Department of Computer and Network EngineeringProfessor
Cluster II (Emerging Multi-interdisciplinary Engineering)Professor
Advanced Wireless Communication Research CenterProfessor
Office for International PBL EducationProfessor


  • 工学修士, 電気通信大学
  • Masters degree (Engineering), The University of Electro-Communications
  • 工学博士, 電気通信大学
  • Ph. D (Engineering), The University of Electro-Communications

Research Keyword

  • Power-over-fiber
  • Radio-over-fiber
  • Photonics networks
  • Optical signal processing
  • Optical transmission systems

Field Of Study

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Communication and network engineering
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Electronic devices and equipment


  • Apr. 2019
    University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, Professor
  • 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2019
    University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, Department of Communication Engineering and Infomatics, Associate Professor
  • 01 Jan. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2014
    University of Electro-Communications, The Center for Frontier Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
  • 01 May 2009 - 31 Dec. 2011
    University of Electro-Communications, The Center for Frontier Science and Engineering, Assistant Professor
  • 01 Oct. 2010 - 28 Feb. 2011
    Eindhoven Univeristy of Technology, The Netherlands, COBRA Researach Institute, Visiting Researcher
  • 01 Jun. 2007 - 30 Apr. 2009
    University of Electro-Communications, 電気通信学部 情報通信工学科, Assistant Professor
  • 01 Apr. 2006 - 30 Apr. 2007
    電気通信大学, 21世紀COE博士研究員
  • 01 Apr. 2004 - 31 Mar. 2006
    電気通信大学, 産学官連携博士研究員

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2004
    The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School, Division of Electro Communications, Department of Electrical Engineering

Member History

  • Jun. 2023
    副委員長, 電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会, Society
  • Jun. 2019 - May 2023
    幹事, 電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会, Society
  • Oct. 2021 - Aug. 2022
    外部評価委員, 国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構 外部評価委員会, Government
  • Jun. 2022
    運営委員, 電子情報通信学会 東京支部, Society
  • May 2021
    専門委員, 国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構 革新的情報通信技術研究開発委託研究評価委員会, Government
  • Jun. 2018 - May 2020
    会員事業企画幹事, 電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ執行委員会, Society
  • Jun. 2018 - May 2020
    委員, 電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ会員事業企画・運営会議, Society
  • Jun. 2017 - May 2020
    会誌編集委員(WG-E), 電子情報通信学会, Society
  • Jun. 2019
    顧問, 電子情報通信学会 光ファイバ応用技術(OFT)研究会, Society
  • Sep. 2016 - May 2019
    専門委員, 電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会, Society
  • Apr. 2013 - May 2019
    専門委員, 電子情報通信学会 光ファイバ応用技術(OFT)研究会
  • Jul. 2018
    専門委員, 国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構 高度通信・放送研究開発委託研究評価委員会, Government
  • Apr. 2016 - Apr. 2017
    編集委員, 電子情報通信学会 100周年特集号英文誌編集委員会, Society
  • Jun. 2015 - May 2016
    会誌編集委員(通信ソサエティ)副主査, 電子情報通信学会, Society
  • 01 Jun. 2014 - May 2016
    会誌編集委員(通信ソサエティ), 電子情報通信学会, Society
  • 01 Apr. 2013
    学生会顧問, 電子情報通信学会 東京支部


  • Apr. 2024
    OWPT 2024
    Simultaneous data and power transmission using a hollow-core fiber for passive optical network
    OWPT 2024 Student Paper Award, H. Yamaji;K. Murakami;S. Sugiura;M. Matsuura;T. Takagi;K. Mukasa
    International society
  • Apr. 2024
    OWPT 2024
    Evaluation of nonlinear effects in hollow-core fibers for high-power transmission
    OWPT 2024 Paper Award, S. Sugiura;K. Murakami;H. Yamaji;M. Matsuura;T. Takagi;K. Mukasa
    International society
  • Mar. 2024
    電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    PN研学生奨励賞, 久野拓真;落合匠郎;樋口怜治;佐竹風人;森洋二郎;Shih-Chun Lin;松浦基晴;Suresh Subramaniam;長谷川浩
  • Mar. 2024
    PN研学生奨励賞, 杉浦宗弥;村上夏尉;松浦基晴;高木武史;武笠和則
  • Mar. 2024
    PN若手研究賞, 村上夏尉;杉浦宗弥;松浦基晴;高木武史;武笠和則
  • Sep. 2023
    PSC 2023
    PSC 2023 Best Student Award, T. Kuno;T. Ochiai;R. Higuchi;K. Satake;K. Cruzado;R. Munakata;Y. Mori;S.-C. Lin;M. Matsuura;S. Subramaniam;and H;Hasegawa
  • Apr. 2022
    OWPT 2022 Paper Award, Natsuki Shindo;Taiki Kobatake;Motoharu Matsuura;Denis Masson;Simon Fafard
    International society
  • Apr. 2022
    OWPT 2022 Student Paper Award, Kai Murakami;Hikaru Mamiya;Motoharu Matsuura
    International society
  • Mar. 2022
    電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク研究会若手研究賞(指導学生), 神藤夏季;小畠大輝;松浦基晴
  • Mar. 2022
    電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会 学生ワークショップ 優秀賞(指導学生)
    Japan society
  • Jul. 2021
    Hong Kong
    OECC 2021 Best Student Paper Award(指導学生), Masaki Sagara;Wang Rui;Junichi Tsuda;Motoharu Matsuura
    International society
  • Jun. 2021
    国立研究開発法人 情報通信研究機構
    NICTオープンハウス 動画セッション テクノロジー賞(指導学生), 電通大;光信号処理研究グループ(相楽昌希;津田隼一;取稜
    Others, Japan
  • Apr. 2021
    OWPT 2021 Paper Award, Taiki Kobatake;Natsuki Shindo;Motoharu Matsuura
    International society
  • Mar. 2021
    半導体光増幅器内での周波数チャープを用いた4 bit光デジタル・アナログ変換
    電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会 PN若手研究賞(指導学生)
    Japan society
  • Sep. 2020
    電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ
    電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ 活動功労賞, 松浦基晴
  • Mar. 2020
    電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会 PN若手研究賞(指導学生)
    Japan society
  • May 2019
    電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術(OFT)研究会 学生ポスター優秀賞(指導学生), 小林隆一;大槻樹矢;岡田拓也;相葉孝充;松浦基晴
    Japan society, Japan
  • May 2019
    電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術(OFT)研究会 学生ポスター優秀賞(指導学生), 岡田拓也;小林隆一;松浦基晴
    Japan society, Japan
  • May 2019
    電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術(OFT)研究会 学生ポスター優秀賞(指導学生), 矢澤諒;上山大輔;松浦基晴
    Japan society, Japan
  • Mar. 2019
    OFC 2019
    OFC 2019 Top Scored Paper
    International society, United States
  • Mar. 2019
    電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会 若手研究賞(指導学生)
    Japan society, Japan
  • Mar. 2019
    電子情報通信学会 光ファイバ応用技術研究会 学生奨励賞(指導学生)
    Japan society, Japan
  • Mar. 2019
    電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会 学生ワークショップ 優秀賞(指導学生)
    Japan society
  • Mar. 2018
    OFC 2018
    OFC 2018 Top Scored Paper, Daisuke Kamiyama;Akira Yoneyama;Motoharu Matsuura
    International society, United States
  • Mar. 2018
    電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会 若手研究賞(指導学生), 谷津智也
    Japan society, Japan
  • Mar. 2018
    電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会 学生ワークショップ 優秀賞(指導学生), 楊亮(指導学生
    Japan society, Japan
  • Mar. 2018
    OSA Spotlight on Optics, Hayao Kuboki;Motoharu Matsuura
    Official journal, United States
  • Mar. 2016
    Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC 2016)
    OFC 2016 Top Scored Paper, Yamato Minamoto;Motoharu Matsuura
    International society, United States
  • Feb. 2015
    電子情報通信学会 光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    電子情報通信学会 光ファイバ応用技術研究会 学生奨励賞(指導学生), 源大和;松浦基晴
    Japan society, Japan
  • Feb. 2014
    電子情報通信学会 光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    電子情報通信学会 光ファイバ応用技術研究会 学生奨励賞(指導学生), 岡直哉;松浦基晴
    Japan society, Japan
  • May 2013
    IEEE Senior Member
    United States
  • Mar. 2011
  • Apr. 2009
    FUNAI Fundation for Information Technology
  • Nov. 2008
    Nippon Ericsson K. K.
    Ericsson Young Scientist Award


