Yoshihiro YAMAKITA
Division of General Education(Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering) | Associate Professor |
Division of General Education(School of Informatics and Engineering ) | Associate Professor |
Department of Engineering Science | Associate Professor |
Cluster III (Fundamental Science and Engineering) | Associate Professor |
Researcher Information
- 2011 - Present
The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, 准教授 - 2007 - 2011
Tohoku University, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, 助教 - 1995 - 2007
Tohoku University, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Research Associate - 2000 - 2002
University of Oxford, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Ramsay Fellow
Educational Background
- 1992 - 1995
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Department of Chemistry, Doctoral Course Progra、, 博士(理学) - 1990 - 1992
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Department of Chemistry, Master Course Program, 修士(理学) - 1986 - 1990
The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
Member History
- Mar. 2019 - Feb. 2021
代表正会員, 公益社団法人日本化学会, Society - Nov. 2017 - Oct. 2018
代議員, 公益社団法人日本化学会, Society - Mar. 2017 - Feb. 2018
電子情報委員会委員長, 日本化学会関東支部, Society - Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2018
常任幹事, 日本化学会関東支部, Society - Oct. 2017 - Oct. 2017
Secretariat, Evaluator of the Poster Award, International Sumposium on "Novel Energy Materials and Catalysts for Future Earth" -Material Research, Characterization and Imaging by In situ XAFS and X-ray Techniques- UEC 100th Anniversary Commemorative Event, Others - Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2017
電子情報委員会副委員長, 日本化学会関東支部, Society - Sep. 2016 - Sep. 2016
座長(2A02~05), 第10回分子科学討論会2016神戸, Society - Jun. 2016 - Jun. 2016
Vice Organizinger, 32nd International Symposium on Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics, Others - Jun. 2016 - Jun. 2016
Chair (Invited Lecture S4), 32nd International Symposium on Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics, Others - May 2016 - May 2016
Organizer, Joint Seminar on Organic Electronics and Physics, Others - Mar. 2016 - Mar. 2016
Chair (4E3-37~41), The Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Society - Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
庶務委員, 原子衝突学会, Society - Mar. 2013 - Mar. 2013
座長(2G8-48~50), 日本化学会第93春季年会, Society - Sep. 2011 - Sep. 2011
座長(1A20-1A21), 第5回分子科学討論会2011札幌, Society - Sep. 2010 - Nov. 2010
世話人, 特定領域研究 高次系分子科学 第1回若手の会シンポジウム, Others - Sep. 2010 - Sep. 2010
Organizer, G-COE International Symposium on Physical Chemistry - Structures, Reactions, and Other Chemical Properties of Molecular Systems, Others - Dec. 2008 - Mar. 2009
会計,実行委員, 大野公一先生御退職祝賀シンポジウム- 分子科学の未来へ向けて -, Others - Sep. 2008 - Nov. 2008
会場責任者,実行委員, 平成20年度日本分光学会年次講演会, Others - Oct. 2006 - Sep. 2007
プログラム委員,実行委員, 第1回分子科学討論会2007仙台, Society - Jul. 2002 - Jun. 2003
実行委員, 第19回化学反応討論会サテライトシンポジウム, Others - Jul. 2002 - Jun. 2003
ホームページ責任者,実行委員, 第19回化学反応討論会 - Sep. 1995 - Nov. 1995
実行委員,会場責任者, 日本化学会東北支部 第15回物理化学コロキウム, Others - Jun. 1995 - Sep. 1995
プログラム委員,実行委員, 分子構造総合討論会1995, Others
Research Activity Information
- Mar. 2023
一般社団法人目黒会, 目黒会賞は各年度の学域卒業生および大学院修了生の内、成績優秀な者として、学内選考委員会によって選考され、電気通信大学長から推薦された方々に、一般社団法人目黒会が表彰するものです。
令和4年度目黒会賞, 本吉 順
Others, Japan - Feb. 2018
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, DOI: 10.1039/c8cp06405a
Femtosecond electronic relaxation and real-time vibrational dynamics in 2'-hydroxychalcone
2018 PCCP HOT Article, Yoshihiro Yamakita, Nanae Yokoyama, Bing Xue, Naoyuki Shiokawa, Yu Harabuchi, Satoshi Maeda and Takayoshi Kobayashi
Official journal, Japan - Feb. 2018
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2018 PCCP HOT Article, Yoshihiro Yamakita;Nanae Yokoyama;Bing Xue;Naoyuki Shiokawa;Yu Harabuchi;Satoshi Maedal;Takayoshi Kobayashi - Feb. 2008
American Institute of Physics, Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 17(8) (2008)にナノカーボンの論文が収録される
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology選出 - Feb. 2008
American Institute of Physics
Phonon dispersions of hydrogenated and dehydrogenated carbon nanoribbons
A selected paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 17(8), Megumi Yamada;Yoshihiro Yamakita;Koichi Ohno - 2007
Marquis Who's Who in the World 2007 収録 - 2007
Marquis Who's Who in the World 2007, Yoshihiro Yamakita - Feb. 2000
The Ramsay Memorial Fellowships Trust
Ramsay Fellowship - 財団法人松尾学術振興財団
松尾学術研究助成金, 山北佳宏
- Natural perturbation orbital analyses of polarizability and Raman intensity of p-Benzoquinodimethane
Keigo Yamaguchi; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Last, Chemical Physics Letters, Elsevier BV, 849, 141444-1-141444-10, 22 Jun. 2024, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Surface electron density of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons studied by metastable impact collisional ionization
Yoshihiro Yamakita
Lead, Accounts of Materials & Surface Research, 9, 2, 37-45, 19 Mar. 2024, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - spectrometer for studying the internal-conversion process of 235mU
Y. Shigekawa, Y. Kasamatsu, Y. Yamakita, Y. Yasuda, E. Watanabe, N. Kondo, H. Haba, A. Shinohara
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Elsevier, 976, 164207-1-164207-10, 01 Oct. 2020, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, Japanese - Penning ionization electron spectroscopy of anisole, thioanisole, and selenoanisole by collision with He*(23S): Conjugation effects and conformational stability
Yuki Ishiguro; Yoshihiro Yamakita; Naoto Hayashi
Chemical Physics Letters, Elsevier {BV}, 754, 137653-137653, 01 Sep. 2020, Peer-reviwed, True, The electronic structures of chalcogenoanisole C6H5XCH3 (X = O, S, and Se) have been determined by Penning ionization electron spectroscopy experiments with density functional theory (DFT), multi-configuration molecular orbital, and natural bond orbital (NBO) calculations. Ionization energies and electron distributions outside molecular surfaces were calculated by outer valence Green's functions (OVGF) and exterior electron density (EED) calculations, respectively. The PIES spectra and calculations allow characterizations of conformational potential with respect to the Cring-X bond. It has been found that selenoanisole is in the vertical from. The σ-π interaction is calculated to become stronger on going X = O → S → Se.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Classical trajectory calculations for state-resolved Penning ionisation reactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon C10H8 in collision with He*(23S)
Yoshihiro Yamakita; Naoki Kai
Lead, Molecular Physics, Informa UK Limited, 117, 21, 3184-3193, 15 Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed, Invited, True
Scientific journal, English - Femtosecond electronic relaxation and real-time vibrational dynamics in 2′-hydroxychalcone
Yoshihiro Yamakita; Nanae Yokoyama; Bing Xue; Naoyuki Shiokawa; Yu Harabuchi; Satoshi Maeda; Takayoshi Kobayashi
Lead, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2018 PCCP HOT Articles, Frontback Cover), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 21, 10, 5344-5358, 14 Mar. 2019, Peer-reviwed, True,Electronic relaxation, proton transfer and instantaneous vibrational frequency change after the impulsive excitation by a deep ultraviolet 9 fs pulse were studied.
Scientific journal, English - Femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy of photochemical dynamics of 2'-hydroxychalcone
Nanae Yokoyama; Bing Xue; Masaya Suzuki; Taichi Tanaka; Naoyuki Shiokawa; Arkadiusz Jarota; Yu Harabuchi; Saoshi Maeda; Yoshihiro Yamakita; Takayoshi Kobayashi
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 18 Jul. 2016, Ultrafast dynamics of 2'-hydroxychalcone are observed by femtosecond spectroscopy using deep ultraviolet pump (11 fs) and visible broadband probe lasers. Dynamics of internal conversions from S3, proton transfer and internal rotation at S1 are determined.
International conference proceedings, English - Photofragment imaging from mass-selected ions using a reflectron mass spectrometer I. Development of an apparatus and application to Mg+-Ar complex,
H. Hoshino; Y. Yamakita; K. Okutsu; Y. Suzuki; M. Saito; K. Koyasu; K.Ohshimo; F.Misaizu
Chemical Physics Letters, 630, 111-115, 16 Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Redundancy in internal coordinates
Yoshihiro Yamakita
原子衝突学会誌「しょうとつ」, 12, 3, 86-86, 15 May 2015, Peer-reviwed, Invited, False
Research institution, Japanese - Photodissociation dynamics of mass-selected cluster ions studied by reflectron imaging
Y. Yamakita, H. Hoshino, Y. Suzuki, M. Saito, K. Koyasu, and F. Misaizu
Molecular Reaction Dynamics in Gases, liquids and interfaces: Faraday Discussion 157, P18, Jun. 2012, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Penning ionization electron spectra of pyrene, chrysene, and coronene in collision with metastable He(23S) atoms in the gas phase
Y. Yamakita, M. Yamauchi, and K. Ohno
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, 2, 024306(1)-024306(13), 2009, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Collision-energy-resolved Penning ionization electron spectroscopy of glycine with He(23S) metastable atoms: conformational isomers in collisional ionization
Y. Yamakita and K. Ohno
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113, 40, 10779-10786, 2009, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Conformation-specific Raman bands and electronic conjugation in substituted thioanisoles
Y. Yamakita, T. Okazaki, and K. Ohno
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 112, 47, 12220-12227, 2008, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Large Raman scattering activities for the low-frequency modes of substituted benzenes: Induced polarizability and stereo-specific ring-substituent interactions
Y. Yamakita, Y. Isogai, and K. Ohno
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 124, 10, 104301(1)-104301(18), 2006, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - The Stark effect and field ionization in the triplet Rydberg states of helium atoms
R. Takahashi, Y. Yamakita, N. Hori, and K. Ohno
Journal of Plasma Fusion Research, Series 7, 68-72, 2006, Peer-reviwed, False
Scientific journal, English - The Stark effect and translational control of hydrogen molecules
Y. Yamakita, S. R. Procter, and T. P. Softley
Journal of Plasma Fusion Research, Series 7, 64-67, 2006, Peer-reviwed, False
Scientific journal, English - Conformation specific Raman scattering activities of the low-frequency modes of benzene analogues: Electronic interactions between a ring and a substituent
Yoshihiro Yamakita, Yumiko Isogai, and Koichi Ohno
Abstracts of Papers of The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2005, PHYS-545, Dec. 2005, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Controlling Rydberg helium atoms in inhomogeneous electric fields
Y. Yamakita and K. Ohno
The 14th International Laser Physics Workshop, Book of Abstracts, 190, 2005, Peer-reviwed, False
International conference proceedings, English - Controlling the motion of hydrogen molecules: design of a two-dipole Rydberg decelerator
T. P. Softley, S. R. Procter, Y. Yamakita, G. Maguire, and F. Merkt
The Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 144-147, 113-117, 2005, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Deflection and deceleration of hydrogen Rydberg molecules in inhomogeneous fields
Y. Yamakita, S. R. Procter, A. L. Goodgame, T. P. Softley, and F. Merkt
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 121, 3, 1419-1431, 2004, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Deflection and deceleration of hydrogen Rydberg molecules
T. P. Softley, S. R. Procter, Y. Yamakita, and F. Merkt
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, American Instirute of Physics, 225, U448, 23 Mar. 2003, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Controlling the motion of hydrogen molecules
S. R. Procter, Y. Yamakita, F. Merkt and T. P. Softley
Chemical Physics Letters, 374, 5-6, 667-675, 2003, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Penning ionization electron spectroscopy of van der Waals clusters
Ohno, K; Tanaka, H; Yamakita, Y; Maruyama, R; Horio, T; Misaizu, F
Scientific journal, English - A highly sensitive electron spectrometer for crossed-beam collisional ionization: A retarding-type magnetic bottle analyzer and its application to collision-energy resolved Penning ionization electron spectroscopy
Y Yamakita; H Tanaka; R Maruyama; H Yamakado; F Misaizu; K Ohno
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 71, 8, 3042-3049, Aug. 2000, Peer-reviwed, A highly sensitive electron energy analyzer which utilizes a "magnetic bottle" combined with a retarding electrostatic field has been developed for Penning ionization electron spectroscopy. A beam of metastable rare-gas atoms is crossed with a continuous supersonic sample beam in the source region of the analyzer. The emitted electrons are collected by an inhomogeneous magnetic field (the magnetic bottle effect) with a high efficiency of nearly 4 pi solid angle, which is more than 10(3) times higher than that of a conventional hemispherical analyzer. The kinetic energy of electrons is analyzed by scanning the retarding field in a flight tube of the analyzer in the presence of a weak magnetic field. The velocity of the metastable atoms can also be resolved by a time-of-flight method in the present instrument. Examples of Penning ionization electron energy spectra as a function of collision energy are presented for Ar and N-2 with metastable He*(2 S-3) atoms. This instrument has opened the possibility for extensive studies of Penning ionization electron spectroscopy for low-density species, such as clusters, ions, electronically excited species, unstable or transient species, and large molecules with low volatility. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0034-6748(00)05108-X].
