるフェイクニュースの早期検出
栁 裕太; 折原 良平; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2020, SMASH20 Summer Symposium, 情報処理学会研究報告 Vol.2020-ICS-200, 3, 1-6 - コーパス間での類似語の差異に着目したマイクロブログにおける隠語検出
羽田 拓朗; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Sep. 2020, SMASH20 Summer Symposium, 情報処理学会研究報告, Vol.2020-ICS-200, 2, 1-8 - コーパス間の単語の用途の差異に着目したマイクロブログにおける隠語検出
羽田拓朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Mar. 2020, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 情報・システム講演論文集1, 66 - IoT機器の通信機能を起点としたバックドア検知手法の提案
依田 みなみ; 櫻庭 秀次; 山本 純一; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Last, Mar. 2020, 情報処理学会セキュリティ心理学とトラスト研究会, 2020-SPT-36, 11, 1-5 - 階層型強化学習におけるサブゴール設定についての考察
大河内幸太郎; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2020, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-197, 12, 1-5 - 特殊詐欺音声を対象とした韻律的特徴量の考察
徳島大河; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2020, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-197, 2, 1-8 - CAMとGANを用いた人間とキャラクターの顔画像変換
川名晴也; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2020, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-197, 11, 1-6 - CycleGANを用いたゲーム音楽のシーン別変換
星雄輝; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2020, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-197, 8, 1-7 - プロサッカーチームにおける試合状況とボールリカバリーの関係の考察
相澤宏樹; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2020, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-197, 7, 1-8 - ソーシャルセンサの地域性を考慮したインフルエンザ流行予測
若松幸大; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2020, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-197, 4, 1-7 - フォロー関係を考慮したゲーム推薦
田村麻衣; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Feb. 2020, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 情報処理学会研究報告Vol.2020-ICS-197, 3, 1-5 - Adaptation Plan Policy in Traffic Routing for Priority Vehicle
Krishna Priawan; Hardinda; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Last, Nov. 2019, ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE), Peer-reviwed - Linked Dataを用いたカリキュラムベースの 多肢選択式問題自動生成手法の提案
奥原史佳; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2019, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2019), Peer-reviwed - サッカーのパス網分析における中心性測定の新指標
神畠正稔; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2019, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2019), Peer-reviwed - CycleGANによる音声の感情変換の実験的評価
安田 研二; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2019, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2019), Peer-reviwed - 機械学習モデルの解釈手法による競合を考慮したレビュー分析
小野川稜之; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2019, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2019), Peer-reviwed - Stacked U-NetによるCT画像再構成
水澤悟; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2019, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2019), Peer-reviwed - cGANを用いた線画の髪領域シェーディングスタイル転写手法の検討
逢澤昌志; 折原良平; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2019, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2019), Peer-reviwed - 自発性を考慮した音声による感情推定のための仮想敵対的学習によるモデル平滑化
桑原豊明; 折原良平; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2019, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2019), Peer-reviwed - 以前の調理工程を考慮し深層学習を用いた料理動画からのレシピ生成
藤井竜希; 折原良平; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2019, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2019), Peer-reviwed - 進化的計算での動的なアーキテクチャ変更と方策勾配法を用いた3次元制御タスクにおけるマルチタスク深層強化学習
今井翔太; 折原良平; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Last, Sep. 2019, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2019), Peer-reviwed - 都市問題LODと推論規則を用いた悪循環の発見
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 古崎晃司; 大須賀昭彦
Mar. 2018, 人工知能学会研究会資料, SIG-SWO-044-08, Japanese, Summary national conference - クラウドソーシングを用いた社会課題因果関係LODの構築
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 古崎晃司; 大須賀昭彦
Sep. 2017, 日本ソフトウェア科学会第34回大会, MACC3-1-L, Japanese, Summary national conference - A Method for Semi-automatic Construction of Illegally Parked Bicycle LOD with Causal Relations
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Kouji Kozaki; Akihiko Ohsuga
Feb. 2017, 人工知能学会研究会資料, SIG-SWO-041-10, Japanese, Summary national conference - Linked Dataによる楽曲特徴量の収集・分析基盤の構築
上原有里; 川村隆浩; 江上周作; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Sep. 2016, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS2016), 262-269, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Summary national conference - Estimation of Spatial-Missing Data for Expanding Illegally Parked Bicycle LOD
Shusaku Egami; Takahiro Kawamura; Akihiko Ohsuga
Sep. 2016, 人工知能学会研究会資料, SIG-SWO-039-06, Japanese - 社会課題解決に向けた循環型オープンデータ構築システムの提案
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2015, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2015 (JAWS2015), 274-281, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Summary national conference - Construction of Anonymized Neural Network Model with Differential Privacy
清 雄一; 大須賀 昭彦
[日本ソフトウェア科学会], 09 Sep. 2015, 日本ソフトウェア科学会大会論文集, 32, 5p, Japanese, 0913-5391, 40020657336, AN10158574 - Study about Mashup of the Services which are Provided by IoT Systems Built Individually
平山 秀昭; 鄭 顕志; 清 雄一; 大須賀 昭彦
Recently, M2M (Machine to Machine) or IoT (Internet of Things) is attracting attention. It connects everything in the real world to the Internet without operator's assistance. M2M or IoT has become familiar, because of miniaturization and connectivity of sensor devices. Then it is generating Big Data and becoming the driving force of realization of Smart City or Smart Community. If we can mashup the services of several M2M or IoT systems, we will be able to develop the systems which are producing greater value. But there are various problems to mashup the M2M or IoT systems. In this paper, we select an application domain of this mashup system and study its problems and solutions., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 26 Feb. 2015, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2015, 37, 1-6, Japanese, 110009884229, AN10116224 - D-9-25 Evacuation Plan Recommendation Using Miniblogs (2) : Application of Self-Adaptive System Approach
Tahara Yasuyuki; Ohsuga Akihiko; Kawamura Takahiro; Sei Yuichi; Nakagawa Hiroyuki; Yoshioka Nobukazu; Matsumoto Kazunori; Isshiki Masao
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 24 Feb. 2015, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2015, 1, 142-142, Japanese, 110009944927, AN10471452 - ミニブログを利用した避難行動推薦(2)―自己適応システム技術の適用―
田原康之; 大須賀昭彦; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 中川博之; 吉岡信和; 松本一教; 一色正男
24 Feb. 2015, 電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.D-9-25, Japanese, 1349-144X, 201502208196368301 - ミニブログを利用した避難行動推薦(3)―プライバシ保護データマイニングの適用―
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦; 田原康之; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 吉岡信和; 松本一教; 一色正男
24 Feb. 2015, 電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.D-9-26, Japanese, 1349-144X, 201502228082383700 - ミニブログを利用した避難行動推薦(1)―システム概要―
大須賀昭彦; 田原康之; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 中川博之; 吉岡信和; 松本一教; 一色正男
24 Feb. 2015, 電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.D-9-24, Japanese, 1349-144X, 201502275670535906 - Proposal of Worker Resources Development Method in Private Crowdsourcing Platform
芦川 将之; 川村 隆浩; 大須賀 昭彦
人工知能学会, 2015, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 29, 1-4, Japanese, 1347-9881, 40020497474, AA11578981 - Support system for smartphone application development based on analysis of user reviews
Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
A number of smartphone applications have been developed these days. However, it is difficult to develop smartphone applications without bugs because they are used in various platforms and environments. Moreover, requirements elicitation is also difficult because various persons may use the smartphone applications. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for eliciting requirements and detecting bugs early by analyzing user reviews posted in review site of smartphone applications., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 06 Nov. 2014, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2014, 4, 1-8, Japanese, 110009840462, AN10112981 - Data Collection for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
清 雄一; 大須賀 昭彦
15 Oct. 2014, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2014論文集, 2014, 2, 909-916, Japanese, 170000087360 - BOMエージェントの実現に向けたLODの構築
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 藤井章博; 大須賀昭彦
Oct. 2014, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2014 (JAWS2014), 115-118, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Summary national conference - Music Recommender Adapting Implicit Context Using 'renso' Relation among Linked Data
Mian Wang; Takahiro Kawamura; Yuichi Sei; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
The existing music recommendation systems rely on user's contexts or content analysis to satisfy the users' music playing needs. They achieved a certain degree of success and inspired future researches to get more progress. However, a cold start problem and the limitation to the similar music have been pointed out. Therefore, this paper proposes a unique recommendation methodusing a 'renso' alignment among Linked Data, aiming to realize the music recommendation agent in smartphone. We first collect data from Last.fm, Yahoo! Local, Twitter and LyricWiki, and create a large scale of Linked Open Data (LOD), then create the 'renso' relation on the LOD and select the music according to the context. Finally, we confirmed an evaluation result demonstrating its accuracy and serendipity.------------------------------This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal ofInformation Processing(JIP). This preprint should not be cited. Thisarticle should be cited as: Journal of Information Processing Vol.22(2014) No.2 (online)DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.22.279------------------------------The existing music recommendation systems rely on user's contexts or content analysis to satisfy the users' music playing needs. They achieved a certain degree of success and inspired future researches to get more progress. However, a cold start problem and the limitation to the similar music have been pointed out. Therefore, this paper proposes a unique recommendation methodusing a 'renso' alignment among Linked Data, aiming to realize the music recommendation agent in smartphone. We first collect data from Last.fm, Yahoo! Local, Twitter and LyricWiki, and create a large scale of Linked Open Data (LOD), then create the 'renso' relation on the LOD and select the music according to the context. Finally, we confirmed an evaluation result demonstrating its accuracy and serendipity.------------------------------This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal ofInformation Processing(JIP). This preprint should not be cited. Thisarticle should be cited as: Journal of Information Processing Vol.22(2014) No.2 (online)DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.22.279------------------------------, 15 Apr. 2014, 情報処理学会論文誌, 55, 4, English, 1882-7764, 110009752428, AN00116647 - A Requirements Analysis Method for potential customers with Morphological Analysis
GIRIER Yoko; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
12 Mar. 2014, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2014, SE-183, WEB ONLY VOL.2014-SE-183,NO.8, Japanese, 201502244743519049 - Construction and Management of High-quality Private Crowdsourcing Platform
芦川 将之; 川村 隆浩; 大須賀 昭彦
人工知能学会, 2014, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 28, 1-4, Japanese, 1347-9881, 40020082940, AA11578981 - An Algorithm of k-anonymization for Location Information with Errors
SEI Yuichi; OHSUGA Akihiko
Data mining can support effective marketing or advertisement based on user' attributes such as sex, age, and current location. However, attackers can identify specific user's attributes if they know the user's location. A lot of approaches for anonymization such as k-anonymity have been proposed to tackle this problem. Existing studies, however, do not take errors of the location information into consideration. Therefore, there is a risk that a specific user's attribute can be identified by an attacker even if their information are anonymized. Moreover, the utility measure proposed in existing studies does not consider errors of the location information. We propose a novel privacy measure and a utility measure that can treat the errors of the location information and propose a method to anonymize the information of users' locations. By simulations, we prove our proposed method can improve the utility of the anonymized information and reduce the risk of the user's attribute being identified., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 28 Nov. 2013, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 113, 332, 41-46, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110009902867, AN10013061 - C/S型オンラインゲームの自己適応化に向けたMAPEループ構成パターンの提案
山縣慧; 中川博之; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
27 Nov. 2013, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM), 2013, 6, ROMBUNNO.11, Japanese, 1882-0840, 201402287049245466 - Toward Self-Adaptation of the Automatic Cleaning Robot
工藤拓光; 中川博之; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
26 Nov. 2013, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2013, EMB-31, WEB ONLY VOL.2013-EMB-31,NO.5, Japanese, 201502292254822230 - A Study of the Application of Model Checking to Embedded Software Based on Interrupt Processing
SASAKI Takanori; YOSHIOKA Nobukazu; TAHARA Yasuyuki; OHSUGA Akihiko
Detecting errors from incorrect interrupt processing when testing embedded systems is difficult because same scenario can not be reproduced. It is possible to resolve the problem using Model Checking. However there are not enough researches to suggest that Model Checking is effective and practical for hardware-dependent systems. In this paper, we clarify the necessity of the system modeling including hardware and propose the framework of interrupt processing designed by Promela language. This method was applied for ARP protocol behavior and confirmed that it is able to execute the Model Checking effectively for the software engineers who don't know the hardware systems and model checking., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 12 Sep. 2013, Technical report of IEICE. KBSE, 113, 215, 19-24, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110009824818, AN10386841 - A Proposal of Calculation Method of Surprising Value of Recipe Based on Ingredient
池尻恭介; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
05 Sep. 2013, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 113, 214(DE2013 33-48), 1-6, Japanese, 0913-5685, 201302209122592627 - L-014 Anonymized Data Collection for Attributes Containing Errors
Sei Yuichi; Ohsuga Akihiko
Forum on Information Technology, 20 Aug. 2013, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 12, 4, 227-234, Japanese, 110009814049, AA1242354X - 不正確さを考慮した位置匿名化手法の提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
03 Jul. 2013, マルチメディア、分散協調とモバイルシンポジウム2013論文集, 2013, 2044-2052, Japanese, 170000080068 - Towards Legal Requirements Elicitation and Modeling using Templates
吉田 豊; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
行政機関における各種業務システムは,法令に基づいた業務を処理することから,法令を遵守したシステムを開発する必要がある.しかし,法令の条文は自然言語で記述され,曖昧性や複雑性のみならず,関連する規定が膨大で理解が困難となっている.法令からの要求獲得においてはオントロジーを用いる手法等が提案されているが [1],その構築の困難さ等において実用面での課題がある.そこで本稿では,テンプレートを用いた法的要求抽出及び抽出した要求のモデリングを実現するための手法を提案する.There is a need for a system development that must be complied with law in government sectors, because their administrative activities are based on law. However, legal texts are written in natural language with ambiguities, complexities and also have a lot of articles that makes engineers hard to understand. Related work in requirements elicitation from legal texts includes approaches using ontology[1]. However there are difficulties to make ontology on practical use. In this paper we present an initial approach for requirements elicitation from legal texts using templates and a modeling technique from those elicited requirements., 04 Mar. 2013, 研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE), 2013-SE-179, 27, 1-8, Japanese, 110009550830 - Considerations on an Embedded Board Emulator Development Efficiency Method Based on Goal-oriented Requirements Analysis
GIRIER Yoko; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
15 Feb. 2013, 情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2012, 5, ROMBUNNO.OS-123,NO.11, Japanese, 2186-2583, 201302267669724625 - Verification by model checking for resource contention issues by the Web applications with asynchronous communication
都丸卓也; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
21 Jan. 2013, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 112, 419(KBSE2012 58-68), 53-58, Japanese, 0913-5685, 201302287354132119 - Common Goal Identication for Software Reuse
中村 祐貴; 本田 耕三; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
17 Jan. 2013, ウィンターワークショップ2013・イン・那須 論文集, 2013, 61-62, Japanese, 170000074384 - CGMにおける炎上の同定とその応用
岩崎祐貴; 折原良平; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
2013, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, ROMBUNNO.1J3-OS-22A-4, Japanese, 1347-9881, 201302261692605350 - Linked Dataを用いたソーシャルメディア×マスメディアの比較実験
田代和浩; 王冕; 越川兼地; 西村悟史; 森田武史; 長野伸一; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
2013, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, ROMBUNNO.2N1-OS-10D-3, Japanese, 1347-9881, 201302293901224856 - Distributed Anonymization with Limited Range of User Presence/Absence and Evaluation with Medical Information
竹之内 隆夫; 川村 隆浩; 大須賀 昭彦
23 Oct. 2012, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2012論文集, 2012, 3, 525-532, Japanese, 170000072730 - O-003 Consideration of problems and measures of system configuration and management in cloud computing environment
中林 寿文; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Forum on Information Technology, 04 Sep. 2012, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 11, 4, 351-354, Japanese, 110009622240, AA1242354X - Requirements Analysis Models to Integrate Requirements Specifications for Software Product Lines
GIRIER Yoko; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
15 Aug. 2012, 情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2012, 2, ROMBUNNO.SE-177,NO.1, Japanese, 2186-2583, 201202253315000184 - Improving Recommendation Novelty based on Tag Cluster Diversification
藤原誠; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
15 Apr. 2012, 情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2011, 6, ROMBUNNO.ICS-167,NO.4, Japanese, 2186-2583, 201202224489492698 - 特定ユーザの作曲ログデータと付加情報を用いた作曲支援
金子裕司; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
08 Mar. 2012, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2012, 3 (CD-ROM), ROMBUNNO.3EXB-36, Japanese, 1344-0640, 201202210976191848 - Proposal of Distributed Anonymization Protocol for Privacy Preserving Data Mining
竹之内 隆夫; 川村 隆浩; 大須賀 昭彦
人工知能学会, 2012, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 26, 1-4, Japanese, 1347-9881, 40020290104, AA11578981 - Design Technique for Self-adaptive Systems Using Architecture Description Language
堀越永幸; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
15 Jun. 2011, 情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2011, 1, ROMBUNNO.SE-172,NO.8, Japanese, 2186-2583, 201102220123994213 - A Proposal for Building Semantic Network by Mining Human Activity from Web
NGUYEN The-Minh; ITOU Masahiro; KAWAMURA Takahiro; TAHARA Yasuyuki; OHSUGA Akihiko
The final goal of this paper is to help computers recommend the most suitable action patterns based on user's behaviors. To realize this goal, it is necessary to have a collective intelligence of action patterns. Additionally, we need to understand how to collect activity data, how to express or define each activity. Since it will take a large cost, it is not practical to build this collective intelligence of action patterns in advance. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel approach, which can automatically build the collective intelligence of action patterns by mining human activities from web., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 19 May 2011, IEICE technical report, 111, 70, 39-44, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110008726043, AN10013061 - シーソー型インタフェースを用いた評判比較システムの開発
田中俊行; NGUYEN The‐Minh; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
03 Mar. 2011, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2011, 3, 479-482, Japanese, 1344-0640, 201102230578201543 - スマートフォン向け植物推薦サービスGreen‐Thumb Phoneの開発~モバイルセンサーと拡張現実を用いた植栽環境との調和性推定~
三代謙仁; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
03 Mar. 2011, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2011, 3, 449-452, Japanese, 1344-0640, 201102240785865295 - 未知性と意外性を考慮したイラスト推薦システムの提案:3D表示を用いたイラスト推薦インターフェース
住元宗一朗; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
03 Mar. 2011, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2011, 3, 519-522, Japanese, 1344-0640, 201102263366784714 - インタラクション・シーケンスに着目したユーザの商品検索の目的の抽出に関する検討と実装
VA Kora; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
03 Mar. 2011, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2011, 3, 577-580, Japanese, 1344-0640, 201102273725190154 - Automatic Extraction of Human Activity Attributes from Twitter
MINH THE Nguyen; KAWAMURA Takahiro; TAHARA Yasuyuki; OHSUGA Akihiko
The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all basic attributes namely actor, action, object, time and location which belong to an activity, in each sentence retrieved from Twitter. Previous work had some limitations, such as inability of extracting infrequent activities, high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and automatically makes its own training data. This approach can extract infrequent activities, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and unnecessary hand-tagged data., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 18 Jun. 2010, IEICE technical report, 110, 105, 19-23, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110007890098, AN10013061 - 人工知能と知識処理に関する研究最前線 -いかにオントロジーの鮮度を保つか-
May 2010, 電子情報通信学会 情報・システムソサエティ誌, 15, 1, 10-11, Japanese, Introduction other - ニコニコ探検くらぶ:ソーシャルアノテーションとキーワード群に基づく動画要約
多胡厚津史; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
22 Feb. 2010, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2010, 4, 47-50, Japanese, 1344-0640, 201002287103896770 - モデル検査によるAjaxアプリケーション検証
玉田和洋; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
21 Jan. 2010, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2010, 3, 139-140, Japanese, 1344-0640, 201002274426324801 - Self-Supervised Mining Human Activity from the Web
MINH THE Nguyen; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
15 Jan. 2010, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 109, 386(AI2009 19-29), 19-24, Japanese, 0913-5685, 201002249387820990 - CGMからの自己教師あり学習と条件付確率場を用いた人間行動マイニング
THE Nguyen Minh; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
2010, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 24th, ROMBUNNO.1D1-3, Japanese, 1347-9881, 201002275210703448 - ソフトウェアエージェントとその応用論文特集の発行にあたって
Nov. 2009, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, J92-D, 11, 1-2, Japanese, Introduction other - Ontology-based Measuring of Semantic Similarity between Documents
MIZOGUCHI Yumiko; NAGANO Shinichi; INABA Masumi; KAWAMURA Takahiro; OHSUGA Akihiko
This paper proposes techniques for measuring semantic similarity between documents. We use ontology to make a machine understand the meaning of a word. Our system measures similarity based on the distance between a pair of nodes. The words extracted from two documents for comparison are mapped to the nodes. In this paper, we focused on two processes. The first is a measuring similarity between a pair of nodes in ontology. The second is a method of aggregating the results of the similarity of each node. Human intuition is influenced not only by a distance between nodes but also by a structure of the ontology. In the ontology of the domain of the real world, the depth and width of a node's descendant are not uniform. Furthermore, a more important word influences human judgment more strongly. Our approach improved the correlation coefficient between the proposed approaches and human judgment by considering these human intuitions., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 15 May 2009, IEICE technical report, 109, 51, 1-6, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110007331753, AN10013061 - Development of Ontology Building Service ONTOMO Evaluation of instance recommendation prototype
