Department of Informatics | Professor |
Cluster I (Informatics and Computer Engineering) | Professor |
Artificial Intelligence eXploration Research Center | Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Educational Background
Member History
- 2005 - Present
常任運営委員会委員, 日本認知科学会, Society - 2003 - Present
運営委員会委員, 日本認知科学会, Society - 01 Jan. 2021 - 31 Dec. 2022
会長, 日本認知科学会, Society - 01 Jan. 2019 - 31 Dec. 2020
副会長, 日本認知科学会, Society - 01 Jan. 2015 - 31 Dec. 2018
編集委員長, 日本認知科学会, Society - 2006 - 2013
「文学と認知・コンピュータII」研究分科会幹事, 日本認知科学会, Society - 2005 - 31 Dec. 2012
事務局代表, 日本認知科学会, Society - 2002 - 2003
第20回大会実行委員長, 日本認知科学会, Society - 1996 - 2003
「学習と対話」研究分科会幹事, 日本認知科学会, Society - 2001 - 2002
「文学と認知・コンピュータ」研究分科会幹事, 日本認知科学会, Society - 1997 - 2001
編集委員会委員, 日本認知科学会, Society - 1997 - 2001
運営委員会委員, 日本認知科学会, Society - 1997 - 1997
学会賞選考委員会副委員長, 日本認知科学会, Society
Research Activity Information
- Evaluating relational reasoning ability with the Semantic Similarities Test: The impact of fluid intelligence and vocabulary indices
Ryunosuke Oka; Akira Utsumi; Takashi Kusumi
Thinking Skills and Creativity, Elsevier BV, 53, 101606-101606, Sep. 2024
Scientific journal - Performance evaluation of automated scoring for the descriptive similarity response task
Ryunosuke Oka; Takashi Kusumi; Akira Utsumi
Scientific Reports, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 14, 1, 14 Mar. 2024, Abstract
We examined whether a machine-learning-based automated scoring system can mimic the human similarity task performance. We trained a bidirectional encoder representations from transformer-model based on the semantic similarity test (SST), which presented participants with a word pair and asked them to write about how the two concepts were similar. In Experiment 1, based on the fivefold cross validation, we showed the model trained on the combination of the responses (N = 1600) and classification criteria (which is the rubric of the SST; N = 616) scored the correct labels with 83% accuracy. In Experiment 2, using the test data obtained from different participants in different timing from Experiment 1, we showed the models trained on the responses alone and the combination of responses and classification criteria scored the correct labels in 80% accuracy. In addition, human–model scoring showed inter-rater reliability of 0.63, which was almost the same as that of human–human scoring (0.67 to 0.72). These results suggest that the machine learning model can reach human-level performance in scoring the Japanese version of the SST.
Scientific journal - 認知モデリング研究は大規模言語モデル時代をどう生き抜くか?
内海 彰
Lead, 人工知能, 39, 2, 163-170, Mar. 2024, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - A test of indirect grounding of abstract concepts using multimodal distributional semantics
Akira Utsumi
Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 906181, 04 Oct. 2022, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Context-prosody interaction in sarcasm comprehension: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Tagiru Nakamura; Tomoko Matsui; Akira Utsumi; Motofumi Sumiya; Eri Nakagawa; Norihiro Sadato
Neuropsychologia, Elsevier BV, 170, 108213-108213, Jun. 2022, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 比喩処理の認知プロセスに関する実証的研究の動向と展望
内海 彰
語用論研究, 日本語用論学会, 23, 16-33, Mar. 2022, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - JWSAN: Japanese word similarity and association norm
Keisuke Inohara; Akira Utsumi
Language Resources and Evaluation, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 56, 109-137, Mar. 2022, Peer-reviwed,Abstract We present a new Japanese dataset, Japanese Word Similarity and Association Norm (JWSAN), comprising human rating scores of similarity and association for 2145 word pairs, with a clear distinction between word similarity and word association. Computational models of human semantic memory or mental lexicon, such as distributed semantic models, must predict not only association but also similarity. People can distinguish between word similarity and association. However, although the SimLex-999 dataset is publicly available for English, there is no Japanese similarity dataset with a clear distinction between the two types of word relatedness. JWSAN is the first large Japanese dataset with similarity and association ratings, containing noun, verb, and adjective word pairs. It is also characterized by data collection from a sufficient number of age- and-gender-controlled assessors, with similarity and association ratings obtained via a web-based survey conducted of 6450 native speakers of Japanese. In addition, the effects of the gender and age of the raters were also examined; these factors were only given scant consideration in the past. This dataset can act as a benchmark for improving distributed semantic models in Japanese.
Scientific journal - Pipeline signed Japanese translation focusing on a post-positional particle complement and conjugation in a low-resource setting
Ken Yano; Akira Utsumi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, 2021-2032, Aug. 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Exploring what is encoded in distributional word vectors: A neurobiologically motivated analysis
Akira Utsumi
Cognitive Science, 44, 6, e12844, Apr. 2020, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - A distributional semantic model of visually indirect grounding for abstract words
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of NIPS 2018 Workshop on Visually Grounded Interaction and Language, 1-6, Dec. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Refining pretrained word embeddings using layer-wise relevance propagation
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 4840-4846, Oct. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A neurobiologically motivated analysis of distributional semantic models
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1147-1152, Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - The role of the amygdala in incongruity resolution: The case of humor comprehension
Tagiru Nakamura; Tomoko Matsui; Akira Utsumi; Mika Yamazaki; Kai Makita; Tokiko Harada; Hiroki C. Tanabe; Norihiro Sadato
Social Neuroscience, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 13, 5, 553-565, 2018, Peer-reviwed, A dominant theory of humor comprehension suggests that people understand humor by first perceiving some incongruity in an expression and then resolving it. This is called "the incongruity-resolution theory." Experimental studies have investigated the neural basis of humor comprehension, and multiple neural substrates have been proposed; however, the specific substrate for incongruity resolution is still unknown. The reason may be that the resolution phase, despite its importance in humor comprehension, has not been successfully distinguished from the perception phase because both phases occur almost simultaneously. To reveal the substrate, we conducted a functional magnetic resonance study using 51 healthy participants. We used a humor-producing frame of "Given A, I'd say B, because C" so as to focus on the resolution phase independently by suspending humor processing just after the perception phase. This frame allowed us to separate the two phases. Based on our results, incongruity resolution evoked positive emotion and activated the left amygdala, which is known to be related to positive emotion. On the basis of these findings, we argue that the amygdala plays an important role in humor comprehension, considering its functional role in emotional evaluation, particularly the relevance detection for incoming stimuli.
Scientific journal, English - Estimating the number of word senses to improve multi-prototype vector space models
Shintaro Konno; Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Language Sense on Computer, 59-64, Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Grounded distributional semantics for abstract words
Katsumi Takano; Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on the Cognitive Science Society, 2171-2176, Aug. 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Computational explanation of "fiction text effectivity" for vocabulary improvement: Corpus analyses using latent semantic analysis
Keisuke Inohara; Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on the Cognitive Science Society, 3035, Aug. 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - The role of prosody and context in sarcasm comprehension: Behavioral and fMRI evidence
Tomoko Matsui; Tagiru Nakamura; Akira Utsumi; Akihiro T. Sasaki; Takahiko Koike; Yumiko Yoshida; Tokiko Harada; Hiroki C. Tanabe; Norihiro Sadato
NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 87, 1, 74-84, Jul. 2016, Peer-reviwed, A hearer's perception of an utterance as sarcastic depends on integration of the heard statement, the discourse context, and the prosody of the utterance, as well as evaluation of the incongruity among these aspects. The effect of prosody in sarcasm comprehension is evident in everyday conversation, but little is known about its underlying mechanism or neural substrates. To elucidate the neural underpinnings of sarcasm comprehension in the auditory modality, we conducted a functional MRI experiment with 21 adult participants. The participants were provided with a short vignette in which a child had done either a good or bad deed, about which a parent made a positive comment. The participants were required to judge the degree of the sarcasm in the parent's positive comment (praise), which was accompanied by either positive or negative affective prosody. The behavioral data revealed that an incongruent combination of utterance and the context (i.e., the parent's positive comment on a bad deed by the child) induced perception of sarcasm. There was a significant interaction between context and prosody: sarcasm perception was enhanced when positive prosody was used in the context of a bad deed or, vice versa, when negative prosody was used in the context of a good deed. The corresponding interaction effect was observed in the rostro-ventral portion of the left inferior frontal gyrus corresponding to Brodmann's Area (BA) 47. Negative prosody incongruent with a positive utterance (praise) activated the bilateral insula extending to the right inferior frontal gyrus, anterior cingulate cortex, and brainstem. Our findings provide evidence that the left inferior frontal gyrus, particularly BA 47, is involved in integration of discourse context and utterance with affective prosody in the comprehension of sarcasm. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Scientific journal, English - Constructing a system which proposes metaphors corresponding to the onomatopoeia expressing medical conditions
Ryuichi Doizaki; Takahide Matsuda; Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
International Journal of Affective Engineering, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 15, 2, 37-43, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Smooth communication between doctors and patients during medical interviews is regarded as a very significant part of successful medical practice. To improve the quality of medical interviews, it is important that doctors correctly grasp the pain symptoms and medical conditions of their patients. However, it is often difficult for doctors to measure the quality of pain symptoms based solely on the verbal expressions patients use because pain is a highly subjective experience. In medical interviews, Japanese patients frequently use onomatopoeia such as "kiri-kiri" or "gaN-gaN" to express their pain symptoms and medical conditions. Doctors try to grasp patients' conditions by using metaphors corresponding to the onomatopoeia being expressed. In our study, therefore, we focused on the relationship between onomatopoeia and metaphors, and developed a system which automatically proposes metaphors corresponding to the onomatopoeia inputted by users. Our system is expected to add support to medical practice interviews.
