Emeritus Professor etc. | Emeritus Professor |
Researcher Information
- Jun. 2015 - Dec. 2021
科学技術振興機構, さきがけ「光極限」, 研究総括 - 01 Jul. 2018 - 31 Aug. 2021
CELOX Photonic Technology, 顧問 - 27 Apr. 2013 - 31 Dec. 2017
Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science, Institute of Applied Physics, Leading Scientist of Mega Grant Program - 01 Apr. 2017
Osaka University, Institute of Laser Engineering, Specially Appointed Professor - 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017
豊田理化学研究所, 客員フェロー - 01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2017
Osaka University, Institute of Laser Engineering, 特任教授 - 07 May 2013
Jiangsu Normal University, Laboratory of Laser Materials, Honorary Professor - 01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2013
Osaka University, Visiting Professor - 01 Apr. 2012
浜松ホトニクス, 顧問 - 01 Apr. 2012
電気通信大学, 名誉教授 - 01 Apr. 2012
UEC-Tokyo, 企画調査室, Specially Appointed Professor - 13 Mar. 2012
SIOM (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS), Hororary Professor - Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2012
Institute for Laser Science, Univ. Electro-Communications, Professor - 07 Sep. 2010
South China Normal University, Honorary Professor - 01 Apr. 2007
University of Tokyo, 客員教授 (CORAL講義担当) - Dec. 2003
Shenzhen Graduated School of Harbin Institute of Technology, Honorary Foreign Professor - Oct. 2000 - Mar. 2001
Technical University of Vienna, Guest Professor - Jun. 1990 - Mar. 1999
Institute for Laser Science, Univ. Electro-Communications, Professor - 01 Apr. 1996 - 31 Mar. 1997
国立天文台, 太陽物理学系, 併任教授 - Mar. 1990 - May 1990
Institute for Laser Science, Univ. Electro-Communications, Professor - May 1981 - Mar. 1990
Institute for Laser Science, Univ. Electro-Communications, Associate Professor - May 1976 - Apr. 1981
Department of Physics, Sophia University, Resaeach Associate - Apr. 1971 - Mar. 1976
R&D Center, JEOL, Senior Researcher
Educational Background
Member History
- 01 Apr. 2015 - 30 Sep. 2022
日本学術会議 ICO分科会 連携会員, 日本学術会議 ICO分科会, Government - 01 Apr. 2015 - 30 Sep. 2022
日本学術会議 電子デバイス分科会 連携会員, 日本学術会議 電子デバイス分科会, Government - 01 Apr. 2015 - 30 Sep. 2022
日本学術会議 国際サイエンスデータ分科会 連会会員, 日本学術会議 国際サイエンスデータ分科会, Government - 28 Jun. 2019 - 28 Jun. 2022
文科省 日本学術振興会評価有識者会議, 文部科学省 独立行政法人日本学術振興会評価有識者会議, Government - 01 Oct. 2018 - 30 Sep. 2021
日本学術会議 23期、24期 連携会員, 日本学術会議 23期、24期 連携会員, Government - 21 Jan. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2020
Lyman-a laser development program, KEK/J-PARC International Advisory Committee, Others - 01 Jan. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2020
第3回国際評価委員会, 理化学研究所 RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics 第3回国際外部評価委員会, Others - 18 Oct. 2019
パワーレーザーと高エネルギー密度科学技術に関する有識者会議, パワーレーザーと高エネルギー密度科学技術に関する有識者会議, Others - 12 Jan. 2019 - 12 Jan. 2019
在り方検討委員会(外部評価), 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所, Others - 01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
レーザー核融合によるエネルギー開発に向けた有識者会議 専門委員会 委員, レーザー核融合によるエネルギー開発に向けた有識者会議 専門委員会 委員, Society - 01 Oct. 2005 - 31 Mar. 2018
Member of SCJ, Science Council of Japan, Government - 01 Oct. 2005 - 31 Mar. 2018
連携会員、委員, 日本学術会議 物性、物理学一般分科会, Government - 01 Oct. 2014 - 30 Sep. 2017
日本学術会議 第22期連携会員, 日本学術会議, Government - 31 Jul. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2017
第2回国際評価委員会, 理化学研究所 RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics 第2回国際外部評価委員会, Others - Feb. 2014 - May 2014
International Review Committee, RIKEN, Center for Advanced Photonics, Others - Feb. 2014 - May 2014
理化学研究所 RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics 国際外部評価委員会, 理化学研究所 RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics 国際外部評価委員会, Others - Jan. 2004 - Dec. 2013
Editor-in-Chief of Optical Review, Society - Jan. 2004 - Dec. 2013
Optical Review 編集委員長, 日本光学会, Society - May 2011 - May 2013
評議員, レーザー学会, Society - May 2009 - May 2011
Vice President, Society - May 2009 - May 2011
副会長, レーザー学会, Society - Feb. 2010 - Feb. 2011
General Chair of the 31th Annual Meeting, Society - Feb. 2010 - Feb. 2011
第31回年次大会実行委員長, レーザー学会, Society - Sep. 2006 - Sep. 2010
日本物理学会, 日本物理学会, Society - 01 Apr. 2006 - 31 Mar. 2010
日本物理学会 理事, 日本物理学会 理事, Society - May 2001 - May 2009
理事, レーザー学会, Society - Dec. 2008
国会誌OA化検討WG, 日本物理学会, Society - Oct. 2005 - Sep. 2008
C17 Chair, IUPAP, Society - Oct. 2005 - Sep. 2008
委員長, Society - Nov. 2007 - Jun. 2008
オープンアクセス問題WG, 日本物理学会, Society - Apr. 2008
法人化対策委員会, 日本物理学会, Society - Sep. 2006
広報委員会, 日本物理学会, Society - Apr. 2006
論文誌刊行問題検討WG, 日本物理学会, Society - Apr. 2005 - Feb. 2006
フェロー制度検討委員会, 応用物理学会, Society - Oct. 2002 - Sep. 2005
C17 Secretary, IUPAP, Society - Oct. 2002 - Sep. 2005
幹事, Society - Apr. 2005
国際会議検討委員会, 応用物理学会, Society - Mar. 2005
代議員, プラズマ・核融合学会, Society - 2002 - 2005
論文誌出版委員会, 応用物理学会, Society - 2004
常任幹事, 日本光学会, Society - 2000 - 2002
Director at Large, OSA(Optical Society of America), Society - 2000 - 2002
理事, Society - 2001 - 2001
刊行委員会, 日本物理学会, Society - 2000 - 2001
運営業務会議議長, 物理系学術誌刊行協会, Society - 1999 - 2001
物理学術誌電子化出版委員会, 物理系学術誌刊行協会, Society - 2001
Editor of Virtual Journal, IPAP (Institute of Pure and Applied Physics), Society - 2001
General Chair, JJCQE(Japan Joint Council of Quantum Electronics), Society - 2001
議長, Society - 2000
運営担当理事, 物理系学術誌刊行協会, Society - 1998 - 1999
JJAP担当理事, 応用物理学会, Society - 1995 - 1999
Topical Editor of Applied Optics, OSA(Optical Society of America), Society - 1995 - 1999
エディター, Society - 1998
フォトンテクノロジー技術部会 部会長, 日本オプトメカロトニクス協会, Society - 1994 - 1996
応用物理学会講演会量子エレクトロニスク分野世話人代表, 応用物理学会, Society - 1996
フォトン計測・加工 技術調査委員会 委員長, 日本オプトメカロトニクス協会, Society - 1993 - 1995
講演会世話人, 応用物理学会, Society - 1993 - 1994
応用物理学賞選考委員, 応用物理学会, Society - 1993 - 1994
プラズマ・核融合 分科会世話人, 日本物理学会, Society - 1991 - 1994
固体レーザーとその応用動向調査専門委員会 委員, 電気学会, Society - 1984 - 1994
技術委員会幹事, 電気学会, Society - 1994
技術委員会副委員長, 電気学会, Society - 1992 - 1993
代表幹事, 画像変換装置合同研究会(電気、通信、テレビ、レーザー学会), Society - 1989 - 1992
超短パルスレーザー応用技術調査専門委員会 委員長, 電気学会, Society - 1988 - 1992
調査委員会委員長,委員, 電気学会, Society - 1984 - 1992
調査委員会委員長,委員, 電気学会, Society - 1992
レーザーコンポーネント技術調査専門委員会 委員, 電気学会, Society - 1990 - 1991
編集委員, レーザー学会, Society - 1990
C部門全国大会実行委員会 委員, 電気学会, Society - 1986
論文委員会委員,論文査読委員,幹事,A1幹事, 電気学会, Society - 1984
幹事, 画像変換装置合同研究会(電気、通信、テレビ、レーザー学会), Society - 1984
光・量子デバイス技術委員会 幹事,副委員長, 電気学会, Society - 1983
会員, レーザー学会, Society
Research Activity Information
- Nov. 2019
Prime Minister (Japan Emperor)
The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
Others, Japan - Sep. 2019
Others, China - Sep. 2019
Kunshan Municipal People's Government, Suzhou, China
Honorary Citizen of Kunshan City "Jade flower" Award
Others, China - Sep. 2019
he Polish Ceramic Society
he Polish Ceramic Society Award, Ken-ichi Ueda
International academic award, Poland - Nov. 2016
Russian Academy of Sciences, ロシア科学アカデミーの外国人会員に選出された。2016年現在、日本人会員は14名、他のメンバーは伊藤正男1994(脳科学)、石原舜三2003(花崗岩)、小柴昌俊2003(ニュートリノ、ノーベル物理学賞)、中村喜和1999(ロシア文字)、西澤潤一1988(文化勲章)、野依良治2003(ノーベル化学賞)、松前達郎1988(力学と制御、東海大学理事長)、岡田敏嗣1997(農業)、鈴木篤人2011(高エネルギー研元所長)、吉村健清2014(予防医学)、上田誠也1994(地球物理)、広中平祐1994(フィールズ賞)、江崎玲於奈1994(ノーベル物理学賞)である。
Foreign Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
International academic award, Russian Federation - May 2015
Fellow of Japan Laser Society
International academic award, Japan - Jul. 2011
泰山賞 レーザー進歩賞 - Apr. 2011
紫綬褒章 物理学 - Apr. 2011
Prime Minister (Japan Emperor)
Medal with Purple Ribbon
Others - Apr. 2009
文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞(研究部門) - Mar. 2008
Optical Society of America
OSA Traveling Lecturer
United States - Aug. 2007
応用物理学会フェロー - Apr. 2007
日経BP技術賞 機械システム部門賞 - Apr. 2007
日本オプトメカトロニクス協会 功労賞 - Mar. 2007
第8回 光・量子エレクトロニクス業績賞 - May 2006
第30回レーザー学会論文賞 - Dec. 2002
Sakurai Award - May 2002
レーザー学会 研究進歩賞 - Feb. 2000
Optical Society of America
OSA Fellow
International academic award, United States - May 1994
第18回レーザー学会論文賞 - May 1984
- 高出力ファイバーレーザー その歴史と展開から学ぶ、
光技術コンタクト、58, 1-12 (2020), 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, 58, 43-54, Jan. 2020, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - Q-switched mode-locked ytterbium-doped fiber laser with radial polarization,
Biran Shi; Quan Zhang; Fanchun Tang; Ken-ichi Ueda; Jianlang Li
Laser Physics Letters, 6,065103 (2019)., IOP, 6, 065103-065111, 14 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Generation of vector polarization in a Nd:YAG laser
Optics Express, OSA, 27, 15136-15141, 13 May 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Space gravitational-wave antennas DECIGO and B-DECIGO,
DECIGO Collaboration
Int. J. Modern Physics D,, World Scientific, 28, 845001-845016, 2019, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Laser generation on Yb:LuAG ceramics produced by nanocrystalline pressure-less sintering in H2
I L Snetkov; Ding Zhou; A I Yakovlev; M R Volkov; I I Kuznetsov; I B Mukhin; O V Palashov; Ying Shi; Ken-ichi Ueda
Laser Physics Letters, IOP, 15, 035801-035804, 05 Feb. 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Cascade conical refraction for annular pumping of a vortex Nd:YAG laser and selective excitation of low- and high-order Laguerre-Gaussian modes
Yongxiao Wu; Zhongyang Wang; Sanbin Chen; Akira Shirakwa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Jianlang Li
Laser Physics Letters, IOPP, 15, 055804, 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Thin-rod Yb:YAG amplifiers for high average and peak power lasers,
I. Kuznetsov; I. Mukhin; O. Palashov; K. Ueda
Optics Letters, OSA, 42, 3941-3944, 2018, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Vortex Ti:Sapphire laser by using an intracavity spot-defect spatial filter
Shiwen Tan; Changhe Zhou; Akira Shirakakwa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Jianlang Li
OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 96, 76-80, Nov. 2017, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated an LG(01)-mode vortex Ti:Sapphire laser by utilizing an intracavity spot defect for spatial filtering. At the 140-mu m diameter of spot defect, the power of vortex laser output reached 135 mW, and the slope efficiency of laser was 17.7%. The effects of the sizes of spot defects on the transverse laser modes and laser powers were also discussed. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Yb3+-doped CaF2-LaF3 ceramics laser
Shotaro Kitajima; Kentaro Yamakado; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Yoshinobu Ezura; Hitoshi Ishizawa
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 42, 9, 1724-1727, May 2017, Peer-reviwed, Highly transparent ceramic is an attractive gain medium for high-power lasers due to its high fracture toughness, homogeneity, and size scalability. Here we report the first Yb3+-doped CaF2-LaF3 ceramics laser. Codoping of La3+ ion can reduce the formation of Yb2+ ions and enhance the laser efficiency. In the laser experiment, the maximum output power of 4.36 W and the maximum slope efficiency of 69.5% were obtained with a 3% La, 2% Yb sample and a 2% La, 1% Yb sample, respectively. Due to the combined properties of Yb: CaF2 and a ceramic laser gain medium, Yb: CaF2-LaF3 ceramic is a promising gain medium for a high-power ultrashort pulse laser and amplifier. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Fabrication of Yb:LuAG transparent ceramic by wet chemical route and pressure-less sintering in reducing He
D. Zhou; Y. Shi; J. Xie; D. Chen; J. Dong; K. Ueda; J. Xu
Optical Material Express, OSA, 7, 1274-1280, Apr. 2017, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Conical refraction, for annular pumping of an efficient vortex Nd:YAG laser,
Guiyun Li; Kegui Xia; Zhongyang Wang; Hao Shen; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Jianlang Li
Laser Physics Letters, IOP, 14, 075001-075006, 2017, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Thin-tapered-rod Yb:YAG laser amplifier
Ivan Kuznetsov; Ivan Mukhin; Oleg Palashov; Ken-Ichi Ueda
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 41, 22, 5361-5364, Nov. 2016, Peer-reviwed, The concept of the thin-tapered-rod Yb:YAG amplifier with waveguide pumping is proposed and implemented. It is shown that such an amplifier demonstrates considerably higher small signal gain and is less affected by thermal effects than the thin-rod ("single-crystal fiber") amplifier. In the developed amplifier, a small signal gain as high as 23 per pass is achieved. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Multi-wavelength Yb:YAG/Nd^3+:YVO_4 continuous-wave microchip Raman laser,
X.L. Wang; J. Dong; X.J. Wang; K. Ueda; A. Kaminskii
Optics Letters, Optical Society of America, 41, 3559-3561, Aug. 2016, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 植田憲一
光技術; 光産業; 日本のこれから; 日本の光学技術の底力をどうして継続するか
光技術コンタクト、1月号、22-28 (2016)., 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, 1, 22-28, 30 Jan. 2016, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, Japanese - A high repetition rate passively Q-switched microchip laser for controllable transverse laser modes,
J. Dong; S. Bai; S. Liu; K. Ueda; A. Kaminskii
Journal of Optics, IOP, 18, 055205, 2016, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - A Cr 4+ :YAG passively Q-switched Nd:YVO 4 microchip laser for controllable high-order Hermite–Gaussian modes,
J. Dong; Y. He; S.H. Bai; K. Ueda; A. Kamiskii
Laser Physics 26, 095004 (2016)., IOP, 26, 095004, 2016, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Thermal effects in Yb:YAG single-crystal thin-rod amplifier
Ivan Kuznetsov; Ivan Mukhin; Olga Vadimova; Oleg Palashov; Ken-ichi Ueda
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 54, 25, 7747-7752, Sep. 2015, Peer-reviwed, This work presents a new design for the laser gain module based on a ytterbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Yb:YAG) single-crystal thin rod. Thermal effects (temperature, phase, and polarization distortion of laser radiation) and small signal gain are investigated both experimentally and theoretically. We then analyzed the influence of thermal effects and amplified spontaneous emission on the power scaling of the laser based on the gain module. A small signal gain as high as 3.3 per pass was experimentally achieved. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Femtosecond mode-locked Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 ceramic laser
Y. Higashi; H. Nakao; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; A. A. Kaminskii; S. Kuretake; Y. Kintaka; K. Murayama; N. Tanaka
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 40, 16, 3818-3821, Aug. 2015, Peer-reviwed, We have demonstrated continuous wave (CW) laser operation and the first, to the best of our knowledge, sub-200 fs mode-locked laser operation of Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 ceramic. Its disordered crystalline nature exhibits a broad gain bandwidth of 30 nm with a high-emission cross section. It also has higher thermal and mechanical properties than Nd:glass. In CW operation, a maximum output power of 1.5 W under 6.2 W of absorbed pump power was obtained. In mode-locked operation, a pulse duration of 196 fs with an average power of 60 mW was successfully achieved. The laser spectrum straddled both fluorescence peaks of A-site and B-site Nd3+ ions. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - パラダイムシフト時代の新しいレーザー技術
豊田研究報告, 豊田理化学研究所, 68, 107-112, May 2015, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Research institution, Japanese - Low-temperature stimulated Raman scattering spectroscopy of tetragonal GdVO4 single crystals
A. A. Kaminskii; O. Lux; H. Rhee; A. Kaltenbach; H. J. Eichler; J. Zhang; D. Y. Tang; H. Yu; H. Zhang; J. Wang; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda; A. Shirakawa
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 251, 5, 1045-1062, May 2014, Peer-reviwed, We report on the results of low-temperature stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)-spectroscopy of tetragonal GdVO4 single crystals. Measurements at T approximate to 9K and picosecond excitation in the visible and near-infrared range revealed new manifestations of ((3))-nonlinear photon-phonon interactions. Besides many-phonon Stokes and anti-Stokes octave spanning SRS generation we discovered a new fundamental ((3))-active phonon mode of the crystal. Furthermore, we received data on combined SRS-active vibrational modes. The lower limits of the steady-state Raman gain coefficients for first Stokes generation have been estimated together with the temperature dependence of these values in the range from T approximate to 9 and 273K. A short review of SRS-promoting vibrational modes and manifestations of ((3))-nonlinear interactions of all known SRS-active tetragonal rare-earth REVO4 vanadates is given as well.
Scientific journal, English - 1 W single-frequency Tm-doped ZBLAN fiber MOPA around 810 nm
Kenta Kohno; Yu-ichi Takeuchi; Toshiyuki Kitamura; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Mitsuru Musha
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 39, 7, 2191-2193, Apr. 2014, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate a tunable narrow-linewidth fiber MOPA system around 810 nm for the light source of the Sr optical lattice clock. The coherent cw light source with a wavelength of 813.42 nm was generated by a combination of a narrow linewidth external-cavity laser diode and a Tm-doped ZBLAN fiber amplifier, which was upconversion-pumped by an Yb-doped fiber laser at 1064 nm. The maximum output power of 1.1 W was obtained with the launched power of 17 W, which is the highest power obtained from a Tm-doped fiber amplifier ever reported. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Nd-doped Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 ceramics as laser materials
S. Kuretake; N. Tanaka; Y. Kintaka; K. Kageyama; H. Nakao; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; A. A. Kaminskii
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 36, 3, 645-649, Jan. 2014, Peer-reviwed, Transparent Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 ceramics with disordered-type crystals were fabricated by adjusting the Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 composition in order to substitute Nd dopants at different crystal sites. The XRD and XRFS analyses show that the substitution site of Nd ions changed as expected. In samples excited by a 805 nm laser diode, the shape of the fluorescence spectrum in the F-4(3/2) -> I-1(11/2) transition depends on the Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 composition, and a maximum full width half maximum of 30.5 nm was obtained. In addition, the fluorescence efficiency also improved by adjusting the Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 composition. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Yb3+-doped ceramic thin-disk lasers of Lu-based oxides, Opt. Mat. Express, 4, 2116, 2014.
H. Nakao; T. Inagaki; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii; B. Weichelt; K. Wentsch; M. Ahmed; T. Graf
Optical Material Express, Optical Society of America, 4, 2116-2121, 2014, Peer-reviwed, Invited
Scientific journal, English - Dmonstration of a Yb3+-doped Lu3Al5O12 ceramic thin-disk laser,
H. Nakao; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; T. Yanagitani; B. Weichelt; K. Wentsch; M. Ahmed; T. Graf
Optics Letters, OSA, 39, 2884-2886, 2014, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Study of the thermo-optical constants of Yb doped Y2O 3, Lu2O3 and Sc2O3 ceramic materials
Ilya L. Snetkov; Dmitry E. Silin; Oleg V. Palashov; Efim A. Khazanov; Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani; Hitoki Yoneda; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-Ichi Ueda; Alexander A. Kaminskii
Optics Express, Optical Society of American (OSA), 21, 18, 21254-21263, 09 Sep. 2013, Peer-reviwed, Thermally induced depolarization and thermal lens of three Konoshima Chemical Co. laser-ceramics samples Yb3+:Lu2O 3(CYb≈1.8 at.%), Yb3+:Y2O 3(CYb≈1.8 at.%), and Yb3+:Sc 2O3 (CYb≈2.5 at.%) were measured in experiment at different pump power. The results allowed us to estimate the thermal conductivity of the investigated ceramic samples and compare their thermo-optical properties. The thermo-optical constants P and Q and its sign measured for these materials at the first time. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Phosgenite, Pb2CO3Cl2 - a novel SRS-active crystal
Ladislav Bohatý; Petra Becker; Hanjo Rhee; André Kaltenbach; Hans J. Eichler; Hitoki Yoneda; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-Ichi Ueda; Alexander A. Kaminskii
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, 7, 6, 429-433, Jun. 2013, Peer-reviwed, Lead carbonate chloride, Pb2CO3Cl2, known as mineral phosgenite, is introduced as a novel SRS-active carbonate crystal with tetragonal symmetry. Under picosecond one-micron laser pumping Raman-induced χ(3)-nonlinear generation in the near-IR is observed. All recorded high-order Stokes and anti-Stokes sidebands are identified and attributed to two SRS-promoting vibration modes with ωSRS1 ≈ 1062 cm-1 and ωSRS2 ≈ 86 cm-1. Example of a natural crystal of phosgenite, Pb2CO3Cl2, from the locality of Monte Poni, Sardinia. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &
Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Scientific journal, English - Investigation of the laser and,optical properties of Nd3+:Ba(Zr, Mg, Ta)O-3 ceramic, Nd3+(Na+):Ca2MgSi2O7 single crystal, and Yb3+:Lu3Al5O12. ceramic
Hiroaki Nakao; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Alexander A. Kaminskii; Satoshi Kuretake; Nobuhiko Tanaka; Yuji Kintaka; Keisuke Kageyama; Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 35, 4, 700-703, Feb. 2013, Peer-reviwed, We report three new laser materials. Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr, Mg, Ta)O-3 ceramic indicates a broadband luminescence spectrum due to its disordered structure. By optimizing the manufacturing process and laser configuration, high output power and high slope efficiency operation was obtained. Nd3+(Na+:Ca2MgSi2O7 shows another type of spectral broadening caused by its structural modulation. In the input-output property, an anomalous behavior due to phase transition was observed. Yb3+:Lu3Al5O12 is one of the important laser materials for thin-disk laser because it indicates mild reduction of the thermal conductivity as an increase of concentration. The highly efficient CW laser operation is reported. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - SRS in di-glycine nitrate (NH2CH2COOH)(2) center dot HNO3 crystals: Observation of high-gain many-phonon nonlinear interactions
Alexander A. Kaminskii; Oliver Lux; Eiken Haussuehl; Hanjo Rhee; Siegfried Haussuehl; Hans Joachim Eichler; Hitoki Yoneda; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Jerzy Hanuza
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 250, 1, 169-179, Jan. 2013, Peer-reviwed, Efficient high-gain many-phonon steady-state stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) was excited in the novel chi((3))-active organic crystal of di-glycine nitrate (DGN), (NH2CH2COOH)(2) center dot HNO3, at room temperature under picosecond laser pumping in the visible and near-IR regions. Besides high-order Stokes and anti-Stokes (comb) generation in this centrosymmetric crystal, several cascaded and cross-cascaded chi((3))<->chi((3)) nonlinear photon-phonon interactions were observed. The recorded Raman-induced lasing wavelengths were identified and attributed to the SRS-promoting optical vibration modes omega(SRS1)approximate to 1058 cm(-1), omega(SRS2)approximate to 2985 cm(-1), omega(SRS3)approximate to 895 cm(-1), and omega(SRS4)approximate to 3000 cm(-1). The measured large Raman frequency shifts (approximate to 3000 cm(-1)) and estimated moderately high steady-state Raman gain coefficients (g(ssR)(St1) >= 6.5 cm center dot GW(-1)) make this DGN crystal attractive for a number of new applications in modern laser physics and nonlinear optics.
Scientific journal, English - DECIGO Passfinder,
M. Ando; DECIGO Collaboration
Int. J. Modern Physics D, 22, 1341002 (10 pages), 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Experiments on Laguerre-Gaussian modes selection in ceramic lasers
Yu. Senatsky; J. -F. Bisson; J. Li; A. Shirakawa; M. Thirugnanasambandam; K. Ueda
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 10, NO 6, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 10, 6, 974-980, 2013, Peer-reviwed, A study on Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) modes selection in cw and pulsed Nd:YAG or Yb:YAG ceramic lasers pumped by diodes or an external laser source was carried out. Methods of scalar and vector LG modes selection from low to high orders, involving shaping of the pump profile, usage of intra-cavity lenses, uniaxial crystals and polarization selective mirrors, are considered. CCD camera images of beam profiles of hollow scalar LG(pm) modes (p-radial, m-azimuth indices) of record high-orders and Bessel-like multi-ring modes with highly directional propagation properties are presented. CW and pulsed ceramic lasers with radially or azimuthally polarized LG vector modes of low and high orders are also demonstrated. Applications of the developed laser schemes and LG beams are discussed. (C) 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
International conference proceedings, English - Vector mode excitation in few-mode fiber by controlling incident polarization,
ZQ. Fang; Y. Yao; KG. Xia; MQ. Kang; K Ueda; JL. Li
Optics Communications, 294, 177-181, 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Calcium dithionate tetrahydrate, CaS2O6⋅4H2O, a novel SRS-active crystal for octave-spanning many-phonon Stokes and anti-Stokes comb,
A A Kaminskii; E Haussühl; S Haussühl; O Lux; J Hanuza; H Rhee; A Kaltenbach; H J Eichler; H Yoneda; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
Laser Physics, 23, 095806, 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - A 98 W 1178 nm Yb-doped solid-core photonic bandgap fiber oscillator,
XY. Fan; MC. Chen; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; CB Olausson; J. Broeng
Laser Physics Letters, 10, 105101, 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Manifestations of nonlinear optical effects in a novel SRS-active crystal―natural topaz, Al2(F1-x(OH)x)2SiO4: many-phonon χ(3)-lasing, more than sesqui-octave Stokes and anti-Stokes multi-wavelength comb lasing, cascaded and cross-cascaded χ(3)↔χ(3)
A Kaminskii; O Lux; H Rhee; H J Eichler; H Yoneda; A Shirakawa; K Ueda; R Rückamp; L Bohatý; P Becker
Laser Physics Letters, 10, 07300, 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Monoclinic LaGaGe2O7:Nd3+ - a novel SRS- and SE-active crystal with high-order Stokes and anti-Stokes picosecond χ(3)-nonlinear lasing,
A A Kaminskii; H Rhee; O Lux; A Kaltenbach; H J Eichler; J Hanuza; S N Bagayev; H Yoneda; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
Laser Physics Letters, 10, 075803, 2013, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Single-frequency ytterbium doped photonic bandgap fiber amplifier at 1178 nm
Mingchen Chen; Akira Shirakawa; Xinyan Fan; Ken-ichi Ueda; Christina B. Olausson; Jens K. Lyngso; Jes Broeng
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 20, 19, 21044-21052, Sep. 2012, Peer-reviwed, 1178 nm single-frequency amplification by Yb doped photonic bandgap fiber has been demonstrated. 24.6 W output power and 12 dB gain were obtained without parasitic lasing and also stimulated Brillouin scattering. 1.8 dB suppression of Brillouin gain by an acoustic antiguiding effect has been found in the Yb doped photonic bandgap fiber. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - CW and mode- locked operation of Yb3+-doped Lu3Al5O12 ceramic laser
Hiroaki Nakao; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 20, 14, 15385-15391, Jul. 2012, Peer-reviwed, CW laser operation and first mode-locked laser operation of Yb:LuAG ceramic are reported. Efficient CW laser operation was obtained with maximum output power of 2.14 W and a 72% slope efficiency. Femtosecond mode-locked laser operation was achieved with pulse duration of 699 fs and a 200 mW average output power. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - High power Yb-doped photonic bandgap fiber oscillator at 1178 nm
Xinyan Fan; Meishin Chen; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Christina B. Olausson; Jens K. Lyngso; Jes Broeng
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 20, 13, 14471-14476, Jun. 2012, Peer-reviwed, An ytterbium-doped solid-core photonic bandgap fiber oscillator in an all-fiber format is investigated for high power at an extreme long wavelength. The photonic bandgap fiber is spliced with two fiber Bragg gratings to compose the cavity. The sharp-cut bandpass distributed filtering effect of the photonic bandgap fibers efficiently suppresses amplified spontaneous emission in the conventional high-gain region. Fine adjustment of the short cut-off wavelength by coiling with tighter diameter is performed to suppress parasitic lasing. A record output power of 53.6 W with a slope efficiency of 53% at 1178 nm was demonstrated. (C)2012 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - 2.1 mu m Emission Spectral Properties of Tm and Ho Doped Transparent YAG Ceramic
G. A. Kumar; M. Pokhrel; D. K. Sardar; P. Samuel; Ken Ichi Ueda; T. Yanagitani; H. Yagi
SCIENCE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS, AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS, 4, 5-6, 617-622, May 2012, Peer-reviwed, Highly transparent Tm:Ho:YAG transparent ceramics were prepared using advanced ceramic technology and their spectroscopic properties were studied for infrared laser applications. Following the Judd-Ofelt procedure several spectroscopic properties such as the radiative transition probability (A(rad)), radiative decay time (tau(rad)) and fluorescence branching ratio (beta) are quantitatively obtained from the absorption spectrum. The absorption and emission cross sections corresponding to the 5I(7) -> I-5(8) transition of Ho3+ at 2.1 mu m have been evaluated following Mc Cumber theory and found that the obtained emission spectrum very well correlates to the simulated emission spectral data. The optical gain spectrum spread from 1800 nm to 2150 nm with a spectral width of over 107 nm and maximum gain coefficient of 0.44 cm(-1). Thus it is expected that the Tm3+:Ho3+:YAG ceramics would be an appropriate host material to achieve infrared laser applications at 2.1 mu m.
Scientific journal, English - Continuous wave and mode-locked Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramic thin disk laser
Masaki Tokurakawa; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani; Alexander A. Kaminskii; Kolja Beil; Christian Kraenkel; Guenter Huber
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 20, 10, 10847-10852, May 2012, Peer-reviwed, CW and mode-locked laser operation based on an Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramic thin disk is reported. In CW laser operation, an output power of 70 W with an optical-to-optical efficiency of 57.4% was achieved. A higher slope efficiency of 70% was also obtained with a 50-W pump laser diode with more suitable emission characteristics. In mode-locked laser operation, pulses as short as 547 fs with an average power of 7.4 W were obtained. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a high power CW and mode-locked laser operation based on Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramic thin disks. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - High-order stimulated Raman scattering in tetragonal CaYAlO4 crystal-host for Ln3+-lasant ions
A. A. Kaminskii; X. Xu; O. Lux; H. Rhee; H. J. Eichler; J. Zhang; D. Zhou; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; J. Xu
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 9, 4, 306-311, Apr. 2012, Peer-reviwed, Multiple Stokes and anti-Stokes (3)-nonlinear generation in the tetragonal crystal of CaYAlO4 was observed at 300K and 9K under picosecond excitation in the visible spectral range. All the recorded Raman induced laser lines were identified and attributed to the SRS-promoting vibration mode of octahedral [AlO6]9 units of the crystal. (C) 2012 by Astro Ltd., Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Scientific journal, English - Investigation of continuous-wave and Q-switched microchip laser characteristics of Yb:YAG ceramics and crystals
Jun Dong; Guozhang Xu; Jian Ma; Mengjun Cao; Ying Cheng; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Alexander A. Kaminskii
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 34, 6, 959-964, Apr. 2012, Peer-reviwed, Continuous-wave and passively Q-switched microchip laser performance of Yb:YAG ceramics and single-crystals was investigated. Highly efficient continuous-wave Yb:YAG laser performance was observed at 1030 nm and 1049 nm for both Yb:YAG ceramics and crystals with different transmissions of output couplers. The laser performance of Yb:YAG ceramic is comparable to that of Yb:YAG single crystal. Meanwhile, the laser performance of laser-diode pumped Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG all-ceramics- and all-crystals-combination passively Q-switched microchip lasers were investigated. Sub-nanosecond laser pulses with peak power over 150 kW were obtained with different Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG combinations. Linearly polarized laser was observed in Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG all-crystals combination and circular polarized laser was obtained in Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG all-ceramics combination. The best laser performance was obtained with Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG all-crystals combination. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Radially polarized, actively Q-switched, and end-pumped Nd:YAG laser
K. G. Xia; K. -I. Ueda; J. L. Li
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 107, 1, 47-51, Apr. 2012, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we demonstrated an actively Q-switched, radially polarized, and laser-diode end-pumped Nd:YAG laser with an acousto-optic modulator as the Q switch and a photonic crystal grating as the output coupler. The laser generated pulses of 26.4-67.2 ns duration, and the repetition rate can be continuously adjusted from 500 Hz to 9.238 kHz with peak power up to 7.75 kW. Such a radially polarized pulse would facilitate numerous applications.
Scientific journal, English - 楽しい研究生活:雇われてこそ能力を発見できる
光応用新産業創成フォーラム, 6-22, Feb. 2012, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, Japanese - Continuous wave and mode-locked Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramic thin disk laser,
M. Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Optics Express, 20, 10847-10853, 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 「光学」と「Optical Review」:日本光学会の出版する学術雑誌、
光学, 41, 183, 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 研究生活を振り返って -楽しい研究生活:雇われてこそ能力を発見できる-
レーザー研究, レーザー学会, 40, 9, 709-720, 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Self-polarized ytterbium-doped fiber laser,
YJ Cao; KG Xia; Y. Yao; K. Ueda; JL Li
Chinese Optics Letters, 10, 091408, 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Laguerre–Gaussian Modes Selection in Diode-Pumped Solid-State Lasers
Yu. Senatsky; J.F. Bisson; J. Li; A. Shirakawa; M. Thirugnanasambandam; K. Ueda
Optical Review, 19, 201 – 221, 2012, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Optimization of Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG composite ceramics passively Q-switched microchip lasers
J. Ma; J. Dong; K. -i. Ueda; A. A. Kaminskii
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 105, 4, 749-760, Dec. 2011, Peer-reviwed, The laser characteristics of laser-diode end-pumped Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG composite ceramics microchip passively Q-switched lasers were studied by solving the coupled rate equations numerically taking into account the reabsorption of Yb:YAG ceramics at laser wavelength. Effects of the reflectivity of the output coupler, the concentrations and thickness of the saturable absorbers, and pump beam area on the laser performance were investigated analytically. The simulation results of the Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG composite ceramics passively Q-switched microchip lasers were in good agreement with the experimental data. Better laser performance (high peak power, short pulse width and good optical-to-optical efficiency) of the composite Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG ceramics passively Q-switched laser can be obtained by using a thin Cr4+:YAG ceramic with high concentration, suitable reflectivity of the output coupler and proper pump beam diameter under high pump power intensity according to our simulations.
Scientific journal, English - Infrared and upconversion spectroscopic studies of high Er3+ content transparent YAG ceramic
M. Pokhrel; G. A. Kumar; P. Samuel; K. I. Ueda; T. Yanagitani; H. Yagi; D. K. Sardar
OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 1, 7, 1272-1285, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, In this article, we report the detailed spectroscopic studies of high Er3+ content (50%) transparent YAG ceramic co-doped with nominal Cr3+ content (0.1 mol %). Various radiative and non-radiative spectroscopic properties such as radiative decay time, fluorescence branching ratio, emission/absorption cross sections, internal radiative quantum yields of the infrared and the upconverted emission bands are explored using standard experimental and theoretical methods and compared with YAG single crystal. Results show that although the non-radiative losses are high for 50% Er doped ceramic; several radiative spectral properties are almost in agreement with those for the single crystal YAG. Furthermore, because of the low dopant concentration of Cr3+, the sensitizing effect of Cr3+ was not observed. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Efficient energy transfer between Ce3+/Cr3+ and Nd3+ ions in transparent Nd/Ce/Cr:YAG ceramics
P. Samuel; G. A. Kumar; Takagimi Yanagitani; Hideki Yagi; Ken Ichi Ueda; S. Moorthy Babu
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 34, 1, 303-307, Nov. 2011, Peer-reviwed, This paper reports the spectroscopic and laser characteristics of transparent ceramics of YAG:Nd co-doped with Ce and Cr. The ceramics were prepared by advanced ceramic techniques and showed more than 85% of transparency. Diode pumped laser oscillation performed at different output coupler transmissions (T) showed that a maximum slope efficiency of 16% was achieved for T = 3%. The cross energy transfer mechanism under violet laser diode pumping has been analyzed and the possible energy transfer mechanisms have been proposed using the various energy levels of the dopant ions. The emission lifetimes of the dopant ions at two different concentrations have also been found. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの歴史と将来展望、
13回先進レーザー技術応用セミナー資料集、慶応、, 2011年10月28日, 1-14., Oct. 2011
International conference proceedings, Japanese - Efficient, nanosecond self-Q-switched Cr,Yb:YAG lasers by bonding Yb:YAG crystal
J. Y. Zhou; J. Ma; J. Dong; Y. Cheng; K. Ueda; A. A. Kaminskii
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 8, 8, 591-597, Aug. 2011, Peer-reviwed, Efficient laser-diode pumped self-Q-switched Cr,Yb:YAG lasers by bonding Yb:YAG crystal to increase pump power absorption efficiency have been demonstrated for the first time to our best knowledge. The effect of transmission of output coupler (T-OC) on the laser performance has been investigated and found that the best laser performance was achieved with T-OC = 50%. Average output power of 1 W was obtained with T-OC = 50% at absorbed pump power of 5.4 W; corresponding optical-to-optical efficiency of 18.5% was obtained with respect to the absorbed pump power. Slope efficiency of 25% was measured with T-OC = 50%. Laser pulses with pulse width of 26 ns, pulse energy of 37 mu J, and corresponding peak power of 1.4 kW with T-OC = 50% were obtained. The lasers oscillate in multi-longitudinal-mode; number of the modes increases from two to five with pump power, owing to the mode selection by Cr,Yb:YAG thin plate acting as an intracavity etalon. (C) 2011 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Scientific journal, English - Stimulated Raman scattering in "garnet" Lu3Al5O12 ceramics - a novel host-materiel for Ln- and TM-lasant ions
A. A. Kaminskii; H. Rhee; O. Lux; H. J. Eichler; S. N. Bagayev; H. Yagi; K. Ueda; A. Shirakawa; J. Dong
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 8, 6, 458-464, Jun. 2011, Peer-reviwed, In this paper are present results of the first investigation of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in the "garnet" Lu3Al5O12 crystalline ceramics, which is promising host-material for activator lasants. With picoseconds laser excitation at 0.53207 mu m wavelength was observed and analyzed highorder Stokes and anti-Stokes generation related to two. (3)promoting vibration modes (approximate to 792 and approximate to 375 cm(-1)) of this novel SRS-active oxide material. A brief review of the pioneering papers on lasers based on Lu3Al5O12:Ln(3+) single crystals and known SRS-active crystalline "garnet" materials is given in tabular form as well.
Scientific journal, English - 1.29-W radially polarized and bonded Nd:YAG crystal laser
K. G. Xia; K. Ueda; J. L. Li
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 8, 5, 354-357, May 2011, Peer-reviwed, This letter reports the generation of watt-level radially polarized light from an LD end-pumped Nd:YAG laser by utilizing a photonic crystal grating as the polarization-selective output coupler. The Nd: YAG crystal is bonded with two un-doped YAG crystal end caps, which is used to weaken the thermal lens effect and thus enhance the extraction of stored energy in bulk gain material. The radially polarized output from this laser reached 1.29-W laser power, 46.5% slope efficiency and a polarization purity of 97.9%.
Measured laser spectrum at 1-W output power (C) 2011 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Scientific journal, English - Broadband-gain Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr, Mg, Ta)O-3 ceramic lasers for ultrashort pulse generation
H. Kurokawa; A. Shirakawa; M. Tokurakawa; K. Ueda; S. Kuretake; N. Tanaka; Y. Kintaka; K. Kageyama; H. Takagi; A. A. Kaminskii
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 33, 5, 667-669, Mar. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We report Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr, Mg, Ta)O-3 ceramic lasers. The fluorescence of the ceramics shows characteristic broadband spectra due to the disordered crystalline system and can be tailored by the composition adjustment. The continuous-wave laser operations as well as the first mode-locked laser operation are presented. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Multi-ring modes generation in Yb:YAG ceramic laser
Manasadevi P. Thirugnanasambandam; Yuri Senatsky; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 33, 5, 675-678, Mar. 2011, A short-focus glass lens with strong spherical aberration was used for mode selection in the cw LD-end-pumped Yb:YAG ceramic laser. Sequence of low to very high order Laguerre-Gaussian (LG(pl)) modes with different combinations of radial, p and azimuthal, l indices (p <= 10, l <= 28), with output beam diameters 2-13 mm and power up to 30 mW was obtained. Peaked and hollow multi-ring beams with near-diffraction free propagation of the central minimum or maximum over 40 m distance from the laser resonator were observed. Mechanisms of mode selection and possible applications of the proposed laser scheme are considered. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Ultrashort pulse generation from diode pumped mode-locked Yb3+:sesquioxide single crystal lasers
M. Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; R. Peters; S. T. Fredrich-Thornton; K. Petermann; G. Huber
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 19, 4, 2904-2909, Feb. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We present diode pumped SESAM supported Kerr-lens mode locked laser operation based on Yb3+:Sc2O3 and Yb3+:Lu2O3 single crystals. Pulses as short as 71 fs with an average power of 1.09 W were obtained from an Yb3+:Lu2O3 single crystal. Yb3+:Sc2O3 delivered pulses as short as 81 fs with an average power of 840 mW. The mode locked laser operation was stable for longer than 2 hours. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Q-switched multicore photonic crystal fiber laser phase-locked by end-seal technique
Akira Shirakawa; Hidenori Yamada; Michio Matsumoto; Masaki Tokurakawa; Ken-Ichi Ueda
2011 Int. Quantum Electron. Conf., IQEC 2011 and Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO Pacific Rim 2011 Incorporating the Australasian Conf. Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy and the Australian Conf., 359-360, 2011, Peer-reviwed, Q-switched and phase-locked Yb-doped multicore fiber laser is reported. The monolithic in-phase mode selection at the output fiber end realizes clean single-lobe beam profile and high slope efficiency of 62% with 280μJ, 100ns pulses. © 2011 IEEE.
International conference proceedings, English - Manifestations of new (3)- and (2)-nonlinear optical interactions and (2)-properties of orthorhombic bis (guanidinium)zirconium bis (nitrilotriacetate) hybrate, [C(NH2)3]2Zr[N(CH2COO)3]2•H2O crystal,
A. Kaminskii; L. Bayarjargai; E. Haussuehl; N. Mueller; S. Haussuehl; H. Eichler; H. Rhee; K. Ueda; A. Shirakawa; G. Reider
Phys. Stat. Solidi. a, 208, 695–709, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Generation of radially and azimuthally polarized beams in Yb:YAG laser with intra-cavity lens and birefringent crystal
Manasadevi P. Thirugnanasambandam; Yuri Senatsky; Ken-ichi Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 19, 3, 1905-1914, Jan. 2011, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrated the operation of cw diode-pumped Yb:YAG laser in radial or azimuthal polarized (RP or AP) beams using a combination of birefringent uniaxial crystal (c-cut YVO(4) or alpha-BBO) and lens as intra-cavity elements. RP and AP doughnut modes (M(2) = 2-2.5, polarization extinction ratio 50-100:1) with output power up to 60mW were generated. Apart from doughnut modes, RP or AP ring-like off-axis oscillations and multi-ring beams with mixed RP and AP were also observed at the output of this laser scheme. Using intra-cavity short focus lenses with spherical aberrations AP or RP modes of higher orders was obtained. Mechanism of mode selection in the laser is discussed. The large variety of beams with axially symmetric polarizations from the output of the proposed laser scheme may find applications in different fields. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Manifestations of new (3)- and (2)-nonlinear optical interactions and (2)-properties of orthorhombic bis (guanidinium)zirconium bis (nitrilotriacetate) hybrate, [C(NH2)3]2Zr[N(CH2COO)3]2•H2O crystal,
A. Kaminskii; L. Bayarjargai; E. Haussuehl; N. Mueller; S. Haussuehl; H. Eichler; H. Rhee; K. Ueda; A. Shirakawa; G. Reider
Phys. Stat. Solidi. a, 208, 695–709, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - The Japanese Space Gravitational Wave Antenna: DECIGO,
S. Kawamura; DECIGO collaboration
Class. Quantum Gravity, 28, 094011, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Spectroscopic analysis of Eu doped transparent CaF2 ceramics at different concentration,
P. Samuel; H. Ishizawa; Y. Ezura; Ken Ichi Ueda; S. Moorthy Babu
Optical Materials, 33, 735-738, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - CW one-micron (4F3/2-4I11/2) laser oscillation of Nd3+ ions in the melilite-type crystal Ca2MgSi2O7:Nd3+(Na+) at its incommensurate commensurate phase transition,
A. Kaminskii; H. Nakao; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; J. Liebertz; P. Becker; L. Bohaty
Appl Phys. B, 80, 629-635, 2011
Scientific journal, English - 超狭線幅レーザーと重力波天文学、
光学, 40, 129-135, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Indirect approach for the calculation of luminescence from optical structures driven out of thermal equilibrium,
J.-F. Bisson; K Ueda
JOSA B, 28, 2456-2464, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 学会とビジネスモデル、
人工知能学会誌, 26, 606-611, 2011, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Stimulated emission (F-4(3/2) -> I-4(11/2) channel) with LD and Xe-flashlamp pumping of tetragonal, incommensurately modulated Ca2MgSi2O7:Nd3+(Na+) - a new disordered laser crystal
A. A. Kaminskii; H. Nakao; L. Bohaty; P. Becker; J. Liebertz; R. Kleinschrodt; K. Ueda; A. Shirakawa
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 7, 12, 876-883, Dec. 2010, Peer-reviwed, Non-centrosymmetric tetragonal crystal Ca2MgSi2O7:Nd3+(Na+) with incommensurately modulated melilite-type structure is presented as a new laser crystal. By LD and Xe-flashlamp pumping its CW and free-running pulsed stimulated emission of the F-4(3/2) -> I-4(11/2) generation channel of Nd3+ lasant ions was excited.
The single exponential decay-time plot of the metastable F-4(3/2) (initial laser) state of Nd3+ ions in a Ca2MgSi2O7 crystal together with approximate to 10 mu s excitation pulses (C) 2010 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Scientific journal, English - High power ytterbium fiber lasers at extremely long wavelengths by photonic bandgap fiber technology
Akira Shirakawa; Christina B. Olausson; Hiroki Maruyama; Ken-ichi Ueda; Jens K. Lyngso; Jes Broeng
OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 16, 6, 449-457, Dec. 2010, Peer-reviwed, Yb-doped fiber laser operating at the long-wavelength edge (1150-1200 nm) of the broad gain spectrum has been investigated for yellow-orange sources. Power scaling in this region has been recently achieved by Yb-doped solid-core photonic bandgap fibers, in which the Yb gain profile is engineered by the sharp-cut, bandpass distributed filtering and therefore amplified spontaneous emission in the high-gain region (1030-1100 nm) is strictly inhibited. We have recently demonstrated amplification with as high as 167 W output power and 61% slope efficiency at 1178 nm. The novel gain profiling technique by photonic bandgap fibers can be extended to other rare-earth doped fibers. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Radially polarized and passively Q-switched fiber laser
Di Lin; Kegui Xia; Ruxin Li; Xiaojun Li; Guoqiang Li; Ken-ichi Ueda; Jianlang Li
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 35, 21, 3574-3576, Nov. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We report, for the first time to our knowledge, a radially polarized and passively Q-switched Yb-doped fiber laser. By using a Cr(4+):YAG crystal as a saturable absorber and a photonic crystal grating as a polarization mirror, a radially polarized pulse is produced, which has 202 W of peak power, 75 ns duration, and similar to 92% polarization purity at a 56: 6 kHz repetition rate. The Q-switched pulse with radial polarization from the fiber laser would facilitate numerous applications. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - New oxide ceramics {YGd2}[Sc-2](Al2Ga)O-12 with a partially disordered "garnet" structure as a matrix for the Ln(3+) laser activator ions: Some physical properties
M. Sh. Akchurin; R. V. Gainutdinov; I. I. Kupenko; A. V. Taranov; E. N. Hazanov; H. Yagi; K. Ueda; A. Shirakawa; M. Tokurakawa; A. A. Kaminskii
Scientific journal, English - More than two-octaves span of the Stokes and anti-Stokes picosecond lasing comb in orthorhombic natural single crystals of celestine, SrSO4
A. A. Kaminskii; L. Bohaty; P. Becker; R. Kleinschrodt; H. J. Eichler; H. Rhee; K. Ueda; A. Shirakawa; V. V. Koltashev
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 7, 10, 743-751, Oct. 2010, Peer-reviwed, Efficient room-temperature Stokes and anti-Stokes chi((3))-nonlinear picosecond generation, which spans more than two octaves (approximate to 23012 cm(-1)) has been observed in a natural crystal of orthorhombic SrSO4 (celestine). All recorded lasing lines in the visible and near-IR regions are identified and attributed to its SRS-promoting vibration mode omega(SRS) approximate to 999 cm(-1).
(C) 2010 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Scientific journal, English - Generation of very-high order Laguerre-Gaussian modes in Yb:YAG ceramic laser
M. P. Thirugnanasambandam; Yu. Senatsky; K. Ueda
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 7, 9, 637-643, Sep. 2010, Peer-reviwed, The use of a simple short-focus piano-convex glass lens with strong spherical aberration for Laguerre-Gaussian mode selection in a continuous wave (CW) LD-end-pumped Yb:YAG ceramic laser is demonstrated. Mode selection was obtained in a nearly meter long plane-parallel cavity by shifting an intra-cavity lens of 2.5 cm focal length along the resonator axis. Sequence of Laguerre-Gaussian (L,G(p,l)) modes with different combinations of radial (p) and azimuthal (1) indices from low to high orders (p = 0-12, l=0-28) with output beam diameters 2-13 mm and power up to 30 mW was produced. Along with many low order modes, the whole lineage of very high order pure "hollow" LG(p,l) modes (p = 5 - 10, l = 7-28) was produced by this method for the first tune. The region of stability of the resonator with an intra-cavity aberrating lens was found to be enclosed between "focusing" and "imaging" configurations in the cavity, which the aberrating lens could provide simultaneously. The mechanism of LG(p,l) mode selection in such a cavity and possible applications of the proposed laser scheme are considered.
Scientific journal, English - 167 W, power scalable ytterbium-doped photonic bandgap fiber amplifier at 1178nm
C. B. Olausson; A. Shirakawa; M. Chen; J. K. Lyngso; J. Broeng; K. P. Hansen; A. Bjarklev; K. Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 18, 16, 16345-16352, Aug. 2010, Peer-reviwed, An ytterbium-doped photonic bandgap fiber amplifier operating at the long wavelength edge of the ytterbium gain band is investigated for high power amplification. The spectral filtering effect of the photonic bandgap efficiently suppresses amplified spontaneous emission at the conventional ytterbium gain wavelengths and thus enables high power amplification at 1178 nm. A record output power of 167 W, a slope efficiency of 61% and 15 dB saturated gain at 1178 nm have been demonstrated using the ytterbium-doped photonic bandgap fiber. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Efficient, high-power, and radially polarized fiber laser
Di Lin; Kegui Xia; Jianlang Li; Ruxin Li; Ken-ichi Ueda; Guoqiang Li; Xiaojun Li
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 35, 13, 2290-2292, Jul. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We demonstrate an ytterbium-doped fiber laser that emits high-power radially polarized light efficiently. In this study, a photonic crystal grating (PCG) was used as a polarization-selective output coupler, and the power of the radially polarized laser reached 2.42 W with a slope efficiency of 45.9% and a polarization purity of 96%. The results reveal that the inclusion of the PCG mirror into the fiber laser are particularly promising for generating high-power radially polarized light efficiently in view of its many important applications. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Generation of beams with near-diffraction free propagation characteristics in Yb:YAG laser using an intra-cavity lens with spherical aberration,
M. P. Thirugnanasamabandam; Y. Senatsky; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Proc. of ASILS-5, 98-104, May 2010, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - New passively Q-switched LD-pumped self-Raman laser with single-step cascade SE -> SRS wavelength conversion on the base of monoclinic Nd3+:Y2SiO5 crystal
A. A. Kaminskii; S. N. Bagayev; K. Ueda; J. Dong; H. J. Eichler
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 7, 4, 270-279, Apr. 2010, Peer-reviwed, Monoclinic Y2SiO5 was found to be an attractive, simultaneously laser and chi((3))-nonlinear active optical crystal. Passively Q-switched LD-pumped nanosecond Nd3+:Y2SiO5 self-Raman laser, operating by nonlinear-cascaded scheme is reported. We achieved also quasi-CW generation of Y2SiO5:Nd3+ at 1.3585 mu m. Many-wavelength Raman-induced chi((3))-lasing in undoped Y2SiO5 under picosecond excitation has been observed, as well. All recorded Stokes and anti-Stokes components were identified and attributed to SRS-promoting vibration modes. Gives a short review of self-Raman lasers and laser potential of rare-earth C-2h(6)-monoclinic orthosilicates doped with Ln(3+) lasants.
The dependences of the average output power versus incident pump power at lambda(p) approximate to 0.809 mu m wavelength of the nanosecond Nd3+:Y2SiO5 self-Raman laser at lambda(St1-1) =1.1947 mu m (shown by triangles) and of the quasi-CW Nd3+:Y2SiO5 laser at wavelengths of lambda(SE) = 1.3585 mu m (F-4(3/2) -> I-4(13/2)) and lambda(SE) = 1.0782 mu m (F-4(312) -> I-4(11/2)) (C) 2010 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Scientific journal, English - Continuous-wave and mode-locked lasers on the base of partially disordered crystalline Yb3+:{YGd2}[Sc-2](Al2Ga)O-12 ceramics
M. Tokurakawa; H. Kurokawa; Ae. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. A. Kaminskii
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 18, 5, 4390-4395, Mar. 2010, Peer-reviwed, We present cw and mode-locked laser operations on the base of partially disordered crystalline Yb3+:{YGd2}[Sc-2](Al2Ga)O-12 ceramics. In continuous-wave laser operations, the average power of 2.9 W at the wavelength of 1051 nm and 2.8 W at the wavelength of 1031 nm with above 40% optical-to-optical efficiencies were achieved. In mode-locked laser operation, pulses as short as 69 fs with the average power of 820 mW was also obtained. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped mode-locked Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 ceramic laser
H. Kurokawa; M. Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; A. A. Kaminskii; S. Kuretake; N. Tanaka; Y. Kintaka; K. Kageyama
2010 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO) AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (QELS), IEEE, CMNN4, 2010, Peer-reviwed, Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 ceramic laser is reported. The broadband fluorescence profile can be tailored by the "disordered" perovskite structure and is suitable for ultrashort pulse lasers. Mode-locked laser operation was demonstrated for the first time. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
International conference proceedings, English - Effect of Polarization States on the Laser Performance of Passively Q-switched Yb:YAG/Cr,Ca:YAG Microchip Lasers
Jun Dong; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Alexander A. Kaminskii
IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 46, 1, 50-56, Jan. 2010, Peer-reviwed, The polarization states of passively Q-switched microchip lasers were investigated by adopting different combinations of Yb:YAG, Cr, Ca:YAG crystals and ceramics. The results show that except for the random polarization oscillation of Yb:YAG/Cr, Ca:YAG all-ceramics combination, other three combinations including crystals exhibit linearly polarization. Highly efficient, nearly diffraction-limited beam quality, high peak power, sub-nanosecond passively Q-switched lasers were obtained for all combinations of Yb:YAG, Cr, Ca:YAG ceramics and crystals. The best laser performance was obtained with Yb:YAG/Cr, Ca:YAG crystals combination. The effect of polarization states on the laser performance was also addressed.
Scientific journal, English - 電気自動車のあるべき姿とは?太陽光発電所からレーザービーム給電をする可能性は
電通大紀要, 22, 1, 63-77, 2010, Peer-reviwed
Research institution, Japanese - High Power Laser Facilities in Asia
Ken-ichi Ueda
Review of Laser Engineering, 38, 9, 661-668, 2010, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 高出力ファイバレーザーの始まりの頃
レーザー研究, 38, 834, 2010, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Laser and nonlinear-laser properties of undoped and Nd3+-doped orthorhombic Ca(NbO3)(2) single crystals: new stimulated-emission performance and high-order picosecond stimulated Raman scattering covering more than two octave Stokes and anti-Stokes wavelengths
A. A. Kaminskii; J. Dong; H. J. Eichler; J. Hanuza; K. Ueda; M. Maczka; H. Rhee; M. Bettinelli
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 6, 11, 821-832, Nov. 2009, Peer-reviwed, We report new laser and nonlinear-laser properties of Nd3+-ion doped and undoped orthorhombic calcium niobate. In particular, we show that: Nd3+:Ca(NbO3)(2) is a promising gain medium for LD-pumped microchip lasers and undoped Ca(NbO3)(2) can give rise to high-order lasing covering more than two-octave Stokes and anti-Stokes frequency comb in the visible and near-IR region. We measured also the main spectroscopic intensity characteristics related to the observed laser performance and identified their physical nature. (C) 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Scientific journal, English - Nonlinear-laser chi((3))-effects in novel garnet-type fine-grained ceramic-host {YGd2}[Sc-2](Al2Ga)O-12 for Ln(3+) lasants
A. A. Kaminskii; S. N. Bagaev; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; H. J. Eichler; A. Shirakawa; M. Tokurakawa; H. Rhee; K. Takaichi; T. Yanagitani
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 6, 9, 671-677, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed, We report on chi((3))-nonlinear generation in crystalline ceramics {YGd2}[Sc-2](Al2Ga)O-12 offering partly disordered garnet structure, namely octave-spanning Stokes and anti-Stokes lasing comb and third harmonic generation under one-micron picosecond pumping. Possibilities for creation of really disordered laser "garnet"-type ceramics is discussed.
Scientific journal, English - Stimulated-emission spectroscopy of fine-grained "garnet" ceramics Nd3+ :Y3Al5O12 in a wide temperature range between 77 and 650 K
A. A. Kaminskii; S. N. Bagaev; K. Ueda; A. Shirakawa; T. Tokurakawa; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitany; J. Dong
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 6, 9, 682-687, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Stimulated-emission spectroscopy methods were applied to investigate the temperature behaviour of main laser properties of the "garnet" ceramics Nd3+ :Y3Al5O12. Obtained results clearly show that this novel form of the garnet gain material is an excellent alternative to the Nd3+ :Y3Al5O12 single crystals.
Scientific journal, English - Multi-pulse oscillation and instabilities in microchip self-Q-switched transverse-mode laser
Jun Dong; Ken-ichi Ueda; Peizhi Yang
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 17, 19, 16980-16993, Sep. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Multi-transverse-mode competition, coupling induced instabilities and multi-pulse or satellite pulse oscillations were investigated experimentally and theoretically in laser-diode-pumped Cr, Nd:YAG self-Q-switched microchip lasers under large pump beam diameter. The different transverse modes have great effects on the laser pulse temporal characteristics such as pulse profile, pulse width, instability of peak power and repetition rate jitter. Multi-transverse-mode, multi-pulse oscillation and periodical pulsation were observed by varying the pump beam diameter. The effect of transverse modes on the instability and multi-pulse oscillation were studied by modified coupled rate equations by taking into account the transverse-mode competition of inversion population under different pump conditions. The numerically simulated results are in good agreement with the experimental results. These results show that the multi-pulse oscillation and instability in the pulse train were attributed to different transverse mode coupling and competition. The peak power instabilities and pulse repetition rate jitter of the laser pulses due to transverse mode coupling were also investigated. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Circular modes selection in Yb:YAG laser using an intracavity lens with spherical aberration
Yu. Senatsky; J. -F. Bisson; A. Shelobolin; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
LASER PHYSICS, MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 19, 5, 911-918, May 2009, Peer-reviwed, The possibility of use of ordinary short-focus lenses with strong spherical aberration for mode selection in a laser resonator is demonstrated. Plano-convex spherical lenses with foci from 2.5 to 10.0 cm placed inside the resonator of the CW laser diode pumped Yb:YAG laser were used to select circular modes of Laguerre-Gauss and Bessel-Gauss type, or to get ring-like, multi-mode off-axis oscillations with variable inner and outer diameters of rings. At the constant pump power mode selection was obtained by shifting an intracavity lens along the resonator axis relative to the Yb:YAG ceramics active element of 1.1 mm thickness. Peaked and hollow multi-ring beams with output power up to 30 mW were produced. Near diffraction free (ndf) propagation of the central part (minimum or maximum) of these beams was observed along distances over 10 m from the resonator output coupler. The mechanisms of mode selection due to spherical aberration in the resonator and ndf propagation of output beams are considered. The possibility of producing radially polarized beams from the laser with an intracavity lens and possible applications of the devised laser scheme are discussed.
Scientific journal, English - Nanosecond Nd3+:LuVO4 self-Raman laser
A. A. Kaminskii; M. Bettinelli; J. Dong; D. Jaque; K. Ueda
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 6, 5, 374-379, May 2009, Peer-reviwed, Passively Q-switched laser-diode pumped nanosecond Nd3+:LuVO4 self-Raman laser operating at cascade down-converted frequency of the stimulated-emission deriving from the main generation F-4(3/2)-> I-4(11/2) channel of neodymium ions has been demonstrated.
Scientific journal, English - Comparative study the effect of Yb concentrations on laser characteristics of Yb:YAG ceramics and crystals
J. Dong; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; A. A. Kaminskii; Z. Cai
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 6, 4, 282-289, Apr. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Laser performance of Yb:YAG ceramics and single-crystals doped with different Yb concentrations was investigated using two-pass pumping miniature laser configuration. Highly efficient laser performance was obtained for both Yb:YAG ceramics and sing le-crystals. For the low doping concentration, the laser performance of ceramics is lower than those of their single-crystal counterpart. However, better laser performance was observed for heavy-doped Yb:YAG ceramic than single-crystal (C-Yb = 20 at.%). The maximum optical-to-optical efficiency decreases with Yb doping concentration for both Yb:YAG ceramics and crystals. However, the decrease of maximum optical-to-optical efficiency is faster for Yb:YAG crystals than that for Yb:YAG ceramics with Yb doping concentration. The effects of Yb concentration and the transmission of the output couplers on the laser performance and output laser wavelength of Yb:YAG ceramics and crystals were addressed by taking account into the intracavity laser intensity and reabsorption.
Scientific journal, English - Ba(Mg,Zr,Ta)O-3:Nd3+ fine-grained ceramics: a novel laser-gain material with disordered structure for high-power laser systems
A. A. Kaminskii; H. Kurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; N. Tanaka; P. Becker; L. Bohaty; M. Akchurin; M. Tokurakawa; S. Kuretake; Y. Kintaka; K. Kageyama; H. Takagi
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 6, 4, 304-310, Apr. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Nd3+-ion doped Ba(Mg,Zr,Ta)O-3 ceramics is introduced as a new gain crystalline materials for lasers and laser amplifiers. By pumping laser-diode radiation at 300 K its CW stimulated emission at 1.0754 mu m wavelength was recorded. Some optical, spectroscopic and mechanical properties were measured as well.