  • Spatial data and feed light divider using a silicon PV cell for power-over-fiber systems
    Y. Miyakawa; Y. Yaguchi; S.-C. Lin; S. Subramaniam; H. Hasegawa; M. Matsuura
    Last, 32th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers (POF 2024), Nov. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Optically powered antenna module without electrical power amplifiers
    Y. Gomi; S. Sugiura; M. Matsuura
    Last, 32th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers (POF 2024), Nov. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • High-power optical fiber transmission using hollow-core fibers
    M. Matsuura
    Lead, 32th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers (POF 2024), Nov. 2024, Invited
    International conference proceedings
  • DRAMA-PRO: Disaster recovery algorithm with mitigation awareness for protected elastic optical networks
    R. Zou; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; H. Hasegawa; G. B. Figueiredo; S. Subramaniam
    IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF 2024), Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Design of passive optically-powered fronthaul networks: The multi-splitter case
    E. Erbaya; G. B. Figueiredo; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; H. Hasegawa; S. Subramaniam
    IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF 2024), Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Digital twin enabled data-driven approach for traffic efficiency and software-defined vehicular network optimization
    M. S. Shahriar; S. Subramaniam; M. Matsuura; H. Hasegawa; S.-C. Lin
    IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2024-Fall), Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Simultaneous radio/pump/power-over-multi-core fiber transmission for optically powered radio units eliminating electrical power amplifiers
    M. Fukuyama; H. Shirato; Y. Gomi; H. Takahashi; N. Yoshikane; T. Tsuritani; M. Matsuura
    Last, Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group, 32, 19, 34050-34050, 05 Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate simultaneous radio-/pump-/power-over-fiber transmission using a single multi-core fiber for downlink radio-over-fiber transmission. This scheme not only introduces a remotely pumped optical amplifier to eliminate electrical power amplifiers (PAs) in radio units (RUs) but also drives a high-power photodiode, which is the main component of the RU by power-over-fiber. Using this scheme, we achieved a 20-dB improvement in the RF output signal power using a remotely pumped optical amplifier without electrical PAs in the optically powered RU.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Demonstration of power-over-hollow-core-fiber with 5G NR signals for optically powered remote antenna units
    Last, 50th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2024), W2A.147, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • Power-over-fiber using a pure-silica inner-cladding double-clad fiber and 976 nm photovoltaic power converter for improving power transmission efficiency
    Y. Yaguchi; Y. Miyakawa; S. Sugiura; S.-C. Lin; S. Subramaniam; H. Hasegawa; D. Masson; S. Fafard; M. Matsuura
    Last, 50th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2024), Tu4F.3, Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings
  • PRODIGY+: a robust progressive upgrade approach for elastic optical networks
    S. Petale; A. Knapińska; E. Erbaya; P. Lechowicz; K. Walkowiak; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; H. Hasegawa; S. Subramaniam
    Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Optica Publishing Group, 16, 9, E48-E48, 15 Aug. 2024, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Elastic optical networks (EONs) operating in the C-band have been widely deployed worldwide. However, two major technologies—multiband elastic optical networks (MB-EONs) and space division multiplexed elastic optical networks (SDM-EONs)—can significantly increase network capacity beyond traditional EONs. A one-time greenfield deployment of these flexible-grid technologies may not be practical, as existing investments in flexible-grid EONs need to be preserved and ongoing services must face minimal disruption. Therefore, we envision the coexistence of flexible-grid, multiband, and multicore technologies during the brownfield migration. Each technology represents a tradeoff between higher capacity and greater deployment overhead, directly impacting network performance. Moreover, as traffic demands continue rising, capacity exhaustion becomes inevitable. Considering the different characteristics of these technologies, we propose a robust network planning solution called Progressive Optics Deployment and Integration for Growing Yields (PRODIGY+) to gradually migrate current C-band EONs. PRODIGY+ employs proactive measures inspired by the Swiss Cheese Model, making the network robust to traffic peaks while meeting service level agreements. The upgrade strategy enables a gradual transition to minimize migration costs while continuously supporting increasing traffic demands. We provide a detailed comparison of our proposed PRODIGY+ strategy against baseline strategies, demonstrating its superior performance.
    Scientific journal, English
  • High-Power Optical Fiber Transmission for Remote Antenna Units
    M. Matsuura
    Lead, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), Mo4F-2, Aug. 2024, Invited
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Newly structured Hollow-Core Fiber and its open innovation field for Power over fiber, Radio over fiber and ultra-low latency application (Invited talk)
    N. Yamanaka; S. Okamoto; H. Tsuda; M. Matsuura; K. Mukasa
    2024 24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), IEEE, J104-B, 1-9, 14 Jul. 2024, Invited
    International conference proceedings
  • High-Power Analog Radio-Over-Fiber Transmission Using a Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber
    Kai Murakami; Souya Sugiura; Hironori Yamaji; Takeshi Takagi; Kazunori Mukasa; Motoharu Matsuura
    Last, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 36, 11, 709-712, Jun. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Fronthaul network architecture and design for optically powered passive optical networks
    E. Erbaya; S. Petale; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; H. Hasegawa; S. Subramaniam
    IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024), Jun. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Comparison of nonlinear properties in silica-core and hollow-core fibers
    Souya Sugiura; Kai Murakami; Takeshi Takagi; Kazunori Mukasa; Motoharu Matsuura
    Last, IEICE Communications Express, 13, 7, 264-267, May 2024, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • DRAMA-DC: Disaster recovery algorithm with mitigation awareness in data center EONs
    R. Zou; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; H. Hasegawa; S. Subramaniam
    International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2024), May 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Multi-layered optical network architecture with coarse-granularity-routing optical bypass
    H. Yuasa; K. Cruzado; Y. Mori; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; S. Subramaniam; K. Hosokawa; S. Yanaginmachi; H. Hasegawa
    International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2024), May 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performance Evaluation of optically powered high-power photo diodes
    Y. Gomi; S. Sugiura; M. Fukuyama; K. Murakami; M. Matsuura
    Corresponding, Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2024), OWPT10-01, Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of nonlinear effects in hollow-core fibers for high-power transmission
    S. Sugiura; K. Murakami; H. Yamaji; M. Matsuura; T. Takagi; K. Mukasa
    Corresponding, Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2024), OWPT4-02, Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • PV cell-based divider for power-over-fiber using double-clad fibers
    Y. Miyakawa; Y. Yaguchi; S.-C. Lin; S. Subramaniam; H. Hasegawa; M. Matsuura
    Corresponding, Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2024), OWPT5-02, Mar. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Simultaneous data and power transmission using a hollow-core fiber for passive optical network
    H. Yamaji; K. Murakami; S. Sugiura; M. Matsuura; T. Takagi; K. Mukasa
    Corresponding, Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2024), OWPT4-03, Mar. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Over 1-Watt analog RoF signal transmission using a 1-km hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber
    K. Murakami; S. Sugiura; H. Yamaji; M. Matsuura; T. Takagi; K. Mukasa
    Corresponding, The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC 2024), Th2A.15, Mar. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Capacity-bound evaluation and routing and spectrum assignment for elastic optical path networks with distance-adaptive modulation
    K. Cruzado; Y. Mori; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; S. Subramaniam; H. Hasegawa
    49th The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC 2024), W3C.6, Mar. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • High-power transmission technologies for radio-over-fiber in beyond 5G networks
    M. Matsuura
    Lead, International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC 2023), I1-4, Nov. 2023, Invited
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Experimental demonstration of 128×128 optical cross-connects with 2.45 Pbps throughput
    T. Ochiai; T. Kuno; R. Munakata; Y. Mori; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; S. Subramaniam; and H; Hasegawa
    European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2023), Th.B.6.4, Oct. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 40 Gb/s operation of photonic digital-to-analog conversion using frequency chirp in a QD-SOA
    T. Itoh; M. Sagara; M. Matsuura
    Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC 2023), Fr1B.2, Sep. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Effective Capacity estimation based on cut-set load analysis in optical path networks
    K. Cruzado; Y. Mori; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; S. Subramaniam; H. Hasegawa
    Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC 2023), Th4A.2, Sep. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 4.71-pbps-throughput multiband OXC based on space- and wavelength-granular hybrid switching
    T. Kuno; T. Ochiai; R. Higuchi; K. Satake; K. Cruzado; R. Munakata; Y. Mori; S.-C. Lin; M. Matsuura; S. Subramaniam; and H; Hasegawa
    Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC 2023), Th2A.2, Sep. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Power-over-fiber for remote antenna units in 5G/6G networks
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Lead, Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2023), Jul. 2023, Invited
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of response time of power-over-fiber for dynamic power control of remote antenna units in mobile networks
    Yuya Yaguchi; Suguru Fujita; Shih-Chun Lin; Suresh Subramaniam; Hiroshi Hasegawa; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, The 5th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2023), OWPTp-01, Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバによる信号と電力の同時伝送
    Lead, レーザー研究, 51, 3, 147-151, Mar. 2023, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Architecture and performance evaluation of bundled-path-routing multi-band optical networks author block
    Ryuji Munakata, Takuma Kuno, Yojiro Mori, Shih-Chun Lin, Motoharu Matsuura, Suresh Subramaniam, Hiroshi Hasegawa
    Proc. of OFC 2023, Optica Publishing Group, M4G.8, Mar. 2023, Peer-reviwed, True, We propose a novel bundled-path-routing node architecture for multi-band optical networks and a network design algorithm based on graph degeneration. Feasibility is demonstrated through experiments on a prototype with 300.8 Tbps throughput.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optically powered and controlled drones using optical fibers for airborne base stations
    Natsuki Shindo; Taiki Kobatake; Denis Masson; Simon Fafard; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, Photonics, MDPI, 9, 11, photonics9110882, Nov. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Photonic digital to analog conversion using supercontinuum multi-channel clocks
    Tetsuyuki Itoh; Masaki Sagara; Jun-ichi Tsuda; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, Proc. of OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (OECC/PSC 2022), ME1-1, Jul. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Improvement of power transmission efficiency in power-over-fiber using a double-clad fiber at 1550 nm
    Kai Murakami; Hikaru Mamiya; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, Proc. of OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (OECC/PSC 2022), TuC1-5, Jul. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical AND logic gate using filter sliced frequency chirp in a QD-SOA
    Taishi Takemoto; Jun-ichi. Tsuda; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (OECC/PSC 2022), WP-F3, Jul. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Power-over-fiber using double-clad fibers
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Lead, IEEE/OPTICA Journal of Lightwave Tecnology, IEEE, OPTICA, 40, 10, 3187-3196, May 2022, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    Scientific journal, English
  • Investigation of crosstalk between data signals and feed light in power-over-fiber,
    Motoharu Matsuura; Arisa Ikukawa; Hayao Kuboki; Yoshiaki Kawamura
    Corresponding, Photonics, MDPI, 9, 6, photonics9060369, May 2022, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Flight demonstration of power-over-fiber drone for aerial base stations
    Natsuki Shindo; Taiki Kobatake; Motoharu Matsuura; Denis Masson; Simon Fafard
    Corresponding, The 4th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2022), OWPTp-01, Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Simultaneous data and power transmission using a double-clad fiber with low-loss transmission band at 1550 nm
    Kai Murakami; Hikaru Mamiya; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, The 4th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2022), OWPTp-05, Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Recent advancement in power-over-fiber technologies
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Lead, Photonics, MDPI, 8, 8, photonics8080335, Aug. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Frequency chirp measurement method using a probe light and bandpass filter
    Ryo Katori; Wang Rui; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, Proc. of 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), S3D.4, Jul. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Frequency comb assisted photonic digital-to-analog conversion based on frequency chirp in a QD-SOA
    Masaki Sagara; Wang Rui; Junichi Tsuda; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, Proc. of 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), W2F.4, Jul. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Over 40-W electric power and optical data transmission using an optical fiber
    Motoharu Matsuura; Hayato Nomoto; Hikaru Mamiya; Tadanobu Higuchi; Denis Masson; Simon Fafard
    Lead, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE, 36, 4, 4532-4539, Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Simultaneous fiber transmission of control and mobile communication signals in power-over-fiber drones for airborne base stations
    Taiki Kobatake; Natsuki Shindo; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, The 3rd Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2021), OWPT-P-02, Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of wavelength dependence in feed light transmission loss of double-clad fiber for power-over-fiber applications
    Suguru Fujita; Tadanobu Higuchi; Hikaru Mamiya; Motoharu Matsuura
    Corresponding, The 3rd Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2021), OWPT-P-03, Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of relative intensity noise for power-over-fiber using multimode fibers
    Yoshiaki Kawamura; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. of 25th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2020), -to be presented, Oct. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 4-bit resolution of photonic digital-to-analog conversion by frequency chirp in a QD-SOA
    Masaki Sagara; Takuya Okada; Wang Rui; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. of 25th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2020), -to be presented, Oct. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 10-GSamples/s cascaded operation of photonic D/A and A/D converters using frequency chirp in SOAs
    Takuya Okada; Ryuichi Kobayashi; Rui Wang; Masaki Sagara; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. OSA Advanced Photonics, Congress, Photonics in Switching and Computing 2020, OSA, PsTh3F.6, Jul. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Crosstalk evaluation of simultaneous data signal and feed light transmission at 1.55-μm band for power-over-fiber using a double-clad fiber
    Hikaru Mamiya; Hayato Nomoto; Tadanobu Higuchi; Motoharu Matsuura
    The 2nd Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2020), OPIC, OWPTp-06, Apr. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Flight control of power-over-fiber drones using optical fibers for airborne base stations
    Natsuki Shindo; Ryo Yazawa; Ryuichi Kobayashi; Motoharu Matsuura
    The 2nd Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2020), OWPTp-07, Apr. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Photonic digital-to-analog conversion using a blue frequency chirp in a semiconductor optical amplifier
    Takuya Oakda; Ruichi Kobayashi; Wang Rui; Masaki Sagara; Motoharu Matsuura
    OSA Optics Letters, OSA, 45, 6, 1483-1486, Mar. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • 150-W power-over-fiber using double-clad fibers [Top Scored]
    Motoharu Matsuura; Nana Tajima; Hayato Nomoto; Daisuke Kamiyama
    IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE/OSA, 38, 2, 401-408, Jan. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    Scientific journal, English
  • Simultaneous radio-frequency and baseband signal transmission over a multimode fiber
    Tatsuya Ohtsuki; Takamitsu Aiba; Motoharu Matsuura
    IEEE Photonics Journal, IEEE, 11, 6, 7205512, Dec. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Photonic digital-to-analog conversion based on blue chirp spectral slicing using a quantum-dot SOA
    Takuya Okada; Tatsuya Ohtsuki; Ryuichi Kobayashi; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. 24th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference and International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing 2019 (OECC/PSC 2019), WF1-2, Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Electrically-superimposed analog and digital signal transmission over multimode fibers
    Ryuichi Kobayashi; Tatsuya Ohtsuki; Takuya Okada; Takamitsu Aiba; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. 24th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference and International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing 2019 (OECC/PSC 2019), WF1-4, Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • アナログ情報の光ディジタル化
    松浦基晴; 星野弘樹; 岡田拓也
    光学, 48, 6, 217, Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Relative phase noise evaluation of power-over-fiber in multimode fibers
    Arisa Ikukawa; Hayao Kuboki; Motoharu Matsuura
    The 1st Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2019), OWPT-P-09, Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of frequency response of photovoltaic power converter for controlling supply power via power-over-fiber systems
    Hayato Nomoto; Daisuke Kamiyama; Nana Tajima; Takuya Okada; Motoharu Matsuura
    The 1st Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2019), OWPT-P-13, Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Payload portability of power-over-fiber drone for airborne base stations
    Ryo Yazawa; Daisuke Kamiyama; Motoharu Matsuura
    The 1st Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2019), OWPT-9-05, Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Selective mark or space levelamplitude regeneration using blue chirp spectral slicing in a QD-SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura; Genma Ito
    Proc. of 44th Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC 2019), IEEE, OSA, W2A.37, Mar. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 150-Watt power-over-fiber feed for bidirectional radio-over-fiber systems using a double-clad fiber
    Nana Tajima; Daisuke Kamiyama; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. of 44th Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC 2019), IEEE, OSA, W1I.7, Mar. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Selective amplitude-level regeneration based on blue-chirp spectral slicing using QD-SOAs
    Motoharu Matsuura; Genma Ito
    OSA Optics Express, OSA, 27, 3, 3030-3038, Feb. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • 無線基地局のための大電力光ファイバ給電技術
    光アライアンス, 日本工業出版社, 30, 2, 15-18, Feb. 2019
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Simultaneous compression of multiple pulse streams for all-optical serial/parallel data exchanges
    Quang Nguyen The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    REV Journal on Electronics and Communications, 8, 3/4, 65-72, Dec. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Power-over-fiber technologies for radio-over-fiber networks
    Motoharu Matsuura
    The Review of Laser Engineering, レーザー学会, 46, 12, 688-692, Dec. 2018, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Over 1-km power-over-fiber using a double-clad fiber for bidirectional RoF systems
    Nana Tajima; Akira Yoneyama; Daisuke Kamiyama; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. 23rd OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2018), 4A4-2, Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 10-GSample/s, 15-level optical quantization using frequency chirp in a quantum-dot SOA
    Takuya Okada; Hiroki Hoshino; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. 23rd OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2018), P1-26, Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Flight demonstration of power-over-fiber drone for airborne base stations
    Ryo Yazawa; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. 23rd OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2018), 4A1-4, Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optically powered drone small cells using optical fibers
    Ryo Yazawa; Motoharu Matsuura
    IEICE Electronics Express, Institute of Electronics Information Communication Engineers, 15, 10, 20180371, 25 May 2018, Peer-reviwed, In this work, we present an optically powered drone cell using optical fibers for airborne base stations. We investigate the conversion performance of photovoltaic power converters and evaluate the power consumption required for flying an entry-type drone. Based on the specifications, we successfully achieve the flight demonstration of the drone powered by 20-W power-over-fiber feed, for the first time.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Photonic analog-to-digital conversion using a red frequency chirp in a semiconductor optical amplifier
    Hiroki Hoshino; Takuya Okada; Motoharu Matsuura
    Optics Letters, OSA - The Optical Society, 43, 10, 2272-2275, 15 May 2018, Peer-reviwed, A photonic analog-to-digital conversion (PADC) based on intensity-to-frequency conversion using a frequency chirp in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is proposed. The presented PADC has a simple scheme whereby optical quantization is achieved using a single SOA with multiple rectangular bandpass filters placed in parallel. In this Letter, we successfully achieve 10 GSamples∕s, eight-level optical quantization using a quantum-dot SOA. The PADC also has much lower input signal pulse power requirements for optical quantization, compared with conventional PADCs.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Multichannel data signals and power transmission by power-over-fiber using a double-clad fiber
    Daisuke Kamiyama; Akira Yoneyama; Motoharu Matsuura
    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 30, 7, 646-649, 01 Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed, This letter presents multichannel data signals and feed light transmission based on power-over-fiber using a double-clad fiber (DCF). To demonstrate the feasibility of this technique, we experimentally demonstrate simultaneous data signals and feed light transmission using a DCF link. The data signals consist of a single-channel analog signal and four-channel digital signals with each having a channel spacing of 100 GHz. The feed light has a maximum power of 60 W and delivers the feed light to a remote unit where it is converted into electrical power using multiple high-power photovoltaic converters. In this letter, we successfully achieve good transmission performance of the DCF for all the analog and digital signals and over 7-Watt electrical power delivery, for the first time.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Wavelength Conversion of 25-Gbit/s PAM-4 Signals Using a Quantum-Dot SOA
    Tatsuya Ohtsuki; Motoharu Matsuura
    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 30, 5, 459-462, 01 Mar. 2018, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate all-optical wavelength conversion of a 4-level pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM-4) signal by cross gain modulation (XGM) in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QD-SOA). In this scheme, the center passband of a conventional optical filter located at the QD-SOA output is slightly shifted to the shorter wavelength side [blue-shifted filtering (BSF)], which enables us to accelerate the gain recovery time of the QD-SOA and reduce the bandwidth limitation in the process of the wavelength conversion. By using the combination of XGM and BSF, we successfully achieve 25-Gbit/s PAM-4 wavelength conversion, with good conversion performance in terms of error-vector magnitude. We also investigate the conversion performance in a wide wavelength-hopping range and the high tolerance to the shift in input signal wavelength for use in data center applications.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optically powered radio-over-fiber system based on center- and offset-launching techniques using a conventional multimode fiber
    Hayao Kuboki; Motoharu Matsuura
    OSA Optics Letters, OSA - The Optical Society, 43, 5, 1067-1070, 01 Mar. 2018, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate radio-over-fiber (RoF) transmission with a 10-W feed power-over-fiber (PWoF) using a conventional multimode fiber (MMF). In this scheme, the modal dispersion and feed light crosstalk in the MMF are effectively mitigated by the combination of center-launching (CL) and offset-launching (OL) techniques. The CL is used for propagating the feed light into lower-order modes in the MMF, while the OL is used not only for propagating the optical data signals into higher-order modes in the MMF, but also for mitigating the modal dispersion. We successfully achieved significant improvement in the RoF transmission performance with the 10-W feed PWoF and extended the link length up to 4 km, owing to the two techniques.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Multichannel analog and digital signal transmission with Watt-Class electrical power delivery by means of power-over-fiber using a double-clad fiber
    Daisuke Kamiyama; Akira Yoneyama; Motoharu Matsuura
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, M2K.7, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We have successfully achieved high transmission performance of multichannel analog and digital signals with over 7-Watt electrical power delivery by means of power-over-fiber using a double-clad fiber, for the first time.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Modal dispersion and feed light crosstalk mitigations by using center- and offset-launching for optically-powered radio-over-multimode fiber systems
    Hayao Kuboki; Motoharu Matsuura
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, Th2A.62, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We have successfully achieved high RoF transmission performance with around 10- Watt feed power-over-fiber using a conventional multimode fiber. The modal dispersion and feed light crosstalk are effectively mitigated by the combination of center- and offset-launching.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of noise characteristics in graded-index silica and plastic optical fibers for RoF links
    Ryoma Azumai; Takamitsu Aiba; Motoharu Matsuura; Tomohiro Wakabayashi
    Proc. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim/OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/Photonics Global Conference (CLEO-PR/OECC/PGC 2017), P1-126, Jul. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Composite Effect of E/O Nonlinearity and Optical Echo on EPWM-OFDM Transmission in Radio Over Fiber Channel
    Xiaoxue Yu; Motoharu Matsuura; Yasushi Yamao
    WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, SPRINGER, 93, 3, 647-660, Apr. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Radio over Fiber (RoF) is a promising technology for extending broadband wireless access to indoor and outdoor dead spots. However, commonly applied intensity-modulation / direct-detection RoF transmission presents some nonlinearity and produces echo distortion. Since multiple carrier modulation signals such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) are widely employed in broadband wireless systems, the above issues become more serious. The OFDM signals have high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio, which makes them more sensitive to nonlinearity. Moreover, the large delay of optical echoes that are caused by the discontinuity of refractive index at both ends of Electrical/Optical (E/O) and Optical/Electrical converters exceeds the guard time of current OFDM symbols when the length of optical fiber is long. Since the nonlinearity and echo exist simultaneously in RoF channels, their composite effect is mathematically analyzed in this paper. A RoF-echo model is proposed for the modeling of the multiple light reflections and its validity is confirmed by experiments. Then, Envelop-Pulse-Width-Modulation- (EPWM-) RoF transmission is proposed for dealing with the nonlinearity and echo in RoF channel. The performance of the EPWM-RoF scheme for OFDM signal transmission is evaluated by simulations, which reveals that the scheme improves the transmission quality in Error Vector Magnitude under the composite environment of E/O nonlinearity and optical echo.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optically Powered and Controlled Beam Steering System for Radio-Over-Fiber Networks
    Motoharu Matsuura; Yamato Minamoto
    Lead, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 35, 4, 979-988, Feb. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Invited, This study presents an optically powered and controlled beam steering system for radio-over-fiber networks. The beam steering technique is based on optical multicasting and true-time delay among the multicast signals for a remote antenna unit. The power required for driving the entire remote antenna unit is delivered from a central office to the remote antenna unit by power-over-fiber technique using double-clad fibers, which consist of a single-mode core and an inner-cladding that surrounds the single-mode core. In the fiber link, an optical data signal is transmitted into the single-mode core without limiting the signal bandwidth because of modal dispersion, whereas high-power feed light for optical powering is transmitted into the inner-cladding with a core effective area that is much larger than the single-mode core. To show the feasibility of the beam steering system, we have experimentally evaluated the signal performance of beam steering for a 60-W power-over-fiber feed using a 300-m double-clad fiber link in terms of error-vector magnitude measurements. We have successfully achieved good signal performances for various beam angles estimated using true-time delay settings for multicast signals.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optical Quantization Based on Intensity to Frequency Conversion Using Frequency Chirp in a QD-SOA
    Norihiko Ninomiya; Hiroki Hoshino; Motoharu Matsuura
    2017 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION (OFC), IEEE, Th1F.6, 2017, Peer-reviwed, We present a novel optical quantization technique based on intensity-to-frequency conversion using frequency chirp in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. A four-level signal at 10-GSamples/s is successfully achieved for photonic analog-to-digital conversions.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Regenerative Wavelength Conversion of PAM-4 Signals Using XGM with Blue-Shift Filtering in a QD-SOA
    Tatsuya Ohtsuki; Tomoya Yatsu; Motoharu Matsuura
    2017 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 2-2L-2, 2017, Peer-reviwed, We have experimentally demonstrated all-optical wavelength conversion of PAM-4 signals based on cross gain modulation in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. As a result, we have successfully achieved 5-nm regenerative wavelength conversion of 20-Gbit/s PAM-4 signals at the total required input power 4.8 dBm. Moreover, the improvement of BER with signal regeneration effect by uniforming the power intervals of the PAM-4 signal was successfully achieved.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-Optical OOK to Multiple-Level PSK Format Conversion Using a Self-Generating Optical Clock
    Motoharu Matsuura; Keita Mizusaka; Naoya Oka
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 28, 14, 1577-1580, Jul. 2016, Peer-reviwed, We have demonstrated all-optical format conversion from ON-OFF-keying to multiple-level phase-shift-keying based on self-generating optical clock scheme. This scheme enables us to generate an optical clock synchronized with an input data signal without a clock recovery circuit and an optical pulse source. In this letter, we have evaluated and compared the format conversion performances using a conventional optical clock and the self-generating optical clock in terms of bit-error-rate measurement. As a result, we have successfully achieved the low power penalty to the conventional scheme of <0.3 dB.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Performance of an Inline RZ-DPSK Pulse Compression Using Raman Amplifier and Its Application in OTDM Tributary
    Quynh Nguyen Quang Nhu; Hung Nguyen Tan; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E99C, 2, 227-234, Feb. 2016, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally investigate the performance of a distributed Raman amplifier (DRA)-based pulse compressor for a phase modulated signal. A 10 Gb/s return-to-zero (RZ)-differential phase shift keying (DPSK) signal is compressed to picosecond range after transmission. Pulsewidth is continuously compressed in a wide range from 20 to 3.2 ps by changing the pump power of the DRA while the compressed waveforms are well-matched with sech(2) function. Error-free operations at bit-error-rate (BER) of 10(-9) are achieved for the compressed signals of various pulsewidths with low power penalties within 2.3 dB compared to the back-to-back. After the compression, the 10 Gb/s signal is used to generate a 40 Gb/s RZ-DPSK optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) signal. This 40 Gb/s OTDM signal is then successfully demultiplexed to 10 Gb/s DPSK signal by using an optical gate based on four-wave mixing (FWM) in a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF).
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optically Controlled Beam Steering System With 60-W Power-Over-Fiber Feed for Remote Antenna Units
    Yamato Minamoto; Motoharu Matsuura
    2016 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION (OFC), IEEE, W3K.2, 2016, Peer-reviwed, We present an optically controlled beam steering system with 60-W power-over-fiber feed for remote antenna units. We experimentally demonstrate the tuning functionality of the true-time delay with high signal qualities under 60-W optical feeding.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Intrinsic Robustness of Fiber Misaligned Connections and Reflection Noise in Plastic Optical Fiber Links for Cost-Effective Radio-Over-Fiber Systems
    Yuki Matsumoto; Motoharu Matsuura; Rei Furukawa; Azusa Inoue; Yasuhiro Koike
    2016 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION (OFC), IEEE, Th4A.5, 2016, Peer-reviwed, We evaluate and compare radio-over-fiber transmission performances in terms of fiber misaligned connection and reflection noise in silica multimode fibers and plastic optical fibers (POFs). The results show that POFs have much higher transmission performances.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Power-Over-Fiber Transmission Using 1.3-mu m Dual-Channel Radio-Over-Fiber Signals in a Double-Clad Fiber
    Akira Yoneyama; Yamato Minamoto; Motoharu Matsuura
    2016 21ST OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC) HELD JOINTLY WITH 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS IN SWITCHING (PS), IEEE, TuA2-4, 2016, Peer-reviwed, We successfully demonstrated 30-W power-over-fiber with 1.3-mu m dual-channel radio-overfiber signals using a 300-m double-clad fiber. The results showed that the signals had negligible errorvector magnitude penalties to the back-to-back signal.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Frequency Chirp Properties With Data Pattern Dependence in Quantum-Dot SOAs
    Hiroki Hoshino; Norihiko Ninomiya; Motoharu Matsuura
    2016 21ST OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC) HELD JOINTLY WITH 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS IN SWITCHING (PS), IEEE, WA2-71, 2016, Peer-reviwed, We investigated the chirp properties using IO-Gbit/s signal with a fixed data pattern in quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifiers. The results show that the properties depend on the data pattern affected by the gain recovery time.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Self-Clocking Synchronized Optical Demultiplexing Using Four-Wave Mixing in a Quantum-Dot SOA
    Liang Yang; Tomoya Yatsu; Motoharu Matsuura
    2016 21ST OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC) HELD JOINTLY WITH 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS IN SWITCHING (PS), IEEE, ThE1-4, 2016, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated the optical demultiplexing using self-clocking synchronization. The demultiplexing was based on four-wave mixing in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. We successfully achieved error-free operations and low power penalties for all extracted channels.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 60 W power-over-fiber feed using double-clad fibers for radio-over-fiber systems with optically powered remote antenna units
    Motoharu Matsuura; Hidehito Furugori; Jun Sato
    OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 40, 23, 5598-5601, Dec. 2015, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally demonstrated the ability to feed 60 W of optical power into a power-over-fiber link using a double-clad fiber for radio-over-fiber systems with optically powered remote antenna units. In order to improve the available optical feed power and the power transmission efficiency of the power-over-fiber link, we have designed a specially customized tapered fiber bundle divider for the remote antenna unit. We demonstrated, for the first time, bidirectional radio-over-fiber transmission over a 300 m double-clad fiber with an improved power transmission efficiency and optical power feeding up to 60 W input. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • All-optical pulsewidth-tunable wavelength conversion of return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying signal
    Gazi Mohammad Sharif; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 22, 4, 553-559, Aug. 2015, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate the wavelength conversion of return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) signal with the pulsewidth-tunable operation using a Raman amplifier (RA)-based ultrashort pulse compressor and a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF)-based four-wave mixing (FWM) switch. The wavelength of the input RZ-DPSK signal is converted to new wavelengths owing to the FWM effect in HNLF. On the other hand, the pulsewidth of the wavelength-converted RZ-DPSK signal is tuned from 10 to 3 ps by using the ultrashort pulse source based on RA-based adiabatic soliton pulse compression. The bit error rate characteristics of the input RZ-DPSK and the wavelength-converted RZ-DPSK signals with different pulsewidths are measured and error-free operations are achieved in all cases. The optical spectra, autocorrelation traces, and clear and opening eye diagrams show high conversion performance with wide-range pulsewidth tunability.
    Scientific journal, English
  • One to Six Wavelength Multicasting of RZ-OOK Based on Picosecond-Width-Tunable Pulse Source with Distributed Raman Amplification
    Irneza Ismail; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E98C, 8, 816-823, Aug. 2015, Peer-reviwed, All-optical 1-to-6 wavelength multicasting of a 10-Gb/s picosecond-tunable-width converted return-to-zero (RZ)-on-off-keying (OOK) data signal using a wideband-parametric pulse source from a distributed Raman amplifier (DRA) is experimentally demonstrated. Width-tunable wavelength multicasting within the C-band with approximately 40.6-nm of separation with various compressed RZ data signal inputs have been proposed and demonstrated. The converted multicast pulse widths can be flexibly controlled down to 2.67 ps by tuning the Raman pump powers of the DRA. Nearly equal pulse widths at all multicast wavelengths are obtained. Furthermore, wide open eye patterns and penalties less than 1.2 dB at the 10-9 bit-error-rate (BER) level are found.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Waveform Conversion and Wavelength Multicasting with Pulsewidth Tunability Using Raman Amplification Multiwavelength Pulse Compressor
    Quynh Nguyen Quang Nhu; Quang Nguyen-The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E98C, 8, 824-831, Aug. 2015, Peer-reviwed, A combination of nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ)-to-return-to-zero (RZ) waveform conversion and wavelength multicasting with pulsewidth tunability is experimentally demonstrated. A NRZ data signal is injected into a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF)-based four-wave mixing (FWM) switch with four RZ clocks compressed by a Raman amplification-based multiwavelength pulse compressor (RA-MPC). The NRZ signal is multicast and converted to RZ signals in a continuously wide pulsewidth tuning range between around 12.17 and 4.68 ps by changing the Raman pump power of the RA-MPC. Error-free operations of the converted RZ signals with different pulsewidths are achieved with negative power penalties compared with the back-to-back NRZ signal and the small variation among received powers of RZ output channels at a bit-error-rate (BER) of 10-9. The NRZ-to-RZ waveform conversion and wavelength multicasting without using the RA-MPC are also successfully implemented.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Wide range operation of an all-optical NRZ-DPSK-to-RZ-DPSK regenerative waveform-wavelength conversion with flexible width-tunability
