Emeritus Professor etc. | Emeritus Professor |
Researcher Information
Field Of Study
- Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Fluid engineering
- Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Machine elements and tribology
- Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Design engineering
- Informatics, Computational science
Educational Background
- 1975
The University of Tokyo, 工学系研究科, 産業機械工学専攻, Japan - 1975
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Engineering - 1971
The University of Tokyo, 工学系研究科, 産業機械工学専攻, Japan - 1971
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Engineering - 1967
The University of Tokyo, The Faculty of Engineering, Department of Engineering Synthesis, Japan - 1967
The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering
Research Activity Information
- Analysis of fluid-elastic-structure interactions in an impinging jet with a dynamic 3D-PTV and non-contact 6D-motion tracking system
T. G. Hwang; D. H. Doh; H. J. Jo; M. Tsubokura; B. Piao; S. Kuroda; T. Kobayashi; K. Tanaka; M. Takei
Measurements on pulsed impinging jets with 3D-particle tracking velocimetry (3D-PTV) system and 6-degree-of-freedom (DOF)-motion tracking system were carried out. Pulsed round jets were impinged on an elastic plate and the flow field near the plate was measured with a 3D-PTV system while the motions of the flexible plate was measured with 6D-motion tracking system. The measurement system consists of four cameras, light sources (Nd-Yag laser, Ar-ion laser, Black lamp) and a host computer. The nozzle diameter is D = 15 mm and two major experiments have been carried out for the cases of the distances between the nozzle tip to the elastic wall are z/D =2.3 and 6.0. The pulsed jets were controlled by a solenoid valve and were impinged onto an elastic plate (material: silicon, diameter: 350 mm, thickness: 0.5 mm, hardness: 15). The measurement system was synchronized with the valve opening time. The Reynolds numbers were 20,000 and 24,000 when the jets were impinged with the volume velocities. In the first experiments a macroscopic interprets on the flow-structure interactions (FSI) was made using three-dimensional vector fields of the flow and three-dimensional displacements of the elastic plate. In the second experiments a microscopic interprets on the FSI was made using two-dimensional velocity vectors and three-dimensional displacements of the elastic plate. Experimental results showed that the elastic plate moved slightly to the opposite direction of the jet direction at the time of valve opening. It has been shown that the vortices travelling over the surface of the wall made the elastic wall distorted locally. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, Jun. 2007, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 130, 2-3, 153-164, English, 1385-8947, WOS:000247159900012 - Novel Numerical Technique for the Analysis of the Moving Boundary Problems by Using the Overset Grid Generation
2006, Proc. of the ACES2006 - Flight Control Study of a Virtual Insect by a Similation
2006, Flight Control Study of a Virtual Insect by a Similation, JSME International Journal Ser. C, 49, 2, 556-561, 1344-7653 - Novel Numerical Technique for the Analysis of the Moving Boundary Problems by Using the Overset Grid Generation
2006, Proc. of the ACES2006 - Flight Control Study of a Virtual Insect by a Similation
Futoshi TANAKA; Toshiatsu OHMI; Shigeaki KURODA; Kazuhiro HIRASAWA
