Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems EngineeringProfessor
Cluster III (Fundamental Science and Engineering)Professor


  • 博士(工学), 電気通信大学

Research Keyword

  • Industrial robot
  • Cutting
  • 5-axis controlled machining
  • Machine tool
  • Manufacturing system
  • 産業用ロボット
  • 切削加工
  • 5軸制御加工
  • 工作機械
  • 生産システム

Field Of Study

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Manufacturing and production engineering


  • 01 Apr. 2017
    The University of Electro-Communications, 大学院 情報理工学研究科 機械知能システム学専攻, Professor
  • 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2017
    The University of Electro-Communications, 大学院 情報理工学研究科 機械知能システム学専攻, Associate Professor
  • 01 Apr. 2010 - 31 Mar. 2016
    The University of Electro-Communications, 大学院 情報理工学研究科 知能機械工学専攻, Associate Professor
  • 01 Apr. 2007 - 31 Mar. 2010
    The University of Electro-Communications, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems, 電気通信学部 知能機械工学科, Associate Professor

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1995 - Mar. 1998
    The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School, Division of Electro Communications, 機械制御工学専攻
  • Apr. 1993 - Mar. 1995
    The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School, Division of Electro Communications, 機械制御工学専攻
  • Apr. 1989 - Mar. 1993
    The University of Electro-Communications, Faculty of Electro Communications, 機械制御工学科
  • Mar. 1988

Member History

  • Mar. 2023 - Present
    フェロー, 公益社団法人精密工学会, Society
  • Jun. 2008 - Present
    理事, 型技術協会, Society
  • 2003 - Present
    論文集編集委員会 校閲委員, (社)日本機械学会, Society
  • 2000 - Present
    校閲委員会 協力委員, (社)精密工学会, Society
  • Jun. 2020 - Jun. 2022
    企画委員長, (一社)型技術協会, Society
  • Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2021
    広報・情報部会 部会長, (公社)精密工学会, Society
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2021
    理事, (公社)精密工学会, Society
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
    事業部会 事業企画委員長, (公社)精密工学会, Society
  • Oct. 2010 - 31 Mar. 2018
    事業部会 事業企画委員会 第1グループ, (社)精密工学会, Society
  • Jun. 2014 - Jun. 2016
    企画委員長, (一社)型技術協会, Society
  • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
    生産加工・工作機械部門 幹事, (一社)日本機械学会, Society
  • 2002 - 2016
    企画委員会委員, 型技術協会, Society
  • 2000 - 2015
    型技術者会議実行委員会委員, 型技術協会, Society
  • Jun. 2010 - Jun. 2014
    編集委員会 委員, 型技術協会, Society
  • Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2011
    生産加工・工作機械部門 広報委員会 委員長, (社)日本機械学会, Society
  • Mar. 2010 - Feb. 2011
    評議員, (社)精密工学会, Society
  • Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2010
    事業部会 国際交流委員会 幹事, (社)精密工学会, Society
  • Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2008
    出版部会 委員, (社)精密工学会, Society
  • Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2008
    会誌編集委員会 委員, (社)精密工学会, Society
  • 2005 - 2005
    日本機械学会誌 第83期 トピックス委員, (社)日本機械学会, Society
  • 2005 - 2005
    生産加工・工作機械部門 広報委員, (社)日本機械学会, Society
  • 2004 - 2004
    生産加工・工作機械部門 第1企画委員, (社)日本機械学会, Society
  • 2003 - 2004
    生産加工・工作機械部門 広報委員会 幹事, (社)日本機械学会, Society
  • 2000 - 2004
    広報委員会委員, (社)精密工学会, Society
  • 1998 - 2003
    事業部会 事業企画委員, (社)精密工学会, Society


  • Mar. 2023
    Development of Tool Path Interpolation Method for Five-Axis Controlled Machining with Barrel Tools
    JSPE Best Paper Award, 上山尊丈;森重功一
  • Jun. 2008
  • Jun. 2006
  • Jun. 2006
    (財)工作機械技術振興財団第27次工作機械技術振興賞 論文賞
  • Jun. 2005
  • Apr. 2004
  • May 2002
    The 35th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems Best Paper Award
    Korea, Republic of
  • Mar. 2000
  • Mar. 1997
  • Jun. 1996
  • Jun. 1995
    (財)工作機械技術振興財団第16回工作機械技術振興賞 論文賞


