Department of Engineering Science | Professor |
Cluster III (Fundamental Science and Engineering) | Professor |
Institute for Advanced Science | Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Field Of Study
- Apr. 2024 - Present
The University of Electro-Communications, Vice-Director - Dec. 2023 - Present
HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K., Outside Director, Japan - Apr. 2022 - Present
University of Electro-Communications, Vice-President - Apr. 2021 - Present
Institute for Advanced Science, UEC, Director - Aug. 2019 - Present
University of Tokushima, Institute of Post-LED Photonics, Distinguished Visiting Professor (cross-appointment) - Apr. 2015 - Present
Institute for Advanced Science, UEC, Division Leader - Apr. 2013 - Present
UEC, Professor - Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2022
University Library, UEC, University Library Director - 01 Oct. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2020
JST, ERATO Minoshima Intelligent Optical Synthesizer Project (ERATO-IOS), Research Director - 01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2013
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Bureau Manager - 01 Apr. 2007 - 31 Mar. 2013
Tokyo University of Science, Guest Professor - 01 Apr. 2007 - 31 Mar. 2011
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Group Leader, Chief - 01 Apr. 2001 - 31 Mar. 2007
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Senior Research Scientist - Jan. 2000 - May 2001
MIT, Visiting Scientist - 01 Oct. 1997 - 31 Mar. 2001
National Research Laboratory of Metrology (NRLM), Senior Research Scientist - 01 Apr. 1993 - 30 Sep. 1997
National Research Laboratory of Metrology (NRLM), Research Scientist - Oct. 1996 - Nov. 1996
University of Bordeaux, Visiting Professor
Educational Background
Member History
- May 2024 - Present
Vice President, Laser Society of Japan, Society - Apr. 2024 - Present
評議員, 精密財団, Society - Dec. 2023 - Present
ASNITE-NMI Assessment Committee, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, NITE, Government - Jun. 2022 - Present
評議員, 公益財団法人 矢崎科学技術振興記念財団, Others - Oct. 2021 - Present
Committee Member, C17, International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), Society, https://iupap.org/who-we-are/internal-organization/commissions/c17-laser-physics-and-photonics/c17-members/ - Oct. 2021 - Present
Vice-President, International Commission for Optics (ICO), Society - Apr. 2021 - Present
第11期委員, 文部科学省 科学技術・学術審議会 基礎研究振興部会, Government - Apr. 2021 - Present
Associate Editor, Journal OPTICA, OPTICA (formerly OSA), Society, OSA, The Optical Society - Jun. 2018 - Present
Board Member, Laser Society of Japan, Society - Jun. 2015 - Present
評議員, 一般財団法人 光産業技術振興協会, Society - May 2015 - Present
Quantum Science and Technology Technology Committee, MEXT, Government - Aug. 2014 - Present
計量行政審議会委員, 経済産業省, Government - 2012 - Present
レーザー学会「ファイバレーザー技術」専門委員, レーザー学会, Society - Oct. 2011 - Present
Member, Science Council of Japan, Government - 2004 - Present
Optik, Editorial Board, Optik, Others - 2003 - Present
電子情報通信学会 超高速光エレクトロニクス時限研究専門委員, 電子情報通信学会, Society - Oct. 2020 - Sep. 2022
Hopkins Leadership Award Selection Committee, OSA, The Optical Society, Society - Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2022
Selection Committee, JSAP, Society - 01 Jun. 2019 - 31 May 2021
超高速光エレクトロニクス時限研究専門委員会 委員長, 電子情報通信学会, Society - Mar. 2019 - Mar. 2021
代議員, 応用物理学会, Society - Mar. 2019 - Mar. 2021
Board Member, Japanese Society of Applied Physics, Society - Dec. 2020 - Jan. 2021
Project Review Committee, Swiss Federal Science Foundation, Government - Jul. 2019 - Sep. 2020
光学論文賞審査委員, 日本光学会, Society - Oct. 2018 - Sep. 2020
Fellow Selection Committee, OSA, The Optical Society, Society - Dec. 2019 - Mar. 2020
審査委員, JST SICORP, Government - Aug. 2019 - Aug. 2019
Project Review Committee, Swiss Federal Science Foundation, Government - 2017 - 2019
Townes Award Selection Committee, OSA, The Optical Society, Society - 2019
Award Selection Committee, OSA, The Optical Society, Society - Jan. 2017 - Dec. 2018
Selection committee for JSAP Fellow, JSAP, Society - 2015 - 2017
Hopkins Leadership Award Selection Committee, OSA, The Optical Society, Society - Jan. 2016
審査委員, 日本学術振興会, Government - Jul. 2014 - Mar. 2015
文部科学省「科学技術の中長期発展に係る俯瞰的予測調査」における分野別委員会委員, 文部科学省, Government - 2008 - 2015
JST, PRESTO, Technical Adviser, JST, PRESTO, Government - Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014
埼玉県地方産業教育審議会委員, 埼玉県教育委員会, Autonomy - 2011 - Mar. 2014
人財育成・教育事業委員, 応用物理学会, Society - 2012 - 2013
Townes Award Selection Committee, OSA, The Optical Society, Society - 2004 - 2013
電気学会 光・量子コヒーレンス制御技術調査専門委員, 電気学会 - 2011 - 2012
JST男女共同参画アドバイザリー委員, JST - 2010 - 2011
論文賞委員, JSAP, Society - 2010 - 2011
論文賞委員, 応用物理学会, Society - 2010 - 2011
機関誌編集委員, 応用物理学会, Society - 2009 - 2011
学術・社会連携委員会 光量子科学技術連携委員会 企画委員, 応用物理学会, Society - 2009 - 2011
学術・社会連携委員会 光量子科学技術連携委員, 応用物理学会, Society - 2002 - 2011
レーザー学会誌「レーザー研究」編集委員, レーザー学会, Society - 2009 - 2010
光学論文賞審査委員, 応用物理学会 日本光学会, Society - 2008 - 2010
光学奨励賞審査委員, JSAP, OSJ, Society - 2008 - 2010
光学奨励賞審査委員, 応用物理学会 日本光学会, Society - 2008 - 2009
APEX/JJAP編集運営委員, 応用物理学会 - 2006 - 2009
JJAP編集委員, 応用物理学会 - 2006 - 2009
第45-48期代議員, 応用物理学会, Society - 2006 - 2008
審査委員, 日本学術振興会, Society - 2006 - 2006
National Science Foundation, LIGO Review Committee, National Science Foundation, Government - 2003 - 2005
男女共同参画委員, 応用物理学会, Society
Research Activity Information
- May 2023
Laser Society of Japan
Fellow recoginition, Kaoru Minoshima
Japan society, Japan - Mar. 2022
Optical Engineering Award, JSAP, Kaoru Minoshima
Japan society - Nov. 2021
Institute for Laser Technology
Taizan Awards, Laser Progress Award, Kaoru Minoshima
Publisher - Apr. 2019
2019 Hermann Anton Haus Lecturer, RLE, MIT, Kaoru Minoshima
Others, United States - Jun. 2017
Laser Society of Japan
Senior Member of Laser Society of Japan, Kaoru Minoshima
Japan society - 2015
The Optical Society (OSA), Optica
Optica (formerly OSA) Fellow Recognition, Kaoru Minoshima
International society - 2014
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
JSAP Fellow, Kaoru Minoshima
Japan society - Dec. 2013
NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step), Kaoru Minoshima - May 2013
Laser Society of Japan
Outstanding Paper Award, Kaoru Minoshima - 2010
Japan Society of Applied Physics
Women Researcher Award, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Kaoru Minoshima - 2008
the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Kaoru Minoshima
- Parametric study of chaotic combs for high-rate random number generation
Omnia Nawwar; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 37, 3, 153-156, 01 Feb. 2025, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - Laser-scanning optical-frequency-comb microscopy for multimodal imaging
Shimpei Kajiwara; Eiji Hase; Shota Nakano; Keishiro Ootani; Tomoya Okabe; Hidenori Koresawa; Akifumi Asahara; Kazumichi Yoshii; Hirotsugu YAMAMOTO; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Takeo Minamikawa
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, IOP Publishing, 63, 12, 122001-1-122001-8, 29 Nov. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, Abstract
We introduce a laser-scanning optical microscopy technique that employs optical-frequency-comb (OFC) lasers. This method facilitates multimodal spectroscopic imaging by analyzing interferograms produced via a dual-comb spectroscopic approach. Such interferograms capture comprehensive light information, including amplitude, phase, polarization, frequency, and time of flight information, enabling multimodal imaging from a single measurement. We demonstrate the potential of this technique across several spectroscopic imaging applications.
Scientific journal, English - Development of an All-Polarization-Maintaining Tri-Comb Fiber Laser with a Mechanical-Sharing Configuration
Kosei Nagao; Takahisa Miura; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 1-2, 04 Aug. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Coherent-Controllable Vis-NIR Dual-Comb Spectroscopy with a High-Power, High-Coherence Fiber Comb System
Ruichen Zhu; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 3, 1-2, 04 Aug. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, with international co-author(s)
International conference proceedings, English - Tomographic Imaging with Broadband Optical Noise Cancelling using Antiphase Pulse by Phase-Controlled Optical Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Keito Hino; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 1-2, 04 Aug. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Practical and High SNR Mid-Infrared Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Based on Bidirectional Dual-Comb Er Fiber Laser
Akifumi Asahara; Gakuto Fukawa; Takayuki Shimizu; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 3, 1-2, 04 Aug. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrafast and scan-less three-dimensional imaging using all-optical information conversion with chirped optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima; Takashi Kato
Lead, Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology III, SPIE, 12997, 1299702-1, 18 Jun. 2024, Invited, True
International conference proceedings, English - Jones-Matrix Dual-Comb Spectroscopic Polarimetry
Hidenori Koresawa; Hiroki Kitahama; Eiji Hase; Yu Tokizane; Akifumi Asahara; Takeo Minamikawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
CLEO 2024, Optica Publishing Group, 416, SM1G.7-SM1G.7, 10 May 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, We propose an innovative approach that combines dual-comb spectroscopy with polarization control pulse sequences featuring distinct polarizations and time delays. This integration enables a detailed analysis of a sample's polarization response using the Jones matrix.
International conference proceedings, English - Broadband Light Beam Steering by Optical Phased Array Based on Phase-controlled Optical Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, CLEO 2024, Optica Publishing Group, 493, SM1G.1-SM1G.1, 10 May 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, The proposed method employs a broadband optical phased array with a phase-controlled optical frequency comb for scanning optical dots. Precise control of the frequency parameters of the comb eliminates the need for optical setup calibration.
International conference proceedings, English - Vis-NIR Broadband Dual-Comb Spectroscopy towards Highly-Functional Measurements with a High-Power, High-Coherence Fiber Comb System
Ruichen Zhu; Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Sida Xing; Thomas R. Schibli; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, CLEO 2024, Optica Publishing Group, 3, SF2P.5-SF2P.5, 10 May 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, with international co-author(s), We demonstrate the generation of a broadband high-power dual-comb source spanning from visible to NIR range based on nonlinear broadening and wavelength conversion of an Er fiber comb. Preliminary dual-comb measurements successfully retrieved the broad visible spectrum.
International conference proceedings, English - Dual-comb Fiber Laser-based Practical Mid-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy via Real-time and Long-term Coherent Averaging
Akifumi Asahara; Gakuto Fukawa; Takayuki Shimizu; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, CLEO 2024, Optica Publishing Group, 3, SF2P.4-SF2P.4, 10 May 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, We demonstrate practical mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy based on a bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser. By implementing real-time and long-term coherent averaging, greenhouse gas spectroscopy with absolute wavelength around 3.9 μm is achieved without complex tight-locking system.
International conference proceedings, English - Measurement of detailed single-photon ultra-fast pulse characteristics by asynchronous optical sampling using a dual-wavelength combs
Komori; Koviri; Ishizeki; Tian; Schibli; Kato; Asahara; Shimizu; Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPS22-02, 26 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, with international co-author(s)
International conference proceedings, English - Parallelization of temporally multiplexed matrix-vector multiplication with distribute feedback based on Rayleigh backscattering in an optical fiber
一松; 美濃島; 久世
Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPS21-05, 26 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Quantum Spectroscopy using 2D Spectrum of Telecom-band Frequency Entangled Photons for Quantum Remote Sensing
石関,内藤; 桑名; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Last, Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPS21-04, 26 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Improvement of Suppression Ratio in Broadband Background Noise Canceling Method using Phase-controlled Optical Frequency Comb
日野,加藤; 猫島; 美濃島
Last, Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPS21-03, 26 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Broadband Beam Steering by Optical Frequency Comb-Based Optical Phased Array
Kato; Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPS21-02, 26 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Development of a Simple and Stable All-Polarization-Maintaining Multi-Comb Source with a Mechanical-Sharing Configuration
Nagao; Kato; Asahara; Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPSp2-36, 26 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Experimental and numerical investigation of blue- and red- detuned dissipative Kerr solitons in coupled-microresonators
Nishimoto; Minoshima; Kuse
Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPS20-03, 26 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Decision making using a chaotic microresonator frequency comb
Cuevas; Iwami; Uchida; Minoshima; Kuse
Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPS20-02, 24 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - High-Power and High-Coherence Fiber Comb System for Broadband Dual-Comb Spectroscopy in Vis–NIR Region
Zhu; Tian; Li; Xing; Schibli; Kato; Asahara; Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPS18-03, 24 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Highly Sensitive and Practical Mid-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy using Dual-comb Fiber Laser with Long-term Coherent Averaging
Asahara; Fukawa; Shimizu; Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS 2024, ALPS18-02, 24 Apr. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Single-photon-level femtosecond time-resolved measurement by asynchronous optical sampling with dual-wavelength comb
Hajime Komori; Prasad Koviri; Masahiro Ishizeki; Haochen Tian; Thomas R. Schibli; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XXIV, SPIE, Proc. SPIE 12875, 1287508-1-3, 12 Mar. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, with international co-author(s)
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrafast time-resolved single-photon detection using two-color comb based asynchronous optical sampling for quantum applications
Prasad Koviri; Hajime Komori; Masahiro Ishizeki; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimizu; Thomas R. Schibli; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XX, SPIE, Proc. of SPIE 12895, 1289504-1-3, 08 Mar. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, with international co-author(s)
International conference proceedings, English - Solving multi-armed bandit problems using a chaotic microresonator comb
Jonathan Cuevas; Ryugo Iwami; Atsushi Uchida; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
APL Photonics, AIP Publishing, 9, 3, 01 Mar. 2024, Peer-reviwed, The Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem, foundational to reinforcement learning-based decision-making, addresses the challenge of maximizing rewards amid multiple uncertain choices. While algorithmic solutions are effective, their computational efficiency diminishes with increasing problem complexity. Photonic accelerators, leveraging temporal and spatial-temporal chaos, have emerged as promising alternatives. However, despite these advancements, current approaches either compromise computation speed or amplify system complexity. In this paper, we introduce a chaotic microresonator frequency comb (chaotic comb) to tackle the MAB problem, where each comb mode is assigned to a slot machine. Through a proof-of-concept experiment, we employ 44 comb modes to address an MAB with 44 slot machines, demonstrating performance competitive with both conventional software algorithms and other photonic methods. Furthermore, the scalability of decision making is explored with up to 512 slot machines using experimentally obtained temporal chaos in different time slots. Power-law scalability is achieved with an exponent of 0.96, outperforming conventional software-based algorithms. Moreover, we find that a numerically calculated chaotic comb accurately reproduces experimental results, paving the way for discussions on strategies to increase the number of slot machines.
Scientific journal, English - Single-photon level ultrafast time-resolved measurement using two-color dual-comb-based asynchronous linear optical sampling
Prasad Koviri; Hajime Komori; Haochen Tian; Masahiro Ishizeki; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimizu; Thomas R. Schibli; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Applied Physics Express, IOP Publishing, 17, 2, 022001-022001, 14 Feb. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, Abstract
We demonstrated an ultrafast time-resolved measurement method operating at the single-photon level and employing a two-color comb-based asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS) setup. We harnessed the two-color ASOPS photon counting approach to achieve long-term averaging of the ultralow intensity signal with a synchronized optical trigger signal, which minimizes residual timing jitter between the two combs. A pulse-width limited picosecond cross-correlation signal was successfully obtained with a power level of <1 photon/pulse. This approach enables the thorough study of ultrafast time-resolved detection of entangled photon pairs, quantum mechanical correlations in the time-frequency domain and finds wide use in optical quantum technology.
Scientific journal, English - Broadband, high-power optical frequency combs covering visible to near-infrared
Haochen Tian; RUICHEN ZHU; Runmin Li; Sida Xing; Thomas Schibli; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optics Letters, Optica Publishing Group, 49, 3, 538-541, 01 Feb. 2024, Peer-reviwed, True, with international co-author(s)
Scientific journal, English - Stepped-Frequency THz-wave Signal Generation From a Kerr Microresonator Soliton Comb
Omnia Nawwar; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
Journal of Lightwave Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1-7, 27 Nov. 2023, Peer-reviwed, True
Scientific journal, English - High-precision absolute distance measurement using a cascaded coherent link between envelope and the carrier phase of an optical comb pulse
Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Asia Pacific Laser Symposium 2023, HTu1-04, 05 Sep. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Broadband visible dual-comb spectroscopy using spectral stitching of nonlinearly generated light by waveguide-type PPLN crystals
Nagasaki; Zhu; Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Asia Pacific Laser Symposium 2023, PHTu-08, 05 Sep. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Demonstration of Quantum Spectroscopy Method using 2D Spectrum of Telecom-band Frequency Entangled Photons towards Quantum Remote Sensing
Ishizeki; Naito; Kuwana; Asahara; Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Asia Pacific Laser Symposium 2023, HTu2-03, 05 Sep. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Solving multi-armed bandit problems using a chaotic microresonator comb
Jonathan Cuevas; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
Asia Pasific Laser Symposium 2023, HTu2-02, 05 Sep. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Dual-comb Spectroscopy with OAM modes for Azimuth Angle Measurement
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optica Sensing Congress 2023 (AIS, FTS, HISE, Sensors, ES), Optica Publishing Group, 02 Aug. 2023, Peer-reviwed, By combining dual-comb spectroscopy and optical vortices, in-plane azimuth angle measurement was performed based on optical frequency combs. The measurable angle range was tailored by the topological charge number of the involved optical vortices.
International conference proceedings, English - Optical Frequency Comb Applications Beyond Frequency Metrology Using Versatile Control of Optical Waves
Kaoru Minoshima
Lead, 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), IEEE, 26 Jun. 2023, Invited
International conference proceedings, English - Frequency-Controlled Dot Pattern Projection of Ultrashort Pulse using Optical Phased Array Based on Optical Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe; European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), IEEE, 26 Jun. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Single-Pass Configuration mW-Class Broadband Mid-Infrared Comb Using a Waveguide-Type PPLN Crystal
Ryo Mitsumoto; Naoya Kuse; Kazuki Inoue; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima; Kazumichi Yoshii
CLEO 2023, Optica Publishing Group, 18 May 2023, Peer-reviwed, We generated a broadband mid-infrared comb of 2.4-4.6 μm with an output of 4.2 mW based on an Er:fiber comb as a fundamental light using a waveguide-type PPLN crystal. This system is robust due to its single-pass configuration.
International conference proceedings, English - Noise canceling in optical measurement using broadband antiphase pulses by phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Keito Hino; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, CLEO 2023, Optica Publishing Group, 18 May 2023, Peer-reviwed, Noise canceling technique using destructive interference by broadband antiphase pulses generated by phase-controlled optical frequency comb was proposed. By simply controlling two frequencies of the comb, background noise is well-canceled as demonstrated in tomography.
International conference proceedings, English - Thermally insensitive Kerr microresonator soliton comb
Naoya Kuse; Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO 2023, Optica Publishing Group, 18 May 2023, Peer-reviwed, We numerally demonstrate a thermally insensitive Kerr microresonator soliton comb via the control of the avoided mode crossing, in which the thermo-refractive effect, self-Raman frequency shift, higher-order dispersion, and avoided-mode crossing are balanced.
International conference proceedings, English - Stepped-Frequency THz-wave Signal Generation from a dissipative Kerr microresonator soliton comb
Omnia Nawwar; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
CLEO 2023, Optica Publishing Group, 18 May 2023, Peer-reviwed, A stepped-frequency 290-GHz signal is generated from two comb modes of a Kerr microresonator soliton comb, in which one of the comb modes is frequency-shifted by an optical recirculating loop.
International conference proceedings, English - Advanced Circular Dichroism Measurement Method with Circular Polarization Switching Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Ruichen Zhu; Ryota Nagasaki; Takashi Kato; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, CLEO 2023, Optica Publishing Group, 16 May 2023, Peer-reviwed, This study demonstrated well-controlled circular polarization switching dual-comb spectroscopy using coherent controllability of combs. Applicability of circular dichroism spectroscopy has been verified using circular polarizers. The developed method realizes high-sensitivity, high-speed, and broadband circular-dichroism characterizations.
International conference proceedings, English - Coherent OAM Modulation Technique using Versatile Phase Controllability of Multi-optical-combs towards Sensitive and Rapid Spatiotemporal Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Ruichen Zhu; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, CLEO 2023, Optica Publishing Group, 16 May 2023, Peer-reviwed, A new orbital angular momentum (OAM) modulation method is demonstrated based on the high phase controllability of multi-optical-combs. The developed method will lead to sensitive and rapid spatiotemporal spectroscopy using optical frequency combs.
International conference proceedings, English - Fundamental study on quantum remote sensing using nonlocal correlation of frequency entangled photon pair generated by ultra-short pulse train for fiber network
Masahiro Ishizeki; Nito; Kuwana; Akifumi Asahara; Rhosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS2023, ALPS26-04, 26 Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrafast Dot Pattern Projection using Optical Phased Array Based on Frequency-Controlled Optical Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS2023, ALPS23-02, 23 Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High Precision and Extended Non-ambiguity Range Absolute Distance Measurement Based on a Coherently Synthesized Two-Color Electro-Optic Frequency Comb
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS2023, ALPS25-02, 21 Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Broadband noise cancelling in optical measurement using destructive interference by phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Keito Hino; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS2023, ALPS25-03, 21 Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - mW-Level Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb Generation Using WaveguideType PPLN Crystal in Single-Pass Configuration
Mitsumoto, Kuse; Inoue; Nakajima, Yasui; Minoshima, Yoshii
Abstract of ALPS2023, ALPSp2-38, 20 Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrafast Time-resolved Single-photon Detection Method Using Two-color Asynchronous Optical Sampling
Prasad Koviri; Hajime Komori; Masahiro Ishizeki; Haochen Tian; Thomas Schibli; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Rhosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS2023, ALPS20-04, 20 Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed, True, with international co-author(s)
International conference proceedings, English - Evaluation of solid-state physical properties by mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy based on a dual-comb fiber laser
Fukawa; Jiajie Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Abstract of ALPS2023, ALPS20-03, 20 Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Dual-comb spectroscopy for in-plane angle measurement using OAM vortex light
Akifumi Asahara; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group, 31, 7, 11695-11695, 23 Mar. 2023, Peer-reviwed, True, By combining dual-comb spectroscopy and optical vortices, which have the orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light, we propose a novel measurement concept, “dual-vortex-comb spectroscopy (DVCS).” We extend the dual-comb spectroscopy to angle dimensions by utilizing the characteristic helical phase structure of optical vortices. We demonstrate a proof-of-principle experiment on DVCS that realizes in-plane azimuth-angle measurements with an accuracy of ∼0.1 mrad after cyclic error correction, whose origin is verified by a simulation. We also demonstrate that the measurable angle range is tailored by the topological number of the optical vortices. This is the first demonstration of dimensional conversion between the in-plane angle and dual-comb interferometric phase. This successful result can expand the applicability of optical frequency comb metrology to new dimensions.
Scientific journal, English - Absolute distance measurement based on a coherently synthesized two-color electro-optic frequency comb
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Ultrafast Optics 2023 - UFOXIII, Optica Publishing Group, Jan. 2023, Peer-reviwed, A low-noise coherently synthesized two-color EO comb is demonstrated and applied for distance measurement. Nanometer-precision absolute distance measurement within extended non-ambiguity range is realized by combining synthetic-wavelength interferometry and single-wavelength interferometry.
International conference proceedings, English - Dual-comb spectroscopy using free-running combs with digital phase correction
Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Lukasz A. Sterczewski; Takeru Endo; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Ultrafast Optics 2023 - UFOXIII, Optica Publishing Group, Jan. 2023, Invited, True, with international co-author(s), We realize dual-comb spectroscopy measurements using two types of free-running optical frequency combs, independent Yb:fiber combs with 750-MHz repetition rate and mechanical sharing Er:fiber combs with 51-MHz repetition rate. Assisted by all-computational digital phase correction techniques, the absorption features of gaseous cells are characterized with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio.
International conference proceedings, English - Broadband coherently synthesized two-color electro-optic frequency combs with phase noise suppression
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Applied Physics Express, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, 1, 1, 1-14, 12 Dec. 2022, Peer-reviwed, Abstract
A coherently synthesized 1550/1560 nm two-color EO comb is generated by modulating two continuous-wave lasers with common EO modulators and phase-locking their beat note. Compared with a single-color EO comb, the phase noise of comb modes that accumulated from the RF synthesizer is effectively suppressed in our coherently synthesized two-color EO comb. Besides, a broader spectrum is demonstrated in a coherently synthesized 1535/1560 nm two-color EO comb, with a 60-nm total spectrum span. The coherently synthesized two-color EO combs are expected to be applied in coherent communication, spectroscopy, absolute distance measurement, etc.
Scientific journal, English - Low phase noise THz generation from a fiber-referenced Kerr microresonator soliton comb
Naoya Kuse; Kenji Nishimoto; Yu Tokizane; Shota Okada; Gabriele Navickaite; Michael Geiselmann; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Communications Physics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 5, 1, 02 Dec. 2022, Peer-reviwed, Abstract
THz oscillators generated via frequency-multiplication of microwaves are facing difficulty in achieving low phase noise. Photonics-based techniques, in which optical two tones are translated to a THz wave through opto-electronic conversion, are promising if the relative phase noise between the two tones is well suppressed. Here, a THz (≈560 GHz) wave with a low phase noise is provided by a frequency-stabilized, dissipative Kerr microresonator soliton comb. The repetition frequency of the comb is stabilized to a long fiber in a two-wavelength delayed self-heterodyne interferometer, significantly reducing the phase noise of the THz wave. A measurement technique to characterize the phase noise of the THz wave beyond the limit of a frequency-multiplied microwave is also demonstrated, showing the superior phase noise of the THz wave to any other photonic THz oscillators (>300 GHz).
Scientific journal, English - Dual-comb spectroscopy using free-running mechanical sharing dual-comb fiber lasers
Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Takeru Endo; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Lukasz A. Sterczewski; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Applied Physics Letters, AIP Publishing, 121, 11, 211104-1-211104-6, 21 Nov. 2022, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate balanced-detection dual-comb spectroscopy using two free-running mechanical sharing dual-comb fiber lasers assisted by an all-computational digital phase correction algorithm. The mutual coherence between the combs allows us perform mode-resolved spectroscopy of gaseous hydrogen cyanide by digitally compensating residual timing and offset frequency fluctuations of the dual-comb signal. Setting the repetition rate difference between the combs to 500 Hz (1.5 kHz) yields more than 2000 resolved radio frequency comb lines after phase correction in a 3-dB bandwidth centered at 1560 nm of wavelength. Through coadding the corrected interferograms, we obtain a single time-domain trace with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 6378 (13 960) and 12.64 (13.77) bits of dynamic range in 1 s of averaging. The spectral SNR of the coadded trace reaches 529 (585), corresponding to a figure of merit of SNR of 1.3 × 106 (1.4 × 106). The measured absorption spectrum of hydrogen cyanide agrees well with the HITRAN database.
Scientific journal, English - Dead-zone free single-shot three-dimensional measurement using a high-repetition-rate Yb:fiber comb
Shintaro Kurata; Hirotaka Ishii; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Morito; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Opt. Continuum, Optica (OSA), 1, 11, 2374-2388, 17 Nov. 2022, Peer-reviwed, Using spectral interference from a highly chirped and high-repetition-rate optical frequency comb, a technique for dead-zone free one-shot three-dimensional (3D) imaging was developed. We generated continuously emitted pulse train (dead-zone-free pulse) using a highly chirped pulse from a 750-MHz repetition mode-locked Yb fiber comb. The measurement performances of the system were evaluated using an optical spectrum analyzer, and a longitudinal delay length resolution of 31 µm was obtained at arbitrary position for more than 400 mm range. Using an imaging spectrometer capable of multipoint spectroscopy, a delay length resolution of 81 µm was demonstrated. Finally, for a proof-of-concept measurement of 3D imaging, line profiles of three mirrors located in the middle of 200-mm-distance, corresponding to pulse-to-pulse interval, were measured without any scanning with an uncertainty of 0.7 mm. The uncertainty could be further improved by optical alignment and analysis to the level of 10 ∼ 100 µm at arbitrary position over the range not limited to pulse-to-pulse interval.
Scientific journal, English - Ultrafast wavefront switching with high robustness using phased optical array based on optical frequency comb
Akifumi Asahara; Atsushi Sugita; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ICO-25, ICO-25, 05 Sep. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrafast wavefront switching with high robustness using phased optical array based on optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ICO-25, ICO-25, 05 Sep. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Distance Measurement Based on a Coherently Synthesized Two-color EO Comb towards High-accuracy Air-refractive Index Self-Correction
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CThP6F-06, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Circular Polarization Switching in Dual-comb Spectroscopy using Coherent-controlled Multi-comb Pulses towards Circular Dichroism Characterization
Ruichen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Takashi Kato; Tian Haochen; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CThP6E-04, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Comb-line Resolved Dual-comb Spectroscopy Using Free-running Mechanical Sharing Combs
Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Sterczewski; Takashi Kaoto; Ruichen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CThP6F-03, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A Simple Scheme for Phase-sensitive Dual-comb Spectroscopy with Mechanical-sharing Dual-comb Laser
Takeru Endo; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CThP6F-02, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Background noise canceling technique in optical measurement using phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CThP6E-01, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Optical phased array based on optical frequency comb for broadband wavefront control of ultrashort pulse
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CThA6C-03, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Shape Measurement Technique with Self-correction of Air Refractive using a Single-color Comb Interferometer
Takuho Tanaka; Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CThA6D-03, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Engineering of nonlinear optical processes by arbitrarily manipulating the relevant optical phases
W. Liu; C. Ohae; J. Zheng; S. Tahara; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CFP6I-02, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Continuous Synthesis of Arbitrary Optical Waveforms on a Sub-Femtosecond Timescale
Tomura; Ohae; Nakagawa; Minoshima; Katsuragawa
CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CWP2E-01, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Mid-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy using Bidirectional Dual-comb Fiber Laser for Greenhouse N2O Gas Detection
Jiajie Li; Akifumi Asahara; Haochen Tian; Kazumichi Yoshii; Takashi Kato; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CTuP6B-07, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Generation of a mW-class broadband mid-infrared comb using a waveguide-type PPLN crystal and its application to dual-comb spectroscopy
Kazumichi Yoshii; Naoya Kuse; Kazuki Inoue; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR 2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO-PR 2022, CTuP6B-06, 04 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Quasi-real-time dual-comb spectroscopy with 750-MHz Yb:fiber combs
Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Lukasz A. Sterczewski; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optics Express, Optica (OSA), 30, 16, 28427-28437, 01 Aug. 2022, Peer-reviwed, We present quasi-real-time dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) using two Yb:fiber combs with ∼750 MHz repetition rates. A computational coherent averaging technique is employed to correct timing and phase fluctuations of the measured dual-comb interferogram (IGM). Quasi-real-time phase correction of 1-ms long acquisitions occurs every 1.5 seconds and is assisted by coarse radio frequency (RF) phase-locking of an isolated RF comb mode. After resampling and global offset phase correction, the RF comb linewidth is reduced from 200 kHz to ∼1 kHz, while the line-to-floor ratio increases 13 dB in power in 1 ms. Using simultaneous offset frequency correction in opposite phases, we correct the aliased RF spectrum spanning three Nyquist zones, which yields an optical coverage of ∼180 GHz around 1.035 µm probed on a sub-microsecond timescale. The absorption profile of gaseous acetylene is observed to validate the presented technique.
Scientific journal, English - Engineering nonlinear optical phenomena by arbitrarily manipulating the phase relationships among the relevant optical fields
Weiyong Liu; Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Soma Tahara; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Hisashi Ogawa; Tetsushi Takano; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Communications Physics, Nature, 5, 179-179, 09 Jul. 2022, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Low Noise 560 GHz Generation From a Fiber-Referenced Kerr Microresonator Soliton Comb
Kuse, Nishimoto; Tokizane, Okada; Minoshima, Yasui
CLEO:2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO:2022, JW3B.1, 19 May 2022, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Thermal Control of Kerr Microresonator Soliton Comb via an Optical Sideband
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
CLEO:2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO:2022, STu1C.7, 19 May 2022, Peer-reviwed, True
International conference proceedings, English - Reduction of Temperature Drift in Refractive-Index-Sensing Optical Frequency Comb by Mechanical-Sharing Dual-Fiber-Cavity Configuration
宮村; 麻植; 加治佐; 田上; 南川; 中嶋; 美濃島; 安井
CLEO:2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO:2022, JTh3A.26, 19 May 2022, Peer-reviwed, We suppress the temperature drift in the refractive-index-sensing optical frequency comb (RI-sensing OFC) by taking the difference of repetition frequency between an active RI-sensingOFC and a dummy one in the mechanical-sharing dual-fiber-cavity configuration.
International conference proceedings, English - Low Noise Coherently Synthesized Two-Color Electro-Optic Frequency Comb
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO:2022, JW3B.98, 19 May 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Quasi-Real-Time Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Based on 751-MHz Yb:Fiber Combs Unfolding Aliasing Down-Sampled Spectra
Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO:2022, JW3B.97, 19 May 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrafast Wavefront Control of Femtosecond Pulses Using Optical Phased Array Based on Optical Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO:2022, JW3B.101, 19 May 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Injection Locking of two CW Lasers via a Kerr Microresonator Soliton Comb for low Noise THz Generation
Naoya Kuse; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO:2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO:2022, SM2F.7, 19 May 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Near-Infrared Dual-Comb Spectroscopy for Direct Characterization of Optical Responses in Metamaterials
Akifumi Asahara; Atsushi Sugita; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO:2022, SM3F.3, 19 May 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High-Resolution Hyperspectral Imaging Including Amplitude and Phase Spectra Using Chirped Optical Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2022, Optica (OSA), CLEO:2022, SS1A.5, 19 May 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Dead-Zone Free Single-Shot Three-Dimensional Measurement Using a High-Repetition-Rate Yb:Fiber Comb
Kurata, Ishii; Terada, Morito; Tian; Kato, Minoshima
Last, ALPS2022, ALPS2022, ALPS15-04, 19 Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed, True
English - Broadband Coherently Synthesized Two-color Electro-Optic frequency comb
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, ALPS2022, ALPS2022, ALPS14-03, 19 Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed, True
English - Complex Optical Properties of Sprit-Ring Resonator Metamaterials Characterized by Near-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Atsushi Sugita; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2022, ALPS, ALPS17-04, 19 Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Quasi-real-time dual-comb spectroscopy of acetylene using 751-MHz Yb:fiber combsyperspectral imaging using chirped spectral interference with phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Takashi Kato; Runchen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2022, ALPS, ALPS16-05, 19 Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A method of utilizing phase in spectroscopy using dual-comb laseri-real-time dual-comb spectroscopy of acetylene using 751-MHz Yb:fiber combsyperspectral imaging using chirped spectral interference with phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takeru Endo; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2022, ALPS, ALPS16-04, 19 Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Hyperspectral imaging using chirped spectral interference with phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2022, ALPS, ALPS16-02, 19 Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Control of femtosecond pulse wavefront by optical phased array using frequency-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2022, ALPS, ALPS16-01, 19 Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Displacement measurement with self-correction of air refractive index using the envelope and phase relationship of optical frequency comb pulse
Takuho Tanaka; Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2022, ALPS, ALPS15-03, 19 Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Application for mid-infrared dual-comb gas spectroscopy with bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser
Jiajie Li; Akifumi Asahara; Haochen Tian; Kazumichi Yoshii; Takashi Kato; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2022, ALPS, ALPS14-02, 19 Apr. 2022, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Thermal control of a Kerr microresonator soliton comb via an optical sideband
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
Optics Letters, Optica Publishing Group, 47, 2, 281-281, 06 Jan. 2022, Peer-reviwed, True, We report the thermal control of a dissipative Kerr microresonator soliton comb via an optical sideband generated from an electro-optic modulator. Same as the previous reports using an independent auxiliary laser, our sideband-based (S-B) auxiliary light also enables access to a stable soliton comb and reduces the phase noise of the soliton comb, greatly simplifying the set-up with an auxiliary laser. More importantly, because of the intrinsically high frequency/phase correlation between the pump and S-B auxiliary light, the detuning between the pump and resonance frequency is automatically almost fixed, which allows an 18 times larger “effective" soliton existence range than the conventional method using an independent auxiliary laser, as well as a scanning of the soliton comb of more than 10 GHz without using microheaters.
Scientific journal, English - One-shot three-dimensional imaging using a two-dimensional spectrometer with a fiber bundle
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optics Express, Optica (OSA), 29, 26, 43778-43792, 20 Dec. 2021, Peer-reviwed, Using spectral interference from a chirped optical frequency comb, we developed a one-shot three-dimensional (3D) imaging method. We formed a two-dimensional spectrometer using fiber bundles made up of single-mode and multi-mode fibers to detect the spectral interference fringe images. The proposed method demonstrated one-shot 3D imaging of reflective targets with sub-µm level depth uncertainty and a wide dynamic range of 6 digits. Furthermore, by developing a method to remove the speckle noise caused by multi-mode fibers, we succeeded in capturing 3D profiles with sub-µm uncertainty in a one-shot with 299 times higher efficiency than single-mode fibers using a large numerical aperture.
Scientific journal, English - Frequency-scanned microresonator soliton comb with the tracking of the frequency of all comb modes
Naoya Kuse; Gabriele Navickaite; Michael Geiselmann; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
arXiv, 2106.15874, 1-6, 30 Jun. 2021
Scientific journal, English - Orbital Angular Momentum-dependent Phase Detection using Single-pixel Dual-comb Spectroscopy towards Versatile Manipulation of Optical Vortex Light-wave
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2021, SI, STh1C.7, 13 May 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Highly Functional Dual-comb Spectroscopy for Versatile Physical Property Evaluation of Solid Samples
Takuto Adachi; Ruichen Zhu; Seishiro Akiyama; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2021, SI, CM1C.1, 13 May 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrafast phenomena induced in crystal by one-shot three-dimensional imaging with optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2021, SI, JW1A.85, 12 May 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Frequency-Modulated Comb LiDAR Without Wavelength Division de-Multiplexer
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
CLEO:2021, SI, SM1G.6, 10 May 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Simultaneous Detection of Distance and Velocity via Asymmetric Carrier-Suppressed Double Sideband Modulation With a Kerr-Microresonator Soliton Comb
Hiroki Kitora; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
CLEO:2021, SI, SM1G.4, 10 May 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Phase Noise Reduction of a Dissipative Kerr-Microresonator Soliton Comb by a Sideband Cooling Without Wavelength Division de-Multiplexer
Naoya Kuse; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO:2021, SI, JW1A.59, 10 May 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Rapid and Large Scanning of a Microresonator Soliton Comb With the Frequency-Shift Tracking of all Comb Modes
Naoya Kuse; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO:2021, SI, SW4A.1, 10 May 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Optical Phase Spectral Control of Orbital Angular Momentum Modes Studied by Dual-comb Imaging Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2021, ALPS, ALPS-P-22, 20 Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High-precision mutual control of two-color fiber combs
Tatsuya Hasegawa; Yugo Kusumi; Shigeki Sakuma; Akifumi Asahara; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2021, ALPS, ALPS-P-21, 20 Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Development of a broadband phase-difference evaluation system for optical frequency combs using spectral interference fringe detection
Tamaki Morito; Takashi Kato; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2021, ALPS, ALPS-10-05, 19 Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Sensitivity improvement in dual-comb spectroscopy by tailoring the phase-slip in the interference signals
Ruichen Zhu; Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2021, ALPS, ALPS-11-03, 19 Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - One-shot three-dimensional phase imaging with optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2021, ALPS, ALPS-10-04, 19 Apr. 2021, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Computationally image-corrected dual-comb microscopy with a free-running single-cavity dual-comb fiber laser
Takahiko Mizuno; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Takuya Tsuda; Akifumi Asahara; Takashi Kato; Takeo Minamikawa; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optics Express, The Optical Society, 29, 4, 5018-5032, 15 Feb. 2021, Peer-reviwed, Dual-comb microscopy (DCM), an interesting imaging modality based on the optical-frequency-comb (OFC) mode and image pixel one-to-one correspondence, benefits from scan-less full-field imaging and simultaneous confocal amplitude and phase imaging. However, the two fully frequency-stabilized OFC sources requirement hampers DCM practicality due to the complexity and costs. Here, a bidirectional single-cavity dual-comb fiber laser (SCDCFL) is adopted as a DCM low-complexity OFC source. Although the residual timing jitter in the SCDCFL blurs the image of a static object acquired by DCM, computational image correction significantly suppresses the image blur. Nanometer-order step surface profilometry with a 14.0 nm uncertainty highlights the computationally image-corrected DCM effectiveness. We further discuss a possibility to expand the computational image correction to a dynamic object and demonstrate its preliminary experiment. The proposed method enhances the DCM generality and practicality due to low-complexity OFC source.
Scientific journal, English - 560 GHz terahertz wave generation using a soliton comb
Y. Tokizane; N. Kuse; K. Nishimoto; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2020, IEEE, n, n, 1-2, 08 Nov. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Detection of Optical Vortices with Various Topological Charges using Single-pixel Dual-comb Imaging
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, FiO+LS 2020, LS, LM7F.4, 14 Sep. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Dual refractive-index-sensing optical comb
Oe Ryo; Minamikawa Takeo; Taue Shuji; Kusumi Yugo; Nakajima Yoshiaki; Minoshima Kaoru; Yasui Takeshi
JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, 2020.2, 734-734, 26 Aug. 2020
Japanese - Complex optical response measurement of solid material to external fields by dual-comb spectroscopy
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2020, C6, C11F-2, 03 Aug. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - All-polarization-maintaining dual-comb fiber laser system comprised of two free-running mode-locked fiber lasers with a mechanical sharing scheme
Yugo Kusumi; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO-PR 2020, C6, C5B-1, 03 Aug. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Fully non-scanning three-dimensional imaging using an all-optical Hilbert transform enabled by an optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Hirotaka Ishii; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Morito; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, arXiv, 2006.07801, 1-7, 16 Jun. 2020
Scientific journal, English - Dual-comb-based asynchronous pump-probe measurement with an ultrawide temporal dynamic range for characterization of photo-excited InAs quantum dots
Akifumi Asahara; Yuto Arai; Tomohiro Saito; Junko Ishi-Hayase; Kouichi Akahane; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Applied Physics Express, IOP Publishing, 13, 6, 062003-062003, 01 Jun. 2020, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Mid-Infrared Dual-Comb Fiber Laser from 3.2 to 4.4 μm
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kazumichi Yoshii; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2020, SI, JW2A.125, 13 May 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Engineered generation of a specfic Stokes order in stimulated Raman scattering process
Liu, W; Ohae, C; Zheng, J; Tahara, S; Suzuki, M; Minoshima, K; Katsuragawa, M
CLEO:2020, SI, SW3N.4, 12 May 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ultra-Broadband Single-Branch Optical Frequency Comb Using a Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate Waveguide
Yoshii, Kazumichi; Hong, Feng-Lei; Yasui, Takeshi; Minoshima, Kaoru; Kuse, Naoya
CLEO:2020, SI, SF2G.6, 12 May 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Generation of a dissipative Kerr-microresonator soliton comb pumped by a MHz linewidth DFB laser
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
CLEO:2020, SI, SW3J.3, 12 May 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Spatiotemporal Characterization of Optical Vortex Light-wave using Hyperspectral Dual-comb Imaging
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2020, SI, STu4N.6, 12 May 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Optical combs and optical vortices combined for spatiotemporal manipulation of light and matter
Akifumi Asahara; Satoru Shoji; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, arXiv, 2005.04705, 1-13, 10 May 2020
Scientific journal, English - Dual-comb spectroscopy of dispersion properties in solid-state optical response
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2020, ALPS, ALPSp-32, 20 Apr. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Development of Highly Coherent All-Polarization-Maintaining Dual-Comb Fiber Laser with Simple Mechanical Sharing
Yugo Kusumi; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2020, ALPS, ALPSp-33, 20 Apr. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Hyperspectral Spatial Phase Detection of Optical Vortices using Single-pixel Imaging and Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS2020, ALPS, ALPSp-35, 20 Apr. 2020, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Generation of a microresonator soliton comb pumped by a DFB laser with phase noise measurements
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
arXiv, 2002.00736, 1-8, 30 Jan. 2020
Scientific journal, English - High-resolution 3D imaging method using chirped optical frequency combs based on convolution analysis of the spectral interference fringe
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, OSA Continuum, OSA, 3, 1, 20-30, 15 Jan. 2020, Peer-reviwed, We applied an imaging optical system and convolution analysis to a one-shot 3D imaging method with a chirped optical frequency comb to greatly improve the transverse spatial resolution and depth accuracy. We obtained the high contrast spectral interference of a diffusive surface using the designed lens system and developed a simple and robust analysis technique using convolution of an obtained the interference fringe. The developed method was demonstrated to realize submicron-level uncertainty for the depth measurement. When applied to the surface structure of a coin, it demonstrated a transverse spatial resolution of 8.98 lp/mm and depth resolution of 0.35 mu m. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
Scientific journal, English - Optical technology for arbitrarily manipulating amplitudes and phases of coaxially propagating highly discrete spectra
C. Zhang; K. Yoshii; D. Tregubov; C. Ohae; J. Zheng; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Physical Review A, American Physical Society (APS), 100, 5, 053836-1-053836-10, 18 Nov. 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Refractive index sensor based on a combination of optical frequency comb with intracavity multi-mode interference fiber sensor
R. Oe; T. Minamikawa; S. Taue; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
Seventh European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE, 11199, 111991D-1-111991D-4, 28 Aug. 2019, Peer-reviwed, Refractive index measurement is important for evaluation of liquid materials, optical components, and bio sensing. One promising approach for such measurement is use of optical fiber sensors such as surface plasmonic resonance or multimode interference (MMI), which measure the change of optical spectrum resulting from the refractive index change. However, the precision of refractive index measurement is limited by the performance of optical spectrum analyzer. If such the refractive index measurement can be performed in radio frequency (RF) region in place of optical region, the measurement precision will be further improved by the frequency-standard-based RF measurement. To this end, we focus on the disturbance-To-RF conversion in a fiber optical frequency comb (OFC) cavity. Since frequency spacing frep of OFC depends on an optical cavity length nL, frep sensitively reflects the external disturbance interacted with nL. Although we previously demonstrated the precise strain measurement based on the frep measurement, the measurable physical quantity is limited to strain or temperature, which directly interacts with the fiber cavity itself. If a functional fiber sensor can be installed into the fiber OFC cavity, the measurable physical quantity will be largely expanded. In this paper, we introduce a MMI fiber sensor into a ring-Type fiber OFC cavity for refractive index measurement. We confirmed the refractive-indexdependent shift of optical spectrum event though the MMI fiber sensor is included in the cavity. Such the spectral shift was converted into refractive-index-dependent shift of frep via the wavelength dispersion of the cavity fiber.
International conference proceedings, English - Coherent multi-comb pulse control demonstrated in polarization-modulated dual-comb spectroscopy technique
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Applied Physics Express, Japan Society of Applied Physics, 12, 072014/1-072014/5, 15 Jun. 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Laser-scanning optical-frequency-comb spectromicroscopy
S. Nakano; T. Minamikawa; E. Hase; A. Asahara; T. Mizuno; H. Yamamoto; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 01 Jun. 2019, Optical spectromicroscopy is widely used to visualize microscopic morphologies and functions by analyzing spectroscopic features of amplitude and phase information interacting with a sample. However, conventional spectromicroscopy generally employs either light amplitude or phase measurement due to the difference of optical setup of these two methods, limiting to observe optical properties of samples in a single observation. If simultaneous measurement of amplitude and phase spectra is enabled, it is possible to analyze more detailed information of samples based on such as complex refractive index, polarization characteristics, and so on.
International conference proceedings, English - Improvement of dynamic range and repeatability in a refractive-index-sensing optical comb by combining saturable-absorber-mirror mode-locking with an intracavity multimode interference fiber sensor
Oe, Ryo; Minamikawa, Takeo; Taue, Shuji; Nakahara, Takuya; Koresawa, Hidenori; Mizuno, Takahiko; Yamagiwa, Masatomo; Mizutani, Yasuhiro; Yamamoto, Hirotsugu; Iwata, Tetsuo; Nakajima, Yoshiaki; Minoshima, Kaoru; Yasui, Takeshi
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 58, 6, 060912-1-060912-5, Jun. 2019, Peer-reviwed, A mode-locked fiber comb equipped with a multimode interference fiber sensor functions as a high-precision refractive-index (RI) sensor benefitting from precise RF measurement. However, its dynamic range and repeatability are hampered by the inherent characteristics of nonlinear-polarization-rotation mode-locking oscillation. In this article, we introduce saturable-absorber-mirror mode-locking for RI sensing with a wide dynamic range and high repeatability. While the RI dynamic range was expanded to 41.4 dB due to high robustness against cavity disturbance, the self-starting capability without the need for polarization control improves the RI sensing repeatability to 1.10 x 10(-8) for each mode-locking activation. The improved dynamic range and repeatability will be useful for enhancing the performance of RI sensing. (C) 2019 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Scientific journal, English - Combination of lock-in detection with dual-comb spectroscopy
H. Koresawa; K. Shibuya; T. Minamikawa; A. Asahara; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui; Y.G. Soskind
Photonic Instrumentation Engineering VI, SPIE, 10925, 1A-1-8, 21 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Combination of Lock-in Detection with Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Hidenori Koresawa; Kyuki Shibuya; Akifumi Asahara; Takeo Minamikawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
CLEO:2019, SI, JTh2A.101, 09 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Lock-in-detection dual-comb spectroscopy
OSA Continuum, OSA, 2, 6, 1998-2007, 08 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Stabilized All-Fiber-Based Mode-Filtering Technique for the Generation of a GHz-Repetition-Rate Frequency Comb
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Akiko Nishiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2019, SI, SW3G.2, 08 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High-Coherence Ultra-Broadband Dual-Comb Fiber Laser with Carrier-Envelope-Offset Frequency
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takuya Hariki; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2019, SI, SW3G.4, 08 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - All-Polarization-Maintaining, Polarization-Multiplexed Mode-Locked Er-Fiber Laser with Nonlinear Amplifying Loop Mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2019, SI, STu3L.3, 07 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - All-optical Hilbert transform with optical frequency comb for one-shot three-dimensional imaging
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2019, SI, SM2H.4, 06 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Orbital Angular Momentum-resolved Dual-comb Spectroscopy towards Topological Material Studies
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, CLEO:2019, SI, SM2H.8, 06 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Tailored generation of a highly-discrete Raman type comb
Weiyong Liu; Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Soma Tahara; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
ALPS '19, ALPS, 24 Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Dual-comb Spectroscopy Technique for Magneto-optic Effect Measurements
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Yue Wang; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS '19, ALPS, 24 Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Development of Dual-Comb Faraday Effect Measurement Equipment
Yusuke Odagiri; Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Masayuki Shirakawa; Yue Wang; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS '19, ALPS, 24 Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Development of broadband bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser with narrow relative linewidth
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS '19, ALPS, 24 Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High-accuracy shape measurement technique using two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs with air fluctuation compensation
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS '19, ALPS, 24 Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Rapid Characterization of Orbital Angular Momentum Spectrum of Arbitrary Optical Vortex using Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS '19, ALPS, 22 Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser with controllability of carrier-envelope-offset frequency
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS '19, ALPS, 22 Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Mutually coherent all-polarization-maintained dual-comb fiber laser with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Corresponding, ALPS '19, ALPS, 22 Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Lens-less fiber coupling of a 1550-nm mode-locked fiber laser light on a low-temperature-grown GaAs photoconductive antenna
T. Ogura; Y. Nakajima; Y.-D. Hsieh; T. Minamikawa; Y. Mizutani; H. Yamamoto; T. Iwata; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
OSA Continuum, OSA, 2, 2, 1310-1317, 15 Apr. 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Research Highlights: JST-ERATO Intelligent Optical Synthesizer (IOS) Project
Kaoru Minoshima
Lead, UEC e-Bulletin, UEC, 21, 3, 3-5, Mar. 2019, Invited
Research institution, English - Researcher Video Profiles
Kaoru Minoshima
Lead, UEC e-Bulletin, UEC, 21, 3, 10-11, Mar. 2019, Invited
Research institution, English - Ultrasonic wave sensing using an optical-frequency-comb sensing cavity for photoacoustic imaging
T. Minamikawa; T. Masuoka; T. Ogura; K. Shibuya; R. Oe; E. Hase; Y. Nakajima; Y. Yamaoka; T. Mizuno; M. Yamagiwa; Y. Mizutani; H. Yamamoto; T. Iwata; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
OSA Continuum, OSA, 2, 2, 439-449, 15 Feb. 2019, Peer-reviwed, We propose a novel ultrasonic wave sensing method employing an optical-frequency-comb (OFC) cavity, namely, an OFC sensing cavity-based ultrasonic wave sensor. We confirm the fundamental characteristics of the OFC sensing cavity-based ultrasonic wave sensor by using an ultrasonic wave transducer and realize the frequency response of up to 13 MHz with a linear response. We also confirm the potential applicability in photoacoustic imaging employing a 8-ns pulsed laser. Our demonstrations confirm the capability of the concept of the OFC sensing cavity in ultrasonic wave sensing and will also expand the potential of OFC technology.
Scientific journal, English - Ultrahigh-repetition-rate half-cycle pulse synthesizer operating at 125 THz
Akihiro Tomura; Chiaki Ohae; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2019, 2019, Ultrahigh-repetition-rate pulse train synthesizer with CW lasers harnessed by nonlinear phase-locking is reported. The pulse duration is 1.4 femtosecond and the repetition rate is 125 THz.
International conference proceedings, English - Improvement and quantitative evaluation of asynchronous optical sampling method using dual-comb towards semiconductor physics
Tomohito Saito; Akifumi Asahara; Kouichi Akahane; Kaoru Minoshima; Junko-Ishi Hayase
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2019, 2019
International conference proceedings, English - Ultra-broadband bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser with carrier envelope offset frequency stabilization
Yoshiaki Nakjaima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2019, 2019
International conference proceedings, English - Engineered generation of high order stimulated Raman Scatterings
C. Ohae; W. Liu; J. Zheng; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2019, 2019, We discuss how we may have a wide freedom to engineer nonlinear optical phenomena by introducing arbitrary manipulation of relative phases among the relevant optical-fields. We show, as a typical example, engineered generation of high-order stimulated-Raman-scatterings.
International conference proceedings, English - Wide axial dynamic range digital holography using multicascade-linked synthetic wavelengths and optical wavelength
M. Yamagiwa; T. Minamikawa; C. Trovato; T. Ogawa; D. G.A. Ibrahim; Y. Kawahito; R. Oe; K. Shibuya; T. Mizuno; E. Abraham; Y. Mizutani; T. Iwata; H. Yamamito; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, 10944, 2019, Digital holography (DH) is a technique to reconstruct the amplitude and phase images of a sample by calculating the wavefront propagation from the interference image. Although DH enables three-dimensional shape measurement based on the phase images, axial dynamic range of a single-optical-wavelength DH is limited to less than a full or half optical wavelength due to phase wrapping ambiguity. To extend the axial range over the optical wavelength, synthesized wavelength DH has been proposed. In this method, DH is performed at two different wavelengths, and then synthesized wavelengths between them are used. However, use of a single longer synthesized wavelength degrades the axial resolution because the axial dynamic range is limited by the phase noise. To extend the axial dynamic range, one has to increase the axial range while maintaining the axial resolution of sub-wavelength. One promising approach to do it is cascade linking between multiple synthetic wavelengths with different orders. In this paper, we present multicascadelinked synthetic wavelength DH using an optical-comb-referenced frequency synthesizer (OFS). OFS is a tunable external cavity laser diode phase-locked to an optical frequency comb, and is effectively used for multiple synthetic wavelengths within the range of 32 um to 1.20 m. A multiple cascade link of the phase images among an optical wavelength and 5 different synthetic wavelengths enables the shape measurement of a reflective millimeter-sized stepped surface with the axial resolution of 34 nm.
International conference proceedings, English - Simultaneous measurement of concentration and temperature in liquid sample using multi-mode interference fiber comb
Oe, Ryo; Minamikawa, Takeo; Taue, Shuji; Fukano, Hideki; Nakajima, Yoshiaki; Minoshima, Kaoru; Yasui, Takeshi
OPTICAL FIBERS AND SENSORS FOR MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT APPLICATIONS XIX, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 10872, 2019, Peer-reviwed, Optical frequency combs (OFCs) have attracted attention as optical frequency rulers due to their tooth-like discrete spectra together with their inherent mode-locking nature and phase-locking control to a frequency standard. Based on this concept, their applications until now have been demonstrated in the fields of optical frequency metrology. However, if the utility of OFCs can be further expanded beyond their application by exploiting new aspects of OFCs, this will lead to new developments in optical metrology and instrumentation. Previously, we reported a fiber sensing application of OFCs based on a coherent link between the optical and radio frequencies, enabling high-precision refractive index (RI) measurement based on frequency measurement in radio-frequency (RF) region. Our technique encoded an RI change of a liquid sample into a repetition frequency of OFC by a combination of an intracavity multi-mode-interference fiber sensor and wavelength dispersion of a cavity fiber. Then, the change in refractive index was read out with an RI resolution of 4.88 x 10(-6) RIU and an RI accuracy of 5.35 x 10(-5) RIU by measuring the repetition frequency in RF region based on a frequency standard. However, the temperature instability of a sample limits the performance because a refractive index is a function of temperature. In this paper, we demonstrate simultaneous measurement of concentration and temperature in a sample by measuring RI-dependent repetition frequency shift and optical spectrum shift.
