Eriko AIBA

Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems EngineeringAssociate Professor
Cluster II (Emerging Multi-interdisciplinary Engineering)Associate Professor


  • Ph.D. in musicology, Kyoto City University of Arts

Research Keyword

  • Music Psychology
  • Auditory Physiology
  • Auditory Psychology
  • 音楽心理学
  • 聴覚生理学
  • 聴覚心理学

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Experimental psychology
  • Informatics, Sensitivity (kansei) informatics


  • 01 Nov. 2018
    University of Electro-Communications, Associate Professor
  • 01 Nov. 2013 - 31 Oct. 2018
    University of Electro-Communications, Assistant Professor
  • 01 Nov. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
    Future-Applied Conventional Technology Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Project Associate Professor
  • 01 Nov. 2013
    Research Center for Kansei Value Creation, Kwansei Gakuin University, Visiting Research Fellow
  • 01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Oct. 2013
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • 01 Apr. 2009 - 31 Mar. 2012
    Kwansei Gakuin University, Postdoctoral Fellow

Educational Background

  • Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2009
    Kyoto City University of Arts, Graduate School, Division of Music
  • Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2006
    Kyoto City University of Arts, Graduate School, Division of Music
  • Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2004
    Kyoto City University of Arts, Faculty of Music, Department of Piano
  • Mar. 2000
    Doshisha High School

Member History

  • Jun. 2019 - May 2023
    編集委員, 日本音響学会 編集委員会 会誌部会, Society
  • Jun. 2019 - May 2021
    幹事, 日本音響学会 学術委員会, Society
  • 01 Sep. 2018 - 30 Apr. 2021
    運営委員, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会
  • Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2021
    評議員, 日本音響学会 評議委員会, Society
  • 27 Nov. 2019
    Committee Member, International Year of Sound
  • 27 Nov. 2019
    実行委員, International Year of Sound
  • Jun. 2017 - May 2019
    幹事, 日本音響学会 研究発表会実行委員会, Society
  • 2019
    Committee Member, International Years of Sound
  • 01 May 2018
    編集委員, 日本音楽知覚認知学会, Society
  • May 2015 - Mar. 2018
    幹事, 日本音響学会聴覚研究会, Society
  • Jun. 2011 - May 2015
    編集委員会担当幹事, 日本音楽知覚認知学会, Society


  • Mar. 2023
    学生奨励賞, Genki, Igarash
  • Oct. 2022
    日本音楽知覚認知学会 ポスター発表選奨, Miki Kusumoto;Eriko Aiba;Minoru Tsuzaki;Msahiro Okano
  • Mar. 2020
    情報処理学会 第82回全国大会 学生奨励賞, 島日向子
    Japan society
  • Feb. 2019
    TOA株式会社開発室研究奨励賞, 大塚研秀;近藤亮祐;冨田恭平;西山悠;小木曽公尚;饗庭絵里子;小泉憲裕
  • Mar. 2018
  • May 2014
    The Japanese Society for Music Perception and Cognition
    Best Paper Award, 饗庭絵里子;田中里弥;藤澤隆史;赤塚諭;下斗米貴之;長田典子
    Official journal
  • Jan. 2014
    The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
    平成25年電気学会優秀論文発表賞, Kensuke Tobitani;Lisa Park;Atsushi Ishida;Sosuke Kaji;Eriko Aiba;Noriko Nagata
    Japan society
  • Dec. 2013
    日本音響学会 関西支部
    Incentive Award, 高瀬雅良;饗庭絵里子;片平建史;白岩史;中川誠司;長田典子
    Japan society, Japan
  • Sep. 2013
    日本音響学会, 粟屋 潔学術奨励賞は,粟屋潔博士 (本学会第9代会長) のご遺族からの寄付を基に昭和58年に創設された賞で, 音響に関する学問,技術の奨励のため,有為と認められる新進の研究・技術者に贈呈されます。
    粟屋潔学術奨励賞, 饗庭絵里子
    Japan society, Japan
  • Dec. 2012
    優秀発表賞, 片平建史;饗庭絵里子;矢野浩範;松浦周平;飛谷謙介;長田典子;宮一普;古川誠司
    Japan society


