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- How to Read Paragraphs Written in English 3
Research institution, Japanese - How to Read Paragraphs Written in English 2
Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications, 26, 1, 19-40, Mar. 2014, Peer-reviwed, The article intends to offer reading materials with tasks and show how to read paragraphs in English effectively so that both college teachers and students can have new viewpoints on how to improve the abilities of students to read and write English on a pre-intermediate level. This is the second installment of the series with the same title. This part focuses on the way to read English paragraphs faster and more closely. The four passages are taken from the National Center Test for English in 2013, because it can be a suitable tool for enhancing the reading and writing abilities of college students if they use its texts only and examine closely how the reading passages are composed and expressed. This article also deals with Prof. Katsuya Sugawara's ideas about fast reading and close reading presented in his book 「英語と日本語のあいだ」. Moreover, this paper introduces and examines carefully his grave concern about the new curriculum implemented in 2013 at Japan's senior high schools, because the English language education in university should be well-linked to that in high school.
Research institution, Japanese - How to Read Paragraphs Written in English
Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications, 電気通信大学, 25, 1, 23-40, Feb. 2013, Peer-reviwed, The article intends to offer reading materials with tasks and show how to read paragraphs in English effectively so that both college teachers and students can have fresh viewpoints on how to improve the abilities of students to read and write English on lower intermediate level. The author came up with the idea because he is aware that most students at the UEC are generally lacking in basic knowledge of English or the power to make use of them in practical situations. For these students, the paragraphs from the National Center Test for English can be a suitable tool for making their reading and writing abilities better if only they get away from the multiple-choice questions and examine closely how the reading paragraphs are composed and expressed. The sentences are useful and informative as models for writing since they are mostly made up of basic English words, phrases and structures which our students learned before they graduated from senior high schools. About half of the article consists of the reading part and writing part for one reading material because the author basically believes that writing is just the other side of reading.
Research institution, Japanese - Reuse of the National Center Test for English for Self-Study
電気通信大学紀要, 電気通信大学, 24, 1, 1-18, Feb. 2012, Peer-reviwed, The article advises college students to reuse the National Center Test for English for autonomous learning and explains how to use it not as multiple-choice questions but as readings for improving advanced skills, such as making a summary and presentation. The writer considers that the sentences and passages from the written Test are clear and compact, giving us good materials for learning English by ourselves. If you cease to regard the Test as a tool for getting into a college, you will find other uses for it just by paying close attention to the English expressions in various forms. Although the National Center Test is made up of six parts, most of my paper deals with new uses of Part 2-A, Part 3-B&C, Part 5 and Part 6.
Research institution, Japanese - An Introduction to Several Uses of the STEP Test (Eiken) on the Home Page for Promoting Self-Study
電気通信大学紀要, 電気通信大学, 23, 1, 17-33, Feb. 2011, Peer-reviwed, In the first section, this article presents how Tadao UMESAO came up with his own ideas for intellectual creativity and drew lines beside words in two different ways when reading from his book, Skills for Intellectual Creativity. In addition, it explains how to use three kinds of colored pencils for drawing lines and its resultant effects on the improvement of reading abilities based on my experiences. In the second section, the article puts forward five ways to develop reading and writing abilities in English when studying alone by using the past questions of the STEP Test which can be downloaded from its home page. Different uses of the English passages from the test for Grade 2 are as follows: 1 to confirm why the word shown as the answer is appropriate in the context, 2 to make a summary of the passage, 3 to make answers to the questions using the words in the passage,4 to read the passages rapidly, and 5 to draw three distinct colored lines under or above some English expressions in the passage so that you can use them in your writing.
Research institution, Japanese - Mock Seminars No. 2 A Critical Reading of a Literary Paper on Kokoro by Soseki
電気通信大学紀要, 22, 1, 79-94, Feb. 2010, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - Let's Log in to Websites of English Newspaper for Free!