Scientific journal, English - Scaling laws of disk lasers
Dmitrii Kouznetsov; Jean-Francois Bisson; Kenichi Ueda
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 31, 5, 754-759, Mar. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Limit of power from amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), round-trip loss, and overheating is considered within simple model. The optimization of the output power with respect to size of the pumped region, its thickness and round-trip gain leads to the scaling laws for these parameters. In vicinity of the limit of power scaling, the round-trip loss should scale inversely proportional to the cubic root of the desired output power. This prediction agrees with the experimental data. The use of the thick undoped layer (anti-ASE cap) allows to increase for an order of magnitude the maximal power achievable at the same round-trip loss. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped ultrashort-pulse generation based on Yb3+:Sc2O3 and Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramic multi-gain-media oscillator
Masaki Tokurakawa; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Meichin Noriyuki; Takagimi Yanagitani; Alexander A. Kaminskii
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 17, 5, 3353-3361, Mar. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Diode- pumped mode-locked laser operation based on Yb3+:Sc2O3 and Yb3+:Y2O3 multi-gain-media oscillator has been demonstrated. 66-fs pulse duration with an average power of 1.5 W and 53-fs pulse duration with an average power of 1 W under 8-W laser diode pumping were achieved. The optical-to-optical efficiency was 18.8%. Additionally, 68-fs pulse duration with an average power of 540 mW from Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramic was also obtained. (c) 2009 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Ultra‐Short Pulses from Diode‐Pumped Yb3+‐Doped Crystal and Ceramic Lasers with High Average Power,
Masaki Tokurakawa; Akira Shirakawa; Ken‐ichi Ueda; Rigo Peters; Susanne Fredrich‐Thornton; Klaus Petermann; Gunter Huber; Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani; Alexsander A. Kaminskii
ASSP 2009, MC3, Denver, US, Feb. 2, 2009., 1, MC3, Feb. 2009, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Generation of near diffraction free beams in Yb:YAG laser using an intracavity lens with spherical aberration
Yu Senatsky; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference, CA1.5, 2009, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High-power Yb-doped photonic bandgap fiber amplifier at 1150-1200 nm
A. Shirakawa; H. Maruyama; K. Ueda; C. B. Olausson; J. K. Lyngso; J. Broeng
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 17, 2, 447-454, Jan. 2009, Peer-reviwed, Ytterbium-doped solid-core photonic bandgap fiber amplifiers operating at the long-wavelength edge of the ytterbium gain band are reported. The low-loss bandgap transmission window is formed in the very low gain region, whilst outside the bandgap, large attenuation inhibits the exponential growth of amplified spontaneous emission in the huge-gain 1030-1100 nm region. Hence parasitic-lasing-free, high-power amplification with a marked efficiency is enabled. A 32 W output at 1156 nm with a 66% slope efficiency and 30 W output at 1178 nm with a 58% slope efficiency were successfully obtained. To our knowledge, these are the highest output powers generating from active photonic bandgap fibers, as well as from ytterbium-doped fiber lasers at these wavelengths. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Measuring the frequency of a Sr optical lattice clock using a 120-km coherent optical transfer,
F.-L. Hong; M. Musha; M. Takamoto; H. Inaba; S. Yanagimachi; A. Takamizawa; K. Watabe; T. Ikegami; M. Imae; Y. Fujii; M. Amemiya; K. Nakagawa; K. Ueda; H. Katori
Optics Letters, vol. 34, No. 6 (03/15/2009), 34, 692, 2009
Scientific journal, English - DECIGO pathfinder,
M. Ando; S. Kawamura; DECIGO team
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 26, 094019, 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 高出力Yb添加ファイバーレーザー研究の最前線と展望、
白川 晃; 植田憲一
光学, 38, 25-32, 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Generation of cylindrical vector lights from passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser by using photonic crystal gratings,
Jianlang Li; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Lanxiang Zhong
レーザー学会論文誌 レーザー研究, 37, 806-810, 2009, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - New Nonlinear-Laser Effects in YbVO4 Crystal: Sesqui-Octave Stokes and Anti-Stokes Comb Generation and the Cascaded Self-Frequency "Tripling" of chi((3))-Stokes Components under a One-Micron Picosecond Pumping
A. A. Kaminskii; H. J. Eichler; H. Rhee; K. Ueda; K. Oka; H. Shibata
LASER PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 18, 12, 1546-1552, Dec. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We report the experimental investigations of nonlinear-laser effects in vanadate YbVO4 under a one-micron picosecond Nd3+ : Y-3 Al-5 O-12 laser pumping. In this tetragonal host-crystal for Ln(3+) lasants, for the first time, we excited more than one-and-a-half octave (approximate to 11661 cm(-1)) Raman-induced Stokes and anti-Stokes generation combs and observed a multistep cascaded parametric. chi((3)) lasing in the deep-blue spectral region. All generation lines were identified and attributed to the SRS-promoting vibration mode of the crystal (omega(SRS) approximate to 897 cm(-1)). We classified the ytterbium vanadate as a promising material for Raman frequency converters, wide-band. chi((3))-nonlinear comb generators, and as a gain medium for solid-state lasers.
Scientific journal, English - New chi((3))-nonlinear-laser manifestations in tetragonal LuVO4 crystal: more than sesqui-octave Raman-induced Stokes and anti-Stokes comb generation and cascaded self-frequency "tripling"
A. A. Kaminskii; H. Rhee; H. J. Eichler; K. Ueda; K. Oka; H. Shibata
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 93, 4, 865-872, Dec. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We report the experimental investigations of nonlinear-laser effects in LuVO4 vanadate under one-micron picosecond Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 pumping. In this tetragonal host-crystal for Ln(3+) lasants for the first time we excited ultra-broad, more than one and half octave (13500 cm(-1)) Raman induced Stokes and anti-Stokes generation combs and observed multi-step cascaded parametric chi((3))-lasing in UV spectral region. All generation lines were identified and attributed to SRS-promoting modes of the crystal (omega(SRS1) approximate to 900 cm(-1) and omega(SRS2) approximate to 113 cm(-1)). We classified this vanadate as a promising material for self-Raman laser converters.
Scientific journal, English - Radially polarized and pulsed output from passively Q-switched Nd:YAG ceramic microchip laser
Jian-lang Li; Ken-ichi Ueda; Mitsuru Musha; Lan-xiang Zhong; Akira Shirakawa
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 33, 22, 2686-2688, Nov. 2008, Peer-reviwed, For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, a radially polarized laser pulse was produced from a passively Q-switched Nd:YAG ceramic microchip laser with a piece of Cr(4+):YAG crystal as the saturable absorber and multilayer concentric subwavelength grating as the polarization-selective output coupler. The averaged laser power reached 450 mW with a slope efficiency of 30.2%. The laser pulse had a maximum peak power of 759 W, a minimum pulse duration of 86 ns, and a 6.7 kHz repetition rate at 3.7 W absorbed pump power. The polarization degree of the radially polarized pulse was measured to be as high as 97.4%. Such a radially polarized laser pulse with a high peak power and a short width is important to numerous applications such as metal cutting. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - New manifestations of nonlinear chi((3))-laser properties in tetragonal YVO4 crystal: many-phonon SRS, cascaded self-frequency "tripling", and self-sum-frequency generation in blue spectral range with the involving of Stokes components under one-micron picosecond pumping
A. A. Kaminskii; H. J. Eichler; H. Rhee; K. Ueda
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 5, 11, 804-811, Nov. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We discovered several new nonlinear-laser chi((3))-properties in tetragonal YVO4 vanadate, which is well-known birefringent optical material, host-crystal for lanthanide lasant ions, and attractive gain media for Raman laser converters. We hope that observed many-phonon SRS, almost sesqui-octave Stokes and anti-Stokes lasing comb, cascaded self-frequency "tripling" and self-sum-frequency generation in the blue spectral range could significantly enriche applied potential of this crystal.
The motions of atoms in the tetrahedral VO43- groups for three SRS-active modes (C) 2008 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Scientific journal, English - Coherent optical frequency transfer over 50-km physical distance using a 120-km-long installed telecom fiber network
Mitsuru Musha; Feng-Lei Hong; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 16, 21, 16459-16466, Oct. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Optical frequency at 1542 nm was coherently transferred over a 120-km-long installed telecom fiber network between two cities (Tsukuba and Tokyo) in Japan separated by more than 50 km. The phase noise induced by the fiber length fluctuations was actively reduced by using a fiber stretcher and an acousto-optic modulator. The fractional frequency instability of the one-way transmitted light was reduced down to less than 8.0 x 10(-16) at an averaging time of 1s, which is limited by the theoretical limit deduced from the length and the intrinsic noise of the fiber. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - A crystalline-orientation self-selected linearly polarized Yb : Y(3)Al(5)O(12) microchip laser
Jun Dong; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 93, 10, 101105, Sep. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Crystalline-orientation and pump dependent polarization states of Yb:Y(3)Al(5)O(12) microchip lasers were observed experimentally. Linear polarization was observed at six crystalline orientations in the (111) plane relative to the beam propagation direction along the (111) crystalline axis of Yb:Y(3)Al(5)O(12) crystal. The extinction ratio of the linear polarization decreases and the laser tends to oscillate at random polarization state at high pump power levels. Linear polarization states of Yb:Y(3)Al(5)O(12) microchip laser was selected by the anisotropic spectroscopic properties of the Yb(3+)-ion in cubic Y(3)Al(5)O(12) crystal. The random polarization oscillation at high pump power was caused by the strong thermal-induced birefringence and depolarization. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - Enhancement of the mode area and modal discrimination of microchip lasers using angularly selective mirrors
Jean-Francois Bisson; Nikolay Lyndin; Ken-ichi Ueda; Olivier Parriaux
IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 44, 7-8, 628-637, Jul. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Angularly selective mirrors (ASMs) are proposed as a means to expand the mode area and modal discrimination of microchip lasers. ASMs used as output couplers selectively reflect incoming k vectors over a narrow angular range, while they transmit more inclined components. The eigenvalue problem of a microchip resonator equipped with a Gaussian ASM is solved analytically in the paraxial optics approximation using the ABCD matrix formalism. The narrow angular distribution of the reflected beam produces, through the laws of diffraction, a significant increase of the mode size and improved transverse mode discrimination, at the expense of higher oscillation threshold due to larger output coupling losses. Simulations performed using the parameters of Yb3+ -doped YAG material show that one order of magnitude increase of the mode area can reasonably be achieved without causing overheating and thermal fracture. ASMs can be directly deposited on the active material in the form of a resonant grating mirror. This technology involves only planar batch processes that retain the mass production advantage of microchip lasers. The significant increase of brightness of microchips expected from this innovation will give rise to more effective and more compact devices and new applications.
Scientific journal, English - Nonlinear-laser chi((3))- and chi((2))-effects in fine-grained highly transparent optical Ba(Mg,Zr,Ta)O(3) ceramics and their microhardness
A. A. Kaminskii; M. Sh. Akchurin; N. Tanaka; H. J. Eichler; H. Rhee; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; A. Shirakawa; M. Tokurakawa; J. Dong; Y. Kintaka; S. Kuretake; Y. Sakabe
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 205, 7, 1666-1671, Jul. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We report on laser-induced chi((3))- and chi((2))-nonlinear generation in novel optical ceramics, Ba(Mg,Zr,Ta)O(3), with "disordered" O(h)(5)-cubic structure, namely high-order Stokes and anti-Stokes lasing, third- and second-harmonic generation under I one-micrometer picosecond pumping. Microhardness and fracture toughness were also measured.
Scientific journal, English - Circular modes selection in Yb:YAG laser using an intracavity lens with spherical aberration,
J.-F. Bisson; A..Shirakawa; K. Ueda; Yu. Senatsky
Laser Optics 2008, TuR1-11, Jun. 2008, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Diode-pumped 65 fs Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb3+: Lu2O3 and nondoped Y2O3 combined ceramic laser
Masaki Tokurakawa; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Syunsuke Hosokawa; Takagimi Yanagitani; Alexander A. Kaminskii
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 33, 12, 1380-1382, Jun. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Diode-pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked laser operation of Yb3+: Lu2O3 and nondoped Y2O3 combined ceramics has been achieved; 65 fs pulses with an average power of 320 mW under 5 W of pump power were obtained at the center wavelength of 1032 nm. The spectral bandwidth and the time bandwidth product were 18.9 and 0.345 nm, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a Kerr-lens mode-locked laser operation based on Yb3+: Lu2O3 ceramic. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Diode-Pumped Sub 60-fs Kerr-Lens Mode-Locked Yb-Doped Sesquioxide Combined Ceramic Laser ,
M. Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
CLEO 2008, CFP6, May 2008, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Fiber Length Stabilization System for Long-Baseline Phased-Array Radio Telescopes (ALMA) ,
M. Musha; K. Nakagawa; K. Ueda; M. Ishiguro; A. Ueda
CLEO 2008, CML3, May 2008, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Concentration-Dependent Laser Performance of Yb:YAG Ceramics,
J. Dong; K. Ueda; H. Yagi
CLEO 2008, CThFF3,, May 2008, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Mechanical and optical properties of Lu2O3 host-ceramics for Ln(3+) lasants
A. A. Kaminskii; M. Sh. Akchurin; P. Becker; K. Ueda; L. Bohaty; A. Shirakawa; M. Tokurakawa; K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; J. Dong; T. Yanagitani
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 5, 4, 300-303, Apr. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Micro-hardness and fracture toughness, as well as linear optical properties (full transmission spectrum and refractive index dispersion) of fine-grained Lu2O3 ceramics fabricated by VSN method are presented.
Scientific journal, English - Laser-diode pumped self-Q-switched microchip lasers
Jun Dong; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Alexander A. Kaminskii
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 15, 2, 57-74, Mar. 2008, Peer-reviwed, Optical properties of Cr,Yb:YAG, Cr,Nd:YAG crystals, and composite Yb:YAG/Cr:YAG ceramics self-Q-switched solid-state laser materials are presented. The merits of these self-Q-switched laser materials are given and the potentials of such lasers can be chosen by the applications. Cr,Yb:YAG and composite Yb:YAG/Cr:YAG ceramics self-Q-switched laser are conducted. Although several tens of kW peak power can be obtained with a monolithic microchip Cr,Yb:YAG laser, the experimental results show that the performance of this laser is limited by the absorption of Cr4+ ions at a pump wavelength of 940 nm and strong fluorescence quenching at high Cr concentration. Composite Yb:YAG/Cr:YAG ceramics are more suitable to realize high pulse energy and peak power (up to MW level) with optimized lasing and Q-switching parts. In addition, the instabilities induced by the multi-longitudinal mode competition in Cr,Nd:YAG and Cr,Yb:YAG microchip lasers are addressed. The different gain bandwidths of Yb:YAG and Nd:YAG play an important role in the instability of the output laser pulse trains. Stable laser pulses from the Cr,Yb:YAG microchip laser were obtained due to the antiphase dynamics. For the Cr,Nd:YAG microchip laser, the instability caused by the multi-longitudinal mode competition is an intrinsic property. Different transverse patterns were observed in Cr,Nd:YAG microchip lasers when a pump beam with larger diameter was used. Saturated inversion population distribution inside the gain medium plays an important role in the transverse pattern formation. Different transverse patterns were reconstructed by combining different sets of the Hermite-Gaussian modes. (C) 2008 The Optical Society of Japan.
Scientific journal, English - New nonlinear-laser effects in crystalline fine-grained ceramics based on cubic Sc2O3 and Lu2O3 oxides: second and third harmonic generation, and cascaded self-sum-frequency mixing in UV spectral region
A. A. Kaminskii; H. Rhee; H. J. Eichler; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; A. Shirakawa; M. Tokurakawa; J. Dong; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 5, 2, 109-113, Feb. 2008, Peer-reviwed, We report on the first observation of the nonlinear cascading chi((3)) <-> chi((3)) effects in UV spectral range and second harmonic generation stipulated by the "defect" nonlinearity under one-micron pumping in crystalline ceramics based on cubic oxides Sc2O3 and Lu2O3. Broadband their multi-wavelength Stokes and anti-Stokes combs with the extension of 10475 cm(-1) (for Sc2O3) and 8232 cm(-1) (for Lu2O3) were recorded as well.
Scientific journal, English - 発展する高出力セラミックレーザー、
応用物理, 77, 111-122, 2008, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Continuous-wave and Q-switched microchip laser performance of Yb:Y3Sc2Al3O12 crystals,
J. Dong; K. Ueda; A. Kaminskii
Optics Express, 16, 5241-5251, 2008, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Nonlinear-laser effects in NH4H2PO4 (ADP) and ND4D2PO4 (DADP) single crystals: almost two-octave multi-wavelength Stokes and anti-Stokes combs, cascaded lasing in UV and visible ranges with the involving of the second and third harmonic generation,
A. Kaminskii; V. Dolbinina; H. Rhee; H. Eichler; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; S. Shirakawa; M. Tokurakawa; J. Dong; D. Jaque
Laser Physics Letters, 5, 532-541, 2008, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Efficient excitations of radially and azimuthally polarized Nd3+:YAG ceramic microchip laser by use of subwavelength multilayer concentric gratings composed of Nb2O5/SiO2
Jian-lang Li; Ken-ichi Ueda; Lan-xiang Zhong; Mitsuru Musha; Akira Shirakawa
Optics Express, 16, 16841-16848, 2008, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Polarization control of a Yb : YAG ceramic microchip laser by constructive-interference resonant grating mirror
O. Parriaux; J. F. Bisson; K. Ueda; S. Tonchev; E. Gamet; J. C. Pommier; S. Reynaud
JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 55, 12, 1899-1912, 2008, Peer-reviwed, A laser output coupler comprising a resonant grating submirror monolithically associated with a multilayer submirror according to a constructive interference scheme polarizes the emission of a rare-earth-doped YAG-ceramic microchip laser over its full bandwidth. The design and fabrication of the resonant grating mirror are described. A polarization contrast ratio of more than 1000 was obtained with single transverse mode operation.
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped sub-100 fs Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb3+: Sc2O3 ceramic laser
Masaki Tokurakawa; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani; Alexander A. Kaminskii
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 32, 23, 3382-3384, Dec. 2007, Peer-reviwed, Diode-pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked laser operations of Yb3+:Sc2O3 ceramics have been achieved. 92 fs pulses with the average power of 850 mW under 3.89 W incident pump power were obtained at a center wavelength of 1042 nm. The optical-to-optical efficiency was 21.9%. 90 fs pulses with the average power of 160 mW were also obtained at a center wavelength of 1092 nm. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb3+:Sc2O3 laser. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Picosecond Raman induced Stokes and anti-Stokes lasing in fine-grained Ba(Sn,Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 crystalline ceramics with the cubic perovskite structure
A. A. Kaminskii; N. Tanaka; H. J. Eichler; H. Rhee; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; A. Shirakawa; M. Tokurakawa; Y. Kintaka; S. Kuretake; Y. Sakabe
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 4, 11, 819-823, Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We report on the first observation of the Raman induced Stokes and anti-Stokes nonlinear chi((3)) -lasing in crystalline "cubic" Ba(Sn,Zr,Mg,Ta)O-3 ceramics of the E- and Z-types. We believe that these isotropic transparent oxide materials are also promising host-ceramics for lanthanide and transition-metal lasants.
Scientific journal, English - 39-mW annular excitation of ytterbiurn fiber laser with radial polarization
J. -L. Li; K. -I. Ueda; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; L. -X. Zhong; Z. -M. Zhang
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 4, 11, 814-818, Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed, An efficient radial-polarization Yb-fiber laser with an intracavity Brewster axicon is demonstrated. The fraction of ASE at low pumping and parasitical oscillation are minimized by adopting bidirectional pumping and angle-polisbed fiber end. So far, except for the improvement in polarization purity and cylindrical symmetry of output beam, 39-mW output power is obtained at 460-mW launched pump power with 13.8% slope efficiency. And also a new type of low-V-parameter multi-mode gain fiber with doughnut concentration distribution of active ions in fiber core profile is predicted to be promising in improving the laser performance further.
Scientific journal, English - Efficient passively Q-switched Yb : LuAG micirochip laser
Jun Dong; Ken-ichi Ueda; Alexander A. Kaminskii
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 32, 22, 3266-3268, Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed, An efficient passively Q-switched Yb:LuAG microchip laser with Cr4+:YAG as saturable absorber was demonstrated for the first time to our knowledge. Slope efficiencies of 40% and 28% were measured for the initial transmission of Cr4+:YAG, T-o=95% and 90%, respectively. Laser pulses with a pulse energy of 19 mu J and a pulse width of 610 ps at the repetition rate of 12.8 kHz were achieved for T-o = 90%; the corresponding peak power of over 31 kW was obtained. The lasers oscillated at two or three longitudinal modes owing to the broad emission spectra of Yb:LuAG and mode selection by Cr4+:YAG thin plate acting as an intracavity etalon. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Effect of ytterbium concentration on cw Yb : YAG microchip laser performance at ambient temperature - Part I: Experiments
Jun Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. -I. Ueda; A. A. Kaminskii
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 89, 2-3, 359-365, Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed, The microchip laser performance of Yb:YAG crystals doped with different ytterbium concentrations (C-Yb=10, 15, and 20 at. %) has been investigated at ambient temperature without active cooling of the gain media. Efficient laser oscillation for a 1-mm-thick YAG doped with 10 at. % Yb3+ ions was achieved at 1030 and 1049 nm with slope efficiencies of 85% and 81%, correspondingly. The laser performance of heavy-doped Yb:YAG crystals was limited by the thermal population at terminated lasing level and thermal lens effect at room temperature without sufficient cooling of the samples. The laser emitting spectra of Yb:YAG microchip lasers with different Yb concentrations and output couplings are addressed with the local temperature rise, due to the absorption of the pump power inside the gain media under different pump levels.
Scientific journal, English - Effect of ytterbium concentration on cw Yb : YAG microchip laser performance at ambient temperature - Part II: Theoretical modeling
Jun Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. -I. Ueda; A. A. Kaminskii
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 89, 2-3, 367-376, Nov. 2007, Peer-reviwed, A theoretical model based on a quasi-four-level system is modified to investigate the effect of Yb concentration on performance of continuous-wave Yb:YAG microchip lasers by taking into account temperature-dependent thermal population distribution, temperature-dependent emission cross-section and concentration-dependent fluorescence lifetime, thermal loading, thermal conductivity, and thermal expansion coefficient. The local temperature rise in Yb:YAG crystal caused by the absorbed pump power plays an important role in the laser performance of Yb:YAG microchip lasers working at ambient temperature without actively cooling the sample. The output wavelengths dependent on output coupling, Yb concentration, and pump power level were analyzed quantitatively. The numerical simulation of Yb:YAG microchip lasers is in good agreement with experimental data. The optimized laser operation for Yb:YAG microchip lasers is proposed by varying the thickness and output coupling for different Yb concentrations. The effect of thermal lens, thermal deformation effect, and saturated inversion population distribution inside the Yb:YAG crystal on performance of heavy-doped Yb:YAG microchip lasers are also addressed.
Scientific journal, English - Composite Yb : YAG/Cr4+: YAG ceramics picosecond microchip lasers
Jun Dong; Ken-ichi Ueda; Akira Shirakawa; Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani; Alexander A. Kaminskii
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 15, 22, 14516-14523, Oct. 2007, Peer-reviwed, Efficient laser-diode pumped picosecond self-Q-switched all-ceramic composite Yb: YAG/ Cr4+: YAG microchip lasers with 0.72 MW peak power has been developed. Lasers with nearly diffraction-limited beam quality (M-2 < 1.09), oscillate at stable single- and multi- longitudinal-modes due to the combined etalon effects in the Yb:YAG and Cr4(+:) YAG parts of its binary structure. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - The optical properties and laser characteristics of Cr3+ and Nd3+ co-doped Y3Al5O12 ceramics
H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; H. Yoshida; M. Nakatsuka; K. Ueda
OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 39, 6, 1295-1300, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We have fabricated Cr3+ and Nd3+ co-doped YAG (Cr;Nd:YAG) ceramics, and investigated their optical properties and laser characteristics. The Cr;Nd:YAG has two broad absorption bands at around 440nm ((4)A(2) -> T-4(1)) and 600 nm ((4)A(2) -> T-4(2)) respectively, caused by Cr3+ ions. In the case of pumping at 440 nm, the maximum effective lifetime of the Cr;Nd:YAG was 737 mu s with a 0.1 at% Cr3+ and 1.0 at% Nd3+ co-doped YAG sample. Cr3+ ions take a role of an effective sensitizer to convert the UV light of flashlamp. For single-shot laser operation, a 10.4J output energy at 1064 nm was obtained with 0.1 at% Cr3+ and 1.0at% Nd3+ co-doped YAG ceramic rod with a laser efficiency of 4.9%. The laser efficiency was found to be more than twice that of a 1.0 at% Nd3+ NAG ceramic rod. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Characteristics of linearly polarized Yb-doped fiber laser in an all-fiber configuration
Akira Shirakawa; Makoto Kamijo; Jun Ota; Ken-ichi Ueda; Kiminori Mizuuchi; Hiroyuki Furuya; Kazuhisa Yamamoto
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 19, 17-20, 1664-1666, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed, Polarization selection in fiber lasers by use of two bire-fringent fiber Bragg gratings is investigated. When the principal axes of the two gratings are arranged perpendicularly by incorporating one cross splicing and one of the combinations of slow and fast axis Bragg wavelengths is matched, a resonator can be formed only for a single-polarization state. An 8-W 1064-nm linearly polarized Yb-doped fiber laser with an 87% slope efficiency and less than 20-pm bandwidth has been successfully demonstrated. No additional loss in polarization selection is preferable for high efficiency and high-power durability.
Scientific journal, English - High-power self-mode-locked Yb : Y2O3 ceramic laser
G. Q. Xie; D. Y. Tang; L. M. Zhao; L. J. Qian; K. Ueda
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 32, 18, 2741-2743, Sep. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We have experimentally demonstrated a high-power self-mode-locked Yb:Y2O3 ceramic laser. Without any additional active or passive element in the cavity, self-started cw mode-locking was achieved. The maximum output power was as high as 2.7 W with a pulse duration of 1. 1 ps. Numerical studies show that the diffraction loss induced by thermal lens aberration, in combination with the Kerr self-focusing effect in the gain medium, results in the mode locking of the laser. To our knowledge, this is the first self-mode-locked ceramic laser. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - New data on investigation of novel laser ceramic on the base of cubic scandium sesquioxide: two-band tunable CW generation of Yb3+: Sc2O3 with laser-diode pumping and the dispersion of refractive index in the visible and near-IR of undoped Sc2O3
K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; P. Becker; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; L. Bohaty; T. Yanagitani; A. A. Kaminskii
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 4, 7, 507-510, Jul. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We report on the first achievement of tunable two-band "one-micron" CW oscillation in the F-2(5/2) -> F-2(7/2) channel of Yb3+ activator ions in Sc2O3 ceramics with CW laser diode pumping, as well as on results of precise measurement of the refractive index and its dispersion in spectral range 0.365 - 2.325 mu m and full transmission spectra of undoped Sc2O3 ceramics fabricated by the VSN method.
Scientific journal, English - Laser-diode pumped heavy-doped Yb : YAG ceramic lasers
Jun Dong; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani; Alexander A. Kaminskii
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 32, 13, 1890-1892, Jul. 2007, Laser performance of heavy-doped Yb:YAG ceramics was investigated using a two-pass pumping miniature laser configuration. Slope efficiency of 52% and optical-to-optical efficiency of 48% have been achieved for 1-mm-thick YAG ceramic doped with 20 at. % ytterbium ions. Laser spectra of Yb:YAG ceramic and single-crystal lasers were addressed under different intracavity laser intensities. Heavy-doped Yb:YAG ceramic is more suitable for a thin disk laser than a single-crystal with the same Yb3+-ion lasants. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Characterizations and laser performances of highly transparent Nd3+ : Y3Al5O12 laser ceramics
Hideki Yagi; Takagirni Yanagitani; Kazunori Takaichi; Ken-ichi Ueda; Alexander A. Kaminskii
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 29, 10, 1258-1262, Jun. 2007, Peer-reviwed, The recent development of ceramic laser materials is probably the most important innovation in the field of laser material fabrication technology. Recently, we have been able to fabricate highly transparent neodymium doped Y3Al5O12 ceramics as solid-state laser materials by the vacuum sintering technique and nanocrystalline technology. The optical properties and microstructure of those ceramics were investigated. Flashlamp-pumped laser operation with the ceramic rod was demonstrated. Laser diode (LD) pumped composite ceramic laser was also demonstrated. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Scientific journal, English - Composite Yb:YAG/Cr:YAG cermaics self-Q-switched laser,
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H.Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
CLEO 2007, CFJ5, May 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Up-conversion to the conduction band in highly doped Yb:YAG and Yb:Y2O3 and its effect on thin-disk lasers,
S.T. Frederich-Thornton; J-F. Bisson; D. Kouznetsov; K. Ueda; K. Petermann; G. Huber
CLEO 2007,, CFJ6, May 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Liniearly-polarized Yb-doped fiber laser in an all-fiber configuration,
A. Shirakawa; M. Kamijo; J. Ota; K. Ueda; K. Mizuuchi; H. Furuya; K. Yamamoto
CLEO 2007, CMC5, May 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - All-optical dynamic chirp compression of few-cycle optical pulses by frequency-domain phase conjugation,
H. Nishioka; K. Hayakawa; S. Obata; H. Tomita; K. Ueda
CLEO 2007, CTuFF1, May 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Femtosecond pulse amplification by a two-photon arranged photorefractive amplifier
Hajime Nishioka; Keisuke Hayasaka; Shuji Ohta; Hitoshi Tomita; Ken-ichi Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 15, 8, 4830-4834, Apr. 2007, Peer-reviwed, Femtosecond pulse amplification by a two-photon arranged photorefractive amplifier ( TAPA) has been demonstrated. A gain bandwidth of 32 THz has been achieved with an extraction efficiency of 27%. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - Transient temperature profile in the gain medium of CW- and end-pumped passively Q-switched microchip laser
Jianlang Li; Jun Dong; Musha Mitsurua; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 270, 1, 63-67, Feb. 2007, Peer-reviwed, The transient temperature profile in CW- and end-pumped passively Q-switched (PQS) microchip laser is investigated qualitatively by treating the population inversion (thereby the thermal load) as the sawtooth function of the time. The numerical results reveal not only the dynamics of thermal buildup, but also the dependence of the quasi-steady-state temperature rise and the repetitively oscillatory amplitude on the incident pump power and the pulse repetition rate of PQS laser. The abruptly ascending branch of the repetitive temperature oscillation is synchronized with the pulsing stage of PQS laser. As the result, the abrupt temperature transition during the pulsing stage would introduce the fluctuation into the PQS pulse parameters (pulse energy, pulse width, and peak power) via temperature-dependent stimulated emission and thermal lensing effect. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Switchable pulses generation in passively Q-switched multi longitudinal-mode microchip laser
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 4, 2, 109-116, Feb. 2007, Peer-reviwed, Periodical switching laser pulses with nanosecond pulse width and several kilowatts peak power from wide-separated multilongitudinal-mode oscillation were observed experimentally in laser-diode pumped passively Q-switched Yb:YAG microchip laser with Cr4+:YAG as saturable absorber. Pulses from different longitudinal modes oscillate alternatively. Periodical pulses oscillation dynamics induced by spatial hole burning effect and mode competition was investigated numerically by the evolution of the inversion population of different modes and the bleaching and recovery of the inversion population of the saturable absorber. The numerical simulations of switchable periodical pulsation of multilongitudinal-mode passively Q-switched Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG microchip lasers are in good agreement with experimental results and confirmed that such pulsations are an intrinsic property in passively Q-switched Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG microchip lasers.
Scientific journal, English - High-efficiency 1040 and 1078 nm laser emission of a Yb : Y2O3 ceramic laser with 976 nm diode pumping
J. Kong; D. Y. Tang; C. C. Chan; J. Lu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 32, 3, 247-249, Feb. 2007, Peer-reviwed, We report a high-efficiency diode-end-pumped polycrystalline Yb:Y2O3 ceramic laser. Pumped by a 976 nm laser diode bar and with an absorbed pump power of 2.8 W, ew output power of 1.74 W at 1078 nm, and 0.73W at 1040nm were obtained. The slope efficiency was measured to be 82.4% for the 1078nm laser emission and 57.1% for the 1040 nm laser emission. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Passively Q-switched Yb:YAG/Cr:YAG ceramics miniature lasers with peak power > 150 kW and nearly diffraction-limited beam quality
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, CA8-3, 2007, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Practical optical frequency measurement system around 1.5 mm based on an acetylene-stabilized laser-locked optical frequency comb,
M. Musha; Y. Tamura; K. Nakagawa; K. Ueda
Opt. Comm., 274, 211-216, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Influence of the grain boundaries on the heat transfer in laser ceramics
Jean-Francois Bisson; Hideki Yagi; Takakimi Yanagitani; Alexander Kaminskii; Yuri N. Barabanenkov; Ken-Ichi Ueda
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 14, 1, 1-13, Jan. 2007, Grain boundaries play a key role in determining several key properties of polycrystalline laser ceramics. Heat transfer measurements at low temperature constitute a good tool to probe grain boundaries. We review the results of heat transfer measurements in polycrystalline Y(3)Al(5)O(12) garnets as well as Y(2)O(3) and Lu(2)O(3) sesquioxide materials obtained by self-energy-driven sintering of nano-particles. The average phonon mean free path in Y(3)Al(5)O(12) was found to be significantly larger than the average grain size and to scale with temperature as T(-2) at low temperature. Existing models describing the interaction between phonons and grain boundaries are reviewed. Correct temperature dependence of the mean free path and order of magnitude of scattering rates were found by assuming the existence of a grain boundary layer having acoustic properties different from those of the bulk. A different temperature dependence of phonon mean free path was found for the sesquioxides and was ascribed to the stronger elastic anisotropy of these materials. The thermal resistance associated to the grain boundaries of laser ceramics was found to be lower than in other dense polycrystalline ceramic materials reported in the literature. (c) 2007 The Optical Society of Japan
Scientific journal, English - Self-pulsing laser as oscillator Toda: approximations through elementary functions,
D. Kouznetsov; J-F. Bisson; J. Li; K. Ueda
J. Phys. A, 40, 2107-2124, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped 188 fs mode-locked Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramic laser,
M. Tokurakawa; K. Takaichi; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Appl. Phys. Lett, 90, 071101, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - The physical properties of transparent Y3Al5O12 elastic modulus at high temperature and thermal conductivity at low temperature
H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; T. Numazawa; K. Ueda
CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 33, 5, 711-714, 2007, Peer-reviwed, We report experimental studies on the physical properties of transparent single and polycrystalline Y3Al5O12 (YAG) used for laser materials or are tubes for lamps. The elastic modulus and thermal conductivity of the YAG polycrystal were measured. The Young's modulus of the YAG polycrystal was 308 GPa at room temperature and decreased to 264 GPa at 1400 degrees C. Thermal conductivity increased with increasing grain size at temperatures below 150 K and was almost independent of grain size at higher temperatures. The thermal conductivity of the YAG polycrystal for a grain size of 7.5 mu m was 1.1 W/cm K at 37 K, about seven times lower than that of the single crystal. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Conceptual design of the fast ignition laser fusion power plant (KOYO-Fast) 5. Design of laser deriver on fast ignition reactor,
N. Miyanaga; J. Kawanaka; T. Kawashima; K. Tsubakimoto; Y. Fujimoto; H. Kubomura; S. Matsuoka; Y. Ikegawa; Y. Suzuki; N. Tuchiya; H. Furukawa; T. Kanabe; N. Fujita; K. Yoshida; H. Nakano; J. Nishimae; M. Nakatsuka; K. Ueda; K. Tomabechi
Jpn. Soc. Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, 83, 3-18, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Near-diffraction-limited passively Q-switched Yb:Y3Al5O12 ceramic lasers with peak power >150 kW,
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 131105, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Switching of emissivity and photo-conductivity in highly doped Yb3+: Y2O3 and Lu2O3 ceramics,
J.-F Bisson; D. Kouznetsov; K. Ueda; S. Fredrich-Thornton; K. Petermann; G. Huber
Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 201901, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Converging-axicon-based radially polarized Yb fiber laser and evidence on mode profile inside gain fiber,
J. Li; K. Ueda; M. Musha; A. Shirakawa; Z. Zhang
Opt. Lett., 32, 1360-1362, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Ytterbium and chromium doped composite Y3Al5O12 ceramics self-Q-switched laser,
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 191106, 2007, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - A polarization-stabilized microchip laser using a resonant grating mirror
J. -F. Bisson; O. Parriaux; J. C. Pommier; S. Tonchev; K. Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 85, 4, 519-524, Dec. 2006, Peer-reviwed, A resonant grating mirror was monolithically integrated to an ytterbium-doped ceramic Y3Al5O12 microchip laser to produce a linearly polarized laser beam emitting at 1030 nm with a polarization contrast ratio up to 1000. The device was pumped with a fiber-coupled laser diode bar emitting 2-ms pulses at 50 Hz at 940 nm. Up to 13-W peak output power was obtained from 20-W absorbed pump power at room temperature. The obtained slope efficiency with respect to the absorbed pump power was about 80%.
Scientific journal, English - Sub-nanosecond passively Q-switched Yb : YAG/Cr4+: YAG sandwiched microchip laser
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. -I. Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 85, 4, 513-518, Dec. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We report on laser-diode pumped low-threshold, and compact passively Q-switched Yb:YAG microchip lasers, with Cr4+:YAG crystals as the saturable absorbers. The laser threshold at the fundamental wavelength of 1.03 mu m is as low as 0.25 W, and the slope efficiency is as high as 36.8%, and the optical-to-optical efficiency is as high as 27% for the 95% initial transmission of the Cr4+:YAG crystal. A pulse width of 1.35 ns and peak power of over 8.2 kW was obtained. Using a 5 mm thick KTP crystal as the second-harmonic generation medium, 514.7 nm green light of 155 mW power was generated. The pulse duration of 480 ps was generated at 1.03 mu m by using 85% of the initial transmission of the Cr4+:YAG saturable absorber. Stable single-longitudinal-mode oscillation and wide-separated multi-longitudinal-mode oscillation due to the etalon effect of the Cr4+:YAG thin plate was achieved at different pump power levels.
Scientific journal, English - Influence of annealing conditions on the optical properties of chromium-doped ceramic Y3Al5O12
Hideki Yagi; Kazunori Takaichi; Ken-ichi Ueda; Takagimi Yanagitani; Alexander A. Karninskii
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 29, 4, 392-396, Dec. 2006, Peer-reviwed, Transparent chromium-doped Y3Al5O12 ceramics were fabricated. The absorption and emission spectra of these ceramics were measured at room temperature. The absorption and emission spectra of Cr:Y3Al5O12 ceramics varied with annealing conditions. By high-temperature annealing, the absorption intensity increased, and its peak wavelengths changed from 430 nm and 600 nm to approximately 465 nm and 612 nm, respectively, because the valence changed from Cr3+ to Cr4+. For the samples, emissions from both Cr3+ and Cr4+ ions were detected. However, emission from only the Cr3+ ions was observed in samples that annealed at low temperature or unannealed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Y3Al5O12 ceramic absorbers for the suppression of parasitic oscillation in high-power Nd : YAG lasers
H. Yagi; J. F. Bisson; K. Ueda; T. Yanagitani
JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 121, 1, 88-94, Nov. 2006, Peer-reviwed, The objective of this study was to identify a material suitable to absorb radiation at the wavelength of neodymiumdoped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Y3Al5O12:YAG), 1064nm. M-(M = Sm3+, Co2+, Co3+, Cr3+, and Cr-4 +) doped highly transparent YAG ceramics were fabricated, and their absorption spectra were measured. Unlike Co2+ and Cr3+-doped ceramic samples, Co3+ and Cr4+ and Sm3+ -doped:YAG ceramics were found to have significant absorption at 1064nm. However, the Sm3+-doped YAG clearly emerged as the best candidate because it is also transparent at 808 nm, the pumping wavelength laser diode (LD), and also at most absorption bands used for flashlamp pumping. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Generation of radially polarized mode in Yb fiber laser by using a dual conical prism
Jian-lang Li; Ken-ichi Ueda; Mitsuru Musha; Akira Shirakawa; Lan-xiang Zhong
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 31, 20, 2969-2971, Oct. 2006, Peer-reviwed, For the first time to our knowledge, a radially polarized beam is generated in an Yb-doped multimode double-clad fiber laser by using an intracavity dual conical prism. Up to 6.2 mW of output power is obtained from a 2 m long gain fiber with 7.4% slope efficiency. This research opens a new window to obtaining a radially polarized beam directly from an active fiber. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Nd3+: Y3Al5O12 laser ceramics: Flashlamp pumped laser operation with a UV cut filter
Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani; Ken-Ichi Ueda
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 421, 1-2, 195-199, Sep. 2006, Peer-reviwed, A Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 ceramic laser under the hard-UV cutting condition of Xe flashlamp pumping was demonstrated for the first time. By using a 16.4 kW Xe flashlamp and a samarium-doped flow tube, an average laser output power of 386 W was obtained at 1064 nm with a 1.1 at.% Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 ceramic rod of O10 mm x 152 mm. The slope efficiency was measured to be 2.3%, which was the same as for a Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 single crystal rod of similar size. The degradation of output power by the solarization effect was found to be negligible when the UV radiation below 350 nm wavelength was cut by a Sm:glass flow tube. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - New results on characterization of highly transparent C-modification Lu2O3 nanocrystalline ceramics: room-temperature tunable CW laser action of Yb3+ ions under LD-pumping and the propagation kinetics of non-equilibrium acoustic phonons
A. A. Kaminskii; S. N. Bagayev; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; A. Shirakawa; S. N. Ivanov; E. N. Khazanov; A. V. Taranov; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 3, 8, 375-379, Aug. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We report on the first achievment of CW oscillation in Yb3+:Lu2O3 ceramic lasers (F-2(5/2) -> F-2(7/2) channel) under LD-pumping at 0.976 mu m wavelength, as well as present of the thickness of grain boundary layers in Lu2O3 ceramics was estimated under non-equilibrium acoustic phonon propagation kinetics at helium temerature (2.4-3.8 K).
Scientific journal, English - Steady-state picosecond stimulated Raman scattering in two host-crystals for Ln(3+) and Ln(2+) lasants
A. A. Kaminskii; S. N. Bagayev; H. J. Eichler; H. Rhee; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; K. Oka; H. Shibata; Y. Hatanaka; Y. Matsumoto
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 3, 8, 385-391, Aug. 2006, Peer-reviwed, Efficient room-temperature high-order Stokes and anti-Stokes steady-state generation in two wide-used host-crystals LuVO4 and CaF2 for lathanide lasants has been discovered. all recorded chi((3))-lasing components are identified to the SRS-promoting phonon modes of these crystals. We classified luteium vandate and fluorite as media for promising for up- and down-Raman laser-frequency converters, as well as for self-SRS lasers.
Scientific journal, English - All-optical temporal phase correction scheme for few-cycle optical pulses using diffractive optics
Hajime Nishioka; Hitoshi Tomita; Keisuke Hayasaka; Ken-Ichi Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 14, 16, 7447-7455, Aug. 2006, Peer-reviwed, All-optical phase correction scheme for few-cycle optical pulses has been proposed. The temporal phase structure of a phase-modulated pulse is recorded as spatial index modulation in a two-photon recording medium. This scheme drastically relaxes complicacy in stretcher design for few-cycle chirped pulse amplification (CPA) systems. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Maximum value of the pulse energy of a passively Q-switched laser as a function of the pump power
Jianlang Li; Ken-ichi Ueda; Jun Dong; Mitsuru Musha; Akira Shirakawa
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 45, 21, 5377-5384, Jul. 2006, Peer-reviwed, The finite recovery time T-s of the bleached absorber is presented as one of the possible mechanisms accounting for the increase-maximum-decrease in pulse energy E with the pumping rate W-p in cw-pumped passively Q-switched solid-state lasers. by analytically evaluating the sign of the derivative partial derivative E/partial derivative W-p. The results show that. in the low punipinie (T > T-s, T is the interpulse period). the initial repopulation density n, remains constant. the final population density n(i) decreases with W-p. and this results in a monotonic increase of E with W-p. In the high pump regime (T < T-s). n, decreases but n(i) remains the same with W-P; this results in a monotonic decrease of E with W-p. At the critical region (T approximate to T), E reaches its maximum value. A cw-pumped Yb:YAG laser passively Q switched by a Cr4-:YAG absorber is demonstrated to confirm this model. The theoretical model is also applied to the analysis of three previously reported passive Q switching solid-state [Nd:GdVO4, Nd-:LaSc3(BO3)(4) (Nd-:LSB), and Nd:YAG] lasers experiments. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Development of a fiber-MOPA system for the light source of the gravitational wave antenna,
J. Miura; M. Musha; K. Nakagawa; K.Ueda
AMALDI-6, June 23, 2005, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Diode-pumped mode-locked ytterbium-doped sesquioxide ceramic lasers,
A. Shirakawa; M.Tokurakawa; K.Takaichi; K.Ueda; H.Yagi; S. Hosokawa; T. Yanagitani
Prof. SPIE, to be published, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Efficient sub-nanosecond Cr4+:YAG passively Q-switched Yb:YAG microchip lasers and second-harmonic generation,
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Prof. SPIE, to be published, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Temperature variation in passively-Q-switched microchip laser based on repetitively thermal loading,
J. Li; J. Dong; K. Ueda; M. Musha; A. Shirakawa
Prof. SPIE, in press, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Generation of ring and arc beams in a neodymium laser,
J.-F. Bisson; J. Li; K. Ueda; Yu. Senatsky
Proc. SPIE, in press, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Observation of high-order Stokes and anti-Stokes X-(3)-generation in highly transparent laser-host Lu2O3 ceramics
A. A. Kaminskii; S. N. Bagaev; H. J. Eichler; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; A. Shirakawa; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; H. Rhee
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 3, 6, 310-313, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed, Efficient room-temperature steady-state high-order stimulated Raman scattering under picosecond laser pumping in ceramics based on cubic Lu2O3 oxide was discovered. All registered Stokes and anti-Stokes generation components were identified and attributed to the chi((3))-promoting vibrations mode omega(SRS) approximate to 392 cm(-1) of this novel crystalline laser-host material.
Scientific journal, English - Driver development of IFE power plant in Japan - Collaborative process with industry and industrial applications
S. Nakai; M. Yamanaka; Y. Kitagawa; K. Fujita; M. Heya; K. Mima; Y. Izawa; M. Nakatsuka; M. Murakami; K. Ueda; T. Sasaki; Y. Mori; T. Kanabe; T. Hiruma; H. Kan; T. Kawashima
JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV, EDP SCIENCES S A, 133, 811-819, Jun. 2006, Peer-reviwed, The typical specifications of the laser driver for a commercial IFE power plant are (1) total energy (MJ/pulse) with a tailored 20-40 ns pulse, (2) repetition operation (similar to 10 Hz), (3) efficiency (similar to 10%) with enough robustness and low cost. The key elements of the DPSSL driver technology are under development with HALNA. The HALNA 10 (High Average-power Laser for Nuclear-fusion Application) demonstrated 10 J x 10 Hz operation and the HALNA 100 (100 J x 10 Hz) is now under construction. By using the high average power and high intensity lasers, new industrial applications are being proceeded. The collaborative process for the development of high power laser with industry and for the industrial applications is effective and essential in the development of the laser driver for IFE power plant.
Scientific journal, English - Ultra-short pulse laser pump-probe experiments for investigation of warm dense plasmas
H Yoneda; H Morikami; K Ueda; RM More
JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 99, 1-3, 690-696, May 2006, Peer-reviwed, We describe experiments on warm dense plasmas created with an ultra-short pulse UV laser, and probed with short pulses of various frequencies. The reflected probe pulse is analyzed to give the three Stokes' parameters which describe its elliptic polarization. From this data,-we infer the dielectric function of the warm dense plasma, taking account of its non-uniform density-temperature structure. In the experiments, we can identify an early time period when the plasma has not yet expanded significantly. In this first phase, the Fresnel formulas uniquely determine the dielectric function of hot solid-density matter from any two of the measured signals. Comparing reconstructed signals to the observed Stokes' parameters we can determine the time (usually a few 100 fsec) after which surface expansion becomes important. In the second phase (t>200-300fsec), the plasma expansion is appreciable and must be modeled with analytical or numerical hydrodynamics. Comparing to experiment, we can approximately determine the plasma dielectric function. We find the free electron contribution to the dielectric function is often much less than expected from the usual Spitzer-Drude theory. Studies of dependence of probe reflection on probe laser frequency may enable us to extract the DC electrical conductivity from measured AC optical constants. New scattered-light measurements identify the onset of condensation of the expanding plasma and the formation of droplets of liquid metal. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Observation of stimulated Raman scattering in the tetragonal crystal YbVO4
A. A. Kaminskii; S. N. Bagayev; K. Oka; H. Shibata; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; H. J. Eichler; H. Rhee
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 3, 5, 263-267, May 2006, Peer-reviwed, Stokes and anti-Stokes picosecond generation in potential laser host YbVO4 single crystal has been observed for the first time. All measured stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) wavelengths in the visible and near-IR are identified and attributed to the SRS-promoting vibration mode of this tetragonal vanadate.
Scientific journal, English - Residual pump light as a probe of self-pulsing instability in an ytterbium-doped fiber laser
JL Li; K Ueda; M Musha; A Shirakawa
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 31, 10, 1450-1452, May 2006, Peer-reviwed, Self-pulsing instability in the ytterbium-doped fiber (YDF) laser is investigated with the pump-bypassed cavity configuration. The residual pump light acts as a probe of the intracavity dynamics, and the temporal behavior of the light shows correlations with the self-mode locking instability in the original cavity and the sustained self-pulsing instability in the modified cavity of the YDF laser. The results suggest that the interactions among stimulated emission, pump absorption and/or reabsorption could account for self-pulsing instability in the YDF laser. The pump-bypassed laser cavity configuration can be used to investigate the instabilities of various kinds of fiber lasers. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Ridged atomic mirrors and atomic nanoscope
D Kouznetsov; H Oberst; A Neumann; Y Kuznetsova; K Shimizu; JF Bisson; K Ueda; SRJ Brueck
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 39, 7, 1605-1623, Apr. 2006, Peer-reviwed, Recent results on the reflection of waves from ridged mirrors are discussed. Numerical calculations, analytical estimates and the direct measurements of coefficient of specular reflection of atomic waves from solid-state mirrors are combined. The reflectivity is approximated as an elementary function of period L of ridges, their width l, wavenumber K, grazing angle theta and effective depth w of the van der Waals potential. In a special case L = l, the fit reproduces the reflectivity of flat surfaces. Our approximation allows us to optimize the L at given e and estimate the maximum performance of a ridged mirror. Such a mirror is suggested as a focusing element for the nano-scale imaging system.
Scientific journal, English - Radially polarized ring and arc beams of a neodymium laser with an intra-cavity axicon
JF Bisson; J Li; K Ueda; Y Senatsky
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 14, 8, 3304-3311, Apr. 2006, Peer-reviwed, Placing a Brewster-angle axicon inside a laser resonator makes it possible to produce a radially-polarized (RP) oscillation pattern distributed on a thin ring or a portion of a ring. Laser-diode end-pumped, Nd:Y3Al5O12 and Nd:YVO4 lasers were studied. Spatially coherent RP beams distributed on circular arcs were obtained with a polarization contrast ratio up to 80:1. Incoherent RP outputs on a full ring were also produced with a polarization contrast ratio of about 5: 1. Applications of these beams to increase absorption efficiency in laser-matter interaction are discussed. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Strong optical bistability in ytterbium-doped fibre laser with reabsorption
JL Li; M Musha; A Shirakawa; KI Ueda; L Zhong
ELECTRONICS LETTERS, INSTITUTION ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET, 42, 8, 449-450, Apr. 2006, Peer-reviwed, The strong optical bistability in a ytterbium-doped fibre (YDF) laser is demonstrated, which is due to the saturable absorption of the unpumped YDF stage. The bistable regions of both the signal output and residual pump light are 320 mW within an antiphase manner with respect to each other. The signal output and residual pump light also exhibit self-pulsing instability. A bifurcated laser cavity configuration for switchable dual-wavelength generation is predicted based on the optical bistability of the residual pump power.
Scientific journal, English - Online monitoring of alignment noises in TAMA300
Daisuke Tatsumi; Koji Arai
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Institute of Physics Publishing, 32, 1, 94-98, 02 Mar. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We report on online monitoring of alignment noises in TAMA300 detector of Japan. The continuous monitoring of noise contributions is necessary for the veto analysis. To detect gravitational wave signals, fake events should be removed by veto analysis. We investigated a procedure for evaluating various noise contributions continuously. The procedure has been applied to several noise sources such as laser intensity and auxiliary length control. An investigation of alignment noises is the focus of this paper. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.
International conference proceedings, English - 5.5 J pyrotechnically pumped Nd3+: Y3Al5O12 cermaic laser
AA Kaminskii; SN Bagayev; K Ueda; K Takaichi; H Yagi; T Yanagitani
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 3, 3, 124-128, Mar. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We report on a high-energy ceramic Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 laser. Under the pyrotechnic explosion pumping, quasi-CW output power of about 1.1 KW (approximate to 5.5 J) at 1.06415 mu m wavelength (F-4(3/2) -> I-4(11/2) lasing channel) was achieved. Pyrotechnically pumped crystalline lasers are characterized by low size and cost, and the highest reported ratio of output energy to their weight.
Scientific journal, English - Robust and precise length stabilization of a 25-km long optical fiber using an optical interferometric method with a digital phase-frequency discriminator
M Musha; Y Sato; K Nakagawa; K Ueda; A Ueda; M Ishiguro
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 82, 4, 555-559, Mar. 2006, Peer-reviwed, We have developed an optical fiber length stabilization system for the distribution of reference millimeter wave signals in a long-baseline phased-array radio telescope. The fiber length was compared with an absolute wavelength reference laser using a Michelson interferometer. We used a digital servo system including a digital phase-frequency discriminator with a wide phase dynamic range and a digital signal processor (DSP) for the digital servo system. All-digital servo system made it possible to realize a robust and precise length stabilization of a 25-km long optical fiber.
Scientific journal, English - Dispersion-managed all-fiber chirped-pulse amplifier yielding high-power clean sub-500-fs pulses at 1.5 μm
Akira Shirakawa; Motoyuki Tanisho; Ken-Ichi Ueda
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006, JWB71, 2006, Peer-reviwed, All-fiber chirped-pulse amplification based on a large-mode-area Er:Yb-doped photonic-crystal fiber is presented. A dispersion-variable hybrid fiber stretcher compensates the peculiar dispersion of the hollow-core photonic-bandgap fiber compressor yielding transform-limited 440-fs pulses with 1-W average power. © 2006 Optical Society of America.
International conference proceedings, English - Side-pumped Nd3+:YAG composite ceramic laser,
H. Yagi; K. Takaichi; K. Hiwada; K. Ueda; T. Yanagitani
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 45, L207-L209, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Power scaling of Tm3+ stop doped ZBLAN blue upconversion fiber lasers: modeling and experiments
G Qin; S Huang; Y Feng; A Shirakawa; M Musha; KI Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 82, 1, 65-70, Jan. 2006, Peer-reviwed, Power scaling of Tm(3+)s doped ZBLAN blue upconversion fiber lasers was investigated by a simple model. Based on our experimental results on blue fiber lasers, we discuss the effects of photodegradation and photocuring, fiber length, the reflectivity of the coupler mirror and fiber core diameter on further enhancement of blue fiber laser, respectively. The optimal parameters (including fiber length, fiber core diameter and the reflectivity of the coupler mirror) for the operation of high power (> 1 W) blue fiber laser were presented through simple numerical simulations, which are valuable for the future design of high power blue upconversion fiber laser.
Scientific journal, English - High-power Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser directly operating at 1178 nm,
J. Ohta; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 45, L117-L119, 2006
Scientific journal, English - Highly efficient flashlamp-pumped Cr3+ and Nd3+ codoped Y3Al5O12 ceramic laser
H Yagi; T Yanagitani; H Yoshida; M Nakatsuka; K Ueda
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, INST PURE APPLIED PHYSICS, 45, 1A, 133-135, Jan. 2006, Peer-reviwed, A flashlamp-pumped highly efficient 0.1 at.% Cr3+ and 1.0 at.% Nd3+ codoped Y3Al5O12 ceramic laser was demonstrated. A 10.4 J output energy at 1064 run was obtained, with a laser efficiency of 4.9%. The laser efficiency of the Cr3+ and Nd3+ codoped Y3Al5O12 ceramic rod was found to be more than twofold that of a 1.0at. % Nd3+-doped Y3Al5O12 ceramic rod.
Scientific journal, English - 最近のファイバーレーザー
機械技術, 54, 3, 17-23, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Observation of stimulated Raman scattering in Y3Al5O12 single crystals and nanocrystalline ceramics and in these materials activated with laser ions Nd3+ and Yb3+,
A. Kaminskii; H. Eichler; K. Ueda; S. Bagayev; G. Gad; J. Lu; T. Murai; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
JETP Lett., 82, 1090-6487, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Developments of a fibre-MOPA system for the light source of the gravitational wave antenna,
M. Musha; J. Miura; K. Nakagawa; K. Ueda
Class. Quantum Grav., 23, S287-S292, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - The Japanese space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO
S. Kawamura
Class. Quantum Grav., 23, S125-S131, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Analysis of the laser noise propagation mechanism on the laser interferometer gravitational wave antenna,
S. Sato; K. Arai; T. Akutsu; TAMA collaboration
J. Phys. CS, 32, 74-79, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Influence of radio frequency harmonics to TAMA300 sensitivity,
N. Nakagawa; K. Arai; K. Kuroda; TAMA collaboration
J. Phys.CS, 32, 99-100, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Contributions of oscillator noises to the sensitivity of TAMA300,
T. Akutsu; K. Arai; S. Sato; TAMA collaboration
J. Phys. CS, 32, 105-110, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Efficient laser oscillation of Yb:Y3Al5O12 single crystal grown by temperature gradient technique,
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; J. Xu; P. Deng
Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 161115, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Joint LIGO and TAMA300 search for gravitational waves from inspiralling neutron star binaries,
B. Abbott
Phys. Rev. D, 73, 102002, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Observation of repetitively nanosecond pulse-width transverse patterns in microchip self-Q-switched laser,
J. Dong; K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. A, 73, 053824, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Antiphase dynamics of sub-nanosecond microchip Cr,Yb:YAG self-Q-switchnig multimode laser,
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Eur. Phys. J. D, 39, 101-106, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Surface loss limit of the power scaling of a thin-disk laser,
D. Kouznetsov; JF. Bisson; J. Dong; K. Ueda
J. Opt. Soc. Am, B, 23, 1074-1082, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Spectroscopic and stimulated emission characteristics of Nd3+ in transparent Y2O3 ceramics,
Kumar; K. Ueda; T. Yanagitani
IEEE QE, 42, 643-650, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Efficient Yb3+:Y3Al5O12 ceramic microchip lasers,
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Applied Physics Letters, 89, 091114, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Analysis of gravitational wave bursts in TAMA300 data using an ALF filter,
T Akutsu; M Ando; N Kanda; D Tatsumi; S Telada; S Miyoki; M Ohashi; TAMA Collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 23, S715-S721, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - of target properties and laser fluence on energetic protons accelerated by a laser-produced plasma,
T. Nayuki; Y. Fujii; K. Takano; XF Wang; A. Andreev; K. Nemoto; K. Ueda; Influence
J. Appl. Phys., 100, 043111, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - All-ceramic passively Q-switched Yb:YAG/Cr4+:YAG microchip laser,
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; T. Takaichi; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Electonic Letters, 42, 1154-1155, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Results of the search for inspiraling compact star binaries from TAMA300's observation in 2000-2004,
T. Akutsu; TAMA collaboration
Phys. Rev. D, 74, 122002, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Polarization-maintaining fiber pulse compressor by birefringent hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber, Optics Express,
A. Shirakawa; M. Tanisho; K. Ueda
Optics Express, 14, 12039, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped mode-locked Yb3+:Lu2O3 nanocrystalline ceramic laser,
M. Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; S. Hosokawa; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Opt. Express, 14, 12832, 2006, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Multi-longitudinal-mode oscillation of self-Q-switched Cr,Yb : YAG laser with a plano-concave resonator
J Dong; JL Li; SH Huang; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 256, 1-3, 158-165, Dec. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Stable longitudinal multi-mode chromium and ytterbium co-doped Cr,Yb:YAG self-Q-switched laser formed by a plano-concave resonator has been demonstrated at room temperature without cooling system. An average output power of as much as 70 mW at 1.03 mu n with a pulse width (FWHM) as short as 12.3 ns was obtained with 5% transmission output coupler. High beam quality (M-2<2.4) output with transverse gaussian profile was obtained. The non-linear mode coupling effects of this longitudinal multi-mode laser was investigated and stable pulse sequence was attributed to the non-linear mode coupling effects between main mode oscillation and the side-mode oscillation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Antiphase states of sub-nanosecond Cr,Yb:YAG microchip self-Q-switched multimode laser,
J. Dong; K. Ueda
APOC 2005, November 6-10, 2005., Nov. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - A polarization-stabilized ceramic microchip laser using resonant grating technology,
J-F. Bisson; O. Parriaux; E. Gamet; Yu. Senatsky; K. Ueda
OJ 2005, Nov. 24, 2005, Nov. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Random laser study with nano-crystalline Nd3+:YAG powder,
Y. Feng; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
OJ 2005, Nov. 24, 2005., Nov. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Limits of coherent addition of lasers: Simple estimate
D Kouznetsov; JF Bisson; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 12, 6, 445-447, Nov. 2005, Peer-reviwed, The coherent combining of single mode lasers using coupled cavities is considered. A simple analytical estimate of the number of lasers that can be efficiently combined in such a way is suggested. Such an estimate agrees with simulations and experiments reported recently. (c) 2005 The Optical Society of Japan.
Scientific journal, English - Frequency-domain phase conjugation by a two-photon gated Bragg grating for nJ laser pulses,
H. Nishioka; K.Hayasaka; H. Tomita; K. Ueda
LEOS 2005, WDD4, Oct. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 1083 nm single frequency ytterbium doped fiber laser
S Huang; Y Feng; J Dong; A Shirakawa; M Musha; K Ueda
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2, 10, 498-501, Oct. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Single frequency 1083 nm ytterbium fiber laser was demonstrated by introducing loop mirror filter and polarization controller in linear laser cavity. The loop mirror with unpumped ytterbium fiber as a narrow bandwidth filter discriminated and selected laser longitudinal modes efficiently. Spatial hole burning effect was restrained by adjusting polarization controller appropriately. The laser linewidth was about 2 KHz. Output power up to 14 mW were obtained under the launched pump power of 100 mW at 976 nm, the corresponding optical-optical conversion efficiency was 14%, the slope efficiency was 18%a. The measurement of RIN and power stability indicated the stable operation of the laser.
Scientific journal, English - Non-centrosymmetric molybdates CsLiMoO(4) and CsLiMoO(4)center dot(1)(3)H(2)O: crystal growth, polymorphism, efficient Stokes and anti-Stokes generation and cascaded self-frequency [chi((3))(SRS) ->chi((2)) (SFM)] conversion effects
P Becker; L Bohaty; R Frohlich; HJ Eichler; K Ueda; K Takaichi; J Hanuza; M Maczka; H Rhee; AA Kaminskii
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 202, 13, 2543-2564, Oct. 2005, Peer-reviwed, New nonlinear-laser properties of the non-centrosymmetric cubic crystals CsLiMoO(4) and CsLiMoO(4) (.) 1/3H(2)O were studied by stimulated Raman scattering spectroscopy (SRS). Multiple Stokes and anti-Stokes generation sidebands in the visible and near-IR under picosecond laser pumping have been observed for the first time. All recorded Raman induced lasing components were identified and attribute to two of the SRS-promoting A(1)(v(1))-stretching approximate to 925 cm(-1)) and E(v(2))-bending (omega(SRS2) approximate to 310 cm(-1)) vibration modes of the MoO(4)(2-) units of the crystals. The estimation measurement of the steady-state Raman gain coefficients in the near-IR region for both first Stokes generations in the CsLiMoO(4) (.) 1/3H(2)O Crystal showed that they are not less than 3.1 cm (.) GW(-1). Besides of high-order Stokes and anti-Stokes lasing in this hydrated molybdate cascaded chi((3)) -> chi((2)) sum-frequency mixing interaction was observed under one-micron pumping. Large single crystals of optical quality of both compounds were grown and characterized with respect to their structure and structural stability. Ferroic phase transitions, that occur in CsLiMoO(4) are suppressed in the novel compound CsLiMoO(4) (.) 1/3H(2)O. We classify these molybdates as attractive SRS-active crystalline materials. (c) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Scientific journal, English - Temperature-dependent stimulated emission cross section and concentration quenching in highly doped Nd3+: YAG crystals
J Dong; A Rapaport; M Bass; F Szipocs; K Ueda
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 202, 13, 2565-2573, Oct. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Measurements are reported of the spectroscopic properties (absorption and emission spectra, stimulated emission cross section, and radiative lifetime) of Nd:YAG crystals doped with 1, 2 and 3 at% Nd3+ in the temperature range between 70 and 300 K. The stimulated emission cross sections for these crystals were determined using the Fiichtbauer-Ladenburg (F-L) formula at each different temperature. The absorption spectra at room temperature were used to calculate the F-4(3/2) -> I-4(3/2) stimulated-emission cross section and the 4 F,, radiative lifetime according to Judd-Ofelt theory. As the temperature decreases the emission cross section increases, while the emission lifetime remains constant for all the samples. The temperature dependences of the stimulated emission cross sections for the differently doped crystals are in good agreement with earlier predictions. The concentration quenching effect in highly doped Nd: YAG was also addressed. Although there is concentration quenching in the highly doped Nd: YAG crystals, they are still promising efficient laser materials for high-power microchip solid-state lasers. (c) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Scientific journal, English - Novel cooling technique for operation of quasi four-level solid-state laser,
Todor S. Petrov; K. Takaichi; Hitoki Yoneda; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Nikola V. Sabotinov
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5777, p. 825-828, 2005., Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Laser damage in resonant gratings,
J.-F. Bisson; N. Lyndin; N. Destouches; S. Tonchev; O. Parriaux; K. Ueda
“Diffraction 2005", September 3 to 7 2005., Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Nd:doped ceramic lasers,
H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; K. Ueda
1st International Symposium on Laser, Sep 4, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Temperature-tuning Yb : YAG microchip lasers
J Dong; K Ueda
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2, 9, 429-436, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Based on the quasi-three-level system, a theoretical model of diode-laser end-pumped fundamental continuous-wave (CW)Yb3+:YAG microchip lasers is proposed. The fluorescence concentration quenching effect, the temperature dependent mechanical and optical properties and the absorption efficiency of the host have been taken into account in the model. The theoretical results of the numerical calculations are in good agreement with those of experiments. The effects of the concentration of Yb3+:YAG crystal, the thickness of the Yb3+:YAG crystal, the temperature and the transmission of the output coupler on the laser performance (threshold and output power) are addressed. The optimization of the concentration and the thickness for the Yb3+:YAG crystal microchip laser is presented. The effects of the temperature and the pump power intensity on the optical-to-optical efficiency are discussed. The output power can be sealed by increase the working area of the laser gain medium. This modeling is not only applicable to Yb3+:YAG crystal microchip laser but also to other quasi-three-level microchip lasers.