SHIN I; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
09 Jan. 2009, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 108, 382(AI2008 41-44), 13-19, Japanese, 0913-5685, 200902294308436140 - JAWSの発展とエージェント分野への寄与
木下哲男; 横尾真; 北村泰彦; 菅原俊治; 寺野隆雄; 新谷虎松; 大須賀昭彦; 峯恒憲
Oct. 2008, コンピュータソフトウェア(日本ソフトウェア科学会論文誌), 25, 4, 3-10, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 特集「エージェント」の編集にあたって
栗原聡; 秋山英三; 伊藤孝行; 今井倫太; 岩崎敦; 大須賀昭彦; 小野哲雄; 北村泰彦; 松原繁夫; 峯恒憲; 森山甲一
Oct. 2008, 日本ソフトウェア科学会コンピュータソフトウェア, 25, 4, 1-2, Japanese, Introduction other, 0289-6540, 110006990880, AN10075819 - Building of Ontology Wiki : Drawing up the ontologies as Collection Intelligence
23 Jun. 2008, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. AI, 人工知能と知識処理, 108, 119, 7-14, Japanese, 10030997958, AN10013061 - ソフトウェア工学におけるエージェントベースアプローチ
大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
Dec. 2004, 計測と制御(計測自動制御学会誌), 43, 12, 962-968, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - Design and Application of Agent Oriented Software for Ubiquitous Environment
YOSHIOKA Nobukazu; OHSUGA Akihiko; HONIDEN Shinichi
Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 15 Nov. 2004, Systems, control and information, 48, 11, 464-469, Japanese, 0916-1600, 110003969631, AN10062329 - ユビキタス環境のためのエージェント指向ソフトウェアの開発と応用
吉岡信和; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
Nov. 2004, システム/制御/情報(システム制御情報学会誌), 48, 11, 22-27, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - Web Service Proxy Agent managing the interaction between Web Services and Ubiquitous devices
Web Services is becoming an infrastructure of e-Business these days. On the other hand, ubiquitous devices such as cell phones and PDAs are already popular gadgets for the end users. In this paper, we focus on the interaction between Web Services and the ubiquitous devices, which reduces the usability of services for those users and increases the total processing time. Thus, we propose the proxy agent who runs business services on the users' demand, then illustrate how to automatically create the agent through a ATM service example. Finally, we examine the reduction of the interaction, the processting time, and applicability to the standard Web Services flow language, BPEL., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 18 Nov. 2003, 情報処理学会研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI), 2003, 115, 135-140, Japanese, 0919-6072, 110006381727, AA11838947 - A Context-Aware Personal Agent in Ubiquitous Environments and Its Experimental Trial(
Software Agent and Its Applications)
HATTORI Masanori; CHO Kenta; OHSUGA Akihiko; ISSHIKI Masao; HONIDEN Shinichi
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 01 Aug. 2003, IEICE transactions on information and systems, 86, 8, 1471-1471, English, 0916-8532, 110003223323, AA10826272 - オブジェクト指向、エージェント技術の動向
中谷多哉子; 羽生田栄一; 黒川利明; 直田繁樹; 大須賀昭彦; 児玉公信; 増村均; 中村正規; 田中立二
Object-oriented technology is used for the software of the large range, and its application fields are increasing. Object-oriented technology is also accepted naturally in the field of Internet application. Consequently, developments of new kinds of object-oriented technologies have been performed. Agent technology has been developed based on an object-oriented concept, and may have a great evolution with applying to applications of Internet field. In this paper, authors introduce the latest trend and the example of application of such object-oriented technology and agent technology., The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Apr. 2003, 電気学会論文誌C, 123, 4, 640-648, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0385-4221, 130000089301, AN10065950 - XML Webサービスのマッチメーカー (特集1 XML Webサービス--インターネット上でサービスをダイナミックに連携)
川村 隆浩; 長谷川 哲夫; 大須賀 昭彦
東芝技術企画室, Feb. 2003, 東芝レビュー, 58, 2, 23-26, Japanese, 0372-0462, 40005691120, AN00166099 - 動的環境で動作するエージェントのための半順序HTNプラニングエージェント
林久志; 長健太; 大須賀昭彦
2003, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム, Japanese, Summary national conference - モバイルエージェントのソフトウェアコンポーネントの動的配置
長健太; 服部正典; 林久志; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
2003, Japanese, Summary national conference - ユビキタス環境向け知的エージェントpicoPlangent
長健太; 林久志; 大須賀昭彦
2003, 情報処理学会全国大会, Japanese, Summary national conference - Development of Network Script, Wrote and Run at once in Cellular Phones
UENO Kouji; KAMAHORA Kentaro; KAWAMURA Takahiro; HASEGAWA Tetsuo; OHSUGA Akihiko; HON'IDEN Shin'ichi
Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 05 Feb. 2002, IPSJ Magazine, 43, 2, 52-53, Japanese, 0447-8053, 110002764313, AN00116625 - picoPlangent: 携帯機器向け知的移動エージェント
長健太; 林久志; 大須賀昭彦
2002, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム, Japanese, Summary national conference - 携帯機器向け知的エージェントpicoPlangentの実装
長健太; 林久志; 加瀬直樹; 大須賀昭彦
2001, 情報処理学会OO2001シンポジウム, Japanese, Summary national conference - アクションセマンティックス: アクションを表現する論理プログラムの意味論
林久志; 大須賀昭彦
2001, 情報処理学会全国大会, Japanese, Summary national conference - Autonomous Adaptation by Mobile Agent and Thesaurus
KUMENO Fumihiro; OHSUGA Akihiko; HONIDEN Shinichi
This paper describes the architecture to implement an application in network environments, which adapts to unexpected change in the development phase. In this architecture, an application is expressed as an agent which consists of two layers: base level and meta level. The base level program is an application program and the meta level program is the program that controls the execution of the base level and changes the base level program. Virtual places are also provided in the network. They are used for the release of programs and information which agents retrieve to change their own base level program. An application(or an agent), when a change is required, moves from places to places for the retrieval of programs to adapt to the change. A program search strategy is introduced to adapt to changes by using distributed thesauri of released programs, which realizes an agent's program retrieval method in network environments., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 25 Apr. 2000, IEICE TANS. INF. & SYST., 83, 4, 679-690, English, 0916-8532, 110003210274, AA10826272 - Visual Development Tool for the Multi-Agent Framework Bee-gent
田原 康之; 長野 伸一; 吉岡 信和; 川村 隆浩; 長谷川 哲夫; 大須賀 昭彦; 本位田 真一
28 Sep. 1999, 全国大会講演論文集, 59, 253-254, Japanese, 110002894699, AN00349328 - A Distributed Environmental Information System Based on Multi Agent Framework Bee-gent
吉岡 信和; 川村 隆浩; 長谷川 哲夫; 大須賀 昭彦; 春木 和仁
28 Sep. 1999, 全国大会講演論文集, 59, 297-298, Japanese, 110002894226, AN00349328 - Performance Evaluation for Distributed System Paradigms by using Bee-gent
KAWAMURA Takahiro; YOSHIOKA Nobukazu; HASEGAWA Tetsuo; OHSUGA Akihiko; HONIDEN Shinichi
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 06 Sep. 1999, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 99, 290, 71-78, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110003187132, AN10013061 - A mobile agent architecture for embedded systems: part 1 μPlangent : an implementation of an intelligent behavior
長 健太; 入江 豊; 大須賀 昭彦; 関口 勝彦; 本位田 真一
09 Mar. 1999, 全国大会講演論文集, 58, 495-496, Japanese, 110002893818, AN00349328 - Be-gent : Bonding Enhancement Agent Framework for Development of Distributed Systems
KAWAMURA Takahiro; TAHARA Yasuyuki; HASEGAWA Tetsuo; OHSUGA Akihiko; HONIDEN Shinichi
Interoperability between different kinds of systems is becoming a more important issue as computer networks expand. In this paper, we propose Be-gent (Bonding Enhancement Agent), a Distributed System Development Framework which aims to provide coordination and communication between RDBMS, legacy system, package software, and so on. Be-gent has Interaction Protocols which describe mutual relationship of elements of Distributed System. Our approach is to divide Interaction Protocols into two parts. One is the global flow for total problem solving. Another is the local flow depending on the system. Moreover mediation agents, which have Mobility, coordinate the behaviors of each system according to the former flow. We show a case to develop by using Be-gent, and examine the improvement of maintenancibility when modifying how to coordinate and/or restructuring the component of Distributed Systems., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 30 Nov. 1998, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 98, 436, 55-62, Japanese, 110003187029, AN10013061 - An Approach to Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems by Using Mobile Agents : Development of Distributed Cooperative Power Outage Scheduling System
KAWAMURA Takahiro; KASE Naoki; HASEGAWA Tetsuo; OHSUGA Akihiko; HONIDEN Shinichi
Recently several kinds of practical problems have been solved by considering them as Constraint Satisfaction Problems(CSP). Therefore a distributed approach to solving the CSP is becoming more important to model large-scale problems and solve these problems efficiently. A Solution may involve heuristics, policy and priority ordering concerning the assignment of values. Although these issues are important for rapid problem solution and more desirable solution, they have not yet been integrated into the distributed approach. Also there are some problems concerning the development of distributed systems which realize the distributed approach. Responding to this situation, in this paper we propose methods of integrating the heuristics into the distributed approach to solving the CSP and a mobile agents system to realize the above methods. We applied this system to Power Outage Scheduling Problem and found that the integrated heuristics help to solve the problems more efficiently. Finally we consider why the mobile agent model is appropriate to help integrate the heuristics into a distributed CSP., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 21 May 1998, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 98, 58, 15-22, Japanese, 110003186985, AN10013061 - Flage Kernel Language
粂野 文洋; 佐藤 仁孝; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦; 本位田 真一
本稿では、環境の変化に柔軟に適応するソフトウェアを構築するために提案したFlageアーキテクチャのカーネル言語を提示する。Flageカーネル言語は並行オブジェクトモデルをベースとした言語であり、エージェントと場を記述する機能を提供している。以降でエージェントおよび場の定義方法を概説し、場に対するエージェント動作を述べる。, 20 Sep. 1995, 全国大会講演論文集, 51, 217-218, Japanese, 110002878162, AN00349328 - An Algebraic Model in Flage Architecture
田原 康之; 粂野 文洋; 大須賀 昭彦; 本位田 真一
エージェントモデルを記述するためのFlageアーキテクチャは、能動的に動作する主体であるエージェントが場を渡り歩きながら、メタレベルアーキテクチャに基づいて、環境変化に対し自動的かつ柔軟に適応するシステムの構築を目的としている。しかし、そのような適応メカニズムを開放型ネットワークにおける現実的なソフトウェア開発ということを考慮した場合、高信頼性を保証するために、検証技術を実現する必要がある。そこで本稿では、そのような検証技術の理論的基盤としての、Flageアーキテクチャの代数モデルについて論ずる。Flageに類似したエージェントモデルの代数モデルとして、書換え論理がある。書換え論理は、並行オブジェクト指向の定式化のための枠組として提案されているが、制約の表現など、エージェントモデルのための枠組として捉えることも可能である。更に、カテゴリ論に基づく宣言的な意味論が与えられているので、検証を行うのにも適している。しかし、書換え論理では、Flageに特徴的なメタレベルアーキテクチャを完全に定式化することが困難である。一方本稿では、書換え論理をベースとしながらも、メタレベルアーキテクチャをも扱ったモデルを提案する。本モデルでは、動的な記述の変更に対し、代数的な意味論を与えることができる。なお本モデルは、カテゴリで意味を与えることにより、メタレベル操作を代数的に扱うことが可能となっている。, 20 Sep. 1995, 全国大会講演論文集, 51, 219-220, Japanese, 110002878164, AN00349328 - An Agent Oriented Language Flage
Tahara Yasuyuki; Kumeno Fumihiro; Ohsuga Akihiko; Honiden Shinici
An agent oriented language Flage with which we can specify cooperative software architecture is proposed. Cooperative software architecture consists of several agents and Flage is used to specify the agents and the communication of them. In Flage, each agent has its meta-hierarchy which enables specification of flexible behaviors. There are also fields which represent range of cooperation. Moreover, since mathematical semantics based on category theory is given, it is possible to assure validity of programs by rigorous verification. In this paper, the specification and semantics of Flage is explaind., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 20 Jan. 1994, 情報処理学会研究報告. [プログラミング-言語基礎実践-], 94, 7, 9-16, Japanese, 110002942835, AN10464060 - Agent oriented language Flage (2) : Language design
大須賀 昭彦; 田原 康之; 粂野 文洋; 本位田 真一
本稿では,マルチエージェシトに基づく仕様記述言語Flageの言語仕様について述べる.Flageは,柔軟なソフトウェア構造を記述するための仕様記述言語で,メタ構造や場の概念によってソフトウェアの協調的な生成.変更過程を記述できる点に特徴がある., 27 Sep. 1993, 全国大会講演論文集, 47, 29-30, Japanese, 110002896040, AN00349328 - Agent oriented language Flage (5) : Automated Debuction by meta Knowledge