  • C-Space-Based Toolpath Generation for Five-Axis Controlled Machining with Special Tools
    Ken Okamoto; Koichi Morishige
    International Journal of Automation Technology, Fuji Technology Press Ltd., 18, 5, 679-687, 05 Sep. 2024, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a method for generating toolpaths based on machining strategies for five-axis controlled machining using special tools. Traditionally, most toolpath generation studies focused on ball-end mills, proposing strategic methods to achieve high-quality machining while avoiding tool interference. Recently, special finishing tools with large cutting edge radii have gained interest for achieving higher machining efficiency. These special tools can produce smooth finished surfaces even with large pick-feed widths, leading to higher productivity. However, unlike conventional machining with ball-end mills, five-axis controlled machining using special tools lacks standardized work design procedures. This study proposes a generic tool-geometry data format for defining special tool geometries and a method for generating toolpaths using this data format. This method strategically treats special tools as conventional ball-end mills. Consequently, five-axis controlled machining for new tool geometries can be achieved using existing operational procedures. To generate toolpaths, this study utilizes a two-dimensional configuration space (C-Space). For special tools with multiple cutting edge radii, the relationship between the tool posture and cutting edge contact point is clarified by mapping the cutting edge radius information onto the C-Space. By employing this mapped cutting edge information, we can determine the interference-free tool posture corresponding to the chosen cutting edge section based on the machining strategy. Finally, the paper presents machining simulations and experiments conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of Tool Path Interpolation Method for Five-Axis Controlled Machining with Barrel Tools
    Takahiro Ueyama; Koichi Morishige
    Corresponding, Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 89, 11, 850-856, 05 Nov. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Cutter Location Data Generation for All Types of Barrel Tool in Five-Axis Machining
    Ken Okamoto; Hideaki Ishihara; Koichi Morishige
    Corresponding, Proceedings of the International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials & Processing (LEM&P 2023), 86-89, Jun. 2023, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Generation of a Robot Program and Determination of an Optimal Workpiece Placement Considering the Manipulability of Industrial Robots
    Kei Moriguchi; Takuya Mizokami; Koichi Morishige
    Corresponding, International Journal of Automation Technology, Fuji Technology Press Ltd., 16, 6, 870-878, 05 Nov. 2022, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Various operations in the production sites of manufacturing industries are being automated using industrial robots instead of operators. In recent years, an offline teaching method for robot motion has been implemented, where programs are generated in a work environment that is reproduced virtually inside a computer. However, the robot program developed using the offline teaching method can pass through singularities or suddenly change the robot’s posture, making the robot incapable of performing safe operations. To achieve optimal operation, the operator must determine the workpiece placement and create a robot program through trial and error. In this study, we proposed a method that uses manipulability to generate a program that commands the robot to move without passing singularities or changing the robot’s posture. Manipulability is quantitatively evaluated as an indicator of a robot’s ability to move its end effector in arbitrary directions. We proposed another method to determine the optimal workpiece placement for robot operations that can maximize the sum of manipulability during the operation. We implemented the aforementioned methods in an offline teaching system. We applied the developed system to a welding operation and verified its effectiveness by conducting motion simulations. The developed system was able to generate a practical robot program that maintained high manipulability and did not cause sudden changes in the posture or pass singularities. The developed system was able to simultaneously determine the optimal workpiece placement for the task, thereby confirming the usefulness of the proposed method.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Optimization of Workpiece Placement in Production Operation Using Industrial Robot (Application to Sealing Operation)
    Lead, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), I05, 059, Nov. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tool Path Generation for 5-Axis Controlled Machining of Free-Form Surface Using a Barrel Tool Considering Continuity of Tool Postures
    Tomonobu Suzuki; Ken Okamoto; Koichi Morishige
    International Journal of Automation Technology, 15, 6, 885-892, Nov. 2021, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Effect of tilting direction-angle and pick feed direction on tilt milling with ball end mill
    Mitsuru Terada; Koichi Morishige
    Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE 2020), A-4-10, 23 Nov. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tool Path Generation for 5-Axis Rough Cutting Using Haptic Device
    Koichi Morishige; Satoshi Mori
    International Journal of Automation Technology, 14, 5, 808-815, 05 Sep. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Tool Path Generation for Five-Axis Controlled Machining of Free-Form Surface Using Barrel Tool: Control of Contact Point on Cutting Edge
    Tomonobu Suzuki; Koichi Morishige
    Proceedings of JSME 2020 Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing / Materials and Processing (LEMP2020), LEMP2020-8539, 03 Sep. 2020, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of CAM system for Turning Using Haptic Device
    Yutaro Horikawa; Koichi Morishige
    Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE 2018), A-4-3, 15 Nov. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optimization of Workpiece Placement in Sealing Operation Using Industrial Robot Considering Manipulability
    Koichi Morishige; Yuta Sato
    Proceedings of 2018 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2018), ISFA2018-L035, 17 Jul. 2018, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Cutting Force Experience System for Milling Process Using Haptic Device
    Kazuya Honda; Koichi Morishige
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), A06, 14 Nov. 2017, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of CAM system for 5-axis controlled machining using Haptic Device − Tool path generation in consideration of removal amount per unit time −
    Tomoya Kakoi; Koichi Morishige
    Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE 2016), B207-8162, 14 Nov. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optimization of Robot Program with Consideration of Manipulability and Workpiece Placement
    Yuta Sato; Koichi Morishige
    Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE 2016), B208-8130, 14 Nov. 2016, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 工具干渉と構造干渉を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    神田倫之; 森重功一
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 78, 1, 969-973, Oct. 2016, Peer-reviwed, In case of the five-axis controlled machining, there is interference problem among tool, workpiece, jig, machine structures such as table and spindle. In this study, these 3D models were loaded to CAM, and, moved to position corresponding to candidates of all tool postures on tool path. Then, by performing interference judgment, candidates of tool postures without interference were calculated. Therefore, tool path without interference was generated. When interference judgment is performed, process time was shortened by parallel processing using GPU and polygon model. Additionally, this CAM was corresponded to all types of five-axis controlled machining, table-tilting type, table/spindle-tilting type, and spindle-tilting type, and, improvement of general versatility was conspired. Finally, as the result of the machining simulation using all types machining, the effectiveness of the devised technique was confirmed.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Development of Turning Machine Operation Interface that Uses Haptic Device (Application to Complicated Cutting by Special Byte)
    Koichi Morishige; Miharu Nakada
    FACTORIES OF THE FUTURE IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 57, 649-652, 2016, Peer-reviwed, This study aims to develop the turning system using a haptic device as a new operation interface that enable to cope with machining complicated shapes intuitively. The haptic device is very useful for interface because it can provide the user with sensations of physical force, such as shocks or vibrations, in the virtual space. In previous reports, we have already proposed some applications of the haptic device to interface of CAM software and machine tool. Operating the virtual tool with the haptic device, the sensations of force function guides the operator to suitable operation by limiting tool movement, the operator can make NC program for complicated turning process that will be difficult for conventional methods. In this report, the trial system developed in the previous research that could cope with simple turning operations was extended to cope with more complicated operations. An original tool with special shape was made for a target shape, and a function of tool collision avoidance that can cope with the special tool was also developed. The usefulness of developed system was actually confirmed through some machining experiments using NC program that was generated by using the system. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of Polishing Surface Based on Image Clarity
    Ryo Oshima; Koichi Morishige
    Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT), B22, Nov. 2015, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tool path generation for five-axis controlled machining by using square and radius end mill with consideration of cutting load change
    Masanori Ishii; Koichi Morishige
    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), A35, Oct. 2015, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of turning machine operation interface that uses haptic device
    Raiyo Oka; Koichi Morishige
    International Journal of Automation Technology, Fuji Technology Press, 8, 3, 445-451, 2014, Peer-reviwed, This study aims to develop a turning system that uses a haptic device as a new operation interface to enable even beginners to operate a turning machine easily and safely. The haptic device is important because it can provide the user with sensations of physical force, such as shocks or vibrations, in the virtual space. These sensations of force function to guide the operator to suitable operation by limiting tool movement. In this study, a system is developed to teach, using the haptic device, the toolmovements in machining shapes in a virtual space. The tool movement that is taught is output as the movement of turning machine, and the actual machining is performed. In the our system, we have implemented a function that avoids interference between the tool and workpiece and limits the depth of cut in order to avoid excessive cutting. The usefulness of developed system is confirmed through machining experiments.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Development of Operation Interface for Turning Machine Using Haptic Device
    Raiyo OKA; Koichi MORISHIGE
    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), 107-110, Nov. 2013, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 統計的パターン認識に基づいたボールエンドミルによる切削面の外観検査
    岡本謙; 森重功一
    日本機械学会論文集 C編, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 79, 803, 2585-2596, Jul. 2013, Peer-reviwed, This study is related to automation of polishing process by using an industrial robot. In polishing process, full automation of polishing operation has not been achieved due to the difficulty in visual inspection. Judgment of polishing sufficiency has been performed by skilled workers. In this study, the surface after milling process is the target for polishing. In the previous report, the generation of robot program for polishing operation based on CAD data was already proposed. Focusing on the periodicity of cutter mark patterns on milling surface, we proposed an automatic judgment of polished surface quality. This method is based on the image processing which uses Discrete Fourier Transformation. In order to capture images of the polished surface, a CCD camera was mounted on a 6-axis controlled robot hand. However, the image processing method proposed in previous report could not judge the curved cutter mark patterns because the periodicity of those patterns is not uniform. The objective of this report is the development of automatic judgment method for non-periodic cutter mark patterns. We developed a judgment method which uses statistical pattern recognition as a means to judge the existence of cutter marks. As a result, a system that allows the automatic polishing that includes the surface quality judgment is developed.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Development of operation interface for malti-axis controlled machine tool using Haptic Device:Real time smoothing of tool path
    Sasaki Shunya; Morishige Koichi
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2013, 83-84, 2013, これまでの研究では,多軸制御工作機械を直感的に操作するために,仮想空間内で物体の操作が可能な力覚呈示装置と工作機械を同期させ,仮想空間の工具を操作することによって工具経路を呈示するシステムを提案してきた.本研究では,先行研究で開発されたシステムに,手ぶれ等により発生する工具経路の乱れをリアルタイムでスムージングする機能を追加した.この機能により,加工性状の改善を確認することができた.
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発:未切削部分との干渉の回避
    桜井 一範; 森重 功一
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 公益社団法人 精密工学会, 2013, 85-86, 2013, これまでの研究で,多軸制御工作機械を直感的に操作するために,仮想空間内の物体の操作が可能な力覚呈示装置と工作機械を同期させるシステムを提案してきた.本報では,先行研究で実装されていなかった加工によって変化する未切削部分とシャンク・ホルダの干渉回避について,力覚を提示することによって回避する機能を実装した.この機能により,干渉のない工具経路が生成できることをシミュレーション上で確認した.
  • Haptic Device を用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発:立体視機能の追加と切削音の呈示
    岡 頼陽; 森重 功一
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 公益社団法人 精密工学会, 2012, 573-574, 2012, 本研究では,Haptic Device を利用して人間が直感的に多軸制御工作機械を操作できるインターフェイスの開発を目的としている.本報では,加工状況を立体視で描画する機能と,切削の状況に応じて変化する切削音を呈示する機能を付加した.これらの機能によって,仮想工具と仮想工作物の位置関係や切削状況がより正確に把握できるようになり,操作性が向上することが確認できた.
  • C-Spaceを用いた5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成 ―スクエアおよびラジアスエンドミルによる加工への対応―
    増田拓也; 森重功一
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 78, 1, 57-61, Jan. 2012, Peer-reviwed, In recent years, 5-axis controlled machine tools attract attention because of the increase in demand for improvements in productivity. Ball end mill is easy to control its location against a cutting surface, and is often used for the 5-axis controlled machining. However, the cutting removal rate of ball end mill is insufficient. Square and radius end mills has the higher removal rate more than ball end mill. On the other hand, the 5-axis controlled machining with square or radius end mill may be difficult compared with the case of ball end mill. In this report, 2-dimensional configuration space that expresses one tool posture by one point on the space was extended to cope with the machining with square and radius end mills. Furthermore, the new tool path generation method was proposed, which can reduce the cutting remains near a character line. As the result of machining simulations, the cutting remains near a character line were reduced, and the utility of the proposed tool path generation method was actually confirmed.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Development of Operation Interface for Machine Tool using 6-DOF Haptic Device - Guidance of Tool Movement using Force Sense
    Syuhei Kobori; Koichi Morishige
    PROCEEDINGS OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY (ASPEN2011), TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD, 516, 337-342, 2012, Peer-reviwed, In the previous report, the operation interface for multi-axis controlled machine tools was developed by using the haptic device that is used in the field of virtual reality and it was changed from a haptic device with 3-DOF to that with 6-DOF. In order to improve the system, more useful functions should be added.
    In this report, the function to guide the tool in consideration of the tool's characteristics is developed. The square end mill cannot cut at its bottom part. So, when the bottom part contacts the removal shape, the square end mill should be guided into a posture contacting at the side part by the force sense.
    The experiment supposed that the machining of the curved surface had been done. In the case of using the developed function, the number of contacts at the bottom part of the tool was decreased. As a result, the usefulness of the developed function was confirmed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tool path generation for five-axis controlled machining with consideration of structural interference
    Tomoyuki Kanda; Koichi Morishige
    International Journal of Automation Technology, Fuji Technology Press, 6, 6, 710-716, 2012, Peer-reviwed, In the case of five-axis controlled machining, the machine components such as tables, spindles, and columns take various locations, so interference may occur among machine components. In commercial CAM software used five-axis controlled machining, however, structural interference is not considered. Output Cutter Location (CL) data may therefore cause structural interference. In this report, locations of the machine components where structural interference may occur are calculated and a tool path generation method considering the above-mentioned problem of interference is developed. The effectiveness of the devised technique was confirmed experimentally as a result of machining simulation.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Polishing Process Automation by Industrial Robot with Polished Surface Quality Judgment Based on Image Processing - Visual Inspection Based on Pattern Matching -
    Ken Okamoto; Koichi Morishige
    EMERGING TECHNOLOGY IN PRECISION ENGINEERING XIV, TRANSACTION PUBLISHERS, 523-524, 481-486, 2012, Peer-reviwed, The study deals with automation of polishing process by using an industrial robot. In polishing process, full automation of polishing work has not been achieved because of difficulty in visual inspection. Judgment of whether polishing is sufficient or not has been performed by skilled workers in the present situation. In the previous research, generation of robot program for polishing operation using CAD/CAM was already proposed. In this proposed polishing system, a CCD camera mounted at an end effector of 6-axis control robot, captures image of polished surface. Using polished surface image, we developed automatic judgment of polished surface quality based on image processing which uses discrete Fourier transformation. However, the proposed image processing method cannot judge the tilted or curved cutter mark pattern. The purpose of this study is to develop automatic judgment method for general cutter mark pattern. In this report, we improved proposed judgment method using discrete Fourier transformation, and developed judgment method which uses computer vision. We utilize computer vision as a means to judge existence or nonexistence of cutter marks. As a result, the developed system allows the automatic polishing that includes surface quality judgment.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tool Path Generation for Five-Axis Controlled Machining with Consideration of Structure Interference
    Tomoyuki KANDA; Koichi MORISHIGE
    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), 3379, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tool Path Generation for five-axis Controlled Machining with Consideration of Structure Interference:Coping with spindle-tilting type
    Kanda Tomoyuki; Morishige Koichi
    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2011, 327-328, 2011, 多軸制御工作機械は,スピンドルやテーブルなどの機械構造が,様々な位置・姿勢を取り得るため,機械構造同士の干渉が生じやすい.先行研究により,機械構造同士が干渉する位置・姿勢を事前に計算し,これらを除いた工具経路生成の手法が開発されたが,スピンドルチルト型の工作機械には対応していなかった.本報では,スピンドルチルト型にも対応できるように手法を拡張し,加工シミュレーションにより,本手法の有用性について検証した.
  • Tool path generation for five-axis controlled machining with consideration of motion of two rotational axes
    Koichi Morishige; Makoto Kaneko