Scientific journal, English - Discourse Goals Affect the Process and Product of Nominal Metaphor Production
Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, 44, 5, 555-569, Oct. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Although a large number of studies have addressed metaphor comprehension, only a few attempts have so far been made at exploring the process of metaphor production. Therefore, in this paper, we address the problem of how people generate nominal metaphors or identify an apt vehicle for a given topic of nominal metaphors. Specifically, we examine how the process and product of metaphor production differ between two discourse goals of metaphor, namely an explanatory purpose (e.g., to clarify) and a literary purpose (e.g., to aesthetically pleasing). Experiment 1 analyzed the metaphors (or vehicles) generated in the metaphor production task, and demonstrated that people identified more prototypical exemplars of the property to be attributed to the topic as a vehicle for explanatory metaphors than for literary metaphors. In addition, it was found that metaphors generated for the explanatory purpose were more apt and conventional, and had high topic-vehicle similarity than those generated for the literary purpose, while metaphors generated for the literary purpose were more familiar and imageable than those for the explanatory purpose. Experiment 2 used a priming paradigm to assess the online availability of prototypical and less prototypical members of the topic property during metaphor production. The result was that both prototypical and less prototypical members were activated in producing literary metaphors, while neither members were activated in the production of explanatory metaphors. These findings indicate that the process of metaphor production is affected by discourse goals of metaphor; less prototypical members of the category are searched for a vehicle during the production of literary metaphors, and thus literary metaphors are generated with less prototypical vehicles than explanatory metaphors.
Scientific journal, English - Multilingual distributional semantic models: Toward a computational model of the bilingual mental lexicon
Akira Utsumi
Proceeding of the EAP CogSci 2015, 270-275, Sep. 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A Complex Network Approach to Distributional Semantic Models
Akira Utsumi
PLOS ONE, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 10, 8, e0136277, Aug. 2015, Peer-reviwed, A number of studies on network analysis have focused on language networks based on free word association, which reflects human lexical knowledge, and have demonstrated the small-world and scale-free properties in the word association network. Nevertheless, there have been very few attempts at applying network analysis to distributional semantic models, despite the fact that these models have been studied extensively as computational or cognitive models of human lexical knowledge. In this paper, we analyze three network properties, namely, small-world, scale-free, and hierarchical properties, of semantic networks created by distributional semantic models. We demonstrate that the created networks generally exhibit the same properties as word association networks. In particular, we show that the distribution of the number of connections in these networks follows the truncated power law, which is also observed in an association network. This indicates that distributional semantic models can provide a plausible model of lexical knowledge. Additionally, the observed differences in the network properties of various implementations of distributional semantic models are consistently explained or predicted by considering the intrinsic semantic features of a word-context matrix and the functions of matrix weighting and smoothing. Furthermore, to simulate a semantic network with the observed network properties, we propose a new growing network model based on the model of Steyvers and Tenenbaum. The idea underlying the proposed model is that both preferential and random attachments are required to reflect different types of semantic relations in network growth process. We demonstrate that this model provides a better explanation of network behaviors generated by distributional semantic models.
Scientific journal, English - Metaphor recommendation system corresponding to the onomatopoeia expressing medical condition
Ryuichi Doizaki; Takahide Matsuda; Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
Proceedings of International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering 2015, International Society of Affective Science and Engineering, F1-2, 1-5, 22 Mar. 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Constructing a System which Proposes Metaphors Corresponding to the Onomatopoeia Expressing Medical Conditions
Ryuichi Doizaki; Takahide Matsuda; Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering (ISASE2015), 1-6, 22 Mar. 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Extracting causal knowledge by time series analysis of events
Hiroki Ono; Akira Utsumi
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 30, 1, 12-21, 06 Jan. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Causal knowledge is important for decision-making and risk aversion. However, it takes much time and effort to extract causal knowledge manually from a large-scale corpus. Therefore, many studies have proposed several methods for automatically extracting causal knowledge. These methods use a variety of linguistic or textual cues indicating causality on the basis of the assumption that causally related events tend to co-occur within a document. However, because of this assumption, they cannot extract causal knowledge that is not explicitly described in a document. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel method for extracting causal knowledge not explicitly described in a document using time series analysis of events. In our method, event expressions, which are represented by a pair of a noun phrase and a verb phrase, are extracted from newspaper articles. These extracted event expressions are clustered into distinct events, and the burst of the appearance of these clustered events is detected. Finally, using the time series data with burst, it is judged whether any event pairs have a causal relationship by Granger Causality test. We demonstrate through an evaluation experiment that the proposed method successfully extracts valid causal knowledge, almost all of which cannot be extracted by existing cue-based methods.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Complex network analysis of distributional semantic models
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2014), 3008-3013, Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A semantic space approach to the computational semantics of noun compounds
Akira Utsumi
NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 20, 2, 185-234, Apr. 2014, Peer-reviwed, This study examines the ability of a semantic space model to represent the meaning of noun compounds such as information gathering' or heart disease.' For a semantic space model to compute the meaning and the attributional similarity (or semantic relatedness) for unfamiliar noun compounds that do not occur in a corpus, the vector for a noun compound must be computed from the vectors of its constituent words using vector composition algorithms. Six composition algorithms (i.e., centroid, multiplication, circular convolution, predication, comparison, and dilation) are compared in terms of the quality of the computation of the attributional similarity for English and Japanese noun compounds. To evaluate the performance of the computation of the similarity, this study uses three tasks (i.e., related word ranking, similarity correlation, and semantic classification), and two types of semantic spaces (i.e., latent semantic analysis-based and positive pointwise mutual information-based spaces). The result of these tasks is that the dilation algorithm is generally most effective in computing the similarity of noun compounds, while the multiplication algorithm is best suited specifically for the positive pointwise mutual information-based space. In addition, the comparison algorithm works better for unfamiliar noun compounds that do not occur in the corpus. These findings indicate that in general a semantic space model, and in particular the dilation, multiplication, and comparison algorithms have sufficient ability to compute the attributional similarity for noun compounds.
Scientific journal, English - Adjective Metaphors Evoke Negative Meanings
Maki Sakamoto; Akira Utsumi
PLOS ONE, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 9, 2, e89008, Feb. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Previous metaphor studies have paid much attention to nominal metaphors and predicative metaphors, but little attention has been given to adjective metaphors. Although some studies have focused on adjective metaphors, they only examined differences in the acceptability of various types of adjective metaphors. This paper explores the cognitive effects evoked by adjective metaphors. Three psychological experiments revealed that (1) adjective metaphors, especially those modified by color adjectives, tend to evoke negative effect; (2) although the meanings of metaphors are basically affected by the meanings of their vehicles, when a vehicle has a neutral meaning, negative meanings are evoked most frequently for adjective metaphors compared to nominal and predicative metaphors; (3) negative meanings evoked by adjective metaphors are related to poeticness, and poetic metaphors evoke negative meanings more easily than less poetic metaphors. Our research sheds new light on studies of the use of metaphor, which is one of the most basic human cognitive abilities.
Scientific journal, English - A Character-based Approach to Distributional Semantic Models: Exploiting Kanji Characters for Constructing Japanese Word Vectors
Akira Utsumi
LREC 2014 - NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION, EUROPEAN LANGUAGE RESOURCES ASSOC-ELRA, 4444-4450, 2014, Peer-reviwed, Many Japanese words are made of kanji characters, which themselves represent meanings. However traditional word-based distributional semantic models (DSMs) do not benefit from the useful semantic information of kanji characters. In this paper, we propose a method for exploiting the semantic information of kanji characters for constructing Japanese word vectors in DSMs. In the proposed method, the semantic representations of kanji characters (i.e, kanji vectors) are constructed first using the techniques of DSMs, and then word vectors are computed by combining the vectors of constituent kanji characters using vector composition methods. The evaluation experiment using a synonym identification task demonstrates that the kanji-based DSM achieves the best performance when a kanji-kanji matrix is weighted by positive pointwise mutual information and word vectors are composed by weighted multiplication. Comparison between kanji-based DSMs and word-based DSMs reveals that our kanji-based DSMs generally outperform latent semantic analysis, and also surpasses the best score word-based DSM for infrequent words comprising only frequent kanji characters. These findings clearly indicate that kanji-based DSMs are beneficial in improvement of quality of Japanese word vectors.
International conference proceedings, English - ソーシャルネットワークから注目者の発言を特定するシステムの提案と予備評価
片岡 春乃; 奥野 智孝; 木村 聡一; 内海 彰; 吉浦 裕
日本セキュリティマネジメント学会誌, 日本セキュリティ・マネジメント学会, 27, 3, 13-28, 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - The relationship between reading literary novels and predictive inference generation: A corpus-based approach employing a corpus of Japanese novels
Keisuke Inohara; Ryoko Honma; Takayuki Goto; Takashi Kusumi; Akira Utsumi
Scientific Study of Literature, 4, 1, 46-67, 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Do people understand irony from computers?
Akira Utsumi; Yu Watanabe; Yusuke Wakayama
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2013), [日本認知科学会], 3598-3603, Jul. 2013, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ineluctable Background Checking on Social Networks: Linking Job Seeker's Résumé and Posts
T. Okuno; M. Ichino; I. Echizen; A. Utsumi; H. Yoshiura
Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on. Security and Social Networking (SESOC 2013), Mar. 2013, Peer-reviwed - A connectionist model for acquisition of syntactic islands
Yu Tomida; Akira Utsumi
9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COGNITIVE SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 97, 90-97, 2013, This paper addresses learning biases for language acquisition in a computational modeling approach for the task of learning complex syntactic phenomena. Children have learning biases for acquisition of their language. Many generative linguists have argued that children have at least an innate, domain-specific bias (i.e., "Universal Grammar"(UG) hypothesis). This controversial hypothesis has been supported by studies on language acquisition and complex language phenomena, such as rules on long-distance wh-dependencies, the so-called "Syntactic islands". Some researchers have proposed probability-based computational models that successfully learn syntactic islands. However, these models assume implausible biases. To overcome this problem, we propose a connectionist model using Jordan's recurrent network and demonstrate successful acquisition of syntactic islands by this model, under a developmental processing limitation. Our model not only learns syntactic islands, but also simply assumes more plausible and developmentally realistic biases than the probability-based models. These results suggest that the developmental processing limitation in the early period is necessary for acquisition of syntactic islands. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
International conference proceedings, English - A New Partitioning Method for the IDS Method
Yoshito Ozaki; Akira Utsumi
2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (SMC 2013), IEEE, 3927-3932, 2013, Peer-reviwed, The ink drop spread (IDS) method is a modeling technique based on the idea of soft computing. This method divides a multi-input-single-output (MISO) target system into multiple single-input-single-output (SISO) systems, and models each SISO system by plotting the input/output data. The IDS method combines the modeling results of SISO systems to model the target. It is important for the IDS method to decide appropriate partitions of the target system in order to accurately model the target. Existing partitioning methods divide each input domain independently of the other inputs, and thus generate unnecessary SISO systems. In this article, we propose a new partitioning method for the IDS method, which divides the input domains by considering the relationship between inputs. We also show that our method can achieve better performance with less partitions than existing methods.