粂野 文洋; 大須賀 昭彦; 本位田 真一
実際の数学問題やプログラム生成/検証に自動証明を適用した場合、形式的論理体系のみに基づいたものでは、公理や補題などの知識の増大に対して、その探索空間が指数関数的に広がってしまい、組合せ論的爆発を招く場合が多い。この問題に対して、ヒューリスティックスや問題領域上の構造定理、類推をメタ知識として利用し、一種のプランニングを行うことによって探索空間を削減する研究が行われている。一方、プランニングの問題として、問題領域が大規模/複雑になった場合、プランニングの適用可能性チェックのコストや必要な知識(オペレータ)を事前にすべて与えることの困難性があげられる。これは自動証明のプランニングの場合にもあてはまる場合が多いと考えられる。この問題の解決策としては、マルチエージェントによるプランニング方式が提案されている。そこで我々は、両者の技術の特長を利用し、メタ知識/マルチエージェントによる自動証明の探索空間の削減と分散化を行なう試みを行っている。本稿では、構成的プログラミングに自動証明を応用したプログラム合成を類推/マルチエージェントによって実現する試みについて、概要を示す。また、こうした試みがエージェント指向言語Flageによって自然にモデル化できることを示す。, 27 Sep. 1993, 全国大会講演論文集, 47, 35-36, Japanese, 110002896043, AN00349328 - Agent oriented language Flage(1) : conception
本位田 真一; 大須賀 昭彦; 粂野 文洋; 田原 康之
協調型ソフトウェア・アーキテクチャを記述するためのエージェント指向仕様記述言Flageについて述べる.協調型ソフトウェア・アーキテクチャは複数のエージェントから構成され,Flageはエージェントおよぴエージェント間通信の仕様記述に用いられる.本稿では,まず,協調型ソフトウア・アーキテクチャおよびその基本構成要素であるエージェント・モデルを明らかにした上で,その仕様記述言語への要件について述べる.そして,最後に,提案するFlageの特徴をこの要件を踏まえてまとめる., 27 Sep. 1993, 全国大会講演論文集, 47, 27-28, Japanese, 110002896039, AN00349328 - Agent oriented language Flage (3) : Semantics Based on Category Theory
田原 康之; 粂野 文洋; 大須賀 昭彦; 本位田 真一
本研究においては、柔らかなソフトウェアを記述するための仕様記述言語Flageを提案している。本稿では、Flageの形式的な意味論について論じる。Flageは、次のような特徴を持つ。1.マルチエージェン卜計算に基づく仕様記述言語である。2.エージェントは、環境の変化に柔軟に対処しながら計算を行う。そのために、メタレベル階層を持つことにより、エージェントの挙動の制御を柔軟に記述することを可能にしている。また複数のエージェントからなる場の概念及びブロードキャストの機能を備えることにより、エージェント間の協調的動作が可能である。そこで本研究においては、以下のようにFlageの意味論を展開している。1.上記1により、マルチエージェント計算のカテゴリ論的モデルを構築することにした。即ち、システムの状態を対象とし、状態遷移を射とするカテゴリにより意味を与えた。2.上記2の特徴を表現するためのモデルとして、FIage構造を提案した。第2章は、Flage構造について詳述する。第3章では、Flageの記述からFlage構造への翻訳を与えることにより、Flageの意味論を考察する。第4章では、従来の研究との比較を行う。最後に第5章では、まとめと今後の課題について述べる。, 27 Sep. 1993, 全国大会講演論文集, 47, 31-32, Japanese, 110002896041, AN00349328 - Δ-extension of Algebraic Specification
YOSHIDA Kazuki; OHSUGA Akihiko; NAGATA Morio; HONIDEN Shinichi
15 Dec. 1992, 情報処理学会論文誌 = Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, 33, 12, 1643-1643, Japanese, 0387-5806, 10007988421, AN00116647 - OBJECT - ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SUPPORT ENVIRONMENT BASED ON ALGEBRAIC SPECIFICATION
山本 純一; 大須賀 昭彦; 本位田真一
オブジェクト指向分析・設計を支援する様々なCASEツールが提案されている.それらのツールを用いることで種々の図を効率的に記述できるばかりでなく,図間情報の整合性などが保証される.しかし,分析・設計結果が設計者の意向に合致していることの検証までは支援されない.そこで我々は検証機能を備えた総合的な支援環境を目指して,代数的仕様記述言語を核言語とした分析・設計支援環境を構想している.この環境では,オブジェクト指向分析・設計結果が代数仕様として保持され,分析・設計結果の正しさの検証,これらの情報をまとめた仕様書の生成,プロトタイプの生成などが支援される.本稿ではこの構想で中心的な技術となるオブジェクト指向分析・設計結果の代数仕様による表現方法,検証、C++プログラムへの変換について述べる.Many CASE tools for object-oriented analysis and design have been proposed. However, facilities of them are no better than those of editors for diagrams. Software developing environments which can support verification of designs are desired. We are planning to develop an analysis and design support environment. in which an algebraic specification language plays an important role as a kernel language. Under the environment, designs are represented as algebraic specifications internaly. Through the specifications, verification and generation of programs are supported. This paper reports the representation of designs in the algebraic specification language, verification of them and transformation of them into C++ programs., 14 Dec. 1992, 情報処理学会研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE), 1992, 100, 25-32, Japanese, 170000018906, AN10112981 - An Algebraic Description Method for Concurrent Object Systems
大須賀 昭彦; 本位田 真一
本稿では,並列オブジェクト系の代数的な記述法を提案する.記述法は書換論理に基づくもので,系をオブジェクトの多重集合と捉え,オブジェクトの並列な動きを多重集合上の並列書換えとして定式化する.これにより,系の変化が書換論理の演繹として表現され,オブジェクトの挙動に関する数学的な証明が可能となる., 28 Sep. 1992, 全国大会講演論文集, 45, 243-244, Japanese, 110002889786, AN00349328 - AN ALGEBRAIC SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION OF A PLANT CONTROL EXPERT SYSTEM
浦岡 徹; 山本 純一; 大須賀 昭彦; 本位田真一
代数的仕様記述を初めとする形式的手法の、実システム開発への適用可能性とその有用性を評価するために、"プラント制御エキスパートシステム"の実現を試みた。開発環境は、並行プログラム開発支援環境MENDELS ZONEである。我々は、関数は代数仕様で、プログラム構造はベトリネットと時相論理で記述し、それらの形式的仕様記述からプログラムを生成した。この開発を通して、形式的手法が実システム開発においても有用であることが確認された。しかし一方で、記述能力拡張などの課題も明らかになった。本稿では、このシステム開発アプローチの中で、特に代数的仕様記述に焦点をあてて報告する。We have developed a plant control expert system using MENDELS ZONE, a development support system for concurrent programs. The objective of this development is to examine the effectiveness of formal methods for development of practical systems. In our system development approach, functions are described by algebraic specification, and module structures are created by Petri nets and temporal logic;then a program is generated from such formal descriptions, As a result, formal methods are very useful for the development of a practical system, but we recognized several problems of our description framework, too. This paper is focused on algebraic specification in the system development approach., 20 Jul. 1992, 情報処理学会研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE), 1992, 59, 107-114, Japanese, 170000018959, AN10112981 - AN ALGEBRAIC SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION OF A MACHINE CONTROL SYSTEM
山本 純一; 大須賀 昭彦; 本位田真一
本稿では、代数的仕様記述言語の記述力と検証能力の評価を目的としたソフトウェア仕様の記述実験について述べる。この実験では半導体ウェハエッチング装置の制御システムを例題としている。まず、「装置の状態」というソートを導入し、装置に対する各操作および装置制御の仕様を状熊から状熊への関数として記述する。次に、現在試作中の代数的仕様記述支援環境Metis?ASを用いた定理の自動証明によって、各操作の正しさと制御仕様全体の正しさの検証を試みる。この記述実験の結果、記述対象とした範囲のエッチング装置制御システム仕様が記述でき、定理自動証明による効果的な検証が行なることが確認できた。This paper reports on an experiment describing a software specification using an algebraic specification language, whose purpose is to estimate the descriptiveness of the language and the automatic verifiability for the specification. The target of description is a control system of an etching machine for semiconductor wafers. First, a sort 'the state of the machine' is introduced, and the specifications of each operation and the control system for the machine are described as functions on the sort. Then, the correctness of each operation and the whole specification are verified by an automated theorem proving method. An algebraic specification-support system Metis-AS is used in the verification. As a result, the specification for the system can be described, and it is confirmed that the specification can be verified effectively., 06 Feb. 1992, 情報処理学会研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE), 1992, 10, 41-48, Japanese, 170000018986, AN10112981 - A case - based parsing as a user interface of abduction support system "CHIE -NO- IZUMI"
井上 秀行; 折原 良平; 長尾 加寿恵; 大須賀 昭彦; 楠井 洋一
ある制限分野において、体系的な意味辞書や構文規則を用いることなく、事例を用いて日本語文を解析する方法について述べる。この事例を用いた方法では、過去の解析結果である事例に分野固有の知識やその使い方が含まれているため、その分野固有の知識に基づく解析が可能になる。また、事例を用いたことにより、格の省略されている文や格をあいまいにする語を含む文においても解析が可能になる。さらに、解析の度に事例が増大していくといった学習効果も加わることになる。This paper describes a model of case-based parsing. Traditional parsers use syntactic rules and meaning lexicon in their analyzing processes. The case-based parser differs from them in point of making use of past cases. The case-based parser can recognize input sentences based on the knowledge of target domain by employing past cases. Furthermore, a learning mechanism can be realized by adding results of analysis to the case-base where past cases are collected., 06 Mar. 1991, 情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS), 1991, 16, 97-106, Japanese, 170000046544, AA11135936 - Analogical Models for Logic Programs - Semantics for analogical reasoning as a form of hypothetical reasoning
折原 良平; 大須賀 昭彦; 楠井 洋一
正規論理プログラム上での類推の意味を、仮説推論におけるgeneralized stable model()意味論によって与える。まず、類推を考えるに当たっての異常な場合を表す述語を定義する;すなわち、p(),q(),p()が与えちれた場合のab()⇔p()∧?q()である。さらに、こうして定義された述語の否定が本体に現れるような節をもとのプログラムに加える。こうして作られたプログラムのGSMがもとのプログラムの類推的モデルである。仮説推論における証明手続きをもとに作った類推的証明手続きも併せて紹介する。The meanings of analogical reasoning for normal logic programs are described by generalized stable model (GSM) semantics for hypothetical reasoning. We define predicates that denote unusual cases within analogical reasoning; for example, ab(X)⇔p(X)∧¬q(X), where p(s),q(s),p(t) are given. We also add rules with negated occurrences of such predicates into the original program. In this way, analogical models for original programs are given in the form of GSMs of extended programs. A proof procedure for analogical models which is based on an abductive proof procedure is also presented., 06 Mar. 1991, 情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS), 1991, 16, 137-146, Japanese, 170000046548, AA11135936 - A case-based parsing as a userinterface of abduction support system "CHIE-NO-IZUMI"
井上 秀行; 折原 良平; 長尾 加寿恵; 大須賀 昭彦
近年、システムが大規模化すると共に、システムに対する要求も多様化・複雑化する傾向にある。そのため、システム開発の初期工程である要求獲得工程では、ユーザの漠然とした問題意識やニーズを明確にし、ユーザが真に欲しているシステムイメージを要求として獲得しなければならない。我々は、この工程において、要求分析者がユーザ自身の認識していない潜在的な要求を含めて獲得する支援方法を研究しており、発想支援システム「知恵の泉」として開発中である。このような工程を支援するシステムにおいて、ユーザインタフェースをどのように行うかが非常に重要なポイントとなってくる。一般に、ユーザから獲得される要求は、日本語(自然言語)のまま獲得されるのがほとんどである。従って、システムに日本語の要求をどのように理解させ、また処理させるかが重要な課題となってくる。そのため、システムにおけるユーザインタフェース機能として、日本語解析技術を用いることが大変効果的であると考えられる。そこで本稿では、このような日本語解析機能の一実現方法について考察する。, 25 Feb. 1991, 全国大会講演論文集, 42, 128-129, Japanese, 110002886279, AN00349328 - A Formal Method for Real - Time SA using Algebraic and Temporal Logic Specifications
本位田真一; 大須賀 昭彦; 内平 直志
リアルタイム・システムを対象として、コンテクスト・ダイアグラムからデータフローダイアグラム()として機能展開し、Adaのタスクを生成するまでの設計プロセスを明らかにする。その際にDFDのバブルを代数的仕様で記述し、その記述内容を項書換え系で検証する。さらに、DFDのストアを多重アクセスデータとして、それに対する演算のアクセス順序を示す状態遷移図を時制論理仕様から定理証明系によって生成している。This paper describes a formal method for Real-Time SA using algebraic and temporal logic specifications. In data-flow diagram, "bubble" is described by algebraic specification, is verified by term rewriting system, and access sequence for "store" is synthesized from temporal logic specification by theorem prover. We also determine the concrete specification process from context diagram to generate concurrent program written in Ada., 19 Jul. 1990, 情報処理学会研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE), 1990, 62, 19-26, Japanese, 170000019090, AN10112981 - 推論型システム記述言語MENDEL
本位田真一; 内平直志; 大須賀昭彦; 粕谷利明
19 Mar. 1985, 情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS), 1984, 74, 73-80, Japanese, 170000046896, AA11135936
Books and other publications
- マルチエージェントによる自律ソフトウェア設計・開発
大須賀昭彦; 田原康之; 中川博之; 川村隆浩
Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint work, コロナ社, 21 Jul. 2017, 9784339028188 - 人工知能学大事典
Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Joint work, 共立出版, 08 Jul. 2017, 9784320124202 - UPPAALによる性能モデル検証
長谷川哲夫; 磯部祥尚; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Japanese, Supervisor, 近代科学社, Sep. 2012 - 入門Office Open XML
Girier陽子; 高山佳文; 森本孝司; 大須賀昭彦
Japanese, Supervisor, ソフトバンククリエィティブ, Sep. 2007 - エージェントと創るインタラクティブネットワーク
Japanese, Joint work, 1.3節 分散システム構築技術の要としてのエージェント、4.1節 ITS分野への応用, 培風館, Mar. 2003 - オブジェクト指向最前線2001
大西淳; 大須賀昭彦
Japanese, Editor, 近代科学社, Sep. 2001 - エージェントテクノロジー最前線
Japanese, Joint work, 第5章 プランニングモバイルエージェント, 共立出版, Jul. 2000 - エージェント技術
本位田真一; 飯島正; 大須賀昭彦
Japanese, Joint work, 共立出版, Jul. 1999 - コンピュータへの誘い
Japanese, Joint work, 第8章 人工知能, 理工図書出版, Sep. 1990 - 新しいプログラミング・パラダイム
Japanese, Joint work, 第8章 項書換えシステムと完備化手続き, 共立出版, Nov. 1989 - オブジェクト指向からエージェント指向へ
本位田真一; 大須賀昭彦
Japanese, Joint work, ソフトバンク, May 1985
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- コーパス間の単語の用途の差異に着目したマイクロブログにおける隠語検出
羽田拓朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 電子情報通信学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2020 - IoT 機器の通信機能を起点としたバックドア検知手法の提案
依田みなみ; 櫻庭秀次; 山本純一; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 情報通信システムセキュリティ研究会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2020 - ソーシャルセンサの地域性を考慮したインフルエンザ流行予測
若松 幸大; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 日本ソフトウェア科学会「マルチエージェントと協調計算(MACC)」研究会・情報処理学会「知能システム (ICS)」研究会 共催, Domestic conference
Feb. 2020 - CycleGANを用いたゲーム音楽のシーン別変換
星 雄輝; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 日本ソフトウェア科学会「マルチエージェントと協調計算(MACC)」研究会・情報処理学会「知能システム (ICS)」研究会 共催, Domestic conference
Feb. 2020 - 特殊詐欺音声を対象とした韻律的特徴量の考察
徳島 大河; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 日本ソフトウェア科学会「マルチエージェントと協調計算(MACC)」研究会・情報処理学会「知能システム (ICS)」研究会 共催, Domestic conference
Feb. 2020 - フォロー関係を考慮したゲーム推薦
田村 麻衣; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 日本ソフトウェア科学会「マルチエージェントと協調計算(MACC)」研究会・情報処理学会「知能システム (ICS)」研究会 共催, Domestic conference
Feb. 2020 - CAMとGANを用いたキャラクターと人間の顔画像変換
川名 晴也; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 日本ソフトウェア科学会「マルチエージェントと協調計算(MACC)」研究会・情報処理学会「知能システム (ICS)」研究会 共催, Domestic conference