    International Journal of Automation Technology, Fuji Technology Press, 5, 3, 412-419, 2011, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, the original configuration space is applied to generate tool path, which indicate locations of two rotational axes of a 5-axis controlled machine tool. Moreover, A-star algorithm that is one of the methods for route searching is applied to decide tool postures considering the motion of two rotational axes. The developed method can generate tool path limiting the number of used rotational axes, and reducing the moving amount of two rotational axes. Furthermore, the method can generate tool path that avoids the reverse rotation of two rotational axes, which might cause the machining error. As a result, an excellent finished surface is actually obtained, and the usefulness of the developed method is confirmed.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Tool Path Generation for Five-Axis Controlled Machining with Consideration of Motion of Two Rotational Axes
    Koichi MORISHIGE; Makoto KANEKO
    Proceedings of 4th CIRP International Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC2010), 2, 153-158, Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Operation Interface for Multi-Axis Controlled MachinE Tools Using Haptic Device with 6-DOF Force Feedback
    Koichi Morishige; Yu Yamagishi
    Proceedings of 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2010), JPS-2523, Jun. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 回転2軸の動きを考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    金子 誠; 森重功一
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 76, 1, 101-105, Jan. 2010, Peer-reviwed, The current CAM software for 5-axis controlled machining does not consider machine tool information when generating tool path. Therefore, the CAM software has the problem of outputting the tool path data that might be changed into the problematic NC data including redundant change and reversal rotation of rotational axes. In this report, the configuration space in that a position of two rotational axes indicated in one point is applied. A-star algorithm that is one of techniques for searching path is applied to decide tool attitudes considering the motion of two rotational axes in 3-dimensional configuration space. The developed method can generate tool path limiting the number of used rotational axes, and reducing the moving amount of two rotational axes. Furthermore, the method can generate tool path that avoids the reversal rotation of two rotational axes that might cause the processing error. Finally, machining experiments were performed for overhang groove shapes. As a result, excellent finished surface was actually obtained, and the usefulness of the developed method is confirmed.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The Tool Path Generation by Using Configuration Space for Five-Axis Controlled Machining - Application to Rough Cutting by Using Square End Mill
    Takuya Masuda; Koichi Morishige
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Automation of Polishing Process by Industrial Robots - Generation of Polishing Path for Complex Surface
    Zhou YANG; Koichi MORISHIGE
    Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2009), 1A1-11, Nov. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • カッティング作業における操作性を考慮した産業用ロボットの動作計画
    青山一郎; 森重功一
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 75, 8, 1010-1014, Aug. 2009, Peer-reviwed, The study deals with automatic path planning method for cutting operation using an industrial robot. In general, studies of motion planning for industrial robots are divided in two approaches, considering a robot configuration or a tool configuration. However, in case of cutting operation using an ultrasonic cutter, generation of optimal tool path becomes difficult, because it is required consideration of continuous tool posture, wide movable range of robot, and high tool feed speed. In this study, we propose the use of an original local configuration space that generated by two angles that determine tool posture at each cutting point, and generate tool path using an A-star search algorism based on the evaluations of interference, movable range and mobility of robot that varied according to relationship of tool feed speed and angular speed of each joint. As a result, it is found that the proposed path generation method is more effective than conventional methods.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発(第1報, 切削感覚の呈示と工具干渉の回避)
    森重功一; 山本良輔
    日本機械学会論文集 C編, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 75, 752, 1187-1193, Apr. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Multi-axis controlled machine tool allows us to make complicated products. However, the multi-axis controlled machine tool requires long time from its introduction to the effective use, because its operation requires the special knowledge and a certain amount of the experience. Therefore, the improvement of man-machine interface of the machine tool is indispensable to operate it easily without considering its complicated mechanical characteristic. This study aims at developing the machining system that enable to make complicated shapes more intuitively and efficiently than conventional ways by using a haptic device used in the field of virtual reality as a new operation interface intended for multi-axis controlled machine tools. In this report, some basic functions that the system should fulfill are examined: first, the function of displaying the cutting condition is developed by use of a decomposition model; second, the presentation of cutting sense is realized by calculating the appropriate haptic force; and third, the tool interference avoidance is realized with consideration of the multipoint contact of cutting tool. Moreover, some machining experiments are performed by using cutter locations outputted form the developed program. As a result, the target shapes are actually obtained, the assumption of the proposed method is confirmed.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Polishing Process Automation by Industrial Robots with Polished Surface Quality Judged Based on Imaging Processing
    Tomoya Ito; Koichi Morishige
    International Journal of Automation Technology, 3, 2, 130-135, Mar. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • 機械の可動範囲と工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    藤野裕典; 森重功一
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 74, 12, 1330-1334, Dec. 2008, Peer-reviwed, A lot of techniques of tool path generation for 5-axis controlled machining that consider tool interference are already proposed. However, those methods have outputted impossible tool path for machine tool, because movable range of driving axes of machine tool is not considered. Moreover, discontinuous tool path threatens to cause deterioration of surface quality. This study has been aiming to generate the tool path considering movable range of machine tool and continuity of tool attitude change. We have already proposed the original 2-dimensional configuration space that indicates possible tool attitude at each cutting point. The method proposed in this report searches the shortest tool path using 3-dimensional configuration space that corresponds to available tool attitudes with consideration of tool interference and movable range of machine tool. As a result, usefulness of the devised method was experimentally confirmed.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Automation of Polishing Process by Industrial Robots with Judgment of Polished Surface Quality based on Imaging Processing
    Tomoya ITO; Koichi MORISHIGE
    Proceedings of Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics 2008 (AISM2008), 483-487, Aug. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Operation Planning Support System Using XML Database of Machining Information
    Koichi Morishige; Yuma Sato
    Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2008), JL018, Jun. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Intricate shaped manufacturing by 6-axis non-rotational cutting with the application of ultrasonic vibrations
    Feliciano H. Japitana; Koichi Morishige; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW FRONTIER, SPRINGER, 395-+, 2008, Peer-reviwed, Complex mold or intricate shaped product can be manufactured by rotational cutting tool with an increased in cutting speed, a process now known as high speed cuffing; however, shaving remnants are formed according to the tool shape at the adjoining surfaces or end corner of the product. This limitation is inevitable, especially when employing rotational tool in the process. If this limitation can be removed by cutting, the flexibility of the product form, which can carried out in manufacturing can be extended greatly. This paper presents a new manufacturing method to produce an intricate shaped product utilizing the 6-axis control machining using a non-rotational cutting tool with the application of ultrasonic vibrations. The result of experiment shows that intricate shape product has been manufacture using the new manufacturing method.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • XMLにより記述された加工情報データベースを利用した作業設計支援システムの開発
    佐藤雄磨; 森重功一
    精密工学会誌, 74, 1, 92-96, Jan. 2008, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Information Architecture for Environment-Conscious and Enduser-Oriented PLM
    Kenji Yura; Masato Inoue; Masahiro Ishii; Haruo Ishikawa; Koichi Morishige; Masayuki Takata; Shunji Umetani; Tetsuo Yamada
    Proceedings of EcoDesign 2007, P-12, Dec. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Indexing Rough Cutting Method With Vertical Milling Using 5-axis Control Machine Tool
    Koichi MORISHIGE; Chihiro HIRANO
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), 479-484, Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 5軸制御加工機を利用した割り出し突き荒加工法の開発
    平野千尋; 森重功一
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 73, 11, 1261-1266, Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed, This paper deals with the rough cutting method using 5-axis control machine tool and the tool path generation method to machine complicated shapes efficiently such as overhanging shape that requires the inclination of cutting tool. In general, conventional rough cutting methods employ the contour milling with 3-axis control. However, these rough cutting methods were not always efficient, because several set-up changes were required to machine complicated shapes. The study proposes the new rough cutting method for 5-axis control machining, which uses a plunge milling that has been used only for 3-axis control machining. Consequently, the rough cutting with the high efficiency of plunge milling and the flexibility of 5-axis control can be realized. In order to achieve the method, it is necessary to generate the tool path in consideration of the tool interference with not only the target shape but also the remained part. Therefore, the study developed the tool path generation method by expanding the method which uses the 2-dimensional configuration space technique. Finally, the developed method is implemented to the original CAM software. As a result, it is experimentally found that the system enables the rough cutting of complicated shapes with 5-axis control with only one set-up.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Development of Tool Fabrication CAD/CAM System for Conicoid End Mill
    Koichi Morishige; Shingo Ishizuka; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    International Journal of Automation Technology, 1, 2, 128-135, Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • A Framework for Environment-Conscious and Enduser-Oriented PLM
    Tetsuo Yamada; Masato Inoue; Masahiro Ishii; Haruo Ishikawa; Koichi Morishige; Masayuki Takata; Shunji Umetani; Kenji Yura
    roceedings of the 4th Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle, CD-ROM, No.85, Oct. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development of Operation Interface for Multi-Axis Controlled Machine Tools Using Haptic Device -Examination of Basic Function and Tool Path Generation-
    Koichi MORISHIGE
    Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2006), 0026-a, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Optimum Tool Path Generation for 5-Axis Control Machining Considering Change in Tool Attitude for Whole of Machining Surface
    Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Machine Automation (ICMA2006), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, CD-ROM, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed, The 5-axis control machining has a lot of advantages in the machining of complex shapes.However, CAM software which can calculate;the cutter location data while considering the tool interference problem is nonexistence. We have proposed the tool path generation method for 5-axis control machining using an original configuration space/However, the conventional method generates cutter locations for each path by interpolating the calculated local tool attitudes at several cutting points. Therefore, generated paths were not idea! due to the random or sudden change in tool attitude.In this study, tool attitudes after interference avoidance are decided by-referring to configuration space information for the entire machining surface. The devised method can generate the optimum cutter location with the least amount of the change in tool attitude.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 加工面全体における工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    森重功一; 若山広樹
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 72, 5, 652-656, May 2006, Peer-reviwed, The 5-axis control machining has a lot of advantages in the machining of complex shapes. The major problem in 5-axis control machining is the tool interference with workpiece. Some commercial 3-dimensional CAM software are already offered, which consider the tool interference problem and allow us the interference-free 5-axis control machining. However, the policy of above CAM software to the tool interference avoidance is that the tool attitude is modified only at where the tool interference is detected. Thus, the tool attitude suddenly changes with the redundant movement. Because such movement cause the over and under cutting, it is necessary to be avoided as much as possible. We have already proposed the tool path generation method for 5-axis control machining using an original configuration space. In the previous paper, the interference-free cutter location data with the least amount of the change in tool attitude was generated while referring to all of the configuration space information at several cutting points. In this study, tool attitudes after interference avoidance are decided by referring to configuration space information for the whole of machining surface. The technique of the previous paper is enhanced, the continuousness of the tool attitude change in the direction of not only tool feed but also pickfeed is considered, and the method for generating the cutter location data for the optimum 5-axis control machining is developed. As a result, the usefulness of the devised CAM system is experimentally found.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Efficient Manufacture by 6-Axis Control Machining with the Application of Ultrasonic Vibrations
    Feliciano H. JAPITANA; Koichi MORISHIGE; Yoshimi TAKEUCHI
    Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, CD-ROM, Dec. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Automation of Polishing Process with Industrial Robots -Polishing Path Generation in Consideration of Surface Curvature-
    Koichi MORISHIGE; Yusuke UEKI; Tohru ISHIDA; Yoshimi TAKEUCHI
    Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), Vol.1, 109-114, Oct. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Highly efficient manufacture of groove with sharp corner on adjoining surfaces by 6-axis control ultrasonic vibration cutting
    FH Japitana; K Morishige; Y Takeuchi
    PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 29, 4, 431-439, Oct. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Rapid machining means the extreme reduction of the machining lead-time required in completing a product from the blank shape. One of the ways in which machining lead-time could be reduced drastically is by avoiding too many setup changes. This paper presents a new machining method to create a groove with sharp corner on adjoining surfaces in one setup. Grooves with sharp corner (GSC) on adjoined curved or overhanging surfaces are at present impossible to manufacture by conventional machining in one setup or even by the existing numerical control (NC) machining method especially if it is adjacent to the obstruction. The obstruction tends to hamper the flow of machining operation, thereby requiring two or more setups as well as additional expensive fixtures to machine such a product.
    In the study, the GSC on adjoined curved or overhanging surfaces will be manufactured by 6-axis control milling using a non-rotational tool with the application of ultrasonic vibrations (USV) in one setup. The study also describes the machining method as well as the development of software for 6-axis control milling and the effect of ultrasonic vibrations in multi-axis machining. Based on the experimental results, the effectiveness of the new manufacturing method as well as the developed CAM software has been experimentally confirmed in the study. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    若山広樹; 森重功一
    精密工学会誌, 71, 5, 639-643, May 2005, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 産業用ロボットによる研磨作業の自動化 -曲面の曲率を考慮した経路生成-
    植木祐輔; 森重功一; 石田 徹; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌1522-1526, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 70, 12, 1522-1526, Dec. 2004, Peer-reviwed, The study deals with the automation of polishing process for free-form surfaces by means of an industrial robot. In general, the polishing process has been performed by handwork of skilled workers. Since the polishing environment is extremely inferior and the polishing process is time-consuming and tedious work, the automation of polishing process is strongly desired and the robot systems have been introduced recently. However, the polishing by robots has not necessarily been performed in success. In the study, the polishing path generation is devised to improve the surface quality of workpieces. Thus, the relationship between the surface curvature of workpiece and the contact length of polishing tool is investigated by polishing experiments, which results in the new polishing path generation method. The method is successfully applied to polish an impeller of food and osmetics agitators, which consists of free-form surfaces. As a result, it is found that the new polishing path generation method is effective for polishing automation by robots.
    Research society, Japanese
  • 5軸および6軸制御を併用した隅部加工
    井沢祐弥; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 70, 8, 1106-1110, Aug. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Simultaneous 6-axis control machining with a non-rotational tool, which can create sharp corner shapes, is not necessarily efficient due to the small depth of cut and the low feed speed. Though the application of simultaneous 5-axis control machining with rotational tools is advantageous in terms of the machining efficiency, the cutting remaining peculiar to the rotational tool take place near the corner part. Therefore, using two machining methods together enables the efficient machining of sharp corner shapes. In the previous paper, we showed the high efficiency of our original machining method of character line using 5-axis and 6-axis control. As the industrial products have various kinds of the corner shape pattern besides the character line, however, the proposed machining method could not cope with all corner patterns. This paper describes the classification of corner shapes at the end of the character line and the generation method of cutting point data for machining of all patterns using 5-axis and 6-axis control.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 3-Dimensional Machining of Groove with Edges on Oblique or Curved Surfaces by Means of 6-Axis Control Ultrasonic Vibration Cutting
    Feliciano H. JAPITANA; Koichi MORISHIGE; Yoshimi TAKEUCHI
    Proceedings of 2004 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, CD-ROM, Jul. 2004
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 6-Axis control cutting of overhanging curved grooves by means of non-rotational tool with application of ultrasonic vibrations
    FH Japitana; K Morishige; Y Takeuchi
