Emeritus Professor etc.Emeritus Professor


  • Master of Philosohy, University of Paris X
  • Master of literature, The University of Tokyo
  • doctorat es lettres, University of Paris-X

Research Keyword

  • philosohy of image
  • image arts
  • media design
  • Media theory
  • イメージ哲学
  • 映像芸術
  • メディアデザイン
  • メディア理論

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Aesthetics and art studies


  • Feb. 2012 - Jan. 2017
    University of Science and Technology of China, Invited Professor
  • 01 Apr. 2009
    University of Electro-Communication, Graduate School ofInformatics and Engineering

Educational Background

  • Mar. 1984
    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Humanities, フランス語フランス文学
  • Oct. 1977 - Feb. 1982
    Universite de Paris X, 文学研究科, フランス文学専攻, France
  • Mar. 1976
    The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Literature, 仏文学科
  • 01 Apr. 1969 - 31 Mar. 1972
    山形県立鶴岡南高等学校, 理数科, Japan

Member History

  • Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2014
    研究企画委員, 日本映像学会, Society
  • 2000 - 2014
    編集委員, 日本映像学会, Society
  • 2006 - 2010
    評議員, 日本社会情報学会, Society
  • 2006 - 2010
    理事, 日本映像学会, Society
  • 2004 - 2006
    国際版学会誌編集委員長, 日本映像学会, Society
  • 2004 - 2006
    常任理事, 日本映像学会, Society
  • 1996 - 2000
    研究企画委員, 日本映像学会, Society


  • Jun. 2018
    情報通信学会, 学会全国大会において,大学院生による優秀な発表に贈られる.
    情報通信学会アーリーバード発表賞, 永井睦美;兼子正勝
    Japan society
  • Nov. 2016
    情報処理学会, 同研究は,2015年10月に情報処理学会・グループウエアとネットワークサービス研究会の第96回研究会において発表され,優秀発表賞を受賞したが,同研究会の2015年度全体における優秀研究に与えられるのが本賞である.
    グループウエアとネットワークサービス研究会・研究賞, 福沢嘉恵;兼子正勝
    Japan society, Japan
  • Oct. 2015
    情報処理学会, 情報処理学会、グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究発表会に投稿された論文の中から、優秀な発表を行った論文に対して贈られる。投稿件数25件ほどのうち2件程度。
    グループウエアとネットワークサービス研究会優秀発表賞, 福沢嘉恵;今江崇;兼子正勝
    Japan society, Japan
  • Dec. 2011
    Japan Society for e-learning


