Department of Engineering ScienceProfessor
Cluster III (Fundamental Science and Engineering)Professor
Institute for Advanced ScienceProfessor
  • Profile:
    ・2004年4月~2005年3月 学術振興会特別研究員 DC2
    ・2005年4月~2006年3月 学術振興会特別研究員 PD
    ・2006年4月~2006年9月 早稲田大学NEDO大学発事業創出実用化研究開発助成研究員
    ・2006年4月~2007年3月 日本女子大学学術研究員
    ・2006年10月~2009年10月 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構さきがけ専任研究員
    ・2009年11月~ 独立行政法人物質・材料研究機構国際ナノアーキテクトニクス研究拠点独立研究者
    ・2009年11月~ 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構さきがけ兼任研究員


  • Doctor of Science, Japan Women's University
  • 修士(理学), 日本女子大学
  • 博士(理学), 日本女子大学

Field Of Study

  • Nanotechnology/Materials, Optical engineering and photonics


  • 07 Mar. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2012
    University of Connecticut, University teaching staff including researcher
  • 01 Jul. 2010
    国立大学法人 電気通信大学, 先端領域教育研究センター 特任助教
  • 01 Nov. 2009 - 30 Jun. 2010
    独立行政法人物質・材料研究機構, 国際ナノアーキテクトニクス研究拠点独立研究者
  • Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2010
    日本女子大学理学部, 非常勤講師(理学部情報科学概論、情報処理担当)
  • Jan. 2008 - 25 Feb. 2010
    ㈱Photonic System Solutions, 取締役
  • 25 Feb. 2010
    ㈱Photonic System Solutions, 技術顧問
  • 01 Oct. 2006 - Sep. 2009
    2006年10月~2009年10月, さきがけ専任研究員
  • Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2009
    日本女子大学理学部, 客員講師
  • Apr. 2002 - Sep. 2002
    日本女子大学理学部数物科学科, 基礎科目情報処理非常勤助手

Educational Background

  • Mar. 1996

Member History

  • Apr. 2022
    応用物理学会 編集委員, 応用物理学会 編集委員, Society
  • 2020
    応用物理学会 男女共同参画委員会 委員, 応用物理学会 男女共同参画委員会 委員
  • 2020
    文化庁 第20期文化審議会著作権分科会 国際小委員会 委員, 文化庁 第20期文化審議会著作権分科会 国際小委員会 委員
  • 2020
    内閣府 知的財産戦略本部 構想委員会 コンテンツ小委員会 委員, 内閣府 知的財産戦略本部 構想委員会 コンテンツ小委員会 委員, Government
  • Mar. 2007 - Mar. 2009
    常任幹事, 日本光学会, Society


  • Oct. 2021
    Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory 2021 (ISOM2021)
    Best Paper Award, K. Kimura;M. Nagata;Y. Wada;Y. Katano;N. Ishii;E. Watanabe;T. Muroi
  • Oct. 2021
    Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory 2021 (ISOM2021)
    Student Award, K. Nakama;H. Gomi;K. Hayashi;K. Okamoto;E. Watanabe
  • Jul. 2021
    OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress (Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging)
    OSA Student Paper Award Finalist, M. Ohta;S. Kodama;Y. Miyamoto;W. Osten;M. Takeda;E. Watanabe
  • Dec. 2019
    SPIE Student Prize, Ren Usami;Teruyoshi Nobukawa;Masato Miura;Norihiko Ishii;Eriko Watanabe;Tetsuhiko Muroi
  • Dec. 2019
    優秀研究発表賞(映像情報メディア学会), 井元克駿;児玉周太朗;五味英晃;岡本勝就;渡邉恵理子
  • Dec. 2019
    Outstanding Poster Award(DHIP2019), A. Inoue;Taku Hoshizawa;Keisuke Saito;Yasunobu Honda;Eriko Watanabe
  • Oct. 2019
    Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory 2018
    Program chair award(Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory 2018), Katsutoshi Inomoto;Hiroki Satake;Kanami Ikeda;Shutaro Kodama;Katsunari Okamoto;Eriko Watanabe
  • Oct. 2019
    Student award(ISOM2019), Ren Usami;Teruyoshi Nobukawa;Masato Miura;Norihiko Ishii;Eriko Watanabe;Tetsuhiko Muroi
  • Sep. 2019
    HODIC学生優秀発表賞, 井元 克駿;児玉周太朗;五味英晃;岡本勝就;渡邊恵理子
  • Mar. 2019
    優秀ポスター賞(第13回関東学生研究論文講演会), 児玉 周太朗;宇佐美 廉;井元 克駿;渡邉 恵理子
  • 2019
    第13回関東学生研究論文講演会,P1-03, 2019(優秀ポスター賞), 児玉 周太朗;宇佐美 廉;井元 克駿;渡邉 恵理子
  • Nov. 2018
    Imaging Sensing, and Optical Memory 2018, Mo-F-03(Fukuoka 2018.11) Program Chair Award受賞, Katsutoshi Inomoto;Hiroki Satake;Kanami Ikeda;Shutaro Kodama;Katsunari Okamoto;Eriko Watanabe
  • Jun. 2018
    第46回画像電子学会年次大会,P-03(山形,2018.6) 研究奨励賞受賞, 児玉周太朗;佐竹宏基;高和宏行;干場隆志;渡邉恵理子
  • 2018
    Optics & Photonics Japan 2018(講演優秀賞), 本多康伸;宇佐美廉;斎藤圭佑;猪上綾乃;池田佳奈美;渡邉恵理子
  • Apr. 2016
    文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞, 渡邉恵理子
  • Jun. 2015
    岡田記念賞、 技術部門賞受賞者, 渡邉恵理子;HODIC鈴木
  • Feb. 2014
    第29回 櫻井健二郎氏記念賞, 渡邉恵理子;小舘香椎子
  • Mar. 2013
    第7回関東学生研究論文講演会優秀講演賞, 阿部耶依;小池綾;星野和博;渡邉恵理子
  • Aug. 2008
  • Nov. 2006
  • Aug. 2006
  • Nov. 2005
    Optical Society of Japan
    Optics Japan 2005 ベストプレゼンテーション賞
  • Oct. 2004
  • Mar. 2003