International conference proceedings, English - Multicascade-linked synthetic wavelength digital holography using an optical-comb-referenced frequency synthesizer
M. Yamagiwa; T. Minamikawa; C. Trovato; T. Ogawa; D.G.A. Ibrahim; Y. Kawahito; R. Oe; K. Shibuya; T. Mizuno; E. Abraham; Y. Mizutani; T. Iwata; H. Yamamoto; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
Optics Express, The Optical Society (OSA), 26, 26292-26306, 01 Oct. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Low-noise 750 MHz spaced ytterbium fiber frequency combs
Yuxuan Ma; Bo Xu; Hirotaka Ishii; Fei Meng; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Isao Matsushima; Thomas R. Schibli; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optics Letters, The Optical Society (OSA), 43, 17, 4136-4139, 22 Aug. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Nonlinear amplification for a 10 W, 750-MHz Yb:fiber frequency comb
Hirotaka Ishii; Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Isao Matsushima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Thomas Schibli; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, F2A.2, 03 Aug. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Bidirectional mode-locked Er-fiber laser with symmetrical cavity configuration
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, F2E.3, 03 Aug. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - All-polarization-maintaining Er-fiber-based dual optical frequency combs with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, F2A.6, 03 Aug. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Repetition rate multiplication of fiber-based frequency comb with high side-mode suppression ratio
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Th1C.3, 02 Aug. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High-Resolution No-Scanning 3D Image Detection Using Sum-Frequency Generation of Chirped Optical Frequency Combs
Yurina Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Th1C.5, 02 Aug. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Real-time corrections of air refractive index fluctuation using two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Tomohiro Makino; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, W4F.2, 01 Aug. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Spatially scanning dual-comb spectroscopy for precise measurement of refractive index and thickness profiles of solids
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, W4F.7, 01 Aug. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Refractive index measurement based on disturbance to RF conversion function in a fiber OFC cavity
Ryo Oe; Kosuke Nagai; Takeo Minamikawa; Shuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Tu2L.4, 31 Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate refractive index (RI)measurement of water/ethanol mixture based on disturbance to RF conversion in fiber comb cavity including multi-mode interference fiber sensor. We attached RI resolution of 4.3×10-6 and RI accuracy of 5.4×10-5.
International conference proceedings, English - Static and dynamic strain sensing over 3.5 kHz with fiber-based optical frequency comb cavity
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Kyuki Shibuya; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Tu2L.5, 31 Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Broadband coherence of bidirectional mode-locked Er-fiber laser with two saturable absorber mirrors
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Tu3A.3, 31 Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Development of All-Fiber-Type Dual-Comb Spectrometer
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, The Review of Laser Engineering, The Laser Society of Japan, 46, 7, 385-389, 20 Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Line Shape Measurements of CO Using Frequency Comb Based Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy
Akiko Nishiyama; Grzegorz Kowzan; Dominik Charczun; Vinicius S. Oliveira; Axel Ruehl; Ingmar Hartl; Kaoru Minoshima; Ryszard S. Trawinski; Piotr Maslowski
Sensors 2018, SI, SeTu3H.3, 02 Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Refractive-index-sensing optical comb based on photonic radio-frequency conversion with intracavity multi-mode interference fiber sensor
Oe, Ryo; Taue, Shuji; Minamikawa, Takeo; Nagai, Kosuke; Shibuya, Kyuki; Mizuno, Takahiko; Yamagiwa, Masatomo; Mizutani, Yasuhiro; Yamamoto, Hirotsugu; Iwata, Tetsuo; Fukano, Hideki; Nakajima, Yoshiaki; Minoshima, Kaoru; Yasui, Takeshi
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 26, 15, 19694-19706, Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed, Optical frequency combs (OFCs) have attracted attention as optical frequency rulers due to their tooth-like discrete spectra together with their inherent mode-locking nature and phase-locking control to a frequency standard. Based on this concept, their applications until now have been demonstrated in the fields of optical frequency metrology. However, if the utility of OFCs can be further expanded beyond their application by exploiting new aspects of OFCs, this will lead to new developments in optical metrology and instrumentation. Here, we report a fiber sensing application of OFCs based on a coherent link between the optical and radio frequencies, enabling high-precision refractive index measurement based on frequency measurement in radio-frequency (RF) region. Our technique encodes a refractive index change of a liquid sample into a repetition frequency of OFC by a combination of an intracavity multi-mode-interference fiber sensor and wavelength dispersion of a cavity fiber. Then, the change in refractive index is read out by measuring the repetition frequency in RF region based on a frequency standard. Use of an OFC as a photonic RF converter will lead to the development of new applications in high-precision fiber sensing with the help of functional fiber sensors and precise RF measurement. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
Scientific journal, English - Low-noise 750-MHz spaced Yb:fiber frequency combs
Yuxuan Ma; Bo Xu; Hirotaka Ishii; Fei Meng; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Isao Matsushima; Thomas R. Schibli; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, arXiv, arXiv:1805.11045, 25 May 2018
Scientific journal, English - Scan-less confocal phase imaging based on dual-comb microscopy
Eiji Hase; Takeo Minamikawa; Takahiko Mizuno; Shuji Miyamoto; Ryuji Ichikawa; Yi-Da Hsieh; Kyuki Shibuya; Katsuya Sato; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima; Yasuhiro Mizutani; Tetsuo Iwata; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Takeshi Yasui
Optica, OSA - The Optical Society, 5, 5, 634-643, 20 May 2018, Peer-reviwed, Confocal laser microscopy (CLM) is a powerful tool in life science research and industrial inspection because it offers two-dimensional optical sectioning or three-dimensional imaging capability with micrometer depth selectivity. Furthermore, scan-less imaging modality enables rapid image acquisition and high robustness against surrounding external disturbances in CLM. However, the objects to be measured must be reflective, absorptive, scattering, or fluorescent because the image contrast is given by the optical intensity. If a new image contrast can be provided by the optical phase, scan-less CLM can be further applied for transparent non-fluorescent objects or reflective objects with nanometer unevenness by providing information on refractive index, optical thickness, or geometrical shape. Here, we report scan-less confocal dual-comb microscopy offering a phase image in addition to an amplitude image with depth selectivity by using an optical frequency comb as an optical carrier of amplitude and phase with discrete ultra-multichannels. Our technique encodes confocal amplitude and phase images of a sample onto a series of discrete modes in the optical frequency comb with well-defined amplitude and phase to establish a one-to-one correspondence between image pixels and comb modes. The technique then decodes these images from comb modes with amplitude and phase. We demonstrate confocal phase imaging with milliradian phase resolution under micrometer depth selectivity on the millisecond timescale. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate the quantitative phase imaging of standing culture fixed cells and the surface topography of nanometer-scale step structures. Our technique for confocal phase imaging will find applications in three-dimensional visualization of stacked living cells in culture and nanometer surface topography of semiconductor objects.
Scientific journal, English - Strain sensing based on strain to radio-frequency conversion of an optical frequency comb
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Ogura; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Eiji Hase; Yasuhiro Mizutani; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Optics Express, OSA - The Optical Society, 26, 8, 9484-9491, 16 Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed, We propose an optical frequency comb (OFC)-based strain sensing method, namely OFC sensing cavity, which is capable of radio-frequency (RF)-based strain measurement. We developed a null-method-based strain sensing system with a comb-spacing-stabilized OFC generator. We realized strain measurement from 1.83 µε to 1800 µε with a sensing fiber length of 20 mm. The measurable strain frequency range of the developed strain sensing system was from 0 to 310 Hz. Owing to the use of RF-based strain measurement, our approach would be a useful and powerful tool for sensing of strain or other physical quantities, and the concept of the OFC sensing cavity is a new aspect of OFC technology.
Scientific journal, English - Precise and highly-sensitive Doppler-free two-photon absorption dual-comb spectroscopy using pulse shaping and coherent averaging for fluorescence signal detection
Akiko Nishiyama; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optics Express, OSA - The Optical Society, 26, 7, 8957-8967, 02 Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated Doppler-free two-photon absorption dual-comb spectroscopy of 5S1/2-5D5/2 and 5D3/2 transitions of Rb. We employed simple pulseshaping of the dual-comb source and eliminated Doppler-broadening backgrounds, which cause fitting errors of the Doppler-free signals. Moreover, to improve sensitivity, we investigated the coherence in dual-comb fluorescence signals and the coherent averaging method was applied to fluorescence dual-comb detection for the first time. The detection sensitivity was significantly improved by coherent averaging to reduce the noise floor. Observed Doppler-free spectra was fitted to Voigt profiles and we performed absolute frequency determination with a precision of about 100 kHz.
Scientific journal, English - Evaluation of Broadband Coherence of Bidirectional Mode-Locked Er-Fiber Laser with Two Saturable Absorber Mirrors
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
ALPS '18, ALPS, Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - All-Polarization-Maintaining Dual-wavelength mode-locked Er-fiber laser with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
ALPS '18, ALPS, Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - No-scanning 4D image detection with sum-frequency generation of optical frequency combs
Yurina Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
ALPS '18, ALPS, Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Simultaneous measurement of refractive index and thickness profiles of solids based on dual-comb spectroscopy
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
ALPS '18, ALPS, Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Bidirectional Mode-locked Er:fiber Laser with Two Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirrors
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
ALPS '18, ALPS, Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High-accuracy corrections of large and fast air refractive index fluctuations using two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Tomohiro Makino; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
ALPS '18, ALPS, Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 10W amplification of 750-MHz Yb:fiber laser frequency comb for sub-100 fs pulse duration
Hirotaka Ishii; Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Isao Matsushima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Thomas Schibli; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
ALPS '18, ALPS, Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Metrological Applications Using Coherent Controllability of Optical Combs
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
LSC2018, LSC, Apr. 2018, Peer-reviwed, Invited
International conference proceedings, English - Mode-filtering technique based on all-fiber-based external cavity for fiber-based optical frequency comb
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optics Express, OSA - The Optical Society, 26, 4, 4656-4664, 19 Feb. 2018, Peer-reviwed, We developed a mode-filtering technique based on the all-fiber-based external cavity for a fiber-based optical frequency comb for high repetition rate (frep) frequency comb, and the carrier envelope offset frequency (fceo) can be detected and stabilized and is robust to environmental fluctuations. To achieve multiplication of the frep with a high multiplication factor using the fiber ring cavity, a long fiber was developed to mitigate the physical limitation inhibiting the shortening of the cavity length. In this study, the length of the fiber cavity was set to 6.7 m (free spectral range = 44.7 MHz) as the fiber-based comb length was 6.1 m. We were able to demonstrate a multiplication factor of 11, i.e., frep increased from 48.7 MHz to 536.0 MHz with a side mode suppression ratio of about 25 dB using the double-pass configuration.
Scientific journal, English - Tailored Raman-resonant four-wave-mixing processes
C. Ohae; J. Zheng; K. Ito; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Optics Express, OSA - The Optical Society, 26, 2, 1452-1460, 22 Jan. 2018, Peer-reviwed, Nonlinear optical processes are strongly dominated by phase relationships among electromagnetic fields involved. In this paper, we theoretically and experimentally show that in a Raman-resonant four-wave-mixing process, the first anti-Stokes and Stokes generations can be tailored in a variety of ways by manipulating the phase relationships among the relevant electromagnetic fields.
Scientific journal, English - High-coherent, ultra-broadband dual-comb fiber laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, 2018, Optical frequency combs (OFCs) have been demonstrated to be powerful tools for frequency metrology and various applications. In particular, dual-comb spectroscopy techniques are superior to a conventional Fourier transform spectrometer for measurement speed, sensitivity, and resolution. In the conventional dual-comb technique, two independent mode-locked lasers for the generation of two-OFCs with slightly different repetition rates (frep) and a complex servo system for mutual coherence between two OFCs are required. The high cost of such a system based on two lasers system hinder the wide use of the dual-comb technique beyond research laboratories. In recent years, a “dual-comb laser”, which emits two OFCs with a small difference in their values of frep from a single laser cavity, has remarked owing its attractive properties such as passive mutual coherence and common mode noise cancellation [1,2]. In these reports, the laser cavity is adopted a single saturable absorber (SA) which is shared in two frequency combs, and it is difficult to optimize the both outputs. The spectral bandwidth of the dual-comb fiber laser is nm-order, and the laser phase noise in the outputs is expected. Moreover, undesirable nonlinear interactions between two pulses in an SA cause instability in the outputs, and it restricts the degree of freedom for tuning of the difference in repetition rate (∆frep) [3]. The demonstration is reported only around center wavelength of the laser outputs. Although, in ref. [4], super continuum is generated by using a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF), the coherence degradation in the process of the spectral broadening is confirmed.
International conference proceedings, English - Simple techonolgy to freely manipulating nonlinear optical frequency conversion processes
Weiyong Liu; Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, 2018, Nonlinear optical processes are strongly governed by phase relationships among the relevant electronmagnetic fields. Typical examples for manipulating phase relationships are phase-matching and quasi phase matching technologies.
International conference proceedings, English - Use of lock-in detection in dual-comb spectroscopy
Hidenori Koresawa; Kyuki Shibuya; Akifumi Asahara; Takeo Minamikawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, 2018, We present a method to selectively measure a mode-resolved spectrum of optical frequency comb at a specific frequency by introducing a lock-in detection in dual-comb spectroscopy.
International conference proceedings, English - Multi-dynamic range compressional wave detection using optical-frequency comb
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Masuoka; Ryo Oe; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE, 10494, 2018, Peer-reviwed, Compressional wave detection is useful means for health monitoring of building, detection of abnormal vibration of moving objects, defect evaluation, and biomedical imaging such as echography and photoacoustic imaging. The frequency of the compressional wave is varied from quasi-static to a few tens of megahertz depending on applications. Since the dynamic range of general compressional wave detectors is limited, we need to choose a proper compressional wave detector depending on applications. For the compressional wave detection with wide dynamic range, two or more detectors with different detection ranges is required. However, these detectors with different detection ranges generally has different accuracy and precision, disabling the seamless detection over these detection ranges. In this study, we proposed a compressional wave detector employing optical frequency comb (OFC). The compressional wave was sensed with a part of an OFC cavity, being encoded into OFC. The spectrally encoded OFC was converted to radio-frequency by the frequency link nature of OFC. The compressional wave-encoded radio-frequency can therefore be directly measured with a high-speed photodetector. To enhance the dynamic range of the compressional wave detection, we developed a cavityfeedback-based system and a phase-sensitive detection system, both of which the accuracy and precision are coherently linked to these of the OFC. We provided a proof-of-principle demonstration of the detection of compressional wave from quasi-static to ultrasound wave by using the OFC-based compressional wave sensor. Our proposed approach will serve as a unique and powerful tool for detecting compressional wave versatile applications in the future.
International conference proceedings, English - One-shot three-dimensional imaging with a paired filter and chirped-frequency combs
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, 2018, Peer-reviwed, One-shot three-dimensional imaging with chirped-frequency comb interferometry was demonstrated using 2D spectral imaging technique with a paired spectral filter. Non-scanning image measurement of a target 3D surface profile with 120-pixels square area was demonstrated.
International conference proceedings, English - All-fiber-based mode-filtering technique with high sidemode suppression ratio and high multiplication factor
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, SM4L.3, 2018, Peer-reviwed, All-fiber-based mode filtering technique is developed for repetition rate multiplication of fiber-based frequency comb with multiplication factor of 11. Record high side-mode suppression ratio of approximately 40 dB is achieved with 536.0-MHz repetition-rate fiber-based mode-filtered-comb.
International conference proceedings, English - Erbium-fiber-based visible astro-comb with 42-GHz mode spacing
Sho Okubo; Keisuke Nakamura; Malte Schramm; Hiroki Yamamoto; Jun Ishikawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Ken Kashiwagi; Kaoru Minoshima; Hironori Tsutsui; Eiji Kambe; Hideyuki Izumiura; Hajime Inaba
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, STu3P.1, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We developed an erbium-fiber-based astro-comb with 42-GHz spacing and wavelength coverage from 500 to 520 nm to calibrate a high dispersion spectrograph for radial velocity measurements and observed the comb spectrum at Okayama astrophysical observatory.
International conference proceedings, English - Application of cavity-enhanced comb-based fourier- transform spectroscopy to line shape study of carbon monoxide in argon
Akiko Nishiyama; Grzegorz Kowzan; Dominik Charczun; Vinicius Silva de Oliveira; Axel Ruehl; Ingmar Hartl; Kaoru Minoshima; Ryszard S. Trawinski; Piotr Maslowski
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, STu3P.5, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We performed measurements of overtone band of CO using cavity-enhanced Fouriertransform spectrometer with sub-nominal resolution. The system's performance allows to study collisional effects not described by the Voigt profile and precise determination of line parameters.
International conference proceedings, English - Fast phase locking of a 750-MHz Yb: Fiber laser frequency comb using a high-speed piezo-transducer
Yuxuan Ma; Bo Xu; Hirotaka Ishii; Fei Meng; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Thomas Schibli; Isao Matsushima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, STu4K.1, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate a 750-MHz-spaced Yb:fiber frequency comb phase locked to a narrow linewidth CW laser by a single stack PZT actuator. Low phase noise and high stability were achieved by the fast phase locking.
International conference proceedings, English - All-polarization-maintaining dual-comb fiber laser with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, STu4K.4, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate an all-polarization-maintaining dual-comb fiber laser with nonlinearamplifying- loop-mirror for realizing simple and robust dual-comb spectroscopy using two mutually coherent combs with slightly different repetition rates emitted from the laser cavity without complex servo system.
International conference proceedings, English - 10 W, sub-100 fs fiber amplifier based on a self-referenced 750-MHz Yb:fiber laser frequency comb
Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Hirotaka Ishii; Fei Meng; Isao Matsushima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, STu4K.6, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We developed a polarization maintained Yb:fiber amplifier based on the self-referenced 750-MHz Yb:fiber laser frequency comb. 10 W average power and sub-100 fs pulse were achieved without deteriorating the high coherence of the comb.
International conference proceedings, English - Coherent spatiotemporal phase control by combining optical frequency combs and optical vortices
Akifumi Asahara; Satoru Shoji; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, STu4P.3, 2018, Peer-reviwed, “Optical vortex comb“ is proposed, that enables coherent spatiotemporal phase control by combining optical frequency combs with optical vortices. The applicability is demonstrated through experiments on optical ring lattice control and optical tweezers.
International conference proceedings, English - Photo-acoustic sensing with fiber-based optical frequency comb cavity
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, JW2A.141, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We proposed a novel photo-acoustic sensing employing an optical-frequency-comb. We utilized an optical-frequency-comb cavity as an acoustic wave sensor, and successfully demonstrated the detection of ultrasound that generated by the laser irradiation on sample.
International conference proceedings, English - Refractive-index-sensing fiber comb using intracavity multi-mode interference fiber sensor
Oe, Ryo; Minamikawa, Takeo; Taue, Shuji; Fukano, Hideki; Nakajima, Yoshiaki; Minoshima, Kaoru; Yasui, Takeshi
OPTICAL FIBERS AND SENSORS FOR MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT APPLICATIONS XVIII, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 10488, JW2A.146, 2018, Peer-reviwed, Refractive index measurement is important for evaluation of liquid materials, optical components, and bio sensing. One promising approach for such measurement is use of optical fiber sensors such as surface plasmonic resonance or multi-mode interference (MMI), which measure the change of optical spectrum resulting from the refractive index change. However, the precision of refractive index measurement is limited by the performance of optical spectrum analyzer. If such the refractive index measurement can be performed in radio frequency (RF) region in place of optical region, the measurement precision will be further improved by the frequency-standard-based RF measurement.To this end, we focus on the disturbance-to-RF conversion in a fiber optical frequency comb (OFC) cavity. Since frequency spacing f(rep) of OFC depends on an optical cavity length nL, f(rep) sensitively reflects the external disturbance interacted with nL. Although we previously demonstrated the precise strain measurement based on the f(rep) measurement, the measurable physical quantity is limited to strain or temperature, which directly interacts with the fiber cavity itself. If a functional fiber sensor can be installed into the fiber OFC cavity, the measurable physical quantity will be largely expanded. In this paper, we introduce a MMI fiber sensor into a ring-type fiber OFC cavity for refractive index measurement. We confirmed the refractive-index-dependent f(rep) shift.
International conference proceedings, English - High-sensitivity doppler-free optical-optical double-resonance dual-comb spectroscopy
Akiko Nishiyama; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Hiroyuki Sasada; Atsushi Onae; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, JW2A.156, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate background-free detection schemes in optical-optical double-resonance dual-comb spectroscopy to improve measurement sensitivity. The dual-comb employing modulation spectroscopy and fluorescence detection achieved 4 and 925 times higher SNR than normal dual-comb setup, respectively.
International conference proceedings, English - Tailor-made Raman-resonant four-wave-mixing processes and their applications to optical devices
C. Ohae; J. Zheng; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, FW4E.6, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We theoretically and experimentally show the tailor-made Raman-resonant four-wavemixing process. We also demonstrate an attractive application of this tailored nonlinear frequency mixing as an optical device, namely, nonlinear Mach-Zehnder interferometer in the frequency domain.
International conference proceedings, English - Continuous generation of ultrafast arbitrary optical waveform with a repetition rate exceeding 100 THz
C. Ohae; T. Gavara; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, JTh2A.159, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We generate the five phase-locked harmonics having an exact integer frequency ratio 1ω, 2ω, 3ω, ω with a controlled carrier-envelope-phase. We also demonstrate the continuous generation of ultrafast optical amplitude waveforms with a repetition rate exceeding 100 THz.
International conference proceedings, English - One-shot three-dimensional imaging with a paired filter and chirped-frequency combs
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, STh3L.6, 2018, Peer-reviwed, One-shot three-dimensional imaging with chirped-frequency comb interferometry was demonstrated using 2D spectral imaging technique with a paired spectral filter. Non-scanning image measurement of a target 3D surface profile with 120-pixels square area was demonstrated.
International conference proceedings, English - Generation of 1.4-fs ultrafast single-cycle pulses with a repetition rate exceeding 100 THz by arbitrarily manipulating amplitude and phase
C. Zhang; K. Yoshii; D. Tregubov; C. Ohae; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2018, SF3N.3, 2018, Peer-reviwed, We report a new optical technology which enables arbitrarily manipulating amplitudes and phases of a highly-discrete optical spectrum and its application to generating a train of 1.4-fs ultrafast pulses with a repetition-rate exceeding 100 THz.
International conference proceedings, English - Sensitivity improvement of dual-comb spectroscopy using mode-filtering technique
Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 25, 25, 31730-31738, Dec. 2017, Peer-reviwed, In this study, we demonstrated an improvement in the detection sensitivity of dual-comb spectroscopy using the repetition rate multiplication of optical frequency combs. We compared the dual-comb signals in three dual-comb setups consisting of combinations of two combs with and without mode-filtering, and investigated how the repetition rate influences the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of dual-comb measurements. The dual-comb setups using high-repetition-rate combs enabled the absorption lines of HCN gas to be measured with a high SNR in a short averaging time, and real-time spectral data acquisition was realized using a low-sensitivity and low-resolution RF spectrum analyzer. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
Scientific journal, English - Multi-optical comb metrology using relative carrier envelope phase control and demonstration for arbitrary polarization modulation
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, arXiv, arXiv: 1710.06098, 17 Oct. 2017
Scientific journal, English - Scan-less hyperspectral dual-comb single-pixel-imaging in both amplitude and phase
Kyuki Shibuya; Takeo Minamikawa; Yasuhiro Mizutani; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Tetsuo Iwata
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 25, 18, 21947-21957, Sep. 2017, Peer-reviwed, We have developed a hyperspectral imaging scheme that involves a combination of dual-comb spectroscopy and Hadamard-transform-based single-pixel imaging. The scheme enables us to obtain 12,000 hyperspectral images of amplitude and phase at a spatial resolution of 46 mu m without mechanical scanning. The spectral resolution given by the data point interval in the frequency domain is 20 MHz and the comb mode interval is 100 MHz over a spectral range of 1.2 THz centered at 191.5 THz. As an initial demonstration of our scheme, we obtained spectroscopic images of a standard test chart through an etalon plate. The thickness of an absorptive chromium-coated layer on a float-glass substrate was determined to be 70 nm from the hyperspectral phase images in the near-infrared wavelength region. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Development of ultrasonic sensor using fiber-based optical-frequency-comb cavity
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, P3-114, 03 Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Application of Relative Carrier Envelope Offset Frequency for Coherent Control in Dual-Comb Configuration
A. Asahara; K. Kondo; Y. Wang; K. Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, 2-4H-2, 02 Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - One-shot multi-point imaging with a fiber bundle using spectral interferometry of chirped optical-frequency comb
M. Uchida; T. Kato; Y. Tanaka; K. Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, 1-4P-5, 01 Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Development of Rapid Evaluation Method of Anisotropy of Nonlinear Optical Materials by Dual Comb Spectroscopy
K. Kondo; A. Asahara; Y. Wang; I. Shoji; K. Minoshima
CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, 1-4P-4, 01 Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - No-scanning 3D measurement method using ultrafast dimensional conversion with a chirped optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 7, 1, 3670-1-3670-8, Jun. 2017, Peer-reviwed, A simultaneously high-precision, wide-range, and ultrafast time-resolution one-shot 3D shape measurement method is presented. Simultaneous times of flight from multiple positions to a target encoded in a chirped optical frequency comb can be obtained from spectral interferometry. We experimentally demonstrate a one-shot imaging profile measurement of a known step height of 480 mu m with mu m-level accuracy. We further demonstrate the extension of the dynamic range by measuring in one shot a large step height of 3m while maintaining high accuracy using the accurate pulse-to-pulse separation of the optical frequency comb. The proposed method with its large dynamic range and measurement versatility can be applied to a broad range of applications, including microscopic structures, objects with large size or aspect ratio, and ultrafast time-resolved imaging. This study provides a powerful and versatile tool for 3D measurement, where various ranges of measurement performances can be tailored to demand.
Scientific journal, English - Fully stabilized 750-MHz Yb: fiber frequency comb
Bo Xu; Hideaki Yasui; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuxuan Ma; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 25, 10, 11910-11918, May 2017, Peer-reviwed, This study focuses on presenting a fully stabilized, self-referenced Yb: fiber frequency comb respectively phase locked to a microwave standard and an optical reference employing the highest, fundamental repetition rate of 750-MHz without additional external amplifiers and compressors. In addition, the challenge of phase locking the carrier envelop offset frequency for this high-repetition-rate fiber frequency comb is separately investigated in two schemes, namely, f-2f self-referencing and an approach of phase locking a beat note between the Yb: fiber frequency comb and a continuous wave laser. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Development of optical amplifier based on a self-referenced 750-MHz Yb: fiber laser frequency comb and its application
Bo Xu; Hideaki Yasui; Thomas R. Schibli; Yuxuan Ma; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
ALPS'17, The Laser Society of Japan, ALPSp14-42, 20 Apr. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - One-shot multi-point imaging with a fiber bundle using spectral interferometry of chirped optical-frequency comb
M. Uchida; T. Kato; Y. Tanaka; K. Minoshima
ALPS '17, ALPS, 1, 2, 18 Apr. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Development of Rapid Evaluation Method of Anisotropy of Nonlinear Optical Materials by Dual Comb Spectroscopy
K. Kondo; A. Asahara; Y. Wang; I. Shoji; K. Minoshima
ALPS '17, ALPS, 2, 2, 18 Apr. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Application of Relative Carrier Envelope Offset Frequency for Coherent Control in Dual-Comb Configuration
A. Asahara; K. Kondo; Y. Wang; K. Minoshima
ALPS '17, ALPS, 2, 3, 18 Apr. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Repetition rate multiplication of a fiber-based optical frequency comb with a long-fiber-based ring resonator
Y. Nakajima; A. Nishiyama; S. Yoshida; T. Hariki; K. Minoshima
ALPS '17, ALPS, 1, 4, 18 Apr. 2017, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Tailoring the fiber-based frequency combs for metrology application with coherent control
Kaoru Minoshima; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-Ichi Kondo; Yue Wang
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2017, 2017, Peer-reviwed, Frequency control of the relative carrier envelope phase in the dual-comb source was utilized as an advanced light source for versatile coherent control. Rapid polarization-modulated pulse train was generated, and its coherent detection was demonstrated.
International conference proceedings, English - Tailored nonlinear optical process by manipulating the relative phases among the relevant electromagnetic fields
C. Ohae; J. Zheng; K. Ito; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2017, 2017, Peer-reviwed, We describe tailoring nonlinear optical process by manipulating the spectral phases among the relevant electromagnetic fields. We demonstrate, as a typical example, an efficient generation of Stokes or anti-Stokes component in the Raman-resonant four-wave-mixing process.
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrafast pulse train at a 125-THz repetition rate in the CW regime
C. Ohae; N. S. Suhaimi; T. Gavara; K. Nakagawa; F. L. Hong; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2017, 2017, Peer-reviwed, We report on the synthesis of an ultrashort pulse train with a repetition rate of 125 THz by tailoring the phases and amplitudes of five phase-locked harmonics with an extremely-wide frequency spacing.
International conference proceedings, English - Optical ultrasonic imaging with optical frequency comb
MASUOKA Takashi; OGURA Takashi; MINAMIKAWA Takeo; NAKAJIMA Yoshiaki; YAMAOKA Yoshihisa; MINOSHIMA Kaoru; YASUI Takeshi
The Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, 0, 1B16, 2017, Peer-reviwed
Japanese - One-shot three-dimensional measurements with a fiber bundle using a chirped optical frequency comb
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
2017 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 2017, Peer-reviwed, We developed a one-shot multi-point three-dimensional (3D)-measurement method using a bundle composed of 55 multi-mode fibers based on ultrafast space-time-frequency conversion with a chirped optical frequency comb. We demonstrated measurement of the 3D profile of a reflective object by one-shot imaging using the fiber bundle with micrometer accuracy.
International conference proceedings, English - Coherent Modulation of Interference Signals in Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
2017 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 2017, Peer-reviwed, In this study, we particularly focus on the coherent controllability of optical frequency combs. By appropriately adjusting the four frequency parameters involved in dual-comb spectroscopy, f(rep), Delta f(rep), f(ceo), and Delta f(ceo), unique and arbitrary coherent modulation schemes can be realized. In a demonstration, the interferogram was successfully modulated by controlling the Delta f(ceo). This proof-of-principle experiment will lead to fundamental techniques utilized for coherent spectroscopy using optical frequency combs.
International conference proceedings, English - Precise Birefringence Measurement of Anisotropic Materials by Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Ichiro Shoji; Kaoru Minoshima
2017 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 2017, Peer-reviwed, Dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) is a new Fourier spectroscopic method which realizes precise and rapid spectral detection with a broad bandwidth. In this study, we applied DCS to characterization of birefringence of anisotropic materials. As a demonstration, we evaluated the refractive index and the birefringence of an anisotropic crystal, Nd:YVO4. We confirmed the evaluated values were consistent to some reference data, and our proposed scheme was successfully performed as the precise and rapid characterization method of the birefringence. It is expected that this technique will become a useful tool in a wide range of applications such as laser developments.
International conference proceedings, English - Optical frequency synthesizer based on a fully stabilized 750-MHz Yb fiber laser frequency comb
Bo Xu; Hideaki Yasui; Thomas R. Schibli; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2017, SM2L.2, 2017, Peer-reviwed, We developed a microwave-referenced optical single frequency generator based on a fully stabilized, self-referenced 750-MHz Yb fiber laser frequency comb. The device could continuously generate the optical frequencies and the tuning speed reaches 60 GHz/s.
International conference proceedings, English - Repetition rate multiplication of fiber-based optical frequency comb with a long-fiber-based ring cavity
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2017, JTh2A.77, 2017, Peer-reviwed, A long-fiber-based ring cavity has been applied to repetition rate multiplication of a fiber-based optical frequency comb with a multiplication factor of 5. Mode filtering of a 48.73-MHz repetition rate fiber comb generates a 243.65-MHz-comb.
International conference proceedings, English - Coherent control of relative carrier envelope phase in Dual-comb spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-Ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2017, SF1C.6, 2017, Peer-reviwed, Relative carrier envelope phase control was actively exploited in dual-comb spectroscopy, and polarizationmodulated pulse train generation and its coherent detection were demonstrated. This proof-of-principle experiment promotes advanced coherent spectroscopy using optical frequency combs.
International conference proceedings, English - Non-scanning three-dimensional tomographic imaging using chirped-frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 2017, SF2C.5, 2017, Peer-reviwed, One-shot 3D tomographic imaging with a chirped-frequency comb is demonstrated using 2D pulse-to-pulse spectral interferometry. The profile of the glasses' layered structure is measured, and the thickness of each layer is deduced with 100-nm-level uncertainty.
International conference proceedings, English - Non-Scanning Three-Dimensional Imaging Using Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy and Spectral Interferometry with a Chirped Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
2017 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 1-4P-3, 2017, Peer-reviwed, Non-scanning three-dimensional imaging with a chirped-frequency comb is demonstrated using two-dimensional (2D) pulse-to-pulse spectral interferometry and 2D spectroscopy. The profile of a structure of three gauge blocks was measured with mu m-level uncertainty.
International conference proceedings, English - Mode-filtering of a fiber-based optical frequency comb with long-fiber-based ring resonator for repetition rate multiplication
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
2017 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), IEEE, P1-077, 2017, Peer-reviwed, A long-fiber-based ring resonator for repetition rate multiplication of a fiber-based optical frequency comb has been demonstrated. Mode filtering of a 48.73 MHz repetition rate fiber-based comb generates a 243.65 MHz frequency comb with a multiplication factor of 5.
International conference proceedings, English - High accuracy self-correction of the air-refractive index with a single color comb interferometer
Tomohiro Makino; Kouki Miyano; Shilin Xiong; Guanhao Wu; T. R. Schibli; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
2017 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), IEEE, 2-4P-2, 2017, Peer-reviwed, High-accuracy self-correction of air refractive index was demonstrated with simultaneous measurement of group and phase indices. Using precise detection of the pulse envelope and the carrier phase with an optical frequency comb interferometer, a method similar to the two-color correction method was applied, but using a light source in a single wavelength region. In this study, air refractive index correction was successfully demonstrated with standard deviation of 8.1 x 10(-8) when the refractive index change was 0.7 x 10(-6).
International conference proceedings, English - Portable and Stable Dual-Comb Spectroscopic System Based on an All-Fiber Setup
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
2017 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), IEEE, P3-119, 2017, Peer-reviwed, Dual-comb spectroscopy is a powerful spectroscopic method that can measure broadband spectral information with high accuracy and a short acquisition time. We have been particularly developing a new method to evaluate the complex refractive index of solid samples based on the dual-comb technique. In this research, we aimed to realize a simple and practical dual-comb spectroscopic system with broad applicability to samples and measurement conditions by developing an all-fiber-type dual-comb spectroscopic system, which is compact, stable, and easy to use.
International conference proceedings, English - Application of Dual-comb Spectroscopy to Doppler-free High-resolution Spectroscopy of Rubidium
A. Nishiyama; S. Yoshida; Y. Nakajima; H. Sasada; K. Nakagawa; A. Onae; K. Minoshima
Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, FW2E.4, 16 Nov. 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Dual-comb spectroscopy for rapid characterization of complex optical properties of solids
Akifumi Asahara; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 41, 21, 4971-4974, Nov. 2016, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate rapid characterization of complex optical properties of solids via dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) in the near- infrared region. The fine spectral structures in the complex refractive index of an Er:YAG are successfully deduced using the developed system and Fourier analysis. Moreover, simultaneous determination of the refractive index and the thickness is demonstrated for a silicon semiconductor wafer through the use of multireflected echo signals. The results indicate the potential of DCS as a powerful measurement tool for the rapid and full characterization of solid materials. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Doppler-free dual-comb spectroscopy of Rb using optical-optical double resonance technique
Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Hiroyuki Sasada; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Atsushi Onae; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 24, 22, 25894-25904, Oct. 2016, Peer-reviwed, We present a Doppler-free high-resolution dual-comb spectroscopy technique in which a dual-comb system is employed to perform optical-optical double-resonance (OODR) spectroscopy. In our experimental study, Doppler-free high-resolution and highfrequency-accuracy broadband measurements were realized using the proposed OODR dual-comb spectroscopic technique, which does not require high-power-per-mode frequency combs. We observed fully resolved hyperfine spectra of 5P(3/2) - 4D(5/2), 4D(3/2) transitions of Rb at 1530 nm and precisely determined the absolute frequencies of the transitions, with an uncertainty of less than 1 MHz. The variations of the OODR spectral line shapes due to power broadening and alignment and the effects of polarization on the dual-comb OODR spectra were also analyzed. This study provides a widely applicable technique for Doppler-free dual-comb spectroscopy of various gaseous species. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Terahertz Frequency-Domain Spectroscopy of Low-Pressure Acetonitrile Gas by a Photomixing Terahertz Synthesizer Referenced to Dual Optical Frequency Combs
Hsieh Y.-D; Kimura H; Hayashi K; Minamikawa T; Mizutani Y; Yamamoto H; Iwata T; Inaba H; Minoshima K; Hindle F; Yasui T
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 37, 9, 903-915, Sep. 2016, Peer-reviwed - Terahertz Frequency-Domain Spectroscopy of Low-Pressure Acetonitrile Gas by a Photomixing Terahertz Synthesizer Referenced to Dual Optical Frequency Combs
Yi-Da Hsieh; Hiroto Kimura; Kenta Hayashi; Takeo Minamikawa; Yasuhiro Mizutani; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Tetsuo Iwata; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Francis Hindle; Takeshi Yasui
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Springer New York LLC, 37, 9, 903-915, 01 Sep. 2016, Peer-reviwed, A terahertz (THz) frequency synthesizer based on photomixing of two near-infrared lasers with a sub-THz to THz frequency offset is a powerful tool for spectroscopy of polar gas molecules due to its broad spectral coverage
however, its frequency accuracy and resolution are relatively low. To tune the output frequency continuously and widely while maintaining its traceability to a frequency standard, we developed a photomixing THz synthesizer phase-locked to dual optical frequency combs (OFCs). While the phase-locking to dual OFCs ensured continuous tuning within a spectral range of 120 GHz, in addition to the traceability to the frequency standard, use of a broadband uni-traveling carrier photodiode for photomixing enabled the generation of CW-THz radiation within a frequency range from 0.2 to 1.5 THz. We demonstrated THz frequency-domain spectroscopy of gas-phase acetonitrile CH3CN and its isotope CH3 13CN in the frequency range of 0.600–0.720 THz using this THz synthesizer. Their rotational transitions were assigned with a frequency accuracy of 8.42 × 10−8 and a frequency resolution of 520 kHz. Furthermore, the concentration of the CH3CN gas at 20 Pa was determined to be (5.41 ± 0.05) × 1014 molecules/cm3 by curve fitting analysis of the measured absorbance spectrum, and the mixture ratio of the mixed CH3CN/CH3 13CN gas was determined to be 1:2.26 with a gas concentration of 1014–1015 molecules/cm3. The developed THz synthesizer is highly promising for high-precision THz-FDS of low-pressure molecular gases and will enable the qualitative and quantitative analyses of multiple gases.
Scientific journal, English - Time-resolved fourier measurement for semiconductors by near-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Ken-Ichi Kondo; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, OSA - The Optical Society, 18 Jul. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Complex near-infrared refractive-index spectra of Si and GaAs wafers were characterized by dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS). Transient interferogram was observed for an InGaAs-based saturable absorber in time-resolved DCS, demonstrating potential as a fullcharacterization tool.
International conference proceedings, English - チャープした光コムを用いたスペクトル干渉による瞬時精密3次元イメージング
加藤峰士; 内田めぐみ; 美濃島薫
第41回光学シンポジウム講演論文集, 41, 26, 79-80, Jun. 2016
International conference proceedings, Japanese - モード同期ファイバレーザーによるチャープした光コムのスペクトル干渉を用いた長距離イメージング手法の開発
加藤峰士; 内田めぐみ; 美濃島薫
第57回光波センシング技術研究会講演論文集, 1, 1, 1-1, Jun. 2016
International conference proceedings, Japanese - ファイバー光コム共振器型ひずみセンサーの開発
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Ogura; Takashi Masuoka; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
第57回光波センシング技術研究会講演論文集, 1, 1, 1-1, Jun. 2016
International conference proceedings, Japanese - Time-Domain Measurements for Characterization of Solids by Dual-Comb Spectroscopy and Asynchronous Optical Sampling
A. Asahara; A. Nishiyama; S. Yoshida; K. Kondo; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
ALPS '16, ALPS, 2, 2, May 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Spectral interferometric imaging with chirped frequency comb for non-scanning three-dimensional measurement
T. Kato; M. Uchida; K. Minoshima
ALPS '16, ALPS, 2, 4, May 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Frequency comb two-color interferometry for self-correction of refractive index of air beyond accuracy of empirical equation
K. Miyano; G. Wu; T. Makino; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
ALPS '16, ALPS, 2, 3, May 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Fully and high-quality phase stabilized high-repetition-rate optical frequency comb based on a mode-locked Yb:fiber laser
H. Yasui; B. Xu; Y. Nakajima, Ma; Z. Zhang; K. Minoshima
ALPS '16, ALPS, 4, 3, May 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Mode filtering of fiber-based optical frequency comb by use of Fabry-Perot cavities and its application
S. Yoshida; A. Nishiyama; A. Asahara; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
ALPS '16, ALPS, 1, 5, May 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Measuring resonant vibration modes of microstructures using confocal laser microscopy
Taiki Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Satoru Shoji
APLS 2016, APLS, May 2016, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Strain sensing with fiber-based optical-frequency-comb cavity
Minamikawa Takeo; Ogura Takashi; Masuoka Takashi; Nakajima Yoshiaki; Yamaoka Yoshihisa; Minoshima Kaoru; Yasui Takeshi
Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2016, 0, 59-60, 2016, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we proposed a novel strain sensor employing optical-frequency-comb cavity. The strain sensing was realized by strain/radio-frequency conversion in a fiber-based optical frequency comb cavity. The fiber-based optical frequency comb cavity generated a repetitive pulse train of which the repetition rate was determined by the cavity length. The application of mechanical strain onto the cavity produced the extension or compression of the cavity length, resulting the change of repetition rate of the pulse train. The resultant strain can be detected by observing the change of repetition rate of the pulse train with a frequency analyzer. For a proof-of-principle demonstration, we constructed an Er-doped fiber-based optical frequency comb system for the strain sensing. We demonstrated static and dynamic strain sensing with the developed system, and realized the strain sensitivity of 84.5 nε in the static strain sensing and that of 15 nε in the dynamic strain sensing with 2 m sensing fiber length. Our results demonstrated the efficacy of the strain sensor employing the optical-frequency-comb cavity.
Japanese - Absolute distance measurement method with optical frequency comb interferometer based on balanced optical cross correlator and optical heterodyne technique
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Thomas R. Schibli; Bo Xu; Kaoru Minoshima
2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, SI, SM2H.1, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Optical frequency comb interferometer based on balanced optical cross correlation and optical heterodyne techniques have been demonstrated. The method can be used to determine absolute distance with coherent link between pulse envelope and interferometric phase.
International conference proceedings, English - Non-scanning three-dimensional imaging using spectral interferometry with chirped frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Kaoru Minoshima
2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, SI, SW1H.4, 2016, Peer-reviwed, One-shot 3D imaging-method with a chirped frequency comb was demonstrated using 2D pulse-to-pulse spectral interferometry. A step-height was measured with 6.1-mu m-uncertainty, currently limited by the detection system. The method has large dynamic-range with high precision.
International conference proceedings, English - Dual-Comb Spectroscopy for Solid-State Physics and Extension toward Time-Resolved Measurement
Akifumi Asahara; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, SI, SW1H.7, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Dual-comb spectroscopy was applied for characterization of complex refractive-index of a Si wafer and transient interferogram by optical excitation in an InGaAs-based saturable absorber. Full-characterization tool with wide dynamic-range in time-and frequency-domain is provided.
International conference proceedings, English - Air refractive index self-correction exceeding empirical equation accuracy using two-color interferometry with optical frequency comb
Kouki Miyano; Guanhao Wu; Tomohiro Makino; Kaoru Minoshima
2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, SI, STh4H.4, 2016, Peer-reviwed, Extremely high-accuracy self-correction of the air refractive index was achieved using two-color comb interferometry exhibiting phase difference measurement with 10(-11)-order resolution. Obtained 10(-9)-order self-correction accuracy over 61-m exceeded the limit of empirical equation.
International conference proceedings, English - Fully stabilized narrow linewidth 750-MHz Yb fiber laser frequency comb
Bo Xu; Hideaki Yasui; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuxuan Ma; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, SI, AM3J.2, 2016, Peer-reviwed, We report a narrow mode linewidth (similar to 60 kHz) of 750-MHz-spaced Yb:fiber frequency comb and full phase stabilization by f-to-2f interferometer and locking to Er: fiber comb with CW laser. Preliminary further narrowing relative linewidth is demonstrated.
International conference proceedings, English - Strain Sensing with a Disturbance/RF-Converting Fiber Comb Cavity
T. Yasui; T. Ogura; T. Minamikawa; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, SI, AM2J, 2016, Peer-reviwed, The disturbance/radio-frequency conversion in a fiber comb cavity was effectively used for static and dynamic strain sensing by combination with the null method based on the feedback control of a repletion frequency.
International conference proceedings, English - Generation and application of five phase-locked harmonics in the continuous wave regime
C. Ohae; S. Suhaimi; T. Gavara; K. Nakagawa; F. -L. Hong; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, SI, JTu5A, 2016, Peer-reviwed, We report generation of five phase-locked harmonics with an exact integer frequency-ratio of 1:2:3:4:5 in the continuous-wave regime by implementing a divide-by-three optical-frequency division technology in the harmonic generation process.
International conference proceedings, English - Highly stabilized optical frequency comb interferometer with a long fiber-based reference path towards arbitrary distance measurement
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 23, 20, 25979-25987, Oct. 2015, Peer-reviwed, An optical frequency comb interferometer with a 342-m-long fiber-based optical reference path was developed. The long fiber-based reference path was stabilized to 10-12-order stability by using a fiber noise cancellation technique, and small temperature changes on the millikelvin order were detected by measuring an interferometric phase signal. Pulse number differences of 30 and 61 between the measurement and reference paths were determined precisely, with slight tuning of the 53.4 MHz repetition frequency. Moreover, with pulse number difference of 61, a 6.4-m-wide scanning for the relative pulse position is possible only by 1 MHz repetition frequency tuning, which makes pulses overlapped for arbitrary distance. Such wide-range high-precision delay length scanning can be used to measure arbitrary distances by using a highly stabilized long fiber-based reference path. (C)2015 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Length metrology with ultra-high precision using fiber-based frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanahao Wu
CLEO-PR 2015, 1, 1-1, 25 Aug. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Invited
International conference proceedings, English - Highly stabilized fiber-based optical frequency comb interferometer with nm-stability and meters-wide scanning range by frequency tuning
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
CLEO-PR 2015, 1, 1-1, Aug. 2015, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Adaptive sampling dual terahertz comb spectroscopy using dual free-running femtosecond lasers
Takeshi Yasui; Ryuji Ichikawa; Yi-Da Hsieh; Kenta Hayashi; Harsono Cahyadi; Francis Hindle; Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi; Tetsuo Iwata; Yasuhiro Mizutani; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Hajime Inaba
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 5, 10786:1-10786:10, Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Terahertz (THz) dual comb spectroscopy (DCS) is a promising method for high-accuracy, high-resolution, broadband THz spectroscopy because the mode-resolved THz comb spectrum includes both broadband THz radiation and narrow-line CW-THz radiation characteristics. In addition, all frequency modes of a THz comb can be phase-locked to a microwave frequency standard, providing excellent traceability. However, the need for stabilization of dual femtosecond lasers has often hindered its wide use. To overcome this limitation, here we have demonstrated adaptive-sampling THz-DCS, allowing the use of free-running femtosecond lasers. To correct the fluctuation of the time and frequency scales caused by the laser timing jitter, an adaptive sampling clock is generated by dual THz-comb-referenced spectrum analysers and is used for a timing clock signal in a data acquisition board. The results not only indicated the successful implementation of THz-DCS with free-running lasers but also showed that this configuration outperforms standard THz-DCS with stabilized lasers due to the slight jitter remained in the stabilized lasers.
Scientific journal, English - Ultra-precision optical metrology using highly controlled fiber-based frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu
Lead, OPTICAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS FOR INDUSTRIAL INSPECTION IX, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 9525, 952502, 952502-1-95250-7, Jun. 2015, Peer-reviwed, Invited, with international co-author(s), Optical Frequency combs can be used as a tool for fully controlling the phase and frequency information of light waves, i.e., "optical synthesizer". It provides powerful tools not only in frequency metrology as "ultraprecise frequency ruler" but also in broad area since light wave can be used to its full extent with an extremely wide dynamic range. Frequency-traceable length measurement using frequency combs provides direct realization of the definition of meter, remote calibration using a GPS technology, and precise measurements of wide range of lengths by taking advantage of high dynamic range in frequency measurements. In this paper, ultrahigh-precision length metrology using fiber-based optical frequency combs are presented. By precisely controlling the frequency and phase of the combs, self-correction of air refractive index and noise cancellation in fiber path in interferometer are demonstrated. Heterodyne interferometry of 61-m path-length based on two-color optical frequency combs is developed for air-refractive-index correction. Measured two-color optical-path-differences agreed with calculations with 10(-11) for 10-hour. Corrected distance variation agreed with thermal expansion of base-plate. A fiber-based optical frequency comb interferometer with 168-m-length reference path was stabilized to nm-level with fiber noise cancellation technique using a single frequency CW laser. Extremely wide range interferometric fringe scanning of 3.3-m path length was demonstrated only by tuning the repetition frequency of frequency comb without moving mechanical stage.
International conference proceedings, English - Real-time absolute frequency measurement of CW-THz wave based on a free-running THz comb
T. Ogura; K. Hayashi; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO-SI 2015, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2267, 04 May 2015, We demonstrated a real-time frequency measurement of CW-THz wave using a single freerunning THz comb. The absolute frequency of the CW-THz wave is measured with an accuracy of 8.7*10-12 at a rate of 10 Hz. © OSA 2015.
International conference proceedings, English - Adaptive sampling dual comb spectroscopy in terahertz region using unstabilized dual femtosecond lasers
R. Ichikawa; Y. D. Hsieh; K. Hayashi; K. Minoshima; H. Inaba; T. Yasui
CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO-SI 2015, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2267, 04 May 2015, The adaptive sampling clock was extracted by dual THz-comb-referenced spectrum analyzers and used for THz dual comb spectroscopy (THz-DCS) with unstabilized dual lasers. The demonstrated results implied better spectroscopic performance than THz-DCS with stabilized lasers. © OSA 2015.
International conference proceedings, English - Real-time absolute frequency measurement of continuous-wave terahertz radiation based on dual terahertz combs of photocarriers with different frequency spacings
Takeshi Yasui; Kenta Hayashi; Ryuji Ichikawa; Harsono Cahyadi; Yi-Da Hsieh; Yasuhiro Mizutani; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Tetsuo Iwata; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 23, 9, 11367-11377, May 2015, Peer-reviwed, Real-time measurement of the absolute frequency of continuouswave terahertz (CW-THz) radiation is required for characterization and frequency calibration of practical CW-THz sources. We proposed a method for real-time monitoring of the absolute frequency of CW-THz radiation involving temporally parallel, i.e., simultaneous, measurement of two pairs of beat frequencies and laser repetition frequencies based on dual THz combs of photocarriers (PC-THz combs) with different frequency spacings. To demonstrate the method, THz-comb-referenced spectrum analyzers were constructed with a dual configuration based on dual femtosecond lasers. Regardless of the presence or absence of frequency control in the PC-THz combs, a frequency precision of 10(-11) was achieved at a measurement rate of 100 Hz. Furthermore, large fluctuation of the CW-THz frequencies, crossing several modes of the PC-THz combs, was correctly monitored in real time. The proposed method will be a powerful tool for the research and development of practical CW-THz sources, and other applications. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Fiber-based optical frequency comb interferometer with nm-stability and meters-wide scanning range
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
2015 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, SI, SF2L.1, 2015, Peer-reviwed, A 167-m fiber-based optical frequency comb interferometer was stabilized to nm-level with extremely wide scanning of 2.8 m by frequency scanning. Fiber noise cancellation with direct use of a frequency comb was also demonstrated.
International conference proceedings, English - Calibration of linear encoders with sub-nanometer uncertainty using an optical-zooming laser interferometer
Mariko Kajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 38, 4, 769-774, Oct. 2014, Peer-reviwed, The nonlinear errors of high-precision linear encoders were calibrated by using a nanometer-length calibrator that was based on the optical-zooming laser interferometer with an optical frequency comb. A transmission-type linear encoder and a reflection-type linear encoder were calibrated, and the cyclic nonlinear errors were evident. The magnitudes of the observed cyclic errors were 0.1 nm and 0.2 nm, respectively, and the best calibration uncertainties were 0.55 nm (k = 2). A traceable calibration service for linear encoders with the best calibration uncertainty in the sub-nanometer range has started based on this work. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Research Highlights: Cutting edge research: An 'optical comb' for medicine, environment, astronomy, and other applications
Kaoru Minoshima
UEC e-Bulletin, UEC, 1, 3, 3-4, Mar. 2014, Invited
Research institution, English - Real-time absolute frequency measurement of CW-THz wave based on dual THz combs
K. Hayashi; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2014, We demonstrated a frequency measurement of CW-THz wave referring to dual THz frequency comb in real time. The absolute frequency of the CW-THz wave is measured with an accuracy of 3.5*10-11 10ms each. © 2014 OSA.
International conference proceedings, English - Spectrally interleaved, comb-mode-resolved, dual-terahertz-comb spectroscopy
Y. D. Hsieh; Y. Iyonaga; Y. Sakaguchi; S. Yokoyama; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; F. Hindle; T. Araki; T. Yasui
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2014, We demonstrated combination of spectrally interleaved terahertz (THz) frequency comb with dual-comb spectroscopy, enabling us to achieve the spectral sampling equal to linewidth of the comb tooth in the low-pressure gas spectroscopy in THz region. © 2014 OSA.
International conference proceedings, English - Low-pressure gas spectroscopy using terahertz frequency synthesizer traceable to microwave frequency standard via dual optical combs
Y. D. Hsieh; H. Kimura; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Araki; T. Yasui
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2014, An accurate, continuously tunable, terahertz synthesizer was proposed by photomixing of two continuous-wave lasers phase-locked to dual optical combs. This synthesizer enables us to perform the precise THz spectroscopy secured by microwave frequency standard.
International conference proceedings, English - Extraction of Beat Signal between Dual THz Combs Using Dual THz Spectrum Analyzers
R. Ichikawa; H. Kimura; K. Hayashi; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
2014 39TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES (IRMMW-THZ), IEEE, 2014, Peer-reviwed, It is crucial in asynchronous-optical-sampling THz time-domain spectroscopy or dual THz comb spectroscopy to suppress the timing jitter of the mode-locked frequency between two femtosecond lasers or frequency fluctuation of a beat signal between two THz combs because the fluctuation of them distorts the linearity of frequency scale in the spectrum. In this paper, dual THz spectrum analyzers were effectively used to extract a beat signal between dual THz combs around 0.1 THz. The resulting beat signal has a linewidth below 1Hz and a signal-to-noise ratio of 20 dB. Furthermore, the extracted beat signal was used to suppress the remained timing jitter effectively.
International conference proceedings, English - Spectrally interleaved, comb-mode-resolved spectroscopy using swept dual terahertz combs
Yi-Da Hsieh; Yuki Iyonaga; Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi; Shuko Yokoyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Francis Hindle; Tsutomu Araki; Takeshi Yasui
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 4, Jan. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Optical frequency combs are innovative tools for broadband spectroscopy because a series of comb modes can serve as frequency markers that are traceable to a microwave frequency standard. However, a mode distribution that is too discrete limits the spectral sampling interval to the mode frequency spacing even though individual mode linewidth is sufficiently narrow. Here, using a combination of a spectral interleaving and dual-comb spectroscopy in the terahertz (THz) region, we achieved a spectral sampling interval equal to the mode linewidth rather than the mode spacing. The spectrally interleaved THz comb was realized by sweeping the laser repetition frequency and interleaving additional frequency marks. In low-pressure gas spectroscopy, we achieved an improved spectral sampling density of 2.5 MHz and enhanced spectral accuracy of 8.39 x 10(-7) in the THz region. The proposed method is a powerful tool for simultaneously achieving high resolution, high accuracy, and broad spectral coverage in THz spectroscopy.
Scientific journal, English - Prism-pair interferometer for precise measurement of the refractive index of optical glass by using a spectrum lamp
Hori, Y.; Hirai, A.; Minoshima, K.
Last, Applied Optics, 53, 13, 2793-2801, 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Low-Pressure Gas Spectroscopy Using Terahertz Frequency Synthesizer Traceable to Microwave Frequency Standard via Dual Optical Combs
Y-D. Hsieh; H. Kimura; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Araki; T. Yasui
2014 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, STh1N.8, 2014, Peer-reviwed, An accurate, continuously tunable, terahertz synthesizer was proposed by photomixing of two continuous-wave lasers phase-locked to dual optical combs. This synthesizer enables us to perform the precise THz spectroscopy secured by microwave frequency standard.
International conference proceedings, English - Spectrally Interleaved, Comb-Mode-Resolved, Dual-Terahertz-Comb Spectroscopy
Y. -D. Hsieh; Y. Iyonaga; Y. Sakaguchi; S. Yokoyama; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; F. Hindle; T. Araki; T. Yasui
2014 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, STh1N.2, 2014, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated combination of spectrally interleaved terahertz (THz) frequency comb with dual-comb spectroscopy, enabling us to achieve the spectral sampling equal to linewidth of the comb tooth in the low-pressure gas spectroscopy in THz region.
International conference proceedings, English - Real-Time Absolute Frequency Measurement of CW-THz Wave Based on Dual THz Combs
K. Hayashi; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
2014 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, STu1F.4, 2014, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated a frequency measurement of CW-THz wave referring to dual THz frequency comb in real time. The absolute frequency of the CW-THz wave is measured with an accuracy of 3.5*10(-11) 10ms each.