  • Interactive visual narrative “cloudy lady" gaze navigation method and a prototype application
    Negar Kaghazchi; Sachiko Kodama; Masakatsu Kaneko
    SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Posters, SA 2018, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 04 Dec. 2018, In this paper, a “gaze navigation” method for an interactive visual narrative application is proposed, and a prototype system, developed for touchscreen computer devices, such as the iPad, is described. An interactive narrative application called “Cloudy Lady” authored by Negar Kaghazchi has an ethic story and the user naturally follows the visual cues applied in every scene, to unravel the story by exploring the surface area using omnidirectional scrolling. (Figure 1) Unlike comic/picture books that run over many pages, or video/computer games with pre-designed paths with arrows and symbols, the story of this narrative unfolds following the natural gaze navigation and its structure, allow the user to advance the story in any phase and any direction with no restriction.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development and Evaluation of a E-picture Book System Unising Multi-Directional Scrolling and Illustrations with Visual Guidance
    Negar Kaghazchi; Azusa Yoshii; Sachiko Kodama; Masakatsu Kaneko
    HCI International 2017 - Posters' Extended Abstracts, Springer, CCIS714, 65-65, 14 Jul. 2017, Peer-reviwed, This study is about the development and evaluation of a new e-picture book system designed for touch screed devices. The narration method of this e-picture-book is ispired by the Japanese old paintings in which the whole story was shown in a single page. The artists were using visual elements as navigatio9n method on the page for their story telling propose.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Development and evaluation of an E-picture book system using multi-directional scrolling and illustrations with visual guidance
    Negar Kaghazchi; Azusa Yoshii; Sachiko Kodama; Masakatsu Kaneko
    Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag, 714, 561-568, 2017, Peer-reviwed, This study is about the development and evaluation of a new e-picture-book (electronic picture book) system designed for touch screen devices. The narration method of this e-picture-book is inspired by the Japanese old paintings in which the whole story was happening in a single page. The artists were using visual elements as navigation method on the page for their story telling propose. For this project, we have made an edgeless single-page picture book with many images (story scenes), which are arranged in several columns and rows. Each scene has illustrated images with visual guidance (e.g. pointing finger, gaze point, arrow shape composition, animation movements and sound effects), which indicates a certain direction to make the user able to find the story line. A multi-directional scrolling (similar to the scrolling method in the Google map) interface has been designed to enable the user to navigate freely between the story scenes and find the story line. Kaghazchi created an original story “The Cloudy Lady” for this e-picture book. For evaluating and verifying the effectiveness of each scene and also the guidance ability of the elements to navigate the user through the story line, we performed two types of experiments (eye tracking camera and video recording). Analyzing data from the experiments, we discussed which visual elements and expressions in each illustration have affected the user navigation considering the percentage of successful scrolls toward the target area(s) per each scene. Our future goal is to improve and complete the user navigation method for this e-picture-book.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Evaluation of a Web-based Media Literacy Educational Program with Video Editing Simulator
    Linjuan MIAO; Masakatsu KANELO
    Journal of Japan e-Learning Association, Japan e-Learning Association, 14, 14, 70-80, Jul. 2014, Peer-reviwed, We have developed a web-based media literacy educational program with an online video editing simulator(VES) based on a "frame/montage" schema. This study evaluates the program trough pre- and post-tests, excercises and a survey questionnaire. The comparison between the pre-test and the post-test scores suggests that this program significantly improved participants’ media literacy. Furthermore, analysis on improvements of each element in program structure, their correlation with total improvement, and elements analysis of exercises indicates that the frame/montage schema was effective in a certain measure. Correlation of practice with exercises and the pre- and post-test, and evaluation results of the survey questionnaire indicate that the VES is effective. However, the results also indicate that teaching materials and the VES need some improvement for better outcomes.
    Scientific journal, English
  • Study on the Image of Use in case of iPad based on web log analysis -- applying the Fonction-oriented model and User-oriented model of Use
    Takashi IMAE; Masakatsu KANEKO
    The Japan Society of Information and Communication Research, THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION RESEARCH, 31, 106, 1-13, May 2013, Peer-reviwed, Popularization of information communication technology has increased the importance of user-centered design approaches. For instance, user experience considerations propose to influence not only devices functions but also users behaviors. The authors propose a conceptual model of use by applying the user-oriented and function-oriented models to generate relationships between user and functions depending on circumstances. This study examines the possibility of quantitatively understanding use by applying the conceptual model. For this purpose, we adopt user-experience evaluation references, which are derived from previous studies to quantitatively understand the use of a device. The text-mining method was used to analyze the description of web logs on the first-generation iPad, which is a representative product considering user experience. The results indicate that the use of an iPad could be inferred from the user-oriented model and the importance to stimulate lifelike behaviors that are free of operating and setting functions. The conclusion indicates the usefulness of this method to clarify the situation where activated the user behavior.