2006, Flight Control Study of a Virtual Insect by a Similation, JSME International Journal Ser. C, 49, 2, 556-561, 1344-7653 - 加速する壁乱流におけるLESの適用性について
2005, 日本機械学会2005年度年次大会講演論文集, 4, ., . - 移動境界を持つ非圧縮性流れ問題におけるカットセル法の開発
2005, 日本機械学会2005年度年次大会講演論文集, 2, ., 111-112 - FDTD Method by Using the Overset Grid Generation
2005, 電気学会電磁界理論シンポジウム, EMT-05-61, ., ., . - FDTD Method by Using the Overset Grid Generation
2005, 電気学会電磁界理論シンポジウム, EMT-05-61, ., ., . - マルチブロック格子による振動問題解析
2002, 第16回数値流体シンポジウム講演要旨集, 16, 162 - 直交格子法を用いた移動境界問題に関する研究
2002, 第16回数値流体シンポジウム講演要旨集, 16, 156 - 解適合直交格子にほる非圧縮・非定常流れの解析
2002, 第16回数値流体シンポジウム講演要旨集, 16, 37 - 直交格子におけるカットセルについての多項式補間の評価
2002, 第16回数値流体シンポジウム講演要旨集, 16, 27 - 重合格子法を用いた物体周りの流れ
2002, 第16回数値流体シンポジウム講演要旨集, 16, 26 - 直交格子法による薄い物体まわりの流れの解析
2002, 日本流体力学会年会2002公演論文集 - 部分境界適合直交格子法を用いた複数円柱まわりの流れの解析
2002, 日本流体力学会年会2002公演論文集 - Cut Cellを用いた直交格子法による有限長円柱周りの流れの解析
2002, 日本流体力学会年会2002公演論文集 - Cartesian/Structured Hybrid格子法の開発
2002, 日本機会学会関東支部第8期総会講演会論文集, No020-1, 505-506 - 「総合講座ながれ」から
2001, ながれ, 20, 6, 429 - An Application of Body Fitted Grid Generation Method with Moving Boundaries to Solve the Electromagnetic Field in a Moving Boundary
2001, Proc. of the 2001ACES, pp519-524, Monterey, U.S.A. (March 2001), ., ., 519-524 - 慣性力を考慮した弾性変形を伴う羽ばたき翼の解析
2001, 第15回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 - 重合格子法を用いた公転する翼まわりの流れの解析
2001, 第15回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 - 部分境界適合直交格子法の改良
2001, 第15回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集 - 流体力により弾性変形する境界を持つ流れ場の高速計算法
田中 太; 黒田 成昭
2001, 日本機械学会論文集, 67, 660, 1904-1911, 0387-5016, 110002397696 - An Application of Body Fitted Grid Generation Method with Moving Boundaries to Solve the Electromagnetic Field in a Moving Boundary
2001, Proc. of the 2001ACES, pp519-524, Monterey, U.S.A. (March 2001), ., ., 519-524 - Numerical analysis of the electromagnetic field for rotating object using FD-TD method -an application of the body fitted grid generation with moving boundary
2000, PIERS2000, ., ., . - The FD-TD method for the analysis of electromagnetic wave scattering from an object moving parallel to the incident wave
2000, Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems(EW&ES), 5, 1, 24-31 - 複数物体周りの粘性流れの直交格子解法
2000, 日本機械学会講演論文集, 004-1, 29-30 - エマルション潤滑に関する研究
2000, 日本機械学会東海支部第49期総会講演論文集, 383-384 - 直交格子法による移動物体まわりの流れの解析
2000, 日本機械学会講演論文集, 004-1, 31-32 - 噴流の振動現象に関する数値シミュレーション
2000, 第14回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演要旨集, 86 - 重合格子法を用いた振動する物体周りの流れの解析
2000, 第14回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演要旨集, 84 - 管内における柱状物体周りの流れの解析
2000, 第14回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演要旨集, 83 - 弾性変形を伴う羽ばたき翼の解析
2000, 第14回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演要旨集, 105 - Lubrication with O/W Emulsion
2000, Synopses of the International Tribology Conference NAGASAKI, 336 - 水中液滴エマルションの潤滑特性
2000, 日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演概要集, 269 - 境界が弾性変形する流れ場の新解法
2000, 日本流体力学会年会2000講演論文集, 167-168 - 差分法による弾性羽ばたき翼の解析
2000, 日本流体力学会年会2000講演論文集, 271-272 - 流体力により弾性変形する物体まわりの流れ場の計算法について
田中 太; 黒田 成昭
2000, 日本機械学会論文集, 66-648, 66, 648, 1967-1974, 0387-5016, 10007250450 - Numerical analysis of the electromagnetic field for rotating object using FD-TD method -an application of the body fitted grid generation with moving boundary
2000, PIERS2000, ., ., . - The FD-TD method for the analysis of electromagnetic wave scattering from an object moving parallel to the incident wave
