Center for Industrial and Governmental RelationsProject/Specially Appointed Professor
Emeritus Professor etc.Emeritus Professor


  • 理学博士, 東京工業大学
  • Science of Doctor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Research Keyword

  • システム安全学、リスクマネジメント、信頼性、人間-機械系、医療安全、災害情報、ドライビングシミュレータ

Field Of Study

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention), Safety engineering
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention), Social systems engineering
  • Informatics, Intelligent informatics


  • Apr. 2023 - Present
    The University of Electro-Communications, Center for Industrial and Governmental Relations, 特任教授, 副センター長・名誉教授
  • Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2023
    The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, School of Informatics and Engineering, 教授
  • May 2004 - Mar. 2016
    The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Information Systems, 教授
  • Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014
    電気通信大学, 広報センター長
  • Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014
    電気通信大学, 副学長
  • Oct. 1995 - Apr. 2004
    The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Information Systems, 助教授
  • Apr. 1987 - Sep. 1995
    茨城大学工学部, 助手

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1982 - Mar. 1987
    Tokyo Institute of Technology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, システム科学専攻
  • Apr. 1978 - Mar. 1982
    Kyoto University, Faculty of Science, 数理科学系(数学科)
  • Apr. 1973 - Mar. 1976

Member History

  • Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2026
    特別研究員, 科学警察研究所業績報告会, Government, 報告会会議に出席し、指導や助言を通して専門的事項の研究に参画する。
  • Feb. 2021 - Jan. 2023
    委員, 特許庁 産業構造審議会知的財産分科会 審査品質管理小委員会, Government
  • Jun. 2021
    委員, 経済産業省 産業構造審議会 保安・消費生活用製品安全分科会 電力安全小委員会 電気設備自然災害等対策WG, Government
  • Nov. 2015 - Oct. 2019
    監事, 日本品質管理学会, Society
  • Oct. 2015 - Sep. 2017
    理事, 医療の質・安全学会, Society
  • Mar. 2007 - Jun. 2017
    委員, 経済産業省消費経済審議会製品安全部会事故判定第三者委員会
  • Nov. 2005 - Oct. 2015
    評議員, 医療の質・安全学会, Society
  • Apr. 2013
    委員, 日本医療機能評価機構 教育プログラム部会
  • 2004 - Mar. 2012
    評議員, 日本設備管理学会, Society
  • 2001 - Mar. 2012
    関東支部運営委員, 日本設備管理学会, Society
  • Oct. 2009 - Sep. 2011
    理事, 日本品質管理学会, Society
  • Oct. 2008 - Sep. 2009
    学会理事, 日本品質管理学会, Society
  • Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2009
    委員, 日本看護協会事故事例分析検討委員会
  • 2007 - 2007
    企画委員会委員, 計測自動制御学会, Society
  • Oct. 2004 - Sep. 2006
    研究開発委員会委員長, 日本品質管理学会, Society
  • Oct. 2004 - Sep. 2006
    理事, 日本品質管理学会, Society
  • 2004 - 2006
    学会誌編集委員会委員, 計測自動制御学会, Society
  • Jul. 2004 - Mar. 2005
    委員, 厚生労働省 医療安全対策検討会 事例検討作業部会
  • 2003 - 2005
    SMC Japan Chapter Vice Chair, IEEE, Society
  • 2001 - 2004
    代議員, 日本品質管理学会, Society
  • 1998 - 2003
    監事, 日本設備管理学会, Society
  • 2001 - 2002
    システム・情報部門運営委員, 計測自動制御学会, Society
  • 2001 - 2002
    マンマシンシステム部会幹事, 計測自動制御学会, Society
  • 1998 - 1999
    編集委員, 経営情報学会, Society
  • 1998
    論文誌編集委員, 日本品質管理学会, Society
  • 1994 - 1996
    評議員, 日本品質管理学会, Society


  • Dec. 2016
    第14回 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ最優秀論文発表賞
    Japan society
  • Nov. 2015
  • Jun. 2013
  • Jul. 2012
    Japan society
  • Nov. 2010
    新版 品質保証ガイドブック
  • Jun. 2002
  • May 2002
  • Oct. 1993


