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- A development of the extraction system of road traffic data using virtual traffic detector in the road traffic simulator
Yosuke Satoh; Hiroshi Kazama; Nakaji Honda
Proceedings of the International Conference JSST 2010, 155-158, Jun. 2010
Research institution, Japanese - An introduction of a pedestrians model to the road traffic simulator MITRAM
Shigeyuki Higuchi; Yosuke Sato; nakaji Honda
Proceedings of the International Conference JSST 2010, 159-162, Jun. 2010
Research institution, Japanese - A construction of automatic parameter-tuning method for the road traffic simulator MITRAM
Yosuke Satoh; Nakaji Honda
第28回 東海ファジィ研究会, 不明, Feb. 2010
Research institution, Japanese - IDS metho-A modeling technique based on the consepts of soft computing
Nakaji Honda; Masayuki Murakami; Yoshito Ozaki
平成21年 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, DVD, Sep. 2009
Research institution, Japanese - A constructin of Microscopic Road Traffic Simulator MITRAM using Fuzzy Driving Models
Nakaji Honda; Yosuke Satoh; Hiroshi Kazama
平成21年 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, DVD, Sep. 2009
Research institution, Japanese - Development of an IDS Hardware Unit for Real-time Learning Applications
Masayuki Murakami; Nakaji Honda
2009 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, DVD, Aug. 2009
Research institution, English - Development of reflexive fuzzy modeling technique based of input space division
Akihiro Kasuya; Nakaji Honda; Toshikatu Ueda
第25回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, DVD, Jul. 2009
Research institution, Japanese - A construction of traffic signal control analysis system with microscopic traffic simulator
Yosuke Satoh; Satoshi Tonishi; Hiroshi Kazama; Nakaji Honda
第25回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, DVD, Jul. 2009
Research institution, Japanese - A development of the extraction system of road traffic characteristics in the road traffic simulator MITRAM
Yosuke Satoh; Satoshi Ohta; Nakaji Honda; Hiroshi Kazama
第28回 日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, 315-318, Jun. 2009
Research institution, Japanese - A development of parameter tuning method of intersection divergence ratio for the road traffic simulator MITRAM
Nakaji Honda; Tomotaka Hiraga; Yosuke Satoh; Hiroshi Kazama
第28回 日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, 319-322, Jun. 2009
Research institution, Japanese - Performance of the IDS Method as a Soft Computing Tool
Masayuki Murakami; Nakaji Honda
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 16, 6, 1582-1596, Dec. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Performance factors such as robustness, speed, and tractability are important for the realization of practical computing systems. The aim of soft computing is to achieve these factors in practice by tolerating imprecision and uncertainty instead of depending on exact mathematical computations. The ink drop spread (IDS) method is a modeling technique that has been proposed as a new approach to soft computing. This method is characterized by a modeling process that uses image information without including complex formulas. In this study, the performance of the IDS method is investigated in terms of robustness, speed, and tractability, which are typical criteria that determine the importance of soft computing tools. Robustness is evaluated on the basis of noise tolerance and fault tolerance. Tractability is discussed from the viewpoints of interpretability and transparency. Based on comparative evaluations with artificial neural networks and fuzzy inference systems, this study demonstrates that the IDS method has superior capability to function as a soft computing tool.
Scientific journal, English - A construction of the road traffic simulator connected with the signal controller and the design of a signal control method
Yosuke Satoh; Nakaji Honda; Yoshiki Motiduki; Hiroshi Kazama
第18 回 インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(FAN 2008)講演論文集, ファジィ, Oct. 2008
Research institution, Japanese - Regional and time serial estimations of CO2 emission by cars using the microsxcopic road traffic simulator
Nakaji Honda; Yosuke Satoh; Tomokazu Sawada; Takashi Takeuchi
第18 回 インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(FAN 2008)講演論文集, ファジィ, Oct. 2008
Research institution, Japanese - A construction of driving simulator for the safety analysis using fuzzy reasonings
Nakaji Honda; Mahito Hoshi; Yosuke Satoh
Proceedings of the 24st Fuzzy System Symposium, ファジィ応用, Sep. 2008
Research institution, Japanese - A control system of autonomous distributed road traffic signals using fuzzy reasonings
Yosuke Satoh; Yoshiki Motiduki; Nakaji Honda; Hiroshi Kazama
Proceedings of the 24th Fuzzy System Symposium, ファジィ応用, Sep. 2008
Research institution, Japanese - 大空間空調におけるファジィモデルを用いたPID制御に関する研究
植田克俊; 本多中二
空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 134, May 2008, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - 道路交通シミュレータによる二酸化炭素排出量の推定
本多 中二; 竹内 孝志; 望月 良樹
第24回東海ファジィ研究会, 不明, Feb. 2008
Research institution, Japanese - 道路交通シミュレータを用いた信号制御解析システムの構築
望月 良樹; 滑川 光裕; 本多 中二; 風間 洋
第24回東海ファジィ研究会, 不明, Feb. 2008
Research institution, Japanese - PMV Control with Solar Dariation in Perimeter Zone of office Buildings
Banri TAKADA; Toshikatsu UEDA; Nakaji HONDA
空気調和・衛生工学会大会学術講演論文集{2008.8.27~29(草津)}, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 2008, 461-464, 2008, The comfort cannot be maintained even if it controls at the air-conditioning recommendation temperature in the office where the influence of solar radiation is greatly received int the day time. We would take the air-conditioning control that the man's request and comfort coexist. In this paper, the PMV value is calculated and the program that controls PMV is made. The effectiveness of the PMV control to the comfort in the office is verified by comparing it with the temperature control. CFD was used for the verification
Research institution, Japanese - Gain-Schedule HVAC Control Based on a Fuzzy Model in a Large Space -part 2- Examination of Control Performance
Toshikatsu UEDA; Nakaji HONDA
空気調和・衛生工学会大会学術講演論文集{2008.8.27~29(草津)}, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 2008, 1991-1994, 2008, The placement of sensors for controlling HVAC system in a large space is usually restricted. In this paper, a method of overcoming this restriction is presented by Gain-Scheduled Control based on a fuzzy model. The main advantage in this fuzzy model is that fuzzy membership functions are automatically determined by using input-output data. This control system performs favorably in comparison with a PID-controlled system.
Research institution, Japanese - 微視的道路交通シミュレータMITRAMの拡張
本多 中二; 星 真人; 望月 良樹
日本知能ファジィ学会 合同ファジィワークショップ2007, 不明, Oct. 2007
Research institution, Japanese - A study on the modeling ability of the IDS method: A soft computing technique using pattern-based information processing
Masayuki Murakani; Nakaji Honda
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 45, 3, 470-487, Aug. 2007, Peer-reviwed, The ink drop spread (IDS) method is a modeling technique developed by algorithmically mimicking the information-handling processes of the human brain. This method has been proposed as a new approach to soft computing. IDS modeling is characterized by processing that uses intuitive pattern information instead of complex formulas, and it is capable of stable and fast convergences. This paper investigates the modeling ability of the IDS method based on three typical benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrated that the IDS method can handle various modeling targets, ranging from logic operations to complex nonlinear systems, and that its modeling performance is satisfactory in comparison with that of feedforward neural networks. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - ファジィ推論を用いた微視的道路交通シミュレータMITRAMの構築
本多 中二
大120回ファジィ科学シンポジウム講演論文集, 不明, Jul. 2007
Research institution, Japanese - 並列分散処理による大規模微視的道路交通シミュレータの構築
望月 良樹; 渡部 利哉; 本多 中二; 風間 洋
第26回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, 不明, Jun. 2007
Research institution, Japanese - 能動安全交通シミュレータによる車線変更時の運転支援システムの構築
星 真人; 本多 中二
第26回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, 不明, Jun. 2007
Research institution, Japanese - 車両追従モデル構築に利用する簡易模擬データの提案
王 維恩; 板倉 直明; 本多 中二
情報処理学会論文誌「数理モデル化と応用」, 48, 15, 47-54, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - Evaluating a signal control system using a real-time traffic simulator connected to a traffic signal controller
T.Kazama; N.Honda; T.Watanabe
International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, CD-ROM, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, English - 微視的道路交通シミュレータMITRAMへの経路選択モデルの導入と検証
立本 真治; 本多 中二
日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and intelligent informatics, 18, 4, 586-597, 2006, In this paper, we propose a route choice behavior model of the car drivers in road traffic, which is introduced into our developing microscopic road traffic simulator MITRAM for investigating the effects of road traffic information on its traffic circumstances. The developed model has its struncture of connecting some fuzzy inferences in the form of network, which is shown to be effective in modeling the route choice behaviors including some uncertain factors.
The model is verified using a benchmark test which is populor one. In two simulations by MITRAM, we investigate the effects of the differences in driver's decisions for route choices, and of providing and non-providing the drivers with the road traffic information on the traffic congestion. We show more wide applicability of MITRAM through the simulations.
Research institution, Japanese - 微視的道路交通シミュレータMITRAMを用いた踏切信号機化効果の解析
渡部 利哉; 風間 洋; 内田 勉; 本多 中二
第25回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, 253-256, 2006
Research institution, Japanese - 微視的道路交通シミュレータMITRAMを用いた信号機オフセットの算出
渡部 利哉; 二宮 優; 風間 洋; 本多 中二
第25回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, 257-260, 2006
Research institution, Japanese - 監視カメラシステムにおける最適カメラ配置探索シミュレーション
望月 良樹; 本多 中二
第22回ファジィワークショップおよび第15回北信越支部シンポジウム講演論文集, 53-58, 2006
Research institution, Japanese - Investigation into the resolution of pattern and modeling performance in the IDS method
M.Murakami; N.Honda
Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems 2005 (ISIS'05), 140-144, Sep. 2005
International conference proceedings, English - 複数の吹出し気流の干渉を考慮した大空間空調制御に関する研究
植田 俊克; 本多 中二; 白波瀬 悠
空気調和・衛生工学会大会学術講演論文集, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 2005, 417-420, Aug. 2005, The placement of sensors for controlling an air-conditioning system in a large indoor space is usually restricted; there-fore, it is difficult to obtain reliable temperature and velocity distributions of the air in some areas. In this paper, a method of overcoming this restriction and interaction with flow field from the outlets is presented based on a expert system.
Research institution, Japanese - 大規模空間における無駄時間を考慮した空調制御の研究
白波瀬 悠; 植田 俊克; 本多 中二
空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演会講演論文集, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 2005, 413-416, Aug. 2005, We proposed a model which contains supply air temperatures and human body load. It is a control system of the load presumption type that uses the linear model. In this case, the dead time of human body load, one of the most troubled, difficult to handle. Tb solve such a problem, we proposed a feedforward control method to deal with the human body load changing. And we incorporate the method with the feedback control system, and the effectiveness is obvious to show.
Research institution, Japanese - An experimental study on the modeling ability of the IDS nethod
Masayuki Murakami; Nakaji Honda
proc. of the 24th International Conference of NAFIPS, the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 320-325, Jun. 2005
International conference proceedings, English - A study on the real-time modeling capabilities of the IDS method
M Murakami; N Honda
FUZZ-IEEE 2005: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, 803-808, 2005, This paper deals with a fuzzy-based modeling technique called the ink drop spread (IDS) method. The IDS method has good convergence, and its modeling process, which is based on computing that uses intuitive pattern information instead of complex formulas, is simple and efficient. The computing structure of the IDS modeling system is characterized by heavy parallel processing on distributed processing units. This is similar to a case in which neural networks and fuzzy inference systems gain the real-time performance on their parallelized hardware architecture. The real-time performance of modeling methods depends on their algorithmic architecture and implementation. In this paper, the convergence of the IDS model is studied from the perspective of the algorithm, and it is compared against that of a neural network. In addition, some ideas for achieving fast convergence are presented.
International conference proceedings, English - A comparative study of the IDS method and feedforward neural networks
M Murakami; N Honda
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vols 1-5, IEEE, 1776-1781, 2005, The ink drop spread (IDS) method is a modeling technique which has been used in a learning methodology called the active learning method (ALM). The IDS method is characterized by intuitive pattern-based processing and the architecture comprising heavily parallelized processing units. While being analogous to neural networks in structural characteristics, the IDS method does not require intricate calculations and iteration of the same training data set observed in the learning of neural networks. This paper describes a comparative study of the IDS method and the standard feedforward neural network in terms of their algorithmic and architectural characteristics and shows the effectiveness of the IDS method through regression modeling and classification tasks.
International conference proceedings, English - Classification performance of the IDS method based on the two-spiral benchmark
M Murakami; N Honda
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS, VOL 1-4, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 3797-3803, 2005, The ink drop spread(IDS) method is a modeling technique used in the active learning method (ALM), which is a new approach to soft computing. It is characterized by a modeling process which is based on computing that uses intuitive pattern information instead of complex formulas. It has been proved that the IDS method is capable of stable fast modeling for complex nonlinear targets. In this paper the classification performance of the IDS method is investigated. The two-spiral problem is a popular classification benchmark, and it is difficult to achieve the perfect classification due to high nonlinearity. With regard to this benchmark, the IDS method exhibited good performance in terms of the classification rate and learning speed. This paper also present two learning modes, one of which is effective in solving the two-spiral problem rapidly.
International conference proceedings, English - 道路交通シミュレータMITRAMを用いた信号制御設計
Ryo Ishikawa; Nkaji Honda; Hiroshi Kazama
日本シミュレーション学会論文誌「シミュレーション」, 2, 3, 59-68, 2005
Scientific journal, Japanese - 広域都市交通における微視的道路交通シミュレータによる交通解析
Toshiya Watanabe; Nakaji Honda; Hiroshi Kazama
第21回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 459-464, 2005
Scientific journal, Japanese - MITRAMのデータを用いた窒素酸化物排出量推定モデルの構築
Toshiya Watanabe; Masuda kazuhiro; Nkaji Honda
第21回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 443-446, 2005
Scientific journal, Japanese - The Analyses of congested tarffic characteristics and applications to the signal control design using MITRAM
Ryo Isikawa; Shinji Tatemoto; kazuki Wada; Nakaji Honda
Proc. of International Conference on Simulation, and Modeling 2005, 208-212, 2005
Research institution, English - 微視的道路交通シミュレータMITRAMによる広域交通解析
石川 亮; 本多 中二; 風間 洋
情報処理学会論文誌「数理モデル化と応用」, 46, 17, 46-55, 2005
Research institution, Japanese - Speedup of Learning at Active Learning Method by using Supervised Data
Yoshitaka Sakurai; Nakaji Hondam; Junji Nishino
136-136, Sep. 2004
International conference proceedings, English - Toward the development of a high fault tolerant learning system based on the ALM architectutre
Masayuki Murakami; Nakaji Honda
The 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, CD-ROM, Sep. 2004
International conference proceedings, English - Speedup of Learning at Active Learning Method by using Supervised Data
櫻井義尚; 本多中二; 西野順二
Proc. of The 20th Fuzzy System Symposium(FSS2004), 16-16, Jun. 2004
Research institution, Japanese - Hardware for a new fuzzy-based modeling system and its redundancy
M Murakami; N Honda
NAFIPS 2004: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH AMERICAN FUZZY INFORMATION PROCESSING SOCIETY, VOLS 1AND 2, IEEE, 599-604, 2004, The Active Learning Method (ALM) is a new methodology of soft computing. The ALM has processing engines called IDS's, which are tasked with extracting useful information from a system subject to modeling. In realizing the hardware for ALM, it is desirable in terms of processing nature, performance, and robustness to utilize dedicated hardware for the IDS. A high performance IDS processing unit that meets these requirements was developed. In this paper, an outline of the new IDS hardware and performance test results are presented. This paper also deals with the fault tolerance of ALM systems.
International conference proceedings, English - A high performance IDS processing unit for a new fuzzy-based modeling
M Murakami; N Honda; J Nishino
2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 935-940, 2004, This paper presents a hardware unit for modeling systems using the Active Learning Method (ALM). The ALM, a new methodology of soft computing, has processing units called IDS's, which are tasked with extracting useful information from a system subject to modeling. In realizing the ALM in hardware, it is desirable in terms of processing nature, performance, and scalability to utilize dedicated hardware for IDS. A developed high performance IDS processing unit enables ALM-based modeling systems to increase realtime capabilities. In this paper, the hardware implementation of IDS and performance test results of the hardware are reported, and a consideration of the redundancy of IDS processing units is described.
International conference proceedings, English - An evaluationof deductible phase signal control using MITRAM
Ryo Isikawa; Nkaji Honda; Hiroshi Kazama; Kunio Yikai
11th world Congress on ITS, No.3307, 2004
Research institution, English - 車両感知器データを用いたリアルタイム道路交通シミュレーション
Ryo Isikawa; Hiroshi Kazama; Nakaji Honda
第23回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, 45-48, 2004
Research institution, Japanese - 微視的道路交通シミュレータMITRAMを用いた交通量ー速度特性の検証
Shinji Tatemoto; Ryo Isikawa; Nakaji Honda; Hiroshi Kazama; Kunio, Yikai
第23回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, 41-44, 2004
Research institution, Japanese - 微視的道路交通シミュレータにおける車線変更動作の実装と解析
Kazuki Wada; Ryo Isikawa; Nakaji Honda; Hiroshi Kazama; Kunio Yikai
第23回日本シミュレーション学会大会発表論文集, 48-52, 2004
Research institution, Japanese - A hardware design for a new learning system based on fuzzy concepts
Masayuki Murakami; Nakaji Honda; Junji Nishino
Proc. of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1002-1006, May 2003
International conference proceedings, English - A hardware system of active learning method
Masayuki Murakami; Nakaji Honda; Junji Nishino
Proc. of the International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 31-35, May 2003
International conference proceedings, English - Acquisition of Knowledge for Gymnastic Bar Action by Active Learning Method
Yoshitaka Sakurai; Nakaji Honda; Junji Nishino
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, 7, 1, 10-18, Mar. 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - バーチャルサッカーにおける人間FWの特徴分析
西野順二; 戸田英治; 鹿田和之進; 本多中二
情報処理学会ゲーム情報学研究報告, 2003, 35, 1-6, Mar. 2003
Japanese - サッカーシミュレーションログデータの圧縮フォーマット
情報処理学会ゲーム情報学研究報告, 2003-GI-9, 35, 7-12, Mar. 2003
Scientific journal, Japanese - ファジィベースの新しい学習型モデリング手法のハードウェア実装
村上 真之; 本多 中二; 西野 順二
第10回FPGA/PLD Design Conference 論文集, 1-5, Jan. 2003
Japanese - Acquisition of control knowledge of nonholonomic system by active learning method
Y Sakurai; N Honda; J Nishino
2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-5, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, 2400-2405, 2003, In this paper, we propose the Active Learning Method, the method to acquire the control knowledge actively by the method of trial and error. In this method, the input-output information is collected for the control object by the method of trial and error, and the controller is constructed based on the information. In the Active Learning Method, the output is decided actively and the action result is evaluated, and the data with high evaluation are modeled. This modeled pattern information becomes the behavior policy optimized based on the evaluation. For this modeling, the method called Ink Drop Spread method (IDS) is used. In this system, the object system is modeled functionally from the data by the fuzzy-like processing. By using the model of bar gymnast, the learning simulation is done for the behavior policy, and we examine the validity of this method.
International conference proceedings, English - 交差点走行車両の運転動作のモデル化と交通解析
Ryo Isikawa; Hiroshi Kazama; Nakaji Honda; Naoaki Itakura; Kunio Yikai
情報処理学会論文誌「数理モデル化と応用」, vol44, No.SIG14(TOM9), 71-80, 2003
Scientific journal, Japanese - 交通解析のための車両挙動のモデル化と信号制御設計への応用
Ryo Isikawa; Nkaji Hondam; Hiroshi Kazama; Kunio Yikai
インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 6-9, 2003
Research institution, Japanese - 微視的道路交通シミュレータMITRAMにおける合流部運転者判断のモデル化
Ryo Isikawa; Nkaji Honda; Hiroshi Kazama; Kunio Yikai
インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム, 10-13, 2003
Research institution, Japanese - 道路交通シミュレータによる複数交差点の系統制御
Ryo Isikawa; Hiroshi Kazama; Nakaji Honda; Naoaki Itakura; Kunio Yikai
第22回日本シミュレーション学会大会論文集, 303-306, 2003
Research institution, Japanese - 大空間空調におけるファジィ制御の特性を利用した制御法の開発
松下哲也; 植田俊克; 島野淳; 本多中二
第19回ファジィ・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 951-954, 2003
Research institution, Japanese - 大規模空間における負荷分布を考慮した空調制御の研究
島野淳; 植田俊克; 本多中二
空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演会講演論文集, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 2003, 265-268, 2003
Research institution, Japanese - 能動的学習法を用いたノンホロノミック系の学習制御に関する研究
櫻井義尚; 本多中二; 西野順二
第19回ファジィ・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 961-962, 2003
Research institution, Japanese - RoboCup小型リーグの異種ロボット混成チーム
秋田純一; 西野順二
計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会予稿集, 2P24-01, Dec. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - 能動的学習法を用いた制御知識の獲得
櫻井義尚; 本多中二; 西野順二
FAN02 in Saga,インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 463-466, Nov. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - パターン情報に基づく学習法による空調風速分布のモデリング
本多中二; 高田雄二; 村上真之
情報処理学会研究報告, 2002(MPS-42), 114, 103-106, Nov. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - 交差点走行車両の運転動作モデル化と交通解析
石川亮; 風間洋; 本多中二; 板倉直明; 猪飼國夫
情報処理学会研究報告, 2002(MPS-42), 114, 29-32, Nov. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - 空調空間の温度分布を考慮した大空間空調制御に関する研究 (その2)温度・熱負荷特性を線形近似式とした空調域温度推定型PID制御
島野淳; 植田俊克; 本多中二; 鈴木正美
空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 453-456, Sep. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - 空調空間の温度分布を考慮した大空間空調制御に関する研究(その1) 温度・熱負荷特性を線形近似式とした負荷推定型制御
植田克俊; 島野淳; 本多中二; 鈴木正美
空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 449-452, Sep. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - デカルトからの逃避
ファジィ学会北信越支部シンポジウム予稿集, Sep. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - 日本語学習者のためのローマ字表記に基づいた片仮名語からの英単語検索の試み
諏訪いずみ; 西野順二; 小高知宏; 小倉和久
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J85-D-Ⅰ, 9, 927-930, Sep. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - バーチャルサッカーの人間協調行動
第18回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 595-598, Aug. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - 能動的学習法による非線形システムのモデリング
高田雄二; 本多中二; 西野順二
第18回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 59-62, Aug. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - 能動的学習法による鉄棒体操演技知識の獲得
櫻井義尚; 本多中二; 西野順二
第18回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 55-58, Aug. 2002
Scientific journal, Japanese - 可動ノズルを用いた大空間空調時における温度・風速分布のファジィモデルによる推定
本多中二; 植田克俊; 土田孝弘; 萩野剛二郎
日本ファジィ学会誌, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, 14, 4, 369-383, Aug. 2002, The location where temperature and wind speed sensors are installed is usually restricted when air-conditioning a large multi-purpose indoor space. In some areas of the space, however, it is often impossible to obtain sensor readings that serve as representative values for control. Estimating the temperature and wind speed of any particular spot is therefore essential in terms of effective control. This paper presents a method for estimating these distributions based on fuzzy-logic models. The main advantage of this method is that both fuzzy rules and their membership functions are directly generated from physical I/O data, thereby building theses models. First, a series of steps of the method is shown, and then a two-variable nonlinear function is identified as an example and its fundamental characteristics are analyzed. Next, modeling is performed using temperature and wind-speed distribution data on large-space air-conditioning based on many input variables and a high degree of nonlinearity. Through this approach, this paper will demonstrate that the models thus built are effective in estimating such distributions.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 微視的道路交通シミュレータにおける個人特性を考慮した右折運転動作モデルの構築
石川亮; 佐藤典子; 本多中二; 板倉直明; 猪飼國夫
第21回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス講演論文集, 143-146, Jun. 2002
Research society, Japanese - 微視的道路交通シミュレータによる交差点交通解析
石川亮; 本多中二; 板倉直明; 猪飼國夫
第21回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス講演論文集, 147-150, Jun. 2002
Research society, Japanese - Real-time Adaptive from Observation for RoboCup Soccer Agents
Tomomi Kawarabayashi; Takenori Kubo; Takuya Morisita; Junji Nishino; Tomohiro Odaka; Kazuhisa Ogura
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems, 5, 202-214, Jun. 2002
Scientific journal, English - 多段ファジィ推論を用いた麻酔科医の血圧管理知識の表現と時系列臨床データからのGAによる獲得手法の検討
小倉和久; 鵜飼英俊; 白井治彦; 西野順二; 小高知宏; 大下修造
日本ファジィ学会誌, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, 14, 2, 228-239, Apr. 2002, In this paper, we proposed a multistage fuzzy inference system consisted of several two-input one-output fuzzy inference engine, which infers and predicts values of a set of time-series data. The inference engine use a two dimensional fuzzy rule array to represent the time-series data production mechanism. To construct the rule arrays, we extract the knowledge of production from a real time-series data by genetic algorithm. We applied the method to extract the anesthetist's knowledge for blood pressure control in surgical operation. It was found that it is useful for data-mining to acquire the knowledge about the time-series data, automatically. The acquired knowledge as rule arrays are not sufficient because the number of time-series data available is quite restricted and these subjects needs to be investigated for future problems.
Scientific journal, Japanese - ネットワーク構造ファジィ推論エンジンとその検証
猪飼國夫; 本多中二; 板倉直明
パーソナルコンピュータユーザ利用技術協会論文誌, 12, 1, 3-11, Mar. 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 能動的学習におけるIDS法のモデリング特性
本多中二; 高田雄二; 西野順二
第12回ソフトサイエンスワークショップ講演論文集, 37-40, Mar. 2002
Research society, Japanese - 可動ノズルを用いた大空間空調時における温度・風速分布のファジィモデルによる推定
本多 中二; 植田 俊克; 土田 孝弘; 萩野 剛二郎
日本ファジィ学会誌, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, 14, 4, 369-383, 2002, The location where temperature and wind speed sensors are installed is usually restricted when air-conditioning a large multi-purpose indoor space. In some areas of the space, however, it is often impossible to obtain sensor readings that serve as representative values for control. Estimating the temperature and wind speed of any particular spot is therefore essential in terms of effective control. This paper presents a method for estimating these distributions based on fuzzy-logic models. The main advantage of this method is that both fuzzy rules and their membership functions are directly generated from physical I/O data, thereby building theses models. First, a series of steps of the method is shown, and then a two-variable nonlinear function is identified as an example and its fundamental characteristics are analyzed. Next, modeling is performed using temperature and wind-speed distribution data on large-space air-conditioning based on many input variables and a high degree of nonlinearity. Through this approach, this paper will demonstrate that the models thus built are effective in estimating such distributions.
Scientific journal, Japanese - ファジィ手法を用いた微視的モデルによる交差点付近の渋滞解析
Ryo Isikawa; Nakaji Honda; Kunio Yikai; Naoaki Itakura; Jyunji Nishino
ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 505-508, 2002
Research institution, Japanese - ファジィ推論を用いたネットワーク構造モデルによる自動車すり抜け運転動作などのシミュレーションと渋滞解析
猪飼國夫; 石川亮; 本多中二; 板倉直明
情報処理学会論文誌:数理モデル化と応用, 42, SIG14(TOM5), 90-97, Dec. 2001, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Fuzzy Clearance in Printed Circuit Board Designs
Masayuki Murakami; Nakaji Honda
Proc. of FUZZ-IEEE2001, 344--347, Dec. 2001, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 能動的学習法を用いた学習制御手法に関する考察
櫻井義尚; 本多中二; 西野順二
第11回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 413-414, Sep. 2001
Research institution, Japanese - ファジィモデル自動車の再構成データを与える実測データ規範シミュレーションの提案と検討
千葉信二; 板倉直明; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
シミュレーション, Japan Society for Simmulation Technology, 20, 2, 171-179, Jun. 2001, We have proposed a microscopic road traffic simulator (MITRAM) for analyzing chronic traffic congestion on road in a city area. The fuzzy model vehicle (FMV) is used for the MITRAM. We have tried to simulate the actual accelerator and brake operations to follow a leading vehicle by using the FMV constructed by neural networks. This FMV was trained with actual measurement data to reproduce the actual operations. The actual operations were reproduced in most of the simulation results. However, the simulation results greatly different from the actual operations also existed in some cases. It is thought that one certain operation was gained by experiencing many driving situations. Therefore, it was thought that some actual operation that we wanted to reproduce might not be reproduced by the FMV trained with only measurement data obtained during the same actual operation that we wanted to reproduce. In this paper, measurement data reference simulation was proposed as the technique of giving the training data which are not only the measurement data to the FMV. Since the FMV runs referring to the measurement data even when the FMV separates greatly with those in this simulation, ideal data which brings the FMV close to the measurement data can be made. We investigated whether some actual operation would be reproduced by the FMV which was trained with both data from the measurement data reference simulation and measurement data. It was found that the measurement data reference simulation was effective method as the technique of making the training data for the FMV.
Japanese - 個々のファジィモデル自動車特性とその車群特性との関係
板倉直明; 蒲生章子; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
日本シミュレーション学会第20回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス発表論文集, 291-294, Jun. 2001
Japanese - 非衝突条件を考慮した追従運転のモデル化、日本シミュレーション学会
王 維恩; 板倉直明; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
第20回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス発表論文集, 299-302, Jun. 2001
Japanese - ファジィ推論を用いたネットワーク構造モデルによる自動車すり抜け運転動作のシミュレーションと渋滞解析
猪飼國夫; 石川 亮; 本多中二; 板倉直明
数理モデル化と問題解決研究報告, 33, 1-4, Mar. 2001
Japanese - Evaluation method using chaotic analysis for the model of vehicles' behavior in road traffic system
N Itakura; A Fukeda; N Honda; K Yikai
MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 33, 6-7, 771-782, Mar. 2001, We have already proposed a simulator of a road traffic system, and called it MITRAM. The MITRAM consists of microscopic models for vehicles which have the capability of their own decision-making through the application of fuzzy logic. This microscopic model is called a fuzzy model vehicle (FMV). We have simulated the driving operation of a following vehicle through the FMV, Data of the following vehicle speed, the relative speed of the following one to the leading vehicle, and so on, were obtained as the simulation data of the FMV. To calculate only the mean and the variance of the simulation data was not sufficient to describe the logic inferences of the FMV. In this paper, we propose an evaluating method by using a chaotic analysis. Correlation exponents and Lyapunov exponents were calculated for the data of the following vehicle speed, the relative speed of the following one to the leading vehicle, and the spacing distance between the following and the leading vehicles. We also calculated both the exponents of the data normalized by the standard deviation, in order to evaluate the effect of the variance. The correlation exponents and the maximum Lyapunov exponents of the relative speed were different from those of the following vehicle speed and the spacing distance. Differences between the simulation and the measurement data were found at both the correlation exponents and the Lyapunov exponents. The variance had a larger effect on the correlation exponents for the simulation data than for the measurement data. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - 微視的道路交通シミュレータによる交差点および踏切渋滞解析
Ryo Isikawa; Nakaji Honda; Kunio Yikai; Naoaki, Itakura
鉄道技術連合シンポジウム(J-Rail2001)論文集, 449-452, 2001
Research institution, Japanese - 付加変動および外乱に対応したファジィモデリングを用いた大空間口調制御
曽我佑介; 植田俊克; 本多中二
第17回ファジィ・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 727-730, 2001
Research institution, Japanese - 能動的学習法の制御問題への適用に関する考察
櫻井義尚; 本多中二; Saeed Bagheri Shouraki
第10回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 287-290, Oct. 2000
Japanese - 能動的学習法のハードウェア構築に関する研究
秋本英一; 本多中二; Saeed Bagheri Shouraki
第10回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 371-374, Oct. 2000
Japanese - ファジィモデリングにおける主成分分析によるルール削減と時系列データへの適用
本多中二; 植田克俊; 品田誠一
第16回ファジィ・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 497-500, Sep. 2000
Japanese - ファジィGMDHによる大空間空調温度特性のモデリング
本多中二; 植田克俊; 品田誠一
第16回ファジィ・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 501-504, Sep. 2000
Japanese - 歩行者の移動行動をファジィ・モデルでシミュレートする方法
猪飼國夫; 板倉直明; 本多中二
パソコンリテラシ, 25, 9, 37-42, Sep. 2000
Japanese - Applying an active learning method to control problems
Go Yuasa; Saeed Bagheri Shouraki; Yoshitaka Sakurai; Nakaji Honda
Proceedings of The Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, 572-577, Jun. 2000
English - Applying an active learning method to control problems
572-577, Jun. 2000
International conference proceedings, English - 微視的道路交通シミュレータにおける高度情報判断運転モデル
萩原勉; 猪飼國夫; 本多中二; 板倉直明
数理モデル化と問題解決シンポジウム論文集, 201-206, Mar. 2000
Japanese - A maze-running algorithm using fuzzy sets theory for routing methods of printed circuit boards
M Murakami; N Honda
NINTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS (FUZZ-IEEE 2000), VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, 985-988, 2000, This paper presents a routing technique for printed circuit boards using fuzzy sets theory. In PCB designs, a clearance that means the allowable minimum spacing between conductors is defined. When an automated router performs wiring based on simple numeric clearances, traces are often placed along the boundaries of a clearance. This makes routing subsequent nets virtually unfeasible, leading to the problem that a rip-up and reroute process has to be repeated. In the proposed routing system, clearances are represented by fuzzy sets: A mace-running algorithm applying the concept of fuzzy clearances is introduced.
International conference proceedings, English - ファジィモデルを用いた大空間空調制御に関する研究
植田俊克; 本多中二; 鈴木正美
空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 1421-1424, 2000
Research institution, Japanese - ファジィニューラルネットワークモデルによる追従自動車運転理論の実現
板倉直明; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
シミュレーション, 18, 4, 273-281, Dec. 1999
Japanese - Reconstruction of hierarchical fuzzy driving logic for road transportation simulator with using measurement data reference simulation method
Naoaki Itakura; Nakaji Honda; Kunio Yikai; Akira Satoh
Proceedings of International Congress on Modelling and Simulation(MODSIM 99), 4, 971-976, Dec. 1999
English - Simulation of brain learning process through a novel fuzzy hardware approach
Saeed Bagheri Shouraki; Nakaji Honda
1999 International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics(SMC '99),Tokyo, Japan, III16-III21, Oct. 1999
English - 大空間空調における温度特性の高木・菅野モデルを用いたモデリング
福味弘崇; 植田俊克; 本多中二
第4回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 46-49, Oct. 1999
Japanese - 微視的道路交通シミュレータにおける右折および追い越し動作のモデリング
萩原 勉; 猪飼國夫; 本多中二; 板倉直明
日本ファジィ学会第34回知的制御研究会, 5-8, Sep. 1999
Japanese - Active learning adaptation through fuzzy prediction
Saeed Bagheri Shouraki; Nakaji Honda
8th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress(IFSA '99),Taiwan, 964-969, Aug. 1999
English - Hardware simulation of brain learning process
Saeed Bagheri Shouraki; Nakaji Honda
15th Fuzzy System Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 523-526, Jun. 1999
English - ファジィモデル自動車の再構成データを与える実測データ規範シミュレーションに対する検討
千葉信二; 板倉直明; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
日本シミュレーション学会第18回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス発表論文集, 145-148, Jun. 1999
Japanese - 先行車と道路状況の要因を融合するための実データ学習ファジィモデル自動車の評価
板倉直明; 和泉裕孝; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
日本シミュレーション学会第18回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス発表論文集, 149-152, Jun. 1999
Japanese - Recursive Fuzzy Modeling Based on Fuzzy Interpolation
Saeed Bagheri Shouraki; Nakaji Honda
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, 3, 2, 114-125, Apr. 1999
Scientific journal, English - Fuzzy interpretation of human intelligence
Saeed Bagheri Shouraki; Nakaji Honda; Go Yuasa
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd, 7, 4, 407-414, 1999, In this paper, introducing a new hardware concept which has the ability of FUZZY computation in a non-exact naturally FUZZY method, outlines of human brain simulation in hardware level will be presented. It will be shown that a soft computer may be implemented by using unique hardware structures for processor and memory units. Considering the learning procedure of human being and simulating it, using the introduced soft computer, a total energy decreasing trend will be observed in the soft computer structure. The generalization of this trend will be regarded as an equivalent concept for human intelligence. Therefore, complicated concepts such as human intelligence and also imagination and inference procedures may appear as natural abilities of the proposed soft computer. It also will be shown, when starting with observing a phenomenon, the whole procedure, from modeling to controller designing, including the recognition of goal function and effective inputs, may be done automatically and in an intelligent way.
Scientific journal, English - IGAのための心理的尺度に基づいたファジィ推論による適合度割当て法
杉本富利; 西尾研一; 本多中二
人工知能学会誌, 13, 5, 739-745, Sep. 1998
Scientific journal, Japanese - A Method of Fitness Assignmentin Interactive Genetic Algorithm Using Fuzzy Reasoning Based on Psychological Measure
Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 13, 5, 71-77, 1998
Scientific journal, English - 大空間における周期定常非等温噴流場のファジィモデリング
植田俊克; 本多中二; 萩野剛二郎; 土田孝弘; 鈴木正美
空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 1013-1016, 1998
Research institution, Japanese - NC加工における配置要素の形状記憶を利用した板取システム
金井秀明; 若林伸和; 本多中二; 田中功二
情報処理学会論文誌, 38, 11, 2343-2355, Nov. 1997
Research institution, Japanese - A study no the HVAC control system in large scale indoor space using a hybrid controller
M.Matsuoka; K.Hagino; N.Honda; T.Ueda; J.K.Kim
Proc. of the 7th International World Congress, vol.4, 385-390, Jun. 1997
International conference proceedings, English - Fuzzy fitness assignment in an interactive genetic algorithm for a cartoon face search
K.Nishio; M.Murakami; E.Mizutani; N.Honda
Advances in Fuzzy Systems, 7, 175-192, Apr. 1997
Research institution, English - A Road Traffic Simulation System with the Microscopic Model Based on Fuzzy Logic for Analyzing Traffic Jam over Wide Areas
猪飼國夫; 本多中二; 板倉直明; 佐藤淳一; 佐藤章; 中西俊男; 高橋道哉
Simulation, Japan Society for Simmulation Technology, 16, 3, 45-54, 1997, This paper presents a new road-traffic simulation system with a microscopic model for analyzing traffic jams over wide areas (MITRAM). In this system, we adopted a new type of fuzzy model for vehicle behavior (FMV) and a road model that utilizes the clothoid curves (RM). Moreover, we have developed a hardware fuzzy inference unit (FIU) to process the fuzzy inferences of the FMV. Combination of the FMV and RM can contribute to simulate accurately various realistic traffic conditions such as avoiding the parked vehicles and passing vehicles. The fuzzy inference on the FIU is also significantly faster than the classical computer. Functions and performances of the FMV, FIU and RM have been verified respectively. MITRAM composed of hardware pararell FIUs and classical computers systems is available to carry out a road-traffic simulation over wide areas in real time and visual systems through 2D and 3D multi-windows systems. This paper describes the concept, functions, performances, and architecture of MITRAM.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 大空間空調における非線形温度特性のファジィモデリングに関する研究
土田孝弘; 植田俊克; 本多中二; 萩野剛二郎
第40回自動制御連合講演会, 111-114, 1997
Research institution, Japanese - 色情報を用いたファジィ理論に基づくビデオカメラの露出制御方式
村上真之; 本多中二
日本ファジィ学会誌, 8, 6, 172-177, Dec. 1996
Research institution, Japanese - Simulation of actual driving operations by using fuzzy and neural network models
N.Itakura; N.Honda; K.Yikai
Proc.of 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, 197-202, Jun. 1996
International conference proceedings, English - An exposure control system of video cameras based on fuzzy logic using color information
M Murakami; N Honda
International conference proceedings, English - An Exposure Control System of Video Cameras Based on Fuzzy Logic Vsing Color Information
Journal of Japan Saciety for Fuzzy Theory and Systems, 8, 6, 172-177, 1996
Scientific journal, English - 可変ノズルを用いた大空間空調の制御法に関する研究-第1報 温度特性に関するファジィモデリングの研究
土田孝弘; 萩野剛二郎; 本多中二; 植田俊克; 柴野俊弘; 鈴木正美
空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 877-880, 1996
Research institution, Japanese - 可変ノズルを用いた大空間空調の制御法に関する研究-第2報 ハイブリッドコントローラを用いた空調システムの制御
松岡正喜; 萩野剛二郎; 本多中二; 柴野俊弘; 鈴木正美; 植田俊克
空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 881-884, 1996
Research institution, Japanese - 可変ノズルを用いた大空間空調の制御法に関する研究-第3報 首振りノズルを用いた噴流の数値解析
植田俊克; 萩野剛二郎; 本多中二; 鈴木正美; 柴野俊弘
空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 885-888, 1996
Research institution, Japanese - 設計の上流工程支援を考慮した瀬系・製造プロセス結合支援システム
金井秀明; 若林伸和; 本多中二
情報処理学会論文誌, 36, 8, 1926-1937, Aug. 1995
Research institution, Japanese - Efficient fuzzy fitness assignment starategies in an interactive genetic algorithm for cartoon face search
K.Nishio; M.Murakami; E.Mizutani; N.Honda
Proc. of the 6th IFSA World Congress, 173-176, Jul. 1995
International conference proceedings, English - An Integrated supporting system for mechanical design and manufacturing process of NC machining using object oriented methodology
H.Kanai; N.Wakabayashi; N.Honda
Proc.of 27th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, 335-342, Nov. 1994
International conference proceedings, English - A fuzzy model for behavior of vehicle to analyze traffic congestion
K.Yikai; J.Satoh; N.Itakura; N.Honda; A.Satoh
International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Proceedings, Vol.2, 825-830, Dec. 1993
International conference proceedings, English - A fuzzy Processor consisting of memory and controlling LSI
K.Yikai; N.Honda; A.Saitoh
Proc. of the 5th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, vol.2, 789-792, Jul. 1993
International conference proceedings, English - A fuzzy modeling of temperature characteristics in fluctuating air flow field
T.Shibano; N.Honda
Proc. of Korea-Japan Joint Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Engineering, 306-309, Aug. 1992
International conference proceedings, English - フェースグラフ支援による探索的判別分析法
杉本富利; 本多中二
行動計量学, The Behaviormetric Society of Japan, 18, 1, 52-64, Jan. 1990, Multidimensional graphical method can be utilized on a multivariate data analysis through a procedure in which the multidimensional graphical method supports the statistical method with supplying deficiency of them.We present a procedure of combining both the face graph and Discriminant Function Method(DFM)to carry out exploratively discriminant analysis. However, in order to realize this procedure it needs to previously investigate differences of function between both methods.The results of the investigation showed that the face graph has two advantages over DFM that the discriminant analysis can be carried out when the training data are not sufficiently obtained and outliers in analysed data set can be easily found. Therefore, adopting the procedure of combining the face graph and DFM will make an efficient exploratory discriminant analysis.
Research institution, Japanese - The application of artificial intelligence to electricity power system
S.Yamakawa; S.Aida; K.Hagino; N.Honda; T.shimizu
Proc. of International Symposium on Skilled Based Automated production, 145-150, Nov. 1989
International conference proceedings, English - A supporting systemfor making NC programs by way of knowledge engineering approach
N.Wakabayashi; N.Honda; Y.Mimaki; S.Matsumoto
Proc.of International Symposium on Skilled Based Automated Production, 213-218, Nov. 1989
International conference proceedings, English - Combined display method of dynamic multidimentional informational information
F.Sugimoto; N.Honda
Proc.of the 1988 IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Sybernetics, Vol.2, 976-979, Aug. 1988
International conference proceedings, English - Proposals for the aoolication of artificial intelligence to electricity power systems and supply (AIE) project
S.Aida; K.hagino; N.Honda; T.Shimizu
Proc. of the Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, 777-783, Mar. 1988
International conference proceedings, English - Multivariate data classfication by face pattern considering psychometrical distances of facial expression
N.Honda; F.Sugimoto
Behaviormetrika, 21, 21, 29-43, Feb. 1987
Research institution, English - Decision support system using fuzzy reasoning and evaluation
N.Honda; F.Sugimoto; M.Tanaka; S.Aida
Artificial Intelligence in Economin and Management, 41-49, Sep. 1986
Research institution, English - Multiobjective decision method using heuristic rules
N.Honda; T.Mimaki
Artificial Intelligence in Economin and Management, 157-165, Sep. 1986
Scientific journal, English - Multivariate data representation and analysis by face pattern using facial expression charactristics
N.Honda; F.Sugimoto
Pattern Recognition, 19, 1, 85-94, Jul. 1985
Research institution, English - 極座標フーリエ級数の図形的特長を利用した多次元データの表現方法
杉本富利; 本多中二
計測自動車制御学会論文集, 21, 6, 584-591, Jun. 1985
Research institution, Japanese - Group oconsensus formation support systems introducing distance between priority rankings
N.Honda; M.Tanaka; S.Aida; M.Tamiki
Proc. of IFAC 9th World Congress, vol.3, 1401-1406, Jul. 1984
International conference proceedings, English - A Study on evaluation methods of university student's performance
M.Tanaka; N.Honda; F. Sugiomto
Proc. of International Conference on Sysyem, Man and Cybernetics, vol.2, 1024-1028, Jan. 1984
International conference proceedings, English - ANALYSIS OF MULTIVARIATE MEDICAL DATA BY FACE METHOD
Scientific journal, English - フェース法における表情の心理的特性を考慮した変数割り当て探索方法
行動計量学, The Behaviormetric Society of Japan, 8, 1, 53-65, Aug. 1981, Face method-a figurative representation of multivariate data-originally developed by H. Chernoff has been applied in a lot of fields. However, face method has the difficulty of efficiently assigning multivariate data components to respective facial features of face pattern(variables assignment), and the efficiency of the assignment determines the accuracy of the results of face method. For the moment owing to the absence of a developed method, the assignment is generally based on heuristic trial. In this paper, when certain multivariate data are known to have involved some groups, a search algorithm for an assignment method is proposed to separate psychometrical distances among facial expressions represented by the data of some groups, that is, to classify the differences among the groups. The algorithm is applied to the fossil data of Chernoff's study and its efficiency is tested.
Research institution, Japanese - フェース法における顔図面の心理的特性の抽出とその応用
本多中二; 合田周平
計測自動制御学会論文集, 16, 6, 872-879, Dec. 1980
Research institution, Japanese - 機会組み立て工程の反復構造化手法の研究
本多中二; 合田周平; 田中浩二
計測自動制御学会論文集, 16, 4, 517-524, Aug. 1980
Research institution, Japanese - フェース法による大気汚染物質排出強度データの分類・評価
本多中二; 合田周平
計測自動制御学会論文集, 16, 3, 363-370, Jun. 1980
Research institution, Japanese - A Study applying faces method in an interactive pattern recognition system for waveform analysis
N.Honda; S.Aida
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition vol.2, 897-899, Dec. 1979
International conference proceedings, English - Development of an expanded DYDAMO compiler and some option functions
N.Honda; S.Aida; Y.Naitoh
Proc. of the Internatinal Conference on Cybernetics and Society, 712-717, Oct. 1979
International conference proceedings, English - A Systematic approach to environmental assessment by faces method
S.Aida; N.Honda
Proc. of IFAC 7th World Congress vol.3, 1649-1655, Jul. 1978
International conference proceedings, English - An approach to the production line of automobiles by man-computer system
K.Namiki; H.Koga; S.Aida; N.Honda
Proc. of IFAC Workshop, 97-106, Nov. 1977
International conference proceedings, English - A simulation model of district heating
N.Honda; I.Hayakawa
Proc. of IFAC Workshop, 115-122, Jul. 1977
International conference proceedings, English - A simulation model of regional population for Japan
S.Aida; N.Honda; T.Furuta
Proc. of the 1976 summer Conputer Simulation Conference, 656-661, Jul. 1976
International conference proceedings, English - Enviromental index by faces method
S.Aida; N.Honda
proc.of the 1975 Summer Computer Simulation Conference vol.1, 753-762, Jul. 1975
International conference proceedings, English
- ファジィモデリングに基づく市街地での渋滞予測用微視的シミュレータ
猪飼國夫; 本多中二
Apr. 1999, 日本ファジィ学会誌, 11, 2, 215-221, Japanese, Introduction other - ファジィコンピュータについて
Aug. 1992, 日本ファジィ学会誌, 4, 3, 13-28, English, Introduction other - ファジィ・エントロピーとは何か
Apr. 1992, 数理科学(別冊数理科学「エントロピー」), 294, 54-61, Japanese, Introduction other - ファジィの理念-0と1のはざま-
May 1991, 数学セミナー, 30, 6, 66-70, Japanese, Introduction other - Applications of artificial intelligence in Japan
N.Honda; A.Ohsato
Jan. 1988, Telematics and Informatics, 5, 1, 39-52, English, Introduction other - ファジィ理論とその応用-最近の動向と展望-
本多中二; 大里有生
Apr. 1986, 行動計量学, 13, 2, 64-89, Japanese, Introduction other - フェース法による多変量データの表現と処理
Jan. 1983, 計測と制御(計測自動制御学会誌), 22, 1, 132-138, Japanese, Introduction other, 10000033528, AN00072406
Books and other publications
- 電子情報処理ハンドブック(分担執筆)
Japanese, Joint work, 4群9編「ファジィ」「ファジィネス(あいまいさ)」, オーム社, Nov. 1998 - ソフトコンピューティング用語集
Japanese, Joint work, ファジィエントロピー, 朝倉書店, May 1996 - 情報処理ハンドブック(分担執筆)
Japanese, Joint work, 12編3章「ファジィ」, オーム社, Nov. 1995 - 数理情報学事典(分担執筆)
Japanese, Joint work, ファジィエントロピー, 朝倉書店, Oct. 1995 - ファジィ情報学(訳)
Japanese, Editor, 日刊工業新聞社, Jan. 1993 - ファジィ・エキスパートシステム(監修)
Japanese, Supervisor, 日刊工業新聞社, Jan. 1993 - ザデー・ファジィ理論(訳)
ザデー,L.A; 菅野 道夫; 向殿 政男; 本多中二
Japanese, Joint work, 日刊工業新聞社, Nov. 1992 - ファジィシステム演習問題集(分担執筆)
九州産学官協力会議; 編
Japanese, Joint work, 第2章 ファジィ集合とファジィ関係 第3章 ファジィ数と演算, Kogyo Chosakai Pubulishing, Jun. 1992 - ファジィーあいまいの科学(共著)
向殿政男; 本多中二
Japanese, Editor, IWANAMI SYOTEN, Nov. 1990 - Design of Digital Systems
猪飼国夫; 本多中二
Japanese, Editor, CQ Press, Sep. 1990 - Introduction to Fuzzy Engineering
本多中二; 大里有生
Japanese, Editor, Kaibundo Press, Jul. 1989 - 百科年間(分担執筆)
Japanese, Joint work, ファジィ理論とその応用, 平凡社, Apr. 1984
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Webを利用した英文作成支援システムの開発に向けて
村上真之; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第21回ファジィ・システム・シンポジウム,第21回ファジィ・システム・シンポジウム
Sep. 2005 - パターン情報に基づく学習法による空調風速分布のモデリング
本多中二; 高田雄二; 村上真之; 西野順二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会,第42回数理モデル化と問題解決研究会
Nov. 2002 - OZ-RPにおける協調行動の分析
島涼平; 西野順二; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会ゲーム情報学研究報告
Mar. 2002 - 微視的道路交通シミュレータによる交差点および踏切渋滞解析
石川亮; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫; 板倉直明
Oral presentation, Japanese, 鉄道技術連合シンポジウムJ-RAIL'01講演論文集
Dec. 2001 - ファジィ手法を用いた微視的モデルによる交差点付近の渋滞解析
石川亮; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫; 板倉直明; 西野順二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第11回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Sep. 2001 - 能動的学習法を用いた学習制御手法に関する考察
櫻井義尚; 本多中二; 西野順二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第11回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Sep. 2001 - 能動的学習法による非線形システムのモデリング
羽生貴史; 秋本英一; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第17回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Sep. 2001 - 負荷変動および外乱に対応したファジィモデリングを用いた大空間空調制御
曽我佑介; 植田俊克; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第17回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Sep. 2001 - MITRAM道路交通シミュレーションシステムの統合シミュレーション環境
猪飼國夫; 本多中二; 板倉直明; 佐藤 章
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本シミュレーション学会第20回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス発表論文集
Jun. 2001 - 可変ノズルを用いた大空間空調の温度・風速特性に関するファジィモデリングの研究
土田孝弘; 植田俊克; 柴野俊弘; 鈴木正美; 萩野剛二郎; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 空気調和・空調衛生工学会学術講演論文集
Aug. 1997 - A new method for establishing and saving fuzzy membership functions
S.Bagheri Shouraki; N.Honda
Oral presentation, English, 日本ファジィ学会,第13回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Jun. 1997 - 並列ファジィ処理による自動車運転特性のモデリング
五反田秋彦; 木村誠志; 本多中二; 板倉直明; 猪飼國夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ファジィ学会,第13回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Jun. 1997 - 可変ノズルを用いた大空間空調に関するファジィモデリングの研究
土田孝弘; 植田俊克; 柴野俊弘; 鈴木正美; 萩野剛二郎; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ファジィ学会,第13回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Jun. 1997 - 並列ファジィモデルに予測機能を加えた自動車シミュレーション
木村誠志; 本多中二; 板倉直明; 猪飼國夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第6回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集
Oct. 1996 - ハードウェアファジィ推論ユニットの単独動作の評価
猪飼國夫; 五反田秋彦; 板倉直明; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第6回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集
Oct. 1996 - ハードウェアファジィ推論ユニット用シミュレータによる多段階推論構造の検証
五反田秋彦; 猪飼國夫; 板倉直明; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第6回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム
Oct. 1996 - 運転時の基本拘束条件を考慮した4つの運転論理によるファジィモデル自動車の構成
木村誠志; 板倉直明; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本シミュレーション学会,第15回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス講演論文集
Jun. 1996 - メタ理論を構築することを考慮したハードウェアファジィ推論ユニットの製作
猪飼國夫; 板倉直明; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集
Sep. 1995 - 場合分けを含むニューラルネットワークによるファジィ自動車の実現
板倉直明; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回インテリジェント・システムシンポジウム講演論文集
Sep. 1995 - 屋内照明の階層型学習ファジィ制御システム
佐久間岳; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ファジィ学会,第11回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Jul. 1995 - 複数の視点から表現した設計部品を用いた設計・製造支援システム
