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- 歯形誤差形状が平歯車の摩擦損失及び騒音に及ぼす影響
Mar. 2003, 関東歯車懇話会(第28回) - AEによるピッチングの位置標定
Oct. 2002, 日本機械学会山梨講演会講演論文集、2002/10, 301-302 - 高濃度真空浸炭焼入れ平歯車の歯面強度
Oct. 2002, 日本機械学会山梨講演会講演論文集、2002/10, 299-300 - 潤滑油が歯面強度及び摩耗に及ぼす影響
Oct. 2002, 日本機械学会山梨講演会講演論文集2002-10, 297-298 - 歯車のAE観察について
Sep. 2002, 第63回成形プラスチック歯車研究専門委員会研究会 - 浸炭焼入れ平歯車の歯面強度と摩耗特性(歯形、周速度及び表面処理の影響)
灰塚 正次; 樋口 義孝; 牛島 康之
Mar. 2002, 日本機械学会論文集, 68, 667, 941-948, 0387-5024 - 最近の歯車AEについて
Mar. 2002, 関東歯車懇話会(第25回) - 平歯車のピッチング強度について
灰塚 正次
科学図書出版, Feb. 2002, メインテナンス, 2002年春季, 83-89, Japanese, 0388-7529, 40004341182, AN00360331 - 歯面強度におけるAEの有効性(スポーリングの検出とその歯の特定)
Dec. 2001, 日本機械学会論文集, 67, 664C, 3961-3968 - Friction Loss of Spur Gears (Effects of Viscosity of Lubricating Oils and Tooth Forms)
Nov. 2001, Proceedings of the JSME International Conference on Motion and Transmissions, Ⅱ, 559-564 - Friction Loss of Spur Gears (Effects of Viscosity of Lubricating Oils and Tooth Forms)
Nov. 2001, Proceedings of the JSME International Conference on Motion and Transmissions - AEによるスポーリングの観察とその発生歯面の特定
Oct. 2001, 日本トライボロジー学会第81回転がり疲れ研究会 - モデルスキーを用いたスキー動摩擦係数の測定ー雪質および滑走面の状況との関係ー
Jul. 2001, 日本スキー学会誌,2001.7.9, 11, 1, 175-186 - プラスチックはすば歯車の強度の研究
Mar. 2001, 2001年精密工学会春季大会講演論文集, 389 - スキーと雪の間に働く複雑な摩擦抵抗要素の分離に関する実験的研究(2)
Mar. 2001, 日本スキー学会第11回大会 - ハイポイドギヤの歯面仕上げ処理がスカッフィング強度と比摩耗量に及ぼす影響
灰塚 正次; 成瀬 長太郎; 森川 浩次
Feb. 2001, 日本機械学会論文集, 67, 654, 585-588, 0387-5024 - ハイポイドギヤの摩擦損失に関する研究(潤滑油の粘度及び表面処理の影響
灰塚 正次; 逸見 雅彦; 河井 大輔
Nov. 2000, 日本機械学会論文集, 66, 651, 3740-3747, 0387-5024 - Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears (Effects of Lubricating Oils, Materials and Heat Treatments)
Oct. 2000, Proceedings of the International Tribology Conference NAGASAKI 2000, Ⅲ, 1777-1782 - Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears (Effects of Lubricating Oils, Materials and Heat Treatments)
Oct. 2000, Proceedings of the International Tribology Conference NAGASAKI 2000 - 平歯車の摩耗損失に関する研究(中心距離及び歯数比の影響)
Sep. 2000, 日本機械学会茨城講演会講演論文集(日立), 000-3, 17-18 - 平歯車の歯面強度に関する研究(表面仕上げの影響)
Sep. 2000, 日本機械学会茨城講演会講演論文集(日立), 000-3, 15-16 - はすは歯車の歯面強度に関する研究(表面処理の影響)
Sep. 2000, 日本機械学会茨城講演会講演論文集(日立), 000-3, 11-12 - 高い歯面強度を得る手法
Aug. 2000, 日本トライボロジー学会,転がり疲れ研究会20周年記念大会資料 - Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears-Effects Lubricating Oil, Gear Materials and Heat Treatments
Aug. 2000, Synopses of International Tribology Conference NAGASAKI - Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears-Effects Lubricating Oil, Gear Materials and Heat Treatments
Aug. 2000, Synopses of International Tribology Conference NAGASAKI - スキーと雪の間に働く複雑な摩擦抵抗の実験的ファクター分離に関する研究-1
Jul. 2000, 日本スキー学会誌, 10, 1, 30-38 - ピッチングによるAE検出に関する研究
Mar. 2000, 日本トライボロジー学会第77回転がり疲れ研究会 - 「スキーと雪の間に働く複雑な摩擦抵抗要素の分離に関する実験的研究(1)
Mar. 2000, 日本スキー学会第10回大会,須知安町 - 低速平歯車の摩擦損失に関する研究(潤滑油及び歯形の影響)
灰塚 正次; 伊藤 賢一; 縄手 文珠; 成瀬 長太郎
Feb. 2000, 日本機械学会論文集, 66, 642, 640-647, 0387-5024 - 浸炭焼入れ平歯車の歯面強度に関する研究
Jan. 2000, 日本トライボロジー学会第76回転がり疲れ研究会 - A Combined Measurement System for Discriminating Complex Resistances Affecting Ski Sliding
Jan. 2000, 2nd International Congress on Skiing and Science Abstract Book, 70-71 - Study on load carrying characteristics of crossed helical gears (special focus on scuffing strength, wear and friction loss)
T Yamanaka; C Naruse; S Haizuka
Crossed helical gears fail mainly by scuffing. Power transmission is low, because the Hertzian pressure in the small elliptic contact area is very high, and the sliding velocity between two contacting tooth surfaces is very high compared with other kind of gears.