  • Loudness matching of 40 Hz pulse and amplitude-modulated sounds for gamma wave entrainment in brain
    Yoshiki Nagatani; Masajiro Chikamori; Eriko Aiba
    Acoustical Science and Technology, Acoustical Society of Japan, Nov. 2024
    Scientific journal, English
  • Absolute pitch possessors and the illusion of voice pitch perception
    Teruhisa Uchida; Eriko Aiba
    研究報告音声言語情報処理(SLP), 研究報告音楽情報科学(MUS), 2023-SLP-147, 2023-MUS-137, 15, 1-7, 16 Jun. 2023
    Symposium, Japanese
  • Synchronization of the Brain Wave of Young and Elderly People When Listening to 40-Hz Amplitude-Modulated Sound
    Rara Shimauchi; Mami Suezaki; Masajiro Chikamori; Eriko Aiba; Akinori Yamashita; Kazuma Maeda; Kazuki Takazawa; Yoshiki Nagatani
    Abstracts for The Association for Research in Otolaryngology 2023, xx, xx, 1-1, 15 Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Pitch Instability Enhancement Illusion and its Relation to the Pitch Perception Mechanism
    Masajiro Chikamori; Eriko Aiba
    Abstracts for The Association for Research in Otolaryngology 2023, xx, xx, 1-1, 14 Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Phase Locking of the Gamma Brain Wave When Listening to News Program and Music Whose Background Sound are Amplitude-Modulated at 40 Hz
    Yoshiki Nagatani; Kazuki Takazawa; Kazuma Maeda; Masajiro Chikamori; Eriko Aiba
    Abstract Book of The Association for Research in Otolaryngology 2023 (ARO2023), 439-440, Feb. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • モデルによる補完を用いたピアノ運指の効率的なラベル付けの検証
    Yasuyuki Saito; Eita Nakamura; Eriko Aiba; Hitomi Kaneko
    研究報告音声言語情報処理(SLP), 2022-SLP-142, 25, 1-6, 10 Jun. 2022, False, ピアノ運指データは,音楽教育や演奏解析,演奏支援などの研究における重要な資料であるが,研究に利用できる電子データは不足している.その背景には,全ての音符に対して運指番号が付与された電子データは収集コストが高いという問題がある.一方で,運指推定の研究が盛んに行われており,比較的高い精度での推定が可能な手法が提案されている.本研究では,運指推定のモデルを用いることで,一部の音符に付与された運指ラベルから,全ての音符の運指ラベルを高精度で補完する方法について調べる.5 本の指の内,特に中指のラベルが補完する上で最も効率が良いことが分かった.また,モデルによる運指推定の不定性を用いてラベル付けの箇所を最適化すれば,約 50% の音符に対するラベル付けから,全体の運指ラベルが約 94% の精度で補完できることが明らかになった.この結果により,大規模ピアノ運指データ収集や動画を用いた効率的な運指自動検出技術や,運指の知識獲得の実現が示唆された.
    Symposium, Japanese
  • Characterizing violin top plate using sounds generated by local taps
    Katuhiro Maki; Eriko Aiba; Satoshi Obata
    Acoustical Science and Technology, Acoustical Society of Japan, 43, 2, 87-95, 01 Mar. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • ピアノ・フェイズ -ネットワーク遅延のための-
    Eriko Aiba; Toshie Matsui
    日本音響学会誌, 77, 7, 471-471, 01 Jul. 2021, Invited
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The multisensory integration world of sound.
    Shizuko Hiryu; Eriko Aiba
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 77, 3, 178-179, 01 Mar. 2021
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Basics of generation and presentation of stimuli for auditory experiments
    Yoshiyuki Sato; Eriko Aiba
    Journal of Acoustical Society of Japan, Acoustical Society of Japan, 76, 10, 572-577, 2020, Invited
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • An investigation towards verbally controllable graphic equalizer for singing voices
    Seiya Masuda; Eriko Aiba; Tetsuro Kitahara
    Proceedings of the 5th workshop on intelligent music production, xx-xx, 06 Sep. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Degree of Inharmonicity: Index to Evaluate Sustain Pedal Control
    Toru Nakashika; Fuuta Shimizu; Eriko Aiba
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Science 2019 (ISPS2019), 1-1, 20 Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Professional Pianists’ Pedal Control Based on Reverberation Time
    Fuuta Shimizu; Eriko Aiba
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Science 2019 (ISPS2019), 1-2, 20 Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Visual Information Pianists Use for Efficient Score Reading
    Eriko Aiba; Yutaka Sakaguchi
    Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 3889, 1-14, Nov. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Summary of Auditory Information Processing and Pitch Perception
    Eriko Aiba
    IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 2018-MUS-119, 11, 1-3, 17 Jun. 2018, Invited
    Symposium, Japanese
  • Characteristics of simultaneous tapping by different hands/feet
    Yoshiyuki Sato; Kaori Sakai; Eriko Aiba; Yutaka Sakaguchi
    Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, 312-317, Oct. 2017
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Measurement of mechanical waves propagating inside player’s hand evoked by piano keystrokes of different expressions
    Yoshiki Nagatani; Eriko Aiba
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Science 2017 (ISPS2017), 131-131, 01 Sep. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Effects of different violins on muscle activity of right hand during performance
    Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba; Katuhiro Maki
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Science 2017 (ISPS2017), 132-132, 01 Sep. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Practice Process Analysis Using Score Matching Method Based on OBE-DTW and its Effects on Memorizing Musical Score
    Toru Nakashika; Eriko Aiba
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Science 2017 (ISPS2017), 66-67, Sep. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Visual Information for Efficient Score Reading by Pianists
    Eriko Aiba; Yutaka Sakaguchi
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Science 2017 (ISPS2017), 46-46, 31 Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Effects of violinist's skill on the spatial-radiation characteristics of violin sound
    Katuhiro Maki; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Science 2017 (ISPS2017), 63-64, 31 Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Subjective assessment of solfège-based abilities correlates with performance behavior of professional pianists
    Toshie Matsui; Eriko Aiba
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Science 2017 (ISPS2017), 64-65, 31 Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Case study of string-pressing force and muscle activities during playing Japanese Koto
    Tamaki Ando; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (APSCOM), ?, ?, 205-205, 25 Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Differences in ‘Kansei’ Space between Age Groups –verification based on similarity of ‘kandoh’ words related to image–
    Eriko Aiba; Naoya Takamatsu; Koyu Numata; Shuta Yanagita; Seiichiro Suzuki; Toru Sato; Noriko Nagata; Katsuhiro Takada
    Lead, Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 15, 7, 677-685, 12 Oct. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Relationship between Musical Characteristics and Temporal Breathing Pattern in Piano Performance
    Yutaka Sakaguchi; Eriko Aiba
    FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 10, 381, 1-18, Jul. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Although there is growing evidence that breathing is modulated by various motor and cognitive activities, the nature of breathing in musical performance has been little explored. The present study examined the temporal breath pattern in piano performance, aiming to elucidate how breath timing is related to musical organization/events and performance. In the experiments, the respiration of 15 professional and amateur pianists, playing 10 music excerpts in total (from four-octave C major scale, Hanon's exercise, J. S. Bach's Invention, Mozart's Sonatas, and Debussy's Clair de lune), was monitored by capnography. The relationship between breathing and musical characteristics was analyzed. Five major results were obtained. (1) Mean breath interval was shortened for excerpts in faster tempi. (2) Fluctuation of breath intervals was reduced for the pieces for finger exercise and those in faster tempi. Pianists showing large within-trial fluctuation also exhibited large inter-excerpt difference. (3) Inter-trial consistency of the breath patterns depended on the excerpts. Consistency was generally reduced for the excerpts that could be performed mechanically (i.e., pieces for finger exercise), but interestingly, one third of the participant showed consistent patterns for the simple scale, correlated with the ascending/descending sequences. (4) Pianists tended to exhale just after the music onsets, inhale at the rests, and inhibit inhale during the slur parts. There was correlation between breathing pattern and two-voice polyphonic structure for several participants. (5) Respiratory patterns were notably different among the pianists. Every pianist showed his or her own characteristic features commonly for various musical works. These findings suggest that breathing in piano performance depends not only on musical parameters and organization written in the score but also some pianist-dependent factors which might be ingrained to individual pianists.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Music Memory Following Short-term Practice and Its Relationship with the Sight-reading Abilities of Professional Pianists
    Eriko Aiba; Toshie Matsui
    Lead, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 7, 645, 1-11, May 2016, Peer-reviwed, This study investigated the relationship between the ability to sight-read and the ability to memorize a score using a behavioral experiment. By measuring the amount of memorization following short-term practice, we examined whether better sight-readers not only estimate forthcoming notes but also memorize musical structures and phrases with more practice. Eleven pianists performed the music first by sight-reading. After a 20-minute practice, the participants were asked to perform from memory without any advance notice. The number of mistakes was used as an index of performance. There were no correlations in the numbers of mistakes between sight-reading and memory trial performance. Some pianists memorized almost the entire score, while others hardly remembered it despite demonstrating almost completely accurate performance just before memory trial performance. However, judging from the participants' responses to a questionnaire regarding their practice strategies, we found auditory memory was helpful for memorizing music following short-term practice.
    Scientific journal, English
  • モチベーティブ・コミュニケーションモデルにおける動機の内在化
    白岩史; 片平建史; 饗庭絵里子; 飛谷謙介; 長田典子; 藤巻志保; 吉田功; 小村規夫
    電子情報通信学会論文誌D, J98-D, 2, 300-308, Feb. 2015, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
    Takuya Sugimoto; Eriko Aiba; Akihiko Goto
    ASME INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION, 2014, VOL 5, AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, 5, V005T05A045-V005T05A049, 2015, Peer-reviwed, The carburizing process requires metallurgical inspection by means of ground metallurgical mounts. Grinding process for a metallurgical mount is an important process. In this study, we investigate the difference in the outcome of the sound during the grinding process between an expert and a non-expert execution. We aim to identify the evaluation criteria in grinding technique based on the sound information, in order to establish more efficient training method for acquiring the grinding techniques for non-expert inspectors. As a result, we found the factor in the sound that are essential for the efficient grinding.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Sensitivity to onset asynchrony and its relation to cochlear delays
    Eriko Aiba
    The Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2014, 1-6, 07 Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Chord Character Evaluation Model Based on Real Acoustic Sources: Introduction to Differences in Timbre
    Taiki Shimozono; Eriko Aiba; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Noriko Nagata
    The Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2014, 1-6, 07 Sep. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Numerical analysis on the way of tea between expert and beginner
    Zelong Wang; Eriko Aiba; Sotatsu Kanazawa; Tomoko Ota; Koji Kuroda; Yuka Takai; Akihiko Goto; Hiroyuki Hamada
    Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 358-365, 21 Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Investigation of Effects of Micro-Bubble Bathing using Psychological Scale
    Kenji Katahira; Eriko Aiba; Hironori Yano; Shuhei Matsuura; Kensuke Tobitani; Noriko Nagata; Kazuhiro Miya; Seiji Furukawa
    The Japanese journal of ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, 50, 1, 29-34, 10 Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed, This study examined the psychological relaxation effects of micro-bubble bathing by employing psychological approach. Normal and two micro-bubble baths were compared in terms of their psychological effects; these were measured by subjective ratings. Using a subjective rating scale that consisted of multiple rating items, an investigation was carried out to determine the psychological aspects that were affected by micro-bubble baths. Twelve male graduate and undergraduate students took part in the experiment. A principal component analysis on subjective rating scale revealed that mood state related to bathing consisted of two aspects: pleasant and arousal. A comparison between three bathing conditions revealed that these bathing conditions shared the arousal-increasing effect. Moreover, the results showed that micro-bubble bathing with a high bubble content improved pleasant aspect of mood state more than normal bathing and micro-bubble bathing with a low bubble content did. This finding suggests that the psychological effect of micro-bubble bathing would be to improve the pleasant-increasing effect of bathing behavior.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Facilitating the Internalization of Motivation with the Motivative Communication Model
    Aya Shiraiwa; Kenji Katahira; Eriko Aiba; Kensuke Tobitani; Noriko Nagata; Shiho Fujimaki; Isao Yoshida; Norio Komura
    Proceedings of 7th European conference on positive psychology, 289-289, Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Virtual Noctiluca: Media art of light and music through stream
    Kensuke Tobitani; Eriko Aiba; Higashi Yusuke; Kyohei Aida; Noriko Nagata
    映像情報メディア学会誌, The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 68, 7, J276-J284, 25 Jun. 2014, Peer-reviwed, 近年,コンピュータやセンサの発達に伴って,ユニークなフィードバックやインタフェースを利用したアート表現の一つとして,メディアアートが提案されている.その中でも,光や水をテーマとしたアート作品は現実世界において体験することの難しい独特な空間を作り出す.本研究は,水の流れ等の物理的な刺激によって発光する性質を持つ「夜光虫」に注目し,夜光虫をモチーフとしたメディアアート作品"バーチャル夜光虫"を提案する.夜光虫の大きな特徴として,物理的な刺激により発光する性質が挙げられる.また,海洋性のプランクトンであるため水の流れとともに光が減衰することで,独特な発光現象を見ることができる.このような体験を流体シミュレーションと3次元レンジデータ計測を組合わせることで実現し,CGを用いて仮想的に表現する.さらに,ユーザの操作によって変化する水の流れに合わせてサウンドエフェクトと発光色を変化させる.これにより,水の流れを媒介とした光と音のアート表現を実現する.また,コンジョイント分析による印象評価実験から,本システムにおける「夜光虫らしさ」および「美しさ」の要因を明らかにする.最後に,より直感的な体験を可能にするため,多層構造の布ディスプレイを映像提示装置として使用したバーチャル夜光虫システムを作成する.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Quantification of human comfort-multilateral study with subjective evaluation and neurophysiological signals
    Yano, H; Katahira, K; Aiba, E; Matsuura, S; Tobitani, K; Nagata, N; Miya, K; Furukawa, S
    Proc. the 43nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2013), 849. 21, Mar. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of an evaluation method for degrees of synesthetic perception
    Nakajima, D; Mazaki, H; Yayama, R; Katahira, K; Shiraiwa, A; Aiba, E; Nagata, N
    Proc. the 43nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2013), 550. 18, Mar. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Exploring the structure of subjective mood state in daily life environment
    Katahira, K; Aiba, E; Yano, H; Matsuura, S; Tobitani, K; Nagata, N; Miya, K; Furukawa, S
    Proc. the 43nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2013), 184. 06, Mar. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Differences in the Sound Performed by Gion Drum Players Depending on the Experience
    Eriko Aiba; Takashi Furukawa; Chieko Narita; Tetushi Koshino; Atsushi Endo; Daiki Ichikawa; Yuichiro Tani; Shuhei Nozawa; Yuka Takai; Akihiko Goto; Noriyuki Kida
    Proceedings of the 13th Japan Internationa SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (JISSE13), 1-6, 13 Nov. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An Analysis of the Flickering Patterns of LED Warning Lights for Visibility Improvement Based on Psychophysical Measurements
    Aya Shiraiwa; Kensuke Tobitani; Takayuki Shimotomai; Hiroya Inome; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Eriko Aiba; Noriko Nagata; Yasuhiko Kitamura
    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 79, 11, 1159-1164, Nov. 2013, Peer-reviwed, Recently, the number of emergency vehicles equipped with light-emitting diode (LED) warning lights has increased. Unlike traditional beanie lights, LED warning lights can display various flickering patterns because these patterns are controlled by computers. The purpose of this study was to develop flickering patterns that had a high level of visibility. Lighting time (ON time), no-lighting time (OFF time), light intensity and rising time (UP time) were controlled by a microcomputer. Further, the visibility of each LED flickering pattern was evaluated quantitatively. Specifically, the visibility of the flickering patterns using the psychophysical measure of "conspicuity (easy to stand out)" from Bradley-Terry paired comparison model was identified. Results showed that OFF time had a significantly greater influence on visibility than ON time. Moreover, the flickering pattern with 66 msec of OFF time provided optimal visibility, regardless of the ON time, by making the visibility map, which represented the degree of visibility between ON time and OFF time. Therefore, the ideal combination between ON time and OFF time was determined.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A Development of the Flickering Pattern of LED Warning Lights for Detection Improvement
    SHIRAIWA Aya; AIBA Eriko; NAGATA Noriko
    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, The Japanese Psychological Association, 77, 2PM-048-2PM-048, 19 Sep. 2013
  • The effects of experiences on instrumental performance on the accuracy of synchrony judgment: The consideration from the relation to the cochlear delays
    Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki; Noriko Nagata; Seiji Nakagawa
    Proceedings of The International Symposium on Performance Science 2013 (ISPS2013), the European Association of Conservatoires, 377-382, 28 Aug. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Rendering Animation of Lace Curtain Using BRDF/BTDF and Motion Physical Characteristics Based on a Subjective Impression
    Kensuke Tobitani; Atsushi Ishida; Lisa Park; Sousuke, Kaji; Eriko Aiba; Aya Shiraiwa; Noriko Nagata
    Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, 63-67, May 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • An evaluation method of the flickering patterns of LED warning lights for visibility improvement based on mental measurements
    Kensuke Tobitani; Shin Tsuchiya; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Eriko Aiba; Noriko Nagata
    IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, 133, 2, 18-245, 2013, Peer-reviwed, Light-emitting diode (LED) lights are expected to improve the visibility of emergency vehicles. We propose a twostage method for evaluating the flash patterns of LED warning lights. In the first stage, we identify the visibility of many kinds of flash patterns using the mental measure of " distinctness" from Scheffe's paired comparison. In the second stage, we select a few kinds of flickering patterns with higher distinctness out of patterns used in the first stage, and obtain the reaction time to their patterns with high accuracy. We conducted experiments on 3DCG simulation by creating CG animations as stimuli in which LED lights flicker in various patterns. The results of the two-stage evaluation using 11 flash patterns indicated that the mental measure of distinctness of the LED flickering patterns is correlated to reaction time. We propose that the most-visible flickering pattern can be designed using this method. © 2013 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • An optimal text/background color combination of LED information boards for visibility improvement based on psychological measurements
