Department of Computer and Network Engineering | Assistant Professor |
Cluster II (Emerging Multi-interdisciplinary Engineering) | Assistant Professor |
Institute for Advanced Science | Assistant Professor |
Researcher Information
- Nov. 2020 - Present
JSTさきがけ兼任(革新的な量子情報処理技術基盤の創出) - Apr. 2020 - Present
The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, Assistant Professor - Apr. 2019 - Apr. 2020
Kyoto University, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, 特任助教 - Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2019
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員(PD) - Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2018
理化学研究所, 基礎科学特別研究員 - Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員(DC1)
Educational Background
- Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015
The University of Tokyo, 理学系研究科, 物理学専攻 博士後期課程 - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2012
The University of Tokyo, 理学系研究科, 物理学専攻 博士前期課程 - Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2010
The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics - Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2008
The University of Tokyo, College of Arts and Sciences, 理科一類
Research Activity Information
- Universal Sampling Lower Bounds for Quantum Error Mitigation
Ryuji Takagi; Hiroyasu Tajima; Mile Gu
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS), 131, 21, 22 Nov. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Wigner-Araki-Yanase Theorem for Continuous and Unbounded Conserved Observables
Yui Kuramochi; Hiroyasu Tajima
Last, Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS), 131, 21, 21 Nov. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Beyond i.i.d. in the Resource Theory of Asymmetry: An Information-Spectrum Approach for Quantum Fisher Information
Koji Yamaguchi; Hiroyasu Tajima
Last, Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS), 131, 20, 17 Nov. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Fisher information matrix as a resource measure in the resource theory of asymmetry with general connected-Lie-group symmetry
Daigo Kudo; Hiroyasu Tajima
Last, Physical Review A, American Physical Society (APS), 107, 6, 20 Jun. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Smooth Metric Adjusted Skew Information Rates
Koji Yamaguchi; Hiroyasu Tajima
Last, Quantum, Verein zur Forderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften, 7, 1012-1012, 22 May 2023, Peer-reviwed, Metric adjusted skew information, induced from quantum Fisher information, is a well-known family of resource measures in the resource theory of asymmetry. However, its asymptotic rates are not valid asymmetry monotone since it has an asymptotic discontinuity. We here introduce a new class of asymmetry measures with the smoothing technique, which we term smooth metric adjusted skew information. We prove that its asymptotic sup- and inf-rates are valid asymptotic measures in the resource theory of asymmetry. Furthermore, it is proven that the smooth metric adjusted skew information rates provide a lower bound for the coherence cost and an upper bound for the distillable coherence.
Scientific journal, English - Switching the function of the quantum Otto cycle in non-Markovian dynamics: Heat engine, heater, and heat pump
Miku Ishizaki; Naomichi Hatano; Hiroyasu Tajima
Last, Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (APS), 5, 2, 27 Apr. 2023, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Superconducting-like Heat Current: Effective Cancellation of Current-Dissipation Trade-Off by Quantum Coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima; Ken Funo
Lead, Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS), 127, 19, 04 Nov. 2021, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Coherence cost for violating conservation laws
Hiroyasu Tajima; Naoto Shiraishi; Keiji Saito
Lead, Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (APS), 2, 4, 15 Dec. 2020, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Universal limitations on implementing resourceful unitary evolutions
Ryuji Takagi; Hiroyasu Tajima
Last, Physical Review A, American Physical Society (APS), 101, 2, 12 Feb. 2020, Peer-reviwed, We derive a trade-off relation between accuracy of implementing a desired unitary evolution using a restricted set of free unitaries and the size of the assisting system, in terms of the resource generating and losing capacity of the target unitary. In particular, this relation implies that, for any theory equipped with a resource measure satisfying lenient conditions, any resource changing unitary cannot be perfectly implemented by a free unitary applied to a system and an environment if the environment has finite dimensions. Our results are applicable to a wide class of resources including energy, asymmetry, coherence, entanglement, and magic, imposing ultimate limitations inherent in such important physical settings, as well as providing insights into operational restrictions in general resource theories.