2000, Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems(EW&ES), 5, 1, 24-31 - Lubrication with O/W Emulsion
2000, Synopses of the International Tribology Conference NAGASAKI, 336 - 三次元円柱の振動問題
1999, 第13回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演要旨集, 275 - 壁面が弾性変形する流れ場の計算
1999, 第13回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演要旨集, 279 - 流体力により弾性変形する物体まわりの流れ場の計算法
1999, 日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会論文集, 99-19, 319-320 - 連続体モデルによるO/Wエマルションの解析
1999, トライボロジー会議高松予稿集, 107-108 - 振動する並列2角柱周りの流れ
1999, 日本流体力学会年会'99講演論文集, 27-28 - 流体力により変位する物体まわりの流れ場の計算法について
1999, 日本流体力学会年会'99講演論文集, 9-10, 10007250449 - 離散渦法を用いた弾性平板まわりの流れ場の計算法
1999, 日本流体力学会年会'99講演論文集, 11-12 - Flow around a Pitching Wing with a Bending Motion in a Uniform Flow
PIAO BingHu; KURODA Shigeaki; ASABA Hidenori
Flows around a pitching wing with a bending motion in a uniform flow are studied numerically. A finite difference method based on Marker and Cell (MAC) methods is used to calculate the two dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The third order upwind finite difference scheme is used. Body-fitted grid generation with moving boundaries is used to obtain the numerical solutions of the flow fields. The effects on the flow field of Reynolds number, pitching frequency and bending angles are studied numerically. The effects on C_D of pitching motion and bending oscillation are obtained. The results shows that a thrust is generated on the pitching and bending wing., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B., 65, 638, 3328-3335, Japanese, 0387-5016, 110002395640, AN00187441 - 偏心して回転する2重円筒間のテイラー渦流の発達と減衰
1999, 航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料SP-40 - The FD-TD Method for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from on Object Moving Parallel to the Incident Wave
1999, Proc. The Far-Easten School-Seminar on Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis, 22-29 - FD-TD Method for Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from a Moving Body by Using Body Fitted Grid Generation with Moving Boundary
1999, Proc. Int. Conf. Electromagnetic in Advanced Applications(ICEAA 99), 549-552 - The FD-TD Method for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from on Object Moving Parallel to the Incident Wave
1999, Proc. The Far-Easten School-Seminar on Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis, 22-29 - FD-TD Method for Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from a Moving Body by Using Body Fitted Grid Generation with Moving Boundary
1999, Proc. Int. Conf. Electromagnetic in Advanced Applications(ICEAA 99), 549-552 - 流体力により弾性変形するはばたき翼の解析
1998, 第12回数値流体シンポジウム講演論文集, 277-279 - 弾性ピッチング翼周りの流れの解析
1998, 第12回数値流体シンポジウム講演論文集, 275-276 - 渦流量計内部の流れの解析
1998, 日本機械学会第76期全国大会講演論文集, 73-74 - 流動中のo/wエマルションにおける純油相の析出
1998, 日本流体力学会年会98講演論文集, 87-88 - Lubrication with emulsion: First report, the extended Reynolds equation
SM Yan; S Kuroda
A simplified model based on the continuum theory of mixtures is proposed to derive the extended Reynolds equation for lubrication with emulsion. This model has showed that there is a velocity difference between two phases of emulsion. The existence of the velocity difference is the reason why the oil concentration varies in lubrication film. Using this equation, the pressure distribution and the variation of oil concentration can be obtained simultaneously, and the mechanisms of lubrication in the three-speed regions can be explained. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA LAUSANNE, May 1997, WEAR, 206, 1-2, 230-237, English, 0043-1648, 30006271648, WOS:A1997XG33700028 - 屈曲振動する翼周りの流れの解析