    Aya Shiraiwa; Eriko Aiba; Takayuki Shimotomai; Hiroya Inome; Noriko Nagata
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 7786, 119-132, 2013, Peer-reviwed, In this study, conspicuity and readability of the text on light-emitting diode (LED) information boards were evaluated by psychological experiments, and the influences of color combinations of text / background, luminance, and shadow were evaluated quantitatively. In recent years, LED boards have been able to display full-color images, and they have many functions to highlight text. Therefore, it is assumed that the LED board ability to function may be reduced depending on the way it is used. We investigated the relationship of color combinations of text and background, luminance, and shadow to conspicuity and readability to evaluate ease and efficiency of information communication via the LED board. We found that (1) the size of the area with high luminance affected conspicuity, (2) the difference of luminance of the part adjacent to the text/background affected readability, and (3) shadow affected both conspicuity and readability. Furthermore, trade-off between them was confirmed. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Accuracy of synchrony judgment between two pulses: Effects of variations in cochlear delay amount
    Eriko Aiba
    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19, 050118, 1-7, 2013, Peer-reviwed, The cochlear delay shifts the arrival of lower-frequency components of an auditory signal slightly but systematically behind that of higher-frequency components. Therefore, even if all of the components of a complex tone physically begin simultaneously, their temporal relation is not preserved at the cochlear level. In our previous study, the accuracy of synchrony judgment was measured using two types of chirps (compensated and enhanced chirps) and a pulse. The compensated chirp had an increasing frequency pattern to cancel out the cochlear delay. An enhanced chirp had a delay pattern that enhances the assumed cochlear delay. The pulse had a usual cochlear delay at the auditory peripheral. As a result, the accuracy of synchrony judgment was the highest in the pulse and higher in the enhanced chirp than the compensated chirp, implying that there is an asymmetric aspect. The purpose of this study is to investigate how our auditory system processes this asymmetric aspect, and to investigate the extent of the amount of temporal collapse was tolerated. We also measured the accuracy of synchrony judgment using stimuli that reverse the cochlear delay (the higher-frequency components arrive behind the lower-frequency components), or enhance the delay of lower-frequency components up to 8 times. © 2013 Acoustical Society of America.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Lace curtain: Rendering and animating woven cloth based on an impression-evaluation model
    Atsushi Ishida; Sosuke Kaji; Lisa Park; Kensuke Tobitani; Aya Shiraiwa; Eriko Aiba; Noriko Nagata
    ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters, SIGGRAPH 2013, 100, 2013, Peer-reviwed, Woven fabric is frequently used in computer graphics. To express the realistic appearance of a woven fabric, it is important to represent its luster, transparency, and motion. In our previous study, we proposed a physically based BTDF model of woven cloth [Nomura et al. 2011] and a method of estimating the motion properties of woven cloth from subjective impression [Ishida et al. 2012]. However, for the further enhancement of the texture of materials in animations, it is necessary to construct a comprehensive impression model for the evaluation of woven cloth that includes the relationship between optics and motions, impressions and emotions that are evoked by the impressions. In this study, we propose an impression-evaluation model for the rendering of woven fabrics.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Developing a system to assess the skills of japanese way of tea by analysing the forming sound: A case study
    Eriko Aiba; Soutatsu Kanazawa; Tomoko Ota; Koji Kuroda; Yuka Takai; Akihiko Goto; Hiroyuki Hamada
    Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57, 1, 2057-2061, 2013, Peer-reviwed, The Japanese way of tea is one of the most traditional activities to treat and serve guests with "matcha tea" The manner to serve and the procedure for making a bowl of matcha tea are assumed to be the art performance and they are called "otemae." Particularly, the skills of making matcha tea are one of the important factors that affect the taste of matcha tea. The purpose of this study is to develop a system to help beginners' learning of otemae. As the first step, in this study, we investigated the sound generated by the expert when makeing the matcha tea, and the possibility of estimating each step from the sound. As a result, our method could detect each step of procedure for making matcha tea from the envelope of the sound when the expert makes a bowl of matcha tea. Our method could also detect the differences of sound among the types of tea whisk. Copyright 2013 by Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Inc.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Difference in synchrony judgment accuracy of two pulses depending on musical experiences and its relation to the cochlear delays
    Eriko Aiba; Koji Kazai; Toshie Matsui; Noriko Nagata; Minoru Tsuzaki
    Proceedings of the ICMPC-ESCOM2012 Joint Conference, 31-32, Jul. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Visibility Examination in LED Flash Lights Based on Paired Comparison
    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, The Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, 2012, 145-145, 2012, Abstract
  • Lace curtain: Rendering animation of woven cloth using BRDF/BTDF - Estimating physical characteristics from subjective impression
    Atsushi Ishida; Emi Ishigo; Eriko Aiba; Noriko Nagata
    ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Posters, SIGGRAPH'12, 424, 2012, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Mapping Model from Chord to Color
    Takayuki Shimotomai; Takashi Omori; Eriko Aiba; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Noriko Nagata
    6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, AND THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, IEEE, 121-124, 2012, Peer-reviwed, As an art, music has been used by way of binding with some other modality or media, e.g. color and pictures. In this study, the multimodal perceptual cross representation between chord and color has been focused on. Most of cultures have some musical songs as well as language. Musical chord representation of human is not clear. The some musical representation was reported for some area, such as scaling. And some methods for the chord feeling were proposed. Mapping between language and chord could depend on their own culture. There are some evidences that indicate the interactive relationship between language and color categorization. The color concepts depend on language or culture but color discrimination would be independent of language. This indicates that it is necessary to use the non-verbal way in order to elucidate about color-chord representation independent of cultures. Our purpose in this study is to elucidate the relationship between chord and color and to validate the some chord features proposed in past musical studies. In this study, we examined chord-color mapping experiments. The mapped color data was analyzed in the HLS color space, consisting of hue, saturation and luminance. To elucidate the relationship between chord and color representation, we applied the statistical model analysis from chord features to color feature and model selection method by the AIC. As the result, we examined the relationship from musical stimuli to color mapping and showed that the relationship exists for color and chords by the linear model analysis. From the nonverbal mapping experiment in this study, we showed that the chord feature values have an important role about musical representation of chord perception. This indicates that the musical chord features was validated as the chord representation.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Chord Character Evaluation Model Based on Harmoniousness: Application to Music Mood Visualization Interface
    Eriko Aiba; Kensuke Tobitani; Takayuki Shimotomai; Mitsuaki Tani; Noriko Nagata; Takashi X. Fujisawa
    6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, AND THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, IEEE, 131-135, 2012, Peer-reviwed, The chord, along with melody and rhythm, is one of the important elements in constituting music, but the cause of music's psychological effects are, for the most part, yet to be clarified. There are previous studies that define chord characters on the basis of the levels of dissonance, tension and modality, but there is not enough research to discuss psychological indexes which is called chord's "brightness." Therefore, in this study, in order to define a chord character evaluation based on harmoniousness, we propose a method for estimating the impression of brightness in chords. Evaluation experiments were performed in order to validate the proposed method. As a result, a strong correlation was found between the proposed degree of harmoniousness (H) and the results of psychological experiments. Furthermore, through the application of these results, an interface for representing musical mood through color was developed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Emotion perception by chord progressions: Approach by fMRI and impression evaluation
    Eriko Aiba; Satomi Tanaka; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Satoshi Akatsuka; Takayuki Shimotomai; Noriko Nagata
    The Journal of Music Perception and Cognition, 日本音楽知覚認知学会, 18, 1&2, 3-21, 2012, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Interaction in listening music together using near-infrared spectroscopy
    Shimotomai, T; Kazai, K; Aiba, E; Nagata, N; Omori, T
    Proc. the 41th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2011), 832. 26, Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Synchrony Judgment and its Relation to the Auditory Brainstem Response: the Difference between Musicians and Non-musicians
    Aiba, E; Shimotomai, T; Kazai, K; Nagata, N; Tsuzaki, M
    Proc. the Neurosciences and music IV, 21, Jun. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Identification of Factors Related to the Enhancement of Image-Quality for Subjective Image-Quality Assessment Model Based on Psychological Measurement
    Eriko Aiba; Koyu Numata; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Noriko Nagata
    4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN SYSTEM INTERACTION (HSI 2011), IEEE, 174-177, 2011, Peer-reviwed, The purpose of this study is to identify the physical factors affecting image-quality for a comprehensive enhancement in subjective image-quality assessment by human being. In recent years, digital cameras have become extremely popular because they enable image recording with very high fidelity and are affordably priced. However, in subjective image-quality assessment by human, one does not always consider that images with high fidelity are of high quality. In this study, a psychological experiment was performed as the first step to develop a subjective image-quality assessment model that considers kansei of human being by using conjoint method. We particularly focused on the identification of physical factors without depending on a scene. The results of this experiment showed that "luminance" and "contrast" may contribute to an enhancement in the image-quality assessment, regardless of the type of scene used. It was also suggested that human memory, in which the colors preferred by the individual are retained, also plays a major role in a subjective image-quality assessment.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • “Subjective Image-Quality Assessment Based on Psychological Measurement: Identification of Physical Factors Related to Assessment”
    Eriko Aiba; Koyu Numata; Noriko Nagata; Takashi X. Fujisawa
    Lead, Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 40, 5, 792-800, 2011, Peer-reviwed, The purpose of this study is to identify the physical factors affecting subjective image-quality assessment which considers kansei. In recent years, digital cameras have become extremely popular. Most of the digital cameras have the function to change automatically physical parameters of pictures in response to the scenes, even if the cameras are not so expensive one. However, it has not been identified what change of physical factors influence the subjective image-quality assessment which includes kansei. In this study, five typical physical factors, i.e. noise, luminance, saturation, contrast, and sharpness, are treated as experimental factors. These physical factors are common and quantitatively varied easily by using general image processing software. We investigated the effect of these physical factors on subjective image-quality assessment which includes kansei. The results of two experiments showed that “noise”, “luminance” and “contrast”may be important physical factors to an enhancement in the subjective image-quality assessment which includes kansei. © 2011, The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Accuracy of synchrony judgment and its relation to the auditory brainstem response: The difference between pianists and non-pianists
    Eriko Aiba; Koji Kazai; Takayuki Shimotomai; Toshie Matsui; Minoru Tsuzaki; Noriko Nagata
    Lead, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Fuji Technology Press, 15, 8, 962-971, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Synchrony judgment is one of the most important abilities for musicians. Only a few milliseconds of onset asynchrony result in a significant difference in musical expression. Using behavioural responses and Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR), this study investigates whether synchrony judgment accuracy improves with training and, if so, whether physiological responses are also changed through training. Psychoacoustic experiments showed that accuracy of synchrony judgment of pianists was higher than that of non-pianists, implying that pianists' ability to perceive tones increased through training. ABRmeasurements also showed differences between pianists and non-pianists. However, cochlear delay, an asymmetric aspect of temporal processing in the human auditory system, did not change with training. It is possible that training improved ability related to temporal tone perception and that training may increase synchrony in auditory nerve firing.
    Scientific journal, English
  • “Unification” and “Separation” of Overlapped Sounds
    Eriko Aiba
    Lead, 京都市立芸術大学大学院 音学研究科 博士(後期)課程 音学専攻 音楽学領域 博士論文, 1-137, Mar. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    Doctoral thesis, Japanese
  • Judgment of perceptual synchrony between two pulses and verification of its relation to cochlear delay by an auditory model
    Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki; Satomi Tanaka; Masashi Unoki
    Lead, JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH, WILEY, 50, 4, 204-213, Nov. 2008, Peer-reviwed, This study investigates whether the delay caused in the course of wave propagation along the basilar membrane (BM) of the cochlea (i.e., the cochlear delay) affects the perceptual judgment of the synchronization of two sounds. An experiment was conducted to examine the detection of asynchrony using two types of chirps (compensatory and enhanced chirps) and a pulse. A compensatory delay chirp was designed to align the peaks of the BM velocity. An enhanced delay chirp had a delay pattern that "enhances" the assumed cochlear delay. The pulse had a cosine phase relation and, as a result, an intrinsic cochlear delay at the auditory peripheral. The results suggest that it was difficult for the auditory system to distinguish sounds when the lower-frequency components arrived after the higher-frequency components, as happens with a pulse. An auditory model could closely simulate the BM velocity for all stimuli. From both experimental and simulation results, we concluded that the BM velocity corresponding to the higher-frequency components was one of the cues used in the perceptual judgment of synchronization.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Auditory sensitivity to temporal deviations from perceptual isochrony: Comparison of the starting point and ending point of acoustic change
    Satomi Tanaka; Minoru Tsuzaki; Eriko Aiba; Hiroaki Kato
    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH, WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, 50, 4, 223-231, Nov. 2008, Peer-reviwed, The occurrence of a sound event in a sound stream can be perceived without difficulty even when it is difficult to define the acoustic boundary. This study was designed to investigate which acoustical feature functions as an effective cue to "mark" the occurrence of a new event. When two steady sounds are connected by a short frequency glide, at which point do we perceive the occurrence of the second sound: the starting point of the frequency glide or its ending point? To answer this question, experimental stimuli were designed to establish an isochronous structure that was conveyed exclusively by the starting or by the ending point of the glide. The frequency glide was made by modulating the carrier frequency of a sinusoid or the resonant frequency of a complex tone. In two experiments, the deviation from the isochronous structure was detected more easily under the starting-point condition than under the ending-point condition. The results suggest that the starting point functions as a more effective cue for marking a new event than does the ending point.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Judgment of perceptual synchrony between two pulses and its relation to the cochlear delays
    Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki; Satomi Tanaka
    Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Psychophysics (Fechner Day 2007), 23, 221-214, Oct. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Timing perception of sequential complex tones connected with glides of a formant frequency
    Satomi Tanaka; Minoru Tsuzaki; Eriko Aiba
    Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Psychophysics (Fechner Day 2007), 23, 477-480, Oct. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Perceptual judgment in synchronization of two complex tones: Relation to the cochlear delays
    Eriko Aiba; Minora Tsuzaki
    Lead, Acoustical Science and Technology, 28, 5, 357-359, 2007, Peer-reviwed, A study was conducted to investigate whether the delay caused in the course of wave propagation along the basilar membrane of the cochlear has any significant effect on perceptual judgment of synchronization of two complex tones. Onset synchrony of sinusoidal components is extensively assumed to be an important caution for their perceptual unification as a single tone. The cochlear delay shifts the appearance of lower components slightly and systematically behind higher components. The thresholds of the enhanced delay condition and the intrinsic cochlear delay condition during the experiment were almost the same level, which means that the enhanced delay condition is similar to that of the intrinsic cochlear delay condition for the auditory system. The result of the experiment finally showed the difficulty of discriminating enhanced type stimuli from intrinsic type stimuli.
    Scientific journal, English