Scientific journal, English - Uncertainty Relations in Implementation of Unitary Operations
Tajima Hiroyasu; Shiraishi Naoto; Saito Keiji
Lead, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 121, 11, 13 Sep. 2018, Peer-reviwed - Efficiency versus speed in quantum heat engines: Rigorous constraint from Lieb-Robinson bound
Naoto Shiraishi; Hiroyasu Tajima
Last, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 96, 2, Aug. 2017, Peer-reviwed, A long-standing open problem whether a heat engine with finite power achieves the Carnot efficiency is investgated. We rigorously prove a general trade-off inequality on thermodynamic efficiency and time interval of a cyclic process with quantum heat engines. In a first step, employing the Lieb-Robinson bound we establish an inequality on the change in a local observable caused by an operation far from support of the local observable. This inequality provides a rigorous characterization of the following intuitive picture that most of the energy emitted from the engine to the cold bath remains near the engine when the cyclic process is finished. Using this description, we prove an upper bound on efficiency with the aid of quantum information geometry. Our result generally excludes the possibility of a process with finite speed at the Carnot efficiency in quantum heat engines. In particular, the obtained constraint covers engines evolving with non-Markovian dynamics, which almost all previous studies on this topic fail to address.
Scientific journal, English - Finite-size effect on optimal efficiency of heat engines
Hiroyasu Tajima; Masahito Hayashi
Lead, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 96, 1, Jul. 2017, Peer-reviwed, The optimal efficiency of quantum (or classical) heat engines whose heat baths are n-particle systems is given by the strong large deviation. We give the optimal work extraction process as a concrete energy-preserving unitary time evolution among the heat baths and the work storage. We show that our optimal work extraction turns the disordered energy of the heat baths to the ordered energy of the work storage, by evaluating the ratio of the entropy difference to the energy difference in the heat baths and the work storage, respectively. By comparing the statistical mechanical optimal efficiency with the macroscopic thermodynamic bound, we evaluate the accuracy of themacroscopic thermodynamics with finite-size heat baths from the statistical mechanical viewpoint. We also evaluate the quantum coherence effect on the optimal efficiency of the cycle processes without restricting their cycle time by comparing the classical and quantum optimal efficiencies.
Scientific journal, English - Quantum Jarzynski equality of measurement-based work extraction
Yohei Morikuni; Hiroyasu Tajima; Naomichi Hatano
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 95, 3, Mar. 2017, Peer-reviwed, Many studies of quantum-size heat engines assume that the dynamics of an internal system is unitary and that the extracted work is equal to the energy loss of the internal system. Both assumptions, however, should be under scrutiny. In the present paper, we analyze quantum-scale heat engines, employing the measurement-based formulation of the work extraction recently introduced by Hayashi and Tajima [M. Hayashi and H. Tajima, arXiv: 1504.06150]. We first demonstrate the inappropriateness of the unitary time evolution of the internal system (namely, the first assumption above) using a simple two-level system; we show that the variance of the energy transferred to an external system diverges when the dynamics of the internal system is approximated to a unitary time evolution. Second, we derive the quantum Jarzynski equality based on the formulation of Hayashi and Tajima as a relation for the work measured by an external macroscopic apparatus. The right-hand side of the equality reduces to unity for " natural" cyclic processes but fluctuates wildly for noncyclic ones, exceeding unity often. This fluctuation should be detectable in experiments and provide evidence for the present formulation.
Scientific journal, English - Measurement-based formulation of quantum heat engines
Masahito Hayashi; Hiroyasu Tajima
Last, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 95, 3, Mar. 2017, Peer-reviwed, There exist two formulations for quantum heat engines that model energy transfer between two microscopic systems. One is the semiclassical scenario and the other is the full quantum scenario. The former is formulated as unitary evolution for the internal system and is adopted by the statistical mechanics community. In the latter, the whole process is formulated as unitary and is adopted by the quantum information community. This paper proposes a model for quantum heat engines that transfer energy from a collection of microscopic systems to a macroscopic system like a fuel cell. In such a situation, the amount of extracted work is visible for a human. For this purpose, we formulate a quantum heat engine as the measurement process whose measurement outcome is the amount of extracted work. Under this model, we derive a suitable energy-conservation law and propose a more concrete submodel. Then we derive a trade-off relation between the measurability of the amount of work extraction and the coherence of the internal system, which limits the applicability of the semiclassical scenario to a heat engine transferring energy from a collection of microscopic systems to a macroscopic system.
