Yo Ishigaki
Research Center for Realizing Sustainable Societies | Project/Specially Appointed Professor |
Institute for self-Evolving Smart Societies | Project/Specially Appointed Professor |
Researcher Information
Field Of Study
Member History
- Sep. 2024 - Aug. 2027
健康寿命延伸に資する食と医療センシング技術調査専門委員会, 電気学会, Society - 2022 - 2022
令和3年度原子力災害影響調査等事業 被ばく線量推定に係る行動調査のあり方検討委員会, 環境省, Government - 2021 - 2022
ルワンダ国ECD・教育分野における情報収集・確認調査(QCBS) 外部有識者, JICA, Government - 2021 - 2022
途上国における教育・保健医療分野等でのデジタル活用の海外展開に関する調査実証:外部有識者, 総務省, Government - 2020 - 2021
情報通信運営員会, 東京消防庁, Autonomy - Feb. 2020
Society5.0における農業および環境センシング技術に関わる調査専門委員会 委員, 電気学会, Society - Jun. 2016 - May 2019
水センシングに関わる調査専門委員会 委員, 電気学会, Society - Jun. 2016 - May 2019
環境監視技術調査専門委員会 委員, 電気学会, Society - Apr. 2012 - Dec. 2013
セキュリティ心理学とトラスト研究会 運営委員, 情報処理学会, Society
Research Activity Information
- Nov. 2024
東京都, Tokyo区市町村DXaward
調布市 「産学官連携によるごみ分別支援AI「調布ごみナビ」の試験運用」
区市町村DX賞(大賞), 調布市環境部ごみ対策課;Borzoi AI株式会社
Others - 2020
財団法人 国際科学技術財団
The Japan Prize, 石垣 陽;半田 知也 - 2019
文部科学大臣賞, 石垣 陽;橘川 弘行 - 2018
復興庁「新しい東北」復興ビジネスコンテスト受賞, ヤグチ電子工業;Radiation-Watch.org - 2013
Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen
Pocket Geiger
Red Dot Design Award, Yang Ishigaki;Yoshihisa Tanaka;Masahi Ogasawara - 2012
グッドデザイン賞, ヤグチ電子工業株式会社;Radiation-watch.orgプロジェクト - 2010
国際デザインコンペティション・大阪府知事賞, 石垣 陽 - 2009
FUJITSU モバイルフォンデザインアワード2009, 安間 幹;石垣 陽;田中 義久
- Health Literacy and Internet Use Among Japanese Older Adults: A Gender-Stratified Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Moderating Effects of Neighborhood Relationships
Tsubasa Nakada; Kayo Kurotani; Satoshi Seino; takako kozawa; Shinichi Murota; Miki Eto; Junko Shimasawa; YUMIKO SHIMIZU; Shinobu Tsurugano; Fuminori KATSUKAWA; Kazunori Sakamoto; Hironori Washizaki; Yo Ishigaki; Maki Sakamoto; Keiki Takadama; Keiji Yanai; Osamu Matsuo; Chiyoko Kameue; Hitomi Suzuki; Kazunori Ohkawara
Healthcare, Dec. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal - Bacteriostatic effect of indoor air quality management with low-concentration gaseous chlorine dioxide on fungal growth
Mitani, R.; Yamanaka, H.; Ishigaki, Y.; Nakayama, D.; Sakamoto, M.; Watanabe, C.; Mori, T.; Okuda, T.
Asian J. Atmos. Environ, 18, 24, Dec. 2024, Peer-reviwed - Projections of future ambient dose rates in a mountainous area in the Fukushima evacuation zone, Japan (in press)
Katsumi Shozugawa; Mayumi Hori; Thomas E. Johnson; Yo Ishigaki; Yoshinori Matsumoto
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Dec. 2024, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - A Real-Time Web-Based Intervention with a Multicomponent Group-Based Program for Older Adults: Single-Arm Feasibility Study
Tsubasa Nakada; Kayo Kurotani; takako kozawa; Satoshi Seino; Shinichi Murota; Miki Eto; Junko Shimasawa; YUMIKO SHIMIZU; Shinobu Tsurugano; Fuminori KATSUKAWA; Kazunori Sakamoto; Hironori Washizaki; Yo Ishigaki; Maki Sakamoto; Keiki Takadama; Keiji Yanai; Osamu Matsuo; Chiyoko Kameue; Hitomi Suzuki; Kazunori Ohkawara
Healthcare, 12, 23, 1-15, 26 Nov. 2024, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Assessing personal PM2.5 exposure using a novel neck-mounted monitoring device in rural Rwanda
Yo Ishigaki; Shinji Yokogawa; Kan Shimazaki; Tin-Tin Win-Shwe; Elisephane Irankunda
Lead, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196, 935, Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - 社会福祉施設における感染症予防のための空気質管理 (in press)
横川 慎二; 石垣 陽; 喜多村 紘子; 齋藤 彰
横幹, 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合, 18, 2, Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Monitoring the ventilation of living spaces to assess the risk of airborne transmission of infection using a novel Pocket CO2 Logger to track carbon dioxide concentrations in Tokyo
Yo Ishigaki; Shinji Yokogawa
Lead, PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 19, 5, e0303790-e0303790, 23 May 2024, Peer-reviwed, We employed carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration monitoring using mobile devices to identify location-specific risks for airborne infection transmission. We lent a newly developed, portable Pocket CO2 Logger to 10 participants, to be carried at all times, for an average of 8 days. The participants recorded their location at any given time as cinema, gym, hall, home, hospital, other indoors, other outgoings, pub, restaurant, university, store, transportation, or workplace. Generalized linear mixed model was used for statistical analysis, with the objective variable set to the logarithm of CO2 concentration. Analysis was performed by assigning participant identification as the random effect and location as the fixed effect. The data were collected per participant (seven males, four females), resulting in a total of 12,253 records. Statistical analysis identified three relatively poorly ventilated locations (median values > 1,000 ppm) that contributed significantly (p < 0.0001) to CO2 concentrations: homes (1,316 ppm), halls (1,173 ppm), and gyms (1005ppm). In contrast, two locations were identified to contribute significantly (p < 0.0001) to CO2 concentrations but had relatively low average values (<1,000 ppm): workplaces (705 ppm) and stores (620 ppm). The Pocket CO2 Logger can be used to visualize airborne infectious transmission risk by location to help guide recommendation regarding infectious disease policies, such as restrictions on human flow and ventilation measures and guidelines. In the future, large-scale surveys are expected to utilize the global positioning system, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth of an individual’s smartphone to improve ease and accuracy.
Scientific journal - A Community-Based Intervention to Enhance Subjective Well-Being in Older Adults: Study Design and Baseline Participant Profiles (Protocol)
Tsubasa Nakada; Takako Kozawa; Satoshi Seino; Shinichi Murota; Miki Eto; Junko Shimasawa; Yumiko Shimizu; Shinobu Tsurugano; Fuminori Katsukawa; Kazunori Sakamoto; Hironori Washizaki; Yo Ishigaki; Maki Sakamoto; Keiki Takadama; Keiji Yanai; Osamu Matsuo; Chiyoko Kameue; Hitomi Suzuki; Kayo Kurotani; Kazunori Ohkawara
Healthcare, MDPI AG, 12, 3, 322-322, 26 Jan. 2024, Peer-reviwed, Promoting subjective well-being is a crucial challenge in aging societies. In 2022, we launched a community-based intervention trial (the Chofu-Digital-Choju Movement). This initiative centered on fostering in-person and online social connections to enhance the subjective well-being of older adults. This paper describes the study design and baseline survey. This quasi-experimental study involved community-dwelling older adults aged 65–84 years in Chofu City, Tokyo, Japan. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 3742 residents (1681 men and 2061 women), and a baseline survey was conducted in January 2022. We assessed subjective well-being (primary outcome); psychosocial, physical, and dietary factors; and the use of information and communication technology variables (secondary outcomes) among the participants. After the intervention involving online classes, community hubs, and community events, a 2-year follow-up survey will be conducted to evaluate the effects of the intervention, comparing the intervention group (participants) with the control group (non-participants). We received 2503 questionnaires (66.9% response rate); of these, the analysis included 2343 questionnaires (62.6% valid response rate; mean age, 74.4 (standard deviation, 5.4) years; 43.7% male). The mean subjective well-being score was 7.2 (standard deviation, 1.9). This study will contribute to the development of a prototype subjective well-being strategy for older adults.
Scientific journal, English - Evaluation and risk communication of the effects of alcohol exposure on disposable procedure masks and portable air purifiers in hospital environments
Yo Ishigaki; Shinji Yokogawa; Tatsuo Kato
Lead, Toxicology and Industrial Health, SAGE Publications, 40, 3, 117-124, 15 Jan. 2024, Peer-reviwed, Electret technology was widely used to prevent the airborne transmission of bioaerosols during the COVID-19 pandemic and improve the filtration efficiency of masks and high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. As alcohol disinfectants are widely used in medical and welfare institutions, concerns about alcohol exposure inactivating electret exist. However, comprehensive alcohol exposure tests have not been conducted on masks and HEPA filters distributed in Japan. Twenty-five types of masks and five types of HEPA filters were subjected to a discharging process according to ISO 16890 to quantitatively elucidate the resistance to alcohol exposure. Measurements of changes in filtration efficiency and pressure drop before and after discharge show that 17 masks (68%) and four HEPA filters (80%) exhibited a significant decrease in filtration efficiency, confirming their vulnerability to alcohol. In addition, a survey ( n = 500 Japanese adults, including 30 healthcare professionals) revealed that ∼90% of the general public were unaware that alcohol exposure could degrade masks and air purifiers. Furthermore, 36% of the surveyed healthcare professionals had sprayed alcohol directly onto their masks. The effectiveness of user warnings through product labels and instructions was investigated from the perspective of ensuring the safety of patients and healthcare professionals. Results revealed that the best approach was to describe the extent and duration of the adverse effects caused by disregarding precautions. Increase in awareness of healthcare professionals and general public by authorities and manufacturers through guidelines and warning labels would reduce the risk of inhaling bioaerosols caused by unintentional electret inactivation.
Scientific journal - Estimation of air change rate by CO2 sensor network in workplace with COVID-19 outbreak
Shinji Yokogawa; Yo Ishigaki; Hiroko Kitamura; Akira Saito; Yuto Kawauchi; Taisei Hiraide
Lead, Environmental and Occupational Health Practice, Japan Society for Occupational Health, 29 Nov. 2023, Peer-reviwed, (Advance online publication Article ID: 2023-0007-OA)
Scientific journal, English - Ventilatory effects of excessive plastic sheeting on the formation of SARS-Cov-2 in a closed indoor environment
Yo Ishigaki; Yuto Kawauchi; Shinji Yokogawa; Akira Saito; Hiroko Kitamura; Takashi Moritake
Lead, Environmental and Occupational Health Practice, Japan Society for Occupational Health, 5, 1, n/a-n/a, Jul. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - 事業所のエアロゾル感染予防に向けた調査手法の提案と実証 -医療・高齢者施設における事例分析- (調査報告)
石垣 陽; 加藤辰夫
Lead, 労働安全衛生研究, 16, 2, 173-180, Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - 折紙式メガホンの試作と飛沫抑制効果の評価
石垣 陽; 三上 浩弥
Lead, 可視化情報学会論文集, 43, 4, 9-14, Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Examination of Ventilation Using a CO2 Sensor in a Cardiovascular Medical Examination Car
Akira Saito; Yo Ishigaki; Shinji Yokogawa; Yuto Kawauchi; Harumi Tanaka; Miho Asano; Miki Ogawa; Shogo Ishikawa; Satomi Takahashi; Yasuki Saito
Official Journal of Japan Society of Ningen Dock, 37, 4, 699-707, Mar. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Pilot Evaluation of Possible Airborne Transmission in a Geriatric Care Facility Using Carbon Dioxide Tracer Gas: Case Study
Yo Ishigaki; Shinji Yokogawa; Yuki Minamoto; Akira Saito; Hiroko Kitamura; Yuto Kawauchi
Lead, JMIR Formative Research, JMIR Publications Inc., 6, 12, e37587-e37587, 30 Dec. 2022, Peer-reviwed, Background
Although several COVID-19 outbreaks have occurred in older adult care facilities throughout Japan, no field studies focusing on airborne infections within these settings have been reported. Countermeasures against airborne infection not only consider the air change rate (ACR) in a room but also the airflow in and between rooms. However, a specific method has not yet been established by Japanese public health centers or infectious disease–related organizations.