  • High-speed 3D color planar lightwave circuit digital holographic microscope towards the observation of mammalian cells
    Ayaka Tabuchi; Kenta Hayashi; Maryam Faheem; Yutaka Kano; Eriko Watanabe
    Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference, SPIE, 34-34, 20 Sep. 2023
    International conference proceedings
  • Holographic 3D Imaging through Random Media: Methodologies and Challenges.
    Mitsuo Takeda; Wolfgang Osten; Eriko Watanabe
    Corresponding, 7, 01 May 2022, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    Scientific journal, English
  • 3D imaging through a highly heterogeneous double-composite random medium by common-path phase-shift digital holography
    Manami Ohta; Shutaro Kodama; Yoko Miyamoto; Wolfgang Osten; Mitsuo Takeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Opt. Lett., 47, 1170-1173, 23 Feb. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optical classifier based on volume holographic filter with vector decomposition
    K. Ikeda; H. Fujiyoshi; M. Yamada; E. Watanabe
    Electronics Letters, 56, 6, 303-305, 17 Mar. 2020, Peer-reviwed, © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020. A new implementation of the weight vector in a classifier based on an optical system using a volume holographic filter with a vector decomposition algorithm is proposed for high-speed data classification. Using a volume holographic filter, the correlation between the input and the decomposed weight vector is calculated for the classification score, which is the output from the decision function in the optical classifier. The authors experimentally demonstrate the core concept and confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method by executing a two-class classification problem using a volume hologram medium.
    Scientific journal
  • Preliminary experimental evaluation of microscopic imaging through thick biological tissues based on in-line phase-shift digital holography using near-infrared light
    Manami Ohta; Shutaro Kodama; Kanami Ikeda; Yutaka Kano; Yoko Miyamoto; Wolfgang Osten; Mitsuo Takeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, 11521, 2020, We previously proposed a three-dimensional microscopic imaging system for objects hidden behind scattering media using in-line phase-shift digital holography, which simultaneously captures amplitude and phase information. However, as the thickness of the scattering medium increases, the influence of scattering is enhanced, and the reconstructed image of the object behind the scattering medium deteriorates. In this paper, we report the evaluation of this image using a near-infrared light source with a wavelength of 780 nm that is capable of deep tissue penetration. A favorable microscopic image of the object behind the rat-skin sample of 912 μm-thickness was successfully reconstructed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dense parallax images acquisition method using single-pixel imaging for integral photography
    Ren Usami; Teruyoshi Nobukawa; Masato Miura; Norihiko Ishii; Eriko Watanabe; Tetsuhiko Muroi
    Optics Letters, Vol. 45, No. 24, 25-28, 2020, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Three-dimensional microscopic imaging through scattering media based on in-line phase-shift digital holography
    Shutaro Kodama; Manami Ohta; Kanami Ikeda; Yutaka Kano; Yoko Miyamoto; Wolfgang Osten; Mitsuo Takeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Applied Optics, 58, 34, G345-G350, 01 Dec. 2019, Peer-reviwed, © 2019 Optical Society of America. Microscopic three-dimensional imaging and phase quantification for objects hidden behind a scattering medium by using in-line phase-shift digital holography are proposed. A spatial resolution of 1.81 µm and highly accurate quantitative phase imaging are demonstrated for objects behind a scatter plate. Three-dimensional imaging was confirmed using objects with a depth difference of 1.32 mm. Further, imaging was performed using rat skin as a demonstration for imaging through a complex multilayer scattering medium, where a spatial resolution close to the theoretically predicted value was achieved by experiment.
    Scientific journal
  • Improvement of correlation speed of holographic optical correlator by low-correlation data interleaving
    Taku Hoshizawa; Keisuke Saito; Kanami Ikeda; Toshihiro Sugaya; Eriko Watanabe
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Sep. 2019, Peer-reviwed
  • Planar lightwave circuit digital holographic microscope,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
    Katsutoshi Inomoto; Hiroki Satake; Shutaro Kodama; Kanami Ikeda; Katsunari Okamoto; Eriko Watanabe
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58, SK, Aug. 2019, Peer-reviwed
  • Optical correlator-based computational ghost imaging towards high-speed computational ghost imaging
    Ayano Inoue; Ren Usami; Keisuke Saito; Yasunobu Honda; Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58, SK, Jul. 2019, Peer-reviwed
  • Planar lightwave circuit digital holographic microscope for imaging of biological cells
    Eriko Watanabe; Shutaro Kodama; Katsutoshi Inomoto; Kanami Ikeda; Katsunari Okamoto
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, 11140, 2019, We describe our developed planar lightwave circuit digital holographic microscope (PLC-DHM) with no moving parts and lenses. The PLC-DHM can accurately measure the microscopic intensity and phase distribution, has a spatial resolution of 1.6 um, and provides highly accurate quantitative phase imaging. We also demonstrate three-dimensional and quantitative phase imaging of several biosamples using our PLC-DHM.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Improving stability of coaxial holographic optical correlation system using a simple disk structure
    Kanami Ikeda; Atsushi Fukumoto; Toshihiro Sugaya; Eriko Watanabe
    Optical Review, Springer Japan, 26, 2, 295-300, 01 Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed, Optical correlation systems have been developed as hardware that is useful for high-speed and large-scale data analysis. Among them, our system using the disk-type hologram is promising because it can effectively utilize the control techniques of conventional optical disks. In previous work, however, we used a very simple disk structure consisting of a mirror substrate, photopolymer, and cover glass, and tracking control was not performed. Consequently, it was difficult to stably record a large amount of data in the long range of the circumference since the hologram recording position deviates from the disk circumference due to surface deflection and eccentricity attributed to rotation without tracking controls. In this study, we aim to stabilize the optical correlation system by introducing a new disk structure and conventional servo control. We confirmed that both sufficient correlation signal and servo control signals can be detected with the simple disk structure due to the signal detection principle of the optical correlation.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optical correlator based image classifier
    Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Part F125-JSAP 2018, 2018, In data recognition systems with large capacity databases, it is very important to improve the speed of the identification process. Recently, a system with dedicated hardware based on field-programmable gate array was proposed for speeding up this operation [1], and there is a high expectation for further high-speed verification. We have developed and optimized an optical correlation system that can retrieve matched images from a large number of databases at high speed [2, 3]. So far, data transfer rates exceeding 140 Gbps have been achieved experimentally [4]. However, there is a problem that conventional optical correlation system is applicable only for the k-nearest neighbor method. Therefore, it was necessary to introduce a new method to apply high-speed optical correlation system for another data analysis method. In this study, we experimentally demonstrate an optical classifier based on the optical correlator.
    International conference proceedings
  • Experimental demonstration of a digital holographic microscope based on a planar lightwave circuit
    Hiroki Satake; Kanami Ikeda; Katsutoshi Inomoto; Katsunari Okamoto; Eriko Watanabe
    22nd Microoptics Conference, MOC 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-, 214-215, 19 Nov. 2017, We have developed a Digital Holographic Microscope based on a Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC-DHM) that uses a spherical surface reference wave. This PLC-DHM is performed without any lenses for magnification of the object image. In this study, we evaluated the performance of this PLC-DHM system and measured bio samples.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optical correlation-based cross-domain image retrieval system
    Kanami Ikeda; Hidenori Suzuki; Eriko Watanabe
    OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 42, 13, 2603-2606, Jul. 2017, Peer-reviwed, A novel cross-domain image retrieval system that is based on a high-speed optical correlator with a coaxial holographic system is presented. Our newly designed conversion module for the optical correlator allows various kinds of data to be converted to pagedata with a uniform optical intensity by using an autoencoder, which is difficult with other conventional methods. By using our conversion module, an existing model for deep learning could be utilized as a feature extractor. A sketch-based cross-domain image retrieval system with the goal of discovering similar photos by querying freehand human sketches was experimentally demonstrated using our optical correlator. We believe that this proposed optical correlation-based system helps expand the applications of the optical correlator. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Bio-imaging using planar lightwave circuit digital holographic microscope
    Kanami Ikeda; Natsumi Hara; Katsunari Okamoto; Eriko Watanabe
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, 10251, 2017, We have proposed a digital holographic microscope using a planar lightwave circuit. Using the system, we report the evaluation of the spatial resolution and measurement of Closterium.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optical-digital hybrid image search system in cloud environment
    Kanami Ikeda; Kashiko Kodate; Eriko Watanabe
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 55, 9, Sep. 2016, Peer-reviwed, To improve the versatility and usability of optical correlators, we developed an optical-digital hybrid image search system consisting of digital servers and an optical correlator that can be used to perform image searches in the cloud environment via a web browser. This hybrid system employs a simple method to obtain correlation signals and has a distributed network design. The correlation signals are acquired by using an encoder timing signal generated by a rotating disk, and the distributed network design facilitates the replacement and combination of the digital correlation server and the optical correlator. (C) 2016 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
    Scientific journal, English
  • Improvement of spatial resolution of planar lightwave circuit digital holographic microscope
    Kanami Ikeda; Natsumi Hara; Katsunari Okamoto; Eriko Watanabe
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 18 Jul. 2016, A new lens-less planar lightwave circuit digital holographic microscope (PLC-DHM) with higher relative refractive index difference between the core and the cladding of the PLC has been developed to improve spatial resolution.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • High-speed image matching with coaxial holographic optical correlator
    Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 55, Apr. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • High-speed optical correlator with coaxial holographic system
    Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 54, 9, 54(9S)-09ME02, Sep. 2015, Peer-reviwed, A high-speed volume holographic optical correlator is developed, which takes advantage of a coaxial holographic system. We have realized this high-speed correlator using an optimal design of the signal pattern, which improves the shift multiplex recording shift pitch. The speed of this correlator was further improved by increasing the number of pixels in the spatial light modulator and using a high speed rotating actuator. This correlation system successfully achieved an equal error rate of 0% by performing optical correlation over 900 times. It also achieved optical correlation experiment, at a shift pitch of 2.45 mu m and a disk rotation speed of 900 rpm. In terms of optical correlation calculation speed, it yielded a peak interval of 542 ns, which corresponds to 1.846 x 10(6) frames per second. (C) 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
    Scientific journal, English
  • Portable digital holographic microscope using spherical reference beam
    Eriko Watanabe; Kazuhiro Hoshino; Shuichi Takeuchi
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 22, 2, 342-348, Apr. 2015, Peer-reviwed, In this study, we developed and evaluated a portable digital holographic microscope (DHM) using a spherical reference beam. To reduce the size of this DHM, we replaced the objective lens with a small aspherical single lens, which produces the spherical reference beam. In addition, integrating the CCD camera and beam splitter yielded a simplified alignment along with further microscope compactness, resulting in a DHM with dimensions of 150 (W) x 470 (D) x 244.5 (H) mm(3), which is a portable size. The spatial resolution of the developed DHM was evaluated and a value of 870 nm was experimentally obtained, similar to the theoretical resolution of 851 nm. In addition, we conducted measurements on leukemia cells to evaluate the applicability of our novel microscope to cystoscopy.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Reducing input data via image categorization to improve the speed of copyright content management systems
    Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 22, 1, 93-98, Feb. 2015, Peer-reviwed, An optical correlator has the advantage of high data transfer speed and parallel operation. However, in copyright content management systems (CCMSs), the numerous video files that need to be downloaded from the Internet and input to the optical correlator constitute a bottleneck. This paper proposes an image categorization method for CCMSs that uses the difference in the color features between animation and live-action images to remove this bottleneck and increase the speed of CCMSs. The results of experiments conducted indicate that the proposed method achieves a live-action video true rejection rate of 86.7 % and an animation video false rejection rate of 13.3 %. This indicates that the proposed method can improve the overall speed of a CCMS more than twice the original speed.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Compact optical duplicate system for satellite-ground laser communications: application of averaging effects