Scientific journal, English - Large Deviation implies First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Hiroyasu Tajima; Eyuri Wakakuwa; Tomohiro Ogawa
21 Nov. 2016, To reconstruct thermodynamics based on the microscopic laws is one of the
most important unfulfilled goals of statistical physics. Here, we show that the
first law and the second law for adiabatic processes are derived from an
assumption that "probability distributions of energy in Gibbs states satisfy
large deviation", which is widely accepted as a property of thermodynamic
equilibrium states. We define an adiabatic transformation as a randomized
energy-preserving unitary transformations on the many-body systems and the work
storage. As the second law, we show that an adiabatic transformation from a set
of Gibbs states to another set of Gibbs states is possible if and only if the
regularized von Neumann entropy becomes large. As the first law, we show that
the energy loss of the thermodynamic systems during the adiabatic
transformation is stored in the work storage as "work," in the following
meaning; (i) the energy of the work storage takes certain values
macroscopically, in the initial state and the final state. (ii) the entropy of
the work storage in the final state is macroscopically equal to the entropy of
the initial state. As corollaries, our results give the principle of maximam
work and the first law for the isothermal processes.
Scientific journal - Regularized Boltzmann entropy determines macroscopic adiabatic accessibility
Hiroyasu Tajima; Eyuri Wakakuwa
04 Jan. 2016, How the thermodynamic entropy $S_{TD}$ is related to the Boltzmann entropy
$S_{B}$ has been one of the central issues since the beginning of statistical
mechanics. Today, it is believed that the thermodynamic entropy $S_{TD}$ is
equal to a function $\tilde{S}_{B}$ that is defined by regularizing the
Boltzman entropy in order to ensure extensivity. However, it is not known
whether $\tilde{S}_{B}$ completely determines the possibility of a macroscopic
adiabatic transformation in the same way as $S_{TD}$ does. In this paper, by
formulating the possibility of a macroscopic adiabatic transformations in terms
of "coarse-graining" of quantum operations, we prove that $\tilde{S}_{B}$
provides a necessary and sufficient condition for the possibility of a
macroscopic adiabatic transformation.
Scientific journal - 21pAY-2 Quantum Jarzynski equality of measurement-based work extraction
Morikuni Yohei; Tajima Hiroyasu; Hatano Naomichi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 71, 3020-3020, 2016
Japanese - A New Second Law of Information Thermodynamics Using Entanglement Measure
Tajima Hiroyasu
Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, 1, 1, 012129, 2014, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Second law of information thermodynamics with entanglement transfer
Hiroyasu Tajima
Lead, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 88, 4, Oct. 2013, Peer-reviwed, We present an inequality which holds in the thermodynamical processes with measurement and feedback controls and uses only the Helmholtz free energy and the entanglement of formation: W-ext <= -Lambda F - k(B)T Lambda E-F. The quantity - Delta E-F, which is positive, expresses the amount of entanglement transfer from system S to probe P through the interaction (U) over cap (SP) during the measurement. It is easier to achieve the upper bound in this inequality than in the Sagawa-Ueda inequality [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 080403 (2008)]. Our inequality has clear physical meaning: in the above thermodynamical processes, the work which we can extract from the thermodynamic system is greater than the upper bound in the conventional thermodynamics by the amount of the entanglement extracted by the measurement.