In April 2021, 59 COVID-19 cases were reported in an older adult care facility in Miyagi, Japan, and airborne transmission was suspected. The objective of this study was to simultaneously reproduce the ACR and aerosol advection in this facility using the carbon dioxide (CO2) tracer gas method to elucidate the specific location and cause of the outbreak. These findings will guide our recommendations to the facility to prevent recurrence.
In August 2021, CO2 sensors were placed in 5 rooms where airborne infection was suspected, and the CO2 concentration was intentionally increased using dry ice, which was subsequently removed. The ACR was then estimated by applying the Seidel equation to the time-series changes in the CO2 concentration due to ventilation. By installing multiple sensors outside the room, advection outside the room was monitored simultaneously. Aerosol advection was verified using computer simulations. Although the windows were closed at the time of the outbreak, we conducted experiments under open-window conditions to quantify the effects of window opening.
The ACR values at the time of the outbreak were estimated to be 2.0 to 6.8 h−1 in the rooms of the facility. A low-cost intervention of opening windows improved the ventilation frequency by a factor of 2.2 to 5.7. Ventilation depended significantly on the window-opening conditions (P values ranging from .001 to .03 for all rooms). Aerosol advection was detected from the private room to the day room in agreement with the simulation results. Considering that the individual who initiated the infection was in the private room on the day of infection, and several residents, who later became secondarily infected, were gathered in the day room, it was postulated that the infectious aerosol was transmitted by this air current.
The present results suggest that secondary infections can occur owing to aerosol advection driven by large-scale flow, even when the building design adheres to the ventilation guidelines established in Japan. Moreover, the CO2 tracer gas method facilitates the visualization of areas at a high risk of airborne infection and demonstrates the effectiveness of window opening, which contributes to improved facility operations and recurrence prevention.
Scientific journal - Ventilation improvement and evaluation of its effectiveness in a Japanese manufacturing factory
Hiroko Kitamura; Yo Ishigaki; Hideaki Ohashi; Shinji Yokogawa
Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 17642-17642, 21 Oct. 2022, Peer-reviwed, True, A coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cluster emerged in a manufacturing factory in early August 2021. In November 2021, we conducted a ventilation survey using the tracer gas method. Firstly, we reproduce the situation at the time of cluster emergence and examined whether the ventilation in the office was in a condition that increased the risk of aerosol transmission. Secondly, we verified the effectiveness of the factory's own countermeasure implemented immediately after the August cluster outbreak. Furthermore, we verified the effectiveness of several additional improvement measures on the factory's own countermeasures already installed in August. Under the conditions of the cluster emergence, the air changes per hour (ACH) value was 0.73 ACH on average. The ACH value was less than 2 ACH recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, suggesting an increased risk of aerosol transmission. The factory's own countermeasures taken immediately in August were found to be effective, as the ACH value increased to 3.41 ACH on average. Moreover, it was confirmed that additional improvement measures on the factory's own countermeasures increased the ACH value to 8.33 ACH on average. In order to prevent the re-emergence of COVID-19 clusters due to aerosol infection in the office, it was found that while continuing the factory's own countermeasure, additional improvement measures should also be added depending on the number of workers in the room. In a company, it is important that workers themselves continue to take infection control measures autonomously, and confirming the effectiveness of the measures will help maintain workers' motivation. We believe it is helpful that external researchers in multiple fields and internal personnel in charge of the health and safety department and occupational health work together to confirm the effectiveness of conducted measures, such as in this case.
Scientific journal, English - Visualization of Dust Generation in Outdoor Workplaces Using A Wearable Particle Monitor and Global Navigation Satellite System.
Shingo Sekoguchi; Kazunori Ikegami; Hajime Ando; Hidetaka Yoshitake; Hiroka Baba; Yo Ishigaki; Takashi Moritake; Toshihiko Myojo; Akira Ogami
Journal of UOEH, 44, 1, 1-13, 2022, Peer-reviwed, False, We manufactured a wearable particle monitor (WPM), which is a simple and low-cost dust monitor. We aimed to evaluate the usefulness of the device by using it and location information of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to measure dust generation in outdoor workplaces. We used nine WPMs and a particle counter KC-52 to measure in parallel the dust concentration diffusing standard particles in a dust exposure apparatus to evaluate the measurability of the WPM, and visualized dust generation in outdoor workplaces to evaluate its usability. We obtained location information using a GNSS in parallel with measuring with the WPM. The measured values of the WPM followed the measured values of the KC-52, with a strong correlation of the values between the KC-52 and each WPM. The discrepancy among devices tended to increase, however, because the measured values of the WPMs increased. For outdoor measurements, we could create a heat map of the relative values of dust generation by combining two data of the WPM and the GNSS. The methods of using the WPM could overview the conditions needed to produce dust emissions in dust-generating workplaces.
Scientific journal, English - Comparison of the effectiveness of amblyopia treatment with eye-patch and binocular Occlu-tab for the same treatment duration
Tomoya Handa; Hansa Thakkar; Minu Ramakrishnan; Kalpit Shah; Vaishali Prajapati; Sania Sayed; Aishwarya Joshi; Yo Ishigaki
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, Medknow, 70, 5, 1722-1722, 2022, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Battery degradation analysis of mobile devices based on user usage survey data
浅野 実; 横川 慎二; 石垣 陽; 冨永 潤一; 粟津 浜一
Journal of mobile interactions Vol.11 No.1/2, 31 Dec. 2021, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Effect of COVID-19-restrictive measures on ambient particulate matter pollution in Yangon, Myanmar.
Win-Yu Aung; Paw-Min-Thein-Oo; Zaw-Lin Thein; Sadao Matsuzawa; Takehiro Suzuki; Yo Ishigaki; Akihiro Fushimi; Ohn Mar; Daisuke Nakajima; Tin-Tin Win-Shwe
Environmental health and preventive medicine, 26, 1, 92-92, 18 Sep. 2021, Peer-reviwed, False, BACKGROUND: Particulate matter (PM) is recognized as the most harmful air pollutant to the human health. The Yangon city indeed suffers much from PM-related air pollution. Recent research has interestingly been focused on the novel subject of changes in the air quality associated with the restrictive measures in place during the current coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The first case of COVID-19 in Myanmar was diagnosed on March 23, 2020. In this article, we report on our attempt to evaluate any effects of the COVID-19-restrictive measures on the ambient PM pollution in Yangon. METHODS: We measured the PM concentrations every second for 1 week on four occasions at three study sites with different characteristics; the first occasion was before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the remaining three occasions were while the COVID-19-restrictive measures were in place, including Stay-At-Home and Work-From-Home orders. The Pocket PM2.5 Sensor [PRO] designed by the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan, in cooperation with Yaguchi Electric Co., Ltd., (Miyagi, Japan) was used for the measurement of the ambient PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations. RESULTS: The results showed that there was a significant reduction (P < 0.001) in both the PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations while the COVID-19-restrictive measures were in place as compared to the measured values prior to the pandemic. The city experienced a profound improvement in the PM-related air quality from the "unhealthy" category prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic to the "good" category during the pandemic, when the restrictive measures were in place. The percent changes in the PM concentrations varied among the three study sites, with the highest percent reduction noted in a semi-commercial crowded area (84.8% for PM2.5; 88.6% for PM10) and the lowest percent reduction noted in a residential quiet area (15.6% for PM2.5; 12.0% for PM10); the percent reductions also varied among the different occasions during the COVID-19 pandemic that the measurements were made. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the restrictive measures which were in effect to combat the COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the ambient PM concentrations. The changes in the PM concentrations are considered to be largely attributable to reduction in anthropogenic emissions as a result of the restrictive measures, although seasonal influences could also have contributed in part. Thus, frequent, once- or twice-weekly Stay-At-Home or Telework campaigns, may be feasible measures to reduce PM-related air pollution. When devising such an action plan, it would be essential to raise the awareness of public about the health risks associated with air pollution and create a social environment in which Telework can be carried out, in order to ensure active compliance by the citizens.
Scientific journal, English - Smartphone Solutions for Citizen-Centered Risk Monitoring in Environmental Disaster Situations
Yo Ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka
Lead, Digital Services in Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency Situations, IGI Global, 1-30, 29 Jan. 2021, Peer-reviwed, Through an analysis of three case studies, this chapter proposes a new kind of democratic risk communication that can be realized through environmental sensing by citizens with smartphones, and considers the challenges involved. The three case studies, which the authors have implemented in the society, are as follows: (1) The Pocket Geiger (Pokéga) is a radiation sensor for citizens developed immediately after the Fukushima nuclear accident. More than 100,000 Pokéga units have been produced under an open source license. (2) The Unreal iSOTOPE is a mobile simulator developed for training Japanese law enforcement agencies during radiation disasters. (3) The Pocket PM2.5 Sensor visualizes the distribution of invisible air pollutants indoors and outdoors. It is particularly useful for fieldwork in developing countries where environmental assessments are inadequate.
In book, English - CO2 concentration visualization for COVID-19 infection prevention in concert halls
Kitamura Hiroko; Ishigaki Yo; Kuriyama Tomoko; Moritake Takashi
Environmental and Occupational Health Practice, Japan Society for Occupational Health, 3, 1, n/a, 2021, Peer-reviwed, Objectives: For preventing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) clusters, avoiding the three C’s, which are closed spaces with poor ventilation, crowded places with many people, and close contact for conversation, is important. The CO2 concentration in a room indicates the ventilation status, number of persons present in the room, and their kinetic strength or activity intensity. The real-time monitoring of CO2 concentration in a room will enable instantaneously confirming whether ventilation is sufficient. Methods: This study investigated monitoring CO2 concentration in real time during a concert and instantly indicating the measurement results on a display. Results: The average CO2 concentration during the performance was confirmed to be 505.6 ppm with the maximum value 575 ppm, and these values were in line with the estimated value given by the Ventilation Simulator designed by the Occupational Hygiene and Ergonomics Section of the Japan Society for Occupational Health. The CO2 concentration visualization has the benefit of providing a sense of security to the concert audience, musicians, and concert organizing staff during the performance. Conclusion: For preventing COVID-19 clusters, it is important to take multiple and comprehensive countermeasures considering concert event-specific infection routes; visualizing CO2 concentration is one effective preventative measure against airborne (droplet nuclei) infection. The CO2 concentration visualization based on prior estimation is expected to become part of the standard operational procedure of concert venues.
English - Improvement of GPS-attached Pocket PM2.5 Measuring Device for Personal Exposure Assessment
Tin-Tin WIN-SHWE; Zaw Lin THEIN; Win Yu AUNG; Ei Ei Pan Nu YI; Cherry MAUNG; Nay Chi NWAY; Zarli THANT; Takehiro SUZUKI; Ohn MAR; Yang ISHIGAKI; Daisuke NAKAJIMA
Journal of UOEH, The University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan, 42, 4, 307-315, 01 Dec. 2020, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Distribution of particulate matter (PM10) concentration in seven townships of Yangon, Myanmar
Ei Ei Pan Nu Yi; Win Yu Aung; Nay Chi Nway; Zarli Thant; Mayuko Yagishita; Yang Ishigaki; Daisuke Nakajima; Tin-Tin Win-Shwe; Ohn Mar
Lead, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing, 496, 1, 012005-012005, 01 Apr. 2020, Abstract
Particulate matter (PM) plays a crucial role in air quality deterioration in urban areas. Myanmar is a developing country in Southeast Asia and still in an early phase of urbanization. Yangon is the most populated and urbanized region in Myanmar, hosting 15% of the total population. Reports on particulate pollution in Yangon are limited as well as not up to date. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess distribution of PM10 in Seven Townships of Yangon. The result indicates a significant difference (p<0.001) in PM10 concentrations among the morning (185±85 μg/m3), the afternoon (64±35 μg/m3) and the evening (129±50 μg/m3) respectively. PM10 concentrations at different times of the day except the morning period were within USEPA guideline value for PM10 (150 μg/m3, 24h mean).