However, crossed helical gears have important advantages, since they are easy to produce and their engagement is not influenced by mounting errors in center distance or shaft angle. This study presents some new ways of improving the load carrying capacity of crossed helical gears.
The influence of lubricating oil, tooth surface treatment, and tooth form on the limiting load for scuffing was studied experimentally. The results were summarized and formulas were established in view of practical design., SOC TRIBOLOGISTS & LUBRICATION ENGINEERS, Jan. 2000, TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS, 43, 1, 100-108, English, 1040-2004, WOS:000084789300015 - A combined measurement system for discriminating complex resistances affecting ski sliding
Jan. 2000, Proceedings of Internaitonal Congress on Science and SkiingⅡ, 250-261 - A Combined Measurement System for Discriminating Complex Resistances Affecting Ski Sliding
Jan. 2000, 2nd International Congress on Skiing and Science Abstract Book, 70-71 - Study on load carrying characteristics of crossed helical gears (special focus on scuffing strength, wear and friction loss)
T Yamanaka; C Naruse; S Haizuka
Crossed helical gears fail mainly by scuffing. Power transmission is low, because the Hertzian pressure in the small elliptic contact area is very high, and the sliding velocity between two contacting tooth surfaces is very high compared with other kind of gears.
However, crossed helical gears have important advantages, since they are easy to produce and their engagement is not influenced by mounting errors in center distance or shaft angle. This study presents some new ways of improving the load carrying capacity of crossed helical gears.
The influence of lubricating oil, tooth surface treatment, and tooth form on the limiting load for scuffing was studied experimentally. The results were summarized and formulas were established in view of practical design., SOC TRIBOLOGISTS & LUBRICATION ENGINEERS, Jan. 2000, TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS, 43, 1, 100-108, English, 1040-2004, WOS:000084789300015 - A combined measurement system for discriminating complex resistances affecting ski sliding
Jan. 2000, Proceedings of Internaitonal Congress on Science and SkiingⅡ, 250-261 - 低速平歯車の摩擦損失に関する研究(潤滑油及び歯形の影響)
Oct. 1999, 日本機械学会長崎地方講演会論文集, 998-3, 113 - ハイポイドギヤのスカッフィング強度について
Oct. 1999, 日本機械学会長崎地方講演会論文集, 998-3, 111 - ねじ歯車の負荷荷重の向上に関する研究(歯形,表面処理及び潤滑油の影響)
山中 悌二郎; 灰塚 正次; 成瀬 長太郎
Mar. 1999, 日本機械学会論文集, 65, 631, 1140-1147, 0387-5024 - Studies on friction loss of spur gears: (Effect of viscosity of lubricating oils and tooth forms)
Shoji Haizuka; Takaaki Kikusaki; Chotaro Naruse
The study of friction loss of spur gears was carried out, using test gears with a center distance a=183 mm. The load for the test gears was comparatively high, i.e. the load was applied up to about 60% of the Hertzian pressure of tooth surface strength in endurance strength range and the range of circumferential velocity was extended up to about 120 m/s. Generally speaking, we obtained that, the higher the lubricating oil viscosity, the lower the friction loss. Further we found that a most suitable oil viscosity in order to reduce the friction loss exists for the gear unit, including not only the test gears but also the bearings and the gear box. As far as tooth form is concerned, the cutter pressure angle α0=25° gives the lowest friction loss for the gear unit., Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999, JSME International Journal, Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing, 42, 4, 1041-1049, English, 1344-7653, 0033495485 - Study on Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears PartI: Experimental procedure and Determination of Tooth Surface Strength
Jan. 1999, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers(STLE),Tribology Transactions, 42, 1, 76-83, 0569-8197, 10025437089 - 平歯車の歯面強度に関する研究-(]G0002[)(潤滑油,材質および表面熱処理の影響)(共著)
1999, アメリカトライボロジー学会論文集, 44, 1, 152-161 - Studies on friction loss of spur gears: (Effect of viscosity of lubricating oils and tooth forms)
Shoji Haizuka; Takaaki Kikusaki; Chotaro Naruse
The study of friction loss of spur gears was carried out, using test gears with a center distance a=183 mm. The load for the test gears was comparatively high, i.e. the load was applied up to about 60% of the Hertzian pressure of tooth surface strength in endurance strength range and the range of circumferential velocity was extended up to about 120 m/s. Generally speaking, we obtained that, the higher the lubricating oil viscosity, the lower the friction loss. Further we found that a most suitable oil viscosity in order to reduce the friction loss exists for the gear unit, including not only the test gears but also the bearings and the gear box. As far as tooth form is concerned, the cutter pressure angle α0=25° gives the lowest friction loss for the gear unit., Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999, JSME International Journal, Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing, 42, 4, 1041-1049, English, 1344-7653, 0033495485 - Study on Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears PartI: Experimental procedure and Determination of Tooth Surface Strength