Scientific journal, English - Single frequency 1083nm ytterbium doped fiber master oscillator power amplifier laser
SH Huang; GS Qin; A Shirakawa; M Musha; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 13, 18, 7113-7117, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Single frequency 1083nm ytterbium fiber master oscillator power amplifier system was demonstrated. The oscillator was a linear fiber cavity with loop mirror filter and polarization controller. The loop mirror with unpumped ytterbium fiber as a narrow bandwidth filter discriminated and selected laser longitudinal modes efficiently. Spatial hole burning effect was restrained partially by adjusting polarization controller appropriately in the linear cavity. The amplifier was 5 m ytterbium doped fiber pumped by 976nm pigtail coupled laser diode. The linewidth of the single frequency laser was about 2 KHz. Output power up to 177 mW was produced under the launched pump power of 332 mW. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America
Scientific journal, English - The physical properties of composite YAG ceramics
H Yagi; K Takaichi; K Ueda; Y Yamasaki; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
LASER PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 15, 9, 1338-1344, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We report experimental studies on the physical and optical properties of Nd3+-doped Y3Al5O12-Y3Al5O12 composite ceramics, which are being used as laser materials. The mechanical characteristic and the diffusion distance of Nd3+ ions in the composite ceramics were measured. The mechanical properties of the composite ceramics were the same as those of noncomposite ceramics. The diffusion distance of an Nd3+ ion is 17.7 mu m in the composite ceramics, and that in a single crystal composite was 3.4 mu m. The bonding strength of a ceramic composite is stronger than that of a single crystal. With regard to the optical properties, the fringe pattern was nearly straight in vertical direction of the bonding planes, and no bonding boundary was detected.
Scientific journal, English - Microhardness and fracture toughness of Y2O3- and Y3Al5O12-based nanocrystalline laser ceramics
AA Kaminskii; MS Akchurin; RV Gainutdinov; K Takaichi; A Shirakava; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; K Ueda
CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS, MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA PUBL, 50, 5, 869-873, Sep. 2005, Peer-reviwed, The microhardness and fracture toughness of laser nanocrystalline ceramics based on the cubic oxides Y2O3 and Y3Al5O12 are determined experimentally. It is shown by comparative measurements that the fracture toughness and microhardness of Y2O3 Ceramics exceed the corresponding parameters of Y2O3 single crystals by factors of 2.5 and 1.3, respectively. The fine morphology of grains and grain boundaries in fractures is investigated. It is ascertained that changes in the mechanical properties of the nanocrystalline ceramics under study are related to both the sizes and structure of grains and the structure of grain boundaries. It is suggested that twinning processes determine the mechanisms of formation of nanocrystalline ceramics. (C) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.
Scientific journal, English - Ceramic Nd : YAG laser at 946 nm
SGP Strohmaier; HJ Eichler; JF Bisson; H Yagi; K Takaichi; K Ueda; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2, 8, 383-386, Aug. 2005, Peer-reviwed, The third near infrared stimulated-emission spectral range of Nd:YAG ceramies at room temperature has been demonstrated. For the F-4(3/2) -> I-4(9/2) transition emitting at 946 nm 1.35 W laser output have been achieved under 808 nm laser diode pumping at more than 20% efficiency similar as for crystalline materials.
Scientific journal, English - Stable laser-diode pumped microchip sub-nanosecond Cr,Yb : YAG self-Q-switched laser
J Dong; A Shirakawa; S Huang; Y Feng; K Takaichi; M Musha; K Ueda; AA Kaminskii
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2, 8, 387-391, Aug. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Near-diffraction-limited longitudinal multimode self-Q-switched microchip Cr,Yb:YAG laser is obtained by using of a laser diode as a pump source at room temperature without cooling Cr,Yb:YAG sample. The output Q-switched traces are very stable, and the slope efficiency is as high as 18.5%. Laser pulses with 33.5-mu J pulse energy and 400-ps pulse duration were achieved which results in over 53 kW peak power at repetition rate of 6.6 kHz. The effect of the absorbed pump power on the laser characterization and laser spectrum are addressed in details. The number of the longitudinal laser modes increases with the absorbed pump power.
Scientific journal, English - High-power single-mode solid-state laser with a short, wide unstable cavity
D Kouznetsov; JF Bisson; K Takaichi; K Ueda
JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 22, 8, 1605-1619, Aug. 2005, Peer-reviwed, A wide, short unstable cavity laser design is proposed for high-power, single-longitudinal, single-transverse-mode emission from a solid-state laser. Such a laser combines the single-mode master oscillator and the single-mode amplifier in a single piece. Design formulas are suggested; the efficiency and conditions of the single-longitudinal-mode operation are analyzed. Examples with Nd:YAG and Yb:YAG are considered. For a device of a few millimeters wide, the slope efficiency of approximate to 50% and the threshold of a few watts are predicted. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Non-equilibrium acoustic phonons in nanocrystalline ceramics based on C-modification of Y(2)O(3) sesquioxide
SN Ivanov; YN Barabanenkov; AV Taranov; EN Khazanov; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; K Takaichi; J Lu; JF Bisson; A Shirakava; K Ueda; SN Bagayev; AA Kaminskii
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 242, 10, 1983-1989, Aug. 2005, Peer-reviwed, The transport processes in highly transparent nanocrystalline laser-host ceramics based on C-modification of Y(2)O(3) sesquioxide were investigated by the heat-pulse technique. The propagation kinetics of acoustic phonons was studied in the range of liquid helium temperature (1.7-3.8 K). A structural model for the grain boundary layers is suggested and their thickness is estimated.
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped Yb:YLF chirped-pulse regenerative amplifier for high average power operation,
Junji Kawanaka; Hajime Nishioka; Koichi Yamakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5777, p. 358-360, 2005., Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Cryogenically-cooled active-mirror oscillator with Yb-doped material for inertial fusion energy driver,
J. Kawanaka; S. Tokita; H. Nishioka; N. Fujita; T. Kawashima; T. Yanagitani; K. Ueda; Y.Izawa
CLEO PR 2005,, CTuI2-6, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Study on the diode-pumped Yb:Y2O3 ceramic laser,
J. Kong; D. Tang; B. Zhao; J. Lu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
CLEO PR 2005, CTuI3-2, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Highly transparent Yb-doped ceramics and the laser-diode-pumped ceramic lasers,
K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; T.Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
CLEO PR 2005, CTuI3-3, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Flashlamp-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic laser,
H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CTuI3-8, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Random laser study with nano-crystalline Nd3+-YAG powder,
Y. Fang; J. Lu; Sh. Huang; M. Musha; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CTuE4-3, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Laser-mode-area Erbium-Ytterbium-doped photonic-crystal fiber amplifier yielding 54-kW femtosecond pulses without chirped-pulse amplification,
A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda; J. Folkenberg; J. Broeng
CLEO PR 2005, CTuI4-4, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - All-fiber linearly-polarized Yb-doped fiber laser yielding 2.2-W green second harmonics,
A. Shirakawa; K. Hiwada; S. Hasegawa; K. Ueda; H. Takuma; K. Mizuuchi; K. Yamamoto; Y. Ochi
CLEO PR 2005, CTuI4-4, Jul. 2005
International conference proceedings, English - High-power Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser directly operating at 1178 nm,
J. Ohta; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CTuI4-6, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 1-nm line width, flux-resistant laser mirror using a resonant grating,
J.-F. Bisson; O. Parriaux; F. Pigeon; A. Tishchenko; N. Lyndin; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CTuK4-1, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Experimental results of passivel Q-switched Yb-YAG/Cr4+-YAG ceramic laser,
J. Li; J. Dong; K. Takaichi; K. Ueda; T. Yanagitani; H. Yagi
CLEO PR 2005, CWAB3-P4, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Blue up-conversion laser in Tm3+ doped ZBLAN glass fiber,
G. Qin; Sh. Huang; Y. Fang; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CWAB3-P15, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Fiber laser coherent array for power scaling, bandwidth narrowing, and coherent beam direction control,
A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CWI4-2, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Limits of coherent addition of lasers: simple estimate, CLEO PR 2005, TokD. Kouznetsov, J.-F. Bisson, A. Shirakawa, K. Ueda, Limits of coherent addition of lasers: simple estimate,
D. Kouznetsov; J.-F. Bisson; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CWI4-3, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High-power cw supercontinuum generation by phosphosilicate fiber Raman laser and high-nonlinear fiber,
A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CWI4-5, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Self-pulsed output from fiber Raman master oscillator power amplifiers,
Y. Fang; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CWI4-6, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 1083nm single frequency ytterbium fiber laser
Sh. Huang; Y. Fang; G. Qin; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda
CLEO PR 2005, CWI4-7, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Robust and Precise Length Correction of 25-km Fiber for Distribution,
M.Musha; Y.Sato; K.Nakagawa; K.Ueda; A.Ueda; M.Ishiguro
LEOS Summer Topical Meetings , ., 7/25-7/27, 2005, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Scalable ceramic lasers
K Ueda; JF Bisson; H Yagi; K Takaichi; A Shirakawa; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
LASER PHYSICS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 15, 7, 927-938, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Scalable and reliable ceramic lasers were developed by means of the modern ceramic technique. A simple casting technique was applied to the nanocrystalline powder made by the modified urea method. The optical and spectroscopic properties are almost equal to those of single crystals. The scalable ceramic laser materials are really transparent polycrystalline materials useful for expanding the possibilities of solid-state lasers for high-power and short-pulse lasers.
Scientific journal, English - Generation of Laguerre-Gaussian modes in Nd : YAG laser using diffractive optical pumping
JE Bisson; Y Senatsky; KI Ueda
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2, 7, 327-333, Jul. 2005, Peer-reviwed, A beam of pulsed laser radiation at the wavelength lambda = 0.532 mu m was diffracted at a circular diaphragm to produce a hollow-shape intensity distribution in the near field. This light distribution was used to pump an Nd:YAG laser, resulting in the formation of an inversion profile with a minimum at the laser resonator axis and enabling the suppression of the fundamental mode. Under this condition, the oscillation at lambda = 1.064 mu m of Laguerre-Gaussian modes LG(0m)) with low and high values of the azimuthal index m was produced in the gain-switching regime. By changing the geometry of the resonator, the size of its waist parameter was changed, enabling the selection of the mode with an index m that best overlaps with the inversion profile. Oscillation of LG(0m) modes with indices ranging from m = 1 to more than m = 200 was obtained. LG(0m) modes with m <= 50 were produced using the dependence of the waist parameter on the length of the resonator near the boundary of its stability region. A LG(0m) mode of the highest order, m approximate to 240 was obtained by building a miniature laser resonator and using a pair of diaphragms in order to form a sharper ring-shape pumping distribution. Applications of diffractive optical pumping and "hollow" LG(0m) laser beams are discussed.
Scientific journal, English - Active-mirror oscillator with cryogenically cooled Yb-doped materials,
J. Kawanaka; Y. Izawa; H. Nishioka; K. Ueda
CLEO EU 2005, CA-2-3-Mon, June 13, 2005, Jun. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Diffractive optical pumping and Laguerre-Gaussian (LG0m) mode formation in Nd:YAG laser,
J-F. Bisson; K. Ueda; Y. Senatsky
CLEO EU 2005,,, CA-3-Mon., June 13, 2005., Jun. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Laser-diode pumped microchip Cr,Yb:YAG self-Q-switched laser, .
J. Dong; J. Li; Sh. Huang; Y. Feng; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
CLEO EU 2005,,, CA-1-5-Mon., June 13, 2005, Jun. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ytterbium-doped tunable ceramic laser,
K. Takaichi; M. Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; Sh. Hosokawa; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
CLEO EU 2005, ., CA-1-2-Mon, June 13, 2005, Jun. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Two-photon gated femtosecond pulse recording and regeneration in a single-chip diffractive optics,
H. Nishioka; H. Tomita; K. Hayasaka; K. Ueda
CLEO EU 2005,, CC4-4-Fri, June 17, 2005., Jun. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Single-frequency fiber laser from linear cavity with loop mirror filter and dual-cascaded FBGs
SH Huang; GS Qin; Y Feng; A Shirakawa; M Musha; KI Ueda
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 17, 6, 1169-1171, Jun. 2005, Peer-reviwed, A single-frequency ytterbium fiber laser was demonstrated by introducing a loop mirror filter, a polarization controller (PC), and dual-cascaded fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in linear laser cavity. The loop mirror with unpumped ytterbium fiber as a narrow bandwidth filter discriminated and selected laser longitudinal modes efficiently. The spatial hole burning effect was restrained by adjusting PC appropriately. Dual closely cascaded FBGs as the output coupler, acting as an etalon, expanded the operation range of single frequency. Output power up to 18 mW at 1064 nm were obtained under the launched pump power of 107 mW at 976 nm, the optical-optical conversion efficiency was about 16.8%; the slope efficiency was about 20%.
Scientific journal, English - Numerical simulation of a diode-laser-pumped self-Q-switched Cr,Yb : YAG microchip laser
J Dong; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 12, 3, 170-178, May 2005, Peer-reviwed, The dynamic and laser characteristics of the self-Q-switched Cr,Yb:YAG laser were studied by solving the coupled rate equations; the effects of the pump rate, reflectivity of the output couplers and the concentrations of the saturable absorbers on the laser performance were investigated in detail and the numerical simulation of the Cr,Yb:YAG lasers was in good agreement with the experimental data. Better laser performance of the Cr,Yb:YAG self-Q-switched laser can be obtained by using high pump rate, higher concentration of the saturable absorber and suitable reflectivity of the output coupler according to our numerical calculations. A typical self-Q-switched laser pulse of 269.5 W pulse energy with 319 ps pulse width (FWHM) at a repetition rate of 3.1 kHz can be obtained with a monolithic laser cavity, which results in 843.5 kW peak power. (c) 2005 The Optical Society of Japan.
Scientific journal, English - Efficient nonlinear chi((3)) lasing in orthorhombic sodium dithionate dihydrate Na2S2O6 center dot 2H(2)O single crystals: Its two SRS-promoting vibration modes and multiple stokes and anti-stokes picosecond generation
AA Kaminskii; E Haussuhl; S Haussuhl; HJ Eichler; J Hanuza; SN Bagayev; K Ueda; K Takaichi; M Maczka; C Scharfenorth; GMA Gad; H Rhee
LASER PHYSICS, INTERPERIODICA, 15, 5, 714-727, May 2005, Peer-reviwed, We report the experimental observation of high efficient multiple stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) of sodium dithionate dihydrate Na2S2O6 - 2H(2)O single crystals under picosecond Nd3,: Nd3+:Y3Al5O12- laser pumping. All the recorded Stokes and anti-Stokes lasing wavelengths in the visible and near-IR are identified and attributed to the SRS-promoting vibration modes omega(SRS1) = 1098 cm(-1) and omega(SRS2) approximate to 290 cm(-1) of this novel chi((3)) nonlinear crystalline medium. The comparative measurement of the first Stokes steady-state Raman gain coefficient in the near-IR region allows us to tentatively conclude that its value is not less than 4.8 cm GW(-1). We classify Na2S2O6 center dot 2H(2)O as a promising crystalline material for Raman laser converters.
Scientific journal, English - Blue up-conversion fibre laser pumped by a 1120-nm Raman fibre laser
GS Qin; SH Huang; Y Feng; A Shirakawa; M Musha; K Ueda
CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, CHINESE PHYSICAL SOC, 22, 5, 1140-1143, May 2005, Peer-reviwed, A Tm3+ -doped ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3-AlF3-NaF (ZBLAN) fibre up-conversion laser pumped by Raman fibre laser is demonstrated with blue output power levels up to 116mW. For the output mirror with 80% reflectivity, the slope efficiency is about 15%, the optical- to-optical conversion efficiency is 11%, and the maximum un-saturated output power is 116mW. For 60% reflectivity, the slope efficiency is about 18% and the optical-to-optical conversion efficiency is 12%, whilst the maximum saturated output power is about 80 mW due to the existence of photo-degradation effect in Tm3+ doped ZBLAN glass fibre.
Scientific journal, English - Modulation-free acetylene-stabilized lasers at 1542 nm using modulation transfer spectroscopy
K. Nakagawa; Y. Sato; M. Musha; K. Ueda
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 80, 4-5, 479-482, Apr. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We report frequency stabilization of diode lasers using modulation transfer spectroscopy of an acetylene transition (13C2H 2, ν1+ν3, P(16)) at 1542 nm. We realize modulation-free acetylene-stabilized lasers with a frequency stability of about 10-11 and an absolute frequency accuracy of about 20 kHz. © Springer-Verlag 2005.
Scientific journal, English - Self-pulsed fiber Raman master oscillator power amplifiers
Y Feng; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 13, 7, 2611-2616, Apr. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We report self-pulsed operation of fiber Raman master oscillator power amplifiers, in which the amplifier and oscillator are pumped by one pump source successively. The pulse period is one or half of the round-trip time of the oscillator, depending on the optical length of the amplifier. A simple model is constructed to explain the observations qualitatively. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Fiber laser coherent array for power scaling, bandwidth narrowing, and beam steering control,
A. Shirakawa; K. Matsuo; K. Ueda
ASSP 2005, MC3,Feb.7 2005, Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Laser and spectroscopic properties of Yb3+-doped sesquioxide ceramics,
K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; T. Petrov; M. Tokuragawa; K. Ueda; Sh. Hosokawa; T. Yanagitani; J. Kawanaka; A. Kaminskii
ASSP 2005, MB9, Feb. 7, 2005, ., Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Fiber laser coherent array for power scaling, bandwidth narrowing, and beam steering control,
A. Shirakawa; K. Matsuo; K. Ueda
ASSP 2005, ., MC3,Feb.7 2005,, Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - CW yellow-orange laser with frequency-sum-mixing of cascaded Raman fiber lasers,
Y. Feng; Sh. Huang; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
ASSP 2005,, MF22, Feb. 7, 2005,., Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Large-mode-area Er/Yb-doped photonic-crystal fiber amplifier yielding a 40-kW peak power at 1.5 mm,
A. Shirakawa; J. Ohta; M. Musha; K. Ueda; J. Folkenberg; J. Broeng
ASSP 2005,, Feb. 2005, ., Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Single frequency fiber laser generated in linear cavity with loop mirror filter,
Sh. Huang; Y. Feng; G. Qin; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
ASSP 2005, ., TuB29, Feb. 8, 2005,, Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Large-mode-area erbium-ytterbium-doped photonic-crystal fiber amplifier for high-energy femtosecond pulses at 1.55 mu m
A Shirakawa; J Ota; M Musha; K Nakagawa; K Ueda; Folkenberg, JR; J Broeng
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 13, 4, 1221-1227, Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We report a high-energy femtosecond fiber amplifier based on an air-cladded single-transverse-mode erbium-ytterbium-codoped photonic-crystal fiber with a 26-mum mode-field-diameter. 700- fs, 47-MHz pulses at 1557 nm were amplified and compressed to near-transform-limited 100-fs, 7.4-nJ pulses with 54-kW peak powers without chirped-pulse amplification. A linearly polarized output with an extinction ratio exceeding 42 dB was obtained by double-pass configuration. As an application, supercontinuum spanning from 1000 to 2500 nm was generated by a successive 2-m high-nonlinear fiber with a 140-mW average power. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - 784-nm amplified spontaneous emission from TM3+-doped fluoride glass fiber pumped by an 1120-nm fiber laser
GS Qin; SH Huang; Y Feng; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 30, 3, 269-271, Feb. 2005, Peer-reviwed, We report 784-nm ((1)G(4) --> H-3(5) transition) amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) from Tm3+ -doped fluoride (ZrF4-BaF2 -LaF3-AlF3-NaF) glass fiber pumped by an 1120-nm fiber laser. To our beast knowledge, this is the first report of 784-nm ((1)G(4) --> H-3(5) transition) ASE in a Tm3+ -doped fluoride fiber laser. Its effects on a 480-nm ((1)G(4) --> H-3(6) transition) blue laser were also discussed. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Lu2O3:Yb3+ ceramic - a novel gain material for high-power solid-state lasers,
K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; S. Hosokawa; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 202, R1-R3, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Large-mode-area erbium-ytterbium-doped photonic-crystal fiber amplifier yielding 54-kW femtosecond pulses without chirped-pulse amplification,
A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda; J. Folkenberg; J. Broeng
LASE 2005, Post Deadline Paper, Jan. 25,, Jan. 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Random microchip laser
Y Feng; SH Huang; GS Qin; M Musha; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 13, 1, 121-126, Jan. 2005, Peer-reviwed, A microchip-type laser with multiple scattering from powder as necessary feedback is demonstrated. The laser consists of a transparent ceramic Nd:YAG microchip and a Nd:YAG powder tablet, operates at quasi-continuous-wave regime pumped by a laser diode array. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - 116mW blue up-conversion fiber laser pumped by an 1120 Raman fiber laser,
G. Qin; Sh. Huang; H. Fang; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda
Optics Letters, 30, 269-271, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Observation stimulated Raman scattering in nanocrystalline Sc2O3 ceramics
A Kaminskii; SN Bagaev; K Ueda; K Takaichi; J Lu; A Shirakawa; H Hagi; T Yanagitani; HJ Eichler; H Rhee
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2, 1, 30-35, Jan. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Efficient room-temperature steady-state high-order stimulated Raman scattering under picosecond pumping was excited in highly transparent nanocrystalline ceramics based on cubic SC2O3. All recorded Stokes and anti-Stokes lasing components in the visible and near-IR were identified and attributed to the X-(3)-active vibration mode omega(SRS) approximate to 419 cm(-1) of this novel nonlinear-laser material.
Scientific journal, English - Optimization of the laser performance in Nd3+: YAG ceramic microchip lasers
J Dong; J Lu; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 80, 1, 39-43, Jan. 2005, Peer-reviwed, Based on the four-level system, a theoretical model of diode-laser end-pumped fundamental continuous-wave Nd3+: YAG ceramic microchip lasers is proposed. The fluorescence concentration quenching effect and the absorption efficiency of the host have been taken into account in the model. The theoretical results of the numerical calculations are in good agreement with those of experiments. The effects of the concentration of the Nd3+: YAG ceramic, the thickness of the Nd3+: YAG ceramic, and the transmission of the output coupler on the laser performance ( threshold and output power) are addressed. The optimization of the concentration and the thickness for the Nd3+: YAG ceramic microchip laser is presented. This modeling is not only applicable to the Nd3+: YAG ceramic microchip laser but also to other four-level microchip lasers.
Scientific journal, English - Production of a MeV proton with 30 mJ laser energy by optimizing the focusing using a deformable mirror,
T. Nayuki; T. Fujii; Y. Oishi; K. Takano; X. Wang; K. Ueda
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76, 073305, 2005, Peer-reviwed - Photodegradation and photocuring in the operation of a blue upconversion fiber laser,
G. Qin; S. Huang; Y. Fang; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda
J. Appl. Phys, 97, 126108, 2005, Peer-reviwed - シングルモードYb系ファイバーレーザーの高出力化の現状と動向、
白川 晃; 植田憲一
Rev. Laser Engineering, 33, 254-261, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - 9.2-W diode-end-pumped Yb:Y2O3 ceramic laser,
J. Kong; D. Tang; B. Zhao; J. Lu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, 161116, 2005, Peer-reviwed - Observation results by the TAMA300 detector on gravitational wave bursts from stellar-core collapses,
M. Ando; TAMA collaborations
Phys. Rev. D, 71, 082002, 2005, Peer-reviwed - Fiber lser coherent array for power scaling, bandwidth narrowing, and coherent beam direction control
A. Shirakawa; K. Matsuo; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, vol.5709, ,, Vol. 5709, 165-174, 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Novel cooling technique for operation of quasi four-level solid-state laser,
Todor S. Petrov; K. Takaichi; Hitoki Yoneda; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Nikola V. Sabotinov
Proc. SPIE Vol. 5777, 825-828, 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Longitudinal-mode competition induces instabilities of Cr4+, Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 self-Q-switched two-mode laser
J. Dong; K. Ueda
Applied Physics Letters, 87, 151102-05, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Large-mode-area Erbium-Ytterbium-doped photonic-crystal fiber amplifier yielding 54-kW femtosecond pulses without chirped-pulse amplification,
A. Shirakwa; J. Ota; M. Musha; K. Ueda
TOPS Advanced Solid-State Photonics, 98, 553-558, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - CW 7-W 900-nm-wide supercontinuum source by phosphosilicate fiber Raman laser and high-nonlinear fiber,
Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
Proc. SPIE , Fiber Lasers II: Technology, Systems, and Applications, Vol. 5709, 199-205, 2005, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Laser-diode pumped nano-crystalline powder random laのser
Y. Feng; 植田憲一
光学, 34, 587-593, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Efficient Stimulated Raman Scattering and Cascaded Nonlinear c(3)→ c (2) → c (3) Lasing Effects in Noncentrosymmetric Li2SO4・H2O Single Crystals,
L. Bohat; P. Becker; H. J. Eichler; J. Hanuza; M. Mczka; K. Takaichi; K. Ueda; A. A. Kaminskii
Laser Physics, 15, 1509-1522, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Upper limits from the LIGO and TAMA detectors on the rate of gravitational-wave bursts,
Abbott B; Abbott R; Adhikari R
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 72, 122004, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Progress from hybrid crystals to ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
DCLT online, 1, 1, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Research society, English - Black-hole ringdown search in TAMA300: matched filtering and event selections,
Y. Tsunesada; N. Kanda; H. Nakano; D. Tatsumi; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 22, S1129-S1138, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Status of the joint LIGO-TAMA300 inspiral analysis,
S. Fairhurst; LIGO Scientific Collaboration; H. Takahashi; TAMA Collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 22, S1109-S1118, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Upper limits on gravitational-wave bursts radiated from stellar-core collapses in our galaxy,
M. Ando; T. Akutsu; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 22, S1283-1291, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Efficient stimulated Raman scattering and cascaded nonlinear c(3) -> c(2) -> c(3) lasing effects in noncentrosymmetric Li2SO4 center dot H2O single crystals,
L. Bohaty; P. Becker; H. Eichler; J. Hanuza; M. Maczka; K. Takaichi; K. Ueda; A. Kaminskii
Laser Physics, 15, 1509-1522, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Fiber laser coherent array for power scaling, bandwidth narrowing, and beam directional control,
A. Shirakwa; K. Matsuo; K. Ueda
TOPS Advanced Solid-State Photonics, 98, 547-552, 2005, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Development of a differential-absorption lidar system for measurement of atmospheric atomic mercury by use of the third harmonic of an LDS-dye laser
T Nayuki; K Marumoto; T Fujii; T Fukuchi; K Nemoto; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 43, 35, 6487-6491, Dec. 2004, Peer-reviwed, A differential-absorption lidar system that uses a long-life transmitter for monitoring of atomic-mercury concentrations in the atmosphere has been developed. The third harmonic of a tunable dye laser with LDS 765 dye pumped by the second harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser was used as the emitted beam from the transmitter. By use of this system, atmospheric concentrations of atomic mercury of less than 0.4 part in 10(12) were measured. The time trend of the measured concentration agreed with that obtained by a conventional gold amalgamation method combined with atomic absorption spectroscopy on the ground. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - First mode-locked ceramic laser: Femtosecond Yb3+: Y2O3 ceramic laser
A Shirakawa; K Takaichi; H Yagi; M Tanisho; JF Bisson; J Lu; K Ueda; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
LASER PHYSICS, INTERPERIODICA, 14, 11, 1375-1381, Nov. 2004, Peer-reviwed, A mode-locked femtosecond ceramic laser based on Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramics is presented. A laser pumped by a 4-W broad-stripe diode was passively mode-locked by semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors. Almost transform-limited 430-fs and 615-fs pulses have been successfully generated at center wavelengths of 1037 and 1076.5 nm with 210 and 420 mW average powers, respectively. The repetition rate was 98 MHz, and the pulse energy and peak power were as high as 4.3 nJ and 7 kW.
Scientific journal, English - Near-field diffractive optical pumping of a laser medium
JF Bisson; A Shirakawa; Y Sato; Y Senatsky; K Ueda
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 11, 6, 353-357, Nov. 2004, Peer-reviwed, A Nd:YAG rod active element placed inside a resonator was pumped by the second harmonic radiation (the wavelength lambda = 0.532 mum) of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser diffracted at a circular aperture. Various distributions of pumping intensity in the Fresnel (near-field) region along the direction of the pump beam diffraction were produced. Inversion profiles with maxima or minima at the resonator axis were formed in the active element, depending on its distance from the circular aperture. Gain-switched operation of the Nd:YAG rod laser at lambda = 1.064 mum is reported at the fundamental mode and also at the TEM(01), TEM(01). and other higher-order modes for different positions of the active element in the near-field region. Applications of such diffractive optical pumping for the concentration of the pumping radiation into the active media and for laser beam profiling are discussed. (C) 2004 The Optical Society of Japan.
Scientific journal, English - A highly stable mm-wave synthesizer realized by mixing two lasers locked to an optical frequency comb generator
M Musha; A Ueda; M Horikoshi; K Nakagawa; M Ishiguro; K Ueda; H Ito
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 240, 1-3, 201-208, Oct. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Millimeter signal generation with high spectral purity and low phase fluctuations up to 100 GHz were demonstrated with an optical method in which two external-cavity laser diodes were phase-locked to an electro-optic modulator (EOM)-based optical frequency comb generator (OFCG). The additional phase noise caused from the cavity fluctuation in OFCG was completely canceled, and the phase noise of the heterodyne beat note of two LDs was determined only by that of the signal generator below offset frequency of 10 kHz. The detailed investigation of such a high frequency signal had never been done before, and the measured frequency of 100 GHz was limited only by the bandwidth of the phase noise detection system, and can be expanded up to more than 1 THz. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Nonlinear refractive index of ceramic laser media and perspectives of their usage in a high-power laser-driver
Y Senatsky; A Shirakawa; Y Sato; J Hagiwara; J Lu; K Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 1, 10, 500-506, Oct. 2004, Peer-reviwed, At the recent years a technology of ceramic laser media on the base of crystals with a cubic symmetry has been developed. The perspective of the usage of ceramic materials in many different applications including high - power short pulse lasers stimulates the work on the systematic study of the properties of these new laser media. A nonlinear refractive index, n(2) was studied for several garnet and sesquioxide laser ceramics using Z-scan method. n(2) indices in the range of (2 - 6) x 10(-13) were measured for YAG, Y2O3, Lu2O3, and Sc2O3 ceramic samples. These data together with the other laser and spectroscopic parameters of several Nd3+ and Yb3+ doped crystals of a cubic symmetry were used to estimate the properties of laser ceramics for the application in a high-power pulsed-repetitive laser - driver for inertial confinement fusion (ICF) program. A high heat conductivity of ceramic materials is a profitable characteristic for this application as compared to glasses, which are used now for experiments in ICF at single shots regime. Compared to single crystals, ceramic elements provide laser designers with a variety of new design options for the projects of laser-drivers.
Scientific journal, English - Upconversion luminescence of Er3+ in highly transparent YAG ceramics
GS Qin; Lu, JR; JF Bisson; Y Feng; K Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani
SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 132, 2, 103-106, Oct. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Transparent Er3+ doped YAG ceramic was prepared by the vacuum sintering technique. Scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope measurements reveal that the pore volume in our sample is approximately 1 ppm, the average grain size is about 10 mum and the grain boundary width is about 1 nm. With the excitation of a 960 turn laser diode, intense green and red upconversion emissions were observed in our sample. Based on the intensity dependence of the upconversion emissions on the pump power, the upconversion mechanisms were discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Spectral characteristics of a Yb-doped Y2O3 ceramic laser
J Kong; DY Tang; J Lu; K Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 79, 4, 449-455, Sep. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We report the experimental observation of random wavelength emission and intensity-dependent central-wavelength shift in a diode-pumped Yb3+-doped Y2O3 ceramic laser. We show experimentally that, like conventional lasers, the emission of the laser has fixed well-defined transverse modes; however, its instantaneous emission wavelengths change randomly with time. The central wavelength of the laser emission also shifts with the intracavity light intensity. A model was developed to describe the spectral behavior of Yb3+-doped lasers. We show that the observed random wavelength emission and central lasing wavelength shift of the laser could be well explained based on the strong reabsorption of light in the gain medium.
Scientific journal, English - Wavefront curvature sensing based on diffraction grating and fractional Fourier transforms
BH Zhu; A Shirakawa; M Musha; K Ueda; KD Cole
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 11, 5, 344-347, Sep. 2004, We propose a new concept for wavefront curvature sensing, which is based on diffraction grating and fractional Fourier transforms systems. An explicit formula is derived expressing the wavefront curvature, and the wavefront shape can also be retrieved rapidly. The experimental setup is presented and numerical simulations show the validity of the proposed method. (C) 2004 The Optical Society of Japan.
Scientific journal, English - Scalable ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda; J-F, Bisson; H. Yagi; K. Takaichi; A. Shirakawa; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Proc. of MPLP 2004, 3-17, Aug. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Rare-earth ion doped Lu2O3 cermaic lasers,
K. Takaichi; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; S; Hosokawa; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Proc. of MPLP 2004, 84-89, Aug. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Composite Y3Al5O12 laser ceramics: some physical properties,
H. Yagi; Y. Yamasaki; T. Yanagitani; K. Takaichi; K. Ueda; A. Kaminskii
Proc. of MPLP 2004, 90-98, Aug. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Dramatically improved laser characteristics of diode-pumped Yb-doped materials at low temperature,
J. Kawanaka; S. Tokita; Y. Izawa; H. Nishioka; K. Ueda; M. Fujita; K. Yamakawa
Proc. of MPLP 2004, 560-568, Aug. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Differential absorption LIDER system for atmospheric atomic mercury measurement using third harmonic of LDS dye laser,
T. Nayuki; T. Fujii; K. Marumoto; T. Fukuchi; K. Nemoto; Akira Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Proceedings of, xx1-xx4, Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 110 W ceramic Nd3+ : Y3Al5O12 laser
J Lu; H Yagi; K Takaichi; T Uematsu; JF Bisson; Y Feng; A Shirakawa; KI Ueda; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER, 79, 1, 25-28, Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed, A high-power, continuous-wave 0.6% Nd3+-doped ceramic Y3Al5O12 (Nd:YAG) laser has been developed. 110 W laser output at 1064 nm was obtained, with a slope efficiency of about 41%. The M-2 factor was found to be around 6. The laser performance of the ceramic laser material was found to compare favorably with that obtained with single crystal Nd:YAG.
Scientific journal, English - Room-temperature high-order Stokes and anti-Stokes generation in orthorhombic ferroelectiric-ferroelastic K3Nb3O6(BO3)(2) crystal
AA Kaminskii; P Becker; L Bohaty; HJ Eichler; AN Penin; K Ueda; J Hanuza; K Takaichi; H Rhee
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 201, 9, 2154-2169, Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Multiple stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in orthorhombic K3Nb3O6(BO3)(2) crystal was observed under picosecond Nd3+: Y3Al5O12-laser excitation. All registered Stokes and anti-Stokes generation components in the visible and near-IR were identified and attributed to the SRS-active vibration modes omega(SRS-1) approximate to 324 cm(-1) and omega(SRS-2) approximate to 648 cm-'of octahedral Nb3O63+ units of studied crystal. Possible manifestation of resonance interaction between these vibrations with divisible frequencies is briefly discussed also. The first Stokes steady-state Raman gain coefficients in the one-micron spectral region were estimated as well. (C) 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Scientific journal, English - Random stack of resonant dielectric layers as a laser system
Y Feng; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 12, 15, 3307-3312, Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We propose a random stack of resonant dielectric layers as a system for random-laser study. Owing to the Fabry - Perot resonance of the dielectric layers, the propagation of light in such systems is frequency dependent ( a band structure). As a consequence, if the system is designed such that pump light is in passband while optical gain is in stop band, the laser threshold can be reduced dramatically compared with those of completely disordered systems. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Passively Q-switched Yb : Y2O3 ceramic laser with a GaAs output coupler
J Kong; DY Tang; J Lu; K Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 12, 15, 3560-3566, Jul. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We report on the experimental studies of a diode-end-pumped passively Q-switched Yb:Y2O3 ceramic laser with a GaAs wafer simultaneously as saturable absorber and output coupler. The Q-switched operation of the laser has an average output power of 0.51 W with a 17.7-W incident pump power. The Q-switched pulses with pulse energy of 7.7 muJ have been achieved. The minimum pulse width is measured to be about 50 ns with a repetition rate of 52.6 KHz. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration on a passively Q-switched Yb:Y2O3 ceramic laser. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Diode-end-pumped 4.2-W continuous-wave Yb : Y2O3 ceramic laser
J Kong; DY Tang; J Lu; K Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 29, 11, 1212-1214, Jun. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We report on an efficient diode-end-pumped polycrystalline Yb:Y2O3 ceramic laser. Continuous-wave output power of 4.2'W at 1078 nm was obtained under pump power of 19.5 W. The corresponding slope efficiency was 29%. The beam quality factor (M-2) at full pump power was measured to be 1.63. The threshold wavelengths of the laser at various output couplings were also investigated. It was found that the threshold wavelengths shifted similar to5 nm when the reflectivity of the output, coupler changed from 90% to 99.9%, as caused by the strong reabsorption effect in the ceramic sample. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Spectroscopic and stimulated emission characteristics of Nd3+ in transparent YAG ceramics
GA Kumar; Lu, JR; AA Kaminskii; KI Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; NV Unnikrishnan
IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 40, 6, 747-758, Jun. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Nd: YAG ceramic materials have been synthesized using vacuum sintering technique with the raw materials prepared by the nano-crystalline methods. The spectroscopic studies suggest overall improvement in absorption and emission and reduction in scattering loss. Judd-Ofelt analysis has been employed to compute the relevant spectroscopic and radiative parameters of the material. The SEM and TEM measurements reveal the excellent optical quality of the ceramic with low pore volume and narrow grain boundary. Fluorescence and Raman measurements reveal that the Nd3+-doped YAG ceramic is almost equivalent to its single-crystal counterpart in its radiative and nonradiative properties. Individual Stark levels for L-2s+1(J) manifolds are obtained from the absorption and fluorescence spectra and are analyzed to identify the stimulated emission channels possible in the Nd: YAG ceramic. Laser performance studies favor the use of high-concentration Nd: YAG ceramics in the design of an efficient microchip laser. With 4 at% Nd: YAG ceramic acting as a microchip laser, we obtained a slope efficiency of 40%. High-power laser experiments yield an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 30% for Nd (0.6 at %):YAG ceramic as compared to 34% for an Nd (0.6 at%):YAG single crystal. The oscillation experiments at 1.3 mum gives a slope efficiency of 35 %. Optical gain measurements conducted in these materials also show values comparable to single crystal, supporting that these materials could be suitable substitutes to single crystals in solid-state laser applications.
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped mode-locked Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramic laser,
A. Shirakawa; K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; J.F. Bisson; J. Lu; K. Ueda; T. Yanagitani; A. Kamiskii
CLEO 2004., CThFF3, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Femtosecond pulse encoding and self-phase-reconstruction by Time-Ordered Recording/Readout in a Periodic Diffraction Optics (TORPEDO),
H. Nishioka; K. Ueda
CLEO 2004, CFC6, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Power summation and bandwidth narrowing in coherently-coupled fiber laser array,
A. Shirakawa; K. Matsuo; K. Ueda
CLEO 2004, CThGG2, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Highly efficient cw Yb^doped ceramic lasers
K. Takaichi; J. Lu; J.F, Bisson; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; T. Petrov; R. Balda; J. Fernandez; A. Kaminskii
CLEO 2004, CTuT5, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Milli-joule operation of diode-pumped Yb:LiYF4 chirped-pulse regenrative amplifier for kilo-heltz repetition rate,
J. Kawanaka; H. Nishioka; K. Ueda
CLEO 2004, TuI12, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Optical generation of a highly stable millimeter wave by heterodyning of two phase-locked diode lasers with an optical comb generator,
M. Musha; K. Nakagawa; K.Ueda; A. Ueda; M. Ishiguro
CLEO 2004, CTuH5, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - High power ceramic Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 lasers,
J. Lu; H. Yagi; K. Takaichi; J.F. Bisson; Y. Feng; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; Y. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
CLEO 2004, CTuT1, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Passively mode-locked Yb:Y2O3 ceramic laser with a GaAs saturable absorber mirror, ,
J. Kong; D. Tang; J. Lu; K. Ueda
CLEO 2004, CWF5, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - The laser diode pumped Cr,Nd:YAG self-Q-switched laser,
D. Kong; J. Lu; K. Ueda
Proc. of APLS 2004,, ThP5, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Generation and Distribustion of the Stable mm-wave reference signal for ALMA,
M.Musha; Y. Sato; K. Nakagawa; K. Ueda. A.Ueda; M. Ishiguro
Proc. of NMIJ-BIPM Workshop,, WS-11, May 18, 2004, May 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Passively Q-switched ceramic Nd3+: YAG/Cr4+: YAG lasers
Y Feng; Lu, JR; K Takaichi; K Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 43, 14, 2944-2947, May 2004, Peer-reviwed, Passively Q-switched ceramic Nd3+:YAG lasers with ceramic Cr4+:YAG saturable absorbers are demonstrated. When the lasers are pumped by a 1-W cw laser diode, optical-optical efficiency as great as 22% is obtained with Cr4+:YAG of initial transmission ranging from 94% to 79%. The results are similar to those in their crystalline counterparts. The operation of Brewster's angle and the polarization state of the laser output are also investigated. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Multiple-color cw visible lasers by frequency sum-mixing in a cascading Raman fiber laser
Y Feng; SH Huang; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 12, 9, 1843-1847, May 2004, Peer-reviwed, Multiple cw visible lasers at wavelengths ranging from 550nm to 625nm were generated by intracavity frequency sum-mixing of a cascading Raman fiber laser in a type-I noncritically phase-matched lithium triborate crystal. The phase matching conditions for individual wavelengths were realized by tuning the temperature of the lithium triborate crystal. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - alpha- Alums: K,Rb,TI and NH4Al(SO4)(2)center dot 12H(2)O - a new family of X-(3)-active crystalline materials for Raman laser converters with large frequency shifts
AA Kaminskii; E Haussuhl; S Haussuhl; HJ Eichler; K Ueda; J Hanuza; K Takaichi; H Rhee; GMA Gad
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 1, 4, 205-211, Apr. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Efficient high-order stimulated Raman scattering was excited under picosecond pumping in the visible and near-IR in four crystals of the alpha-alum family - novel isotropic X-(3)-active crystalline materials. All observed Stokes and anti-Stokes lasing components were identified and attributed to the promoting approximate to 1000 cm(-1) vibration modes of these crystals. Their one-micron steady-state first Stokes Raman gain coefficients were estimated as well.
Scientific journal, English - Fiber laser coherent array for power scaling and bandwidth narrowing,
A. Shirakawa; K. Matsuo; K. Ueda
Proc. of APLS 2004, WeE-B1, pp.20, Mar. 3, 2004., Mar. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Generation and application of 1178-nm laser based on phosphosilicate Raman fiber laser,
S. Huang; Y. Feng; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda
Proc. of APLS 2004,, WeE-C3, pp.23, Mar. 3, 2004., Mar. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Efficient pumping of optically thin materials,
J-F. Bisson; K. Ueda
APLS 2004, TuE-B4, Mar. 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Thermal effects in quasi-continuous-wave Nd3+: Y3Al5O12 nanocrystalline-powder random laser
Y Feng; JF Bisson; Lu, JR; SH Huang; K Takaichi; A Shirakawa; M Musha; K Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 84, 7, 1040-1042, Feb. 2004, Peer-reviwed, We report an experimental investigation on the thermal effects in a Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 nanocrystalline-powder random laser with a one-mirror structure by quasi-continuous-wave laser diode pumping. Extremely low thermal conductivity in powder and significant temperature dependence of the narrow emission spectrum of Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 leads to a laser line redshift and gain reduction with a higher heat deposit. Mode drifting induced by the temperature dependence of the refractive index is also discussed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - Status of TAMA300
R. Takahashi; TAMA group
Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol.,, 21, S403-S408, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Random-wavelength solid-state laser
J Kong; DY Tang; J Lu; K Ueda
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 29, 1, 65-67, Jan. 2004, Peer-reviwed, The spectral properties of a diode-pumped Yb:Yb2O3 ceramic laser are reported. We show experimentally that the instantaneous emission wavelengths of the laser change randomly with time, whereas its emission has fixed well-defined transverse modes. The central wavelength of the laser emission also shifts prominently with the increase of intracavity light intensity. It is found that the spectral properties of the laser can be explained well based on the strong reabsorption of light in the gain medium. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Highly efficient Yb-doped Y2O3 ceramic lasers at 1030nm and 1075nm
K. Takaichi; J. Lu; J-F Bisson; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Appl Phys. Lett.,, 84, 317-319, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの新展開 一層の高出力・高輝度化に向けて,
白川 晃; 植田憲一
光アライアンス, OA0311, 20-27,, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Observation of nonlinear lasing chi((3))-effects in highly transparent nanocrystalline Y2O3 and Y3Al3O12 ceramics
AA Kaminskii; K Ueda; HJ Eichler; SN Bagaev; K Takaichi; J Lu; A Shirakawa; H Yagi; T Yanagitani
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 1, 1, 6-11, Jan. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Multi-wavelength nonlinear parametric chi((3))-effects were observed in highly transparent Y2O3 and Y3Al5O12 nanocrystalline ceramics under picosecond pumping at 300 K. All recorded Stokes and anti-Stokes components in the visible and near IR were identified and attributed to the stimulated Raman scattering active vibration modes of these novel optical and laser-host crystalline materials. For both materials, the steady state first Stokes Raman gain coefficient was estimated at a wavelength of around 1 mum.
Scientific journal, English - Towards the search for gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries in TAMA300 data during 2003: the data quality and stability,
H. Takahashi; H. Tagoshi; the TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Gravity, 21, S697-S702, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Present status of large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave telescope,
T. Uchiyama; K. Kuroda; M. Ohashi; et al; including K. Ueda; H. Yoneda; K. Nakagawa; M. Musha
Class. Quantum Grav., 21, S1161-S1172, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 589 nm light source base on Raman fiber laser,
Y. Feng; S. Huang; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 43, L722-L724, 2004, Peer-reviwed - Observation of nonlinear lasing chi((3))-effects in highly transparent nanocrystalline Y2O3 and Y3Al3O12 ceramics
AA Kaminskii; K Ueda; HJ Eichler; SN Bagaev; K Takaichi; J Lu; A Shirakawa; H Yagi; T Yanagitani
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 1, 1, 6-11, Jan. 2004, Peer-reviwed, Multi-wavelength nonlinear parametric chi((3))-effects were observed in highly transparent Y2O3 and Y3Al5O12 nanocrystalline ceramics under picosecond pumping at 300 K. All recorded Stokes and anti-Stokes components in the visible and near IR were identified and attributed to the stimulated Raman scattering active vibration modes of these novel optical and laser-host crystalline materials. For both materials, the steady state first Stokes Raman gain coefficient was estimated at a wavelength of around 1 mum.
Scientific journal, English - Towards the search for gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries in TAMA300 data during 2003: the data quality and stability
H. Takahashi; H. Tagoshi; the TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav, 21, S697-S702, 2004, Peer-reviwed - Present status of large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave telescope
T. Uchiyama; K. Kuroda; M. Ohashi; et al; including K. Ueda; H. Yoneda; K. Nakagawa; M. Musha
Class. Quantum Grav., 21, S1161-S1172, 2004, Peer-reviwed - Nonequilibrium acoustic phonons in Y3Al5O12-based nanocrystalline ceramics
YN Barabanenkov; SN Ivanov; AV Taranov; EN Khazanov; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; K Takaichi; J Lu; JF Bisson; A Shirakawa; K Ueda; AA Kaminskii
JETP LETTERS, MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 79, 7, 342-345, 2004, Peer-reviwed, The phonon transport processes in high-transparency nanocrystalline laser ceramics based on cubic Y3Al5O12 garnet oxide were investigated by the heat-pulse technique. The propagation kinetics of nonequilibrium acoustic phonons was studied in the range of helium temperatures (1.7-3.8 K). The structural model is suggested for the intergrain layers, and their thickness is estimated. (C) 2004 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".
Scientific journal, English - 高輝度高出力ファイバーレーザー、
白川 晃; 植田憲一
電気学会論文誌C, 124, 1367-1374, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - 589 nm light source base on Raman fiber laser,
Y. Feng; S. Huang; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 43, L722-L724, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - High-Power, High-Brightness Fiber Laser
Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 124, 7, 1367-1374, 2004, The recent progress of high-power fiber lasers is remarkable. Advantages of a fiber laser in characteristics such as ultra-low loss, high-damage threshold, and waveguide structure enable the outstanding high-power operation with excellent beam quality. In this paper, with the overview of the progressive advances of fiber lasers, our work on high-power fiber lasers is reported. The power limitation of double-clad fiber laser is discussed, which clarifies the importance of scaling the launching capability of pump power. A concept of a fiber-disk laser with a side-pumping geometry was developed and more than 1 kW output power was demonstrated, which is the highest power from a single fiber laser. For further power and brightness scaling, coherent beam combining of many fiber lasers is also investigated. N fiber lasers simply coupled by fused fiber couplers generate power-summed output from one of N fiber ports with high addition efficiencies of more than 85% for N≤8 due to selective excitation of constru tive interference modes. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Single frequency fiber laser from linear cavity with loop mirror filter and dual cascaded FBGs,
S. Huang; G. Qin; Y. Feng; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 43, L1379-L1381, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Detection of hydrodynamic expansion in ultrashort pulse laser ellipsometric pump-probe experiments,
H. Morikami; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda; R. More
Phys. Rev. E, 70, 035401(R), 2004, Peer-reviwed - Nanotechnology is stirring up solid-state laser fabrication technology,
J.-F. Bisson; J. Lu; K. Takaichi; Y. Fang; M. Tokuragawa; A. Shirakawa; A. Kaminskii; H. Yagi; Y. Yanagitani; K. Ueda
Recent Res. Devel. Applied Phys., 7, 475-496, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Coincidence analysis to search for inspiraling compact binaries using TAMA300 and LISM data,
H. Takahashi; TAMA Collaborations
Phys. Rev. D, 70, 042003, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Yb3+-doped ceramic lasers,
K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; J. Lu; J-F Bisson; T. Petrov; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
OSA TOPS, 94, 217-221, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - L2O3:Yb3+ ceramic - a novel gain material for high-power solid-state lasers,
K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; S. Hosokawa; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 202, R1-R3, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Detection of hydrodynamic expansion in ultrashort pulse laser ellipsometric pump-probe experiments,
H. Morikami; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda; R. More
Phys. Rev. E, 70, 035401(R), 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Akira Shirakawa, Keigo Matsuo, Ken-ichi Ueda
Fiber laser coherent array for power scaling of; single-mode fiber laser
Proc. SPIE Vol. 5662, p. ,, 482-487, 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Random lasing in Nd:YAG nano-crystalline-powder pumped by laser diode,
Yan Feng; Jianren Lu; Shenghong Wang; Ken-ichi Ueda
Proc. SPIE Vol. 5450, 388-395, 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Fiber laser coherent array for power scaling of single-mode fiber laser,
Akira Shirakawa; Keigo Matsuo; Ken-ichi Ueda
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5662, pp. 482-487, 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Random lasing in Nd:YAG nano-crystalline-powder pumped by laser diode,
Yan Feng; Jianren Lu; Shenghong Wang; Ken-ichi Ueda
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5450, p. 388-395, 2004,, 2004, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Analysis for burst gravitational waves with TAMA300 data,
M Ando; K. Arai; R. Takahashi; et al; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 21, S735-S740, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Search for gravitational waves from black-hole ringdowns using TAMA300 data,
T. Tsunesada; TAMA Collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 21, S703-S708, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Analysis methods for burst gravitational waves with TAMA data,
M. Ando; K. Arai; S. Nagano; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 21, S1679-S1684, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Burst wave analysis of TAMA300 data with the ALF filter,
T. Akutsu; M. Ando; N. Kanda; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 21, S1303-S1309, 2004, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped mode-locked Yb3+: Y2O3 ceramic laser
A Shirakawa; K Takaichi; H Yagi; JF Bisson; J Lu; M Musha; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 11, 22, 2911-2916, Nov. 2003, Peer-reviwed, A diode-pumped femtosecond ytterbium laser with a host material of Y2O3 ceramics is reported. Passive mode locking by a semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror generates 98-MHz, 615-fs pulses at a center wavelength of 1076.5 nm. The average power is 420 mW and the pulse energy is 4.3 nJ with a 2.6-W absorbed pump power. To our knowledge, this is the first continuous-wave mode-locked ceramic laser. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Lasing and refractive indices of nanocrystalline ceramics of cubic yttrium oxide Y2O3 doped with Nd3+ and Yb3+ ions
AA Kaminskii; K Ueda; AF Konstantinova; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; AV Butashin; VP Orekhova; J Lu; K Takaichi; T Uematsu; N Musha; A Shirokava
CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS, MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 48, 6, 1041-1043, Nov. 2003, Peer-reviwed, A continuous-wave lasing at 1 mum was excited by the radiation of semiconductor laser diodes at room temperature in nanocrystalline ceramics Y2O3 doped with Nd3+ and Yb3+ ions. The refractive indices of the undoped nanocrystalline Y2O3 ceramics were measured in the wavelength range 0.4-9 mum. (C) 2003 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".
Scientific journal, English - Supercontinuum generation using Raman fiber laser
M Prabhu; A Taniguchi; S Hirose; J Lu; M Musha; A Shirakawa; K Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER-VERLAG, 77, 2-3, 205-210, Sep. 2003, Peer-reviwed, Using a phosphosilicate-doped continuous-wave Raman fiber laser, a 350-m single-mode fiber, and a 50% feedback fiber Bragg grating at 1483.4 nm, we obtained a high-efficiency ultra-broadband (1434 - 1527 nm) supercontinuum (SC) centered at 1483.4 nm with an average Output power of 2.1 W, a spectral intensity of 22.3 mW nm(-1), and a nonlinear conversion efficiency of 94%. Increasing the fiber length in the Raman cavity to 1840 in gave simultaneous SC centered at 1483.4 nm and 1239 nm. An average power of 2.3 W in the bandwidth of 1434-1544 nm and 0.2 W in the bandwidth of 1224-1257 nm is obtained. The temperature dependence of the SC was also investigated.
Scientific journal, English - Influence of cross-sectional shape on absorption characteristics of double-clad fiber lasers
JQ Xu; JH Lu; Lu, JR; K Ueda
OPTICAL ENGINEERING, SPIE-INT SOCIETY OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 42, 9, 2527-2533, Sep. 2003, Peer-reviwed, The influence of the cross-sectional shape of the inner cladding on the absorption characteristics of double-clad fiber lasers has been investigated by wave coupling theory. Wave equations are solved taking into account mode coupling effects between eigenmodes. The coupling between eigenmodes arises from the nonuniform absorption in the doped core region and leads to nonexponential absorption of the pump power. A characteristic parameter is proposed to compare the absorption characteristics among various cross-sectional shapes of double-clad fibers. It is found that a triangular cross section has the best absorption characteristics among the cross-sectional shapes examined. (C) 2003 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Scientific journal, English - Refractive indices of laser nanocrystalline ceramics based on Y3Al5O12
AA Kaminskii; K Ueda; AF Konstantinova; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; AV Butashin; VP Orekhova; J Lu; K Takaichi; T Uematsu; M Musha; A Shirokava
CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS, MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA PUBL, 48, 5, 868-871, Sep. 2003, Peer-reviwed, Refractive indices of the nanocrystalline Y3Al5O12 ceramic and a garnet single crystal of the same composition have been measured. In the visible and near IR range (0.4-1.064 mum), the prism method was used; in the medium IR range (2-6.2 mum), the interference method with the use of thin plates was applied. The refractive indices of these crystalline materials are practically the same over the entire spectral range studied and are described by the approximate formula proposed earlier for a single crystal. The parameters of the continuos-wave lasing in the nanocrystalline Y3Al5O12 ceramic doped with Nd3+ and Yb3+ ions measured recently are presented. (C) 2003 MAN "Nauka/Interperiodica".
Scientific journal, English - LCGT project observing gravitational wave events at 240 Mps
K. Kuroda; M. Ohashi; LCGT group
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, June 27 - Aug. 8, 2003., Invited Talk, Aug. 2003
International conference proceedings, English - Yb3+: Sc2O3 ceramic laser
J Lu; JF Bisson; K Takaichi; T Uematsu; A Shirakawa; M Musha; K Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 83, 6, 1101-1103, Aug. 2003, Peer-reviwed, A solid-state laser material based on highly transparent Yb3+-doped scandia (Sc2O3) ceramic was developed using nanocrystalline technology and the nonpress vacuum sintering method. Continuous wave laser oscillations were obtained at around 1041 and 1094 nm using a 2.5 at. % Yb3+:Sc2O3 ceramic plate. Broadband lasing spectra were observed. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - LCGT project observing gravitational wave events at 240 Mps,
K. Kuroda; M. Ohashi; LCGT group
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference,, 1-4, Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Nd3+: YGdO3 ceramic laser
J Lu; K Takaichi; T Uematsu; A Shirakawa; M Musha; JF Bisson; K Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
LASER PHYSICS, INTERPERIODICA, 13, 7, 940-942, Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed, A highly transparent Nd3+:YGdO3 ceramic solid-state laser material was developed using nanocrystalline technology and a nonpress vacuum sintering method. Spectroscopic properties of this ceramic laser material were investigated. Laser diode end-pumped continuous wave laser oscillation was demonstrated at 1078.1 nm in the F-4(3/2) --> I-4(11/2) transition channel.
Scientific journal, English - Technique for measurement of photoacoustic waves in situ with ultrasound probe beam
Y Yao; D Xing; K Ueda; Q Chen
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 94, 2, 1278-1281, Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed, A method of measuring photoacoustic (PA) waves in situ is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. A focused probe ultrasonic beam passes through a sample and tags the position of the interested PA signal. The probe beam interacts with PA wave. The PA signal modulated probe beam is recorded outside the sample. Reconstruction of the original in situ PA signal is accomplished by demodulating the probe beam. The method, thus, provides a measurement system with a high signal-to-noise ratio and reduced background noise for PA wave form recording. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - Thin tape target driver for laser ion accelerator
T Nayuki; Y Oishi; T Fujii; K Nemoto; T Kayoiji; Y Okano; Y Hironaka; KG Nakamura; K Kondo; K Ueda
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 74, 7, 3293-3296, Jul. 2003, Peer-reviwed, A thin tape target driver for laser ion acceleration was developed. The driver can move a copper tape of 5 mum thickness with a positioning reproducibility of less than 30 mum (peak to valley), which is sufficient for a laser irradiation target. Using this tape target and laser pulses of energy 350 mJ and duration 60 fs, protons of energies of over 1 MeV were accelerated in the forward direction. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - Enhancement of optical properties of Nd3+ doped fluorophosphate glasses by alkali and alkaline earth metal co-doping
GA Kumar; E De la Rosa-Cruz; K Ueda; A Martinez; O Barbosa-Garcia
OPTICAL MATERIALS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 22, 3, 201-213, May 2003, Peer-reviwed, Fluorophosphate glasses doped with trivalent Nd and using Li and Ba as network modifier cations are spectroscopically analyzed to understand the effects of these cations on the radiative and non-radiative process. The radiative properties of Nd3+ such as radiative transition probabilities, radiative decay times and stimulated emission cross-sections of the transitions from the F-4(3/2) level, and their dependence on network modifiers and active ion concentration are analyzed using the Judd-Ofelt theory. Results show that, eventhough stimulated emission cross-section is maximum in Li based glass, fluorescence quenching is higher, however it is considerably reduced by the presence of Ba. It is found that, Ba and LiBa based glasses yield higher quantum efficiency showing that Ba reduces the fluorescence quenching properties of the matrix. The stimulated emission cross-section of the emission band at 1.055 mum is higher than that of commercial laser glasses. On the other hand, quantitative estimation of the non-radiative processes such as multiphonon relaxation and quenching by water content shows that water content is far below the critical level of optimum laser performance. All these factors pertain to the fact that these Nd3+ doped fluorophosphate glasses can be effectively used for high power lasers in the 0.8 and 1.055 mum regions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - A non-fused fiber coupler for side-pumping of double-clad fiber lasers
JQ Xu; JH Lu; G Kumar; Lu, JR; K Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 220, 4-6, 389-395, May 2003, Peer-reviwed, A non-fused fiber coupler is demonstrated for side-pumping of the double-clad fiber (DCF) lasers by adhesive techniques. The fiber coupler is fabricated by adhering an angularly polished single-clad fiber (SCF) to the inner cladding of the DCF. The pumping light is launched from the SCF by total inner reflection. Coupling coefficient as a function of coupling angle, bend distance, and backward scattering is investigated. The field distribution in DCF is also discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped Yb : Y2O3 ceramic laser
J Kong; J Lu; K Takaichi; T Uematsu; K Ueda; DY Tang; DY Shen; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 82, 16, 2556-2558, Apr. 2003, Peer-reviwed, We report on a diode-pumped polycrystalline Yb:Y2O3 ceramic laser. We demonstrate that, with a pump power of 11 W at 937 nm, 0.75-W cw laser output at 1078 nm can be obtained from the laser. The laser had a threshold of 4.7 W and a slope efficiency of 12.6% when an output coupler of R=98% was used. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - Laterally periodic resonator for large-area gain lasers
Y Feng; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 11, 6, 632-638, Mar. 2003, Peer-reviwed, Laterally periodic resonators, which can be constructed by use of transversely periodic phase- or amplitude-modulating elements in a cavity, are proposed for stabilization and generation of transversely coherent output from large-area gain. Lasers with periodic resonators have the combined features of conventional cavities and laser arrays. Significant low-order transverse modes and mode discrimination of a sample resonator with intracavity periodic phase elements are investigated numerically by the iteration method. Wave-propagation calculations are carried out by use of a fast Fourier transform, and a modified Prony method is used to evaluate wave functions and losses of transverse modes. Results of numerical calculations are consistent with expectations. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Kilowatt-class fiber-embedded disk lasers, (Invited Top Paper)
K. Ueda; H. Sekiguchi; H. Kan
LASE 2004, San Jose, US, Jan. 27-30, 2003., Invited Talk, Jan. 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave telescope,
N. Mio; LCGT group
Prof. of Todai-Adelade Workshop,, 1-5, 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Influence of borate content on the radiative properties of Nd3+ ions in fluorophosphate glasses
GA Kumar; E De la Rosa-Cruz; A Martinez; NV Unnikrishnan; K Ueda
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 64, 1, 69-76, Jan. 2003, Peer-reviwed, Spectroscopic properties of Nd3+ in barium fluoroborophosphate glassy matrix have been analyzed by fitting the experimental data with the standard Judd-Ofelt theory. Various spectroscopic parameters viz. radiative transition probabilities, radiative decay time, fluorescence branching ratios, electric dipole line strengths, stimulated emission cross-sections and optical gain of the principal fluorescence transitions from the F-4(3/2) metastable level are obtained. Results show that addition of borate content to the fluorophosphate matrix will reduce the fluorescence spectral properties of Nd3+. However, the radiative properties of the present fluoroborophosphate glassy matrix are found to be well improved over that of pure borate and phosphate matrix and is attributed to the influence of fluorine content in the glassy matrix. The changes in the position and the Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters are correlated with the structural changes in the host glass matrix. The shift of the hypersensitive band shows that the covalency of the rare earth to oxygen bond increases with the increase of Na2O content. This covalency effect and the formation of the BO4 groups with the addition of Na2O content are responsible for the increase in the radiative properties of the present system. Quantitative estimation of the non-radiative processes such as multiphonon relaxation and quenching by water content was carried out and the results show that both are below the critical level for optimum laser performance. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Optical constants of ultra-short-pulse laser heated metal
H. Yoneda; H. Morikami; K. Ueda; R. More
J. Plasma Fusion Res., The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, 79, 5, 449-451, 2003, Peer-reviwed, The complex refractive index (n + ik) of ultra-short-pulse laser heated gold metal was measured with a new ellipsometric pump-probe technique. Two ratios of four different probe-beam polarizations were used to determine s- and p-reflectivity and their phase difference. In the early stage of heating, only the imaginary part of the dielectric constant ε(Im[ε] = 2nk) increased while real part of e (Re[ε] = n⊃2;-k⊃2;) was almost constant. This agrees with the Drude model. We observe a pause in the rise of Im[ε] at the boiling temperature. Beyond this point, Re[ε] started to change and the observed parameters disagree with the Drude theory. It was found that the parameters of the expanding plasma follow a unique trajectory in n, k space, even though time variation of Re[ε] and Im[ε] are different for various pump intensities. This means the gold remains in a unique state such as the neutral groundstate in this intensity range.