Scientific journal - Seasonal and regional variation of particulate matter dispersion in Yangon City and Taunggyi City, Myanmar
Nay Chi Nway; Win Yu Aung; Ei Ei Pan Nu Yi; Zarli Thant; Mayuko Yagishita; Yang Ishigaki; Takehiro Suzuki; Daisuke Nakajima; Tin-Tin Win-Shwe; Ohn Mar
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing, 496, 1, 012003-012003, 01 Apr. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Abstract
Particulate matter (PM) pollution is well-known to be associated with hazardous health outcomes. Data on the PM concentrations in Myanmar are, however, limited. Since, it is very important to determine the air pollution status for further prevention of PM-related health risks in exposed populations, we conducted this preliminary study to assess the PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in Yangon and Taunggyi Cities during the dry and wet seasons. The PM measurements were made by mobile sensing using Pocket PM2.5 Sensors (Yaguchi Electric Co., Ltd., Miyagi, Japan) in six randomly selected townships of Yangon from January 25th-29th 2018 (dry season) and September 15th-19th 2018 (wet season) and seven quarters (townships are termed as quarters in Taunggyi) of Taunggyi from July 19th-22nd 2018 (wet season). The findings revealed that the PM concentrations in Yangon were significantly higher in the dry season than in the wet season. In the wet season, the PM levels in Yangon dropped to the WHO guideline. However, while the PM10 levels were higher in Taunggyi than in Yangon, the PM2.5 concentrations were significantly higher in Yangon than in Taunggyi. The highest PM levels were found in the Hlaing Tharyar township of Yangon and Myo-ma quarter of Taunggyi among the measured locations. In conclusion, our findings indicated significant seasonal variations in the PM concentrations in Yangon and significant regional variations between the two cities within the same season.
Scientific journal - How Users of a Smartphone Weather Application Are Influenced by Animated Announcements Conveying Rainfall Intensity and Electronic Gifts Promoting Rain Evacuation
Hiroko Nakajima; Kan Shimazaki; Yang Ishigaki; Akiko Miyajima; Akira Kuriyama; Koyuru Iwanami; Yasue Mitsukura
Journal of Disaster Research, Fuji Technology Press Ltd., 14, 9, 1236-1244, 01 Dec. 2019, Peer-reviwed, In this study, we assumed that animated announcements that conveyed rainfall intensity of localized heavy rain and the distribution of electronic gifts to encourage rain evacuation would promote evacuation actions. If evacuation actions could be promoted through these methods, then the transmission of weather information could be improved. Therefore, we modified the features of a weather information application for smartphones, which was already widely used, and conducted a demonstrative experiment with application users who agreed to participate in order to check the validity. We analyzed users’ behaviors by transmitting information regarding the predicted start time of rain and recording the Global Positioning System coordinates of the users’ smartphones. In addition, a questionnaire survey was administered to the users after the experiment to collect data on their conception of rainfall intensity. The participants were also interviewed. The results of the experiment showed a significant difference in user conception of rainfall intensity depending on whether they had viewed the animation. However, a behavior analysis based on location data showed no statistical bias in the relationship between the animation and rain evacuation behavior.
Scientific journal - Estimation of the characteristics of gamma-ray dose measurements with an experimental wireless dose monitoring system
Toshioh Fujibuchi; Yuta Nozaki; Yang Ishigaki; Yoshinori Matsumoto
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, The Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 6, 77-80, 31 Jan. 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Development of a wireless multisensor active personal dosimeter-tablet system
Toshioh Fujibuchi; Airi Inoue; Yang Ishigaki; Yoshinori Matsumoto
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, The Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 6, 73-76, 31 Jan. 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Sharing Radiation Measurements Through Social Media
Antonin Segault; Federico Tajariol; Yang Ishigaki; Ioan Roxin
Emergency and Disaster Management, IGI Global, 1682-1697, 2019, Peer-reviwed, Radiation measurements are key information for risk communication in post-nuclear accident situations. Among the different social media platforms, Twitter offers automated accounts which have been used to share the readings, but often in an incomplete way from the perspective of data sharing and risk communication between citizen and radiation experts. In this paper, the authors investigate the requirements for radiation measurements, by analysing the perceived usefulness of several metadata items that may go along the measurement itself. They carried out a benchmark of existing usages, and conducted a survey with both experts and lay citizens. They thus produced a set of guidelines regarding the metadata that should be used. Furthermore, they created a prototype of a software tool to publish complete measurements and metadata containing suitable information for both experts and citizen based on the requirements.
In book - Preliminary monitoring of concentration of particulate matter (PM2.5) in seven townships of Yangon City, Myanmar
Ei Ei Pan Nu Yi; Nay Chi Nway; Win Yu Aung; Zarli Thant; Thet Hnin Wai; Kyu Kyu Hlaing; Cherry Maung; Mayuko Yagishita; Yang Ishigaki; Tin-Tin Win-Shwe; Daisuke Nakajima; Ohn Mar
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 23, 1, 25 Oct. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Trend analyses of failures in information systems: A case study on communications networks and financial information systems
Koichi Bando; Yutaka Matsuno; Yang Ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka
Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, PRDC, IEEE Computer Society, 233-234, 05 May 2017, Advanced information technology offers greater convenience to the general public. However, information technology can cause failures that have significant negative impacts (e.g., system failures and personal information leaks). To improve this situation, it is important to understand past failures, extract their causes, and define countermeasures. In this paper, we focus on communications networks and financial information systems, and collect and analyze publicly available data on failure cases during a 15-year period. The analysis results allow us to identify the most important issues and describe countermeasures to mitigate potential negative impacts.
International conference proceedings, English - Evaluation of basic characteristics of a semiconductor detector for personal radiation dose monitoring
Kento Terasaki; Toshioh Fujibuchi; Hiroo Murazaki; Taku Kuramoto; Yoshiyuki Umezu; Yang Ishigaki; Yoshinori Matsumoto
Radiological Physics and Technology, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 10, 2, 189-194, 28 Oct. 2016, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Evaluation of an Experimental Production Wireless Dose Monitoring System for Radiation Exposure Management of Medical Staff
Toshioh Fujibuchi; Hiroo Murazaki; Taku Kuramoto; Yoshiyuki Umedzu; Yung Ishigaki
Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology, Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, 71, 8, 691-696, 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Development of Mobile Radiation Monitoring System Utilizing Smartphone and Its Field Tests in Fukushima
Yang Ishigaki; Yoshinori Matsumoto; Ryo Ichimiya; Kenji Tanaka
Lead, IEEE Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 13, 10, 3520-3526, Oct. 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Autonomous Mobile Sensors System Communicating by Pheromone for Reliable Monitoring
Lead, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 40, 1, 94-101, 2004, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a safety monitoring system by small number of autonomous sensors. High-reliable safety monitoring system is vital to operate large-scale systems, such as nuclear power plants. Monitoring by multiple and fixed sensors is effective, but it requires large cost. Also, in nuclear systems, there are difficult places to fix sensors for long time since a sensor has weakness for radiation near a nuclear reactor. Thus, this paper proposes a reliable autonomous and distributed monitoring system by small number of sensors.
There are three requirements for the autonomous monitoring system from aspect of reliability. The first one is that several sensors should aggregate to prevent false alarms when a sensor detects abnormal situation, and that then they should diffuse efficiently all over the objected area to prevent lack of alarms. The second is that a frequency of sensors' visit should be constant for every point in area when the monitored area is homogeneous. The last is that the frequency should be controllable depending on the priorities when the monitored area is heterogeneous. The monitoring system that this paper proposes is an Ant-like Sensor System (ASS) that consists of autonomous sensors communicating by pheromone. In ASS, each sensor agent moves around leaving the markings of repulsive pheromone that means that some sensor has visited the surveillance point. Such pheromone communication makes sensors system satisfy the above three requirements.
Two experiments are conducted to clarify the condition to assign optimal parameters for ASS, such as quantity of sprayed pheromone and evaporation speed of pheromone. The optimal parameters are determined dependent on the number of sensors and the characteristics for monitored area.
- メタ認知が照らす安全の道-脚立作業から考える新時代の安全教育
石垣 陽; 島崎 敢
Lead, 20 Oct. 2024, 労働安全衛生コンサルタント, 44, 152, 31-37 - 放射線モニタリングポストのあり方ハンドブック
石垣陽; 松本佳宣; 島崎敢; 小豆川勝見; 堀まゆみ
Lead, Feb. 2024 - 園におけるエアロゾル感染対策
石垣 陽
Lead, Mar. 2023, 保育ナビ 2023.3月号, 74-75, Introduction commerce magazine - CO2センサを活用したCOVID-19のエアロゾル感染予防
石垣 陽
Lead, Mar. 2023, 日仏工業技術 L'Echange, Tome68 No.2, 2023/3, pp.15-17., 15-17, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - CO2濃度の可視化に基づく 生産性向上とエアロゾル感染予防
石垣 陽
Lead, Jan. 2023, クリーンテクノロジー, 2023/1/10, pp.46-50., 46, 50, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - CO2センサーを用いた空気品質管理の要点
横川慎二; 石垣陽
01 May 2022, ビルと環境, 177, 4-15, Invited, Report scientific journal - 換気の可視化による新型コロナ感染予防
石垣陽; 横川慎二
01 May 2022, ビルと環境, 177, 19-29, Invited, Report scientific journal - マスクにおけるエレクトレット技術の応用(特集解説)
石垣 陽
Lead, Apr. 2022, 静電気学会誌, 46, 2 (2022), pp. 65-69., 65, 69, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - COVID-19感染症対策のためのスマート環境センシング
01 Mar. 2022, 電気学会全国大会論文集, S18-1, 1-4 - Air cleaning based on visualization of CO2 concentration
石垣 陽
Lead, 31 Jan. 2022, 空気清浄―コンタミネーションコントロール, 59 (5), 271-280, 2022, 59, 5, 271-280, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - CO2の可視化による感染症予防の取り組み
石垣 陽