Feb. 2020 - 階層型強化学習におけるサブゴール設定についての考察
大河内 幸太郎; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 日本ソフトウェア科学会「マルチエージェントと協調計算(MACC)」研究会・情報処理学会「知能システム (ICS)」研究会 共催, Domestic conference
Feb. 2020 - プロサッカーチームにおける試合状況とボールリカバリーの関係の考察
相澤 宏樹; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, Symposium of Multi Agent Systems for Harmonization (SMASH), 日本ソフトウェア科学会「マルチエージェントと協調計算(MACC)」研究会・情報処理学会「知能システム (ICS)」研究会 共催, Domestic conference
Feb. 2020 - Adaptation Plan Policy in Traffic Routing for Priority Vehicle
Krishna Priawan; Hardinda; Yuichi Sei; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Oral presentation, English, ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2019), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 下呂温泉, Domestic conference
Nov. 2019 - 進化的計算での動的なアーキテクチャ変更と方策勾配法を用いた3次元制御タスクにおけるマルチタスク深層強化学習
今井翔太; 折原良平; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2019 (JAWS 2019), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 別府, Domestic conference
Sep. 2019 - 以前の調理工程を考慮し深層学習を用いた料理動画からのレシピ生成
藤井竜希; 折原良平; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2019 (JAWS 2019), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 別府, Domestic conference
Sep. 2019 - 自発性を考慮した音声による感情推定のための仮想敵対的学習によるモデル平滑化
桑原豊明; 折原良平; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2019 (JAWS 2019), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 別府, Domestic conference
Sep. 2019 - cGANを用いた線画の髪領域シェーディングスタイル転写手法の検討
逢澤昌志; 折原良平; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2019 (JAWS 2019), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 別府, Domestic conference
Sep. 2019 - Stacked U-NetによるCT画像再構成
水澤悟; 清雄一; 折原良平; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2019 (JAWS 2019), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 別府, Domestic conference
Sep. 2019 - 機械学習モデルの解釈手法による競合を考慮したレビュー分析
小野川稜之; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2019 (JAWS 2019), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 別府, Domestic conference
Sep. 2019 - Negotiation Protocol in Traffic Routing for Priority Vehicle
Hardinda Krishna Priawan; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会第36回大会(JSSST), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2019 - 機械学習モデルの解釈手法による競合サービスと比較したレビュー分析
小野川 稜之; 折原 良平; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会第36回大会(JSSST), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Aug. 2019 - 機械学習の解釈手法を利用したレビュー分析
小野川 稜之; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 折原 良平; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Jul. 2019 - グレースケール人物線画の自動彩色におけるGrabcutによるデータセット作成及び白目領域検出手法の検討
逢澤昌志; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第33回人工知能学会全国大会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2019 - 進化的計算と方策勾配法による学習を用いた3次元制御タスクにおけるマルチタスク深層強化学習
今井翔太; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第33回人工知能学会全国大会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2019 - レスポンシブミュージックコントロールシステム:加速度センサーを使った演奏制御システム
吉澤 賢人; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2019 - 画像付きフェイクニュースとジョークニュースの検出・分類に向けた機械学習モデルの検討
柳 裕太; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2019 - サイバーカスケードを考慮したエージェントモデルを用いた炎上再現に対する考察
宮瀬 遼; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2019 - ぎゅっ☆ Pillow:眠りやすくするための包まれ枕の開発
中野 芙美; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2019 - 学内駐輪環境に関するナレッジグラフ生成と欠損推定手法適用の試み
塚越 雄登; 川村 隆浩; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2019 - タイムスタンプに対して柔軟な移動軌跡匿名化手法の提案
千葉 智樹; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2019 - RoboCupサッカー2Dシミュレーションの守備行動での強化学習における報酬設計の検討
阿部 宇志; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2019 - 深層学習を用いた料理動画からの全体的な整合性を考慮したレシピ文の自動生成
藤井 竜希; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Dec. 2018 - 白黒人物線画における自動彩色のための白目領域検出手法の提案
逢澤 昌志; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Dec. 2018 - 音声による感情推定のための仮想敵対的学習によるモデル平滑化
桑原 豊明; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Dec. 2018 - 2次元迷路課題における進化的計算を利用したマルチタスク深層強化学習
今井 翔太; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Dec. 2018 - 機械学習の解釈手法を用いたレビュー分析
小野川 稜之; 清 雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Dec. 2018 - GANによる音声を対象とした感情変換の実験的評価
安田研二; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 音声研究会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2018 - CycleGANによる音声の感情変換の実験的評価
安田 研二; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2018 (JAWS 2018), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2018 - サッカーのパス網分析における中心性測定の新指標
神畠正稔; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2018 (JAWS 2018), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2018 - Linked Dataを用いたカリキュラムベースの 多肢選択式問題自動生成手法の提案
奥原史佳; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2018 (JAWS 2018), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2018 - Linked Dataを用いた俯瞰的な多肢選択式問題自動生成手法の提案
奥原史佳; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会 コンピュータと教育研究会(SIG-CE)146回研究発表会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2018 - Linked Dataを用いたカリキュラムベースの多肢選択式問題自動生成手法の提案
奥原史佳; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Jul. 2018 - CycleGANによる音声の感情変換
安田研二; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Jul. 2018 - サッカーのパス網分析における中心性測定の新指標
神畠正稔; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第32回人工知能学会全国大会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2018 - 都市問題LODと推論規則を用いた悪循環の発見
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 古崎晃司; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 第44回セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会(SWO), Domestic conference
Mar. 2018 - パズル型対戦ゲームにおける機械学習を用いた対戦AIの研究
仙洞田信大; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2018 - 他言語データへの転移学習による料理画像からの料理レシピ推定精度向上の提案
藤井竜希; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2018 - 光源を意識した自動彩色手法の提案
逢澤昌志; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2018 - パーチェス法を用いたエージェントシミュレーションによる金融機関の合併に関するシステミックリスクへの影響分析
加藤秀紀; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2018 - 深層学習を用いた観光写真への感性タグ自動付与についての研究
小野川稜之; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2018 - 動画の音響的特徴を用いた推薦システム
村上僚; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2018 - Twitter分析によるアニメの人気度の推定
川野郁実; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2018 - 韻律情報を用いた非タスク指向型対話エージェントの応答方法の提案
桑原豊明; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 マルチエージェントと協調計算研究会(MACC), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2018 - Anonymized Data Collection Based on Randomized Multiple Values
Yuichi Sei; Akihiko Ohsuga
Invited oral presentation, English, 第7回バイオメトリクスと認識・認証シンポジウム (SBRA)
Nov. 2017 - センシティブ属性値の距離を考慮したダミー追加によるl-多様性アルゴリズムの提案
大石慶一朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム (CSS)
Oct. 2017 - 複数機関に個人データが存在する水平垂直分割データベースの匿名化
伊奈優樹; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム (CSS)
Oct. 2017 - 1.5車線的道路における確率的な車両到着を考慮した待避区間の最適配置に関する検討
天野和洋; 前田宗宏; 中村泰広; 清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第42回土木情報学シンポジウム, Domestic conference
Sep. 2017 - 自転車事故防止に向けた参加型オープンハザードデータの構築
高津良平; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2017 (JAWS 2017), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2017 - GANに基づく画像ドメイン変換精度に影響を及ぼす要因の考察
山下郁矢; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2017 (JAWS 2017), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2017 - プロのPK戦は最適戦略に従うのか
小泉昂也; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2017 (JAWS 2017), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2017 - パーチェス法を用いたエージェントシミュレーションによる金融機関統合のシステミックリスクへの影響分析
加藤秀紀; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2017 (JAWS 2017), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2017 - クラウドソーシングを用いた社会課題因果関係LODの構築
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 古崎晃司; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会第34回大会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2017 - センシティブ属性値の距離を考慮したダミー追加によるl-多様性アルゴリズムの提案
大石慶一朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会第34回大会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2017 - 家庭におけるペット−ロボットインタラクション〜ロボットは犬の世話をすることができるのか〜
鈴木もとこ; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイルシンポジウム (DICOMO 2016), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Jul. 2017 - 静的解析を利用したセキュアなハイブリッドアプリの開発支援に関する研究
坂周英; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイルシンポジウム (DICOMO 2017), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2017 - PhoTopicChat: SNSにおける話題連動画像表示手法の提案
奥原史佳; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイルシンポジウム (DICOMO 2017), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2017 - 同一個人データの存在する水平分割データベースのダミー値追加による匿名化 マルチメディア
伊奈優樹; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイルシンポジウム (DICOMO 2017), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2017 - 社会課題における因果関係を表すLinked Dataの半自動的な構築手法の提案
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 古崎晃司; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第31回人工知能学会全国大会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
May 2017 - PhoTopicChat: SNS における話題連動画像表示手法の提案
奥原史佳; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第79回 情報処理学会全国大会, 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2017 - センシティブ属性値の距離を考慮したダミー追加によるl-多様性アルゴリズムの提案
大石慶一朗; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第79回 情報処理学会全国大会, 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2017 - 静的解析を利用したセキュアなハイブリッドアプリの開発支援に関する研究
坂周英; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第79回 情報処理学会全国大会, 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2017 - 重複データのある水平分割データベースのダミー値追加による匿名化
伊奈優樹; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第79回 情報処理学会全国大会, 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2017 - 放置自転車問題における因果関係を含んだLODの半自動的な構築手法の提案
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 古崎晃司; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 第41回セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会(SWO), Domestic conference
Feb. 2017 - 文字レベル深層学習によるテキスト分類と転移学習
佐藤挙斗; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 第102回人工知能基本問題研究会(SIG-FPAI), Domestic conference
Dec. 2016 - オートエンコーダを利用した複数話者の声質変換
関井祐介; 折原良平; 小島圭介; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS 2016), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2016 - 文字レベル深層学習による日本語テキストの分類と転移学習
佐藤挙斗; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS 2016), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2016 - 家庭におけるペット-ロボットインタラクション~ロボットの世話行動による犬の行動変化の調査~
鈴木もとこ; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS 2016), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2016 - オンラインレビューサイトにおけるレビュー解析精度向上に向けた皮肉文判別
鈴木翔太; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS 2016), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2016 - 複数の機器連携を前提としたスマートホームサービス導出の試み
粂野文洋; 杉村博; 清雄一; 鄭顕志; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS 2016), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2016 - 音楽情報処理のためのLinked Data収集・分析基盤の構築
上原有里; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 第39回セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会(SWO), Domestic conference
Sep. 2016 - 放置自転車LODの拡充に向けた空間的欠損値推定手法の提案
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 第39回セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会(SWO), Domestic conference
Sep. 2016 - 文字レベル深層学習の日本語データセットへの応用
佐藤挙斗; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会 第184回知能システム研究会(SIG-ICS), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Aug. 2016 - 家庭におけるペット−ロボットインタラクション〜ロボットは犬の世話をすることができるのか〜
鈴木もとこ; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイルシンポジウム (DICOMO 2016), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Jul. 2016 - Deep Learningを利用した任意話者の声質変換
関井祐介; 折原良平; 小島圭介; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会 第112回音声言語情報処理研究会 (SIG-SLP), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Jul. 2016 - ユーザの好みと献立バランスを考慮したレシピ入替えを行うグループ向け献立推薦
西脇崇文; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM Forum 2016)
Mar. 2016 - 家庭におけるペット-ロボットインタラクション〜ロボットによる犬の行動変化の研究〜
鈴木もとこ; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, インタラクション2016, 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2016 - 放置自転車問題解決に向けた循環型LOD構築システムの提案
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会(SWO), Domestic conference
Feb. 2016 - Linked Dataセットに基づく日本酒-ワイン間の関連性抽出の試み