1997, 第11回数値流体シンポジウム講演論文集, 361-362 - 流体力で振動する円筒
1997, 日本機械学会第74期通常総会講演会講演論文集(I), 97-1, 443-444 - 振動する弾性平板翼周りの流れの研究
1997, 日本流体力学会'97年会講演論文集, . - Lubrication with Emulsion : Second Report The Viscosity Coefficients of Emulsion
1997, Wear, 206, 238-243 - Lubrication with Emulsion : Second Report The Viscosity Coefficients of Emulsion
1997, Wear, 206, 238-243 - Vortex Shedding from a Rotating Regular Polygonal Prism in a Uniform Flow
KURODA Shigeaki; OGAWA Seiji; KURODA Haruhiko; FUJII Yoshihisa
Synchronized vortex shedding from a rotating regular polygonal prism in a uniform flow is investigated numerically and experimentally The Karman vortex in a wake behind the prism rotating in a wind tunnel is investigated by using a hot-wire anemometer. The experimental results show that the Karman vortex shedding is synchronized with the rotation of the prism for a wide range of spill parameters. In numerical analysis, a body-fitted grid system that coincides with a moving boundary of the rotating prism is installed and the 2-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation is solved using the finite difference method. The numerical results show good agreement with the experimental ones. It is found from the experimental and numerical results that the general relation-ship between spin parameter S and Strouhal number St for an N-sided rotating polygonal prism is St=N/(κπ)・S(κ=1,2,3・・・)., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B., 62, 597, 1709-1715, Japanese, 0387-5016, 110002394853, AN00187441 - Vortex Shedding from a Potating Polygonal Prism in a Unifrom Flow
Shigeaki KURODA; Seiji OGAWA; Haruhiko KURODA; Yoshihisa FUJII
1996, Journal of Japan Soc. Mechanical Engineers, 62, 597, 1709-1715, 0387-5016 - The Reynolds equation of lubrication with emulsion.
1995, Proc. Int. Triblogy Conference, Yokohama, 1995, 971-974 - Numerical Analysis of Flow between Eccentric Rotating Cylinders.
Kuroda Shigeaki; Wang Ten Min; Makioka Haruno
The flow between eccentric rotating cylinders is studied numerically using a curvilinear coordinate system. The outer cylinder is fixed and the inner cylinder rotates at a constant speed. The three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and the equation of continuity are solved. A body-fitted grid system is generated and the basic equations in a physical domain are transformed into a calculational domain and solved by means of a finite difference method. A series of computations is carried out at Re=130 to 500 and the eccentric ratio is 0.1 to 0.5. The flow patterns, velocity vectors and vorticities are obtained. The gap width between two eccentric cylinders changes in a circumferential direction and the maximum Taylor vortex is found in the region where the gap width becomes narrow in the flow direction and the vortex becomes weakest in the region where the gap width is expanding. When the Re number is slightly larger than the critical Re number, the Taylor vortex flow and parallel stable flow coexist in a fluid between two eccentric rotating cylinders., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1995, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C, 61, 591, 3983-3988, Japanese, 0387-5016, 130004079689 - The Reynolds equation of lubrication with emulsion.