Lead, Jun. 2021, セイフティ・エンジニアリング(SE誌), 第48巻(2) 203号 / 2021年6月1日発行, 27-31, 公益財団法人 総合安全工学研究所, Invited - 感染症対策としての空気の品質管理 : CO₂濃度の例
石垣 陽
Lead, Apr. 2021, 品質 51(2), 131-135, 2021-04, 日本品質管理学会, ISSN0386-8230, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - マスクの安全を守る静電気技術
石垣 陽
Lead, Mar. 2021, セイフティ・エンジニアリング(SE誌), 第48巻(1) 202号 / 2021年3月1日発行,15-20, 公益財団法人 総合安全工学研究所, 15-20, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - オープンソースによる研究者発の高性能マスク「オリマスク」
石垣 陽
Lead, Oct. 2020, 産学官連携ジャーナル/16 巻 (2020) 10 号, Invited, Report scientific journal - D-Caseに基づく議論構造可視化支援ツールのプロトタイプ開発と、スマートコミュニティにおける合意形成へ向けた基礎実験
松野 裕; 石垣 陽; 坂東 幸一; 木藤 浩之; 河野 理愛; 田中 健次
Mar. 2016, (知能ソフトウェア工学) 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告: 信学技報, 115(487), 91-95, 2016-03-03, Summary national conference - Developing SNS tool for consensus building on environmental safety using assurance cases
Yutaka Matsuno; Yang Ishigaki; Koichi Bando; Hiroyuki Kido; Kenji Tanaka
Systems have been connected and interacted with each other around our daily lives. The boundaries of the systems are no more exist, and the safety of the systems involves various stakeholders including professionals, governments, and ordinary citizens. Therefore, for the safety of systems and the environments, consensus building among various stakeholders (e.g., professionals, developers, government, citizens) is crucial. However, ordinary citizens usually does not have sufficient knowledge about the safety and risk of systems around them. To solve this problem, we aim to develop methods and tools for consensus building specially with citizens using assurance cases written in GSN. This paper specifies the initial study for the goal. We take radiation information as an example. We implement prototype tools for visualizing structured argument by GSN about radiation information for citizens, and conduct an experiment for the effectiveness of the tool. The preliminary result indicates that the tool based on GSN is statistically significantly effective for sharing correct radiation information with citizens., 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9923 LNCS, 55-62, 0302-9743, 1611-3349, 84988384810 - 警備システムにおける情報セキュリティのジレンマ(解説)
石垣 陽; 下村 武史; 渡並 智
2007, システム/制御/情報 : システム制御情報学会誌, 51(4), 181-186, 2007, Introduction scientific journal - Dilemma of Information Security in Secom(
Information Security on Various Scenes)
Lead, THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS, 2007, SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION, 51, 4, 181-186, Japanese, Introduction scientific journal, 0916-1600, 2424-1806, 110006277673, AN10062329 - タイムスタンプ相互運用性確保のためのアクションリサーチ : Challenge PKI 2003 プロジェクト
石垣 陽; 松本 泰
Lead, Sep. 2004, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ISEC, 情報セキュリティ 104(315), 27-31, 2004-09-10 - 組織事故としての患者取違事故における防護の失敗
石垣 陽; 加藤 逸子; 白倉 裕二郎; 権 軍
Lead, Jan. 2001, 電気通信大学紀要 13(2), 201-207, 2001-01, Report research institution
Books and other publications
- Features, Transmission;Detection;Case Studies in COVID-19 (in press)
Yo Ishigaki; Naohisa Fujita; Tatsuo Kato
Joint work, Chapter: CASE STUDY: Conducting ventilation and airflow studies where airborne outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 have possibly occurred: preventing recurrence, Academic Press (Cambridge, Massachusetts), 2024, Peer-reviwed - Society 5.0における農業・環境センシング最前線 ―センシングデータ活用事例と将来展望―(電気学会 第27回優秀技術活動賞 グループ著作賞受賞)
Society; における農業および環境センシング技術に関わる調査研究委員会
Joint work, 4.3節 「密」の評価:室内の二酸化炭素センシング, pp.112-120, 30 Jun. 2023, 9784781317380 - エアロゾル感染対策ガイドブック
石垣 陽,ほか
京都府, Mar. 2023 - ライブハウスにおける新型コロナウイルス感染拡大予防ガイドライン
石垣 陽
Supervisor, 厚生労働省(所管), Aug. 2022 - 実践!換気対策ガイドブック
石垣 陽; 横川 慎二; 猪飼 宏; 小野塚 大介; 天野 方一
Supervisor, 京都府, Mar. 2022 - 二酸化炭素濃度測定器の選定等に関するガイドライン
石垣 陽
Supervisor, 経済産業省, Nov. 2021 - テレワーク社会を支えるリモートセンシング
三林, 浩二
Japanese, vii, 275p, シーエムシー出版, Apr. 2021, 9784781316024 - 暮らしと人を見守る水センシング技術
Japanese, iv, 222p, シーエムシー出版, Jun. 2019, 9784781314280 - スマートセンシングの基礎と応用
Japanese, iv, 168p, シーエムシー出版, Oct. 2017, 9784781313108 - 環境と福祉を支えるスマートセンシング
Japanese, v, 206p, シーエムシー出版, Jun. 2016, 9784781311654
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Geospatial Assessment of Occupational and Public Exposure in Indonesian Tin Mineral Processing
Rakotovao Lovanantenaina Omega; Zulfahami; Imam Ghazali Yasmin; Sidik Permana; Yo Ishigaki
Oral presentation, IYNC 2024. The International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC), Abu Dhabi
30 Sep. 2024
30 Sep. 2024- 30 Sep. 2024 - 空気中二酸化塩素による真菌増殖抑制効果の検証
三谷亮介; 山中裕子; 都竹萌花; 石垣陽; 渡邊千洋; 坂本満春; 中山大輔; 浦繁; 阪田総一郎; 奥田知明
Oral presentation, 第65回大気環境学会年会, 慶應義塾大学(神奈川県横浜市)
13 Sep. 2024 - 脚立作業の転落リスク評価に向けたスコア化に関する基礎的検討
菅間 敦; 島崎 敢; 石垣 陽; 高橋 明子
日本人間工学会第65回大会予稿集, pp. 2D1-1, 2024年6月
Jun. 2024 - Production of a portable, outdoor, IoT radiation monitoring system for construction sites [3B02]
浅野 大輔; 松本 佳宣; 石垣 陽; 時吉 正憲; 西山 恭平; 長峰 春夫
Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2024 Annual Meeting, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/aesj2024s/subject/3B02/advanced, International conference
28 Mar. 2024 - Monte Carlo Simulation for Deposited Energy of Gamma Radiation in Pure Plastic Scintillators [2H08]
Imam Ghazali Yasmin; Kayoko Yamamoto; Yo Ishigaki
Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2024 Annual Meeting, Kobe, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/aesj2024s/subject/2H08/tables?cryptoId=, Japan, International conference, with international co-author(s)
27 Mar. 2024 - Geographic Visualization of Air Dose and Individual Exposure Using a Smart Sensor Device in Bangka Island, Indonesia
Rakotovao Lovanantenaina Omega; Sidik Permana; Yo Ishigaki; Kayoko Yamamoto
Oral presentation, 環境科学会 2023年会(神戸大学) シンポジウム「グローバルサウス問題とSDGs」
07 Sep. 2023
07 Sep. 2023- 08 Sep. 2023 - Perceived symptoms of smoke related to the use of biomass fuel cooking stoves in Rwanda
Kazuko Eto; Yo Ishigaki; Mana Asada; Kenji Tanaka; Yumiko Ono
Poster presentation, English, Session: Innovative Approaches, EHPS 202337th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 4-8 September, 2023 Bremen, Germany
06 Sep. 2023
04 Sep. 2023- 08 Sep. 2023 - Case Study of Airborne Infection Prevention Using Pocket CO2 Sensor
Rakotovao Lovanantenaina Omega, Yo Ishigaki
Oral presentation, English, IFAC World Congress 2023 July 9-14, 2023, Yokohama, Japan, Peer-reviewed, https://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/conferences/IFAC23/program/IFAC23_ContentListWeb_2.html, International conference
11 Jul. 2023 - IE視点を用いた建設現場における新人作業者の教育方法に関する一考察
西野真菜; 平内和樹; 菅間敦; 高橋明子; 島田行恭; 石垣陽; 島崎敢; 三品誠; 中嶋良介
Oral presentation, 安全工学シンポジウム2023論文集 , pp. 246-247
Jun. 2023 - 脚立作業の匿名化映像を用いた安全教育手法の検討
西岡虎太郎; 島崎敢; 石垣陽; 菅間敦; 中嶋良介; 高橋明子
Oral presentation, 日本設備管理学会2023年度春季研究発表大会論文集, pp.110-111
Jun. 2023 - 『コロナ5類化で、今求められる安心・安全な空間づくりとは?』 ~キーワードは「空気の見える化」コロナ対策から生まれた室内環境マネジメント~
Public discourse, Japanese, 株式会社ヤマダデンキ, オンライン, https://www.yamada-denki.jp/biz/seminar/230525_1.html, 「コロナ5類化以降の安心・安全な空間づくり」についての解説と室内のCO2濃度・温湿度の一括モニタリングによる、効果的な室内環境マネジメントサービス「エアロコ」についての紹介。
May 2023
25 May 2023 - 高齢者施設、障害者・障害児施設向け エアロゾル感染対策ガイドブック説明会
石垣 陽; 気通信大学国際社会実装センター特任教授; 西浦知子; 京都府感染専門サポートチーム
Public discourse, 京都府 京都府健康福祉部主催, Invited
25 Apr. 2023- 11 May 2023 - COVID-19感染症対策のためのスマート環境センシング
石垣 陽
Public discourse, 電気学会全国大会シンポジウム講演「Society5.0における環境・農業センシング最前線」S18-1, オンライン, Invited
21 Mar. 2023 - 医療・介護施設におけるエアロゾル集団感染の実態と対策
石垣 陽
Oral presentation, 第365回クリーンテクノロジー研究会, Invited
01 Mar. 2023 - 福祉施設向け説明会 換気から見た新型コロナ対策 府内42施設調査でわかった傾向と対策
藤田 直久; 保健環境研究所; 所長; 医師; 石垣 陽
京都府健康福祉部 主催, Invited
12 Dec. 2022 - 医療機関向け説明会 換気から見た新型コロナ対策 府内42施設調査でわかった傾向と対策
藤田 直久(保健環境研究所 所長・医師); 石垣 陽
京都府新型コロナウイルス感染症施設内感染専門サポートチーム、京都私立病院協会 京都府慢性期医療協会 京都府健康福祉部 共催, Invited
12 Dec. 2022 - Dysonウイルス対策セミナー
石垣 陽; 福田 萌子
Media report, Invited
27 Oct. 2022 - クラスター事例から学ぶ、エアロゾル感染対策のポイント
石垣 陽
Public discourse, 第48回東北腎不全研究会共催シンポジウム, Invited
Aug. 2022
20 Aug. 2022- 21 Aug. 2022 - Time Series Clustering of CO2 Concentration Sensor Data for Risk Classification
Y. Kawauchi; Y. Ishigaki; S. Yokogawa
Oral presentation, Indoor Air 2022, 17th International Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate, Finland, Peer-reviewed
Jun. 2022
Jun. 2022 Jun. 2022 - 熱流体シミュレーションと応答曲面法を用いたX線検診車の換気とリスクの分析
平出大誠; 川内雄登; 石垣陽; 横川慎二; 齋藤彰; 喜多村紘子
Oral presentation, 第30回日本信頼性学会春季信頼性シンポジウム
31 May 2022 - Needs assessment and prototype of a low-cost radiation monitoring system for citizens in Fukushima
Yo Ishigaki; Yoshinori Matsumoto; Katsumi Shozugawa; Mayumi Hori; Kan Shimazaki; Kenji Tanaka
Oral presentation, 2022 International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON), IEEE, Peer-reviewed, http://xplorestaging.ieee.org/ielx7/9741561/9741562/09741656.pdf?arnumber=9741656
09 Mar. 2022
09 Mar. 2022- 09 Mar. 2022 - Development and demonstration of a prototype system for the early detection of drowning
Nagato Konishi; Yo Ishigaki; Tsubasa Nakada; Wataru Nemoto; Seizi Iinuma; Taisuke Hoshino; Kazunori Ohkawara
Oral presentation, 2022 International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON), IEEE, Peer-reviewed, http://xplorestaging.ieee.org/ielx7/9741561/9741562/09741594.pdf?arnumber=9741594
09 Mar. 2022
09 Mar. 2022- 09 Mar. 2022 - CO2濃度可視化による感染症クラスター再発防止の事例紹介
石垣 陽
Public discourse, 光とレーザーの科学技術フェア2021「赤外線フェア」IR-2 CO2濃度測定による環境改善と発熱者スクリーニング, Invited
18 Nov. 2021 - 【招待講演】COVID-19 クラスター発生場所における室内環境測定と介入改善の事例紹介
石垣 陽
Invited oral presentation, 第28回大気環境学会令和2年度北海道東北支部学術集会 要旨集, pp. 9-10, オンライン, 2121年11月9日, Invited
09 Nov. 2021 - CO2センサーを活用した循環器検診車内の換気可視化の検討
斎藤彰; 石垣陽; 横川慎二; 川内雄登; 田中晴美; 浅野美穂; 小川美紀; 鎌田麻衣; 石川正吾; 齋藤泰紀
Oral presentation, 第62回日本人間ドック学会学術大会
Sep. 2021 - 【招待講演】CO2センサによるSARS-CoV-2の飛沫核感染予防と行動変容の実践
石垣 陽
Invited oral presentation, 電子情報通信学会 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 158, R2021-24, pp. 14-19, 2021年8月. (ISSN 0913-5685), Invited
Aug. 2021 - 利用調査データに基づくユーザーペルソナの抽出とバッテリー劣化量との相関分析
浅野実; 横川慎二; 石垣陽; 冨永潤一; 粟津浜一
Oral presentation, モバイル '21
20 Jul. 2021 - 利用調査データに基づく ユーザーペルソナの抽出とバッテリー劣化量との相関分析
浅野実; 石垣陽; 横川慎二; 冨永潤一; 粟津浜一
Oral presentation, 第50回信頼性・保全性・安全性シンポジウム
29 Jun. 2021 - パブリックスペースにおける CO 2 濃度 センシングを用いたリスク解析
川内雄登; 石垣陽; 横川慎二
Oral presentation, 第50回信頼性・保全性・安全性シンポジウム
29 Jun. 2021 - CO2センサーネットワークによるホールの換気量の評価とリアルタイム可視化
川内登; 浅野実; 中里諒; 黒良内生; 中嶋洋貴; 平出大誠; 遠藤幸一; 石垣陽; 横川慎二
Oral presentation, 第29回環境化学討論会
01 Jun. 2021 - モバイルCO2センサによる病院での密集・密閉の可視化
盛武 敬; 石垣 陽; 棚橋 善克
Nov. 2020
Nov. 2020 Nov. 2020 - Ambient Intelligence(環境知能)によるフリーアドレススペースのリスク評価
横川慎二; 石垣陽; 遠藤駿; 高原廉
Oral presentation, 第11回横幹連合コンファレンス
08 Oct. 2020 - Interview survey of subjective symptoms of smoke from traditional cooking stoves in Rwanda
Kazuko Eto; Yo ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka; TaKashi Yoda; Muneo Matsukawa
The 9th International Health Humanities Conference
Oct. 2020
Oct. 2020 Oct. 2020 - 不織布マスク着用下における運動時の呼吸困難感,心拍数変化ーランナーのデータ解析による検討ー
栗山 知子; 五十嵐 友紀; 茂呂田 孝一; 石垣 陽; 盛武 敬
Oct. 2020
Oct. 2020 Oct. 2020 - オープンソースによる研究者発の高性能マスク「オリマスク」
石垣 陽
産学官連携ジャーナル/16 巻 (2020) 10 号, Invited
Oct. 2020
Oct. 2020 Oct. 2020 - [Keynote address] Dose Rate Visualization by Wearable Sensors
Yo Ishigaki
Keynote oral presentation, Asian Physics Symposium (APS 2019), October 3-4, 2019, Bandung, Indonesia, Invited
Oct. 2020 - アフリカ・ウガンダ及びルワンダにおける簡易型大気汚染測定局の実証、
依田 隆志; 石垣 陽; 松本 佳宣
環境科学会、2020/9/19-20. (online)
Sep. 2020
