Emeritus Professor etc. | Emeritus Professor |
Researcher Information
Field Of Study
Educational Background
- Mar. 1995
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, 先端学際工学専攻 - Mar. 1984
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School, Division of Integrated Science and Engineering, 精密機械システム専攻 - Mar. 1982
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, 生産機械工学科 - Apr. 1974 - Mar. 1977
Research Activity Information
- Integrated construction process management system
Masayuki Takata; Eiji Arai; Junichi Yagi
Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era, Elsevier Ltd, 271-276, 2006, Peer-reviwed, This chapter describes an implementation of an integrated construction process management system that includes both manufacturing process management features for building parts and construction progress management features at construction site. To monitor the flow of the building parts, Radio-frequency identifications (RFIDs) are stuck to all of the parts to be managed, and several checkpoints that are named as "gates", and are introduced within the coherent process through part-manufacturing plant line, logistic processes, and building construction processes. The system enables efficient project management and diminishes the loss in the construction by providing all information of both material manufacturing and building construction to all of material designing, material manufacturing, building designing, and building construction sites. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In book, English - An interoperability framework and capability profiling for manufacturing software
M Matsuda; E Arai; N Nakano; H Wakai; H Takeda; M Takata; H Sasaki
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL CHAINS IN ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING, SPRINGER, 168, 75-84, 2005, Peer-reviwed, ISO/TC184/SC5/WG4 is working on ISO16100: Manufacturing software capability profiling for interoperability. This paper reports on a manufacturing software interoperability framework and a capability profiling methodology which were proposed and developed through this international standardization activity. Within the context of manufacturing application, a manufacturing software unit is considered to be capable of performing a specific set of function defined by a manufacturing software system architecture. A manufacturing software interoperability framework consists of a set of elements and rules for describing the capability of software units to support the requirements of a manufacturing application. The capability profiling methodology makes use of the domain-specific attributes and methods associated with each specific software unit to describe capability profiles in terms of unit name, manufacturing functions, and other needed class properties. In this methodology, manufacturing software requirements are expressed in terns of software unit capability profiles.
International conference proceedings, English - Implementation of a data gathering system with scalable intelligent control architecture
M Takata; E Arai
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL CHAINS IN ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING, SPRINGER, 168, 261-268, 2005, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes a system named "Glue Logic", which is a infrastructural system designed for factory automation control system, and a sample implementation of a layer structured control system architecture, which is named "Scalable Intelligent Control Architecture" reported in the DIISM2000. The "Glue Logic" supports the real-time controlling and monitoring system, by means of realizing communication and synchronizing among multiple agents. Using the active database technique, this system includes event notification message sending and condition monitoring features to eliminate data polling. This system also supports efficient programming environment, by increasing modularity and reusability of the software assets. Using the Glue Logic, we are now designing a real-time data gathering system in practical manufacturing lines according to the Scalable Intelligent Control Architecture, which permits expansion of control systems not only in spatial dimension but also in intelligence.
International conference proceedings, English - Integrated process management system and RFID directory services
M Takata; E Arai; J Yagi
KNOWLEDGE SHARING IN THE INTEGRATED ENTERPRISE: INTEROPERABILITY STRATEGIES FOR THE ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT, SPRINGER, 183, 427-436, 2005, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes an implementation of the Integrated Process Management System, which includes manufacturing process management for building parts, and also construction process management at construction site. To observe the flow of the building parts, RFIDs are stuck to all parts to be managed, and several checkpoints, which we named "gates", are introduced within the coherent process through part-manufacturing and building construction. The requirements of the RFID directory services are also discussed.