Yoshiyasu NISHIURA
電気通信大学紀要, 21, 1.2合併, 153-166, Jan. 2009, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - 多読素材としての高校英語教科書
電気通信大学紀要, 21, 1/2合併, 117-125, Jan. 2009, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - The Characteristics of the Renewed TOEIC Test
BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRO-COMMUNICATIONS, 電気通信大学, 19, 1/2合併, 101-116, Dec. 2006, Peer-reviwed, This report aims to offer basic information on the TOEIC Test which was renewed in May 2006and its characteristics for discussions about how it should be utilized as a way of the Englishlanguage education in universities. The article focuses on the Reading Section (Part 5,6 and 7) forthe reason that the Listening one is considered to be well devised and useful for universitystudents as well. What I regard as the seven features of the reading part are as follows: the testcannot measure the test takers' ability to find the gist of a passage by themselves or to express thesummary; the test does not require special expertise on business; the test tries to evaluatespeaking and writing skills indirectly by evaluating listening and reading skills only; the test aims tomeasure the ability to deal rapidly with a large number of basic questions; Part 5 (IncompleteSentences) & 6 (Text Completion) include lots of basic questions and it is possible to solve some80% of them with the senior high school level knowledge of English; it is essential to get used tovarious formats of documents in order to cope with Part 7 (Reading Comprehension); there is apossibility that test takers acquire a knack for effective 'skipping' rather than rapid reading. Inconclusion, as the TOEIC Test is designed with specific purposes, it should be treated accordinglyin academic places where college students are required to have the skill of intensive reading andcritical thinking as well.
Research institution, Japanese - A Critical Reading of a Literary Essay on Kokoro by Soseki Natume
BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRO-COMMUNICATIONS, 電気通信大学, 19, 1.2合併, 149-160, Dec. 2006, Peer-reviwed, This paper deals with recent views of Kokoro(1914), a novel by Soseki NATSUME, which ProfessorChiaki ISHIHARA proposes in his critical essay titled 'Kokoro: Sensei who failed to be an adult,(2005) which was designed for senior high school students. The paper aims to discuss how valid hisviews are through close examination of the text. The first part treats the opinions that he offersrelating to the protagonist and the latter part does the ones concerning his disciple and his wife inthe form of a seminar where a teacher explains his interpretations to his students. Although Prof.ISHIHARA,s theories are unique and show a certain type of sensibility in modern times, he oftenforms his ideas on the basis of details of the novel without putting the words he focuses on in thecontext around them. On the other hand, this paper sees it as a premise that reasonableunderstanding of any detail comes from the recognition of the context. Since most of his ideasdiffer distinctly from traditional interpretations, the paper tries to subject them to a criticalexamination, by which it also aims at showing the students how to look at academic opinions with acritical mind.
Research institution, Japanese - 推敲過程における削除の問題:The Great GatsbyとTrimalchioの異同から
電気通信大学紀要, 17, 1.2合併, 53-61, Jan. 2005, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - What is the Way to Get Used to Basic English Structures? Part III
電気通信大学紀要, 電気通信大学, 16, 1, 45-54, Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - 英語の形に慣れるには・応用編
電気通信大学紀要, The University of Electro-Communications, 14, 2, 221-231, Jan. 2002, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - 英語の形に慣れるには・基礎編
電気通信大学紀要, 電気通信大学, 14, 1, 55-64, Jul. 2001, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - 健三夫婦の腹の中-『道草』の視点設定-
電気通信大学紀要, 電気通信大学, 13, 1, 125-133, Jul. 2000, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - 凍結された青春の傷―『こころ』再論―
電気通信大学紀要, 電気通信大学, 12, 1, 69-78, Jun. 1999, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - 須永市蔵の自意識と無意識 ー『彼岸過迄』の独自性ー