1995, Proc. Int. Triblogy Conference, Yokohama, 1995, 971-974 - Numerical Analysis of Flow between Eccentric Potating Cylinders
Shigeaki Kuroda; Ten Min Wang; Haruno Makioka
The flow between eccentric rotating cylinders is studied numerically using a curvilinear coordinate system. The outer cylinder is fixed and the inner cylinder rotates at a constant speed. The three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and the equation of continuity are solved. A body-fitted grid system is generated and the basic equations in a physical domain are transformed into a calculational domain and solved by means of a finite difference method. A series of computations is carried out at Re=130 to 500 and the eccentric ratio is 0.1 to 0.5. The flow patterns, velocity vectors and vorticities are obtained. The gap width between two eccentric cylinders changes in a circumferential direction and the maximum Taylor vortex is found in the region where the gap width becomes narrow in the flow direction and the vortex becomes weakest in the region where the gap width is expanding. When the Re number is slightly larger than the critical Re number, the Taylor vortex flow and parallel stable flow coexist in a fluid between two eccentric rotating cylinders., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1995, Journal of Japan Soc. Mechanical Engineers, 61, 591, 3983-3988, Japanese, 0387-5016, 130004079689 - 移動熱源まわりの熱流体解析
The stress birefringence and mode coupling effects in polarization-preserving fibres are most important problems which need to be improved. For a realization of some optical devices, the dielectric waveguide with sinusoidally varying circular cross-section has been investigated. It becomes very important to analyse the electromagnetic field distribution in a dielectric waveguide with a time-dependent moving boundary. This paper shows that numerical methods can simulate the effect of the external disturbance on the dielectric waveguide from time to time. The author has discussed body fitted grid generation with moving boundary for the Poisson and Laplace equations.1,2 We have extended this technique for Maxwell's equation. The technique employs a kind of an expanded numerical grid generation. As the author adds the time component to grid generation, the time dependent co-ordinate system which coincides with a contour of moving boundary can be transformed into a fixed rectangular co-ordinate system. We could show the electric distribution in the waveguide time by time to verify the possibility of an application for an optical fibre. This technique makes it possible not only to analyse the effect of the external disturbance in a coherent optical communication system but also to fabricate optical devices., JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, May 1993, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AND FIELDS, 6, 2, 127-134, English, 0894-3370, 30012886081, WOS:A1993LK96500004 - 平歯車のかみあい状態での弾性流体潤滑
1993, トライボロジー会議, 491 - Numerical Analysis of a Flat Plate in a Pitching Motion. 2nd Report, Effect on the Flow of the Position of the Pivot, etc.
Ohba Hideyuki; Kuroda Shigeaki
Flows around a flat plate exhibiting a pitching motion in a uniform crossflow are studied numerically. Two cases of pitching motion, sinusoidal oscillation and oscillation with constant velocity, are analyzed and the effects on the flow of the position of the pivot, Reynolds number, angular velocity and maximum angle of attack are researched. Body-fitted grid generation with moving boundaries is used to obtain the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The time-dependent curvilinear coordinate system which coincides with a contour of a moving boundary is transformed into a fixed rectangular coordinate system in a calculational plane. The changes in CD and CL during the pitching motion are obtained., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C, 59, 560, 1121-1126, Japanese, 0387-5016, 10007250442 - The Body Fitted Grid Generation with Moving Boundary and it's Application for Optical Phase Modulation (共著)
1993, IEICE,Trans.Electronics, E76-C, 3, 480-485 - Numerical Analysis of Flow around a Rotating Square Cylinder
1993, JSME International Journal, 36, 4, 592-597, 1340-8054 - Body fitted grid generation with moving boundary and its application for dielectric waveguides
Shigeaki Kuroda; Michiko Kuroda
The stress birefringence and mode coupling effects in polarization‐preserving fibres are most important problems which need to be improved. For a realization of some optical devices, the dielectric waveguide with sinusoidally varying circular cross‐section has been investigated. It becomes very important to analyse the electromagnetic field distribution in a dielectric waveguide with a time‐dependent moving boundary. This paper shows that numerical methods can simulate the effect of the external disturbance on the dielectric waveguide from time to time. The author has discussed body fitted grid generation with moving boundary for the Poisson and Laplace equations.1,2 We have extended this technique for Maxwell's equation. The technique employs a kind of an expanded numerical grid generation. As the author adds the time component to grid generation, the time dependent co‐ordinate system which coincides with a contour of moving boundary can be transformed into a fixed rectangular co‐ordinate system. We could show the electric distribution in the waveguide time by time to verify the possibility of an application for an optical fibre. This technique makes it possible not only to analyse the effect of the external disturbance in a coherent optical communication system but also to fabricate optical devices. Copyright © 1993 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd, 1993, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 6, 2, 127-134, English, 1099-1204, 30012886081, 0027589527 - The Body Fitted Grid Generation with Moving Boundary and it's Application for Optical Phase Modulation (共著)
1993, IEICE,Trans.Electronics, E76-C, 3, 480-485 - Numerical Analysis of Flow around a Rotating Square Cylinder
Hideyuki Ohba; Shigeaki Kuroda
1993, JSME International Journal, 36, 4, 592-597, 1340-8054 - 回転する円筒と平板の間の非定常流動の研究
1992, トライボロジスト, 37, 11, 923-928 - Numerical Analysis of a Flat Plate in a Pitching Motion.