International conference proceedings, English - ヒューリスティックルールを用いたインクドロップスプレッド法の研究
尾崎 新斗; 本多 中二; 内海 彰
日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, 25, 5, 865-879, 2013, Peer-reviwed, The ink drop spread (IDS) method is a modeling technique based on the idea of soft computing. This method divides a multi-input-single-output (MISO) modeling target system into multiple single-input-single-output (SISO) systems, which correspond to each input-output pair and are divided into small SISO systems. In order to make multiple images for each SISO system, the IDS method plots the input-output data of the target system on the two-dimensional planes like the wave pattern generated when the ink is dropped into the water. For each data point, an ink drop is dropped onto the two-dimensional plane so that the density of the ink is lower at the point more distant from the data point. By plotting all the data points in this way, the cumulative density of ink is higher at the point where more ink drops overlap, and as a result, a characteristic ink pattern appears on the plane. The IDS method extracts the features of the target system from these ink patterns, and integrates them into fuzzy inference to model the target system. It is important for the IDS method to decide an appropriate partitions of each input for accurately modeling the target system. Therefore, some methods have been proposed to decide partitions. However, there are some problems with these methods. For examle, they cannot decide both the positions and number of partitions simultaneously and require a long processing time to decide partitions. In this article, we propose a new partition method for the IDS method using the information exploited from images. The proposed method extracts the information useful for deciding appropriate partitions from the images generated on the two-dimensional plane, decides partitions using that information, and adjusts the generated partitions. In this article, we compare our method with the existing partition methods such as equal divide method and Genetic IDS and show that our method can generate better partitions with less search steps. Furthermore, through comparing our method with other modeling methods such as Feedforward Neural Network and Support Vector Machine, we demonstrate that our IDS method is more effective in approximating complex functions and solving binary classification problems.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Effects of discourse goals on the processof metaphor production
Akira Utsumi; Kota Nakamura; Maki Sakamoto
Proc. of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2012), 2475-2480, Aug. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Individual's process of metaphor interpretations and interestingness cognition
Tomohiro Taira; Takashi Kusumi; Akira Utsumi
Proc. of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2012), 2381-2386, Aug. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - The role of the amygdala in the process of humour appreciation
Tagiru Nakamura; Tomoko Matsui; Akira Utsumi; Mika Yamazaki; Kai Makita; Hiroki C. Tanabe; Norihiro Sadato
Proc. of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2012), 797-802, Aug. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - The comprehension of adjective metaphors is selectively affected by negative meanings associated with adjectives as vehicles
Maki Sakamoto; Miho Sumihisa; Takuya Matsumoto; Akira Utsumi
Proc. of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2012), 2270-2275, Aug. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Does comprehension time constraint affect poetic appreciation of metaphors?
Akira Utsumi
Proc. of the 22nd Biennial Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA2012), to appear, Aug. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Extending and evaluating a multiplicative model for semantic composition in a distributional semantic model
Akira Utsumi
Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM2012), 243-248, Apr. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Music retrieval based on the relation between color association and lyrics
Tetsuaki Nakamur; Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 27, 3, 163-175, 2012, Peer-reviwed, Various methods for music retrieval have been proposed. Recently, many researchers are tackling developing methods based on the relationship between music and feelings. In our previous psychological study, we found that there was a significant correlation between colors evoked from songs and colors evoked only from lyrics, and showed that the music retrieval system using lyrics could be developed. In this paper, we focus on the relationship among music, lyrics and colors, and propose a music retrieval method using colors as queries and analyzing lyrics. This method estimates colors evoked from songs by analyzing lyrics of the songs. On the first step of our method, words associated with colors are extracted from lyrics. We assumed two types of methods to extract words associated with colors. In the one of two methods, the words are extracted based on the result of a psychological experiment. In the other method, in addition to the words extracted based on the result of the psychological experiment, the words from corpora for the Latent Semantic Analysis are extracted. On the second step, colors evoked from the extracted words are compounded, and the compounded colors are regarded as those evoked from the song. On the last step, colors as queries are compared with colors estimated from lyrics, and the list of songs is presented based on similarities. We evaluated the two methods described above and found that the method based on the psychological experiment and corpora performed better than the method only based on the psychological experiment. As a result, we showed that the method using colors as queries and analyzing lyrics is effective for music retrieval.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 具体的な場面想起の仲介に基づくクロス感覚モダリティ比喩の解釈
仲村 哲明; 坂本 真樹; 内海 彰
認知科学, 日本認知科学会, 19, 3, 314-336, 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - A Private Information Detector for Controlling Circulation of Private Information through Social Networks
Midori Hirose; Akira Utsumi; Isao Echizen; Hiroshi Yoshiura
2012 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AVAILABILITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY (ARES), IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 473-478, 2012, Peer-reviwed, A "private information detector (PID)" is described that helps control the circulation of a user's private information through a social network. It checks texts to be posted by the user on a social network and detects potential revelations of private information so that it warns the user or modifies the texts automatically. It can cope with a wide variety of expressions that might be revealing by using public information accessible through the Internet rather than a large knowledge base. Evaluation using about 7000 blog sentences showed that it has reasonably good performance in terms of true and false detection rates.
International conference proceedings, English - Is evoking negative meanings the unique feature of adjective metaphors? Through the comparison with nominal metaphors and predicative metaphors
Miho Sumihisa; Hiroya Tsukurimichi; Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2011), 2655-2660, Jul. 2011, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Computational Exploration of Metaphor Comprehension Processes Using a Semantic Space Model
Akira Utsumi
COGNITIVE SCIENCE, WILEY, 35, 2, 251-296, Mar. 2011, Peer-reviwed, Recent metaphor research has revealed that metaphor comprehension involves both categorization and comparison processes. This finding has triggered the following central question: Which property determines the choice between these two processes for metaphor comprehension? Three competing views have been proposed to answer this question: the conventionality view (Bowdle & Gentner, 2005), aptness view (Glucksberg & Haught, 2006b), and interpretive diversity view (Utsumi, 2007); these views, respectively, argue that vehicle conventionality, metaphor aptness, and interpretive diversity determine the choice between the categorization and comparison processes. This article attempts to answer the question regarding which views are plausible by using cognitive modeling and computer simulation based on a semantic space model. In the simulation experiment, categorization and comparison processes are modeled in a semantic space constructed by latent semantic analysis. These two models receive word vectors for the constituent words of a metaphor and compute a vector for the metaphorical meaning. The resulting vectors can be evaluated according to the degree to which they mimic the human interpretation of the same metaphor; the maximum likelihood estimation determines which of the two models better explains the human interpretation. The result of the model selection is then predicted by three metaphor properties (i.e., vehicle conventionality, aptness, and interpretive diversity) to test the three views. The simulation experiment for Japanese metaphors demonstrates that both interpretive diversity and vehicle conventionality affect the choice between the two processes. On the other hand, it is found that metaphor aptness does not affect this choice. This result can be treated as computational evidence supporting the interpretive diversity and conventionality views.
Scientific journal, English - SNS上のテキストからプライバシー情報を検知するシステムの構想と予備評価
渡辺 夏樹; 片岡 春乃; 内海 彰; 吉浦 裕
日本セキュリティマネジメント学会誌, 日本セキュリティ・マネジメント学会, 24, 3, 15-30, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Indirect Categorization as a Process of Predicative Metaphor Comprehension
Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
METAPHOR AND SYMBOL, LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOC INC-TAYLOR & FRANCIS, 26, 4, 299-313, 2011, Peer-reviwed, In this article, we address the problem of how people understand predicative metaphors such as "The rumor flew through the office," and argue that predicative metaphors are understood as indirect (or two-stage) categorizations. In the indirect categorization process, the verb (e.g., fly) of a predicative metaphor evokes an intermediate entity, which in turn evokes a metaphoric category of actions or states (e.g., "to spread rapidly and soon disappear") to be attributed to the target noun (e.g., rumor), rather than directly evoking a metaphoric category as argued by Glucksberg's (2001) categorization theory. We test our argument using two experiments, namely, offline comprehension and online priming. The offline comprehension experiment showed that interpretation of predicative metaphors had greater overlap with words indirectly associated with the verb than those directly associated with the verb. The online priming experiment demonstrated that indirectly associated words were activated during predicative metaphor comprehension, but directly associated words were not. These results provide convergent evidence for our argument, and thus the psychological validity of two-stage categorization as a process of predicative metaphor comprehension was confirmed.
Scientific journal, English - Significance of emergent features in synesthetic metaphor interpretation
Tetsuaki Nakamura; Maki Sakamoto; Akira Utsumi
Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2010), 443-444, Aug. 2010, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 単語グループに基づくWeb文書クラスタリング
仁科 朋也; 内海 彰
自然言語処理, 17, 4, 23-41, Jul. 2010, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Disclosure Control of Natural Language Information to Enable Secure and Enjoyable Communication over the Internet
Haruno Kataoka; Akira Utsumi; Yuki Hirose; Hiroshi Yoshiura
SECURITY PROTOCOLS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 5964, 178-+, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Disclosure control of natural language information (DCNL), which we are trying to realize, is described. DCNL will be used for securing human communications over the internet, such as through blogs and social network services. Before sentences in the communications are disclosed, they are checked by DCNL and any phrases that could reveal sensitive information are transformed or omitted so that they are no longer revealing. DCNL checks not only phrases that directly represent sensitive information but also those that indirectly suggest it. Combinations of phrases are also checked. DCNL automatically learns the knowledge of sensitive phrases and the suggestive relations between phrases by using co-occurrence analysis and Web retrieval. The users' burden is therefore minimized, i.e., they do not need to define many disclosure control rules. DCNL complements the traditional access control in the fields where reliability needs to be balanced with enjoyment and objects classes for the access control cannot be predefined.