International conference proceedings, English - Integrated Construction Process Management System
Takata, Masayuki; Arai, Eiji; Yagi, Jun-ichi
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Machine Automation ICMA 2004, 441-446, Nov. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Integrated Process Management System for Part-Manufacturing and Building Construction
Takata, Masayuki; Arai, Eiji; Yagi, Jun-ichi
Proc. of 21st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2004), 640-645, Sep. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Implementation of a Data Gathering System with Scalable Intelligent Control Architecture
Masayuki Takata; Eiji Arai
Pre-proc. of the 5th Int'l Conf. on Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing(DIISM 2002),Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 18-20, 2002,(11/19/2002), 183-190, Nov. 2002, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Implementation of a layer structured control system on the 'Glue Logic'
Masayuki Takata; Eiji Arai
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer New York LLC, 63, 488-496, 2001, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes an infrastructural system designed for applications ill the factory automation, which is named Glue Logic, and a real-time control system with layer structure build oil this system. The Glue Logic provides an environment which supports the programming, controlling and monitoring the production system, and also supports efficient manufacturing programming with high program modularity and re-usability. Furthermore, this system includes event notification message sending and condition monitoring features by means of active database technique. The authors proposed an architecture paradigm for scalable intelligent control systems, and implemented a model train control system on the Glue Logic as a sample, which has layered architecture derived from the subsumption architecture. © 2001 by Springer Science+Business Media New York.
International conference proceedings, English - Implementation of a layer structured control system on the 'Glue Logic'
M Takata; E Arai
GLOBAL ENGINEERING, MANUFACTURING AND ENTERPRISE NETWORKS, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, 63, 488-496, 2001, Peer-reviwed, This paper describes an infrastructural system designed for applications ill the factory automation, which is named Glue Logic, and a real-time control system with layer structure build oil this system. The Glue Logic provides an environment which supports the programming, controlling and monitoring the production system, and also supports efficient manufacturing programming with high program modularity and re-usability. Furthermore, this system includes event notification message sending and condition monitoring features by means of active database technique. The authors proposed an architecture paradigm for scalable intelligent control systems, and implemented a model train control system on the Glue Logic as a sample, which has layered architecture derived from the subsumption architecture.
International conference proceedings, English - "電気通信大学ネットワークの現状と課題"
粂川一也; 高田昌之; 岡野 豊; 箱崎勝也
情報処理学会 分散システム/インターネット運用技術研究会, DSM17-6, 31-36, May 2000
Japanese - Human oriented production system architecture
Eiji Arai; Hidefumi Wakamatsu; Masayuki Takata; Keiichi Shirase
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 1, 1, 90-98, 2000, Today’s factories have been aiming to fully automate production processes
however, the number of factories depending primarily on manual work will also be increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to develop management methods which both effectively use production facilities and provide job satisfaction for workers. This paper introduces the management structure for human-oriented production systems and explains how to assign jobs in such systems. The proposed structure includes two technologies: a factory communication network using the active database system and a dynamic scheduling method to guarantee the workers’ satisfaction. The active database system is used to gather real-time information on the floor and deliver ongoing schedules to workers in order to collect their response for dynamic scheduling. © 2000 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Scientific journal, English - "Human Oriented Production System Architecture"
Arai, E; Wakamatsu, H; Takata, M; Shirase, K
Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Production Research(ICPR-15),University of Limerick, Ireland, 395-398, Aug. 1999, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Network Based Production System Architecture
Arai, E; Takata, M
Information Infrastructure Sytems for Manufacturing II, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 261-273, Mar. 1998, Peer-reviwed
Research society, English - The Glue Logic: An Information Infrastructure System for Distributed Manufacturing Control
Takata, M; Arai, E
Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Manufacturing Milestones toward the 21st Century, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 549-554, Jul. 1997, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - The glue logic: An integrated programming/execution environment for distributed manufacturing work-cell control system
M Takata; E Arai
INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS FOR MANUFACTURING, CHAPMAN & HALL, 181-192, 1997, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, a infrastructural system designed for the factory automation applications, named ''Glue Logic'', is described. The Glue Logic provides an environment which supports tile programming, controlling and monitoring the manufacturing system, mainly in she levels of manufacturing work-cells. And this environment also supports efficient manufacturing programming, by means of high program modularity and reusability.
Using the service of tile Glue Logic, users can easily implement data-sharing; and task-interlocking among multiple application processes developed and compiled separately. Furthermore, this system includes event notification message sending and condition monitoring features to eliminate needs of data polling by means of active database technique.
As the result of the use of the Glue Logic, the application system can be build as a collection of the agents working together, and tile Glue Logic itself acts as it message exchange and shared data space manager.