  • 音響聴覚心理学
    Eriko Aiba
    日本音響学会, 01 Feb. 2020, 日本音響学会誌, 76, 2, 126-126, Japanese, Book review, 0369-4232
  • Music Science Frontiers: Moving towards ICMPC 16th in TOKYO
    Eriko Aiba; Sho Otsuka; Masahiro Okano; Hikari Sandhu; Noriyuki Takahashi; Minoru Tsuzaki; Ayako Horiuchi
    Japanese Society for Music Perception and Cognition, 2020, Journal of Music Perception and Cognition, 25, 2, 93-105, Japanese, Invited, Others
  • Music signal processing by the human brains: Studies on the strategies used by professional pianists to efficiently sight-read music
    Eriko Aiba
    The Acoustical Society of America through AIP Publishing LLC, Nov. 2016, The Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 140, 4, 3092-3092, English, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Summary international conference
  • String-pressing force of Japanese Koto
    Tamaki Ando; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    The Acoustical Society of America through AIP Publishing LLC, Nov. 2016, The Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 140, 4, 3143-3143, English, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Summary international conference
  • 色聴共感覚における色の見えと脳磁界反応の関係
    中川 小耶加; 中島 加惠; 藤原 綾子; 中島 大典; 饗庭 絵里子; 中川 誠司; 白岩 史; 長田 典子
    日本生体磁気学会, Jun. 2016, 日本生体磁気学会誌, 29, 1, 78-79, Japanese, 0915-0374, 2017160149, 201602244650797419
  • Behavioral changes in professional pianists during a short period of practice for a new piece
    Eriko Aiba; Toshie Matsui
    Sep. 2015, Abstracts of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2015, 40-41, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • An analysis of breath timing in piano playing
    Yutaka Sakaguchi; Eriko Aiba
    Sep. 2015, Abstracts of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2015, 115-115, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • 2つのパルスによる同時性判断の精度―蝸牛基底膜振動のシミュレーションによる検証―
    饗庭絵里子; 饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 長田典子; 中川誠司
    17 Sep. 2013, 日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.3-P-46, Japanese, 1880-7658, 201302211013954920
  • 調和度に基づく和音性評価モデル-音楽ムードの色彩に基づく画像検索システムへの応用-
    飛谷謙介; 饗庭絵里子; 下斗米貴之; 谷光彬; 長田典子; 藤澤隆史
    Sep. 2013, 情報処理学会研究報告, MUS99, 37, 1-5, Japanese, Summary national conference
  • An evaluation of the flash pattern of LED warning lights for improving distinctness
    Aya Shiraiwa; Eriko Aiba; Takayuki Shimotomai; Hiroshi Mazaki; Shunsuke Uekawa; Noriko Nagata; Yasuhiko Kitamura
    27 Aug. 2013, Perception, 42, 135-135, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • J-013 An Estimation of User Type from the Motivation in Motivative Communication
    Shiraiwa Aya; Katahira Kenji; Aiba Eriko; Tobitani Kensuke; Nagata Noriko; Fujimaki Shiho; Yoshida Isao; Komura Norio
    Forum on Information Technology, 20 Aug. 2013, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 12, 3, 399-400, Japanese, 110009814332, AA1242354X
  • 楽器演奏経験による音の時間情報処理精度向上と聴性脳幹反応への影響
    饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 長田典子; 中川誠司
    演奏家にとって,音のオンセットが同時であるか非同時であるかは,音楽的な表現に違いをもたらしてしまう非常に重要な要素である.したがって,演奏家は常に注意深くオンセットの同時性を判断している.そこで,本研究においては,このような演奏家としての同時性判断の経験が,知覚および生理反応に影響を及ぼしているのかどうかを観察した.まず,プロ演奏家,アマチュア演奏家および非演奏家を実験参加者として,同時生判断の精度を測定する行動実験を行った.次に,音のオンセットに起因して生じる聴性脳幹反応を測定した.その結果,演奏経験が長いほど同時性判断の精度が有意に高くなり,継続的に注意深く聞き続けることによって知覚精度が高まることが示唆された.また,聴性脳幹反応においても,プロ演奏家の方が,脳幹レベルにおける時間分解能が高まっている可能性があり,継続的で注意深い同時性判断は,生理反応にも影響を及ぼしている可能性が示された., 04 May 2013, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2013, MUS-99, WEB ONLY VOL.2013-MUS-99,NO.11-5, Japanese, 201502281674022369, 170000076635
  • Examination of the Relation between Kansei Indicator and Physical Attributes of Lace Curtain for Curtain Animation
    TOBITANI Kensuke; PARK Lisa; ISHIDA Atsushi; KAJI Sousuke; AIBA Eriko; NAGATA Noriko
    29 Mar. 2013, 電気学会研究会資料. IP, 情報処理研究会, 2013, 12, 31-35, Japanese, 10031161057, AN10442589
  • 同時性判断の精度に対する楽器演奏経験の影響―蝸牛遅延との関連の検証―
    饗庭絵里子; 饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 長田典子; 中川誠司
    05 Mar. 2013, 日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.2-Q-3, Japanese, 1880-7658, 201302224477566120
  • Subjective image quality evaluation method for digital images that reflects users' characteristics
    N. Takamatsu; E. Aiba; Y. Takahira; K. Okada; J. Kida; A. Shiraiwa; N. Nagata
    PION LTD, 2013, PERCEPTION, 42, 65-65, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference, 0301-0066, 1468-4233, WOS:000334901000203
  • Development of method to structure image-quality evaluation model for digital camera based on human sensitivity using various words to describe feelings of being moved
    E. Aiba; K. Numata; T. X. Fujisawa; N. Nagata
    PION LTD, 2013, PERCEPTION, 42, 191-192, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference, 0301-0066, 1468-4233, WOS:000334901000597
  • Brain activities and impression evaluation for chord progression:The study of perception for chord progression
    Masayoshi Takase; Eriko Aiba; Satomi Tanaka; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Satoshi Akatsuka; Takayuki Shimotomai; Noriko Nagat
    15 Oct. 2012, Abstract on the 42th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2012), 493.16, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • Visibility evaluation of the flash pattern of LED flickering lights based on a paired comparison
    Shunsuke Uekawa; Hiroya Inome; Takayuki Shimotomai; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Eriko Aiba; Noriko Nagata
    13 Oct. 2012, Abstract on the 42th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2012), 97.02, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • 2つのパルスによる同時性判断の精度―蝸牛遅延に様々な位相操作を加えた場合―
    饗庭絵里子; 饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 長田典子; 中川誠司
    11 Sep. 2012, 日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2012, ROMBUNNO.2-Q-A16, Japanese, 1880-7658, 201202213357153531
  • Rendering of curtain animations using the physical characteristics and the subjective impressions of woven cloth
    ISHIGO Emi; AIBA Eriko; NAKAMURA Yusuke; ISHIDA Atsushi; NAGATA Noriko
    The need for rendering woven fabrics arises frequently in computer graphics. The motion of woven cloth is generated based on physically-based dynamic simulation, where the setup of each parameter is decided ad hoc by users. In this study, we present a method for estimating the dynamics of woven cloth from the optic characteristics using the subjective impressions concerning the relationship between the optics and the motion properties., The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 11 Feb. 2012, ITE Technical Report, 36, 8, 147-150, Japanese, 1342-6893, 110009426494, AN1059086X
  • 微細気泡浴の主観評価に基づく快適性評価と体表温度に対する影響の検討
    片平建史; 饗庭絵里子; 饗庭絵里子; 饗庭絵里子; 矢野浩範; 松浦周平; 飛谷謙介; 長田典子; 宮一普; 古川誠司
    2012, 日本人間工学会関西支部大会講演論文集, 2012, 1344-4565, 201302230965790195
  • Improvement of synchrony judgment accuracy by music experiences and its influence on auditory brainstem response
    饗庭 絵里子; 風井 浩志; 松井 淑恵
    日本音響学会聴覚研究委員会, 01 Oct. 2011, 聴覚研究会資料, 41, 7, 523-528, Japanese, 1346-1109, 40019040870, AN00227138
  • Brain Activity in Grapheme-Color Synesthetes When Seeing Japanese Letters: An fMRI Study
    Hiroshi Mazaki; Mayuka Nishimoto; Satoshi Akatsuka; Ryuzo Yayama; Takayuki Shimotomai; Eriko Aiba; Noriko Nagata
    Abstract, The Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, Jun. 2011, Abstract Book of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM2011), 2012, 4644, 128-128, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference, 130005456293
  • Brain Activity in the Color Area When Listening to Music: An fMRI Study of Synesthesia
    Ryuzo Yayama; Takayuki Shimotomai; Riuma Takahashi; Satoshi Akatsuka; Eriko Aiba; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Noriko Nagata
    Jun. 2011, Abstract Book of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM2011), 4659, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • An fNIRS study of the influence of the timing of commercials on children: compared to that of adults
    Misa Sawai; Atsushi Matsumoto; Eriko Aiba; Noriko Nagata
    Jun. 2011, Abstract Book of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM2011), 2280, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • Judgment of perceptual synchrony between two pulses and its relation to the auditory brainstem response
    Eriko Aiba; Takayuki Shimotomai; Koji Kazai; Noriko Nagata; Minoru Tsuzaki
    14 Nov. 2010, Abstract on the 40th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2010), 170.5, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • Requirements of a frequency glide to perceive a new tone in a sound stream
    田中 里弥; 饗庭 絵里子; 津崎 実
    日本音響学会聴覚研究委員会, 16 Oct. 2010, 聴覚研究会資料, 40, 8, 703-708, Japanese, 1346-1109, 40017365514, AN00227138
  • Measurement of brain function when listening to chords: fMRI study
    Satoshi Akatsuka; Noriko Nagata; Eriko Aiba; Takashi X. Fujisawa
    Jun. 2010, Abstract Book of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM2010), 2496, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • デジタルカメラのための画質評価モデルの構築
    沼田晃佑; 饗庭絵里子; 藤澤隆史; 長田典子
    Feb. 2010, 映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 34, 10, 137-140, Japanese, Summary national conference
  • LED警光灯の視認性向上 : 目立ちやすさの感性指標に基づく点滅パターン評価法
    猪目博也; 饗庭絵里子; 下斗米貴之; 藤澤隆史; 長田典子
    Feb. 2010, 映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 34, 10, 89-92, Japanese, Summary national conference
  • Adaptive modeling for paired comparison
    Takayuki Shimotomai; Eriko Aiba
    ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD, 2010, NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH, 68, E210-E210, English, Summary international conference, 0168-0102, WOS:000208443701316
  • 等間隔性からのずれに対する聴覚感度の調査 : 周波数遷移の開始点と終了点での比較(日本基礎心理学会第27回東北大会,大会発表要旨)
    田中里弥; 津崎実; 饗庭絵里子; 加藤宏明
    日本基礎心理学会, 31 Mar. 2009, 基礎心理学研究, 27, 2, 0287-7651, 110007228128
  • Sensitivity for temporal deviations on the starting-point or the ending-point of 'frequency' glides
    Satomi Tanaka; Minoru Tsuzaki; Eriko Aiba; Hiroaki Kato
    Aug. 2008, Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition (ICMPC10), 43-43, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • Effects of temporal synchrony between two sounds on perceptual unification and its relation to the cochlear delays
    Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki; Satomi Tanaka; Masashi Unoki
    Aug. 2008, Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition (ICMPC10), 54-54, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference
  • Perceptual judgment in synchronization of two complex tones and its relation to the cochlear delays
    Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki
    Nov. 2006, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 120, 5, 3083-3083, English, Peer-reviwed, Summary international conference, 10019390844
  • The role of spectral and temporal cues in identifying melodies : Judgment on contour and interval
    MATSUI Toshie; AIBA Eriko; TSUZAKI Minoru
    08 Mar. 2005, 日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集, 2005, 1, 395-396, Japanese, 1340-3168, 10018038024, AN00351181
  • Perceptual boundaries between "Arpeggio" and "Chord" and its relation to the cochlear delays
    AIBA Eriko; MATSUI Toshie; TSUZAKI Minoru
    08 Mar. 2005, 日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集, 2005, 1, 367-368, Japanese, 1340-3168, 10018037954, AN00351181
  • The role of spectral and temporal cues in identifying melodies : Judgment in contour and interval
    松井 淑恵; 饗庭 絵里子; 津崎 実
    日本音響学会, 28 Jan. 2005, 聴覚研究会資料 = Proceedings of the auditory research meeting, 35, 1, 7-11, Japanese, 1346-1109, 40020284075, AN00227138