飯島照之; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会(SWO), Domestic conference
Feb. 2016 - ユーザの好みに応じたレシピ入替えを行うグループ向け献立推薦
西脇崇文; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会 データベースシステム研究会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2015 - 差分プライバシに基づく大規模クロス集計値匿名化手法の提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, プライバシーワークショップ (PWS) co-located with コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム (CSS)
Oct. 2015 - 投票行動時系列データ解析に基づく意思決定戦略の分析
樋口尚吾; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2015 (JAWS 2015), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2015 - 社会課題解決に向けた循環型オープンデータ構築システムの提案
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2015 (JAWS 2015), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2015 - Linked Dataを用いた日本酒選定支援エージェント
飯島照之; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2015 (JAWS 2015), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2015 - Twitter におけるミスコミュニケーションの解消に向けて ―ユーザの期待する反応に応じたツイート分類―
植田智明; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2015 (JAWS 2015), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2015 - 差分プライバシを満たすニューラルネットワークモデル構築手法の提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ソフトウェア科学会第32回大会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2015 - 投票行動時系列データ解析に基づく意思決定戦略に関する考察
樋口尚吾; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Jun. 2015 - ユーザーの期待する反応に応じたツイート分類
植田智明; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第29回人工知能学会全国大会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2015 - 個別構築されたIoTシステムのサービス連携における課題検討
平山秀昭; 鄭顕志; 清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第162回マルチメディア通信と分散処理(DPS)研究会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2015 - ミニブログを利用した避難行動推薦 (1)―システム概要―
大須賀昭彦; 田原康之; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 中川博之; 吉岡信和; 松本一教; 一色正男
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 電子情報通信学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2015 - ミニブログを利用した避難行動推薦 (2)―自己適応システム技術の適用―
田原康之; 大須賀昭彦; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 中川博之; 吉岡信和; 松本一教; 一色正男
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 電子情報通信学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2015 - ミニブログを利用した避難行動推薦 (3)―プライバシ保護データマイニングの適用―
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦; 田原康之; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 吉岡信和; 松本一教; 一色正男
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 電子情報通信学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2015 - 複数のセンシティブな擬似識別子を含むデータベースの匿名化手法の提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム (SCIS), Domestic conference
Jan. 2015 - 加速度センサを用いた犬の行動認識
清原達弥; 折原良平; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2014 (JAWS 2014), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2014 - Markov Logic Networkを用いた映画脚本データベースからの人物関係推定エージェント
大渡裕太; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2014 (JAWS 2014), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2014 - BOMエージェントの実現に向けたLODの構築
江上周作; 川村隆浩; 藤井章博; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2014 (JAWS 2014), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2014 - 暗号化されたキーワードの効率的な検索アルゴリズムの提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2014 (JAWS 2014), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2014 - 語句間の意味的リレーションに基づくキュレーションエージェント
横尾亮平; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2014 (JAWS 2014), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2014 - イベントベースアスペクト指向プログラミングによる自己適応エージェントのモジュラーな形式的推論に向けて
田原康之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2014 (JAWS 2014), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2014 - プライバシを考慮したデータ収集及び再構築アルゴリズムの提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム (CCS), Domestic conference
Oct. 2014 - C/S型オンラインゲームの自己適応化に向けたMAPEループ構成パターンの提案
山縣慧; 中川博之; 清雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第21回 マルチメディア通信と分散処理ワークショップ(DPSWS2013)
Dec. 2013 - Pose Guide Ontology を用いたアイドル画像のポーズ分類
田代和浩; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会(SWO), Domestic conference
Dec. 2013 - 自動清掃ロボットの自己適応化に向けて
工藤拓光; 中川博之; 清 雄一; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第126回 システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム(OS)研究会, 第31回 組込みシステム(EMB)研究会, Domestic conference
Dec. 2013 - リファインメントパターンを利用したKAOSゴールモデルからBPMNモデルへの変換
堀田大貴; 本田耕三; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2013), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2013 - 法令から機能要求を抽出するための支援ツールの実装と評価
吉田豊; 本田耕三; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2013), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2013 - CGMにおける炎上の同定とその応用
岩崎祐貴; 折原良平; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2013 (JAWS 2013), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - 食材の希少性に基づいた意外性のあるレシピの抽出エージェント
池尻恭介; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2013 (JAWS 2013), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - 食材に基づいたレシピの意外度算出手法の提案
池尻恭介; 清雄一; 中川 博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学 会データ工学(DE)研究会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - Human Pose Guide Ontology を用いたアイドル画像のポーズ分類エージェント
田代和浩; 川村隆浩; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2013 (JAWS 2013), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - 不正確さを考慮した位置匿名化手法の提案
清雄一; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイル (DICOMO 2013), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Jul. 2013 - CGMにおける炎上の同定とその応用
岩崎祐貴; 折原良平; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第27回人工知能学会全国大会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2013 - Linked Data を用いたソーシャルメディア×マスメディアの比較実験
田代和浩; 王冕; 越川兼地; 西村悟史; 森田武史; 長野伸一; 清雄一; 中川博之; 田原康之; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第27回人工知能学会全国大会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2013 - テンプレートを用いた法的要求抽出・モデリングの実現に向けて
吉田豊; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会 ソフトウェア工学研究会(SE), Domestic conference
Mar. 2013 - GAを用いた適合度関数と相場変化に着目したシステムトレード
新井佑弥; 折原良平; 中川博之; 清雄一; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会ファイナンスにおける人工知能応用研究会 (SIG-FIN), Domestic conference
Mar. 2013 - 非同期通信を行うWebアプリケーションによる資源競合問題に対するモデル検査による検証
都丸卓也; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(KBSE), Domestic conference
Jan. 2013 - ソフトウェア再利用に向けた共通ゴール判別手法の提案
中村祐貴; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, ウィンターワークショップ2013・イン・那須, 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Jan. 2013 - ゴールモデルの構造に基づいた共通ゴール判別手法の提案
中村 祐貴; 本田 耕三; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第19回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2012), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Dec. 2012 - ゴール指向要求分析に基づく組み込みボードエミュレータ開発効率化手法の考察
ジリエ陽子; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会 システム・ソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム(OS)/組み込みシステム(EMB) 合同研究発表会, Domestic conference
Dec. 2012 - UAVとUGVの協調動作による障害物撤去に向けて
仲村 滋夫; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2012 (JAWS 2012), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2012 - GAを用いたシステムトレードにおける損失に着目した適合度関数の設定
新井 佑弥; 折原 良平; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2012 (JAWS 2012), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2012 - Twitter上のフォロー関係を用いた信頼性の高い未知コンテンツの推薦
折笠 裕樹; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2012 (JAWS 2012), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2012 - CRFを用いたメディア情報の抽出とLinked Data化 ~ソーシャルメディアとマスメディアの比較事例~
越川 兼地; 川村 隆浩; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2012 (JAWS 2012), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2012 - 特定ユーザの作曲ログデータと付加情報を用いた作曲支援
金子 裕司; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, インタラクション2012, 情報処理学会, 東京
Mar. 2012 - タグクラスタ多様化による未知性を考慮した推薦手法の提案
藤原誠; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会 知能システム(ICS), Domestic conference
Mar. 2012 - 花咲かめら:フィールドでのLOD活用事例
川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会(SWO), Domestic conference
Dec. 2011 - 服飾オントロジーを用いたECサイトにおけるユーザデザイン嗜好の推定と評価
全泰賢; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会(SWO), Domestic conference
Dec. 2011 - Support for Generating UML Class Diagrams and OCL Constraints from KAOS Model
Sombat Chanvilai; Kozo Honda; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Yasuyuki Tahara; Akihiko Ohsuga
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第18回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2011), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2011 - 非機能特性を考慮した自己適応システムの動的再構成手法の提案
堀越永幸; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第18回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2011), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2011 - モデル検査のためのオブジェクト制約言語を用いた外部環境モデルの構築のための考察
吉池弘樹; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第18回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2011), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2011 - クラウド上での事業者間データ連携のための分散型パーソナル情報保護エージェント
竹之内 隆夫; 伊東 直子; 川村 隆浩; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2011 (JAWS 2011), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2011 - 震災時の効率的な避難のための行動推薦エージェントReady for 87%の提案(3)~行動ネットワークを用いた避難行動の推薦~
伊藤雅博; グェン・ミン・テイ; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2011 (JAWS 2011), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2011 - 震災時の効率的な避難のための行動推薦エージェントReady for 87%の提案(2)~時系列避難行動ネットワークの構築~
グェン・ミン・テイ; 越川兼地; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2011 (JAWS 2011), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2011 - 震災時の効率的な避難のための行動推薦エージェントReady for 87%の提案(1)~避難計画オントロジーの設計~
ミヤマエ・イワナガ・イサベル・シズ; グェン・ミン・テイ; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2011 (JAWS 2011), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2011 - 服飾系ECサイトにおける商品閲覧履歴に基づいたデザイン嗜好の推定と商品検索システムの提案
全泰賢; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2011 (JAWS 2011), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2011 - フォークソノミーとソーシャルアノテーションを用いた動画シーンへのラベリング
石野克徳; 折原良平; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2011 (JAWS 2011), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2011 - 作曲特徴を用いた作曲支援システムの実現に向けて
金子 裕司; 中川 博之; 田原 康之; 大須賀 昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第19回インタラクティブシステムとソフトウェアに関するワークショップ(WISS2011)
Sep. 2011 - Webからの実世界行動抽出による意味ネットワーク構築手法の提案
グェン・ミンテイ; 川村隆浩; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
May 2011 - アーキテクチャ記述言語を用いた自己適応システム設計手法の検討
堀越永幸; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会 ソフトウェア工学研究会(SE), Domestic conference
May 2011 - シーソー型インタフェースを用いた評判比較システムの開発
田中俊行; グェンミンティ; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, インタラクション2011, 情報処理学会, 東京
Mar. 2011 - スマートフォン向け植物推薦サービスGreen-Thumb Phoneの開発
三代謙仁; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, インタラクション2011, 情報処理学会, 東京
Mar. 2011 - インタラクション・シーケンスに着目したユーザの商品検索の目的の抽出に関する検討と実装
ワコラ; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, インタラクション2011, 情報処理学会, 東京
Mar. 2011 - 未知性と意外性を考慮したイラスト推薦システムの提案: 3D表示を用いたイラスト推薦インタフェース
住元宗一朗; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, インタラクション2011, 情報処理学会, 東京
Mar. 2011 - Visual-K:ゴール指向要求分析手法KAOSのモデリング可視化支援ツールの試作
ジリエ陽子; 本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会 ソフトウェア工学研究会(SE), Domestic conference
Mar. 2011 - ケーススタディ:KAOS/UMLモデリング
本田耕三; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第17回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2010), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2010 - 閲覧中のニュース記事に対するブログの主張を提示するシステムの提案
佐藤大輔; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010 (JAWS 2010), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2010 - マイクロブログを用いた評判傾向抽出法の提案
橋本和幸; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010 (JAWS 2010), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2010 - コンテンツ投稿型SNSにおける未知性と意外性を考慮した推薦エージェントの提案
住元宗一朗; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010 (JAWS 2010), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2010 - 携帯端末上での拡張現実を用いた植物推薦エージェントGreen-ThumbPhoneの開発
三代謙仁; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010 (JAWS 2010), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2010 - 教師あり学習を用いたレビューサイトからの意見抽出
田中俊行; グェンミンティ; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010 (JAWS 2010), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2010 - 集合匿名化によりプライバシに配慮した個人情報開示制御手法の提案
浜本一知; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, ネットワークが創発する知能研究会(JWEIN2010), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 東京