International conference proceedings, English - 分散型 FA 制御用プログラミング/実行環境(第1報) - Glue Logic の設計と実現 -
高田昌之; 荒井栄司
精密工学会誌, 62, 10, 1405-1409, Oct. 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese
- Glue Logicを用いた階層型制御アーキテクチャの実現について
高田 昌之
05 Mar. 1999, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1999, 1, 54-54, Japanese, 10004626914, AN1018673X - Glue logic: A programming/execution environment for distributed factory automation
Masayuki Takata; Eiji Arai
In this paper, a infrastructural system designed for applications in the factory automation, which is named `Glue Logic', is described. The Glue Logic provides an environment which supports the programming, controlling and monitoring the production system, mainly in the levels of manufacturing work-cells, lines and areas. This environment also supports efficient manufacturing programming, by means of high program modularity and reusability. Using the Glue Logic, users can easily implement data-sharing and task-interlocking among multiple application processes coded and compiled separately. Furthermore, the event notification message sending and condition monitoring features of the Glue Logic eliminate needs of data polling by means of active database technique. As the result of the use of the Glue Logic, the application system can be build as a collection of the agents working together but prepared independently, and the Glue Logic itself acts as a message exchange and shared data space manager., 1996, Proceedings of the Japan/USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, 2, 1357-1364, English, Book review, 0030395212 - 分散型セル制御用基盤システムの実現
1996, 1996年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集B-21, 53-54, 10004626917, AN1018673X
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- AGV 搬送システムにおける八分木による階層化を利用した経路制御に関する研究
浅井 貴裕; 高田 昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 生産システム部門研究発表講演会 2021 講演論文集, 日本機械学会, zoom 遠隔開催, Domestic conference
09 Mar. 2021 - WIP数に基づく製品や工程のグルーピングによるスケジューリング高速化の研究
仲座 顕仁; 高田 昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会、生産システム部門研究発表講演会2019, 日本機械学会 生産システム部門, 青山学院大学 相模原キャンパス (神奈川県相模原市中央区淵野辺5-10-1), Domestic conference
12 Mar. 2019 - 部分的な改良に基づく高速生産スケジューリングの研究
中井 青翠; 高田 昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会、生産システム部門研究発表講演会2019, 日本機械学会 生産システム部門, 青山学院大学 相模原キャンパス (神奈川県相模原市中央区淵野辺5-10-1), Domestic conference
12 Mar. 2019 - 確度に応じた有効範囲を与えるルール抽出システムの開発
長澤 知哉; 高田 昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会関東支部 第24期総会・講演会, 日本機械学会, 電気通信大学, Domestic conference
17 Mar. 2018 - 生産スケジューリング問題における探索空間を抑制した探索手法
渡辺 裕三; 高田 昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会2017年度年次大会, 日本機械学会, 埼玉大学, Domestic conference
04 Sep. 2017 - 工程の組み替えによる工程スケジュールの調整方法
山東優基; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2016年度日本機械学会年次大会, 日本機械学会, 九州大学, Domestic conference
12 Sep. 2016 - FMSにおけるAGVの仮想化に関する研究
栗田 悟; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2016年度日本機械学会年次大会, 日本機械学会, 九州大学, Domestic conference
12 Sep. 2016 - 工程スケジュールの最適化に用いる評価関数に関する研究
鈴木修太郎; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会2015, 日本機械学会生産システム部門, 神奈川県横浜市, Domestic conference
16 Mar. 2015 - コンテナターミナル物流制御システムの開発に関する研究
井本廉; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 2014年度年次大会, 日本機械学会, 東京, Domestic conference
08 Sep. 2014 - 自動倉庫の階層化に関する研究
山入端孝浩; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 2013年度年次大会, 日本機械学会, 岡山大学, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2013 - 工程スケジュールの遅延に関する深刻度の数値化とその回復法
三上零; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 2013年度年次大会, 日本機械学会, 岡山大学, Domestic conference
10 Sep. 2013 - 無人搬送車の搬送効率に関する研究
加藤大輔; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会 2013 講演論文集
Mar. 2013 - 知識の階層化による実時間制御用知識ベース・システムに関する研究
岸本創; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 2010 年度年次大会 講演論文集,日本機械学会 2010 年度年次大会
Sep. 2010 - 仕様記述言語インタプリタの開発に関する研究
長谷川慧; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 2009 年度年次大会 講演論文集,日本機械学会 2009 年度年次大会
Sep. 2009 - 電子市場を介した調達・販売計画共有による生産計画支援システムに関する研究