Books and other publications

  • 生き物と音の事典
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Contributor, 第9章比較アプローチ「動物の絶対音感」, 朝倉書店, 11 Nov. 2019

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • ガンマ波サウンドを組み込んだ音楽療法プログラムの実施可能性および老健における受容性についての基礎的検討
    近藤 瑛佑; 田部井 賢; 饗庭 絵里子; 葛西 大樹; 高澤 和希; 藤森 智彦; 長谷芳樹
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第24回日本音楽療法学会学術大会, Peer-reviewed
    28 Sep. 2024
    27 Sep. 2024- 29 Sep. 2024
  • The production of /o/-/u/ in palatalized consonants by advanced Japanese learners whose native languages is Chinese
    Takako Igeta; Eriko Aiba; Takayuki Arai
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会152回(2024年秋季)研究発表会
    06 Sep. 2024
    04 Sep. 2024- 06 Sep. 2024
  • Pitch Instability Enhancement Illusion : representation in auditory peripheral system
    Masajiro Chikamori; Eriko Aiba
    Poster presentation, English, The 27th SANKEN International Symposium, Japan, International conference
    11 Jan. 2024
    10 Jan. 2024- 12 Jan. 2024
  • Relation ship between impression and ERP expectations for chord progressions
    Mami Suezaki; Noriyuki Takahashi; Satoshi Morimoto; Eriko Aiba
    Poster presentation, English, The 27th SANKEN International Symposium, Japan, International conference
    11 Jan. 2024
    10 Jan. 2024- 12 Jan. 2024
  • Tempo and rhythm control during piano duet: Incorporation into an Auto-Accompaniment System
    Yuya Hiraga; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会150回(2023年秋季)研究発表会
    27 Sep. 2023
    26 Sep. 2023- 28 Sep. 2023
  • 蝸牛遅延特性を模擬したオールパスフィルタの設計
    飯田 大貴; 高津 航輝; 山田 宏樹; 矢田部 浩平; 饗庭 絵里子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会150回(2023年秋季)研究発表会
    26 Sep. 2023
    26 Sep. 2023- 28 Sep. 2023
  • Relation between impression and ERP from expectations for chord progressions - Consideration of each measurement site -
    Mami Suezaki; Noriyuki Takahashi; Satoshi Morimoto; Eriko Aiba
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会第150回(2023年秋季)研究発表会
    26 Sep. 2023
    26 Sep. 2023- 28 Sep. 2023
  • 40Hz変調を施したガンマ波サウンドを取り入れた音楽療法プログラムの提案
    長谷 芳樹; 近藤 瑛佑; 田部井 賢一; 饗庭 絵里子; 葛西 大樹; 辻 未津高
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第12回 日本認知症予防学会学術集会
    16 Sep. 2023
  • ピッチ不安定性強調現象におけるピッチ知覚メカニズム -心理評価実験による検討-
    近森 正二郎; 饗庭 絵里子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会第149回(2023年春季)研究発表会
    15 Mar. 2023
    15 Mar. 2023- 17 Mar. 2023
  • 音楽的期待に基づく和音進行聴取時の印象評価と事象関連電位との関連
    末崎 真実; 高橋 範行; 森本 智志; 饗庭 絵里子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会第149回(2023年春季)研究発表会
    15 Mar. 2023
    15 Mar. 2023- 17 Mar. 2023
  • 歌唱者の過剰な筋活動と聴取者の生理指標や評価への影響
    宮川 桃; 饗庭 絵里子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会第149回(2023年春季)研究発表会
    15 Mar. 2023
    15 Mar. 2023- 17 Mar. 2023
  • ピアノ演奏時の運指検出システムの作成、 およびプロとアマチュアの運指の比較による検証
    Genki Igarashi; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会第85回全国大会
    03 Mar. 2023
    02 Mar. 2023- 04 Mar. 2023
  • メロディの覚えやすさに関する分析
    Wataru Masuda; Eriko Aiba; Tetsuro Kitahara
    Oral presentation, Japanese, The 85th National Convention of IPSJ, Domestic conference
    03 Mar. 2023
    02 Mar. 2023- 04 Mar. 2023
  • 歌唱における呼気意識型呼吸と吸気意識型呼吸~腹部と胸部の広がりを指標とする判別方法の検討
    Miki Kusumoto; Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki; Masahiro Okano
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会研究資料, 日本音響学会 音楽音響研究会および日本音楽知覚認知学会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    08 Oct. 2022
  • Pitch Perception Mechanism: Pitch Instability Enhancement Illusion for pure tone
    Masajiro Chikamori; Eriko Aiba
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2022年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, Hokkaido, Domestic conference
    14 Sep. 2022
    14 Sep. 2022- 16 Sep. 2022
  • 異なる発声方法における歌唱時の筋活動の観察及び音響特性との関係
    Momo Miyakawa; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2022年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, Hokkaido, Domestic conference
    15 Sep. 2022
  • 和音進行聴取時の期待からの逸脱に対する印象の違い
    Mami Suezaki; Noriyuki Takahashi; Satoshi Morimoto; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2022年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, Hokkaido, Domestic conference
    15 Sep. 2022
  • 拍分割にともなうテンポ変化知覚:音刺激への注意度による影響
    Takuya Yamaoka; Eriko Aiba; Ryosuke Tachibana
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2022年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Online, Domestic conference
    11 Mar. 2022
  • ピッチ不安定性強調現象を用いたピッチ知覚メカニズム解明-Frequency Following Responseによる検討-
    Masajiro Chikamori; Eriko Aiba
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2022年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Online, Domestic conference
    11 Mar. 2022
  • 異なる応答特性をもつ電子ピアノを用いた音階演奏の解析-粒の揃った演奏とは何か-
    Hinako Shima; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2022年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Online, Domestic conference
    11 Mar. 2022
  • ピッチ不安定性強調現象に係わる錯聴作品の制作
    Teruhisa Uchida; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2022年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Online, Domestic conference
    09 Mar. 2022
  • Relationship between hammering sound and hammering position in Automobile Sheet Metal Dent Repair
    Yuka Takai; Shigeru Ikemoto; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会2021年度年次大会, Domestic conference
    05 Sep. 2021
  • 拍分割にともなうテンポ知覚:刺激提示順序と基準テンポによる効果
    Takuya Yamaoka; Eriko Aiba; Ryosuke Tachibana
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会研究資料, 日本音響学会 音楽音響研究会, Online, Domestic conference
    21 Aug. 2021
  • 異なる応答特性をもつ電子ピアノを用いた音階演奏の解析-粒の揃った演奏とは何か-
    Takuya Yamaoka; Eriko Aiba; Ryosuke Tachibana
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会研究資料, 日本音響学会 音楽音響研究会, Online, Domestic conference
    21 Aug. 2021
  • BGMに含まれる言語が計算課題と読解課題に及ぼす影響
    Kaoru Niinuma; Eriko Aiba; Tetsuro Kitahara
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第130回音楽情報科学研究会・第59回エンタテイメントコンピューティング研究会合同研究発表会, 情報処理学会 音楽情報科学研究会・エンタテイメントコンピューティング, オンライン,
    17 Mar. 2021
  • 拍分割にともなうテンポ変化知覚:複数テンポでの比較
    Takuya Yamaoka; Eriko Aiba; Ryosuke Tachibana
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2021年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Online, Domestic conference
    11 Mar. 2021
  • ピッチ不安定性強調現象が音知覚に与える影響
    Daisuke Kawai; Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2021年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Online, Domestic conference
    10 Mar. 2021
  • 異なる応答特性をもつ電子ピアノを用いたタッチ制御過程の観察
    島日向子; 饗庭絵里子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 音学シンポジウム2020(第127回音楽情報科学研究会・第132回音声言語情報処理研究会共催研究会), 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, online, Domestic conference
    06 Jun. 2020
  • 深層学習による脳波からの音響信号再構成
    角谷実花子; 饗庭絵里子; 亀岡弘和
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会第82回全国大会, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Ishikawa, Domestic conference
    06 Mar. 2020
  • 異なる応答特性をもつ電子ピアノによるスケール演奏時のタッチ制御の計測
    島日向子; 饗庭絵里子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会第82回全国大会, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Ishikawa, Domestic conference
    05 Mar. 2020
  • ピアニストのサステインペダル制御と音響特徴量の関係
    澤田恭平; 饗庭絵里子; 中鹿亘
    Oral presentation, Japanese, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    17 Feb. 2020
  • 機械学習によるクラシック曲に対する機能和声を考慮した自動和声付与
    塚本康太; 饗庭絵里子; 北原鉄朗
    Oral presentation, Japanese, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    17 Feb. 2020
  • 印象語を使って操作可能なグラフィックイコライザー実現のための一調査
    北原鉄朗; 増田誠也; 饗庭絵里子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    12 Nov. 2019
  • 筋電の波形変化にみる箏の押し手(押絃)時の疲労度
    Tamaki Ando; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会研究資料, Shiga, Domestic conference
    25 Oct. 2019
  • 箏糸の材質による押し手(押弦)時の筋活動
    Tamaki Ando; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2019年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, Shiga, Domestic conference
    04 Sep. 2019
  • 楽器が創る音楽・音楽が造る楽器
    深山覚; 饗庭絵里子; 飯野なみ; 中村栄太; 長嶋洋一; 平井重行; 平野剛; 松原正樹
    Oral presentation, Japanese, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Shizuoka, Domestic conference
    28 Aug. 2019
  • グラフィックイコライザによる音色操作と印象との関係
    Seiya Masuda; Eriko Aiba; Tetsuro Kitahara
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2019年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    07 Mar. 2019
  • 箏の押し手(押絃)における押絃力の立ち上がり波形変化
    Tamaki Ando; Eriko Aiba; Yoshiki Nagatani
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2019年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    06 Mar. 2019
  • Acoustic Signal Reconstruction from EEG Using Convolution Neural Network
    Daiki Oikawa; Eriko Aiba; Hirokazu Kameoka
    Oral presentation, Japanese, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Hyogo, Domestic conference
    23 Feb. 2019
  • Pianists' Sustain-pedal Control under Different Reverberation Time Conditions
    Futa Shimizu; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Hyogo, Domestic conference
    23 Feb. 2019
  • Chord Progression Analysis by Word Embeddings
    Kota Tsukamoto; Eriko Aiba; Yasuhiro Minami
    Oral presentation, Japanese, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Hyogo, Domestic conference
    22 Feb. 2019
  • 感性語を用いた感性評価の年代による違い
    Eriko Aiba
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 自動車技術会 第4回音質評価技術部門委員会, Invited, 自動車技術会 音質評価技術部門委員会, Tokyo
    21 Nov. 2018
  • 箏糸の材質による押し⼿(押絃)にかかる力の違い
    Tamaki Ando; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2018年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, Oita, Domestic conference
    12 Sep. 2018
  • 統計的学習に基づくピアニストの効率的な読譜
    饗庭絵里子; 阪口豊
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第12回 Motor Control研究会, Motor Control研究会, 東京, Domestic conference
    19 Aug. 2018
  • Summary of Auditory Information Processing and Pitch Perception
    Eriko Aiba
    Public discourse, Japanese, Ongaku Symposium 2018, Invited, 情報処理学会 音楽情報科学研究会・音声言語情報処理研究会, University of Tokyo, Domestic conference
    17 Jun. 2018
  • ピアノ演奏への認知科学的なアプローチ
    饗庭 絵里子
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, EATEC(電気通信大学企業家懇話会), Invited, 東京, Domestic conference
    19 Apr. 2018
  • 入力刺激のモダリティがピアニストの音記憶量に及ぼす影響
    Shota Kuramochi; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2018年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Saitama, Domestic conference
    15 Mar. 2018
  • 箏の押し⼿(押絃)における筋活動の時系列変化
    Tamaki Ando; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2018年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Saitama, Domestic conference
    14 Mar. 2018
  • バイオリン「ストラディバリウス」の放射方向の揺らぎの特徴
    Maki Katuhiro; Eriko Aiba; Satoshi Obata
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2018年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Saitama, Domestic conference
    14 Mar. 2018
  • ピアノ打鍵時に演奏者の指を伝搬する振動の計測
    谷川楓夏; 饗庭絵里子; 長谷芳樹
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気学会関西支部 高専卒業研究発表会, Domestic conference
    03 Mar. 2018
  • 入力刺激のモダリティによる記憶量および記憶負荷の違い
    Shota Kuramochi; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回日本音響学会関西支部若手研究者交流研究発表会, 日本音響学会関西支部, Kyoto, Domestic conference
    16 Dec. 2017
  • 楽器演奏への認知科学的なアプローチ
    Public discourse, Japanese, 日本音響学会東海支部 平成29年度 技術講習会 楽器音響の研究動向, Invited, 日本音響学会東海支部, 愛知, Domestic conference
    16 Nov. 2017
  • 箏における絃と押し手の違いによる筋活動について
    Tamaki Ando; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料, 浜松, Domestic conference
    22 Oct. 2017
  • Evaluation of violinist's skill with the spatial-radiation characteristics of violin sound
    Katuhiro Maki; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料, 浜松, Domestic conference
    22 Oct. 2017
  • バイオリン演奏における右手ボウイングの筋活動‐アマチュア奏者とトッププロ奏者の比較‐
    Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba; Katuhiro Maki
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料, 浜松, Domestic conference
    22 Oct. 2017
  • 打診音によるオールドバイオリンの構造調査~製作方法に関する検討~
    Katuhiro Maki; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2017年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, 愛媛, Domestic conference
    25 Sep. 2017
  • バイオリン「ストラディバリウス」の放射指向性
    Katuhiro Maki; Eriko Aiba; Satoshi Obata
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2017年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, 愛媛, Domestic conference
    25 Sep. 2017
  • 12ch球形スピーカ出力によるステレオ音源の臨場感向上:最適な信号処理手法の開発
    Keiichiro Mori; Eriko Aiba; Katuhiro Maki; Yoshiyuki Sato
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2017年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, 愛媛, Domestic conference
    25 Sep. 2017
  • 楽器経験による調和性判断特性の違い
    Kenta Tsuchie; Eriko Aiba; Yutaka Sakaguchi
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2017年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, 愛媛, Domestic conference
    25 Sep. 2017
  • 箏の強押しと弱押しにおける筋活動の違い
    Tamaki Ando; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2017年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, 愛媛, Domestic conference
    25 Sep. 2017
  • 音学シンポジウム2017の開催にあたって
    齋藤 大輔; 森勢 将雅; 饗庭 絵里子; 伊藤 貴之; 大谷 真; 北原 鉄朗; 塩田 さやか; 高道 慎之介; 滝口 哲也; 深山 覚; 吉井 和佳; 渡邉 貫治
    Others, Japanese, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    10 Jun. 2017
  • ピアニストが効率的な読譜に用いる視覚的手がかり
    饗庭絵里子; 阪口豊
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2017年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第31回), 人工知能学会, 愛知,, Domestic conference
    23 May 2017
  • バイオリンの熟練度が演奏音の空間放射特性に及ぼす影響
    Katsuhiro Maki; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2017年春季研究発表会講演論文集, 神奈川, Domestic conference
    16 Mar. 2017
  • バイオリンの違いが演奏時の筋活動に及ぼす影響
    Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba; Katsuhiro Maki
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2017年春季研究発表会講演論文集, 神奈川, Domestic conference
    16 Mar. 2017
  • An analysis of finger movements in piano playing using a high-speed visual tracking system
    Ippei Sawada; Eriko Aiba; Yutaka Sakaguchi
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Human Information Processing, Domestic conference
    10 Mar. 2017
  • A Study on Stimulus Dependency of The McGurk Effect
    Yuka Mizunashi; Yoshiyuki Sato; Eriko Aiba; Yutaka Sakaguchi
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Human Information Processing, Domestic conference
    10 Mar. 2017
  • Characteristics and control mechanism of simultaneous actions of multiple motor organs -- Relationship between temporal precision of simultaneous actions and simultaneity perception --
    Kaori Sakai; Yoshiyuki Sato; Eriko Aiba; Yutaka Sakaguchi
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Human Information Processing, Domestic conference
    10 Mar. 2017
  • String-pressing force of Japanese Koto
    Tanaki Ando; Satoshi Obata; Eriko Aiba
    Invited oral presentation, English, 5th Joint Meeting Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, Invited, Hawaii, International conference
    30 Nov. 2016
  • Music signal processing by the human brains: Studies on the strategies used by professional pianists to efficiently sight-read music
    Eriko Aiba
    Invited oral presentation, English, 5th Joint Meeting Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, International conference
    29 Nov. 2016
  • 発話時の口の形状がマガーク効果に与える影響
    水梨勇河; 佐藤好幸; 饗庭絵里子; 阪口豊
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第8回多感覚研究会, Domestic conference
    19 Nov. 2016
  • バイオリン演奏時における右手の筋活動について-異なるバイオリン演奏時における違い-
    小幡哲史; 饗庭絵里子; 牧勝弘