Jan. 1999, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers(STLE),Tribology Transactions, 42, 1, 76-83, 0569-8197, 10025437089 - Study on Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears-Part(]G0002[) : Special Attention on Effects of Lubnicating Oil, Material and Tooth Surface Heat Treatment(共著)
1999, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers(STLE), Tribology Transactions, 42, 1, 152-161, 0569-8197, 80010948803 - 平歯車の摩擦損失に関する研究(潤滑油の粘度および歯形の影響)
Nov. 1998, 日本機械学会論文集, 64, 637C, 4400-4407 - ハイポイドギヤの摩擦損失に関する研究(潤滑油の粘度による影響)
Nov. 1998, トライボロジー会議予稿集,'98秋名古屋, 515-517 - 劣化油が平歯車の潤滑性能に及ぼす影響(歯車強度及びスカフィング強度)
Nov. 1998, トライボロジー会議予稿集,'98秋名古屋, 125-127 - ねじ歯車の負荷荷重の向上に関する研究
May 1998, トライボロジー会議予稿集,'98春東京 - Studies on Friction Loss of Spur Gears (Effect of Viscosity of Lubricating Oils and Tooth Forms)
The study of friction loss of spur gears was carried out, using test gears with a center distance a=183 mm. The load for the test gears was comparatively high, i. e., the load was applied up to about 60 % of the Hertzian pressure of tooth surface strength in endurance strength range and the range of circumferential velocity was extended up to about 120 m/s. Generally speaking, we obtained that, the higher the lubricating oil viscosity, the lower the friction loss. Further we found that a most suitable oil viscosity in order to reduce the friction loss exists for the gear unit, including not only the test gears but also the bearings and the gear box. As far as tooth form is concerned, the cutter pressure angle a_0=25°gives the lowest friction loss for the gear unit., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 64, 627, 4400-4407, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002393665, AN00187463 - Studies on Friction Loss of Spur Gears (Effect of Viscosity of Lubricating Oils and Tooth Forms)(共著)
1998, Transaction of Japan Society of Mechanial Engineers, 64, 627, 4400-4407, 0387-5024 - 調質処理平歯車の摩耗に関する研究-潤滑油の粘度および油温の影響-
1997, トライボロジスト, 42, 8, 665 - Study on Wear of Tempered Spur Gears-Effects of Viscosity and Temperature of Lubricating Oils-
1997, Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists, 42, 8, 665 - Wear of Case-Hardened Spur Gears (Effect of Oil Viscosity, Additives and Temperature)
The wear of case-hardened spur gears running under a constant high load was studied. The lubricating oil viscosity, kinds of additives and their amounts, and lubricating oil temperatures were changed. In order to study the effect of oil temperature on the wear of the tooth surface, the temperature of the oil was changed from 60℃ to 90℃ for the same sample. Moreover, the temperatures of three kinds of oils which have very different viscosities at room temperature, were varied between 60℃ and 105℃ while the oil viscosity was unchanged. It was shown from the test results that tooth surface wear is not greatly affected by the amount of ZDTP antiwear agent, but EP additives are less effective against wear than ZDTP additives. The viscosity of lubricating oil and its temperature greatly affect the wear of the tooth surface. Combining all the wear data with those of the tooth surface strength, it was observed that the higher the load, the wider the scattering of wear, and also in the case of the same running load, the lower the wear, the longer the life of the tooth surface strength., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1995, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 61, 585, 2078-2085, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002381899, AN00187463 - Study on Limiting Load for Scuffing and Specific Wear of Spur Gears(Effects of Labricating Oil and Tooth Form)(共著)
1995, JSME International Journal, Series C, 38, 1, 149 - Wear of Case-Hardened Spur Gears(Effect of Oil Viscosity, Additives and Temperature)
Shoji Haizuka; Chotaro Naruse
1995, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 61, 585, 2078-2085, 0387-5024 - Study on Limiting Load for Scuffing and Specific Wear of Spur Gears(Effects of Labricating Oil and Tooth Form)(共著)
1995, JSME International Journal, Series C, 38, 1, 149 - Studies on Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears : Effect of Oil Temperature and Hardness of Gears
HAIZUKA S.; Naruse Chotaro; Tamenaga Jun; Nemoto Ryozo