Scientific journal, English - Nd-doped ceramic YAG lasers and their future
K. Ueda; J. Lu; K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Rev. Laser Engineer., 31, 465-470, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Real-time wavefront measurement based on diffraction grating holography,
B. Zhu; K. Ueda
Opt. Comm.,, 225, 1-5, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Laser Damage Threshold of Ceramic YAG,
J-F Bisson; Y. Feng; A. Shirakawa; H. Yoneda; J. Lu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,, 42, L1025-L1027, 2003, Peer-reviwed
English - One-mirror random laser,
Y. Feng; K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. A,, 68, 025803, 2003, Peer-reviwed
English - Observation of (χ(2)+χ(3))-effects in novel nonlinear borate crystal LiGeBO4 under picosecond laser pumping: high-order Stokes and anti-Stokes generation and self-sum-frequency mixing,
A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda
Laser Physics, 13, 1385-1398, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Scalable coherent beam combining of fiber lasers,
A. Shirakawa; T. Sekiguchi; K. Matsuo; K. Ueda
OSA TOPS,, 83, 82-87, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Operational status of TAMA300,
R. Takahashi; TAMA group
Classical and Quantum Gravity,, 20, S593-S598, 2003, Peer-reviwed
English - Super-broadband continuum generation with transient self-focusing of a TW laser pulse in rare gases,
H. Nishioka; K. Ueda
Applied Physics B (2003)., 77, 171-175, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - フェムト秒レーザーの基本概念
レーザー協会誌, 28, 2, 1-7, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 固体レーザーの歴史を塗り替えるNd:YAGセラミックレーザー
M & E, 7, 7, 176-179, 2003
Scientific journal, Japanese - Large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave telescope,
N. Mio; LCGT group
Prof. of Todai-Adelade Workshop,, 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Coincidence advantages for TAMA 300 with recent operating interferometric gravitational wave detectors,
N. Kanda; TAMA collaboration
GWDAW 2003, 1-8, 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Advances of simulataneous observation for TAMA300 with recently operating interferometric gravitational detectors,
N. Kanda; TAMA collaboration
GWDAW 2003., 2003, Peer-reviwed
English - Measurement of nonlinear refractive indecis in ceramic laser media,
Yu. Senatsky; A. Shirakawa; Y. Sato; J. Hagiwara; J. Lu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Proc. SPIE, LO 2003 St. Petersburg, Russia,, 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - New results on investigation of physical properties of monocrystalline laser ceramic on the base of Y3Al5O12,
A. Kaminskii; M. Akchurin; V. Alshits; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; J. Lu; T. Uematsu; M. Musha; A. SHirakawa; V. Gabler; H. Eichiler; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; S. Baga
Crystallography Reports, 48, 515-519, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 1-kW fiber laser
関口 宏; 伊東勝久; 田中彰美; 山浦 均; 菅 博文; 植田憲一
レーザー研究, 31, 525-529, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Coincidence analysis to search for inspiraling compact binaries,
H. Takahashi; H. Tagoshi; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 20, S741-S751, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave telescope (LCGT),
N. Mio; the LCGT Collaboration
Prog. Theor. Phys., Suppl. 151, 221, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Current status of large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave telescope,
K. Kuroda; M. Ohashi; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 20, S871-S884, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Advantages of simulataneous observation for TAMA300 with recently operating interferometric gravitational wave detectors,
N. Kanda; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 20, S761-S678, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Methods to characterize non-Gaussian noise in TAMA,
M. Ando; K. Arai; T. Takahashi; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 20, S697-S709, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Operational status of TAMA3003,
R. Takahashi; TAMA collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 20, S593-S598, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Generation of 10.5W, 1178nm laser based on phosphosilicate Raman fiber laser,
S. Huang; Y. Feng; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 42, L1439-L1441, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Refractive indices of nanocrystalline ceramics of cubic yttrium oxide Y3OAl5O12,
A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; A. Konstantinova; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Butashin; V. Orekhova; J. Lu; K. Takaichi; H. Yoneda; M. Musha; A. Shirakawa
Cryastallography Report, 48, 930-933, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Ultrashort-pulse laser ellipsometric pump-probe experiments on gold targets,
H. Yoneda; H. Morikami; K. Ueda; R. More
Phys. Rev. Lett.,, 91, 075004-1 - 4, 2003, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal - Measurements of nonlinear refractive indecis in ceramic laser media, LO 2003 St. Petersburg, Russia,
Yu. Senatsky; A. Shirakawa; Y. Sato; J. Hagiwara; J. Lu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Proc. SPIE, vol.5478, 2003., 88-97, 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 20-mJ diode-pumped chirped-pulse regenerative amplifier with a cooled Yb:LiYF4,
Junji Kawanaka; Hajime Nishioka; Koichi Yamakawa; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE Vol. 5120,, 287-290, 2003, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Promising ceramic laser material: Highly transparent Nd3+: Lu2O3 ceramic
J Lu; K Takaichi; T Uematsu; A Shirakawa; M Musha; K Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; AA Kaminskii
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 81, 23, 4324-4326, Dec. 2002, Peer-reviwed, A solid-state laser material based on highly transparent cubic Nd3+:Lu2O3 ceramic was developed using nanocrystalline technology and a nonpress vacuum sintering method. Spectroscopic properties of this ceramic laser material were investigated. At room temperature under single-laser diode pumping, efficient continuous wave laser oscillation was demonstrated at two wavelengths of the F-4(3/2)-->I-4(11/2) channel. The potential application of such a laser material was also discussed. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - レーザを応用した身近な商品開発例とアイディアのポイント
中小企業総合事業団 研究開発交流会 電通大 2002年11月22日, Nov. 2002
Japanese - これからのレーザー技術開発動向
光テクノロジーロードマップ策定専門委員会光加工ロードマップ分科会、光産業技術振興協会 2002年10月12日、, Oct. 2002
Japanese - Coherent addition of fiber lasers by use of a fiber coupler
A Shirakawa; T Saitou; T Sekiguchi; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 10, 21, 1167-1172, Oct. 2002, Peer-reviwed, Coherent addition of fiber lasers coupled with an intracavity fiber coupler is reported. Almost a single output is obtained from one of the fiber ports, which one can switch simply by unbalancing the losses in the ports. We show that the constructive supermodes, each of which has a single output in a different port, build up automatically because of the dense longitudinal-mode, length-unbalanced laser array with unbalanced port loss. High addition efficiencies of 93.6% for two fiber lasers and 95.6% for four fiber lasers have been obtained. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Ceramic Lasers, (Invited Paper)
K. Ueda; J. Lu; T. Takaichi; K. Uematsu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
APLS 2002, Senri Life Science Center, Osaka, Japan, Sep. 17, 2002., Sep. 2002, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Frequency-domain phase-conjugate femtosecond pulse generation using frequency resolved cross-phase modulation
H Nishioka; S Ichihashi; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 10, 18, 920-926, Sep. 2002, Schemes to generate a frequency-domain phase-conjugate pulse by frequency mixing prechirped pulses are proposed. A femtosecond time-reversed replica is generated by the temporal-frequency-converted optical parametric processes. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - FCLA chemiluminescence from sonodynamic action in vitro and in vivo
YH He; D Xing; GH Yan; K Ueda
CANCER LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCI IRELAND LTD, 182, 2, 141-145, Aug. 2002, Peer-reviwed, In this work, the chemiluminescence method was engaged for the first time to detect the active oxygen species during sonodynamic action in vitro and in vivo. We used FCLA (3,7-dihydro-6-[4-[2-[N'-(5-fluoresceinyl)thioureido]-ethoxy]phenyl]2-methytimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-3-one sodium salt), which can selectively react with singlet oxygen (O-1(2)) or superoxide anion (O-2(-)) to emit photons, to detect in real time oxygen free radical formation in the sonosensitization of hematoporphyrin derivative. The results show that O-1(2) is involved in the sonosensitization. In in vivo experiments, a tumor-imaging method by sonodynamic chemiluminescence detection was established. This method could have potential applications in clinics for tumor diagnosis. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - 成果の位置づけと今後の展望
第6回「フォトン計測・加工」成果報告会、東京全日空ホテル、プロミネンスホール、2002年7月23日, Jul. 2002
Japanese - 最先端ファイバーレーザーと新世代セラミックレーザー
NEC中央研究所 特別講演、2002年6月10日, Jun. 2002
Japanese - In vivo sonoluminescence imaging with the assistance of FCLA
YH He; D Xing; SC Tan; YH Tang; K Ueda
PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 47, 9, 1535-1541, May 2002, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, sonoluminescence of tissues is reported for the first time. A sonoluminescence image of a living animal was obtained with a high-sensitivity imaging system. Furthermore, to enhance biological sonoluminescence, fluoresceinyl Cypridina luminescent analogue (FCLA), a chemiluminescence analysis agent, was used in the experiment. With the assistance of FCLA we succeeded in observing an image of a living animal with high contrast and good signal-to-noise ratio. This technique has potential applications in clinical diagnosis.
Scientific journal, English - Improved high-field laser characteristics of a diode-pumped Yb : LiYF4 crystal at low temperature
J Kawanaka; K Yamakawa; H Nishioka; K Ueda
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 10, 10, 455-460, May 2002, Peer-reviwed, We have demonstrated a diode-pumped Yb:LiYF4 laser oscillator at liquid nitrogen temperature in free-running mode. The obtained laser gain was 21 cm(-1),which was 15 times as high as that at room temperature. The effective tuning range was broadened to 35 nm due to absorption spectral narrowing. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Development of a light source with an injection-locked Nd : YAG laser and a ring-mode cleaner for the TAMA 300 gravitational-wave detector
S Nagano; MA Barton; H Ishizuka; K Kuroda; S Matsumura; O Miyakawa; S Miyoki; D Tatsumi; T Tomaru; T Uchiyama; M Ando; K Arai; K Kawabe; N Ohishi; A Takamori; S Taniguchi; K Tochikubo; K Tsubono; K Yamamoto; MK Fujimoto; M Fukushima; S Kawamura; Y Kozai; S Miyama; M Ohashi; S Sato; R Takahashi; S Telada; T Yamazaki; N Mio; S Moriwaki; G Horikoshi; N Kamikubota; Y Ogawa; Y Saito; T Suzuki; M Musha; K Nakagawa; A Ueda; K Ueda; A Araya; N Kanda; T Nakamura; T Tanaka; M Sasaki; H Tagoshi; T Futamase; N Kawashima; E Mizuno; Y Kojima; N Matsuda; K Oohara; N Tsuda
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 73, 5, 2136-2142, May 2002, Peer-reviwed, We have developed a light source suitable for laser interferometric gravitational-wave detectors. The developed light source has high power, TEM00 mode, linear polarization, high frequency stability, and low intensity noise. The light source with the quality is essential for attaining the goal sensitivity in the TAMA 300 and was found to be available for a observation run of a gravitational-wave detector. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - Japanese large-scale interferometers
K Kuroda; M Ohashi; S Miyoki; H Ishizuka; CT Taylor; K Yamamoto; O Miyakawa; MK Fujimoto; S Kawamura; R Takahashi; T Yamazaki; K Arai; D Tatsumi; A Ueda; M Fukushima; S Sato; T Shintomi; A Yamamoto; T Suzuki; Y Saito; T Haruyama; N Sato; Y Higashi; T Uchiyama; T Tomaru; K Tsubono; M Ando; A Takamori; K Numata; KI Ueda; H Yoneda; K Nakagawa; M Musha; N Mio; S Moriwaki; K Somiya; A Araya; N Kanda; S Telada; M Sasaki; H Tagoshi; T Nakamura; T Tanaka; K Ohara
CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 19, 7, 1237-1245, Apr. 2002, Peer-reviwed, The objective of the TAMA 300 interferometer was to develop advanced technologies for kilometre scale interferometers and to observe gravitational wave events in nearby galaxies. It was designed as a power-recycled Fabry-Perot-Michelson interferometer and was intended as a step towards a final interferometer in Japan.
The present successful status of TAMA is presented. TAMA forms a basis for LCGT (large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave telescope), a 3 km scale cryogenic interferometer to be built in the Kamioka mine in Japan, implementing cryogenic mirror techniques. The plan of LCGT is schematically described along with its associated RD.
Scientific journal, English - Improvement of the vibration isolation system for TAMA300
R Takahashi; K Arai
CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 19, 7, 1599-1604, Apr. 2002, Peer-reviwed, The vibration isolation system for TAMA300 has a vibration isolation ratio large enough to achieve the requirement in the observation band around 300 Hz. At a lower frequency range, it is necessary to reduce the large fluctuation of mirrors for stable operation of the interferometer. With this aim, the mirror suspension systems were modified and an active vibration isolation system using pneumatic actuators was installed. These improvements contributed to the realization of a continuous interferometer lock for more than 24 h.
Scientific journal, English - Optical spectroscopy and visible stimulated emission of Dy3+ions in monoclinic α-KY(WO4)2 and α-KGd (WO4)2 crystals
A. Kaminskii; J. Gruber; S. Bagayev; K. Ueda; U. Hoemmerich; J. Seo; D. Temple; B. Zandi; A. Kornienko; E. Dunina
Physical review B, 65, 12, 125108-1-29, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Chromium doped Y3Al5O12 ceramics - a novel saturable absorber for passively Q-switched one-micron solid state lasers
K. Takaichi; J. Lu; T. Murai; T. Uematsu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 41, L96-L98, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - New highly efficient 1.3-mm cw laser generation of 4F3/2 ® 4I13/2 channel in Nd3+:Y3Al5O12 ceramic under diode pumping,
J. Lu; J. Lu; T. Murai; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; T. Yanagitani; H. Yagi; V. Gabler; H. Eichler; A. Kaminskii
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 189, R11-R13, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - レーザー用先端光学材料としてのファイバー
レーザー研究, 30, 281-286, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 36 W diode-pumped continuous-wave 1319 nm ceramic Nd:YAG laser,
J. Lu; J. Lu; T. Murai; K. Takaichi; T. Uematsu; J. Xu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Optics Express, 27, 1120-1122, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Monocrystalline 2-adamantylamino-5-nitropyridine (AANP) - A novel organic material for laser Raman converters in the visible and near-IR,
A. Kaminskii; T. Kaino; T. Taima; A. Yokoo; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; J. Hulliger; H. Eichler; J. Hanuza; J. Fernandez; R. Balda; M. Moczka; G. Gad
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 41, L603-L605, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - High-order Many-photon stimulated Raman scattering in orthorhombic benzophenone (C13H10O) and monoclinic a-4-methylbenzophenone (a-C14H12O) crystals,
A. Kaminskii; H. Klapper; J. Hulliger; H. Eichler; J. Hanuza; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; C. Wickleder; G. Gad; M. Maczka
Laser Physics, 12, 1-13, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - CW and Q-switched mode-locking of a Nd:YVO4 laser with a single crystal GaAs wefer,
D. Shen; D. Tang; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 41, L1224-L1227, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Yb3+:Y2O3 ceramics - a novel solid-state laser materials,
J. Lu; K. Takaichi; T. Uematsu; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 41, L1373-L1375, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Apodizers for producing a single-mode oscillation in lasers
N.Bykovsky; Yu.Senatsky; K.Ueda e
Izvestya Academy of Sciences. Ser. phys., 66, 919-923, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Sonoluminescence optical confocal tomography of tissue
YH He; D Xing; Y Yao; K Ueda
OPTIK, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG, 113, 6, 241-244, 2002, Peer-reviwed, In this paper, we report experiments on optical confocal tomography by use of sonoluminescence signal in both biological tissue and tissue-simulating media. A high-sensitive confocal scanning setup based on photon counting technique was developed. With the system, we obtained images of the objects embedded in tissue-simulating turbid media. The images showed a high contrast and a lateral resolution of about 100 mum. We finally imaged a carbon stick buried in muscle tissue with the sonoluminescence confocal scanning tomography. This technique has potential applications in clinical diagnosis.
Scientific journal, English - Experimental study on broadband SRS in fused silica fibers excited by single frequency laser,
H. Gu; D. Xing; J. Xu; K. Ueda
Ch. J. Lasers, A20, 609-612, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Absorption and emission control in a femtosecond-dephasing medium via quantum coherence,
H. Nishioka; K. Ueda
Appl. Phys. B, 74, S89-S92, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 1212-nm pumping of 2-micron Tm-Ho-codoped silica fiber laser,
A. Taniguchi; T. Kuwayama; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda; M Prabhu
Appl. Phys. Lett., 81, 3723-3725, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - High-order many-photon stimulated Raman scettering in orthorhombic benzophenone (C13H10O) and monoclinic a-4-methylbenzophenone (a-C14H12O) crystals,
A. Kaminskii; H. Klapper; J. Hulliger; H. Eichler; J. Hanuza; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; C. Wickleder; G. Gad; M. Maczka
Laser Physics, 12, 1041-1053, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Bis(Guanidinium) Zirconium bis(Nitrilotriacetate) Hydrate, [C(NH2)3]2Zr[N(CH2COO)3]2 · H2O - A New Crystal for Raman Laser Converters,
A.A. Kaminskii; E. Haussü hl; J. Hulliger; K. Ueda; K. Takaichi; J. Hanuza; M. Maczka; H.J. Eichler; G.M.A. Gad
Phys. Stat. Sol.(a), 191, 167-178, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Monoclinic bismuth triborate BiB3O6 - a new efficientχ(2)+χ(3) - nonlinear crystal: multiple stimulated Raman scattering and self-sum-frequency conversion of Stokes generation,
A. Kaminskii; P. Becker; L. Bohaty; H. Eichler; K. Ueda; J. Hanuza; G. Gad
Opt. Comm., 206, 179-191, 2002, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Progress from hybrid crystals to ceramic lasers
K. Ueda
Proc. of ITL Plovdiv 2001, pp.51-54, Sep. 23-26, 2001, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2002
International conference proceedings, English - Sensing and controls for power-recycling of TAMA300,
K. Arai; TAMA Collaboration
Class. Quantum Grav., 19, 1843-1842, 2002
Scientific journal, English - Potential of ceramic YAG lasers
J Lu; M Prabhu; K Ueda; H Yagi; T Yanagitani; A Kudryashov; AA Kaminskii
LASER PHYSICS, INTERPERIODICA, 11, 10, 1053-1057, Oct. 2001, Optical properties including optical absorption, emission spectra and fluorescence lifetime have been investigated for polycrystalline Nd-doped Y3Al5O12 (Nd:YAG) ceramics. Very similar results were obtained with that of Nd:YAG single crystals. Highly efficient laser oscillation at 1064 nm has been obtained with this kind of ceramic. Using 1 W LD end-pumping scheme, with 883 mW pumping, 499 mW 1064 nm cw laser output has been obtained corresponding to an optical to optical efficiency of 56.5%. High power cw Nd:YAG ceramic rod laser was also demonstrated using virtual point source (VPS) system. The maximum output power of 84 W with slope efficiency of 36.3% was obtained at 1064 rim. The future of Nd:YAG ceramic laser was also discussed.
Scientific journal, English - Tetragonal vanadates YVO4 and GdVO4 - New efficient chi((3))-active crystals for Raman laser converters
AA Kaminskii; K Ueda; HJ Eichler; Y Kuwano; H Kouta; SN Bagayev; TH Chyba; JC Barnes; T Murai; J Lu
LASER PHYSICS, INTERPERIODICA, 11, 10, 1124-1133, Oct. 2001, High-order Stokes and anti-Stokes picosecond generation in tetragonal YVO4 and GdVO4 host crystals for lasing trivalent lanthanides (Ln(3+)) has been observed for the first time. All measured stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) wavelengths in the visible and near infrared (NIR) are identified and attributed to the SRS-active vibration modes of these vanadates.
Scientific journal, English - High power solid state lasers for fusion and industrial applications
K. Ueda
Symposium on cooperation of academics and industries for the developments of applications of high power lasers in IFSA 2001, Kyoto, Sep. 12, 2001, Sep. 2001, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 21世紀はレーザーの時代
大学受験コース エンカレッジ、2001年7月号, 6-7, Jul. 2001
Japanese - Coherence control in a fs-dephasing medium by means of differential phase pumping of ultra-broadband pulses
H. Nishioka; H. Koutaka; K. Ueda
Technical digest of The 4th pacific rim conference on lasers and electro-optics, ThG4-4, Makuhari messe, July 15-19, (2001), Jul. 2001
English - Tunable continuous-wave Yb : YLF laser operation with a diode-pumped chirped-pulse amplification system
J Kawanaka; H Nishioka; N Inoue; K Ueda
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 40, 21, 3542-3546, Jul. 2001, We have demonstrated a diode-pumped Yb:LiYF4 (Yb:YLF) laser oscillator for the first time to our knowledge. A wide tuning range of 25 nm and a high slope efficiency of 50% were obtained at a high laser-diode pump intensity of 100 kW/cm(2). Emission and absorption spectra of the Yb:YLF crystal at 8 K represent a wide laser gain width of 38 nm, indicating efficient laser operation similar to that of a four-level laser system with a reduced saturation fluence of 11 J/cm(2). (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - High power fiber lasers
K. Ueda
CLEO PacRim 2001, WI2-5, June 18, 2001, Jun. 2001
English - "Nonlinear Optical Phenomena III"
K. Ueda
ICONO 2001, Session FB ,Minsk, Belarus, June 29, 2001, Jun. 2001
English - High power ceramic lasers: new generation of solid state lasers
K. Ueda; J. Lu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
VII ILLA 2001, Suzdal, Russia, June 23, 2001.(Plenary Paper), Jun. 2001
English - High power ceramic lasers, 128 W output and future
K. Ueda; J. Lu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii; Y. Hirano
CLEO Europe & EQEC Focus Meeting, Munich, Germany, June 18-22, 2001, Jun. 2001
English - Supercontinuum and harmonic generation in optical fiber pumped by high power CW fiber laser
K. Ueda; M. Prabhu; J. Xu
ICONO 2001, Minsk, Belarus, June 25, 2001, Jun. 2001
English - Good reasons of collaboration through ISTC
K. Ueda
ICONO 2001, ISTC symposium, Minsk, Belarus, June 27, 2001, Jun. 2001
English - High power fiber lasers
K. Ueda
La Jolla International School,FSRC on Optical Fibers, La Jolla, CA, May 28-30, 2001, May 2001
English - Quantum interference in a fs-dephasing medium induced by an intense hyper-continuum
H. Nishioka; H. Koutaka; K. Ueda
CLEO 2001, CThM4, Baltimore, USA, May 7-11, (2001), May 2001
English - Super continuum and nonlinear phenomena in fiber laser pumped fiber laser
K. Ueda; M. Prabhu; A. Taniguchi
La Jolla International School, FSRC on Optical Fibers, La Jolla, CA, May 28-30, 2001, May 2001
English - Efficient double-clad thulium-doped fiber laser with a ring cavity
JQ Xu; M Prabhu; Lu, JR; K Ueda; D Xing
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 40, 12, 1983-1988, Apr. 2001, We have constructed a novel ring cavity for a double-clad thulium-doped fiber laser, by placing the fiber's 45 degrees angle-polished output end before the input end and relaunching the pump and the laser power into the fiber. This design can reduce reabsorption by using short fibers without loss of pump efficiency. The dependence of the laser's performance on the fiber's length and the output coupler's reflectivity is investigated experimentally and theoretically. With an 80-cm-long fiber, 2.7-W single-mode continuous-wave output is generated for 11.5 W of launched pump power. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - 平成12年度技術動向等調査
NEDO-P-0004,新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構, Mar. 2001
Japanese - 超短パルスレーザー照射された固体表面の光学定数測定
米田仁紀; 太田悟; 永田広明; 植田憲一; R. More
日本物理学会第56回年次大会,領域2,28pWDレーザー核融合流体実験・基礎技術-11, Mar. 2001
Japanese - High-efficiency broadband supercontinuum generation centered at 1483.4nm using Raman fiber laser
K. Ueda
OFC 2001, Ana Heim, CA, March 19, 2001, Mar. 2001
English - Energy Beam Applications to Nano-Manufacturing
K. Ueda
International Symposium on Nano-Manufacturing, TEPIA hall; Aoyama, Tokyo(Invited Paper), Feb. 2001
English - New laser and nonlinear-laser properties of undoped and Ln3+-ion doped cubic crystals Bi4Ge3O12 and Bi4Si3O12
A.A. Kaminskii; S.N. Bagayev; K. Ueda; H.J. Eichler; J. Hanuza; N.V. Kravtsov; Ya.V. Vasiliev; J. Lu; Ivannikova; P. Reiche
Spectroscopic Conference-School in Poland, Warsow(Invited Paper), Feb. 2001
English - G.M.A. Gad + other co-workers, Undoped and Nd3+-ion doped nanocrystalline YAG ceramics - high-order SRS and new laser properties
A.A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; H.J. Eichler; J. Lu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; S.N. Bagaev; T. Murai
Spectroscopic Conference-School in Poland, Warsow(Invited Paper), Feb. 2001
English - レーザー核融合用ドライバー 高平均出力レーザー技術
日本原子力学会,核融合システム研究専門委員会 東大(招待講演), Feb. 2001
Japanese - Highly-efficient ultra-broadband supersontinuum generation centered at 1484nm from Brillouin/Raman fiber laser
M. Prabhu; N.S. Kim; J. Lu; J. Xu; K. Ueda
LASE 2001, 42681-17,San Jose, (Invited Paper), Jan. 2001
English - High power and high efficient ceramic YAG lasers
J. Lu; T. Murai; K. Ueda; A. Kaminskii; A. Kudryashov; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
LASE 2001, San Jose, US(Invited Paper), Jan. 2001
English - Highly efficient Nd:YAG ceramic laser
J. Lu; M. Prabhu; J. Song; Ch. Li; J. Xu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40, L552-L554, 2001
English - Scalable ceramic lasers for ICF and industrial applications
K. Ueda
Japan-US workshop on Fusion Energy, Livermore, US(Invited Paper), Jan. 2001
English - Efficient diode-pumped double-cladding Tm-doped silica fiber laser with a ring cavity
J. Xu; J. Lu; M. Prabhu; K. Ueda
LASE 2001, San Jose, US(Invited Paper), Jan. 2001
English - Efficient double clad Tm-doped ring cavity fiber laser
J. Xu; J. Lu; M. Prabhu; D. Xing; K. Ueda
ASSL 2001, TuB10, Seattle, Jan. 2001
English - Recent progress of Nd:YAG ceramic lasers
J. Lu; T. Murai; M. Prabhu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
ASSL 2001, WC1, Seattle, US, Jan. 2001
English - 高出力セラミックレーザー
植田憲一; 柳谷高公
レーザー学会講演会,東京フォーラム(招待講演), Jan. 2001
Japanese - LD励起低温Yb系固体材料による広帯域レーザー動作
河仲準二; 西岡 一; 山川考一; 植田憲一
レーザー学会年次大会 paper 31pⅤ-8, Jan. 2001
Japanese - 量子干渉効果による超広帯域材料の吸収放出制御
神鷹太康; 西岡 一; 植田憲一
レーザー学会年次大会 paper 31pⅡ-13, Jan. 2001
Japanese - 冷却したβ-BaB2O4によるSHG・SFG波長の短波長化
米田仁紀; 植野剛; 植田憲一; 古宇田光; 桑野泰彦; 笠松直史; 佐久間純
レーザー学会学術講演会第21回年次大会,B.レーザー装置8,31pV,B.レーザー制御・超短パルスレーザー(2)-5, Jan. 2001
Japanese - CVDダイヤモンド素による高出力THz実験
米田仁紀; 永田広明; 太田悟; 植田憲一; 山本博規; 馬場和宏
レーザー学会学術講演会第21回年次大会,B.レーザー装置8,31pV,B.レーザー制御・超短パルスレーザー(2)-6, Jan. 2001
Japanese - Highly-efficient polycrystalline Nd:YAG ceramics lasers,
J. Lu; T. Murai; K. Takaichi; T. Uematsu; K. Misawa; K. Ueda; H. Tagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Proc. SPIE, LASE 2001, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 25, 2001, 4267, 61-64, Jan. 2001, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ultra-broadband supercontinuum generation and characterization of Brillouin/Raman fiber laser
M. Prabhu; N.S. Kim; J. Lu; J. Xu; K. Ueda
Rev. Laser. Engineer, The Laser Society of Japan, 29, 2, 90-93, 2001, Using Brillouin/Raman fiber laser (BRFL), we obtain an ultra-broadband (1433-1533nm) CW supercontinuum (SC) centered at 1484nm with maximum average output power of 1.87W and a nonlinear conversionefficiency of 81%. Spectral density of 18.4mW/nm is obtained. The BRFL consists of a Raman cavity withphosphosilicate fiber (PDF) and pairs of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) mirrors and a Brillouin cavity with the PDFand single-mode fiber (SMF), and feedback FBG mirror. With an 8.4W/1064nm Yb-doped double-clad fiberlaser (DCFL) as a pump and a 50% feedback FBG mirror at the end of the BRFL, an output power of over 1.7Wwith 100nm bandwidth centered at 1484nm and weak 0.11nm spectral modulation were observed. The outputcharacteristics of the SC for different PDF and SMF lengths in the Raman and Brillouin cavity are reported.
English - Prospects of artificial control technology of photons
K. Ueda
Opt. Eng. Contact, 39, 62-69, 2001
English - Ultra-broadband supercontinuum generation and characterization of Brillouin/Raman fiber laser
M. Prabhu; N.S. Kim; J. Lu; J. Xu; K. Ueda
Rev. Laser. Engineer, 29, 79-83, 2001
English - The prospects of high power fiber lasers
K. Ueda
Rev. Laser Engineer, 29, 79-83, 2001
English - 超広帯域レーザーを用いたフェムト秒緩和材料のコヒーレント制御
西岡 一; 神鷹太康; 植田憲一
レーザー学会研究会, RTM-01-05, 22-27, 2001
Japanese - リンクスの目・リンクスの耳「21世紀の学術と科学技術」
伏見康治; 中井浩二; 見角鋭二; 菅沼純一偏
原子核研究別冊, 123-196, 2001
Japanese - First Search of Gravitational Waves from Inspiraling Compact Binaries using TAMA300 Data
H. Tagoshi; TAMA; group
Phys. Rev. D, 062001-1-5, 63, 2001
English - Spectroscopy and CW Laser Action, Magnetooptics and Nonlinear Optical Frequency Conversion in Ln^3+^ Doped and Undoped Bi_4_Ge_3_O_12_ and Bi_4_Si_3_O_12_Crystals
A.A. Kaminskii; J. Lu; K. Ueda; H.J. Eichiler; S.N. Bagayev; J. Hanuza; J. Fernandez; N.V. Kravtsov; S.N. Chekina; Ya.V. Vasiliev; N.I. Ivannikova; P. Reiche
Laser Physics, 11, 897-918, 2001
English - Tetragonal vanadates YVO_4_and GdVO_4_ - a new efficient c^(3)^-materials for Raman lasers
Bagayev; Th. Chyba; J. Barned; G. Gad; T. Murai; J. Lu; A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; H. Eichler; Y. Kuwano; H. Kouta, S
Opt. Comm., 194, 201-206, 2001
English - Coupling from laser diode bar to single-mode fiber using a stubbed waveguide
J. Xu; M. Prabu; J. Lu; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40, 1279-1281, 2001
English - Stable operation of a 300-m laser interferometer with enough sensitivity to detect gravitational wave events within our galaxy
Masaki Ando; Koji Arai; Ryutaro Takahashi; Gerhard Heinzel; et al; TAMA group
Phys. Rev. Lett., 86, 3950-3954, 2001
English - 72 W Nd:Y_3_Al_5_O_12_ ceramic laser
J. Lu; T. Murai; K. Takaichi; T. Uematsu; K.Misawa; M. Prabhu; J. Xu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii; A. Kudryashov
Appl. Phys. Lett., 78, 3586-3588, 2001
English - Quantum interference effects in a femtosecond-dephasing medium
H. Nishioka; H. Kohtaka; K. Ueda
Opt. Express, 6, 617-623, 2001
English - YVO_4_ and GdVO_4_-New efficient c(3)-crystals for Raman lasers
A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; H. Eichler; Y. Kuwano; H. Kouta; S. Bagaev; Th. Chyba; J. Barnes; G . Gad; T. Murai; J. Lu
Laser Physics, to be published in October issue, 2001
English - New laser and χ^(3)^-nonlinear properties of PbMoO_4_:Nd^3+^: CW stimulated emission at 1.0594 and 1.335 mm, high-order picosecond Raman generation, and nanosecond self-SRS lasing
A. Kaminskii; S. Bagaev; K. Ueda; H. Eichler; J. Garisia-Sole; D. Jaque; J. Romero; J. Fernandez; R. Balda; A. Butashin; F. Agullo-Rueda
Laser Physics, 11, 897-918, 2001
English - Multiple Stokes and Anti-Stokes Picosecond Generation, cw Laser Action at Wavelengths of Two Stimulated-Emission Channels ^4^F_3/2_→^4^I_11/2_ and ^4^F_3/2_→^4^IA. A. Kaminskii; S. N. Bagayev; Ken-ichi Ueda; H. J. Eichler; J. Garcia-Sole; D. Jaque; J. J. Romero; J. Fernandez; R. Balda; A. V. Butashin; F. Agullo-Rued
Laser Physics, 11, 1142, 2001
English - 魅力ある学会とはどんな姿? 電子化・国際化時代の在り方を探る
電気学会誌, 121, 21-25, 2001
Japanese - 21世紀を迎える科学の光と陰
原子核研究, 45, 123-196, 2001
Japanese - Recent progress of Nd:YAG ceramic lasers
J. Lu; T. Murai; K. Takaichi; T. Uematsu; M. Prabhu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
TOPS, 50, 610-614, 2001, Peer-reviwed
English - Efficient diode-pumped double-clad Tm-doped silica fiber laser with a ring caivty
J. Xu; J. Lu; M. Prabhu; K. Ueda
SPIE, 4270, 88-94, 2001
English - Intensity and frequency noise characteristics of two coherently-added Nd:YAG lasers
Mitsuru Musha; Takeshi Kanaya; Ken'ich Nakagawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
Appl.Phys.B (2001) to be published, 2001
English - コヒーレント加算Nd:YAGレーザーの強度雑音特性
武者 満; 中川賢一; 植田憲一
物理学会2001年秋, 2001
Japanese - High-power terahertz radiation emitter with diamond photoconductive switch array
H. Yoneda; K. Tokuyama; R. Yamazaki; K. Ueda; H. Yamamoto; K. Baba
Appl. Opt., in print, 2001
English - Design and Development of High Power terahertz radiation emitter with diamond photoconductive switch
H. Yoneda; K. Tokuyama; K. Ueda; H. Yamamoto; K. Baba
Tech. Digest of Cleo/Pcific Rim 2001, II-744, 2001
English - 超短パルスレーザー照射による固体-プラズマ遷移状態の生成とその光学物性の研究
太田悟; 永田広明; 中村竜介; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一; Richard More
日本物理学会2001年秋季大会, 第二分冊, 155, 2001
Japanese - Design and Development of High Power terahertz radiation emitter with diamond photoconductive switch
H. Yoneda; K. Tokuyama; K. Ueda; H. Yamamoto; K. Baba
Cleo/Pcific Rim 2001,ThJ3-5, 2001
English - Generation of High-Peak Power THz Radiation by using Diamond Photoconductive Antenna Array
H. Yoneda; H.Nagata; S.Ohta; K. Ueda; H. Yamamoto; K. Baba
LEOS 2001,WEE3, 2001
English - Absorption and emission control in a femtosecond-dephasing medium via quantum coherence
H. Nishioka; K. Ueda
Technical digest of International conference on Ultrafast optics 2001, pp.86-88, Chateau Montebello, Qubec Canada (2001), 86-88, 2001, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - YVO_4_ and GdVO_4_-New efficient c(3)-crystals for Raman lasers
A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; H. Eichler; Y. Kuwano; H. Kouta; S. Bagaev; Th. Chyba; J. Barnes; G . Gad; T. Murai; J. Lu
Laser Physics, to be published in October issue, 11, 1128-1133, 2001
Scientific journal, English - 学会における知的活動と情報発信
「世界の知的活動拠点」シンポジウム報告書(経済企画庁 総合計画局), 銀座ガスホール, 57-68, Nov. 2000
Japanese - 21世紀のレーザーと光学技術はどうなるか
シグマ光機技術講習会 特別講演, Nov. 2000
Japanese - 高出力ファイバーレーザー
拡大する可能性,分子科学研究所分子制御レーザー研究センター中間発表会 特別講演,岡崎コンファレンスセンター, Nov. 2000
Japanese - 学会の知的活動と情報発信
世界の知的活動拠点シンポジウム,経済企画庁,銀座ガスホール(招待講演), Nov. 2000
Japanese - フェムト秒レーザーとナノテク
レーザー学会 フェムト秒加工研究会,東京(招待講演), Nov. 2000
Japanese - Quantum interference effects in a fs-dephasing medium
H. Nishioka; H. Koutaka; K. Ueda
The second Symposium on Advanced Photon Research paper P-55Keihanna Plaza, Nov. 2000
English - An efficient laser oscillator with a wide tuning range using Yb-doped materials at low temperature
J. Kawanaka; H. Nishioka; K. Yamakawa; K. Ueda
The second Symposium on Advanced Photon Research paper P-03, Keihanna Plaza, Nov. 2000
English - ダイヤモンド薄膜2次元位相アレイによるコヒーレントTHz放射光の発生
米田仁紀; 徳山 一龍; 植田 憲一; 山本 博規; 馬場 和宏
平成12年度茅コンファレンス, Nov. 2000
Japanese - 白色光干渉計による非線形光学結晶の複素屈折率分散・温度係数の計測とデータベース化
米田仁紀; 植野 剛; 古宇田 光; 桑野 泰彦; 植田 憲一
平成12年度茅コンファレンス, Nov. 2000
Japanese - 光で重力波を測る
第37回茅コンファレンス、日本学術振興会 裏磐梯ロイヤルホテル、2000年11月8日, Nov. 2000
Japanese - 21世紀のレーザーと光学技術はどうなるか
シグマ光機技術講習会 特別講演、2000年11月13日, Nov. 2000
Research society, Japanese - 高出力ファイバーレーザー 拡大する可能性
分子科学研究所分子制御レーザー研究センター中間発表会 特別講演、岡崎コンファレンスセンター、2000年11月14日, Nov. 2000
Japanese - 学会の知的活動と情報発信
世界の知的活動拠点シンポジウム、経済企画庁、銀座ガスホール、2000年11月17日, Nov. 2000
Japanese - Output characteristics of P-doped Raman fiber laser at 1484 nm with 2.11W maximum output power pumped by CW 1064 nm Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser
NS Kim; M Prabhu; C Li; J Song; K Ueda
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS, INST PURE APPLIED PHYSICS, 39, 11, 6264-6267, Nov. 2000, The output dependence on output reflectivity and fiber length is reported for a phosphosilicate Raman fiber laser (RFL) at the second Stokes wavelength of 1484 nm using a pump of CW 8.4 W/1063 nm Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser (DCFL) and cascaded cavities for the first and second Stokes wavelength. The output reflectivities for the second Stokes light were 15 and 50% and the lengths of the P-doped Raman fiber (PDF) were 300; 700, and 1000 m. The maximum output of 2.11 W/1484 nm was obtained using 15% output reflectivity and 700 m PDF length and the corresponding slope efficiency from the pump was 33.2%. The laser performance for the six configurations was investigated by observing the maximum output power, slope efficiency, threshold pump power, and full-width at half maximum at the second Stokes wavelength.
Scientific journal, English - 世界における知的活動拠点研究会報告書(経済企画庁)(分担執筆)+補論
41-49, Oct. 2000
Japanese - ダイヤモンド2次元位相アレイによるコヒーレントTHz放射光の発生
米田仁紀; 徳山一龍; 植田憲一; 山本博規; 馬場和宏
信学技報,LQE2000-70, 55-60, Oct. 2000
Japanese - Effect of grain boundary on carrier lifetime in chemical vapor deposited diamond film
H. Yoneda; K. Tokuyama; R. Yamazaki; K. Ueda; H. Yamamoto; K. Baba
Appl. Phys. Lett, 77, 10, 1425-1428, Sep. 2000
English - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの研究開発(Ⅱ)
関口 宏; 田中彰美; 岡田恵子; 仙田裕加里; 伊東勝久; 山浦 均; 松岡芳彦; 虎溪久良; 菅 博文; 植田憲一
レーザー学会研究会, RTM-00-19, 11-16, Sep. 2000
Japanese - Nd:YAG セラミックス レーザーの性能向上と将来の可能性
植田憲一; 盧 建仁; 村井朋代; 八木秀喜; 柳谷高公
レーザー学会研究会, RTM-00-00-23, 38-43, Sep. 2000
Japanese - High efficeincy lasers using polycrystalline Nd:YAG ceramics
J. Lu; M. Prabhu; K. Ueda; A. Kaminskii; A. Kudryashov; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
GCL-HPL 2000, Th-16, Florence, Italy, Sep. 2000
English - Energy extraction efficiency for LD-pumped CPA system in Yb-doped materials at low temperature
J. Kawanaka; H. Nishioka; K. Ueda
GCL-HPL 2000, P2-48, Florence, Italy, Sep. 2000
English - 3次元加工とフェムト秒レーザー
応用物理学会シンポジウム(招待講演), Sep. 2000
Japanese - Quantum interference effects in a fs-dephasing medium
H. Nishioka; H. Koutaka; K. Ueda
International Quantum Electronics Conference 2000, Postdeadline paper IPD2-10, Nice Acropolis, France, Sep. 2000
English - 超広帯域コヒーレント過渡現象と量子干渉効果
神鷹太康; 西岡 一; 植田憲一
応用物理学会講演会 paper 6p-M-9, Sep. 2000
Japanese - High Power Terahertz Radiation with Diamond Photoconductive Antenna Array
Hitoki Yoneda; Kazutatsu Tokuyama; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hironori Yamamoto; Kazuhiro Baba
2000 25th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves Conference, Tu-D3, Beijing, China, Sep. 2000
English - β-BBOの吸収端近傍における屈折率分散測定
米田仁紀; 植野剛; 植田憲一; 古宇田光; 桑野泰彦
第61回応用物理学会学術講演会,3.4計測光学6aD-/Ⅲ-9, Sep. 2000
Japanese - 193.4nm光による冷却BBOのレーザー破壊しきい値と吸収係数の測定
米田仁紀; 植野剛; 植田憲一; 古宇田光; 桑野泰彦; 笠松直史; 佐久間純
第61回応用物理学会学術講演会,4.5レーザー制御B,3p-M-/Ⅲ-3, Sep. 2000
Japanese - 3次元加工とフェムト秒レーザー
応用物理学会 シンポジウム、2000年9月5日, Sep. 2000
Japanese - Passively Q-switched diode-pumped continuous-wave Md : YAG-Cr4+: YAG laser with high peak power and high pulse energy
J Song; C Li; NS Kim; K Ueda
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 39, 27, 4954-4958, Sep. 2000, A high peak power and high pulse energy passively Q-switched diode-pumped cw Nd:YAG laser at 1.064-mu m wavelength has been demonstrated with Cr4+:YAG crystal as the saturable absorber. The average output power of 7-12 W and pulse duration of 100-250 ns was obtained with kilohertz repetition rates. The highest peak power and pulse energy obtained were 30 kW and 3.4 mJ, respectively. All the output resulted from the TEM00, mode with M-2 < 1.1. The thermal lensing effect of the saturable absorber was investigated, demonstrating that it played an important role in optimization of the output. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 140.3540, 140.3480, 140.6810, 140.5680.
Scientific journal, English - Output characteristics of high-power continuous wave Raman fiber laser at 1484 nm using phosphosilicate fiber
M Prabhu; NS Kim; L Jianren; K Ueda
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 7, 5, 455-461, Sep. 2000, A continuous wave (CW) high-power Raman fiber laser (RFL) with maximum output power of 2.24 W and slope efficiency of 32.8% at 1484 nm is obtained using a CW 8.4 W/1064 nm Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser as a pump, 700 m phosphosilicate fiber, and cascaded cavities with two pairs of fiber Bragg grating mirrors for the first and the second Stokes orders. Theoretical simulation of the RFL using a very efficient and rapidly converging collocation method is done to understand and optimize the fiber length to obtain maximum second Stokes power. RFL performance for the 300, 700 and 1150 m phosphosilicate fiber lengths was experimentally investigated by observing maximum output power, slope efficiency, threshold power, and full-width at half maximum at the second Stokes wavelength.
Scientific journal, English - レーザー核融合の現状と展望について
核融合会議計画推進小委員会, Aug. 2000
Japanese - High Power THz radiation from Diamond Photoconductive Arrayed Switch
H. Yoneda; K. Tokuyama; K. Ueda; H. Yamamoto; K. Baba
IR&MW 2000, Shanghai, China, Aug. 2000
English - 高精度光源の研究動向と可能性
光情報通新基準周波数委員会ワークショップ,都市センターホテル,東京, Aug. 2000
Japanese - 光で重力波を測る
第37回茅コンファレンス,裏磐梯ロイヤルホテル(招待講演), Aug. 2000
Japanese - Simultaneous two-color CW Raman fiber laser with maximum output power of 1.05 W/1239 nm and 0.95 W/1484 nm using phosphosilicate fiber
M Prabhu; NS Kim; L Jianren; K Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 182, 4-6, 305-309, Aug. 2000, High-power two-color CW Raman fiber laser is obtained with simultaneous outputs at 1239 nm and 1484 nm which uses CW 8.3 W Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser at 1064 nm as a pump, phosphosilicate fiber, and cascaded cavities consisting of two pairs of fiber Bragg grating mirrors. Maximum output powers are 1.05 W at 1239 nm and 0.95 W at 1484 nm with 700 m of phosphosilicate fiber. The output characteristics of this laser for different fiber lengths are reported. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Cylindrically symmetrical hollow fiber
JQ Xu; J Song; C Li; K Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 182, 4-6, 343-348, Aug. 2000, A new type of hollow fiber with a cladding consisting of a cylindrically symmetrical distribution of air-holes in the silica background material around a separate core is presented. The core size of this type of fiber is limited by the cutoff value of the normalized frequency and can be enlarged at small cost of single mode property in short wavelength. Moreover, the separation of the cladding and core provides higher degree of flexibility in the fiber design. Also, the fiber has the properties of wide-range single mode and tailorable dispersion as in the recently studied honeycomb hollow fiber. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Scientific journal, English - Possible coherent summation of multi elements lasers, semiconductor lasers and fiber lasers
K. Ueda
MPLP 2000, Novosibirsk(Plenary Paper, Opening Talk), Jul. 2000
English - Potential of ceramic YAG lasers Russia
Jianren Lu; Mahendra Prabhu; Ken-ichi Ueda; Alexander Kaminskii; Hideki Yagi; Takakimi Yanagitani
MPLP 2000, Novosibirsk, (Invited Paper), Jul. 2000
English - Efficient stimulated Raman and Brillouin light generation in 1.484 micron range pumped by high power fiber laser
Mahendra Prabhu; Nam Seong Kim; Ken-ichi Ueda
MPLP 2000, Novosibirsk, Russia, Jul. 2000
English - Performance of multi-component solid state lasers, harmonic generation, Raman conversion, self-Q-switiching, thermal lens compensation, multiple wavelength generation
K. Ueda; D. Shen; J. Song; Ch. Li; A. Kaminskii
MPLP 2000, Novosibirsk, Russia(Invited Paper), Jul. 2000
English - High Power THz radiation from Diamond Photoconductive Arrayed Switch
H. Yoneda; K. Tokuyama; K. Ueda; H. Yamamoto; K. Baba
MPLP 2000, Novosibirsk, Russia, Jul. 2000
English - 学会の存在意義とその役割
応用物理学会教育シンポジウム,中央大学(招待講演), Jul. 2000
Japanese - 学会の存在意義とその役割
応用物理学会 教育シンポジウム、中央大学、2000年7月23日, Jul. 2000
Japanese - Progress in the gravitational wave detection
K. Ueda
LO 2000, Great Hall at St. Petersburg(Plenary Paper), Jun. 2000
English - Ultra-high quality optics for gravitational wave antenna TAMA-300
K.Ueda; A. Ueda
LO 2000, St. Petersburg(Plenary Paper, Opening Talk), Jun. 2000
English - Potential of ceramic YAG lasers
Jianren Lu; Mahendra Prabhu; Ken-ichi Ueda; Alexander Kaminskii; Hideki Yagi; Takakimi Yanagitani
LO 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia(Invited Paper), Jun. 2000
English - Efficient stimulated Raman and Brillouin light generation in 1.484 micron range pumped by high power fiber laser
Mahendra Prabhu; Nam Seong Kim; Ken-ichi Ueda
LO 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia, Jun. 2000
English - Performance of multi-component solid state lasers, harmonic generation, Raman conversion, self-Q-switiching, thermal lens compensation, multiple wavelength generation
K. Ueda; D. Shen; J. Song; Ch. Li; A. Kaminskii
LO 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia(Invited Paper), Jun. 2000
English - High Power THz radiation from Diamond Photoconductive Arrayed Switch
H. Yoneda; K. Tokuyama; K. Ueda; H. Yamamoto; K. Baba
LO 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia, Jun. 2000
English - High stable lasers and precision measurements
K. Ueda
LASER OPTICS 2000, Session, St. Petersburg, June 28, 2000, Jun. 2000
English - New optical material
K. Ueda
MPLP 2000, Session, Novosibirsk, June 4, 2000, Jun. 2000
English - Numerical analysis and experimental results of output performance for Nd-doped double-clad fiber lasers
NS Kim; T Hamada; M Prabhu; C Li; J Song; K Ueda; AP Liu; HJ Kong
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 180, 4-6, 329-337, Jun. 2000, Numerical analysis is investigated for the high-power double-clad fiber lasers and experimental results using different microscope objectives for focusing into a Nd-doped rectangular double-clad fiber also performed. The numerical analysis includes dependence of output power on output mirror reflectivity, absorbed pump power, loss, and fiber length and pump power distribution for the cases of one-end and two-end pumps with 20 dB/km loss. Calculated conversion efficiencies are 76.36%, 69.73%, and 63.84% for lossless, two-end pump, and one-end pump fiber lasers, respectively. Slope efficiencies from absorbed pump power/output powers measured using microscope objectives are 16.8%/182 mW, 53.8%/351 mW, 24.9%/1240 mW, and 13.9%/649 mW for magnifications of 5 x, 10 x, 20 x, and 40 x, respectively. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - TAMA status report
N Kanda
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 9, 3, 233-236, Jun. 2000, Peer-reviwed, TAMA 300 m laser interferometric gravitational wave detector operated in August and September 1999. We had total four night operation with best strain sensitivity of 3 x 10(-20). The longest continuous locking is over 7 hours. The calibration of the interferometer sensitivity was archived with 1% accuracy in Delta h/h. TAMA Phase-I sensitivity is evaluated as S/N similar to 10 for 10 kpc event.
Scientific journal, English - High output passively Q-switched diode-pumped cw Nd:YAG/Cr^4+^:YAG laser
J. Song; K. Ueda
CLEO 2000, San Francisco, San Francisco, May, 9, 2000, May 2000
English - 4.11 W Raman fiber laser at 1239 nm using phosphosilicate fiber
N. Kim; M. Prabhu; K. Ueda
CLEO 2000, San Francisco, May, 9, 2000, May 2000
English - Laser technology for multiphoton microscopy
K. Ueda
FOM 2000, Shirahama(Plenary Paper), Apr. 2000
English - LASER OPTICS 2000
K. Ueda
Laser technology for multiphoton microscopy, Shirahama(Plenary Paper), FOM 2000, Apr. 2000
English - 光の発生と伝播を制御するレーザー ~重力波天文学から多光子レーザー顕微鏡まで~
科学警察研究所特別講演,科学警察研究所(特別講演), Apr. 2000
Japanese - 光の発生と伝播を制御するレーザー ~重力波天文学から多光子レーザー顕微鏡まで~
科学警察研究所特別講演、科学警察研究所、2000年4月18日, Apr. 2000
Japanese - Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd : GdVO4 lasers operating at 1.06 mu m wavelength
C Li; J Song; D Shen; NS Kim; J Lu; K Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER VERLAG, 70, 4, 471-474, Apr. 2000, With a 10-W diode laser to pump Nd:GdVO4 crystal in a folded cavity, we demonstrated Cr4+:YAG passively Q-switched Nd:GdVO4 lasers at 1.06 mu m. The maximum average output power of 2.1 W and the highest peak power of 625 W were, respectively, obtained when the initial transmissions of the Cr4+:YAG crystals were 90% and 80%.
Scientific journal, English - 周波数安定化レーザー
通信総合研究所,光周波数標準シンポジウム,東京国際フォーラム, Mar. 2000
Japanese - レーザー技術 産業への展開
応用物理学会連合講演会,光・量子エレクトロニクス賞記念シンポジウム,青山大学, Mar. 2000
Japanese - 低温におけるYb系固体材料の吸収・発光スペクトルと発光寿命の測定
河仲準二; 西岡 一; 上原 昇; 植田憲一
応用物理学会予稿集30a?YE?6, Mar. 2000
Japanese - 超広帯域コヒーレント過渡現象の計測
西岡 一; 日下部和人; 今 望武; 神鷹太康; 植田憲一
レーザー学会予稿集28a-ZD-4, Mar. 2000
Japanese - 周波数安定化レーザー
通信総合研究所,光周波数標準シンポジウム,東京国際フォーラム(招待講演), Mar. 2000
Japanese - レーザー技術 産業への展開
応用物理学会連合講演会,光・量子エレクトロニクス賞記念シンポジウム,青山大学(招待講演), Mar. 2000
Japanese - 1239/1484 nm cascaded phosphosilicate Raman fiber laser with CW output power of 1.36 W at 1484 nm pumped by CWYb-doped double-clad fiber laser at 1064 nm and spectral continuum generation
NS Kim; M Prabhu; C Li; J Song; K Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 176, 1-3, 219-222, Mar. 2000, CW 1.36 W/1484 nm Raman fiber laser is obtained using 8.4 W/1064 nm Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser as a pump, 1 km phosphosilicate fiber, and cascaded cavities with two pairs of fiber Bragg grating mirrors for 1239 nm and 1484 nm. We observed that there is a three-step process for the power transfer from the pump to the second Stokes powers. In addition, a 100 nm spectral continuum was obtained by connecting the 1484 nm output to single-mode fiber. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:GdVO_4_laser with a Cr^4+^:YAG crystal as the saturable absorber
C. Li; K. Ueda
ASSL2000, Davos Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland,, Feb. 16, 2000, Feb. 2000
English - レーザー核融合ドライバー用固体レーザー材料の必要条件
大阪大学レーザー核融合研究センターレーザー材料ワークショップ,阪大レーザー研, Feb. 2000
Japanese - 21世紀型レーザーを目指して,ファイバーレーザーの新展開
シンポジウム, Feb. 2000
Japanese - 新固体レーザー材料
平成11年度科研費「慣性核融合動力炉設計に関する国際共 同研究プログラムのための企画調査研究」国内ワークショップ,電通大レーザー 研, Feb. 2000
Japanese - レーザー核融合ドライバー用固体レーザー材料の必要条件
大阪大学レ,阪大レーザー研(招待講演)ーザー核融合研究センターレーザー材料ワークショップ, Feb. 2000
Japanese - 21世紀型レーザーを目指して,ファイバーレーザーの新展開
浜松工業試験所主催シンポジウム(招待講演), Feb. 2000
Japanese - 新固体レーザー材料
平成11年度科研費「慣性核融合動力炉設計に関する国際共同研究プログラムのための企画調査研究」国内ワークショップ,電通大レーザー研, Feb. 2000
Japanese - High power Nd:YAG ceramic laser
J. Lu; M. Prabhu; J. Xu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 39, L1048-L1050, 2000
English - Frequency stabilized injection-locked laser
M. Musha; T. Kanaya; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 398-404, 2000
English - Passively Q-switched Nd:S-VAP laser with a Cr4+:YAG crystal saturable absorber
D. Shen; C. Li; J. Song; N. Kim; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 619-626, 2000
English - 超広帯域コヒーレント過渡現象の観測
日下部和人; 今 望武; 西岡 一; 植田憲一
レーザー学会講演会予稿集21aⅦ10, Jan. 2000
Japanese - Yb系媒質の励起・再吸収機構と動作波長領域の特定
河仲準二; 西岡 一; 上原 昇; 植田憲一
レーザー学会予稿集20pI6, Jan. 2000
Japanese - ファイバーレーザー加工の新展開,kWファイバーレーザーから多光子マイクロ・ナノエンジニアリングまで
レーザー協会ウィンターセミナー,レーザー加工2000,23S, d-1 - d-8,2000(招待講演), Jan. 2000
Japanese - 超高安定光源技術とその光通信用の光周波数標準への応用
植田憲一; 中川賢一
情報通信のための光周波数標準を考えるシンポジウム,東京国際フォーラム・ホールD,郵政省通信総合研究所, 2000
Japanese - 産業と科学応用のためのファイバーレーザー技術
セラミック, 35, 287-291, 2000
Japanese - Visible laser action of Dy^3+^ ions in monoclinic KY(WO_4_)_2_ and KGd(WO_4_)_2_ crystals under Xe-flashlamp pumping
A. Kaminskii; U. Hommerich; D. Temple; J.T. Seo; K. Ueda; S. Bagayev; A. Pavlyulk
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 39, 208-211, 2000
English - Ultra-broadband cw supercontinuum generation centered at 1483.4 nm from Brillouin/ Raman fiber laser
M. Prabhu; N. S. Kim; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 39, 291-293, 2000
English - ファイバーレーザー加工の新展開,kWファイバーレーザーから多光子マイクロ・ナノエンジニアリングまで
レーザー協会ウィンターセミナー,レーザー加工2000, 23S, d-1-d-8, 2000
Japanese - 21世紀型レーザーを目指して-半導体レーザーとファイバーレーザーの新しい方向性-
JAERI-Conf. 2000-006, 33-36, 2000
Japanese - コヒーレント制御型ダイヤモンド大口径光伝導素子によるTHz電磁波の発生
米田仁紀; 徳山一龍; 植田憲一; 山本博規; 馬場和宏
レーザー学会学術講演会第20回年次大会講演, 20aVI-10, 2000
Japanese - 非線形光学結晶の低温領域での特性評価
米田仁紀; 植野剛; 植田憲一; 古宇田 光; 桑野泰彦
レーザー学会学術講演会第20回年次大会講演, 21aIV-2, 2000
Japanese - Performance of a Laser-Diode End-Pumped Nd:Sr_5_(VO_4_)_3_F/Nd:YVO_4_ Hybrid-Crystal Laser
D. Shen; J. Song; C. Li; S. Tam; N.S. Kim; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 39, L468-L470, 2000
English - D. Temple, New Laser Garnet Crystal with Disordered Structure
A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; G. Bogomolova; J. Garcia-Sole; D. Jaque; J. Capmany
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 38, L1180-L1182-L1182, 2000
English - Simultaneous double-color CW Raman fiber laser at 1239 nm and 1484 nm using phosphosilicate
M. Prabhu; N.S. Kim; K. Ueda
Opt. Rev, 7, 227-280, 2000
English - Visible laser action of Dy3+ ions in monoclinic KY(WO4)2 and KGd(WO4)2 crystals under Xe-flashlamp pumping
A. Kaminskii; U. Hommerich; D. Temple; J.T. Seo; K. Ueda; S. Bagayev; A. Pavlyulk
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 39, 208-211, 2000
English - Spectroscopy and CW near-IR stimulated emission of new ytteium gallium garnet {Y_3_}[Y,Ga](Ga_3_)O_12_:Nd^3+^(YGAO_3_:Nd^3+^)
A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; D. Temple; G. Bogomolova; J. Carsica-Soke; D. Jaque
Opt. Rev, 7, 101-111, 2000
English - Flash-lamp-pumped acousto-optic Q-switched Cr-Tm : YAG laser
C Li; J Song; DY Shen; YH Cao; NS Kim; K Ueda
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 7, 1, 58-61, Jan. 2000, High-power Q-switched solid-state lasers operating at 2 mu m wavelength are needed for many applications. Using hash-lamp pumping, we developed an acousto-optic Q-switched Cr-Tm:YAG laser and realized single transverse mode oscillation with a maximum pulse energy exceeding 0.8 J when the repetition frequency was 1 Hz. The pulse width and the corresponding peak power were 135 ns and 5.9 MW, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the highest output power of AO-Q-snitched Cr-Tm:YAG lasers have ever reported.
Scientific journal, English - Vacuum-ultraviolet emission of ionic excimer KrLi and excitation dynamics by relativistic e-beam pumping
Da Xing; Shici Tan; Ken-ichi Ueda
Chinese J. Lasers, 27, 2, 2000
English - 産業と科学応用のためのファイバーレーザー技術
セラミックス, 35, 284-291, 2000
Japanese - High efficiency nanosecond Raman lasers base on tetragonal PbWO_4_crystals
A. Kaminskii; T. Chyba; C. McCray; H. Lee; S. Lee; D. Temple; W. Marsh; J. Barnes; A. Annanenkov; V. Legun; H. Eichler; G. Gad; K. Ueda
Opt. Comm, 83, 277-287, 2000
English - Thermal influence of saturable absorber in passively Q-switched diode-pumped cw Nd:YAG/Cr^4+^:YAG laser
J. Song; C. Li; K. Ueda
Opt. Comm, 77, 307-316, 2000
English - Output characteristics of high power continuous wave Raman fiber lasers at 1239 nm using phosphosilicate fiber
M. Prabhu; N.S. Kim; K. Ueda
Opt. Rev, 7, 297-302, 2000
English - Ultra-broadband cw supercontinuum generation centered at 1483.4 nm from Brillouin/Raman fiber laser
M. Prabhu; N. S. Kim; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 39, L291-L293, 2000
English - The short-term and long term frequency stabilization of an injection-locked Nd:YAG laser in reference to a Fabry-Perot cavity and an iodine saturated absorption line
M. Musha; T. Kanaya; K. Nakagawa; K. Ueda
Opt. Comm, 183, 165-173, 2000
English - Optical properties and highly efficient laser oscillation of Nd:YAG ceramics
J. Lu; M. Prabhu; J. Song; C. Li; J. Xu; K. Ueda; A. Kaminskii; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Appl. Phys. B, 71, 469-474, 2000
English - Diode-pumped CW and passively Q-switched solid-state lasers using ultra-thin Nd:YVO_4_crystal as the gain medium
Ch. Li; J. Song; J. Xu; J. Lu; K. Ueda
Opt. Comm, 186, 245-250, 2000
English - High efficiency 2% Nd:YAG ceramic laser
J. Lu; M. Prabhu; J. Xu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Appl. Phys. Lett, 77, 3707-3709, 2000
English - Stimulated Raman emission of YAG crystal
A. Kaminskii; H. Eichler; J. Lu; T. Murai; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Phys. Stat. Sol.(a), 181, R19-R20, 2000
English - Observation of stimulated Raman scattering in Y3Al5O12 single crystals and nanocrystalline ceramics and in these materials activated with laser ions Nd3+ and Yb3+
AA Kaminskii; HJ Eichler; K Ueda; SN Bagaev; GMA Gad; J Lu; T Murai; H Yagi; T Yanagitani
JETP LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 72, 10, 499-502, 2000, High-order Raman parametric generation was excited in the visible and near-IR regions on the Stokes and anti-Stokes lines of Y3Al5O12 single crystals and nanocrystalline ceramics. All generation components, as well as the chi ((3))-active vibrational modes of these materials, were identified. In connection with the extensive use of the Nd3+- and Yb3+-doped Y3Al5O12 crystals and, in recent years, nanocrystalline Y3Al5O12 : Nd3+ ceramics in laser physics and quantum electronics, the applied aspect of the observed nonlinear properties of these materials is outlined. (C) 2000 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".