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2016年11月度日本音響学会聴覚研究会, 愛知淑徳大学, Domestic conference
    18 Nov. 2016
  • Strategies used by professional musicians to efficiently sight-read music
    Eriko Aiba
    Poster presentation, English, Agenda Book of 13th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science & Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Germany, International conference
    07 Oct. 2016
  • 箏の異なる絃における押し手(押絃)にかかる力とその方向について
    安藤珠希; 小幡 哲史; 饗庭 絵里子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学秋季研究発表会講演論文集, Toyama, Domestic conference
    15 Sep. 2016
  • ピアノ演奏における触覚情報の役割:打鍵しない鍵盤がもたらす触力覚的手がかりの効果
    饗庭絵里子; 阪口豊
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第10回 Motor Control研究会, Motor Control研究会, 東京, Domestic conference
    03 Sep. 2016
  • 箏の押し手(押絃)にかかる力について
    安藤珠希; 小幡 哲史; 饗庭 絵里子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料, 電気通信大学, Domestic conference
    09 Jul. 2016
  • 色聴共感覚における色の見えと脳磁界反応の関係
    中川小耶加; 中島加惠; 藤原綾子; 中島大典; 饗庭絵里子; 中川誠司; 白岩史; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第31回日本生体磁気学会講演論文集, 日本生体磁気学会, 金沢
    09 Jun. 2016
  • 音学シンポジウム2016の開催にあたって
    北原鉄朗; 齋藤大輔; 森勢将雅; 深山覚; 糸山克寿; 滝口哲也; 饗庭絵里子; 堀内俊治; 寺島裕貴; 亀岡弘和; 大石康智; 程島奈緒; 向井智彦; 小幡哲史
    Others, Japanese, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    May 2016
  • 協和関係にある音程の判断精度の検討
    野口知良; 饗庭絵里子; 阪口豊; 小幡哲史; 佐藤好幸
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料, 日本工業大学, Domestic conference
    12 Mar. 2016
  • 和音印象と音響特徴量との対応解明のための多層的表現
    下薗大樹; 饗庭 絵里子; 長田典子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2016年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Domestic conference
    10 Mar. 2016
  • ピアニストの初見演奏方略-難易度の高い課題曲による検証-
    饗庭絵里子; 松井淑恵
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会2016年春季研究発表会講演論文集, Domestic conference
    09 Mar. 2016
  • 耳を鍛えることはできるのか?-演奏家を対象とした聴取実験および脳機能計測による検証-
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音楽教育学会第31回北陸地区例会資料,日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料, 信州大学, Domestic conference
    14 Feb. 2016
  • 音楽教育の課題を音響技術で解決できるか
    伊野義博; 山田真司; 森下修次; 饗庭絵里子
    Public discourse, Japanese, 日本音楽教育学会第31回北陸地区例会,日本音響学会音楽音響研究会, Domestic conference
    14 Feb. 2016
  • ピアニストは何を見ているのか -初見での演奏から練習完了後の演奏まで-
    Eriko Aiba; Toshie Matsui
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第18回日本音響学会関西支部若手研究者交流研究発表会, 日本音響学会関西支部, Osaka, Domestic conference
    13 Dec. 2015
  • ピアニストの短期間の練習過程から見る演奏方略の違い
    饗庭絵里子; 松井淑恵
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音楽知覚認知学会秋季研究発表会資料, Domestic conference
    06 Dec. 2015
  • 初見・耳コピー能力とピアノ演奏の関係
    Toshie Matsui; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回音楽の科学研究会, Hyogo
    22 Nov. 2015
  • 個人の嗜好に合わせた高揚曲の自動生成
    大谷紀子; 饗庭絵里子; 沼尾正行
    Oral presentation, Japanese, デジタルコンテンツクリエーション研究会, 情報処理学会デジタルコンテンツクリエーション研究会, 東京,, Domestic conference
    09 Nov. 2015
  • 演奏家とその聴覚
    Public discourse, Japanese, 脳科学ライフサポート研究センターセミナー, 電気通信大学 脳科学ライフサポート研究センター, 電気通信大学,
    11 Sep. 2015
  • ピアニストの視聴覚の優先性と演奏方略の関連
    松井淑恵; 饗庭絵里子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音楽知覚認知学会, Domestic conference
    07 Jun. 2015
  • 音学シンポジウム2015の開催にあたって
    北原鉄朗; 亀岡弘和; 戸田智基; 饗庭絵里子; 大石康智; 小幡哲史; 梶克彦; 齋藤大輔; 島内末廣; 橘亮輔; 馬場哲晃; 宮内良太; 森勢将雅; 吉井和佳
    Others, Japanese, 情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    May 2015
  • ピアノ演奏中の呼吸タイミングの解析
    Yutaka Sakaguchi; Eriko Aiba
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Technical Committee on Neurocomputing / IEICE Tech. Rep., Tokyo, Domestic conference
    17 Mar. 2015
  • 顕微鏡用試験片作製における研磨音の違い
    杉本卓也; 饗庭絵里子; 後藤彰彦
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第58回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会, Domestic conference
    27 Oct. 2014
  • Sensitivity to onset asynchrony and its relation to cochlear delays
    Eriko Aiba
    Invited oral presentation, English, Forum Acusticum 2014, Invited, The European Acoustics Association, Krakow, International conference
    07 Sep. 2014
  • Facilitating the Internalization of Motivation with the Motivative Communication Model
    Aya Shiraiwa; Kenji Katahira; Eriko Aiba; Kensuke Tobitani; Noriko Nagata; Shiho Fujimaki; Isao Yoshida; Norio Komura
    Poster presentation, English, 7th European conference on positive psychology, Amsterdam, International conference
    04 Jul. 2014
  • Temporal Information Processing at Auditory Periphery and its Relation to Cochlear Delays
    Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki; Yutaka Sakaguchi
    Oral presentation, English, IEEE 2014 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, Taipei, International conference
    27 Jun. 2014
  • 音学シンポジウム2014の開催にあたって
    亀岡弘和; 饗庭絵里子; 大石康智; 北原鉄朗; 北村達也; 佐藤庄衛; 戸上真人; 戸田智基; 吉井和佳
    Others, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    May 2014
  • Dynamics of Japanese martial arts -- Synchronization and desynchronization of two people's postural sway --
    Tomohiko Suzuki; Yasuyuki Inoue; Eriko Aiba; Yutaka Sakaguchi
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Technical Committee on Neurocomputing / IEICE Tech. Rep., Tokyo, Domestic conference
    18 Mar. 2014
  • LED警光灯の点滅パターンに対する距離感知覚
    白岩史; 飛谷謙介; 片平建史; 饗庭絵里子; 梶聡介; 長田典子; 北村泰彦
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本視覚学会2014年冬季大会 / VISION, 日本視覚学会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    22 Jan. 2014
  • 音の同時性判断の精度に対する長期的な演奏訓練の影響
    饗庭絵里子; 中川誠司; 津崎実; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 「脳と心のメカニズム」第14回冬のワークショップ, 包括型脳科学研究推進支援ネットワーク,, Domestic conference
    08 Jan. 2014
  • 和音進行による情動の知覚: MEG計測に向けた行動実験
    Masayoshi Takase; Eriko Aiba; Kenji Katahira; Aya Shiraiwa; Seiji Nakagawa; Noriko Nagata
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第16回日本音響学会関西支部若手研究者交流研究発表会, 日本音響学会関西支部, Osaka, Domestic conference
    08 Dec. 2013
  • 心理実験に基づく和音性評価モデルの 実音響への拡張
    Taiki Shimozono; Eriko Aiba; Takashi X. Fujisawa; Noriko Nagata
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第16回日本音響学会関西支部若手研究者交流研究発表会, 日本音響学会関西支部, Osaka, Domestic conference
    08 Dec. 2013
  • よりよい介護に向けた音の活用について
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第3回高品位介護シンポジウム講演資料集, 京都工芸繊維大学伝統みらい教育研究センター, Kyoto, Domestic conference
    29 Nov. 2013
  • Development of an evaluation method for degrees of synesthetic perception
    Daisuke Nakajima; Hiroshi Mazaki; Ryuzo Yayama; Kenji Katahira; Aya Shiraiwa; Eriko Aiba; Noriko Nagata
    Oral presentation, English, The 43rd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2013), Society for Neuroscience, San Diego,, International conference
    12 Nov. 2013
  • 薄茶点前の振幅動作過程における音響解析:異なる形状の茶筅の比較
    金澤宗達; 饗庭絵里子; 太田智子; 黒田孝二; 高井由佳; 後藤彰彦
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第21回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    10 Nov. 2013
  • 研磨作業における熟練者と非熟練者の違い―研磨音による比較検証―
    杉本卓也; 弓永久哲; 饗庭絵里子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第21回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    10 Nov. 2013
  • モチベーティブ・コミュニケーションモデルにおける動機からのユーザタイプ推定
    白岩史; 片平建史; 饗庭絵里子; 飛谷謙介; 長田典子; 藤巻志保; 吉田功; 小村規夫
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第12回情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT2013) 講演論文集CD-ROM, Information Processing Society of Japan, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (Information and Systems Society, Human Communication Group), Tottori, Domestic conference
    05 Sep. 2013
  • 共感覚知覚強度の評価方法の開発
    中島大典; 片平建史; 白岩史; 饗庭絵里子; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本心理学会第77回大会発表論文集, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2013
  • LED警光灯の気づきやすさ向上のための点滅パターンの開発
    白岩史; 饗庭絵里子; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本心理学会第77回大会発表論文集, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2013
  • ユーザ特性を考慮したデジタルカメラのための主観的画質評価モデル
    高松直也; 饗庭絵里子; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本心理学会第77回大会発表論文集, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2013
  • 調和度に基づく和音声評価モデル-音楽ムードの色彩に基づく画像検索システムへの応用-
    飛谷謙介; 饗庭絵里子; 下斗米貴之; 谷光彬; 長田典子; 藤澤隆史
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会研究報告, Domestic conference
    12 May 2013
  • 楽器演奏経験による音の時間情報処理精度向上と聴性脳幹反応への影響
    饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 長田典子; 中川誠司
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第99回情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会「音学シンポジウム2013」, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    May 2013
  • 同時性判断の精度に対する楽器演奏経験の影響-蝸牛遅延との関連の検証‐
    饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 長田典子; 中川誠司
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学春季研究発表会講演論文集, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2013
  • カーテンアニメーションカタログ作成のための感性指標と織布の物理特性の関係性に関する検討
    飛谷謙介; 朴理沙; 石田適志; 梶聡介; 饗庭絵里子; 長田典子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気学会情報処理研究会資料, Tokushima, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2013
  • LED警光灯の視認性向上のための感性指標に基づく点滅パターン解析
    飛谷謙介; 下斗米貴之; 猪目博也; 藤澤隆史; 饗庭絵里子; 長田典子
    Others, Japanese, ビジョン技術実利用ワークショップ(ViEW2012)講演論文集(CD-ROM), Yokohama
    Dec. 2012
  • 微細気泡浴の主観評価に基づく快適性評価と体表温度に対する影響の検討
    片平建史; 饗庭絵里子; 矢野浩範; 松浦周平; 飛谷謙介; 長田典子; 宮一普; 古川誠司
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 平成24年度日本人間工学会関西支部大会講演論文集, Osaka, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2012
  • 2つのパルスによる同時性判断の精度-蝸牛遅延に様々な位相操作を加えた場合‐
    饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 長田典子; 中川誠司
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学秋季研究発表会講演論文集, Nagano, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2012
  • 一対比較法を用いたLED 点滅光の視認性評価
    上川峻典; 猪目博也; 下斗米貴之; 藤澤隆史; 饗庭絵里子; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本認知心理学会第10回大会, Okayama, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2012
  • 和音進行聴取における脳機能計測および印象評価
    高瀬雅良; 饗庭絵里子; 田中里弥; 藤澤隆史; 赤塚諭; 下斗米貴之; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本認知心理学会第10回大会, Okayama, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2012
  • 色字共感覚の脳内メカニズム解明:日本語文字呈示時におけるfMRI研究
    真崎大; 矢山隆三; 赤塚諭; 下斗米貴之; 饗庭絵里子; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本認知心理学会第10回大会, Okayama, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2012
  • 和音の色彩へのマッピングに関する分析
    下斗米貴之; 饗庭絵里子; 三軒谷友美; 長田典子; 大森隆司
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第7回日本感性工学会春季大会予稿集(CD-ROM), Kagawa, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2012
  • 布の物理特性と感性的特徴を利用したカーテンアニメーションの質感表現
    石郷絵美; 饗庭絵里子; 中村祐介; 石田適志; 長田典子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 映像メディア学会技術報告, Kanagawa, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2012
  • 音楽経験による同時性判断の精度の向上と聴性脳幹反応への影響
    饗庭絵里子; 風井浩志; 松井淑恵; 下斗米貴之; 津崎実; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Toyama, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2011
  • 演奏家と非演奏家における同時性判断の精度の違いと聴性脳幹反応に及ぼす影響
    饗庭絵里子; 風井浩志; 松井淑恵; 下斗米貴之; 津崎実; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学秋季研究発表会講演論文集, Shimane, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2011
  • ピアノ演奏スキルの解析とCGアニメーションへの応用
    合田竜志; 高井康太; 藤村武史; 平田純也; 中村あゆみ; 古屋晋一; 饗庭絵里子; 巳波弘佳; 片寄晴弘; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 音楽情報科学研究会第91回研究発表会, Hyogo, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2011
  • Synchrony judgment and its relation to the auditory brainstem response: the difference between musicians and non-musicians
    Eriko Aiba; Koji Kazai; Takayuki Shimotomai; Satomi Tanaka; Noriko Nagata; Minoru Tsuzaki
    Poster presentation, English, Neuroscience and Music IV, Edinburgh, International conference
    10 Jun. 2011
  • 連続音響信号中の音事象検出に関わる純音の周波数遷移要因
    田中里弥; 饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 加藤宏明
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学春季研究発表会講演論文集, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2011
  • 蝸牛遅延を補正した2つのパルスの知覚的な分離と聴性脳幹反応との関係要因
    饗庭絵里子; 風井浩志; 下斗米貴之; 田中里弥; 津崎実; 長田典子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学春季研究発表会講演論文集, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2011
  • 連続的な音系列で知覚される個々の音のタイミング
    田中里弥; 饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 加藤宏明
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会第13回関西支部若手研究者交流研究発表会, Kyoto, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2010
  • 純音系列において個々の音を知覚するための周波数遷移特性
    田中里弥; 饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 加藤宏明
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本基礎心理学会/基礎心理学研究, Hyogo, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2010
  • 音系列中の新規音知覚に関わる周波数遷移条件の検討
    田中里弥; 饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 加藤宏明
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Tokyo, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2010
  • Adaptive modeling for paired comparison
    Shimotomai Takayuki; Eriko Aiba
    Poster presentation, English, Neuro2010, Kobe,
    02 Sep. 2010
  • 調和度に基づく和音性評価モデルと音楽ムードの色彩表現インターフェース
    谷光彬; 饗庭絵里子; 下斗米貴之; 長田典子; 藤澤隆史
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料, Domestic conference
    11 Mar. 2010
  • デジタルカメラのための画質評価モデルの構築
    沼田晃佑; 饗庭絵里子; 藤澤隆史; 長田典子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 映像メディア学会技術報告, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2010
  • 警光灯の視認性向上~目立ちやすさの感性指標に基づく点滅パターン評価法~
    猪目博也; 饗庭絵里子; 下斗米貴之; 長田典子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 映像メディア学会技術報告, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2010
  • 等間隔性からのずれに対する聴覚感度の調査ー周波数遷移の開始点と終了点での比較
    田中里弥; 津崎実; 饗庭絵里子; 加藤宏明
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本基礎心理学会/基礎心理学研究, Domestic conference
    07 Dec. 2009
  • 種々の周波数遷移特性における音の時間知覚の比較
    田中里弥; 津崎実; 饗庭絵里子; 加藤宏明; 片寄晴弘
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本基礎心理学会/基礎心理学研究, 東京, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2009
  • 同時性判断と蝸牛遅延との関連-2つのパルスによる検証実験-
    饗庭絵里子; 津崎実; 田中里弥; 鵜木祐史
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第17回大阪大学保健センター健康科学フォーラム「音楽とウェルネスの学際的融合」講演論文集, Domestic conference
    28 Nov. 2009
  • 共振周波数遷移の開始点と終了点の時間的ずれに対する聴覚感度比較
    田中里弥; 津崎実; 饗庭絵里子; 加藤宏明
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音楽知覚認知学会春季研究発表会資料, Domestic conference
    25 May 2008
  • Perceptual judgment in synchronization of two complex tones and its relation to the cochlear delays
    Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki
    Oral presentation, English, International workshop on the auditory processing of prosodic features and its applications: Acquisition of Linguistic Organization and Human Audition (ALOHA Workshop),
    Nov. 2006
  • 2音の同時性判断と蝸牛遅延の関連について-帯域と提示レベルへの依存性-
    Eriko Aiba; Minoru Tsuzaki
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会秋季研究発表会講演論文集, 日本音響学会, 石川, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2006
  • 2音の同時性判断について-蝸牛遅延との関連-
    饗庭絵里子; 松井淑恵; 津崎実
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会秋季研究発表会講演論文集, 日本音響学会, 宮城, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2005
  • 旋律同定における場所・時間情報の役割-輪郭と音程の判断-
    松井淑恵; 饗庭絵里子; 津崎実
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集, 日本音響学会, 東京, Domestic conference
    17 Mar. 2005
  • 聴覚的視点から見たアルペジオと和音の境界について:蝸牛遅延との関連は?
    饗庭絵里子; 松井淑恵; 津崎実
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集, 日本音響学会, 東京, Domestic conference
    17 Mar. 2005
  • The Boundary between Arpeggio and Chord from Hearing Point of View : Potential Relation to Cochlear Delays
    饗庭 絵里子; 松井 淑恵; 津崎 実
    Japanese, Proceedings of the auditory research meeting, 日本音響学会,
    28 Jan. 2005
    28 Jan. 2005- 28 Jan. 2005
  • メロディの同定における場所・時間情報の役割-輪郭と音程の判断-
    松井淑恵; 饗庭絵里子; 津崎実
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Domestic conference
    28 Jan. 2005