Scientific journal, English - Observation of collisional ionization electron spectra of van der Waals clusters with metastable He-*(2 S-3) atoms: An evidence for autoionization from superexcited Ar clusters
H Tanaka; R Maruyama; Y Yamakita; H Yamakado; F Misaizu; K Ohno
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 112, 16, 7062-7067, Apr. 2000, Peer-reviwed, Penning ionization electron spectra (PIES) of van der Waals clusters have been observed for the first time by means of a newly developed magnetic bottle electron spectrometer, which is 1000 times more efficient than a conventional PIES apparatus. In the PIES of Ar clusters with He*(2 S-3), two bands of Ar 3p hole characters with different ionization energies (IE), band A (IE=ca.15 eV) and band B (IE=ca.13.5 eV), were observed. Band A was assigned to vertical transitions in Franck-Condon regions corresponding to the band in the ultraviolet photoelectron spectra (UPS) of clusters reported by Carnovale [J. Chem. Phys. 90, 1452 (1989)]. Band B, which is an extra band missing in the UPS of clusters, can be ascribed to the autoionization into a stable structure of Ar-n(+) via superexcited states of Ar-n. Band B can be considered as an adiabatic ionization which is forbidden as a direct ionization. The energy difference of ca. 1.5 eV between the vertical IE for band A and the adiabatic IE for band B was found to agree well with the reported binding energy of the trimer ion core. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(00)00712-1].
Scientific journal, English - Penning ionization electron spectroscopy of CO2 clusters in collision with metastable rare gas atoms
R. Maruyama, H. Tanaka, Y. Yamakita, F. Misaizu, and K. Ohno
Chemical Physics Letters, 327, 1-2, 104-110, 2000, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Photoionization and density functional theory study of clusters of acetone containing an alkali metal atom, M((CH3)(2)CO)(n) (M = Li, Na): intracluster electron transfer from metal to acetone in 1 : 1 complexes
H Tsunoyama; K Ohshimo; Y Yamakita; F Misaizu; K Ohno
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 316, 5-6, 442-448, Jan. 2000, Peer-reviwed, Ionization threshold energies of clusters of Li and Na atoms solvated by acetone have been determined by laser photoionization. The thresholds for 1:1 complexes agree well with calculated adiabatic ionization potentials based on density functional theory. The structures and charge distributions obtained from the calculation show that electron transfer from the alkali atom to acetone occurs more efficiently in Li((CH3)(2)CO) than in Na((CH3)(2)CO). This difference in the extent of electron transfer can be understood by a consideration of the orbital overlap between the metal np and O2p orbitals and the sp hybridization on the alkali atom. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Application of the Cross-Correlation Time-of-Flight Method for Energy Analysis of CW Electron Sources
H. Yamakado, H. Tanaka, R. Maruyama, Y. Yamakita, F. Misaizu, K. Ohno
XXII. International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, Abstracts of contributed papers, 678, 1999, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Dissociative excitation of CH3OH and BrCN in collision with He*(23S) studied by collision energy resolved spectroscopy
Y. Yamakita, R. Yokoi, K. Kanda, and K. Ohno
XXI. International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol.II, 611, 1999, Peer-reviwed, False
International conference proceedings, English - Photoionization and density functional study of alkali metal-acetone complexes. Electron transfer from the metal atom to the molecule
H. Tsunoyama, K. Ohshimo, Y. Yamakita, F. Misaizu, and K. Ohno
XXI. International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol.II, 697, 1999, Peer-reviwed, False
International conference proceedings, English - Highly sensitive penning ionization electron spectroscopy by a magnetic bottle electron energy analyzer
H. Tanaka, R. Maruyama, Y. Yamakita, H. Yamakado, F. Misaizu, and K. Ohno
XXI.International Conference on the Physics of Electronis and Atomic Collisions, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol.II, 629, 1999, Peer-reviwed, False
International conference proceedings, English - Photoionization and density functional study of clusters of alkali metal atoms solvated with acetonitrile molecules M(CH3CN)n (M=Li and Na)
Keijiro Ohshimo; Hironori Tsunoyama; Yoshihiro Yamakita; Fuminori Misaizu; Koichi Ohno
Chem. Phys. Lett., 301, 3-4, 356-364, 1999, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Collision energy resolved Penning ionization electron spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Yamauchi, M.; Yamakita, Y.; Yamakado, H.; Ohno, K.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 88-91, 1998, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Vibrational analyses of p-benzoquinodimethane and p-benzoquinone based on ab initio Hartree-Fock and second-order Møller-Plesset calculations
Y. Yamakita and M. Tasumi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99, 21, 8524-8534, 1995, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Vibrational studies on electronic structures in metallic and insulating phases of the Cu complexes of substituted dicyanoquinonediimines (DCNQI). A comparison with the cases of the Li and Ba complexes
Y. Yamakita, Y. Furukawa, A. Kobayashi, M. Tasumi, R. Kato, and H. Kobayashi
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 100, 4, 2449-2457, 1994, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Mixed-valency of Cu, electron mass enhancement, and three-dimensional arrangement of magnetic sites in the organic conductors (R1,R2-N,N’-dicyanoquinonediimine)2Cu (where R1,R2=CH3, CH3O, Cl, Br)
H. Kobayashi, A. Miyamoto, R. Kato, F. Sakai, A. Kobayashi, Y. Yamakita, Y. Furukawa, M. Tasumi, and T. Watanabe
Physical Review B, 47, 7, 3500-3510, 1993, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Observation of infrared and Raman spectra of p-benzoquinodimethane in low-temperature Ar matrices
Y. Yamakita, Y. Furukawa, and M. Tasumi
Chemistry Letters, 1993, 2, 311-314, 1993, Peer-reviwed, False
Scientific journal, English
- Phonon dispersions of hydrogenated and dehydrogenated carbon nanoribbons
Megumi Yamada; Yoshihiro Yamakita; Koichi Ohno
Phonon dispersion relations are presented for carbon nanoribbons along multirow structures of hexagonal rings with zigzag and armchair edges. The dispersions are compared with the Gamma K and Gamma M dispersions of graphite as a function of ribbon width m. The force constants are obtained from zone folding for those of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) based on a transferable force-field model (MO/8 model). The vibrational mode patterns at the Gamma point are calculated to be longitudinal or transverse in zigzag nanoribbons. All of the normal modes are categorized into the following four groups. (1) The acoustic branches which converge to the origin at Gamma point allow estimation of the group velocity from their slopes. (2) The acoustic harmonics display systematic vibrational patterns with nonzero phase relations in the width direction. The number of nodes in amplitudes, k = 1-m, represents dispersions in the width direction. (3) The optical branches which are commensurate with the multirow structures are optical fundamentals, whereas those incommensurate are optical harmonics. Both display systematic frequency changes with respect to the number of nodes (k) and ribbon widths (m). The optical harmonics of zigzag ribbons at Gamma point shift in proportion to the inverse of ribbon width 1/m, whereas the acoustic harmonics depend on 1/root m. (4) The CH vibrations are less dispersive than these CC vibrations. The CH out-of-plane modes are characterized by strong infrared intensities, and their frequencies are calculated to be higher in zigzag ribbons than in armchair ribbons. This order is in line with the general tendencies for PAHs with solo and duo CH bonds. Hydrogenated and dehydrogenated nanoribbons are calculated to show similar phonon dispersions for their carbon networks. Phonon densities of states (DOSs) are compared between the nanoribbons and PAHs with particular shapes. Prominent DOS peaks are uniquely obtained for zigzag nanoribbons and linear PAHs at similar to 400 and 1400 cm(-1). Complete selection rules are given for the vibrational transitions in zigzag and armchair nanoribbons according to the irreducible representations for the primitive unit cells., AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Feb. 2008, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77, 5, 054302-1-054302-13, English, 1098-0121, WOS:000253764000041 - Cooling effects in the Stark deceleration of Rydberg atoms/molecules with time-dependent electric fields
Y. Yamakita; R. Takahashi; K. Ohno; S. R. Procter; G. Maguire; T. P. Softley
This paper presents calculations for realizing the deceleration of H 2 Rydberg molecules with n = 16, where n is the principal quantum number. A double-dipole decelerator (Softley T P, Procter S R, Yamakita Y, Maguire G and Merkt F 2005 J. Elec. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 144-147 113) operated with an optimum time-dependent electric field allows, in principle, complete deceleration of the Rydberg molecules to zero mean velocity. A bunch of molecules in a supersonic beam is decelerated from the initial velocity centered at ∼900 ms-1 and translational temperature 1 K to the final velocity 0 ms-1 and temperature 13 mK. The calculations are performed using the 4th-order symplectic integrator based on representations in phase space {q, p}, and show that an ensemble with narrow δq0 and broad δp0 distribution is converted to one at standstill with broad δq and narrow δp. Cooling effects are reinforced by field ionization in which the fast components that move to regions of high electric field are effectively filtered out. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd., Institute of Physics Publishing, 01 Sep. 2007, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 80, 1, 012045, English, 1742-6596, 36048957161 - 22aRH-3 Controlling molecules via the Stark effect and applications
Yamakita Y.; Takahashi R.; Ohno K.; Procter S. R.; Softley T. P.; Merkt F.