Sep. 2020 Sep. 2020 - コロナと外食「外食してもいい?」
Media report, 朝日新聞 記者サロン, Invited
22 Jul. 2020 - The situation of indoor air pollution in Rwanda, Africa
依田 隆志; 山口 高明; 松川 宗夫; 松本 佳宣; 石垣 陽; 江藤 和子; 柴田 陽子; Ggombe; Kasim Munyege; Elisephane Irankund
室内環境学会大会, 2019.12.5-7, 沖縄
Dec. 2019
Dec. 2019 Dec. 2019 - アフリカ・ルワンダにおける大気汚染
依田 隆志; 山口 高明; 松川 宗夫; 松本 佳宣; 石垣 陽; 江藤 和子; 柴田 陽子; Ggombe; Kasim Munyege; Elisephane Irankund
第60回大気、環境学会年会、2019.9.18-20, 東京農工大学
Sep. 2019
Sep. 2019 Sep. 2019 - 【招待講演】 社会を巻き込むモノづくり~中小企業オープンイノベーション,
石垣 陽
Public discourse, 豊川商工会議所企画セミナー, 2018.12 (豊川市商工会館), Invited
Dec. 2018 - 【招待発表】シンポジウム「室内環境のその先」:小型センサーによる計測の観点から
石垣 陽
Nominated symposium, 室内環境学会学術大会要旨集, p.12, 2018.12(東工大), Invited
Dec. 2018 - 復興に活かす放射線技術学~市民参加による放射線情報の共有・議論そして合意形成へ~ポケットガイガーを事例として
石垣 陽
Nominated symposium, 第46回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2018.11 (仙台), Invited
Nov. 2018 - 【招待講演】医療機器から始める中小企業オープンイノベーション成功事例
石垣 陽
Public discourse, MedTech Japan, 東京ビックサイト, Apr 2018, Invited
Apr. 2018 - 市民向けモバイルPM2.5センサによる各国都市部での可視化実験
石垣 陽; 森 康彰; 松本佳宣; 田中健次
第58回大気環境学会年会, Sep 2017
Sep. 2017
Sep. 2017 Sep. 2017 - 【招待講演】Pollution mapping by Smartphone becoming real possibility - Case study for PM2.5, CO2 and radiation monitoring
Yo Ishigaki
Public discourse, MEMS Engineer Forum 2017, April 26-27, KFCホール, Invited
Apr. 2017 - Trend Analyses of Failures in Information Systems -A Case Study on Communications Networks and Financial Information Systems
Koichi Bando; Yutaka Matsuno; Yang Ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka
English, 2017 IEEE 22ND PACIFIC RIM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEPENDABLE COMPUTING (PRDC 2017), IEEE, Advanced information technology offers greater convenience to the general public. However, information technology can cause failures that have significant negative impacts (e.g., system failures and personal information leaks). To improve this situation, it is important to understand past failures, extract their causes, and define countermeasures. In this paper, we focus on communications networks and financial information systems, and collect and analyze publicly available data on failure cases during a 15-year period. The analysis results allow us to identify the most important issues and describe countermeasures to mitigate potential negative impacts.
2017 2017 - Trend Analyses of Failures in Information Systems: A Case Study on Communications Networks and Financial Information Systems
Koichi Bando; Yutaka Matsuno; Yang Ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka
2017 IEEE 22nd Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), IEEE, Peer-reviewed, http://xplorestaging.ieee.org/ielx7/7919908/7920579/07920626.pdf?arnumber=7920626
Jan. 2017
Jan. 2017 Jan. 2017 - Wisdom of Crowds for Reliable Discussion and Need Finding: A Case Study of Information Sharing Regarding Radiation after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Yang Ishigaki; Yutaka Matsuno; Koichi Bando; Kenji Tanaka
50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2017, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA, January 4-7, 2017. pages 1-9, AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2017., Peer-reviewed, This action research adopts a case study approach of reliability assurance and need finding for radiation monitoring on social media communication through the development and use of Pocket Geiger (POKEGA), a smartphone-connected radiation detector developed after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan. We also facilitated the use of an inclusive Facebook community for radiation monitoring established by volunteer experts and normal users. Interaction through this social media led to credible discussions and enabled dose verification among users. It is important to grasp, at least roughly, the potential needs of and/or information required by users, especially those living in and around affected areas, from among the numerous topics posted by regular citizens and radiation experts on social media. Therefore, we developed a Web service called Crowd Talks to summarize and visualize discussions within the POKEGA community. This tool provides quick analysis and visualization of discussion topics from POKEGA Facebook posts based on natural language processing algorithms such as MeCab, latent Dirichlet allocation, and principal component analysis. Our results suggested that Crowd Talks was able to identify major topic clusters from the Facebook community.
Jan. 2017
Jan. 2017 Jan. 2017 - IoT型CO2センサの試作とフィールド調査
石垣 陽; 盛武 敬; 松本佳宣; 田中健次
第56回日本労働衛生工学会・第37回 作業環境測定研究発表会, Nov 2016
Nov. 2016
Nov. 2016 Nov. 2016 - 市民・行政・専門家の連携による参加型環境モニタリングの実現
石垣 陽; 田中健次
SICE システム・情報部門学術講演会, Dec 2016
Oct. 2016 - 【招待講演】スマホ参加型 IoT ビジネス・イノベーションをビジネスに繋げる秘訣と、その課題
石垣 陽
Public discourse, MEMSセンシング&ネットワークシステム展2016「Sensor×Device×Network System マッチングフォーラム」, 2016.9.16 (パシフィコ横浜), Invited
Sep. 2016 - スマートフォンとBLEビーコンによる教育・訓練用仮想放射線測定システム「USOTOPE」
石垣 陽; 盛武 敬; 土屋 兼一; 小助川 典久
第53回アイソトープ・放射線研究発表会(東京大学), Jul 8, 2016
Jul. 2016
Jul. 2016 Jul. 2016 - A Prototype Implementation of a Failure Database for Information Sharing with the General Public - A Case Study on Radiation Risk Information after Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (Fast Abstract)
Koichi Bando; Yutaka Matsuno; Yo Ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka
, Proc. of the 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Jun 2016, Peer-reviewed
Jun. 2016
Jun. 2016 Jun. 2016 - #geiger 2: Developing guidelines for radiation measurements sharing on social media
Antonin Segault; Federico Tajariol; Yang Ishigaki; Ioan Roxin
Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference, Peer-reviewed, Radiation measurements are key information in post-nuclear accident situations. Automated Twitter accounts have been used to share the readings, but often in an incomplete way from the perspective of data sharing and risk communication between citizen and radiation experts. In this paper, we investigate the requirements for radiation measurements completeness, by analyzing the perceived usefulness of several metadata items that may go along the measurement itself. We carried out a benchmark of existing uses, and conducted a survey with both experts and lay citizens. We thus produced a set of guidelines regarding the metadata that should be used, and the way to publish it.
2016 2016 - Wi-Fi connected environmental measurement system by small-scale solar cell
Yoshinori Matsumoto; Yo Ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka
9th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST), 8-10, Dec 2015, An environmental measurement system was developed using a low-power sensing module, IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) connection module, and a small solar cell and battery. An Arduino-based sensing module was used for many kinds of analog/digital outputs sensors with the Arduino software library. The data from the module were sent via Wi-Fi HTTP(S) clients operation, and collected by MySQL server using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) uploading code. The sleep and wakeup strategy controlled by a real-time clock achieved an average system power consumption of 18 mW. The system also checked its own condition by measuring battery voltage and temperature. It operated on a small 0.8 W solar cell and 1500-mAh Lithium iron phosphate battery. Data on the MySQL server were downloaded, and visualized the sensing data on Google Maps. Visualizations and log data help users understand environmental contamination levels in a farm, garden, forest, etc.
Oct. 2015
Oct. 2015 Oct. 2015 - Participatory radiation information monitoring with SNS after Fukushima
Yang Ishigaki; Yoshinori Matsumoto; Yutaka Matsuno; Kenji Tanaka
ISCRAM 2015 Conference Proceedings - 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Peer-reviewed, We developed a series of inexpensive but accurate mobile radiation detectors, which we named Pocket Geiger (POKEGA), to address the urgent desire of ordinary people to measure and share radiation levels in their milieus and to discuss the results of the Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima, Japan. This action research reports on a new style of pragmatic model of radiation monitoring, which employs the features of Participatory Design and Participatory Sensing and adopts modern communication platforms such as crowd-funding, open source development, and Facebook. This paper proposes an interaction model between the project management body, and other inclusive corroborators, e.g., ordinary users and experts, and focuses on three development phases of the project: start-up phase, evaluation phase, and operation phase. This paper also considers a reliability assurance model on disaster information sharing between the citizen layer and the official layer by data sharing and discussion activities in the POKEGA community.
2015 2015 - 【招待講演】ビッグデータを活用した放射線測定の新トレンド
田中 健次; 松本 佳宣; 石垣 陽
IEEE Japanプレスセミナー、2014年2月19日, Invited
Feb. 2014 - 【招待講演】 Participatory Sensing and Risk Communication for Nuclear Disaster
Yo Ishigaki
Public discourse, English, 日経BP主催Trillion Sensors Summit Japan 2014(目黒雅叙園), Invited
2014 - Ultra-low-cost radiation monitoring system utilizing smartphone-connected sensors developed with internet community
Yang Ishigaki; Ryo Ichimiya; Yoshinori Matsumoto; Kenji Tanaka
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, Peer-reviewed, We developed a series of inexpensive mobile radiation detectors, which we have named Pocket Geiger (POKEGA), to address the desire of ordinary people to own a radiation detector following the March 2011 Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accidents in Fukushima, Japan. In order to reduce costs while maintaining accuracy and flexibility, we used a combination of a PIN photodiode detector connected to a smartphone via a microphone cable. The detector circuit design was optimized for simplicity and low cost, while the smartphone software application was tasked with handling the complex processing required. Furthermore, the device also utilized the GPS and networking capabilities of the smartphone for logging and data sharing. The 137Cs measuring range for a POKEGA equipped smartphone is approximately from 0.05 μSv/h to 10 mSv/h, which covers most radiation levels measured in Japan. Approximately 12,000 POKEGA units were shipped in the six months following its release, and more than 1,800 users have joined a Facebook community where they report measurement results and discuss hardware and software improvements. © 2012 IEEE.
2012 2012 - Constructing a new approach to social service design by learning from security systems
Ishigaki Yo; Kayano Mitsugu
Japanese, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD, Japanese Society for the Science of Design, We propose a practical design approach to improve the social aspect of modern network services, such as blogs, directories, and SNSs, by adopting techniques from security system design and visualizing human activities. We also show applications based on this approach such as ANDON and Pastel Camera which can provide us with tangible interactions.