Scientific journal, English - Deterministic LOCC transformation of three-qubit pure states and entanglement transfer
Hiroyasu Tajima
Lead, ANNALS OF PHYSICS, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 329, 1-27, Feb. 2013, Peer-reviwed, A necessary and sufficient condition of the possibility of a deterministic local operations and classical communication (LOCC) transformation of three-qubit pure states is given. The condition shows that the three-qubit pure states are a partially ordered set parametrized by five well-known entanglement parameters and a novel parameter; the five are the concurrences C-AB, C-AC, C-BC, the tangle tau(ABC) and the fifth parameter J(5) of Acin et al. (2000) Ref. [19], while the other new one is the entanglement charge Q(e). The order of the partially ordered set is defined by the possibility of a deterministic LOCC transformation from a state to another state. In this sense, the present condition is an extension of Nielsen's work (Nielsen (1999) [14]) to three-qubit pure states. We also clarify the rules of transfer and dissipation of the entanglement which is caused by deterministic LOCC transformations. Moreover, the minimum number of times of measurements to reproduce an arbitrary deterministic LOCC transformation between three-qubit pure states is given. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English
- 最近の研究から 量子コヒーレンスによる流速・散逸のトレードオフの実効的無効化
田島裕康; 布能謙
Lead, Sep. 2022, 日本物理学会誌, 77, 9, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - 29pBD-2 Quantum Jarzynski equalities for the energy costs of the information processes
Morikuni Yohei; Tajima Hiroyasu
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 05 Mar. 2014, Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 69, 1, 354-354, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110009834817, AA11439205 - 28pXM-4 A new version of the second law of information thermodynamics using entanglement measure
Tajima Hiroyasu
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 26 Mar. 2013, Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 68, 1, 387-387, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110009643818, AA11439205 - 23aED-4 A graph representation of the entanglement parameters of many-qubit systems
Tajima Hiroyasu
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 24 Aug. 2011, Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 66, 2, 167-167, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110008757832, AA11439205 - 25aRB-13 Deterministic LOCC Transformation of three-qubit pure states
Tajima H.
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 03 Mar. 2011, Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 66, 1, 169-169, Japanese, 1342-8349, 110008610326, AA11439205
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- A Universal Constraint on the Reversibility of Quantum Dynamics from Symmetry and Its Applications
Hiroyasu Tajima
Invited oral presentation, English, AQIS 2024 Satellite Workshop on Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Information, Invited
31 Aug. 2024 - Gibbs-preserving operations requiring infinite amount of quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Invited oral presentation, English, Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Physics 2024, Invited
19 Jul. 2024 - 量子ゲートおよび量子熱機関に対するコヒーレンスの影響の研究
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本物理学会 2024年春季大会, Invited
20 Mar. 2024 - Wigner-Araki-Yanase定理の発展とその周辺: 対称性がダイナミクスにもたらす普遍的制限
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第10回QUATUO研究会, Invited
07 Jan. 2024
06 Jan. 2024- 07 Jan. 2024 - Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility and quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Oral presentation, English, Statphys 28, Peer-reviewed
09 Aug. 2023 - Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility and quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Oral presentation, English, Quantum Thermodynamics 2023, Peer-reviewed
18 Jul. 2023 - Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility and quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Invited oral presentation, English, XV. International Workshop LIE THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN PHYSICS, Invited
21 Jun. 2023
19 Jun. 2023- 25 Jun. 2023 - 量子チャンネル実装における対称性・不可逆性・量子性の統一的トレードオフ構造とその応用