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 21 Aug. 2007, Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 62, 2, 171-171, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110007143659, AA11439205 - 多環芳香族炭化水素とナノ炭素構造の振動分光
山北 佳宏
01 Mar. 2007, 化学と工業 = Chemistry and chemical industry, 60, 3, 224-225, Japanese, 0022-7684, 10018571476, AN00037562 - Molecular vibrations of [n]oligoacenes (n=2-5 and 10) and phonon dispersion relations of polyacene
Yoshihiro Yamakita; Jin Kimura; Koichi Ohno
As model compounds for nanosize carbon clusters, the phonon dispersion curves of polyacene are constructed based on density functional theory calculations for [n] oligoacenes (n=2-5, 10, and 15). Complete vibrational assignments are given for the observed Fourier-transform infrared and Raman spectra of [n] oligoacenes (n=2-5). Raman intensity distributions by the 1064-nm excitation are well reproduced by the polarizability-approximation calculations for naphthalene and anthracene, whereas several bands of naphthacene and pentacene at 1700-1100 cm(-1) are calculated to be enhanced by the resonance Raman effect. It is found from vibronic calculations that the coupled a(g) modes between the Kekule deformation and joint CC stretching give rise to the Raman enhancements of the Franck-Condon type, and that the b(3g) mode corresponding to the graphite G mode is enhanced by vibronic coupling between the L-1(a)(B-1(1u)) and B-1(b)(B-1(2u)) states. The phonon dispersion curves of polyacene provide a uniform foundation for understanding molecular vibrations of the oligoacenes in terms of the phase difference. The mode correlated with the defect-sensitive D mode of the bulk carbon networks is also found for the present one-dimensional system. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics., AMER INST PHYSICS, Feb. 2007, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 126, 6, 064904-(1)-064904-(15), English, Book review, 0021-9606, 1089-7690, WOS:000244250200037 - 不均一電場による中性分子の並進運動の制御(最近の研究から)
山北 佳宏
リュードベリ状態における非常に大きな双極子モーメントは, シュタルク効果を通じて中性分子の並進運動の制御に利用することができる.分子リュードベリ状態の場合, 前期解離や自動イオン化に由来する短い寿命が実験上の問題となるが, 適当な量子準位を選択すると約100μsの長い寿命が観測されることが分かった.また, 最適化された時間変動電場を用いると, 分子を減速し空間に静止させられる可能性のあることが数値計算により示された., 社団法人日本物理学会, 05 Jan. 2006, 日本物理學會誌, 61, 1, 36-40, 0029-0181, 110002973229 - 最近の研究から 不均一電場による中性分子の並進運動の制御
山北 佳宏
日本物理学会, 2006, 日本物理学会誌, 61, 1, 36-40, Japanese, 0029-0181, 40007061020, AN00196952 - 19pWA-6 Controlling the translation of Rydberg molecules
Yamakita Yoshihiro
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 19 Aug. 2005, Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 60, 2, 51-51, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110004537658, AA11439205 - A highly sensitive electron spectrometer for continuous ionization sources
YAMAKITA Yoshihiro; MISAIZU Fuminori; OHNO Koichi
The Spectroscopical Society of Japan, 15 Dec. 2004, Bunko Kenkyu, 53, 6, 364-366, Japanese, 0038-7002, 10013705491, AN00222531 - 28aXG-1 Translation control of atoms/molecules by inhomogeneous electric fields
Yamakita Y.; Takahashi R.; Ohno K.; Procter S. R.; Merkt F.; Softley T. P.
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 03 Mar. 2004, Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 59, 1, 165-165, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110002186156, AA11439205 - Collision energy-resolved study of the emission cross-section and the Penning ionization cross-section in the reaction of BrCN with He*(23S)
Kazuhiro Kanda; Yoshihiro Yamakita; Koichi Ohno
The dissociative excitation of BrCN producing CN(B2Σ+) fragment by the collision of He*(23S) was investigated by the collision energy-resolved electron and emission spectroscopy using time-of-flight method with a high-intensity He* beam. The Penning electrons ejected from BrCN and the subsequent CN(B2Σ+-X2Σ+) emission were measured as a function of collision energy in the range of 90-180 meV. The formation of CN(B2Σ+) is concluded to proceed dominantly via the promotion of an electron from Π-character orbital, by comparison between the collision energy dependence of the partial Penning ionization cross-sections and the CN(B2Σ+-X2Σ+) emission cross-section. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., 07 Dec. 2001, Chemical Physics Letters, 349, 5-6, 411-420, English, 0009-2614, 80015111710, 0038400350 - Strong Raman activities of low frequency vibrational modes in alkylbenzenes: conformation specific sigma-pi interactions between alkyl chain and benzene ring
K Ohno; J Kimura; Y Yamakita
Non-resonant Raman intensities for alkylbenzenes were studied based on FT-Raman spectra and density functional calculations. Strong bands were found for a bending mode and a torsion mode in a range of 19-217 cm(-1), where no strong bands were observed for benzene and alkanes. In a staggered form of ethylbenzene and a gauche form of n-propylbenzene, non-totally symmetric torsion modes of 19 and 38 cm(-1) gave remarkably enhanced Raman intensities much stronger than ring-breathing modes. Strong Raman activities of low frequency modes in alkylbenzenes can be ascribed to stereo-specific sigma-pi interactions between alkyl chain and benzene ring. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Jul. 2001, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 342, 1-2, 207-219, English, 0009-2614, WOS:000169909800030 - Penning ionization of [2,2]-paracyclophane by collision with metastable He*( 2 3S ) atoms
Yoshihiro Yamakita; Masayo Yamauchi; Koichi Ohno
Penning ionization of [2,2]-paracyclophane (PC) with metastable He*(2 3S) atoms has been studied by means of simultaneous detection of collision energy and electron energy. Negative collision energy dependences of partial Penning ionization cross-sections have been observed in the range of 115-283 meV. This indicates the presence of an attractive potential well around PC. Assignments of Penning ionization electron and HeI ultraviolet photoelectron spectra have been made by outer valence Green's function calculations. Molecular-orbital and model-potential calculations have also been performed, and the characteristic features of electron density and interaction potential are discussed in comparison with the case of benzene., Elsevier, 19 May 2000, Chemical Physics Letters, 322, 3-4, 189-198, English, 0009-2614, 0001142858 - Penning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy of CO2 Clusters in Collision with Metastable Rare Gas Atoms.
2000, Chem. Phys. Letters, 327, 1/2, 104-110, 0009-2614, 80011898962 - Raman spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Comparison of calculated Raman intensity distributions with observed spectra for naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene, and perylene
H Shinohara; Y Yamakita; K Ohno
Theoretical calculations of Raman spectra have been performed for naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene, and perylene. Normal-coordinate calculations have been carried out by ab initio Hartree-Fock (HF) theory, density functional (DF) theory, and a simple force field model (MO/8 model). Raman intensities have been evaluated for each normal coordinate by the finite field method using polarizability derivatives calculated with the wave functions from HF and DF theories. The calculated vibrational frequencies show good agreement with observed ones within similar to 10 cm(-1) at the BLYP/6-31G* level. Normal coordinates obtained by the MO/8 model generate better intensity distributions than those calculated at the BLYP/6-31G* level; the average deviation factor of intensity ratios, which is defined as an invariant index for discrepancies of intensity distributions between calculation and experiment, is found to be 1.35-1.97 for MO/8 normal coordinates, whereas it is 1.58-5.57 for BLYP normal coordinates. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Feb. 1998, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, 442, 1-3, 221-234, English, 0022-2860, WOS:000072445300024
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Classical trajectory calculations for the reaction dynamics of Penning ionization of benzene focusing on molecular alignment
Jun Motoyoshi; Ryo Takahashi; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 18th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science
20 Sep. 2024
18 Sep. 2024- 21 Sep. 2024 - 交差分子線衝突イオン化反応における衝突速度と配向依存性の研究
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第三回冷却分子・精密分光シンポジウム, Invited
31 Aug. 2024
30 Aug. 2024- 31 Aug. 2024 - Raman intensities of conformation-dependent low-frequency modes of chalcogenoanisole: analysis by singular value decomposition
Akira Mizushina; Keigo Yamaguchi; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 104th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan
Mar. 2024
18 Mar. 2024- 21 Mar. 2024 - Conformation analysis of alkylbenzenes by Penning ionization electron spectroscopy
Shigeyuki Shimizu; Ryo Takahashi; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 17th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2023, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus, https://www.molsci.jp/2023/, Japan, 3P001
14 Sep. 2023
12 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023 - Classical trajectory calculations for Penning ionization focusing on the orientation of aromatic molecule in a seeded molecular beam
Jun Motoyoshi; Ryo Takahashi; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 17th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2023, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus, https://www.molsci.jp/2023/, Japan, 2P014
13 Sep. 2023
12 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023 - Singular value decomposition analyses of polarizability and Raman intensity of π-conjugated hydrocarbons
Keigo Yamaguchi; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 17th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2023, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus, https://www.molsci.jp/2023/, Japan, 1E02
12 Sep. 2023
12 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023 - Penning ionization electron spectroscopy of alkylbenzenes seeded in a supersonic molecular beam
Ryo Takahashi; Shigeyuki Shimizu; Jun Motoyoshi; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 17th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2023, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus, https://www.molsci.jp/2023/, Japan, 1P012
12 Sep. 2023
12 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023 - Conformation analyses of alkylbenzenes by Penning ionization electron spectroscopy and DFT calculations
Shigeyuki Shimizu; Ryo Takahashi; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, English, 38th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University (2-16-23 Nishijin, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka), http://sckd.jp/38Fukuoka/index_e.php, 1P28, International conference
07 Jun. 2023
07 Jun. 2023- 09 Jun. 2023 - Orientation distribution of alkylbenzenes in a supersonic molecular beam: Penning ionization electron spectroscopy study
Ryo Takahashi; Shigeyuki Shimizu; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, English, 38th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University (2-16-23 Nishijin, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka), http://sckd.jp/38Fukuoka/index.php, Japan, 1P29, International conference
07 Jun. 2023
07 Jun. 2023- 09 Jun. 2023 - Analyses of Raman intensities and electronic excited states of non-planar nanocarbons by singular value decomposition
Keigo Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 103rd Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Noda Campus, Tokyo University of Science, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/csj103rd/top, P1-2am-21
22 Mar. 2023
23 Mar. 2023- 25 Mar. 2023 - Orientation distributions of alkylbenzenes in a supersonic molecular beam studied by high sensitivity Penning ionization electron spectroscopy
Ryo Takahashi, Shigeyuki Shimizu, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 103rd Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Noda Campus, Tokyo University of Science, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/csj103rd/top, K205-2pm-01
22 Mar. 2023