2009 2009 - Autonomous Mobile Sensors Communicationg by Pheromone for Reliable Monitoring
Japanese, 自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems, Peer-reviewed
25 Jan. 2002
25 Jan. 2002- 25 Jan. 2002 - 【招待講演】市民・行政・専門家の連携による環境監視・減災支援基盤の構築と社会実装
石垣 陽
Invited oral presentation, 信学技報, Vol.118, No.13, pp.1-4, 2018.4.24 (機械振興会館), Invited
- 「体験しよう!光の魔法ミュージアム」(三鷹駅前の展示スペースにて企画した親子で楽しめる視覚の冒険展示), 三鷹市 天文・科学情報スペース
三鷹市 天文・科学情報スペース
24 Jul. 2021 - 05 Sep. 2021 - 京都西本願寺 飛雲閣~渋谷スクランブル交差点~パリ・エドワード7世劇場~ロサンゼルス・キルビル教会(金箔の彫像による光の反射を用いたアート巡回展示「陸奥の 安達原の黒塚に 鬼籠もれりと言うはまことか(UN)KEEPALL」)
11 Feb. 2021 - 13 Feb. 2021 - King Gnu #014ヌーミレパーク(人気ロックバンドKing Gnuの予約制展示会における透明液晶ディスプレイの開発支援)
銀座ソニーパーク, 人気ロックバンドKing Gnuの予約制展示会における透明液晶ディスプレイの開発支援 クライアント:Arque
21 Oct. 2020 - 31 Jan. 2021 - 仏ル・ボン・マルシェ「ame nochi hana」(フランスの大手デパート内での特殊偏光プロジェクターによる空間演出の技術支援)
LE BON MARCHÉ (France), フランスの大手デパート内での特殊偏光プロジェクターによる空間演出の技術支援
Jan. 2020 - Feb. 2020 - Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL スペシャル13「Light and Sound Installation "Coded Field"」
浄土宗大本山増上寺(東京), GNSS、LED、スピーカーが相互連携するインタラクティブバルーンの製造
クライアント:P版.com, ライゾマティクス
16 Nov. 2019 - サントリー芸術財団50周年 nendo × Suntory Museum of Art information or inspiration? 左脳と右脳でたのしむ日本の美「uncovered skies」
東京ミッドタウンサントリー美術館(六本木), 傘から漏れた影から「晴れの日」「夜景」など逆説的な映像が見える特殊偏光プロジェクターによる体験型空間の演出・技術支援
クライアント:nendo, aircord
27 Apr. 2019 - 02 Jun. 2019 - ラグビーW杯関連イベント「ラグビーパーク~新感覚ライブビューイング~」
ベルサール高田馬場, 光と音のDJ演出により日本代表VSニュージーランド代表戦の臨場感溢れるパブリックビューイングを健常者~視聴覚障碍者に提供する複合感覚提示型ラグビーボールを製作
03 Nov. 2018 - 魔法の美術館Ⅱ企画展示「音めがね」
滋賀県・佐川美術館, 特殊液晶ディスプレイと音響による体験型アート作品への技術提供
09 Dec. 2017 - 12 Feb. 2018 - XIN CAFE「SONIC SWEETENER」
XIN CAFÉ(上海), 砂糖の過剰摂取問題の解決にチャレンジする「音の甘味料」のハード&ファームウェアを制作
12 Jan. 2017 - Amazon Fashion Week TOKYO 2017
表参道ヒルズ, アマゾン社のジェフ・ベゾスCEOを迎えたオープニングパーティー向けに125個の段ボール箱の開閉制御+プロジェクションマッピングを組み合わせたインタラクティブアートを制作
17 Oct. 2016 - NHKスペシャル「新・映像の世紀展」
丸ビル(東京), 特殊液晶ディスプレイによる歴史的ドキュメンタリー映像の演出・インタラクティブ展示の制作
15 Jan. 2016 - 17 Jan. 2016 - 国立科学博物館 常設展示「見えない壁」
国立科学博物館, 地球館のリニューアルオープンに合わせて新設された子供向けの体験型展示コーナーを製作
14 Jul. 2015 - グリコ「Happy Pocky Faces 自享其乐」
上海中心部のショッピングモール来福士, 344個のポッキーをリアルタイム同時制御し来場者の顔をイメージングする巨大ディスプレイ装置の制作
15 Jun. 2015 - 22 Jun. 2015 - SHISEIDO THE GINZAスプリングパーティー「美と、花あそび。2015」
資生堂ザ・ギンザ(銀座), 桜をモチーフにした特殊偏光メガネによるビューティー体験を実現
19 Mar. 2015 - 魔法の美術館 ひかりのたまてばこ「音めがね」
川崎市市民ミュージアム, 特殊液晶ディスプレイと音響による体験型アート作品への技術提供
04 Dec. 2014 - 12 Jan. 2015 - 資生堂「LIFE COLOR WINDOW」
資生堂銀座ビル, 「一瞬も 一生も 美しく」というコーポレートメッセージから着想を得た変化するステンドグラスの技術開発
クライアント:PARTY, 資生堂
15 Oct. 2014 - 25 Dec. 2014 - LIXIL書籍「takram design engineering デザイン・イノベーションの振り子」 刊行記念イベント(「音めがね」による作品アーカイブ展示の技術支援)
代官山蔦谷書店(T-SITE), 音めがね」による作品アーカイブ展示の技術支援
12 Nov. 2014 - 08 Dec. 2014 - 田崎真珠「TASAKI Christmas promotion 2014」
クライアント: Arque
Dec. 2014 - ルイ・ヴィトン・モエ・ヘネシー社展示会「LOUIS VUITTON Timeless Muses」(特殊液晶とプロジェクションマッピングによる空間演出支援)
東京ステーションホテル, 特殊液晶とプロジェクションマッピングによる空間演出支援
クライアント:PARTY, A4A
31 Aug. 2013 - 23 Sep. 2013 - 資生堂ウィンドウディスプレイ制作(同社の新しいロゴマークと並木通り沿いの新社屋オープンを記念し、歩行者の歩みに合わせてロゴに象られた落葉松模様と浮遊する特殊液晶ディスプレイが交錯する技術展示を試行)
資生堂新社屋, 同社の新しいロゴマークと並木通り沿いの新社屋オープンを記念し、歩行者の歩みに合わせてロゴに象られた落葉松模様と浮遊する特殊液晶ディスプレイが交錯する技術展示を試行
Sep. 2013 - NHKデザインあ展「音めがね」
東京ミッドタウン21_21 DESIGN SIGHT(六本木), 特殊液晶ディスプレイと音響による体験型アート作品への技術提供
20 Mar. 2013 - 14 Apr. 2013
Research Themes
- Can non-scenario counterterrorism training for NBC threat reduce "threat rigidity"?
土屋 兼一; 石垣 陽; 植原 啓介; 盛武 敬; 松本 佳宣; 古渡 意彦; 田辺 鴻典
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, National Research Institute of Police Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 24K01115
01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2028 - 競技中の選手間感染リスクの実態解明と競技特性毎の感染対策マニュアル策定と効果実証
小松 孝行; 石垣 陽; 堀 賢
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 順天堂大学, 基盤研究(C), 23K10725
01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2026 - 途上国におけるセミデジタル補聴集音器の実証
茂木 雅臣; 三瓶 紗弥香; 石垣 陽
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 東京慈恵会医科大学, 基盤研究(C), 汎用オーディオコーデックICを採用したセミデジタル回路を試作し、 2ccカプラや疑似耳等により特性を評価した。減算式指向性マイクロホン、ノイズ除去(NR)、インパクトノイズ除去(INR)、バンドパスフィルタ(BPF)による6ch程度の多チャンネル化、チャンネル毎のノ ンリニアな利得パラメータ調整、シグナルレベル(Sig. Lv.)に応じた出力抑制制御パラメータの動的設定(ダイナミックレンジ圧縮)など、補聴器に求められる基本機能を実装した。, 21K12000
Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2026 - ビデオゲームが視機能訓練に及ぼす効果の生理学的な解明
半田 知也; 石垣 陽
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 北里大学, 基盤研究(C), 弱視治療のための視能訓練にビデオゲームを取り入ることで治療期間の短縮や患者の治療への参加率が向上することが明らかになってきた。本研究は「ビデオゲームと視能訓練効果の生理学的な関係性」を定量的に解明し、視能訓練に有効なゲーム要素が定量的な解明により、弱視治療のみならず、eスポーツのリハビリへの応用など新しいゲーム情報学分野の開拓を目的とする。 本年度は視能訓練のゲーム要素として、「眼と手の協調運動」、「滑動性追従運動」、「固視」を取り上げ、このうち何がどれだけ視能訓練に寄与するのか、またゲーム中のいかなる要素がこれらのインタラクションを実現するのか、を評価するための評価法及び評価システムの構築について検討した。当初計画において本年度は刺激インタラクション強度と後頭葉視覚野の活動量を評価し、実験用専用ゲームを開発することにあった。実験計画に基づき、研究倫理審査承認を受けた後、特殊LCDモニタ(オクルパッド)によるゲーム時の後頭葉視覚野の活動を近赤外分光分析法を用いて計測すること成功した。しかしながら、ゲーム時の後頭葉視覚野の活動量を計測する予備調査において、対象者の体動(眼と手の協調運動における)、眼球運動による影響が大きく、これらの制御と監視の重要性が確認された。それゆえ、脳機能計測装置(光イメージング装置)とアイトラッキング及び市販のビデオゲームのコントローラーの監視を同期させた実験システムの確立が重要であることが判明し、本年度内にそのシステム設計を行った。, 21K12196
Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2026 - 医療機関における放射線被ばく防護教育等に関する包括的研究
千田 浩一; 盛武 敬; 赤羽 正章; 森 晃爾; 藤淵 俊王; 小野 孝二; 富田 博信; 喜多村 紘子; 山下 一太; 古渡 意彦; 中山 文明; 石垣 陽
厚生労働省, 令和6年度 労災疾病臨床研究事業費補助金, 240401-02
Apr. 2024 - Preventing Infectious Diseases in Entertainment Environments through Air Quality Measurement and Information Visualization
石垣 陽
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), Principal investigator, 感染症クラスターの発生リスクが高まるような社会活動において、適切な空気調和を実現するための、効果的な環境測定~情報提示方法を確立する。1年目は主に、①CO2/PM2.5トレーサによる換気量迅速診断パッケージの開発、②運営者・行政を巻き込んだ大規模フィールド調査、③三密回避行動を促すCO2濃度情報提示デバイスの実証を行った。 その結果、40公演を超える音楽ライブイベントでのCO2濃度可視化の実証実験、高齢者施設における感染症クラスターの原因究明、学校におけるビニールシートクラスターの発見、送風機クラスターの発見など大きな成果を出すことができた。これらの研究成果は、報道番組、ニュース番組、情報番組や、主要新聞で大きく取り上げられ、社会的な注目の高さが浮き彫りとなった。 また実証実験のためフィールドワークを行ったところ、不確かな測定値を出すCO2センサが多数発見されたため原因究明調査を行い、その結果はメディア等でも広く報道され、経済産業省から当該研究成果を受けた形でガイドラインが策定されるに至った。学術のみならず国民の意識・行動の変容にも本件研究成果が貢献できた形となった。 来年度は、成果の論文化により、IoTセンサ技術と空調学を融合した新しい学問を切り開く。また、CO2による感染症制御は国際的に推奨されているものの、国・行政の協力のもと、日本が世界で最も先進的に取り組んでいる。次のステップとして国際連携や途上国における感染症制御への支援も視野にいれたい。, 21K19820
Jul. 2021 - Mar. 2024 - Environmental disaster prevention using IoT in high radiation areas
石垣 陽; 松田 尚樹; 内田 理; 田中 健次; 江藤 和子
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)), The University of Electro-Communications, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)), Principal investigator, バンカ島はスズ(ハンダ)の世界的産地だが、研究代表者らの調査で鉱物由来の高レベル放射線量地帯が多数散在する事がわかった。市民の健康影響が懸念されるが、州には測定器が無く線量分布が不明であり、地域のリスク認知は殆ど無い。一方で3G/4Gネットワークは整備されており、住民の殆どはスマホを使いこなす。そこで研究代表者らが開発した半導体センサによる超小型・廉価・高精度な放射線量計を活用し、スマホを用いた参加型のIoTハザードマッピング~SNS議論による知識獲得~被曝低減に向けた地域ルール合意形成までの、「ネットワーク型の環境防災」を実証する。 2021-2022年度は行政・事業者・地域住民を巻き込みながら、「参加型ハザードマッピング」及び「SNS社会実装実験」の2段階の実証を行う期間である。本年度は基礎情報として重要な参加型のハザードマッピングを行った。これは地域の研究者を巻き込んで、線量分布の調査と土壌のサンプリング、また地域住民への健康調査と、個人曝露量の計測までを行うものである。測定にはガラス線量計を用いて、放影研の協力により高精度に個人曝露量を推定できた。最終的なサンプリング数は、空間放射線量の測定がN=21ヶ所、個人曝露測定の被験者がN=21名、土壌サンプリングが全部で32ヶ所となった。各データの相関関係を詳細に分析中である。 来年度以降は、③可視化データに基づく合意形成とガイドライン策定を実証する。加えて本年度は、ソーラー駆動形の簡易モニタリングポストも設計したので、これをインドネシアにも設定する計画がある。実際に介入が行われ放射線量が低下した時に、モニタリングポストがあれば現地での実際の線量低減の様子を遠隔監視し可視化することができ、アセスメントに有効活用できるだろう。, 20KK0231
Oct. 2020 - Mar. 2024 - Action Research of IoT Health Promotion on Indoor PM2.5 Contamination in Developing Countries
石垣 陽; 田中 健次; 江藤 和子
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal investigator, 貧困・低教育水準世帯へのヘルスプロモーションにおいては、世帯のヘルスリテラシー不足から行動変容に結びつけるのが難しい。本研究では東アフリカの農村地域において、調理用の薪ストーブに起因した母子の高濃度PM2.5曝露が起きている点に着目し、 初年度はリスクアウェアネス(1次予防)、2年目はコミュニティ活動としての住環境改修とその成果のWebでの共有、3年目はスマホセンサから発展させた可搬型での可視化による世帯でのリスク対話(2次予防)、4年目はコミュニティ活動としての住環境改修とその成果の共有(介入)、また研究終了後に向けセンサによる長期経過観察(3次予防)までを実証する。 本年度は3年目にあたり、スマホ接続型のセンサをさらに発展させて、可搬型のPM2.5モニターを開発し、現地に10台を持ち込んで被験者実験を行い、個人曝露調査を行うことで実態を可視化した。調査対象地はKagarama Village, Musave Cell, Bumbogo Sector, Gasabo Districtで、自治体より調査の実施許可を得た上で、協力者の選定を行い、調査内容について説明を行った。調査対象地では調査支援者を1名設定し、現地傭人と協力して測定器によるデータ収集を行った。合計で10台のセンサを使い、12名の協力者に対して、各1週間24時間体制で測定器を稼働させ、調査終了時に各協力者、自治体代表者(村長)、調査支援者に対して謝金を支払った。データは今後詳細に分析する予定である。 るよう、実験結果を元にリスクを具体的に認識してもらえるように工夫しながら、現地語のポスターをデザインした。今後,JICAやWHOの事務所と協議しながら配布方法や効果測定の方法を検討する予定である。, 19H03957
Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2023 - Development and implementation of a radiation exposure causation tool for in-hospital radiation workers
Kamochi Masayuki
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The Radiation Risk Viewer developed in this study is a system designed to explore the causes of occupational exposure by synchronizing behavior and dose. The Radiation Risk Viewer can reveal "when," "where," and "how" a health care worker received occupational exposure. The system enables the visualization of the causes of occupational exposure by linking the health care worker's behavior to the radiation dose., 19K10498
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022 - Development of an external X-ray masking device that protects the crystalline lens of patients
Matsubara Shunji
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kawasaki Medical School, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), In recent years, the exposure threshold for the onset of cataract has been significantly reduced from 8 Gy to 0.5 Gy. This research is the development of an angiography device external type lens shielding device with the concept of shielding the patient's crystalline lens. The prototype is completed after improving the attachment over 3 years, both the front tube and the lateral tube. Furthermore, the problem is identified for commercialization, and the future goal is to provide it as a general medical device., 19K12329
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022 - Gamification in Amblyopia Treatment - Clinical Study in India
Ishigaki Yo
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), Principal investigator, In order to challenge the world's first demonstration of effective stimulation of the visual cortex and short-term treatment of amblyopia by playing games, we have realized a special smartphone and LCD projector that allows the amblyopic eye to see images while the healthy eye remains white-out. As the core technology of the smartphone, we succeeded in developing sunglasses that utilize the circular and elliptical polarizing filter characteristics of the touch panel. As the core technology of the projector, we have succeeded in creating a non-polarizing dichroic prism in which each color is independent of the wavelength characteristics of p-polarization and s-polarization. A prototype of a special LCD with amblyopia training games installed was provided to Indian collaborators, and clinical trials were conducted mainly with pediatric amblyopia patients., 19K22889
Jun. 2019 - Mar. 2021 - 仮想放射線測定システムを用いた実働訓練に対する効果的活用法の開発
土屋 兼一; 石垣 陽; 植原 啓介; 盛武 敬
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 科学警察研究所, 基盤研究(C), 本研究では、我々の開発している教育・訓練用仮想放射線測定システム「USOTOPE(ウソトープ)」を改良し、これを特殊災害全般に拡張し、災害対応訓練におけるシナリオ作成から実動訓練、脅威に対する能動的態度の確立、セキュリティ文化の醸成まで昇華させることを目的とする。USOTOPEは、放射線源に見立てたビーコンの電波強度をスマートフォンで測定し、擬似的にサーベイメータの表示を再現できるアプリである。電波の受信強度から擬似線源までの距離を算出し、擬似的に1㎝線量当量率へと変換し表示される。また、擬似線源を用いずにスマートフォンのGPS位置情報から線量率を仮想的に表示させるアプリ(USOTOPE2)も開発している。今年度は、GPS位置情報から仮想の放射線線量率を表示させる計算方法について改良を行い、想定される災害に合わせた驚異の再現を実現した。これまで、災害中心点の最大線量率だけを設定し、距離の逆二乗則による線量分布を設定していたが、放射線挙動シミュレーションにより得られたより複雑な放射線被害想定に対応できるよう、危険区域(ホットゾーン)の範囲を指定して、そこから離れるにしたがって線量率が減衰する仕様へと改良した。これにより、被害想定の規模の自由度が増えて、より現実的な初動対応訓練が可能となる。我々は、このシステムを用いて、警察消防等のテロ災害における初動対処訓練に活用した。実剤を用いた訓練を実施するのは困難であるが、USOTOPEを用いることで仮想的な被害状況を再現することができる。特にテロ災害時におけるゾーニング(危険度に応じた区域設定)の訓練での活用が有効であり、リアリティのある訓練を実施できることを実証した。, 19K04980
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2020 - Infrastructure Construction and Social Implementation for Support of Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Reduction by Cooperation of Citizens, Administration and Experts
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), For environmental risks such as radiation, PM2.5, CBRNE terrorism (dirty bomb), and landslides caused by heavy rain, we have developed an inexpensive device that allows citizens to voluntarily measure the environment at multiple points. In addition, by visualizing measured values and location information from linking GPS, we realized a mechanism that can share measured information between citizens and administrative organizations (local governments, police, fire departments, hospitals etc.). Moreover, online discussion with experts has become possible. The effect of the training simulator USOTOPE developed to build those mechanisms is extremely large., 15H01788
01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2019
Industrial Property Rights
- 情報処理装置、情報処理方法、及びプログラム
Patent right, 粟津 浜一, 石垣 陽, 特願2022-037468, Date applied: 10 Mar. 2022, 株式会社ニューズドテック, 特開2022-082585, Date announced: 02 Jun. 2022 - 濃度計測装置
Patent right, 石垣 陽, 特願2016-110764, Date applied: 02 Jun. 2016, ディメンションズ株式会社, 特開2017-215281, Date announced: 07 Dec. 2017, 特許第6491142号, Date registered: 08 Mar. 2019 - 濃度計測装置
Patent right, 石垣 陽, 特願2016-110764, Date applied: 02 Jun. 2016, ディメンションズ株式会社, 特開2017-215281, Date announced: 07 Dec. 2017 - 画像装置並びにそれに用いられる偏光体及び位相差フィルム
Patent right, 石垣 陽, 特願2015-188412, Date applied: 25 Sep. 2015, ヤグチ電子工業株式会社, 特開2017-060641, Date announced: 30 Mar. 2017 - 視能訓練装置
Patent right, 石垣 陽, 橘川 弘行, 特願2015-043354, Date applied: 05 Mar. 2015, ヤグチ電子工業株式会社, ジャパンフォ-カス株式会社, 特開2016-159075, Date announced: 05 Sep. 2016 - 放射線曝露原因の推定方法及び推定システム
Patent right, 田村 拓也, 盛武 敬, 石垣 陽, 特願2014-254228, Date applied: 16 Dec. 2014, 学校法人産業医科大学, ヤグチ電子工業株式会社, 特開2016-114505, Date announced: 23 Jun. 2016 - 避難場所への中継施設
Patent right, 三谷 敏男, 光信 拓也, 石垣 陽, 特願2012-220026, Date applied: 02 Oct. 2012, セコム株式会社, 特開2014-070475, Date announced: 21 Apr. 2014 - 画像配信システム
Patent right, 石垣 陽, 高田 直幸, 大津 全史, 特願2008-070649, Date applied: 19 Mar. 2008, セコム株式会社, 特開2009-225398, Date announced: 01 Oct. 2009, 特許第5159381号, Date registered: 21 Dec. 2012 - 安心表示システム
Patent right, 石垣 陽, 松永 昌浩, 特願2008-296098, Date applied: 19 Nov. 2008, セコム株式会社, 特開2010-122913, Date announced: 03 Jun. 2010, 特許第5154377号, Date registered: 14 Dec. 2012 - 安心表示システム及び安心表示装置
Patent right, 石垣 陽, 松永 昌浩, 特願2008-296100, Date applied: 19 Nov. 2008, セコム株式会社, 特開2010-122915, Date announced: 03 Jun. 2010, 特許第5085516号, Date registered: 14 Sep. 2012 - 安心表示システム
Patent right, 石垣 陽, 松永 昌浩, 特願2008-296099, Date applied: 19 Nov. 2008, セコム株式会社, 特開2010-122914, Date announced: 03 Jun. 2010, 特許第5085515号, Date registered: 14 Sep. 2012
Social Contribution Activities
- タブレットの現物寄付:国内の生活困窮児童(600台)、ルワンダ(4,000台)、パプアニューギニア(4,000台)、ミャンマー等の公的機関やNGO等へ寄附
Others, 石垣 陽, スマイル・タブレット・プロジェクト, プロジェクト概要
・開始日 2020年8月11日(木)(パプアニューギニア大使館への贈呈式)
・寄附相手国数 9カ国(日本国内を含む)
・総寄附台数 約1.5万台(2022年5月現在)
1.パプアニューギニア(5,200台) 、初等教育のデジタル指導書
✔ 石垣 陽 特任准教授・田中 健次 教授(情報学専攻)
✔ 鳥取 直機 氏(株式会社ビデオリサーチ フィールドワーク統括部 第一グループ課長)
✔ 杉山 竜一 氏(株式会社パデコ 教育開発部長)
✔ 榑松 八平 氏(認定NPO法人 BHNテレコム支援協議会 副理事長)
Media Coverage
- 【調布市が大賞を受賞しました!】「Tokyo区市町村DXaward2024」
Other than myself, 調布市, 調布市デジタル行政推進課_公式note, Internet
27 Nov. 2024 - 日印医工連携 インド農村部の眼科医療支える
文教ニュース, 100-101, Paper
25 Nov. 2024 - 測定機器フル動員 違い分析
朝日新聞, 夕刊3面 ぷらっとラボ, Paper
21 Oct. 2024 - 猛暑でも快適な換気方法
14 Aug. 2024 - 実験で見る湿度下げる窓開け術(梅雨時の適切な換気方法について)
01 Jul. 2024 - Making global efforts to realize ‘Society 5.0’
Other than myself, the Japan Times, Occlu-tab, Paper
02 May 2024 - 医療機関や施設へ 換気対策お助け 府がガイドブック
朝日新聞社, 朝日新聞デジタル・朝日新聞アピタル, 空気中に浮遊する微小な粒子エアロゾルからの新型コロナウイルス感染を減らそうと、京都府は医療機関や福祉施設など向けに換気の注意点を示したガイドブックをまとめた。8日からコロナの感染症法上の扱いが「5類」に引き下げられるが、担当者は「対策ができているかいま一度確認してほしい」と呼びかけている。