    Tomoko Nakayama; Yoshihisa Takayama; Chiemi Fujikawa; Eriko Watanabe; Kashiko Kodate
    Optical Review, SpringerOpen, 21, 5, 659-667, 03 Oct. 2014, In recent years, there has been considerable interest in satellite-ground laser communication due to an increase in the quantity of data exchanged between satellites and the ground. However, improving the quality of this data communication is necessary as laser communication is vulnerable to air fluctuation. We first verify the spatial and temporal averaging effects using light beam intensity images acquired from middle-range transmission experiments between two ground positions and the superposition of these images using simulations. Based on these results, we propose a compact and lightweight optical duplicate system as a multi-beam generation device with which it is easy to apply the spatial averaging effect. Although an optical duplicate system is already used for optical correlation operations, we present optimum design solutions, design a compact optical duplicate system for satellite-ground laser communications, and demonstrate the efficacy of this system using simulations.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Improvement of the correlation speed in an optical correlation system using a holographic disc
    Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2014, We developed an optical correlation system that has a potential to achieve data transfer speed higher than 110 Gbps. An equal error rate of 0% with a 2-μm recording pitch and a disc rotation speed of 900 rpm were obtained. © 2014 OSA.
    International conference proceedings
  • Improvement of the correlation speed in an optical correlation system using a holographic disc
    Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2014, We developed an optical correlation system that has a potential to achieve data transfer speed higher than 110 Gbps. An equal error rate of 0% with a 2-μm recording pitch and a disc rotation speed of 900 rpm were obtained. © 2014 OSA.
    International conference proceedings
  • High-precision microscopic phase imaging without phase unwrapping for cancer cell identification
    Eriko Watanabe; Takashi Hoshiba; Bahram Javidi
    Optics Letters, 38, 8, 1319-1321, 15 Apr. 2013, Peer-reviwed, Experiments for cell identification are presented using a high-precision cell phase measurement system that does not require any phase unwrapping. This system is based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer using a phase-locking technique, and it measures the change in optical path length while the sample is scanned across the optical axis. The spatial resolution is estimated to be less than 1.1 μm. The sensitivity of optical path length difference is estimated to be less than 2 nm. Using experiments, we investigate the potential of this approach for cancer cell identification. In our preliminary experiments, cancer cells were distinguished from normal cells through comparison of optical path length differences. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
    Scientific journal, English
  • High-speed holographic correlation system for video identification on the Internet
    Eriko Watanabe; Kanami Ikeda; Kashiko Kodate
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, 9042, 2013, Automatic video identification is important for indexing, search purposes, and removing illegal material on the Internet. By combining a high-speed correlation engine and web-scanning technology, we developed the Fast Recognition Correlation system (FReCs), a video identification system for the Internet. FReCs is an application thatsearches through a number of websites with user-generated content (UGC) and detects video content that violates copyright law. In this paper, we describe the FReCs configuration and an approach to investigating UGC websites using FReCs. The paper also illustrates the combination of FReCs with an optical correlation system, which is capable of easily replacing a digital authorization sever in FReCs with optical correlation. © 2013 Copyright SPIE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • High-speed holographic correlation system by a time-division recording method for copyright content management on the Internet
    Eriko Watanabe; Kanami Ikeda; Kashiko Kodate
    OPTICS AND PHOTONICS FOR INFORMATION PROCESSING VI, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 8498, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Using a holographic disc memory on which a huge amount of data can be stored, we constructed an ultra-high-speed, all-optical correlation system. In this method, multiplex recording is, however, restricted to "one page" on "one spot." In addition, signal information must be normalized as data of the same size, even if the object data size is smaller. Therefore, this system is difficult to apply to part of the object data scene (i.e., partial scene searching and template matching), while maintaining high accessibility and programmability. In this paper, we develop a holographic correlation system by a time division recording method that increases the number of multiplex recordings on the same spot. Assuming that a four-channel detector is utilized, 15 parallel correlations are achieved by a time-division recording method. Preliminary correlation experiments with the holographic optical disc setup are carried out by high correlation peaks at a rotational speed of 300 rpm. We also describe the combination of an optical correlation system for copyright content management that searches the Internet and detects illegal contents on video sharing websites.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 2次元位相イメージングによる細胞の品質管理に向けた基礎検討
    渡邉恵理子; 遠島未希; 干場隆志
    再生医療学会, ., Mar. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Two-dimensional phase imaging based on closed-loop feedback control
    Eriko Watanabe; Miki Toshima; Chiemi Fujikawa
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8134, 368-369, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Quantitative phase microscopy with a closed-loop feedback control is described. The system is based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer using a phase-locking technique and measures the change in optical path length while the sample is scanned across the optical axis. The important feature of this system is no need for any unwrapping process, which allows us to measure the sample with highly precise around 2πradian. The spatial resolution is estimated to be less than 1μm, which is limited by the Rayleigh criterion and the sample thickness. The path length resolution is estimated to be less than 1nm, which corresponds to the change in refractive index less than 10-3 for the sample of 10μm thick. Precise measurements of quantitative phase images by a volume phase holographic grating or a multi-level zone plate array validate the principle and show the accuracy of the methods. The samples depending on wavelength with the pigment such as red blood cell and diatom cells are measured by different wavelength. We quantify its accuracy by measuring calibrated test samples. The technique is applicable to examination of limitation of passage culture, biological cell imaging for diagnosis. © 2011 SPIE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Two-dimensional phase imaging based on closed-loop feedback control
    Eriko Watanabe; Miki Toshima; Chiemi Fujikawa
    OPTICS AND PHOTONICS FOR INFORMATION PROCESSING V, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 8134, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Quantitative phase microscopy with a closed-loop feedback control is described. The system is based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer using a phase-locking technique and measures the change in optical path length while the sample is scanned across the optical axis. The important feature of this system is no need for any unwrapping process, which allows us to measure the sample with highly precise around 2 pi radian. The spatial resolution is estimated to be less than 1 mu m, which is limited by the Rayleigh criterion and the sample thickness. The path length resolution is estimated to be less than 1nm, which corresponds to the change in refractive index less than 10(-3) for the sample of 10 mu m thick. Precise measurements of quantitative phase images by a volume phase holographic grating or a multi-level zone plate array validate the principle and show the accuracy of the methods. The samples depending on wavelength with the pigment such as red blood cell and diatom cells are measured by different wavelength. We quantify its accuracy by measuring calibrated test samples. The technique is applicable to examination of limitation of passage culture, biological cell imaging for diagnosis.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • デジタルコンテンツに対する著作権保護システムの活用事例
    北林理沙; 渡邉恵理子
    日本知財学会誌, 日本知財学会, 7, 3, 49-52, 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 生活安心 安全のための他次元センシング
    山口順一; 下村倫子; 梅田和昇; 佐藤雄隆; 実森彰郎; 藤吉弘亘; 寺田賢治; 本谷秀堅; 渡邉恵理子; 奥田晴久; 羽下哲司; 橋本学
    電気学会論文誌, 131, 4, 418-425, 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 科学技術振興調整費「女性研究者支援モデル育成」事業「理工系女性研究者プロモーションプログラム」、男性研究者・女性研究者 合同研究発表会―研究者としてのキャリアを考える―
    第13回【電気・電子分野】, ., 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • ホログラフィック光ディスクによる超高速光相関システム ~画像・動画識別への応用~
    渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    電子部品・材料研究会(CPM)、電子情報通信学会, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, CPM2010, 83, 15-19, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We proposed the super high-speed FARCO 2.0 that integrates optical correlation technology used in the FARCO and a co-axial holographic data storage system. Preliminary correlation experiments were carried out at a rotation speed of 600 rpm for image recording holographic disc with photopolymer (size : 12 cm, thickness : 500 μm) at a multiplex recording pitch of 20 μm. We obtained highly accurate experimental results and a proven Equal Error Rate of 0.06%. These results demonstrated that the operational speed for correlation (173,000 frames/s), with a transfer rate of 7.5 Gbps, confirmed its excellent performance and speed, compared with the conventional digital signal processing architecture.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • “Analysis of biological cells using phase measurement system based on closed loop feed-back control,”
    E. Watanabe; M. Toshima; C. Fujikawa; K, Kodate
    ODF, 10, 495-496, Apr. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • ホログラフィックメモリを用いた全光型相関システム ―画像検索への応用―
    小舘香椎子; 渡邉恵理子
    レーザー研究, 38, 369-374, 2010, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Copyright contents management on the internet
    Eriko Watanabe; Lisa Kitabayashi; Tatsuya Takahashi; Jun Mizuno; Masakazu Kubo; Kashiko Kodate
    ISCIT 2010 - 2010 10th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 401-405, 2010, Peer-reviwed, With the collaboration of high-speed correlation engine and web crawling technology, we developed FReCs, the copyright contents management system on the Internet. This is a software system that searches through a number of user-generated contents websites (UGC sits) and detects video contents that infringe copyright law. Using FReCs, we have investigated the UGC sites and monitored the selected copyright materials for over 2 years, and proved the effectiveness of the system. ©2010 IEEE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Ultra-high-speed compact optical correlation system using holographic disc
    Eriko Watanabe; Anna Naito; Kashiko Kodate
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7442, 7442OX, 2009, Peer-reviwed, We have developed prototype of a compact optical correlator for video copyright protection that integrates the optical correlation technology used in FARCO (Fast Recognition Optical Correlation) and a holographic storage system. Using the ability of parallel transformation as optical holographic memory, the recognition rate can be vastly improved. In addition, large capacity of optical storage allowed us to increase the amount of reference database. Using its rapid processing capability, a robust recognition system can be constructed by registering video image data. We expect that this optical correlation system is simple and energy-saving, and provides ultrahigh speed system compared with conventional server. This system enables use of an image search system in various fields where it has not previously been possible to use such systems. © 2009 SPIE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Ultrahigh-speed optical correlation system using holographic disc
    Eriko Watanabe; Yuki Ichikawa; Reiko Akiyama; Kashiko Kodate
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, JAPAN SOCIETY APPLIED PHYSICS, 47, 7, 5964-5967, Jul. 2008, Peer-reviwed, The volume of information we handle is markedly increasing as a result of the change from text data to still and moving image files. In this paper, we propose and describe fabrication of a much higher speed search engine for image and video data using a holographic optical disc system. Preliminary correlation experiments using the holographic optical disc setup show an excellent performance as indicated by high correlation peaks and low error rates at a multiplexing pitch of 10 mu m, and a rotational speed of 300 rpm. It is clear that the processing speed of our optical holographic calculation is markedly higher than the conventional digital signal processing architecture. This system can also be applied to various search engine systems.
    Scientific journal, English
  • A highly accurate face recognition system using filtering correlation
    Eriko Watanabe; Sayuri Ishikawa; Kashiko Kodate