International conference proceedings, English - Exploring the Relationship between Semantic Spaces and Semantic Relations
Akira Utsumi
LREC 2010 - SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION, EUROPEAN LANGUAGE RESOURCES ASSOC-ELRA, 257-262, 2010, Peer-reviwed, This study examines the relationship between two kinds of semantic spaces - i.e., spaces based on term frequency (tf) and word cooccurrence frequency (co) - and four semantic relations - i.e., synonymy, coordination, superordination, and collocation - by comparing, for each semantic relation, the performance of two semantic spaces in predicting word association. The simulation experiment demonstrates that the tf-based spaces perform better in predicting word association based on the syntagmatic relation (i.e., superordination and collocation), while the co-based semantic spaces are suited for predicting word association based on the paradigmatic relation (i.e., synonymy and coordination). In addition, the co-based space with a larger context size yields better performance for the syntagmatic relation, while the co-based space with a smaller context size tends to show better performance for the paradigmatic relation. These results indicate that different semantic spaces can be used depending on what kind of semantic relatedness should be computed.
International conference proceedings, English - Predicative Metaphor Comprehension as Indirect Categorization
Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
COGNITION IN FLUX, COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY, INC, 1034-1039, 2010, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we address the problem of how people understand predicative metaphors such as "The rumor flew through the office," and argue that predicative metaphors are understood as indirect categorizations. In the indirect categorization process, the verb (e.g., fly) of a predicative metaphor evokes an intermediate entity, which in turn evokes a metaphoric category of actions or states (e.g., "to spread rapidly and soon disappear") to be attributed to the target noun (e.g., rumor), rather than directly creating a metaphoric category as argued by Glucksberg's (2001) categorization theory. We test our argument using two experiments, offline comprehension and online priming. The two experiments provided convergent evidence for our argument. The psychological validity of indirect categorization as a process of predicative metaphor comprehension was confirmed.
International conference proceedings, English - The Role of Event Knowledge in Comprehending Synesthetic Metaphors
Tetsuaki Nakamura; Maki Sakamoto; Akira Utsumi
COGNITION IN FLUX, COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY, INC, 1898-1903, 2010, Peer-reviwed, A synesthetic metaphor (e.g., "sweet touch") is a metaphor that results from a combination of a modifier and a head, where they express different perceptual qualities. Most of the existing studies examine how the acceptability of synesthetic metaphors can be explained by the pairing of adjective modifier's and head noun's modalities. However, little attention has been paid to how people comprehend synesthetic metaphors. This paper explores how people comprehend Japanese synesthetic metaphors. In our psychological experiment we collected 10388 words associated with 62 synesthetic metaphors and classified them into the following four kinds of features: common (features listed for the metaphor, the vehicle and the topic), vehicleshared (features listed for both the metaphor and the vehicle, but not listed for the topic), topic-shared (features listed for both the metaphor and the topic, but not listed for the vehicle), and emergent (features listed for the metaphor, but not listed for either the vehicle or the topic). The result showed that there were significantly more emergent features than the other kinds of features in the comprehension of synesthetic metaphors. This result suggests that we do not so directly comprehend synesthetic metaphors based on salient features of the vehicle or the topic. In this paper we focus on event knowledge which is assumed to play a crucial role in comprehending synesthetic metaphors. We analyzed how many words associated with synesthetic metaphors could be classified into those based on event knowledge. The results showed that there were significantly more words based on event knowledge than those which could not be classified as words based on event knowledge. This result suggests that event knowledge play an important role in comprehending synesthetic metaphors.
International conference proceedings, English - Evaluating the Performance of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Constructing Semantic Spaces: Comparison to Latent Semantic Analysis
Akira Utsumi
IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS (SMC 2010), IEEE, 2893-2900, 2010, Peer-reviwed, This study examines the ability of nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) as a method for constructing semantic spaces, in which the meaning of each word is represented by a high-dimensional vector. The performance of two tests (i.e., a multiple-choice synonym test and a word association test) is compared between NMF and latent semantic analysis (LSA), which is the most popular method for constructing semantic spaces. As a result, it was found that NMF did not outperform LSA in either test. This finding indicates that NMF is less effective in acquiring word meanings than expected in the literature; in other words, the finding provides evidence for the ability of LSA to represent semantic meanings. Some properties of NMF were also revealed with reference to its ability to represent word meanings; the random initialization was superior to the SVD-based initialization, and the Euclidean distance is more appropriate for the objective function of NMF than the KL-divergence. In addition, it was shown that the inner product was a more appropriate method for measuring the syntagmatic similarity in a semantic space model, while the cosine was a better method for computing the paradigmatic similarity.
International conference proceedings, English - Cognitive effects of synesthetic metaphors evoked by the semantic interaction
Maki Sakamoto; Akira Utsumi
Proc. of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1593-1598, Jul. 2009, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 理解時間計測による名詞メタファーと形容詞メタファーの理解過程の比較
坂本真樹; 内海彰
日本認知言語学会論文集, 9, 154-162, 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Computational Semantics of Noun Compounds in a Semantic Space Model
Akira Utsumi
21ST INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (IJCAI-09), PROCEEDINGS, IJCAI-INT JOINT CONF ARTIF INTELL, 1568-1573, 2009, Peer-reviwed, This study examines the ability of a semantic space model to represent the meaning of noun compounds such as "information gathering" or "weather forecast". A new algorithm, comparison, is proposed for computing compound vectors from constituent word vectors, and compared with other algorithms (i.e., predication and centroid) in terms of accuracy of multiple-choice synonym test and similarity judgment test. The result of both tests is that the comparison algorithm is, on the whole, superior to other algorithms, and in particular achieves the best performance when noun compounds have emergent meanings. Furthermore, the comparison algorithm also works for novel noun compounds that do not occur in the corpus. These findings indicate that a semantic space model in general and the comparison algorithm in particular has sufficient ability to compute the meaning of noun compounds.
International conference proceedings, English - HTMLタグを用いたWebページのクラスタリング手法
折原 大; 内海 彰
情報処理学会論文誌, 情報処理学会, 49, 8, 2910-2921, Aug. 2008, Peer-reviwed, 本論文は,検索結果を自動分類することで検索支援を行う1つの手法として,Webページのタイプに着目したページのクラスタリング手法を提案する.本論文では,HTMLタグの木構造の情報を用いたクラスタリング手法とHTMLタグのn-gramと出現位置を考慮した頻度情報を用いたクラスタリング手法の2つを提案する.アンケートにより作成した正解データセットを用いた評価実験において,単語の分布(Bag-of-Words BoW)に基づくクラスタリング手法や新聞などのテキストを対象とし文書タイプに分類を行うMulti-way Distributional Clustering(MDC)よりも,2つの提案手法のほうがクラスタリング精度において良い結果となった.また2つの提案手法間では,クラスタリング精度については分類傾向による差はあるものの全体では同等の精度であり,処理時間においてはHTMLタグの頻度情報を用いたクラスタリング手法が良好な結果となった.In this paper, we propose two clustering methods based on HTML tags. These methods cluster Web pages according to their type or style, rather than classifying them into predefined genres. The one method is based on the tree structure of HTML tags, and the other is based on the frequency of HTML tags considering the n-gram of tags and the location of tags. In evaluation experiment, our methods achieved better performance than the Bag-Of-Words method and the Multi-way Distributional Clustering (MDC) method. The frequency method achieved as a good performance as the tree-structured method. In evaluation experiment of the overall processing time, the frequency method was faster than the tree-structured method.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Semantic diversity revealed by a comparison between the types of adjective metaphors: Correlation vs. resemblance
Maki Sakamoto; Akira Utsumi
Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2008), 390-393, Jul. 2008, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 色彩形容詞と名詞の相互作用による色彩形容詞メタファーの認知効果
Maki Sakamoto; Akira Utsumi
Cognitive Studies, 日本認知科学会, 14, 3, 380-389, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Predicative metaphors are understood as two-stage categorization: Computational evidence by latent semantic analysis
Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
Proc. of 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1587-1592, Aug. 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Webページの信頼性の自動推定
福島 隆寛; 内海 彰
日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌, 19, 3, Jun. 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Computational evidence for two-stage categorization as a process of adjective metaphor comprehension
Akira Utsumi; Maki Sakamoto
Proceedings of the Second European Cognitive Science Conference (EuroCogSci2007), 77-82, May 2007
International conference proceedings, English - Interpretive diversity explains metaphor-simile distinction
Akira Utsumi
METAPHOR AND SYMBOL, LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOC INC-TAYLOR & FRANCIS, 22, 4, 291-312, 2007, Peer-reviwed, A number of properties-aptness, topic-vehicle similarity, vehicle conventionality-have recently been used to explain a metaphorsi-mile distinction. This paper argues that interpretive diversity better explains a metaphor-simile distinction than these properties. Interpretive diversity refers to the semantic richness of the figurative interpretation of a topic-vehicle pair and is determined depending on both the number of features involved in the interpretation and the uniformity of salience distribution of those features. The interpretive diversity view predicts that interpretively more diverse pairs should be easier to comprehend via a categorization process, and thus the preference for and the relative comprehensibility of the metaphor form should be greater. Two experiments demonstrated that, as predicted, interpretive diversity was correlated positively with metaphor preference (Experiment 1) and with the relative comprehensibility of the metaphor form compared to the simile form (Experiment 2). Furthermore, interpretive diversity was found to be more important in explaining metaphor-simile distinction than aptness, similarity, and conventionality.