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 44, 5, 479-486, Apr. 2004, Peer-reviwed, This paper presents a new machining method that efficiently cuts overhanging curve grooves on wall surfaces without causing a collision between the tool and the workpiece. It also describes the development of software for 6-axis control grooving and the effect of applied ultrasonic vibrations (USV) in cutting overhanging grooves (OHG). In general, rotational tools are used to produce grooves, thus resulting in long circular arc segments at the cutting end points, as well as placing restrictions on the manufacture of grooves with continuous change in curvature, while ensuring that they do not overshoot the side clearance angle of the cutting edge with the groove. The study aims at machining OHGs presently impossible to machine by conventional methods. From the experimental results, it was found that the new machining method, which is 6-axis control cutting using a non-rotational tool with the application of USV, is capable of cutting an OHG on wall surfaces correctly. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Scientific journal, English
  • 2次元C-Spaceを利用した5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成法-複雑形状加工に適用するための処理の高速化と堅固化を重視した改良-
    小畑智靖; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, 70, 2, 127-131, Feb. 2004, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 5-Axis Control Machining of Complicated Shapes Based on Configuration Space
    Koichi Morishige; Tomoyasu Kobata; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, 435-440, Nov. 2003, Peer-reviwed, The 5-axis control machining is one of useful methods supporting the reduction of production cost and delivery time. On the other hand, there is a severe problem of interference between the tool and the surrounding objects. In order to solve the tool interference problem, we developed a path generation method using the concept of the configuration space in our previous study. However, the calculation of borderlines of areas in the configuration space is based on the curve interpolation. Thus, the calculation requires excessive time. In the present study, The process is modified by changing the curve interpolation to the linear inter interpolation, which results in shortening the calculation time of the interference-free area and increasing the robustness of calculation. Moreover, the application of curved surface interpolation is proposed, where all tool attitudes are calculated by interpolating some representative attitudes at cutting points. As a result, it is possible to generate the cutter location data by a fewer information in the short calculation time.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 5軸および6軸制御を併用したキャラクタライン加工
    森重功一; 井沢祐弥; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 69, 9, 1317-1321, Sep. 2003, Peer-reviwed, 5-axis control machining can create workpieces with complicated shape difficult to machine by 3-axis control. Moreover, 6-axis control machining can cope with workpieces impossible to machine by rotational tools since it can control the direction of non-rotational tool. Though 5-axis control machining which uses rotational tools is advantageous in terms of the machining efficiency, the cutting remainings peculiar to the rotational tool take place at the corner part of workpiece shape. On the other hand, 6-axis control machining can machine the corner part, which cannot be removed with the rotational tool, though it has the low machining efficiency. The use of two machining methods together seems to be very effective to improve the machining efficiency. This research investigates the highly efficient and accurate machining method using 6-axis control machining together with 5-axis control one. The algorithm to generate the cutter location data is developed in consideration of the use of 5-axis and 6-axis control machining, and it is implemented to the integrated CAM software for 5-axis and 6-axis control machining. As a result, it is experimentally found that the system enables the effective and accurate machining.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Optimum Path Generation for 5-Axis Control Machining Considering Tool Attitude Change
    K. Morishige; H. Wakayama; Y. Takeuchi
    Proceedings of The 36rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, 255-259, Jun. 2003, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Manufacture of Overhanging Sharp Corner by Means of 6-Axis Control Machining with the Application of Ultrasonic Vibrations
    Feliciano H. JAPITANA; Koichi MORISHIGE; Shugo YASUDA; Yoshimi TAKEUCHI
    JSME International Journal, Series C, 46, 1, 306-313, Jan. 2003, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Six-axis controlled ultrasonic vibration cutting in fabrication of a sharp corner
    FH Japitana; K Morishige; Y Takeuchi
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, SPRINGER-VERLAG LONDON LTD, 21, 8, 564-570, 2003, Peer-reviwed, The completion of machining in one setting leads to high accuracy and quality. Since ordinary machining is not capable of fabricating sharp corners, electrical discharge machining (EDM) is used. However, this requires a highly skilled machinist to set up the workpiece to maintain the accuracy of the product since two or more set-ups are involved in this process. In this study, a new manufacturing method for the fabrication of sharp corners is examined experimentally. Six-axis controlled cutting using a bore byte tool with the application of ultrasonic vibration has been applied in this method. Experimental results have shown the applicability of this method in the fabrication of sharp corners.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Rapid 5-Axis Control Tool Path Generation by Means of Linearly Interpolated C-Space
    Tomoyasu Kobata; Koichi Morishige; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Proceedings of 3rd CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, 257-262, Jul. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Highly Efficient and Accurate Machining Using Five-Axis and Six-Axis Control
    Koichi Morishige; Feliciano H. Japitana; Syugo Yasuda; Yuya Izawa; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Proceedings of The 35rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, 486-491, May 2002, Peer-reviwed
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Strategic Tool Attitude Determination for Five-Axis Control Machining Based on Configuration Space
    K. Morishige; Y. Takeuchi
    CIRP-Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31, 3, 246-252, Apr. 2002, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • コニコイドエンドミルを用いた自由曲面の5軸制御切削加工-楕円及び双曲線工具の場合-
    那須輝久; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 67, 11, 1856-1860, Nov. 2001, Peer-reviwed, The study deals with five-axis control tool path generation for the sculptured surface machining with conicoid end mills. Ball end mills are in general utilized for the sculptured surface machining. However, it takes much time to finish such complicated surfaces with high accuracy due to the nessesity of a small amount of pick feed. Thus, a new cutting method is proposed to use special cutting tools, called conicoid end mill, for the sculputured surface machining : The study deals with the development of new CAM system with ellipsoid and hyperboloid end mills as well as paraboloid. From the experimental results, it is found that the conicoid end mills have the potential of reducing a machining time remarkably.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • NC Data Generation for Five-Axis Control Machining Using Curved Interpolation -Application of Five-Dimensional Non-Uniform B-Spline Curve-
    K. Morishige; S. Takahashi; Y. Takeuchi
    Proc. of 1st Int. Seminar on Progress in Innovative Manufacturing Engineering, Genoa, 89-94, Jun. 2001
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 6軸制御加工用統合型メインプロセッサの開発
    宮内 馨; 荒木弘之; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 67, 1, 142-146, Jan. 2001, Peer-reviwed, The study deals with the development of an integrated main processor of 6-axis control CAM system. The 6-axis control machining, where non-rotational cutting tools are used, has a lot of advantages, compared with the conventional one with rotational cutting tools. The main processors, which have developed till now, can generate CL data corresponding to the kind of 6-axis control machinings such as smooth machining, grooving, character line machining, sharp-edged corner machining, pocket machining, etc. However, it is not convenient to prepare the main processor for each 6-axis control machining method. To solve the problem, the integration of the main processors is intended, where CL data corresponding to specific machining method is automatically generated on the basis of judgment of the shape pattern standing for the kind of 6-axis control machinings. As a result, it was experimentally confirmed that the integrated main processor has the potential to select the suitable 6-axis control machining method and generate the corresponding CL data.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Six-axis control character line finishing using ultrasonic vibrational cutting tool
    K Morishige; Y Takeuchi
    INITIATIVES OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AT THE BEGINNING OF A MILLENNIUM, SPRINGER, 249-253, 2001, Peer-reviwed, The study deals with six-axis control character line finishing with the use of vibrational cutting tool. Six-axis control machining with non-rotational tools is a potential method to make a clear character line shape. However, the machining produces not good results due to the low cutting speed. In the study, the vibrational cutting is applied, which is effective in solving the problem such as low cutting speed. The cutter location data must be generated on the basis of the workpiece CAD data, considering the characteristic of the vibrational tool. The effectiveness of the devised method is experimentally confirmed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Six-Axis Control Grooving by Means of Ultrasonic Vibrational Cutting
    Y. Takeuchi; K. Miyauchi; K. Morishige; N. Asakawa
    Proc. of 2nd Int. Seminar on Improving Machine Tool Performance, CD-ROM, Session C2, C9, Aug. 2000
    International conference proceedings, English
  • C-Spaceに基づいた5軸制御加工における工具姿勢の決定法 -工具形状を考慮したC-Spaceの生成と安全第一加工戦略
    森重功一; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, 66, 7, 1140-1144, Jul. 2000, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Strategic Tool Attitude Determination for Five-Axis Control Machining Based on Configuration Space
    K. Morishige; Y. Takeuchi
    Proc. of 33rd CIRP Int. Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Stockholm, 209-214, Jun. 2000
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 曲線補間を用いた5軸制御加工用NCデータの生成法 -5次元非一様 B-spline曲線の適用-
    高橋聖次; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 65, 12, 1740-1744, Dec. 1999, Peer-reviwed, The study describes a new NC data generation method for 5-axis control machining, using curved interpolation. In conventional linear interpolation, the amount of NC data tends to increase with increasing the geometrical accuracy of workpiece configurations, which often leads to the reduction in feed speed of machine tools, especially for 5-axis control machining, since a huge amount of NC data can not be accepted in time. On the contrary, as the curved interpolation requires only a few parameters to express workpiece configurations, NC data can be transmitted rapidly, compared with the conventional linear interpolation. The curved interpolation was already applied successfully to 3-axis control machining, however not to 5-axis control one. Thus, in the study, 5-dimensional non-uniform B-spline curve is employed to express 5-axis control curved interpolation NC data in terms of NC data reduction, using 5-axis control collision-free NC data. In a 5-dimensional non-uniform B-spline curve, NC data are significantly compressed by appropriately selecting knot vector on the basis of equally divided curvature area method. From the experimental results of 5-axis control machining, it is confirmed that the curved interpolation has the potential of reducing large amount of NC data without deteriorating the surface roughness and shape accuracy of workpieces.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • X線CTスキャナを用いた3次元CADデータに基づく内部形状評価
    大滝 誠; 伊澤昌敏; 森重功一; 浅川直紀; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, 65, 11, 1584-1588, Nov. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 振動切削を用いた6軸制御溝加工
    宮内 馨; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, 65, 11, 1623-1627, Nov. 1999, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 工具研削CAD/CAMシステムの開発 -システムの拡張とその評価-
    石塚伸護; 森重功一; 加瀬 究; 松岡甫篁; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 65, 9, 1280-1283, Sep. 1999, Peer-reviwed, The study deals with a new practical fabrication method of various end mills, based on 3D-CAD/CAM. End mills with arbitrary tool shapes, which are generally difficult to produce, are strongly required in terms of upgrading machining accuracy and efficiency. Thus, our tool grinding CAD/CAM system was already reported, and showed the potentials of producing end mills with arbitralty tool shapes though it was not surtable for practical use. To put them to practical use, the system was improved, taking, account of a grinding method of primary flank, a design of cutting edge shape and five-axis NC data generation. As a result, the system allows to produce practical end mills with arbitrary tool shapes. In addition, it is found that end mills fabricated by, the, system have enough shape accuracy, compared with commercially available ones.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Tool path generation using C-space for 5-axis control machining
    K Morishige; Y Takeuchi; K Kase
    JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, ASME-AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENG, 121, 1, 144-149, Feb. 1999, Peer-reviwed, The paper deals with the method of tool path generation for 5-axis control machining rising a ball end mill. 5-axis control machining has been used for aircraft parts as well as for complicated shapes such as mold and dies. However, most of the present CAM systems for 5-axis control machining have limited functions in terms of tool collision, workpiece shapes and machining methods. For that reason, in many cases the optimal cutter location (CL) data cannot be obtained or considerable ti,ne is consumed. To solve this problem, we applied a 3-dimensional configuration space (C-Space) and showed the relationship between all tool positions and postures and the existence of tool collision. The method of tool path generation devised in the study enables users to generate CL data reflecting their own machining strategy such as smooth change in tool posture and the state of machining without considering the gouging. The validity of this method was experimentally confirmed by successfully milling an impeller without tool collision occurring.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Five-axis control sculptured surface machining using conicoid end mill
    K Morishige; T Nasu; Y Takeuchi
    MACHINING IMPOSSIBLE SHAPES, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, 18, 366-375, 1999, Peer-reviwed, The study deals with five-asis control tool path generation for the sculptured surface machining with a conicoid end mill. In general, ball end mills are utilized for the sculptured surface machining. However, it takes much time to finish such complicated surfaces with high accuracy due to the necessity of small amount of pick feed, which causes the reduction in machining efficiency. Thus, special cutting tools called conicoid end mill were devised to meet the requirement of relatively large amount of pickfeed. The adequate selection of tool attitude allows a large amount of pick feed, and yields good surface quality in surface finishing.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • コニコイドエンドミルのための工具研削用CAD/CAMシステムの開発
    石塚伸護; 森重功一; 加藤 究; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, 64, 10, 1456-1460, Oct. 1998, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Real-time Visualization of Cutting Prosess Using NC Internal Information
    N. Asakawa; K. Morishige; M. Koyama; K. Nakasyoji; Y. Takeuchi
    Proc. of ICAM '98, JSME, 494-498, Aug. 1998
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 6-axis control finishing of sculptured surface by non-rotational cutting tool
    Y Takeuchi; K Wada; M Yokoyama; K Morishige
    1998 JAPAN-U.S.A. SYMPOSIUM ON FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION - PROCEEDINGS, VOLS I AND II, INSTITUTE SYSTEMS, CONTROL & INFORMATION ENGINEERS, 815-821, 1998, The study deals with an effective finishing of sculptured surface by making use of 6-axis control. 6-axis control implies that a cutting tool allows three rotational movements for positioning as well as three translational ones. A 6-axis control machining center developed is equipped with a main spindle capable of tool orientation in addition to conventional 5-axis control structure. A non-rotational cutting tool is mounted at the main spindle to carry out the 6-axis control machining, which allows a variety of machining possibilities. In the study, a control software of sculptured surface finishing with change in tool attitude is presented in combination with 3-axis to 5-axis control machining technology.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Tool Path Generation Using C-Space for 5-Axis Machining
    Koichi Morishige; Kiwamu Kase; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Proceedings of the 1997 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2, 333-340, Nov. 1997
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Six-Axis Control Finishing for Character Line
    Tatsuya Hisaki; Koichi Morishige; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing Milestones toward the 21st Century (MM21), 409-414, Jul. 1997
    International conference proceedings, English
  • 円すい体切れ刃工具を用いた5軸制御加工
    中軽米 直樹; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    精密工学会誌, 63, 3, 415-419, Mar. 1997
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 5-axis control rough cutting of an impeller with efficiency and accuracy
    K Morishige; Y Takeuchi
    1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION - PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-4, I E E E, 1241-1246, 1997, This study deals with how to generate 5-axis control rough cutting NC data. The 5-axis control machining offers the potential of efficient and accurate machining. However present CAM systems for 5-axis control are lacking in generality and functions for the tool path generation. Although the rough cutting is the most important process influencing the machining time and the condition in the following finishing process, a lot of difficulties arise to perform 5-axis control rough cutting. Especially, the collision between a tool and surrounding objects is still a severe problem. This paper suggests the collision-free tool path generation for 5-axis control rough cutting, taking account of efficiency and accuracy. The devised method allows an impeller-like shape to be actually milled with efficiency and accuracy. As a result, the validity of the method is experimentally confirmed.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Collision-free tool path generation using 5-dimensional C-space for 5-axis control machining
    K Morishige; K Kase; Y Takeuchi
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, SPRINGER-VERLAG LONDON LTD, 13, 6, 393-400, 1997, Peer-reviwed, This study deals with the method of collision avoidance in the automatic tool path generation for 5-axis control machining. Five-axis NC machining offers the potential for efficient and accurate machining, but collisions between the tool and surrounding objects are still a severe problem. The method devised in this study avoids collision by producing the direction of collision avoidance, based on the 2-dimensional configuration space (C-space) defined by two parameters which deter-mine the tool attitude. This method allows a test workpiece with overhanging parts to be milled without collisions. As a result, the validity of the method has been experimentally confirmed.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Tool Path Generation Using C-Space for 5-Axis Control Machining
    森重功一; 加瀬 究; 竹内芳美
    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 62, 12, 1783-1783, Dec. 1996, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 磁気を利用した金型材曲面の鏡面研磨-高速ミーリング,5軸MCとの併用による磨きの高精度・高能率化-
    安斎正博; 吉田拓未; 川島悦哉; 森重功一; 中川威雄
    砥粒加工学会誌, 40, 5, 264-265, Sep. 1996
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The Method of Collision Avoldance for 5-Axis Control Machining Using 2-Dimensional Configuration Space
    森重功一; 加瀬 究; 竹内芳美
    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 62, 1, 80-84, Jan. 1996, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • ボールエンドミルの先端切れ刃・側面切れ刃を利用した5軸制御加工
    竹内芳美; 長坂 学; 森重功一
    精密工学会誌, 61, 4, 561-565, Apr. 1995
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • 側面切れ刃工具による5軸制御加工
    竹内芳美; 森重功一; 横山信人
    精密工学会誌, 60, 8, 1164-1168, Aug. 1994
    Scientific journal, Japanese