    Irneza Ismail; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Gazi Mohammad Sharif; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 22, 3, 489-495, Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed, For the first time, we demonstrated a wide range operation of an all-optical non-return-to-zero (NRZ)-differential-phase-shift-keying (DPSK)-to-return-to-zero (RZ)-DPSK waveform-wavelength conversion with flexible picosecond width-tunablity and regenerative functionality. The scheme is based on a Raman amplifier soliton compressor (RASC) and a fiber-based four-wave mixing (FWM) AND-gate. In the first demonstration, we demonstrated waveform-wavelength conversion of a 10-Gb/s DPSK signal without input signal degradation over 54-nm input-output wavelength ranges. The measurement results of the converted RZ-DPSK signal are pedestal-free, and its converted pulse width from 13.0 to 2.87-ps can be adjusted by tuning the Raman pump power between 0.20 and 0.90 W. An investigation of the regenerative waveform-wavelength conversion is further conducted at different Raman pump power settings over 40-km standard single-mode fibers without dispersion compensation. Error-free operation with a low power penalty less than -1.95 dB is obtained for the RZ-DPSK regenerated converted signal.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Experimental investigation of chirp properties induced by signal amplification in quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifiers
    Motoharu Matsuura; Hiroaki Ohta; Ryota Seki
    OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 40, 6, 914-917, Mar. 2015, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally show the dynamic frequency chirp properties induced by signal amplification in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QD-SOA) for the first time. We also compare the red and blue chirp peak values and temporal chirp changes while changing the gain and injected signal powers of the QD-SOA with those of a common SOA. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Bidirectional Radio-Over-Fiber Systems Using Double-Clad Fibers for Optically Powered Remote Antenna Units
    Motoharu Matsuura; Jun Sato
    IEEE Photonics Journal, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 7, 1, 1-9, Feb. 2015, Peer-reviwed, This paper shows and experimentally demonstrates bidirectional radio over fiber (RoF) using a double-clad fiber (DCF) for optically powered remote antenna units (RAUs). The DCF for an RoF link has a single mode (SM) core and a multimode inner cladding; the SM core is used for simultaneous downlink and uplink transmissions of the optical RoF data signals, whereas the inner cladding is used for optical power delivery to the RAU. The aim of this approach is to optically power the RAU in such a way that external electrical power supplies, such as batteries or public power lines, are not required. The feasibility of the technique is demonstrated by bidirectional RoF transmission over a 100-m DCF optically feeding with 4.0 W. We successfully achieved high downlink and uplink transmission performance in terms of error vector magnitude measurements, which are based on the IEEE 802.11g wireless local area network (WLAN) standard at a carrier frequency of 2.45 GHz.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 100-km Transmission of 40 Gbit/s RZ-DPSK Signal Using Self-Clocking Concept and Optical Phase Conjugation in a QD-SOA
    Tomoya Yatsu; Ryota Seki; Motoharu Matsuura
    2015 OPTO-ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), IEEE, ThO3-6, 2015, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated 100 km transmission by self-clocking concept and optical phase conjugation in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier and achieved error-free operation with less than 2.5 dB power penalty to the back-to-back signal.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 40-Watt Power-Over-Fiber Using a Double-Clad Fiber for Optically Powered Radio-Over-Fiber Systems
    Jun Sato; Hidehito Furugori; Motoharu Matsuura
    2015 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION (OFC), IEEE, W3F.6, 2015, Peer-reviwed, We have successfully demonstrated bidirectional radio-over-fiber transmission using a double-clad fiber with 40-Watt (W) optical power feeding. The error-vector-magnitude penalties of the transmitted signals were less than 0.06% with and without 40-W optical power feeding.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dynamic Frequency Chirp Properties of QD-SOAs
    Motoharu Matsuura; Hiroaki Ohta; Ryota Seki
    2015 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION (OFC), IEEE, W2A.26, 2015, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally show dynamic frequency chirp properties induced in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QD-SOA), for the first time. We also compare the dynamic chirp properties of the QD-SOA with those of a common SOA.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Raman Amplifier-Soliton Compressor and Its Application to All-Channel Hybrid OTDM Demultiplexing
    Irneza Ismail; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Quang Nguyen-The
    2015 OPTO-ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), IEEE, PWe.35, 2015, Peer-reviwed, An all-optical demultiplexing of 40-Gb/s hybrid OTDM channels by using Raman-amplifier-soliton-compressor-flexible control-window is demonstrated. Error-free operations with less than 1.3-dB power penalties were obtained and this scheme is expected to be scalable toward higher bit-rates.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Comparison of Gain Compression in Quantum-Dot SOAs for Multichannel Amplification
    Norihiko Ninomiya; Motoharu Matsuura
    2015 OPTO-ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), IEEE, PWe.38, 2015, Peer-reviwed, We investigated the gain compression between two optical signals with different channel spacing in a conventional semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and quantum-dot SOA (QD-SOA). In the QD-SOA, the inhomogeneous gain broadening effect was clearly observed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 100-km Transmission of 40 Gbit/s RZ-DPSK Signal Using Self-Clocking Concept and Optical Phase Conjugation in a QD-SOA
    Tomoya Yatsu; Ryota Seki; Motoharu Matsuura
    2015 OPTO-ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), IEEE, PWe.03, 2015, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated 100 km transmission by self-clocking concept and optical phase conjugation in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier and achieved error-free operation with less than 2.5 dB power penalty to the back-to-back signal.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Wavelength Multicasting of RZ-DPSK Signal with Tunable Pulsewidth Using Raman Amplification Pulse Compressor
    Quynh Nguyen Quang Nhu; Hung Nguyen Tan; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2015 21ST ASIA-PACIFIC CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS (APCC), IEEE, 29-32, 2015, Peer-reviwed, We have demonstrated a 4x10 Gb/s RZ-DPSK wavelength multicasting using Raman amplification-based compressor with adjustable pulsewidth down to around 7.89 ps. Bit-error-rate at 10(-9) of multicast signals are achieved with low power penalties.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performance of a routing and wavelength assignment scheme for an optical-carrier-reusable ring network
    Masafumi Keri; Nattapong Kitsuwan; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    IET Networks, Institution of Engineering and Technology, 3, 4, 267-274, 01 Dec. 2014, Peer-reviwed, This study investigates a heuristic routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) scheme for an optical-carrier-reusable ring network. This network has two unique features. First, only one light source, called the multi-carrier light source, is required which eases the difficulty of controlling many light source devices. Second, optical carriers are reused in order to improve the efficiency of wavelength usage. Given the target of wavelength-resource-efficient channel establishment, performance of the heuristic RWA scheme is evaluated. To realise efficient wavelength usage, the authors formulate the RWA problem as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem of obtaining the minimum number of required wavelengths for given requests. With the ILP approach, the calculation process is not tractable in practical time. The heuristic RWA scheme introduced in this study solves the RWA problem. This scheme consists of two algorithms. Channel routes are obtained by the routing algorithm, and the wavelength assignment algorithm is then performed to assign a wavelength to each route. Moreover, two candidates, considering the shortest path and considering the avoidance of wavelength conversion, for the routing algorithm are examined. Numerical results show that the first candidate is more suitable in terms of reducing the number of required wavelengths than the second candidate.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Performance of All-Optical Format Conversion Using a Self-Generating Optical Clock
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoya Oka
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 26, 22, 2217-2220, Nov. 2014, Peer-reviwed, In this letter, we have experimentally evaluated the performance of all-optical format conversion using a self-generating optical clock. To show the feasibility of this method, we have demonstrated the all-optical format conversion from return-to-zero ON-OFF keying to return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying using the self-generating optical clock at a bit-rate of 10 Gb/s, and successfully achieved high-conversion performances in terms of bit-error-rate measurement.
    Scientific journal, English
  • NRZ-DPSK-to-RZ-DPSK format conversion with multiple-function using Raman adiabatic-soliton compressor
    Irneza Ismail; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2014), AF3D.7, Nov. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Multichannel-mixed OOK and DPSK format transmission performance between midspan TDCM and OPC system
    Irneza Ismail; Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2014), ATh3A.137, Nov. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Stress-induced light leakage of Rhodamine 6G doped polymer optical fiber
    Rei Furukawa; D. Mizorogi; K. Tsukada; E. Nihei; Motoharu Matsuura; Azusa Inoue; A. Tagaya; Y. Koike
    Proc. of The 23rd International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers (POF 2014), 8-2, 10 Oct. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Launching condition dependence of noise reduction effect in radio over fiber systems with graded-index plastic optical fibers
    Azusa Inoue; Rei Furukawa; Motoharu Matsuura; Yasuhiro Koike
    Proc. of The 23rd International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers (POF 2014), 2-3, 08 Oct. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Simultaneous multichannel mix format OOK and DPSK NRZ-to-RZ waveform conversion with picosecond width-tunability
    Irneza Ismail; Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2014 (TriSAI 2014), 16-3, Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical waveform sampling based on four wave mixing in a high nonlinear fiber
    Nguyen Quang Nhu Quynh; Nguyen The Quang; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2014 (TriSAI 2014), 5-6, Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • WDM-to-OTDM conversion using supercontinuum generation in a highly nonlinear fiber
    Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 26, 18, 1882-1885, Aug. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • All-Optical Wavelength-Shift-Free NRZ-DPSK to RZ-DPSK Format Conversion with Pulsewidth Tunability by an SOA-Based Switch
    Gazi Mohammad Sharif; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E97C, 7, 755-761, Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate an all-optical non-return-to-zero differential phase shift keying (NRZ-DPSK) to return-to-zero differential phase shift keying (RZ-DPSK) format conversion with wavelength-shift-free and pulsewidth tunable operations by using a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based switch. An NRZ-DPSK signal is injected into the SOA-based switch with an RZ clock, and is converted to RZ-DPSK signal owing to the nonlinear effects inside the SOA. In this scheme, the wavelength of the converted RZ-DPSK signal is maintained as the original wavelength of the input NRZ-DPSK signal during the format conversion. Moreover, the pulsewidth of the converted signal is tunable in a wider operating range from 30 to 60 ps. The format conversion with pulsewidth tunability is based on cross-phase modulation (XPM) and cross-gain modulation (XGM) effects in the SOA. The clear eye diagrams, optical spectra and the bit-error-rate (BER) characteristics show high conversion performance with the wide pulsewidth tuning range. For all cases of the converted RZ-DPSK signal with different pulsewidths, the receiver sensitivities at a BER of 10(-9) for the converted RZ-DPSK signal were 0.7 to 1.5 dB higher than the receiver sensitivity of the input NRZ-DPSK signal.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Reflection noise reduction effect of graded-index plastic optical fiber in multimode fiber link
    Azusa Inoue; Rei Furukawa; Motoharu Matsuura; Yasuhiro Koike
    OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 39, 12, 3662-3665, Jun. 2014, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally demonstrate that a graded-index plastic optical fiber (GI POF) can significantly reduce reflection noise in a multimode fiber link with a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL). By directly observing beams backreflected to the VCSEL, we show that the noise reduction effect is closely related to random mode coupling because of light scattering by microscopic heterogeneities in the GI POF core material. This suggests that intrinsic mode coupling can lower the self-coupling efficiency of the light backreflected to the VCSEL cavity through beam quality degradation. Using GI POFs, low-cost radio-over-fiber systems for indoor networks can be realized without optical isolators or fiber end-face polishing. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Evaluation of modal noise in graded-index silica and plastic optical fiber links for radio over multimode fiber systems
    Motoharu Matsuura; Rei Furukawa; Yuki Matsumoto; Azusa Inoue; Yasuhiro Koike
    OSA Optics Express, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 22, 6, 6562-6568, Mar. 2014, Peer-reviwed, We have evaluated and compared modal noise induced in a graded-index silica multimode fiber (GI-MMF) link and a graded-index plastic optical fiber (GI-POF) link with the misaligned fiber connections. In radio over fiber (RoF) systems using these optical fibers, modal noise appears as unwanted amplitude modulation in the received signal, and results in degradation of the RoF transmission performance. In this work, we have evaluated the modal noise induced in GI-MMFs and GI-POFs with its same core diameter of 50 mu m. Our results show that GI-POFs have an inherently higher tolerance to misaligned connection and less modal noise than GI-MMFs in terms of both the error-vector magnitude and the speckle pattern of the transmitted signals. (C)2014 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • EPWM-OFDM Signal Transmission against Nonlinearities of E/O Converters in Radio over Fiber Channel
    Xiaoxue Yu; Yasushi Yamao; Motoharu Matsuura
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E97B, 2, 484-494, Feb. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Radio over Fiber (RoF) is a promising technology that is suitable for broadband wireless access systems to cover in-building areas and outdoor dead-spots. However, one issue in RoF transmission that should be considered is the nonlinear distortion caused by Electrical/Optical (E/O) converters. Multicarrier RF (Radio Frequency) signal formats such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), which are commonly employed in broadband wireless communications, are weak against nonlinearities. To enable the linear transmission of OFDM signal in RoF channel, we propose to employ the Envelop Pulse Width Modulation (EPWM) transmission scheme for RoF channel. Two commonly used E/O converters, Mach-Zehnder modulator and direct-modulation of Distributed Feedback Laser Diode (DFB LD), are employed to validate the proposal. Based on the measured nonlinearities of the E/O converters, they are mathematically modeled and their transmission performance are analyzed. A modified Rapp model is developed for the modeling of the DFB LD. Through simulations and experiments, the proposed scheme is shown to be effective in dealing with the nonlinearities of the E/O converters.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Use of state of polarization transparent scheme for polarization shift keying signal as optical phase conjugator to improve the transmission performance
    Md Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 21, 1, 48-53, Jan. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Transmission characteristics of polarization shift keying (PolSK) signal is experimentally demonstrated in this work. Performance degradation due to transmission is improved using optical phase conjugation (OPC) technique. The wavelength converter based on the proposed state of polarization (SOP) transparent scheme for PolSK signal is effective to use it as mid-link optical phase conjugator and which is difficult to achieve using conventional wavelength conversion scheme. It is found that for fiber transmission, the performance of both of the orthogonal SOPs of the PolSK signal is different for their respective chirping characteristics which can be optimized to be similar using proposed OPC technique. (C) 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
    Scientific journal, English
  • Power-Over-Fiber Using Double-Clad Fibers for Radio-Over-Fiber Systems
    Motoharu Matsuura; Jun Sato
    2014 19TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON NETWORKS AND OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - (NOC), IEEE, 126-131, 2014, Peer-reviwed, This work presents a power-over-fiber (PoF) using double-clad fibers (DCFs) for radio-over-fiber (RoF) systems. The DCF for the RoF link has a single-mode (SM) core and a multimode inner cladding; the SM core is used for both downlink and uplink transmissions of the optical RoF data signals, while the inner cladding is used for optical power delivery to the BS. The aim of this approach is to optically power the BS in such a way that external electrical power supplies such as batteries or public power lines are not required. The feasibility of the technique is demonstrated by RoF transmission over a 100-m DCF optically feeding with 4.0 W. We successfully achieved high downlink and uplink transmission performances from the CS to the BS in terms of bit-error rate and error-vector magnitude measurements, based on the IEEE 802.11g wireless local area network standard at a carrier frequency of 2.45 GHz.
    International conference proceedings, English
    Q. Nguyen Quang Nhu; Q. Nguyen-The; H. Nguyen Tan; M. Matsuura; N. Kishi
    2014 OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE TECHNOLOGY (OECC/ACOFT 2014), IEEE, 462-464, 2014, Peer-reviwed, A 40 GSymbol/s FWM-based all-optical sampling of NRZ and arbitrary waveforms using a Raman amplification multiwavelength pulse compressor and a HLNF is realized. The reconstructed waveforms match well with input waveforms.
    International conference proceedings, English
    I. Ismail; Q. Nguyen-The; M. Matsuura; N. Kishi
    2014 OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE TECHNOLOGY (OECC/ACOFT 2014), IEEE, 586-588, 2014, Peer-reviwed, All-optical 1-to-6 wavelength multicasting of 10-Gb/s RZ-OOK signal using picosecond tunable-width wideband-parametric pulse source amplifier from Raman adiabatic-soliton-compressor. Error-free operations with less than 1-dB power penalty were achieved in the representative multicast outputs.
    International conference proceedings, English
    I. Ismail; Q. Nguyen-The; M. Matsuura; N. Kishi
    2014 OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE TECHNOLOGY (OECC/ACOFT 2014), IEEE, 554-556, 2014, Peer-reviwed, A picosecond width-tunable and pedestal-free multichannel mixed format conversion of NRZ-to-RZ intensity- and phase-modulated signals were experimentally demonstrated. Adjusting the Raman-pump power makes the width-tunable converted signals possible until 2.73-ps resulting in negative power penalties.
    International conference proceedings, English
    Q. Nguyen-The; Q. Nguyen Quang Nhu; N. Kishi; M. Matsuura
    2014 OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE TECHNOLOGY (OECC/ACOFT 2014), IEEE, 465-466, 2014, Peer-reviwed, We have been experimentally demonstrated OTDM-to-WDM conversion from 20 Gb/s to 2 x 10 Gb/s based on cross-phase modulation in a highly nonlinear fiber. Error-free performance was achieved for all channels with power penalties below 1.5 dB.
    International conference proceedings, English
    G. M. Sharif; Q. Nguyen-The; M. Matsuura; N. Kishi
    2014 OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE TECHNOLOGY (OECC/ACOFT 2014), IEEE, 583-585, 2014, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate wavelength conversion of RZ-DPSK signal with pulsewidth tunability. In this scheme, the pulsewidth of the wavelength converted signal can be tuned in a wider operating range by using Raman amplifier based pulse compressor.
    International conference proceedings, English
    Yamato Minamoto; Motoharu Matsuura
    2014 4th IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IEEE IC-NIDC), IEEE, 164-167, 2014, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated optical phased array antenna based on true-time delay (TTD) beamforming for radio-over-fiber (RoF) using semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and tunable dispersion medium, In the case of the full range of beam direction, the required delay time per antenna element was 194 ps. As a result, the full true time delay was obtained by adjusting the dispersion value of the tunable dispersion medium (TDM) from 400 ps/nm to +400 ps/nm. We successfully achieved the high TTD performance for various output beam angles.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Parametric NRZ-to-RZ Wavelength Multicasting with Pulsewidth Tunability Using Raman Amplification Multiwavelength Pulse Compressor
    Quynh Nguyen Quang Nhu; Quang Nguyen-The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2014 INTERNATIONAL TOPICAL MEETING ON MICROWAVE PHOTONICS (MWP) AND THE 2014 9TH ASIA-PACIFIC MICROWAVE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (APMP), IEEE, 276-279, 2014, Peer-reviwed, A novel technique for all-optical 4x10 Gb/s NRZ-to-RZ format conversion and wavelength multicasting with pulsewidth tunability using a Raman amplification-based multiwavelength pulses compressor and a high nonlinear fiber is successfully demonstrated. The input NRZ signal is multicast and converted to RZ signals at four wave mixing products and the pulsewidths follow those of the compressed clocks. The tunable pulsewidth of RZ signals outputs are around from 4.68 ps to 12.17 ps. Error-free operations are achieved with small penalty variations among RZ outputs channels.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Core stress distribution of phase shifting multimode polymer optical fiber
    Rei Furukawa; Morio Nagata; Kenji Mishima; Motoharu Matsuura; Azusa Inoue; Akihiro Tagaya; Yasuhiro Koike
    APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 103, 21, 213301, Nov. 2013, Peer-reviwed, Poly-(methyl methacrylate-co-benzyl methacrylate) polarization-maintaining optical fibers are known for their high response to normal stress. In this report, responses to higher stress levels up to 0.45 MPa were investigated. The stress amplitude and direction in the fiber cross section were calculated and analyzed with a coincident mode-field obtained from the near-field pattern. The stress amplitude varies significantly in the horizontal direction and is considered to create multiple phases, explaining the measurement results. To investigate possible permanent deformation, the core yield point profile was analyzed. Although it largely exceeds the average applied stress, the calculated stress distribution indicates that the core could partially experience stress that exceeds the yield point. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Significant noise reduction for radio over fiber using microscopically heterogeneous plastic optical fiber
    Azusa Inoue; Rei Furukawa; Motoharu Matsuura; Yasuhiro Koike
    Proc. of The 22nd International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers (POF 2013), PO18, Sep. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • NRZ-DPSK to RZ-DPSK format conversion with wavelength shift free and pulsewidth tunable operations
    Gazi Mohammad Sharif; Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, and The 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/Photonics in Switching 2013 (CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013), MO1-3, Jul. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical WDM-to-OTDM conversion based on supercontinuum generation in a highly nonlinear fiber
    Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, and The 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/Photonics in Switching 2013 (CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013), MO1-5, Jul. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • RZ-OOK to RZ-DPSK format conversion with all-optical clock generation
    Naoya Oka; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. of The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, and The 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/Photonics in Switching 2013 (CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013), TuPO-3, Jul. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Radio-over-fiber transmission with optical power supply using a double-clad fiber
    Jun Sato; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. of The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, and The 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/Photonics in Switching 2013 (CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013), TuPO-8, Jul. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Analysis of RoF-echo effect on OFDM signal transmission with EPWM format
    Xiaoxue Yu; Motoharu Matsuura; Yasushi Yamao
    Proc. of International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), PLCCM3-4, Jun. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Multichannel transmission of intensity- and phase-modulated signals by optical phase conjugation using a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Optics Letters, 38, 10, 1700-1702, 15 May 2013, Peer-reviwed, We report the demonstration of optical phase conjugation using a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. The transmission performance of wavelength-multiplexed 10-Gbit/s intensity- and phase-modulated signals is investigated for different channel alignments. In a 100-km transmission, we have successfully achieved high transmission performance with low power penalties for all the transmitted signals. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
    Scientific journal, English
  • All-optical polarization-insensitive non-return-to-zero-to-pulsewidth tunable return-to-zero conversion
    Gazi Mohammad Sharif; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 20, 3, 266-270, May 2013, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate polarization-insensitive non-return-to-zero (NRZ)-to-pulsewidth tunable return-to-zero (RZ) conversion based on a Raman amplifier (RA)-based pulse compressor and a fiber-based NRZ-to-RZ converter, which consists of a polarization diversity loop. We measure the bit-error rate (BER) characteristics of the input NRZ signal and the converted RZ signals. The power penalty of less than 0.2 dB between the converted RZ signals with different power ratios proved the polarization insensitivity. Moreover, by changing the Raman pump power of the RA-based pulse compressor, the pulsewidths of the converted RZ signals were flexibly tuned from 10 to 2 ps, which proved NRZto-RZ conversion with pulsewidth tunability. In all cases, clear eye diagrams were obtained. (C) 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
    Scientific journal, English
  • Error-free 320-to-40-Gbit/s optical demultiplexing based on blueshift filtering in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier
    Motoharu Matsuura; Oded Raz; Fausto Gomez-Agis; Nicola Calabretta; Harm J. S. Dorren
    OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 38, 2, 238-240, Jan. 2013, Peer-reviwed, We present an ultrahigh-speed optical demultiplexing concept based on optical blue-shift filtering in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QD-SOA). Using a simple scheme, a QD-SOA and an optical bandpass filter, we have successfully achieved error-free operations at 40 Gbit/s on all the extracted tributaries from an aggregated traffic at 320 Gbit/s. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Simultaneous Multichannel Transmission of Intensity- and Phase-Modulated Signals Based on Optical Phase Conjugation Using a Quantum-Dot SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2013 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION AND THE NATIONAL FIBER OPTIC ENGINEERS CONFERENCE (OFC/NFOEC), IEEE, OTh1.C.7, 2013, Peer-reviwed, We report the first demonstration of optical phase conjugation using a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. The 100-km transmission performances of the multiplexed 10-Gb/s intensity- and phase-modulated signals are investigated for different channel alignments.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Scalability Analysis and Demonstration of Distributed Multicarrier Reusable Network With Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers
    Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS (ICC), IEEE, 3889-+, 2013, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate a distributed multicarrier reusable network (DMRN) for regional and metro areas, based on dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) transmission with reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs). To eliminate the multiple distributed laser-diodes (LDs) at each access node in conventional ROADM networks, optical carriers generated by a centralized multicarrier light source (MCLS) are distributed to the access nodes, and they are used for node-tonode data transmission. The ROADM employed at each access node is used not only to "add" and "drop" data, but also to "drop" optical carriers. Moreover, to improve the wavelength utilization efficiency of the carriers distributed by the MCLS in the network, we proposed a technique called optical carrier regeneration (OCR), whereby the distributed carriers can be reused in each access node. This technique has a simple scheme and enables us to reuse the carriers that were already utilized for data transmission between prior source and destination nodes.
    In this work, we numerically analyze the scalability of our proposed DMRN in terms of the number of nodes, the span length, and the cascadability of the OCR. Moreover, we conduct a DMRN experiment using 10.7 Gb/s x 4 channels DWDM transmission and compare the transmission performances for various span lengths, for the first time. The results show that the DMRN will be useful for wide-area metro networks with high transmission performances.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Significant noise reduction in multimode fiber links using graded-index plastic optical fiber with microscopic heterogeneous core
    Azusa Inoue; Rei Furukawa; Motoharu Matsuura; Yasuhiro Koike
    IET Conference Publications, 2013, 622, 843-845, 2013, Peer-reviwed, We show that the reflection noises in multimode fiber links can be significantly reduced by using graded-index plastic optical fiber with microscopic heterogeneous core. It is suggested that the intrinsic mode coupling due to the microscopic heterogeneities can result in the noise reduction without optical isolator and fiber end-face polishing.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Modal noise impact in plastic optical fiber links for radio-over-fiber systems
    Motoharu Matsuura; Rei Furukawa; Azusa Inoue; Yasuhiro Koike
    IET Conference Publications, 2013, 622, 1158-1160, 2013, Peer-reviwed, We evaluate and compare the modal noise impacts in silica-based multimode fibers (MMFs) and plastic optical fibers (POFs) with same core diameters of 50-μm. In this experiment, we show that POFs fundamentally have higher tolerance to offset connection and lower modal noise than MMFs in terms of error-vector magnitude and speckle pattern.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-Optical WDM-to-OTDM Conversion Using a Multiwavelength Picosecond Pulse Generation in Raman Compression
    Quang Nguyen-The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 24, 24, 2235-2238, Dec. 2012, Peer-reviwed, An all-optical wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) to optical time-division-multiplexing (OTDM) conversion is described. The scheme is based on a Raman amplification-based multiwavelength pulse compressor and fiber-based cross phase modulation switch. In this letter, we experimentally demonstrate the conversion from 4 x 10-Gb/s WDM channels to one 40-Gb/s OTDM channel with the power penalties of less than 2 dB.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Demonstration of bufferless optical packet switch with recursive stages of parametric wavelength converter
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Nattapong Kitsuwan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Eiji Oki
    OPTICAL SWITCHING AND NETWORKING, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 9, 4, 336-342, Nov. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate in an experiment an optical packet switching (OPS) using recursive parametric wavelength converters (PWCs) which uses the combination of two or more PWCs for wavelength conversions. The PWCs, which are based on four-wave mixing in highly nonlinear fibers, are possible for multiple wavelength conversion, allowing a shareper-node switching scheme, and thus significantly reducing the number of wavelength converters. Detailed demonstration of a developed OPS prototype using the joint of two PWCs indicates the generation of various wavelength conversion patterns which play an important role for OPS performance. The converted signals after two stages of PWC are obtained with error-free operations and low power penalties (BER = 10(-9)) of about 2.0 dB. Numerical results also show significant improvement in packet blocking probability by the proposed recursive PWC-based OPS in comparison with the previous non-recursive schemes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Nonlinearity effect of DFB laser diode RoF channel on EPWM-OFDM signal transmission
    Xiaoxue Yu; Motoharu Matsuura; Yasushi Yamao
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2012 (TriSAI 2012), S-8-2, Sep. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Two-stage waveform conversion by using cross-gain-modulation of semiconductor optical amplifiler
    Yuta Doi; Syouta Inoue; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2012 (IWMST 2012), R3-1, Aug. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Parallel WDM Signal Processing in Mixed NRZ and RZ Transmission Networks Using a Single Optical Gate With Multiple Switching Windows
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 18, 2, 926-934, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We propose and demonstrate in experiment a multiple switching-window optical gate (MW-OG) for applications on parallel multiwavelength processing. The proposed scheme is a multiwavelength compatible version of the conventional Sagnac interferometric switch that offers independent controllability of switching windows at different wavelengths. This feature makes possible the data format conversion from nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) and return-to-zero (RZ) with parallel pulsewidth tunability for wavelength-division-multiplexed signals. It also leads to the multiwavelength regeneration against chromatic dispersion and amplified spontaneous emission noise for both NRZ and RZ signals over the optical sampling processes. The MW-OG is then used as inline signal regeneration in a mixed NRZ and RZ data format transmission network over standard single-mode fiber without dispersion compensation. The regeneration is carried out at a central node that works as a terminal and an intermediate for various interconnections among nodes. Transmission performances are significantly improved for all channels simultaneously by parallel pulsewidth management in accordance with their modulation formats and lightpaths.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 40-fold 4-channel sub-picosecond pulse compression by Raman amplification and self-phase modulation
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 37th The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC 2012), OM2C.2, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical WDM-to-OTDM conversion using a Raman amplification-based multi-wavelength pulse compressor
    Quang Nguyen The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 37th The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC 2012), OM2C.3, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 320-to-40-Gb/s optical demultiplexing by means of optical filtering of chirped signal using a quantum-dot SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura; Oded Raz; Fausto Gomez-Agis; Nicola Calabretta; Harm J; S. Dorren
    Proc. of 37th The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC 2012), OTh3H.4, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Reconfigurable All-Optical OTDM-to-WDM Conversion Using a Multiwavelength Ultrashort Pulse Source Based on Raman Compression
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 30, 6, 853-863, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We propose and demonstrate a reconfigurable all-optical format conversion from optical time-division multiplexing (OTDM) to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) providing full flexibility in terms of channel spacing and wavelength allocation. The system consists of a Raman amplification-based multiwavelength pulse compressor and a parametric sampling gate. Four conventionally generated WDM 10 GHz pulse trains are compressed at the same time to around 2.5 ps and, then, used for multiwavelength sampling of a 40 Gb/s 3.49 ps OTDM signal. Simultaneous extraction of all four 10 Gb/s tributaries to WDM channels in WDM grid with tunable channel spacing is demonstrated. Controlling time delays among the WDM clock channels makes it flexible to map OTDM tributaries onto any desired wavelength order, which is also called wavelength-and time-selective function. The reconfigurable functions can be realized independently on the coming OTDM signal by simply setting corresponding parameters of the WDM synchronous pulse trains at the terminals. This is also the key for the good overall performance obtained for all demultiplexed channels. Low power penalties below 1.9 and 2.1 dB are achieved with small penalty variations, 0.3 and 0.5 dB, among channels as the OTDM tributaries are converted to WDM grid with spacing of 400 and 200 GHz, respectively.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 320-to-40-Gb/s Optical Demultiplexing Using Four-Wave Mixing in a Quantum-Dot SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura; Fausto Gomez-Agis; Nicola Calabretta; Oded Raz; Harm J. S. Dorren
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 24, 2, 101-103, Jan. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We report, for the first time, the optical demultiplexing of a 320-Gb/s intensity-modulated signal using four-wave mixing in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. Error-free operations were successfully achieved for all the 40-Gb/s channels extracted by the optical demultiplexer.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Generation of multi-wavelength picosecond pulses with tunable pulsewidth and channel spacing using a Raman amplification-based adiabatic soliton compressor
    Quang Nguyen-The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 20, 2, 1230-1236, Jan. 2012, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally demonstrate pulsewidth-tunable picosecond multi-wavelength pulse generation at 10 Gb/s by the use of a Raman amplification-based adiabatic soliton compressor (RA-ASC). Multi-wavelength seed pulse trains are generated by a commercially available electroabsorption modulator and then compressed by using the RA-ASC. The pulsewidths of the compressed pulses can be simultaneously controlled from 16.0 ps to 2.0 ps by adjusting Raman pump power. Operating wavelength range of our scheme are also investigated, showing the possibility for wide channel spacing operations. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • OFDM Signal Transmission by EPWM Transmitter in Nonlinear RoF Channel
    Xiaoxue Yu; Motoharu Matsuura; Shinsuke Yokozawa; Yasushi Yamao
    2012 IEEE 75TH VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (VTC SPRING), IEEE, 10G-2, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) technology enables low-loss distribution of RF signals over optical fiber, which contributes much for spreading broadband wireless access services into in-building areas and outdoor dead-spots. However, current broadband wireless access systems employ OFDM schemes and suffer from nonlinear distortion of the RoF channel due to nonlinearity inherent in Electrical to Optical (E/O) conversion. In this paper, a new RoF transmission scheme employing Envelop Pulse-Width Modulation (EPWM) transmitter has been proposed to efficiently suppress the impact of RoF channel nonlinearity on OFDM signals. This idea is executed in a typical RoF channel that uses a Mach-Zehnder modulator as its E/O convertor. It is proved by both simulation and experiment that the EPWM-RoF scheme can achieve linear transmission of OFDM signal via nonlinear RoF channel.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Polarization-insensitive NRZ-to-RZ conversion with pulsewidth tunability
    Gazi Mohammad Sharif; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Technical Digest - 2012 17th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2012, 893-894, 2012, Peer-reviwed, We present a polarization-insensitive non-return-to-zero (NRZ) to return-to-zero (RZ) conversion. In this scheme, the pulsewidth of the converted RZ signal can be flexibly tuned from 10 ps to 2 ps. © 2012 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • OTDM Add-Drop Multiplexing Using a Raman Amplification-Based Adiabatic Soliton Compressor