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第1回中部量子若手ワークショップ, Invited
23 Mar. 2023 - 熱流と量子効果の関係
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 最適輸送とその周辺 - 機械学習から熱力学的最適化まで, Invited
16 Mar. 2023
15 Mar. 2023- 17 Mar. 2023 - 原子核における"Open" problems
Nominated symposium, Japanese, 第4回若手放談会:エキゾチック核物理の将来, Invited
15 Mar. 2023
15 Mar. 2023- 17 Mar. 2023 - 量子開放系におけるエネルギーの流れと量子効果
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第4回若手放談会:エキゾチック核物理の将来, Invited
15 Mar. 2023
15 Mar. 2023- 17 Mar. 2023 - Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility and quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Invited oral presentation, English, APS March meeting, Invited, Peer-reviewed
10 Mar. 2023
05 Mar. 2023- 10 Mar. 2023 - Universal sampling lower bounds for quantum error mitigation
Invited oral presentation, NICT若手チャレンジラボ・ミニ研究会, Invited
24 Feb. 2023
24 Feb. 2023- 25 Feb. 2023 - 量子チャンネル実装における対称性・不可逆性・量子性の統一的トレードオフ構造とその応用
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 量子情報と量子基礎論の諸側面, Invited
10 Feb. 2023
09 Feb. 2023- 10 Feb. 2023 - Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility and quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Oral presentation, English, Quantum Information Processing 2023 (QIP2023)
07 Feb. 2023
06 Feb. 2023- 10 Feb. 2023 - Exploration of quantum gravity and condensed matter physics based on symmetry and information geometry
Hiroyasu Tajima
Invited oral presentation, English, Extreme Universe Second Annual Meeting
26 Dec. 2022
26 Dec. 2022- 28 Dec. 2022 - Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility and quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Oral presentation, English, quantum resources workshop
07 Dec. 2022
05 Dec. 2022- 08 Dec. 2022 - Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility and quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Oral presentation, English, 2nd International Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science (TSQS2022)
09 Nov. 2022
08 Nov. 2022- 11 Nov. 2022 - Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility and quantum coherence and its application to black hole physics
Hiroyasu Tajima
Oral presentation, English, Quantum Extreme Universe From Quantum Information
27 Sep. 2022
26 Sep. 2022- 30 Sep. 2022 - Superconducting-like heat current: Effective cancellation of current-dissipation trade off by quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Public discourse, English, 理研ithemsワークショップ, Invited
25 Jul. 2022 - Superconducting-like heat current: Effective cancellation of current-dissipation trade off by quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Oral presentation, English, Stochastic Thermodyanmics III (WOST III)
02 Jun. 2022
26 May 2022- 03 Jun. 2022 - Universal limitation of quantum information recovery: symmetry versus coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima
Oral presentation, APS March meeting
Mar. 2022 - 量子コヒーレンスによる熱流-散逸トレードオフの実効的無効化
田島 裕康
Invited oral presentation, 量子・情報・熱ミニワークショップ, Invited
Dec. 2021 - Universal limitation on information recovery from scrambling with symmetry and its application to black hole physics
Hiroyasu Tajima
Invited oral presentation, English, Workshop on quantum information and quantum black holes, Invited
08 Sep. 2021 - Superconducting-like heat current: Effective cancellation of current-dissipation trade off by quantum coherence
Hiroyasu Tajima; Ken Funo
Oral presentation, English, APS March meeting
15 Mar. 2021
15 Mar. 2021- 19 Mar. 2021 - 対称性のリソース理論:保存則の元での測定・操作の原理的限界
Public discourse, Japanese, 物性若手夏の学校(オンライン), Invited
28 Sep. 2020 - ユニタリ実装のコヒーレンスコストと、量子熱機関への応用:不確定性関係がもたらす影響
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 量子多体系の熱力学ーー数理の発展と展望, Invited
14 Sep. 2020 - 保存則の元での量子測定・操作のコヒーレンス・コスト
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, QMKEK7 量子論の諸問題と今後の発展, Invited
11 Feb. 2020 - coherence cost for measurement and computation under conservation laws
Oral presentation, English, Quantum Information Processing 2020 (QIP2020)
06 Jan. 2020 - Uncertainty relations in implementation of unitary operation
Tajima Hiroyasu
Oral presentation, English, 18th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference, International conference
Sep. 2018 - Uncertainty relations in implementation of unitary controls
Tajima Hiroyasu
Invited oral presentation, English, APCTP-KIAS Workshop on "Motors and Engines, Invited, International conference