Scientific journal, English - A cognitive approach to poetic effects of rhetorical figures: Toward a unified theory of cognitive rhetoric
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the 19th Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA2006), 413-417, Aug. 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Computational exploration of metaphor comprehension processes
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2281-2286, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Word vectors and two kinds of similarity
Akira Utsumi; Daisuke Suzuki
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and the 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL 2006) Main Conference Poster Sessions, 858-865, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Support Vector Machineを用いた文書の重要文節抽出 -要約文生成に向けて-
鈴木 大介; 内海 彰
人工知能学会論文誌, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 21, 4, 330-339, Apr. 2006, Peer-reviwed, In this paper we propose an extraction-based method for automatic summarization. The proposed method consists of two processes: important segment extraction and sentence compaction. The process of important segment extraction classifies each segment in a document as important or not by Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The process of sentence compaction then determines grammatically appropriate portions of a sentence for a summary according to its dependency structure and the classification result by SVMs. To test the performance of our method, we conducted an evaluation experiment using the Text Summarization Challenge (TSC-1) corpus of human-prepared summaries. The result was that our method achieved better performance than a segment-extraction-only method and the Lead method, especially for sentences only a part of which was included in human summaries. Further analysis of the experimental results suggests that a hybrid method that integrates sentence extraction with segment extraction may generate better summaries.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Interpretive diversity as a source of metaphor-simile distinction
Akira Utsumi; Yuu Kuwabara
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2230-2235, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - The role of feature emergence in metaphor appreciation
A Utsumi
METAPHOR AND SYMBOL, PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, 20, 3, 151-172, 2005, Peer-reviwed, This study examined how emergent features, which are made salient in the interpretation of metaphor, are related to metaphor appreciation. According to an incongruity resolution model of poetic appreciation, the role of emergent features in metaphor appreciation is predicted to facilitate poetic appreciation by constituting a richer interpretation when topic-vehicle similarity is lower. Two experiments demonstrated that this prediction was supported for comprehensible metaphors. In Experiment 1, more emergent features were generated when comprehensible metaphors with lower topic-vehicle similarity were interpreted, and richer interpretations included more emergent features. In Experiment 2, poeticality rating of comprehensible metaphors was positively correlated with richness of interpretation. Furthermore, Experiment 2 found that conceptual aptness of metaphor also affected poeticality of comprehensible metaphors but, in contrast, that only emotive value of metaphor affected poeticality, of less comprehensible metaphors. This finding suggests that the process of poetic appreciation may differ between comprehensible and less comprehensible metaphors.
Scientific journal, English - Query-based multidocument summarization for information retrieval
Toshihiko Sakurai; Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of NTCIR Workshop 4, 452-458, Jun. 2004
International conference proceedings, English - Stylistic and Contextual Effects in Irony Processing
Akira Utsumi
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY, LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOC PUBL, 1369-1374, 2004, Peer-reviwed, Irony is perceived through a complex interaction between an utterance and its context and serves many social functions such as to be sarcastic and to be humorous. The purpose of this paper is to explore what role linguistic style and contextual information play in the recognition of irony (i.e., assessing the degree of irony) and in the appreciation of ironic functions (i.e., assessing the degree of sarcasm and humor). Two experiments demonstrated that the degree of irony and sarcasm was affected primarily by linguistic style (i.e., sentence type and politeness), while the degree of humor was affected by both linguistic style and contextual information (i.e., context negativity and ordinariness of negative situation). These results are almost consistent with the predictions by the implicit display theory, a cognitive theory of verbal irony. Discussion of the findings also suggests that the implicit display theory can account for an indirect effect of context on the degree of irony.
International conference proceedings, English - Do emergent features influence poetic metaphor appreciation?
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Literature in Cognition and Computer (iwLCC2003), 1-4, Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Emergent features in metaphor interpretation and appreciation
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS03), Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Toward a cognitive model of poetic effects in figurative language
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Oct. 2002, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Verbal irony as implicit display of ironic environment: Distinguishing ironic utterances from nonirony
Akira Utsumi
Journal of Pragmatics, 32, 12, 1777-1806, Dec. 2000, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - アイロニー解釈の認知・計算モデル
内海 彰
情報処理学会論文誌, 41, 9, 2498-2509, Sep. 2000, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Neural mechanisms of working memory and conduction aphasia: A computational model
Hiroshi Fujioka; Akira Utsumi
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (Abstracts Presented at the 28th Annual International Neuropsychological Society Conference), 178, Mar. 2000, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A computational model of irony interpretation
Akira Utsumi
Proc. of the Fourth Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING'99), 311-323, Sep. 1999, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - アイロニーはどのように識別されるか ―暗黙的提示に基づくアイロニーの識別モデル―
内海 彰
人工知能学会誌, 人工知能学会, 14, 4, 700-708, Jul. 1999, Peer-reviwed, Although many linguistic and psychological studies have been made on verbal irony, they still cannot distinguish ironic utterances from nonironic ones completely. This paper argues that irony is distinguished from nonirony in accordance with both the ironic environment condition (i.e., irony presupposes a situational setting consisting of the speaker's expectation, incongruity between the expectation and the reality, and the speaker's negative attitude) and the implicit display condition (i.e., irony satisfies at least two of the three features: allusion, pragmatic insincerity and indirect cues). This paper then shows that the argument is empirically supported, especially that ironic environment is a crucial distinctive feature of irony while implicit display suggests a high possibility of irony. It also suggests an interpretation process of irony consistent with these findings.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Explaining the time-course of literal and nonliteralcomprehension
Akira Utsumi
Proc. of the Second International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS/JCSS99), 771-774, Jun. 1999, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A pragmatic, cognitive and computational model of verbal irony
Akira Utsumi
Proc. of the First International Workshop on Literature in Cognition and Computer (iwLCC1999), 28-31, Jun. 1999, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - An affective-similarity-based method for comprehending attributional metaphors
Akira Utsumi; Koichi Hori; Setsuo Ohsuga
Journal of Natural Language Processing, The Association for Natural Language Processing, 5, 3, 3-32, Jul. 1998, Peer-reviwed, This paper proposes a new computational method for comprehending attributional metaphors. The proposed method generates deeper interpretations of metaphors than other methods through the process of figurative mapping that transfers affectively similar features of the source concept onto the target concept. Any features are placed on a common two-dimensional space revealed in the domain of psychology, and similarity of two features is calculated as a distance between them in the space. A computational model of metaphor comprehension based on the method has been implemented in a computer program called PROMIME (PROtotype system of Metaphor Interpreter with MEtaphorical mapping). Comparison between the PROMIME system's output and human interpretation shows that the performance of the proposed method is satisfactory.
Scientific journal, English - アイロニーとは何か?―アイロニーの暗黙的提示理論
内海 彰
認知科学, 4, 4, 99-112, Dec. 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Implicit display theory of verbal irony: Towards a computational model of irony
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH'96), 29-38, Sep. 1996
International conference proceedings, English - A unified theory of irony and its computational formalization
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96), 962-967, Aug. 1996, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 関連性理論を用いた文脈の中の隠喩解釈の計算モデル
内海 彰; 菅野 道夫
情報処理学会論文誌, 37, 6, 1017-1029, Jun. 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - How to interpret irony by computer: A comprehensive framwork for irony
Akira Utsumi
Proceedings of the International Conference ``Recent Advances in NLP'', 315-321, Oct. 1995, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A relevance-based approach to interpreting contextualized metaphors
Akira Utsumi; Michio Sugeno
Artificial Intelligence (AI'94) -- Sowing the Seeds for the Future (Proceedings of the Seventh Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence), 482-489, Nov. 1994, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 自然言語処理のための形容詞の意味表現
内海 彰; 堀 浩一; 大須賀 節雄
人工知能学会誌, 8, 2, 192-200, Mar. 1993, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a primitive-based representation for adjective meaning. The meanings of words are roughly divided into two parts : core meaning and connotative meaning. The core meaning is independent of context, situation, and the speaker's emotions. On the other hand, the connotative meaning is strongly dependent on the speaker's emotions and feelings. However, the boundary of two parts for adjectives is less clear than for nouns or verbs. This is why most research in natural language processing has centered on the analysis of the meanings of nouns and verbs. But when natural language is regarded as a method for human communication, the analysis of adjective meaning is indispensable for natural language processing because adjectives represent human emotions, perception, and attributes of objects. We have analyzed about 700 Japanese adjectives and decomposed the meanings of these adjectives into approximately 400 semantic primitives. The essential points of this primitive-based representation are the following. 1) Core meaning is represented by one semantic primitive and connotative meaning is represented by additional primitives. Moreover, in order to clarify the differences among adjectives which have similar meanings, additional information (e.g. subjective/objective, positive/negative evaluation) is used. 2) Semantic relations between primitives are also used for representing the meaning relations among adjectives. 3) Selectional restrictions are made available for semantic disambiguation. This representation can provide much information useful for natural language processing.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 比喩を含む言語表現の理解-形容詞・名詞句と隠喩-
内海 彰; 堀 浩一; 大須賀 節雄
人工知能学会誌, 8, 2, 201-211, Mar. 1993, Peer-reviwed, Metaphorical or figurative expressions are easily found in our daily life. Studying how to understand figurative language is necessary for the development of both cognitive science and natural language processing. This paper presents a method for understanding figurative adjective-noun combinations by using the primitive-based representation of adjectives described in our previous paper. Understanding adjective-noun phrases can be modeled as applying the adjective meaning to refine an attribute value in the prototype-represented target noun concept. Our method can interpret both literal and figurative phrases without the need for advance discrimination. Our method consists of three parts. The first part is a disambiguation algorithm for choosing among an adjective's senses. This algorithm calculates the probability for each sense of an adjective by using Dempster-Shafer Theory. If these calculated probabilities pass two criterion for ambiguity and vagueness, the phrase is determined to be literal. The second part is the interpretation of figurative adjective meaning. This can be done by two methods, one is by means of the primitive relations described in our previous paper, and the other is by topological primitive matching. Topological primitive matching is the method to select candidate primitives. Each attribute has its own two-dimensional space. All primitives are placed at the point in the space of attributes to which it corresponds. This topological representation is psychologically plausible. The third is an attribute-value mapping algorithm. This algorithm decides which attribute value to mapped when two or more candidates have same attribute. This part also handles the processing of connotative meaning. Moreover, we show that "A is (like) B" metaphors can be interpreted using the same method.