    Quang Nguyen-The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES FOR COMMUNICATIONS (ATC 2012), IEEE, 349-352, 2012, Peer-reviwed, An optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) adddrop multiplexing using Raman amplification-based adiabatic soliton compressor (RA-ASC) and a fiber-based cross phase modulation (XPM) switch is experimentally demonstrated. A 10 Gb/s clock train is compressed by the RA-ASC and then acts as a control signal in the fiber-based XPM switch to perform the OTDM add-drop multiplexing. A 10 Gb/s data channel is dropped from a 40 Gb/s OTDM data signal and a new 10 Gb/s data channel is added in its place. Below 2-dB power penalties are obtained for all demultiplexed channels after OTDM add-drop multiplexing.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Multichannel NRZ-to-RZ Modulation Format Conversion Using Cross-Gain Modulation in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Tomoya Katafuchi; Motoharu Matsuura; Quang Nguyen-The; Naoto Kishi
    2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES FOR COMMUNICATIONS (ATC 2012), IEEE, 353-356, 2012, Peer-reviwed, We propose the use of cross-gain modulation (XGM) for multichannel NRZ-to-RZ data format conversion in a single semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). Four 10Gb/s WDM NRZ signals are converted simultaneously to RZ format without logic inversion. The proposed technique is advantageous over previous schemes due to its particular simplicity, polarization independency, and wavelength-shift-free operation. It maintains good performance under 16.5dB input power dynamic range, and large time and wavelength offsets between input signals and control clock.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Ultrahigh-speed and widely tunable wavelength conversion based on cross-gain modulation in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier
    Motoharu Matsuura; Oded Raz; Fausto Gomez-Agis; Nicola Calabretta; Harm J. S. Dorren
    OSA Optics Express, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 19, 26, 551-559, Dec. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We present ultrahigh-speed and full C-band tunable wavelength conversions using cross-gain modulation in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QD-SOA). In this study, we successfully demonstrated error-free 320-Gbit/s operation of an all-optical wavelength converter (AOWC) using the QD-SOA for the first time. We also demonstrated full C-band tunable operation of the AOWC in the wavelength range between 1535 nm and 1565 nm at a bit rate of 160-Gbit/s. (C)2011 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Multichannel wavelength conversion of 50-Gbit/s NRZ-DQPSK signals using a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier
    Motoharu Matsuura; Nicola Calabretta; Oded Raz; Harm J. S. Dorren
    OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 19, 26, 560-566, Dec. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate simultaneous four-channel wavelength conversion of 50-Gbit/s non-return-to-zero differential quadrature-shift-keying signals with a channel spacing of 100-GHz using a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. Error-free operations with low-power penalties are successfully achieved with various channel configurations. (C)2011 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Flexible Broadband Wavelength Conversion in Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 23, 15, 1097-1099, Aug. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We successfully demonstrate error-free broadband wavelength conversion using cross-gain modulation in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QD-SOA). Because of the wide gain bandwidth of the QD-SOA, a wide gain range is available for the wavelengths of the original and converted signals. As a result, the operating wavelength of the converted signal is flexibly tuned in a 150-nm wavelength range covering the S/C/L-bands.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 320 Gbit/s wavelength conversion using four-wave mixing in quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifiers
    Motoharu Matsuura; Oded Raz; Fausto Gomez-Agis; Nicola Calabretta; Harm J. S. Dorren
    OSA Optics Letters, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 36, 15, 2910-2912, Aug. 2011, Peer-reviwed, In this study, we demonstrate error-free all-optical wavelength conversion of ultrahigh-speed intensity modulated signals by means of four-wave mixing in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. Error-free performance at a bit rate of 320 Gbit/s is measured for the extracted 40 Gbit/s tributaries with a 3: 4 dB average power penalty to the original signal. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Broadband wavelength conversion using cross-gain modulation in quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifiers
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2011 (TriSAI 2011), CD-2, Aug. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Parallel multichannel processing by a multiple switching-window semiconductor-based switch
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2011 (TriSAI 2011), OW-4, Aug. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 4 x 10 Gb/s WDM picosecond pulse source based on Raman amplification-based adiabatic soliton compression for OTDM applications
    Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2011 (TriSAI 2011), OW-3, Aug. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A routing and wavelength assignment scheme based on integer linear programming in a carrier wavelength reusable optical ring network
    Masafumi Keri; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2011 (TriSAI 2011), OW-1, Aug. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-Optical NRZ-to-RZ Data Format Conversion with Picosecond Duration-Tunable and Pedestal Suppressed Operations
    Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E94C, 7, 1160-1166, Jul. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate an all-optical picosecond pulse duration-tunable nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ)-to-return-to-zero (RZ) data format conversion using a Raman amplifier-based compressor and a fiber-based four-wave mixing (FWM) switch. A NRZ data signal is injected into the fiber-based FWM switch (AND gate) with a compressed RZ clock by the Raman amplifier-based compressor, and convert to RZ data signal by the fiber-based FWM switch. The compressed RZ clock train acts as a pump signal in the fiber-based FWM switch to perform the NRZ-to-RZ data format conversion. By changing the Raman pump power of the Raman amplifier-based compressor, it is possible to tune the pulse duration of the converted RZ data signal from 15 ps to 2 Ps. In all the tuning range, the receiver sensitivity at bit error rate (HER) of 10(-9) for the converted RZ data signal was about 1.3 similar to 1.7 dB better than the receiver sensitivity of the input NRZ data signal. Moreover, the pulse pedestal of the converted RZ data signals is well suppressed owing to the FWM process in the fiber-based FWM switch.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Transmission performance investigation of PolSK signal based on optical phase conjugation using SOP transparent scheme
    Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 16th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2011), 7C4_2, Jul. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Transmission performance improvement by inline pulsewidth management using a single SOA-based waveform converter
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 16th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2011), 5D4_4, Jul. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Recursive Parametric Wavelength Conversion Scheme for Optical Packet Switch
    Nattapong Kitsuwan; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Eiji Oki
    JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 29, 11, 1659-1670, Jun. 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a scheme to increase possible patterns of wavelength-conversion for an optical packet switch (OPS) with parametric wavelength converters (PWCs) by obtaining additional converted wavelengths using the existing resources. It is called a recursive parametric wavelength conversion (RPWC) scheme. A PWC uses a pump wavelength to define the original and converted wavelengths, called wavelength conversion pairs. None of conversion pairs from any PWCs can sometime support the request, although some wavelengths at the requested output fiber are available. Therefore, packet loss occurs and several conversion pairs are wasteful. In RPWC, unused conversion pairs are used to create additional conversion pairs. The OPS allows each wavelength to be converted using combination of unused conversion pairs using more than one PWC, instead of using only a single PWC as in a conventional scheme. Simulation results show that RPWC achieves lower packet loss rate than the conventional scheme, under both uniform and non-uniform traffic. To show the feasibility of RPWC, we develop a prototype of an optical switch with RPWC and demonstrate it in experiment.
    Scientific journal, English
  • A wavelength assignment design scheme for a carrier wavelength reusable WDM ring network
    Masafumi Keri; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    Proc. of 7th International Conference on IP + Optical network (iPOP 2011), P-2, Jun. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • High-Speed Wavelength Conversion of RZ-DPSK Signal Using FWM in a Quantum-Dot SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 23, 10, 615-617, May 2011, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate an all-optical wavelength conversion of a return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) signal using four-wave mixing in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. We successfully achieved low penalty operation of 0.56 dB using 40-Gb/s RZ-DPSK signal.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Wavelength Assignment in Multi-Carrier Distributed Optical Ring Networks With Wavelength Reuse
    Masafumi Keri; Eiji Oki; Motoharu Matsuura
    JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 3, 4, 281-289, Apr. 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper investigates the problem of wavelength assignment in wavelength reusable multi-carrier distributed (WRMD) wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) ring networks. In conventional WDM ring networks, each edge node (EN) has its own light sources, and optical channels, called lightpaths, are established by using optical carriers generated from laser diodes (LDs) at the source EN. However, such networks will suffer from the need for complicated wavelength management (e. g., monitoring LDs, avoiding wavelength collision) in the future since each EN requires a large number of LDs to deal with the exponential increase in traffic. On the other hand, a WRMD ring network overcomes this problem. In this network, lightpaths between source and destination ENs are established by using carriers generated from a centralized multi-carrier light source. Moreover, the carrier regeneration technique is applied for the purpose of reducing the number of wavelengths used for lightpath establishment. Although optical carrier regeneration reduces the number of wavelengths, the quality of the regenerated carrier is slightly degraded after carrier regeneration. Therefore, in the WRMD network, the allowable number of carrier regenerations per wavelength must be limited in order to avoid communication error. This paper formulates the wavelength assignment problem, minimizing the number of wavelengths needed to establish all requested lightpaths, as the vertex coloring problem, and then an integer linear programming (ILP) solution is provided. Since ILP problems are non-deterministic polynomial-time( NP-) complete, a heuristic algorithm is developed. Numerical results indicate that our developed algorithm performs well in our test cases. It is observed that one and two carrier regenerations per wavelength reduce the number of wavelengths for lightpath establishment by approximately 50% and 60%, respectively, compared to that without carrier regeneration. The results also show that regenerating carriers more than two times per wavelength has little effect on the required number of wavelengths regardless of the number of ENs.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Experimental demonstration of an optical packet switch using recursive parametric wavelength conversions
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Nattapon Kitsuwan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Eiji Oki
    Proc. of 36th The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC 2011), JWA011, Mar. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optical packet switch with recursive parametric wavelength conversions
    Nattapong Kitsuwan; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Eiji Oki
    IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a scheme to increase possible patterns of wavelength-conversion for an optical packet switch (OPS) with parametric wavelength converters (PWCs) by obtaining additional converted wavelengths using the existing resources. It is called a recursive parametric wavelength conversion (RPWC) scheme. A PWC uses a pump wavelength to define the original and converted wavelengths, called wavelength conversion pairs. None of conversion pairs from any PWCs can sometime support the original and available converted wavelength, although some wavelengths at the requested output fiber are available. Since the original wavelength is not converted, some packet losses may occur. Several conversion pairs are wasteful since they are not utilized. In RPWC scheme, unused conversion pairs are used to create additional conversion pairs. The OPS allows each wavelength to be converted using combination of unused conversion pairs using more than one PWCs, instead of using only a single PWC as in a conventional scheme. Numerical results via simulation show that the RPWC scheme achieves lower packet loss rate than the conventional scheme. To show the feasibility of the RPWC scheme, we develop a prototype of an optical switch with RPWC and demonstrate it in experiment. © 2011 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Simultaneous multi channel wavelength conversion of polarization shift keying signal with different channel group-delay and state of polarization
    Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 284, 2, 665-669, Jan. 2011, Peer-reviwed, Simultaneous wavelength conversion of multichannel polarization shift keying (PoISK) signal using four-wave-mixing in highly non-linear fiber is demonstrated. In the proposed wavelength converter, the wavelengths of four 10-Gb/s polarization shift keying channels are simultaneously converted without any performance degradation for the converted channels. We successfully achieved high conversion performances for all the converted channels even though the input PoISK channels have different delay time and state of polarization. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Parallel WDM Regenerative Waveform Conversion for Mixed NRZ and RZ Transmission Networks Using a SOA-Based Multiple Switching-Window Optical Gate
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2011 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (OFC/NFOEC) AND THE NATIONAL FIBER OPTIC ENGINEERS CONFERENCE, OPTICAL SOC AMERICA, OWG4, 2011, Peer-reviwed, We propose and demonstrate parallel regenerative waveform conversion with tunable pulsewidths using SOA-based multiple switching-window optical-gate (MW-OG). MW-OG based inline regenerations improve performance of a mixed NRZ/RZ transmission network.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Broadband Wavelength Conversion with S/C/L-band Flexible Operation Using Cross-Gain-Modulation in a Single Quantum Dot SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2011 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (OFC/NFOEC) AND THE NATIONAL FIBER OPTIC ENGINEERS CONFERENCE, OPTICAL SOC AMERICA, OThY6, 2011, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally demonstrated operating original and converted wavelengths flexible wavelength conversion using cross-gain-modulation in a single quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier with covering the entire S-, C-, and L-bands. (C)2011 Optical Society of America
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 40-Gbit/s RZ-DPSK Wavelength Conversion Using Four-Wave Mixing in a Quantum Dot SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2011 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (OFC/NFOEC) AND THE NATIONAL FIBER OPTIC ENGINEERS CONFERENCE, OPTICAL SOC AMERICA, JThA024, 2011, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate, for the first time, all-optical wavelength conversion of 40-Gbit/s RZ-DPSK signal using four-wave mixing in a quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier. We achieved error-free operations with high conversion performances. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optical Packet Switch with Recursive Parametric Wavelength Conversions
    Nattapong Kitsuwan; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Eiji Oki
    2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS (ICC), IEEE, ONS_06-1, 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a scheme to increase possible patterns of wavelength-conversion for an optical packet switch (OPS) with parametric wavelength converters (PWCs) by obtaining additional converted wavelengths using the existing resources. It is called a recursive parametric wavelength conversion (RPWC). A PWC uses a pump wavelength to define the original and converted wavelengths, called wavelength conversion pairs. None of conversion pairs from any PWCs can sometime support the original and available converted wavelength, although some wavelengths at the requested output fiber are available. Since the original wavelength is not converted, some packet losses may occur. Several conversion pairs are wasteful since they are not utilized. In RPWC, unused conversion pairs are used to create additional conversion pairs. The OPS allows each wavelength to be converted using combination of unused conversion pairs using more than one PWCs, instead of using only a single PWC as in a conventional scheme. Numerical results via simulation show that RPWC achieves lower packet loss rate than the conventional scheme. To show the feasibility of RPWC, we develop a prototype of an optical switch with RPWC and demonstrate it in experiment.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 320-Gb/s Wavelength Conversion Based on Cross-Gain Modulation in a Quantum-Dot SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura; Oded Raz; Fausto Gomez-Agis; Nicola Calabretta; Harm J. S. Dorren
    2011 37TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (ECOC 2011), IEEE, Mo.1.A.1, 2011, Peer-reviwed, We successfully demonstrate, for the first time, error-free 320-Gb/s all-optical wavelength conversion using cross-gain modulation in a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier. We further demonstrate full C-band operation at 160-Gb/s with low power penalties.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Simultaneous Multichannel Wavelength Conversion of 50-Gb/s NRZ-DQPSK Signals with 100-GHz Channel Spacing Using a Quantum-Dot SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura; Nicola Calabretta; Oded Raz; Harm J. S. Dorren
    2011 37TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (ECOC 2011), IEEE, We.10.P1.51, 2011, Peer-reviwed, We show simultaneous 4-channels wavelength conversion of 50-Gb/s NRZ-DQPSK signals with 100-GHz channel spacing using a quantum-dot SOA. Error-free, low-power penalty operations are successfully achieved with a variety of channel numbers and positions.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Wavelength-and Time-Selective OTDM-to-WDM Conversion with Variable Channel Spacing in WDM Grid Using a Reconfigurable Multiwavelength Pulse Compressor
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2011 37TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (ECOC 2011), IEEE, Tu.5.LeCervin.2, 2011, Peer-reviwed, We present OTDM-to-WDM conversion with channel-spacing and wavelength allocation reconfigurable in WDM-grid by using multiwavelength Raman pulse compressor. 40Gb/s OTDM are extracted with low penalties into WDM at 400GHz and 200GHz-spacing and different wavelength orders.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Multi-wavelength Pulse Generation Using A Raman Amplification-Based Adiabatic Soliton Compressor
    Quang Nguyen-The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2011 37TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (ECOC 2011), IEEE, We.10.P1.10, 2011, Peer-reviwed, A multi-wavelength pulse generation at 10 Gb/s using Raman amplification-based adiabatic soliton compressor is demonstrated. The duration of both compressed pulses can be simultaneously controlled from 16.0 ps to 2.0 ps by adjusting Raman pump power.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A resilient star-ring optical broadcast-and-select network with a centralized multi-carrier light source
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Springer Photonic Network Communications, 20, 3, 293-302, Nov. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Channel-independent performance for simultaneous multichannel wavelength conversion of polarization shift keying signal with different channel group-delay and state of polarization
    Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2010 (TriSAI 2010), RS3-4, Nov. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical data format conversion to return-to-zero signal using a picosecond duration-tunable pulsed-pump
    Quang Nguyen The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2010 (TriSAI 2010), RS3-5, Nov. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Enhancement of Input Power Dynamic Range for Multiwavelength Amplification and Optical Signal Processing in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Using Holding Beam Effect
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 28, 17, 2593-2602, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate a considerable enhancement of input power dynamic range (IPDR) for multiwavelength amplification and optical signal processing in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) by using holding beam effect. The effect is used in SOA gain region at power level well below 10 dBm, which is much smaller than the required power as the setting at transparency wavelength. The IPDR is extended not only to high power range due to the reduction of nonlinear crosstalks, but also to low power range due to the compression of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise. The technique is first applied to the amplification of wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels using a continuous wave (CW) holding beam. The holding beam is particularly useful for the amplification of large number of channels thanks to the suppression effect of interactions among WDM channels. It is then carried out for one of extensively-used optical processing schemes, terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD), for multiwavelength data format conversion without the need of an external CW light. The IPDR of TOAD reaches over 20 dB as control clock behaves simultaneously as the holding beam. We also present that the patterning effect and the impact of ASE noise on the converted signal are strongly dependent on the TOAD's switching window, which is optimized at 40% duty ratio for the largest IPDR.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Carrier wavelength reuse of multicarrier distributed OADM network using optical carrier regeneration
    Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    Proc. of 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2010), We.7.D.4, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performance of Optical Packet Switches Based on Parametric Wavelength Converters
    Nattapong Kitsuwan; Roberto Rojas-Cessa; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 2, 8, 558-569, Aug. 2010, Peer-reviwed, In an optical packet switch (OPS), input fibers carry multiple wavelengths, each of which carries a packet to one output fiber. As several wavelengths from different inputs could be destined to the same output fiber, one wavelength can be connected and the others remain disconnected, losing the carried packets. Because of the multiple wavelengths available at an output fiber, wavelength conversion in the OPS of the unconnected wavelengths into those available can increase the number of connections. A parametric wavelength converter (PWC) provides multichannel wavelength conversion where wavelengths can be converted to another. A PWC uses a pump wavelength that can be flexibly chosen to define which wavelengths can be converted, defining the so-called wavelength conversion pairs. However, it is unknown which set of pump wavelengths, and therefore the set of connection pairs, should be selected to improve the OPS performance while the number of PWCs in the OPS is reduced. This paper proposes a pump wavelength selection policy for an OPS that uses different pump wavelengths, one for each PWC, within an arbitrarily selected interval. This policy is called a variety-rich (VR) policy. This paper also introduces a non-wavelength-blocking OPS (NWB-OPS) to make full use of PWCs. The switch performance is evaluated through computer simulation. The results show that the proposed policy with different pump wavelengths achieves the highest performance when compared with another of similar complexity. Furthermore, the performance study shows that small sizes of the interval to select a pump wavelength are more beneficial than larger ones.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optical Carrier Regeneration for Carrier Wavelength Reuse in a Multicarrier Distributed WDM Network
    Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 22, 11, 808-810, Jun. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally demonstrate optical carrier regeneration for carrier wavelength reuse in a multicarrier distributed wavelength-division-multiplexing network. The regenerated signal with a wavelength well matched with the reused data signal and has high signal quality.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Carrier wavelength reusable multicarrier distributed WDM ring network using optical drop-add-drop multiplexers
    Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    Proc. of 6th International Conference on IP + Optical network (iPOP 2010), P-2, Jun. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Polarization-insensitive and widely tunable wavelength conversion for polarization shift keying signal based on four wave mixing in highly non-linear fiber
    Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 18, 3, 2467-2476, Feb. 2010, Peer-reviwed, A fiber-based polarization-insensitive and widely tunable all-optical wavelength conversion for polarization shift keying (PolSK) signal is experimentally demonstrated by means of four-wave-mixing (FWM) in highly non-linear fiber. Polarization sensitivity of our scheme is compared with the conventional one and the conversion performance of the PolSK signal is investigated. In our scheme, preservation of state of polarization (SOP) of input PolSK signal is possible on both of the converted spectral components in FWM spectrum. In addition, over 23 nm of wavelength tunable operation with high conversion performance is achieved and detailed bit-error-rate (BER) characteristics are measured for both the up-and down-converted signal. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Multi-carrier distributed WDM ring network based on reconfigurable optical drop-add-drop multiplexers and carrier wavelength reuse
    Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2010, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents and experimentally demonstrates a multi-carrier distributed wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) ring network based on reconfigurable optical "drop-add-drop" multiplexers for regional and metro network applications. In the "drop-add-drop" network, optical carriers generated by a centralized multi-carrier light source (MCLS) are "dropped" at the source nodes and used for uplink transmission. Data are "added" to the network by external modulation of one or more carriers. Data are then "dropped" at the destination nodes. The reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) at each access node is not only used to "add" and "drop" data, but also to "drop" carriers, which eliminates the many distributed laser-diodes used in the conventional network. In this work, we successfully demonstrate, for the first time, a "drop-add-drop" network experiment offering 10 Gbit/s WDM transmission. Moreover, to dramatically improve the utilization efficiency of the carrier wavelengths distributed by the MCLS in the "drop-add-drop" network, we introduce the carrier wavelength reuse technique which sets the carrier extraction circuits in each access node. This technique enables us to reuse the carrier wavelengths that were already utilized for data transmission between prior source and destination nodes. To evaluate the effect of carrier wavelength reuse, we compare the blocking probabilities of the "drop-add-drop" networks with and without carrier wavelength reuse. The results show that wavelength reuse dramatically reduced the blocking probability. In addition, we numerically analyze the advantages of the "drop-add-drop" network over the conventional ROADM network in terms of network cost and power consumption. ©2010 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performance of an optical packet switch with parametric wavelength converters
    Nattapong Kitsuwan; Roberto Rojas-Cessa; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In an optical packet switch (OPS), input fibers carry multiple wavelengths, which carry packets to one or more output fibers. As several wavelengths from different inputs could be destined to the same output fiber, one wavelength can be connected and the others remain disconnected, losing the carried packets. Because of the multiple wavelengths available at an output fiber, wavelength conversion in the OPS of the unconnected wavelengths into those available can increase the number of connections. A parametric wavelength converter (PWC) provides multi-channel wavelength conversion where wavelengths can be converted to another. A PWC uses a pump wavelength that can be flexibly chosen to define which wavelengths can be converted, defining the so-called wavelength conversion pairs. However, it is unknown which set of pump wavelengths, and therefore the set of connection pairs, should be selected to improve the OPS performance while minimizing the number of PWCs in the OPS. Therefore, this paper proposes a pump wavelength selection policy for an OPS that uses different pump wavelengths, one for each PWC, within an arbitrarily selected interval. This policy is called variety rich (VR) policy. This paper also introduces a non-wavelength blocking OPS (NWB-OPS) to make full use of PWCs. The switch performance is evaluated through computer simulation. The results show that the proposed policy with different pump wavelengths achieves the highest performance when compared to another of similar complexity. Furthermore, the performance study shows that small sizes of the interval to select a pump wavelength are more beneficial than larger ones. ©2010 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Resilient Optical Broadcast-and-Select Network Using Centralized Multi-Carrier Light Source
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    2010 14TH CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL NETWORK DESIGN AND MODELING (ONDM), IEEE, P-4, 2010, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents a resilient star-ring optical broadcast-and-select network with a centralized multi-carrier light source (C-MCLS). It consists of a star part network and a ring part network. Optical carriers generated by the C-MCLS are broadcast to all network nodes, which select and utilize them for data transmission. Optical carrier distribution and data transmission are performed in the star part network. The ring part network is for fiber failure recovery. The network resilience property enables the design of a fast distributed failure recovery scheme to deal with single and multiple fiber failures. We introduce a fiber connection automatic protection switching (FC-APS) architecture that only consists of optical couplers and switches for each network node. We design a distributed failure recovery scheme based on it. The fiber failure detection and failure recovery operations are performed by each network node independently only using its local information. We evaluate the recovery time of the distributed scheme compared with that of the centralized one. Numerical results show that it greatly reduces the recovery time than the centralized one.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Channel Group-Delay-and Polarization-Insensitive Wavelength Conversion of Multichannel Polarization-Shift Keying Signal
    Md Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    2010 CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION OFC COLLOCATED NATIONAL FIBER OPTIC ENGINEERS CONFERENCE OFC-NFOEC, IEEE, JWA50, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally demonstrate, simultaneous all-optical wavelength conversion for multichannel polarization-shift keying (PolSK) signal using four-wave-mixing in highly non-linear fiber. The proposed multichannel wavelength converter can realize channel group-delay and polarization-insensitive operation among the channels. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performance of an Optical Packet Switch with Parametric Wavelength Converters
    Nattapong Kitsuwan; Roberto Rojas-Cessa; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, IEEE, ON03-3, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In an optical packet switch (OPS), input fibers carry multiple wavelengths, which carry packets to one or more output fibers. As several wavelengths from different inputs could be destined to the same output fiber, one wavelength can be connected and the others remain disconnected, losing the carried packets. Because of the multiple wavelengths available at an output fiber, wavelength conversion in the OPS of the unconnected wavelengths into those available can increase the number of connections. A parametric wavelength converter (PWC) provides multi-channel wavelength conversion where wavelengths can be converted to another. A PWC uses a pump wavelength that can be flexibly chosen to define which wavelengths can be converted, defining the so-called wavelength conversion pairs. However, it is unknown which set of pump wavelengths, and therefore the set of connection pairs, should be selected to improve the OPS performance while minimizing the number of PWCs in the OPS. Therefore, this paper proposes a pump wavelength selection policy for an OPS that uses different pump wavelengths, one for each PWC, within an arbitrarily selected interval. This policy is called variety rich (VR) policy. This paper also introduces a non-wavelength blocking OPS (NWB-OPS) to make full use of PWCs. The switch performance is evaluated through computer simulation. The results show that the proposed policy with different pump wavelengths achieves the highest performance when compared to another of similar complexity. Furthermore, the performance study shows that small sizes of the interval to select a pump wavelength are more beneficial than larger ones.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Multi-Carrier Distributed WDM Ring Network Based on Reconfigurable Optical Drop-Add-Drop Multiplexers and Carrier Wavelength Reuse
    Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, IEEE, ON03-4, 2010, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents and experimentally demonstrates a multi-carrier distributed wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) ring network based on reconfigurable optical "drop-add-drop" multiplexers for regional and metro network applications. In the "drop-add-drop" network, optical carriers generated by a centralized multi-carrier light source (MCLS) are "dropped" at the source nodes and used for uplink transmission. Data are "added" to the network by external modulation of one or more carriers. Data are then "dropped" at the destination nodes. The reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) at each access node is not only used to "add" and "drop" data, but also to "drop" carriers, which eliminates the many distributed laser-diodes used in the conventional network. In this work, we successfully demonstrate, for the first time, a "drop-add-drop" network experiment offering 10 Gbit/s WDM transmission. Moreover, to dramatically improve the utilization efficiency of the carrier wavelengths distributed by the MCLS in the "drop-add-drop" network, we introduce the carrier wavelength reuse technique which sets the carrier extraction circuits in each access node. This technique enables us to reuse the carrier wavelengths that were already utilized for data transmission between prior source and destination nodes. To evaluate the effect of carrier wavelength reuse, we compare the blocking probabilities of the "drop-add-drop" networks with and without carrier wavelength reuse. The results show that wavelength reuse dramatically reduced the blocking probability. In addition, we numerically analyze the advantages of the "drop-add-drop" network over the conventional ROADM network in terms of network cost and power consumption.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optical Carrier Regeneration for Wavelength Reusable Multicarrier Distributed OADM Network
    Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    2010 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO) AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (QELS), IEEE, CThBB1, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate optical carrier regeneration for wavelength reuse in a multicarrier distributed OADM network. It is possible to achieve a high-quality regenerated signal even though the employed data signal for wavelength reuse is drastically degraded. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performances of All-Optical Wavelength Conversion by Means of Nonlinear Polarization Rotation in an SOA for WLAN Systems Using RoF Technologies
    Motoharu Matsuura; Nanang Krisdianto; Naoto Kishi
    2010 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO) AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (QELS), IEEE, CThBB2, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We report an all-optical wavelength conversion for WLAN systems using radio-overfiber technologies. We investigate the performances and successfully achieve high conversion performances in the operating wavelength range of 60 nm. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Reduction of FWM and XGM for Dynamic Range Improvement in SOA-Based Multiwavelength Amplification Using Holding Beam
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2010 15TH OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS, 192-+, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate reduction of nonlinear crosstalks for dynamic range (DR) enhancement in SOA-based multiwavelength amplification using holding beam (HB). DR is improved to 18dB with extension to low- and high-power ranges by HB at 7.6dBm.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Wavelength-Shift-Free Multi-Channel Width-Tunable NRZ-to-RZ Modulation Format Conversion Using a Single SOA-Based Sagnac Interferometer
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2010 15TH OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS, 208-+, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate wavelength-shift-free multi-channel width-tunable NRZ-to-RZ modulation format conversion using single SOA-based Sagnac interferometer. Optimization of the control clock power results in the considerable improvement of receiver sensitivity and input-power dynamic range to over 20dB.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-Optical Picosecond Duration-Tunable NRZ-to-RZ Data Format Conversion With Pedestal Suppression
    Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    2010 15TH OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS, 490-+, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate all-optical picosecond duration-tunable NRZ-to-RZ data format conversion with pedestal suppression. Adjusting the Raman pump power makes possible the duration tunability in the range between 15 ps and 2 ps.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dual-Wavelength, Duration-Tunable Picosecond Pulse Generation Using Raman Amplifier-Based Compressor
    Quang Nguyen-The; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2010 15TH OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS, 682-+, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Dual-wavelength, duration-tunable picosecond pulse compression. The pulsewidth of both compressed pulses can be simultaneously controlled from 16.0 ps to 2.0 ps with a peak-to-pedestal ratio of more than 11 dB by adjusting the launched Raman pump power.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Wavelength Tunable Operation of the Polarization Insensitive Wavelength Conversion Based on Polarization Shift Keying Signal
    Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    2010 15TH OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS, 762-763, 2010, We demonstrate wavelength tunable operation of a polarization-insensitive wavelength converter based on highly non-linear fiber (HNLF) using polarization shift keying signal. 23-nm tuning range is achieved with high conversion performances and preserving the input state-of-polarization.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performance of an Optical Packet Switch with Parametric Wavelength Converters
    Nattapong Kitsuwan; Roberto Rojas-Cessa; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, IEEE, 2, 8, 558-569, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In an optical packet switch (OPS), input fibers carry multiple wavelengths, which carry packets to one or more output fibers. As several wavelengths from different inputs could be destined to the same output fiber, one wavelength can be connected and the others remain disconnected, losing the carried packets. Because of the multiple wavelengths available at an output fiber, wavelength conversion in the OPS of the unconnected wavelengths into those available can increase the number of connections. A parametric wavelength converter (PWC) provides multi-channel wavelength conversion where wavelengths can be converted to another. A PWC uses a pump wavelength that can be flexibly chosen to define which wavelengths can be converted, defining the so-called wavelength conversion pairs. However, it is unknown which set of pump wavelengths, and therefore the set of connection pairs, should be selected to improve the OPS performance while minimizing the number of PWCs in the OPS. Therefore, this paper proposes a pump wavelength selection policy for an OPS that uses different pump wavelengths, one for each PWC, within an arbitrarily selected interval. This policy is called variety rich (VR) policy. This paper also introduces a non-wavelength blocking OPS (NWB-OPS) to make full use of PWCs. The switch performance is evaluated through computer simulation. The results show that the proposed policy with different pump wavelengths achieves the highest performance when compared to another of similar complexity. Furthermore, the performance study shows that small sizes of the interval to select a pump wavelength are more beneficial than larger ones.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Raman Amplification-Based Multiwavelength Synchronous Pulse Compressor and its Application to All-Channel OTDM Demultiplexing in a Single-Parametric-Gate