  • Usefulness of driver's eye movement measurement to detect potential risks under combined conditions of taking second-generation antihistamines and calling tasks.
    Atsunobu Sagara; Akihito Nagahama; Hayato Aki; Hiroki Yoshimura; Makoto Hiraide; Takatsune Shimizu; Motohiko Sano; Tetsuro Yumoto; Tomoo Hosoe; Kenji Tanaka
    Journal of pharmaceutical health care and sciences, 10, 1, 62-62, Oct. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, BACKGROUND: Concerns persist regarding the potential reduction in driving performance due to taking second-generation antihistamines or performing hands-free calling. Previous studies have indicated a potential risk to driving performance under an emergency event when these two factors are combined, whereas a non-emergency event was operated effectively. Currently, there is a lack of a discriminative index capable of detecting the potential risks of driving performance impairment. This study aims to investigate the relationship between driving performance and eye movements under combined conditions of taking second-generation antihistamines and a calling task, and to assess the usefulness of eye movement measurements as a discriminative index for detecting potential risks of driving performance impairment. METHODS: Participants engaged in a simulated driving task, which included a calling task, both under taking or not taking second-generation antihistamines. Driving performance and eye movements were monitored during both emergency and non-emergency events, assessing their correlation between driving performance and eye movements. The study further evaluated the usefulness of eye movement as a discriminative index for potential driving impairment risk through receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. RESULTS: In the case of a non-emergency event, no correlation was observed between driving performance and eye movement under the combined conditions. Conversely, a correlation was observed during an emergency event. The ROC analysis, conducted to assess the discriminative index capability of eye movements in detecting the potential risk of driving performance impairment, demonstrated a high discriminative power, with an area under the curve of 0.833. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study show the correlation between driving performance and eye movements under the concurrent influence of second-generation antihistamines and a calling task, suggesting the usefulness of eye movement measurement as a discriminant index for detecting potential risks of driving performance impairment.
    Scientific journal, English
  • スマートシティ実現に向けた都市設計における局所大気環境改善のための交通量と大気質の同地点測定
    湯浅 剛; 田中 健次; 長濱 章仁; 横川 慎二; 山田 哲男
    日本設備管理学会誌, 26, 1, 9-15, Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Potential risk of driving performance under combined conditions of taking second-generation antihistamines and attending calls using a hands-free function
    Atsunobu Sagara; Akihito Nagahama; Hayato Aki; Hiroki Yoshimura; Makoto Hiraide; Takatsune Shimizu; Motohiko Sano; Tetsuro Yumoto; Tomoo Hosoe; Kenji Tanaka
    Last, Traffic Injury Prevention, Informa UK Limited, 25, 1, 36-40, 10 Oct. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Estimation of Driver Excitement by Semantic Differential Method and Correlation with Arousal Levels in Advanced Driver Assistance
    Kato, M; Tanaka, K
    Proc.of IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE-SMC 2022), Mo-PS3-T2.3, 1-6, 10 Oct. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Needs assessment and prototype of a low-cost radiation monitoring system for citizens in Fukushima
    Ishigaki Y; Matsumoto Y; Shozugawa K; Hori M; Shimazaki K; Tanaka K
    The International Electrical Engineering Congress 2022 (IEECON2022), Web-Download, SS1-P01651, 11 Mar. 2022, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Attempt to Predict Failure Case Classification in a Failure Database by using Neural Network Models
    Bando K; Tanaka K
    European Dependable Computing Conference 2021 (EDCC 2021), Web-Download, Sep. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Smartphone Solutions for Citizen-Centered Risk Monitoring in Environmental Disaster Situations
    Yo Ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka
    Digital Services in Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency Situations, IGI Global, 1-30, 29 Jan. 2021, Peer-reviwed, Through an analysis of three case studies, this chapter proposes a new kind of democratic risk communication that can be realized through environmental sensing by citizens with smartphones, and considers the challenges involved. The three case studies, which the authors have implemented in the society, are as follows: (1) The Pocket Geiger (Pokéga) is a radiation sensor for citizens developed immediately after the Fukushima nuclear accident. More than 100,000 Pokéga units have been produced under an open source license. (2) The Unreal iSOTOPE is a mobile simulator developed for training Japanese law enforcement agencies during radiation disasters. (3) The Pocket PM2.5 Sensor visualizes the distribution of invisible air pollutants indoors and outdoors. It is particularly useful for fieldwork in developing countries where environmental assessments are inadequate.
    In book, English
  • Dose-rate Mapping Using Smartphone for Risk Awareness in Local Residents and Workers at Zircon Sand Facility in Bangka Island in Indonesia
    Ishigaki Y; Pradana, H. A; Permana S; Tanaka K; Yoda T
    5th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA15), CD-ROM, Jan. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Monitoring of Household Air Pollution Caused by Open Fire Stoves in Rwanda
    Ishigaki Y; Tanaka K; Yoda T; Elisephane I
    16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate(Indoor Air 2020), CD-ROM, Nov. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Interview survey of subjective symptoms of smoke from traditional cooking stoves in Rwanda
    Eto K; Ishigaki Y; Tanaka K; Yoda T; Matsukawa M
    The 9th of International Health Humanities conference, CD-ROM, Oct. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • ヘッドアップディスプレイを用いた注意喚起情報が高齢ドライバのハザード知覚と運転行動に及ぼす影響
    榎本 恵; 関根 道昭; 田中 健次; 長谷川 浩
    ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, ヒューマンインタフェース学会, 22, 3, 341-350, 25 Aug. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Elderly drivers generally are not good at recognizing multiple objects at the same time because they have less attention resources than younger drivers. As a result, when multiple hazards arise simultaneously while driving, elderly drivers may fail to promptly identify certain hazards, leading to an accident. This study examined, using a driving simulator, to what extent elderly people properly recognized multiple, simultaneous hazards. We also examined whether they recognized hazards more quickly if given a visual alert. The results showed that they could recognize hazards more quickly when the alert to a new hazard included directional information, and that, compared with younger people, elderly drivers tended to take their foot off the gas pedal while trying to identify the hazard. Further, a subjective assessment confirmed that they found the cognitive load of processing a directional alert harder than younger people. These findings suggest that optimizing the way the alert is given according to the severity and imminence of the hazard would make the alert more effective while reducing the driver’s cognitive load.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Attempt to Extract Similar Cases by Applying Multilayer Perceptron to a Failure Database
    Bando K; Tanaka K
    The 24rd IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2019), CD-ROM, 57-58, Dec. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 高齢運転者における複数同時危険事象の認識に視覚的な注意喚起が与える影響
    平野 伸将; 榎本 恵; 関根 道昭; 田中 健次
    ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, ヒューマンインタフェース学会, 21, 1, 111-120, Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed, Elderly drivers generally are not good at recognizing multiple objects at the same time because they have less attention resources than younger drivers. As a result, when multiple hazards arise simultaneously while driving, elderly drivers may fail to promptly identify certain hazards, leading to an accident. This study examined, using a driving simulator, to what extent elderly people properly recognized multiple, simultaneous hazards. We also examined whether they recognized hazards more quickly if given a visual alert. The results showed that they could recognize hazards more quickly when the alert to a new hazard included directional information, and that, compared with younger people, elderly drivers tended to take their foot off the gas pedal while trying to identify the hazard. Further, a subjective assessment confirmed that they found the cognitive load of processing a directional alert harder than younger people. These findings suggest that optimizing the way the alert is given according to the severity and imminence of the hazard would make the alert more effective while reducing the driver’s cognitive load.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Toward measurement display content for improving intrinsic motivation in smart health equipment
    Yonei M; Tanaka K
    2019 IEEE 1st Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (IEEE-LifeTech2019), 206-209, Mar. 2019, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Attempt to Apply Machine Learning to a Failure Database - A Case Study on Communications Networks
    Bando K; Tanaka K
    The 23rd IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2018), CD-ROM, Dec. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Citizen Sensing for Environmental Risk Communication Action Research on PM2.5 Air Quality Monitoring in East Asia
    Ishigaki, Y; Matsumoto, Y; Pradana H. A; Tanaka, K
    The Second International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems, CD-ROM, Nov. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of CO2 Monitor and Alarm for Professional Drivers
    Ishigaki, Y; Moritake, T; Matsumoto, Y; Tanaka, K
    Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety, 2017, CD-ROM, Nov. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Effects of Active and Passive Secondary Tasks in a Take-over Situation during Automated Driving
    Nakajima, Y; Tanaka, K
    Proc.of IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE-SMC 2017), FrB4.24, 1161-1166, Oct. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Agile way of Risk Awareness by Smartphone-connected Environmental Sensor
    Ishigaki, Y; Matsuno, Y; Tanaka, K
    Proc ofISCRAM2017, ISCRAM, CD-ROM, 00-00, May 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Models of Consensus Building among Citizens and Professionals in SNS
    Matsuno, Y; Ishigaki, Y; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management(ISCRAM2017), CD-ROM, May 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Pollution Mapping by Smartphone Becoming Real Possibility
    Ishigaki, Y; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of 2017 Bali International Conference on Civil, Disaster Management and Environmental Sciences (CDMES-17), 94, Feb. 2017
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Wisdom of Crowds for Reliable Discussion and Need Finding: A Case Study of Information Sharing Regarding Radiation after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
    Ishigaki, Y; Matsuno, Y; Bando, K; Tanaka, K
    Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50), 2017-January, 323-331, Jan. 2017, Peer-reviwed, This action research adopts a case study approach of reliability assurance and need finding for radiation monitoring on social media communication through the development and use of Pocket Geiger (POKEGA), a smartphone-connected radiation detector developed after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan. We also facilitated the use of an inclusive Facebook community for radiation monitoring established by volunteer experts and normal users. Interaction through this social media led to credible discussions and enabled dose verification among users. It is important to grasp, at least roughly, the potential needs of and/or information required by users, especially those living in and around affected areas, from among the numerous topics posted by regular citizens and radiation experts on social media. Therefore, we developed a Web service called Crowd Talks to summarize and visualize discussions within the POKEGA community. This tool provides quick analysis and visualization of discussion topics from POKEGA Facebook posts based on natural language processing algorithms such as MeCab, latent Dirichlet allocation, and principal component analysis. Our results suggested that Crowd Talks was able to identify major topic clusters from the Facebook community.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Trend Analyses of Failures in Information Systems -A Case Study on Communications Networks and Financial Information Systems
    Koichi Bando; Yutaka Matsuno; Yang Ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka
    2017 IEEE 22ND PACIFIC RIM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEPENDABLE COMPUTING (PRDC 2017), IEEE, 233-234, 2017, Peer-reviwed, Advanced information technology offers greater convenience to the general public. However, information technology can cause failures that have significant negative impacts (e.g., system failures and personal information leaks). To improve this situation, it is important to understand past failures, extract their causes, and define countermeasures. In this paper, we focus on communications networks and financial information systems, and collect and analyze publicly available data on failure cases during a 15-year period. The analysis results allow us to identify the most important issues and describe countermeasures to mitigate potential negative impacts.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • グレイゾーンにおける現場技術者と設計推進者との協調とは
    日本品質管理学会誌『品質』, 日本品質管理学会, 47, 1, 39-44, Jan. 2017
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 音声操作中の警報音聴取に対する注意配分改善手法の検討
    伊藤一也; 田中健次
    人間工学, 人間工学会, 53, 3, 75-84, 2017, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A Study of Driver Status Estimation by Analyzing Deviation of Steering Angular Frequency
    Itoh, K; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of Human Factors and User Needs in Transport, Control, and the Workplace(HFES Europe 2016), CDROM, 26 Oct. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Effective teaching method for learning adaptive versatility of rules
    Tanaka, K; Inaba, M; Soyama, A
    Abst of 5th World Congress of Clinical Safety (5WCCS), 42-42, 21 Sep. 2016
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Prototype Implementation of a Failure Database for Information Sharing with the General Public - A Case Study on Radiation Risk Information after Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
    Bando, K; Matsuno, Y; Ishigaki, Y; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of the 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2016), CDROM, 30 Jun. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Prototype Development of Assurance Cases Tool and Experiments on SNS Discussion of Radiation Disaster
    Ishigaki, Y; Matsuno, Y; Bando, K; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management(ISCRAM2016), CD-ROM, May 2016
    International conference proceedings, English
  • ヘッドアップディスプレイを想定した重畳表示における情報の表示数と位置が安全運転に与える影響(第1報)―ヘッドアップディスプレイの視認性および運転操作について―
    榎本 恵; 関根 道昭; 森田 和元; 田中 健次
    自動車技術会論文集, 自動車技術会, 47, 2, 515-522, Mar. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • ヘッドアップディスプレイを想定した重畳表示における情報の表示数と位置が安全運転に与える影響(第2報)―ブレーキ操作および視点移動について―
    榎本 恵; 関根 道昭; 森田 和元; 田中 健次
    自動車技術会論文集, 自動車技術会, 47, 2, 523-530, Mar. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 潜在リスク抽出のための事故情報解析技法の提案
    門田 靖; 田中健次
    日本信頼性学会誌, 日本信頼性学会, 38, 1, 57-66, Jan. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Recent years, "System for Report and Publication of Product Accident Information" is introduced, so it became easier to get the safety accident information of other companies (or other industries). But those information are utilized in the prevention have been extremely rare. In this paper, in order to utilize the published information to prevent safety accident, we have applied each accident mechanism to the network model, and have represented and organized the various characteristic values by using these models. As a result, we have devised a high versatile method of extracting the potential technical issues. In that model, macro analysis of safety accident information that focuses on reaction mechanism length by using the network analysis (mainly adjacency matrix) can visualize the states and state transitions. Manufacturers can be expected that it is possible to clarify the issues by comparing between product accidents of other industries and their own product accidents. They are issues that cannot be extracted only from their own accident information, can be expected to be very effective in prevention.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Environmental Health Communication and its visualization on Social Media- Case Study of Radiation Health Communication after the Fukushima Disaster
    Ishigaki, Y; Matsuno, Y; Bando, K; Tanaka, K
    Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS-49, Symposium of Learning Health System: Designing and Generalizing the Challenge of the Learning Health System, CDROM, Jan. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Mutual Assistance System for Automobile Safety
    Sui. Kurihashi; Kenji. Kanaka
    IFAC PAPERSONLINE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 49, 19, 438-443, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are effective measures for reducing the risk of traffic accidents. This paper provides evaluation results for ADAS using the mutual assistance paradigm, in which drivers mutually assist each other for automobile safety. The goal of the mutual assistance system is not only to reduce the risk of traffic accidents but also to improve the drivers attitude. In this research, evaluation of an assistance system was performed with a driving simulator. The experimental results revealed that the automation level of the mutual assistance system heavily changed the driver's attitude. The semi-automatic system was more effective than the fully automatic system for making positive attitude changes. In addition, the semi-automatic system was the most effective for decreasing the driver collision rate. Therefore, the semi-automatic system with some voluntary actions was most suitable for the mutual assistance system and can possibly restrain risk compensation behavior. (C) 2016, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Developing SNS Tool for Consensus Building on Environmental Safety Using Assurance Cases
    Yutaka Matsuno; Yang Ishigaki; Koichi Bando; Hiroyuki Kido; Kenji Tanaka
    COMPUTER SAFETY, RELIABILITY, AND SECURITY, SAFECOMP 2016, SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG, 9923, 55-62, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Systems have been connected and interacted with each other around our daily lives. The boundaries of the systems are no more exist, and the safety of the systems involves various stakeholders including professionals, governments, and ordinary citizens. Therefore, for the safety of systems and the environments, consensus building among various stakeholders (e.g., professionals, developers, government, citizens) is crucial. However, ordinary citizens usually does not have sufficient knowledge about the safety and risk of systems around them. To solve this problem, we aim to develop methods and tools for consensus building specially with citizens using assurance cases written in GSN. This paper specifies the initial study for the goal. We take radiation information as an example. We implement prototype tools for visualizing structured argument by GSN about radiation information for citizens, and conduct an experiment for the effectiveness of the tool. The preliminary result indicates that the tool based on GSN is statistically significantly effective for sharing correct radiation information with citizens.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Consideration of Brightness Contrast Ratio Which Influences Visibility of Head-Up Display
    Enomoto, M; Sekine, M; Morita, K; Tanaka, K
    Proc. 22nd International Display Workshops (IDW '15), 1309-1311, Dec. 2015, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Effective double-check methods regarding the accuracy and required time of the verification process in medication preparation
    Tanaka, K; Inaba, M
    Proc. 4th World Congress of Clinical Safety (4WCCS), CD-ROM, Sep. 2015, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Self-Perception of Assister Driver Responsibility and Contribution in Mutual Assistance System
    S. Kurihashi; Y. Matsuno; K. Tanaka
    Proc. 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 1702-1707, Aug. 2015, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Participatory Radiation Information Monitoring with SNS after Fukushima
    Ishigaki, Y; Matasumoto, Y; Matsuno, Y; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, CDROM, May 2015, Peer-reviwed, We developed a series of inexpensive but accurate mobile radiation detectors, which we named Pocket Geiger (POKEGA), to address the urgent desire of ordinary people to measure and share radiation levels in their milieus and to discuss the results of the Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima, Japan. This action research reports on a new style of pragmatic model of radiation monitoring, which employs the features of Participatory Design and Participatory Sensing and adopts modern communication platforms such as crowd-funding, open source development, and Facebook. This paper proposes an interaction model between the project management body, and other inclusive corroborators, e.g., ordinary users and experts, and focuses on three development phases of the project: start-up phase, evaluation phase, and operation phase. This paper also considers a reliability assurance model on disaster information sharing between the citizen layer and the official layer by data sharing and discussion activities in the POKEGA community.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Trust Establishment in Participatory Radiation Sensing
    Ishigaki, Y; Matasumoto, Y; Matsuno, Y; Tanaka, K
    The 9th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management 2015, CDROM, May 2015, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Enhancing Safety with a Mutual Assistance System for Automobile
    Sui Kurihashi; Yutaka Matsuno; Kenji Tanaka
    SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, 計測自動制御学会, 8, 2, 161-170, Mar. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Recently, a number of safety assistance systems for automobiles have been proposed. Most systems, such as adaptive cruise control systems (ACC), attempt to assist in improving driving safety for individual drivers. The authors' study focuses on a new type of safety assistance system, by which drivers are able to mutually assist each other based on a "Mutual Assistance" paradigm. The authors' previous study examined the effectiveness of the mutual assistance system from both the recipient and assister side with a driving simulator. In this paper, the effectiveness of a mutual assistance system is examined with a more detailed analysis. The results of experiments from the assistance recipient side indicate that early warning from a mutual assistance system statistically decreases the risks of collision by increasing the margin of collision avoidance. The results from the assister side indicate that a mutual assistance system brings positive attitude changes and enhances self-efficacy, particularly by including some voluntary actions. From the results of experiments the authors' proposed system is expected to contribute to a much safer driving environment by reducing the target level of risk.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Self-perception of assister driver responsibility and contribution in mutual assistance system
    Sui Kurihashi; Yutaka Matsuno; Kenji Tanaka
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, 9173, 233-242, 2015, Peer-reviwed, Noting the current deep interest in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), this study focuses on the “mutual assistance” paradigm, by which drivers mutually assist each other to promote a safer automobile culture. In our previous study, we examined the effectiveness of mutual assistance systems from both the recipient and assister sides using a driving simulator. In this paper, assister attitude changes, especially those related to their responsibility and contribution to an incident/accident, are compared for manual, semi-automatic and automatic warning scenarios. The results indicate that more positive attitude changes will result if “participants felt that he/she had some responsibility related to accident”. Additionally, it was determined that semi-automatic warnings were most likely to engender feelings of responsibility in an assister. These experimental results indicate that semi-automatic mutual assistance system is the most effective examined technique for reducing the target level of risk.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Failure Analyses of Communications Systems and Networks by Publicly Available Failure Information from the viewpoint of Dependability
    Koichi Bando; Yutaka Matsuno; Kenji Tanaka
    2015 IEEE 21ST PACIFIC RIM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEPENDABLE COMPUTING (PRDC), IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 139-148, 2015, Peer-reviwed, Information systems have become indispensable in our daily lives. It is anticipated that if information systems become more huge and complex, more critical failures will occur. However, reports of failures have not been adequately collected. This paper presents failure analyses of communications systems and networks by using public data from newspapers, official governmental information, and news websites in Japan. Our failure data consist of 798 failures that occurred from 2000 to 2013. Of these, 335 failures were significant. Using our database, we analyze and evaluate these failures from the viewpoint of dependability in detail from 2011 to 2013. Our analyses resulted in an error-handling flowchart, classification of failures by the patterns of unsuccessful cases of fault-tolerant functions, and factors leading to error propagation. In addition, countermeasures are identified. We believe that these results will encourage public sharing of failure information.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Wi-Fi connected environmental measurement system by small-scale solar cell
    Yoshinori Matsumoto; Yang Ishigaki; Kenji Tanaka
    2015 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSING TECHNOLOGY (ICST), IEEE, 761-764, 2015, An environmental measurement system was developed using a low-power sensing module, IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) connection module, and a small solar cell and battery. An Arduino-based sensing module was used for many kinds of analog/digital outputs sensors with the Arduino software library. The data from the module were sent via Wi-Fi HTTP(S) clients operation, and collected by MySQL server using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) uploading code. The sleep and wakeup strategy controlled by a real-time clock achieved an average system power consumption of 18 mW. The system also checked its own condition by measuring battery voltage and temperature. It operated on a small 0.8 W solar cell and 1500-mAh Lithium iron phosphate battery. Data on the MySQL server were downloaded, and visualized the sensing data on Google Maps. Visualizations and log data help users understand environmental contamination levels in a farm, garden, forest, etc.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • The proposed technique of looking down the product safety level of safety standards and accident information
    Kadota, Y; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of International Conference on Quality 14, 930-939, Oct. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 追突回避時ドライバの操作特性の評価手法構築
    岡本浩一; 牧之内秀夫; 田中健次
    HINO TECHNICAL REVIEW, 日野自動車, 64, 64, 66-71, 25 Jun. 2014
    Research society, Japanese
  • eテスティングにおけるLDAを用いた項目間類似度の算出
    高木輝彦; 高木正則; 勅使河原可海; 田中健次
    情報処理学会論文誌, 55, 1, 91-104, Jan. 2014, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Evaluation of a Mutual Assistance System from both the Recipient and Assister sides
    Sui Kurihashi; Yutaka Matsuno; Kenji Tanaka
    2014 Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference (SICE), IEEE, 1702-1707, 2014, Peer-reviwed, Recently, a number of safety assistance systems for automobiles have been proposed. Most systems aim to assist driving for individual drivers such as auto cruise control (ACC) systems. Our research, however, focuses on a new type of safety assistance system, by which drivers are able to mutually assist each other, based on a "Mutual Assistance" paradigm. The primary purpose of our work is to develop this new paradigm. This paper defines the notion of mutual assistance, and conducts experiments for evaluating our proposed warning assistant system based on that notion. The experiments are done with a driving simulator and conducted for both sides, the recipient driver and the assister driver. In the warning system, the assister driver sends a signal to the recipient driver warning that there are risks of a collision in the case of a right-turn with an oncoming vehicle present (left turn and oncoming vehicle collisions in left hand drive regions). The experiment data of the warning system for recipient drivers includes the collision rate, collision speed, and behavior-specific rates of occurrence for three different warning timings. The results indicate that the warning system statistically decreases the risks of collision in the case of a right-turn with an oncoming vehicle present. The experiment data for assister drivers are the success rate of warning, mental workload (measured with the NASA-TLX) and the attitude change of the driver with manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic warning systems. The results show that automatic warning has a statistically higher success rate and a lower value for mental workload. On the other hand, semi-automatic or manual warning brings out significant changes in positive attitude. In conclusion, for the recipient-side, this mutual assistance system can provide effective assistance to avoid collisions in the case of a right-turn with an oncoming vehicle present. Also, we have found that appropriate warning timings for early warning alerts are between 1.5s similar to 2.5s before the collision occurs. Furthermore, a mutual assistance system brings out positive changes of attitude in assistance-side drivers.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Calculating Test Item Similarity Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
    Takagi, T; Takagi, M; Teshigawara, Y; Tanaka, K
    Proc of 21st Inter. Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2013), 308-318, Nov. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Mobile Radiation Monitoring System Utilizing Smartphone and Its Field Tests in Fukushima
    Yang Ishigaki; Yoshinori Matsumoto; Ryo Ichimiya; Kenji Tanaka
    IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 13, 10, 3520-3526, Oct. 2013, Peer-reviwed, We developed a series of inexpensive but accurate and mobile radiation detectors, which we named Pocket Geiger (POKEGA), to address the desire of ordinary people to own a radiation detector following the March 2011 Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accidents in Fukushima, Japan. To reduce costs while maintaining accuracy and flexibility, we used a combination of a p-i-n photodiode detector connected to a smartphone via a microphone cable. The detector circuit design is optimized for simplicity and low cost, whereas the smartphone software application is tasked with handling the complex processing required. Furthermore, the device also used the GPS and networking capabilities of the smartphone for logging and data sharing. The Cs-137 measurement range for a POKEGA-equipped smartphone is approximately from 0.05 to 10 mSv/h, which covers most radiation levels measured in Japan. Approximately 12 000 POKEGA units were shipped in the six months following its release, and 2 000 users have joined a Facebook community where they report measurement results and discuss hardware and software improvements. In parallel, we have addressed practical problems for POKEGA, such as vibration noise, energy consumption, and operating temperature, by conducting field tests in the Fukushima evacuation zone. The POKEGA series has been improved by solving such issues. This article reports on a new style of pragmatic sensor networking methodology, from the aspects of emergency response engineering, open-sourced development, and consumer-generated measurements.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Risk Presentation Aimed at Improving Older Driver's Understanding of Their Problems via Simulator-Based Education Programs
    Inaba M; Tanaka K
    Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, 5, 6, 326-334, Dec. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • The Problematic Drinking Group's Smoking and Using Drugs Experiences in Junior High School Students
    K. Eto; M. Inoue; K. Tanaka
    PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 27, 202-203, 2012, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Ultra-low-cost Radiation Monitoring System Utilizing Smartphone-connected Sensors Developed with Internet Community
    Yang Ishigaki; Yoshinori Matsumoto; Ryo Ichimiya; Kenji Tanaka
    2012 IEEE SENSORS PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, CD-ROM, 652-655, 2012, Peer-reviwed, We developed a series of inexpensive mobile radiation detectors, which we have named Pocket Geiger (POKEGA), to address the desire of ordinary people to own a radiation detector following the March 2011 Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accidents in Fukushima, Japan. In order to reduce costs while maintaining accuracy and flexibility, we used a combination of a PIN photodiode detector connected to a smartphone via a microphone cable. The detector circuit design was optimized for simplicity and low cost, while the smartphone software application was tasked with handling the complex processing required. Furthermore, the device also utilized the GPS and networking capabilities of the smartphone for logging and data sharing. The Cs-137 measuring range for a POKEGA equipped smartphone is approximately from 0.05 mu Sv/h to 10 mSv/h, which covers most radiation levels measured in Japan. Approximately 12,000 POKEGA units were shipped in the six months following its release, and more than 1,800 users have joined a Facebook community where they report measurement results and discuss hardware and software improvements.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 医療現場での作業中断によるヒューマンエラーの分類と要因
    稲葉 緑; 田中健次; 宇佐美 稔; 戸塚康男
    医療の質・安全学会誌, 医療の質・安全学会, 6, 3, 313-331, Sep. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The Problematic Drinking Group in Junior High and High School Students and Alcohol-Related Problems in Their Parents
    Eto K; Inoue M; Tanaka K
    25th European Health Psychology Conference, 25, Sep. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Experimental Study of Information Influencing Evacuation Judgments in Danger of Flooding
    稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    災害情報(日本災害情報学会誌), 日本災害情報学会, 9, 9, 127-136, Mar. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • ICTを活用した薬物乱用防止教育プログラム―親子で学ぶ飲酒防止教育の試み―
    江藤和子; 田中健次
    教育システム情報学会誌, 教育システム情報学会事務局, 28, 1, 71-79, Jan. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Trend Analyses of Accidents and Dependability Improvement in Financial Information Systems
    Koichi Bando; Kenji Tanaka
    2011 IEEE 17TH PACIFIC RIM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEPENDABLE COMPUTING (PRDC), IEEE, 234-243, 2011, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we analyze the trends of significant accidents in financial information systems from the user viewpoint. Based on the analyses, we show the priority issues for dependability improvement. First, as a prerequisite in this study, we define "accidents," "types of accidents," " severity of accidents," and "faults." Second, we collected as many accident cases of financial information systems as possible during 12 years (1997-2008) from the information contained in four national major newspapers in Japan, news releases on websites, magazines, and books. Third, we analyzed the accident information according to type, severity, faults, and combinations of these factors. As a result, we showed the general trends of significant accidents. Last, based on the result of the analyses, we showed the priority issues for dependability improvement.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Warning System for Avoiding Collisions at Intersections
    Tanaka K; Fukushima S; Morita K; Sekine M
    Proc. of the 11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, CD-ROM, No.37, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 神奈川県内の中・高校生の飲酒乱用防止教育に関する検討
    江藤和子; 田中健次
    日本精神科技術看護学会第17回専門学会誌, 日本精神科看護技術協会, 53, 2, 170-174, Aug. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 中学生用薬物乱用防止教育プログラムの開発の試み
    江藤和子; 田中健次
    日本精神科技術看護学会第17回専門学会誌, 日本精神科看護技術協会, 53, 2, 165-169, Aug. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The Problematic Drinking Group in Junior High and High School Students and Alcohol-Related Problems in Their Parents
    Eto K; Inoue M; Tanaka K
    24th European Health Psychology Conference, 24, Aug. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Effective Reference Information for Entering Data in the Marginal Zone
    Inaba, M; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of 4th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, CD-ROM, Jun. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Analysis and Evaluation of Error-Proof Systems for Configuration Data Management in Railway Signalling
    T.Shimazoe; H.Ishikawa; T.Takei; K.Tanaka
    J.of Mechanical Systems for Tranportation and Logistics, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 3, 1, 305-314, Mar. 2010, Peer-reviwed, Recent types of train protection systems such as ATC require the large amounts of low-level configuration data compared to conventional types of them. Hence management of the configuration data is becoming more important than before. Because of this, the authors developed an error-proof system focusing on human operations in the configuration data management. This error-proof system has already been introduced to the Tokaido Shinkansen ATC data management system. However, as effectiveness of the system has not been presented objectively, its full perspective is not clear. To clarify the effectiveness, this paper analyses error-proofing cases introduced to the system, using the concept of QFD and the error-proofing principles. From this analysis, the following methods of evaluation for error-proof systems are proposed: metrics to review the rationality of required qualities are provided by arranging the required qualities according to hazard levels and work phases; metrics to evaluate error-proof systems are provided to improve their reliability effectively by mapping the error-proofing principles onto the error-proofing cases which are applied according to the required qualities and the corresponding hazard levels. In addition, these objectively-analysed error-proofing cases are available to be used as error-proofing-cases database or guidelines for safer HMI design especially for data management.
    Scientific journal, English
  • シミュレーション分析による避難所への偏りのない迅速な移動を促す情報提供の検討
    中村真弓; 田中健次; 稲葉 緑
    災害情報(日本災害情報学会誌), 日本災害情報学会, 8, 8, 55-64, Mar. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 高齢者に適した見落とし防止警報に関する実験的検討
    稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 11, 4, 359-367, Nov. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Difference in effective feedback to improve risk understanding in driving between ages
    Inaba, M; Tanaka, K
    Society for Judgment of Decision Making 30th Annual Conference, 5, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Improvement of Configuration Data Reliability by Error-proofing in Railway Signalling Systems
    Shimazoe T; Ishikawa H; Hata Y; Takei T; Ezaki H; Tanaka K
    Proc. of Inter. Symposium on Speed-up, Safety and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev systems, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, CD-ROM, Jun. 2009, Peer-reviwed, This paper discusses improvements to the reliability of configuration data for ensuring the safety of railway signalling systems. The authors focused on human operations in the configuration data management in order to develop an error-proof system capable of preventing inadvertent operations. The first objective of this paper will be to analyse the error-proof system by assigning hazard levels to required items, by classifying required qualities into work phases, and by mapping the error-proofing principles onto error-proofing cases. The second objective is to develop metrics from the analysis of the error-proofing cases.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 金融情報システム事故に関する新聞報道の分析と評価