Scientific journal, English - Stimulated Raman scattering in Y_3_Al_5_O_12_ single crystal,
A. Kaminskii; H. Eichler; K. Ueda; S. Bagayev; G. Gad; J. Lu; T. Murai; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Phys. Stat. Sol.(a), 181, R19-R12, 2000
English - 物理系学術誌刊行協会設立とその意義
応用物理, 69, 265-266, 2000
Japanese - Flash-lamp pumped high-power Cr-Tm:YAG and Cr-Tm-Ho:YAG lasers at room temperature
C. Li; D. Shen; J. Song; N. Kim; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 274-278, 2000
English - Numerical analysis of output performance of Nd-doped double-clad fiber lasers
N. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Shen; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 583-589, 2000
English - Raman fiber amplifier with signal-to-noise ratio enhancement using second Stokes control pulses and effect of double Rayleigh back-scattering
N. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Shen; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 590-595, 2000
English - Diode-pumped high-efficiency Tm:YAG in active mirror configuration
C. Li; D. Shen; J. Song; N. Kim; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 604-609, 2000
English - 超広帯域ファイバーラマン増幅器用全固体ファイバーレーザーとCW白色光の発生
マヘンドラ・プラブー; 植田憲一
信学技報, LQE2000-61, 1-6, 2000
Japanese - 高出力,高効率セラミックYAGレーザー
廬建仁; 村井朋代; 高市和則; 植田憲一; 八木秀喜; 柳谷高公; A. Kaminskii
信学技報, LQE2000-62, 7-11, 2000
Japanese - 21世紀型レーザーを目指して-半導体レーザーとファイバーレーザーの新しい方向性-
JAERI-Conf. 2000-006, 33-36, 2000
Japanese - The first observation of SRS in a trigonal LiCaAlF6 crystal, ,1035-1.36
A. Kaminskii; H. Eichler; K. Ueda; P. Reiche; G. Gad
Quantum Electron., 30, 2000
English - YVO4 and GdVO4 -New efficient ((3)-crystals for Raman lasers
A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; H. Eichler; Y. Kuwano; H. Kouta; S. Bagaev; Th. Chyba; J. Barnes; G . Gad; T. Murai; J. Lu
MPLP 2000, 158-167, 2000
English - New laser and χ^(3)^-nonlinear properties of PbMoO_4_:Nd^3+^: CW stimulated emission at 1.0594 and 1.335 mm, high-order picosecond Raman generation, and nanosecond self-SRS lasing
A. Kaminskii; S. Bagaev; K. Ueda; H. Eichler; J. Garisia-Sole; D. Jaque; J. Romero; J. Fernandez; R. Balda; A. Butashin; F. Agullo-Rueda
MPLP 2000, 168-175, 2000
English - TAMA ground-based interferometer for the detection of gravitational waves
MK Fujimoto
FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS IN SPACE, PERGAMON PRESS LTD, 25, 6, 1161-1164, 2000, Peer-reviwed, The Japanese project of constructing an intermediate scale gravitational wave detector (TAMA) started in the April of 1995. It adopts a Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometer with pre-modulation and will be completed with standard power recycling by March, 2000. The aim of the project is to develop techniques which are required for an advanced large scale interferometer and to catch a gravitational wave that may occur by chance within our local group of galaxies. The facility building, the vacuum system and the seismic isolation system have been prepared. Installation of the subsystems such as the laser, the mode cleaner and the one-arm cavity have been finished. Our schedule is to construct the body of interferometer without implementing the recycling technique by the end of 1998 and to operate it with a reasonable sensitivity for a month in the spring of 1999. After that, the recycling mirror will be installed and the power recycled interferometer will be put into operation. This paper will report the current status of the project and some experimental outcomes of the subsystems. (C) 2000 COSPAR, Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Scientific journal, English - 「注入同期Nd:YAGレーザーの広帯域周波数安定化」
武者 満; 金谷 剛; 中川賢一; 植田憲一
微小光学研究会, Dec. 1999
Japanese - FSRC-Optical Fiber
K. Ueda
La Jolla International School of Science, Dec. 1999
English - Over-Two-Watts 1484nm Raman fiber laser, double-color Raman fiber laser with simultaneous outputs 1484nm and 1239nm, and the future of multi-wavelength fiber lasers, FSRC-Optical Fiber
N. Kim; M. Prabhu; K. Ueda
La Jolla International School of Science, Dec. 1999
English - Diode-pumped continuous wave Nd: S-VAP/Nd:YVO4 hybrid laser
D. Shen; J. Song; C. Li; N. Kim; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-25, Osaka, 46, 375-376, Nov. 1999
English - 21世紀型レーザーのコンセプト
光技術振興会 光材料研究会,キーノート講演,熱海, Nov. 1999
Japanese - Frequency stabilized injection-locked laser
M. Musha; T. Kanaya; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, Nov. 1999
English - 21世紀のレーザー技術と電通大レーザー新世代研究センター,光量子科学研究シンポジウム
日本原子力研究所,けいはんなプラザ, Nov. 1999
Japanese - 21世紀型レーザーを目指して,半導体レーザーとファイバーレーザーの新しい方向性
Optics Japan '99, プレナリー講演,大阪大学コンベンションセンター, Nov. 1999
Japanese - Scaling Physics of Disk-type Fiber Lasers for kW Class Output
K. Ueda
IEEE LEOS, San Francisco, ThP0001, Nov. 1999
English - New concept: fiber embedded disk and tube lasers
H. Sekiguchi; H. Kan; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-15, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Soft diaphrams for apodization of powerful laser beams
L. Vinogradsky; S. Sobolev; I. Zubarev; M. Pyatakhin; Yu. Senatsky; V. Mizin; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Simultaneous multiple wavelength cw generation of LD-pumped Nd:(YAG,YLF) laser
J. Song; D. Shen; A. Liu; C. Li; N. Kim; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-24, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Diode-pumped continuous wave Nd: S-VAP/Nd:YVO4 hybrid laser
D. Shen; J. Song; C. Li; N. Kim; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-25, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Flash-lamp pumped high-power Cr-Tm: YAG and Cr-Tm-Ho: YAG lasers at room temperature
C. Li; D. Shen; J. Song; N. Kim; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-32, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Side pumping of high-power fiber disk laser using high-power laser diode
N. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Shen; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-76, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Numerical analysis of output performance of Nd-doped double-clad fiber lasers
N. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Shen; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-77, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Raman fiber amplifier with signal-to-noise ratio enhancement using second Stokes control pulses and effect of double Rayleigh back-scattering
N. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Shen; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-78, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Diode-pumped high-efficiency Tm:YAG in active mirror configuration
C. Li; D. Shen; J. Song; N. Kim; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-81, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Passively Q-switched Nd: S-VAP laser with a Cr4+:YAG crystal saturable absorber
D. Shen; C. Li; J. Song; N. Kim; K. Ueda
AHPLA '99, 3889-83, Osaka, Nov. 1999
English - Super-broadband, Ultrafast Optical Measurements
H. Nishioka; K. Kusakabe; N. Kon; K. Ueda
Proc. of the first symposium of advanced photon research, Keihanna Plaza, Nov. 1999
English - Energy extraction performance for CPA system in Yb-doped materials at low temperature
J. Kawanaka; H. Nishioka; K. Ueda
Proc. of the first symposium of advanced photon research, Keihanna Plaza, 101-104, Nov. 1999
English - Diode-pumped solid state lasers I
K. Ueda
AHPLA'99, Session,Osaka, Nov. 2, 1999, Nov. 1999
English - 電通大レーザー新世代研究センターの目指す方向と光科学ネットワーク
東大物性研 先端分光物性研究会, Oct. 1999
Japanese - Future Prospects of Fiber Lasers and LD Arrays
K. Ueda
Symposium in Institute of Molecular Sciences, Oct. 1999
English - Large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave telescope
K Kuroda; M Ohashi; S Miyoki; D Tatsumi; S Sato; H Ishizuka; MK Fujimoto; S Kawamura; R Takahashi; T Yamazaki; K Arai; M Fukushima; K Waseda; S Telada; A Ueda; T Shintomi; A Yamamoto; T Suzuki; Y Saito; T Haruyama; N Sato; K Tsubono; K Kawabe; M Ando; KI Ueda; H Yoneda; M Musha; N Mio; S Moriwaki; A Araya; N Kanda; ME Tobar
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 8, 5, 557-579, Oct. 1999, We present here the Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational wave Telescope (LCGT) project which is aimed to improve the sensitivity of the existing gravitational wave projects by ten times. LCGT is the project constructing the km-scale gravitational wave detector in Japan succeeding the TAMA project, which adopts cryogenic mirrors with a higher power laser. We are planing to build it in an underground site in Kamioka mine. If its target sensitivity is attained, we will be able to catch a few events per month.
Scientific journal, English - Diode-pumped Nd : S-VAP lasers passively Q-switched with Cr4+: YAG saturable absorber
DY Shen; C Li; J Song; T Kobayashi; K Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 169, 1-6, 109-113, Oct. 1999, A compact diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:S-VAP laser has been demonstrated with Cr4+:YAG crystal as the saturable absorber. When CW pumped with a 1 W high-brightness laser diode, stable laser pulses of duration of 2.9 ns and energy of 13.7 mu J are observed with kilohertz repetition rates. The highest peak power of 4.6 kW was obtained at a incident pump power of 904 mW. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - 核融合研究,重力波天文学におけるレーザー技術
リンクス・セリウム座談会,21世紀を迎える科学の光と陰,東京理科大理窓会館, Sep. 1999
Japanese - 光学薄膜の最新評価技術,真空薄膜技術講習会
東京ベイ有明ワシントンホテル, Sep. 1999
Japanese - Conceptual design of kW-class fiber-embedded disk and tube lasers
K. Ueda
CLEO PacRim '99, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 1999
English - 多光子顕微鏡用レーザー
応用物理学会シンポジウム,甲南大学, Sep. 1999
Japanese - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの研究開発
関口 宏; Guillaume Vienne; 田中彰美; 仙田裕加里; 伊東勝久; 松岡芳彦; 虎溪久良; 高橋志郎; 菅 博文; 植田憲一
レーザー学会 研究会資料RTM-99-21,グランドヒル市ヶ谷, Sep. 1999
Japanese - Yb系固体材料の近赤外吸収・発光スペクトルの温度依存性
河仲準二; 加藤義章; 西岡 一; 上原 昇; 植田憲一
応用物理学会予稿集2p-L-1, Sep. 1999
Japanese - Theoretical and experimental investigations of diode-pumped Tm : YAG laser in active mirror configuration
C Li; DY Shen; J Song; NS Kim; K Ueda
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 6, 5, 439-442, Sep. 1999, Based on the rate-equations of quasi-three-level lasers, we analyzed the threshold and the output power of longitudinally pumped Tm:YAG lasers in an active mirror configuration. In contrast to one-pass pumping, two-pass pumping in this configuration will result in a 24% decrease in threshold and 16% increase in slope efficiency. Using a 3-W diode-laser pumping in the active mirror configuration, we demonstrated a CW Tm:YAG laser and obtained 735 mW output power with a slope efficiency up to 49%. Using a Ti:sapphire laser to pump the same device, the threshold power was further reduced and the slope efficiency reached 59%.
Scientific journal, English - Ultra-high quality optics for large scale laser interferometer for gravitational wave detection
K. Ueda
9th ICPS, Osaka, Aug. 1999
English - Advanced Laser Development in ILS/UEC
K. Ueda
The Symposim of Lebedev Physics Institute organized by Dr. N. Basov, Jul. 1999
English - 学生にできるレーザー新世代技術-ハイブリッドレーザー結晶から涙を流す光学系まで-
レーザー学会若手セミナー,慶応大学理工学部, Jul. 1999
Japanese - 学生にできるレーザー新世代技術 -ハイブリッドレーザー結晶から涙を流す光学系まで-
レーザー学会 第10回若手技術者と学生のためのレーザー応用セミナ ー, 日吉,慶応理工学部, 1-10, Jul. 1999
Japanese - 先端ファイバーレーザー技術の現状
フォトンセンター第1回レーザー技術ワークショップ,真福寺会館, Jul. 1999
Japanese - kW-class fiber laser concepts
K. Ueda
The memorial symposium of the 25th anniversary of NICTL RAN(Plenary Talk), Jun. 1999
English - Flash-lamp pumped normal-mode and Q-switched Cr-Tm : YAG laser performance at room temperature
C Li; DY Shen; J Song; YH Cao; NS Kim; K Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 164, 1-3, 63-67, Jun. 1999, Efficient solid-state lasers that operate near 2-mu m wavelength at room temperature are needed for many applications. Using a flash-lamp as the pump light, we investigated normal-mode and Q-switched Cr-Tm:YAG 2 mu m laser performance at room temperature. When the repetition rate was 1 Hz, more than 4 J normal-mode and 0.7 J/140 ns laser pulses with single transverse mode have been obtained. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Sub-5-fs Real-time Spectroscopy of Coherent Geometrical Relaxation Processes in Polydiacetylenes
T. Kobayashi; A. Shirakawa; H. Matsuzawa; H. Nakanishi
CLEO/QELS 1999,Baltimore, May 1999
English - Loss factors of mirrors for a gravitational wave antenna
S Sato; S Miyoki; M Ohashi; MK Fujimoto; T Yamazaki; M Fukushima; A Ueda; K Ueda; K Watanabe; K Nakamura; K Etoh; N Kitajima; K Ito; Kataoka, I
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 38, 13, 2880-2885, May 1999, Low-loss mirrors fabricated by ion-beam-sputtering machines for possible application in an interferometric gravitational wave antenna were evaluated by use of Nd:YAC laser light (lambda = 1064 nm) with two distinct measurements: a tabletop experiment that used a short cavity with a small beam with a beam waist of approximately 2w(0) = 0.82 mm, and an optical test that used a 20-m prototypical gravitational-wave detector with a large beam with a beam waist of approximately 2w(0) = 4.4 mm. A multilayer coating comprised 29 layers of SiO2/Ta2O5 and one protective coating of SiO2. The best values obtained as a result of these measurements were 16 ppm (Darts in 10(6)) and 30 ppm in total loss, respectively. Also, a two-dimensional loss map generated by use of a small beam successfully revealed the existence of a loss structure within the coating surface. These results imply that a high-reflectance multilayer coating has some inhomogeneities and a loss distribution with a typical scale of a few millimeters and that the total measured losses depend on the beam spot size. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 230.4040, 230.4170, 310.1620, 290.5820, 240.0310.
Scientific journal, English - Absolute-length determination of a long-baseline Fabry-Perot cavity by means of resonating modulation sidebands
A Araya; S Telada; K Tochikubo; S Taniguchi; R Takahashi; K Kawabe; D Tatsumi; T Yamazaki; S Kawamura; S Miyoki; S Moriwaki; M Musha; S Nagano; MK Fujimoto; K Horikoshi; N Mio; Y Naito; A Takamori; K Yamamoto
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 38, 13, 2848-2856, May 1999, A new method has been demonstrated for absolute-length measurements of a long-baseline Fabry-Perot cavity by use of phase-modulated light. This method is based on determination of a free spectral range (FSR) of the cavity from the frequency difference between a carrier and phase-modulation sidebands, both of which resonate in the cavity. Sensitive response of the Fabry-Perot cavity near resonant frequencies ensures accurate determination of the FSR and thus of the absolute length of the cavity. This method was applied to a 300-m Fabry-Perot cavity of the TAMA gravitational wave detector that is being developed at the National Astronomical Observatory, Tokyo. With a modulation frequency of similar to 12 MHz, we successfully determined the absolute cavity length with resolution of 1 mu m (3 X 10(-9) in strain) and observed local ground strain variations of 6 x 10(-8). (C) 1999 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 120.2230, 120.3180, 120.3940, 120.5060.
Scientific journal, English - Frequency stabilized solid state laser
M. Musha; K. Ueda
CRL International Symposium, Tokyo, March 17-18, 1999. J. CRL, 46, 383-384, Mar. 1999
English - Ultra-high quality optics
A. Ueda; K. Ueda
CRL International Symposium, Tokyo, March 17-18, 1999. J. CRL, 46, 379, Mar. 1999
English - Light Source
K. Ueda
CRL International Symposium, Sessiona,Tokyo, Mar. 1999
English - Ultra-sensitive detector using Ge-doped Raman fiber amplifier with enhanced signal to noise ratio using second Stokes control pulse
N. S. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Y. Shen; K. Ueda
CRL International Symposium, Tokyo,March 17-18, 1999. J. CRL, 46, 373-374, Mar. 1999
English - Absorption characteristics of high-power disk fiber laser by side pumping
N. S. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Y. Shen; K. Ueda
CRL International Symposium, Tokyo, March 17-18, 1999. J. CRL, 46, 365-367, Mar. 1999
English - Simultaneous multiple wavelength CW operation of LD-pumped Nd(YAG, YLF)laser
J. Song; D. Y. Shen; C. Li; N. S. Kim; K. Ueda
CRL International Symposium, Tokyo, March 17-18, 1999. J. CRL, 46, 363-364, Mar. 1999
English - Diode-pumped high-efficiency Tm:YAG laser in active mirror configuration
C. Li; D. Y. Shen; J. Song; N. S. Kim; K. Ueda
CRL International Symposium, Tokyo, March 17-18, 1999. J. CRL, Mar. 1999
English - Passive Q-switched Nd: S-VAP laser with a Cr^4+^: YAG crystal saturable aabsorber
D. Y. Shen; J. Song; C. Li; K. Ueda
CRL International Symposium, Tokyo, March 17-18, 1999. J. CRL, 46, 377-378, Mar. 1999
English - A large anisotropy of the electron distribution function in plasma production with prepulse-controlled high power KrF laser
H Yoneda; N Hasegawa; S Kawana; K Ueda
FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 44, 141-146, Feb. 1999, A large anisotropy of the electron distribution function (EDF) was observed in high density plasma. The plasma was created by a 2-ps TW KrF laser system in which a prepulse energy was well controlled with a saturable absorber. The observed electron density at the emission area with He-like F ions was 0.7-1.5 x 10(22) Cm-3. A 90 degrees deflection time by electron-ion collisions was calculated to be two orders of magnitude smaller than the laser pulse duration. Even with this high collisionality, the anisotropy of EDF was driven by the laser field and was maintained. That means the anisotropy will become a parameter instead of temperature in the high density plasma which was far from the equilibrium state. The energy transfer process will be discussed with these new measurements in future. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Scientific journal, English - Observation of net gain in the yellow band of K-2 excimer by electron-beam pumping
D Xing; Q Wang; SC Tan; K Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 74, 6, 792-794, Feb. 1999, The design of a high-temperature cell appropriate for an electron-beam transverse pump of alkali dimer excimer lasers is described. By using the cell, an amplified spontaneous emission and a maximum net gain coefficient of 3% cm(-1) of the K-2 yellow band (574 nm) were observed from the e-beam-excited mixture of K/K-2 vapor with argon buffer gas. The dissociative recombination of K-3(+) is discussed as an efficient formation process of the upper state by the electron-beam pumping. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)04505-2].
Scientific journal, English - High intensity coherent super-continuum radiation from optical channeling
H Nishioka; K Ueda
ICONO '98: FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS OF LASER-MATTER INTERACTION AND NEW NONLINEAR OPTICAL MATERIALS AND PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 3734, 10-14, 1999, An intense VUV-IR coherent light source based on the both spatial and temporal phase modulation in rare gas media induced by tera-watt laser field is presented. A spectra intensity of 1 GW/nm has been obtained from the UV to IR regions. An up-conversion broadband optical parametric amplifier based on the four-wave-mixing in a non-birefringence nonlinear materials has also been demonstrated for time gated spectra measurements with the ultra-broadband light source.
International conference proceedings, English - Observation of net gain in the yellow band of K_2_ excimer by electron-beam-pumping
Da Xing; Qi Wang; Shi-ci Tan; Ken-ichi Ueda
Appl. Phys. Lett, 74, 792-794, 1999
English - The interferometric gravitational wave detector TAMA-300 and the frequency-stabilized laser with high-finesse optical resonator
M. Musha; A. Ueda; M. Ohashi; K. Ueda
SPIE, 1999
English - 極限レーザーからの展開
レーザー学会年次大会,名古屋,名古屋国際会議場, Jan. 1999
Japanese - 物理学関連学術誌電子化出版協議会活動報告書(分担執筆)
応用物理学欧文誌刊行会, 1999
Japanese - Laser Resonators, Chapter 6 Optical Cavity for High Power Fiber Lasers
edited by Kudryashov & Weber, SPIE Ress, 125-143, 1999
English - Bound-free vacuum uv emissions of Kr+Li and Xe+Li ionic excimers by relativistic e-beam pumping
Da Xing; Qi Wang; Shi-ci Tan; Ken-ichi Ueda
Jph. J. Appl. Phys., 38, 4069-4072, 1999
English - Nd^3^-deped and undoped tetragonal PbWO_4_, NaY(WO_4_)_2_, CaWO_4_, and undoped monoclinic ZnWO_4_ and CdWO_4_as laser-and SRS-active crystals : low-threshold pulsed and CW near-IR stimulated emission, multiple Stokes and anti-Stokes generation, and effic
A.Kaminskii; H.Eichler; K. Ueda; N.Klassen; B. Redkin; L. Li; J. Findeisen; D. Jaque; J. Garcia-Sole; J. Fernandez; R. Balda
Appl. Opt., 38, 4533-4547, 1999
English - 波長掃引型白色干渉計によるQX/Ybレーザーガラスの屈折率分散および温度係数測定
レーザー研究, 27, 768-772, 1999
Japanese - Dispersion of optical refractive index of Yb3+-doped laser glass and their fitting to Lorentzian model
H. Yoneda; K. Yamaguchi; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 38, 639-641, 1999
English - Simultaneously multiple wavaelength cw operation of laser-diode-pumped Nd : (YAG, YLF)laser
J. Song; D.Shen; A. Liu; Ch. Li; N. Kim; K. Ueda
Appl. Opt., 38, 5158-5161, 1999
English - レーザーの低雑音および出力安定化
植田 憲一
レーザー研究, 27, 456-457, 1999
Japanese - Characterization of large aperture and ultra-high quality mirror for gravitational wave detector, Precision Science and Technology for Perfect Surfaces
K. Ueda; A. Ueda; K. Waseda; M. Ohashi
JSPE Press, 19-28, 1999
English - 新しいLD励起Ybドープレーザー
電気学会資料、光・量子デバイス, OQD-99-4, 19-24, 1999
Japanese - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの研究開発
レーザー学会研究会資料, RTM-99-21, 13-17, 1999
Japanese - 重力波干渉計用大口径超高品質ミラーの特性測定
上田暁俊; 植田憲一; 佐藤修一; 三代木伸二; 大橋正健; 伊藤和彦; 御嶽隆義; 中村憲司; 北島直哉; 潟岡 泉
レーザー研究, 27, 116-120, 1999
Japanese - Diode-pumped high-efficiency Tm : YAG lasers
C Li; J Song; DY Shen; NS Kim; K Ueda; YJ Huo; SF He; YH Cao
OPTICS EXPRESS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 4, 1, 12-18, Jan. 1999, Eye-safe solid-state lasers that operate at 2 mu m wavelength have many applications in medical, remote sensing and military technologies. With a 3-W CW laser-diode pumping, we obtained 760 mW 2.01 mu m Tm: YAG laser under CW operation. The slope efficiency was 44% and the optical to optical efficiency reached 36%. In the acousto-optic Q-switched operation, laser pulses with the energy of 1.2mJ and 380 ns FWHM width have been achieved. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - All-opticalamplifying noise filter using Ge-doped Raman amplifier and second Stokes control pulses
N. S. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Y. Shen; K. Ueda
OFC, San Diego, 1999
English - 半導体レーザー励起Yb:YLFレーザー
西岡 一; 鬼泡敦子; 上原 昇; 植田憲一
第19回レーザー学会予稿, 29p-I-3, 1999
Japanese - 高出力レーザー用補償光学系
レーザー研究, The Laser Society of Japan, 27, 2, 84-88, 1999, Adaptive optics systems for high power gas lasers and solid state lasers are reviewed. Large scale deformablemirrors with magnetostrict actuators were cooled by water for use with huge output infrared lasers. The simplemirrors which are deformable by the hydro pressure were applied to adaptive resonators for thermal lenscompensation with solid state lasers. A silicon wafer mirror was proposed as an automatic adaptive resonatorfor LD-pumped YAG lasers. New techniques employing a spatial phase modulator, phase-conjugated mirrors, and hybrid laser crystals are introduced.
Japanese - ポンププローブ法による多結晶CVDダイヤモンド薄膜の粒内キャリヤ寿命分布の観測
徳山一龍; 山崎理威智; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一; 山本博規; 馬場和宏
レーザー学会学術講演会第19回年次大会講演予稿集, 136, 1999
Japanese - 加熱脱離法による光学ミラー表面の有機物汚染の観測
森 文也; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一
レーザー学会学術講演会第19回年次大会講演予稿集, 94, 1999
Japanese - 超低損失ミラーの吸収測定の研究
高沢恵嗣; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一
レーザー学会学術講演会第19回年次大会講演予稿集, 106, 1999
Japanese - 多結晶CVDダイヤモンド薄膜の光生成キャリヤへ及ぼす粒界影響の観測
米田仁紀; 徳山一龍; 山崎理威智; 植田憲一; 山本博規; 馬場和宏
第46回応用物理学会関係連合講演会, 1154, 1999
Japanese - ダイヤモンド光電素子を用いたTHz電磁波放射源の開発
山本博規; 馬場和宏; 山崎理威智; 徳山一龍; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一
第46回応用物理学会関係連合講演会, 630, 1999
Japanese - マルチレーダイヤモンド光伝導素子による高出力THz電磁波の発生
米田仁紀; 徳山一龍; 山崎理威智; 植田憲一; 山本博規; 馬場和宏
第46回応用物理学会関係連合講演会, 1154, 1999
Japanese - New concept: fiber embedded disk and tube lasers
H. Sekiguchi; G. Vienne; A. Tanaka; Y. Senda; Y. Ito; Y. Matsuoka; H. Toratani; S. Takahashi; H. Miyajima; H. Kan; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 154-159, 1999
English - Numerical analysis of output performance of Nd-doped double-clad fiber lasers
N. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Shen; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 583-589, 1999
English - Raman fiber amplifier with signal-to-noise ratio enhancement using second Stokes control pulses and effect of double Rayleigh back-scattering
N. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Shen; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 590-595, 1999
English - 注入同期Nd:YAGレーザーの広帯域周波数安定化
武者 満; 金谷剛; 中川賢一; 植田憲一
Microoptics News, 17, 4, 7, 1999
Japanese - 「注入同期Nd:YAGレーザーの広帯域周波数安定化」
武者 満; 中川賢一; 植田憲一
応用物理学会,99春, 1999
Japanese - 「2周波数基準を用いた注入同期Nd:YAGレーザーの周波数安定化」
武者 満; 中川賢一; 植田憲一
応用物理学会99秋, 1999
Japanese - 電子化出版についての国際パネル討論会報告応用物理
伊藤良一; 植田憲一; 潮田資勝; 岡部 豊
応用物理, 68, 661-662, 1999
Japanese - 電子化出版についての国際パネル討論会報告
伊藤良一; 植田憲一; 潮田資勝; 岡部 豊
日本物理学会誌, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 54, 6, 464-466, 1999
Japanese - 物理系学術誌刊行協会設立とその意義
応用物理, 69, 265-266, 1999
Japanese - The interferometric gravitational wave detector TAMA-300 and the frequency-stabilized laser with high-finesse optical resonator
M. Musha; A. Ueda; M. Ohashi; K. Ueda
Proceedings of SPIE; vo; 3611, Laser resonators II, 65, 1999
English - キロワット級ファイバーレーザー技術
松岡芳彦; 関口宏; 菅博文; 植田憲一
レーザー研究, The Laser Society of Japan, 27, 10, 694-698, 1999, Kilowatt-class fiber lasers are reviewed. From the early days, fiber lasers have been studied to make use of the high pump intensity resulting from light confinement in the fiber core. In a conventional fiber laser, the pump light is coupled through the fiber core end section. This section is too small to launch a high power diode pump beam. This limits the output power to several tens of mW. The double-clad structure allows us to increase the output power by several orders of magnitude but it can hardly exceed of a few tens of W. A new concept called "fiber embedded fiber laser" or"free shape laser" will again increase the maximum output power, making kW fiber lasers a reality. In this paper, this new concept is presented and compared with usual fiber laser technology.
Japanese - Ge-doped Raman fiber amplifier with an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio using second Stokes control pulses
N.S. Kim; M. Prabhu; C. Li; J. Song; D. Shen; K. Ueda; H. Kong
Appl. Phys. B, 69, 169-174, 1999
English - New Laser Garnet Crystal with Disordered Structure
A.Kaminskii; K. Ueda; G.Bogomolova; J. Garcia-Sole; D. Jaque; J. Capmany; D. Temple
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 38, L1180-L1182, 1999
English - 次世代高出力ファイバーレーザー
精密工学会誌, 65, 11, 1570-1573, 1999
Japanese - Spectroscopy and CW near-IR stimulated emission of new ytteium gallium garnet {Y_3_}[Y,Ga]Ga_3_)O_12_:Nd^3+^(YGAO3:Nd^3+^)
A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; D. Temple; G. Bogomolova; J. Carsica-Soke; D. Jaque
Opt. Rev, 7, 101-111, 1999
English - Diode-pumped continuous wave Nd:S-VAP/Nd:YVO4 hybrid laser
D. Shen; J. Song; C. Li; N. Kim; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 237-245, 1999
English - Flash-lamp pumped high-power Cr-Tm: YAG and Cr-Tm-Ho: YAG lasers at room temperature
C. Li; D. Shen; J. Song; N. Kim; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 274-278, 1999
English - Diode-pumped high-efficiency Tm:YAG in active mirror configuration
C. Li; D. Shen; J. Song; N. Kim; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 604-609, 1999
English - 平成11年度分子科学研究所研究会
「高機能全固体レーザーとその応用」-「非線形光学材料/素子の新展開」, 1999
Japanese - レーザーの現在と未来
金属プレス,1999年7月号, 5-10, 1999
Japanese - Dispersion of Optical Refractive Index of Yb3+ -Doped Laser Glass and thier fitting of Lorenzian Mode
H. Yoneda; K. Yamaguchi; K. Ueda
Jpn. J.Appl. Phys, 38, 639, 1999
English - 波長掃引型白色光干渉計によるYbドープレーザーガラスの屈折率分散測定および温度係数測定
山口和彦; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一
Rev. of Laser Engn, 27, 768-772, 1999
Japanese - Bound-free vacuum uv emissions of Kr^+^Li and Xe^+^Li ionic excimers by relativistic e-beam pumping
Da Xing; Qi Wang; Shi-ci Tan; Ken-ichi Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl.Phys, 38, 4069-4072, 1999
English - The interaction potential energies and quasi-continuum vacuum uv emissions of rare-gas-alkali ionic excimers
Da Xing; Qi Wang; Shi-ci Tan; Ken-ichi Ueda
Quantum Electron, 27, 1085-1090, 1999
English - 新しいLD励起Ybドープレーザー
西岡 一; 鬼澤敦子; 上原 昇; 植田憲一
電気学会資料 OQD-99-4, 1999
Japanese - 多光子顕微鏡用超短パルスレーザーの動向
レーザー研究, The Laser Society of Japan, 27, 12, 805-811, 1999, The advanced laser techniques for multiphoton microscope are introduced in terms of femtosecond pulse generation. The compact ultrafast fiber lasers are described as the second generation of femtosecond lasers for microscopy. For the third generation techniques, the advanced techniques such as light propagation control by index profiles in core and clad area are promising. The photonic fiber structure generates the super continuum in 1-m long fiber. Several ideas for multi-color and tunable pulse generation are discussed. The engineering developed for scientific and industrial applications should be combined for the compact and reliable light source for multiphoton microscopy.
Japanese - Development of THz radiation sources with CVD diamond photoconductive switches
H. Yoneda; K. Tokuyama; K. Ueda; H. Yamamoto; K. Baba
1999 IEEE 7th International Conference on THz Electronics Proceedings, 195, 1999
English - CVDダイヤモンド光伝導素子を用いたTHz電磁波放射源の開発
山本博規; 馬場和宏; 山崎理威智; 徳山一龍; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一
第46回応用物理学会関係連合講演会, 630, 1999
Japanese - マルチアレーダイヤモンド光伝導素子による高出力THz電磁波の発生
米田仁紀; 徳山一龍; 山崎理威智; 植田憲一; 山本博規; 馬場和宏
第46回応用物理学会関係連合講演会, 1154, 1999
Japanese - Soft diaphrams for apodization of powerful laser beams
L. Vinogradsky; S. Sobolev; I. Zubarev; M. Pyatakhin; Yu. Senatsky; V. Mizin; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 849-860, 1999
English - Simultaneous multiple wavelength cw generation of LD-pumped Nd:(YAG,YLF) laser
J. Song; D. Shen; A. Liu; Ch. Li; N. Kim; K. Ueda
Proc. SPIE, 3889, 231-236, 1999
English - The interferometric gravitational wave detector TAMA-300 and the frequency-stabilized laser with high-finesse optical resonator,
M. Musha; A. Ueda; M. Ohashi; K. Ueda
Proc. of SPIE, 3611, 65-72, 1999, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 極限レーザーとその応用
東北大学電気通信研究所 次世代フォトニクスのフロンティア研究会, Nov. 1998
Japanese - High power fiber lasers, the history and future in Japan
K. Ueda; Plenary Talk
The Second International Symposium on Photon Diagnostics and Processing, Capital Tokyu Hotel, Tokyo, Nov. 1998
English - CVDダイヤモンド光電そし用いたTHz放射源の開発
山本博規; 馬場和宏; 山崎理威智; 徳山一龍; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一
ダイヤモンドシンポジウム, Nov. 1998
Japanese - Analytical and experimental studies on Nd : YVO4/KTP lasers pumped by high-brightness laser diodes
D Shen; K Ueda
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 5, 6, 363-368, Nov. 1998, We report analytical and experimental studies on the characteristics of a high-brightness laser diode end-pumped Nd:YVO4/KTP laser. A simple model was developed to optimize the cavity parameters and estimate the green output power of intracavity frequency doubled lasers. Using a 1 W high-brightness laser diode as the pump source, high efficiency operation was realized. The second-harmonic output power at 532 nm was measured to be 286.5 mW at an incident pump power of 881.4 mW, corresponding to an optical to optical efficiency of 32.5%.
Scientific journal, English - Room-temperature picosecond high-order stimulated Raman scattering in laser garnet crystal hosts Gd(3)GasO(12), Gd3SC2Ga3O12, and Ca-3(Nb,Ga)(2)Ga3O12
AA Kaminskii; HJ Eichler; K Ueda; J Fernandez; J Findeisen; R Balda
QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, TURPION LTD, 28, 11, 939-941, Nov. 1998, High-order Stokes and anti-Stokes generation in the visible and near-infrared in cubic laser crystal hosts Gd3Ga5O12, Gd3Sc2Ga3O12, and Ca-3(Nb,Ga)(2)Ga3O12 was observed for the first time, All scattering-laser components were identified and attributed to the SRS-active vibration modes of these garnet crystals.
English - Efficient operation of an intracavity-doubled Nd : YVO4/KTP laser end pumped by a high-brightness laser diode
DY Shen; AP Liu; J Song; K Ueda
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 37, 33, 7785-7788, Nov. 1998, Peer-reviwed, Using a 1-W high-brightness laser diode as the pump source, we investigated the output characteristics of an intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YVO4/KTP laser. Highly efficient operation was realized based on an optimized cavity design. The second-harmonic output power at 532 nm was measured to be 286.5 mW at an incident pump power of 881.4 mW, corresponding to an optical-to-optical efficiency of 32.5%. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America. OCIS codes: 140.3480, 140.3530, 140.3580, 140.7300.
Scientific journal, English - OSA Annual Meeting
D. Y. Shen; A. Liu; J. Song; K. Ueda
ThH4, Baltimore, Oct. 1998
English - Design of high-brightness laser-diode end pumped Nd, YVO_4_/KTP lasers
D, Shen; J. Song; A. Liu; K. Ueda
International Symposium on Lasers,Optoelectronics,Microphotonics, Beijing, China, Sep. 1998
English - マルチレーダイアモンド光伝導素子による高出力THz電磁波源の開発
山崎理威智; 徳山一龍; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一; 山本博規; 馬場和宏; 正畠伸明
1998年秋季第59回応用物理学会学術講演会, Sep. 1998
Japanese - 加熱脱離法による光学ミラー表面の誘起物汚染
森 文也; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一
1998年秋季第59回応用物理学会学術講演会, Sep. 1998
Japanese - Triplet-state bound-free transitions of alkali dimers (Na-2, K-2, and Rb-2) by electron-beam excitation
D Xing; Q Wang; S Tan; K Ueda
IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 34, 9, 1765-1771, Sep. 1998, Amplified spontaneous emissions (ASE's) of the Na-2 violet, K-2 yellow, and Rb-2 orange diffuse bands, which are potentially important in the development of continuously tunable high-pow er laser sources, were observed from electron-beam-excited mixtures of Na-Na-2, K-K-2, or Rb-Rb-2 vapor with argon buffer gas, The continuum spectra centered at 436, 574, and 604 nm were attributed to triplet-triplet Na-2, K-2, and Rb-2 2(3)Pi(0)--> a(3)Sigma(u)(+) bound-free transitions, respectively. The dissociative recombination reaction of Na-3(+), K-3(+), or Rb-3(+) is discussed as an efficient formation process of the upper states in the present electron beam pumping experiments.
Scientific journal, English - 理研シンポジウム「21世紀と光」
パネル講演理研フォトダイナミック公開フォーラム,東北国際センター, Aug. 1998
Japanese - 極限レーザーとその応用
理研シンポジウム「21世紀と光」,理研フォトダイナミックセンター, Aug. 1998
Japanese - High intensity coherent super-continuum radiation from optical channeling
H. Nsihioka; K. Ueda
X VI International conference of coherent and nonlinear optics:ICONO '98, Moscow, Russia, Jul. 1998
English - Lasers Application to the Studies of Gravitation Waves
K. Ueda; M. Musha
LASER OPTICS '98, St. Petersburg, Russia, 22-26, Jun. 1998
English - 先端光学薄膜・(特にX線縮小露光技術の)最新動向と薄膜技術
植田憲一; 潟岡 泉
シーズとニーズ,成膜ワークショップ,中央会館,東京, Jun. 1998
Japanese - Development of the nonlinear optical element for light beams apodization andlarge aperture laser amplifier decoupling
L. M. Vinogradsky; S. K. Sobolev; I. G. Zubarev; M. V. Pyatakhin; Yu. U. Senatsky; V. M. Mizin; Ken-ichik Ueda
IX Conference on Laser Optics, St. Petersburg, Jun. 1998
English - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの現状と将来
日本溶接協会新技術分科会, Jun. 1998
Japanese - High intensity coherent super-continuum radiation from optical channeling
H. Nsihioka; K. Ueda
X VI International conference of coherent and nonlinear optics:ICONO '98, Moscow, Russia, Jun. 1998
English - EUVリソグラフィー光源としてのレーザー生成プラズマ
日本オプトメカトロニクス協会、フォトンテクノロジー技術部会報告, May 1998
Japanese - Thermal Manegament
K. Ueda
CLEO '98San Francisco, US, May 1998
English - Development of a compact, high-peak power ytterbium:glass laser
S. Biswal J. Nees; J. Faure; A. Nishimura; H. Nishioka; G. Mourou
CLEO '98, paper CW12, San Francisco, USA, May 1998
English - Two-dimensional measurement of optical parameters of superhigh-quality mirrors
A Ueda; H Yoneda; K Ueda; K Waseda; M O-Hashi
LASER PHYSICS, INTERPERIODICA, 8, 3, 697-702, May 1998, The optical parameters including the reflectivity, transmission, and loss coefficient of ultra low-loss mirrors under development for the Japanese gravitational wave antenna TAMA-300 were measured in the Optical Test Facility in our institute. The optical test facility for precise measurements of optical parameters is open to all optical companies. The best-quality mirrors fabricated by Japanese optical industries were measured to have a total loss coefficient of 1.5 ppm for the mirror of 99.9873% reflectance. High-quality optical thin films were also developed by ourselves using an ion beam sputtering machine under development in the National Astronomical Observatory. A measuring system of two-dimensional mapping of reflectance and scattering was constructed for the larger aperture mirrors of TAMA-300 interferometer. The reflectance was measured by the ring-down method. Using two integrating spheres, the scattering power was measured in the Fabry-Perot cavity. Average value of the reflectance was 99.969% and standard deviation was 160 ppm. Scattering average value was 118 ppm with standard deviation of 166 ppm. Reflectance mapping and scattering mapping had a correlation efficiency of -0.81. The strong anticorrelation suggested that the scattering inside the multilayer caused the major part of the degradation of the high reflectance mirror.
Scientific journal, English - Investigation of an injection-locked Nd : YAG laser for the gravitational wave detection
S Nagano; M Musha; L Ying; N Mio; K Ueda
LASER PHYSICS, INTERPERIODICA, 8, 3, 686-691, May 1998, Peer-reviwed, We have investigated the injection-locked Nd :YAG laser for laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors; their light sources must have high power output, high frequency, and intensity stability. In this paper, we report the frequency stabilization of a prototype 2-W injection-locked laser and intensity noise stabilization of the 10-W injection-locked laser which will be installed in our 300-m laser interferometer.
Scientific journal, English - High optical-to-optical efficiency of LD pumped cw Nd : YAG laser under pumping distribution control
J Song; AP Liu; DY Shen; K Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER VERLAG, 66, 5, 539-542, May 1998, The input and output characteristics of an LD pumped Nd:YAG laser of cw TEM00 operation have been investigated under different pump light distributions that have been formed by a virtual-point-source pumping system. Compared with a central uniform distribution, a centrally depressed distribution is found to have a lower thermal lensing effect and a higher optical-to-optical efficiency for operations performed using the same resonator parameters or within a similar stable range, and the improvement in optical-to-optical efficiency is explained as a result of a reduction in thermally induced aberrations.
Scientific journal, English - 46 W TEM00 output characteristic and thermal lensing effect of VPS laser under LD pumping distribution control
J Song; DY Shen; AP Liu; K Okino; K Ueda
LASER PHYSICS, INTERPERIODICA, 8, 3, 746-751, May 1998, Peer-reviwed, We built up a 32-laser-diode formed virtual point source pumping system and achieved different pump light distributions from central intense, to central uniform and central depressed ones. CW TEMinfinity operations of Nd : YAG laser were performed under these pump light distributions, and their thermal lensing effects were estimated. Results show that the operation under central depressed pump light distribution has the lowest thermal lensing effect and a higher optical-to-optical efficiency for operations performed using the same resonator parameters or within the similar stable range. The improvement in optical-to-optical efficiency is explained as a result of the reduction in the thermally induced aberration.
Scientific journal, English - The grain size dependence of the mobility and lifetime in chemical vapor deposited diamond photoconductive switches
H Yoneda; K Ueda; Y Aikawa; K Baba; N Shohata
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 83, 3, 1730-1733, Feb. 1998, Peer-reviwed, The grain size dependence of the carrier lifetimes and collection distances of chemical vapor deposited (CVD) diamond films of 0.1-10 mu m average grain size was measured. The estimated values of the mobilities and lifetimes indicated that the dominant recombination process had occurred inside the grains, not the grain boundaries. This finding was confirmed by measuring the electric field dependence of the lifetime and the collection distance. Under a high electric field, however, a major decrease in decay time is expected for smaller grain sizes, due to the increase in the number of carriers which reach the grain boundaries during their lifetime. Such a decrease was observed in a 0.8-mu m grain size sample at E=10(5) V/cm. The data also showed that a 1-ps kV electrical pulse from a dc bias across a diamond film coated gap can be achieved with a CVD-deposited diamond photoconductive switch of sub-mu m grain size. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(98)02503-1].
Scientific journal, English - Stabilization of injection locking with polarization spectroscopy
G. Mueller; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 37, 3313-3318, 1998, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Monoclinic tungstate KDy(WO_4_)_2_ and KLu(WO_4_)_2_ -a new -active crystals for laser Raman shifters
A.A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; H. Eichler; J. Findeisen; S. Bagayev; F. Kuznetsov; G. Boulon; F. Bourgeois
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 37, L923-L926, 1998
English - Future of high power fiber lasers
K. Ueda; A. Liu
Laser Physics, 18, 3, 774-781, 1998, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 重力波検出用光学素子の開発と現状
植田 憲一
超精密, 8, 55-60, 1998
Japanese - 極限レーザーとその応用
応用物理, 67, 513-523, 1998
Japanese - Optical cavity and future style of high-power fiber lasers
K. Ueda
SPIE, 3267, 14-22, 1998
English - 高強度レーザーパルスの自己束縛を用いたコヒーレント白色光発生
西岡 一; 植田憲一
応用物理, 67, 1066-1069, 1998
Japanese - 新世代ファイバーレーザーの可能性
植田 憲一
メタルプレス, 30, 2, 10-15, 1998
Japanese - Optimization of intracavity doubled YVO_4_/KTP end-pumped by high-brightness laser diodes
D. Y. Shen; A. Liu; J. Song; K. Ueda
レーザー研究, 26, 867-870, 1998
English - Room-temperature picosecond high-order stimulated Raman scattering in lasergarnet crystal-host Gd_3_Ga_5_O_12_, and Gd_3_Sc_2_Ga_3_O_12_, and Ca_3_(Nb, Ga)_2_Ga_3_O_12_
A. Kaminskii; H. Eichler; K. Ueda; J. Fernandez; J. Findeisen; R. Balda
Quantum. Electron., 25, 965-967, 1998
English - Room-temperature picosecond high-order stimulated Raman scattering in lasergarnet crystal-host Gd_3_Ga_5_O_12_, and Gd_3_Sc_2_Ga_3_O_12_, and Ca_3_(Nb, Ga)_2_Ga_3_O_12_
A. Kaminskii; H. Eichler; K. Ueda; J. Fernandez; J. Findeisen; R. Balda
Kvantovaya Electronika, 24, 11, 1998, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - New nonlinear-laser properties of a Ba_2_NaNb_5_O_15_:Nd^3+^ ferroelectric : continuous-wave stimulated emission(^4^F_3/2_→^4^I_11/2_and 4F_3/2_→^4^I_13/2_), collinear and diffusion self-frequency doubling and self-frequency mixing
A.A. Kaminskii; D. Jaque; S.N. Bagayev; K. Ueda; J. Calsia-Sole; J. Capmany
Quantum Electron., 25, 1-3, 1998
English - Development of the nonlinear optical element for light beams apodization and aperture laser amplifier decoupling
L.M. Vinogradsky; S.K. Sobolev; I.G.Zubarev; M.V. Pyatakhin; Yu.V. Senatsky; V.M. Mizin; K. Ueda
SPIE, 3683, 186-193, 1998
English - キロワット級ファイバーレーザーの展望
Microoptics News, 16, 25-30, 1998
Japanese - Development of the nonlinear optical element for light beams apodization and large aperture laser amplifier decoupling
Lebedev Physics Institute Report, Reprint, 53, 1-14, 1998
English - 電気光学サンプリング法によるCVDダイヤモンド光伝導特性の測定
信学技報, LQE98-81, 47-51, 1998
Japanese - 高精度ミラーの実現による波及効果 ポスト0.1μm技術と産業に関する調査報告書(]G0002[)、-基幹技術としてのEUVリソグラフィ技術-
日本電子工業振興協会, 98-基-4, 101-107, 1998
Japanese - これからのレーザー発振器
レーザー協会ウィンターセミナー レーザー加工'98, 1-11, 1998
Japanese - レーザー極限技術研究センターの紹介
電通大ニュース, 2, 24-29, 1998
Japanese - 1/10^21^の微小変位をレーザーで検出
ツールエンジニア, 39, 7, 17-20, 1998
Japanese - キロワット出力ファイバーディスクレーザーとその未来指向
植田憲一; 劉 安平
レーザー学会25周年記念講演会, RTM-98-15, 51-57, 1998
Japanese - LD礫Yb:glassレーザーの開発
鬼澤敦子; 西岡 一; 上原 昇; 植田憲一
第59回応用物理学会予稿, 17pV-7, 1998
Japanese - 半導体レーザー励起ファイバーレーザー
オプトロニクス, 1, 77-82, 1998
Japanese - 新時代ファイバーレーザーの可能性
金属プレス, 30, 2, 10-15, 1998
Japanese - 4光波混合広帯域光パラメトリック増幅器
小林準司; 西岡 一; 植田憲一
電子情報通信学会研究会資料, LQE98-77, 1998
Japanese - 気体中の自己トラップを用いた超広帯域コヒーレント光発生の研究
植田憲一; 西岡 一; 米田仁紀
平成8・9年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)研究成果報告書, 1998
Japanese - 高出力KrFレーザーを用いた太陽フレアの模擬試験
浅井裕史; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一
日本物理学会講演概要, 53, 第2号第4分冊, 1998, 1998
Japanese - The next generation of high-power fiber lasers - A unique proposal from Japan
K. Ueda
Proc. of The 2nd Symposium on Advanced Photon Processing and Measuring Technologies, 52-69, 1998
English - Table-Top Ultra-Short Pulse Super-White Coherent Light Source Facility
K. Ueda; H. Nishioka
ICONO'98, Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998, 1998
English - Monoclinic tungstate KDy(WO4)2 KLu(WO4)2 - a new *(3)-active crystals for laser Raman shifters, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, vol.37, L923–A.A. Kaminskii, K. Ueda, H. Eichler, J. Findeisen, S. Bagayev, F. Kuznetsov, G. Boulon, F. Bourgeois, Monoclinic tungsta
A.A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; H. Eichler; J. Findeisen; S. Bagayev; F. Kuznetsov; G. Boulon; F. Bourgeois
J. Appl. Phys., 37, L923–L926, 1998, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Bound-free vacuum uv emissions of (XeCs)(+) and (KrCs)(+) ionic excimers by relativistic electron beam excitation
D Xing; Q Wang; SC Tan; K Ueda
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 71, 18, 2584-2586, Nov. 1997, Peer-reviwed, Bound-free vacuum uv emissions from rare-gas alkali ionic excimers were observed by relativistic electron beam pumping of, gas mixtures of Xe or Kr with hot cesium vapor. The observed two diffuse emission bands centered at 159 and 131 nm are assigned to be the 2 (1) Sigma(+)-->1 (1) Sigma(+) transition of (XeCs)(+) and (KrCs)(+) ionic excimers, respectively. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(97)02144-X].
Scientific journal, English - Control of the thermal lensing effect with different pump light distributions
J Song; AP Liu; K Okino; K Ueda
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 36, 30, 8051-8055, Oct. 1997, Peer-reviwed, We built a 32-laser-diode-formed virtual point source pumping system and achieved different pump light distributions from central intense to central uniform and central depressed. Continuous wave TEM,, operations of a Nd:YAG laser were performed under these pump light distributions and their thermal lensing effects were estimated. Results show that the operation under central depressed pump Light distribution has the lowest thermal lensing effect and can provide the highest output power, which agrees with the results derived from the theoretical calculation with the heat conduction equation. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Measurement of frequency noise spectra of frequency-stabilized LD-pumped Nd:YAG laser by using a cavity with separately suspended mirrors
M Musha; S Telada; K Nakagawa; M Ohashi; K Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 140, 4-6, 323-330, Aug. 1997, Peer-reviwed, We have developed a frequency stability system for a commercial LD-pumped Nd:YAG laser in a nonplanar ring oscillator geometry (MISER) which is used for our 20-m prototype gravitational wave detector. The frequency of the laser is locked to the rigid cavity resonance frequency, and the relative frequency noise is suppressed down to 3x10(-4) Hz/Hz(1/2), the shot-noise limited level at below 1 kHz. We are successful in evaluating the frequency noise level more accurately by means of a separately suspended mirror type cavity (4-m mode-cleaner); the noise level is 2x10(-2) Hz/Hz(1/2). As compared to a frequency noise spectrum which is locked to separately suspended mirror type cavities, the frequency noise is lower at a frequency below 400 Hz. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Scientific journal, English - Wideband and high frequency stabilization of an injection-locked Nd:YAG laser to a high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity
M Musha; K Nakagawa; K Ueda
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 22, 15, 1177-1179, Aug. 1997, Peer-reviwed, High frequency stabilization of a 2.2-W injection-locked laser-diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser to a high-finesse optical cavity has been realized by frequency control of the master laser. With the help of an external electro-optical modulator, the feedback bandwidth was extended to 1 MHz and the frequency noise relative to the reference cavity was suppressed to 3 x 10(-4) Hz/Hz(1/2) below 1 kHz. This feedback laser system is an ideal laser source for gravitational wave detectors, which require both ultralow frequency noise and high output power. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.
Scientific journal, English - Frequency self-doubling of the cw 1-mu m lasing of a ferroelectric and ferroelastic Nd(3+):beta '-Gd(2)(MoO(4))(3) crystal with laser-diode pumping
AA Kaminskii; SN Bagaev; K Ueda; AA Pavlyuk; M Musha
QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, TURPION LTD, 27, 8, 657-658, Aug. 1997, Peer-reviwed, A new laser with frequency self-doubling in an orthorhombic Nd(3+): beta'-Gd(2) (MoO(4))(3) crystal was constructed.
Scientific journal, English - Large anisotropy of the electron distribution function in the high-density plasma produced by an ultrashort-pulse UV laser
H Yoneda; N Hasegawa; S Kawana; K Ueda
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 56, 1, 988-991, Jul. 1997, Peer-reviwed, Anisotropy of the electron distribution function in a high-density plasma was measured with x-ray polarization spectroscopy. A prepulse controlled KrF laser was used to produce a plasma with a density of up to 10(22) cm(-3). In the high-density plasma, a large beamlike anisotropy was observed when the collision time was less than the laser pulse length. The direction of this anisotropy was aligned with the polarization of the incident laser field. The amplitude of the anisotropy was reduced when the polarization of the laser was changed from p to a polarization. These results show that the observed anisotropy was introduced by the applied laser field and that x-ray polarization spectroscopy is a good tool for diagnosing high-density plasmas created by ultrashort-pulse lasers.
Scientific journal, English - New crystalline lasers on the base of monoclinic KR(WO4)(2):Ln(3+) tungstates (R=Y and Ln)
AA Kaminskii; L Li; AV Butashin; VS Mironov; AA Pavlyuk; SN Bagayev; K Ueda
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 4, 2, 309-315, Mar. 1997, Peer-reviwed, Monoclinic KY(WO4)(2):Pr3+, Tm3+:KY(WO4)(2):Er3+, Yb3+ single crystals are grown by low-gradient Czochralski technique. Stimulated emission at 1.0223 mu m wavelength in the new lasing D-1(2) --> F-3(3) channel of Pr3+ ions in KY(WO4)(2) at room temperature under Xe-flashlamp pumping is excited. Full sets of Stark-level energies for Pr3+ ions in KY(WO4)(2) and KGd(WO4)(2) crystals at 77 K are determined. 4f(2)-4f(2) intensity-transitions for the KY(WO4)(2):Pr3+ are analyzed preliminarily. All observed at present and earlier one-micron Pr3+-ion, induced transitions in the D-1(2) --> F-3(3) and D-1(2) --> F-3(4) channels are identified. In yttrium and gadolinium sensitized-tungstates a two-micron (H-3(4) --> H-3(6)) low-threshold generation of Tm3+ ions at cryogenic temperatures is achieved.
Scientific journal, English - Femtosecond continuously tunable second harmonic generation over the entire-visible range in orthorhombic acentric Gd-2(MoO4)(3) crystals
H Nishioka; W Odajima; M Tateno; K Ueda; AA Kaminskii; AV Butashin; SN Bagayev; AA Pavlyuk
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 70, 11, 1366-1368, Mar. 1997, Peer-reviwed, Second harmonic generation over the entire visible range in Nd3+ doped and undoped Gd-2(MoO4)(3) crystals under ultrashort hypercontinuum pumping is presented. The continuous tuning ranges from 487 to 790 nm in a single crystal. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.
Scientific journal, English - Orthorhombic Ferroelectric Ferroelastic Gd2(MoO4)3 Crystal - A New Many-Purposed Nonlinear Optical Material, Efficient Multiple Stimulated Raman Scattering CW Tunable Second Harmonic GenerationScattering and CW and Tunable Second Harmonic Generation
A.A. Kaminskii; A.V. Butashin; H.J. Eichler; D. Grebe; R. Macdonald; K. Ueda; H. Nishioka; W. Odajima; M. Tateno; J. Song; M. Musha; S.N.Bagaev; A.A.Pavlyuk
Opt. Mater., 7, 59-73, 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - New Stimulated Emission Channels of Pr3+ Tm3+ Ions in Monoclinic KR(WO4)2 Type Crystals with Ordered Structure (R=Y, Gd),
A. Kaminskii; L. Li; A. Butashin; V.. Mironov; A. Pavlyuk; S. Bagayev; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36, L107-L109, 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 超短パルスレーザーによるコヒーレント白色光の発生
西岡 一; 植田憲一
光学, 26, 79-85, 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 次世代の加工用レーザー高出力ファイバーレーザーはどう未来的であるか
レーザー協会 ウィンターセミナー レーザー加工'97, 20S, j1-j9, 1997
Japanese - Output increase of VPS pumped laser through pumping distribution control
SONG Jie; LIU Anping; OKINO Kazunori; UEDA Kenichi
電気学会, 1997, OQD-97-17, 1-6, 1997
English - High brightness compressiblitity of clad-pumped fiber lasers
電気学会, OQD-97-18, 7-12, 1997
English - 太陽光励起ファイバーレーザーの可能性
電気学会, OQD-97-19, 13-20, 1997
Japanese - 超広帯域コヒーレント光の発生と応用
電気学会, OQD-97-23, 41-46, 1997
Japanese - レーザーとその将来
レーザー普及セミナー「明日を担うレーザー科学」(レーザー学会主催), 1-16, 1997
Japanese - 平成8年度先導研究報告書(分担執筆)
フォトンテクノロジー(レーザープロセス技術), 114-115,145-147, 1997
Japanese - 太陽光励起ファイバーレーザーは可能か?
オプトニュース, 2, 2, 28-29, 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 高出力超短パルス電磁波の発生
核融合研究, 73, 415-421, 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - High optical-to-optical efficiency of LD pumped cw Nd : YAG laser under pumping distribution control
J. Song; A. Liu; T. Shen; K. Ueda
Appl. Phys. B., 65, 539-542, 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - クラッド励起ファイバーレーザー共振器の最適化と高輝度圧縮の実現
劉安平; 亀谷幸一; 植田憲一
レーザー研究, 25, 702-706, 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Effective absorption and pump loss of double-clad fiber lasers
A. Liu; J. Song; K. Kametani; K. Ueda
SPIE, 2986, 30-38, 1997, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Violet b emission of Cd2 excimers by electron beam excitation
D. Xing; Q. Wang; S. Tan; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36, L1301-L1303, 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 超短パルスレーザーによるコヒーレント白色光の発生
西岡 一; 植田憲一
光学, 26, 79-85, 1997
Scientific journal, Japanese - One picosecond electric pulse generation from diamond photoconductive switches
H Yamamoto; K Baba; H Tsuge; N Shohata; R Yamasaki; K Tokuyama; H Yoneda; K Ueda
DIAMOND FILMS AND TECHNOLOGY, MYU K K, 7, 5-6, 358-361, 1997, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - The absorption characteristics of circular, offset, and rectangular double-clad fibers
AP Liu; K Ueda
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 132, 5-6, 511-518, Dec. 1996, Peer-reviwed, The absorption characteristics of circular, offset, and rectangular double-clad fibers are investigated with phenomenological, simple, and comprehensible 2-D analysis models. For offset and rectangular fibers, almost all propagation rays are absorbable, so it is possible to achieve very high absorption efficiency. However, for circular fibers, it is not, there are few absorbable rays and absorption is lower. The dependence of absorption on fiber length is calculated with 3-D ray tracing simulations. The calculation indicates that, for circular fibers, the bend radius influences the absorption efficiency markedly. But for rectangular and offset fibers, the bend effect is negligible. The effective absorption coefficients of offset and rectangular fibers are proportional to doped concentration and area ratio of core to first cladding. The influences of offset distance for offset fibers, as well as cross section shape for rectangular ones on absorption is also discussed.
Scientific journal, English - Ultra-high quality cavity with 1.5 ppm loss at 1064 nm
A Ueda; N Uehara; K Uchisawa; K Ueda; H Sekiguchi; T Mitake; K Nakamura; N Kitajima; Kataoka, I
OPTICAL REVIEW, OPTICAL SOC JAPAN, 3, 5, 369-372, Sep. 1996, Peer-reviwed, Characterization of an ultra-low loss and high finesse Fabry Perot cavity at 1064 nm is reported. The characteristics are obtained from measurements of cavity decay time, frequency response and transmission efficiency. The results show that the mirrors have the loss of 1.5 ppm including absorption and scattering losses and the reflectance of 99.9873% which corresponds to a cavity finesse of 2.48X10(4).
Scientific journal, English - Rectangular double-clad fibre laser with two-end-bundled pump
A Liu; J Song; K Kamatani; K Ueda
ELECTRONICS LETTERS, IEE-INST ELEC ENG, 32, 18, 1673-1674, Aug. 1996, Peer-reviwed, The two ends of an Nd-doped rectangular double-clad fibre are bundled together to achieve efficient matching with a 10 W fibre coupled LD. With such a configuration, similar to 5.4 W pump light is launched into the first-cladding, and 2.5 W laser output is obtained. A slope efficiency of 51% with respect to launched pump power has been achieved.
Scientific journal, English - Intense coherent VUV radiation from a self-trapped ultra-short laser pulse
H Nishioka; W Odajima; KI Ueda
JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 80, 263-266, May 1996, A new technique to generate super-wide-band, coherent, and high brightness radiation has been demonstrated The white-light ranging from IR to 150 nm was generated by a self-trapped femtosecond Ti:Al2O3 laser pulse in atmospheric pressure rare gases. Spectral intensities in the UV and the VIS regions are 100 MW/nm and 1 GW/nm, respectively. The beam divergence was measured to be 1 mrad.
Scientific journal, English - Radiation properties from ultra short pulse laser produced plasma
N Hasegawa; H Nakagawa; H Yoneda; K Ueda; H Takuma
International conference proceedings, English - 2D simulation of recombination Al Balmer-alpha lasers
A Sasaki; H Yoneda; K Ueda; H Takuma
International conference proceedings, English - New Optical Phenomena in Nonlinear Laser Crystal-Hosts KY(WO4)2 KGd(WO4)2,
A.A. Kaminskii; H. Nishioka; Y. Kubota; K. Ueda; H. Takuma; S.N. Bagayev; A.A. Pavlyuk
Russian Journal of Quantum Electronincs, 346, 33-36, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 紫外波長可変Ce3+:LiSAF固体レーザー
久保田能徳; 館野元就; 西岡 一; 植田憲一
レーザー研究, 24, 353-359, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 2次元流体コードと原子過程ポストプロセッサによる再結合X線レーザーのシミュレーションコードの開発(共著)
佐々木明; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一; 宅間 宏
レーザー研究, レ-ザ-学会, 24, 11, 1218-1226, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Spectroscopic Measurements of a High-Concentration Yb3+,LiYF4 Crystal,
N. Uehara; K. Ueda; Y. Kubota
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.Jpn., 35, 499-501, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Ultra-high Quality Mirror of total loss of 1.5 ppm(共著)
A. Ueda; N. Uehara; K. Ueda
Opt.Rev., 3, 369-372, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - High Efficiency Second Harmonic Generation of Self Doubling Laser Crystal Gd(MoO4)3:Nd3+(共著)
A. Kaminskii; S. Bagayev; K. Ueda; A. Pavlyuk; M. Musha
Rs.J.Quantum Electron, 23, 389-390, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Efficient Harmonic Generation in Cherenkov Radiation Scheme in Self Doubling Laser Crystal LaBGeO3(共著)
A. Kaminskii; M. Tateno; W. Odajima; H. Nishioka; K. Ueda
Rs.J.Quantum Electron, 23, 391-392, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Absorption characterisctics of rare earth doped circular double-clad fibers.(共著)
A. Liu; K. Ueda
Opt.Rev.,, 3, 276-281, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - The absorption characteristics of circular, offset, and rectangular double-clad fibers(共著)
Opt.Rev.,, 152, 511-518, 1996
English - Propagation losses of pump light in rectangular double-clad fibers(共著)
A. Liu; K. Ueda
Opt.Eng.,, 35, 3130-3134, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - High-power, ultra-stabilized solid state laser development for gravitational wave detection(共著)
K. Ueda; N. Uehara
247-255, 1996, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Flat spectrum super-white light generation covering VUV to IR in optical trapping phenomena in rare gas media(共著)
K. Ueda; H. Nishioka; W. Odajima; H.Takuma
499-505, 1996, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - フォトンテクノロジー(レーザープロセス技術)
平成7年度先導研究報告書, 171-223, 1996
Japanese - Radiation Properties from Ultra Short Pulse Laser Produced Plasma(共著)
平成5年度科研費補助金(総合研究(A))研究成果報告書, 85-89, 1996
English - LD pumped high power Nd-doped double-clad fiber lasers(共著)
LIU Anping; KAMETANI Kouichi; UEDA Kenichi
電気学会 光・量子デバイス研究会資料, OQD-96-17, 11, 55-64, 1996
English - New Optial Phenomena in Nonlinear Laser Crystal-Hosts KY(WO4)2 and KGd(WO4)2
Rs. J. Quantum Electron, 346, 33-36, 1996
English - Ultra-broad-band continuum generation by a self-trapped ultra-short Ti : Al 2O3 laser pulse
TOPS on Advanced Solid-State Lasers, 1, 242-247, 1996
English - Virtual Point Source Pumped cw Nd : YAG Laser with 81 W Output from Linear Cavity and 22 W Output from Ring Cavity
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 35, L1268-L1290, 1996
English - Super-wide-band coherent light generation in multi-channeling propagation of tera-watt Ti: Sapphire laser pulses
H Nishioka; W Odajima; Y Sasaki; K Ueda
PROGRESS IN CRYSTAL GROWTH AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MATERIALS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 33, 1-3, 237-240, 1996, Peer-reviwed, Broad band continuum ranging from the LR to 150 nm has been generated in the self-trapping channels in atmospheric pressure rare gases, The spectra intensities of 1 GW/nm in the VIS, and 100 MW/nm in the UV were observed in Argon. The multi-channel self-trapping mechanism and the pulse broadening in the channels were discussed.