Jun. 2018 - Uncertainty Relations in Implementation of Unitary Control
Tajima Hiroyasu
Oral presentation, English, APS March meeting 2018, International conference
Mar. 2018 - Large Deviation implies First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Tajima Hiroyasu
Oral presentation, English, Fifth Quantum Thermodynamics Conference, International conference
Mar. 2017 - Measurement-based formulation and optimal performance of quantum heat engine
Tajima Hiroyasu
Invited oral presentation, English, 量子情報と有限長理論の新展開, Invited, Domestic conference
Aug. 2016 - 量子熱機関の再定式化と、その性能の漸近評価
田島 裕康
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第4回統計物理学懇談会, Invited, Domestic conference
Mar. 2016 - データ圧縮とエンジンの意外な関係 ~情報理論に基づく微小系熱力学~
田島 裕康
Nominated symposium, Japanese, 日本数学コンクールフォローアップセミナー 数理ウェーブ, Invited, Domestic conference
Dec. 2014 - エンタングルメントと量子相関
田島 裕康
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第六回基礎物理学セミナー合宿, Invited, Domestic conference
Dec. 2013
Research Themes
- 量子性による不可逆性抑制の幾何的普遍原理に基づく融合領域の開拓
JST, 創発的研究支援事業, JST, Principal investigator
Apr. 2025 - Mar. 2032 - 誤り耐性型量子コンピュータの新規手法・応用の萌芽的研究開発
JST, Moonshot, 電気通信大学, Coinvestigator
Dec. 2020 - Mar. 2031 - 量子効果によるエネルギー生成/利用の革新的効率向上法の開拓と実現
田島 裕康
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 学術変革領域研究(B), 24H00830
01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2027 - 量子効果に基づくエネルギーデバイスの性能向上理論の構築
田島 裕康
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 学術変革領域研究(B), 24H00831
01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2027 - 量子情報幾何に基づく、対称性・不可逆性・量子性の統一的理論の構築と応用 (延長)
田島 裕康
科学技術振興機構, 戦略的な研究開発の推進 戦略的創造研究推進事業 さきがけ, 電気通信大学, Principal investigator, 本研究課題では、対称性・不可逆性・量子性の間に存在する普遍的な構造を定式化・理解する統一的な理論体系を構築し、量子計算・量子熱力学・物性および生物物理をはじめとした幅広い分野へ応用することを目指します。また、それらの知見を踏まえて、耐故障性量子計算の実現に向けた誤り訂正符号の探求、量子熱機関をはじめとした量子デバイスの性能向上法の解析を行う予定です。
Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2025 - Exploration of quantum gravity and condensed matter based on symmetry and information geometry
田島 裕康
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), Principal investigator, 22H05250
Jun. 2022 - Mar. 2024 - 量子情報幾何に基づく、対称性・不可逆性・量子性の統一的理論の構築と応用
JST, JST PRESTO, 電気通信大学, Principal investigator
Nov. 2020 - Mar. 2024 - リソース理論に基づく量子測定・操作の統一的限界
田島 裕康
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費補助金 若手研究, Principal investigator
Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2023 - 制限付き仮説検定による緩和と計算の統一的理解
田島 裕康
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員(PD)・研究奨励費, Principal investigator
Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2019 - 情報理論から探る量子系・メゾスコピック系の熱機関効率とその実験的検証
田島 裕康
理化学研究所, 基礎科学特別研究員 研究費, Principal investigator
Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2018 - 多体エンタングルメントの定量化
田島 裕康
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員(DC1)・研究奨励費, Principal investigator
Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015
Media Coverage
- Quantum physicists just got more certain about quantum uncertainty
Other than myself, New Scientist Ltd., New Scientist, New Scientist issue 3470 https://www.newscientist.com/article/2409067-quantum-physicists-just-got-more-certain-about-quantum-uncertainty/, Paper
23 Dec. 2023 - Extending the uncertainty principle by using an unbounded operator
Other than myself, phys.org, phys.org, https://phys.org/news/2023-12-uncertainty-principle-unbounded.html, Internet
05 Dec. 2023 - 「量子」が変える未来のエンジン 極小世界から革新か
Other than myself, 日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞, 26面8段 「科学の扉」, Paper
03 Dec. 2023 - 東大・電通大・JST、量子コンピュータのノイズ効果を抑制する量子誤り抑制法の原理的性能限界を解明
Other than myself, 日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞(電子版), Paper
23 Nov. 2023 - 電通大とJST、量子系から取り出せる量子コヒーレンスの最大量を理論的に解明
Other than myself, 日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞(電子版), Paper
20 Nov. 2023 - 量子効果の熱流影響解明 電通大と理研 熱機関 性能向上に道
Other than myself, 日刊工業新聞社, 日刊工業新聞, 朝刊 22面3段1枚, Paper
11 Nov. 2021 - 電通大・JST・理研、熱の流れに量子効果が与える影響を解明
Other than myself, 日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞(電子版), Paper
05 Nov. 2021 - 量子力学、操作に限界 電通大 計算機の設計に応用
Other than myself, 日本経済新聞社, 日経産業新聞, Paper
25 Sep. 2018 - 量子力学「操作」に限界 電通大発見、計算機に応用も
日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞(電子版), Paper
21 Sep. 2018 - 電通大などが発見した量子操作の原理的限界の論文 米物理学誌PRLに掲載
Other than myself, 電波新聞社, 電波新聞, Paper
14 Sep. 2018