International conference proceedings, English - デュアル・テラヘルツ・コムを用いた連続発振テラヘルツ波のリアルタイム絶対周波数計測
林建太; 横山修子; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 安井武史
Optics & Photonics Japan 2013, OSJ, 13aB2, Nov. 2013
Symposium, Japanese - Propagation and stability characteristics of a 500-m-long laser-based fiducial line for high-precision alignment of long-distance linear accelerators
Tsuyoshi Suwada; Masanori Satoh; Souichi Telada; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 9, 093302, Sep. 2013, Peer-reviwed, A laser-based alignment system with a He-Ne laser has been newly developed in order to precisely align accelerator units at the KEKB injector linac. The laser beam was first implemented as a 500-m-long fiducial straight line for alignment measurements. We experimentally investigated the propagation and stability characteristics of the laser beam passing through laser pipes in vacuum. The pointing stability at the last fiducial point was successfully obtained with the transverse displacements of ±40 μm level in one standard deviation by applying a feedback control. This pointing stability corresponds to an angle of ±0.08 μrad. This report contains a detailed description of the experimental investigation for the propagation and stability characteristics of the laser beam in the laser-based alignment system for long-distance linear accelerators. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
Scientific journal, English - Pulse-to-pulse alignment technique based on synthetic-wavelength interferometry of optical frequency combs for distance measurement
Guanhao Wu; Mayumi Takahashi; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 38, 12, 2140-2143, Jun. 2013, Peer-reviwed, A synthetic-wavelength interferometry of optical frequency combs is proposed for the pulse-to-pulse alignment in absolute distance measurement. The synthetic wavelength derived from the virtual second harmonic and the real second harmonic is used to bridge the interference intensity peak-finding method and the heterodyne interferometric phase measurement, so that the pulse-to-pulse alignment can be linked directly to single-wavelength heterodyne interferometry. The experimental results demonstrate that the distance measured by the peak-finding method with micrometer accuracy can be improved to the nanometer level by applying the method proposed. (c) 2013 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Extremely high-accuracy correction of air refractive index using two-colour optical frequency combs
Guanhao Wu; Mayumi Takahashi; Kaoru Arai; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 3, 1894 1-5, May 2013, Peer-reviwed, Optical frequency combs have become an essential tool for distance metrology, showing great advantages compared with traditional laser interferometry. However, there is not yet an appropriate method for air refractive index correction to ensure the high performance of such techniques when they are applied in air. In this study, we developed a novel heterodyne interferometry technique based on two-colour frequency combs for air refractive index correction. In continuous 500-second tests, a stability of 1.0 x 10(-11) was achieved in the measurement of the difference in the optical distance between two wavelengths. Furthermore, the measurement results and the calculations are in nearly perfect agreement, with a standard deviation of 3.8 x 10(-11) throughout the 10-hour period. The final two-colour correction of the refractive index of air over a path length of 61 m was demonstrated to exhibit an uncertainty better than 1.4 x 10(-8), which is the best result ever reported without precise knowledge of environmental parameters.
Scientific journal, English - Terahertz Comb Spectroscopy Traceable to Microwave Frequency Standard
Yi-Da Hsieh; Yuki Iyonaga; Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi; Shuko Yokoyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Francis Hindle; Yoshinori Takahashi; Masashi Yoshimura; Yusuke Mori; Tsutomu Araki; Takeshi Yasui
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TERAHERTZ SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 3, 3, 322-330, May 2013, Peer-reviwed, The fine-structured spectrum of a terahertz (THz) frequency comb has been observed using asynchronous-optical-sampling THz time-domain spectroscopy with an extended time window covering multiple THz pulses. Fourier transformation of 10 consecutive THz pulses enables us to obtain the spectrum of THz comb mode having a linewidth of 25 MHz at intervals of 250 MHz. Further expansion of time window up to 100 consecutive THz pulses reduces the linewidth of THz comb mode down to 2.5MHz while conserving interval of 250MHz. The observed THz comb mode can be used as a precise and accurate frequency marker for broadband THz spectroscopy because it is phase-locked to a microwave frequency standard by laser control. The spectroscopy of pharmaceutical tablets and low-pressure molecular gas is used to demonstrate the utility of this approach, indicating a spectral resolution of 250 MHz. The proposed method enables frequency calibration of the THz spectrometer based on a microwave frequency standard.
Scientific journal, English - High-accuracy correction of air refractive index by using two-color heterodyne interferometry of optical frequency combs
Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Arai; Mayumi Takahashi; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 24, 1, 015203_1-9, Jan. 2013, Peer-reviwed, High-accuracy two-color heterodyne interferometry based on fundamental and second harmonic of frequency combs for air refractive index correction is developed. A monitor interferometer as well as a probe interferometer is constructed to compensate the phase noises and drifts, which are caused by introducing the acousto-optic modulators for heterodyne interferometer, to realize high-accuracy measurement of optical distance. A relative stability of 10(-10) to the total length for 500 s is achieved in the measurement of an optical path length difference between two wavelengths. In long-term measurements, the interferometric measurement results and the calculations from empirical equation of air refractive indices are in good agreement with a standard deviation of 4.1 x 10(-10) throughout the 10 h period. By applying the two-color method, high-accuracy correction of air refractive index with an uncertainty of 8.9 x 10(-8) is achieved during 10 h continuous measurements while the total refractive index changes with a range of 2.0 x 10(-6).
Scientific journal, English - A precision length calibrator based on the optical zooming positioning stage
Mariko Kajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Last, Optics Communications, Elsevier B.V., 292, 1-4, 2013, Peer-reviwed, A sub-nanometer positioning system using a zooming interferometer and an optical comb was proposed previously. That positioning stage had a positioning resolution of 0.2 nm and a stability of 0.6 nm. In this paper, we describe the length calibrator that we developed by using the proposed positioning system. For the purpose of evaluating this length calibrator, the cyclic error of a roughly-aligned commercial laser interferometer was measured. This cyclic error was observed to have a magnitude of 3.5 nm. The combined standard uncertainty was 0.7 nm for the cyclic error measurement. © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Scientific journal, English - Gapless THz Comb Spectroscopy
Takeshi Yasui; Yi-Da Hsieh; Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi; Francis Hindle; Shuko Yokoyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Tsutomu Araki
2013 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), IEEE, FTu1D.3, 2013, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated gapless THz comb spectroscopy for high- resolution THz spectroscopy. Frequency sweeping of THz comb mode enables us to enhance the spectral resolution in THz spectroscopy down to the linewidth of THz comb mode.
International conference proceedings, English - Self-correction of air-refractive index with extreme accuracy using frequency combs
K. Minoshima; G. Wu; M. Takahashi; H. Inaba
Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest, TuF2-1, 2013, Peer-reviwed, Heterodyne interferometry of 61-m path-length based on two-color optical frequency combs is developed for air-refractive-index correction. Measured two-color optical-path-differences agreed with calculations with 10 -11 for 10hour. Corrected distance variation agreed with thermal expansion of base-plate. © 2013 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - Enhancement of spectral resolution and accuracy in asynchronous-optical-sampling terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for low-pressure gas-phase analysis
Takeshi Yasui; Kohji Kawamoto; Yi-Da Hsieh; Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi; Mukesh Jewariya; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Francis Hindle; Tsutomu Araki
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 20, 14, 15071-15078, Jul. 2012, Peer-reviwed, The spectral resolution and accuracy of asynchronous-optical-sampling terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (ASOPS-THz-TDS) were evaluated by examining low-pressure gas-phase samples. Use of dual 56-MHz, erbium (Er)-doped, mode-locked femtosecond fiber lasers enhanced the spectral resolution to as low as 50.5 MHz and the spectral accuracy to as low as 6.2 x 10(-6). The results indicate that ASOPS-THz-TDS has the potential to achieve high spectral resolution, high spectral accuracy, and wide spectral coverage at the same time. ASOPS-THz-TDS will open a new door to gas-phase spectroscopy of multiple chemical species in the field of atmospheric gas analysis. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Observation of Terahertz Frequency Comb and Application for Spectroscopy
Y. Iyonaga; H. Yi-Da; Y. Sakaouchi; S. Yokoyama; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Araki; T. Yasui
Review of Laser Engineering, 40, 7, 513-516, Jul. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Experimental investigation on focusing characteristics of a He-Ne laser using circular Fresnel zone plate for high-precision alignment of linear accelerators
Tsuyoshi Suwada; Masanori Satoh; Souichi Telada; Kaoru Minoshima
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 83, 5, 53301-53309, May 2012, Peer-reviwed, We experimentally investigate the focusing characteristics of a He-Ne laser at the focal region for the high-precision alignment of long-distance linear accelerators using a circular Fresnel zone plate. The laser wave passing through the Fresnel zone plate having a focal length of 66.7 m propagates for a 268-m-long distance at atmospheric pressure. A new laser-based alignment system using Fresnel zone plates as the alignment targets is discussed. The transverse displacement of the focused spot of the laser is measured as a function of the displacement of the target by a detector installed at the focal point. Systematic studies on the focusing characteristics and alignment precision have been successfully conducted in this experiment. The experimental results are in good agreement with theoretical calculations, and the alignment precision of the target is determined to be less than +/- 30 mu m. In this study, we perform a detailed experimental investigation on the laser propagation and focusing characteristics using the circular Fresnel zone plate at the focal region along with theoretical calculations. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4709497]
Scientific journal, English - Accurate measurement of orthogonality of equal-period, two-dimensional gratings by an interferometric method
Can Feng; Mariko Kajima; Satoshi, Gonda; Kaoru Minoshima; Hiroyuki Fujimoto; Lijiang Zeng
METROLOGIA, 49, 236-244, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - A bilateral comparison of optical glass refractive index between NMIJ and INRiM for the validation of the measuring systems
Akiko Hirai; Yasuaki Hori; Kaoru Minoshima; Marco Pisani; Milena Astrua
METROLOGIA, 49, 283-288, Mar. 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 光コム:時間・空間・周波数の超精密ものさし
美濃島 薫; Wu Guanhao; 新井 薫; 鍜島 麻理子; 稲場 肇
微小光学研究会予稿集, n, n, n, Mar. 2012
International conference proceedings, Japanese - Sweeping of Terahertz Frequency Comb for High-Accuracy, High-Resolution, and Broadband Terahertz Spectroscopy
T. Yasui; Y. -D. Hsieh; Y. Iyonaga; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; S. Yokoyama; T. Araki
2012 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, 322-330, 2012, Peer-reviwed, We fully interpolated frequency gaps between THz-comb modes by their incremental sweeping at intervals of their linewidth, showing the possibility of enhancing the spectral resolution in THz spectroscopy to the linewidth of THz comb mode.
International conference proceedings, English - Frequency-Swept Asynchronous-Optical-Sampling THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy
T. Yasui; Y. Iyonaga; Y. -D. Hsieh; Y. Sakaguchi; S. Yokoyama; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Araki
2012 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES (IRMMW-THZ), IEEE, CM3J.7, 2012, Peer-reviwed, We improved the spectral accuracy in asynchronous-optical-sampling THz time-domain spectroscopy (ASOPS-THz-TDS) by sweeping the mode-locked frequency in dual fiber lasers. We confirmed from THz spectroscopy of low-pressure water vapor that the achieved spectral accuracy largely exceeds the spectral resolution in ASOPS-THz-TDS.
International conference proceedings, English - High-accuracy self-correction of refractive index of air using two-color interferometry of optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima; Kaoru Arai; Hajime Inaba
Lead, OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 19, 27, 26095-26105, Dec. 2011, Peer-reviwed, Long-path pulse-to-pulse interferometers of two-color frequency combs are developed using fundamental and second harmonics of a mode-locked fiber laser. Interferometric phase difference between two-color frequency combs was precisely measured by stabilizing the fundamental fringe phase by controlling the repetition frequency of the comb, and a stability of 10(-10) for 1000 s was achieved in the measurement of an optical path length difference between two wavelengths. In long-term measurements performed for 10 h, results of phase variation of interferometric measurements were highly consistent with the fluctuations in the calculated difference of refractive indices of air at two wavelengths with an accuracy of 10(-10). The difference between the measured optical distances corresponding to two wavelengths and the optical distance corresponding to the fundamental wavelength were used in the two-color method; high-accuracy self-correction of the fluctuation of refractive index of air was performed with an uncertainty of 5 x 10(-8) for 10-h measurements when the maximum refractive index change was on the order of 10(-6). (C)2010 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - 光コムによる長さ計測
Kaoru Minoshima
第36回光学シンポジウム予稿集, n, n, n, Jul. 2011
International conference proceedings, Japanese - Widely and continuously tunable terahertz synthesizer traceable to a microwave frequency standard
Takeshi Yasui; Hisanari Takahashi; Kohji Kawamoto; Yutaka Iwamoto; Kaoru Arai; Tsutomu Araki; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 19, 5, 4428-4437, Feb. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We constructed a widely and continuously tunable terahertz frequency synthesizer traceable to a hydrogen maser linked to coordinated universal time. Photomixing of two optical frequency synthesizers, linked to the hydrogen maser via dual optical frequency combs, gave this THz synthesizer frequency uncertainty of 10(-12). To demonstrate the potential of wide and continuous tunability in the THz synthesizer, we tuned its output frequency up to 50 GHz discretely and 1.26 GHz continuously in the F-band while maintaining the unprecedented frequency uncertainty by using a unitraveling-carrier photodiode as a photomixer. This THz synthesizer will be a powerful tool for broadband, high-precision THz spectroscopy and THz frequency metrology. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Picometer calibrator for precision linear encoder using a laser interferometer
Mariko Kajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2011, A calibration system for precision linear encoders was developed. This system evaluated interpolation errors with an expanded uncertainty of 0.55 nm (k=2). A commercial laser interferometer was calibrated, and its cyclic error was evaluated. © Nova Scicence Publishers, Inc.
International conference proceedings, English - Terahertz Frequency Metrology Based on Frequency Comb
Takeshi Yasui; Shuko Yokoyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Tadao Nagatsuma; Tsutomu Araki
IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 17, 1, 191-201, Jan. 2011, Peer-reviwed, Two techniques for terahertz (THz) frequency metrology based on frequency comb, namely, a THz-comb-referenced spectrum analyzer and a continuously tunable, single-frequency continuous-wave (CW)-THz generator, are reviewed. Since the frequency comb enables to coherently link the frequency among microwave, optical, and THz regions, it is possible to establish the THz frequency metrology traceable to time of the SI base units. Using a THz-comb-referenced spectrum analyzer based on a stable THz comb generated in a photoconductive antenna for THz detection, the absolute frequency of CW test sources in the sub-THz and THz regions was determined at a precision of 10(-11). Furthermore, a continuously tunable, single-frequency CW-THz generator was demonstrated around 120 GHz by photomixing of an accurately tunable CW laser and a tightly fixed CW laser in the optical frequency region, phase locked to two independent optical combs. The combination of the CW-THz generator with the THz-comb-referenced spectrum analyzer will open the door for establishment of frequency metrology in the THz region.
Scientific journal, English - Prism-pair interferometry by homodyne interferometers with a common light source for high-accuracy measurement of the absolute refractive index of glasses
Hori, Y.; Hirai, A.; Minoshima, K.
Last, Applied Optics, 50, 8, 1190-1196, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Two-Color Interferometry using Frequency Combs for High-Accuracy Self-Correction of Air Refractive Index
Kaoru Minoshima; Kaoru Arai; Hajime Inaba
2011 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, C, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Long-path interferometry of two-color frequency combs is developed for high-accuracy self-correction of air refractive index fluctuation. Interferometric phase difference was highly consistent with calculation: 3x10(-10) for 10-h measurements. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - Picometer calibrator for precision linear encoder using a laser interferometer
Mariko Kajima; Kaoru Minoshima
2011 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), IEEE, JThB128, 2011, Peer-reviwed, A calibration system for precision linear encoders was developed. This system evaluated interpolation errors with an expanded uncertainty of 0.55 nm (k=2). A commercial laser interferometer was calibrated, and its cyclic error was evaluated.
International conference proceedings, English - Observation of Terahertz Frequency Comb by Time-Window-Extended, Asynchronous-Optical-Sampling THz-TDS
Y. -D. Hsieh; M. Nose; S. Yokoyama; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Araki; T. Yasui
2011 36TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES (IRMMW-THZ), IEEE, n, n, n, 2011, Peer-reviwed, We observed detailed spectrum of THz frequency comb by extending the measured time window of the pulsed THz electric field up to ten pulse periods with asynchronous-optical-sampling THz-TDS (ASOPS-THz-TDS). Observed spectrum of THz comb mode has a linewidth of 5.6 MHz and a frequency interval of 56 MHz.
International conference proceedings, English - Evaluation of spectral resolution and accuracy in ASOPS THz time-domain spectroscopy
M. Jewariya; K. Kawamoto; M. Nose; Y. Sakaguchi; T. Yasui; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Araki
2011 36TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES (IRMMW-THZ), IEEE, n, n, n, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Spectral resolution and accuracy in asynchronous-optical-sampling THz-TDS was evaluated with the spectroscopy of low-pressure water vapor. The achieved resolution and accuracy were 72.9 MHz and 10(-5) at the absorption line of 0.56 THz and 0.75 THz, respectively.
International conference proceedings, English - Optical zooming interferometer for subnanometer positioning using an optical frequency comb
Mariko Kajima; Kaoru Minoshima
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 49, 30, 5844-5850, Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed, A high-precision positioning stage based on an optical zooming interferometer is proposed. Two externalcavity diode lasers, stabilized to a femtosecond optical frequency comb, are used as optical sources. The zooming principle is demonstrated, and the positioning resolution of 0.2nm is achieved. The positioning accuracy was partly evaluated. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - High-precision positioning stage using optical zooming laser interferometer for linear encoder calibration
Mariko Kajima; Kaoru Minoshima
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING, KOREAN SOC PRECISION ENG, 11, 5, 681-687, Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed, A high-resolution positioning system for linear encoder calibration was developed. The optical sources were stabilized to a femtosecond optical comb for high accuracy and direct traceability to the optical frequency comb. This system showed a control resolution of 17 pm by using an optical zooming interferometer. The stability of the stage was 4.5 nm at 200 seconds, which can be improved by easy modification of optical setup and lasers.
Scientific journal, English - Precise length metrology using fiber-based frequency combs
K. Minoshima; H. Inaba
Optical Sensors 2010, invited, Jun. 2010, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Fiber-based, hybrid terahertz spectrometer using dual fiber combs
Takeshi Yasui; Masaki Nose; Atsushi Ihara; Kohji Kawamoto; Shuko Yokoyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Tsutomu Araki
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 35, 10, 1689-1691, May 2010, Peer-reviwed, We constructed a fiber-based, hybrid terahertz (THz) spectrometer having two working modes, asynchronous-optical-sampling THz time-domain spectroscopy (AOS-THz-TDS) and multiple-frequency-heterodyning THz comb spectroscopy (MFH-THz-CS), by use of dual fiber-laser-based frequency combs. A spectral range of 2 THz and dynamic range of 100 was achieved at the single sweep measurement of 200 ms in the AOS-THz-TDS mode, whereas the detailed structure of the THz frequency comb was clearly observed in the MFH-THz-CS mode. The spectrometer features compactness, robustness, flexibility, and cost effectiveness, in addition to high spectral resolution in rapid data acquisition, and has the potential to become a powerful tool for practical applications. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - 光周波数コムと系外惑星探査への応用について
稲場; 中嶋; 大苗; 美濃島
スペースガード研究, 2, 76-79, Mar. 2010
International conference proceedings, Japanese - Continuously tunable, phase-locked, continuous-wave terahertz generator based on photomixing of two continuous-wave lasers locked to two independent optical combs
Takeshi Yasui; Hisanari Takahashi; Yutaka Iwamoto; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 107, 3, 033111-1-7, Feb. 2010, Peer-reviwed, A continuously tunable, phase-locked, single-frequency, continuous-wave (cw) terahertz generator has been demonstrated around 120 GHz, corresponding to the spectral bandwidth of the F-band unitraveling-carrier photodiode (UTC-PD) used as a photomixer in this study. This cw-terahertz generator is based on photomixing of an accurately tunable cw laser and a tightly fixed cw laser in the optical frequency region, phase locked to two independent optical combs. The continuous tuning range of the presented method was three orders of magnitude around 0.1 THz and two orders around 1 THz broader than that of a previous photomixing method in which two cw lasers are phase locked to a single optical comb, and fully covered the available spectral bandwidth of the F-band UTC-PD. The spectral behavior of the tight locking and continuous tuning of 120 GHz cw-terahertz radiation was confirmed in real time by use of a terahertz-comb-referenced spectrum analyzer. This cw-terahertz generator shows promise as a terahertz clock and synthesizer for terahertz frequency metrology.
Scientific journal, English - Prism-pair Interferometer for Precise Refractive Index Measurement using Spectral Lamp Radiation with Simultaneous Wavelength Calibration
Yasuaki Hori; Akiko Hirai; Kaoru Minoshima
2010 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO) AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (QELS), IEEE, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We developed a prism-pair interferometer which measures precise refractive index of glasses while ensuring the SI-traceability of a lamp wavelength. The measurement result agrees with manufacture's value within 1x10(-5). (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - All-fiber-based frequency comb with an intra-cavity waveguide electro-optic modulator
Nakajima Y; Inaba H; Iwakuni K; Hosaka K; Onae A; Minoshima K; Hong F. L; Ieee
2010 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, IEEE, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We develop an all-fiber-based frequency comb with an intra-cavity waveguide electro-optic modulator. A comb mode is successfully phase-locked to an optical reference. The servo bandwidth of repetition rate is approximately 400 kHz. (C)2010 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - A multi-branch, fiber-based frequency comb with millihertz-level relative linewidths using an intra-cavity electro-optic modulator
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Hajime Inaba; Kazumoto Hosaka; Kaoru Minoshima; Atsushi Onae; Masami Yasuda; Takuya Kohno; Sakae, Kawato; Takao Kobayashi; Toshio Katsuyama; Feng-Lei Hong
OPTICS EXPRESS, 18, 2, 1667-1676, Jan. 2010, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Observation of Terahertz Frequency Comb by Fiber-Based, Asynchronous-Optical-Sampling THz-TDS
Takeshi Yasui; Masaki Nose; Kohji Kawamoto; Shuko Yokoyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Tsutomu Araki
2010 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO) AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (QELS), IEEE, CMZ5, 2010, Peer-reviwed, We developed a fiber-based, asynchronous-optical-sampling THz-TDS system by combination of mode-locked Er-fiber lasers and photoconductive antennas. Detail structure of the THz comb was clearly observed with a spectral resolution of 5.6 MHz. (C)2010 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - Fiber-based frequency combs with millihertz-level relative linewidths for optical lattice clocks
Hajime Inaba; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kazumoto Hosaka; Kana Iwakuni; Masami Yasuda; Takuya Kohno; Daisuke Akamatsu; Kaoru Minoshima; Atsushi Onae; Feng-Lei Hong
2010 CONFERENCE ON PRECISION ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS CPEM, IEEE, 442-443, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday We have been developing a new clock laser system for Yb and Sr optical lattice clocks. The system is based on an infrared laser with a narrow linewidth, and a fiber-based frequency comb transferring the linewidth to required plural wavelengths. We demonstrate that fiber-based frequency combs with a multi-branch configuration can transfer laser linewidth to another wavelength at the millihertz level. An intra-cavity electro-optic modulator is employed to obtain a broad servo bandwidth for repetition rate control.
International conference proceedings, English - High-precision absolute length metrology using fiber-based optical frequency combs
K. Minoshima
Proceedings - 2010 12th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA'10, 800-802, 2010, A distance measurement technique with sub-wavelength accuracy using 821st-harmonic of the intermode-beats of a fiber-based frequency comb was developed. The developed method can provide a coherent link to an integrated laser interferometer for absolute-long-distance measurements, taking advantage of the ultrahigh dynamic range of frequency combs. ©2010 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - High-precision positioning stage using optical zooming laser interferometer for linear encoder calibration
M. Kajima; K. Minoshima
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 1A2-6, Nov. 2009, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Real-time monitoring of continuous-wave terahertz radiation using a fiber-based, terahertz-comb-referenced spectrum analyzer
Takeshi Yasui; Ryotaro Nakamura; Kohji Kawamoto; Atsushi Ihara; Yoshihide Fujimoto; Shuko Yokoyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Tadao Nagatsuma; Tsutomu Araki
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 17, 19, 17034-17043, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed, We propose a fiber-based, terahertz-comb-referenced spectrum analyzer which has the advantages of being a portable, alignment-free, robust, and flexible apparatus suitable for practical use. To this end, we constructed a 1550-nm mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser whose mode-locked frequency was stabilized precisely by referring to a rubidium frequency standard, and used it to generate a highly stable terahertz (THz) frequency comb in a photoconductive antenna or an electro-optic crystal. By standardizing the THz comb, we determined the frequency accuracy of an active-frequency-multiplier-chain (AFMC) source to be 2.4 x 10(-11). Furthermore, the potential of the THz spectrum analyzer was effectively demonstrated by real-time monitoring of the spectral behavior of the AFMC source and a photomixing source of two free-running CW lasers at adjacent wavelengths. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Frequency Measurement Capability of a Fiber-Based Frequency Comb at 633 nm
Hajime Inaba; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Feng-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima; Jun Ishikawa; Atsushi Onae; Hirokazu Matsumoto; Michael Wouters; Bruce Warrington; Nicholas Brown
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 58, 4, 1234-1240, Apr. 2009, Peer-reviwed, A fiber-based frequency comb has been developed to measure the frequency of a 633-nm iodine-stabilized laser at the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ). The measured frequency was consistent with the previous results measured with a Ti:sapphire-based comb. The NMIJ comb was shipped to Australia for the validation of the measurement capability of the National Measurement Institute, Australia (NMIA) and NMIJ combs using a common microwave reference and a common optical frequency. Consequently, the frequency consistency of the two combs was approximately 8 x 10(-17). Furthermore, we demonstrate that an absolute mode number of the comb can easily and clearly be determined by using the two combs.
Scientific journal, English - Quadrature Detection and Cancellation of Absolute Wavelength in a Prism-Pair Interferometer for High-Accuracy Refractive Index Measurements of Glasses
Hori, Y.; Hirai, A.; Minoshima, K.; Ieee,
2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, 2645-2646, 2009, Peer-reviwed - High-accuracy interferometer with a prism pair for measurement of the absolute refractive index of glass
Hori, Y.; Hirai, A.; Minoshima, K.; Matsumoto, H.
Applied Optics, 48, 11, C, 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - High-accuracy interferometer with a prism pair for measurement of the absolute refractive index of glass
Hori, Y.; Hirai, A.; Minoshima, K.; Matsumoto, H.
Applied Optics, 48, 11, 2045-2050, 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Widely Tunable, Phase-Locked CW-THz Radiation by Photomixing of Two CW Lasers Locked to Two Independent Fiber Combs
Takeshi Yasui; Hisanari Takahashi; Yutaka Iwamoto; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
2009 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (CLEO/QELS 2009), VOLS 1-5, IEEE, n, n, 1670-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, Arbitrary single-frequency CW-THz-wave generator based on two-independent femtosecond fiber-combs is presented. Continuous tuning of a 120-GHz CW wave was demonstrated across several MHz, which is limited by electric bandwidth of THz-spectrum analyzer for evaluation. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - A low-noise, octave-spanning optical frequency comb generated by a mode-locked fiber laser with an intracavity electro-optic modulator
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Hajime Inaba; Kazumoto Hosaka; Atsushi Ihara; Ken-ichi Watabe; Atsushi Onae; Kaoru Minoshima; Sakae Kawato; Takao Kobayashi; Toshio Katsuyama; Feng-Lei Hong
2009 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (CLEO/QELS 2009), VOLS 1-5, IEEE, 584-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate a fast control of an octave-spanning fiber-based frequency comb with an intracavity electro-optic modulator. The servo bandwidth of both repetition and carrier-envelope offset frequency is greater than 200 kHz. (C)2009 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - Ultra-Broad Absolute-Frequency Tunable Light Source Locked to a Fiber-Based Frequency Comb
Hisanari Takahashi; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
2009 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (CLEO/QELS 2009), VOLS 1-5, IEEE, 1465-1466, 2009, Peer-reviwed, A phase-locked 110-GHz continuously-tunable optical-single-frequency generator is developed based on a phase-stabilized fiber-based comb. Stability of the optical frequencies at Is are 3.0 and 31 x 10(-12) at scanning speeds of 0.17 and 1 GHz/s, respectively. (C)2009 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - Direct Comparison of Absolute Distance Meter using an Optical Comb and Integrated Optical Interferometer with an Optical Sub-Wavelength Accuracy
Kaoru Minoshima; Yasuhiro Sakai; Hisanari Takahashi; Hajime Inaba; Sakae Kawato
2009 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (CLEO/QELS 2009), VOLS 1-5, IEEE, 1563-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, Distance measurements using the 821(st)-harmonic of the intermode beat frequency in an optical comb with optical-sub-wavelength accuracy are demonstrated. Direct comparison with a laser interferometer for the same optical setup reveals good agreement to 20-nm. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - A simple optical-zooming positioning system using a femtosecond frequency comb
Mariko Kajima; Kaoru Minoshima
2009 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (CLEO/QELS 2009), VOLS 1-5, IEEE, 1561-1562, 2009, Peer-reviwed, A precisely controllable positioning stage based on an optical-zooming interferometer using two diode lasers locked to a fs-comb was developed. The nonlinearity error of positioning was 0.6 nm and control resolution was 20 pm. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - Fiber-Based, Asynchronous Optical Sampling Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy System
M. Nose; K. Kawamoto; A. Ihara; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Araki; T. Yasui
2009 34TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, n, n, 429-+, 2009, Peer-reviwed, We proposed a fiber-based, asynchronous optical sampling THz time-domain spectroscopy system by combination of mode-locked Er-doped fiber lasers and photoconductive antennas. The proposed system will become a fast, compact, alignment-free, robust, and flexible apparatus without any mechanical moving parts.
International conference proceedings, English - Optimized amplification of femtosecond optical pulses by dispersion management for octave-spanning optical frequency comb generation
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Hajime Inaba; Feng-Lei Hong; Atsushi Onae; Kaoru Minoshima; Takao Kobayashi; Masataka Nakazawa; Hirokazu Matsumoto
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 281, 17, 4484-4487, Sep. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We report a method for optimizing the amplification of femtosecond optical pulses by using dispersion management. The amount of dispersion provided to the seed optical pulse of an erbium-doped fiber (EBF) has an optimal region that enhances the output power of an amplifier. The power enhancement is accompanied by spectral broadening, which originates from adiabatic narrowing in the erbium-doped fiber. The amplified optical pulses can be used to generate an octave-spanning optical frequency comb (OFC) by employing a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - High-Accuracy Interferometer with a Prism Pair for Measurement of the Absolute Refractive Index of Glass
Hori, Y.; Hirai, A.; Minoshima, K.; Matsumoto, H.; Ieee,
2008 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics & Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Vols 1-9, 2008 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics & Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Vols 1-9, 446-447, 2008, Peer-reviwed - Frequency comparison of two fiber-based frequency combs at 633 nm
Hajime Inaba; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Feng-Lei Hong; Atsushi Onae; Michael Wouters; Bruce Warrington; Nicholas Brown; Hirokazu Matsumoto
2008 CONFERENCE ON PRECISION ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS DIGEST, IEEE, n, n, 308-+, 2008, Peer-reviwed, Two fiber-based frequency combs were compared at 633 nm. An offset laser was locked to a frequency comb, and the locked laser was measured with another comb. Consequently, the frequency uncertainty of the combs was less than 3 x 10(-16) at 10 000 s averaging, which is sufficiently lower than the uncertainty of UTC.
International conference proceedings, English - 68 fs Er/Yb:glass laser mode-locked by saturable absorber mirrors based on polymer-embedded carbon nanotubes
T. R. Schibli; K. Minoshima; H. Kataura; E. Itoga; M. Tokumoto; Y. Sakakibara
Ultrafast Optics V, 132, 403-412, Jun. 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Optical frequency synthesis from a cryogenic sapphire oscillator using a fiber-based frequency comb
Ken-ichi Watabe; Hajime Inaba; Kenichirc Okumura; Feng-Lei Hong; John G. Hartnett; Clayton R. Locke; Giorgio Santarelli; Shinya Yanagimachi; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Ikegami; Atsushi Onae; Shin-ichi Ohshima; Hirokazu Matsumoto
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 56, 2, 632-636, Apr. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We have demonstrated optical frequency synthesis using a fiber-based frequency comb system, referenced to an ultrastable microwave oscillator. The oscillator is based on a high Q-factor cryogenic sapphire resonator cooled with liquid helium. The 100-MHz signal synthesized from the 10.8-GHz oscillation frequency of the cryogenic sapphire oscillator (CSO) was used to stabilize the repetition frequency of the mode-locked fiber laser. When the synthesized optical frequency was compared with a rubidium two-photon stabilized laser at 778 mu, the measured fractional frequency stability was similar to 6 x 10(-14) tau(-1/2) for the averaging times tau between 1 and 100 s, and the best frequency stability was 3.0 x 10(-15) for an averaging time of 1280 s.
Scientific journal, English - Displacement metrology with sub-nm accuracy in air using optical frequency comb
Y. Bitou; T. R. Schibli; K. Minoshima
2007 PACIFIC RIM CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS, VOLS 1-4, IEEE, 391-392, 2007, Peer-reviwed, A laser-frequency-based displacement measurement system with sub-nanometer uncertainty wing an optical frequency comb is developed, By using wide range of optical frequency measurement and dual Fabry-Perot cavity system, we achieved displacement ranges up to 10 mu m with sub-nm uncertainty.
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrahigh dynamic-range distance measurement using a femtosecond frequency comb
K. Minoshima; H. Inaba; H. Matsumoto; Y. Iino; K. Kumagai
2007 DIGEST OF THE LEOS SUMMER TOPICAL MEETINGS, IEEE, 186-+, 2007, Peer-reviwed, We report a compact optical distance meter using intermode beats of a fiber-delivered frequency comb. We realized micrometer agreement over hundreds of meters to a length-measuring laser interferometer which is the reference standard at NMIJ/AIST.
International conference proceedings, English - Doppler-free spectroscopy using a continuous-wave optical frequency synthesizer
Hajime Inaba; Takeshi Ikegami; Feng-Lei Hong; Youichi Bitou; Atsushi Onae; Thomas R. Schibli; Kaoru Minoshima; Hirokazu Matsumoto
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 45, 20, 4910-4915, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed, A continuous-wave (cw) optical frequency synthesizer is demonstrated by using a monolithic-type cw optical parametric oscillator (cw-OPO) and an optical frequency comb. The cw-OPO is phase locked to an optical frequency comb that is phase locked to an atomic clock. The output frequency of the cw-OPO is frequency shifted with an electro-optic modulator, which makes it possible to tune the frequency continuously over 10 GHz. Furthermore, Doppler-free spectroscopy is performed using the optical frequency synthesizer for a cesium D1 line at 895 mn. The observed linewidth of 5 MHz is the natural linewidth of cesium. The center frequency of the line is consistent with a previous report. (C) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Robust and low-noise fiber based frequency comb for long-term measurement of optical frequencies
H. Inaba; Y. Daimon; F. L. Hong; A. Onae; K. Minoshima; T. R. Schibli; M. Onishi; T. Okuno; M. Hirano; M. Nakazawa; H. Matsumoto
CPEM2006 Digest, 430-431, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Optical frequency measurement using chirped-mirror-dispersion-controlled mode-locked TiAl2O3 laser
K Sugiyama; FL Hong; J Ishikawa; A Onae; T Ikegami; SN Slyusarev; K Minoshima; H Matsumoto; H Inaba; JC Knight; WJ Wadsworth; PSJ Russell
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, INST PURE APPLIED PHYSICS, 45, 6A, 5051-5062, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed, An optical frequency measurement system based on an octave-spanning optical frequency comb generated by a chirped-mirror-dispersion-controlled mode-locked Ti:Al2O3 laser and a photonic-crystal fiber is developed. All of the modes-of the octave-spanning optical frequency comb are frequency-stabilized to a microwave frequency standard, where the carrier-envelope offset frequency is phase-locked with self-referencing of the comb. We investigate the methods of controlling carrier-envelope offset frequency in a chirped-mirror-dispersion-controlled mode-locked laser. The rotation of a pair of chirped mirrors is useful for setting the bias of carrier-envelope offset frequency. Although our mode-locked laser has a low pulse-repetition frequency of 150 MHz, a high signal-to-noise ratio in beats results in the direct measurement of beat frequency with a laser to be measured using a frequency counter, and enables us to phase lock carrier-envelope offset frequency merely by using a mixer analogously without the need for a prescaler, with a servo bandwidth at approximately 500 kHz. The uncertainty of our optical frequency measurement system, besides the uncertainty of microwave reference frequency, is 4 x 10(-14), and is limited by the uncertainty of the rf synthesizer used for phase locking and by that of the beat frequency measurement. Frequency measurements of an iodine-stabilized frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm, an iodine-stabilized He-Ne laser at 633 nm and a rubidium two-photon-absorption stabilized extended-cavity laser diode at 778 nm are conducted. The results contributed to the revision of the practical realization of the metre adopted by the International Conference on Weights and Measures (CIPM) in 2001.
Scientific journal, English - Displacement metrology with sub-pm resolution in air based on a fs-comb wavelength synthesizer
TR Schibli; K Minoshima; Y Bitou; FL Hong; H Inaba; A Onae; H Matsumoto
Corresponding, OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 14, 13, 5984-5993, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We report on a displacement metrology setup that provides sub-pm resolution in air. The setup is based on a Fabry-Perot cavity. However, unlike current Fabry-Perot cavity based displacement setups we incorporate a novel fs-laser based arbitrary wavelength synthesizer that provides efficient suppression of atmospheric disturbances while providing very wide and precise tuning of the output wavelength. The wavelength synthesizer provides sub-10 attometer wavelength resolution. The setup provides sub-pm length stability for integration times of up to one minute and sub-10 pm for up to half an hour without airtight enclosure of the Fabry-Perot cavities. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Long-term measurement of optical frequencies using a simple, robust and low-noise fiber based frequency comb
H Inaba; Y Daimon; FL Hong; A Onae; K Minoshima; TR Schibli; H Matsumoto; M Hirano; T Okuno; M Onishi; M Nakazawa
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 14, 12, 5223-5231, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We have developed a fiber-based frequency comb system consisting of a simple mode-locked fiber laser and a backward pumping amplifier combined with a highly nonlinear fiber with a short zero-dispersion wavelength. As a result, the signal to noise ratio of the obtained carrier-envelope-offset frequency beat is larger than 45 dB at a bandwidth of 100 kHz. Furthermore, we have succeeded in measuring the optical frequencies of a 1542-nm acetylene-stabilized laser and a 532-nm iodine-stabilized Nd:YAG laser continuously for more than one week using the fiber-based comb system. The long-term measurement revealed that the frequency stability of the iodine-stabilized laser was 5.7 x 10(-15) with 100 000 s averaging. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Saturable absorber mirrors based on polymer-embedded carbon nanotubes and their application to ultrashort pulse generation
T. R. Schibli; K. Minoshima; H. Kataura; E. Itoga; M. Tokumoto; Y. Sakakibara
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We describe the fabrication of a novel type of saturable absorber mirrors based on polymer embedded carbon nanotubes and we demonstrate their performance in mode-locking an Er/Yb:glass laser: 68fs (45fs Fourier limit) at 85MHz repetition-rate. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
International conference proceedings, English - Dispersion-free wide-range sub-nm scale using tunable diode laser and optical frequency comb generaton
Y. Bitou; T. R. Schibli; K. Minoshima
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We propose a laser-frequency-based scale free from dispersive effects using a widely tunable laser and an optical frequency comb generator. We achieved displacement ranges up to 10um with 220pm uncertainty for measurement periods of 600 s. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
International conference proceedings, English - Displacement metrology setup with sub-pm stability in air utilizing a fs-comb based wavelength synthesizer
Schibli T.R; Minoshima K; Bitou Y; Hong F.-L; Inaba H; Onae A; Matsumoto H
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006, 2006, Peer-reviwed - Accurate wide-range displacement measurement using tunable diode laser and optical frequency comb generator
Y Bitou; TR Schibli; K Minoshima
Last, OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 14, 2, 644-654, Jan. 2006, Peer-reviwed, A laser-frequency-based displacement measurement system with sub-nanometer uncertainty using an optical frequency comb generator is developed. In this method, the optical frequency of a tunable laser is locked to the resonance of a Fabry-Perot cavity. One of the two mirrors of this Fabry-Perot cavity is connected to the element whose displacement is to be measured. Wide range optical frequency and displacement measurements were realized by using an optical frequency comb generator, which consists of an electro-optic modulator placed inside of an optical resonator. We demonstrate a displacement measurement of up to 10 mu m with 220 pm uncertainty under the stable condition. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Nonlinear optical devices based on carbon nanotubes
Y. Sakakibara; K. Kintaka; T. Itatani; S. Matsuzaki; T. R. Schibli; K. Minoshima; S. Namiki; E. Itoga; M. Tokumoto; K. Ishida; H. Kataura
2006 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE/NATIONAL FIBER OPTIC ENGINEERS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-6, OPTICAL SOC AMERICA, 3, 2145-+, 2006, Peer-reviwed, Various nonlinear optical devices based on carbon nanotube-polyimide saturable absorber are demonstrated. Thin film mode-lockers can achieve 165 fs for Er fiber laser and 68 fs for Er/Yb glass laser. Microcavity and waveguide structures can be fabricated. (C) 2006 Optical Society of America.
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrahigh dynamic-range portable distance meter using an optical frequency comb
K. Minoshima; T. R. Schibli; H. Matsumoto; Y. Iino; K. Yoshino; K. Kumagai
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006, CMY1, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We present an A4-size portable distance meter using a fiber-delivered optical frequency comb of a mode-locked laser. Micrometer agreement is realized to a reference standard laser interferometer in the distance measurements over hundreds of meters. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
International conference proceedings, English - Carbon nanotube polymer nanocomposite and its nonlinear optical applications
Y. Sakakibara; T. Itatani; S. Matsuzaki; E. Itoga; W. M. Soe; H. Itatani; K. Kintaka; S. Namiki; T. R. Schibli; K. Minoshima; R. Kaji; T. Oomuro; M. Yamashita; M. Tokumoto; H. Kataura
2006 European Conference on Optical Communications Proceedings, ECOC 2006, 3, 15-19, 2006, Peer-reviwed, Carbon nanotube polyimide nanocomposite material has been developed. This material can be applited to mode-lockers for fiber and solid state lasers with high controllability and reproducibility. This material can be fabricated into nonlinear optical waveguide devices.
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrashort pulse-generation by saturable absorber mirrors based on polymer-embedded carbon nanotubes
TR Schibli; K Minoshima; H Kataura; E Itoga; N Minami; S Kazaoui; K Miyashita; M Tokumoto; Y Sakakibara
Last, OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 13, 20, 8025-8031, Oct. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate passive mode locking of solid-state lasers by saturableabsorbers based on carbon nanotubes (CNT). These novel absorbers are fabricated by spin-coating a polymer doped with CNTs onto commercial dielectric laser-mirrors. We obtain broadband artificial saturable absorber mirrors with ultrafast recovery times without the use of epitaxial growth techniques and the well-established spin-coating process allows the fabrication of devices based on a large variety of substrate materials. First results on passive mode locking of Nd:glass and Er/Yb:glass lasers are discussed. In the case of Er/Yb: glass we report the to our knowledge shortest pulse generated in a self-starting configuration based on Er/Yb: bulk-glass: 68 fs (45fs Fourier-limit) at 1570 nm wavelength at a pulse-repetition rate of 85 MHz. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Phase-locked widely tunable optical single-frequency generator based on a femtosecond comb
TR Schibli; K Minoshima; FL Hong; H Inaba; Y Bitou; A Onae; H Matsumoto
Last, OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 30, 17, 2323-2325, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We present an arbitrary optical single-frequency generator based on a femtosecond optical frequency comb. The functions of this device are comparable to those of a radio-frequency synthesizer. However, this device operates at hundreds of terahertz. The absolute frequency accuracy of this synthesizer is similar to 1 kHz at a 282 THz carrier frequency. The stability is similar to 2 X 10(-14) at 100 s, and the tuning speed exceeds 30 GHz/s. This source demonstrates the integration of a phase-locked optical comb into a versatile and easy-to-use system for the generation of tunable, absolute optical frequencies. By using downconversion, one could generate tunable terahertz frequencies that are phase locked to a microwave reference, such as a Cs atomic clock, and high-precision interferometry could benefit greatly from the stability and accuracy of this widely tunable source. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Three-dimensional photonic devices fabricated in glass by use of a femtosecond laser oscillator
AM Kowalevicz; Sharma, V; EP Ippen; JG Fujimoto; K Minoshima
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 30, 9, 1060-1062, May 2005, Peer-reviwed, Three-dimensional photonic waveguide devices are fabricated in glass by use of femtosecond pulses from an extended-cavity laser oscillator. Three-dimensional devices, including a symmetric three-waveguide directional coupler and a three-dimensional microring resonator, are fabricated and tested. Waveguides can be fabricated at depths of -1 mm inside a glass substrate, thus demonstrating the capability of achieving dramatic increases in device density. These results demonstrate the potential to fabricate new classes of devices that are not possible in two dimensions. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - High-precision distance measurement using the frequency comb of an ultrashort pulse laser
Kaoru Minoshima; Hirokazu Matsumoto
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Micromachining three dimensional photonic devices using a high pulse energy femtosecond laser oscillator
Sharma, V; K Suzuki; AM Kowalevicz; K Minoshima; JG Fujimoto
2005 PACIFIC RIM CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS, IEEE, 904-906, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Three-dimensional photonic devices are fabricated in glass using high energy femtosecond pulses from an extended cavity Ti:sapphire laser oscillator. Splitters and directional couplers can be fabricated using novel three-dimensional geometries not possible using planer fabrication.
International conference proceedings, English - Frequency metrology with a turnkey all-fiber system
TR Schibli; K Minoshima; FL Hong; H Inaba; A Onae; H Matsumoto; Hartl, I; ME Fermann
ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA XIV, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 79, 843-845, 2005, Peer-reviwed, The repetition-rate and carrier envelope offset frequency of a turnkey, all-fiber-based continuum generator are phase-locked to a highly stable atomic clock, a H-maser, With this source, optical frequency measurements at 1064nm and at 1542nm are demonstrated. The performance of this turnkey system was found to be comparable to a traditional Ti:sapphire-based comb.
International conference proceedings, English - 3D photonic devices fabricated in glass by a femtosecond oscillator
AM Kowalevicz; Sharma, V; EP Ippen; JG Fujimoto; K Minoshima
ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA XIV, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 79, 801-803, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Photonic structures are fabricated in glass using high energy pulses from an extended cavity femtosecond oscillator, Several novel three-dimensional devices are demonstrated and characterized. The ability to fabricate in transparent materials enables an entirely new class of 3D photonic devices that are not possible in planar geometries.
International conference proceedings, English - Carrier envelope phase locking of an in-line low-noise Er fiber system
I. Hartl; G. Imeshev; G. C. Cho; M. E. Fermann; T. R. Schibli; K. Minoshima; A. Onae; F. L. Hong; H. Matsumoto; J. W. Nicholson; M. F. Yan
Advanced Solid-State Photonics, TOPS, 94, 176-178, Dec. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Frequency metrology with a turnkey all-fiber system
TR Schibli; K Minoshima; FL Hong; H Inaba; A Onae; H Matsumoto; Hartl, I; ME Fermann
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 29, 21, 2467-2469, Nov. 2004, Peer-reviwed, The repetition rate and carrier-envelope phase offset frequencies of a turnkey, all-fiber-based continuum generator were phase locked to a hydrogen maser. The frequency of the hydrogen maser was calibrated with a highly stable cesium atomic clock, and therefore a fully phase-locked optical frequency comb with well-defined absolute frequencies was obtained. In contrast with the commonly used Ti:sapphire-laser-based systems, we have accomplished a fully turnkey system with no user-adjustable parts. To evaluate the performance of this novel system, we performed absolute frequency measurements in the telecommunications region and at 1064 nm and compared them with our traditional Ti:sapphire-based comb. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Measurements and numerical analysis for femtosecond pulse deformations after propagation of hundreds of meters in air with water-vapor absorption lines
Y Yamaoka; LJ Zeng; K Minoshima; H Matsumoto
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 43, 29, 5523-5530, Oct. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We have clarified the influences of water-vapor absorption lines in air on femtosecond pulse propagations from experimental and theoretical points of view. Precise measurements for the femtosecond pulse shapes after propagation of as much as 300 m through air have been made in a semiunderground optical testing tunnel. We observed the pulse splitting and the enhancement of the pulse broadening due to the 100-m propagation in air. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis by use of the HITRAN database at the edge and the center of the water-vapor absorption regions in air. Measured autocorrelation traces are mostly reproduced by those calculated with only the real part (dispersion) of the refractive index modulated by water-vapor absorption lines in air. This fact enables us to conclude that the pulse deformations due to water absorption lines in air are caused mainly by the real part (dispersion), not by the imaginary part (absorption), of the refractive index of air. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Phase locking of a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator to an optical frequency comb for optical frequency synthesis
H Inaba; T Ikegami; FL Hong; A Onae; Y Koga; TR Schibli; K Minoshima; H Matsumoto; S Yamadori; O Tohyama; SI Yamaguchi
IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 40, 7, 929-936, Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed, A continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator (OPO) was phase locked to an optical frequency comb in the 830-nm region. The optical frequency of the OPO was controlled by changing the cavity length of the pump laser. The residual phase noise under phase locking was 220 mradrms and the energy concentration to the carrier was 95 Furthermore, the optical frequency fluctuations of a free-running OPO were measured by using an optical frequency comb that was phase locked to an atomic clock. The measured fluctuations were around 10 MHz in an hour.
Scientific journal, English - Study on cyclic errors in a distance measurement using a frequency comb generated by a mode-locked laser
K. Minoshima; T. R. Schibli; H. Matsumoto
CLEO/IQEC 2004, CTuH6, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Femtosecond-comb distance meter: ultrahigh-resolution distance measurement using a mode-locked laser
K. Minoshima; T. Tomita; H. Matsumoto
The 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2003. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2003. (Volume:2 ), 2, 15 Dec. 2003, Peer-reviwed, Invited
International conference proceedings, English - Absolute frequency measurement of an acetylene-stabilized laser at 1542 nm
FL Hong; A Onae; J Jiang; RX Guo; H Inaba; K Minoshima; TR Schibli; H Matsumoto; K Nakagawa
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 28, 23, 2324-2326, Dec. 2003, Peer-reviwed, The absolute frequency of an acetylene-stabilized laser at 1542 nm is measured at its second harmonic (771 nm) by use of a femtosecond optical comb based on a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. Frequency stability and reproducibility of the acetylene-stabilized laser are evaluated by the femtosecond comb with a H maser as a frequency reference. The absolute frequency of a laser diode stabilized on the P(16) transition of (C2H2)-C-13 is determined to be 194 369 569 383.6(1.3) kHz. The acetylene-stabilized laser serves as an important optical frequency standard for telecommunication applications. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Characterization of laser induced damage sites in optical components
S. Demos; M. Staggs; K. Minoshima; J. Fujimoto
OPTICS EXPRESS, 10, 25, 1444-1450, Dec. 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Broad-spectrum frequency comb generation and carrier-envelope offset frequency measurement by second-harmonic generation of a mode-locked fiber laser
FL Hong; K Minoshima; A Onae; H Inaba; H Takada; A Hirai; H Matsumoto; T Sugiura; M Yoshida
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 28, 17, 1516-1518, Sep. 2003, Peer-reviwed, A frequency comb spanning more than one octave has been achieved by injecting the second-harmonic generation (780 nm) of a mode-locked fiber laser (1.56 mum) into a photonic crystal fiber. We propose and realize a novel interferometric scheme for observing the carrier-envelope offset frequency of the frequency comb. Frequency noise has been observed on the measured carrier-envelope offset frequency, which has been confirmed to be generated in the photonic crystal fiber by comparing the measured beat frequencies between cw lasers and frequency combs before and after the photonic crystal fiber. The mode-locked fiber laser is considered to be an important candidate for the light source used in realizing a compact optical frequency measurement system including applications in the telecommunication bands. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Fabrication of coupled mode photonic devices in glass by nonlinear femtosecond laser materials processing
K. Minoshima; A. Kowalevicz; E. Ippen; J. Fujimoto
OPTICS EXPRESS, 10, 15, 645-652, Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Cyclic-error-free long-distance measurement using a frequency comb of a femtosecond mode-locked laser
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
CLEO/QELS 2003, CTuK3, May 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Broad-Spectrum Frequency Comb Generation and Carrier-Envelope Offset Frequency Measurement Using the Second Harmonic Generation of a Mode-locked Fiber Laser
Feng-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima; Atsushi Onae; Hajime Inaba; Hideyuki Takada; Akiko Hirai; Hirokazu Matsumoto; Toshiharu Sugiura; Makoto Yoshida
CLEO/QELS 2003, JTuD1, May 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Deformations of femtosecond pulses after hundred-meter propagation in air with sharp water vapor absorption lines
Y. Yamaoka; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto; L. Zeng
CLEO/QELS 2003, 88, CTuM1-1547, May 2003, Peer-reviwed, We have observed the splitting and broadening of pulses due to sharp water vapor absorption lines after they were propagated hundreds of meters in air, which agrees with calculations based on the high-resolution transmission database. © 2002 Optical Society of America.
International conference proceedings, English - Optical frequency measurement system using a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser and a photonic crystal fiber
H. Inaba; F. L. Hong; A. Onae; Y. Koga; J. Ishikawa; T. Ikegami; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto; K. Sugiyama; J. C. Knight; W. J. Wadzworth; P. S. J. Russel
ATF 2002 Proceedings, n, n, n, Apr. 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Functional device fabrication by nonlinear material processing of glass with a femtosecond laser oscillator
K Minoshima; AM Kowalevicz; EP Ippen; JG Fujimoto
ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA XIII, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 71, 663-665, 2003, Peer-reviwed, Functional photonic devices are fabricated in glass using high-energy laser pulses from an unamplified laser oscillator. Devices including directional couplers and interferometers are fabricated. Interaction length and spectral dependences are evaluated.
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrahigh-Resolution distance meter using a frequency comb of a femtosecond mode-locked laser
K Minoshima; T Tomita; Y Yamaoka; H Matsumoto
ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA XIII, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 71, 655-659, 2003, Peer-reviwed, Invited, An optical distance meter is developed using intermode beats of a femtosecond frequency comb with a simple setup and high reliability for open-field measurement. Phase measurements of 10-GHz beat components realize one-micrometer resolution up to 240 m distance. The distance meter follows the variation of the environmental parameters with an accuracy of 2.3 x 10(-8), and then realizes automatic refractive index correction with an accuracy of 1.3 x 10(-6) by using two-color measurements.
International conference proceedings, English - Micrometer-resolution long-distance measurement using a femtosecond frequency comb
K. Minoshima; T. Tomita; H. Matsumoto
LEOS Summer Topical Meeting, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2003-, 35-36, 2003, This paper reports on the development of an ultrahigh accuracy distance meter (femtosecond-comb distance meter (FCDM)) with a simple setup and reliability for a practical measurement using a broad and stable femtosecond frequency comb. The distance meter is expected for a length standard as well as industrial applications. In this study, a 2-μm uncertainty in the FCDM by using 10-GHz beat frequencies is achieved.
International conference proceedings, English - High-precision long-distance measurement using a frequency comb of a femtosecond mode-locked laser
H Matsumoto; K Minoshima; S Telada
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN TRACEABLE DIMENSIONAL MEASUREMENTS II, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 5190, 308-315, 2003, Peer-reviwed, High-accuracy long-distance measurement is performed using a broad and stable femtosecond frequency comb. Cyclic-error, which has been the main source of inaccuracy in conventional measurements, is reduced more than tenfold, directly achieving high accuracies of 50 mu m at 1-GHz frequency and 14 mu m at 10-GHz frequency in a 240-m distance measurement using the phase measurement of intermode beats of a femtosecond frequency comb. Traceability of distance meters is discussed.