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    日本信頼性学会誌, Reliability Engineering Association of Japan (REAJ), 31, 1, 77-91, Jan. 2009, Peer-reviwed, This paper focuses on accidents in the financial information systems which act as in important infrastructure in the information society. We investigate the type of accidents reported in newspapers and the descriptions of reporting them to the public, and discuss issues concerning this reporting. In the present condition analysis, we first extract the factors that influence the selection of news from numerous accidents. Second, we classify the significance of accidents into four levels from the user perspective and analyze the relationship between significance and news characteristics. As a result, we show that there are several differences between significance for users and news characteristics for reporters. We then analyze cases with low news characteristics and high significance, and consider the need for improvement of reporting of these cases from user perspective, and finally summarize several points for improving news reporting.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The problematic drinking group and alcohol-related problems in junior high school students
    K. Eto; M. Inoue; K. Tanaka
    PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 24, 165-166, 2009, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 信頼性・安全性確保のためのユーザと企業の情報共有と活用
    田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    日本品質管理学会誌, 38, 4, 41-47, Dec. 2008
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Effects of the Display of Evacuation Condition in a Local Area on Decisions to Evacuate
    Inaba, M; Tanaka, K
    Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, 31, Dec. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Age Differences in Effects of the Replayed Images of One’s Own Risky Actions on Self-understanding of Those Risks
    Inaba, M; Tanaka, K
    Proceedings of Society of Judgment and Decision Making, 31, Nov. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Information Sharing and Advantage between Consumers and Companies to Secure Reliability and Safety(Assurance of Reliability and Safety of Industrial Products and Prevention of Their Problems)
    TANAKA,Kenji; ITOH,Makoto
    Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, The Japanese Society for Quality Control, 38, 4, 437-443, Oct. 2008, Product safety attracts attention in Japan. As for the product safety,only production companies do not take responsibility. It is necessary for the consumer to cooperate with safe security,and information sharing about the product safety is indispensable for companies and consumer in both sides. In 2007,Consumer Product Safety Law was revised,and a reporting the serious accident information was obliged to all companies. The law also prescribes that the reported accident must be announced to publicity. It is the first step for manufacturers,users,and administration to secure product safety all in one body. This article discusses the ideal method of the safe information sharing and practical use:what kind of product safety information by the company is expected to demand,or how the consumer should utilize the information.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Analysis of Blowout Accident in Well Operation for Safety Management
    Harr, X; Inaba. M; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of Society of Instrument and Control Engineers Annual Conference 2008, CD-ROM, Aug. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Analysis of Blowout Accident in Well Operation for Safety Management
    Harr, X; Inaba. M; Tanaka, K
    Proc. of 2nd Inter. Symposium on Symbiotic Nuclear Power Systems for 21st Century, CD-ROM, Jul. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A study on human error in a blowout accident in well operation
    Xiali Haer; Midori Inaba; Kenji Tanaka
    Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference, 2759-2764, 2008, This paper analyzes human errors, which caused Blow Out accident in China in 2003 by incorporating organizational conditions. Empirical studies show that organizational factors play an important role in creating contexts for human errors. The analyzing procedure outlined in the paper is a combination of three techniques, m-SHELL, FTA and 4E-4M, used for performing HRA in the context of PSA. It includes a process of quantifying the criticality of the organizational influence factors. Finally, with these criticality indexes, the most vulnerable parts in the well drilling system are indicated, and possible and practicable countermeasures are suggested. © 2008 SICE.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Effective Instruction Method on Self-awareness of Risks for Drivers
    Midori Inaba; Yuusuke Yasuki; Kenji Tanaka
    2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, CD-ROM, 843-848, 2008, Peer-reviwed, This study showed how hazardous scenes recorded by vehicle driving recorders are introduced to the driving lessons with the simulators. First, we investigated which trigger is useful for automatic extraction of dangerous interruption scenes from large amounts Of recorded driving data. It was implicated that the relative speed to the leading car and the number of checks of the side mirror before the lane change were candidates of triggers. Secondly, an experiment was performed to examine what kind of presentation method Of replayed scenes may have an effect on improving drivers' realization of the risk in their driving through the lessons. Three perspectives in replaying the scenes were compared. a bird's-eye view, a sideways view, and a looking-from-behind view. Young and elderly drivers participated in the experiment. As a result, the birds-eye image of driver's own driving data lengthened the distance to the oncoming car on the right lane in lane changes for the young drivers. In contrast, the replay of their driving from the looking-from-behind perspective made the elderly drivers keep the distance to the car behind. As for presenting the replayed scenes of interruption in the driving lessons, it was suggested that the bird's-eye image of driver's own driving data may be most effective for inhibiting risky interruptions while the effect might be limited for die elderly drivers.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Analyses on Trend of Accidents in Financial Information Systems reported by Newspapers from the viewpoint of Dependability
    Koichi Bando; Kenji Tanaka
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH ASIAN TEST SYMPOSIUM, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 444-450, 2008, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents priority areas where improvements are needed in the dependability of financial information systems by analyzing the current state of dependability for such systems. Focusing on accidents in financial information systems, which play an important role in the infrastructure of our information society, we first selected widely accident articles from four national major newspapers in Japan. Those accidents were examined from the viewpoint of financial information system dependability, and then categorized based on cause (referred to as "faults" in this paper). We then formulated a determination about the present state of the dependability of these systems, after which we proposed areas and issues related to financial information systems where dependability improvement is necessary.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 高齢運転者へのシミュレータ教育の効果研究
    田中健次; 稲葉 緑
    国際交通安全学会誌IATSS Review, 32, 4, 309-316, Dec. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 通信ネットワーク事故に関する新聞報道の分析と評価
    坂東幸一; 田中健次; 川島 浩
    日本信頼性学会誌, 29, 7, 487-501, Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Risk Compensation due to Human Adaptation to Automation for System Safety
    Itoh, M; Sakami, D; Tanaka, K
    Tran. of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 43, 10, 926-934, Oct. 2007, Peer-reviwed, This paper examines effects of risk compensating changes in behavior when an automated safety system is introduced and when the levels of the automation are varied. Two experiments were conducted using a microworld. The first experiment clarified the differences in the human's operation method and the operation risks among three control modes:(1) no aid is given to the human,(2) a warning signal appears when necessary, and (3) a warning signal appears and then the automation intervenes into control to prevent an accident. The results show significant risk compensatory changes in behavior when the safety system not only provides a warning, but also performs safety control actions, when necessary. It was also discovered that even if the automation system functions properly, new types of accidents arise, resulting in an equivalent number of accidents. The second experiment examined whether the change in behavior when the level of automation changes depends on the direction of the automation level shift. The results show that the risk reducing behavior change that occurs when the level of automation is decreased is not as significant as the risk compensatory change that occurs when the level of automation is increased.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Effective Instruction Method on Self-Awareness of Risks for Elderly Drivers
    Tanaka, K; Inaba, M; Maino, Y; Kuribayashi D
    IFAC-Human Machine System 2007, CD-ROM, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optimal Design for a Monitoring System Comprising n Dependent and Non-identical Sensors
    Jin, L; Endo, M; Tanaka, K; Suzuki, K
    Proc. of Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Methodology and Practice, 1-12, Jul. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 三鷹市におけるSOHO事業者のコミュニティとそれを創成するコーディネーター
    前田隆正; 山田孝子; 田中健次
    情報通信学会誌, 情報通信学会, 24, 3, 55-66, Jan. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 誤警報および不警報が前方衝突警報システムに対するドライバの信頼と運転行動に与える影響
    安部原也; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 8, 4, 565-572, Dec. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Effects of time pressure on errors in experienced judgments
    Inaba, M; Itoh, M; Tanaka, K
    Proceedings of Society of Judgment and Decision Making, CD-ROM, Nov. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Safety monitoring system by autonomous mobile sensors utilizing pheromone communication
    Kenji Tanaka; Yo Ishigaki; Hiroyuki Inoue; Makoto Itoh
    INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR MODELLING, CONTROL & AUTOMATION JOINTLY WITH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT AGENTS, WEB TECHNOLOGIES & INTERNET COMMERCE, VOL 1, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 277-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, Highly reliable safety monitoring systems are indispensable for operating large-scale systems, such as nuclear power plants. This paper proposes anew type of reliable safety monitoring system employing a small number of autonomous decentralized mobile sensors. The new system is called Ant-LikeSensor System (ALSS), and consists of autonomous sensors utilizing pheromone communication. Each sensor moves around, leaving the markings of repulsive pheromone that indicate that the sensor has visited the surveillance point. All sensors move while avoiding points marked with pheromone scattered by other sensors. The pheromone at the point gradually evaporates, so that after a time sensors visit the point again. Our computer simulation shows the optimal design parameters for ALSS, such as quantities of scattered pheromone information. Moreover, in design of field, allocation problem of devices for conserving the pheromone information is discussed and the optimal interval between the devices is determined.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Specific Approach to Risk Management for Health Care
    Kenji Tanaka
    Proceedings of International Conference on Quality, V-2-6, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 社会に安心を生み出す安全技術とは
    日本品質管理学会誌, 34, 4, 52-59, Nov. 2004
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 設計による受動的安全からユーザ自身による適応的安全の獲得へ
    日本信頼性学会誌, Reliability Engineering Association of Japan (REAJ), 26, 7, 664-669, Nov. 2004, Invited, 機器の信頼性が向上してきたため,人間の信頼性や安全性阻害の行動が目立つようになってきた.近年の自動化技術や安全技術,警報装置などは,人間の行動を支援し,安全性を確保するために発展してきた技術だが,それらが過度に浸透すると,かえって人間の過信や信頼性の低下,危険認識の希薄などを引き起こす可能性がある.構造設計などの設計上の対策による受動的な安全確保だけではなく,ユーザ自身が安全に製品を使いこなし適応的に安全を獲得できることが望ましい.そのためにはどのような設計思想が必要かを考えてみる.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 状況不確定時における救助支援行動-消防における広域災害時対応-
    大豆生田顕; 田中健次
    災害情報(日本災害情報学会誌), 2, 92-100, Apr. 2004, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Overtrust due to unintended use of automation
    M Itoh; H Inahashi; K Tanaka
    HUMAN PERFORMANCE, SITUATION AWARENESS AND AUTOMATION: CURRENT RESEARCH AND TRENDS, VOL 2, LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOC PUBL, 11-16, 2004, Peer-reviwed, In this study, we investigate how operator's overtrust in automation can be reduced. We have developed a model of trust in automation in order to discuss how trust becomes overtrust. Based on this model, we have conducted an experiment to examine how operators come to rely on automation too much. Previous analyses showed that it is necessary to give operators information on limit of capability of an automated system and its reason. However, giving such information was not sufficient to prevent overtrust completely. In this paper, we analyze how operators who know the reason of the limit of automation changes their understanding of the automation limit, and show that unintended use of automation causes those changes.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Reliable Monitoring System by Autonomous Mobile Sensors utilizing Pheromone Communication
    Kenji, Tanaka; Yo, Ishigaki; Makoto, Itoh; Hiroyuki, Inoue
    Proc. International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Jan. 2004, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • フェロモンコミュニケーションを利用した自律移動型センサ群による監視の高信頼度化
    石垣陽; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    計測自動制御学会論文集, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 40, 1, 94-101, Jan. 2004, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a safety monitoring system by small number of autonomous sensors. High-reliable safety monitoring system is vital to operate large-scale systems, such as nuclear power plants. Monitoring by multiple and fixed sensors is effective, but it requires large cost. Also, in nuclear systems, there are difficult places to fix sensors for long time since a sensor has weakness for radiation near a nuclear reactor. Thus, this paper proposes a reliable autonomous and distributed monitoring system by small number of sensors.
    There are three requirements for the autonomous monitoring system from aspect of reliability. The first one is that several sensors should aggregate to prevent false alarms when a sensor detects abnormal situation, and that then they should diffuse efficiently all over the objected area to prevent lack of alarms. The second is that a frequency of sensors' visit should be constant for every point in area when the monitored area is homogeneous. The last is that the frequency should be controllable depending on the priorities when the monitored area is heterogeneous. The monitoring system that this paper proposes is an Ant-like Sensor System (ASS) that consists of autonomous sensors communicating by pheromone. In ASS, each sensor agent moves around leaving the markings of repulsive pheromone that means that some sensor has visited the surveillance point. Such pheromone communication makes sensors system satisfy the above three requirements.
    Two experiments are conducted to clarify the condition to assign optimal parameters for ASS, such as quantity of sprayed pheromone and evaporation speed of pheromone. The optimal parameters are determined dependent on the number of sensors and the characteristics for monitored area.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The Validity of Defense-in-Depth
    Daisuke Shimakura; Kenji Tanaka
    Proceedings of 17th Asia Quality Symposium, 19-26, Sep. 2003, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Informing Limit of Ability and its Reason for Reducing Overtrust in Automation
    Makoto Itoh; Hiromasa Inahashi; Kenji Tanaka
    15th Triennial Congress of International Ergonomics Association, Aug. 2003
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 人間による防護の多重化の有効性
    島倉大輔; 田中健次
    日本品質管理学会誌, 33, 3, 271-280, Jun. 2003, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 自動化システムの限界とその根拠の情報不足による過信
    伊藤 誠; 稲橋広将; 田中健次
    ヒューマンインターフェイス学会誌, 5, 2, 131-138, May 2003, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 災害時に的確な危険回避行動を導くための情報コミュニケーション
    田中健次; 伊藤誠
    日本災害情報学会誌, 日本災害情報学会, 1, 61-69, Mar. 2003, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 安全と危険との狭間への対処と活用
    知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジイ学会), Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, 15, 1, 61-72, Feb. 2003, Peer-reviwed, Organizational accidents have occurred repeatedly in Japan over the past several years. Most of these accidents seem to have been occurred within a gray zone between the safety zone and the danger zone rather than within the danger zone. The present paper considers "risk engineering" as engineering for preventing such accidents that occur within the gray zone, and proposes a framework for analyzing design methods of reducing the gray zone. Firstly, it asserts that safety management design should be classified into a safety-assurance design, and a danger-avoidance design and, that the danger-avoidance design method should incorporate two types of learning mechanism. Next, our paper shows two positive examples utilizing a gray zone for reducing risk ; one is a description method for operation manual or rules, and the other is a reliable safety monitoring design method.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Drivers’ Awareness of Danger of Collision Depending on Trust in Warning Systems
    Makoto ITOH; Genya ABE; Kenji TANAKA
    Proc. of SCIS & ISIS 2002, Oct. 2002
    International conference proceedings, English
  • A Method for Analyzing Organizational Accidents and Planning Countermeasures
    Daisuke SHIMAKURA; Kenji TANAKA; Makoto ITOH
    Proc. of Quality Management and Organizational Development 2002, 325-334, Oct. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Learning by Reporting System of Organizational Accidents in Japan
    Kenji TANAKA
    Investigatng and Reporting of Incidents and Accidents, 154-160, Jul. 2002
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dynamics of Drivers’ Trust in Warning Systems
    Genya ABE; Makoto ITOH; Kenji TANAKA
    IFAC 15th World Congress, 00, Jul. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 重複型システム分割による設備管理
    田中健次; 伊藤誠
    日本設備管理学会誌, 日本設備管理学会, 13, 3, 135-143, Feb. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Judgement of gray zone in safety monitoring system - Automatic monitoring v. s. human monitoring
    K Tanaka; M Itoh
    ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS 2001, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 217-222, 2002, Peer-reviwed, The present paper discusses a safety monitoring system design that has gray zone output, in which the gray zone output expresses no judgement for uncertain situations. This type of monitoring system is expected to prevent model-induced failures such as failures to alarm and false alarms occurring in the gray zone. Our study examines the determination of the optimal judgement method for the gray zone. The present paper focuses on the two-step judgement method for the gray zone and considers using a probabilistic model whether automatic monitoring or human monitoring is desired for the second monitoring. The adequacy of the human monitoring model is partially confirmed experimentally. Copyright (C) 2001 IFAC.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Adaptive balanced cooperative monitoring by semi-mobile sensors
    K Tanaka
    PROBABILISTIC SAFETY ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT, VOL I AND II, PROCEEDINGS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 1995-2001, 2002, Peer-reviwed, This paper considers a safety monitoring system by semi-mobile sensors some of which can be adaptively collected to abnormal area. The collected sensors judge with high reliability whether the object is in safety or in danger, on the other hands, the other sensors must continue to monitor the reminded areas during the judgement by collected sensors. The system must keep a balance between the number of collected sensors and the number of sensors for reminded area. We discuss the balance problem, and the optimal logic structure for the judgement in collected sensors. We also show that a semi-mobile sensors system is more reliable than a fixed sensors system. Moreover, we introduce a system with the less frequent collecting by using three-valued sensors with a caution signal. Optimality in this paper is reached by the total expected value of loss from FS/FD-failures.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 品質危機とヒューマンファクター -未然防止への基本的考え方-
    鈴木和幸; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    品質管理, 日本科学技術連盟, 52, 9, 812-824, Sep. 2001
  • Management Learning for Prevention of Organizational Accidents
    Kenji TANAKA
    Proc. of 4th International Quality Management and Organizational Development Conference, 159-168, Sep. 2001, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Judgement of Gray Zone in Safety Monitoring System
    Kenji Tanaka; Makoto Itoh
    Proc. of 8th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, 257-262, Sep. 2001, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Overconfidence, Loop of Causality, and Defences-in-Depth in Organizational Accidents
    Makoto Itoh
    9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 241-245, Aug. 2001
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 自動化システムにおける信頼感の推移:誤動作発生パターンへの依存性
    安部原也; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 計測自動制御学会, 36, 12, 1138-1144, Dec. 2000, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Mathematical Modeling of Trust in Automation: Trust, Distrust, and Mistrust
    M. Itoh; K. Tanaka
    Proc. IEA2000/HFES2000 Meeting, 1, 9-12, Aug. 2000, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 草の根型の救急医療情報ネットワークについて
    越智元郎; 田中健次
    臨床と研究, 77, 8, 1503-1507, Aug. 2000
  • 組織事故の解明・未然防止に対する日本品質管理学会からの提言:グレイゾーンで発生する事故の未然防止
    日本品質管理学会誌, 30, 3, 274-275, Jul. 2000
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Failure diagnosis utilizing the series/parallel structure of systems
    M Takahashi; K Tanaka
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E83A, 5, 788-795, May 2000, We deal here with diagnosis for failures of series/parallel structure system. The conventionals have assumed that the system failure is caused by a single minimal cut set (MCS). The purposes of this paper are to propose a new diagnosis method to identify all MCSs by utilizing the series/parallel structure and repair information without requiring an excessive number of inspections. Moreover, by applying our method to several types of series/parallel structure system, and to system having some kinds of probability distributions, desirable system for our method are persuaded. We evaluate not just the number of inspections but also the cost of diagnosis, and show the condition under which our method is effective.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 組織事故と安全文化へのエンジニアリング:リーズンのアプローチ
    日本品質管理学会誌, 30, 2, 224-230, Apr. 2000
  • 臨界事故災害:情報公開の意義について
    田中 健次
    第5回日本集団災害医学会・妙録, 48, Feb. 2000
  • Reliable judgement for gray-zone in monitoring system
    Kenji Tanaka; Makoto Itoh
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, 1, 548-553, 2000, This paper discusses a safety monitoring system design that consists of sensors with gray zone signal outputs, where the gray zone signal expresses no judgement for situations of uncertainty. This type of sensor is expected to prevent model-induced failures that may be induced by a failure to alarm or by generating false alarms, since the model-induced failures occur in the gray zone. Our problem of interest is in determining the optimal judgement method for the gray zone. Firstly, one-sensor system with three-value outputs is analyzed, and under certain conditions the two-step judgement method utilizing information from another sensor only for gray zone outputs are shown to be better than both deterministic and stochastic judgement. Secondly, a heterogeneous type of sensor system model is introduced where a judgement of safety or danger is always made after integrating information from a two-value sensor that monitors another characteristics of the real state. Lastly, it is suggested that these monitoring models are applicable to the analysis of the human collaboration problem.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 緊急提言:臨界事故周辺住民の健康状態推測と対策(共著)
    水野義之; 越智元郎; 田中健次
    The Journal of Therapy, 南山堂, 82, 1, 91-98, Jan. 2000
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Reliable judgement for gray-zone in monitoring system
    K Tanaka; M Itoh
    SMC 2000 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: 2000 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN & CYBERNETICS, VOL 1-5, IEEE, 548-553, 2000, Peer-reviwed, This paper discusses a safety monitoring system design that consists of sensors with gray zone signal outputs, where the gray zone signal er;presses no judgement for situations of uncertainty. This type of sensor is expected to prevent model-induced failures that may be induced by a failure to alarm or by generating false alarms, since the model-induced failures occur in the gray zone. Our problem of interest is in determining the optimal judgement method for the gray zone. Firstly, one-sensor system with three-value outputs is analyzed, and under certain conditions the two-step judgement method utilizing information from another sensor only for gray zone outputs are shown to be better than both deterministic and stochastic judgement. Secondly, a heterogeneous type of sensor system model is introduced where a judgement of safety or danger is always made after integrating information from a two-value sensor that monitors another characteristics of the real state. Lastly, it is suggested that these monitoring models are applicable to the analysis of the human collaboration problem.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dependence of human adaptation and risk compensation on modification in level of automation for system safety
    M Itoh; D Sakami; K Tanaka
    SMC 2000 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: 2000 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN & CYBERNETICS, VOL 1-5, IEEE, 1295-1300, 2000, Peer-reviwed, In the present paper, we examine the dependence of risk compensatory human adaptation to a system to attain safety of everyday machines, such as cars, on the level of automation and its sfhit. Two experiments were conducted using a microworld that is closely related to driving. The first experiment clarifies differences in operation method and in risks involved in operation among different levels of automation. The results show that risk compensatory adaptation is significant if the computer of the safety system not only provides warning, but also performs safety control actions when necessary. In addition, even if the automation functions properly, new types of accidents arise, so that the number of accidents may not decline. The second experiment examines the dependence of human adaptation to a safety system on the direction of level shift of automation. The results show that the risk reducing adaptation when the level of automation decreases is not as significant as the risk compensatory adaptation when the level of automation increases.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Heterogeneous sensors system design for prevention of model-induced failures
    K Tanaka; M Itoh; W Iguchi
    PSAM 5: PROBABILISTIC SAFETY ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT, VOLS 1-4, UNIVERSAL ACADEMY PRESS, INC, 34, 175-180, 2000, Peer-reviwed, We discusses a reliable design problem of a heterogeneous monitoring system that consists of two sensors observing different characteristics of the objective system. The heterogeneous monitoring system is expected to prevent false alarm or a lack of alarm failures at uncertainty zone, that we call model-induced failures. We determine the optimal integration method of sensor outputs.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Trust in and Use of Automation Their Dependence on Occurrence Patterns of Malfunctions(共著)
    Makoto Itoh; Genya Abe; Kenji Tanaka
    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conference on SMC, 3, 715-720, Oct. 1999
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 状態判定における時間制約のヒューマンエラーへの影響
    田中健次; 伊藤 誠; 後藤慎也
    日本設備管理学会春季研究発表大会論文誌, 1-1-1-8, Jun. 1999
    Symposium, Japanese
  • 状況不確定時における救助支援行動基準に関する研究
    セコム科学技術振興財団研究報告集, 18, 57-62, May 1999
  • Information Network for Risk Management
    Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, 29, 2, 212-215, Apr. 1999
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 「患者監視装置」という用語について
    越智,藤田; 高田,森,小川; 田中健次
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌, The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 6, 2, 147-147, Mar. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Design condition for incorporating human judgement into monitoring systems
    K. Tanaka; G. J. Klir
    Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Elsevier Science Ltd, 65, 3, 251-258, 1999, Peer-reviwed, In safety monitoring, there exists an uncertainty situation in which the sensor cannot detect whether or not the monitored object is in danger. For the uncertainty zone identified by a non-homogeneous safety monitoring system that utilizes two types of sensors with different thresholds, operators or experts are expected to judge whether the real state is safe or dangerous on the basis of additional information from a detailed inspection or other related sensors output. However, the activities for inspection performed by relevant humans may require additional cost and introduce inspection errors. The present article proposes two types of an automatic monitoring system not involving any human inspection or a human-machine (H-M) cooperative monitoring system with inspection. In order to compare the systems, an approach based on the Dempster-Shafer theory is proposed as uncertainty analysis by this theory (it is simpler than by the traditional Bayesian approach). By comparing their expected losses as a result of failed dangerous failures or failed safe failures as well as the inspection errors, the condition is determined under which H-M cooperative systems incorporating human judgements are more effective than automatic monitoring systems.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Balance Problem of Cooperative Safety Monitoring System by Mobile Sensors
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告S98-7,(IEEE-Reliability Chapter東京支部共催), 98, 7, 13-18, Jul. 1998
  • Adaptive Balance in Cooperative Monitoring by Mobile Sensors
    Kenji Tanaka; Nobuaki Takahashi
    Proceedings of 37th SICE Annual Conference, 535-536, Jul. 1998
    International conference proceedings, English
  • ユーザーインターフェイスによる安全な製品の原理・原則
    Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, 28, 3, 237-245, Jul. 1998
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 局所対応を考慮したポリエージェント・システム・デザイン
    日本機械学会RC155研究分科会夏季セミナー中間報告書,不確実環境下での人間・機械協調型プラントの知的システム化技術研究分化会, 195-202, Jul. 1998
  • Poly-Agent System Design Approach to Autonomous Anticipative Management
    Kenji Tanaka
    Proc. of 14th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, 701-706, Apr. 1998, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Fault Tree Diagnosis Based on Minimal Cut Sets Using Repair Information
    高橋将人; 田中健次; 鈴木和幸
    電子情報通信学会論文集, J81-A, 2, 237-245, Mar. 1998, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • グレーゾーンで学習するヒューマン・マシン協調型システムの情報統合に関する研究
    田中 健次
    平成7~9年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)研究成果報告書, 1-117, Mar. 1998
  • Dempster-Shafer theoretical modeling for reliable monitoring design under uncertainty
    K Tanaka
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Dempster-Shafer Theoretical Approach to Reliable Monitoring Design under Uncertainty
    Kenji Tanaka
    Advance in Systems Science & Applications, 201-207, 1997, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • 自動化システムにおける人間の役割
    日本機械学会RC139研究部会研究成果報告書, 222-226, 1997
  • Safety-assurance Design and User-centered Design
    Proceedings of 27th Symposium on Reliability and Maintenability, 49-52, 1997
  • Poly-Agent System Approach to autonomous Maintenance Management
    Proceedings of Int. Symposium on System Life, 157-162, 1997
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Human-Machine Cooperative Monitoring with Inspection Time Limit
    Kenji Tanaka
    Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the SICE, 1997, 721-722, 1997
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Design and Management of Intellignet Human-Machine System Considering Gray-zone.
    電気学会原子力研究会資料NE-97-12, 1997, 12, 1-6, 1997
    Symposium, English
  • Human-Machine Cooperative Monitoring System with Gray Zone
    Journal of the Society of Plant Engineers Japan, 日本設備管理学会, 8, 2, 106-112, 1996, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Cooperative Reliable Monitoring by Human-Machine Systems
    Kenji Tanaka
    Proceedings of the 35th SICE Annual Conference, 443-444, 1996
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Safe Products versus Non-Dangerous Products : Safety Assurance Design and User-Centeved Design
    Proceedings of Int. Conference on Quality '96., 473-476, 1996
  • Human-machine cooperative judgments in non-homogeneous safety monitoring systems
    K Tanaka
    RO-MAN '96 - 5TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ROBOT AND HUMAN COMMUNICATION, PROCEEDINGS, I E E E, 484-488, 1996, In safety monitoring systems, uncertain situations exist in which sensors cannot determine whether safety or danger exists. We have proposed a new type of Non-Homogeneous Monitoring System in order to make this determination,. In this article, we considers three strategies for dealing with an, uncertainty zone. One is an automatic method of deciding deterministically whether the situation is safe or dangerous; the second is an automatic method of deciding stochastically; and the last is a human-machine cooperative method for judgments. We select the optimal strategy and show the conditions under which the third method is effective. Our results are also applicable to a problem of how to decide the optimal balance between human activities and machines in order to perform adaptive operation by humans and to prevent operator omission and commission errors in supervisory systems.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Cooperatiue control methods of multiple mobile sensors for relialile qnonitoring
    Proceedings of 21th SICE Symposium on Intelligent Systems,, 97-102, 1995
  • An Autonomous Control Method of Mobile Sensor Based on the Motion Pattern of Paramecium
    Proceedings of 34th SICE Annual Conference, 219-220, 1995
  • A design method for incorporating human judgment into monitoring systems
    K Tanaka; GJ Klir
    International conference proceedings, English
    RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 48, 2, 75-84, 1995, This paper proposes a probabilistic approach to the design problem of a safety monitoring system considering uncertainty in the monitored object. To reduce the uncertainty, we introduce two types of sensors which have different thresholds, the SP sensor and the FW sensor. The optimal combination problem which we consider here is to determine the optimal combination of the two types of sensors that minimizes the expected value of the loss derived from incorrect 'system alarm' or 'no-alarm' judgments. We give the analytical solution of the problem, which shows that the optimal combination is determined by only three parameters. Lastly, we show that monitoring with inspection is effective in some cases.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Non-probabilistic Approach to Reliable Monitoring Design under Uncertainty
    Kenji Tanaka
    Reprints of the 38th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 349-350, 1995
    Symposium, English
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, E77A, 1, 237-239, Jan. 1994, This paper proposes an optimal free-sensors allocation problem (OFSAP) in safety monitoring systems. OFSAP is the problem of deciding the optimal allocation of several sensors, which we call free sensors, to plural objects. The solution of OFSAP gives the optimal allocation which minimizes expected losses caused by failed dangerous (FD)-failures and failed safe (FS)-failures; a FD-failure is to fail to generate an alarm for unsafe object and a FS-failure is to generate an alarm for safe object. We show an unexpected result that a safer object should be monitored by more sensors under certain conditions.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Safety Paradigm and System Model-New Approach to Gap between Safety and Danger-
    Proceedings of symposium on Design and Evaluation for Safety and Environment., 1-12, 1994
  • Adaptive and Cooperative Monitoring System Controlled by Genetic Algorithm
    Tanaka K; Nemoto M
    Journal of the Faculty of Eng. Ibaraki Univ., 茨城大学工学部, 41, 155-166, 1993
    Research institution, English
  • Toward a System of Maintenance Management with Learning Process
    Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, 23, 3, 117-123, 1993
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Decentralized Autonomous Management System for Equipments(I)
    Journal of the Society of Plant Engineers Japan, 4, 4, 44-50, 1993
    Scientific journal, Japanese
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 23, 7, 1083-1099, Jul. 1992, Peer-reviwed, The concept of a binary preference structure generating decision principle is proposed as a device to treat extremely complex decision situations. We argue two types of binary preference structure generating decision principles: the first is for complexity management of a dynamic environment by constructing a model of the environment. The second is the satisfaction decision principle for complexity management by increasing the internal complexity. For both cases we formulate the decision principles as decision principle functors in category theoretic terms to reveal new aspects of the decision principles. We also identify universal maps for the functors and investigate their decision theoretic meaning.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Reliable Safety Monitoring System by Optimal Combination of Safety Moritoring and Danger Monitoring
    Trans. on SICE, 28, 6, 725-732, 1992, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • A Metamodeling of Autonomous Anticipative Management for Preventing Systems Failures.
    Kenji Tanaka; Kyoichi Kijima
    Proceedings of Int. Conf. on CEMIT'92., 479-482, 1992, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evolutiorary Process by Autonomous Adaptive Maintenance to Manage Maintenance Management
    日本設備管理学会誌, 4, 1, 1992, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Decentralized Antonomous Properties in Immune Network System and Genetic Algorithm
    Journal of the Faculty of Eng. Ibaraki Univ., 40, 21-28, 1992
    Research institution, Japanese
  • A 'Soft' Systems Methodology Utilizing Information obtained from Systems Failures
    Trans. on SICE, 計測自動制御学会, 26, 8, 908-915, Aug. 1990, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • On a New Concept of Adaptive Maintenance for Systems Failures
    Tanaka K
    Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Reliability and Maintenability 1990-Tokyo, 580-585, Jun. 1990, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optimal Type for Safety Monitoring Systems Considering Uncertainty
    Journal of the Faculty of Eng. Ibaraki Univ., 茨城大学工学部, 38, 38, 293-302, 1990
    Research institution, Japanese
  • A Metasystem Approach to Learning from Systems Failures
    Kenji Tanaka
    Proceedings of 34th Annual Meeting of ISSS., 2, 1990
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Adaptive Maintenance and Learning from Failures in a Complex System
    Trans. on IEICE, 電子情報通信学会基礎・境界ソサイエティ, J71-A, 5, 1162-1169, May 1988, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • System Failures and Adaptation in a Complex System
    Kenji Tanaka
    Proceeding of Int. Conf. on Systems Science and Engineering, 354-359, 1988, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • On the Reliability and Safety of Information-Communication Systems -Dynamic Maintenance and Effects of System Failure-
    JSICR Annual Report 1987, 32-48, 1987, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese


  • Analysis of Connection Characteristics between Random Sections and Patternized Groups in No-lane Heterogeneous Traffic
    Akihito Nagahama; Kenji Tanaka; Katsuhiro Nishinari
    Dec. 2022, The 4th ASEAN - UEC Workshop on Informatics and Engineering, English, Summary international conference
  • Information presentation aiming intention share in ADAS
    Yumeno Hatori; Akihito Nagahama; Kenji Tanaka
    Dec. 2022, The 4th ASEAN - UEC Workshop on Informatics and Engineering, English, Summary international conference
  • 医療界でのインシデント情報を活用したリスク対応
    田中健次; 坂東幸一; 津本周作; 佐藤直樹
    横幹連合, 15 Oct. 2019, 横幹連合 会誌「横幹」, 13, 2, 84-90, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal
  • Π型思考で生まれる創発特性の活用
    自動車技術会, 01 Oct. 2019, 自動車技術, 73, 10, 2-3, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal
  • システム視点からの信頼性設計
    オーム社, 05 May 2018, 電気総合誌オームOHM, 105, 5, 16-19, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine
  • あなたの病棟のダブルチェック,本当に役立っている?
    照林社, 20 Jul. 2014, Expert Nurse, 30, 10, 8-12, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine
  • ダブルチェックの方法とその選択
    照林社, 10 May 2014, 看護管理, 24, 5, 426-431, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 安全対策の落とし穴-その仕組みと仕掛け
    認定病院患者安全推進協議会, Jul. 2013, 患者安全推進ジャーナル, 32, 32, 17-32, Japanese, Introduction other, 40019743760, AA12317418
  • 新聞報道は事故をどう報じているか-金融情報システム事故を例にとって
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    世の中で日々発生している多数の事故に関して,ほとんどの人はそれらの事故を新聞等のメディアを通して事故情報を得て知る.従って,新聞報道等が事故をどのように報じているかを明らかにすることは,事故情報を正しく利用する上で重要である.本稿では,新聞報道は事故をどう報じているかについて,情報社会を支える重要なインフラである金融情報システムの事故を例にとって分析した結果を紹介する.まず,最近3年間の金融情報システム事故事例を日本の四大新聞から出来るだけ多くを収集した.次にこれらの事例を報道側の考えるニュース価値を表しているニュース性に関して,一面に報道された事故,累積報道日数,報道された新聞数によって分析し,ニュース性を決めている要因を引き出す.次に利用者の立場で考えた事故の重大性とニュース性との関係を分析する.その結果から,重大性は高くてもニュース性が低い事故,逆に重大性は低くてもニュース性が高い事故についてそれらに影響を与えている要因を引き出す.最後にこれらの要因の相互関係などを調べることにより,新聞による事故報道の特性について考察する., Reliability Engineering Association of Japan (REAJ), Aug. 2012, 日本信頼性学会誌, 34, 6, 416-423, Japanese, Introduction other, 0919-2697, 110009490293, AN10540883
  • 新聞報道は事故をどう報じているか―金融システム事故を例にとって
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    Aug. 2012, 日本信頼性学会誌, 34, 6, 416-423, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 人を育てるための肥やし
    Dec. 2011, クオリティマネジメント誌, 62, 12, 26-27, Japanese, Others
  • 失敗の最小化原則
    Jul. 2011, 保険診療, 1, 1, 1, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 第2期信頼性安全性計画研究会報告 第1報-次世代信頼性・安全性情報システムによる未然防止への取り組み-
    伊藤誠; 鈴木和幸; 椿広計; 田中健次; 横山真弘
    2010, 日本品質管理学会研究発表会研究発表要旨集, 92nd, 201002216780895697
  • FTA手法による事故背景要因の抽出(特集:一般病棟における心電図モニター装着患者に向けたアラーム関連事故防止のための安全な環境づくり)
    Jan. 2010, 看護, 62, 1, 67-68, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 新聞報道による情報システム事故の信頼性・安全性の分析
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    IT化の進展は人々の生活に多大な利便性を与えている反面,市民に大きな影響を与える事故や不具合,さらには犯罪行為を引き起こしている.これらのIT関係事故の現状を把握するために,社会を支える重要なインフラである通信ネットワークと金融情報システムの事故に焦点を絞り,代表的な全国紙4紙によって報道されている事故情報を活用することにより,これらシステムの信頼性と安全性の現状について分析した結果を報告する., Reliability Engineering Association of Japan (REAJ), Sep. 2009, 日本信頼性学会誌, 31, 6, 412-419-419, Japanese, Introduction other, 0919-2697, 110007340788, AN10540883
  • 製品安全のリスク解析について
    統計情報研究開発センタ-, Jun. 2009, ESTERA誌, 183, 8-13, Japanese, Introduction other, 1343-5647, 40016712736, AN10464515
  • いま期待されるフェイルセーフ設計
    日本規格協会, Sep. 2007, 標準化と品質管理, 60, 9, 33-36, Japanese, Introduction other, 0285-5070, 40015596935, AN00210984
  • KYTへの期待と応用-システム安全学の立場から-
    認定病院患者安全推進協議会, Feb. 2007, 患者安全推進ジャーナル, 16, 78-81, Japanese, Introduction other, 40015314884
  • 医療の質向上のためのマネジメント
    Jun. 2006, クオリティマネジメント誌, 56, 6, 10-11, Japanese, Introduction other
  • システムの観点からの信頼性・安全性マネジメント
    日本科学技術連盟, May 2006, クオリティマネジメント誌, 57, 5, 18-24, Japanese, Introduction other, 1347-0213, 40007308007, AA11591061
  • コンフリクト・マネジメント導入への期待
    認定病院患者安全推進協議会, Apr. 2006, 患者安全推進ジャーナル, 13, 48-49, Japanese, Introduction other, 40007260452
  • Human-Machine系のリスクマネジメント-人を育てる安全機構に向けて-
    Sep. 2005, 日本機械学会RC211『ヒトを取り込み活かすモノづくりのための高技能システム化技術に関する研究分科会』研究報告書, 88-97, Japanese, Introduction other
  • スペシャリストに聞く!第40回「安全の仕組みの落とし穴」
    Jul. 2005, 医療安全推進ネットワーク, http://www/, 40, Japanese, Introduction other
  • システム安全学への誘い-グレイゾーンで起こる事故を予防するために-
    Feb. 2005, SQC活用事例とマネジメント改善事例発表大会, 39-43, Japanese, Introduction other
  • システム工学・安全性工学から見た業務密度の高い部署での安全確保
    Sep. 2004, 日本集中治療医学会関東甲信越地方会抄録集, 45-46, Japanese, Introduction other
  • Overtrust due to Lack of Informing Limit of Ability of Automation and /or its Reason
    ITOH Makoto; INAHASHI Hiromasa; TANAKA Kenji
    ヒュ-マンインタフェ-ス学会, 26 May 2003, Human interface, 5, 2, 283-290, Japanese, 1344-7262, 80015978806, AA11324440
  • 危機をもたらす情報システムと危機を救う情報システム
    経営情報学会誌編集事務局, Mar. 2003, 経営情報学会誌, 11, 4, 111-117, Japanese, Introduction other, 0918-7324, 110002951023, AN10551813
  • Reliable Monitoring Balance of GA based Adaptive Mobile Sensors
    SHIRAKURA Yujiro; TANAKA Kenji; ITOH Makoto
    28 Mar. 2002, 知能システムシンポジウム資料, 29, 7-12, Japanese, 10015644864, AN10537222
  • Effect of instruction on human trust in automated system
    INAHASHI Hiromasa; ITOH Makoto; TANAKA Kenji
    28 Mar. 2002, 知能システムシンポジウム資料, 29, 295-300, Japanese, 10015645376, AN10537222
  • Autonomous Mobile Sensors Communicationg by Pheromone for Reliable Monitoring
    ISHIGAKI Yo; TANAKA Kenji; ITOH Makoto
    25 Jan. 2002, 自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems, 14, 153-158, Japanese, 10016387602, AA11461532
  • 2-1 医療のリスクマネジメントにおけるレポーティング・システムの役割(創立30周年記念第66回研究発表会)
    田中 健次; 伊藤 誠; 島倉 大輔
    一般社団法人日本品質管理学会, 15 Jul. 2001, 品質, 31, 3, 86-86, Japanese, 0386-8230, 110003159347, AN00354769
  • Judgement of Gray Zone in Monitoring System : Automatic Mode vs Manual Mode
    TANAKA Kenji; ITOH Makoto
    This paper discusses a design of safety monitoring system that consists of sensors with gray zone signal as an output, which expresses no judgement for uncertainty situation. This sensor is expected to prevent model-induced failures which may be Induced by a lack of an alarm or by generating a false alarm by inadequate threshold of sensor. The problem is to determine the optimal judgement method for the gray zone. We pay attentions to automatic judgement and manual judgement and compare them. Lastly, we demonstrate that our model may be applicable to social problem of advanced age., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 18 Jul. 2000, IEICE technical report, 100, 214, 9-14, Japanese, 0913-5685, 110003181374, AA11370313
  • Reliability analysis of mobile heterogeneous sensors with adaptive integration of information
    IGUCHI Wataru; TANAKA Kenji; ITOH Makoto
    21 Jan. 2000, 自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems, 12, 131-136, Japanese, 10015796752, AA11461532
  • Mathematical Models of Safety Monitoring Systems considering Uncertainty
    1995, 応用数理学会誌, 5, 3, 180-191, Japanese, Introduction other, 10010624439
  • Decentralized Autonomous Management System for Equipments(II)
    1993, Journal of the Society of Plant Engineers Japan, 5, 1, 34-39, Japanese, Introduction other