Scientific journal, English - 波長可変固体レーザーの物理
光学, 25, 498-504, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Radiation properties from Ultra-Short-Pulse Laser Produced Plasma
「偏光プラズマ分光学の開拓と診断への応用」平成7年度科研費成果報告書, 84, 1996
English - Virtual Point Source Pumped cw Nd,YAG Laser with 81 W Output from Linear Cavity 22 W Output from Ring Cavity,
J. Song; A. Liu; K. Okino; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 35, L1268-L1270, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - New Optical Phenomena in Nonlinear Laser Crystal-Hosts KY(WO4)2 KGd(WO4)2,
A.A. Kaminskii; H. Nishioka; Y. Kubota; K. Ueda; H. Takuma; S.N. Bagayev; A.A. Pavlyuk
Quantum Electron., 346, 33-36, 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - New manifestations of non-linear-optical interactions in KY(WO4)(2) and KGd(WO4)(2) laser crystals
AA Kaminskii; H Nishioka; Y Kubota; K Ueda; H Takuma; SN Bagaev; AA Pavlyuk
DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK, MEZHDUNARODNAYA KNIGA, 346, 1, 33-36, Jan. 1996, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Russian - Development of hydrodynamics and atomic kinetics codes for recombination x-ray lasers
A Sasaki; K Akaoka; H Takuma; H Yoneda; H Nakayama; K Ueda
X-RAY LASERS 1996, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 151, 130-132, 1996, Peer-reviwed, Development of 2-D simulation codes of recombination soft x-ray lasers is presented. The codes consist of a hydrodynamics code, an atomic kinetics postprocessor, and a x-ray propagation code. In this paper, effects of line trapping of the Lyman-alpha line of H-like ions were examined in detail for the recombination pumped Al Balmer-alpha(lambda=39 Angstrom) laser. The spatial profile of amplified spontaneous emission(ASE) was calculated for the C Balmer-alpha laser(lambda=182 Angstrom).
Scientific journal, English - Ultrabroadband flat continuum generation in multichannel propagation of terrawatt Ti:sapphire laser pulses
H Nishioka; W Odajima; K Ueda; H Takuma
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 20, 24, 2505-2507, Dec. 1995, Peer-reviwed, Frequency detuning as a result of self-phase modulation that exceeds by four times the primary laser frequency is demonstrated. The white light, ranging from the IR to 150 nm, was generated by a self-trapped femtosecond Ti:Al2O3 laser pulse in atmospheric-pressure rare gases. Spectral intensities in the UV and the visible regions are 100 MW/nm and 1 GW/nm, respectively. The beam divergence was measured to be 1 mrad. (C) 1995 Optical Society of America
APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 34, 25, 5611-5619, Sep. 1995, Peer-reviwed, We describe the accurate measurement of the radius of curvature of a concave mirror in a Fabry-Perot interferometer with a finesse of 78,100. The radius of curvature of the concave mirror is determined by measuring the free spectral range and the transverse-mode range with the frequency response functions. The radii of curvature at two orthogonal (x and y) axes on the mirror surface resulting from the polishing nonisotropy were accurately measured to be r(x) = 1008.46 mm and r(y) = 1006.94 mm, respectively, with an accuracy of 8 x 10(-5). This accuracy is the best to our knowledge. The power dependence of the radii of curvature to the cavity internal intensity at a steady state was measured to be dr(x)/dl(c) = +60 mu m/(MW/cm(2)) at the x axis and dr(y)/dl(c) = +47 mu m/(MW/cm/(2)) at the y axis to an intensity of 2.1 MW/cm(2).
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, SPRINGER VERLAG, 61, 1, 9-15, Jul. 1995, Peer-reviwed, We describe the accurate measurement of ultralow loss in a high-finesse Fabry-Perot interferometer using a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser locked to the longitudinal mode with an active frequency-stabilization technique. By measuring the resonance full width and the free spectral range with the frequency response functions, and by measuring the transmission efficiency on resonance, the finesse and the loss at 1064 nm are accurately measured to be 78100 +/- 1200 (reflectance of 99.99598 +/- 0.00006%) and 1 5.9 +/- 2.0 x 10(-6) (15.9 +/-2.0 ppm), respectively.
NEC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, NEC CORPORATION, 36, 3, 369-375, Jul. 1995, Photoconductive properties of optical switch with CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) diamond film have been investigated. High resistivity of the film and a new configuration of the diamond gap have made it possible to avoid surface flashover and to apply static high electric field up to 2 x 10(6) V/cm. The mobility-carrier lifetime product (mu tau) was increased to be linearly proportional to electric field for every grain size sample, and no saturation was measured even at 3 X 10(5) V/cm. Larger grain size samples had larger mu tau value. The carrier lifetime was estimated from the fall time of the output waveform of the switch. Temporal response was 45 ps in 0.5 mu m grain size sample, which was reduced to 1/5 from that of natural diamond. It is also revealed that larger grain size samples had longer carrier lifetime. The grain size dependence is attributed to the decrease of the mobility and the lifetime inside the grain, and is not due to increasing recombination ratio at the grain boundary in smaller grain size samples.
NEC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, NEC CORPORATION, 36, 3, 369-375, Jul. 1995, Peer-reviwed, Photoconductive properties of optical switch with CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) diamond film have been investigated. High resistivity of the film and a new configuration of the diamond gap have made it possible to avoid surface flashover and to apply static high electric field up to 2 x 10(6) V/cm. The mobility-carrier lifetime product (mu tau) was increased to be linearly proportional to electric field for every grain size sample, and no saturation was measured even at 3 X 10(5) V/cm. Larger grain size samples had larger mu tau value. The carrier lifetime was estimated from the fall time of the output waveform of the switch. Temporal response was 45 ps in 0.5 mu m grain size sample, which was reduced to 1/5 from that of natural diamond. It is also revealed that larger grain size samples had longer carrier lifetime. The grain size dependence is attributed to the decrease of the mobility and the lifetime inside the grain, and is not due to increasing recombination ratio at the grain boundary in smaller grain size samples.
Scientific journal, English - ULTRALOW-LOSS MIRROR OF THE PARTS-IN-10(6) LEVEL AT 1064 NM
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 20, 6, 530-532, Mar. 1995, Peer-reviwed, We describe an ultralow-loss and high-reflectance mirror at 1064 nm. A Fabry-Perot cavity is fabricated with two mirrors to measure the finesse and the transmission efficiency on resonance. The finesse was cross checked by two different methods: measurements of the cavity decay time and of the frequency-response function. As a result, a loss of 6 +/- 6 x 10(-6) (6 +/- 6 parts in 10(6), scatter and absorption) and a finesse of 2236 +/- 54 were measured during the cavity decay time. This result coincides with that of the response function within accuracies cited above. To our knowledge, the loss is the lowest obtained at 1064 nm.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 66, 4, 460-462, Jan. 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 2-D Hydrodynamics, Atomic Kinetics, and Line Transfer Simulation for Recombination Pumping Soft X-Ray Lasers.
A. Sasaki; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
J. Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Transfer, 54, 353-360, 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - New Optical Phenomena in Laser Insulating Crystal-Hosts with Third-Order Nonlinear Susceptibilities
A.A. Kaminakii; H. Nishioka; Y. Kubota; K. Ueda; H. Takuma; S.N. Bagayev; A.A. Pavlyuk
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 148, 619-628, 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Continuous-Wave TEM00 mode 26.5 W output, virtual-point-source diode-arrays pumped Nd : YAG laser
N. Uehara; K. Nakahara; K. Ueda
Opt. Lett., 55, 1707-1709, 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 半導体レーザー励起Nd:YAGレーザーの周波数 安定化
植田憲一; 上原 昇
応用物理, 応用物理学会, 64, 9, 904-907, 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 自己整形光学フィラメント中の光伝播と非線形光学効果
科研費・総合研究(A)「擾乱媒質中の光伝播と補償光学」, 1月18日, 77-82, 1995
Japanese - Efficient Stimulated Raman Scattering in Tetragonal Disordered Laser Crystal Hosts NaBi(MoO4)2 and NaBi(WO4)2(共著)
A.A. Kaminakii; S.N. Bagayev; K. Ueda; H. Nishioka; Y. Kubota; X. Chen; A. Kholov
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 34, 1461-1463, 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 短波長FEL用高性能光学素子の特性測定
動力炉・核燃料開発事業団 委託研究成果報告書, 1-233, 1995
Japanese - 金属2原子分子新型エキシマによる高効率光発生の研究(共著)
平成5年度科学研究補助金 一般研究(B)研究成果報告書, 1-221, 1995
Japanese - 自己整形光学フィラメント中の光伝播と非線形光学効果
科研費総合研究(A)「 乱媒質中の光伝播と補償光学」, 77-82, 1995
Japanese - 高出力・高安定レーザー
文部省科研費 重点領域研究(1)「重力波天文学」研究成果報告書, 108-119, 1995
Japanese - 全固体化レーザーが新しい機能を生み出すための方向とは?
文部省科研費 重点領域研究(1)「重力波天文学」研究成果報告書, 102-129, 1995
Japanese - 希ガス中の自己トラップを用いた超高帯域コヒーレント光発生(共著)
電気学会 光・量子デバイス研究会資料, OQD-95-14, 27-35, 1995
Japanese - 2D simulation of recombination Al Balmar-α lasers,
A. Sasaki; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
J.Quantitative Spectroscopy Radiation Transfer, 54, 353-360, 1995, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Atomic Processes in Short Wavelength Laser-Produced Plasmas for X-ray Laser Applications
A. Sasaki; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
J. Qnant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transt., 51, 334, 1994, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Frequency Stabilization of two Diode-Pumped Nd : YAG Lasers Locked to two Fabry-Perot Cavities
N.Uehara; K. Ueda
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. ,, 33, 1628-1633, 1994, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Ultra-high frequency stabilization of a diode-pumped Nd : YAG laser using a high power acceptance photodetector
N. Uehara; K. Ueda
Opt. Lett., 19, 728-730, 1994, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 重力波の測定と新しいレーザー技術
レーザー総研セミナー1994年2月2日、三田ホール, 15-23, 1994
Japanese - 光電流法によるレーザーアニーリング、電子雪崩損傷の観測
電気学会 光・量子デバイス研究会, OQD-94-1, 1-9, 1994
Japanese - 重力波検出用超高安定レーザーによるミラー特性の測定と曲率の絶対測定
電気学会 光・量子デバイス研究会, OQD-94-4, 23-32, 1994
Japanese - 固体レーザー共振器内アダプティブ光学系による高出力・高品質発振
電気学会 光・量子デバイス研究会, OQD-94-6, 39-49, 1994
Japanese - 新しい時代を開拓する光学技術
電気学会 光・量子デバイス研究会, OQD-94-12, 93-100, 1994
Japanese - Bound-free VUV transitions of rare-gas-alkali ionic excimers by e-beam pumping.
D.Xing; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
SPIE, 2321, 731-735, 1994, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - New geometry of LD-pumping of solid state lasers for gravitational wave measurement
K. Ueda; N.Uehara; K.Wazumi
J. Physique, 4, 593-602, 1994, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Electron Beam Excitation of Zn2 Excimer
D. Xing; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 33, 1676-1679, 1994, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 超高安定化レーザーダイオード励起Nd:YAGレーザー
レーザー学会研究会報告, RTM, 94-10, 1-6, 1994
Japanese - Flat Spring Design for Magnetostrictive Actuators and Sensors Realizing Inverse and Direct Viedemann Effects
Prof. ACTUATOR 94, 6月, 29-46, 1994
English - Measurements of Optical Properties of Ultra-High Quality Optical Resonator
第4回FEL研究会 FELとHigh Power Radiationに関するTopical Meeting., 7月, 139-150, 1994
English - Dynamic Behavior of Ultra-High Quality Optical Resonator
第4回FEL研究会 FELとHigh Power Radiationに関するTopical Meeting., 7月, 151-160, 1994
English - New Topics of Solid State Lasers of Institute for Laser Science in Japan
東北大金属材料研究所、特別セミナー, 11月11日, 1994
English - Future of Solid State Lasers, Ultra-Narrow and Ultra-Broad Light Generation
Special Seminar of Institute of Metrology, 11月21日, 1994
English - Future of Solid State Lasers, Ultra-Narrow and Ultra-Broad Light Generation
Special Seminar of Kansai Advanced Research Laboratory, 11月24日, 1994
English - 新しい時代を開く光学技術の現状と将来
オックスフォード技術セミナー, 11月29日, 1994
Japanese - 全固体化レーザーが新しい機能を生み出すための方向とは?
レーザー総研 技術セミナー, 12月1日, 1994
Japanese - 新型固体レーザー材料の開発と評価(共著)
レーザー研シンポジウム'94 共同研究成果報告書, 57-58, 1994
Japanese - 過渡ラマン散乱によるナノ秒からピコ秒への高効率パルス圧縮の研究
平成5年度科学研究補助金 一般研究(B)研究成果報告書, 1-187, 1994
Japanese - 紫外波長可変レーザー結晶Ce:LiSrAlF6(共著)
レーザー学会, 13-18, 1994
Scientific journal, Japanese - Atomic Processes in Short Wavelength Laser-Produced Plasmas for X-ray Laser Applications,
A. Sasaki; K. Suzuki; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf.,, 51, 334, 1994, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Characteristics of photoconductive switch with diamond thin film,
Y.Aikawa; K.Baba; N.Shohata; H.Yoneda; K. Ueda
Advances in New Diamond Science and Technology,, 679, 1994
International conference proceedings, English - ダイヤモンド光伝導素子(高出力レーザーとレーザー生成プラズマ計測への応用),
H.Yoneda; K. Ueda; Y.Aikawa; K.Baba; N.Shohata
New Dismond, 35, 8, 1994, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Effect of plasma nonuniformity in recombination pumping soft x-ray lasers,
A. Sasaki; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda
Proc. of AIP, 332, 166-170, 1994
International conference proceedings, English - Frequency Stabilization of two Diode-Pumped Nd,YAG Lasers Locked to two Fabry-Perot Cavities,
N.Uehara; K. Ueda
Laser Physics, 4, 396-400, 1994, Peer-reviwed
IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 29, 7, 2251-2258, Jul. 1993, Peer-reviwed, A new scheme of backward Raman pulse compression, in which the backward first Stokes pulse is amplified under stationary conditions and the backward second Stokes under transient conditions by choosing an appropriate Raman medium, is proposed. The compression factor and efficiency are improved by insertion of selective absorbers for the second Stokes component. The feasibility of such a scheme is demonstrated by an experiment in which a 249 nm UV pulse of 20 ns duration has been compressed into a 30-ps pulse with an power gain of 150 and energy conversion efficiency of 22%. Higher compression ratio and higher efficiency is expected by under improved conditions.
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 18, 7, 505-507, Apr. 1993, Peer-reviwed, We describe frequency-stabilized laser-diode-pumped Nd:YAG ring lasers locked to a high-transmission and high-finesse reference Fabry-Perot cavity. The cavity has a resonant linewidth of 38.0 kHz, a finesse of 19,400, and a transmission efficiency of 79.4% for the TEM00 mode. We measure the frequency stability by locking two lasers one free spectral range apart and observe the heterodyne beat signal. As a result, the spectral densities of frequency noise are reduced to 10 mHz/square-root Hz, and a beat linewidth of 193 mHz is obtained. The linewidth is 0.73 times the Schawlow-Townes limit.
Scientific journal, English - 超高安定化レーザーダイオード励起Nd:YAGレーザー:
上原昇; 植田憲一
レーザー研究, 21, 590-600, 1993, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - New Laser-Diode-Pumped CW Laser Based on Nd3+-Ion Doped Tetragonal LiLuF4,
A.A.Kaminskii; K. Ueda; N.Uehara
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 32, L586-588, 1993, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Single-shot uv autocorrelator using two photon absorption in water detected by photo-acoustic signal
H.Nishioka; M.Ishiguro; T.Kawasumi; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
Opt. Lett., 18, 45-47, 1993, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 193 mHz Beat Linewidth of Frequency Stabilized Laser-Diode-Pumped Nd : YAG la sers
N. Uehara; K. Ueda
Opt. Lett., 18, 505-507, 1993, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - イオンエキシマ、レーザー研究
レーザー研究, 21, 18-22, 1993, Peer-reviwed
LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 11, 1, 31-42, 1993, Peer-reviwed, A couple of advanced techniques of high-efficiency pulse compression for KrF lasers have been developed in our laboratory. As is well known, electron beam-excited KrF lasers have a capability of large output energy of 100- to 1,000-ns pulse duration. However, high-efficiency operation under a short-pulse input is difficult to achieve because of the reaction kinetics and short lifetime of KrF excimers. For developing ultrahigh peak-power lasers, the efficient pulse compression of ns to ps and ps to fs pulses is essential. We demonstrated advanced techniques, Raman pulse compression in a transient Raman regime, and pulse compression in saturated amplifiers with saturable absorbers.
LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 11, 1, 15-23, 1993, Peer-reviwed, Bandwidth effects on laser-plasma interaction were investigated with a 1/4-mum laser. Planar targets were irradiated with a 1- to 40-cm-1 bandwidth laser at I = 1 x 10(13)-4 x 10(15) W/cm2. Above 3 x 10(13) W/cm2, Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) was observed with 1 cm-1 light. This process was strongly reduced with a 40-cm-1 light. Evolution of the convective SBS was studied with 1-D fluid simulation code. Bandwidth effect on the SBS growth was discussed to compare the theoretical prediction and experimental results. The scalelength dependence exists for the SBS reduction with a broadband laser.
Scientific journal, English - Calculation of Atomic Excitation Processes of X-ray Laser Plasmas Irradiated by High Intensity Short KrF Laser Pulses
A.Sasaki; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
Laser and Particle Beams, 11, 25-30, 1993, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Observation of Multi-photon Absorption and Electron Avalanche in Optical Thin Films
A.Sasaki; H. Yoneda; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
Laser and Particle Beams, 11, 55-64, 1993, Peer-reviwed
LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 11, 1, 3-13, 1993, Peer-reviwed, Vacuum UV fluorescences from ionic alkali-halide and rare-gas alkali excimers were observed by e-beam excitation. The two diffuse emissions centered at 185 and 154 nm from the CsF vapor were attributed to the bound-free B2SIGMA+ --> X2SIGMA+ and D2PI --> X2SIGMA+ bands of (CsF)+, respectively. And, the 164- and 133-nm diffuse bands from gas the mixture of Xe or Kr with hot vapor of Rb were assigned to the emissions of (XeRb)+ and (KrRb)+ ionic excimers. In addition, amplified spontaneous emissions of the Na2 violet, K2 yellow, and Rb2 orange diffuse bands were observed from e-beam-excited alkali vapor with argon buffer gas. The continuum spectra centered at 436, 574, and 604 nm were attributed to triplet-triplet Na2, K2, and Rb2 2(3)PI(g) --> 1(3)SIGMA(u)+ bound-free transitions, respectively. The dissociative recombination of Na3+, K3+, or Rb3+ is discussed as an efficient formation process of the upper states in e-beam pumping.
Scientific journal, English - 重力波検出用LD励起YAGレーザーの周波数安定化
植田憲一; 上原昇
レーザー研究, 21, 859-872, 1993, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Uitra-Stabilized Solid State Lasers for Gravitational Wave Detection
K. Ueda N.Uehara
SPIE, 2079, 229-238, 1993
International conference proceedings, English - Room-Temperature Diode-Laser-Pumped Efficient CW Quasi-CW Single-Mode Lasers Based on Nd3+-Doped Cubic Disordered α-NaCaYF6 Tetragocal Ordered LiYF4 Crystals,
A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda; N.Uehara; H.Verdun
Phys. Stat. Sol. a, 140, K45-K48, 1993, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 紫外光学薄膜の損傷機構
電気学会資料, OQD-92-7, 61-70, 1993
Japanese - 高フィネスFP共振器を用いたLD励起Nd:YAGリングレーザーの周波数安定化
信学技報, OQE92-26, 89-94, 1993
Japanese - 高度光技術の発展方向
重力波シンポジウム報告集, 106-134, 1993
Japanese - KrF照射プラズマからのX線輻射
電気学会資料, OQD-93-4, 31-40, 1993
Japanese - 高出力単一モード発振を目指した新しい方式のLD励起固体レーザー-100ミクロンアクティブミラー方式と仮想点光源多重パス・クラッド励起方式-
電気学会、レーザー学会研究会報告, OQD-93-11, 25-35, 1993
Japanese - 重力波の光センシング
応用物理学会、第11回光波センシング研究会, LST11-13, 89-96, 1993
Japanese - 大出力レーザーとアダプティブ光学系
料研費総研(A)「擾乱媒質中の波動伝播と補償光学」研究会報告, 125-135, 1993
LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 11, 1, 55-64, 1993, Peer-reviwed, Measurements on nonlinear processes caused by multiphoton absorption and electron avalanche in optical thin films have been carried out using KrF lasers of 20-ns and 1.7-ps pulse duration. Multiphoton absorption of the order of 10(-7) J was detected by a photoacoustic signal, and the nonlinear growth of photo-induced current due to the electron avalanche was analyzed dynamically. The correlation between damage threshold and carrier lifetime was investigated for oxide and fluoride coatings.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 60, 24, 2960-2962, Jun. 1992, Peer-reviwed, Amplified spontaneous emissions of the K2 Yellow and Rb2 orange diffuse bands were observed from e-beam-excited mixtures of K/K2 or Rb/Rb2 vapor with argon buffer gas. The continuum spectra centered at 574 and 604 nm were attributed to triplet-triplet K2 and Rb2 2(3)PI(g) --> 1(3)SIGMA(u)+ bound-free transitions, respectively. The dissociative recombination of K3+ or Rb3+ is discussed as an efficient formation process of upper states by electron-beam pumping.
Scientific journal, English - Ionic Excimers and Alkali Dimer Triplet Excimer Lasers
D.Xing; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
59-66, 1992, Peer-reviwed
English - Laser-diode-pumped solid state lasers for gravitational wave antenna
K. Ueda N.Uehara
SPIE, 1837, 336-345, 1992
International conference proceedings, English - 半導体レーザー励起YAGレーザーの動作特性
重力波天文学シンポジウム報告集, 17-24, 1992
Japanese - 高フィネスFP共振器を用いたLD励起Nd:YAGリングレーザーの周波数安定化
信学技報, OQE92-26, 89-94, 1992
Japanese - 高安定化LD励起Nd:YAGレーザー
レーザー学会研究会資料, RTM-92-47, 29-34, 1992
International conference proceedings, English - Vacuum Ultraviolet Emissions from Alkali-Halide Ionic Excimer (CsF)+ by Electron Excitation,
D. Xing; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 31, 2440-2445, 1992, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Advanced Techniques of High Efficiency Pulse Compression for KrF Lasers,
K. Ueda; H.Nishioka; K.Kimura; H.Takuma
22-30, 1992, Peer-reviwed
English - Experimental Study of Laser Plasma Interaction with High Power KrF Laser,
H.Yoneda; T.Miura; Y.Yokota; Y.Motoki; A.Sasaki; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
354-360, 1992, Peer-reviwed
English - Calculation of Atomic Excitation Processes of X-ray Laser Plasmas Irradiated by High Intensity Short KrF Laser Pulses,
A.Sasaki; H.Yoneda; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
153-158, 1992, Peer-reviwed
English - Observation of Multi-photon Absorption and Electron AvaThin lanche in Optical Films,
H.Nishioka; T.Kawasumi; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
51-58, 1992, Peer-reviwed
English - 紫外光学薄膜の多光子吸収と電子雪崩の観測,
西岡 一; 河角孝行; 植田憲一; 宅間 宏
レーザー研究, The Laser Society of Japan, 20, 5, 344-354, 1992, Peer-reviwed, Non-linear absorption was measured for optical thin layers of various oxides and fluorides by using 1.7 ps and 20 ns pulses of a KrF laser. Laser induced damage due to two-photon absorp-tion was detected in oxide coatings by photo-acoustic measurement. In fluoride films, three photon absorption was less than linear absorption up to their damage threshold around 600GW/cm2. We measured photo-current in the films to detect dynamic absorption within nanosecond irradiation. A nonlinear current growth due to electron avalanche was observed. The damage thresholds were found to be correlated inversely with the carrier lifetime of coatings.
Scientific journal, English - Laser-diode-pumped solid state lasers for gravitational wave antenna
K. Ueda N.Uehara
SPIE, 1837, 1837, 336-345, 1992
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 59, 9, 1028-1030, Aug. 1991, Peer-reviwed, Vacuum UV fluorescences from ionic rare-gas alkali excimer molecules were observed by electron beam excitation. A gas mixture of xenon or krypton with a hot vapor of rubidium was excited to obtain a diffuse emission band centered at 164 nm from (XeRb)+ and 133 nm from (KrRb)+ molecular ions. The observed emission bands are assigned to the 2(1)SIGMA+ --> 1(1)SIGMA+ transition of (XeRb)+ and (KrRb)+, respectively.
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 62, 6, 1658-1659, Jun. 1991, Peer-reviwed, A pulsed relativistic electron beam with a 3 ns duration was produced using Febetron 706 and electron beam tube with velvet cathode. Cathode current density of 7 kA/cm2 and lifetime of longer than 1000 shots were obtained.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 58, 16, 1701-1703, Apr. 1991, Peer-reviwed, We have observed an amplified spontaneous emission of the Na2 violet diffuse band in electron beam excited mixtures of sodium vapor with either argon or helium buffer gas. The strong continuum emission centered at 436 nm was attributed to the 2(3)PI-g+ --> a3-SIGMA-u+ bound-free triplet band of Na2, which was already observed in theoptical pumping.
Scientific journal, English - Na2 c\Sigma^+_g -> a\Sigma^+_u Bound-free Emission by Electron Beam Excitation
D. Xing; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
J.Opt.Soc.Am.B, 8, 917-922, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 2重可飽和色素とKrFレーザー増幅器を用いたサブピコ秒パルス発生
西岡一; 倉西英明; 植田憲一; 宅間 宏
レーザー研究, 19, 122-129, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Electron Beam Excited Cesium Fluoride Ionic Excimer
D. Xing; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.,, 30, L1012-L1014, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 高出力半導体レーザー励起固体レーザー;
天文月報(日本天文学会), 84, 126-127, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Recent Progress of High Power KrF Lasers in ILS,UEC;
K.Ueda; H.Nishioka; H.Yoneda; A.Sasaki; H.Takuma
472-483, 1991, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Sub-ps KrF lasers and its application for multi-photon absorption measurement;
H.Nishioka; T.Kawasumi; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
529-535, 1991, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - 電子ビーム励起イオンエキシマの分光学的研究;
植田憲一; Da Xing; 宅間 宏
レーザー研究, 19, 468-475, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Na2 near infrared and violet excimer emissions by electron beam excitation
D. Xing; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
Rev. Laser Engineer., レ-ザ-学会, 19, 5, 476-489, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Overview of Scaling Physics of High Power KrF Lasers,
K. Ueda; H. Nishioka; A. Sasaki; H. Yoneda; H. Takuma
Plasma Physics Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, IAEA, Vienna, vol., 2, 557-574, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Optical Components for High Power KrF Lasers,
K. Ueda; H. Nishioka; H. Takuma; T.Izawa
Plasma Physics Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,IAEA,Vienna,, 2, 774-793, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Efficient Generation and Transport of the Electron Beam for High Power KrF Lasers;
H.Yoneda; T.Miura; A.Sasaki; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,IAEA,Vienna,, 2, 666-671, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - High Compression Ratio Backward Raman Conversion for High Brightness Excimer Laser Systems;
H.Nishioka; K.Kimura; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, IAEA, Vienna,, 2, 751-757, 1991
Scientific journal, English - Toward the Super High Power KrF Lasers; Generation of Ultra Short Pulse Using Saturable Absorber Acridine;
H.Nishioka; H.Yoneda; K. Ueda; H.Takuma
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, IAEA, Vienna, 2, 823-829, 1991, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - A Study on the Vacuum Extreme Ultraviolet Emissions from Ionic Rare-Gas-Lithium -Sodium Molecules by Ab Initio Calculations,
D. Xing; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 30, 3533-3539, 1991, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Sub-pico Second Pulse Generation from KrF Amplifier using Acridine Saturable Absorber;
K.Ueda; H.Nishioka; H.Kuranishi; H.Takuma
SPIE, 1225, 95-106, 1990, Peer-reviwed
International conference proceedings, English - Ab-initio Calculations on Electronic States of Ionic Rubidium Fluoride Excimer
K.Ueda; D.Xing; H.Takuma
Proc. SPIE, 1225, 149-158, 1990, Peer-reviwed
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 163, 2-3, 193-197, Nov. 1989, Peer-reviwed
LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 7, 375-382, Aug. 1989, Peer-reviwed
OPTICS LETTERS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 14, 13, 692-694, Jul. 1989, Peer-reviwed
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, AMER INST PHYSICS, 65, 1, 231-236, Jan. 1989, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Development of UV Saturable Absorber Acridine and Its Application for a Short Pulse KrF Laser
西岡一; 倉西英明; 植田憲一; 宅間宏
レーザー研究, The Laser Society of Japan, 17, 9, 652-661, 1989, Peer-reviwed, A derivative of the linear tri-cyclic compound acridine in several different solvents is shown to be as an effective saturable absorber for short pulse KrF lasers. Acridine dissolved in ethanol showed the best bleaching characteristics for a 20 ps laser pulse, the ratio of primary to the excited absorption cross-section of 7.3:1 and the low saturation fluence of 1.1mJ/cm2 due to the large absorption cross-section of 5.6 × 10-16cm2 at 249nm. Temporal behavior of the absorption recovery showed two time constants of 0.4ns and 115ns, the fast component corresponded to the measured fluorescence decay time of 0.43ns for the first excited singlet state. The ASE free operation (less than 0.1% of the laser energy) and the pulse compression in a saturated amplifier have been demonstrated. The laser pulse width was compressed by a factor of 4 in an absorber-amplifier arrangement.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Scalability of High Power KrF Lasers for Inertial Confinement Fusion Drivers
K. Ueda; H.Takuma
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,IAEA,Vienna, 3, 125-130, 1989, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 電子ビーム励起KrFレーザーの電子脱励起速度定数の測定
西岡一; 佐々木明; 倉島利雄; 植田憲一; 宅間宏; 糟谷紘一
レーザー研究, 16, 571-581, 1988, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 核融合用電子ビーム励起KrFレーザー
レーザー研究, 16, 209-216, 1988, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 紫外線レーザー用光学素子
光学, 17, 628-634, 1988, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Photo-Acoustic Detection of Laser Induced Damages
植田憲一; 萩原真一; 北谷文人; 宅間宏
レーザー研究, 15, 22-31, 1987, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 気体レーザーの高出力化
レーザー研究, The Laser Society of Japan, 15, 6, 342-346, 1987, Peer-reviwed, The scalability of electron beam pumped Kr F laser amplifier has beendiscussed as a typical example of ultra high power gas lasers. Energy depletion due to the amplified spontaneous emission is the final limitingfactor for the large scale Kr F laser amplifier. According to the scaling law of the amplified spontaneous emission, the experimental simulation of 1/1000 model has been demonstrated by using 500J Kr F laser with modularelectron beam diodes. The 500J Kr F laserat high pumping rate of 1MW/cc made it sure that the largevolume Kr F laser at low pumping rate of 100k W/cc will provide 500k J with high intrinsic efficiency above10%. Large scale Kr F laser is the most promising high power laser for fusion reactors.
Scientific journal, Japanese - 電子ビーム励起KrFレーザー(拡大則)
核融合研究, The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, 58, 6, 464-470, 1987, Peer-reviwed, The present status and prospect of high power KrF lasers are summarized. The kinetics, electron beam excitation, oscillation and amplification of KrF lasers are discussed. From the study of scalability, A single unit of large scale KrF lasers is able to produce 500 kJ.
Scientific journal, Japanese - Kinetic Processes in Ar-Kr-F2 System Interacting with Electron Laser Beams,
H. Takuma; K. Ueda; K.Hakuta; H. Nishioka
"Lasers in Atomic,Molecular, Nuclear Physics" (edited by V.S.Letkhov,World Scientific,Singapore, 183-202, 1987, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Strongly Saturated Gain Measurements Kinetics Study of KrF Lasers,
H. Nishioka; T. Kurashima; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
"Short-Wavength Lasers" (edited by C.Yamanaka,Springer-Verlag,, 208-214, 1987, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - 3D ASE Calculation for High Output KrF Lasers,
A. Sasaki; K. Kasuya; K. Ueda; H. Takuma
"Short-Wavelength Lasers" (edited by C.Yamanaka,Springer-Verlag,, 200-207, 1987, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Scalability of High Power KrF Lasers for ICF Driver,
K. Ueda; H. Takuma
"Short-Wavelength Lasers" (edited by C.Yamanaka,Springer-Verlag, 178-187, 1987, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Characteristics of e-beam KrF laser system
K. Ueda; H.Nishioka; H.Takuma
SPIE, 710, 7-14, 1986
International conference proceedings, English - UVファラデー回転子のKrFレーザーへの応用
植田憲一; 西岡 一; 久野裕彦; 神永武; 宅間宏
レーザー研究, 13, 805-813, 1985, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - 電子ビーム励起高効率・高出力密度KrFレーザー
宅間宏; 植田憲一
核融合研究, The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, 53, 4, 276-297, 1985, Peer-reviwed, An electron-beam pumped KrF laser has been developed as a part of an assessment study of the KrF laser as an energy driver for inertial fusion reactor. As the result of a parametric study of the laser medium kinetics and several technical developments, it has been shown experimentally that high efficiency operation of the KrF laser is possible under a high excitation rate of some 1 MW /cm3, obtaining as much as 82 J of 249 nm output of 100 ns duration by an internal efficiency of more than 10 % and electrical efficiency of 2.5 % from an active volume of 6.2 litter.
Scientific journal, Japanese - An E-beam pumped KrF Laser with Novel Long-life, High Transmittance Foils
K. Ueda; H.Nishioka; H.Takuma
Proc.LASERS, 598-605, 1984
International conference proceedings, English - Relaxation Oscillation in Transient Output of Pulsed CO2 Laser
K. Ueda; F.Shimizu
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 23, 1038-1044, 1984, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - UV用ファラデー回転素子の開発
西岡一; 久野裕彦; 神永武; 植田憲一; 間宏
レーザー研究, 12, 660-662, 1984, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - ファラデー回転フーリエ分光法
植田憲一; 間宏
レーザー研究, 12, 652-659, 1984, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - パルスラジオリシス法によるKrFレーザーの反応過程の研究(Ⅱ);
植田憲一; 金田昭治; 佐々木明; 宅間宏
レーザー研究, 12, 357-366, 1984, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - KrF Laser Studies in ILS,UEC;
K.Ueda; H.Takuma
Rev.Laser Engineering, .12, 550-558, 1984, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Present Status of the Research Works on Advanced Lasers at the Institute for Laser Science,UEC
H.Takuma; K.Ueda
Rev.Laser Engineering, 12, 324-337, 1984, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Absorption Radiolysis of Short Lived Species Using a Long Pulse Dye Laser
K.Ueda; S.Kanada; M.Kitagawa; H.Takuma-Verlag; Berlin Heidelberg
278-279, 1983, Peer-reviwed
English - パルスラジオリシス法によるKrFレーザーの脱励起速度定数の測定
植田憲一; 金田昭治; 北川光彦; 宅間宏
レーザー研究, 11, 576-585, 1983, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Optogalvanic Effent Study of Vibrational Relaxation in CO2 Laser Process
F.Shimizu,K.Sasaki; K.Ueda
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 22, 1144-1151, 1983, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Accurate Determination of the Lifetime and the Quenching Rate Constant of Kr2F by the Excitation of Very Short Electron Beam Pulse
K.Ueda,H,Hara; S.Kanada; H.Takuma
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 21, L500-L502, 1982, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - Accurate Determination of the Lifetime and the Quenching Rate Constant of Kr2F by the Excitation of Very Short Electron Beam Pulse
K.Ueda,H,Hara; S.Kanada; H.Takuma
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 21, L500-L502, 1982, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - レーザーへの粒子加速器の応用
宅間宏; 植田憲一
原子核研究, 26, 39-45, 1982, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - Investigation of the KrF Laser Kinetics by the Excitation of Very Short Electron Beam Pulse
K.Ueda; S.Kanada; H.Hara; H.Takuma
J.Jpn.Soc.Plasma,Nucl.Fusion, 47, 11-22, 1982, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - フレームレス・アトマイザの原子化現象
分析機器, 15, 111-119, 1977
Scientific journal, Japanese - フレームレス原子吸光における原子化過程の観察;
植田憲一; 田村正平
分析化学, 25, 684-688, 1976, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, Japanese - High Power Nd3+ Liquid Laser System,
K. Ueda; M. Hongyo; T. Sasaki; C. Yamanaka
IEEE J. Quantum Electron., QE-7, 9, 1971, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English - High-power Nd3+ Liquid Laser System,
M. Hongyo; T. Sasaki; Y. Nagao; K. Ueda; C. Yamanaka
IEEE J.Quantum Electron., QE-8, 192-196, 1971, Peer-reviwed
Scientific journal, English
- 研究総括の役割(さきがけ)
応用物理学会, Aug. 2019, 応用物理学会誌, 88, 8, 545-547, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction international proceedings - 超高出力固体レーザーのための新概念 熱レンズフリーレーザー材料とHeat Capacitive Active Mirror
豊田理化学研究所, May 2017, 豊田理研報告, 70, 109-120, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction research institution - 科学研究の役立て方
日本メカトロニクス協会, Jan. 2017, 光技術コンタクト, 55, 26-33, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - 科学と技術の再結合
レーザー学会, May 2016, レーザー研究, 44, 5, 299-299, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - ユーザーコミュニティーの重要性、
応用物理学会 フォトニクス分科会, Apr. 2016, フォトニック・ニュース PN, 2, 1, 2016., 2, 1-1, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - 欧州の先端レーザー施設
レーザー学会, 2014, レーザー研究, 42, 113-119, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Invited, Introduction scientific journal - 超高出力レーザーとフォトニクス技術
2013, 光技術コンタクト, 51, 6, 1-2, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - IUPAP Working Group on Communication in Physics
Mar. 2012, 日本物理学会誌, 67, 202-204, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 超高出力レーザーと非線形光学、
日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, 2012, 光技術コンタクト, 50, 5, 8-15, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0913-7289, 40019260762, AN10075091 - 限界のない光を実現する新しい高出力レーザー技術、
2012, 光学, 48, 595, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 重力波研究における超狭線幅レーザーと超高品質光学素子
2011, 光学, 40, 129-135, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 光による固体冷却の新記録、
植田憲一翻訳; ジョアンナ・ミラー
2011, パリティー、vol.26, No., ,., 26, 11, 42-44, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 「消えゆく学会」シンポジウム・全体討論
武田 英明; 神嶌 敏弘; 木村 忠正; 植田 憲一; 山川 宏; 松尾 豊; 岡 瑞起
2011, 人工知能学会誌, 26, 616-625, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 学会とビジネスモデル、そして学術出版・講読アクセスにおけるシンメトリーについて、
2011, SPARC Japan News Letters,, 2011年, 10月号, .1-4., Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 巻頭言 学会運営にビジネスモデルを
Jun. 2010, 日本物理学会誌, 65, 399, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - BS-6-4 Laser Phyhsics and Development of High Power Fiber Laser
Ueda Ken-ichi; Shirakawa Akira
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 02 Mar. 2010, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2010, 2, "S-114"-"S-115", Japanese, 110007869851, AN10471452 - レーザー誕生から50年 新たな期待を込めて、
Feb. 2010, レーザー研究, 38, 83, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 超高出力レーザーの展望、
Jan. 2010, 光技術コンタクト, 2010, 1, 363-340, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 超高出力レーザーの展望
2010, 光技術コンタクト, 48, 1, 30-34, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 学術論文誌の新しい動向、
2010, 日本物理学会誌, 65, 961-969, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - セラミックレーザー
Nov. 2009, OplusE, 31, 1262-1269, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 物理系ピアレビュージャーナルとオープンアクセス
Apr. 2009, SPARC Japan Seminar 2008 第1回 「研究成果発表の手段としての学術誌の将来」, 1, 1, 110, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 高出力レーザーの基礎、
2009, レーザー加工学会誌, 14, 227-233, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 重力波天文学特集に寄せて、
2009, レーザー研究, 37, 72, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 最近のファイバーレーザーと固体レーザーの動向、
養賢堂, 2008, 機械の研究, 60, 11, 1129-1136, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0368-5713, 40016303476, AN00349838 - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの基礎と新しい可能性、
日本工業出版, Dec. 2007, 光アライアンス, 18, 12, 40-47, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0917-026X, 40015725689, AA11758790 - フォトニック結晶ファイバーを用いた高出力超短パルス増幅 (特集 光ファイバの最新動向)
白川 晃; 植田 憲一
日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, Apr. 2007, 光技術コンタクト, 45, 4, 195-201, Japanese, 0913-7289, 40015462491, AN10075091 - High-Power Single-Mode Yb-doped Fiber Lasers : Recent Progress and Future
SHIRAKAWA Akira; UEDA Ken-ichi
17 Jan. 2007, レーザー学会研究会報告 = Reports on the Topical meeting of the Laser Society of Japan, 357, 5-8, Japanese, 10018703835, AA11604414 - 新しい固体レーザー:セラミックレーザー -超高安定化レーザーから超高出力レーザーまで-
Oct. 2006, 岩波「科学」, 76, 10, 1029-1034, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 最近のファイバーレーザー
2006, 機械技術, 54, 3, 17-23, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 高出力ファイバーレーザーと固体レーザー、
2006, O plus E, 28, 1245-1249, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 問題設定型光科学教育プロジェクト、
米田仁紀; 植田憲一; 鈴木勝; 島田宏
2006, 電通大紀要, 19, 203-210, Japanese, Introduction other - Developments and Applications of the Acetylene Stabilized Laser at the 1542nm
20 Jan. 2003, レーザー学会研究会報告 = Reports on the Topical meeting of the Laser Society of Japan, 308, 19-22, Japanese, 10010260685, AA11604414 - 固体レーザーの歴史を塗り替えるYAGセラミックレーザー
2003, M&E, 7, 176, Japanese, Introduction other - 科学者が敬愛される社会を期待して
2002, AIST Today, 2, 1, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの新しい動向
Nov. 2001, O plus E, 23, 1313, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 21世紀はレーザーの時代
Jul. 2001, 大学受験コース エンカレッジ, 6-7, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Others - 魅力ある学会とはどんな姿? 電子化・国際化時代の在り方を探る
植田憲一; 他; 分担執筆
2001, 電気学会誌, 121, 21-25, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 物理系学術誌刊行協会設立とその意義
2000, 応用物理, 69, 265-266, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 電子化出版についての国際パネル討論会報告
伊藤良一; 植田憲一; 潮田資勝; 岡部 豊
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 1999, 日本物理学会誌, 54, 6, 464-466, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other, 0029-0181, 110002077429, AN00196952 - 1/1021の微小変位をレーザーで検出
1998, ツールエンジニア, 39, 7, 17–20, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 新時代ファイバーレーザーの可能性
1998, 金属プレス, 30, 2, 10-15, Japanese, Introduction other - 半導体レーザー励起ファイバーレーザー
1998, オプトロニクス, 1, 77-82, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 太陽光励起ファイバーレーザーは可能か?
1997, オプトニュース, 2, 28-29, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - マイクロレーザーへの挑戦
1995, パリティー, 10, 49-52, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 94年光学界の進歩
1995, 光学, 24, 203-204, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 29p-E-1 Ultra-high frequency stabilization of a Nd:YAG laser using multi-photodiodes.
Uehara N; Ueda K
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 16 Mar. 1994, Abstracts of the meeting of the Physical Society of Japan. Annual meeting, 49, 2, 377-377, Japanese, 110002165100, AN10451127 - イオンエキシマ
1993, レーザー研究, 21, 18-22, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - プロコロフ、カミンスキー教授インタビュー(光技術国際セミナーに関係して) Ⅱ
1993, オプトロニクス, 136, 47-52, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - プロコロフ、カミンスキー教授インタビュー(光技術国際セミナーに関 係して)Ⅰ
1993, オプトロニクス, 135, 47-52, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 受益者を越えた学会活動
1993, レーザー学会20周年のあゆみ, 70, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 25p-ZL-5 LD-pumped Nd : YAG ring laser of 193mHz beat linewidth frequency stabilization
Uehara N; Ueda K
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 14 Sep. 1992, 秋の分科会講演予稿集, 1992, 2, 397-397, Japanese, 110001999072, AA11823236 - 28a-T-7 Frequency stabilization of LD pumped Nd : YAG laser using a high finesse FP cavity
Uehara Noboru; Ueda Ken-ichi
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 12 Mar. 1992, 年会講演予稿集, 47, 2, 380-380, Japanese, 110002172809, AN10453938 - 30p-SB-11 Deveplopment of UV Saturable Absorber for KrF Laser Systems
Nishioka H.; Kuranishi H.; Ueda K.; Takuma H.