  • 高付加価値生産システムを目指して
    森重功一; 永松秀朗
    Lead, Sep. 2023, 型技術, 38, 10, 54-57, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 高付加価値加工を実現するためのソフトウェア技術の現状と展望
    Dec. 2019, 機械技術, 67, 13, 24-28, Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Research Consortium of Manufacturing Technologies for Smart Factory
    MATSUBARA Atsushi; MORISHIGE Koichi; SATO Ryuta
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019, The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, 2019, W25401, Japanese, 130007817135
  • CAMソフトウェア技術の今後を展望する
    Nov. 2018, 機械技術, 66, 13, 22-23, Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 金型に対する5軸制御加工適用のためのソフトウェア技術
    Sep. 2018, 型技術, 33, 10, 18-21, Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine
  • IoT時代に求められるCAMソフトウェア技術
    日刊工業出版プロダクション ; 1953-, Dec. 2017, 機械技術, 65, 13, 26-31, Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine, 0451-9396, 40021389291, AN00365539
  • CAMとシミュレーションツール技術の高度化と今後
    日刊工業出版プロダクション ; 1953-, Jan. 2017, 機械技術, 65, 1, 29-33, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40021049665, AN00365539
  • 高速ミーリングに適したカッターパスとCAMの最適活用技術
    日刊工業出版プロダクション ; 1953-, Mar. 2016, 機械技術, 64, 4, 32-35, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40020745114, AN00365539
  • D01 Development of operation interface for multi-axis controlled machine tool using Haptic Device : Approximation of tool path by straight line and curves
    SASAKI Shunya; MORISHIGE Koichi
    Because the demand of multi-axis controlled machine tool is increasing recently, the new interface functions for the machine tool are needed, which allow us the institutive, safe and accurate operation. The final purpose of our research is development of interface which operates a multi-axis controlled machine tool directly by Haptic Device. However, in the developed interface, operator's tremor disturbed tool path, and disorder of tool path deteriorated the appearance of machined surface. This report introduces the interface function that reduces disorder of tool path by approximating tool path as sets of curves and straight lines. The most difficult part in the approximation is the determination of segmentation point. In this research, segmentation points are determined by corner points of tool path and speed at the tip of device. As the result, we confirmed the decrease in disorder of tool path and the improvement of appearance of machined surface., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 14 Nov. 2014, The ... Manufacturing & Machine Tool Conference, 2014, 10, 201-202, Japanese, 110009939365, AA11902343
  • S1310201 Development of Interface for Presentation of tool postures in 5-axis CAM using Haptic Device
    MORISHIGE Koichi; UMEZU Shuhei
    In this study, we propose an interface function for CAM operation using a haptic device, which connects an operator and CAM for 5-axis controlled machining. The proposed method enable the direct presentation of tool postures intended by the operator, and the calculation of the interference-free tool path. As the result of some experiments, the usefulness of developed method was actually confirmed., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 07 Sep. 2014, Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, 2014, "S1310201-1"-"S1310201-5", Japanese, 110009945289, AA12588255
  • 続・NC加工システムにおける工具軌跡シミュレーションと機能拡張
    Jul. 2014, ツールエンジニア, 55, 9, 60-62, Japanese, Introduction other
  • NC加工システムにおける工具軌跡のシミュレーションとその効用
    Jun. 2014, ツールエンジニア, 55, 8, 55-58, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 高付加価値5軸制御加工のためのソフトウェア技術
    日刊工業出版プロダクション ; 1953-, May 2014, 機械技術, 62, 5, 29-32, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40020060357, AN00365539
  • これからの5軸制御加工用CAMソフトウェア
    日刊工業新聞社, Aug. 2013, 機械技術, 61, 8, 16-20, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40019756846, AN00365539
  • これからの5軸制御加工用CAMソフトウェア
    日刊工業新聞社, Aug. 2013, 機械技術, 61, 8, 16-20, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 「連載 3次元CAMを100%使いこなすための基礎セミナー」 第4回 これからのCAMソフトウェア
    日刊工業出版プロダクション ; 1953-, Apr. 2013, 機械技術, 61, 4, 63-67, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40019645217, AN00365539
  • 「連載 3次元CAMを100%使いこなすための基礎セミナー」 第3回 CAMソフトウェアの利用技術 ―より良く使うために
    日刊工業出版プロダクション ; 1953-, Mar. 2013, 機械技術, 61, 3, 76-79, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40019596990, AN00365539
  • 「連載 3次元CAMを100%使いこなすための基礎セミナー」 第2回 仕事を差別化するためのCAMソフトウェア
    日刊工業出版プロダクション ; 1953-, Feb. 2013, 機械技術, 61, 2, 76-80, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40019569207, AN00365539
  • 「連載 3次元CAMを100%使いこなすための基礎セミナー」 第1回 CAMソフトウェアの基礎
    日刊工業出版プロダクション ; 1953-, Jan. 2013, 機械技術, 61, 1, 83-87, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40019543044, AN00365539
  • 「特集 JIMTOF2012にみる最新技術動向」 CAD/CAMソフトウェア
    日本工業出版, Jan. 2013, 機械と工具, 3, 1, 37-43, Japanese, Introduction other, 0387-1053, 40019540633, AN00365550
  • 作機械を高精度・高能率に使いこなすソフトウェア技術の今後を展望する
    Oct. 2012, 機械技術2012年10月臨時増刊号, 60, 11, 24-25, Japanese, Introduction other
  • G130012 Polishing Process Automation by Industrial Robot : Visual Inspection Based on Statistical Pattern Recognition
    This study deals with automation of polishing process by using an industrial robot. In polishing process, full automation of polishing operation has not been achieved due to the difficulty in visual inspection. Judgment of whether polishing is sufficient or not has been performed by skilled workers. In this study, the polishing after milling process is targeted. In the previous report, the generation of robot program for polishing operation based on CAD data was already proposed. Focusing on the periodicity of cutter mark patterns on milling surface, we proposed an automatic judgment of polished surface quality based on the image processing which uses Discrete Fourier Transformation. In order to capture images of polished surface, a CCD camera was mounted at 6-axis controlled robot hand. However, the image processing method proposed in previous report could not judge the curved cutter mark patterns because the periodicity of those patterns is not uniform. The objective of this report is the development of automatic judgment method for non-periodic cutter mark patterns. We developed judgment method which uses pattern recognition as a mean to judge existence or not of cutter marks. As a result, the developed system allows the automatic polishing that includes the surface quality judgment., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 09 Sep. 2012, Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, 2012, "G130012-1"-"G130012-4", Japanese, 110009994365, AA12588255
  • 高付加価値生産を支援する 5軸制御加工のためのソフトウェア技術 (特集 最新5軸制御マシニングセンタの最適活用のポイント)
    森重 功一
    日刊工業出版プロダクション, Apr. 2012, 機械技術, 60, 4, 25-30, Japanese, 0451-9396, 40019244882, AN00365539
  • エンドミル加工における干渉回避
    The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Aug. 2011, 精密工学会誌, 77, 8, 742-745, Japanese, Introduction other, 130002122080
  • コンフィギュレーション空間に基づいた5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成に関する研究
    The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Aug. 2010, 精密工学会誌, 76, 8, 871-875, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-0289, 130000421885, AN1003250X
  • 5軸・複合加工機を使いこなすためのソフトウェア技術
    工業調査会, May 2010, 機械と工具, 54, 5, 16-20, Japanese, Introduction other, 0387-1053, 40017086086, AN00365550
  • 多様化する3次元CAMソフトウェア
    日刊工業新聞社, Oct. 2009, 機械技術, 57, 10, 2-5, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40016832288, AN00365539
  • 高付加価値製品を指向した多軸制御加工技術
    日刊工業新聞社, Sep. 2009, 型技術, 24, 10, 18-22, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-5582, 40016769362, AN1015712X
  • 情報技術を利用した工作機械の知能化
    Oct. 2008, 生産材マーケティング・別冊特集 第24回日本国際工作機械見本市ガイドブック, 124-125, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成に関する研究
    Jun. 2008, 素形材, 49, 6, 1-6, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 金型製作コスト・期間の短縮に寄与する加工技術
    日刊工業新聞社, May 2008, 型技術, 23, 6, 18-23, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-5582, 40015999472, AN1015712X
  • 工作機械・ソフトウェア,NC装置の連携による多軸制御加工技術
    養賢堂, Apr. 2008, 機械の研究, 60, 4, 442-448, Japanese, Introduction other, 0368-5713, 40015922344, AN00349838
  • イメージからカタチに ―多軸制御加工のためのCAD/CAM―
    Apr. 2008, 日本機械学会誌, 111, 1073, 298-301, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 5軸加工の現状と今後の動向
    日刊工業新聞社, Jan. 2008, 型技術, 23, 1, 42-45, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-5582, 40015775071, AN1015712X
  • CAD/CAMを利用した工具経路の作成
    日刊工業新聞社, Sep. 2007, 型技術, 22, 11, 60-64, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-5582, 40015626856, AN1015712X
  • 機械の可動範囲を考慮した複雑な形状の5軸制御加工
    Aug. 2007, ツールエンジニア, 48, 8, 74-77, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 金型製造における5軸制御加工技術の現状と課題
    日刊工業新聞社, Aug. 2006, 型技術, 21, 9, 14-17, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-5582, 40007399269, AN1015712X
  • 同時5軸制御加工を利用した高付加価値生産
    Aug. 2006, ツールエンジニア, 47, 9, 122-127, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 5軸制御加工技術の最近の動向と将来展望
    日刊工業新聞社, Jun. 2006, 機械技術, 54, 6, 18-22, Japanese, Introduction other, 0451-9396, 40007318514, AN00365539
  • 多軸制御加工技術の現状と課題
    Jan. 2006, ツールエンジニア, 47, 1, 23-27, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 製造業ソフトウェアによる生産プロセス・イノベーション
    Nov. 2005, ツールエンジニア臨時増刊 CAD/CAM/CAE活用ブック, 46, 9, 24-39, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工経路の生成
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, Nov. 2005, 日本機械学会誌, 108, 1044, 874-874, Japanese, Introduction other, 0021-4728, 110006219325, AN00187394
  • Fabrication of Ultra-Fine-Grained Materials for Micro-Mechanical Components
    MIURA Hiromi; MORISHIGE Koichi
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 05 Jul. 2005, Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 108, 1040, 551-553, Japanese, 0021-4728, 110006219049, AN00187394
  • マイクロメカニカルコンポーネント素材の微細化のアプローチ
    三浦博己; 森重功一
    Jul. 2005, 日本機械学会誌, 108, 1040, 19-21, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 最新の多軸制御加工技術の動向
    May 2005, 機械の研究, 57, 5, 74-77, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 3次元CAMの最新動向
    日刊工業新聞社, Apr. 2003, 型技術, 18, 5, 74-77, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-5582, 80015828399, AN1015712X
  • X線CTスキャナを用いた3次元CADデータに基づく内部形状評価
    森重功一; 竹内芳美
    日本工業出版, Aug. 2000, 画像ラボ, 11, 8, 6-10, Japanese, Introduction other, 0915-6755, 40005024227, AN10164169
  • 加工シミュレーションへのニーズと実際
    工業調査会, Feb. 2000, 機械と工具, 44, 2, 20-24, Japanese, Introduction other, 0387-1053, 40000582428, AN00365550
  • パソコンCAMの現状と課題
    竹内芳美; 森重功一
    日刊工業新聞社, Oct. 1997, 型技術, 12, 11, 18-21, Japanese, Introduction other, 0912-5582, 40004605216, AN1015712X
  • C-Spaceを用いた5軸制御加工における工具干渉回避法-自由曲面への適用
    1995, 1995年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集, 141, 10003130259, AN1018673X
  • C-Spaceを用いた5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成方法
    1995, 精密工学会誌, 61, 4, 561-561, 10004622344