In order to study the effect of lubricating oil temperature on tooth surface strength, the temperature of three kinds of oils which have very different viscosities at room temperature was changed between 60℃ and 105℃ under the condition that the viscosity is kept constant. It was shown that the tooth surface strength of case hardened gears is not affected much by the temperature change, but in the case of tempered gears, the tooth surface strength decreased remarkably with increasing oil temperature. Further, so as to study the effect of hardness on tooth surface strength, the effect of the hardness of tempered gears (HV≒285〜550) and the effective case depth of case hardened gears (h_≒0.2〜1.1mm) on the tooth surface strength were examined and discussed., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 60, 580, 4310-4317, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002381364, AN00187463 - Studies on Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears(Effect of Oil Temperature and Hardness of Gears)
1994, 60, 580, 304 - ハイポイドギャのスコ-リング発生荷重と摩擦損失に関する研究(オフセットを変えた場合)(共著)
1992, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 58, 551, 2204 - Limiting Load for Scoring and Frictional Loss of Hypoid Gears(In the Case of Hypoid Gears with Various Offsets)
Ryozo NEMOTO; Chotaro NARUSE; Shoji HAIZUKA; Natsuki ISHIDA
1992, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 58, 551, 2204-2211, 0387-5024, 10008651043 - Study on Frictional Loss of Spur Gears(Concerning the Influence of Tooth Form, Load, Tooth Surface Roughness and Labricating Oil)(共著)
1991, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers(STLE), Tribology Transactions, 34, 1, 138-146, 0569-8197, 30028898545 - A Study on Friction Loss of Spur Gears : In the Case of Gear Material Combination of Bronze/Steel and Cast Iron/Steel
YOSHIZAKI Masatoshi; NARUSE Chotaro; NEMOTO Ryozo; HAIZUKA Shoji
Carbon steel has been used as spur gear material. It is very important to find a way of reducing the friction loss of spur gears, and there are many methods of achieving this. Here we chose the method of selecting material combinations in a wide scope, i. e. , not only the steel material, but also the materials of phosphor-bronze and cast iron. furthermore, for steel material, we chose various kind of coatings, that is, nitriding and phosphate coating. As a result, we induced a very low friction loss by using phosphor-bronze gears which were combined with a nitrided gear or a case-hardened gear. Some considerations were carried out for these phenomena., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 57, 541, 3100-3106, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002380013, AN00187463 - Study on Frictional Loss of Spur Gears(Concerning the Influence of Tooth Form, Load, Tooth Surface Roughness and Labricating Oil)(共著)
1991, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers(STLE), Tribology Transactions, 34, 1, 138-146, 0569-8197, 30028898545 - A Study on Friction Loss of Spur Gears(In the Case of Gear Matenial Combination of Bronze/Steel and Cast Iron/steel
Masatoshi YOSHIZAKI; Chotaro NARUSE; Ryozo NEMOTO; Shoji HAIZUKA
1991, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 57, 541, 3100-3106, 0387-5024 - はすば歯車の摩擦損失と温度上昇に関する研究(共著)
1990, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 56, 531, 3060 - Study on Frictional Loss and Temperature Rise of Teeth of Helical Gears
Ryozo NEMOTO; Chotaro NARUSE; Shoji HAIZUKA; Tatsuya GOTO
Improvement of the load-carrying characteristics of helical gears is one of the most important problems today. But the experimental results of these kinds of studies are comparatively scarce. For this purpose, we took up the subject of the frictional loss and the temperature rise of the teeth of the helical gears. Considering these situations, we studied the frictional loss of helical gears as a function of many factors, i.e., helix angle. sliding velocity of tooth surface, load, viscosity of lubricating oil and chemical construction of lubricating oil. The frictional loss grade of the helical gears decreases with increasing sliding velocity and viscosity of lubricating oil and increases with the helix angle and load. Further the frictional loss grade is very low when the synthetic oil is used. Finally, the relationship between the temperature rise of teeth and frictional loss was expressed with an empirical formula., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1990, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 56, 531, 3060-3067, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002379375, AN00187463 - ハイポイドギャの負荷特性に関する研究(スコ-リング発生荷重、摩擦損失及び温度上昇について)(共著)
1989, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 55, 514, 1446 - Study on Load Carrying Characteristics of Hypoid Gears(Limiting Load for Scoring, Friction Loss)
Ryozo NEMOTO; Chotaro NARUSE; Shoji HAIZUKA; Hiroshi SATO