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Quang Nguyen-The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2010 36TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATION (ECOC), VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, We.P-6, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate full OTDM demultiplexing in single-parametric-gate using Raman amplification-based multiwavelength pulse compressor. Four WDM synchronous pulses are simultaneously compressed to smaller than 3-ps before multiwavelength demultiplexing. Less than 1.5-dB penalties are obtained with 0.2-dB sensitivity variation among demultiplexed channels.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Multiple-channel optical signal processing with wavelength-waveform conversions, pulsewidth tunability, and signal regeneration
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Tomoya Katafuchi; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 17, 25, 22960-22973, Dec. 2009, Peer-reviwed, A multiple-channel multiple-function optical signal processor (MCMF-OSP) including wavelength-waveform conversions, pulsewidth tunability, and signal regeneration is realized through AND logic gate based on optical parametric processing with a pulsewidth-tunable RZ clock pump. The proposed scheme simultaneously offers four signal processing functions which are useful in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) transmission systems, and at network nodes with the necessity for multiple-channel data processing. After the discussions on the concept of MCMF-OSP, a proof-of concept experiment is demonstrated on four 10 Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) data format channels using nonlinearities in semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). A wavelength and waveform conversions to return-to-zero (RZ) modulation format are obtained together with pulsewidth-tunable range from 20% to 80% duty cycles for all input signals. The converted signals inherit the timing and waveform of the RZ clock pump, thus resulting in a time regeneration and large tolerance to narrow-band optical filtering (NAOF) and fiber accumulated chromatic dispersion (CD). (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Design and Evaluation of an Optical Broadcast-and-Select Network Architecture With a Centralized Multicarrier Light Source
    Yueping Cai; Eiji Oki; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 27, 21, 4897-4906, Nov. 2009, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents the design and evaluation of our optical broadcast-and-select wavelength-routed network architecture that uses a centralized multicarrier light source (C-MCLS). The large number of optical carriers/wavelengths generated by the C-MCLS are distributed to all edge nodes (ENs), which select and modulate wavelengths to realize upstream transmission. To utilize wavelengths efficiently, we introduce a framework for wavelength allocation and selection (WAS). Both static and dynamic schemes are adopted for WAS and their implementations are shown. By using fixed or tunable band pass filters and periodic arrayed waveguide grating demultiplexers, wavelengths are selected and utilized by ENs in a static or dynamic manner. After considering the design parameters used in the implementations, wavelength allocation procedures are described. We evaluate the cost, power consumption and network performance of the proposed network. Numerical results show that it offers greatly reduced cost and power consumption compared to the conventional one when the number of required access wavelengths at EN becomes large. We delineate its applicable areas through cost comparisons. Blocking probabilities of static and dynamic schemes are analyzed to evaluate network performance. Numerical results show that by choosing appropriate design parameters, the dynamic scheme offers about 25% increase in admissible offered load under the specified blocking probability, compared to the static scheme. This indicates that the dynamic scheme makes the proposed network more robust against traffic fluctuations.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optical Drop-Add-Drop Network Architecture with Centralized Multi-Carrier Light Source
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 13, 9, 700-702, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed, This letter proposes an optical drop-add-drop network architecture with a centralized multi-carrier light source (C-MCLS) for regional and metro network applications., In the drop-add-drop network, optical carriers generated by the G MCLS are dropped at the source nodes and used for uplink transmission. Data are added to the network after external modulations of the carriers. Data are then dropped at the destination nodes. The reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) at each node is not only used to add and drop data, but also to drop carriers, which eliminates the distributed laser diodes needed by the conventional network. Network cost analysis and numerical results show that it offers significantly lower network cost compared to the conventional network if the total number of used wavelengths in the network is large. We evaluate its optical performance through an optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) analysis. We show its applicable network size in terms of fiber span length and the number of nodes under a specified bit error rate (BER) when changing the OSNR of the C-MCLS.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Wideband wavelength-flexible all-optical signal regeneration using gain-band tunable Raman amplification and self-phase-modulation-based spectral filtering
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 34, 16, 2420-2422, Aug. 2009, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate operating wavelength-flexible all-optical signal regeneration with 80 nm wavelength range by simply controlling the pump wavelength of the Raman preamplifier and the passband of broadened signal spectral filtering. In the operating wavelength range, improvements in receiver sensitivity of more than 2.2 dB are successfully achieved. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Dynamic wavelength allocation and selection for optical network with centralized multi-carrier light source
    Yueping Cai; Eiji Oki; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of The 5th International Conference on IP + Optical network (iPOP 2009), P-2, Jun. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Wavelength-Shift-Free Adjustment of the Pulsewidth in Return-to-Zero On-Off Keyed Signals by Means of Pulse Compression in Distributed Raman Amplification
    Motoharu Matsuura; Buddhika Praneeth Samarakoon; Naoto Kishi
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 21, 9-12, 572-574, May 2009, Peer-reviwed, A wavelength-shift-free adjustment of pulsewidth in return-to-zero on-off keyed signals is demonstrated by means of adiabatic pulse compression in distributed Raman amplification. The pulsewidth of output signal can be controlled by adjusting the launched pump power into the distributed Raman amplifier. We have successfully demonstrated high conversion performances with low power penalties of less than 1.0 dB at bit-error-rate = 10(-9) in a wide pulsewidth tuning range between 13.0 and 3.06 ps at 10 Gb/s.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optical Broadcast-and-Select Network Architecture With Centralized Multi-Carrier Light Source
    Yueping Cai; Eiji Oki; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-8, IEEE, 2398-2402, 2009, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes an optical broadcast-and-select network architecture with centralized multi-carrier light source (C-MCLS). A large number of optical carriers/wavelengths generated by C-MCLS are distributed to all edge nodes (ENs), which select and modulate wavelengths to realize transmission. To utilize wavelength resources efficiently, we introduce a framework of wavelength allocation and selection (WAS). Wavelength allocation is performed at a wavelength control server, while wavelength selection is done at each EN according to wavelength allocation results. Both static and dynamic schemes are adopted for WAS and their implementations are shown. By using fixed or tunable band pass filter and periodical arrayed waveguide grating demultiplexer, wavelengths are selected and utilized by ENs in a static or dynamic manner. We evaluate network cost and performance of the proposed network. Cost analysis and numerical results show that it offers greatly reduced cost compared to the conventional one when the number of required access wavelengths at EN becomes large. We delineate its applicable areas through cost comparisons. Blocking probabilities of static and dynamic schemes are analyzed to evaluate network performance. Numerical results show that by choosing appropriate design parameters, the dynamic scheme offers about 25% increase in admissible offered load under the specified blocking probability, compared to the static scheme. This indicates that the dynamic scheme makes the proposed network more robust against traffic fluctuations.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Simultaneous WDM-Channel NRZ to RZ Format Conversion With Wide Pulsewidth Tunability Using Nonlinearities in SOA and Fiber
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Tomoya Katafuchi; Naoto Kishi
    2009 14TH OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC 2009), IEEE, 734-735, 2009, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate simultaneous 4x10Gb/s all-optical pulsewidth tunable NRZ-to-RZ format conversion using nonlinearities in SOA and fiber Pulsewidth tuning range from 20ps to 80ps is obtained for RZ outputs with negative power penalties compared to NRZ.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Polarization-Insensitive Wavelength Conversion for Polarization Shift Keying Signal Based on Four Wave Mixing in Highly Non-linear Fiber
    Md Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan; Motoharu Matsuura; Hung Nguyen Tan; Naoto Kishi
    2009 14TH OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC 2009), IEEE, 36-37, 2009, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate polarization insensitive all-optical wavelength conversion for polarization shift keying (PolSK) signal. Polarization sensitivity of our scheme is compared with the conventional one and the conversion performance of the PolSK signal is investigated.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Widely Wavelength Flexible Operation of All-Optical Regeneration in RZ-OOK Signals Using Gain-Band Tunable Raman Amplifier
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2009 35TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATION (ECOC), VDE VERLAG GMBH, P3.05, 2009, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate operating wavelength flexible all-optical signal regeneration with 80 nm wavelength range by simply controlling the pump wavelength of Raman amplifier and the passband of broadened signal spectrum filtering.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Polarization-insensitive wavelength conversion for polarization shift keying signal based on four wave mixing in highly non-linear fiber
    Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan; Motoharu Matsuura; Nguyen Tan Hung; Naoto Kishi
    2009 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2009, Regular7-3, 2009, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate polarization insensitive all-optical wavelength conversion for polarization shift keying (PolSK) signal. Polarization sensitivity of our scheme is compared with the conventional one and the conversion performance of the PolSK signal is investigated. © 2009 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Time-resolved chirp properties of SOAs measured with an optical bandpass filter
    Motoharu Matsuura; Nozomi Iwatsu; Kei Kitamura; Naoto Kishi
    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20, 23, 2001-2003, 01 Dec. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Chirp properties induced by semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) are investigated by a simple chirp measurement method using an optical bandpass filter. We measure the chirp properties of signals generated by an SOA-based wavelength converter at noninverted and inverted logic operations. These results demonstrate well the features of the chirp properties induced by SOA. © 2008 IEEE.
    Scientific journal, English
  • S, C, L-band signal transmission using a widely tunable optical clock generator
    Motoharu Matsuura; Masayoshi Taguchi; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 281, 21, 5423-5428, Nov. 2008, Peer-reviwed, A widely tunable optical clock pulse train generation and transmission experiments with the generated pulse train are demonstrated. The clock pulse train is generated by means of all-optical wavelength conversion using seed clock signal, probe signal, and single semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) with the gain peak wavelength at short side. By adjusting the injected signal powers into the converter, the generated clock pulse train at the bit-rate of 10 Gb/s has high optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and low excess timing-jitter in a wide operating wavelength range. We also demonstrate 20-km transmission experiment using the generated signal in the range of 1460-1610 nm. In this experiment, we achieve transmission performances comparable to that of 1550 nm seed clock signal. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Transmission performance of a wavelength and NRZ-to-RZ format conversion with pulsewidth tunability by combination of SOA- and fiber-based switches
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 16, 23, 19063-19071, Nov. 2008, Peer-reviwed, An all-optical signal processing scheme coupling wavelength conversion and NRZ-to-RZ data format conversion with pulsewidth tunability into one by combination of SOA- and fiber-based switches, is experimentally demonstrated, and its transmission performance is investigated. An 1558 nm NRZ data signal is converted to RZ data format at 1546 nm with widely tunable pulsewidth from 20 % to 80 % duty cycle at the bit-rate of 10 Gb/s. The investigation on transmission performance of the converted RZ signals at each different pulsewidth is carried out over various standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) links up to 65 km long without dispersion compensation. The results clarify a significant improvement on transmission performance of converted signal in comparison with the conventional NRZ signal through tunable pulsewidth management and show the existence of an optimal pulsewidth for the RZ data format at each transmission distance with particular cumulative dispersion. The optimal pulsewidths of the converted RZ signal and its corresponding power penalties against the NRZ signal are also investigated in different SSMF links. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optical broadcast-and-select network architecture with centralized multi-carrier light source
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki; Naoto Kishi; Testuya Miki
    IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, 5, 19, 796-801, Oct. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We propose an optical broadcast-and-select network architecture with centralized multi-carrier light source (C-MCLS). It enables all network nodes access a large number of optical carriers in a cost-effective manner through dynamic optical broadcast and select. Cost analysis and numerical results show that it greatly reduces the light source cost compared with the conventional one, as the number of required access wavelengths at network nodes becomes large. We also show its cost-effective areas in different cases of cost calculation. The obtained results indicate that it is very promising for future regional/metro networks, which demand a large number of wavelengths.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Time-resolved chirp properties induced by semiconductor optical amplifiers measured with a conventional optical bandpass filter
    Motoharu Matsuura; Nozomi Iwatsu; Kei Kitamura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2008 (TriSAI 2008), VI-5, Oct. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical wavelength and width-tunable waveform conversion using nonlinearities in semiconductor optical amplifier and highly nonlinear fiber
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT 2008 (TriSAI 2008), IV-1, Oct. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Hybrid access network system integrating Radio-on-Fiber and WDM-PON
    Liwei Yang; Motoharu Matsuura; Norio Nakamura; Tetsuya Miki; Zongjue Qian
    Proc. of 2008 International Laser, Light-Wave and Microwave Conference (ILLMC 2008), 24-TP4-8, Apr. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Chirp properties induced by SOA for amplification and wavelength conversions measured by an optical tunable bandpass filter
    Motoharu Matsuura; Nozomi Iwatsu; Kei Kitamura; Naoto Kishi
    2008 JOINT CONFERENCE OF THE OPTO-ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND THE AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE TECHNOLOGY, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, 181-182, 2008, Peer-reviwed, Chirp properties induced by a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) are investigated by simple chirp measurement method using an optical bandpass filter. We compare the properties among signal amplification and two types of wavelength conversions.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Pulsewidth Tunable NRZ-to-RZ Data Format Conversion by Combination of SOA- and Fiber-Based Switches
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    2008 JOINT CONFERENCE OF THE OPTO-ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND THE AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE TECHNOLOGY, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, 51-52, 2008, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate a pulsewidth tunable NRZ-to-RZ data format conversion by combination of SOA- and fiber-based switches. The negative-power penalties of the converted signals for 0-km and 20-km SMF transmission are achieved for various pulsewidths at 10 Gb/s.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Modeling and Architecture Design of Novel Optical Broadcast-and-Select Network with Centralized Multi-carrier Light Source
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    2008 JOINT CONFERENCE OF THE OPTO-ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE AND THE AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE TECHNOLOGY, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, 622-623, 2008, Peer-reviwed, We present the modeling and architecture design of proposed optical regional networks with centralized multi-carrier light source. The analysis results show that our proposal achieves better network performance and lower cost than traditional ones.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Survivable Optical Broadcast-and-Select Network with Centralized Multi-Carrier Light Source
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    2008 14TH ASIA-PACIFIC CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, (APCC), VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, 387-391, 2008, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents a survivable optical broadcast-and-select network architecture with centralized multi-carrier light source for regional or metro-core network applications. A large number of optical carriers generated by the single multi-carrier light source are shared and utilized by all edge nodes of the regional network through dynamic wavelength/waveband broadcast and select. The design of this network architecture aims to reduce network cost and increase network survivability. Combined with optical couplers and 1 x 2 optical switches based protection architecture, the proposed network enables a fast failure-recovery scheme design. It recovers the network from different fiber cut failures in a fast and cost-effective way. The recovery time analysis and calculations under different situations are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed failure-recovery scheme. Results show that the recovery time is largely impacted by the switching time of 1 x 2 optical switches and it is small enough to meet the standard 50 ms requirements with 1 ms switches.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Pulsewidth-tunable all-optical signal conversion by pulse compression in distributed raman amplifier
    Motoharu Matsuura; Buddhika Praneeth Samarakoon; Naoto Kishi
    Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, 131-132, 2008, Peer-reviwed, We have successfully demonstrated wavelength-shift-free, widely pulsewidth-tunable, all-optical signal conversion with low power penalties of less than 1.0 dB in a wide pulsewidth tuning range between 13.0 ps and 3.06 ps at 10 Gbit/s. ©2008 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • S, C, L-band signal transmission by widely tunable pulse source using a single SOA-based wavelength converter
    Motoharu Matsuura; Masayoshi Taguchi; Naoto Kishi
    Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, 328-329, 2008, Peer-reviwed, A widely tunable pulse source using broadband SOA-based wavelength converter is proposed. We demonstrate 20-km transmission experiment using the generated signal in the wavelength range of 1460 nm to 1610 nm. ©2008 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Discrete wavelength tuning characteristics of a single-frequency fiber laser with dual-wavelength external frequency-stable light injection
    Motoharu Matsuura; Kaoru Mori; Naoto Kishi
    OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 15, 25, 16316-16321, Dec. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We investigate discrete wavelength tuning characteristics of a single-frequency fiber laser locked to either of two external lights. Frequency locking is achieved by the cooperatively induced spatial-hole burning (SHB) of a saturable absorber in the laser cavity. We show that lasing frequency is well locked to either of the two external lights when the lasing wavelength of the fiber laser is adjusted to the corresponding wavelength of the external light by tuning the bandpass filter in the laser cavity. The locked frequency stability of the fiber laser is as high as that of the employed external light source. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Broadband multicasting with signal regeneration by triple-stage semiconductor-based wavelength converters
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tstsuya Miki
    Proc. of IC-BNMT 2007/ICT Triangle Forum 2007, 4.2.20, Sep. 2007
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Novel wavelength/waveband broadcast and select single-hop WDM networks
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of IC-BNMT 2007/ICT Triangle Forum 2007, 4.6.11, Sep. 2007
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Mapping optical bursts in photonic dynamic path networks and bit timing synchronization technique for optical burst switching
    Ayako Iwaki; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of IC-BNMT 2007/ICT Triangle Forum 2007, 4.10 II-2, Sep. 2007
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluate burst assembly algorithms in burst-switched photonic networks
    Jayathura Samarakoon; Motoharu Matsuura; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of IC-BNMT 2007/ICT Triangle Forum 2007, 4.10 V-4, Sep. 2007
    International conference proceedings, English
  • RF output power improvement using heterodyne technique for radio-on-fiber down-link transmission system eliminating electric power supply at base station
    Motoharu Matsuura; Taichiro Okabe; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc.of 12th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2007), 11P-1, Jul. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Frequency locking of a single-frequency fiber laser with dual-wavelength external frequency-stabilized light source
    Kaoru Mori; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 12th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2007), 12C2-3, Jul. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A novel star-ring optical regional network architecture with dynamic wavelength/waveband broadcast and select
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of 12th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2007), 12P-3, Jul. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Proposal for simple bit timing synchronization technique of mapping optical burst signals for optical burst switching
    Ayako Iwaki; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of 12th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2007), 13P-3, Jul. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Signal waveform analysis for all-optical waveform converter by adjusting the power and the wavelength of assist light
    Motoharu Matsuura; Yuki Kishikawa; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, 4, 12, 369-374, Jun. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We analyze signal waveform generated by a semiconductor optical amplifer (SOA)-based switch with a delayed-interferometric (DI) configuration by controlling an assist light under gain or transparent wavelength. To take advantage of the rectangular-shape waveform generated by the switch, we investigate and optimize the waveform quality by means of both Q-factor and concordance rate to rectangular-shape of the converted waveform.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Broadband regenerative wavelength conversion and multicasting using triple-stage semiconductor-based wavelength converters
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    OSA Optics Letters, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 32, 9, 1026-1028, May 2007, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate broadband wavelength conversion with a 320 nm operating wavelength range and channel spacing flexible wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) multicasting from a 1550 ran signal using a triple-stage cascaded semiconductor-optical-amplifier-based wavelength converter. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Ultrawideband wavelength conversion using cascaded SOA-based wavelength converters
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Lead, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tecnology, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 25, 1, 38-45, Jan. 2007, Peer-reviwed, Invited, An all-optical wavelength converter with a large wavelength hopping range is proposed and demonstrated. This converter consists of multistage cascaded wavelength converters using semiconductor optical amplifiers each with different gain band. Each of the cascaded wavelength converters enables us to perform both noninverted (NIV) and inverted (IV) operations. Conversion performance is compared at NIV and IV operations in terms of static characteristics as a function of input/output power of the converter. While good conversion performances are achieved at both operations, the IV wavelength conversion has better cascadability to obtain a high-quality converted signal for the cascaded scheme. Moreover, signal amplitude regeneration is demonstrated by repeating the IV wavelength conversion. Finally, we successfully demonstrate, for the first time, ultrawideband wavelength conversion, including over 300-nm wavelength hopping to the shorter wavelength side with a triple-stage cascaded wavelength converter.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Pulse-width tunable waveform conversion by combination of fiber- and SOA-based switches
    Motoharu Matsuura; Kazuhiro Chida; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    2007 ASIA-PACIFIC CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, IEEE, 459-460, 2007, Peer-reviwed, A novel pulse-width (unable waveform conversion, which converts a NRZ signal to RZ signal with an arbitrary pulse-width is proposed and demonstrated by combination of fiber- and semiconductor-based switches.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Hybrid static-dynamic wavelength/waveband allocation scheme for novel broadcast and select star-ring optical regional network
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    2007 ASIA-PACIFIC CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, IEEE, 513-516, 2007, Peer-reviwed, We have proposed a novel star-ring optical regional network architecture with dynamic wavelength/waveband broadcast and select based on bandwidth reservation. In this network, the large number of wavelength resources generated by a single multi-carrier light source can be shared and utilized in a flexible and simple way. In this paper, a hybrid static-dynamic wavelength/waveband allocation scheme combined with dynamic traffic banding has been proposed to reduce the network cost and complexity. To achieve this goal, we define one hybrid static-dynamic wavelength/waveband partition scheme, and develop two wavelength/waveband allocation algorithms based on it. One is Maximum Waveband First (MWF) allocation and the other is Waveband Round Robin (WRR) allocation. Both physical implementation analysis and computer simulation have been carried out to verify our ideas. According to the results, our proposal can effectively reduce the number of used optical switching ports and simplify the edge node architecture.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical regenerative multicasting from 1.55- to 1.3-μm wavelength window using dual-stage cascaded SOA-based wavelength converter
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18, 24, 2659-2661, 15 Dec. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We propose and demonstrate, for the first time, all- optical multicasting from 1.55- to 1.3-μm wavelength window using the dual-stage cascaded semiconductor-optical - amplifier-based wavelength converter. Using our proposed technique, we also demonstrate amplitude regeneration of the converted signals at each multicasting output. © 2006 IEEE.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Advanced signal processing and networking technologies for all-optical networks
    Naoto Kishi; Motoharu Matsuura; Yuki Kishikawa; Ryohei Murahata; Masatoshi Taguchi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of International Symposium on Advanced ICT (AICT 2006), 1A-2, Aug. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Broadband wavelength conversion using multistage semiconductor-based wavelength converter
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of International Symposium on Advanced ICT (AICT 2006), 1A-5, Aug. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Multi-wavelength pulse generation from supercontinuum spectrum generated by Raman amplification
    Buddhika Samarakoon; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of International Symposium on Advanced ICT (AICT 2006), 1A-6, Aug. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Field experiment on photonic dynamic path networks with optical burst switching
    Tetsuya Miki; Ryohei Murahata; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 11th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2006), 5E4-2, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • S, C, L-band tunable pulse train generation by using a single SOA-based wavelength converter
    Masatoshi Taguchi; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of 11th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2006), 5C3-4, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Proposal of novel patterning effect controlling method by adjusting power and wavelength of assist light for all-optical delayed-interferometric switch using SOA
    Yuki Kishikawa; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 11th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2006), 5C3-5, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Photonic burst switching network system and its experiment
    Tetsuya Miki; Naoto Kishi; Motoharu Matsuura
    Proc. of International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2006 (IWMST 2006), 394-397, May 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical wavelength conversion with large wavelength hopping by utilizing multistage cascaded SOA-based wavelength converters
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18, 8, 926-928, 15 Apr. 2006, Peer-reviwed, A novel broadband wavelength converter by multistage cascaded semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based wavelength converters is proposed. We have demonstrated, for the first time, broadband wavelength conversion in the wavelength range of 1320-1610 nm by using three-stage cascaded SOA-based wavelength converters with each different gain band. © 2006 IEEE.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Influence of patterning effect on the all-optical delayed-interferometric switch using semiconductor optical amplifier
    Yuki Kishikawa; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Contemporary Photonics Technology (CPT 2006), Last-Minute 6, Jan. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Experimental demonstration of an optical burst network with priority control and bandwidth range expansion
    Ryohei Murahata; Kazune Takaoka; Toshiya Yoshino; Ayako Iwaki; Hiroshi Fujita; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Contemporary Photonics Technology (CPT 2006), Last-Minute 7, Jan. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Ultra-wideband wavelength conversion over 300 nm by cascaded SOA-based wavelength converters
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    2006 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE/NATIONAL FIBER OPTIC ENGINEERS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-6, OPTICAL SOC AMERICA, 2720-2722, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We report on, for the first time, over 300 nm all-optical wavelength conversion utilizing multi-stage cascaded SOA-based wavelength converters by means of nonlinear polarization rotation. (C) 2006 Optical Society of America.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical regenerative multicasting for wdm downstream by dual-stage cascaded SOA-based wavelength converter
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    2006 European Conference on Optical Communications Proceedings, ECOC 2006, Th3.4.4, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We have successfully demonstrated an all-optical multicasting from 1.55-μm to 1.3-μm wavelength window by using dual-stage cascaded SOA-based wavelength converter. We also present regeneration effect of the dual-stage wavelength converter at inverted operation.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performances of a widely pulsewidth-tunable multiwavelength pulse generator by a single SOA-based delayed interferometric switch
    M Matsuura; N Kishi; T Miki
    OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 13, 25, 10010-10021, Dec. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Performances of a multiwavelength optical pulse generator by utilizing a single semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based delayed interferometric switch are investigated. The generator enables us to generate multiwavelength clock pulse trains, which are synchronized with an optical clock. Moreover, the output waveform can be easily controlled by adjusting the time delay and phase offset of the interferometric switch. The obtained pulsewidth controllability is also useful to optimize the waveform according to transmission lines with different cumulative dispersions. We have verified that the pulsewidth tuning enables us to optimize transmission characteristics with various cumulative dispersion values, and have successfully obtained the improved transmission performances of the waveform-converted signals in comparison with conventional signals.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Proposal for broadband wavelength conversion by utilizing multi-stage cascaded SOA-based wavelength converters
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of 10th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2005), 7P-072, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performance improvement of optical RZ-receiver by utilizing an all-optical waveform converter
    M Matsuura; N Kishi; T Miki
    OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 13, 13, 5074-5079, Jun. 2005, Peer-reviwed, A practical receiver scheme with all-optical waveform conversion is proposed and demonstrated. To mitigate influence of the timing jitter of the received signal, the proposed receiver employs a semiconductor optical amplifier ( SOA)-based waveform converter, which can generate signal pulses with a rectangular-like profile. We have evaluated the receiver performances of the conventional and proposed schemes. The receiver sensitivity improvement of 0.7 dB and the phase-margin enlargement of 60 % were simultaneously achieved in comparison with the conventional receiver scheme. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America
    Scientific journal, English
  • Widely pulsewidth-tunable multiwavelength synchronized pulse generation utilizing a single SOA-based delayed interferometric switch
    M Matsuura; N Kishi; T Miki
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 17, 4, 902-904, Apr. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate a multiwavelength synchronized pulse generation, which utilizes a single semiconductor-optical-amplifier-based delayed interferometric switch. Simultaneous 16-channel pulse trains with wide pulsewidth tunability, up to the unity duty-ratio, have been successfully obtained at 10 Gb/s. The transmitter has a compact and functional configuration in comparison with supercontinuum light source.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Widely pulse-width tunable multiwavelength synchronized pulse generation using SOA-based wavelength and waveform converter
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17, 4, 902-904, Apr. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Widely pulsewidth-tunable multiwavelength optical pulse generator with a single SOA-based delayed interferometric switch
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    IET Conference Publications, Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2005, 502, 487-488, 2005, Peer-reviwed, We have demonstrated a pulsewidth-tunable multiwavelength pulse generation by a SOA-based switch. By adjusting the pulsewidth, the transmission performances of the generated signals can be improved in comparison with the conventional RZ and NRZ signals.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • All-optical wavelength conversion with large wavelength hopping by cascaded SOA-based wavelength converters
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    IET Conference Publications, Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2005, 502, Post-deadline paper Th4.3.5, 2005, Peer-reviwed, We have demonstrated, for the first time, broadband wavelength conversion in the wavelength range of 1320-1610 nm by using cascaded SOA-based wavelength converters with each different gain bands.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performance improvement of optical RZ-receiver by utilizing an all-optical waveform converter
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of The 17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Laser & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS 2004), TuZ3, Oct. 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Wavelength and pulse-width tunable all-optical signal converter with a semiconductor-based interferometric switch
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Proc. of International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2004 (IWMST 2004), 22A-03, Aug. 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Performance improvement of optical RZ-receiver by utilizing semiconductor-based waveform converter
    M Matsuura; N Kishi; T Miki
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Continuum spectrum generation utilizing adiabatic compression in Raman amplifier for multi-wavelength pulse source
    M Matsuura; N Kishi
    OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 11, 16, 1856-1861, Aug. 2003, Peer-reviwed, We have demonstrated a continuum spectrum generation utilizing adiabatic compression in Raman amplifier. Continuum medium consists of only dispersion-shifted fiber as a counter-pumped Raman gain medium. The power uniformity of the continuum spectrum can be improved by adjusting wavelength and power of the Raman pump source. A 16-nm-wide uniform continuum spectrum with the power fluctuation less than 3 dB is generated from an 18.0 ps pulse-width seed pulse produced by an electroabsorption modulator. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.
    Scientific journal, English
  • All-optical wavelength and pulse-width conversions with a Sagnac interferometer semiconductor-based switch
    M Matsuura; N Kishi
    OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 28, 2, 132-134, Jan. 2003, Peer-reviwed, A Sagnac interferometer switch with a semiconductor optical amplifier is proposed for all-optical wavelength and pulse-width conversions. The configuration of this switch is simple, and the switching speed is not limited by the semiconductor carrier's recovery time. The pulse width of the input data, 1.5 ps, is converted to 2.4-18.1 ps. A wavelength conversion of input data at 1539 nm to a tunable-wavelength bandwidth of 15 nm (1550-1565 nm) is also demonstrated. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.
    Scientific journal, English
  • All-optical wavelength and pulsewidth conversions with a Sagnac semiconductor-based switch
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 28th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2002), 4.3.1, Sep. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Frequency control characteristics of a single-frequency fiber laser with an external light injection
    M Matsuura; N Kishi
    IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 7, 1, 55-58, Jan. 2001, Peer-reviwed, Characteristics of a single-frequency erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) controlled by an external light source is investigated. The frequency control is achieved by cooperatively induced spatial hole-burning (SHR) formed by the interference between the lasing light and the external light. We evaluate the frequency stability of several cavity designs of the fiber laser and the frequency control characteristics in detail, Tunable operation as wide as 30-nm wavelength range with a good frequency stability is also demonstrated.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Frequency control characteristics of a single-frequency fiber laser with an external light injection
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Proc. of 4th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 1999), 1499-1500, Oct. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English