Books and other publications

  • Systems research : essays in honor of Yasuhiko Takahara on systems management theory and practice
    高原, 康彦 ( 経営工学); Kijima, Kyoichi; Iijima, Junichi; Sato, Ryo; Deguchi, Hiroshi; Nakano, Bumpei
    English, Joint work, pp.241-259, 269, Springer, 11 May 2022, 9811699402
  • Handbook of Research on Digital Services in Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency Situations
    Y. Ishigaki; K. Tanaka
    English, Joint work, First Chapter, Smartphone Solutions for Citizen-Centered Risk Monitoring in Environmental Disaster Situations,, IGI Global, Jan. 2021
  • 医療安全管理実務者標準テキスト
    田中 ほか
    Textbook, Japanese, Joint work, Ⅱ各論 第1章-2 FMEA、第6章-2 状況別医療事故防止(1)ダブルチェック,(2)患者取り違え, へるす出版, 01 Aug. 2016, 9784892698910
  • システムの信頼性と安全性
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Single work, 朝倉書店, Aug. 2014
  • 新版信頼性工学入門
    真壁肇; 田中健次; 鈴木和幸; 宮村鐵夫; 横川慎二
    Japanese, Joint work, 第8章FMEAとFTA, 日本規格協会, Jul. 2010
  • 医療安全学
    森本; 田中ほか
    Japanese, Joint work, V-3 FMEA, 篠原出版新社, Jul. 2010
  • 新版品質管理ガイドブック
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Joint work, 第17章 デザインレビューと未然防止、第18章 故障解析と再発防止, 日科技連出版社, Nov. 2009
  • 新版品質管理ガイドブック
    中條武志; 田中健次; 山田秀; 大藤正; 光藤義郎; 入倉則夫
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Joint editor, 第17章 デザインレビューと未然防止、第18章 故障解析と再発防止, 日科技連出版社, 2009
  • 入門信頼性
    Japanese, Single work, 日科技連出版社, Dec. 2008
  • 医療安全管理事典
    長谷川敏彦; 飯田; 石川; 楠本; 児玉; 相馬; 田中健次; 長谷川友紀; 藤澤; 柳川
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Joint editor, 安全科学・安全工学総論、組織事故、FMEA/FTA, 朝倉書店, 2006
  • 医療安全管理事典
    長谷川敏彦; 飯田; 石川; 楠本; 児玉; 相馬; 田中健次; 長谷川友紀; 藤澤; 柳川
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Joint editor, 朝倉書店, 2006
  • ヒューマンエラー防止のヒューマンファクターズ
    行待武生; 池澤; 永田; 田中健次
    Japanese, Joint editor, テクノシステム, 2004
  • 遺伝アルゴリズムとニューラルネット
    Japanese, Joint work, 電気学会組合せ最適化手法応用調査専門委員会編,コロナ社, 1998
  • 『マルチメディア社会システムの諸相』
    中野; 高橋; 田中、ほか
    Japanese, Joint work, 日科技連出版社, 1997
  • 『システム知の探究1-決定するシステム-』
    木嶋; 柴; 田中ほか
    Japanese, Joint work, 第3章システム化の失敗は設計で防げるか, 日科技連出版社, 1997
  • The Dynamics of Japanese Organizations
    Kenji Tanaka
    English, Joint work, Autonomous Anticipative Management and Its Evolutionary process, Routledge., 1996
  • システム仕様の分析学-ソフトシステム方法論-(共訳)
    根来; 田中
    Japanese, Joint translation, 第5章 マネジメントコントロール, 共立出版, 1996