The load carrying characteristics of hypoid gears were investigated by means of test equipment of the power circulating type. The limiting load for scoring and friction loss of the hypoid gears. and temperature rise of the teeth of the gear wheel of the hypoid gears were measured. The relationships between these results were also summarized in order to assimilate the general tendencies of these factors. Furthermore, these hyoid gear results were compared with those of the spur gears. Both mineral oils and synthetic oils were used as lubricants. The kinds of oil markedly affected the friction loss and consequently influenced also the temperature rise of the gear teeth., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1989, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 55, 514, 1446-1453, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002391755, AN00187463 - Studies on the Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears : Effects of Lubricating Oils on Tempered Gears and Case Hardened Gears
Many studies on tooth surface strength have been reported but they are mainly reports on tempered steel. So, it can be said that sufficient data to design the case hardened steel for tooth surface strength has not been published. Therefore, spur gears were tested for tooth surface strength under several lubricating conditions and several surface treatments of test gears. The tooth surface strength of case hardened gears is not so affected by the difference of the viscosity of lubricating oils, as are the tempered gears. The EP additive is effective for the tooth surface strength of case hardened gears but it is not effective for the tempered gears. The difference of the chemical structure of the lubricating oils has some effects on the surface strength of gears. The effective case depth of case hardened gears is an important factor to determine the tooth surface strength., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1987, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 53, 487, 855-863, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002390107, AN00187463 - Studies on the Tooth Surface Strength of Spur Gears(Effects of Lubricating Oils on Tempered Gears and Case Hardened Gears)
Many studies on tooth surface strength have been reported but they are mainly reports on tempered steel. So, it can be said that sufficient data to design the case hardened steel for tooth surface strength has not been published. Therefore, spur gears were tested for tooth surface strength under several lubricating conditions and several surface treatments of test gears. The tooth surface strength of case hardened gears is not so affected by the difference of the viscosity of lubricating oils, as are the tempered gears. The EP additive is effective for the tooth surface strength of case hardened gears but it is not effective for the tempered gears. The difference of the chemical structure of the lubricating oils has some effects on the surface strength of gears. The effective case depth of case hardened gears is an important factor to determine the tooth surface strength., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1987, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 53, 487, 855-863, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002346847, AN00187463 - Influences of Surface Roughness and Viscosity of Lubricating Oils upon Limiting Load for Scoring of Spur Gears
HAIZUKA Shoji; NARUSE Chotaro; NEMOTO Ryozo; TOGO Makoto
There are many factors, which have effects upon the load carrying characteristics of the spur gears. The surface roughness of tooth and viscosity of lubricating oils, furthermore the concentration of additives are the very important factors for the determining the load carrying characteristics of the spur gears. As main factors for determining the load carrying characteristics, the limiting load for scoring and the specific wear were chosen here. The roughness of the tooth surface for our experiments was in the range of 1.1〜7.5 μm. The kinematic viscosity of the lubricating oil for the experiments was 2.9〜4.0 ×10^<-6> m^2/s at 90℃. The experimental equipment was the FZG spur gear testing machine and the test gears had also the original tooth form of FZG test gears but our test gears were specially crowned in direction of tooth trace and effective width was reduced to b=8 mm in order to get the higher Hertzian pressure. This tooth width is very narrow in comparison with the original one., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1986, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 52, 483, 2906-2913, Japanese, 0387-5024, 110002389727, AN00187463 - Influencs of Surface Roughness and Viscosity of Lubricating Oils on Limiting Load for Scoring of Spur Gears
Shoji HAIZUKA; Chotaro NARUSE; Ryozo NEMOTO; Makoto TOGO