International conference proceedings, English - 水蒸気吸収帯におけるフェムト秒光パルスの長距離伝播
山岡 禎久; 曽理江; 美濃島薫; 松本弘一
光波センシング技術研究会講演論文集, 30, 2, 43-48, Dec. 2002
International conference proceedings, Japanese - フェムト秒光コムを用いた距離計
Kaoru Minoshima
光波センシング技術研究会, 30, 2, 35-42, Dec. 2002
International conference proceedings, Japanese - Microscopic time-resolved two-dimensional imaging with a femtosecond amplifying optical Kerr gate
T Yasui; K Minoshima; E Abraham; H Matsumoto
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 41, 24, 5191-5194, Aug. 2002, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate microscopic time-resolved two-dimensional (2D) imaging that is based on a femtosecond amplifying optical Kerr gate (fs-amp OKG). The contribution of the optical nonlinear effects to the transverse imaging performance and the limit of the transverse resolving power are investigated. The optical Kerr effect in the excited state with amplification, used in the fs-amp OKG, does not deteriorate the quality of the time-resolved image at transverse resolutions up to at least 5.5 mum. We obtain a femtosecond-time-resolved 2D image of a microscopic object with a transverse resolution of 1.7 mum. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Direct measurement of the group refractive index of air with interferometry between adjacent femtosecond pulses
Y Yamaoka; K Minoshima; H Matsumoto
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 41, 21, 4318-4324, Jul. 2002, Peer-reviwed, The group refractive index of air in laboratory conditions is measured directly between adjacent femto-second laser pulses by a new interferometry technique. Measurement of the repetition rate of the mode-locked pulse train that gives the maximum amplitude of the interference-signal envelope enables us to determine the group refractive index of air within a standard deviation of 2 X 10(-7). This simple method without vacuum reference is attractive for measuring the group refractive index needed for precise distance measurements in open fields. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Microscopic time-resolved two-dimensional imaging with a femtosecond amplifying optical kerr gate
Applied Optics, 41, 24, 5191-5194, 2002 - Optical frequency measurement using ultra-fast mode-locked laser at NMIJ/AIST
Kazuhiko Sugiyama; Atsushi Onae; Feng-Lei Hong; Hajime Inaba; Sergey N. Slyusarev; Takeshi Ikegami; Jun Ishikawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Hirokazu Matsumoto; Jonathan; C. Knight; William J. Wadsworth; Phillip; St. J. Russell
Proceedings of the 6th Symposium Frequency Standards and Metolorogy, 427-434, Jan. 2002, Invited
International conference proceedings, English - フェムト秒パルスレーザーを用いた距離計の高分解能化
T. Tomita; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
光波センシング技術研究会講演論文集, 28, 9-13, Dec. 2001
International conference proceedings, Japanese - Photonic device fabrication in glass by use of nonlinear materials processing with a femtosecond laser oscillator
K Minoshima; AM Kowalevicz; Hartl, I; EP Ippen; JG Fujimoto
Lead, OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 26, 19, 1516-1518, Oct. 2001, Peer-reviwed, Single-mode X couplers and three-dimensional waveguides are fabricated in transparent glasses by use of an unamplified femtosecond laser generating energies of up to 100 nJ. Changing fabrication parameters such as power and scanning speed permits creation of waveguides with a wide range of structures and refractive-index difference. Optical coherence tomography shows large refractive-index changes of up to similar to 10(-2) in the waveguides; these changes are consistent with guided mode analysis. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - 200m離れて20μmの差を読みとるフェムト秒レーザ高精度距離計
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
フェムト秒テクノロジーフォーラム予稿集, 33-36, Oct. 2001
International conference proceedings, Japanese - 精密計測のための2光子吸収による短パルス光伝搬評価
H. Nakayama; H. Matsumoto; K. Minoshima
第27回光波センシング技術研究会講演論文集, 131-135, May 2001
International conference proceedings, Japanese - Versatile photonic device fabrication in glass by use of femtosecond laser oscillator
K. Minoshima; A. M. Kowalevicz; I. Hartl; E. P. Ippen; J. G. Fujimoto
CLEO/QELS 2001, J, May 2001, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Measurements of air group-refractive index using a tunable repetition rate of a femtosecond pulse train
Y. Yamaoka; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, 411-412, 2001
International conference proceedings - Stabilization of femtosecond mode-locked Ti : Sapphire laser for high-accuracy pulse interferometry
T Yasui; K Minoshima; H Matsumoto
IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 37, 1, 12-19, Jan. 2001, Peer-reviwed, We propose a method of long-term stabilization of the repetition rate and the spectral envelope in a femtosecond mode-locked (fs-ML) laser pulse by a simple control method without modifying the laser cavity configuration. The effectiveness of the repetition-rate-stabilized fs-ML laser was evaluated in a long-optical-path (LOP) pulse interferometer with a short reference arm. The resulting accuracy in the LOP pulse interferometer was improved to one-seventh that of a free-running fs-ML laser. Moreover, the stabilization of the spectral envelope was estimated to suppress the fluctuation in the phase and group indices of an object under testing by 1/50, which can increase the measurement accuracy in pulse interferometry, The simple and practical stabilization method provides a means to increase the application of pulse interferometry using the fs-ML laser.
Scientific journal, English - Frequency control of a chirped-mirror-dispersion-controlled mode-locked Ti : Al2O3 laser for comparison between microwave and optical frequencies
K Sugiyama; A Onae; T Ikegami; SN Slyusarev; FL Hong; K Minoshima; H Matsumoto; JC Knight; WJ Wadsworth; PS Russell
LASER FREQUENCY STABILIZATION, STANDARDS, MEASUREMENT AND APPLICATIONS, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 4269, 95-104, 2001, Peer-reviwed, The use of an optical frequency comb generated by an ultrafast mode-locked laser has been realized as a promising method of the direct comparison between microwave and optical frequencies. We are currently investigating frequency control of a chirped-mirror-dispersion-controlled mode-locked Ti:Al2O3 laser. We stabilized the pulse repetition rate f(rep) to a rf synthesizer locked to a cesium (Cs) clock to the Allan deviation of 4 x 10(-12) in 1 s. We found that the position of the crystal, rotation of the chirped mirrors, and change of the pump-laser power can be used in controlling the carrier-envelope offset frequency f(CEO). We extended the span of the comb to over one octave, i.e., from 530 nm to 1190 nm, at -20 dB using a photonic-crystal fiber made at the University of Bath. We are currently trying to measure the frequency of an iodine-stabilized Nd:YAG laser using a floating ruler of a f:2f frequency interval chain. We detected the self-referencing beat between the fundamental and second-harmonic frequencies of the comb, which will enable further precise comparison between microwave and optical frequencies through the control of the f(CEO).
International conference proceedings, English - Fabrication of glass photonic devices by an unamplified femtosecond laser
K Minoshima; Hartl, I; EP Ippen; JG Fujimoto
CLEO(R)/PACIFIC RIM 2001, VOL II, TECHNICAL DIGEST, IEEE, 6, 720-721, 2001, Peer-reviwed, Single-mode X-couplers, 3D-waveguides, and void structures are fabricated in glass using an unamplified femtosecond laser generating energies of similar to100 nJ. Coupled mode analysis and optical coherence tomography show large refractive index changes of up to similar to10(-2).
International conference proceedings, English - High-accuracy measurement of 240-m distance in an optical tunnel by use of a compact femtosecond laser
K Minoshima; H Matsumoto
Lead, APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 39, 30, 5512-5517, Oct. 2000, Peer-reviwed, A high-accuracy optical distance meter with a mode-locked femtosecond laser is proposed for distance measurements in a 310-m-long optical tunnel. We measured the phase shift of the optical beat component between longitudinal modes of a mode-locked laser. A high resolution of 50 mu m at 240-m distance was obtained without cyclic error correction. The group refractive index of air is automatically extracted to an accuracy of 6 parts per million (ppm) by two-color measurement with the pulses of fundamental and second-harmonic wavelengths. Finally, an absolute mechanical distance of 240 m was obtained to within 8-ppm accuracy by use of a series of beat frequencies with the advantage of a wide range of intermode frequency, together with the results of the two-color measurement. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 140.4050, 320.7160, 140.3510, 280.3400.
Scientific journal, English - Optical frequency link between an acetylene stabilized laser at 1542 nm and an Rb stabilized laser at 778 nm using a two-color mode-locked fiber laser
A Onae; T Ikegami; K Sugiyama; FL Hong; K Minoshima; H Matsumoto; K Nakagawa; M Yoshida; S Harada
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 183, 1-4, 181-187, Sep. 2000, Peer-reviwed, We have demonstrated optical frequency link of two frequency-stabilized laser diodes operating at 1542 nm (a rotational-vibrational line of isotope acetylene molecule) and 778 nm (an Ph two photon transition) using a two-color mode-locked fiber laser. The laser produces a frequency comb (300 fs pulse) in the 1560 nm region and, through the second harmonic generation (SHG) process, another frequency comb (100 fs pulse) in the 780 nm region. Beat note signals have been observed between each of the stabilized laser radiation and a mode of the mode-locked fiber laser in the vicinity of the stabilized laser frequency. The S/N ratios were 25 dB and 30 dB with 100 kHz resolution bandwidth for brat notes at lambda = 1542 nm and lambda = 778 nm, respectively. Preliminary result has shown the potential of the system for frequency measurements with the accuracy of below 100 kHz. This limitation will be overcome by improving the frequency counting system using a phase-locked tracking oscillator and installing a PZT element in the fiber laser cavity, Supposing the accuracy of the mode spacing is similar to the case of a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser, the accuracy of kHz level is very presumable. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Femtosecond laser-induced breakdown in water:time-resolved shadow imaging and two-color interferometric imaging
E. Abraham; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Optics Communications, 176, 4,5,6, 441-452, May 2000, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Femtosecond laser-induced breakdown in water: Time-resolved shadow imaging and two-color interferometric imaging
E. Abraham; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV, 10, P8, 259-260, Apr. 2000, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Three-dimensional shape measurement of a diffusing surface by use of a femtosecond amplifying optical Kerr gate
T Yasui; K Minoshima; H Matsumoto
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 39, 1, 65-71, Jan. 2000, Peer-reviwed, We propose a system for three-dimensional (3D) shape measurement of a diffusing surface by use of a previously developed femtosecond amplifying optical Kerr gate (fs-amp OKG). The system has an opening time of 459 fs and a maximum transmittance of 185%. It also provides good 3D imaging performance: a transverse imaging resolution of 70 mu m, a depth resolution of 100 mu m, and a positioning accuracy of 5.9 mu m in depth. It is found that the optical Kerr effect and the amplification process in the fs-amp OKG do not cause the quality of a time-resolved image to deteriorate. We prove the effectiveness of the proposed system by measuring the shapes of completely diffusing objects with stepped and spherical surfaces. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 170.6920, 170.7160, 110.6880, 190.4360, 120.6650, 120.6660.
Scientific journal, English - Three-dimensional imaging using a femtosecond amplifying optical Kerr gate
K Minoshima; T Yasui; E Abraham; H Matsumoto; G Jonusauskas; C Rulliere
Lead, OPTICAL ENGINEERING, SPIE-INT SOCIETY OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 38, 10, 1758-1762, Oct. 1999, Peer-reviwed, An optical Kerr gate with the capability of light amplification and a femtosecond opening time in a special fast setup is applied to time-resolved imaging. Transient-induced anisotropy created by a first pump pulse is canceled by the perpendicular-induced anisotropy created by a delayed pump. The transverse resolution of the image is better than 70 mu m without degradation due to the optical Kerr effect or optical amplification. Moreover, the rather wide spectral band of the gate offers the possibility of spectroscopic imaging. three-dimensional imaging of small-signal objects using the gate are demonstrated for several types of transmitting objects hidden behind light diffusers. (C) 1999 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [S0091-3286(99)00110-5].
Scientific journal, English - Femtosecond laser pulses diffracted by dielectric transmission gratings in the resonance-domain
H. Ichikawa; K. Minoshima
Optics Communications, 163, 243, Jun. 1999, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Absolute picometer measurements by using a self-zooming optical scale
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
IMEKO-XV World Congress, 77-80, Jun. 1999, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopic imaging using femtosecond optical Kerr gate
T. Yasui; E. Abraham; K. minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Nonlinear Optics' 98 Materials, Fundamentals and Applications Topical Meeting, n, n, n, May 1999
International conference proceedings, English - Characterization of femtosecond self-pumped phase conjugation in BaTiO3
CX Yang; K Minoshima; K Seta; H Matsumoto
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 74, 14, 2062-2064, Apr. 1999, Peer-reviwed, We report the generation and characterization of the self-pumped phase conjugation of 450 nm femtosecond pulses in BaTiO3. The pump beam is incident on the crystal from the -c face of the crystal. We suggest that the transmission grating exclusively contribute to the self-pumped phase conjugation and that the femtosecond self-pumped phase conjugator operate with a mechanism of holographic grating sharing. The self-pumped phase conjugate pulses are narrower than the transmitted pulses. The pulse width of the self-pumped phase conjugation increases as the incident angle. The angular dispersion caused by the air crystal interface and the dynamic gratings compensates for the material dispersion of the crystal, leading to narrower reflected pulses from the phase conjugator. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)04814-7].
Scientific journal, English - Generation of self-pumped phase conjugation from the -c face of BaTiO3 with femtosecond pulses
CX Yang; K Minoshima; K Seta; H Matsumoto; Y Zhu
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 38, 9, 1704-1708, Mar. 1999, Peer-reviwed, Ne demonstrate a new configuration of self-pumped phase conjugation in BaTiO3 with 450-nm femtosecond pulses. The pump beam enters the -c face of the crystal at an acute angle with respect to the +c ards. This geometry is different from all known geometries of self-pumped phase conjugations in BaTiO3. Phase-conjugate reflectivity of 1.7% and a rise time of similar to 24 s are obtained at an average pump power of 10 mW. The ability of the phase conjugator to serve phase distortions correctly is demonstrated. Ne propose that the femtosecond phase conjugator operate with the hologram mechanism sharing as the double phase conjugator. The self-pumped phase-conjugate pulses are analyzed by femtosecond electric-field cross correlation. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - High speed time-resolving imaging
H. Matsumoto; K. Minoshima
CLEO/Pacific Rim 1999 - Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 3, 761-762, 1999, Peer-reviwed, In order to obtain a high depth resolution, not only the use of a fast shutter, but also the use of a fast modulated chirped pulse is necessary. A chirped pulse of wide spectrum range is necessary, therefore a wide band shutter is also needed. Shutters faster than CS2 were realized using other materials such as glasses or organic dyes. We applied the technique of fast shutter, which uses optical Kerr effect in gain medium and two perpendicularly polarized pump pulses in the picosecond region, to the femtosecond region, successfully. The technique made possible a femtosecond amplifying optical Kerr gate. A setup for ultra time-resolved spectroscopic imaging is shown. The experimental result shows that the peak transmission of 160%, which is more than 20 limes larger than that of the conventional CS2 Kerr gate. The transient spectra with regard to each delay time are about 60 nm. Using this new technique, ultrafast time-gated spectroscopic imaging is experimentally achieved.
International conference proceedings, English - Time-resolved two-color interferometric imaging for femtosecond laser-induced breakdown in water
E. Abraham; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
CLEO/Pacific Rim 1999 - Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2, 230-231, 1999, Peer-reviwed, Laser-induced breakdown (LIB) in liquids is of special interest due to its potential application in medicine. We have developed a fs two-color interferometer using an amplified mode-locked Ti:Al2O3 laser with 100 fs pulse width. we investigated the optical breakdown induced in water in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the pump beam. We identified and analyzed the formation and expansion of the LIB in fs, ps and ns time scales.
International conference proceedings, English - High-accuracy optical distance meter with a compact femtosecond fiber laser
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
CLEO/Pacific Rim 1999 - Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 3, 765-766, 1999, Peer-reviwed, Recently, femtosecond optical lasers have become popular in several fields of application. Up to now, because the ultrashort laser has been large and complex, it had not been used in practical applications. However, very recently, several types of compact femtosecond lasers have been developed, thanks to the improvement of solid-state laser techniques. In particular, the development ofa palm-top fiber laser has opened the door to real-world applications, such as distance measurements in open fields. A distance meter with a laser is useful because noncontact measurement is possible. Conventionally, continuous-wave lasers have been used for distance measurements, together with intensity modulation or interferometric techniques. The interferometric technique has the advantage that high resolution is possible, but simultaneously, it is too sensitive to environmental fluctuation or vibration. The modulation technique can enable stable measurement, even in an open field, but it requires rather complex setups to achieve high frequency modulation. High-frequency modulation is necessary for realizing high resolution because under most conditions, the measurement resolution is limited by the resolution of the phase meter, and thus higher frequency leads to higher resolution for the same smallest phase unit. The complexity of the setup causes nonlinear error originating from light reflections from the boundary surfaces of the optical components. In this paper, we propose a new high-accuracy optical distance meter with a mode-locked femtosecond laser.
International conference proceedings, English - Simplified spectral imaging using a pair of CCDs with filters for shape measurement
XL Dai; K Minoshima; K Seta
OPTICAL MANUFACTURING AND TESTING III, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 3782, 559-566, 1999, Peer-reviwed, For real-time 3D imaging using chirped optical pulses and a femtosecond optical Kerr shutter to measure the shape accurately, we need to develop a spectral imaging method which has a high-resolution in both space and spectrum. The spectral property of the light which is generated from the chirped pulse by the femtosecond optical Ken shutter, the wavelength is measured as the line spectrum. Therefore, the wavelength can be determined by two detectors with different spectral properties. To obtain the line spectral image, we proposed a pair of filters, the transmissivities of which vary monotonously with the wavelength, one increases with the wavelength, the other decreases. Since the ratio between the transmissivities of the two filters changes monotonously for wavelength range of 550 - 750 Mn, the wavelength of line spectrum is determined uniquely for the range with a Simple function of the ratio. These filters were set in front of two monochromatic CCDs which are aligned to take an image. The resolution to determine the wavelength is tested with a monochrometer and the standard deviation for each pixel is estimated to be about 10 nm. Compared the methods of color CCD and spectrometer, this method of pair-CCDs has high spatial resolution, uniform spectral resolution, wide spectral measurement range, and simple setup.
International conference proceedings, English - Three-dimensional imaging using a femtosecond amplifying optical Kerr gate
K Minoshima; T Yasui; E Abraham; H Matsumoto; G Jonusauskas; C Rulliere
APPLICATIONS OF PHOTONIC TECHNOLOGY 3, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 3491, 1098-1103, 1998, Optical Kerr gate with a function of light amplification and a femtosecond opening time in a special fast setup is applied to time-resolved imaging. Transient induced anisotropy created by a first pump pulse is canceled by the perpendicular-induced anisotropy which is created by a delayed pump. The transverse resolution of the image is better than 90 mu m without degradation originated from optical Kerr effect or optical amplification process. Moreover, rather wide spectral band of the gate offers the possibility of spectroscopic imaging. Three-dimensional imaging of small-signal objects using the femtosecond amplifying optical Ken gate are demonstrated for several types of transmittance objects hidden behind light diffusers.
International conference proceedings, English - In-situ measurements of shapes and thicknesses of optical parts by femtosecond two-colour interferometry
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Lead, Optics Communications, 138, 6, Jun. 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Picosecond time-resolved dual fluorescence, transient absorption and reorientation time measurements of push-pull diphenyl-polyenes: Evidence for 'loose' complex and 'bicimer' species
E Abraham; J Oberle; G Jonusauskas; R Lapouyade; K Minoshima; C Rulliere
CHEMICAL PHYSICS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 219, 1, 73-89, Jun. 1997, Peer-reviwed, Picosecond streak camera measurements, time-resolved absorption and reorientation time measurements (by optical Kerr effect) of push-pull diphenyl-polyenes (4-dimethylamino 4'-cyano stilbene: DCS, 1-(p-N,N-dimethylamino)-4-(p-cyanophenyl)-1,3-butadiene: DCB) in solution have revealed, in polar solvents at high concentration and high excitation intensity, the presence of a new emitting species characterized by an anomalous red-shifted fluorescence band. The formation rate and the excited state decay time of the new species is measured for the first time at room temperature as well as the spectral characteristics of the fluorescence. The intensity of the new fluorescence band has been found to be proportional to the square of the excitation intensity. Furthermore, the reorientation time at high concentration has been determined to be nearly twice as long as that at low concentration, indicating the possibility of the formation of complexes in the ground state with nearly twice the molecular volume compared with the monomer. This bimolecular and biphotonic process, demonstrated by the experimental results, makes it possible to reveal a 'loose' complex formation in the ground state, leading upon high excitation intensity to the new emitting species already called 'bicimer' in preliminary studies and formed by the association of two electronically excited molecules.
Scientific journal, English - High-accuracy positioning by synthetic interferometry using a quasi-monochromatic light and two different-amplitude scannings
Hirokazu Matsumoto; Kaoru Minoshima
Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest, IEEE, 275, 1997, Synthetic interferometry with a quasi-monochromatic light source was developed for high-accuracy positioning by using two different-amplitude piezoelectric driven reflectors. The method reduces the coherence length of a light source to be used, and can identify the central interference fringe position uniquely, improving the positioning accuracy in the nanometer range. The pseudo-white light interference fringe signal is easily produced by changing the difference between the amplitudes of the driving electric signals.
International conference proceedings, English - High-accuracy ultrastable moving stage using a novel self-zooming optical scale
H. Matsumoto; K. Minoshima
Optics Communications, 132, 417-420, Jan. 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Time-Space Conversion Using Chirped Pu1ses for Three- Dimensional Shape Measurements
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Lead, Ultrafast Phenomena X, Springer-Verlag, 10, 154-156, Dec. 1996, Peer-reviwed
JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 26, 7, 553-559, Jul. 1995, Peer-reviwed, The femtosecond inverse Raman spectrum of J-aggregates of a cyanine dye was studied theoretically and experimentally by the pump-probe experiment, The time dependence of the Raman signal intensity of the aggregates was fitted with an instantaneously responding component due to the Stark effect together with 200 fs and 1 ps lifetime components due to the excitons. The instantaneous response in the time-resolved difference transmission spectrum including the inverse Raman, induced and saturated absorption was successfully reproduced by the calculation under sub-resonant excitation based on the density matrix formalism.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 77, 10, 4935-4940, May 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Direct interferometric measurements of femtosecond time-resolved dispersion relations in J-aggregates
K. Minoshima; M. Taiji; A. Ueki; K. Miyano; T. Kobayashi
Lead, Nonlinear Optics, 14, 1-4, 39-46, 1995, Peer-reviwed
Lead, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS & EXPRESS LETTERS, JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS, 33, 9B, L1348-L1351, Sep. 1994, Peer-reviwed, A novel method for simultaneous 3-D imaging using chirped ultrashort light pulses is proposed. Simultaneous imaging without scanning is possible by means of the conversion between the time and the color axes mediated by the chirped pulse. The theoretical limitation of the spatial resolution is discussed. We proved the efficacy of this method by measuring an area composing three flat steps made of three gauge blocks of different lengths with an accuracy of better than 0.3 mm. This technique is applicable for imaging of the shape of moving objects, or surface testing or inspection.
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 220, 3-5, 251-256, Apr. 1994, Peer-reviwed, A large change in the static dipole moment upon electronic excitation was unexpectedly observed-in highly oriented one-dimensional J-aggregates of 1,1'-diethyl-2,2'-quinocyanine bromide (PIC-Br) prepared by a method developed by our group. Difference absorption spectra due to the Kerr effect were induced by changes in a static dipole moment and a polarizability separated by the dual-phase lock-in detection. The change in the static dipole moment associated with the transition from the ground state to the exciton state was measured with an applied ac field (F) of 300 Hz and polarization (e) parallel and perpendicular to the one-dimensional axis (d) of the oriented J-aggregates, and obtained in each configuration to be 18 (F parallel-to d/e parallel-to d), 12 (F perpendicular-to d/e parallel-to d), 27 (F parallel-to d/e perpendicular-to d), and 14 (F perpendicular-to d/e perpendicular-to d) D.
JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 60-1, 812-815, Apr. 1994, Peer-reviwed, We investigated the origin of excitonic bands related with the molecular arrangement of highly oriented J-aggregates of pseudoisocyanine bromide prepared by a novel method called ''vertical spin-coating''. The dichroic spectrum of the oriented J-aggregates is successfully explained by linear aggregates composed of dimers.
Lead, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 218, 1-2, 67-72, Feb. 1994, Peer-reviwed, Time-resolved difference absorption spectra of J-aggregates were measured by femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy. The induced absorption near the J-band at 20 K was assigned to the transitions from n-exciton states to (n = 1)-exciton states (n equal to or greater than 1). The decay time of the n(equal to or greater than 2)-exciton states is determined to be about 200 fs. The ultrafast dynamics of the exciton states is explained by a confined exciton model in individual coherent aggregates, which incoherently constitute the whole structural aggregate. The average size of the exciton system defined for each coherent aggregate is estimated to be about 20 molecules.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 63, 5, 577-579, Aug. 1993, Peer-reviwed, We present a new fabrication method, called ''vertical spin coating,'' to prepare highly oriented J aggregates dispersed in polymer films. Linear dichroic spectra of the oriented J aggregate of 1,1'-diethyl-2,2'-quinocyanine bromide PIC-Br were measured at 5 K. The dichroic ratio at the peak of J band was 5 to 10, dependent on the preparation conditions. Precise measurement of the dichroism at the J band revealed that the J band is composed of two bands with transition dipole moments perpendicular to each other. The films are stable even at room temperature, and have applications as nonlinear optical devices.
Lead, OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 16, 21, 1683-1685, Nov. 1991, Peer-reviwed, We propose and demonstrate sensitive interferometry that permits the separation of the real and imaginary parts of the nonlinear susceptibility with a femtosecond time resolution by a single measurement. A special reference interferometer compensates for any fluctuations of the fringe and provides high sensitivity to detect a fringe shift as small as 0.025 rad (lambda/250) by averaging only 100 shots with a low-repetition-rate laser. This method can be applied to materials with optical anisotropy and/or absorption with high sensitivity. We apply the method to two materials, CS2 and CdSxSe1-x microcrystallite-doped glass.
SYNTHETIC METALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA LAUSANNE, 28, 3, D699-D704, Feb. 1989, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Electro-optic constant of doped polymers by a novel method, in Nonlinear optics of organics and semiconductors
T. Kobayashi; H. Uchiki; K. Minoshima
Springer Proc. in Phys., 36, 144-153, 1989, Invited
International conference proceedings, English - Novel method of electro-optic constant measurement
T. Kobayashi; H. Uchiki; K. Minoshima
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 971, 59-67, 21 Dec. 1988, Invited, A new convenient method is proposed to determine the electro-optic (EO) constants and relevant nonlinear susceptibilities. It was applied to polycarbonate films doped with 4- diethylamino-4'-nitrostilbene (DEANS), The real and imaginary parts of the third-order nonlinear susceptibility X(3) (-ω)
ω,0,0) of the film with several concentrations of DEANS were obtained in the visible region. The magnitude of relevant X(3)proportional to the concentration of DEANS, The mechanism of the EO effect of these samples is discussed, in terms of the restricted orientational motion of doped molecules. © 1988 SPIE.
Scientific journal, English
- Engineering of nonlinear optical phenomena by manipulating relative phases of the relevant optical fields
大饗千彰; 大饗千彰; LIU W.; ZHENG J.; 佐藤昂大; 鈴木勝; 鈴木勝; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 小川尚史; 高野哲至; 桂川眞幸; 桂川眞幸
2023, 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 70th, 2436-7613, 202302257488551787 - Principle of optical frequency comb and its recent application
Kaoru Minoshima; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara
Japan Society of Next Generation Sensor, 01 Jul. 2022, Journal of Next Generation Sensor, 32, 1, 2-5, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - History of optical frequency comb technology development initiated by re-definition of meter and its recent advancement far beyond
Kaoru Minoshima
JSAE, 01 Sep. 2021, Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 75, 9, 78-82, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - チャープした光コムを用いた瞬時3次元計測手法による超高速計測
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Laser Society of Japan, 01 Apr. 2021, Review of Laser Society of Japan, 49, 4, 1-4, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - チャープした光コムによる全光演算を用いた瞬時3次元計測
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Optical Society of Japan, 01 Nov. 2020, Review of Optical Society of Japan, 11, 1-45, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0389-6625 - History of Development and Innovative Applications of Optical Frequency Comb
Kaoru Minoshima
電子情報通信学会, 01 Nov. 2020, 電子情報通信学会誌, 103, 11, 1072-1081, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - Measurement of Magnetic Property Using Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Yusuke Odagiri; Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Kaoru Minoshima
電子情報通信学会, 01 Nov. 2020, 電子情報通信学会誌, 11, 1-5, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - 次世代光周波数コム - 中赤外光周波数コムと集積光周波数コム -
吉井 一倫; 久世 直也; 美濃島 薫
OPTRONICS, Sep. 2020, OPTRONICS, 9, 1-5, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine - 分野横断的議論を促進する超高速光エレクトロニクス(UFO)研究会
Kaoru Minoshima
EIC Electronics Societ, 01 Apr. 2020, EIC Electronics Society News Letter, 177, 4, 14-14, Japanese, Meeting report - Optical Synthesizer
Kaoru Minoshima
Advanced Communication Media, inc., 25 Mar. 2020, O plus E, 472, 159-163, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine, 0911-5943 - Dual refractive-index-sensing optical comb
麻植凌; 南川丈夫; 田上周路; 楠美友悟; 中嶋善晶; 中嶋善晶; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 安井武史
2020, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 81st, 202102266569381328 - Optical Synthesizer
Kaoru Minoshima
Japan Science Technology Agency, JST, Dec. 2019, Japan Science Technology Agency, JST news, 12, 8-11, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine - Development of techniques for studies of material properties with optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima; Akifumi Asahara; Ken'ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Takuto Adachi
Optical Society of Japan, 01 Nov. 2019, Review of Optical Society of Japan, 48, 11, 451-456, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0389-6625 - Development of length metrology with optical frequency comb enabled by the re-definition of meter based on the speed of light
Kaoru Minoshima
Special Issue on SI Re-definition, SICE, May 2019, Journal of the Society of Insturument and Control Engineers (SICE), 58, 5, 360-365, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 1883-8170 - Refractive-index sensing using fiber optical frequency comb mode-locked by saturableabsorbed mirror
Oe Ryo; Minamikawa Takeo; Taue Shuji; Fukano Hideki; Nakajima Yoshiaki; Minoshima Kaoru; Yasui Takeshi
The Japan Society of Applied Physics, 25 Feb. 2019, JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts, 2019.1, 836-836, Japanese, 2436-7613 - 天体の視線速度観測用高分散分光器の波長校正用光周波数コムの開発 IV-1号機の結果概要と2号機の開発状況-
稲場肇; 稲場肇; 中村圭佑; 中村圭佑; 大久保章; 大久保章; 柏木謙; 柏木謙; SCHRAMM M.; SCHRAMM M.; SCHRAMM M.; HONG F.-L.; HONG F.-L.; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 筒井寛典; 筒井寛典; 神戸栄治; 神戸栄治; 泉浦秀行; 泉浦秀行
2019, 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 66th, 2436-7613, 201902260660588157 - 屈折率センシング光コムを用いた液体サンプルの温度・濃度同時計測
麻植凌; 麻植凌; 南川丈夫; 南川丈夫; 田上周路; 深野秀樹; 中嶋善晶; 中嶋善晶; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 安井武史; 安井武史
05 Sep. 2018, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 79th, ROMBUNNO.19a‐438‐3, Japanese, 201802263980659581 - Trends in Optical Frequency Combs Applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Aug. 2018, Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 84, 8, 681-685, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - Preface to Special Issue on Intelligent Optical Synthesizer and Its Innovative Applications
Kaoru Minoshima
The Laser Society of Japan, 20 Jul. 2018, The Review of Laser Engineering, 46, 7, 354-355, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0387-0200 - New Trends Towards Applications of Optical Frequency Comb Using Its Multi-Dimensional Controllablity
Kaoru Minoshima
The Laser Society of Japan, 20 Jul. 2018, The Review of Laser Engineering, 46, 7, 356-361, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0387-0200 - New trends in measurement application using fiber-based optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Japan Society of Laser Technology, 30 Apr. 2018, Journal of Japan Society of Laser Technology, 43, 1, 1-9, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0916-7277 - ファイバー光コム共振器の外乱/RF変換機能を用いた屈折率計測(2)~屈折率依存性繰り返し周波数シフトの観測~
麻植凌; 麻植凌; 永井洸丞; 南川丈夫; 南川丈夫; 田上周路; 深野秀樹; 中嶋善晶; 中嶋善晶; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 安井武史; 安井武史
05 Mar. 2018, 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 65th, ROMBUNNO.20p‐C303‐1, Japanese, 201802241223669070 - Refractive-index-sensing fiber comb using intracavity multi-mode interference fiber sensor
Ryo Oe; Ryo Oe; Takeo Minamikawa; Takeo Minamikawa; Shuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Takeshi Yasui
Copyright © 2018 SPIE. Refractive index measurement is important for evaluation of liquid materials, optical components, and bio sensing. One promising approach for such measurement is use of optical fiber sensors such as surface plasmonic resonance or multi-mode interference (MMI), which measure the change of optical spectrum resulting from the refractive index change. However, the precision of refractive index measurement is limited by the performance of optical spectrum analyzer. If such the refractive index measurement can be performed in radio frequency (RF) region in place of optical region, the measurement precision will be further improved by the frequency-standard-based RF measurement. To this end, we focus on the disturbance-to-RF conversion in a fiber optical frequency comb (OFC) cavity. Since frequency spacing frep of OFC depends on an optical cavity length nL, frep sensitively reflects the external disturbance interacted with nL. Although we previously demonstrated the precise strain measurement based on the frep measurement, the measurable physical quantity is limited to strain or temperature, which directly interacts with the fiber cavity itself. If a functional fiber sensor can be installed into the fiber OFC cavity, the measurable physical quantity will be largely expanded. In this paper, we introduce a MMI fiber sensor into a ring-type fiber OFC cavity for refractive index measurement. We confirmed the refractive-index-dependent frep shift., 01 Jan. 2018, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 10488, 1605-7422, 85046709889 - Overview: Precision control of optical wave by optical frequency comb as "Intelligent Optical Synthesizer" and its innovative application
Kaoru Minoshima
OPTRONICS, 10 Oct. 2017, OPTRONICS, 430, 10, 76-80, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - Time-domain control of optical wave by optical frequency comb as and its application to solid-state physics
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
OPTRONICS, 10 Oct. 2017, OPTRONICS, 430, 10, 94-98, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - スペクトル離散性が極めて高い光周波数コムが拓く光学過程の新しい可能性
Masayuki Katsuragawa; Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Kaoru Minoshima
OPTRONICS, 10 Oct. 2017, OPTRONICS, 430, 10, 106-110, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0286-9659, 40021357984, AN00360965 - Optical comb for temporal wave control and its applications for solid-state characterization
浅原 彰文; 美濃島 薫
オプトロニクス社, Oct. 2017, Optronics : 光技術コーディネートジャーナル, 36, 10, 94-98, Japanese, 0286-9659, 40021357968, AN00360965 - ファイバー光コム共振器の外乱/RF変換機能を用いた屈折率計測
麻植凌; 麻植凌; 永井洸丞; 南川丈夫; 南川丈夫; 田上周路; 深野秀樹; 中嶋善晶; 中嶋善晶; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 安井武史; 安井武史
25 Aug. 2017, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 78th, ROMBUNNO.6a‐A414‐3, Japanese, 201702277874093611 - Dual-comb spectroscopy for rapid characterization of complex optical properties of solids
Akifumi Asahara; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Kenichi Kondo; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
OSJ, 10 Jun. 2017, KOUGAKU, 46, 6, 235-235, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - Fully stabilized 750-MHz Yb: fiber frequency comb (vol 25, 11910, 2017)
Bo Xu; Hideaki Yasui; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuxuan Ma; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
A statement error was produced in the text introducing the previous literatures in [Opt. Express 25, 11910 (2017)]. Here, we correct this error and clarify that this is only due to the simple editing mistake, not related to the scientific misunderstanding about the referenced literatures. Thus, all the conclusions written in [Opt. Express 25, 11910 (2017)1 remain unchanged by this correction. (C) 2017 Optical Society or America, OPTICAL SOC AMER, Jun. 2017, OPTICS EXPRESS, 25, 12, 13332-13332, English, Others, 1094-4087, WOS:000403942300044 - モード同期ファイバーレーザーを用いた低雑音光周波数コムと距離計測への応用
中嶋善晶; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫
Apr. 2017, 光学, 46, 4, 137, Japanese - 岡山天体物理観測所高分散分光器HIDES用天文コムの開発 II.試験観測
神戸栄治; 泉浦秀行; 筒井寛典; 稲場肇; 中村圭佑; 大久保章; 山本宏樹; 保坂一元; 大苗敦; SCHRAMM Malte; SCHRAMM Malte; SCHRAMM Malte; 石川純; 洪鋒雷; 洪鋒雷; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 長谷川椋; HELMINIAK K. G.
2017, 日本天文学会年会講演予稿集, 2017, 1347-0639, 201702245654136248 - 岡山天体物理観測所高分散分光器HIDES用天文コムの開発 II.装置概要
稲場肇; 中村圭佑; 大久保章; 山本宏樹; 保坂一元; 大苗敦; SCHRAMM Malte; SCHRAMM Malte; SCHRAMM Malte; 石川純; 洪鋒雷; 洪鋒雷; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 神戸栄治; 泉浦秀行; 筒井寛典
2017, 日本天文学会年会講演予稿集, 2017, 1347-0639, 201702287226012753 - 天体の視線速度観測用高分散分光器の波長校正用光周波数コムの開発 III-岡山天体物理観測所への設置とテスト観測-
稲場肇; 稲場肇; 中村圭佑; 中村圭佑; 大久保章; 大久保章; SCHRAMM M.; SCHRAMM M.; 山本宏樹; 山本宏樹; 石川純; HONG F.-L.; HONG F.-L.; HONG F.-L.; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 神戸栄治; 神戸栄治; 筒井寛典; 筒井寛典; 泉浦秀行; 泉浦秀行; 大苗敦; 大苗敦
2017, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 78th, 2758-4704, 201702242715233387 - Optical-frequency-comb based ultrasound sensor
Takeo Minamikawa; Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Ogura; Takashi Masuoka; Eiji Hase; Eiji Hase; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Takeshi Yasui
© 2017 SPIE. Photo-acoustic imaging is a promising modality for deep tissue imaging with high spatial resolution in the field of biology and medicine. High penetration depth and spatial resolution of the photo-acoustic imaging is achieved by means of the advantages of optical and ultrasound imaging, i.e. Tightly focused beam confines ultrasound-generated region within micrometer scale and the ultrasound can propagate through tissues without significant energy loss. To enhance the detection sensitivity and penetration depth of the photo-acoustic imaging, highly sensitive ultrasound detector is greatly desired. In this study, we proposed a novel ultrasound detector employing optical frequency comb (OFC) cavity. Ultrasound generated by the excitation of tightly focused laser beam onto a sample was sensed with a part of an OFC cavity, being encoded into OFC. The spectrally encoded OFC was converted to radio-frequency by the frequency link nature of OFC. The ultrasound-encoded radio-frequency can therefore be directly measured with a high-speed photodetector. We constructed an OFC cavity for ultrasound sensing with a ring-cavity erbium-doped fiber laser. We provided a proof-of-principle demonstration of the detection of ultrasound that was generated by a transducer operating at 10 MHz. Our proposed approach will serve as a unique and powerful tool for detecting ultrasounds for photo-acoustic imaging in the future., 01 Jan. 2017, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 10064, 1605-7422, 85018866599 - Optical-frequency-comb based ultrasound sensor
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Ogura; Takashi Masuoka; Eiji Hase; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Photo-acoustic imaging is a promising modality for deep tissue imaging with high spatial resolution in the field of biology and medicine. High penetration depth and spatial resolution of the photo-acoustic imaging is achieved by means of the advantages of optical and ultrasound imaging, i.e. tightly focused beam confines ultrasound-generated region within micrometer scale and the ultrasound can propagate through tissues without significant energy loss. To enhance the detection sensitivity and penetration depth of the photo-acoustic imaging, highly sensitive ultrasound detector is greatly desired. In this study, we proposed a novel ultrasound detector employing optical frequency comb (OFC) cavity. Ultrasound generated by the excitation of tightly focused laser beam onto a sample was sensed with a part of an OFC cavity, being encoded into OFC. The spectrally encoded OFC was converted to radio-frequency by the frequency link nature of OFC. The ultrasound-encoded radio-frequency can therefore be directly measured with a high-speed photodetector. We constructed an OFC cavity for ultrasound sensing with a ring-cavity erbium-doped fiber laser. We provided a proof-of-principle demonstration of the detection of ultrasound that was generated by a transducer operating at 10 MHz. Our proposed approach will serve as a unique and powerful tool for detecting ultrasounds for photo-acoustic imaging in the future., SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, PHOTONS PLUS ULTRASOUND: IMAGING AND SENSING 2017, 10064, English, Peer-reviwed, 0277-786X, 46555248, 85018866599, WOS:000405954800142 - High-precision metrology using optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Dec. 2016, Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 82, 12, 1027-1031, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal, 0912-0289, 130005179267, AN1003250X - New trends in applications of ultraprecise control of optical waves using fiber-based optical frequency comb
美濃島 薫
レーザー学会, 18 Nov. 2016, レーザー学会研究会報告 = Reports on topical meeting of the Laser Society of Japan, 16, 29, 1-6, Japanese, 40021013643 - 天体の視線速度観測用高分散分光器の波長校正用光周波数コムの開発-間隔20GHz,波長380-500nmの広帯域光周波数コムの発生-
大久保章; 大久保章; 中村圭佑; 中村圭佑; SCHRAMM M.; SCHRAMM M.; 山本宏樹; 山本宏樹; 石川純; HONG F.-L.; HONG F.-L.; HONG F.-L.; 大苗敦; 大苗敦; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 筒井寛典; 筒井寛典; 神戸栄治; 神戸栄治; 泉浦秀行; 泉浦秀行; 稲場肇; 稲場肇
2016, 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 63rd, 2436-7613, 201602210274746612 - 天体の視線速度観測用高分散分光器の波長校正用光周波数コムの開発 II-岡山天体物理観測所への設置とテスト観測-
中村圭佑; 中村圭佑; 大久保章; 大久保章; SCHRAMM M.; SCHRAMM M.; 山本宏樹; 山本宏樹; 石川純; HONG F.-L.; HONG F.-L.; HONG F.-L.; 大苗敦; 大苗敦; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫; 筒井寛典; 筒井寛典; 神戸栄治; 神戸栄治; 泉浦秀行; 泉浦秀行; 稲場肇; 稲場肇
2016, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 77th, 2758-4704, 201602268268531412 - 22pBK-11 Development of a 532-nm frequency-stabilized laser for an astro-comb
Yamamoto Hiroki; Okubo Sho; Kobayashi Takumi; Onae Atsushi; Inaba Hajime; Minoshima Kaoru; Yoshii Kazumichi; Hong Feng-Lei
The Physical Society of Japan, 2016, Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 71, 0, Japanese, 110010056862 - 電気光学変調器組み込み型モード同期Erファイバレーザーによる高品位高速制御コムの開発
吉田悟; 吉田悟; 塩川直幸; 白川正之; 中田和明; 中田和明; 小倉隆志; 小倉隆志; 西山明子; 西山明子; 西山明子; 中嶋善晶; 中嶋善晶; 徳永英司; 安井武史; 安井武史; 山本義典; 平野正晃; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫
31 Aug. 2015, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 76th, ROMBUNNO.14A-2G-6, Japanese, 201502211746466391 - RF安定化光周波数コムを基準としたデュアルコム分光システムの開発と特性評価
西山明子; 西山明子; 西山明子; 吉田悟; 吉田悟; 塩川直幸; 白川正之; 中田和明; 中田和明; 徳永英司; 中嶋善晶; 中嶋善晶; 美濃島薫; 美濃島薫
31 Aug. 2015, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 76th, ROMBUNNO.16P-1E-3, Japanese, 201502217105004183 - Development of highly stabilized optical frequency comb interferometer
中嶋 善晶; 美濃島 薫
電子情報通信学会, 21 May 2015, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 115, 46, 79-83, Japanese, 0913-5685, 40020492077, AN10442705 - A high-speed controllable fiber-based frequency comb and application technique
中嶋 善晶; 美濃島 薫; 稲場 肇
電気学会, 05 Mar. 2015, 電気学会研究会資料. OQD = The papers of technical meeting on optical and quantum devices, IEE Japan, 2015, 26, 11-15, Japanese, 40021348919 - Extremely high-accuracy correction of air refractive index using two-colour optical frequency combs (vol 3, 1894, 2013)
Guanhao Wu; Mayumi Takahashi; Kaoru Arai; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, Jul. 2014, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 4, English, Others, 2045-2322, WOS:000339322900001 - C-3-67 Ultra-precision optical metrology using optical frequency combs
Minoshima Kaoru
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 04 Mar. 2014, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2014, 1, 222-222, Japanese, 110009829649, AN10471452 - Low-Pressure Gas Spectroscopy Using Terahertz Frequency Synthesizer Traceable to Microwave Frequency Standard via Dual Optical Comb
Takeshi Yasui; Hiroto Kimura; Yi-Da Hsieh; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
We constructed a widely and continuously tunable terahertz frequency synthesizer traceable to a microwave frequency standard. Photomixing of two optical frequency synthesizers, linked to the frequency standard via dual optical frequency combs, makes this THz synthesizer traceable to the frequency standard. To demonstrate the potential of wide and continuous tunability in the THz synthesizer, we tuned its output frequency by 120 GHz continuously around 0.65 THz by using a uni-traveling-carrier photodiode as a photomixer and applied it for precise THz spectroscopy of low-pressure molecular gas. This THz synthesizer will be a powerful tool for broadband, high-precision THz spectroscopy., IEEE, 2014, 2014 39TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES (IRMMW-THZ), English, Peer-reviwed, 2162-2027, 46555285, 84911980090, WOS:000378889200121 - 「光周波数コム」が拓く新しい光の世界
アドコム・メディア, Oct. 2013, O plus E, 35, 10, 1124-1126, Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine, 0911-5943, 40019813329, AN00360954 - Fiber lasers made optics practical
Kaoru Minoshima
Sep. 2013, KOUGAKU, 42, 9, Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - フェムト秒増幅光カーゲートによる超高速イメージング (特集 非線形光学効果を利用した生体イメージング)
安井 武史; 美濃島 薫
日本工業出版, Apr. 2013, 光アライアンス, 24, 4, 30-35, Japanese, 0917-026X, 40019633993, AA11758790 - 光コムを利用したサブナノメートル測長技術の開発
Mariko Kajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Nov. 2011, Review of Laser Engineering, 39, 11, 842-846, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 10031005940 - Report on CLEO:2011
Kaoru Minoshima
Aug. 2011, Review of Laser Engineering, 39, 8, 645-648, Japanese, Introduction other - 書評 非線形光学入門
2011, 光学, 1, Japanese, Book review - 長さ計測分野における計量標準の整備・供給状況と今後
高辻 利之; 美濃島 薫; 鍜島 麻理子; 寺田 聡一; 平井 亜紀子; 堀 泰明; 尾藤 洋一; 権太 聡; 大澤 尊光; 近藤 余範; 佐藤 理; 佐藤 浩志; 菅原 健太郎; 土井 琢磨; 直井 一也; 藤本 弘之; 三隅 伊知子; 渡部 司
Dec. 2010, 社団法人日本計量振興協会, 60, 3, 11-21, Japanese, Introduction other - Establishment of the Refractive Index Standard for Optical Glasses
HORI Yasuaki; HIRAI Akiko; MINOSHIMA Kaoru
応用物理学会分科会日本光学会, 10 Mar. 2010, Japanese journal of optics, 39, 3, 136-140, Japanese, 0389-6625, 10026197898, AN00080324 - Accurate, continuously tunable, terahertz synthesizer based on photomixing of two continuous-wave lasers phase-locked to two independent fiber combs
Kawamoto K; Takahashi H; Iwamoto Y; Arai K; Yasui T; Inaba H; Minoshima K; Araki T
2010, IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide, Peer-reviwed, 46555298, 78649363764 - 光周波数コムを用いた狭線幅レーザの周波数変換(2)
中嶋善晶; 稲場肇; 保坂一元; 河野託也; 安田正美; 美濃島薫; 小林喬郎; 川戸栄; 勝山俊夫; HONG Feng‐Lei
08 Sep. 2009, 応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 70th, 3, 996, Japanese, 200902217813561060 - 私の見たCLEO/IQEC 2009 ~プログラム委員長として~
Kaoru Minoshima
Aug. 2009, Review of Laser Engineering, 37, 8, 624-627, Japanese, Introduction other - モード同期ファイバレーザーの光コムによる精密長さ測定
Kaoru Minoshima
Aug. 2009, O plus E, 31, 9, 1041-1046, Japanese, Introduction other - EOM組み込み型モード同期ファイバレーザによる広帯域光コムの狭線幅化
中嶋善晶; 稲場肇; 保坂一元; 井原淳之; 安田正美; 河野託也; 大苗敦; 美濃島薫; 小林喬郎; 川戸栄; 勝山俊夫; HONG Feng‐Lei
30 Mar. 2009, 応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 56th, 3, 1136, Japanese, 200902281236933491 - Direct Comparison of Absolute Distance Meter using an Optical Comb and Integrated
Kaoru Minoshima; Yasuhiro Sakai; Hisanari Takahashi; Hajime Inaba; Sakae Kawato
2009, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies 2009 Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2009), CTuS6-1-3 - Continuous tuning of phase-locked CW-THz radiation by photomixing of two CW lasers locked to two independent optical combs
Yasui T; Takahashi H; Iwamoto Y; Inaba H; Minoshima K
2009, 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009, Peer-reviwed, 46555239, 72749126148 - Comparison with absolute distance meter using an optical comb and integrated optical interferometer to less than an optical fringe
酒井康宏; 酒井康宏; 高橋永斉; 稲場肇; 川戸栄; 美濃島薫
04 Nov. 2008, Optics & Photonics Japan講演予稿集, 2008, 310-311, Japanese, 200902260203030286 - 精密長さ計測のための光コムによる干渉計測
Kaoru Minoshima
Oct. 2008, OSJ, 37, 10, 576-582, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - BS-11-6 Absolute frequency measurement using optical frequency comb and nonlinear fiber
Inaba Hajime; Hong Feng-Lei; Minoshima Kaoru; Onae Atsushi
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 02 Sep. 2008, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2008, 2, "S-115"-"S-116", Japanese, 110007116639 - 私の見たCLEO/QELS 2008~来年のプログラム委員長である個人の目から~
Kaoru Minoshima
レ-ザ-学会, Aug. 2008, Review of Laser Engineering, 36, 8, 505-507, Japanese, Introduction other, 0387-0200, 10024191195, AN00255326 - 光コムを用いたサブフリンジ精度の絶対距離測定法の開発
酒井康宏; 酒井康宏; 高橋永斉; 稲場肇; 川戸栄; 美濃島薫; 松本弘一
27 Mar. 2008, 応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 55th, 3, 1043, Japanese, 200902243488268181 - 高速制御によるErファイバレーザ広帯域光コムの位相雑音の低減
中嶋善晶; 稲場肇; HONG Feng‐Lei; 保坂一元; 安田正美; 大苗敦; 美濃島薫; 勝山俊之; 川戸栄; 小林喬郎; 松本弘一
27 Mar. 2008, 応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 55th, 3, 1137, Japanese, 200902244060594633 - Octave-spanning comb generation and optical frequency measurement using mode-locked fiber lasers
Inaba Hajime; Nakajima Yoshiaki; Minoshima Kaoru; Hong Feng-Lei; Onae Atsushi; Nakazawa Masataka; Matsumoto Hirokazu
The Laser Society of Japan, 2008, The Review of Laser Engineering, 36, 0, 26-27, Japanese, 130004466079 - ファイバーレーザーによる広帯域光コムの発生と光周波数計測への応用
H. Inaba; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima; F.L. Hong; A. Onae; N. Brown; M. Walters; B. Wallingtong; H. Matsumoto
Oct. 2007, Review of Laser Engineering, 35, 10, 622-626, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 光コムを用いた時間・周波数標準に基づく精密長さ計測
K. Minoshima; T.R. Schibli; H. Inaba; Y. Bitou; F.L. Hong; A. Onae; H. Matsumoto
Oct. 2007, Review of Laser Engineering, 35, 10, 642-648, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 「周波数コム技術」特集号によせて
Kaoru Minoshima
Oct. 2007, Review of Laser Engineering, 35, 10, 620-621, Japanese, Introduction other - 光コムを用いた精密距離計測技術
Kaoru Minoshima
日本陸用内燃機関協会, Oct. 2007, LEMA, 489, 13-21, Japanese, Introduction other, 1343-9995, 40015693690, AA11464654 - Optical comb and synthesizer
K. Minoshima; F.L. Hong; H. Inaba; A. Onae
Feb. 2007, JSAP, 76, 2, 169-173, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - フェムト秒光コムを用いた高精度距離計測技術
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Aug. 2006, 精密工学会, 72, 8, 959-962, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 進展する長さ標準とその普及
松本; 平井; 美濃島
日本計量振興協会, May 2006, 社団法人日本計量振興協会, 56, 1, 30-35, Japanese, Introduction other, 1880-1420, 40007326249, AA12033341 - Doppler-free spectroscopy using a continuous-wave optical frequency synthesizer
INABA Hajime; IKEGAMI Takeshi; HONG Feng-lei; BITOU Youichi; ONAE Atsushi; SCHIBLI Thomas R; MINOSHIMA Kaoru; MATSUMOTO Hirokazu
2006, APPLIED OPTICS, 45, 20, 4910-4915, 0003-6935, 30011714827, 16807599 - 高品位フェムト秒光コムと光周波数シンセサイザ
Kaoru Minoshima
Oct. 2005, OPTRONICS, 24, 10, 100-107, Japanese, Introduction other - 光周波数シンセサイザによる超高分解能分光
Kaoru Minoshima
Oct. 2005, AIST, 5, 10, 18-19, Japanese, Introduction other - フェムト秒光コムを用いた高精度距離計測技術
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Aug. 2005, OPTRONICS, 24, 8, 103-108, Japanese, Introduction other - メイキング・オブ・CLEO
Kaoru Minoshima
Oct. 2004, OPTRONICS, 23, 274, 184-185, Japanese, Introduction other - Ultrafast Time-Resolved Imaging Gate
レ-ザ-学会, 15 Oct. 2003, The Review of laser engineering, 31, 10, 647-653, Japanese, 0387-0200, 10012445023, AN00255326 - フェムト秒光パルスの時間・周波数関係を利用した空間精密計測
Kaoru Minoshima
フェムト秒光パルスの特徴(多次元性,精密性,高強度性)を精密計測の分野に生かすことにより,従来にない高機能な計測が実現されてきている.特に,近年,モードロックパルス列を光周波数コムと見なし,時間・周波数の間の精密な関係を生かした応用に注目が集まっている.ここでは,筆者らの開発してきたフェムト秒コムの応用のうち,モード間ビートを用いて数百メートルの長距離をマイクロメートル領域の高精度で測定する距離計測,及び,隣接パルス干渉計を用いて空気群屈折率を高精度に直接測定する方法について紹介する., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Aug. 2003, 電子情報通信学会, 86, 8, 632-636, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0913-5693, 110003231262, AN1001339X - 2002年光学界の進展:光応用計測
Kaoru Minoshima
Apr. 2003, OSJ, 32, 4, 212-213, Japanese, Introduction other - フェムト秒レーザーで作る「光の櫛」で距離を計測
Kaoru Minoshima; James G. Fujimoto; E. Ippen
Apr. 2003, AIST Today, 3, 4, 19, Japanese, Introduction other - Photonic Device Fabrication with Femtosecond Laser Oscillators
Kaoru Minoshima; Andrew M. Kowalevicz; Ingmar Hartl; Erich P. Ippen; James G. Fujimoto
Methods of photonic device fabrication and characterization that have been made possible by recent advances in femtosecond laser technology are described. Femtosecond laser oscillators enable significant improvement in fabrication speeds compared with amplifiers. The oscillators are more convenient, less expensive and offer pulse repetition rates that are much higher than those of standard femtosecond amplifiers., Optical Society of America (OSA), 2003, Optics and Photonics News, 14, 5, 44-49, English, Introduction other, 1047-6938, 0141868863 - 解説 フェムト秒レーザの簡易安定化技術--フェムト秒パルス干渉法の高精度化を目指して
安井 武史; 美濃島 薫; 松本 弘一
日本工業出版, Jun. 2001, 光アライアンス, 12, 6, 15-19, Japanese, 0917-026X, 40004881588, AA11758790 - Optical frequency measurement by an ultra-fast mode-locked Ti:Al_2O_3 laser
Sugiyama K; Slyusarev S. N; Onae A; Hong F-L; Ikegami T; Minoshima K; Matsumoto H; Knight J. C; Wadsworth W. J; Russell P. St. J
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 2001, Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 56, 0, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110002162239 - Optical frequency measurement by a one-octave optical frequency comb generated by an ultra-fast mode-locked laser and a photonic-crystal fiber
K. Sugiyama; A. Onae; F.-L. Hong; S.N. Slyusarev; T. Ikegami; J. Ishikawa; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto; J.C. Knight; W.J. Wadsworth; P.St.J. Russell
2001, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest, 1, I610-I611, English, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Summary international conference - 第5章 フェムト秒レーザ,X線計測技術=(その3)知的光計測=
松本弘一; 美濃島薫
日本工業出版, Mar. 2000, 光アライアンス, 101, 3, 30-32, Japanese, Introduction other, 0917-026X, 40004881407, AA11758790 - Femtosecond laser pulses diffracted by dielectric transmission gratings in the resonance-domain (vol 163, pg 243, 1999)
H Ichikawa; K Minoshima
ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Feb. 2000, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 175, 1-3, 257-257, English, Others, 0030-4018, WOS:000085450600035 - Three-dimensional imaging using a femtosecond amplifying optical Kerr gate
Minoshima Kaoru; Yasui Takeshi; Abraham Emmanuel
工業技術院計量研究所, 2000, Bulletin of NRLM, 49, 2, 123-127, English, 0368-6051, 40000974478, AN00073034 - Optical frequency measurement using a mode-licked fiber laser
Onae Atsushi; Ikegami Takeshi; Sugiyama Kazuhiko; Hong Feng-Lei; Minoshima Kaoru; Matsumoto Hirokazu; Nakagawa Ken'ichi
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 2000, Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 55, 0, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110001909077 - Frequency control of an ultra-fast mode-locked Ti:Al_2O_3 laser for optical frequency measurement (II)
Sugiyama K; Onae A; Ikegami T; Slyusarev S. N; Hong F. -L; Minoshima K; Matsumoto H; Knight J. C; Wadsworth W. J; Russell P. St. J
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 2000, Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 55, 0, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110002187308 - フェムト秒技術の光計測への応用
Sep. 1999, O plus E, 201, 9, 010159-010165, Japanese, Introduction other - 計量研究所におけるフェムト秒テクノロジーの研究
日刊工業出版プロダクション, Aug. 1999, AIST, 40, 8, 13-15, Japanese, Introduction other, 0452-2796, 40001182822, AN00164311 - レーザ応用に関する47章
Kaoru Minoshima
Aug. 1998, OPTRONICS, n, n, n, Japanese, Introduction other - フェムト秒光パルスを用いた時間分解イメージング計測技術
松本弘一; 美濃島薫
日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, Jul. 1998, 光技術コンタクト, 36, 7, 344-351, Japanese, Introduction other, 0913-7289, 40004641823, AN10075091 - 超短光パルスを用いた三次元形状計測
Jun. 1998, JSAP, 67, 6, 668-672, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - フェムト秒テクノロジーの形状計測への応用
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Jan. 1997, OPTRONICS, 169-174, Japanese, Introduction other - Ultrashort Pulse Application to 3-D Measurement
1996, International Workshop on Femtosecond Technol.,(FST'96), 35, 10003078334 - Time-resolved interferometry for the determination of nonlinear optical constants using ultrashort pulses
応用物理学会, 10 Sep. 1994, 應用物理, 63, 9, 940-941, Japanese, 0369-8009, 10006637931, AN00026679 - フェムト秒テクノロジー(2)フェムト秒物理計測
K. Minoshima
Aug. 1994, O plus E, 177, 104-108, Japanese, Introduction other - マクロ物理量計測
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Mar. 1994, FST, 259-267, Japanese, Introduction other - 非線形光学効果を利用した時間分解光計測に関する研究
1994, 計量研究報告, 43, 181-181, 10003078331, AN00073034
Books and other publications
- Frontier of Optical Science 2
Kaoru Minoshima
Scholarly book, Japanese, Contributor, 「超高速光計測」, 強光子場科学研究懇談会, 2009 - Introduction of Metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Scholarly book, Japanese, Contributor, 長さをはかる, 白日社, 2008 - Women in Optical Science
Kaoru Minoshima
General book, Japanese, Contributor, 光を自由自在に操ることをめざして, オプトロニクス, 2007 - RGB 3-Color, White Lasers
Kaoru Minoshima
Scholarly book, Japanese, Contributor, 超短パルスレーザーによる光コムを用いた高精度距離計, サイエンスアンドテクノロジー, 2007 - Femtosecond Technology, Fundamental and Applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Scholarly book, Japanese, Contributor, フェムト秒テクノロジーによる精密物理計測・標準, 化学同人, 2006 - Ultrafast Electronics Handbook
Kaoru Minoshima
Scholarly book, Japanese, Contributor, 超高速光エレクトロニクス応用:イメージング関連, Realize (サイペック), 2003 - レーザー応用に関する49章
Scholarly book, Japanese, Contributor, オプトロニクス, 1998 - Femtosecond Technology
Kaoru Minoshima
Scholarly book, English, Contributor, Ultrashort pulse application to dimensional measurements, Springer-Verlag, 1998 - 新・有機非線形光学材料II
小林孝嘉; 服部利明; 美濃島薫; 泰地真弘人; 徳永英司; 寺嵜亨
Scholarly book, Japanese, Contributor, 「非線形光学効果測定法」, CMC, 1992
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 【招待講演】OAMモードを用いたデュアルコム分光法の空間次元計測への展開
浅原 彰文; 美濃島 薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会年次大会(広島), Invited
22 Jan. 2025
20 Jan. 2025- 23 Jan. 2025 - [1aB3]長尺ファイバーからのレイリー後方散乱のコヒーレント検出を用いた極限学習機械
一松; 美濃島; 久世
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
01 Dec. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [30pB1]二波長同期光コムを用いた非同期光サンプリングによる単一光子レベル超高速パルス特性評価法の開発
小森; Prasad; 石関; Tian; Schibli; 加藤; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
30 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [30pB2]機械共有型トライコムファイバレーザーによる高速性と広帯域性を両立した高機能分光
長尾; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
30 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [30a2P1]2波長励起のカオスコム発生
河野; 西本; 美濃島; 久世
Oral presentation, English, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
30 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [30a2P8]パルスエンベロープをアダプティブに制御した光コム干渉計による高精度絶対距離測定法
浦野; 加藤; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
30 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [30a2P9]10GHz 電気光学変調コムのモード分解性を用いた精密距離測定法の開発
鎌田; 李; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024), with international co-author(s)
30 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [30a2P10]円偏光二色性測定に向けた可視-近赤外域におけるコヒーレント制御デュアルコム分光
朱, Tian; 加藤; 浅原, 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024), with international co-author(s)
30 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [30pB5]熱鈍感なマイクロコムの実験的調査
西本; 美濃島; 久世
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
30 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [29aD2]デュアルコムファイバレーザーを用いた中赤外デュアルコムガス分光の位相補正による高感度化
清水; 浅原; 加藤; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
29 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [29aD4]実環境ファイバ伝送した周波数もつれ光子を用いた遠隔量子ファイバセンシング技術の開発
石関; 大北; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
29 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [29aD5]光コムによる広帯域背景光除去手法を用いた断層計測の高分解能化
日野; 加藤; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
29 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [29aD8]光コムを用いた瞬時3次元計測手法における撮像系のモジュール化による適用性拡大
小椋; 加藤; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
29 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [29aD10]デュアルコム分光の繰り返し周波数変調によるデッドタイム低減化手法の研究
伊藤; 朱; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
29 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [29aF1]全偏波保持エルビウムファイバーコムを光源とする導波路型PPLN結晶を用いた2.4-4.5µm域中赤外コム発生
光本; 宇田; 久世; 中嶋; 安井; 美濃島; 吉井
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (OPJ2024)
29 Nov. 2024
29 Nov. 2024- 01 Dec. 2024 - [15]デュアルコム分光法における繰り返し周波数の動的制御による高速測定法の研究
伊藤; 朱; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第590回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー研究会」
22 Nov. 2024
22 Nov. 2024- 22 Nov. 2024 - [21] 光コム干渉計におけるパルスエンベロープのアダプティブ制御を用いた高精度絶対距離測定法
浦野; 加藤; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第590回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー研究会」
22 Nov. 2024
22 Nov. 2024- 22 Nov. 2024 - [22] モード分解されたEOコムのスペクトル干渉による精密距離測定法の開発
鎌田; 李; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, レーザー学会第590回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー研究会」, 名古屋, Japan, with international co-author(s)
22 Nov. 2024
22 Nov. 2024- 22 Nov. 2024 - [23] 実環境ファイバネットワークを介した周波数もつれ光子による量子ファイバセンシング手法の開発
石関; 大北; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第590回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー研究会」
22 Nov. 2024
22 Nov. 2024- 22 Nov. 2024 - [25] 光コムを用いた瞬時3次元計測手法における一体化したイメージング光学系による適用性拡大
小椋; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第590回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー研究会」
22 Nov. 2024
22 Nov. 2024- 22 Nov. 2024 - Broadband Simple Operation using Optical Phased Array with Optical Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, 26th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-26), Peer-reviewed, South Africa, International conference
24 Oct. 2024
21 Oct. 2024- 25 Oct. 2024 - Mid-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy with Absolute Frequency Determination using Dual-comb Fiber Laser
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, 26th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-26), Peer-reviewed, South Africa
24 Oct. 2024
21 Oct. 2024- 25 Oct. 2024 - [Invited] Highly functional spectroscopy with versatile optical phase control using optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, 26th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-26), Invited, International Commission for Optics (ICO), Cape Town, South Africa, International conference, with international co-author(s)
21 Oct. 2024
21 Oct. 2024- 25 Oct. 2024 - [Invited] Applications of versatile control of optical waves with optical frequency combs beyond frequency metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Seminar at Colorado University, Invited, Colorado University, Colorado University, Boulder, CO, United States, International conference, with international co-author(s)
27 Sep. 2024
27 Sep. 2024- 27 Sep. 2024 - [Invited] Highly Functional Imaging with Versatile Optical Phase Control Using Optical Frequency Comb
Kaoru Minoshima; Takashi Kato
Invited oral presentation, English, Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiO LS), Invited, Optica, Denver, United States, International conference
26 Sep. 2024
21 Sep. 2024- 27 Sep. 2024 - [19p-A37-4]実環境ファイバ伝送を介した周波数もつれ光子による非局所相関を用いた量子分光ファイバセンシング
石関,大北; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会
19 Sep. 2024
16 Sep. 2024- 20 Sep. 2024 - [19a-A37-5]繰り返し周波数の変調によるデュアルコム分光法の高速化手法の研究
伊藤,朱; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会
19 Sep. 2024
16 Sep. 2024- 20 Sep. 2024 - [19a-A37-3]光コムの位相制御を用いた逆位相パルス生成による背景光除去手法における広帯域化
日野,加藤; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会
19 Sep. 2024
16 Sep. 2024- 20 Sep. 2024 - [18a-P02-1]全偏波保持エルビウムファイバーコムを光源とする導波路型PPLN結晶による広帯域中赤外コム発生
宇田,光本; 久世; 中嶋,安井; 美濃島,吉井
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会
18 Sep. 2024
16 Sep. 2024- 20 Sep. 2024 - [17p-A31-7][JSAP-Optica Joint Symposia Invited Talk] mW-class broadband mid-infrared comb generation using a waveguide-type PPLN crystal and its application to dual-comb spectroscopy
吉井,光本; 久世; 中嶋; 安井; 美濃島
Invited oral presentation, English, 第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, Invited
17 Sep. 2024