Books and other publications

  • 図解入門 よくわかる 最新金型の基本と仕組み[第2版]
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Single work, 秀和システム, 30 Jun. 2018, 9784798054865
  • はじめての工作機械 副読本 改定17版
    Japanese, Joint work, CAD/CAMソフトウェアと利用技術, ニュースダイジェスト社, May 2012
  • やさしい5軸・複合
    堤正臣; 森脇俊道; 竹内芳美; 下村栄司; 森重功一; 上田誠; 吉田圭志; 池田哉; 吉田幸弘; 三角進; 武部隆; 木村信之; 榎本太一; 渡邉文雄; 村木俊之; 永縄裕二; 曽根武夫; 矢部洋一; 田中義明; 清水紀久雄; 寺崎尚嗣; 長瀬幸泰
    Japanese, Joint work, どこまでできるCNC, ニュースダイジェスト社, Sep. 2009
  • Manufacturing Systems and Technologies for the New Frontier
    Feliciano H. Japitana; Koichi Morishige; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    English, Joint work, Intricate Shaped Manufacturing by 6-Axis Non-rotational Cutting with the Application of Ultrasonic Vibrations, Springer, Jun. 2008
  • 難削材&難形状加工のテクニック
    Japanese, Joint work, 同時5軸制御加工を利用した高付加価値生産, 大河出版, Aug. 2007
  • 図解入門 よくわかる 最新金型の基本と仕組み
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Single work, 秀和システム, 25 Jul. 2007, 9784798017105
  • 5軸・複合加工機の選びかた使いかた
    竹内芳美; 清水伸二; 佐藤眞; 細田陽一郎; 須藤雅子; 奥田兼正; 青山英樹; 森重功一
    Japanese, Joint work, 問題解決型へ進化するソフトウェア, ニュースダイジェスト社, Mar. 2007
  • CAD/CAM/CAE活用ブック
    望月達也; 森重功一; 東正毅
    Japanese, Joint work, 製造系ソフトウェアにおける生産プロセス・イノベーション, 大河出版, Oct. 2006
  • Metal Cutting and High Speed Machining
    Koichi Morishige; Tetsuro Sakamoto; Yoshimi Takeuchi; Ichiro Takahashi; Kiwamu Kase; Masahiro Anzai
    English, Joint work, Development of CAM System for High Speed Milling, Metal Cutting and High Speed Machining, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Jun. 2002
  • Initiative of Precision Engineering at The Beginning of a Millennium
    Koichi Morishige; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    English, Joint work, Six-Axis Control Character Line Finishing Using Ultrasonic Vibrational Cutting Tool, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Jul. 2001
  • Machining Impossible Shapes
    K. Morishige; T. Nasu; Y. Takeuchi
    English, Joint work, Five-Axis Control Sculptured Surface Machining Using Conicoid End Mill, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Nov. 1998
  • Rapid Product Development (JSPE Publication Series 2)
    Yoshimi Takeuchi; Koichi Morishige; Naoki Nakakarumai
    English, Joint work, Effective 5-Axis Control Machining Using Conicoid End Mill, Chapman & Hall, Aug. 1997