  • 高速信号と電力を同時伝送する光ファイバー給電技術
    Apr. 2023, 月刊 車載テクノロジー, 10, 7, 45-50, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Report on OPIC the 4th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT2022)
    Tomoyuki Miyamoto; Takeo Maruyama; Motoharu Matsuura; Kayo Ogawa
    レーザー学会, Aug. 2022, The Review of Laser Engineering, 50, 8, 481-483, English, Invited, Meeting report
  • Report on OPIC the 3rd Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT2021)
    Tomoyuki Miyamoto; Takeo Maruyama; Motoharu Matsuura
    レーザー学会, Aug. 2021, The Review of Laser Engineering, 49, 8, 474-476, English, Invited, Meeting report
  • 将来のモバイル通信のための 光ファイバ無線伝送・給電技術 〜光ネットワークで電波を運び、無線基地局を駆動する〜
    電波技術協会報, Jul. 2021, 電波技術協会報 FORN,, 341, 14-17, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal
  • 半導体素子の周波数チャープを用いた全光アナログ・デジタル/デジタル・アナログ変換
    化学工業社, Dec. 2020, ケミカルエンジニアリング, 65, 12, 731-738, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 編集にあたって 小特集 グローバル科学社会シリーズ - タイ編 -
    Sep. 2019, 電子情報通信学会誌, 102, 9, 845, Japanese, Introduction scientific journal
  • タイ・日本・欧州における文化・教育・労働環境の違い
    ナッタポン キットスワン; 松浦基晴
    Sep. 2019, 電子情報通信学会誌, 102, 9, 853-856, Japanese, Introduction scientific journal
  • Editorial Preface, Global Social Science Series - Thailand
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Sep. 2019, IEICE Monthly Journal, 102, 9, 845, English, Introduction scientific journal
  • 光ファイバ無線伝送のための光ファイバ給電技術
    シーエムシー出版, Apr. 2019, 機能材料, 39, 4, 11-18, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた光アナログ・デジタル変換
    オプトロニクス, Sep. 2018, 月刊OPTRONICS, 441, 136-140, Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 無線基地局向け光ファイバー給電による信号と電力の同時伝送
    アドコム・メディア株式会社, Feb. 2018, OplusE, 459, 153-156, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Invited Talk : Power-Over-Fiber Technologies for Optically Powered Remote Antenna Units in Radio-Over-Fiber Systems
    松浦 基晴
    電子情報通信学会, 15 Jun. 2017, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 117, 88, 27-34, Japanese, 0913-5685, 40021249353, AA11864040
  • 光ファイバ給電で無線基地局を駆動する光ファイバ無線システム
    一般財団法人電波技術協会, 10 Sep. 2016, 電波技術協会報 FORN, 312, 9, 42-45, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal
  • 編集にあたって 「進化する光アクセス技術と将来展望」
    電子情報通信学会, Jul. 2016, 電子情報通信学会誌, 90, 7, 637, Japanese, Introduction scientific journal
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光ファイバ給電技術
    日刊工業出版, 01 May 2016, 光アライアンス, 27, 5, 5-9, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Invited Talk : Optical Signal Processing Using Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
    松浦 基晴
    電子情報通信学会, 25 Apr. 2016, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 116, 18, 1-8, Japanese, 0913-5685, 40020818950, AA11864040
  • Optically Powered Radio-over-Fiber Systems for High Power Transmission Efficiency Using Multi-Mode Fibers
    古郡 秀人; 松浦 基晴
    電子情報通信学会, 18 Feb. 2016, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 115, 452, 85-88, Japanese, 0913-5685, 40020758802, AA11233152
  • Optically Powered Radio-over-Fiber Systems for High Power Transmission Efficiency Using Multi-Mode Fibers
    古郡 秀人; 松浦 基晴
    電子情報通信学会, 18 Feb. 2016, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 115, 453, 127-130, Japanese, 0913-5685, 40020759143, AN10442691
  • Evaluation of Modal and Reflection Noise Impacts in Silica and Plastic Optical Fiber Links for Radio-over-Fiber Systems
    松本 侑樹; 松浦 基晴; 古川 怜
    電子情報通信学会, 18 Feb. 2016, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 115, 453, 35-38, Japanese, 0913-5685, 40020758943, AN10442691
  • Radio Over Fiber Access Network Concept Employing Analog RoF and Optical Power Feed Techniques for Enhanced Mobile Communication Systems
    YAMAO Yasushi; KISHI Naoto; OKI Eiji; MATSUURA Motoharu
    Demands for broadband mobile communications are prominent in the world, which accelerates the development of the next generation system that can accommodate rapidly-increasing large traffic with the extreme utilization of radio resources. In order to satisfy the requirements, introduction of the advanced wireless technologies such as distributed antenna system, heterogeneous network, carrier aggregation, are essential. In this paper, a Radio over Fiber (RoF) access network concept employing analog RoF and optical power feed techniques is proposed for realizing the enhanced mobile communication systems with flexibility and high efficiency of power and spectrum utilization., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 05 Mar. 2015, IEICE technical report. Microwaves, 114, 498, 43-48, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110010021824, AN10013185
  • Radio-over-Fiber Transmission With Optical Power Supply Using a Multi-Mode Fiber
    FURUGORI Hidehito; SATO Jun; MATSUURA Motoharu
    We demonstrated radio-over-fiber transmission with optical power supply using a multi-mode fiber (MMF) for high-power supply and long-haul transmission. We also successfully achieved mode dispersion reduction in the transmission scheme using a spot-size converter (SSC) at the transmitter., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 29 May 2014, Technical report of IEICE. OFT, 114, 64, 41-44, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110009900588, AA11233152
  • True-Time Delay Beamforming Using Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and Tunable Dispersion Medium for Phased Array Antenna
    Minamoto Yamato; MATSUURA Motoharu
    We demonstrated optical phased array antenna based on true-time delay(TTD) beamforming for radio-over-fiber using semiconductor optical amplifier and tunable dispersion medium. We successfully achieved the high TTD performance for various output beam angles., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 29 May 2014, Technical report of IEICE. OFT, 114, 64, 45-50, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110009900589, AA11233152
  • B-10-64 All-optical 4×10 Gb/s Ultra-short Pulsewidth NRZ-to-RZ Format Conversion and Wavelength Multicasting using Raman Amplifier Muliwavelength Pulse Compressor
    Nhu Quynh Nguyen Quang; Nguyen-The Quang; Tan Hung Nguyen; Matsuura Motoharu; Kishi Naoto
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 04 Mar. 2014, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2014, 2, 432-432, English, 110009850343, AN10471452
  • B-10-65 Novel Picosecond Width-tuning NRZ-DPSK-to-RZ-DPSK Conversion Using a Raman Amplification Compressor and HNLF-Based Switch
    Ismail Irneza; Nguyen The Quang; Matsuura Motoharu; Sharif Gazi Mohammad; Kishi Naoto
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 04 Mar. 2014, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2014, 2, 433-433, English, 110009850344, AN10471452
  • Modal Noise in Silica and Plastic Optical Fibers for Radio-over-Fiber Systems
    MATSUMOTO Yuki; MATSUURA Motoharu; FURUKAWA Rei; INOUE Azusa; KOIKE Yasuhiro
    We have investigated and compared modal noise impacts in silica-based multimode fibers (MMFs) and plastic optical fibers (POFs) with same core diameters of 50-μm. In this experiment, we showed that POFs have higher tolerance to offset connection and lower modal noise than MMFs., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 27 Feb. 2014, Technical report of IEICE. OFT, 113, 447, 87-90, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110009837475, AA11233152
  • Optical power feeding system for Radio on Fiber without Electric power supply
    ABEYSEKARA Walimuni Hasitha Mendis; MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto
    We demonstrated a RoF (Radio-on-Fiber) transmission system with optical power supply using 2km single-mode-fiber (SMF). We evaluated the bit error rate of the signals and converted electrical power at the base station, to investigate the effect of power feeding. Error free transmission with 1800mW feeding light was achieved in the downlink and uplink. Moreover, we obtained 360.7mW total electrical power supply at the base station by transmitting 1800mW feeding light., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 16 Jan. 2014, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MWP, マイクロ波・ミリ波フォトニクス, 113, 397, 47-50, Japanese, 110009821901, AA12521276
  • Semiconductor optical amplifier based Waveform conversion by using a RZ-DPSK signal as the control signal
    DOI Yuuta; MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto
    We demonstrated waveform conversions by using of cross-Gain Modulation of semiconductor optical amplifier. The RZ-DPSK input signal to the semiconductor optical amplifier acts as the pump for the conversion of the NRZ-DPSK input signal to another RZ-DPSK output. The conversion performance is compared with the conversion scheme of NRZ-OOK to RZ-OOK signal., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 24 Oct. 2013, Technical report of IEICE. OFT, 113, 265, 11-14, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110009782966, AA11233152
  • BS-7-28 EPWM-OFDM Transmission against Nonlinearity and Echo in Radio over Fiber Channel
    Yu Xiaoxue; Matsuura Motoharu; Yamao Yasushi
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 03 Sep. 2013, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2013, 2, "S-87"-"S-88", English, 110009730245, AN10489017
  • Control method of the optically controlled phased array antenna using a multi-channel optical wavelength conversion by semiconductor optical amplifier
    IWASAKI Wataru; MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto
    We proposed a method to control the optical phased array antenna for ROF(Radio-On-Fiber)system, by using a multi-channel optical wavelength conversion with a semiconductor optical amplifier and true-time-delay based on wavelength dispersion of the optical fiber. We verified the characteristics of the single-channel optical wavelength conversion to realize the multi-channel wavelength conversion. As a result, we achieved wavelength independence single-channel optical wavelength conversion, which is applicable realize the multi-channel wavelength conversion., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 28 Feb. 2013, Technical report of IEICE. OFT, 112, 448, 65-69, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110009728336, AA11233152
  • Pulsewidth Tunable and Polarization-Insensitive NRZ-to-RZ Conversion by Using Fiber Nonlinearity Based Circuits
    We demonstrate a polarization-insensitive non-return-to-zero (NRZ) to pulsewidth tunable return-to-zero (RZ) conversion based on a fiber based NRZ-to-RZ converter which consists a polarization diversity loop and a Raman amplifier (RA)-based pulse compressor. In our scheme, polarization insensitive operation is achieved due to the polarization diversity loop with a polarization beam splitter (PBS) inside this loop. The signals enter the PBS and propagate both of the directions inside the loop before entering the highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). Moreover, by changing the Raman pump power of the RA-based pulse compressor in this scheme, the pulsewidth of the converted RZ signal can be flexibly tuned from 10ps to 2ps., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 18 Oct. 2012, Technical report of IEICE. LQE, 112, 260, 7-12, English, 0913-5685, 110009636773, AN10442705
  • B-10-57 Optical waveform conversion scheme by SOA and SPM in optical fiber
    Inoue Shota; Matsuura Motoharu; Kishi Naoto
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 28 Aug. 2012, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2012, 2, 239-239, Japanese, 110009591876, AN10489017
  • Optical Tunable Delay Circuit Using Optical Fourier Transformation
    WATANABE Tomoyuki; ONO Tomohiko; NGUYEN-THE Quang; MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto
    In order to realize an optical tunable delay circuit without waveform distortion, optical Fourier transformation is applied. This method leads to a distortion-free optical delay line due to the nature of optical Fourier transformation. We successfully demonstrated time delay using optical Fourier converter., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 24 Feb. 2012, Technical report of IEICE. OPE, 111, 449, 47-51, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110009546381, AN10442691
  • Performance of Optical Packet Switch based on Recursive Parametric Wavelength Conversions
    KITSUWAN Nattapong; NGUYEN TAN Hung; MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto; OKI Eiji
    This paper presents performances of a scheme that increase possibility to convert wavelengths using the existing resources in an optical packet switch (OPS) with parametric wavelength converters (PWCs). It is called a recursive parametric wavelength conversion (RPWC). A pump wavelength is used to define the original and converted wavelengths, called wavelength conversion pairs, in a PWC. Although wavelengths at the requested output fiber are available, none of PWCs can support the requests. Some packet losses may occur. Several conversion pairs are, sometime, wasteful since they are not utilized. In RPWC, unused conversion pairs are used to create additional conversion pairs. The OPS allows each wavelength to be converted using combination of unused conversion pairs using more than one PWCs, instead of using only a single PWC as in a conventional scheme. Numerical results via simulation show that RPWC achieves lower packet loss rate than the conventional scheme., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 07 Nov. 2011, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報, 111, 274, 51-55, English, 0913-5685, 110009465535, AA11864040
  • B-12-7 Wavelength Assignment in a Wavelength Reusable Network
    Keri Masafumi; Matsuura Motoharu; Oki Eiji
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 28 Feb. 2011, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2011, 2, 457-457, Japanese, 110008577379, AN10471452
  • Wavelength Assignment in a Wavelength Reusable Network Considering Wavelength Regenerations
    KERI Masafumi; OKI Eiji; MATSUURA Motoharu
    This paper proposes a wavelength assignment algorithm that minimizes the number of wavelengths used in a wavelength reusable WDM network. Wavelength utilization is improved by applying optical carrier regeneration techniques that allow multiple use of wavelengths, while the number of carrier regenerations should be considered since the optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) of the regenerated carrier is degraded after carrier regeneration, resulting in worse communication quality. The numerical results show that two optical carrier regenerations per wavelength reduces the number of wavelengths for lightpath establishment by more than 60%, compared to that without carrier regeneration., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 21 Feb. 2011, IEICE technical report, 110, 431, 29-32, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110008688501, AA11864040
  • Generation of 40-GHz 3-ps Time- and Wavelength-Interleaved Optical Pulses Using Raman Amplification-Based Multiwavelength Pulse Compressor for All-Channel OTDM Demutiplexing
    18 Nov. 2010, 電気学会研究会資料. CMN, 通信研究会, 2010, 40, 99-102, Japanese, 10027630073, AN10073890
  • Generation of 40-GHz 3-ps Time- and Wavelength-Interleaved Optical Pulses Using Raman Amplification-Based Multiwavelength Pulse Compressor for All-Channel OTDM Demutiplexing
    We have demonstrated a multiwavelength picosecond pulses generation utilizing adiabatic soliton compression in Raman amplifier and its application in OTDM demultiplexing. 40-GHz time- and wavelength-interleaved pulses are compressed to smaller than 3-ps before all channel OTDM demultiplexing. Bit-error-rate (BER) measurement shows error-free operation of our demultiplexing scheme with less than 1.5 dB and 0.2 dB sensitivity variation among demultiplexed channels., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 11 Nov. 2010, IEICE technical report, 110, 292, 43-46, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110008145027, AA11233152
  • A Single-Gate OTDM-to-WDM Conversion Utilizing Raman Compressor-Based Multiwavelength Pulse Sources for Photonic Networks
    We demonstrate full OTDM demultiplexing in single-parametric-gate using Raman amplification-based multiwavelength pulse compressor. Four WDM synchronous pulses are simultaneously compressed to smaller then 3-ps before multiwavelength demultiplexing. Less than 1.5-dB penalties are obtained with 0.2-dB sensitivity variation among demultiplexed channels., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 25 Oct. 2010, IEICE technical report, 110, 264, 25-28, English, 0913-5685, 110008145066, AA11864040
  • 光ファイバ通信技術を活用した無線通信システム
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Jul. 2010, 電子情報通信学会誌, 93, 7, 572-575, Japanese, Introduction other, 0913-5693, 110007658004, AN1001339X
  • An Optical Packet Switch based on Parametric Wavelength Converters
    KITSUWAN Nattapong; ROJAS-CESSA Roberto; MATSUURA Motoharu; OKI Eiji
    In an optical packet switch (OPS), input fibers carry multiple wavelengths, which carry packets to one or more putput fibers. As several wavelengths from different inputs could be destined to the same output fiber, one wavelength can be connected and the others remain disconnected, losing the carried packtes. Becase of the multiple wavelengths available at an output fiber, wavelength conversion in the OPS of the unconnected wavelengths into those available can increase the number of connections. A parametric wavelength converter (PWC) provides multi-channel wavelength conversion where wavelengths can be converted to another. A PWC uses a pump wavelength that can be flexibly chosen to define which wavelengths can be converted, defining the so-called wavelength conversion pairs. However, it is unknown which set of pump wavelengths, and therefore the set of connection pairs, should be selected to improve the OPS performance while minimizing the number of PWCs in the OPS. Therefore, this paper proposes a pump wavelength selection policy for an OPS that uses different pump wavelengths, one for each PWC, within an arbitrarily selected interval. This policy is called variety rich (VR) policy. This paper also introduces a non-wavelength blocking OPS (NWB-OPS) to make full use of PWCs. The switch performance is evaluated through computer simulation. The results show that the proposed policy with different pump wavelengths achieves the highest performance when compared to another of similar complexity. Furthermore, the performance study shows that small sizes of the interval to selecta pump wavelength are more benefical than larger ones., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 01 Mar. 2010, IEICE technical report, 109, 455, 31-36, English, 0913-5685, 110007999530, AA11864040
  • Wideband Wavelength-Flexible All-Optical Signal Regeneration Using Gain-Band Tunable Raman Amplification and Self-Phase-Modulation-Based Spectral Filtering
    MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto
    We demonstrate operating wavelength-flexible all-optical signal regeneration with 80 nm wavelength range by simply controlling the pump wavelength of the Raman preamplifier and the passband of broadened signal spectral filtering. In the operating wavelength range, improvements in receiver sensitivity of more than 2.2 dB are successfully achieved., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 21 Jan. 2010, IEICE technical report, 109, 400, 79-82, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110008001729, AN10060797
  • Optical Carrier Broadcast-and-Select WDM Network With a Centralized Multi-Carrier Light Source
    MATSUURA Motoharu; CAI Yueping; OKI Eiji
    An optical carrier broadcast-and-select wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) network with a multi-carrier light source (MCLS) is presented. A number of optical carrier wavelengths generated by a MCLS are distributed to all edge nodes (ENs), which select and modulate the optical carrier wavelengths to realize signal transmission. We show the basic design of the network and systems, and compare the network cost and power consumption with conventional WDM network. In addition, we evaluate the network applicable area of the proposed networks as a function of optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) of the MCLS., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 18 Jun. 2009, IEICE technical report, 109, 104, 7-12, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110007331611, AA11864040
  • B-12-7 Route Selection Algorithm Considering Traffic Loads and Transmission Delays for OBS
    Mohri Genichi; Matsuura Motoharu; Kishi Naoto
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 04 Mar. 2009, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2009, 2, 468-468, Japanese, 110007099507, AN10471452
  • All-Optical Tunable Delay Using SOA-Based Wavelength Conversion and Group Delay in Fiber
    IWAKI Ayako; MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto
    We proposed all-optical tunable delay for timing adjustment of optical signal. The proposed tunable delay circuit consists of two wavelength converters and a standard single-mode optical fiber as dispersion medium. Its operation was verified by the measurement of delay and waveform distortion., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 27 Feb. 2009, IEICE technical report, 108, 450, 1-6, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110007324221, AA11233152
  • Frequency Control Method of a Single Frequency Fiber Laser Using Multiwavelength External Light Injection
    TAGUCHI Katsuhisa; MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto
    We investigated the characteristics of the single frequency optical fiber laser with multiwavelength external light injection. In this case, it was found that states of polarization and the control power of the multiwavelength external light did not give a strong influence on the frequency stability of the fiber laser locked a control light. When we employ multiwavelength external light with DWDM grid such as 100GHz, 50GHz or 25GHz, the locked frequency stability of the fiber laser is as high as that of the employed external light source., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 10 Oct. 2008, IEICE technical report, 108, 245, 5-10, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110007081274, AA11233152
  • BS-11-4 Application of optical fibre nonlinearities for optical waveform conversion
    Kishi Naoto; Matsuura Motoharu; Nguyen Tan Hung; Buddhika Praneeth Samarakoon
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 02 Sep. 2008, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2008, 2, "S-111"-"S-112", Japanese, 110007116640, AN10489017
  • Ultrashort Pulse Generation from Pulse Compression by using Raman Amplification
    We demonstrate ultrashort pulse generation from pulse compression by using Raman amplifier. We also found that this pulse compression process is applicable to realize a pulse-width tunable source. Finally we evaluated the characteristic features of the pulse compression process, showing that the process did not affect the BER performance at all., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 07 Mar. 2008, IEICE technical report, 107, 513, 45-49, English, 0913-5685, 110006884653, AA11233152
  • BS-3-11 Burst Assembly for Wavelength Sharing in Burst Switched Photonic Networks(BS-3. Network Management Technologies for Next Generation Network)
    Samarakoon Jayathura Manupriya; Matsuura Motoharu; Miki Tetsuya
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 05 Mar. 2008, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2008, 2, "S-30"-"S-31", English, 110006871316, AN10471452
  • B-12-15 All-Optical Multicasting Using Triple-Stage Cascaded SOA-Based Wavelength Converters
    Matsuura Motoharu; Kishi Naoto; Miki Tetsuya
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 07 Mar. 2007, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2007, 2, 470-470, Japanese, 110006464226, AN10471452
  • Broadband Regenerative Wavelength Conversion and Multicasting Using Triple-Stage SOA-Based Wavelength Converters
    MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto; MIKI Tetsuya
    We demonstrate broadband wavelength conversion with 320 nm operating wavelength range and channel spacing flexible wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) multicasting from a 1550 nm signal using a triple-stage cascaded SOA-based wavelength converter. This technique will be useful for not only broadband wavelength conversion and Coarse/Dense WDM (CWDM/DWDM) multicasting but also amplitude regeneration for future ultra-wideband photonic networks., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 23 Feb. 2007, IEICE technical report, 106, 545, 5-8, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110006250222, AA11233152
  • All-Optical Regenerative Multicasting with Large Wavelength Window Hopping Using Dual-Stage SOA-Based Wavelength Converter
    MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto; MIKI Tetsuya
    All-optical multicasting is an essential function to convert a single data into several different wavelengths without costly electrical processing. In future photonic networks, such technique will be useful for wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) downstream to metro/access networks. In this paper, we have proposed and demonstrated, for the first time, an all-optical multicasting from 1.55-μm to 1.3-μm wavelength window with a dual-stage cascaded semiconductor optical amplifier-based wavelength converters. Using our proposed scheme, we have also demonstrated amplitude regeneration of the multicasting output signals., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 09 Nov. 2006, IEICE technical report, 106, 350, 11-14, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110005716455, AA11233152
  • Experimental demonstration of an optical burst network with dynamic bandwidth control
    MURAHATA Ryohei; TAKAOKA Kazune; YOSHINO Toshiya; MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto; MIKI Tetsuya
    The photonic network with combination of WDM and Burst Switch, and a dynamic bandwidth control algorithm for burst switch has been studied. The experimental setups for the proposed burst photonic network with dynamic bandwidth control have been implemented. The network experiment has been carried out to demonstrate the proposed control algorithm., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 16 Mar. 2006, IEICE technical report, 105, 667, 139-142, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110004690324, AA11864040
  • Performances of a Widely Width-Tunable Multiwavelength Optical Pulse Generator by a Single SOA-Based Delayed Interferometric Switch
    MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto; MIKI Tstusya
    Performances of a multiwavelength optical pulse generation by utilizing a single semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based delayed interferometric switch are investigated. We have verified that pulsewidth tuning enable us to optimize the transmission characteristics with an arbitrary cumulative dispersion value, and have obtained the improved transmission performances of the generated signals in comparison with the conventional signals., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 16 Mar. 2006, IEICE technical report, 105, 667, 17-20, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110004690302, AA11864040
  • B-10-30 Field Experiment of Traffic Adaptable Path Network with Optical Burst
    MIKI Tetsuya; KISHI Naoto; MATSUURA Motoharu; KAJIKAWA Minoru
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 08 Mar. 2006, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2006, 2, 350-350, Japanese, 110006211064, AN10471452
  • Broadband Wavelength Conversion by Using Multi-Stage Cascaded SOA-Based Wavelength Converters
    MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto; MIKI Tetsuya
    31 Jan. 2006, 電気学会研究会資料. : The Papers of Technical Meeting on Electromagnetic Theory, IEE Japan. EMT, 電磁界理論研究会, 2006, 1, 187-190, Japanese, 10017118025, AN00346578
  • Broadband Wavelength Conversion by Using Multi-Stage Cascaded SOA-Based Wavelength Converters
    MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto; MIKI Tetsuya
    In future photonic networks, it is important to realize all-optical wavelength converters, which enable us to hop signal wavelength in ultra-wide wavelength range. We have demonstrated, for the first time, broadband wavelength conversion in the wavelength range of 1320-1610nm by using cascaded SOA-based wavelength converters with each different gain band., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 26 Jan. 2006, Technical report of IEICE. OFT, 105, 587, 65-68, Japanese, 0913-5685, 10017972153, AA11233152
  • B-10-112 Multi-Wavelength Synchronized Optical Clock Generation Utilizing a SOA-Based Delayed Interferometric Switch
    Matsuura Motoharu; Kishi Naoto
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 07 Mar. 2005, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2005, 2, 402-402, Japanese, 110004694556, AN10471452
  • Multi-wavelength synchronized pulse generation by using a single SOA-based delayed interferometric switch
    MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto
    We demonstrate a multi-wavelength synchronized pulse generation by utilizing a single SOA-based delayed interferometric switch. This switch enables us to generate easily many clock pulse trains, which synchronize an optical clock with desired optical carrier frequencies. Moreover, the pulse-widths of the output pulses can be controlled by adjusting the time delay of the interferometer in the switch. In this work, simultaneous 16 channels clock pulse trains with wide pulse-width tunability, up to the unity duty-ratio, have been successfully obtained at 10 Gbit/s., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 25 Feb. 2005, Technical report of IEICE. OFT, 104, 700, 19-24, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110003202876, AA11233152
  • All-Optical Wavelength and Pulsewidth Conversions with a Sagnac Interferometer Switch
    MATSUURA Motoharu; KISHI Naoto
    A Sagnac interferometer switch with a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is proposed for all-optical wavelength and pulsewidth conversions. The configuration of this switch is very simple and its switching speed is not limited by the semiconductor carrier recovery time. Input data pulsewidth of 1.5 ps is converted to the range of 1.7 - 21.7 ps. Wavelength conversion of input data at 1539 nm to a tunable wavelength bandwidth of 15 nm (1550 - 1565 nm) is also demonstrated., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 24 May 2002, Technical report of IEICE. OFT, 102, 106, 31-34, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110003183345, AA11233152