  • Innovative Comprehensive Communications Design 2
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • イノベイティブ総合コミュニケーションデザイン2
  • Graduate International Jointly Offered Academic Training (Long Term)
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 大学院国際協働学術研修(長期)
  • テクノロジーと芸術
  • テクノロジーと芸術
  • Current Topics in Emerging Multi-interdisciplinary Engineering A
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 学域特別講義A(融合領域の最新動向)
  • 輪講
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 輪講
  • Physics Laboratory
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Graduate Technical English
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 大学院技術英語
  • 基礎科学実験A
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 芸術文化特講 音楽演奏家のための科学 第8回
  • 芸術文化特講 音楽演奏家のための科学 第8回
  • 芸術文化特講 音楽演奏家を科学する 第9回
  • 芸術文化特講 音楽演奏家を科学する 第9回
  • 音楽学特殊研究L III
    Kyoto City University of Arts
  • 音楽学特殊研究L III
  • 音楽学特講L
    Kyoto City University of Arts
  • 音楽学特講L
  • 芸術文化特講 音楽演奏家のための科学 第5回
  • 芸術文化特講 音楽演奏家のための科学 第5回
  • 基礎科学実験A
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 基礎科学実験A
  • 情報メディアシステム学基礎2
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 情報メディアシステム学基礎2