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Development of a Web-based Media Literacy Education Program with Video Editing Simulator
    Linjuan MIAO; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Journal of Japan e-Learning Accociation, 12, 14-23, Jun. 2012, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, English
  • Trends in the image of "use" in the case of mobile phone
    Takashi IMAE; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Japan Society of Information and Communication Research, 28, 3, 13-24, Dec. 2010, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Research on licence for public Japanese fonts as information infrastructure: from the perspective of DRE
    Kayo IKEDA; Mizuho NUMATA; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Journal of Information & Communication Reaearch, 27, 2, 37-54, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Examination of high-quality Japanese open font as Information Infrastructure
    Kayo IKEDA; Hideho NUMATA; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Journal of The Infosocionomics Society, 4, 1, 105-119, Jun. 2009, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Proposal for a multilanguage text input support system that is easy for beginner language learners
    Kayo Ikeda; Hideho Numata; Masakatsu Kaneko; Kazuhiko Machida
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 109-114, 2009, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we propose an input support system which supports multiple languages and which will make it possible for users - even users who are in the midst of learning a foreign language that they wish to use and are not familiar with it yet - to easily access the information resources in their desired language. As a text input method that is not restricted by the OS or target language, we propose a system which performs input operations using a web browser. In text string input, by using characters within the ASCII domain, all of the text strings can be assigned to keys on the keyboard. For each language (script), a conversion dictionary is available which shows how the key input string and output string correspond. By devising a conversion dictionary, this system can support all languages (scripts). We perform text conversion in incremental search as a method to speed up input for users who are beginner language learners. Detailed Information Display is a function which displays information related to the vocabulary items that are among the conversion candidates. Using the proposed method, we succeeded in creating an environment in which Japanese students of foreign languages and foreigners living in Japan can input text regardless of their computer's environment. Copyright 2009 ACM.
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Study on a 3 dimensional web-based learning environment "Virtual Movie Studio" and its studio component
    Mio KATAOKA; Son NA; Masakatsu KANEKO
    The Journal of Three Dimensional Images, 20, 3, 69-72, Oct. 2006
    International conference proceedings, English
  • Gilles Deleuze's "Logic of sensation"
    Masakatsu KANEKO
    Japanese Journal of Image Arts and Sciences, 75, 96-99, Nov. 2005, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • ピエール・クロソウスキー追悼--あるいは映像の黄昏
    すばる,集英社,23-10, 集英社, 23, 10, 154-157, Oct. 2001
  • 「映像という神秘と快楽」
    映像学, 日本映像学会, 66, 66, 128-133, May 2001, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Place of others - Bertolucci's "Besieged"
    Image Forum, 2, 3, 34-39, Jan. 2000
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Mallarme's Text Database(インターネット上でのデータベース公開)
    竹内信夫; 兼子正勝ほか
    マラルメデータベース研究会、98/04/01, Apr. 1998
  • Problem of ecstasy and others
    Eureka, 29, 9, 188-191, 1997
    Research society, Japanese
  • Straub-Huillet"Toute revolution est un coup de des"
    Atene Francais, 1997
  • Eilles Deleuze's "Cin(]J1117[)ma" and the actualiy of movies
    Eureka, 28, 12, 108-118, 1996
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Against the force of image - critic of image 12
    Mirai, 352, 24-31, 1996
    Research society, Japanese
  • Problem of the simulacre 1 -- critic of image 13
    Mirai, 354, 37-44, 1996
    Research society, Japanese
  • Problem of the simulacre 2 - critic of image 14
    Mirai, 357, 8-16, 1996
    Research society, Japanese
  • Image as an affirmation 1 - critic of image 15
    Mirai, 未来社, 360, 360, 20-24, 1996
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Deleuze's"Cinema"and the actula situation of Movie Culture
    Eureka, 28, 12, 108-118, 1996
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Image as an affirmation 2 - critic of image 16
    Mirai, 未来社, 361, 361, 36-44, 1996
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • On the flatness of image - critic of image 9
    Mirai, 341, 26-31, 1995
    Research society, Japanese
  • On the flatness of image 3 - critic of image 11
    Mirai, 350, 1995
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Image and imagination
    Bungei, 34, 1, 293-296, 1995, Invited
  • Scene of relationship - about Pina Bausch
    Eureka, 27, 3, 150-153, 1995, Invited
  • Tne mineral world of Kenji MIYAZAWA
    Bungei, 34, 3, 154-157, 1995
  • On the flatness of image 2 - critic of image 10
    Mirai, 348, 13-19, 1995
  • Limites of image 2 - critic of image 5
    Mirai, 329, 4-11, 1994, Invited
  • Limites of image 3 - critic of image 6