23 Mar. 2023- 25 Mar. 2023 - Classical trajectory calculations for Penning ionization focusing on the orientation of benzene in a seeded molecular beam
Jun Motoyoshi, Ryo Takahashi, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 103rd Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Noda Campus, Tokyo University of Science, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/csj103rd/top
23 Mar. 2023
22 Mar. 2023- 25 Mar. 2023 - A study on catalytic reactivity of mass-selected lanthanoid-acetone clusters
Ryo Takahashi; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 15th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2021, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Zoom/Slack, http://www.molsci.jp/2021/index.html, Japan, 3C01, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2021
18 Sep. 2021- 21 Sep. 2021 - The origin of strong Raman intensity of low-frequency modes of non-planar nanocarbons
Keigo Yamaguchi; Yoshihiro Yamakita; Koichi Ohno
Poster presentation, English, The 15th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2021, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Zoom/Slack, http://www.molsci.jp/2021/index.html, Japan, 2P087, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2021
18 Sep. 2021- 21 Sep. 2021 - Classical trajectory calculations for Penning ionization reaction distribution of acenes
Ryoma Kataoka; Sayaka Tamura; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 15th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2021, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Zoom/Slack, http://www.molsci.jp/2021/index.html, Japan, 1A08, Domestic conference
18 Sep. 2021
18 Sep. 2021- 21 Sep. 2021 - A study of collisional stereodynamics of Penning ionization from conjugated π-electron system
Ryoma Kataoka; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 101st Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Online (zoom), https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/csj101st/top, A05-2am-01, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2021
20 Mar. 2021- 22 Mar. 2021 - The n-π interactions and electron correlations in intramolecular rotation of chalcogenoanisole
Kotai Ka; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 101st Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Online (zoom), https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/csj101st/top, Japan, P04-1am-11, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2021
19 Mar. 2021- 22 Mar. 2021 - 状態選択されたペニングイオン化反応のトラジェクトリ解析:低温化学反応動力学へ向けて
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, IQCE量子化学探索講演会2020「量子化学で探る化学の最先端」., Invited, 量子化学探索研究所, zoom(東京大学山上会館から変更), https://iqce.jp/IQCE2020.pdf, Japan, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2020
02 Nov. 2020- 02 Nov. 2020 - Characteristic Raman intensities of low-frequency modes of prism carbons
Keigo Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro Yamakita, Koichi Ohno
Poster presentation, Japanese, 10th CSJ Chemistry Festa, The Chemical Society of Japan, Zoom/Remo, https://www.csj.jp/festa/2020/index.html, Japan, P6-012, Domestic conference
20 Oct. 2020
20 Oct. 2020- 22 Oct. 2020 - Theoretical study on the electronic structures and reactivities of La+-acetone clusters
Ryo Takahashi; Shota Shimokawara; Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, 10th CSJ Chemistry Festa, The Chemical Society of Japan, Zoom/Remo, Japan, P6-012, Domestic conference
20 Oct. 2020
20 Oct. 2020- 22 Oct. 2020 - Classical trajectory calculations for Penning ionization of anthracene
Ryoma Kataoka, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, Online Student Symposium of Japan Society for Molecular Science, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Zoom/Slack, https://sites.google.com/view/molscigakusei2020/
14 Sep. 2020 - Origins of Strong Raman Intensities of Low Frequency Modes of Prism-Carbons
Keigo Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro Yamakita, Koichi Ohno
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 100th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Noda Campus, Tokyo University of Science, http://www.csj.jp/nenkai/100haru/index.html
23 Mar. 2020 - Measurement of half-lives and internal-conversion electron energy spectra for U-235m oxide, fluoride, and chloride
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本放射化学会第63回討論会(2019), Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Iwaki, Fukushima, http://www.radiochem.org/sorc2019/
24 Sep. 2019 - The study of conformational search and intramolecular hydrogen bond of threonine and thiothreonine
Ryo Takahashi, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 13th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2019 Nagoya, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya University, http://www.molsci.jp/2019/
18 Sep. 2019 - Classical trajectory calculations for state-resolved Penning ionization reactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in collision with He*(23S)
Yoshihiro Yamakita, Naoki Kai
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 13th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2019 Nagoya, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya University, http://www.molsci.jp/2019/
17 Sep. 2019 - Femtosecond electronic relaxation and real-time vibrational dynamics in 2’-hydroxychalcone
Y. Yamakita, N. Yokoyama, B. Xue, N. Shiokawa, Y. Harabuchi, S. Maeda, T. Kobayashi
Poster presentation, English, The 14th Femtochemistry Conference (FEMTO14), Center for Ultrafast Science and Technology, SJTU Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (MOE), SJTU State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, ECNU, Shanghai, China, Peer-reviewed, http://femto14.htcis.net/
29 Jul. 2019 - Effects of hydrogen bonds and zero-point energy on the conformational stability of tyrosine and phenylalanine
Ryo Takahashi, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 99th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Okamoto Campus, Konan University, http://www.csj.jp/nenkai/99haru/index.html
18 Mar. 2019 - The phonon modes of graphene nanoribbons: ribbon-width dependence
Riku Asami, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 99th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Okamoto Campus, Konan University, http://www.csj.jp/nenkai/99haru/index.html
18 Mar. 2019 - Spectroscopy of internal conversion electrons from 235mU and half-life measurement using a retarding-field magnetic bottle electron spectrometer
Yudai Shigekawa, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Yoshihiro Yamakita, Eisuke Watanabe, Yuki Yasuda, Kondo Narumi, Atsushi Shinohara
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 99th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Okamoto Campus, Konan University, http://www.csj.jp/nenkai/99haru/index.html
17 Mar. 2019 - Crystal structure exploration of nitrogen-contained polycyclic aromatic compounds and rubrene using Buckingham potentials
Ryoma Kataoka, Ryo Ito, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 99th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Okamoto Campus, Konan University, http://www.csj.jp/nenkai/99haru/index.html
16 Mar. 2019 - Trajectory calculations for Penning ionization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Naoki Kai, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 99th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Okamoto Campus, Konan University, http://www.csj.jp/nenkai/99haru/index.html
16 Mar. 2019 - Development of a retarding-field magnetic-bottle electron spectrometer and measurements of the internal conversion electrons from U-235m (JNRS)
Yudai Shigekawa, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Yoshihiro Yamakita, Yuki Yasuda, Narumi Kondo, Eisuke Watanabe, Atsushi Shinohara
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第62回放射化学討論会, Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/isotope/
18 Sep. 2018 - σ-π interaction effects in the Raman intensity of low-frequency modes of [2.2]paracyclophanecalculations based on Buckingham potentials
Yoshihiro Yamakita, Keigo Yamaguchi, Koichi Ohno
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 12th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2018 Fukuoka, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Fukuoka International Congress Center, http://www.molsci.jp/2018/
11 Sep. 2018 - Isomer search of L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine by the scaled hyperspherical search method: hydrogen bonding and entropy
Ryo Takahashi, Yuki Ishiguro, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 12th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2018 Fukuoka, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Fukuoka International Congress Center, http://www.molsci.jp/2018/
10 Sep. 2018 - Crystal structure prediction of nitrogen-contained polycyclic aromatic compounds using Monte-Carlo calculations based on Buckingham potentials
Ryoma Kataoka, Ryo Ito, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 12th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2018 Fukuoka, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Fukuoka International Congress Center, http://www.molsci.jp/2018/
10 Sep. 2018 - Design of a Photofragment Velocity-Map Imaging Spectrometer for Mass-Selected Cluster Ions
Koudai Saito, Shota Shimokawara, Hidenori Iwasaki, and Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, English, The Irago Conference 2017 (Interdisciplinary Research and Global Outlook), The University of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications, http://www.iragoconference.jp/
01 Nov. 2017 - Surface Electron Density and Conformational Landscape of Amino Acids
Yoshihiro. Yamakita, Yuki Ishiguro, Yousuke. Takano, and Ryo Takahashi
Poster presentation, English, International Symposium on Novel Energy Nanomaterials, Catalysts and Surfaces for Future Earth -Material Research, Characterization and Imaging by In situ/Operando XAFS and X-ray Techniques-, The University of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications, Peer-reviewed, http://www.iwasawalab.pc.uec.ac.jp/uec.int.symp/
28 Oct. 2017 - Penning ionization electron spectroscopy and spherical hypersphere search study on conformational stability of alanine, serine, and cysteine
Yoshihiro Yamakita, Yuki Ishiguro, Yosuke Takano, Ryo Takahashi
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 11th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2017 Sendai, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Kawauchi-Kita Campus, Tohoku University, http://www.molsci.jp/2017/
18 Sep. 2017 - Electron distributions of push-pull para-substituted benzenes studied by highly-sensitive Penning ionization electron spectroscopy
Hiroshi Matsui, Yuki Ishiguro, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 97th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University
16 Mar. 2017 - Penning ionization electron spectroscopy of sugars: electron structures and conformations
Takashi Sato, Yuki Ishiguro, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 97the Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University
16 Mar. 2017 - Penning ionization electron spectroscopy and determination of conformational landscapes of alanine, serine, and cysteine
Yoshihiro Yamakita, Yuki Ishiguro, and Yosuke Takano
Poster presentation, English, Gordon Research Conference: Gaseous Ions Structures, Energetics & Reactions, Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA, Peer-reviewed, The electronic and conformational structures of L-alanine (R=CH3), serine (R=OH), and cysteine (R=SH) were studied by Penning ionization electron spectroscopy (PIES) experiments and automated quantum chemical calculations. We demonstrate the collisional ionization experiments on biomolecules with metastable excited He atoms (19.82 eV) using a high-sensitivity Penning ionization electron spectrometer of the magnetic bottle type. Since PIES is sensitive to exterior electron distribution outside the molecular surface, observed spectra were analyzed by an EED model at the HF/aug-cc-pVDZ level and outer and valence green function (OVGF) calculations using aug-cc-pVDZ. The conformational were discussed in terms of the internal energy and entropy with the GRRM program at B3LYP/6-311++G (d,p).