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本音響学会
  • Society for Neuroscience
  • 情報処理学会
  • 日本音楽知覚認知学会
  • Association for Computing Machinery SIGGRAPH
  • 日本心理学会


  • 声楽レクチャーコンサート Vol. 1 ~腹式呼吸?胸式呼吸?自分に合う呼吸法はどっち?~
    Miki Kusumoto; Tokiko Mori; Yasuhiro Yamamoto; Masumi Goto; Eriko Aiba; Toshie Matsui
    13 Nov. 2021 - 13 Nov. 2021
  • 電気通信大学創立100周年記念行事 ピアノコンサート
    Eriko Aiba; Mirei Asano
    09 Nov. 2018 - 09 Nov. 2018
  • エルンスト・ザイラー先生追悼コンサート
    02 Jun. 2018 - 02 Jun. 2018

Research Themes

  • 声楽教育における個人に適切な呼吸法の究明:腹式呼吸と胸式呼吸
    Miki Kusumoto
    01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2024
  • 音声認識手法を応用した自動作曲・自動作詞・自動伴奏の研究
    Shigeki Sagayama
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2023
  • 自動楽曲推薦・編曲とタテ線譜・自動伴奏システムによる中高齢者のピアノ演奏支援
    Yasuyuki Saito
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2023
  • オールドバイオリンの音色、製法、奏法の総合的解明
    Katuhiro Maki
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2023
  • ピッチ不安定性強調現象を用いたピッチ知覚メカニズムの解明
    Eriko Aiba
    01 Apr. 2021 - 2023
  • 視覚および聴覚情報の優先性による楽器演奏方略の違いに関する実験検証
    饗庭 絵里子
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2020
  • Music Generation and Analysis Based on Mathematical Modeling of Composiion, Performance and Acoustic Signals
    Shigeki Sagayama
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), We performed various researches in the field of music information processing. Regarding the music information field as a three-level hierarchical structure comprising of the score level, the performance level, and the signal level, we tackled various problems from the viewpoint of information conversion within and between layers and their interaction with humans. Numerous research results were achieved including some examples such as: (1) Automatic completion of music: the world's first proposal and solution of a problem that complements and completes a song full of holes such as melody fragments and partial harmony, (2) Using score Detailed analysis and separation of onset time of music signal, (3) New theory and algorithm for automatic fingering determination, (4) Welfare application of automatic accompaniment system, (5) Dissemination of automatic music system Orpheus to society, and many more., 17H00749
    01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2020
  • Automatic Music Composition Adapting to Personal Sensibility Based on Evolutionary Computation Algorithm
    OTANI Noriko; NUMAO Masayuki; AIBA Eriko
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Tokyo City University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), In this research, we aimed to construct an automatic music composition system adapting to personal sensibility, and to provide an environment where music can be enjoyed for more various use. A method of generating chord progressions in consideration of the entire music structure, a method for extracting personal sensibility models using only existing musical pieces adapting the objective as training data, and a method of utilizing the automatic music composition system in artists' creative activities were proposed. Those effectiveness were confirmed in some experiments and case studies. In addition, we developed a browser-based interface, and held some workshops of experience of our automatic music composition system in various events., 26330318
    01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • 視覚および聴覚情報の運動への変換方略メカニズムに基づく演奏教育プログラムの開発
    Eriko AIBA
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • 演奏における視覚入力・聴覚入力の優先性 —個人差とその要因の実態調査—
    ヤマハ音楽振興会, 研究助成
    01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2015
  • 蝸牛遅延特性を利用した聴覚末梢系の情報処理および可塑性メカニズムの解明
    Eriko AIBA
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
  • スキル獲得プロセスにおける愉しみの喚起とその構造に関する研究:ピアノ演奏への応用
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
  • 音信号に対する知覚不可能な情報ハイディング技術の研究
    Masashi UNOKI
    01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2014
  • 蝸牛遅延を考慮した聴覚末梢系情報処理メカニズム解明及び情報処理技術への応用
    Eriko AIBA
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Oct. 2013
  • 聴覚末梢系における情報処理の解明-蝸牛遅延特性を考慮した実験検証-
    Eriko AIBA
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2010 - 31 Mar. 2012
  • 共感覚のクロスモーダル・メカニズム解明-色聴現象の脳機能計測とメディア表現-
    Noriko NAGATA
    01 Apr. 2009 - 31 Mar. 2011