OHBA Hideyuki; KURODA Shigeaki
Flows around a flat plate during a pitching motion in a uniform crossflow are studied numerically. The flat plate makes a cycle of pitching motion about its mid-chord position at a constant angular velocity. The body-fitted grid generation with moving boundaries is used to obtain the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The time-dependent curvilinear coordinate system which coincides with a contour of a moving boundary is transformed into a fixed rectangular coordinate system in a calculational plane. The changes in the streamlines, CD and CL, during the pitching motion are obtained. The results of present analysis show good agreement with those of previous experiments., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C, 58, 556, 3640-3645, Japanese, 0387-5016, 10007250441 - Transient Analysis of Flow between Rotating Roller and a Plane
1992, Japanese Journal of Tribology, 37, 11, 1413-1423 - Squeeze Air Films between Rigid and Compliant Surfaces. 2nd Report. Effects of Central Air Source.
KURODA Shigeaki; KAMAYACHI Naruyuki
In this paper, an experimental study is presented for the squeeze film problem between rigid and compliant surfaces with a central air source. The lower squeezing plate is a compliant one and is fixed to an electric vibrator. The upper squeezing plate is a rigid floating body supported by squeeze air film. The weight of the floating upper plate is 1.75 N to 3.75 N and the range of frequency of vibration is 0.5kHz to 1.8kHz. The effects of volumetric flow rate, exciting frequency and amplitude of the squeezing plate on the characteristics of squeeze air film are investigated. Numerical analysis is also conducted for a simplified model. It is found that the combined effects of static pressure of the central air source and squeeze effects improve the load carrying capacity and stability of the floating mass., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C, 58, 554, 2971-2976, Japanese, 0387-5016, 110002391129 - Use of a Strain gauge accelerometer in the aerodynamic study of a spherical body at frii fall
1992, Fluid Dynamics Research, 9, 4, 143-153, 0169-5983, 80006320329 - 回転角柱まわりの流れの数値解析
1992, 日本機会学会論文集B, 58, 549, 1446-1451 - Transient Analysis of Flow between Rotating Roller and a Plane
1992, Japanese Journal of Tribology, 37, 11, 1413-1423 - Use of a Strain gauge accelerometer in the aerodynamic study of a spherical body at frii fall
1992, Fluid Dynamics Research, 9, 4, 143-153, 0169-5983, 80006320329 - Recent Research Studies of Squeeze Film.
1990, Japanese Journal of Tribology, 35, 1, 1-10 - スクイズフィルムに関する最近の研究
1990, トライボロジスト, 35, 1, 1-10 - Recent Research Studies of Squeeze Film.
1990, Japanese Journal of Tribology, 35, 1, 1-10 - Recent Research Works on Squeeze Film
1990, Journal of Japanese Soc. Tribologists, 35, 1, 1-10 - Normal Squeeze Motion Incorporated into Conventional Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
1987, Proc. Int. Tribologe Conf.1987 Melbourne, 29-37 - Normal Squeeze Motion Incorporated into Conventional Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
1987, Proc. Int. Tribologe Conf.1987 Melbourne, 29-37 - A new type of manometer using magnetic fluid.