15 Feb. 2017 - アミノ酸およびランタノイド分子クラスターの反応経路探索
Oral presentation, Japanese, IQCE量子化学探索講演会2016「量子化学で探る化学の最先端」, 量子化学探索研究所, 東京大学山上会館
19 Nov. 2016 - Surface electron distribution of amino acids studied by Penning electron spectroscopy and isomer search calculations
Yuki Ishiguro, Yousuke Takano, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 10th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science 2016 Kobe, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Fashion Mart, Kobe, Japan
14 Sep. 2016 - ランタノイドで活性化されたアセトンクラスターにおける反応経路の研究:質量分析と量子化学計算
岩崎秀紀, 山北佳宏,下川原翔太, 齋藤広大
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第10回分子科学討論会2016神戸,第10回分子科学討論会2016講演要旨集
13 Sep. 2016 - 超高感度電子分光装置で見えないものを見る
山北 佳宏
Public discourse, Japanese, 第7回 UEC コミュニケーションサロン, Invited, Domestic conference
21 Jul. 2016 - Femtosecond Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Photochemical Dynamics of 2’-Hydroxychalcone
Nanae Yokoyama, Xue Bing, Masaya Suzuki, Taichi Tanaka, Naoyuki Shiokawa, Jarota Arkadiusz, Yu Harabuchi, Satoshi Maeda, Yoshihiro Yamakita, and Takayoshi Kobayashi
Poster presentation, English, International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, The Optical Society, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, Peer-reviewed, http://www.osa.org/en-us/meetings/topical_meetings/international_conference_on_ultrafast_phenomen/
19 Jul. 2016 - Time-of-flight reflectron spectrometry of laser-ablated TiOn (n=0-2) - acetone cluster ions
Hidenori Iwasaki, Shota Shimokawara, and Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, English, 32nd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, Sonic City Hall, Omiya
02 Jun. 2016 - Penning ionization electron spectroscopy of L-alanine and determination of isomeric landscapes
Yuki Ishiguro, Yosuke Takano, Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, English, 32nd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, Sonic City Hall, Omiya
02 Jun. 2016 - C=O bond activation in 4f transition metal□molecule cluster cations studied by time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Shota Shimokawara, Hidenori Iwasaki, Koudai Saito, and Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 96th Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting, The Chemical Society of Japan, Kyotanabe Campus, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, http://www.csj.jp/nenkai/96haru/index.html
27 Mar. 2016 - Intramolecular rotation in thioanisole derivatives studied by Penning ionization electron spectroscopy
Yosuke Takano, Yuki Ishiguro, Masahiro Ota, and Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 96th Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting, The Chemical Society of Japan, Kyotanabe Campus, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, http://www.csj.jp/nenkai/96haru/index.html
24 Mar. 2016 - 分子線とレーザーを使った化学反応素過程の動力学の研究
山北 佳宏
Others, Japanese, 電気通信大学コヒーレント光科学セミナー, Invited, Domestic conference
11 Mar. 2016 - Structure and photodissociation reaction of metal-acetone cluster ions M+(CH3COCH3)n (M = Cu, Ti, Sm, and Er) studied by time-of-flight reflectron imaging spectrometry
Yoshihiro Yamakita, Koudai, Saito, Shota Shimowakara, and Hidenori Iwasaki
Poster presentation, English, The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2015), Chemical Societies of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, http://www.pacifichem.org/
16 Dec. 2015 - Coordination Structures in Sm+(CH3COCH3)n, Sm+(CH3OH)n and Sm+(C2H5OH)n Cluster Ions
Shota Shimokawara, Hidenori Iwasaki, Koudai Saito, and Yoshihiro Yamakita
Poster presentation, English, Irago Conference 2015, Toyohashi University of Technology, Tahara City, Japan, http://www.iragoconference.jp/, P61
23 Oct. 2015 - Structure of Ti-Acetone Cluster Ions Studied by Time-of-Flight Reflectron Spectrometry
Hidenori Iwasaki, Shota Shimokawara, and Yoshihiro Yamakita
Oral presentation, English, Irago Conference 2015, Toyohashi University of Technology, Tahara City, Japan, http://www.iragoconference.jp/, GSS3, Short Talk
23 Oct. 2015 - Electron Distributions of Substituted Anisole Analogues Studied by Highly-Sensitive Penning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy
Yuki Ishiguro, Masahiro Ota, Yoshihiro Yamakita, and Naoto Hayashi
Poster presentation, English, Irago Conference 2015, Toyohashi University of Technology, Tahara City, Japan, http://www.iragoconference.jp/, P64
23 Oct. 2015 - 分子内回転を有するアニソール類のペニングイオン化反応
石黒 勇希,太田 昌宏,山北 佳宏,林 直人
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第9回分子科学討論会2015東京,第9回分子科学討論会2015講演要旨集
19 Sep. 2015 - 反射型飛行時間型質量分析を用いたチタンを含むクラスターの電子構造と光解離反応の研究
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第9回分子科学討論会2015東京, 分子科学会, 東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス(東京), http://www.molsci.jp/2015/
16 Sep. 2015 - メチルカルコゲノベンゼン誘導体の分子内回転
山北 佳宏,下川原 翔太,小林 憲明
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第8回分子科学討論会2014東広島,第8回分子科学討論会2014講演要旨集
21 Sep. 2014 - 銅アセトンクラスター正イオンの飛行時間質量スペクトルによる構造安定性の研究
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第94春季年会,日本化学会第94春季年会講演予稿集
28 Mar. 2014 - 気相ペニングイオン化に対する磁気ボトル電子分光器の開発
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第93春季年会講演予稿集,日本化学会第93春季年会
Mar. 2013 - ラマン分光と量子化学計算によるセレノアニソールパラ置換体の分子内回転の安定性の解明
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第93春季年会講演予稿集,日本化学会第93春季年会
Mar. 2013 - 空間群を適用したアセン類分子結晶に関するモンテカルロ計算
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第93春季年会講演予稿集,日本化学会第93春季年会
Mar. 2013 - 多環芳香族炭化水素の結晶多形の予測計算法の開発
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第93春季年会講演予稿集,日本化学会第93春季年会
Mar. 2013 - Photodissociation dynamics of mass-selected cluster ions studied by reflectron imaging
Y. Yamakita, H. Hoshino, Y. Suzuki, M. Saito, K. Koyasu, and F. Misaizu
Poster presentation, English, Faraday Discussion 157: Molecular Reaction Dynamics in Gases, Liquids and Interfaces, Assisi, Italy, Peer-reviewed
25 Jun. 2012 - Mg+ICH3クラスターイオンの質量選別光解離画像観測
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第92春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 2012 - 反射型質量分析計によるMgAr+の光解離反応の画像観測実験
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第91春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 2011 - 反射型飛行時間質量分析計を用いたクラスターイオンの光解離画像観測装置の開発
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第91春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 2011 - 反射型質量選別画像観測法によるMg^+^(CH_3_I)1価イオン錯体の気相光解離反応
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第91春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 2011 - Photodissociation imaging of molecular clusters with Mg monocations
Yoshihiro Yamakita, Yoshitomo Suzuki, Hiroshi Hoshino, and Fuminori Misaizu
Poster presentation, Japanese, Molecular and Ionic Clusters Conference 2010, Belnatio Hotel, Niigata, Japan, http://www.mic2010.org/
05 Sep. 2010 - Electronic and vibrational states of nanocarbons
Y. Yamakita
Invited oral presentation, English, G-COE International Symposium on Physical Chemistry - Structures, Reactions, and Other Chemical Properties of Molecular Systems, Invited, G-COE International Symposium on Physical Chemistry - Structures, Reactions, and Other Chemical Properties of Molecular Systems, Sendai, International conference
02 Sep. 2010 - チオアニソール誘導体の低振動数ラマンバンド:共鳴ラマン効果の検討
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第89春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 2009 - 低振動数モードのラマン強度に関する分子軌道論からの研究
Others, Japanese, 岡崎国立共同研究機構計算科学研究センターレポート2008-2009
2009 - Molecular vibrations of [n]oligoacenes and phonon dispersions of carbon nanoribbons
Y. Yamakita
Invited oral presentation, English, The 8th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Perth, Australia, International conference
Nov. 2008 - Stark deceleration of Rydberg molecules in time-dependent electric fields: VUV/UV imaging spectroscopy and calculations in the phase space
Y. Yamakita
Others, English, 独立行政法人情報通信研究機構低温分子講演会
Sep. 2008 - 気相中の多環芳香族炭化水素の速度分解ペニング電子分光による立体ダイナミックスの研究
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第2回分子科学討論会2008講演要旨集
Sep. 2008 - Controlling the Translation of Molecules in Electric Fields
Y. Yamakita
Invited oral presentation, English, The 12th East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics, Seoul, International conference
Mar. 2008 - チオアニソール誘導体の低振動数モードのラマン強度に対する置換基効果
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第88春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 2008 - シュタルク効果を利用した分子の並進制御とその応用
山北佳宏, 高橋理沙子, 大野公一, S. R. Procter, T. P. Softley, F. Merkt
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, シンポジウム:分子制御とその応用, 日本物理学会第62回年次大会講演概要集, Domestic conference
Sep. 2007 - Controlling molecules via the Stark effect: UV/VUV imaging spectroscopy and calculations in the phase space
Y. Yamakita, R. Takahashi, K. Ohno, S. R. Procter, T. P. Softley, and F. Merkt
Invited oral presentation, English, JSPS Asian CORE program “Frontiers on material, photo-, and theoretical molecular sciences”, Symposium on Advanced Laser Spectroscopy, Kobe, International conference
Sep. 2007 - ベンゼン置換体の大振幅振動における超共役効果とラマン強度
Oral presentation, Japanese, 平成19年度化学系学協会東北大会講演予稿集
Sep. 2007 - カーボンナノリボンの振動分散の統一的解明
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第1回分子科学討論会2007講演要旨集