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 医療事故調査ヒアリング時の聴き手の理解を促進するCSメモの提案
    鶴見眞理子; 前田佳孝; 河野龍太郎; 田中健次
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第18回 医療の質・安全学会学術集会
    25 Nov. 2023
    25 Nov. 2023- 26 Nov. 2023
  • ハンズフリー機能による通話が第2世代抗ヒスタミン薬服用者の自動車運転に及ぼす影響 ―薬工連携による医療安全へのアプローチ―
    相良 篤信; 長濱 章仁; 安喜 勇人; 吉村 広輝; 平出 誠; 清水 孝恒; 佐野 元彦; 湯本 哲郎; 細江 智夫; 田中 健次
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 第17回日本薬局学会学術総会
    09 Oct. 2023
    08 Oct. 2023- 09 Oct. 2023
  • 視線計測を利用した自動車運転時の抗ヒスタミン薬誘発インペアード・パフォーマンスの客観的検知法開発に向けた薬工連携研究
    相良 篤信; 安喜 勇人; 吉村 広輝; 清水 孝恒; 佐野 元彦; 湯本 哲郎; 細江 智夫; 田中 健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第32回日本医療薬学会年会
    23 Sep. 2023
    23 Sep. 2023- 25 Sep. 2023
  • Perceived symptoms of smoke related to the use of biomass fuel cooking stoves in Rwanda
    Kazuko Eto; Yo Ishigaki; Mana Asada; Kenji Tanaka; Yumiko Ono
    Poster presentation, English, 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society
    05 Sep. 2023
    04 Sep. 2023- 08 Sep. 2023
  • 変化する景観で速度抑制効果をもたらす路面デザインの提案
    藤松栞; 長濱章仁; 田中健次; 山田哲男
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本設備管理学会2023年度春季研究発表大会
    19 Jun. 2023
    19 Jun. 2023- 19 Jun. 2023
  • 通行車両台数と待機データの同時測定による相関関係解析の一考察
    湯浅 剛; 田中 健次; 長濱 章仁; 横川 慎二; 山田 哲男
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本設備管理学会 2023年度春季研究発表大会
    19 Jun. 2023
  • 想定外事象を想定した未然防止のための信頼性・安全性の方法論の提案
    田中 健次; 坂東 幸一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会 第131回研究発表会
    27 May 2023
  • 自己学習において正負の成績フィードバックの組み合わせが内発的動機づけに与える影響
    藤江達也; 田中健次; 長濱章仁
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会第50回知能システムシンポジウム
    28 Mar. 2023
    28 Mar. 2023- 29 Mar. 2023
  • Information presentation aiming intention share in ADAS
    Yumeno Hatori; Akihito Nagahama; Kenji Tanaka
    Oral presentation, English, The 4th ASEAN - UEC Workshop on Informatics and Engineering
    09 Dec. 2022
    09 Dec. 2022- 10 Dec. 2022
  • 医療事故調査のヒアリングで用いるメモフォーマットの提案
    鶴見眞理子; 前田佳孝; 田中健次
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 医療の質・安全学会第17回学術集会/抄録集, 神戸, Domestic conference
    26 Nov. 2022
  • Prototype models for predicting vehicle types generated in heterogeneous traffic simulation
    Akihito Nagahama; Takahiro Wada; Keiki Takadama; Daichi Yanagisawa; Katsuhiro Nishinari; Kenji Tanaka
    Oral presentation, English, Traffic and Granular Flow 2022, Peer-reviewed
    15 Oct. 2022- 17 Oct. 2022
  • 視線計測を利用した自動車運転時の抗ヒスタミン薬誘発インペアード・パフォーマンスの客観的検知法開発に向けた薬工連携研究
    相良 篤信; 安喜 勇人; 吉村 広輝; 清水 孝恒; 佐野 元彦; 湯本 哲郎; 細江 智夫; 田中 健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第32回日本医療薬学会年会, 日本医療薬学会, Domestic conference
    23 Sep. 2022
  • 医療事故データベースを活用したインシデント・アクシデント報告書作成支援システムの構築
    坂東 幸一; 田中 健次; 稲葉 健二郎; 湯本 哲郎; 相良 篤信
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第51回信頼性・保全性・安全性シンポジウム発表/報文集, 日本科学技術連盟, Domestic conference
    15 Jul. 2022
  • 想定外事象を想定したノンテクニカルスキル融合型の信頼性・ 安全性方法論について
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第128回研究発表会/要旨集, Domestic conference
    28 May 2022
  • 避難所の収容率情報が避難行動に及ぼす影響
    白石 源二; 田中 健次; 長濱 章仁
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本災害情報学会 第24回学会大会, 日本災害情報学会, Domestic conference
    19 Mar. 2022
  • シェアードコントロールシステムにおける意図の共有を目指した情報提示
    羽鳥由芽乃; 長濱 章仁; 田中 健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会 第49回知能システムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会 知能工学部会, 大津, Domestic conference
    14 Mar. 2022
  • 抗ヒスタミン薬による誘発インペアード ・パフォーマンスが自動車運転に及ぼす影響
    安喜 勇人; 相良 篤信; 湯本 哲郎; 田中 健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本医療マネジメント学会-第22回東京支部学術集会-, 日本医療マネジメント学会東京支部, Domestic conference
    13 Mar. 2022
  • 注意散漫状態の高齢ドライバに対する視覚的注意喚起情報の効果に関する研究
    関根道昭; 榎本恵; 加藤洋子; 向田佑介; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 交通安全環境研究所フォーラム2021, 独立法人自動車技術総合機構 交通安全研究所, 東京大学, Domestic conference
    29 Nov. 2021
  • 自動運転・高度運転支援(レベル2)におけるドライバーの覚醒度維持向上 (第2報) ‐運転支援されるドライバーのワクワク感と覚醒度維持について‐
    加藤昌彦; 安喜勇人; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 自動車技術会2021年度 秋季大会, 公益社団法人 自動車技術会, Domestic conference
    14 Oct. 2021
  • A Study on Support for Emission Reduction Monitoring in Municipalities: Action Research on a Case Study of Passing Vehicles Kinds and Air Quality Data
    Go Yuasa; Kenji Tanaka
    Poster presentation, English, ITS World Congress 2021, ERTICO (European road transport telematics implementation coordination organization), Hamburg Germany, International conference
    11 Oct. 2021
  • ディストラクション状態の高齢ドライバにおけるハザード対応と視覚的注意喚起情報の効果に関する研究
    向田佑介; 田中健次; 関根道昭; 榎本 恵; 加藤洋子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 自動車技術会2021年度 春季大会, 公益社団法人 自動車技術会, Domestic conference
    27 May 2021
  • 自動運転・高度運転支援(レベル2)におけるドライバーの覚醒度維持向上 (第1報) 運転支援されるドライバーのワクワク感について
    加藤昌彦; 田中健次; 安喜勇人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 自動車技術会2020年度 秋季大会, 公益社団法人 自動車技術会, Domestic conference
    23 Oct. 2020
  • 見えない液晶「ホワイトスクリーン」の広告・アート・医療機器への応用
    石垣 陽; 田中健次; 半田知也; 緒方壽人
    Poster presentation, Japanese, インタラクション2020 第24回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム, 情報処理学会, 東京, Domestic conference
    09 Mar. 2020
  • 漫然運転時の高齢ドライバにハザードを知らせる視覚情報の効果に関する研究
    向田佑介; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 自動車技術会関東支部2019年度学術研究講演会, 自動車技術会関東支部, 東京, Domestic conference
    04 Mar. 2020
  • 自動運転における加減速を用いた覚醒度維持手法の検討
    重信俊介; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会 第47回知能システムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会 知能工学部会, 大津, Domestic conference
    01 Mar. 2020
  • 医療安全対策の落とし穴~効率性追求に潜む罠~
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 奈良県医療安全推進センター講演会, Invited, 奈良県医療安全推進センター, 奈良市, Domestic conference
    21 Feb. 2020
  • 安全・危険の間のグレーゾーンに着目した警告表示
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第21回 長岡技術科学大学 安全安心社会研究センター特別講演会, Invited, 長岡技術科学大学 安全安心社会研究センター, 東京, Domestic conference
    21 Dec. 2019
  • ノンテクニカルスキルを活用するための前提としてのFMEA
    田中健次; 辰巳陽一; 長谷川 剛
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 医療の質・安全学会第14回学術集会/抄録集, 京都, Domestic conference
    30 Nov. 2019
  • 医療安全対策の落とし穴~効率性追求に潜む罠~
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 令和元年度 医療安全に関するシンポジウム, Invited, 近畿厚生局, Domestic conference
    21 Nov. 2019
  • 医療の自動化に潜む落とし穴
    Public discourse, Japanese, 日本医療マネジメント学会第18回島根支部学術集会, Invited, 日本医療マネジメント学会, 松江, Domestic conference
    28 Sep. 2019
  • 障害データベースへの機械学習適用の試み(その3)
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第80回 FTC研究会, FTC研究会, 茨城県, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2019
  • 不確定情報や不安感を利用して安全行動を誘因する法
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 安全性研究会、信学技報 SSS2019-3, 電子情報通信学会 安全性研究会, 東京, 確定性に乏しく曖昧な安全情報提示や安心感を抑える自動化支援は,リスク意識を高め安全行動を誘因する傾向があることを,ドライビングシミュレータにより検証した結果を基に紹介する.その内容は,自動化による運転支援だけでなく,多くの機器の自動化の設定において,適用できるものである.一般に考えられている「正確な危険情報の提示が安全行動に結びつく」との考え方は,必ずしも成り立たずむしろ過信に結び付き,逆効果となることが示唆される., Domestic conference
    23 Apr. 2019
  • 自動運転におけるドライバの安心感抑制による注意力向上への効果
    多賀野亮太; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会 第46回知能システムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会 知能工学部会, 大津, Domestic conference
    07 Mar. 2019
  • あいまいな情報提示によるドライバ の過信軽減への効果
    鶴飼純一郎; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会 第46回知能システムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会 知能工学部会, 大津, Domestic conference
    07 Mar. 2019
  • 障害データベースへの機械学習適用の試み(その2)
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第80回 FTC研究会, FTC研究会, 北九州市, Domestic conference
    25 Jan. 2019
  • 透析医療におけるリスクマネジメント ~システム化・自動化に潜む罠~
    Public discourse, Japanese, 第63回日本透析医学会学術集会・総会, Invited, 日本透析医学会, Domestic conference
    29 Jun. 2018
  • 市民による環境の測定・共有・議論を通じたリスク回避行動の誘発 ~ 各種大気汚染を事例として ~
    石垣 陽; 田中健次
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 安全性研究会、信学技報 SSS2018-1, 電子情報通信学会 安全性研究会, 東京, 放射線、PM2.5、CO2、VOCなど生活・就労環境の様々な環境汚染リスクに対し、従来の公的測定(定点)を補完する、次の特徴を持つ環境アウェアネスの仕組みを提案する。
    ③専門家・行政と「議論」し市民・事業者のリスクリテラシを高め自主判断を促すと共に、データに基づく予兆検知や制度設計(ガイドライン、アセスメント、ハザードマップ)に活かす。, Domestic conference
    24 Apr. 2018
  • 機械学習機能に着目した事故情報データベース活用方法の開発 ―医療事故事例データベースへの応用の検討
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回「日本医療情報学会(JAMI)医用知能情報学研究会-人工知能学会(JSAI)医用人工知能研究会」合同研究会, Invited, 日本医療情報学会(JAMI)医用知能情報学研究会 及び 人工知能学会(JSAI)医用人工知能研究会, 神奈川県三浦市,, Domestic conference
    16 Mar. 2018
  • 曖昧な情報提示による危険予測運転行動への効果
    飯柴佑太; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会 第45回 知能システムシンポジウム, Domestic conference
    07 Mar. 2018
  • あいまいな情報提示による危険予測運転行動への効果
    飯柴佑太; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会 第45回知能システムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会 知能工学部会, 大阪, Domestic conference
    07 Mar. 2018
  • ビッグデータの高齢者への見せ方と動機付け
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第16回 日本病院総合診療医学会 学術総会, 日本病院総合診療医学会, 別府, Domestic conference
    03 Mar. 2018
  • 高齢運転者における複数同時ハザードに対する視覚的な注意喚起情報の効果評価
    平野伸将; 田中健次; 関根 道昭; 榎本 恵
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第26回交通・物流部門大会(TRANSLOG2017), Domestic conference
    05 Dec. 2017
  • 想定外事象に対する分散適応型組織の有効性について -プル型情報獲得に基づく自主判断による効果-
    芦原昌樹; 田中健次
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会(SSI2017), Domestic conference
    27 Nov. 2017
  • 市民向けモバイルPM2.5センサによる各国都市部での可視化実験
    石垣 陽; 森 康彰; 松本佳宣; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第58回大気環境学会年会, Domestic conference
    08 Sep. 2017
  • 障害データベースへの機械学習機能運用の試み
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第77回 FTC研究会, FTC研究会, 山梨県笛吹市, Domestic conference
    21 Jul. 2017
  • Agile way of Risk Awareness by Smartphone-connected Environmental Sensor
    Ishigaki, Y; Matsuno, Y; Tanaka, K
    Poster presentation, English, 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management(ISCRAM 2017), ISCRAM, Albi, France, International conference
    May 2017
  • 自動走行中のドライバ状態と適切な介入との関連について
    山崎達哉; 榎本 恵; 中嶋 豊; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2016年度公共社団法人自動車技術会関東支部学術研究講演会, Domestic conference
    03 Mar. 2017
  • 意図的なルール逸脱割合に作業の量と複雑性が与える影響
    藤田 進; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気通信大 2017システム安全学ワークショップ, Domestic conference
    01 Mar. 2017
  • 携帯端末情報に基づく建物内での避難行動に群集が与える影響
    三善正雄; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気通信大 2017システム安全学ワークショップ, Domestic conference
    01 Mar. 2017
  • D-Caseに基づく議論構造可視化支援ツールの開発とスマートコミュニティにおける合意形成の実証
    松野 裕; 石垣 陽; 坂東幸一; 木藤浩之; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気通信大 2017システム安全学ワークショップ, Domestic conference
    01 Mar. 2017
  • 市民・行政・専門家の連携による参加型環境モニタリングの実現
    石垣 陽; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, SICE システム・情報部門学術講演会, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2016
  • 市民等と障害情報を共有する障害データベースの構築の試み
    坂東幸一; 松野 裕; 石垣 陽; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第14回 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ (DSW 2016), Domestic conference
    Dec. 2016
  • 多重チェックの落とし穴と安全対策に潜む罠
    Public discourse, Japanese, 第7回関東臨床工学会, Invited, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2016
  • IoT型CO2センサの試作とフィールド調査
    石垣 陽; 盛武 敬; 松本佳宣; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第56回日本労働衛生工学会・第37回 作業環境測定研究発表会, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2016
  • 透析医療におけるリスクマネジメント ~効率性追求にひそむ罠~
    Public discourse, Japanese, 第61回日本透析医学会学術集会・総会, Invited, Domestic conference
    12 Jun. 2016
  • 効果的なダブルチェックと安全対策
    Public discourse, Japanese, 第11回国家公務員共済組合連合会医療安全管理者研修会, Invited, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2016
  • グレイゾーンにおける現場技術者と設計推進者との協調とは
    Public discourse, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第110回研究発表会, 日本品質管理学会, 東京, Domestic conference
    28 May 2016
  • 称賛・注意フィードバックによるドライバの運転行動の変容の持続性に関する研究
    森林俊樹; 栗橋 翠; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会第43回知能システムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, 室蘭, Domestic conference
    11 Mar. 2016
  • ドライバの運転特徴を用いた通常時からの逸脱判別のための指標の提案
    安藤 勇; 栗橋 翠; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会第43回知能システムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, 室蘭, Domestic conference
    11 Mar. 2016
  • 市民・行政・専門家の連携による環境監視・減災支援基盤の構築と社会実装
    石垣 陽; 松野 裕; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大ISシンポジウム第20回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    01 Mar. 2016
  • D-Caseに基づく議論構造可視化支援ツールの開発とスマートコミュニティにおける合意形成の実証
    松野 裕; 石垣 陽; 坂東幸一; 木藤浩之; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大ISシンポジウム第20回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    01 Mar. 2016
  • 共助を活用した運転支援システムによるドライバへの効用
    栗橋 翠; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大ISシンポジウム第20回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科, 東京, Domestic conference
    01 Mar. 2016
  • 交差点における自動化運転の影響について
    宅間敬晃; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大ISシンポジウム第20回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科, 東京, Domestic conference
    01 Mar. 2016
  • 歩行者シミュレータを用いた大規模施設における避難条件の網羅的分析手法の提案
    村山了規; 大西正輝; 松島裕康; 山下倫央; 田中健次
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会、パターン認識・メディア理解研究会・クラウドネットワークロボット研究会, 電子情報通信学会, Domestic conference
    22 Feb. 2016
  • オープン型障害データベースによる障害情報の市民等への提供の試み
    坂東幸一; 松野 裕; 石垣 陽; 田中健次
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第74回FTC研究会, FTC研究会, Domestic conference
    Jan. 2016
  • 真に有効なダブルチェックとは ~安全対策のコツ~
    Public discourse, Japanese, 横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター 医療安全講演会, Invited, 横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター, 横浜, Domestic conference
    Jan. 2016
  • 共助を活用した警告提示システムの提案と評価 -受援者と支援者を同時に経験させた際の効果-
    栗橋 翠; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会第24回交通・物流部門大会/講演論文集, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2015
  • 医療機関へのフィードバックを促す医療相談事例集の作成を目指して
    三宅 創; 水木麻衣子; 田中健次; 児玉安司
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 医療の質・安全学会第10回学術集会/抄録集, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2015
  • 医療機関へのフィードバックを促す医療相談事例集の作成を目指して」,第10回医療の質・安全学会学術集会予稿集,R2-03,pp.303 (2015.11)
    三宅 創; 水木麻衣子; 田中健次; 児玉安司
    Poster presentation, Japanese, 医療の質・安全学会第10回学術集会/抄録集, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2015
  • 第3期信頼性・安全性計画研究会の活動報告 第2報 -長期使用製品と社会インフラの品質-
    田中健次; 伊藤 誠; 鈴木和幸; 横川慎二; 金子龍三
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第45回年次大会研究発表会/要旨集, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2015
  • システム視点から見た確認作業のエビデンス
    Public discourse, Japanese, 第10回医療の質・安全学会学術集会, 医療の質・安全学会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2015
  • 航空路管制分野におけるヒューマンファクター研究(3) -管制官チーム協調作業の効果の可視化-
    中村 麻見; 青山 久枝; 田中 健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2015, ヒューマンインタフェース学会, 函館, Domestic conference
    02 Sep. 2015
  • 共助を用いた交通事故のリスク軽減システムの効果
    栗橋 翠; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第45回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム発表報文集,日科技連/日本信頼性学会, 日本科学技術連盟/日本信頼性学会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2015
  • 聴覚インターフェースによるドライバーの安全性向上の可能性
    伊藤一也; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第45回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム, 日本科学技術連盟/日本信頼性学会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2015
  • 共助を用いた交通事故のリスク軽減システムの効果
    栗橋 翠; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第45回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム発表報文集,日科技連/日本信頼性学会, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2015
  • システム視点からのリスクマネジメント ~信頼性・安全性対策に潜む落とし穴~
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 平成27年度都道府県・消防本部情報通信担当者実務研修会, 日本消防設備安全センター, 東京, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2015
  • 安全対策に潜む落とし穴と効果的利用
    Public discourse, Japanese, 日本医療情報学会 看護学術大会, 日本医療情報学会, 島根, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2015
  • 効果的なダブルチェックと安全対策
    Public discourse, Japanese, 第10回国家公務員共済組合連合会医療安全管理者研修会, 国家公務員共済組合連合会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2015
  • Trust Establishment in Participatory Radiation Sensing
    Ishigaki Y; Matsumoto Y; Matsuno Y; Tanaka K
    Poster presentation, English, 9th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, International conference
    28 May 2015
  • Participatory Radiation Information Monitoring with SNS after Fukushima
    Ishigaki Y; Matsumoto Y; Matsuno Y; Tanaka K
    Oral presentation, English, 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, International conference
    26 May 2015
  • ヘッドアップディスプレイにおける複数表示がドライバのブレーキ反応時間に与える影響
    榎本 恵; 関根道昭; 森田和元; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 自動車技術会2015春季大会, Domestic conference
    May 2015
  • 真に効果のあるダブルチェックとは ~医療安全対策の落とし穴~
    Public discourse, Japanese, 自治医科大学附属さいたま病院 医療安全研修会, Invited, 自治医科大学附属さいたま病院, さいたま, Domestic conference
    Apr. 2015
  • 称賛・注意フィードバックがドライバの安全意識に与える効果
    中野一成; 松野裕; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会知能システムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, 神戸, Domestic conference
    18 Mar. 2015
  • 緊急走行時の交通事故防止教育におけるドライビングシミュレータ映像の有効性
    横山明久; 松野 裕; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大ISシンポジウム第19回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    23 Feb. 2015
  • 称賛・注意フィードバックによるドライバの安全意識の変容
    中野一成; 松野 裕; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大ISシンポジウム第19回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    23 Feb. 2015
  • Head-Up Displayの複数表示が認知と運転行動に与える影響
    榎本 恵; 松野 裕; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大ISシンポジウム第19回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    23 Feb. 2015
  • 安全事故情報と国際標準の深堀調査による製品安全リスクアセスメント技法の進化
    門田 靖; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大ISシンポジウム第19回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    23 Feb. 2015
  • 真に有効なダブルチェックを考える~安全対策に潜む罠~
    Public discourse, Japanese, 京都府看護協会 医療安全管理者養成講習会, Invited, 京都府看護協会
    Jan. 2015
  • リスクマネジメント:安全対策の落とし穴
    Public discourse, Japanese, 千葉県臨床技師会 医療安全セミナー, 千葉県臨床技師会
    Dec. 2014
  • 想定外事象を想定したリスク対応能力評価の導入
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2014, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2014
  • 真に効果のあるダブルチェックとは~医療安全の仕組みと仕掛け~
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 第8回埼玉医療安全大会, 埼玉県看護協会, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2014
  • 組織が学ぶための『仕組み』と人が学ぶための『仕掛け』
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第55回品質月間特別講演会(札幌), Invited, 日本規格協会, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2014
  • システム安全学の視点に学ぶ
    Public discourse, Japanese, 三重県リスクマネジャー交流会, 三重県看護協会
    Nov. 2014
  • ヘッドアップディスプレイにおける複数表示が認知性,運転行動に与える影響
    榎本 恵; 関根道昭; 森田和元; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 自動車技術会2014秋季大会, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2014
  • 真に有効なダブルチェックとは~安全対策のコツ~
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 長野県看護協会・薬剤師会 医療安全研修会, Invited, 長野県看護協会・薬剤師会, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2014
  • 医療事故の未然防止を目指して~人を育てる仕組みと仕掛け~
    Public discourse, Japanese, 福岡県看護協会リスクマネジャー研修会, 福岡県看護協会
    Aug. 2014
  • 共助における支援側の作業負荷と意識変化‐他者へ提示する警告システムにおける支援する側の効果‐
    栗橋 翠; 松野 裕; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Domestic conference
    Apr. 2014
  • リスクを積極的に提示するアンチウィルスインターフェースについて
    国分佑樹; 松野 裕; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第18回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2014
  • 携帯端末を用いた建物火災における避難誘導システムの提案と評価
    戸村 敦; 松野 裕; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第18回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2014
  • 高層建築物でのエレベータを利用した避難方法について~超高齢社会を想定して~
    髙橋陽生; 松野 裕; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第18回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2014
  • SNSを利用した参加型システム開発~被災地での携帯型放射線測定器の活用~
    石垣 陽; 松本佳宣; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電通大ISシンポジウム第18回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2014
  • ビッグデータを活用した放射線測定の新トレンド~SNSとラピッドタイピングによる放射線モニタリング~
    田中健次; 石垣 陽; 松本佳宣
    Media report, Japanese, IEEEプレスセミナー
    Feb. 2014
  • ダブルチェックの有効性を高める要因を考える
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 医療の質・安全学会第8回学術集会/抄録集, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2013
  • 第3期信頼性・安全性計画研究会報告 第1報 -シンポジウムの報告とこれから取り組む課題-
    田中健次; 伊藤誠; 鈴木和幸; 於保鴻一; 中條武志
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第43回年次大会研究発表会/要旨集, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2013
  • 市場事故情報からの安全事故リスクの抽出とそれに対する技術課題の考察
    門田 靖; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日科技連/日本信頼性学会 第43回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム/予稿集, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2013
  • 医療現場でのメタルールを利用した業務横断的教育に関する研究
    蘇山顕央; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第101回研究発表会/研究発表要旨集, Domestic conference
    May 2013
  • 安全対策の落とし穴 ~仕組みと仕掛け~
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 平成24年度患者安全推進全体フォーラム, 日本医療機能評価機構, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2013
  • 事後警告による行動変容に関する研究-黄信号通過時の場合-
    阿部拓朗; 稲葉 緑; 関根道昭; 森田和元; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2013
  • 右直事故に対する共助の警告提示システムの有用性に関する考察
    栗橋 翠; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2013
  • 医療現場でのメタルールを利用した業務横断的教育について
    蘇山顕央; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2013
  • グレイゾーンにおける判断能力の向上を目指した学習
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第17回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2013
  • 標準遵守は疑問を持つことから
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 平成24年度神奈川県医療安全推薦セミナー講演, 神奈川県医療安全対策事業実行委員会
    Feb. 2013
  • 安全対策の落とし穴:思い込み「~のはず」に潜む罠
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第8回沖縄県透析医会学術講演会, 沖縄県透析医会
    Feb. 2013
  • 人間エラーは仕組みで防げるのか? ~罠に陥らないために~
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第4回多摩腎・透析合併症フォーラム, 協和発酵キリン株式会社
    Feb. 2013
  • 新聞報道は事故をどう報じているか~最近の通信ネットワーク事故を例にとって~
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, FTC研究会,第68回FTC研究会
    Jan. 2013
  • 新聞報道から見た昨今の通信ネットワーク事故に伴う社会的影響と課題
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告SSS2012-17
    Nov. 2012
  • クリティカルケア領域におけるコメディカルの安全管理
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第21回日本集中治療医学会関東甲信越地方会, 日本集中治療医学会関東甲信越地方会
    Aug. 2012
  • 人間エラーは仕組みで防げるのか? ~罠に陥らないために~
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第57回日本透析医学会学術集会, 日本透析医学会
    Jun. 2012
  • 新製品における誤使用の分析と警告表示のあり方
    菊池卓弥; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第98回研究発表会研究発表要旨集,JSQC第98回研究発表会
    May 2012
  • 安全対策の落とし穴
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第22回日本臨床工学会, 日本臨床工学会
    May 2012
  • グレイゾーンでのメタ意思決定のあり方について -福島第一原発事故への対応-
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第16回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第16回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2012
  • グレイゾーンで発生する誤使用の分析と警告表示の検討 -新製品の場合-
    菊池卓弥; 稲葉緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第16回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第16回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2012
  • 医療現場の作業内容に適したダブルチェック手法の実験的検証
    伊地知蘭美; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第16回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第16回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2012
  • 速度に依存した出会い頭事故防止警報のタイミングと受容性に関する研究
    峯 啓介; 田中健次; 稲葉 緑; 森田和元; 関根道昭
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会第20回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,日本機械学会 第18回交通・物流部門大会
    Dec. 2011
  • 医療事故防止のためのダブルチェックに関する比較研究
    稲葉緑; 伊地知蘭美; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 医療の質・安全学会第6回学術集会抄録集,計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門学術講演会
    Nov. 2011
  • 与薬準備作業上でのダブルチェックの精度と所要時間に関する実験的考察
    伊地知蘭美; 稲葉緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 医療の質・安全学会第6回学術集会抄録集,計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門学術講演会
    Nov. 2011