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 14, 5, 255-259, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed, The authors previously constructed a highly accurate fast face recognition optical correlator (FARCO) [E. Watanabe and K. Kodate: Opt. Rev. 12 (2005) 460], and subsequently developed an improved, super high-speed FARCO (SFARCO), which is able to process several hundred thousand frames per second. The principal advantage of our new system is its wide applicability to any correlation scheme. Three different configurations were proposed, each depending on correlation speed. This paper describes and evaluates a software correlation filter. The face recognition function proved highly accurate, seeing that a low-resolution facial image size (64 x 64 pixels) has been successfully implemented. An operation speed of less than 10 ms was achieved using a personal computer with a central processing unit (CPU) of 3 GHz and 2 GB memory. When we applied the software correlation filter to a high-security cellular phone face recognition system, experiments on 30 female students over a period of three months yielded low error rates: 0% false acceptance rate and 2% false rejection rate. Therefore, the filtering correlation works effectively when applied to low resolution images such as web-based images or faces captured by a monitoring camera. (C) 2007 The Optical Society of Japan.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Fabrication of near-infrared volume phase holographic grism with high efficiency and high dispersion, and its application to a wavelength de-multiplexing device
    Kaoru Nakajima; Yuki Komai; Eriko Watanabe; Fumi Moritsuka; Shirnako Anzal; Kashiko Kodate
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 14, 4, 201-207, Jul. 2007, We designed and developed a volume phase holographic (VPH) grism with high resolution and high efficiency in the near-infrared light domain (1550 nm) to be applied as a wavelength de-multiplexing device of a photonic network. In order to achieve both diffraction efficiency of over 80% and wavelength resolution of 0.08 nm, we newly designed and fabricated a VPH grism with high efficiency and high wavelength resolution in near-infrared wavelength region by sandwiching, a VPH grating between prisms. An active feedback control technique was introduced to a two-beam interference exposure system. and we also applied it to a wavelength de-multiplexing device for a photonic network. Consequently, a VPH grism was successfully fabricated with diffraction efficiency of over 80% by employing the Bragg condition of 1550 mu at the incident wavelength from 1530 to 1570 rim, and high refractive index modulation of 0.047 was confirmed. (c) 2007 The Optical Society of Japan.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 光位相相関に基づく携帯電話顔認証システム
    渡邉恵理子; 石川さゆり; 太田真衣子; 小舘香椎子
    電気学会論文誌C, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 127, 4, 636-643, 2007, Peer-reviwed, We propose a high security facial recognition system using a cellular phone on the mobile network. This system is composed of a face recognition engine based on optical phase correlation which uses phase information with emphasis on a Fourier domain, a control sever and the cellular phone with a compact camera for taking pictures, as a portable terminal. Compared with various correlation methods, our face recognition engine revealed the most accurate EER of less than 1%. By using the JAVA interface on this system, we implemented the stable system taking pictures, providing functions to prevent spoofing while transferring images. This recognition system was tested on 300 women students and the results proved this system effective.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Measurement of refractive index of photopolymer for holographic gratings
    Eriko Watanabe; Jun Mizuno; Chiemi Fujikawa; Kashiko Kodate
    PRACTICAL HOLOGRAPHY XXI: MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 6488, 2007, Peer-reviwed, We have made attempts to measure directly the small-scale variation of optical path lengths in photopolymer samples. For those with uniform thickness, the measured quantity is supposed to be proportional to the refractive index of the photopolymer. The system is based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer using phase-locking technique and measures the change in optical path length during the sample is scanned across the optical axis. The spatial resolution is estimated to be 2 mu m, which is limited by the sample thickness. The path length resolution is estimated to be 6nm, which corresponds to the change in refractive index less than 10(-3) for the sample of 10 mu m thick. The measurement results showed clearly that the refractive index of photopolymer is not simply proportional to the exposure energy, contrary to the conventional photosensitive materials such as silver halide emulsion and dichromated gelatine. They also revealed the refractive index fluctuation in uniformly exposed photopolymer sample, which explains the milky appearance that sometimes observed in thick samples.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optical correlator for face recognition using collinear holographic system
    Eriko Watanabe; Kashiko Kodate
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS, 45, 8B, 6759-6761, Aug. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We have constructed an optical correlator for fast face recognition. Recognition rate can be markedly improved, if reference images are optically recorded and can be accessed directly without converting,them to digital signals. In addition, a large capacity of optical storage allows us to increase the size of the reference database. We propose a new optical correlator that integrates the optical correlation technology used in our face recognition system and collinear holography. From preliminary correlation experiments using the collinear optical set-up, we achieved excellent performance of high correlation peaks and low error rates. We expect an optical correlation of 10 mu s/frame, i.e., 100,000 face/s when applied to face recognition. This system can also be applied to various image searches.
    Scientific journal, English
  • High speed image search engine using collinear holography
    Eriko Watanabe; Kashiko Kodate
    OPTICAL PATTERN RECOGNITON XVII, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 6245, 62450E-1, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We propose an image search engine that integrates collinear holography and the optical correlation technology used in FARCO. From preliminary correlation experiments using the collinear optical set-up, we achieved excellent performance of high correlation peaks and low error rates. We expect optical correlation of 10 mu s/frame assuming 12,000 pages of hologram in one track rotating at 600rpm. It follows that it is possible to take correlation at the speed of more than 100,000faces/s when applied to face recognition. This system can also be applied for High-Vision image searching.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Ulexite-based animation recording system by random reference patterns
    Yuko Ishii; Misako Irisawa; Yoshihisa Takayama; Eriko Watanabe; Kashiko Kodate
    PRACTICAL HOLOGRAPHY XX: MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 6136, 205-213, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We propose a simple, compact and high-security holographic optical memory system using Ulexite in order to produce random patterns of reference beam. 100 hologram multiplexing was achieved by multiplexing exposure, rotating Ulexite by 0.2 degrees every time with LiNbO3 crystal as a recording medium. Moreover, with this system, animation readout images can play for approximately 8 seconds by continuous rotation of Ulexite. As a natural stone, the exactly same Ulexite is very difficult to be found or replicated. Basic experimental results show that Ulexite can be used as a security key for its image-reproducibility and BER calculations.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Constructing a three-dimensional face model by a stereo method and its application to optical parallel face recognition
    E Watanabe; N Arima; K Kodate
    ICO20: OPTICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING, PTS 1 AND 2, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 6027, 112-118, 2006, Peer-reviwed, The authors have proposed and fabricated the FARCO (Fast Face Recognition Optical Correlator) based on Vanderlugt Correlator(1) with a super-higher-speed of 1000 faceS/S-2'3. Using its rapid data processing capability, a robust recognition system can be constructed by registering three-dimensional (3-D) face data. There are a number of techniques to obtain 3-D data. Since the system deals with people, it is desirable that instant measurement and non-contact data processing are secured. To meet these requirements, we took photographs and created database of facial images adopting three digital cameras based on the stereo method. Three simultaneously-photographed images were given angular variations from top to bottom and from left to right by 3-D modeling by use of the software. Using our database and these facial images with angular variations, we proceeded on to examination of the system performance, following the algorithm for recognizing images in motion. The paper begins with the process of constructing, the first database for facial images using 3-D model, with those image files made by three cameras. Photographs were taken from the front and to right and left 15degrees. The 3-D model is constructed by these facial images. Making the database from the 3-D model, two-dimensional (2-D) facial images are clipped from part of the model at shifting in each 5degrees from top to bottom, and then from left to right. As a result, the facial images with angular variations were correctly recognized in the database. Through the assessment, the 3-D modeling system proved to be most effective.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Constructing a safety and security system by medical applications of a fast face recognition optical parallel correlator
    E Watanabe; M Ishikawa; M Ohta; Y Murakami; K Kodate
    ICO20: OPTICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING, PTS 1 AND 2, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 6027, 119-124, 2006, Peer-reviwed, Medical errors and patient safety have always received a great deal of attention, as they can be critically life-threatening and significant matters. Hospitals and medical personnel are trying their utmost to avoid these errors. Currently in the medical field, patients' record is identified through their PIN numbers and ID cards. However, for patients who cannot speak or move, or who suffer from memory disturbances, alternative methods would be more desirable, and necessary in some cases.
    The authors previously proposed and fabricated a specially-designed correlator called FARCO (Fast Face Recognition Optical Correlator) based on the Vanderlugt Correlator(1), which operates at the speed of 1000 faces/s(2,3,4). Combined with high-speed display devices, the four-channel processing could achieve such high operational speed as 4000 faces/s. Running trial experiments on a 1-to-N identification basis using the optical parallel correlator, we succeeded in acquiring low error rates of 1 % FMR and 2.3 % FNMR.
    In this paper, we propose a robust face recognition system using the FARCO for focusing on the safety and security of the medical field. We apply our face recognition system to registration of inpatients, in particular children and infants, before and after medical treatments or operations. The proposed system has recorded a higher recognition rate by multiplexing both input and database facial images from moving images. The system was also tested and evaluated for further practical use, leaving excellent results. Hence, our face recognition system could function effectively as an integral part of medical system, meeting these essential requirements of safety, security and privacy.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Fast face-recognition optical parallel correlator using high accuracy correlation filter
    E Watanabe; K Kodate
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 12, 6, 460-466, Nov. 2005, We designed and fabricated a fully automatic fast face recognition optical parallel correlator [E. Watanabe and K. Kodate: Appl. Opt. 44 (2005) 5666] based on the VanderLugt principle. The implementation of an as-yet unattained ultra high-speed system was aided by reconfiguring the system to make it suitable for easier parallel processing, as well as by composing a higher accuracy correlation filter and high-speed ferroelectric liquid crystal-spatial light modulator (FLC-SLM). In running trial experiments using this system (dubbed FARCO), we succeeded in acquiring remarkably low error rates of 1.3% for false match rate (FMR) and 2.6% for false non-match rate (FNMR). Given the results of our experiments, the aim of this paper is to examine methods of designing correlation filters and arranging database image arrays for even faster parallel correlation, underlining the issues of calculation technique, quantization bit rate, pixel size and shift from optical axis. The correlation filter has proved its excellent performance and higher precision than classical correlation and joint transform cor-relator (JTC). Moreover, arrangement of multi-object reference images leads to 10-channel correlation signals, as sharply marked as those of a single channel. This experiment result demonstrates great potential for achieving the process speed of 10000 face/s. (c) 2005 The Optical Society of Japan.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Implementation of a high-speed face recognition system that uses an optical parallel correlator
    E Watanabe; K Kodate
    APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 44, 5, 666-676, Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We implement a fully automatic fast face recognition system by using a 1000 frame/s optical parallel correlator designed and assembled by us. The operational speed for the 1:N (i.e., matching one image against N, where N refers to the number of images in the database) identification experiment (4000 face images) amounts to less than 1.5 s, including the preprocessing and postprocessing times. The binary real-only matched filter is devised for the sake of face recognition, and the system is optimized by the false-rejection rate (FRR) and the false-acceptance rate (FAR), according to 300 samples selected by the biometrics guideline. From trial 1:N identification experiments with the optical parallel correlator, we acquired low error rates of 2.6% FRR and 1.3% FAR. Facial images of people wearing thin glasses or heavy makeup that rendered identification difficult were identified with this system. 0 2005 Optical Society of America.
    Scientific journal, English
  • High-accuracy and robust face recognition system based on optical parallel correlator using a temporal image sequence
    Eriko Watanabe; Mami Ishikawa; Maiko Ohta; Kashiko Kodate