Sep. 2007 - Controlling the Translation of Molecules in Electric Fields: Towards Infra-Thermal Chemistry
Y. Yamakita, R. Takahashi, N. Hori, K. Ohno, S. R. Procter, A. L. Goodgame, T. P. Softley, and F. Merkt
Invited oral presentation, English, International Symposium on Molecular Science of Ultrafast Electronic Dynamics, Sendai, International conference
May 2007 - シュタルク効果を利用した分子制御の位相空間における数値計算
Nominated symposium, Japanese, 2006 年度宇宙空間原子分子過程研究 「形」を有する量子多体系の立体衝突, Invited, JAXA 宇宙科学研究本部, Domestic conference
01 Mar. 2007 - ハニカム状カーボンリボンの振動分散曲線-zigzag方向とarmchair方向の比較-
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第87春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 2007 - シュタルク効果を利用した分子制御の位相空間における数値計算
山北佳宏, 高橋理沙子, 堀信貴, 大野公一
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2006年度宇宙空間電子分子過程研究会講演報告集,「形」を有する量子多体系の立体衝突
Jan. 2007 - アセンの振動分散関係とナノ炭素ネットワークにおけるフォノン
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2006分子構造総合討論会予稿集
Sep. 2006 - 電場による分子の並進操作と量子過程の探索
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 理研シンポジウム:共鳴・配向による分子反応の量子デザイン, Domestic conference
May 2006 - ベンゼン誘導体における環-置換基振動のラマン強度に対する共役・立体効果
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第86春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 2006 - 分子の並進と配向の電場を用いた量子制御
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 基盤研究(C)企画調査「粒子相関と配向・偏極で探る有限量子系のダイナミクス」第3回研究会, Domestic conference
Jan. 2006 - Conformation specific Raman scattering activities for the low-frequency modes of benzene analogues: electronic interactions between a ring and a substituent
Y. Yamakita, Y. Isogai, and K. Ohno
Oral presentation, English, International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Pacifichem 2005
Dec. 2005 - 電場によるリュ-ドベリ分子の並進運動の制御
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, シンポジウム:超低速ビームによる共鳴制御, 日本物理学会2005年秋季大会講演概要集, Domestic conference
Sep. 2005 - 分子の並進と配向の電場を用いた量子制御
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 基盤研究(C)企画調査「粒子相関と配向・偏極で探る有限量子系のダイナミクス」第2回研究会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2005 - Controlling the Translation of Molecules in Electric Fields: - prospects for infra-thermal chemistry
Y. Yamakita, R. Takahashi, N. Hori, K. Ohno, S. R. Procter, A. L. Goodgame, T. P. Softley, and F. Merkt
Invited oral presentation, English, The 7th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Chennai, International conference
Jul. 2005 - Controlling the Motion of Rydberg Molecules in Inhomogeneous Electric Field
Y. Yamakita, R. Takahashi,N. Hori, and K. Ohno
Invited oral presentation, English, International Symposium on Analysis and Control of Molecular Quantum Processes, Sendai, hot topics talk, International conference
Jul. 2005 - 最適化された電場を用いた分子の並進運動の制御
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 基盤研究(C)企画調査「粒子相関と配向・偏極で探る有限量子系のダイナミクス」第1回研究会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2005 - 電場によるリュードベリ分子の並進運動の制御:気相低温化学への展望
Nominated symposium, Japanese, 2004年度宇宙空間原子分子過程研究会プログラム 共鳴制御による反応機構クロスオーバー, JAXA 宇宙科学研究本部, Domestic conference
07 Jan. 2005 - 電場によるリュードベリ分子の並進運動制御-気相低温化学への展望-
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2004年度宇宙空間原子分子過程研究会講演報告集,共鳴制御による反応機構クロスオーバー
Jan. 2005 - Deflection and deceleration of Rydberg molecules and atoms in inhomogeneous electric fields
Y. Yamakita, S. R. Procter, A. L. Goodgame, T. P. Softley, F. Merkt, R. Takahashi, N. Hori, and K. Ohno
Invited oral presentation, English, International Symposium on Stereodynamics of Chemical Reactions 2004, Osaka, hot topics talk, International conference
Nov. 2004 - 芳香族化合物置換体のラマンスペクトルの低振動数領域における強度異常とσ―π相互作用
Oral presentation, Japanese, 平成16年度化学系学協会東北大会講演予稿集
Sep. 2004 - 高励起リュードベリ分子の並進と寿命の不均一電場による制御
山北佳宏,高橋理沙子,堀信貴,大野公一,S. R. Procter,F. Merkt,T. P. Softley
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回化学反応討論会講演要旨集
Jun. 2004 - 不均一電場によるリュードベリ原子分子の並進運動の制御
山北佳宏,堀信貴、高橋理沙子,大野公一,S. R. Procter,F. Merkt,T. P.Softley
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第59回年次大会講演概要集
Mar. 2004 - 不均一双極子電場によるリュードベリ水素分子の空間制御
山北 佳宏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2002分子構造総合討論会要旨集
Oct. 2002 - VUV excitation and control of molecular Rydberg states by inhomogeneous electric fields
Y. Yamakita
Invited oral presentation, English, International Symposium on Advanced Laser Manipulation of Molecular Systems, Sendai, International conference
Sep. 2002 - 高感度電子エネルギー分析器を用いた全方向電子検出によるペニングイオン化部分断面積の衝突エネルギー依存性
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第57回年次大会講演概要集
Mar. 2002 - 水素分子のgeradeリュードベリ状態のシュタルク効果
山北佳宏,S. R. Procter, T. P. Softley
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第81春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 2002 - σ-π共役による低振動数Ramanバンドの強度異常:π電子構造と分子内振動の強相関効果
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回物理化学コロキウム
Oct. 2000 - 磁気ボトル‐阻止電場型分析器を用いたクラスターのペニングイオン化電子分光:CO_2_クラスターからの高速な放出電子の観測
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第78春季年会講演予稿集
Sep. 2000 - 希ガスの励起原子との衝突によるArクラスターのイオン化ダイナミックス 超励起状態からの自動イオン化の観測
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第78春季年会講演予稿集
Sep. 2000 - 高感度ペニングイオン化電子分光法によるArクラスターの研究
Oral presentation, Japanese, 1999分子構造総合討論会要旨集
Sep. 1999 - Na原子とアクリルニトリル分子からなる溶媒和クラスターの光イオン化
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第76春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1999 - Structures and stability of clusters of sodium atom solvated with nitrile compounds: photoionization mass spectroscopic study
F. Misaizu, K. Ohshimo, H. Tsunoyama, Y. Yamakita, and K. Ohno
Oral presentation, English, 第63回岡崎コンファレンス
Mar. 1999 - ポリアセンの共通振動力場と赤外・ラマン強度解析
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第76春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1999 - Cu-CO_2_系からの負イオンクラスターの生成と光電子分光
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第76春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1999 - アルカリ金属原子(Li,Na)-アセトン分子溶媒和型クラスターの光イオン化
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第76春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1999 - 磁気ボトル交差分子線ペニングイオン化電子分光
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第76春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1999 - 磁気ボトル効果を用いた電子エネルギー分析器による速度分解ペニング電子分光装置の開発
Oral presentation, Japanese, 1998分子構造総合討論会予稿集
Sep. 1998 - 高温試料ノズルを用いた速度分解ペニングイオン化電子分光
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第74春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1998 - He(2^3^S)とアルコール類との反応における衝突エネルギー分解蛍光分光
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第74春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1998 - ベンゼン置換体―アルカリ金属錯体のマトリックス単離赤外スペクトル
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第74春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1998 - ナトリウム原子を含む分子クラスターの光イオン化
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第74春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1998 - 貴金属原子―分子2成分クラスターの負イオン光電子分光
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第74春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1998 - 多環芳香族炭化水素に共通な振動力場モデルと振動遷移強度解析
Oral presentation, Japanese, 平成9年度日本分光学会秋季講演会・シンポジウム講演要旨集
Nov. 1997 - PIES・PIOSの速度分解測定による解離励起過程の研究
Oral presentation, Japanese, 1997分子構造総合討論会要旨集
Oct. 1997 - ペニングイオン化電子と蛍光の速度分解測定による原子分子衝突過程の研究
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第72春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1997 - 衝突速度分解発光分光 -速度分解PIOS-
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第72春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1997 - 密度汎関数計算を用いた多環芳香族炭化水素の基準振動およびラマン強度計算
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本化学会第72春季年会講演予稿集
Mar. 1997
- UEC passport program Ⅱ
2011 - Present - Advanced Physical Chemistry
2011 - Present - Environmental Science
2011 - Present - Physical Chemistry I
2011 - Present - Modern Chemistry
2011 - Present - Principles of Chemistry I
2011 - Present - Chemistry Laboratory B2
Dec. 2023 - Jan. 2024 - Chemistry Laboratory B2
Oct. 2023 - Nov. 2023 - Principles of Chemistry I
Apr. 2023 - Sep. 2023 - Chemistry Laboratory B1
Jun. 2023 - Jul. 2023 - Chemistry Laboratory B1
Apr. 2023 - May 2023 - Chemistry Laboratory
2011 - Mar. 2023 - Chemistry Laboratory
2011 - Mar. 2023 - 基盤理工学専攻基礎
2022 - 化学生命工学特論(受入教員)
千葉大学 吉田弘幸 先生 - 基盤理工学専攻基礎
2021 - UEC passport program Ⅱ
2021 - Advanced Physical Chemistry
2021 - Chemistry Laboratory
2021 - Chemistry Laboratory
2021 - Environmental Science
2021 - Physical Chemistry I
2021 - Modern Chemistry
2021 - Principles of Chemistry I
2021 - 基盤理工学専攻基礎
2020 - UEC passport program Ⅱ
2020 - Advanced Physical Chemistry
2020 - Chemistry Laboratory
2020 - Chemistry Laboratory
2020 - Environmental Science
2020 - Physical Chemistry I
2020 - Modern Chemistry
2020 - Principles of Chemistry I
2020 - 基盤理工学専攻基礎
2019 - UEC passport program Ⅱ
2019 - Advanced Physical Chemistry
2019 - Chemical Laboratory
2019 - Chemistry Laboratory
2019 - Environmental Science
2019 - Physical Chemistry I
2019 - Modern Chemistry
2019 - Principles of Chemistry I
2019 - 基盤理工学専攻基礎
2018 - UEC passport program Ⅱ
2018 - Advanced Physical Chemistry
2018 - Senior Thesis
2018 - Chemical Laboratory
2018 - Chemistry Laboratory
2018 - Environmental Science
2018 - Physical Chemistry I
2018 - Modern Chemistry
2018 - Principles of Chemistry I
2018 - Principles of Chemistry I