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 28 Mar. 1989, 年会講演予稿集, 44, 2, 329-329, Japanese, 110009792901, AN10453938 - 3a-H2-3 REB励起KrFレーザーガス中のリターン電流の効果(プラズマ物理・核融合(レーザー・REB他))
佐々木 明; 植田 憲一; 槽谷 紘一; 宅間 宏
一般社団法人日本物理学会, 31 Mar. 1988, 年会講演予稿集, 43, 4, 211-211, Japanese, 110009725708, AN10453938 - 1p-G1-10 KrFレーザーの吸収媒質の特定(量子エレクトロニクス)
西岡 一; 浦壁 俊光; 倉島 利雄; 倉西 英明; 植田 憲一; 宅間 宏
一般社団法人日本物理学会, 31 Mar. 1988, 年会講演予稿集, 43, 2, 310-310, Japanese, 110009724343, AN10453938 - 1p-G1-9 大出力KrFレーザーのASEと出力限界(量子エレクトロニクス)
植田 憲一; 宅間 宏
一般社団法人日本物理学会, 31 Mar. 1988, 年会講演予稿集, 43, 2, 309-309, Japanese, 110009724342, AN10453938 - 29p-D-9 レーザー増幅特性によるKrF^*の電子脱励起速度定数の決定(量子エレクトロニクス)
佐々木 明; 西岡 一; 植田 憲一; 宅間 宏; 糟谷 紘一
一般社団法人日本物理学会, 27 Mar. 1987, 年会講演予稿集, 42, 2, 350-350, Japanese, 110009722337, AN10453938 - 29a-CC-3 偏光回転KrFエキシマーレーザーの特性(量子エレクトロニクス)
西岡 一; 佐々木 明; 植田 憲一; 宅間 宏
一般社団法人日本物理学会, 29 Mar. 1986, 年会講演予稿集, 41, 2, 324-324, Japanese, 110009788325, AN10453938 - エキシマレーザーとその応用 -エネルギー分野への応用;
1986, O plus E, 80, 68-75, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - 1p-T-8 ファラデー回転子挿入型KrFレーザーにおける多重パルス発振
西岡 一; 森下 尚久; 神永 武; 安宅 博章; 植田 憲一; 宅間 宏
一般社団法人日本物理学会, 13 Sep. 1985, 秋の分科会講演予稿集, 1985, 2, 346-346, Japanese, 110002016217, AA11823236 - 1p-T-9 電子ビーム励起KrFレーザーの短パルスインジェクション
佐々木 明; 神永 武; 西岡 一; 植田 憲一; 宅間 宏
一般社団法人日本物理学会, 13 Sep. 1985, 秋の分科会講演予稿集, 1985, 2, 347-347, Japanese, 110002016218, AA11823236 - レーザー核融合の展望
1985, Energy for the 80's, 6, 2-3, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - X線レーザー
1985, ニュートン, 5, 10-14, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other - エキシマレーザー その現状と将来
1984, 光学技術コンタクト, 21, 2-11, Japanese, Peer-reviwed, Introduction other
Books and other publications
- レーザーの50年
植田憲一; 加藤義章; 清水富士夫; 宅間克 その他
Japanese, Joint work, 電通大レーザー研におけるレーザー研究、宅間宏先生の業績紹介、宅間宏先生 著書・論文一覧, 講談社、2013年12月25日, Dec. 2013 - 植田憲一
Japanese, Joint work, 重力波天文学用量子限界超高品質光学素子の開発, 技術情報協会, Jun. 2013 - Advances in Intense Laser Science & Photonics,
J.M. Lee; Y. Kato; K. Ueda; K. Yamanouchi; N.D. Hung
English, Supervisor, House of National Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnum,, May 2010 - 現代物理学の世界 トップ研究者からのメッセージ
川合 光; 鈴木厚人; 初田哲夫; 高崎史彦; 宇川 彰; 上田正仁; 北澤宏一; 植田憲一; 早川尚男; 太田隆夫; 吉川研一; 八尾 誠; 西村和雄; 二間瀬俊史; 須藤 靖; 横山順一; 中家 剛; 古澤 明; 伊東早苗
Japanese, Joint work, 高強度レーザー物理学, 講談社サイエンティフィック, Apr. 2010 - Advances in Solid-State Lasers:Development and Applications
Jun Dong; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hideki Yagi; Alexander A Kaminskii
English, Joint work, Concentration-Dependent Laser Performance of Yb:YAG Ceramics and Passively Q-switched Yb:YAG/Cr,Ca:YAG Lasers, Intech publication, Feb. 2010 - Lasers: The Next Fifty Years
F. Kartner; M. Pollnau; K. Ueda; H. van Driel
English, Editor, OSA, 2010 - 光科学の最前線2
光科学の最前線; 編集委員会編
Japanese, Supervisor, 固体レーザーの新展開:セラミックレーザー & 高出力ファイバーレーザー, 強光子場科学研究懇談会, Dec. 2009 - 高出力レーザー特論
Japanese, Editor, 光産業技術振興協会 レーザー安全スクール, Nov. 2007 - RGB3原色・白色光レーザーの開発
阿山みよし; 植田憲一; 岡田龍雄; 藤井寛一; Xiaopen Hu; Shining Zhu; 泉 和宏; 北谷雅人; 花村栄一; 宅間 宏; 原田明憲; 西澤典彦; 白川晃; 小林孝嘉; 西岡 一; 美濃島薫; 春名正光; 小林洋平; 藤田雅之; 岸野克己; 水内公典; 天野浩; 興 雄司; 佐久間純; 須田清志
Japanese, Supervisor, はじめに、第1章第2節 白色レーザーの種類と応用分野、第3章、第2節 連続発振超広帯域白色ファイバー光源、第5章 第5節 透明多結晶セラミックレーザー, サイエンス&テクノロジー, Jul. 2007 - レーザーハンドブック
Japanese, Joint work, レーザー学会, 2005 - 電子材料ハンドブック
Japanese, Joint work, 固体レーザー, オーム社編, 2005 - 光科学の最前線
光科学の最前線; 編集委員会編
Japanese, Supervisor, 固体レーザーの新展開:セラミックレーザー & 高出力ファイバーレーザー, 強光子場科学研究懇談会, 2005 - 光テクノロジーロードマップ報告書-光加工分野-
荒川泰彦; 池上徹彦; その他; 光テクノロジーロードマップ策定委員会など
Japanese, Joint work, 光位相制御, 光産業技術振興協会, Mar. 2003 - 産業技術歴史継承調査
永田; 芦立; 荒川; 植田; 中井; 他
Japanese, Editor, 国内産業の電気・電子技術の独創性と創造性の調査編、NEDO-IT-0145-2、電気・電子に関する調査研究委員会、), 2002 - リンクスの目・リンクスの耳「21世紀の学術と科学技術」、
伏見康治; 中井浩二; 海部宣男; 永宮正治; 植田憲一
Japanese, 原子核研究別冊(、見角鋭二、菅沼純一偏、分担執筆)、pp. 123-196 (2001)., 2002 - 光情報通信基準周波数研究の在り方 -超高密度・大容量将来型光通信への布石-
菊池和朗; 植田憲一; 江村克己; 大島茂; 小林由紀夫; 須藤昭一; 園部洋治; 近間輝美; 張吉夫; 松本弘一; 盛岡敏夫; 吉國裕三; 井筒雅之; 永沼充
Japanese, Joint work, 高精度光源の研究動向と可能性, 光情報通新基準周波数の研究に関する調査・推進委員会編(分担執筆)16-1-3, Mar. 2001 - Laser Resonators, Chapter 6 Optical Cavity for High Power Fiber Lasers
K. Ueda
English, Joint work, SPIE Press, pp.125-143, edited by Kudryashov & Weber, 1999 - 応用物理学用語辞典(分担執筆)
Japanese, オーム社, 1998 - 電子情報通信述語ハンドブック(分担執筆)
Japanese, 電子情報通信学会編, 1998 - 重力波を捉える -存在の証明から検出へ(分担執筆)
Japanese, 京大出版会, 1998 - 光技術動向調査報告書XI 1995年3月 光技術振興協会
Japanese, Joint work, 第4章 光エネルギー (pp.333-433) 編集、執筆, 光産業技術振興協会, Mar. 1995 - 光産業の将来ビジョン -第2情報化時代の始まり-(編集,分担執筆)
Japanese, 光産業技術振興協会, 1995 - 光技術動向調査報告書X1(編集、分担執筆)
Japanese, 1995 - 電気学会100年史
Japanese, Joint work, 第2部電気工学の変貌と発展 6編 電子装置 3章 レーザー 6.新しいレーザー, 電気学会, 1988 - Scatability of High Power KrF Lasers for ICF Driver
K. Ueda; H.Takuma
English, "Short-Wavelength Lasers" Springer-Verlag, 1987
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Full–Aperture Thermal-Lens Free HCAM Laser
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, APLS 2020, OPIC, Yokohama, Japan, International conference
23 Apr. 2020 - ディスク全面熱レンズフリーHCAMレーザー
Oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会講演会, 応用物理学会, 上智大学、東京, Domestic conference
12 Mar. 2020 - 高出力ファイバーレーザー その歴史と発展から学ぶ
Nominated symposium, Japanese, 日本学術振興会 将来加工技術第136委員会 研究会, Invited, 日本学術振興会 第137委員会, 浜松, Domestic conference
31 Jan. 2020 - 高出力ファイバーレーザー その歴史と展開から学ぶ
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本学術会議 第137委員会研究会, 日本学術会議, 浜松, Domestic conference
31 Jan. 2020 - 高出力ファイバーレーザー その歴史と展開から学ぶ
Public discourse, Japanese, 阪大レーザー研 GOD総会, 大阪大学レーザー科学研究所, 阪大レーザー研、大阪, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2020 - セラミックレーザーの開発とその後
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 阪大レーザー研 コア技術会議, Invited, 阪大レーザー研, 阪大レーザー研, Domestic conference
14 Jan. 2020 - 透明クラッド付きHCAMレーザーによる完璧な熱レンズフリー特性、
Public symposium, Japanese, レーザーとプラズマ研究会, Invited, 光産業創成大学院大学, 浜松, Domestic conference
10 Jan. 2020 - Recent Advances in High Power Laser Systems,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, ISUILS 2019,, Invited, ISUILS, Kushiro, Japan, International conference
07 Aug. 2019 - High power fiber laser: History and future,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, IWOP 2019,, Xidian Univ., Xi'an, China, June 16, 2019., International conference
16 Jun. 2019 - Pumping profile effect on the thermal-les reduction of Heat Capacitive Active Mirror (HCAM),
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, STAR-10, Chengdu, China, Invited, The University of Tokyo, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chengdu, China, International conference
01 Jun. 2019 - Heat Capacitive Active Mirror Design for Thermal-Lens-Free Solid State Laser
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ALAT 2019, Shenzhen, China, May 9, 2019., Invited, Optical Society of China, Society of Laser Engineering, Shenzhen, China, International conference
09 May 2019 - Zero-Emission-Energy Power Feeding System to Electric Vehicle from Solar Power Station in Tokyo Metro Area
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, OWPT 2019, Invited, OPIC, Yokohama, Japan, International conference
23 Apr. 2019 - Thermal-Lens-Free Top-Capped HCAM Laser,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, APLS 2019,, Invited, OPIC, Yokohama, Japan, Apr. 22, 2019, International conference
22 Apr. 2019 - 熱レンズフリー固体レーザーに向けた2つの試み 熱レンズフリーレーザー材料とHCAMデザイン
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーとプラズマ研究会, Invited, 光産業創成大学院大学, 浜松, Domestic conference
01 Feb. 2019 - 革新的フォトニクス基盤創生のための光源、計測、要素技術、産業界における技術基盤について
Nominated symposium, Japanese, 革新的フォトニクス基盤創生ワークショップ, Invited, 東京大学光量子科学連携研究機構、大阪大学先導的学際研究機構、光科学異分野横断萌芽研究会, 東京大学小柴ホール, Domestic conference
11 Oct. 2018 - K. Ueda, Zero-emission electric vehicle system for Tokyo metro area,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, The 9th International Symposium on Advanced Energy Science -- Interplay for Zero-Emission Energy --,, Invited, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Kihada Hall, Oubaku Plaza, Uji, Kyoto University, International conference
03 Sep. 2018 - Toward the themal-lens-free solid state lasers Heat Capacitive Active Mirror (HCAM) concept,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, MPLP 2018, Novosibirsk, Russia, Aug. 26, 2018., Invited, Ins. Laser Physics, Inst Laser Spectroscopy, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, International conference
26 Aug. 2018 - Ultra-stabilized lasers for gravitational wave antenna and ultra-high-power lasers for vacuum science, 2018
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Optoelectronic Perception (IWOP 2018),, Invited, Xidian University, Xi'an, China, Aug. 15, 2018., Xidian University, Xi'an, China, Aug. 15, 2018., International conference
15 Aug. 2018 - レーザーセラミックの与えた衝撃と今後の展開
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 神島化学100周年記念講演会, Invited, 神島化学工業, 詫間、香川県、日本, Domestic conference
22 Jun. 2018 - Heat Capacitive Active Mirror Concept of Thermal-Lens-Free Solid State Lasers for Coherent Beam Combining, 11th APLS, Xi’an, China,
Invited oral presentation, English, 11th APLS (Asian Pacific Symposium on Laser Science), Invited, Inst. of Physics/CAS, Xidian University, Xi'an, China, International conference
28 May 2018 - Efficient thermal-lens reduction of a top-capped Heat Capacitive Active Mirror (HCAM)
Invited oral presentation, English, STAR-9,, Invited, Univ. Tokyo, SIOM/CAS, Sunvalley Nasu, Japan, International conference
26 May 2018 - Heat Capacitive Active Mirror and Top-Cap Effect
Oral presentation, English, ALPS 2018, ALPS 2018,, Yokohama, Japan April 26, 2018, International conference
26 Apr. 2018 - Thermal-lens-free solid state laser concept HCAM (Heat Capacitive Active Mirror)
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, HPLSE 2018, Invited, SIOM/CAS, IOPP, Suzhou, China, Apr. 10, 2018., International conference
10 Apr. 2018 - Thermal-Lens-Free Heat Capacitive Active Mirror For The Coherent Beam Combining,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ASILS 10, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE,, Invited, ASILS network, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, International conference
13 Mar. 2018 - 熱レンズフリー固体レーザーを可能にするHeat Capacitive Active Mirror HCAM レーザー学会 京都みやこめっせ
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会講演会, Invited, レーザー学会, 京都みやこめっせ、京都, International conference
26 Jan. 2018 - 熱レンズフリー固体レーザーを可能にするHeat Capacitive Active Mirror HCAM、
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会講演会, Invited, レーザー学会, 京都みやこメッセ, Domestic conference
26 Jan. 2018 - 熱レンズフリー固体レーザーを可能にするHeat Capacitive Active Mirror HCAM
Poster presentation, Japanese, 第10回光拠点シンポジウム, Invited, 文部科学省 光拠点合同会議, 京都大学国際科学イノベーション棟、京都, Domestic conference
23 Jan. 2018 - Thermal-lens-free Heat Capacitive Active Mirror HCAM,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LCS 2018,, Invited, Laser Ceramics Symposium, Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino, Russia, International conference
04 Dec. 2017 - 熱レンズフリーセラミックレーザーとアクティブミラーの新しいデザイン
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本結晶成長学会第99回バルク成長分科会研究会, Invited, 日本結晶成長学会, 北大東京オフィス、東京、2017年9月30日, Domestic conference
30 Sep. 2017 - Thermal-lens-free heat capacitive active mirror lasers
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, NGC 2017, Tomsk State University, PACH, Nano and Giga Solutions, Tomsk State University, Russia, International conference
20 Sep. 2017 - Thermal-lens-free heat capacitive active mirror lasers HCAM
K. Ueda
Public discourse, English, ILP Seminar, Invited, Institute of Laser Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, International conference
18 Sep. 2017 - Bio-photonics research works in SAKIGAKE program Japan
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, TPB 2017, Invited, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Volga river, St. Petersburg - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, International conference
29 Jul. 2017 - Thermal-lens-free heat capacitive active mirror
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, NWP 2017, Invited, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Volga river, Moscow- St. Ptersburg, Russia, International conference
24 Jul. 2017 - Thermal-lens-free heat capacitive active mirror lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, STAR-8, Invited, Univ. Tokyo and SIOM, Dunhuang Hotel, Dunhuang, China, International conference
28 May 2017 - What we need for the advanced solid state lasers tomorrow,
K. Ueda
Public discourse, English, Special Seminar,, Invited, Department of Material Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Technology,, Shanghai, China, May 25, 2017., International conference
25 May 2017 - Toward the thermal-lens-free active mirror lasers,
K. Ueda
Public discourse, English, SIOM Special Lecture, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, Jiading, China,, International conference
24 May 2017 - Toward the thermal-lens-free active mirror lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Pacific Rim Laser Damage symposium 2017, Invited, SPIE, Jiading, Shanghai, China,, International conference
23 May 2017 - 先端科学研究を開拓する高出力レーザー技術
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, コンポ研究会, Invited, コンポ研究会, 東京、青山、リビエラ青山, Domestic conference
09 May 2017 - セラミックレーザーの開発とその後
Public discourse, Japanese, IFEフォーラム, Invited, IFEフォーラム, メルパルク大阪, Domestic conference
28 Mar. 2017 - Capacitive Active Mirror (HCAM) - A New Concept of Thermal-Lens-Free Solid State Laser -,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, MIPT-UEC Joint Workshop, UEC at Chofu, Tokyo, Japan, Invited, MIPT & UEC\Tpkyo, Univ. Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan, International conference
27 Mar. 2017 - 熱レンズフリーアクティブミラー
Oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会講演会, 応用物理学会, パシフィコ横浜, Domestic conference
15 Mar. 2017 - 日本の光技術の本質とその発展に向けて
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 多元技術融合光プロセス研究会, Invited, 光産業技術振興協会, 産業技術総合研究所 臨海副都心センター別館 バイオ・IT 融合研6棟, Domestic conference
02 Mar. 2017 - 超高出力固体レーザーのための新概念 熱レンズフリーレーザー材料とHeat Capacitive Active Mirror
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 豊田理化学研究所 フェロー研究発表会, Invited, 豊田理化学研究所, 豊田理化学研究所 長久手古戦場, Domestic conference
24 Feb. 2017 - 超高出力固体レーザーへの途 -熱レンズフリー固体レーザーは可能か?-
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, システムナノ技術 (SNT) 研究会, Invited, 電子情報通信学会エレクトロニクスソサイエティ, 東京 産総研 臨海副都心センター別館11 階会議室, Domestic conference
09 Feb. 2017 - 電気自動車のあるべき姿 異なった視点の提供
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 平成28年度中部表面科学シンポジウム 「将来の自動車に向けた表面科学」, Invited, 日本表面科学会, 名古屋工業大学 2号館, Domestic conference
28 Jan. 2017 - New Approach for Thermal Lens Free Ceramic Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ASILS-9 2016, Invited, Vietnam Academy of Sciences, Ninh Binh City, Vietnam, International conference
08 Nov. 2016 - Develo- 2015pment of the laboratory of the diagnostics of novel optical materials for advanced lasers in 2013
E. Perevezentsev; O. Palashov; K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, The 2nd International Conference "Science of the Future", Invited, Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia, International conference
22 Sep. 2016 - New approach for thermal lens free ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ICUIL 2016, Montebelo, Canada, Invited, ICUIL, IUPAP, Montebelo, Canada, International conference
14 Sep. 2016 - Challenge for thermal lens free ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, MPLP 2016, Novosibirsk, Russia, Aug. 26, 2016., Invited, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Laser Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia, International conference
23 Aug. 2016 - New approach to thermal-lens-free solid state lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, FNP 2016,, Invited, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics, Boat "Nizhny Novgorod", Russia, International conference
22 Jul. 2016 - Towards the Thermal-Lens-Free Solid State Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Photonics North 2016, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 26, 2016., Invited, OSA, SPIE, Univ. Laval, Quebec City, Canada, International conference
26 May 2016 - New approach for thermal-lens-free ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, STAR7, Shonan Intl. Villege, Zushi, Kanagawa, Japan, May 20, 2016., Univ. Tokyo, SIOM, 湘南国際村センター, International conference
20 May 2016 - New Laser Ceramics Materials for Ultrashort and High Power Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, HPLSE 2016, Invited, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Laser Society of China, Suzhou, China., International conference
15 Mar. 2016 - Nonlinear gain, absorption and propagation: Mechanism for ultra-short pulse generation with high contrast
K. Ueda
Public discourse, English, School on Nonlinear Physics, Invited, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia., International conference
28 Feb. 2016 - さきがけ”光の極限制御・積極利用と新分野開拓”
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 第8回文部科学省「最先端の光の創成を目指したネットワーク研究拠点プログラム」シンポジウム、, Invited, 文部科学省 最先端の光を目指したネットワーク研究拠点プログラム, 大阪大学 銀杏会館, Domestic conference
28 Jan. 2016 - Scaling study on thermal lens of thin disk lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LCS 2015, Invited, International Symposium on Laser Ceramics, Xuzhou, Chine, International conference
03 Dec. 2015 - High power laser history, gas laser to solid state laser, and fiber laser, 2 hours Opening Lecture
Public discourse, English, ICUIL International School on Ultra Intense Lasers, Invited, ICUIL (International Committee on Ultra Intense Lasers), IUPAP, Moscow, Russia, Oct.5, 2015., International conference
05 Oct. 2015 - Ceramic lasers and paradigm shift of laser power scaling,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, PACRIM 11 (11th Ceramic Conference in Pacific Rim), Ceramic Society of Pacific Rim countries, US, Japan, Korea, China etc, Jeju island, Korea, International conference
02 Sep. 2015 - Lasers and bioscience in Japan,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, TPB2015, (International Symposium on Topical Problem on Biophotonics), Invited, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Boat on the Volga River, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, International conference
20 Jul. 2015 - High power fiber laser works history and future,
K. Ueda
Public discourse, English, IAP seminar, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, June 18, 2015., Invited, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, IAP, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, International conference
18 Jun. 2015 - Scalable beam combining for high power fiber/ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, STAR6,, Invited, Univ. of Tokyo and Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mecanics, Hanzhou, China, International conference
23 May 2015 - Scalable beam combining for high power fiber/ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, OIT 2015, Invited, SPIE, OIT China, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, International conference
18 May 2015 - Scalable beam combining for high power fiber/ceramic laser
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, OIT 2015, Invited, International conference
18 May 2015 - 物理学におけるオープンデータベース
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本学術会議フォーラム 科学を変えるデータジャーナル 新たなプラットフォームの構築に向けて, Invited, 日本学術会議 情報学委員会 国際サイエンスデータ分科会, 日本学術会議講堂 乃木坂 東京, 科学ジャーナルの新しい形としてデータジャーナルが創刊されようとしている。日本の学術界にとっての対応を決めるために、学術会議主催でフォーラムを開催し、欧米の学術雑誌団体やNatureなどを招待して討論する。植田はデータベースのオープン化が最も進んだ学術分野といて物理学分野を代表して現状を紹介するとともに、データベースオープン化の歴史的意味とその限界を示すように依頼され、講演した。, Domestic conference
04 Mar. 2015 - Paradigm Shifts in High Power Laser Technology,
K. Ueda
Nominated symposium, English, HiLASE collocuium, Prague, Czech Republic, Dec. 9, 2014., Invited, HiLASE, Czech Academy of Sciences, HiLASE Prague, International conference
03 Dec. 2014 - Development of the laboratory on teh diagnostics of novel optical materials for advanced lasers during the first half of mega-project period,
D. Zheleznov; K. Ueda; O. Palashov
Invited oral presentation, English, 1st International Scientific Conference "Science of the Future", St. Petersburg, Russia,, Invited, Russian Federation of Ministry of Education and Science, St. Petersburg, Russia, International conference
18 Sep. 2014 - 物理系学術誌に見るOpen Access/Public Access、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本臨床口腔病理学会 特別シンポジウム「オープン・アクセスジャーナル」, Invited, 日本臨床口腔病理学会, メディアシップ 日報ホール、2014年8月29日, Domestic conference
29 Aug. 2014 - Introduction to laser physics and engineering, Part 1 Light Amplification, Gain, Loss, Saturation and Efficiency,
K. Ueda
Public discourse, English, 4th Summer School on ICAN Laser and Particle Acceleration, S, Invited, hanghai Jiao Tong University,., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, International conference
01 Aug. 2014 - Introduction to laser physics and engineering, Part 2 High-Damage Threshold, Ultra-Low-Loss Optics and Measurement,
K. Ueda
Public discourse, English, 4th Summer School on ICAN Laser and Particle Acceleration,, Invited, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, International conference
01 Aug. 2014 - Progress of ceramic lasers and thermal-lens-free cooling
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Nonlinear Wave Physics (NWP) 2014, Invited, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Boat “Zhukov”, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, International conference
23 Jul. 2014 - Introduction to laser physics and engineering, Part 2 High-Damage Threshold, Ultra-Low-Loss Optics and Measurement,
K. Ueda
Public discourse, English, NWP Summer School 2014,, Invited, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Boat “Zhukov”, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 17-23, 2014., International conference
22 Jul. 2014 - K. Ueda, Introduction to laser physics and engineering, Part 1 Light Amplification, Gain, Loss, Saturation and Efficiency,
Public discourse, English, NWP Summer School for Young Scientists 2014,, Invited, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Boat “Zhukov”, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 17-23, 2014, International conference
21 Jul. 2014 - 世界の超高出力レーザー研究の現状とパラダイムシフト、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会 フォトンテクノロジー技術部会、, Invited, 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, 機械振興会館、東京, 欧州の高出力レーザー研究施設の現状とエクサワットを目指す研究プログラムを紹介し、同時に、米国リバモア研究所、中国の蘇州、武漢、綿陽、上海の研究所における超高出力レーザー開発と関連光学技術の方向について議論を展開した。高出力レーザー技術に訪れているパラダイムシフトとそれに対する対応を討議した。, Domestic conference
19 Jun. 2014 - Future of high power lasers,
K. Ueda
Nominated symposium, English, SCJ International Workshop on High Energy Density Science by Giant Lasers, June 3, 2014., Invited, 日本学術会議, 学士会館、東京, International conference
03 Jun. 2014 - Pure scientific research on gravitational wave detection created new laser technologies, high power fiber lasers and ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Public Lecture, Nizhny Novgorod Science Society, Nizhny Novgorod Science Society, Nizhny Novgorod Technical University Hall, May 29, 2014., 重力波天文学のような純粋科学研究から、画期的なレーザー技術である高出力ファイバーレーザーやセラミックレーザーが生み出された歴史を紹介し、科学と技術の関係をわかりやすく説明した。, International conference
29 May 2014 - Alternatives for post-fiber, high peak/high average power lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, STAR5, Miyazaki, Japan, Invited, Univ. Tokyo, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Miyazaki, Japan, 東京と上海で交互に開催する超高速光科学に関する学術交流, International conference
22 May 2014 - 物理系学術誌におけるオープンアクセス 歴史と現在、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本地球惑星科学連合講演会、ユニオンセッション「日{地球惑星科学連合ジャーナルPEPSと学術出版の将来」、横浜パシフィコ、2014年5月1日, Invited, 日本地球惑星科学連合, パシフィコ横浜 国際会議場 メインホール, Domestic conference
01 May 2014 - Thermal-lens-free cooling concept Alternatives for high peak/high average power solid state lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, ALPS 2014, ALPS Steering Committee (Japan, China, Korea, ASEAN countries), Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, International conference
24 Apr. 2014 - Paradigm Shifts in High Power Laser Technology, Open Lecture at Research Center for Laser Fusion,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, CAEP Special Lecture, Invited, CAEP, CAEP (Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, China,, International conference
24 Mar. 2014 - Alternatives for high peak power/high average power lasers
Ken-ichi Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, HPLSE 2014 (High Power Laser Science and Engineering), Invited, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Press, Suzhou, China, Alternative candidates for ultra-high peak and average power lasers were discussed theoretically. Cooling scaling law was proposed., International conference
17 Mar. 2014 - Open Access活動、物理系の場合、
Nominated symposium, Japanese, 世界のオープンアクセスと日本、パネル討論会、2014年3月13日、学術会議講堂、東京, 日本学術会議, Domestic conference
13 Mar. 2014 - Alternatives for High Peak/High Average Power Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, One Day Workshop on "What we can contribute for ICAN?", , Dec. 16, 2013., Invited, IZEST & Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, International conference
16 Dec. 2013 - New Concept on Thermal-Lens-Free Solid State Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LCS 2013, , Dec. 3, 2013., Invited, Laser Ceramics Symposium Organizing Committee, Daejeong, Korea, International conference
03 Dec. 2013 - Paradigm Shift of High Power Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, The 30th Taiwan-Japan Technological Symposium, 台湾工程技術協会、台湾政府, Taipei, Taiwan,, International conference
28 Nov. 2013 - High Power Fiber Laser, History and Future,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, The 30th Taiwan-Japan Technological Symposium,, Invited, 台湾工程技術協会、台湾政府, Taipei, Taiwan, International conference
28 Nov. 2013 - High Power Lasers for Today and Tomorrow,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, The 30th Taiwan-Japan Technological Symposium,, 台湾工程技術協会、台湾政府, Taipei, Taiwan, International conference
27 Nov. 2013 - Thermal-Lens-Free Cooling of Solid State Lasers for Coherent Beam Combining,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, IZEST-Tokyo, French Embassy, Tokyo, Japan,, Invited, IZEST, French Embassy, Tokyo, International conference
19 Nov. 2013 - ファイバーレーザーの課題と未来、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, ファイバーレーザー技術応用研究会、公開シンポジウム特別講演、, レーザー学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2013 - Ceramic Lasers, Characteristics and Potential,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Japan-US WS beyond LIFE lasers, NIF, LLNL,, Invited, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, US, International conference
04 Oct. 2013 - High Power Laser Technology for Inertial Confinement Fusion,
Nominated symposium, English, Japan-US Round Table Meeting, Nara, Sep. 8, 2013., Invited, Baker Forum US & IFE Forum Japan, Nara, Japan, International conference
08 Sep. 2013 - Ceramic lasers and thermal-lens-free concept for coherent beam combining,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, MPLP 2013,, Invited, Institute of Laser Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, Russia, International conference
24 Aug. 2013 - Ceramic Lasers and New Scheme of Scaling Law of High Power Lasers,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, FNP (Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics) 2013,, Invited, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, River Volga, Nizhny Novgorod, International conference
02 Aug. 2013 - On the international year of light
Invited oral presentation, English, ASEPS (Asia-Europe Physics Summit) 2013, AAPPS, EPS, JPS, JSAP, Chiba, Japan, International conference
Jul. 2013 - Paradigm Shift in High Power Laser Technology,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Workshop on Advanced Laser Material and Techonology, Invited, Jiangsu Normal University, China, Dragon Lake Club, Xuzhou, China, May 7, 2013., International conference
07 May 2013 - 楽しい研究生活:雇われてこそ能力を発見できる、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 第1回サイエンスカフェ、日本女子大学、新泉山会館、2013年5月24日, 日本光学会コンテンポラリーオプティックス研究会、, Domestic conference
May 2013 - Thermal-lens-free Solid State Laser Concept for Photonic Century,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, STAR-4 conference,, Univ. Tokyo and SIOM, SIOM, Jiading, Shanghai, China, May 9, 2013., International conference
May 2013 - 世界における大型レーザー装置の動向、新しい拡大則の時代 固体レーザーは生き残れるか、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本学術会議「学術大型研究計画」の提案に向けて 将来展望シンポジウム、阪大レーザー研 大ホール、, 大阪大学レーザーエネルギー学研究センター 運営委員会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2013 - 最近の光学薄膜技術に関する新しい動向、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, フォトンテクノロジー技術部会研究会、機械振興会館別館、東京、2013年3月5日, JEOM 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2013 - 重力波天文学用量子限界超高性能光学薄膜の開発、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 光学薄膜研究会シンポジウム、機械振興会館、機械振興会館、東京、2013年2月4日, 光学薄膜研究会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2013 - Ceramic Laser Technology and Thermal Management,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, DOE WS on Laser Technology for Accelerators, DOE, US govenment, Napa, CA, US, International conference
24 Jan. 2013 - Panel 6 Fiber Lasers and Beam Combining
R. Byer; J. Dawson; M. Kanskar; M. Muendel; J. Price; K. Ueda; R. Wilcox
Nominated symposium, English, DOE Workshop on Laser Technology for Accelerators, Invited, DOE, US government, Napa Valley, International conference
24 Jan. 2013 - Panel 7 Optical Materials, Coatings, LDs
J. Ballato; J. Britten; J. Bude; R. Byer; M. Kanskar; S. Patterson; P. Thiagaranjan; K. Ueda; J. Zuegel
Nominated symposium, English, DOE Workshop on Laser Technology for Accelerators, DOE, US government, Napa Valley, International conference
24 Jan. 2013 - Panel 9 Synergy between Industry, Government on developing new Laser Technologies
A. Ashmead; T. Baey; R. Byer; J. Kafka; R. O'Rourke; W. Sandner; K. Ueda
Nominated symposium, English, DOE Workshop on Laser Technology for Accelerators, Invited, DOE, US government, Napa Valley, International conference
24 Jan. 2013 - New developments of optical materials R&D
K. Ueda
Nominated symposium, English, DOE Workshop on Laser Technology for Accelerators, DOE, US, Napa Valley, CA, US, International conference
24 Jan. 2013 - Thermal lens free ceramic laser,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 8th LCS conference, LCS Organizing committee, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, International conference
Dec. 2012 - Ultrafast Ceramic Lasers,
A. Shirakawa; M. Tokurakawa; H. Nakao; K. Ueda; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, English, 8th LCS conference, LCS organizing committee, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, Dec. 7, 2012., International conference
Dec. 2012 - Scalable Ceramic Lasers and Thermal-Lens-Free Concept
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, IZEST Annual Meeting 2012, IZEST, Glasgow, Scotland, International conference
Nov. 2012 - High Power Lasers: Past and Future
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, ASILS-7, ASILS Organizing Committee, Tokyo, International conference
Nov. 2012 - 研究者から見たジャーナルOA化について 植田憲一の場合、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, SPARC Japanセミナー, 国立情報学研究所、SPARC Japan
Oct. 2012 - ファイバーレーザーの原理と発展の歴史、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, ファイバーレーザー合宿セミナー、幕張セミナーハウス、2012年10月27日, 光饗、大阪大学レーザーエネルギー学研究センター, Domestic conference
Oct. 2012 - Laser Past, Present and Future
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Laser Sciences, ILS/UEC, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan, International conference
Oct. 2012 - イントロダクトリー 最新のレーザー技術の進展 「セラミックレーザー」「ファイバーレーザー」「太陽光励起レーザー」研究の経緯、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 太陽光励起レーザー研究懇話会、, 豊田中央研究所, Domestic conference
Aug. 2012 - 植田憲一、太陽光励起レーザーとその意義、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 太陽光励起レーザー研究懇話会、, 豊田中央研究所、2012年8月31日
Aug. 2012 - Coherent beam combinig for super high power laserfs,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, STAR3, Odawara, Japan, May 17, 2012., Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Tokyo, Odawara, Japan, International conference
May 2012 - My 44 years challenge to high power lasers, Past, Today, and Tomorrow,
K. Ueda
Others, English, SIOM Public Lecture,, SIOM CAS
Mar. 2012 - Advances on Ceramic Lasers,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Photoluminescence of Rare Earth 2012, Kyoto Univ. PRE organizing committee, Kyoto, International conference
Mar. 2012 - 楽しい研究生活:雇われてこそ能力を発見できる、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 新産業創成フォーラム 慶應三田北館ホール, 日本光学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2012 - Bulk laser coherent beam combining and high damage threshold optical coating,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ICAN Kickoff Conference, CERN, Geneva, International conference
Feb. 2012 - 高出力ファイバーレーザー その歴史と潜在能力、将来の方向、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会年次大会、TKP仙台カンファレンスセンター, レーザー学会
Jan. 2012 - 会議報告 IUPAP Working Group on Communication in Physics、
Others, Japanese, 日本物理学会誌
2012 - Coherent Beam Combining,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LEI 2011 (Light at Extreme Intensity, JAEA Advanced Photon Research Center, Szeged, Hungary, International conference
Nov. 2011 - High Power Ceramic Lasers for Laser Plasma Accelerators: Report of 2nd ICFA/ICUIL Joint Workshop at LBNL,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 7th LCS 2011, LCS-STC, Singapore, International conference
Nov. 2011 - Coherent Beam Combining
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Extreme Light Infrastructure, Szeged, Hungary, International conference
Nov. 2011 - High Power Ceramic Lasers: Scalable Crystalline Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 29th Sino-Japanese Modern Engineering and Technology Symposium,, Chinese Institute of Engineers, Longtan, Taiwan, International conference
Nov. 2011 - Photo-darkening in Photonic Cristal Fiber,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 29th Sino-Japanese Modern Engineering and Technology Symposium, Chinese Institute of Engineers, Longtan, Taiwan, International conference
Nov. 2011 - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの歴史と将来展望、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 第13回先進レーザー技術応用セミナー、慶応, レーザー学会東京支部, Domestic conference
Oct. 2011 - 夢の光 限りないレーザーの世界を追求して、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 植田憲一教授紫綬褒章受章記念講演会、電通大講堂、2011年10月5日, 電気通信大学, Domestic conference
Oct. 2011 - Advanced Laser Materials,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, ICFA/ICUIL Joint Workshop, IUPAP, LBNL, San Francisco, US, International conference
Sep. 2011 - High-order mode selection in Yb:YAG ceramic laser,
Manasadevi P Thirugnanasambandam; Yu. Senatsky; K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, IQEC 2011, OSA, APS, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, International conference
Aug. 2011 - “High Power Photonic Bandgap Fiber Lasers,”
A. Shirakawa; M. Chen; X. Fan; K. Ueda; C. B. Olausson; J. K. Lyngs〓; J. Broeng
Invited oral presentation, English, 16th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2011, paper 5C4_3,, IEICE, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, International conference
Jul. 2011 - 学会運営におけるビジネスモデル(の必要性)、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 人工知能学会25周年企画パネル 「消えゆく学会 ~問い直される学会の役割と社会との関係性~」、東京大学工学部2号館209教室, 人工知能学会
Jul. 2011 - “All-solid Photonic Bandgap Fiber Lasers,”
C. B. Olausson; A. Shirakawa; J. K. Lyngs〓; K. P. Hansen; J. Broeng; K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Specialty Optical Fibers (SOF) 2011, paper SOWA3,, OSA, Toronto, Canada, International conference
Jun. 2011 - ファイバーレーザーの進展と発展、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 学術振興会第130委員会50周年記念シンポジウム、東京理科大学森戸記念館、pp.15-33, 2011年5月13日, 日本学術振興会, Domestic conference
May 2011 - High Power Driver: Route toward Reality ~Alternative Route: Ceramic Laser, Beam Combining, Coating Damage~
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, the 12th Symposium on Advanced Photon Research and 3rd Symposium on Laser-Driven Relativistic Plasmas Applied to Science, Energy, Industry, and Medicine and ISTC Joint Workshop, JAEA, ISTC, Kizu, Kyoto, International conference
May 2011 - レーザーの将来像、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーエクスポ2011特別シンポジウム、横浜パシフィコ、2011年4月22日, レーザーエクスポ実行委員会, Domestic conference
Apr. 2011 - High Power Driver: Route toward Reality,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Bridgelab Meeting, ELI project, CAE, France, Jan. 14, 2011., Extreme Light Infrastructure, Palaiseau, Cedex, France, International conference
Jan. 2011 - 宅間先生を偲んで、業績のご紹介、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光科学合同シンポジウム、レーザー学会講演会、2011年1月10日, レーザー学会
Jan. 2011 - Where did the fifty-years search for laser crystals and ceramics take us?,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, LCS-6, Factory Hotel,, LCS organizing committee, Munster, Germany, International conference
Dec. 2010 - Toward ultra intensity lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LCS-6, Factory Hotel,, LCS organizing commitee, Munster University, Muenster, Germany, International conference
Dec. 2010 - High power ceramic lasers, last 10 years, .
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, APPC11, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, Nov. 16, 2010, AAPPS, Association of Asia and Pacific Physics Societies
Nov. 2010 - New proposal on Bessel-like beam generation,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, ASILS-6, Peking University, ASILS Steering Committee, International conference
Oct. 2010 - 物理学ジャーナル出版における試行錯誤、そして将来
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本動物学会第81回大会、シンポジウム「日本の学術情報流通-10年後を見据えて, 日本動物学会、SPARC Japan, Domestic conference
Sep. 2010 - New solid state lasers: scalable ceramic lasers
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Chinese Academy of Science Meeting on 80 years anniversary of Academician Liu Song Hua,, South China Normal University, Guanzhou, China, Sep. 7, 2010., International conference
Sep. 2010 - 167 W ASE-Free and Power Scalable Yb-doped Photonic Bandgap Fiber Amplifier at 1178 nm
A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; C.B. Olausson
Invited oral presentation, English, APLS 2010, Laser Society of Japan, Korean Optical Society, Optical Society of China, Jeju Island, Korea, International conference
May 2010 - ファイバーレーザーとセラミックレーザーの現状と展望
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 公開講演会, 強光子場科学研究懇談会, Domestic conference
Apr. 2010 - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの開発とレーザー物理
植田憲一; 白川 晃
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 「特殊光ファイバの非通信分野への応用」シンポジウム、2010年3月16日, 電子情報通信学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2010 - 国内学術誌にもっと注目しよう!
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, JJAPフレンドシップミーティング、応用物理学会講演会、東海大学、藤沢、2010年3月18日, 応用物理学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2010 - オープンアクセスの将来、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 物理学英文誌刊行の新体制シシンポジウム、日本物理学会年会、岡山大学、岡山、2010年3月19日, 日本物理学会
Mar. 2010 - New solid state laser: scalable ceramic laser
K. Ueda
Others, English, After Dinner Lecture in Xiamen Univ. & Asian CORE seminar, Xiamen Univ., JSPS Asian CORE program
Mar. 2010 - レーザー技術の基礎 -チュートリアル-
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, KEK技術部会シンポジウム レーザー技術と応用 レーザー技術チュートリアル、KEK会議室、2010年2月10日, 高エネルギー加速器機構, Domestic conference
Feb. 2010 - High Power Solid State Lasers and Laser Channeling in Water
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, ICSL 2010, JAEA, Fukui Univ., WERC, JSPS Asian CORE program, Tsuruga, Japan, International conference
Feb. 2010 - LD power feeding to electric vihcles,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LASE 2009, SPIE Photonics West Moscone Center, SPIE, San Francisco, US, International conference
Jan. 2010 - Power-scalable long-wavelength Yb-doped photonc bandgap fiber sources, LASE 2010,
A. Shirakawa; H. Maruyama; K. Ueda
Others, English, Photonic West, 7580-38, Moscone Center, SF, CA, Jan. 27, 2010., SPIE
Jan. 2010 - Broadband-gain Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O3 ceramic lasers,
A. Shirakawa; H. Kurokawa; M. Tokurakawa; K. Ueda; N. Tanaka; Y. Kintaka; S. Kuretake; K. Kageyama; Y. Takagi; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, English, LCS 2009, LCS organizing committee, Bilbao, Spain, International conference
Dec. 2009 - Ultrashort Pulses from Diode-Pumped Yb3+-Doped Ceramic Lasers,
M. Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Keynote oral presentation, English, LCS 2009, University of Pais Vasco, JSPS, Bilbao, Spain, International conference
Dec. 2009 - 電子ジャーナルの将来像 学会出版からの見方、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 国立大学図書館協会シンポジウム, 国立大学図書館協会, Domestic conference
Dec. 2009 - レーザ発振50年の歩みとブレークスルー、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 生産技術本部 先端技術講演会, 日産自動車, Domestic conference
Dec. 2009 - 電力給電形電気自動車とグリーンエネルギー
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 生産技術本部特別ワークショップ, 日産自動車, Domestic conference
Dec. 2009 - Generation of beams with near-diffraction-free propagation characteristics in Yb:YAG laser using an intra-cavity lens with spherical aberration,
Manasadevi P Thirugnanasambandam; Yuri Senatsky; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ASILS5, ASILS committee, Hanoi, Vietnam, International conference
Dec. 2009 - Broadband-gain Nd3+-doped Ba(Zr,Mg,Ta)O3 ceramic lasers,
A. Shirakawa; H. Kurokawa; M. Tokurakawa; K. Ueda; N. Tanaka; Y. Kintaka; S. Kuretake; K. Kageyama; Y. Takagi; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, English, 5th LCS 2009, University of Pais Vasco, JSPS, Bilbao, Spain, International conference
Dec. 2009 - Spectroscopic analysis of Eu doped CaF2 ceramics at different concentration,
P. Samuel; H. Ishizawa; Y. Ezura; K. Ueda; S. M. Babu
Invited oral presentation, English, LCS 2009, LCS organizing committee, Bilbao, Spain,, International conference
Dec. 2009 - Multi-ring modes generation in Yb-YAG ceramic laser,
M. Thirugnanasambandam; Y. Senatsky; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Others, English, 5th LCS 2009, Bilbao, Spain, Dec. 10, 2009., University of Pais Vasco, JSPS
Dec. 2009 - 高出力レーザー特論
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー安全スクール, 光産業技術振興協会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2009 - 学術誌出版の将来展望 -Optical Reviewに関係して-
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, OPJ 2009 in Niigata, 日本光学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2009 - Coherent summation & beam combining,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Asian CORE seminar in IOP,, JSPS, Beijin, China,, International conference
Nov. 2009 - Ceramic Laser, Fiber Laser and Fiber Link of Frequency Standard in ILS/UEC,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Asian CORE seminar in IOP,, JSPS, Beijin, China, International conference
Nov. 2009 - グリーンエネルギーとエコロジー 電気給電型電気自動車と太陽光発電所、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 電気動力技術部会, 自動車技術会、, Domestic conference
Nov. 2009 - Coherent summation & beam combining,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Asian CORE seminar in IOP, JSPS, Beijing, China, International conference
Nov. 2009 - Cryogenic Advanced Gravitational Wave Detector (LCGT),
K. Kuroda; LCGT Collaboration
Others, English, Proc. of Galilei-Shanghai conference, Oct. 2009., Galilei committee
Oct. 2009 - オンライン出版とパーソナルライブラリー 研究者の本音はどこにあるのか、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, DRFワークショップ、京都大学図書館ホール、京都, SPARC Japan, 物質材料研究機構, Domestic conference
Sep. 2009 - Physics on High Intensity Lasers,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Asian Summer School on Laser Plasma Acceleration and Application,, National Synchrotroc Center, Tsinghua University, JSPS, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Aug. 17, 2009., International conference
Aug. 2009 - Femtosecond Diode-Pumped Yb-Doped Crystal and Ceramic Lasers with High Average Powers
Masaki Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. A. Kaminskii; R. Peters; S. T. Fredrich-Thornton; K. Petermann; G. Huber
Invited oral presentation, English, International Laser Physics Workshop, LPL/Wiley, Barcelona, Spain, International conference
Jul. 2009 - Frequency Measurement of a Sr Optical Lattice Clock Using a Coherent Optical Link over a 120-km Fiber,
F.-L. Hong; M. Musha; M. Takamoto; H. Inaba; S. Yanagimachi; A. Takamizawa; K. Watabe; T. Ikegami; M. Imae; Y. Fujii; M. Amemiya; K. Nakagawa; K. Ueda; H. Katori
Others, English, CLEO 2009, CMB2, Baltimore, US, June 1, 2009., OSA
Jun. 2009 - Continuous-wave and mode-locked laser operations based on Yb3+:(YGd2)Sc2(GaAl2)O12 disordered ceramic,
M. Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. A. Kaminskii
Others, English, CLEO 2009, CFO3, Baltimore, US, June 5, 2009., OSA
Jun. 2009 - Generation of near diffraction free beams in Yb:YAG laser using an intracavity lens with spherical aberration,
Yu. Senatsky; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Others, English, CLEO EU 2009, CA1.5, Mon. 12:00, 2009, Munich, Germany., EPS, OSA, IEEE
Jun. 2009 - Passively Q-switched Nd:YAG microchip laser emits radially and azimuthally polarized light,
Jian-lang Li; Ken-ichi Ueda; Akira Shirakawa; Lan-xiang Zhong
Others, English, CLEO EU 2009, CA5.6, Munich, Germany, June 16, 2009., EPS
Jun. 2009 - 1178 nm All Yb-fiber Laser Source Power-scaled by Solid-core Photonic Bandgap Fiber for 589nm Generation,
Hiroki Maruyama; Akira Shirakawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Christina B. Olausson; Jens K. Lyngso; Jes Broeng
Others, English, CLEO EU 2009, CJ4.2, Munich, Germany, June 18, 2009., EPS
Jun. 2009 - Crystalline-orientation Selected Linearly Polarized Yb:YAG Microchip Laser,
J. Dong; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Others, English, CLEO EU 2009, C12.6, Munich, Germany, June 18, 2009., EPS
Jun. 2009 - 30W, 1178nm Yb-doped Photonic Bandgap Fiber Amplifier,
Akira Shirakawa; Hiroki Maruyama; Ken-ichi Ueda; Christina B. Olausson; Jens K. Lyngso; Jes Broeng
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO 2009, OSA, Baltimore, US., International conference
Jun. 2009 - Yb添加ファイバーレーザーの可能性、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第3回光材料・応用技術研究会、機械振興会館、2009年3月6日, 光産業振興協会、
Mar. 2009 - Yb添加ファイバーレーザーの可能性、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第3回光材料・応用技術研究会、機械振興会館、2009年3月6日, 光産業振興協会、, Domestic conference
Mar. 2009 - Ultra‐Short Pulses from Diode‐Pumped Yb3+‐Doped Crystal and Ceramic Lasers with High Average Power,
Masaki Tokurakawa; Akira Shirakawa; Ken‐ichi Ueda; Rigo Peters; Susanne Fredrich‐Thornton; Klaus Petermann; Gunter Huber; Hideki Yagi; Takagimi Yanagitani; Alexsander A. Kaminskii
Others, English, ASSP 2009, MC3, Denver, US, Feb. 2, 2009., OSA
Feb. 2009 - 加速器・産業応用のための高平均出力高効率レーザー開発の進展、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 高エネルギー物理加速器機構, KEKレーザー科学推進室報告会、
Feb. 2009 - 加速器・産業応用のための高平均出力高効率レーザー開発の進展、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 高エネルギー物理加速器機構, KEKレーザー科学推進室報告会、, Domestic conference
Feb. 2009 - 太陽光発電所、ビーム給電電気自動車、IT技術を利用した無衝突技術などConverging Technology 電通大プロジェクトの提案、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 学長主催全学講演会、電通大マルチメディアホール、, 電気通信大学, Domestic conference
Jan. 2009 - 高出力ファイバーレーザー、セラミックレーザーの研究、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光科学拠点東西合同シンポジウム、東大小柴ホール、2009年1月23日, 文部科学省
Jan. 2009 - レーザービーム給電による移動体への電力供給と新しい電気自動車の時代、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 本当の電気自動車ワークショップ, 豊田中央研究所、, Domestic conference
Jan. 2009 - 電通大レーザー研の最先端新世代レーザー研究、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 豊田中研特別シンポジウム, 豊田中央研究所、, Domestic conference
Jan. 2009 - 電通大レーザー研における新世代レーザー研究 セラミックレーザー、ファイバーレーザー、そして、周波数・時間規準のファイバーリンク、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本学術振興会第179委員会、電通大マルチメディアホール、, 日本学術振興会第179委員会、, Domestic conference
Dec. 2008 - Ceramic laser development in ILS/UEC,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ASILS 2008,, Asian Intense Laser Network & Asian Core Program on Next generation ultrashort pulse lasers, Gwangju, Korea, International conference
Nov. 2008 - Ceramic Laser, Fiber Laser and Fiber Link of Frequency Standard in ILS/UEC,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, SIOM Special Symposium, SIOM, Jiangdin, Shanghai, China., Jiangdin, Shanghai, China, International conference
Nov. 2008 - Background of Ceramic Laser Research Works for Industrial and Scientific Applications, (1 hour lecture)
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, 4th LCS 2008,, LCS & Asian Core program, Shanghai, China, Nov.11, 2008., International conference
Nov. 2008 - ビーム給電による電気自動車の社会、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 箱根合宿ナイトセッション、箱根小涌園, 産業用次世代レーザー調査委員会、, Domestic conference
Nov. 2008 - ビーム給電による電気自動車の社会、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 箱根合宿ナイトセッション, 産業用次世代レーザー調査委員会、, Domestic conference
Nov. 2008 - Recent progress of ceramic lasers for ultrashort pulse generation,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ICUIL 2008,, IUPAP WG ICUIL, Tongli, China., International conference
Oct. 2008 - High-power Yb-doped solid-core photonic bandgap fiber amplifier,
H. Maruyama; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; Ch. Olausson; J. Lyngso; B. Mangan; J. Broeng
Others, English, OSA FiO 2008, Rochester, US, Oct.21, 2008., OSA
Oct. 2008 - Ceramic Lasers toward Ultra-High Power Lasers
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, MPLP 2008, Russian Academy Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, Russia, International conference
Aug. 2008 - Gravitational Wave Detection, ALMA Project, Delivering of Frequency Standards Through Optical Fiber Network
K. Ueda; M. Musha; K. Nakagawa
Invited oral presentation, English, (International Laser, Light-Wave and Microwave Conference 2008, ILLMC, Yokohama, International conference
Apr. 2008 - ファイバーレーザーの基礎と最新動向、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 電子ジャーナル技術セミナー基調講演、総評会館、2008年4月15日, 電子ジャーナル, Domestic conference
Apr. 2008 - Gravitational Wave Detection, ALMA Project and Delivering of Frequency Standard through Fiber Network
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, ILLMC 2008, ILLMC 2008 organization committee, Yokohama, International conference
Apr. 2008 - 物理系ピア・レビュー・ジャーナルとオープンアクセス
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, SPARCセミナー, SPARC日本
Apr. 2008 - 物理系ピア・レビュー・ジャーナルとオープンアクセス
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, SPARCセミナー, SPARC日本, Domestic conference
Apr. 2008 - Ceramic Lasers, Symposium on “Materials and Devices for Laser Remote Sensing and Optical Communication in
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, MRS 2008, , March 24-27, 2008., American Material Science Society, San Francisco, US, International conference
Mar. 2008 - 低温冷却レーザーがもたらす技術革新、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会講演会、名古屋国際会議場、2008年2月1日, レーザー学会
Feb. 2008 - Ceramic Lasers for High Power and Ultrashort Pulse Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, APLS 2008, Sumposium on High Field Science, pp. 16, , Jan. 31, 2008., Laser Society of Japan, Asian CORE program, Nagoya, Japan, International conference
Jan. 2008 - High efficiency ultrafast Yb-doped ceramic lasers,
M. Tokurakawa; A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, English, International Symposium of 21st Century Program, B201, UEC, Tokyo, Dec. 15, 2007., 21 Century COE program, Tokyo, Japan, International conference
Dec. 2007 - 新しい時代のレーザー技術を展望する、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーの最新技術動向-ますます拡がる市場と応用-、pp.1-5, 機械振興会館別館4F会議室、2007年12月12日, JOEM公開セミナー、, Domestic conference
Dec. 2007 - 小型・高出力ファイバーディスクレーザーの開発経過と将来、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーの最新技術動向-ますます拡がる市場と応用-、pp.1-11, 機械振興会館別館4F会議室、2007年12月12日, JOEM公開セミナー、
Dec. 2007 - 小型・高出力ファイバーレーザーの開発経過と将来、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーの最新技術動向-ますます拡がる市場と応用-、pp.1-11, 機械振興会館別館4F会議室、2007年12月12日, JOEM公開セミナー
Dec. 2007 - 単結晶を超えたセラミックレーザーとその将来、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーアライアンス・シンポジウム、東大工学部5号館51教室、2007年12月14日, 東京大学
Dec. 2007 - Advanced Laser Development Ceramic Lasers
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ACP WS in Shanghai, Asian Core Program, JSPS, Shanghai, China, International conference
Nov. 2007 - Advanced Laser Development Ceramic Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Japan-China Workshop in Shanghai, Shanghai Academy of Sciences, Nov. 23, 2007., Asian CORE Program/JSPS, Shanghai, China, International conference
Nov. 2007 - 高エネルギープラズマフォトニクスの展開 光科学からプラズマへの期待
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, プラズマフォトニクス・シンポジウム、筑波大学、2007年3月28日, プラズマ物理学会
Nov. 2007 - 高出力レーザー特論、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー安全スクール、pp.1-pp.70, 2007年11月16日, 光産業振興協会、, Domestic conference
Nov. 2007 - Ceramic laser for ultra-high power lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 3rd LCS 2007, Paris, France, International conference
Oct. 2007 - Ceramic laser for ultra-high power lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 3rd LCS 2007, LCS/CNRS, Paris, France, International conference
Oct. 2007 - Stimulated Raman scattering of disordered cubic ceramics,
K. Takaichi; A. Kaminskii; K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 3rd LCS 2007, France, Paris, International conference
Oct. 2007 - Photon Science and Technology,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, IFSA 2007, International Convention Center, iFE Forum, Panel Discussion in IFE symposium on“Academics-Industries Cooperation for application of high-power lasers, Kobe, Japan, International conference
Sep. 2007 - Advances of Ceramic Laser Media,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, OSA FiO 2007, , Sep. 20, 2007., OSA, San Jose, US, International conference
Sep. 2007 - Ceramic Lasers: Simple solution for IFE driver, Plenary talk,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, IFSA 2007, International Convention Center, Kobe, Sep. 11, 2007., IFSA, Kobe, Tokyo, International conference
Sep. 2007 - Photon Science and Technology, Panel Discussion in IFE symposium on“Academics-Industries Cooperation for application of high-power lasers”,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, IFSA 2007, International Convention Center, Kobe, Sep. 12, 2007., IFE Forum, Kobe, Japan, International conference
Sep. 2007 - 高出力レーザーの新展開 重力波天文学から生まれた新世代セラミックレーザーと超高出力レーザーへの途
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レビューセッション、札幌コンベンションセンター、2007年9月, 日本物理学会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2007 - 純粋科学研究から生まれる新しいレーザー、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 科学セミナー、電通大B101教室、2007年8月25日, 日本物理学会
Aug. 2007 - Ceramic Laser Material
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ECerS 2007, European Ceramic Society, Berlin, Germany, International conference
Jun. 2007 - Ceramic Laser Media,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ECerS 2007, Berlin, Germany, June 17, 2007., European Ceramics Society, Berlin, Germany, International conference
Jun. 2007 - 理学と工学をつなぐ先端レーザー科学の研究と教育、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 発足記念シンポジウム、東大小柴ホール、2007年4月24日, 先端レーザー科学教育研究コンソーシアム
Apr. 2007 - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの基礎と新しい可能性、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, ファイバーレーザーセミナー、パシフィコ横浜、2007年4月27日, レーザーエクスポ、, Domestic conference
Apr. 2007 - セラミックレーザーの開発 -新しい固体レーザーの世界-、
池末明生; 柳谷高公; 植田憲一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光・量子エレクトロニクス業績賞受賞記念講演、応用物理学会講演会、青山学院大学、2007年3月27日, 応用物理学会
Mar. 2007 - 高出力セラミックレーザーの発展、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会講演会 プラズマフォトニクスシンポジウム、D407、青山学院大学、2007年3月28日, 応用物理学会
Mar. 2007 - Ceramic laser for IFE driver,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Laser Development Workshop in Canada, Vancouver, Canada, Feb. 1, 2007., Univ. Alberta, Vancouver, Canada, International conference
Feb. 2007 - 植田憲一、最近の高出力固体レーザー&ファイバーレーザーの進歩、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 精密工学会第319回講習会、ここまで来たレーザー加工技術の最前線 ~最新の技術動向と新たな産業応用技術の可能性~、工学院大学新宿キャンパス、2007年2月14日, 精密工学会
Feb. 2007 - Ceramic Laser,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ASSP 2007, Vancouver, Canada. Jan. 28-31, 2007., OSA, Vancouver, Canada, International conference
Jan. 2007 - Ceramic Laser,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ASSP 2007, OSA, Vancouver, Canada, International conference
Jan. 2007 - Ceramic Laser Materials: state of the art,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Photonics 2006, SPIE, Hyderabad, India, International conference
Dec. 2006 - Welcome and Opening Remarks, Recent Progress of Ceramic Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LCS 2006, 10aAS1, Hitotsubashi Hall, Nov. 10, 2006., LCS, Tokyo, Japan, International conference
Nov. 2006 - Ceramic lasers for IFE reactor drivers,
J. Kawanaka; S. Tokita; H. Nishioka; N. Miyanaka; K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LCS 2006, 10aAS3, Hitotsubashi Hall, Nov. 10, 2006., LCS, Tokyo, Japan, International conference
Nov. 2006 - Ceramic lasers: Temperature-tuned ceramic lasers for IFE driver, .
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, OSA Annual 2006 OSA Frontiers in Optics Conference, OSA, Rochester, US, International conference
Oct. 2006 - Ceramic lasers: Temperature-tuned ceramic lasers for IFE driver,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, OSA Annual 2006 OSA Frontiers in Optics Conference, FMK1, Rochester, US, Oct. 9, 2006., OSA, Rochester, US, International conference
Oct. 2006 - Ceramic laser materials: state of the art,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ICUIL 2006, Cassis, France, Sep. 28, 2006., IUPAP WG ICUIL, Cassis, France, International conference
Sep. 2006 - Ceramic Lasers, New Trend of Solid State Lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Laser Optics 2006, July 1, 2006., RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia, International conference
Jul. 2006 - レーザーの世界を変えつつある高出力ファイバーレーザー、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, IFEフォーラム大出力固体レーザー委員会、2006年7月28日, IFEフォーラム
Jul. 2006 - Recent progress of high power lasers in Japan,
A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 3rd International Symposium on High Power Fiber Lasers, RAS, SPIE, St. Petersburg, Russia, International conference
Jun. 2006 - Ceramic Lasers, New Trend of Solid State Lasers
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Laser Optics 2006, RAS, SPIE, St. Petersburg, Russia, International conference
Jun. 2006 - Fiber Laser vs Solid State Laser, Which is Better?,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, High Power Fiber Laser Workshop in OAA 2006,, OSA Topical Meeting, Whistler, BC, Canada, June 25 - 30,, International conference
Jun. 2006 - Recent progress of high power lasers in Japan, .
A. Shirakawa; K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 3rd International Symposium on High Power Fiber Lasers,, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-28, 2006, International conference
Jun. 2006 - 超高出力固体レーザーが拓く新世界、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第100回微小光学研究会 東大弥生講堂、Micro-Optics News , vol.24, No.2, pp.37-44, 2006年5月16日, 応用物理学会 微小光学研究会
May 2006 - 実用化に入ったファイバーレーザーの基礎と可能性、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーEXPO特別セミナー 話題のレーザー、横浜パシフィコ、2006年4月19日, レーザーEXPO, Domestic conference
Apr. 2006 - 高出力固体レーザーの展望
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, J. Hall先生ノーベル賞受賞記念特別講演会, 電通大21世紀COEプログラム
Apr. 2006 - 高出力固体レーザーの展望、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, J. Hall先生ノーベル賞受賞記念講演、特別講演会、電通大21世紀COEプログラム、電通大講堂、2006年4月5日, 電気通信大学
Apr. 2006 - 高出力固体レーザーの展望、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 設立45周年記念シンポジウム「光による新しい科学技術、産業の創成」、pp.1-8, 神楽坂森戸記念会館、2006年3月16日, 日本学術振興会第130委員会
Mar. 2006 - 光について考える。分光器を作ろう ~光は七色?LDEで白色を作ろう~、
小舘香椎子; 植田憲一; 中村 淳
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会 親子で楽しむ科学教室、第1回 光の不思議、武蔵工業大学、2006年3月25日, 応用物理学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2006 - CW・超短パルスファイバーレーザーのパワースケーリング、
白川 晃; 植田憲一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第26回レーザー学会講演会、10aV1、大宮ソニックシティー、2006年2月10日, レーザー学会2006
Feb. 2006 - ファイバーレーザーの高出力化と高機能化、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 第26回レーザー学会講演会、「実用化に向けた全固体レーザー -ファイバーレーザーとディスクレーザー」シンポジウム、10pI1、大宮ソニックシティー、2006年2月10日, レーザー学会, Domestic conference
Feb. 2006 - 最近のファイバーレーザー技術、
植田憲一; 黄聖鴻; 白川 晃; 三浦純一; 武者 満
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光波センシング技術研究会、LSD 36-13, pp.83-88, 2005., 応用物理学会 光波センシング技術研究会
Dec. 2005 - ファイバーレーザーは何ができるか?-現状と将来の応用を目指して-、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 先端光テクノロジー展、パシフィコ横浜、pp.1 - 18, 2005年12月7日, 先端光テクノロジー展, Domestic conference
Dec. 2005 - ナノ結晶から作る単結晶より高品質なセラミック固体レーザー、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, OJ2005シンポジウム「世界をリードする日本の光技術」 、23pAS1, pp.146-147, 学術総合センター、東京、2005年11月23日, 日本光学会 OJ2005
Nov. 2005 - Scope of Ultrafast Phenomena, .
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, 3rd International Workshop of 21st Century COE program of Department of Physics, University of TokyoUniversity of Tokyo, Tokyo University, Tokyo, International conference
Oct. 2005 - Progress in Fiber Lasers at .
Invited oral presentation, English, CEATEC 2005 Special Symposium, IEEE CEATEC, Makuhari Messe, Japan, International conference
Oct. 2005 - Ceramic Lasers for Real World Fusion Drivers,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, LTL 2005, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and RAS, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, International conference
Oct. 2005 - Ceramic lasers: next generation of solid state lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting, IEEE LEOS, Sydney, Australia, International conference
Oct. 2005 - Current Status of Ceramic Laser Research,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, 1st International Laser Ceramic Sysmposium, European Society of Material Science, Warsaw, Poland, International conference
Sep. 2005 - Yb-doped ceramic laser,
K. Takaichi; H. Yagi; K. Ueda; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, English, 1st International Laser Ceramic Sysmposium,, European Society of Material Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, International conference
Sep. 2005 - Toward the next generation of solid state lasers”, .
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Symposium on Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics, Topical Meeting on Nonliear Wave Phenomena 2005, St. Petersburg to Nizhini Novgorod, International conference
Aug. 2005 - Ceramic Lasers, next generation solid state lasers
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Colloquim in Laser Technology, Fraunhofer Institute, Aachen, Germany, International conference
Jun. 2005 - Ceramic solid-state lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, CLEO EU/EQEC 2005, EPS, Munich, Germany, International conference
Jun. 2005 - ファイバーディスクレーザーの開発、
田中彰美; 伊東勝久; 山浦均; 関口宏; 宮島博文; 菅博文; 植田憲一
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー加工学会講演会、大阪大学、2005年5月25日, レーザー加工学会
May 2005 - Ceramic lasers for IFE power plant
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ICONO/LAT 2005, RAS, St. Petersburg, International conference
May 2005 - 固体レーザーの新しい流れとバナデート結晶、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 理研シンポジウム, 理化学研究所
Apr. 2005 - Yb系セラミックによるモードロックレーザー、日
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会 農工大、2005年4月4, 電子情報通信学会
Apr. 2005 - ハイパワーレーザーの新展開、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光技術特別シンポジウム、光量子科学の神髄、東大武田ホール、2005年4月13日 特別講演, 文部科学省、科学技術振興事業団
Apr. 2005 - 固体レーザーとファイバーレーザー、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーエクスポ 特別セミナー パシフィコ横浜、2005年4月20日, レーザー学会
Apr. 2005 - ハイパワーレーザーの新展開、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光技術特別シンポジウム、光量子科学の神髄、東大武田ホール、2005年4月13日 特別講演, 文部科学省、科学技術振興事業団, Domestic conference
Apr. 2005 - ファイバーレーザーと固体レーザー 現状と将来の可能性、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, OFT研究会、機会振興会館B3会議室, 電子情報通信学会
Mar. 2005 - 固体レーザー研究の新しい流れ、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本オプトメカトロニクス研究会、2005年3月14日, 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2005 - スケーラブル・セラミックレーザーとそれから生まれた新発想、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, マンスリーセミナー, 光産業技術振興協会, Domestic conference
Jan. 2005 - 光科学とレーザーエネルギー学、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 阪大レーザー研30周年記念特別講演会 特別講演、千里阪急ホテル, 大阪大学レーザーエネルギー学研究センター, Domestic conference
Jan. 2005 - Coherent beam combining in fiber laser array, .
A. Shirakawa; K. Matsuo; K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LASE 2005, SPIE, San Jose, US, International conference
Jan. 2005 - Grand challenges of fiber lasers
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LASE 2005, SPIE, San Jose, US, International conference
Jan. 2005 - ファイバーレーザーからセラミックレーザーまで -基礎科学から生まれた柔軟思考とその発展-、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 電通大-東京農工大合同COEシンポジウム, 電通大-東京農工大21世紀COEプログラム, Domestic conference
Dec. 2004 - New concept on IFE reactor driver by scalable ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Japan-China Seminar on Laser Fusion Science and High Energy Density Plasma Physics, JSPS, Sanya, China, International conference
Dec. 2004 - ファイバーレーザーと固体レーザー 相互比較と今後の可能性、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 東京支部講演会 先進レーザー技術セミナー、慶応理工学部, レーザー学会
Nov. 2004 - セラミックレーザーが拓く新しい可能性、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー加工2004 中央大学駿河台記念館, レーザー協会セミナー, Domestic conference
Nov. 2004 - 冷却レーザーシステムの可能性、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 年次大会特別シンポジウム、静岡県コンベンションセンター, プラズマ・核融合学会
Nov. 2004 - ナノテク、バイオ科学とフォトンテクノロジー、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, JOEMシンポジウム 「ナノ世代のフォトン応用技術 -ナノ領域のフォトンテクノロジ-」, 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2004 - Ceramic Solid-State Lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, The Solid State Technology Conference, London, UK
Oct. 2004 - Ceramic Solid-State Lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, The Solid State Technology Conference, The Solid State Technology Conference, London, UK, International conference
Oct. 2004 - Ceramic Solid-State Lasers, The Solid State Laser Technology Conference,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, European Symposium on Optics and Photonics for Defense and Security, SPIE, London, International conference
Oct. 2004 - K. Ueda, Ceramic Solid-State Lasers, The Solid State Laser Technology Conference,
Invited oral presentation, English, SPIE European Symposium on Optics and Photonics for Defense and Security, SPIE, London, International conference
Oct. 2004 - 透明セラミックスの開発動向、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 結晶ビジネス最前線研究会、, 日本学術振興会透明酸化物光・電子材料第166委員会、日本電子材料技術協会 クリスタルビジネス研究会、早稲田大学 ナノテクノロジーフォーラム、, Domestic conference
Sep. 2004 - 透明セラミックスの開発動向、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 結晶ビジネス最前線研究会、, 日本学術振興会透明酸化物光・電子材料第166委員会、日本電子材料技術協会 クリスタルビジネス研究会、早稲田大学 ナノテクノロジーフォーラム、, 早稲田大学, Domestic conference
Sep. 2004 - Scalable ceramic lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, EPS Summer School, Switzerland
Aug. 2004 - Scalable ceramic lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, EPS Summer School, EPS Summer School, Switzerland, International conference
Aug. 2004 - Ceramic lasers, future of solid state lasers,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, MPLP 2005, Novosibirsk, Russia,
Aug. 2004 - Ceramic lasers, future of solid state lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, MPLP 2005, Novosibirsk, Russia,, International conference
Aug. 2004 - Scalable ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, EPS Summer School, EPS, Lausanne, Switzerland, International conference
Aug. 2004 - Ceramic lasers, Future of solid state lasers,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, MPLP 2004, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, International conference
Aug. 2004 - 最新レーザー技術の現状、レーザー加工の将来に向けて、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本溶接協会、, 中小企業振興会館 東京, Domestic conference
Jul. 2004 - 最新レーザー技術の現状、レーザー加工の将来に向けて、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 日本溶接協会, 中小企業振興会館 東京, Domestic conference
Jul. 2004 - セラミックYAGレーザーと核融合、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, IFEフォーラム総会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2004 - レーザー科学、光科学の立場から 全国共同利用研についての個人的意見
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 阪大レーザー研共同研究シンポジウム パル討論会、, 阪大レーザー研, Domestic conference
Jun. 2004 - レーザー科学、光科学の立場から 全国共同利用研についての個人的意見
Keynote oral presentation, 阪大レーザー研共同研究シンポジウム パル討論会、, 阪大国際会議場, Domestic conference
Jun. 2004 - Introduction of Research Works of Ueda-lab./ILS/UEC,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Overseas Professor Seminar of Shenzhen Graduate School,, Harbin Institute of Technology,, Shenzhen, China, International conference
Jun. 2004 - Ceramic Lasers, today, tomorrow and future,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, International Workshop on Photonic and Electronic Crystals,, Spanish Academy of Sciences, San Sebastian, Spain, International conference
Jun. 2004 - New stype of high power fiber laser system for industrial applications,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, HPLA 2004, Taos, NM, US
Apr. 2004 - New stype of high power fiber laser system for industrial applications,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, HPLA 2004, HPLA 2004, Taos, NM, US, International conference
Apr. 2004 - ファイバーレーザー、応用指向型レーザー、
Others, レーザーエクスポ2004特別セミナー、, 横浜パシフィコ
Apr. 2004 - 固体レーザーとファイバーレーザー
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーエクスポ2004特別セミナー、, Domestic conference
Apr. 2004 - 固体レーザーの新しい流れとバナデート結晶、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 理研シンポジウム、2005年4月1日, 理化学研究所
Apr. 2004 - New trend of high power solid state lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, APLS 2004, Yongpyong, Korea
Mar. 2004 - New trend of high power solid state lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, APLS 2004, APLS 2004, Yongpyong, Korea, International conference
Mar. 2004 - The laser diode pumped Cr,Nd:YAG self-Q-switched laser,
D. Kong; J. Lu; K. Ueda
Oral presentation, APLS 2004, Yongpyong
Mar. 2004 - Generation and application of 1178-nm laser based on phosphosilicate Raman fiber laser
S. Huang; Y. Feng; A. Shirakawa; M. Musha; K. Ueda
Oral presentation, APLS 2004, Yongpyong
Mar. 2004 - Efficient pumping of optically thin materials,
J-F. Bisson; K. Ueda
Oral presentation, APLS 2004, Yongpyong,
Mar. 2004 - What is the new potential of ceramic lasers?
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, LASE 2004, San Jose, CA, US.
Jan. 2004 - What is the new potential of ceramic lasers?
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, LASE 2004, San Jose, CA, US., LASE 2004, San Jose, CA, US., International conference
Jan. 2004 - Laser Development in ILS/UEC, high power fiber laser, ceramic laser, ultrashort pulse generation, laser frequency stabilization,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, KOPTI Special Seminar,, Kwangju, Korea.
Jan. 2004 - Laser Development in ILS/UEC, high power fiber laser, ceramic laser, ultrashort pulse generation, laser frequency stabilization,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, KOPTI Special Seminar,, Kwangju, Korea., International conference
Jan. 2004 - Highly stabilized lasers for astronomical applications,
M. Musha; K. Ueda
Oral presentation, KOPTI Special Seminar, Kwangju, Korea
Jan. 2004 - Highly stabilized lasers for astronomical applications,
M. Musha; K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, KOPTI Special Seminar, Kwangju, Korea, International conference
Jan. 2004 - High power and high efficiency femtosecond pulse generation by ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, Special Seminar in APRI/KJIST, Korea
Jan. 2004 - High power and high efficiency femtosecond pulse generation by ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, Special Seminar in APRI/KJIST, Special Seminar in APRI/KJIST, Korea
Jan. 2004 - What is the new potential of ceramic lasers?,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LASE 2004, ., SPIE, San Jose, CA, US, International conference
Jan. 2004 - 粉末焼結法により作成した結晶を用いた「セラミックレーザー」、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 第6回日本セラミックス協会関西支部セミナー、大阪産業創造館、2003年12月1日, 日本セラミックス協会関西支部, Domestic conference
Dec. 2003 - 固体レーザーに革命をもたらすセラミックレーザー技術、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 光産業技術シンポジウム、虎ノ門パストラル、2003年12月4日, 光産業技術シンポジウム、虎ノ門パストラル、2003年12月4日, Domestic conference
Dec. 2003 - 固体レーザーに革命をもたらすセラミックレーザー技術、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 光産業技術シンポジウム、虎ノ門パストラル、2003年12月4日, Domestic conference
Dec. 2003 - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの開発と将来、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 技術情報協会特別セミナー、2003年11月22日, 技術情報協会特別セミナー、2003年11月22日, Domestic conference
Nov. 2003 - 高出力ファイバーレーザーの開発と将来、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 技術情報協会特別セミナー、2003年11月22日, Domestic conference
Nov. 2003 - Ceramic lasers, novel solid state laser material,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, Frontiers of Optics, OSA Annual Meeting, Tsuson, AZ, US,
Oct. 2003 - Ceramic lasers, novel solid state laser material,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Frontiers of Optics, OSA Annual Meeting, Tsuson, AZ, US,, International conference
Oct. 2003 - New concepts of scalable fiber lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Frontiers of Optics, OSA Annual Meeting, Tsuson, AZ, US,, Frontiers of Optics, OSA Annual Meeting, Tsuson, AZ, US,, Invited Talk, International conference
Oct. 2003 - New concepts of scalable fiber lasers,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, Frontiers of Optics, OSA Annual Meeting, Tsuson, AZ, US,, Frontiers of Optics, OSA Annual Meeting, Tsuson, AZ, US,, Invited Talk, International conference
Oct. 2003 - Yb系固体レーザーの最新動向、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, フェムト秒超加工研究会,日本科学未来館、2003年9月26日, 光産業技術振興協会
Sep. 2003 - Yb系固体レーザーの最新動向、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, フェムト秒超加工研究会、光産業技術振興協会主催、日本科学未来館、2003年9月26日
Sep. 2003 - Challenge of ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, SPRC'03, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, US.
Sep. 2003 - Challenge of ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, SPRC'03, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, US., International conference
Sep. 2003 - Physics of ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, ILLA 2003, Smolyan, Burgalia, Sep. 2003. Plenary Talk, ILLA 2003, Smolyan, Burgalia, Sep. 2003. Plenary Talk, International conference
Sep. 2003 - Physics of ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, ILLA 2003, Smolyan, Burgalia, Sep. 2003. Plenary Talk, International conference
Sep. 2003 - High power fiber disk lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ILLA 2003, Smolyan, Burgalia, Sep. 2003. Invited Talk, ILLA 2003, Smolyan, Burgalia, Sep. 2003. Invited Talk, International conference
Sep. 2003 - High power fiber disk lasers,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, ILLA 2003, Smolyan, Burgalia, Sep. 2003. Invited Talk, ILLA 2003, Smolyan, Burgalia, Sep. 2003. Invited Talk, International conference
Sep. 2003 - Ceramic lasers, new materials and new future
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, SPRC 2003, Fairchild Auditorium, Stanford University Sep. 15-17, 2003, SPRC 2003, Fairchild Auditorium, Stanford University Sep. 15-17, 2003, International conference
Sep. 2003 - Ceramic lasers, new materials and new future
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, SPRC 2003, Fairchild Auditorium, Stanford University Sep. 15-17, 2003, SPRC 2003, Fairchild Auditorium, Stanford University Sep. 15-17, 2003, International conference
Sep. 2003 - Ceramic Lasers, Ceramic lasers, new possibility of solid state lasers, Humburg, .
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, LPHYS’03, Germany, Aug.25, 2003. Plenary Opening Talk
Aug. 2003 - Ceramic Lasers, Ceramic lasers, new possibility of solid state lasers, Humburg, .
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, LPHYS’03, Germany, Aug.25, 2003. Plenary Opening Talk, International conference
Aug. 2003 - Challenge of Ceramic Lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, Laser Optics 2003, St. Petersburg, July, 2003.
Jul. 2003 - Challenge of Ceramic Lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, Laser Optics 2003, St. Petersburg, July, 2003., Laser Optics 2003, St. Petersburg, July, 2003., International conference
Jul. 2003 - Recent progress of ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, Laser Optics 2003, St. Petersburg, July, 2003.
Jul. 2003 - Recent progress of ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, Laser Optics 2003, St. Petersburg, July, 2003., Laser Optics 2003, St. Petersburg, July, 2003., International conference
Jul. 2003 - Scalable fiber lasers in Japan, 2nd Sympoium on Fiber Laser
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, Laser Optics 2003, St. Petersburg, July, 2003.
Jul. 2003 - Scalable fiber lasers in Japan, 2nd Sympoium on Fiber Laser
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Laser Optics 2003, St. Petersburg, July, 2003., International conference
Jul. 2003 - Progress of ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, ILSMON 2003, July 21, 2003., ILSMON 2003, July 21, 2003., International conference
Jul. 2003 - Progress of ceramic lasers,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, ILSMON 2003, July 21, 2003., ILSMON 2003, July 21, 2003., International conference
Jul. 2003 - Challenge of ceramic lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, MITRE Polycristalline Conference, June 9-10, 2003. (Keynote Lecture and Panel Discussion
Jun. 2003 - Challenge of ceramic lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, MITRE Polycristalline Conference, June 9-10, 2003. (Keynote Lecture and Panel Discussion, MITRE Polycristalline Conference, June 9-10, 2003. (Keynote Lecture and Panel Discussion, International conference
Jun. 2003 - 発展するファイバーレーザー、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーEXPO特別セミナー、, レーザーEXPO特別セミナー、レーザー学会主催、パシフィコ横浜, Domestic conference
Apr. 2003 - 発展するファイバーレーザー、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザーEXPO特別セミナー、レーザー学会主催、パシフィコ横浜
Apr. 2003 - レーザー加工用高出力ファイバーレーザーの開発
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー加工学会、阪大岡田記念ホール、2003年3月13日 (特別講演), レーザー加工学会, Domestic conference
Mar. 2003 - Kilowatt-class fiber-embedded disk lasers, (Invited Top Paper)
K. Ueda; H. Sekiguchi; H. Kan
Invited oral presentation, English, LASE 2004, San Jose, US, Jan. 27-30, 2003., International conference
Jan. 2003 - Nd:YAGセラミックスレーザーの性能向上と将来の可能性(進歩賞)
植田憲一; 盧建仁; 八木秀喜; 柳谷高公
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会講演会、学会賞受賞記念講演、アクトシティ浜松コングレスセンター、2003年1月30日, レーザー学会講演会、学会賞受賞記念講演、アクトシティ浜松コングレスセンター、2003年1月30日, Domestic conference
Jan. 2003 - Nd:YAGセラミックスレーザーの性能向上と将来の可能性(進歩賞)
植田憲一; 盧建仁; 八木秀喜; 柳谷高公
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会講演会、学会賞受賞記念講演、アクトシティ浜松コングレスセンター、2003年1月30日, Domestic conference
Jan. 2003 - Kilowatt-class fiber-embedded disk lasers,
K. Ueda; H. Sekiguchi; H. Kan
Keynote oral presentation, English, LASE 2003, San Jose, US,, LASE 2003, San Jose, US,, International conference
2003 - Kilowatt-class fiber-embedded disk lasers,
K. Ueda; H. Sekiguchi; H. Kan
Keynote oral presentation, English, LASE 2003, San Jose, US,, International conference
2003 - Production and characterization of YAG and Y2O3-laser ceramics,
J. Lu; K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, CLEO EU 2003, Munich, June 25, 2003.
2003 - Production and characterization of YAG and Y2O3-laser ceramics,
J. Lu; K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, CLEO EU 2003, Munich, June 25, 2003., CLEO EU 2003, Munich, June 25, 2003., International conference
2003 - Scalable ceramic lasers for IFE driver,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, Japan-US workshop on IFE, Osaka Univ., March 13, 2003.