    Mirai, 333, 12-17, 1994, Invited
  • On the concept of simulacre - about Pierre Klossowski
    Eureka, 26, 7, 144-150, 1994, Invited
  • Limites of image 4 - critic of image 7
    Mirai, 355, 2-9, 1994, Invited
  • Limites of image 5 - critic of image 8
    Mirai, 337, 28-35, 1994, Invited
  • For affirmation and relation - critic of image 1
    Mirai, 319, 2-8, 1993, Invited
  • Godard's perplexity - critic of image
    Mirai, 321, 20-25, 1993, Invited
  • Critic of image - case of Edward Yann
    Cinetic, 1, 204-211, 1993, Invited
  • Movie never dies
    Cinetic, 洋々社, 1, 1, 184-203, 1993, Invited
  • Godard's perplexity 2 - critic of image 3
    Mirai, 323, 6-12, 1993, Invited
  • Limites of image - critic of image 4
    Mirai, 未来社, 326, 26-34, 1993, Invited
  • Bonnefoy,"Baudelaire parlant a Mallarme"
    Eureka, 青土社, 25, 11, 72-89, 1993, Invited
  • The College of Sociology and the problem of community
    Association franco-japonaise de la philosophie, 1992
  • Essay on lightness - about Kenji MIZOGUCI(]G0002[)
    Eureka, 青土社, 24, 10, 116-125, 1992, Invited
  • For the public use of Mallarme's Text Database
    竹内信夫; 兼子正勝
    Bulletin of the Language culture center,Universty of Tokyo, 11, 109-130, 1991, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Critic of Image - the case of Yves Bonnefoy
    Etudes de la langue et la litterature francaises, 東京大学フランス語フランス文学会, 6, 111-134, 1991, Peer-reviwed, Invited
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Interview with Philippe Garrel
    Cahier du Cinema Japon, 1, 93-98, 1991
  • critic of image-surr(]J1117[)alism's case
    Eureka, 青土社, 23, 13, 156-169, 1991, Invited
  • Critic of Image - case of the Surrealism
    Eureka, 青土社, 23, 13, 156-169, 1991, Invited
  • For a critical edition of Stephane Mallarme's prosaic works - " Nala et Damayanti"
    Bulletin of the Universty of Electro-communication, The University of Electro-Communications, 3, 2, 323-376, 1990, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Orientations of poetics - about henri Meschonnic
    La poesie francaise aujourd'hui, 332-344, 1990, Invited
  • For a critical edition of Mallarme's prosaic works I,"La Fausse Vieille"
    Bulletin of the Umiversity of Electro-communication, 2, 2, 343-371, 1989
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Essay on stagnations - about French Nouvelles Vagues
    Eureka, 21, 16, 338-348, 1989
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Essay on oblivion -- Pierre Klossowski and Nietzsche
    Yaso, 22, 99-106, 1987
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Semiotic of Joy - about Klossowski's"Nietzscht et le Cercle vicieux"
    Philosopy, 1, 1, 87-96, 1987
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Klossowski,"Les etats valetudinaires a I'origine d'une semiotique pulsionelle"
    Philosopy, 1, 1, 18-86, 1987
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Joan Fontaine or an absent woman
    Cineaste, 4, 194-201, 1986
    Research society, Japanese
  • Essay on the Idol - about Spielberg
    Cineaste, 5, 210-216, 1986
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • "Herodiade" de Stephane Mallarme
    Eureka, 18, 10, 267-295, 1986
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Andre Masson or a peinting of Physis
    Art Vivant, 22, 28-42, 1986
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Georges Bataille and the College of Sociology
    Eureka, 19, 5, 230-239, 1986
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Love letter - language and psychanalysis
    兼子 正勝
    Eureka, 青土社, 18, 13, 144-152, 1986
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Dreame of movie, movie of dream
    Image Forum, 52, 97-101, 1985
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • About Morice Piarrat
    Image Forum, 56, 76-80, 1985
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • From the gallery of the Movie History
    GS, 21, 2, 281-290, 1985
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Morice Piarrat talking about his dramaturgy
    Image Forum, 56, 81-91, 1985
  • Rhctoric of windows - about Hitchcock
    Cineaste, 1, 168-180, 1985
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Dynamics of surface - about Oson Welles
    Cineaste, 2, 188-197, 1985
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Movie as a chamber of memory - about Marguerite Duras
    Image Forum, 60, 57-63, 1985
  • Critic and body - about Roland Barthes
    兼子 正勝
    Cahier de la poesie contemporaine, 思潮社, 28, 14, 159-168, 1985
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • Seaching another happiness of the Movie - about Wenders
    Image Forum, 63, 134-140, 1985
    Scientific journal, Japanese
  • The Poetic Space of Stephane Mallarme -it's constitution and evolution
    Bulletin of Meiji-Gakuin University, 明治学院大学, 356, 356, 51-86, 1984, Invited
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Structure and constituion of "Crise de vers"
    Association Japonaise des (]E85EE[)tudes wallarm(]E85EE[)ennes, 1984
  • Two stories of the sea - about Godard's "Firstname Carmen"
    Image Forum, ダゲレオ出版, 47, 77-81, 1984, Invited
  • Language of the skin
    GS, 2, 304-317, 1984, Invited
  • Vanishing town, vanishing Paris - "Paris vu par, vingt temps apr(]E85C2[)s"
    Image Forum, 51, 24-25, 1984
  • Stephane Mallarme a l'epoque de Divagations: Acheminement vers le Livre
    Masakatsu Kaneko
    Etude de langue et litterature francaises, Societe japonaise de langue et litteratue francaise, 42, 23-44, 1983, Peer-reviwed
    Scientific journal, French
  • Crise de vers de Stephane Mallarme - essai d'une edition critique
    Humanities Journal, 東京工業大学, 8, 29-94, 1983, Peer-reviwed
    Research institution, Japanese
  • Godard and Jean=Luc
    Eureka, 青土社, 15, 5, 52-59, 1983, Invited
  • Wenders or the unhappiness of the German Movie
    Movie Art, 346, 81-83, 1983, Invited
  • Bataille and/or Bellmer
    Yaso, 2, 50-55, 1980