2018 - 基盤理工学専攻基礎
2017 - UEC passport program Ⅱ
2017 - Advanced Physical Chemistry
2017 - Chemical Laboratory
2017 - Chemistry Laboratory
2017 - Environmental Science
2017 - Molecular Spectroscopy
2017 - Modern Chemistry
2017 - Principles of Chemistry I
2017 - UEC passport program III
2016 - UEC passport program Ⅱ
2016 - UEC passport program Ⅰ
2016 - Advanced Physical Chemistry
2016 - Chemical Laboratory
2016 - Chemistry Laboratory
2016 - Environmental Science
2016 - Molecular Spectroscopy
2016 - Modern Chemistry
2016 - Principles of Chemistry I
2016 - Selected Topics in Materials Science and Information Biology
2015 - パスポートセミナー
2015 - UECパスポートプログラムⅢ(文部科学省「理数学生育成支援事業」)
2015 - UECパスポートプログラムⅡ(文部科学省「理数学生育成支援事業」)
2015 - UECパスポートプログラムⅠ(文部科学省「理数学生育成支援事業」)
2015 - 材料分析特論
2015 - 基礎科学実験B(木曜3限4限クラス)
2015 - 基礎科学実験B(金曜3限4限クラス)
2015 - 環境科学
2015 - 分子分光学
2015 - 現代化学
2015 - 化学概論(月曜2限クラス)
2015 - 化学概論(水曜1限クラス)
2015 - パスポートセミナー
2014 - 総合コミュニケーション科学
2014 - キャリア教育演習
2014 - UECパスポートプログラムⅢ(文部科学省「理数学生育成支援事業」)
2014 - UECパスポートプログラムⅡ(文部科学省「理数学生育成支援事業」)
2014 - UECパスポートプログラムⅠ(文部科学省「理数学生育成支援事業」)
2014 - 材料分析特論
2014 - 基礎科学実験B(木曜3限4限クラス)
2014 - 基礎科学実験B(金曜3限4限クラス)
2014 - 環境科学
2014 - 分子分光学
2014 - 現代化学
2014 - 化学概論(水曜1限クラス)
2014 - UECパスポートプログラムⅡ(文部科学省「理数学生育成支援事業」)
2013 - UECパスポートプログラムⅠ(文部科学省「理数学生育成支援事業」)
2013 - 基礎科学実験B(月曜3限4限クラス)
2013 - 材料分析特論
2013 - 環境科学
2013 - 現代化学
2013 - UECパスポートプログラムⅢ(文部科学省「理数学生育成支援事業」)
Affiliated academic society
- 2012 - Present
Institute for Quantum Chemical Expioration - Oct. 2004 - Present
Japan Intense Light FIeld Science Society - Jul. 2003 - Present
American Physical Society - Jun. 2003 - Present
The Society of Molecular Science - Apr. 2003 - Present
The Atomic Collision Society of Japan - Sep. 1997 - Present
The Spectroscopical Society of Japan - Jan. 1990 - Present
The Chemical Society of Japan - Apr. 2003 - Dec. 2014
The Physical Society of Japan
Research Themes
- 分子線を用いた超低温ペニングイオン化電子分光と光反応画像観測法の開拓
山北 佳宏
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, Scientific research (C), general, Principal investigator, 22K12670
Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2025 - ヘリウム準安定励起原子の電子運動量分光による交換相互作用の研究
物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点, 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点基盤共同研究, Principal investigator
01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2022 - ヘリウム準安定励起原子の電子運動量分光による交換相互作用の研究
物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点, 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点基盤共同研究
01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2021 - ヘリウム準安定励起原子の電運動量分光による交換相互作用の研究
物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点, 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点基盤共同研究
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2020 - Surface electronic structures of molecular clusters studied by atom impact ionization
Yamakita Yoshihiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Surface electronic structures of gas-phase molecules have been studied by Penning ionization electron spectroscopy, in which collisional reaction A* + M -> A + M+ + e- between metastable atom A* and the molecule M is utilized. We have developed and tuned an electron spectrometer maximizing the electron collection efficiency, and performed experiments on amino acids and aromatic molecules with it. Assignments of Penning ionization electron spectra and intramolecular rotational stabilities have been determined for the various amino acids with a side chain and aromatic molecules with a substituent. It was found that spectral intensities are satisfactorily reproduced by a model which is based on the exterior electron density outside the molecular surface. For naphthalene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, reaction dynamics have been elucidated by trajectory calculations for the first time. We have also developed a photodissociation ion imaging apparatus for mass-selected clusters., 16K05645
01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019 - ヘリウム準安定励起原子の電運動量分光による交換相互作用の研究
物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点, 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点基盤共同研究
01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2018 - 機能分子とクラスターに関する構造と励起状態ポテンシャルの自動探索
量子化学探索研究所, 研究助成, Principal investigator
01 Oct. 2015 - 30 Sep. 2017 - ヘリウム準安定励起原子の電運動量分光による交換相互作用の研究
物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点, 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点基盤共同研究
01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2016 - 磁気ボトル型電子分光測定による229mTh、235Uの核壊変過程の解明
2016 - The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2015)
公益信託分子科学研究奨励森野基金, 海外渡航助成, Principal investigator
14 Dec. 2015 - 18 Dec. 2015 - Penning ionization electron spectroscopy and multi-reflection ion imaging of clusters
YAMAKITA Yoshihiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, A highly-sensitive Penning ionization spectron spectrometer has been developed by utilizing the magnetic bottle effect, in which the electron collection efficiency has been increased by a factor of 1000. With this instrument we have determined a stable intramolecular conformation of selenoanisole, and found a clue of characteristic Penning ionization cross-sections. The elecron energy resolution was recorded to be 60 meV by ultraviolet photoelectron spectra of Ar. As reflectron ion imaging experiments, we have studied kinetic energy release and photon energy relaxation dynamics for gas-phase clusters such as MAr+ (M=Mg, Ti, Cu, Sm, and Er). Photodissociation was performed by a pulsed laser, and photofragments were imaged after mass selection. We have newly developed a reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer in our university, and combined with a position-sensitive detector., 25620010
01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2015 - Exchange interaction in the metastable excited helium atom studied by electron momentum spectroscopy
Yoshihiro Yamakita
Insititute of Multidisciplinary Research and Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, Principal investigator, Domestic joint research
2015 - 質量分析を利用したナノカーボンの完全酸化反応の解明と新規触媒設計に関する研究
日野自動車株式会社, 奨学寄附金, Principal investigator
2013 - 2013 - 質量分析を利用したナノカーボンの完全酸化反応の解明と新規触媒設計に関する研究
日野自動車株式会社, 奨学寄附金, Principal investigator
2012 - 2012 - 質量選別したナノカーボンと金属分子集合体の化学構造と反応性
電気通信大学研究・教育活性化支援システム, Principal investigator
2011 - 2012 - Reaction dynamics of molecular clusters studied by using molecular control and ion imaging techniques
YAMAKITA Yoshihiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), An ion-imaging apparatus for cluster ions were developed by combining a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and a position-sensitive detector, in which temporal and spatial distributions were focused by two-stage acceleration. Ultraviolet photodissociation dynamics of MgAr^+ and Mg^+(ICH_3) cluster ions were recorded by employing laser ablation. As a result, excess energy partitioning and dynamical behavior were disclosed; for example, kinetic energy release in MgAr^+ upon 266 nm photodissociation was estimated to be604±100 cm^-1, anisotropic parameter β=0.98, and dissociation energy at the ground stateD0” = 1222±120 cm^-1., 22550004
2010 - 2012 - 第8回アジア原子分子物理国際会議
東北大学大学院理学研究科長裁量経費, 渡航費助成, Principal investigator
2008 - 2008 - Production of ultracold molecular beams and application to inelastic surface scattering
YAMAKITA Yoshihiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Tohoku University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 本研究では基底状態で永久双極子モーメントを持つ極性分子と一般に大きな分極率をもつリュードベリ状態を対象として、分子冷却に関する技術開発および理論計算を行った。また、ベンゼン誘導体分子における低振動数モードのラマン強度の由来を明らかにし、炭素表面の一例としてカーボンナノリボン(グラフェンナノリボン)の振動状態を初めて系統的に明らかにした。これらの炭素ネットワークの基礎となる多環芳香族炭化水素や生体分子の衝突イオン化過程を電子分光で明らかにした。, 19550002
2007 - 2008 - Development of cross-correlation highly sensitive electron spectroscopy and real-time measurement of chemical reactions at interface
OHNO Koichi; YAMAKITA Yoshihiro; KISHIMOTO Naoki
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Tohoku University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 準安定励起原子と分子の衝突反応過程において、時間相関超高感度電子分光法を開発することで、衝突エネルギーと電子エネルギーの2パラメーターを分解する2次元電子分光法を固体表面に適用することに初めて成功し、界面での化学反応過程をリアルタイムで観測すること、並びに、分子表面に関する研究を推進することが出来た。, 17205001
2005 - 2008 - 最適化された電場によるリュードベリ分子の並進と配向の制御
財団法人松尾学術振興財団, 学術研究助成, Principal investigator
2005 - 2006 - Deceleration and cold collisions for neutral molecules and Rydberg atoms
YAMAKITA Yoshihiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Tohoku University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 1. Translational control of molecules In this research project the investigators have demonstrated by calculations that molecules in a cold beam can be decelerated to standstill at 13 mK using a Stark decelerator which applies time-varying electric fields. The results have been presented in the 7th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics (Chennai, India) as an invited talk, and the proceeding paper is now under referee processes. 2. Phonon dispersion curves of nanosize carbon networks Deceleration and translational cooling of molecules could make a significant impact on research area studying collisions of the molecules in the beam and surfaces. In this respect the investigators has established the phonon dispersion curves of polyacenes, which can act as a model for those of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) in surface scattering experiments. The paper has been published in the Journal of Chemical Physics, enabling readers in material sciences to understand. Those for multirow carbon nanoribbons have also been elucidated, and will be published to a good shortly. The point is that the results are based on the rigorous spectroscopic knowledge on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. 3. Orientation control of molecules The Raman intensity reflects the induced polarizability in molecules. Large Raman scattering activities have been found for substituted benzene analogues upon global motion. The ring-chain interactions involving σ-π orbital mixing have been calculated to play a key role. When halogen atoms or the bridge structures of two rings are introduced, the Raman intensity have been calculated to be significantly large. This fact supports the above mechanism strongly., 17550004
2005 - 2006 - 極短紫外光励起と不均一電場による分子リュードベリ状態の空間制御
山北 佳宏
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(A), 東北大学, 若手研究(A), 物理化学の新しい研究課題として最も注目されている課題の一つである低温分子に関して、次の(1)〜(4)に示す成果を上げることができた。分子の並進速度を実験室系に対して減速する研究は、国内でようやく重要性が認知され始めている課題であり、本研究で、中性H_2分子の並進速度を制御しできた成果は、先導的な意義を持つと考えられる。 (1)リュードベリH_2分子の不均一電場による偏向と減速をはじめて成功した。本実験で重要な役割を果たしたのは、著しい長寿命(>100μs)を持つリュードベリ状態を発見したことである。この状態は、回転自動イオン化と電場誘起前期解離の抑制された状態に由来していることを突き止め、電場をスイッチすることにより断熱的に高l-状態へ遷移し長寿命が実現されることが理論計算により結論された。 (2)完全静止のモンテカルロシミュレーションにより、指数関数的に減衰・増大する2つの双極子電場を用いると、ArにシードしたH_2分子を150mKの並進温度で静止できることを明らかにした。本研究のシミュレーションは極性分子に転用可能であり、極性分子を減速冷却させるための技術的課題が理解された。 (3)真空槽やレーザーなどの大半の実験装置の調整し、Heの3重項リュードベリ状態のシュタルク効果を実験と理論計算によって研究し、電場中におけるシュタルク準位の遷移ダイナミックスを明らかにした。H_2のリュードベリ状態のシュタルク効果についての分光学的知見を、微細構造と状態寿命にまで深めた。 (4)液体窒素冷却できるヘリウムのパルス放電ノズルを開発した。He原子源のパルス化に成功したことは実験上極めて重要な意義を持ち、本研究で製作した超高真空槽と組み合わせ、低温分子の衝突反応の実験を行う見通しが開けてきた。, 14703003
2002 - 2004 - レーザー分光による超音速分子線中の有機分子クラスターの構造と動的構造に関する研究
大和日英基金, 一般助成, Principal investigator
2000 - 2000 - 高感度ペニング電子分光法によるクラスターの表面電子分布の観測
山北 佳宏
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A), 東北大学, 奨励研究(A), 本研究課題の目的は,高感度のペニング電子分光法により,負イオンクラスターの余剰電子分布および立体構造を系統的に調べることであった。平成11年度においては,装置開発と試料生成に関する実験を行った。以下にその成果を述べる。 連続イオン化源に対応した磁気ボトル型電子エネルギー分析器を製作し,従来より1000倍以上の測定感度を中程度の分解能(82meV)において達成した。本装置を用いることにより,ArおよびのCO_2のvan der Waals錯体のペニング電子スペクトルをはじめて測定することができた。これらのクラスターでは,光学的にはFranck-Condon因子の制約から生成しえないが,He*(2^3S)からは共鳴的な励起エネルギー移動によって超励起状態が生成し,その後構造緩和を起こして自動イオン化を起こすことが明らかとなった。このような過程はクラスターに特異的であり,今後の研究の展開に重要な指針を与えた。 高感度ペニング電子分光法を気相微量化学種に適用するための予備的な実験として,多環芳香族炭化水素(PAH)のペニング電子分光と金属クラスター気相への生成を行った。ベンゼンからコロネンに至るまでのPAHについて,π電子とσ電子の立体電子分布とHe*(2^3S)との相互作用をペニング電子スペクトルから議論した。また,レーザー蒸発によって生成した。Cu_n(n=1-3)とNO_x(x=0,1,2)の負イオンクラスターについて,光電子分光と理論計算により議論を行った。, 11740305
1999 - 2000 - 金属を含む原子・分子小集団の赤外吸収線幅と電荷ゆらぎとの相関
大野 公一; 美齋津 文典; 山北 佳宏
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 萌芽的研究, 東北大学, 萌芽的研究, 本研究課題の目的は,金属を含む分子小集団(クラスター)の赤外吸収線幅を測定することであった。マトリックス単離赤外スペクトルの測定を行ったところ,下記(1)のアルカリ金属と置換ベンゼンの1:1の錯体では,赤外吸収帯の線幅は1-4cm^<-1>と通常の幅と同等であった。また,これまで報告されてきたブロードな吸収帯は再現されなかった。そこで密度汎関数法と分子軌道計算を用いて基準振動解析を行い,ベンゼン環部分の変形について新たな知見を得た。さらに下記(2)に示すように,超音速分子線を用いてさらに高分解能の振動分光へと研究を展開させた。 (1)LiあるいはNaとベンゼン(C_6H_6),Liとp-ジフルオロベンゼン(C_6H_4F_2)錯体のマトリックス単離赤外スペクトルの測定を行った。Li(C_6H_6)およびLi(C_6H_4F_2)では,電子移動によって比較的強く結合しているが,Na(C_6H_6)錯体ではvan der Waals相互作用によって弱く結合していることが分かった。赤外スペクトルの再現性から,Li(C_6H_6)およびLi(C_6H_4F_2)錯体は,ベンゼン環が縦方向に伸びた構造をもつ^2A_2電子状態となっていることが示された。これは,従来まで報告されてきたキノイド型変形の^2A_1電子状態とは逆の変形であり,接近したこれらの電子状態についての新たな知見である。 (2)イオン検出誘導ラマン分光の装置を製作した。ベンゼンのイオンディップスペクトルで本装置の最適化を行い,超音速ジェット中のアルキルベンゼンのアルキル鎖の低振動数モードについて研究を展開した。, 10874078
1998 - 1999 - 質量および構造異性体を選別したクラスターイオンの電子・振動構造の解明
財団法人三菱財団, 自然科学研究助成, Coinvestigator
1998 - 1998 - 表面吸着分子とそのモデルクラスターにおける電子構造の対応性の研究
美齊津 文典; 山北 佳宏
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 東北大学, 基盤研究(B), 本研究では凝縮相の金属-分子共存系(分子吸着金属表面、金属イオン溶解有機溶液など)の局所モデルとしての、金属原子およびそのクラスターと分子とからなるクラスターに着目し、その電子構造、幾何構造、反応性等に関する知見を得るために以下のような研究・開発を行つた。 A.レーザー蒸発法によるクラスター負イオンビーム生成―磁気ボトル型電子エネルギー分析器の開発と金属クラスター-分子二成分クラスターヘの適用 この課題においてはまず最初の一年間は装置製作と性能試験に費やした。実際の金属クラスターー分子二成分系として、Cu一NO系、CuーCO_2系、Na―NO系を取り上げ、それぞれに関して代表的なクラスター負イオンの光電子スペクトルを測定した。さらにこの実験結果を解釈するうえで密度汎関数法を用いた理論計算を行い、負イオンおよび対応する中性種の幾何構造、電子分布等に関して議論を行つた。特に後二者の系では負イオンにおいて、金属原子から分子への電子移動が起こつていることが明らかとなった。 B.金属原子-有機分子クラスターの光イオン化と理論計算によるクラスター内電子移動過程の研究 この課題では、中性の金属原子溶媒和型クラスターにおける電子移動過程を微視的に観測することを目的として、各クラスターの光イオン化敷居エネルギーを測定し、理論計算との比較から議論を行つた。具体的には、アルカリ金属(Li,Na,K)と有機分子(アセトニトリル、アセトン、アクリロニトリル)の組み合わせからなるクラスターに関してそれぞれ測定と計算を行つた。その結果、特にアクリロニトリル系では中性クラスター内で金属原子からの電子移動の結果、凝縮相におけるアニオン重合に対応した反応が誘起され、アクリロニトリル三分子が重合により環状分子となつて安定化されることが明らかとなった。, 08454173
1996 - 1998 - 第20回電子原子衝突物理国際会議
財団法人実吉奨学会, 渡航費助成, Principal investigator
1997 - 1997 - Development of Time and Space Resolved 2-Dimensional Penning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy
OHNO Koichi; YAKAKADO Hideo; YAMAKITA Yoshihiro; MISAIZU Fuminori
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Tohoku University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), In this research project, we have developed a new apparatus for the study of photo-and Penning ionization spectroscopy by utilizing time-resolved imaging technique. Along with the development of a new experimental system, we also applied collision-energy-resolved Penning ionization spectroscopy to various molecules including organic molecules, transition metal-molecule complexes, and nonvolatile molecules. As for the development of a new experimental apparatus, we construced an apparatus for the photo-and Penning ionization spectroscopy of various clusters and their ions. The apparatus consists of five-differentially evacuated chambers : (1) laser vaporization cluster ion source, (2) time-of-flight mass spectrometer for the mass-separation of the cluster ions, (3) magnetic-bottle-type electron energy analyzer, (4) nozzle discharge source for the production of rare-gas metastable atom beam, and (5) part for the production of pure and pulsed metastable beam. We have started experiment of the laser photoelectron spectroscopy of size-selected cluster negative ions. First we the checked performance of the time-of-flight mass spectrometer and the magnetic-bottle photoelectron energy analyzer for the silicon cluster negative ions, Si_n. Next the system of copper clusters reacted with NO molecules are investigated by this technique. Especially, the Cu_2N^- ions are found to have at least two different isomers : one has a structure of Cu_2^- with which an N atom is weakly bound, and another has a tightly bound structure. The imaging detection was also carried out in the magnetic-bottle electron spectrometer. The photoelectron image are found to be the one magnified almost 7 times from the original, which was a result almost as predicted. Finally, we are now optimizing the performance of the new metastable atomic beam. After this optimization, we can start the experiment of Penning ionization photoelectron spectroscopy of clusters., 07554024
1995 - 1997 - 気相イオン化で生成した有機イオン種のマトリックス単離赤外分光
山北 佳宏
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A), 東北大学, 奨励研究(A), 本研究の目的は,気相イオン化とマトリックス単離を用いた有機イオン種の赤外分光法を開発することである。そこで,(1)有機イオン種生成部分の製作と(2)低温用真空槽の改良を行なった後,(3)多環芳香族炭化水素イオンの赤外吸収スペクトルの測定と(4)質量選別化学種の赤外吸収スペクトルの測定を行なうことを目標に研究を行なった。 (1)の有機イオン種生成部分は,現有の同軸筒型グリッド電子銃に改良を加え,低温用真空槽と真空排気型赤外分光器に取り付けられるよう,ベースフランジとベローズつきニップルの製作を行った。また,本研究費により有機イオン種生成真空槽や高圧電源(2kV)の製作も行なった。(2)の低温用真空槽は既に製作されていたが,真空排気装置の性能が不十分で必要とする真空度まで到達しえなかった。また,真空測定装置も本研究で必要となる10^<-4>Pa以下の真空度を測定するには不十分であった。そこで本研究費により,真空排気装置をターボ分子ポンプから油拡散ポンプに置き換え,電離真空系を真空槽に直接取り付けられるよう改良を施した。その結果,マトリックス単離と気相イオン化で必要とするに十分な真空度と低温が得られるようになった。(3)の多環芳香族炭化水素イオンに関しては,密度汎関数法を用いた理論計算によりナフタレンからペリレンまでに至るまでの多環芳香族炭化水素のイオンについて,赤外吸収スペクトルのシミュレーション計算を行なった。また,イオン種のスペクトルを解析する上で不可欠となる中性分子のスペクトルの測定と精密解析を行なった。(4)の質量選別化学種については,四重極マスフィルターを用いた実験の測定条件に関する重要な知見を得た。, 08740435
1996 - 1996 - 日米数理科学セミナー
財団法人数理科学研究会, 渡航費・滞在費助成, Principal investigator
1993 - 1993
Social Contribution Activities
- 地域支援等への参画 高大接続理科研究指導(東京都立調布北高校)
Advisor, Research advise
01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2025 - 出張講義(神奈川県立川和高校)
Lecturer, Visiting lecture
23 Jun. 2023 - 23 Jun. 2023 - 地域支援等への参画 高大接続理科研究指導(東京都立調布北高校)
Advisor, Research advise, 東京都立調布北高校の生徒さん1名を受け入れ、理科の先生と一緒に理科研究の指導をする。研究発表(例:Tokyoサイエンスフェア)を目標とする。
01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2023 - 地域支援等への参画 研究紹介(東京都立調布北高校)
Organizing member, 東京都立調布北高校の生徒さんと理科の先生に研究の紹介を行い、大学の研究の面白さをお話しした。
29 Jul. 2021 - 22 Dec. 2021 - IQCE量子化学探索講演会2020
Lecturer, 特定非営利活動法人量子化学探索研究所
08 May 2020 - 08 May 2020 - 学術セミナー:量子化学計算による分子の構造と反応性の理論解析
Lecturer, 情報機構, Lecture
27 Aug. 2013 - 27 Aug. 2013 - 学術セミナー
Appearance, 情報機構, 量子化学計算による分子の構造と反応性の理論解析, 川崎市産業振興会館
27 Aug. 2013 - 産学官連携 日野自動車株式会社技術研究所,株式会社キャンパスクリエイト受託奨学寄附金 質量分析を利用したナノカーボンの完全酸化反応の解明と新規触媒設計に関する研究
Advisor, 日野自動車株式会社技術研究所,株式会社キャンパスクリエイト受託奨学寄附金, 日野自動車株式会社技術研究所,株式会社キャンパスクリエイト受託奨学寄附金, company
Oct. 2012 - 日本分光学会夏期セミナー:量子化学計算によるスペクトル解析
Lecturer, 公益社団法人日本分光学会, 量子化学計算の基礎:波動関数から考える振動・電子状態と原子分子間相互作用, Lecture
05 Sep. 2012 - 05 Sep. 2012 - 日本分光学会 夏期セミナー:量子化学計算によるスペクトル解析
Lecturer, Lecture
05 Sep. 2012 - 05 Sep. 2012