Scientific journal, Japanese - コネクショニストモデルによる文脈を考慮した自然言語 インタフェース
内海 彰; 堀 浩一; 大須賀 節雄
人工知能学会誌, 7, 5, 828-836, Sep. 1992, Peer-reviwed, In natural language processing, context dependency plays an important role. However, traditional symbol processing methods, based on static structure and lacking flexibility, make it difficult to process contextual information. Connectionist models offer an alternative method for context processing which provides dynamic structure and flexibility. For these reasons, many researchers have applied the connectionist model to problems in natural language processing, including that of context processing. For example is the DISCERN system which is based on script structure built from several neural networks. This system reads stories and answers questions about them. But this system can not process contextual information except script-based information. This paper describes our context-exploiting natural language interface system. This system uses recurrent neural network for representation of the user model. This represents the context dependent relations between a user's natural language requests and his intended application-system actions. Through learning in the recurrent network, this system can interpret the user's intended meaning of context-dependent sentences. Its context processing ability differs from that of DISCERN in many respects. For example, our system can interpret pronouns and automatically acquire the meaning of words.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 臨床化学検査における異常パターンとその自動識別
内海 彰; 久米 均; 飯塚 悦功; 棟近 雅彦
日本総合健診医学会誌, 15, 3, 251-258, 1989, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese
- 日本語類似度・関連度データセットの作成
猪原敬介; 内海彰
2018, 言語処理学会年次大会発表論文集(Web), 24th, ROMBUNNO.P10‐6 (WEB ONLY), Japanese - 物語文・説明文・Webテキストの読書習慣と単語連想の関連についてのコーパス分析
猪原敬介; 内海彰
Sep. 2016, 日本認知科学会第33回大会 - 読書におけるジャンルと語彙力の関連についてのコーパス分析 フィクション,ノンフィクション,Web文章の比較
猪原敬介; 内海彰
Jun. 2016, 日本認知心理学会第14回大会 - 単語の意味の計算論的探究ー記号,身体,そして比喩ー
内海 彰
人工知能学会 ; 2014-, Jan. 2016, 人工知能学会誌, 31, 1, 82-90, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 2188-2266, 110010016799, AA12652467 - 言語産出における認知制御と不安傾向との関連
梶村昇吾; 猪原敬介; 内海彰; 岡隆之介; 柳岡開地; 平岡大樹; 西山慧; 野村理朗
Oct. 2015, 日本社会心理学会第56回大会 - Application study of multi class classi cation for the Ink Drop Spread method
尾崎 新斗; 内海 彰
日本知能情報ファジィ学会, 09 Sep. 2013, ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 29, 580-583, Japanese, 1882-0212, 40019825316, AA12165648 - F-041 A Gradual Partitioning Method for the Ink Drop Spread Method
Ozaki Yosito; Utsumi Akira
Forum on Information Technology, 20 Aug. 2013, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 12, 2, 379-380, Japanese, 110009814552, AA1242354X - 比喩理解への計算論的アプローチ ─言語認知研究における計算モデルの役割─
内海 彰
This paper reviews research on computational approaches to metaphor comprehen-
sion, and discusses some general issues on the study of language and cognition, i.e.,
embodied cognition and roles of computational models in research on language and cog-
nition. The reason for choosing metaphors as the topic of this paper is that metaphors
pervade language, involve intricately related processes, and provoke interdisciplinary in-
terests. Because of these features, computational studies of metaphor can provide many
useful insights into the characteristics and possible roles of computational models., Japanese Cognitive Science Society, Jun. 2013, 認知科学, 20, 2, 249-266, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 1341-7924, 10031177570, AN1047304X - メタファーの話
内海 彰; 鍋島 弘治朗
Oct. 2011, 知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌), 23, 5, 686-695, Japanese, Introduction other - E-060 Automatic generation of cluster title for document clustering
黒田, 知宏; 内海, 彰
Forum on Information Technology, 20 Aug. 2008, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 7, 2, 279-281, Japanese, 110007641354, AA1242354X - E-059 Web document clustering based on the relations between words
Nishina Tomoya; Utsumi Akira
Forum on Information Technology, 20 Aug. 2008, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 7, 2, 275-277, Japanese, 110007641353, AA1242354X - The Cognitive Science of Rhetoric : Introduction to the Feature
UTSUMI Akira; KANAI Akihito
日本認知科学会, 01 Sep. 2007, Cognitive studies, 14, 3, 233-235, Japanese, 1341-7924, 10019839212, AN1047304X - 認知修辞学の構想と射程
内海 彰; 金井 明人
日本認知科学会, Sep. 2007, 認知科学, 14, 3, 236-252, Japanese, Introduction other, 1341-7924, 10019839213, AN1047304X - Web Document Clustering Based on HTML Tag Trees
折原 大; 内海 彰
人工知能学会, 2007, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 21, 1-4, Japanese, 1347-9881, 40020251387, AA11578981 - 形容詞メタファーは2段階カテゴリー化で理解される--計算機シミュレーションによる検討
内海 彰; 坂本 真樹
ことば工学事務局, 15 Dec. 2006, ことば工学研究会, 24, 13-20, Japanese, 1346-3551, 40015306566 - 言外の意味のコミュニケーション:語用論概説
内海 彰
人工知能学会, May 2003, 人工知能学会誌, 18, 3, 337-345, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-8085, 110002809122, AN10067140 - レクチャーシリーズ「AI研究者が学ぶ言語学の新展開」の企画にあたって
内海 彰; 堀 浩一
May 2003, 人工知能学会誌, 18, 3, 336-336, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-8085, 110002809121, AN10067140 - 比喩の認知/計算モデル
内海 彰
Oct. 2002, 別冊・数理科学02.10月号「脳情報数理科学の発展」, 103-109, Japanese, Introduction other, 10014868150 - コンピュータによるメタファー理解
内海 彰
Jun. 2002, 言語, 31, 8, 58-64, Japanese, Introduction other - 言語と類似性
内海 彰
Jan. 2002, 人工知能学会誌, 17, 1, 8-13, Japanese, Introduction other - 特集「文学と認知・コンピュータ」編集にあたって
小方 孝; 内海 彰; 森田 均; 潟沼 潤
日本認知科学会, Dec. 2001, 認知科学, 8, 4, 307-310, Japanese, Introduction other, 1341-7924, 10009706952, AN1047304X - 比喩の認知/計算モデル
内海 彰
Mar. 2000, Computer Today, 96, 34-39, Japanese, Introduction other - Contextualized Metaphors -A Relevance Based Model of Metaphor Interpretation-
Utsumi Akira; Sugeno Michio
The purpose of this paper is to propose a computational model of comprehending metaphors in context. This paper is devoted to the role of context in deciding which features of the source concept is preferably mapped to the target concept. A notion of relevance is used for a measure of transferability of features in contextualized metaphors which corresponds to a measure of salience in isolated metaphors. A process of interpreting contextualized metaphors is reasonably integrated with the relevance based framework for interpreting utterances in which the most appropriate interpretation results from searching for an optimal relevance. This suggests that metaphor interpretation needs no specific procedures., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 27 May 1994, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1994, 47, 97-104, Japanese, 110002934848, AN10115061 - 文脈に変わる制約への同調機構の,ニューラルネットワークによる実現の試み
1990, 信学技報,NLC90-5(AI90-33), 33-38, 10006399940
Books and other publications
- ポストナラトロジーの諸相
Scholarly book, Japanese, Contributor, 第2章:比喩を生成する人工知能は可能か?, 新曜社, 25 Mar. 2021 - メタファー研究2
鍋島弘治朗; 楠見孝; 内海彰
Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint editor, ひつじ書房, 25 Dec. 2019 - 認知言語学大事典
Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Contributor, 5.10節 自然言語処理と認知言語学, 朝倉書店, 15 Oct. 2019 - メタファー研究1
鍋島 弘治朗; 楠見 孝; 内海 彰
Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint editor, ひつじ書房, Aug. 2018 - 人工知能と社会:2025年の未来予測
栗原 聡; 長井 隆行; 小泉 憲裕; 内海 彰; 坂本 真樹; 久野 美和子
General book, Japanese, Joint work, オーム社, 15 Feb. 2018 - Content Generation through Narrative Communication and Simulation
Scholarly book, English, Contributor, Literary metaphor comprehension and production: A unified view, IGI Global, 2018 - メタファー研究の最前線
内海 彰
Japanese, Joint work, 第20章 認知修辞学における比喩の認知過程の解明, ひつじ書房, Sep. 2007 - Irony in Language and Thought
Akira Utsumi
English, Joint work, Verbal irony as implicit display of ironic environment: Distinguishing ironic utterances from nonirony, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Jun. 2007 - 第3部「ファジィ理論/ソフトコンピューティング応用事例,4.言語」
小林一郎; 内海 彰
Japanese, Joint work, 「ファジィとソフトコンピューティング」ハンドブック,共立出版, Aug. 2000 - 最先端技術のすべて辞典
Japanese, Joint work, 日本実業出版社, 1993
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 日本語版 Semantic Similarity Test の妥当性の検討
岡 隆之介; 内海 彰; 楠見 孝
Poster presentation, 日本認知科学会第40回大会
09 Sep. 2023
07 Sep. 2023- 09 Sep. 2023 - PU学習とNU学習を用いたTwitterにおける日本語の皮肉検出
中井 紫音; 宮本 友樹; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, 第39回ファジィシステムシンポジウム
07 Sep. 2023
05 Sep. 2023- 07 Sep. 2023 - 自然言語処理による認知症BPSD発見・予測AIに向けて
内海 彰
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, EbHW2020年度社会実装ビジネス研究会, Invited, Domestic conference
05 Mar. 2021 - 低リソース「日本語対応手話-日本語」対訳コーパスによる助詞挿入と語尾活用に注目したパイプライン手話翻訳
矢野 憲; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第27回年次大会発表論文集, Domestic conference
Mar. 2021 - 暗黙的提示理論に基づく皮肉理解の認知モデリングへのベイズアプローチ
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第34回全国大会論文集, Domestic conference
11 Jun. 2020 - 小説から演劇台本への書き換え過程のアノテーション
金子 遥渚; 松吉 俊; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第26回年次大会発表論文集, Domestic conference
Mar. 2020 - 物語世界間のつながりが一部明示されたメタファー写像セットの構築
秋元 泰介; 内海 彰
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第36回大会論文集, Domestic conference
Sep. 2019 - 計算モデリングによる言語認知へのアプローチ
内海 彰
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第22回認知神経心理学研究会, Invited, Domestic conference
31 Aug. 2019 - 物語世界間のつながりが一部明示されたメタファー写像セットの構築
松吉 俊; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第33回全国大会論文集, Domestic conference
Jun. 2019 - 言い換え表現の曖昧さを調整可能な複合名詞の言い換えモデル
井上 翔太; 松吉 俊; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第25回年次大会発表論文集, Domestic conference
Mar. 2019 - メタファーへの計算論的アプローチ
内海 彰
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本語用論学会メタファー研究会, Invited, Domestic conference
15 Dec. 2018 - メタファー写像と後編集を利用する物語文章生成フレームワーク
松吉 俊; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第32回全国大会論文集, Domestic conference
Jun. 2018 - 日本語類似度・関連度データセットの作成
猪原 敬介; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第24回年次大会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2018 - メタファー写像に基づく物語文章の自動生成
松吉 俊; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第24回年次大会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2018 - グループ会議における発散・収束ファシリテーションの開発
結城 大輔; 松吉 俊; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会研究報告, Domestic conference
May 2017 - 意味空間に基づく文脈情報を用いた比喩生成
中條 寛也; 松吉 俊; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会研究報告, Domestic conference
May 2017 - レトリカルエージェントの可能性:比喩を対象として
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第33回大会, Invited, Domestic conference
Sep. 2016 - 物語文・説明文・Webテキストの読書習慣と単語連想の関連についてのコーパス分析
猪原 敬介; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第33回大会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2016 - 読書におけるジャンルと語彙力の関連についてのコーパス分析:フィクション,ノンフィクション,Web文章の比較
猪原 敬介; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知心理学会第14回大会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2016 - 文脈を考慮した観点に基づく意見ツイートクラスタリング
鷹栖 弘明; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第21回年次大会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2015 - 言語産出における認知制御と不安傾向との関連
梶村 昇吾; 猪原 敬介; 内海 彰; 岡 隆之介; 柳岡 開地; 平岡 大樹; 西山 慧; 野村 理朗
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本社会心理学会第56回大会, Domestic conference
2015 - 人間はコンピュータからの皮肉を感じるか?