16 Sep. 2024- 20 Sep. 2024 - [17p-A31-8]Er:fiber Comb System Optimized for mW-class Mid-infrared Light Generation Using a Waveguide-type Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate Crystal
光本,久世; 中嶋,安井; 美濃島,吉井
Oral presentation, English, 第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会
17 Sep. 2024
16 Sep. 2024- 20 Sep. 2024 - 【招待講演】光周波数コムを用いた光フェーズドアレイによる広帯域波面制御
加藤峰士; 美濃島薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 2024年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, Invited
01 Sep. 2024
01 Sep. 2024- 01 Sep. 2024 - [Fr2E-2] Quantum Spectroscopy using 2D Spectrum of Telecom-band Frequency Entangled Photons for Real-World Fiber Network Applications
石関,大倉; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
09 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - [Th2C-3] Time-Frequency Characterization of Ultrafast Quantum Entangled Biphotons Through Optical Frequency Comb Based Two-Color Asynchronous Optical Sampling
Koviri,桑名; 小森,加藤; 浅原; Schibli; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference, with international co-author(s)
08 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - [Invited] Advances in Fiber-based Dual-comb Laser and Its Applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Invited, Optical Society of Korea (OSK), Incheon, Korea, Republic of, International conference
08 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - [We3H-3] Parallelization of Temporally Multiplexed Matrix Vector Multiplication with Rayleigh Backscattering in an Optical Fiber via Wavelength-division Multiplexing
一松; 美濃島; 久世
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
07 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - [P2-152] Frequency Multiplexed Photonic Reservoir Computing Using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
Cuevas,内田; 美濃島,久世
Poster presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
07 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - [Tu2E-3] Coherent-Controllable Vis-NIR Dual-Comb Spectroscopy with a High-Power, High-Coherence Fiber Comb System
朱,Tian,加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
06 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - [P1-122] Development of an All-polarization-maintaining Tri-comb Fiber Laser with a Mechanicalsharing Configuration
長尾,三浦; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Poster presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
06 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - [Mo4E-3] Tomographic Imaging with Broadband Optical Noise Cancelling Using Antiphase Pulse by Phase-controlled Optical Frequency Comb
加藤,日野; 猫島; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
05 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - Mo2E-3] Practical and High SNR Mid-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy Based on Bidirectional Dual- comb Er Fiber Laser
浅原,布川; 清水貴之; 加藤; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
05 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - [Mo1E-2] Experimental Investigation of Thermally Insensitive Kerr Microresonator Soliton Comb
西本; 美濃島; 久世
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
05 Aug. 2024
05 Aug. 2024- 09 Aug. 2024 - [Invited] Versatile control of optical waves with optical frequency combs enables broad applications beyond frequency metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Seminar at Boston University, Invited, Boston University, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, International conference, with international co-author(s)
14 May 2024
14 May 2024- 14 May 2024 - [SF2P.5] Vis-NIR Broadband Dual-Comb Spectroscopy towards Highly-Functional Measurements with a High-Power, High-Coherence Fiber Comb System
Zhu; Tian; Li; Xing; Schibli; Kato; Asahara; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference, with international co-author(s)
10 May 2024
06 May 2024- 10 May 2024 - [SF2P.4] Dual-comb Fiber Laser-based Practical Mid-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy via Real-time and Long-term Coherent Averaging
Asahara; Fukawa; Shimizu; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
10 May 2024
06 May 2024- 10 May 2024 - [SM1G.7] Jones-Matrix Dual-Comb Spectroscopic Polarimetry
是沢,北浜; 長谷,時実; 浅原,南川; 美濃島,安井
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
06 May 2024
06 May 2024- 10 May 2024 - [SM1G.1] Broadband Light Beam Steering by Optical Phased Array Based on Phase-controlled Optical Frequency Comb
Kato; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
06 May 2024
06 May 2024- 10 May 2024 - [ALPS22-02] Measurement of detailed single-photon ultra-fast pulse characteristics by asynchronous optical sampling using a dual-wavelength combs
Komori; Koviri; Ishizeki; Tian; Schibli; Kato; Asahara; Shimizu; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference, with international co-author(s)
25 Apr. 2024
22 Apr. 2024- 26 Apr. 2024 - [ALPS21-05] Parallelization of temporally multiplexed matrix-vector multiplication with distribute feedback based on Rayleigh backscattering in an optical fiber
Hitotsumatsu; Minoshima; Kuse
Oral presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
25 Apr. 2024
22 Apr. 2024- 26 Apr. 2024 - [ALPS21-04] Quantum Spectroscopy using 2D Spectrum of Telecom-band Frequency Entangled Photons for Quantum Remote Sensing
Ishizeki; Naito; Kuwana; Asahara; Shimizu; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, International conference
25 Apr. 2024
22 Apr. 2024- 26 Apr. 2024 - [ALPS21-03] Improvement of Suppression Ratio in Broadband Background Noise Canceling Method using Phase-controlled Optical Frequency Comb
Hino; Kato; Nekoshima; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
25 Apr. 2024
22 Apr. 2024- 26 Apr. 2024 - [ALPSp2-36] Development of a Simple and Stable All-Polarization-Maintaining Multi-Comb Source with a Mechanical-Sharing Configuration
Nagao; Kato; Asahara; Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
25 Apr. 2024
22 Apr. 2024- 26 Apr. 2024 - [ALPS20-02] Decision making using a chaotic microresonator frequency comb
Cuevas; Iwami; Uchida; Minoshima; Kuse
Oral presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
25 Apr. 2024
22 Apr. 2024- 26 Apr. 2024 - [ALPS18-03] High-Power and High-Coherence Fiber Comb System for Broadband Dual-Comb Spectroscopy in Vis–NIR Region
Zhu; Tian; Li; Xing; Schibli; Kato; Asahara; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference, with international co-author(s)
24 Apr. 2024
22 Apr. 2024- 26 Apr. 2024 - [ALPS21-02] Broadband Beam Steering by Optical Frequency Comb-Based Optical Phased Array
Oral presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
25 Apr. 2024
20 Apr. 2024- 26 Apr. 2024 - [ALPS20-03] Experimental and numerical investigation of blue- and red- detuned dissipative Kerr solitons in coupled-microresonators
Nishimoto; Minoshima; Kuse
Oral presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
25 Apr. 2024
20 Apr. 2024- 26 Apr. 2024 - [ALPS18-02] Highly Sensitive and Practical Mid-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy using Dual-comb Fiber Laser with Long-term Coherent Averaging
Asahara; Fukawa; Shimizu; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS/OPIC 2024, Peer-reviewed, International conference
24 Apr. 2024
20 Apr. 2024- 24 Apr. 2024 - [Invited] Ultrafast and scan-less three-dimensional imaging using all-optical information conversion with chirped optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima; Takashi Kato
Invited oral presentation, English, SPIE Photonics Europe 2024, Invited, https://spie.org/photonics-europe/presentation/Ultrafast-and-scan-less-three-dimensional-imaging-using-all-optical/12997-1?enableBackToBrowse=true#_=_, France, International conference
09 Apr. 2024
07 Apr. 2024- 11 Apr. 2024 - [25a-12B-2]実環境下における量子リモートセンシングに向けた周波数もつれ光子の非局所相関による量子分光法の開発
石関,大倉; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学春季学術講演会
25 Mar. 2024
22 Mar. 2024- 25 Mar. 2024 - [23a-1BL-6]光周波数コムによる光フェーズドアレイを用いた広帯域光点走査
Oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学春季学術講演会
23 Mar. 2024
22 Mar. 2024- 25 Mar. 2024 - [25a-12B-9]光ファイバーのレイリー後方散乱を用いた非線形主成分分析の並列化
一松; 美濃島; 久世
Oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学春季学術講演会
22 Mar. 2024
22 Mar. 2024- 25 Mar. 2024 - [22p-13N-1][第55回講演奨励賞受賞記念講演] 結合リング型微小光共振器を利用した赤・青側デチューニングマイクロコムの発生
西本; 美濃島; 久世
Oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学春季学術講演会
22 Mar. 2024
22 Mar. 2024- 25 Mar. 2024 - [22p-13N-8]デュアルコムファイバレーザーを用いたコヒーレント積算による高感度かつ実用的な中赤外デュアルコム分光法の開発
浅原,布川; 清水; 加藤; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学春季学術講演会
22 Mar. 2024
22 Mar. 2024- 25 Mar. 2024 - [Ps003]電気光学変調コムによるモード分解したスペクトル干渉を用いた精密距離測定法に関する基礎検討
鎌田,Li,加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第23回レーザー学会東京支部研究会
12 Mar. 2024
12 Mar. 2024- 12 Mar. 2024 - [Ps004]高繰り返し光コムによる絶対距離計測範囲の拡大の検討
浦野; 阿久澤; 加藤; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第23回レーザー学会東京支部研究会
12 Mar. 2024
12 Mar. 2024- 12 Mar. 2024 - [Ps010]チャープした光コムによるスペクトル干渉を用いた超高速位相変化の計測手法における原理検証
小椋,猫島; 日野; 加藤; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第23回レーザー学会東京支部研究会
12 Mar. 2024
12 Mar. 2024- 12 Mar. 2024 - [Ps018]全偏波保持機械共有型NALM モード同期ファイバレーザーによる環境安定性の高いトライコム光源の開発および評価
三浦,長尾; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第23回レーザー学会東京支部研究会
12 Mar. 2024
12 Mar. 2024- 12 Mar. 2024 - [Ps019]デュアルコム分光法による広時間ダイナミックレンジな動的現象測定法の検討
伊藤,長崎,朱; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第23回レーザー学会東京支部研究会
12 Mar. 2024
12 Mar. 2024- 12 Mar. 2024 - 【招待講演】光周波数コムによる光演算を用いた応用光計測手法について
加藤峰士; 美濃島 薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光応用工学特別研究会, Invited
01 Mar. 2024
01 Mar. 2024- 01 Mar. 2024 - [12875-16]Single-photon-level femtosecond time-resolved measurement by asynchronous optical sampling with dual-wavelength comb
小森, Koviri; 石関, Tian; Schibli, 加藤; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, Photonics West 2024 (LASE, PW 2024)
28 Jan. 2024
28 Jan. 2024- 01 Feb. 2024 - [12895-5]Ultrafast time-resolved single-photon detection using two-color comb based asynchronous optical sampling for quantum applications
Koviri, 小森; 石関, Tian; Schibli, 加藤; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, Photonics West 2024 (OPTO, PW 2024)
28 Jan. 2024
28 Jan. 2024- 01 Feb. 2024 - [B09-19p-IX-02]機械共有型マルチコム光源の高度化と安定性の評価
長尾, 加藤; 浅原, 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第44回年次大会
19 Jan. 2024
15 Jan. 2024- 19 Jan. 2024 - [B10-19p-IX-01]導波路型 PPLN 結晶によるmW級中赤外光発生に最適化されたErファイバーコムシステム
光本, 久世; 中嶋, 安井; 美濃島, 吉井
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第44回年次大会
19 Jan. 2024
15 Jan. 2024- 19 Jan. 2024 - [P01-19p-P-05] 全偏波保持エルビウムファイバーコムを光源とする導波路型PPLN結晶によるmW級中赤外コム発生
宇田, 光本; 久世; 中嶋; 安井; 美濃島, 吉井
Poster presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第44回年次大会
19 Jan. 2024
15 Jan. 2024- 19 Jan. 2024 - [Tutorial] Recent advance in optical frequency comb and its applications
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, Photonic Device Workshop 2023, Invited
08 Dec. 2023
07 Dec. 2023- 08 Dec. 2023 - 【招待講演】位相制御された光周波数コムを用いた高解像度瞬時3次元形状計測
加藤峰士; 美濃島 薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 高速度イメージングとフォトニクスに関する総合シンポジウム2023 (JCHSIP2023), 大阪, 2023(12月), Invited
01 Dec. 2023
01 Dec. 2023- 01 Dec. 2023 - [29aF1]可視から近赤外領域にわたる広帯域・高出力光コムの開発
朱, Tian; 李, Xi; Schibli, 加藤; 浅原, 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics 2023 (OPJ 2023)
29 Nov. 2023
27 Nov. 2023- 29 Nov. 2023 - [28pC12]導波路型 PPLN 結晶を用いた mW 級広帯域中赤外光発生のための Er ファイバーコムシステムの開発
光本, 久世; 中嶋, 安井; 美濃島, 吉井
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics 2023 (OPJ 2023)
28 Nov. 2023
27 Nov. 2023- 29 Nov. 2023 - [28pC11]位相制御された光コムによる光フェーズドアレイを用いた広帯域ドットパターン投影
加藤; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics 2023 (OPJ 2023)
28 Nov. 2023
27 Nov. 2023- 29 Nov. 2023 - [28pC10]双方向動作型デュアルコムファイバレーザーの差周波発生を用いた中赤外固体物性評価法の開発
布川, 清水; 加藤; Tian; 浅原; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics 2023 (OPJ 2023)
28 Nov. 2023
27 Nov. 2023- 29 Nov. 2023 - [28pC9]チャープした光コムを用いたハイパースペクトルイメージングにおける高精度位相制御
猫島, 日野; 加藤, 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics 2023 (OPJ 2023)
28 Nov. 2023
27 Nov. 2023- 29 Nov. 2023 - [28aEJ7]Ultrafast time-resolved up-conversion of single-photons through two-color comb based asynchronous optical sampling
Koviri, 小森; 石関, Tian; Schibli, 加藤; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, English, Optics & Photonics 2023 (OPJ 2023)
28 Nov. 2023
27 Nov. 2023- 29 Nov. 2023 - [17]インラインファイバ型可視広帯域光コム光源を用いたデュアルコム分光法の開発
長崎, 朱; 加藤; 浅原; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会581回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー技術」
17 Nov. 2023
17 Nov. 2023- 17 Nov. 2023 - [18]Erファイバコムを用いたカスケード型コヒーレントリンクによる広ダイナミックレンジな絶対距離計測の研究
阿久澤; 加藤, 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会581回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー技術」
17 Nov. 2023
17 Nov. 2023- 17 Nov. 2023 - [19]高繰り返しErおよびYbファイバコムを用いた非同期光サンプリングによる単一光子フェムト秒時間分解計測法の開発
小森, Koviri; 石関, Tian; Schibli, 加藤; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会581回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー技術」
17 Nov. 2023
17 Nov. 2023- 17 Nov. 2023 - [Plenary] Versatile control of optical waves with optical frequency combs enables broad applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, Optics & Photonics Africa 2023 (OPA 2023), Invited, ICO, South Africa, https://opa2023.com/, South Africa, International conference
06 Nov. 2023
05 Nov. 2023- 10 Nov. 2023 - [22p-B204-2] Spectral broadening of Kerr soliton combs via a coupled-ring microresonators
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP
22 Sep. 2023
19 Sep. 2023- 23 Sep. 2023 - [21a-A602-5] Development of femtosecond time-resolved single-photon level measurement method by asynchronous optical sampling using a dual-wavelength comb
Hajime Komori; Prasad Koviri; Haochen Tian; Thomas Schibli; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP, Domestic conference, with international co-author(s)
21 Sep. 2023
19 Sep. 2023- 23 Sep. 2023 - [21a-A602-1] Study on improvement of suppression ratio in a background noise cancelling method using antiphase-pulse interferometry controlled by optical frequency comb
Keito Hino; Takashi Kato; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP, Domestic conference
21 Sep. 2023
19 Sep. 2023- 23 Sep. 2023 - [Invited] Precision measurements beyond frequency metrology using versatile control of optical waves with optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Seminar at KAIST, Invited, KAIST, Daejeong, Korea, Republic of, International conference, with international co-author(s)
21 Sep. 2023
21 Sep. 2023- 21 Sep. 2023 - [Invited] Optical phased array with phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, The 15th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, ISMTII 2023, Invited, KIMM, ICMI, Seoul, https://www.ismtii2023.org/speaker/index.html?sgubun=3&event=1, Korea, Republic of, International conference
19 Sep. 2023
18 Sep. 2023- 20 Sep. 2023 - [Keynote] Precision measurements beyond frequency metrology using versatile control of optical waves with optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, The 15th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, ISMTII 2023, Invited, KIMM, ICMI, Seoul, https://www.ismtii2023.org/speaker/index.html?sgubun=2&event=1, Korea, Republic of, International conference
19 Sep. 2023
18 Sep. 2023- 20 Sep. 2023 - [Invited] Dual-comb spectroscopy extended for spatiotemporal measurement applications using OAM light
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, The 15th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, ISMTII 2023, Invited, KIMM, ICMI, Seoul, https://www.ismtii2023.org/speaker/index.html?sgubun=3&event=1, Korea, Republic of, International conference
18 Sep. 2023
18 Sep. 2023- 20 Sep. 2023 - [Invited] Single-pulse three-dimensional imaging using ultrafast all-optical information conversion with chirped optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima; Takashi Kato
Invited oral presentation, English, APLS 2023, Invited, https://www.apls-2020.org/program/, International conference
05 Sep. 2023
03 Sep. 2023- 07 Sep. 2023 - [HTu1-04] High-precision absolute distance measurement using a cascaded coherent link between envelope and the carrier phase of an optical comb pulse
Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, APLS 2023, Peer-reviewed
05 Sep. 2023
03 Sep. 2023- 07 Sep. 2023 - [PHTu-08] Broadband visible dual-comb spectroscopy using spectral stitching of nonlinearly generated light by waveguide-type PPLN crystals
Ryota Nagasaki; Ruichen Zhu; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, APLS 2023, Peer-reviewed
05 Sep. 2023
03 Sep. 2023- 07 Sep. 2023 - [HTu2-03] Demonstration of Quantum Spectroscopy Method using 2D Spectrum of Telecom-band Frequency Entangled Photons towards Quantum Remote Sensing
Masahiro Ishizeki; Naito; Kuwana; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, APLS 2023, Peer-reviewed, https://www.apls-2020.org/program/, International conference
05 Sep. 2023
03 Sep. 2023- 07 Sep. 2023 - [HTu2-02] Solving multi-armed bandit problems using a chaotic microresonator comb
Jonathan Cuevas; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, English, APLS 2023, Peer-reviewed, https://www.apls-2020.org/program/, International conference
05 Sep. 2023
03 Sep. 2023- 07 Sep. 2023 - [FTh2A.5]Dual-Comb Spectroscopy with OAM Modes for Azimuth Angle Measurement
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, FTS, Optica Sensing Congress, Optica, Munich, Peer-reviewed, https://www.optica.org/events/congress/optical_sensors_and_sensing_congress/schedule/, Germany, International conference
31 Jul. 2023
01 Aug. 2023- 03 Aug. 2023 - [Invited] Versatile control and manipulation of optical waves by use of optical frequency comb and its application trends in broad fields
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会応用電子物性分科会 7月研究例会, Invited, 応用物理学会応用電子物性分科会, https://annex.jsap.or.jp/ohden/2023/annai_20230727.pdf
27 Jul. 2023
27 Jul. 2023- 27 Jul. 2023 - [Tutorial] Optical frequency comb applications beyond frequency metrology using versatile control of optical waves
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, CLEO-Europe 2023, Invited, Optica, Munich, Germany, Tutorial, International conference
28 Jun. 2023
25 Jun. 2023- 30 Jun. 2023 - Frequency-Controlled Dot Pattern Projection of Ultrashort Pulse using Optical Phased Array Based on Optical Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO Europe 2023, Peer-reviewed, Germany, International conference
26 Jun. 2023
25 Jun. 2023- 30 Jun. 2023 - [SF3F.3] Advanced Circular Dichroism Measurement Method with Circular Polarization Switching Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Ruichen Zhu; Ryota Nagasaki; Takashi Kato; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2023, Peer-reviewed, United States, International conference, with international co-author(s)
12 May 2023
07 May 2023- 12 May 2023 - [SF2F.5] Stepped-Frequency THz-wave Signal;Generation from;dissipative Kerr microresonator soliton comb
Omnia Nawwar; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2023, Peer-reviewed
11 May 2023
07 May 2023- 12 May 2023 - [JTh2A.86] Thermally insensitive Kerr microresonator soliton comb
Naoya Kuse; Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2023, Peer-reviewed
11 May 2023
07 May 2023- 12 May 2023 - [STh4K.7] Noise canceling in;o;ical measurement using broadband;antiphase pulses by phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Kato; Hino; Nekoshima; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2023, Peer-reviewed
11 May 2023
07 May 2023- 12 May 2023 - [JTh2A.91] Single-Pass Configuration mW-Class Broadband Mid-Infrared Comb Using a Waveguide-Type PPLN Crystal
Mitsumoto; Kuse; Inoue; Nakajima; Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima; Kazumichi Yoshii
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2023, Peer-reviewed
11 May 2023
07 May 2023- 12 May 2023 - [Invited] Highly Functional Dual-comb Spectroscopy with Versatile Optical Phase Control
Kaoru Minoshima; Akifumi Asahara
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO 2023, Invited, Optica, San Jose, United States, International conference
11 May 2023
07 May 2023- 12 May 2023 - [SM3O.5] Coherent OAM Modulation Technique using Versatile Phase Controllability of Multi-optical-combs towards Sensitive and Rapid Spatiotemporal Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2023, Peer-reviewed, United States, International conference
08 May 2023
07 May 2023- 12 May 2023 - Broadband noise cancelling in optical measurement using destructive interference by phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Keito Hino; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2023, Peer-reviewed
21 Apr. 2023
17 Apr. 2023- 21 Apr. 2023 - High Precision and Extended Non-ambiguity Range Absolute Distance Measurement Based on a Coherently Synthesized Two-Color Electro-Optic Frequency Comb
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2023, Peer-reviewed
21 Apr. 2023
17 Apr. 2023- 21 Apr. 2023 - Ultrafast Dot Pattern Projection using Optical Phased Array Based on Frequency-Controlled Optical Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2023, Peer-reviewed
21 Apr. 2023
17 Apr. 2023- 21 Apr. 2023 - Fundamental study on quantum remote sensing using nonlocal correlation of frequency entangled photon pair generated by ultra-short pulse train for fiber network
Masahiro Ishizeki; Nito; Kuwana; Akifumi Asahara; Rhosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
English, ALPS2023, Peer-reviewed
21 Apr. 2023
17 Apr. 2023- 21 Apr. 2023 - Evaluation of solid-state physical properties by mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy based on a dual-comb fiber laser
Fukawa; Jiajie Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2023, Peer-reviewed, https://opicon.jp/wp-content/themes/opic2023_temp/pdf/OPIC2023_program.pdf
20 Apr. 2023
17 Apr. 2023- 21 Apr. 2023 - Ultrafast Time-resolved Single-photon Detection Method Using Two-color Asynchronous Optical Sampling
Prasad Koviri; Hajime Komori; Masahiro Ishizeki; Haochen Tian; Thomas Schibli; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Rhosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2023, Peer-reviewed, with international co-author(s)
20 Apr. 2023
17 Apr. 2023- 21 Apr. 2023 - mW-Level Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb Generation Using WaveguideType PPLN Crystal in Single-Pass Configuration
Mitsumoto, Kuse; Inoue; Nakajima, Yasui; Minoshima, Yoshii
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2023, Peer-reviewed
20 Apr. 2023
17 Apr. 2023- 21 Apr. 2023 - Absolute distance measurement based on a coherently synthesized two-color electro-optic frequency comb
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kaoto; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, Ultrafast Optics 2023, Ultrafast Optics, Bariloche, Peer-reviewed, https://ultrafastoptics2023.org/, International conference
31 Mar. 2023
26 Mar. 2023- 01 Apr. 2023 - [Invited] Dual-comb spectroscopy using free-running combs with digital phase correction
Haochen Tian; Sterczewski; Runmin Li; Takeru Endo; Takashi Kaoto; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, Ultrafast Optics 2023, Invited, Ultrafast Optics, Bariloche, https://ultrafastoptics2023.org/, International conference, with international co-author(s)
31 Mar. 2023
26 Mar. 2023- 01 Apr. 2023 - [18p-A501-2] Engineering of nonlinear optical phenomena by manipulating relative phases of the relevant optical fields
Chiaki Ohae; Weiyong Liu; Jian Zheng; Takahiro Sato; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Hisashi Ogawa; Tetsushi Takano; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP, JSAP, Tokyo, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jsap2023s/subject/18p-A501-2/advanced, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2023
15 Mar. 2023- 18 Mar. 2023 - [18p-A501-11] Thermally insensitive Kerr microresonator soliton comb
Naoya Kuse; Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP, JSAP, Tokyo, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jsap2023s/subject/18p-A501-11/advanced, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2023
15 Mar. 2023- 18 Mar. 2023 - [16p-A502-8] Fundamental study of frequency correlation measurement towards remote-sensing using non-local correlation of quantum entangled photon
Ishizeki; Naito; Kuwana; Asahara; Shimizu; Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP, JSAP, Tokyo, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jsap2023s/subject/16p-A502-8/advanced, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2023
15 Mar. 2023- 18 Mar. 2023 - [16p-A502-9] High-speed and high-sensitivity asynchronous optical sampling method using dual-wavelength synchronous optical combs with high repetition rate
Komori; Koviri; Ishizeki; Tian; Schibli; Kato; Asahara; Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP, JSAP, Tokyo, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jsap2023s/subject/16p-A502-9/advanced, Domestic conference, with international co-author(s)
16 Mar. 2023
15 Mar. 2023- 18 Mar. 2023 - [18p-A501-7] Development of 100-MHz all-polarization-maintaining mechanical-sharing dual-comb laser
Kosei Nagao; Takeru Endo; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP, JSAP, Tokyo, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jsap2023s/subject/18p-A501-7/advanced, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2023
15 Mar. 2023- 18 Mar. 2023 - [Invited] Application of versatile control and manipulation of light enabled by optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, pLED International symposium 2023: Exploring Invisible Light Technology, Invited, Tokushima, Tokushima, https://www.pled.tokushima-u.ac.jp/6643/, International conference
04 Mar. 2023
04 Mar. 2023- 05 Mar. 2023 - [E05-19p-IX-04] 光コムパルスのエンベロープとキャリア位相のコヒーレントリンクによる絶対距離計測の高精度化検討
Kanyo Akuzawa; Takuho Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ Annual Meeting, LSJ, 名古屋, Domestic conference
20 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - [E05-19p-IX-03] 導波路型PPLN結晶を用いた可視広帯域デュアルコムの発生と分光応用の検証
Ryota Nagasaki; Ruichen Zhu; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ Annual Meeting, LSJ, 名古屋, Domestic conference
20 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - [E05-19p-IX-02] Single-Photon Counting Asynchronous Optical Sampling using Dual-Wavelength Fiber Comb
Prasad Koviri; Hajime Komori; Masahiro Ishizeki; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, LSJ Annual Meeting, LSJ, 名古屋, Domestic conference
20 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - 【招待講演】[S07-20a-VI-05]?光周波数コムによる光演算を応用した瞬時かつ高精度な3次元計測手法
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ Annual Meeting, Invited, LSJ, 名古屋, Domestic conference
20 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - [Invited] [S06-18p-V-04]? Advancement of integrated fiber-based dual-comb laser system technology
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ Annual Meeting, Invited, LSJ, 名古屋, Domestic conference
20 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - [F01-19a-XII-04] 結合リング型微小光共振器を利用したマイクロコムの広帯域化
Nishimoto; Minoshima; Kuse
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ Annual Meeting, LSJ, Nagoya, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/lsj43/subject/F01-19a-XII-04/advanced, Domestic conference
19 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - [E06-19p-IX-02] 導波路型PPLN結晶を用いた広帯域中赤外デュアルコム分光
Yoshii; Mitsumoto; Kuse; Inoue; Nakajima; Yasui; Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ Annual Meeting, LSJ, Nagoya, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/lsj43/subject/E06-19p-IX-02/advanced, Domestic conference
19 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - [A07-19a-II-05] 可視域から近赤外域に渡る連続波光の位相同期を用いた光シンセサイザー
Akihiro Tomura; Chiaki Ohae; Kenichi Nakagawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ Annual Meeting, LSJ, Nagoya, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/lsj43/subject/A07-19a-II-05/advanced, Domestic conference
19 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - [B05-18p-VI-02] 導波路型PPLN結晶を用いたシングルパス構成広帯域中赤外コムの高出力化
Mitsumoto; Kuse; Inoue; Nakajima; Yasui; Minoshima; Yoshii
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ Annual Meeting, LSJ, Nagoya, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/lsj43/subject/B05-18p-VI-02/advanced, Domestic conference
19 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - [B04-18p-VI-03] マイクロコム発生のための五酸化タンタルを用いた低損失微小共振器の開発
Kitora; Funakoshi; Nishimoto; Yasui; Minoshima; Kuse
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ Annual Meeting, LSJ, Nagoya, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/lsj43/subject/B04-18p-VI-03/advanced, Domestic conference
19 Jan. 2023
18 Jan. 2023- 20 Jan. 2023 - [Invited] Versatile control and manipulation of light with optical frequency combs and its applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, RIKEN Symposium, Invited, RIKEN, RIKEN, https://www.riken.jp/pr/events/symposia/20221220_1/index.html, Domestic conference
20 Dec. 2022
20 Dec. 2022- 21 Dec. 2022 - Single-photon-level Ultrafast Cross-correlation Detection with Photon Counting Based on Two-color Asynchronous Optical Sampling
Koviri; Komori; Ishizeki; Tian; Schibli; Kato; Asahara; Shimizu; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, UEC-SAAC Symposium, UEC, online, Domestic conference, with international co-author(s)
13 Dec. 2022
13 Dec. 2022- 14 Dec. 2022 - [20] 光コムの高精度かつ広帯域位相制御による 3 次元動画計測の高品位化
Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Takashi Kato; Keito Hino; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ, LSJ, Nagoya, https://www.lsj.or.jp/event/technical-group-workshops/, Domestic conference
18 Nov. 2022
18 Nov. 2022- 18 Nov. 2022 - [19] 光コムパルスのエンベロープとキャリア位相を用いた干渉計による絶対距離計測手法の検討
Kanyo Akuzawa; Takuho Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ, LSJ, Nagoya, https://www.lsj.or.jp/event/technical-group-workshops/, Domestic conference
18 Nov. 2022
18 Nov. 2022- 18 Nov. 2022 - [14] 導波路型 PPLN 結晶による可視光コムのデュアルコム分光への適用性検証
Ryota Nagasaki; Ruichen Zhu; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ, LSJ, Nagoya, https://www.lsj.or.jp/event/technical-group-workshops/, Domestic conference
18 Nov. 2022
18 Nov. 2022- 18 Nov. 2022 - [11] 機械共有による一体型トライコムファイバレーザーシステムの開発と分光応用
Takeru Endo; Kosei Nagao; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, LSJ, LSJ, Nagoya, https://www.lsj.or.jp/event/technical-group-workshops/, Domestic conference
18 Nov. 2022
18 Nov. 2022- 18 Nov. 2022 - [15pE8] 双方向動作型デュアルコムレーザーを用いた中赤外域における固体材料評価法の開発
Gakuto Fukawa; Jiaji Li; Takashi Kato; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2022(宇都宮), OSJ, Utsunomiya, https://opt-j.com/opj2022/documents/measure-.html#M1, Domestic conference
15 Nov. 2022
13 Nov. 2022- 16 Nov. 2022 - [15aE11] 光コムパルスのエンベロープと位相関係を用いた空気屈折率自己参照型補正による遠隔形状計測手法の適用性拡大
Takuho Tanaka; Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2022(宇都宮), OSJ, Utsunomiya, https://opt-j.com/opj2022/documents/measure-.html#M1, Domestic conference
15 Nov. 2022
13 Nov. 2022- 16 Nov. 2022 - [15aE8] チャープした光コムを用いた3次元動画計測における高精度位相制御の効果
Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Takashi Kato; Keito Hino; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2022(宇都宮), OSJ, Utsunomiya, https://opt-j.com/opj2022/documents/measure-.html#M1, Domestic conference
15 Nov. 2022
13 Nov. 2022- 16 Nov. 2022 - [15aE7] 断層計測における光コムの逆位相制御パルスを用いた背景信号除去
Keito Hino; Takashi Kato; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2022(宇都宮), OSJ, Utsunomiya, https://opt-j.com/opj2022/documents/measure-.html#M1, Domestic conference
15 Nov. 2022
13 Nov. 2022- 16 Nov. 2022 - [15aE5] 偏光変調デュアルコム分光法における円偏光スイッチングの適用性拡大
Ruichen Zhu; Ryota Nagasaki; Takashi Kato; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2022(宇都宮), OSJ, Utsunomiya, https://opt-j.com/opj2022/documents/measure-.html#M1, Domestic conference
15 Nov. 2022
13 Nov. 2022- 16 Nov. 2022 - [P2] Detection of Ultralow Intense Cross-correlation of Two-color Comb with Photon Counting Technique
Koviri, 石関; Tian, 小森; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, Fiber Laser Meeting, Laser Society Japan, Laser Society Japan, Sendai, Domestic conference
23 Sep. 2022
23 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [P3] 偏光変調デュアルコム分光法による円偏光スイッチングの特性評価
Ruichen Zhu; Ryota Nagasaki; Takashi Kato; Tian Haochen; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, Fiber Laser Meeting, Laser Society Japan, Laser Society Japan, Sendai, Domestic conference
23 Sep. 2022
23 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [P4] ファイバコムのエンベロープと位相関係を用いた空気屈折率自己補正による遠隔形状計測
Takuho Tanaka; Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, Fiber Laser Meeting, Laser Society Japan, Laser Society Japan, Sendai, Domestic conference
23 Sep. 2022
23 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [P5] ファイバネットワーク応用に向けたモード同期レーザーにより生成された伝令付き単一光子の伝送実験
Masahiro Ishizeki, Kuwana; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimidu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, Fiber Laser Meeting, Laser Society Japan, Laser Society Japan, Sendai, Domestic conference
23 Sep. 2022
23 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [P6] チャープコムを用いたハイパースペクトルイメージングによる空間分布スペクトル測定
Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Takashi Kato; Keito Hino; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, Fiber Laser Meeting, Laser Society Japan, Laser Society Japan, Sendai, Domestic conference
23 Sep. 2022
23 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [P7] 光コムの干渉を用いた背景光除去手法による断層計測
Keito Hino; Takashi Kato; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, Fiber Laser Meeting, Laser Society Japan, Laser Society Japan, Sendai, Domestic conference
23 Sep. 2022
23 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22p-C302-1] 周波数制御された光コムによる背景信号除去手法を用いた断層計測
Keito Hino; Takashi Kato; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22p-C302-2] デュアルコム分光法を用いたコヒーレント制御による円偏光スイッチングの特性評価
Ruichen Zhu; Ryota Nagasaki; Takashi Kato; Tian Haochen; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22p-C302-3] 導波路型PPLN結晶を用いた広帯域中赤外デュアルコム分光計
Kazumichi Yoshii; Mitsumoto; Naoya Kuse; Kazuki Inoue; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22p-C302-4] 導波路型PPLN結晶を用いた広帯域中赤外コム発生の高出力化
Ryo Mitsumoto; Naoya Kuse; Kazuki Inoue; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima; Kazumichi Yoshii
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22p-C302-5] Single-photon Level Detection of Ultrafast Cross-correlation Signal using Asynchronous Optical Sampling with Two-color Dual-comb System
Koviri, 石関; Tian, 小森; 浅原; 清水; 美濃島
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22p-C302-7] 非対称・両方向チャープのサイドバンドを持つマイクロコムによる並列周波数変調コムLiDAR
Kenji Nishimoto; Hiroki Kitora; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22p-C302-8] 光コムパルスの群と位相関係を用いた単一波長2色法による形状計測
Takuho Tanaka; Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22p-C302-9] チャープした光コムによるハイパースペクトルイメージングを用いたスペクトル情報の空間分布取得
Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Takashi Kato; Keito Hino; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22p-C302-13] 超短パルスにより生成された伝令付き単一光子のファイバネットワーク伝送実験
Masahiro Ishizeki, Kuwana; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimidu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22a-C206-4] 注入同期によるマイクロコムのコムモードの出力増幅と位相雑音転写
Naoya Kuse; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22a-C206-5] 長尺ファイバーに安定化したマイクロコムによる低位相雑音560 GHz発生
Naoya Kuse; Kenji Nishimoto; 時実, 岡田; Gabriele, Michael; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - [22a-C206-10] 機械共有型トライコム光源システムの開発と相対安定性評価
Takeru Endo; Kosei Nagao; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 83th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tohoku Univ, Domestic conference
22 Sep. 2022
20 Sep. 2022- 23 Sep. 2022 - Ultrafast wavefront switching with high robustness using phased optical array based on optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ICO-25, ICO, Dresden, Peer-reviewed, International conference
05 Sep. 2022
04 Sep. 2022- 09 Sep. 2022 - Ultrafast wavefront switching with high robustness using phased optical array based on optical frequency comb
Akifumi Asahara; Atsushi Sugita; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ICO-25, ICO, Dresden, Peer-reviewed, International conference
05 Sep. 2022
04 Sep. 2022- 09 Sep. 2022 - [Invited] Single pulse three-dimensional imaging using ultrafast information conversion with chirped optical frequency comb [TS 1-3-04]
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, ICO-25 (invited), Invited, ICO, Dresden, International conference
05 Sep. 2022
04 Sep. 2022- 09 Sep. 2022 - [CTuP6B-06] Generation of a mW-class broadband mid-infrared comb using a waveguide-type PPLN crystal and its application to dual-comb spectroscopy
Kazumichi Yoshii; Naoya Kuse; Kazuki Inoue; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CTuP6B-07] Mid-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy using Bidirectional Dual-comb Fiber Laser for Greenhouse N2O Gas Detection
Jiajie Li; Akifumi Asahara; Haochen Tian; Kazumichi Yoshii; Takashi Kato; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CWP2E-01] Continuous Synthesis of Arbitrary Optical Waveforms on a Sub-Femtosecond Timescale
Tomura, Ohae; Nakagawa; Minoshima; Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CFP6I-02] Engineering of nonlinear optical processes by arbitrarily manipulating the relevant optical phases
W. Liu; C. Ohae; J. Zheng; S. Tahara; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CThA6D-03] Shape Measurement Technique with Self-correction of Air Refractive using a Single-color Comb Interferometer
Takuho Tanaka; Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CThA6C-03] Optical phased array based on optical frequency comb for broadband wavefront control of ultrashort pulse
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CThP6E-01] Background noise canceling technique in optical measurement using phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CThP6F-02] A Simple Scheme for Phase-sensitive Dual-comb Spectroscopy with Mechanical-sharing Dual-comb Laser
Takeru Endo; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CThP6F-03] Comb-line Resolved Dual-comb Spectroscopy Using Free-running Mechanical Sharing Combs
Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Sterczewski; Takashi Kaoto; Ruichen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CThP6E-04] Circular Polarization Switching in Dual-comb Spectroscopy using Coherent-controlled Multi-comb Pulses towards Circular Dichroism Characterization
Ruichen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Takashi Kato; Tian Haochen; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [CThP6F-06] Distance Measurement Based on a Coherently Synthesized Two-color EO Comb towards High-accuracy Air-refractive Index Self-Correction
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2022, OSA, Sapporo Convention Center, Peer-reviewed, International conference
04 Aug. 2022
31 Jul. 2022- 05 Aug. 2022 - [Invited] Optical metrology in time and space with optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Micro-photonics Research Group, Invited, Micro-photonics Research Group, LSJ, Institute of Molecular Science, https://tila.ims.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/20220630_5th_annai.pdf, Domestic conference
30 Jun. 2022
30 Jun. 2022- 30 Jun. 2022 - [Invited] Optical metrology with optical frequency comb using arbitrary control of optical pulses in time domain
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Ultrafast Optoelectronics Technical Group (UFO), Invited, Ultrafast Optoelectronics Technical Group (UFO), 電気通信大学, Domestic conference
21 Jun. 2022
21 Jun. 2022- 21 Jun. 2022 - High-Resolution Hyperspectral Imaging Including Amplitude and Phase Spectra Using Chirped Optical Frequency Comb (SS1A.5)
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2022, OSA, San Jose (virtual), Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 May 2022
15 May 2022- 20 May 2022 - Near-Infrared Dual-Comb Spectroscopy for Direct Characterization of Optical Responses in Metamaterials (SM3F.3)
Akifumi Asahara; Atsushi Sugita; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2022, OSA, San Jose (virtual), Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 May 2022
15 May 2022- 20 May 2022 - Injection Locking of two CW Lasers via a Kerr Microresonator Soliton Comb for low Noise THz Generation (SM2F.7)
Naoya Kuse; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2022, OSA, San Jose (virtual), Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 May 2022
15 May 2022- 20 May 2022 - Thermal Control of Kerr Microresonator Soliton Comb via an Optical Sideband (STu1C.7)
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2022, OSA, San Jose (virtual), Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 May 2022
15 May 2022- 20 May 2022 - Low Noise 560 GHz Generation From a Fiber-Referenced Kerr Microresonator Soliton Comb (JW3B.1)
Naoya Kuse; Kenji Nishimoto; Tokizane; Okada; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2022, OSA, San Jose (virtual), Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 May 2022
15 May 2022- 20 May 2022 - Ultrafast Wavefront Control of Femtosecond Pulses Using Optical Phased Array Based on Optical Frequency Comb (JW3B.101)
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2022, OSA, San Jose (virtual), Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 May 2022
15 May 2022- 20 May 2022 - Quasi-Real-Time Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Based on 750-MHz Yb:Fiber Combs Unfolding Aliasing Down-Sampled Spectra (JW3B.97
Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2022, OSA, San Jose (virtual), Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 May 2022
15 May 2022- 20 May 2022 - Low Noise Coherently Synthesized Two-Color Electro-Optic Frequency Comb (JW3B.98)
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2022, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
19 May 2022
15 May 2022- 20 May 2022 - Reduction of Temperature Drift in Refractive-Index-Sensing Optical Frequency Comb by Mechanical-Sharing Dual-Fiber-Cavity Configuration (JTh3A.26
宮村, 麻植; 加治佐; 田上; 南川, 中嶋; 美濃島, 安井
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2022, OSA, San Jose (virtual), Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 May 2022
15 May 2022- 20 May 2022 - Application for mid-infrared dual-comb gas spectroscopy with bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser
Jiajie Li; Akifumi Asahara; Haochen Tian; Kazumichi Yoshii; Takashi Kato; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2022, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 Apr. 2022
18 Apr. 2022- 22 Apr. 2022 - Broadband Coherently Synthesized Two-color Electro-Optic frequency comb
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2022, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 Apr. 2022
18 Apr. 2022- 22 Apr. 2022 - Displacement measurement with self-correction of air refractive index using the envelope and phase relationship of optical frequency comb pulse
Takuho Tanaka; Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2022, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
19 Apr. 2022
18 Apr. 2022- 22 Apr. 2022 - Dead-Zone Free Single-Shot Three-Dimensional Measurement Using a High-Repetition-Rate Yb:Fiber Comb
Kurata; Ishii; Terada; Morito; Tian; Kato; Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2022, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 Apr. 2022
18 Apr. 2022- 22 Apr. 2022 - Control of femtosecond pulse wavefront by optical phased array using frequency-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2022, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 Apr. 2022
18 Apr. 2022- 22 Apr. 2022 - Hyperspectral imaging using chirped spectral interference with phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2022, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 Apr. 2022
18 Apr. 2022- 22 Apr. 2022 - A method of utilizing phase in spectroscopy using dual-comb laseri-real-time dual-comb spectroscopy of acetylene using 751-MHz Yb:fiber combsyperspectral imaging using chirped spectral interference with phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Takeru Endo; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2022, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 Apr. 2022
18 Apr. 2022- 22 Apr. 2022 - Quasi-real-time dual-comb spectroscopy of acetylene using 751-MHz Yb:fiber combsyperspectral imaging using chirped spectral interference with phase-controlled optical frequency comb
Haochen Tian; Runmin Li; Takashi Kato; Runchen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2022, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 Apr. 2022
18 Apr. 2022- 22 Apr. 2022 - Complex Optical Properties of Sprit-Ring Resonator Metamaterials Characterized by Near-infrared Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Atsushi Sugita; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2022, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Peer-reviewed, International conference
19 Apr. 2022
18 Apr. 2022- 22 Apr. 2022 - [Invited] Versatile control of optical waves with optical frequency combs and its applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, OPIC Seminar, Invited, Optics Photonics International Conference, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
20 Apr. 2022
20 Apr. 2022- 20 Apr. 2022 - Hyperspectral imaging using spectral interference of a chirped optical frequency comb
Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
25 Mar. 2022 - Active canceling of background signal using broadband antiphase comb pulse
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
25 Mar. 2022 - Displacement measurement by self-referenced correction of air refractive index using the envelope and phase relationship of optical frequency comb pulse
Takuho Tanaka; Kanyo Akuzawa; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
25 Mar. 2022 - Rapid and easy-to-use Mid-IR dual comb gas spectroscopy with bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser
Jiajie Li; Akifumi Asahara; Haochen Tian; Kazumichi Yoshii; Takashi Kato; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
25 Mar. 2022 - Towards optical phased array using frequency-controlled optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
25 Mar. 2022 - Characterization Technique using Dual-comb Spectroscopy Applied for Metamaterials
Akifumi Asahara; Atsushi Sugita; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2022, JSAP, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
24 Mar. 2022 - Spatio-temporal control and manipulation technology of light by optical frequency comb and its application
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP Meeting, Invited, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo (Hybrid), Domestic conference
22 Mar. 2022 - Generation of a mW-class mid-infrared comb using a waveguide-type PPLN crystal and its application to the dual-comb spectrometer
Kazumichi Yoshii; Naoya Kuse; Kazuki Inoue; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society Japan Annual Meeting, LSJ, 0nline, Domestic conference
22 Jan. 2022 - High-precision air refractive index correction by single-wavelength two-color method using high-resolution detection of envelope and phase of an optical frequency comb
Takuho Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society Japan Annual Meeting, LSJ, 0nline, Domestic conference
22 Jan. 2022 - Dynamical three-dimensional imaging by use of real-time broadband phase-difference evaluation of optical frequency comb pulse
Tamaki Morito; Takashi Kato; Yasuhisa Nekoshima; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society Japan Annual Meeting, LSJ, 0nline, Domestic conference
22 Jan. 2022 - Simple method for phase selective spectroscopy with dual-comb lasers
Takeru Endo; Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society Japan Annual Meeting, LSJ, 0nline, Domestic conference
22 Jan. 2022 - Application for solid state spectroscopy using versatility of dual-comb spectroscopy, E01-12a-V-01
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society Japan Annual Meeting, Invited, Laser Society of Japan, online, Domestic conference
12 Jan. 2022 - A broadband visible frequency comb generation in a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide
Kazumichi Yoshii; Junia Nomura; Kaho Taguchi; Yusuke Hisai; Feng-Lei Hong; Takeshi Yasui, Kaoru; Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society Japan Annual Meeting, Invited, Laser Society of Japan, online, Domestic conference
12 Jan. 2022 - Fundamental of optical frequency comb and recent application trends
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Webinar, Invited, Japan Society of Next Generation Sensor Technology, Tokyo (virtual), Domestic conference
23 Dec. 2021 - History of development and innovative applications of optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Webinar, Invited, EIC, Tokyo (virtual), Domestic conference
17 Dec. 2021 - Simple phase-utilization spectroscopy using mechanical noise shared dual-comb fiber laser system
Takeru Endo; Yugo Kusumi; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, "Next Generation Fiber Laser 2021", Laser Society Japan, LSJ, Nagoya, Hybrid, Domestic conference
12 Nov. 2021 - Coherent synchronization using mechanical noise sharing in dual-wavelength fiber combs
Tatsuya Hasegawa; Yugo Kusum; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, "Next Generation Fiber Laser 2021", Laser Society Japan, LSJ, Nagoya, Hybrid, Domestic conference
12 Nov. 2021 - Noise suppression in dual-comb spectroscopy by controlling carrier-envelope phase of fiber optical frequency combs
Ruichen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, "Next Generation Fiber Laser 2021", Laser Society Japan, LSJ, Nagoya, Hybrid, Domestic conference
12 Nov. 2021 - Application for mid-IR spectroscopy of bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser with nonlinear wavelength conversion
Jiajie Li; Akifumi Asahara; Haochen Tian; Kazumichi Yoshii; Takashi Kato; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan 2021, OSJ, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
28 Oct. 2021 - Study on high-speed acquisition method for spatial distribution of spectral characteristics using dual-comb spectroscopy
Seishiro Akiyama; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan 2021, OSJ, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
28 Oct. 2021 - Low-frequency noise suppression in dual-comb spectroscopy using coherent control of optical frequency comb
Ruichen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan 2021, OSJ, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
28 Oct. 2021 - Evaluation of relative coherence between two optical combs in different wavelength region synchronized by mechanical sharing mechanism
Tatsuya Hasegawa; Yugo Kusum; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan 2021, OSJ, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
28 Oct. 2021 - 導波路型PPLN結晶による広帯域中赤外コム発生と分光への応用
Kazumichi Yoshii; Naoya Kuse; Kazuki Inoue; Daiki Masunaga; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan 2021, OSJ, Tokyo, Hybrid, Domestic conference
28 Oct. 2021 - Advancement of optical measurement techniques using versatile control of optical waves with optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Nano Testing symposium (NANOTS 2021), Invited, Nano Testing Society, Tokyo (virtual), Domestic conference
25 Oct. 2021 - 750-MHz repetition rate phase-linked Yb-fiber lasers for dual-comb spectroscopy
Haochen Tian; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
13 Sep. 2021 - Phase locking of two-color Electro-optic frequency combs generated with common modulators for coherent synthesis
Runmin Li; Haochen Tian; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
13 Sep. 2021 - 光コムパルス列の広帯域位相差判定法による全光ヒルベルト変換を用いた瞬時3次元形状計測法の高精度化
Tamaki Morito; Takashi Kato; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - 位相制御された光周波数コムのパルス間干渉による波面合成の原理検証
Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - 高精度形状計測のための光コムパルスの高分解能エンベロープ位置検出法の開発
Takuho Tanaka; Yoshikazu Kawai; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - 光コムによる量子もつれ光子生成と時間分解検出法の検討
Shigeki Sakuma; Hiroki Oshima; Tatsuya Hasegawa; Akifumi Asahara; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - 双方向動作型モード同期ファイバレーザーを用いたコヒーレント中赤外光発生とデュアルコム分光への応用
Jiajie Li; Haochen Tian; Kazumichi Yoshii; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - 機械共有型デュアルコムレーザーを用いた位相情報を活用した分光測定法の検討
Takeru Endo; Yugo Kusumi; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - 単一フォトディテクターによる直列式周波数変調コムLiDAR
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - マイクロ・ソリトンコムの光サイドバンドによる熱冷却
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - マイクロ・ソリトンコムの高速・広範囲周波数掃引と周波数変化測定
Naoya Kuse; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - 導波路型PPLN結晶を用いた広帯域中赤外デュアルコム分光計の開発
Kazumichi Yoshii; Noaya Kuse; Kazuki Inoue; Taisuke Masunaga; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2021 - Advancement of highly functional optical measurement technology by precise control of optical waves with optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Sensing Symposium (LSS39), Invited, Laser Sensing Society, Tokyo (virtual), Domestic conference
01 Sep. 2021 - Birth of Optical Frequency Comb and its Advancement
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, International Day of Light Symposium ~60 year anniversary of Laser~, Invited, Science Council of Japan, Tokyo (virtual), Domestic conference
21 May 2021 - 光コムのコヒーレント制御による干渉位相差制御を用いたデュアルコム分光法の感度向上
Ruichen Zhu; Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, UFO, 電子情報通信学会, オンライン, Domestic conference
19 May 2021 - 光コムパルスのエンベロープと位相関係を用いた高精度な形状計測法の開発
Takuho Tanaka; Yoshikazu Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, UFO, 電子情報通信学会, オンライン, Domestic conference
19 May 2021 - Highly Functional Dual-Comb Spectroscopy for Versatile Physical Property Evaluation of Solid Samples
Takuto Adachi; Ruichen Zhu; Seishiro Akiyama; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2021, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
13 May 2021 - Orbital Angular Momentum-dependent Phase Detection using Single-pixel Dual-comb Spectroscopy towards Versatile Manipulation of Optical Vortex Light-wave
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2021, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
13 May 2021 - Orbital Angular Momentum-dependent Phase Detection using Single-pixel Dual-comb Spectroscopy towards Versatile Manipulation of Optical Vortex Light-wave
Takuto Adachi; Ruichen Zhu; Seishiro Akiyama; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2021, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
13 May 2021 - Ultrafast phenomena induced in crystal by one-shot three-dimensional imaging with optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2021, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
12 May 2021 - Frequency-Modulated Comb LiDAR Without Wavelength Division de-Multiplexer
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2021, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
10 May 2021 - Simultaneous Detection of Distance and Velocity via Asymmetric Carrier-Suppressed Double Sideband Modulation With a Kerr-Microresonator Soliton Comb
Hiroki Kitora; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2021, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
10 May 2021 - Phase Noise Reduction of a Dissipative Kerr-Microresonator Soliton Comb by a Sideband Cooling Without Wavelength Division de-Multiplexer
Naoya Kuse; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2021, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
10 May 2021 - Rapid and Large Scanning of a Microresonator Soliton Comb With the Frequency-Shift Tracking of all Comb Modes
Naoya Kuse; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2021, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
10 May 2021 - Optical Phase Spectral Control of Orbital Angular Momentum Modes Studied by Dual-comb Imaging Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS2021, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
20 Apr. 2021 - High-precision mutual control of two-color fiber combs
Tatsuya Hasegawa; Yugo Kusumi; Shigeki Sakuma; Akifumi Asahara; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS2021, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
20 Apr. 2021 - Development of a broadband phase-difference evaluation system for optical frequency combs using spectral interference fringe detection
Tamaki Morito; Takashi Kato; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2021, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
19 Apr. 2021 - One-shot three-dimensional phase imaging with optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2021, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
19 Apr. 2021 - Sensitivity improvement in dual-comb spectroscopy by tailoring the phase-slip in the interference signals
Ruichen Zhu; Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2021, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
19 Apr. 2021 - シングルピクセルデュアルコム分光による多重光渦の位相検出
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP Spring Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2021 - 任意な位相・振幅操作による光波形生成とその再現性
Akihiro Tomura; Chiaki Ohae; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP Spring Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2021 - 全光ヒルベルト変換で瞬時計測された波面位相による瞬時3次元計測
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP Spring Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2021 - スペクトル干渉縞検出による光コムパルスのリアルタイム広帯域絶対位相差判定手法の構築
Tamaki Morito; Takashi Kato; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP Spring Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2021 - デュアルコム分光法における干渉位相制御による高感度化の検討
Ruichen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP Spring Meeting, 2021, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2021 - 機械共有による受動相互コヒーレントな全偏波保持ファイバコムシステムの開発
Yugo Kusumi; Tatsuya Hasegawa; Shigeki Sakuma; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Annual Meeting of The Laser Socity of Japan, The Laser Society of Japan, online, Domestic conference
20 Jan. 2021 - 受賞記念:デュアルコムファイバレーザーの展開
中嶋 善晶; 美濃島 薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会第41回年次大会, Invited, レーザー学会, Online, https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/lsj41/subject/B10-20p-II-01/advanced, Domestic conference
20 Jan. 2021 - デュアルコム分光法による電気光学効果測定の高度化
Takuto Adachi; Ruichen Zhu; Seishiro Akiyama; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Annual Meeting of The Laser Socity of Japan, The Laser Society of Japan, online, Domestic conference
19 Jan. 2021 - Development of magnetic materials evaluation system using dual comb spectroscopy
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society of Japan, Invited, Laser Society of Japan, online, Domestic conference
18 Jan. 2021 - 光コムを用いた瞬時3次元形状計測技術
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, 第2回光センシング技術部会Web講演会, Invited, JOEM, online, Domestic conference
21 Dec. 2020 - Precision measurements with optical frequency comb beyond frequency metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, IFMI & ISPEMI 2020, (Plenary), Invited, Beijing, China (in hybrid format), International conference
12 Dec. 2020 - High Speed, High Sensitivity, and High Resolution Methane Gas Analysis using Dual-comb
Ruichen Zhu; Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, Irago2020, Irago, online, International conference
11 Dec. 2020 - 独立したファイバレーザーの機械的ノイズ共有による相対安定性向上
Yugo Kusumi; Tatsuya Hasegawa; Shigeki Sakuma; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, Fiber Laser Meeting, The Laser Socity of Japan, The Laser Society of Japan, online, Domestic conference
27 Nov. 2020 - 波長帯の異なる 2 種のファイバコムの高精度同期制御
Tatsuya Hasegawa; Yugo Kusumi; Shigeki Sakuma; Akifumi Asahara; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, Fiber Laser Meeting, The Laser Socity of Japan, The Laser Society of Japan, online, Domestic conference
27 Nov. 2020 - チャープしたスペクトル干渉縞による光コムパルスの広帯域位相差検出法の開発
Tamaki Morito; Takashi Kato; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan 2020, OSJ, online, Domestic conference
17 Nov. 2020 - 光コムによる瞬時3次元計測手法を用いたピコ秒イメージング
Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Kazuhiro Terada; Shintaro Kurata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan 2020, OSJ, online, Domestic conference
17 Nov. 2020 - 高繰り返しYbファイバコムを用いた瞬時形状計測の範囲拡大
Shintaro Kurata; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Morito; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan 2020, OSJ, online, Domestic conference
17 Nov. 2020 - Fiber-based optical frequency comb applications beyond frequency metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, Advanced Fiber Laser Conference AFL 2020, (Keynote), Invited, The Chinese Society for Optical Engineering, Chansha, China (in hybrid format), https://b2b.csoe.org.cn/meeting/AFL2020.html, International conference
07 Nov. 2020 - Optical coherence synthesizer with optical frequency comb [ME1.4]
Kaoru Minoshima; Akifumi Asahara
Invited oral presentation, English, IEEE IPC (invited), Invited, IEEE, Vancouver in virtual format, https://ipc2020.exordo.com/programme/presentation/121, International conference
28 Sep. 2020 - Detection of Optical Vortices with Various Topological Charges using Single-pixel Dual-comb Imaging
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, FiO+LS 2020, OSA, Washington DC (virtual), https://www.frontiersinoptics.com/home/, International conference
14 Sep. 2020 - Terahertz-wave generation by a microresonator soliton comb 2
Yu Tokizane; Kenji Nishimoto; Naoya Kuse; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
11 Sep. 2020 - 2種のファイバコムを用いた波長帯の異なるパルスの高精度タイミング同期法の開発
Tatsuya Hasegawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Jiajie Li; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2020 - デュアルコムイメージング分光による光渦のトポロジカルチャージ検出
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2020 - デュアルコム分光と光渦を組み合わせた角度測定における高度化
Seishiro Akiyama; Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2020 - マイクロ・ソリトンコムの位相雑音測定
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2020 - 光コムのスペクトル干渉を用いたパルス位相差安定化法の高精度化の検討
Tamaki Morito; Takashi Kato; Kazuhiro Terada; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
08 Sep. 2020 - 干渉画像検出光学系の改良による瞬時3次元像の高画質化
Takashi Kato; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Morito; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
08 Sep. 2020 - デュアル屈折率センシング光コム
Oe, Takeo Minamikawa; Taue; Yugo Kusumi; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020, JSAP, online, Domestic conference
08 Sep. 2020 - Fully scan-less three dimensional imaging using optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima; Takashi Kato
Invited oral presentation, English, EOSAM (invited), Invited, EOS (European Optical Society), Poland in virtual format, https://www.europeanoptics.org/pages/events/eosam2020/toms/tom6.html, International conference
07 Sep. 2020 - Complex optical response measurement of solid material to external fields by dual-comb spectroscopy
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2020, OSA, IEEE, Sydney in virtual format, International conference
05 Aug. 2020 - All-polarization-maintaining dual-comb fiber laser system comprised of two free-running mode-locked fiber lasers with a mechanical sharing scheme
Yugo Kusumi; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2020, OSA, IEEE, Syndney in virtual format, International conference
04 Aug. 2020 - 光コムの光渦研究への応用
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 精密委員会, Invited, 精密委員会, UEC, virtual, Domestic conference
16 Jul. 2020 - Engineered generation of a specfic Stokes order in stimulated Raman scattering process
Liu, W; Ohae, C; Zheng, J; Tahara, S; Suzuki, M; Minoshima, K; Katsuragawa, M
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2020, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
13 May 2020 - Ultra-Broadband Single-Branch Optical Frequency Comb Using a Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate Waveguide
Yoshii, Kazumichi; Hong, Feng-Lei; Yasui, Takeshi; Minoshima, Kaoru; Kuse, Naoya
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2020, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
13 May 2020 - Generation of a dissipative Kerr-microresonator soliton comb pumped by a MHz linewidth DFB laser
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2020, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
13 May 2020 - Mid-Infrared Dual-Comb Fiber Laser from 3.2 to 4.4 μm
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kazumichi Yoshii; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2020, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
13 May 2020 - Spatiotemporal Characterization of Optical Vortex Light-wave using Hyperspectral Dual-comb Imaging
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2020, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
12 May 2020 - Pico-second single-pulse three-dimensional imaging with an optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Hirotaka Ishii; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Morito; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2020, OSA, San Jose (virtual), International conference
12 May 2020 - Intelligent Optical Synthesizer: Versatile Control of Optical Waves with Frequency Combs Towards Innovative Applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, CLEO:2020 (Plenary Talk), Invited, OSA, IEEE, APS, San Jose, USA (in virtual format), https://www.cleoconference.org/home/program/plenary-speakers/#Minoshima, International conference
12 May 2020 - Dual-comb spectroscopy of dispersion properties in solid-state optical response
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2020, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
20 Apr. 2020 - Development of Highly Coherent All-Polarization-Maintaining Dual-Comb Fiber Laser with Simple Mechanical Sharing
Yugo Kusumi; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2020, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
20 Apr. 2020 - Hyperspectral Spatial Phase Detection of Optical Vortices using Single-pixel Imaging and Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2020, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
20 Apr. 2020 - Pico-second single-pulse three-dimensional imaging with an optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Hirotaka Ishii; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Morito; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS2020, The Laser Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama in virtual format, International conference
20 Apr. 2020 - Application of dual-comb spectroscopy to EO effect measurement
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Masayuki Shirakawa; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2020, JSAP, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Domestic conference
14 Mar. 2020 - One-shot three-dimension imaging of ultrafast phenomena with single pulse imaging
Takashi Kato; Hirotaka Ishii; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Moritoh; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2020, JSAP, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Domestic conference
14 Mar. 2020 - Stabilization of pulse phase difference using spectral interference fringe detection for all-optical Hilbert transform with optical frequency comb
Tamaki Moritoh; Takashi Kato; Kazuhiro Terada; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2020, JSAP, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Domestic conference
14 Mar. 2020 - Investigation of precise pulse synchronization method with two fiber combs
Tatsuya Hasegawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Jiajie Li; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2020, JSAP, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Domestic conference
14 Mar. 2020 - Scan-less Confocal Dual-comb Microscopy using Dual-comb fiber laser
Takahiko Mizuno; Yuya Hata; Takuya Tsuda; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takeshi Yasui; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2020, JSAP, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Domestic conference
14 Mar. 2020 - Topological charge dependence in angle measurement by combining dual-comb spectroscopy and optical vortex
Seishiro Akiyama; Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2020, JSAP, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Domestic conference
13 Mar. 2020 - Hyperspectral Imaging of Optical Vortices using Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Seishiro Akiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2020, JSAP, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Domestic conference
13 Mar. 2020 - Terahertz-wave generation by a microresonator soliton comb
Yu Tokizane; Kenji Nishimoto; Naoya Kuse; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2020, JSAP, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Domestic conference
13 Mar. 2020 - Generation of a dissipative Kerr-microresonator soliton comb pumped by a distributed feedback laser
Kenji Nishimoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui; Naoya Kuse
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2020, JSAP, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Domestic conference
12 Mar. 2020 - Expansion of measurement range by changing topological charge in angle measurement using dual-comb spectroscopy and optical vortex
Seishiro Akiyama; Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 20th LSJ Tokyo seminar, LSJ, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2020 - Investigation of precise pulse synchronization method with fiber combs with different wavelengths
Tatsuya Hasegawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Jiejie Li; Ryosuke Shimizu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 20th LSJ Tokyo seminar, LSJ, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2020 - Development of multi-channel spectrometer for Stabilizing pulse phase difference for all-optical Hilbert transform with optical frequency comb
Tamaki Moritoh; Takashi Kato; Hirotaka Ishii; Kazuhiro Terada; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 20th LSJ Tokyo seminar, LSJ, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2020 - Stability improvement research of pulse-to-pulse interferometer using envelope and carrier phase of optical comb