梅津謙介; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 2009 年度年次大会 講演論文集,日本機械学会 2009 年度年次大会
Sep. 2009 - IC タグのロギング機能に関する研究
磯部正江; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,日本機械学会 2008 年度年次大会
Aug. 2008 - 部品表に基づく製品情報データベースに関する研究
上野吉彦; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,日本機械学会 2008 年度年次大会
Aug. 2008 - 分散制御システムの情報構造に関する研究
岩本尚樹; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会,第 70 回情報処理学会全国大会
Mar. 2008 - 分散制御システムの間欠接続用プロトコルに関する研究
有田敬; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会,第 70 回情報処理学会全国大会
Mar. 2008 - 実時間分散制御システムの永続化に関する研究
西野弘毅; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会,第 69 回情報処理学会全国大会
Mar. 2007 - 時間的制約を考慮した無人搬送車の走行経路制御に関する研究
北野正典; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2006 年度年次大会
Sep. 2006 - 高い柔軟性を持つ機器制御システムの開発に関する研究
古川正紘; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,2006 年度年次大会
Sep. 2006 - RFIDを用いた建築生産工程管理の試み
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会,生産システム部門講演会 2006
Jun. 2006 - 工程スケジューリングの階層化に関する研究
中村太郎; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 2005 年度年次大会 講演論文集 (4) 2501 pp.1-2,日本機械学会 2005 年度年次大会 講演論文集 (4) 2501 pp.1-2, (09/20/2005)
Sep. 2005 - スケジュールのリファインメントに関する研究
川合一宏; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 2005 年度年次大会 講演論文集 (4) 2502 pp.3-4,日本機械学会 2005 年度年次大会 講演論文集 (4) 2502 pp.3-4, (09/20/2005)
Sep. 2005 - Glue Logic による情物一体部品の制御
高田昌之; 八木淳一; 安藤敬一
Oral presentation, Japanese, 平成 17 年度 IMS 研究成果講演論文集 A-2,平成 17 年度 IMS 研究成果講演論文集 A-2
Jul. 2005 - 無人搬送車の走行経路制御に関する研究
岡田賢二; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2005 年度精密工学会春期大会 講演論文集 D78
Mar. 2005 - 建築資材製造建築施工一貫型工程管理システム
高田昌之; 安藤敬一; 八木淳一
Oral presentation, Japanese, 第10回 建設ロボットシンポジウム 論文集
Sep. 2004 - 情物一体化による企業間での建築生産工程管理
Oral presentation, Japanese, システム制御学会 Cybernetic Factory Automation 研究分科会
Mar. 2004 - 知識ベースシステムを用いたディスパッチングルール切り替え型スケジューリングシステム
岡田拓郎; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, スケジューリング・シンポジウム2003 講演論文集
Oct. 2003 - 複数の仕掛品を搬送可能なAGVのスケジューリングに関する研究
堤廉; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, スケジューリング・シンポジウム2003 講演論文集
Oct. 2003 - 知識ベースシステムを用いた天体観測スケジュールの自動生成システムに関する研究
加藤靖暁; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, スケジューリング・シンポジウム2003 講演論文集
Oct. 2003 - 実時間プランニングに用いるシミュレーションモデルの研究
南谷稔; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 生産システム部門講演会2002 論文集 1202, (3/27/2002)
Mar. 2002 - 対話型実時間スケジューリングシステムに関する研究
黒田大祐; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2001年度精密工学会 秋季大会講演論文集 B-21, (9/22/2001)
Sep. 2001 - 複数の無人搬送車による協調搬送制御
吉本剛二; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2001年度精密工学会 秋季大会講演論文集 B-20, (9/22/2001)
Sep. 2001 - "実時間制御のための scalable intelligent control architecture について"
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2001年度精密工学会 春季大会講演論文集 B-22,(3/28/2001)
Mar. 2001 - "FMS における実時間スケジューリングシステムに関する研究"
田村真哉; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 2000年度精密工学会 秋季大会講演論文集 K-66,(10/09/2000)
Oct. 2000 - "AGVの実時間経路制御に関する研究"
三浦宏和; 高田昌之; 桑田正行
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 1999年度年次大会講演論文集
Jul. 1999 - "エージェント群を用いた実時間問題解決システムについて"
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会 1999年度年次大会講演論文集
Jul. 1999 - Glue Logicを用いた階層型制御アーキテクチャの実現について
Oral presentation, Japanese, 1999年度精密工学会春季大会講演論文集B-08
Mar. 1999 - Glue Logicを用いたAGV制御システムの開発
松岡 優; 高田昌之
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会第76期全国大会講演論文集
Oct. 1998 - FA用分散処理支援プログラミング実行環境Glue Logicの開発について
Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本機械学会第76期全国大会講演論文集
Oct. 1998
Research Themes
- Study of the e^3-Product Lifecycle Management
YURA Kenji; ISHIKAWA Haruo; TAKATA Masayuki; MORISHIGE Koichi; ISHII Masahiro; YAMADA Tetsuo