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 曲線切れ刃を持つ異形工具に対応した5軸制御加工経路補間手法の開発
    熊川千寛; 岡本謙; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第15回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    05 Oct. 2024
    04 Oct. 2024- 05 Oct. 2024
  • 曲線切れ刃をもつ異形工具を用いた加工におけるリード角が切削面に与える影響の評価
    髙橋和雅; 大槻亮志; 永松秀朗; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第15回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    04 Oct. 2024
    04 Oct. 2024- 05 Oct. 2024
  • 工具軸の変化による加工誤差を考慮した5軸制御スワーフ加工のための工具経路補間手法に関する研究
    小野樹生; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2024度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    05 Sep. 2024
    04 Sep. 2024- 06 Sep. 2024
  • バレル工具に対応した5軸制御加工経路補間手法の開発
    熊川千寛; 岡本謙; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術者会議2024
    21 Jun. 2024
    20 Jun. 2024- 21 Jun. 2024
  • バレルエンドミルを用いた加工におけるリード角が被削面に与える影響の評価
    高橋和雅; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術者会議2024
    20 Jun. 2024
    20 Jun. 2024- 21 Jun. 2024
  • ボールエンドミルによる自由曲面加工のための配置の規則性を考慮した切削点生成
    須原清文; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2024度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    12 Mar. 2024
    12 Mar. 2024- 14 Mar. 2024
  • 特殊工具を用いた5軸制御加工のためのC-Spaceに基づいた工具経路生成
    岡本謙; 石原秀彬; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2023 in SUWA
    30 Nov. 2023
    30 Nov. 2023- 01 Dec. 2023
  • C-Spaceを用いたテーパーバレル工具による5軸制御加工の工具経路生成
    石原秀彬; 岡本謙; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2023度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    15 Sep. 2023
    13 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023
  • 曲面補間を用いた5軸制御加工の工具姿勢決定法
    渡邊友也; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2023度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    15 Sep. 2023
    13 Sep. 2023- 15 Sep. 2023
  • ボールエンドミルによる自由曲面加工のための意匠性を考慮した切削点生成手法の開発
    須原清文; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2021 in ぎふ
    17 Nov. 2022
    17 Nov. 2022- 18 Nov. 2022
  • バレル工具に対応した5軸制御加工のための工具経路補間手法の開発
    上山尊丈; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第14回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会, Domestic conference
    08 Oct. 2022
  • ボールエンドミルによる自由曲面加工のための意匠性を考慮した切削点生成手法の開発
    須原清文; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第14回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会, Domestic conference
    08 Oct. 2022
  • バレル工具に対応した5軸制御加工のためのリニアライゼーション手法の開発
    上山尊丈; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2021 in ひろしま, Domestic conference
    18 Nov. 2021
  • 産業用ロボットの可操作度を考慮したロボットプログラムの生成と最適ワーク配置の決定
    森口慧; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2021 in ひろしま, Domestic conference
    18 Nov. 2021
  • バレル工具に対応した5軸制御加工のためのリニアライゼーション手法の開発
    上山尊丈; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2021年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    23 Sep. 2021
  • 産業用ロボットの可操作度を考慮したロボットプログラムの生成と最適ワーク配置の決定
    森口慧; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2021年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    23 Sep. 2021
  • 回帰分析を用いたボールエンドミル傾斜加工における各切削条件が表面粗さに与える影響の評価
    佐藤太一; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2021, Domestic conference
    18 Jun. 2021
  • 回帰分析を用いたボールエンドミル傾斜加工における各切削条件が表面粗さに与える影響の評価
    佐藤太一; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2021度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 公益社団法人 精密工学会, オンライン, Domestic conference
    16 Mar. 2021
  • 可操作度を考慮したロボットプログラムの生成(シーリング作業への適用)
    森口慧; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2020 in ふじのくに, Domestic conference
    03 Dec. 2020
  • 作機械・工具・ソフトウェアの連携による機械加工の差別化
    Public discourse, Japanese, 精密工学会 第411回講習会 精密工学の重点課題と展望, 精密工学会, オンライン
    19 Sep. 2020
  • 可操作度を考慮したロボットプログラムの生成(シーリング作業への適用)
    森口慧; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2020年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    01 Sep. 2020
  • バレル工具を用いた自由曲面の5軸制御加工経路生成
    鈴木智信; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2020, Domestic conference
    18 Jun. 2020
  • ボールエンドミル傾斜加工における傾斜方向・角度およびピックフィード方向の影響に関する考察
    寺田充; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2020度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 公益社団法人 精密工学会, 東京農工大学 小金井キャンパス, Domestic conference
    18 Mar. 2020
  • Haptic Deviceを利用した5軸制御荒加工経路の生成
    森重功一; 森智
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2019 in いばらき, Domestic conference
    28 Nov. 2019
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた5軸制御荒加工経路の生成(加工経路の平滑化)
    森重功一; 森智
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第13回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会, Domestic conference
    05 Oct. 2019
  • バレル工具を用いた自由曲面の5軸制御加工経路生成 ―切れ刃の接触箇所の制御―
    鈴木智信; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2019年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    05 Sep. 2019
  • 産業用ロボットを用いた熟練作業の自動化 ―作業動作のトレーシングと経路データの生成―
    稲積愛子; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2019, Domestic conference
    20 Jun. 2019
  • 産業用ロボットによる生産作業におけるワーク配置の最適化 ―シーリング作業への適用―
    森重功一; 佐藤裕太
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2018 in ふくい, Domestic conference
    29 Nov. 2018
  • 産業用ロボットを用いた熟練作業の自動化 ―作業動作のトレーシングと経路データの生成―
    稲積愛子; 岡崎将弥; 高野耕太; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第12回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会, Domestic conference
    14 Oct. 2018
  • C-Spaceを用いた5軸加工のための工具経路生成法 ―チューブ形状への適用―
    森重功一; 笹木隆広
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 関東支部 第24期総会・講演会講演論文集, Domestic conference
    17 Mar. 2018
  • Haptic Deviceを用いたエンドミル加工の切削力体験システムの開発 ―5軸制御ボールエンドミル加工への対応―
    本多寿矢; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2018度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 公益社団法人 精密工学会, 中央大学 後楽園キャンパス, Domestic conference
    16 Mar. 2018
  • 画像処理を用いた研磨作業における外観検査の自動化―Neural Networkを用いた良否判定―
    小野塚健太; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2017年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    20 Sep. 2017
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた旋削加工用CAMの開発 ―任意の工具形状に対応した加工プログラムの作成―
    堀川祐太郎; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2017年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    20 Sep. 2017
  • 特殊エンドミルを用いたチューブ形状の5軸制御加工
    森重功一; 笹木隆広
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2016 in なにわ
    28 Nov. 2016
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた5軸制御加工のためのCAMシステムの開発
    囲 知哉; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第11回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会, Domestic conference
    22 Oct. 2016
  • 可操作度およびワーク配置を考慮したロボットプログラムの最適化 ―シーリング作業への適用―
    佐藤裕太; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第11回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会, Domestic conference
    22 Oct. 2016
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた旋削加工用CAMシステムの開発 ―特殊工具を用いた複雑形状加工―
    森重功一; 市谷拓也
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2016年度年次大会, Domestic conference
    12 Sep. 2016
  • Haptic Deviceを用いたエンドミル加工の切削力体験システムの開発
    本多寿矢; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2016年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    06 Sep. 2016
  • HDを用いた5軸制御加工のためのCAMシステムの開発 ―単位時間当たりの除去量を考慮した経路成―
    囲 知哉; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2016, Domestic conference
    23 Jun. 2016
  • 切削負荷を考慮したスクエアおよびラジアスエンドミルによる5軸制御加工経路生成
    石井柾紀; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2016度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 公益社団法人 精密工学会, 東京理科大学 野田キャンパス, Domestic conference
    15 Mar. 2016
  • 可操作度およびワーク配置を考慮したロボットプログラムの最適化
    佐藤裕太; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2016度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 公益社団法人 精密工学会, 東京理科大学 野田キャンパス, Domestic conference
    15 Mar. 2016
  • 画像処理を用いた写像性に基づいた研磨面の評価
    大島凌; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2016度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 公益社団法人 精密工学会, 東京理科大学 野田キャンパス, Domestic conference
    15 Mar. 2016
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた旋盤加工用インタフェースの開発 ―特殊工具による複雑加工への対応―
    森重功一; 中田美晴
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2015年度年次大会, Domestic conference
    16 Sep. 2015
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた5軸制御加工のための工具姿勢呈示手法の開発
    囲 知哉; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2015年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    04 Sep. 2015
  • ロボットの可操作度を考慮した研磨経路の自動生成
    佐藤裕太; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2015年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    04 Sep. 2015
  • 仕上げ用工具経路を利用した5軸制御荒加工のための工具経路生成
    森重功一; 天沼賢人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2015, Domestic conference
    16 Jun. 2015
  • モルフォロジ演算を用いた研磨面の外観検査 ―パターンスペクトラムに基づく数値評価―
    小山侑太; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2015度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 精密工学会, Domestic conference
    19 Mar. 2015
  • 多軸制御工作機械操作インタフェースにおける工作物に対する工具干渉防止
    桜井一範; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2015度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 精密工学会, Domestic conference
    17 Mar. 2015
  • 多軸制御工作機械操作インタフェースによって生成した工具経路の近似補正
    佐々木駿也; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2015度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 精密工学会, Domestic conference
    17 Mar. 2015
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた5軸制御加工のための加工インターフェイスの開発
    桜井一範; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2014 in 愛知
    27 Nov. 2014
  • 画像処理による超仕上げ面良否判定
    大島凌; 前谷志保; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第10回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    16 Nov. 2014
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インタフェースの開発(工具経路の直線および曲線による近似)
    佐々木駿也; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 第10回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    15 Nov. 2014
  • スクエアおよびラジアスエンドミルを用いた5軸制御による側面加工の最適化
    石井柾紀; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2014年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    17 Sep. 2014
  • モルフォロジ演算を用いた研磨面の外観検査
    小山侑太; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2014年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, Domestic conference
    16 Sep. 2014
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた5軸制御CAMの姿勢呈示用インタフェイスの開発
    森重功一; 梅津周平
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2014年度年次大会, Domestic conference
    08 Sep. 2014
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた旋盤加工用インターフェイスの開発
    森重功一; 岡 頼陽
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2014, Domestic conference
    17 Jun. 2014
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた旋盤加工用インタフェイスの開発
    岡 頼陽; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2014度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 精密工学会, Domestic conference
    19 Mar. 2014
  • 産業用ロボットを用いた研磨作業の自動化 ―加工面上の離散点群に基づいたロボットプログラムの作成―
    金子英司; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 2014度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 精密工学会, Domestic conference
    19 Mar. 2014
  • 5軸制御加工における加工面全体の工具姿勢変化の最適化
    郭 海霖; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 生産システム部門研究発表講演会2014
    17 Mar. 2014
  • 産業用ロボットを用いた研磨作業の自動化 ―切削用のNCデータを利用したロボットプログラムの作成―
    金子英司; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術ワークショップ2013 in きたかみ
    28 Nov. 2013
  • Haptic Device を用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発 -工具経路のリアルタイムスムージング-
    佐々木 駿也; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2013年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2013
  • Haptic Device を用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発 -未切削部分との干渉の回避-
    桜井一範; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2013年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2013
  • 構造干渉を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法 ―スピンドルチルト型工作機械への対応―
    神田倫之; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術ワークショップ2012 in KOBE
    Nov. 2012
  • 産業用ロボットを用いた研磨作業の自動化 ―切削用NCデータを利用したロボットプログラムの作製―
    金子英司; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第9回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    Oct. 2012
  • Haptic Device を用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発 ―立体視機能の追加と切削音の呈示―
    岡 頼陽; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2012年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2012
  • 産業用ロボットを用いた研磨作業の自動化 ―統計的パターン認識に基づいた外観検査―
    岡本 謙; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2012年度年次大会
    Sep. 2012
  • 画像処理による良否判定を用いた産業用ロボットによる研磨作業の自動化
    岡本 謙; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術ワークショップ2011 in 岐阜
    Nov. 2011
  • 機械構造の干渉を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法 -スピンドルチルト型工作機械への対応-
    神田倫之; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2011年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2011
  • 5軸制御加工用CAMの最新動向
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第98回型技術セミナー 金型多軸加工の現状と問題点を探る, 型技術協会, 豊川
    Jan. 2011
  • C-Spaceを用いた5軸加工のための工具経路生成法 -スクエアエンドミルによる加工への対応-
    増田拓也; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第8回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    Nov. 2010
  • 6DOF Haptic Deviceを用いた工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発 -切削感覚の呈示と工具姿勢の誘導-
    小堀周平; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2010年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2010
  • 機械構造の干渉を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    森重功一; 上江州 亘; 前田未智人
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2010
    Jun. 2010
  • 力覚6自由度Haptic Deviceを用いた工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発
    森重功一; 山岸佑羽
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術ワークショップ2009 in 金沢
    Nov. 2009
  • C-Spaceを用いた5軸加工のための工具経路生成法 -スクエアおよびラジアスエンドミルによる加工への対応-
    増田拓也; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2009年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2009
  • 機械構造の干渉を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    森重功一; 上江州 亘
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2009年度年次大会
    Sep. 2009
  • 回転軸の運動を抑制した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    森重功一; 金子 誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2009
    Jun. 2009
  • 機械運動を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    金子 誠; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術ワークショップ2008 in まつしま
    Nov. 2008
  • 5軸制御加工のための作業設計支援システムの開発
    門前温子; 高木宏彰; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第7回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    Nov. 2008
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発(第4報)-6自由度の力覚生成-
    山岸佑羽; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2008年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2008
  • 機械運動を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    金子誠; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2008年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2008
  • 直感的な触覚インターフェイスによる機械加工法案決定支援システムの構築
    今田智秀; 森重功一; 岩田憲治
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2008
    Jun. 2008
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発
    森重功一; 山本良輔
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2008
    Jun. 2008
  • 複雑形状加工のための5軸制御加工工具経路の生成
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第328回講習会 多軸・複合加工機が切り拓く新発想 -高効率化,超精密加工における最新事例と将来展望-, 精密工学会, 豊川
    Jun. 2008
  • 機械の可動範囲と工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    藤野裕典; 金子 誠; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2008年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2008
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発(第3報)-加工状況の描画と工具の多点接触の考慮-
    山本良輔; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2008年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2008
  • 産業用ロボットによるカッティング作業の自動化 -ロボットの操作性を考慮した工具経路の生成-
    青山一郎; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2008年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2008
  • 産業用ロボットによるカッティング作業の自動化 -ロボットの形態を考慮したロボットプログラムの生成-
    伊藤友也; 福浦拓八; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2008年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2008
  • 多軸加工の現状と問題点
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第83回型技術セミナー 金型多軸加工の現状を探る, 型技術協会, 横浜
    Dec. 2007
  • 機械の可動範囲と工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    藤野裕典; 金子 誠; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術ワークショップ2007 in 広島
    Nov. 2007
  • 機械の可動範囲を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    森重功一; 藤野裕典; 金子 誠
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2007
    Jun. 2007
  • XMLにより記述された加工情報データベースを利用した作業設計支援システムの開発
    佐藤雄磨; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2007年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2007
  • 金型加工に関する製造系ソフトウェアの研究開発
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 2007年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, 精密工学会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2007
  • 5軸制御加工機を利用した割り出し突き荒加工法の開発 -曲面形状への適用-
    平野千尋; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2007年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2007
  • 機械の可動範囲を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    藤野裕典; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2007年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2007
  • CAD/CAMとの連携のポイント
    Public symposium, Japanese, No.06-101講習会 多軸・複合加工機の導入と使いこなしのポイント, 日本機械学会, 東京
    Dec. 2006
  • 傾斜軸の可動範囲を考慮した5軸制御加工経路生成
    森重功一; 森 祐真
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第6回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    Nov. 2006
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発(第2報)-工具干渉の検出-
    山本良輔; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2006年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2006
  • 産業用ロボットによるカッティング作業の自動化 -ロボットの形態を考慮したロボットプログラムの生成-
    青山一郎; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2006年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2006
  • 金型製造における5軸制御加工技術
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 2006年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, 精密工学会, Domestic conference
    Sep. 2006
  • 加工面全体における工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工用経路生成法
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2006
    Jun. 2006
  • 多軸制御加工技術の現状と課題
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第13回 インターモールド・テクニカル・セミナー「多軸切削技術と高速切削による金型加工技術と切削工具の最先端情報」, インターモールド振興会, 東京
    Mar. 2006
  • 画像処理を利用したボールエンドミル加工面性状の評価 -カッターマークパターンの抽出と分類-
    井上和彦; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2006年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2006
  • 産業用ロボットによる研磨作業の自動化 -画像処理による研磨面の評価-
    今津太介; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2006年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2006
  • 加工形状との誤差を考慮した5軸制御加工経路生成法 -工具干渉回避処理との連携-
    西邑考史; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2006年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2006
  • Haptic Deviceを用いた多軸制御工作機械操作インターフェイスの開発(第1報)-基本機能の検討と工具経路の生成-
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2006年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2006
  • 自律分散型生産を志向した加工エージェントシステムの開発 -工具経路生成モジュールの開発-
    大塚嘉彦; 佐藤雄磨; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2006年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2006
  • 5軸制御加工機を利用した割り出し突き粗加工法の開発
    平野千尋; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術ワークショップ2005 in 中部
    Nov. 2005
  • 自律分散型生産を志向した加工エージェントシステムの開発 -XMLを利用した加工情報の運用-
    佐藤雄磨; 大塚嘉彦; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術ワークショップ2005 in 中部
    Nov. 2005
  • 最適5軸制御加工経路の生成に関する研究
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2005年度年次大会
    Sep. 2005
  • 工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工用経路生成法
    森重功一; 若山広樹
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2005
    Jun. 2005
  • 5軸制御加工機を利用した割り出し突き粗加工法の開発
    森重功一; 平野千尋
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,生産システム部門講演会2005
    Jun. 2005
  • 自律分散型生産を志向した加工エージェントシステムの開発 -XMLを利用した加工情報の運用-
    森重功一; 佐藤雄磨
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,生産システム部門講演会2005
    Jun. 2005
  • 加工面全体における工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工経路生成
    若山広樹; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第5回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    Nov. 2004
  • オープンCNCとモデリングカーネルを利用した加工エージェントシステムの開発
    森重功一; 小高圭一; 大塚嘉彦; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術ワークショップ2004 in びわこ・くさつ 講演論文集
    Nov. 2004
  • C-Spaceに基づいた5軸制御加工のための工具姿勢決定法-加工面との干渉を考慮したC-Spaceの生成-
    森重功一; 熊坂一彦
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2004年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2004
  • 加工形状との偏差を考慮した5軸制御加工経路生成法
    西邑考史; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2004年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2004
  • オープンCNCとモデリングカーネルを利用した加工エージェントシステムの開発
    森重功一; 小高圭一; 大塚嘉彦; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,生産システム部門講演会2004
    Jun. 2004
  • 画像処理を用いたボールエンドミル加工面の評価
    森重功一; 山本哲人; 井上和彦
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2004
    Jun. 2004
  • 「使える」同時5軸CAMの開発-インペラ加工事例-
    大畠 前; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2004
    Jun. 2004
  • オープンCNCを利用した加工エージェントシステムの開発-ネットワークを介した加工に対応したCAM機能について-
    小高圭一; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2004年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2004
  • 画像解析によるボールエンドミル加工面性状の評価
    山本哲人; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2003年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2003
  • 工具姿勢変化の連続性を考慮した5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法
    若山広樹; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2003年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2003
  • 5軸および6軸制御を併用した隅部加工
    井沢祐弥; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2003年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2003
  • 6-Axis Control Cutting of Overhanging Grooves by means of Non-rotational Tool with the Application of Ultrasonic Vibrations
    Feliciano H. JAPITANA; Koichi Morishige; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Oral presentation, English, 精密工学会,2003年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2003
  • 産業用ロボットによる研磨作業の自動化 ~複雑形状部品の場合~
    植木祐輔; 森重功一; 石田徹; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2003年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2003
  • 多軸制御加工の最新動向と課題
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2003年度年次大会, 日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演資料集(Ⅷ)
    Aug. 2003
  • 多軸制御加工の最新動向と課題
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演資料集(Ⅷ)
    Aug. 2003
  • 「使える」同時5軸CAMの開発
    大畠 前; 森重功一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2003
    Jun. 2003
  • コンフィギュレーション空間に基づいた5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成法 -クローズドインペラ加工への適用-
    小畑智靖; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2003年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2003
  • 6軸制御キャラクタライン加工用汎用メインプロセッサの開発
    安田修吾; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2003年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2003
  • 産業用ロボットによる研磨作業の自動化 -複雑形状部品の場合-
    植木祐輔; 石田 徹; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,生産システム部門講演会2003
    Mar. 2003
  • マシニングプロセッサのためのネットワークソフトウエアの開発
    小高圭一; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第4回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    Nov. 2002
  • コンフィギュレーション空間に基づいた5軸制御加工のための工具姿勢決定法 -処理の堅固化・高速化を重視した改良について-
    小畑智靖; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2002年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2002
  • 5軸および6軸制御を併用したキャラクタライン加工
    森重功一; Feliciano H. JAPITANA; 安田修吾; 井沢祐弥; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2002年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2002
  • 6軸制御キャラクタライン加工用メインプロセッサの開発
    安田修吾; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2002年度年次大会
    Sep. 2002
  • 5軸および6軸制御を併用したキャラクタライン加工の高能率化
    井沢祐弥; 森重功一; Feliciano; H. JAPITANA; 安田修吾; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2002年度年次大会
    Sep. 2002
  • IT・知能化システムの開発事例
    Public symposium, Japanese, 2002工作機械関連技術者会議, (社)日本能率協会, 東京
    Jul. 2002
  • 5軸および6軸制御を併用したキャラクタライン加工
    森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2002
    Jun. 2002
  • 6-Axis Controlled Machining with the Application of Ultrasonic Vibration –Fabrication of Overhanging Sharp Corner–
    Feliciano H. JAPITANA; Koichi MORISHIGE; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Oral presentation, English, 日本機械学会,生産システム部門講演会2002
    Mar. 2002
  • 加工面への影響を考慮した5軸制御CAMシステムの開発
    大山和之; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,生産システム部門講演会2002
    Mar. 2002
  • 6-Axis Controlled Machining with the Application of Ultrasonic Vibration –Fabrication of Overhanging Sharp Corner–
    Feliciano H. JAPITANA; Koichi MORISHIGE; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Oral presentation, English, 日本機械学会,生産システム部門講演会2002
    Mar. 2002
  • 加工面への影響を考慮した5軸制御ボールエンドミル加工のための工具経路生成法
    大山和之; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第3回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    Nov. 2001
  • 産業用ロボットを用いた鋳物製品のバリ取り作業の自動化(工具使用情報に基づいた経路生成)
    平沼桃子; 杉田真一; 石田 徹; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,3回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    Nov. 2001
  • 曲面補間に基づいた5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成法
    小畑智靖; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2001年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2001
  • 振動工具を用いた6軸制御加工 -キャラクタラインへの適用-
    安田修吾; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2001年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2001
  • Manufacture of Sharp Corners By 6-Axis Controlled Ultrasonic Vibration Cutting
    Feliciano H. Japitana; Koichi Morishige; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Oral presentation, English, 精密工学会,2001年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 2001
  • 振動切削を用いた6軸制御加工
    森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 型技術協会,型技術者会議2001
    Jun. 2001
  • 6-Axis Ultrasonic Vibrational Cutting Using Bore Byte Tools
    Feliciano. H. Japitana; Koichi Morishige; Yoshimi Takeuchi
    Oral presentation, English, 日本機械学会,関東支部第7期総会講演会
    Mar. 2001
  • ロボットによるバリ取り作業の自動化 ―バリ形態に適合した工具経路生成―
    平沼桃子; 杉田真一; 石田 徹; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第1回ファクトリーオートメーション部門講演会
    Mar. 2001
  • 面精度向上のためのボールエンドミル傾斜加工の研究~直刃工具の場合~
    大山和之; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2001年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2001
  • 高速ミーリング用ボールエンドミルの製作と評価
    芦 毅; 森重功一; 竹内芳美; 三ッ森 学; 高橋一郎; 加瀬 究; 安斎正博
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2001年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 2001
  • 6軸制御振動切削加工用統合メインプロセッサの研究
    森重功一; 宮内 馨; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第2回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会
    Nov. 2000
  • 振動工具を用いた6軸制御加工-工具の特性を考慮した加工方法-
    森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2000年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2000
  • 工具研削CAMシステムの開発-高速ミーリング用ボールエンドミルの作製と評価-
    芦 毅; 森重功一; 竹内芳美; 高橋一郎; 加瀬 究; 安斉正博
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2000年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2000
  • 除去形状に基づく5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法-領域分割による切削点の生成-
    小川竜幸; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2000年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2000
  • 面精度向上のためのボールエンドミル傾斜加工の研究
    大山和之; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2000年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2000
  • 産業用ロボットを用いた鋳物製品のバリ取り作業の自動化
    平沼桃子; 竹内芳美; 森重功一; 石田 徹; 杉田真一
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,2000年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Oct. 2000
  • 産業用ロボットによる面取り作業の自動化-改良型インテリジェントホルダの適用-
    水本善雄; 浅川直紀; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2000年度年次大会
    Aug. 2000
  • 6軸制御加工統合メインプロセッサの開発-角隅およびキャラクタラインの場合-
    森重功一; 荒木弘之; 宮内 馨; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2000年度年次大会
    Aug. 2000
  • 除去形状に基づく5軸制御加工用工具経路生成法-切削点情報の生成-
    小川竜幸; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1999年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 1999
  • ボロノイ図を利用した5軸制御加工の工具姿勢決定法
    森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1999年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 1999
  • 加工形状と使用工具を考慮した6軸制御加工用メインプロセッサの開発
    宮内 馨; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1999年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 1999
  • 振動工具による6軸制御キャラクタライン加工
    徳永弘臣; 宮内 馨; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1999年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 1999
  • コニコイドエンドミルを用いた5軸制御切削加工-双曲線及び楕円工具の場合-
    那須輝久; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1999年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 1999
  • コンフィギュレーション空間に基づいた5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成法
    森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,生産自動化専門委員会 特別研究例会
    Sep. 1999
  • 産業用ロボットによる面取り作業の自動化 -インテリジェントホルダの適用と効果-
    水本善雄; 宮崎洋一; 浅川直紀; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,1999年度年次大会
    Aug. 1999
  • 工具研削用CAMシステムの開発
    石塚伸護; 森重功一; 加瀬 究; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,1999年度年次大会
    Jul. 1999
  • 曲線補間を用いた5軸制御加工用NCデータの生成法-5次元B-spline曲線を用いたデータ生成-
    高橋聖次; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1999年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 1999
  • コンフィギュレーション空間に基づいた5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成法
    森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第76期全国大会
    Oct. 1998
  • 産業用ロボットによる面取り作業の自動化~インテリジェントホルダの開発~
    宮崎洋一; 浅川直紀; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,第76期全国大会
    Oct. 1998
  • コニコイドエンドミルのための工具研削CAD/CAMシステムの開発
    石塚伸護; 森重功一; 竹内芳美; 加瀬 究; 松岡甫篁
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1998年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 1998
  • 曲線補間を用いた5軸制御加工用NCデータの生成法
    高橋聖次; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1998年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 1998
  • 6軸制御加工における切削面粗さ向上の研究
    宮内 馨; 浅川直紀; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1998年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Sep. 1998
  • コニコイドエンドミルを用いた5軸制御加工の研究
    那須輝久; 森重功一; 竹内芳美
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1998年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会
    Aug. 1998
  • C-spaceを用いた5軸制御加工のための工具経路生成法~加工戦略の設定とそれに基づいた工具経路の生成~
    森重功一; 竹内芳美; 加瀬 究
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会,1998年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会
    Mar. 1998