2003 - Scalable ceramic lasers for IFE driver,
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Japan-US workshop on IFE, Osaka Univ., March 13, 2003., International conference
2003 - 重力波天文学が生み出した日本発、独創的レーザー技術 - 宇宙論からレーザー加工、光通信基礎技術まで -
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 地球電磁気学会 特別講演 電通大講堂、2002年11月13日, 地球電磁気学会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2002 - 日本発のオリジナル技術
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回次世代フロンティア技術懇話会、電通大レーザー研、2002年11月21日, 次世代フロンティア技術懇話会
Nov. 2002 - 日本発のオリジナル技術
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回次世代フロンティア技術懇話会、電通大レーザー研、2002年11月21日, 次世代フロンティア技術懇話会, Domestic conference
Nov. 2002 - レーザを応用した身近な商品開発例とアイディアのポイント
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 中小企業総合事業団 研究開発交流会 電通大 2002年11月22日, Domestic conference
Nov. 2002 - New generation ceramic laser materials,
J. Lu; K. Takaichi; H. Uematsu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, English, OSA Annual Meeting/ILS-APS, Orland, Florida, US, Oct. 1, 2002., OSA Annual Meeting/ILS-APS, Orland, Florida, US, Oct. 1, 2002., International conference
Oct. 2002 - New generation ceramic laser materials,
J. Lu; K. Takaichi; H. Uematsu; K. Ueda; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Oral presentation, English, OSA Annual Meeting/ILS-APS, Orland, Florida, US, Oct. 1, 2002., OSA Annual Meeting/ILS-APS, Orland, Florida, US, Oct. 1, 2002., International conference
Oct. 2002 - これからのレーザー技術開発動向
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 光テクノロジーロードマップ策定専門委員会光加工ロードマップ分科会、光産業技術振興協会 2002年10月12日、, Domestic conference
Oct. 2002 - Ceramic Lasers, Present and Future, (Plenary Talk)
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, 3rd Greece-Italy conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications, Patras, Greece, Sep.5-8, 2002.
Sep. 2002 - Ceramic Lasers, Present and Future, (Plenary Talk)
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, 3rd Greece-Italy conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications, Patras, Greece, Sep.5-8, 2002., International conference
Sep. 2002 - kW output fiber-embedded disk lasers, (Invited Paper)
K. Ueda; H. Sekiguchi; H. Kan
Invited oral presentation, English, 3rd Greece-Italy conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications, Patras, Greece, Sep.5-8, 2002., 3rd Greece-Italy conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications, Patras, Greece, Sep.5-8, 2002., International conference
Sep. 2002 - kW output fiber-embedded disk lasers, (Invited Paper)
K. Ueda; H. Sekiguchi; H. Kan
Invited oral presentation, English, 3rd Greece-Italy conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications, Patras, Greece, Sep.5-8, 2002., International conference
Sep. 2002 - Nano particles create new solid state lasers, "Ceramic Lasers(Plenary Talk)
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Symposium and Summer School on: Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics Research, Moscow, September 10-13, 2002., Symposium and Summer School on: Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics Research, Moscow, September 10-13, 2002., International conference
Sep. 2002 - Nano particles create new solid state lasers, "Ceramic Lasers(Plenary Talk)
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Symposium and Summer School on: Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics Research, Moscow, September 10-13, 2002., International conference
Sep. 2002 - Ceramic Lasers, (Invited Paper)
K. Ueda; J. Lu; T. Takaichi; K. Uematsu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, English, APLS 2002, Senri Life Science Center, Osaka, Japan, Sep. 17, 2002., International conference
Sep. 2002 - Recent progress of high power ceramic lasers
K. Ueda; J. Lu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Oral presentation, English, 14th GCL-HPL 2002, Wroclaw, Poland, 26-30, August, 2002
Aug. 2002 - Recent progress of high power ceramic lasers
K. Ueda; J. Lu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Oral presentation, English, 14th GCL-HPL 2002, Wroclaw, Poland, 26-30, August, 2002, 14th GCL-HPL 2002, Wroclaw, Poland, 26-30, August, 2002, International conference
Aug. 2002 - ファイバーレーザーの新展開
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー顕微鏡学会 研究会、SLM-28, 36-55, 2002, 富士フィルム本社ホール、2002年7月5日, レーザー顕微鏡学会
Jul. 2002 - 成果の位置づけと今後の展望
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 第6回「フォトン計測・加工」成果報告会、東京全日空ホテル、プロミネンスホール、2002年7月23日, Domestic conference
Jul. 2002 - What is the new world by ceramic lasers?
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, IQEC/LAT 2002 Joint Symposium, June, 2002, Moscow
Jun. 2002 - What is the new world by ceramic lasers?
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, IQEC/LAT 2002 Joint Symposium, June, 2002, Moscow, IQEC/LAT 2002 Joint Symposium, June, 2002, Moscow, International conference
Jun. 2002 - 最先端ファイバーレーザーと新世代セラミックレーザー
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, NEC中央研究所 特別講演、2002年6月10日, Domestic conference
Jun. 2002 - High power solid state laser based on ceramic materials
K. Ueda; J. Lu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2002, Long Beach, CA, US, May, 20, 2002
May 2002 - High power solid state laser based on ceramic materials
K. Ueda; J. Lu; H. Yagi; T. Yanagitani
Oral presentation, English, CLEO 2002, Long Beach, CA, US, May, 20, 2002, CLEO 2002, Long Beach, CA, US, May, 20, 2002, International conference
May 2002 - 日本発、独創的レーザー開発研究 セラミックレーザーと新世代ファイバーレーザー
植田憲一; 日本発; 独創的レーザー開発研究; セラミックレーザーと新世代ファイバーレーザー; 宅間 宏先生叙勲記念講演会; 日本科学未来館未来CANホー
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 宅間 宏先生叙勲記念講演会、日本科学未来館未来CANホール、2002年4月12日, 宅間 宏先生叙勲記念講演会実行委員会, Domestic conference
Apr. 2002 - セラミックレーザー:新しい固体レーザー材料
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, Laser Expo 2002, 特別セミナー、幕張メッセ、日本コンベンションセンター国際会議場、2002年4月24日, レーザー学会, Domestic conference
Apr. 2002 - 日本だからできた独創的レーザー:固体レーザーの革命、セラミックレーザーと新世代ファイバーレーザー
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー総合技術研究所 特別講演会、2002年3月14日, レーザー総合技術研究所, Domestic conference
Mar. 2002 - 日本だからできた独創的レーザー:固体レーザーの革命、セラミックレーザーと新世代ファイバーレーザー
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー総合技術研究所 特別講演会、2002年3月14日, Domestic conference
Mar. 2002 - 最近のレーザー技術動向
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, フォトンテクノロジー技術部会、機械振興会館、2002年2月28日, オプトメカトロニクス協会、フォトンテクノロジー技術部会、機械振興会館、2002年2月28日, Domestic conference
Feb. 2002 - 最近のレーザー技術動向
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, オプトメカトロニクス協会、フォトンテクノロジー技術部会、機械振興会館、2002年2月28日, Domestic conference
Feb. 2002 - セラミックレーザー 新しい可能性
植田憲一; 盧建仁; 八木秀喜; 柳谷高広; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会講演会、2002年1月24日、大阪国際会議場, レーザー学会講演会、2002年1月24日、大阪国際会議場
Jan. 2002 - セラミックレーザー 新しい可能性
植田憲一; 盧建仁; 八木秀喜; 柳谷高広; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会講演会、2002年1月24日、大阪国際会議場
Jan. 2002 - Progress from hybrid crystals to ceramic lasers
K. Ueda
Keynote oral presentation, English, Proc. of ITL Plovdiv 2001, pp.51-54, Sep. 23-26, 2001, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, International conference
2002 - "Novel Systems and Applications"
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, ISPA 2001, Session , Singapore, Nov. 29, 2001
Nov. 2001 - "Novel Systems and Applications"
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, ISPA 2001, Session , Singapore, Nov. 29, 2001, ISPA 2001, Session , Singapore, Nov. 29, 2001, International conference
Nov. 2001 - THz generation in diamond photoconductive antenna arrays,
H. Yoneda; K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, LEOS 2001, San Diego, Nov. 12-15, 2001.72
Nov. 2001 - THz generation in diamond photoconductive antenna arrays,
H. Yoneda; K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, LEOS 2001, San Diego, Nov. 12-15, 2001.72, International conference
Nov. 2001 - Progress of new solid state lasers, - Hybrid laser crystals to ceramic YAG and Y_2_O_3_ lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, LTL Plovdiv'01 (International Symposium on Laser Technology & Lasers), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Sep. 23-26, 2001
Sep. 2001 - Progress of new solid state lasers, - Hybrid laser crystals to ceramic YAG and Y_2_O_3_ lasers
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, LTL Plovdiv'01 (International Symposium on Laser Technology & Lasers), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Sep. 23-26, 2001, LTL Plovdiv'01 (International Symposium on Laser Technology & Lasers), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Sep. 23-26, 2001, International conference
Sep. 2001 - High power solid state lasers for fusion and industrial applications
K. Ueda
Invited oral presentation, English, Symposium on cooperation of academics and industries for the developments of applications of high power lasers in IFSA 2001, Kyoto, Sep. 12, 2001, International conference
Sep. 2001 - 高効率フェムト秒固体レーザーの研究方向
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第2回フェムト秒超加工研究会、、電通大第1会議室、2001年9月4日, 光産業技術振興協会
Sep. 2001 - 高効率フェムト秒固体レーザーの研究方向
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第2回フェムト秒超加工研究会、、電通大第1会議室、2001年9月4日, 光産業技術振興協会, Domestic conference
Sep. 2001 - "Ceramic Lasers"
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, English, CLEO PR 2001, Session ,Makuhari, Japan, July 16, 2001
Jul. 2001 - Coherent Addtion of injection-locked Nd:YAG lasers
Mitsuru Musha; Takeshi Kanaya; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Ken-ichi Ueda
Oral presentation, English, CLEO PR2001 2001/7/17 Makuharu
Jul. 2001 - 光を制御するフォトンテクノロジー
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, フォトンテクノロジーシンポジウム、、機械振興会館、2001年6月24日, 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会, Domestic conference
Jun. 2001 - New solid state laser material, Ceramic YAG,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, Japanese, ISTC workshop, Sarov, Russia.(Invited Paper)
Mar. 2001 - New solid state laser material, Ceramic YAG,
K. Ueda
Oral presentation, Japanese, ISTC workshop, Sarov, Russia.(Invited Paper), ISTC workshop, Sarov, Russia.(Invited Paper), International conference
Mar. 2001 - レーザー核融合用ドライバー 高平均出力レーザー技術、
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 核融合システム研究専門委員会 東大 2001年2月7日, 日本原子力学会、, Domestic conference
Feb. 2001 - ナノ・マニュファクチャリングとコヒーレントビーム技術
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, ナノ・マニュファクチャリングに関する国際シンポジウム、TEPIA(青山)、2001年2月16日, NEDO, International conference
Feb. 2001 - ナノ・マニュファクチャリングとコヒーレントビーム技術
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, NEDO主催ナノ・マニュファクチャリングに関する国際シンポジウム、TEPIA(青山)、2001年2月16日, International conference
Feb. 2001 - 超短パルスレーザー照射による固体-プラズマ状態遷移の研究
米田仁紀; 太田悟; 永田広明; 植田憲一; Richard More
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会学術講演会第21回年次大会,, レーザー学会
Jan. 2001 - Highly-efficient polycrystalline Nd:YAG ceramics lasers,
J. Lu; T. Murai; K. Takaichi; T. Uematsu; K. Misawa; K. Ueda; H. Tagi; T. Yanagitani; A. Kaminskii
Invited oral presentation, English, Proc. SPIE, LASE 2001, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 25, 2001, International conference
Jan. 2001 - フェムト秒レーザーとナノテク
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, フェムト秒加工研究会、東京、2001年1月11日, レーザー学会
Jan. 2001 - フェムト秒レーザーとナノテク
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, フェムト秒加工研究会、東京、2001年1月11日, レーザー学会, Domestic conference
Jan. 2001 - 高出力セラミックレーザー
植田憲一; 柳谷高公
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会講演会、東京フォーラム、2001年1月30日, レーザー学会
Jan. 2001 - 光で重力波を測る
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 第37回茅コンファレンス、日本学術振興会 裏磐梯ロイヤルホテル、2000年11月8日, Domestic conference
Nov. 2000 - 高出力ファイバーレーザー 拡大する可能性
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 分子科学研究所分子制御レーザー研究センター中間発表会 特別講演、岡崎コンファレンスセンター、2000年11月14日, Domestic conference
Nov. 2000 - 学会の知的活動と情報発信
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 世界の知的活動拠点シンポジウム、経済企画庁、銀座ガスホール、2000年11月17日, Domestic conference
Nov. 2000 - 3次元加工とフェムト秒レーザー
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会 シンポジウム、2000年9月5日
Sep. 2000 - 高精度光源の研究動向と可能性
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光情報通新基準周波数委員会ワークショップ、、都市センターホテル、東京、2000年8月22日, 通信総合研究所
Aug. 2000 - 高精度光源の研究動向と可能性
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光情報通新基準周波数委員会ワークショップ、、都市センターホテル、東京、2000年8月22日, 通信総合研究所, Domestic conference
Aug. 2000 - 学会の存在意義とその役割
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 応用物理学会 教育シンポジウム、中央大学、2000年7月23日, Domestic conference
Jul. 2000 - 光の発生と伝播を制御するレーザー ~重力波天文学から多光子レーザー顕微鏡まで~
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 科学警察研究所特別講演、科学警察研究所、2000年4月18日, Domestic conference
Apr. 2000 - レーザー技術 産業への展開
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光・量子エレクトロニクス賞記念シンポジウム、青山大学、2000年3月28日, 応用物理学会
Mar. 2000 - 21世紀型レーザーを目指して、ファイバーレーザーの新展開
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 浜松工業試験所主催シンポジウム, 浜松工業試験所主催シンポジウム, Domestic conference
Feb. 2000 - 21世紀型レーザーを目指して、ファイバーレーザーの新展開
Keynote oral presentation, Japanese, 浜松工業試験所主催シンポジウム, 浜松工業試験所, Domestic conference
Feb. 2000 - 新固体レーザー材料
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 平成11年度科研費「慣性核融合動力炉設計に関する国際共同研究プログラムのための企画調査研究」国内ワークショップ、電通大レーザー研, 科研費「慣性核融合動力炉設計に関する国際共同研究プログラムのための企画調査研究」
Feb. 2000 - 周波数安定化レーザー
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 光周波数標準シンポジウム、東京国際フォーラム, 通信総合研究所、
Feb. 2000 - ファイバーレーザー加工の新展開
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, ウィンターセミナー レーザー加工, レーザー協会
Jan. 2000 - ファイバーレーザー加工の新展開
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, ウィンターセミナー レーザー加工, レーザー協会, Domestic conference
Jan. 2000 - レーザー核融合ドライバー用固体レーザー材料の必要条件
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 大阪大学レーザー核融合研究センターレーザー材料ワークショップ、, 阪大レーザー研
Jan. 2000 - レーザー核融合ドライバー用固体レーザー材料の必要条件
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 大阪大学レーザー核融合研究センターレーザー材料ワークショップ、, 阪大レーザー研, Domestic conference
Jan. 2000 - 世界における知的活動拠点研究会報告書
伊藤元重; 伊藤穣一; 林紘一郎; 椎野孝雄; 植田憲一; 松岡正剛
Others, Japanese
2000 - 物理学関連学術誌電子化出版協議会活動報告書(
植田憲一; 岡部 豊; 五神 真; 佐藤文隆; 伏見 譲
Others, Japanese, 応用物理学欧文誌刊行会、1999年
1999 - 高効率高出力レーザーの物理と方向性 炉用ドライバーとの関係について,レーザー物理の拡大則
Others, Japanese, 科学技術庁 慣性核融合ワーキンググループ
Apr. 1998 - 重力波用レーザー・光学素子の研究が生み出した副産物 他分野への影響、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 重力波検出に関するシンポジウム、pp.170-178, 東大宇宙線研研究所、1997年6月18日., 重力波天文学 新プログラム 運営委員会 学術振興会
Jun. 1997 - 46-W TEM00 output of VPS solid-state laser under themal lens control,
J. Song; A. Liu; D. Shen; K. Ueda
Public symposium, English, 重力波検出に関するシンポジウム、 、1997年6月18日., 重力波天文学 新プロ運営委員会 学術振興会, 柏、東大宇宙線研研究所
Jun. 1997 - 白色干渉計による変更分解屈折率分散測定、
山口和彦; 上田暁俊; 米田仁紀; 植田憲一
Public symposium, Japanese, 重力波検出に関するシンポジウム、, 東大宇宙線研研究所、1997年6月18日., 重力波天文学 新プロ運営委員会 学術振興会, 柏、東大宇宙線研究所
Jun. 1997 - 超低損失誘電体多層膜ミラーの開発、
上田暁俊; 上原 昇; 植田憲一; 関口久夫; 三嶽隆義; 中村憲司; 北島直哉; 潟岡 泉
Public symposium, Japanese, 重力波検出に関するシンポジウム、43, 東大宇宙線研研究所、1997年6月18日., 重力波天文学 新プロ運営委員会 学術振興会, 柏、東大宇宙船研究所
Jun. 1997 - High-power, ultra-stabilized solid state laser development for gravitational wave detection(共著)
K. Ueda; N. Uehara
Keynote oral presentation, English, International conference
1996 - Flat spectrum super-white light generation covering VUV to IR in optical trapping phenomena in rare gas media(共著)
K. Ueda; H. Nishioka; W. Odajima; H.Takuma
Keynote oral presentation, English, International conference
1996 - エキシマレーザー増幅器中の反応課程とレーザー効率、
Invited oral presentation, Japanese, 第5回光源物性とその応用研究会 研究会資料、、1990年7月26日, 証明学会、応用物理学会
Jul. 1990 - 周波数安定化LD励起Nd:YAGレーザーと重力波検出への応用
Oral presentation, Japanese, レーザー学会研究会資料.,レーザー学会研究会 LD励起固体レーザー
1990 - KrFレーザー用可飽和吸収帯と超短パルス増幅、
西岡 一; 倉西英明; 植田憲一; 宅間 宏
Oral presentation, Japanese, 電気学会 OQD-89-34 (1989).,電気学会 光・量子デバイス研究会
Affiliated academic society
- Physical Society of Japan
- 応用物理学会
- レーザー学会
- 電気学会
- 画像変換装置合同研究会(電気、通信、テレビ、レーザー学会)
- プラズマ・核融合学会
- OSA(Optical Society of America)
- APS(American Physical Society)
- APS プラズマ分科会
- 宇宙線研究者会議(CRC)
- コンテンポラリーオプティックス研究会
- 日本光学会
- 量エレ研究会
- IPAP (Institute of Pure and Applied Physics)
- SPIE (The International Society on Optical Engineering)
- JJCQE(Japan Joint Council of Quantum Electronics)
- AACG (American Association for Crystal Growth)
- 地球惑星科学連合
- 日本オプトメカロトニクス協会
- Topical Editor of Applied Optics, Optical Society of America
1997 - 2003 - 応用物理学会 理事
1999 - 2000 - 宇宙環境利用推進センター 研究推進委員会 委員
1997 - 1998 - 電子情報通信学会 電子情報通信述語ハンドブック執筆委員
1997 - 1998 - CPT'98 International Topical Workshop on Contemporary Photonics Technologies Asvisory Committee
1997 - 1998 - Optical Review, Associate Editor
1998 - 物理学関連学術誌電子化出版委員会 委員
1998 - Secretary of Tokyo Section of Optical Society of America
1997 - 1997 - 宇宙開発事業団 JEM曝露部実験技術審査専門委員会委員
1997 - 1997 - レーザー技術総合研究所 総務企画委員会 委員
1997 - 1997 - 日本宇宙フォーラム 公募地上研究 宇宙利用技術開発分野 専門委員
1997 - 1997 - AOLI(Adaptive Optics for Lasers and Imaging)International Advisory Board & Technical Program Committee
1997 - 1997 - 電力中央研究所 研究評価委員
1997 - 1997 - IAEA/TCM プログラム委員
1996 - 1997 - 航空宇宙技術振興財団 有人宇宙活動のための宇宙エネルギー技術の調査・検討委員会 委員
1997 - 理化学研究所フォトダイナミック研究センター 運営委員会委員
1997 - 科学技術庁 核融合会議 計画推進小委員会 レーザー核融合ワーキンググループ 委員
1997 - 文部省分子科学研究所 レーザー分子制御研究センター 運営委員会委員
1997 - NEDO フォトンセンター 総合調査委員会 委員
1997 - ICFフォーラム 慣性核融合エネルギー開発戦略検討委員会 委員
1997 - ISTC Program International Partner#651
1997 - 大阪大学レーザー核融合研究センター 専門委員会 委員
1996 - 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会 フォトンテクノロジー技術部会 部会長
1996 - 日本原子力研究所 研究嘱託 「ミリ波自由電子レーザーの研究」
1996 - 通産省先導研究 フォトンテクノロジー 委員長
1996 - 電子ビームの電流計測法;特許第1948490号
1995 - 1995 - 光産業技術振興協会 将来ビジョン策定合同委員会 委員
1994 - 1995 - レーザー学会第15回年次大会 プログラム委員
1994 - 1995 - 第5回東大物性研ISSP国際シンポジウム 組織委員
1994 - 1995 - レーザー物理に関する国際シンポジウム(通電大レーザー研主催) 副委員長
1994 - 1995 - International Symposium on Modern Problems of Laser Physics, Novosibirsk, International Advisory Committee
1994 - 1995 - ホロステリックレーザー技術開発委員会 委員 レーザー総合技術研究所
1993 - 1995 - 学術審議会専門委員(科学研究費分科会)
1991 - 1995 - 通産省先導研究フォトンテクノロジー委員会 大出力レーザー分科会 委員長
1995 - Optical Society of America, Tokyo Session 準備会幹事
1995 - 電気学会 短波長レーザ光源と産業応用に関する技術調査専門委員会委員
1995 - Member of International Subcommittee Meeting of Solid State Lasers of CLEO 96,97
1995 - 電気学会 放電とレーザの相互作用調査専門委員会 委員
1995 - 電気学会 パルス超高エネルギー密度状態の評価と応用調査専門委員会 委員
1995 - 通産省先導研究 レーザープロセス委員会発生部会 部会長
1995 - 日本オプトメカトロニクス協会 フォトンテクノロジー研究会委員
1995 - FEL研究会運営委員会 幹事
1995 - Program Committee of International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Machines
1995 - 光産業技術振興協会 Feasibility Study委員会 オールソリッドレーザー委員会 委員長
1993 - 1994 - 全固体レーザーWG委員会 委員 レーザー総合技術研究所
1993 - 1994 - レーザー学会全国大会 実行委員会 プログラム委員
1993 - 1994 - 光産業技術振興協会 光技術応用システム調査開発委員会 委員
1993 - 1994 - 動力炉・核燃料開発事業団 フロンティア研究事前評価委員会 委員
1993 - 1994 - Laser Optics アジア支部委員
1994 - Laser Optics '95, International Advisary Board.
1994 - 基盤技術研究促進センター 専門委員
1994 - 光産業技術振興協会 光技術動向調査委員会 第4分科会(光エネルギー分科会)主査
1994 - 第12回レーザー相互作用とプラズマ現象に関する国際会議 実行委員 プログラム委員会 幹事
1994 - ファラデー回転フーリエ分光法;特許願 第1767546号
1993 - 1993 - US Patent Application, P4-218023
1993 - 1993 - 光技術国際セミナー 実行委員長
1992 - 1993 - ICFフォーラム レーザー核融合技術振興会特別会員
1993 - 電気学会論文賞、著作賞選定委員
1993 - LASERS M2P International Board
1993 - 第3回オプトエレクトロニクス国際会議 企画委員
1992 - 1992 - International Symposium on Atomic Frequency Standards and Coherent Quantum Electronics, Program Committee
1992 - 1992 - レーザー発振器;出願番号 P04-218023
1992 - 1992 - FEL'96 (Fourteenth International Free Electron Laser Conference), Exective Committee, Kobe, Aug., 1992
1991 - 1992 - 未来工学研究所 「科学技術および科学技術政策の将来動向」調査委員会 委員
1991 - 科学技術庁 「核燃料サイクル技術に関するレーザー技術調査委員会委員
1989 - 1990 - 科学技術庁 「真空紫外光の発生と利用技術に関する研究」 作業部会委員
1988 - 1990 - IAEA技術委員会会議「慣性核融合用ドラーバー技術」 組織委員、プログラム委員
1990 - NEDO「新素材・新技術関係」調査委員会 委員
1990 - 文部省核融合科学研究所 共同研究員
1990 - 大阪大学レーザー核融合研究センター 共同研究員
1990 - 未来工学に関するパネル討論会(日本工学会) 組織委員
1989 - 1989 - International Workshop on KrF Laser Technology, Los Alamos, Advisary Comittee, Santa Fe, USA, Apr. 19-21,1989.
1988 - 1989 - IEEE/LEOS東京支部委員会 委員
1989 - Participant of Japan-US Workshop on Atomic Processes in High Density Plasma, Maryland Univ., MA, USA, Dec. 12-16,1988.
1988 - 1988 - International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC'88), Program Comittee, Tokyo, Japan, July 18-21,1988.
1987 - 1988 - 照明学会賞 選定委員
1987 - 1987 - Participant of Japan-US Workshop on High Power Particle Beams, Kobe, Japan, Jan.
1986 - 1986 - Participant of Japan-US Workshop on High Power Short-wavelength Lasers, Los Alamos, USA
1986 - 1986
Research Themes
- High-power ultrashort pulse laser source based on Yb-doped ceramic material
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 53-fs pulses with above1-W average power were obtained from combined Yb doped active gain media ceramic laser.70-W average power continuous laser operation was achieved based on thin-disk laser system. Numerical simulation codes tocalculate and evaluate ultra-short pulse laser operation were also constructed., 20340104
2008 - 2010 - シリコンナノ導波路による誘導ラマン増幅
NUNES Luis・Romeu; 植田 憲一; 土屋 昌弘; 菅原 宏治; 笹川 清隆
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 独立行政法人情報通信研究機構, 萌芽研究, シリコンナノ構造光導波路の伝播損失の原因は主に導波路の側壁の粗さである。低伝播損失を実現するために、ナノ構造加工プロセスを改善し導波路側壁の粗さの影響を少なくするために導波路の短面構造を300nmx300nmから480nmx220nmにした。導波路長は4mm,6mm,10mm,25mm,40mmを用意した、伝播損失は5dB/cm程度を得た。 シリコンナノ構造光導波路を利用して誘導ラマンレーザ構造を実現するため導波路の端面にRFスパッタで分布ブラッグ反射膜(DBR-Distributed Bragg reflectors)を成膜して共振器を作製する方法を用いる。反射膜の付け具合を高めるために導波路端面の面積を広がり、480nmx220nmの細線導波路から線形のアップテーパー構造を用いてテーパーの先は3μmx220nmになった。その構造はシリコンナノ構造光導波路と光ファイバーとの接合のために設計し、3μmのMFD(Mode Field Diameter)を用いた先球光ファイバーと接合する場合には損失は7dBを得られた。現在、反射膜生成を外部に依頼中である。 今後の課題は提案した構造のラマン利得を光通信用の波長で評価する。励起光源の波長が1390-1480nmの間の場合、シリコンのStokes波長は1500-1600nmであるため、励起光源は1470nmのCWで信号は1580nmで評価する。, 17656121
2005 - 2006 - Coherent control of laser arrays by complex resonator
SHIRAKAWA Akira; UEDA Ken-ichi; MUSHA Mitsuru
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), We have proposed and demonstrated highly efficient coherent beam combining of fiber lasers and laser diodes by Y-shaped array coupled with fused fiber couplers. Near-field coupling of N fiber lasers by use of N×N fused fiber couplers enables a power-summed output from one of N fiber ports without any fiber-length adjustment. The wavelengths satisfying constructive interference have the highest effective reflectivities and are selectively excited as a coherently-added single beam output. High addition efficiencies of 94, 96, and 85% have been obtained for N=2, 4, and 8 erbium-doped fiber lasers, respectively. The measured frequency characteristics of the coupled array well matched with the theory. The measured array-number dependence of the addition efficiency is well matched with the simple-scaling theory we developed. The clarified limit of coherent addition (N=8〜10) is found to be an inherent problem in length-different laser arrays. The characteristic bandwidth narrowing by the Vernier effect can be applied to high-power, narrowband fiber laser beyond nonlinearity limitations. By threshold control of the supermodes, high-speed (>1 kHz), high-contrast-ratio (>100) coherent control of beam direction has been demonstrated. We also proposed that harmonic mode locking can be attained by coupling ultrafast lasers. In a preliminary experiment, 20-th harmonic sub-picosecond pulse train with >40-dB mode suppression ratio has been successfully obtained. In conclusion, it has been shown that coherent arraying of multiple lasers realizes not only power and brightness scaling but various new-functionality lasers., 15340132
2003 - 2005 - 重力波検出器用光源としての高安定・高出力ファイバーMOPAの開発
武者 満; 植田 憲一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 特定領域研究, 将来の高感度重力波検出用光干渉計用の光源を開発してきた。従来の半導体レーザー励起注入同期方式では高出力化すると熱の影響によるビーム品質・安定度が劣化するので、より出力拡大に有望なファイバMOPAの研究を進めている。本年度はまず出力500mWの主レーザーを20W出力LDで端面励起されたYb添加ファイバ増幅器で増幅し、最大出力12Wで量子限界に近い光-光変換効率80.7%が得られた。またマルチモードファイバを使っているため出力ビームもマルチ横モードになっているが、ハート型にファイバを曲げることにより出力減少なしに横モードの単一化に成功した。高フィネスファブリーペロ光共振器を周波数基準として増幅出力の周波数雑音を計測したところ主レーザーと同等の周波数雑音であることが確認され、周波数雑音信号を主レーザーに負帰還制御することにより周波数安定化に成功した。この際の光共振器への結合効率から増幅出力は主レーザーと同等のビーム品質を持っている事も確認された。次に増幅器出力の相対強度雑音を測定したところ100kHz以上では主レーザと一致するが100kHz以下では20dB程度の悪化が観測された。これは現在稼動中の重力波アンテナTAMA300で使われている10W注入同期レーザーとほぼ同じ雑音レベルであるが、主にファイバの機械的雑音や増幅器の励起光源の強度雑音が原因と考えられる。そこで強度雑音を励起用半導体レーザーの駆動電流に負帰還制御することにより強度雑音抑制を試みたところ10^<-7>/√までの強度雑音が低減された。制御帯域をより広げれば強度雑音はより低減でき要求値を満たす事ができる。以上の結果により、ファイバ増幅器を高強度安定化光源として用いる研究を初めて行い、周波数雑音と強度雑音が十分制御されることが示された。今後は励起強度を強くする事や注入同期レーザーで実施されたコヒレント加算を適用することにより、重力波検出器用光源としての性能を満たす安定化100Wレーザーが実現されるであろう。, 16029204
2004 - 2004 - ファイバーアンプを用いた重力波干渉計用高出力・高安定光源の開発
武者 満; 植田 憲一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 特定領域研究, 重力波検出光干渉計に必要な超高安定・高出力な光源を開発している。従来の出力10W級の注入同期固体レーザーは高出力化すると熱レンズ・熱複屈折等の影響で安定度やビーム品質が悪化するので、冷却効率が高くかつ出力ビームの空間が高いファイバ増幅器を用いたfiber-MOPA(master oscillator power amplifier)。ファイバ増幅器はファイバ内での非線形効果(SBS等)の問題をもつので長さを短くするために高い量子効率をもつYb添加ファイバを2重クラッド端面励起方式で強励起することによりファイバ長を短くし、かつコア径を大きくしてコア内電界強度を下げることによりSBSの発生を抑圧した。波長1064nmのモノリシック型LD励起Nd:YAG(出力500mW)を主レーザーとして作成したファイバ増幅器で出力を増幅させた。ファイバ増幅器は出力15W、波長975nmのファイバ結合LDで後方励起している。その結果ファイバ長4m時に励起パワー10.5W時に出力6.4Wが得られ(光-光変換効率62%)、この結果を基にシミュレーションした結果ファイバ長10mで7.6W出力が期待される。ファイバのコア径11μmはマルチモード条件なので出力ビームのM^2値は2.6であったので、ファイバを曲げることによりファイバの高次伝播モードに損失を与え出力光の品質向上を行った。曲率半径25cmで曲げたの時M^2=1.1が得られたが、失われた高次モードの利得が基本モードに変換したため出力減少は見られなかった。相対強度雑音は160kHz以上では主レーザーの相対強度雑音と一致したが、100kHz以下では20dB以上の悪化が見られた。この原因は励起用光の周波数ゆらぎが強度雑音に変化した事、そして音響・振動雑音と考えられるので、今後励起用光源の安定化や外乱抑圧が必要とされる, 14047211
2002 - 2003 - 超高融点結晶のセラミック生成による高効率新固体レーザーの開発
植田 憲一; LU Jianren
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 特別研究員奨励費, 1.高出力Nd:YAGセラミックレーザーを開発した。直径4mm、長さ110mmのNd:YAGセラミック・ロッドを290WのLDで励起して、110Wの出力を発生することに成功した。スロープ効率は41%であった。出力、効率の両面から見て、Nd:YAGセラミック材料の品質は、単結晶レーザー材料と同等、または其れ以上であることが実証された。このような高性能のセラミックレーザー材料は、共同研究している企業から、商品化され、世界に供給が始まった。 2.ナノ結晶技術とプレスを使わない自己エネルギー駆動型の焼結プロセスによって、非常に透明度の高いYb^<3+>イオン添加S_O_3セラミックの開発に成功し、それを新しい固体レーザーとして評価を行った。分光学的性質を集中的に研究した。これまでの固体レーザー、例えばYAG結晶に比べて、結晶場の違いにより、広帯域の吸収と発光スペクトルを持つことがわかった。2.5%のYbイオンを添加したS_ O_3セラミック板をファイバー結合型LDで励起して、1041nmと1094nmを中心とした波長で、連続発振に成功した。発振スペクトルが幅広く、将来、フェムト秒レーザーを開発したときには、従来型レーザーより超短パルスを発生できることが証明された。 3.同様の技術を使って、極めて透明度の高いNd^<3+>イオン添加YGdO_3セラミック固体レーザー材料の開発に成功した。分光学的研究の結果、先に開発に成功したNd:Y_2O_3に比べても、さらに幅広いスペクトルを持つことが分かった。LD励起で連続発振に成功し、その波長が1078.1nmで、^4F_<3/2>→^4I_<11/2>という光学遷移に対応することを確かめた。, 02F00068
2002 - 2003 - Study of coherent transient phenomena coupling entire light wavelength region
NISHIOKA Hajime; UEDA Ken-ichi; YONEDA Hitoki
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The generation and detection of monocycle phenomena with no GDD control have been demonstrated by frequency coherence of the ultrabroadband and coherent light source covering from UV to IE, region. In the coherent transient phenomena, the nonlinear cross correlation between the two pump pulses can be used to control ultrafast transient phenomena. A pump-probe system based on the Frequency and fringe resolved nonlinear cross correlation having monocycle temporal resolution of 1.4 is was ma& to examine the ultra fast phenomena. Excited coherences in an ultra fast dephasing (T2 < 10 fs) multilevel system have been optically controlled for the first time. For further ultrafast response, we have proposed new technique that mixes the frequency coherence between the signal and reference waves in nonresonant media. The frequency domain phase conjugated light pulse, I.e. a time-reversed replica has been generated by the frequency mixing between pre-chirped pulses. The technique can be used for automatic compensation of phase distortion in a femtosecond light pulse., 11440123
1999 - 2001 - 超高電界ダイヤモンド光電素子の開発とその高出力THz光源への応用
米田 仁紀; 馬場 和宏; 西岡 一; 植田 憲一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(B), 気相合成法(CVD)を用いた薄膜ダイヤモンドは大面積化が可能なこと、不純物制御が可能なこと、様々な電極構造をとりえることなどの利点があり、電気光学素子や高速デバイスとして期待されている。しかし、その多結晶性からの粒界のキャリヤーの動特性に対する影響が大きく、この詳細な物理を明らかにし、制御、膜質の改善を行うことが望まれていた。本研究では光伝導素子を構成させた超短パルスレーザー照射による電気パルス波形の観測、紫外ポンププローブ計測によるキャリヤー密度の時間発展の観測を行い、以下のような新しい知見を得た。 1.粒径の減少によりその粒界内のキャリヤー寿命、移動度は減少するが0.1〜10μmの粒径試料ではその依存性はγ=80ps(d/10μm)^<0.177>、μ=30cm^2/Vs(d/10μm)^<0.43>になることが明らかになった。 2.粒界内でキャリヤー寿命は大きく変化しており、また、5.0eV程度の紫外光照射ではトラップ準*の影響がキャリヤー寿命に大きな影響が出ることが分かった。 3.粒界影響による低移動度はダイヤモンドの持つ高い絶縁破壊強度により高電界印加させることでフォノン相互作用による飽和ドリフト速度まで増加させることが可能で影響は設計により低減させることが可能である。 また、これらCVDダイヤモンドの基礎特性が得られたことから光電動素子型の高出力THz光源の設計を行った。この際の最も重要な点は大面積化にともなう高電界印加可能な電極設計、出力THz光の空間コヒーレンス制御にある。THz光源でのダイヤモンドの優位性を確認するために実際に数千のギャップを2インチウエハ上に製作し、2ピコ秒の深紫外レーザーを用いて出力実験を行った。照射レーザーのバイナリーマスクによるコヒーレント制御性、電界の2乗スケーリング、波形の測定などが行われ、10mm^2の有効出射面積でこれまでのGaAsで達成された出力密度を越えるTHz波の発生に世界で初めて成功した。さらに高電界印加時の電流特性の評価から2インチウエハ前面に拡張することで出力強度としても最高値を得られることが明らかになった。, 09555008
1997 - 1998 - 気体中の自己トラップを用いた超広帯域コヒーレント光発生の研究
植田 憲一; 米田 仁紀; 西岡 一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(B), 本研究は、気体の非線形屈折率を空間・時間の両面から波長変換法に応用し、真空紫外から赤外の光領域全域に渡る超広帯域な光強度のレーザー光の発生を行うことを目的とした。出力2TWのフェムト秒レーザーパルスを用いて気体中に自己束縛チャネルを形成し、高い光強度と長い相互作用長を実現した。このチャネル中での自己位相変調、4光波混合を利用して波長150-1650nmのスペクトル範囲で、コヒーレント光を得た。得られた光強度は真空紫外域で100MW/nm、紫外から赤外域で1GW/nmであった。ネオン、アルゴン、クリプトン、キセノンの異なる希ガス中のスペクトル強度、スペクトル帯域を測定した。同時に、ガス圧力、励起レーザー光強度に対する依存性を測定した。相互相関法を用いて、各波長の群遅延時間をフェムト秒の時間分解能で測定し、可視・赤外域では200fs以下のパルス幅を持つことを明らかにした。ビームの遠視野像を測定し、ビーム拡がり各は1mrad以下でありレーザーと同様の集光性能を持つことを示した。スペクトルの制限要因を考察するため、固体中における自己束縛実験と比較を行い、気体では2桁高い変換効率が得られること、非線形屈折率の大きさよりもイオン化エネルギーの大きさや屈折率分散がスペクトル幅を制限することを示した。自己位相変調に加え4光波混合による光パラメトリック増幅の位相整合条件を考察し、超広帯域光発生の位相整合条件について明らかにした。, 08454112
1996 - 1998 - サブヘルツ安定化レーザーを用いた超高性能光学素子計測技術の開発と応用
植田 憲一; 潟岡 泉; 大橋 正健; 米田 仁紀; 西岡 一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 基盤研究(A), 超高安定レーザー計測では超高性能光学ミラーでの反射率、散乱強度の2次元空間分解測定だけでなく、共振器を構成する2枚のミラーのパラメータ分離が3枚合わせ法を考案することで初めて可能となった。これにより、絶対計測された超高品質ミラー単体という新たな基準器を手に入れることになり、今後の超高品質ミラー計測における適応性が大きく拡がった。光学パラメータ計測では屈折率の温度計係数が3桁以上の精度で測定ができるようになった。測定波長域も近紫外から近赤外域まで広がり、現在、特に高出力レーザー使用され結晶内の温度上昇が問題となっている非線形結晶の波長分散・温度係数測定や広いバンド幅を要求される超短パルスレーザー結晶などのパラメータを系統立てて測定しているところである。 イオンビームスパッタリング技術としては大面積化に適したRFガンの初期クラスター化のような現象が観測されたが、イオンガンの最適化を行うことで従来の小面積装置同等の膜質が得られる見込みがついている。 光学素子の新たな評価として超高真空チャンバー内での遠赤外レーザー加熱による脱ガス種測定およびこれによる有機汚染物質のクリーニングが提案され、実際のシステムが構築された。これにより蒸着膜内に含まれる水分量やその膜生成方法による差、各種クリーニング法(クリーニングペ-パ-洗浄、スピンクリーナ法、超純水洗浄、真空加熱法)による汚染除去の定量評価が初めて可能になった。現在光の散乱測定と同時計測することで得られた汚染除去量と光学パラメータの関係も明らかになりつつある。 以上のように、昨年から続けて行われてきた高品質ミラーならびに超高安定レーザーを利用した高精度測定技術の開発は同時に様々な全く新しい評価法、計測法を開発するという広がりを見せた。本研究で得られたシステム、方法、パラメータのすべてが今後の光学素子製造や評価の中核をなすことになるであろう。, 08555012
1996 - 1997 - Research network at University for laser science
KATO Yoshiaki; YABUSAKI Tsutomu; KAMIYA Takeshi; OHTSU Motoichi; ITOH Hiromasa; UEDA Kenichi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Osaka University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Generation, control and application of laser radiation is making remarkable progress recently. "Ideal Light" which has extreme property corresponding to theoretical limit can now be generated fairly easily, leading to rapid expansion of laser applications, In the 21st century, it is anticipated that laser science will become an important research field for development of basic science and new industry. In this research, the research network at universities which is connected to government laboratories and industrial laboratories have been examined in order to reinforce the laser science in Japan. Necessity, its role and structures of this network has been examined. Report has been submitted to Monbusho., 08300014
1996 - 1997 - 重力波天文学の総括的研究
中村 卓史; 坪野 公夫; 植田 憲一; 河島 信樹; 藤本 眞克; 佐々木 節
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 京都大学, 重点領域研究, 重力波の直接検出が成功すれば、一般相対論の有効性が実験的に支持され、天文学は新しい観測手段を獲得し、自然認識が格段に深められることになる。このように、重力波の観測は物理学と天文学の両面から要請されており、その認識の下、現在、国際的にも重力波の直接観測を目指して数グループが今世紀末までに国際観測網を実現する計画を進めており、わが国もその一翼を担うべきレーザー干渉計を用いる重力波天文台を建設することが期待されている。これに応えて、振幅h〜10^<-21>-10^<-22>の重力波を検出するのに必要な基礎技術を開発し、それに従ってモデル装置を建設し、併せて重力波研究者の層を厚くするのが本領域の目的であった。 本年度は平成3年度から6年度の「重力波天文学」のまとめに当たる。主に行ったことは 1.最終シンポジウムを平成7年8月28日から29日、東京大学・山上会館において行った。参加人数は約80名。ここで評価委員の皆様から全体のまとめをして頂いた。 2.秋に文部省で行われた最終ヒヤリング用の資料作りを行った。 3.理論グループの最終まとめ「一般相対論と重力波」研究会を平成8年1月22日から25日、名古屋大学・シンポジオンホールにおいて行った。参加人数は約120名。 4.最終報告書の作成を行った。 の4点である。 重点領域の目標はkmクラスの干渉計のfeasibility studyを作るということであったが、本領域で得られた成果はむしろ、中間スケール(〜300m)の装置を作る方がよいということを示唆した。実際これをもとに平成7年度が創成的基礎研究に関する新プログラム(重力波天文学)古在由秀代表がスタートした。, 04234105
1995 - 1995 - 高出力・高安定レーザーの開発
植田 憲一; 佐々木 明; 藪崎 努; 大津 元一; 清水 忠雄
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 重点領域研究, 国立天文台で建設中の20mファブリベロ-/マイケルソン干渉計形重力波アンテナに必要なレーザー光源を目標に周波数安定化の実験を行ってきたが、本年度の研究で、この目標を達成した。次の課題は、将来のkmクラスの大規模干渉計のために、kW級の量子限界レーザーを開発する基礎を研究することである。このようなことを目標に研究を行い、以下の実績を上げた。 1)320Wの半導体レーザーを駆動し、独自のコンセプトに基づいた仮想点光源クラッド励起方式という拡大可能性の大きな励起方式で、YAGレーザーの発振を計画した。 2)仮想点光源クラッド励起方式の3次元光線追跡シミュレーションによって、励起分布を予測し、光線入射角度を0.3°程度傾けるだけで、コア励起から均一励起まで、自由に励起分布を制御できることを理論的に示した。 3)同時に、LDで励起した場合の励起強度分布を蛍光観測法で観測し、シミュレーション結果と良い一致が得られることを確認した。 4)3次元光線追跡で求めた励起分布に基づき、レーザー結晶内の熱レンズ効果、熱誘起復析効果を計算し、それに基づく共振器設計の最適化を行った。 5)レーザー発振実験を行い、マルチモード発振で、32W以上の出力、スロープ効率41.2%という側面励起では世界最高水準の結果を得た。 6)発振実験から求めた熱錬図工か、熱複屈折効果を考慮して、TEM_<00>モード発振用に共振器を調整し、単一モード発振で、28.2W(ランダム偏光)26.5W(直線偏光)の出力を得た。M2値は1.03で、高出力レーザーでこれまでに観測されたことのないきれいな発振である。 7)ポイティング安定度は20マイクロラジアンとすばらしい結果であった。 8)超低損失モードクリーナー用ミラーを、国内メーカーと共同で開発し、1μm用としては世界で初めて100ppmを切った6ppm損失のミラーの開発、計測に成功した。 9)ロシア科学アカデミー結晶学研究所カミンスキー教授と、固体レーザーの開発に関する共同研究を展開した。, 04234103
1994 - 1994 - Electron Beam Excitation of Metal Vapor Excimers
XING Da; UEDA Kenichi; TAKUMA Hiroshi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, University of Electro-Communications, Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B), There have been many studies of alkali dimer diffuse bands because of the excimer-type nature.In this work, aimed at understanding the characteristics of the electrical excitation of such diffuse bands and achieving new tunable and high power excimer lasers, we report on the investigation of the Na_2 violet, K_2 yellow and Rb_2 red band emissions and gain measurements by electron beam pumping. The e-beam facility used in the experiment had a peak current of 15kA,a pulse width of 50 ns, and an electron particle energy of 300 keV.A net gain coefficient of 4.5% of the K_2 yellow diffuse band was observed from e-beam-excited mixtures of K/K_2 vapor with argon or helium buffer gas. The continuum spectra centered at 574 nm were attributed to triplet-triplet K_2 2^3II_g*1^3SIGMA^+_u bound-free transitions. Also, an ASE of the Na_2 violet, K_2 yellow and Rb_2 red bands were observed when the excitation energy density exceeded 5 mJ/cm^3. Calculated spectra of the Na_2 and K_2 2^3II_g*1^3SIGMA^+_u by using ab initio potentials are in good agreement with the observed one. The high population density of the 2^3II_g state was proposed to be due to the dissociative recombination of alkali trimer ions (Na_3^+, K_3^+ or Rb_3^+) which are efficiently yielded by electron beam excitation. K_3^++e^-*K_3^* (unstable) *K+K_2 (2^3II_g), Because the reaction energy difference delta E is 0.03 eV for Na and 0.28 eV for K.The process is predicted to have large cross sections. Thus, the upper state of such specific excimer transition may be produced selectively by this reaction kinetics following a very nonselective ionization. For this reason, the potential alkali dimer 2^3II_g*1^3SIGMA^+_u laser might be very suitable for electrically pumping. It is quite conceivable that such dissociative recombination-based excimer lasers might also be presented in the other metal vapor mediums., 05452069
1993 - 1994 - 過渡ラマン散乱によるナノ秒からピコ秒への高効率パルス圧縮の研究
植田 憲一; 宅間 宏; 西岡 一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 一般研究(B), 本研究では紫外レーザーの短パルス化を目的として、高い波長選択性を備えた光共振器と過渡ラマン散乱を組み合わせたパルス圧縮器の開発を行った。 1.過渡領域における後方ラマンパルス圧縮法の研究 (1)ストークスパルス幅が横緩和時間以下の領域では、ラマン利得の減少により高次ストークス光が抑制できることを示した。同時に、励起光線幅を制御して後方散乱利得帯域幅を広げ、横緩和時間以下の超短パルス光を定常増幅できることを示した。 (2)メタンをラマン媒質にしてKrFレーザーのパルス圧縮実験を行い、150倍(世界最高)の圧縮率を得た。 2.高い波長選択性を備えた高耐力共振器の開発 (1)屈折率差の小さい材料を用いて誘電体多層膜鏡を試作した。励起光、2次ストークス光に対し95%以上の透過率、1次ストークス光に対してフィネス400を両立した。 (2)光電流法を用いて誘電体多層膜鏡中の時間分解吸収観測を行った。光学材料の最適化し、レーザーコンディショニング機構を解明してレーザー耐力を4倍向上させた。 3.共振器の横モード制御と4光波混合によるエネルギー引き出し法の研究 (1)注入同期により共振器内1次ストークス光の横モードを制御し、励起光エネルギーの63%を1次ストークス光として蓄積することに成功した。 (2)励起光波長の短パルス光を共振器に注入して4光波混合を用いて短パルス高強度の2次ストークス光を発生させる原理を考案した。さらに、実験により原理の有効性を示した。, 04452102
1992 - 1993 - 重力波天文学の総括的研究
中村 卓史; 佐々木 節; 坪野 公夫; 植田 憲一; 河島 信樹; 藤本 真克
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 京都大学, 重点領域研究, 総括班の主な活動は、(1)2回総括班会議を行って、研究推進の方向性の議論を行ったこと。(2)10月2日〜4日にかけて、関西セミナ-ハウスにおいて泊まりがけでシンポジウムを開いた事。(3)月1回のペ-スで、実験グル-プの主要メンバ-が集って、技術検討会を行った事である。以下にその要点を述べる。第1回の総括班会議は1990年11/26から1991年6/13までの6回の技術検討会のまとめを含めて7月11日に開催された。シンポジウムの内容については、今回は領域がスタ-トしたばかりでもあるので、各計画研究・公募研究の代表者に、まだ成果がない場合でもこれから何をしようとしているのかを話してもらう事になった。又、基礎技術(8Lを小さくする)を重視するのか、システムを作りあげつつそうするのかについて活発な意見を交した。シンポジウムは2泊3日で朝から晩までいっぱいつまったプログラムで70名の参加を得て活発な討論が行なわれた。講演数は40で、その内容は報告集として日本語で367頁のものにまとめ、関連分野の研究者に広くその成果を伝える努力をした。第2回総括班会議はシンポジウム中に開かれ、来年度の方針を決めた。理論を中心とした「一般相対論と重力」に関する研究会を12月4〜6日に都立大で開催し、120名の参加を得た。44の講演内容は、英文の報告集として399頁のものにまとめ、国内のみならず諸外国にも研究成果を広めた。技術検討会は、1992年4月予定の第14回までは、真空技術、レ-ザ-の安定化、リサイクリング、地殻変動測定、防振等のテ-マを、約2回ずつ各研究機関をまわって行って来たが、今や中間段階のまとめをする時期と考えられる。今まての検討事項をもとにして、kmクラスの干渉計を作る上での諸問題を深く堀り下げたレポ-トを作るべく現在作業を進めている。, 03250104
1991 - 1991 - 高出力・高安定レ-ザ-の開発
植田 憲一; 佐々木 明; 清水 忠雄; 大津 元一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 重点領域研究, LD励起のYAGレ-ザ-の周波数安定化、注入同期による高出力化の研究を遂行した。特に、特筆べき事柄は、超高性能光共振器の試作とそれによる周波数安定化技術の進歩である。 1)端面励起LD励起YAGレ-ザ-を試作し、1W級励起の条件でスロ-プ効率68%、光ー光変換効率56%など、理論限界に近い動作を確認し、高効率・高安定レ-ザ-の可能性を基礎特性として検証した。 2)米国との共同研究により99.99%以上の反射率をもつミラ-を入手し、透過幅30kHzの超高性能光共振器を試作した。 3)4mW出力の小型LD励起YAGレ-ザ-を同光共振器を利用したPoundーDrever法で周波数安定化を試み、SchawlowーTownes Limitをはるかに上回る周波数雑音10mHz/√Hzを実現した。 4)リング型LD励起YAGレ-ザ-を試作し、1.6W励起で450mWの出力、100mWの単一モ-ド発振を確認した。 5)ランプ励起リング型YAGレ-ザ-で最大8Wの進行波モ-ド発振を確認し、4W以下では単一モ-ド発振であることを検証した。試作LD励起YAGレ-ザ-(70mW)をマスタ-発振器として注入同期を行い、4W以上の出力で有効に周波数同期がかかることを確認した。 6)CO_2レ-ザ-を用いて、レ-ザ-の軸モ-ドと軸外モ-ドの競合発振の特性を調べた。 7)新しい高吸収係数固体結晶YVO_4(Nd3%濃度)を用い、マルチモ-ドLDに対する実質的吸収係数、入出力特性、発振モ-ド制御などの研究を行った。吸収長がわずかに180ミクロンと短いことを利用して、LD励起による利得分布を形成し、アクティブミラ-のデザインに関する基礎デ-タを獲得した。 8)周波数安定化不可欠の超高性能光共振器用の光学素子を開発するため、光学素子の特性を測定すると共に、「高性能光学薄膜研究会」を提唱、組織し、民間研究者を含めた研究体制の整備を始めた。, 03250102
1991 - 1991 - 重力波天文学
中村 卓史; 早川 幸男; 坪野 公夫; 植田 憲一; 河島 信樹; 藤本 眞克
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 京都大学, 総合研究(B), 本研究は、平成3年度発足の重点領域「重力波天文学」の準備研究として、年度の途中からスタ-トした。まず行った亊は、重点領域をスム-ズにスタ-トさせるため、計画研究代表者連絡会を計4回開催した。主なテ-マは、いかにして、計画研究の総予算を、文部省からの内示粋に納めるかという事であった。又、大型装置をどの機関に設置するか。オ-ストラリア等との国際協力をどうするか。各計画研究の協力関係をどう進めていくか等について、かなりつっ込んだ討論を行った。この中から出て来たのは、(1)具体的な重点領域の班構成ならびに予算。(2)本研究の予算を用いて「重力波天文学とその周辺」と題するシンポジウムを1月17〜19日に京大基研で開催する。(3)実験班の技術的な問題を検討するために技術検討会を定期的に開く事となった。 (2)については、約60名の参加者があり、3日間にわたって約40の講演があった。テ-マは、レ-ザ-の高出力,高安定化。特に固体レ-ザ-の開発現状,スクイ-ジング等に関しては、企業の研究者にも来てもらった。重力波検出のレ-ザ-干渉計を地球内部を調べるために使う可能性も議論された。高精度ミラ-の作り方、大きなパイプに対して高真空度を得る方法、防振法等についても活発な論議がなされた。重点領域に中心である100mDL方式干渉計,20mFP方式干渉計についても詳しい計画の内容が詳解された。理論の方では、連星中性子星の合体のシュミレ-ション、宇宙論的重力波、さらには第5の力をレ-ザ-干渉計で検出する可能性等が議論された。 (3)については、11月に第1回を開いて以来、すでに3回行った。各研究機関でまわり持ちにし、今後は1月に1回のペ-スで行う予定である。最近は、米国のキロメ-トルクラスの干渉計の詳細を、検討し、我国の重点領域の進め方と本格的な装置の設計を行う予定である。, 02352033
1990 - 1990 - A^<2+>H^-型イオンエキシマによる高効率真空紫外光発生の研究
植田 憲一; 宅間 宏; 米田 仁紀; 西岡 一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 一般研究(B), 1.希ガス・アルカリ系のイオンエキシマのab initio計算によって、ポテンシャル構造を考察し、原子番号に関係したスケ-リング則を求めた。中性エキシマから類推される結果とは違って、下準位は完全な自由状態でないことが判明した。 2.希ガス・アルカリ系のイオンエキシマでは81nm程度の最短波長が期待されることが判明した。原理的には結合ー結合遷移であるが、高い振動状態に対する遷移確率が極大をもつようになり、XeC1のようなquasiーexcimer発光が期待できることが分かった。 3.CsF+イオンエキシマのVUV発光が電子ビ-ム励起で観測され、従来の軟X線励起と異なった性質をもつことが分かった。BーX遷移(185nm)に加えてDーX遷移(152nm)の蛍光が30mbar以上のCsF蒸気圧まで観測され、振動準位の構造も分解された。 4.XeRb+(163nm),KrRb+(133nm)のVUV光の発生が観測され、ab initio計算と良い一致を示すことが明らかとなった。理論計算から求めたスペクトルの形は非対称スペクトル、構造の両面から実験結果と良い一致を与えた。 5.予備実験として行ったNa_2の3重項violet bandのエキシマ発光が観測された。励起強度を変化させるとスペクトルの狭帯域化が観測され、ASE増幅が起こっていることが確認された。理論計算による発光スペクトルは観測スペクトルを完全に説明した。 6.2段階可飽和吸収体による安定で高出力超短パルス発生技術を開発し、400フェムト秒、2.5テラワットのKrFレ-ザ-光を発生した。, 01460046
1989 - 1990 - 超高温・高密度プラズマ計測技術と爆縮の高効率化
山中 龍彦; 糟谷 紘一; 植田 憲一; 永津 雅章; 山中 正宣; 三宅 寛
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 核融合特別研究, 核融合特別研究の10年のまとめとして、核融合臨界プラズマの診断にとって重要なイオン温度計測をはじめとする計測技術と爆縮の高効率化の基礎となる以下の研究行った。^3H_e中性子検出器でMCFプラズマの中性子スペクトルを計測し、イオン温度を決定するための応答関数の整備を行い、磁場のエネルギー分解能に及ぼす影響等を明らかにすると共に信号のパイルアップ補正法を研究した。ICF中性子スペクトル計測法として、CRー39飛跡検出器による方法と多数のシンチレーション中性子検出器を用い個々の中性子の飛行時間を計測してスペクトルを決定する方法について行い、これらの方法が有効であることを明らかにした。CW中性水素ビームプローブ法によりイオン温度の時間変化を決定する方法をCRFプラズマを用いて行い、その有効性を確認した。遠赤外イオントムソン散乱法をヘリオトロンプラズマに摘要した。H_eビームを用いたレーザー誘起蛍光法によりプラズマ中の電場を100V/cmの精度で計測する基礎実験を行いその有効性を確認した。固体撮像素子の14MeV中性子損傷について明らかにした。 爆縮の高効率化にとって重要な基礎物理であるX線の放射輸送を取り扱う多次元コードの開発を行った。また放射輸送の基礎データの収集をKrFレーザー、YAGレーザーで行った。レーザーの代替エネルギードライバーである軽イオンビームの輝度向上にとって重要なイオンビームバンチングに関する研究を行い陽極後面よりプラズマを入射する半透過型のアクティブダイオードがビームバンチングに有効であることを見いだした。プラスチック燃料容器の水素透過性能を抑制する研究を行い、KrFレーザー照射により抑制できることを明らかにした。核スピン偏極燃料での核融合反応率の理論計算をDーT、DーD、Dー^3H_eについて行った。また反応率測定のための実験装置を建設した。, 01050021
1989 - 1989 - 光音響・レーザー散乱の併用によるミラー損傷(プリダメージ)の研究
植田 憲一; 宅間 宏; 西岡 一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 一般研究(C), 本研究は近年ますますその必要性が増大している短波長レーザー用の高耐力のミラーの開発の基礎的な研究として, 光学薄膜に生じているレーザーによる損傷または損傷以前の膜質の変化を光散乱や光音響信号によって検知解析しようとするものである. 以下に研究の成果をまとめる. 1.10^<-4>以下の吸収係数(k)をもつ各種の酸化物, フッ化物薄膜の吸収を光音響法で測定し, 紫外線レーザー用の膜材料の選択を行った. 2.10^<-2>〜10^<-3>の吸収係数の光学薄膜のレーザー損傷は, 光吸収-溶融破壊であることを, 理論/実験両面から明らかにした. 3.低吸収薄膜の光吸収で発生した内部応力で薄膜の基板からの剥離, クラッキングが生じることを明らかにした. 4.レーザー損傷強度の1/100以下の低レベルレーザー照射によって, 光学薄膜の吸収減少-損傷強度の向上が実現できることを示した. 5.吸収減少の曲線は際結晶過程の理論と良い一致を示し, 膜質改善は光学薄膜のアニーリング効果によるものであることが分かった. 6.多層膜のレーザー照射強度/光音響信号特性の中に, 複数の不連続点を観測し, 多層膜内の内部微小損傷がレーザー損傷強度の1/3程度で既に発生していることを発見した. 7.レーザー照射時の薄膜発光のスペクトルを観測し, レーザー照射による変化, 材料精製過程の影響を測定した. 8.レーザー損傷時には, 薄膜の固有発光スペクトルの異なる発光が観測されることを確認した. 破壊にともなう発光を高感度に観測すれば, 破壊強度をさらに高精度に決定できるだけでなく, 破壊の機構に関する情報を得ることが出来ると期待している., 62550027
1987 - 1987 - 可変焦点大口径ホイルミラーの開発
宅間 宏; 高橋 洋; 檜山 泰宏; 植田 憲一
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 試験研究, 本研究は、金属蒸着高分子膜を圧力および静電引力によって変形させることにより、大口径の非曲面ミラーを製作することを目的として行われた。最終的に口径70cmのミラーを製作するために、当初口径25cmのプロトモデルを試作して、基本的な特性を確認し、その後、ミラー口径70cmの試作機を製作、試験を行った。基礎的な検討事項から、実際の試作機の特性まで、箇条書にて簡潔に述べる。 1.一様な厚さの膜が、半径方向に均一な力で予備張力を与えられた場合、膜に垂直な方向に一様な静電引力をかけると、膜の変形が放物面になることを理論的に求めた。 2.曲面変形を行わせる前に、半径方向に予備張力をかけることで、製造過程で決められた高分子膜の分子配列に起因する非点収差を抑制することができた。 3.ミラー内蔵電極にS【F_6】気体中で高電圧(<20kV)を印加して、曲面形成に成功した。この時、曲面形状は中心60%程度では、放物面を形成することが実験的に求められた。 4.He-Neレーザーを30mの位置から拡散光で照射し、He-Neレーザー位置まで反射させて測定を行い、集光性能から球面鏡ではなく、非球面放物面鏡になったことが判明した。 5.集光性能の精密計測はミラー口径の平行光を作る光学系がないので、困難である。しかし、短焦点(F10以下)においても明確な焦点像が巻則され、明らかに球面鏡の理論分解能を大きく上回ることが確認された。, 61850010
1986 - 1986 - 大出力UVエキシマーレーザー用ファラデー回転子の開発
植田 憲一; 鹿倉 博和; 岡部 雄太郎
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 電気通信大学, 試験研究, UVファラデー回転子の開発研究は大きく分けて、大口径UVファラデー回転子および薄膜偏光子の開発と、UVファラデー回転子のKrFレーザーへの応用に分けられる。紫外線用薄膜材料の吸収係数の測定から蒸着技術の開発にいたる幅広い基礎的研究と、大電流高強度磁界発生装置の設計製作を前者は含み、後者には新しいレーザー制御技術としての偏光回転パルス列発生などを含んでいる。以下に研究成果の概要を列挙する。 1)低損失で高い損傷強度を有する薄膜偏光子を製作するために、誘電体薄膜の光吸収係数を光音影効果を利用して測定し膜材料を決定した。我々の開発した測定法は1.5波長厚さの光学薄膜吸収をk<10^<-4>の低吸収まで定量計測が可能で、従来計測の200倍の感度を実現した。 2)Sc_2O_3/Na_3AlF_3の25層構成で偏光子を製作し、入射角60度で直接偏光度1:200以上、透過率90%以上の性能を確認した。研究開発当初の透過率13%から大きく進歩し、レーザー損傷強度も2J/cm^2以上に改善された。 3)合成石英の光学的均質性の向上を図り、10^<-5>以上を実現したい。 4)大電流コイル、全固体素子磁場電源を製作し、2%以下の一様性で5kGを発生した。 5)ファラデー回転性能を測定し、11x11cmの大口径ビームに対し、KrFレーザー波長である248nmにおいてレーザー用1方向伝播素子としての性能を確認した。 6)共振器内部にファラデー回転子を挿入し、外部から短パルス直線偏光レザーを注入して、"偏光回転多重パルス発生"を行う新しいレーザー発振方式を開発し、10J出力レーザーから10nsパルスのパルス列を得ることに成功した。, 60840005
1985 - 1986
Industrial Property Rights
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