内海 彰; 渡邉 優; 若山 裕介
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第30回大会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - 隠喩的表現における面白さの強度の検討
中村太戯留; 松井智子; 内海彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第30回大会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - メタファーの有意味性判断に対するワーキング・メモリ容量の影響
中本 敬子; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第30回大会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - インクドロップスプレッド法における対象システムの逐次分割手法
尾崎 新斗; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第12回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2013), Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - インクドロップスプレッド法の多値分類問題への適用
尾崎 新斗; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第29回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - Twitterにおける観点に基づいた意見文クラスタリング
鷹栖 弘明; 小林 聡; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会,言語処理学会第19回年次大会発表論文集
Mar. 2013 - 比喩理解と解釈,作動記憶との関係
平知宏; 楠見孝; 内海彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第29回大会論文集,日本認知科学会大会
Dec. 2012 - 比喩にかかわる意味特徴が理解容易性,面白み,斬新さに与える影響―直喩形式と隠喩形式の比較―
中本敬子; 平知宏; 内海彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第29回大会論文集,日本認知科学会大会
Dec. 2012 - アイロニー判断課題における文脈と音声の不一致効果の検討
中村 太戯留; 松井 智子; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本心理学会,日本心理学会第76回大会論文集
Sep. 2012 - SVMを用いた接続関係の同定
若山 裕介; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第26回全国大会論文集,人工知能学会第26回全国大会
Jun. 2012 - Weblogからの失敗談抽出
小野 博紀; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第26回全国大会論文集,人工知能学会第26回全国大会
Jun. 2012 - 隠喩的表現の``面白さ''を感じる神経基盤の検討
中村 太戯留; 松井 智子; 内海 彰; 山崎 未花; 牧田 快; 田邊 宏樹; 定藤 規弘
Oral presentation, Japanese, 社会神経科学研究会抄録集
Oct. 2011 - アイロニー理解におけるプロソディ効果の神経基盤の検討
松井 智子; 中村 太戯留; 内海 彰; 佐々木 章宏; 小池 耕彦; 吉田 優美子; 田邊 宏樹; 定藤 規弘
Oral presentation, Japanese, 社会神経科学研究会抄録集
Oct. 2011 - アイロニー判断課題における俳優音声と非俳優音声の差の検討
中村 太戯留; 松井 智子; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本心理学会,日本心理学会第75回大会論文集
Sep. 2011 - 隠喩理解の統合的理論に向けて
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会「文学と認知・コンピュータ」研究分科会II,日本認知科学会文学と認知・コンピュータ研究分科会II第25回定例研究会
Jul. 2011 - 日本認知科学会文学と認知・コンピュータ研究分科会II第20回定例研究会/人工知能学会第34回ことば工学研究会資料
菊池 琢弥; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第9回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2010)講演論文集,第9回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2010)
Sep. 2010 - 共感覚比喩が否定的意味を喚起する要因の実験的検討
作道 大哉; 仲村 哲明; 坂本 真樹; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第27回大会論文集,日本認知科学会第27回大会
Sep. 2010 - 理解時間の制約がメタファーの観賞過程に与える影響
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会文学と認知・コンピュータ研究分科会II第20回定例研究会/人工知能学会第34回ことば工学研究会資料,日本認知科学会文学と認知・コンピュータ研究分科会II第20回定例研究会/人工知能学会第34回ことば工学研究会
Mar. 2010 - 間接的なカテゴリー化による動詞メタファーの理解
内海 彰; 中村 磨紀登; 坂本 真樹
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第26回大会論文集,日本認知科学会第26回大会
Sep. 2009 - 聞き手は修辞表現を自己中心的に解釈するのか?-アイロニーにおける自己中心的処理-
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第25回大会論文集,日本認知科学会第25回大会
Sep. 2008 - 理解時間計測による名詞メタファーと形容詞メタファーの理解過程の比較
坂本 真樹; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知言語学会第9回大会予稿集,日本認知言語学会第9回大会
Sep. 2008 - 文書クラスタリングにおけるクラスタタイトルの自動生成
黒田 知宏; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第7回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2008)講演論文集
Sep. 2008 - 単語間の関係に基づくWeb文書クラスタリング
仁科 朋也; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第7回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2008)講演論文集
Sep. 2008 - グループμの「隠喩の二重提喩論」再考 -(二段階)カテゴリー化理論との関係-
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第29回ことば工学研究会資料,人工知能学会第29回ことば工学研究会
Jul. 2008 - 模倣コンテンツの特性に基づくフィッシング検知方式の実装と評価
中山 心太; 内海 彰; 吉浦 裕
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会研究報告 2008-CSEC-040,情報処理学会コンピュータセキュリティ研究会
Mar. 2008 - 動詞による比喩の理解過程の実験的検討
中村 磨紀登; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第24回大会論文集,日本認知科学会第24回大会
Sep. 2007 - HTMLタグの木構造に着目したWebページのクラスタリング手法
折原 大; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会,人工知能学会第21回全国大会論文集
Jun. 2007 - 複数文書の単語情報を用いたWebページの自動要約
井上 龍太郎; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第21回全国大会論文集,人工知能学会第21回全国大会
Jun. 2007 - ベクトル空間モデルに基づく単語の意味表現の性質
秋山 哲史; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会,言語処理学会第13回年次大会発表論文集
Mar. 2007 - 意味と面白さを維持する自然言語情報の開示制御技術の提案-SNSのプライバシー保護への試適用-
片岡 春乃; 内海 彰; 広瀬 友紀; 吉浦 裕
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会研究報告コンピュータセキュリティ研究会,情報処理学会コンピュータセキュリティ研究会
Mar. 2007 - 形容詞メタファーは2段階カテゴリー化で理解される-計算機シミュレーションによる検討-
内海 彰; 坂本 真樹
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会,人工知能学会第24回ことば工学研究会資料
Dec. 2006 - 隠喩はどのように理解されるか? -計算モデルによる検討-
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会,日本認知科学会第23回大会論文集
Aug. 2006 - ピジン発生過程のマルチエージェントシミュレーション
中島 千智; 内海 彰; 中村 誠
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会,日本認知科学会第23回大会
Aug. 2006 - HTMLタグを用いたWebページのクラスタリング手法
折原 大; 塚田 大介; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会,人工知能学会第20回全国大会論文集
Jun. 2006 - 隠喩と直喩,どちらが詩的か?
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会,人工知能学会第21回ことば工学研究会
Nov. 2005 - 語の意味空間を用いた隠喩理解モデル
秋山 哲史; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第22回大会論文集
Jul. 2005 - 隠喩と直喩の違いは何か? -解釈多様性による説明-
内海 彰; 桑原 雄
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第22回大会論文集,日本認知科学会
Jul. 2005 - 語の共起情報を用いた文書クラスタリング
小熊 淳一; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第19回全国大会論文集
Jun. 2005 - Webページの信頼性の自動推定
福島 隆寛; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第19回全国大会論文集
Jun. 2005 - 認知修辞学の可能性
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第17回ことば工学研究会資料
Jul. 2004 - 認知修辞学の構想
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第18回全国大会論文集
Jun. 2004 - 情報検索のためのクエリに基づく文書自動要約
桜井 俊彦; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第10回年次大会発表論文集
Mar. 2004 - Support Vector Machineを用いたテキスト重要箇所抽出と要約文生成への応用
鈴木 大介; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第10回年次大会発表論文集
Mar. 2004 - 認知修辞学の構想 --- メタファーの詩的機能を中心として ---
内海 彰
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Domestic conference
Feb. 2004 - 認知言語学や関連性理論は文学の認知研究に貢献できるか?