Aug. 2010 - Twitterからの人間行動属性の自動抽出
グェン・ミンテイ; 川村隆浩; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会 (SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Jun. 2010 - ニコニコ探検くらぶ:ソーシャルアノテーションとキーワード群に基づく動画要約
多胡厚津史; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, インタラクション2010, 情報処理学会, 東京
Mar. 2010 - 書換え論理に基づくアスペクト指向ソフトウェアの形式モデル
田原康之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
Public symposium, Japanese, ウインターワークショップ2010・イン・倉敷, 情報処理学会, 倉敷
Jan. 2010 - モデル検査によるAjax アプリケーション検証
玉田和洋; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, ウインターワークショップ2010・イン・倉敷, 情報処理学会, 倉敷
Jan. 2010 - Webからの自己教師あり学習を用いた人間行動マイイニング
グェン・ミン・ティ; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,人工知能と知識処理研究会 (SIG-AI)
Jan. 2010 - モデル検査によるAjaxアプリケーション検証のためのモデルの提案
玉田和洋; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, 第16回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2009), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 神奈川県
Nov. 2009 - 条件付確率場と自己教師あり学習を用いた行動属性の自動抽出と評価
グェンミンティ; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, 第8回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2009(JAWS09), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 宮城県
Oct. 2009 - 自律システム実現に向けたアーキテクチャの構築
西村一彦; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, 第8回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2009(JAWS09), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 宮城県
Oct. 2009 - オントロジー構築サービスONTOMOの開発 固有名詞抽出によるインスタンスとプロパティ自動推薦エージェントの評価
沈偉; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, 第8回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2009(JAWS09), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 宮城県
Oct. 2009 - ニコシーン: ソーシャルアノテーションとキーワード群に基づく動画シーン検索
多胡厚津史; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, 第8回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2009(JAWS09), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 宮城県
Oct. 2009 - 統合的自己適応型セキュリティアーキテクチャの提案
田原康之; 中川博之; 中山健; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, 第8回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2009(JAWS09), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 宮城県
Oct. 2009 - サービス合成時におけるプライバシ保護手法
浜本一知; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,第16回Webインテリジェンスとインタラクション研究会 (SIG-WI2)
Oct. 2009 - オントロジーを利用した文書間のセマンティックな類似度の計算手法
溝口祐美子; 長野伸一; 川村隆浩; 稲葉真純; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,人工知能と知識処理研究会 (SIG-AI)
May 2009 - オントロジー構築サービスONTOMOの開発 -インスタンス自動推薦の試作と評価-
沈偉; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,人工知能と知識処理研究会 (SIG-AI)
Jan. 2009 - KAOSモデルを利用したself-adaptiveシステムの構築
中川博之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
Public symposium, Japanese, 第15回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE2008), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 兵庫県
Nov. 2008 - 階層プランニングによるWebサービスの自動合成
西村一彦; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2008(SES2008), 情報処理学会, 東京
Oct. 2008 - オントロジー構築サービスONTOMOの開発
沈偉; 川村隆浩; 中川博之; 中山健; 田原康之; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, 第7回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2008(JAWS08), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 滋賀県
Oct. 2008 - コンポーネントモデルを用いたJADEビヘイビア実装手法の提案
中川博之; 大須賀昭彦; 本位田真一
Public symposium, Japanese, 第7回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2008(JAWS08), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 滋賀県
Oct. 2008 - オントロジーWikiサイトの構築 -集合知としてのオントロジー構築を目指して-
沈偉; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,人工知能と知識処理研究会 (SIG-AI)
Jun. 2008 - 携帯電話を用いた高齢者向け外出支援システム -ここバリアの開発
梅津圭介; 小林良岳; 中山健; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, 第6回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2007(JAWS07), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 沖縄
Oct. 2007 - 文書構造化を用いたWeb ページからのRSS自動生成システム
矢部走; 小林良岳; 中山健; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦
Public symposium, Japanese, 第6回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2007(JAWS07), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, 沖縄
Oct. 2007 - ネットワークコミュニケーションの円滑化を目的としたSNSからの人物分析 -ネ己分析エージェントの開発と評価-
神谷友輔; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 Webインテリジェンスとインタラクション研究会 (SIG-WI2), Domestic conference
Nov. 2006 - ネットワークコミュニケーションの円滑化を目的としたSNSからの人物分析 -ネ己分析エージェントの開発と評価-
神谷友輔; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS 2006), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2006 - 時系列アノテーションに基づく楽曲推薦エージェント
出口貴博; 小嶋希実子; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第4回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS 2005), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2005 - rendezvous concierge;待ち合わせサービスエージェントの開発
小嶋希実子; 出口貴博; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第4回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS 2005), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2005 - ユビキタス環境において動的なコンテキストに順応して知識情報をフィルタリングする推論エージェントの開発
竹之内隆夫; 岡本直之; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究会 (SIG-UBI), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2005 - 放送番組に対するパブリックオピニオン・メタデータの生成~ネットコミュニティからの雰囲気成分の抽出とユーザ間での流通による洗練化~
岡本直之; 竹之内隆夫; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第3回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS 2004), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2004 - ユビキタス環境における過渡的な知識を考慮した意思決定支援エージェントの開発通による洗練化~
竹之内隆夫; 岡本直之; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第3回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS 2004), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Oct. 2004 - エンタープライズ向けエージェントアプリケーション基盤の構築
中井戸健至; 寺崎達也; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会(SIG-AI), Domestic conference
Jan. 2004 - ユビキタスデバイスからのWebサービス利用を支援するWebサービスプロキシエージェント
川村隆浩; 寺崎達也; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究会 (SIG-UBI), 情報処理学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2003 - エンタープライズ向けエージェントアプリケーション基盤の構築
中井戸健至; 寺崎達也; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第2回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS 2003), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2003 - ユビキタス環境とWebサービスを仲介するインテリジェントエージェントの開発
寺崎達也; 中井戸健至; 川村隆浩; 大須賀昭彦; 前川守
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第2回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム (JAWS 2003), 情報処理学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 電子情報通信学会, 人工知能学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2003
- 大学院技術英語
The University of Electro-Communications - 大学院技術英語
電気通信大学 - 総合情報学基礎
The University of Electro-Communications - 総合コミュニケーション科学
The University of Electro-Communications - 総合コミュニケーション科学
電気通信大学 - ユビキタスネットワーク
電気通信大学 - ユビキタスネットワーク
The University of Electro-Communications - ユビキタスネットワーク
The University of Electro-Communications - 情報メディアシステム
The University of Electro-Communications - システム設計特論1
The University of Electro-Communications - 情報メディアシステム
The University of Electro-Communications - 情報メディアシステム
電気通信大学 - コンピュータリテラシー
電気通信大学 - システム設計特論1
The University of Electro-Communications - 総合情報学基礎
The University of Electro-Communications - 総合情報学基礎
電気通信大学 - コンピュータリテラシー
The University of Electro-Communications - コンピュータリテラシー
The University of Electro-Communications - System Design I
The University of Electro-Communications - システム設計特論1
Research Themes
- SNS・IoT・オープンデータ融合マイニングによる施策に対する人々の行動変化予測
大須賀 昭彦,清雄一,江上周作,田原康之,鄭顕志
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(B), 23H03688
Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2027 - Basic research on QoL for students and development of support systems
松本 一教; 大須賀 昭彦; 田中 哲雄
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 22K12157
Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2026 - ユビキタス機械学習社会におけるプライバシ保護基盤
清 雄一; 大須賀 昭彦; 田原 康之; 松崎 和賢
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(B), 21H03496
Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2025 - Study of Atmosphere and Its Application to EdTech
Kazunori Matsumoto
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The purpose of this study is to develop EdTech technologies that contribute to the improvement of learning effectiveness. Two different approaches are applied in the study: a direct method that monitors learners directly, and an indirect method that monitors learning products and by-products. In the former method, we develop a method for estimating the learner's attention and interest level in real time from video images. Both of eye blinks and head movements are used together for the estimation. The latter method clarifies that various data appeared in the learning process can be effectively used by relating them from the viewpoints of response time. We show that levels of class comprehension, attention, and atmosphere can be estimated from these data. Through these developments and demonstrations, we have demonstrated that real-time monitoring of learners contributes to the improvement of learning effectiveness., 19K12107
Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022 - Social and physical sensor fusion mining infrastructure to understand behavioral intentions
Ohsuga Akihiko
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The results of this research are as follows. (1) Development of an algorithm to remove universal patterns and noise from anonymized data, (2) Development of a hierarchical deep learning algorithm that considers the granularity and accuracy of input values for individual social data, (3) Construction of heterogeneous Linked Data to link anonymized physical data and social data that are likely to be information of the same person. (4) Extraction of actions that increase or decrease the likelihood of goal attainment based on goal-directed actions, and (5) Development of an example application that recommends optimal actions based on social media data and physical sensor data., 18H03340
Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2022 - Flexible framework of privacy-preserving IoT data analysis
Sei Yuichi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), Poople and organizations have been building and promoting new services that utilize a cross-section of Internet of Things (IoT) data. While this will greatly improve people's convenience, it will also make it unpredictable from where personal privacy information will leak out, and the construction of a common and robust framework to protect privacy will be an important issue. In this study, we built a privacy protection framework for IoT data with errors and inadequacies., 18K19835
Jun. 2018 - Mar. 2021 - 成長分野を支える情報技術人材の育成拠点の形成(enPiT)
01 Oct. 2016 - 2020 - 機械・人間知とサイバー・物理世界の漸進融合プラットフォーム
Oct. 2017 - Mar. 2019 - Research on big data magnifying glasses for data processing considering urgency
Akihiko Ohsuga
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, In this research, we developed a big data processing middleware that enables the construction of systems that adapt to changing urgency levels by changing the degree of abstraction of the data and the degree of protection of the privacy according to the local degree of urgency determined automatically, as if you moved the magnifying glass up and down and left and right to look at the data. For this purpose, we established data abstraction level adjustment method and privacy protection degree adjustment method, constructed an architecture to switch these layers according to the level of urgency, integrated it as middleware with an interface that imitates the operation of the magnifying glass to handle the change of level of urgency, developed a big data application example, evaluated it experimentally, and published the results., 16K12411
Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019 - Studies on triplification methods of paper abstracts for semantical and quantitative scientific information analysis
Kawaumra Takahiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), This study focused on the triplification methods, which translates scientific paper abstracts, etc. to Linked Data using natural language processing and machine learning techniques for semantically and quantitatively analyzing scientific inform. Linked Data is an internationally-standardized format, in which information contents are represented by triple, i.e., subject - verb - object. The unified format that can represent professional contents written in English and Japanese helps us to objectively browse and analyze the scientific and technological information in contents and in metrics., 16K00419
Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019 - Datamining of Software Repository using Personal Sensing Data
Matsumoto Kazunori
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), We collect sensing data with sensors attached to the bodies of software engineers. By using this data, we develop a method, based on datamining techniques of time-series data, to estimate the degree of concentration during their work. We also develop a datamining method to estimate degree of comprehension and concentration during work from gaze movement data patterns. Further we develop a method to estimate concentration degree from the situation of mouse and keyboard operations. With these developed methods, it becomes possible to estimate engineers' personal situation at the time of development. We finally develop a software quality management method that uses the personal situation., 15K00318
Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2018 - Coevolution of code feature dictionary and software comprehension domain
Maekawa Mamoru
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Understanding unfamiliar source code is inherently difficult for a software engineer, despite its importance. It is, however, still hard for a system to help in this activity, for lack of ways of both representing semantic chunks and of preparing a rich dictionary of chunks. This research proposed an integrated framework for annotating and searching source code. In the framework, each engineer gathers (annotates) semantic chunks that have the same meaning and interactively generalizes them to get a search pattern. As a result, a dictionary of semantic chunks together with their search patterns is incrementally created through engineer collaboration. Two representations are used: a tuple of nodes of an abstract syntax tree (AST) for a semantic chunk and a classifier on generative attribute vectors for search patterns., 26540169
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017 - Efficient runtime formal verification of aspect-oriented models@run.time systems
Tahara Yasuyuki
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), We developed a code generation system that provides an abstraction / refinement relation between the model and the source code based on the framework of the formal model of aspect-oriented models@run.time system proposed by us. We extended the framework of the formal model so that it can deal with the behavior in which aspects are woven at runtime for adaptation, by adding, as new axioms, axiom changing rules that formalize aspect weaving using reflection. We developed a prototype of verification and adaptation integrating the code generation system and the verification system based on the design of the prototype of the verification / adaptation system. We also implemented, conducted experiments of, and evaluated the example web / ubiquitous application., 26330081
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017 - Research on cloud middleware for systems recommending evacuation activities from disasters using miniblogs
Ohsuga Akihiko; Tahara Yasuyuki; Nakagawa Hiroyuki; Kawamura Takahiro; Yoshioka Nobukazu; Matsumoto Kazunori; Isshiki Masao
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), In this research, as we paid attention to the fact that people post a lot of useful information to miniblogs such as Twitter in real time, we developed middleware that enables to build evacuation activity recommendation systems for actual general disasters such as earthquake. Specifically, we took account of the variety of disasters, the situations about evacuation activities, and the variety of available information infrastructure. For this purpose, we improved the technologies we had established to develop the existing prototype and established new technologies. After that, we developed middleware on which we can build systems satisfying various requirements by using a cloud computing environment that is operating in practice. Finally, we built practical applications on the middleware and conducted experiments and evaluations., 24300005
Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2016 - Modeling of Data Integration and Datamining with Ambiguity
MATSUMOTO Kazunori; OHSUGA Akihiko
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), This study develops effective methods to prepare useful databases for datamining. It is in general not sufficient to use a database from a single source. We develop three types of methods that depend on different viewpoints. First, we assume a set of background knowledge is attached to the original database. Then a developed method automatically discovers useful data using the Web search, and attaches it to the database. Second, we develop a method to integrate multiple sources of databases into the one of a single source. The point here is to maintain many possibilities of the integration. Third, we develop an automatic acquisition of data with which we estimate the degree of reliability for the original database. These three types of methods and new datamining algorithms with them are implemented, and then the effectiveness is verified through experiments., 24500182
Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015 - Research on verification of self-adaptive systems using goal-oriented requirements specifications
TAHARA Yasuyuki; NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki; OHSUGA Akihiko
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), We established an approach to verification of self-adaptive systems with which we can intuitively confirm the verification results with the system requirements by using not only UML models such as statemachine diagrams but also goal-oriented requirements specifications. We implemented tools for transformation and verification. We also established an approach to implementing self-adaptive systems on the basis of the verification results., 23500039
2011 - 2013 - Text Mining for Languages of All Ages and Countries
SUZUKI Makoto; OHSUGA Akihiko; GOTO Masayuki; SUKO Tota
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Shonan Institute of Technology, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), We proposed the accumulation method, which is a language-independent text classification method that is based on the character N-gram. The accumulation method does not depend on the language structure, because this method uses the character N-gram to form index terms. If text documents are expressed in Unicode, then the accumulation method can classify documents using the same algorithm. Therefore, we classified English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese text documents. As a result, the highest macro-averaged F-measures of the proposed method were 94.5% for the English Reuters-21578, 88.5% for the Japanese CD-Mainichi 2002 data set, 90.2% for the Korean Hankyoreh 2008 data set, and 92.6% for the People's Daily 2009-2010 data set. Thus, we obtained good results for these languages. Moreover, we were able to construct a mathematical model of the accumulation method and were able to clarify the mathematical meaning., 22500140
2010 - 2012 - Research on Multi-Agent Middleware Supporting Ubiquitous Application Development
OHSUGA Akihiko; HONIDEN Shinichi; YOSHIOKA Nobukazu; MATSUMOTO Kazunori; KAWAMURA Takahiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), In this research, we developed open middleware for applications using a large number of sensors in ubiquitous network environments. Its main feature is that it incorporates a multi-agent mechanism implementing the structures and the relationships of the targets of the sensors in the real world. The middleware simplifies the treatment of such a large number of sensors and realizes easy development of applications that provide services flexibly coordinating with the changing real-world situations., 20300008
2008 - 2010 - Studies on Distributing Educational Contents using Mobile Agents
MATSUMOTO Kazunori; MIYAHARA Tetsuhiro; YOSHIOKA Obukazu; OHSUGA Akihiko
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), We develop a semi-structured data expression for educational contents which mainly consist of textual information. By extending association rule mining, we develop a new mining method that extracts effective rules for identifying authorship of contents. We then provide a mechanism that avoids an illegal use of contexts. We also develop a method that data-mines access patterns of contents, which are used for recommendations of useful contents. We finally develop a system that integrates these methods on the basis of agent technologies., 20500144
2008 - 2010 - Element-oriented software design for improving security and robustness conformity
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), To make a software system reliable and stable, it is essential that the system exhibit expected characteristics not only for its functionality, but for other aspects such as security and robustness. In recent years, a lot of software components are used to build a system. In addition, it is common that more dynamic components, such as mobile codes, are plugged-in to fulfill some functionality at runtime. This suggests that the assessment of characteristics of components is important at runtime as well as implementation phase. The exhaustive assessment is, however, practically difficult and possibly redundant because : (1) there are a lot of "black-box" components, (2) characteristics to observe and specifications to require may vary depending of the purpose and the context of component usage. This research has proposed the element-oriented software design for assuring security and robustness characteristics. An "element" of a component refers to the characteristics under specific execution situation within specific running context. A component is examined (1) only within the extent of the usage in the target system (2) whether its element conforms to the specification. This assessment is context-dependent, that is, component behaviors under other conditions are disregarded. To realize the assessment, a method of information flow tracking for pseudo code components is developed and evaluated., 18300007
2006 - 2007 - An Integrated System Design Methodology and Environments with Unified Generalized Security Requirements
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), This project conducted the following research and obtained the results shown. 1. constructed a prototype to extract the specification of a program module written in Java from its source code and execution observations(log) 2. constructed an interface to show the above result to users in a user-friendly manner. 3. constructed a module search system to help find modules suitable to particular specifications. The search is based on the relationships of modules and usage examples. 4. constructed a user interface to help the above search using a Japanese. This reduces the burden of a user to write specifications formally, 14380175
2002 - 2004
Academic Contribution Activities
- 日本ソフトウェア科学会 評議員
Review, Planning etc, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, Jun. 2020 - Present - 8th International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems (EAIS2023) Program Committee
Academic society etc, Peer review, Jul. 2023 - Jul. 2023 - 21st International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS2023) Program Committee
Academic society etc, Peer review, Jul. 2023 - Jul. 2023 - 7th International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems (EAIS2022) Program Committee
Academic society etc, Peer review, Jul. 2022 - Jul. 2022 - 20th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS2022) Program Committee
Academic society etc, Peer review, Jul. 2022 - Jul. 2022 - マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイル DICOMO 2022 シンポジウム プログラム委員長
Academic society etc, Planning etc, 情報処理学会, Jul. 2022 - Jul. 2022 - 電子情報通信学会論文誌「Special Section on Software Agent and its Applications 」特集号 副編集委員長
Others, Planning etc, 電子情報通信学会, 2019 - 2019 - 電子情報通信学会論文誌「ソフトウェアエージェントとその応用」特集号 副編集委員長
Others, Planning etc, 電子情報通信学会, 2019 - 2019