KURODA Shigeaki; KASAI Kenji
A new type of manometer which uses magnetic fluid is developed and its characteristics as a pressure transducer is examined. The displacement of magnetic fluid in a U-type manometer is detected by using differential transformer. As the differential transformer ies voltage output corresponding to an applied pressure, we can read the pressure by digital voltmeter. The pressure-voltage coefficient is evaluated as 6.713 MPa/Volt for the tested manometer. Though there are still many problems to be solved, this new type of manometer can be used for measuring very low pressure., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1986, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C, 52, 477, 2063-2066, Japanese, 0387-5016, 130004217789 - A New Type of Mamomenter Using Magnetic Fluid
KURODA Shigeaki; KASAI Kenji
A new type of manometer which uses magnetic fluid is developed and its characteristics as a pressure transducer is examined. The displacement of magnetic fluid in a U-type manometer is detected by using differential transformer. As the differential transformer ies voltage output corresponding to an applied pressure, we can read the pressure by digital voltmeter. The pressure-voltage coefficient is evaluated as 6.713 MPa/Volt for the tested manometer. Though there are still many problems to be solved, this new type of manometer can be used for measuring very low pressure., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1986, Journal of Japan Soc. Mechanical Engineer, 52, 477, 2063-2066, Japanese, 0387-5016, 130004217789 - Flow between Two Parallel Approaching Plates
The effect of fluid inertia in a squeeze film phenomena is studied numerically. The Navier-Stokes equation and continuity equation are solved directly by using finite difference method and Newton-Raphson method. The method used in this analysis does not depend conventional iteration method or perturbation method and therefore can be applied for wide range of Reynolds number.
The effect of fluid inertia on load carrying capacity and velocity profile are calculated. The analysis is also made for transient problem when squeezing plates start to move or stop suddenly., The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, 1986, Journal of Japan Soc. Fluid Mechanics, 3, 4, 348-356, Japanese, 0286-3154, 130003818076 - Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication between Two Rollers
1985, Bull. JSME, 24, 241, 1369-1372 - Inertia Effects in a Squeeze Film
1985, Proc. JSLE Int. Conf.Tokyo, 1103-1108 - Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication between Two Rollers
1985, Bull. JSME, 24, 241, 1369-1372 - Inertia Effects in a Squeeze Film
1985, Proc. JSLE Int. Conf.Tokyo, 1103-1108 - Elastohydrodynamic lubrication between two rollers (Finite width analysis)
KURODA Shigeaki; ARAI Kazuyoshi
The three dimensional EHL problem between two elastic rollers with finite length is analized numerically using finite element method and Newton Raphson method. The effect of side leakage flow on pressure distribution and fluid film profile are considered and following results are obtained. (1) The maximum pressure appears near the side edge of roller. (2) The minimum film thickness is smaller than that of obtained by convensional infinite length roller model., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1984, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C, 50, 459, 2854-2858, Japanese, 0387-5016, 110002399518 - The characteristics of motion of a round plate supported on squeeze air film.
KURODA Shigeaki; HIRATA Noriyuki
The displacement of a round plate supported on a parallel circular squeeze air film was analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The dynamic pressure in the squeeze film was analyzed theoretically. A finite-difference method with steady and cyclic condition was applied to nonlinear simultaneous differential equations ; the Reynolds equation on the squeeze air film and the Kinetic equation on the plate supported in the film. The displacements were measured with automatic measurement system that used micro-computer. The characteristics obtained from numerical solution showed good agreement with the experimental results. The distortion on the displacement of a supported mass was certified theoretically and experimentally., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1984, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C, 50, 459, 2727-2731, Japanese, 0387-5016, 110002399495 - スクイズフィルム効果の研究(スクイズ面の弾性変形の影響の考察)
1978, 潤滑, 23, 1, 67-73 - スクイズフィルムの研究(負のスクイズにおける流体内張力とキャビテーション)
1978, 潤滑, 23, 6, 436-442 - A Study of Squeeze Film Phenomena as an Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
1978, Journal of Japan Soc. Lubrication Engineer, 23, 1, 67-73 - An Experimental Study on Cavitation and Tensile Stress in a Squeeze Film
1978, Journal of Japan Soc. Lubrication Engineers, 23, 6, 436-442 - スクイズフィルムの研究(流体の慣性力の影響の考察)
1976, 潤滑, 21, 11, 740-747 - A Study of Fluid Inertia Effects in a Squeeze Film
1976, Journal of Japan Soc. Lubrication Engineer, 21, 11, 740-747