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5908, 1-8, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Face recognition is used in a wide range of security systems, such as monitoring credit card use, searching for individuals with street cameras via Internet and maintaining immigration control. There are still many technical subjects under study. For instance, the number of images that can be stored is limited under the current system, and the rate of recognition must be improved to account for photo shots taken at different angles under various conditions. We implemented a fully automatic Fast Face Recognition Optical Correlator (FARCO) system by using a 1000 frame/s optical parallel correlator designed and assembled by us. Operational speed for the 1: N (i.e. matching a pair of images among N, where N refers to the number of images in the database) identification experiment (4000 face images) amounts to less than 1.5 seconds, including the pre/post processing. From trial 1: N identification experiments using FARCO, we acquired low error rates of 2.6% False Reject Rate and 1.3% False Accept Rate. By making the most of the high-speed data-processing capability of this system, much more robustness can be achieved for various recognition conditions when large-category data are registered for a single person. We propose a face recognition algorithm for the FARCO while employing a temporal image sequence of moving images. Applying this algorithm to a natural posture, a two times higher recognition rate scored compared with our conventional system. The system has high potential for future use in a variety of purposes such as search for criminal suspects by use of street and airport video cameras, registration of babies at hospitals or handling of an immeasurable number of images in a database.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Facial recognition system with compact optical parallel correlator using vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser array module
    E Watanabe; N Arima; K Kodate
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS, 43, 8B, 5890-5896, Aug. 2004, Peer-reviwed, The design and trial fabrication of a two-dimensional light-source module is presented for application to an optical parallel correlator for facial recognition. The light-source module is composed of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser array and a multilevel zone-plate array as a collimating lens. This module is about 1/10 the size of the conventional light source module and the optical parallel correlator has a size of 16.1 x 1.3 x 23 cm(3), weight of 4.4 kg, and a throughput time of 19 faces/s. In an experimental evaluation of the system through one-to-one correlation using a database of 300 front facial images, the false match and false non-match rates were less than 1%. The optical system presented here is therefore robust to a variety of changes in facial expressions and is highly applicable in security systems.
    Scientific journal, English
  • ファイババンドルを用いた動画記録システム
    岡崎佑美; 高山佳久; 渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    レーザ研究, 33, 399-403, 2004, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Security applications of optical face recognition system: Access control in e-learning
    R Inaba; E Watanabe; K Kodate
    OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 10, 4, 255-261, Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed, The educational system has gradually shifted from a face-to-face to an e-learning system, which has become prevalent in advanced countries with the advance of information technology, and connection of global networks. Accordingly, a growing demand is emerging for more reliable individual certification with technical precision in order to measure and record learning achievements and credentials of participants. The present system has a limit in terms of registration capacity, therefore, its accuracy has often been questioned. Against this background, an individual certification system is proposed particularly for access control in e-learning. Under our proposed system, a compact optical correlator for facial recognition is employed. This correlator was previously tested for of biometrics authentication accuracy and proved highly reliable, having recorded remarkably low error rates (below 1%). The recorded error rate is sufficiently robust that the system itself can be regarded as a valid and practical viable attestation system.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Multi-light source compact optical parallel correlator (MLCOPaC) for facial recognition using VCSEL array
    E Watanabe; K Kodate
    OPTICS FOR THE QUALITY OF LIFE, PTS 1 AND 2, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 4829, 208-209, 2003, Peer-reviwed, We present a design procedure and trial fabrication, of a new multi-light source module composed of vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) array and multi-level zone plate(MLZP) array, and its applied to optical parallel correlator for facial recognition. The performance of the MLCOPaC with 20-channel parallel processing is experimentally demonstrated, and successful recognition rate for front facial images with 30ms/face throughput and downsizing is proposed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Fabrication and evaluation of facial recognition system based on PJTC using two-dimensional VCSEL array module
    E Watanabe; N Takeda; K Kodate
    PRACTICAL HOLOGRAPHY XVII AND HOLOGRAPHIC MATERIALS IX, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 5005, 345-356, 2003, Peer-reviwed, We present a design procedure and a trial fabrication of a new two-dimensional light source module composed of a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) array and a multi-level zone plate (MLZP) array as collimate lens. Furthermore, its application to an optical parallel correlator (named MLCOPaC) for facial recognition is also exhibited. The size is reduced by one-fifth (size: 16.1x13x23cm(3), weight 4.4kg) and the throughput time of MLCOPaC with twelve parallel channels module is also, improved to record 19 faces/s which is 3 times faster than the second-generation compact parallel correlator (COPaCII). By experimentally evaluating the system through one-to-one correlation using 300 database of front facial images, two kinds of error; False Match Rate 1.7% and False Non-Match Rate 1%, were obtained. Consequently, our system proved robust as applications to a security apparatus such as PC log-in or entry control for network systems.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optimization of a volume phase holographic grism for astronomical observation using the photopolymer
    K Oka; A Yamada; Y Komai; E Watanabe; N Ebizuka; T Teranishi; M Kawabata; K Kodate
    PRACTICAL HOLOGRAPHY XVII AND HOLOGRAPHIC MATERIALS IX, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 5005, 8-19, 2003, Peer-reviwed, We have developed grisms, designed for astronomical observation with the 8.2m Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. In order to improve both efficiency and cost, we proposed a new type of grism by sandwiching a volume phase holographic (VPH) grating between two prisms, dubbed "VPH grism". Photosensitive materials are required for fabrication of VPH grating with high groove density. In this paper, we employed the liquid photopolymer with high viscosity. Using the analysis program valid for the refractive index modulation grating of the rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA), we were able to design and fabricate a grism prototype with good performance. Prom the data we obtained, it was ascertained that the experimental VPH grism had excellent performance. We further aimed to develop a VPH grism with higher dispersion and efficiency by making use of a new photopolymer that has larger refractive index modulation than the present material.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Facial recognition by a compact parallel optical correlator
    K Kodate; R Inaba; E Watanabe; T Kamiya
    MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 13, 11, 1756-1766, Nov. 2002, With the progress of information technology, the need for an accurate personal identification system based on biological characteristics is increasing the demand for this type of security technology instead of conventional systems using ID cards or pin numbers. Among other features, the face is the most familiar element and is less subject to psychological resistance. As a simple and compact recognition system satisfying the required performance, we implemented a hybrid system based on the optical recognition principle using a multi-level zone plate as a Fourier-transform lens and we report the preliminary results of their application to face recognition.
    In this paper, we present the design procedure and fabrication process for an improved version of a second-generation compact parallel correlator (named COPaC 11), the size of which is 20 x 24 x 43 cm(3) and weight 6 kg. As a result, we obtained a low error rate of 0% as the false match rate and 0.3% as the false non-match rate, thus the COPaC 11 significant identification security level is sufficiently stable. With the aim of further enhancing the throughput and robustness, we conducted performance tests where the system is used as a computer log-in device and as a pre-screening device for crime investigation. In both experiments, a high rate of successful recognition, such as 90% recognition and 94% rejection rate for log-in, was obtained. Experiments on twins to check the disguise recognition, and on the effects of changes in brightness and arbitrary size of images to test its robustness are also included.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Developments and Evaluation of Compact Optical Parallel Correlator (CCPaC) for Facial Recognition
    WATANABE Eriko; INABA Rieko; KODATE Kashiko
    The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 画像電子学会, 31, 5, 848-856, 25 Sep. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Optically-facial Identification System on the Optical JTC in Mobile Networks
    Inaba Rieko; Yaginuma Yoshitomo; Watanabe Eriko; Kodate Kashiko
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 122, 8, 1259-1265, 2002, Peer-reviwed, We have so far designed and constructed a facial recognition system based on the optical parallel Joint Transform Correlator combined with a digital computer. In addition to this, we devices a compact prototype PJTC (COPaC) and examined it for a practical use. According to the guideline for identification using biometrics, we carried out the accuracy evaluation by one-to-one collation using 300 facial images. We ascertained its performance to be remarkably precise and thus reliable.
    In this paper, we proposed the Real-time individual authentication system in the mobile network, which is based on an optical correlation. It was examined for the influence of the camera resolution, image compression and background removal. Consequently, we confirmed that this system is highly robust against these potential influences. Moreover, we tested this in a wireless LAN environment, and verified its high possibility for a further facial identification use.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Design and evaluation of the Compact Optical Parallel Correlator (COPaC) for face recognition
    Eriko Watanabe; Rieko Inaba; Naoko Kawakami; Kashiko Kodate
    Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest, 2, 2001, Peer-reviwed, The design and evaluation of the compact optical parallel correlator (COPaC) for face recognition was proposed. The COPaC was based on optical parallel joint transform correlation for precision. High accuracy performance was obtained for one-to-one collation using 300 front images. A super compact system involving the adoption of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) and binary-optics was also proposed.
    International conference proceedings
  • Opto-electronic face recognition system using diffractive optical elements: Design and evaluation of compact parallel joint transform correlator (COPaC)
    K Kodate; E Watanabe; R Inaba
    MICRO- AND NANO-OPTICS FOR OPTICAL INTERCONNECTION AND INFORMATION PROCESSING, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 4455, 42-50, 2001, Peer-reviwed, Individual identification based on biological characteristics such as fingerprint, iris and countenance is regarded as a highly essential technique in security systems. As a simple and rapid recognition system satisfying required performance, we have proposed an opto-electronic system, which combines a parallel joint transform correlator (PJTC) with a personal computer. In this paper, the PJTC method using a new design multiple diffractive optical element as a Fourier transform lens was reviewed and proved to be one of the most practical optical computers for face recognition. Furthermore, based on these first trial results, we proposed the design and fabrication of a portable type compact PJTC (COPaC), of which the size is 23 x15 x 16.3 cm and the weight is 4kg. We obtained its high accuracy performance for one-to-one correlation using 300 front facial images in a database and proved its practicability. Additionally we performed experiments on ID-less discrimination of twins who look alike for human eyes. Successful recognition rate was obtained, indicating its excellent performance and feasibility.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Compact parallel joint transform correlator for facial recognition
    R Inaba; N Kawakami; K Oguma; E Watanabe; K Kodate
    OPTICS IN COMPUTING 2000, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 4089, 384-392, 2000, Peer-reviwed, We discuss the design of a compact parallel joint transform correator (PJTC) using four binary zone plate array (BZPA) as a Fourier transform lens. The external dimensions of the hybrid opt-electronic correlator is 23 cm x 15 cm x 16.3 cm, which includes the PJTC system in the upper stage and some of driving circuits and an LD for a light source in the lower stage.: Experimentally, we implemented this compact PJTC system for facial recognition with database of 100 persons and obtained reliable discrimination results. Furthermore, we propose a novel method of pre-processing so that any general users could easily operate the compact PJTC system and constantly obtained the same size extracted images, by fixing three points; the:edges of both eyes and the low end of nose, when normalizing the facial image size. We confirmed the ability of our system to meet the conditions for recognition by JTC.
    International conference proceedings, English