電気通信大学紀要, 電気通信大学, 10, 1, 31-39, Jun. 1997, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - T. ハーディの『テス』を読む
電気通信大学紀要, 電気通信大学, 9, 1, 143-153, Jun. 1996, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - Alexander's Bridge と The Great Gatsby
電気通信大学紀要, 8, 2, 253-259, Dec. 1995, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - Paul の自決と Rudolph の覚醒
電気通信大学紀要, 8, 1, 133-139, Jun. 1995, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - 宗助の罪意識 ー『門』再説ー
電気通信大学紀要, The University of Electro-Communications, 7, 2, 229-234, Dec. 1994, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - Jiro and the Letter from Mr. H --The Structure of Kojin--
電気通信大学紀要, 6, 2, 229-242, Dec. 1993, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - The Assistant の構成
電気通信大学紀要, 5, 2, 227-236, Dec. 1992, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - Jewishness as Metaphor
富山大学教養部紀要, 20, 2, 195-199, Feb. 1988
Research institution, Japanese - A Review of a Sociologist's Treatise on The Assistant
富山大学教養部紀要, Toyama University, 20, 1, 173-189, Aug. 1987
Research institution, Japanese - The Hero of Winesburg, Ohio
富山大学教養部紀要, 19, 2, 67-76, Feb. 1987
Research institution, Japanese - Malamud's The Magic Barrel
富山大学教養部紀要, Toyama University, 19, 1, 105-127, Aug. 1986
Research institution, Japanese - S. Anderson's Notion of Grotesqueness
富山大学教養部紀要, Toyama University, 18, 1, 47-58, Aug. 1985
Research institution, Japanese
- アカデミック・スポウクン・イングリッシュ2(火曜2限)
電気通信大学 - アカデミック・リトン・イングリッシュ1(金曜2限)
電気通信大学 - アカデミック・スポウクン・イングリッシュ1(火曜4限)
電気通信大学 - アカデミック・スポウクン・イングリッシュ 1(火曜2限)
電気通信大学 - アカデミック・リトン・イングリッシュ2(金曜2限)
電気通信大学 - アカデミック・スポウクン・イングリッシュ 2 (火曜4限)
電気通信大学 - アカデミック・スポウクン・イングリッシュ 2(火曜2限)
電気通信大学 - アカデミック・スポウクン・イングリッシュ1(火曜4限)
電気通信大学 - Academic Spoken English I (Tue. 2nd period)
The University of Electro-Communications - アカデミック・スポウクン・イングリッシュ1(火曜2限)
電気通信大学 - アカデミック・リトン・イングリッシュ1
電気通信大学 - Intermediate Seminars in English (Mon. 4th period)
The University of Electro-Communications - Intermediate Seminars in English (Fri. 4th period)
The University of Electro-Communications - 英語演習(金曜4限)
The University of Electro-Communications - Academic Spoken English II (Tue. 2nd period)
The University of Electro-Communications - Academic Spoken English II (Tue. 2nd period)
電気通信大学 - 英語演習(月曜4限)
The University of Electro-Communications - Academic Written English II (Fri. 2nd period)
The University of Electro-Communications - Academic Written English II (Fri. 2nd period)
電気通信大学 - Academic Spoken English II (Tue. 4th period)
The University of Electro-Communications - Academic Spoken English II (Tue. 4th period)
電気通信大学 - Academic Spoken English II (Tue. 1st period)
The University of Electro-Communications - Academic Spoken English II (Tue. 1st period)
電気通信大学 - English Seminar (Fri. 4th period)
The University of Electro-Communications - 英語演習(金曜4限)
電気通信大学 - Academic Written English I (Fri. 2nd period)
The University of Electro-Communications - Academic Written English I (Fri. 2nd period)
電気通信大学 - Academic Spoken English I (Tue. 4th period)
The University of Electro-Communications - Academic Spoken English I (Tue. 4th period)
電気通信大学 - Academic Spoken English I (Tue. 1st period)
The University of Electro-Communications - Academic Spoken English I (Tue. 1st period)
電気通信大学 - English Seminar (Mon. 4th period)
The University of Electro-Communications - 英語演習(月曜4限)
- 電気通信大学紀要第19巻第1・2合併号掲載の論文「模擬演習 文学評論を批判的に読む」が、「学術文献刊行会編・国文学年次別論文集平成十八年版〈近代〉(朋文出版、2006(平成18)年版)に再録された。
2006 - 2006 - 電気通信大学紀要第16巻第1号掲載の論文「英語の形に慣れるには・補論」が、「英語学論説資料第38号・第6分冊“英語教育”(2004年発表論文集)」に再録された。
2006 - 2006 - 電気通信大学紀要第14巻第2号掲載の論文「英語の形に慣れるには・応用編」が、「英語学論説資料第37号・第5分冊“英語教育”(2003年発表論文集)」に再録された。
2005 - 2005 - 電気通信大学紀要第14巻第1号掲載の論文「英語の形に慣れるには・基礎編」が、「英語学論説資料第36号・第6分冊“英語教育”(2002年発表論文集)」に再録された。
2004 - 2004 - 電気通信大学紀要第13巻第1号掲載の論文「健三夫婦の腹の中」が、「学術文献刊行会編・国文学年次別論文集平成十二年版〈近代〉(朋文出版、2000(平成12)年版)に再録された。
2000 - 2000 - 電気通信大学紀要第12巻第1号掲載の論文「凍結された青春の傷」が、「学術文献刊行会編・国文学年次別論文集平成十一年版〈近代〉(朋文出版、1999(平成11)年版)に再録された。
1999 - 1999 - 電気通信大学紀要第7巻第2号掲載の論文「宗助の罪意識」が、「学術文献刊行会編・国文学年次別論文集平成六年版〈近代〉(朋文出版、1994(平成6)年版)に再録された。
1994 - 1994 - 電気通信大学紀要第6巻第2号掲載の論文「〈Hさんの手紙〉を読む二郎」が、「学術文献刊行会編・国文学年次別論文集平成五年版〈近代〉(朋文出版、1993(平成5)年版)に再録された。
1993 - 1993