Books and other publications

  • 次世代高速通信に対応する光回路実装, デバイスの開発
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Contributor, 第12章,第6節 超高速・大容量伝送を実現するための光信号処理技術, 技術情報協会, Nov. 2022

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 光給電用ダブルクラッド光ファイバの光分波回路に関する研究
    宮川由宇; 矢口勇也; Shih-Chun Lin; Suresh Subramaniam; 長谷川浩; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会
    12 Sep. 2024
    10 Sep. 2024- 13 Sep. 2024
  • 大電力信号伝送向け光給電型高出力フォトダイオードの性能評価
    五味裕輝; 杉浦宗弥; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会
    12 Sep. 2024
    10 Sep. 2024- 13 Sep. 2024
  • 空孔コアファイバを用いた多分岐エネルギーPON伝送
    山地宥範; 杉浦宗弥; 松浦基晴; 高木武史; 武笠和則
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会
    12 Sep. 2024
    10 Sep. 2024- 13 Sep. 2024
  • キャンパス敷設空孔コアファイバケーブルを用いたLocal 5G over PON 構築実験
    岡本聡; 山中直明; 津田裕之; 松浦基晴; 高木武史; 武笠和則
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    26 Aug. 2024
    26 Aug. 2024- 27 Aug. 2024
  • 空孔コアファイバを用いた大電力アナログRoF伝送
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Invited
    09 May 2024
    09 May 2024- 10 May 2024
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた再構成可能な全光論理回路
    竹本大志; 波多野佑介; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    14 Mar. 2024
    14 Mar. 2024- 15 Mar. 2024
  • マルチコア光ファイバを用いたリモート光増幅型光給電アンテナ
    福山瑞稀; 松浦基晴; 高橋英憲; 吉兼昇; 釣谷剛宏
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    14 Mar. 2024
    14 Mar. 2024- 15 Mar. 2024
  • 空間分割多重及びマルチバンド光ネットワーク実現に向けた空間・波長ハイブリッド光ノード構成
    久野拓真; 落合匠郎; 樋口怜治; 佐竹風人; 森洋二郎; Shih-Chun Lin; 松浦基晴; Suresh Subramaniam; 長谷川浩
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Invited
    14 Mar. 2024
    14 Mar. 2024- 15 Mar. 2024
  • 空孔コアファイバを使用したマルチチャネル大電力A-RoF伝送
    村上夏尉; 杉浦宗弥; 松浦基晴; 高木武史; 武笠和則
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Invited
    14 Mar. 2024
    14 Mar. 2024- 15 Mar. 2024
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器内での周波数チャープを用いた4bit40Gbps光デジタル・アナログ変換
    伊東哲幸; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    14 Mar. 2024
    14 Mar. 2024- 14 Mar. 2024
  • Linux PCによるWiFi APを利用したアナログRoF検証環境の構築
    岡本聡; 村上隆太; 西村浩志郎; 山中直明; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会総合大会
    07 Mar. 2024
    05 Mar. 2024- 08 Mar. 2024
  • 災害に強い無線通信ネットワークに向けた光ファイバ給電技術
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, オプトメカトロニクス技術シンポジウム, Invited
    26 Feb. 2024
    26 Feb. 2024- 26 Feb. 2024
  • Beyond 5Gに向けた大電力光ファイバ伝送・給電技術
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, PST-net講演会, Invited
    16 Feb. 2024
    16 Feb. 2024- 16 Feb. 2024
  • 空中基地局のための光ファイバ給電ドローンに関する検討
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    16 Nov. 2023
    16 Nov. 2023- 17 Nov. 2023
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いた全光 OR ゲートに関する研究
    波多野佑介; 竹本大志; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会
    13 Sep. 2023
    11 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023
  • 空孔コアファイバにおける非線形光学現象の観測
    杉浦宗弥; 村上夏尉; 松浦基晴; 高木武史; 武笠和則
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会
    13 Sep. 2023
    11 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023
  • モバイル無線基地局における光ファイバ給電の応答特性評価
    矢口勇也; 松浦基晴; Shih-Chun Lin; 松浦基晴; Suresh Subramaniam; 長谷川浩
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会
    12 Sep. 2023
    11 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023
  • スイッチド RoF によるスマートモバイルフロントホール構成法
    岡本聡; 植松芳彦; 山中直明; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会
    12 Sep. 2023
    11 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023
  • 4.71Pbpsスループットを実現する空間・波長ハイブリッド型光クロスコネクトのマルチバンド伝送実験
    久野拓真; 落合匠郎; 樋口怜治; 佐竹風人; 森洋二郎; Shih-Chun Lin; 松浦基晴; Suresh Subramaniam; 長谷川浩
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会
    12 Sep. 2023
    11 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器内での周波数チャープを用いた光デジタル・アナログ変換による高分解能化
    伊東哲幸; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    30 Aug. 2023
    29 Aug. 2023- 30 Aug. 2023
  • 再構成可能な量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いた全光論理回路
    竹本大志; 波多野祐介; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    30 Aug. 2023
    29 Aug. 2023- 30 Aug. 2023
  • 2Pbpsスループットを実現する波長・空間ハイブリッド光クロスコネクトの提案と実証
    落合匠郎; 久野拓真; 棟方隆司; 森洋二郎; Shih-Chun Lin; 松浦基晴; Suresh Subramaniam; 長谷川浩
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    30 Aug. 2023
    29 Aug. 2023- 30 Aug. 2023
  • 空孔コアファイバを用いた光ファイバ無線の伝送特性評価
    村上夏尉; 杉浦宗弥; 松浦基晴; 高木武史; 武笠和則
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    29 Aug. 2023
    29 Aug. 2023- 30 Aug. 2023
  • マルチコア光ファイバを用いたリモート増幅型光ファイバ無線伝送における利得特性及び伝送特性評価
    福山瑞稀; 松浦基晴; 高橋英憲; 吉兼昇; 釣谷剛宏
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    29 Aug. 2023
    29 Aug. 2023- 30 Aug. 2023
  • Power-over-fiber for remote antenna units in 5G/6G networks
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Invited oral presentation, English, Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2023), Invited
    03 Jul. 2023
    02 Jul. 2023- 06 Jul. 2023
  • グリーン社会の実現に向けた新しい光アクセス網システム -新構造光ファイバを使用したエネルギー伝送・高多分岐化技術
    石山貴大; 木村俊平; 栗本崇; 津田裕之; 岡本聡; 山中直明; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    01 Mar. 2023
    01 Mar. 2023- 02 Mar. 2023
  • Power-over-fiber technologies using double-clad fibers for remote antenna units in mobile networks
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Invited oral presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West 2023, Invited, SPIE, San Francisco, USA, International conference
    Jan. 2023
  • Opportunities and challenges of power-over-fiber in 6G networks
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Nominated symposium, English, European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2022), Invited, ECOC 2022, Basel, Switzerland, International conference
    Sep. 2022
  • 無線基地局のための光ファイバ無線・電力伝送
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 総合大会, Invited, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2022
  • 半導体光増幅器内での周波数チャープを用いた40 Gbps光デジタル・アナログ変換
    相楽昌希; 伊東哲幸; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2022
  • 半導体光増幅器の周波数チャープを用いた全光論理ゲート
    津田隼一; 相楽昌希; 竹本大志; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2022
  • 空中基地局に向けた光ファイバ給電ドローンの飛翔実験
    神藤夏季; 小畠大輝; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2022
  • マルチコア光ファイバを用いた光ファイバ給電における伝送特性評価
    小幡昭平; 福山瑞稀; 松浦基晴; 高橋英憲; 吉兼昇; 釣谷剛宏
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2022
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光ファイバ給電の伝送損失低減化に関する研究
    間宮光瑠; 村上夏尉; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2022
  • 光ファイバ給電式ドローンを用いた 空中無線基地局のための信号伝送特性評価
    小畠大輝; 神藤夏季; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 総合大会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2022
  • 光ファイバ給電用ファイバにおける伝送損失の波長依存性評価
    藤田卓; 間宮光瑠; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 総合大会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2022
  • 半導体光増幅器内で発生する高速周波数チャープの測定
    香取稜; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 総合大会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2022
  • 2020年度PN研究会の開催報告 ~制御・管理・アプリケーションに関する研究について〜
    森洋二郎; 石井健二; 中川雅弘; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2021
  • 2020年度PN研究会の開催報告 ~システム・アーキテクチャ・デバイスに関する研究について〜
    石井健二; 森洋二郎; 松浦基晴; 中川雅弘
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2021
  • Power-over-fiber for radio-over-fiber links
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Invited oral presentation, English, European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2021), Invited, IEEE, Bordeaux, France, International conference
    Sep. 2021
  • 通信と大電力伝送を可能にする光ファイバ給電技術とその応用
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ポリマー光部品技術特別研究専門委員会研究会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2021
  • 光給電型マルチモード光ファイバ無線における信号劣化の抑制
    河村幸明; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2021
  • 短距離光ファイバ無線における光および電気デジタル・アナログ重畳の伝送特性評価
    小林隆一; 相葉孝充; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2021
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線における供給電力の向上
    野本颯人; 間宮光瑠; 樋口忠伸; 松浦基晴; Denis Massion; Simon Fafard
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2021
  • 長距離・高強度光給電型光ファイバ無線伝送に向けたダブルクラッド光ファイバ伝送路の波長損失依存性評価
    樋口忠伸; 間宮光瑠; 藤田卓; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2021
  • 半導体光増幅器で発生する高速信号の周波数チャープ測定
    汪瑞; 岡田拓也; 香取稜; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2021
  • 半導体光増幅器内での周波数チャープを用いた20 Gbps光デジタル・アナログ変換
    相楽昌希; 岡田拓也; 汪瑞; 津田隼一; 松浦基晴
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2021
  • モバイル通信インフラのための光ファイバ給電
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会 第41回年次大会, Invited, レーザー学会, Domestic conference
    Jan. 2021
  • 2019年度PN研究会の開催報告 ~制御・管理・アプリケーションに関する研究について〜
    中川雅弘; 松浦基晴; 小玉崇宏; 石井健二
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2020
  • 2019年度PN研究会の開催報告 ~システム・アーキテクチャ・デバイスに関する研究について〜
    松浦基晴; 中川雅弘; 石井健二; 小玉崇宏
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2020
  • 光給電型光ファイバ無線伝送により基地局が変わる
    Public discourse, Japanese, マルチメディア推進フォーラム, Invited, ハイテクノロジー推進研究所, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2020
  • RoFを活用した無線基地局向け光ファイバ給電
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会マイクロ波フォトニクス研究会, Invited, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2020
  • マルチモード光ファイバを用いた光ファイバ給電における 高強度給電光の相対強度雑音評価
    河村幸明; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2020
  • 光ファイバ給電式ドローンのための有線信号伝送
    神藤夏季; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2020
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線における 1.55-μm 帯信号・給電光の同時伝送
    間宮光瑠; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2020
  • モバイル無線基地局向け光ファイバ給電技術
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, Invited, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2020
  • 半導体光増幅器内での周波数チャープを用いた4 bit光デジタル・アナログ変換
    相楽昌希; 岡田拓也; 汪瑞; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Aug. 2020
  • マルチモード光ファイバを用いた電気重畳および波長多重によるアナログ・デジタル信号同時伝送
    松浦基晴; 大槻樹矢; 相葉孝充
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2020
  • Power-over-fiber and its applications
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Oral presentation, English, IoT-SNAP 2020, Invited, OPIC, Yokohama, Japan, International conference
    Apr. 2020
  • 半導体光増幅器内で発生する周波数チャープを用いた光デジタル・アナログ相互変換
    岡田拓也; 汪瑞; 相楽昌希; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2020
  • 空中基地局に向けた光ファイバ給電を用いた無人航空機
    矢澤諒; 神藤夏季; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2020
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた全光アナログ・デジタル相互変換
    岡田拓也; 小林隆一; 汪瑞; 相楽昌希; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会RISING 2019, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2019
  • 光ファイバ給電で駆動する空中無線基地局
    矢澤諒; 神藤夏季; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会RISING 2019, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2019
  • Power-over-fiber for remote antenna units
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Invited oral presentation, English, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2019), Invited, IEEE, San Antonio, TX USA, International conference
    Sep. 2019
  • 光ファイバ給電による携帯無線基地局向け給電・通信
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光エレクトロニクス第130委員会研究会, Invited, 日本学術振興会, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2019
  • 無線基地局の駆動を実現する光ファイバ給電技術
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, フォトニックデバイス・応用技術研究会, Invited, 光産業技術振興協会, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2019
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた無線基地局向け光ファイバ給電技術
    松浦基晴; 米山彰; 田嶋奈奈; 上山大輔
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Invited, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2019
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器内の周波数チャープを用いた光D/A変換
    岡田拓也; 小林隆一; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    May 2019
  • 光ファイバ給電式ドローンの可搬能力に関する検討
    矢澤諒; 上山大輔; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    May 2019
  • 短距離光ファイバ無線におけるデジタル・アナログ電気重畳伝送
    小林隆一; 大槻樹矢; 岡田拓也; 相葉孝充; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    May 2019
  • Over 100-W power-over-fiber for remote antenna units
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Invited oral presentation, English, Proc. of 1st Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2019), Invited, OPIC, Yokohama, Japan, International conference
    Apr. 2019
  • 光ファイバ給電における給電光制御のための給電系の応答性評価
    野本颯人; 上山大輔; 田嶋奈奈; 岡田拓也; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Apr. 2019
  • 信号と電力の同時伝送を目的とした光ファイバ給電
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会, 早稲田大学, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2019
  • 高周波アナログ信号と大容量ベースバンド信号の電気重畳によるマルチモード光ファイバ無線伝送
    大槻樹矢; 相葉孝充; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2019
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線システムにおける高強度給電光伝送
    田嶋奈奈; 上山大輔; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2019
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線伝送における電力伝送高効率化
    上山大輔; 田嶋奈奈; 野本颯人; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2019
  • 光ビーム入射法を用いた光給電型マルチモード光ファイバ無線伝送のクロストーク抑制
    久保木駿; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2019
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いた光A/D変換における多量子化
    岡田拓也; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2018
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線システムにおける長距離双方向伝送
    田嶋奈奈; 上山大輔; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2018
  • 空中基地局のための光ファイバ給電式ドローン
    矢澤諒; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2018
  • 14 Gbpsデジタル信号を重畳した28 GHz帯RoF伝送特性
    相葉孝充; 田中聡; 松浦基晴; 若林知敬
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2018
  • Power-over-fiber technologies for radio-over-fiber systems
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Invited oral presentation, English, MWP Symposium, Invited, IEICE MWP committee, Matsue, Japan, International conference
    Aug. 2018
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた多チャネル信号・電力同時伝送
    上山大輔; 田嶋奈奈; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    Aug. 2018
  • 光ビーム入射法を用いた光給電型マルチモード光ファイバ無線伝送
    久保木駿; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    Aug. 2018
  • Power-over-fiber for radio-over-fiber-based distributed antenna systems
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Invited oral presentation, English, 13th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2018), Invited, OSA, International conference
    Jul. 2018
  • マルチモード光ファイバ無線による高速デジタル・アナログ信号重畳伝送
    相葉孝充; 田中聡; 松浦基晴; 若林知敬
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会マイクロ波・ミリ波フォトニクス研究会, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2018
  • Optically powered radio-over-fiber systems
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Invited oral presentation, English, 38th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2018), Invited, OSA, San Jose, USA, International conference
    May 2018
  • データセンタのための量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いたPAM-4光波長変換
    大槻樹矢; 谷津智也; 松浦基晴
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Invited, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2018
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線における1.3-μm帯多チャネル伝送
    米山彰; 上山大輔; 田嶋奈奈; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2018
  • 短距離アナログ・デジタル重畳光ファイバ伝送の検討
    東井亮磨; 相葉孝充; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2018
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器内で発生する周波数チャープを用いた光信号再生器
    伊藤玄馬; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2018
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器の周波数チャープを用いた光A/D変換のための光量子化レベル向上
    星野弘樹; 岡田拓也; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2018
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いた光ナイキストパルス信号の全光型時分割多重分離
    楊亮; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2018
  • マルチモード光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線伝送のための帯域制限・雑音抑制法
    庄司尚生; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2018
  • 光ファイバ無線のための光ファイバ給電技術
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会 第38回年次大会, Invited, レーザー学会, 京都市勧業館みやこめっせ, Domestic conference
    24 Jan. 2018
  • 将来の無線基地局のための高強度光ファイバ給電技術
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会 電子物性分科会 研究例会, Invited, 応用物理学会 電子物性分科会, 東京工業大(東京), Domestic conference
    Jul. 2017
  • 光ファイバ無線基地局の駆動を目的とした光ファイバ給電技術
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会, 秋田, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2017
  • PAM-4信号のための量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いた広帯域光波長変換
    大槻樹矢; 谷津智也; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    May 2017
  • マルチモード光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ伝送のための波長・モード分割多重技術
    久保木駿; 庄司尚生; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    May 2017
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型アナログ・デジタル信号同時伝送
    上山大輔; 米山彰; 松浦基晴
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    May 2017
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いたPAM-4信号の光波長変換
    谷津智也; 大槻樹矢; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, 電子情報通信学会, 石垣島(沖縄), Domestic conference
    Mar. 2017
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器内の周波数チャープを用いた全光量子化
    二宮典彦; 雨宮将平; 星野弘樹; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, 電子情報通信学会, 石垣島(沖縄), Domestic conference
    Mar. 2017
  • 曲げ不感型プラスチック光ファイバを用いたRoFの雑音特性評価
    相葉孝充; 東井亮磨; 若林知敬; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会マイクロ波・ミリ波フォトニクス研究会, 電子情報通信学会, 神戸(兵庫県), Domestic conference
    Jan. 2017
  • 光ファイバ給電技術を用いた災害に強い光ファイバ無線ネットワーク
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク(PN)研究会PNワークショップ, 電子情報通信学会, 北海道函館市, Domestic conference
    01 Sep. 2016
  • Optically powered radio-over-fiber system using double-clad fibers
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Keynote oral presentation, English, 22nd Asia‐Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2016), Invited, IEEE, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, International conference
    Aug. 2016
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバによる光ファイバ給電型光ファイバ無線伝送技術
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会マイクロ波・ミリ波フォトニクス(MWP)研究会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会, 北海道・網走市, Domestic conference
    21 Jul. 2016
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いた光クロック抽出型光時分割多重分離
    楊亮; 谷津智也; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    27 May 2016
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器内で発生する周波数チャープのデータパターン依存性
    星野弘樹; 二宮典彦; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    26 May 2016
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線における1.3-um帯デュアルチャネル伝送
    米山彰; 源大和; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    26 May 2016
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いた光信号処理技術
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会, 機械振興会館, Domestic conference
    25 Apr. 2016
  • プラスチック光ファイバを用いた光ファイバ無線伝送におけるモード雑音および反射雑音に関する伝送特性評価
    松本侑樹; 松浦基晴; 古川怜; 井上梓; 小池康博
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2016
  • マルチモードファイバを用いた高効率光給電型光ファイバ無線伝送
    古郡秀人; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2016
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線伝送における給電光高強度化・パワー伝送高効率化
    松浦基晴; 古郡秀人; 佐藤淳
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会マイクロ波・ミリ波フォトニクス研究会, 電子情報通信学会, 兵庫県・神戸市, Domestic conference
    Jan. 2016
  • 無線基地局への高強度光給電と光制御アレーアンテナを併用した光ファイバ無線
    源大和; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, 電子情報通信学会, 電通大(東京), Domestic conference
    11 Dec. 2015
  • 進化した無線通信技術に柔軟かつ効率的に対応するためのアナログRoFと光給電を用いた光無線基地局ネットワーク
    山尾泰; 來住直人; 大木英司; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 マイクロ波研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2015
  • 全光クロック再生を用いたRZ-OOK/RZ-DQPSKフォーマット変換
    岡直哉; 水坂佳太; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2015
  • 無線基地局への高強度光給電を目的としたダブルクラッド光ファイバによる光ファイバ無線伝送
    佐藤淳; 古郡秀人; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2015
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器による光位相共役を用いたRZ-DPSK信号100 km伝送
    関良汰; 谷津智也; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2015
  • マルチモードファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線伝送
    古郡秀人; 佐藤淳; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, 電子情報通信学会, 山形大学米沢キャンパス, Domestic conference
    30 May 2014
  • 半導体光増幅器と可変分散媒質を用いた光制御フェーズドアレーアンテナの指向性制御
    源大和; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会, 電子情報通信学会, 山形大学米沢キャンパス, Domestic conference
    30 May 2014
  • All-optical 4 x 10 Gb/s ultra-short pulsewidth NRZ-to-RZ format conversion and wavelength multicasting using Raman amplifier muliwavelength pulse compressor
    Nguyen Quang Nhu Quynh; Nguyen The Quang; Nguyen Tan Hung; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,総合大会
    Mar. 2014
  • Novel picosecond width-tuning NRZ-DPSK-to-RZ-DPSK conversion using a Raman amplification compressor and HNLF-based switch
    Irneza Ismail; Quang Nguyen The; Gazi Mohammad Sharif; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,総合大会
    Mar. 2014
  • プラスチック光ファイバを用いた光ファイバ無線伝送のためのモード雑音評価
    松本侑樹; 松浦基晴; 古川怜; 井上梓; 小池康博
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Feb. 2014
  • 無電源基地局光ファイバ無線通信システムにおける給電系の評価
    W. H. M. Abeysekara; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会マイクロ波フォトニクス研究会
    Jan. 2014
  • 光給電で駆動する光ファイバ無線アンテナ基地局に関する研究
    Others, Japanese, 財団法人 電気通信普及財団,財団法人 電気通信普及財団 調査研究報告書
    Dec. 2013
  • 全光クロック再生を用いたRZ-OOK/RZ-DPSKフォーマット変換
    岡直哉; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Oct. 2013
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバを用いた光給電型光ファイバ無線伝送
    佐藤淳; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Oct. 2013
  • 半導体光増幅器の光波形変換においてポンプ光にRZ-DPSKを用いた場合の特性検証
    土居裕太; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Oct. 2013
  • EPWM-OFDM transmission against nonlinearity and echo in radio-over-fiber channel
    Xiaoxue Yu; Motoharu Matsuura; Yasushi Yamao
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,ソサエティ大会
    Sep. 2013
  • 半導体光増幅器による多チャンネル光波長変換を用いた光制御フェーズドアレイアンテナの制御法
    岩崎航; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会(OFT)
    Mar. 2013
  • Pulsewidth tunable and polarization-insensitive NRZ-to-RZ conversion by using fiber nonlinearity based circuits
    Gazi Mohammad Sharif; Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,光通信システム研究会
    Oct. 2012
  • 半導体光増幅器と光ファイバ中の自己位相変調を用いた光信号波形変換
    井上翔太; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会
    Sep. 2012
  • Ultrahigh-speed optical signal processing using QD-SOAs
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Invited oral presentation, English, Post-ECOC 2012 Workshop, Invited, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands, International conference
    Sep. 2012
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた多波長一括光信号波形変換
    井上翔太; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    May 2012
  • ANC-EPWM transmission of OFDM signal in RoF channel
    Xiaoxue Yu; Motoharu Matsuura; Shinsuke Yokozawa; Yasushi Yamao
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会
    Apr. 2012
  • 高度変調に適用可能な広帯域光波長変換
    Others, Japanese, 財団法人KDDI財団
    Apr. 2012
  • 光フーリエ変換を用いた光可変遅延回路の構成法
    渡邊朋之; 小野智彦; 松浦基晴; グェン テ クワン; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Mar. 2012
  • High speed optical signal processing for communications
    Harm J; S. Dorren; Motoharu Matsuura; Karen Solis Trapara; Oded Raz
    Invited oral presentation, English, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD 2011), 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD 2011), Jeju, Korea, International conference
    Dec. 2011
  • Performance of optical packet switch based on recursive parametric wavelength conversions
    Nattapong Kitsuwan; Hung Nguyen Tan; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Eiji Oki
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    Nov. 2011
  • 多波長チャネル光波長変換を用いたフェーズドアレーアンテナの制御
    岩崎航; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Oct. 2011
  • Nonlinear RoF transmission of EPWM-OFDM signal
    Xiaoxue Yu; Motoharu Matsuura; Shinsuke Yokozawa; Yasushi Yamao
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,ソサエティ大会
    Sep. 2011
  • 高効率・省電力化のためのフォトニックネットワーク技術の開発
    Others, Japanese, 財団法人 中島記念国際交流財団
    Apr. 2011
  • ヘテロダイン方式を用いた無電源光ファイバ無線通信システム
    平尾元紀; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Mar. 2011
  • 外部注入光を用いた単一周波数光ファイバレーザの発振周波数制御特性
    雨宮浩司; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Mar. 2011
  • 半導体光増幅器の相互利得変調による多波長信号のNRZ-RZ変換
    片渕友哉; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Mar. 2011
  • 波長再利用が可能な光ネットワークにおける波長割当方式
    花里将史; 松浦基晴; 大木英司
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,総合大会
    Mar. 2011
  • 波長再生回数を考慮した波長再生可能なネットワークにおける波長割当
    花里将史; 大木英司; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    Feb. 2011
  • Ultrafast all-optical signal processing using QD-SOA
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Others, English, Plenary talk, COBRA Research Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology
    Feb. 2011
  • フォトニックネットワークのための高性能マルチキャリア光源の開発
    Others, Japanese, 公益財団法人 村田学術振興財団,Annual report of The MURATA Science Foundation
    Dec. 2010
  • A single-gate OTDM-to-WDM conversion utilizing Raman compressor-based multiwavelength pulse sources for photonic networks
    Hung Nguyen Tan; Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    Nov. 2010
  • 多波長ラマンソリトン圧縮を用いた40-GHz 3-psの時間および波長インタリーブパルス生成による光多チャンネル時分割分離
    グェン テ クワン; グェン タン フン; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Nov. 2010
  • 超広帯域フォトニックネットワークのための高機能光信号処理技術に関する研究
    Others, Japanese, 公益財団法人 矢崎科学技術振興記念財団,矢崎科学技術振興記念財団 2009年度奨励研究助成研究成果報告
    Nov. 2010
  • 広帯域波長変換を用いたフォトニックネットワーク技術に関する研究
    Others, Japanese, 公益財団法人 倉田記念日立科学技術財団
    Oct. 2010
  • 光信号再生型光バッファに関する研究
    Others, Japanese, 公益信託 小澤・吉川記念エレクトロニクス研究助成基金
    Oct. 2010
  • マルチモード光ファイバで構成された光給電型光ファイバ無線アクセスシステムに関する研究
    Others, Japanese, 財団法人 中部電力基礎技術研究所
    Oct. 2010
  • 全光信号変換回路を用いたフォトニックネットワーク技術の研究
    Others, Japanese, 財団法人 電気通信普及財団
    Oct. 2010
  • フォトニックネットワークのための光信号波形制御による全光ノード技術の研究
    Others, Japanese, 財団法人 カシオ科学技術財団,カシオ科学技術財団 平成22年年報
    Aug. 2010
  • 光ファイバ給電による光ファイバ無線通信システム
    Others, Japanese, JPCAショー, JPCAショー(国際電子回路産業展)
    Jun. 2010
  • All-optical picosecond duration-tunable NRZ-to-RZ data format conversion by using Raman amplifier-based compressor and fiber-based switch
    Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,光通信システム研究会
    May 2010
  • 光ファイバ無線のための広帯域フェーズド・アレーアンテナシステムの研究
    Others, Japanese, 平成20年度~平成21年度科学研究費補助金 (若手研究(B)) 研究成果報告書
    Apr. 2010
  • An Optical Packet Switch based on Parametric Wavelength Converters
    Nattapong Kitsuwan; Roberto Rojas-Cessa; Motoharu Matsuura; Eiji Oki
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    Mar. 2010
  • マルチキャリア分配型OADMネットワークにおける波長再利用のための光キャリア再生
    松浦基晴; 大木英司
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会総合大会
    Mar. 2010
  • 半導体光増幅器内で発生するチャーピングの伝送特性に及ぼす影響
    北村圭; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Feb. 2010
  • Wavelength conversion and multicasting using SOA for phased array antenna beam-steering
    Nanang Krisdianto; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Feb. 2010
  • 利得波長帯可変ラマン増幅と光ファイバ中の自己位相変調を利用した広帯域全光信号再生
    松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光通信システム研究会
    Jan. 2010
  • All-optical ultra-short pulsewidth tunable waveform conversion by combination of fiber-based switch and Raman amplifier-based compressor
    Quang Nguyen The; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,ソサエティ大会
    Sep. 2009
  • マルチキャリア光源を用いた光キャリア分配型動的波長制御WDMネットワーク
    松浦基晴; 蔡岳平; 大木英司
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    Jun. 2009
  • 波長変換およびファイバ群遅延を用いた全光可変遅延回路
    岩城亜弥子; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Mar. 2009
  • 光バーストスイッチングネットワークにおけるリンク負荷・遅延を考慮した経路選択手法
    毛利元一; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会総合大会
    Mar. 2009
  • 単一周波数光ファイバレーザの多波長外部光源による周波数制御法
    田口勝久; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Oct. 2008
  • 光フィルタを用いた半導体光増幅器内で発生するチャーピング特性の評価
    北村圭; 松浦基晴; 岩津のぞみ; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス研究会
    Oct. 2008
  • 光ファイバ非線形現象の光波形変換への応用
    來住直人; 松浦基晴; Hung Nguyen Tan; Buddhika Samarakoon
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,2008年電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会
    Sep. 2008
  • ヘテロダイン方式光ファイバ無線の上り信号伝送実験
    中村教人; 來住直人; 三木哲也; 松浦基晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,2008年電子情報通信学会総合大会
    Mar. 2008
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた波長変換素子による広帯域波長可変光クロックパルスの生成
    田口将義; 松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,2008年電子情報通信学会総合大会
    Mar. 2008
  • Survivable optical broadcast-and-select network with optical coupler and 1 x 2 switch based protection architecture
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,2008年電子情報通信学会総合大会
    Mar. 2008
  • Burst assembly for wavelength sharing in burst switched photonic networks
    Jayathura Samarakoon; Motoharu Matsuura; Tetsuya Miki
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,2008年電子情報通信学会総合大会
    Mar. 2008
  • Ultrashort pulse generation from pulse compression by using Raman amplification
    Buddhika Samarakoon; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi
    Oral presentation, English, 電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Mar. 2008
  • Novel protection architecture with optical coupler and 1 x 2 switch for optical broadcast-and-select network
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Public symposium, English, International symposium on Coherent Optical Science, 21st century COE program, 東京
    Dec. 2007
  • All-optical wavelength conversion using cascaded wavelength converters with each different gain band
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Invited oral presentation, English, International Symposium on Coherent Optical Science, International Symposium on Coherent Optical Science, Tokyo, Japan, International conference
    Dec. 2007
  • Photonic dynamic path networks using optical burst switching and its field experiment
    Motoharu Matsuura; Ayako Iwaki; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Invited oral presentation, English, Photonics in Switching 2007, IEEE/LEOS Photonics in Switching 2007, San Francisco, USA, International conference
    Aug. 2007
  • 多段接続型波長変換素子による信号再生可能な広帯域波長変換ならびにマルチキャスティング
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Mar. 2007
  • 外部注入光を用いた単一周波数光ファイバレーザの周波数制御法
    森薫; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Mar. 2007
  • カスケード接続型波長変換素子を用いた全光マルチキャスティング
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合大会
    Mar. 2007
  • バースト型フォトニックネットワークにおける波長共有とノード間制御に関する一検討
    吉野俊哉; 松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合大会
    Mar. 2007
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた光信号・波形・波長変換
    千田和博; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Others, Japanese, フォトニック情報通信技術研究ステーション研究成果発表会
    Mar. 2007
  • 光ファイバ無線システムにおけるヘテロダイン方式を用いた無給電基地局でのRF送信信号パワーの改善
    松浦基晴; 岡部太一郎
    Others, Japanese, フォトニック情報通信技術研究ステーション研究成果発表会
    Mar. 2007
  • ダイナミックパス型フォトニックネットワークにおけるバースト挿入時のビット同期に関する検討
    岩城亜弥子; 松浦基晴
    Others, Japanese, フォトニック情報通信技術研究ステーション研究成果発表会
    Mar. 2007
  • A novel transparent star-ring optical regional access network architecture with dynamic multi-granular bandwidth reservation and allocation
    Yueping Cai; Motoharu Matsuura
    Others, English, フォトニック情報通信技術研究ステーション研究成果発表会
    Mar. 2007
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた超広帯域波長変換
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会第27回年次大会, レーザー学会学術講演会第27回年次大会
    Jan. 2007
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた広帯域マルチキャスティング
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大学・東京農工大学COE合同シンポジウム, 21st century COE program
    Dec. 2006
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた広帯域クロック生成
    田口将義; 松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大学・東京農工大学COE合同シンポジウム, 21st century COE program
    Dec. 2006
  • 半導体光増幅器による広帯域波長変換素子を用いた広波長域ホップ型マルチキャスティング
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Nov. 2006
  • ラマン増幅器を用いたスペクトル拡がりによる多波長パルス生成
    Buddhika Samarakoon; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,ソサエティ大会
    Sep. 2006
  • Photonic dynamic path networks based on optical burst switching
    Tetsuya Miki; Naoto Kishi; Motoharu Matsuura; Hideki Oku
    Invited oral presentation, English, 11th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2006), IEEE/IEICE 11th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2006), Kaohsiung, TAIWAN, International conference
    Jul. 2006
  • 半導体光増幅器を多段接続させた非線形偏波回転スイッチによる超広帯域波長変換
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    May 2006
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いたパルス幅可変多波長信号源の伝送特性
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    Mar. 2006
  • 外部注入光を用いた単一偏波単一周波数ファイバレーザの周波数制御
    趙鵬; 森薫; 曹炳泰; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    Mar. 2006
  • 光バーストネットワークにおける動的帯域制御の実装と評価
    村端良平; 高岡和音; 吉野俊哉; 松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    Mar. 2006
  • 光バーストによるトラフィック適応パスネットワークの実証実験
    三木哲也; 來住直人; 松浦基晴; 梶川賽
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合大会
    Mar. 2006
  • 多段接続型半導体波長変換素子による広帯域波長変換
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,フォトニックネットワーク研究会
    Feb. 2006
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた遅延干渉型全光スイッチにおけるパターン効果の影響
    岸川雄紀; 松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光エレクトロニクス研究会
    Dec. 2005
  • 多段接続型半導体光スイッチによる広帯域波長変換
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大学・東京農工大学COE合同シンポジウム, 21st century COE program
    Dec. 2005
  • 半導体光増幅器を用いた広帯域波長変換
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, COEシンポジウム, COEシンポジウム
    Dec. 2005
  • Broadband wavelength conversion by utilizing multi-stage cascaded SOA-based wavelength conversion
    Motoharu Matsuura; Naoto Kishi; Tetsuya Miki
    Public symposium, English, International symposium on Coherent Optical Science, 21st century COE program
    Jul. 2005
  • 遅延干渉型全光スイッチを用いた光同期クロック生成
    松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Mar. 2005
  • 遅延干渉型半導体光スイッチによる多波長光同期クロック生成
    松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,総合大会
    Mar. 2005
  • 半導体光スイッチを用いた光伝送システム受信特性の改善
    松浦基晴; 來住直人; 三木哲也
    Public symposium, English, 電気通信大学・東京農工大学COE合同シンポジウム, 21st century COE program
    Dec. 2004
  • 全光型光波形変換器を用いた光RZ受信器の特性改善
    松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,ソサエティ大会
    Sep. 2004
  • ラマンソリトン圧縮を用いたスーパーコンティニューム光による多波長パルス生成
    松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Oct. 2003
  • サニャック形干渉スイッチを用いた光波長ならびにパルス幅変換
    松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    May 2002
  • Frequency control of a single-frequency fiber laser with an external light injection
    Motoharu Matsuura
    Others, English, 日台交流事業, 財団法人 交流協会
    Dec. 2000
  • 外部注入光制御型光ファイバレーザの周波数制御特性
    松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,光ファイバ応用技術研究会
    Jul. 1999
  • 外部注入光による光ファイバレーザ安定化に関する検討
    松浦基晴; 來住直人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会,ソサエティ大会
    Sep. 1998


