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Research Activity Information
- 文章の技術
郵政, 10-13, Feb. 2000, Null - 文章教育の必要性
月刊国語教育, 1999年12月号, 16-19, Dec. 1999, Null - 大学の評価,明確な尺度で
読売新聞「論点」,2000年9月15日, Sep. 2000, Null - Clustering Similar Words for Curing Data Sparseness
Wu, H., T. Furugori, and others
自然言語処理135-22, 情報処理学会, 157-164, 2000, Null - How players learn at 'KANSO-SEN'
Takeshi Ito, Teiji Furugori
Complex GamesLab Workshop, 28-32, 1998, Null - Resolving overlapping ambiguities and selecting correct word sequence in Chinese using Internet corpus
Dongli Han, Haodong Wu, Teiji Furugori
Journal of Natural Language Processing, 8, 3, 107-121, 2001, Peer-reviwed, Null - Structural disambiguation based on reliable estimation of strength of association
Eduardo de Paive Alves, Teiji Furugori
Proc. of COLING-ACLユ98, Canada, 1416-1422, 1998, Peer-reviwed, Null - Determining the antecedent of noun phrase containing the determiner kono or sono in Japanese
Toshimasa Koga, Haodong Wu,Teiji Furugori
Proc. of the 13th PACLIC, Taipei, 251-259, 1999, Peer-reviwed, Null - Three word dependency relations and their application to structural ambiguity resolution
Eduardo de Paive Alves, Teiji Furugori
Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, 40, 1, 343-350, 1999, Peer-reviwed, False - Word sense disambiguation with a corpus-based semantic network
Qujiang Peng, Takeshi Ito, Teiji Furugori
Proc. of the 6th NLPRS, Tokyo, 2001, Peer-reviwed, Null - 文生成による新聞記事の要約システム
林日華, 伊藤毅志. 古郡廷治
信学技報, NLC2001-5, 1-6, 2001, Null - 文脈情報を利用した多文字複合語の分割
韓東力, 加藤浩一, 古郡廷治
信学技報, NLC2001-5, 29-34, 2001, Null - Naural Language Processing for MPEG-7 Applications
Haaodong Wu, Teiji Furugori
信学技報, NLC2001-5, 49-55, 2001, Null - 立場に基づく自動要約
林 日華,石井弘志,古郡廷治
言語と思考,電子情報通信学会, 2000, Null - 単語の中心性に基づくテキスト自動要約システム
石井弘志,林 日華,古郡廷治
自然言語処理142-12,情報処理学会, 83-90, 2001, Null - Determination of the Meaning of Polysemous, Word Using a Word Similarity Measurement
Peng, Q., Takakura, S., and Furugori, T.
自然言語処理142-9,情報処理学会, 59-66, 2001, Null - A method for estimating strength of association and its application to structural disambiguation
Eduardo de Paive Alves, Haodong Wu, Teiji Furugori
Journal of Natural Language Processing, 5, 3, 53-65, 1998, Peer-reviwed, Null - A computational method for resolving ambiguities in coordinate structures
Haodong Wu ,Teiji Furugori
Proc. of the 12th PACLIC, Singapore, 263-270, 1998, Peer-reviwed, Null - A hybrid approach for resolving ambiguities in coordinate structures
Haodong Wu, Teiji Furugori
Journal of Natural Language Processing, 5, 4, 1-14, 1998, Peer-reviwed, Null - Disambiguation of Syntactic Structures Using the Strength of Association in Three Word Dependency Relations
Teiji Furugori and Eduardo de Paiva Alves
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 6, 2, 101-107, 1999, Peer-reviwed, Null - 文章添削トレーニング
1999, Peer-reviwed, Null - A Corpus-Based Approach for Word Sense Disambiguation Using Multiple Cues
Wu, H. and T. Furugori
Proc. of 5th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium, Beijing, 381-386, 1999, Null - 誤り駆動モデルに基づく中国語未登録語の認識
情報処理学会自然言語処理,134-17, 123-129, 1999, Null - 外来語ー乱用避ける日本ご教育を
朝日新聞, 2003, Peer-reviwed, False - A Method for Similarity-based Lexical Disambiguation
Peng, Q., H. Wu, T. Furugori
Journal of Natural Language Processing, 9, 2, 77-89, 2002, Peer-reviwed, False - 要素間の依存関係に基づく複合語の構造分析
電子情報通信学会誌, J86, 5, 2003, Peer-reviwed, False
Scientific journal - 大学生の国語力低下を憂う
朝日新聞「論壇」1999年6月10日, Jun. 1999, Null - A Method for Resolving Overlapping Ambiguities in Chinese Word Segmentation Process
韓東 力,古郡廷治
言語理解とコミュニケーション, 電子情報通信学会, Oct. 2000, Null - Rewriting Japanese compound nouns into expressions usable effectively in machine translation system,
Han, D. T. Ito, T. furugori
Proc. of 2002 IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2002, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings - A Deterministic Method for Structural Analysis of Compound Words in Japanese
Dongli Han, Takeshi Ito, Teiji Furugori
The 16th Pacific-Asia conference on Language, Information and Computation, 2002, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings - TransAid: A Writerユs Aid System for Translating Japanese into English
Takakura, S. T. Ito, T. Furugori
Proc. of 2002 IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2002, 2002, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings