Department of Engineering Science | Associate Professor |
Cluster III (Fundamental Science and Engineering) | Associate Professor |
Institute for Advanced Science | Associate Professor |
Researcher Information
Educational Background
Research Activity Information
- Ultrafast creation of overlapping Rydberg electrons in an atomic BEC and Mott-insulator lattice
Michiteru Mizoguchi; Yichi Zhang; Masaya Kunimi; Akira Tanaka; Shuntaro Takeda; Nobuyuki Takei; Vineet Bharti; Kuniaki Koyasu; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Dieter Jaksch; Alexander Glaetzle; Martin Kiffner; Guido Masella; Guido Pupillo; Matthias Weidemüller; Kenji Ohmori
Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 253201, 22 Jun. 2020, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Laser cooling of rubidium atoms using the 5S-6P transition
R. Kouno; Y. Yoshino; T. Kishimoto
proceedings of the 10th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 223-224, 26 Oct. 2013, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Towards continuous loading of dense and cold rubidium atoms into an optical dipole trap
T. Kishimoto
proceedings of the 10th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 56-58, 25 Oct. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate with rotational symmetry
Tsuyoshi Kadokura; Tomohiko Aioi; Kazuki Sasaki; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Hiroki Saito
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 85, 1, 013602(1-4), Jan. 2012, Peer-reviwed, The interfacial instability and subsequent dynamics in a phase-separated two-component Bose-Einstein condensate with rotational symmetry are studied. When the interatomic interaction or the trap frequency is changed, the Rayleigh-Taylor instability breaks the rotational symmetry of the interface, which is subsequently deformed into nonlinear patterns including mushroom shapes.
Scientific journal, English - Controlled Generation and Manipulation of Vortex Dipoles in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Tomohiko Aioi; Tsuyoshi Kadokura; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Hiroki Saito
PHYSICAL REVIEW X, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 1, 2, 021003(1-10), Oct. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We propose methods to generate and manipulate vortex dipoles in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate using Gaussian beams of red-or blue-detuned laser. Vortex dipoles with controlled velocities are shown to be created and launched by a red-detuned beam and by two blue-detuned beams. Critical beam velocities for the vortex nucleation are investigated. The launched vortex dipoles can be trapped, curved, accelerated, and decelerated by using Gaussian laser beams. Collisions between vortex dipoles are demonstrated.
Scientific journal, English - Narrow-linewidth light source for a coherent Raman transfer of ultracold molecules
K. Aikawa; J. Kobayashi; K. Oasa; T. Kishimoto; M. Ueda; S. Inouye
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 19, 15, 14479-14486, Jul. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We describe a tunable two-color CW light source sufficient for realizing a coherent Raman transfer between two molecular states that are more than 0.5 eV (120 THz) apart. The simultaneous frequency stabilization of 901 nm and 655 nm light was achieved by locking diode lasers to a single ultralow expansion cavity with dual wavelengths coating. By utilizing offset-locking and optical phase-locked loop (OPLL), we ensured a large mode-hop free tuning range (> 2 GHz). The obtained short term linewidth (< 10 Hz) and the linear drift of frequency (65 mHz/s) were both sufficient to eliminate the influence of laser linewidths on the efficiency of coherent Raman transition. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Rf spectroscopy of 41K87Rb Feshbach molecule
K. Kato; T. Fukuhara; J. Kobayashi; Y. Saito; T. Kishimoto; M. Ueda; S. Inouye
1, 2011, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Rf spectroscopy of heteronuclear Feshbach Molecules
K. Kato; T. Fukuhara; J. Kobayashi; Y. Saito; T. Kishimoto; M. Ueda; S. Inouye
1, 2011
International conference proceedings, English - Coherent Transfer of Photoassociated Molecules into the Rovibrational Ground State
K. Aikawa; D. Akamatsu; M. Hayashi; K. Oasa; J. Kobayashi; P. Naidon; T. Kishimoto; M. Ueda; S. Inouye
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 105, 20, 203001, Nov. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We report on the direct conversion of laser-cooled K-41 and Rb-87 atoms into ultracold (KRb)-K-41-Rb-87 molecules in the rovibrational ground state via photoassociation followed by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. High-resolution spectroscopy based on the coherent transfer revealed the hyperfine structure of weakly bound molecules in an unexplored region. Our results show that a rovibrationally pure sample of ultracold ground-state molecules is achieved via the all-optical association of laser-cooled atoms, opening possibilities to coherently manipulate a wide variety of molecules.
Scientific journal, English - Connection between rotation and miscibility in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
Takayuki Shimodaira; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Hiroki Saito
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 82, 1, 013647, Jul. 2010, Peer-reviwed, A two-component Bose-Einstein condensate rotating in a toroidal trap is investigated. The topological constraint depends on the density distribution of each component along the circumference of the torus, and therefore the quantization condition on the circulation can be controlled by changing the miscibility using the Feshbach resonance. We find that the system exhibits a variety of dynamics depending on the initial angular momentum when the miscibility is changed.
Scientific journal, English - Planar Electric Trap for Neutral Particles
Makoto Morinaga; Tetsuo Kishimoto
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS, 48, 9, 096505, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed, A new geometry to trap neutral particles with an ac electric field using a simple electrode structure is described. In this geometry, all electrodes are placed on a single chip plane, while particles are levitated above the chip. This enables easy construction of the trap and good optical access to the trap. (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Scientific journal, English - Toward the production of quantum degenerate bosonic polar molecules, (KRb)-K-41-Rb-87
K. Aikawa; D. Akamatsu; J. Kobayashi; M. Ueda; T. Kishimoto; S. Inouye
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 11, 055035, May 2009, Peer-reviwed, We review our experimental progress toward achieving the production of quantum degenerate bosonic polar molecules, (KRb)-K-41-Rb-87. Our primary goal is to transfer quantum degenerate Feshbach molecules into the absolute ground state via the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP). We have achieved a dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate of K-41 and Rb-87 in a magnetic trap, which consists of N-K = 1.4 x 10(4) potassium atoms and N-Rb = 3.5 x 10(4) rubidium atoms. An optimum optical transition for STIRAP is being identified by a separate experiment based on photoassociation in a dual-species magneto-optical trap of K-41 and Rb-87.
Scientific journal, English - Toward the production of quantum degenerate bosonic polar molecules, (KRb)-K-41-Rb-87
K. Aikawa; D. Akamatsu; J. Kobayashi; M. Ueda; T. Kishimoto; S. Inouye
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 11, 1, May 2009, We review our experimental progress toward achieving the production of quantum degenerate bosonic polar molecules, (KRb)-K-41-Rb-87. Our primary goal is to transfer quantum degenerate Feshbach molecules into the absolute ground state via the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP). We have achieved a dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate of K-41 and Rb-87 in a magnetic trap, which consists of N-K = 1.4 x 10(4) potassium atoms and N-Rb = 3.5 x 10(4) rubidium atoms. An optimum optical transition for STIRAP is being identified by a separate experiment based on photoassociation in a dual-species magneto-optical trap of K-41 and Rb-87.
Scientific journal, English - Direct evaporative cooling of K-41 into a Bose-Einstein condensate
T. Kishimoto; J. Kobayashi; K. Noda; K. Aikawa; M. Ueda; S. Inouye
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 79, 3, 031602(R), Mar. 2009, Peer-reviwed, We have investigated the collisional properties of K-41 atoms at ultracold temperatures. To demonstrate the possibility of using K-41 as a coolant, a Bose-Einstein condensate of K-41 atoms in the stretched state (F=2,m(F)=2) was created by direct evaporative cooling in a magnetic trap. An upper bound of the three-body loss coefficient for atoms in the condensate was determined to be 4(2)x10(-29) cm(-6) s(-1). A Feshbach resonance in the F=1, m(F)=-1, state was observed at 51.35(10) G, which is in good agreement with theoretical prediction.
Scientific journal, English - Quantum degenerate gases of41K and 87Rb - towards formation of ultracold polar molecules
T. Kishimoto; J. Kobayashi; K. Noda; Y. Fujikake; M. Ueda; S. Inouye
1, 2008
International conference proceedings, English - BEC of Potassium-41: towards creation of ultracold polar molecules
J. Kobayashi; T. Kishimoto; K. Noda; K. Aikawa; M. Ueda; S. Inouye
1, 2008, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Spectroscopy of Ultracold 41K87Rb Molecules using Resonance Enhanced 2-photon Ionization
D. Akamatsu; K. Aikawa; M. Hayashi; J. Kobayashi; T. Kishimoto; K. Noda; M. Ueda; S. Inouye
1, 2008, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Towards evaporative cooling of potassium atoms
K. Aikawa; T. Kishimoto; J. Kobayashi; K. Noda; T. Arae; M. Ueda; S. Inouye
1, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Bose-Einstein condensate of potassium-41 atoms
S. Inouye; T. Kishimoto; J.Kobayashi; K. Noda; M. Ueda
1, 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Design and prototyping of Stark atom chip for electric trapping of laser-cooled atoms
Keisuke Nagato; Takeshi Ooi; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Hidekazu Hachisu; Hidetoshi Katori; Masayuki Nakao
PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 30, 4, 387-395, Oct. 2006, Peer-reviwed, An electric trapping of laser-cooled neutral strontium (Sr) atoms on a chip with micro-electrodes has been successful. The device is called "Stark atom chip" since it makes use of Stark effects on neutral atoms in electric fields. In this paper, our design and prototyping of the Stark atom chip with high aspect ratio electrodes precisely built on a surface are described. The functional requirements of the chip are specified during the discussion of designing the device. The authors design a novel process for fabrication of high aspect ratio electrodes. A focused ion beam (FIB) is used for precision fabrication of the prototype. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Electrodynamic trapping of spinless neutral atoms with an atom chip
T Kishimoto; H Hachisu; J Fujiki; K Nagato; M Yasuda; H Katori
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 96, 12, 123001, Mar. 2006, Peer-reviwed, Three-dimensional electrodynamic trapping of neutral atoms has been demonstrated. By applying time-varying inhomogeneous electric fields with micron-sized electrodes, nearly 10(2) strontium atoms in the S-1(0) state have been trapped with a lifetime of 80 ms. In order to design the electrodes, we numerically analyzed the electric field and simulated atomic trajectories in the trap, which showed reasonable agreement with the experiment.
Scientific journal, English - Photoassociation spectroscopy of Sr88: Reconstruction of the wave function near the last node
Masami Yasuda; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Masao Takamoto; Hidetoshi Katori
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, American Physical Society, 73, 1, 2006, Peer-reviwed, We have investigated photoassociation (PA) spectra of ultracold Sr88 atoms near the 5 s2 S01 +5s5p P11 atomic asymptote. The intensity modulation of the PA lines was used to reconstruct the ground-state scattering wave function, whose last nodal point was determined to be r0 =3.78 (18) nm. The PA lines also determined a precise lifetime of the P11 state to be 5.263 (4) ns. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Scientific journal, English - Electrodynamic trapping of spinless neutral atoms with an atom chip
T. Kishimoto; H. Hachisu; J. Fujiki; K. Nagato; M. Yasuda; H. Katori
Physical Review Letters, 96, 12, 1, 2006, Three-dimensional electrodynamic trapping of neutral atoms has been demonstrated. By applying time-varying inhomogeneous electric fields with micron-sized electrodes, nearly 102 strontium atoms in the S01 state have been trapped with a lifetime of 80 ms. In order to design the electrodes, we numerically analyzed the electric field and simulated atomic trajectories in the trap, which showed reasonable agreement with the experiment. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Scientific journal, English - Photoassociation spectroscopy of Sr-88: Reconstruction of the wave function near the last node
M Yasuda; T Kishimoto; M Takamoto; H Katori
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 73, 1, 011403(R), Jan. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We have investigated photoassociation (PA) spectra of ultracold Sr-88 atoms near the 5s(2) S-1(0)+5s5p P-1(1) atomic asymptote. The intensity modulation of the PA lines was used to reconstruct the ground-state scattering wave function, whose last nodal point was determined to be r(0)=3.78(18) nm. The PA lines also determined a precise lifetime of the P-1(1) state to be 5.263(4) ns.
Scientific journal, English - Efficient loading of a magnetic waveguide on an atom chip
PDD Schwindt; EA Cornell; T Kishimoto; YJ Wang; DZ Anderson
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 72, 2, 023612, Aug. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate efficient loading of neutral atoms into a magnetic waveguide produced by the magnetic fields of microfabricated current-carrying conductors. The lithographically patterned conductors on this "atom chip" can be used to make a variety of guiding and trapping structures for manipulating cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates. A three-chamber vacuum apparatus collects atoms in a magneto-optical trap, precools them via evaporative cooling, and delivers them to the final chamber containing the atom chip. We describe in detail how the precooled atomic cloud is transferred from a macroscopic magnetic Ioffe-Pritchard trap to the microscopic magnetic waveguide on the atom chip 21 cm away. Permanent magnets provide a confining two-dimensional quadrupole field to guide the atoms between the two chambers while longitudinally the cloud is allowed to freely expand during the transfer. Strategically placed coils are used to control the longitudinal size and speed of the atomic cloud as it is loaded on the atom chip.
Scientific journal, English - Atom Michelson interferometer on a chip using a Bose-Einstein condensate
YJ Wang; DZ Anderson; VM Bright; EA Cornell; Q Diot; T Kishimoto; M Prentiss; RA Saravanan; Segal, SR; SJ Wu
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 94, 9, 090405, Mar. 2005, Peer-reviwed, An atom Michelson interferometer is implemented on an "atom chip." The chip uses lithographically patterned conductors and external magnetic fields to produce and guide a Bose-Einstein condensate. Splitting, reflecting, and recombining of condensate atoms are achieved by a standing-wave light field having a wave vector aligned along the atom waveguide. A differential phase shift between the two arms of the interferometer is introduced by either a magnetic-field gradient or with an initial condensate velocity. Interference contrast is still observable at 20% with an atom propagation time of 10 ms.
Scientific journal, English - Simulate ion traps with neutral atoms: Stark atom chip and optical lattice clock
Hidetoshi Katori; Masao Takamoto; Hidekazu Hachisu; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Ryoichi Higashi; Feng-Lei Hong
Laser Spectroscopy - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, ICOLS 2005, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd, 327-336, 2005, Employing engineered electric fields, we demonstrate two coherence-preserving atom traps for precision measurements with neutral atoms. (1) A surface Stark trap has been developed to manipulate scalar atoms near solid surfaces. (2) An optical lattice clock has been realized for 87Sr atoms and its absolute frequency was measured. © 2005 World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
International conference proceedings, English - Prototyping of atomic conveyer for quantum devices
Keisuke Nagato; Takeshi Ooi; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Hidekazu Hachisu; Hidetoshi Katori; Masayuki Nakao
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ASPE Meeting, ASPE 2005, 2005, We are researching on electric manipulation of laser-cooled atoms, aiming for quantum devices with these atoms. 'Atomic conveyer' with micro-electrodes, in which the ultracold atoms are conveyed, has been developed. Because the atomic conveyer requires complicated structures and functions, several micro-fabrication technologies must be applied. This paper reports a design of fabrication and its prototyping.
International conference proceedings - Engineering stark potentials for precision measurements: Optical lattice clock and electrodynamic surface trap
H Katori; M Takamoto; T Kishimoto; H Hachisu; J Fujiki; R Higashi; M Yasuda
ATOMIC PHYSICS 19, AMER INST PHYSICS, 770, 112-122, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Employing the engineered electric fields, we demonstrate novel platforms for precision measurements with neutral atoms. ( 1) Applying the light shift cancellation technique, atoms trapped in an optical lattice reveal 50-Hz-narrow optical spectrum, yielding nearly an order of magnitude improvement over existing neutral-atom-based clocks. (2) Surface Stark trap has been developed to manipulate scalar atoms that are intrinsically robust to decoherence.
International conference proceedings, English - Electrodynamic trapping of Neutral Strontium Atoms
T. Kishimoto; H. Hidekazu; J. Fujiki; K. Nagato; H. Katori
IQEC, International Quantum Electronics Conference Proceedings, 2005, 1-1468, 2005
International conference proceedings, English - Photoassociation spectroscopy of ultracold strontium
Masami Yasuda; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Masao Takamoto; Hidetoshi Katori
IQEC, International Quantum Electronics Conference Proceedings, 2005, 244-245, 2005, Peer-reviwed, Photoassociation spectroscopy was investigated for ultracold strontium. The observed intensity modulation of the spectra was used to precisely locate the node of the scattering wave function, which can be employed to determine the scattering length.
International conference proceedings, English - An in situ detection of trapped atoms in a Stark atom chip
H. Hidekazu; T. Kishimoto; J. Fujiki; H. Katori
1, 2005
International conference proceedings, English - Electro-dynamic Trapping of Spinless Neutral Atoms with Micron-sized Electrodes
H. Hidekazu; T. Kishimoto; J. Fujiki; M. Yasuda; H. Katori
1, 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Atom Interference of a Bose-Einstein Condensate on an Atom Chip
Y. -J. Wang; Q. Diot; S. R. Segal; T. Kishimoto; P. D. D. Schwindt; D. Z. Anderson; E. A. Cornell; S. R. Arunachalam; V. M. Bright; S. Wu; M. Prentiss
1, 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Production of Bose-Einstein Condensation by Surface Evaporation
T. Kishimoto
1, 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Production and Propagation of Bose-Einstein Condensates in an Atom Chip
Y. -J. Wang; T. Kishimoto; Q. Diot; P. D. D. Schwindt; E. A. Cornell; D. Z. Anderson
1, 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Bose Einstein Condensation and wave-guide Interferometry
T. Kishimoto; P. D; D. Schwindt; Y; J. Wang; D. Z. Anderson; E. A. Cornell
1, 2001, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Electric-field modified atomic beam holography
J Fujita; T Kishimoto; S Mitake; F Shimizu
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, AMER INST PHYSICS, 17, 6, 2953-2956, Nov. 1999, Peer-reviwed, We report a demonstration of electric-field modulated atomic beam holography. The phase of the Ne atomic wave is modified by the quadratic Stark effect when an atom passes through the hologram. A combination of an electrode array and a two-dimensional through-hole hologram works as the phase hologram. Such a phase hologram not only eliminates nondiffracted images, but also makes real-time pattern modification possible. (C) 1999 American Vacuum Society. [S0734-211X(99)16506-5].
Scientific journal, English - Gray-scale atom holography
T Kishimoto; J Fujita; S Mitake; F Shimizu
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS, JAPAN J APPLIED PHYSICS, 38, 6AB, L683-L686, Jun. 1999, Peer-reviwed, A gray-scale photographic image of atoms has been generated by using a computer-designed thin-film hologram. An ultracold neon atomic beam in the Iss state was transmitted through a thin-film binary hologram made of SiN4 and generated a pattern of atoms on a micro-channel plate detector. The design and the quality evaluation of the hologram for gray-scale pictures are discussed theoretically. The validity of the theoretical analysis has been tested by a hologram that generated a simple test pattern.
Scientific journal, English - Atom interferometers and atom holography
F Shimizu; J Fujita; M Morinaga; T Kishimoto; S Mitake
ATOMIC PHYSICS 16, AMER INST PHYSICS, 477, 223-233, 1999, Various techniques of atom manipulation with a binary hologram are discussed and demonstrated experimentally. An atomic beam of metastable neon in the 1s(3) state and a SiN thin film with holes that expresses the transmission function of the hologram are used to demonstrate this technique. The gray-scale holography of atoms is demonstrated for the first time. Other possibilities of holographic manipulation of atoms are also discussed.
International conference proceedings, English - Atomic beam holography for nanofabrication
J Fujita; T Kisimoto; M Morinaga; S Matsui; F Shimizu
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, AMER INST PHYSICS, 16, 6, 3855-3858, Nov. 1998, Peer-reviwed, Atomic beam holography is a unique technique by which to fabricate a nanoscale object by using the interference of matter waves of ultracold atoms. The atomic de Broglie wave coming through a hologram interferes with and reconstructs a desired structure on a substrate. We first demonstrated holographic manipulation of metastable Ne atoms of 7 nm wavelength, where we showed the reconstruction of an "F" pattern and improvement of it. In this article, we propose and show techniques to manipulate three-dimensionally cooled Ne atoms. Atomic beam holography has the potential to make atomic-size objects, and the freedom in designing the hologram enables us to make not only a binary pattern but also an analog (gray scale) pattern. The resolution demonstrated in this experiment was about 60 mu, but the minimum feature size expected is theoretically the same as the wavelength, i.e., several nanometers. (C) 1998 American Vacuum Society. [S0734-211X(98)17606-0].
Scientific journal, English - Holographic manipulation of a cold atomic beam
M Morinaga; M Yasuda; T Kishimoto; F Shimizu
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 77, 5, 802-805, Jul. 1996, Peer-reviwed, A method of generating an arbitrary pattern of atoms by using an interferometric technique is reported. A laser-cooled metastable Ne atomic beam in the 1s(3) state is diffracted by a computer generated binary hologram. A black-and-white pattern is drawn on a microchannel detector with a spatial resolution exceeding 65 mu m and a resolving power better than 30.
Scientific journal, English - Manipulation of an atomic beam by a computer-generated hologram
J Fujita; M Morinaga; T Kishimoto; M Yasuda; S Matsui; F Shimizu
NATURE, MACMILLAN MAGAZINES LTD, 380, 6576, 691-694, Apr. 1996, Peer-reviwed, TECHNIQUES for manipulating neutral atoms are valuable tools for the investigation of surfaces, acid hold promise for the fabrication of atomic structures for technological applications. The ability to position individual atoms with the accuracy of a crystal lattice constant has been demonstrated(1) using the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). On the other hand, manipulation with lasers offers a means of controlling atoms in bulk, although it lacks the positional accuracy of the STM. The ability to generate ultra-cold atoms(2-5) using lasers has opened new possibilities: because of their long de Broglie wavelengths, cold atoms are amenable to interferometric manipulation, such as deflection by a grating(6,7) and focusing by a Fresnel lens(8). Here we demonstrate a potentially more flexible approach to atomic manipulation based on holographic principles. We pass a beam of ultra-cold metastable neon atoms through a computer-generated hologram that encodes the Fourier transform of a desired atomic pattern. Diffraction of the atomic beam by the hologram then reconstructs the pattern, in a manner analogous to optical holography. This approach should in principle enable the imposition of arbitrary intensity and phase information onto an atomic beam.
Scientific journal, English
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 外部共振器型半導体レーザー における変調増強に向けて
井指佑一; 岸本哲夫
Poster presentation, 第3回冷却原子研究会「アトムの会」
11 Aug. 2021
10 Aug. 2021- 11 Aug. 2021 - σ+-σ-円偏光によるsub-Doppler冷却効果を含むMOTのモンテ・カルロシミュレーション
伊藤勝造; 岸本哲夫
Poster presentation, 第2回冷却原子研究会「アトムの会」
28 Sep. 2020
28 Sep. 2020- 29 Sep. 2020 - 87Rb原子の5S-6P遷移における光会合分光へ向けた光源開発
本田海斗; 岸本哲夫
Poster presentation
28 Sep. 2020
28 Sep. 2020- 29 Sep. 2020 - Analysis of cooling effect by Monte Carlo simulation for deeper understanding of magneto-optical trap
Shozo Itoo; Tetsuo Kishimoto
Poster presentation, English, The Irago Conference, International conference
29 Oct. 2019 - Residual magnetic field reduction towards Gray Molasses cooling of 87Rb using 5S-6P transition
Daiki Ohta; Tetsuo Kishimoto
Poster presentation, English, The Irago Conference, International conference
29 Oct. 2019 - Wide-range tunable laser system for photoassociation spectroscopy of 87Rb atoms using 5S-6P transition
Kai Honda; Tetsuo Kishimoto
Poster presentation, English, The Irago Conference, International conference
29 Oct. 2019 - Rb原子のRydberg状態励起用波長420nm干渉フィルタ安定型半導体レーザーの開発
高瀬直美; 岸本哲夫; 中川賢一
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第74回年次大会, Domestic conference
17 Mar. 2019 - Rydberg excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate and Mott insulator with a picosecond laser pulse
M. Mizoguchi; A. Tanaka; N. Takei; Y. Zhang; S. Takeda; K. Koyasu; H. Chiba; T. Kishimoto; G. Pupillo; D. Jaksch; M. Kiffner; A.W. Glaetzle; J. Schachenmayer; G. Masella; M. Weidemüller; K. Ohmori
Oral presentation, English, The 26th International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP 2018, International conference
26 Jul. 2018 - Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly-correlated ultracold Rydberg gas
N.Takei; C. Sommer; C. Genes; G. Pupillo; A. Tanaka; M. Mizoguchi; Y. Zhang; S. Takeda; T. Kishimoto; H. Goto; K. Koyasu; H. Chiba; M. Weidemüller; K. Ohmori
Invited oral presentation, English, Conference on Laser and Syncrotron Radiation Combination Experiment (LSC 2018), International conference
26 Apr. 2018 - Development of an ultrafast quantum simulator with ultracold Rydberg atoms in an optical lattice
M. Michiteru; A. Tanaka; N. Takei; Y. Zhang; S. Takeda; C. Sommer; K. Koyasu; H. Chiba; T. Kishimoto; G. Pupillo; M. Weidemüller; K. Ohmori
Oral presentation, English, International Symposium on Advanced Photonics, International conference
17 Apr. 2018 - 光格子中の極低温リュードベリ原子集団の 超高速電子ダイナミクス
田中陽; 溝口道栄; 武井宣幸; Yichi Zhang; 武田俊太郎; Christian Somme; 子安邦明; 千葉寿; 岸本哲夫; Matthias Weidemüller; 大森賢治
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会 第73 回年次大会, Domestic conference
22 Mar. 2018 - 光格子中の強相関・極低温リュードベリ原子集団を用いた超高速量子シミュレーターの開発
田中陽; 溝口道栄; 武田俊太郎; 武井宣幸; Christian Somme; 子安邦明; 千葉寿; 岸本哲夫; Claudiu Genes; Guido Pupillo; Matthias Weidemüller; 大森賢治
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第10回 文部科学省「最先端の光の創成を目指したネットワーク研究拠点プログラム」シンポジウム, Domestic conference
23 Jan. 2018 - Development of an ultrafast quantum simulator of strongly correlated electron dynamics in an optical lattice
Akira Tanaka; Michiteru Mizoguchi; Shuntaro Takeda; Nobuyuki Takei; Christian Sommer; Kuniaki Koyasu; Hisashi Chiba; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Guido Pupillo; Matthias Weidemueller; Kenji Ohmori
Poster presentation, English, Gordon Research Conference Quantum Control of Light & Matter, International conference
06 Aug. 2017 - Manipulating a Mott insulator of ultracold 87Rb atoms towards the realization of an ultrafast quantum simulator
Michiteru Mizoguchi; Akira Tanaka; Shuntaro Takeda; Nobuyuki Takei; Christian Sommer; Kuniaki Koyasu; Hisashi Chiba; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Guido Pupillo; Matthias Weidemueller; Kenji Ohmori
Poster presentation, English, Gordon Research Conference Atomic Physics, International conference
12 Jul. 2017 - Towards multi-stage cooling of 87Rb atoms by spatial light-shift engineering
Tetsuo Kishimoto
Invited oral presentation, English, The fourth MIPT-LPI-UEC Joint Workshop on Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics, International conference
27 Mar. 2017 - Towards spectroscopic measurements of 87Rb tune-out wavelength using vapor cell
W. Okamoto; T. Kishimoto
Poster presentation, English, The fourth MIPT-LPI-UEC Joint Workshop on Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics, International conference
27 Mar. 2017 - 超高速量子シミュレーターの実現に向けた光格子中の87Rb原子の超流動−モット絶縁体相転移の観測
田中陽; 溝口道栄; 武田俊太郎; 武井宣幸; Christian Sommer; 子安邦明; 千葉寿; 岸本哲夫; 大森賢治
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会第72回年次大会, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2017 - 超高速量子シミュレーターの実現に向けた 極低温87Rb原子気体を用いたunit filling モット絶縁体の生成
田中陽; 武田 俊太郎; 溝口 道栄; 武井 宣幸; Christian Sommer; 子安 邦明; 千葉 寿; 岸本哲夫; Claudiu Genes; Guido Pupillo; Matthias Weidemüller; 大森 賢治
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第13回エクストリーム・フォトニクス研究会, Domestic conference
14 Nov. 2016 - 3ビーム交差型光双極子トラップを用いた全光学的手法による87Rb原子のボース・アインシュタイン凝縮体生成
溝口道栄; 武田俊太郎; 田中陽; 武井 宣幸; Christian Sommer; 子安 邦明; 千葉 寿; 岸本哲夫; Guido Pupillo; Matthias Weidemüller; 大森 賢治
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第13回エクストリーム・フォトニクス研究会, Domestic conference
14 Nov. 2016 - Towards spectroscopic measurements of tune-out wavelength for (_^87)Rb vapor
Wataru Okamoto; Tetsuo Kishimoto
Poster presentation, English, The Irago Conference, International conference
01 Nov. 2016 - Monte Carlo Simulation of laser-cooling for 87Rb atoms in a spatially non-uniform system
Shozo Itou; Tetsuo Kishimoto
Poster presentation, English, The Irago Conference, International conference
01 Nov. 2016 - Modulation enhancement in the frequency range above GHz for an External Cavity Diode Laser
Noriaki Kodama; Keita Okiyama; Wataru Okamoto; Takumi Oishi; Tetsuo Kishimoto
Poster presentation, English, The Irago Conference, International conference
01 Nov. 2016 - Laser cooling of 87Rb atoms using 5S1/2-6P3/2 transition
Tetsuo Kishimoto
Poster presentation, English, The 25th International Conference on Atomic Physics(ICAP 2016), COEX, Seoul, Korea, International conference
25 Jul. 2016 - Trapping Single Atoms on a Photonic Crystal Nanofiber
Kali P. Nayak; Yanqiang Guo; Jameesh Keloth; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Kohzo Hakuta
Oral presentation, English, 第71回日本物理学会年次大会, Domestic conference
19 Mar. 2016 - Single atom on a photonic crystal nanofiber cavity
Yanqiang Guo; Kali Prasanna Nayak; Tetsuo Kishimoto; Kohzo Hakuta
Poster presentation, English, The 4th International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications (WOMA2015), International conference
02 Dec. 2015 - Single atom on a photonic crystal nanofiber cavity
Y. Guo; J. Keloth; K. P. Nayak; T. Kishimoto; K. Hakuta
Poster presentation, English, The 4th International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications(WOMA2015), International conference
01 Dec. 2015 - Towards continuous production of BEC
Invited oral presentation, English, International Workshop on control of cold atoms and its applications, Invited, International conference
25 Jan. 2014 - Devlopment of CW atom laser
T. Kishimoto
Others, English, Tenth research area meeting of “Innovative Use of Light and Materials/Life", Domestic conference
02 Sep. 2013 - 87Rbの5S-6P遷移におけるマジック波長の探索
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会秋季大会, Domestic conference
26 Aug. 2013 - Devlopment of CW atom laser and its application to micro-fabrication
T. Kishimoto
Others, English, Tenth research area meeting of “Innovative Use of Light and Materials/Life", Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2013 - 光双極子トラップを用いた効率的なBose-Einstein凝縮体の生成に向けて
吉野悠太; 河野塁; 岸本哲夫
Public symposium, Japanese, 第9回農工大・電通大合同シンポジウム「ナノ未来材料 とコヒー レント光科学」, 電気通信大学・東京農工大学
Dec. 2012 - 2成分BECにおける回転対称性を破るレーリー・テイラー不安定性
門倉強; 相生智彦; 岸本哲夫; 斎藤弘樹
Public symposium, Japanese, 第9回電気通信大学・東京農工大学合同シンポジウム, 東京農工大学・電気通信大学
Dec. 2012 - Laser Cooling of Rubidium Atoms Using the 5S-6P Transition
R. Kouno; Y. Yoshino; T. Kishimoto
Oral presentation, English, 10th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics
Oct. 2012 - Towards Continuous Loading of Dense and Cold Rubidium Atoms into an Optical Dipole Trap
T. Kishimoto
Invited oral presentation, English, 10th Asian International Seminar on Atomic Molecular Physics, Tapei, TAIWAN, International conference
Oct. 2012 - 2成分BECにおける回転対称性を破るレイリー・テイラー不安定性
門倉強; 相生智彦; 佐々木一樹; 岸本哲夫; 斎藤; 弘樹
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第67回年次大会
Mar. 2012 - レーザー光を用いたボース凝縮体における量子渦対の生成と制御
相生智彦; 門倉強; 岸本哲夫; 斎藤弘樹
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会,レーザー学会第32回年次大会
Jan. 2012 - 様々なポテンシャルによる量子渦対の生成と制御
相生智彦; 門倉強; 岸本哲夫; 斎藤弘樹
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第2011年秋季大会
Sep. 2011 - Development of CW atom laser and its application to micro-fabrication
Tetsuo Kishimoto
Public symposium, English, AS-JST Joint Workshop on Innovative Use of Light and Nano/Bio Materials, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan and JST, Japan, Taipei, Taiwan
26 May 2011 - Development of CW atom laser and its application to micro-fabrication
T. Kishimoto
Public symposium, English, Fifth research area meeting of “Innovative Use of Light and Materials/Life”, JST, Tokyo, JAPAN
2011 - 超流動体における量子渦対の生成と制御
相生智彦; 門倉強; 岸本哲夫; 斎藤弘樹
Public symposium, Japanese, 第8回 電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム, 電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム
2011 - 光双極子トラップへのレン冷却原子の連続的ロードへ向けて
河野塁; 三浦拓朗; 岸本哲夫
Public symposium, Japanese, 第8回 電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム, 電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム
2011 - リング型トラップにおける二成分BECの混合性と回転
下平崇之; 岸本哲夫; 斎藤弘樹
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 第66回年次大会(新潟大学)
2011 - 2 成分BEC における回転位相整合性のブロッキングとダイナミクス
三浦拓朗; 稲田寛之; 下平孝之; 斎藤弘樹; 岸本哲夫
Public symposium, Japanese, 第7回 電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム, 電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム
2010 - 41K87Rb Feshbach分子のRF会合
加藤宏平; 福原武; 小林淳; 斉藤祐介; 岸本哲夫; 上田正仁; 井上慎
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 第65回秋季大会(大阪府立大学)
2010 - Towards continuous production of Bose-Einstein Condensates, using moving optical lattice
J. Calvert; H. Inada; T. Miura; T. Kishimoto
Public symposium, English, 第6回 電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム(2009), 電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム
2009 - 41K -87Rb混合気体の異種原子間相互作用制御
福原武; 山陸芳之; 小林淳; 上田正仁; 岸本哲夫; 井上慎
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 第64回秋季大会(熊本大学
2009 - 3次元光格子中での41K87Rb Feshbach分子の生成
山陸芳之; 福原武; 小林淳; 上田正仁; 岸本哲夫; 井上慎
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 第64回秋季大会(熊本大学
2009 - 平面電極構造による中性粒子のAC電場トラップ
森永実; 岸本哲夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 第64回年次大会(立教大学)
2009 - 光格子中での量子縮退気体のFeshbach会合
岸本哲夫; 小林淳; 野田開; 藤掛陽輔; 山陸芳之; 上田正仁; 井上慎
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 第64回年次大会(立教大学)
2009 - 高輝度原子波レーザーの実現に向けて
Public symposium, Japanese, 第5回電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム(2008), 第5回電通大・農工大合同シンポジウム
2008 - Toward creating BEC of polar molecules
山陸芳之; 藤掛陽輔; 小林淳; 岸本哲夫; 野田開; 大島淳; 上田正仁; 井上慎
Public symposium, English, 「国際シンポジウム-量子技術に関する物理-」, 「国際シンポジウム-量子技術に関する物理-」, 奈良市
2008 - A realistic model for the AC Stark chip of planar structure
M. Morinaga; T. Kishimoto
Public symposium, English, CREST 3rd Quantum Information Workshop, Atami, CREST, Atami
2007 - 極低温極性分子生成に向けたK原子の冷却
小林淳; 岸本哲夫; 相川清隆; 野田開; 新栄拓人; 上田正仁; 井上慎
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 年次会、鹿児島大
2007 - 2光子イオン化による極低温KRb分子の分光
相川清隆; 赤松大輔; 林正秦; 田野岡祐介; 岸本哲夫; 上田正仁; 井上慎
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会第63回年次大会(近畿大学)
2007 - シュタルクアトムチップにトラップされた原子のその場観測
蜂須英和; 岸本哲夫; 藤木潤; 安田正美; 香取秀俊
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 年次会、東京理科大学野田キャンパス
2005 - シュタルクアトムチップ
岸本哲夫; 蜂須英和; 藤木潤; 山内淳; 丹下正章; 安田正美; 香取秀俊
Public symposium, Japanese, 量子情報合同ワークショップ, 量子情報合同ワークショップ, 青森市
2004 - 中性原子の表面電場トラップ
蜂須英和; 岸本哲夫; 藤木潤; 安田正美; 香取秀俊
Public symposium, Japanese, 量子情報合同ワークショップ、青森市, 量子情報合同ワークショップ、青森市, 青森市
2004 - 極低温ストロンチウム原子のシュタルクアトムチップへのロード
岸本哲夫; 蜂須英和; 藤木潤; 山内淳; 丹下正章; 安田正美; 香取秀俊
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 秋の分科会、青森大学
2004 - アトムチップへの極低温ストロンチウム原子捕獲のシミュレーション
藤木潤; 赤塚友哉; 蜂須英和; 岸本哲夫; 香取秀俊
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 秋の分科会、青森大学
2004 - 原子線ホログラフィー
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会,レーザー学会、画像変換技術研究会
1999 - Atom Holography
岸本哲夫; 森永実; 清水富士夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, CREST,CREST シンポジウム, JAホール(東京大手町)
1998 - Gray Scale Atom Holography
岸本哲夫; 森永実; 安田正美; 清水富士夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 秋の分科会、沖縄国際大学
1998 - 中性原子ホログラフィー
岸本哲夫; 森永実; 安田正美; 清水富士夫
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会,日本物理学会 秋の分科会、大阪府立大学