Yoshikazu Kawai; Tomohiro Makino; Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Guanhao Wu; T. R. Schibli; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 20th LSJ Tokyo seminar, LSJ, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2020 - Expanding the measurement range of a non-scanning 3D imaging with all-optical Hilbert transform using optical frequency comb
Kazuhiro Terada; Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Hirotaka Ishii; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 20th LSJ Tokyo seminar, LSJ, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2020 - Development and assessment of mode-filtering technique based on polarization-maintaining-fiber-based external cavity for optical frequency comb
Shota Yanagisawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 20th LSJ Tokyo seminar, LSJ, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2020 - Optical-frequency-comb microscopy with laser-scanning configuration for simultaneous and spectroscopic amplitude, quantitative phase, and polarization imaging
Takeo Minamikawa; Shota Nakano; Eiji Hase; Akifumi Asahara; Hidenori Koresawa; Takahiko Mizuno; Katsuya Sato; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West 2020, SPIE, The Moscone Center San Francisco, USA, International conference
06 Feb. 2020 - Single-shot three-dimensional imaging with all-optical information processing using phase-controlled chirped optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Hirotaka Ishii; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Moritoh; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West 2020, SPIE, The Moscone Center San Francisco, USA, International conference
04 Feb. 2020 - High-coherence nonlinear wavelength conversion of dual-comb fiber laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kazumichi Yoshii; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan, The Laser Society of Japan, Sendai International Center, Domestic conference
21 Jan. 2020 - Advancement of fiber-based frequency comb laser
Kaoru Minoshima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society of Japan, Invited, Laser Society of Japan, Sendai, Domestic conference
21 Jan. 2020 - 能動的に様々な形態に操作される非線形光学過程, A05-22a-IV-01
Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Weiyong Liu; Soma Tahara; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society of Japan, Invited, Laser Society of Japan, Sendai, Domestic conference
21 Jan. 2020 - High-coherence nonlinear wavelength conversion of dual-comb fiber laser,
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kazumichi Yoshii; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2019, LSJ, Sendai international center, Domestic conference
20 Jan. 2020 - Improvement and Quantitative Evaluation of Dual-comb based Asynchronous Optical Sampling Method
Tomohito Saito; Akifumi Asahara; Kouichi Akahane; Kaoru Minoshima; Junko Ishi-Hayase
Poster presentation, English, Industry-UCB-UEC-Keio Workshop 2019 (IUUKWS 2019), Keio University, Keio University Hiyoshi Campus, https://www.uec.ac.jp/news/event/2019/pdf/20191112_2242_3.pdf#page=50, International conference
10 Dec. 2019 - 偏光変調コムを利用した円二色性計測システムの開発と評価
Masayuki Shirakawa; Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, OPJ2019, OSJ, Convention center, Osaka university, Domestic conference
05 Dec. 2019 - Development of magnetic materials evaluation system using dual comb spectroscopy
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2019, Invited, OSJ, Osaka Convention Center, Domestic conference
03 Dec. 2019 - Complex tensor spectrum measurement of solid materials with dual-comb spectroscopy
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2019, OSJ, Convention center, Osaka university, Domestic conference
02 Dec. 2019 - Relative linewidth of all-polarization-maintaining dual-comb fiber laser with mechanical sharing scheme
Yugo Kusumi; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2019, OSJ, Convention center, Osaka university, Domestic conference
02 Dec. 2019 - Investigation of expanding the measurement range of a non-scanning 3D imaging with all-optical Hilbert transform using a phase control of optical frequency comb
Kazuhiro Terada; Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2019, OSJ, Convention center, Osaka university, Domestic conference
02 Dec. 2019 - One-shot 3D imaging using ultrafast all-optical Hilbert transform with chirped optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Hirotaka Ishii; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Moritoh; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, The 8th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference(APOS2019), Invited, The University Of Auckland Science Centre
21 Nov. 2019 - デュアルコムファイバレーザーのコヒーレントな波長域の拡大
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第538回研究会「ファイバレーザー技術」, LSJ, Nagoya University Venture Business Laboratory, Domestic conference
15 Nov. 2019 - フリーランニング双方向動作型デュアルコムファイバレーザーの分光応用
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第538回研究会「ファイバレーザー技術」, LSJ, Nagoya University Venture Business Laboratory, Domestic conference
15 Nov. 2019 - 750 MHz高繰り返しYbファイバコムによる広範囲無走査三次元形状計測
Hirotaka Ishii; Takashi Kato; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Morito; Bo Xu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会第538回研究会「ファイバレーザー技術」, LSJ, Nagoya University Venture Business Laboratory, Domestic conference
15 Nov. 2019 - 高コヒーレントな波長変換によるデュアルコムファイバレーザーの展開
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, 東北大学電気通信研究所 共同プロジェクト研究会, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Domestic conference
13 Nov. 2019 - Dual-comb spectroscopy for direct measurement of solid-state optical response
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, Irago conference 2019, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo Toyohashi University of Technology Tokai University, The University of Electro-Communications, Domestic conference
29 Oct. 2019 - Simple and stable mode-locked fiber laser system with mechanical sharing cavities achieving narrow relative linewidth for dual-comb spectroscopy, P072,
Yugo Kusumi; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, Irago conference 2019, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo Toyohashi University of Technology Tokai University, The University of Electro-Communications, Domestic conference
29 Oct. 2019 - Scan-less 3D imaging of a meter-size object with all-optical Hilbert transform based on an optical frequency comb
Kazuhiro Terada; Takashi Kato; Tamaki Morito; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, Irago conference 2019, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo Toyohashi University of Technology Tokai University, The University of Electro-Communications, Domestic conference
29 Oct. 2019 - Next generation photonics world opened by optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Kick-off seminar of pLED, Invited, Tokushima University, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
16 Oct. 2019 - 光コム顕微鏡を用いた統合的光計測プラットホームの開発
Shota Nakano; Takeo Minamikawa; Eiji Hase; Akifumi Asahara; Takahiko Mizuno; Katsuya Sato; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, Japanese, ポストLEDフォトニクス公開シンポジウム, Tokushima University, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
15 Oct. 2019 - Refractive index sensor based on a combination of optical frequency comb with intracavity multi-mode interference fiber sensor
Ryo Oe; Takeo Minamikawa; Shuji Taue; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, 7th European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors(EWOFS 2019), Cyprus University of Technolog, Atlantica Miramare Beach Hotel Limassol, Cyprus, International conference
01 Oct. 2019 - Continuous Generation of the Arbitrary Optical Waveform Based on the Optical Frequency Division
C. Ohae; A. Tomura; T. Gavara; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Invited oral presentation, English, UltrafastLight-2019, Invited, Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Russia
30 Sep. 2019 - New Applications Trends of Optical frequency comb using multi-dimensional control in time-space-frequency
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, Ultrafast Optoelectronics Technical Group (UFO), Invited, Ultrafast Optoelectronics Technical Group (UFO), 電気通信大学, Domestic conference
27 Sep. 2019 - Improvement of dual-comb solid-state spectroscopy for complex tensor evaluation
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
21 Sep. 2019 - Ultrafast 3D imaging with pulse picked optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Hirotaka Ishii; Kazuhiro Terada; Tamaki Moritoh; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
21 Sep. 2019 - Consideration of expanding non-scanning 3D shape measurement range by using high-repetition Yb:fiber comb
Hirotaka Ishii; Takashi Kato; Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Isao Matsushima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
21 Sep. 2019 - Ultra-broadband Bidirectional Dual-Comb Fiber Laser with Carrier Envelope Offset Frequency Stabilization
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2019 - Development of two-color interferometry with optical frequency comb and synthetic wavelength for high-accuracy shape measurement under air turbulence
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2019 - Improvement and Quantitative Evaluation of Asynchronous Optical Sampling Method using Dual-comb towards Semiconductor Physics
Tomohito Saito; Akifumi Asahara; Kouichi Akahane; Kaoru Minoshima; Junko Ishi-Hayase
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2019 - Biomedical Measurement with Laser Scanning Optical-Frequency-Comb Spectromicroscopy
Shota Nakano; Takeo Minamikawa; Eiji Hase; Akifumi Asahara; Takahiko Mizuno; Katsuya Sato; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2019 - Common noise cancellation of two all-polarization-maintaining mode-locked fiber lasers with mechanical sharing scheme
Yugo Kusumi; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2019 - Improvement of dual-comb fiber laser for practical spectroscopy
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2019 - Improvement of OAM Detection Performance using Dual-vortex-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2019 - Spectral region expansion of dual-comb fiber laser with waveguide PPLN
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kazumichi Yoshii; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2019 - Engineered nonlinear optical processes by implementing an arbitrary phase manipulation
Chiaki Ohae; Weiyong Liu; Jian Zheng; Soma Tahara; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, JPS 2019 Autumn Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan, JPS, Gifu University, Domestic conference
12 Sep. 2019 - レーザー走査型光コム定量位相差顕微鏡によるバイオイメージング
Shota Nakano; Takeo Minamikawa; Eiji Hase; Akifumi Asahara; Takahiko Mizuno; Katsuya Sato; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, Japanese, 生体医工学シンポジウム2019, JSMBE, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2019 - Arbitrary Manipulation of An Optical Waveform and Its Measurement
Akihiro Tomura; Chiaki Ohae; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, URSI-JRSM 2019, IEICE, The University of Electro-Communications, International conference
06 Sep. 2019 - Ultra-broadband Bidirectional Dual-Comb Fiber Laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, URSI-JRSM 2019, IEICE, The University of Electro-Communications, International conference
05 Sep. 2019 - Scan-less 3D imaging using ultrafast all-optical information conversion with chirped optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima; Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka
Invited oral presentation, English, SPIE Optics+Photonics (invited), Invited, SPIE, San Diego, USA, International conference
12 Aug. 2019 - Engineered generation of high order stimulated Raman scatterings
Chiaki Ohae; Weiyong Liu; Jian Zheng; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, Nonlinear Optics (NLO2019), OSA, Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, International conference
16 Jul. 2019 - 光コムの位相制御性を活用した新奇分光応用
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 国際光デーシンポジウム2019, 日本学術総合工学委員会ICO分科会, Science Council of Japan, Domestic conference
28 Jun. 2019 - 光コムと全帯域位相制御による光演算を用いた高解像度瞬時3次元計測
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 44th Optical Symposium, OSJ, Univ. Tokyo, Domestic conference
28 Jun. 2019 - 広い自由度をもってデザインされる非線形光学過程 -水素・反水素のレーザー冷却を目指して-
Jian Zheng; Chiaki Ohae; Weiyong Liu; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Poster presentation, Japanese, 国際光デーシンポジウム2019, 日本学術総合工学委員会ICO分科会, Science Council of Japan, Domestic conference
28 Jun. 2019 - Laser-scanning Optical-Fre-quency-Comb Spectromicroscopy
Shota Nakano; Takeo Minamikawa; Eiji Hase; Akifumi Asahara; Takahiko Mizuno; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019, European Physical Society, The ICM Centre of the Munich Trade Fair Centre, International conference
27 Jun. 2019 - Optical frequency comb for versatile manipulation of optical waves: Fundamentals and New Applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Optics Sympojium, Tutorial, Invited, 日本光学会, 東京大学駒場, Domestic conference
26 Jun. 2019 - New Optical Comb Spectroscopy Combined with Optical Vortex
Akiifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, PIERS 2019 Rome (Invited), Invited, Rome, Italy, International conference
19 Jun. 2019 - 光コムによる精密かつ高解像度な瞬時3次元計測
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 58th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, JSMBE, Okinawa Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Jun. 2019 - Introduction of group activities:Generation and applications of optical frequency comb beyond a frequency ruler
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, Stanford University Seminar, Invited, International conference
10 May 2019 - Combination of Lock-in Detection with Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Hidenori Koresawa; Kyuki Shibuya; Akifumi Asahara; Takeo Minamikawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2019, OSA, San Jose, International conference
09 May 2019 - Stabilized All-Fiber-Based Mode-Filtering Technique for the Generation of a GHz-Repetition-Rate Frequency Comb
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Akiko Nishiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2019, OSA, San Jose, International conference
08 May 2019 - High-Coherence Ultra-Broadband Dual-Comb Fiber Laser with Carrier-Envelope-Offset Frequency
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takuya Hariki; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2019, OSA, San Jose, International conference
08 May 2019 - All-Polarization-Maintaining, Polarization-Multiplexed Mode-Locked Er-Fiber Laser with Nonlinear Amplifying Loop Mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2019, OSA, San Jose, International conference
07 May 2019 - All-optical Hilbert transform with optical frequency comb for one-shot three-dimensional imaging
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2019, OSA, San Jose, International conference
06 May 2019 - Orbital Angular Momentum-resolved Dual-comb Spectroscopy towards Topological Material Studies
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2019, OSA, San Jose, International conference
06 May 2019 - Tailored generation of a highly-discrete Raman type comb
Weiyong Liu; Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Soma Tahara; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Poster presentation, English, ALPS '19, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2019 - Dual-comb Spectroscopy Technique for Magneto-optic Effect Measurements
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Yue Wang; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS '19, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2019 - Development of Dual-Comb Faraday Effect Measurement Equipment
Yusuke Odagiri; Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Masayuki Shirakawa; Yue Wang; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS '19, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2019 - Development of broadband bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser with narrow relative linewidth
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS '19, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2019 - High-accuracy shape measurement technique using two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs with air fluctuation compensation
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS '19, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2019 - Rapid Characterization of Orbital Angular Momentum Spectrum of Arbitrary Optical Vortex using Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '19, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
22 Apr. 2019 - Bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser with controllability of carrier-envelope-offset frequency
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '19, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
22 Apr. 2019 - Mutually coherent all-polarization-maintained dual-comb fiber laser with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '19, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
22 Apr. 2019 - One-shot three-dimensional imaging using a stabilized all-optical Hilbert transform with optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '19, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
22 Apr. 2019 - Intelligent Optical Synthesizer: versatile control of optical waves enables studies from molecular physics to astronomy
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, 2019 Hermann Anton Haus Lecture, RLE, MIT (Special Lecture), Invited, RLE, MIT, MIT, Boston, USA, International conference
11 Apr. 2019 - プロジェクト成果総括
美濃島 薫
Public discourse, Japanese, 美濃島知的光シンセサイザプロジェクト成果報告会, JST, ERATO美濃島知的光シンセサイザプロジェクト, 電気通信大学
18 Mar. 2019 - 『知的時空間統合化グループ』成果報告
美濃島 薫
Public discourse, Japanese, 美濃島知的光シンセサイザプロジェクト成果報告会, JST, ERATO美濃島知的光シンセサイザプロジェクト, 電気通信大学
18 Mar. 2019 - Tailored Nonlinear Optics by implementing an arbitrary phase manipulation
Chiaki Ohae; Weiyong Liu; Jian Zheng; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, JPS 2019 Annual (74th) Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan, Kyushu University, Ito Campus, Domestic conference
17 Mar. 2019 - Simultaneous measurement of temperature and concentration in liquid sampleusing refractive-index-sensing optical comb (2)~Derivation of temperature and concentration for spectral measurement~
Ryo Oe; Takeo Minamikawa; Syuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Domestic conference
11 Mar. 2019 - Refractive-index sensing using fiber optical frequency comb mode-locked by saturableabsorbed mirror
Ryo Oe; Takeo Minamikawa; Syuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Domestic conference
11 Mar. 2019 - Polarization Measurement with Laser Scanning Optical-Frequency-Comb Spectromicroscopy
Shota Nakano; Takeo Minamikawa; Eiji Hase; Akifumi Asahara; Takahiko Mizuno; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2019 - Faraday rotation Measurements using Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Yue Wang; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2019 - Developments of astro-comb in the visible wavelength region
Hajime Inaba; Keisuke Nakamura; Sho Okubo; Ken Kashiwagi; Malte Schramm; Hong Feng-Lei; Kaoru Minoshima; Hironori Tsutsui; Eiji Kambe; Hideyuki Izumiura
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2019 - Dynamic and high-resolution 3D imaging using an all-optical Hilbert transform by use of optical frequency combs
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2019 - Dual-comb fiber laser with controllability of carrier-envelope-offset frequency
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019, JSAP, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2019 - [Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Development of Orbital Angular Momentum-resolved Dual-vortex-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019, Invited, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus
09 Mar. 2019 - [Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Shape measurement with real-time correction of air fluctuation by use of two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs and synthetic wavelength
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019, Invited, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus
09 Mar. 2019 - Rapid measurement of Faraday rotation angle of magnetic materials by dual-comb spectroscopy
Takuto Adachi; Akifumi Asahara; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Yue Wang; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 19th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
08 Mar. 2019 - Frequency stabilization of passive Q switched Er fiber laser using carbon nanowalls saturable absorber
Yugo Kusumi; Shintaro Kurata; Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Atsushi Izawa; Hiroyuki Nose; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 19th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
08 Mar. 2019 - Sensitivity improvement of distance measurement by repetition rate multiplication with fiber-based cavity
Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 19th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
08 Mar. 2019 - Multi-comb coherent control for material studies
Kaoru Minoshima; Akifumi Asahara
Invited oral presentation, English, American Physical Society March Meeting 2019 (Invited), Invited, Boston, USA, International conference
05 Mar. 2019 - アストロコムの高度化に向けた高繰り返しYbファイバコムの開発
Hirotaka Ishii; Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Isao Matsushima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Thomas Schibli; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 新学術領域「なぜ宇宙は加速するのか?- 徹底的究明と将来への挑戦-」(Why does the Universe accelerate?-Exhaustive study and challenge for the future)-MAR2019, Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall, YITP, Kyoto University, Domestic conference
03 Mar. 2019 - デュアル光コムビートと2次元周波数多重化によるスキャンレス全視野蛍光イメージング
Hidenori Koresawa; Kyuki Shibuya; Akifumi Asahara; Takeo Minamikawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, Japanese, LED総合フォーラム2019 in 徳島, Tokushima University, Tokushima Grandvrio Hotel, Domestic conference
23 Feb. 2019 - レーザー走査型光コム顕微鏡の開発
Shota Nakano; Takeo Minamikawa; Eiji Hase; Akifumi Asahara; Takahiko Mizuno; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, Japanese, LED総合フォーラム2019 in 徳島, Tokushima University, Tokushima Grandvrio Hotel, Domestic conference
23 Feb. 2019 - 光コムによる多彩な精密位相制御と固体分光応用
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光波シンセシス研究グループ研究会「光の絶対位相制御と分光計測・物質操作への応用」, Invited, 光波シンセシス研究グループ, University of Tokyo, Domestic conference
12 Feb. 2019 - Wide axial dynamic range digital holography using multicascade-linked synthetic wavelengths and optical wavelength
Masatomo Yamagiwa; Takeo Minamikawa; Clément Trovato; Takayuki Ogawa; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Takeshi Yasui; Yusuke Kawahito; Ryo Oe; Kyuki Shibuya; Takahiko Mizuno; Emmanuel Abraham; Yasuhiro Mizutani; Tetsuo Iwata; Kaoru Minoshima; Dahi G. Abdelsalam Ibrahim
Poster presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2019, SPIE, The Moscone Center, California, International conference
06 Feb. 2019 - Combination of lock-in detection with dual-comb spectroscopy
Hidenori Koresawa; Kyuki Shibuya; Akifumi Asahara; Takeo Minamikawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2019, SPIE, The Moscone Center, California, International conference
06 Feb. 2019 - Dual-comb-based asynchronous optical sampling to evaluate transient response of quantum dots
Tomohito Saito; Akifumi Asahara; Kouichi Akahane; Kaoru Minoshima; Junko Ishi-Hayase
Poster presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2019, SPIE, The Moscone Center, California, International conference
06 Feb. 2019 - Simultaneous measurement of concentration and temperature in liquid sample using multi-mode interference fiber comb
Ryo Oe; Takeo Minamikawa; Shuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West BiOS 2019, SPIE, The Moscone Center, California, International conference
03 Feb. 2019 - Optical sensing of viscoelastic behavior of photopolymer at micro scale by means of resonant oscillation of micro glass capillary
Satoru Shoji; Kohei Matsumoto; Taiki Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2019, SPIE, The Moscone Center, California, International conference
03 Feb. 2019 - デュアルコム分光法を用いた高速・高精度・高機能な材料特性評価法 【ERATO】,
Kaoru Minoshima
Others, Japanese, JST New Technology Presentaion Meetings, JST, K's Gobancho Tokyo, Domestic conference
18 Jan. 2019 - デュアルコム分光法を用いた高速・高精度・高機能な材料特性評価法 【ERATO】
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, JST戦略的創造研究推進事業 新技術説明会 ~エネルギー・計測~, JST, 東京, https://shingi-cms.jst.go.jp/list/kisoken/2016_kisoken1.html
18 Jan. 2019 - Target expansion in no-scanning 3D imaging method with sum-frequency generation of chirped optical frequency combs
Yurina Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2019 - Highly qualified one shot 3D imaging using ultrafast optical computing by optical frequency combs
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2019 - High-accuracy extended-range shape measurement using two-color optical frequency comb interferometry
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2019 - Bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser which is capable of carrier-envelope-offset frequency detection
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2019 - Extended application of dual-comb spectroscopy for magneto-optical characterizations
Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Yusuke Odagiri; Masayuki Shirakawa; Yue Wang; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2019 - デュアルコム分光法によるファラデー効果測定装置の開発
Yusuke Odagiri; Akifumi Asahara; Takuto Adachi; Masayuki Shirakawa; Yue Wang; Chikako Ishibashi; Satoshi Hatano; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2019 - ステップ状試料を用いたデュアルコム分光による屈折率精密測定
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ichiro Shoji; Takashi Notake; Hiroaki Minamide; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2019 - 人為位相制御による非線形光波長変換の自在な操作
Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Weiyong Liu; Tregubov Dmitrii; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2019 - Development of all-polarization maintaining fiber-based dual-frequency-comb with narrow relative linewidth
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
12 Jan. 2019 - Realization of the narrow relative linewidth in a broadband bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
12 Jan. 2019 - Stabilization of mode filtering of optical frequency comb using fiber cavity for distance measurement
Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Domestic conference
12 Jan. 2019 - Erフェムト秒レーザーによる可視天文コムの開発
Sho Okubo; Keisuke Nakamura; Malte Schramm; Feng-Lei Hong; Ken Kashiwagi; Kaoru Minoshima; Hironori Tsutsui; Eiji Kambe; Hideyuki Izumiura; Hajime Inaba
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2018, Invited, Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University Takanawa Campus
12 Jan. 2019 - New applications of versatile optical wave manipulation by use of optical frequency comb beyond a frequency ruler (Special Lecture)
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Tianjin University Seminar, Invited, Beijing, China, International conference
21 Dec. 2018 - Applications of optical frequency comb beyond a frequency ruler
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Seminar on Precision Measurement by Optical Frequency Comb, Invited, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, International conference
20 Dec. 2018 - New trends in applications of optical frequency comb beyond a frequency ruler
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Femtosecond laser measurement and applications in semiconductor field, Invited, AOE, Beijing, China, International conference
20 Dec. 2018 - fceoの検出と制御が可能なデュアルコムファイバレーザー,
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, 東北大学電気通信研究所 共同プロジェクト研究会, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Domestic conference
12 Dec. 2018 - Spatiotemporal Interferometric Measurements by Combining Optical Combs with Optical Vortices
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, 東北大学電気通信研究所 共同プロジェクト研究会, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Domestic conference
12 Dec. 2018 - Carrier-envelope-offset frequency of dual-comb fiber laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, KEIO symposium on microresonator frequency comb, KEIO, Keio University, Hiyoshi Campus, International conference
04 Dec. 2018 - Optical frequency comb applications beyond frequency metrology by use of versatile optical wave manipulation
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, KEIO symposium on microresonator frequency comb (Keynote), Invited, Keio, Hiyoshi, International conference
04 Dec. 2018 - Progress of length metrology brought by change of the definition of the meter
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Symposium on new definition of the unit, Invited, Science Council of Japan, Tokyo, Domestic conference
02 Dec. 2018 - New trends on metrology application of fiber comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society of Japan Tokyo, Invited, Laser Society of Japan Tokyo, UEC, Domestic conference
30 Nov. 2018 - Development of high-coherent broadband dual-comb fiber laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Yugo Kusumi; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会 第525回研究会「ファイバレーザー技術」, Invited, Laser Society of Japan, Nagoya University, Higashiyama Campus
16 Nov. 2018 - Nonlinear Optical Process Tailored by Arbitrarily Manipulating Relative Phases among Relevant Electromagnetic Fields
Weiyong Liu; Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Invited oral presentation, English, 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND APPLICATIONS (ICPA-10), Invited, Ha Long City, Vietnam, International conference
12 Nov. 2018 - Use of Lock-in Deltection in Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Hidenori Koresawa; Kyuki Shibuya; Akifumi Asahara; Takeo Minamikawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) 2018, OSA, Resort World Sentosa, Singapore, International conference
06 Nov. 2018 - Multi-comb technique for metrological applications with coherent control of optical pulse train
Kaoru Minoshima; Akifumi Asahara
Invited oral presentation, English, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) 2018 (Invited), Invited, Resort World Sentosa, Singapore, International conference
06 Nov. 2018 - Passive mutual stabilization of carrier envelope offset frequency in a bidirectional mode-locked dual-comb fiber laser
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2018, The Optical Society of Japan (OSJ), University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2018 - Development of all polarization-maintaining dual-comb fiber laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2018, The Optical Society of Japan (OSJ), University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2018 - Stabilization of all-fiber-based mode-filtering technique for fiber-based frequency comb
Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2018, The Optical Society of Japan (OSJ), University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2018 - All-optical Hilbert transform based on phase control of optical frequency comb and its application to high-accuracy nonscanning imaging method
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2018, The Optical Society of Japan (OSJ), University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2018 - Application of real-time correction method of air fluctuation using two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs to shape measurement
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2018, The Optical Society of Japan (OSJ), University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2018 - 固体材料の位相屈折率測定のためのデュアルコム分光法の高度化
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ichiro Shoji; Takashi Notake; Hiroaki Minamide; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ2018, The Optical Society of Japan (OSJ), University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2018 - 光コムによる光波の自在操作と周波数物差しを超えた応用展開
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Photonics Innovation Collaborative-Creation Program Seminar, Invited, QD Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics (NanoQuine), Kyoto University Katsura Campus, Domestic conference
24 Oct. 2018 - Versatile optical wave manipulation by use of optical frequency comb and its applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, RIKEN RAP Seminar, Invited, 理化学研究所量子光研究センター, RIKEN RAP, Domestic conference
19 Oct. 2018 - Arbitrary optical waveform at 125THz repetition rate and its application to ultrafast phenomena
Akihiro Tomura; Chiaki Ohae; Gavara Trivikramarao; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, International Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science (UltrafastLight-2018), Russian Foundaion for Basic Research, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, International conference
02 Oct. 2018 - Generation of ultrashort pulses by arbitrarily manipulating amplitudes and phases
Dmitry Tregubov; Chuan Zhang; Liu Weiyong; Chiaki Ohae; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, International Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science (UltrafastLight-2018), Russian Foundaion for Basic Research, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, International conference
02 Oct. 2018 - Multi-mode-interference fiber comb for refractive index sensing
Ryo Oe; Kosuke Nagai; Takeo Minamikawa; Shuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, OFS-26, OSA, Lausanne, International conference
25 Sep. 2018 - Precise Interferometric Measurements for Information along Azimuth Axis using Dual-optical-vortex-comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2018 - Evaluation of carrier envelope offset frequency in a bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2018 - Development of all-polarization maintaining dual-comb fiber laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2018 - Arbitrary continuous optical waveform generation and its application
Akihiro Tomura; Chiaki Ohae; Gavara Trivikramarao; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2018 - Simple Techonolgy to Freely Manipulating Nonlinear Optical Frequency Conversion Processes
Liu Weiyong; Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2018 - High-Coherent, Ultra-Broadband Dual-Comb Fiber Laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2018 - Spatio-temporal Manipulation of Light Waves by use of Optical Frequency Combs
Kaoru Minoshima; Akifumi Asahara
Invited oral presentation, English, Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science(FIO+LS) 2018 (Invited), Invited, Washington Hilton, USA, International conference
20 Sep. 2018 - Simultaneous measurement of temperature and concentration in liquid sample using refractive-index-sensing optical comb
Ryo Oe; Takeo Minamikawa; Shuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2018 - Non-scanning three-dimensional measurements using a chirped frequency comb interferometry with a multi-mode fiber bundle
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science(FIO+LS) 2018, OSA, Washington, International conference
19 Sep. 2018 - One shot high resolution 3D imaging using a full optical Hilbert transform by control of optical frequency combs
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2018 - Development of Laser Scanning Confocal Optical-Frequency-Comb Spectromicroscopy
Shota Nakano; Takeo Minamikawa; Eiji Hase; Akifumi Asahara; Takahiko Mizuno; Hirotsugu Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2018 - Precise measurement of phase refractive index based on dual-comb spectroscopy
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ichiro Shoji; Takashi Notake; Hiroaki Minamide; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2018 - Study on high-accuracy shape measurement technique with air refractive index self-correction by two-color interferometry of optical frequency combs
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
19 Sep. 2018 - Dual comb spectroscopy with lock-in detection
Hideki Koresawa; Kyuki Shibuya; Akifumi Asahara; Takeo Minamikawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 79th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2018, JSAP, Nagoya Congress Center, Domestic conference
18 Sep. 2018 - Dual-comb polarization spectroscopy for optical material characterization
Akifumi Asahara; Masayuki Shirakawa; Yue Wang; Eiji Tokunaga; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JPS 2018 Autumn Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan, Doshisha University, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2018 - Tailored optics with a highly-discrete optical frequency comb; toward high resolution nonlinear spectroscopy in the vacuum ultraviolet wavelength region
Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Invited oral presentation, English, MPLP 2018, Invited, Academpark, Novosibirsk, International conference
28 Aug. 2018 - Nonlinear amplification for a 10 W, 750-MHz Yb:fiber frequency comb
Hirotaka Ishii; Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Isao Matsushima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Thomas Schibli; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
03 Aug. 2018 - Bidirectional mode-locked Er-fiber laser with symmetrical cavity configuration
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
03 Aug. 2018 - All-polarization-maintaining Er-fiber-based dual optical frequency combs with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
03 Aug. 2018 - Repetition rate multiplication of fiber-based frequency comb with high side-mode suppression ratio
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
02 Aug. 2018 - High-Resolution No-Scanning 3D Image Detection Using Sum-Frequency Generation of Chirped Optical Frequency Combs
Yurina Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
02 Aug. 2018 - Real-time corrections of air refractive index fluctuation using two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Tomohiro Makino; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
01 Aug. 2018 - Spatially scanning dual-comb spectroscopy for precise measurement of refractive index and thickness profiles of solids
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
01 Aug. 2018 - Refractive index measurement based on disturbance to RF conversion function in a fiber OFC cavity
Ryo Oe; Kosuke Nagai; Takeo Minamikawa; Shuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
31 Jul. 2018 - Static and dynamic strain sensing over 3.5 kHz with fiber-based optical frequency comb cavity
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Kyuki Shibuya; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
31 Jul. 2018 - Broadband coherence of bidirectional mode-locked Er-fiber laser with two saturable absorber mirrors
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2018, OSA, Hong Kong, International conference
31 Jul. 2018 - デュアルコムファイバレーザーの開発
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, ファイバーレーザー技術専門委員会 第2回委員会, The Laser Society of Japan, Hokkaido, Domestic conference
26 Jul. 2018 - Coherent control and interferometric detection of lateral beam profile by use of dual-optical vortex comb
Akifumi Asahara; Satoru Shoji; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, UP2018, European Physical Society, Hamburg, International conference
17 Jul. 2018 - Ultrahigh accuracy distance measurements with self-correction of the air-refractive index using optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, 19th Coherent Laser Rader Conference, CLRC 2018 (Invited), Invited, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, International conference
19 Jun. 2018 - 光コムの瞬時3次元形状および断層像計測法への展開
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Precision Measurement Exhibition seminar, Invited, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
14 Jun. 2018 - All-polarization-maintaining dual-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, APLS2018, Invited, Sheraton Xi'an North City Hotel, China, International conference
30 May 2018 - Generation of 1.4-fs Ultrafast Single-Cycle Pulses with a Repetition Rate Exceeding 100 THz by Arbitrarily Manipulating Amplitude and Phase
CHUAN ZHANG; Kazumichi Yoshii; Dmitry Tregubov; Chiaki Ohae; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
18 May 2018 - Continuous Generation of Ultrafast Arbitrary Optical Waveform with a Repetition Rate exceeding 100 THz
Chiaki Ohae; Trivikramarao Gavara; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
17 May 2018 - One-shot three-dimensional imaging with a paired filter and chirped-frequency combs
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
17 May 2018 - Photo-acoustic sensing with fiber-based optical frequency comb cavity
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
16 May 2018 - Refractive-index-sensing RF comb using intra-cavity multi-mode interference fiber sensor
Ryo Oe; Kosuke Nagai; Takeo Minamikawa; Shuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
16 May 2018 - High-Sensitivity Doppler-Free Optical-Optical Double-Resonance Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Akiko Nishiyama; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Hiroyuki Sasada; Atsushi Onae; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
16 May 2018 - Tailor-made Raman-resonant four-wave-mixing processes and their applications to optical devices
Masayuki Katsuragawa; Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
16 May 2018 - Erbium-Fiber-Based Visible Astro-Comb with 43-GHz Mode Spacing
Sho Okubo; Keisuke Nakamura; Malte Schramm; Hiroki Yamamoto; Jun Ishikawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Ken Kashiwagi; Kaoru Minoshima; Hironori Tsutsui; Eiji Kambe; Hideyuki Izumiura; Hajime Inaba
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
15 May 2018 - Application of Cavity-Enhanced Comb-Based Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy to Line Shape Study of Carbon Monoxide in Argon
Akiko Nishiyama; Grzegorz Kowzan; Dominik Charczun; Vinicius S. Oliveira; Axel Ruehl; Ingmar Hartl; Kaoru Minoshima; Ryszard S. Trawinski; Piotr Maslowski
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
15 May 2018 - Fast phase locking of a 751-MHz Yb:fiber laser frequency comb using a high-speed piezo-transducer
Yuxuan Ma; Bo Xu; Hirotaka Ishii; Fei Meng; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Thomas R. Schibli; Isao Matsushima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
15 May 2018 - All-Polarization-Maintaining Dual-Comb Fiber Laser with Nonlinear Amplifying Loop Mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
15 May 2018 - 10 W, sub-100 fs Fiber Amplifier Based on a Self-referenced 750-MHz Yb:fiber Laser Frequency Comb
Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Hirotaka Ishii; Fei Meng; Isao Matsushima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
15 May 2018 - Coherent Spatiotemporal Phase Control by Combining Optical Frequency Combs and Optical Vortices
Akifumi Asahara; Satoru Shoji; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
15 May 2018 - All-fiber-based mode-filtering technique with high side-mode suppression ratio and high multiplication factor
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2018, OSA, San Jose, International conference
14 May 2018 - Metrological Applications Using Coherent Controllability of Optical Combs
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, LSC2018, Invited, Yokohama, Japan, International conference
27 Apr. 2018 - Bidirectional Mode-locked Er:fiber Laser with Two Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirrors
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS '18, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
26 Apr. 2018 - High-accuracy corrections of large and fast air refractive index fluctuations using two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Tomohiro Makino; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS '18, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
26 Apr. 2018 - 10W amplification of 750-MHz Yb:fiber laser frequency comb for sub-100 fs pulse duration
Hirotaka Ishii; Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Isao Matsushima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Thomas Schibli; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS '18, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
26 Apr. 2018 - Evaluation of Broadband Coherence of Bidirectional Mode-Locked Er-Fiber Laser with Two Saturable Absorber Mirrors
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '18, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2018 - All-Polarization-Maintaining Dual-wavelength mode-locked Er-fiber laser with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '18, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2018 - No-scanning 4D image detection with sum-frequency generation of optical frequency combs
Yurina Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '18, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2018 - One-shot three-dimensional imaging with a paired filter and an optical pseudo-Hilbert transform using chirped-frequency combs
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '18, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2018 - Simultaneous measurement of refractive index and thickness profiles of solids based on dual-comb spectroscopy
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '18, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
24 Apr. 2018 - Generation of high repetition Yb fiber frequency comb with low noise and high power
Hirotaka Ishii; Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Isao Matsushima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Schibli Thomas; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2018 - Bidirectional mode-locked Er-fiber laser with two semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2018 - Evaluation of broadband coherence of bidirectional mode-locked Er-fiber laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2018 - Development of all-polarization maintaining dual-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2018 - Refractive index measurement based on disturbance-to-RF conversion in fiber optical comb cavity ~Observation of refractive-index-dependent shift of repetition frequency~
Ryo Oe; Kosuke Nagai; Takeo Minamikawa; Syuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2018 - Precise measurement of refractive index distribution by dual-comb spectroscopy
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2018 - High-accuracy correction of air refractive index variation caused by environmental fluctuation using two-color interferometry with optical frequency comb
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Tomohiro Makino; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2018 - Highly sensitive measurement of CO using cavity-enhanced Fourier-transform spectroscopy with an optical frequency comb
Akiko Nishiyama; Grzegorz Kowzan; Dominik Charczun; Vinicius Oliveira; Axel Ruehl; Ingmar Hartl; Kaoru Minoshima; Ryszard Trawinski; Piotr Maslowski
Oral presentation, Japanese, 18th Meeting Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Tsukuba Center for Institutes, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2018 - Detection of photoacoustic wave using sensing RF comb
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2018 - One shot 3D shape measurement using a pseudo-Hilbert transform and a paired filter with chirped frequency combs
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2018 - High-resolution detection in no-scanning 3D imaging method with sum-frequency generation of chirped optical frequency comb
Yurina Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2018 - Highly sensitive measurement of CO-Ar using cavity-enhanced optical frequency comb spectroscopy
Akiko Nishiyama; Grzegorz Kowzan; Dominik Charczun; Vinicius Oliveira; Axel Ruehl; Ingmar Hartl; Kaoru Minoshima; Ryszard Trawinski; Piotr Maslowski
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2018 - Rotational Optical Manipulation using Dual-Optical Vortex Combs
Akifumi Asahara; Satoru Shoji; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2018 - チャープした光コムのスペクトル干渉を用いた超高速3次元イメージング法の開発(19p-C303-2)
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2018, Invited, 応用物理学会, Waseda University
19 Mar. 2018 - High-accuracy corrections of air refractive index with sudden fluctuations using two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Tomohiro Makino; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 18th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
02 Mar. 2018 - Development of high quality 750 MHz repetition rate Yb: fiber frequency comb with 10 W average power
Hirotaka Ishii; Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Isao Matsushima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Thomas R. Schibli; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 18th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
02 Mar. 2018 - Bidirectional operation of mode-locked Er-fiber laser with two semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 18th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
02 Mar. 2018 - Consideration of distance measurement by high precisely detecting optical frequency comb’s phase
Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Wataru Kokuyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 18th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
02 Mar. 2018 - Applications of optical frequency comb in precision metrology beyond a frequency ruler
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, National Metrology Institute Seminar (Special Lecture), Invited, National Metrology Institute (NIM), China, International conference
26 Feb. 2018 - デュアルコム分光の個体物性評価・超高速分光への発展
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, nano tech2018, nano tech 実行委員会, Tokyo Big Sight, Domestic conference
16 Feb. 2018 - 光コムのコヒーレント制御技術の新展開
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, nano tech2018, nano tech 実行委員会, Tokyo Big Sight, Domestic conference
16 Feb. 2018 - ファイバーレーザの光コムを用いた応用計測の新展開
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザ協会第180回研究会, Invited, レーザ協会, UEC, Domestic conference
08 Feb. 2018 - 光周波数コムの固体物性・コヒーレント計測への新しい応用
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会フォトダイナミズム研究グループシンポジウム フレキシブルイメージング:光源から揺らぐ媒質、光学系、データ解析までの統合と柔軟な制御への挑戦, The Optical Society of Japan, Photodynamism Research Group, The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Tokyo, Domestic conference
05 Feb. 2018 - Refractive-index-sensing fiber comb using intracavity multi-mode interference fiber sensor
Ryo Oe; Takeo Minamikawa; Shuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West, Biomedical Optics (BiOS 2017), SPIE, The Moscone Center, California, International conference
28 Jan. 2018 - Multi-dynamic range compressional wave detection using optical-frequency-comb
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Masuoka; Ryo Oe; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West, Biomedical Optics (BiOS 2017), SPIE, The Moscone Center, California, International conference
28 Jan. 2018 - 全偏波保持型モード同期Erファイバレーザーにおける偏波多重動作
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2017, The Laser Society of Japan, Miyakomesse, Kyoto, Domestic conference
25 Jan. 2018 - ファイバ光コム
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第36回 先端光量子科学アライアンスセミナー, Invited, 先端光量子科学アライアンス, UEC
08 Dec. 2017 - デュアルコム光源を目指した双方向動作型モード同期Erファイバレーザーの開発
Yuya Hata; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Dec. 2017 - 高繰り返しYbファイバコムの高度化 ~低ノイズ化および高出力化~
Hirotaka Ishii; Bo Xu; Yuxuan Ma; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Zhigang Zhang; Thomas R. Schibli; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Dec. 2017 - 光コム2色干渉計による空気屈折率の環境ゆらぎ補正
Yoshihisa Ikisawa; Tomohiro Makino; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Dec. 2017 - モードフィルタリングを用いた高繰り返しコム光源の開発
Takuya Hariki; Akiko Nishiyama; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Dec. 2017 - チャープした光コムの和周波発生を用いた無走査3次元計測法における計測分解能の改善
Yurina Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Dec. 2017 - 偏波保持ファイバを用いたオールファイバ型デュアルコム分光計の開発
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Dec. 2017 - 高機能ファイバコム光源の開発
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, 東北大学電気通信研究所 共同プロジェクト研究会, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Domestic conference
01 Dec. 2017 - 光周波数コムによる自在なコヒーレント計測
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Ultrafast Opto-electronics, Invited, 超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, UEC, Domestic conference
17 Nov. 2017 - 光コムによる光制御技術の進展と応用展開
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光ネットワーク産業・技術研究会 第3回討論会, Invited, 光協会, Keio University, Domestic conference
14 Nov. 2017 - 光コムの和周波発生を用いた無走査3次元計測法におけるチャープ特性の最適化
Yurina Tanaka; Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2017 - チャープした光コムとファイババンドルを用いた粗面物体のワンショット3次元計測法の開発
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2017 - マルチモード干渉ファイバーセンシング光コムを用いた屈折率計測
Ryo Oe; Kosuke Nagai; Takeo Minamikawa; Syuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2017 - 光学材料の群屈折率および分散高速測定のためのデュアルコム分光法の開発
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Ichiro Shoji; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2017 - 光コムのキャリア位相・エンベロープ関係を用いた単一波長の超高精度空気屈折率自己補正
Tomohiro Makino; Shilin Xiong; Guanhao Wu; Thomas R. Schibli; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2017 - 偏波保持ファイバを用いたオールファイバ型デュアルコム分光システムの検討
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2017 - 光コムのモードフィルタリングを用いた計測応用における残留サイドモードの影響
Takuya Hariki; Akiko Nishiyama; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2017 - 全偏波保持型モード同期Erファイバレーザーの偏波多重動作
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2017 - 全ファイバ型モードフィルタリング手法の高度化
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
01 Nov. 2017 - 超音波センシング型ファイバー光コムの特性評価
Takashi Masuoka; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2017, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
31 Oct. 2017 - 光周波数コムを用いた光超音波イメージングに関する基礎研究
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第28回バイオフロンティア講演会, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tokusima University, Domestic conference
28 Oct. 2017 - Tailoring the fiber-based frequency combs for metrology application
Kaoru Minoshima; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang
Invited oral presentation, English, Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference, ASSL 2017, AW1A.1 (Invited), Invited, Nagoya Congress Center, International conference
04 Oct. 2017 - 光物性研究に向けたデュアルコムの相対CEP制御
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan, Iwate University, Ueda Campus, Domestic conference
21 Sep. 2017 - 【総論】知的光シンセサイザの拓く革新的応用技術
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Precision Engineering Society Japan, Invited, 主催:公益社団法人精密工学会知的ナノ計測専門委員会,共催:JST ERATO知的光シンセサイザプロジェクト, Osaka University, 2017年度精密⼯学会秋季⼤会シンポジウム『精密工学の新たな基盤技術として期待される「光コムの革新的応用技術」』, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2017 - 光コムの位相制御性を生かした新たな応用の展開
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Precision Engineering Society Japan, Invited, 主催:公益社団法人精密工学会知的ナノ計測専門委員会,共催:JST ERATO知的光シンセサイザプロジェクト, Osaka University, 2017年度精密⼯学会秋季⼤会シンポジウム『精密工学の新たな基盤技術として期待される「光コムの革新的応用技術」』, Domestic conference
20 Sep. 2017 - 岡山天体物理観測所高分散分光器HIDES用天文コムの開発II.装置概要
Hajime Inaba; Keisuke Nakamura; Sho Okubo; Hiroki Yamamoto; Kazumoto Hosaka; Atsushi Onae; Malte Schramm; Jun Ishikawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima; Eiji Kambe; Hideyuki Izumiura; Hironori Tsutsui
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本天文学会2017年秋季年会, The Astronomical Society of Japan, Hokkaido University, Domestic conference
13 Sep. 2017 - 岡山天体物理観測所高分散分光器HIDES用天文コムの開発II.試験観測
Eiji Kambe; Hideyuki Izumiura; Hironori Tsutsui; Hajime Inaba; Keisuke Nakamura; Sho Okubo; Hiroki Yamamoto; Kazumoto Hosaka; Atsushi Onae; Malte Schramm; Jun Ishikawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima; Ryo Hasegawa; K.G. Helminiak
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本天文学会2017年秋季年会, The Astronomical Society of Japan, Hokkaido University, Domestic conference
13 Sep. 2017 - Sensitivity improvement in optical-optical double-resonance dual-comb spectroscopy
Akiko Nishiyama; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Hiroyuki Sasada; Atsushi Onae; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
07 Sep. 2017 - Multi-dynamic range strain with fiber-based optical-frequency-comb cavity
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
07 Sep. 2017 - Generation of Ultrashort Pulse Train with 125 THz Repetition Rate
Chiaki Ohae; Trivikramarao Gavara; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
07 Sep. 2017 - Refractive index measurement based on disturbance-to-RF conversion in fiber optical comb cavity
Ryo Oe; Kosuke Nagai; Takeo Minamikawa; Syuji Taue; Hideki Fukano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2017 - Investigation of long-path properties in the correction of air refractive index with carrier phase and pulse envelope detection in optical frequency comb interferometer
Tomohiro Makino; Shilin Xiong; Guanhao Wu; Thomas R. Schibli; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2017 - Expansion of measurement target for one shot 3D shape measurement using spectral interferometry with chirped frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2017 - Development of the method for no-scanning 3D imaging with chirped optical frequency comb and sum-frequency generation
Yurina Tanaka; Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2017 - Development of an astro comb for calibrating a high dispersion echelle spectrograph III,
Hajime Inaba; Keisuke Nakamura; Sho Okubo; Malte Schramm; Hiroki Yamamoto; Jun Ishikawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima; Eiji Kambe; Hironori Tsutsui; Hideyuki Izumiura; Atsushi Onae
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2017 - A new optical technology of arbitrarily manipulating amplitudes and phases of a highly-discrete broad spectrum
Chuan Zhang; Dmitry Tregubov; Kazumichi Yoshii; Chiaki Ohae; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2017 - Precise Phase Control of Optical Vortex with Optical Comb and its Applications
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2017 - Temperature measurement by all-fiber based dual-comb spectrometer with FBG,
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2017 - Development of mode-filtering method based on all-fiber-external cavity for fiber based optical frequnency comb,
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
06 Sep. 2017 - Precision measurement of group refractive index and dispersion property of optical material by dual-comb spectroscopy
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Ichiro Shoji; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, JSAP, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conference
05 Sep. 2017 - Mode-filtering of Er-fiber-based optical frequency comb with a long-fiber-based ring cavity for repetition rate multiplication
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
24 Aug. 2017 - Optical frequency synthesizer based on an fiber amplifier of a self-referenced 751-MHz Yb:fiber laser frequency comb
Bo Xu; Hideaki Yasui; Thomas R Schibli; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
24 Aug. 2017 - Simple optical technology to arbitrarily manipulate amplitude and phase and its application to generation of ultrafast pulses above 101 THz repetition rate
Chuan Zhang; Dmitry Tregubov; Kazumichi Yoshii; Chiaki Ohae; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
24 Aug. 2017 - Ultrafast Pulse Train with a repetition rate above 101 THz in the continuous-wave regime
Chiaki Ohae; Nurul Sheeda Suhaimi; Trivikramarao Gavara; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Fend-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
24 Aug. 2017 - Tailored nonlinear optical process - toward realization of broadly-tunable single-frequency laser in the extreme wavelength region-
Jian Zheng; Chiaki Ohae; Kimihito Ito; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
24 Aug. 2017 - Dual-Comb Optical Synthesizer for Arbitrary Coherent Measurement
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics, ICO-24 (Invited), Invited, Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo, International conference
24 Aug. 2017 - Tailored optics with a highly-discrete optical frequency comb
Masayuki Katsuragawa; Chiaki Ohae; Jian Zheng; Chuan Zhang; Trivikramarao Gavara; Masaru Suzuki; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics, ICO-24 (Invited), Invited, Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo, International conference
24 Aug. 2017 - Two-Photon Absorption Spectroscopy of 5S1/2 – 5D5/2 transition of Rb Using Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
23 Aug. 2017 - Self-correction of air refractive index with group and phase indices using an optical frequency comb
Tomohiro Makino; Kouki Miyano; Shilin Xiong; Thomas R. Schibli; Guanhao Wu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
22 Aug. 2017 - An Improved Two-Color Method for the Correction of Air Refractive Index
Shilin Xiong; Guanhao Wu; Kouki Miyano; Tomohiro Makino; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
22 Aug. 2017 - Rapid Evaluation Method of Anisotropy by Dual Comb Spectroscopy
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Ichiro Shoji; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
22 Aug. 2017 - One-shot 3D measurement method using nonlinear optical gating with a chirped optical frequency comb
Yurina Tanaka; Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
22 Aug. 2017 - Detection of ultrasonic wave using optical-frequency-comb cavity
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
22 Aug. 2017 - Development of All-Fiber-Type Dual-Comb Spectrometer
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
22 Aug. 2017 - Non-scanning three-dimension measurements with a single-mode fiber bundle using a chirped frequency comb interferometry
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
21 Aug. 2017 - Non-scanning tomographic measurements using spectral interferometry with chirped-frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO-24), International Commission for Optics (ICO), Keio Plaza Hotel, International conference
21 Aug. 2017 - Development of ultrasonic sensor using fiber-based optical-frequency-comb cavity
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, Sands Expo and Convention Centre Singapore, International conference
03 Aug. 2017 - Portable And Stable Dual-Comb Spectroscopic System Based On All-Fiber Setup
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, Sands Expo and Convention Centre Singapore, International conference
03 Aug. 2017 - High Accuracy Self-correction Of The Air-refractive Index With A Single Color Comb Interferomete
Tomohiro Makino; Kouki Miyano; Shilin Xiong; Thomas R. Schibli; Guanhao Wu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, Sands Expo and Convention Centre Singapore, International conference
02 Aug. 2017 - Coherent Modulation Of Interference Signals In Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, Sands Expo and Convention Centre Singapore, International conference
02 Aug. 2017 - Mode-filtering Of A Fiber-based Optical Frequency Comb With Long-fiber-based Ring Resonator For Repetition Rate Multiplication
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, Sands Expo and Convention Centre Singapore, International conference
02 Aug. 2017 - Non-scanning Three-dimensional Imaging Using Two-dimensional Spectroscopy And Spectral Interferometry With Chirped Frequency Comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, Sands Expo and Convention Centre Singapore, International conference
01 Aug. 2017 - Precise Birefringence Measurement Of Anisotropic Materials By Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Ichiro Shoji; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, Sands Expo and Convention Centre Singapore, International conference
01 Aug. 2017 - One-shot Three-dimensional Measurements With A Fiber Bundle Using A Chirped Optical Frequency Comb
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR:2017, OSA, Sands Expo and Convention Centre Singapore, International conference
01 Aug. 2017 - Fundamental of optical frequency comb and its applications I
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Tutorial of Precision Engineering Society, Invited, 公益社団法人精密工学会/公益財団法人精密測定技術振興財団, 大岡山, Domestic conference
21 Jul. 2017 - Fundamental of optical frequency comb and its applications II
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Tutorial of Precision Engineering Society, Invited, 公益社団法人精密工学会/公益財団法人精密測定技術振興財団, 大岡山, Domestic conference
21 Jul. 2017 - Injection-locked tunable continuous-wave laser and its application to generation of ultrahigh repetition rate, S1.3.3
Trivikramarao Gavara; Chiaki Ohae; Ken-ichi Nakagawa; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Invited oral presentation, English, LPHYS'17 (Invited), Invited, Russia, International conference
17 Jul. 2017 - ファイバ型光コムのための全ファイバ型モードフィルタリング手法の開発
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Takuya Hariki; Akiko Nishiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, ファイバーレーザー技術専門委員会 第8回委員会, The Laser Society of Japan, Osaka University Suita Campus, Domestic conference
14 Jul. 2017 - Versatile manipulation of light: Intelligent Optical Synthesizer and its innovative applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Media report, Japanese, JST理事長定例説明会, Invited, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Tokyo, http://www.jst.go.jp/pressconference.html
27 Jun. 2017 - Two-photon absorption spectroscopy of Rubidium with a dual-comb technique
Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, 72st International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Champaign-Urbana, International conference
22 Jun. 2017 - Overview of femto second laser based technology for distance measurements
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Trends and Developments in Laser Based Distance Metrology (Plenary Talk), Invited, Leiden, Netherland, International conference
24 May 2017 - High-resolution dual-comb spectroscopy by fluorescence detection
Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan, The Spectroscopical Society of Japan, Waseda university, Domestic conference
23 May 2017 - High-sensitive and precise measurement of Doppler-free two-photon absorption spectra of Rb using dual-comb spectroscopy
Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, AWMS2017, The Spectroscopical Society of Japan, Kyoyo university, Yoshida North Campus, International conference
21 May 2017 - Coherent Control of Relative Carrier Envelope Phase in Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2017, OSA, San Jose, International conference
19 May 2017 - Non-scanning three-dimensional tomographic imaging using chirped-frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2017, OSA, San Jose, International conference
19 May 2017 - Optical Frequency Comb Applications beyond Frequency Metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, CLEO:2017 (Tutorial Talk), Invited, San Jose, USA, International conference
19 May 2017 - Repetition rate multiplication of fiber-based optical frequency comb with a long-fiber-based ring cavity
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2017, OSA, San Jose, International conference
18 May 2017 - Optical frequency synthesizer based on a fully stabilized 750-MHz Yb fiber laser frequency comb
Bo Xu; Hideaki Yasui; Thomas R. Schibli; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2017, OSA, San Jose, International conference
15 May 2017 - Development of optical amplifier based on a self-referenced 750-MHz Yb: fiber laser frequency comb and its application
Bo Xu; Hideaki Yasui; Thomas R. Schibli; Yuxuan Ma; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, ALPS '17, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
20 Apr. 2017 - Ultra-precision control of optical waves by use of fiber-based frequency combs and its metrology application
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, OPTICS & PHOTONICS International 2017 Congress(OPIC)(Plenary Talk), Invited, Yokohama, Japan, International conference
19 Apr. 2017 - One-shot multi-point imaging with a fiber bundle using spectral interferometry of chirped optical-frequency comb
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '17, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
18 Apr. 2017 - Repetition rate multiplication of a fiber-based optical frequency comb with a long-fiber-based ring resonator
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '17, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
18 Apr. 2017 - Development of Rapid Evaluation Method of Anisotropy of Nonlinear Optical Materials by Dual Comb Spectroscopy
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Ichiro Shoji; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '17, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
18 Apr. 2017 - Application of Relative Carrier Envelope Offset Frequency for Coherent Control in Dual-Comb Configuration
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '17, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
18 Apr. 2017 - A new optical technology to arbitrarily manipulate amplitudes and phases of a highly discrete broadband spectrum
C. Zhang; D. Tregubov; K. Yoshii; C. Ohae; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Poster presentation, English, The fourth MIPT-LPI-UEC Joint Workshop on Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics, Research Organization for Coherent Photon Sciences, UEC, The University of Electro-Communications, Domestic conference
27 Mar. 2017 - Ultrafast three-dimensional measurements using spectral interferometry of chirped optical frequency comb with a fiber bundle.