  • デジタルコンテンツ視聴に関する大学生の実態調査 ―著作権侵害に対する一考察―
    稲葉利江子; 山﨑礼実; 渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    近年、スマートフォン・タブレット端末の普及にともない、デジタルコンテンツ視聴の機会が増えてきている。これまで、経済産業省の委託事業等からリーチサイトやストレージサイトによる違法コンテンツの流通が問題となってきている。さらに、2012年の著作権法改正により違法コンテンツのダウンロードに対する刑事罰化が施行されたが、一般に、その内容を正確に理解されているのかが疑問である。そこで、大学生を対象に、デジタルコンテンツ視聴に関する実態調査を行なった。さらに、コンテンツの公式性の意識についてもヒアリング調査も含め実施したので、その結果を報告する。, 11 Mar. 2014, 第76回全国大会講演論文集, 2014, 1, 551-552, Japanese, 170000086530, AN00349328
  • 宇宙光通信のマルチビーム伝送用小型デュプリケート光学系の検討 II
    中山朋子; 高山佳久; 藤川知栄美; 渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    2014, 宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 58th, 1884-1945, 201402211095152182
  • Survey of Copyright Infringement on Mobile Device Applications
    Rieko Inaba; Keita Hiramatsu; Kazufumi Yasuda; Kazutaka Baba; Eriko Watanabe; Mitsuyoshi Hiratsuka; Kashiko Kodate
    In recent years, tablet devices and smart phones are gaining popularity by leaps and bounds. In connection with it, applications of digital contents on the mobile devices are also increasing. In dealing with the problem of illegal contents on so-called "reach-site", measures have been taken. However, little research has been conducted to examine the actual situation for such applications yet In this paper, we report the results of a basic survey. We would like to clarify the current status of various applications dealing with illegal contents. We found that reach-sites are present in many applications. In addition, we have discovered that copyright infringement utilizing the structure of the application-specific has been widespread., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 04 Sep. 2013, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2013, 34, 1-6, Japanese, 0919-6072, 110009605044, AN10116224
  • 宇宙光通信のマルチビーム伝送用小型デュプリケート光学系の検討
    中山朋子; 高山佳久; 藤川知栄美; 渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    2013, 宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM), 57th, 1884-1945, 201302203106830226
  • 光相関演算を用いた高速顔認証システム
    渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    アドコム・メディア, 2009, O plus E, 31, 12, 1408-1412, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0911-5943, 40016910028, AN00360954
  • ホログラムによる光情報処理
    渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    2008, テクノロジートレンド, 0, 0, 1-2, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other
  • 光の特徴を用いた顔認証システムとその応用~高精度位相型マッチトフィルタリングによるオンライン型携帯電話顔認証システム
    小舘香椎子; 渡邉恵理子
    日本工業出版, 2007, 月刊自動認識, 20, 12, 40-45, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 40015657444, AA12000987
  • 顔認識高速大規模処理システム-光学素子を使ったサーチエンジン
    渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    産業開発機構, 2006, 映像インダストリアル, 17, 8, 62-67, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 1346-1362, 40007371200, AN00270669
  • 光相関に基づく顔認証システムと応用
    小舘香椎子; 渡邉恵理子
    日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, 2006, 光技術コンタクト, 44, 5, 256-262, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0913-7289, 40007332082, AN10075091
  • 光相関に基づく高速顔認識システム-携帯電話顔認証システムへの応用-
    渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    日本工業出版, 2006, 画像ラボ, 17, 3, 19-23, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0915-6755, 40007193726, AN10164169
  • 携帯電話を利用した顔認証技術による遠隔講義出席管理システムの光並列相関器のセキュリティ応用~開発から導入まで~
    小舘香椎子; 渡邉恵理子
    日本工業出版, 2004, 月刊自動認識, 17, 10, 20-24, Japanese, Introduction other, 40006773552, AA12000987
  • VCSELアレイモジュールを用いた光並列顔認識装置=セキュリティ応用へ向けた装置精度評価=
    小舘香椎子; 渡邉恵理子
    日本工業出版, 2004, 光アライアンス, 15, 6, 10-14, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0917-026X, 40006244041, AA11758790
  • SBN単結晶を用いた多重記録の向上に関する検討
    清水賀代; 岡崎佑美; 渡辺恵理子; 高山佳久; 小舘香椎子
    24 Sep. 2002, 応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 63rd, 3, 1007, Japanese, 200902173603600960
  • 光学的小型顔認識装置の開発とその評価
    渡邉 恵理子; 稲葉 利江子; 小舘 香椎子
    画像電子学会, 04 Mar. 2002, 研究会講演予稿, 192, 33-37, Japanese, 0285-3957, 40004514862, AN00348041
  • 光並列顔画像認識装置―垂直型面発光レーザーアレイモジュールによる小型化―
    渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    2002, 光学, 32, 437-439, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 10013444438
  • バイナリオプティクスと液晶空間光変調器を用いた顔画像認識システム
    小舘香椎子; 渡邉恵理子
    2002, OPT.DESIGN, 26, 22-27, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 位相シフトデジタルホログラフィでの生体組織背後の位相イメージング
    児玉周太朗; 大田愛美; 澤優摩; 池田佳奈美; 狩野豊; 宮本洋子; 武田光夫; 渡邉恵理子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第67回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2020
  • インライン位相シフトデジタルホログラフィによる生体組織背後の顕微イメージングの基礎評価
    大田愛美; 児玉周太朗; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第14回関東学生研究論文講演会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2020
  • 反射型平面導波路型デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡に向けた基礎実験評価
    五味英晃; 井元克駿; 渡邉恵理子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第14回関東学生研究論文講演会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2020
  • Refocused image acquisition from high angular resolution parallax images in integral photography applying single-pixel imaging
    Ren Usami; Teruyoshi Nobukawa; Masato Miura; Norihiko Ishii; Eriko Watanabe; Tetsuhiko Muroi
    Oral presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West, America, International conference
    Feb. 2020
  • インライン位相シフトデジタルホログラフィを用いた生体組織背後の顕微イメージングにおける散乱媒体の影響評価
    大田愛美; 児玉周太朗; 池田佳奈美; 狩野豊; 宮本洋子; 武田光夫; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2019, 大阪, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2019
  • マルチスペクトル平面導波路型デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡の基礎実験評価
    五味英晃; 児玉周太朗; 井元克駿; 岡本勝就; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2019, 大阪, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2019
  • 光相関計算機ゴーストイメージングによる動画像取得に向けた基礎評価
    本多康伸; 斎藤圭佑; 猪上綾乃; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2019, 大阪, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2019
  • 光相関システムの高精度化に向けたノイズ推定モデル
    永田門; 本多康伸; 斎藤圭佑; 池田佳奈美; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2019, 大阪, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2019
  • 光相関シングルピクセルイメージングにおけるページデータの設計
    斎藤圭佑; 星沢拓; 猪上綾乃; 本多康伸; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2019, 大阪, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2019
  • 単一画素検出器を用いた光相関イメージングにおける位相情報の回復
    猪上綾乃; 星沢拓; 斎藤圭佑; 本多康伸; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2019, 大阪, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2019
  • 平面導波路型デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡のカラー化へ向けた基礎評価
    井元克駿; 児玉周太朗; 五味英晃; 岡本勝就; 渡邉恵理子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2019, 大阪, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2019
  • Investigation of dense parallax color image acquisition using single-pixel imaging
    Ren Usami; Teruyoshi Nobukawa; Masato Miura; Norihiko Ishii; Eriko Watanabe; Tetsuhiko Muroi
    Oral presentation, English, Optics & Photonics Japan 2019, 大阪, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2019
  • 積層自己符号化器による光相関システムのためのデータ変換法
    永田門; 渡邉恵理子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第3回 AIOptics, 東京, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2019
  • Acquisition of Dense Parallax Images Using a Two-Dimensional Image Sensor by Applying Single-Pixel Imaging to Integral Photography
    Ren Usami; Teruyoshi Nobukawa; Masato Miura; Norihiko Ishii; Eriko Watanabe; Tetsuhiko Muroi
    Oral presentation, English, Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory 2019, 新潟, International conference
    Oct. 2019
  • Design of data page in space division recording method for optical data retrieval system
    Keisuke Saito; Taku Hoshizawa; Mon Nagata; Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory 2019, 新潟, International conference
    Oct. 2019
  • Experimental demonstration of an optical video retrieval system with deep neural network features
    Mon Nagata; Keisuke Saito; Hidenori Suzuki; Toshihiro Sugaya; Sachiko Maskawa; Kashiko Kodate; Eriko Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory 2019, 新潟, International conference
    Oct. 2019
  • 相シフトデジタルホログラフィによる生体皮膚背後の顕微イメージングの基礎評価
    児玉周太朗; 大田愛美; 狩野豊; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第20回情報フォトニクス研究グループ研究会(IPG秋合宿), 徳島, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2019