金井秀明; 若林伸和; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, システム制御情報学会,第5回インテリジェントFAシンポジウム講演論文集
Jul. 1995 - MITRAMにおけるファジィモデル自動車(FMV)の評価のための実走行データ解析
板倉直明; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本シミュレーション学会,第14回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス講演論文集
Jun. 1995 - 機能オブジェクトを利用した設計・製造プロセスの上流工程支援システム
金井秀明; 若林伸和; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, SICE合同シンポジウム講演論文集
Oct. 1994 - 多段二項ユニットからなるファジィプロセッサへのデータ供給方法
猪飼國夫; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第10回ファジイシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Jun. 1994 - 大規模空間内温度特性のモデル化
新田核也; 柴野俊弘; 萩野剛二郎; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第10回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Jun. 1994 - 屋内照明の階層型ファジィ制御システム
上田久幸; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第10回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Jun. 1994 - Dempster-Shafer理論に基づく推論システムのための汎用ライブラリの作成
安部成司; 本多中二; 室伏俊明
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ファジィ学会,第10回ファジィシステムシンポジウム
Jun. 1994 - MITRAMにおける運転者の意思決定機構をエキスパートの経験と神経回路網によりモデリングする方法とそのシミュレーション
板倉直明; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本シミュレーション学会,第13回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス
Jun. 1994 - NC機械工作における部品の形状配置法の提案
田中功二; 若林伸和; 金井秀明; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会第48回全国大会講演論文集
Mar. 1994 - 設計対象モデルを用いた設計支援システムのユーザインタフェースの開発
川村武; 金井秀明; 若林伸和; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会第48回全国大会講演論文集
Mar. 1994 - 設計対象モデルを用いたNC機械工作のための加工プログラム自動生成システム
金井秀明; 若林伸和; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第36回自動制御連合講演会予稿集
Oct. 1993 - MITRAMにおけるファジィモデル自動車のニューラルネットワークによる具現化
板倉直明; 猪飼國夫; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第12回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス講演論文集
Jun. 1993 - ニューラルネットワークによるファジィモデル自動車のモデリング方法
板倉直明; 猪飼國夫; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第9回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
May 1993 - オブジェクト指向パラダイムによるNC機械加工のための設計支援システム
金井秀明; 若林伸和; 本多中二; 御牧義
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会第46回全国大会講演論文集
Mar. 1993 - MITRAMにおけるファジィモデル自動車の多段二項ファジィ理論による構築
板倉直明; 猪飼國夫; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第11回シミュレーション・テクノロジー・コンファレンス講演論文集
Jun. 1992 - 微視的道路交通シミュレーションの高速化のための専用ファジィプロセッサの作成
猪飼國夫; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第8回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
May 1992 - 屋内照明制御に用いる階層型ファジィ制御プロセッサシステム
猪飼國夫; 本多中二; 上田久幸
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第8回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
May 1992 - ファジィ知識処理を用いた自動車運転シミュレーションモデル
板倉直明; 笹之内清孝; 本多中二; 猪飼國夫; 半場哲
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会春季大会予稿集
Apr. 1992 - ファジィ制御による自動車運転操作を取り入れた道路交通シミュレーションモデル
本多中二; 猪飼國夫; 板倉直明
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本ファジィ学会,第7回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
Jun. 1991 - ファジィ推論を用いたプリント基板ハンダ付工程の制御
清瀬健司; 猪飼國夫; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 国際ファジィシステム学会日本支部,第4回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集
May 1988 - フェース法によるあいまい情報の表現
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気情報学会連合大会講演論文集
1987 - 評価者の特徴抽出
田中正智; 本多中二; 杉本富利
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第27回自動制御連合講演会予稿集
1984 - 合意形成支援モデルについて
本多中二; 玉木正伸
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第1回SICE知識工学シンポジウム講演論文集
1983 - 資格特性を考慮した多変量データのフーリエ級数表示を用いた表現方法
杉本富利; 本多中二
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第1回SICE知識工学シンポジウム講演論文集
1983 - 多属性効用関数による効用値の図形表示
本多中二; 川内徹
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第22回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1983 - フィードバックループをもつ合意形成モデル
玉木正伸; 本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第25回自動制御連合講演会予稿集
1982 - フェース法における関数を用いた表現方法(Ⅱ)
本多中二; 杉本富利; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1981 - フェース法における関数を用いた表現方法(Ⅰ)
杉本富利; 本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第20回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1981 - フェース法の心理特性を考慮した表現方法
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本シミュレーション学会,第1回研究発表会資料
1981 - 多次元情報表示法の比較検討
本多中二; 鈴木謙正; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第6回SICEシステム・シンポジウム論文集
1980 - フェース法における変数割り当ての探索方法
本多中二; 鈴木謙正; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第19回SICE学術講演会論文集
1980 - フェース法における心理特性の把握
本多中二; 鈴木茂房; 森山豊昭
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電子通信学会総合全国大会予稿集
1979 - フェース法における顔図面の知覚判断特性
鈴木茂房; 本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回SICEシステム・シンポジウム論文集
1979 - パラメータ推定機能を備えたDYNAMOコンパイラ
内藤祐介; 本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回SICEシステム・シンポジウム論文集
1979 - 人間-コンピュータ系によるミックス・モデルラインの構造化
本多中二; 合田周平; 青木柾憲
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第18回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1979 - フェース法と表現分析
杉本富利; 本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第4回SICEシステム・シンポジウム講演論文集
1978 - フェース法と多変量解析
本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第17回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1978 - フェースパターンの一次元尺度化
鈴木茂房; 本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第17回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1978 - フェース法におけるデータ空間と表現空間
Oral presentation, Japanese, シミュレーション技術研究会論文集
1978 - 環境アセスメントへのシステム論的アプローチ
本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第3回SICEシステム・シンポジウム講演論文集
1977 - 機械組立工程の反復構造化手法の研究
田中; 本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第3回SICEシステム。シンポジウム講演論文集
1977 - 大気汚染状況のISMによる分類
本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第16回SICE学術講演論会予稿集
1977 - システム・ダイナミックスによる地域人口モデル
本多中二; 合田周平; 古田隆彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第19回自動制御連合講演会予稿集
1976 - 地域人口分布モデル
本多中二; 合田周平; 古田隆彦
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第18回自動制御連合講演会予稿集
1975 - 大気汚染状況の顔による表現
本多中二; 武藤高義
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第13回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1974 - システムダイナミックスによる腎機能シミュレーション
合田周平; 本多中二; 三島則比古
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第13回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1974 - 地域冷暖房ダイナミックスモデル
早川一也; 本多中二; 金島正治
Oral presentation, Japanese, 空気調和・衛生工学会学術論文集
1974 - 環境汚染区の設定-大気汚染を中心として-
安永尚志; 本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第12回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1973 - 環境汚染区について
安永尚志; 本多中二; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第16回自動制御連合講演会予稿集
1973 - 2次汚染のオートマトン的考察
本多中二; 長谷川文雄; 合田周平
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第12回SICE学術講演会予稿集
1973 - 腎機能のシステム・ダイナミックス
合田周平; 本多中二; 武藤高義
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第15回自動制御連合講演会予稿集
1972 - カルーネン・レーヴ直交系による音声合成
橋本清; 谷任; 本多中二; 森川博由
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本音響学会講演論文集