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, The fourth MIPT-LPI-UEC Joint Workshop on Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics, Research Organization for Coherent Photon Sciences, UEC, The University of Electro-Communications, Domestic conference
27 Mar. 2017 - Time-Domain Dual-Comb Spectroscopy for Solid State Physics
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, The fourth MIPT-LPI-UEC Joint Workshop on Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics, Research Organization for Coherent Photon Sciences, UEC, The University of Electro-Communications, Domestic conference
27 Mar. 2017 - 光物性研究のための時間分解デュアルコム分光法の開発
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JPS 2017 Annual (72nd) Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan, Osaka University, Domestic conference
18 Mar. 2017 - Development of All-Fiber-Typed Dual-Comb Spectroscopic System
Tuki Ou; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
17 Mar. 2017 - デュアルコム分光法によるRb原子の2光子吸収分光
Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, JPS 2017 Annual (72nd) Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan, Osaka University, Domestic conference
17 Mar. 2017 - Improvement of signal noise ratio in dual-comb by mode-filtering effect
Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Akiko Nishiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2017 - Coherent Spectroscopy using Relative Carrier Envelope Phase Control in Dual-Comb
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2017 - Mode-filtering of a fiber-based optical frequency comb using a fiber-based ring cavity
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2017 - One-shot multi-point measurement using spectral interferometry of chirped optical frequency comb with image conversion of a fiber bundle
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2017 - Non-scanning 3D tomographic imaging using spectral interferometry with chirped frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2017 - Self-correction of the air-refractive index with optical frequency comb interferometer using carrier phase and pulse envelope detection at single wavelength
Tomohiro Makino; Kouki Miyano; Shilin Xiong; Thomas R. Schibli; Guanhao Wu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2017 - Development of anisotropy evaluation method of nonlinear optics materials by dual comb spectroscopy
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Ichiro Shoji; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
15 Mar. 2017 - Transient Response Measurement of Quantum Dots using Dual-comb Spectroscopy
Yuto Arai; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima; Kouichi Akahane; Junko Ishi-Hayase
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
15 Mar. 2017 - Development of ultrasonic sensor using fiber-based optical-frequency-comb cavity
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Pacifico Yokohama, Domestic conference
14 Mar. 2017 - 光コムによる光波の超精密制御とその応用
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第1回『光の日』合同シンポジウム, Invited, 日本光学会・日本学術振興会・レーザー学会・応用物理学会, 筑波大学東京, Domestic conference
08 Mar. 2017 - 190本シングルモードファイババンドルを用いた瞬時3次元形状計測手法の多点化
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 17th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
07 Mar. 2017 - 非線形光学材料の高速な異方性評価のためのデュアルコム分光
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Ichiro Shoji; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 17th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
07 Mar. 2017 - 光コムのキャリア位相とパルスエンベロープの高感度検出を用いた経験式を用いない高精度空気屈折率補正
Tomohiro Makino; Kouki Miyano; Shilin Xiong; Thomas R. Schibli; Guanhao Wu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 17th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
07 Mar. 2017 - オールファイバ型デュアルコム分光器による汎用的高精度分光システムの開発
Yue Wang; Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, The 17th LSJ Tokyo seminar, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
07 Mar. 2017 - 光コムによる超精密光波制御の多次元応用展開
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第33回先端光量子科学アライアンスセミナー「光周波数コムの技術の新展開」, Invited, 先端光量子科学アライアンス, 慶應義塾大学, Domestic conference
03 Mar. 2017 - 光コムを用いた瞬時形状測定方法及び形状測定装置 [ERATO]
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, ERATO/さきがけ新技術説明会~計測分野~, JST, 東京, https://shingi-cms.jst.go.jp/list/kisoken/2016_kisoken1.html
17 Feb. 2017 - Optical-frequency-comb-based ultrasound sensor
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Ogura; Takashi Masuoka; Eiji Hase; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, English, SPIE Photonics West, Biomedical Optics (BiOS 2016), SPIE, The Moscone Center, California, International conference
02 Feb. 2017 - High-precision and large range one-shot 3D imaging with chirped fiber-based optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, BIOS/Photonics West 2017 (Invited), Invited, SPIE, The Moscone Center, California, International conference
31 Jan. 2017 - 高機能ファイバコム光源の開発(25aⅦ.1)
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yuya Hata; Takuya Hariki; Akiko Nishiyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2017, Invited, レーザー学会, Miyakomesse
25 Jan. 2017 - 光周波数の分周を軸にした光の極限制御(24pⅦ.8)
Chiaki Ohae; Kazumichi Yoshii; Gavara Trivikramarao; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2017, Invited, レーザー学会, Miyakomesse
24 Jan. 2017 - SHG光を用いたRb原子のデュアルコム分光計測
Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
09 Jan. 2017 - Development of Modulation Pump-Probe Spectroscopy by Dual-Comb
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
09 Jan. 2017 - Performance evaluation of mode-filtered dual-comb
Satoru Yoshida; Takuya Hariki; Akiko Nishiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
09 Jan. 2017 - An application of simple technique to generate a train of 1.38fs pulses
C. Zhang; D. Tregubov; K. Yoshii; C. Ohae; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
09 Jan. 2017 - 光音響波検出のためのRF変換ファイバー光コムの開発
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
08 Jan. 2017 - 光コムが切り拓く知的光計測の世界(08aⅡ1)
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会, 徳島大学, Invited, レーザー学会, 徳島, Domestic conference
08 Jan. 2017 - Development of 3D imaging method using spectral interferometry with chirped optical frequency comb
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会, 徳島大学, Invited, レーザー学会, 徳島
08 Jan. 2017 - 天体視線速度観測用分光器のための波長校正用光コムの開発(08aⅡ5)
Sho Okubo; Keisuke Nakamura; Malte Schramm; Hiroki Yamamoto; Jun Ishikawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Atsushi Onae; Kaoru Minoshima; Hironori Tsutsui; Eiji Kambe; Hideyuki Izumiura; Takumi Kobayashi; Kazumoto Hosaka; Hajime Inaba
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会, 徳島大学, Invited, レーザー学会, 徳島
08 Jan. 2017 - 高繰り返しモード同期Ybファイバ・コムにおける光増幅器の開発
Hideaki Yasui; Bo Xu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
07 Jan. 2017 - 位相同期高調波光系列の生成とその超高速光波整形への利用
Chiaki Ohae; Nurul Sheeda Suhaimi; Trivikramarao Gavara; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
07 Jan. 2017 - Investigation of air refractive index correction based on the carrier phase and the envelope detection in optical frequency comb
Tomohiro Makino; Kouki Miyano; Shilin Xiong; Thomas R. Schibli; Guanhao Wu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
07 Jan. 2017 - Precise characterization of complex optical properties of anisotropic materials by dual-comb spectroscopy
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Yue Wang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
07 Jan. 2017 - No scanning 3D imaging of chirped optical frequency comb with the multi-mode bundle fiber
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Yurina Tanaka; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
07 Jan. 2017 - High precision displacement measurement using self-correction of air refractive index by two-color interferometer based on optical frequency comb
Kouki Miyano; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The Laser Society of Japan 2016,, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokushima University, Domestic conference
07 Jan. 2017 - Ultrafast spectroscopy using dual comb
Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, 東北大学電気通信研究所 共同プロジェクト研究会, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Domestic conference
08 Dec. 2016 - New applications of ultra-precise optical wave control by optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, ISUPT2016, Invited, NICT, Tohoku Univ., Waseda Univ., AIST, Tokyo, Domestic conference
07 Dec. 2016 - 光音響波検出のためのRF変換ファイバー光コムの開発,
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第1回フォトニクス研究会「光の境界を開拓する!!」,, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Photonics Division, Okinawaken seinenkaikan, Domestic conference
02 Dec. 2016 - デュアルコムの時間分解コヒーレント分光と固体物性への応用
浅原; 美濃島
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会, 仙台, Domestic conference
25 Nov. 2016 - 繰り返し750-MHzモード同期Ybファイバ・コムにおける高出力化(P5)
安井; 徐; 中嶋; 張(北京大; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」, レーザー学会研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」, 名古屋, Domestic conference
18 Nov. 2016 - モードフィルタリングした高繰り返しデュアルコムによる高速・高感度分光法の開発(P6)
吉田; 西山; 美濃島
Poster presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」, レーザー学会研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」, 名古屋, Domestic conference
18 Nov. 2016 - New applications of ultra-precise optical wave control by use of fiber-based optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Society of Japan, Fiber laser Symposium, Invited, Laser Society of Japan, Nagoya, Domestic conference
18 Nov. 2016 - Application of Dual-comb Spectroscopy to Doppler-free High-resolution Spectroscopy of Rubidium(FW2E.4)
A. Nishiyama; S. Yoshida; Y. Nakajima; H. Sasada; K. Nakagawa; A. Onae; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Germany, International conference
16 Nov. 2016 - Recent progress on application of fiber-based optical frequency combs in precision metrology (Special Lecture)
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Seminar AOE/CAS, Invited, Beijing, China, http://www.aoe.cas.cn/xwzx/xshd/201611/t20161115_4696593.html, International conference
11 Nov. 2016 - Development and application of fiber-based optical frequency combs in precision metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Beihang Univ. Seminar (Special Lecture), Invited, Beijing, China, International conference
11 Nov. 2016 - Application of fiber-based optical frequency combs in precision metrology beyond frequency measurements (Special Lecture)
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Tsinghua Univ. Seminar, Invited, Beijing, China, International conference
10 Nov. 2016 - 750MHz高繰り返しモード同期Ybファイバレーザーによる高品位光コムの開発
Hideaki Yasui; Bo Xu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2016, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2016 - 希土類材料の複素光学特性評価のためのデュアルコム分光
Ken-ichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2016, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2016 - Multi-Dimensional Ultrafast Spectroscopy with Dual-Frequency-Comb Applied for Solid-State-Physics
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2016, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2016 - 天文コム用の周波数安定化レーザーの開発
Hiroki Yamamoto; Sho Okubo; Takumi Kobayashi; Atsushi Onae; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Kazumichi Yoshii; Feng-Lei Hong
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2016, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2016 - 光コムセンシングキャビティによる超音波計測
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2016, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
02 Nov. 2016 - モードフィルタリング手法による高感度なデュアルコム分光法の開発
Satoru Yoshida; Akiko Nishiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2016, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
31 Oct. 2016 - Measurement of geometrical distance variation with a two-color interferometer using optical frequency comb
Kouki Miyano; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2016, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
31 Oct. 2016 - 光コム干渉計におけるキャリア位相とエンベロープの関係を用いた距離測定
Tomohiro Makino; Kouki Miyano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2016, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
31 Oct. 2016 - One-shot multi-point measurement with bundle fiber based on spectral interferometry of chirped optical frequency comb
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2016, Optics & Photonics Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
31 Oct. 2016 - Applications of precisely controlled optical waves by use of frequency combs(Plenary Talk, 31pPL4)
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, OPJ 2016, Invited, OSJ, Tokyo, Domestic conference
31 Oct. 2016 - Ultra-precision control of optical waves by use of fiber-based frequency combs and its application
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference, APOS 2016 (Plenary Talk), Invited, Shanghai, China, International conference
11 Oct. 2016 - モードフィルタリングによる高繰り返しデュアルコムの開発
吉田悟; 西山明子; 美濃島薫
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Oct. 2016 - 高繰り返し非線形偏波回転モード同期方式Ybファイバレーザーの安定化制御
安井英顕; 徐博; 張志剛; 美濃島薫
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Oct. 2016 - 光コム2色干渉計を用いた幾何学長変化の高精度測定
宮野皓貴; Guanhao Wu; 美濃島薫
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Oct. 2016 - バンドルファイバを用いたチャープした光コムのスペクトル干渉を用いた瞬時3次元形状計測手法の開発
内田めぐみ; 加藤峰士; 美濃島薫
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Oct. 2016 - デュアルコム分光による光学材料の複屈折測定の開発
近藤健一; 浅原彰文; 美濃島薫
Poster presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, The Optical Society of Japan, Contemporary Optics Research Group, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Domestic conference
05 Oct. 2016 - チャープした光コムのスペクトル干渉を用いた瞬時3次元形状イメージング手法の開発
加藤 峰士; 内田 めぐみ; 美濃島 薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会, Invited, 日本光学会 コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究グループ, 電気通信大学, Domestic conference
05 Oct. 2016 - High-sensitive dual-comb spectroscopy by use of mode-filtering with Fabry-Perot cavities
Satoru Yoshida; Akiko Nishiyama; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Domestic conference
15 Sep. 2016 - Precise Measurement of Dynamic Complex Optical Properties by Time-Resolved Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
Akifumi Asahara; Ken-ichi Kondo; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Domestic conference
15 Sep. 2016 - One-shot multi-point shape measurement method using spectral interferometry of optical frequency comb
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Domestic conference
15 Sep. 2016 - Optical-optical double-resonance spectroscopy of rubidium with a dual comb system
Akiko Nishiyama; Hiroyuki Sasada; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Atsushi Onae; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Domestic conference
15 Sep. 2016 - Development of optical frequency comb interferometer based on the carrier phase and the envelope detection
Tomohiro Makino; Kouki Miyano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Domestic conference
15 Sep. 2016 - Fundamental study on fiber-comb-based ultrasound sensor
Takashi Masuoka; Takashi Ogura; Takeo Minamikawa; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Domestic conference
15 Sep. 2016 - Development of an astro comb for calibrating a high dispersion echelle spectrograph II
KEISUKE NAKAMURA; Sho Okubo; Malte Schramm; Hiroki Yamamoto; Jun Ishikawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Atsushi Onae; Kaoru Minoshima; Hironori Tsutsui; Eiji Kambe; Hideyuki Izumiura; Hajime Inaba
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Domestic conference
15 Sep. 2016 - [講演奨励賞受賞記念講演] チャープした光コムのスペクトル干渉による瞬時3次元計測手法 15p-C32-9
加藤 峰士; 内田 めぐみ; 美濃島 薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 朱鷺メッセ, Invited, 応用物理学会, 新潟, Domestic conference
15 Sep. 2016 - Arbitrary manipulation of amplitudes and phases of broadband optical waves and its application to generation of ultrashort pulses
CHUAN CHUAN ZHANG; D. Tregubov; K. Yoshii; C. Ohae; M. Suzuki; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Domestic conference
14 Sep. 2016 - Rapid measurement of complex optical properties of laser media by dual-comb spectroscopy
Kenichi Kondo; Akifumi Asahara; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Domestic conference
13 Sep. 2016 - ファイバー光コム共振器によるひずみセンシング
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Ogura; Takashi Masuoka; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2016 JSPE Autumn Meeting, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Ibaraki University, Domestic conference
08 Sep. 2016 - 光コムによる光波の超精密制御が拓く科学技術
美濃島 薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第23回 レーザー夏の学校, Invited, 熱海, Domestic conference
04 Sep. 2016 - Monitoring resonant vibration modes of glass microstructures by means of confocal laser microscopy
Taiki Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Satoru Shoji
Poster presentation, English, PIERS 2016, The Electromagnetics Academy, Shanghai International Convention Center, International conference
08 Aug. 2016 - Time-Resolved Fourier Measurement for Semiconductors by Near-Infrared Dual-Comb Spectroscopy
A. Asahara; A. Nishiyama; S. Yoshida; K. Kondo; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, UP2016, OSA, Santa Fe, International conference
22 Jul. 2016 - Generation and application of five phase-locked harmonics in the continuous wave regime
Chiaki Ohae; Nurul Sheeda Suhaimi; Trivikramarao Gavara; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima; Masayuki Katsuragawa
Invited oral presentation, English, VI International Conference 'Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics', Invited, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, International conference
21 Jul. 2016 - チャープした光コムを用いたスペクトル干渉による瞬時精密3次元イメージング
加藤峰士; 内田めぐみ; 美濃島薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第41回光学シンポジウム, Optical Society of Japan, The University of Tokyo, Domestic conference
24 Jun. 2016 - モード同期ファイバレーザーによるチャープした光コムのスペクトル干渉を用いた長距離イメージング手法の開発
加藤峰士; 内田めぐみ; 美濃島薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第57回光波センシング技術研究会, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, LIGHTWAVE SENSING TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL GROUP, Tokyo University of Science, Domestic conference
15 Jun. 2016 - ファイバー光コム共振器型ひずみセンサーの開発
Takeo Minamikawa; Takashi Ogura; Takashi Masuoka; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Yoshihisa Yamaoka; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第57回光波センシング技術研究会, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, LIGHTWAVE SENSING TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL GROUP, Tokyo University of Science, Domestic conference
15 Jun. 2016 - Non-scanning three-dimensional imaging using spectral interferometry with chirped frequency comb
T. Kato; M. Uchida; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2016, OSA, San Jose, International conference
08 Jun. 2016 - Dual-Comb Spectroscopy for Solid-State Physics and Extension toward Time-Resolved Measurement
A. Asahara; A. Nishiyama; S. Yoshida; K. Kondo; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2016, OSA, San Jose, International conference
08 Jun. 2016 - Generation and application of five phase-locked harmonics in the continuous wave regime
C. Ohae; N. Suhaimi; T. Gavara; K. Nakagawa; F. Hong; K. Minoshima; M. Katsuragawa
Poster presentation, English, CLEO:2016, OSA, San Jose, International conference
07 Jun. 2016 - Absolute distance measurement method with optical frequency comb interferometer based on balanced optical cross correlator and optical heterodyne technique
Y. Nakajima; T.R. Schibli; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2016, OSA, San Jose, International conference
06 Jun. 2016 - Air refractive index self-correction exceeding empirical equation accuracy using two-color interferometry with optical frequency comb
K. Miyano; G. Wu; T. Makino; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2016, OSA, San Jose, International conference
06 Jun. 2016 - Strain Sensing with a Disturbance/RF-Converting Fiber Comb Cavity
T. Yasui; T. Ogura; T. Minamikawa; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2016, OSA, San Jose, International conference
06 Jun. 2016 - Fully stabilized narrow linewidth 750-MHz Yb fiber laser frequency comb
Bo Xu; Hideaki Yasui; Yoshiaki Nakajima, Ma; Zigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO:2016 (Invited), Invited, OSA, San Jose, International conference
06 Jun. 2016 - Optical length metrology with extreme precision using fully controlled fiber-based frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, ICO/DGaO 2016 (Plenary Talk), Invited, Hannover, Germany, International conference
19 May 2016 - Time-Domain Measurements for Characterization of Solids by Dual-Comb Spectroscopy and Asynchronous Optical Sampling
A. Asahara; A. Nishiyama; S. Yoshida; K. Kondo; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '16, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
17 May 2016 - Spectral interferometric imaging with chirped frequency comb for non-scanning three-dimensional measurement
T. Kato; M. Uchida; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '16, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
17 May 2016 - Frequency comb two-color interferometry for self-correction of refractive index of air beyond accuracy of empirical equation
K. Miyano; G. Wu; T. Makino; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '16, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
17 May 2016 - Fully and high-quality phase stabilized high-repetition-rate optical frequency comb based on a mode-locked Yb:fiber laser
H. Yasui; B. Xu; Y. Nakajima, Ma; Z. Zhang; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '16, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
17 May 2016 - Mode filtering of fiber-based optical frequency comb by use of Fabry-Perot cavities and its application
S. Yoshida; A. Nishiyama; A. Asahara; Y. Nakajima; K. Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS '16, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
17 May 2016 - Application of the Dual Comb Spectroscopy to High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Rubidium Atom
Akiko Nishiyama; Akihumi Asahara; Satoru Yoshida; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, 16th Meeting: Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Domestic conference
14 May 2016 - Measuring resonant vibration modes of microstructures using confocal laser microscopy
Taiki Yamamoto; Kaoru Minoshima; Satoru Shoji
Poster presentation, English, APLS 2016, Optical Society of Korea (OSK), Jeju island, Korea, International conference
12 May 2016 - Precision Length Metrology with Phase Control of Fiber-based Optical Frequency Combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, APLS 2016 (Invited), Invited, Jeju, Korea, International conference
11 May 2016 - Ultra-high precision control of optical wave by use of fiber-based optical frequency comb and its applications
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Optoelectronics Technical Group (OPE) Meeting, IEICE, Japan, Invited, Optoelectronics Technical Group (OPE), IEICE, Japan, Domestic conference
22 Apr. 2016 - Development of a 532-nm frequency-stabilized laser for an astro-comb
Hiroki Yamamoto; Sho Okubo; Takumi Kobayashi; Atsushi Onae; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Kazumichi Yoshii; Feng-Lei Hong
Oral presentation, Japanese, JPS 71th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan., Tohoku Gakuin University, Izumi campus, Domestic conference
22 Mar. 2016 - Development of Time-Resolved Dual-Comb Spectroscopy and Application for Optical Solid State Physics
Akifumi Asahara; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Domestic conference
21 Mar. 2016 - High resolution spectroscopy of rubidium by a dual comb system
Akiko Nishiyama; Akifumi Asahara; Satoru Yoshida; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Domestic conference
21 Mar. 2016 - Phase stabilization of high-repetition-rate optical frequency comb based on a mode-locked Yb fiber laser by use of 1f-2f interferometer
Hideaki Yasui; Bo Xu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Domestic conference
21 Mar. 2016 - Mode filtering of frequency comb by use of Fabry-Perot cavity stabilized by CW laser
Satoru Yoshida; Akiko Nishiyama; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Domestic conference
21 Mar. 2016 - Development of an astro comb for calibrating a high dispersion echelle spectrograph -間隔20 GHz、波長380 – 500 nmの広帯域光周波数コムの発生-
Sho Okubo; Keisuke Nakamura; Malte Schramm; Hiroki Yamamoto; Jun Ishikawa; Feng-Lei Hong; Atsushi Onae; Kaoru Minoshima; Hironori Tsutsui; Eiji Kambe; Hideyuki Izumiura; Hajime Inaba
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Domestic conference
21 Mar. 2016 - Development of optical frequency comb interferometer based on a highly sensitive timing jitter detection technique of femtosecond pulses
YOSHIAKI NAKAJIMA; Thomas Schibli; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2016 - Distance imaging using spectral interferometry with chirped ultrashort pulse
Takashi Kato; Megumi Uchida; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2016 - Self-correction of refractive index of air exceeds accuracy of empirical equation using two-color interferometry with optical frequency comb
KOUKI MIYANO; Guanhao Wu; Tomohiro Makino; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Domestic conference
20 Mar. 2016 - Development of time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy for solid-state characterization
Akifumi Asahara; Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Ken-ichi Kondo; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第16回レーザー学会東京支部研究会, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
04 Mar. 2016 - Self-correction of refractive index of air exceeds accuracy of empirical equation using two-color interferometry with optical frequency comb
Kouki Miyano; Wu Guanhao; Tomohiro Makino; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第16回レーザー学会東京支部研究会, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
04 Mar. 2016 - High-quality phase stabilization of high-repetition-rate optical frequency comb based on a mode-locked Yb fiber laser
Hideaki Yasui; Bo Xu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Zhigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第16回レーザー学会東京支部研究会, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
04 Mar. 2016 - Mode filtering of optical frequency comb by use of Fabry-Perot cavity
Satoru Yoshida; Akiko Nishiyama; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第16回レーザー学会東京支部研究会, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
04 Mar. 2016 - Distance imaging using spectral interferometry by use of a mode-locked fiber
Megumi Uchida; Takashi Kato; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第16回レーザー学会東京支部研究会, The Laser Society of Japan, Tokai University, Domestic conference
04 Mar. 2016 - 天文コムのための周波数安定化レーザーの開発
山本宏樹; 大久保章; 小林拓実; 大苗敦; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 吉井一倫; 洪鋒雷
Poster presentation, Japanese, 横浜国立大学-横浜市立大学 第11回ナノテク交流シンポジウム, Yokohama National University, Yokohama City University, Yokohama National University, Domestic conference
04 Mar. 2016 - Development of a 531-nm frequency-stabilized laser for an astro-comb
Hiroki Yamamoto; Sho Okubo; Takumi Kobayashi; Atsushi Onae; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Kazumichi Yoshii; Feng-Lei Hong
Poster presentation, English, ERATO International Workshop "Challenges in Precision Science", Domestic conference
01 Jan. 2016 - 天文コムのための周波数安定化レーザーの開発
山本宏樹; 大久保章; 小林拓実; 大苗敦; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 吉井一倫; 洪鋒雷
Poster presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会・量子エレクトロニクス研究会, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Quantum Electronics, The University of Tokyo, Sportia yamanaka, Domestic conference
19 Dec. 2015 - チュートリアル 「光コムの基礎と計測科学・技術への応用」
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会量子エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 応用物理学会, 山中湖
18 Dec. 2015 - Development of 750-MHz repetition-rate optical frequency comb based on a mode-locked Yb fiber laser
徐博; 安井英顕; 中嶋善晶; 張志剛; 美濃島薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 東北大学電気通信研究所 共同プロジェクト研究会, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University, Domestic conference
10 Dec. 2015 - 高精度に位相制御された超高速ファイバレーザーによる光コムとその応用
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会, 東京
25 Nov. 2015 - 光音響イメージングのためのファイバー光コム型音響波センサーに関する基礎研究
小倉 隆志; 中嶋 善晶; 山岡 禎久; 美濃島 薫; 安井 武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2015, Optical Society of Japan, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Domestic conference
29 Oct. 2015 - Compact and robust wavelength-stabilized laser at the 1.5 micron region
Atsushi Onae; Satoshi Hatano; Hajime Inaba; Feng-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, 8th FSM 2015, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Potsdam, Germany, International conference
12 Oct. 2015 - 周波数標準にトレーサブルなTHz周波数シンセサイザーの開発
謝 宜達; 稲場 肇; 美濃島 薫; 安井 武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会・テラヘルツ電磁波技術研究会, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Terahertz technology, The University of Tokushima, Domestic conference
06 Oct. 2015 - Optical frequency combs and their applications
Feng-Lei Hong; Malte Schramm; Sho Okubo; Hiroki Yamamoto; Keisuke Nakamura; Takumi Kobayashi; Kazumoto Hosaka; Atsushi Onae; Kaoru Minoshima; Hajime Inaba
Oral presentation, English, 新学術領域「なぜ宇宙は加速するのか?- 徹底的究明と将来への挑戦-」発足シンポジウム, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe(Kavli IPMU), The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa campus, International conference
21 Sep. 2015 - Wide-range fringe scanning in a pulse-to-pulse interferometer using high-repetition-rate optical frequency comb
Kouki Miyano; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Wu Guanhao; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nagoya, Domestic conference
16 Sep. 2015 - Development and characterization of a dual-comb spectroscopic system based on an optical frequency comb stabilized to RF signals
Akiko Nishiyama; Satoru Yoshida; Naoyuki Shiokawa; Masayuki Shirakawa; Kazuaki Nakata; Eiji Tokunaga; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nagoya, Domestic conference
16 Sep. 2015 - Simple saturated absorption spectrometer for compact wavelength-stabilized laser
Atsushi Onae; Satoshi Hatano; Hajime Inaba; Feng-Lei Hong; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nagoya, Domestic conference
16 Sep. 2015 - Development of high-speed controllable frequency comb based on mode locked Er fiber laser with integrated electro-otic modulator
Satoru Yoshida; Naoyuki Shiokawa; Mayayuki Shirakawa; Kazuaki Nakata; Takashi Ogura; Akiko Nishiyama; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Eiji Tokunaga; Takeshi Yasui; Tomonori Yamamoto; Masaaki Hirano; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nagoya, Domestic conference
14 Sep. 2015 - 光波の超精密制御が拓く応用の世界
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, JSAP Fall Meeting, Invited, 応用物理学会, 名古屋, Domestic conference
14 Sep. 2015 - Development of high-repetition-rate optical frequency comb based on a mode-locked Yb fiber laser
Hideaki Yasui; Bo Xu; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Zigang Zhang; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, Japanese, The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Nagoya, Domestic conference
13 Sep. 2015 - Highly stabilized fiber-based optical frequency comb interferometer with nm-stability and meters-wide scanning range by frequency tuning
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2015, OSA, Busan, Korea, International conference
27 Aug. 2015 - Real-Time Absolute Frequency Measurement of CW-THz radiation Based on a Free-Running THz Comb
T. Ogura; K. Hayashi; K. Nagai; Y. Nakajima; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Optical Society of Korea(OSK), Busan, Korea, International conference
27 Aug. 2015 - Digital holographic microscopyusing partially coherent, instantaneously bright, femtosecond pulse light
D. Abdelsalam; H. Yamamoto; T. Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Optical Society of Korea(OSK), Busan, Korea, International conference
27 Aug. 2015 - Adaptive Sampling, Terahertz Dual Comb Spectroscopy using Unstabilized Dual lasers
T. Mizuguchi; R. Ichikawa; T. Matsumoto; Y.-D. Hsieh; K. Minoshima; H. Inaba; T. Yasui
Poster presentation, English, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Optical Society of Korea(OSK), Busan, Korea, International conference
27 Aug. 2015 - Gas-Phase Spectroscopy using THz Frequency Synthesizer based on Dual Optical Combs
Y.-D. Hsieh; K. Hayashi; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
Poster presentation, English, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Optical Society of Korea(OSK), Busan, Korea, International conference
27 Aug. 2015 - Length metrology with ultra-high precision using fiber-based frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2015 (Invited), Invited, OSA, Busan, Korea, International conference
25 Aug. 2015 - Optical frequency comb and its applications to metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, CLEO-PR 2015 (Short Course Lecture), Invited, OSA, Busan, Korea, International conference
24 Aug. 2015 - ファイバレーザーによる光コムと応用展開
美濃島 薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会 ファイバーレーザー技術専門委員会, Invited, レーザー学会 ファイバーレーザー技術専門委員会, 東京, Domestic conference
17 Jul. 2015 - Ultra-precision optical metrology using fiber-based frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, ISUPT/EXAT 2015 (Invited), Invited, EXAT, Kyoto, International conference
13 Jul. 2015 - Ultra-precision optical metrology using highly controlled fiber-based frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima; Yoshiaki Nakajima; Guanhao Wu
Invited oral presentation, English, Optical Metrology 2015 (Invited), Invited, SPIE, Munich, Germany, International conference
22 Jun. 2015 - 光combの基礎とその干渉計への応用
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Senspec2015, Invited, 精密工学会メカノフォトニクス専門委員会, 横浜パシフィコ, Domestic conference
11 Jun. 2015 - 高安定な光コム干渉計の開発
中嶋 善晶; 美濃島 薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス研究会(LQE), The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers(IEICE), Kanazawa, Domestic conference
21 May 2015 - Fiber-based optical frequency comb interferometer with nm-stability and meters-wide scanning range
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2015, OSA, San Jose, International conference
15 May 2015 - Real-Time Absolute Frequency Measurement of CW-THz Wave Based on a Free-Running THz Comb
T. Ogura; K. Hayashi; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2015, OSA, San Jose, International conference
15 May 2015 - Adaptive Sampling Dual Comb Spectroscopy in Terahertz Region Using Unstabilized Dual Femtosecond Lasers
R. Ichikawa; Y.-D. Hsieh; K. Hayashi; K. Minoshima; H. Inaba; T. Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2015, OSA, San Jose, International conference
14 May 2015 - Highly stabilized fiber-based optical frequency comb interferometer with meters-wide scanning range
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Oral presentation, English, ALPS'15, The Laser Society of Japan, Yokohama, International conference
23 Apr. 2015 - 超高安定光コム干渉計と光シンセサイザ
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Poster presentation, Japanese, 国際光年記念シンポジウム, SCIENCE COUNCIL OF JAPAN, The University of Tokyo, Domestic conference
21 Apr. 2015 - Development of Fiber-based Frequency Combs and Their Application in Precision Metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, China-Korea-Japan Joint Workshop for Ultrafast Photonics Technology 2015 (Invited), Invited, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, International conference
23 Mar. 2015 - ファイバ型光コム干渉計による光路長走査範囲の拡大
中嶋 善晶; 美濃島 薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, JSAP, 東海大学, Domestic conference
11 Mar. 2015 - ファイバー光コム共振器の外乱/RF周波数変換機能を用いたひずみ計測に関する基礎研究
小倉 隆志; 中嶋 善晶; 山岡 禎久; 美濃島 薫; 安井 武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, JSAP, 東海大学, Domestic conference
11 Mar. 2015 - 高速制御ファイバコムと応用技術
Yoshikai Nakajima; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光・量子デバイス研究会, Invited, 電気学会/レーザー学会, Domestic conference
08 Mar. 2015 - 光コムによる超精密時空間操作・計測技術の研究
美濃島 薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光科学技術研究振興財団報告会, Invited, 光科学技術研究振興財団, 浜松
03 Mar. 2015 - Ultrahigh precision ruler based on optical frequency comb and its application trands
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, Ultrafast Optoelectronics Technical Group (UFO) Meeting, IEICE Japan, Invited, Ultrafast Optoelectronics Technical Group (UFO), IEICE Japan, Domestic conference
16 Jan. 2015 - 周波数安定化手法を適用した光コム干渉計の開発
中嶋 善晶; 美濃島 薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会, レーザー学会, Domestic conference
11 Jan. 2015 - Ultra-high precision ruler by use of advanced laser: optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, Laser Society of Japan, Special Symposium & Public Lecture, Invited, Laser Society of Japan, Domestic conference
11 Jan. 2015 - 光コム干渉計におけるファイバノイズキャンセリング手法の研究
中嶋 善晶; 美濃島 薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究会, 東北大学電気通信研究所, Domestic conference
15 Dec. 2014 - ファイバノイズキャンセル手法を適用した光コム干渉計の開発
中嶋 善晶; 美濃島 薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan, 日本光学会, Domestic conference
06 Nov. 2014 - フリーランニング・テラヘルツ・コムを用いた連続発振テラヘルツ波のリアルタイム絶対周波数計測
林建太; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 安井武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan, 日本光学会, Domestic conference
06 Nov. 2014 - デュアル光コム参照型 THz シンセサイザーを用いた 低圧ガス分光
謝 宜達; 木村 洸仁; 稲場 肇; 美濃島 薫; 荒木 勉; 安井 武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan, 日本光学会, Domestic conference
06 Nov. 2014 - Ultrahigh-accuracy optical metrology using optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Nominated symposium, English, MIPT-UEC Workshop, Invited, International conference
18 Oct. 2014 - 小型でロバストな光通信帯波長安定化レーザ
大苗敦; 波多野智; 稲場肇; 洪鋒雷; 美濃島薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第75回応用物理学会秋季講演会, Domestic conference
18 Sep. 2014 - 光コム干渉計における ファイバノイズキャンセリング手法を 用いた光路長安定化
中嶋 善晶; 美濃島 薫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, Domestic conference
18 Sep. 2014 - Low-pressure gas spectroscopy using terahertz frequency synthesizer traceable to microwave frequency standard via dual optical comb
T. Yasui; H. Kimura; Y.-D. Hsieh; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima
Poster presentation, English, 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz2014) http://www.irmmw-thz2014.org, International conference
Sep. 2014 - Extraction of beat signal between dual THz combs using dual THz spectrum analyzers
R. Ichikawa; H. Kimura; K. Hayashi; H. Inaba; K.Minoshima; T. Yasui
Poster presentation, English, 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz2014) http://www.irmmw-thz2014.org, International conference
Sep. 2014 - アダプティブ・サンプリング式デュアルTHzコム分光法
市川竜嗣; 謝宣達; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 安井武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2014 - 超短パルスを用いた超精密な光のものさし「光コム」
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, Japanese, 近未来への招待状~ナイスステップな研究者2013からのメッセージ~, Invited, NISTEP, Tokyo, http://www.nistep.go.jp/archives/17192, Domestic conference
21 Aug. 2014 - 狭線幅光コムの開発と光シンセサイザの研究
Yoshiaki Nakajima; Kaoru Minoshima
Public symposium, Japanese, 第4回先端フォトニクスシンポジウム, Science Council of Japan, Domestic conference
08 Aug. 2014 - 超高精度の光のものさし:光コム
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第4回先端フォトニクスシンポジウム, Invited, Science Council of Japan, Domestic conference
08 Aug. 2014 - Ultrahigh-accuracy optical metrology using fiber-based frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, Workshop, 3rd International Summer Course and Workshop on Ultrafast Lasers and Applications in Quantum Matters (Invited), Invited, Taiwan, International conference
05 Aug. 2014 - Fundamentals and applications of frequency combs for high-accuracy optical metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Summer School, 3rd International Summer Course and Workshop on Ultrafast Lasers and Applications in Quantum Matters, Invited, Taiwan, International conference
04 Aug. 2014 - 光コムの作る超精密光のものさし
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, フロンティア研究センター講演会, 徳島大学フロンティア研究センター, 徳島, http://www.frc.tokushima-u.ac.jp/seminar.html, Domestic conference
03 Jul. 2014 - 光コムの作る超精密光のものさし
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 応用光学懇談会『光コムの応用展開』, Invited, 応用光学懇談会、JST ERATO, Domestic conference
02 Jul. 2014 - 光コムを用いた超精密計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本学術振興会フォトニクス情報システム第179委員会第35回研究会, Invited, 日本学術振興会フォトニクス情報システム第179委員会, 東京, Domestic conference
06 Jun. 2014 - Real-time absolute frequency measurement of CW-THz wave based on dual THz combs
K. Hayashi; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2014, OSA, San Jose, International conference
Jun. 2014 - Spectrally interleaved, comb-mode-resolved, dual-terahertz-comb spectroscopy
Y.-D. Hsieh; Y. Iyonaga; Y. Sakaguchi; S. Yokoyama; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; F. Hindle; T. Arak; T . Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2014, International conference
Jun. 2014 - Low-pressure gas spectroscopy using terahertz frequency synthesizer traceable to microwave frequency standard via dual optical combs
Y.-D. Hsieh; H. Kimura; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Arak; T. Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2014, OSA, San Jose, International conference
Jun. 2014 - Ultrahigh precision optical metrology using optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, Invited, Domestic conference
21 Mar. 2014 - 光コムを用いた超高精度の光のものさし
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第61回応用物理学関係連合講演会 特別シンポジウム, Invited, Domestic conference
18 Mar. 2014 - デュアルTHzコムを用いたCW-THz波のリアルタイム絶対周波数計測
林建太; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 安井武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第61回応用物理学関係連合講演会予稿集, 応用物理学会, 青山学院大学, Domestic conference
17 Mar. 2014 - 精密THzシンセサイザーの高周波化とガス分光への応用
木村洸仁; 謝宜達; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 安井武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第61回応用物理学関係連合講演会予稿集, 応用物理学会, 青山学院大学, Domestic conference
Mar. 2014 - テラヘルツ周波数コムの観測と分光計測への応用
謝 宜達; 弥永 祐樹; 坂口 良幸; 横山 修子; 稲場 肇; 美濃島 薫; 荒木 勉; 安井 武史
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会第34回年次大会, Invited, Domestic conference
Jan. 2014 - デュアル・テラヘルツ・コムを用いた連続発振テラヘルツ波のリアルタイム絶対周波数計測
林建太; 横山修子; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 安井武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, Optics & Photonics Japan 2013, OSJ, Nara, Domestic conference
Nov. 2013 - 光周波数コムが拓く新しい光科学技術の世界
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 女性が輝く電気通信大学, Invited, Domestic conference
Nov. 2013 - 光の超精密ものさし:光周波数コム
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Symposium on New Frontiers of Quantum Photonic Network, Invited, Domestic conference
Nov. 2013 - Precise frequency measurement of continuous-wave terahertz radiation based on THz comb
K. Hayashi; S. Yokoyama; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Yasui
Oral presentation, English, 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz2013), Mainz, Germany, International conference
Sep. 2013 - デュアルTHzコムにおけるコム間ビート信号の抽出
市川竜嗣; 中村翔太; 木村洸仁; 林建太; 稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 安井武史
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 応用物理学会, 同志社大学, Domestic conference
Sep. 2013 - 光周波数コムを用いた精密計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電気学会技術専門委員会, Invited, Domestic conference
31 Jul. 2013 - Ultrafast Optical Comb Length Measurement
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, APPC-12 (Invited), C3-1-I1, Invited, APPC, Makuhari, International conference
18 Jul. 2013 - Self-Correction of Air-Refractive Index with Extreme Accuracy using Frequency Combs
Kaoru Minoshima; Guanhao Wu; Mayumi Takahashi; Hajime Inaba
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2013, International conference
Jul. 2013 - Gapless THz Comb Spectroscopy
Takeshi Yasui; Yi-Da Hsieh; Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi; Francis Hindle; Shuko Yokoyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Tsutomu Araki
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2013, International conference
Jul. 2013 - Precise Frequency Measurement of Continuous-Wave Terahertz Radiation Based on THz Comb
Kenta Hayashi; Shuko Yokoyama; Hajime Inaba; Kaoru Minoshima; Takeshi Yasui
Oral presentation, English, CLEO-PR 2013, International conference
Jul. 2013 - Fiber-based frequency comb and its application to optical metrology
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回ファイバーレーザー委員会, Invited, Laser Soceity of Japan, Domestic conference
Jul. 2013 - Frequency-swept asynchronous-optical-sampling terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
T. Yasui; Y. Iyonaga; Y.-D. Hsieh; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; S. Yokoyama; T. Araki; M. Hashimoto
Oral presentation, English, CLEO:2013, OSA, International conference
Jun. 2013 - Gapless THz comb spectroscopy
T. Yasui; Y.-D. Hsieh; Y. Iyonaga; Y. Sakaguchi; S. Yokoyama; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Araki
Oral presentation, English, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy 2013, Arlington, International conference
Jun. 2013 - ギャップレスTHzコムを用いた低圧ガス分光
安井武史; 謝宜達; 坂口良幸; 横山修子; 美濃島薫; 稲場肇; 荒木勉
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第13回分子分光研究会, 岡山大学, Domestic conference
May 2013 - Gapless terahertz frequency comb spectroscopy of molecular gas
Y.-D. Hsieh; Y. Iyonaga; Y. Sakaguchi; S. Yokoyama; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; T. Araki; F. Hindle; T. Yasui
Oral presentation, English, The 2nd Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'13), Yokohama, International conference
Apr. 2013 - 光コムを用いた空気屈折率の高精度自己補正
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, 強羅
08 Dec. 2012 - Ultraprecision practical long distance measurement using frequency combsUltraprecision practical long distance measurement using frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, ICMTE 2012, Invited, ICMTE, Seoul, International conference
Oct. 2012 - High-accuracy self-correction of air refractive index variation using wavelength-stabilized combs
Kaoru Minoshima; Guanhao Wu; Kaoru Arai; Mayumi Takahashi; Hajime Inaba
Invited oral presentation, English, ISPEMI 2012, Invited, ISPEMI, Chengdu, China, International conference
Aug. 2012 - 光周波数コムを用いた絶対距離測定応用技術の進展 -レーザー位相制御技術の極限-
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会セミナー, Invited, レーザー学会東京支部, 慶応大学
06 Jul. 2012 - 光コムによる 超精密長さ計測技術の進展
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会超精密位置決め研究会, Invited, 精密工学会超精密位置決め研究会, 東京理科大
15 Jun. 2012 - 光コム:時間・空間・周波数の超精密ものさし
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第123回微小光学研究会, Invited, 応用物理学会, 東京
01 Mar. 2012 - フェムト秒光計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光コム・フェムト秒セミナー, Invited, 徳島大学, 徳島大学
26 Feb. 2012 - モード同期ファイバレーザーの光コムを用いた精密長さ測定
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, PST-net特別講演会, Invited, PST-net, 東京
24 Feb. 2012 - フェムト秒光コムによる高精度距離計測技術の展開
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, フェムト秒光技術の展開, Invited, 産総研, つくば
22 Nov. 2011 - High Precision Absolute Length Metrology using Optical Frequency Combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, IMEKO, LMPMI 2011 Laser Metrology for Precision Measurement and Inspection in Industry (Keynote), Invited, IMEKO, Braunschweig. Germany, International conference
13 Sep. 2011 - Basics of optical frequency combs and its application to high-accuracy measurements
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, 中国科学院公開セミナー, Invited, Beijin, International conference
16 Aug. 2011 - 光コムによる長さ計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第36回光学シンポジウム, Invited, 応用物理学会・日本光学会, 東京
07 Jul. 2011 - High accuracy length metrology using fiber-based optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Keynote oral presentation, English, ISMTII 2011 (Keynote), Invited, ISMTII, Daejeon, Korea, International conference
29 Jun. 2011 - 超短光パルスによる応用光学計測の研究
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会, Invited, 応用物理学会, 神奈川工科大
25 Mar. 2011 - 光で測る究極の長さ~光周波数コムによる長さ測定
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 先端光量子科学アライアンスセミナー, Invited, 光量子科学アライアンス, 慶應大学
08 Mar. 2011 - 最新の光計測技術の産業分野への応用
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 技術講演会, Invited, とちぎ光産業振興協議会, 宇都宮
20 Dec. 2010 - 光コムの応用2:長さ計測関係
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 時間・周波数セミナー, Invited, NMIJ周波数クラブ・光コムクラブ, つくば
01 Dec. 2010 - 光コムを用いた長さ測定における空気屈折率補正
美濃島 薫; 新井 薫; 岩本 裕; 稲場 肇
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Optics Photonics Japan, Invited, 日本光学会, 東京
08 Nov. 2010 - High Accuracy Length Metrology using Fiber-Based Optical Frequency Combs
K. Minoshima; K. Arai; H. Inaba
Invited oral presentation, English, ICOCN 2010, Invited, Nanjin, International conference
25 Oct. 2010 - Basics of Optical Comb and its application for high-accuracy measurements II
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会ジャイアントマイクロフォトニクス研究会, Invited, 科学技術交流財団, 岡崎
22 Oct. 2010 - Basics of Optical Comb and its application for high-accuracy measurements I
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会ジャイアントマイクロフォトニクス研究会, Invited, 科学技術交流財団, 岡崎
22 Oct. 2010 - High-Precision Absolute Length Metrology using Fiber-Based Optical Frequency Combs
K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, 2010 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Invited, Sydney, International conference
21 Sep. 2010 - 光周波数コムによる高安定レーザーの線幅転送
稲場肇; 保坂一元; 中嶋善晶; 岩國加奈; 安田正美; 大苗敦; 赤松大輔; 美濃島薫; 洪鋒雷
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, 慶應大学・日吉
20 Aug. 2010 - トレーサビリティ
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 高等測量研修, Invited, 国土交通省国土交通大学校, 東京
16 Jul. 2010 - Precision Optical Measurements using Femtosecond Laser Pulses
K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, Connections; Bringing Together the Next Generation of Women Leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Invited, Saitama, International conference
06 Jul. 2010 - 分野融合等による新領域の創成について:事例発表
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 女性研究者のエンパワーメントと新領域創成に向けたワークショップ~日米シンポジウムのプレ会議として~, Invited, 国立女性教育会館, 国立女性教育会館
05 Jul. 2010 - Precise length metrology using fiber-based frequency combs
K. Minoshima; H. Inaba
Invited oral presentation, English, Optical Sensors, Karlsruhe, International conference
21 Jun. 2010 - 光周波数コムと超精密長さ計測
鍜島 麻理子; 美濃島 薫
Public symposium, Japanese, 先端フォトニクスシンポジウム, Invited, 日本学術会議 総合工学委員会 ICO分科会, 東京, Domestic conference
09 Apr. 2010 - 「計量器校正情報システムの研究開発」(e-trace)プロジェクトの成果報告-プロジェクト概要と長さ(波長)-
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 長さクラブ会合, Invited, 長さクラブ, 東京
01 Mar. 2010 - 光コムによる超高精度光計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会冬期講習会, Invited, 日本光学会, 本郷
21 Jan. 2010 - Precise length metrology using optical frequency combs
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Precision engineering seminar, Invited, Tsinghua University, China, International conference
25 Dec. 2009 - 光周波数コムと系外惑星探査への応用について
稲場肇; 中嶋善晶; 美濃島薫; 大苗敦; 洪鋒雷
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第2回スペースガード研究会 & 1m級望遠鏡による天体観測研究会, Invited, 北海道大学・スペースガード協会, 札幌・北大
22 Dec. 2009 - Fiber-based frequency combs for an Yb optical lattice clock
H. Inaba; Y. Nakajima; J. Ihara; M. Yasuda; K. Hosaka; T. Kohno; K. Minoshima; A. Onae; F.L. Hong
Invited oral presentation, English, SPIE, Optics + Photonics 2009, Invited, USA, San Diego, International conference
05 Aug. 2009 - トレーサビリティ
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 高等測量研修, Invited, 国土交通省交通大学校, 東京
16 Jul. 2009 - CLEO2009速報
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, JPCフォーラム定例会, Invited, JPCフォーラム, 東京
19 Jun. 2009 - 光コムレーザー光源の進展と精密長さ計測技術への応用
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 学術振興会第130委員会研究会, Invited, 学術振興会第130委員会, 東京
11 May 2009 - 光コムを用いた精密長さ計測技術
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 物理工学セミナー, Invited, 理研, 理研
28 Apr. 2009 - フェムト秒光コムを用いた精密長さ計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会超精密位置決め専門委員会, Invited, 精密工学会超精密位置決め専門委員会, 東京
24 Apr. 2009 - モード同期ファイバーレーザーによる光コムを用いた精密長さ計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会, Invited, 応用物理学会, つくば
31 Mar. 2009 - 分極反転デバイスを用いた超高精度周波数計測
稲場肇; 中嶋善晶; 洪鋒雷; 美濃島薫; 大苗敦
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会学術講演会, Invited, 応用物理学会, つくば・筑波大学
30 Mar. 2009 - 光コムの応用2(長さ計測関係)
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 時間・周波数セミナー, Invited, NMIJ周波数クラブ・光コムクラブ, つくば
11 Mar. 2009 - 光コムと高非線形ファイバーを用いた光周波数計測
稲場肇; 美濃島薫; 洪鋒雷; 大苗敦
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会2008年ソサエティ大会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会, 明治大学生田キャンパス
18 Sep. 2008 - 長さ標準:周波数にトレーサブルな距離標準
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第10回e-trace成果普及セミナー, Invited, NEDO, つくば
27 Aug. 2008 - トレーサビリティ
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 高等測量研修, Invited, 国土交通省国土交通大学校, 国土交通大学校
23 Jun. 2008 - 生活と産業の基盤としての長さ計測-光コムによる距離計-
美濃島 薫; 松本 弘一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第55回応用物理学関係連合講演会, Invited, 応用物理学会, 日本大学船橋
27 Mar. 2008 - モード同期ファイバーレーザーによる広帯域光コム発生および光周波数計測
稲場肇; 中嶋善晶; 美濃島薫; 洪鋒雷; 大苗敦; 中沢正隆; 松本弘一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会第28回年次大会, Invited, レーザー学会, 名古屋国際会議場
30 Jan. 2008 - 長さ分野のための光コム技術の基礎
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 長さクラブ, Invited, 長さクラブ, 東京
22 Jan. 2008 - 光コムを用いた高精度長さ計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, IP2008プレミーティング2007, Invited, 日本光学会, 淡路夢舞台
21 Dec. 2007 - 光周波数コムを用いた超高精度長さ計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会研究会, Invited, 計測自動制御学会, 名古屋大学
13 Dec. 2007 - Displacement Metrology with sub-nm accuracy in air using optical frequency comb
Y. Bitou; T.R. Schibli; K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO.Pacific Rim, Invited, OSA, Seoul, Korea
30 Aug. 2007 - Ultrahigh dynamic-range distance measurement using a femtosecond frequency comb
K. Minoshima; H. Inaba; H. Matsumoto; Y. Iino; K. Kumagai
Invited oral presentation, English, LEOS Summer Topicals, Invited, OSA, Portland, USA
24 Jul. 2007 - レーザーパルスの時間・周波数関係を利用した空間精密計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会知的ナノ計測専門委員会, Invited, 精密工学会, 東京