02 May 2023 - 黄砂とは?黄砂が及ぼす影響を電気通信大学の石垣陽・特任教授が解説!
株式会社 UPDATER, AIR Lab. JOURNAL, Internet
24 Apr. 2023 - 黄砂とは?黄砂が及ぼす影響を電気通信大学の石垣陽・特任教授が解説!
AIR Lab. JOURNAL, 空気とWell-beingの専門メディア AIR Lab.JOURNAL, 黄砂が生活や人体に与える影響や注意点について、電気通信大学大学院情報理工学研究科の石垣陽・特任教授に話を伺いました。
23 Apr. 2023 - 京都府 エアロゾル感染対策ガイドブックWebサイト
Other than myself, 京都府, (監修・動画制作), Internet, 京都府 健康福祉部健康対策課
Apr. 2023 - インドの弱視の⼦どもたちに早期治療の機会を提供する
Other than myself, 首相官邸, 健康・医療戦略推進本部「アジア健康構想取り組み紹介」, pp.5-6, Internet
27 Feb. 2023 - 【新型コロナ】施設での感染拡大を防ぐために 適切な換気で「エアロゾル感染」を予防 気流の確認と管理が必要
Other than myself, 日本医療・健康情報研究所/創新社, 保健指導リソースガイド, ニュース, Internet
14 Feb. 2023 - 国立大学法人 電気通信大学と共同でコロナ感染症対策のワークショップを保育施設にて初実施~子どもたちのための安心安全な保育環境の強化に向け、保育士に最新の感染症対策を指導~
PR TIMES, Internet
13 Oct. 2022 - 安全かつ効果的なRNテロ対処訓練用資器材の活用
Other than myself, 警察庁, 警察白書, p.9 (MEMO), Others
Oct. 2022 - (新型コロナ)空気清浄機の常識・非常識 研究者、使い方を動画で解説
朝日新聞社, 朝日新聞 滋賀県版・奈良県版, Paper
23 Sep. 2022 - 換気能力 ほこりで1/16に
産経新聞, 総合3面, Paper
22 Aug. 2022 - みんなエアー、空気とWell-beingの専門メディアをリニューアル! BA.5 など感染が増加する中、豪華専門家ら を迎え、生活に役立つ情報を強化 〜電通大 石垣陽氏、順天大 千葉氏、進和テック 加藤氏が編集委員に参画〜
PR TIMES, Internet
28 Jul. 2022 - 分析 コロナ患者移送用タクシー 高速走行時換気実験で安全性実証 電通大ら研究チームが分析結果まとめる
Other than myself, 交通毎日新聞社, 交通毎日新聞, Paper
09 Jun. 2022 - 【京の飲食】CO2濃度等のモニタリング分析について
Other than myself, 京都府公式HP, 商工労働観光部 産業労働総務課, 京都府「京の飲食」安全対策向上事業について, Others
01 Jun. 2022 - アルコールで誤作動するCO2センサー、測定方式に問題ある格安品が流通
Other than myself, 日経BP, 日経ものづくり(雑誌)・日経クロステック(Web), 日経ものづくり ニュースの深層 June 2022 pp.27-29、及びWebサイト(日経クロステック), Paper
31 May 2022 - コロナ対策JPNタクの換気性能 電通大 実証実験をユーチューブに
交通界, 週刊交通界, 交通界速報 交通界21 特別号(週3回配信) 2704号, Paper
30 May 2022 - 電気通信大学と境交通 タクシー車内の安全環境を実証
Other than myself, 株式会社 交通界, 交通界21(特別号)・週刊交通界21, Paper
28 May 2022 - タクシー車内の安全環境を実証 高速走行・後部窓換気で飛沫感染リスクが減少
交通界, pp.32-33, Paper
23 May 2022 - 「マイクロチップ入れてみた」ワクチン陰謀論を検証 研究者の深掘り
Other than myself, 朝日新聞社, 朝日新聞デジタル・朝日新聞アピタル, Internet
22 May 2022 - 「ワクチンにマイクロチップはない」陰謀論を全力検証 研究者が動画公開「安心して」
朝日新聞, 夕刊, Paper
20 May 2022 - 物事の本質見抜く目を
Other than myself, 産経新聞, 産経新聞, 兵庫県版, Paper
16 May 2022 - 空気を介するエアロゾル感染 屋内対策に必要な新たな視点
Other than myself, 産経新聞社, The Sankei News, びっくりサイエンス, Paper
07 May 2022 - コロナ患者移送用JPNタク 高速走行時も換気万全
東京交通新聞, 第3021号 総合・経営面, Paper
02 May 2022 - 高速時の車内換気も万全
東京交通新聞, 旬刊紙ザ・タクシー, Paper
30 Apr. 2022 - 5人に1人が信じる「デマ」「陰謀論」なぜ拡散する? 「光の戦士プーチン」「コロナワクチンに放射性物質」「地震兵器」…専門家が〝向き合い方〟提言
Other than myself, 夕刊フジ, 夕刊フジ3面、及びインターネットメディア, Paper
24 Apr. 2022 - 電気通信大の走行実験
交通界速報, 交通界21 特別号(週3回配信), 2691号 (3), Paper
20 Apr. 2022 - 電気通信大学研究チーム「換気良好マップ」を試験運用
JCOM調布, つながるNEWS, Media report
16 Apr. 2022 - まん延防止解除で飲食店の対策は
NHK京都, ニュース630 京いちにち
01 Apr. 2022 - (京都府との換気対策の取り組み)
NHK京都放送局, 京いちにちニュース0630, Media report
29 Mar. 2022 - (ライブハウスの換気改善について)
NHK, 首都圏ネットワーク, Media report
28 Mar. 2022 - 二酸化炭素濃度測定器 (「ポケットCO2センサー」の紹介)
Other than myself, 東京新聞, メトロポリタン+ 比べてみたら, Paper
22 Mar. 2022 - 「冬の飲食店、換気してもCO2高いなぞ 調査に同行してわかったこと」
Other than myself, 朝日新聞社, 朝日新聞 朝日新聞デジタル, 新型コロナ情報, Paper
18 Feb. 2022 - DX企業インフォコーパスが感染症対策の第一人者、電気通信大学石垣陽特任准教授監修によりスマートシティ感染症対策統合プラットフォームSensorCorpus IC 「換気対策アプリケーション」を開発
PR TIMES, Internet
16 Feb. 2022 - 二酸化炭素測定器を配布
埼玉新聞社, 埼玉新聞, Paper
19 Dec. 2021 - 子どもの弱視治療 遊び感覚で
朝日新聞, p.26「医療」, Paper
15 Dec. 2021 - タブレット端末を海外の医療、教育現場へ【後編】
Other than myself, VR DIGEST, 2021年9-10月号/No.578, Pr
08 Oct. 2021 - サスティナブルな社会のために、直面する課題を「工学」と「芸術」の掛け合 わせで解決する~ 電気通信大学 特任准教授 石垣 陽さん~
Other than myself, ビデオリサーチ, テレビとメディアを応援するマガジン Synapse by Video Research, Internet
Oct. 2021 - アクリルパーティションについて
中日新聞東京本社, 東京新聞, Paper
11 Sep. 2021 - アクリルパーティションについて
産業経済新聞社, 夕刊フジ, Paper
07 Sep. 2021 - ドライアイスの危険性を示す実験
日本テレビ, 「ザ!世界仰天ニュース」, Media report
17 Aug. 2021 - (公共施設でのCO2測定実証実験)
日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞, 地方経済面・電子版, Paper
28 Jun. 2021 - (ヴィジュアル系バンドとのライブハウスでの換気実証実験)
日本テレビ, Going!, Media report
12 Jun. 2021 - (ビニールシートクラスターについて)
日本テレビ, 「ZIP!」, Media report
04 Jun. 2021 - (ビニールシートクラスターについて)
TBS, 「あさチャン」, Media report
04 Jun. 2021 - (ビニールシートクラスターについてフィールドスタディの取材とスタジオでの解説)
Myself, フジテレビ, 「めざまし8」, Media report
03 Jun. 2021 - (ビニールシートクラスターについて)
日本テレビ, 「news every.」, Media report
01 Jun. 2021 - (ビニールシートクラスターについて)
テレビ朝日, 「グッド!モーニング」, Media report
31 May 2021 - タブレット端末を海外の医療、教育現場へ【前編】
ビデオリサーチ, VR DIGEST, 2021年5-6月号/No.577, Pr
24 May 2021 - 換気効果データ分析
読売新聞社, 読売新聞, Paper
05 May 2021 - (CO2測定の実証実験
フジテレビ, 「めざまし8」, Media report
14 Apr. 2021 - (調布商店街との三密回避の取り組み)
日本テレビ, 「NEWS ZERO」, Media report
09 Apr. 2021 - (入学式や調布商店街との実証実験)
TBSテレビ, 「NEWS 23」, Media report
06 Apr. 2021 - (入学式や調布商店街との実証実験)
TBSテレビ, 「Nスタ」, Media report
05 Apr. 2021 - (入学式や調布商店街との実証実験)
TBSテレビ, 「はやドキ!」, Media report
02 Apr. 2021 - (入学式や調布商店街との実証実験)
日本テレビ, 「スッキリ」, Media report
02 Apr. 2021 - 仮面女子とのサイレント換気の実証実験
テレビ朝日, スーパーJチャンネル, Media report
Apr. 2021 - (調布商店街との実証実験)
テレビ朝日, 「サタデーステーション」, Media report
27 Mar. 2021 - (調布商店街との実証実験)
フジテレビ, 「とくダネ!」, Media report
26 Mar. 2021 - (地下アイドルとの実証実験)
NHK, 「首都圏ネットワーク」, NHK総合, Media report
18 Feb. 2021 - (地下アイドルとの実証実験)
NHK, 「ニュース シブ5時」, NHK総合, Media report
16 Feb. 2021 - (マスクの効果的な着用方法)
フジテレビ, 「ライブニュース イット」, Media report
12 Feb. 2021 - (マスクの電子顕微鏡写真を紹介)
テレビ朝日, 「大下容子ワイドスクランブル」, Media report
10 Feb. 2021 - (マスクの正しい装着方法)
フジテレビ, 「とくダネ!」, Media report
05 Feb. 2021 - (マスクの正しい装着方法)
フジテレビ, 「とくダネ!」, Media report
14 Dec. 2020 - (三密回避のためのCO2測定)
フジテレビ, 「とくダネ!」, Media report
16 Nov. 2020 - (飲食店でのCO2濃度可視化等研究紹介)
フジテレビ, 「日曜報道 THE PRIME」, Media report
13 Nov. 2020 - (三密を可視化するCO2測定の研究)
Myself, NHK, ニュース「首都圏ネットワーク」及び「ニュースきょう一日」, NHK総合, Media report
11 Nov. 2020 - (劇場でのCO2濃度を可視化する実証実験)
日本テレビ, 「NEWS ZERO」, Media report
24 Oct. 2020 - (アイドルライブでのCO2濃度可視化の実証実験
「スッキリ」, 日本テレビ, Media report
16 Oct. 2020 - CO2濃度測り3密可視化
朝日新聞社, 朝日新聞, 夕刊(1面トップ6段), Paper
15 Oct. 2020 - マスク「高性能追及 製造も簡単・不織布折り、高電圧で捕集率向上」
河北新報社, 河北新報, Paper
09 May 2020 - ニュース番組 Nスタみやぎ 出演
TBC東北放送, Media report
2020 - TV9 Gujarati
TV9 Gujarati, India, Media report
2020 - NHKワールド「great gear」出演
NHKワールド, Media report
2019 - ニュース番組 Nスタみやぎ 出演
TBC東北放送, Media report
PBS, THIS IS AMERICA & THE WORLD with Dennis Wholey, Media report
2017 - Smartphones in het regenwoud
de Volkskrant, Paper
Jul. 2013 - Panorama
Han-guk Bangsong Gongsa, Media report
2013 - Après Fukushima, le dosimètre à faire soi-même
Le Monde, Paper
2012 - 見えない放射線が見える測定器
日経デザイン誌, Paper
Sep. 2011