  • 出会い頭事故防止警報の提示タイミングに関する研究
    稲葉緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, システム・情報部門学術講演会講演集、計測自動制御学会,計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門学術講演会
    Sep. 2011
  • ダブルチェックにおける各種確認手法のエラー発見効果に関する実験的検討
    稲葉緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第41回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム, 第41回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム発表報文集 日科技連/日本信頼性学会, 東京
    Jul. 2011
  • 安全保証と危険回避の使い分けに関する一考察 -使用説明書と警告表示のあり方-
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第41回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム, 第41回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム発表報文集 日科技連/日本信頼性学会, 東京
    Jul. 2011
  • グレイゾーンでの判断能力向上を目指したリスクマネジメント論
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第15回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第15回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2011
  • 医療におけるダブルチェックの効果比較
    本瀬有司; 稲葉緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第15回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第15回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2011
  • 外部からの警報情報による危険レベル判断の変化
    福嶋慧史; 森田和元; 関根道昭; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第18回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,日本機械学会 第18回交通・物流部門大会
    Dec. 2009
  • ユーザの活用を考慮した製品事故情報のあり方について
    田村佳衣; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, English, 日本品質管理学会第39回年次大会研究発表会要旨集,JSQC第39回年次大会研究発表会
    Oct. 2009
  • 医療分野におけるヒューマンエラーとその対策
    Public symposium, Japanese, ヒューマンファクターズの基礎, 日本ヒューマンインターフェース学会, 東京
    Sep. 2009
  • 新聞報道による金融情報システム事故情報の分析と改善への活用
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第39回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム発表報文集,日科技連/日本信頼性学会,第39回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム
    Jul. 2009
  • JSQC信頼性・安全性計画研究会報告(第3報)-製品の信頼性・安全性確保に関する考察-
    鈴木和幸; 永原; 田中健次; 伊藤,真壁
    Oral presentation, English, 日本品質管理学会第89回研究発表会研究発表要旨集,JSQC第89回研究発表会
    May 2009
  • 情報セキュリティ心理学とトラストに関する研究分野に期待されること
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第71回情報処理学会全国大会「学会の新たなベクトルに向けて-情報セキュリティ心理学とトラスト研究グループの立ち上げと期待される今後の活動-」シンポジウム, 情報処理学会, 大津
    Mar. 2009
  • 黄信号に直面したドライバの状況認識が運転行動に及ぼす影響
    田辺知典; 稲葉緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第13回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第13回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2009
  • 医療機器における警報装置の事故解析と改善策支援ツールの提案
    中島健太; 田中健次; 稲葉緑
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第13回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第13回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 東京
    Feb. 2009
  • 黄信号に直面したドライバの状況認識と運転行動に関する分析
    田辺知典; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第17回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,日本機械学会 第17回交通・物流部門大会
    Dec. 2008
  • 2台前の先行車両の急減速を通知する警報システムの効果
    辻丈比古; 森田和元; 関根道昭; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第17回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,日本機械学会 第17回交通・物流部門大会
    Dec. 2008
  • Driving Simulator による高齢ドライバへの効果的学習
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科第9回学術講演会, 電通大IS第9回学術講演会予稿集, 東京
    Dec. 2008
  • 安全工学の立場から:安全と信頼
    Public symposium, Japanese, SSR(不快なインタフェースプロジェクト)リスクと安全・安心ワークショップ, SSR(不快なインタフェースプロジェクト), 京都
    Nov. 2008
  • ヒューマン・エラーとコミュニケーション・エラー如何に防ぐか
    Others, Japanese, 武蔵野赤十字病院講演会, 武蔵野赤十字病院
    Nov. 2008
  • 情報取得がおよぼす避難行動の違いについて
    中村真弓; 田中健次; 稲葉 緑
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本災害情報学会,日本災害情報学会第10回研究発表大会
    Oct. 2008
  • 自車再生映像を利用した危険運転に対する自己認識改善教習
    稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本心理学会第72回大会予稿集,日本心理学会第72回大会
    Sep. 2008
  • 信頼性・安全性確保のためのユーザと企業の情報共有と活用
    田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, JSQC第124回シンポジウム『信頼性・安全性の確保と未然防止』, 日本品質管理学会, 東京
    Sep. 2008
  • いかに防ぐか!ヒューマンエラーとコミュニケーションエラー
    Others, Japanese, 徳島看護協会研修会講演, 徳島看護協会
    Sep. 2008
  • 安全工学の立場から:安全と信頼
    Public symposium, Japanese, SPTシンポジウム, 情報処理学会セキュリティ心理学とトラスト研究グループ, 横浜
    Sep. 2008
  • 作業中断時に発生したヒューマンエラーの解析:医療分野を主に
    稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第38回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム発表報文集,日科技連/日本信頼性学会,第38回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム
    Jul. 2008
  • 組織構造とヒューマンファクタとの関係について
    Others, Japanese, 日本原子力研究開発機構講演会, 日本原子力研究開発機構
    Jul. 2008
  • 新聞報道による情報システム事故の利用者の視点に基づく分析-通信ネットワーク分野の事例-
    坂東幸一; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本信頼性学会,日本信頼性学会第16回春季信頼性シンポジウム
    May 2008
  • 集散バランスを考慮した消防隊の選定基準について
    石河拓哉; 田中健次; 稲葉緑
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第12回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第12回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集
    Feb. 2008
  • A study about Human Behavior Tendency through Incident and Accident Investigation
    シャリハル,稲葉緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第12回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第12回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集
    Feb. 2008
  • 医療現場での作業中断によるヒューマンエラー
    稲葉緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第12回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第12回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集
    Feb. 2008
  • 客体視表示によるドライバへの安全教育効果に関する研究
    安木佑介; 田中健次; 稲葉緑
    Public symposium, Japanese, 電気通信大ISシンポジウム第12回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第12回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集
    Feb. 2008
  • 脇見運転時における前方衝突警報の欠報・誤報がドライバの運転行動に与える影響の研究
    岡本昌哉; 森田和元; 関根道昭; 内山慶信; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第16 回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,日本機械学会 第16 回交通・物流部門大会
    Dec. 2007
  • 自動ブレーキシステムの作動タイミングに対するドライバの受容性評価
    内山慶信; 森田和元; 関根道昭; 岡本昌哉; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第16 回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,日本機械学会 第16 回交通・物流部門大会
    Dec. 2007
  • アリ型センサシステムによる局部集中監視の制御に関する研究
    陸 偉; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション学術講演会概要集,計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション学術講演会
    Dec. 2007
  • 作業中断によるヒューマンエラーについてのアンケート調査とモデル化
    稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 医療の質・安全学会第2回学術集会プログラム・抄録集,医療の質・安全学会第2回学術集会
    Nov. 2007
  • 製品安全のリスク評価について
    田中健次; 鈴木和幸; 中條武志; 尾島善一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第2回横幹連合カンファレンス,第2回横幹連合カンファレンス
    Nov. 2007
  • 標準遵守は疑問を持つことから
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第48回品質月間特別講演会(沖縄), 日本規格協会
    Nov. 2007
  • JSQC信頼性・安全性計画研究会中間報告(第2報)-信頼性・安全性確保への一提言(全体MAP)-
    鈴木和幸; 中條武志; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Oral presentation, English, 日本品質管理学会第37回年次大会研究発表要旨集,JSQC第37回年次大会
    Oct. 2007
  • ルールに従って判断するときのタイムプレッシャーと経験による影響について
    稲葉緑; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第37回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム, 日本科学技術連盟第37回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム講演論文集
    Jul. 2007
  • 災害情報システムは何を目指すべきか?
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 災害情報基礎セミナー, ASPインダストリ・コンソーシアム・ジャパン災害時ICT基礎研究会
    Jul. 2007
  • JSQC信頼性・安全性計画研究会中間報告(第1報)-使用の信頼性・安全性向上への一提言-
    鈴木和幸; 田中健次; 中條武志
    Oral presentation, Japanese, JSQC第83回研究発表会予稿集
    May 2007
  • 高齢ドライバに対するリスクの自己学習に効果的な教示方法の比較
    稲葉 緑; 毎野裕亮; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 自動車技術会春季学術講演会前刷集,2007年自動車技術会春季学術講演会
    May 2007
  • 運転員の視認行動に基づいた追い越し運転の負担度評価法
    安木祐介; 吉村健志; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, English, 自動車技術会春季学術講演会前刷集,2007年自動車技術会春季学術講演会
    May 2007
  • 情報受信側の自主判断を促進する災害情報と判断評価のサポート機構
    Others, Japanese, 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)研究成果報告書,科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)研究成果報告書
    Mar. 2007
  • 医療現場に「危険予知」の視点を取り入れることに期待する
    Public symposium, Japanese, 平成18年度第1回教育プログラム部会, 日本医療機能評価機構, 名古屋
    Feb. 2007
  • トラブル時の自主判断を促進する情報提供のあり方と第三者機関の役割
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム第11回信頼性とシステム安全学, 第11回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 調布
    Feb. 2007
  • ICSに基づく危機対応活動のモデル化
    松本一美; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム第11回信頼性とシステム安全学, 第11回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 調布
    Feb. 2007
  • 誤警報および不警報による前方衝突警報システムに対するドライバの信頼と運転行動への影響
    安部原也; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム第11回信頼性とシステム安全学, 第11回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 調布
    Feb. 2007
  • これからのリコール対応と情報共有のあり方について
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 経営情報学会2006年秋季研究発表大会予稿集,経営情報学会2006年秋季研究発表大会
    Nov. 2006
  • 産業界における安全の考え方
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 医療の質・安全学会第1回学術集会ワークショップ『安全のための技術開発』, 医療の質・安全学会
    Nov. 2006
  • 教示方法の違いによる高齢ドライバの自己学習への効果の比較
    毎野裕亮; 稲葉 緑; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集,計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会
    Nov. 2006
  • グレイゾーンで起こる事故を予防するために-安全設計に潜むワナ
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 標準化と品質管理全国大会, 日本規格協会
    Oct. 2006
  • トラストを生み出す信頼性設計に向けて
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 2006年総合大会, 電子情報通信学会
    Mar. 2006
  • ドライビングシミュレータを用いた高齢ドライバへの教示方法に関する研究
    栗林大祐; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会,第33回知能システムシンポジウム講演論文集
    Mar. 2006
  • 緊急時意思決定における状況認識と判断:数理モデルの試み
    村上伸太郎; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム 第10回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第10回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 調布
    Feb. 2006
  • 高齢運転者のブレーキ時における情報要因の解析
    大野督史; 森田和元; 関根道昭; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第14回交通・物流部門大会論文集,第14回交通・物流部門大会論文集
    Dec. 2005
  • 『危険を回避する仕組み』から『安全を創り出す人間』へ
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 品質月間特別講演会, 日本規格協会,日本科学技術連盟
    Nov. 2005
  • ユーザの安心を生み出す安全技術とは-受動的安全から能動的安全獲得へ-
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第1回横幹連合コンファレンスCD-ROM
    Nov. 2005
  • ローカル情報活用を目指した防災リーダによる地域防災ネットワークの提案
    川村昌平; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本災害情報学会,第7回研究発表大会予稿集
    Oct. 2005
  • 人間に依存する冗長化の落とし穴-効果的な冗長化は如何に実現できるか-
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 2005年 IEEE Reliability Society Japan Chapter 講演会, IEEE Reliability Society Japan Chapter
    Oct. 2005
  • 相対評価に基づく医療機関紹介支援システムの提案
    山本太計雄; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム 第9回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第9回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 調布
    Mar. 2005
  • 輻輳角と瞳孔径の変化によるドライバーの心理的負荷推定の検証
    小幡和紀; 森田和元; 関根道昭; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム 第9回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第9回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 調布
    Mar. 2005
  • 火災予防のための効果的な査察実施基準の導出方法
    飯島朋子; 王恋華; 田中健次; 山本渉
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム第9回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 第9回「信頼性とシステム安全学」予稿集, 調布
    Mar. 2005
  • 災害情報は何を目指すべきか
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第2回ワークショップ「ユビキタス社会における環境と防災」, 電子情報通信学会ユビキタス社会とライフスタイル時限研究会
    Feb. 2005
  • 災害情報は何を目指すべきか
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第2回ワークショップ「ユビキタス社会における環境と防災」, 電子情報通信学会ユビキタス社会とライフスタイル時限研究会, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2005
  • システム安全学への誘い-グレイゾーンで起こる事故を予防するために-
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, SQC活用事例とマネジメント改善事例発表大会, Domestic conference
    Feb. 2005
  • ネットワーク社会がもたらす利便性は安全性の敵か見方か?
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 第2回QoSワークショップ予稿集,第2回QoSワークショップ『新たな情報通信サービスに求められるQoSのあり方』
    Dec. 2004
  • ネットワーク社会がもたらす利便性は安全性の敵か見方か?
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会 第2回QoSワークショップ予稿集,第2回QoSワークショップ『新たな情報通信サービスに求められるQoSのあり方』, 電子情報通信学会, Domestic conference
    Dec. 2004
  • 眼球運動計測によるドライバーの心理的負荷推定の検証
    小幡和紀; 森田和元; 関根道昭; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会論文集
    Nov. 2004
  • 要因の重点化を利用した医療事故解析手法の提案
    島倉大輔; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第34回年次大会研究発表会要旨集
    Oct. 2004
  • 火災予防のための効果的な査察実施基準に関する一考察
    飯島朋子; 山本渉; 王恋華; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第34回年次大会研究発表会要旨集
    Oct. 2004
  • システム工学・安全性工学から見た業務密度の高い部署での安全確保
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本集中治療医学会関東甲信越地方会抄録集, 日本集中治療医学会関東甲信越地方会, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2004
  • 市場型製品におけるグレイゾーンでの判断情報提示の効果
    田中健次; 並木裕子
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第34回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム、日本科学技術連盟/日本信頼性学会
    Jul. 2004
  • 自動化システムに対する信頼と手動介入への情報提示による影響
    並木裕子; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会第30回知能システムシンポジウム講演論文集
    Mar. 2004
  • 安全技術は安心を生むか
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会信学技報
    Mar. 2004
  • 自動化システムにおける提示情報と効果的手動介入との関連性
    田中健次; 稲橋広将
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会論文集
    Nov. 2003
  • 場の情報を利用した自律移動型センサ群
    井上弘之; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システム情報部門学術講演会論文集
    Nov. 2003
  • 医療のためのFMEAの一試行
    矢鉾亮一; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第33回年次大会研究発表会要旨集
    Nov. 2003
  • 設備管理における安全情報と危険情報の使い分け
    田中健次; 伊藤誠; 稲橋広将
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本設備管理学会春季研究発表会予稿集
    Jun. 2003
  • 自動化システムに対する信頼と手動介入への情報提示による影響
    稲橋広将; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会第30回知能システムシンポジウム講演論文集
    Mar. 2003
  • 組織事故の観点からの事故解析方法論とヒューマンエラー未然防止方法
    Others, Japanese, 文部省科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)成果報告書
    Mar. 2003
  • 組織事故からの学習-原因解析と対策評価の手法の提案と組織内での活用
    島倉大輔; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム 第7回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室, 調布
    Feb. 2003
  • 自動化システムに対する効果的手動介入への情報提示による影響
    稲橋広将; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム 第7回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室, 調布
    Feb. 2003
  • 大規模システムに対する安全監視システム-センサ群のコラボレーション-
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会RC194研究分科会
    Jan. 2003
  • 社会が望む情報メディアと情報メディアが創る社会
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科第6回学術講演会予稿集
    Nov. 2002
  • 社会が望む情報メディアと情報メディアが創る社会
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科第6回学術講演会予稿集, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科, Domestic conference
    Nov. 2002
  • 広域災害における応援要請プロセスの提案と解析
    大豆生田顕; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本災害情報学会第4回研究発表大会
    Nov. 2002
  • ヒューマンマシン協調の背後にあるパイロットの自動化への態度
    伊藤誠; 田中健次; 荻野芳一; 石橋明
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2002講演論文集
    Nov. 2002
  • なぜインシデント情報は埋もれて行くのか
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電気学会原子力総合安全技術専門部会・原子力学会ヒューマンマシンシステム部会合同研究会, 電気学会, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2002
  • トラブル情報の共有から有効活用へ
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 全国産業安全衛生大会研究発表集
    Oct. 2002
  • トラブル情報の共有から有効活用へ
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 全国産業安全衛生大会研究発表集, 中央労働災害防止協会, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2002
  • 組織事故を防止するための事故解析と対策評価の手法の提案
    島倉大輔; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第32回年次大会研究発表会
    Oct. 2002
  • トラブル情報は何のために公開されているか-受信側からの提案
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気学会原子力総合安全研究会
    Sep. 2002
  • トラブル情報の収集と組織要因の解析
    Others, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第88回シンポジウム『品質危機-人間行動に起因する事故の未然防止のための方法論の体系化を目指して』
    Aug. 2002
  • アクシデント・インシデント情報の共有と活用について
    田中健次; 伊藤誠; 岩間哲也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第32回安全工学シンポジウム講演予稿集
    Jul. 2002
  • 医療における事故報告書の公開の重要性と防護の絞込み
    島倉大輔; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会第69回研究発表会要旨集
    May 2002
  • GAを用いた移動型センサ群の集散バランスによる高信頼度化
    白倉裕二郎; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会第29回知能システムシンポジウム
    Mar. 2002
  • 自動化システムに対する信頼への情報提示による影響
    稲橋広将; 伊藤誠; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会第29回知能システムシンポジウム
    Mar. 2002
  • メール通報システムにおけるリスポンスタイム短縮のための運用方策
    山口裕; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会全国大会
    Mar. 2002
  • 安全情報の共有:どこへ、何を、どのように?
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気学会全国大会シンポジウム
    Mar. 2002
  • パイロットは自動化システムをパートナーとして認識するか
    荻野芳一; 伊藤誠; 田中健次; 石橋明
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム 第6回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室, 調布
    Feb. 2002
  • 事故情報の共有の内容、範囲と方法
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム 第6回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室, 調布
    Feb. 2002
  • フェロモンコミュニケーションを利用した自律分散型センサ群による監視の高信頼度化
    石垣陽; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会第14回自律分散システムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会自律分散システム研究部会, 埼玉
    Jan. 2002
  • 監視システムにおける自動判定と時間制約下でのオペレータ判定
    田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システム情報部門学術講演会
    Nov. 2001
  • 自動化システムの原理と限界に対する情報不足による過信
    Oral presentation, Japanese, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2001論文集
    Oct. 2001
  • Ambiguity as a Buffer in Change of Trust in Automation
    Makoto Itoh
    Keynote oral presentation, English, Proc. of 8th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, International conference
    Sep. 2001
  • 信頼の認知モデルに基づくヒューマンマシンシステムのリスク制御
    Others, Japanese, 日産科学振興財団研究報告書
    Aug. 2001
  • 玄倉川事故解析で見落されたコミュニケーション・エラー
    田中健次; 伊藤誠; 深澤知広
    Public symposium, Japanese, 安全工学シンポジウム講演論文集
    Jul. 2001
  • 信頼性工学とシステム安全学
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 都病院協会合宿研修会, 都病院協会, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2001
  • 巡回センサを併用した2領域安全監視システムの高信頼度化
    凌元錦; 田中健次; 伊藤誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第40回計測自動制御学会学術講演会
    Jul. 2001
  • 異常監視の2段階判定法における自動判定とオペレータ判定との比較
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本設備管理学会春季研究発表会論文集
    Jun. 2001
  • 医療のリスクマネジメントにおけるレポーティング・システムの役割
    田中; 伊藤,島倉
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本品質管理学会 第66回研究発表会要旨集
    May 2001
  • 巡回センサを併用した安全監視システムの信頼性解析
    凌元錦; 田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム 第5回「信頼性とシステム安全学, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室, 調布
    Mar. 2001
  • 医療のリスクマネジメントにおけるSSMの適用
    平澤奈美; 田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム第5回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 電気信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室, 調布
    Mar. 2001
  • 組織事故を招く情報伝達の不完備性―人はなぜ迅速に正しい判断を下せないのか―
    田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, ISシンポジウム第5回「信頼性とシステム安全学」, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室, 調布
    Mar. 2001
  • グレイゾーンで発生する事故と未然防止
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 平成13年電気学会全国大会講演論文集,7-S32-3
    Mar. 2001
  • 災害時の情報伝達における意図のズレとその対策
    深澤知広; 田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第7回社会情報システム学シンポジウム
    Jan. 2001
  • 防災における各組織の管理範囲と組織間のコミュニケーションに関する考察-玄倉川を例として-
    深澤知広; 田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本災害情報学会2000年研究発表大会
    Dec. 2000
  • ヒューマンマシンの信頼と過信・不信の認知過程
    伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門シンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門
    Nov. 2000
  • 異種センサの組合せに依る閾値の適応的決定
    嶋林武彦; 田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門シンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門, 大阪
    Nov. 2000
  • モデルに起因する誤作動・不作動を考慮したモニタリングシステム―異種特性の情報統合―
    田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第30回信頼性・保全性シンポジウム, 日本科学技術連盟/日本信頼性学会
    Jul. 2000
  • 監視システムにおけるグレイゾーンでの判定
    田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 信学技報 SSS2000-9, 電子情報通信学会 安全性研究会, 東京, Domestic conference
    Jul. 2000
  • 安全確保の自動化がもたらすリスク認知と行動の変容
    伊藤 誠; 酒見大輔; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第39回計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集
    Jul. 2000
  • 危機管理システムにおける情報システムの有効活用と意思決定
    Others, Japanese
    Mar. 2000
  • インターネットを用いた信頼性データベース及び信頼性手法の開発とその普及
    鈴木和幸; 田中健次
    Others, Japanese
    Mar. 2000
  • 安全装置の高度化に伴う人間のリスク認知と行動の推移
    酒見大輔; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 情報システム学シンポジウム第4回ヒューマンマシンシステムの信頼性と安全性, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室
    Mar. 2000
  • 臨界事故における組織・工学・人間の3階層の相互関係と防護破壊
    平澤奈美; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 情報システム学シンポジウム第4回ヒューマンマシンシステムの信頼性と安全性, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室, 東京
    Mar. 2000
  • Reliability analysis of mobile heterogeous sensors with adaptive integration of information
    井口 亘; 田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Jan. 2000
  • ウラン加工工場臨界事故-組織事故の観点からの解析(共著)
    平澤奈美; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Jan. 2000
  • 日本における救急搬送でのヘリコプターの活用とその有効性評価(共著)
    木部高嗣; 田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese
    Jan. 2000
  • 災害情報弱者に対する情報支援
    山口 裕; 田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第6回社会情報システム学シンポジウム, 社会情報システム学研究会
    Jan. 2000
  • リーズンの組織事故アプローチと臨界事故への適用
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会第3回RC175分散型人工物システムの人間・社会環境共生型知的システム化技術研究分科会
    Jan. 2000
  • Comparison of spread of information in partial duplicated network system with it in disjoint system
    田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Nov. 1999
  • 異質センサによる安全監視システムの信頼性解析―モデル誘発型誤作動・不作動減少へのアプローチ―
    井口 亘; 田中健次; 伊藤 誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第42回自動制御連合講演会講演論文集
    Nov. 1999
  • Meta-System and Criteria for Support Behabior at Ambiguous Situations
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本災害情報学会予稿集, 日本災害情報学会, Domestic conference
    Oct. 1999
  • Error of Sienations Judgement : its Dependence on Time Criticality
    田中健次; 伊藤 誠; 後藤慎也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Jul. 1999
  • Dynamics of Trust in Automation
    伊藤 誠; 安部原也; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Jul. 1999
  • Occurrence Patterns of Malfunctions and Dynamics of Operator's Trust in Automatic Systems
    安部原也; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第38回計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集, 計測自動制御学会, Domestic conference
    Jul. 1999
  • システム構造を利用した故障診断についての一考察
    高橋将人; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本信頼性学会第7回信頼性研究発表会,日本信頼性学会誌
    Jun. 1999
  • 状態判定における時間制約ヒューマンエラーへの影響
    後藤慎也; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 情報システム学シンポジウム第3回ヒューマン・マシン・システムの信頼性と安全性, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室
    Feb. 1999
  • 自動化システムにおける誤作動の発生パターンとオペレータのtrustの推移
    安部原也; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 情報システム学シンポジウム第3回ヒューマン・マシン・システムの信頼性と安全性」, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科
    Feb. 1999
  • 安全装置の高度化に伴う人間のリスク認知と行動の推移
    酒見大輔; 伊藤 誠; 田中健次
    Public symposium, Japanese, 情報システム学シンポジウム第3回ヒューマン・マシン・システムの信頼性と安全性, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科田中研究室, 東京
    Feb. 1999
  • 臨界事故における組織・工学・人間の3階層の相互関係と防護破壊
    平澤奈美; 伊藤 誠,田中
    Public symposium, Japanese, 情報システム学シンポジウム第3回ヒューマン・マシン・システムの信頼性と安全性, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科
    Feb. 1999
  • ポリエージェント・システムにおけるインタネットの活用と人間要因
    Public symposium, Japanese, 情報システム学シンポジウム第2回ヒューマン・マシン・システムの信頼性と安全性, 電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科
    Feb. 1998
  • A Poly-agent Approach to Risk Management
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 経営情報学会春季全国研究発表会予稿集
  • Desirable Organizational Structure and Interorganizational Coordination for Occurred Accidents
    田村真也; 田中健次
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 経営情報学会秋季全国研究発表会論文集
    Nov. 1996
  • Self-improving of Internal Model Induced from Global Failures
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 経営情報学会春季全国研究発表大会論文集
  • Role of Human in Human-Machiue Systems.
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本設備管理学会秋季研究発表会, Domestic conference