  • 光相関計算機ゴーストイメージングにおける複素情報の回復法の提案
    本多康伸; 斎藤圭佑; 猪上綾乃; 宇佐美廉; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第20回情報フォトニクス研究グループ研究会(IPG秋合宿), 徳島, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2019
  • 平面導波路型デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡のカラー化へ向けた基礎評価
    井元克駿; 児玉周太朗; 五味英晃; 岡本勝就; 渡邊恵理子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 令和元年度第三回ホログラフィック・ディスプレイ研究会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2019
  • 光相関計算機ゴーストイメージングにおける多値画像の再構成
    本多康伸; 斎藤圭佑; 猪上綾乃; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第13回新画像システム・情報フォトニクス研究討論会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2019
  • 平面導波路型デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡の多波長化へ向けた基礎検討
    井元克駿; 児玉周太朗; 池田佳奈美; 岡本勝就; 渡邉恵理子
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第44回光学シンポジウム, 東京, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2019
  • 自己符号化器を用いたデータ変換法による光動画検索システムと著作権管理への応用
    永田門; 鈴木秀典; 斎藤圭佑; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第47回 画像電子学会年次大会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2019
  • Planar lightwave circuit digital holographic microscope for imaging of biological cells
    Eriko Watanabe; Shutaro Kodama; Katsutoshi Inomoto; Kanami Ikeda; Katsunari Okamoto
    Oral presentation, English, The 5th Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference, 神奈川, International conference
    Apr. 2019
  • Improvement of reconstructed image quality by optimization of binary random pattern in optical correlator-based computational ghost imaging
    Yasunobu Honda; Ren Usami; Ayano Inoue; Keisuke Saito; Eriko Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, Information Phontonics 2019, 神奈川, International conference
    Apr. 2019
  • ⾃⼰符号化器を利⽤したデータ変換法による汎⽤的光データ検索システム
    渡邉恵理子; 鈴木秀典; 池田佳奈美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 光設計研究グループ 第 66 回研究会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Apr. 2019
  • 積層自己符号化器による光相関システムのためのデータ変換法
    永田門; 鈴木秀典; 渡邉恵理子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第13回関東学生研究論文講演会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2019
  • 位相シフトデジタルホログラフィによる拡散板背後の顕微3次元イメージング
    児玉周太朗; 宇佐美廉; 井元克駿; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第13回関東学生研究論文講演会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2019
  • 光相関器による計算機ゴーストイメージングの基礎評価
    本多康伸; 宇佐美廉; 斎藤圭佑; 猪上綾乃; 渡邉恵理子
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第13回関東学生研究論文講演会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2019
  • Microscopic 3D imaging through scattering media based on in-line phase-shift digital holography,
    Shutaro Kodam; Kanami Ikeda; Yoko Miyamoto; Wolfgang Osten; Mitsuo Takeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, DH2019, International conference
  • Demonstration of Digital Holographic Microscope based on Planar Lightwave Circuit(PLC-DHM) system
    Katsutoshi Inomoto; Hiroki Satake; Kanami Ikeda; Shutaro Kodama; Katsunari Okamoto; Eriko Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, ISOM2018
  • Reference Patterns for Optical Correlator-based Computational Ghost Imaging
    Ren Usami; Ayano Inoue; Keisuke Saito; Yasunobu Honda; Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Poster presentation, English, MOC2018, P-95,2018
  • Towards high-speed computational ghost imaging using holographic optical correlator
    Ayano Inoue; Ren Usami; Keisuke Saito; Yasunobu Honda; Kanami Ikeda; Eriko Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, ISOM2018
  • Improvement in Linear Recording Density for Holographic Optical Correlator by Low-Correlation Data Interleaving
    Keisuke Saito; Taku Hoshizawa; Kanami Ikeda; Toshihiro Sugaya; Eriko Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, ISOM2018,
  • General-purpose optical data search system based on an autoencoder
    Hidenori Suzuki; Eriko Watanabe
    Poster presentation, English, Irago 2018, P23,
  • Experimental demonstration of a digital holographic microscope based on a planar lightwave circuit,
    H. Satake; K. Ikeda; K. Inomoto; K. Okamoto; E. Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, 22nd Microoptics Conference,
    Nov. 2017
  • Cross-domain image retrieval system using an optical correlator in a cloud environment
    K. Ikeda; H. Suzuki; E. Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-24) ,
    Aug. 2017
  • Optical correlation-based image retrieval system with a deep convolutional neural network
    K. Ikeda; E. Watanabe
    Invited oral presentation, English, The 9th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2017) ,, International conference
    Jul. 2017
  • Lensless Digital Holographic Microscope Based on Planer Lightwave Circuit
    E. Watanabe; K. Ikeda; K. Okamoto
    Invited oral presentation, English, The 25th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Invited, Korea, International conference
    Apr. 2017
  • Bio-imaging using planar lightwave circuit digital holographic microscope
    K.Ikeda; N. Hara; K. Okamoto; E.Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, Proc. SPIE 10251, Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference,, 横浜, Domestic conference
    Apr. 2017
  • Microscopic optical path length difference and polarization measurement system for cell analysis
    H. Satake; K. Ikeda; H. Kowa; T. Hoshiba; E. Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, the 3rd International Conference on Photonics Solutions, 260 (Pattaya, Thailand, 2017.11 accepted).
    Jan. 2017
  • Widely applicable coding method for optical correlators based on an autoencoder
    H. Suzuki; K. Ikeda; E. Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, Information Photonics 2017,
  • "Convolutional neural network based video identification system for content management system with optical correlator
    R. Usami; H. Suzuki; K. Ikeda; E. Watanabe
    Oral presentation, English, Interdisciplinary research and global outlook (Irago) conference 2016
    Nov. 2016
  • フィードバック制御位相計測システムによる培養細胞の品質管理
    平松敬太; 渡邉恵理子
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大学・東京農工大学 合同シンポジウム「ナノ未来材料とコヒーレント光科学」第8回合同シンポジウム予稿集, 電気通信大学・東京農工大学
    Dec. 2011
  • 高精度2次元位相計測システムによる細胞識別
    遠島未希; 平松敬太; 藤川 知栄美; 渡邉恵理子
    Public symposium, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2011, 応用物理学会分科会 日本光学会
    Nov. 2011
  • 時・空間分割記録によるディスク型光並列相関演算システム
    渡邉恵理子; 片山勇気; 中山朋子; 小舘香椎子
    Public symposium, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2011, 応用物理学会分科会 日本光学会
    Nov. 2011
  • 2次元位相計測システムによる細胞の培養管理のための基礎検討」
    渡邉恵理子; 遠島未希; 平松敬太; 藤川 知栄美; 今井 元
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第72回 応用物理学会学術講演会
    Aug. 2011
  • 「光路長画像による培養細胞の品質劣化推定」
    遠島未希; 平松敬太; 渡邉恵理子
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第17回画像センシングシンポジウム
    Jun. 2011
  • 「マルチメディアコンテンツ検索に向けた並列光照合の基礎検討」
    渡邉 恵理子; 片山 勇気; 高木 麻里; 中山 朋子; 小舘香椎子
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第17回画像センシングシンポジウム
    Jun. 2011
  • インターネット上のコミックコンテンツの識別・管理システム
    原山智重子; 小舘亮之; 渡邉恵理子; 小舘香椎子
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第17回画像センシングシンポジウム
    Jun. 2011
  • 2次元位相計測システムにおけるフィードバック制御回路の最適化
    平松敬太; 遠島未希; 渡邉恵理子
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第5回新画像システム・情報フォトニクス研究討論会公演予稿集, 新画像システム研究会
    May 2011
  • 時・空間分割記録による光並列相関演算
    渡邉恵理子; 高木麻里; 中山朋子; 小舘香椎子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会
    Mar. 2011
  • 「2 次元位相計測システムによる培養細胞の品質管理への基礎検討」
    渡邉恵理子; 遠島未希; 藤川知栄美; 今井元; 小舘香椎子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会
    Mar. 2011
  • Fiber Fabry-Perot Optical Cavities using Expanded-Core Fibers with Concave Form
    C. Fujikawa; T. Shintaku; K. Tateyama; E. Watanabe
    Public symposium, English, 17th Microoptics Conference (MOC’11), Sendai, Japan
  • 光メモリシステムを利用した高速データ検索
    渡邉 恵理子
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, ISOM 講演会
  • 光相関演算システム用高速アクチュエータの評価
    片山勇気; 渡邉恵理子
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第5回新画像システム・情報フォトニクス研究討論会 講演予稿集, 新画像システム研究会
  • 日中女性科学者 北京シンポジウム
    Public symposium
    Sep. 2010
  • Two-dimensional Phase Imaging Based on Closed Loop Feed-back Control
    E.watanabe; M.Toshima; K,kodate
    Public symposium, English, 16th MICROOPTICS CONFERENCE,
    Jan. 2010