22 Jun. 2007 - Precision length metrology using optical comb.
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Max-Planck Seminar, Invited, Max-Planck, Erlangen, International conference
08 Jun. 2007 - Ultrahigh dynamic-range length metrology using optical frequency combs
K. Minoshima; T.R. Schibli; H. Inaba; Y. Bitou; F.-L. Hong; A. Onae; H. Matsumoto
Nominated symposium, English, International Optical Comb Workshop, Tsukuba, International conference
18 May 2007 - Development and achievement of fiber based frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, BIPM/NMIJ, Invited, BIPM/NMIJ, Tsukuba, Japan, International conference
18 May 2007 - Development and achievement of fiber based frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, BIPM/NMIJ, BIPM/NMIJ, Tsukuba, Japan, International conference
16 May 2007 - レーザーパルスの時間・周波数関係を利用した空間精密計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーEXPOセミナー, Invited, レーザー学会, 横浜
25 Apr. 2007 - High-accuracy long distance measurements using a femtosecond frequency comb
K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, High Accuracy Absolute Distance Measurement Workshop, Invited, Munich, Germany
06 Feb. 2007 - フェムト秒レーザーを用いた極限光計測
美濃島 薫; 松本 弘一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 東京理科大学物理学講義, Invited, 東京理科大学, 野田市
12 Jan. 2007 - Ultrahigh dynamic-range distance meter using an optical frequency comb
K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, KAIST-NMIJ Symposium, Invited, Daejon
12 Dec. 2006 - フェムト秒光コムの精密計測への応用
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第6回超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 電気通信学会, 淡路
18 Nov. 2006 - 周波数にトレーサブルなコム距離計技術
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 自動車技術会講演会, Invited, 自動車技術会, つくば
15 Nov. 2006 - Precision length metrology using optical comb.
Kaoru Minoshima
Public discourse, English, Length seminar, Invited, KRISS, Daejon, Korea, International conference
09 Oct. 2006 - Carbon nanotube polymer nanocomposite and its nonlinear optical applications
Y. Sakakibara; T. Itatani; S. Matsuzaki; E. Itoga; W.M. So; H. Itatani; K. Kanetaka; S. Namiki; T.R. Schibli; K. Minoshima; Y. Kaji; T. Oomuro; M. Yamashita; M. Tokumoto; H. Kataura
Invited oral presentation, English, ECOC2006, Invited, International conference
27 Sep. 2006 - カーボンナノチューブを用いた超高速可飽和吸収デバイス
榊原 陽一; シブリ トーマス; 美濃島 薫; 並木 周; 板谷 太郎; 松崎瞬; 糸賀 恵美子; 徳本 圓; 片浦 弘道
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, 東京
20 Jul. 2006 - Nonlinear optical devices based on carbon nanotubes
Y. Sakakibara; K. Kanetaka; T. Itatani; S. Matsuzaki; T.R. Schibli; K. Minoshima; S. Namiki; E. Itoga; M. Tokumoto; K. Ishida; H. Kataura
Invited oral presentation, English, OFC, OSA, Anaheim, USA
09 Mar. 2006 - 光コムを用いた絶対距離計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本光学会名古屋講演会, Invited, 日本光学会, 名古屋
08 Mar. 2006 - An arbitrary optical single-frequency generator based on a femtosecond frequency comb
K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, The Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Invited, Snowbird, Utah, USA,
03 Jan. 2006 - フェムト秒光コムを用いた高精度距離計
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大・農工大COEシンポ, Invited, 電通大・農工大COE, 小金井
10 Dec. 2005 - フェムト秒光コムを用いた高精度距離計測技術
美濃島 薫; 松本 弘一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザ光加工、計測技術の進展, Invited, 日本光学会、光設計研究グループ, 東京
08 Dec. 2005 - モード同期レーザによる光コムを用いた光周波数シンセサイザ
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 電気通信学会, 琉球大学
16 Nov. 2005 - Optical equivalent to a microwave synthesizer and its application to optical metrology
Schibli R. Thomas; 美濃島 薫; 洪 鋒雷; 稲場 肇; 尾藤 洋一; 大苗 敦; 松本 弘一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第8回光・量子コヒーレンス制御技術調査専門委員会, Invited, 電気学会光・量子コヒーレンス制御技術調査専門委員会, 産総研
07 Oct. 2005 - フェムト秒長さ標準
美濃島 薫; 松本 弘一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, NEDO勉強会, Invited, NEDO, つくば
30 Sep. 2005 - A femtosecond comb based widely tunable optical frequency reference for spectroscopy
T.R. Schibli; K. Minoshima; F.-L. Hong; H. Inaba; Y. Bitou; A. Onae; H. Matsumoto
Invited oral presentation, English, Laser Physics Workshop, Invited, Kyoto
04 Jul. 2005 - High-precision distance measurement using a frequency comb of an ultrashort pulse laser
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO-Europe, Invited, OSA, Munich, Germany
16 Jun. 2005 - フェムト秒光コムを用いた光計測
松本弘一; 美濃島薫; 大苗敦
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光波センシング技術研究会, Invited, 応用物理学会, 東京
15 Jun. 2005 - フェムト秒光コムを用いた高精度距離計
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会東京支部大会, Invited, レーザー学会東京支部, 東海大学
18 Mar. 2005 - Fiber Based Frequency Comb Lasers and Their Applications,
I. Hartl; L. Dong; M.E. Fermann; T.R. Schibli; A. Onae; F.-L. Hong; H. Inaba; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Invited oral presentation, English, Advanced Solid State Photonics, OSA, Vienna,
06 Feb. 2005 - 周波数コムとキャリアエンベロープ位相-国内外における研究分野の概観
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第6回超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 電気通信学会超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, 磐田
24 Nov. 2004 - フェムト秒コム距離計
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会年会, Invited, レーザー学会, 仙台
K. Minoshima; T. Tomita; H. Matsumoto
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO/PacificRim2003, Invited, OSA, Taipei
17 Dec. 2003 - フェムト秒光周波数コムを利用した距離計
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光波シンセシス研究会, Invited, 光波シンセシス研究会, 東京
20 Nov. 2003 - フェムト秒の光の櫛で距離を計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 産総研ランチョンセミナー, Invited, 産総研, つくば
21 Oct. 2003 - Femtosecond-comb distance meter for micrometer-resolution long-distance measurements
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Invited oral presentation, English, Frontiers in Optics/LS, Invited, OSA, Tucson, USA, International conference
06 Oct. 2003 - A micrometer-resolution long-distance measurement using a femtosecond frequency comb
K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, Photonic Time/Frequency Metrology and Control, Invited, Vancouver, Canada
14 Jul. 2003 - フェムトコム距離計の開発
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本学術会議 標準研究連絡委員会, Invited, 日本学術会議, 東京
28 Apr. 2003 - フェムト秒モードロックレーザを用いた光周波数の絶対測定
稲場 肇; 古賀 保喜; 大苗 敦; 洪 鋒雷; 池上健; 美濃島 薫; 松本 弘一; 尾藤 洋一; 杉山 和彦
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 国計連長さ分科会, Invited, 国計連, 東京 弘成会館
29 Jan. 2003 - フェムト秒光コムを用いた距離計
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第30回光波センシング技術研究会, Invited, 応用物理学会・光波センシング研究会, 東京
19 Dec. 2002 - 光波距離計の校正システムについて
藤間 一郎; 丹羽 民夫; 寺田 聡一; 美濃島 薫; 松本 弘一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 「測量機器トレーサビリティ体系・標準化に関する調査研究作業」第2回委員会, Invited, 日本測量協会, 東京(文京区小石川), Domestic conference
05 Dec. 2002 - フェムト秒周波数コムを用いた超高分解能距離計
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, FESTA研究会議, Invited, FESTA, つくば
01 Oct. 2002 - Ultrahigh-resolution distance meter using a frequency comb in a femtosecond mode-locked laser
K. Minoshima; T. Tomita; Y. Yamaoka; H. Matsumoto
Invited oral presentation, English, Ultrafast Phenomena 2002, Invited, OSA, Vancouver, Canada
May 2002 - 光パルスの時間・周波数関係を用いた精密計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会量子エレクトロニクス研究会, Invited, 応用物理学会量子エレクトロニクス研究会, 清里
11 Jan. 2002 - Femtosecond interferometry for direct measurement of group refractive index of air using mode-lock frequency
Y. Yamaoka; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Invited oral presentation, English, 17th Asia Pacific Metrology Program (APMP), Technical Committee for Length (TCL) Workshop, Tsukuba
01 Nov. 2001 - 200m離れて20μmの差を読みとるフェムト秒レーザ高精度距離計
美濃島 薫; 松本 弘一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, フェムト秒テクノロジーフォーラム, Invited, FESTA, AIST, 駒場
24 Oct. 2001 - 隣接モードロックパルス干渉計を用いた空気群屈折率直接測定
山岡禎久; 美濃島薫; 松本弘一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, FESTA研究会議, Invited, フェムト秒テクノロジー研究機構, つくば/日本
27 Sep. 2001 - Direct comparison between microwave and optical frequencies with a one-octave ultra-fast laser comb
K. Sugiyama; A. Onae; F.-L. Hong; T. Ikegami; S. Suluselev; J. Ishikawa; K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto; J.C. Knight; W.J. Wadsworth; P.St. J. Russel
Invited oral presentation, English, AP-RASC'01, Invited, Tokyo
03 Aug. 2001 - Versatile photonic device fabrication using nonlinear processing in glass with a femtosecond laser oscillator
K. Minoshima; I. Hartl; E. Ippen; J.G. Fujimoto
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO/QELS 2001, Invited, OSA, Baltimore, USA
May 2001 - High-Speed time-resolved imaging
H. Matsumoto; K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO / Pacific Rim'99, Invited, OSA, Seoul, Korea
Sep. 1999 - 3-Dimensional measurements using femtosecond optical technology
K. Minoshima; H. Matsumoto
Invited oral presentation, English, International Topical Workshop on Contemporary Photonic Technologies (CPT'98), Invited, Tokyo
Jan. 1998 - フェムト秒光パルスを用いた3次元形状測定技術
松本弘一; 美濃島薫
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回光波センシング技術シンポジウム, Invited
Dec. 1997 - フェムト秒光パルスを用いた3次元計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 9年度第1回光協会レーザ画像計測・処理懇談会, Invited
16 Jun. 1997 - フェムト秒光パルス計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光センシング部会, Invited
Mar. 1997 - 光ズーミングスケールを利用した精密位置決めステージ
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第19回長さ標準分科会, Invited
Jan. 1997 - Ultrashort pulse application to 3-D measurements
K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, International workshop on femtosecond technology (FST'96), Invited, Tsukuba
Feb. 1996 - フェムト秒物理計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本学術振興会光エレクトロニクス第130回委員会, Invited
Jun. 1995 - フェムト秒光計測
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 情報光学研究委員会, Invited
16 May 1995 - New 3-D measurements using color information
K. Minoshima
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO/PacificRim'95, Invited, OSA, Makuhari
1995 - シアニン色素J会合体の超高速非線形応答
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 量子エレクトロニクスワークショップ, Invited
Mar. 1993
- 光工学実験第二
Oct. 2021 - Present
電気通信大学 - 基礎電子回路
Oct. 2013 - Present
電気通信大学 - 物理学概論第二
Oct. 2013 - Present
電気通信大学 - 学域総合コミュニケーション科学『光工学』
電気通信大学 - 総合コミュニケーション科学(PBL)
電気通信大学 - 基盤理工学専攻基礎全体講義
電気通信大学 - 先進理工学基礎全体講義
電気通信大学 - 基礎電気・電子回路第二
The University of Electro-Communications - 総合コミュニケーション科学
The University of Electro-Communications - 基礎電気・電子回路第二
電気通信大学 - 夜間輪講
The University of Electro-Communications - 先進理工学基礎
The University of Electro-Communications - 先進理工学基礎
電気通信大学 - 総合コミュニケーション科学(PBL)
The University of Electro-Communications - 光エレクトロニクス実験第二
The University of Electro-Communications
Affiliated academic society
- Nov. 2016 - Present
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics, (Senior Member) - Apr. 2016 - Present
OSJ - Dec. 2002 - Present
Laser Society of Japan (Vice-President, Board Member, Fellow) - Jan. 1997 - Present
Optica (The Optical Society, OSA) (Fellow) - Apr. 1987 - Present
Physical Society of Japan - Apr. 1987 - Present
The Japan Society of Applied Physics, JSAP (Board Member 2019-2020, Fellow) - Present
IEEE - Present
APS, American Physical Society
Research Themes
- Material evaluation technology that is opened up by spectroscopy principle based on the direct acquisition of optical response function
Kaoru Minoshima
01 Jul. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2026 - 光コム技術
01 Sep. 2022 - 30 Sep. 2023 - 光周波数コム技術のガス検出への応用
01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2023 - 光コムを用いた3次元形状計測に関する研究開発
01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2023 - 光コムを用いた応用計測に関する共同研究
01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2023 - 光コム分光を駆使した光渦メタマテリアル物性の研究
Akifumi Asahara
01 Apr. 2021 - 光周波数コム技術の電気化学反応生成物定量への応用
01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2021 - Specially funded period, ERATO MINOSHIMA Intelligent Optical Synthesizer Project
Kaoru Minoshima
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2020 - 次世代超大型光学赤外線望遠鏡TMTと高分散分光器による宇宙の加速膨張の直接検証
Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2020 - 光コムを用いた3次元形状計測に関する研究開発
01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2019 - 光コムによる計測技術の研究
01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2019 - 光コムによる磁気計測技術の研究
01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2019 - 光コムによる距離計測技術の研究
01 Nov. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2019 - ERATO MINOSHIMA Intelligent Optical Synthesizer Project
Kaoru Minoshima
01 Oct. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2019 - Frequency-comb-based heterodyne interferometry for high-accuracy distance measurement and correction of the refractive index of air
Kaoru Minoshima
JSPS, 二国間交流事業共同研究, Principal investigator
01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Dec. 2018 - 高感度歪みセンシング光コムの開発と光音響イメージングへの応用
Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2017 - 光コムによる環境自己補正型の精密長さ計測エコ技術の開発
Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2016 - 光コムによる2色干渉計測技術の研究
Jun. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2015 - 国家標準にトレーサブルなコヒーレント周波数リンクの創生とそれに基づいたテラヘルツ周波数標準技術の系統的構築
Jul. 2011 - Mar. 2015 - 光コムによる超精密時空間操作・計測技術の研究
公益財団法人 光科学技術研究振興財団, 研究助成金
01 Jan. 2013 - 31 Dec. 2014 - 光コムによる距離計測技術の研究
May 2013 - Mar. 2014 - QLEAP
Industrial Property Rights
- 2次元分光法および2次元分光装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Takashi Kato, 特願2019-509003, PCT/JP2019/001885 (優先権主張番号 特願2018-38102/P2018-38102, 2018.3.2)), Date applied: 22 Jan. 2019, 特許第7272652 (P7272652), Date registered: 01 May 2023, Date issued: 12 May 2023, Domestic, Domestic, - 位相屈折率の導出方法、試料、位相屈折率の測定装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Akifumi Asahara, Ichiro Shoji, 特願2018-165528 (P2018-165528), Date applied: 04 Sep. 2018, University of Electro-Communications, Chuo University, 特開2020-38134 (P2020-38134A), 特許第7270202号 (P7270202), Date registered: 27 Apr. 2023, Domestic, Domestic, - デュアル光周波数コム生成光学系、レーザー装置、計測装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Yoshiaki Nakajima, 特願2019-508985, PCT/JP2018/031344(優先権2017-246805、2017.12.22), Date applied: 24 Aug. 2018, 特許第7210025号 (P7210025), Date registered: 13 Jan. 2023, Domestic, Domestic, - 干渉信号強度取得方法及び干渉信号強度取得装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Takashi Kato, 特願 2019-509000, PCT/JP2019/001857 (優先権2018-038103, 2018.3.2), Date applied: 22 Jan. 2019, 特許第7194437号 (P7194437), Date registered: 14 Dec. 2022, Date issued: 22 Dec. 2022, Domestic, Domestic, - 2次元分光計測方法及び2次元分光計測装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Takashi Kato, 特願2019-509004/P2019-509004, PCT/JP2019/001898 (優先権 2018-03810, 2018/03/02), Date applied: 22 Jan. 2019, 国際公開第2019/167478号, 特許第7194438号 (P7194438), Date registered: 14 Dec. 2022, Domestic, Domestic, - デュアル光周波数コム生成光学系、レーザー装置、計測装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Yoshiki Nakajima, 特願2019-509581, PCT/JP2018/031150 (優先権 2017-199843, 2017.10.13), Date applied: 23 Aug. 2018, 特許第7181613号 (P7181613), Date registered: 22 Nov. 2022, Domestic, Domestic, - デュアルコム分光法における干渉信号の測定方法
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Akifumi Asahara, 特願2018-247417, Date applied: 28 Dec. 2018, 特許第7128516号 (P7128516), Date registered: 23 Aug. 2022, Domestic, Domestic, - 屈折率計測装置及び方法
Patent right, 安井武史, 南川丈夫, 麻植凌, 田上周路, 美濃島薫, 深野秀樹, 麻植凌, 特願2017-160442, Date applied: 23 Aug. 2017, 特許第6985695号 (P6985695), Date registered: 30 Nov. 2021, Domestic, Domestic, - Shape Measurement Method and Shape Measurement Device
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, 602016066176.4(DE), 16892746.5 (EP), Date applied: 21 Dec. 2016, The University of Electro-Communications, WO2017/149912, Date announced: 08 Sep. 2017, 移行日, Date published: 01 Oct. 2018, 特許602016066176.4(DE), 3425326(EP), Date registered: 10 Nov. 2021, Date issued: 10 Nov. 2021, Domestic, Domestic, 日本国特許6820020号, - 光コムの制御方法及び光コムの制御装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Akifumi Asahara, 特願2019-502930, PCT/JP2018/006447(優先権 2017-37766, 2017.2.28), Date applied: 22 Feb. 2018, 特開WO2018-159445, Date announced: 07 Sep. 2018, 特許第6963322 (P6963322), Date issued: 19 Oct. 2021, Domestic, Domestic, - 距離測定装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Yoshiaki Nakajima, 特願2020-182381 (分割の原出願 特願2014-172930, 2014.8.27), Date applied: 30 Oct. 2020, The University of Electro-Communications, 特開2021-21744, Date announced: 18 Feb. 2021, 特許第6895192号 (P6895192), Date registered: 30 Jun. 2021, Date issued: 09 Jun. 2021, Domestic, Domestic, - 距離測定装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, Yoshiaki Nakajima, 特願2014-172930, Date applied: 27 Aug. 2014, The University of Electro-Communications, 特開2016-048188, Date announced: 07 Apr. 2016, 特許第6836048号 (P6836048), Date registered: 24 Feb. 2021, Date issued: 09 Feb. 2021, Domestic, Domestic, - 形状測定方法及び形状測定装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, 特願2016-40061 (PCT/JP2016/088196) (優先権特願2016-40061/P2016-40061, 2016.3.2)), Date applied: 21 Dec. 2016, WO2017/149912, Date announced: 08 Sep. 2017, 特許第6820020号 (P6820020), Date registered: 06 Jan. 2021, Date issued: 27 Jan. 2021, Domestic, Domestic, - SHAPE MEASUREMENT METHOD AND SHAPE MEASUREMENT DEVICE
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, 特願16/081,216 (優先権 2019-040061 2016/03/02), Date applied: 21 Dec. 2016, The University of Electro-Communications, 特許10,760,900 B2 (US), Date registered: 01 Sep. 2020, Domestic, Domestic, 日本国特許6820020号 - 屈折率補正法、距離測定法及び距離測定装置
Patent right, Kaoru Minoshima, 特願2015-220789, Date applied: 10 Nov. 2015, 特開2017-090259, Date announced: 25 May 2017, 特許第6635758号 (P6635758), Date issued: 27 Dec. 2019, Domestic, Domestic,
Social Contribution Activities
- Public seminar of Dr. Donna Strickland
Presenter, UEC, Lecture
07 Mar. 2023 - 07 Mar. 2023 - UEC-ERATO Symposium, Recent Progress in Optical Frequency Comb
Presenter, JST ERATO-IOS, ""Measurement of Frequency Bin Entanglement in Biphoton Frequency Combs"", Weiner, A. : ""Nonlinear Comb Spectroscopy"", Cundiff, S. : ""Single-cavity dual-comb fiber lasers and their metrology applications"", Zheng. Z. : ""Gas plume detection with dual-frequency comb spectroscopy"", Coddington, I. ""Frequency-comb-referenced precision measurement of surface profiles and refractive indices"", Kim, Y., Seminar
26 Aug. 2017 - 26 Aug. 2017
Media Coverage
- Making global efforts to realize ‘Society 5.0’
Other than myself, the Japan Times, the Japan Times, Paper
02 May 2024 - 研究紹介
Other than myself, OPAL-RING, Internet
Aug. 2022 - 電通大,光コムで高精度な瞬時3次元計測に成功
Other than myself, OPTRONICS ONLINE, Internet, https://optronics-media.com/news/20220331/76777/
31 Mar. 2022 - 光周波数コムとバンドルファイバによる2次元分光法を用いた任意形状の高精度な瞬時3次元計測を実現
Myself, New Release UEC, Internet, https://www.uec.ac.jp/news/announcement/2022/20220330_4327.html
30 Mar. 2022 - O plus E「私の発言」
Other than myself, アドコム・メディア, O plus E, Paper
25 Mar. 2020 - スペクトル干渉縞の畳み込み解析に基づくチャープした光周波数コムを用いた高解像度3Dイメージング法
プレスリリース/ニュースリリース配信の共同通信PRWire, Internet
Feb. 2020 - 光の楽器をつくる 奏でる多彩な応用
Other than myself, 科学技術振興機構 JST, 科学技術振興機構 JSTnews, Pr
Dec. 2019 - デュアルコム分光法を利用した磁気光学効果測定装置を開発
Other than myself, アドコム・メディア, O plus E News, Paper
25 Nov. 2019 - Development of magneto-optic effect measurement device using dual-comb spectroscopy, New tools for polarization and spectroscopic measurement and material development
Other than myself, EureckAleart!, EureckAleart!, Internet
19 Nov. 2019 - Development of magneto-optic effect measurement device using dual-comb spectroscopy
AlphaGalileo, AlphaGalileo, Internet
19 Nov. 2019 - デュアルコム分光法を利用した磁気光学効果測定装置を開発
Laser Focus World, Laser Focus World, Internet
08 Nov. 2019 - デュアルコム分光法を利用した磁気光学効果測定装置を開発~偏光・分光測定や材料開発の新ツールの実用化に大きく前進~
Other than myself, JST, JSTプレスリリース
06 Nov. 2019 - デュアルコム分光法を利用した磁気光学効果測定装置を開発~偏光・分光測定や材料開発の新ツールの実用化に大きく前進~
Myself, 電通大メディアリリース, 電通大メディアリリース, Internet
06 Nov. 2019 - JST・電通大・ネオアーク、デュアルコム分光法を利用した磁気光学効果測定装置を開発
Other than myself, 日経産業新聞, 日経産業新聞, Paper
06 Nov. 2019 - 電通大ら,デュアルコム磁気光学効果測定装置を開発
06 Nov. 2019 - デュアルコム分光法を利用した磁気光学効果測定装置を開発 ~偏光・分光測定や材料開発の新ツールの実用化に大きく前進~
日本の研究.com, 日本の研究.com, Internet
06 Nov. 2019 - 超高速光技術の横断的議論がもたらすブレークスルー、超高速光エレクトロニクス特別研究専門委員会、第1回UFO研究会を開催
Other than myself, Laser Focus World, Laser Focus World, Internet
11 Oct. 2019 - レーザー光を「物差し」に、産業向け応用視野
Other than myself, 日本経済新聞, 日本経済新聞電子版, Internet
30 Jul. 2019 - 超短レーザー物差しに、産業向け応用視野
Other than myself, 日経産業新聞, 日経産業新聞, Paper
30 Jul. 2019 - マルチ光コムのコヒーレント制御性を活用した新しい光制御技術を開発
Other than myself, OplusEニュース, OplusEニュース, Paper
25 Jul. 2019 - 日本光学会、2019年第44回「光学シンポジウムチュートリアル」を開催
Other than myself, Laser Focus World, Laser Focus World, Internet
26 Jun. 2019 - 電通大,「偏光変調コム」の生成に成功
19 Jun. 2019 - マルチ光コムのコヒーレント制御性を活用した新しい光制御技術を開発
Myself, 電通大メディアリリース, 電通大メディアリリース, Internet
17 Jun. 2019 - 美濃島知的光シンセサイザプロジェクトが終了
20 Mar. 2019 - 双方向動作型デュアルコムファイバレーザの開発に成功
Other than myself, Laser Focus World, Laser Focus World, Internet
26 Feb. 2019 - 【県立川越女子高校】理科好きの仲間 刺激的な3年間
Other than myself, 朝日新聞, 朝日新聞, Paper
23 Feb. 2019 - 電通大、双方向動作型デュアルコムファイバレーザーの開発に成功~簡易、堅牢、高性能な実用分光システムの実現に向けて~
Other than myself, 日本経済新聞, 日本経済新聞, Paper
22 Feb. 2019 - 双方向動作型デュアルコムファイバレーザーの開発に成功。簡易、堅牢、高性能な実用分光システムの実現に向けて
Other than myself, 支援情報ヘッドライン, 支援情報ヘッドライン, Internet
22 Feb. 2019 - 双方向動作型デュアルコムファイバレーザーの開発に成功
Myself, 電通大メディアリリース, 電通大メディアリリース, Internet
21 Feb. 2019 - 双方向動作型デュアルコムファイバレーザーの開発に成功~簡易、堅牢、高性能な実用分光システムの実現に向けて~
Other than myself, JST, JSTプレスリリース, Internet
21 Feb. 2019 - 電通大,簡易なデュアルコムファイバーレーザーを開発
21 Feb. 2019 - 【注目プレスリリース】双方向動作型デュアルコムファイバレーザーの開発に成功~簡易、堅牢、高性能な実用分光システムの実現に向けて~ / 電気通信大学,科学技術振興機構
Other than myself, 日本の研究, 日本の研究, Internet
20 Feb. 2019 - 新技術説明会「デュアルコム分光法を用いた高速・高精度・高機能な材料特性評価方法【ERATO】」
Myself, JST, JST新技術説明会, Others
18 Jan. 2019 - 高速に画像取得が可能な光コム顕微鏡を開発~透明・非蛍光性な細胞のライブ観察やナノメートル凹凸を持つ微小半導体部品の品質検査への応用に期待~
Myself, 電通大メディアリリース, Internet
17 May 2018 - 徳島大と電通大など、高速に画像取得が可能な光コム顕微鏡を開発-微小半導体部品の品質検査などに応用
Other than myself, 日本経済新聞, 日本経済新聞, Paper
17 May 2018 - 徳島大ら,共焦点顕微鏡の高速化に光コムで成功
17 May 2018 - かがくアゴラ「光で超精密計測 実用化模索」
Other than myself, 日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞, Paper
18 Aug. 2017 - 美濃島電通大教授が「知的光シンセサイザ」で講演
Other than myself, 文教ニュース, 文教ニュース, Paper
03 Jul. 2017 - 新たな高速イメージング法を開発:光コムを活用、高精度に広範囲の立体計測を実現
Other than myself, EE Times Japan, EE Times Japan, Internet
20 Jun. 2017 - 光コムを活用、高精度に広範囲の立体計測を実現
Other than myself, Yahoo Japan news, Yahoo Japan news, Internet
20 Jun. 2017 - 電通大,大型物の測定が可能な光コムイメージングを開発
19 Jun. 2017 - 光コムを用いた新しい高速3次元イメージング法の実証に成功
Other than myself, Laser Focus World, Laser Focus World, Internet
19 Jun. 2017 - 光コムを用いた新しい高速3次元イメージング法の実証に成功~瞬時立体計測と広範囲・高精度を両立~
Myself, JST, JSTプレスリリース, Internet
16 Jun. 2017 - ERATO/さきがけ 新技術説明会「光コムを用いた瞬時形状測定方法及び形状測定装置」
Myself, JST新技術説明会 channel, JST新技術説明会 channel, Others
09 Feb. 2017 - University of Electro-Communications Tokyo, Japan: Optimal Optical Science, APS-TV
Other than myself, American Physical Society, APS TV, Internet
01 Mar. 2015
Academic Contribution Activities
- CLEO PacificRim 2024, SC Co-Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, May 2023 - Present - Photonics West, LASE, Symposium Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, SPIE, Apr. 2023 - Present, True - Optics Photonics Japan 2024 General Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Optical Society of Japan, Mar. 2023 - Present - CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics), Steering Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Optica (formerly OSA), 01 Apr. 2021 - Present, True - Optics Photonics Japan 2023 General vice Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Optical Society of Japan, Mar. 2023 - 30 Nov. 2023 - APLS2022, Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Oct. 2020 - Oct. 2023 - Fourier Transform spectroscopy (FTS) 2023-2025 Program Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Optica, Jul. 2022 - Aug. 2023 - IPR (Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nano-Photonics) Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Optica, Jul. 2015 - Aug. 2023 - ICOLS 2023 Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Sep. 2022 - Jun. 2023 - International Frequency Control Symposium conference (IFCS/EFTF 2023) Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, May 2022 - May 2023 - OPIC/ALPS 2023 Program Committee, Category Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Oct. 2016 - 30 Apr. 2023 - CLEO PacificRim 2022, SC Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Aug. 2021 - Aug. 2022 - FiO/Laser Science 2021, FiO Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Optica, Nov. 2020 - Oct. 2021 - Laser Society Annual Meeting, Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, LSJ, 01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Jan. 2021 - FiO/Laser Science 2020, LS Chair & FiO Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, Jan. 2019 - Oct. 2020 - CLEO PacificRim 2020, SC Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, Aug. 2019 - Aug. 2020 - APLS2018, Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, 01 Oct. 2017 - 01 Oct. 2018 - Laser Society Annual Meeting, Program Committee, Laser Metrology Category Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, LSJ, 01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Jan. 2018 - ICO-24 Program Vice-Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, ICO, Sep. 2015 - Sep. 2017 - Advanced Photonics Symposium 2010,2011,2013,2014,2015, Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, SCJ, 01 Apr. 2010 - 31 Dec. 2015 - Ultrafast Phenomena (UP) 2014 Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, 01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2014 - CLEO PacificRim 2013 SC Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, Aug. 2012 - Aug. 2013 - Laser Society Annual Meeting, Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, LSJ, 01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Jan. 2013 - Optics Photonics Japan 2011 (Program Chair), 2010 (Program vice-Chair)
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSJ, Apr. 2010 - Nov. 2011 - CLEO: Science & Innovation 2011 (formerly CLEO), General Co-Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, May 2009 - May 2011, True - ASSP 2008-2010 Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, 01 May 2007 - 01 Nov. 2010 - Laser Society Annual Meeting, Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, LSJ, 01 Apr. 2009 - 31 Jan. 2010 - CLEO PacificRim 2009, Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, Jul. 2008 - Aug. 2009 - CLEO 2009 Program Co-Chair
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, May 2007 - May 2009 - CLEO 2006-2008 Subcommittee Member, SC 14: Optical Metrology(プログラム委員)
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, May 2005 - May 2008 - CLEO Europe 2007 Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, 01 May 2006 - 01 Jul. 2007 - ODF 2006 Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, 01 Apr. 2005 - 31 Dec. 2006 - Optics Photonics Japan 2006 (Program Committee Member)
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSJ, Apr. 2006 - Nov. 2006 - Fringe 2005 Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, 01 Apr. 2004 - 31 Dec. 2005 - IQEC/ CLEO-PR 2005, Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, 01 May 2004 - 01 Oct. 2005 - CLEO 2004-2005 Subcommittee Chair, SC 14: Optical Metrology
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, Feb. 2003 - May 2005 - Ultrafast Phenomena (UP) 2004 Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, OSA, 01 Apr. 2003 - 31 Mar. 2004 - Femtosecond Technology (FST) 2002-2003 Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, FESTA, 01 Apr. 2001 - 31 Mar. 2003 - Femtosecond Technology (FST)1997-1999 Program Committee Member
Academic society etc, Planning etc, FESTA, 01 Apr. 1996 - 31 Mar. 1999
- Student award
ALPS/OPIC 2024 Student presentation award
Apr. 2024 - Apr. 2024 - Student award
【受賞者】伊藤 万葉
【著者】伊藤 万葉、長崎 亮太、朱 瑞宸、加藤 峰士、浅原 彰文、美濃島 薫
Mar. 2024 - Mar. 2024 - 学生受賞(小森孟)
学生受賞(小森孟、M1 、学生表彰, 2024/03)
Mar. 2024 - Mar. 2024 - 学生受賞(布川楽士)
学生受賞(布川楽士、M2 、学生表彰, 2024/03)
Mar. 2024 - Mar. 2024 - Student award
学生受賞(石関政洋、M2 、学生表彰, 2024/03)
Mar. 2024 - Mar. 2024 - Student award
学生受賞(阿久澤寛陽、M2 、学生表彰, 2024/03)
Mar. 2024 - Mar. 2024 - Student award
学生受賞(石関政洋、M2 、修論発表会優秀賞, 2024/02)
Feb. 2024 - Feb. 2024 - Student award
学生受賞(阿久澤寛陽、M2 、修論発表会優秀賞, 2024/02)
Feb. 2024 - Feb. 2024 - 学生受賞(伊藤万葉)
学生受賞(伊藤万葉、B4 、卒論発表会優秀賞, 2024/02)
Feb. 2024 - Feb. 2024 - Student award
【受賞者】小森 孟
【著者】小森 孟、Prasad Koviri、石関 政洋、田 昊晨、Thomas R. Schibli、加藤 峰士、浅原 彰文、清水 亮介、美濃島 薫
Nov. 2023 - Nov. 2023 - Student Award
High-precision absolute distance measurement using a cascaded coherent link between envelope and the carrier phase of an optical comb pulse
The 12th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS 2023)
Best Student Presentation Award
Sep. 2023 - Sep. 2023 - 学生受賞(日野)
学生受賞(日野圭人、B4、目黒会賞, 2023/03)
Mar. 2023 - Mar. 2023 - 学生受賞(田中拓帆)
学生受賞(田中拓帆、M2、目黒会賞, 2023/03)
Mar. 2023 - Mar. 2023 - 学生受賞(李嘉杰)
学生受賞(李嘉杰、M2、学生表彰, 2023/03)
Mar. 2023 - Mar. 2023 - 学生受賞(田中拓帆)
学生受賞(田中拓帆、M2、学生表彰, 2023/03)
Mar. 2023 - Mar. 2023 - 学生受賞(朱)
学生受賞(朱瑞宸、M2、学生表彰, 2023/03)
Mar. 2023 - Mar. 2023 - 学生受賞(R.LI)
学生受賞(R. Li、D3、学生表彰, 2023/03)
Mar. 2023 - Mar. 2023 - 学生受賞(日野)
学生受賞(日野圭人、B4、卒研優秀発表賞, 2023/02)
Feb. 2023 - 学生受賞(小森)
学生受賞(小森孟、B4、卒研優秀発表賞, 2023/02)
Feb. 2023 - 学生受賞(朱)
学生受賞(朱瑞宸、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2023/03)
Feb. 2023 - 学生受賞(李嘉杰)
学生受賞(李 嘉杰、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2023/03)
Feb. 2023 - 学生受賞(田中)
学生受賞(田中拓帆、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2023/03)
Feb. 2023 - 学生受賞(遠藤)
学生受賞(遠藤健、M2、レーザー学会第570回研究会優秀ポスター発表賞, 2022/11):遠藤 健、長尾 康生、田 昊晨、浅原 彰文、美濃島 薫,「機械共有による一体型トライコムファイバレーザーシステムの開発と分光応用」, レーザー学会第570回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー研究会」, 2022/11
Nov. 2022 - 学生受賞(朱)
学生受賞(朱瑞宸、M2、第8回OPJ優秀講演賞, 2022/11):朱瑞宸、長崎亮太、加藤峰士、田昊晨、浅原彰文、美濃島薫,「偏光変調デュアルコム分光法における円偏光スイッチングの適用性拡大」, 第8回OPJ, 2022/11
Nov. 2022 - Student Award
Student Award (Tamaki Morito, M2, LSJ Best Paper Award, 2022/1): Tamaki Morito, Takashi Kato, Yasuhisa Nekoshima, Shintaro Kurata, Kaoru Minoshima,"Dynamical three-dimensional imaging by use of real-time broadband phase-difference evaluation", LSJ, 2021/1
May 2022 - May 2022 - 学生受賞(長谷川)
学生受賞(長谷川達也、M2、学生表彰, 2022/03)
Mar. 2022 - 学生受賞(朱)
学生受賞(朱瑞宸、M1、学生表彰, 2022/03)
Mar. 2022 - 学生受賞(森藤)
学生受賞(森藤環、M2、目黒会賞, 2022/03)
Mar. 2022 - 学生受賞(森藤)
学生受賞(森藤環、M2、学生表彰, 2022/03)
Mar. 2022 - Student support activities
Mar. 2022 - 学生受賞(石関)
学生受賞(石関、B4、卒研優秀発表賞, 2022/02)
Feb. 2022 - 学生受賞(長谷川)
学生受賞(長谷川達也、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2022/02)
Feb. 2022 - 学生受賞(森藤)
学生受賞(森藤環、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2022/02)
Feb. 2022 - Student Aw...
Student Award (Runchen Zhu, M2, LSJ Best Student Paper Award, 2021/11): Ruichen Zhu, Akifumi Asahara, Takashi Kato, Kaoru Minoshima,"Noise suppression in dual-comb spectroscopy by controlling carrier-envelope phase of fiber optical frequency combs"、LSJ FL, 2021/11
2021 - 2021 - Student Aw...
Student Award (Takuto Adachi, M2, LSJ Best Presentation Award, 2020/11): Takuto Adachi, Ruichen Zhu, Seishiro Akiyama, Akifumi Asahara, Yusuke Odagiri, Chikako Ishibashi,
Satoshi Hatano, Kaoru Minoshima,"Improvement of dual-comb spectroscopic technique for electro-optic effect measurement", LSJ, 2021/1
2021 - 2021 - Student Aw...
Student Award (Yugo Kusumi, M2, LSJ Best Presentation Award, 2021/5): Yugo Kusumi, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Shigeki Sakuma, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Ryosuke Shimizu, Kaoru Minoshima,"Development of passive mutual coherent all-polarization maintaining fiber comb system by mechanical sharing", LSJ, 2021/1
2021 - 2021 - Student Aw...
Student Award (Yugo Kusumi, M2, LSJ Best Student Paper Award, 2020/11): Yugo Kusumi, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Shigeki Sakuma, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Ryosuke Shimizu, Kaoru Minoshima,"Advanced relative stability improvement by mechanical sharing of independent fiber lasers"、LSJ FL, 2020/11
2020 - 2020 - 学生受賞(足立拓斗、...
学生受賞(足立拓斗、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2021/02)
2020 - 2020 - 学生受賞(楠美友悟、...
学生受賞(楠美友悟、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2021/02)
2020 - 2020 - 学生受賞(田中拓帆、...
学生受賞(田中拓帆、B4、卒論優秀発表賞, 2021/02)
2020 - 2020 - 学生受賞(足立拓斗、...
学生受賞(足立拓斗、M2、目黒会賞, 2021/03)
2020 - 2020 - 学生受賞(足立拓斗、...
学生受賞(足立拓斗、M2、学生表彰, 2021/03)
2020 - 2020 - 学生受賞(楠美友悟、...
2020 - 2020 - 研究員受賞(加藤峰士...
研究員受賞(加藤峰士、PD、第26回公益信託 小澤・吉川記念エレクトロニクス研究助成基金小澤・吉川記念賞、2020/4/1)
2020 - 2020 - Student Aw...
Student Award (Takuto Adachi, M2, ALPS2020 Best Student Paper Award, 2020/4):Takuto Adachi, Akifumi Asahara, Yusuke Odagiri, Masayuki Shirakawa, Chikako Ishibashi, Satoshi Hatano, Eiji Tokunaga, Kaoru Minoshima,"Dual-comb spectroscopy of dispersion properties in solid-state optical response"、ALPS 2020
2020 - 2020 - 研究員受賞(中嶋善晶...
研究員受賞(中嶋善晶、PD、レーザー学会 第44回レーザー学会奨励賞, 2020/05)中嶋 善晶、秦 祐也、美濃島 薫「高コヒーレントかつ広帯域なデュアルコムファイバレーザー」レーザー学会 第525回研究会ファイバレーザー技術, 2018/11
2020 - 2020 - 学生受賞(石井大貴、...
学生受賞(石井大貴、M2、レーザー学会第538研究会優秀ポスター発表賞、2019/11):石井 大貴、加藤 峰士、寺田 和博、森藤 環、徐 博、中嶋 善晶、張 志剛、美濃島 薫、「750 MHz高繰り返しYbファイバコムによる広範囲無走査三次元形状計測」レーザー学会第538研究会ファイバーレーザー、2019/11
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(長谷川達也...
学生受賞(長谷川達也、B4、卒論優秀発表賞, 2020/02)
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(森藤環、B...
学生受賞(森藤環、B4、卒論優秀発表賞, 2020/02)
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(生澤佳久、...
学生受賞(生澤佳久、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2020/02)
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(秦祐也、M...
学生受賞(秦祐也、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2020/02)
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(生澤佳久、...
学生受賞(生澤佳久、M2、学生表彰, 2020/03)
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(秦祐也、M...
学生受賞(秦祐也、M2、学生表彰, 2020/03)
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(石井大貴、...
学生受賞(石井大貴、M2、学生表彰, 2020/03)
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(長谷川達也...
学生受賞(長谷川達也、B4、目黒会賞, 2020/02)
2019 - 2019 - 研究員受賞(浅原彰文...
研究員受賞(浅原彰文、助教、レーザー学会優秀論文発表賞、2019/05):浅原 彰文、足立 拓斗、小田切 雄介、白川 正之、王 月、石橋 爾子、波多野 智、徳永 英司、美濃島 薫「デュアルコム分光法の磁気光学特性評価への適用拡大」レーザー学会学術講演会第39回年次大会、2019/01
2019 - 2019 - 研究員受賞(加藤峰士...
研究員受賞(加藤峰士、PD、レーザー学会論文発表奨励賞、2019/05):加藤 峰士、内田 めぐみ、田中 優理奈、美濃島 薫「光コムによる高速光演算を用いた瞬時3次元イメージングの高品位化」レーザー学会学術講演会第39回年次大会、2019/01
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(梁木琢也、...
学生受賞(梁木琢也、M2、レーザー学会論文発表奨励賞、2019/05):梁木 琢也、中嶋 善晶、美濃島 薫、「距離計測に向けたファイバ共振器を用いた光コムのモードフィルタリング手法の安定化」レーザー学会学術講演会第39回年次大会、2019/01
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(秦祐也、M...
学生受賞(秦祐也、M1、レーザー学会論文発表奨励賞、2019/5):秦 祐也、中嶋 善晶、美濃島 薫「広帯域双方向デュアルコムファイバレーザーにおける狭い相対線幅の実現」レーザー学会学術講演会第39回年次大会、2019/01
2019 - 2019 - 学生受賞(田中優理奈...
学生受賞(田中優理奈、M2、ALPS2018国際会議優秀発表賞, 2018/4):田中優理奈、加藤峰士、内田めぐみ、浅原 彰文、美濃島 薫,"No-scanning 3D image detection with sum-frequency generation of optical frequency combs", ALPS 2018
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(生澤佳久、...
学生受賞(生澤佳久、M1、ALPS2018国際会議優秀ポスター発表賞, 2018/4):生澤佳久、牧野智大、中嶋善晶、Guanhao Wu、美濃島 薫,"High-accuracy corrections of large and fast air refractive index fluctuations using two-color interferometry with optical frequency combs"、ALPS 2018
2018 - 2018 - 研究員受賞(浅原彰文...
研究員受賞(浅原彰文、PD、光学論文賞, 2018/10):A. Asahara and K. Minoshima, "Development of ultrafast time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy", APL Photonics 2, 041301 (2017)
2018 - 2018 - 研究員受賞(加藤峰士...
研究員受賞(加藤峰士、PD、OPJ2018優秀講演賞, 2018/11):加藤峰士、内田めぐみ、田中優理奈、美濃島 薫「光コムの位相制御を利用した全光ヒルベルト変換による瞬時3次元形状計測の高精度化」OPJ2018, 2018/11/2
2018 - 2018 - 研究員受賞(中嶋善晶...
研究員受賞(中嶋善晶、PD、レーザー学会 第525回研究会「ファイバレーザー技術」、優秀口頭発表賞, 2018/11)中嶋 善晶、秦 祐也、美濃島 薫「高コヒーレントかつ広帯域なデュアルコムファイバレーザー」レーザー学会 第525回研究会ファイバレーザー技術, 2018/11
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(生澤佳久、...
学生受賞(生澤佳久、M1、応用物理学会講演奨励賞、2018/11):生澤 佳久、中嶋 善晶、吴 冠豪、美濃島 薫「光コム2色干渉計による空気屈折率自己補正技術を用いた高精度な形状計測手法の検討」応用物理学会、2018/11
2018 - 2018 - 研究員受賞(浅原彰文...
研究員受賞(浅原彰文、PD、応用物理学会講演奨励賞、2018/11):浅原 彰文、王 月、美濃島 薫「デュアル光渦コム分光による角度軸情報の精密干渉計測」応用物理学会、2018/11
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(梁木琢也、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2019/02)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(田中優理奈、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2019/02)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(王月、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2019/02)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(足立拓斗、B4、卒論優秀発表賞, 2019/02)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(楠美友悟、B4、卒論優秀発表賞, 2019/02)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(河井亮和、B4、目黒会賞, 2019/03)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(足立拓斗、B4、目黒会賞, 2019/03)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(梁木琢也、M2、目黒会賞, 2019/03)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(梁木琢也、...
学生受賞(梁木琢也、M2、レーザー学会東京支部 優秀ポスター賞, 2019/03)梁木 琢也、中嶋 善晶、美濃島 薫、「ファイバ共振器により高繰り返し化した光コムによる距離計測の高感度化」レーザー学会東京支部、2019/3
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(王月、M2、学生表彰, 2019/03)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(田中優理奈、M2、学生表彰, 2019/03)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(生澤佳久、M1、学生表彰, 2019/03)
2018 - 2018 - 学生受賞(内田めぐみ...
学生受賞(内田めぐみ、M2、ALPS2017国際会議優秀発表賞, 2017/4):内田めぐみ、加藤峰士、田中優理奈、美濃島薫,"One-shot multi-point imaging with a fiber bundle using spectral interferometry of chirped optical-frequency comb", ALPS'17, 2017/4
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(内田めぐみ...
学生受賞(内田めぐみ、M2、OPJ2017優秀講演賞, 2017/11):内田 めぐみ、加藤 峰士、田中 優理奈、美濃島 薫、「チャープした光コムとファイババンドルを用いた粗面物体のワンショット3次元計測法の開発」, OPJ2017, 2017/10
2017 - 2017 - 研究員受賞(加藤峰士、PD、応用物理学会フォトニクス奨励賞, 2018/3)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(王月、M1、学生表彰, 2018/03)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(近藤健一、M2、学生表彰, 2018/03)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(牧野智大、M2、学生表彰, 2018/03)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(内田めぐみ、M2、学生表彰, 2018/03)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(牧野智大、M2、目黒会賞, 2018/03)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(牧野智大、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2018/02)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(内田めぐみ、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2018/02)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(生澤佳久、B4、卒研優秀発表賞, 2018/02)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(秦祐也、B4、卒研優秀発表賞, 2018/02)
2017 - 2017 - 学生受賞(王月、B4...
学生受賞(王月、B4、レーザー学会東京支部優秀ポスター賞, 2017/3):王 月、浅原 彰文、近藤 健一、美濃島 薫、「オールファイバ型デュアルコム分光器による汎用的高精度分光システムの開発」、第17回レーザー学会東京支部研究会、2017/3
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(吉田悟、M...
学生受賞(吉田悟、M2、レーザー学会ファイバレーザー研究会優秀ポスター発表賞, 2016/11):吉田 悟、西山 明子、美濃島 薫、「モードフィルタリングした高繰り返しデュアルコムによる高速・高感度分光法の開発」、レーザー学会第496回研究会 「ファイバレーザー技術」,2016/11/18
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(吉田悟、M...
学生受賞(吉田悟、M2、日本光学会コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会優秀ポスター賞, 2016/9):吉田 悟、西山 明子、美濃島 薫、「モードフィルタリングによる高繰り返しデュアルコムの開発」、日本光学会コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会,2016/10/5
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(安井英顕、...
学生受賞(安井英顕、M2、日本光学会コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会優秀ポスター賞, 2016/9):井 英顕、徐 博、中嶋 善晶、張 志剛、美濃島 薫、「高繰り返し非線形偏波回転モード同期方式Ybファイバレーザーの安定化制御」、日本光学会コンテンポラリーオプティクス研究会、2016/10
2016 - 2016 - 研究員受賞(浅原彰文...
研究員受賞(浅原彰文、PD、OPJ2016優秀講演賞, 2016/11):浅原 彰文、近藤 健一、美濃島 薫、「デュアルコムを用いた多次元超高速分光の固体物性への応用」、日本光学会年次学術講演会,2016/10
2016 - 2016 - 研究員受賞(加藤峰士...
研究員受賞(加藤峰士、PD、応用物理学会講演奨励賞, 2016/9):加藤 峰士、内田 めぐみ、中嶋 善晶、美濃島 薫、「チャープした超短パルスのスペクトル干渉を用いた距離イメージング法の開発」、第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会、2016/9/13
2016 - 2016 - 研究員受賞(中嶋善晶...
研究員受賞(中嶋善晶、PD、電気学会技術委員会奨励賞、2016/6):中嶋善晶、稲場肇、美濃島薫、「高速制御ファイバコムと応用技術」平成27年度 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門 光量子デバイス研究会,2016/6
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(内田めぐみ、M1、学生表彰, 2017/03)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(吉田悟、M2、学生表彰, 2017/03)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(安井英顕、M2、学生表彰, 2017/03)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(宮野皓貴、M2、学生表彰, 2017/03)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(宮野皓貴、M2、目黒会賞, 2017/03)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(田中優理奈、B4、目黒会賞, 2017/03)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(吉田悟、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2017/02)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(安井英顕、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2017/02)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(宮野皓貴、M2、修論優秀発表賞, 2017/02)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(田中優理奈、B4、卒研優秀発表賞, 2017/02)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(梁木琢也、B4、卒研優秀発表賞, 2017/02)
2016 - 2016 - 学生受賞(内田めぐみ...
学生受賞(内田めぐみ、B4、レーザー学会東京支部優秀ポスター賞, 2016/3):内田めぐみ、加藤峰士、美濃島薫、「モード同期ファイバレーザーのスペクトル干渉を用いた距離イメージング」、第16回レーザー学会東京支部研究会,2016/3/4
2015 - 2015 - 学生受賞(内田めぐみ、B4、卒研優秀発表賞, 2016/2)
2015 - 2015 - 研究員受賞(中嶋善晶、PD、日本学術会議第4回先端フォトニクスシンポジウムポスター賞, 2014/8)
2014 - 2014 - 学生受賞(宮野皓貴、B4、目黒会賞, 2015/03)
2014 - 2014 - 学生受賞(宮野皓貴、B4、卒研優秀発表賞, 2015/03)
2014 - 2014