  • 輪講のみ
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 輪講のみ
  • 品質管理第一
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 信頼性工学
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • イノベイティブ総合コミュニケーションデザイン1
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • イノベイティブ総合コミュニケーションデザイン1
  • 品質管理第一
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 品質管理第一
  • リスクマネジメント論
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 信頼性工学
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 信頼性工学
  • システム信頼性特論
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • システム信頼性特論
  • リスクマネジメント論
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • リスクマネジメント論
  • 経営情報システム論1
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 経営情報システム論1

Affiliated academic society

  • Jul. 2011 - Present
  • Aug. 1996 - Present
  • Dec. 1987 - Present
  • Present
  • Nov. 1986 - Dec. 2023
  • Sep. 2023
  • May 1994 - Mar. 2023
  • Apr. 1992 - Jan. 2023
  • Jan. 2023
  • Mar. 1996 - Mar. 2020
  • May 1987 - Mar. 2014
  • Mar. 2012
  • 医療マネジメント学会
  • (財)情報通信学会
  • IEEE

Research Themes

  • Proposal on a method to promote safe behavior through nurturing rather than teaching
    田中 健次
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator, 23K04304
    Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2026
  • 継続的な生体・行動データに基づく認知症の初期症状検出と進行予防支援システム
    高玉 圭樹; 沼尾 雅之; 田中 健次; 白石 真; 廣瀬 雅宣
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(A), Coinvestigator, 22H00547
    Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2026
  • 高放射線量地域をフィールドとしたネットワーク型環境防災の実現
    石垣 陽
    Oct. 2020 - Mar. 2025
  • 信頼性・安全性トラブル未然防止へのモバイルIoTモニタリングシステムの開発と展開
    Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2025
  • 途上国での室内PM2.5汚染を事例としたIoTヘルスプロモーションの方法論構築
    石垣 陽
    Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2023
  • High reliability and safety methodology that combines conventional methods with non-technical skills for unexpected events
    Tanaka Kenji
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal investigator, To achieve high reliability and safety, including adaptive response to unexpected events, it is necessary to expand the scope of FMEA, a conventional method effective for prevention, to predictable unexpected events during design. At the same time, it is necessary to establish non-technical skills, which is an adaptive response method during operation, and we have identified five points for the construction of a methodology to achieve high reliability and safety by integrating them. This methodology is a common framework for diverse fields and consists of a mechanism based on effective information linkage between both design and operation., 19H02386
    Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022
  • 人の認知・判断の特性と限界を考慮した自動走行システムと法制度の設計
    Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2020
  • リスクモードとオンラインモニタリング技術高度化に着目した未然防止体系の新展開
    Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2020
  • 市民・行政・専門家の連携による環境監視・減災支援基盤の構築と社会実装
    Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2019
  • 高齢者の身体的・認知的変化に応じた介護コンシェルジュエージェントシステム
    Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2019
  • 医療安全支援センターにおける効果的なサービス提供のための研究
    Mar. 2016 - Mar. 2018
  • 想定外事象を想定した新しいリスク対応評価法の提案
    Principal investigator
    Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2018
  • Stantistical researches for risk management in food microbial standards under the uncertainty caused by categorical random variables
    Tsubaki Hiroe; KASUGA Fumiko; SUZUKI Tomomichi; OHNISHI Toshio; TSUTSUI Toshiyuki; HENMI Masayuki; OSAKA Ken; TANAKA Kenji; KATO Yoichi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), We mainly studied statistical uncertainty evaluation of binary measurements and design of 3-stage sampling inspection plan based on negative binomial distribution to support the relevant international standardization activities in ISO TC 69/ SC 6 on general application of statistical methods and ICMSF for the food safety management. We also supported the relevant researches with application of our researches to food safety area., 25280009
    01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2016
  • 医療安全支援センターの業務及び運営の改善のための研究
    Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
  • 医療安全支援センターにおける効果的なサービス提供のための研究
    Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014
  • Acquisition, Sharing and Utilization of Information for Preventing Quality and Safety Problems
    SUZUKI Kazuyuki; TANAKA Kenji; YAMAMOTO Wataru; JIN Lu
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Results are summarized into the following four categories: 1. System for Prevention of Quality and Safety Problems and Their Organization and Management Factors To prevent quality and reliability problems, a system which consists of seven steps is proposed and the importance of the following organizational and management factors is discussed : (1) Quality FLEA, Customer First Principle, (2) Culture which Can Open Problems, (3) Adaptation for Change, (4) Information Sharing and Communication, (5) Confidence on Each Member, (6) Ethics, Engineering and Education, (7) CSR Consciousness. 2. Accumulation of Stress-Failure mechanism-Failure modes and its information sharing If one cannot predict a risk in future, one cannot prevent it. Therefore, prevention based on prediction is important From this point of view, the method of prediction is discussed focusing on stress-failure mechanism-failure modes. 3. Fail-safe and Error Proof for Prevention of Problems Even for long-time experienced products in the market such as gas stoves, oil fan heaters, etc., they have to operate safely. In this case, fail safe design which fails safely when it fails must be applied. This method is discussed. Also, it is impossible to eliminate human errors completely. For this, error proof technique is a key. Focusing on information processing of human, systematic error proof methods are proposed. 4. Investigation of Condition Monitoring Maintenance with Information Technology Condition monitoring maintenance plays an important role in preventing the failures of huge and complex systems. This research investigated an optimal policy for a condition monitoring system which comprises multiple sensors, and derived a necessary and sufficient condition under which an optimal procedure is given by a monotone procedure for both cases of independent and depend observations. This condition is given by the conditional probability matrix, which describes the relationship of sensors' observations and system's true state, having a property of Totally Positive of order 2 (TP_2)/ Weak Multivariate Likelihood Ratio (Weak-MLR) property for the case of independent/dependent observation., 17510118
    2005 - 2007
  • Reliability Assurance System Using Large Scale Multi-Media Databases and its Application
    SUZUKI Kazuyuki; WANG Lianhua; YAMAMOTO Wataru; TANAKA Kenji
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Results are summarized into the following four categories : 1.System for Sharing Information to Prevent Reliability and Safety Problems To prevent problems in reliability and safety, collection and analysis of data, integration of information through databases, and their application on the actual spot play important roles. Researches on management aspect, human aspect and hardware aspect are implemented and systems for sharing information for reliability and safety are proposed. 2.Design of Lifetime Evaluation and Its Distributional Form An optimal design for binary lifetime experiment is developed which attains the highest precision of the estimation from D-optimal criterion. Also its sequential design is investigated. It becomes clear that the distributional form of an electro-migration of LSI follows a log-normal distribution, not Weibull distribution. 3.Condition Monitoring Maintenance Aiming Utilization of Multi-media Information Condition monitoring maintenance using sensors plays important roles for reliability and safety assurance. But a sensor has two failure modes : false alarm and failure to alarm. To decrease these failures, a k-out-of-n alarm decision system prevails. This research investigates the optimality of equal thresholds of all sensors for alarming, validity of self-moving sensors, and the thresholds with gray zone areas. 4.Lifetime Data Analysis Based on Large Scale Databases Nowadays databases of field reliability data have been spreading all over the world and getting larger and larger. Mainly these data come from repair records during product warranty period in each division. To the contrary, sales amount information comes from the databases of sales department. It is necessary to combine these two different databases for estimating lifetime parameters. It is necessary to combine these two different databases fro estimating lifetime parameters. Also, sometimes, sales amount of each month is missing and just total sales amount of the products are known. This research tackles with those problems and develops the methods of lifetime data based on large scale databases., 13680515
    2001 - 2003
  • Effective Information Systems and Decision Making in Risk Management System
    TANAKA Kenji
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), This research project paid attentions to remedial systems for natural disaster which are risk management systems, and the results from our research are classified into five categories as below. 1. Within an organization : After investigating some manuals or plans for disaster remedy which agencies in Japan created, we proposed a basic "communication cycle" model for smooth communication within an organization. Moreover, the basic cycle was incorporated into our hierarchical decision model and it is shown that the model with the cycle is effective when it is used in System Failures Methodology proposed by Fortune (1995). 2. For communication between plural organizations or agencies : This theme was analyzed in apoly-agents system model. A partially duplicated network type of system was introduced, and its effectiveness were evaluated by computer simulation on the basis of parallel genetic algorithm. Also, we proposed the optimal criterion for an agency's support to other agency under no direct submission by analytical approach on the basis of a probabilistic model. 3. Analyzing the criticality accident happened in Tokai-mura, on the end of September, 1999 : Some problems were abstracted from the point of organizational accident view, and the reason why announcements of accident information for residents were delayed was investigated. 4. Identifying the pattern of failures which leads to human's distrust on information : It was shown by cognitive experiments that distrust on information resulted from some pattern of continuously occurrences of failures rather than the rate of occurrences of error information. 5. Selecting the way how to integrate information : Lastly, we determined the optimal integration method to minimize the expected loss from misjudgments induced from mal-information which were unavoidable., 10680424
    1998 - 1999
  • Internet-Oriented Reliability Databases and Reliability Methods
    TANAKA Kenji; SHIMAZAKI Masahito; SUZUKI Kazuyuki; ITOH Makoto
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Results are classified into the following five categories : 1. Network-Oriented CAE on Reliability Engineering : New approach of reliability engineering using computer networks was proposed. It is discussed how to apply 3-tiered Client/Server System (CSS) model for probability plots and FMEA. Combining top-down approach and bottom-up approach, how to pick up necessary failure modes for implementing FMEA is discussed. Also, it is shown it becomes easier to pick up critical components by stratifying potential energy of them and considering its speed for spread. 2. Analysis of Lifetime Data based on Reliability Warranty Databases : Manufacturers can easily obtain warranty data, but information from the warranty data is sometimes incomplete. In particular, (i) the warranty database may not provide the exact number of failures for a specific product sold in a particular month; (ii) information may be only available for products which fail within their warranty period. Methods for analyzing such incomplete warranty data were proposed. 3. Reliability and safety analysis focused on human factors : A three element FMEA that takes into account human error, equipment failure and their environment was proposed. Using the proposed method, the analysis of product reliability and safety can be implemented both systematically and comprehensively. Also, the dynamics of trust in and use of automation are shown to depend on the occurrence patterns of malfunctions in the past by two experiments. 4. Human interface and safety-assurance design : Safety assurance design and user-centered design were discussed. It was shown that safety assurance design is important than danger avoidance design. Also, a new concept of user-centered design that takes into account a cognitive process of users was proposed. 5. Preventive Maintenance using conditioning monitoring system: The bigger and more complex a system becomes, the more difficult to identify its true condition. Conditioning monitoring maintenance which utilizes a monitor to get information on the true state plays a role in such an occasion. A monitoring system with variable thresholds for raising alarm was dealt with. A necessary and sufficient condition is shown under which the optimal maintenance policy is given by k-out-of-n monitoring systems with equal thresholds for each sensor., 09558047
    1997 - 1999
  • Integration of Information in Cooperative Human-Machine Systems Learning in Gray Zone
    TANAKA Kenji
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Results are classified into five categories as below. 1. From Bays probabilistic model to Dempster-Shafer model : Our research proposed a Dempster-Shafer theoretical model in which objective data were used and the optimal combination method were proposed to incorporate subjective belief information with objective information. The formulation in DS model is simpler than it in the Bays model so that the DS model is useful to learn effect of subjective information which human adds at a gray zone. 2. Role of human in cooperative human-machine monitoring system : In the DS model, a human-machine cooperative monitoring system was compared with an automatic monitoring system. As a result, some conditions were analytically proposed under which incorporating human judgments into automatic monitoring was more effective than complete automatic judgments. 3. Influence analysis of time-criticality on human reliability : By focusing on how time-criticality influences human judgments at the gray zone, I analyzed how human errors depend upon decision of the monitoring type, that is, human-machine cooperative type or complete automatic type. 4. Positively utilizing a gray zone : Reducing a gray zone does not always mean reducing uncertainty. Our results show that, rather, correct judgment is possible by utilizing positively the gray zone. From the point of view, our model was applied to product safety design and to condition based-monitoring in maintenance management. Also, our study proposed a safety design in consideration of a gray zone as a new paradigm of design toward the 21st century. 5. Application to mobile sensors system and its reliability analysis : Monitoring systems consisted of mobile sensors were analyzed where each sensor outputted "gray zone" in addition to "safety" and "danger" In the system, when the mobile sensor outputs gray zone, it collects several sensors and judges the state after integration of information. This application showed that utilizing the gray zone is useful to obtain reliability., 07680446
    1995 - 1997
  • Reliability in Decentralized Autonomous Network System Consisting of Decision Making Systems
    NOGUHI Hiroshi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, IBARAKI UNIVERSITY, Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C), Our study considered a decentralized autonomous network system that consists of multi-layred decision making systems and evaluated the reliability of the network system. First, we proposed a method to evaluate reliability of I out of M ; G system, which is a fault tolerant system, based on a few data. Second, from the hierarchical point of view, we analyzed self-improvement process performed by meta-layr in each decision making organization. This autonomous process dynamically emerges new information and decreases uncertainty so that each multi-layred decision making system can deal with any situation which is not predicted in advance. We also proposed the conditions to manage the system anticipatively. On the other hand, from the network point of view, we found out that parallel genetic algorithms and immune network system models provided adequate models for analyzing decentralized autonomous network system. We showed that a cooperative control was performed by utilizing genetic algorithm. We also paid an attention to information system and database system. We indicated that each component system would be required to be intelligent for individually processing data. For database, we proposed the reflection in data model which makes it easy to revise the database. Lastly, we concluded from the above results that, to prevent global failures and to assure the fault tolerant, individual decision making system must monitor the relation the between itself and other decision systems on real-time and improve its internal evaluation system preventively. This conclusion reveals that the function of meta-layr which performs these activities is the most important., 03832003
    1991 - 1993