  • 知的生産システム特論
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • マシンデザインB
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 生産システム工学
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 加工学および演習
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Machine Design and Drawing B
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • マシンデザインB
  • Production Systems Engineering
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • Advanced Intelligent Production System
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 知的生産システム特論
  • Machine Design and Drawing II
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • マシンデザインII
  • Production System Engineering
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 生産システム工学
  • Manufacturing Technology, Theory and Practice
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 加工学および演習

Affiliated academic society

  • Japan Society for Design Engineering
  • 一般社団法人 型技術協会
  • 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
  • 公益社団法人 精密工学会

Research Themes

  • 特殊工具による5軸制御加工における加工戦略とC-Spaceに基づいた工具経路生成
    森重 功一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(C), Principal investigator, 24K07249
    Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2027
  • Feature Extraction from Complex Curved Shape for Automating Machine Production
    INUI Masatomo; MORISHIGE Koichi; KANEKO Jun'ichi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Ibaraki University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 日本の機械製造業を強化するためには, 金型製造の工程設計自動化や知能化が重要である. このような高度な工程設計を実現するには, 加工方法や工具選択などに影響する特徴的な形状を自動的に抽出し, 工程設計者にビジュアルに示す機能を用意する必要がある. 本研究では, このようなフィーチャ抽出に関する, 以下の技術の実現に成功した. (1) 加工に関する特徴抽出に適した3方向デクセルに基づく立体形状の表現. (2)製品の加工領域を最適な加工方向ごとに分割する技術. (3)設計ミスに起因する金型上の加工困難形状の自動抽出とその改善技術. (4)5軸加工に関する特徴抽出に欠かせない幾何シミュレーション技術., 18360065
    2006 - 2008
  • Study of the e^3-Product Lifecycle Management
    YURA Kenji; ISHIKAWA Haruo; TAKATA Masayuki; MORISHIGE Koichi; ISHII Masahiro; YAMADA Tetsuo
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The study is concerned with the e^3-PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). The e^3-PLM is a kind of PLMs, and it is an "ecology-oriented", "enduser-oriented", and "electronic ICT (Information Communication Technology) based system. In the PLM the importance of end-users is insisted and product use history data are utilized to realize environment friendly product management. The obtained results are follows. (1) The structure of e^3-database for the PLM is designed. The database consists of a global database and local databases. The global database contains product design information, product handling information, product use history, and communication information, and it can be accessed by manufacturer, end-users, and recyclers. On the other hand, the local database is maintained by each sector and it contains internal information of the sector such as facility information, process plans, sales plans, etc. (2) For the important scenes in product lifecycle, the value of information in e^3-database is evaluated and the methods to utilize the information are developed. (a) The framework of PLM is developed and products management policies for products maintenance, renewal, and replacement are analyzed. Especially, environmental impacts related with products refurbishment are analyzed in detail. (b) A database structure is developed to utilize product use history data. Then, an algorithm is developed to determine the effective handling method of post-consumer products. (c) Processing and environment related attributes are added to products 3D-CAD models, and a design system is developed so that the environmental impacts of product over its lifecycle can be reduced at the product design stage. (d) Operation planning is a vital activity in manufacturing, remanufacturing, and recycling operations. Then, an operation planning support system using the standardized machining information is developed. (e) A method to calculate the economic value of the information in e^3-database is developed. Further investment decision problem with emissions trading is analyzed., 17310095
    2005 - 2007
  • Creation of Ultraprecision Micro Parts with High Aspect Ratio and Complex Shape and its Application
    TAKEUCHI Yoshimi; SAWADA Kiyoshi; ISHIDA Tohru; MORISHIGE Koichi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The study deals with the creation method of ultraprecision micro parts with high aspect ratio and complex shape, i.e. tall, small and complex shape, by making use of a multi-axis control ultraprecision machining center. The shape with high aspect ratio is usually difficult to create. The possibility of creating such a shape may lead to the application to new fields. In the previous year, the fundamental shape creation technology such as micro trapezoid groove, cylinder and prismatic parts of 1 mm in length with aspect ratio of 40, etc. was established by use of various kinds of diamond tools. This year, the following shapes were created; (1) micro pin array consisting of several cylinders and prismatic parts with high aspect ratio, (2) mirror segments array as an optical system for the next generation stepper and (3) micro Buddha head with complex shape. With regard to each item, the study is summarized as follows: (1) Micro pin array with 9 needles could be machined with a rotational diamond tool, based on the tool path generated by the way of not making contact any more with already machined portions. The metal molding technology is required to produce such a shape since it takes much time to create it. Thus, the electro plating was tried for molding, however the uniform electro plating was difficult to achieve. (2) Mirror segments array, whose surface roughness is 1 nm, consists of a series of 1mm* 15mm segment being cut from different positions of the sphere of 660 mm in radius. With 5-axis control machining, the segments of about 660mm in radius were machined, however the surface roughness was 10 nm. Farther improvement is required. (3) Based on the shape data of Buddha bead, 5-axis control machining of Buddha head of about 3 mm in diameter was carried out, taking account of tool collision. The shape was successfully completed, however has overcut parts on the surface due to the difficulty of tool setting., 13555033
    2001 - 2002
  • Accurate Machining of Difficult-to-Machine Shapes by Means of 6-Axis Control Vibrfational Cutting
    TAKEUCHI Yoshimi; ISHIDA Tohru; MORISOIGE Koichi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The demand for efficient and accurate machine tools and machining technology is rapidly increasing in recent years. The intensive manufacturing technology capable of the whole machining at one setup allows machine tools to realize the efficient and accurate machining. The study proposes a new machining method of combining sophisticated. 5-axis control machining with 6-axis control, one using non-rotational cutting tools. However, the cutting speed of 6-axis control machining is low, which causes the deterioration of machined surface quality. Thus, the ultrasonic vibrational cutting was employed to solve the problem. The study is summarized as follows : 1. The-main processor to generate cutter path (CL) data for 6-axis control machining, based on workpiece shapes defined by 3D-CAD system, was developed, especially for character line machining and asymmetric grooving, taking account of collision avoidance between tool and workpiece. 2. Cutting experiments by use of a vibration tool were carried out on a 6-axis control machining center with NC data converted from CL data by use of our own post processor. As a result, the workpiece with fine surface quality can be obtained. 3. A part of the integrated multi-axis control CAM system was achieved to perform the efficient machining ,by unifying the effective 5-axis control CAM system and the 6-axis control one developed in the study., 12450057
    2000 - 2001
  • Direct Bonding of Small Parts by Means of Ultraprecision Microgrooving Technology
    TAKEUCHI Yoshimi; SAWADA Kiyoshi; MORISHIGE Koichi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)., The study proposes a new method of bonding two small parts without the use of any adhesive by making use of ultraprecision V-shaped microgrooves on the surfaces of each part. These V-shaped microgrooves allow small parts to be bonded together with high positioning accuracy due to a wedge effect and an adhesion phenomenon between the mating surfaces. Ultraprecision V-shaped microgrooves are created by using an ultraprecision machining center having 1 nm positioning resolution and a diamond milling cutter. The study is summarized as follows : 1. It is found that the bonding strength in general increases with decreasing wedge angle. The effect of the wedge length on bonding strength though varies with the wedge angle where the strength increases with increasing length for wedge angles greater than 8 degrees but increases with decreasing length for wedge angles less than 8 degrees. 2. These V-shaped microgrooves, whose depth and angle are 20 μm and 13.5 degree respectively, allow small parts to be tightly bonded together with high positioning accuracy due to a wedge effect and an adhesion phenomenon between two mating surfaces. 3. Small parts of 4 mm * 4 mm * 4 mm that have V-shaped microgrooves in two direction could be tightly bonded with 0.380 μm positioning accuracy. 4. The new method has a possibility to bond different materials each other. Two small parts with V-shaped microgrooves that are made of oxygen-free copper and aluminum are subjected to bonding test. As a result, the proposed bonding method is found to be effective to connect small parts accurately. 5. It is experimentally found that the microgrooving technology is also applicable to manufacture various Fresnel lenses and optical elements., 11555042
    1999 - 2000