  • デジタル信号処理(Ⅲ類)
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • デジタル信号処理(Ⅲ類)
  • 学域特別講義B(日本音楽出版社協会・日本レコード協会合同寄附講座)「AI時代のエンタテイメントビジネスと著作権」
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 学域特別講義B(日本音楽出版社協会・日本レコード協会合同寄附講座)「AI時代のエンタテイメントビジネスと著作権」
  • 電気回路演習
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 電気回路演習
  • 光工学実験第二
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • デジタル信号処理
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 光工学実験第二
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 光工学実験第二
  • 学域特別講義B(日本レコード協会寄附講座)「情報化社会におけるクリエイティブビジネスと著作権」
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 応用数学
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • デジタル信号処理
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • デジタル信号処理
  • 光エレクトロニクスコース実験第二
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 光エレクトロニクスコース実験第二
  • 学域特別講義B(日本レコード協会寄附講座)「情報化社会におけるクリエイティブビジネスと著作権」
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 学域特別講義B(日本レコード協会寄附講座)「情報化社会におけるクリエイティブビジネスと著作権」
  • 光エレクトロニクス実験第二
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 光エレクトロニクス実験第二
  • 応用数学
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 応用数学

Affiliated academic society

  • 応用物理学会
  • 社団法人 レーザー学会
  • 日本光学会
  • 情報処理学会
  • 電子情報通信学会
  • 電気学会
  • The Optical Society of America (OSA)

Research Themes

  • Comprehensive understanding of scattering and fluctuated fields and science of clairvoyance
    的場 修; 谷田 純; 木村 建次郎; 平野 泰弘; 渡邉 恵理子; 松田 厚志; 高山 佳久; 玉田 洋介; 亀井 保博; 粟辻 安浩; 早野 裕
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kobe University, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), 本年度は、総括班会議及び領域会議を各1回インターネットによるリモート形式で開催した。リモートでの開催となったため、リモート会議に必要な遠隔機器を設置した。アドバイザリーボードとして大型プロジェクトの代表及び組織運営に精通した4名を選出した。総括班会議は8人の計画研究代表者及びアドバイザリーボードメンバで構成される。2021年1月に開催した総括班会議では、領域代表による領域の概要紹介の後、総括班活動の目的を共有し、融合研究及び若手育成に向けての領域融合推進班の活動内容を決定し、公募研究の研究概要について確認した。また、アドバイザリーボードメンバから領域全体の活動に関するコメントを受け、今後の運営方針の策定に役立てることにした。総括班会議後に開催した領域会議では、総括班会議メンバに加えて研究分担者、研究協力者、研究に従事する学生が参加した。第1回の領域会議であったため、領域代表による研究領域の紹介に加えて、各計画研究の代表による研究紹介と研究進捗報告を行った。また、2月にキックオフ会議を行い、領域の目的、内容を広く発信した。企画広報班の活動として領域を紹介するホームページを作成した。さらに領域の活動を広く案内するために、ニュースレターを年に3回発刊することを決め、3月に第1号を発刊した。これらは領域のホームページに掲載されている。また、来年度以降に開始する国際交流のための準備として若手研究者の海外派遣の選定方法について検討を開始した。異分野融合を推進するために重要な役割を果たす共同研究拠点と領域融合推進班について、今後の活動計画を決定した。また、計画研究代表者が月に1回会合し、融合研究を潤滑に推進させる枠組みを構築した。, 20H05885
    19 Nov. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 大規模光データベースによる散乱・揺らぎ場モデリング
    19 Nov. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 隣接点光源型デジタルホログラフィーによる3次元内部顕微イメージング
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024
  • 光導波路プローブによる3次元マルチスペクトルイメージング
    公益財団法人 JKA補助事業
    2021 - 31 Mar. 2022
  • 平面導波路型リアルタイムマルチスペクトルデジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡
    公益財団法人 JKA補助事業
    2020 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 相関影像法による3次元内部イメージング
    渡邉 恵理子
    Principal investigator
    01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 超小型マルチスペクトルデジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡
    Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
  • 光相関技術を活用した高速違法動画検索システムに関する戦略策定
    01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2019
  • 光相関技術によるWeb掲載違法動画像等の超高速検索システムに関する戦略策定
    (一財)光産業技術振興協会, Principal investigator
    01 May 2017 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • 光相関デバイスを活用した超高速データ検索
    Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • 平面導波路型デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡の超小型化
    01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • 光相関デバイスを活用した超高速データ検索
    Apr. 2017
  • 高精度位相計測を利用した非接触・非染色顕微断層解析の新手法開発
    Eriko Watanabe
    Principal investigator
    2014 - 2017

Industrial Property Rights

  • 光相関システム及び光相関用データの記録方法
    Patent right, 渡邉恵理子, 菅谷寿鴻, 池田佳奈美, 斎藤圭佑, 宇佐美廉, 2018-060719, Date applied: 27 Mar. 2018
  • 光学特性計測システムおよび計測方法
    Patent right, 関根 明彦, 渡邉恵理子, 特6057210, 特6057210, Date issued: 16 Dec. 2016
  • 「ハミング空間検索装置、ハミング空間検索方法、ハミング空間検索プログラムおよび記録媒体」
    Patent right, 特6031475, 特6031475, Date issued: 28 Oct. 2016
  • 光線形識別器
    Patent right, 渡邉 恵理子, 藤吉 弘亘, 谷口 泰史, 池田 佳奈美, 脇田 英, 2016-025892, Date applied: 15 Feb. 2016
  • 光学測定装置
    Patent right, 渡邉恵理子, 岡本 勝就, 水野 潤, 星野 和博, 池田 佳奈美, 2015-004055, Date applied: 2015
  • ハミング空間検索装置、ハミング空間検索方法、ハミング空間検索プログラムおよび記録媒体
    Patent right, 特願2011-102979, Date applied: 02 May 2011
  • 動画データの照合システム
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 渡邉恵理子, 石川さゆり, -, 4281097, Date issued: 2009
  • 動画データの照合システム
    Patent right, 特4281097, 特4281097, Date issued: 2009
  • 位相物体識別装置及び方法
    Patent right, 渡邉恵理子, 小舘香椎子, 2008-080976, Date applied: 2009
  • 画像情報検索システム及び画像情報記録検索システム
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 渡邉恵理子, 2008-057489, Date applied: 2009
  • 計測システム及び計測方法
    Patent right, 渡邉恵理子, 水野潤, 小舘香椎子, 2008-121300, Date applied: 2008
  • 顔画像認識システム
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 渡邉恵理子, 稲葉利江子, -, 3964220, Date issued: 2007
  • 画像データの照合システム
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 渡邉恵理子, 2007-153340, Date applied: 2007
  • 光相関システム
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 渡邉恵理子, 2006-053168, Date applied: 2006
  • 紙葉類鑑別装置
    Patent right, 小舘 香椎子, 渡邉恵理子, 2006-031122, Date applied: 2006
  • 顔認識装置及び顔認証システム
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 加藤絢, 渡邉恵理子, 2005-032159, Date applied: 2006
  • 光学的顔画像認識方法及びその装置
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 稲葉利江子, 渡邉恵理子, -, 3650323, Date issued: 2005
  • 画像認識装置
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 渡邉恵理子, 峯岸功, 武田紀子, 中西美智子, 2003-339241, Date applied: 2003
  • 画像認識装置
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 渡邉恵理子, 中西美智子, 峯岸功, 武田紀子, 2003-339240, Date applied: 2003
  • 画像認識方法及びその装置
    Patent right, 小舘香椎子, 渡邉恵理子, 武田紀子, 中西美智子, 峯岸功, 小泉浩, 2003-339239, Date applied: 2003
  • 画像認識方法及びその装置
    Patent right, 2003-339238, Date applied: 2003, 小舘香椎子,渡邉恵理子,武田紀子,中西美智子,峯岸功
  • 多光源小型並列結合変換相関装置
    Patent right, 2000-307061, Date applied: 2000, 小舘香椎子,神谷武志,渡邉恵理子