内海 彰
Others, Japanese, 小方孝(編)日本認知科学会テクニカルレポートNo.46「認知システムとしての文学 ─ワークショップの記録─」
Jul. 2003 - 比喩の理解・鑑賞過程における創発特徴の役割
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第20回大会論文集
Jun. 2003 - アイロニーの与える効果の実験的検討:表現形式,対人的親密性,丁寧さによる影響
大石 昌宏; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第20回大会論文集
Jun. 2003 - 比喩によってどのように詩的効果が喚起されるか:比喩の鑑賞過程の認知モデルに向けて
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第17回全国大会論文集
Jun. 2003 - 隠喩理解における創発特徴の生成機構
桑原 雄; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第17回全国大会論文集
Jun. 2003 - メタファーの創発特徴の分析:類似性創造の計算モデルに向けて
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会研究報告
Jan. 2003 - アイロニーの暗黙的提示理論とその優位性について
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本語用論学会第5回大会Program&Abstracts
Dec. 2002 - ユーモアの鑑賞過程の認知モデルに関する一考察
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第16回全国大会論文集
May 2002 - レトリックの認知・計算モデル:メタファ,アイロニー,ユーモア
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第18回大会ワークショップ論文集
Jun. 2001 - 「文学と認知・コンピュータ」研究への質問状 ─現状の総括と未来への展望─
内海 彰; 小方 孝; 潟沼 潤; 森田 均
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第18回大会論文集
Jun. 2001 - 文学と認知・コンピュータ研究の現状と展望
小方 孝; 内海 彰; 潟沼 潤; 森田 均
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第18回大会ワークショップ論文集
Jun. 2001 - レトリックの認知・計算モデル:メタファ,アイロニー,ユーモア
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会「文学と認知・コンピュータ」研究分科会「臨時研究会 in '01春」論文集
May 2001 - 詩的比喩とは何か? ─ 現代メタファ論の検討と詩的比喩の認知・計算モデルの考察
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第15回全国大会論文集
May 2001 - 要約文生成における照応処理
大塚 敬義; 内海 彰; 奥村 学
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 TL2001
May 2001 - 現代メタファ論における詩的比喩の扱いの批判的検討
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会「文学と認知・コンピュータ」研究分科会「第10回定例研究会in東京」発表資料集
Mar. 2001 - 要約文生成における照応処理
大塚敬義; 内海 彰; 廣田 薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第7回年次大会発表論文集
Mar. 2001 - 第二の語り手【批評家】による予稿
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会2000年度冬のシンポジウム予稿集
Dec. 2000 - 第二の語り手【批評家】による予稿
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会2000年度冬のシンポジウム予稿集, 日本認知科学会2000年度冬のシンポジウム予稿集
Dec. 2000 - A computational approach toward the cognitive model of metaphor comprehension
Akira Utsumi
Oral presentation, English, 日本認知科学会第17回大会論文集
Jun. 2000 - 会話の特徴や構造を利用した対話の自動要約
山口 昭男; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第6回年次大会発表論文集
Mar. 2000 - アイロニーはどのように解釈されるか
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会「文学と認知・コンピュータ」研究分科会「第3回定例研究会 in "大分」発表資料集
May 1999 - 伝導失語の神経メカニズムに対する計算論的説明
藤岡 裕士; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会/日本音響学会音声・聴覚共催研究会 SP-98
Mar. 1999 - ユーモアを含む言語表現の解釈モデルに関する研究
江連 三香; 内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 言語処理学会第5回年次大会発表論文集
Mar. 1999 - アイロニーはどのように識別されるか
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第15回大会論文集
Jun. 1998 - 比喩理解モデルの諸相
内海 彰
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告
May 1997 - 比喩理解モデルの諸相
内海 彰
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告
May 1997 - Implicit display theory of verbal irony: Towards a computational model of irony
Akira Utsumi
Invited oral presentation, English, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH'96), International conference
Sep. 1996 - 言外の意味をもつ言語表現の計算モデルについて
内海 彰
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第12回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 第12回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
May 1996 - 言外の意味をもつ言語表現の計算モデルについて
内海 彰
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第12回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
May 1996 - アイロニー理解の形式化に向けて
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第12回大会論文集
Jun. 1995 - 関連性に基づく文脈に依存した隠喩理解の計算モデル
内海 彰
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第11回大会論文集
Jun. 1994 - 文脈の中の隠喩 --- 関連性による隠喩理解モデル ---
内海 彰; 菅野 道夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会研究報告 94-NL-101, 自然言語処理研究会
1994 - 関連性理論に基づく発話理解の計算モデル
内海 彰; 堀 浩一; 大須賀 節雄
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本認知科学会第10回大会論文集
Jun. 1993 - 関連性による語用論的曖昧さの解消
内海 彰; 堀 浩一; 大須賀 節雄
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会 AIシンポジウム'92 論文集
Nov. 1992 - 形容詞の表す意味の表現と自然言語理解
内海 彰; 堀 浩一; 大須賀 節雄
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第5回全国大会論文集
Jul. 1991 - 文脈に関わる制約に同調するマンマシン・インタフェース
内海 彰; 堀 浩一; 大須賀 節雄
Oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会第4回全国大会論文集
Jul. 1990 - 文脈に関わる制約への同調機構の,ニューラルネットワークによる 実現の試み
内海 彰; 堀 浩一; 大須賀 節雄
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 NLP-90-5(AI-90-33)
- プログラミング実験
The University of Electro-Communications - プログラミング実験
電気通信大学 - 言語認知工学
The University of Electro-Communications - 言語認知工学
電気通信大学 - アカデミックリテラシー
The University of Electro-Communications - アカデミックリテラシー
The University of Electro-Communications - Topics on Language and Cognitive Systems
The University of Electro-Communications - 言語認知システム特論
電気通信大学 - 情報通信システム
The University of Electro-Communications - 情報通信システム
電気通信大学 - 言語情報解析論
東京学芸大学大学院 - 言語情報解析論
Research Themes
- Emotional Science of Literatures
持橋 大地; 大関 洋平; 内海 彰
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B), 21H05061
23 Aug. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024 - 計算モデリングに基づく抽象概念形成における言語の役割とその認知機構の解明
Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2024 - BPSD予測・予防により介護負担を軽減する認知症対応型AI・IoTサービスの開発と実装
国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED), 認知症対応型AI・IoTシステム研究推進事業, Coinvestigator
Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2023 - 日本語の間接発話理解:第一言語、第二言語、人工知能における習得メカニズムの認知科学的比較研究
国立国語研究所, 研究助成
01 Oct. 2016 - 30 Sep. 2019 - ベクトル空間モデルによる計算モデリング手法の深化と言語の意味の諸問題の認知的解明
01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2019 - 語用論発達評価法の開発:障害種別を超えて
01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2019 - マルチモーダル情報を利用した多言語意味空間の生成手法の開発
一般財団法人テレコム先端技術研究支援センター, 研究助成
01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Dec. 2018 - Development of technologies of detecting and linking personal information for privacy enhancement
HIROSHI Yoshiura; UTSUMI Akira
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Disclosure of personal information in social media is serious social problem. We developed a technology that detects revelation of personal information from natural language text to be posted in social medial. Evaluation using 1000x11 texts posted by 11 volunteers has shown that our developed technology detected 85% of revelations of volunteers' affiliations and job categories. On the other hand, privacy infringement by linking multiple fragments of personal information become a social concern.We developed a technology that detects texts in social media posted by a person of interest by linking the texts with a resume of the person. We have evaluated our developed technology using 1000x12 texts posted by 12 volunteers and 1000x100 texts posted by 100 background persons. The evaluation has shown that our developed technology worked successfully for 8 volunteers, i.e. it identified texts posted by the volunteer from texts posted this volunteer and 100 other persons., 23500082
28 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2015 - アイロニ-と比喩を中心とした言外の意味の解釈機構の計算モデルに関する研究
内海 彰
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 東京工業大学, 奨励研究(A), 本研究により得られた成果をまとめると以下のようになる。 1.アイロニ-の説明理論および計算モデルの構築 (1) アイロニ-の成立に必要な状況設定としてアイロニ-環境,言語表現上の特徴として暗黙的提示という概念を新たに提案し,「アイロニ-とは現在の発話状況がアイロニ-環境という特殊な状況であることを聞き手に暗黙的に提示する表現である」という暗黙的提示理論を構築した.この枠組みにより従来のアイロニ-研究のいくつもの問題点を統一的に解決でき,また,言語学や心理学などで得られている知見を包括的に説明できるなどその妥当性を示した. (2)(1)の枠組みに基づき,アイロニ-解釈の計算モデルを構築した.このモデルに基づくアルゴリズムは,現在の発話状況がアイロニ-環境であるかどうかを調べた後に,アイロニ-の表現上の特徴がどの程度満たされているかをアイロニ-度という数値的な尺度を用いて評価することによって,与えられた言語表現・発話がアイロニ-であるかどうかを決定する.そしてアイロニ-である可能性が高い場合には,話し手のアイロニカルな意図を推測する. (3)(2)の計算モデルをワークステーション上にCommon Lispにより実装し,動作を確認した. (4) アルゴリズムの振舞いがアイロニ-に関して経験的に得られている解釈結果と一致していることを確認した.しかし人間の判断とアルゴリズムの判断の比較による計算モデルの妥当性の検証は現在進行中であり,今後の課題とした. 2.属性隠喩の理解アルゴリズムに関して,人間の解釈とアルゴリズムの解釈を再現率や適合率を用いて比較し,再現率約70%,適合率約30%という満足な結果を得た. 3.関連性理論を基盤とした言語解釈手法を属性隠喩の理解に適用し、比喩表現に特別な処理を行なうことなく字義的な表現と同時に適用可能な言語解釈モデルを構築した.アイロニ-表現への拡張は今後の課題とした., 08780334
1996 - 1996