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  • 波動と光
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  • 波動と光
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  • 情報通信システム実験第一および第二
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 情報通信システム実験第一および第二
  • エンジニアリングデザイン2
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • エンジニアリングデザイン2
  • エンジニアリングデザイン1
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • エンジニアリングデザイン1
  • 大学院技術英語
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Fundamentals of Information and Communication Engineering
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 情報・通信工学基礎
  • Comprehensive Communications Sciences
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 総合コミュニケーション科学(PBL担当)
  • 情報通信システム実験・電子情報システム実験第1・2
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 情報通信システム実験・電子情報システム実験第1・2
  • エンジニアリングデザイン
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • エンジニアリングデザイン
  • 大学院技術英語
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 大学院技術英語
  • 電磁気学および演習
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 電磁気学および演習

Affiliated academic society

  • Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Optical Society of America (OSA)

Research Themes

  • 純シリカクラッド2重コア光ファイバを用いた光ファイバ給電技術の高性能化
    松浦 基晴
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(B), Principal investigator, 23H01411
    Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2026
  • 次世代コアと Beyond 5G/6G ネットワークのためのプログラム可能な ネットワークの研究開発
    Sep. 2022 - Aug. 2025
  • 半導体素子を用いた再構成可能な超高速全光論理回路技術の研究
    Jul. 2021 - Mar. 2023
  • 光ファイバ無線のための光ファイバ給電技術
    Principal investigator
    Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020
  • 光ファイバ給電型ドローンに関する研究
    公益財団法人 大川情報通信基金, 研究助成
    Nov. 2018 - Oct. 2019
  • 半導体光増幅素子による100 GSample/s光量子化技術の研究
    Principal investigator
    Aug. 2017 - Mar. 2019
  • Studies for regenerative conversion functions for several format signals in mixed-format optical communication systems
    Kishi Naoto; Matsuura Motoharu; Quang Nguyen-The; Irneza Ismail; Nguyen Quang Nhu Quynh; Shimazaki Kouhei; Yokota Ryou; Kobayshi Tatsuya; Asano Kouya; Zhang Yingy; Matsumoto Hiroki
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), There are different signal formats in optical fiber communication networks. In such networks, processing function in network node should work independently from the signal formats, such as intensity- and phase-modulations. In this project, regenerative optical signal processing functions, such as pulsewidth tunable regenerative pulsewidth conversion, optical multicasting function to distribute a single-channel signal to multiple-wavelength channels, conversion of a wavelength-division multiplexing signal to a optical time-division multiplexing signal, and distortion-compensating variable optical delay line to change the timing of the signal, are studied. These processing functions are investigated for phase-modulated signal as well as conventional intensity-modulated signals. The results of the study suggest that most of these functions are applicable independent from the signal formats., 15K06056
    01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • ダブルクラッド光ファイバ給電技術による高効率・高強度パワー伝送
    電気通信普及財団, Principal investigator
    Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2018
  • 量子ドット半導体素子の光周波数シフトを用いた光量子化技術の研究
    一般財団法人 テレコム先端技術研究支援センター, 研究助成, Principal investigator
    2015 - 2018
  • 量子ドット半導体光増幅器を用いた超高速光A/D変換の研究
    Principal investigator
    2015 - Mar. 2017
  • Studies on format-free optical signal processings for multi-format optical communication networks
    KISHI Naoto; MATSUURA Motoharu
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), In optical communication networks, optical node functions are very important which convert the signal wavelength and waveform and/or compensate signal distortions. So far, such optical node functions have assumed the same signal format. On the other hand, there are many signal formats according to the properties of the signal sources and destinations. In this study, optical node functions which allow multiple signal formats were investigated. The research results include realization of (1) wavelength/waveform conversion and waveform reshaping function applicable to various signal modulation formats, (2) polarization- and signal format-independent waveform conversion function, and (3) OTDM(optical time-division multiplexing) to WDM(wavelength-division multiplexing) conversion function., 24360148
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
  • 進化した無線通信技術に柔軟かつ効率的に対応できる光・無線融合基地局ネットワーク基盤の研究開発
    総務省 戦略的情報通信研究開発推進事業(SCOPE), 研究助成
    Nov. 2013 - Mar. 2015
  • 省電力化を可能にする超高速光伝送技術に関する研究
    日揮・実吉奨学会, Principal investigator
    2012 - 2014
  • 世界最速プラスチック光ファイバーと高精細・大画面ディスプレイのためのフォトニクスポリマーが築くFace-to-Faceコミュニケーション産業の創出
    内閣府, 最先端研究開発支援プログラム(FIRST)
    2012 - 2014
  • マルチキャリア無線信号の光ファイバ一括無ひずみ伝送の研究
    2011 - 2014
  • 光給電で駆動する光ファイバ無線アンテナ基地局に関する研究
    財団法人電気通信普及財団, 研究助成, Principal investigator
    2012 - 2013
  • 半導体量子ドット技術による高性能光信号処理技術に関する研究
    公益財団法人稲盛財団, 研究助成, Principal investigator
    2012 - 2013
  • Research on photonic network technologies based on optical carrier regeneration
    2011 - 2013
  • 高度変調方式に適用可能な広帯域光波長変換
    KDDI財団, 研究助成, Principal investigator
    2010 - 2012
  • 高効率・省電力化のためのフォトニックネットワーク技術の開発
    中島記念国際交流財団, 日本人若手研究者研究助成, Principal investigator
    2010 - 2011
  • Studies of distortion-free optical variable time delay by using optical Fourier transformation
    KISHI Naoto; MATSUURA Motoharu
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Variable optical delay-line is very important for optical signal timing adjustment in optical communication networks. In this study, optical Fourier transformation(OFT) is appliedto such variable optical delay-line to realize distortion-free operation. The characteristics of the OFTincorporatedoptical delay-line, which is realized with a phase modulator, a suitable length of opticalfiber, and a wavelength converter is evaluated. Distortion-free as well as variable time-delay operation of the delay-line is successfully demonstrated., 21560350
    2009 - 2011
  • 広帯域波長変換を用いたフォトニックネットワーク技術に関する研究
    倉田記念日立科学技術財団, Principal investigator
    2009 - 2010
  • マルチモード光ファイバで構成された光給電型光ファイバ無線アクセスシステムに関する研究
    財団法人 中部電力基礎研究所, Principal investigator
    2009 - 2010
  • 光信号再生型光バッファ回路に関する研究
    公益信託 小澤・吉川記念エレクトロニクス研究助成基金, Principal investigator
    2009 - 2010
  • 全光信号変換回路を用いたフォトニックネットワーク技術に関する研究
    電気通信普及財団, Principal investigator
    2009 - 2010
  • フォトニックネットワークのための高性能マルチキャリア光源の開発
    村田学術振興財団, 研究助成, Principal investigator
    2009 - 2010
  • 光ファイバ無線のための広帯域フェーズド・アレーアンテナシステムの研究
    2008 - 2010
  • フォトニックネットワークのための光信号波形制御による全光ノード技術の研究
    カシオ科学振興財団, Principal investigator
    2008 - 2009
  • フォトニックネットワークのための光可変遅延回路に関する研究
    国際科学技術財団, 将来のフォトニックネットワークのための新しい光可変遅延回路を提案する。この遅延回路は、半導体光増幅器を用いた波長変換技術と光ファイバ中での波長分散による群遅延を利用し、波長変換のシフト波長で決まる相対的なファイバ伝搬時間を制御することで、任意の遅延時間を発生させる構成である。これにより、従来方式と比較して、可変遅延特性に優れた実用性の高い遅延回路の実現を試みる。, Principal investigator
    2007 - 2008
  • 超広帯域フォトニックネットワークのための高機能光信号処理技術に関する研究
    財団法人 矢崎科学技術振興記念財団, Principal investigator
    2007 - 2008
  • 多波長・広帯域波長変換によるフォトニックネットワーク技術の研究
    2007 - 2008

Industrial Property Rights

  • 光ファイバ給電・信号伝送システム
    Patent right, 松浦基晴, 上山大輔, 2018-023803, Date applied: 14 Feb. 2018
  • 全光アナログ・デジタル変換装置および全光アナログ・デジタル変換方法
    Patent right, 松浦基晴, 二宮典彦, 2017-033261, Date applied: 24 Feb. 2017

Academic Contribution Activities

  • MDPI Photonics, Special Issue "Latest Papers Related to OWPT 2024 on the Topics of Photovoltaic Components, Devices and Systems"
    Academic society etc, Planning etc, T. Miyamoto, M. Matsuura, 01 Feb. 2024 - 31 Jan. 2025
  • The 5th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2023)
    Academic society etc, Planning etc, T. Miyamoto, M. Matsuura, 23 Apr. 2024 - 26 Apr. 2024
  • MDPI Photonics, Special Issue "Latest Papers Related to OWPT 2023 on the Topics of Photovoltaic Components, Devices and Systems"
    Academic society etc, Planning etc, T. Miyamoto, M. Matsuura, 12 Mar. 2023 - 31 Jan. 2024
  • The Photonic in Switching and Computing (PSC) conference 2023
    Academic society etc, Planning etc, Sep. 2023
  • The 5th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2023)
    Academic society etc, Planning etc, Apr. 2023
  • IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC 2023)
    Academic society etc, Review, Jan. 2023
  • IEEE Global Communications Conference 2022 (GLOBECOM 2022)
    Academic society etc, Review, Dec. 2022
  • OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (OECC/PSC 2022)
    Academic society etc, Planning etc, Jul. 2022
  • IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC 2022)
    Academic society etc, Review, May 2022
  • The 4th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT 2022)
    Academic society etc, Planning etc, Apr. 2022
  • MDPI Photonics, Special Issue "Latest Papers Related to OWPT 2019-22 on the Topics of Photovoltaic Components, Devices and Systems"
    Academic society etc, Others, Apr. 2022