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The study is concerned with the e^3-PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). The e^3-PLM is a kind of PLMs, and it is an "ecology-oriented", "enduser-oriented", and "electronic ICT (Information Communication Technology) based system. In the PLM the importance of end-users is insisted and product use history data are utilized to realize environment friendly product management. The obtained results are follows. (1) The structure of e^3-database for the PLM is designed. The database consists of a global database and local databases. The global database contains product design information, product handling information, product use history, and communication information, and it can be accessed by manufacturer, end-users, and recyclers. On the other hand, the local database is maintained by each sector and it contains internal information of the sector such as facility information, process plans, sales plans, etc. (2) For the important scenes in product lifecycle, the value of information in e^3-database is evaluated and the methods to utilize the information are developed. (a) The framework of PLM is developed and products management policies for products maintenance, renewal, and replacement are analyzed. Especially, environmental impacts related with products refurbishment are analyzed in detail. (b) A database structure is developed to utilize product use history data. Then, an algorithm is developed to determine the effective handling method of post-consumer products. (c) Processing and environment related attributes are added to products 3D-CAD models, and a design system is developed so that the environmental impacts of product over its lifecycle can be reduced at the product design stage. (d) Operation planning is a vital activity in manufacturing, remanufacturing, and recycling operations. Then, an operation planning support system using the standardized machining information is developed. (e) A method to calculate the economic value of the information in e^3-database is developed. Further investment decision problem with emissions trading is analyzed., 17310095
2005 - 2007 - Study of make FMS control software systems highly re-usable and intelligent
TAKATA Masayuki
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The aims of this research study were developing the software environment for FA (Factory Automation) integrating manufacturing cells, developing the FA software programming paradigm for distributed and collaborative manufacturing systems which makes those systems intelligent and highly-functioned, and also enhancing productivity and maintenance-ability of highly value-added FA software systems such as production management and equipment control. For these aims, I have developed an infrastructure system for FA control and named it "Glue Logic". This system manages the information on the provider and the consumer of each information at one place, and construct dependency relations among multiple agents dynamically at run-time. These relations illustrates flow of control, which is implemented by chaining information dependency, and the Glue Logic system provides each agents the notification messages which inform the change of the value of declared interested information. Using this infrastructure, I have proposed a method to program effective and reusable agents and a simple way for the implementation of message transaction among component agents, and also I have been evaluating feasibility of real-time intelligent control systems. In the first year, I developed prototype of work-cell control computers, also developed the "Glue Logic" software system including server program and some general purpose application agents, and opened my basic idea and program source codes via the Internet. In the next year, I developed some application programs, such as process scheduling problems and other combination optimising problems. These problem solvers are consisting of multiple agents work together, and search the tree-structured state space for answers with acceptable cost-performance ratio using heuristic knowledges. Through this development process, I evaluated requirements gathered by hearing from explicit and implicit users, I decided further research and development items., 09650130
1997 - 1998