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Research Activity Information
- Characterisutics of Hikite Power in Elite Womem Judo Players
Misaki Idea; Hisasi Yanagisawa; Youko Watanabe; Masahiko Kimura; Tatuya Deguchi; Katumi Kaneko; Satoru Saitou; Yosinori Takeuchi
Bulletin of Association for the Studies on Judo,Kodokan, 10, 57-63, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
Research society, Japanese - Horizons for Physical Education in the University of Science and Technology:From the Test of Physical Strength in the University of Electro-Communications
Koyo FUKASAWA; Hidetaka OKADA; Yutaka KANO; Kumie WADA; Junichi NAGASAWA; Hisasi Yanagisawa; Jun OGA
The Fourth ICHPER.SD Asia Congress, 35-39, Mar. 2003
International conference proceedings, English - 講道館柔道理念と修行者の理解についての一考察
山口 香; 木村昌彦; 中村一成; 出口達也; 柳澤 久
The Journal of Human and Cultural Sciences, Musashi University, 34, 2, 138-119, Nov. 2002
Research institution, Japanese - 柔道の視点-二十一世紀に向けて-:・歴史と文化,4女子柔道の歴史
柳澤 久
道和書院, 33-42, Oct. 2000
Japanese - Hew Japanese-English Dictinary of Judo和英対照・柔道用語小辞典(分担執筆)
柳澤 久
財団法人講道館, Aug. 2000
Japanese - 全日本女子体重別選手権の歴史
柳澤 久; 野瀬清喜
全日本柔道連盟50年史, 208-219, Mar. 2000
Japanese - 皇后杯 全日本女子柔道選手権の歴史
柳澤 久; 野瀬清喜
全日本柔道連盟50年史, 220-227, Mar. 2000
Japanese - 世界選手権と五輪の歴史
柳澤 久; 野瀬清喜
全日本柔道連盟50年史, 228-235, Mar. 2000
Japanese - 女子柔道の競技力向上に関する研究―試合時と練習時の乳酸値の差異について
柳澤 久; 村松成司; 木村昌彦; 射手矢岬; 渡辺涼子
日本武道学会第23回大会研究発表抄録, 57, Nov. 1999
Japanese - The Interrelationship bettueen maximal anaerobic Power and running ability of Femal Judo athletes.
Jaurnal of Judo, 67, 5, 90-96, 1996
English - A Study of Maximal Anaerobic Power in Female Judo thletes
Bulletin of the Association for the Scientific Studies on Judo, Kodokan, 7, 161-171, 1994
Research institution, English - The lnterrelationship between Aerobie Capacity and peak power During Intermittent Anaerobic Exercise of Judo Athletes
Bulletin of the Association for the Scientific Studies of Judo, Kodokan, 7, 151-160, 1994
Research institution, English - Studies on interrelationship between body weight. body composition and category of women Judo players.
CHIBA Journal of Physical Education, 17, 19-25, 1993
Research institution, English - The present condition of aerobic work capacity in Japanese national women's Judo team members from a maximal oxygen tntako point of view.
Scientific Research on Judo, 1, 1, 1-5, 1993
English - The Tendency of Physique, Physical Fitness and motor Ability of Students in the University of Electro-Communications
Bulletin of the university of Electro-communications, 4, 1, 1991
Research institution, English - The Tendency of Physical Fitness and Motor Performance of the Students for the Past Fifteen Years in the university of Electro-Communications
Kaneko Eiichi; Obata Katsumi; Mizuta Takudou; Ohga Jun; Yanagisawa Hisashi
Reports of the university of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications, 37, 2, 2-215, 1987
Research institution, English - A study on the Standing Posture of the Judomen
Research Journal of Budo, 11, 3, 1979
Scientific journal, English - On the Relation Between Morphological Features and Injuries in Budo-Players
Health Sport Science, Tsukuba Univ., 1, 1978
Research institution, English - Some Special Feature on the Morphological Measurement and Physical Fitness of the Judomen
Research Journal of Budo, 9, 3, 1977
Scientific journal, English
Books and other publications
- 健康論
大鋸順; 坂口明; 田中健滋; 長澤純一; 岡田英孝; 狩野豊; 深澤浩洋; 柳澤久
Japanese, Joint work, 道和書院, 2004 - 和英対照・柔道用語小辞典
Japanese, Joint work, 講道館, 2000 - 柔道の視点
Japanese, Joint work, 道和書院, 2000 - Resistance Training
English, 朝倉書店, 1994 - レジスタンス・トレーニング
Japanese, Joint work, 朝倉書店, 1994 - Women's Judo
English, 大修館書店, 1992 - 女子柔道
Japanese, Joint work, 大修館書店, 1992 - Science of the Health and Sport
English, 道和書院, 1989 - 健康と運動の科学
Japanese, Joint work, 道和書院, 1989 - Health and Athletic
English, 道和書院, 1984 - Comment of Judo
English, 不味堂出版, 1984