  • Arts and sciences of Image
    Masakatsu KANEKO
    2006, 日本映像学会報, 133, 2, Japanese, Introduction other
  • Straub=Huillet and Mallarme
    Dec. 2002, Retrospective of Straub=Huillet, Japanese, Introduction other
  • The image and its "outside"
    Jun. 2002, Women's culture Study Center, Toyoko College, 19, 14-15, Japanese, Introduction other
  • Reseach on the critical editon of Stephane Mallarme's works in Hypertext
    1995, Report of reseach results, for a financial support of the Ministry of Education,Science and Culture, 1-20, Japanese, Meeting report
  • On the melancholy
    1994, 7th Camp, 5, 36-50, Japanese, Invited, Introduction other
  • Interview with Bernardo Bertolucci
    1994, NHK, Special program ETV, 94, 04/17, 18, Japanese, Invited, Introduction other
  • Narrative in the second person
    1994, Poetic Works of Rino IKUTA "LOVE", 1-8, Japanese, Introduction other
  • From the Hnawa Line
    1985, Kirin, 7, 135-137, Japanese, Others
  • OHNO Kazuo and "Mr.O"series
    ダゲレオ出版, 1984, Image Forum, 46, 20-21, Japanese, Invited, Introduction commerce magazine

Books and other publications

  • Shogakukan Dictionnaire Francais-japonais deuxieme edition
    Masayoshi OGA; Masakatsu KANEKO; Hidekatsu KAWATAKE; Masahiko TAGIRI; Akira MIZUBAYASHI
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Joint editor, Shogakukan, 2008
  • Nietzsch et le cercle vicieux
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Single translation, Cikuma-shobo, Oct. 2004
  • ピエール・クロソウスキー「生きた貨幣」(新装版)
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Single translation, 青土社, Apr. 2004
  • マラルメ全集第5巻
    菅野昭正; 兼子正勝ほか
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint translation, 筑摩書房, Apr. 2001
  • Pierre Klossowski,"La monnaie vivante"
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Single translation, Seidosha, Jan. 2000
  • Acepahle
    兼子正勝; 中沢信一; 鈴木創士
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint translation, gendaishicho-sha, Jul. 1999
  • Selected Works of Michel Foucault,t.2
    Japanese, Joint work, Chikuma-shobo, Mar. 1999
  • The Complete Works of Stephane Mallarme,t.3
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint translation, Chikuma-shobo, Apr. 1998
  • Grand Dictionary of World Literature
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Contributor, Shueisha, 1996
  • Dictionary of Nietzsche
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Contributor, kobun-do, 1995
  • Dictionnaire francais-japonais"Progressive"
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Joint editor, Shogaku-kan, 1993
  • Mallarm4e's Text Databese -Divagations
    Scholarly book, French, Joint work, Edition Taga, 1991
  • The Complete Works of Stephane Mallarme,t.4,Correspondance
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint translation, Tchikuma-shobo, 1991
  • Avec Guillevic
    Others, Japanese, Single translation, La poesie francaise aujourd'hui, 1990
  • A Selection of Bernard Noel's p(]E88D4[)ems
    Others, Japanese, Single translation, La poesie francaise aujourd'hui, 1990
  • A Selection of Eugene Savitzkaya's Poems
    Others, Japanese, Single translation, La poesie francaise aujourd'hui, 1990
  • Klossowski,"Nietzsche et le cercle vicieux"
    Masakatsu KANEKO
    Japanese, Supervisor, Tetsugaku-shob(]E87C7[), 1989
  • Robert Grand dictionary French-Japanese
    Dictionary or encycropedia, Japanese, Joint work, Shogaku-kan, 1988
  • College of Sociology
    Japanese, Editor, Kosaku-sha, 1987
  • Yves Bonnefoy,"Presence et I'Image"
    阿部良雄; 兼子正勝
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint translation, Edition Asahi, 1985
  • Michel Foucault,"Mallarm(]E85EE[) de Jaon Perrel. chaed"
    Others, Japanese, Single translation, エピステーメー, 1984
  • Entretien avec Shohei IMAMURA
    Masakatsu Kaneko
    Others, French, Single translation, La Revue du Cinema, 1983
  • Complete Works of Vallery : series "Cahiers",t.8
    菅野昭正; 兼子正勝
    Scholarly book, Japanese, Joint work, 筑摩書房, 1982
  • Special interview with Francois Truffault
    Others, Japanese, Single work, キネマ旬報社, 1980

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • オンラインコミュニティにおける協働の諸条件の解析-Ingressゲームコミュニティを題材として
    永井睦美; 兼子正勝
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報通信学会2018年度春季大会(第38回), 情報通信学会, Domestic conference
    30 Jun. 2018
  • (2+1)次元映像アノテーションシステムにおけるメタデータ活用法の提案
    柘植春菜; 兼子正勝
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会第80回全国大会, 情報処理学会, 早稲田大学, Domestic conference
    15 Mar. 2018
  • E-Picture Book Using Multi-Directional Scrolling and Illustrations with visual Guidance
    Negar Kaghazchi; Sachiko Kodama; Masakatsu Kaneko
    Oral presentation, English, 21th annual conference of Virtual Reality of Japan, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 筑波大学, タブレット端末を使った電子絵本に関して,従来の「ページめくり」といった紙ベースの操作性を排除して,タブレット端末特有の「スクロール」によって全方向に読むことができる電子絵本を開発した.スクロールによる「読み」の誘導には,絵画における視線誘導効果を用いた., Domestic conference
    14 Sep. 2016
  • Twitterソーシャルグラフに対する言語行為論に基づく行動情報付与の研究
    福沢嘉恵; 今江崇; 兼子正勝
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 第96回グループウエアとネットワークサービス研究会, 情報処理学会, 高山市民文化会館, Domestic conference
    03 Oct. 2015
  • (2+1)次元映像アノテーションシステム
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 新技術説明会, 国立研究開発方陣科学技術振興機構, JST東京本部別館, Domestic conference
    12 May 2015
  • WebSocketを用いたリアルタイムなWebデスクトップ共有
    鈴木啓真; 兼子正勝
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会第77回全国大会, 情報処理学会, 京都大学吉田キャンパス, Domestic conference
    17 Mar. 2015
  • 時間及びフレーム内座標情報を利用した(2+1)次元映像アノテーションシステムの研究
    青木哲郎; 兼子正勝
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 情報処理学会第77回全国大会, 情報処理学会, 京都大学吉田キャンパス, Domestic conference
    14 Mar. 2015
  • グループ共有が可能なWebデスクトップの構築
    Hirochika SUZUKI; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Oral presentation, Japanese, ワークショップ2014 (GN Workshop 2014) 論文集, 情報処理学会, 湯河原,, アプリケーションレベルではなくデスクトップレベルの共有により幅広いグループ活動に対応できる共有型 Web デスクトップの提案, Domestic conference
    20 Nov. 2014
  • 「アウト・オブ・コントロール(Out of Control) ──映像的思考をめぐって」について
    Nominated symposium, Japanese, 日本映像学会全国大会, Invited, 日本映像学会, 映像=イメージ概念の歴史的概観と現在的な応用について事例を挙げて述べる, Domestic conference
    01 Jun. 2013
  • Designing Media Content Today --Object model and Environment model
    Masakatsu KANEKO
    Public symposium, English, 学術講演会, University of Science and Technology of China, 合肥
    Mar. 2012
  • Development of a Media Literacy E-Learning Program with video editing simulator
    Miao LINJUIN; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Oral presentation, English, 日本e-learning学会,2011年度学術講演会
    Nov. 2011
  • Development and Evaluation of a Multilanguage Text Input Support System that is Easy for Beginner Language Learners
    Kayo IKEDA; Hideho NUMATA; Masakatsu KANEKO; Kazuhiko MACIDA
    Public symposium, Japanese, 情報アクセスシンポジウム2010, Information Processing Society of Japan, 東京
    Sep. 2010
  • 時間軸データを用いた映像学集合知形成の提案
    斉藤直樹; 兼子正勝
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本映像学会,第36回大会
    May 2010
  • A Proposition of web-based video editing simulator and its application for media literacy education
    MIAO Linjuan; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Oral presentation, English, 日本映像学会,第36回大会
    May 2010
  • Learning Support for Computor Supported Colaborative Learning Based on the similarity of Learners' Knowledge Structure
    Miza KIM; Masakatsu KANEKO; Shigeyoshi WATANABE
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 教育システム情報学会,2009年度学生研究発表会
    Mar. 2010
  • Study of an Automatic Generation of Cartoons from 3D Animation -- Technique and Implementation
    Yumi NAGAI; Kyohei HAYASHI; Hiroyuki ONISHI; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第5回デジタルコンテンツシンポジウム, デジタルコンテンツシンポジウム
    Jun. 2009
  • Authorship and Open-source in the field of Image Art
    Masakatsu KANEKO
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, シンポジウム「藝術は誰のものか? ― 著作権問題を藝術学から考える」, 芸術学関連学会連合
    Jun. 2007
  • 関係論的観点からの「ユーザー」モデルの検討
    今江祟; 兼子正勝
    Oral presentation, Japanese, 日本社会情報学会,2006年大会
    Sep. 2006
  • Mobile Media and Smart Lifestyle
    Masakatsu KANEKO
    Public symposium, Japanese, モバイル社会シンポジウム2006「未来体験と交響する知」, モバイル社会研究所, 東京
    Mar. 2006
  • Mobile media and a proposition of new "user" model
    Masakatsu KANEKO
    Public symposium, Japanese, モバイル社会シンポジウム2006「未来体験と交響する知」, モバイル社会研究所, 東京
    Mar. 2006
  • モバイルメディアの技術的可能性とその社会における位置付けに関する研究
    Nobuo NAKAJIMA; Masakatsu KANEKO; YUtaka YOSHIURA; Maki SAKAMOTO; Sachiko KODAMA; Satoshi IMAE; Yusuke YAMAZAKI; Kiyofumi YOKOMATSU; Syo MATSUO
    Others, Japanese, 「モバイルメディアの技術的可能性とその社会における位置付けに関する研究」研究報告書
  • Mobile Media and Smart lifstyle
    Masakatsu KANEKO
    Others, Japanese, 「モバイルメディアの技術的可能性とその社会における位置付けに関する研究」研究報告書
  • ユーザーの使用行動からみる携帯電話のメディア特性--愛着の形成要因に関する研究
    Satoshi IMAE; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Others, Japanese, 「モバイルメディアの技術的可能性とその社会における位置付けに関する研究」研究報告書
  • Inter-cultural exchange of Image --- Hou Hsiao-hsien, Edward Yang and Yasujiro Ozu
    Masakatsu KANEKO
    Invited oral presentation, English, International Conference on Globalization and Chines Cultures: the Content, Creativity and Communication, Tamkang-University, Taipei, Taiwan, International conference
    Oct. 2005
  • "Movie Comics" with SMIL
    Daisuke SETO; Masakatsu KANEKO
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第1回デジタルコンテンツシンポジウム, デジタルコンテンツシンポジウム実行委員会, 東京
    May 2005
  • A shooting-editing simulator “Virtual Movie Studio” for e-learning of visual media education
    Masakatsu KANEKO; Yosuke SUZUKI; Asako MATSUZAKI; Azusa UCHIYAMA
    Public symposium, Japanese, 第1回デジタルコンテンツシンポジウム, デジタルコンテンツシンポジウム実行委員会, 東京
    May 2005
  • 情報メディアをどう構想するか--「技=芸 ars」の概念を導入する
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会、情報ネットワーク・ネットワークシステム研究ワークショップ, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2004
  • フィルム・ノワールと言説
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本映像学会映像理論研究会, Domestic conference
    Mar. 2004
  • Mallarme et la reflexion sur le system mediatique
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, シンポジウム「テクストの此岸、テクストの彼岸--多様化するマラルメ研究,日本フランス語フランス文学会2003年度秋期大会, Domestic conference
    Oct. 2003
  • Research on the transformation of Media-Space at the end of 19th century in case of Stephane Mallarme
    Others, Japanese, Report of Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research(C)(2)
    Apr. 2003
  • ストローブ=ユイレとマラルメ--見えないものを見る
    Public discourse, Japanese, Invited, Domestic conference
    01 Dec. 2002
  • ストローブ=ユイレとマラルメ--見えないものを見る
    Others, Japanese, 愛知芸術文化センター
    Dec. 2002
  • 現代の映像におけるリアリティについて
    Others, Japanese, 反文学装置としての映画,女性文化研究所,2001/10/13
    Oct. 2001
  • 現代の映像におけるリアリティについて
    Others, Japanese, 反文学装置としての映画,女性文化研究所,2001/10/13
    Oct. 2001
  • 〈外〉を迎えいれるために--映像芸術の最先端で,
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 芸術研究連絡会シンポジウム「多元的共生の時代を越えて」, 日本学術会議・芸術研究連絡会,2001/06/23, Domestic conference
    Jun. 2001
  • 「マグノペット--音・声に反応して動く磁性流体オブジェ--」
    児玉幸子; 竹野美奈子; 山田正太郎; 兼子正勝
    Public symposium, Japanese, 『電気通信大学大学院ISシンポジウム:第8回Sensing and Perception』(電気通信大学大学院情報システム学研究科ヒューマンインターフェース学講座編)
  • French word seach program "Lupin for Windows ver.1.0"
    Others, Japanese, Network sevice of Mallarme's Text Database
    Apr. 2000
  • Affirmation of image - case of Arnaud Desplechin
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, Section of image theory studies,Japan society of image arts and sciences, Domestic conference
    Jan. 2000
  • 映像メディアとコミュニケーション
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, シンポジウム「コミュニケーションの未来を考える」
    Nov. 1998
  • ビデオ作家ゴダール
    Public discourse, Japanese, ゴダール・ビデオ作品上映会「映像の未来」, エコール・プリモ, Domestic conference
    01 Aug. 1998
  • ビデオ作家ゴダール
    Others, Japanese, ゴダール・ビデオ作品上映会「映像の未来」,エコール・プリモ,1998/08/01
    Aug. 1998
  • symposium : for the centenary of Mallarme
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, Association japonaise des etudes mallarmeennes, Domestic conference
    May 1998
  • symposium : for the centenary of Mallarme
    Invited oral presentation, Japanese, Association japonaise des etudes mallarmeennes
    May 1998
  • Gilles Deleuze and the actual situation of visual image analysis
    Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, Symposium"Deleuze's Cinema",Japan society of image arts and sciences, Domestic conference
  • To lie down and to dominate - politics of the height
    Nominated symposium, Japanese, 溝口健二シンポジウム, Invited, アテネフランセ, 東京, Domestic conference
    07 Sep. 1992
  • Mallarme and Bonnefoy
    Oral presentation, Japanese, Association japonaise des (]E85EE[)fudes wallarm(]E85EE[)ennes


  • 3大学協働基礎ゼミ
    The University of Electro-Communications
  • 3大学協働基礎ゼミ

Affiliated academic society

  • Japan Society of Information and Communication Research
  • Japan Society for Education Technology
  • 日仏哲学会
  • 日本社会情報学会
  • Japan Societey of Image Arts and Sciences


  • 中国科学技術大学・電気通信大学メディアアート交流展(Media Arts Exhibition of UEC and USTC)の企画、運営、作品展示
    規模:200人程度, 共同研究者等:中国科学技術大学張燕翔准教授、電気通信大学児玉幸子准教授
    25 Mar. 2012 - 29 Mar. 2012
  • SMIL制御による映像表現「ムービーコミックス」
    入賞等:優秀賞, 共同研究者等:瀬戸大介
    Jun. 2006 - Jun. 2006
  • Mallarme's Information Database(Search program and data)Association des etudes de la Base de donnee mallarmeenne
    1991 - 1991
  • Mallarme's Text Database(Search program and data)Association des etudes de la Base de donnee mallarmeenne
    1991 - 1991
  • Mallarme's Text Database(Correspondance I-XI)Association des etudes de la Base de donnee mallarmeenne
    1991 - 1991

Research Themes

    MATSUMURO Saburo; KANEKO Masakatsu; TAKEUCHI Nobuo
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, RIKKYO UNIVERSITY, Grant-in-Aid for Co-operative Research (A), This project aims to make clear how the textual structure of Stephane Mallarme's Divagations was constructed from its various preoriginal texts. The text of Divagations is in fact a result of complex textual operations consisting in rewriting and rearrangement of these preoriginals and it is very important for the study on Mallarme to clarify the process of the said operations. To attain the object of our research, we have to begin by building up a text-database of Mallarme's writings, by means of which we can analyse in details the manner of text modulation performed by the author. The final object of our research is to give a critical edition of Divagations showing visually the above-mentionned textual operations. This critical edition is now in preparation and will be published as soon as it is finished., 62301057
    1987 - 1988

Industrial Property Rights

  • 動画配信システム及び動画再生装置
    Patent right, 青木哲朗, 兼子正勝, 特眼2015-013732, Date applied: 27 Jan. 2015, The University of Electro-Communications
  • 画像の表示方法及び表示装置
    Patent right, 兼子正勝, 吉川大亮, 2006-216118, Date applied: 01 Oct. 2006, The University of Electro-Communications
  • コンテンツ提供装置、コンテンツ表示装置及びコンテンツ配信システム
    Patent right, 兼子正勝, 瀬戸大介, 2005-340899, Date applied: 25 Nov. 2005, 国立大学法人電気通信大学